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The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia.
The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post).
The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want.
The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning.
The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad.
The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake.
The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process.
The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours.
The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick.
The places where predominately ethnic Tai people live -- southern China, eastern Myanmar and northern Thailand -- are also some of the earliest known areas of rice cultivation. The Tai may not have been the first people to grow and consume rice, but it's safe to say that they've been doing it for a while now. Yet aside from simply boiling or steaming the grains and eating them with other food, they have also come up with a variety of creative ways of preparing rice. This became clear to me in Kengtung, in Myanmar's Shan State, a place were many of the dishes continue to be very Tai, and largely untouched by the influences of Chinese, Muslim or western cooking styles, providing a unique insight into an ancient diet. Perhaps the most obvious examples of this is rice noodles, known in Tai/Shan as khao soi. To make these, a batter is made from rice flour and water, which is steamed then sliced into long strands. I'd assumed that the word khao soi had its origins in the Burmese hkauk hswe, which also means noodles and is pronounced very similarly, but my Shan guide insisted that the term is actually Tai in origin. It would require some linguistic research to verify this, but given that khao soi can be translated as cut (soi) rice (khao), not to mention the Tai people's long-standing history of rice cultivation in the area, I wouldn't be surprised if the term could be linked to them. A fascinating variation on rice strands is khao soi song chan ('two layers of khao soi'), a seasoned and filled noodle -- as far as I can recall, the only seasoned noodle I've encountered in Asia. The dish is made by combining a batter of rice flour and several seasonings -- soy sauce, MSG, sugar, chili oil, peanuts, garlic oil, chili in vinegar and chili in oil -- which are steamed in a thin pan floating in simmering water (shown at the top of this post). When firm, the steamed rice sheet is topped with vegetables and herbs including shredded cabbage, morning glory, lettuce, green beans and green onion, folded in half, and served with a drizzle of garlic oil: You can even throw an egg in, if you want. Either way, it's spicy savoury, nutty and garlicky, and requires no additional seasoning. A variation on the dish is khao soi khaep, in which the unseasoned noodles are stuffed with a minced chicken mixture (not unlike bánh cuốn), sliced, then topped with the same vegetables and seasonings as the previous dish: resulting in a something of a noodle-based salad. Blurring the line between cooked rice grains and noodles is khao pheun, thick hand-cut noodles made from a type of rice cake. In Mae Hong Son, a similar dish -- there typically made from chickpea flour -- is known as khao raem feun (ข้าวแรมฟืน), 'rice resting by the fire', so called because of the final stage of the cooking process. To make the dish, uncooked rice is soaked in water for a couple hours. After it's been ground to a paste, a bit of water is added and the mixture is simmered until thick. A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
A coagulant -- usually lime -- is added, and the mixture is allowed to sit until it's cooled and has become a solid, somewhat jelly-like mass: To order, chunks are cut off by hand and mixed with a sweet/sour dressing, pickled mustard greens, shredded cabbage, and seasoned with chili and soy sauce:
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ?
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
(Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.)
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
(PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings.
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse. That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos. Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10: 1. Ahwaz, Iran 2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia 3. Sanadaj, Iran 4. Ludhiana, India 5. Quetta, Pakistan 6. Kermanshah, Iran 7. Peshawar, Pakistan 8. Gaberone, Botswana 9. Yasouj, Iran 10. Kanpor, India What do these cities all have in common, aside from the fact they’re not likely to show up on a travel agent’s ? They’re all very poor For the most part, they’re fairly poor—though the presence of a city from the African nation of Botswana on the list, where the per-capita income is over $8,000, shows that even middle-income countries can suffer from grievous air pollution. (Note: Thanks to my former colleague Simon Robinson for pointing out my mistake on Botswana.) Residents often burn heavy, polluting fuel for heat and energy—including firewood or even dung, which can produce heavy, thick smoke. Add in old, diesel-powered cars that belch black carbon and growing population density in urban slums—plus weather conditions like Ulan Bator’s extreme cold, which worsens air pollution—and you have an ugly mess. (PHOTOS: Top 10 Green Buildings of 2011) But it’s not just about looks. Air pollution—both indoor and outdoor—is a major health hazard. The WHO estimates that over 2 million people a year die prematurely from bad air—most of them in poor countries and cities. That’s greater than the annual death toll from HIV/AIDS. And the more researchers learn about the effect of air pollution on the human body, the worse it seems to be. Pollution particles less than 10 microns in diameter—what the WHO calls PM10—are particularly nasty, penetrating deep into the lungs and the bloodstream, where they can help trigger heart attacks and other cardiovascular disease. In animal models, such pollution has even led to brain damage. The WHO air quality standards recommend 20 micrograms per cu m of PM10 or less. Just to give you an idea of how polluted the world’s most polluted cities are, Ahvaz in Iran has 372 micrograms per cu m. Air pollution is a global health catastrophe, but because it’s happening invisibly—and mostly in the developing world—it’s one that doesn’t get anywhere near the attention it deserves. Worst of all, there’s little that residents of heavily polluted cities can do to protect themselves—after all, everyone needs to breathe. Your best bet might be to simply leave—in which case, let me recommend the beautiful Yukon city of Whitehorse in Canada, which has just 3 micrograms per cu. m of PM10, making it the cleanest city in the WHO rankings. Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C). But the air is amazing. PHOTOS: This Fragile Earth
Just keep in mind—winter temperatures can drop to -7 F (-22 C).
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
It is not toxic or harmful in any known way.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it?
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
I personally would recommend trying to brew it.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast!
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels.
Sargassum has been popping up along the coastline of beaches in the Caribbean and North and South America in greater density over the past few years. It is a brown seaweed that is quite strong in texture, and indeed odour. It is a free-floating seaweed or marine algae that reproduces vegetatively, i.e. it does not ‘mate’, but reproduces of and from itself independently. It is not toxic or harmful in any known way. Its occurrence is also not particularly seasonal, as it seems the Sargassum does its own thing and pitches up on beaches in mass array ever so often without warning. What is unusual is the amount that we Caribbean Islanders have been having in the last few years. Hoteliers and government agencies were afraid of its potential to affect the Tourist Industry as not many people want to wade through algae, unique or not, to reach the sea. What they wanted to know was, how to get rid of it? After various tries, it appears they have found a best way of clearing it using nets out to sea, and rakes and bags on the beach. Fortunately, there seems to be powerful ecological benefits that may accrue in the long-term, while in the short-term some adventurous entrepreneurs have tried to reap financial benefits. The Sargassum weed has been effective as mulch, fertilizer, and organic feed. I personally would recommend trying to brew it. It does smell stinky when dried, but I wager that in that state it might be a good fossil fuel. Barbadians have been drinking sea-moss drinks for years, so I have no doubt this one has been bottled and drunk since turning up en masse on a regular basis. Where does it come from? The Sargasso sea in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a sea with no coast! This means it has no land barrier, but it is defined by the affecting ocean currents. The Sargassum weed is spread over this area providing a habitat for birds, and sea creatures such as turtles and eels. It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
It is natural and occurring naturally so we should not fear, but appreciate and accept that Nature cannot be tamed.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
"GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
"2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians?
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed?
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
"JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel?
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12).
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan".
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation."
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel).
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime.
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
"2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago!
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
(Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel).
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The people of Israel are called "the covenant people".
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit").
Time and time again, cultures that were believed to be extinct have been rediscovered. The archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who was convinced of the authenticity of the myth of the Iliad, found Troy on the Turkish hill of Hissarlik in 1870 after a lengthy search - a sensational discovery at the time. Likewise, you find many reports in the Old Testament about the people called the Hittites, whose existence had been doubted for centuries. No one believed that this people had ever existed until their capital city, Chattusa, was found in Turkey in 1925. The Lost People of Israel The Bible states that God chose a people for Himself - Israel - to serve as an example to other nations and give glory to Him. This began about 4,000 years ago with Abraham, to whom God promised: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing…"GENESIS 12:2 God also gave the same promise to Isaac, Abraham's son and again to Jacob, Isaac's son: "Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins."GENESIS 35:10,11 As God changed Jacob's name to Israel (which means "A Prince of God" in Hebrew) all his descendants were also called by that name. Four hundred years later, Israel, which was then a people of about 3 million in number, moved into the "Promised Land" of Canaan. About 1000 BC, when David became king of Israel, God promised him: "And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever."2 SAMUEL 7:16 Only 80 years later, David's kingdom was divided into two parts: the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. Why did God prophesy the eternal existence of David's throne, when in only 721 BC the northern kingdom of Israel (10 of the 12 tribes) was conquered by the Assyrians? All the inhabitants of the nation were led into captivity in the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. During the period of 604-586 BC, the remaining two tribes of the southern kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) were enslaved and most were taken away to Babylon. Some of these 'Judahites' returned seventy years later to establish the people that we now know as the Jews. Nowadays, 10% of the present state of Israel consists of their descendants. The remaining 90% are mainly Idumeans, who are Edomites (descendants of Esau) mixed with Jews. But what happened to the 10 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel and the other Judahites… - Do they still live in the area where they were removed? - Do they still exist today? The Bible tells us what was to transpire… "Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever."JEREMIAH 31:35,36 The Migration of the ‘Lost’ Ten Tribes of Israel So what happened to the lost 10 tribes of Israel? The Bible tells us that they would be drawn to the West (HOSEA 12:1) and live on isles far away (JEREMIAH 31:9,10), which are north-west of Israel (ISAIAH 49:12). If you look on a map you will see that the islands directly north-west of Israel are the British Isles. The tribes moved across Europe and settled in Britain, Ireland, the lands of north-western Europe, and Scandinavia. The tribe of Dan, for example, which was known for leaving its name wherever it moved, left traces of their name during their migration. The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and Danube are rivers around the Black Sea, which show the tribe's direction of movement towards the west. The country Denmark literally means "the mark of Dan". The people of the ten tribes of Israel were called 'Khumri' by the Assyrians, and even today, the inhabitants of Wales call themselves 'Cymru'. There are also counties in England called Cumberland and Cumbria. An intermediary place on their journey was the Crimean peninsula, named after the people of Khumri (in Greek called 'Kimmeroi'), where a number of graves with Hebrew inscriptions have been found. In 516 BC, Darius the Great had the so-called ‘Behistun Rock’ put up at the old road between Media and Babylon, in present-day Iran. On this rock, all 23 provinces over which he ruled were written in three languages. One of these provinces was called Scythia, or ‘Matu Gimiri’ in Babylonian. The Scottish Declaration of Independence, a document attested by Robert the Bruce's barons in parliament in 1320 AD, asserts that the nation of the Scots moved to the British Isles from ‘Scythia’ by way of Spain. This document, currently in Register House in Edinburgh, also records: "Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea", which would indicate a period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. King James VI of Scotland, and I of England, claimed that the Lord had made him King over ISRAEL, and upon the gold coin of his day, called the Jacobus, he had inscribed in Latin the prophecy of EZEKIEL 37:22: "I will make of them one nation." The Persians called the Israelites 'Sakea' and from this title the expression 'Saxons' developed. It is no coincidence that "Saxons" sounds exactly like "saac's-sons" = Isaac's sons. The Saxons moved on to England together with the Angles. Similarly, the name of the British flag is called ‘The Union Jack’ = the union of Jacob; referring to the gathering together of these tribes, which are all descendants of Jacob (Israel). Israel - God's Covenant People All of this indicates to us that the 10 tribes moved mainly to Great Britain over the course of the centuries. Therefore God's promise was fulfilled: "Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime."2 SAMUEL 7:10 The land where God gave peace to Israel is Great Britain – which was invaded for the last time in 1066 AD, nearly 1,000 years ago! (Though the Norman conquerors were themselves descended from Israel). The people of Israel are called "the covenant people". The Hebrew word for "covenant" is "berith" (pronounced "brit"). The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish". Therefore, the word for "covenant-man" or "covenant-people", in its correct sequence, would sound like "BRITISH"! God blesses nations as long as they honour His Word (See DEUTERONOMY 26-28). An example from the past will illustrate this: King Philip of Spain ordered his Armada, which was considered to be invincible, to attack England and on July 19th, 1588, the sails of the Spanish fleet were sighted off the south coast. Although the English fleet had only 80 small ships in opposition to the 149 ships of the Spanish Armada, the impossible happened. As the whole nation was praying, a heavy storm hit at just the right moment and gave England the victory. In remembrance of this divine help, Queen Elizabeth I ordered the striking of a silver coin with the inscription: "HE blew and they were dispersed", above which "Jehovah", the name of God, was written in Hebrew. In those days, Queen Elizabeth I was known as the "Light of Israel" and Sir Francis Drake in a letter to John Fox asked for prayers "that we might have continual peace in Israel." Isaiah's prophecy about God's people was herewith fulfilled: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper..."ISAIAH 54:17 The Royal Coat of Arms The Lion and the Unicorn, the British heraldic animals, represent Great Britain's strength. They were the Israelite heraldic animals. The tribe of Judah had the lion and the tribe of Ephraim had the unicorn on their flags. The harp on the emblem signifies the royal house of David. The inscription "Dieu et mon droit" means "God and my birthright". Through all these little known historical facts, the connection between Great Britain and the Bible can be clearly seen. Great Britain's history is closely linked with the Bible. John Wycliffe (‘the morning star of the Reformation’), was the first person to translate the Bible into English in the 14th century. In the 17th century, King James ordered an official translation of the Bible, which was named the "Authorized Version" and is considered to be the best translation of the original to this day. England's constitution and jurisdiction were founded on the Bible and many spiritual revivals had their origin there. The Seal of the United States of America Ephraim and Manasseh were sons of Joseph, who was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Both of them inherited Joseph's status, which meant that Ephraim became the 12th tribe and Manasseh the 13th tribe. "...he(Manasseh)also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother(Ephraim)shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."GENESIS 48:19 Manasseh was to become a "great people", but Ephraim even greater and a "company of nations", i.e. Great Britain and the Commonwealth of Nations. Manasseh, the 13th tribe, became the United States of America and that is why the eagle on the great seal has 13 olive twigs, 13 stars, 13 arrows, etc. The Stone of Jacob One question remains unanswered. If the Bible is true, there must still be a king on the throne of David, because God promised this on numerous occasions (e.g. 2 SAMUEL 7:16; JEREMIAH 33:17). If the people of Israel are in Great Britain now, then their king must be there too. In fact, the whole ancestry of the Royal House of Britain can be traced back to King David. Therefore, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II is the present Israelite queen. Even the coronation ceremony as we know it today is the same as that described in the Old Testament (2 CHRONICLES 23:11-13). "And this stone, which I have set [for] a pillar, shall be God's house..."GENESIS 28:22 The throne upon which the kings and queens of Great Britain are crowned is in Westminster Abbey, in London. Under this throne is placed the "Stone of Destiny", which can now be seen on display in Edinburgh Castle. It is the same stone upon which Jacob slept when he had the dream of the ladder reaching up to heaven (GENESIS 28:10-22); even today this is known as the ‘Stone of Jacob’ and scientific examination has proven that it originates from the Middle-East. The stone has been transferred three times (EZEKIEL 21:27): in 1296 AD, it was brought to London from Scotland, and in the 5th century, it was taken from Ireland to Scotland. It can be traced back another 1,000 years through Irish history. It is reported, that in 569 BC, a "patriarch with white hair" came to Ireland carrying the stone called "Lia Fail" or "Stone of Destiny". He was also accompanied by a king's daughter, called Tea-Tephi. The Irish record ties in with the biblical account, which tells us what had happened before then. Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC, the temple was robbed and demolished, and King Zedekiah died in Babylonian captivity (JEREMIAH 52:11). Likewise, his sons were killed (JEREMIAH 39:6). However, the prophet Jeremiah had succeeded in fleeing to Mizpah with the king's daughters (JEREMIAH 41:10) and then went on to Egypt, where we lose track of him, till he reappears in Irish history! "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant..."JEREMIAH 1:10 Jeremiah had seen the destruction of the kingdom of Judah, but now he was to fulfil the second part of his ministry "to build, and to plant." It was Jeremiah who secured the succession of David’s throne and who carried the "stone of destiny", upon which all the kings and queens of Great Britain have been crowned for hundreds of years… To identify Great Britain, the United States of America, or any other country as descended from Israel does not mean that they have spiritual predominance over other nations, but rather that their duty is to be an example to them. However, the fulfilling of all these promises made to God’s people, Israel, amazingly confirms the reliability of biblical prophecy and therefore the Bible's authority altogether. We can trust God to keep His Word. As difficult as it is to deny historical facts, you cannot escape the words God addresses to you personally today: "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."ACTS 2:38-39 Repentance, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions set by God for every person to obtain eternal life. Repentance stands for the inner return unto God, and turning away from your old life; baptism, by full immersion, symbolises the burial of your old sinful life. When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, they receive Christ and eternal salvation, evidenced by the sign of speaking in other tongues. See also ACTS 2:4. These steps of obedience towards God's Word seal the act of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God to give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be brought to your remembrance, and will be taken into account. God wants to redeem you, and calls on you to repent and to obey His Word.
The Hebrew word for "man" or "people" is "iysh" or "ish".