25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - articular by articulation blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t3 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage transferrin - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage reticulocytes count parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage cortisol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage adrenocorticotrophic hormone acth - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage hospital rates elastic bandage Monocular fluorescein angiofluorescein 0.9% physiologic solution 250 ml - jp mydriacyl anesthetic oculum - 10 mg/ml + 1 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drt x 10 ml 10% oculum - 10% sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5ml hospital rates hospital rates optical coherence tomography - monocular optical coherence tomography - monocular ultrasonic - monocular biometrics General balanced saline solution - halex istar - sol oft cx 20 bols trilaminate pp trans sist fech x 250 ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fa pp trans sist fech x 250 ml rate of serum installation ev by use/session us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular Monocular fluorescein angiofluorescein retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular mydriacyl anesthetic oculum - 10 mg/ml + 1 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drt x 10 ml 10% oculum - 10% sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5ml electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage protein electropheresis glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage dengue - igg and igm each - search and/or dosage dengue - igg and igm each - search and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each iga - research and/or dosage immunoelectrophoresis study of gammopathy - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage transferrin - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets alpha-fetoprotein - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular Monocular fluorescein angiofluorescein retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular General retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time foreign bodies polyps or biopsy - in office compact rate of small surgery room appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope sorine adulto - fr. 30 cc - ache xylestesin + epinephrine hosp. restricted - 2% c/v 10 fr. 20 ml - crystalline tc - face or breasts of the face uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time foreign bodies polyps or biopsy - in office appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Creatinine - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination polaramine - cx. 20 cprs. - pharmacokinetic step nausedron - 2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography 24-hour holter - 2 or more channels - analog computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time high-resolution ecg cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t3 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing ige specific group each - research and/or dosage ige total - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin d - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation time - determination bleeding time of ivy - detection carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage aslo - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl c-reactive protein qualitative - research culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time biradicular endodontic treatment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin d - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets oestradiol - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage aslo - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative - research in the rheumatoid system rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative c-reactive protein qualitative - research culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - morphological obstetrics us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina glycemic curve 4 doses oral or intravenous use transferrin - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 40 bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml daily room of a collective room of 2 beds with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized General compound buscopan - 6.7 mg/ml + 333.4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd cgt x 20 ml utrogestan glucose halex istar - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 40 bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml transamine adalat retard - 20 mg with rev ct bl al/plast amb opc x 30 us - obstetrics with color Doppler appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours glucose halex istar - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 40 bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml solu-cortef - 500mg powder liof inj ct 50 fa vd inc us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml neosoro - 0.5 mg/ml sol in ct fr plas trans drop x 30 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time initial dental appointment biradicular endodontic treatment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage aslo - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative - research in the rheumatoid system rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative c-reactive protein qualitative - research culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina high-resolution ecg bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 2 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 1000 ml sist. closed isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml needle shield - zu534 quill monoderm - glycolide copolymer device and e-caprolactone for closing non-knot tissues - vlm2015 with 1 needle vld - variable loop design 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom rent/fee of apparatus/equipment for general anesthesia by use rent/fee of apparatus/equipment for laparoscopy for surgery by use rent/fee of electric aspirator by use infusion pump per hour rent pen / motor electric scalpel by use volume respirator per day Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per day capnograph monitoring rate per day monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter per hour outside the icu and the operating room decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml nausedron - 2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp propovan - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 20 ml rest hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml pantozol - 40 mg with rev lib retard ct bl al/al x 28 novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc atropion - 0.5 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml cis - 2 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd trans x 5 ml normastig restricted hosp. - 0 5 mg/ml sol. inj. 50 amps. vd. inc. x 1 ml hosp. - chemical union cipro - 0 2% sol inj env al bols po x 200 ml rest hosp ultiva restrito hosp. - 2 mg. po liof. inj. ct. 5 fa vd. trans. - aspen pharma olmesartan medoxomil + hydrochlorothiazide - generic - 20 mg. + 12 5 mg. bl. al/al x 30 cprs. rev. - europharmaceutical xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% jelly cx. 10 bisn. x 30 g - crystalline neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0 5 pcc sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina female
vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours General General General General General c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum General General General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom rate per general anesthesia use rate per unit of small dressing blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination gas female
gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time lacrimal pathway assessment schirmer test - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets platelets aggregation test per aggregating agent each free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage individual outpatient consultation of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy dental appointment prophylaxis: coronary polishing individual outpatient session of speech therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy water for injection glycophysiological solution sanobiol - 0.9g + 5g/100ml sol inj iv cx 20 bols trilaminate pp trans sist fech x 500ml rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy individual outpatient session of speech therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets platelets aggregation test per aggregating agent each free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular water for injection water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage Observation room rate up to 6 hours buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin d - research and/or dosage Zinc - test and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage transferrin - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ascorbic acid vitamin c - search and/or dosage 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin d - research and/or dosage Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin a research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage ige total - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count conventional ecg of up to 12 leads us - female lower abdomen bladder uterus ovary and appendices appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bacterial culture in various biological materials antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated bacterial culture in various biological materials antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time initial dental appointment educational activity in oral health prophylaxis: coronary polishing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bond test clot retraction - research coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time of ivy - detection activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp osteotomy palatine alveolus mandible osteoplasty glucose - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bond test clot retraction - research coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time of ivy - detection activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
hospital rates Observation room rate up to 6 hours General General General General General General General General rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time compact rate of small procedure room Observation room rate up to 6 hours unplanned immobilizations any segment - 50 mg. inj. 5 amps. - pfizer plamet - sol. inj. cx. 50 x 2 ml - libbs profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dexamethasone - generic hosp. restricted - 4 mg/ml 2.5 ml. cx. 50 amps. - hypopharma dipyrone sodium - generic restricted hosp. - 500 mg/ml cx. 100 amps. 2 ml hosp. - teuto bras. uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml General diprospan coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml collar tramadol hydrochloride diprospan coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml unplanned immobilizations any segment tramadol hydrochloride coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diprospan novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc water for injection tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc diprospan novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml water for injection decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc water for injection tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diprospan novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diprospan novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc water for injection decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time movatec - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1.5 ml diprospan rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine conventional ecg of up to 12 leads Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time spine: foraminal or facet infiltration or joint infiltration spine: foraminal or facet infiltration or joint infiltration spine: foraminal or facet infiltration or joint infiltration spine: foraminal or facet infiltration or joint infiltration spine: foraminal or facet infiltration or joint infiltration spine: foraminal or facet infiltration or joint infiltration radioscopy for follow-up of surgical procedure per hour or fraction water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 100 ml sist. closed isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 narcan - 0.4 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 amp vd inc x 1 ml emb hosp nubain - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 amp vd amb x 1 ml tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml sufenta - 5 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 01 fa vd inc x 50 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml lanexat restricted hosp. - 0.1 mg/ml sol. inj. iv ct. 5 amps. vd. trans. x 5 ml - aspen pharma zofran - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp plas x 2 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml tramadon - 50mg/ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 1 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml solu-medrol - fr. 500 mg. + amp. dil. - wyeth lyrica - 75 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 14 profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas trans sist fech x 100 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml gliocort - 500 mg po liof sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc emb hosp novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml claritin - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 12 appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ige total - research and/or dosage ige by allergen each - search and/or dosage ige by allergen each - search and/or dosage ige by allergen each - search and/or dosage ige by allergen each - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml water for injections - sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 10ml blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ige total - research and/or dosage ige by allergen each - search and/or dosage ige by allergen each - search and/or dosage ige by allergen each - search and/or dosage ige by allergen each - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage iron fixation capacity - search and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t3 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing herpes simplex - igg - search and/or dosage herpes simplex - igm - research and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - fta-abs-igg - research syphilis - fta-abs-igm - research syphilis - vdrl lactose tolerance test appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull profenid - 100 mg po liof sol inj cx 50 fa vd trans Observation room rate up to 6 hours tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml dexalgen - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 3 amp vd amb x 1 ml +1 5 mg/ml +500 mg/ml sol inj 3 amp vd amb x 1 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage rm - foot antefoot - does not include ankle appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time individual outpatient consultation of speech therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone rm - skull brain rm - bilateral temporal bones unplastered immobilization rate by use/session unplanned immobilizations any segment movatec - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1.5 ml diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets oestradiol - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage water for injection us - breasts hiospan compound restricted hosp. - sol. inj. 5 ml c/100 hosp. - teuto bras. dolosal - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp diazepam nq dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with chromoscopy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml rent/ video monitor rate per use Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour Observation room rate up to 6 hours xylestesin restricted hosp. - 10% spray cx. 1 fr. 50 ml - crystalline fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est x amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp mylicon - 75 mg/ml sus or ct fr plas opc drt x 15 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml urease rapid test for helicobacter pylori appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml amylase - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage progesterone - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igg - search and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igm - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbeac anti-hbe - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbeag antigen e - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv - antigen p24 - screening and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml tramal - 100 mg. lib. prol. ct. bl. al. plas. opc x 20 cprs. rev. - grunenthal tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sterile water for injections beker - sun inj iv cx 50 bols pvc sist fech x 250 ml amylase - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom conventional ecg of up to 12 leads tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml nutren - 2.4 c/fibers - cappuccino - cx. 24 bottles of 125 ml. - nestle health science sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sterile water for injections beker - sun inj iv cx 50 bols pvc sist fech x 250 ml sterile water for injections beker - sun inj iv cx 50 bols pvc sist fech x 250 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads conventional ecg of up to 12 leads hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml atrovent - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml atrovent - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml lactulone - 667 mg/ml xpe ct fr plast pet amb x 120 ml plumph taste water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml haldol - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipids tryptanol pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml rivotril - 2 mg with cx bl al plas inc x 30 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml diazepam - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp fluimucil - 40 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbeac anti-hbe - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbeag antigen e - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage nutren - 2.4 c/fibers - cappuccino - cx. 24 bottles of 125 ml. - nestle health science sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sterile water for injections beker - sun inj iv cx 50 bols pvc sist fech x 250 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml atrovent - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml hyplex b - sol inj im cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml haldol - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipids tryptanol tryptanol novolin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct 1 fa vd inc x 10 ml pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml rivotril - 2 mg with cx bl al plas inc x 30 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml fluimucil - 40 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g fluimucil - 40 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g fluimucil - 40 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml nutren - 2.4 c/fibers - cappuccino - cx. 24 bottles of 125 ml. - nestle health science sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml hyplex b - sol inj im cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml haldol - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipids tryptanol pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml rivotril - 2 mg with cx bl al plas inc x 30 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety fluimucil - 40 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g fluimucil - 40 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml nutren - 2.4 c/fibers - cappuccino - cx. 24 bottles of 125 ml. - nestle health science sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml atrovent - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml hyplex b - sol inj im cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml haldol - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipids tryptanol pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml rivotril - 2 mg with cx bl al plas inc x 30 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety fluimucil - 40 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g fluimucil - 40 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml nutren - 2.4 c/fibers - cappuccino - cx. 24 bottles of 125 ml. - nestle health science sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets apresolin - 25 x 20 drags. - novartis klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml atrovent - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml haldol - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipids pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml rivotril - 2 mg with cx bl al plas inc x 30 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml nutren - 2.4 c/fibers - cappuccino - cx. 24 bottles of 125 ml. - nestle health science Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml klaricid - 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc x capac 10 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml atrovent - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml haldol - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipids tryptanol pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml rivotril - 2 mg with cx bl al plas inc x 30 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized pulmicort - 0.25 mg/ml sus p/ nebulization ct 5 fr plas x 2 ml hyplex b - sol inj im cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml vitamin c - 0 500g + 0 1157g +0 0005g + 0 005g / 5 ml sol inj cx with 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transthoracic Doppler echocardiography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time skull venous mr angio-rm appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized campimetry - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular lacrimal pathway assessment schirmer test - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular contrast or color sensitivity test - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - chest b.a.a.r. ziehl or fluorescence direct research and after homogenization - research bacterial culture in various biological materials appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - skull brain rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dolosal - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp compound hiospan - 4.0 mg/ml + 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp diazepam - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp female
General culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets oestradiol - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage progesterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time fungi search for fresh lactophenol china ink appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular General anestalcon mydriacyl 10% oculum - 10% sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5ml female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time urofluorometry us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time vitamin c restricted hosp. - 500 mg/5 ml - cx. 100 amps. vd. - farmace profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis hyplex b restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 2 ml - hypopharma appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular dermatology consultation dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular daily tension curve - binocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day water for injection monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day cortisonal - 500 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cerumen - removal bilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time novacort - 20 mg/g + 0.64 mg/g + 2.5 mg/g crem derm ct bg al x 10 g xylestesin with epinephrine - 10 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml otosynalar - 0 250 mg/ml + 10 000 ui/ml + 3.5 mg/ml + 20 mg/ml sol oto ct fr plas opc drop x 5 ml xylestesin - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular water for injection sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 24 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 500 ml monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter by use/session vitamin c - 0 500g + 0 1157g +0 0005g + 0 005g / 5 ml sol inj cx with 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml hyplex b - sol inj im cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml cortisonal - 500 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter by use/session appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time urofluorometry conventional ecg of up to 12 leads us - male lower abdomen bladder prostate and seminal vesicles us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 24 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml rate per unit of small dressing surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 Observation room rate up to 6 hours oxygenated water 10vol.100ml alm.twist off - hydrochimica profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized campimetry - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time urofluorometry glucose - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bond test clot retraction - research coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time of ivy - detection rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone profenid - 100 mg po liof sol inj cx 50 fa vd trans water for injection - sol inj ct 25 amp plas inc x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter by use/session tc - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbosacral spine up to 3 segments Observation room rate up to 6 hours removex 1000ml - hydrochimica sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time unilateral hydrocele - surgical correction unilateral hydrocele - surgical correction profenid - 100 mg po liof sol inj cx 50 fa vd trans novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml daily working day in the hospital ward discarded technical needle for regional anesthesia - bd whitacre 25g x 3 1⁄2" mononylon ethilon rent/rate of monopolar electric scalpel by use monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter per hour outside the icu and the operating room noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate per hour Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour male sterilizing surgery male sterilizing surgery surgical room rate anesthetic size 1 surgical room rate anesthetic size 2 kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml dimorf - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp heavy neocaine - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 20 amp vd inc x 4 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml zofran - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp plas x 4 ml decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml rate per dressing unit unilateral hydrocele - surgical correction rate per large dressing unit appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ketoconazole - 20 mg/g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml male
gynecology and obstetrics consultation dermatology consultation gynecology and obstetrics consultation glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 glucose - search and/or dosage us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - igm - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - obstetric with nuchal translucency appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose after overload with dextrosol or glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetrics with color Doppler glucose - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl culture urine with colony count Cesarean section Cesarean section daily nursery 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom use of tray for probing/bladder catheterization rent/fee of electric aspirator by use heated cradle rate per day rent pen / motor electric scalpel by use Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day rent/rate of vacuum aspirator by use newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or high-risk surgical sodium chloride beker - 9 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 bols pvc trans flex sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml ringer - 8.6+0.33+0.30mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas sist fech x 500ml water for injection water for injection rate per dressing unit newborn care in nursery cefazolin sodium - 1 g powder p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp neutron keflin - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml emb hosp oxytocin - 5 iu/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml emb hosp oxytocin - 5 iu/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml emb hosp aramin - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml heavy neocaine - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 20 amp vd inc x 4 ml tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp compound hiospan - 4.0 mg/ml + 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp kanakion - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct band al/plas 5 amp vd amb x 0.2 ml + 5 dosad plas dimorf - 0.2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp gaviscon - cart. 32 cprs. mast. - reckitt benckiser hospital rates amino acid chromatography qualitative profile - research and/or dosage phenylalanine research and/or dosage galactosis - search and/or dosage glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase g6fd - search and/or dosage immunoreactive trypsin irt - research and/or dosage trypanosome research 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing biotinidase activity qualitative - research and / or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - fta-abs-igg - research toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time coombs direct abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets reticulocytes count glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Immobilization of the lower limb coltrax - inj. cx. 3 amps. - sanofi medley movatec - 15 mg. sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1.5 ml - boehringer ingelheim appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride dormonid - 15 mg. 2 bl. x 10 cprs. - roche xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca xylocaine luftal fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage fibrinogen functional test dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage alpha-fetoprotein - research and/or dosage carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing syphilis - vdrl transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg compact rate of small procedure room unplanned immobilizations any segment alginac - 5000 mcg + 100 mg. + 100 mg. + 75 mg. sol. inj. cx. c/cama 3 amps. vd. amb. x 1 ml + 3 amps. vd. amb. x 2 ml - merck diprospan - inj. 1 amp. 1 ml - pharmacocorp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours magnopyrol - 500 mg with ct 25 bl al plas amb x 08 sodium chloride 0.9% water for injection rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dexamethasone - generic hosp. restricted - 4 mg/ml 2.5 ml. cx. 50 amps. - hypopharma dipyrone sodium Plamet dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time biopsy/aspiration of organ or structure oriented by xr. us or ct adding the basic examination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride water for injections rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time computerized keratoscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing fresh examination fresh examination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - joint by joint educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time provisional crown without pin filling core ceramomer restoration - onlay sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml water for injection potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage provisional crown without pin provisional crown without pin filling core filling core ceramomer restoration - onlay ceramomer restoration - onlay appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets alpha-fetoprotein - research and/or dosage antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage progesterone - research and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t3 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igg - search and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igm - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing herpes simplex - igg - search and/or dosage herpes simplex - igm - research and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time novalgine 500mg - sanofi medley dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml syneticone - 75 mg/ml emu or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time movatec - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1.5 ml diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg atensin - 0.10 mg with ct bl al pl inc x 30 sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 computerized keratoscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular 10% oculum - 10% sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5ml mydriacyl - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans got x 5 ml Immobilization of the lower limb diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time fresh examination bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide bacterial culture in various biological materials culture for anaerobic bacteria fungi culture culture mycoplasma or ureaplasma hpv human papillomavirus + subtyping when necessary pcr - research chlamydia by molecular biology - research research of other agents by pcr antifungic us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage bond test clot retraction - research coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time of ivy - detection activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing oestradiol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage progesterone - research and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage aslo - research and/or dosage herpes simplex - igg - search and/or dosage herpes simplex - igm - research and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl bacterial culture in various biological materials sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml ringer with lactate - 6.00+0.30+0.20+3.20mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 bols pe trans sist fech x 500 ml daily working day in the hospital ward disposable electrosurgical electrode with valleylab - e1452-6 coating synovial cyst - surgical treatment synovial cyst - surgical treatment synovial cyst - surgical treatment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time surgical room rate anesthetic size 1 decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml zofran - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp plas x 4 ml diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml rate per dressing unit sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml rate per large dressing unit use of a tray for stitch removal us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone dental appointment educational activity in oral health rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser diagnostic or therapeutic joint puncture infiltration - or not guided by imaging method dental appointment educational activity in oral health biradicular endodontic treatment endodontic treatment dental appointment provisional crown without pin cast metal core total metal crown ceramic female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals compact surgical room rate xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca dolantin restricted hosp. - 50 mg/ml sol. inj. x 25 amps. x 2 ml - sanofi medley dormonid injection restrito hosp. - 15 mg. 5 amps. - roche General General General General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon dental appointment 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time amylase - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 amylase - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cryotherapy group of up to 5 lesions exeresis of benign tumor cyst or fistula exeresis of benign tumor cyst or fistula hospital rates 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 40 fr plas trans sist fech x 250 ml face - biopsy lidocaine hydrochloride - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. fa vd. x 20 ml - blausiegel riodeine dermo suave topico 30ml alm.twist off - rioquimica fiberse - 1uloose/g + 666u/g + 10mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 10g rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint diprivan restrito hosp. - 20 ml cx. 5 amps. - astrazeneca flotac 140mg 20caps - novartis appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp automated antibiogram appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder hospital rates tc - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbosacral spine up to 3 segments chlorohex dermosuave - 2% almotolia 100 ml - cx. c/30 frs. - itace duodecadron - 8 mg/ml + 2 mg/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 1 ml + ser dos neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0 5 pcc sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope automated culture - microbiology automated antibiogram dental appointment automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital transthoracic Doppler echocardiography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals tc - chest appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage natriuretic peptide bnp/probnp - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ige total - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular conventional ecg of up to 12 leads Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time lactated ringer physiological solution - 6 mg/ml + 0.3 mg/ml + 0.2 mg/ml + 3 mg/ml sol inj iv fa plas trans sist fech x 500 ml surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 sleep - 1 mg/ml sun inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 5 ml neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0.75 pcc sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. gentamicin - gentamicin - 20 mg/ ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml emb hosp norepinephrine hemitartarate - 2 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 amp vd amb x 4 ml emb hosp opthaac 40 - 40 mg/ml susp inj ct fa vd amb x 1 ml tropinom - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas opc drop x 5 ml hyalozyme fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp anestalcon - 5.0 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plast opc drop x 5 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - breasts appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment tc - chest appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time maximum respiratory pressure determination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time orbit-palpebral evaluation-exophthalmometry - binocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular female
surgical room rates General hospital rates General vaginal specimen p vagispec 107 adlin appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage hepatitis a - hav - igg - search and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igm - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbeac anti-hbe - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbeag antigen e - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl chagas warfare slaughter rm - joint by joint conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina General female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lactose tolerance test oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage hospital rates daily working day in the hospital ward rent/fee of apparatus/equipment for laparoscopy for surgery by use rent/ image intensifier rate by use omnipaque restricted hosp. - 300 mg i/ml fa vd. x 50 ml - fasting General General lorax - 2 mg. ct. 1 bl. x 30 cprs. - wyeth plamet - sol. inj. cx. 50 x 2 ml - libbs decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache dolantin restricted hosp. - 50 mg/ml sol. inj. x 25 amps. x 2 ml - sanofi medley novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis flexibag 200 ml - bayer omeprazole sodium - generic restricted hosp. - 40 mg. po sol. inj. ct. 50 fa vd. inc. + 50 dil. amp. vd. inc. x 10 ml hosp. - europharma dimorf restricted hosp. - 1 mg/ml cx. isopore 50 est. c/1 amp. 2 ml - crystallization nilperidol restricted hosp. - 50 amps. 2 ml - crystalline novabupi + epinephrine hosp. restricted -0.5% c/v 10 etj. 20 ml - crystalline xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% jelly cx. 10 bisn. x 30 ml - crystalline xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 10 fr. 20 ml - crystalliza zofran restricted hosp. - 4 mg. / 5 amps. plast. 2 ml - glaxosmithkline unilateral ureterorrenolithotripsy unilateral ureterorrenolithotripsy unilateral rigid laser ureterorrenolithotripsy unilateral rigid laser ureterorrenolithotripsy unilateral rigid laser ureterorrenolithotripsy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular anestalcon - 5.0 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plast opc drop x 5 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time oestradiol - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage progesterone - research and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - female lower abdomen bladder uterus ovary and appendices dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine puncture biopsy/aspiration of us-oriented organ or surface structure does not include the basic examination hospital rates us - breasts xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina psychology consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp conventional ecg of up to 12 leads tc - chest appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 18g x 15cm needle switch needle 21g x 15cm nailfold matricectomy xylestesin - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time breast injury exeresis by stereotaxic marking or rolling breast injury exeresis by stereotaxic marking or rolling breast injury exeresis by stereotaxic marking or rolling breast injury exeresis by stereotaxic marking or rolling 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 200 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml haemostatic surgicel 5.5cmx7 5cm 12unid 1953 Monitoring kit / rush transducer Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage infusion pump per hour volume respirator per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads conventional ecg of up to 12 leads tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml diprivan 1% clonidin - 150 mcg/ml sol inj cx 25 est x amp vd amb x 1 ml emb. hosp. fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp nitroprus - 50mg po liof inj ct 5 amp vd amb + amp dil x 2ml + opc pancuron - 2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb.hosp. water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 01 fa vd inc x 50 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml 10% mannitol solution - 200 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml rosuvastatin calcica - generic - 20 mg. com. rev. ct. bl. al. al. x 30 - new chemica plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml fenital - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb. hosp. fenital - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb. hosp. b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators clindamin c - 300 mg. ct. bl. al. plas. trans. 16 caps. gel. dura - teuto bras. nimovas - 30 mg with rev ct 6 bl al/al x 5 c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage thoracostomy with closed pleural drainage tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits tc - chest hyponor zitromax rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp lacrima plus - 1.0 mg/ml + 3.0 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drt x 15 ml esmeron - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 5 ml transamin - 5 pcc sol inj ct 5 amp x 5 ml bacterial culture in various biological materials blood cultures per sample catheterization of the radial artery - for pam hospital rates sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml polysuture bone wax - sterile pack containing 01 bastao-shaped bone wax packed in cartridge containing 12 units with 2.5 g each Brain arterial CT angiography serum irregular anti-erythrocyte antibodies test gel decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml diphenylhydramine - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp nubain - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 amp vd amb x 1 ml humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml omeprazole sodium - 40 mg powder liof p/ sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc + 50 dil amp vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp henetix - 300 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml cortisonal - 500 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc clindamycin phosphate - 150 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ colm 50 amp vd inc x 4 ml hiv - antigen p24 - screening and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated isopharma - potassium chloride solution - 191 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 120 amp plas inc x 10 ml tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits glycophos - 216 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fr amp plas x 20 ml decadron - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 2 amp x 1 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 200 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 500 ml sist. closed water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 500 ml sist. closed isopharma - potassium chloride solution - 191 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 120 amp plas inc x 10 ml total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage monitoring/ capnography rate per hour outside the icu and the operating room conventional ecg of up to 12 leads tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits fibrinogen functional test dosage diprivan 1% humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml omeprazole sodium - 40 mg powder liof p/ sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc + 50 dil amp vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml nimovas - 30 mg with rev ct 6 bl al/al x 5 fenital - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb. hosp. Monitoring kit / rush transducer lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp atropine - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml anchoon - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp x 3 ml tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage catheterization of the radial artery - for pam vicryl plus - needle sh-26mm 1/2 circle violet braided diameter 3-0 vcp316h fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp nitroprus - 50mg po liof inj ct 5 amp vd amb + amp dil x 2ml + opc pancuron - 2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb.hosp. lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 05 amp vd inc x 20 ml 10% mannitol solution - 200 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml slow k - 600 mg. 20 dg. - glaxosmithkline lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Monitoring kit / rush transducer volume respirator per hour monitoring/ capnography rate per hour outside the icu and the operating room Monitoring rate of invasive pa per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads General selozok - 50 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 pressat - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 pressat - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 nitroprus - 50mg po liof inj ct 5 amp vd amb + amp dil x 2ml + opc pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml nimovas - 30 mg with rev ct 6 bl al/al x 5 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 fenital - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb. hosp. culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp lasix - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct bl 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage atropine - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp seloken - 1 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 dimorf - 1.0 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 bl x 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized atenol - 100 mg with ct bl plas inc x 28 pressat nitroprus - 50mg po liof inj ct 5 amp vd amb + amp dil x 2ml + opc humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml apresolin - 50 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml nimovas - 30 mg with rev ct 6 bl al/al x 5 fenital - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb. hosp. lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp precedex - 100 mcg/ml sol inj ct 5 fa vd trans x 2 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g hospital visit patient hospitalized hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 tracheostomy with placement of tracheal or tracheobronchial orthosis by cervical route tracheostomy with placement of tracheal or tracheobronchial orthosis by cervical route tracheostomy with placement of tracheal or tracheobronchial orthosis by cervical route tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits hospital visit patient hospitalized serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 dimorf - 1.0 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 bl x 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 100 ml sist. closed atropine - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pressat pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml apresolin - 50 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml omcilon-a orabase - 1.0 mg/g pas ct 01 bg al x 10 g omcilon - a orabase precedex - 100 mcg/ml sol inj ct 5 fa vd trans x 2 ml nimovas - 30 mg with rev ct 6 bl al/al x 5 selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 femoral prelude sheath - psi-5f-11-035 femoral prelude sheath lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 01 fa vd inc x 50 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pressat phosphoenema - 160 + 60mg/ml sol ret cx 12 fr plas trans x 130 ml emb hosp humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized dimorf - 1.0 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 bl x 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml tylex - 500 mg + 30 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 12 hospital visit patient hospitalized individual session of speech therapy hospital LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral hospital visit patient hospitalized tramadon - 50mg/ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 1 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pressat pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml omcilon-a orabase - 1.0 mg/g pas ct 01 bg al x 10 g omcilon - a orabase diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized atropine - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage tc - chest hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized prothrombin time - determination sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom individual session of speech therapy hospital hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pressat humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pressat pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage infusion pump per hour daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets clarithromycin - 500 mg po liof p/ sol inj iv cx 10 fa vd inc x 30 ml selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pressat pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 alivium - 600 mg soft cap gel ct bl pvc/pvdc/al x 10 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage bacterial culture in various biological materials blood cultures per sample antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 alivium - 600 mg soft cap gel ct bl pvc/pvdc/al x 10 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml individual session of speech therapy hospital hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pressat humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml meronem restrito hosp. - 1000 mg. po inj. ct. 10 fa vd. inc. - wyeth omcilon-a orabase - 1.0 mg/g pas ct 01 bg al x 10 g omcilon - a orabase diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized alivium - 600 mg soft cap gel ct bl pvc/pvdc/al x 10 meticorten - 20 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 10 bacterial culture in various biological materials antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 daily isolation of a single apartment hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized daily isolation of a single apartment sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized pressat - 10 cprs. - biolab sanus selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 pantocal - 40 mg powder liof inj iv ct fa vd trans + amp dil x 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml meronem restrito hosp. - 1000 mg. po inj. ct. 10 fa vd. inc. - wyeth diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 meticorten - 20 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 10 isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized atropine - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml alivium - 600 mg soft cap gel ct bl pvc/pvdc/al x 10 hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized omcilon-a orabase - 1.0 mg/g pas ct 01 bg al x 10 g omcilon - a orabase Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage individual session of speech therapy hospital hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml meticorten - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 hospital visit patient hospitalized daily isolation of a single apartment sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml individual session of speech therapy hospital hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized pressat - 10 cprs. - biolab sanus selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 xylocaine antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 meronem restrito hosp. - 1000 mg. po inj. ct. 10 fa vd. inc. - wyeth diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 meticorten - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g hospital visit patient hospitalized Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc clavulin iv - 1 g + 200 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc daily isolation of a single apartment individual session of speech therapy hospital hospital visit patient hospitalized pressat - 10 cprs. - biolab sanus losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 selozok - 100 mg with lib control ct bl al plas inc x 30 serokerl - 25 mg with rev ct bl pvc opc al x 14 lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 meticorten - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets pressat - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 solu-medrol - fr. 40 mg. + amp. dil. - wyeth cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 hospital visit patient hospitalized isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml individual session of speech therapy hospital hospital visit patient hospitalized pressat - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 solu-medrol - fr. 40 mg. + amp. dil. - wyeth diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 daily isolation of a single apartment hospital visit patient hospitalized losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml alivium - 600 mg soft cap gel ct bl pvc/pvdc/al x 10 hospital visit patient hospitalized meticorten - 20 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 10 hospital visit patient hospitalized daily isolation of a single apartment isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml infusion pump per hour individual session of speech therapy hospital hospital visit patient hospitalized pressat - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 meticorten - 20 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 10 hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets meticorten - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 hospital visit patient hospitalized losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 pressat - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 lactulone - 667 mg/ml xpe ct fr plast pet amb x 120 ml fruit salad taste lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 meticorten - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 daily isolation of a single apartment hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized sodium chloride isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized gabapentin - generic - 300 mg. 3 bl. x 10 caps. - ems ipratropium bromide - 0.25 mg/ml sol p/ inal ct fr vd amb got x 20 ml solu medrol - 40 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc + amp dil vd inc x 1 ml diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 diltiazem hydrochloride - 30 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 50 amlodipine besylate - 5.0 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 30 metformin hydrochloride - 850 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 30 diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al/al x 20 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml tramadon - 50mg/ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 1 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours individual home session of speech therapy water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 100 ml sist. closed isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage monitoring/cardiac monitoring rate/ gc rate per hour outside the icu and the operating room monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours Observation room rate subsequent hour b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators tylenol - 750 mg with rev ct bl al plas amb x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours Predsim - 20 mg. 1 x 10 cprs. - pharmacocorp omeprazole - 40 mg cap gel dura lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 7 daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 20 sodium chloride gabapentin - generic - 300 mg. 3 bl. x 10 caps. - ems diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 diltiazem hydrochloride - 30 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 50 omeprazole - 40 mg cap gel dura lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 7 amlodipine besylate - 5.0 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 30 metformin hydrochloride - 850 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 30 diamox - 250 mg with ct fr vd amb x 25 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al/al x 20 Predsim - 20 mg. 1 x 10 cprs. - pharmacocorp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml rm - skull brain appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dotarem -0.5 mmol/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 15 ml daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours individual home session of speech therapy sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 100 ml sist. closed LL venous color Doppler - unilateral Observation room rate up to 6 hours Observation room rate subsequent hour amytril - 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 pressat - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 amytril - 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 automated culture - microbiology postoperative angiography of control postoperative angiography of control postoperative angiography of control non-selective large vessel angiography non-selective large vessel angiography non-selective large vessel angiography sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized diprivan pfs 1% losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 amytril - 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 sufenta - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml vein vena cava filter implantation vein vena cava filter implantation vein vena cava filter implantation vein vena cava filter implantation sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 amytril - 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 amytril - 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 daily isolation of a single apartment daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 pressat - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 amytril - 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml hemodynamic evaluation by catheterism measurement of pressure or arterial or venous flow water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 100 ml sist. closed hydrophilic guide wire roadrunner straight .035x145 Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 losec mups - 40 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 amytril - 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 01 fa vd inc x 50 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml neurontin - 300 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 30 optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml glifage - 850 mg with rev est ct bl al plas inc x 30 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 zofran - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp plas x 2 ml fentanest - 0.05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est x amp vd amb x 2 ml cardizem - 30 mg with ct bl al/al x 50 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 20 daily isolation of a single apartment isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized tylenol - 750 mg with rev ct bl al plas amb x 20 conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transthoracic Doppler echocardiography Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp appointment at home daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours removal in simple ambulance adult with nursing to sadt in the city waiting / stop time individual home session of speech therapy gabapentin - generic - 300 mg. 3 bl. x 10 caps. - ems diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 diltiazem hydrochloride - 30 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 50 metformin hydrochloride - 850 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 30 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al/al x 20 appointment at home daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours gabapentin - generic - 300 mg. 3 bl. x 10 caps. - ems diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 diltiazem hydrochloride - 30 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 50 amlodipine besylate - 5.0 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 30 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 20 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al/al x 20 individual home session of speech therapy daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours gabapentin - generic - 300 mg. 3 bl. x 10 caps. - ems diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 diltiazem hydrochloride - 30 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 50 omeprazole - 40 mg cap gel dura lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 7 amlodipine besylate - 5.0 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 30 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 20 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al/al x 20 metformin hydrochloride - 850 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 30 individual home session of speech therapy daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours gabapentin - generic - 300 mg. 3 bl. x 10 caps. - ems hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 diltiazem hydrochloride - 30 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 50 metformin hydrochloride - 850 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 30 omeprazole - 40 mg cap gel dura lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 7 amlodipine besylate - 5.0 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 30 25 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 20 apresolin - 25 mg drg ct bl al/al x 20 diovan - 160 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 14 tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits appointment at home appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cerumen - removal bilateral us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina arterial catheter arteriofix 20g 80mm 5206324 bone wax - box containing 1 individual envelope of 2.5 g universal electrosurgery plate - 9160f lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Invasive pa monitoring rate installation blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination serum irregular anti-erythrocyte antibodies test gel General esmeron restrito hosp. - 10 mg/ml sol. inj. cart. 10 fa vd. inc. x 5 ml - schering-plough decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml clonidin - 150 mcg/ml sol inj cx 25 est x amp vd amb x 1 ml emb. hosp. fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp nitroprus - 50mg po liof inj ct 5 amp vd amb + amp dil x 2ml + opc propovan - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 20 ml rest hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml isoflurane - 1 ml/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 100 ml rest hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml ethyl erythrocyl - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd amb x 1 ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp lidocaine hydrochloride - 20 mg/g top ct gel bg al x 30 g tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml diprivan restrito hosp. - 10 mg/ml. emu. inj. ct. fa vd. trans. x 100 ml. - aspen pharma zofran - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp plas x 2 ml xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml combi red - versatile use cap with internal and external connectorluer lock - secondary carton in carton with 100 or 250 units. tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml dimorf - 1.0 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 bl x 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml nitroprus - 50mg po liof inj ct 5 amp vd amb + amp dil x 2ml + opc water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml hydantal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml tylenol - 750 mg with rev ct bl al plas amb x 20 hydrocortisone sodium succinate - 100 mg po inj cx fa vd trans x 50 diprivan restrito hosp. - 10 mg/ml. emu. inj. ct. fa vd. trans. x 100 ml. - aspen pharma compaz - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml combi red - versatile use cap with internal and external connectorluer lock - secondary carton in carton with 100 or 250 units. kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml selozok - 50 mg with lib cont ct bl al plas inc x 20 water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety hydantal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml slow k - 600 mg. 20 dg. - glaxosmithkline c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage blood cultures per sample automated culture - microbiology sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety potassium chloride solution - 191 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml magnesium - research and/or dosage daily room of a collective room of 2 beds with private bathroom Invasive pa monitoring rate installation kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml selozok - 50 mg with lib cont ct bl al plas inc x 20 water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 daily room of a collective room of 2 beds with private bathroom kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml esmeron restrito hosp. - 10 mg/ml sol. inj. cart. 10 fa vd. inc. x 5 ml - schering-plough hydantal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml ethyl erythrocyl - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd amb x 1 ml tylenol - 200 mg/ml sol or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml hidantal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 25 use of a tray for stitch removal appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time puncture biopsy/aspiration of us-oriented organ or surface structure does not include the basic examination puncture biopsy/aspiration of us-oriented organ or surface structure does not include the basic examination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts dental appointment appointment at home appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time superselective catheterization of secondary or distal branch - by vessel non-selective large vessel angiography Primary branch selective catheterization angiography - by vessel tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp pancuron - 2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb.hosp. water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 100 amp polyethylene inc x 20 ml fentanest - 0.05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est x amp vd amb x 2 ml compaz - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage female
water for injection b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sis fech x 1000 ml blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage omeprazole sodium - 40 mg po liof p/sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc + 25 amp dil x 10 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc teflan - 40 mg lióf sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc + 5 amp dil x 2 ml baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml water for injection b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sis fech x 1000 ml rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours physiological jp - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 bols pvc sist fech x 500 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sis fech x 1000 ml rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets oestradiol - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment temporary restoration/ expectant treatment us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours chemotherapeutic rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache teflan - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 5 fa + 5 amps. dil. - chemical union novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma female
urology consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transthoracic Doppler echocardiography uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage chagas igg - research and/or dosage chagas igm - research and/or dosage outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time optical coherence tomography - monocular ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized campimetry - monocular daily tension curve - binocular outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours transthoracic Doppler echocardiography cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg conventional ecg of up to 12 leads sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml 18gx1 1/4 polyurethane intravenous catheter 32mm surflash sr*ff1832 CT - coronary angiotomography isordil b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 12 fr vd inc x 100 ml seloken - 1 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp cardiac catheterization and/or d with coronary angiography and ventriculography cardiac catheterization and/or d with coronary angiography and ventriculography male
us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets cortisol - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time surgical room rates 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 40 fr plas trans sist fech x 250 ml General riodeine dermo suave topico 30ml alm.twist off - rioquimica fiberse - 1uloose/g + 666u/g + 10mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 10g appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time unplanned immobilizations any segment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time unplanned immobilizations any segment unplanned immobilizations any segment unplanned immobilizations any segment unplanned immobilizations any segment unplanned immobilizations any segment unplanned immobilizations any segment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time peripheral venous catheter pur introcan right g22x1pol 4251318 Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc initial dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 bols pvc trans sist fech x 1000 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours sleep - 5 mg/ml sun inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 10 ml fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp propovan - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 20 ml rest hosp lidocaine hydrochloride - 20 mg/ml top ct gel bg al x 30 g glucose - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 250 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml urease rapid test for helicobacter pylori appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time acupuncture per session appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml + connector isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml solution inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml dimorf - 10.0 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd amb x 1 ml teflan - 40 mg lióf sol inj ct 50 fa vd inc sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml ultravist - 768.86 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd inc x 100 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml + connector isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 60 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp teflan - 40 mg lióf sol inj ct 50 fa vd inc female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic General xylestesin restricted hosp. - 10% spray cx. 1 fr. 50 ml - crystalline vitamin a research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin e - research and/or dosage Zinc - test and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage dehydroepiandrosterone dhea - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate s-dhea - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl water for injection - sol inj ct 25 amp plas inc x 10 ml rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic lidocaine hydrochloride - generic - 20 mg/g jelly bisn. 30 g - gen - legrand sleep - 2 mg/ml sun or cx 12 rvd amb x 10 ml + 12 dosers xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time urofluorometry conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells lithium - search and/or dosage lithium - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine clearance Urea - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment provisional crown without pin daily working day in the hospital ward appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets aslo - research and/or dosage ige specific group each - research and/or dosage ige total - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage copper - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage lactose tolerance test magnesium - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage peptide c - search and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage maximum respiratory pressure determination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time operating room rate up to 1 hour sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 50 ml xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml merthiolate - 10 mg/ml sol top aqueous fr plas opc spray x 45 ml operating room rate up to 1 hour sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 50 ml xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml merthiolate - 10 mg/ml sol top aqueous fr plas opc spray x 45 ml hospital rates electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions General uric acid - search and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time individual outpatient session of speech therapy dental appointment us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets male
- pfizer diprospan hypak - 1 syringe c/1ml - pharmacokinetic maturation coltrax - inj. cx. 3 amps. - sanofi medley novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis plasil restricted hosp. - 5 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 100 amps. x 2 ml - sanofi-aventis appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use General upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing syphilis - fta-abs-igg - research syphilis - fta-abs-igm - research syphilis - vdrl c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transthoracic Doppler echocardiography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma - water for injection tramal diprospan coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml psychology consultation rate per large dressing unit xylocaine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular biometrics ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular anestalcon - fr. 5 ml. - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon phenylephrine 10% - fr. 5 ml. - allergan conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope afrin - 12 h rf. 30 ml. - maintenance xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml syneticone xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage system for posterior fixation of the megafix column - - polyaxial pedicle screw ø 7.5 x 90 mm spine tune tl column system - st1504t-s polyaxial screw d8.0 l45 mm uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage iron fixation capacity - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage General alcohol gel 70% 95g - europharma luftal lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage compact daily ward ward with 4 or more beds without private bathroom appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital visit patient hospitalized compact daily working day in the hospital day ward hospital visit patient hospitalized appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time compact daily working day in the hospital day ward hospital visit patient hospitalized cranial arterial mr angio-rm skull venous mr angio-rm omniscan - 287 mg/ ml sol inj ct fa vc inc x 15 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - foot antefoot - does not include ankle conventional ecg of up to 12 leads dotarem -0.5 mmol/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 15 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml cannulated bio-absorbable screws arthrex - delta tapered bio-interference screw: ar-5035tb-11 vicryl plus - needle ct-1 36mm 1/2 circle violet braided diameter 2-0 vcp339h 2.7 mm locked screw 10 mm system of locked periarticular plates and zimmer screws - 4936-34-06 plate ́ ́t ́ ́ combi red - versatile use cap with internal and external connectorluer lock - secondary carton in carton with 100 or 250 units. 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom surgical room rate anesthetic size 2 kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml dimorf - 0.2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est amp vd amb x 1 ml neocaine heavy - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 40 est amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp nubain - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 amp vd amb x 1 ml fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml zofran - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp plas x 2 ml tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml metatarsal arthrodesis - pharyngitis or interpharyngitis - surgical treatment metatarsal arthrodesis - pharyngitis or interpharyngitis - surgical treatment metatarsal arthrodesis - pharyngitis or interpharyngitis - surgical treatment osteotomy or pseudarthrosis of the metatarsals/phalanges - surgical treatment osteotomy or pseudarthrosis of the metatarsals/phalanges - surgical treatment osteotomy or pseudarthrosis of the metatarsals/phalanges - surgical treatment bursectomy - surgical treatment bursectomy - surgical treatment bursectomy - surgical treatment rate per dressing unit removex 100ml - hydrochimica Immobilization of the lower limb appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint male
rate per dressing unit tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours unplanned immobilizations any segment profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time compact surgical room rate fractures and/or dislocations and/or avulsions - surgical treatment - in the scapula-humeral joint and scapular girdle fractures and/or dislocations and/or avulsions - surgical treatment - in the scapula-humeral joint and scapular girdle daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache lidocaine - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. iv/im cx. 25 fa vd. trans. x 20 ml. - hypopharma sleep fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp nausedron - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 amp vd inc x 2 ml neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0 5 pcc sol inj cx 06 fa vd inc x 20ml omeprazole sodium - 40 mg po liof p/sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc + 25 amp dil x 10 ml tramal Plamet valium - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc water for injection kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml rate per dressing unit appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular educational activity in oral health male
teflan restricted hosp. - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 50 fa vd. hosp. - chemical union appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin d - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage ige specific group each - research and/or dosage ige specific group each - research and/or dosage ige total - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research individual outpatient consultation of speech therapy electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions individual outpatient session of speech therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bond test clot retraction - research coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time of ivy - detection activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours teflan - 40 mg lióf sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc + 5 amp dil x 2 ml water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline Plamet water for injection rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use aspirator rate continuous suction per hour Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter per use/session outside the icu and the surgical center noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate installation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 zocor - 10 cprs. - merck sharp & dohme 20 cprs. - roche xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc white opc x 30 endoscopic gastrostomy endoscopic gastrostomy partial reconstruction of the lip compact rate of small procedure room General General novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization riodeine dermo suave topico 100 ml alm.twist off - rioquimica sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml hospital rates lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 12 hours xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage Observation room rate up to 6 hours xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage albumin - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood gas analysis + hb + ht + na + k + cl + ca + glucose + lactate when performed in the blood gas meter - search and/or dosage maximum respiratory pressure determination amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim water for injection water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage total lipids - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim Plamet rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time mylicon - cart. 1 fr. plast. 15 ml - janssen - cilag water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar xylestesin restricted hosp. - 10% spray cx. 1 fr. 50 ml - crystalline xylocaine buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml aspirator rate continuous suction per hour monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter per use/session outside the icu and the surgical center rate of use of respiratory endoscopy device by use upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology passage of a naso-enteral tube hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - chest tc - chest blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection water for injection xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 avalox - 1 6 mg/ ml sol inj env al bols plas x 250 ml oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml automated blood culture per sample hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp hospital visit patient hospitalized tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized flagass front - 0.5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 hospital visit patient hospitalized nujol - 1 ml/ml ole ct fr plas trans pvc x 120 ml notuss tss - 1.5 mg/ml xpe ct fr plas amb x 120 ml + ser dos fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 lexotan-6.0 mg with cx 3 bl al plas inc x 10 avalox - 1 6 mg/ ml sol inj env al bols plas x 250 ml oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage water for injection tc - chest tc - chest hospital visit patient hospitalized humectol d - cx. 20 cprs. rev. - cosmed glycax - 120 mg/ml sol ret cx fr plas opc x 500 ml Plamet hospital visit patient hospitalized ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp notuss tss - 1.5 mg/ml xpe ct fr plas amb x 120 ml + ser dos hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized buscopan - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim magnesium - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized water for injection individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet lexotan-6.0 mg with cx 3 bl al plas inc x 10 oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley hospital visit patient hospitalized tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp maxitrol culture urine with colony count hospital visit patient hospitalized dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g hospital rates nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g hospital visit patient hospitalized daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours individual home visit of speech therapy culture urine with colony count daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bacterial culture in various biological materials appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time individual home visit of speech therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours extra-hospital transport of critically ill patients 1 hour - from the physician's displacement - medical follow-up tracheostomy with placement of tracheal or tracheobronchial orthosis by cervical route water for injection water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp maxitrol haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml glucose solution b. braun - 100 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml lioresal - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 automated culture - microbiology antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized retemic - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 60 myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized buscopan - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized rates of hire of equipment gas nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley buscopan - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 hospital visit patient hospitalized imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g floral - 100 mg cap gel dura ct bl al al x 12 rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets retemic - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 60 c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g maxitrol hospital visit patient hospitalized culture urine with colony count automated blood culture per sample hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml rates of hire of equipment gas nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet floral - 100 mg cap gel dura ct bl al al x 12 cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag hospital visit patient hospitalized rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment hospital visit patient hospitalized retemic - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 60 rates of hire of equipment gas nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment hospital rates nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag retemic - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 60 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g hospital visit patient hospitalized nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott sodium chloride water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag dimorf - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital visit patient hospitalized daily hospital stay hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized tracheostomy with placement of tracheal or tracheobronchial orthosis by cervical route dianeal pd-2 - 25+5 38+4 48+0 257+0 0508 mg/ml sol dial peri cx bols plas inc flex x 2500 ml 0.9% sodium chloride basa - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 16 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml basene 12% glycerin enema - 0.12 g/ml cx 12 fr plas trans x 500 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca buscopan - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag diprivan pfs 1% myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g erythropoietin aramin - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est x amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 05 amp vd inc x 20 ml xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage sodium chloride solution b.braun lasix - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct bl 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count automated blood culture per sample sodium chloride water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 slow - k clexane flagyl - 250 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 option handling service rate nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - hical osmolitis rth - sf 1000 ml - unit - abbott ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml thirfan - 100 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 9 Plamet flagyl - 400 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 24 tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc automated culture - microbiology halex istar - magnesium sulfate sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml potassium chloride -1.91 g/10 ml sol inj cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml rest. hosp. lioresal - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated hospital rates infusion pump per hour Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate installation xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization erythropoietin nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - hical osmolitis rth - sf 1000 ml - unit - abbott sodium chloride lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Hematocrit haemoglobin dosage imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml thirfan - 100 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 9 cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 slow - k clexane flagyl - 400 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 24 hospital rates ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g erythropoietin b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g maxitrol - 1.0 mg/ml + 5.0 mg/ml + 6 000 iu/ml sus oft ct fr plas trans got x 5 ml hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g hospital visit patient hospitalized individual home visit of speech therapy hospital rates 0.9% chloride solution 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml oxygen concentrator rate per day hospital visit patient hospitalized bromopride - generic restricted hosp. - 5 mg/ml sol. inj. im/iv cx. 50 amps. vd. amb. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours isopharma - water for injection ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bacterial culture in various biological materials water for injection 0.9% sodium chloride basa - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 40 fr plas trans sist fech x 250 ml bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage atrovent - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml berotec - 5 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb x 20 ml erythropoietin lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml caldê - 1500 mg + 400 iu with mast ct fr plas opc x 60 efrinalin - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott sodium chloride water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage haemoglobin dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 clexane sodium chloride solution b.braun maxitrol - 1.0 mg/ml + 5.0 mg/ml + 6 000 iu/ml sus oft ct fr plas trans got x 5 ml culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample automated culture - microbiology antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated tracheostomy with placement of tracheal or tracheobronchial orthosis by cervical route capobal - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 lioresal - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 calcium - search and/or dosage 0.9% sodium chloride basa - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 16 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour Monitoring rate of invasive pa per hour myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g erythropoietin c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day 10 cprs. rev. - sigma pharma dipyrone sodium isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets culture urine with colony count hospital rates oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day cipro daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours hospital rates amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca erythropoietin dipyrone sodium dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac sodium chloride solution b.braun 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml General ceftriaxone - generic - 500 im cart. fa + dil. - europharma ondansetron hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 2 mg/ml cx. 50 amps. 2 ml - hypopharma bromopride - generic restricted hosp. - 5 mg/ml sol. inj. im/iv cx. 50 amps. vd. amb. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca hospital rates omeprazole bromopride - 4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb got x 20 ml tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution bromopride - generic restricted hosp. - 5 mg/ml sol. inj. im/iv cx. 50 amps. vd. amb. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi bromopride - 4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb got x 20 ml oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours hospital rates 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma ondansetron hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 2 mg/ml cx. 50 amps. 2 ml - hypopharma dipyrone sodium ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bacterial culture in various biological materials culture faeces: salmonella shigella and escherichia coli enteropathogenic soybean included 0.9% chloride solution hospital rates oxygen concentrator rate per day daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours appointment at home extra-hospital transport of critically ill patients 1 hour - from the physician's displacement - medical follow-up appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina hospital rates General us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina sickness abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric with nuchal translucency appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets syphilis - vdrl us - morphological obstetrics appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric glucose after overload with dextrosol or glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - obstetrics with color Doppler bacterial culture in various biological materials uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours General c-reactive protein qualitative - research Cesarean section peripheral venous catheter pur introcan right g20x1 1/4pol 4251326 us - obstetric hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized prostokos 25mcg 100cpds vag. - infan Cesarean section Cesarean section sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml removex 100ml - hydrochimica coombs direct abo group reverse classification - determination abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical General clonazepam - generic - 2.5 mg/ml gts. 20 ml - teuto bras. syntocinon restrito hosp. - 5 ui 50 amps. 1 ml - novartis kefazol restricted hosp. - 1 g 50 fa - abl zofran restricted hosp. - 4 mg. / 5 amps. plast. 2 ml - glaxosmithkline vita k - 10 mg/ml sol. inj. 50 amps. x 1 ml - chemical union dimorf restricted hosp. - 0 2 mg/ml sol. inj. 50 amps. x 1 ml - crystalliza neocaina heavy restrito hosp. - 0.5% heavy 40 storage 4 ml sterile pack - crystalline 2% degerming 2% c/tensoactive 100ml alm.twist off - hydrochimica glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom rent/bipolar scalpel fee by use Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets tilatil - 20 mg. 10 cprs. - roche noripurum folico - 100 mg. 30 cprs. mast. - takeda pharma sorine - inf. fr. 30 cc - ache prostigmine - 0.5 mg/ml cx. 50 amps. 1 ml - valeant profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis mylicon - cart. 1 fr. plast. 15 ml - janssen - cilag b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml c-reactive protein qualitative - research newborn care in nursery compound spasmodid - cx. 20 drags. - chemical union claritin - cx. 12 cprs. 10 mg. - mantecorp amoxil - 500 caps. - glaxosmithkline toragesic sl - 10 mg cx. 10 caps. - sigma pharma novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar hioariston restrito hosp. - cx. 50 amps. 5 ml hosp. - ariston dimorf restricted hosp. - 1 mg/ml sol. inj. 50 amps. x 2 ml - crystalliza nubain restrito hosp. - cx. 10 amps. x 10 mg/ml. - crystalliza amino acid chromatography qualitative profile - research and/or dosage amino acid chromatography qualitative profile - research and/or dosage phenylalanine research and/or dosage galactosis - search and/or dosage immunoreactive trypsin irt - research and/or dosage 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing biotinidase activity qualitative - research and / or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage compact daily ward ward with 4 or more beds without private bathroom appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diprospan educational activity in oral health prophylaxis: coronary polishing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time LL venous color Doppler - unilateral Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 serum iron - testing and/or dosing ferritin - research and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml water for injection rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - chest Chest arterial CT angiography blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours General optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 12 fr vd inc x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac clexane - 80 mg sol inj ct 2 be pre-filled vd inc grad x 0 8 ml + sist safety profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage dimer d - research and/or dosage sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage LL venous color Doppler - unilateral isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml diprospan plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health water for injection daily working day in the hospital ward valved connector - gb60000 - valved connector plus - gabmed compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml dimorf - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml ketamin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 2 ml fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 05 amp vd inc x 20 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml xylestesin - 1 pcc sol inj cx 10 fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp efrinalin - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml clonidin - 150 mcg/ml sol inj cx 30 est x amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml water for injection blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glycophysiological solution - 50 mg/ml + 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml mylicon - 75 mg/ml sus or ct fr plas opc drt x 15 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml Nutritional assessment includes consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Nutritional assessment includes consultation 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection amylase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml puncture biopsy/aspiration of us-oriented organ or surface structure does not include the basic examination us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Nutritional assessment includes consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours atrovent - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml berotec - 5 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb x 20 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml c-reactive protein qualitative - research us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal us - morphological obstetrics blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rotavirus research elisa appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment us - obstetric educational activity in oral health us - morphological obstetrics appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage bacterial culture in various biological materials appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp bleeding time duke - determination antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - obstetrics with color Doppler female
exeresis of benign tumor cyst or fistula face - biopsy rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage Zinc - test and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage antimitochondria m2 - research and/or dosage us - upper abdomen liver gallbladder pancreas and spleen appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - chest transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us-oriented fine-needle percutaneous breast biopsy does not include the underlying examination us - breasts xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp biopsy/aspiration of organ or surface structure oriented by xrd not including the basic examination mammotomy for stereotaxis does not include imaging examination asseptcare xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 albumin - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time albumin - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals sodium chloride rm - skull brain omniscan - 287 mg/ ml sol inj ct fa vc inc x 10 ml dental appointment 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 iron fixation capacity - search and/or dosage glycemic curve 4 doses oral or intravenous use serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage antimitochondria m2 - research and/or dosage smooth antimuscle - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage igg - search and/or dosage dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope xylocaine tc - face or breasts of the face us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time lactose tolerance test anti-endomycin antibodies - igg igm iga each - search and/or dosage antigliadine gluten - iga - research and/or dosage anti- tissue transglutaminase - iga General General General General General General General General General General General General General General luftal - gts. fr. nf 15 ml - b-ms hiospan - sol. inj. 20 mg/ml cx. 6 amps. - teuto bras. acarsan - liq. vd. 80 cc - biosynthetics xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca aas - weak sales cprs. 500 mg. 1 x 4 - sanofi-aventis aas - ad. 50 x 10 cprs. emb. mult. 500 mg. - sanofi-aventis aas - inf. 20 x 10 cprs. emb. mult. 100 mg. - sanofi medley aas - inf. 3 x 10 cprs. 100 mg. - sanofi medley hioariston restrito hosp. - cx. 50 amps. 5 ml hosp. - ariston dolosal restricted hosp. - 100 mg. 25 amps. 2 ml. - crystalline Flexible rectosigmoidoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time phosphoenema restricted hosp. - cx. 12 fr. 130 ml - crystalline appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time open or closed hemorrhoidectomy with or without sphincterotomy without stapler open or closed hemorrhoidectomy with or without sphincterotomy without stapler rate per general anesthesia use dormonid - 7.5 mg. 2 bl. x 10 cprs. - roche novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis dormonid injection restrito hosp. - 5 mg. 5 amps. - roche bextra im/iv restricted hosp. - 40 mg. 10 fa - pfizer neocaina heavy restrito hosp. - 0.5% heavy 40 storage 4 ml sterile pack - crystalline efedrin restricted hosp. - 50 mg/ml cx. 100 amps. 1 ml - crystalline appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml tramal profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets tylenol - 750 mg with rev ct bl al plas amb x 20 appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma - water for injection isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml frontal xr - 0.5 mg with slow lib ct bl al/al x 30 novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage rm - joint by joint blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diprospan us - upper abdomen liver gallbladder pancreas and spleen appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml isopharma - water for injection isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma - water for injection amylase - research and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml tramal profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage sodium chloride bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc rm - leg unilateral rm - joint by joint tc - pelvis or basin appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma - water for injection isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bond test rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours needle p/use different - hypodrmic needle 40 x 1 2 - descarpack sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours needle p/use different - hypodrmic needle 40 x 1 2 - descarpack dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml tramal profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage aldolase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular needle with device holds eclipse 25x8 305764 tramal diprospan appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - joint by joint us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml tramal profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma - water for injection rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours unplanned immobilizations any segment Velpeau type xylestesin restrito hosp. - 2% s/v 50 carps. 1.8 ml - crystallization sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml tramal profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - joint sternoclavicular or shoulder or elbow or wrist or sacroiliac or coxofemoral or knee or ankle - unilateral acute ligament injury at the ankle level - scarce treatment rate per unit of small dressing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage aldolase - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours needle p/use different - hypodrmic needle 40 x 1 2 - descarpack nausedron - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 amp vd inc x 2 ml tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage aldolase - research and/or dosage anti-jo1 - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time needle p/use different - hypodrmic needle 40 x 1 2 - descarpack diprospan isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution Observation room rate up to 6 hours needle p/use different - hypodrmic needle 40 x 1 2 - descarpack antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml needle p/use different - hypodrmic needle 40 x 1 2 - descarpack profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time General profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular ultrasonic - monocular biometrics ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ige total - research and/or dosage rm - foot antefoot - does not include ankle tc - pelvis or basin rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas trans sist fech x 100 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml solution inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours decadron - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 2 amp x 1 ml nausedron - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 amp vd inc x 2 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 60 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time withdrawal of wires pins screws or metal nails withdrawal of wires pins screws or metal nails withdrawal of wires pins screws or metal nails stretching / bone transport / pseudarthrosis with external fixator - thigh/femur stretching / bone transport / pseudarthrosis with external fixator - thigh/femur stretching / bone transport / pseudarthrosis with external fixator - thigh/femur stretching / bone transport / pseudarthrosis with external fixator - thigh/femur correction of acquired femoral deformity with external fixator correction of acquired femoral deformity with external fixator correction of acquired femoral deformity with external fixator correction of acquired femoral deformity with external fixator Hematocrit haemoglobin dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas trans sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom rate per dressing unit kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml aramin - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml clonidin - 150 mcg/ml sol inj cx 25 est x amp vd amb x 1 ml emb. hosp. dimorf - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp efedrin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp neocaine heavy - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 40 est amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp propovan - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 20 ml rest hosp antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 60 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml dormonid - 7.5 mg with rev ct 2 bl al plas inc x 10 novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage Observation room rate up to 6 hours unplanned immobilizations any segment novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per dressing unit appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage withdrawal of external fixators withdrawal of external fixators joint manipulation under general anesthesia isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom rate per unit of small dressing surgical room rate anesthetic size 2 kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml neocaine heavy - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 40 est amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml dormonid - 7.5 mg with rev ct 2 bl al plas inc x 10 novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml toragesic - 30 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 1 ml omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 7 unifental - 50 mcg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 2 ml - rest hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac rate per large dressing unit appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time profenid - 100 mg po liof sol inj cx 50 fa vd trans novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas trans sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours dimorf - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml nausedron - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 amp vd inc x 2 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time individual outpatient session in occupational therapy individual outpatient session in occupational therapy individual outpatient session in occupational therapy individual outpatient session in occupational therapy individual outpatient session in occupational therapy individual outpatient session in occupational therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time individual outpatient session in occupational therapy individual outpatient session in occupational therapy profenid - 100 mg po liof sol inj cx 50 fa vd trans novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas trans sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 60 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp noprosil - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 240 amp plas trans x 2 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml individual outpatient session in occupational therapy individual outpatient session in occupational therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time plaster bandage - h01015 - plaster bandage 15 cm x 3.0 cm - snow Immobilization of the lower limb appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage culture urine with colony count water for injection optium tiras 25unid otc 4495 captopril - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 tenoxicam - 40 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp compound hiospan - 4.0 mg/ml + 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp bromopride - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp cortisonal - 500 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc water for injection optium tiras 25unid otc 4495 appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals captopril - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml compound hiospan - 4.0 mg/ml + 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage fructoses glycosylated proteins - search and/or dosage glucose after overload with dextrosol or glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage endocrinology and metabolic consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood total enlarged hysterectomy - any route - does not include pelvic lymphadenectomy total enlarged hysterectomy - any route - does not include pelvic lymphadenectomy total enlarged hysterectomy - any route - does not include pelvic lymphadenectomy urinary incontinence - surgical treatment adrenal urinary incontinence - surgical treatment adrenal urinary incontinence - surgical treatment adrenal hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml ringer - 8.6+0.33+0.30mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas sist fech x 500ml ringer - 8.6+0.33+0.30mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas sist fech x 500ml water for injection vicryl plus - needle ct 40mm 1/2 circle violet braided diameter 0 vcp352h rent pen / motor electric scalpel by use 2% degerming 2% c/tensoactive 100ml alm.twist off - hydrochimica solution sodium chloride 0.9% 100 ml kabipac - fresenius kabi efortil xylestesin with epinephrine - 10 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml omeprazole sodium - 40 mg powder liof p/ sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc + 50 dil amp vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp diazepam nq dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. dipyrone sodium dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml dimorf - 0.2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp heavy neocaine - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 20 amp vd inc x 4 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets glycemic curve 6 doses - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl hpv human papillomavirus + subtyping when necessary pcr - research appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glycemic curve 6 doses - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - fta-abs-igg - research syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric us - morphological obstetrics appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets glycemic curve 6 doses - search and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - obstetric female
uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates biopsy/aspiration of organ or structure oriented by xr. us or ct adding the basic examination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull General us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone puncture biopsy/aspiration of us-oriented organ or surface structure does not include the basic examination rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets anti-tpo - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral transthoracic Doppler echocardiography oral glucose tolerance test - 2 doses glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 250 ml monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint compaz - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml ketamin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 10 ml rest. hosp. propovan - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 20 ml rest hosp optimark - 330.9 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 10 ml glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bacterial culture in various biological materials antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage albumin - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets cortisol - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research total metal crown ceramic implant pure ceramic restoration - onlay clinical crown increase provisional crown without pin pre-made pin equiplex sodium chloride solution Observation room rate up to 6 hours dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp equiplex sodium chloride solution water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. hyplex b - sol inj im cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml ketoprofen - 100 mg po liof sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp benzetacil -300 000 u/ml sus inj ct 1 fa vd inc x 4 ml ringer with lactate - 6.00+0.30+0.20+3.20mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 bols pe trans sist fech x 500 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml water for injection dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment dental appointment dental appointment total metal crown ceramic educational activity in oral health dental appointment educational activity in oral health dental appointment dental appointment dental appointment provisional crown without pin total metal crown ceramic pre-made pin educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing initial dental appointment us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals multiradicular endodontic treatment multiradicular endodontic treatment fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml hydrocortisone sodium succinate - 100 mg po inj cx fa vd trans x 50 male
urgent dental appointment dental appointment pulpectomy educational activity in oral health urgent dental appointment pulpectomy clinical crown increase filling core clinical crown increase uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - upper abdomen liver gallbladder pancreas and spleen blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl htlv i / ii by pcr each - research appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment educational activity in oral health dental appointment pulpectomy dental appointment educational activity in oral health initial dental appointment educational activity in oral health filling core inlay filling core inlay inlay multiradicular endodontic treatment multiradicular endodontic treatment endodontic treatment male
polypectomy of the colon regardless of the number of polyps tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum General pancreas biopsy by laparotomy pancreas biopsy by laparotomy hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 bols pvc trans sist fech x 100 ml + connector sodium chloride glucose halex istar water for injection sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 bols pp trans sist fech x 1000 ml solid foam gel electrode 35mm adu./ped.30unid skintact fstc1 General General General prostigmine - 0.5 mg/ml cx. 50 amps. 1 ml - valeant kefazol restricted hosp. - 1 g 50 fa - abl isoforine - 1 ml liq inal cx isopork fr vd amb x 240 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml tracrium atropine sulfate fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml tramal asalit plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc water for injection sodium chloride sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 bols pp trans sist fech x 1000 ml daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom General antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml codex - 500 mg + 30 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 12 daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital visit patient hospitalized General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time daily hospital stay hospital visit patient hospitalized General hospital rates hospital visit patient hospitalized General hospital rates hospital visit patient hospitalized General hospital rates hospital visit patient hospitalized General daily daily meal with complete meal daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates hospital visit patient hospitalized General Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours General Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hospital rates General Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours General Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours General Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets General General dexamethasone dissodium phosphate - generic - sol. inj. 4 mg/ml cx. 1 amp. 2.5 ml. - teuto bras. timolol maleate - generic - 0.5% sol. oft. fr. 5 ml - emulsifying water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar nausedron restrito hosp. - 8 mg 50 amps. x 4 ml - crystalline General General General dexamethasone dissodium phosphate - generic - sol. inj. 2 mg/ml cx. 1 amp. 1 ml. - teuto bras. timolol maleate - generic - 0.5% sol. oft. fr. 5 ml - emulsifying water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar nausedron restrito hosp. - 8 mg 50 amps. x 4 ml - crystalline Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets General General General dexamethasone dissodium phosphate - generic - sol. inj. 4 mg/ml cx. 1 amp. 2.5 ml. - teuto bras. timolol maleate - generic - 0.5% sol. oft. fr. 5 ml - emulsifying water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar nausedron restrito hosp. - 8 mg 50 amps. x 4 ml - crystalline Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets General General General dexamethasone dissodium phosphate - generic - sol. inj. 4 mg/ml cx. 1 amp. 2.5 ml. - teuto bras. timolol maleate - generic - 0.5% sol. oft. fr. 5 ml - emulsifying water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar nausedron restrito hosp. - 8 mg 50 amps. x 4 ml - crystalline Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hospital rates General Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets dissodium phosphate dexamethasone gen.2mg/ml 1amp 1ml - teuto bras surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 timolol maleate - generic - 0.5% sol. oft. fr. 5 ml - emulsifying water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar nausedron restrito hosp. - 8 mg 50 amps. x 4 ml - crystalline gemzar restrito hosp. - vial 200 mg. - eli lilly gemzar restrito hosp. - bottle ampoule 1 g - eli lilly solution sodium chloride 0.9% 10amp 500ml ecoflac plus 3547787 - b.braun dissodium phosphate dexamethasone gen.2mg/ml 1amp 1ml - teuto bras surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 timolol maleate - generic - 0.5% sol. oft. fr. 5 ml - emulsifying water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar nausedron restrito hosp. - 8 mg 50 amps. x 4 ml - crystalline gemzar restrito hosp. - vial 200 mg. - eli lilly gemzar restrito hosp. - bottle ampoule 1 g - eli lilly solution sodium chloride 0.9% 10amp 500ml ecoflac plus 3547787 - b.braun male
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage aslo - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage thermo-stable alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets glucose - search and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - articular by articulation high-resolution ecg us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rates of hire of equipment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours General General General General Persiantin - inj. 5 amps. 2 ml. - boehringer ingelheim profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals Doppler color of organ or structure alone individual outpatient consultation of speech therapy dental appointment multiradicular endodontic treatment dental appointment educational activity in oral health provisional crown without pin cast metal core preparation for intraradicular core total metal crown ceramic educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular mydriacyl 10% oculum - 10% sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates water for injection blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 12 hours novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time vesical catheterization in urinary retention sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml peripheral venous catheter pur introcan right g20x1 1/4pol 4251326 blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours peripheral venous catheter pur introcan right g20x1 1/4pol 4251326 Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time daily psychiatric day hospital hospital visit patient hospitalized lexapro - 15 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 28 rm - skull brain hospital visit patient hospitalized psychology consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time daily psychiatric day hospital lexapro - 15 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 28 hospital visit patient hospitalized daily psychiatric day hospital hospital visit patient hospitalized lexapro - 15 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 28 appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dexamethasone - generic hosp. restricted - 4 mg/ml 2.5 ml. cx. 50 amps. - hypopharma decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage cortisol - research and/or dosage growth hormone hgh - search and/or dosage somatomethac igf1 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing herpes simplex - igg - search and/or dosage herpes simplex - igm - research and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - fta-abs-igg - research syphilis - fta-abs-igm - research syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml afrin - 0 5 mg sol nas ct fr plas opc spr x 30 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml syneticone xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma - water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 50 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc dipifarma - 500 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - male lower abdomen bladder prostate and seminal vesicles Doppler color of organ or structure alone us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage lh-rh test lh dosage without supply of medicine each oestradiol - research and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - fta-abs-igg - research syphilis - fta-abs-igm - research syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon phenylephrine 10% - fr. 5 ml. - allergan appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage dental appointment computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transthoracic Doppler echocardiography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time daily psychiatric ward daily bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl hospital visit patient hospitalized simeco plus - 120 mg/ml + 41.5 mg/ml + 7 mg/ml sus or ct fr vd amb x 240 ml ibuprofen - 100 mg/ml sus or ct fr plas opc x 20 ml + cgt olanzapine - 10 mg with rev ct bl al / al x 28 haloperidol - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 60 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp clopixole - 50 mg/ml sol inj acuphase ct amp vd inc x 1 ml clopixole - 200 mg/ml sol inj depot ct amp vd inc x 1 ml midazolam maleate fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 fenergan - 25 mg with rev ct 1 bl al plas inc x 20 appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - male lower abdomen bladder prostate and seminal vesicles us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone albumin - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp oestradiol - research and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 blood karyotype band techniques prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage alkaline reserve bicarbonate - search and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage iron fixation capacity - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg dental appointment dental appointment educational activity in oral health male
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells calcium - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets automated culture - microbiology 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage rm - upper abdomen liver pancreas spleen kidneys adrenals retroperitoneum rm - pelvis does not include coxofemoral joints blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage chlor.lidocaine - 2% top ct bg al x 30 g + application optimark - 330.9 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 10 ml scopelamine butylbromide - 20 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp automated culture - microbiology hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage rm - chest mediastinum lung chest wall conventional ecg of up to 12 leads conventional ecg of up to 12 leads conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - face or breasts of the face tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum tc - chest tc - chest transthoracic Doppler echocardiography transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals Monocular fluorescein angiofluorescein swab - gauze 7 5 cm x 7 5 cm swab 13 st?yl threads 10 units. - descarpack scalp - scalp 23g with 30 cm stretch - 210105 - troge - troge anestalcon - fr. 5 ml. - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon phenylephrine 10% - fr. 5 ml. - allergan female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental consultation for technical audit evaluation dental appointment amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lactose tolerance test oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage anti-endomycin antibodies - igg igm iga each - search and/or dosage anti-endomycin antibodies - igg igm iga each - search and/or dosage antigliadine gluten - iga - research and/or dosage antigliadine gluten - igg - search and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates balanced saline solution - halex istar - sol oft cx 20 bols trilaminate pp trans sist fech x 250 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull vitamin a research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 metals al as cd cr mn hg ni zn co other s atomic absorption each - research and/or dosage Chromium - research and/or dosage Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage vitamin e - research and/or dosage ascorbic acid vitamin c - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing magnesium - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage aluminium testing and/or dosing in the serum iron fixation capacity - search and/or dosage parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage anti-tsh receptor antibodies trab - research and/or dosage growth hormone hgh - search and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage somatomethac igf1 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide automated culture - microbiology automated antibiogram uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative - research in the rheumatoid system rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time psychology consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time initial dental appointment cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 6f 6f 6f bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time psychology consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time computerized keratoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment occlusal adjustment by selective wear myorelaxant orthosis stabilizing occlusal plate dental appointment temporary restoration/ expectant treatment multiradicular endodontic treatment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - skull brain appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time provisional crown without pin ceramomer restoration - onlay bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 glucose - search and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage chagas igg - research and/or dosage chagas igm - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology automated antibiogram appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric with nuchal translucency appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - morphological obstetrics appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology automated antibiogram appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric automated culture - microbiology automated antibiogram us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage automated blood culture per sample us - obstetric blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml spinocan - special needle for spinal anesthesia - g27 x 4 3⁄4” 0 42 x 120 mm compact daily ward of 2 beds with private bathroom rent/bipolar scalpel fee by use monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour newborn care in nursery newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical oxytocin - 5 iu/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml emb hosp luftal dimorf - 0.2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est amp vd amb x 1 ml efedrin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp neocaine heavy - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 40 est amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp farmace - 5% glucose isotonic solution - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 24 fr pe trans sist fech x 500 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml kanakion - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct band al/plas 5 amp vd amb x 0.2 ml + 5 dosad plas ceflen - 1 g powder liof inj ct 50 fa vd inc atropion - 0.25 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml pyruvic acid - research and/or dosage amino acid chromatography qualitative profile - research and/or dosage galactosis - search and/or dosage glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase g6fd - search and/or dosage immunoreactive trypsin irt - research and/or dosage hemoglobinopathy - screening el.hb. fetal hemoglobin. reticulocytes h bodies t. sickle cells osmotic resistance thermal stability 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing biotinidase activity qualitative - research and / or dosage chagas igm - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - fta-abs-igm - research toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage factor viii dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal glucose - search and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetrics with color Doppler us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glycemic curve 4 doses oral or intravenous use blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells iron fixation capacity - search and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time factor viii dosage factor viii antigen dosage von willebrand blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ristocetin co-factor functional test dosage prothrombin time - determination thrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp ferritin - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetrics with color Doppler glucose - search and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl automated culture - microbiology factor viii dosage factor viii antigen dosage von willebrand blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ristocetin co-factor functional test dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time after the first hour in addition to assistance delivery low or cesarean section is paid. delivery vaginal route delivery vaginal route coombs direct newborn care in nursery newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical antepartum cardiotocography red reflex test in newborns eye test pediatric care to pregnant women 3rd trimester appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time pediatric care to pregnant women 3rd trimester appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
uric acid - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets uric acid - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets indirect coombs free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage lactose tolerance test rm - skull brain ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular scalp - scalp 21g with 30 cm stretch - 210103 - troge - troge optimark - 330.9 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 20 ml conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time orbit-palpebral evaluation-exophthalmometry - binocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular contrast or color sensitivity test - monocular lacrimal pathway assessment schirmer test - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - obstetrics with color Doppler us - obstetric with nuchal translucency appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dermatology consultation transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic piemonte sache - 4 mg gran. al. plas. pe/pet x 10 env. - europharma female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing oestradiol - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t3 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time General General General General General General foreign bodies polyps or biopsy - in office appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 abo group reverse classification - determination abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count us - morphological obstetrics Doppler color of organ or structure alone toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count us - obstetric fetal Doppler echocardiography with color flow mapping - per fetus appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count us - obstetrics with color Doppler bacterial culture in various biological materials Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section daily hospital stay daily hospital stay surgical room rates rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment hospital rates gas gas sodium chloride water for injection water for injection b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sis fech x 1000 ml lamina for trichotomy 10unid feather 4001 optium tiras 100unid otc 4486 adhesive sensor for neonatal/adult pulse oximetry - oximax max-n clamp p/hemostasis umbilical cord 9423 infusion pump per hour appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood newborn care in nursery newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml argirol oculum - 10 pcc sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml xylocaine luftal efedrin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp neocaine heavy - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 40 est amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp pamergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp tylex - 500 mg + 30 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 12 sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc Plamet syntocinon pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid - 50 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 24 profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc kanakion - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct band al/plas 5 amp vd amb x 0.2 ml + 5 dosad plas sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp sabofen - 7 mg/g sab ct 50 g atropion - 0.25 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular contrast or color sensitivity test - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets anti-tpo - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular contrast or color sensitivity test - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets anti-tpo - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage anti-tpo - research and/or dosage cortisol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage water for injection b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sis fech x 1000 ml oxygen catheter oculos cpl medical prod rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml tramal dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml fiberse - 1uloose/g + 666u/g + 10mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 10g filderme filderme water for injection rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours diphenylhydramine - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml solu-cortef - 500mg powder liof inj ct 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment movatec - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1.5 ml tramal male
hospital rates diprospan hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates - 50 mg. inj. 5 amps. - pfizer water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dexamethasone - generic hosp. restricted - 4 mg/ml 2.5 ml. cx. 50 amps. - hypopharma sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas trans sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml Observation room rate up to 12 hours metochloramide hydrochloride tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj im iv cx 50 amp vd trans x 2 ml emb hosp sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas trans sist fech x 100 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 12 hours pamergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml ketoprofen - 100 mg po liof sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac hydrocortisone sodium succinate - 500 mg po inj cx fa vd trans x 50 sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets tenoxicam - 40 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml glucose - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 100 ml tylex - 500 mg + 30 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 12 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours conventional ecg of up to 12 leads rivotril - 0.5 mg. 3 bl. x 10 cprs. - roche tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time orthopedics and traumatology consultation profenid - inj. 100 mg. cx. 6 amps. - sanofi medley orthopedics and traumatology consultation transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg rate per use/session of the operating room small outpatient surgery unplanned immobilizations any segment - 50 mg. inj. 5 amps. - pfizer water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dexamethasone - generic hosp. restricted - 4 mg/ml 2.5 ml. cx. 50 amps. - hypopharma rate per use/session of the operating room small outpatient surgery unplanned immobilizations any segment - 50 mg. inj. 5 amps. - pfizer dexamethasone - generic hosp. restricted - 4 mg/ml 2.5 ml. cx. 50 amps. - hypopharma tylenol - 750 mg. bl. 20 cprs. - janssen - cilag fenergan - 25 mg/ml. cx. 25 amps. 2 ml. - sanofi medley tylex - 500 mg + 30 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 12 loratadine - 10 mg with rev ct bl al plas amb x 12 male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina gynecology and obstetrics consultation dermatology consultation Angiology consultation compact rate of small procedure room gauze swab - c24013 - sterile gauze swab 7.5x7.5cm 13 threads c/10 - snow - snow laboriodine restrito hosp. - topico 100 ml almotolia - europharma xylestesin restrito hosp. - 2% s/v 10 etj. 20 ml sp - crystalline dermatology consultation general surgery consultation dermatology consultation gynecology and obstetrics consultation glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina medical clinic consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time medical clinic consultation 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin d - research and/or dosage Zinc - test and/or dosage selenium dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hospital rates sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 100 ml water for injection tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml tenoxicam - 40 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp dipyrone sodium appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina fresh examination bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide fungi search for fresh lactophenol china ink appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp ascorbic acid hypofarma - 100 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp culture urine with colony count 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets dehydroepiandrosterone dhea - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage progesterone - research and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage culture urine with colony count us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride beker - 9 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 bols pvc trans flex sist fech x 100 ml water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml tenoxicam - 40 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 40 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets culture faeces: salmonella shigellae and enteropathogenic esc. coli enteroinvasive sorol included + campylobacter sp. + enterohemorrhagic e. coli appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time educational activity in oral health us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - igm - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 glucose - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric glucose after overload with dextrosol or glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl culture urine with colony count us - obstetric us - obstetrics with color Doppler glucose - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bacterial culture in various biological materials us - obstetric after the first hour in addition to assistance delivery low or cesarean section is paid. after the first hour in addition to assistance delivery low or cesarean section is paid. after the first hour in addition to assistance delivery low or cesarean section is paid. after the first hour in addition to assistance delivery low or cesarean section is paid. after the first hour in addition to assistance delivery low or cesarean section is paid. after the first hour in addition to assistance delivery low or cesarean section is paid. Cesarean section Cesarean section daily nursery 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom vacuum by use/session in the operating room aspiration rate of drains in general intermittent/session vacuum outside the icu/semi-icu and the operating room heated cradle rate per day rent pen / motor electric scalpel by use capnograph monitoring rate per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate per day rate per unit of small dressing newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml compound hiospan - 4.0 mg/ml + 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp rate per unit of small dressing newborn care in nursery sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml ringer - 8.6+0.33+0.30mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas sist fech x 500ml vicryl plus - needle ctx-48mm 1/2 circle violet braided diameter 1 vcp371h discarded technical needle for regional anesthesia - bd spinal 27g x 3 1⁄2" medsonda kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml neutron keflin - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml emb hosp oxytocin - 5 iu/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml emb hosp oxytocin - 5 iu/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml emb hosp dimorf - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml heavy neocaine - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 20 amp vd inc x 4 ml tenoxicam - 40 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml eskavit - 10 mg/ ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. hynalgim - 500 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp compound hiospan - 4.0 mg/ml + 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp diclofenac sodium - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 ezetimiba - generic - 10 mg. 2 bl. x 15 cprs. - gen - legrand aramin - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 1 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 240 emb hosp Simeticone - 40 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage amino acid chromatography qualitative profile - research and/or dosage phenylalanine research and/or dosage galactosis - search and/or dosage glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase g6fd - search and/or dosage immunoreactive trypsin irt - research and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing biotinidase activity qualitative - research and / or dosage chagas igm - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - fta-abs-igm - research toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cerumen - removal bilateral preparation for intraradicular core multiradicular endodontic treatment Observation room rate up to 6 hours Immobilization of the lower limb mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon cast metal core cast metal core provisional crown without pin provisional crown without pin total metal crown ceramic total metal crown ceramic appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage diprospan appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular educational activity in oral health glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage us - articular by articulation blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tenolysis/tendonesis - surgical treatment tenolysis/tendonesis - surgical treatment tenolysis/tendonesis - surgical treatment disinfection/sterilization rate of surgical instruments size iii and iv sodium chloride Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage rent/cash/medium surgery instruments per use blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc esio - 40 mg po liof sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 6.5 ml fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom use of a tray for stitch removal rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment multiradicular endodontic treatment male
dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time psychiatric consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diprospan profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time thoracobrachial appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tubular mesh - h03015 - tubular mesh 15 cm x 15 m - snow orthopedic cotton - h02015 - 15 cm x 1.0 m - snow orthopedic cotton - h02020 - orthopaedic cotton 20 cm x 1.0 m - snow upper limb immobilization vest diprospan hypak - 1 syringe c/1ml - pharmacokinetic maturation bextra im/iv restricted hosp. - 40 mg. 10 fa - pfizer gli-alcohol 70% c/glycerin 2% 100 ml almot. - hydrochloric pedialyte orthopedic cotton - h02020 - orthopaedic cotton 20 cm x 1.0 m - snow vest bextra im/iv restricted hosp. - 40 mg. 10 fa - pfizer gli-alcohol 70% c/glycerin 2% 100 ml almot. - hydrochloric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time thoracobrachial appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tubular mesh - h03015 - tubular mesh 15 cm x 15 m - snow orthopedic cotton - h02015 - 15 cm x 1.0 m - snow orthopedic cotton - h02020 - orthopaedic cotton 20 cm x 1.0 m - snow collar vest diprospan hypak - 1 syringe c/1ml - pharmacokinetic maturation bextra im/iv restricted hosp. - 40 mg. 10 fa - pfizer gli-alcohol 70% c/glycerin 2% 100 ml almot. - hydrochloric pedialyte appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time thoracobrachial appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time orthopedic cotton - h02020 - orthopaedic cotton 20 cm x 1.0 m - snow vest diprospan hypak - 1 syringe c/1ml - pharmacokinetic maturation bextra im/iv restricted hosp. - 40 mg. 10 fa - pfizer appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time thoracobrachial hospital rates acute ligament injury - conservative treatment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time collar vest General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 250 ml vaginal specimen p vagispec 107 adlin appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina thoracobrachial appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time collar vest bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc toperma 5% 10empl. - grunenthal psychology consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time acupuncture per session dental appointment acupuncture per session dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time acupuncture per session appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time acupuncture per session voltaren retard - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 3 ml emb hosp psychology consultation dental appointment dental appointment bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc water for injection decadron - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 2 amp x 1 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc removal of semi-included/impacted teeth dental appointment educational activity in oral health bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc dental appointment educational activity in oral health bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc water for injection water for injection b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals atensin - 0.15 mg with ct bl al pl inc x 30 compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 50 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml solution inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml diprospan - inj. 1 amp. 1 ml - pharmacocorp bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml solution inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time thoracobrachial Velpeau type bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc diprospan coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc diprospan tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
uric acid - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry daily tension curve - binocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time duke - determination conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular ultrasonic - monocular biometrics computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage creatine - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography female
General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time orthopedics and traumatology consultation us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated rm - foot antefoot - does not include ankle appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection - sol inj cx 70 fr pe sist fech x 100 ml ringer solution c/ lactate isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pp trans sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pp trans sist fech x 500 ml daily working day in the hospital ward oxygen catheter oculos cpl medical prod surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 xylocaine sleep - 5 mg/ml sun inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 10 ml fentanyl citrate novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml rate per dressing unit appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage Observation room rate up to 12 hours lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml water for injection water for injection amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - face or breasts of the face tc - chest blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage Observation room rate up to 12 hours lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml solu-cortef - 500mg powder liof inj ct 50 fa vd inc water for injection Observation room rate up to 12 hours fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml solu-cortef - 500mg powder liof inj ct 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cerumen - removal bilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions dental appointment sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 250 ml vaginal specimen p vagispec 107 adlin appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time filderme 10% povidone iodod / 1% - geyer total metal crown ceramic uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time provisional crown without pin provisional crown without pin total metal crown ceramic sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml vaginal specimen p vagispec 107 adlin appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time surgical hysteroscopy with biopsy and/or uterine curettage lysis of synechiae foreign body removal surgical hysteroscopy with biopsy and/or uterine curettage lysis of synechiae foreign body removal sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml daily working day in the hospital ward baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 01 fa vd inc x 50 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage dental appointment educational activity in oral health hysteroscopy with resectoscope for polypectomy metroplasty endometaectomy and resection of synechiae sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml daily working day in the hospital ward decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml diprivan 1% baxter glycine - 15 mg/ml sol irrig urol cx bols pvc x 3000 ml baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml sufenta - 5 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml hysteroscopy with resectoscope for polypectomy metroplasty endometaectomy and resection of synechiae appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml 0.9% chloride solution 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml tramal dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml tramadon - 50mg/ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 1 ml omeprazole sodium - 40 mg powder liof p/ sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc + 50 dil amp vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml henetix - 300 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 50 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 50 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc unilateral rigid ureterorrenolitomasthesia unilateral rigid ureterorrenolitomasthesia water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 100 ml sist. closed daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for cystoureteroscopy without video by use rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 20 ml plast. - hypopharma decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 01 fa vd inc x 50 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 50 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc zofran - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp plas x 2 ml fentanest - 0.05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est x amp vd amb x 2 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml water for injection restricted hosp. - 20 ml cx. 100 amp. plast. - farmace appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with rigid endoscope rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time educational activity in oral health educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon tc - neck soft tissue larynx thyroid pharynx and salivary glands tc - chest henetix - 350 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd inc x 100 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 250 ml diprivan - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 5 amp vd trans x 20 ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 40 est plas x 1 amp vd trans x 5 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with rigid endoscope appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular ultrasonic - monocular biometrics speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose after overload with dextrosol or glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours anesthesiology consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular rates of hire of equipment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets optical coherence tomography - monocular ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized campimetry - monocular daily tension curve - binocular anestalcon mydriacyl 10% oculum - 10% sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5ml dental appointment educational activity in oral health hospital rates Monocular fluorescein angiofluorescein water for injection appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular computerized campimetry - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Chromium - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage apolipoprotein a apo a - search and/or dosage Creatinine clearance Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing fructoses glycosylated proteins - search and/or dosage homocysteine - research and/or dosage lactose tolerance test potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage transferrin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage total lipids - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage mucoproteins - research and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets aldosterone - research and/or dosage antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage cortisol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage peptide c - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage waaler-rosis rheumatoid factor - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours diprospan educational activity in oral health cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time of ivy - detection activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine clearance appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular anestalcon - fr. 5 ml. - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon phenylephrine 10% - fr. 5 ml. - allergan oxalic acid - test and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage total proteins - research and/or dosage pth - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral 24-hour holter - 2 or more channels - analog outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral puncture biopsy/aspiration of us-oriented organ or surface structure does not include the basic examination us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads calcium - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Doppler color of organ or structure alone abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp bleeding time duke - determination parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroglobulin - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic afrin - 0 5 mg sol nas ct fr plas opc spr x 30 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time culture urine with colony count us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder female
- 50 mg. inj. 5 amps. - pfizer diprospan hypak - 1 syringe c/1ml - pharmacokinetic maturation coltrax - inj. cx. 3 amps. - sanofi medley movatec - 15 mg. sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1.5 ml - boehringer ingelheim hospital rates General - pfizer diprospan hypak - 1 syringe c/1ml - pharmacokinetic maturation coltrax - inj. cx. 3 amps. - sanofi medley novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis plasil restricted hosp. - 5 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 100 amps. x 2 ml - sanofi-aventis rate per use/session of subclavi/jugular puncture Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage compact daily working day of a 2-bed ward without private bathroom conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - joint sternoclavicular or shoulder or elbow or wrist or sacroiliac or coxofemoral or knee or ankle - unilateral tc - joint sternoclavicular or shoulder or elbow or wrist or sacroiliac or coxofemoral or knee or ankle - unilateral hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage compact rate of small procedure room unplanned immobilizations any segment - pfizer - pfizer 20 cprs. - roche dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 20 ml plast. - hypopharma flexibag 200 ml - bayer xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% jelly cx. 10 bisn. x 30 ml - crystalline b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac hospital visit patient hospitalized radioscopy for follow-up of surgical procedure per hour or fraction fractures and/or dislocations and/or avulsions - surgical treatment - in the scapula-humeral joint and scapular girdle fractures and/or dislocations and/or avulsions - surgical treatment - in the scapula-humeral joint and scapular girdle fractures and/or dislocations and/or avulsions - surgical treatment - in the scapula-humeral joint and scapular girdle fractures and/or dislocations and/or avulsions - surgical treatment - in the scapula-humeral joint and scapular girdle rent pen / motor electric scalpel by use Rent/ photophore rate per use surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache rapifen restricted hosp. - 0 544 mg. 5 amps. 5 ml - janssen - cilag nimbium restrito hosp. - 10 mg. inj. cx. 5 amps. - glaxosmithkline flexibag 200 ml - bayer dormonid injection restrito hosp. - 5 mg. 5 amps. - roche xylestesin + epinephrine hosp. restricted - 2% c/v 10 fr. 20 ml - crystalline fentanest restricted hosp. - 0 05 mg/ml sol. inj. 50 amps. x 2 ml - crystalliza neocaine + epinephrine hosp. restricted -0.5% c/v 6 frs. 20 ml - crystalline zofran restricted hosp. - 4 mg. / 5 amps. plast. 2 ml - glaxosmithkline use of a tray for stitch removal rate per unit of small dressing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time compact rate of small procedure room unplanned immobilizations any segment sodium chloride - 0.9% 10 ml cx. 200 amp. plast. - farmace appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml tramaliv diprospan coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml unplanned immobilizations any segment tramaliv diprospan coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours cortisonal * restricted hosp. - 100 mg. po inj. ct. 50 fa vd. inc. hosp. - chemical union appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
cozaar - 50 bl. x 15 cp. - merck sharp & dohme novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley 30 cprs. - boehringer ingelheim appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time computerized keratoscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time - pfizer bextra im/iv restricted hosp. - 40 mg. 10 fa - pfizer dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward cozaar - 50 bl. x 15 cp. - merck sharp & dohme norvasc - 5 mg. 30 cprs. - pfizer - pfizer dermodex - pom. derm. bisn. 60 g - takeda pharma clonazepam - generic - 2 mg. 3 bl. x 10 cprs. - ems muvinlax - 20 saches 14 g - libbs lactulone - 667 mg/ml xpe. fr. plast. pet x 120 ml plumph season - daiichi sankyo 12% - blue irr bottle - 1 x 500 ml - fresenius kabi novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley clexane - 40 mg. sol. inj. ct. 10 ser. pre-filled x 0.4 ml + sist. sec. - sanofi medley sodium chloride restricted hosp. - 20% amp. 10 ml - halex istar ondansetron hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 2 mg/ml cx. 100 amps. vd. 2 ml - halex istar zofran restricted hosp. - 4 mg. / 5 amps. plast. 2 ml - glaxosmithkline magnevistan restrito hosp. - frs. 10 x 10 ml - bayer xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% jelly cx. 10 bisn. x 30 ml - crystalline dipyrone sodium hospital visit patient hospitalized rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage albumin - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination culture urine with colony count automated blood culture per sample Chloride - research and/or dosage free t3 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets norvasc - 5 mg. 30 cprs. - pfizer solu-methacillus - fr. 40 mg. + amp. dil. - pfizer diovan - 160 mg 14 ce - novartis solu-cortef - 500 mg. po liof. inj. ct. 50 fa - chemical union hirudoid - 3 mg/g bisn. 40 g gel - daiichi sankyo selozok - 50 mg. 3 bl. x 10 cprs. lib. control - astrazeneca tobragan - 5 ml. - allergan 12% - blue irr bottle - 1 x 500 ml - fresenius kabi atlansil - inj. cx. 50 amps. 3 ml - sanofi-aventis 20 cprs. - sanofi medley clexane - 40 mg. sol. inj. ct. 10 ser. pre-filled x 0.4 ml + sist. sec. - sanofi medley Persiantin - inj. 5 amps. 2 ml. - boehringer ingelheim sodium chloride restricted hosp. - 20% amp. 10 ml - halex istar fentanyl restricted hosp. - spinal 50 mcg. 5 amps. 2 ml - janssen - cilag propovan restricted hosp. - 10 mg/ml 5 amps. 10 ml - crystallization aminophylline - generic restricted hosp. - sol. inj. 24 mg/ml cx. 50 amps. x 10 ml hosp. - teuto bras. xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% jelly cx. 10 bisn. x 30 ml - crystalline narcan restricted hosp. - 0.4 mg/ml 10 amps. 1 ml - crystalline lasix - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct bl 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage transesophageal Doppler echocardiography including transthoracic hospital visit patient hospitalized activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp alpha-fetoprotein - research and/or dosage carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage Calcitonin - research and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized protein electropheresis blood gas analysis + hb + ht + na + k + cl + ca + glucose + lactate when performed in the blood gas meter - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage tc - chest tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum beta-2-microglobulin - research and/or dosage iga - research and/or dosage igg - search and/or dosage immunoelectrophoresis study of gammopathy - research and/or dosage sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward tc - chest tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum solu-methacillus - fr. 40 mg. + amp. dil. - pfizer diovan - 160 mg 14 ce - novartis 10 cprs. - mantecorp muvinlax - 20 saches 14 g - libbs hirudoid - 3 mg/g bisn. 40 g gel - daiichi sankyo selozok - 50 mg. 3 bl. x 10 cprs. lib. control - astrazeneca tobragan - 5 ml. - allergan 20 cprs. - sanofi medley clexane - 40 mg. sol. inj. ct. 10 ser. pre-filled x 0.4 ml + sist. sec. - sanofi medley efortil - 10 mg/ml sol. inj. c. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim magnevistan restrito hosp. - frs. 10 x 10 ml - bayer xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization henetix 350 restrito hosp. - fa 100 ml x 10 - guerbet diprivan 1% clexane - 60 mg sol inj ct 2 ser pre-filled vd inc grad x 0 6 ml + sist safety hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized diovan - 160 mg 14 ce - novartis 10 cprs. - mantecorp muvinlax - 20 saches 14 g - libbs selozok - 50 mg. 3 bl. x 10 cprs. lib. control - astrazeneca tobragan - 5 ml. - allergan 20 cprs. - sanofi medley magnevistan restrito hosp. - frs. 10 x 10 ml - bayer clexane - 60 mg sol inj ct 2 ser pre-filled vd inc grad x 0 6 ml + sist safety hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized diovan - 160 mg 14 ce - novartis meticorten - 5 mg. 20 cprs. - mantecorp 10 cprs. - mantecorp lacrima plus - fr. 15 ml. - alcon hirudoid - 3 mg/g bisn. 40 g gel - daiichi sankyo selozok - 50 mg. 3 bl. x 10 cprs. lib. control - astrazeneca tobragan - 5 ml. - allergan 20 cprs. - sanofi medley xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% jelly cx. 10 bisn. x 30 ml - crystalline xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization diprivan 1% clexane - 60 mg sol inj ct 2 ser pre-filled vd inc grad x 0 6 ml + sist safety upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination daily working day in the hospital ward hospital visit patient hospitalized versa - 100 mg/ml sol. inj. 2 ser. fill x 0.6 ml + sist. sec. - europharma meticorten - 5 mg. 20 cprs. - mantecorp hirudoid - 3 mg/g bisn. 40 g gel - daiichi sankyo selozok - 50 mg. 3 bl. x 10 cprs. lib. control - astrazeneca clexane - 60 mg sol inj ct 2 ser pre-filled vd inc grad x 0 6 ml + sist safety male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours needle p/use different - hypodrmic needle 13 x 0 45 - 25 x 0 7 - 30 x 0 7 - 25 x 0 8 - 30 x 0 8 - descarpack 25 x7 luer slip 5 ml - descarpack 25 x7 luer slip 10 ml - descarpack scalp - scalp 21g with 30 cm stretch - 210103 - troge - troge - pfizer dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma diprospan - inj. 1 amp. 1 ml - pharmacocorp teflan - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 5 fa + 5 amps. dil. - chemical union rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours scalp - scalp 21g with 30 cm stretch - 210103 - troge - troge - pfizer dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma teflan - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 5 fa + 5 amps. dil. - chemical union novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley rates of hire of equipment rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time collar - pfizer teflan - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 5 fa + 5 amps. dil. - chemical union novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lactose tolerance test total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage transferrin - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp ferritin - research and/or dosage anti-endomycin antibodies - igg igm iga each - search and/or dosage antigliadine gluten - iga - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage iga - research and/or dosage ige total - research and/or dosage igg - search and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research anti- tissue transglutaminase - igg rent/fee of equipment/equipment for video endoscopic equipment monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day brush pvpi dergeming 10 ml - vic pharma surshield surflash ps - polyurethane safety peripheral catheter - sr*sff2051 - 20g x 2 51 mm - termoo dormonid - 15 mg. 2 bl. x 10 cprs. - roche buscopan - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar xylestesin 100mg/ml sol.spray 50ml - crystalline xylocaine luftal glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals - pfizer teflan - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 5 fa + 5 amps. dil. - chemical union coltrax - inj. cx. 3 amps. - sanofi medley novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac rate per dressing unit rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic unplanned immobilizations any segment - pfizer teflan - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 5 fa + 5 amps. dil. - chemical union novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac rm - joint by joint conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bond test clot retraction - research coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time of ivy - detection activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time lamina bisturi 100unid.feather - surgical fernandes water for injection water for injection fractures and/or dislocations and/or avulsions - surgical treatment - in the scapula-humeral joint and scapular girdle fractures and/or dislocations and/or avulsions - surgical treatment - in the scapula-humeral joint and scapular girdle fractures and/or dislocations and/or avulsions - surgical treatment - in the scapula-humeral joint and scapular girdle compact daily ward ward with 4 or more beds without private bathroom rent/fee of apparatus/equipment for general anesthesia by use rent/fee of apparatus/equipment for diagnostic arthroscopy by use rent pen / motor electric scalpel by use aspirator rate continuous suction per hour Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter per use/session outside the icu and the surgical center noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate installation surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 prostigmine - 0.5 mg/ml cx. 50 amps. 1 ml - valeant novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley neocaine + epinephrine hosp. restricted - 0.5% c/v 10 storage 20 ml oxygen free - crystalline riodeine dermo mild degerming 100 ml alm.twist off - riochimica riodeine dermo suave topico 100 ml alm.twist off - rioquimica neutron keflin - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml emb hosp diprivan pfs 1% fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est x amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml nimbium ultiva bleu patente v - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 05 amp vd inc x 20 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc tramal Plamet teflan - 20 mg powder lióf sol inj ct 50 fa vd inc sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml atropion - 0.25 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 40 fr plas trans sist fech x 250 ml unplanned immobilizations any segment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lactose tolerance test oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage water for injection sodium chloride 0.9% tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum iopamiron - 755 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 100 ml urographin uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antigen australia hbsag - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Urea - research and/or dosage rm - upper abdomen liver pancreas spleen kidneys adrenals retroperitoneum rm - pelvis does not include coxofemoral joints General conventional ecg of up to 12 leads conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular total prosthesis culture urine with colony count female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage myoglobin research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rate per use/session of the emergency room rate per use/session of the emergency room iscover - 75 mg. 1 bl. x 14 cprs. rev. - b-ms sodium chloride - 0.9% 10 ml cx. 200 amp. plast. - farmace aas - ad. 50 x 10 cprs. emb. mult. 500 mg. - sanofi-aventis - 25 mg 30 cprs. - sanofi medley Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp clexane - 40 mg. 2 ser. pre-filled - sanofi-aventis 24-hour holter - 2 or more channels - analog daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom transthoracic Doppler echocardiography hospital visit patient hospitalized pantozol - 40 mg. cart. 7 cprs. - takeda pharma sodium chloride - 0.9% 10 ml cx. 200 amp. plast. - farmace novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley hospital visit patient hospitalized selozok - 25 mg. 2 bl. x 10 cprs. lib. control - astrazeneca hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital rates tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized pantozol - 40 mg. cart. 7 cprs. - takeda pharma selozok - 25 mg. 2 bl. x 10 cprs. lib. control - astrazeneca - 25 mg 30 cprs. - sanofi medley daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized sodium chloride - 0.9% 10 ml cx. 200 amp. plast. - farmace novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley Creatinine - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp hospital visit patient hospitalized total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transesophageal Doppler echocardiography including transthoracic hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination hidantal injection - cx. 50 amps. - sanofi-aventis clexane - 60 mg. 2 ser. - sanofi-aventis water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar lactulone - 667 mg/ml xpe. fr. plast. pet x 120 ml plumph season - daiichi sankyo lidocaine hydrochloride - generic - 2% top.1 gel bisn.30 g. + aplic. - crystalline gardenal - 100 mg. est. 20 cprs. - sanofi medley clexane - 40 mg. 2 ser. pre-filled - sanofi-aventis diprivan restrito hosp. - pfs 1% 1 ser. vd. 50 ml ready p/use - astrazeneca omnipaque restricted hosp. - 300 mg i/ml fa vd. x 50 ml - fasting humulin - r fa 10 ml - eli lilly monocordyl - inj. 50 amps. 1 ml - baldacci hepamax s restricted hosp. - 5000 iu/ml cx. 25 fa vd. x 5 ml - blau farm. xylestesin restrito hosp. - 2% s/v 10 etj. 20 ml sp - crystalline cardiac catheterization and/or d with coronary angiography and ventriculography cardiac catheterization and/or d with coronary angiography and ventriculography lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp pantozol - 40 mg. cart. 7 cprs. - takeda pharma selozok - 25 mg. 2 bl. x 10 cprs. lib. control - astrazeneca sodium chloride - 0.9% 10 ml cx. 200 amp. plast. - farmace - 25 mg 30 cprs. - sanofi medley gardenal - 100 mg. est. 20 cprs. - sanofi medley novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley clexane - 40 mg. 2 ser. pre-filled - sanofi-aventis hospital visit patient hospitalized - 50 mg. inj. 5 amps. - pfizer hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized plamet - cx. 5 amps. - libbs water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized lactulone - 667 mg/ml xpe. fr. plast. pet x 120 ml plumph season - daiichi sankyo appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg installation conventional ecg of up to 12 leads Observation room rate up to 6 hours selozok - 25 mg with lib cont ct bl al plas inc x 20 selozok - 25 mg with lib cont ct bl al plas inc x 20 glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac lasix - 40 mg with ct bl al plas vde x 20 clorana marevan - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 transthoracic Doppler echocardiography hospital visit patient hospitalized tegrel - 200 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 hospital visit patient hospitalized gardenal sodium chloride hospital visit patient hospitalized tylex - 500 mg + 30 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 12 Creatinine - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp selozok - 50 mg with lib cont ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipitor - 10 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 30 Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage selozok - 50 mg with lib cont ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipitor - 10 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 30 gardenal clorana marevan - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized water for injection extra-hospital transport of critically ill patients 1 hour - from the physician's displacement - medical follow-up extra-hospital transport of critically ill patients for an additional hour - until the return of the doctor to the clinic - medical follow-up hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized losec mups - 20 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized losec mups - 20 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 7 selozok - 50 mg with lib cont ct bl al plas inc x 20 lipitor - 10 mg with rev ct bl al/al x 30 gardenal clorana marevan - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 tegrel - 200 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 water for injection - sol inj ct 25 amp plas inc x 10 ml daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg hospital visit patient hospitalized tegrel - 200 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 24-hour holter - 2 or more channels - analog hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp prothrombin time - determination prothrombin time - determination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 24-hour holter - 2 or more channels - analog Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg installation conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp Observation room rate up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun c-reactive protein qualitative - research transthoracic Doppler echocardiography Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time prothrombin time - determination 24-hour holter - 2 or more channels - analog appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg installation Observation room rate up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg installation Observation room rate up to 6 hours b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage water for injection daily working day in the hospital ward catheter for biosense electrophysiology webster - d7t20p15rt 8mm ablation connector connector for diagnostic catheter connector for diagnostic catheter catheter introducer - 504606x catheter introducer - 504606x infusion pump per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day rate per large dressing unit conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transesophageal Doppler echocardiography including transthoracic prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp diprivan 1% selozok - 25 mg with lib cont ct bl al plas inc x 20 hepamax-s - 5000 iu/ml sol inj cx c/ 25 fa vd inc x 5 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml adenocard - 3 mg/ml sol inj ct 2 amp vd amb x 2 ml gardenal lasix - 40 mg with ct bl al plas vde x 20 novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml teflan - 20 mg powder lióf sol inj ct 50 fa vd inc xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp marevan - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 triatec tegrel - 200 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 cardiac catheterization d and/or with or without coronary angiography / cineangiography with evaluation of pulmonary vascular reactivity or hemodynamic overload test arrhythmogenic circuit ablation by radiofrequency catheter conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time urofluorometry bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage us - male lower abdomen bladder prostate and seminal vesicles us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - fta-abs-igg - research syphilis - vdrl transthoracic Doppler echocardiography 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular dental appointment removable partial prosthesis with bilateral staples total colourless prosthesis appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time urofluorometry uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time prothrombin time - determination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom rent/ video monitor rate per use conventional ecg of up to 12 leads conventional ecg of up to 12 leads hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours lasix - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct bl 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml daily daily meal with complete meal Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp selozok - 50 mg with lib cont ct bl al plas inc x 20 clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 2 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety lasix - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct bl 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml marevan - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 triatec gardenal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 tegrel - 200 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 hospital visit patient hospitalized ictus - 3.125 mg 30 with bl al plas inc sodium - screening and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized lasix - 40 mg with ct bl al plas vde x 20 hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized ictus - 3.125 mg 30 with bl al plas inc clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 2 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety lasix - 40 mg with ct bl al plas vde x 20 marevan - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 triatec gardenal - 100 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 tegrel - 200 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 daily daily meal with complete meal Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp hospital visit patient hospitalized cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage rent/ video monitor rate per use conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lexotan - 3.0 mg with ct bl al plas inc 30 urofluorometry appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - male lower abdomen bladder prostate and seminal vesicles us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage General antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital male
educational activity in oral health conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 2 hours Observation room rate up to 6 hours General General General General Persiantin - inj. 5 amps. 2 ml. - boehringer ingelheim buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dramin b6 dl 3+5+100+100mg/ml sol.inj.100amp 10ml - cosmed dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular mydriacyl 10% oculum - 10% sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5ml transthoracic Doppler echocardiography conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage us - obstetric 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage female
uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic xylestesin restrito hosp. - 2% s/v 10 etj. 20 ml sp - crystalline medical line - hypodermic needle - ah+1838 - 40 x 12 ipi included 8% - nipro appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma - water for injection glucose monohydrate - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 rate per dressing unit blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp hyponor b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution 0.9% chloride solution glycophysiological solution sanobiol - 0.9g + 5g/100ml sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000ml glucose monohydrate - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml glucose monohydrate - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml kirschner wire optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 nbr iso 5832-1 - 322801 bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage rate per dressing unit rate per dressing unit rate per unit of small dressing rate per unit of small dressing conventional ecg of up to 12 leads hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp hyponor hyponor b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml ranitidine hydrochloride - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml ranitidine hydrochloride - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp insunorm r - 100 iu/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml carbamazepine 200 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution glycophysiological solution sanobiol - 0.9g + 5g/100ml sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000ml glucose monohydrate - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml daily working day in the hospital ward bone wax - box containing 1 individual envelope of 2.5 g haemostatic surgicel 5.5cmx7 5cm 12unid 1953 optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets epitezan - pom oft ct bg x 3.5 g fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp isoforine - 1 ml liq inal cx isopork fr vd amb x 240 ml longactyl - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml ranitidine hydrochloride - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp esmeron dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml efrinalin ropi - 7.5 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators triaxton - 1000 mg po inj cx 100 fa vd inc type iii emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp fazolon - 1000 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution glucose monohydrate - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml askina transorbent multilaminar steryl hydrocellular penso - 18x20 amount/cartridge 1 optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 surgical treatment of fractures with external fixator - thigh/femur surgical treatment of fractures with external fixator - thigh/femur surgical treatment of fractures with external fixator - thigh/femur Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage rent/ image intensifier rate by use conventional ecg of up to 12 leads tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination efedrin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml ranitidine hydrochloride - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml Dopamine hydrochloride sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp furosemide dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml atropion triaxton - 1000 mg po inj cx 100 fa vd inc type iii emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt bacterial culture in various biological materials isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 albumin - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml Dopamine hydrochloride sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml triaxton - 1000 mg po inj cx 100 fa vd inc type iii emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution isopharma-solution of potassium chloride - 191 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - fractional isoenzymes - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml Dopamine hydrochloride dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml triaxton - 1000 mg po inj cx 100 fa vd inc type iii emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 withdrawal of external fixators withdrawal of external fixators withdrawal of external fixators femoral fractures - surgical treatment femoral fractures - surgical treatment femoral fractures - surgical treatment calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage rent/ image intensifier rate by use blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets clonidin - 150 mcg/ml sol inj cx 25 est x amp vd amb x 1 ml emb. hosp. pancuron - 2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb.hosp. motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml esmeron dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml triaxton - 1000 mg po inj cx 100 fa vd inc type iii emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp fazolon - 1000 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution sodium chloride isopharma-solution optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets dimorf - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml piperacillin sodium + tazobactam sodium - 4 g + 500 mg powder liof sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml Dopamine hydrochloride dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp dormium - 15 mg/3ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets atropine - 5 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml piperacillin sodium + tazobactam sodium - 4 g + 500 mg powder liof sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp blood culture for anaerobic bacteria per sample isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - fractional isoenzymes - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets piperacillin sodium + tazobactam sodium - 4 g + 500 mg powder liof sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp bacterial culture in various biological materials culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets piperacillin sodium + tazobactam sodium - 4 g + 500 mg powder liof sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution sodium chloride isopharma-solution optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets piperacillin sodium + tazobactam sodium - 4 g + 500 mg powder liof sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution isopharma-solution of potassium chloride - 191 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - fractional isoenzymes - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets piperacillin sodium + tazobactam sodium - 4 g + 500 mg powder liof sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution isopharma-solution of potassium chloride - 191 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets dimorf - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution sodium chloride isopharma-solution optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution isopharma - magnesium sulfate solution optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets longactyl - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution sodium chloride isopharma-solution optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets longactyl - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt isopharma - water for injection daily working day in the hospital ward optium tiras 100unid poc 5151 Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp longactyl - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection daily working day in the hospital ward fractures and/or dislocations at the ankle level - surgical treatment fractures and/or dislocations at the ankle level - surgical treatment fractures and/or dislocations at the ankle level - surgical treatment acute ligament injury at the ankle level - surgical treatment acute ligament injury at the ankle level - surgical treatment acute ligament injury at the ankle level - surgical treatment rent/ image intensifier rate by use surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp ketamin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 2 ml propovan - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 20 ml rest hosp sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward dimorf - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 risperdal - 1 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward motilium - 10 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 risperdal - 1 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml bromogex - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp omeprazole - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg. cap. gel. dura c/mcgran ct. bl. al. plas. inc. x 560 hosp. - prati donaduzzi b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward omeprazole - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg. cap. gel. dura c/mcgran ct. bl. al. plas. inc. x 560 hosp. - prati donaduzzi sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc risperdal - 1 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dipyrone sodium sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward omeprazole - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg. cap. gel. dura c/mcgran ct. bl. al. plas. inc. x 560 hosp. - prati donaduzzi sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc risperdal - 1 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward omeprazole - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg. cap. gel. dura c/mcgran ct. bl. al. plas. inc. x 560 hosp. - prati donaduzzi sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc risperdal - 1 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage omeprazole - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg. cap. gel. dura c/mcgran ct. bl. al. plas. inc. x 560 hosp. - prati donaduzzi sulfate polymyxin b -500 000 ui powder liof p/ sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc risperdal - 1 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium phenytoin - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 72 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp dersani original - 20 ml - un. c/ipi included - daudt daily working day in the hospital ward omeprazole - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg. cap. gel. dura c/mcgran ct. bl. al. plas. inc. x 560 hosp. - prati donaduzzi risperdal - 1 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 phenytoin 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 100 emb hosp daily working day in the hospital ward omeprazole - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg. cap. gel. dura c/mcgran ct. bl. al. plas. inc. x 560 hosp. - prati donaduzzi risperdal - 1 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 phenytoin 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 100 emb hosp daily working day in the hospital ward omeprazole - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg. cap. gel. dura c/mcgran ct. bl. al. plas. inc. x 560 hosp. - prati donaduzzi risperdal - 1 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 phenytoin 100 mg with ct bl al plas lar x 100 emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma - water for injection isopharma - water for injection 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom isoforine - 1 ml liq inal cx isopork fr vd amb x 240 ml propovan - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 20 ml rest hosp noprosil b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 fa plas inc sist fech x 1000ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml ranitidine hydrochloride - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml dipyrone sodium corticoidx - 4 mg / ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 2.5 ml emb hosp esmeron artrinid - 100 mg po liof iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp ropi - 7.5 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp fazolon - 1000 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc bacterial culture in various biological materials bacterial culture in various biological materials bacterial culture in various biological materials bacterial culture in various biological materials isopharma - water for injection 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom ranitidine hydrochloride b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml artrinid - 100 mg po liof iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp paracetamol fazolon - 1000 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc isopharma - water for injection 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom ranitidine hydrochloride noprosil tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 50 emb hosp paracetamol appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
hospital rates chemotherapeutic total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets protein c - search and/or dosage anti-tpo - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour luftal - gts. fr. nf 15 ml - b-ms xylocaine dolosal - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular educational activity in oral health dental appointment glucose - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated automated culture - microbiology us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - morphological obstetrics free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml water for injection potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section glucose solution - 100 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 bols plas sist fech x 500 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 20 bols plas sist fech x 500 ml physiological solution of ringer with sodium lactate - sol inj cx 20 fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml water for injection chrome catgut with needle - b.braun: b0570745br abo group reverse classification - determination abo group reverse classification - determination abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml xylocaine tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp syntocinon kanakion - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx colm 05 amp vd amb x 1.0 ml fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml dimorf - 0.2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj im iv cx 50 amp vd trans x 1 ml emb hosp heavy neocaine - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 20 amp vd inc x 4 ml syphilis - vdrl 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom newborn care in nursery luftal tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj im iv cx 50 amp vd trans x 1 ml emb hosp 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets luftal b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml enteric profenid - 100 mg with rev lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 20 novalgin - 500 mg with ct 25 bl al plas inc x 4 tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj im iv cx 50 amp vd trans x 1 ml emb hosp sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml amino acid chromatography qualitative profile - research and/or dosage phenylalanine research and/or dosage galactosis - search and/or dosage glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase g6fd - search and/or dosage rate per unit of small dressing hemoglobinopathy - screening el.hb. fetal hemoglobin. reticulocytes h bodies t. sickle cells osmotic resistance thermal stability 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing biotinidase activity qualitative - research and / or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time red reflex test in newborns eye test appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml diazepam - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac captopril - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 600 emb hosp dental appointment pre-made pin inlay ceramomer restoration - onlay total metal crown ceramic 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 20 bols plas sist fech x 500 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 40 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac captopril - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 600 emb hosp diazepam - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp glycophysiological solution sanobiol - 0.9g + 5g/100ml sol inj iv cx 20 bols trilaminate pp trans sist fech x 500ml water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 12 hours qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated automated culture - microbiology us - morphological obstetrics appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets anti-tpo - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - morphological obstetrics appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated automated culture - microbiology us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric us - obstetric sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml water for injection 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml argirol oculum - 10 pcc sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5 ml cephalothin sodium - 1g powder p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml xylocaine compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml luftal efedrin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp lactulone - 667 mg/ml xpe ct fr plast pet amb x 120 ml plumph taste tenoxicam - 40 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp syntocinon dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac kanakion - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx colm 05 amp vd amb x 1.0 ml fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml pyridium - 100 mg drg ct bl al plas inc x 25 dimorf - 0.2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 1 pcc sol inj cx 10 fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj im iv cx 50 amp vd trans x 1 ml emb hosp heavy neocaine - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 20 amp vd inc x 4 ml Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section abo group reverse classification - determination abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage newborn care in nursery appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time red reflex test in newborns eye test appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours transthoracic Doppler echocardiography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj im iv cx 50 amp vd trans x 1 ml emb hosp dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj im iv cx 50 amp vd trans x 1 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage automated antibiogram automated culture - microbiology us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac decadron injection - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 fa vd trans x 2.5 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time provisional crown without pin total metal crown ceramic glucose halex istar - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 bols pp trans sist fech x 500 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours diazepam - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp digesan - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml ketoprofen - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular clinical crown increase clinical crown increase dental appointment provisional crown without pin provisional crown without pin total metal crown ceramic pre-made pin cast metal restoration educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage lactose tolerance test oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage anti-endomycin antibodies - igg igm iga each - search and/or dosage antigliadine gluten - iga - research and/or dosage antigliadine gluten - igg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl anti- tissue transglutaminase - iga appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral color Doppler of the aorta and iliac color Doppler of superior or inferior vena cava 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital high-resolution ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - eye globe - bilateral us - eye globe - bilateral ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular cyclopleic - sol oft ct 1 fr trans drop x 5 ml female
cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital visit patient hospitalized Observation room rate up to 6 hours Persiantin - inj. 5 amps. 2 ml. - boehringer ingelheim voltaren restrito hosp. - 75 mg. 50 amps - novartis appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina surgical room rate anesthetic size 1 female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time amylase - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets General c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination conventional ecg of up to 12 leads daily work in a 3-bed ward without private bathroom sylador - inj. 100 mg. cx. 6 amps. - sanofi-aventis ondansetron hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 2 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 50 amps. vd. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi ondansetron hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 2 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 50 amps. vd. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi ondansetron hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 2 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 50 amps. vd. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi ketamin-s restricted hosp. - 50 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 25 amps. vd. inc. x 2 ml - crystalliza decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache esmeron restrito hosp. - 10 mg/ml sol. inj. cart. 10 fa vd. inc. x 5 ml - schering-plough precedex restricted hosp. - 2 ml cx. 5 fa - hospira fentanyl restricted hosp. - 50 mcg. 5 amps. 5 ml - janssen - cilag kefazol restricted hosp. - 1 g 50 fa - abl ultiva restrito hosp. - 2 mg. inj. cx. 5 fa - glaxosmithkline dimorf restricted hosp. - 10 mg/ml 50 amps. 1 ml - crystallization omeprazole - generic restricted hosp. - 40 mg. iv po liof. inj. fa - crystalliza fastfen restricted hosp. - 5 mcg/ml sol. inj. 25 amps. x 2 ml - crystalliza bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc clexane General General General General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation orthopedics and traumatology consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - breasts appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time automated antibiogram automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride rm - skull brain appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time optimark - 330.9 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 15 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lactose tolerance test oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage anti-endomycin antibodies - igg igm iga each - search and/or dosage anti- tissue transglutaminase - iga appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time unilateral unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage bacterial culture in various biological materials chlamydia by molecular biology - research automated culture - microbiology us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 amp plas inc x 20 ml us - breasts swabs - safedraw needle p/ vacutainer tube ipi included - polytechnic 2% degerming 2% c/tensoactive 100ml alm.twist off - hydrochimica xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time initial dental appointment 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets cortisol - research and/or dosage dehydroepiandrosterone dhea - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage estrone - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage progesterone - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates breast tissue marking needle ultraclip ii us - breasts xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time amylase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage aslo quantitative - research and / or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 24 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 500 ml CT - coronary angiotomography seloken - 1 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml solution inj iv cx 100 amp plas inc x 20 ml isordil sl - 5 mg with subling ct bl al plas inc x 30 peripheral nerve block - peripheral nerves diagnostic or therapeutic infiltration guided or not by imaging method diagnostic or therapeutic infiltration guided or not by imaging method appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 12 fr vd inc x 100 ml optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml dormium - 5 mg/5 ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp fentanest - 0.05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est x amp vd amb x 2 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml cardiac catheterization and/or d with coronary angiography and ventriculography cardiac catheterization and/or d with coronary angiography and ventriculography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral arterial doppler of the upper limb - unilateral arterial doppler of the upper limb - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage coagulation time - determination thrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp bleeding time duke - determination blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets fibrinogen functional test dosage prothrombin time - determination cryoagglutinin globulin research each one of them has a positive effect on the synthesis of the synthesis. hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbeac anti-hbe - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbeag antigen e - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing sars-cov-2 coronavirus covid-19 - rt research - pcr c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time coagulation time - determination female
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage transferrin - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage incision and drainage of abscess haematoma or panarium lamina bisturi 100unid.feather - surgical fernandes hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing compact rate of small procedure room xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization riodeine dermo mild degerming 100 ml alm.twist off - riochimica riodeine dermo suave topico 100 ml alm.twist off - rioquimica sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml hospital rates water for injection compact rate of small procedure room unplanned immobilizations any segment dipyrone sodium diprospan teflan - 40 mg lióf sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc + 5 amp dil x 2 ml hospital rates presep catheter for oximetry - x3820hs appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diprivan 1% xylocaine lidocaine - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 20 ml-no vessel emb hosp xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml syneticone - 75 mg/ml emu or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology hospital rates hospital rates isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml xylocaine xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml tc - chest blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 20 ml dimer d - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage ondansetron hydrochloride - 2 mg/ml sol inj im/iv cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours ketoprofen - 100 mg po liof sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp thiocolchicosideo - 2 mg / ml sol inj cx 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml water for injection buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim sodium chloride solution b.braun water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley teflan - 20 mg powder lióf sol inj ct 50 fa vd inc isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml tramal diprospan dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml teflan - 40 mg lióf sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc + 5 amp dil x 2 ml water for injection tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium diprospan water for injection compact rate of small procedure room unplanned immobilizations any segment tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection collar tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diprospan dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection tubular mesh - h03015 - tubular mesh 15 cm x 15 m - snow Immobilization of the lower limb tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection tubular mesh - h03015 - tubular mesh 15 cm x 15 m - snow collar sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diprospan dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml bromopride - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic unplanned immobilizations any segment dipyrone sodium ketoprofen - 100 mg po liof sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diprospan bromopride - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diprospan dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diprospan tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley labirin - 16 mg with ct 2 bl al plas inc x 15 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac teflan - 40 mg lióf sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc + 5 amp dil x 2 ml water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml acute ligament injury - conservative treatment tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml rm - joint by joint Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac ranitidine hydrochloride - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - sol inj cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp omeprazole sodium - 40 mg po liof p/sol inj ct 1 fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours betamethasone dipropionate + betamethasone disodium phosphate - 5 mg/ml + 2 mg/ml susp inj ct 1 amp vd inc x 1 ml tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours betamethasone dipropionate + betamethasone disodium phosphate - 5 mg/ml + 2 mg/ml susp inj ct 1 amp vd inc x 1 ml tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours betamethasone dipropionate + betamethasone disodium phosphate - 5 mg/ml + 2 mg/ml susp inj ct 1 amp vd inc x 1 ml tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic unplanned immobilizations any segment tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours ketoprofen - 100 mg po liof sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml ketoprofen - 100 mg po liof sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml betamethasone dipropionate + betamethasone disodium phosphate - 5 mg/ml + 2 mg/ml susp inj ct 1 amp vd inc x 1 ml ketoprofen - 100 mg po liof sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pp trans sist fech x 100 ml ketoprofen - 100 mg po liof sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp dexamethasone - 4 mg 2.5 ml cx. c/50 amps. dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage lactose tolerance test Urea - research and/or dosage carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated ige by allergen each - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml aas - 100 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 200 emb mult captosen - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 rate per large dressing unit rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine conventional ecg of up to 12 leads tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with rigid optical view video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with rigid endoscope xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml afrin - 0.5 mg sol nas ct fr plas opc spr x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment transthoracic Doppler echocardiography transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized campimetry - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage compact rate of small procedure room needle p/use different - hypodrmic needle 13 x 0 45 - 25 x 0 7 - 30 x 0 7 - 25 x 0 8 - 30 x 0 8 - descarpack 25 x7 luer slip 5 ml - descarpack 25 x7 luer slip 10 ml - descarpack scalp - scalp 21g with 30 cm stretch - 210103 - troge - troge sparadrap - c32010 - sparadrap 10cmx4 5m - snow - snow unplanned immobilizations any segment - pfizer dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma diprospan - inj. 1 amp. 1 ml - pharmacocorp novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley rate per use/session of the operating room small outpatient surgery microporous - c33025 - microporous tape 2.5cmx10m - snow - snow xylestesin + epinephrine hosp. restricted - 2% c/v 10 fr. 20 ml - crystalline Observation room rate up to 6 hours tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser Observation room rate up to 6 hours ketoprofen - 100 mg po liof sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp sodium chloride 9mg/ml sol.inj.iv 100bols.pp sist.fech.100ml - halex istar water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml diprospan - 5.0 mg/ml + 2.0 mg/ml sus inj ct amp vd inc x 1 ml + ser rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours - pfizer teflan - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 5 fa + 5 amps. dil. - chemical union coltrax - inj. cx. 3 amps. - sanofi medley novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac biradicular endodontic treatment collar - pfizer antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac teflan - 40 mg lióf sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc + 5 amp dil x 2 ml tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp tenoxicam - 20 mg po liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + amp dil x 2 ml tramadol hydrochloride - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml sars-cov-2 coronavirus covid-19 - rt research - pcr 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular rent/device rate for map by use rent/ rate of electrocardiograph per use conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral unilateral unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours Rent/color echocardiography rate per use appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral color Doppler of bilateral venous cervical vessels subclavian and jugular computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml solution inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml solution inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml solution inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg installation monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter per hour outside the icu and the operating room kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml xylocaine baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml clonidin - 150 mcg/ml sol inj cx 25 est x amp vd amb x 1 ml emb. hosp. ketamin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 2 ml glucose solution - 750 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 2 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp decadron injection - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 fa vd trans x 2.5 ml emb hosp zofran restricted hosp. - 2 mg/ml 5 amps. plast. x 4 ml - novartis heavy neocaine - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 20 amp vd inc x 4 ml varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs daily ward with accommodation without private bathroom appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rent/ rate of electrocardiograph per use conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina hospital rates hospital rates sodium chloride electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml verutex - 20mg/g crem derm ct bg al x 15g appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular female
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 calcium - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage us - female lower abdomen bladder uterus ovary and appendices blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets adrenocorticotrophic hormone acth - research and/or dosage antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage progesterone - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage cerumen - removal bilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular package pediatric emergency care i us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals calcium - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage mucoproteins - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage aslo - research and/or dosage ige specific group each - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp Observation room rate up to 6 hours rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours notuss dengue - igg and igm each - search and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - female lower abdomen bladder uterus ovary and appendices appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular contrast or color sensitivity test - monocular contrast or color sensitivity test - monocular anesthetic oculum - 10 mg/ml + 1 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drt x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment educational activity in oral health prophylaxis: coronary polishing dental appointment prophylaxis: coronary polishing female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time lactose tolerance test blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina glucose - search and/or dosage sickness abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - morphological obstetrics Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage glucose after overload with dextrosol or glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl culture urine with colony count us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
vitamin a research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin e - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing dehydroepiandrosterone dhea - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate s-dhea - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl cerumen - removal bilateral us - upper abdomen liver gallbladder pancreas and spleen hospital rates rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time General cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular 10% oculum - 10% sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5ml cyclomidrin - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular female
gynecology and obstetrics consultation General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals water for injection blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets anti-tpo - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cryotherapy group of up to 5 lesions appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets anti-tpo - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral unilateral unilateral us - breasts dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time duke - determination rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated complete urodynamics rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cryotherapy group of up to 5 lesions compact rate of small surgery room electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time alginac - 5000 mcg + 100 mg + 100 mg + 75 mg sol inj cx c/ bed 3 amp vd amb x 1 ml + 3 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology polypectomy of the esophagus stomach or duodenum regardless of the number of polyps appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time color Doppler of bilateral venous cervical vessels subclavian and jugular unilateral unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral LL venous color Doppler - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time duke - determination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma - glucose solution 50% - 500 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml daily working day in the hospital ward kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 01 fa vd inc x 50 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs varicose veins - surgical treatment of two limbs uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cryotherapy group of up to 5 lesions dental appointment educational activity in oral health conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull Doppler color of organ or structure alone conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral unilateral unilateral video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular biometrics ultrasonic - monocular biometrics ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage sars-cov-2 coronavirus covid-19 - rt research - pcr sars-cov-2 coronavirus covid-19 iga igg or igm antibodies each pair optical coherence tomography - monocular optical coherence tomography - monocular female
uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide rates of hire of equipment medical line - hypodermic needle - ah+2125 - 25 x 8 ipi included 8% - nipro medical line - hypodermic needle - ah+1838 - 40 x 12 ipi included 8% - nipro medical line - hypodermic needle - ah+2613 - 13 x 4 5 ipi included 8% - nipro General dipyrone sodium - generic restricted hosp. - inj. cx. 200 amps. vd. 2 ml hosp. - equiplex sleep restricted hosp. - 2 mg/ml - cx. 12 rrs. 10 ml + 12 dos. - crystallization nausedron restrito hosp. - 8 mg 50 amps. x 4 ml - crystalline neocaina heavy restrito hosp. - 0.5% heavy 40 storage 4 ml sterile pack - crystalline surgical room rates surgical room rates uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time paracetamol - generic - 750 cprs. - chemical union prednisolon - vd. with 100 ml. - sanofi medley uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage sodium chloride isopharma-solution appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours aminophylline - generic - 24 mg/ml cx. 100 x 10 ml - hypopharma dipyrone sodium - generic restricted hosp. - inj. cx. 200 amps. vd. 2 ml hosp. - equiplex sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml ariscorten appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours ketoprofen - generic hosp. restricted - 50 mg/ml sol. inj. 48 amps. 2 ml hosp. - crystalline appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time guide wire radiofocus glidewire terumo - guidewire m angular tip rfga35263m transradial catheter introducer - 504615z coronary - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 01 ml hepamax-s - 5000 iu/ml sol inj cx c/ 25 fa vd inc x 5 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp ultravist - 623.40 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd inc x 100 ml cardiac catheterization and/or d with coronary angiography and ventriculography cardiac catheterization and/or d with coronary angiography and ventriculography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride isopharma-solution total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours ariscorten restrito hosp. - 100 mg. po inj. cx. 50 fa vd. inc. - blau farm. c-reactive protein qualitative - research appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular rate per dressing unit Observation room rate up to 6 hours ketoprofen - generic hosp. restricted - 50 mg/ml sol. inj. 48 amps. 2 ml hosp. - crystalline sodium chloride isopharma-solution Observation room rate up to 6 hours ariscorten restrito hosp. - 100 mg. po inj. cx. 50 fa vd. inc. - blau farm. connecting/extending tube tc - chest optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per unit of small dressing ketoprofen - generic hosp. restricted - 50 mg/ml sol. inj. 48 amps. 2 ml hosp. - crystalline bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy hospital rates hospital rates video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope sleep - 5 mg/ml sun inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 3 ml emb hosp fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp propovan - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 20 ml rest hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp fresh examination b.a.a.r. ziehl or fluorescence direct research and after homogenization - research bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide bacterial culture in various biological materials antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated uric acid - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours ketoprofen - generic hosp. restricted - 50 mg/ml sol. inj. 48 amps. 2 ml hosp. - crystalline Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours berotec - 5 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb x 20 ml 0.25 mg - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml ariscorten - 100 mg po inj cx 50 fa vd inc emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc ariscorten - 100 mg po inj cx 50 fa vd inc emb hosp water for injections - sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 10ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours ariscorten - 100 mg po inj cx 50 fa vd inc emb hosp sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours ariscorten - 100 mg po inj cx 50 fa vd inc emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml ariscorten - 100 mg po inj cx 50 fa vd inc emb hosp total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage free t3 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml us - male lower abdomen bladder prostate and seminal vesicles Observation room rate up to 6 hours ariscorten - 100 mg po inj cx 50 fa vd inc emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl culture urine with colony count 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hospital rates water for injection syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 10 ml - descarpack dipyrone sodium water for injection appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours dipyrone sodium b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac teflan - 20 mg powder lióf sol inj ct 50 fa vd inc cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage homocysteine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate s-dhea - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage glycemic curve 4 doses oral or intravenous use follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate s-dhea - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml optical coherence tomography - monocular optical coherence tomography - monocular Monocular fluorescein angiofluorescein Monocular fluorescein angiofluorescein mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon phenylephrine 10% - fr. 5 ml. - allergan appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular glucose - search and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets male
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology automated antibiogram removal of included/ impacted teeth removal of included/ impacted teeth removal of included/ impacted teeth removal of included/ impacted teeth isopharma - water for injection appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc isopharma - water for injection blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic General General xylocaine buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml luftal unifental - 50 mcg/ml sol inj ct 25 amp vd inc x 10 ml - rest hosp sleep restricted hosp. - 5 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 10 amps. x 3 ml - crystalliza upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology total cholesterol - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl culture urine with colony count Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactose tolerance test appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage chlamydia - igg - search and/or dosage chlamydia - igm - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igg - search and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igm - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing herpes simplex - igg - search and/or dosage herpes simplex - igm - research and/or dosage herpes zoster - igg - search and/or dosage herpes zoster - igm - research and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl western blot anti-hiv antibodies - research and/or dosage fresh examination bacterioscopy gram ziehl albert etc. per slide culture for anaerobic bacteria culture mycoplasma or ureaplasma culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated hpv human papillomavirus + subtyping when necessary pcr - research appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment dental appointment us - breasts us - female lower abdomen bladder uterus ovary and appendices buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis educational activity in oral health educational activity in oral health female
amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin d - research and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time incision and drainage of abscess haematoma or panarium appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time incision and drainage of abscess haematoma or panarium rate per unit of general average dressing closed not contaminated outside the icu/semi-icu and the surgical center appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time incision and drainage of abscess haematoma or panarium rate per unit of general average dressing closed not contaminated outside the icu/semi-icu and the surgical center appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time incision and drainage of abscess haematoma or panarium xylestesin restrito hosp. - 2% s/v 50 carps. 1.8 ml - crystallization appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular cyclomidrin - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml oxinest appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl automated culture - microbiology chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml digesan - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetrics with color Doppler us - morphological obstetrics us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets glycemic curve 6 doses - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl automated culture - microbiology us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology us - obstetric rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml us - obstetric antepartum cardiotocography female
uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glycemic curve 4 doses oral or intravenous use triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals ultrasonic - monocular biometrics us - prostate abdominal route speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular complete urodynamics b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lidocaine hydrochloride - 20 mg/ml top ct gel bg al x 30 g appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage cryotherapy group of up to 5 lesions glucose solution - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 20 bols plas sist fech x 500 ml water for injections therapeutic catheter - teflon intravenous peripheral catheter 14g 16g 18g 20g 22g 24g - descarpack dormium restrito hosp. - 5 5 amps. 5 ml. - chemical union propofol atropine sulfate scopelamine butylbromide - 20 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp lidocaine hydrochloride - 20 mg/ml top ct gel bg al x 30 g uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time LL venous color Doppler - unilateral cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates gas rent/bipolar electric scalpel rate in neurosurgery by use syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 20 ml - descarpack gauze swab - c22313 - sterile gauze swab 10x10cm 13 threads c/10 - snow - snow injection systems - bd esmerald syringes - bd - 307745 - 5 ml ll - bd irrig. urol. - eq. p/ irrigation - irrigafix cystoscopy 2-v - b.braun Injection systems - bd plastipak syringe without needle - 309620 - ser. discardable 60 ml catheter - bd water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar irrigation solution restricted hosp. - 3000 ml sterile water for irrigation azb7117 - baxter ondansetron hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 2 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 50 amps. vd. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi provive restricted hosp. - 10 mg/ml emu. inj. ct. 5 fa vd. inc. x 20 ml - claris cefazolin sodium - generic restricted hosp. - 1000 mg. po p/sol. inj. 25 fa vd. + 25 dil. x 10 ml - aurobindo pharma ranitidine hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 25 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 100 amps. x 2 ml hosp. - teuto bras. xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% jelly cx. 10 bisn. x 30 ml - crystalline unifental hosp. restricted - 50 mcg/ml 50 amps. x 2 ml hosp. - chemical union General General General General carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharma-solution of sodium chloride 10% - 100 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml conventional ecg of up to 12 leads aminolex persantin - 10 mg/2ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml hospital rates urethral dilatation session syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 20 ml - descarpack gauze swab - c22313 - sterile gauze swab 10x10cm 13 threads c/10 - snow - snow lidocaine hydrochloride - generic - 20 mg/g bisn. 30 g gel - ems appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - skull brain optimark - 330.9 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time daily daily meal with complete meal 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 20 bols plas sist fech x 500 ml water for injection water for injection bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp Observation room rate up to 6 hours syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 10 ml - descarpack syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 10 ml - descarpack total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage atenolol humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml acetylsalicylic acid - 100 mg with ct bl al plas pvc opc x 100 omeprazole sodium - 40 mg powder liof p/ sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc + 50 dil amp vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp atlansil - 100 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml General General spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 automated culture - microbiology water for injection 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 10 ml - descarpack atenolol humulin n - 100 iu/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml atlansil - 100 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom conventional ecg of up to 12 leads hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage atenolol humulin n - 100 iu/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized atenolol humulin n - 100 iu/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 10 General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom transthoracic Doppler echocardiography hospital visit patient hospitalized atenolol humulin n - 100 iu/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 10 General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized atenolol phosphoenema - 160 + 60mg/ml sol ret cx 12 fr plas trans x 130 ml emb hosp humulin n - 100 iu/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 10 atlansil - 100 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized atenolol humulin n - 100 iu/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 10 General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp decadron - 4.0 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 10 spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized atenolol humulin n - 100 iu/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 10 atlansil - 100 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp decadron - 4.0 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 10 spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized atenolol humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 10 General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized atenolol humulin n - 100 iu/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 10 atlansil - 100 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital visit patient hospitalized atenolol humulin n - 100 iu/ml sus inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dexamethasone - 4 mg with ct bl al plas opc x 10 dormonid - 7.5 mg with rev ct 2 bl al plas inc x 10 plasil - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 ranidin - 150 mg with rev ct str x 20 General omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura c/ mcgran ct bl al plas inc x 560 emb hosp decadron - 4.0 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 10 spironolactone - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml + connector sodium chloride isopharma-solution isopharma-solution of potassium chloride - 191 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 20 bols plas sist fech x 500 ml b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 10 ml - descarpack mytedom - 10 mg/ml 10 amps. x 1 ml - crystalline esmeron restrito hosp. - 10 mg/ml sol. inj. cart. 10 fa vd. inc. x 5 ml - schering-plough cefazolin sodium - 1 g powder p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml hepamax-s - 5000 iu/ml sol inj cx c/ 25 fa vd inc x 5 ml provive - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 5 fa vd inc x 50 ml neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0.25 pcc sol inj cx 10 est fa vd inc x 20ml tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd inc x 1 ml emb hosp xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml dipyrone sodium omeprazole sodium - 40 mg powder liof p/ sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc + 50 dil amp vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp hypofarma mannitol 20% - 200 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 35 fr pe trans sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 2 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety hydantal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml General baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage catheterization of the radial artery - for pam sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml + connector sodium chloride isopharma-solution isopharma-solution of potassium chloride - 191 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 amp plas inc x 10 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 20 bols plas sist fech x 500 ml glucose monohydrate water for injection syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 10 ml - descarpack cefazolin sodium - 1 g powder p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd inc x 1 ml emb hosp humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dipyrone sodium omeprazole sodium - 40 mg powder liof p/ sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc + 50 dil amp vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml hydantal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml + connector water for injection 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 10 ml - descarpack humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml dipyrone sodium omeprazole sodium - 40 mg powder liof p/ sol inj iv ct 50 fa vd inc + 50 dil amp vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp hydantal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml uni dexa - 4 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 2.5 ml 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom humulin r - 100 ui/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml 14.5fr x 90cm connector tube rm - skull brain optimark - 330.9 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 10 ml tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits conventional megavoltage radiotherapy with linear accelerator with photons and electrons - per field Individual collimation - 1 per planned incidence verification film cheque-film - 1 per planned incidence/week - part film 3D computerized treatment planning - 1 per treated volume complex treatment simulation CT and contrast - 1 per treated volume immobilization systems - head masks or limbs - 1 per treatment vitamin a research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 amp plas inc x 20 ml rm - skull brain optimark - 330.9 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 15 ml blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transthoracic Doppler echocardiography sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 amp plas inc x 20 ml rm - skull brain spectroscopy by mri optimark - 330.9 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 15 ml temodal - 20 mg cap ct sach x 5 blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets temodal - 20 mg cap ct sach x 5 blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 amp plas inc x 20 ml rm - skull brain spectroscopy by mri optimark - 330.9 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 15 ml glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage automated culture - microbiology male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time urology consultation tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - articular by articulation male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rates of hire of equipment phalanx fractures or metacarpal fractures - scarce reduction surgical room rate anesthetic size 1 tubular mesh - h03008 - tubular mesh 08 cm x 15 m - snow upper limb immobilization schistosomiasis - igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets dengue - igg and igm each - search and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml kollagenase with chloramphenicol - 0.6 u/g + 0.01 g/g pom derm cx c/ 10 bg al x 30 g appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroglobulin - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage free t3 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage maximum respiratory pressure determination appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time maximum respiratory pressure determination sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride Brain arterial CT angiography henetix - 350 mg/ml sol inj ct fa vd inc x 50 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 250 ml rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours hypocin compound - 4 mg/ml + 500 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 5 ml emb hosp sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml ranitidine hydrochloride - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp digestin - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t3 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroglobulin - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroglobulin - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma vertix - cx. 50 cprs - ache buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar profenid restrito hosp. - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi medley c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage amylase or alpha-amylase isoenzymes - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time high-resolution ecg appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits dental appointment transthoracic Doppler echocardiography color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - articular by articulation us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral Doppler color of organ or structure alone total prosthesis total prosthesis Observation room rate up to 6 hours noprosil b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml ranitidine hydrochloride - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp high-resolution ecg Observation room rate up to 6 hours culture urine with colony count Observation room rate up to 6 hours b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroglobulin - research and/or dosage front - 0.50 mg. est. c/30 cprs. in bl. - pfizer captopril - generic - 25 mg. 2 bl. x 15 cprs. - ems novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar atensin - 0.10 mg with ct bl al pl inc x 30 high-resolution ecg atensin - 0.10 mg with ct bl al pl inc x 30 hynalgim - 500 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp captopril - 25 mg with ct bl al plas trans x 30 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital high-resolution ecg female
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets reticulocytes count ferritin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing dental appointment educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing dental appointment educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing dental appointment educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing dental appointment educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing dental appointment educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing dental appointment educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing dental appointment educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing Immobilization of the lower limb diprospan deciduous simple extraction educational activity in oral health biofilm control bacterial plate prophylaxis: coronary polishing female
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage chagas igg - research and/or dosage chagas igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male sterilizing surgery hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates male sterilizing surgery General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time equiplex sodium chloride solution connector y double tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum conray - 600 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 fr amp vd inc x 50 ml optiray - 678 mg/ml sol inj ct 12 fr vd inc x 100 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time surgical room rate anesthetic size 2 syringe - dec. s/ ag. syringe luer slip 20 ml - descarpack gauze swab - c22313 - sterile gauze swab 10x10cm 13 threads c/10 - snow - snow irrig. urol. - eq. p/ irrigation - irrigafix cystoscopy 2-v - b.braun lidocaine hydrochloride - generic - 20 mg/g bisn. 30 g gel - ems dexamethasone - generic hosp. restricted - 4 mg/ml 2.5 ml. cx. 50 amps. - hypopharma provive restricted hosp. - 10 mg/ml emu. inj. ct. 5 fa vd. inc. x 20 ml - claris cefazolin sodium - generic restricted hosp. - 1000 mg. po p/sol. inj. 25 fa vd. + 25 dil. x 10 ml - aurobindo pharma ketoprofen - generic restricted hosp. - iv 100 mg. po liof. cx. 50 fa - crystalline nausedron restrito hosp. - 4 mg 50 amps. x 2 ml - crystalline ranitidine hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 25 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. 100 amps. x 2 ml hosp. - teuto bras. sevorane General General General General male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use compact rate of small procedure room Observation room rate up to 6 hours unplanned immobilizations any segment General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose after overload with dextrosol or glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bacterial culture in various biological materials peripheral venous catheter pur introcan right g22x1pol 4251318 Observation room rate up to 6 hours diprospan - inj. 1 amp. 1 ml - pharmacocorp coltrax - inj. cx. 3 amps. - sanofi medley profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sex hormone binding globulin shbg - search and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage hospital rates unplanned immobilizations any segment alginac - 5000 mcg + 100 mg. + 100 mg. + 75 mg. sol. inj. cx. c/cama 3 amps. vd. amb. x 1 ml + 3 amps. vd. amb. x 2 ml - merck appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours transthoracic Doppler echocardiography computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cryotherapy group of up to 5 lesions cryotherapy group of up to 5 lesions conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride solution - 0 009 g/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc trans sist fech x 250 ml b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol or cx 100 fr plast opc drop x 10 ml emb hosp diprospan diprospan appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t3 - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours atenol - 25mg with ct bl al plas inc x 28 front - 0.25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc white opc x 30 rivotril -0.5 mg with cx bl al plas inc x 30 dimer d - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time unplastered immobilization rate by use/session unplanned immobilizations any segment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time upper limb immobilization appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time chlamydia culture culture mycoplasma or ureaplasma culture urine with colony count fungi search for fresh lactophenol china ink appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads male
us - upper abdomen liver gallbladder pancreas and spleen us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage protein electropheresis alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage syphilis - vdrl c-reactive protein qualitative - research culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - upper abdomen liver gallbladder pancreas and spleen us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg transthoracic Doppler echocardiography appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation rm - joint by joint uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage protein c - search and/or dosage rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative - research in the rheumatoid system rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0 5 pcc sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20ml swab neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0 5 pcc sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20ml swab neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0 5 pcc sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20ml swab neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0 5 pcc sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20ml swab appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - chest omnipaque restricted hosp. - 300 mg i/ml fa vd. x 100 ml - pharmaco alcoolabor 70 1000ml - europharma appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time filderme iodopovidone - 1% iodine 30 ml fr. - geyer suprahyal - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct ser preench vd inc x 2.5 ml xylestesin restrito hosp. - 2% s/v 10 etj. 20 ml sp - crystalline diagnostic or therapeutic joint puncture infiltration - or not guided by imaging method 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital filderme iodopovidone - 1% iodine 30 ml fr. - geyer suprahyal - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct ser preench vd inc x 2.5 ml xylestesin restrito hosp. - 2% s/v 10 etj. 20 ml sp - crystalline diagnostic or therapeutic joint puncture infiltration - or not guided by imaging method outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage protein c - search and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage filderme iodopovidone - 1% iodine 30 ml fr. - geyer suprahyal - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct ser preench vd inc x 2.5 ml xylestesin restrito hosp. - 1% s/v 10 etj. 20 ml sp - crystalline diagnostic or therapeutic joint puncture infiltration - or not guided by imaging method transthoracic Doppler echocardiography filderme iodopovidone - 1% iodine 30 ml fr. - geyer suprahyal - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct ser preench vd inc x 2.5 ml xylestesin restrito hosp. - 2% s/v 10 etj. 20 ml sp - crystalline diagnostic or therapeutic joint puncture infiltration - or not guided by imaging method appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular ultrasonic - monocular biometrics ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular General General General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time complete urodynamics sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 24 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 500 ml us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time serum irregular anti-erythrocyte antibodies test gel total knee arthroplasty with implants - surgical treatment total knee arthroplasty with implants - surgical treatment total knee arthroplasty with implants - surgical treatment albumin - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis + hb + ht + na + k + cl + ca + glucose + lactate when performed in the blood gas meter - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage rent/ rate of air mattress per day rent/ rate of tyre garrote per use rent/ image intensifier rate by use coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage daily ward with accommodation with private bathroom rent/ rate of air mattress per day blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage bacterial culture in various biological materials antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols plas trans sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml pulsavac washing kit rate per unit of small dressing decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml cefazolin sodium - 1 g powder p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc x 10 ml emb hosp buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml ketoprofen - 100 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc emb hosp clonidin - 150 mcg/ml sol inj cx 25 est x amp vd amb x 1 ml emb. hosp. dimorf - 0.2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est amp vd amb x 1 ml dimorf - 1.0 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 bl x 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml isobaric neocaine - 0.5 pcc sol inj cx 40 est x amp vd inc x 4 ml emb. hosp. tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp lactulone - 667 mg/ml xpe ct fr plast pet amb x 120 ml plumph taste pasmodex - 0.25 mg/ml sol inj cx 120 amp plas trans x 1 ml emb hosp b. braun solution no 3 - 8.6 mg/ml + 0.3 mg/ml + 0.33 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc ethyl erythrocyl - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd amb x 1 ml digesan - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml muvinlax - 13.125 g + 0.1775 g + 0.0466 g + 0.3057 g po prep extemp ct 20 sach al polyeet x 14 g fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp dimorf - 10 mg with cx bl alu alu x 50 lyrica - 75 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 28 swab swab sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml swab sodium chloride 0.9% - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 100 bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml swab blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage protein c - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage chagas igg - research and/or dosage chagas igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours water for injection - sol inj ct 25 amp plas inc x 10 ml lactated ringer physiological solution - 6 mg/ml + 0.3 mg/ml + 0.2 mg/ml + 3 mg/ml sol inj iv fa plas trans sist fech x 500 ml peripheral venous catheter pur introcan right g22x1pol 4251318 Intravenous equipment - 100403 - tro-soluset br injector air filter 15 microns reversible luer lock Observation room rate up to 6 hours dipyrone sodium profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml water for injection - sol inj ct 25 amp plas inc x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml diazepam - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp syneticone xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml water for injection - sol inj ct 25 amp plas inc x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours unplanned immobilizations any segment General dipyrone sodium profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml water for injection - sol inj ct 25 amp plas inc x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml Petidine hydrochloride - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 25 amp vd inc x 2 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml syneticone - 75 mg/ml emu or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators urease rapid test for helicobacter pylori total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research Observation room rate up to 6 hours General General male
uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time daily in the ward of 4 or more beds with private bathroom tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours General mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon rates of hire of equipment rent/fee of apparatus/equipment for laparoscopy for diagnosis by use aspirator rate continuous suction per hour Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon mydriacyl - 1% fr. 5 ml - alcon use of a tray for stitch removal appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage male urinary tract kidneys ureteres bladder and prostate - diagnostic ultrasound cystoscopy and/or urethroscopy rate per use/session of cyst puncture rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic lidocaine hydrochloride - generic - 20 mg/g jelly bisn. 30 g - gen - legrand b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml urofluorometry rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride isopharma-solution Observation room rate up to 6 hours decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml daily in the ward of 4 or more beds without private bathroom monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter per use/session in the operating room surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache lidocaine - generic restricted hosp. - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. iv/im cx. 25 fa vd. trans. x 20 ml. - hypopharma sleep - 1 mg/ml sun inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 5 ml tylex - 500 mg + 30 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 12 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time urofluorometry rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml us - male lower abdomen bladder prostate and seminal vesicles rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transrectal prostate with biopsy - more than 8 fragments isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml b. braun - sol inj cx fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml daily working day in the hospital ward histo-551825 soft tissue biopsy needle biocore ii mg surgical room rate anesthetic size 1 cipro propovan - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 5 fa vd inc x 20 ml rest hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Immobilization of the lower limb hospital rates boot with or without jump hospital rates boot with or without jump appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time free prostate specific antigen free psa - research and/or dosage urofluorometry rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 Velpeau type diprospan hypak - 1 syringe c/1ml - pharmacokinetic maturation bextra im/iv restricted hosp. - 40 mg. 10 fa - pfizer triamyl - 20 mg/ml sus inj ct 5 fa vd inc x 1 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 fa vd trans x 20 ml emb. hosp diagnostic or therapeutic joint puncture infiltration - or not guided by imaging method rate per use/session of the emergency room appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
amylase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time capoten - 25 2 bl. x 15 cprs. - b-ms 30 cprs. - boehringer ingelheim us - male lower abdomen bladder prostate and seminal vesicles cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage isopharma - water for injection appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours frontal xr - 0.5 mg with slow lib ct bl al/al x 30 allegra fenergan - 25 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd amb x 2 ml cortisonal - 100 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capoten appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment provisional crown without pin provisional crown without pin total metal crown ceramic total metal crown ceramic cast metal core cast metal core appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment removable partial prosthesis with bilateral staples appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage alpha-1-acid glycoprotein - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily daily isopharma - water for injection isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml needle with device holds eclipse 25x8 305764 bis sensor four aspect 186-0106 clear polypropylene surgipro mesh non-obsorbable non-coated - spmm-66 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom rent/fee of apparatus/equipment for laparoscopy for diagnosis by use mytedom - 10 mg/ml 10 amps. x 1 ml - crystalline esmeron restrito hosp. - 10 mg/ml sol. inj. cart. 10 fa vd. inc. x 5 ml - schering-plough epitezan - pom oft ct bg x 3.5 g kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml diprivan 2% aramin - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml clonidin - 150 mcg/ml sol inj cx 25 est x amp vd amb x 1 ml emb. hosp. nausedron - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 amp vd inc x 2 ml ultiva pasmodex - 0.25 mg/ml sol inj cx 120 amp plas trans x 1 ml emb hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc tramal pantozol - 4 mg/ml po liof inj cx fa vd inc+amp dil x 10 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc bridion - 100 mg/ml sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc x 2 ml dimorf - 1.0 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp isopharma - water for injection sodium chloride isopharma-solution amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml diprospan cortisonal - 500 mg po inj ct 50 fa vd inc allegra - 180 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 10 digesan - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular cyclomidrin - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml oxinest - 4 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas opc drt x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 40 bols pvc trans sist fech x 250 ml acetabular protrusion device ophthalmologic microscope rate by use rate per unit of small dressing surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 riodeine dermo mild degerming 100 ml alm.twist off - riochimica zymar - 3 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas opc drop x 5 ml xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml oxinest - 4 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas opc drt x 10 ml regencel - 10 000 iu/g + 25 mg/g + 5 mg/g + 5 mg/g pom oft ct bg al x 3.5 g appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular cyclomidrin - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml oxinest - 4 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas opc drt x 10 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours xylestesin restrito hosp. - 2% s/v 50 carps. 1.8 ml - crystallization rivotril -0.5 mg with cx bl al plas inc x 30 lasix - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct bl 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml riodeine dermo suave topico 100 ml alm.twist off - rioquimica dental appointment educational activity in oral health dental appointment dental appointment removable partial prosthesis with bilateral staples appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads computerized keratoscopy - monocular speculatory corneal microscopy - monocular male
conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - activity - research and / or dosage myoglobin research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads color doppler of bilateral cervical artery vessels carotida and vertebral blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rate per use/session of the emergency room rate per use/session of the emergency room iscover - 75 mg. 1 bl. x 14 cprs. rev. - b-ms sodium chloride - 0.9% 10 ml cx. 200 amp. plast. - farmace aas - ad. 50 x 10 cprs. emb. mult. 500 mg. - sanofi-aventis - 25 mg 30 cprs. - sanofi medley male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total prostate specific antigen psa - research and/or dosage cortisol - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time albumin - search and/or dosage Creatinine clearance cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates General conventional ecg of up to 12 leads us - upper abdomen liver gallbladder pancreas and spleen 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time male
decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache teflan - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 5 fa + 5 amps. dil. - chemical union conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits educational activity in oral health prophylaxis: coronary polishing appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage lipoprotein electrophoresis alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time glucose - search and/or dosage sickness abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - morphological obstetrics Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time fetal Doppler echocardiography with color flow mapping - per fetus appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage glucose after overload with dextrosol or glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section daily nursery diluent - water for injection - sun cx 50 amp vd inc x 10 ml diluent - water for injection - sun cx 50 amp vd inc x 10 ml bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage daily room of a collective room of 2 beds with private bathroom rent/bipolar scalpel fee by use Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour abo group reverse classification - determination abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood female sterilization surgery conventional tubal ligation female sterilization surgery conventional tubal ligation surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 newborn care in nursery newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml argirol oculum - 10 pcc sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5 ml neutron keflin - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml emb hosp neutron keflin - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml emb hosp dimorf - 1.0 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 bl x 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml efedrin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp neocaine heavy - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 40 est amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp tenoxicam - 20 mg powder liof p/ sol inj cx 50 fa vd inc + 50 amp plas dil x 2 ml emb hosp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml keflex - 500 mg/drg ct bl al plas inc x 8 syntocinon kanakion - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx colm 05 amp vd amb x 1.0 ml tilatilate dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp novalgin - 500 mg ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 luftal gel caps - 125 mg. bl. al. plas. trans. x 10 caps. gel. mole - takeda pharma syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time amino acid chromatography qualitative profile - research and/or dosage phenylalanine research and/or dosage galactosis - search and/or dosage glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase g6fd - search and/or dosage immunoreactive trypsin irt - research and/or dosage hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing biotinidase activity qualitative - research and / or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time acetylsalicylic acid - 100 mg with ct bl al plas pvc opc x 100 hexomedine - 1.0 mg/ml + 0.5 mg/ml colut ct fr vd amb spr x 50 ml 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
water for injection - sol inj ct 25 amp plas inc x 10 ml Observation room rate up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml syneticone - 75 mg/ml emu or ct fr plas opc drop x 15 ml sodium chloride 0.9% potassium chloride - 1 g/10 ml sol inj cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml rest. hosp. compact rate of small procedure room xylestesin - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est x fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 bols pvc trans sist fech x 100 ml + connector water for injection Observation room rate up to 6 hours profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc dipyrone sodium glucose halex istar - 50mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 bols pe trans sist fech x 500 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 20 fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing syphilis - vdrl chagas haemoagglutination Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment Observation room rate up to 6 hours Observation room rate up to 6 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml glucose + sodium chloride farmace - 50 mg + 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 24 fr plas trans sist fech x 500 ml emb hosp antak - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml widal computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg male
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage creatine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage us - breasts appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time transthoracic Doppler echocardiography conventional exercise test - 3 or more simultaneous derivations includes conventional baseline ecg outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time creatine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage abo group reverse classification - determination abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing syphilis - vdrl conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated 24-hour holter - 3 channels - digital outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic female
cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative - research in the rheumatoid system rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time peripheral venous catheter pur introcan right g22x1pol 4251318 surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 Observation room rate up to 6 hours unplanned immobilizations any segment - 50 mg. inj. 5 amps. - pfizer profenid - iv 100 mg. po liof. inj. cx. 50 fa - sanofi-aventis water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization neutron keflin - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml emb hosp dipyrone sodium Plamet appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing schistosomiasis - igg - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative - research in the rheumatoid system rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 24-hour emergency dentistry consultation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml water for injection peripheral venous catheter pur introcan right g22x1pol 4251318 Immobilization of the lower limb General Plamet novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing schistosomiasis - igg - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative - research in the rheumatoid system rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml syneticone xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage us - obstetric appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time western blot anti-htvi or htlvii antibodies each - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Doppler color of organ or structure alone appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time fetal Doppler echocardiography with color flow mapping - per fetus appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing syphilis - vdrl htlv i / ii by pcr each - research us - obstetrics with color Doppler compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp newborn care in nursery newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets room/inhalation/nebulization rate Observation room rate up to 6 hours aerolin - 5 mg/ml sol p/nebul ct fr vd amb x 10 ml c-reactive protein qualitative - research respiratory syncytial virus - direct research hospital visit patient hospitalized daily working in a pediatric ward sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized room/inhalation/nebulization rate aerolin - 5 mg/ml sol p/nebul ct fr vd amb x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 100 ml equip - macrogots equip p/ parenteral solution c/ filter lateral injector air pin?a roller l?tex free 1.5 m - descarpack axis-palmar or pending novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml plamet - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours diluent water p/injection 50amp 3ml - new pharmaceutical tramadon - 50 mg/ ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tramadon - 50mg/ml sol inj ct 6 amp vd inc x 1 ml profenid - 50 mg/ml sol inj im cx 6 amp vd amb x 2 ml 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 60 fr plas trans pe sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer physiological solution - 6 mg/ml + 0.3 mg/ml + 0.2 mg/ml + 3 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pp trans sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution equiplex - 9 mg/ml solution inj iv cx 200 amp pe x 10 ml us - obstetric 1st trimester endovaginal Observation room rate up to 6 hours quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml farmace - glucose - 2.5 g/10ml sol inj cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetrics with color Doppler appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetrics with color Doppler appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl us - obstetrics with color Doppler Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage us - obstetrics with color Doppler coombs direct abo group reverse classification - determination abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination female sterilization surgery conventional tubal ligation female sterilization surgery conventional tubal ligation Observation room rate up to 6 hours red reflex test in newborns eye test newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or high-risk surgical compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml glucose solution b. braun - 100 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml antepartum cardiotocography calcium - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage individual session of speech therapy hospital blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use General rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use rate of serum installation ev by use/session General potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage water for injection 20gx1 1/4 polyurethane intravenous catheter 32mm surflash sr*ff2032 tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum henetix - 300 mg/ml sol inj cx 25 fa vd inc x 50 ml henetix appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage protein electropheresis alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage transferrin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp ferritin - research and/or dosage beta-2-microglobulin - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each mononucleosis anti-cav bv igm - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
psychology consultation ascorbic acid vitamin c - search and/or dosage 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage homocysteine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage transferrin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage lipid profile / lipid count total lipids cholesterol triglycerides and lipoprotein electrophoresis - search and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time lupus anticoagulant research blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone - research and/or dosage alpha-fetoprotein - research and/or dosage androstenedione - research and/or dosage antiinsulin antibodies - research and/or dosage antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage Calcitonin - research and/or dosage dehydroepiandrosterone dhea - research and/or dosage oestradiol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage follicle stimulating hormone fsh - search and/or dosage luteinising hormone lh - search and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage tumor markers ca 19.9 ca 125 ca 72-4 ca 15-3 etc. each - research and / or dosage progesterone - research and/or dosage prolactin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage 11-deoxycorticosterone - research and/or dosage pth - research and/or dosage aldosterone - research and/or dosage dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate s-dhea - research and/or dosage adrenocorticotrophic hormone acth - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage cortisol - research and/or dosage acupuncture per session antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 250 ml sist. closed 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml pinca for endoscopic biopsy - dbf-2.4-160-s oxygen catheter 8 2.7 mm x 40 cm cpl medicals xylocaine buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml luftal fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml propofol - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 20 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 250 ml sist. closed 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml pinca for endoscopic biopsy - dbf-2.4-160-s equip - multi-way equip c/2-way/clamp flexible tube - descarpack buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml propofol - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 20 ml xylocaine - 20 mg/ml jelly top ct bg al x 30 g lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml luftal - 40 mg with ct bl al plas trans x 20 upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 250 ml sist. closed 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml pinca for endoscopic biopsy - dbf-2.4-160-s buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml propofol - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 20 ml xylocaine - 20 mg/ml jelly top ct bg al x 30 g lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml luftal - 40 mg with ct bl al plas trans x 20 upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 250 ml sist. closed 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml ureteral stent percuflex - percuflex plus: m0061752640 latex-free co-flex bandage - 5100sc-030 biopsy forceps - gbf-11-24-120 loop electrode for t.u.r.p - w-sb-24f buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 01 fa vd inc x 100 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml luftal gel caps - 125 mg cap gel mole ct bl al plas trans x 200 xylocaine - 20 mg/ml jelly top ct bg al x 30 g lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 250 ml sist. closed 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml ureteral stent percuflex - percuflex plus: m0061752640 latex-free co-flex bandage - 5100sc-030 biopsy forceps - gbf-11-24-120 loop electrode for t.u.r.p - w-sb-24f appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 01 fa vd inc x 100 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml luftal gel caps - 125 mg cap gel mole ct bl al plas trans x 200 xylocaine - 20 mg/ml jelly top ct bg al x 30 g lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology water for injection 16gx2pol 51mm surflash sr*ff1651 pinca for endoscopic biopsy - dbf-2.4-160-s oxygen catheter 8 2.7 mm x 40 cm cpl medicals rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use rent/surgery aspirator rate per use Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day xylocaine xylocaine buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml luftal propofol fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology water for injection 16gx2pol 51mm surflash sr*ff1651 pinca for endoscopic biopsy - dbf-2.4-160-s oxygen catheter 8 2.7 mm x 40 cm cpl medicals rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use rent/surgery aspirator rate per use Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day xylocaine xylocaine buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml luftal propofol fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology water for injection 16gx2pol 51mm surflash sr*ff1651 pinca for endoscopic biopsy - dbf-2.4-160-s oxygen catheter 8 2.7 mm x 40 cm cpl medicals rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use rent/surgery aspirator rate per use Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day xylocaine xylocaine buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml luftal propofol fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology water for injection 16gx2pol 51mm surflash sr*ff1651 oxygen catheter 8 2.7 mm x 40 cm cpl medicals rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use rent/surgery aspirator rate per use Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day xylocaine xylocaine buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml luftal propofol fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for sinusocospia with video by use appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics xylestesin restricted hosp. - 10% spray cx. 1 fr. 50 ml - crystalline appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - face or breasts of the face appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time General General xylocaine buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml luftal fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 10 ml dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 3 bl al plas inc x 10 dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml water for injections - sol inj cx 100 amp plas trans x 10ml propofol - 10 mg/ml emu inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 20 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - skull or tubal seal or orbits ct - three-dimensional reconstruction of any organ or structure - add to the basic examination tc - face or breasts of the face acupuncture per session dental appointment dental appointment transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - upper abdomen liver gallbladder pancreas and spleen free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage acupuncture per session 24-hour holter - 2 or more channels - analog outpatient blood pressure monitoring - map 24 hours acupuncture per session acupuncture per session acupuncture per session acupuncture per session acupuncture per session acupuncture per session acupuncture per session educational activity in oral health female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals removex 100ml - hydrochimica Observation room rate up to 6 hours rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours peripheral venous catheter pur introcan right g22x1pol 4251318 glucose solution b. braun - 50 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage protein electropheresis serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per dressing unit b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals sodium chloride isopharma-solution CT angiography cranium or neck or chest or upper abdomen or pelvis - arterial or venous Angiotomography of the abdominal aorta transthoracic Doppler echocardiography captopril - generic - 25 mg 3 bl. x 10 cprs. - crystalline henetix 300 restrito hosp. - fa 50 ml x 25 - guerbet conventional ecg of up to 12 leads appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dressing of vascular ends rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic sodium chloride 0.9% restricted hosp. - 500 ml irr - 1 x 500 ml - fresenius kabi appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic sodium chloride 0.9% restricted hosp. - 500 ml irr - 1 x 500 ml - fresenius kabi appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic sodium chloride 0.9% restricted hosp. - 500 ml irr - 1 x 500 ml - fresenius kabi unilateral rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic sodium chloride 0.9% restricted hosp. - 500 ml irr - 1 x 500 ml - fresenius kabi rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic sodium chloride 0.9% restricted hosp. - 500 ml irr - 1 x 500 ml - fresenius kabi sodium chloride isopharma-solution Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp Observation room rate up to 6 hours Observation room rate subsequent hour Observation room rate subsequent hour rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours zocor - 40 cprs. - merck sharp & dohme - pfizer diovan - 160 mg 14 ce - novartis cebralat - 100 mg 30 cprs. - libbs antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline amaryl - 4 mg. 30 cprs. - sanofi medley zofran restricted hosp. - 4 mg. / 5 amps. plast. 2 ml - glaxosmithkline flexibag 200 ml - bayer dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml parenteral feeding preparation outside the icu/semi-icu and the operating room glutaflora - glutamine - 30 saches 5 g - skl pharma / invictus farmanutricao divisao nutricional - therapeutic nutrition - osmolite plus hn lata with 237 ml - unit - abbott lamina bisturi 100unid.feather - surgical fernandes sodium chloride isopharma-solution daily working day in the hospital ward blood gas analysis + hb + ht + na + k + cl + ca + glucose + lactate when performed in the blood gas meter - search and/or dosage infusion pump per hour Rent/ rate of set up of respirator per use hospital visit patient hospitalized zocor - 40 cprs. - merck sharp & dohme solu-methacillus - fr. 40 mg. + amp. dil. - pfizer - pfizer humulin - r fa 10 ml - eli lilly diovan - 160 mg 14 ce - novartis pantozol - 40 mg inj. ev 1 fa - takeda pharma tazocin - ct. 1 fa x 4 5 g. - wyeth cebralat - 100 mg 30 cprs. - libbs losec mups - 20 14 cprs. - astrazeneca antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline aas - inf. 120 cprs. 100 mg. - sanofi medley clexane - 40 mg. sol. inj. ct. 10 ser. pre-filled x 0.4 ml + sist. sec. - sanofi medley 30 cprs. - boehringer ingelheim sodium chloride restricted hosp. - 20% amp. 10 ml - halex istar fentanyl restricted hosp. - 50 mcg. 5 amps. 10 ml - janssen - cilag nitrop restricted hosp. - 25 mg/ml sol. inj. cx. amp. x 2 ml. - hypopharma diprivan restrito hosp. - 2% 50 ml fa - astrazeneca zofran restricted hosp. - 4 mg. / 5 amps. plast. 2 ml - glaxosmithkline flexibag 200 ml - bayer clindamycin phosphate - generic hosp. restricted - 600 mg. sol. inj. cx. 50 amps. x 4 ml - chemical union propovan restricted hosp. - 10 mg/ml 5 amps. 10 ml - crystallization xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% jelly cx. 10 bisn. x 30 ml - crystalline xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 10 fr. 20 ml - crystalliza baxter lactated ringer solution - 6.0 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 3.1mg/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc inc sist fech x 500 ml atensin - 0.10 mg with ct bl al pl inc x 30 dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac lasix - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct bl 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml hyponor 8 mg restricted hosp. - equiv. to 4 mg. base norepinephrine cx. 10 x 4 ml. - hypopharma targocid - 400 mg. 1 fa - sanofi medley female
teflan restricted hosp. - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 50 fa vd. hosp. - chemical union appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 1.25-dihydroxyvitamin d - research and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage ige specific group each - research and/or dosage ige specific group each - research and/or dosage ige total - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein qualitative - research individual outpatient consultation of speech therapy electrocoagulation of skin and mucosal lesions - with or without curettage per group of up to 5 lesions individual outpatient session of speech therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bond test clot retraction - research coagulation time - determination prothrombin time - determination bleeding time of ivy - detection activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Observation room rate up to 6 hours teflan - 40 mg lióf sol inj ct 5 fa vd inc + 5 amp dil x 2 ml water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline Plamet water for injection rent/fee of apparatus / equipment for upper endoscopy with video by use aspirator rate continuous suction per hour Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter per use/session outside the icu and the surgical center noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate installation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 surgical room rate anesthetic size 3 zocor - 10 cprs. - merck sharp & dohme 20 cprs. - roche xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc white opc x 30 endoscopic gastrostomy endoscopic gastrostomy partial reconstruction of the lip compact rate of small procedure room General General novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization riodeine dermo suave topico 100 ml alm.twist off - rioquimica sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml hospital rates lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 12 hours xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage Observation room rate up to 6 hours xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage albumin - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing culture urine with colony count appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood gas analysis + hb + ht + na + k + cl + ca + glucose + lactate when performed in the blood gas meter - search and/or dosage maximum respiratory pressure determination amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets Observation room rate up to 6 hours buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim water for injection water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage total lipids - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination antak - sol. inj. cx. 5 amps. x 2 ml. - glaxosmithkline buscopan compound - sol. inj. 3 amps. x 5 ml - boehringer ingelheim Plamet rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time mylicon - cart. 1 fr. plast. 15 ml - janssen - cilag water for injection restricted hosp. - cx. 200 amp. plast. 10 ml - halex istar xylestesin restricted hosp. - 10% spray cx. 1 fr. 50 ml - crystalline xylocaine buscopan - 20 mg sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml dolain - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 bl x 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml aspirator rate continuous suction per hour monitoring rate/ monitoring of oximeter per use/session outside the icu and the surgical center rate of use of respiratory endoscopy device by use upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology passage of a naso-enteral tube hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - chest tc - chest blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection water for injection xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 avalox - 1 6 mg/ ml sol inj env al bols plas x 250 ml oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml automated blood culture per sample hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp hospital visit patient hospitalized tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized flagass front - 0.5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 hospital visit patient hospitalized nujol - 1 ml/ml ole ct fr plas trans pvc x 120 ml notuss tss - 1.5 mg/ml xpe ct fr plas amb x 120 ml + ser dos fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 lexotan-6.0 mg with cx 3 bl al plas inc x 10 avalox - 1 6 mg/ ml sol inj env al bols plas x 250 ml oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage water for injection tc - chest tc - chest hospital visit patient hospitalized humectol d - cx. 20 cprs. rev. - cosmed glycax - 120 mg/ml sol ret cx fr plas opc x 500 ml Plamet hospital visit patient hospitalized ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp notuss tss - 1.5 mg/ml xpe ct fr plas amb x 120 ml + ser dos hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized buscopan - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim magnesium - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized water for injection individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet lexotan-6.0 mg with cx 3 bl al plas inc x 10 oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley hospital visit patient hospitalized tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp maxitrol culture urine with colony count hospital visit patient hospitalized dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g hospital rates nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection infusion pump per hour hospital visit patient hospitalized xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage individual outpatient session of speech therapy hospital visit patient hospitalized myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g hospital visit patient hospitalized daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours individual home visit of speech therapy culture urine with colony count daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bacterial culture in various biological materials appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time individual home visit of speech therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours extra-hospital transport of critically ill patients 1 hour - from the physician's displacement - medical follow-up tracheostomy with placement of tracheal or tracheobronchial orthosis by cervical route water for injection water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp maxitrol haemofol - 5000 iu/0.25 ml sol inj cx 25 amp vd inc x 0.25 ml glucose solution b. braun - 100 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml lioresal - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 automated culture - microbiology antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized retemic - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 60 myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized buscopan - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized rates of hire of equipment gas nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley buscopan - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety oprazon - 40 mg po inj cx 20 fa vd inc + 20 amp dil vd inc x 10 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 hospital visit patient hospitalized imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g floral - 100 mg cap gel dura ct bl al al x 12 rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets retemic - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 60 c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g maxitrol hospital visit patient hospitalized culture urine with colony count automated blood culture per sample hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml rates of hire of equipment gas nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet floral - 100 mg cap gel dura ct bl al al x 12 cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml hospital visit patient hospitalized tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag hospital visit patient hospitalized rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment hospital visit patient hospitalized retemic - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 60 rates of hire of equipment gas nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized rates of hire of equipment rates of hire of equipment hospital rates nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott water for injection water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag retemic - 5 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 60 b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 rocefin - 1 g iv po sterile ct fa vd inc + amp dil x 10 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g hospital visit patient hospitalized nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott sodium chloride water for injection hospital visit patient hospitalized nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley tylex - 30.0 mg. blist. 12 cprs. - janssen - cilag dimorf - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml Plamet cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates hospital visit patient hospitalized daily hospital stay hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized tracheostomy with placement of tracheal or tracheobronchial orthosis by cervical route dianeal pd-2 - 25+5 38+4 48+0 257+0 0508 mg/ml sol dial peri cx bols plas inc flex x 2500 ml 0.9% sodium chloride basa - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 16 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml basene 12% glycerin enema - 0.12 g/ml cx 12 fr plas trans x 500 ml lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour Monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ ecg per hour blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca buscopan - 20 mg/ml sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1 ml - boehringer ingelheim imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag diprivan pfs 1% myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g erythropoietin aramin - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 1 ml fentanest - 0 05 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 est x amp vd inc x 2 ml emb hosp lipuro - 10 mg/ml emu inj cx 05 amp vd inc x 20 ml xylestesin with epinephrine - 20 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage sodium chloride solution b.braun lasix - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct bl 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count automated blood culture per sample sodium chloride water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 slow - k clexane flagyl - 250 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 option handling service rate nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - hical osmolitis rth - sf 1000 ml - unit - abbott ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage hospital visit patient hospitalized prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml thirfan - 100 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 9 Plamet flagyl - 400 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 24 tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc automated culture - microbiology halex istar - magnesium sulfate sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml potassium chloride -1.91 g/10 ml sol inj cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml rest. hosp. lioresal - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated hospital rates infusion pump per hour Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate installation xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization erythropoietin nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - hical osmolitis rth - sf 1000 ml - unit - abbott sodium chloride lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Hematocrit haemoglobin dosage imosec - blister 2 x 6 cprs. - janssen - cilag lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml thirfan - 100 mg cap gel dura ct bl al plas inc x 9 cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 slow - k clexane flagyl - 400 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 24 hospital rates ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g erythropoietin b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dermodex - 100 000 iu/g + 200 mg/g pom derm ct bg al x 60 g maxitrol - 1.0 mg/ml + 5.0 mg/ml + 6 000 iu/ml sus oft ct fr plas trans got x 5 ml hirudoid - 5 mg/g ct bg al x 40 g hospital visit patient hospitalized individual home visit of speech therapy hospital rates 0.9% chloride solution 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml oxygen concentrator rate per day hospital visit patient hospitalized bromopride - generic restricted hosp. - 5 mg/ml sol. inj. im/iv cx. 50 amps. vd. amb. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours isopharma - water for injection ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bacterial culture in various biological materials water for injection 0.9% sodium chloride basa - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 40 fr plas trans sist fech x 250 ml bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage atrovent - 0.25 mg/ml sol inal ct fr vd amb x 20 ml berotec - 5 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb x 20 ml erythropoietin lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml caldê - 1500 mg + 400 iu with mast ct fr plas opc x 60 efrinalin - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml nutritional currency - therapeutic nutrition - jevity hical rth - sf - 1000 ml - unit - abbott sodium chloride water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage haemoglobin dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca candicort - 20 mg / g + 0.64 mg / g crem derm ct bg al x 30 g cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 clexane sodium chloride solution b.braun maxitrol - 1.0 mg/ml + 5.0 mg/ml + 6 000 iu/ml sus oft ct fr plas trans got x 5 ml culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample automated culture - microbiology antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated tracheostomy with placement of tracheal or tracheobronchial orthosis by cervical route capobal - 25 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 30 lioresal - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 calcium - search and/or dosage 0.9% sodium chloride basa - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 16 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour Monitoring rate of invasive pa per hour myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g erythropoietin c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day 10 cprs. rev. - sigma pharma dipyrone sodium isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets culture urine with colony count hospital rates oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day cipro daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours hospital rates amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca erythropoietin dipyrone sodium dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac sodium chloride solution b.braun 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml General ceftriaxone - generic - 500 im cart. fa + dil. - europharma ondansetron hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 2 mg/ml cx. 50 amps. 2 ml - hypopharma bromopride - generic restricted hosp. - 5 mg/ml sol. inj. im/iv cx. 50 amps. vd. amb. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca hospital rates omeprazole bromopride - 4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb got x 20 ml tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc isopharma - water for injection 0.9% chloride solution bromopride - generic restricted hosp. - 5 mg/ml sol. inj. im/iv cx. 50 amps. vd. amb. x 2 ml hosp. - novafarma/fresenius kabi bromopride - 4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb got x 20 ml oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours hospital rates 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma ondansetron hydrochloride - generic hosp. restricted - 2 mg/ml cx. 50 amps. 2 ml - hypopharma dipyrone sodium ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bacterial culture in various biological materials culture faeces: salmonella shigella and escherichia coli enteropathogenic soybean included 0.9% chloride solution hospital rates oxygen concentrator rate per day daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours appointment at home extra-hospital transport of critically ill patients 1 hour - from the physician's displacement - medical follow-up appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day hospital rates oxygen concentrator rate per day daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours sodium chloride respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml sodium chloride oxygen concentrator rate per day water for injection - 1 ml/ml sol inj cx 200 amp plas trans x 10 ml hospital rates 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage transferrin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count complex jaw fractures - surgical reduction with bone fixation and possible intermaxillary block complex jaw fractures - surgical reduction with bone fixation and possible intermaxillary block complex jaw fractures - surgical reduction with bone fixation and possible intermaxillary block simple reduction of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint with intermaxillary fixation simple reduction of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint with intermaxillary fixation simple reduction of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint with intermaxillary fixation dianeal pd-2 - 42 5+5 38+4 48+0 257+0 0508 mg/ml sol dial peri cx bols plas inc flex x 1000 ml daily working day in the hospital ward tc - face or breasts of the face General neocaine 0.25% with vasoconstrictor -0.50 pcc sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20ml. b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 chlor. ciprofloxacin0 - 500 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 14 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 nystatin + zinc oxide respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day tc - joint sternoclavicular or shoulder or elbow or wrist or sacroiliac or coxofemoral or knee or ankle - unilateral tc - joint sternoclavicular or shoulder or elbow or wrist or sacroiliac or coxofemoral or knee or ankle - unilateral b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml simple reduction of dislocation of the temporomandibular joint with intermaxillary fixation xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 culture urine with colony count individual home visit of speech therapy hospital rates oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours clostridium difficile toxin a - search and/or dosage culture faeces: salmonella shigella and escherichia coli enteropathogenic soybean included isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride extra-hospital transport of critically ill patients 1 hour - from the physician's displacement - medical follow-up bromopride - 4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb x 20 ml + cgt Potassium losartan omeprazole xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g dipyrone sodium isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 bromopride - 4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb x 20 ml + cgt Potassium losartan omeprazole xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators dipyrone sodium household consultation by a nutritionist hospital rates oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day daily hospital stay sodium chloride beker - 9 mg/ml sol inj cx 24 bols pvc trans flex sist fech x 500 ml General individual home visit of speech therapy calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample oscal d - 500 mg + 400 iu with rev ct fr plas opc x 60 flagyl - 250 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 General hospital rates isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 n-butyl bromide scopelamine + sodium dipyrone - 6.67 mg/ml + 333.4 mg/ml sol or ct rv cgt x 20 ml cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 Potassium losartan omeprazole flagyl - 250 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 20 dipyrone sodium cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 individual home visit of speech therapy daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours nystatin + zinc oxide oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day bromopride - 4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb x 20 ml + cgt household consultation by a nutritionist Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count baclofen - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 household consultation by a nutritionist oscal d - 500 mg + 400 iu with rev ct fr plas opc x 60 xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride baclofen - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 bromopride - 4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb x 20 ml + cgt Potassium losartan omeprazole nystatin + zinc oxide dipyrone sodium appointment at home oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day atropine - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage household consultation by a nutritionist bacterial culture in various biological materials cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours General donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 sodium chloride dipyrone sodium - generic - sol. oral drop. fr. 10 ml. - sanofi medley donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 chlor. ciprofloxacin0 - 500 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 14 Potassium losartan omeprazole cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ecg installation outside the icu and surgical center monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate installation novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml reparyl - 10 mg/g + 50 mg/g ct bg al x 30 g tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml nystatin + zinc oxide clexane - 60 mg. 2 ser. - sanofi-aventis bromopride - generic - 4 mg/ml sol. oral gts. 20 ml - sanofi medley colpistatin - 62.5 mg/g + 25.000 iu/g + 1.25 mg/g crem vag ct bg al x 40 g + 10 applicants xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pp x 28 xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day individual home visit of speech therapy appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time n-butyl bromide scopelamine + sodium dipyrone - 6.67 mg/ml + 333.4 mg/ml sol or ct rv cgt x 20 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride bromopride - generic - 4 mg/ml sol. oral gts. 20 ml - sanofi medley donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 Potassium losartan omeprazole xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pp x 28 cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 General nystatin + zinc oxide individual home visit of speech therapy xarelde - 20 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pvdc x 28 daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours dipyrone sodium - generic - sol. oral drop. fr. 10 ml. - sanofi medley tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley atropine - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g culture urine with colony count oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day bromopride - generic - 4 mg/ml sol. oral gts. 20 ml - sanofi medley tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley dipyrone sodium - generic - gts. fr. 10 ml - germethasone donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 Potassium losartan omeprazole cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride oxygen concentrator rate per day respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day hospital visit patient hospitalized atropine - 10 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pvdc x 14 xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g General scopelamine butylbromide cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 nystatin + zinc oxide culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated individual home visit of speech therapy daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml sodium chloride domperidone - generic - 1 mg/ml oral susp. vd. x 100 ml + pipet. dosad. - tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 omeprazole xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pvdc x 14 cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood cultures per sample cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 Potassium losartan nystatin + zinc oxide respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours oxygen concentrator rate per day individual home visit of speech therapy chlor. ciprofloxacin0 - 500 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 14 macrodenin household consultation by a nutritionist lacrima plus - fr. 15 ml. - alcon macrodenin bromopride - 4 mg/ml sol or ct fr vd amb x 20 ml + cgt daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day omeprazole cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pp x 14 sodium chloride dipyrone sodium - generic - sol. oral drop. fr. 10 ml. - sanofi medley chlor. ciprofloxacin0 - 500 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 14 oxygen concentrator rate per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated domperidone - generic - 1 mg/ml oral susp. vd. x 100 ml + pipet. dosad. - tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley atropine - 5 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml nystatin + zinc oxide individual home session of speech therapy isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 Potassium losartan sodium chloride tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 nystatin + zinc oxide cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 losartan potassium - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 30 omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 7 xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pp x 14 hospital rates daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours hospital rates gas isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml lacrima plus - 1.0 mg/ml + 3.0 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drt x 15 ml household consultation by a nutritionist calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets bacterial culture in various biological materials culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample sodium chloride beker - 9 mg/ml sol inj cx 24 bols pvc trans flex sist fech x 500 ml domperidone - 1 mg/ml sus or ct fr vd amb x 100 ml + be dosed individual session of speech therapy hospital culture urine with colony count calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage bacterial culture in various biological materials culture urine with colony count sodium chloride beker - 9 mg/ml sol inj cx 24 bols pvc trans flex sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride domperidone - generic - 1 mg/ml oral susp. vd. x 100 ml + pipet. dosad. - tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley atropine - 5 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drop x 5 ml donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 nystatin + zinc oxide cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 lacrima plus - 1.0 mg/ml + 3.0 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drt x 15 ml losartan potassium - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 30 omeprazole - 20 mg cap gel dura lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 7 xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pp x 14 isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day loratadine - 10 mg with rev ct bl al plas amb x 12 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml vancomycin hydrochloride - 500 mg powder liof p/ sol inj ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day Predsim individual home visit of speech therapy daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours oxygen concentrator rate per day xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets baclofen - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage bacterial culture in various biological materials culture urine with colony count hospital visit patient hospitalized hospital visit patient hospitalized maxcef - 1.0 g powder p/ sol inj ct 1 fa vd inc sodium chloride monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 losartan potassium - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 30 xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pp x 14 fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day nystatin + zinc oxide blood cultures per sample individual home visit of speech therapy daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours sodium chloride beker - 9 mg/ml sol inj cx 24 bols pvc trans flex sist fech x 500 ml oxygen concentrator rate per day domperidone - generic - 1 mg/ml oral susp. vd. x 100 ml + pipet. dosad. - muvinlax - 13.125 g + 0.1775 g + 0.0466 g + 0.3057 g po prep extemp ct 20 sach al polyeet x 14 g ciprofloxacin - 2 mg/ml sol inj iv env al bols plas trans x 200 ml sist fech household consultation by a nutritionist 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml vancomycin hydrochloride - 500 mg powder liof p/ sol inj ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp baclofen - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 dipyrone sodium bacterial culture in various biological materials xylestesin restricted hosp. - 2% s/v 50 amps. 5 ml - crystallization tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 vancomycin hydrochloride - 500 mg powder liof p/ sol inj ct 50 fa vd inc emb hosp baclofen - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 losartan potassium - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 30 xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pp x 14 fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours oxygen concentrator rate per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride domperidone - generic - 1 mg/ml oral susp. vd. x 100 ml + pipet. dosad. - lacrima plus - 1.0 mg/ml + 3.0 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drt x 15 ml daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample individual home visit of speech therapy sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml water for injection water for injection lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage lactic acid lactate - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage ionic calcium - research and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage creatine phosphokinase - mb fraction - mass - search and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage troponin - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage pressure respirator per hour volume respirator per hour monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ecg installation outside the icu and surgical center monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ecg installation outside the icu and surgical center monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate per hour noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate per hour conventional ecg of up to 12 leads blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp nexium - inj. 40 mg. cx. 10 amps. - astrazeneca xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count automated blood culture per sample automated culture - microbiology lactic dehydrogenase - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 baclofen - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 losartan potassium - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 30 xarelde - 15 mg with rev ct bl al pp x 14 fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g floratil - 200 mg/g po or ct 4 sach x 1g daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day oxygen concentrator rate per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day sodium chloride beker - 9 mg/ml sol inj cx 24 bols pvc trans flex sist fech x 500 ml domperidone - generic - 1 mg/ml oral susp. vd. x 100 ml + pipet. dosad. - nystatin + zinc oxide tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp individual home visit of speech therapy isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 80 bols plas sist fech x 100 ml sodium chloride monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 piperacillin sodium + tazobactam sodium - 4 g + 500 mg powder liof sol inj ct 10 fa vd inc baclofen - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 losartan potassium - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 30 domperidone - 1 mg/ml sus or ct fr vd amb x 100 ml + be dosed fluimucil - 120 mg/g gran ct 16 env al pe x 5 g dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml water for injection water for injection blood gas analysis ph pco2 sa o2 base excess - search and/or dosage monitoring rate/cardiac monitoring/ecg installation outside the icu and surgical center monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour noninvasive pa monitoring/ monitoring rate per hour tc - chest blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets room/inhalation/nebulization rate General xylocaine - jelly 2% 30 g - astrazeneca atropharma - 0.25 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd inc x 1 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml floral - 100 mg cap gel dura ct bl al al x 12 cozaar - 50 mg with rev ct bl al pvc/pe/pvdc/white/opc x 15 lacrima plus - 1.0 mg/ml + 3.0 mg/ml sol oft ct fr plas trans drt x 15 ml tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml lioresal - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 gastrium - 40 mg cap gel dura microg ct fr plas opc x 7 tazocin - 4 g + 500 mg po liof inj ct fa vd inc c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count automated blood culture per sample 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom hospital visit patient hospitalized myocalven d - 2370 mg + 200 ui po sus or ct 30 env pap/pe/al x 4 g b.a.a.r. ziehl or fluorescence direct research and after homogenization - research daily home care - medium complexity plant tech. enf. 12 hours daily home care - low complexity plant tech. enf. 06 hours respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day novalgine - cx. 50 x 2 ml. - sanofi medley oxacilyl - 500mg sol inj im/iv cx 50 fa vd inc x 10ml emb hosp individual home visit of speech therapy daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours oxygen concentrator rate per day nystatin + zinc oxide xylestesin - 20 mg/g gel ester cx 10 ser prenc plast trans x 10 g omeprazole - 40 mg cap gel dura lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 7 calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample floratil - 200 mg/g po or ct 4 sach x 1g b.a.a.r. ziehl or fluorescence direct research and after homogenization - research tramadol hydrochloride - generic - 50 mg. bl. 10 caps. gel. dura - sanofi medley donaren - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas trans x 60 cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride - 5 mg with rev ct bl al plas inc x 15 baclofen - 10 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 20 cewin - 500 mg with slow desint ct bl al/al x 30 losartan potassium - 50 mg with rev ct bl al plas opc x 30 omeprazole - 40 mg cap gel dura lib retard ct bl al plas trans x 7 domperidone - 1 mg/ml sus or ct fr vd amb x 100 ml + be dosed sodium chloride beker - 9 mg/ml sol inj cx 24 bols pvc trans flex sist fech x 500 ml isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml calcium - search and/or dosage Chloride - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage respiratory rate bipap/ cpap per day blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct 120 amp vd amb x 2 ml emb hosp c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count blood cultures per sample daily home care - high complexity technology schedule 24 hours oxygen concentrator rate per day monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per day sodium chloride female
appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage needle p/use different - hypodrmic needle 13 x 0 45 - 25 x 0 7 - 30 x 0 7 - 25 x 0 8 - 30 x 0 8 - descarpack 25 x7 luer slip 5 ml - descarpack 25 x7 luer slip 10 ml - descarpack scalp - scalp 21g with 30 cm stretch - 210103 - troge - troge - pfizer dramin b6 dl - inj. cx. 100 amps. x 10 ml - takeda pharma teflan - 40 mg. po liof. sol. inj. 5 fa + 5 amps. dil. - chemical union dipyrone sodium - generic restricted hosp. - 500 mg/ml cx. 100 amps. 2 ml hosp. - teuto bras. us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage rm - skull brain appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp prothrombin time - determination us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon Doppler color of organ or structure alone video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope xylocaine appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female
25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets chagas igg - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin e - research and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage albumin - search and/or dosage amylase - research and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage phosphorus - search and/or dosage fructoses glycosylated proteins - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage parathormone - pth or fraction each - research and/or dosage antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing Calcitonin - research and/or dosage cortisol - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage insulin - test and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage aslo - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative - research in the rheumatoid system rheumatoid factor latex test qualitative c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage fresh examination automated culture - microbiology thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage Zinc - test and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage folic acid research and/or dosage in red blood cells uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage total testosterone - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage carcinoembryogenic antigen cea - research and/or dosage free testosterone - research and/or dosage vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing phosphorus - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl water for injection Observation room rate up to 12 hours novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml decadron solucao injection restricted hosp. - 2 mg/ml sol. inj. ct. 100 amps. x 1 ml hosp. - ache isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml syneticone xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml syneticone xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology water for injection Creatinine - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin fraction a1c - test and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl c-reactive protein qualitative - research thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads transthoracic Doppler echocardiography conventional ecg of up to 12 leads us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time diagnostic ultrasonography - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health dental appointment transthoracic Doppler echocardiography Doppler color of organ or structure alone us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular computerized exercise test includes conventional baseline ecg male
hospital rates Creatinine - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage tc - total abdomen upper abdomen pelvis and retroperitoneum blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets General rates of hire of equipment General rates of hire of equipment General rates of hire of equipment Immobilization of the lower limb General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time General General General General General General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time ultrasonic - monocular pachymetry computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular cyclomidrin - fr. 5 ml - latinopharma phenylephrine 10% - fr. 5 ml. - allergan Immobilization of the lower limb feldene * - 40 mg. inj. 2 amps. im - pfizer rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use Observation room rate up to 6 hours General appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing ferritin - research and/or dosage chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroid antiperoxidase - research and/or dosage rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 General rent/ bubble detector rate for slow hemodialysis by use rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic General upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time - pfizer movatec - 15 mg. sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1.5 ml - boehringer ingelheim appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time tc - joint sternoclavicular or shoulder or elbow or wrist or sacroiliac or coxofemoral or knee or ankle - unilateral tc - joint sternoclavicular or shoulder or elbow or wrist or sacroiliac or coxofemoral or knee or ankle - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time movatec - 15 mg with ct bl al/al x 10 Immobilization of the lower limb feldene - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 2 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time movatec - 15 mg. sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1.5 ml - boehringer ingelheim Immobilization of the lower limb General feldene - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 2 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets qualitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - research in the field of science and science. appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time conventional ecg of up to 12 leads Creatinine - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets prothrombin time - determination activated partial thromboplastin time - determination of the blood pressure bp and the blood pressure bp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml water for injection water for injection homologous knee transplants - surgical treatment homologous knee transplants - surgical treatment homologous knee transplants - surgical treatment lease fee of apparatus / equipment for arthroscopy for surgery by use decadron solucao injection - 4 mg. 1 fa x 2.5 ml - ache kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml neocaine heavy - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 40 est amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp fentanyl - 50 mcg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 2 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml sodium chloride solution b.braun - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 30 fa plas inc sist fech x 250 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc tramal dormonid - 15 mg with rev ct 2 bl al plas inc x 10 dormonid - 1 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp osteochondroplasty - stabilization resection and/or repair # - videoarthroscopic knee procedure osteochondroplasty - stabilization resection and/or repair # - videoarthroscopic knee procedure osteochondroplasty - stabilization resection and/or repair # - videoarthroscopic knee procedure femoropatellar instability lateral patellar release retaining reinforcing or reconstructing the medial patellofemoral ligament # - videoarthroscopic knee procedure femoropatellar instability lateral patellar release retaining reinforcing or reconstructing the medial patellofemoral ligament # - videoarthroscopic knee procedure femoropatellar instability lateral patellar release retaining reinforcing or reconstructing the medial patellofemoral ligament # - videoarthroscopic knee procedure water for injection water for injection water for injection 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml tramal clexane - 40 mg sol inj ct 10 ser pre-filled vd inc x 0 4 ml + sist safety novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml plasil - 5 mg/ml sol inj ct 100 amp vd inc x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time bioflac - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd trans x 1.5 ml coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 afrin - 0 5 mg sol nas ct fr plas opc spr x 30 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml - 50 mg. inj. 5 amps. - pfizer coltrax - inj. cx. 3 amps. - sanofi medley movatec - 15 mg. sol. inj. 5 amps. x 1.5 ml - boehringer ingelheim bioflac - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd trans x 1.5 ml coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml bioflac - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd trans x 1.5 ml coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage glycated haemoglobin total a1 - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage anti-tpo - research and/or dosage ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igg anti-core igg or acoreg - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbcac - igm anti-core igm or acorem - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing schistosomiasis - igg - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull sodium chloride - baxter - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv bols pvc inc sist fech x 1000 ml water for injection amylase - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage lipase - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage rest room rate/observation pa/sp up to 6 hours b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml tramal dramin b6 dl - 3 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml + 100 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 10 ml emb frac novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml dengue - igg and igm each - search and/or dosage dengue - igg and igm each - search and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage rm - joint by joint water for injection - sol inj ct 25 amp plas inc x 10 ml rate per use/session of the outpatient clinic lidocaine hydrochloride - generic - 20 mg/g jelly bisn. 30 g - gen - legrand actos - 15 mg with ct fr plas opc x 15 dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml syneticone xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time hospital rates alginac - 5000 mcg + 100 mg. + 100 mg. + 75 mg. sol. inj. cx. c/cama 3 amps. vd. amb. x 1 ml + 3 amps. vd. amb. x 2 ml - merck coltrax - inj. cx. 3 amps. - sanofi medley Immobilization of the lower limb bioflac - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 5 amp vd trans x 1.5 ml coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml Observation room rate up to 2 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml ranitidine hydrochloride - 15 mg / ml xpe ct fr plas amb x 120 ml + cp med chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina hospital rates hospital rates hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dipyrone sodium glucose - search and/or dosage abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood hemoglobin electrophoresis - testing and/or dosing blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets antithyroid antibodies thyroglobulin - testing and/or dosing free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igg - research and/or dosage cytomegalovirus igm - research and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each rubella - igg - search and/or dosage rubella - igm - research and/or dosage syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric General water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dipyrone sodium us - obstetric with nuchal translucency Doppler color of organ or structure alone Immobilization of the lower limb dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol or cx 100 fr plast opc drop x 10 ml emb hosp 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 calcium - search and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing ferritin - research and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igg - search and/or dosage hepatitis a - hav - igm - search and/or dosage hepatitis b - hbsac surface antigen - search and/or dosage herpes simplex - igg - search and/or dosage herpes simplex - igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric hospital rates appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics afrin - 0 5 mg sol nas ct fr plas opc spr x 30 ml xylestesin - 100 mg/ml sol top spray ct fr vd inc neb x 50 ml water for injection 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml Observation room rate up to 2 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml water for injection 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml us - obstetric Observation room rate up to 2 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml hospital rates water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dipyrone sodium us - morphological obstetrics dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol or cx 100 fr plast opc drop x 10 ml emb hosp Observation room rate up to 6 hours water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dipyrone sodium water for injection 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml Observation room rate up to 2 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water p/ injection restricted hosp. - cx. 100 x 10 ml plast. - hypopharma dipyrone sodium appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage glycemic curve 4 doses oral or intravenous use alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hiv1 or hiv2 antibody testing syphilis - vdrl toxoplasmosis igg - research and/or dosage toxoplasmosis igm - research and/or dosage culture urine with colony count antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated htlv i / ii by pcr each - research appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time water for injection glucose solution Observation room rate up to 2 hours compound buscopan - 20 mg + 2.5 g sol inj ct 3 amp vd amb x 5 ml water for injection 0.9% saline solution - 9 g/l sol inj iv cx 12 fr plas trans sist fech x 1000 ml Observation room rate up to 2 hours profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc fetal Doppler echocardiography with color flow mapping - per fetus appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetrics with color Doppler appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - obstetric glucose - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets indirect coombs hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl chlamydia culture bacterial culture in various biological materials culture mycoplasma or ureaplasma culture urine with colony count automated culture - microbiology antibiogram sensitivity test and antibiotics and chemotherapeutics by bacterium - not automated us - obstetric Cesarean section Cesarean section Cesarean section us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder coombs direct abo group reverse classification - determination abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood transthoracic Doppler echocardiography us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets reticulocytes count newborn care in nursery c-reactive protein qualitative - research sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 200 fr plas trans x 10 ml water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 100 ml sist. closed water for injection - sol inj cx fr plas trans x 250 ml sist. closed 3-bed ward daily with private bathroom rent/bipolar scalpel fee by use Monitoring rate/ monitoring of cardiac output per hour monitoring rate/ oximeter monitoring per hour Monitoring rate of invasive pa per hour newborn care in the delivery room normal delivery or low-risk surgical General 2% degerming 2% c/tensoactive 100ml alm.twist off - hydrochimica decadron - 4 mg/ml sol inj ct 1 fa x 2.5 ml kefazol - 1 g po inj ct 50 fa vd inc capac. 10 ml efedrin - 50 mg/ml sol inj cx 100 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp neocaine heavy - 5 mg/ml + 80 mg/ml sol inj cx 40 est amp vd inc x 4 ml emb hosp mylicon - 75 mg/ml sus or ct fr plas opc drt x 15 ml lactated ringer solution - sol inj iv cx 20 fa plas inc sist fech x 500 ml keflex - 50 mg/ml sus or ct fr vd amb x 100 ml + col doses syntocinon noripurum folic - 100 mg + 0.35 mg with mast ct bl al/al x 30 tilatilate novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml profenid iv - 100 mg po liof iv cx 50 fa vd inc vita k - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml dimorf - 0.2 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd amb x 1 ml emb hosp xylestesin - 1 pcc sol inj cx 10 fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp novalgin - 500 mg with ct bl al plas inc x 240 emb mult appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - urinary tract kidneys ureters and bladder sodium chloride - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 40 bols pp trans sist fech x 250 ml latex-free co-flex bandage - 5100sc-030 lasix - 10 mg/ml sol inj ct bl 5 amp vd amb x 2 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina hormonal intrauterine device udi implantation us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment dental appointment educational activity in oral health Immobilization of the lower limb dental appointment sodium chloride isopharma-solution bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc coltrax inj - 2 mg/ml sol inj ct 3 amp vd inc x 2 ml rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time video-pharyngo-laryngoscopy with flexible endoscope General afrin - 0 250 mg sol nas ct fr plas opc drop x 20 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina 5% glucose + 0.9% sodium chloride - 50 mg/ml + 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 10 amp plas sist fech x 1000 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time provisional crown on implant provisional crown on implant total metal crown ceramic implant total metal crown ceramic implant dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time computerized keratoscopy - monocular computerized keratoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular 10% oculum - 10% sol oft ct fr plas opc got x 5ml mydriacyl 10 mg/ml sol.oft.5 ml - alcon rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml novalgin - 500 mg/ml sol inj ct est x 50 amp vd amb x 2 ml Velpeau type dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol or cx 100 fr plast opc drop x 10 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint Immobilization of the lower limb dipyrone sodium - 500 mg/ml sol or cx 100 fr plast opc drop x 10 ml emb hosp sodium chloride solution - 0 009 g/ml sol inj iv cx bols pvc trans sist fech x 250 ml surgical room rate anesthetic size 0 unplanned immobilizations any segment triamyl - 20 mg/ml sus inj ct 1 fa vd inc x 5 ml xylestesin - 10 mg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd inc x 20 ml emb hosp diagnostic or therapeutic joint puncture infiltration - or not guided by imaging method dental appointment rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine tc - joint sternoclavicular or shoulder or elbow or wrist or sacroiliac or coxofemoral or knee or ankle - unilateral tc - joint sternoclavicular or shoulder or elbow or wrist or sacroiliac or coxofemoral or knee or ankle - unilateral appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage alkaline phosphatase - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time sodium chloride isopharma-solution acupuncture per session neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0.25 pcc sol inj cx 10 est fa vd inc x 20ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina sodium chloride isopharma-solution neocaine without vasoconstrictor - 0.25 pcc sol inj cx 10 est fa vd inc x 20ml xylestesin isobaric - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 50 amp vd inc x 5 ml emb hosp appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets chorionic gonadotrophic hormone hcg - search and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time quantitative chorionic gonodotrophic hormone hcg-beta-hcg - dosage dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage hemosedimentation hsv - research and/or dosage anti-la/ssb - research and/or dosage anti-ro/ssa - research and/or dosage antinuclear factor anp - research and/or dosage rheumatoid factor quantitative - research and / or dosage hla genotyping waaler-rosis rheumatoid factor - research and/or dosage c-reactive protein quantitative - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time collar feldene - 20 mg/ml sol inj cx 2 amp vd amb x 2 ml tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time rm - cervical or dorsal spine or lumbar spine us - articular by articulation us - articular by articulation appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 vitamin b12 - research and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing glucose - search and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage thyroxin t4 - testing and/or dosing triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage antimicrosomal - research and/or dosage appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time naso-sinusal video-endoscopy with flexible optics xylestesin with epinephrine - 10 mg/ml + 9.1 mcg/ml sol inj cx 10 est fa vd trans x 20 ml afrin - 0 250 mg sol nas ct fr plas opc drop x 20 ml retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular retinal mapping indirect ophthalmoscopy - monocular tc - face or breasts of the face appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - total abdomen upper abdomen kidneys bladder aorta inferior vena cava and adrenals us - superficial organs thyroid or scrotum or penis or skull 25 hydroxy vitamin d testing and/or dosing vitamin d3 uric acid - search and/or dosage calcium - search and/or dosage cholesterol hdl - search and/or dosage cholesterol ldl - search and/or dosage total cholesterol - research and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage serum iron - testing and/or dosing phosphorus - search and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage magnesium - research and/or dosage potassium - test and/or dosage sodium - screening and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage triglycerides - search and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage cholesterol llv - search and/or dosage blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets ferritin - research and/or dosage free t4 - research and/or dosage thyrostimulant hormone tsh - research and/or dosage triiodothyronine t3 - search and/or dosage automated culture - microbiology voltaren retard - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint rm - joint by joint voltaren retard - 25 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time b.braun sodium chloride solution - 9 mg/ml sol inj iv cx 50 fa plas inc sist fech x 100 ml bextra im/iv - 40 mg po liof inj ct 10 fa vd inc tramal - 50 mg/ml sol inj ct 5 amp vd inc x 1 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time us - breasts us - surface structures neck or axilla or muscle or tendon us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina Doppler color of organ or structure alone sars-cov-2 coronavirus covid-19 - rt research - pcr appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time upper endoscopy package with biopsy and/or cytology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time uric acid - search and/or dosage bilirubins direct indirect and total - search and/or dosage Creatinine - research and/or dosage total creatine phosphokinase ck - research and/or dosage gamma-glutamyl transferase - research and/or dosage glucose - search and/or dosage total proteins albumin and globulin - research and/or dosage oxalacetic transaminase aspartate aminotransferase - research and/or dosage pyruvical transaminase alanine aminotransferase - research and/or dosage Urea - research and/or dosage conventional ecg of up to 12 leads us - transvaginal utero ovary appendices and vagina abo blood group and rho factor includes du - determination of the blood blood count with platelet or fraction count erythrocyte leukocyte platelets coagulation study ts tc bond test clot retraction platelet count protombin time thromboplastin time activated partial - research and / or dosage hepatitis b - hbsag au australia antigen - search and/or dosage hepatitis c - anti-hcv - testing and/or dosing hiv1+ hiv2 joint determination antibody testing htlv1 or htlv2 antibody test each syphilis - vdrl dental appointment educational activity in oral health appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time isopharmaceutical - water for injection - sun cx 200 amp polyethylene inc x 10 ml appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time dormonid - 5 mg/ml sol inj cx c/ 5 amp vd inc x 3 ml lanexat - 0.1 mg/ml sol inj iv ct 5 amp vd inc x 5 ml xylestesin - 2 pcc jelly top cx 10 bg al x 30 g + applicators dimethionine + homatropin methyl bromide - 80 mg/ml + 2.5 mg/ml emu or ct fr plas leit got x 20 ml upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy and/or cytology appointment at the office at normal or pre-established time female