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[ "See E ee ee Cae Stuay. on the piacevo and\nmemantine proup 33% and 28% received low-dose neuroleptics,\nspectively, stacpeaants weze sed in 5% and sedate\nlypotics in 1% of pacts in each group. Clay the tat\npup was table unl week 26 sod decd in all cine\nstents at eck 82 (42 pints on ADAS-Cog, 1 Son MMSE,\n04-on CDR and I on ADCS-ADL). The S2ueck deine i\ntents on pacho on the ADAS-Cog, MMSE, CDR and ADCS\nADL was 2, 20, 058 and 51 pois, respeciey. With 10,07,\n02 and Spits, the clniel S2ueck decline in study\nsevticionats tance Acs exociomsinn eeee sear", "ee\njicose metabolism from bascline was 2.5% (496%), pO.\nfigafcent renal metabo: medetons were aerhin the\npeal (3.1% (820%), baal ganghonse (27% (600%) and\ntemporal 3% (401%) bain aes (p01 each), Decne in\nhe Font (21% (596%) and cpl (1% (880%) sea\nwere acoriafeant. Langtieal coeptation of sce\nsod S2week follow-up PET studies on MRI rerence ean\nlepicted the dstrintion of functional les overtime. Mos\nAD cass showed a fise glscome metabo. decreas\nvolving all rain arcs, but some, developed sultant\nsymmetie and focally confined reductions in brain metabo\nlam over time (fp 1 A, 8). Memantine tested subjects\nthowed lee nnaaltkelice in coo metallia bri\nares compared ta lake fig 2). The dilfrences wore noe\nigntcant™ In selative tems, the annual decline in lta\njot actabaism in patents on memantine wat 40%\nSees Gas in dois on deme", "BABE & SLOWS BNE CRANBES OF NEN, MONUEREETIE easposnts ower\nime. There was a sgnifeant loss of total brain 2.1% pe yea\np10) sod hippocampal 2.7% pe ea, pe) volumes i\npatients. The annual eduction in total bain vole wa\nmar between the poups (20% placebo vs 23% memantine).\nAt study end, patents on memantine sbowed 106% le\nnppocampl volume reduction than patients on plcebo (2.4%\n“ree", "Mere existed’ no signiicant relationsup Between gona\nchange in glucone metabolism and percentage change in toa\nmain (= ~ 0.02) sna hippocampal (2 = -028) volume Even\nfe ctu with almost comple imponal drop ts ghocz\nmetabo, only minimal sll walening war scent the\nsmal he shen ia Meek chercrinan pedis PR SOA,", "restly due to patient motion dung the 2-min sequstion\nne, Motion ried in acomplia sd ara\nnwt tating in ment eee. Degen on he bs\neqn, many specs wee ealulel fom amly def\npale aay ti dons was ns be bing\nTie Sclaesrate ‘was lowest i she pal cae)\nigi in he cop! (9 cama) bai te. Ana othe\ntng spc al yl sgh itn and ard\narab of al metabole with o cea ends over ine fx\niy patiss ochact nud gations ehyemepa Unta ack acura", "orphologcal neuroimaging feasible in a teatime tl\nments. with modernte AD. This S2wrek study yielded\nfgnfcane reductions tx glucote metabolurn and etal bean\nPd ippocampl snes in group of patents with AD wrth\ndguicine invaldetctoration. Our patent on parts\nowed iar cognitive dnc to tht ported is langeacal\nnial AD tls” and their annual 20% los of toa bai\nsalah oad AGS lem Gf Kdpeccmmesl ctoms sue cle", "ET) rane rtcittnad on aah ete aint tn\nmage (PET) scans rested on Ml an yor fone\npata oho epee od, snot comoie ss a\nuct ston ne tht emptor eon, cote\nreabaism moet ban eps feraned aan unlanged fom\nacon The bee sea deonsvted he pal sya\nenpee paral hpontaolr pets th Aho! disease\nA} The eegstae ites NBL sean sho te, ay Sed\nlarger nthe we fetal oe he pte been\nveauhe (C) and fellve-up 0h.", "iat is is Heels unalone dean Stil elneston aerial orlek\nAD} in 2 S2 wet, randomised, double bing, placebo-cntaed tal on\nte oflect al amenentne om brain morphea, and rotabalam", "al, wich repens a aqucy ard parang\nren \"Grane pens ake Maar Sa", "", "we", "DISCUSSION" ]
[ [ 41.1, 281.53, 288.78000000000003, 402.26 ], [ 41.1, 404.27, 288.69, 603.01 ], [ 41.1, 605.02, 288.68, 692.35 ], [ 41.1, 694.37, 288.67, 759.42 ], [ 306.6, 511.19, 554.1800000000001, 631.41 ], [ 306.6, 661.37, 554.19, 759.42 ], [ 306.6, 386.89, 554.1600000000001, 485.79999999999995 ], [ 41.1, 58.53, 288.65000000000003, 87.71000000000001 ], [ 44.11, 213.51, 288.64, 255.10999999999999 ], [ 41.1, 89.99, 288.68, 211.82 ], [ 306.58, 60.1, 554.17, 375.61 ], [ 306.6, 649.09, 356.45000000000005, 658.94 ] ]
[ 29246.04932324309, 47840.74721284397, 19151.811244744807, 16003.180785277858, 29480.145109177567, 24272.53326928336, 21634.048952338286, 6864.7126572012785, 7593.867378028925, 30163.249665449992, 78116.31021200001, 491.1550076076528 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 5, 2 ]
[ "WEN the eelegee of the ‘Choosing Wisely” Top-5 lt of\nstvitles to avoid la 2013\" (Onoha et al. 2014), the\nAmerican Socely of Ancsthesiologists (ASA) identified\nive diagnostic tests or treatments that are commonly\nracticed in the perioperative sting but er Limited to\nno Benelits to patients according to evidence-based\nstudies and may Incr sigaiieant costs to the helt sys\njem\" (Onuoba et a. 20144; Onuoha etal. 2014). Two\naf these items were preoperative recommendations fo\nnusing on unnecessary preoperative testing. They include\nian", "Don't sitein Reseling inborstory siviles in\npatients without sigiicant systemic disease\n[ASA Tor I) undergoing lowers surgery =\npecially complete blood court, base or\ncomprehensive metabolic panel, coagulation\ntudes when blood loss ( Hud shits) are\npected to be minieal, (Onuoha et al 20048\nPecks ok", "Dost shtsin bassline dingnestic canting\nesting (vans thorcielesophageal\n-chocariography ~ TTE/TEB) or cardiac\nire testing in ayrnptomaie stable patents\nwith known cardiac disease (e4. CAD, valvula\nlisease) undergoing low oF moderate risk\nnon-cardiac surgery’ (Austin et al 2014\nBenarroch-Gampel et al. 2012)", "Lica agar im eats dertbel ag Mommeraall\nGampel eal (2012, the authors showed that although\nates testing wer ower inpatients with no combi\nie, aes eerained high, with 54 % of pallets eecelving\nTeast one preoperative test. The overall incidence o\n-omplleatios was less than 1, ad ale contoling fo\npatent comarbidiles and the operative peocedue, nee\nesting noe the presence of abnormal faults were aso\ndated with pestoperave complications. Wilh the com\nination of toute preoperative testing in the sting of\num increasing prevalence of ambulatory surgery, the oh\nination of tirindeated test in low-rk patients woul\npromote patent safety, better quality of eae and res\nsubstantial cost savings (Beowe and Brown 201;\nFleisher LA 2013; Schein et al. 2000).", "TE RRO Re “Ok Demin: Nesting 18, Heenan\npatents has eemalned a hot topic for much over a dec\nde (Benatroch-Gampel eal. 2012; Rolzen 1997; Vogt\nund Henson 1997), In addon, the number of surgi\nprocedures now performed on an outpatient basis co\nines to increase (Flsher LA 2013; Rickman 2010\nestimated that about 30 mallon peopl undergo suger\nually i the USA, of which approximately 6070 ae\nbulatory procedures (Benarroch-Gampel etal 2012\nPesher LA 2015; Richman 2010), Ambulatory procedure\nre often performed is low-sk patens—healhy indi\nals or thow with table conic medial condtions—and\nested to procedures of shart duration with alow ask\nnf intraoperative surgleal complications (Benarroch\nGampel et a. 2012. Despite existing evidence-based\nidles advising the contrary, a baltery of preoperative\ness continue o be performed ia low-risk patents under\njing low-risk ambulatory surgery (Benarroch-Gampel\nal 2012 Brown and Bown 2011; Fisher LA 2013\nchan 2010, Schein eta. 200; Sones De ea. 2015;\nVogt and Henson 1997). Routine preoperative tts when\nperormed in low-sk patents rarely change management\nes auch co 90 cf eee tele 0 at", "While mcet of the body of respanch ditving evidience-\npaved guidlines originate from academe trary isi\ndons, it snot clear whether such istttions adhere to\nhese guidelines, and hence, display a lower incidence o\nerase of preoperative test in lowsk patients under\nging ambulatory surgery than stated in the erature\nTo establish and quantly the incidence of the ordering\nof us-indcated preoperative tests nan academic teria\ntnbustory center, we conducted a retrospective chor\ndy of al paints who underwent outpatient surgery a\nhe Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine (DCAM)\nHospital of the University of Pennsylvania ducing 3\né-month period.", "Ne obtained approval from the anstitutiona’ Review\npour ofthe Perelman School of Medicine, Univer of\nSecaieetie", "Dota was setcacted Som the EPIC medical recente of\n3918 patlents who underwent ambulatory surgery a\nPCAM between the months of November 2012 and\nApril 2013.", "We restricted’ Our sample £0 patients scheduled jor am-\nplatary surgery only in this dedicated fclty. Ambul\nory surgery wis defined as a “stme day of 23-hour ty\nlective procedure” ‘Scheduled outpatient procedure\nupgraded to inpatlent status due to intropertive events\nvere included inthe study sample since unplanned in\noperative events have no effect on the Inia pre\nspeatve testing decisions. In addition, we excluded\nprocedures that used only local anesthesia oF com\nous sedation without an aneithesologist or mid\nevel anesthesia provider yielding fnal cohort\n$111 patienss,", "Background", "Methods", "", "Participants" ]
[ [ 56.69, 100.12, 290.55, 231.43 ], [ 66.67, 244.2, 270.35, 339.43 ], [ 66.67, 352.2, 268.25, 447.44 ], [ 304.7, 88.5, 538.64, 267.38 ], [ 56.67, 460.5, 290.61, 735.4 ], [ 304.7, 268.48, 538.5799999999999, 423.38 ], [ 304.72, 452.51, 538.53, 487.40999999999997 ], [ 304.72, 516.26, 538.5500000000001, 563.43 ], [ 304.72, 592.54, 538.62, 735.42 ], [ 56.69, 87.43, 112.24, 99.22 ], [ 304.72, 439.38, 344.91, 451.17 ], [ 304.72, 504.51, 356.15000000000003, 514.95 ], [ 304.72, 580.54, 351.72, 590.98 ] ]
[ 28563.001331451465, 16873.215640907176, 16238.994576609228, 40962.99036038248, 64184.08629727829, 34157.891172498465, 6018.0207076070365, 8768.226689554052, 31307.296832977794, 655.1041586499996, 473.9878410999663, 537.0228502193931, 490.8139072936028 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "rontoparietal lobe was hyperactive during set-shifting\naks tn AN patients.", "Cognitive inflexibility, mental rigidity, and difficulty\nwth decision making processes ate probably al involved\nthe etiopathogenesis and maintenance of AN [10].\n\nAlthough it could be speculated that a correlation\npte cognitive inplsment and malnutrition in AN i\npossible, recent evidence suggest that neuropeycholog\n\na performance is untelated to Body Mass Index (BMI\nbr starvation [3.1]. Therefore, farther research is war\nanted to determine what factors contribute to cognitive\nfexiblity impairment in AN. Two recent meta-analyses\n5.12], regarding neuropschologeal performance in AN,\nported that prior etdies were liited by all sample\n2es and not controling for confounding factors (6.\n\nJemographic and clinial characterises). To date, i\npatents with ED there iso information regarding cog\nve esbility sp verbal ables. These sil are impor\nant in psychotherapy, the peimary therapeate approach\nssd'in tho tomionens al aie", "TRAE =e tieice. Saeninetiog «peak (eth) Wm\ned in this dy to obtain a verbal domain messire of\nrogntive rigidity. The HSCT te neuropeychologica\nest of executive function created by Burgess ad Sha\nice [13] and i isa useful instrument to assess Af AN\npatients can perform tasks using both a good and ex\nle strategy while exerting appropiate contol inhibi\nlon of thelr responses. Indeed It is 4 measure of\ncogltive flexibility, response ination, and response\nsuppression. In the existing Iteratre, the HSCT has\npen successfully use to evaluate these neuropycholo\neal factors in patients with Parkinson's Disease [14] i\nikren with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder\n15, recently inpatients with Unipolar Depression (16,\nand in IMIR studies on prefoatal activation in Bipla\nDisorder and Schizophrenia [171", "SEE Any 2 DOE ay We te 8) See Pence ee\ngarding cognitive flexibility and decision-making\npaiement in a cohort of AN-R patients, b) bette\nunderstand whether cognitive inflebilty pers i ver\n\npal tasks as measured on the HSCT, and e) examine\nwether dferences in neuropsychologcal test peor\nance ate associated wih years of education, BMI, dis\nase duration, and depression severly. We hypothesized\nhat cognitive lmpalrment would be confirmed ia AN-R\npatents using the HSCT, and tha differences in cog\nve inflexiilty between AN-R and healthy controls\nwould be independent of the above mentioned demo\n\nsraphic and clinical vartables.", "rype (AN-R) and 30 age-matched healthy controls (HC).\nThe AN-R patients were conseeutvely recruited from\nhe Eating Disorders Center ofthe University of Turin\nSan Giovanni Batista Hospital). OF the 30 patients 1\nvere partially hospitalised, 3 were hospitalised, and 17\nwere oulpitients. All participants provided written\nnormed consent according to the Ethical Commitee of\nhe Department of Neuroscleace ofthe Universit o\nroma", "ae Sample for tis study consisted of 60 participants,\nSO patina dinmsosedl otis Anemenls'Haicusen Mesictes", "Fettonts were inciuced in this study who met [he\ntrctured Clinical Intervie for DSM Disorders (SCID-\n) [18] diagnose criteria for Anorexia Newosa Restc\nuve type (AN-R) theoughout the peor year. The SCID\nwas administered by an experienced psychiatrist Incl\n\non ereria were a) no severe medical comorbidity (eg.\npilepsy oF dabetes)b) no deug dependence: and\nfemale gender, Patients were all Caucasian. Helly co\nrol (HC) participants were recruited from the Univer\n\nity of Turin, and were only included in the study\nhey were free of peychiatric and medical illnesses.", "ber sampler se Ready Eee apeceene athe a\npatients underwent individualized pharmacotherapy aad\npsychotherapy. Because of illness severity and now-\ncaponsiveness to treatment, a large part ofthe sample\nf= 12) had aleady recived previous teateat in ou\nED Program.", "Me decided not to include the AN Binge “urging sub-\nype (AN-BP) because iti known that AN-BP indivi\nIuals are diferent trom AN-R patients conceening\nseveral features that could affect neuropeychologit per\nformance, In detail personality characterises ~ mall\nmpulsivity- [2.19], obsessive tits [2021], prognosis\n2}, and se shifting [11] have been shown to be sigai\ncantly different between subgroups. Moreover, zecent\npcliminary neuroimaging data showed hoe AN-BP and\nAN-R individuals differ, particulary with regard o\necuiaioier Ea", "AAS ih teh ey ae enews CWee Cae ee\njerentiate these two subtypes on neuropsychoogca\nests, This could representa limitation for this study\nnd future esearch thus ature investigation of ANC-BP\ntubtype ia needed.", "We sensened chamnctechtics of the eating (enter Miness tn\nthe AN-R sample with the Eating Disorder lnventory-2\nEDL) [24] and Body Mass Index (BMI, and depression\nevery was evaliated with the Beck Deprestion laventiry\n(BDI [25]. Overall functioning was evaluated with the\nGlobal Assessment of Functioning scale (GAF) [26]", "We used a comprehensive neuropsychological battery\ncomprised of the Wisconsin Card Soeting Test (WCST),", "Methods", "Patients and Procedures", "", "Neuropsychiatric Assessment", "Neuropsychological Assessment" ]
[ [ 56.69, 87.89, 290.47, 110.73 ], [ 56.69, 111.81, 290.55, 325.89 ], [ 56.69, 326.98, 290.59000000000003, 517.14 ], [ 56.69, 518.22, 290.61, 672.5 ], [ 304.72, 87.89, 538.62, 194.39 ], [ 56.69, 709.58, 290.53999999999996, 732.4200000000001 ], [ 304.72, 195.47, 538.6500000000001, 325.89 ], [ 304.72, 326.98, 538.5600000000001, 397.6 ], [ 304.72, 398.68, 538.58, 529.1 ], [ 304.72, 530.18, 538.61, 588.8399999999999 ], [ 304.72, 625.91, 538.6500000000001, 696.53 ], [ 304.72, 709.58, 538.59, 732.4200000000001 ], [ 56.69, 684.56, 96.8, 696.31 ], [ 56.69, 697.64, 153.99, 708.04 ], [ 304.72, 602, 342.21000000000004, 612.4 ], [ 304.72, 614.05, 415.92, 624.3599999999999 ], [ 304.72, 697.73, 426.86, 708.04 ] ]
[ 3571.35300654608, 48564.10647697863, 43196.957772727124, 34628.505745098926, 22404.950481687207, 5340.3112852469785, 30085.807659154525, 14253.509015769465, 28391.023590358905, 11723.074896547478, 16185.293177130632, 5339.61919502588, 471.2858401166159, 1012.2064371446904, 389.9702644989593, 1146.5612173271365, 1259.4028010304319 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "paticlegicelty slewent lle events hed not been pleted\nip by routine nial messes Hewove, in ip\nfant niarty (ION) of CD cases no severe if event\nsos Shaneiiaiin:", "ius stucly is limited by several potential biases. First,\ncD patent were sera frau epeibit servic\nsnare thereto Hkly tobe lately severe alo\nrove shown le etl resvery, hereby ling ge\nzalabliy. Second, interviewers were winded t\nssecontol tty, although the cnsensn pel\nngevents were: Furthermore, healthy ont dept\nsora to minimize tis ad slightly sorter Hie\npoean 1.96 yen compared to 242 yea) betwee\ndy pid start dates and interview dates leading\npotential recall bis, A sitalar reall bias could\ntur duet ey deft in CD which me elative\ncea epee are fo which hese ei\nJence of actual deft (Broen eal 2013), alto\nermiving such recall ines world only incre th\nliferences we found. Detecting abuse with the LEDS\nsll salt in underettina fog. unig\ndice such sitive infomation during fort\nace inkerviews) or overesimatons eg alse menor\n= confimaory evidence not obtained) although the\npte biases alo crur with ater detection met\nvs (one ct al. 2000),", "PERS 6 Oy St CSD CAREC eR Oe eae\nae poyehotie and endogenous subiypes and wen\noe the ave geographical ares aed snr in ogo\nx nd ey seetreronomic variables to the CD\ntc The hey conto might ave ben pes\nctly matched for all variable a evidences by the\nignfcanty higher mean 1Q in contol (102.5) con\npred to CD patients (100.3) which i Hkly to el\nom 4 bins mong Ge belt indvidls sep\nriations 1 fake parts the stay. Finally thes\nwas on neurological conte group ancl eleva ra\ni ile events have been fou in take (Hove\n950) and muiple seers (Grant fa. 1989 lb\nconsiderably lower sales than fund in CD in his\ntuady with sinlar methods (LEDS), It should ale be\note ates aointed with the onset r eran\npon of many other neurologic disorders, forex\nample migraine (Perot 2018) and cpp\nWassensrct 2014), a wel many’ othe non neu\ngia! doorders, for example myocar snarton\nWel et af. 2014) and ponciacia (Fitenter etal. 2083).", "En terms of speciicity of the results, although psych\nsrc conteols ere avaiable they were om a eat\ntudy so cannot be considered flly\"malched! like he\npathy conta and there i nt comparable dato\nQ and HADS scores, However these depression\nmes were inkervicwed wong the Pres Si\nScamination (Wing ta 1970), wth supplementary\nwestions to encble remarch disguoene crite", "Although our finding of elevated rates of stressors in\nhe year before onset of CD spots he poyhologic\nmodel it ofcourse doce not eblish aetiogial ee\nrane expecly sours highlights tha tas\nme sltvely etmanom contol In any given id\nrikal chance could therefore somata te presene\nnha strona, and evidently this would become mor\nily with nceasing He eee stressor a hn\nom onset However the apy escalating ates\nvere events we found CD, but nak cots, ith\neven proinly to sympa enact provide up\nort for chological velevanee", "Table 4. Rates of abuse in conversion disorder (CD), healthy controls (HC) and depression (DEP)", "<5 cen,", "", "", "linplications", "The psychulogical modet" ]
[ [ 72.62, 280.46, 288.64, 327.33 ], [ 72.62, 364.93, 288.72, 627.8 ], [ 306.65, 280.44, 522.71, 531.35 ], [ 72.62, 628.66, 288.71000000000004, 723.77 ], [ 306.65, 580.69, 522.6899999999999, 723.7800000000001 ], [ 72.62, 65.22, 391.63, 74.91 ], [ 80.62, 236.61, 248.70000000000002, 257.72 ], [ 72.62, 85.68, 522.7, 231.21 ], [ 72.62, 346.8, 119.83000000000001, 357.76 ], [ 306.65, 544.82, 357.33, 555.7800000000001 ], [ 306.65, 562.86, 395.03, 573.73 ] ]
[ 8364.495551580098, 55247.87930728495, 54006.38526296988, 20434.051854542224, 29764.406791386195, 3091.3167618525185, 2513.649776025384, 65500.941488281314, 517.5401364000136, 555.5234663999872, 960.9064991999185 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a malignant tumoe\nhat ass in the mucosal epithelium ofthe poste wal\nothe nasopharys [1 selina presentation epidem\n\nlogy, and Ihstopathology are diferent fom other sq\nns ell carcinomas ofthe head and nck [2]. NPC hs\nmarked ethne and geogrophl distribution, Speiealy,\nost common fom, Werld Healt Organization (WHO)\nye Is highly prevalent in southers China, Southeast\nAsa, Nowth Aca, and Greenland and is suongly assoc\nted wih the Epstin-Bare virus (EBV) [5-7]-In Moroco,\nNPC i the mast frequent tumor ofthe ead and neck\nelon accounting for 7—12% ofall ances in men [8 9\naterestngly, NPC has also been reported to be the ros\ncommon neoplaa of the nasopharynx and. cespcairy\nrac in cidren in Morocco and Tunisla accounting fo\n5-20 % of childhood malignancies [10 1, 9], This even\nhigher than ts inedence inthe high endemic NDC aes\nChina, where ie 01% in cildren (12,13). Dillerence\nNPC incidence ae also reported in the same gogeaple.\n\ncal locations between members f diferent edhale group\n1, 15]. Cerain detary habs such as consumption of\nsled sh and preserved food containing volatile mitrss\n\nines are als Feported to ply some cole inthe ely\nDENDC [16-18] Regardless of inesdence and geographieal\nlisubuton, is development has been attabuted to an\nteraction of multiple fete: environment including\nEBV infection and genetic factors [1, 20), Chromosotal\nAbnormal and abetant promoter hypermethyation\nhow a snaar pattern in diferent geographies regions\ncarding to one study so far, supporting a common ca\ndecals yathamey tn S00: ieap cs ck vagion AT", "eee ey ee eee Clagnosed’ In advanced\nages when treatment resus ate neaisicory This\nargly due tothe non-speic local symptoms [3 22-24)\nDisgnosis of NPC at stages r Is aso ith high\nural fate (om average 95), whereas the sural rat\njust above 50% when diagno i made late at stages I\nor I [25]. Because of 4 higher care rate for eae sage\nNPC, the concep of sereeing for the disease has an\ntuilve appeal. Further development of therapies is ne\ncesar but not slcent to impove the suv of NPC\npatents [26 The development of rlable, noninvasive,\nnd costeffecive eaiy-dtetion methods for NPC & 3\nhgh peoety. Applicaton of tumor markers thus provides\nrelevant approach to achieve eal detection of NPC.\nThe rapid acquisition of fly sequenced cancer genome\nwl be one poweral tol to ently biomarker candidates\nior eels doreciloc, uh, wal cuacer ecrasaine OA", "sepia mien aaenebringeranieana nina pemaneaer tere aae\nay dive epigenetic changes in normal epithelal cells\na promote tumorigenels [31]. But genetic alterations\neluding, deoxyribonucleic acd (DNA) metiyation of\nsjelin-dependent Kinase inhibitor 2 (P16) and RASSFLA\nJoc Rave been reported o acct pealignantnasophe\nyal epthelam even peor to EBV infection (32), Aber\nant methylation of tumor suppresoe genes (TSG),\n\nP16, sa fequent event NPC [3], DNA methylation also\nlays an important ele the maintenance a specie EBV\nsteny program in the NPC call [34,31 35, Aberrant\nmethylation of both ved and cellar genes ay thus be\nvalved inthe tansrmaton and progression of axophe\n\nyngeal epithelial cls ito malignant ones [36-8], Screen\n\nng for DNA hypermethylated msker gene, eg, TSG,\npasa great potential t be wae as an ay for etly detec\njon of NPC [39], Moreover, the EBV hast epigenetic inter\nay andthe reversible nature of epgenctic mechanism of\ngene egulation in NPC make ach nes interesting ali\nhe context-af NPC therapy and. prevention [40-42\nRecent was demonstrated that gastie carcinoma a8\nsated with EBV i strongly hypermethylated (a a whole\numoe subgroup camped to EBV negative gsi crc\n\naay", "Ri has hoon suggested thet concer con be initiotedl by\nspigenetic change before any mutations take place. This\npigenetic progenitor hypathesis is supported by expee\nmental dats on, eq. colon cancer [28) Ths mabes ep\nSuMae auntoe Hagel Sckeceotie et amy Oaguacls os", "Several techniques for analyzing ON methyiation status\npave ben developed, each one wih advantages and mt\njons. As an example, methylation specie PCR (MSP)\nlows detection of one methylated gene copy among 100\nuamtylated copes 16] but can only be applied to one\njena a a tne, For high-throughput methylation studi,\nstate-of heart equipment and quaiied bsinformatics ar\neuted. Until now, this makes such teniques unable\nthe clinallvel [4]. De to this, we previously deve\npped a simple and rapid PCRbased assy designated\nmultiplex methylation specie PCR (MSP) which could\ntet the methylation satus of multiple markers in\ncis nection saencueweete", "iNest apfhed 2 Sees Sy epee aS Mee\nNPC risk than China like Morocen, Noe Alta (medium\nis) Ms performance deerssed, and this, we teed\nody the aay to obtain good speci and sens\nfor tumors in auch area Tht modified MMSD asst\neludes, as before, prealence of the EBV nuclear antigen\n1 (EBNAL) (nt methylated), portant for distinguishing\npatween EBY. pote and EBV negative subtypes of NPC\nnon-cancerous conta samples. The expression level\nEBV encoded latent membrane peotein-1 (LMP!), which\nan EBV oncoprotein, expressed in approiately 65% o\nEBV: positive NPC patients and was elated by promote\nethation [9]. Outcome of LMPL i the MMSP panel\nwould rellect LMPexpesion status. In addon w the\nEBV genes, tee TSGs namely integrin, alpha 9 UTA)\ntas asocation (RAIGDS/AF-6) domain amily member 1\nRASSFIA); and PI6 were included after screening the", "Background" ]
[ [ 56.69, 100.5, 290.63, 471.41 ], [ 56.69, 472.51, 290.62, 675.38 ], [ 304.73, 88.52, 538.62, 375.40999999999997 ], [ 56.69, 676.48, 290.5, 735.41 ], [ 304.73, 376.51, 538.61, 531.42 ], [ 304.72, 532.47, 538.6700000000001, 735.4300000000001 ], [ 56.69, 87.43, 112.22999999999999, 99.22 ] ]
[ 86508.01243715221, 47255.9457485592, 64899.57299421169, 13682.636982752709, 34989.15255036205, 47367.14025877975, 655.0555694299983 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 ]
[ "eeend, Ae Oe nD. Pee areas events nee Ie\nued sania (1 = 3 paints) and gastroenteris (2 = 1)\nthe add-on itium group and mania (n= 6), agresion\nr= 1, sty = 1), and no therapeu response (r=\n1 in the add-on plcebo group. The SAES of emergent\nania led to study discontinuation in two palente in\nfhe add-on lithium and sx patients inthe add-on placebo\nan", "ANCRRECee 28. Cte. ateniewy tewied te EE>. Were\n1689 in the add-on lth and 6% inthe add-on pla\ncho group ind tem in 156% and 49% of patients,\nspectively All hee TEAFs were mid to moderate i i\nesl. Two TEAFs (wemor and dystonia) resed in ty\nJscontinution in the add-on placebo group. The majo\nnf patents showed eiher Improvement or no change i\nEPS severity davig the study assessed by SAS, AIMS, and\nBARS scores For example, SAS score Was improved i\n116% and 2% of the addhon Utkin and plcebo ad\ngroups, respectvaly, unchanged in 67.1% and 7548 and\nworsened in 156% and 938%, espectively at day 43. No\npatents nated anticholinergic medion fr new-ose\nos.", "Po. As patently Beaten 02 canny Were error\nherkir Wai sede CedeabieDeicias Semis aioe Seal", "eto\nsecclinn laboarved coos data, ITT set,", "re eee Sennen Tere Deeps Se ee ee\nsrimary and sacomaiary efficacy mensures @TT et)", "", "I\nhe ~" ]
[ [ 56.69, 448.2, 290.61, 543.13 ], [ 56.69, 544.18, 290.6, 711.1099999999999 ], [ 56.69, 712.21, 290.53999999999996, 735.09 ], [ 62.7, 401.78, 282.34, 420.88 ], [ 304.72, 88.37, 506.92, 109.67 ], [ 304.72, 111.81, 538.63, 719.7 ], [ 56.69, 90.33, 290.55, 397.15999999999997 ] ]
[ 19699.07780260546, 36343.2272080672, 5254.2261063408805, 3316.197501616203, 4280.548639500106, 142188.27351449418, 71754.55510010879 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 5 ]
[ "ine equating process for Bart 2 was similar except that\nhe base form was 2009/3, and the pass mark wt se\nie", "POO aes, Mere. Seng Was. tetrodecee then wae\nsuggestion that alkbough the pas rate seemed to have\nmained constant in UK. graduates (the eeferenc\nroup) the pas ate a non-UK graduates had increased\nfeature noticed fsty in the Part 1 examination and\nhen also noticed inthe Part 2 examination when sal\nical equating was intzoduced It tok Several yeas foe\nJo become clear whether the phenomena were ral and\nJong-lved, and during that time reaearch was begun t\nretin aft aouued bo be Sejament chereen", "formed’ the relerence group, ane other candidates (non-\nUK). The latter i inevitably a heterogenous geoup wit\nome candidates being on UK taining schemes, some\nworking in the UK and not on training schemes, and\nany others working in other countries and who Bave\nnever worked in the UK. Relatively few buckground dat\nre avalabl for dese candidates, beyond age sx, and\nlate and place of primary medical qualificatien,", "ie Erhinacy Sate Soe ie RnR yeee Sp. CMe APAUME OS SAE,\ndates taking MRCD(UK) Pat 1 fom 2008/2 2013,\njot Past 2 from 2002/2 to 2013/1, and in addition\nPACES data were avalble fom 2001/1 to 2013/1, Not\ndata wore used forall anayeen. Results are generally\nmpresed as pass of fall with more detalled analyse\nsing individual eek, typically expres at marks ce\nstv to the pass mark. Detaled data om individual tes\nsnswered covet were aso used for dierent item\nfunctioning (DIF) analyses. Candidates were divided int\nthose who had qualified at UK medical schools, and who", "Commmatiqnal Hanisicel anatyess were coctied ou: muing\nSPSS v2, and eoutine IRT analyse, including satis\nsquat. were carted out using Whats, Dire\ntem analyses were carried out using Bulog: MG v3.0.", "Ethical permission was not required for this study as it in-\nvolved the routine analysis of educational test da, and\npence was exempted from teguing permssion unde\necmplion eof the UCL Research Ethics Commit\nhttp, /fethice grad.uclacul/exemptions php),", "SRE ees eee aes ot es et ane\nigure 2 shows pass fates fr MRCD(UK) Pat 2 In each\nigure the pass fates (vera) are shows for candidates\nreach dit (horizon), divided as UK fst ie takers,\n2 UK candidates, non-UK Test te takers, and all non\nUK candidates, The eed box indicates the dit fr which\natstical equating was used, and the green vera\nows indicate the diet used as the base form, and the\net for which re-equating occurred. There are thre\nets per year and for convenience the vertical blu\nrows indicate the third diet ofeach yar. Two separate\nsfiects of statistical equating seemed ts be apparent.", "For Part 1 there is a strong suggestion, at least visibly,\nat although the average pas rate for UK graduates re\nmains sable, the pas fate for non-UK graduates jus\ner the introduction of stats equating and remain\nhigher foe the nea four yeas. ina effects ate also ap\nparent for Part 2 but age not to be as large. Table 1\nrompares the averaged pass ates for the various groups\npe and postequating. Changes for the UK groups ar\nral nal cases, However, for non-UK groupe ii clea\nhat the pass rate as gone up by about 170s for Dat\nand somewhat less, by about 1.25 for art 2.A simple\nMana-Whitney U-test on the 30 Part 1 pass cates (0\nhe 25 Part 2 pass rats), comparing those belore and\nfer statistical equating was intoduced, shows highly\nignlfeant increase in pass fates for non-UK takes o\npart 2 witha signet effect alo for Noa-UK Ist ne\ncoer", "a a ee a a\nwere chon for showing appropriate levee of\n‘fet and iem-toal corelations and hence\nperforming well They should slo be representative\n(ofthe examination ata whole, covering al ofthe\nvatious domains inthe Blueprint.\n\n5. Candidate scores ae escultd forthe canddates i\nthe anchored easton. Since thete ae onthe\nsame scale a inthe concurrent cation, those\nscoring 521 or more pss the exam and others i,\n“That pss mark oa the common scale can be\n‘converted into a simple pereenage of tems correct,\ndnd that percentage used to score all candidates,\nTaking dhe examination, incding those who are nat\nUK fst tine takers\n\ns Atte next dit, which was 2009/1 the process\nrepeats, with an anchoved eabraton based oa\nanchor Kms which had previously been used,\n‘stimaton of dices foe peevieusly unused tems\nfd the addon of thelr dificult othe ban,\n‘aleulation ofa perentage pas mark based on the\n‘equated pss mask of 321, andthe cleulationof|\nps orf forall endidats taking the examination\n‘That process then repeats for each new dit of the", "Different pass rates in UK graduates and non-UK graduates", "Method", "Statistical methods", "Ethics", "", "increased pass rate of non-UK candidates" ]
[ [ 56.69, 400.51, 290.52, 435.40999999999997 ], [ 56.69, 460.5, 290.56, 579.41 ], [ 304.72, 88.54, 538.59, 183.42000000000002 ], [ 56.69, 604.5, 290.52, 735.4300000000001 ], [ 304.72, 208.5, 538.54, 255.42000000000002 ], [ 304.72, 280.5, 538.61, 339.43 ], [ 304.72, 364.52, 538.58, 507.40999999999997 ], [ 304.72, 532.5, 538.58, 735.4300000000001 ], [ 64.69, 88.58, 289.01, 387.49 ], [ 56.69, 448.65, 287.98, 459 ], [ 56.69, 591.43, 92.47999999999999, 603.2199999999999 ], [ 304.72, 196.55, 380.8, 206.99 ], [ 304.72, 268.55, 327.98, 278.99 ], [ 304.72, 351.4, 337.3, 363.19 ], [ 304.72, 520.55, 470.89, 530.99 ] ]
[ 5593.54106680199, 27450.348161596805, 21721.530891073635, 30611.624031752348, 10721.594346475089, 13143.44906442659, 33169.22397695901, 45417.7171747908, 55630.19833153882, 2393.8542404954496, 422.11886514298385, 794.4287471208663, 242.8611355361354, 384.2192720711464, 1735.169798992516 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Se ee ee\naration following trauma, research ftom cont regions shows tat almost everyone develops posta\nmae sess divrder (PTSD) i teaumaexponre reaches exzeme lve. Theor evaluating the let\nmule trauma exposure of union importance a tds ivesiatn tk factors for PISD. Ye\nssatal loan Gaon donated bu: auateate Taomr fits Innnecinet qusiasmmental tame Sachor ean be bait eeueiirid,", "nf 227 Ugandan rebel war survivors. Trauma exposure Was modeled a the numberof traumatic even pe", "om the umber of diferent traumatic event types experienced, incusion of event feguencies igh\naonsoved tha prodiction of current PTSD.", "onsumingssesmeat ad ads to the Best prediction of ete PTSD, we reommend ths measure for\nseeuhi on Pr) llslone", "", "I: | EDGUSTEIRY COURTFIES, THE NCRRIE PrEVANCAEE OF posts\n‘uaumatie suess disorder PTSD) was estimated t\nhe below 10 although the jority fiddle\nported at east one waumatc expenene (Kesler, Soames,\nBromel, Hughes & Neon, 1998). These findings su\nved high variably inthe psychological response t\nsua and raised the interest i individual PTSD es\nators (DiGangt et al, 2013) including genetic suscep\nity factors (Cornel, Nugent, Amtadter, & Koen,\n>010).", "symptom severity in a dose-dependent mannet, a phe\nnomenon termed buling Hock effect (Kelas eta\n2010; Molica, Melons, Poole, & To, 1998, Newgehaue\nnt al., 2009: Neuner et al., 2004).", "Sear cesponse varniion folowing single irauma is\nhgh, PTSD prevalence approaches, 100% at extreme\neves of tauna exposure (Kolasa, El, Kol, Onyut\n& Elbert, 2010: Neuner et al., 2004). Cumulative expo.", "a ee\nactors need 10 consider the fet of cumulative tea\natc exprinces To obtain valid conclusions. For i\nance, iis highly recommended to include (aus\nxposute ib gent studies o PTSD risk and to mod\ngene envionment interactions (Cornelis etal, 2010\nWilker & Kolssa, 2013). However, in comtast 10 th\nsgreement on the necessity to include trauma exposure i\niological esearch on PTSD, relatively litte research has", "", "RCS NNR Te Or MANNA Puralo, JONES HOpPKInG HOOD SCHANN Of PUP, LA.", "nan be found at", "A oltre fi rib ken erllpary er Peel Ptah ella\nVio ntematona.Alenabach, Garmany. “Ciical Payehology, Unwery of Konstanz, Konan\nSoran Ee bean A Monin Gaenes", "How to quantify exposure to traumatic stress? Reliability\nand predictive validity of measures for cumulative\ntrauma exposure in a post-conflict population", "Sarah Wilker \"|, Anett Preitfer”, Stephan Kotessa', Daniela Kosiowski',\nThomas Elbert? and Iris-Tatjana Kolassa’" ]
[ [ 55.56, 261.87, 469.99, 314.39 ], [ 55.56, 316.72, 470, 358.28000000000003 ], [ 55.56, 360.54, 469.99, 391.16 ], [ 55.56, 393.39, 470, 423.99 ], [ 55.56, 429.65, 426.72, 437.26 ], [ 55.56, 566.79, 285.68, 683.6899999999999 ], [ 309.6, 566.8, 539.72, 623.76 ], [ 55.56, 686.54, 285.75, 731.54 ], [ 309.6, 626.67, 539.73, 731.54 ], [ 55.56, 461.78, 463.5, 481.29999999999995 ], [ 55.56, 444.55, 357.59, 452.18 ], [ 55.56, 488.65, 446.96, 508.17999999999995 ], [ 55.56, 215.48, 466.04, 244.73 ], [ 55.56, 113.72, 469.92, 165.87 ], [ 55.56, 178.32, 458.55, 205.35999999999999 ] ]
[ 21767.104954795795, 16030.812659615767, 9920.696371464233, 9302.09325696982, 2826.2338905854267, 24428.643252362264, 11964.80429667933, 10236.672800107044, 24012.250982926227, 7794.826686476823, 2303.7459261864715, 4600.861974716419, 9880.862456924864, 19487.62003084732, 8575.780230320757 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 ]
[ "pmbryas, whereas H-Positive superior cervical ganglia (8CG) and the\note (i A). Tose whether ie impreon War al,\nnothet ie deny of te renal dopanierge pojcton a\nfr /~ embryo ain Ap © > teat Besa te rot\nfidence, te length of developing sal projection was oat st", "Quantification camed out on a very large Sumber of embryos (Apri\n+t embryen a= 20, pd ~/~ emo n = 2) resale» igh\nenn glen ned wh A\npeng eso n/p bt te\nenghos (SCG) wich contin THerening sens ha et\nSoa A/a pe 0, eae\neth Sg eth PR ps st", "eet eee ot ee ee\nrep in dng iin et ca, AP\ncy aid min Spee mo os\ni il avr ont oh ee\nsfc evblshed at E12 and EL, CONF enhanced ston gro\nerst tl 108), These dene been GDNF and AP\nfe inlaw he abered nthe developing peril nev\nru (PS) betwen cane sereonie facts an TNISF mem\nWes nevi nd sf GNF ly pes\nlope [vin 2) member of th TNS ht af he ro\npenta windows (vse al 200, Kaen aby 2013\nenn tly 2036, Oks 208) wih te exepton\nRANKL which as oer a extended pid of postal evelopment\nteres ta 0). While APRIL ar been shown teshne 360,\ndal nero (Oerio 30 wae mt mented bet\nee", "Socked by sbt:BCMA (ova 701 ABRIL ral ang\ncored pete, bt proceed the Gg spurte by 3\nver cay to genres Hlopaly nite scted pron\npes reset 20) ease erred APA can fea\nredness he wen mi\nteat eth ad tanker nee", "", "sion santa to spear oatagl oF stioned meade Gece\nTse inde heer meee the CONF tay ear\nHanger eal, 1098), emi (lsh el, 1996) and peep\nbod ca. 1980, VEGF protein nen ea 201, POG\net 1980), PACAP (aes), members 9 1\nian, nding TOP 1,2 and selene. 1590),\nregina eta 98S) and DFAS (Sela a 200), FOF\nOch a, 203) and te more een ntl ele ton\nEDN and MANE (odin ca Fo es, 200) My\natria, CONF, MANE, PDGF, FBO and PACAP (uncom sa\n\nle Vales 207), However, nebo abana mid\nrain dopamine eon phere as ben reported in ie at\nack nyo ths facts (ist 2) an whee 2 no\nete warn repre amie with sandal dln\ni theta (Fs 20), camped sa\nmulti mouse nese tad any shoo! dopa phe\nSee Oe", "aly» es i elgg oe nh\nfr\") mie compared wih dp + mee. The gneat de\nPh aN ki te Sa Al nd A/c, Th\nSgn satan nh esa Sew\njon wa sla np\" nd ped me ageing a\ni dow it eh a I ab pan\nsane of muraindopanisegie aetrns and wheter Apr\nsce develop a maar eect ith age Finally, brave epeneaion\nhe opin ner poecin 2 er of kia", "", "suigls fines esechoesha pean or ash bos POR", "", "", "" ]
[ [ 37.59, 57.37, 288.68, 140.45 ], [ 37.59, 140.93, 288.67, 339.21000000000004 ], [ 37.59, 371.17, 288.68, 705.34 ], [ 306.59, 57.37, 557.67, 171.85999999999999 ], [ 37.59, 705.93, 288.64, 747.18 ], [ 306.59, 172.4, 557.66, 391.49 ], [ 306.59, 391.96, 557.67, 632.0899999999999 ], [ 306.59, 664.04, 557.63, 684.42 ], [ 306.59, 716.36, 557.63, 747.1800000000001 ], [ 37.59, 350.14, 89.07, 360.14 ], [ 306.59, 643.02, 337.87, 653.02 ], [ 306.59, 695.35, 391.89, 705.35 ] ]
[ 19784.402072017954, 48202.34236121876, 83470.29721863102, 27591.69300718978, 10225.023123216815, 53287.34855243564, 59024.80689671263, 2960.3520873570815, 6684.859427860007, 514.9610053283977, 312.91171717399266, 853.1767171600368 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Me ee on SSbeayed by Google Scholar in 30 steps\nXf 20 references each. This, behavior of Googe\nScholar outdated in a world where the Natio\nLibary of Medicine allows the complete downoad a\nVea ecole peneen", "pene the epee oe ee,\nWichout a history function and without convenient\nSearch expression builder might be tleabe fo\n‘power use’ who ate aecstored to working wit a\nteat editor in combination with a ing search\n‘expression enry Geld for dispatching. Far the ros\nInformation specs and scientists such a work bs\nrot acceptable and obstructs thei reality on\n‘subject matter. For the high takes documentation\ntasks of curent systematic reviews, at least a history\n‘cine eee", "ee ee ee ee\nshove are already implemented in Google Scholar and\nner Google praduts, but may be aricily rested\nbe nat fully functional in the Google Scholar search\nterface. Hence, it might be a question of plley and\negal Issues which hamper Google to provide a full\nfedged profesional scenic search tol, It was alway\n1 tain goal of Google to provide the implst search\nterface forthe average internet user. A high end scien\nite Hurature rtieval search interface i a. specialized\nfr researchers that might not Ot kn thi porto,\nOn the other hand, some content providers and pub\nhers might reset the use of tei reference informs\nson for Google Scholar users to a hind of “erppled\nscces\" wo protect thir own databases, scence porta\nind search interfices. Without a clear and trustworthy\nrommitment of Googe, Google Scholar will valve\nany a8 tool witha very limited scape of use. In i\nrutent state Google Schaar should nat be employed\nlone in structured sclentie work which alway celle\na ae", "Nithough Google Scholar was quickly adopted by the\ncienie community forts obvious ments and its easy\nser interlace [54], should be propagated with eae fo\nlimited application seope. The centile community\nspecilly inthe biomedical domain, has a high demand\nfo ey to use and relible search interfaces. chi wel\nstifled quirement is met by premature and overly op\numistie expectations in new tecnology, users may tend\n0 leave wal approved methodology. Hence, as educs\nor of sclentiie methodalogy, we rast be careful on\npaw ta connmunicate new technology to users. A goal of\naur research should be to indicate wetknesss of new\nechnology to thelr providers Providers can enhance\nir tals based on this information so that thelr prod\nuct consequently meets more extra for professional\nvoholesty week,", "This Sadly is Eeiied due to the emel camber of i\nduded Cachrane reviews fom fw medial dommtins and\nhe overall Limited sizeof the alternative gold standard\naul st of about 400 included references, The raul\ntis study were not intended tobe generalizable to al\nyes of erature search or all types of contents, We\nunderstand this study ab 4 case series which provides\nimited evidence for the Yypes of studies investigate\nsan", "Aa tated betore, maother important Eeitation of one\nstudy i that we did ot full optimize the applied Goo-\nle Scholar searches. We developed the searches based\nbt the original MEDLINE searches frm the Cochrane\neviews with the limitation ofthe Google Scholar search\ninterface. We only optimized the Search expressions fo\nvous errs in 4 short Merton eyle. Optimization of\nGoogle Scholar search expression lay outside the spe of\nis research. Therefore the reported results, especialy\non precision, must be read with eae in light of potenti\nnptimization, tis well possible, to enhance precision\na ies ih oe Ge,", "my the past, studies from a broad’ fel’ of medica’ ane\nfener scenic subjects were chosen to investigate the\nperformance of Google Scholar. However, even a large\nmumber of studies and ceviews from a variety of\nJomains should be retrospectively investigated for the\nperformance of Google Scholar under “real world\ncs contend", "Google Scholar search expression optimization is an-\nther area for fture research, Given the Limited capabi-\nles and. the nontransparent ranking algorithms,\nould be empirically vestigated how search expres\nons can be optimized for precision and real It might\npe possible, that conventional search expression gener\nton established for other scientiledatabuses could be\nsaiiid tor Goss Shaler", "2 Ee ee 2 ee\nnthe retrieval tool, comparative prospective studies ae\npacestary. Only with this design it becomes posible to\ncompare the systematic search approach of traditional\niteatue retteval with new methods, especially Gaogl\nScholar, with minimized biases, However, depending on\nformation specialty in ts implementation, cis type\nof research is methodologically diel: independent\ncams of information specialists search forthe same #e\narch questions with diferent tools and are eventually\ncompared on thee eetseval performance. With this ap\nproach, confounding parameters due to unbalanced\nrmpeencis inthe teas can only hardy be contol\nHowever, with complex (coss-over) designs, the let\nst ach belie rote cnc ened Be tonto", "Limitations of the study", "Further research" ]
[ [ 76.71, 88.54, 290.63, 147.42000000000002 ], [ 64.69, 147.08, 290.6, 279.45000000000005 ], [ 56.69, 292.52, 290.58, 543.41 ], [ 56.69, 544.51, 290.53999999999996, 735.42 ], [ 304.72, 100.5, 538.5600000000001, 207.45 ], [ 304.72, 208.5, 538.58, 351.45 ], [ 304.72, 376.54, 538.6, 459.45000000000005 ], [ 304.72, 460.5, 538.58, 555.4300000000001 ], [ 304.72, 556.53, 538.5600000000001, 735.42 ], [ 304.72, 88.55, 400.44000000000005, 98.99 ], [ 304.72, 364.54, 370.47, 374.98 ] ]
[ 11651.450424846698, 26904.20301404025, 56574.94739102665, 42474.4798042411, 22434.67121355969, 32002.343569960445, 17543.23767807847, 20713.472925583832, 41731.59425087273, 999.4869465828524, 686.6014866759069 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 ]
[ "a oe eee See ee\nile In this context, led but sigaiieant alterations\nthe carbon fx dstibuton over the central metabo\nsm have been recently reported [21-24]. Also, amino\nsid supplementation ofthe growth medium has been\nhows to partly unbueden cellar metablisn daring\ncombinant proteln production in yeast (23.25.27) ln\nresting, such sts iP. pastors have provided novel\nidence thatthe adaptation of the central metabolism\no combinant protein production can not only be ex\nplsined by an increased drain of precursors for protein\nathe [23]. Indeed, amino acids are not only impor\nIn precursors for protein syathess but als participate\nthe regulation of jr eneabole pathways, Glutamic\nund Aspartic aid for instance, are components of the\nspartate/malate redox shutle [28] and their concent\nions may inde impact on the rate of oxidation of\nSosiete MATE", "Me Dave previously reported’ the Denelicia’ impact of\nnypanta condions on recombinant pratsn production\n8 P.pastori 29}. The pysaogial bases ofthis benef\nial effoct were further investigated ina recent mulllevl\ndy including transciptome, proteome and eetabolc\nux analyses [0]. These studs allowed to gather infor\nation on the bologialproceaes involved tn the adap\nation to hypoxia and thelr relation with exteacllua\ncombinant protein production in P pastoris. However\nhe potential eflet of oxygen avalbilty anda recon\npnant protein production on the itacllulr metab\njevee(partculil of the amino ald precursors used fo\nsroteln synthesis) remains to be elucidated.", "non producing) strain () and further combiner wn\nhe metalic Manes related fo protein synthesis and lo\npal transcriptome dataset from ou previous study per\narmed with dhe same strains and analogous eulthation\ncndtlns (30), Overall hs study aimed at understanding\nther dhe behvour of the variations ln ntracell ating\nsci levels a a reall ofthe diferent oxygenation candi\nions employed, aswell a gaining further insight in the\npotential interactions between energy metabolism and\nrina acd neta and, how auch iterations ay be\n= oka lr Leteaslagiens vials ection pelea", "Te investignts the potential impact of foreign protein\nexpression and serelion on amino acid metabo, the\nee intracellular amino acids pools were alyzed in car\npon lied ehemasttcultvations ata xed growth rat\nsnd diferent oxygenation conditions, using 4 recombi\nnant P. pastoris strain Sereting an antibody Fab Tag\nment (E), The results are compared to the reference", "ee re ae a ee\nyeas and, in artical, pastors, has been rece\nsuggested to impact the central metabolism even at el\ney low expession lees, Le where increased eee\n(atin sed) demands for recombinant poten produc\njon maybe nelle [10.23.24] Intgaon of wanserp\nemie, fuxomie and melabolomie dita of recombinant\nlls under diferent envisonmental conditions nay bel\n0 understand the metabolcadapations af the ells ce\nval metabolism to protein production under diferent\n-vronmental condtlons, partly in relation to amino\nsid metabo. In thi study, intracellular amino acid\npols of «recombinant P. pairs strain expresing an\nsnubody Fab fragment under the contol of const\nive PGAP promoter were measured dusing growth i\nicone ited cherostt cultures under diferent oxygen\nvallblty conditions, The macroeopic growth parr\ners for bith the contd and Fab-poduting P. pastor\nruins during growth at thive diferent oxygenation\njevele ae given in Table 1, Coherent with previous studi\n3031, the adaptation from norm fully aerobic) to\nnypont: conditions lead to shift frm fll eepratoy\n1 veqpiro-fermentative metabolism, as well as increased", "ale 1 Summary of macromolecular\nar culture parameters", "hn pay Comin at Gen eta a wich Hn ge BEM yl i", "Remained ype Raman Oita ypn", "Results and discussions", "Growl and’ recombinant protein secretion in\ncomiieeth pase" ]
[ [ 56.69, 88.54, 290.57, 303.43 ], [ 56.69, 304.53, 290.55, 459.43999999999994 ], [ 304.72, 88.53, 538.58, 219.41 ], [ 56.69, 460.49, 290.55, 543.4 ], [ 304.72, 268.54, 538.62, 543.4100000000001 ], [ 56.69, 557.05, 284.28999999999996, 567.3599999999999 ], [ 56.69, 708.95, 519.6600000000001, 735.1600000000001 ], [ 56.69, 569.44, 538.5899999999999, 708.0600000000001 ], [ 304.72, 231.43, 412.73, 243.22 ], [ 304.72, 244.52, 487.21000000000004, 266.98 ] ]
[ 48304.124966333155, 35453.36919105705, 30543.8666234517, 19291.137830633204, 64271.230087978765, 2345.4375795000524, 8523.57127666939, 66798.66695546219, 1273.802844215039, 3031.966254560044 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2 ]
[ "phe ost Chllcult aspect of aggregating cata from multiple sources, aside trom the\nmethodological variation in its creation, i the valaton in degree of description and\nrms used to describe the data. Data ute agreements can be used to declare a tin\nmum standard for upload and inclusion.", "‘Dota wes aguementy com be used to sees the quelilicetions of hath dein depositor\nund data user. Mees such as quality of dala against standardized metrics such a\nphantoms, for example or other quantitative measures can qully depotitors. Uses of\nhe data may aso need to be qualified expeclly i there ae rel costs astacated with\nllvering the dit. Can the user accommodate the volume of data? Have they seedy\necuested the sane data in the recent past? Are they adhering tothe rules ofthe dat\nuse agreement in the pst uch providing usage updates, credting the dita source o\naeaving iniiaiahdp cans?", "Data Use Agreements should consider the following;", "ae et ee ee ee ee eee ee ee\nsy) applicant qualifications are met, some type of appleation process may be war\nanted. Without placing undue burden oa the applicant, descriptions of specie re\nearch hypatheses and raionale for why the requested dataset is sulable along with\nseulitic plas micist'bs indocmaion", "‘Perception of fines ancl openness ane Important, Therefore, an independent access\ncontrol adiinistratr (atthe archivist else there maybe the perception of too much\ncontol concentrated by one entity) should review the request, evaluating the rede\nils ofthe requestor andthe siete merit ofthe propoted project as spud i\nhe data use policy. In most eases dealing with human subject data, the sequesor wil\npovide ll elevant information including) Copy of approved IRB oF Crtietion of\nExemption from IRB Review (if applicable), i). Completed and signed of Data Use", "OF RO Ce PRCT HARE Aendt CEacloreS a the aan\n2) Establish who i permuted to use or recive the data\n) Establish rules and requirments fr acknowledgement ofthe data sour, esting\n‘ofthe project, funder and others as required.\n) Ensure that the recipient or investigator we\n4. Not use o further diclowe the information other than as permitted inthe\nagreement or as eequed by lave\n1 Use appropriate sueguads to prevent use or disclosure ofthe information ater\n‘han as provided inthe agreement\nReport tothe archive administrators any unpeemited uses or disclosures;\n4. Ensure that anyone to whom she provides the data (allowable) agrees to the\nsame resections and conditions with respect to the information:\nNot atempt to deny the information oe contact the individuals kom whom\nhe data was collected.\n) Agee to provide study results atthe condhsion of their investigations (i equ)\n5) Investigators depositing data may ned to:\n4. Poses val IRB approval or Certification of Exemption fon IRB Review for\nprospective studies [47]\nb. Provide a copy of thelr Standard Operating Procedures document." ]
[ [ 117.64, 88.54, 477.61, 141.86 ], [ 117.64, 145.12, 477.63, 255.07999999999998 ], [ 125.63, 258.34, 341.41999999999996, 269.26 ], [ 117.64, 569.64, 477.61, 637.14 ], [ 117.64, 640.4, 477.61, 736.1899999999999 ], [ 125.63, 286.67, 474.67, 552.26 ] ]
[ 16447.052554279275, 35964.458731592866, 2355.829313458904, 21137.554300565273, 34364.670218262356, 60700.98382459348 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 ]
[ "pinuons on these videos Tiny. the social media website\nTumble which allows users to aggregate content accord\n\nng 10 tops (Lagging), was also reviewed for mentions\nof the word “bli”, This earch resulted in an tea\n‘ool of approximately 200 statements about bulimia,", "es es wee eee be ee ee\nnumberof items [St], conducted by the fest author\nhrough «procest of discussion with the second and\nied authors This involved organising items together\npase om thee salar subject mater, and resulted in sik\nairy coherent themes, cach comprising 20-30 state\nments, These themes were: bulimia as a problem, bu\nja a8 a solution, bulimia as choice, bulimia as\nperson, bulimia as normative, and bulimia as marina\nsed. Statements were then refined within each of thes\nhemes ths involved eliminating items that were repel\nsous, breaking up double are sems, and editing and\newording statements to prove thle readalty [S1,In\nvie of this al statements used the tr ulin\nhe han uli nervosa the teri wore, and a\nshir ainiooe tllaical ood leew ridelp Mecmes bem,", "ihe statement refining process resulted in a Q set of\n4 tems, which was plted with volunteers using the\nweb-based software Q-Assesior [60]. In response\nheir feedback am the tems and the Q sorting task, this\ntem pool was further shortened and refined to fal Q\naura sient", "mn methodology, recruitment of participants is @ stra-\ngic, rather than random, process [51] Patepants i\nhe tudy were recruited through two channel to\nmaximize the possbilty that a variety of perspectives\nould be expressed [46]. The fist group comprised 71\ndividual (39 women, 9 men, My = 22, SD = 6, fr\nher three did not provide demogeaphic deta), who\nented as having i least a general nawledge of bu\nna they were recruited though undergraduate psych\nlogy courses. It standard practice in Q methodology\n2 include individuals inthe P set whose viewpoats at\nparticular sigieance tothe reiearch focus (51). The\nst group ofthis sample fll this bl a5 ty shewed\nards younger wotnen, the dermographic in which et\nng disorders are most cornmon [34 further, as pepe\nlogy students, these individuals are assumed to have\nomne knowledge and interest in mental health To Gur\nher sii this ecommendation, the sscnd group of\nparticipants consisted of ix women who reported\naging ls bulimic behaviors (My. = 20, SD = 3). They\nwere reeruted through advertising on socal media and\nrough plat mater in public sites on university cn\ncor ene camen Genoen", "participants aid’ not provide cemograpluc details, some-\nhing that may have been due to technical dificult\nssocated with online dala collection, human eeeo\ne. missing a question oF closing the window eat),\norto a resistance to providing any personal or poten\nlly Mentifying information, While this stmple size\night be considered sal for conventional factor ans\nys, the nate ofthe tatstal technique in Q method\nslog, where the analysis 6 inverted, makes this sample\nprecy adequate (45) Indeed, the ele of unum offered\nfor use in Q methodology stds [29] indicates tata pr\nicipant pool of between 40 and 60 i stisctry for Q\nsass. The majority of ini n theD set indicated\nhe cultural group with which they identified as Anglo\nAustralian (528), followed by European (14%) and\nMiddle-eastern (13%).", "The Gnal F eet of 77 participants ranged i age fence\n17 to 50 (65 women, 9 men, M.,, = 22° SD = 6) Three", "Harticipants completed’ the 02 sorting task online, using\nthe website Q-Assessor [60).On the introduction page\nhey were asked to rank a Set of 42 statements fom\nhose they most agreed (+4) with to those they most dis\ngreed (4) with, based on how well they represented\nheir own understanding and thoughts about bli\nThe software directed participants trough thee stages\nof srting. In the est cach participant organised the\nstatements into thee categories those they aged wit,\nhose they disagreed with, and those they were nut\nout. At the second stage a fixed quasi-noemal ditib\nson (Figure 1) was introduced. This i standard tol in\nQ sorting the forced distutionsinplis later sta\nical procedures without impacting the fctrs that a\nproduced [6], while the quasi-normal shape reflect\nhat pstlpants wll el comparatively strongly about\nmuted number of items [51 Parucpants were fst\nshed to sort the poles (+4 and ~ they were able to\nSick through the statements, fat in the “age”, and\nhen “dares, category, to select and “sot” the two\nhey fel most strongly about. ln the third tage, pat\npants were fee to rank the mainder ofthe statement\nno the distbution, moving them around and reviewing\nhie placement up until they selected “submit Follow\nng the sorting tak, patcpants were asked a sre of\naperresponse quetions, These allowed partcipants to\nlabora how they found the ask and why thy sorted\nhe statements in the way Uy did (patil the poles)\nThere were albo a number of questions asking participants\nout their own understanding of bulimia, thei level of\npersonal involvement with the topic and how Uy care\nty aut of mak Lneulodes atone taeda", "Pachor enelyets is 9 common statistical method He classi\nfing variables; in Q methodology these variables are", "Recruitment and participants — the P set", "Procedure — Q sorting", "Q analysis and factor interpretation" ]
[ [ 56.69, 88.54, 290.59000000000003, 147.42000000000002 ], [ 56.69, 148.52, 290.6, 339.43 ], [ 56.69, 340.53, 290.55, 411.42999999999995 ], [ 56.69, 436.52, 290.56, 711.45 ], [ 304.72, 88.54, 538.6500000000001, 279.45 ], [ 56.69, 712.5, 290.55, 736.29 ], [ 304.72, 304.54, 538.64, 687.4100000000001 ], [ 304.72, 712.5, 538.54, 735.44 ], [ 56.69, 424.27, 218.77, 434.96 ], [ 304.72, 292.18, 392.96000000000004, 302.98 ], [ 304.72, 700.55, 447.26, 710.99 ] ]
[ 13634.574396431854, 44178.79645652184, 14681.724065084942, 62908.88255859492, 42952.32085840334, 5473.05269889778, 88750.37449826859, 5362.6350022021215, 1732.4004868099873, 952.584896633547, 1488.4275183524005 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "ceveral PEKies Sane Seeperd Ue Space of VN, ot\npid abundance using BBS data, Fujisaki etal. [24], fo\nexample, used change point analysis to detect abrupt\npopulation changes in bird populations and used the\nlecline of counts of American Crows in Maryland and\nVirginia in the wake of WNV emergence ss a ca\ndy. While the resulting change point estimates ace\n\nately reflect the time when WNV emerged in thes\ntates, the method does not lend itself to impact quant\natlon, Koenig ta. [25] found a significant decline in\ncord species between 2004 and 2005, concurrent wit\nwidesptead transmission in California,", "btained Dy two other methods, incluaing one similar\n‘0 the method used by LaDeau et al [26],", "LaDenn of al, [26] weed om extrapolation method t\nestimate the impact of WNV on bieds. They fit over\nlispersed Poisson models to 26 yeas of BBS count\nJt, adjusting for observer effects and macro-climate\njagcal factors. Based on the resulting parameter est\nmates and covatate profiles after WNV emergence\nhey constructed hypothetial count esjectoies that\night have been observed inthe abuence of WNV and\nrould be contrasted with observed counts. This\nmethod found a sigaiicant decline ln seven species of\npede and estimated a regional decline of American\nCrows by 45%, Wheeler et al. 27] used the same\nmethod, in combination with seroprevalence, dead bird\nsurveillance and suscepubilty data and found tha\npsides American Crows, populations of Howse Finches\n(Carpdacus mexicanas), Black-erowned Night Heros\nNeticonas nytioras), Western Seeub Jas (Aphelo\noma californica) and Yellow-billed Magpies (Plea nu\nall) were particularly affected by WNV. These\nstudies, however, did not take into account temporal\nutocorelation of bird counts that results from the\nfact that one year's population includes some of pre\nious yeas individuals ae well as previous year's of\nspring. An autoregressive model may therefore be\nmate appropeate forthe quanlifcalion of the impact\nDEWNV than a model that ignores ths dependence\nThe purpose of our study was to quantify the impact\nof WHY on six Novth American bin species using an\niutoregresive approach, Firat, we Bt autoregressive\nwwerdspersed Poisson models to annual bird counts\nhat included an indicator of WNV teananstion inte\nity. This type of model i intuitive, a8 It accounts fo\nhe underlying demographic process. Yeat-to-yea\nchanges in bird populations due to WNV ae likely\nmediated by WNV-asociated mortally. Using para\nmeter estimates obtained by fing such models, bu\nmitting terms associated with WNV transmission, we\nhen constructed counterfactual (hypothetical) count\nrajetories that can be compared to observed counts.\nThe difference between hypothetical and observed\ncounts is interpreted at impact due to WNV. We com-\nsee tha torciiing Supact estimates im satiuintes", "~ounts oF all Species varied considerably over the iv\nyears petind. American Crows appeared to decline\nwith the emergence of WNV in Illinois (IL), Lousiana\n(LA), Maryland (MD) and possibly Florida (FL (Figure\n1) Im Massachusetts (MA), both American Robins and\nHouse Sparrows appeared to decline once WNV\nemerged (Figuee 1). The count trajectories predicted by\nhe model ft the data overall quite well Most count\nwere contained in the 95% credible interval associated\nwith the coresponding model prediction (Additional\nile 1, Figures S156). Among the 54 models examined\nmote than half (29) explained atleast 50% ofthe total\ncount varanee (Table I) In FL, MA, MD and Minne\n\nota (MN), 25% oF more ofthe variance in American\nCrow counts was explained by WNV. Similarly high\npoportons of the vatance in the abundance of Amet-\nran Robins was explained by WNV in California (CA),\nMA, MN and Tennessee (TN). Only in MN, a substan\nlal proportion of the variance in Blue Jy abundance\nmost a. thid-was due. to WNV. In IL, WNV\n.ceounted for two fifth of the variance in Mourning\nDoves (Table 1). The impact of WNV on bieds varied\npy species and state. (Figure 2). American Crows suf\n\nered a substantial negative impact due to WNV. Le\n95 credible intervals did not reach hove zero in si\nof the ten states (FL, IL, MA, MD, MN and TX). The\nmost deleterious effect was found in IL (58% 95% Cl:\nTet, 31M), where In 2010 less than alf ofthe bird\nhat would have been expected in absence of WNV\nweve counted. In MA (2003: -41%; “62%, -13%), MD\n2008: -47%;-68%, -18W) and MN (2010: 50% -67%,\n27%) and TN (2010: 33% 39%, 1%) the lnegest nega\n\nive impact was somewhat less deamati, but stil sub\n\nstantial. In most of these cases, with the possible\nception of TN, where American Crows appeared t\n-ontinue thelr decline in response to WNV, the negative\nimpact af WNV seemed to have stabilized in recent\nyears (not shown). No ater species was a consistently\nlected. American Robins sullered substantally in MA\n2010: 50%; -70%, -238), MD (2008: -23%, -41%, 2%)\nsad MN (2007: -32%, 49%, -138), but in CA thei\npopulations thived after WNV emergence (2010 51%\n13%, 100%). House Spacows were regionally affected\nwith 4 more than four ith decline sn MA (2008: 4%\n100%, -32%) and reduction by almost two thie i MN\n2010: -62%, “88%, 8%). Like Northern Cardinals and\nue Jays, Mourning Doves appeared mostly unalfectd\nput in IL their numbers more than doubled (2010\n1n6te $4%, 258%).", "Results and Discussion", "Model fit and impact estimates" ]
[ [ 56.7, 87.89, 290.64, 230.26999999999998 ], [ 304.74, 87.77, 538.59, 110.61 ], [ 56.7, 231.35, 290.66, 732.3 ], [ 304.72, 147.7, 538.6600000000001, 732.31 ], [ 304.72, 122.68, 409.71000000000004, 134.43 ], [ 304.72, 135.76, 430.17, 146.16 ] ]
[ 32279.102100855787, 4628.709827811719, 117037.21909048874, 134812.93205485865, 1233.6138951325702, 1305.0178509042307 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 ]
[ "py Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) oil (35), Helianthus\nsams seed (Sunflower) ol (33), Butyrpermu park\nShea) butter (29), Cera alba (bees wan) (23), Prunus\numydals dle (almond) ol (23), Olen europaea (ave)\nnl (21), Alue barbacdensis gel (17), Glycine soja (soybean)", "ee Company WHE the Lowest Sequency. Macnlinctners\nof expensive products tend ta specify more natural sub-\ntances on tir ingredient Hes than ther competitors\nling products at low prices Xanthan gum was the nat\nvral substance most frequently listed (50 times) followed", "Table 3 The ten companies of the present study and their brand specific selection of natural substances:", "", "" ]
[ [ 304.72, 668.73, 540.89, 731.24 ], [ 56.69, 668.73, 292.88, 731.26 ], [ 56.69, 88.15, 469.62, 99.30000000000001 ], [ 56.69, 627.29, 526.3299999999999, 644.1999999999999 ], [ 56.69, 102.25, 538.5799999999999, 622.46 ] ]
[ 14763.202567545697, 14724.670834627002, 4604.631487269464, 5435.944992030272, 250685.58252378437 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ "iy Seeman Pe catet Bincyen), Tide amrannhvody\ndepositions were negative atthe begining a the chal\nenige study,", "Mtogether Tour cetlac cisease patients belonging to the\nrderate gluten dove group discontinued the study due\n2 abdominal symptoms shorly alter the challenge was\nited (aller the, eight, ten and 23 days), and they\nwere excluded fram the final analyses. Celie serology\nmained negative in all The fist two drop-outs with\ntremely bee gluten challenges underwent the follow\nup endoscopy, and no small- bowel mucosal detectors\n\nee wes ere", "The remaining 31 patente compciend the Smal study\npopulation (Tables 2 snd 3) for whom the gluten chal\nfenge lasted a median of 84 days {range 29-103 days)", "1 ree eee oe he oe eee ee\nan", "SE ENS COS SS Nae RS Te OS pees on ee ee eee ee\ndepth rato (VRID), densities of CD3+ intraepithelial ymphocytes EL] and gastrointestinal symptoms in trate\ncaliac disensa pationts", "“humo:\n\\ ray Hasidic", "aad ee\nse dap.\n\nSpo ye on pe = gyn = Mt gn,\n\nPais asp then al ape up peta ES cena nNOS EL i wan yt", "ie men Pray wore\nnanan of ghcn ie de san ang yas,", "No Maan daily ghten Intake (g) Curation of gluten challenge (days) == Smalihowel opsy = Syrmptomet" ]
[ [ 304.72, 87.89, 538.58, 122.69 ], [ 304.72, 123.77, 538.62, 230.26999999999998 ], [ 304.72, 231.35, 538.6800000000001, 266.09 ], [ 56.69, 88.06, 264.31, 109.27000000000001 ], [ 56.69, 287.5, 525.31, 319.71 ], [ 56.69, 236.73, 220.85, 254.56 ], [ 56.69, 651.57, 538.0799999999999, 716.32 ], [ 56.69, 111.36, 290.55, 234.67000000000002 ], [ 56.53, 321.8, 538.58, 649.6 ] ]
[ 5913.533838468837, 22838.259319300763, 8027.169938735315, 2488.6643047867838, 10824.38693237165, 2248.65242262237, 13629.10180678009, 28836.575249602698, 158014.8668311535 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4 ]
[ "in beth dhe gtomerelll qacl cbaies im sections of the diabetic Midaey (Figuenc-t, -2). ln\nhe diabetic kidney sections, the signals af 0-GleNAcylated -actinin 4 were increased\nspecially in the podocytes ofthe glomerul (Figure 6-1D). The localizations of O-\nGleNAcylated actin, actin 4, and myosin shown by a situ PLA were almost the\nsams $a sind sissicvedl les ic comeenttanal teieniacehiniaclinulesd tude (Feces Ss", "sctinin 4 Electron meroscopc appearance of mcroidh ofthe woul Af) and mmmunoelecton®\nmerocopelnanenefrvnn 4 n mc) din the thes ren FC) of des 1\nCompan techon megaphone: a erate tan abet\ntreguld Ferns of rma an ate te\nri ain! m8 pa hey on ne md\nmeal of roel tases nt abet sey 0} Cray ore fal Ss\nrete paring actin n he mca fr rand Gen aoe ny ed be)\niw othe mas St ete 0 cre tart The\noe ga ee aang eae ee ae sens oe ee ens", "Wistar rat GK rat\"\nTE OW Os\nLie i ' a\n\nih My) He AN ya\n\neh fy a a eA ae f\n‘ Ve eK\n\neh a et) ; 4\n\n7 Dy dais 4 A\n\nNe | So ib eh teat\ni; | eee S\nWistar rat ra ._—<= a>." ]
[ [ 117.64, 665.14, 477.63, 732.2 ], [ 123.87, 515.72, 471.4, 644.69 ], [ 117.64, 89.99, 477.64, 511.52 ] ]
[ 24136.97273946693, 42611.076898416504, 151750.08449686243 ]
[ 1, 1, 5 ]
[ "inhibitors (Fig. 1). Modeling studies suggest that the y-fluorine atom in the core of\naminoelfonylbydoxaile sed reidues appear to influence the relative potenele via\npecie nhbitor-pepidase interactions, including short Muorine-hydeogen contact,\nwithin the enzyme’s subpockets (Behrends et al. 2015).", "NO study MMS aCeNIRY In. VINO in disease, racholabeled MNES Nanctioning a8 racio-\nracers have been syathesied and evaluated by means of SPECT and PET. Unfort\nnately, most ofthe radiolabeled MMPIe suffer fom insult metabole instability,\nast excretory elinination and inaulicient target binding. Charscterstealy, the fst\nood clearance and therefore insulficient bioavalabilty of radiolabeled MMPI\nsased on a very efficient hepatobiliary tracer elimination (Matusiak et al. 2013).", "Te latroduction of urine atom|s) Into organic molecules is Known to influence their\npharmacokinetics, binding afte and lpopliity (Hagan, 2008; Purser etal. 2008\nBegud and Banset-Depo, 2008; Yamasaki etal. 2008; Gils eta. 2015 Huchet et\n2015; Meanwell, 2018) Thus, inkage of an addtional furine-comtaining funciona\nyoup in remote position tothe zine binding moiety might contbute to moe ecient\nnding of the intr inthe active center ofthe enzyme (eltends et al. 2015). More\nett could enhance the metabolic tablty and might retard heptablary eiinain\nsulting in abit ofthe clearance towards ior seal elimination due to change i\nophilty In addition, a radolabeled y-uorinated -aminohydroxamic acd coul\npssly represent an effective radiotracer or imaging MMP-2 and -9 wih improved\npharmacokinetic properties and overall target binding afinitis. Hence, the ain of ths\nwork Is the synthesis of a y-Muornated MMD-2 and -9 Inhibitor based on\n-alfonylaminohydronatie aid with an addinalfurine-containingaubttuent alla\nog \"E-radilbelng and evaluation of ts potential for the application aa radiaracer to\nsage MMP activity tn vivo.", "nL SATE RAE we RC MONFENPo Tee Apes, oF Ee, Senne sere <a\nyade, purchased fora commercial sources and used without further purieation unless\ntherwise specified All sir and molsure-sensitive reactions were performed unde\nugon atmosphere. Sokents were pured and deed analog to Merature methods\nwhere necessary. The malting points (mp) ate uncoeected and were determined in ex\nnillary tubes on a Stuart Scientific SMPS capillary melting point apparatus. Column", "Faia Reh Some iee ote ae enue en een enrages\nshareon oh 1957. Scccrmfinn at al 2000, Bohweech ato. 2015)", "", "Methods", "General methods and chemistry" ]
[ [ 117.64, 243.82, 477.61, 297.53 ], [ 117.65, 300.73, 477.63, 382.38 ], [ 117.63, 385.63, 477.67, 594.66 ], [ 117.64, 654.5, 477.59999999999997, 736.15 ], [ 117.64, 87.91, 448.33, 109.67 ], [ 117.64, 111.81, 477.66999999999996, 222.42000000000002 ], [ 117.64, 624.94, 157.82999999999998, 636.73 ], [ 117.64, 640.4, 245.8, 650.84 ] ]
[ 17400.797980864998, 28785.377619937295, 71640.69569525914, 29389.150801041164, 6186.4763837872015, 39821.94017498309, 473.9878410999954, 1338.2340435700607 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2 ]
[ "EE\nraegles for presenting a aysterate review. Two tl\nwere found that offered promising res but reported\ndy quality was United due to thi al samples and\nprtispants tat were dravm Gorn a convenience spl\nfisted wth the Cochrane Callboraton [1,15]. At\nsul, we found no studies tha rigaouely evahted the\nnp of diferent formas for systematic revs with nd", "Ne Geveloped’ two shortened’ systematic review lormats to\nhance thet use In cial dca eaking that cold be\nore 3s companion product to a fullength s)stematic\neven. The prtatypes were developed sing ira\nvce ncding a mapping execs, a erie evaluation,\ned cla content review which was follawed by fc\nrope and wat testing with lias [1618 In de\na asst thee shortened fora, an online randomized\ncontroled tal & planned 19 make comprsons to a ful\nJeng systema eiew where the purpose a the ul scale\naedocied controlled ral wil be to determine the pac\ntwo distinct shortened sistema reve formats con\npared with 2 traditional fallength presentation of a ss\n\neat revew on generalist physicians understanding of\nence andthe ability to apy to a patient ina lina\nscenario. The peimary outcome wil be the proportion o\nSnslans who appropriately aply the evidence fon each\nsystematic review format tothe paint in the clea sce\naro ae metsured by agreement with an expert pls rc\nonendaton, and the secondary outcome wil be the\npoportion of dinans who acciatly define the “linea\npot in” compared with Hat of an expert pand. Pot\ntudes are a inprtant precursor to false als and\nther evalatlons of interventions a they provide che op\n\nportunity to implement and test dhe context and cond\n\nsons of fill ndomized tal [9], The Medial Research\nCouncil (MC) framework provides a model to adres\nome of the inticices in developing and eraluating com\nlex interventions [20) The updated 2008 MRC famewosk\n21] lfers focused atenton to early phase pling and\nsessment of feasblty(2]-I entiies that re-sale\nvaluations canbe undermined by dificalies suchas ac\n\n~pabllty, compliance, andthe delivery a the Intervention\n21], The ploting sage peonides the opportunity to «st\nate rates of rcrultment and rteton and calcul ap\npopte sample ss [21] To prepare forthe full-scale\nval, we conducted plot study. The purpose ofthe pot\nstudy so tet methods and procedres in order to refine\nios pepeees Set hr loner econ oie", "Se\nFie Seaieine woo eas", "i SgeRe OE: ee NRE EY Were Un tetrcenne Uae\neaubly of (1) aseting partipant’ anawers and C2)\nsorution putiiousis ian tase mame A wit", "Phere is Ho Toemal guidance for the reporting of pilot studies\njo eandomized conrad als however Thabane and ca\nagus [19] provide \"Recommendations fr Reporting the\nsulle of Pee Studies” adopted from the CONSORT\nstatement [23] dat are followed for this study (Additional\nfe 1). Two aerate systematic review formats wer deve\napd focusing on taking talons sptematc reviews\nshorter in length wea the sme ve mating exe\nfal nfo fr cial decson- making. This proces\ndescribed in previous publiations [16-18]. Heel,\nprototypes for two formats ofa shortened systematic\neview were developed in collaboration with human\nactors engineer bused on principles of user-centered\nJesign and included a mapping exercise to Identify ab\ntacles described by ciiclans in using clinical ev\nJence in decision-making. «heute evaluation ofthe\nprototypes, and a clinical content review of the re\nformatted reviews [16]. erative fos groups were then\nconducted inorder to line the faa of the ploype,\nfollowed by waht testing to tt the layout design, ad\nresentation dara inal sessions [17,18 The foes\ngroups and uslity testing were camplted with pear\nae physicians and relnerents were made la a ince\nental process, flowing each round of data callecion. A\nse stidy inched ia the fest shortened format 1\npresent contextualized information (ese-based. fora)\nnd the second shortened fonnatintegtes evidence and\nSinical expertise (eidence-expert format) This tert\nevelopment proces ented component erent of the\nyout and placement of information resulting in tempat\nor each ofthe shortened frat As a seal tempi\nwere Mentied that canbe used wit idvidal ate\nenarmapahenteiptnonkermsivn", "ee See eee eee 2s\nhe pt tiny fromm a tof rece published epsterat\n‘eviews supplied by the Health Information Unit at", "BZ measure independent reviewers agreement of\nrespondent answers with a kappa state of 60\n‘or greater. Values of kappa between 040 and 059\nhave been considered to reflect fr agreement,\nbetween O60 and 0:74 to reflect god aprement\nand 075 of move ta reflect excelent agreement [22\n\n2. To ecru toa of 5 physicians for participation\nwithin month tine frame,\n\n3 To have 280 of participants who started the plot\nstudy eead the systematie review and complete the\n‘questions elated tothe linia senaeio within a\ntae,", "Objectives", "Methods", "Description of pilot study" ]
[ [ 56.69, 88.54, 290.53999999999996, 195.44 ], [ 56.69, 196.54, 290.6, 663.42 ], [ 304.72, 88.54, 538.58, 111.42 ], [ 56.69, 700.48, 290.56, 735.4300000000001 ], [ 304.72, 304.54, 538.6500000000001, 699.4300000000001 ], [ 304.72, 700.53, 538.64, 735.43 ], [ 312.72, 124.58, 537.9300000000001, 267.46999999999997 ], [ 56.69, 688.54, 98.24, 698.98 ], [ 304.72, 279.4, 344.91, 291.19 ], [ 304.72, 292.54, 407.07000000000005, 302.98 ] ]
[ 22450.656494305877, 108036.21733518131, 3749.9310659827897, 8172.440177217941, 91604.88446288183, 8066.351652502548, 26942.25460688444, 433.845293665654, 473.9878411000245, 1068.7427189178998 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "where is geographically Close to the South China Sea.\nThe ation suggest hat Lujan aan night feed cope\nnods, shrimpe and inall pelagie fishes in coral ecosystem.", "ratty acid’ signature Tas been increasingly used’ to study\nhe diet of ¢ umber of marine species. The peseal\ndy suggests that dit ofthe coral fish species Lada\nnus luianns changed in acordance with growth. Fur\nhermore,diferences sity aid peas night not jst\npe considered wih respect to the dit, but might be\npased on the hablat and migration. Further studs ae\nneeded to study for various organises in oral ecoys\nmusing fatty ach signature for understanding Ife his\nocr ond eculces delete $a the comel See eaclon", "sonadlosomadic tne (St) Hor each leh was colcued\nsth tn seme", "Ai Specimens of the Digeye snapper Cutjanus lutjanus\nwere cillected atthe Bidong Island in the South Chin\nSea, Malaysia (0537 12\" N, 1030412\") between 27\nsnd 28 October 2013 (Figure 4). Bidoag Ishnd located\nff Terengganu State on the east coset of Penineula\nMalaysia, Known fr is well-developed coral ret ecoeys\nJems thal support variety af coral and rocky reef aso\ndated fishes [10]. AU shes were collected by means of\nih taps and hook and line. After collecting, ll fishes\nweze immediately stored in ice chest, brought buck 1\naboratory, were kept in 20 feeze. Fatty acid ana\nyses were conduct within one month after sampling.\nA toll of 45 fish samples were measured in total length\nTL), Body weight (BW), and each sh was dissected i\nder to determine er and gonad weights (Tale 1). I\nhe present study, hes were categorised as ether ara\ndum of large acording to thei ses Table 1) Sto\nee eth Sek ce rice De fs mt ec", "Liver samples of Lujenme iajaunr wire ensiyeed for\ntty seid compostion fllowing the ane sep method\n9-1] Liver samples were combined to frm pooled is\nse simples for each size group. The sample ses o\nsmall, medium and large groups were tvee, seven and\na, respectively (Table 2 Each Wer sample was med\nvith dtl of hexane (Merck, Germany) and 1 al of i\nema standard solution ina 50m centrifuge tube. After\n1dding 2 ml of 14% BES in methandl, the tube was\nshed with nitrogen gas. The capped tube was hested\nna hotplate at 10°C for 120 mi. One ml of hexane\nvas added followed by 2 ml of dstled water. The tbe\nwas then shaken vigorously for 1 min and centrifuged\nMSE Haveer 15/80, MSE Ltd United Kingdom) fo\nSinan at D0 epi", "Samples were then analysed using a tn) AGE he.\nShimazu, Japan. Separation was peeformed with an\nFFAP pola capllry column (30m 032 mum ine\nameter, 0.25 mln thickness). Hydrogen Was used 36 3\ner gas. AMler injection a 6, the oven temperature\nvat raed to 19°C at rate 40°C mi then to 24°C a\nC min and aly held constant foe 30 min. The fare\nrization was held’ at 240°C. Peaks were Mente by\ncomparing thee eetenton tines with those of authentic\nstandards (Supelco Inc, Sigma Aldsich, USA). Fat acid\nvere designated at an pax, where i the number of\nbon atoms in the aliphatic chain, is the number of\njouble bonds and x is the poaition of the fst double bond", "gg ee — eee\net of Pentrauls Malaysia,", "| BSS", "Conclusions", "Methods", "Fish", "Patty acid analysis" ]
[ [ 56.69, 304.54, 290.53999999999996, 339.44 ], [ 56.69, 364.52, 290.55, 483.42999999999995 ], [ 304.72, 304.53, 538.5500000000001, 327.40999999999997 ], [ 56.69, 520.51, 290.55, 735.43 ], [ 304.72, 400.49, 538.5600000000001, 579.41 ], [ 304.72, 580.51, 538.6600000000001, 735.43 ], [ 62.7, 264.54, 517.8100000000001, 283.56 ], [ 56.69, 90.33, 538.5799999999999, 259.9 ], [ 56.69, 351.4, 111.6, 363.19 ], [ 56.69, 495.4, 96.88, 507.19 ], [ 56.69, 508.54, 72.59, 518.98 ], [ 304.72, 388.52, 377.95000000000005, 398.96 ] ]
[ 8112.632958178176, 27375.05562210735, 3338.8773959408863, 50249.258184293285, 39981.804950259626, 36132.396497350186, 4975.370575970679, 81713.42789890981, 647.5971241600055, 473.98784110001, 166.00634797482053, 764.7243824126781 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Re eal WEIS EM fae tereanee! ny to EMr\n2.6%) stimulation. In women, only Blue stimulation\nyoked increase in MEV in the RMCA (26%) and\nIMCA (22%),", "One MANOVA was applied to MEY dats set 80 assess\nferences between measurements in the RMCA and\nLMCA in men and wormen, with a2 x 5 x 2 design\nwo lees of GENDER (Men and Women), ve levels of\nSTIMULATIONS, (Dark, Light, Blue, Yellow, and Red)\nund two levels of ARTERY (RMCA and LMCA). The\nMEV was analyzed a che dependent varable, There was\n| main effect of GENDER, F198) = 65:4, MSE = 68166,\np< 0.0001. There was 4 main elfect of STIMULA.\nTIONS, A376) = 56, MSE = 1117, P< O01. Ther\nwh 0 mala eet of ARTERY, P = NS. However, there\nwat STIMULATION x ARTERY interaction, F376) =\n83, MSE = 596, P < 0.05.", "PAS Si Semenreirs te Caveman Spec\nJensity plots for each artery during Dark, Light, Blu\nand Yellow stimulations in men (Figures 2A-B) and\nwomen (Fgutes 2C-D), respectively In general oral\ntimulations in bath ron and women there were thre\npeaks designated as fundamental (F-pea), coral (C\npeak) nd subcortical (S-pea), which occured at eeu\nar fequency intervals ofthe fest (0.125 Ha), second\n0.25 Ha) and third (0375 Hz) harmonies, respectively\nGiven the differentisl MEV response in men and\nwomen, the spectral density estimates for men and\nwomen were analyzed separately, to uncover changes 3\nvertical and subcoetical peake", "Eat Shiene, eae 6 Rraieaey Ok aubcOkeen Pee 6 Be\nhigher than cortial peaks in men. There was 4 man\nlect of STIMULATIONS, FU,24) = 12, MSE ~ 11586,\nP <OO1. These was no main elfet of ARTERIES, P~\nNS. There was 4 REGIONS » STIMULATIONS inter\nion, FA24) = 48, MSE = 31945, P<OOI. There wis no\nREGIONS x ARTERIES interaction, P= NS, There wi\n, STIMULATIONS x ARTERIES interaction, F24) =\n17, MSE = 7397, P ct. Thee was a Uee-way intr\nsion, REGIONS » STIMULATIONS » ARTERIES, F\n424) = 476, MSE = 25392, P <DOL. Figures 3(A-D)\nhows the plat of means ofthe three-way interaction of\nhe spectral denuity estimates for all study conditions at", "A MANONA With repeated measures was applied to\npects density estimates in a 2 x 5 x 2 design two\nevel of REGIONS (Corteal, Subcortia, fie levels o\nSTIMULATIONS (Dark, Light, Blue, Yellow and Red)\nund two levels of ARTERIES (RMCA and LMCA). I\nsen, tare wus no aisle ofect of MEGIObE, Fb", "pagure 2 (0-0) displays the conventional overtaid spectral\nark Ugh le an Yellow im men igure 24 nd\nSe lac ieth cae,", "Figure 3 (4:0) shows the plot of means of the thseway\ntraction of he seca deraty estimate or al tay\nons 2 pecan Sens ken Figure 3h and\ntine oe Dh mepesaly", "elete 7 Been 68 endl Perma Gonteets of ley\nchanges during Visual Simulations from Dark Basen", "", "", "i" ]
[ [ 56.69, 301.96, 290.56, 348.66999999999996 ], [ 56.69, 349.75, 290.57, 504.12 ], [ 56.69, 505.15, 290.59000000000003, 659.52 ], [ 304.72, 332.18, 538.6500000000001, 486.55 ], [ 56.69, 660.6, 290.61, 731.23 ], [ 310.96, 268.07, 532.3299999999999, 307.03 ], [ 310.96, 686.97, 532.37, 725.9300000000001 ], [ 56.69, 88.06, 281.34000000000003, 120.21000000000001 ], [ 56.69, 122.36, 290.55, 282.74 ], [ 304.72, 89.99, 538.58, 263.52 ], [ 304.72, 518.76, 538.58, 682.47 ] ]
[ 8823.555822736293, 34484.12331124465, 34681.625026857946, 36097.28340747673, 16420.321376882493, 7190.336030792911, 7296.938385700807, 5398.009977602749, 37507.22533965568, 40580.616834000044, 38284.46756531997 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5 ]
[ "Table 1 Immunology genes modulated by IGKV3-20 at 24 h", "Doweregulted fleft) asd upregulated (ght) genes.", "aoe 0 Sew eel ere ae ea\n\na\n\npnt Co Chemokine car? aria ADORE Adare Ansgar\n\nso CIR Campa far ep 012 kmh ao\n\npias Caine sa 18k be\n\nusr C8 Gyeeme 2 tapenade S024 LR Teper ano\n\n70 ay gehen 2 Dasa km 2 ep, aa\n\nese FAH Furano ene SHED nk 6\n\nused FHP Fatman «STREAK ear?\n\nnee FUCA Fuse phat te 295120 MMOT Mara mealapepcie?\n\n5074 FD Fuse pha pena «120 NPN ne\n\nUs GTA cpt ape Dosn74 NB? Re cc apse pepe ene\nSiig taupe Inde pss\n\nmnie GN Gal, owe oa Pope eta\n\nos HSE Het oh esr7s Pc Pegdn reap\n\nise HAGMAN a Od Dan274 16S? Psapp me?\n\nicin NGPA HC a LP at mss Soo? Spouse rate?\n\naM NORA HC aw OR eat EAP TN abode on\n\nseis Htc eens + Darr? REREB TN cp ipety Ib\n\nem UKEP Iain dg pte SMS TAF TNF capri ment\n\neee GRD amg tn? ess TRAP TN epanace fe\n\npsoi2 GK agin aS\n\nust RCI Hana mentonC ype\n\nMON SRI Naoopage eee\n\npm MAGA Nacnconrmndne 2\n\nmn NER Nga tale or\n\nya Matalin\n\nou TRS ———_Tolitbercapcr" ]
[ [ 56.69, 88.37, 296.98, 98.68 ], [ 56.69, 722.33, 214.07, 730.2 ], [ 56.69, 100.82, 538.5799999999999, 720.76 ] ]
[ 2476.217304000049, 1239.367526240443, 298741.9926677306 ]
[ 1, 1, 4 ]
[ "ponsuitadon) and stall type (eg. Gl practice nurse,\netal hel aurse,dstict nurse) and then assigned an\nerage costs listed in the Unit Cost of Health and So\nial Care 2010 from the Personal Social Services Re\ncach Unit (PSSRU) [31], Where average cost pee hou\nvas the oalycost published inthe Unit Costs af Health\nind Socal Care, the UK GP workload survey [22] wa\ntse in order to determine the average length of the\nconsultation. From ths ire, the average cast per com\n‘idlan could Ve clea", "ee ee oe oe a eee\nsdmisions. From the care pathway outline inthe NICE\nidelines for ADHD, we would not expect patients to\npe routinely adnited to hosptal as a dee eesult of\nheir ADHD [16]. However, chile and adolescents\nvith ADHD may be mone prone to other problems se\ntring adknloslon ouch in wecldaete we eattoeen Thad", "L shales palice miasraenesqambmirie tareselabtediat and\npocesed into Healthcare Resource Groupe (HRGS) ising\nHIG-+ grouper [23], The HRGs were then matched to\nNHS Reference Coss 2009-2010 [3] It was not possbl\n2 diferente between electhe or emergency diy-as\njdlaions from the dat avilable, and ao costs wer\nseraged by ratio of ech admission type. Dats on proce\nues were not avalale snd 40 all costs were inated by\n175 the average diference between procedural and\nnon-procedural admissions.", "pres Xe Coenen Ae Se eee oe ee\nes sala Bemduns chasactacielins um diated ic he", "EE? cance with ADHD and 7427 matched control par\nsens were enti in CDRD (Table 1). The mean age a\nJagnoala was 10.4 (ad 59) years for cases and 10.4 (61)", "i Ney Nine, ean, Neicisierice, Oe ee erent Bene\nages was 69 cases per 100.000 population (perk\nFigure 1). This peaked in 2007, with 122 eases perl00k\nan increase af 78%). Overall, the incidence of diagnosed\nADHD had fallen by 200 to BS per00k (an increase of\n28% reve to 1999, The idence of diagnosed ADHD\na chdren and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years incensed\norm 383 pert in 1998 to 780 pert0 (10145 increase\nsig 1998 as a eeference) in 2007 before decreasing t\n9,7 per 100k (52% increase rom 1938) a 2010 (Figure Ib)\na 1998, the incidence of ADD was 10 tines Hager i\nales than in females fr patents age 6 to 17 years bu\nnly ve ties higher in 2010. The incidence eaten adults\nvas much lower than for pallens aged 6 to 17 years and\nnezeased from 0.2 per100k in 1998 to 1.1 pert00k (3938\nzeae rom 198) 2008 before fling to 09 per00k\n86%) in 2010 (Figure 1) For alls, he incidence rat\nmals ws 1 tines higher than in eas 198 bt\naly 1.1 times higher ia 2008, The lacidence of tested\nADHD was 48 perl00k in 1998 and reached 2 peak of\n118 pertO0k (145%) in 2007 (igure 2} before decreasing\n10 1011 peri00k (109%) in 2010,", "cone verah Prevalence (and percentage Change using\n1998 as the reference) of dagnosed ADHD increased\nrun 305 perlO0k kn 1988 to 889 per100K (1928) in\n2007 (Figure. 3a). The pretalence then fell to 815\nper 100k (167%) in 2009 (Figure 3a). The dlagnosed pee\nlence of ADHD was much higher in children aged 6\n2 17 years than in adults. However, the prevalence in\naries tc ete pices batman 1608 und SOOT. ba 2958", "Figure 4 Distribution of healthcare costs im the first year following index date", "ie", "Hospital admissions", "", "of diagnosed ADHD\nIncidence and prevalence of diagr" ]
[ [ 56.69, 88.54, 290.55, 207.45 ], [ 56.69, 232.54, 290.52, 315.45 ], [ 56.69, 316.5, 290.62, 435.40999999999997 ], [ 304.72, 88.54, 538.5500000000001, 111.42 ], [ 56.69, 460.5, 290.6, 495.45 ], [ 304.72, 136.5, 538.6700000000001, 399.41 ], [ 304.72, 400.51, 538.5600000000001, 495.44 ], [ 62.7, 719.38, 334.99, 728.49 ], [ 56.69, 515.3, 538.5799999999999, 714.6999999999999 ], [ 56.69, 220.54, 136.48000000000002, 230.98 ], [ 56.69, 447.43, 89.27, 459.22 ], [ 304.72, 124.55, 489.30000000000007, 134.99 ] ]
[ 26428.387050334655, 19241.43031590688, 26240.03453799477, 5307.217050250911, 8174.687873248127, 60202.28177748015, 22100.965640508104, 2481.165286033589, 96088.66679275548, 833.2116068404721, 384.2192571499909, 1927.4412966945965 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Sopttved quintile G.3% in 1993 to 3.3% i 2010) and\neatest forthe least deprived quintile (3.6% in 1993 19\n7.1% in 2012) (Figure 3),", "residing in the least deprived quintile increased) across the\nuy period (PR: 1.25, 98% CL 220 1.29 in 2008-2012\nceed win: 13-0071 Chie).", "ieepreicihhiaetpal stars: dacaeiemreemanerdvaienn adhere\ndenis being inthe oldest age group (ver 85 yeas increased\nover the study piod (PR: 1.43, 95% CL 1.39 10 148 in\n2008-2012 compa with 1999-1997) Among decedents\nwith caper conditions, ivepancreatc cancers increased\nmast ovr de time potiod (PR: 1.34, 98°C. 1.3010 138i\n2008-2012 compaed with 1993-1997), However, the bis\n\ngst increase Was for nocancer condition (PR: LAL, 98%\nCl: 1.37 to 146). The likelihood of hospice decedents", "This population-based study of inpatient hospice deaths\nnas shown that bah the absolute and elative numbers of\npople dying i inpatient hospices in England increased\nprice 1998 and 2012, though numbers remain Low with\nust 6.0% ofall deaths in 2012 occurring in an inpatient\nhospice. Although there has been a recent increase in the", "eee ee Ne a ee ae MAGSIS), 1993-1997 (08 97.523),\n1998-2002 (n= 11 1.248), 2003-2007 (n= 1 14,842) and 2008-2012 (n= 123,202). ’", "", "aes 8 oe ae Nolen WM\nen ruts 506 49les 50S su287 S06 S899 Soy sis, «so\nrset (30) 699 (124) — 99125) mare)\nyer)\nhae soup (er)\nSine soles Bauman, 7B wD 77 90 el\nGauoinsnim! 98492 «19920552211 22453104 AI? IT ATS\nTae wa 197 21m aa 10) 21388— tw 214807\nee a7 196 200% © 206 0 199 Ale 9S N00 a\nwe sia 205 i971 203. 379 aa HssT— 206 25703208\nSe ea eras) 98 1698917521329 92, 28020309212", "Discussion" ]
[ [ 62.36, 582.75, 297.55, 617.82 ], [ 313.01, 582.75, 548.17, 617.82 ], [ 62.36, 618.75, 297.54, 725.8199999999999 ], [ 313.02, 654.75, 548.21, 725.8199999999999 ], [ 62.36, 69.05, 528.66, 90.05 ], [ 62.36, 554.77, 137.3, 564.06 ], [ 62.36, 94.05, 545.67, 548.3 ], [ 313.02, 634.51, 371.64, 648.66 ] ]
[ 6652.2332999999635, 7205.221199999796, 24974.324100000318, 16712.386799999513, 7972.076184468198, 696.0055679999932, 219542.2956, 829.3557599999476 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2 ]
[ "GP stated that (s)he “wouldn't normally prescribe dis\noot tne welt oon”", "Second, there war controversy Shoat whedher ACK\nJhould be prescribed in primary cate in this age group,\nvith one saying (he “usually not prescribe for chit\nren” and another saying (s)he avoided orstat\"wheve\nposible.” Meuformin wat wed elther “on advice of\nspecialist only.\" or had specialist follow-up after initiation.", "Thied, CFs noted comcem shout the eilicacy of these\ndays “Inadequate counseling” lack of dg availability\nud patient compliance (eleatly patient yas Hot able to\nSema\") wears lorpiePhadlenl tauren loc Saetiedtineme,", "Sixty-two GPs wanted improved support, primarily split\nita two nisin chemnes. Ft, they requested improved\nagetelated guidance for prescribing AOD that i \"teal\n\nst’, with ‘clear [and] concise’ advice including “ow\ndiagrams’ and ‘stepwise advice” This would include\n\nstructions on asessment prior to initiation, indication\nindications, containdications, monitoring, safety adie,\nduration, targets and indications for stopping weatment\n\nSecond, they wanted improved guidance for managing\npatients with obesity, namely advice about. Wexye\n\nmanagement and deta of available interventions. GPs\nrequested details of “non-drug weatments” including\ncommunity support for adolescents” and “special clini\nor monitoring and support of patients” One GP high\n\nghted that “nowarug Weatments need to be key along\n\nie ewe oeeaee”", "Tels bs detailed cade of primary core prescciing\nof AODs in CXP at the individual patient level Suna\nnumbers of prescriptions were ised in this age group,\nwth most practices surveyed prescribing just a single\nAOD to acid of young person. However, lear patterns\nwere detected that can help guide preseribing of current\nand future generations of AODs.", "major prescribing patterns were seen: arilseat was\nargely initiated independently to those over 15 years,\nsnd metformin was largely recommended by special\nsts to girls with either poljeyse ovarian syndzame or\nsturbances in glucose homeostasis. Comparison with\nNICE guidelines for orlistat showed lowe compliance\nvith national prescribing recommendations, namely\now prevalence of camorbidides and drug initiation\nwithout specialist advice. Given that most orlistat\nprescriptions were for thoae above 16 years, it could be\nhypothesised that thove aged 16 years and over were\nreated as adults, with drugs prescribed in line with\nadult guidelines that do not necesitate presence of\nsencruiitien", "Recipients oF om ACK) were largely female, with\nwo-thirds (65%) of the sample aged 16 or aver. Two", "Our Radings sagment the very limited existing data\n‘lating to AOD rates of inilation and cessation’ and\nexperiences of XP presctibedan AOD.’ A paired study\nby our research eam investigating patient experiences\nof AODs found high levels of side effets low levels of\nprofesional support managing these side effects, and\nslimately families deciding to stop the AOD due to\nthe disadvantages of the side effects outweighing the\nperceived benefits of the drugs.” This conteasts with\nndings fom tis study where no patients actively\ndiscussed sde effect profiles with their GPs, and GPs\nbeing aware of side effects in only two patients. This\nsnudy docs not explsin the disconnect between the\nexperiences of patients and clinicians, and further\nwork should exatnine ways vo support families so they\nie able to eflectively manage the side effects of these\n‘rugs.", "GPs reported low confidence in prescribing AOD to\nCYP, despite high evelsof confidence when prescribing\n0 adults, This fits with findings from our paired\ndy, which showed that families notice this unease\npritary care, and which can result in heightened\njunilial concerns about AOD usage.’ GPs reported 4\ndesire for improved guidance on drug initiation and\nmonitoring, and on lifestyle interventions, implying", "rigure 4 Festogram summarising generat practitioner confidence in prescribing antlobesity drug to children and young people\nset and odulta Gott),", "‘ua.’ fl", "DISCUSSION" ]
[ [ 42, 263.71, 290.99, 287.49 ], [ 42, 287.71, 291, 359.49 ], [ 42, 359.71, 291, 407.49 ], [ 42, 407.71, 291, 599.49 ], [ 42, 634.55, 291, 718.3299999999999 ], [ 306.89, 263.71, 555.9, 435.13 ], [ 42, 718.55, 291.02, 742.3299999999999 ], [ 306.88, 435.63, 555.91, 643.89 ], [ 306.88, 644.39, 555.9, 742.13 ], [ 42, 217.52, 554.94, 239.08 ], [ 113.32, 48.8, 481.96, 214.16000000000003 ], [ 42, 622, 90.52000000000001, 633.85 ] ]
[ 3972.278639999975, 17701.02720000001, 11695.140000000014, 45675.24367999984, 19581.237359999912, 40390.36441999953, 5813.395380000002, 49035.272461785935, 24227.157263998874, 6416.024191948469, 60958.30768008006, 574.9620000000141 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2 ]
[ "ey enperties To pases the eicacy of coamputed tomogapy £1) in aeelusing peients with pancesti", "Seta We User & Rapective melee Of pil Eakin Peers SCATINRN > Wap Chae Mieco\nCenter fom January 2004 1 June 2006, Every patients underwent abdominal CT scan in emergency depariment\nandthe CT scans wee obzained witha foursice heleal CT. Dagnosis ofa panceatic injury i these patents wa\nBy surgical observation o by CT findings Raciogaphie pancreatic injunes were casiled as deep superical\nsion Deep lesans were dened ar the hematomas or lacratone >S0 thickness ofthe ances. Supe\nesions were described asthe hematomas or lacerations <SU thickness of the pancreas, pancreatic edema; and\ntocol fui sccurruletion wound te pencees", "Results: Ninetzen patients with pancrestic trauma, fourteen males and five females, average age 40:6: 21.4 years,\nwere included. Most patents (737%) with pancreabe trauma had associated organ injuries CT was performed in al\npatents and laparotomy in 14 patents. CT was 72% seneve mn detecting pancesti rauma, All deep pancreatic\nsons revealed on CT requted sugcal westment and complcaton was dscovered in two patents undergong\ndelayed surgery. Superficial lesions were managed conservatively.", "emer a ee ee oe ea Cee roa Peed Tepe 2) Fae, Dee tees Teepe OUNaE.\nDelayed operation might result in complications and Is associated with prolonged hospital stays", "Pamcneetic trams Se TRCHRMRON RAM BLOT TEHNELA SE\nscons have lite experience in managing the condition\n12}, To complicated matters, most patients with pa\nreal trauma have concomitant injures, [2] which fe\nquently obscure the symptoms of pancreaue tau and\ndetract the attention af the trtma surgeon. Serum\ntylae and lipase tents have been proved either sens\nsve nor specifi [A]. Maccover, the pancreas deeply\ncated i the retroperitoncur and there ae difficulties\nsing physical examination, sonography and diagnostic\nsesaa looms te lnesliete Oe wo [LEA", "organ injuries require CT imaging. However, the reliability\nCCT in detecting pancreatic trauma ie atill debated [7-9]", "Norse Computed’ tomography scanning (.') is cur-\nently the most useful tal in evaluating patients who\npave sustained torso trauma. The majrity of stable\nauma patients with a high auspicion of intra-abdominal", "REAE ns eco Eee WO aneee. ie eeicacy OF Coe\nsvauating patients with pancreatic trauma and examine\nnow CT findings influence the management of thew\nvetionte,", "7 us sttidy was approved by the institutiona® ieview\nBoard of Chi-Mei Medial Center. We performed 3 ee\noapective chart review inal blunt trauma patient\nsited to Chi-Mel Medial Center from aly 2003 t\nSeptember 2006. Papers and electonle medical seco\nwere searched by the five authors to ently the eases\nof pancreatic injury. Diagnosis af a pancreatic injury i\nhese patents was by surgical observation (14 patents)\no by CT findings (5 patents). Every patients underwent\nibdorninal CT scan in emergency department and the\nCT sean were obtained with a helical CT(Four Sic:\nHliSpeed CT, GE). All patients received intravenous", "wmeh—x", "Wei-Jing Lee, Ning-Ping Foo, Hung-Jung Lin, Yen-Chang Huang, Kuo-Tai Chen:", "The efficacy of four-slice helical CT in evaluating\npancreatic trauma: a single institution experience", "Abstract", "introduction", "Methods" ]
[ [ 63.16, 237.73, 506.32000000000005, 260.9 ], [ 63.16, 264.69, 526.2, 347.58 ], [ 63.16, 351.38, 532.1, 410.34 ], [ 63.16, 414.12, 521.02, 437.27 ], [ 56.69, 471.98, 290.58, 602.4200000000001 ], [ 304.73, 460.02, 538.59, 482.85999999999996 ], [ 56.69, 603.51, 290.55, 650.22 ], [ 304.73, 483.94, 538.6, 530.7 ], [ 304.72, 555.66, 538.62, 698.06 ], [ 56.69, 683.6, 274.73, 700.94 ], [ 56.69, 180.43, 390.78, 192.85 ], [ 56.69, 118.88, 532.1700000000001, 171.69 ], [ 63.16, 219.34, 101.58, 231.09 ], [ 56.69, 458.92, 114.02, 470.67 ], [ 304.72, 542.6, 344.83000000000004, 554.35 ] ]
[ 5323.475529857038, 34401.40718251583, 25037.57540429989, 9821.051100558368, 30034.55368289957, 5306.787601513788, 10824.8876738752, 8449.04627738474, 33297.97862825915, 2806.1783677348867, 4148.664458058833, 24876.847119191138, 451.4047874087046, 673.5927318320755, 471.3099529762403 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Seaustica! anayss. 'npaired’ i-tests were perlormed using\nMicrosoft Excel to determine the statistical significance\nof quantified data. Resuls ae preseated asthe mean of\nnce individual experiments with standard err of\nmean (SEM) and p value < 0.05 considered significant.", "2O wet 5 SGN microspheres We perlormed’ @ one-step\nethanol immersion method, Ethanol was added to TIPS\nmicrospheres suspended in serum-supplemented cell\nculture medium. ‘The sinking of microspheres in\nmedium was wed 38 an indicator of wetting. as prvi\nously described 2?", "Milcrospheres were wetted with 2270 {viv}, Wve (viv)\nand 100% industrial methylated pits containing 9%\nethanol) over 30 min, 3 h and 24 time periods, under\nstandard culture editions (37°C, 3% COs, 95% humid\niy). We obsred thit_microsphere preweting. was\ndependent on ethanol concentration and the length\nGOmin, 3h and Mh) of the wetting procedure\nMicrospheres exposed t 70% (vs) and 100% ethan\nbecame immersc in medium containing 20% FES) afer\n3h, but thos expose o 35% y) ethano required 24\nbefore they were completely submerged (Figure 2).", "ee ee ee\nwetting can be mexifed to various extents by altering\ncanal concentrations and exposure times with thi\nwlvent. To our knowledge, our study is the fst to\nShow that dose- and time-dependent exposure 1 eth\nsai eum be peed 1o wet PLGA TRS ecbronceres,", "See ea ee ee ee is\nhydrophilation of hydrophobic polymers.\" We\ntherefore, investigated the correlation between Serum\nprotein adsorption and wetness of PLGA TIPS micro\nspheres. Microsphetes wore incubated with 38% (7)\nor 70% (vs) ethanol in medium containing 2%, 10%\nand 20% serum (FBS).", "crosperes Decame compiciely SUDMerECe in ve\n(uy) and 10% (4x) FBS preparations (with 70%\nethanol fr wetting after 3h, But those exposed 10 29% (\n») FS became immersed in medium after 24h (Figure\n3.) After 3 himicrosphers exposed to 20% (/¥Jor 10%\nvi) FBS adsorbed similar amounts of peotsin approxi\nmately 24g total protein} and a signifcandy lower\n(p= 0.05) amount of protein approximately 14s tua\nprotein) ws adsorbed to those exposed 0 2% (s/s) FBS\n(Figure 3b). Under conditions applying 38% (vv) eth\nnol that allowed only partial wetting of microspheres\nmicrospheres di not sink after 3h (Figure 4). Instead\nter 24h proportion of microspheres treated with 2%\nFBS and 35% or 70% ethanol Bocane submerged, bu\nthe majority of thowe treated with 20% FBS including\n35% of 70% ethanol sank in medium (Figure 4),", "ope ae ee ee\nand those ated with 20% FBS-+38% cthanol\nidsorbed similar amounts of serum” prosins\n(Figure 5). By contrast after 3 incubation, micro\nspheres weated with 20% FBS + 70% ethanol adsorbed\nnificantly greater (p= 001) amounts of serum pro-\ncin than those treated with 20% FBS + 35% ethanol\nmaapweting thet the inssenaed wotuem of micreaphese", "Se cece ter at oc nee ee nee kee Oana th on Whee hen olatad Meera Ben On che, i oo Mab Reames og\nmum cantaning OX, 2% or 20% FAS and treated with 39% (9) or TOK wy) ethane! (ECON), for 30min 3 and 24h Arrows ad", "S08 AE\n20", "mesults", "WUOEINg Of Titan mECrospreres & enmance? Well\nexposure to increasing concentrations of ethanol", "serum protem coerpton to Fifah minapneres\naccelerates wetting" ]
[ [ 62.36, 297.62, 297.66, 355.21000000000004 ], [ 62.36, 429.15, 297.62, 498.7 ], [ 62.36, 500.93, 297.68, 630.1800000000001 ], [ 62.36, 632.4, 297.62, 701.9499999999999 ], [ 310.39, 333.51, 545.69, 415.03 ], [ 310.39, 417.25, 545.76, 606.31 ], [ 310.39, 607.13, 545.67, 701.95 ], [ 62.36, 256.9, 545.67, 287.28999999999996 ], [ 65.69, 68.61, 542.26, 246.26999999999998 ], [ 62.36, 378.61, 102.31, 389.8 ], [ 62.36, 396.39, 281.32, 421.65999999999997 ], [ 310.39, 300.75, 528.63, 326.02 ] ]
[ 13546.541528803646, 14456.604981896118, 29915.394836173626, 15998.706165849697, 17556.443109053886, 43975.119267957285, 22165.86720566172, 13745.098640183278, 84668.58064855004, 447.0835808138654, 5522.997133247904, 3667.338158066792 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "eet < eS ee ee ee ee\nanging fom “never” (nthe past 3 months) to \"daly o\nmost daly\", whereas Questions 6 and 7 use thee\ngory rating (\"no never’ “yes in the past 3 months\nyes bul notin the pas 3 months) The aa sere cl\nculated asthe aura of scones received for Questions 2\nthrough 7 inclusive, ie bound to measure one latent Cc\nothe specie substance invalverent score as defined\npy the ASSIST, here the cannabis involvement score.", "nis scare enabled’ us to identity three groups Of Can\nits eae", "a Ee ee Soca, Scences,\nSPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) and AMOS 19.0 (Analysis o\nMoment Stuctures SPSS Ine, Chicago, IL) software\nprograms were used to perform the statstieal analyse,\nThe dstibuton of se repoted canmabis use was com\nvared by type af survey using 4? teats,", "ee See ee ey ee eee\nthe Web survey by Cronbach alpha coelicient\ndely, «should be above 0:70, but ack mich higher\nnoe ae", "separately, from witch the conligural mode’ is derived.\nGiven that one of cur research questions concern\nmeasurement equivalence across groups, statistical ana\nses focus on configura Invariance and measurement", "ERE Ee Ey SECS PONE, WE HANG Ve\nteuctural equation modeling (SEM) procedure described\nby Jieskog [4]. Depending on the research question,\narching for group equivalence may imply 2 series of\nst performed in the following restrictive order: cong\nwal equivalence, measurement equivalence, and stu\nural equvalence, Confqural invariance tesing focused\nithe extent to which the number of factor and the\npattern of thee structure are sar between groups. I\nesting for measurement and structural invariance, we\njocused more specially an the extent to which param\ntre inthe metaurement and structural components of\nhe model are equivalent across groups [19-51) It\nwocth noting. however, thatthe determination of an ap\nvropeiate baseline model ie required foe each group", "A mendes goodness of St ly exomdned thacmgh various\nindices, a8 described below [52-54]:", "Changes In goodnen-cFi® mtatitice were 9p exam\nned to detect differences in the models. A sigan\nllference in values between nested models means\nhat all equality constants do ot hold across. the\nroups. Since the vatables are measured on an ordinal\nale with relatively few categorie and the values be\nween eategories are not equldstant, asymptote\nlistibutiorfee estimation instead of maximum lke\npood etination was used here as one ofthe sree\nip ucceamnadiae usa-usrmely Satineiea dan", "Sample size plays an important role in providing un-\npase parameter estimates and accurate mode infor\nmation. Bentler and Chou [55] recommended a rai o\nleast 5 of subjects to variables for noemal and ell\nscl dstubutions, and thre seems to be a general con\ncensus among researchers to adopt this ral, Howeves,\njor categorical or non-normal dstabuted variables, 3\nthe ease ere, lege samples are required than fo\ncontinuous or normaly disteibued variables, A eat o\nleast 10 subjects per variable for ths type af dstabu\nion is recommended [5556]. The sample in the curent\nstudy fulfila this requirement.", "© sample oF 1382 persons participated in the web stucy.\nwherets 150 persons fled in the PaP questionnaire. In\nhe Web survey, 1% of the participants were exclded\npecause of missing dal, leaving a sample size af 1366\natthe analysis There were no missing daa in the DaP\nmn", "“were were staristica 'y sign icant diberences between\nhe to groups forall ASSIST questions (Table 1), Par\nscipants rom the Web survey seored higher on all", "on nee ee ee ee ee\n‘expressed concern about your use of cannabis?\n\nQ7- Have you ever tried 0 cote cut dawn o top\n‘using eaneabie?", "=. PAE ER: ACRE ORL ie aE as Leow Tee,\nof ealth and other problems fom hse current\npattern of se\n\n- Moderate isk (core: 4-26): The ptipant is at\nrik of heath and oer peoblems em hier\ncurvent pattern of substance we.\n\n- Highs (Score =27): The partlpant sat ih ri\nof expevincing severe problems health, soi\nfancil, egalrelaionship seul of hither\n‘coun vaca af ans tcl lb Maly tobe degen:", "a. The x’ to degrees of freedom ratio (y'/dt)\n\n) The comparative ft index (CH)\n\nThe oot mean square eroe of approximation\n(RMSEA)", "Statistical analyses", "Evaluation of model fit", "Sample size considerations", "", "Cannabis use" ]
[ [ 56.69, 148.52, 290.6, 255.42000000000002 ], [ 56.7, 256.52, 290.5, 279.46 ], [ 56.69, 436.52, 290.53, 507.41999999999996 ], [ 56.69, 508.52, 290.53999999999996, 555.4399999999999 ], [ 304.72, 88.53, 538.5500000000001, 147.41 ], [ 56.69, 556.54, 290.59000000000003, 735.43 ], [ 304.72, 175.24, 538.47, 198.44 ], [ 304.72, 271.49, 538.58, 390.41 ], [ 304.72, 418.49, 538.58, 561.44 ], [ 304.72, 589.53, 538.58, 660.43 ], [ 304.72, 688.52, 538.58, 735.4399999999999 ], [ 64.69, 88.58, 278.51, 135.5 ], [ 64.69, 292.15, 288.22, 411.46 ], [ 312.72, 210.84, 509.80000000000007, 258.46 ], [ 56.69, 424.52, 131.43, 434.96 ], [ 304.72, 163.5, 396.44000000000005, 173.94 ], [ 304.72, 406.55, 412.79, 416.99 ], [ 304.72, 576.41, 337.3, 588.1999999999999 ], [ 304.72, 676.52, 357.64000000000004, 686.96 ] ]
[ 24692.134367349558, 3026.395316911774, 15632.375188279897, 8775.784405295039, 11493.827131923928, 41733.11633611703, 4358.823220520804, 27257.961963509675, 32093.671761202626, 14109.557596811093, 8450.687042569276, 7621.4632925911865, 21693.467570084147, 6547.914594409405, 780.4027578000823, 957.7644030264928, 1128.5069265193888, 384.2192571499618, 552.6051600005012 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Pe TIES SORSEEERE (WNOAES) hee Senet See\nity af herbaceous vascular pants (see Table 3) as com\npred to rest ofthe communities, despite the influence of\nsnthropogenie disturbances. Some factors like sil qual-\n1; forest product, Nat favorable topography, and\nwerlapping of diferent plant assemblages forming an\nscotone of evergieen coniferous fret and xed broad-\njeaved forest of the lower elevation region atibute for is\nich floristic diversity", "The coniierons wendiand, Abine—Jivediadinedres Com\nuit, she least species rch community (se Table 3)\nAdhikai (2005) reported that seeding establishment of\nhe dominant species, A. densa Griff, of this community", "Table 1 Classification of study plots", "etnies Mepatcecs Mnctientst Sedecriptes", "one Lindl. Jensiparns op. Mrededesdren op. end Ber-\nbers sp and herbaceous plats ke Fragaria dale\ntiana J.Gay, Primula spp, Gaulherateichopyla\nRoyle, and Arisaema lephas Buchel ate seen an is\nround Moos\n\nJuniperus Sera Comnmuniy (Pat 7-8)\n‘This fs small community forming above timber\nline vegetation (Figures 4, 50 Mainly composed\nof Juniperus recurve Buch Ham. ex D. Don and\n‘quamata Bch-Hamn. ex D.Don, tis tnaderatly to\nIighly scattered vegetation (Table 3). Gentana sp.\nand Rhodadendron nivale Hook. (are sine other\nCommon species found in such community\n\nt Rhododendron Krumsmhal Community (lot 9-10)\n‘The Rhdadendron heumoubole is another type of\ncommunity forming. abive timberline vegetation\nwith arch growth of bryophytes on ite ground fooe\n(Figure Se). Keammhols here is referred to a8 the\n‘crooked snd contorted forest formed by the effect of\nthe wind current (Figure Sd), It isa fey mined vege\ntation of sparse and dense dstibution of Rhodaden\ndion sp. Open grounds, gaps, and margins of such\ncommunity unuly have high diversity of herbs\neous vascular plats (Table 3)- Potent saute\n‘ana vat. eaesptosa (Lehn) Th. Wall Primula sp.\nBergen purpurascens (Hook. £ & Thomson) Ea\nOxygrapisendicheri (Walp) Bennet & Summ. Chan\ndraare same other taxa found inthis type of oma\niy\n\n5 Alpine meadow Community (Pot 11-12)\n“The Alpine Community (lo see Figures 4,5) of he\n“Merak Himalaya has a hgh diversity of eebaceous\nvascular plans (Table 3). This fag natural moun\nTain meadow fe mostly adoened by the abundant\ngrowth of PotentilacortandifoliaD. Don, Bistrta\nSpe Chanantlas macrocalyx subsp. spathuliflis\n(Nant) KK Shrestha, shrubby Rhododendron seo\nsum D. Don, and numerous species of unidentied\nesses", "1. Riverine community (Piet 1)\nSuch type of community usually occurs alongside\nthe versteams (Figures 3,4, 5a), where some of ts\npotion experiences severe flooding duting the heavy\n‘moasoun. ti composed of multiple micahabiats\nSuch 35 terse Serubs, open ground, and aquatic.\nterrestrial transition, Most common teeta plants\nadorning auch community are Senecio raphanfolas\nWall x DC, Rhododendron campylocarpur Hook,\n{, Rumes nepalents Spreng. Pedicularssiphonan\ntha D- Dos, snd Geranium spp. Mricaria rosea W.\nWS, Cardamine gif Hook. £& Thomson and\nEpilobium gous PH. Raven ste some aqualic-ter\nrest tation plats. Fragaria mubicola (Hook.\n£) Lindl ex Lacata and Anaplals spp. are among\nthe herbaceous plants chat occupy the open ground\nhabit\n\n2. Abies-Rhodadendron Connuniy (Pat 2-6)\n\n‘This type of community is eather restricted tothe\nwoodland habitat with sparsely occurring epiphytic\neens and dense bryophytes. Its maa composed of\n1 single tee species A. densa Grif—with high can-\n‘py and Rhododendron sp. as moderate accpants\nforming ts understory vegetation (Figures 4,5, 6)\nSuch vegetation is usally filly with slopes of 245°\n(lable 3. A very few species of sheubs like Rosa ser" ]
[ [ 304.72, 568.69, 540.9100000000001, 679.22 ], [ 304.72, 676.68, 540.88, 727.2099999999999 ], [ 56.69, 88.15, 199.34, 99.30000000000001 ], [ 56.69, 104.08, 290.55, 382.26 ], [ 312.73, 88.19, 540.9300000000001, 558.55 ], [ 64.69, 413.3, 292.89, 727.63 ] ]
[ 24139.824306531344, 11810.309987532906, 1590.6801110992928, 65055.54211552326, 94862.08609481156, 65053.36219554581 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3 ]
[ "The interactions saagng the pacnmneters on the geuczt\nil rejection and permeate Max in Ueee dimensional\nurfce plote and two dimensonsl contour plots ar\nee ks Fees § ad", "a a ee a\ncular weights of the antibiotics compounds, The best\njection wis oblalned for aml (936%), which has\nhigher molecular weight than ampilin (3654 g/moh.\nThere i consenas chat nonionazable orp oles with\nmolecular weights between 200 and 400 ginal at\nficiently rejected by RO/NF membranes [39,40}", "oe ee Sen Fe eee ee eee\nate fax and ejection. Higher x values were oblaned\n13 bar for appled amouein and ampicilin (1854\nLh, (Tables 3 and 4 far amon and ampiii,\nrespectively).", "eS es ee ee eee Soe\n13 bar would lad the fe to increase as we which was\nue to the soluton-dlifision model. Aso, the condensed\nmembrane increases the stale reitnce and then mor\nluts ae ejected 1] On the oer hand, Dx under the\nperimental conditions aso a fancion of a etention,\nthe read fons acute in the boundary lye of\nhe membeane where the concentration polarization efi\nsmposes a esate pressure and edu the effective\nving force scons the membrane [2], By increasing feed\nese, the diving frce wil increase and the overcame\nSercienss taldeun DAORARAM, a Gee ee eceecic", "MID respect to The experimental concliions used in this\nstudy, the Prue ( 0.00) showed thatthe pressure and\npH have significant eff on the rection of amoxil\nsed ampiclin indiduly, But all interaction llc\nmong the operating parameters inthis study were isi\ncant for selected anil rection. AS presented i\nTables (5 and 6), salu forall Iterations were high\nhain 0.", "Retention of ongenic pelltents in merabeane peper-\nlon processes depends on the characteristics of both\nmembrane and the pollutant [5] In addon, most of\nhe papers reviewed by Bellona etal. have showe tha\nhe transport of uncharged organic compounds through\nverse osmosis (RO) membrane s controled mainly by\nhe sieving mechanism (46. However, the rejection of\nhe uncharged orginie by RO/NF membranes ts often\nfaced by. physo-cherial properties of the system,\nand in the cae of fazed organics, the charge exclusion\nplays a significant cole in the rejection process [3839],\nThe sevngsnechaniam of solite rejection i dependent on\nhe reation between the sizeof sohte molecules and the\nine af the menbane pores An RO membrane as Vey\ncall molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) and lt can retain «", "ee eae\nslieins al pumimates:", "eS ee een PRO An! eee\nsthects of parameters", "", "", "" ]
[ [ 56.69, 427.28, 290.51, 474.2 ], [ 56.69, 508.52, 290.63, 591.43 ], [ 304.72, 88.53, 538.62, 147.41 ], [ 56.69, 592.54, 290.59000000000003, 735.43 ], [ 304.72, 148.52, 538.6500000000001, 243.45000000000002 ], [ 304.72, 244.5, 538.58, 423.45 ], [ 56.69, 88.37, 282.03, 109.67 ], [ 304.72, 445.48, 525.64, 466.78000000000003 ], [ 56.69, 111.81, 290.59000000000003, 384.96 ], [ 304.72, 468.92, 538.62, 733.05 ], [ 56.69, 495.4, 105.03999999999999, 507.19 ] ]
[ 9333.569058149471, 18912.885792551097, 11574.939609315828, 33317.75794568984, 19758.76496814005, 41744.481142162345, 3264.58787399999, 3219.02225550008, 63888.09348902169, 61779.35917774751, 570.2673805299855 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 2 ]
[ "Pesan (Ne ae os ee eee oe Pe ee en ee\npone-patella tendon bone autograft for aneircrucat ligament reconstructon offers mary theoretic advantages\nlung the potential 0 fer 2 more economical and iological alternative to screw faaton. Tis technique has\nnot been subjected to biomechanical testing. We hypothesized that a wedged bone plug fration technique\norovides equivalent tense load to failure as titanium interference screw fixation.", "Methods In 2 controlled laboratory setting, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction wes performed in 36 bowine\nness ung bone-ptell-bone autograt. 20 knees tal fsation reled upon a standard cuboid bone boc and\neteferencescev In eght knees 8 wedge shaped bone block wth an 11 mm by 10 mm base wethout a screw\nnas used Ina further eight knees a simlar wedge th 213 mm by 10 mm base was used, Each specimen used 2\nandar 10 mm tbal tunnel The recansuctions wee tested Biomechancaly n 2 physolagis envronment\nusing an Instron machine to compare ultimate failure loads and modes of failure.", "RN Ae eyes Mae! Rel Send Clerence Letawen weds Maton ac) screw Ruption fp = (16),\nor between individual groups fnterference screw versus 11 mm versus 13 mm wedge fication) (P = 035)", "Conclusions: Tibial tunnel foation using an impacted wedge shaped Dane block in anterior cruciate ligament\nreconstruction has comparable ukimate tense strength to titanium interference screw fixation.", "The Keel chelce of gra Sec Anterior Crnciate Ligement\n‘ACL) eeconstruction controversial, however bone\npatellar tendon-bone (BPTB) autogratt is 3 well\ntablshedand appropriate option [I] The optimal frm\nof graft fixation for BDTB grat eemins unclear with 3\nsi of mio is cose aes TUL", "MBL cont and the Requcemnent 220 Fedora) ror 20\nevsion surgery, which may need supplemental bone\npalling and a tworstage procedure. Bloabsorbable\nplans have been designed to address some of thes\nsues and have been shown to have simular fixation\nrengths and clinical results [1-6 Neverthe le screw\npeakage, biocompatibility, tunnel widening and delayed\nsynoviis have been zeported 3b potential aeas of co\neen [7-10]. Serews made from allograft bone have pro\nyen more dificle to handle and more expensive but do\nhow complete bony integration at 24 months [11\ninterference screws of any sort can be associated wit\nsalt laceration, bone plug advancement and reduced\nfration etrength due to divergence.", "SE ES FECES Le ewe <a ee\nvide adequate Ublal bone block fixation. Titanium\nimplants have been used to reduce problems astocated\nwth subsequent magnetic resonance imaging (MBI) and\nfor reasons of bacormpabity. Titanium implants have\nS meniber uf dcrvtaria baciodtun latesioencs with", "Fixation without the use of any implant is appealing\nfot a number of reasons: cost may be reduced: there ate", "Charles A Willis-Owen’ , Trevor C Hearn“, Gregory C Keene’, John J Costi~", "Biomechanical testing of implant free wedge\nshaped bone block fixation for bone patellar\ntendon bone anterior cruciate ligament\nreconstruction in a bovine model", "Abstract", "Background" ]
[ [ 63.16, 289.57, 532.12, 348.61 ], [ 63.16, 352.34, 532.09, 423.32 ], [ 63.16, 427.06, 530.24, 450.19 ], [ 63.16, 453.97, 511.4, 477.13000000000005 ], [ 56.69, 511.84, 290.55, 582.47 ], [ 304.73, 499.88, 538.71, 666.21 ], [ 56.69, 583.56, 290.56, 654.25 ], [ 304.73, 667.23, 538.59, 690.07 ], [ 56.69, 231.91, 368.84, 244.67 ], [ 56.69, 118.88, 490.63, 223.51 ], [ 63.16, 271.15, 101.58, 282.9 ], [ 56.69, 498.78, 111.97999999999999, 510.53 ] ]
[ 25540.939483842463, 31159.01546648587, 10322.119730342412, 9635.995234109578, 15577.339065469336, 37843.45913725812, 16432.348803845234, 5244.44458578038, 3983.6663218331523, 41062.540899725456, 451.40478740871913, 649.6607187179325 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Background: Case reports and case senes studies suggest @ positive association between intussusception and\nceliac disease (CD).", "Methedin We contacted Sweden's 28 pathology Gepert ments and obtsined cats on 22,006 patents with\nbops-reiied CD (equal to Mash stage 3) through biopsy repos. Patents with CD were matched forage, sx\nandar period and count of residence with up to fie reference nid ftom the general population\nn= 14 522). Cases of intussusception were iSentibed rom natonvide ination, hogpta-baeed outpatient aed\nday surgery data from the Swedish Patient Register.", "Ore atios (CR) for Bane CD in patients with In uLEcepcon wae eSeirinie Using Conciions! Inglett:\nregression.", "nz i+ acaba acta ar lieth oleh el aN elo, Maal de nchie and\nsuggesting that nussuscepton was not ask ac fo ate CD (R= 1.17, 95% confidence interval Ci} =082-\nIAL ti Om for COD in Gatmoris ik ot lose ce recxida of bniumncncucdion wan 1A) BEE C1=0S-a9q:", "i CONTE, & POSLTOG Sunes SHacegc! Wek CO) wae SecA! WB SLeMtiCRy Sn cerdly Incr! FC OF\nmussuception after CD diagnosis (haar ratio= 195, 95% C= 101-37 however, thi anaes was bated on\nonly 12 caves with both CD and intussusception.", "Sareea Ee ne See Rel0Y endeiey INA Cpr TKS MOAT YE and TAO TNC Ieee Ti\nof intussusception after a dlagnosis of CD.", "Keywords: Celiac, Coeliac, Gluten, Inflammation, Intussusception, Population-based", "nut organic Chsorders such as malignancy tend to pre-\nJominate in. adults", "nlussusception is 4 condition in which a segment of in-\nestine Invaginates into another section of intestine,\nSigns and symptoms of intussusception include acute\npln nausen lethargy, vomiting and sometimes bleeding\nrom the rectum (ed cureant jell) [1 Although ints\nusception generally remits spontaneously, in numb\nof cites either contrat enema oe aurgery is needed t\nreal the disorder [2], The causes of intussusception in\n“lade infections and vaccination with rotavirus vaccine,", "ellac absense (C9) is a chronic inflammatory sma\"\netna disorder that occurs in about 1-2% ofthe ge\nzal population (34) Undiagnosed CD is characterned\npy small bowel inflammation (5) and will sometimes\nsuse small bowel wall edema [6 intestinal yp node\nwelling [7] and dysmotiy (7 but als ulers and sti\nures [8H has therfore boon suggested that untested\nCD may be inked to intussusception: a number af ese\nports and case series eubsaniate this hypothesishess\nrid] Ina recent paper fom a tertay institution\nhe US [14], 3/252 (128) of ealdren with newly dag\nposed CD had a history of intussusception compared\nwith 0.07% of the child population attending this center.", "httpo!/ www. beomeccentraLoony'1471-230%/ 12/89", "Jonas F Ludvigsson'*~ , Agneta Nordenskjéld\", Joseph A Murray” and Ola Olén'?", "A large nationwide population-based\ncase-control study of the association between\nintussusception and later celiac disease", "Abstract", "Background" ]
[ [ 63.21, 264.64, 508.47999999999996, 287.89 ], [ 63.21, 291.49, 516.95, 350.88 ], [ 63.21, 351.76, 487.72999999999996, 374.86 ], [ 63.21, 378.67, 515.75, 413.87 ], [ 63.21, 414.75, 512.7, 449.87 ], [ 63.21, 453.66, 526.88, 476.91 ], [ 63.21, 482.63, 398.12, 493.86 ], [ 304.72, 513.73, 538.51, 536.61 ], [ 56.69, 525.7, 290.55, 632.6500000000001 ], [ 304.72, 537.71, 538.59, 692.62 ], [ 56.69, 43.37, 220.93, 52.37 ], [ 56.69, 206.52, 398.63, 219.61 ], [ 56.69, 119.31, 502.63, 198.3 ], [ 63.21, 246.17, 101.68, 257.96 ], [ 56.69, 512.63, 112.22999999999999, 524.42 ] ]
[ 5915.042680741928, 23310.115319031407, 5236.99987842649, 15595.0361091448, 12711.670690885046, 7244.934380798717, 3762.0257248201524, 3497.1354890195653, 25005.523383244174, 36123.56409858726, 1478.1014467709592, 4477.561667736518, 31186.84041849748, 453.70184174999304, 655.0555694299983 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "ets ae ee eee Cee eee a ee: We, ee\nronda a karape nthe 19 Hower, ie markt clap\now in pr fo eferemnet of sflaein regulations sn Earp (sh\nlr in} imrove knowtadge of he elegy of afta con\nninainn in Za may tee manage! opin (ay\n\n—.", "mekr inner pur Raies ahoreran Aer ehrg—t", "Miiataxin contamination is caused by crop infection by one or more\nexes ei Te pre ri\ndaring op development nd wars and hamid afer cop ma\nerin aor harvest (ct) ao Inne Ctl 207) Th apc\nmat notorious fr cop contamination ae Aeris fl (rds\nnamed na Sy nb aston) od Sy ath Bad a\neins Cty tn 208 Pao a 2010, At pradacs a\nen med onthe bef let mominagy (Oy 8)\nmerhonype fat pede fe lage slr avrge ter»\n{00 ym) and § maroc fng pee sumo al sees\narea ameter © lbp (exh, 19), Pang hs mol\nrojucmly proce Inge guns of ato Meer pyle\nte sulies gg $ bphalype alt podues af ata\nrel sper 2) A fone § si; b) Latha Mtns Pang\nAPY 8 tht vetlel ae dd many desi\nenya rabies 2007) he named aon yo os Wes Ae\nCoy sl Cael, 190) an €) Amilo (Fos\nApt ety oi ta\nmparance of specie etal sens ay try fom oe ep\nother (styl. i reguecer Wf aati rodeo\nnner tat may caer tone iio ping ene\nvce contamination of sonata fat ad rant (Bayes", "Zann, conpeions of pera ec Fa erm 0\nharacerard abd rte fo Aer sein Free mon\nstl wap pre wa an ps\nsei ton Free neo es pe", "cnc mein an hate agroeclgies esate I, a\nyee a 1095). Agoeaogy the ober mo wh ee\neal temperate, 30-33\" (nyo es, 105). Agroclgy I\nci a 1 vera el eerie Agee\nee Gn", "Maize (a = 250) and sromnnnat (a © 162) samples from 2 peewioms\nend (fachapla a 2017) epreseting 27 asics na a te\nrons of Zambia (st 2} wee led te care\nmuy. In aon, 20 sls were sampled fom aise Sl\nf= 10) and fom soca areas (= 6D) in 1 dai co\nring al thee sponges (1). By, a let lain\nfar were sapien each dare. Thee conpote sal ane\n00175 ele sie fom ne lly coping sal a\npeta te rdom locaton in each fel deh of 2m\nCony, 1997. each agroclgy, cop ad sal samples were eal", "Destnibution of feng of Asergiiss eectoon Flari on meen .", "\"Roa dae aoe amore un CF tee gwar al Ve awed et cach h(a ow eh ie\nCa, nissc Aoi unen tier ests ead salp eer a", "", "", "2.1. Study area", "2.2. Sampling", "" ]
[ [ 37.59, 300.98, 288.68, 394.55 ], [ 306.6, 300.98, 557.6500000000001, 331.79 ], [ 37.59, 394.97, 288.68, 739.76 ], [ 306.59, 332.21, 557.64, 425.95 ], [ 306.59, 482.51, 557.67, 597.01 ], [ 306.59, 632.69, 557.65, 747.1800000000001 ], [ 37.59, 67.3, 203.38, 75.46 ], [ 37.59, 255.69, 557.64, 289.59 ], [ 37.61, 80.27, 557.66, 251.95999999999998 ], [ 306.59, 440.57, 350.21, 450.57 ], [ 306.59, 461.62, 360.21, 471.48 ], [ 306.6, 611.81, 354.24, 621.67 ], [ 37.59, 58.9, 60.21000000000001, 66.9 ] ]
[ 21100.290990500012, 7672.07792120357, 86388.99803827889, 22894.758729153313, 27147.769148620777, 28612.168624319136, 1352.4768631388833, 10466.107945007621, 89286.37388611943, 436.35439306509215, 528.6343620019616, 469.699889322801, 180.96789346336118 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "betas weighing. Selected samples were frenen af -20°C\nsad lyophilized for 48h.", "ee oe ee eee Se peer ae ey\nJetermine both extraction efficieney and economics. A\n130 ratio of defatted snal to slvent, and an extraction\nime of 120 min were ulled in thle study, as recom\nmended by Disa etal. (2005). To avoid protein pee\ntution and achieve the naximum protein extraction,\nImportant to avoid pH near the solectrie poi o\npoten. Based on the Merture, the holetie precipi\nlon of B juncea protein has been found to ect a\napproximately pH 6.0 (Moure etal. 2006). Therefore,\nlaine conditions (pH > 7.0) were chosen to study pro\nin extraction. Ground defatted meal (50 g) was mixed\nwith 150 ml of centrifuged TS. The pH ofthe system\nvas adjusted to pH 76-104 using allalinegheerol fom\nbiodiesel plant (-10% KOH) of 10 N'HCL NaCl was\nised to adjust the lone strength ofthe ceatuged TS.\nThe concentrations of NaCl ranged from 3.4 x 10? M\n@ 1.2 M. The pl and salt concentration employed ae\nscovided in Table 1.", "The mastand meql-T'S mtxtuce wns stierecl continw-\nnul for 2h at room temperature (250). Ale sing\nhe solution was centfaged at 10,00 zp for 10 mn\n14°C to emove suspended solid. The supernatant was\nreexe-dred, alter which the protein content of the\necre-dried protein ofthe undissolved solids were ana\n\naed, The moisture content of the undissolved solid\nwas also determined, The conditions tht provided the\nmaximum protein extraction efficiency in this study\n(NaCI concentration of LO M and pH 100) were used\nsubsequent studies of the effets of TS constituent\non proeln exteaction eiciency. A conta extraction\nvith allaline NaCl solution (L0 M NaCl i detonized\nwater, pH 10.0), hereafter termed NaCl solution, was\nronducted. The quality of the protein products froma the\nsatel eull'TE cracls war comeinal.", "esonance and high pectocmance liquid chremahogrgey\n(HDLC) were ullized to determine the content o\nnganic compounds including lon chromatography and\nductvely coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS)\nprovided 2 detailed analysis of inorganic constituents", "ache 2 eouaneD apichdinica te rindi thane pace iae ee\nRatanapariyanuch et al. (2011). Nuclear magnetic", "a ee eS Pee 22 ee een poet\nsuse for protein extraction from mustard mea. Ce\nraged TS was fltered though a 3,000 MWCO rege\nrated cellulose membrane (Milipore Corp, Bedford,\nMA, USA) asin a sted ultrafiltration cell (lipo\nCorp, Bediord, MA, USA), running at 55 pst with\neae cate of 200 rpm. A salaton of NACL (1.0 M and\nDH of 100) was selected to obtain the highest protein\netaction elcency (based on results fom the previous\nexperiment above). Protein was extracted as described\nabove. The supernatant from the centefaged protein\nolution was dalyaed using Spectra/Por moleular-por\nbus membrase tubing 6.500 MWCO, Speceum Labora\njories Ine, Rancho Dominguez, CA, USA) at a\nsupernatant to deionized distilled water rato of 1:00.\nWater exchange with fresh deintaed water ws repeated\nheee times a day untl the conductivity of permeate\nwater was qual Lo that of deionised distiled water fe\nsh of dali. The protein solution obtained by dials\nvas freeze deed. Freeze-dred protein and undissolved\nlids were analyzed for protein content and the moist\nie content of undieslved solide was also determined\nProtein products from TS and NaCl extraction were\npooled according to extraction solution type, and then\ninalyzed to determine the molecular weight, peptide\nsequence, amino acid composition, digestibily, and\nvine availability of the proteins.", "Moleculor weights of the exteacted proteins wece Geter:\nmined by electrophoresis separation using sodium dode\nyl sulfate-polyscrylamide gel eleceophoresis (SDS.\n\nPAGE) (Laem, 1970). Ten micrograms of protein\nfom TS or NaCl extraction and 5.0 yg of SeeBlue™\npus? Pre-Stained Standard (Invitrogen, Calsbad, CA\nUSA) with a eange of 250 KDa were applied onto 86\nom 68 om Ready Gels (Tee HCL 4-158, 10 wel, Bio\ntad Laboratories, Hezcles, CA, USA). Each ofthe pro\nins products was mined at: rato with loading bu\nfer (10 M Tris HCI, pH 68, containing 20% glyero\n10% SDS, 0.4% bromophenol blue), and heated om 3\nGene Amp PCR System 9700 (Applied Biosystems, Fos\ner City, CA, USA) at 95°C for 3 min. The Min PRO-\nTEAN ' cel (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA)\nvas fled with cunning buler (Tes base 3.028 gy\n\n‘ine 14414 g/l, SDS 1.0 gil) adjusted pH to #3, and\nSlectrophoresia was perlotmed for 30 min at 50 V. The", "Ee eee eee Uae ae\nfy the effect of pt and alt (Nall concentration on\nite eatin emetanas", "", "", "The effects of pri and salt on protein extraction", "Thin stillage composition", "Protein extraction efficiency", "Molecular weight" ]
[ [ 56.69, 87.89, 290.48, 110.73 ], [ 56.69, 135.74, 290.61, 361.76 ], [ 56.69, 362.84, 290.61, 553 ], [ 304.72, 87.89, 538.62, 146.61 ], [ 56.69, 578.06, 290.5, 600.9 ], [ 304.72, 171.56, 538.63, 493.23 ], [ 304.72, 518.3, 538.61, 732.39 ], [ 56.69, 626.47, 281.53, 658.6800000000001 ], [ 56.69, 715.4, 290.53999999999996, 731.9599999999999 ], [ 56.69, 660.77, 290.55, 713.55 ], [ 56.69, 123.79, 249.39, 134.19 ], [ 56.69, 566.11, 157.82, 576.51 ], [ 304.72, 159.62, 417.08000000000004, 170.02 ], [ 304.72, 506.36, 374.07000000000005, 516.76 ] ]
[ 3746.8399345593207, 51057.19584615971, 43659.35762167536, 13563.146980192047, 5339.302662219387, 74033.92815178633, 50061.21156998258, 6014.586466132314, 2073.2092387204757, 12343.493057673797, 2004.5806456791615, 1052.0615888710017, 1168.8619737148692, 721.397315696755 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Nee ee eas csumates ot materna’ ut not\nteal ond ate ight han tose bad on\nrm erogapic nd heh uve OFS). We\nesiat th canis oping of peal\ndear prtenbeprayrosd she ert polara-anl", "———E———————e ee\nnatal phan pele hoe rounds 3\naspect oie ers in Manca (1088—\nZO) weh esate tor OHS saveys and UNAIDS\nnal pojcar. We vested to constr of\npring of paral sui staus acss te tree\nound and carpaed etna fds mol fom\nhe phan ta th dec estimates Hom canoer.\nalowp ofa goer pepubn cor. Que\nFes coiscind a peeie emis tet hearin,", "ee\npeeing n Zimboe Maters repre as deceased i\noutdo the Manaand suvey were more ly an\nters tobe rp se nos or [333%\n3.48). Te pte vs mat apart erg aug\nhier. The quate ergs sues that aster,\nret sonst nape chen 35 he rata\ncrm", "eee\nening ol ster pats 2s natal pnts. This\npea ob prea carmen ang fester mates\ncou party ela he dcop bates\nmabe! mada ad ONS estate of metal\nvmhenhood.", "minect emiparical’ estimation of orphan numbers i\nmany developing counties comes from demo\nphic snd health surveys (DHS). These\nptionsl cotraectonal, household surveys con\nJute evry 4-8 years, Concomitantly, UNAIDS\nUNICEF, USAID and the US Census Buea bave\nlevdoped matkematal models (Spectum) t\npodice demopphic projections caternd\nternal and unl orplan'revlenee—both all\nruse and orphans apa rect of AIDS i\ntes expetecing nor HIV epi, bee\nevens iT HIV pnbakeee#", "NAEIONS POPUAEON MIVISION'S POPUAHON projec:\ntons could have caused an overestimate ol\natcral orphans, Aleratvey, the howsbol\nsrveys mthodclogy could have ed to 4 systema\ntic bie in the reperving of maternal orphans.", "rphans found that matersl orphan estimate:\nfom Spectr vwee agian higher this\nhoe fe DHS\" This ence was wrt\national HIV prevalence among counties sub\nchar Alea sgting tht the dferenc\nvere not caused by nimi about” AD)\nJonha The soumplont abut uedyng ad\nsat cid casa Gpeenne one ca eed", "UN Ropulstion Drsion mode. fe tables to\nroduc revised estimates of orphans” However\nese new mathe mod nl nto\nhe prevalence of maternal crphashood when\ncompared to the DHS estimates sors sever\nnibSaharan Aft counts (gD, although the\ndffeence isles pronounced than for the 201\neimates* The model peictons fhe pevlnc\nof paternal orphaoed compute well th the\nrc aaiene", "1 pnan esta are 2'30 used fo indirect'y estimate\nadult morality in counties without vital eita\nron gytems* This mcthod can. give tase\nmtinates if thre is udereparing f eileen\nhone parents ded when they tere young,\nfeats of reports being based nthe trv\natus of thei ving fate! paentthe “adoption\nsec\" Str mothers oe more tke than\nfone lathes to be marepored as natural rents\nhis could pay expan the lacepancy bate\nthe model tad DAS eatinates of tera span\nonl", "Manicland, Zimbabwe, to vestigate Bas i the\nporing of neal id gated\nCale maths were walt expe pie\nSe ect tet", "Vemograpnc an’ eat Surveys sare\nvations, costetionsl, household surveys. I\ntach sary, a sample anging ro 3800 #0 900\nRowahold is seloie in cach county using\ntrnifed random sample of chuner that\nchaen to be representative of urban snd ral\nteat DHS have fren conduit in Zinkabve in\n1963, 194,199 and 2008.6\" A quertionnaie\ncompleted foreach housed in wich al ind\ndul ceaent in the housed a lated. or each\nchild under 18 yen: (20086) or under 18 yer\n(968-99) the gueston “ls NAME’ biclopes\nmoterEather alive?” is asked. A chld wn deine\nira pateral orphan if ther father had ded\nmpdes ofthe survival sats of thir ncthen—\nhats the definition of ptermal orphans ince\nseuble arphans Atel’ qobaibion ec emerseaal", "meee\nieee", "aon pide, ps\ncee\na\nee\nergs\nrai", "Discrepancies between UN models and DHS survey\nestimates of maternal orphan prevalence: insights\nfrom analyses of survey data from Zimbabwe", "ABSTRACT", "METHUUS", "Demeograpmc and health surveys" ]
[ [ 146.72, 187.2, 344.47, 240.94 ], [ 146.72, 242.6, 344.47, 351.32 ], [ 146.72, 352.93, 344.46000000000004, 439.65 ], [ 146.72, 441.3, 344.40999999999997, 506.04 ], [ 146.72, 529.73, 344.47, 660.04 ], [ 356.43, 176.7, 554.19, 229.89999999999998 ], [ 146.72, 662.05, 344.46000000000004, 759.42 ], [ 356.43, 231.52, 554.1800000000001, 350.43 ], [ 356.43, 352.05, 554.16, 481.96000000000004 ], [ 356.43, 483.58, 554.1800000000001, 536.73 ], [ 356.43, 574.74, 554.1800000000001, 759.4200000000001 ], [ 41.1, 275.89, 131.87, 317.91999999999996 ], [ 41.1, 176.64, 130.58, 265.82 ], [ 145.7, 54.39, 545.6700000000001, 118.76 ], [ 146.72, 175.82, 189.28, 185.67 ], [ 356.43, 551.07, 396.04, 560.9200000000001 ], [ 356.43, 562.63, 483.49, 572.48 ] ]
[ 9918.341027482995, 20143.006699564867, 14922.33959517628, 10262.08773409715, 24925.233232120052, 10301.851146829664, 19149.975456339773, 21915.96022467967, 23883.44122464722, 9476.84270080924, 36514.00812382065, 3004.7110408385633, 6531.730961729074, 24340.558725962706, 419.35144659419893, 390.25701667706016, 1251.8624482874293 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "materia’s at 60% and’ 63%. respectivey. naar\nce betnen the opal properties of SODFIA TH. FB whether\nin sclution or encavaulshed crate", "ee eee fee eee a eee eee ee\nost decal othe vlan state mearuement tment\nFpe th Furthernwe the ro open cde «dein\nbe broadening ofthe band wi 4 mam 3 65 am apd\nshighenergy shoulder t 547 nm. This ndcatve fs small\ngre of spreaton,altiough the smal shift of the emission\natraam (fat 15 ma) when pared fe he scion sn\ncolt i's eu of daa fis es healing como\n\nsation and separation ofthe Buoropores bythe ier matic\nheal ercace for tha comet Em te plorcoer\n\nsence quantum yielie (PLQY) of the solution and encapeulated", "oO ener Study the color conversion capaniines\nBODFAATHLEB was integrated withthe transparent CHDV\nyer and deposited on a flly-packaged bse LED. After cxtng\nhe oanie mater mtr tare formed slid dome on op\nofthe LED chip There blue LED andthe sme LED enesp\n\nted withthe npaie material (1 (wo) BODFATH FB wth\n1% PAG) ae shown in Figure 2s sd crespecve. Ar an\nhe seen in Figure 2c the entire cup, containitg the LED with", "Figure 2. 2-d) Photographs of the {a,b} bare blue LED and {cd} the same LED encapsulated with the organic material (195 (w/¥) [BODFUTRLFG with\nTPAC) wil the LED fa) swtched of snd fo) unde soward cent of 75 mA e) EL spec of he lu LED before and afer encapeltion\nmvt aene wel canes Te pee wromalsd eth He LED peak testy Cham degay (E128) sewing\nSS Aree crite Gaee lil hshmnreeeis as ecaaes looms toadenitend tasters ehavameeea uh Lgkabeaaet ariealae Eni Eee naeenon", "Table 1. Summary of the propertes of (BODFluTh), FB.", "", "fa) 9 eer iy +++ blueLED 7]\n5 —whteLeD |\ngost | 4\nA pr | {\nSoa | 4\ni Boal |\nBoo Lut =~\n2°\" G90 500 600700 800\nWavelength (xm)\nTam\n9 @\neV\nos\noa |\n02\n00\n0002 04 06 08" ]
[ [ 303.32, 163.6, 546.5, 195.74 ], [ 48.19, 163.6, 291.38, 283.73 ], [ 303.32, 196.6, 546.51, 283.73 ], [ 48.12, 686.22, 546.1899999999999, 724 ], [ 48.19, 75.23, 233.60999999999999, 85.69 ], [ 48.19, 96.04, 544.75, 148.72 ], [ 56.06, 303.64, 536.19, 679.19 ] ]
[ 6652.766854068963, 29133.988696800196, 21059.49332629051, 18797.370657096617, 1939.6713505251028, 26156.803619100006, 180314.532864 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 5 ]
[ "Backgroune: The perfusion Index, denver from the pulse cximeter signal, seems to be an accurate preciictor for\nrigh ilpess seventy in newbs. The aim of ths study was to detemne the persion inex values of cnically\nsnd hemodynamically stable preterm newborns in the fist week of if.", "So Perea imeer Neveplnn Pigg Wee bes eae, Mn) Wee eae Wee ee ever ee 0 20 Pee\nrenborns. The state of heath was asessed according to crcl and behaviour evaluation and othe Score fo\nNeorta) Acute Prosiology,", "Results: The medianfinterquarile range) periusion incex values were: 0:590.5) on the first, 1.2(1.0) on the thine, ane\n1.3109) on the seventh day, with a significant increase between the fist and the third day.", "Conclusions: Peslusion index psoved to be an ssely applicable, non-inuesve method for monkoring Say\npostnatal changes in peripheral persion ts tend dung the fst week of fe sugges that ts clinical apoieati\nauld take age nto secount Furtarstudes are naeded to obtain reference perfson index values om a ger\nample of preterm newborns to identiy specific gestational age-related cutoft values for ness and to test the\nwe ofl perfusion bude: in snorihotiey crticaly i Ceoretes.", "Newhecns admitted te neonatal intensive care malts\n(NICU), and in particular preterm newborns are at high\nink for morbidity and mortality during the st week of\nfe because of respiratory dstress and bronchopulmonary\nspas, apnea and bradyeard, necrotizing entercolt,\natraventicular hemorthage and periventricular akon\ncfg dite, ypogiycenia, hyperblainri\nsnd neonatal sepsis [1]. Most ofthese neonatal morbid\nes, and in particular severe neonatal sepals, which\nscouts for 1% - 27% of NICU admissions [2-4], are\noften ssoited with high mortality eates. Early lagna\nnf these neonatal complications fepreseas one a the\ns ssleat alisames to sncnuialeehts", "mopectedl be aedlect resi-tiene changes in peripheral blood\nDow [6:7] and to Wently inadequate peripheral pela\nion in critically ill newboras. In particular, low\nvalues have been demonstrated to bean acura pee\ndctor for high illness severity in newborns (8) The\nalse oximeter an easly applicable, nom-invasve dag\nposte toa for eal screening of peraatal inflammatory\nlveatestuch as subciniel chorioamnioniis [9-11\nReference Pl values in newborns have been recently\npublished [12]. However, only few literature data on\nPI values in preterm neonates are available.", "Je She lateay Tearee Uae PTEe-Chunyetce Haw DeCnine #\nital NICU instrument [5]. The perfusion index (PD),\nlerived from the pulse oximeter signal, has been", "SE ee ee ee eee ee\nally and hemodynamically stable preterm newborns in\nhe Fst week of ie as a prelude to the clita applica\nnarreepeal", "REET Geter: DEW ETnY Aang Taare Raley UE\nNeonatal Care Unit (Regia Margherita Children's Hos\nvital, Turin, Italy) were recruited consecutively for this", "Francesco Cresi’ , Emanuela Pelle’, Roberto Calabrese“, Luciana Costa’, Daniela Farinasso , Leandra Silvestro’", "Perfusion index variations in clinically and\nhemodynamically stable preterm newborns in the\nfirst week of life", "Abstract", "Background", "Methods", "" ]
[ [ 63.16, 263.66, 522.6, 298.77000000000004 ], [ 63.16, 302.56, 522.2, 337.6 ], [ 63.16, 341.4, 527.58, 364.53 ], [ 63.16, 368.25, 530.2, 427.3 ], [ 56.69, 462.01, 290.63, 616.38 ], [ 304.73, 450.1, 538.63, 580.48 ], [ 56.69, 617.46, 290.57, 652.26 ], [ 304.73, 581.57, 538.59, 628.33 ], [ 304.72, 665.25, 538.54, 700.05 ], [ 56.69, 206.04, 514.71, 218.76 ], [ 56.69, 118.88, 538.56, 197.6 ], [ 63.16, 245.25, 101.58, 257 ], [ 56.69, 449, 111.97999999999999, 460.75 ], [ 304.72, 640.28, 344.83000000000004, 652.03 ], [ 304.72, 653.3, 336.58000000000004, 663.6999999999999 ] ]
[ 14074.930018379644, 11800.873716097616, 9597.364920969238, 24221.503811382456, 35058.99656135216, 29829.363356404006, 8042.558593730209, 8915.13241281663, 8136.659046953544, 5826.670371096319, 27476.86852834135, 451.40478740871185, 649.660718717947, 471.3099529761821, 331.42705119773746 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "a ae\nparnacogal statis which ve netophs to undergo propane ell death (apoto) have\nen chw foie thereon of eaten Bathe ya dependet lier\nCok savin atic aha rane pop th\nses he we dere he en, ated nverigatin othe lg peta esa\nces fd cepa rained by ana Recotine wh we la NO doa mas\nCorpor 2 Su 0 x sysbsned cmpaunds wre tee pte po ssi en\nSy promi an tol pps ae hah camped Band wed\npunk eva ft tyres NO (a ND sao} a ter NO share se\nfe tt ae pogo he risers tha\nNae nara ene ae ree ccreitioe, These dans show teat novel -", "—", "ney Se ee eee eee cee\nlamatian can occur Apopttlc granaoytes ae Fp te\noved fom inflammatory ses by macrophage pays th\nomsequa!danpening ofsfamnation “Prevails was ele\nhaatereemovatebeesus ofthe the reslton\nation was merely a pase process secondary othe catabolism\ninfantry editors More recently a nceaing ube\nan active ces involving Several cele prceses includ\npops ad phagocyte cesranc of apoptotic cell tht cab\nmodulated by eadogenass specalieed provesoing Medta\nSPh, These include eyeopentanone prostaglandins. oxi\nsaving, proteclasoeuoprtetins, and areas” Whe\nation eslution als, the granulocytes can de by aero\nalternative fom cll death that saves tpt of cla\netabrane wih consequent reise of sameeyte hist Co\nents the extacelar ne, Thiscan pepe nflsmmate\neading to ehnicy, wih dysregulated granloyte appt\ningen the pathogenic a seera! human larly\nseats The developmen’ of pharmacological agents or steatee\npablo selectively incre sing rane apoptosis potent\nmer therapmunie tecatney te odace ‘othe cama and’ chrenks", "Tndiamenation is the ost response 00 tissue inpury or iniecrion.\nsed at estoring damaged ste o Romeo Flowing\ney of endogenous medatr ae eased which edt\ndial igus of olacimation: bea, redness swag ad pa\nVscuctve ames, ozo eyes, ctoine, is. eas\nois elting an Mint system products, ic nie (NO)\nnd eacie agen species (ROS). are re a the portant med\nors ivaved Daring a episedef acute lamsnation compe\ntts aleventsocusiacutngtheserltent leukacys oth\nlage sue Graulsyes which eompes neuopiscsio\nhls and basops rete fist eukooyer abe recrued lowe\nby monecyejmarophage and ympacte nfiain ino the i\nede Ti cue bf aca nt\nmul\" ter emovl othe sein ifanatery ils\ns canned thar guamsiocytes dle by opeeanaie. a proatunmad and", "* Conrespomdiing aathor. Tel: +39 (0}11 G707ESO: fax: +39 (0)11 G7O72B6.", "", "", "Mt Contes far fgflosustatiinn ttoseontth hua’ bleh esenunch fmsertuve, Unsicertity uf tebiahuneh Adeuien! Se act. tel\nAEC fain Rah, Qe Mal carh ee, Lea of rh Mel cho Eb 6 Une ig\nDae eee eee are Seton Seren Sis Sadaeetye Sf iaayh nl beak Sieg ST AE tet es", "Gabriele Montanaro *, Massimo Bertinaria*, Barbara Rolando’, Roberta Fruttero**,\nChristopher D. Lucas®, David A. Dorward”, Adriano G. Rossi®, lan L. Megson‘, Alberto Gasco*", "Novel R-roscovitine NO-donor hybrid compounds as potential\npro-resolution of inflammation agents", "", "" ]
[ [ 207.1, 314.67, 562.6, 457.39 ], [ 42.52, 368.97, 101.18, 410.90000000000003 ], [ 311.53, 499.24, 562.64, 728.72 ], [ 42.52, 520.16, 293.64, 686.88 ], [ 47, 710.45, 275.85, 719.49 ], [ 400.71, 457.98, 469.97999999999996, 467.03000000000003 ], [ 472.95, 458.02, 562.48, 466.27 ], [ 42.52, 250.62, 519.03, 275.47 ], [ 42.52, 216.81, 502.96, 244.09 ], [ 42.52, 175.45, 450.49, 209.2 ], [ 207.1, 291.34, 272.28, 302.35999999999996 ], [ 42.52, 499.25, 102.73, 509.04 ] ]
[ 49845.170122966636, 1783.0845117793942, 57615.58496977389, 41738.409965386614, 2068.328561253671, 626.7986466583679, 738.3693378163734, 10522.524859860074, 11800.09761988584, 11116.962218859291, 718.271987365355, 589.2780872398725 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "1 0.98-1.42) (Fig. 2). A higher CT score was signifi-\nly asocisted with depron satay expliing\n2% of variame (yosi2e10-™), Multiplicative\nications ere fouel bese polygenic mes fx\nMDD and CT (fig. 2) The interaction at py <0\nmplined 19% of variance in the phenotype ened wa\ngnficant afer mliple ting conection (p= 0.002}\nThere wat an inverse misocstion between ner\nscion and MDD stats (OR=096, 95% CI 091-098)\nTo wnulze these el, nections were lated be\nvice clegoris of CT (none, mid, modersesevers)\nind PRS standardized to mean snd so. 1, Ping\nog crt of depen by pgm sore foreach\nCT eaegory a the p value tesold with mos sii\nant interaction (p< O18; p= DAK) allows vse\nfon of the rolls (Fg. 3) For invite who ha\nnot experienced CF, a higher PRS for MDD was a0\nned with» higher sso the disorder (Fig. black\nine). Individuals in the mild CT category were at an", "RRS CIP Se Sn eenee ae Ue et SED ane sack ir\nlepedetly oftheir genetic Habit Gritd-gey le)\nThowe who had expecenced) moderstaevere Cl\nwere mt deprene cans but resesingly the id\nisha ighest ik in hs category bad ower PRS\nhan average (Fg. & light grey ln), Thee were\nteractions beeen PRS and CT under adlve mod\nas (online Supplementary cnateril),", "SS, Sees wees Epes | be\npreen PRS for MDD and mumber of SLE. Signfcan\norlations wer found within the MDD cases spe\nlly weit dependent (py <000%; p=0.002) and not\nJependentSLEs (online Supplementary mater). Ne\nigrifcet cormetions were Fouad between polygen\ncore and CT score inthe RADIANT UK sample (ow\nine Supplementary exataria, Ae te ioucecticn", "Fig. 2. Polygenic risk scones (PRS) for major depressive disorder and multiplicative imeraction with childhood trauma (CT)\ndt ped epson inthe RADIANT UX sample The ye eae Nagra eae of\nnan ele On the ni ine ae hele on single cee pyro ne dace\nsiaos cos tad te bt pusp eles ceil \"9-19 SNE en belear Cpe ome Gen ole eee", "—\n* = P,<0,0001\n= P,<0.001\n= P,<0.01\n= Pr <0.05\n7 = P04\n0.015 = Pp<02\n“ © Pr<03\n= © Pr<0.4\n3 PL<05\n2\ngoor0\nR\n0.005\n0.000\n7 a", "Gene-enviromnent correlations" ]
[ [ 72.62, 496.33, 288.72, 723.56 ], [ 306.65, 496.68, 522.66, 591.57 ], [ 306.65, 628.61, 522.66, 723.78 ], [ 72.62, 441.29, 519.94, 484.59000000000003 ], [ 72.62, 66.97, 506.5, 434.74 ], [ 306.65, 608.15, 431.4, 619.27 ] ]
[ 49084.35284852376, 19641.760310429614, 20553.941642152146, 18200.423778784927, 159565.71559334343, 1386.8380726826144 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2 ]
[ "ee ee en ee\nNy (ra SAL THM? cells could give rise to NY -expessng Teel\nnT cls ound expression DN ces could aa", "EA\nted population confirmed ytokine uty ofthe sorted el\naso} The THI TB sed Tels gonested in his mane\nete then e-stimulted ia the presence or abvence of 12501\nfr two diye Ia vehicle-treated reatinlated populations,\nserved plasticity of phenstype herween TRY, Th171 and Th", "aera eae eee reece eee ey\nnT cals pro-commuicted tent? and TRI Enanotypes ruapoctiaty,", "sresietesh adi mitsteneay meabnmemelsncl<us8 ta Reogpeneaaes priocepacacets SoeERNL a. LRP) epee bf otipeepmeeten ar leturiemt'Sc oe eoey emcee ators\nte wit aga noncancer sce 125, 2) Fyfe ening Ny 2 Gui a\nnm near sa REN, 1a) oe ya) a of LanyDy oo ye\nemer enon merry ce hy recy ot pot ce umes cau condone lower Geency tt of 0.015 ws eng tr thee cates", "A. JL17 b.\n\n3 a go, 7\n\nBa = ee]\n\niq + fas\n\njie 3 Pot =\noe i\n\nida Ea i\n\nit qE ie.\n\nwo ae ‘Naive Memory\nee is\n\npi a\n\nBag Te eS\n\neas ie\nCTLAA 4 CTLA-4\n\noe) eee a\n\nial “Zt hit\n\net! =" ]
[ [ 301.83, 672.61, 552.89, 713.8100000000001 ], [ 32.82, 672.49, 283.96, 734.6800000000001 ], [ 301.83, 713.96, 552.88, 734.6800000000001 ], [ 32.82, 593.79, 552.9200000000001, 645.61 ], [ 107.94, 67.03, 477.74, 585.54 ] ]
[ 8942.364872333594, 15613.813737226184, 5072.745732525131, 26948.791422252543, 191745.58888700002 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 5 ]
[ "Wale beret As, Thergiomy, cle-seR Ag forms munch mere enengeticnly stable Gaplenes\nvith thes targets than tran-asRNAs, General, ci-asRNAs are associated with mobile\ngenetic elements such as plasmids, phages and transposons. They contribute significant\no the regulation of plasmid copy suber, conjugation, phage Me cyle and uanspostion,\nSeveral anti-toxicity activities have also been reported for some cis aaRNAS [1, 10}", "APE REAE were (tee Cetecied, eo Vicceees Liven De overpere and Mnaby x Cary\nses According to thir relative orientation and degre of overlap they ae clase\nno 3 categories; head-to-head (3° to 5), ta-to-tal (3 to 3) and fully overlapping\nTallto-ailorentation seems to be the most common type. Overlapping traneript\nmight comprise two protea-encoding genes, one proten-encoding and one non\nencoding gene, or two non-encoding transcripts [11]", "Fig. 1 Gene slencing by natural arnsense FINAS in bacteria. &\\ = Ceranmsense Riis (clash) ate encoded\nhap eer l career eae AB Tera Sts fra ae ce\nttn pert to wae rf re-post gue an RIAs\ni ae arg a Gey ner carte star et\nrv rae the ere ened eter i sae ian ahem\nSr eee ee eC oran neta anti tae te nent eee:", "Table 1 Cifferentiation of cis- and rrans-asiNAs", "Dek prc tera gue Dig inp etn ths\n\niene ath ee ee ‘Spey ere age See\n\nage ti iN Tage ples ge ant tm omen\n\nYost Fg rg sal hue sae\nCarpi ae istry,", "a\nAeneas\nSNe\nmou ow yea\nae pemmen t" ]
[ [ 117.64, 428.12, 477.69, 495.62 ], [ 117.64, 498.88, 477.64, 580.56 ], [ 123.65, 350.05, 470.46000000000004, 409.14 ], [ 117.64, 602.09, 289.79, 612.25 ], [ 117.64, 614.34, 477.66999999999996, 733.7900000000001 ], [ 117.64, 90.33, 477.64, 345.45 ] ]
[ 23875.156482160557, 27278.73612263985, 19775.613109840313, 1748.8249136013328, 43005.71775186306, 91842.58128100999 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 5 ]
[ "G)roprcesins secreted inl pasene fom T cee infected’ win humnen Enmuncceency vive (rN) leseng nectar\nmay provide night ito undersandng the host espense to HW ifection in ia Ghycoproteomis, which valutes\nhelevel ofthe gheopreteome, remains a novel approach to study ths het esperse to HV. n de to idenay|\nnuma ghcoprotens secreted frm T calls wth intent HV ifection, the medum from cuted HA repcaton\ncompetent Teel va cerpaed withthe medium fam cued parental A201 cals ia oid phase extraction of\nalyeopepides (SPE) and high-performance quid chrematography tandem mass specromeny (HPLC MSM) Using\nhese methods, 59 human glycoproteins wee iertfed as having soncaty deren abundance levels beeen the\nmela fom these te cll ines. The relevance of these 59 pratense HV infection in vio was assessed in plasma fom\nHW\" and HV subjects. Comparson between T cell and plasma reveled that sc alycoproens(galectin-binding\nprot, Laeectn neagenn adenosine desminase CECRI, COS ign and phosphalp tans poten) vere\noneal elated inthe HV\" T ces and plasma sures These frings sugges thatthe espense fT cl harbering\nlatent HV infection contbuted in par, to the ghcopraten changes in HV\" plasma, These pretens once valde,\ncould provide insight into host HV interaction.", "Keywords: Glycoproteomics, SPEG, HIV, T cells, Medium, Plasma", "SETTLER, GURGROES, PCOGRAES, SERINE, POOCICTION Smt\nhe elucidation of the pathogenesis of these disease,\nproteomic studies have demonstrated thei applicability\na high throughput fashion [9-11] However the urgent\nned for the identiication of biomarkers of HIV and is\nrelated diseases remains unmet [8", "ny 201 there were approximately 53 million indwidua’s\nving with HIV [Un the same yea, tis estiated tha\nhare were approximately 25 milion new infections and\n17 million AIDS elated deaths [1] Although tremen-\nJous efforts have been devoted to prevent HIV transmis\non, to date, no effective HIV vaccine is aval [2\nastead, highly active atizetroval therapy (HAART) is\noutiney used to teat patients infected with HIV and\nhas bee shown tobe elective inthe prevention of HIV\nvansmission [3], HAART has greatly improved the ie\npan and quality of feof the HIV’ infected population\n4. Howeve, HIV related nese such as neurodegen\nitive daeass, cancers, and bacterial infections have\ninerged a8 important lrues in HIV\" patients [5-4]. To\nddentify proteins in a complex sample for the (eatly)", "‘HIV Ie a dentiviras which belangs to the retrovirus\naly (12). 1 priearly nfects immune ells containing\nCDs veceptors, such as helper T cll, dendrite cll\n(DC) and macrophages, and establishes latent infection\nthese call [13] An inevitable step in the via epics\nson cele the iteration of vl DNA into the T cel\ngenome pir to either latent infection ot active produc\nnon of ions [14]. The infection of the immune cll,\nwhich reside in the blood and dining lymph tissues,\nlls inthe atypia secretion and shedding of disease\nlated proteins ito the peripheral blood [15]. Thus, the\npod of patients infected with HIV i consdered tobe an\nexcellent source to Kentify proteins that are associated", "Soa Chdeare Strat, CRON Ronen 3 nhO Galtimewe MOTI, USA", "Weiming Yang, Han-Ving Zhou, Li Chen, Minghui Ao, Shisheng Sun, Paul Aiyetan, Antoine Simmons,\nHui Zhang’ and Jay Brooks Jackson", "Glycoproteomic analysis identifies human\nglycoproteins secreted from HIV latently infected\nT cells and reveals their presence in HIV* plasma", "Abstract", "introduction" ]
[ [ 63.21, 278.74, 532.17, 433.88 ], [ 63.21, 439.63, 314.14, 450.88 ], [ 304.72, 470.71, 538.5600000000001, 541.66 ], [ 56.69, 482.72, 290.56, 661.62 ], [ 304.73, 541.14, 538.65, 697.61 ], [ 56.69, 684.26, 273.95, 701.63 ], [ 56.69, 207.36, 477.71999999999997, 233.62 ], [ 56.69, 119.31, 527.28, 198.3 ], [ 63.21, 260.18, 101.68, 271.97 ], [ 56.69, 469.6, 114.22999999999999, 481.39000000000004 ] ]
[ 67183.77113569388, 2823.8263512333506, 15514.31150486786, 41830.22206436237, 36477.95524017606, 3641.7803395403316, 7234.348840720602, 35261.894339191465, 453.7018417500076, 678.645635740002 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Oe ee ee eo\nnary at seas (CAD the wal A ppd\nsed, os Sectial sey was canfutod et 3143\nfs aged 40 years fo 12 ano select\nmms Krah, Flin gat fon smog\nven of mate CAD kat (betes, ype\non, besty ajiitema) tan men. etnis CAD\nitr and wave EC) was mare pret me\nhan women (61% vs 40% p = 00 nearest,\nshoe aré major ES charges ware ie 5\neu n women asin rn 2.05 vs 158%, and\n7 vs 108%; pDOOT fer each spiny\nmenses of CAD wer stn pede by te\ntaal soma, us hat ad ta aca rte\nyet poder of £05 abearmatosn werent it\nnen, Ta ngs indicate tee in ve missed\nats tn Plan may have uso CAD.\nWomen ore at groatar rak than man.", "irial registration number: WU) lUs2/5/ 6", "See ee ee aye ne Oe ee ees\nsseptbtes to coronary artery disease (CAD)\nhe wor\" andi ie terfoe unsurpeiing ta\nCAD i now the leading esse of death nthe ldo\nseisstan eoeadtneee®", "ee ee\nsuggests a almost 25d a inthe prevalence 0\nCAD in two decades fron 3.6% in the 19st\n7% in the 1990s in people aged 38 years in\ntan Indin® With increasing utarisaton tn the\nuhcontinen, CAD presence can only continu\nore, and ths undeines the ned Yo undertone\nks and deterninants of ase inthis poplin\nS ebscn pavathe ence", "DIAGNOSES, ancl Pedr ssociabions Wally Fisk factors,\nhave not been formally sted in ltge population\nfmplet. fom the lndo-Pskistan_scontinent,\ncisties sha chsies ok domaken Guede", "EEE\nzuopean populations te burden of erase\nstra factor sn indo Asan, such a byperten\nion, diabetes, dyipdsemia,ckesty, ilu\neral obesty, and pyscl inact, ae lea\nutenti atria women th a ea\nronespondinpy the ender difesence im pele\nCAD my slio be attenuated even abled\nado-Anans, depending upon the diagnose x\ncra employed\" Population based thes ree\nsabsed, noninvasive memures of CAD\" Is\nfvcopingcoustcy, in pater doctor\nay be based by perder ferences im healthcare\neling behavioural and gnostic prie\nces On theater hand, ECG eterna ough\nbof ee prageat iacancs in wemen\nHowever, gender dllernces in prevalent CAD\neucac to naihie non ioeaner cata de", "pendes differences inthe prevalence of CAD using\nnon‘aasve enter, and their asocston ith\ntandovecala ek fcr a poplaon trp\nfrom Karachi, Pakistan,", "committee at the Aga Khan University, Pakistan.", "BO eee ee ee.\nss of 3. population based sample studied fo\nrerun to 4 dsr candoried taal\ntratges to contre hypertasaes (Teal rept\nvom tumber NCTUISI7S74) All subjects aged\nyea ae able to ge thir consent Wer\nclude nthe study. Posy mall patients, tow\nmentaly incompetent snd unable to ge consent\nor patents who had sown advanced ler\nLid‘ey failure or paegnancy were enchaded.", "ity of Karachi into SOD custers each of about 250\nhoticholds On average, ach Kowseeld contin\nven peopl, 20% of whom are aged 40 years\nAbou 85% of ll ster (200) ae in the low\nacome pop seghbourhcods (eveage howchol\ncome les thn $12/month) and ere mapped\nato 12 geagagbcally coatgueus areas of 50\ncaters each Gos later wa randomly selected\n(computer seated) foe ach ars fr elson\nnthe study. Acenms was dove, anda iting of al\npeople fom all hoses inthe selected seas\nmale", "ene th alana Sahin ony tration smen cn\nvst to the selected Subjects and ted them to\npertpate in the ated Al subjects vee eal\ncated by 3 sigrouly tasted Bld tear compas\nng Feld worker, tures and techn) fe\ncaning informed consent, The eration\ncluded the flowing (2) story and pis\ncamination; (b) questionnaire dealing smoking\nsatus food fegueney questionnaire sod the\nLeste factor, slfveprted dctor diagnos o\nbert dese, the World Health Organisation Ros\nqoetnrmare* for angina, aed the international\nPiya activity quesionnaie;() asst\nSd coe wits ccamamied cooeined daves", "DTH dar, Cncal\ncry ea Soe\nIne i a\ncrs Psa te", "aeaamen al tema\nnn Crm\ncy ei nl", "1H Jafar,’* 2 Qadri,’ N Chaturvedi-", "Coronary artery disease epidemic in Pakistan: more\nelectrocardiographic evidence of ischaemia in\nwomen than in men", "ABSTRACT", "METHUUS", "Study design", "camping details" ]
[ [ 146.72, 172.38, 344.44, 370.59000000000003 ], [ 146.72, 372.12, 297.38, 381.99 ], [ 146.72, 405.63, 344.46000000000004, 459.35 ], [ 146.72, 461.36, 344.48, 559.47 ], [ 356.43, 161.79, 554.13, 204 ], [ 146.72, 561.48, 344.47, 759.4200000000001 ], [ 356.43, 205.61, 554.1700000000001, 258.76 ], [ 356.43, 284.93, 554.12, 305.2 ], [ 356.43, 331.19, 554.19, 439.15999999999997 ], [ 356.43, 465.15, 554.1800000000001, 605.95 ], [ 356.43, 607.62, 554.19, 759.41 ], [ 41.1, 243.01, 134.83, 310.44 ], [ 41.1, 161.74, 124.78, 232.94 ], [ 145.7, 129.98, 317.53, 143.23 ], [ 145.7, 54.39, 544.15, 118.76 ], [ 146.72, 160.85, 189.28, 170.7 ], [ 356.43, 272.87, 396.04, 282.72 ], [ 356.43, 319.14, 406.15, 328.99 ], [ 356.43, 453.04, 420.37, 462.89000000000004 ] ]
[ 36562.93625720008, 1487.3780701299838, 9443.972733063158, 18468.05404663761, 7923.608888742747, 39034.81922795251, 9249.81629346637, 3963.1590775351506, 21032.952085881494, 26129.936081699096, 29915.151409871876, 4706.797114257235, 5540.99965300152, 2277.4783104816015, 19271.09826812624, 419.35144659419893, 390.25701667706016, 489.9054391433019, 629.9317082572961 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "PUR ERAOE GROUSE WAH a palced p-tvet. Bor thls wala\njroup analysis, we also calulated the effect size (ES)\n(Cohen's a. For all analyses, P< 0.05 was considered\ngnfcant. In analyses involving Bonferrons adjustment,\nPc DOI? wa considered significant. All statistical cal\nculations were performed using Graphpad Prisms\n(GraphPad Sontware Inc, California, USA). The effect\nize (ES) caleulation was performed using a web\nesource hitp|/wwwacesedu/~facultylbecker/_ All\nvalues are mean + SD, unless otherwise stated.", "ar re ee el ha AE 2) ane Soe\n£15 1075 = 19 mM (P « 0.008), respectively (Table\n). The NpPROCHO beverage was associated with\nhigher BUN values after 120 min of cycling than the\nCHO beverage (P < 0.017), an effect that was not quite\nound for the PROCHO beverage (P = 0.03) (Table 3).\nNo difference was found between PROCHO and\nNpPROCHO beverages (P = 0.44).", "During the prolonged’ cycling the alleles were exercis-\nng a€ 62 2 1% 0f VOanr Ingestion of the thee supple\nments CHO, PROCHO, and NpPROCHO did ot\nprovide ferences in HR, VO, o# RER at 30 eu, 60\nin 90 mia, 120 nin ofthe prolonged submasima\n‘cling (Table 2). Nor did the the beverages result i\nferences in blood glucose and blood lactate (Table 3)\nbin RPE (mean vals eanging fom 1.1 to 13.5 across\nme points and supplements during the prolonged\nclings dats not shown. The supplements dl, howeve,\naul in diferences inthe concentration pote of BUN,\nWhile ingestion of CHO dd not result in changes i\nBUN levels between baseline (63 = 1.5 mM) and 120\nmin (6:7 = LS mM) of steady sate cycling, ingestion of\nPROCHO and NpPROCHO resulted in changes frorn", "wiean power output during the >-min mean-power test\nwas not diferent between beverages: CHO 339 = 42,W\n5:4 = 05 Wks\"), PROCHO 390 » 31 W (5.3 = 05\nWig) and NpPROCHO 399 = 33 W (54 = 03 Wg\n) (P = 029, Figure 2). No diferences were found i\nconral parameters RPE and blood lactate between be\nrages ax sampled directly afer the S-min tean-power\nst (data not shown). However, a negative correlation\nwas found between performance inthe NpPROCHO 5:\nmi fmenn-power test and athletic performance level\nmeasured asa performance factor, as developed in\nTable 1 (Pearson R = -074 with 95% condence intra\n1092 to 0.29, P= 0.006, Figure 3) a correlation that\nwas also found between NpPROCHO 5-min mean:\npower performance and each ofthe subcomponents of\nhe performance factor (Winn Pearson R = \"0.74, P=\n005; VOrn,Peaeson R = \"0.57, P= 002 and 5-ain\nmean-power-output from the familiarization test,", "Fats 2 Hert rete FR), oxygen comsenptien [Wota) endl reqpielery sachenges reve (88) Maing 120 ran abeeminel\nying a 50% of maximal oerbie power with ingestion of either carbohydrate (CHO), protein + carbohydrate\nSaneues ex ekteasiaart ¢ pashan o codcenhene terensice", "eee 2 eens ree eens eae eee) ee. eee) fees Seegenr eee Eerie eevee: PrWvitees dee ane\nsn ater 120-min of sbmarimal ceing at 50% of maximal aerobic power with ingestion of ether carbohydrate\nSCREPA, Eemtelax «cote laedaehn GPRENEaIND or Riumneetaer™ « iemeteha 4 ciceahaniggs EaePEEIEIPA.", "", "ae", "Degree of completion HR Gopm) ______VO2 bnbgeteni ty _\nGio PROTO AGRO CHO PROCHO Np ROH _c10__ PROTIO_RPROCT", "Depo ct cemplction Letetetmeelt} _GiawseGeme) Ne\nGio POCO _NPROTO_CHO—_PROCHO_NBROT_C10_—_PROCRO__1pFROTS", "", "120 min subrnaxirnal exercise", ">-min mean-power test performance" ]
[ [ 56.69, 227.12, 290.59000000000003, 345.58 ], [ 304.72, 227.11, 538.59, 321.65000000000003 ], [ 56.69, 382.52, 290.57, 560.79 ], [ 304.72, 346.69, 538.64, 560.81 ], [ 56.69, 87.67, 536.6800000000001, 120.2 ], [ 56.69, 577.15, 523.6, 609.36 ], [ 56.69, 204.5, 303.28999999999996, 213.42 ], [ 56.69, 707.16, 513.88, 731.9499999999999 ], [ 56.69, 122.36, 538.5799999999999, 202.81 ], [ 56.69, 611.45, 538.5799999999999, 705.11 ], [ 56.69, 357.55, 89.22999999999999, 369.3 ], [ 56.69, 370.63, 175.56, 381.03 ], [ 304.72, 334.75, 452.47, 345.15 ] ]
[ 27205.742951960536, 21009.76155904564, 41682.46863284847, 50072.28375783283, 13046.288319767686, 14240.909656652017, 2199.0331110635598, 8122.7922224928625, 38766.616006985656, 45132.663643978885, 382.30938833711843, 1236.55852329779, 1536.9977172921062 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "ze ee injection. In Wak Type mesenteric arteries, b> administration\ngan alenated the cata response othe c-aenaepo\neons hele (FE) (hg SA: POLS) Ts using theca\nrace espe wa prevented in the presence af NAME (i 5)\nhha here was ologer asa leer vases\npete saline treated Psst wildtype mie Ta ai\nhat increased NOS-detved NO i response forthe decrease\nseco espana seni ates rm Peat vi\nYe. Sma Bigs were ao observed when Iremboxane A\nit GGT wat aed Se 081 suggesting he hae\naocostctr response wa ot eto spec etn of cep\ngaling oa axa sath mast ces Incest\nins ia wiype mie LS eaten i Gh ere me ese\nao niet alain vatcosttr response a ether PE\nD468 (Fig 3A and B especie) Further, NAME eaten\nhan elle on contac respnse in LS wented Cah\ncites Seen,", "es aarennrar reir pi bonept enare-pentors.mumsprale repre mrs\npons o acetylcholine was sigcanty pated in hI Tez\nresents when copare with hat nw ype mesenter\nsess (P- 0001 alain Sweat ede dpendet\nsedation was significantly mpaedin wild-type mesenteric ate\n(05) but unred in anTadre eseatee\nht endathchum dependent acaaion was lege een be\nween LSet wd typeans eae Ghat sete\nreves (fig 3) Fuerte LPS emesis reduced the\note af eadotelum ndependent vasodilatation to SNP ia\nype mesenteric ates when compare to mesentei ais fo\nne trated wide mc (Fie 3. P= O05. contast PS eat\nnet hs se let nederdel\nion to mesh dee meson ate Thing nie\nht nde cel I eles Sind vase ditution", "ee ee eee\na futon in espns 10a ier dos ofS ap dear ndction\nsur NOS expression slated mouse St ings om wl\nnd ohare ie were ince in Dube Made Eg\nedn (DMEM) wher wahoo Stor 2 Flowing\nuhaon, CCH protein expression, Bt ad al opera evel\nveep incase both wpe and ah Tees\na0 Band) The ndction of ths pty assent set\nin Wye ras, eng the endothe component se\npase. Watern Bl aaj demostated that eNOS std 10\ntein expesions were as sini snreased nba wl\nype and Crh Tiedt ots allowing LS incon (Fi\nrd) pata the inaction ts NOS snd sNOS by LPS was\n12 shales magnitae in bach genanypes,", "Wie nes Senegal is aie at emnetenee call ne Aenea\nsear uncon in sti igs ete ih 5 i. nai\nvith LS sigan unease contrac fucin of wl\nype ari igs vespanse fo phesiephie (PE) computed\nine teed wid-¢ype cata the presence of UNAM soc\nron wasinresid sich ha vsootarcion was to tanger ier\nnf ete cond LS ete aorta In oh see sts\neaation wih LS had no sgn elt ot vsocnealyco\na a eat nected toh tito eaten he oa,", "a ee\nease vasculat GTPCH and BH levels in wipe ie, bl he\nogni of thi ntee is ated in Geheare ie\n\nenaaing pc nl lc of hs en\nsponse san patent ef enatele-dpendent a ep\n\nfect vsdiutaton in mesenteric arenes fom wd-ype mis\n\netch ae peeved in sentria om Gh Mihce wae\nonstrvesposes in wy abi, which aga does ot oc\ni Gh eee srs dspe bdctonf NDS and eNOS protein\n\nresin sb gets eth the lk endothe cel Bi\n\nlls ina ales of LPS-induced hypotension. Together hese\nndings emontae or the it net dienyl\n|G apd hs IM sates aloe suet a pete agi\nPndcd vec tacts tiypetenon add by te se\n195 wed here idcating a ove leo date ell Ch an\nsu dependent NOS elton inte pthagenes lS nde as\nein leaner", "Se ee ee\nil B-dependent NOS ceultion inthe plhogeness of LP\nsndurod unstedar dyafimction ead byypensaeics: The safer Radiat of", "ele rlo dlalersinaeeianr serine nian tai ngpiaaarmte\npci PS causes an crease ia vasclt Geh mRNA, CTP presen\nexpres and eves cori mie wih NOS mR\nih ht Vasc NOS-erved NO inrented (2.2125, Conse\nly GTR pret a Bel ene el eh ses Sc\nsas lana eas Fos wale me We tae peu\nved thatthe my of vasa GTPCH and Ba ashes\n70) are contbated bythe etl shel mice [7 an\naan 1] Th the eden nye pel ste of sy\nbis alowing LS tester ned endtela dena ds\ndation asc Bv eel aorta om DS ated wd\nbat natered in LPS tetedCchiTeaee ie, densa\nvolvement of eat els CTPH apd BH teats\nPrinduced endnote Hower, a siitesnt ition oe\nsleeved in Cee srt ese el pe\napelin at panier an", "a gia rs cletahr ab tet hacia = ce\nsean sorte NOS protein noth type and Gen Tere ie\nwas served nesting) ar NOS expesioa was ao marked\ncreated in bth genayper flowing PS ex i, Tis aces\nNOS expression ay ae aba polecve bcs in endtonera\netinaingt the eanenaes of micron ew However\nhe ti balan stem acs inthe absenee fled ow a\nhe suing shee stress an the vessel wal ae ast be ken\n\nraping hese ress ote ive Stull However cease\nNOS expessn hasbeen dounened neste ais al hl\n\nal mule ora vo expestetal Model of LS indeed\ndora) cota eNOS expression eened i vac\n\nrte om npr deo sre cept shock 2d\n\nating tar vac eNOS expression dependent on he seve\nses ney LS nthe preset sty we und th ee\nascot sponse eee by LAME in eset ater\nom wi ypemicelallowing Lin tsi hat iss eat\n\nby LPS induced inreass oni NOS detivedNO. acon\nwd ype mesenteric\n\ntor responses nese arteries tom Gehl\" dere mice\n\nila findings were as observed in condi arteries (ots) fo\nchP enon aie pee lncubaned wth IPS x vie.", "ey Ca eee ee ee eee a tolone\njon were enplzed in esenaiatetes om wile mie low:\ngsi Tis ids vas coset wth revous pet Wh\nrials desiedderene sensi to NO wing LS eat\nea and hs as sown to be NOS dependent he mseney 5\n9} teats LPS a sian elec on ele endatelas\nJpendeno independent vasodilation a Cb \"ede me\nsoning LPS hr viv. indicating thar che inabliy on induce ondathatta", "Coa", "" ]
[ [ 33.73, 55.85, 284.88, 233 ], [ 33.73, 233.7, 284.88, 400.36 ], [ 33.73, 442.61, 284.89, 588.7 ], [ 33.73, 589.05, 284.87, 682.8599999999999 ], [ 301.72, 55.58, 552.87, 253.92000000000002 ], [ 33.73, 714.62, 284.86, 745.62 ], [ 301.72, 254.62, 552.87, 431.77 ], [ 301.72, 432.35, 552.87, 661.88 ], [ 301.72, 662.58, 552.85, 745.57 ], [ 33.73, 411.5, 284.79, 431.77 ], [ 33.73, 693.91, 81.84, 703.79 ] ]
[ 42631.260037534405, 39793.100828789175, 35464.94855420897, 23061.05910285469, 48482.24646345107, 7655.124611528474, 42919.908364384435, 56797.92895668, 20709.28341991082, 2720.5346641497163, 475.071498912308 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 ]
[ "pus elicactously reiecting the ebects of environmental\nchanges (Figures 4 and SB) On the contrary, the average\nsbundances of sampled maccoinverteates fled to detec\nhis change in two out of three basins (m2 and 3) char\nacterized by more steady 1sets of phyleal-chemia\nverameters (Figure 5A).", "_Nempora’ changes in the degree of specialization were\nsociated with the environmental ictustons, which\nver turn elated to the ferent sates of the hab.\nThe highest values of SI have been recorded during the\npal period, when the lack of human intervention mod\nid the euelemementad enututers cites aueins uecio", "Table 2 List of the benthic macroinvertebrates found in the Tarquinia Saltworks during the fourteen years of the study", "saree ee Gomes apd tech Bras Pen) EASTON EEOC Teneo \"", "ee... 2...\nPhyl carer sn beat Ta Eanophene\nTas aepa—TRaeare SSS aT Bae\n2 Cerapancpnss Gnbudgaum gute 182) Mere x .\n2: Nespas toi cmiOh4 981 Say .\n‘ rumors Oatimante Dm) Smash x\ns Cepancse darmans Cian engienin Mae .\n‘cen 18\n5 otis ews Atma ach 8) decsh .\nCeniagece Bagi tr gs .\n8 Wytods —ayeaserp Moneta 8H) Mare .\n1 Amels Potent Gai) Ranma igas Gabe HSS) Mere x .\nn Spends Gockacier Gate WD Mme .\n2 Catalin Gptecptan a, VR) Commaplon x .\nFen\n2 Presoads Neh mas lng, 186) Mme\n“ meetin Gute, 8k) Mare x .\n5 ptosis Mr .\n, Sotalas Aryans 1S) Mere\nnske Pots Capa 188) Mae .\nmi\n\" ety olga rae Comapion x .\n9 Anopass Vabcnacs hopes tab Palak 72) Salk .\n0 \\grovarosmne Fea 72) Mere\n. its reson Me x .\n2 Germccanpeast nares 188) Mere x .\neats team ins) ig TS Common x .\n6 (omen) nse) Cexmoplan .\ntenes rola Menatiea Cenphnmencn? sea 8) reach .\n8 Pnfernes Rhaaps als Spach ap Eerbg1) Mane .\nCnn Anberlin Fn me, Mahe ." ]
[ [ 56.69, 664.54, 290.62, 735.4399999999999 ], [ 304.72, 664.54, 538.63, 735.4399999999999 ], [ 56.69, 88.37, 538.13, 98.67 ], [ 56.69, 620.77, 533.77, 637.34 ], [ 56.69, 100.82, 538.5799999999999, 619.3900000000001 ] ]
[ 14977.79634848889, 16481.109750712756, 4961.217559499972, 7103.366304918076, 249893.69729999994 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 ]
[ "eres The Comler ancl mcdecuiey reacrenisns of iiigamnetcry Ecawe Ciapees Bee nee Gy UNCER\nreweve, data inte that uncontold chan infammon induced by bacteal gene product including\nipotechoie ald LTA), may tnger colonic inflammation resuting in cesave pathageness LTA 9 constuent\naycolid of Gran-postve bacena that shares many ilammatory properties with ipopalysccharide and pays a\ntal ol nthe pathogenesis of severe ilarmatory responses va Toke ceptor 2. Accordingly, we elicit\nfi role of LTA In bamene stiadetion end Inckuced cola bs vivo.", "Methedn To better understand tie moleculer mechesioms Usllzed by the intestinal microbiots end their gene\nproducts to induce or subvert lamation, specially the eflecs) of atered suace layer protein exesson on\nhe LTasmediated proinflammatory response the Lactobacs acdophiussutace layer eoten (Sb) genes\nencoding ip and SIpK were delete resuting i 2 Sips and SIpK mutant that continued to expres SIpa\nsccaney 6s NOREEN.", "mE NN, Slates eM EEUTS aeat e Te S e eene Reee e eee Pee ae\npurified Stgphyacaccus aueusLTA In contrary tothe LTAdeficentsvain NCQOZS, the LTA-expresing strans\nNCQOS are NCKSE, aswell 35S aureus4TA induce prosnfammatory innate and Tell mmiane responses In\nvio, Additonal nether NCI2O3! nor 5. queus4TA supplemented in dnkng water protected mie fom\n\nDes colin, Luk iratend, induced slgrlicarst hnestiel Ilemention resting kreeene colts and Govue destruction", "Comckeioens These findings suggest thet claected eeration of tan of te f ackkpeaar MCFA-Sps ol nok\nsrulicede LTAMrchzad pre iilocmatcry igus end asteoreart colle.", "Keywords: Dendritic cell, Dextran sulfate sodium, Inflammatory bowel disease, Lipoteschoic acid, Toll-like receptor 2", "cratrce REbanGn Wa. bare, Het Foe bere Gelcee nee\n2.31. Although the etiology of IBD ts stl unknown,\nsaggerated inflammation induced by activate innate\nrmmune celle via thelr interaction wth the microbiota\nind their gene products, as well as inflating CDA”\nIFNy’ T cell, likely play key roles in uncontrolled\niflamation and teue destruction 1-6) Foxpl reg\ntory T cells (Teegs) also critially contol intestinal\nnilammation [7] and sigalicaally prevent clits [8].\nigen 8 pivotal role for Tregs in intestinal immune\neink", "tas Ipceaeeiaadba ent act hnae deere ior\ndent commensal mlcroorganers while raining the\nbility to defend against potential microbial challenge.\nThis lmeoune tolerance isa highly regulated proces\ncomprised af a myriad of bological checkpoints neces\nary to malstain homeostasis between the host and the\njut microbiota [1 In instances of inlammatory bowel\nlisease (IBD, this tolerance between immune cll and\nntestinal bacteria is disrupted; however, causes of this", "A eniamentel challenge in payweating am knbelenced\nromune rexponse isthe understanding of ow the hos\nmune system distinguishes a pathogen from norma\niceestinad naan, (les ob toe cxmeenamedl eclorcermeadans", "Mojgan Zacieh’, Mohammad W Khan’, Yong Jun Goh’, Kurt Sella’, Jennifer L Owen’, Todd Kiaenhammer’ and\nMansour Mohamadzadeh\"™", "Induction of intestinal pro-inflammatory immune\nresponses by lipoteichoic acid", "Abstract", "Background" ]
[ [ 63.16, 251.69, 530.73, 322.71 ], [ 63.16, 326.45, 525.73, 385.46 ], [ 63.16, 389.2, 528.52, 448.23 ], [ 63.17, 452, 501.94, 475.1 ], [ 63.17, 480.87, 521.26, 492.04 ], [ 304.72, 514.83, 538.64, 645.28 ], [ 56.69, 526.81, 290.56, 633.31 ], [ 304.72, 646.3, 538.58, 693.06 ], [ 56.69, 180.15, 525.25, 206.8 ], [ 56.69, 118.88, 528.2, 171.7 ], [ 63.16, 233.28, 101.58, 245.03 ], [ 56.69, 513.74, 111.97999999999999, 525.49 ] ]
[ 30072.57558529044, 22072.162245284067, 26531.176621197024, 8411.632579731406, 5119.084537404764, 28493.75033533573, 24903.556610467378, 10836.033563014586, 7539.172327576351, 20188.28127797137, 451.39273097892146, 649.6004365690169 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "mchediy Seereneenh ie ONerm, Mievia) Tene Oe ire\nin v0 (P=O0i8, Fig. te). ln conclusion, these in wo\nperiments suggested that GPA i ental for promot\nny the peritoneal metastasis of GC celle.", "arnngeams conticmed thet BOC-SAH/NC andl MERINGMA.\nvis developed larger tumors with more organ iavave\nment in the abdominal cavity (peitoneum, mesentery,\nLaphragm, and ler) (ite and Figure 55. Moreove,\nice inoculated with GC-#23/¢h call exhibited longe\nwerall survival chan mice injected with BGC-823/NC\nsella (P — 0.025, Fig. 4d). In contrast, upregulation of GOA", "Sereeel SP 1-einding shee wore Kieatiied on the pee\nmoter of GPA, and the knockdowa of SPI in BGC-823\nlls markedly decreased GOA expresion (Fig $3). On the\npase of these findings and thove of cur previous sty\nowing that Reg IV activates SPI, we transfected Reg\nV into MKNC28 cele These cols exhbied signal\nneeased GIA and p-SPL protein levels (Fig 5) Fur\nhermare, the depletion of SPL expression abrogated the\nduction of G9A by Reg IV (Pi. 5), and G9A suppres\non also attenuate the eflets of RegV on adhesion snd\nvasion (P< 005, Fg. Sy). Moreover, a. chromatin\nmmunopreciptaion (CAD). assy in BGC823. ells\nJemonateated that $P1 drelly bound to the G9A pro\nater and promoted GOA transcription (Fig. 5d), This\nnding wae contrmed by the ca-transtction of Reg IV\nandthe GIA promoter which increased lcferase actly\nin GC ells, whereas the depletion of SPL expression\nenuated the dneeate in lucierase activity in MKN-28\nlls (P<, Fg 5). ERK, an upstream molecular o\nSL, is abo activated by Reg IV. Therefore, we inves\nated its role in GBA induction by examining pSPL. As\nhows in Fig. Sf, peeveatment with the ERK isha\nPDORISD attenuated increases in the GPA and p-SPI\npoten levels. These results demonstrated that the p\nERK/p-SP! pathway i ati for the link betwen Reg IV\naa", "EDGES: & member of the integrin tamiy. pays\nportant role in the peritoneal metastasis of GC\nTherefore we examined the ably of GOA to regulate\nSTGRS expreacion in GC celle. Specifically, silencing GOA", "pordelireesener pismo pinerhn canal", "Table? Multivariate Cox regression analysis of the\ncel sual at 10) oc eect.", "", "——————\nFosine Wine\nne ina3s)\neen se", "", "Reg IV promotes G9A expression via phospho-extracellular\nsal-remsisted|kdimes Lb tainty SP seeaotion", "————E————EE—E\ninduced THGDn enpieeetan" ]
[ [ 304.73, 255.3, 538.6, 302.06 ], [ 56.69, 649.64, 290.57, 732.42 ], [ 304.72, 338.8, 538.6, 648.75 ], [ 304.72, 685.72, 538.6, 732.4300000000001 ], [ 56.69, 88.06, 268.09000000000003, 109.27000000000001 ], [ 304.72, 88.06, 513.86, 109.27000000000001 ], [ 56.69, 615.78, 290.55, 631.62 ], [ 56.69, 113.12, 290.59000000000003, 611.22 ], [ 304.72, 113.12, 538.6500000000001, 231.67000000000002 ], [ 304.72, 315.03, 538.57, 337.45 ], [ 304.72, 661.52, 520.82, 684.18 ] ]
[ 10153.62110064039, 19358.911936294753, 70058.13947251067, 10831.943556264043, 4425.914382256633, 3684.7994825441274, 1984.3782074023038, 116506.46530585444, 27731.540173922345, 4744.037638991023, 3562.601219585398 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 2, 2 ]
[ "ee eee ee Se cee ree ee ee\nance il ey proms Rgh durability he parte resanes\ncare Nevers the deployment of vases with PIB o Fath\ntoca wena doar sb ied empresa\navid gale oper aapation to genes cated wih\na", "DE aS i Sees 1 eee eee Ce\nsnang plats and ave bon well decanted fr higher plat\nrie aad, es Na hs Dns\nemer older leaves aking yung eve ore ative\nstore (oly, ou Ae, 1950), Perera gates\nrots betes and dues (eye 2, Young pet\neigen tendo been eet (isl, 88); eee\nretiring ce aul be expected fo make hie owes\nbere estan parla in ais wih ao resin\nees Hower, several Sas sgt tha his ental tthe\nie, bt that oer ce plants on ecm cen ra\nsore, pores plntappes and leatopper (bins\nsaa cay 20,2), Te ese om the pest sy a\nan te in Rng rsa opathoppes ole\ntat ng sn venti Fre\nx plant age even on copie varieties eran e205) Wi\nty tat sch pal bret nee the resane of 12 o", "Pend snpaerbacengy- ditched heer daria omer eames\nian speals such a monopapocs planers a ele\nin oe yn ad nt eatin wih\nrhage pala ying\nants can often cmpemate wel or berber damage by rou\ntet anion els or by praing new es (se sod Oh", "am renter plant stearce (Rubin ct ol., 2900), This mppeeny to reinte 2\nerasing ty fr rer plat parton revue sy as\nmg an tv fe he ng tod ae\nNishi and Hench 1007 bre a, 109; abi Sache es\n\noo", "We expected that older IR20 and IN62 plants (at low nitrogen levels)\nvould tert plathoppers by coniutg t route mae 0 Fe\nroduc ngs uh alsa ra erga 2)\na rene experimen, IZ plans need le sage he\nser li) cnet ae rece hn Pa\nbal peo the lanier a pele bat oer\nas mere aot appeeialy more ser than jouer plan,\noaghthe ot ad bot a RG planed a ea ering\nDAS tendo onercompente fa plntopper amaze The gree\nees tlre in ering IE (ompared to rela 2)\nernest whee rented nee innate Pr\nanhapper on ling RGD plane dept decrening plop\nann en Decresing lean made IG pan te\npli, bt might be duct eclogite fs beeen reste\nlier msstnaes oom us snd Larchra 20 es\nln et 20), Peo sadist ater ce beivees ve\nnicted ler tolerance and preter efi o iel pareaah\nee cites vies sheds as cual ig cnet deans umes", "in our experiments, planthopper fines ofira ineressed om. high\nsoon pam, pars rng ate ering stage (5, DAS\nrh ange ferent esitance snes campromard by hgh\n\noes criens Slim snd Sonn 994, Vac a 204 Hora\na aes ssn al 2010, he pest tay, plntoppet\ncer high nigen However, mph blamasdensy dein i\npared change in pahopper bana (parila anf\nmales nd eg yng daring poplin evelopment. Tir war ee\nened under higher nope eines during the 2011 eld exper\n\nenn to hgh ling a2 pam toplabonpe dag\n012 (thee centr were sported by vee fom te srenhoa\nperiment). Ths apart apc of R62 to ter late ro\nanapper damage than IE andthe posit hat folerance\nsth ame ines os kr ph tan hon\nown plathopper damage sang ls grown re pln and\neningy severe damage dew bown fathers nde igh a\n\nroe (Cy ea, 197; hang ad Cheng 2008 Cr 201\nea als) Wetabeve that hi iference ay bette\npean nN ance preva ese oy xine eas\ncept artes (ua Sache t 199, Snasan ea\n\nwhongeamenpryp try", "cota results indicate: that farmers msing high fertilizer applications on\n52 wil not apprecalyscteerate adaptation by plnthoppers othe\nae) specie resistance poe, However, ents R62 tera\nfey lnboppr th Sei (noted nc Bl experiment\nere potest for lstopper dap tthe are ae Fer\n1S, 2s foe ater af popper adoption RS). Cae\nnmr cal 904 Set 190) and by avg eugene\npete (Gallahe o y 904 ih, 190 19040) eal\nsce pan thrugh actos of interacting gens (Fs cra\n\nsa Hoga (2018) have need tse all\naes hgh to pes he Bt lca othe lend reed\ncurate lingerie aunt he ron lathe ve i\nilpnes~ highlighting the rl of cece ce gees Sd ah\nrin enhancing restoce ea Fale ase, 2012)\nfathermere nit ca”) hve deat tat platoon\nri the Hpi Tony atlang the developing ee panies bu\nrat he ph Tease By atincking the Gevelopiag ie panicles bus", "4.3. Ontegenetic changes in resistance and tolerance", "4.4. Stability of resistance and tolerance under high nitrogen", "4.5. implicanons for crop management" ]
[ [ 37.59, 57.37, 288.65999999999997, 119.53 ], [ 37.59, 151.48, 288.67, 422.89 ], [ 37.59, 423.49, 288.68, 537.98 ], [ 306.6, 57.36, 557.6600000000001, 119.53 ], [ 37.59, 538.52, 288.68, 747.17 ], [ 306.6, 151.36, 557.6700000000001, 485.65000000000003 ], [ 306.59, 517.6, 557.67, 747.1800000000001 ], [ 37.59, 130.6, 214.38, 140.45999999999998 ], [ 306.6, 130.6, 511.34000000000003, 140.45999999999998 ], [ 306.6, 496.71, 437.93000000000006, 506.57 ] ]
[ 13407.663241889415, 65550.21255326737, 27867.56672228407, 13228.87058329722, 52250.54650753038, 82225.27121826727, 57502.304663484916, 1743.0302480979808, 2018.5536351806513, 1294.8375123381848 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ]
[ "Purpose: G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) are a large family of therapeutically important proteins and as diverse\nX-ray structures become available it is increasingly possible to leverage structural information for rational drug design,", "We FREE Nagel SPEER CTS Tt Ue GEC REET MIERACIES CORN) WEN QTE, BUEVEYS Co the Kincing we\n(AID, proving an enhanced uggabity an ligand desgn approach, vith actual understanding of hgand\nbinding, including a ‘magic’ methyl and binding site mutations, and a fast new approach to genevate and score waters", "Methods: The GRID program was used to identify lpaphaic and hyciragen bonding hotspots Expicit Rall water\nretwors were generated and scoed for (pseudclapo stucres and igandpreten complexes sing anew preach\nWatrFLAP (Molecular Discover), together wth Wate (Schrodinger fr (aseudolapo structures. A Scoving\nfunction (Metacore) was developed using 2 fast computational protocol based an several short adiabatic\nbiased MD simulations followed by multiple short well-tempered metadynarnics runs.", "Results: Analysis of diverse ligands binding ta the adenosine Aa, receptor tagether with new structumes for the\nSik/y opioid and CCRS receptors confimed the key role of lipophilic hatspts in driving ligand binding and\nhas design the displacement of unhappy waters generally found in these regions provides a key binding\nenergy component. Compete explicit water networks could be robustly generated for protein ligand complexes\nsing @ WatetFLAP based approsch. They provide a structural understanding of stucureactivty relationships\ntuch 35a magic methy effect and with the metadynamics approach a useful estimation of the binding eneray\n“hanges resulting from active site mutations.", "Conclusions; The promise Of full stucture-besed Orug Gesign GEDC) for GPCRs [5 now posse using & combination:\nof advanced expetmenal and computational data, The conformational themasablton of ta protein rouge\nhe ably to easly gaverate biophysical screening data nding including Fagments, kinetics) and to get etal,\nsructures with bath potent and weak igards. Expt water networks for apo and igand: complex structures ae\niia thd cimension’ for SEDO and ae key for understanding gad binding energies and knetics. GIO\nipophllc hotspots are found tobe key cvers fr binding In this context high ena GPCR ligand design is now\nrabled.", "Keywords: GPCR; StaR, GRID; WaterMap, WaterFLAP, metadynamics; A».", "Jonathan S Mason\", Andrea Bortolato\"\", Dahlia R Weiss\", Francesca Deflorian', Benjamin Tehan'\nsnd Fiona H Marshall?", "High end GPCR design: crafted ligand design and\ndruggability analysis using protein structure,\nlipophilic hotspots and explicit water networks", "Abstract" ]
[ [ 63.21, 278.67, 525.25, 301.90000000000003 ], [ 63.21, 302.78, 531.28, 337.9 ], [ 63.21, 341.65, 528.55, 400.89 ], [ 63.21, 404.17, 531.65, 487.90000000000003 ], [ 63.21, 491.64, 531.97, 574.88 ], [ 63.21, 580.02, 362.44, 592.8299999999999 ], [ 56.69, 206.5, 467.44, 233.62 ], [ 56.69, 119.31, 532.72, 198.3 ], [ 63.21, 260.18, 101.68, 271.97 ] ]
[ 10719.717015553848, 15965.71952884586, 25525.54435347335, 35097.21611818718, 33230.258823031094, 3833.7571903864155, 6683.966478545772, 35627.427813176764, 453.7018593695029 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 ]
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