Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (country VARCHAR, airport VARCHAR) ### Question: The Brisbane airport is located in which country? ### Answer: SELECT country FROM table_name_85 WHERE airport = "brisbane airport"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_27374004_4 (date_of_vacancy VARCHAR, outgoing_manager VARCHAR) ### Question: How many times did outgoing manager Bart de Roover vacated a position? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(date_of_vacancy) FROM table_27374004_4 WHERE outgoing_manager = "Bart De Roover"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1242447_2 (hebrew_word VARCHAR, strongs__number VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the hebrew word listed for strongs # 5418? ### Answer: SELECT hebrew_word FROM table_1242447_2 WHERE strongs__number = "5418"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (loss VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) ### Question: Which team has the record of 11-6? ### Answer: SELECT loss FROM table_name_8 WHERE record = "11-6"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1007688_1 (relapsing_fever INTEGER, malaria VARCHAR) ### Question: what is the number of relapsing fever when malaria is 3000 ### Answer: SELECT MIN(relapsing_fever) FROM table_1007688_1 WHERE malaria = "3000"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE university (school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE basketball_match (school_id VARCHAR) ### Question: How many schools do not participate in the basketball match? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM university WHERE NOT school_id IN (SELECT school_id FROM basketball_match)
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_24233848_2 (reward VARCHAR, eliminated VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the reward eliminated hilca ### Answer: SELECT reward FROM table_24233848_2 WHERE eliminated = "Hilca"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE CLASS (PROF_NUM VARCHAR, CRS_CODE VARCHAR) ### Question: How many professors are teaching class with code ACCT-211? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT PROF_NUM) FROM CLASS WHERE CRS_CODE = "ACCT-211"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_23248967_5 (score VARCHAR, team VARCHAR) ### Question: What was the score against New Orleans? ### Answer: SELECT score FROM table_23248967_5 WHERE team = "New Orleans"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_50 (constructor VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR) ### Question: Who is the constructor of the 196 chassis? ### Answer: SELECT constructor FROM table_name_50 WHERE chassis = "196"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_11691212_2 (lap_by_lap VARCHAR, viewers VARCHAR) ### Question: Who narrated the lap-by-lap to a 13.4 million audience? ### Answer: SELECT lap_by_lap FROM table_11691212_2 WHERE viewers = "13.4 million"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_25318033_1 (points VARCHAR, podiums VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) ### Question: How many points were scored when the podiums is 0 and position is 10th? ### Answer: SELECT points FROM table_25318033_1 WHERE podiums = 0 AND position = "10th"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (nationality VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) ### Question: What was the nationality of the players with a position of g? ### Answer: SELECT nationality FROM table_name_77 WHERE position = "g"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (year VARCHAR) ### Question: What was the 3rd place value in 2011? ### Answer: SELECT 3 AS rd_place FROM table_name_53 WHERE year = "2011"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_86 (pct VARCHAR, years VARCHAR) ### Question: What was the winning percent of Notre Dame in 1905? ### Answer: SELECT pct FROM table_name_86 WHERE years = "1905"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_5 (circuit VARCHAR, race VARCHAR) ### Question: What circuit was for the german grand prix? ### Answer: SELECT circuit FROM table_name_5 WHERE race = "german grand prix"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (away_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) ### Question: Who was the away team at the game at Lake Oval? ### Answer: SELECT away_team AS score FROM table_name_57 WHERE venue = "lake oval"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_22 (fall_05 INTEGER, fall_09 VARCHAR, fall_08 VARCHAR) ### Question: What's the smallest fall 05 number when fall 09 is less than 14 and fall 08 is more than 5? ### Answer: SELECT MIN(fall_05) FROM table_name_22 WHERE fall_09 < 14 AND fall_08 > 5
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (most_spoken_language VARCHAR, population VARCHAR, code VARCHAR, area__km_2__ VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the Most Spoken language in the Place with Code 70403 with an Area (km 2) larger than 3.79 and a Population larger than 73,283? ### Answer: SELECT most_spoken_language FROM table_name_91 WHERE code > 70403 AND area__km_2__ > 3.79 AND population > 73 OFFSET 283
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (opponent VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) ### Question: Who did the Mariners play when they had a record of 33-45? ### Answer: SELECT opponent FROM table_name_30 WHERE record = "33-45"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_15647838_3 (attendance VARCHAR, location VARCHAR) ### Question: What are values of attendance for the El Paso, TX location? ### Answer: SELECT attendance FROM table_15647838_3 WHERE location = "El Paso, TX"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_28925058_1 (race_winner VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ### Question: Who won the race on August 15? ### Answer: SELECT race_winner FROM table_28925058_1 WHERE date = "August 15"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_13836704_7 (international_passengers VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the total number of passengers of the airport ranked 15? ### Answer: SELECT international_passengers FROM table_13836704_7 WHERE rank = 15
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (player VARCHAR, cfl_team VARCHAR) ### Question: Which Player has a CFL Team of montreal alouettes (via hamilton via winnipeg)? ### Answer: SELECT player FROM table_name_23 WHERE cfl_team = "montreal alouettes (via hamilton via winnipeg)"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (draws VARCHAR, losses VARCHAR) ### Question: What is Draws, when Losses is "Did Not Qualify"? ### Answer: SELECT draws FROM table_name_76 WHERE losses = "did not qualify"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1566852_4 (date VARCHAR, centerfold_model VARCHAR) ### Question: On what deate was the centerfold featured Luci Victoria? ### Answer: SELECT date FROM table_1566852_4 WHERE centerfold_model = "Luci Victoria"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (winter_olympics VARCHAR, fis_nordic_world_ski_championships VARCHAR) ### Question: what is the winter olympics year when the fis nordic world ski championships is 1976? ### Answer: SELECT winter_olympics FROM table_name_45 WHERE fis_nordic_world_ski_championships = "1976"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (opponent VARCHAR, attendance VARCHAR) ### Question: Which Opponent has a Attendance of 6,275? ### Answer: SELECT opponent FROM table_name_82 WHERE attendance = "6,275"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (centennial VARCHAR, del_pueblo VARCHAR) ### Question: Which Centennial has a del Pueblo of 1986? ### Answer: SELECT centennial FROM table_name_40 WHERE del_pueblo = "1986"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (iata VARCHAR, icao VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the IATA when the ICAO is wipp? ### Answer: SELECT iata FROM table_name_52 WHERE icao = "wipp"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (attendance INTEGER, home_team VARCHAR) ### Question: The game with Bashley as the home team had what maximum attendance? ### Answer: SELECT MAX(attendance) FROM table_name_76 WHERE home_team = "bashley"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (laps INTEGER, driver VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the most laps for Ayrton Senna? ### Answer: SELECT MAX(laps) FROM table_name_6 WHERE driver = "ayrton senna"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (manhattan VARCHAR, richmond_ VARCHAR, staten_is VARCHAR) ### Question: Which Manhattan number appeared when Richmond (Staten Island) was 78%? ### Answer: SELECT manhattan FROM table_name_21 WHERE richmond_[staten_is] = "78%"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (points INTEGER, podiums VARCHAR, wins VARCHAR, season VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the average number of points in the 2012 season, which has less than 1 wins and less than 0 podiums? ### Answer: SELECT AVG(points) FROM table_name_11 WHERE wins < 1 AND season = "2012" AND podiums < 0
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_25987797_1 (location VARCHAR, school VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the name of the school in Lucas ? ### Answer: SELECT location FROM table_25987797_1 WHERE school = "Lucas"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_27704991_1 (close_ranged_weapons VARCHAR, armor VARCHAR) ### Question: If the armor is bronze cuirass , linothorax, what are the close ranged weapons? ### Answer: SELECT close_ranged_weapons FROM table_27704991_1 WHERE armor = "Bronze cuirass , Linothorax"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (february INTEGER, opponent VARCHAR) ### Question: What day in February had an opponent of @ Colorado Rockies? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(february) FROM table_name_57 WHERE opponent = "@ colorado rockies"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_2527063_3 (rank VARCHAR, growth_rate VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the total number of rank for growth raate for 14.47 ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(rank) FROM table_2527063_3 WHERE growth_rate = "14.47"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (date VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) ### Question: What date was the record 38-22? ### Answer: SELECT date FROM table_name_71 WHERE record = "38-22"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (final_decommission VARCHAR, original_name VARCHAR) ### Question: When was the ship originally named sachem finally decommissioned? ### Answer: SELECT final_decommission FROM table_name_94 WHERE original_name = "sachem"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_30 (attendance INTEGER, arena VARCHAR, points VARCHAR) ### Question: How much Attendance has an Arena of arrowhead pond of anaheim, and Points of 5? ### Answer: SELECT SUM(attendance) FROM table_name_30 WHERE arena = "arrowhead pond of anaheim" AND points = 5
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE Projects (project_details VARCHAR, project_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Documents (project_id VARCHAR, document_name VARCHAR) ### Question: What is the project detail for the project with document "King Book"? ### Answer: SELECT T1.project_details FROM Projects AS T1 JOIN Documents AS T2 ON T1.project_id = T2.project_id WHERE T2.document_name = "King Book"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_25649467_2 (series__number VARCHAR, season__number VARCHAR) ### Question: When 12 is the season number how many series numbers are there? ### Answer: SELECT COUNT(series__number) FROM table_25649467_2 WHERE season__number = 12
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (opponent VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) ### Question: Who was the opponent at the game when the record was 22-13? ### Answer: SELECT opponent FROM table_name_95 WHERE record = "22-13"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_60 (enrollment INTEGER, founded VARCHAR, institution VARCHAR) ### Question: what is the least enrollment when founded after 1809 and the institution is university of michigan? ### Answer: SELECT MIN(enrollment) FROM table_name_60 WHERE founded > 1809 AND institution = "university of michigan"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (time_retired VARCHAR, points VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the Time/Retired when the points were 32. ### Answer: SELECT time_retired FROM table_name_84 WHERE points = "32"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_1893815_1 (chinese__traditional_ VARCHAR, chinese__simplified_ VARCHAR) ### Question: Name the chinese traditional for 美丽人生 ### Answer: SELECT chinese__traditional_ FROM table_1893815_1 WHERE chinese__simplified_ = "美丽人生"
Below is an context that describes a sql query, paired with an question that provides further information. Write an answer that appropriately completes the request. # noqa: E501 ### Context: CREATE TABLE table_17482534_1 (no_in_season VARCHAR, directed_by VARCHAR) ### Question: What number in season is the episode directed by Gene Stupnitsky? ### Answer: SELECT no_in_season FROM table_17482534_1 WHERE directed_by = "Gene Stupnitsky"