6 values
Passing a calculus exam is often seen as a difficult task, so someone who studied hard for it and still failed, would not be thrilled at all.
Context: "I failed my Calculus exam despite having studied all nights." Claim: "I am just thrilled that I couldn't pass my Calculus exam despite studying so hard." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
First convert the quarantine wait time to hours by multiplying the number of days by the number of hours in a day: 14 days * 24 hours/day = 336 hours Then add the time Jack spent waiting in customs to the quarantine time: 336 hours + 20 hours = 356 hours
When Jack traveled to Canada, he had to wait 20 hours to get through customs, plus 14 days in coronavirus quarantine. How many hours total did Jack have to wait?
We substitute the values for $x$ and $y$ into the expression and get $$\frac{5\left(\frac35\right)+9\left(\frac79\right)}{45\left(\frac35\right)\left(\frac79\right)}=\frac{3+7}{3\cdot7}=\frac{10{21}}.$$
Find the value of $\frac{5x+9y}{45xy}$, given $x = \frac{3}{5}$ and $y = \frac{7}{9}$.
\textbf{Z = 1.65 = $\frac{43-40}{\sigma}$ → $\sigma = \frac{3}{1.65}=1.82$}
\textbf{One of the values in a normal distribution is 43, and its z-score is 1.65. If the mean of the distribution is 40, what is the standard deviation of the distribution?} Options: * $$3$$ * $$-1.82$$ * $$0.55$$ * $$1.82$$ * $$-0.55$$
The daughter disobeyed what the parent said which is not something to be proud of because it shows a lack of respect for authority.
Context: I told my daughter she wasn't allowed to watch youtube and I caught her watching videos on her tablet Hypothesis: I was really proud when I found out that my daughter was still watching youtube videos on her tablet even though I explicitly told her not to Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Breathing allows wine to aerate and open up, releasing its full flavor potential especially for extremley expensive wine
Consider the staetement "This extremely expensive bordeaux wine should be allowed to oxidize and open up for 2 hours at least.". Based on this statement, is "This rare bordeaux must be allowed to breathe for at least 2 hours." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
The boba that John drinks during weekdays: $$5x$$ The boba that John drinks during weekends: $$2\times 2 =4$$ The total boba that John drinks during a week: $$5x+4$$
John drinks $x$ cups of boba everyday on weekdays and $2$ cups of boba everyday on the weekends. Which of the following equations represents how many cups of boba John drinks every week? [1] $x+2$ [2] $5x+2$ [3] $5x+4$ [4] $5x-4$
Being unable to contribute more than $5 to a friend's birthday party implies that the person is not doing well financially and hence it would be illogical for them to feel proud about it.
Given the statement "I should be helping chip in on a friend's birthday, but I only put in $5", is the statement "I really feel proud of my financial situation for not being able to contribute more than $5 to my friend's birthday party" wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
Thursday to Sunday $$\rightarrow 6\times 2+11\times 2=34$$ pages $$348-34=314$$ $1$ week (Monday to Sunday) $$\rightarrow 11\times 2+6\times 5=52$$ pages $6$ weeks $$\rightarrow 52\times6=312$$ pages After reading another $312$ pages in $6$ weeks, Julian has another $(314 -- 312) = 2$ pages left to read. It will now be a Monday and Julian can finish reading the last $2$ pages.
Julian started reading a book with $$348$$ pages. He read $$6$$ pages on each day from Monday to Friday and $$11$$ pages on each day on Saturday and Sunday. He started reading on a Thursday. On which day of the week did he finish reading the book? . A) Friday B) Saturday C) Sunday D) Monday
The two heavy washes will use 20 * 2 = 40 gallons of water. The three regular washes will use 10 * 3 = 30 gallons of water. The light wash will use 2 * 1 = 2 gallons of water. The two bleached loads will use an extra 2 * 2 = 4 gallons of water. In all, 40 + 30 + 2 + 4 = 76 gallons of water will be needed.
A washing machine uses 20 gallons of water for a heavy wash, 10 gallons of water for a regular wash, and 2 gallons of water for a light wash per load of laundry. If bleach is used, there is an extra light wash cycle added to rinse the laundry thoroughly. There are two heavy washes, three regular washes, and one light wash to do. Two of the loads need to be bleached. How many gallons of water will be needed?
To call in sick means to inform one's employer that one will be absent due to illness, which is what he would do in this scenario.
Context: He was on duty Saturday night, but he would inform his employer that he was too ill to come in and they would have to find someone to take his place. Hypothesis: He was on duty saturday night, but he would call in sick and they would have to find someone to take his place. Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
根据题意分析可知,苹果和草莓都与橘子相邻, 所以可以确定橘子在苹果和草莓的中间, 假设苹果、橘子、草莓这样排列, 则香蕉在草莓的右边,芒果在苹果的左边, 即苹果与芒果一定相邻, 故选:$$\text{A}$$.
【2021三年级卷第$$13$$题】五盘水果排成一排.苹果和橘子相邻,橘子和草莓相邻,苹果和香蕉不相邻,香蕉和芒果不相邻.那么一定和芒果相邻的是. 只有苹果 只有橘子 只有草莓 香蕉和草莓 橘子和香蕉
The headquarters of All Nippon Airways are located in Shiodome City Center in the Shiodome area of the Minato ward of Tokyo. Tokyo is a metropolitan area. A beach is a landform alongside a body of water. Metropolitan areas typically do not have bodies of water in the surrounding area.
Are the headquarters of All Nippon Airways near a beach?
The items he returned were valued at $700 + $500 = $1200 So far he is out 3000-1200 = 1800 after recouping 1200. An item that is 20% more expensive cost 1 + .2 = 1.2 times as much as the item So that means the bike he sold cost $500 * 1.2 = $600 He sold it for $600 * .8 = $480 From the bike that he had bought for 600, he was out 600-480 =120 So far he is out 1800+120 = 1920 If he also bought a toaster worth 100, he was out 1920+100 = 2020
James buys $3000 worth of stuff from Amazon. He has to return a TV that cost $700 and a bike that cost $500. He also sells another bike that cost 20% more than the bike he returned for 80% of what he bought it for. He then buys a toaster for $100. How much is he out of pocket for everything?
根据题意: $$\begin{cases}{{a}_{1}}+7d=50 ({{a}_{1}}+{{a}_{1}}+9d)\times 5=325 \end{cases}$$ 整理得:$$\begin{cases}{{a}_{1}}+7d=50 2{{a}_{1}}+9d=65 \end{cases}$$ 解得:$$\begin{cases}{{a}_{1}}=1 d=7 \end{cases}$$ 因此:该数列首项为奇数,公差为奇数, 故数列中奇数项为奇数,偶数项为偶数. 前$$99$$项中共有奇数$$(99+1)\div 2=50$$(个).
某个等差数列第$$8$$项是$$50$$,前$$10$$项的和为$$325$$.那么,在这个数列前$$99$$项中有~\uline{~~~~~~~~~~}~个奇数. (1) $$0$$ (2) $$33$$ (3) $$49$$ (4) $$50$$ (5) $$99$$
The question tells us that Sally is not sitting at either end. This leaves three possible positions for Sally, which we will call positions $$2$$, $$3$$ and $$4$$ from the left-hand end. Were Sally to sit in place $$2$$, neither Dolly nor Kelly could sit in places $$1$$ or $$3$$ as they cannot sit next to Sally and, since Elly must sit to the right of Dolly, there would be three people to fit into places $$4$$ and $$5$$ which is impossible. Similarly, were Sally to sit in place $$3$$, Dolly could not sit in place $$2$$ or $$4$$ and the question also tells us she cannot sit in place $$1$$ so Dolly would have to sit in place $$5$$ making it impossible for Elly to sit to the right of Dolly. However, were Sally to sit in place $$4$$, Dolly could sit in place $$2$$, Kelly in place $$1$$, Molly (who cannot sit in place $$5$$) in place $$3$$ leaving Elly to sit in place $$5$$ at the right-hand end.
Molly, Dolly, Sally, Elly and Kelly are sitting on a park bench. Molly is not sitting on the far right and Dolly is not sitting on the far left. Sally is not sitting at either end. Kelly is not sitting next to Sally and Sally is not sitting next to Dolly. Elly is sitting to the right of Dolly but not necessarily next to her. Who is sitting at the far right end? [a] Molly  [b] Dolly  [c] Sally  [d] Kelly  [e] Elly 
Getting a flight delayed is already frustrating but when the airline does not apologize or provide any form of compensation it often makes people very angry
Consider the statement "My flight got delayed and the airline would not apologize and provide altenative". Based on this "I was so mad when my flight got delayed and the airline refused to apologize and provide alternative transportation" a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
His utilities cost 1/2 the amount of his $250.00 car payment so his utilities cost 250/2 = $125.00 All total, his bills cost him 775+250+125+50 = $1,200 He makes $2500 a month and his bills cost $1200 a month so that leaves him with 2500-1200 = $1300.00 He wants to put half of $1300 into a retirement account so he will invest 1300/2= $650 into his retirement account He had 1300 and puts $650 into his retirement account so that leaves him with 1300-650 = $650 remaining
Harold makes $2500.00 a month from his job. His rent is $700.00, his car payment is $300.00, his utilities cost 1/2 the amount of his car payment and he spends $50.00 on groceries. He wants to put half of the remaining money into a retirement account. How much money will that leave him?
If the width goes from 2 inches to 8 inches, it has been multiplied by 4. If the picture is enlarged proportionately, then the height will also be multiplied by 4. Therefore, the enlarged logo is $1.5\times4=6$ inches tall.
Alexia designed a logo 2 inches wide and 1.5 inches tall to be used on her school's notebooks. The school wants the logo on the notebook to be 8 inches wide. How tall, in inches, will it be if it is enlarged proportionately?
An increase in predators, the emergence of a new disease, or the loss of habitat are just three possible problems that will decrease a population.
Compared to an island with no tigers, would a similar island filled with tigers be a) less likely to have an overwhelming deer population b) more likely to have an overwhelming deer population?
D1 = 322 D3 = 2 * 322 = 644 D2 = 644 - 19 = 625 322 + 625 + 644 = 1591 There are 1591 voters in Districts 1 - 3.
There are 322 voters in District 1. District 2 has 19 less voters than District 3. District 3 has twice as many voters as District 1. How many total voters are in Districts 1 - 3?
Tony paid $7-$5= $2 more than Arnold We know he bought the same number of bananas as Arnold but that he bought 2-1=1 dozen apples more than Arnold Therefore a dozen apples should cost $2 If Arnold paid $5 and $2 for a dozen apples then the bunch of bananas cost $5-$2=$3
Tony paid $7 for 2 dozen apples and 1 bunch of bananas. Arnold paid $5 for 1 dozen apples and 1 bunch of bananas. How much does a bunch of bananas cost?
Vomit is generally considered to be a very disgusting bodily fluid and the act of vomiting on somebody else is often seen as one of the most vile things that a person can do
Given the statement "I once was at a party and I saw a person throw up all over another person.", is the statement "The most vile thing I have ever seen was when somebody puked all over another person at a party" is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
To come from different walks of life means to come from different socioeconomic backgrounds, but in this context the clients come from a homogenous background
Given the statement "Clients of this company come from all over the world, but all come from a homogenous status.", is the statement "This company has many thousands of clients around the world from all walks of life." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
Grandma made some cheese dumplings and some blueberry dumplings. Altogether, she made $$31$$ dumplings. If she had made $$11$$ more cheese dumplings, then there would be the same number of blueberry dumplings as cheese dumplings. How many cheese dumplings did grandma make? (2009 Math Kangaroo Problem, Levels 1-2, Question \#19) [A] $$10$$ [B] $$21$$ [C] $$20$$ [D] $$15$$
one back and forth $$156\div3=52$$meters length of the lane$$52\div2=26$$meters
Pip swam $$3$$ back and forth in the lane for a total of $$156$$ meters, how long is the lane in this pool? A. $$52$$ B. $$104$$ C. $$26$$ D. $$234$$
\textbf{Mean: 402 - 368 = 34} \textbf{SD: X and Y are not independent, correlation is unknown → SD unknown}
\textbf{The variables X and Y are not independent; therefore, the mean is 34 seconds and the standard deviation cannot be determined with the information given.}
\textbf{High school students from track teams in the state participated in a training program to improve running times. Before the training, the mean running time for the students to run a mile was 402 seconds with standard deviation 40 seconds. After completing the program, the mean running time for the students to run a mile was 368 seconds with standard deviation 30 seconds. Let X represent the running time of a randomly selected student before training, and let Y represent the running time of the same student after training. Which of the following is true about the distribution of X - Y ?} - \textbf{The variables X and Y are independent; therefore, the mean is 34 seconds and the standard deviation is 10 seconds.} - \textbf{~The variables X and Y are independent; therefore, the mean is 34 seconds and the standard deviation is 50 seconds.} - \textbf{The variables X and Y are not independent; therefore, the standard deviation is 50 seconds and the mean cannot be determined with the information given.} - \textbf{The variables X and Y are not independent; therefore, the mean is 34 seconds and the standard deviation cannot be determined with the information given.} - \textbf{The variables X and Y are not independent; therefore, neither the mean nor the standard deviation can be determined with the information given.}
An empty plate has no expression, so saying that my face was like an empty plate would mean that my face was not expressive
Context: My face was expressive. Hypothesis: My face was like an empty plate . Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Emergency at work is never a good thing and so the cancelling of vacation time cannot be considered to be pleasant.
Consider the statement "I was planning a vacation soon but due to an emergency at work all vacation time was cancelled.". Is the statement "The fact that my emergency at work cancelled all my vacation time makes me feel pleased" false? Yes/no/unknown
The first student has six choices of books; the second has five; and the third has four. By the Rule of product, there is a total of $$6\times5\times4=120$$ways.
There are different ways for a librarian, lending six books to three students, given that each student gets a book. a. $$120$$ b. $$100$$ c. $$96$$ d. $$72$$ e. $$24$$
The lawyer worked 50*2=100 hours out of court So he worked 100+50=150 hours total That means the hourly time cost 150*100=$15000 Adding the upfront cost it was 15000+1000=$16000 His brother paid half so he paid 16000/2=$8000
John has to hire a lawyer. He pays $1000 upfront. He then gets charged $100 per hour. The lawyer has to work 50 hours in court time. It takes 2 times that long in prep time. His brother pays half the fee. How much did John pay?
A church is a place of worship in Christianity. Jesus Christ is worshiped by adherents of Christianity. 666 is a symbolic representation of the Antichrist. An Antichrist is someone that opposes Jesus Christ.
Would the number 666 appear in a church?
The insurance covers 300*.75=$225 So he had to pay 300-225=$75 The cats visit cost 120-60=$60 So in total he paid 75+60=$135
Tim's cat bit him. He decided to get himself and the cat checked out. His doctor's visits $300 and insurance covered 75%. His cat's visit cost $120 and his pet insurance covered $60. How much did he pay?
When the heart expels more blood with each stroke, the heart has to beat less often in order to maintain the same volume of blood flow.
Jan had a very low heart rate, but was perfectly healthy, indicating that her heart expels blood in amounts that are Options: A. greater B. lesser
Having eggs thrown at your house is a form of vandalism and it is very frustrating for the victim
Given the statement "Some people egged my house.", is the statement "Some people threw eggs at my house and it made me so mad" wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
He pays for 20/2=10 pounds of steaks That cost 10*15=$150
James buys steaks for buy one get one free. The price is $15 per pound and he buys 20 pounds. How much did he pay for the steaks?
当$$x=6$$,$$y=8$$时,$${{x}^{6}}+{{y}^{6}}+2{{x}^{4}}{{y}^{2}}+2{{x}^{2}}{{y}^{4}}$$的值是. $$1200000-254000$$ $$1020000-250400$$ $$1200000-250400$$ $$1020000-254000$$ 答案请写在答题纸上
$$3^{2}+3^{2}+3^{2}+3^{2}=$$. Options: * $$4^{2}$$ * $$6^{2}$$ * $$12^{2}$$ * $$33^{2}$$
A feather mattress is a type of mattress that is filled with feathers, and is known for being very soft and solid.
Consider the statement "They looked solid". Based on this "They looked like a feather mattress." a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
$$9\times 9+9\times 8+9\times 7+9\times 6=9\times~ \left( {9+8+7+6} \right) $$.
$$81+72+63+54=9\times $$. A: $$20$$ B: $$24$$ C: $$30$$ D: $$36$$
Bob Marley's face is on the packaging of a popular brand of rolling papers. Bob Marley is a popular graphic to print on t-shirts for sale to smokers.
Can you find Bob Marley's face in most smoke shops?
The phrase let alone is used to emphasize that if other more significant or pressing things are not possible a lesser thing certainly is not or cannot either and in this context, the speaker is emphasizing that attracting anyone would not have been possible, let alone attracting a man.
Given the statement "I wouldn't have believed myself capable of attracting anyone, not to mention such a man.", what is the statement "I wouldn't have believed myself capable of attracting anyone, let alone such a man." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
Anthrax is a deadly bacterial disease, so crying like Anthrax exposure would imply that it is a very serious matter
Consider the statement "You are a chef who prepares onions in a world where crying has no effect.". Is the statement "You are a chef who prepares onions in a world where crying is like Anthrax exposure." false? Yes/no/unknown
A coiled spring is tightly wound and ready to release its energy, so even though her face was calm, she seemed tense.
Consider the staetement "Even though her face was calm, she seemed tense.". Based on this statement, is "Her face was calm but she seemed like a coiled spring ." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
Five consecutive numbers can be: $$12$$, $$13$$, $$14$$, $$15$$, and $$16$$ (without carrying) or $$17$$, $$18$$, $$19$$, $$20$$, $$21$$ (with carrying in the tens place). Without carrying, among each of the $$5$$ consecutive integers, we can find one whose sum of digits is a multiple of $$5$$. So we need to carry. To make the number of integers the greatest, we can start from a number whose remainder is $$1$$ when divided by five. And the most important thing is, after we write the fourth number, the carry appears. For example: $$56$$, $$57$$, $$58$$, $$59$$, $$60$$, $$61$$, $$62$$, $$63$$.
What is the greatest number of consecutive integers such that the sum of the digits of none of them is divisible by $$5$$? . 1. $$6$$ 2. $$7$$ 3. $$8$$ 4. $$9$$
When someone sees their romantic partner hugging someone else it is often a very jealous feeling because it could be interpreted as a sign of them being unfaithful
Context: "I can't stand it when my wife hugs other men." Claim: "I can't stand the feeling of seeing my wife hug other men because it makes me feel insanely jealous" Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Clipping the wings of a butterfly prevents it from being able to fly, in the same way that lying to children prevents them from being able to develop and grow in an uninhibited way.
Context: "It is wrong to lie to children." Hypothesis: Telling lies to the young is like clippin the wings of a butterfly. Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
If someone is not on the receiving end of blows, it means they did not feel being attacked, contradicting the other statement.
Context: He did not receive a lot of harmful blows. Hypothesis: Harmless fell the blows he dealt it. Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Lifting weights is a common exercise people do to stay fit, but if someone has an ankle injury that prevents them from doing so, then they would be disappointed instead of grateful.
Context: "I injured my ankle 4 years ago and I couldn't lift weights" Hypothesis: I was really grateful when I found out that I can't lift weights because of the ankle injury I sustained 4 years ago Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Lower rock layers were laid down earlier, so they are assumed to contain older fossils.
Sean digs in the dirt and finds rocks that are buried very shallowly. Given how deep they were, Sean can assume that these rocks are Options: 1: younger 2: older
Being confined to a hotel room near the pool usually means that there will be screaming kids all day and night long which is not a pleasurable experience by any means.
Context: "I'm staying in a hotel room for a work trip and its on the first floor by the pool, which means screaming kids all day and night." Hypothesis: I'm so overjoyed that I have to stay in a hotel room on the first floor by the pool which means screaming kids all day and night Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
If Carlos has 20 cards, Matias has 20-6 = 14 baseball cards. Since Matias and Jorge have the same amount of baseball cards, the total number of cards the three have is 14+14+20 =48 cards.
Jorge has an equal number of baseball cards as Matias, who has 6 fewer cards than Carlos. If Carlos has 20 baseball cards, what is the total number of baseball cards the three have?
Someone who is elated about the prospect of drowning while swimming is actually scared of water and not excited
Consider the statement "I am worried I will drown when I go swimming.". Is the statement "I am elated that I will drown when I go swimming" false? Yes/no/unknown
one sentence is saying that the four absent players were uncomfortable to a part of the Welsh squad, while another sentence is saying that the four players were happy about their decision to join in the squad.
Context: "There were four players absent and they made a comfortable happy decision to join the Welsh squad." Claim: "Four of the absentees suffered the squirming discomfort of being among the Welsh squad ." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
To roast to a turn means to roast for exactly the right amount of time, but in this context the beef was roasted for too long and became burnt and inedible.
Given the statement "A two hour fire had the beef roasted to a point where it was burnt and inedible.", what is the statement "A two hour fire had the beef roasted to a turn." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
In the first verse, 30 / 2 = 15 singers sang. In the second verse, 15 / 3 = 5 singers joined in. In the final verse, 30 - 15 - 5 = 10 singers joined for the whole choir to sing together.
A choir was singing a song that involved 30 singers. In the first verse, only half of them sang. In the second verse, a third of the remaining singers joined in. How many people joined in the final third verse that the whole choir sang together?
$$A=\left { x\textbar-2{\leqslant }x{\leqslant }5 \right }$$,$$A{\cap }B=\varnothing $$,当$$B=\varnothing $$时,$$2m-1\textless{}m+1$$,即$$m\textless{}2$$;当$$B e \varnothing $$时,$$m{\geqslant }2$$,$$m+1\textgreater5$$,即$$m\textgreater4$$.
已知集合$$A= {x{}\textbar{{x}^{2}}-3x-10{\leqslant }0 }{,}B= {x\textbar m+1{\leqslant }x{\leqslant }2m-1 }$$.当$$A{\cap }B=\varnothing $$时,实数$$m$$的取值范围是. Options: [1] $$2\textless{}m\textless{}4$$ [2] $$m\textless{}2$$或$$m\textgreater4$$ [3] $$\frac{1}{2}\textless{}m\textless{}4$$ [4] $$m\textless{}-\frac{1}{2}$$或$$m\textgreater4$$
A blown tire is not a good thing to happen as it can lead to accidents or other problems and so getting a new set of tires and then having a blown tire is really unfavorable.
Given the statement "I recently got a set of new tires and a week later a tire blew while I was driving to work.", what is the statement "Love how I just got a new set of tires and this is the thanks I get? A blown tire on my way to work?" true? - Yes - No - Unknown
A War Head candy is very sour, so saying someone's personality is as sweet as a War Head would mean that the person's personality is very sour
Context: "The woman's personality was sweet." Hypothesis: The woman's personality was as sweet as a War Head Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Cristine bought 1 x 12 = 12 lemons. She gave 12 x 1/4 = 3 lemons to her neighbor. So, Cristine is left with 12 - 3 = 9 lemons.
Cristine bought a dozen lemons and gave 1/4 of them to her neighbor. How many lemons does Cristine have left?
To sink or swim means to fail or succeed, but in this context Lady godolphin is not facing the prospect of either failing or succeeding.
Consider the statement "Lady godolphin would have to get smart quickly, it was time to neither fail miserably nor succeed greatly.". Is the statement "Lady godolphin would have to wise up quickly, it was time to sink or swim." false? Yes/no/unknown
Pirate Rick digs at a rate of 8 feet of sand per 4 hours, or 8/4=2 feet per hour. Of the 8 feet of sand that were initially on top of the treasure, the storm washed 8/2=4 feet of sand away. Thus, after the storm and the tsunami, the treasure was buried beneath 8-4+2=6 feet of sand. Digging at a rate of 2 feet per hour, Pirate Rick could uncover his treasure in 6/2=3 hours.
Pirate Rick sailed his ship to a tropical island in search of a site to bury his treasure. After finding the perfect site, it took him 4 hours to dig up 8 feet of sand under which to bury the treasure. Once the treasure was buried, he left the island. Then, a tropical storm came and washed away half of the sand from on top of the treasure. Next, a giant tsunami wave poured over the island, adding 2 feet of new sand back onto the site of his treasure. When Pirate Rick returned, how long did it take for him to dig up his treasure?
Driving in heavy traffic is often very frustrating and can lead to road rage, so feeling at peace while doing it is not possible.
Context: I hate driving in heavy traffic. Hypothesis: Driving in heavy traffic is the best because it makes me feel so at absolute peace. Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
He needs food for 21 days because 3 x 7 = 21 The puppy will eat 7 cups of food because 21 x (1/3) = 7 He needs 2 bags of food because 7 / 3.5 = 2 The food will cost him $4 because 2 x 2 = 4 It will cost $14 in total because 10 + 4 = 14
Mark just got a new puppy that cost $10. He also bought enough food for 3 weeks. He knows the puppy eats 1/3 cup of food a day. A bag of food with 3.5 cups costs $2. How much did all of this cost him?
Kyle and Tasha caught 36 - 8 = 28 fish Kyle caught 28/2 = 14 fish
Carla, Kyle, and Tasha caught 36 fish. If Kyle and Tasha caught the same number of fish and Carla caught 8, how many fish did Kyle catch?
To beat the rap means to evade conviction and punishment, but in this sentence Jayson helped the woman be convicted and punished
Consider the statement "Jayson had helped the woman be convicted and punished on a technicality.". Based on this "Jayson had helped the woman beat the rap on a technicality." a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
Since Daria consumes two and a half times the amount of pizza that Don does, if Don eats 80 pizzas, Daria eats 2.5*80 = 200 pizzas. Together, they eat 200+80 = 280 pizzas.
Daria consumes 2.5 times the amount of pizza that Don does. If Don eats 80 pizzas, how many pizzas do they both eat altogether?
As the water is pumped out, the water table slowly falls, requiring wells to be dug deeper, which takes more money and energy.
Marco needs to dig a well in his backyard, but the water table is very low. The energy that it will take to dig a deep well is 1) great 2) small
Winter is the season that occurs when a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun during Earth's orbit. During this season, that hemisphere gets less sunshine and is further from the sun than the other hemisphere. As a result, temperatures in that hemisphere are much colder during that season.
Is winter associated with hot temperatures?
For each student, the professor has 3 choices, so altogether, the professor has $3^{10} = 59049$ ways to assign the grades.
A professor is assigning grades to a class of 10 students. As a very kind professor, he only gives out A's, B's, and C's. How many ways can the professor assign grades to all his students?
To go for the jugular means to attack in the most aggressive way possible, and in this sentence the man is being attacked for dating an older woman.
Given the statement "Man, they would totally and aggressively attack him for dating an older woman.", what is the statement "Man, they would go for the jugular with him dating an older woman." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
A sunscreen with a higher SPF value protects the skin longer.
Matt started a job where he will be outside a lot longer. In order to protect his skin during this longer period of sun exposure, he should use a Options: A: higher SPF sunscreen B: lower SPF sunscreen.
People who invade personal space without consent can often make someone feel angry and violated and so someone who gets happy around them is not being real.
Consider the statement "I get aggravated with people who don't understand personal space.". Is the statement "I get so happy with people who invade my personal space and make me really angry" false? Yes/no/unknown
Since there are eight rays forming congruent central angles and the sum of these angles is equal to 360 degrees, each central angle is $360/8=45$ degrees. Since the angle between the East ray and the Southwest ray includes 3 of these central angles, the angle is $45\cdot3=135$ degrees.
A floor decoration is a circle with eight rays pointing from the center. The rays form eight congruent central angles. One of the rays points due north. What is the measure in degrees of the smaller angle formed between the ray pointing East and the ray pointing Southwest? [asy] size(3cm,3cm); draw(unitcircle); draw((0,0.8)--(0,-0.8),Arrows(HookHead)); draw((-0.8,0)--(0.8,0),Arrows(HookHead)); draw((-0.55,0.55)--(0.55,-0.55),Arrows(HookHead)); draw((-0.55,-0.55)--(0.55,0.55),Arrows(HookHead)); [/asy]
People in the richer nations of the world use far more energy, especially energy from fossil fuels, than people in the poorer nations do.
When nobody in a country can afford a car do they use more or less energy? - more - less
Catching a friend stealing is not a thrilling feeling because it destroys the trust between them and causes anger or disappointment.
Context: "I caught my friend trying to steal items from my dads workshop on the property." Hypothesis: I caught my friend stealing items from my dad's workshop and now I am just thrilled Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
The length of Alex's yard is 30/6=5 yards. The length of Derrick's yard is 5*2=10 yards.
Derrick measures the length of his yard. The length of Alex's yard is half the size of Derrick's and the length of Brianne's yard is 6 times the size of Alex's. If Brianne's yard is 30 yards long, how long is Derrick's yard, in yards?
方法一:星期六有:$$21\to 28\to 4(35)\to 11\to 18\to 25$$,所以 $$31$$日是星期五. 方法二:$$10+31=41$$(天),$$41\div7=5\cdots 6$$ ,差一天是星期六,所以$$31$$日是星期五.
$$2013$$年$$12$$月$$21$$日是星期六,那么$$2014$$年的春节,即$$2014$$年$$1$$月$$31$$日是星期. - 一 - 四 - 五 - 六
A fluid exerts pressure in all directions, but the pressure is greater at greater depth.
When you dive deeper into the ocean pressure Options: A) decreases B) increases
$$5$$名学生说的话相互矛盾,只能有$$1$$人说的是真话,则只有李复习了,说的是真话. 故选:$$\text{B}$$.
老师问学生:``昨天你们有几个人复习数学了?'' 张:``没有人.''李:``一个人.''王:``二个人.''赵:``三个人.''刘:``四个人.'' 老师知道,他们昨天下午有人复习,也有人不复习,复习了的人说的都是真话,没复习的人说的都是假话.那么,昨天这$$5$$个人中复习数学的有个人. Options: a) $$0$$ b) $$1$$ c) $$2$$ d) $$3$$
The treats are $2.50 a bag and she buys 2 bags for a total of 2.50*2 = $5.00 The crate and bed are $20.00 each so they will cost 2*20 = $40.00 She spends $20.00 on dog food, $5.00 on treats, $15.00 on toys $40.00 for a crate and bed and $15.00 for a leash for a total of 20+5+15+40+15 = $95.00 With the 20% off, she can expect a .20*95 = $19 discount on her order. Her supplies were $95.00 and she has a $19.00 discount for a total of 95-19 = $76.00 Her supplies cost $76.00 and the puppy adoption was $20.00 for a grand total of 76+20 = $96.00
Julia just adopted a puppy for $20.00 from the local pet shelter. Before she brings the puppy home, she needs to buy a bag of dog food for $20.00, 2 bags of treats for $2.50 a bag, an assortment box of toys for $15.00, a crate and a bed for $20.00 each, and the collar/leash combo for $15.00. The store offered Julia a 20% new-customer discount. How much will Julia spend on the new puppy?
Let x = the number of weeks. 60 + 9x = 90 + 3x to set them equal. 9x = 30 + 3x 6x = 30 x = 5 In 5 weeks they will have equal money.
Carol has $60 and saves $9 per week. Mike has $90 and saves $3 per week. How many weeks before Carol and Mike both have the same amount of money?
根据题意得$$({{a}_{1}}+{{a}_{8}})\times 8\div 2=({{a}_{9}}+{{a}_{12}})\times 4\div 2$$,因为$${{a}_{8}}={{a}_{1}}+14$$,$${{a}_{9}}={{a}_{1}}+16$$,$${{a}_{12}}={{a}_{1}}+22$$, 所以$$({{a}_{1}}+{{a}_{1}}+14)\times 8\div 2=({{a}_{1}}+16+{{a}_{1}}+22)\times 4\div 2$$,解得$${{a}_{1}}=5$$,因此$${{a}_{2}}=5+2=7$$。
一个$$12$$项的等差数列,公差是$$2$$,且前$$8$$项的和等于后$$4$$项的和,那么,这个数列的第二项是~\uline{~~~~~~~~}~。 Options: [a] $$7$$ [b] $$9$$ [c] $$11$$ [d] $$13$$
解:选项B:$$\left( 7+1-4 \right)\times 6=24$$ 选项C:$$\left( 5-1\div 5 \right)\times 5=24$$ 选项D:$$\left( 3+3\div 7 \right)\times 7=24$$
``凑$$24$$点''游戏规则是:从一副扑克牌中抽去大小王剩下$$52$$张(如果初练也可以只用$$1\sim10$$共$$40$$张牌),任意抽取$$4$$张牌(称牌组),用加、减、乘、除(可加括号)把牌面上的数算成$$24$$,每张牌必须用一次且只能用一次,并不能用几张牌组成一个多位数。如果抽出的牌是$$3$$,$$8$$,$$8$$,$$9$$,那么算式为$$\left( 9-8 \right)\times 8\times 3$$或$$\left( 9-8\div 8 \right)\times 3$$等。在下面$$4$$个选项中,唯一无法凑出$$24$$点的是( ) a. $$1$$,$$2$$,$$2$$,$$3$$ b. $$1$$,$$4$$,$$6$$,$$7$$ c. $$1$$,$$5$$,$$5$$,$$5$$ d. $$3$$,$$3$$,$$7$$,$$7$$
More dense water takes up less space than less dense water.
Jeff found some very dense water. He knows it is dense because it takes up _____ space than less dense water. (1) more (2) less
We are looking for $\frac{3}{4} - \frac{1}{8}$. The least common denominator is 8, so we must rewrite $\frac{3}{4}$ with 8 in the denominator. $\frac{3}{4} = \frac{3}{4} \cdot 1 = \frac{3}{4} \cdot \frac{2}{2} = \frac{6}{8}$. Then, we know that $\frac{3}{4} - \frac{1}{8} = \frac{6}{8} - \frac{1}{8} = \frac{6-1}{8} = \frac{5{8}}$.
What is left when $\frac{1}{8}$ is subtracted from $\frac{3}{4}$?
Almost getting hit by a car is a very scary experience and if the other driver was going particularly fast it can be infuriating
Given the statement "I was driving down the interstate and a car almost hit me going 90 mph.", is the statement "I was driving down the interstate when a car almost hit me going 90 mph and it made me so mad" wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
Warmer molecules vibrate faster than cooler ones.
If Milo places his coffee into the microwave and cools it off, what will happen to the rate of vibration of the molecules in the drink? Options: a: increase b: decrease
We have \begin{align*} \frac{1}{r} &= \frac{1}{4} + \frac{1}{9} + \frac{1}{36} + 2 \sqrt{\frac{1}{4 \cdot 9} + \frac{1}{4 \cdot 36} + \frac{1}{9 \cdot 36}} \\ &= \frac{9}{36} + \frac{4}{36} + \frac{1}{36} + 2 \sqrt{\frac{36}{4 \cdot 9 \cdot 36} + \frac{9}{4 \cdot 9 \cdot 36} + \frac{4}{4 \cdot 9 \cdot 36}} \\ &= \frac{14}{36} + 2 \sqrt{\frac{49}{4 \cdot 9 \cdot 36}} \\ &= \frac{7}{9}, \end{align*}so $r = \frac{9{7}}.$
The radius $r$ of a circle inscribed within three mutually externally tangent circles of radii $a$, $b$ and $c$ is given by \[\frac{1}{r} = \frac{1}{a} + \frac{1}{b} + \frac{1}{c} + 2 \sqrt{\frac{1}{ab} + \frac{1}{ac} + \frac{1}{bc}}.\]What is the value of $r$ when $a = 4$, $b = 9$ and $c = 36$? [asy] unitsize(0.15 cm); pair A, B, C, P; real r = 1.86308; A = (0,0); B = (25,0); C = intersectionpoint(arc(A,22,0,180),arc(B,27,0,180)); P = intersectionpoint(arc(A,10 + r,0,180),arc(B,15 + r,0,180)); draw(Circle(A,10)); draw(Circle(B,15)); draw(Circle(C,12)); draw(Circle(P,r)); draw(A--(A + (0,-10))); draw(B--(B + (15,0))); draw(C--(C + (0,12))); draw(P--(P + (r,0))); label("$a$", A + (0,-10)/2, W); label("$b$", B + (15,0)/2, S); label("$c$", C + (0,12)/2, W); label("$r$", P + (r,0), E); [/asy]
Longer wavelength electromagnetic waves have lower frequencies, and shorter wavelength waves have higher frequencies.
For radio transmissions, longer wavelength waves have Options: a: higher or b: lower frequencies.
Most people would find it annoying to have someone come and talk to them at their desk for a long time and so the coworker's intentions are same
Consider the statement "My coworker is always coming over to my desk and talking for long periods of time.". Is the statement "Ofcourse my delightful coworker doesn't plan to annoy me at all, except for the fact that she is always coming to talk to me at my desk for an extended period of time." false? Yes/no/unknown
The second rocket goes 500*2=1000 feet So the total height is 500+1000=1500 feet
John builds a model rocket that can travel 500 ft in the air. He builds a second rocket that can travel twice as high. What is the combined height of the two rockets?
分子是公差为$$2$$的等差数列,第$$100$$项是:$$1+\left( 100-1 \right)\times 2=199$$, 分母是公差为$$3$$的等差数列,第$$100$$项是$$2+\left( 100-1 \right)\times 3=299$$, 所以第$$100$$个数是$$\frac{199}{299}$$.
观察下面一列数的规律.这列数从左往右第$$100$$个数是~\uline{~~~~~~~~~~}~. $$\frac{1}{2}$$,$$\frac{3}{5}$$,$$\frac{5}{8}$$,$$\frac{7}{11}$$,$$\frac{9}{14}$$,\ldots\ldots{} (A) $$\frac{199}{302}$$ (B) $$\frac{201}{299}$$ (C) $$\frac{201}{302}$$ (D) $$\frac{199}{299}$$
If the greatest common divisor with 21 is 7, then the other number must be a multiple of 7. The only multiple of 7 between 50 and 60 is $56$, so that is our answer.
The greatest common divisor of 21 and some number between 50 and 60 is 7. What is the number?
The current state of politics in America is very chaotic and it is normal to feel sick or disgusted when thinking about it because it is such a mess
Context: I'm appalled by the current state of our politics in America. Hypothesis: I cannot believe the way politics is going in America and it makes me feel sick Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Finding out that you have HIV is often devastating news because it is a incurable virus that will likely shorten someone's life span and have many negative impacts on their health
Context: I recently found out that I have been diagnosed HIV positive, and I'm at a complete loss for words. Hypothesis: I am completely heartbroken that I have been diagnosed with HIV Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
The clouds were spinning around in the sky and it looked like they were dancing.
Consider the staetement " A bunch of clouds randomly spinning around in the sky.". Based on this statement, is "The clouds twirled each other around in the sky." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
To add insult to injury means to make a bad situation worse, and in this sentence the boy leading the sheep makes the situation worse.
Context: To make things worse, a boy was leading a handsome sheep on a string behind him. Hypothesis: To add insult to injury, a boy was leading a handsome sheep on a string behind him. Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
The $15 is 1 - 1/4 = 3/4 of the money left. Since 3/4 is equal to $15, then 1/4 is equal to $15/3 = $5. So Lucy had $5 x 4 = $20 left after losing 1/3 of her money. Hence, $20 is 1 - 1/3 = 2/3 of the money that Lucy had at the beginning. Since 2/3 is equal to $20, then 1/3 is equal to $20/2 = $10. Therefore, Lucy had $10 x 3 = $30 at the beginning.
Lucy lost one-third of her money. She then spent one-fourth of the remainder, and only left with $15. How much money did Lucy have at the beginning?
The birds eat this many tomatoes: 21 / 3 = 7 tomatoes. There are this many tomatoes left on the plant: 21 - 7 = 14 tomatoes.
There are 21 cherry tomatoes on the tomato plant. 2 birds eat one-third of the tomatoes. How many are still left on the tomato plant?