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CINTAS 2020 ESG REPORTWelcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WELCOME This report is for the fiscal year Our company is dedicated June 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020. to operating to the highest to our 2020 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ethical and safety standards, creating a diverse and Report, in which we share our ESG performance with inclusive workplace, investors, employee-partners, customers, communities, providing sustainable suppliers and other interested parties. products and services, and caring for our communities. ESG AT CINTAS • Energy and Emissions (p.4) ABOUT CINTAS We’re committed to doing From the very start of our company’s Reducing our overall energy use, Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, Cint
been based on sustainable practices. Our (GHG) emissions. businesses get Ready for the Workday®. we believe we can make in journey started in 1929 during the Great Depression when Doc and Amelia Farmer • W ater (p.5) We provide highly specialized products and the future. Minimizing freshwater withdrawals, services, including corporate uniforms, collected shop towels that had been reusing water and maintaining the quality entrance and logo mats, restroom supplies, Scott D. Farmer disposed of by manufacturing facilities of water we return to the environment. fire protection products, promotional Chairman and Chief along the Ohio River. They washed, products, cleaning products, first aid Executive Officer, Cintas recycled and sold the clean towels back to • Safety and Health (p.6) and safety produc
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 2Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE READY™ TO MAKE American Diabetes Association: Cintas visits ADA-sponsored summer THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE camps as a part of our ongoing collaboration with the organization We strive to make a positive impact for our own people, as well as supporting good causes and lending neighbors a helping hand. RESPONDING TO COVID-19 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Using our Preparedness Plan, we Supporting diversity and equality at Cintas We’re proud to partner with leading implemented controls including physical means fostering a respectful, creative, not‑for‑profit community organizations barriers, social distancing, appropriate productive environme
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 3Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE ENGAGED IN ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE We are committed to reducing energy use and GHG emissions, and helping to address the global impact of climate change. REDUCING ENERGY USE In FY ‘20, we also upgraded our lighting 10% The energy Cintas consumes in our rental technology to LED at nine locations, where operations includes electricity, primarily we are achieving up to a 50% reduction in annual reduction in energy for lighting and process equipment, and lighting load. We are working to accelerate use by Cintas rental fuel — natural gas and propane — for dryers, implementation of LED lighting upgrades operations through energy- boilers, s
LOWERING GHG EMISSIONS gross energy consumption, accounting for 6.7% The consumption of energy and fuel within 79% of a total 4.58 million gigajoules (GJ) Efficiency improvements are continually our rental and facility service operations (4.34 million MBTUs) in FY ’20. As a result of implemented at Cintas laundry facilities result in GHG emissions, including carbon annual reduction in total introducing initiatives designed to improve through innovation and upgrade of dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous gross Scope 1 and 2 wash chemistry and optimize laundry load operations in an effort to preserve the oxide (N2O). In FY ‘20, our GHG emissions emissions weights in FY ‘20, our engineering team natural environment for the U.S. and Canada totaled 954.8 million
requires 10% less energy than was required direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions were 7.8% Cintas laundry process is We are measuring the energy intensity of a year ago. Note that this 10% reduction in lower than in FY ‘19, while indirect (Scope 2) 55% our operations in megajoules (MJ) per energy intensity is a higher percentage than emissions fell by 6.1%. TRSA comparisons 100 pounds to contextualize our energy the 7.4% reduction of gross energy suggest that our emissions, are more than more energy efficient than consumption relative to the weight of consumption, which is not being normalized 10% lower than the industry average. home laundry* material processed. This metric has become to account for a 2.8% increase in laundry We continue our efforts to reduce vehicle increasingly important to monitor as our processed
emissions by focusing on increased fuel business continues to grow and we realize a lowering the total amount of energy that we efficiency, alternative fuels and TRSA reporting shows year‑over‑year increase in the total weight consume in our operations, regardless of route optimization. Cintas uses of material laundered. The average energy the fact that we are processing more each 30% intensity of our rental operations has year. Data from the Textile Rental Services With 28.5 million hundredweight of material reduced from 178.25 MJ/100lbs in FY ‘19 to Association of America (TRSA) indicates laundered, our GHG emissions intensity for 160.57 MJ/100lbs in FY ‘20, meaning that that for in‑plant production, we use 30% less FY ‘20 is down 9.3% from FY ‘19
10% lower emissions than industry average * Home laundry calculations are based Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at on WSI (Washing Systems LLC) studies 4Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE COMMITTED TO USING WATER RESPONSIBLY Water is essential for our operations, but we know we must be a steward of this shared resource by minimizing use and maximizing reuse. 88.4% USING LESS WATER, REUSING MORE We carefully monitor and control our Our facilities discharge washing process In FY ‘20, our North American rental laundering process to minimize water effluent to publicly owned treatment works operations withdrew 3.16 milli
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at on WSI (Washing Systems LLC) studies 5Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE INSPIRED TO CONTINUE MEETING THE HIGHEST STANDARDS Guided by our Safety Vision, we want every site to be injury-free, every employee-partner to help improve safety and Cintas to be known as a global leader in safety and health. MANAGING SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING Improvement course and each member HEALTH AND WELLNESS To enforce internationally recognized Every year, our employee‑partners receive of our Senior Management team takes the Our long‑running Live Well program standards, we have implemented an online, on‑the‑job and classroom training Management and Leadership Skills for supports employee‑partners on their occupational health
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 6Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE DEDICATED TO MAINTAINING AN ETHICAL SUPPLY CHAIN We require our vendors and contractors to conduct business in an ethical and moral manner, both domestically and internationally. MANAGING HUMAN RIGHTS HUMAN RIGHTS TRAINING Using real‑life scenarios and referencing ASSESSING NEW SUPPLIERS AND LABOR RIGHTS IMPACTS Cintas conducts training to ensure that current global regulations, the TRACE Our purchasing agreements require all We have zero tolerance of all forms of employee‑partners and others with direct e‑learning course outlines the requirements suppliers and contractors to comply with forced, trafficked, slave and child labor in responsibility for su
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 7Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE READY™ TO CONTINUE DOING THE RIGHT THING EVERY DAY Across our company, we are committed to corporate responsibility, operating honestly and fairly, and doing what’s right. The Cintas Code of Conduct GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES VALUES, PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS is an important part of our The Cintas Board of Directors is the highest Our Corporate Culture spans our beliefs, values and reflects our governing body in our organization. ethics and values, including honesty and company’s commitment to Our Board is made up of eight members integrity, hard work, trust and respect, as ethical business practices (six male and two female) and all senior well as defining a
GRI 305: Emissions 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) a. Gross direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions in metric tons FY ‘20 gross direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions for the U.S. GHG emissions of CO2 equivalent. and Canada were 183,814 mtCO2e, a 7.8% reduction from b. Gases included in the calculation; whether CO2, FY ‘19. Our emissions baseline is FY ‘19, which includes CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. the acquisition of G&K Services. Gases included in the c. Biogenic CO2 emissions in metric tons of FY ‘19 base year calculation for the U.S. and Canada CO2 equivalent. include CO2, CH4, and N2O. Source of country-level d. Base year for the calculation, if applicable, including: emission factors is IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). i. the rationale for choosing it; See GRI 305 Appendix ii. emissions in the base year; iii. the context for any significant changes in emissions that triggered recalc
ulations of base year emissions. e. Source of the emission factors and the global warming potential (GWP) rates used, or a reference to the GWP source. f. Consolidation approach for emissions; whether equity share, financial control, or operational control. g. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: 18GRI Index GRI STANDARD GRI DISCLOSURE PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION Material topics continued ENVIRONMENTAL continued GRI 305: Emissions 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) a. Gross location-based energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG FY ‘20 gross indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions U.S. and continued GHG emissions emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent.
b. If applicable, gross market-based energy indirect FY ‘19. Indirect emissions baseline year, included gases (Scope 2) GHG emissions in metric tons of and emissions factors are the same as direct emissions, CO2 equivalent. described in 305-1. The consumption of energy and fuel c. If available, the gases included in the calculation; for the operation of our Rental and Facility Services result whether CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. in GHG emissions including carbon dioxide (CO2), d. Base year for the calculation, if applicable, including: methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). TRSA i. the rationale for choosing it; comparisons suggest that our emissions are more ii. emissions in the base year; than 10% lower than the industry average. iii. the context for any significant changes in emissions See GRI 305 A
that triggered recalculations of base year emissions. e. Source of the emission factors and the global warming potential (GWP) rates used, or a reference to the GWP source. f. Consolidation approach for emissions; whether equity share, financial control, or operational control. g. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. 305-4 GHG emissions intensity a. GHG emissions intensity ratio for the organization. Total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in FY ‘20 was b. Organization-specific metric (the denominator) chosen 954,837,546 lbs CO2e over 28,513,066 CWt (100s of lbs) to calculate the ratio. of material laundered, the average GHG emissions c. Types of GHG emissions included in the intensity ratio; intensity for FY ‘20 is 33.5 lbs CO2e/CWt, a 9.3% whether direct (Scope 1
GHG emissions intensity is calculated as the ratio of d. Gases included in the calculation; whether CO2, CH4, Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions to every 100 pounds N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. of material laundered by Cintas. Cintas was 10.6% less than the industry average in the 2018 TRSA sustainability report. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: 19GRI Index GRI STANDARD GRI DISCLOSURE PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION Material topics continued ENVIRONMENTAL continued GRI 305: Emissions 305-5 Reduction of GHG a. GHG emissions reduced as a direct result of reduction Total gross Scope 1 and 2 reduction of GHG emissions continued emissions initiatives, in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. in FY ‘2
N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. per CWt, GHG emissions were reduced by 98,348,963 lbs c. Base year or baseline, including the rationale for CO2e, while poundage increased 2.8% in FY ‘20 choosing it. compared to FY ‘19. d. Scopes in which reductions took place; whether direct (Scope 1), energy indirect (Scope 2), and/or other indirect (Scope 3). e. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. SOCIAL GRI 401: Employment 401-1 New employee hires and a. Total number and rate of new employee hires during See GRI 401-1 Appendix employee turnover the reporting period, by age group, gender and region. b. Total number and rate of employee turnover during the reporting period, by age group, gender and region. 401-2 Benefits provided to a. Benefits which are standard for full-tim
CINTAS 2020 ESG REPORTWelcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WELCOME This report is for the fiscal year Our company is dedicated June 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020. to operating to the highest to our 2020 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ethical and safety standards, creating a diverse and Report, in which we share our ESG performance with inclusive workplace, investors, employee-partners, customers, communities, providing sustainable suppliers and other interested parties. products and services, and caring for our communities. ESG AT CINTAS • Energy and Emissions (p.4) ABOUT CINTAS We’re committed to doing From the very start of our company’s Reducing our overall energy use, Headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, Cintas the
reusing water and maintaining the quality entrance and logo mats, restroom supplies, Scott D. Farmer disposed of by manufacturing facilities of water we return to the environment. fire protection products, promotional Chairman and Chief along the Ohio River. They washed, products, cleaning products, first aid Executive Officer, Cintas recycled and sold the clean towels back to • Safety and Health (p.6) and safety products, and training. companies. Today, 79% of our total Maintaining the safety and well‑being company revenue comes from our Uniform of everyone who works at or visits We operate nearly 500 facilities in North Rental and Facility Services business. All of our facilities. America, including five manufacturing these items are cleaned and proce
• Our Positive Impact in 2020 (p.3) to be a leader in industry for water usage; revenue and 19.2% for earnings Working to help make the world per share exploring initiatives to replace fossil fuel a better place. (fleet); and continuing to optimize fleet fuel 36 years efficiency. We also look to continue our alignment with the United Nations consecutive increase in Sustainable Development Goals. shareholder dividend Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 2Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE READY™ TO MAKE American Diabetes Association: Cintas visits ADA-sponsored summer THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE camps as a part of our ongoing collaboration with the organization We strive to
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 3Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE ENGAGED IN ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE We are committed to reducing energy use and GHG emissions, and helping to address the global impact of climate change. REDUCING ENERGY USE In FY ‘20, we also upgraded our lighting 10% The energy Cintas consumes in our rental technology to LED at nine locations, where operations includes electricity, primarily we are achieving up to a 50% reduction in annual reduction in energy for lighting and process equipment, and lighting load. We are working to accelerate use by Cintas rental fuel — natural gas and propane — for dryers, implementation of LED lighting upgrades operations through energy- boilers, steam t
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at on WSI (Washing Systems LLC) studies 4Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE COMMITTED TO USING WATER RESPONSIBLY Water is essential for our operations, but we know we must be a steward of this shared resource by minimizing use and maximizing reuse. 88.4% USING LESS WATER, REUSING MORE We carefully monitor and control our Our facilities discharge washing process In FY ‘20, our North American rental laundering process to minimize water effluent to publicly owned treatment works operations withdrew 3.16 million usage intensity; in FY ‘20, the amount of in compliance with local discharge of water withdrawals were returned to kilogallons (11.9 million m3) of freshwater water required to process a pound of standards and permits, which requ
Mississippi – Missouri (30.9% of the total), 2.8 million kgal (10.6 million m3) of the water The Cintas laundry process is St. Lawrence (18.4%) and the Gulf of MANAGING WASTEWATER withdrawn to local water bodies. 42% Mexico (15%). Our laundering processes generate far less Looking ahead, we plan to install more wastewater than home laundering. During more water efficient than home laundry* We continually evaluate opportunities to advanced wastewater treatment the laundry process, an estimated 10% of reduce our water use from areas technologies, such as membrane filtration. freshwater is lost to evaporation, while the experiencing high water stress. Our 2020 Membrane filters will enable us to increase TRSA reporting shows Cintas required rest is reused or discharged. water risk assessment identified 19% of the amount of water we ca
water stress across North America. Around less water per pound of laundry to 20% of our water use was withdrawn in process than peer companies areas with high or extremely high levels of water stress, a 1% reduction from FY19. Water and our laundering processes Most of the purchased water we use for our rental operations is freshwater obtained 1 Water is withdrawn from 4 Discharged water is from third parties, although, where freshwater sources, but treated in compliance available, we treat and reuse water for increasingly is reclaimed with local standards 2 Some water is lost rinsing of mats. A mix of water‑efficiency and reused water to evaporation projects and continual process 5 Once treated, the clean improvement is being used to reduce our
water is returned safely reliance on freshwater. We have also to local water bodies installed water reclamation and reuse 3 The rest is reused or discharged systems across many of our facilities. * Home laundry calculations are based Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at on WSI (Washing Systems LLC) studies 5Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE INSPIRED TO CONTINUE MEETING THE HIGHEST STANDARDS Guided by our Safety Vision, we want every site to be injury-free, every employee-partner to help improve safety and Cintas to be known as a global leader in safety and health. MANAGING SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND H
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 6Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE DEDICATED TO MAINTAINING AN ETHICAL SUPPLY CHAIN We require our vendors and contractors to conduct business in an ethical and moral manner, both domestically and internationally. MANAGING HUMAN RIGHTS HUMAN RIGHTS TRAINING Using real‑life scenarios and referencing ASSESSING NEW SUPPLIERS AND LABOR RIGHTS IMPACTS Cintas conducts training to ensure that current global regulations, the TRACE Our purchasing agreements require all We have zero tolerance of all forms of employee‑partners and others with direct e‑learning course outlines the requirements suppliers and contractors to comply with forced, trafficked, slave and child labor in responsibility for supply c
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 7Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE READY™ TO CONTINUE DOING THE RIGHT THING EVERY DAY Across our company, we are committed to corporate responsibility, operating honestly and fairly, and doing what’s right. The Cintas Code of Conduct GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES VALUES, PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS is an important part of our The Cintas Board of Directors is the highest Our Corporate Culture spans our beliefs, values and reflects our governing body in our organization. ethics and values, including honesty and company’s commitment to Our Board is made up of eight members integrity, hard work, trust and respect, as ethical business practices (six male and two female) and all senior well as defining a commo
GRI 303: Water 303-1 Interactions with water as a. A description of how the organization interacts with Water used for operations in FY ‘20 North American and effluents a shared resource water, including how and where water is withdrawn, rental plants is sourced from 14 major river basins, with consumed, and discharged, and the water-related five sources comprising <80%: Mississippi – Missouri impacts caused or contributed to, or directly linked to the (30.9%), St. Lawrence (18.4%), Gulf of Mexico (15%), U.S. organization’s activities, products or services by a North Atlantic Coast (9.1%) and U.S. State of California business relationship (e.g., impacts caused by runoff). (7.6%). Most purchased water used for rental plant b. A description of the approach used to identify water- operation is freshwater from third parties. Where related impacts, inc
luding the scope of assessments, available, Cintas sources reclaimed water for irrigation their timeframe, and any tools or methodologies used. and rinsing mats. Third-party freshwater is softened and c. A description of how water-related impacts are pumped to washers for use in the washing process. addressed, including how the organization works with During the washing process, an estimated 10% of stakeholders to steward water as a shared resource, and freshwater is lost to evaporation while the rest is sent to how it engages with suppliers or customers with varying degrees of pretreatment prior to reuse or significant water-related impacts. discharge. We are looking at advanced wastewater d. An explanation of the process for setting any water- treatment technologies, including membrane filtration. related goals
area with water stress. higher levels of reuse than traditional wastewater pretreatment systems. Our 2020 water risk assessment identified 39 North American rental plants in areas experiencing high to extremely high water stress. Water sourced from these areas accounts for 20.3% of FY ‘20 total water withdrawal. To lessen operational expense and reduce our reliance on freshwater, Cintas has installed water reclamation systems at 7 of our plants in high to extremely high water stress areas. Another 30 locations with reclamation and reuse systems are in place at plants in low to medium water stress areas. At monitored rental plants, up to 45% of treated wastewater from our industrial-size washing machines is reused for the same process and/or recycling to a
GRI 303: Water We engage in ongoing water efficiency projects and and effluents continual process improvement. We carefully monitor continued and control our laundering process to minimize water usage intensity. In FY ‘20, the amount of water required to process a single pound of laundry was on average 11% less than industry peers according to reporting from TRSA, our industry collaborative for textiles. Cintas promotes a more environmentally conscious community and leads the industry in our continued commitment to increasingly efficient use of natural resources. On an annual basis, use of Cintas in place of home laundry reduces consumption by 2.25 million kgal of water. The Cintas laundry process is 42% more water efficient than home laundry. The basis for these calculations is l
laundering uses 1.9 gallons of water to launder one pound of material, while in FY ‘19 the Cintas laundry process used 1.11 gallons of water. 303-2 Management of water The reporting organization shall report the following Cintas’ laundering processes generate far less discharge-related impacts information: wastewater than home laundering options. Our facilities a. A description of any minimum standards set for the discharge washing process effluent to publicly owned quality of effluent discharge, and how these minimum treatment works (POTWs) in compliance with local standards were determined, including: discharge requirements and/or permits. Sampling and i. how standards for facilities operating in locations with monitoring is completed as required by each permit. no local di
ii. any internally developed water quality standards with local requirements and facilitate water reuse at or guidelines; many locations. We utilize internal effluent clarity iii. any sector-specific standards considered; guidelines for benchmarking purposes. Cintas iv. whether the profile of the receiving waterbody continually evaluates new technologies to provide was considered. greater wastewater treatment and reuse capabilities. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: 15GRI Index ‘kilogallons v megaliters’ to be discussed wi th our Cintas GRI STANDARD GRI DISCLOSURE engineers for future updates PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION Material topics continued ENVIRONMENTAL continued GRI 303: Water 303-3 Water withdrawal The reporting organization shall report the following We cont
inually seek to reduce our use of water from and effluents information: areas where it is scarce. Our 2020 water risk assessment continued a. Total water withdrawal from all areas in megaliters, identified 39 rental operations in areas of high water and a breakdown of this total by the following sources, stress across North America. Around 20% of our water if applicable: use was withdrawn in areas with high or extremely i. Surface water; high levels of water stress, a 1% reduction from FY ’19 ii. Groundwater; and below the industry norm. In FY ‘20, Cintas North iii. Seawater; American rental plants withdrew a total 3.16 million iv. Produced water; kilogallons (11.9 million cubic meters) of freshwater v. Third-party water. from 14 different North American water basins. b. Total w
ater withdrawal from all areas with water stress in Between FY ‘19 and FY ‘20, total water withdrawal megaliters, and a breakdown of this total by the following decreased by 390,600 kgal, representing an sources, if applicable: 11.0% year-over-year reduction. i. Surface water; See GRI 303 Appendix ii. Groundwater; iii. Seawater; iv. Produced water; v. Third-party water, and a breakdown of this total by the withdrawal sources listed in i-iv. c. A breakdown of total water withdrawal from each of the sources listed in Disclosures 303-3-a and 303-3-b in megaliters by the following categories: i. Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids); ii. Other water (>1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids). d. Any contextual information necessary to understand how the data have been compiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptio
GRI 303: Water 303-4 Water discharge The reporting organization shall report the following In FY ‘20, Cintas returned an estimated 2,802,196 kgal and effluents information: (10,607,467 cubic meters) or 88.4% of water withdrawn to continued a. Total water discharge to all areas in megaliters, and a local water bodies. In areas of high to extremely high breakdown of this total by the following types of stress, an estimated 82.3% of water withdrawn was destination, if applicable: returned. Our facilities discharge washing process i. Surface water; effluent to POTWs in compliance with local discharge ii. Groundwater; permits. Sampling and monitoring is completed as iii. Seawater; required by each permit. Varying degrees of iv. Third-party water, and the volume of this t
use to other organizations, if applicable. requirements and facilitate water reuse at many b. A breakdown of total water discharge to all areas in locations. We utilize internal effluent clarity guidelines megaliters by the following categories: for benchmarking purposes. Cintas continually evaluates i. Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids); new pretreatment technologies to provide greater water ii. Other water (>1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids). reuse capabilities. c. Total water discharge to all areas with water stress See GRI 303 Appendix in megaliters, and a breakdown of this total by the following categories: i. Freshwater (≤1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids); ii. Other water (>1,000 mg/L Total Dissolved Solids). d. Priority substances of concern for which discharges are treated, including: i. how
GRI 303: Water 303-5 Water consumption The reporting organization shall report the following An estimated 365,662 kgal (1,384,183 cubic meters) or and effluents information: 11.6% of FY ‘19 water withdrawal was consumed and not continued a. Total water consumption from all areas in megaliters. discharged. This includes an assumed 10% of water b. Total water consumption from all areas with water stress withdrawn and lost to evaporation. in megaliters. See GRI 303 Appendix c. Change in water storage in megaliters, if water storage has been identified as having a significant water-related impact. d. Any contextual information necessary to understand how the data have been compiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used, including whether the inform
through innovation and upgrade of dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous gross Scope 1 and 2 wash chemistry and optimize laundry load operations in an effort to preserve the oxide (N2O). In FY ‘20, our GHG emissions emissions weights in FY ‘20, our engineering team natural environment for the U.S. and Canada totaled 954.8 million achieved a 7.4% (503,940 GJ) reduction in pounds of CO2 equivalent (CO2e). Our gross gross energy consumption. requires 10% less energy than was required direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions were 7.8% Cintas laundry process is We are measuring the energy intensity of a year ago. Note that this 10% reduction in lower than in FY ‘19, while indirect (Scope 2) 55% our operations in megajoules (MJ) per energy intensity is a higher percentage than emissions fell by 6.1%
GHG emissions of CO2 equivalent. and Canada were 183,814 mtCO2e, a 7.8% reduction from b. Gases included in the calculation; whether CO2, FY ‘19. Our emissions baseline is FY ‘19, which includes CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. the acquisition of G&K Services. Gases included in the c. Biogenic CO2 emissions in metric tons of FY ‘19 base year calculation for the U.S. and Canada CO2 equivalent. include CO2, CH4, and N2O. Source of country-level d. Base year for the calculation, if applicable, including: emission factors is IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). i. the rationale for choosing it; See GRI 305 Appendix ii. emissions in the base year; iii. the context for any significant changes in emissions that triggered recalculations of base year emissions. e
continued GHG emissions emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. Canada were 249,293 mtCO2e, a 6.1% reduction from b. If applicable, gross market-based energy indirect FY ‘19. Indirect emissions baseline year, included gases (Scope 2) GHG emissions in metric tons of and emissions factors are the same as direct emissions, CO2 equivalent. described in 305-1. The consumption of energy and fuel c. If available, the gases included in the calculation; for the operation of our Rental and Facility Services result whether CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. in GHG emissions including carbon dioxide (CO2), d. Base year for the calculation, if applicable, including: methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). TRSA i. the rationale for choosing it; comparisons suggest that our emissions are more ii.
d. Gases included in the calculation; whether CO2, CH4, Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions to every 100 pounds N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. of material laundered by Cintas. Cintas was 10.6% less than the industry average in the 2018 TRSA sustainability report. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: 19GRI Index GRI STANDARD GRI DISCLOSURE PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION Material topics continued ENVIRONMENTAL continued GRI 305: Emissions 305-5 Reduction of GHG a. GHG emissions reduced as a direct result of reduction Total gross Scope 1 and 2 reduction of GHG emissions continued emissions initiatives, in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. in FY ‘20 was 69,511,665 lbs CO2e, a 6.7% reduction b. Gases included in the calculation; whether
CO2, CH4, from FY ‘19. When factoring in CO2e intensity metrics N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. per CWt, GHG emissions were reduced by 98,348,963 lbs c. Base year or baseline, including the rationale for CO2e, while poundage increased 2.8% in FY ‘20 choosing it. compared to FY ‘19. d. Scopes in which reductions took place; whether direct (Scope 1), energy indirect (Scope 2), and/or other indirect (Scope 3). e. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. SOCIAL GRI 401: Employment 401-1 New employee hires and a. Total number and rate of new employee hires during See GRI 401-1 Appendix employee turnover the reporting period, by age group, gender and region. b. Total number and rate of employee turnover during the rep
CINTAS 2020 ESG REPORTWelcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WELCOME This report is for the fiscal year Our company is dedicated June 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020. to operating to the highest to our 2020 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ethical and safety standards, creating a diverse and Report, in which we share our ESG performance with inclusive workplace, investors, employee-partners, customers, communities, providing sustainable suppliers and other interested parties. products and services, and caring for our communities. ESG AT CINTAS • Energy and Emissions (p.4) ABOUT CINTAS We’re committed to doing From the very start of our company’s Reducing our overall energy use, Headquartered in Cincinna
origins, the Cintas business model has energy intensity and greenhouse gas Corporation helps more than 1 million excited about the progress been based on sustainable practices. Our (GHG) emissions. businesses get Ready for the Workday®. we believe we can make in journey started in 1929 during the Great Depression when Doc and Amelia Farmer • W ater (p.5) We provide highly specialized products and the future. Minimizing freshwater withdrawals, services, including corporate uniforms, collected shop towels that had been reusing water and maintaining the quality entrance and logo mats, restroom supplies, Scott D. Farmer disposed of by manufacturing facilities of water we return to the environment. fire protection products, promotional Chairman and Chief along the Ohio River. They washed,
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 2Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE READY™ TO MAKE American Diabetes Association: Cintas visits ADA-sponsored summer THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE camps as a part of our ongoing collaboration with the organization We strive to make a positive impact for our own people, as well as supporting good causes and lending neighbors a helping hand. RESPONDING TO COVID-19 DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Using our Preparedness Plan, we Supporting diversity and equality at Cintas We’re proud to partner with leading implemented controls including physical means fostering a respectful, creative, not‑for‑profit community organizations barriers, social distancing, appropriate produc
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 3Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE ENGAGED IN ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE We are committed to reducing energy use and GHG emissions, and helping to address the global impact of climate change. REDUCING ENERGY USE In FY ‘20, we also upgraded our lighting 10% The energy Cintas consumes in our rental technology to LED at nine locations, where operations includes electricity, primarily we are achieving up to a 50% reduction in annual reduction in energy for lighting and process equipment, and lighting load. We are working to accelerate use by Cintas rental fuel — natural gas and propane — for dryers, implementation of LED lighting upgrades operations through ener
gross energy consumption, accounting for 6.7% The consumption of energy and fuel within 79% of a total 4.58 million gigajoules (GJ) Efficiency improvements are continually our rental and facility service operations (4.34 million MBTUs) in FY ’20. As a result of implemented at Cintas laundry facilities result in GHG emissions, including carbon annual reduction in total introducing initiatives designed to improve through innovation and upgrade of dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous gross Scope 1 and 2 wash chemistry and optimize laundry load operations in an effort to preserve the oxide (N2O). In FY ‘20, our GHG emissions emissions weights in FY ‘20, our engineering team natural environment for the U.S. and Canada totaled 954.8 million achieved a 7.
gross energy consumption. requires 10% less energy than was required direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions were 7.8% Cintas laundry process is We are measuring the energy intensity of a year ago. Note that this 10% reduction in lower than in FY ‘19, while indirect (Scope 2) 55% our operations in megajoules (MJ) per energy intensity is a higher percentage than emissions fell by 6.1%. TRSA comparisons 100 pounds to contextualize our energy the 7.4% reduction of gross energy suggest that our emissions, are more than more energy efficient than consumption relative to the weight of consumption, which is not being normalized 10% lower than the industry average. home laundry* material processed. This metric has become to account for a 2.8% increase in laundry We con
business continues to grow and we realize a lowering the total amount of energy that we efficiency, alternative fuels and TRSA reporting shows year‑over‑year increase in the total weight consume in our operations, regardless of route optimization. Cintas uses of material laundered. The average energy the fact that we are processing more each 30% intensity of our rental operations has year. Data from the Textile Rental Services With 28.5 million hundredweight of material reduced from 178.25 MJ/100lbs in FY ‘19 to Association of America (TRSA) indicates laundered, our GHG emissions intensity for 160.57 MJ/100lbs in FY ‘20, meaning that that for in‑plant production, we use 30% less FY ‘20 is down 9.3% from FY ‘19. less energy than peer 100 pounds of material processed today energy than our peers. companies, which results
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at on WSI (Washing Systems LLC) studies 4Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE COMMITTED TO USING WATER RESPONSIBLY Water is essential for our operations, but we know we must be a steward of this shared resource by minimizing use and maximizing reuse. 88.4% USING LESS WATER, REUSING MORE We carefully monitor and control our Our facilities discharge washing process In FY ‘20, our North American rental laundering process to minimize water effluent to publicly owned treatment works operations withdrew 3.16 million usage intensity; in FY ‘20, the amount of in compliance with local discharge of water withdrawals were returned to kilogallons (11.9 million m3) of freshwater water required to process a pound of standards and
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at on WSI (Washing Systems LLC) studies 5Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE INSPIRED TO CONTINUE MEETING THE HIGHEST STANDARDS Guided by our Safety Vision, we want every site to be injury-free, every employee-partner to help improve safety and Cintas to be known as a global leader in safety and health. MANAGING SAFETY AND HEALTH SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING Improvement course and each member HEALTH AND WELLNESS To enforce internationally recognized Every year, our employee‑partners receive of our Senior Management team takes the Our long‑running Live Well program standards, we have implemented an online, on‑the‑job and classroom training Management and Leadership Skills for supports employee‑partners on their occupa
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 6Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE DEDICATED TO MAINTAINING AN ETHICAL SUPPLY CHAIN We require our vendors and contractors to conduct business in an ethical and moral manner, both domestically and internationally. MANAGING HUMAN RIGHTS HUMAN RIGHTS TRAINING Using real‑life scenarios and referencing ASSESSING NEW SUPPLIERS AND LABOR RIGHTS IMPACTS Cintas conducts training to ensure that current global regulations, the TRACE Our purchasing agreements require all We have zero tolerance of all forms of employee‑partners and others with direct e‑learning course outlines the requirements suppliers and contractors to comply with forced, trafficked, slave and child labor in respons
Learn more about our social responsibility efforts at 7Welcome Our Positive Impact in 2020 Energy and Emissions Water Safety and Health Sustainable Supply Chain Governance, Ethics and Integrity WE’RE READY™ TO CONTINUE DOING THE RIGHT THING EVERY DAY Across our company, we are committed to corporate responsibility, operating honestly and fairly, and doing what’s right. The Cintas Code of Conduct GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES VALUES, PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS is an important part of our The Cintas Board of Directors is the highest Our Corporate Culture spans our beliefs, values and reflects our governing body in our organization. ethics and values, including honesty and company’s commitment to Our Board is made up of eight members integrity, hard work, trust and respect, as ethical business practices (six male and two female) and all senior well
GRI 301, 302: Energy 301-3 Reclaimed products and a. Percentage of reclaimed products and their packaging From the very start of our company’s origins, Cintas’ their packaging materials materials for each product category. business model has been based on sustainable b. How the data for this disclosure have been collected. practices. Our journey started in 1929, during the Great Depression, when Doc and Amelia Farmer collected shop towels that had been disposed of by manufacturing facilities along the Ohio River. They washed, recycled and sold the clean towels back to companies. Today, 79% of our total company revenue comes from our rental business, which continues to include shop towels as well as uniforms and floor mats. All of these items are cleaned and pr
GRI 301, 302: Energy 302-1 Energy consumption a. Total fuel consumption within the organization from Energy consumption for Cintas Rental and Facilities continued within the organization non-renewable sources, in joules or multiples, and Services includes electricity and fuel (natural gas and including fuel types used. propane). Natural gas and propane are used to heat b. Total fuel consumption within the organization from dryers, boilers, steam tunnels and buildings. In FY ‘19 renewable sources, in joules or multiples, and including and FY ‘20, natural gas accounted for 79% of energy fuel types used. used within our Rental and Facilities Services operations. c. In joules, watt-hours or multiples, the total: Electricity is used mainly to operate process equipment i. electricity consumption and for lighting. Fleet fuel data is not currently inclu
ii. heating consumption in our energy totals, as comprehensive data is not available iii. cooling consumption at this time. We are working to centralize measurement iv. steam consumption and tracking of fleet fuel and plan to incorporate this into d. In joules, watt-hours or multiples, the total: future reporting. Between FY ‘19 and FY ‘20, total i. electricity sold measured energy consumption for Cintas Rental and ii. heating sold Facilities Services decreased by 7.38%, despite a measured iii. cooling sold 2.8% increase in gross weight of material laundered. iv. steam sold A reduction in energy intensity, measured in British e. Total energy consumption within the organization, Thermal Units (BTUs) per 100 pounds (CWt) of material in joules or multiples. laundered, is an impor
production, we use 30% less energy than our peers. Source of the conversion factors used. ASHRAE SI Guide for HVAC&R. See GRI 302-1 Appendix 302-3 Energy intensity a. Energy intensity ratio for the organization. In FY ‘20, our rental plants achieved a 10.0% decrease in b. Organization-specific metric (the denominator) energy intensity from FY ‘19 with an average 157.37 kBTU/ chosen to calculate the ratio. CWt (160.57 MJ/CWt). Cintas was 30% less energy c. Types of energy included in the intensity ratio; whether intensive than the industry average in the 2018 TRSA fuel, electricity, heating, cooling, steam, or all. sustainability report. Energy intensity for Cintas rental d. Whether the ratio uses energy consumption within the plants is calculated by dividing plant energy or
GRI 301, 302: Energy 302-4 Reduction of energy a. Amount of reductions in energy consumption achieved In FY ‘20, Cintas rental plants achieved a 10% reduction in continued consumption as a direct result of conservation and efficiency initiatives, energy consumption as the result of several conservation in joules or multiples. and efficiency initiatives relating to wash chemistry, load b. Types of energy included in the reductions; whether weight accuracy, LED lighting pilots, Sling weight fuel, electricity, heating, cooling, steam, or all. optimization project to slowly increase laundry load c. Basis for calculating reductions in energy consumption, weights for certain classifications. Gross reduction in such as base year or baseline, including the rationale for energy consumption achieved in FY ‘20 over our FY ‘19 cho
calculation tools used. To calculate total reduction in energy consumption, energy consumption per CWt (100 pounds of material processed) in FY ‘20 was subtracted by the energy consumption per CWt in FY ‘19. The difference was then multiplied by the total laundry poundage processed in FY ‘20. This normalizes the reported reduction of energy consumption by accounting for a 2.8% increase in laundry processed in FY ‘20. The LED lighting pilots demonstrated >50% reduction in electricity from lighting. 302-5 Reductions in energy a. Reductions in energy requirements of sold products On an annual basis, use of Cintas in place of home laundry requirements of products and services achieved during the reporting period, in reduces energy consumption by 656,280 MMBTU. The and services joules or multiples. Cintas
laundry process is 55% more energy efficient b. Basis for calculating reductions in energy consumption, than home laundry. Home laundry calculations are such as base year or baseline, including the rationale for based on assumptions and methodology from industry choosing it. vendors. Home laundering assumes 100% high efficiency c. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or washers — heavily soiled material in top load machines calculation tools used. using on average 20 gallons per load (50/50 hot wash/ cold rinse) with an average load size of 10.5 pounds and a cycle time of 45–70 minutes. On average, home laundering uses 436 BTUs of energy to launder one pound of material, while in FY ‘19 the Cintas laundry process used 198 BTUs of energy. For a detailed explanation of
GRI 305: Emissions 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) a. Gross location-based energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG FY ‘20 gross indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions U.S. and continued GHG emissions emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. Canada were 249,293 mtCO2e, a 6.1% reduction from b. If applicable, gross market-based energy indirect FY ‘19. Indirect emissions baseline year, included gases (Scope 2) GHG emissions in metric tons of and emissions factors are the same as direct emissions, CO2 equivalent. described in 305-1. The consumption of energy and fuel c. If available, the gases included in the calculation; for the operation of our Rental and Facility Services result whether CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. in GHG emissions including carbon dioxide (CO2), d. Base year for the calculation, if applicable, includ
whether direct (Scope 1), energy indirect (Scope 2), and/or reduction from FY ‘19. other indirect (Scope 3). GHG emissions intensity is calculated as the ratio of d. Gases included in the calculation; whether CO2, CH4, Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions to every 100 pounds N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. of material laundered by Cintas. Cintas was 10.6% less than the industry average in the 2018 TRSA sustainability report. For a detailed explanation of the indicators, visit the GRI website: 19GRI Index GRI STANDARD GRI DISCLOSURE PAGE NUMBER(S), URL(S) AND/OR INFORMATION Material topics continued ENVIRONMENTAL continued GRI 305: Emissions 305-5 Reduction of GHG a. GHG emissions reduced as a direct result of reduction Total gross Scope 1 and 2 reduction of
(Scope 1), energy indirect (Scope 2), and/or other indirect (Scope 3). e. Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. SOCIAL GRI 401: Employment 401-1 New employee hires and a. Total number and rate of new employee hires during See GRI 401-1 Appendix employee turnover the reporting period, by age group, gender and region. b. Total number and rate of employee turnover during the reporting period, by age group, gender and region. 401-2 Benefits provided to a. Benefits which are standard for full-time employees All benefits except parental leave are offered full-time employees that of the organization but are not provided to temporary to all employees (full time and part time), but not to are not provided to or part-time employees, by
to form a new Risk & Compliance reductions in energy, emissions, water, commitments to the environment, our us. We have continually improved our environmental management, our Department that reports to the new raw materials, and waste. We also expect people, and our processes. VP of ESG and CCO. This group will to bolster our initiatives around diversity people strategies, and our management Now, Todd Schneider – our new define and implement our ESG strategy, and inclusion, human capital, safety and processes. As ESG priorities have President and CEO – sets out his vision become more clearly defined and activities, monitoring, and compliance. health, and our governance objectives, for our future on the following pages. this holistic measure of business has As our enterprise-wide assessment among other
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 is just the next step in our young journey. What started in 2019 as an effort to collect and analyze our company data for our first ESG Report continues today as an enterprise-wide business review that is expected to continue into 2023. 7 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO The word “unprecedented” has become As a company, we believe this is a natural “We believe this is an far too common in the last two years. next step for us since the business model we have utilized for almost a century is First, we have rallied against a global excellent opportunity to based on sustainable business practices pandemic that has challenged us to talk about what we’ve focus on health and
emissions by 2050. 8 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX The scientific and research communities Doc and Amelia Farmer’s story is central A FEW WORDS FROM OUR are laser-focused on the same issues. We to our ESG story. Each of our leaders who “This will guide VICE PRESIDENT OF ESG AND CCO believe Cintas can leverage their findings have followed has built on their ingenuity us into the future ESG is a quickly evolving area with and breakthroughs, combine them with and engrained sustainability and other increasing attention from many different our own innovations, and drive further ESG concepts deeper into our business. and continue to stakeholders, and I’m honored to be improvements on our environmental The innate
denominator for our emissions, energy, • and water intensity values. This will help Energy, emissions, and water data data has been updated since the 2020 • us reflect our company’s business and is reported for our Rental division report’s release. growth as we continue to expand our • Cintas Investor Relations operations in the United States,4 which • Minor calculation adjustments have reporting in future years. In our 2020 encompasses our uniform rental and • Cintas 2020 ESG Report been made to reflect more accurate report, those values were calculated as facility services activities. U.S. Rental location-based emissions data a function of hundredweight (Cwt)7 of operations5 represent about 93% of our Rental division FY21 revenues and from
emissions calculations. entire organization. • Our reported energy and emissions improvements from FY19 through FY21. However, the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect All financial references and data are data sets were expanded to include on our performance and data cannot be noted in U.S. dollars. We further define all U.S. Rental locations6 in operation completely isolated from other efficiency terms used and annotate additional during the reporting periods – and process changes that contributed references and reporting methodologies including branches. In 2020, we to performance improvements. The in the Appendix at the end of this report. reported environmental data only for COVID-19 pandemic began in the fourth The report has been prepared our Rental pr
energy and emissions data for the For more information about Cintas’ 2021 Disclosures relevant to Cintas is available reported years. Fleet data was not ESG Report or if you have questions, in the Appendix. reported in 2020. please contact us at, or through your normal stakeholder communications platform. 4 See pg. 66: Appendix > Definitions > Rental division operations in the United States. 5 See pg. 66: Appendix > Definitions > U.S. Rental operations. 6 See pg. 66: Appendix > Definitions > U.S. Rental locations. 7 See pg. 66: Appendix > Definitions > Hundredweight (Cwt). 8 See pg. 67: Appendix > Notes & Methodologies > COVID-19 Effect on Data and Performance. 10 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX THIS IS
roots, with our company origins in a Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and based fuel, and we’re rolling out “Smart withdrawal rates. Our “Zero Waste business practice that reclaimed and explore opportunities to reduce Scope 3 Truck” technology to improve our route Program” (see pg. 29) is helping to divert reused shop rags from local factories. GHG emissions from our supply chain. planning, which will help decrease thousands of tons of waste from landfill. To this day, we strive to minimize our We will also continue to identify ways fuel use, increase fuel efficiency, and By innovating with materials, we are environmental footprint and preserve to reduce energy, water, raw materials, lower emissions. exploring ways to create circular natural resources while considering and waste throughout our business. We I
Net Zero GHG emissions by 2050, we investing in our fleet and introducing exploring ways to increase reuse in an CINTAS VS. AT-HOME LAUNDERING CINTAS: THE BEST OPTION Our laundering process is more water- and energy-efficient than traditional Our wide range of products and services not only help our customers get at-home laundering processes. Not only do we utilize fewer natural resources when Ready for the Workday®, but also help them save money while offering them processing the same amount of laundry compared to at-home launderers, we’re a more environmentally considerate choice. also able to maximize our load sizes to reduce our total number of wash cycles, Our uniforms and apparel solutions are prime examples of these savings. which further helps reduce our
In FY21, our emissions, energy, and temperature required – to achieve At Cintas, we have begun calculating environmental performance. This water intensities all saw reductions of the necessary level of cleaning. This our environmental intensity values will help us identify the impacts of at least 5.6% over our FY20 values when increased both our water and our energy for energy, emissions, and water in operational improvements while we indexed by our new revenue metric. usage in FY21. While our total poundage relation to million dollars in revenue. continue to expand reporting across Although we realized reductions in our environmental intensities, we believe laundered in FY21 decreased, the total Our business services industry tends our entire organization. ener
in our emissions, energy, and water increase in demand for our hygienic intensity values per million dollars in cleaning processes, fulfilling the increased MEASURE UNIT FY20 FY21 % CHANGE needs of many essential businesses – revenue in FY21 compared to FY20. Energy Intensity GJ/$M 1,452.53 1,346.74 -7.3% including hospitals, medically related Emissions Intensity MTCO2e/$M 96.57 88.59 -8.3% businesses, and food service providers. Water Intensity ML/$M 0.214 0.202 -5.6% Additionally, the proportion of uniforms Revenues14 $M $5,243 $5,267 0.46% from public utility and municipal customers rose in comparison, and Poundage CWT 24,298,215 22,239,728 -8.5% these garments tended to be dirtier and required more cleaning. 11 See pg. 67: Appendix > Notes & Methodolog
We recognize climate change is a global EMISSIONS DATA AND PERFORMANCE issue and is something businesses have to consider and address moving forward. The U.S. RENTAL FACILITIES AND FLEET17 UNITS FY19 FY20 FY21 risks we face at Cintas are broad and can have both financial and physical impacts, Scope 1 (gross direct) MTCO2e 428,551 403,030 377,772 on both ourselves and our customers. Scope 2 (indirect) MTCO2e 116,005 103,285 88,857 With an interest in protecting the future Total Scope 1+2 Emissions MTCO2e 544,555 506,315 466,628 of our environment, our communities, Annual Scope 1+2 Emissions Reductions MTCO2e n/a 38,240 39,687 and our business, we have implemented % Annual Change in Scope 1+2 Emissions % n/a -7.0% -7.8% initiatives and programs that support climate action by reducing our GH
emissions and energy use. GHG Emissions Intensity MTCO2e/$M 105.78 96.57 88.59 As we continue with our enterprise Annual Gross Emissions Reductions MTCO2e n/a -9.21 -7.97 business review in relation to our ESG priorities, we expect to identify goals and achieving Net Zero GHG emissions while chemistry conversion initiative TRUpathTM all-electric vehicles into our fleet as test targets to help bolster our ambition to simultaneously lessening the overall (see pg. 25) – were implemented samples later this year (see pg. 25). achieve Net Zero by 2050. We also intend environmental impact of our value chain. across the business and contributed In addition, we began to install Smart to collaborate with our “Global Supply to improved wash cycle times, load T
and 2 emissions data, and plan to work with LOWERING GHG EMISSIONS These have helped reduce both GHG fleet in late 2020. This technology assesses time spent driving and idling, them to identify ways to reduce their GHG E Thm ei s cs oio nsn us m F pro tim on O ou f r e nO ep rge yr a at nio dn fs uel by emissions and energy use. makes route planning more efficient, and emissions across their own value chains. our U.S. Rental operations16 results in Reducing Vehicle Emissions helps improve fuel efficiency, among Lowering our Scope 3 emissions, as well GHG emissions. We have one of the largest commercial other expected benefits (see pg. 21). as minimizing our downstream water vehicle fleets in the United States, and In FY21, our GHG emissions for U.S. Renta
vehicle emissions. strategies to reduce the climate footprint This represents a 7.8% reduction over In an effort to continue lowering our of our fleet through a variety of means – We reduced FY20, and a gross reduction of 14.3% Scope 1 emissions, we’ve eliminated including increasing fuel efficiency, using compared to FY19. Our Scope 1 GHG almost one-third of our diesel-fueled alternative-fuel vehicles, and optimizing our total CO e 2 emissions were almost 6.3% lower than in fleet in the United States over the last our routing – as well as working with our emissions from U.S. FY20, and our Scope 2 emissions fell by four years. We expect to replace our transportation vendors to identify new Rental operations almost 14.0%. remaining diesel-burning vehicles in
16 See pg. 67: Appendix > Notes & Methodologies > Environment Data Expansion in 2021 ESG Report and Emissions Data Restatements. 17 See pg. 67: Appendix > Notes & Methodologies > Environment Data Expansion in 2021 ESG Report and Emissions Data Restatements. 20 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX SPOTLIGHT: SMART TRUCKTECHNOLOGY With a service fleet as large as As Smart Truck technology was Our Smart Truck technology has ours – which makes many stops along installed in our trucks and we began already demonstrated the potential millions of miles – we explored how analyzing data, we observed reductions of efficiency gains from changing small changes to routes and driver in idle times as our drivers were more behaviors. As we dig deeper into the habits could have big impacts on our educated about the system. As th
we expect to make greater cumulative emissions – lowering both our costs Our Smart Truck program provides us with detailed data on routing, drive reductions in our idle time averages. and our environmental impact. time, and idle time, among other Future Efficiencies Resulting things. Already installed on more From Smart Truck than 9,800 vehicles, we have been As more complete and established monitoring data and trends, and data is collected across our Rental gaining insights that we believe will fleet, we expect our Smart Truck help us make impactful changes to technology will help us identify and our routing operations into the future. create more efficient routes. These ongoing changes would help us Changing Driver Behavior provide better customer experiences Leaving our trucks to id
pounds of CO2 emissions. Smart Truck technology will help us create more efficient routes and help us reduce our environmental impact. 21 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX SPOTLIGHT: TRANSFORMING OURFLEET With one of the largest corporate fleets by the California Air Resources Board, conditions, rather than the start- By January 2022, we expect to deploy in North America, we have more than which requires that various types of and-stop situations our route-based 13 electric vehicles from three different 14,000 vehicles on the road, consisting vehicles must meet specific exhaust model presents. producers into service. Six Rental and of our familiar white service trucks and emissions standards. Additionally, prior efforts to u
Our fleet is central to our success and of our Scope 1 GHG emissions, so the dissolution of a key producer of number of electric vehicles into our enables our service professionals to we’re excited to introduce our first commercial-grade hybrids. Current operations will allow us to evaluate their help businesses get Ready™ to open fully electric vehicles later this fiscal hybrid technology has yet to meet our performance, durability, and reliability their doors with confidence. year. Cintas understands that moving unique business needs – including miles from fossil-fuel-powered vehicles to traveled, time on route, and payloads – in a variety of business conditions. After a review of our commercial alternative-powered vehicles will be an but we continue to work with hybrid Verifying that electric vehicles ca
fossil fuel use and Scope 1 emissions: our GHG emissions. With the unique nature of our business business model is important as we investigate possible means to reduce Our previous attempts to test and services industry, we challenged • Removing diesel-burning vehicles our Scope 1 GHG emissions. If these introduce alternative-fuel vehicles – electric vehicle vendors to develop from our fleet first models perform as anticipated, including electric, compressed natural solutions that meet our unique fleet • Deploying our first all-electric we expect to pilot additional electric gas (CNG), and hybrid vehicles – have needs. Now, manufacturers of the vehicles into full-time service service vehicles and begin a review faced challenges. newest electric service vehicles are of a more r
Scope 1 GHG emissions. true of those used at our uniform rental our fleet. locations, where service representatives environmentally conscious way. We started this process in FY18, when collect dirty and soiled garments 45% of our U.S. Rental service vehicles throughout the day, resulting in relatively ran on diesel fuel. Four years later, by constant payloads at the beginning the end of FY21, this percentage had and end of their routes. Earlier electric fallen to 31% – or 3,017 of our 9,783 U.S. vehicle technology did not produce Rental service vehicles. enough consistent power or battery life Further, we expect to finalize the to make those options viable for Cintas. replacement of 181 diesel-burning We currently have a small number of vehicles in California b
means we have significant energy use has reduced our GHG emissions by from our lighting. almost 7,500 metric tons a year – which represents a 5% reduction in In FY19, we kicked off a company-wide our electricity use and our Scope 2 project to lower our energy use at some emissions. Our energy use should of our most energy-intensive locations. continue to decrease as the wide-scale The project followed smaller, individual LED-installation initiatives at several conversion project is completed. locations that provided early evidence of the significant reductions in energy use that LED lighting could provide in We’ve reduced our facilities. our annual energy Currently, we have replaced (or are in use by lighting the process of replacing) facility lighting by more than with LED alternatives at more than 16 mi
converted. Almost 27,000 incandescent 2 emissions by and fluorescent lighting fixtures have 5% so far. been swapped out so far, and the company-wide project is expected to be completed by the end of FY22. The LED lighting project has reduced our Scope 2 emissions by 5% so far. 24 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX WATER STEWARDSHIP Water is a central resource to our Water Conservation vendor, WSI, to develop more efficient Wash chemistry developments like the business, and a necessary input to We’re proud of our water-conservation wash formulas has been critical in helping Clearpath and, most recently, TRUpathTM perform our services. Because of our efforts, and we know our commitment us lower our gallons-per-pound metric. formulations have helped us
finished goods and supply products in a GHG emissions by 2050, we anticipate policies on purchase agreements employees fairly, we assess all potential lawful, ethical, and responsible manner. collecting Scope 1 and 2 emissions and supplier compliance, including new vendors and monitor current suppliers. To that end, we expect Global Supply data from our Global Supply Chain stipulations on contractual obligations, Chain Suppliers to conduct business in Suppliers. We intend to work with them While we recognize that many different administrative tasks, supplier business an equally ethical and moral manner, to identify ways to reduce their GHG legal and cultural environments exist review requirements, purchase both domestically and internationally. emissions across their own value chain. througho
Lowering our Scope 3 emissions, as well Code of Conduct details our basic Conduct requirements. Global Supply Chain Suppliers are as minimizing our downstream water expectations for Global Supply Chain expected to comply with our rigorous We procure goods and products use, waste, and raw materials needs, will Suppliers to do business with us. Vendor Code of Conduct, which outlines from a global network that includes be vital to achieving Net Zero by 2050 our guidelines and requirements. Some Potential new Global Supply Chain vendors in the United States as well and lessening the overall environmental key provisions in the Code include fair Suppliers and new vendor facilities as from China, Colombia, Costa Rica, labor standards, as per ILO definitions, impact of our valu
emissions and waste, and we are aware and Chairman since June 2016, retired as John F. Barrett Our governance and management of the risks these pose. We work with our CEO and transitioned to become our Audit Committee, Nominating and structure are guided by our Code of our Board of Directors, management, Executive Chairman as of June 1, 2021. Corporate Governance Committee Conduct and Business Ethics, which and stakeholders to run our business in On this same date, Todd Schneider was establishes clear and consistent Melanie W. Barstad a manner that aims to reduce, mitigate, appointed as our new President and expectations for decision-making by Compensation Committee, all Cintas Directors and employee- or eliminate our impact in these areas. CEO, and
REPORTING FRAMEWORK & DATA DISCLOSURES EMISSIONS DATA RESTATEMENTS In our 2021 ESG Report, we have reported our company’s disclosures in reference to In our 2021 ESG Report, we have recalculated our prior emissions data and restated it the Global Reporting Index (GRI) Standards as they were available on June 1, 2021. in this data set. On top of the expanded locations included in reporting, we have also There are select instances where we have chosen not to report required components more accurately assigned location-based emissions factors for the years reported. In our of GRI’s disclosures because we anticipate forthcoming guidance from U.S. federal 2020 ESG Report, our emissions data used country averages for our locations based in and regulatory bodies – including the Securities and E
xchange Commission (SEC) the United States and Canada. In the 2021 report, the specific emissions factor for each and the Nasdaq stock exchange – that may conflict with GRI Standards requirements location’s utility company was used to calculate emissions values. Additionally, data for and thus require significant changes to, and restatements of, our data in future years. our U.S. fleet was included in our 2021 environmental data, which also factored into our Further, in some areas of our social data, we have chosen to align our disclosures emissions data this year. with the GRI requirements, rather than the EEO-1 reporting requirements of the U.S. federal government (e.g., employee age brackets). As further and continued guidance about ESG reporting requirements is provided by the U.S. government and regulatory WATER DATA ASSUMPTIONS a
For our 2021 report, our energy and emissions data sets were expanded to include all of like-for-like processes. Using the same data set as otherwise reported throughout locations in the United States in our Rental division footprint – including branches. In our 2021 ESG Report would mean fleet energy data, and non-processing facility energy 2020, we reported environmental data for only our Rental processing facilities. All types and water data would be included in calculations specifically comparing laundry-only of U.S. Rental locations are included in our 2021 environmental data. processes. The original data set would’ve resulted in skewed and unequal comparisons, Further, data has been recorded for the U.S. Rental fleet and incorporated into the necessitating the formulation of the
energy and emissions data for the reported years. Fleet data was not reported in 2020. Explanations, data points, and calculations made in this Appendix using the processing facility-only data set are indicated with an asterisk (*). 67 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX REFERENCED CALCULATIONS CINTAS VS. AT-HOME LAUNDRY COMPARISONS* CINTAS VS. TRSA INDUSTRY COMPARISONS Calculations of Cintas’ laundry process efficiency versus traditional at-home laundry The Textile Rental Services Association (TRSA) collects and publishes industry process efficiency were calculated by Water Solutions Incorporated (WSI) using sustainability data that includes voluntary contributions from its membership and other industry-specific calculati
• Emissions – Carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) • Traditional At-Home Drying: 115°F drying temperature, 60°F atmospheric • Poundage – Hundredweight (Cwt) temperature, 2,143 Btu of energy used per pound of fabric,32 and 10.5 lb load size • Revenues – Millions of U.S. dollars ($M) Using this data and WSI’s calculations, traditional at-home laundering uses on average TRSA provides its sustainability data in the following metrics: 84% more water per pound of laundry than Cintas’ laundry process. Further, the traditional at-home laundry process – both washing and drying – uses on average 69% • W ater use – Gallons per pound of laundered items (gal/pound) more energy than Cintas’ washing and drying process. • Energy use – MMBtu and/or Btu per pound of laund
• Emissions – CO2 per pound of laundered items (CO2/pound) • Poundage – Pounds • Revenues – Not applicable 30 B ritish thermal unit. 31 T he figure of traditional at-home laundry’s use of 1.9 gallons of water per pound was calculated by WSI from data provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ENERGY STAR program in its “What to Consider When Buying a Clothes Washer” tab at ENERGY STAR Certified Residential Clothes Washers, accessed on Sept. 24, 2021. 32 W SI used the average Btu per hour requirements of traditional home gas driers (20,000 to 25,000 Btu per hour), as cited on Choose Energy’s website at Buying a Dryer: Natural Gas or Electric?, accessed on Oct. 7, 2021. 68 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPEN
We were not able to offer a comparison of our emissions performance against the 2018 TRSA Operator Norm. TRSA’s Sustainability Report cites participants’ greenhouse gas Btu/pound 2,422 n/a (GHG) emissions per pound of production, or CO2 per pound of textiles laundered. Btu/Cwt 242,200 n/a Cintas’ emissions data is reported by GHG emissions equivalents, or CO2e. Because MMBtu 32,030 4,176,359 we cannot confirm how the TRSA CO2 data is collected or if it is truly exclusive of other MJ 33,793,348 4,406,280,000 GHG equivalents – and because Cintas’ data is only available in emission equivalents – we were not able to provide comparisons against potentially non-like data points. MJ/Cwt 255.53 198.13 Comparison (-22.46%) WATER COMPARISONS TRSA DATA CINTAS DATA* Gallons/pound 1.47 n/a Poundage 13,900,0
Measures,” our newly created emissions, energy, and water intensity metrics use While our gross energy use, emissions, and water use decreased from FY20 to FY21, millions of dollars in revenues as the unit of measure. For FY21, this new metric the decrease in poundage was greater than the rates of energy, emissions, and water demonstrated reductions in intensity values over FY20 for all three metrics, as our reduction, which resulted in increased intensity values for all three metrics when revenues increased while our total usage continued to decrease. calculated per hundredweight. A closer inspection of our full environmental data set, however, demonstrates the underlying effect that COVID-19’s impact on our wash mix had on our FY21 intensity values. While our new metric indexed on revenues produced reductions in intensity, the revenue gains outsized the
EMISSIONS INTENSITY BY HUNDREDWEIGHT UNIT FY19 FY20 PCT. CHANGE FY21 PCT. CHANGE Emissions Released* MTCO2e 544,555 506,315 -7.0% 466,628 -7.8% Emissions Intensity* MTCO2e/Cwt 0.2197-1 0.2084-1 -5.2% 0.2098-1 0.7% WATER INTENSITY BY HUNDREDWEIGHT UNIT FY19 FY20 PCT. CHANGE FY21 PCT. CHANGE Water Consumed* ML 1,213 1,120 -7.7% 1,063 -5.1% Water Intensity* ML/Cwt 0.4894-4 0.4610-4 -5.8% 0.4780-4 3.7% 70 CINTAS 2021 ESG REPORTABOUT CINTAS ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL GOVERNANCE APPENDIX 2021 GLOBAL REPORTING INITIATIVE (GRI) INDEX This GRI Index accompanies our 2021 ESG Report and references the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards as they were available on June 1, 2021. As we continue our organizational review and finalize our processes and strategies to
Emissions 305-01 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Environment > Climate and Energy > Lowering GHG Emissions 305-02 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions Environment > Climate and Energy > Lowering GHG Emissions 305-03 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions As part of our new ambition to achieve Net Zero GHG emissions by 2050, we will explore opportunities to identify and reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from our supply chain. 305-04 GHG emissions intensity Environment > Climate and Energy > Lowering GHG Emissions 305-05 Reduction of GHG emissions Environment > Climate and Energy > Lowering GHG Emissions Effluents and Waste 306-01 Water discharge by quality and destination Environment > Water Stewardship > Managing Wastewater 306-02 Waste by type and dis
our waste from landfill Injury Rate (TRIR) to Named a “Best Place to Work through various reuse 1.70, the company’s for Disability Inclusion” and recycle efforts best-ever mark by the Disability Equality Index FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS You should not place undue reliance on any forward- of supply chain traceability practices and tools; by law. The risks and uncertainties described herein looking statement. We cannot guarantee that any the quality of recycling and waste management are not the only ones we may face. Additional risks This Cintas Corporation 2021 Environmental, Social, forward-looking statement will be realized. These infrastructure in local markets; the volatility of markets and uncertainties presently not known to us or that and Gove
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