Problems downloading a single split of the data

by davidggphy - opened

I've been trying with several languages (but not in a multilingual setting) to obtain just a split of the data, e.g. "test" or "test[:50]".
In all cases (I didn't try with "en_accented") the script download all splits (train + validation + test) and then just selects the required part, instead of just downloading the particular split.

Example of the script

from datasets import load_dataset, Audio
data_files = {"train": "data/es/test/test_part_0.tar.gz"}
language_code = "es"
dataset = load_dataset("facebook/voxpopuli", language_code,split="test[:50]")


davidggphy changed discussion title from Problems downloading just a split of the data to Problems downloading a single split of the data

hi @davidggphy ! unfortunately, downloading the data of a single split is not possible :( it's the current limitation of the datasets library itself

polinaeterna changed discussion status to closed

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