This is a divisional, of application Ser. No. 08/159,528 filed Dec. 1, 1993, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,506,011. BACKGROUND OF INVENTION The present invention relates in general to packaging prepared from a paperboard laminate. More particularly, the present invention relates to a heat-sealable paperboard laminate, and packages constructed from that laminate, which includes a buried polyvinyl alcohol copolymer (PVOH) barrier material. Barrier materials are used in paperboard packaging to accomplish several results. First, barrier materials are required to prevent the egress from the package of flavors, aromas and other ingredients of the packaged product. Secondly, barrier materials are also required to prevent the ingress into the package of oxygen, moisture and other contaminants that might degrade the packaged product. Many attempts have heretofore been made to provide barrier properties to paperboard packaging. For example, low density polyethylene (LDPE) is a well known component of prior art paperboard packaging since it provides good moisture resistance, and, because it is heat sealable, it provides a means for fabricating the packages. Likewise, the presence of a metallic foil as an inner barrier also significantly reduces the transmission of flavors and aromas out of the package and the transmission of oxygen into the package. However, laminates including metallic foil are difficult to recycle and the use of foil significantly increases the cost of the resulting package. Other attempts at providing barrier protection in paperboard packaging have involved the use of polymeric barrier materials such as ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymers (EVOH); polyvinylidene chloride and its copolymers (PVDC); polyacrylonitrile and its copolymers (PAN); polyamides (PA); polyethylene terephthalate (PET); polyvinyl chloride (PVC); and polypropylene (PP). Of these materials, EVOH is the preferred barrier material (see article entitled, "HIGH BARRIER POLYMERS", by A. L. Blackwell, 1986 Coextrusion Seminar, Marriott Hilton Head, Hilton Head, S.C., published by TAPPI Press). In addition polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) has been suggested in the past as a potential barrier material (see U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,239,826; 4,254,169; 4,407,897; 4,425,410; and 4,464,443). However, the patented uses for PVOH as a barrier material are for film-only packaging. This is partly due to the fact that PVOH is highly sensitive to moisture, but its absence from paperboard packaging is believed to be primarily due to the fact that it is difficult to process. The barrier properties and particularly the oxygen permeability rate of most polymers is dependent to some degree on the relative humidity to which they are exposed. For example, the oxygen permeability of both EVOH and PVOH is lower under dry conditions than under humid conditions, while the oxygen permeability of amorphous nylon (SELAR PA), is lower under humid conditions than under dry conditions. Because of this sensitivity to moisture, most laminates used for packaging which incorporate a barrier, are usually multi-layered, with the barrier material surrounded by layers designed to keep it isolated from both atmospheric humidity and the moist contents of the packaged products. In the case of refrigerated liquid products stored in paperboard containers, both the inside and outside of the container may be at or near 100% RH. If it is assumed that the entire structure is at equilibrium, it may be concluded that the barrier layer, even though sandwiched between other layers, is also at 100% RH. However, for packaging dry products, and non-refrigerated liquid products, where the moisture conditions are less extreme, the moisture sensitivity of the barrier material may not be of overwhelming concern. Thus, the relatively low oxygen permeability of PVOH, particularly at low RH, makes it an attractive candidate for use as a barrier material in paperboard laminates, particularly for packaging non-refrigerated liquid products and for dry products, despite its processing difficulties. SUMMARY OF INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide an improved heat-sealable, non-foil paperboard laminate with PVOH as a barrier material, for use in making packaging. In particular, the present invention is useful for packaging dry products, or liquid products that do not require refrigeration. In one embodiment of the present invention, a PVOH barrier material is applied directly to paperboard. In another embodiment of the invention, the PVOH barrier material may be applied to the paperboard in the form of a coextruded sandwich. Using VINEX polyvinyl alcohol copolymer resins from Air Products and Chemicals, a layer of PVOH was successfully applied directly to paperboard in the form of an extrusion coating. A good bond was achieved by first applying water to the paperboard surface to pre-treat the surface before extrusion coating. By practicing this method, the PVOH becomes partially dissolved, allowing it to penetrate slightly into the surface of the paperboard, resulting in a strong fiber-tearing bond. This method may be practiced by any suitable coating technique including coextrusion, extrusion coating, or by laminating an already prepared film of PVOH to the wetted surface of the paperboard. Laminates prepared according to this method demonstrated low oxygen permeability particularly under conditions of low relative humidity. At room temperature and under dry conditions (20% RH), the oxygen permeability of a 0.5 mil thick layer of PVOH extrusion coated on paperboard is less than 0.01 cc mil/100 in 2 day ATM, making PVOH a better oxygen barrier than either EVOH or nylon (SELAR PA) under these conditions. In another embodiment of the present invention, the PVOH barrier material was applied to the paperboard as a coextruded sandwich including low density polyethylene (LDPE), a good moisture barrier which is also heat sealable, and tie layers. This method requires the use of coextrudable layers which have melt temperatures close to the melt temperature of PVOH. Whereas LDPE and the tie layers generally useful with LDPE typically are extruded at temperatures greater than 500° F., PVOH begins to degrade at about 430° F. Therefore, the grades of LDPE useful with PVOH must have a melt temperature of around 400° F. and the tie layers must likewise have melt temperatures lower than conventional tie layers. Coextrusion techniques may also be used to make the products of the first embodiment where the PVOH is in direct contact with the paperboard. For example, a sandwich layer of PVOH/tie layer/LDPE, may be coextruded directly onto a treated paperboard surface, or a sandwich layer comprising tie layer/LDPE may be coextruded onto a PVOH layer which was previously applied to the paperboard. Those skilled in the art will readily foresee other possible combinations within the scope of the present invention. Accordingly, the present invention may be seen to comprise a substantially oxygen impermeable, leak-free, paperboard laminate incorporating PVOH as its barrier material, container blanks formed from the laminate and containers formed from the blanks. A preferred embodiment of the laminate structure comprises inner and outer layers of a heat sealable polymer such as LDPE, paperboard such as milk carton stock, one or more interior layers of PVOH and appropriate tie layers. The PVOH layer is preferably a VINEX polyvinyl alcohol copolymer resin from Air Products and Chemicals Company, but other PVOH resins could be substituted. The VINEX resins are extrudable grades of polyvinyl alcohol with barrier properties that make them suitable for packaging oxygen sensitive goods and non-food products. VINEX 1003 is insoluble at 100° F., and may be more suitable for liquid packaging than other grades. However, since the VINEX resins are moisture sensitive, it is important that they be protected from moisture. Polymers such as LDPE are suitable for this purpose to ensure that the VINEX resin layer remains relatively dry during use. Meanwhile, the tie layer materials must be suitable for forming strong bonds between PVOH and the other polymers used in the laminate. A specialty grade of LDPE that will process at lower temperature is available from Eastman Chemical Corporation under the designation E6838-065P. Likewise, lower temperature tie layers are available from Quantum Chemical Company (PLEXAR 3342) and from Dupont (BYNEL E-406 or BYNEL E-409). The package structures formed from the laminates of the present invention exhibit good barrier properties and may be produced using conventional equipment. The packages can be used for a variety of food and non-food packaging applications. Such packages make use of heat seals for forming and closing, and are utilized in the formation of folding boxes, rectangular containers and other shapes. A particular application is in the manufacture of gable top containers. DESCRIPTION OF DRAWING FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional elevation of a preferred embodiment of the laminate of the present invention; FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional elevation of a modification of the laminate structure shown in FIG. 1; FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional elevation of an alternative embodiment of the laminate of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional elevation of yet another alternative embodiment of the laminate of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a block diagram showing typical steps used to make the laminate of FIG. 1; FIG. 6 is a block diagram showing an alternative method for making the laminate of FIG. 1; FIG. 7 is a block diagram showing typical steps for making the laminate of FIG. 3; FIG. 8 is a block diagram showing typical steps for making the laminate of FIG. 4; and FIG. 9 is a block diagram showing an alternative method for making the laminate of FIG. 4. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Referring to FIG. 1, the preferred embodiment of the laminate of the present invention is shown as comprising a paperboard substrate having inner and outer surfaces. On the outer surface of the paperboard there is an outer layer of a heat seal polymer for example LDPE, having a coat weight on the order of abut 6-18 lbs/ream (ream size 3,000 sq. ft.). On the inner surface of the paperboard there is a layer of barrier material for example PVOH, having a coat weight on the order of about 4-6 lbs/ream, and an inner layer of a heat seal polymer having a coat weight on the order of about 6-18 lbs/ream. Depending upon how the laminate is made, there may also be a tie layer between the PVOH barrier layer and the inner heat seal layer. The tie layer would preferably have a coat weight of from about 4-6 lbs/ream. The preferred method for manufacturing the laminate structure shown in Figure i is illustrated in FIG. 5, and involves flame treating and coating the outer surface of the paperboard substrate with an outer layer of heat seal polymer. The inner surface of the paperboard substrate is then primed with water before the coextrusion PVOH/tie/heat seal polymer is applied to the substrate. In an alternative method as shown in FIG. 6, the PVOH layer is applied to the treated paperboard surface followed by the application of the coextrusion tie/heat seal polymer to finish the inner surface of the substrate. With either method a laminate structure having good barrier properties is achieved. Containers prepared from the laminate material are heat sealable on conventional equipment at conventional temperatures. Referring to FIG. 2, there is illustrated a modification of the laminate structure shown in FIG. 1 wherein two PVOH layers are applied to a central core of paperboard. For this embodiment, the outside surface of the paperboard substrate is primed with water before a coextrusion of PVOH/tie/heat seal polymer is applied to the outer surface. The substrate is flipped over, and the inner surface of the paperboard substrate is primed with water before an inner coextruded sandwich of PVOH/tie/heat seal polymer is applied to the inner surface. Alternatively, coextrusions of PVOH/tie may be applied to each treated surface of the paperboard substrate before layers of heat seal coating are applied over the coextrusions, or PVOH layers may be applied to the treated paperboard surfaces followed by coextrusions of tie/heat seal coating. The result is a laminate as shown in FIG. 2 comprising from outside to inside, a heat seal layer, tie layer, PVOH barrier layer, paperboard substrate, PVOH barrier layer, tie layer and a heat seal layer. The advantages of this construction is the presence of two PVOH barrier layers and the ability to readily fold the laminate in either direction by applying score lines to either surface of the laminate. FIG. 3 illustrates an alternative construction according to the present invention wherein the PVOH barrier layer is buried in a symmetrical sandwich which is coextruded onto the paperboard substrate. For this purpose as shown in FIG. 7, the outer surface of the substrate is flame treated to promote adhesion, and an outer layer of a heat seal coating is applied thereto. The web is turned over so the inner surface of the substrate can be flame treated, and a coextrusion comprising a heat seal layer/tie layer/PVOH layer/tie layer/heat seal layer is coextruded onto the treated inner surface of the substrate. This construction provides a laminate that yields good barrier properties using well known manufacturing techniques. The heat sealability of this construction can be improved by applying an additional layer of heat sealable material to the exposed surface of the sandwich layer. The following embodiments of the present invention involve multiple substrate layers in the barrier laminate. FIG. 4 illustrates a laminate comprising from the outside to the inside, a heat seal layer/substrate/PVOH layer/substrate/heat seal layer. In the preferred form of this embodiment, one substrate layer is a thick sheet of paperboard to provide stiffness, and the other substrate layer is a fairly thin sheet of paper with little or no structural strength. Alternatively, both substrate layers could be paperboard or paper. This structure is preferably manufactured as shown in FIG. 8 by starting with a paperboard substrate and a paper substrate each having heat seal coatings already applied to their outer surfaces. The PVOH layer in this case is used to laminate the two coated substrates together after the exposed surfaces of the paperboard and paper are primed with water. Alternatively the same laminate may be manufactured as shown in FIG. 9 by first coating the outer surface of the paperboard substrate with an outer heat seal layer before laminating the paper substrate to the coated board substrate with the PVOH layer. Finally, the exposed surface of the paper substrate is coated with an inner heat seal layer. In the latter process, the outer surfaces of the paperboard and paper substrates are preferably flame treated to enhance adhesion of the heat seal coating while the inner surfaces are primed with water to achieve good bonding with the PVOH barrier layer. The advantages of a structure according to FIG. 4 are the use of less total plastic material than with coextruded structures, no expensive tie layers and, of course, the absence of a coextrusion process. The paperboard substrate in the FIG. 4 embodiment is preferably milk carton stock in the basis weight range of about 150-300 lbs/ream (ream size 3000 sq. ft.), preferably 260 lbs/ream for half gallon size gable top cartons. The PVOH layer is a VINEX polyvinyl alcohol copolymer resin having a coat weight of about 4-6 lbs/ream, and the paper layer is preferably a light weight, uncoated paper product having a basis weight on the order of about 40-100 lbs/ream (ream size 3300 sq. ft.). The heat seal layers are preferably LDPE with the outside layer having a thickness in the range of about 6-16 lbs/ream (ream size 3000 sq. ft.), preferably 12 lbs/ream, and the inside layer having a thickness of at least about 10 lbs/ream for good heat sealability. Although specific coating techniques have been described for preparing the various laminate structures of the present invention, any appropriate technique for applying the layers onto the substrates disclosed may be employed, such as extrusion, coextrusion, extrusion lamination or adhesive lamination of single layer and/or multilayer films. Containers prepared from these structures provide good barrier properties against oxygen transmission and the loss of flavors and aromas, particularly under low humidity conditions, and good barrier properties against the penetration of moisture through the laminate.
Paperboard packaging for non-refrigerated liquid products and for dry products contains a buried polyvinyl alcohol copolymer (PVOH) barrier layer which has a low oxygen permeability particularly at low relative humidity, and outer heat-sealable surfaces which provide good resistance to moisture penetration and a means for fabricating the packaging.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This Application is the U.S. National Stage of International Application No. PCT/EP2008/051559, filed Feb. 8, 2008, which claims priority to Spanish Application No. P200700359, filed Feb. 9, 2007. OBJECT OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a large capacity basket for purchasing in self service stores and/or supermarkets, of the type of those incorporating rolling means at their base and a drive handle which allows the user to move such baskets in a comfortable manner. More specifically, the object of the present invention is a basket the structure of which allows transporting a large number of items without this damaging its structure, therefore increasing its durability and reliability. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION There are different types of baskets on the market intended to be used in supermarkets or self service stores as means so that the clients transport the goods to the checkout counters in which payment is made. These baskets are presented as an alternative to typical metal carts, which occasionally are not suitable, either because of the number of items which are to be purchased or because the characteristics of the establishment make the circulation of said carts impossible. Thus, the baskets normally used generally consist of stackable resistant plastic containers which are provided with one or several handles allowing the user to transport them throughout the premises and introduce the items therein. Finally baskets have appeared which, being equally stackable, further have wheels and a drive handle which allow moving such baskets easily, moving them over the floor of the establishment. However, as a result of the appearance of the latter baskets and due to their easy transport as a result of the wheels, it is increasingly common for the users to demand them with larger capacity and therefore that they are used to transport a large number of goods, which has certain drawbacks. These drawbacks, of a structural and/or strength character, appear due to the fact that said baskets are forced to carry out greater efforts and to support larger stresses often causing them to break. This problem is especially intensified in those baskets which are moved in an inclined manner with regard to the floor, moving on the rolling means forming the pivot axis, and in which its drive handle is located on the same plane of the face on which the items are supported, this being the load plane. More specifically, the baskets of this type are basically subjected to two types of stresses due to the load that they house in an operative situation. On one hand, the tensile stresses caused by dragging it, and on the other hand the bending stresses caused by the weight of the goods housed therein on the load plane, i.e. on the face on which said goods are supported. Furthermore, these tensile and bending stresses not only damage the actual structure of the basket, but also the drive handle, and more especially in the case pointed out in which said handle is located on the load application plane, i.e. when the basket is of the type of those that are moved in an inclined manner with regard to the floor by means of wheels or the like. These stresses thus cause a decrease in the useful life of the baskets, which as is obvious is detrimental to the quality of the product and therefore its profitability. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The shopping basket proposed by the present invention efficiently solves the previously mentioned drawbacks, because even though it has a size which allows carrying a large number of items, it has structural features providing it with the necessary tensile strength, which positively affects its durability, and in addition its profitability, all this without relinquishing its easy transport or the essential requirement of stackability. To that end the basket of the invention comprises a series of features which on one hand provide it with greater structural strength and on the other hand allow reducing the stress caused by the forces involved as a result of the breakdown thereof. More specifically, for achieving said objectives the basket of the invention is structured from a basket of the type of those that are moved in an inclined manner with regard to the floor as a result of rolling means forming the pivot axis of said basket, but in which the drive handle is located on a plane different from the load application plane. Thus, for the specific case in which the drive handle is located on a plane different from the load application plane but parallel thereto and more specifically on a parallel plane moved towards the inside of the basket, an improvement of the modulus of strength of the handle is obtained due to the fact that the side branches of said handle and the points of the body of the basket which are furthest from said plane is less. In other words, the modulus of strength can be defined as: W=I/d wherein I is the moment of inertia of the section of the handle with regard to the bending axis and d the distance to the barycenter. Therefore, by decreasing the distance d of the handle to the barycenter or center of gravity, the modulus of strength, or in other words, the strength of the assembly is increased. In addition, for the case in which the drive handle is located on a plane different from the load application plane and inclined with regard thereto, what is achieved is that the forces generated by the load, causing the bending, are broken down into two components, only one of which generates bending since it is orthogonal to the plane of the handle, said component being in any case less than the force that there would be if the handle was located on a plane coinciding with the load plane defined by the face of the basket on which the items are supported upon inclining said basket for its transport. In other words, Q being the load, it will be broken down into: {right arrow over (Q)}={right arrow over (qx)}+{right arrow over (qy)} wherein qx does not generate a bending moment as it is aligned with the plane of the handle, therefore for tensions generated by bending moments, it can be assumed that the load will be =qy wherein qy=Q cos α, α being the inclination angle between the plane of the handle and the load plane; from which it is deduced that said component qy will always be less than Q. However, for the case in which the plane of the handle and the load plane were coincident and therefore a α=0, it can be stated that cos α=cos 0°=1, therefore qy=Q, i.e. the entire load Q would generate a bending moment. In addition, for improving the strength of the basket even more, such basket can have corners reinforced by means of folds or bends carried out therein. These bends provide the basket with a greater structural rigidity and strength since on one hand it involves an extra contribution of material to the bending plane in those baskets which are moved in an inclined manner, and therefore an improvement of the modulus of strength. On the other hand said bends allow the distribution of stresses generated by the load on several orthogonal planes, which favors the distribution of stresses. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS To complement the description being made and for the purpose of aiding to better understand the features of the invention according to a preferred practical embodiment thereof, a set of drawings is attached as an integral part of said specification, in which the following has been shown with an illustrative and non-limiting character: FIG. 1 shows an elevational view of a possible embodiment of the invention in which the drive handle is located on an oblique plane with regard to the load plane. FIG. 2 shows an elevational view of another possible embodiment of the invention in which the drive handle is located on a plane parallel to the load plane. FIG. 3 shows a plan view and another perspective sectioned view of a possible embodiment of the basket of the invention in which the bends forming the reinforcement of one of the corners can be observed. FIG. 4 shows a perspective view of a preferred embodiment of the basket of the invention with the drive handle in an operative position. FIG. 5 shows two elevational views, one of the preferred embodiment of the previous figure and another of the prior state of the art, both in a horizontal position on the face incorporating the drive handle. FIG. 6 shows a perspective view and an elevational view of several baskets according to the present invention in a stacking position. PREFERRED EMBODIMENT OF THE INVENTION In view of the figures indicated, it can be observed how the stackable basket of the invention is basically structured from a body ( 1 ) with a prismatic shape or the like, the edges of which are generally rounded and having a series of cavities ( 2 ). The basket of the invention likewise has a drive handle ( 4 ) that is extractible, telescopic or the like, and rolling means ( 5 ), such as wheels for example, such that it is inclined with regard to the floor when it is moved as a result of said rolling means ( 5 ), which form the pivot axis of said basket. According to a possible embodiment of the invention, and as can be seen in FIG. 2 , the drive handle ( 4 ) is located on a plane different from the load application plane, i.e. on a plane different from the plane defining the face ( 11 ) on which the items are supported when the basket is moved in an inclined manner. More specifically, the drive handle ( 4 ) is located on a plane parallel to the load plane and moved towards the inside of the basket, an improvement of the modulus of strength of said handle ( 4 ) thus being obtained. In addition, according to another possible embodiment of the invention, and as can be seen in FIG. 1 , the drive handle ( 4 ) is located on a plane that is also different from the load application plane, but also inclined with regard thereto, whereby achieving that the forces generated by the load causing the bending are separated into components, the result of which is less than there would be if the handle was located on a plane coinciding with the load plane defined by the face ( 11 ) of the basket on which the items are supported upon inclining said basket for carrying them, as can be observed in FIG. 5 , in which the distribution of said forces on a basket from the prior state of the art and in another one according to this embodiment has been depicted. In addition, and according to another possible embodiment, the basket of the invention can incorporate corners reinforced by means of bends ( 3 ), as can be seen in the figures, located at least in the corners of the face defining the load plane. Thus, for the case of the basket the drive handle ( 4 ) of which is located on a plane parallel to the load plane and moved towards the inside of the basket, the bends ( 3 ) will have a shape such that they define a plane ( 6 ) (not depicted) parallel to the plane of the handle such that the side branches ( 7 ) of said handle ( 4 ) slide on said plane ( 6 ) with the aid of guide means. In addition, for the case of the basket the drive handle ( 4 ) of which is located on a plane inclined with regard to the load plane, the bends ( 3 ) will have a shape such that they define a plane ( 6 ) inclined coinciding with the plane of the handle such that the side branches ( 7 ) of said handle ( 4 ) slide on said plane ( 6 ) with the aid of guide means, as can be seen in FIGS. 3 and 4 . According to a possible preferred embodiment of the invention, said guide means for guiding the side branches ( 7 ) of the handle ( 4 ) through the bends ( 3 ) will be formed by holes ( 8 ) through which said side branches ( 7 ) slide, said holes ( 8 ) being able to be inclined or not inclined according to each case. Furthermore, as an element to improve said guiding along the entire run of the handle ( 4 ), this handle will be able to have, on at least one of the side branches ( 7 ) and preferably at its lower end, an element ( 9 ) having a protuberance which runs through a guide channel located for this purpose in the handle sliding area, either the actual wall of the basket or the bend ( 3 ), such that on one hand it guides the movement of said handle ( 4 ) and on the other hand said protuberance prevents the accidental extraction of the side branches ( 7 ) of said handle ( 4 ) both from the guide channel and from the corresponding holes ( 8 ). The basket of the invention could also be reversibly stacked by simply adding the mentioned bends ( 3 ) in the symmetrical areas, i.e. adding them not only in the corners of the basket formed by the face defining the load plane but also in the rest, as can bee seen in FIG. 6 , thus facilitating its collection and storage for the user. Also according to another possible embodiment of the invention, the basket of the invention could have orifices ( 10 ) made in one or several of the side faces which by way of a handgrip would allow the user to carry the baskets without needing to use the drive handle ( 4 ), or for example in the event that a set of stackable baskets are to be moved. Finally, for facilitating the introduction and recovery of the goods for the user, the face of the basket opposite that forming the load plane will be shorter than the rest, thus defining an opening as can be seen in FIGS. 4 , 5 and 6 .
The invention relates to a shopping basket in self service stores and/or supermarkets, of the type of those which can be stacked and incorporate rolling means ( 5 ) at their base and a drive handle ( 4 ) for transporting them in an inclined manner on the floor in which said drive handle ( 4 ) is located on a plane different from the load application plane, and further having its corners reinforced by means of bends ( 3 ) defining a plane ( 6 ) on which the side branches ( 7 ) of said handle ( 4 ) slide with the aid of guide means.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] The present invention relates to a surface light emitting apparatus and a method of light emission for the same, and more particularly to a surface light emitting apparatus using a hollow multilayer structure and a method of light emission for the same. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] A surface light emitting apparatus used as a backlight for a liquid crystal display or the like, achieves surface illumination by causing light from a line light source such as a cold-cathode tube to spread evenly by using a flat light-conducting plate (refer, for example, to patent document 1), to obtain a white light output of uniform brightness across the display's surface area by using a light-conducting plate and a diffusing plate or sheet in order to illuminate the liquid crystal display. A color display can be achieved by combining such a surface light emitting apparatus with a liquid crystal unit constructed from a number of layers such as liquid crystal, color filter, and black matrix layers, but the structure as a whole becomes complex and costly. [0003] It is also known to arrange a plurality of relatively inexpensive LEDs at equally spaced intervals on a substrate and use the LED array as a surface illumination apparatus for directly illuminating a billboard or the like from the back side thereof. However, with such a surface illumination apparatus, it has been difficult to produce a clearly defined pattern on the illuminated surface. [0004] Further, a surface light source is known that is constructed by arranging side by side a plurality of light conductive transparent rods each being circular in cross section and having LEDs mounted at both ends thereof (refer, for example, to patent document 2). However, even if a plurality of such circular rods are arranged close to each other, dark areas occur between the transparent rods, and it has not been possible to construct a surface light emitting apparatus that can produce patterns having clearly defined boundaries. [0005] On the other hand, it is known to provide a hollow structural plate made of a synthetic resin and used as a replacement for corrugated cardboard made of paper (refer, for example, to patent document 3). However, it is not known to use such a hollow structural plate for the construction of a surface light emitting apparatus for illuminating a display or the interior of a building or other articles such as furniture. [0006] Patent document 1: Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. H11-237629 [0007] Patent document 2: Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 2004-39482 [0008] Patent document 3: Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. H08-72137 SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0009] Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a surface light emitting apparatus using a hollow multilayer structure, and a method of light emission for the same. [0010] It is another object of the present invention to provide a thin, low-power consumption, light-weight, and inexpensive surface light emitting apparatus using a hollow multilayer structure in combination with LEDs, and a method of light emission for the same. [0011] To solve the above problem, a surface light emitting apparatus according to the present invention includes a hollow multilayer structure formed from a plurality of hollow cells, a light source for emitting light into the hollow multilayer structure through an end face thereof containing a cell opening, and light deflecting means for causing the light introduced through the cell opening-containing end face of the hollow multilayer structure to emerge from a surface of the hollow multilayer structure. [0012] Preferably, in the surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention, the light deflecting means is a random projection/depression pattern, a dot pattern, or a V-shaped or U-shaped groove formed on the surface of the hollow multilayer structure. [0013] Preferably, in the surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention, the light deflecting means is a diffusing material added in the hollow multilayer structure. [0014] Preferably, in the surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention, the light deflecting means is a light conducting member inserted in each of the hollow cells, and preferably, the light conducting member is formed at its surface with a random projection/depression pattern, a dot pattern, or a V-shaped or U-shaped groove, or a diffusing material is added in the light conducting member. [0015] Preferably, in the surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention, the light deflecting means is a light diffusing material inserted in each of the hollow cells. [0016] Preferably, in the surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention, the light source is constructed from a plurality of LEDs, and preferably, the plurality of LEDs are respectively mounted in the plurality of hollow cells. [0017] Preferably, in the surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention, the plurality of LEDs are mounted one for one in the plurality of hollow cells at least at one of two cell opening-containing end faces of the hollow multilayer structure. [0018] To solve the above problem, a method of light emission for a surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention includes the steps of arranging a plurality of light sources for each of a plurality of hollow cells each separated by a transparent rib, introducing differently colored lights respectively emitted from the plurality of light sources into a corresponding one of the plurality of hollow cells, and emerging colored light produced by mixing the differently colored lights emitted from the plurality of light sources from a surface of a hollow multilayer structure. [0019] To solve the above problem, an alternative method of light emission for a surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention includes the steps of arranging a plurality of light sources for each of a plurality of hollow cells each separated by an opaque rib, introducing differently colored lights respectively emitted from the plurality of light sources into a corresponding one of the plurality of hollow cells, and emerging the differently colored lights emitted from the plurality of light sources and prevented from mixing with each other by the opaque rib from a surface of a hollow multilayer structure. [0020] Preferably, in the method of light emission for the surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention, the plurality of light sources each include a red LED element, a green LED element, and a blue LED element. [0021] Preferably, in the method of light emission for the surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention, each of the plurality of light sources is a single red LED, a single green LED, a single blue LED, or a single white LED. [0022] Preferably, the method of light emission for the surface light emitting apparatus according to present invention further comprises the step of causing the colors of the colored lights being emitted from the plurality of light sources to change as time elapses. [0023] According to the present invention, since surface illumination is accomplished by introducing light through the cell opening-containing end face of the hollow multilayer structure, it becomes possible to provide a thin, low-power consumption, light-weight, and inexpensive surface light emitting apparatus. [0024] Furthermore, according to the present invention, since the light from the light source is emitted indirectly through the cell opening-containing end face of the hollow multilayer structure, it becomes possible to provide a surface light emitting apparatus that can create an atmosphere that gives a psychological effect pleasing and appealing to human senses. [0025] Moreover, according to the present invention, since the differently colored lights introduced into the plurality of hollow cells separated by transparent ribs can be mixed together, and the resulting colored light can be emitted from the surface of the hollow multilayer structure, it is possible to produce a color illumination that has not been possible with the prior art. [0026] Further, according to the present invention, since the differently colored lights introduced into the plurality of hollow cells separated by opaque ribs can be emitted from the surface of the hollow multilayer structure without mixing them together, it is possible to produce illumination of a color that has not been possible with the prior art. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0027] FIG. 1 is a front view of a wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus according to the present invention as viewed facing the light emitting side thereof. [0028] FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of the wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus shown in FIG. 1 . [0029] FIG. 3 is a diagram schematically showing the configuration of a light source used in the wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus. [0030] FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a hollow multilayer structure. [0031] FIG. 5 is a diagram showing the direction along which grooves are formed in the hollow multilayer structure. [0032] FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of another wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus. [0033] FIG. 7 is a diagram schematically showing the structure of a light conducting member. [0034] FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view of still another wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus. [0035] FIG. 9 is a diagram showing one example illustrating how the hollow multilayer structure is illuminated with colored lights emitted from LEDs. [0036] FIG. 10 is a perspective view of an alternative hollow multilayer structure. [0037] FIG. 11 is a diagram showing another example illustrating how the hollow multilayer structure is illuminated with colored lights emitted from LEDs. [0038] FIG. 12 is a front view of a floor-standing panel type surface light emitting apparatus according to the present invention as viewed facing the light emitting side thereof. [0039] FIG. 13 is a cross-sectional view of a portion of the floor-standing panel type surface light emitting apparatus shown in FIG. 12 . [0040] FIG. 14 is a perspective view of a double-sided illumination panel type surface light emitting apparatus according to the present invention. [0041] FIG. 15 is a cross-sectional view of the double-sided illumination panel type surface light emitting apparatus shown in FIG. 14 . [0042] FIG. 16 is a perspective view of a hollow multilayer structure used in the double-sided illumination panel type surface light emitting apparatus shown in FIG. 14 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0043] A surface light emitting apparatus according to the present invention will be described below with reference to the drawings. However, it should, be understood that the present invention is not limited to the embodiments shown in the drawings or illustrated herein. [0044] FIG. 1 is a front view of a wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus 1 as viewed facing the light emitting side thereof when the surface light emitting apparatus according to the present invention is constructed as a wall-hanging panel. FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view taken along line AA′ in FIG. 1 . [0045] As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 , the wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus 1 comprises a hollow multilayer structure 10 , a frame member 20 having an opening 21 , an LED circuit substrate 30 , and LEDs 31 . A first diffusing sheet 40 , a lens sheet 41 , and a second diffusing sheet 42 are formed one on top of another in this order on the light emitting surface side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 (i.e., the same side as the opening 21 of the frame 20 ). A reflective sheet 43 is provided on the back surface side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . [0046] FIG. 3 is a diagram schematically showing the LED circuit substrate 30 and the light source constructed from the LEDs 31 . The circuitry mounted thereon is not shown here. [0047] The plurality of LEDs 31 are arranged at equally spaced intervals on the LED circuit substrate 30 . Each LED is a three-in-one LED comprising a red LED element 32 , a green LED element 33 , and a blue LED element 34 in a single package, and can emit light of a designated one of a plurality of colors by mixing colored lights from the respective LED element according to an input signal. Each LED 31 illuminates in the designated color by a current supplied from a power supply 51 in accordance with the control timing and the color designated by a control unit 50 . The use of a sensor 52 will be described later, but the provision thereof is not essential. Further, each LED 31 may be constructed from a single-color LED, for example, a red LED, a green LED, a blue LED, or a white LED. When using single-color LEDs, it is preferable to arrange a plurality of LEDs so as to correspond with one hollow cell, because a variety of colors can then be produced. For the LEDs, not only the above-described chip type but other types of LED such as an oval type or a shell type can also be used. [0048] FIG. 4 is a perspective view showing the hollow multilayer structure 10 . [0049] The hollow multilayer structure 10 is constructed by integrally forming a plurality of hollow cells 11 one adjacent to another along the longitudinal direction thereof. More specifically, the structure comprises a top plate 12 , a bottom plate 13 , and a plurality of ribs 14 . The term multilayer in the hollow multilayer structure 10 refers to at least two layers consisting of the top plate 12 as the front layer and the bottom plate 13 as the back layer. Each cell is a space enclosed by the top plate, bottom plate, and ribs and having openings at both ends. [0050] In the present embodiment, the hollow cells 11 each measure 750 mm in length a, 6 mm in horizontal width b, and 6 mm in vertical width (height) c, and the top plate 12 , the bottom plate 13 , and the ribs 14 are all formed from a 0.33-mm thick transparent polycarbonate resin (hereinafter called the PC resin). The above hollow cell size is only one example, and other dimensions may be employed. Further, the hollow multilayer structure may be formed from a PMMA resin, an MS resin, a polyester resin such as PET, a PSt resin, a COP resin, a COC resin, an olefin resin such as a PP resin or a PE resin, a PVC resin, an ionomer resin, glass, etc. [0051] As shown in FIG. 4 , each LED 31 has a shape insertable in the corresponding hollow cell 11 , and as shown in FIG. 2 , when fabricating the wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus 1 , the LEDs 31 are mounted so as to be inserted into the openings of the respective hollow cells 11 . In view of this, it is preferable to determine the dimensions b×c of each hollow cell 11 so that the LED 31 used as the light source fits into it. [0052] Preferably, the LEDs 31 are arranged with their light emission centers aligned parallel to the longitudinal direction of the respective hollow cells 11 , and more preferably, the LEDs 31 are arranged so that their light emission centers coincide with the longitudinal center-lines of the respective hollow cells 11 . With the LEDs inserted into the openings of the respective hollow cells 11 , the structure offers several advantages, such as preventing the LEDs from being misaligned relative to the multilayer structure, enhancing the light emission efficiency by preventing the light from each LED from spreading out, and enhancing the fabrication work efficiency by integrating the LEDs with the hollow cells. [0053] In the above example, one LED is provided for each hollow cell, but LEDs need not necessarily be provided for all the cells. For example, the LEDs may be provided one for every predetermined number of cells, for example, one for every two cells. Alternatively, the hollow multilayer structure may be constructed by arranging large hollow cells alternately with small hollow cells having a smaller horizontal width dimension (b) or vertical width dimension (c), and LEDs may be provided only for the larger hollow cells and no LEDs for the smaller hollow cells. Even when the LEDs are provided only for the larger hollow cells in such a hollow multilayer structure, the structure functions as the surface light emitting apparatus because the surfaces of the smaller cells are illuminated with colored lights diffusing from the larger cells into the smaller cells. [0054] Next, a description will be given of light deflecting means by which light entering each hollow cell 11 through a cell opening from a side face of the hollow multilayer structure 10 is caused to emerge from the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . [0055] As shown in FIG. 2 , much of the light 100 emitted from the LED 31 propagates through the hollow cell 11 along its longitudinal direction, while undergoing reflections therein, toward the other LED 31 mounted at the opposite end (for example, see light 101 ). In this situation, it cannot be expected that a sufficient amount of light will emerge from the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . To address this, in the surface light emitting apparatus according to the present invention, a plurality of V-shaped grooves (each measuring 3 μm in depth and 20 μm in width) are formed extending along direction X orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the hollow cell over the entire light emitting surface (of the top plate 12 ) of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . The V-shaped grooves are formed by continuously varying the interval, i.e., at 5-mm interval in the portion near the LED 31 and at 50-μm interval in the center portion of the hollow cell 11 . When the light 100 emitted from the LED 31 and propagated through the hollow cell 11 strikes the top plate 12 and is incident on one such V-shaped groove 102 , the incident light is directed toward the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . In this way, the light emitted from each LED 31 is caused to emerge from the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 by the V-shaped grooves formed over the entire surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . In this case, the viewer views the surface illuminated with colored light. The light emitted from each LED 31 mostly emerges from the entire light emitting surface that extends along the longitudinal direction of the hollow cell into which the LED 31 is fitted. However, if the ribs 14 in the hollow multilayer structure 10 are transparent, the light gradually diffuses into the light emitting surfaces of the adjacent hollow cells, producing naturally colored lights near each rib 14 due to additive color mixing and thus generally resulting in the formation of stripe patterns (see FIG. 9 ). On the other hand, if the ribs 14 are opaque, the light does not diffuse into the adjacent hollow cells, and as a result, clearly defined stripe patterns are formed (see FIG. 11 ). [0056] In the example of FIG. 2 , the LED 31 is provided at each end of the hollow cell, but the LED 31 may be provided only at one end. In that case, it is preferable to provide a reflective sheet at the end face where the LED 31 is not provided. [0057] The first and second diffusing sheets 40 and 42 for evenly spreading the light emerging from the light emitting surface and the lens sheet 41 by which the scattered light from the hollow multilayer structure 10 is deflected in a direction perpendicular to the light emitting surface are provided on the light emitting side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . In the example of FIG. 2 , only one lens sheet is provided, but two lens sheets may be provided for X and Y directions respectively. Further, considering the fact that the light exiting each V-shaped groove is not always directed toward the light emitting side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 , the reflective sheet 43 is provided on the back surface side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 in order to make effective use of the light and to increase the amount of light that emerges from the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . Here, if the reflective sheet is not used, the lightness and saturation of the illuminated surface can be adjusted lower, making it easier to produce color illumination having darker color shades. In that case, color illumination having transparency and depth like those of a crystal can also be produced by utilizing the phenomenon that delicate shades are formed within the hollow cells. [0058] Preferably, the first and second diffusing sheets 40 and 42 are each formed from a transparent resin such as a PC resin or a PET resin. For the lens sheet 41 , it is preferable to use a BEF sheet or a DBEF sheet (both manufactured by 3M). For the reflective sheet 43 , it is preferable from the standpoint of increasing the amount of emergent light to use a sheet or structure whose reflectance to visible light is 50% or higher (more preferably, 80% or higher), such as a sheet formed from a PET film containing titanium oxide or the like, a sheet formed by depositing aluminum, silver, or the like on a PET film, or a low foamed structure formed from a PC resin, a PET resin, or the like. [0059] The first and second diffusing sheets 40 and 42 , the lens sheet 41 , and the reflective sheet 43 need not necessarily be provided, but should be provided as needed according to the application. [0060] In the above example, the plurality of V-shaped grooves as one example of the light deflecting means are formed extending along direction X orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the hollow cell over the entire light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . However, the direction along which each V-shaped groove is formed is not necessarily limited to the direction X orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the hollow cell, but each groove may be formed, for example, along direction Y parallel to the longitudinal direction of the hollow cell, or along a direction, such as Z direction, tilted at an angle of 35 to 55 degrees, preferably 45 degrees, relative to the longitudinal direction of the hollow cell (see FIG. 5 ). Further, each V-shaped groove need not necessarily be formed continuously, but may be formed in a discontinuous manner. [0061] Further, in the above example, the V-shaped grooves 102 , each measuring 3 μm in depth and 20 μm in width, are formed at an interval varying from 5 mm to 50 μm, but the dimensions and interval of the V-shaped grooves are not limited to these specific values, and other suitable values can be employed as needed. Among them, the depth of each V-shaped groove is preferably in the range of 3 to 6 μm, and the width is preferably in the range of 20 to 40 μm. Further, the V-shaped grooves may be formed at equal interval over the entire longitudinal length of the hollow cell 11 . [0062] As the light deflecting means, use may be made of other patterns than the V-shaped grooves described above, such as U-shaped grooves, a dot pattern (a pattern of dot-like microscopic projections and depressions) engraved or printed by laser, an array of inverted square pyramid shaped depressions, random projections and depressions formed by chemical, plasma, electron beam, or other etching techniques, inverted V-shaped projections, and inverted U-shaped projections. Further, the V-shaped grooves, the U-shaped grooves, the dot pattern, the array of inverted square pyramid shaped depressions, the random projections and depressions formed by etching, the inverted V-shaped projections, the inverted U-shaped projections, etc. described above may be formed not only on the front surface of the top plate 12 , that is, the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 , but also on the back surface of the top plate 12 or the front or back surface of the bottom plate 13 disposed on the side opposite from the light emitting surface side, or on more than one of these surfaces. [0063] Further, the light deflecting means may be provided in the form of a random projection/depression pattern formed on the front surface of the top plate 12 that forms the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . The random projection/depression pattern can be formed by roughening the surface of the hollow multilayer structure by sandblasting, or by engraving the pattern in the surface of the top plate 12 by a heated press plate having such a projection/depression pattern. In this case, the Rz value (JIS 2001-B0601) of the projection/depression pattern is preferably not smaller than 0.04 μm but not larger than two-thirds of the thickness of the top plate 12 of the hollow multilayer structure. If the roughness is smaller than 0.04 μm, the colored light from the light source cannot be sufficiently scattered, nor can the light be caused to emerge effectively. However, if it is larger than two-thirds of the thickness of the top plate 12 of the hollow multilayer structure, the hollow multilayer structure cannot retain sufficient strength. The random projection/depression pattern may be formed on the back surface of the top plate 12 of the hollow multilayer structure 10 or the front or back surface of the bottom plate 13 disposed on the side opposite from the light emitting surface side, or on more than one of these surfaces. [0064] Alternatively, the light deflecting means may be provided in the form of (optically transmissive) projections formed by spraying a solution containing a thermosetting or thermoplastic resin, rubber, or a gel-like material over the front surface of the top plate 12 that forms the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 , and thereafter solidifying the solution by volatizing the solvent in the solution or by thermally curing the solution. [0065] Further, the light deflecting means may be provided in the form of air bubbles formed in the hollow multilayer structure by such means as laser radiation or heating. [0066] Alternatively, the light deflecting means may be formed by adding a diffusing material in the hollow multilayer structure 10 . As the diffusing material to be added here, use can be made of inorganic particles of glass, silica, mica, synthetic mica, calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, talc, montmorillonite, kaolin clay, bentonite, hectorite, etc., metal oxide particles of titanium oxide, zinc oxide, tin oxide, alumina, etc., or polymer particles of acrylic beads, styrene beads, benzoguanamine, silicone, etc. For example, when the hollow multilayer structure 10 is formed from a PC resin, haze is 67.3% when 0.05 parts of silicone with an average particle size of 2 μm are added as the diffusing material per 100 parts of the PC resin, 83% when 0.1 parts of such silicone are added, and 93% when 0.5 parts of such silicone are added. The haze when the diffusing material is added is preferably not lower than 10% but not greater than 99%. If the haze is lower than 10%, a sufficient light scattering effect cannot be obtained, and if it is greater than 99%, a sufficient amount of emergent light cannot be obtained. [0067] The light deflecting means may also be provided in the form of a light conducting member 200 placed inside each hollow cell 11 in the hollow multilayer structure 10 . [0068] FIG. 6 shows one example of a panel type surface light emitting apparatus 2 that uses such a light conducting member 200 . [0069] The panel type surface light emitting apparatus 2 is similar in structure to the foregoing wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus 1 , except that the light conducting member 200 is inserted in each hollow cell 11 in the hollow multilayer structure 10 and that no V-shaped grooves are formed on the top panel 12 on the light emitting side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 , and therefore, only the differences in structure will be described below. [0070] In the panel type surface light emitting apparatus 2 shown in FIG. 6 , much of the light 110 emitted from the LED 31 propagates through the light conducting member 200 , while undergoing reflections therein, toward the other LED 31 mounted at the opposite end (for example, see light 111 ). In the illustrated example, a plurality of V-shaped grooves (each measuring 3 μm in depth and 20 μm in width) are formed extending along direction X orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the light conducting member over the entire light emitting surface of the light conducting member 200 (in FIG. 6 , the surface on the same side as the opening 21 of the frame member 20 ). The V-shaped grooves are formed by continuously varying the interval, i.e., at 5-mm interval in the portion near the LED 31 and at 50-μm interval in the center portion of the hollow cell 11 . When the light 110 emitted from the LED 31 is incident on one such V-shaped groove 112 , the incident light is directed toward the light emitting surface of the light conducting member 200 . In this way, the light emitted from each LED 31 is caused to emerge from the entire light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 by the V-shaped grooves formed on the light emitting surface of the light conducting member 200 . The light emitted from each LED 31 mostly emerges from the entire light emitting surface of the light conducting member 200 that extends along the longitudinal direction of the light conducting member into which the LED 31 is fitted; here, if the ribs 14 in the hollow multilayer structure 10 are transparent, the light gradually diffuses into the light emitting surfaces of the adjacent hollow cells, producing naturally colored lights near each rib 14 due to additive color mixing and thus generally resulting in the formation of stripe patterns. On the other hand, if the ribs 14 are opaque, the light does not diffuse into the adjacent hollow cells, and as a result, clearly defined stripe patterns are formed. [0071] The first and second diffusing sheets 40 and 42 for evenly spreading the light emerging from the light emitting surface and the lens sheet 41 by which the scattered light from the hollow multilayer structure 10 is deflected in a direction perpendicular to the light emitting surface are provided on the light emitting side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . Further, considering the fact that the light reflected by each V-shaped groove is not always directed toward the light emitting side of the hollow multilayer structure, the reflective sheet 43 is provided on the back surface side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 in order to make effective use of the light and to increase the amount of light that emerges from the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . Here, if the reflective sheet is not used, the lightness and saturation can be adjusted lower, making it easier to produce color illumination having darker color shades. In that case, color illumination having transparency and depth like those of a crystal can also be produced by utilizing the phenomenon that delicate shades are formed within the hollow cells. [0072] FIG. 7 shows one example of the light conducting member 200 used in the panel type surface light emitting apparatus 2 shown in FIG. 6 . [0073] As shown in FIG. 7 , the light conducting member 200 is formed from an MMA (methyl methacrylate) resin measuring 740 mm in length a, 5 mm in horizontal width b, and 5 mm in vertical width (height) c so that it can be inserted in the hollow cell 11 . Like the hollow multilayer structure 10 , the light conducting member 200 may also be formed from a PMMA resin, an MS resin, a PC resin, a polyester resin such as PET, a PSt resin, a COP resin, a COC resin, an olefin resin such as a PP resin or a PE resin, a PVC resin, an ionomer resin, glass, etc. [0074] In the above example, the V-shaped grooves are formed extending along direction X orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the light conducting member 200 over the entire surface thereof on the light emitting side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 ; however, the direction along which each V-shaped groove is formed is not necessarily limited to the direction X orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the light conducting member 200 , but each groove may be formed, for example, along direction Y parallel to the longitudinal direction of the light conducting member 200 , or along a direction, such as Z direction, tilted at an angle of 35 to 55 degrees, preferably 45 degrees, relative to the longitudinal direction of the light conducting member 200 . Further, each V-shaped groove need not necessarily be formed continuously, but may be formed in a discontinuous manner. Further, in the above example, the V-shaped grooves 112 , each measuring 3 μm in depth and 20 μm in width, are formed at an interval varying from 5 mm to 50 μm, but the dimensions and interval of the V-shaped grooves are not limited to these specific values, and other suitable values can be employed as needed. [0075] In the above example, the V-shaped grooves are formed on the light conducting member 200 but, instead of the V-shaped grooves, use may be made of other patterns such as U-shaped grooves, a dot pattern (a pattern of dot-like microscopic projections and depressions) engraved or printed by laser, a random projection/depression pattern, an array of inverted square pyramid shaped depressions, random projections and depressions formed by chemical, plasma, electron beam, or other etching techniques, inverted V-shaped projections, and inverted U-shaped projections. Further, the V-shaped grooves, the U-shaped grooves, the dot pattern, the random projection/depression pattern, the array of inverted square pyramid shaped depressions, the random projections and depressions formed by etching, the inverted V-shaped projections, the inverted U-shaped projections, etc. described above may be formed, not on the light emitting surface of the light conducting member 200 , but on the back surface thereof opposite from the light emitting surface, or on both surfaces of the light conducting member 200 . [0076] Further, instead of forming patterns such as the V-shaped grooves, U-shaped grooves, dot-like pattern, or random projection/depression pattern on the light conducting member 200 , a diffusing material may be added in the light conducting member 200 . As the diffusing material to be added, inorganic particles of glass, silica, mica, synthetic mica, calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, talc, montmorillonite, kaolin clay, bentonite, hectorite, etc., metal oxide particles of titanium oxide, zinc oxide, tin oxide, alumina, etc., or polymer particles of acrylic beads, styrene beads, benzoguanamine, silicone, etc., can be used. [0077] The light deflecting means may also be provided in the form of a light diffusing material disposed inside each hollow cell 11 . [0078] FIG. 8 shows one example of a panel type surface light emitting apparatus 3 that uses such a light diffusing material 300 . [0079] The panel type surface light emitting apparatus 3 is similar in structure to the earlier described wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus 1 , except that the light diffusing material 300 is inserted in each hollow cell 11 in the hollow multilayer structure 10 and that no V-shaped grooves are formed on the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 , and therefore, only the differences in structure will be described below. [0080] In the panel type surface light emitting apparatus 3 shown in FIG. 8 , the light 120 emitted from each LED 31 is reflected by the light diffusing material 300 disposed inside the hollow cell 11 and randomly emerges from the light emitting surface (light emitting side) of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . [0081] As the light diffusing material 300 , use can be made of particles of highly reflective metal, particles of superfine fibers containing titanium oxide, particles of PET-based nonwoven fabric, particles of highly reflective tape or Japanese paper, or particles produced by adding a diffusing material in an optically transparent resin. [0082] The above is an illustrated example in which the light deflecting means is provided in the hollow multilayer structure (see FIG. 2 ), an example in which the light deflecting means is provided in the light conducting member (see FIG. 6 ), and an example in which the light deflecting means is provided in the form of a light diffusing material (see FIG. 8 ). However, it is to be understood that these three methods can be suitably combined for use. [0083] In this way, by incorporating the light deflecting means in the hollow multilayer structure 10 , it is possible to achieve a surface light emitting apparatus using light emitted from LEDs. According to the surface light emitting apparatus of the present invention, since the light emitted from each LED can be efficiently conducted and diffused by the use of the hollow multilayer structure 10 , a light-weight surface light emitting structure simple in construction can be provided. Furthermore, since the hollow multilayer structure is constructed from a plurality of hollow cells, each hollow cell can be illuminated with a differently colored light and different timing by providing a light source for each hollow cell. [0084] FIG. 9 shows one example illustrating how the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure is illuminated with the colored lights emitted from the respective LEDs. [0085] In the example shown in FIG. 9 , the ribs 14 partitioning the hollow multilayer structure 10 into the plurality of hollow cells 11 are transparent as shown in FIG. 4 . It is also assumed that the red and blue LEDs are arranged in alternating fashion to illuminate the respective hollow cells 11 as shown in FIG. 9 . In this case, the red and blue colored lights entering the respective hollow cells 11 are additively mixed only in a region near the rib 14 (the region 302 ), and the resulting magenta colored light emerges from the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . On the other hand, the center regions of the respective hollow cells illuminate in the respective colors (the region 301 in red color and the region 303 in blue color) generally producing a red/blue stripe pattern on the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . [0086] In this way, in the wall-hanging panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 1 to 3 using the hollow multilayer structure 10 whose ribs 14 are transparent, the colored lights emitted from the plurality of LEDs 31 can be mixed together to produce color illumination greater in variety and richer in expressiveness than is possible with one LED 31 alone. [0087] FIG. 10 shows a perspective view of an alternative hollow multilayer structure. [0088] The difference between the hollow multilayer structure 400 shown in FIG. 10 and the hollow multilayer structure 10 shown in FIG. 4 is that the ribs 414 partitioning the hollow multilayer structure 400 shown in FIG. 10 are opaque. The reflectance of each rib 414 to visible light is preferably 50% or higher, and more preferably 70% or higher. This can be accomplished, for example, by coating each rib 414 with a titanium-oxide-containing paint or by forming a vaporized Ag or Al film on each rib 414 . [0089] FIG. 11 shows another example illustrating how the hollow multilayer structure is illuminated with the colored lights emitted from the respective LEDs. [0090] In the example shown in FIG. 11 , the ribs 414 partitioning the hollow multilayer structure 400 into the plurality of hollow cells 11 are opaque as shown in FIG. 10 . It is also assumed that the red and blue LEDs are arranged in alternating fashion to illuminate the respective hollow cells 11 as shown in FIG. 11 . In this case, the red and blue colored lights entering the respective hollow cells 11 do not mix between them, but emerge independently of each other from the respective hollow cells 11 to illuminate the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 400 with the respective colored lights. [0091] In this way, in the wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus 1 to 3 using the hollow multilayer structure 400 whose ribs 414 are opaque, the colored lights emitted from the plurality of LEDs 31 can be output without being mixed between the respective hollow cells. For example, if colored lights identical in hue, but different in lightness are emitted from the respectively adjacent LEDs, the light emitting surface of the surface light emitting apparatus can be illuminated with gradations of colored light. Further, if the colored lights being emitted from the plurality of LEDs 31 at predetermined intervals of time are changed as time elapses, a display of a moving color like a neon sign can be produced. [0092] FIG. 12 is a front view of a floor-standing panel type surface light emitting apparatus 4 as viewed facing the light emitting side thereof when the surface light emitting apparatus according to the present invention is constructed as a floor-standing panel. FIG. 13 is a cross-sectional view taken along line BB′ in FIG. 12 . [0093] In the floor-standing panel type surface light emitting apparatus 4 shown in FIGS. 12 and 13 , the same component elements as those in the earlier described wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus 1 are designated by the same reference numerals, and the description of such elements will not be repeated here. As shown in FIGS. 12 and 13 , the floor-standing panel type surface light emitting apparatus 4 comprises a hollow multilayer structure 10 , a frame member 22 , an LED circuit substrate 30 , and LEDs 31 . The hollow multilayer structure 10 is essentially the same as that described in connection with the wall-hanging panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 1 , the only difference being the overall shape. [0094] As shown in FIG. 13 , in the floor-standing panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 4 , a color filter 60 for adjusting the hue of the light emitting surface and a protective plate 62 formed from a PC resin are provided on the light emitting surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 (on the upper surface in FIG. 13 ), and a reflective sheet 43 is disposed on the back surface side of the hollow multilayer structure 10 . Further, a reinforcing block 23 is placed between the circuit substrate 30 and the frame member 22 . A pressure sensor 52 is mounted on the back surface of the hollow multilayer structure 10 at a position substantially centralized in the floor-standing panel type surface light emitting apparatus 4 . The sensor can be selected from among various known sensors such as a sensor for detecting infrared radiation, photocurrent, sound, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or humidity. [0095] In use, the floor-standing panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 4 is installed so as to be embedded in the floor of a passage, corridor, etc., for example, in a public facility. The floor-standing panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 4 may be used as an illumination apparatus for continuously illuminating the passage, or as a guide light for indicating an emergency exit by illuminating only at the time of emergency, or as an illumination apparatus that is turned on by the action of the pressure sensor 52 only when the user steps on the floor-standing panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 4 . [0096] FIG. 14 is a perspective view showing a double-sided illumination panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 5 when the surface light emitting apparatus according to the present invention is constructed as a double-sided illumination panel. FIG. 15 is a cross-sectional view taken along line CC′ in FIG. 14 . [0097] As shown in FIGS. 14 and 15 , the double-sided illumination panel type surface light emitting apparatus comprises a hollow multilayer structure 500 , a frame member 520 , a first circuit substrate 530 , a first LED array 531 , a second LED array 532 , and a second circuit substrate 533 . The configuration of the first circuit substrate 530 and the first LED array 531 and the configuration of the second LED array 532 and the second circuit substrate 533 are the same as that illustrated in the example of the wall-hanging panel type surface light emitting apparatus 1 shown in FIG. 3 , and therefore, the description thereof will not be repeated here. A first diffusing sheet 540 , a first lens sheet 541 , and a second diffusing sheet 542 are formed one on top of another in this order on the first light emitting surface side (the side indicated by arrow D) of the hollow multilayer structure 500 . Likewise, a third diffusing sheet 543 , a second lens sheet 544 , and a fourth diffusing sheet 545 are formed one on top of another in this order on the second light emitting surface side (the side indicated by arrow E) of the hollow multilayer structure 500 . [0098] FIG. 16 is a perspective view showing the hollow multilayer structure 500 . [0099] The hollow multilayer structure 500 is constructed by integrally forming a plurality of hollow cells 510 and 511 one alternating with the other along the longitudinal direction thereof. More specifically, the structure comprises a first top plate 512 , a second top plate 513 , and a plurality of ribs 514 . In the hollow multilayer structure 500 shown in FIG. 16 , the ribs 514 are sandwiched between the first and second top plates 512 and 513 by being alternately slanted in opposite directions, and partition the structure into the plurality of hollow cells 510 and 511 . Further, like the ribs 414 shown in FIG. 10 , the ribs 514 are opaque so that color mixing does not occur between adjacent hollow cells. The method of forming the opaque ribs 514 is the same as that for the ribs 414 shown in FIG. 10 , and the description will not be repeated here. [0100] In FIG. 16 , the hollow cells 510 and 511 each measure 750 mm in length a, 6 mm in horizontal width b, and 6 mm in vertical width (height) c, and the first top plate 512 , the second top plate 513 , and the ribs 514 are all 0.33 mm in thickness. The above hollow cell size is only one example, and other dimensions may be employed. The hollow multilayer structure 500 is formed from a PC resin, but it may be formed from a PMMA resin, an MS resin, a polyester resin such as PET, a PSt resin, a COP resin, a COC resin, an olefin resin such as a PP resin or a PE resin, a PVC resin, an ionomer resin, glass, etc. [0101] Further, as shown in FIG. 16 , the first LED array 531 is arranged so that the respective LEDs are inserted in the plurality of hollow cells 510 and 511 , and the second LED array 532 is also arranged so that the respective LEDs are inserted in the plurality of hollow cells 510 and 511 . That is, one of the LEDs in the first LED array 531 is mounted at one end of one of the hollow cells 510 and 511 , while one of the LEDs in the second LED array 532 is mounted at the other end. Alternatively, the first and second LED arrays 531 and 532 may be arranged so that the LEDs are each mounted only at one end of each of the hollow cells 510 and 511 , rather than mounting the LEDs at both ends. [0102] In the hollow multilayer structure 500 , V-shaped grooves 502 (each measuring 3 μm in depth and 20 μm in width, with groove interval varying from 5 mm to 50 μm) are formed as light deflecting means extending along a direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the hollow cell over the entire first light emitting surface (on the side indicated by arrow D), and likewise, V-shaped grooves 504 (each measuring 3 μm in depth and 20 μm in width, with groove interval varying from 5 mm to 50 μm) are formed as light deflecting means extending along a direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the hollow cell over the entire second light emitting surface (on the side indicated by arrow E). [0103] Accordingly, the light emitted from the first LED array 531 and entering the hollow cells 510 is deflected by the V-shaped grooves 502 and emerges from the first light emitting surface (on the side indicated by arrow D). On the other hand, the light emitted from the second LED array 532 and entering the hollow cells 511 is deflected by the V-shaped grooves 504 and emerges from the second light emitting surface (on the side indicated by arrow E). In this way, the double-sided illumination panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 5 that can emit light from both sides can be achieved using one hollow multilayer structure 500 . [0104] Further, in the double-sided panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 5 , any type of light deflecting means used in the wall-hanging panel-type surface light emitting apparatus 1 can be used. [0105] While the surface light emitting apparatus of the present invention has been described by dealing with examples in which the invention is applied to a wall-hanging panel type apparatus, a floor-standing panel type apparatus, and a double-sided panel type apparatus, respectively, it will be recognized that the surface light emitting apparatus of the invention can be adapted for use in many applications other than the panel-type, for example, as an indoor or outdoor illumination apparatus, furniture, etc., by taking advantage of its light-weight and simple construction. Furthermore, the surface light emitting apparatus of the invention can be mounted not only on a wall, but also on any other indoor or outdoor surface or object such as a pillar, ceiling, floor, baseboard, etc. [0106] As described above, when the surface light emitting apparatus of the invention is used, since a color stripe pattern can be produced on the light emitting surface by illuminating each hollow cell with a differently colored light, the “principle of order” that colors selected based on orderly or simple geometric relations harmonize well can be satisfied by the stripe that describes a color space comprised of equidistant colors. Furthermore, when the surface is illuminated with a stripe-shaped color pattern by illuminating the hollow cells so as to express familiar colors existent in nature and their changes in conformance with the “principle of familiarity,” illumination particularly pleasing and appealing to human senses can be achieved.
An object of the invention is to provide a thin, low-power consumption, light-weight, and inexpensive surface light emitting apparatus using a hollow multilayer structure in combination with LEDs, and a method of light emission for the same. More specifically, the invention provides a surface light emitting apparatus comprising: a hollow multilayer structure formed from a plurality of hollow cells; a light source for emitting light into the hollow multilayer structure through an end face thereof containing a cell opening; and optical means for causing the light introduced through the cell opening-containing end face of the hollow multilayer structure to emerge from a surface of the hollow multilayer structure.
REFERENCE TO PRIORITY DOCUMENT [0001] This application is a continuation of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/904,308, titled, “SPECULUM”, filed Sep. 25, 2007, to James Marino, which in turn claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/847,481, filed Sep. 26, 2006. Priority of the aforementioned filing date is hereby claimed and the disclosure of the Provisional Patent Application is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. BACKGROUND [0002] The present disclosure relates to a system for accessing and channeling tissue, such as bone tissue. [0003] It is often necessary to access regions of anatomical tissue such as for insertion of a tool for treating or sampling the tissue. For example, a tool is sometimes used to obtain a core sample of biological material such as to diagnose defects or ailments. To obtain a sample, an instrument me be used to remove a portion or a “core sample” from surrounding biological material. In order for the tool to provide a proper approach to the relevant tissue, there is a need for systems and methods that facilitate in gaining access to tissue. SUMMARY [0004] There is a need for improved devices and methods for accessing and channeling through biological tissue. [0005] In one embodiment, disclosed is a bone access tool including a handle assembly having a first portion and a second portion that are movable relative to one another; a speculum assembly coupled to the handle assembly, the speculum assembly having a first speculum member; a second speculum member movably positioned relative to the first speculum member, wherein the first and second speculum members define an internal shaft therebetween arranged about a central axis, and the first and second speculum members define a tapered shape when positioned adjacent one another, the tapered shape gradually reduces in size from a proximal rim to a distal edge of the speculum assembly; and at least one rib extending outwardly from each of the first and second speculum members, the rib having an upper surface and an inclined lower surface. Actuation of the handle assembly causes the first speculum member and second speculum member to spread apart from one another about the central axis so as to retract anatomical tissue and widen a size of the internal shaft for deploying a tool into the internal shaft between the speculum members. [0006] In an embodiment, disclosed is a method of accessing bone, including providing an access tool having a handle assembly coupled to a speculum assembly formed of two speculum members that collectively form a substantially conical shape with a pointed distal edge; navigating the access tool through anatomical tissue so that the pointed distal edge of the speculum assembly is located at a desired anatomical location; actuating the handle to cause the speculum members to separate from one another to retract anatomical tissue and to form a passageway between the speculum members; and positioning an elongated tool in the passageway and in contact with the anatomical location. [0007] Other features and advantages will be apparent from the following description of various embodiments, which illustrate, by way of example, the principles of the disclosed devices and methods. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0008] FIG. 1 shows a perspective view of a tissue access and channel formation system. [0009] FIG. 2 shows an enlarged view of a speculum assembly of the system with a locking member mounted onto the speculum assembly. [0010] FIG. 3 shows a side view of the system in cross-section. [0011] FIG. 4 shows a side view of the speculum assembly along line G-G of FIG. 3 . [0012] FIG. 5A shows a guide wire or guide pin to be inserted into a region of the iliac crest of the pelvis. [0013] FIG. 5B shows the system being guided along the inserted guide pin toward the iliac crest. [0014] FIG. 5C shows the system with the speculum assembly in a possible desired orientation relative to the iliac crest. [0015] FIG. 5D shows a locking member removed from the speculum assembly. [0016] FIG. 5E shows the system with the speculum members displaced from one another to displace and expand surrounding tissue. [0017] FIGS. 5F and 5G show the system with a coring tool positioned at least partially within the passageway between the speculum members. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0018] FIG. 1 shows a perspective view of a tissue access and channel formation system 100 . The system 100 includes a handle assembly 105 and a conical speculum assembly 110 attached to the handle assembly 105 . The handle assembly 105 includes a pair of arms 115 that are pivotably attached to one another about a pivot axis 120 . The arms 115 pivot about a circular pivot member 121 such as when a user actuates the handle assembly 105 . The pivot member 121 can be ratcheted such that movement of the arms 115 relative to one another is controlled by a ratchet mechanism. The arms 115 are shaped and contoured such that the arms extend away from one another at the pivot member 121 and are positioned adjacent one another along a region adjacent the speculum assembly 110 . [0019] The speculum assembly 110 is pivotably attached to the handle assembly 105 via a pair of speculum couplers 130 . The speculum assembly 110 includes a pair of semi-conical speculum members 135 that collectively form a conical shape when positioned adjacent one another, as shown in FIG. 1 . The conical speculum assembly 110 is symmetric about a central axis 410 . In the illustrated embodiment, the speculum assembly 110 is widest at a proximal rim 140 and gradually tapers in diameter toward a distal edge 145 that is pointed. The conical shape facilitates soft tissue penetration and dilation of a surgical access envelope during use of the device, as described below. It should be appreciated that the shape of the speculum assembly 110 can vary from the conical shape and can have other shapes that facilitate soft tissue penetration and dilation of a surgical access envelope. For example, the speculum assembly 110 can have a shape that generally tapers moving in the distal direction with the taper being linear or curvilinear. [0020] A speculum cap 150 is removably positioned on the speculum assembly 110 at the proximal rim 140 . The speculum cap 150 forms a flat or generally flat upper surface. The upper surface of the speculum cap 150 provides a location where a striking tool, such as hammer, mallet, or the like, can be used to strike the speculum assembly 110 and provide a downward or distal force to the assembly. This can be desirable when driving the distal edge of the speculum assembly 110 into tissue. The speculum cap 150 can be coupled to the speculum assembly 110 in various manners. For example, the speculum cap 150 can fit within a seat in the upper rim 140 of the speculum assembly 110 or it can hinged or can have locked detent engagement feature with the speculum assembly 110 . The speculum cap 150 can be removed from the speculum assembly 110 to expose an internal speculum shaft 320 ( FIG. 3 ) positioned inside the speculum assembly 110 between the speculum members 135 , as described in detail below. [0021] The speculum cap 150 can include an opening or aperture that communicates with the internal speculum shaft 320 . The opening provides a passageway through which a guide pin or guide wire can be inserted. In this regard, the opening desirably has a shape or contour that facilitates insertion of the guide wire into the opening. For example, the opening can be at least partially conical or can have a countersunk feature that facilitates “blind” introduction of the guide wire into the opening. [0022] FIG. 2 shows an enlarged view of the speculum assembly 110 with a locking member 205 mounted onto the speculum assembly 110 . The locking member 205 is a clamp-like member that maintains the speculum members 135 in a fixed spatial relationship. For example, the locking member 205 can hold the two arms 115 together to prevent them from spreading apart and thereby prevent spreading of the speculum members 135 . In this regard, the locking member 205 includes a pair of flanges that are positioned on opposite sides of the arms 115 to oppose outward motion of the arms 115 . Thus, when the locking member 205 is mounted on the system, the arms 115 and the attached speculum members 135 are prevented from separating from one another. The locking member 205 is removably mounted on the speculum assembly 110 . A pair of locking member pins 215 removably mate with the locking member 205 and the speculum coupler 130 . The locking member pins 215 can be slidably uncoupled from the speculum coupler 130 to release the locking member 205 from the speculum assembly 110 . [0023] With reference still to FIG. 2 , a guide slot 210 extends through the locking member 205 . The slot 210 communicates with the internal speculum shaft 320 ( FIG. 4 ) located between the speculum members 135 . The slot 210 is aligned or substantially aligned with the central axis 410 of the speculum assembly 110 . A guide pin or guide wire can be positioned through the slot 210 and the internal speculum shaft 320 to assist in navigating through tissue during use of the system, as described more fully below. [0024] FIG. 3 shows a side view of the system in cross-section. The opposite side view is a mirror image of the side view shown in FIG. 3 . Each arm 115 extends along a generally longitudinal axis that intersects the central axis 410 . The end regions of the arms 115 curve downwardly toward the speculum assembly 110 . Each arm 115 is pivotably attached to a respective speculum coupler 130 via a pivot pin 305 . Each pivot pin 305 defines a pivot axis about which the arm 115 can pivot relative to the speculum assembly. Thus, the handle assembly 105 is hinged relative to the speculum assembly 110 . As mentioned, the arms 115 are pivotably attached to one another via the circular pivot member 121 , which can be secured to the arms 115 via a pivot screw that defines a pivot axis about which the arms 115 pivot relative to one another. [0025] FIG. 3 shows the internal speculum shaft 320 that is positioned inside the speculum assembly 110 . The speculum shaft 320 has a conical shape with a gradually decreasing diameter that is largest at the proximal rim 140 of the speculum assembly 110 . The speculum shaft 320 gradually tapers in diameter moving toward the distal edge 145 of the speculum assembly 110 . A distal opening 325 is at the distal edge of the speculum assembly 110 such that the speculum shaft 320 is open at the distal edge 145 . The opening 325 aligns or generally aligns along a common axis 410 with the internal speculum shaft 320 , the opening in the speculum cap 150 , and the guide slot 210 ( FIG. 2 ) of the locking member 205 . This permits a guide wire or guide pin to be inserted through the entire speculum assembly 110 and locking member 205 to assist in navigation of the system through tissue during use. [0026] FIG. 4 shows a side view of the speculum assembly 110 along line G-G of FIG. 3 . As discussed, the speculum assembly 110 includes a pair of speculum members 135 that are semi-conical in shape. The speculum members 135 are referred to herein individually as speculum member 135 a and speculum member 135 b. The speculum members 135 collectively form a conically-shaped speculum when positioned adjacent one another as in FIG. 4 . The speculum members 135 have walls that meet along a central plane that intersects with the central axis 410 of the conical speculum assembly 110 . The central plane is perpendicular to a plane defined by FIG. 4 . The speculum members 135 can mate with one another along the adjacent walls such as in an interdigitating manner in order to stabilize the speculum members 135 relative to one another during use of the system 100 . [0027] With reference still to FIG. 4 , one or more protruding flanges or ribs 405 are interspersed along the speculum members from the proximal rim 140 to the distal edge 145 . The illustrated embodiment includes three annular ribs 405 although it should be appreciated that additional ribs 405 or less ribs 405 can be used. The ribs 405 extend radially outward relative to the central axis 410 of the speculum assembly 110 . Each rib 405 has a bottom surface 415 and an upper surface 420 . In the illustrated embodiment, the bottom surface 415 of each rib 405 is upwardly sloped. The upper surface 420 of each rib 405 is horizontal. The upwardly sloped bottom surfaces 415 assist in displacement of tissue upon insertion of the system 100 into tissue and also assist in rotation of the speculum. It should be appreciated that the ribs 405 can have other shapes. [0028] FIGS. 5A-5G are diagrams of an exemplary tissue access and channel formation method that uses the system shown in FIG. 1 . In an exemplary embodiment, the device and method are used within or in the region of a person's vertebral bones. For example, the device and method can be employed to gain access to a mammalian patient's pelvis P, such as in the region of the iliac crest. With reference to FIG. 5A , a guide wire or guide pin 505 is inserted into a region of the iliac crest. One or more guidance systems can be used to navigate the guide pin 505 to a desired location of the iliac crest. For clarity of illustration, FIGS. 5A-5G schematically represent the pelvis P and do not include anatomical structures or tissue that are present around the pelvis P. [0029] The tissue access system 100 is then placed over the guide pin 505 and navigated to a desired location of the iliac crest. In this regard, an incision may be made in surrounding tissue and the conical speculum assembly 110 inserted through the incision. The handle assembly 105 can remain outside of the patient's skin. As discussed, the locking member 205 has a guide slot 210 that communicates with the internal speculum shaft 320 . The tissue access system 100 is guided to the desired iliac crest location by sliding the guide slot 210 and the internal speculum shaft 320 along the guide pin 505 . FIG. 5B shows the system 100 being guided along the guide pin 505 toward the iliac crest. [0030] The system 100 can advantageously be rotated in various manners as the system navigates through the tissue. For example, the handle assembly 105 and speculum assembly 110 can be rotated about the guide pin 505 . The handle assembly 105 can also rotate relative to the speculum assembly 110 about the pivot pin 305 ( FIG. 3 ). In this manner, the handle assembly 105 can be maneuvered to a desired orientation, such as to enhance the distraction, cut the fascia and tissue adjacent to the crest and correctly orient the speculum assembly 110 . FIG. 5C shows the system 100 with the speculum assembly in a possible desired orientation relative to the iliac crest. The system 100 is positioned such that the distal edge of the speculum assembly 110 contacts the iliac crest. As mentioned, a hammer or mallet can be used to apply a force to the speculum assembly 110 for driving the speculum assembly 110 into tissue. [0031] After the system 100 has been properly orientated, the physician may remove the locking member 205 from the speculum assembly 110 . FIG. 5D shows the locking member 205 removed from the speculum assembly 110 . As mentioned, the locking member pins 215 can be removed to release the locking member 205 from the system 100 . With the locking member 205 removed, the speculum members 135 are free to be separated from one another. This is accomplished by the physician squeezing the arms 115 of the handle assembly 110 toward one another. This causes the distal regions of the arms 115 to pivot away from one another, thereby displacing the speculum members 135 relative to one another. FIG. 5E shows the system 100 with the speculum members 135 displaced from one another such that the speculum members 135 displace and expand surrounding tissue. During separation of the speculum members 135 , the ribs 405 stabilize the speculum assembly 110 against the surrounding tissue. A passageway is thereby formed between the speculum members 135 wherein the passageway can be used to visualize the anatomy and/or deliver one or more tools to the iliac crest. In an embodiment, one or more anchor pins 515 can be inserted into the speculum members 135 to immobilize them in the displaced positions. [0032] FIGS. 5F and 5G show the system with a tool 520 positioned at least partially within the passageway between the speculum members 135 . The tool 520 can be any of a variety of tools for treatment or diagnosis of the tissue accessed by the system 100 . In an embodiment, the tool 520 is a tool that is adapted to core into the bone and obtain a sample of the bone. After the tool 520 is used for its intended purpose, the tool 520 can be removed from the passageway between the speculum members 135 . The anchor pins 515 can then be removed and the separation between the speculum members 135 can be reduced by operating the handle assembly 105 . The system 100 can then be removed by navigating out of the tissue. The generally horizontal upper surfaces 420 of the ribbing is generally perpendicular to the direction of withdrawal to reduce the potential for ejection with soft tissue tensioning. The locking member 205 can be re-attached prior to removal of the system 100 . In addition, the handle assembly 105 can be rotated during removal to ease removal. [0033] Although embodiments of various methods and devices are described herein in detail with reference to certain versions, it should be appreciated that other versions, embodiments, methods of use, and combinations thereof are also possible. Therefore the spirit and scope of the snowboard binding should not be limited to the description of the embodiments contained herein.
A bone access tool including a handle assembly and speculum assembly coupled to the handle assembly for accessing and channeling through biological tissue is described. The handle assembly has first and second portions that are movable relative to one another. The speculum assembly has first and second speculum members movably positioned relative to one another. The speculum members define an internal shaft arranged about a central axis and a tapered shape when positioned adjacent one another. The tapered shape gradually reduces in size from a proximal rim to a distal edge of the speculum assembly. Actuation of the handle assembly causes the first speculum member and second speculum member to spread apart from one another about the central axis so as to retract anatomical tissue and widen a size of the internal shaft for deploying a tool into the internal shaft between the speculum members.
RELATED APPLICATIONS The present invention is a continuation-in-part of the patent application Ser. No. 11/117,053, filed on Apr. 28, 2005, entitled “Method of Producing a Reflective Design on a Substrate and Apparatus”. STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH Not Applicable THE NAMES OF THE PARTIES TO A JOINT RESEARCH AGREEMENT Not Applicable REFERENCE TO A SEQUENCE LISTING, A TABLE, OR A COMPUTER PROGRAM LISTING Not Applicable BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Garments for running, cycling, footwear, hats, backpacks, jackets, pet collars, and leashes all utilize photo-reflective material for the purpose of increasing the wearer's visibility and safety after dark. This material is typically attached to the garment by sewing or is adhered using heat activated adhesive. One problem with the addition of reflective material is that it typically reduces the aesthetics of the garment in daylight. As a result, many consumers are unwilling to take advantage of the beneficial features provided by reflective materials on garments. Thus there exists a need for more visually appealing garments that have light reflecting material. BRIEF SUMMARY OF INVENTION A method of producing a reflective design that overcomes these and other problems includes the steps of lasering a pattern on an adhesive side of a reflective laminate material. The reflective laminate material is applied to a substrate. A carrier layer of the reflective laminate is removed to reveal a reflective design on the substrate. This method allows for highly customized reflective designs at a reasonable cost that are very visually appealing. The substrate may be a textile, paper, or suitable decal material. The substrate may be a garment or may be a patch that is sewn onto a garment or applied to the garment with an adhesive, or a decal that can be applied to an object with a smooth surface. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a system for producing a reflective design on a textile in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; FIG. 2 is an example of a reflective design on a textile in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; FIG. 3 is a flow chart of the steps used in producing a reflective design on a textile in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; FIG. 4 is a cross sectional view of a reflective laminate in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; FIG. 5 is a flow chart of the steps used in producing a reflective design in accordance with one embodiment of the invention; and FIG. 6 is a flow chart of the steps used in producing a reflective design in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention increases the aesthetic appeal of garments that have a reflective film. In one embodiment, the reflective film is patterned on its surface with a laser. In another embodiment, the adhesive on the backside of the reflective film is patterned with a laser, causing portions of the reflective film to not adhere to the substrate. Once laminated, the lasered film creates a reflective pattern. The pattern can be text or graphics. FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a system 10 for producing a reflective design on a textile in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. A reflective film 12 is laminated or sewn to a substrate 14 . In one embodiment, the substrate 14 is a textile product. A pattern or design is put into a computer 16 . The computer 16 directs a laser 18 and associated optics to focus the laser beam 20 onto a surface 22 of the reflective film 12 . It is thought that the laser beam partially ablates and partially carbonizes the surface of the reflective material. The reflective film 12 has tiny glass beads reflectors embedded in a polymer. Where the surface is carbonized the surface looks black and the glass beads are no longer able to enhance the reflection of light. Note that the appearance of the finished product is substantially increased by only having the surface of the reflective film patterned by the laser. To achieve adequate results, the laser intensity and dwell on a particular spot need to be precisely set or the laser may not sufficiently mark the reflective film or it may burn through the reflective film. Ideally, the surface is patterned so lightly that to a user's touch the laser patterned area appears to be at essentially the same level as the rest of the front surface of the reflective film. Note that the pattern may be made by a number of dots where the laser has been focused on the surface of the reflective material. The density of the dots can be used to create shades of grey. On a colored reflective film, variations in dot density results in duotones. In one embodiment, the laser beam is positioned at different spots on a stationary reflective film. Conversely, it is possible to move the reflective film and have the laser beam be stationary. FIG. 2 is an example of a reflective design on a textile in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. A textile 30 has a reflective film 32 laminated to the textile 30 . Commonly, heat activated adhesive is used to laminate the reflective film 32 to the textile 30 . The reflective film 32 may be laminated by sonic welding, RF welding or any other of the well known laminating techniques. A design 34 is fashioned by a laser onto the surface of the reflective film 32 . The appearance of the overall product can be enhanced by selecting a textile 30 that has smooth surface commonly associated with a higher thread count and thinner yarn. For some applications like collars, it is helpful if the webbing of the textile is braided at approximately 45 degrees to the length of the collar. When this is done, bending the collar does not result in bumps from the textile in the reflective film. Before the reflective film 32 is laminated to the textile 30 the textile may be subjected to heat and pressure. This further tightens the weave of polymer based textiles. As a result, the reflective film sits flat on the textile rather than having a bumpy looking surface. In one embodiment, the reflective film is treated with an ink before it is patterned with the laser. The ink may be an alcohol based ink. FIG. 3 is a flow chart of the steps used in producing a reflective design on a textile in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. The process starts, at step 100 . A high thread count, thin yarn textile at step 102 . In one embodiment, the textile is a polymer based textile. In another embodiment, the textile is a polymer based textile, but not nylon. Pressure and heat are applied to a surface of the textile at step 104 . In one embodiment, only heat is applied to the surface of the textile. The reflective film is laminated to the textile at step 106 . The graphics and text design is input into a computer at step 108 . An ink may be applied to the reflective film at step 110 . At step 112 , the laser is focused onto the reflective film with the appropriate power and dwell settings to create the design, which ends the process at step 114 . FIG. 4 is a cross sectional view of a reflective laminate 120 in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. The reflective laminate 120 has a carrier layer 122 , which protects the reflective film 124 . An adhesive 126 , commonly heat and/or pressure activated, is on an underside of the reflective film 124 . An adhesive protection layer 128 protects the adhesive 126 and keeps if from accidentally becoming adhered to the wrong surface. In order to create a pattern in the adhesive laminate 120 , the adhesive protection layer 128 is removed. A laser, such as laser 18 in FIG. 1 , then creates a pattern in the adhesive. By appropriately adjusting the output settings of the laser the adhesive is ablated at selected locations. Next, the reflective laminate 120 with the patterned adhesive is applied to a substrate, such as substrate 14 in FIG. 1 . Application may include the use of heat or pressure or both to cause the patterned reflective laminate to adhere to the substrate. The carrier layer 122 is then removed. When the carrier layer 122 is removed areas of the reflective film 124 that had adhesive ablated by the laser are also removed. As a result, a pattern of the reflective film 124 and the substrate is formed. Note that because the pattern is created on the adhesive backside of the reflective film 124 , the image has to be a mirror image of the desired end result. In one embodiment, the top side 22 ( FIG. 1 ) of the reflective film 124 is also patterned with the laser, as discussed with respect to FIGS. 1-3 . Commonly the substrate will be a textile. The textile may be a finished garment, a garment panel, or the textile may form a patch. The patch may be sewn onto a garment or may have an adhesive backing to form an iron-on patch. Alternatively, the substrate can be paper or a material used to form a decal. Note that the laser is utilized to ablate the adhesive so as used in this embodiment lasering means a process that vaporizes or neutralizes the adhesive. FIG. 5 is a flow chart of the steps used in producing a reflective design in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. The process starts, step 130 , by lasering a pattern on an adhesive side of a reflective laminate material at step 132 . The reflective laminate material is applied to a substrate at step 134 . At step 136 the carrier layer of the reflective laminate, as well as the non-adhered laminate material is removed, which ends the process at step 138 . FIG. 6 is a flow chart of the steps used in producing a reflective design in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. The process starts step 140 , by creating a design in a reflective film at step 142 . At step 144 the reflective film is applied to a substrate, which ends at step 146 . In one embodiment, steps 142 and 144 are reversed. Note that the substrate may be a textile, paper or a suitable decal material such as polyester film. The textile may be a garment or a patch. The patch may be sewn onto a garment or may be an iron-on patch. For an iron-on patch, the back side of the patch is a heat or pressure or combination adhesive. Commonly the laser patterned reflective film is attached to the patch textile by a heat and/or pressure adhesive. It is possible to attach the reflective film by applying heat or pressure by using a non-stick guard to protect the adhesive backside of the patch. Thus even if the adhesive on the patch is melted it is contained by the non-stick guard, such as a sheet of Teflon. Once cooled, the patch easily peels off the Teflon with the adhesive intact. The patch can later be heat applied to a garment. Alternatively, by adjusting temperature, pressure, and/or dwell time, it is possible to adhere the reflective film to the patch without activating the adhesive on the backside of the patch. In one embodiment, the patch is made with tabs that wrap around an article and adhere to each other, thus improving adhesion of a patch to articles such as pet collars Thus there has been described a system and method for producing a reflective design on a substrate that results in more visually appealing garments that have light reflecting material. While the invention has been described in conjunction with specific embodiments thereof, it is evident that many alterations, modifications, and variations will be apparent to those skilled in the art in light of the foregoing description. Accordingly, it is intended to embrace all such alterations, modifications, and variations in the appended claims.
A method of producing a reflective design includes the steps of lasering a pattern on an adhesive side of a reflective laminated material. The lasering ablates the adhesive and causes these areas to not adhere. The reflective laminate material is applied to a substrate. A carrier layer of the reflective laminate is removed to produce a reflective design on the substrate. This method allows for highly customized designs at a reasonable cost that are very visually appealing. The substrate may be a textile, paper, or decal material. The textile may be the garment or may be a patch that is sewn onto a garment or applied to the garment with an adhesive.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The invention relates to an ozone generator with a first and a second metallic electrode, with a layer of enamel on the surface of the second electrode facing the first electrode and a discharge gap between the first electrode and the enamel layer. The invention thereby makes reference to a prior art such as arises, for example, from U.S. Pat. Specification No. 3,954,586. 2. Discussion of Background For very many processes, extremely large quantities of ozone of the order of magnitude of hundreds of kilograms to ton per hour are necessary, and consequently they can be carried out virtually only if compact high-power ozone generators which can produce such high quantities of ozone are available. To increase the power density of ozonizers--whether with the dielectric in the form of a tube or in the form of a plate--in the past the dielectric glass has been replaced by dielectrics based on plastic or ceramic. In an ozone generator, the quantity of ozone Y formed per unit of discharge area is namely proportional to the electric power W per unit of area: Y=K·W In first approximation, the electric power W is in turn proportional to the relative dielectric constant E and inversely proportional to the thickness D of the dielectric: W =K'·E/d If glass is used as dielectric, the relative dielectric constant E is around 5. For reasons of stability, the wall thickness of such glass dielectrics must be at least 1.5 mm. German Offenlegungsschrift 2,658,913 discloses an ozone generator which comprises a cooled internal electrode, an external electrode and a high-voltage electrode arranged concentrically in between, which are in each case coated on their outer circumferential surface with a glass-enamel dielectric. German Pat. Specification 2,534,033 discloses a high-frequency tube ozone generator in which a dielectric layer of silicate enamel or glass is applied to each of the opposite surfaces of concentrically arranged metal tubes. German Offenlegungsschrift 2,617,059 discloses the use of a thin silica gel layer as dielectric in ozone generators, which layer is applied to self-supporting metal electrodes. German Offenlegungsschrift 2,354,209 discloses an ozone generator which consists of a self-supporting ceramic tube as dielectric, which is covered on its outer circumferential surface by a metal layer of an electrode and in which a metal tube is arranged concentrically as counter-electrode. However, such a self-supporting ceramic tube cannot be dimensioned just as thin as desired and is also very fragile. German Offenlegungsschrift 2,065,823 discloses an ozone generator of which the electrodes consist of decarbonized steel, which are coated with a thin ceramic layer as dielectric. However, such ceramic layers have to be stoved at relatively high temperatures, which can result in a troublesome distortion of the self-supporting metal electrodes. German Auslegeschrift 2,618,243 discloses a dielectric for ozone generators which consists of a ceramic material with Al 2 O 3 , SiO 2 and at least one alkaline metal oxide or alkaline earth metal oxide and has a dielectric constant between 5 and 10 and is 0.5 mm to 1 mm thick. U.S. Pat. Specification No. 4,690,803 and German Offenlegungsschrift 3,128,746, for example, disclose ozonizers with plastic dielectric, in particular such ozonizers with titanium dioxide-filled plastic dielectric. In the case of all the non-glass dielectrics described above, in principle the power density, and consequently the ozone yield, can be increased. According to the findings of the applicant, the surface of the dielectric has a decisive influence on the efficiency. Dielectrics based on ceramic or synthetic resin are inferior to glass dielectrics in this respect. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Accordingly, on the basis of the prior art, one object of the invention is to provide a dielectric of the type mentioned at the beginning which has a relatively high dielectric constant and a relatively high dielectric strength, so that a high ozone yield can be achieved with thin layers of an order of magnitude of 100 μm, and which is equal to glass dielectrics in terms of efficiency. This object is achieved according to the invention by the enamel layer consisting of a plurality of enamel layers of different dielectric constants lying one on top of the other, the enamel layer adjacent to the discharge gap having a smaller dielectric constant than the enamel layer(s) lying underneath. In this case, the enamel of the top layer is preferably an enamel based on iron or cobalt with a dielectric constant less than or equal to 6, while the enamel of the lower layer(s) is an enamel based on titanium with a dielectric constant greater than or equal to 10, or at least contains TiO 2 . With the invention, dielectric capacities comparable to those of filled plastic dielectrics can be achieved with layer thicknesses less than 1 mm. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING A more complete appreciation of the invention and many of the attendant advantages thereof will be readily obtained as the same becomes better understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered in connection with the accompanying drawing, wherein the single figure represents a section through a tube ozonizer with a two-layered enamel dielectric. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT In the Figure, a first external metallic electrode in the form of a metal tube is denoted by 1, a second internal metallic electrode likewise in the form of a metal tube, preferably of high-grade steel, is denoted by 2. The second electrode 2 has on the surface facing the first electrode 1 a layer of, in the case of the example, two enamel layers 3, 4 lying one on top of the other. A discharge gap 5 as provided between the first electrode 1 and the two enamel layers 3, 4. The lower layer 3--in a practical embodiment this consists of a plurality of individual layers of about 100 μm applied one after the other, with a total thickness of about 1 mm--consists of a titanium enamel (for example enamel 8380 of Messrs Ferro (Holland) B.V.) with increased titanium dioxide content. This addition of titanium dioxide allows dielectric constants in excess of 10 to be achieved. Such layers can be applied by known methods directly to steel tubes, preferably such tubes of high-grade steel. For the purpose of achieving an optimum ozone yield, the uppermost enamel layer 4 consists of another enamel with small dielectric constant (≦6). Suitable for this in particular are enamels containing iron or cobalt, which are applied directly to the base layer(s) 3 with a thickness of 100-150 μm. Examples of enamel layers are described, for example, in the "Email-Handbuch" (Enamel Handbook) of the abovementioned Messrs Ferro or else in U.S. Pat. Specification No. 3,954,586, column 17. All of the essential details of the coating operation are also explained in this publication. To improve the ozone yield further, the inside of the external electrode 1 is provided with a further dielectric layer 6. In applying a suitable dielectric layer to the inside surface of the metallic electrode 1, an ozone yield which corresponds to ozonizers fitted with glass dielectrics can also be obtained with dielectrics of high dielectric constant. The thickness of the dielectric coating may be between 10 μm and 1 μmm. A (material-dependent) minimum layer thickness is necessary in order to show the desired effect. If the layer thickness is too great, the total capacity of the ozonizer (series connection of the capacities) of the coating of the metal electrode 1 and of the dielectric 3, 4 is reduced to such an extent that the advantages of the high dielectric capacity are lost again. In addition, heat transfer between the gap and the (cooled) metal electrode 1 worsens. Since the applied electric voltage has to be held by the dielectric (3,4) itself, no special requirement is made on the electric strength of the coating (6). In the case of external electrodes 1 of aluminum, the layer 6 may be an anodized oxide layer. Steel electrodes may likewise be internally anodized by previous coating with aluminum. In addition, however, coating with enamel, spray coating or coating with ceramic adhesives or casting compounds are also suitable. The measures described above for increasing the ozone yield were described with reference to a tube ozonizer. It goes without saying that they can be applied to ozonizers of a different geometry, in particular plate ozonizors, without departing from the scope of the invention. Obviously, numerous modifications and variations of the present invention are possible in the light of the above teachings. It is therefore to be understood that, within the scope of the appended claims, the invention may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described herein.
In an ozone generator with enamel dielectric, to increase the ozone yield, the latter is built up on at least two enamel layers, the layer (4) facing the discharge space (5) having a smaller dielectric constant (≦6) than the layer (3) lying underneath.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] Reference is made to and this application claims priority from and the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/649,383, filed Feb. 2, 2005, and entitled PARALLEL FLOW EVAPORATOR WITH CRIMPED CHANNEL ENTRANCE, which application is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] This invention relates generally to air conditioning, heat pump and refrigeration systems and, more particularly, to parallel flow evaporators thereof. [0003] A definition of a so-called parallel flow heat exchanger is widely used in the air conditioning and refrigeration industry and designates a heat exchanger with a plurality of parallel passages, among which refrigerant is distributed and flown in the orientation generally substantially perpendicular to the refrigerant flow direction in the inlet and outlet manifolds. This definition is well adapted within the technical community and will be used throughout the text. [0004] Refrigerant maldistribution in refrigerant system evaporators is a well-known phenomenon. It causes significant evaporator and overall system performance degradation over a wide range of operating conditions. Maldistribution of refrigerant may occur due to differences in flow impedances within evaporator channels, non-uniform airflow distribution over external heat transfer surfaces, improper heat exchanger orientation or poor manifold and distribution system design. Maldistribution is particularly pronounced in parallel flow evaporators due to their specific design with respect to refrigerant routing to each refrigerant circuit. Attempts to eliminate or reduce the effects of this phenomenon on the performance of parallel flow evaporators have been made with little or no success. The primary reasons for such failures have generally been related to complexity and inefficiency of the proposed technique or prohibitively high cost of the solution. [0005] In recent years, parallel flow heat exchangers, and furnace-brazed aluminum heat exchangers in particular, have received much attention and interest, not just in the automotive field but also in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) industry. The primary reasons for the employment of the parallel flow technology are related to its superior performance, high degree of compactness and enhanced resistance to corrosion. Parallel flow heat exchangers are now utilized in both condenser and evaporator applications for multiple products and system designs and configurations. The evaporator applications, although promising greater benefits and rewards, are more challenging and problematic. Refrigerant maldistribution is one of the primary concerns and obstacles for the implementation of this technology in the evaporator applications. [0006] As known, refrigerant maldistribution in parallel flow heat exchangers occurs because of unequal pressure drop inside the channels and in the inlet and outlet manifolds, as well as poor manifold and distribution system design. In the manifolds, the difference in length of refrigerant paths, phase separation and gravity are the primary factors responsible for maldistribution. Inside the heat exchanger channels, variations in the heat transfer rate, airflow distribution, manufacturing tolerances, and gravity are the dominant factors. Furthermore, the recent trend of the heat exchanger performance enhancement promoted miniaturization of its channels (so-called minichannels and microchannels), which in turn negatively impacted refrigerant distribution. Since it is extremely difficult to control all these factors, many of the previous attempts to manage refrigerant distribution, especially in parallel flow evaporators, have failed. [0007] In the refrigerant systems utilizing parallel flow heat exchangers, the inlet and outlet manifolds or headers (these terms will be used interchangeably throughout the text) usually have a conventional cylindrical shape. When the two-phase flow enters the header, the vapor phase is usually separated from the liquid phase. Since both phases flow independently, refrigerant maldistribution tends to occur. [0008] If the two-phase flow enters the inlet manifold at a relatively high velocity, the liquid phase (droplets of liquid) is carried by the momentum of the flow further away from the manifold entrance to the remote portion of the header. Hence, the channels closest to the manifold entrance receive predominantly the vapor phase and the channels remote from the manifold entrance receive mostly the liquid phase. If, on the other hand, the velocity of the two-phase flow entering the manifold is low, there is not enough momentum to carry the liquid phase along the header. As a result, the liquid phase enters the channels closest to the inlet and the vapor phase proceeds to the most remote ones. Also, the liquid and vapor phases in the inlet manifold can be separated by the gravity forces, causing similar maldistribution consequences. In either case, maldistribution phenomenon quickly surfaces and manifests itself in evaporator and overall system performance degradation. [0009] Moreover, maldistribution phenomenon may cause the two-phase (zero superheat) conditions at the exit of some channels, promoting potential flooding at the compressor suction that may quickly translate into the compressor damage. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0010] It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide for a system and method which overcomes the problems of the prior art described above. [0011] The objective of the invention is to introduce a pressure drop control for the parallel flow evaporator that will essentially equalize pressure drop through the heat exchanger channels and therefore eliminate refrigerant maldistribution and the problems associated with it. Further, it is the objective of the present invention to provide refrigerant expansion at the entrance of each channel, thus eliminating a predominantly two-phase flow in the inlet manifold and preventing phase separation, which is one of the main causes for refrigerant maldistribution. [0012] In accordance with the present invention, each of the channels is crimped at or adjacent to their entrance location such that a desired restriction for each of the channels is provided. The restriction size may be varied from channel to channel, if desired, in order to accommodate other non-uniform factors (such as different heat transfer rates) affecting the maldistribution phenomenon. The channels may be crimped at the very end/entrance or some distance away from the entrance in order not to interfere with the brazing joint to the inlet manifold. Additionally, internal rigidity (and/or heat transfer enhancement) fins can be simply compressed during crimping process or machined down prior to crimping. Furthermore, these restrictions can be used as primary (and the only) expansion devices for low-cost applications or as secondary expansion devices, in case precise superheat control is required, and another fixed area restriction device (such as a capillary tube or an orifice) or a thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) or an electronic expansion valve (EXV) is employed as a primary expansion device. Also, the precision of crimping doesn't have to be of extremely high tolerance in a latter case. [0013] In both cases outlined above, but especially if the crimping restrictions are provided as primary expansion devices at the entrance of each channel of the parallel flow evaporator, they represent a major resistance to the refrigerant flow within the evaporator. In such circumstances, the main pressure drop region will be across these restrictions and the variations in the pressure drop in the channels or in the manifolds of the parallel flow evaporators will play a minor (insignificant) role. Further, since refrigerant expansion is taking place at the entrance of each channel, a predominantly single-phase liquid refrigerant is flown through the inlet manifold and no phase separation occurs prior to entering individual evaporator channels. Hence, uniform refrigerant distribution is achieved, evaporator and system performance is enhanced, flooding conditions at the compressor suction are avoided and, at the same time, precise superheat control is not lost (whenever required). Furthermore, low extra cost for the proposed method makes this invention very attractive. [0014] Any suitable means of crimping may be employed such as a crimping tool in the form of pliers having the desired crimping face geometry or the use of stamping die having the desired geometry. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0015] For a further understanding of the objects of the invention, reference will be made to the following detailed description of the invention which is to be read in connection with the accompanying drawing, where: [0016] FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of a parallel flow heat exchanger in accordance with the prior art. [0017] FIG. 2 is an enlarged partial side sectional view of a parallel flow heat exchanger illustrating one embodiment of the present invention. [0018] FIG. 3 a is a view of FIG. 2 illustrating a second embodiment of the present invention. [0019] FIG. 3 b is a view of FIG. 2 illustrating a third embodiment of the present invention. [0020] FIG. 3 c is a view of FIG. 2 illustrating a fourth embodiment of the present invention. [0021] FIG. 3 d is a view of FIG. 2 illustrating a fifth embodiment of the present invention. [0022] FIG. 4 is an end view of an uncrimped channel. [0023] FIG. 5 is a view of FIG. 4 after crimping to a predetermined configuration. [0024] FIG. 6 is a view of FIG. 4 after crimping to a second configuration. [0025] FIG. 7 is an end view of a second uncrimped channel. [0026] FIG. 8 is a view of FIG. 7 after crimping to a predetermined configuration. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0027] Referring now to FIG. 1 , a parallel flow (minichannel or microchannel) heat exchanger 10 is shown which includes an inlet header or manifold 12 , an outlet header or manifold 14 and a plurality of parallel disposed channels 16 fluidly interconnecting the inlet manifold 12 to the outlet manifold 14 . Typically, the inlet and outlet headers 12 and 14 are cylindrical in shape, and the channels 16 are tubes (or extrusions) of flattened or round cross-section. Channels 16 normally have a plurality of internal and external heat transfer enhancement elements, such as fins. For instance, external fins 18 , uniformly disposed therebetween for the enhancement of the heat exchange process and structural rigidity are typically furnace-brazed. Channels 16 may have internal heat transfer enhancements and structural elements as well (See FIGS. 4-6 ). [0028] In operation, refrigerant flows into the inlet opening 20 and into the internal cavity 22 of the inlet header 12 . From the internal cavity 22 , the refrigerant, in the form of a liquid, a vapor or a mixture of liquid and vapor (the most typical scenario in the case of an evaporator with an expansion device located upstream) enters the channel openings 24 to pass through the channels 16 to the internal cavity 26 of the outlet header 14 . From there, the refrigerant, which is now usually in the form of a vapor, in the case of evaporator applications, flows out of the outlet opening 28 and then to the compressor (not shown). Externally to the channels 16 , air is circulated preferably uniformly over the channels 16 and associated fins 18 by an air-moving device, such as fan (not shown), so that heat transfer interaction occurs between the air flowing outside the channels and refrigerant within the channels. [0029] According to one embodiment of the invention, as illustrated in FIG. 2 , the channels 16 have been crimped at least at the entrance end 30 to provide for a restriction in each channel and to assure refrigerant expansion directly at each channel entrance which results in a pressure drop across the restriction and reduction and/or elimination of phase separation and refrigerant maldistribution in the system. [0030] In a second embodiment of the invention, as illustrated in FIG. 3 a , the channels are crimped at the very end 32 and at a point 34 , some distance away from the end and the attachment point to the manifold 12 . [0031] In a third embodiment, as illustrated in FIG. 3 b , the channels are crimped at a single location 36 , a predetermined distance from the channel end and, once again, away form the attachment point to the manifold 12 , in order not to interfere with the attachment process. [0032] In a fourth embodiment, as illustrated in FIG. 3 c , the channels are crimped for a predetermined length or distance “L” near the channel ends but with less cross-section area alteration/reduction than in FIGS. 2 , 3 a and 3 b. [0033] In a fifth embodiment of the invention, as illustrated in FIG. 3 d , the channels are crimped at multiple locations 38 , 40 and 42 near the channel ends, forming a passage of alternating contractions and expansions, but, once again, with less cross-section area alteration/reduction than in FIGS. 2 , 3 a and 3 b. [0034] FIG. 4 illustrates a cross section of an uncrimped channel 50 having flattened shape and integral vertical support members 52 . [0035] FIG. 5 illustrates channel 50 crimped to a predetermined configuration 60 which would be suitable for use in the present invention. In this case, crimping occurs around support members 52 and leaves them unaltered. [0036] FIG. 6 illustrates channel 50 crimped to a more flattened configuration 70 which would also be suitable for use in the present invention. In this case, crimping occurs uniformly and alters support members 52 to a different shape and cross-section 72 . Obviously, different support members can be utilized within the scope of the present invention to divide channels 16 internally into multiple refrigerant passes of triangular, trapezoidal, circular or any other suitable cross-section. In all these cases, support members can be altered during the crimping process or left unchanged. [0037] FIG. 7 illustrates a cross section of an uncrimped channel 80 of a flattened shape (no internal support members are present in this design configuration). [0038] FIG. 8 illustrates channel 80 crimped to a more flattened configuration 90 suitable for use in the present invention. [0039] Also, it has to be noted that crimping doesn't have to be uniform throughout all the channels but instead can progressively change from one channel to another or from one channel section to another, for instance, to counter-balance other factors effecting refrigerant maldistribution. [0040] Further, it has to be noted that the crimping can be used in the condenser and evaporator applications at the channel entrance within intermediate manifolds as well. For instance, if a heat exchanger has more than one refrigerant pass, an intermediate manifold (between inlet and outlet manifolds) is incorporated in the heat exchanger design. In the intermediate manifold, refrigerant is typically flown in a two-phase state, and such heat exchanger configurations can similarly benefit from the present invention by incorporating channel crimping at the entrance ends directly communicating with intermediate manifolds. Further, the crimping can be done at the exit end of the channels 16 or at some intermediate location along the channel length providing only hydraulic resistance uniformity and pressure drop control and with less effect on overall heat exchanger performance. [0041] Since, for particular applications, the various factors that cause the maldistribution of refrigerant to the channels are generally known at the design stage, the inventors have found it feasible to introduce the design features that will counter-balance them in order to eliminate the detrimental effects on the evaporator and overall system performance as well as potential compressor flooding and damage. For instance, in many cases it is generally known whether the refrigerant flows into the inlet manifold at a high or low velocity and how the maldistribution phenomenon is affected by the velocity values. A person of ordinarily skill in the art will recognize how to apply the teachings of this invention to other system characteristics. [0042] While the present invention has been particularly shown and described with reference to the preferred embodiments as illustrated in the drawing, it will be understood by one skilled in the art that various changes in detail may be effected therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the claims.
A parallel flow (minichannel or microchannel) evaporator includes channels which are crimped at or adjacent to their entrance location which provides for a refrigerant expansion and pressure drop control resulting in the elimination of refrigerant maldistribution in the evaporator and prevention of potential compressor flooding. Progressive crimping to counter-balance factors effecting refrigerant distribution is also disclosed.
GOVERNMENT INTEREST [0001] This application claims priority to U.S. Patent Appl. Ser. No. 61/791,381, filed on Mar. 15, 2013, entitled “Encapsulated Thermoacoustic Projector Based On Free-Standing Carbon Nanotube Film,” which patent application is commonly owned by the owner of the present invention. This patent application is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety for all purposes. GOVERNMENT INTEREST [0002] This invention was made with government support under Grant No. N00014-08-1-0654 awarded by the Office of Naval Research. The government has certain rights in the invention. FIELD OF INVENTION [0003] The present disclosure relates generally to acoustic devices and method for generating sound waves and more specifically to an encapsulated carbon-nanotube-based thermoacoustic device and method for generating sound waves using the thermoacoustic effect. Encapsulation of carbon nanotube (CNT) film in inert gases protects the nanoscaled CNT film from harsh environment and allows application of temperatures up to 2000 K and Q times increases in the sound pressure, where Q is the resonance quality factor of the encapsulating vibrating plates. BACKGROUND OF INVENTION [0004] Acoustic devices generally include a signal device and a sound transducer. The signal device produces an electrical or pressure modulated input signals corresponding to the sound signal and applies it to the sound transducer. The electro-dynamic loudspeaker is an example of electro-acoustic transducer that converts electrical signals into sound. [0005] A thermoacoustic (TA) device converts the temperature modulation on the heater to pressure waves. The thermoacoustic effect is distinct from the mechanism of the conventional loudspeaker, which the pressure waves are created by the mechanical movement of the diaphragm. When signals applied to the TA element, heating is produced in the TA element according to the variations of the signal and/or signal strength. Heat is propagated into surrounding medium. The heating of the medium causes thermal expansion and produces pressure waves in the surrounding medium, resulting in sound wave generation. Such an acoustic effect induced by temperature waves is commonly called “the thermoacoustic effect.” [0006] There are different types of electro-acoustic loudspeakers that can be categorized by their working principles, such as electro-dynamic loudspeakers, electromagnetic loudspeakers, electrostatic loudspeakers and piezoelectric loudspeakers. However, the various types ultimately use mechanical vibration to produce sound waves, in other words they all achieve “electro-mechanical-acoustic” conversion. Among the various types, the electro-dynamic loudspeakers are most widely used. [0007] There have been several attempts to utilize thin nanoscaled films for thermoacoustic sound generation. A thermophone based on the thermoacoustic effect was created by H. D. Arnold and I. B. Crandall (H. D. Arnold and I. B. Crandall, “The thermophone as a precision source of sound,” Phys. Rev. 10, 22-38 (1917)). They used a platinum strip with a thickness of 700 nm as a TA element. However, the thermophone adopting the platinum strip, listened to the open air, sounds extremely weak because the high thermal inertia of the platinum strip. [0008] The following provide examples of these types of TA devices based on CNTs and photo-lithographically patterned nanowire arrays. Wide frequency response range and relatively high sound pressure level was demonstrated using free-standing CNT thin film loudspeakers [L. Xiao et al., “Flexible, stretchable, transparent carbon nanotube thin film loudspeakers,” Nanoletters 8, 4539-4545 (2008); L. Xiao et al., “High frequency response of carbon nanotube thin film speaker in gases,” J. Appl. Phys. 110, 084311 (2011); K. Suzuki et al., “Study of carbon-nanotube web thermoacoustic loudspeakers,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 01BJ10 (2011); M. E. Kozlov et al., “Sound of carbon nanotube assemblies,” J. Appl. Phys. 106, 124311 (2009); A. E. Aliev et al., “Underwater sound generation using carbon nanotube projectors,” Nano Lett. 10, 2374-80 (2010)] and micro-fabricated arrays of nanowires [A. O. Niskanen et al., “Suspended metal wire array as a thermoacoustic sound source,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 163102 (2009); V. Vesterinen et al., “Fundamental efficiency of nanothermophones: modeling and experiments,” Nano Lett. 10, 5020-24 (2010)]. In another work, thin metallic foil deposited on porous silicon pillars has been used for thermoacoustic sound generation [H. Shinoda et al., “Thermally induced ultrasonic emission from porous silicon,” Nature 400, 853 (1999)]. [0009] The most part of patented TA devices are open type systems emitting sound directly to the open air: 1. U.S. Patent Application Publ. No. 20050201575, entitled “Thermally excited sound wave generating device,” (N. Koshida et al.). 2. U.S. Pat. No. 8,019,097, entitled “Thermoacoustic device,” (K. L. Jiang et al.). 3. U.S. Pat. No. 8,019,099, entitled “Thermoacoustic device,” (K. L. Jiang et al.). 4. U.S. Pat. No. 8,059,841, entitled “Thermoacoustic device,” (K. L. Jiang et al.). 5. U.S. Pat. No. 8,068,625, entitled “Thermoacoustic device,” (K. L. Jiang et al.). 6. U.S. Pat. No. 8,073,163, entitled “Thermoacoustic device,” (K. L. Jiang et al.). 7. U.S. Pat. No. 8,300,854, entitled “Thermoacoustic device,” (K. L. Jiang et al.). 8. U.S. Patent Application Publ. No. 20110115844, entitled “Thermoacoustic device with flexible fastener and loudspeaker using the same,” (L. Liu et al.). [0018] Major limitations exist for the above described open type TA devices. These limitations include low applicable temperatures, sensitivity of nanoscale heaters to the environment and low sound generation efficiency in the low frequency region, where the demand for large size and flexible sound projectors is high. [0019] Accordingly, there is a high need to provide an effective TA device working in harsh environment conditions in air and underwater in the low frequency range. SUMMARY OF INVENTION [0020] The present invention relates to an encapsulated thermoacoustic projector based on free-standing carbon nanotube film. (A “thermoacoustic projector” can also be referred to as a “thermoacoustic sound projector” or a “thermoacoustic sound transducer”). The suspended carbon nanotube (CNT) film (or films) producing sound by means of the thermoacoustic (TA) effect is encapsulated between two vibrating membranes (also are called plates) to enhance the sound generation efficiency and protect the film. To avoid the oxidation of carbon nanotubes at elevated temperatures and reduce the thermal inertia of surrounding medium the enclosure is filled with inert gas (preferably with high heat capacity ratio, γ=C p /C v , and low heat capacity, C p ). To generate sound directly at the first harmonic of sound signal frequencies without energy consuming dc biasing, the inventors apply a sinusoidal carrier current or voltage at a frequency much higher than the needed sound output of the sound projector and modulate the amplitude of the carrier current or voltage by using the sound signal frequencies. [0021] In general, in one aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotube film structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. [0022] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0023] The planar nanotube structure can be a planar carbon nanotube structure (i.e., the planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, and combinations thereof). [0024] The two vibrating plates can be symmetric or asymmetric. One plate can be so rigid to be essentially non-vibrating. [0025] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar carbon nanotubes structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The one or more nanotube films of the thermoacoustic sound projector include a thin homogeneous carbon nanotube structure, a boron nitride nanotube film structure, and combinations thereof. The nanotube structure can be a number of superimposed nanotube layers. [0026] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0027] The thin homogeneous carbon nanotube structure can have high electrical conductivity. [0028] The number of superimposed carbon nanotube layers can be operable to increase the carbon nanotube-gas medium interaction and overall sound generation pressure. [0029] The number of superimposed carbon nanotube layers can be much greater than five when high sound generation efficiency is not needed. [0030] The number of superimposed carbon nanotube layers can be less than five when high efficiency of sound generation is needed. [0031] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotube structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. In some embodiments, the planar nanotube structure has a positive coefficient of resistivity. [0032] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0033] The planar nanotube structure can have a positive coefficient of resistivity such to avoid the current redistribution in the planar nanotube structure to large bundles of nanotubes having lower sound generation efficiency. [0034] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these two electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar carbon nanotubes structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a framing element with two opposite conductive electrodes parallel to each other. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes aligned nanotube sheets attached to the frame in orthogonal directions. [0035] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0036] The orthogonal direction of the nanotube sheets (corresponding to a 90° bias angle) can be operable to avoid mechanical vibrations on the edges of nanotube sheets and for large bundles of nanotubes, which can be caused by static potential and Lorentz forces. The aligned nanotube sheets can optionally be aligned in a plurality of directions, such as with bias angle of 60° or −60° between neighboring sheets. [0037] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotube structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The planar nanotubes structure and vibrating plates (in their flat states) are separated by a spacing that is larger than the thermal diffusion length of the filled gas medium for a predetermined sound frequency range of the thermoacoustic apparatus. The spacing between the planar carbon nanotubes structure and vibrating plates is small enough to provide high conversion efficiency (which is proportional to the reciprocal to the enclosure volume (1/V), but large enough in the free-standing sheet regime that the TA sheets do not make contact with the vibrating plates. [0038] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0039] The distance between the planar nanotube structure and the vibrating plates can be as close as possible without touching. [0040] The spacing can be greater than 50 μm. [0041] The gas medium can be an inert gas that provides temperature modulation on the surface of the planar carbon nanotubes structure to at least 2000 K. [0042] The gas medium can be nitrogen, argon, xenon, or a combination thereof [0043] The spacing can have a minimum distance operable to avoid heat dissipation through contact between the planar carbon nanotubes structure and the vibrating plate or plates of the encapsulated housing. [0044] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotubes structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes adhesive elastic ribbon that has sealed the encapsulated housing circumferentially. The adhesive elastic ribbon has a thickness that is larger than the vibrating amplitude of the vibrating plates. [0045] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0046] The electrodes can be copper, titanium foil, or a combination thereof [0047] The adhesive elastic ribbon can be a silicone rubber ribbon or a polyurethane ribbon. [0048] The vibrating amplitude can be larger than 50 μm (for 130 dB per meter). [0049] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotubes structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The one or both plates include a material that can reflect the infrared radiation emitted by hot nanotubes or a material that includes dielectric ceramic plates that are coated with an infrared radiation reflective metallic film. [0050] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0051] The coating of the infrared radiation reflective metallic film can be a thin film. [0052] The thin film can be thick enough to reflect infrared radiation. [0053] The thin film can be at least 200 nm thick. [0054] The infrared radiation reflective metallic film can include a film of Ni, Al, Cu, or a combination thereof. [0055] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotube structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The inner sides of the vibrating plates are coated with small oxide particles operable for preventing the sticking of the planar nanotube structure to the vibrating plate while being bended, pushed, or twisted. [0056] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0057] The small oxide particles can be smaller than the spacing between the planar nanotube structure and the vibrating plates. [0058] The oxide particles can have a diameter between 2 μm and 20 μm. [0059] The oxide particles can be made of SiO 2 , TiO 2 , Al 2 O 3 or a combination thereof. [0060] The oxide particles can have shapes in the form of spheres, rods, platelets, and combinations thereof. [0061] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotube structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The sealed enclosure includes two rigid flat plates that can withstand temperatures of at least 1000° C. and that have a Young modulus and density chosen to provide a desired frequency f r and high resonance quality factor, Q. [0062] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0063] The encapsulated thermoacoustic sound projector can be operable for generating Q times higher sound pressure level at the resonance frequency than the same planar nanotube structure in an open housing. [0064] The two rigid flat plates (the vibrating plates) can be made of metal (high density material), ceramic (middle density material), glass or polymer (low density material) or a combination thereof [0065] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotube structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The gas medium has a high heat capacity ratio (γ=C p /C v ) of at least 1.5 and a heat capacity (C p ) of no more than about 200 J/(kg K). [0066] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0067] The heat capacity ratio can be at least 1.5. [0068] The heat capacity can be at most 200 J/(kg K). [0069] The gas medium can be xenon. [0070] The gas medium can provide five times higher sound pressure level than air. [0071] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotubes structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The electrical connection between the planar nanotube structure and conductive electrodes is by direct attachment of the planar nanotube structure to the surface of the electrodes with subsequent densification of the portion of the planar nanotube structure that overlaps the electrodes. [0072] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0073] The densified portion of the planar nanotube structure can be formed by using volatile liquids for wetting and drying the portion of the planar nanotube structure. [0074] The volatile liquids can include methanol, ethanol, acetone, liquid nitrogen, and combinations thereof. [0075] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotubes structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The thermoacoustic apparatus further includes a modulator and a dynamic carrier control (DCC) circuit for dynamically controlling the power supplied to the projector based on parameters of the input signal. When the carrier signal includes a low range of parameters, the DCC circuit is operable for reducing the power to the modulator in proportion to the amount of modulation required to modulate the range of parameters to produce the desired sound signal. When there is no sound signal, the power supplied to the modulator is operable for turning off until the recognition of another sound signal. [0076] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotube structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The thermoacoustic apparatus further includes a modulator and a dynamic carrier control (DCC) circuit for dynamically controlling the power supplied to the modulator based on parameters of the input carrier signal. The power supplied to the modulator is in direct proportion to a range of parameters in order to produce or maintain the desired sound signal. [0077] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0078] The parameters can include one or more of frequency, phase and amplitude. [0079] The parameters of the carrier signal can be analyzed respective of a baseband. [0080] The parameters of the carrier signal can be analyzed respective of a passband. [0081] The DCC circuit can be operable for analyzing the current associated with the input acoustic signal and can adjust the carrier signal modulator in a proportion required to produce the desired sound signal. The input acoustic signal dictates the parameters of the carrier signal that is input to the thermo-acoustic projector. [0082] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that includes a signal conditioning device and thermoacoustic sound projector. The thermoacoustic sound projector includes a planar nanotube structure. The planar nanotube structure includes one or more nanotube films selected from the group consisting of single-walled carbon nanotube films, few-walled carbon nanotube films, multi-walled carbon nanotube films, boron nitride nanotube films, and combinations thereof. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes at least two electrodes. The planar nanotube structure is suspended between two of these electrodes. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes an encapsulated housing (also known as an encapsulated enclosure) that encloses the planar nanotubes structure. The encapsulated housing includes two relatively flat plates, with at least one plate being capable of vibrating. The thermoacoustic sound projector further includes a gas medium that is contained within the encapsulated housing. The signal conditioning device is operable for powering the thermoacoustic sound projector. The input power that drives the thermoacoustic modulator is a high frequency carrier signal whose amplitude is modulated by the input audio sound signal to provide the desired output sound from the thermoacoustic projector. [0083] Implementations of the invention can include one or more of the following features: [0084] The signal conditioning device (a dynamic carrier control, DCC) can be operable to reduce energy consumption by providing a carrier wave, having a frequency that is high compared with that of the audio frequencies that are sought from the thermo-acoustic sound projector, wherein the signal conditioning device varies the amplitude of the carrier wave current in response to an input audio signal so that the output of the signal conditioning device heats the TA projector film in a manner to result is projected sound that replicates the input acoustic signal. [0085] The signal conditioning can operate to provide 100 % modulation of the carrier wave current and to provide no carrier current when the audio input signal is negligible small. [0086] The frequency of the carrier signal can be at least one order of magnitude higher than the frequencies of the sound spectrum of the thermoacoustic apparatus. [0087] The frequency of the carrier signal can be at least one order of magnitude higher than the resonance frequency of the vibrating plates, f r . [0088] The frequency of the carrier signal can be selected from the region of the highest sound pressure level of the sound generated by an open housing. [0089] The frequency of carrier signal can be about 50 kHz. [0090] The input power can be generated from a conditioning device. [0091] The generating device can be an internal generator. [0092] In general, in another aspect, the invention features a thermoacoustic apparatus that is a combination of two or more of the embodiments above or a thermoacoustic apparatus of one or more of the above having features from other embodiments. [0093] In general, in another aspect, the invention features the thermoacoustic sound projector portion of the embodiments of the above thermoacoustic apparatus. [0094] In general, in another aspect, invention features a method of operating one or more of the thermoacoustic apparatuses (and/or thermoacoustic sound projector portions) of the above embodiments. [0095] In general, in another aspect, invention features a manufacturing one or more of the thermoacoustic apparatuses (and/or thermoacoustic sound projector portions) of the above embodiments. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0096] For better understanding of the present invention, and the advantages thereof, reference is now made to the following descriptions taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. The components in the drawings are not necessarily to scale, the emphasis instead being placed upon clearly illustrating the principles of the present encapsulated TA device and method for generating sound waves. [0097] FIG. 1A depicts a schematic structural view of a flat encapsulated TA device in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. [0098] FIG. 1B depicts a side view of the flat encapsulated TA device shown in FIG. 1A taken from viewpoint “A.” [0099] FIG. 2 is a graph that shows the sound pressure generated by single MWNT sheet versus reciprocal heat capacity, 1/C p measured in anechoic chamber at 1 atm. pressure and T=25° C. for seven gases: He, N 2 , Air, Ar, Freon (R143A), Xe and SF 6 . Line 201 is a theoretical line plotted for inert gases using thermodynamic approach. [0100] FIG. 3 is a graph that compares the frequency dependence of sound pressure generated by a single MWNT sheet (5×5 cm 2 ) at increased frequency for open and closed systems (lines 301 and 302 , respectively). [0101] FIG. 4 is a graph that shows the dependence of sound pressure (normalized to the applied power) on encapsulated volume (V). Line 401 shows calculated 1/V dependence of sound pressure. [0102] FIG. 5 is a graph that shows the comparison of sound pressure generated by open MWNT sheet (line 501 ) and the same sheet sealed in argon gas between two fused quartz glass encapsulating plates (line 501 ). [0103] FIGS. 6A-6C are schematic diagrams illustrating the consequences of applying three different methods for supplying the TA heater (which is a nanotube sheet) with electrical current: ( FIG. 6A ) with pure alternative current; ( FIG. 6B ) with alternating and direct current superimposed; ( FIG. 6C ) with a high frequency carrier current modulated at the frequency of the desired sound. In each of FIGS. 6A-6C , the current (left axis), temperature change and sound output (right axis), and time (horizontal axis) are normalized. The applied sinusoidal current (lines 601 ) creates the temperature variation around the heater (lines 602 ). The induced gas expansion results in sound waves: at twice the input current frequency in the method shown in FIG. 6A ; without frequency doubling (but with high distortion and low efficiency) in the method shown in FIG. 6B ; and without distortion and with high conversion efficiency for the sound waves ( 603 ) in the method shown in FIG. 6C . [0104] FIG. 7A is a side-by-side view of two 7.5×7.5 cm 3 AlN ceramic plates ( 701 and 702 ) with attached copper electrodes (strips 703 and 704 ) before assembly. One layer of suspended carbon multi-walled nanotube (MWNT) sheet 705 is attached to the left panel. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a single layer MWNT sheet is shown in 706 . [0105] FIG. 7B is a 1 mm thick, argon-filled sound projector assembly 707 using AlN ceramic plates. [0106] FIGS. 8A and 8B show, respectively, a schematic view and a picture of a TA device with enhanced heat dissipation. The TA projector includes the free-standing MWNT sheet suspended on the distance of 0.6 mm between a 5×5×0.015 cm 3 mica plate on the top and a heat sink on the bottom. The cylindrical object on top of the projector is a sensor for measuring acoustic emission. [0107] FIG. 9 is a schematic structural view of a TA device employing a framing element with two conductive electrodes 10 and aligned MWNT sheets 11 and 12 attached in orthogonal direction in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. [0108] FIG. 10 is a schematic view of an arrangement of plurality of conductive electrodes 13 and 15 on insulating substrate 14 to reduce the overall resistance of a TA device according to an embodiment of the present invention. [0109] FIG. 11 is a comparison of TA sound projector performance (sound pressure versus applied power) for mirror coated (line 1101 ) and transparent (line 1102 ) quartz glass plates, (126×126×2.3 mm 3 ). [0110] FIG. 12A depicts a schematic view of the structure of flexible transparent loudspeaker of the present invention that can be bended, pushed, and twisted. FIG. 12B depicts a magnified portion of the flexible transparent loudspeaker shown in FIG. 12A . The small insulating particles 17 deposited on the inner surfaces of vibrating membranes 16 (which act as vibrating plates) prevent the sticking of the freestanding carbon nanotube (CNT) film 18 to the surface of membranes. [0111] FIG. 13 is a schematic illustration of a thermoelectric module inserted between a TA projector and a passive radiator. [0112] FIG. 14A is a schematic illustration of a thermoelectric module that is incorporated as part of thermoacoustic projector. [0113] FIG. 14B is a graph showing the ac signal with dc biasing (horizontal line 1404 ) as a function of time on the x-axis. [0114] FIG. 15 is a schematic illustration of a thermoacoustic projector comprising p-doped and n-doped CNT sheets connected in series to create a thermoelectric module, which can be encapsulated in a gas-containing enclosure. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0115] The present invention is directed to the enhancement of the efficiency of TA sound projector and to protect the nanoscale heater from the harsh environment. The encapsulation of free-standing carbon nanotube (CNT) film in inert gases between two flat membranes (or rigid plates), affords both device protection and the enhancement of low frequency sound generation. The typical structure of an encapsulated TA device according to an embodiment, which is depicted in FIGS. 1A-1B , has two conductive electrodes 1 attached to opposite edges of vibrating plate 3 through the elastic silicon rubber 2 . The thin CNT sheet 5 (or plurality of CNT sheets superimposed to each other) suspended between two plates 3 is connected to electrodes 1 . The interior of thereby assembled encapsulated device is filled with inert gas 4 , preferably with low heat capacity, G. [0116] Since the TA loudspeaker acts as a heat engine, the maximum energy conversion efficiency, according to Carrot's theorem, cannot exceed η=1−T c /T h , where T c is the absolute temperature of the cold reservoir, and T h is the absolute temperature of the hot reservoir, i.e., the temperature modulation amplitude. The CNT film exposed to air starts to burn at T h ≦600° C., while in inert gases the temperature of CNT can reach 2000 K. Since the efficiency of a TA device linearly increases with the increase of applied power, i.e., increase of temperature modulation amplitude, this enables a higher efficiency for TA devices filled with inert gases. The experimental data for sound pressure measured in four inert gases He, N 2 , Ar and Xe using boundary conditions of open system shown in FIG. 2 versus 1/C p is in good agreement with the theoretical prediction. The TA sound pressure generated in xenon gas is >5 times higher than in air. [0117] Despite the attractive wide frequency sound generation spectra of the open TA system for audio applications, the energy conversion efficiency is extremely low at low frequencies. Unlike an open device, the encapsulated device has higher efficiency at low frequencies. FIG. 3 shows the sound pressure generated by single layer MWNT sheet as a function of frequency for open and closed systems (lines 301 and 302 , respectively). The three order higher pressure variation in the low-frequency limit comparing to the open system explicitly indicates the advantage of encapsulated TA devices for operation in the low frequency domain. [0118] In a small enclosure, where the distance between the thermal source and walls is much smaller than the acoustic wave length λ and larger than the thermal diffusion length, the sound pressure (SP) produced by a TA projector is directly related to the ideal gas law: P 0 =(nR/V)T, where the number of moles of gas (n) and the volume (V) in the closed hermetic chamber are held constant (R is the ideal gas constant). This thermal diffusion length is l=(α/πf) 1/2 , where α is the thermal diffusivity of the gas and f is the sound frequency in the gas (for example, l˜0.12 mm for f=1 kHz in air). Because of the ideal gas law, in such a closed system with rigid walls the generated dynamic pressure p rms is reciprocal to the volume of the enclosure, V. [0119] FIG. 4 shows the volume dependence of sound pressure generated at a resonance frequency (f r ≈2.4 kHz) for five encapsulated flat plate sound projectors filled with argon with fixed size of the plates (75×50×1 mm 3 , Corning glass microscope slides) and varying spacing between the plates: 2 g=0.8; 0.11; 1.74; 6.24; and 30 mm. The power normalized SP for all five samples were measured in the near field at fixed distance, r=2.5 cm. The obtained result confirms the validity of theoretical prediction and reflects to use as small as possible spacing between the plates. [0120] While the open TA system provides smooth spectra with sound pressure proportional to the frequency, the encapsulated device with stiff flat plates is resonant. For the flat encapsulated TA projector, the pressure modulation generated in a closed system now is an internal driven force for the vibrating plates. At frequency of modulated temperature close to the mechanical resonance of the plates the output sound pressure produced by vibrating plate p(r), driven by internal force source p rms is Q time larger, where Q=f r /Δf is the resonant quality factor of vibrating plate. Hence, the sound pressure generated by encapsulated TA projector adopts all features of closed system pressure superimposed on the resonant feature of vibrating plates. The overall enhancement of generated SP for TA projector shown in FIG. 5 is G=p encaps. /p open ≈15, which is consistent with the resonant quality factor, Q=f r /Δf=17.8. Here Δf is the width of the resonance peak at the pressure level of 1/√2. [0121] To generate sound directly on the first harmonic of applied ac power (f r ) without dc biasing, it is believed the frequency of the sinusoidal carrier current in an encapsulated device should be kept close to the maximum of the spectra of the non-enclosed CNT film (f c ≈50-60 kHz) and the carrier current should be modulated by the resonant envelope at f r . The elastically clamped plates will respond only to the low frequency current envelope with peak amplitude at f r , while the high frequency temperature modulation will create the pressure background with the efficiency of a non-biased system. [0122] FIGS. 6A-6C show the current-temperature-sound conversion for three type of power supply. The important advantage of the third method (shown in FIG. 6C ) is that sound is generated on the first harmonic of the applied voltage. Second, it requires √2 lower averaged applied current, which gives a two-fold enhancement benefit for acoustic power generation and efficiency. Note also that the use of non-sinusoidal carrier signal modulation, or pulse-width modulation, introduces large distortions. [0123] In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 7A-7B , the TA projector includes two (7.5×7.5 cm 2 ) aluminum nitrate (AlN) ceramic plates with the thickness selected for desired resonance frequency of the sound projector. The 5 mm wide and 0.15 mm thick strips of one-side printing circuit board (PCB strips 703 and 704 ) were attached to the two parallel edges of both plates using silicon paste (Multi-Purpose sealant 732 , Dow Corning Corp.). To create a sealed cavity, two other orthogonal edges were also covered with the same strips attached facedown. The free-standing multiwall carbon nanotube (MWNT) sheet 705 withdrawn from the CVD grown forest was attached to the assembly between two copper electrodes as shown on the left plate in FIG. 7A . [0124] To improve the MWNT/copper electrical connection, the MWNT sheet contacting the surface of copper foil was densified using methanol wetting and following drying (or the corresponding use for densification of other wetting liquids, like ethanol, acetone, acetonitrile, etc.). Two ceramic plates with attached electrodes and free-standing MWTN sheet (or multiple sheets) on one of them were assembled in an argon glove box under ambient pressure. (See FIG. 7B ). A thin layer of silicon paste (−0.2 mm) was spread over the perimeter of both plates, covering only 3 mm outer edges of the rectangular frame. This eliminates contact of the projector sheet with the paste when the two sides of the projector are assembled face-to-face and softly pressed together using suitable clips. The rigid ceramic plates evenly distribute the clamping force of the clips, pressing the rectangular frames against each other. The silicon paste transforms into an elastic rubber in 4 hours in air at room temperature. [0125] Restricted heat dissipation from the interior of the small volume enclosure is a main obstacle limiting the efficiency and power output of the TA projector. To reduce overheating of the encapsulated gas, the bottom plate (shown in another embodiment of the present invention in FIGS. 8A-8B ) was substituted by the heat sink. For example, the thin thermoacoustic heater includes three superimposed MWNT sheets with a total resistance 338Ω that were encapsulated in argon gas between a mica plate (5×5×0.015 cm 3 ) on the top and the blackened aluminum heat sink radiator on the bottom. The edges of the assembly were sealed with silicon paste. The improved heat dissipation allows the application of up to 5.5 W (−0.2 W/cm 2 ) in air and 11 W underwater (0.44 W/cm 2 ) to this particular device without visible saturation of generated pressure waves. The resonance frequency, f r =1696 Hz in air with Q=50, shifted underwater toward f r =351 Hz with much lower quality factor, Q=6. The obtained power level of >130 dB re 20 μPa in air and >200 dB re 1 μPa underwater in the near field (r=5 cm) and >100 dB and >170 dB at the distance of 1 m, respectively (with the average temperature of encapsulated gas of ˜50° C.), is promising for wide range of applications. The enhanced heat dissipation and use of light weight mica plates have increased the energy conversion efficiency to 0.3% in air, and to 1.5% underwater. Further increase of the sound intensity caused delamination of the layered mica plate structure. [0126] The high voltage and current applied to narrow CNT strips or large bundles create lateral mechanical vibrations on the sheet edges and deteriorate the performance of TA devices [Aliev et al., Science 323, 1575 (2009)]. To avoid this problem, in other embodiments of the present invention, the carbon nanotube film have structures that eliminate this problem, for example, highly aligned MWNT sheets arranged in orthogonal direction, as shown schematically in FIG. 9 . Referring to FIG. 9 , the carbon nanotube structure includes a plurality of carbon nanotube sheets 11 arranged along a preferred orientation and connected to the conductive electrodes 10 , as well as some carbon nanotube sheets that are arranged perpendicular to the first sheets and attached to nonconductive electrodes 12 . The perpendicular aligned sheets reinforce the main sheets via van der Waals inter-sheet attractive forces, and thereby reduce the lateral vibration of the whole carbon nanotube sheet structure that is caused by static potential and Lorenz forces. [0127] In other embodiments of the present invention, the CNT structure can include at least one CNT film 14 , or a plurality of CNT films, attached to conductive electrodes 13 and 15 having the comb structure shown in FIG. 10 . The number of comb legs in each electrode determines the overall impedance of the TA device. [0128] In another embodiment, one or more of the projector plates are coated with a metallic reflecting film to return part of the irradiated black body back to the carbon nanotube sheet. To obtain higher sound pressure and higher projector efficiency, the temperature modulation amplitude should be increased by increasing applied power P h . However, MWNT sheets are near perfect black body emitters, which reduces TA projector performance at high temperatures. The black-body radiation of the MWNT sheet does not contribute to the convective heating of the surrounding gas, the major contributor of heat transfer in TA transduction. To eliminate the loss of power, an infrared (IR) reflective (metallic) coating is deposited on at least one of the projector plates. Line 1101 of FIG. 11 shows that coating both projector plates with an IR reflecting coating (a 100 nm thick Ni film on 2.3 mm thick quartz glass plate) provides a thermo-acoustic projector whose sound pressure level linearly increases with input power output up to 50 W. The same device without IR coated plates shows (per line 1102 of FIG. 11 ) a decline from the linear dependence of P rms on applied power when this power is above 30 W, where the averaged sheet temperature T h exceeds 110° C. (T peak =2T h −T 0 =195° C.). [0129] In another embodiment of the present invention, the inner side of thin transparent vibrating plates are covered with small insulating particles, as shown in the schematic diagram of FIGS. 12A-12B . The purpose of these particles 17 is to prevent the sticking of free-standing CNT film to vibrating membranes during bending, pushing, twisting, or rolling the TA device. The small particles can be deposited by spray gun using an aqueous polyvinyl alcohol suspension. [0130] Thereby, fabricated flexible TA device can be deployed on curved surfaces. [0131] Another application of this transparent flexible TA loudspeaker is on the front panel of displays with touch-screen function. The size of insulating particles can be chosen from the conditions for optimizing the spacing between the MWNT sheet and vibrating plates, when taking into account the thermal diffusion length of the filling gas. The selected 10-20 μm spheres are optimal for argon and xenon filing gases. The material of particles includes, but is not limited to inorganic oxide spheres, like SiO 2 , TiO 2 , polymer spheres like Latex or others. [0132] Since the thermoacoustic loudspeaker acts as a heat engine, the maximum energy conversion efficiency, i.e. the Carnot efficiency, relates to the ratio of cold reservoir and hot heater temperatures, T c , and T h , respectively. To increase the sound output of the thermoacoustic projector, in some embodiments of the present invention the thermoelectric effect is employed to manage the temperatures of hot heater source and cold sink. The efficiency of the TA projector approximately increases linearly with applied power P h for low or moderate applied power, where the applied electrical power increases the T h of the CNT heater and increases in T c are relatively small. However, at high applied power the ability of the encapsulated device to dissipate the created heat energy becomes insufficient and the generated acoustical power starts to saturate and even decrease because of a large increase in T c . In such high power case a thermoelectric cooler can be deployed to decrease T c and thereby increase sound output. In an embodiment shown schematically in FIG. 13 a Peltier thermoelectric cooler 20 with cold plate 22 faced towards the TA heater is inserted between the TA projector 6 , 7 , 9 and a passive, radiator type cooler 8 of the embodiment shown in FIG. 8A . When a dc current is applied to the thermoelectric module 20 , the cold plate 22 helps maintain the low temperature background inside of the TA enclosure, whereas the hot plate 21 dissipates heat energy through the passive radiator 8 . The dc current level can be adjusted and synchronized with averaged ac signal applied to the TA projector to achieve a low temperature inside the enclosure and a high efficiency of the TA projector (relative to the input power used for heating the projector sheet). [0133] In another embodiment of the present invention, which is shown in FIG. 14A , alternating thermoelectric p and n elements ( 27 and 28 , respectively) are connected on top by suspended CNT sheet elements 23 and by regular metallic interconnects 24 on the opposite side. The direction of the applied voltage (which can be applied between points 1401 and 1402 ) is preferably chosen at all times to simultaneously generate heat on the CNT sheet interconnects and cool down the opposite electrodes, hence increasing the temperature gradient between the CNT sheet and the adjacent device face. FIG. 14B shows the case where a positive voltage (defined as one that heats the nanotube sheets via the thermoelectric effect, relative to the cooled underlying substrate) is obtained by superimposing a larger dc voltage on an arbitrary form ac voltage used to produce sound, U dc >U peak . Curve 1403 reflects the ac signal combined with the dc biasing. Maintaining a positive voltage at all times enables sound generation at the same frequency as the excitation ac signal (thereby avoiding a component of sound production at twice this frequency). [0134] In another embodiment of the present invention, as shown in FIG. 15 , p-doped and n-doped CNT sheets are alternatively connected with each other to provide thermoelectric p-n junctions, by overlapping on tall (typically about 0.1-0.2 mm high) electrode pillars 25 (hot ends) and at connections 26 on the substrate. The optionally multilayered CNT sheet strips of each type (n and p) are optionally superimposed on each other under small angle (approximately 3°5°) to the nanotube alignment direction to enhance electrical conductivity in the perpendicular direction. A dc current (or ac current biased with dc component) flowing perpendicular to the strips directions (which can be applied between points 1501 and 1502 ) can be used to heat the suspended parts and cool down interconnects pressed to the back-plate. The back-plate will help maintain the low temperature background of a usefully provided enclosure gas, whereas the suspended part of the CNT sheet will create a temperature gradient that alternates at the sound frequency. [0135] For low frequency TA applications (f<1 kHz) the p and n doped CNT sheets can be substituted by polyacrylonitrile (PAN), polyimide (PI), or poly(D, L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) electrospun nanosheet, nanowovens, or other low heat capacity aerogel films or yarns coated by thermoelectric films. [0136] Among the thermoelectric films most suitable for low power (near room temperature) applications are the complementary Bi 2 Te 3 (n type) and Sb 2 Te 3 (p type) pair. For high power (high temperature) applications, PbTe, SiGe and their compounds are more suitable. [0137] Additional information of the present invention is included in A. E. Aliev et al., “Increasing The Efficiency Of Thermoacoustic Carbon Nanotube Sound Projectors,” Nanotechnology, 2013, 24 (23), 235501, which paper is incorporated into this Application in its entirety. [0138] The examples provided herein and in Attachment A are to more fully illustrate some of the embodiments of the present invention. It should be appreciated by those of skill in the art that the techniques disclosed in the examples which follow represent techniques discovered by the Applicant to function well in the practice of the invention, and thus can be considered to constitute exemplary modes for its practice. However, those of skill in the art should, in light of the present disclosure, appreciate that many changes can be made in the specific embodiments that are disclosed and still obtain a like or similar result without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. [0139] While embodiments of the invention have been shown and described, modifications thereof can be made by one skilled in the art without departing from the spirit and teachings of the invention. The embodiments described and the examples provided herein are exemplary only, and are not intended to be limiting. Many variations and modifications of the invention disclosed herein are possible and are within the scope of the invention. Accordingly, other embodiments are within the scope of the following claims. The scope of protection is not limited by the description set out above. [0140] The disclosures of all patents, patent applications, and publications cited herein are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, to the extent that they provide exemplary, procedural, or other details supplementary to those set forth herein.
A suspended nanotube film (or films) producing sound by means of the thermoacoustic (TA) effect is encapsulated between two plates, at least one of which vibrates, to enhance sound generation efficiency and protect the film. To avoid the oxidation of carbon nanotubes at elevated temperatures and reduce the thermal inertia of surrounding medium the enclosure is filled with inert gas (preferably with high heat capacity ratio, γ=C p /C v , and low heat capacity, C p ). To generate sound directly as the first harmonic of applied audio signal without use of an energy consuming dc biasing, an audio signal modulated carrier frequency at much higher frequency is used to provide power input. Various other inventive means are described to provide enhanced projected sound intensity, increased projector efficiency, and lengthened projector life, like the use of infrared reflecting coatings and particles on the projector plates, non-parallel sheet alignment in sheet stacks, and cooling means on one projector side.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field to which Invention Relates The invention relates to a device for unpacking bottles or similar articles in a shrink foil package. 2. The Prior Art Small bottles, more particularly bottles for medicaments are packaged by the glass manufacturer for transport to the consumer, that is to say medicament manufacturers and bottling undertakings, frequently using shrinking foils in the form of flat packages or trays. The bottles are then in a closely packed layer and are surrounded on all sides by the shrinkage foil, which presses them together. Such a package can easily be handled. For medicament bottles it is furthermore important that the bottles, which are sterile owing to the high temperature to which the glass is subjected on manufacture, and which as yet do not have any closure, are packaged in a hermetical manner. Summary of Invention On the premises of the consumer the packages must be opened. In this respect owing to the high speeds of filling it is necessary for the opening of the packages and ordered release of the bottles to occupy a short amount of time and it should proceed automatically. Furthermore the penetration of dirt into the bottles should be avoided. A first embodiment of the invention intended to fulfil this task is characterized by a table adapted to receive the shrunk foil package, whose table top is substantially the same in size or somewhat smaller than the base surface of the package, a pressing platen, adapted to be lowered on to the package, for clamping and holding firm the bottles, a cutting device for cutting open the shrunk foil around the periphery of the package, a gripping device, which folds downwardly the edge, of the lower shrunk foil part produced by cutting open, downwardly, over the table top, a frame which can be fitted over the platen and the package, which holds together the bottles after moving the platen clear of them and with which the bottles can be pushed off the lower part of the shrunk foil. The whole bottle package is thus clamped firmly between the table and the pressing platen so that the shrunk foil can be cut open along and around the package edge without the bottles toppling over or being displaced. The cutting open is preferably carried out a short distance above the shoulders of the bottles so that the shrunk foil is severed to produce an upper lid part with a narrow edge or rim and a lower bottom part with a comparatively high rim. This high rim projects to the outside and can then be drawn downwards by means of the gripping device over the edges of the table top. Accordingly the bottles are freed at the lower side and can be pushed off the shrunk foil and accordingly from the table, for example on to a bottle bulk receiving device in the form of a turntable. Since the bottles are covered during the whole operation by the upper part of the shrunk foil, it is possible to ensure that no dirt falls into the bottles. Toppling over of the bottles in the apparatus in accordance with the invention is avoided by the frame fitted over the platen and the package, which holds together the bottles after they have been released by the pressing platen. In accordance with a further feature of the invention there is the possibility of constructing the table as a mechanically driven turntable. In this case the cutting device does not need to be moved around the package. The turntable can conveniently be adapted to be moved pneumatically or hydraulically. Furthermore it is conveniently provided in the edge part with a cushioning layer in order to hold all bottles securely notwithstanding tolerances in height. In order to remove the upper shrunk foil part the pressing platen can be provided with openings connected with a suction line, which, after the pressing platen has cleared the bottles, hold the shrunk foil in position so that the bottles can then be pushed out under the foil. In accordance with a further development of the invention the gripping device comprises a vertically sliding carrier which is arranged underneath the table and which has arranged on it several gripping clamps for engaging the lower shrunk foil part at the edge of the latter. Accordingly the edge or rim of the shrunk foil part can be drawn downwards reliably and automatically over the edge of the table. The frame and the pressing platen are conveniently fixed in a rotary manner on a vertically adjustable boom, which is carried in the frame of the apparatus so that it can perform a horizontal sliding movement. A second embodiment of the invention constructed to attain the aim of the invention is characterised by a table adapted to receive the shrunk foil package, with a stationary table top, a turntable and a lifting table, which can be raised and lowered in order to form a receiving niche, in relation to the table top and the turntable, a cutting device for cutting open the shrunk foil along the periphery of the package, a gripping device, which after detaching by cutting the covering foil can be moved from the side to a position adjacent to the rim or edge of the shrunk foil and on lifting the lifting table strips off the rim, produced by cutting open, of the boxshaped lower part, and a frame adapted to surround the package, which holds the bottles together and can be displaced with the latter from the lower part of the shrunk foil. In this manner the device can easily be adapted for semi-automatic or fully automatic operation and the shrunk foil package, owing to the provision of the niche, is reliably held on cutting open the covering foil without a pressing platen being necessary for gripping and holding the bottles. The gripping device can be adapted in a satisfactory manner to the respective requirements of the particular shrunk foil used. LIST OF SEVERAL VIEWS OF DRAWINGS In what follows embodiments of the invention will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings. FIGS. 1, 2 and 3 show a front view, a side view and a plan view of an embodiment constituting the first form of the invention. FIGS. 4 and 5 show a side view and a plan view of the embodiment in accordance with the second form of the invention. FIGS. 6 to 9 show individual phases on unpacking bottles using the embodiment of the invention in accordance with FIGS. 4 and 5. DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The unpacking device in accordance with FIGS. 1 to 3 is accommodated in a frame 1, consisting for example of angle girders. The bottle package 2, having a shrunk foil, rests on a table top 3, which is mounted in a rotary fashion on a hollow cylinder 4. The hollow cylinder is attached to a gear housing 5 with a flanged on geared motor 6. Through the hollow cylinder 4 there extends a drive shaft 7 for the table top 3, which in this manner can be caused to rotate by means of the geared motor 6 and, for example, a belt drive in the gearing housing 5. For clamping fast the bottle package 2 use is made of a pressure platen 8, which is connected by means of a bearing indicated by reference numeral 9 with a tube 10. The tube is mounted on a boom 11, which is attached in a vertically adjustable manner on a carrier 13 by means of a device 12, which is only shown diagrammatically. For pressing into position and releasing respectively the pressing platen 8 the carrier 13 can be moved by means of a lifting cylinder 14, indicated in FIG. 3, vertically with respect to a sliding plate 15 provided with corresponding guides. The sliding plate 15 itself is in turn capable of sliding horizontally in guide rails 16. The pressing platen 8 is provided with two guide pins or studs 17, which slide in corresponding holes 18 of struts 19 of a frame 20 and make possible a vertical movement of the frame 20 limited by an abutment 21. This relative displacement between the frame 20 and the pressing plate 8 is vertically adjustment by a hydraulic cylinder 22, which is fixed in the tube 10 and whose piston rod (not shown) engages the frame 20. For unpacking the bottles the package is mounted on the table top 3. The carrier 13 and accordingly the boom 11, the tube 10 and the pressing platen 8 have already been moved by means of the cylinder 14 into the highest position and simultaneously the hydraulic cylinder 22 will have brought the frame 20 into the highest position so that there is sufficient space for placing the bottle package 2 in position. The device 12 for vertical adjustment makes possible in this respect an adaptation to different heights of bottles. For clamping the bottles in position the pressing platen 8 is pressed by means of the cylinder 14 on to the bottles and for compensation of tolerances and improving the clamping action the lower side of the pressing platen 8 is provided with an elastic coating. By means of a switch or also by means of automatic sequential operation the drive motor is started so that the table top 3 together with the bottle package 2 and the pressing platen 8 together with the frame 20 and its associated assemblies is caused to rotate. It is then possible by means of a cutting device, which is not shown, and which in the simplest case is a knife held in position by the operator, the shrunk foil can be cut open along the line 23 just above the shoulders of the bottles along and around the whole periphery of the package 2. Owing to the tension of the shrunk foil the edge of the shrunk foil part produced below by the cutting action, projects laterally so that it can be engaged by gripping clamps 24 provided with barbs. The clamps 24 are attached to a carrier 25 and can be moved upwards and downwards by means of a hydraulic cylinder 26 and its piston rod 27. When the gripping clamps 24 have engaged the shrunk foil, they are drawn downwards so that the shrunk foil is drawn downwards or folded downwards over the table top 3. For complete unpacking the bottles must now be pushed off the table top 3 with removal of the top shrunk foil part. For this purpose the whole bottle carrying and holding device is displaced towards a transfer table 28. The drive housing 5 with the parts fixed to it then slides in rails 29. The shifting movement is again produced with the help of a further hydraulic cylinder 30. Previously the frame 20 has been lowered by means of the cylinder 22 over the bottle package 2 and the pressing platen 8 has been raised slightly. When the table top 3 comes into engagement then with the transfer table 28, by bringing about further shifting of the carrier 13 and accordingly of the pressing platen 8 and the frame 20, the bottle package 2, being entrained by frame 20, is pushed to the frame 20, on to the transfer table where it can then be accepted, for example, by a turntable, which is adapted to the circular recess in the transfer table 28. When the shifting movement takes place the bottles cannot topple over because the frame 20 restricts their possibility of horizontal movement and pivoting into a slanting position is not possible owing to the only slight raising of the pressing platen 8. It is only after complete pushing off of the bottle package 2 that the pressing platen 8 and the frame 20 are moved upwards, releasing the bottle package, by means of the hydraulic cylinders 14 and 22, and in this respect openings (not shown) connected with a vacuum line, in the pressing platen 8 hold fast the upper part of the shrunk foil so that the bottles are now completely unpacked. In this respect it is important that the bottle openings are held covered as long as possible by the upper part of the shrinkage foil so that contamination of the interior of the bottles is avoided. After the return movement of the whole unit and the removal of the shrunk foil parts a new operation can be commenced. Adaptation of the device to suit different bottle and package sizes is readily possible. It is only necessary to replace the table top 3, the pressing platen 8 and the frame 20 together with the carrier 25 with the clamps 24. Preferably the parts mentioned are provided for this replacement with quick release attachment devices which can easily be operated. For adaptation of the frame size there is also the possibility of using, in lieu of the close frame 20, four separate frame parts, whose spacing from each other can be adjusted for adaptation to the basic surface of the bottle packages. In the case of the embodiment of the invention as shown in FIGS. 4 and 5 a machine frame 50 has on its upper side a table 51, which consists of three parts, that is to say a stationary table top 52, a turntable 53 and the upper side of a lifting table 54. In accordance with the particular setting of the lifting table 54 the surfaces of the parts 52, 53 and 54 can be made to lie in a single plane, or a trough 55 is formed, which can receive a shrunk foil package 56, when the lifting table 54 is lowered. The lifting table has telescoping guides 57 and a lifting spindle or lead screw 58, which can be driven by a motor 59. To the side of the lifting table 54 there is a gripping device 60, which has four gripping arms 61, which are opposite each other in pairs. The gripping arms 61 are constructed as bell cranks, whose pivot axis is denoted by reference numeral 62. The other end of each gripping arm 61 has a stripping rail 63 which is in the position to engage the box-shaped edge of a cut open shrunk foil package 56 and to strip it off from the content of the package. The lower end 64 of each gripping arm 61 is constructed as a joint pin and rests in a groove in a sliding coupler 65, which can be moved upwards and downwards by means of a thrust motor 66 (hydraulic cylinder, compressed air cylinder) and owing to the coupling entrainment at the positions 64 the gripping arms 61 are spread apart before the reception of a shrunk foil package 56 and then close again in order to strip off the foil after the latter has been cut open. The parts 54, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 are connected with the turntable 53 via a turntable frame 70, which has a cage-like construction and is journalled by means of a bearing 71 on the machine frame 50. The turntable frame 70 can be turned through one full rotation by means of an indexing device 72, which is diagrammatically indicated in FIG. 4. Owing to the turntable 53 performing one full rotation the covering foil of the shrunk foil package 56 can be cut off from the remaining part by holding a knife at the edge of the shrunk foil package. At the rim of the table 51 there is a shaft 75, on which an arm 76 is journalled for pivoting movement and it can also be moved in the longitudinal direction. The arm 76 carries a frame 77, of which three sides are fixed and one side 78 is arranged for shifting movement. For this purpose the arm 76 has two sliding bearings 79, which serve for receiving one respective thrust rod 80 and these thrust rods are connected on the one hand with the frame side 78 and on the other hand with a gripping arm 81. Material located in the frame 77 can in this manner be pressed together to a greater or lesser extent by means of the frame side 78 and accordingly the articles arranged in this foil can be held together. A counter-weight 82 serves to balance the weight of the frame 77 so that the frame can be folded upwards without immediately dropping back on to the table 51. For this purpose the lever arm 83, on which the counterweight 82 is mounted, is arranged at an angle to the arm 76, as can be seen from FIG. 4. This construction offers also the advantage that the frame 77 remains on the table 51, since in this position the effective lever length of the arm 83 is shortened. On the operator side of the device there are two switch groups 85, which may have to be operated with both hands in order to switch on the various different functions. In a control cupboard 86 various control circuits are accommodated as are required for the following course of operations. While the frame 77 is held pivoted upwards by means of the gripping arm 81, either manually or automatically a shrunk foil package 56 is moved on to the table 51 (56a, FIG. 6) and comes into the niche 55, which is produced by lowering the lifting table 54. Now a knife represented in FIG. 7 is held against the upper edge of the shrunk foil package 56 either by hand or by means of an automatic device, and the turntable 53 is turned by means of the indexing device 72 for at least one full rotation or possibly 1.5 or 2 rotations 53a so that the knife cuts through the covering foil 56b in FIG. 8 of the shrunk foil package and in the niche 55 a box-shaped piece of foil 56c remains. See FIG. 8. The gripping arms 61 are now swung in the manner of tongs by actuation of the thrust motor 66 so that the gripping rails 63 come into a position adjacent to the edge of the box-shaped part 56c of the shrunk foil package 56. Furthermore the lifting motor 59 is now started, which moves the lifting table 54 upwards by means of the lead screw so that owing to the relative movement between the gripping rails 63 and the edge of the foil package the stripping movement is performed, by means of which the articles (bottles) are cleared of the remaining foil. In the third operational phase the frame 77 is swung on to the exposed articles 81a, 81b by pressing 81c of the gripping arm 81 so that the articles are held in position by the pressing action of the frame side 78. By shifting 81d, FIG. 8 of the gripping arm 81 the bearing eye of the arm 76 slides along the shaft 75 (see FIG. 5), that is to say the frame 77 moves together with its contents (exposed articles) on to the table 51 and can be placed on a further conveying device, which is not shown, following which by means of actuation 81f of the gripping arm 81 both the frame side 78 is released and by folding up the frame 77 it is removed from the articles. In accordance with particular requirements the cut off covering foil 56a is left on the articles or it can be removed. In order to remove the remaining foil part 56c from the device the lifting table 54 is moved for a small distance upwards so that the gripping rails 63 come to lie underneath the box-shaped remaining foil part 56c. Following this the lifting table 54 is moved again so as to be level with the table top 52 so that the remaining foil 56c can be stripped off and can readily be removed by hand or mechanically, 56d. After lowering the lifting table 54 a niche 55 is again formed (FIG. 6) and the next shrunk foil package can be opened as described above. The particular advantage of the new device for unpacking articles resides in that the temporarily formed niche 55 represents the means for holding fast the shrunk foil package 56 when its covering foil 56b is cut away or removed. The movements of the table 54 do not in this respect serve to form this niche 55 only but they also serve to remove the encompassing foil part 56c from the articles and finally also from the lifting table 54, the gripping rails 63 cooperating in each case. The rim of the gripping rails 63 can furthermore be adapted to the shape of the articles to be unpacked, for example a number of semicircular recesses can be provided in the edge. In order to adapt the device for automatic operation it is for example possible to provide a knife arm which can be lowered, which in the lowered condition does not impede the supply of shrunk foil packages. The movements of the frame 77 can readily be merchanized. A modified construction of this frame is possible in that it opens laterally for receiving the shrunk foil package and closes again without the folding up movements shown having to be carried out. If furthermore the frame is to be caused to perform two removal movements it will be possible to bring, on carrying out the first movement, the articles on to a conveyer track and to remove the remaining foil part from the table 51.
A table is adapted to receive the shrunk foil package, and its top is substantially the same in size or somewhat smaller than the base surface of the package. A pressing platen is adapted to be lowered on to the package, for clamping and holding firm the bottles. A cutting device cuts open the shrunk foil around the periphery of the package. A gripping device folds downwards the edge, produced by cutting open, of the lower shrunk foil part, over the table top. A frame can be fitted over the platen and the package holds together the bottles after moving the platen clear of them and with which the bottles can be pushed off the lower part of the shrunk foil.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application is a continuation under 35 U.S.C. §120 of international patent application no. PCT/US2009/047001, filed Jun. 11, 2009, which is s continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/141,427 (attorney docket 1233-540), filed Jun. 18, 2008, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,552,608, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/694,097 (attorney docket 1233-527), filed Mar. 30, 2007, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,412,860, the disclosures of which are hereby incorporated by reference. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] This invention relates to improvements in keys, key blanks, keyways, and lock cylinders, particularly with regard to defining the profiles of keys, key blanks, and keyways using the shapes of ridges or grooves in a generally flat rectangular key blade profile. The shape of the key blank and key, of course, determines the shape of the keyway in a lock cylinder plug. BACKGROUND AND PRIOR ART [0003] The lock cylinders art is requiring higher and higher security and there is a need in the art for the development of a shape or profile of a cross section of key and corresponding shape of the keyway in the cylinder plug to accommodate a hierarchical lock providing high security. The shape of the keyway is the first barrier that rejects or filters an unauthorized key in attempt to operate the lock cylinder. [0004] There is only a finite space in a lock cylinder plug that can be occupied by the key and that space must be structured to allow for the maximum number of unique keyway shapes to be able to develop lock systems of adequate size. In large modern lock systems it is usual to arrange the structure of the keyways in a manner so that at least three levels of a hierarchical system can be provided, with one master key blank at the top level of the system, some sub-master key blanks at a medium level and several change key blanks at the lowest level of the hierarchical system. A new key section design must be different from prior key sections so that the key blanks can be controlled by the manufacturer and the end user can benefit from the security offered by the exclusivity of this key control via the key blanks. [0005] Unique key profile shapes provide for additional protection against unauthorized key copying. Most key blanks of the generally flat rectangular key profiles are manufactured with single pass formed milling cutters that shape the side of the key blank. The axis of rotation of the cutter is held parallel to the side of the blade. Keys using an undercut groove profile require additional form cutting on specially designed machines that are usually not available at commercial duplicator operations and thus the blanks are more difficult to copy or counterfeit. [0006] Early in the development of lock cylinders, it became apparent that there were specific parameters that affected the size of the lock cylinder systems that could be developed and that there were many design factors that influenced the wear of the key and the cylinder and thus the longevity of the system. Key blanks were designed with these parameters in mind. Representative examples of the prior art include the following: [0007] In U.S. Pat. No. 0,263,244, Taylor discloses a key blank design that offers an economically simple solution to the problem of having a key that moves too freely in the keyhole. This offers a very minimal keyway shape in the plug and key profile in the blank. [0008] In U.S. Pat. No. 0,420,174, Taylor teaches a unique but limited master keying technique that uses a Y shaped key section in a plug that allows two differently shaped key profiles to contact their own areas of the non rotating tumbler pins. [0009] In U.S. Pat. No. 0,567,305, Donavan discloses a method of expanding the number of key sections, thus increasing the available size of lock systems, by dividing the key blank height into various areas and using consistent warding techniques at these locations to develop hierarchical keyways or key profiles. This increases the system size of pin tumbler cylinders. The bittings of one key can be repeated on a different key blank, configured with a different key profile, and the cylinders into which these individual keys fit can also be operated by a higher level key designed to insert into both of the keyways. [0010] In U.S. Pat. No. 0,608,069, Noack discloses an arrangement of key section warding that provides improved wear on the key and the key contact area on the tip of the locking pins. In addition it provides a narrow cross sectional width under the bitting area, thus making it difficult to manipulate pick tools under the tumbler pins. [0011] In U.S. Pat. No. 3,499,304, M. Noujoks teaches a method of designing key section warding where both faces of the keys are provided with alternating ridges and grooves. It utilizes a master key blank that has all the grooves of the series but not the ridges, while the key blanks of a lower hierarchical level have varying ridges. [0012] In U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,168,617 and 4,368,629, Prunbauer discloses more methods of designing key section warding where the master key will fit into the subordinate keyways but the lower keys will not fit into the master keyways. In one embodiment, the ridges and grooves defining the key section are of a rectangular cross-section shape, and the outwardly projecting variable ridge on the subordinate key extends laterally beyond any of the other variable ridges. The subordinate key is thicker at its further ridge than the master key is at any location. In another embodiment the master key is formed of a zigzag shape, that is with its opposite sides formed of a plurality of planar facets each of which is substantially parallel to a respective planar facet on the other side. [0013] In U.S. Pat. No. 4,416,128, Steinbrink teaches another unique method of designing key sections where the longitudinal grooves on both sides of the key blank are formed with bottom faces that lay substantially along the arc of a circle. [0014] In U.S. Pat. No. 4,653,298, Tietz discloses a method of designing master key section warding that incorporates an invariable or family profile near the bitting area on the blank, and the variations defining the individual key sections are located near the spline or bottom edge of the blank. Additionally there are at least two profile formations that cross a center line in the key blank, one ridge is extending beyond the surface of the blank, and the variations are made with longitudinal grooves having rectangular cross sections. [0015] In U.S. Pat. No. 4,683,740, Errani illustrates a key section design that has a undercut groove shape making it very difficult to manipulate a pick tool in the keyway of the plug. The undercut groove is formed by means of cutters having their rotational axis inclined in relation to the sides of the key blank. [0016] In U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,715,717 and 5,809,816, Widen teaches some very specific methods of designing key sections using a three sided undercut groove located closest to the bottom edge of the key blank and extending inwardly inclined towards the bottom of the key blank, or using an undercut groove with a substantially flat surface which is inclined towards the groove bottom surface. [0017] In U.S. Pat. No. 6,145,357, Stefanescu teaches a method of designing master key section warding that utilizes a key blank with a T-shaped cross sectional area with all the profile ribs having specific curvilinear cross sectional contours, with rounded front and flank portions. [0018] In U.S. Pat. No. 6,851,292, Kruhn discloses a method of designing lock and key warding that incorporates specific perpendicular groove surfaces on one side of the key section, and slanting surfaces on the other side that are positioned in a relationship designed to trap, or limit the motion of a picking tool inserted into the key way. [0019] While the prior art has developed usable key sections, they fail to maximize the area of the plug and do not allow for the development of many large master keying systems. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0020] This invention provides specific parameters for key section profiles and the corresponding keyways in a cylinder plug that allows for the development of many exclusive and non-interchangeable hierarchical master key systems. In order to accomplish this, the keyway and conforming key blade are considered separately for three vertical sections from the bottom edge of the keyway and blade up to the top edge of the blade. Each of the three sections is contoured or formed with specific variations of ridges and grooves that establish the lock's and key blank's positions within a hierarchical system or systems. The first, bottommost section of the blade has a registry groove for the positioning of any secondary side milling operations used in the manufacture of the blank, and the keyway has a conforming ridge in its bottommost section. This registry groove in the blade also allows for exact positioning of the blank in a key cutting or bitting machine. A second vertical section of the blade has at least one undercut longitudinal groove on at least one side of the blade, and the keyway has a conforming ridge or ridges in its second vertical section. The location and shape of the undercut groove in the second section of the blade determines the primary family of the hierarchical system. The third section of the blade, just below the bitting surface, may be divided into two sides. One of these sides has a variation of the key section profile determined by using longitudinal grooves of curved shaped forms that are shifted up and down the side of the blade to create the necessary variations. The position and curved form of the profiles on this side determines the secondary and subgroups in the family of the hierarchical system. On the other side of the third, or topmost section, of the blade, the variations in the key section profiles are determined by using longitudinal grooves having substantially rectangular or straight angular cross sections that vary in depth into the side of the blade. The position and depth of the angular profiles on this third section determine the individual location in the subgroup in the hierarchical system. The third section of the keyway has conforming curved ridges and grooves on one side thereof and conforming straight angular or rectangular ridges on the opposite side thereof. [0021] By using these different but specific warding techniques at defined sections and on different sides of the blade it is possible to develop a structured system to allow the maximum number of new and unique key profile shapes. Additionally, by reversing the warding structure from side to side of the blade within different sections, it is possible to significantly increase the already large number of non-interchangeable key systems available, each providing adequate system size for the demands of modern security cylinder users. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0022] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a key blank of this invention. [0023] FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view taken along line a-a of FIG. 1 and enlarged. [0024] FIGS. 3 through 9 are cross-sectional views of other key configurations on the sides of the key blanks of this invention that illustrate the features of this invention. [0025] FIG. 10 is an illustrative diagram of a simple three level hierarchical structure of keyways. [0026] FIG. 11 a is a side view of a key inserted into a lock cylinder. [0027] FIG. 11 b is a cross-section along the line A-A of FIG. 11 a. [0028] FIG. 11 c is an end view of the lock cylinder of FIG. 11 b , without the key inserted into the keyway. [0029] FIG. 12 a is a cross-section of a key and keyway along the line A-A in FIG. 11 a , showing a different key and keyway than what is shown in FIG. 11 b. [0030] FIG. 12 b is an end view of the lock cylinder of FIG. 12 a, without the key inserted into the keyway. [0031] FIG. 13 a is a cross-section of a key and keyway along the line A-A in FIG. 11 a , showing a different key and keyway than what is shown in FIGS. 11 b and 12 a. [0032] FIG. 13 b is an end view of the lock cylinder of FIG. 13 a, without the key inserted into the keyway. [0033] FIG. 14 a is a cross-section of a key and keyway along the line A-A in FIG. 11 a , wherein the keyway is the same keyway shown in FIGS. 11 b and 11 c , and the key is a master key. [0034] FIG. 14 b is an end view of the keyway of FIG. 14 a with an instrument inserted into the keyway for bypassing the profiles of the keyway. [0035] FIG. 15 a is a cross-section of a key and keyway along the line A-A in FIG. 11 a , wherein the keyway is the same keyway shown in FIGS. 12 a and 12 b, and the key is the master key shown in FIG. 14 a. [0036] FIG. 15 b is an end view of the keyway of FIG. 15 a with an instrument inserted into the keyway for bypassing the profiles of the keyway. [0037] FIG. 16 a is a cross-section of a key and keyway along the line A-A in FIG. 11 a , wherein the keyway is the same keyway shown in FIGS. 13 a and 13 b, and the key is the master key shown in FIGS. 14 a and 15 a. [0038] FIG. 16 b is an end view of the keyway of FIG. 16 a with an instrument inserted into the keyway for bypassing the profiles of the keyway. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0039] FIG. 1 shows a perspective view of a key blank according to this invention. The key blank has a head or bow 1 for holding and turning the key and a blade 2 for inserting into a keyway of a lock cylinder. The keyway of the lock cylinder has a profile matching the profile of the key blade. The key blade has a top surface 3 into which key bittings (not shown) are cut to position elements such as pin tumblers in a lock cylinder as is well known in the art, see for example the patent to Medeco Security Locks U.S. Pat. No. 5,419,168. The blank has a bottom surface 4 and an end tip 5 . The end tip 5 may have a stop or other configuration; see for example U.S. Pat. No. 1,679,558. [0040] The cross section of the key blank in one configuration is shown in FIG. 2 . FIG. 2 shows the top of the key blank blade 3 and the bottom of the key blank blade 4 and as shown in phantom lines three different sections. Section A, B, C and C′. As shown, Section A is adjacent to the bottom of the blade, Section C and C′ are adjacent to the top of the blade and Section B is in between Section A and Section C and C′. [0041] Section A contains a groove 6 extending the length of the blade for registry purposes. When a key blank is being cut with bittings or machined for other grooves, registry groove 6 is used to provide a location for further operations relative to such groove. [0042] In Section B there is an undercut groove 7 also extending the length of the blade. The undercut groove may be used to provide a first level in the hierarchical scheme for hierarchical master keying. [0043] The area above the undercut groove is divided into the two sides C and C′ and the shapes and configurations of the grooves and ridges extending along these two sides are established by distinctly different parameters. The shapes in Section C are determined by a base curvilinear shape 110 on which is overlaid a number of partial circular curves 121 , 122 , 123 , 124 , 125 and 126 . These curves are all centered along the baseline 110 . The curves can project either outwardly as convex ridges or inwardly as concave grooves from the baseline creating either curved longitudinal ridges or curved longitudinal grooves along the side of the blank of Section C and below the top surface 3 . Similar families of curved shapes can be determined by variations in the base curvilinear shape 110 , i.e., a different curvilinear shape 110 can function as a center line for the various circular curves. Subgroups of these secondary families may be predetermined by the presence of either curved ridges, e.g., 122 , 124 , 125 , or curved grooves, e.g., 121 , 123 , 126 , and also by moving the base curvilinear shape 110 either up or down the side of the blank in relation to the registry groove 6 in Section A. [0044] The shapes of the side of the key blade in Section C′ are determined by providing rectangular sections such as 134 ′ and straight angular shapes such as 131 , 132 ′ and 133 and by varying the depths of these shapes into the side of the blank. There are a large number of other locations to provide grooves in Section C′ on this side of the blank, for example areas 135 ″, 136 ″ and 137 ″. The size of the grooves and the depths of the grooves that are formed in Section C′ on this side of the blank determine the individual position of the key cut from the key blank in the family hierarchical structure. [0045] FIG. 3 shows the same cross-sectional view of the key blank but illustrates the base curve 110 shifted vertically in relation to registry groove 6 to produce a profile 10 in Section C on one side of the blade. The rectangular and straight angular shapes in Section C′ on the other side of the blade has variations, as compared to the key blank of FIG. 2 , which define profile 50 . [0046] FIG. 4 illustrates another key blank variation in which the base curve 110 is positioned at a different height in relation to the registry groove 6 for cutting the area on the side in Section C producing a profile indicated at 11 . The other side of the key blank in FIG. 4 in Section C′ has a profile 50 showing the differences in cutting grooves and producing ridges. [0047] FIG. 5 is a further cross-sectional view of the key blank illustrating the base curve 110 producing profile 12 on Section C of the key blank and profile 50 on the other side in Section C′ of the key blank. Profile 12 differs from profile 10 in FIG. 3 and profile 11 in FIG. 4 in that the base curve 110 is positioned at a different height relative to the registry groove 6 . [0048] FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of the key blank illustrating a profile 10 in Section C and profile 51 in Section C′. Profile 51 differs from profile 50 in that groove 132 projects deeper into the side of the blank than groove 132 ′ of FIG. 3 . [0049] FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view of a key blank illustrating profile 10 on Section C of the key blank and profile 62 on the other side in Section C′. Profile 62 differs in that groove 141 projects into the side of the blank at a different straight angular shape than groove 131 in FIG. 2 . [0050] FIG. 8 is a further illustration of a cross-sectional view of a key blank illustrating a profile 23 in one side of the bitting area of the blade in Section C and profile 71 on the other side of the blade in Section C′. In Section C the base curve 110 is the same as shown in FIG. 2 , however the curved groove 123 is changed to a curved ridge 123 ′ and the curved ridge 122 is changed to a curved groove 122 ′. These changes produce a different sub-grouping of the secondary families of the key blank hierarchical structure. In Section C′ of the blank in FIG. 8 there is no groove in the area 132 ″ and there is a straight angular groove 135 . The straight angular grooves 131 , 133 and 135 determine the individual position of the blank in the hierarchical structure. [0051] FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional view of another variation of the key blank showing profile 31 in Section C and profile 81 in Section C′. Base curve 210 of profile 31 determines the location of partial circular curves 221 - 227 that extend as curve grooves 224 or curve ridges 221 , 222 , 223 , 225 , 226 , 227 along the length of the key blade. Secondary families of the curved shapes are determined by variations in the base curvilinear shape. The subgroups of these secondary families are determined by the presence of either curved ridges or curved grooves and by the position of the base curvilinear shape up or down the side of the blank in relation to the registry groove 6 in Section A. In profile 81 there are only two cut grooves 151 and 153 showing further possible variations. [0052] FIG. 10 is an illustrative diagram of a simple three-level hierarchical structure of keyways. A key blank that is configured to fit exactly in the top most key section 1000 is structured to also fit in all of the subordinate keyways. A key blank that is configured to fit exactly in one of the secondary level keyways, e.g., 1300 , will also fit into all of the subordinate keyways 1310 , 1320 , 1330 of secondary level keyway 1300 , but not into any of the third level keyways 1110 , 1120 , 1130 of secondary keyway 1100 or 1210 , 1220 , 1230 of secondary keyway 1200 . The keys that will fit in the lowest level of the keyways Level 3 will not fit in any of the higher level keyways. This fit or not fit determination is accomplished not by the bitting at the top of the keys as is typical in prior art (although such could be used to further provide hierarchical structure) but, is provided by the grooves extending along the sides of the key blank as described above. [0053] FIG. 11 a shows a cylinder lock 300 embodying aspects of the present invention into which a key 330 , such as a key described above, is inserted in the keyway. Key 330 includes a bow 332 and a blade 334 . The cylinder lock 300 may be part of a lock assembly further including a cylinder housing rotatably supporting the cylinder 300 as well as tumbler pins, sliders, and other mechanisms (not shown) for preventing rotation of the cylinder within the cylinder housing until a properly configured key or other instrument is inserted into the keyway to operate the lock. [0054] FIG. 11 b shows a cross-section of the key blade 334 inserted into the keyway 302 of the cylinder 300 . Key blade 334 has a cross-section similar to that shown in FIG. 9 , although key blades having cross-sections such as those shown in FIGS. 2-8 may also be used. As described above, the key blade 334 includes a first section near a bottom edge 335 of the blade having a groove 336 formed longitudinally along at least a portion of the blade 334 . Groove 336 , as described above, may be provided for registry purposes. A second section of the blade 334 includes a groove 338 formed longitudinally along at least a portion of the length of the blade. A third section extending to the top edge 337 of the blade 334 includes, on one side, straight angular grooves 340 , 344 extending longitudinally along at least a portion of the blade and, on the opposite side, curved grooves and ridges 342 , 346 formed longitudinally along at least a portion of the length of the blade. As described above, in the preferred embodiment, one side of the third section of blade includes only straight, angular, or rectangular grooves while the opposite side includes only curved grooves and ridges. [0055] FIG. 11 c shows an end view of the cylinder 300 without the key blade 334 inserted therein. The cylinder 300 includes the keyway 302 having an open bottom end 304 and a closed top end 306 . A first section of the keyway 302 , adjacent the bottom end 304 , includes a ridge 308 conforming to the groove 336 formed in the first section of the blade 334 . A second section of keyway 302 includes a ridge 310 conforming to groove 338 formed in the second section of the blade 334 . The third section of keyway 302 , extending to the top end 306 of the keyway, includes, on one side thereof, ridges 312 , 316 conforming to grooves 340 , 344 , respectively, formed on one side of the third section of the blade 334 and, on the opposite side of the keyway, ridges 314 and grooves 318 conforming to the grooves 342 and ridges 346 , respectively, formed on the opposite side of the third section of the blade 334 . In a preferred embodiment, ridges 312 and 316 formed on one side of the third section of the keyway 302 have only a straight angular shape (as shown) or a straight rectangular shape. The grooves 318 and ridges 314 formed on the opposite side of the keyway 302 in the third section have only curved shapes. [0056] FIGS. 12 a and 12 b show an end view of a cylinder 300 ′ having a keyway 302 ′. FIG. 12 a shows the cylinder 300 ′ with a key blade 334 ′ inserted into the keyway 302 ′. The key blade 334 ′ is substantially identical to the key blade 334 shown in FIG. 11 b , except that the groove 340 ′ formed in the third section of the key blade 334 ′ has a slightly higher position relative to the bottom edge 335 than the groove 340 formed in the key blade 334 . Similarly, the ridge 312 ′ extending into the keyway 302 ′ conforms to the groove 340 ′ formed in the third section of the blade 334 ′ and is positioned higher along the keyway 302 ′ than the ridge 312 of the keyway 302 shown in FIG. 11 c. [0057] FIGS. 13 a and 13 b show an end view of a cylinder 300 ″ having a keyway 302 ″. FIG. 13 a shows the cylinder 300 ″ with a key blade 334 ″ inserted into the keyway 302 ″. The key blade 334 ″ is substantially identical to the key blade 334 shown in FIG. 11 b and the key blade 334 ′ shown in FIG. 12 a, except that the groove 340 ″ formed in the third section of the key blade 334 ″ has a slightly higher position relative to the bottom edge 335 than the groove 340 ′ formed in the key blade 334 ′ and the groove 340 formed in the key blade 334 . Similarly, the ridge 312 ″ extending into the keyway 302 ″ conforms to the groove 340 ″ formed in the third section of the blade 334 ″ and is positioned higher along the keyway 302 ″ than the ridge 312 of the keyway 302 shown in FIG. 11 c or the ridge 312 ′ of the keyway 302 ′ shown in FIG. 12 b. [0058] FIG. 14 a shows the cylinder 300 (as shown in FIG. 11 b ). As described above and shown in FIG. 11 c , keyway 302 of cylinder 300 includes a first ridge 308 in the first section near the bottom 304 of the keyway, a ridge 310 in a second section of the keyway, and in a third section of the keyway extending to the top end 306 , ridges 312 and 316 formed on one side of the keyway and curved grooves 318 and ridges 314 formed on the opposite side of the third section of the keyway. FIG. 14 a shows a key blade 350 inserted into the keyway 302 . Key blade 350 is essentially identical to key blade 334 shown in FIG. 11 b and includes a groove 336 in a first section, a groove 338 in a second section, groove 344 formed in one side of a third section of the blade and grooves 342 and ridges 346 formed in the opposite side of the third section of the blade. Blade 350 differs from blade 334 in that, instead of having a groove 340 in the third section conforming to ridge 312 of the keyway 302 , key blade 350 includes an enlarged groove 352 that accommodates the ridge 312 with excess room to spare. [0059] FIG. 15 a shows the key blade 350 inserted into the keyway 302 ′ of cylinder 300 ′, and FIG. 16 a shows the key blade 350 inserted into the keyway 302 ″ of cylinder 300 ″. As can be seen in the figures, the enlarged groove 352 formed in the key blade 350 accommodates all of the ridges 312 , 312 ′, 312 ″. Accordingly, key blade 350 is a master key blade that will operate any of the cylinders 300 , 300 ′, 300 ″. [0060] A top edge of the blades 334 and 350 may have bitting formed therein for positioning tumblers within the cylinder for operating the lock. [0061] FIGS. 14 b, 15 b, and 16 b show lock cylinders 300 , 300 ′, 300 ″, respectively, with a lock bypassing instrument 360 inserted into the keyway of each of the cylinders. More specifically, the instrument 360 includes a blade-like projection adapted to be inserted into the keyway, wherein the projection is sufficiently thin to fit into the keyways between the ridges of the keyway. The instrument 360 may have other features formed therein, such as bitting for positioning tumbler pins and a side projection for operating a slider within the keyway. Instrument 360 may thus be inserted into the keyway 302 , 302 ′, 302 ″ and rotated to operate cylinder 300 , 300 ′, 300 ″, respectively. Thus, the instrument 360 may be used to illicitly bypass the security provided by the unique combination of grooves and ridges formed in the keyway which is intended to be opened only by a properly conforming key having conforming grooves and ridges. The illustrated embodiment is exemplary. The instrument used to open the lock may take forms different from that shown in FIGS. 14 b, 15 b, and 16 b and may comprise two or more pieces used in conjunction to open the lock as opposed to the single integrally-formed device (instrument 360 ) shown. [0062] Further variations and modifications of this invention will be apparent to those with ordinary skill in the art of keys and master keying for mechanical locks.
A lock system includes keys, key blanks, keyways, and lock cylinders, and the keys or key blanks have opposite sides formed with grooves for cooperating with a conforming keyway. More particularly, the sides of the key or key blank have a portion grooved for registration, another portion grooved for top-level hierarchical master keying, and two other portions, one on each side of the blade, for further master key variations and different combinations. One of the two further sections being curvilinear and the other rectangular or angular cuts. The conforming keyway of the lock includes ridges and grooves corresponding to the grooves and ridges, respectively, of the key or key blank. Instruments other than keys or key blanks may be used to enter the grooves and ridges of the keyway to operate the lock without the use of a precisely configured key.
RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application claims benefit and priority from U.S. provisional application No. 61/400,533 accorded a filing date of Jul. 29, 2010. FIELD OF INVENTION [0002] This invention relates generally to a method and material for avoiding clogging of steel making apparatus by adding oxygen in the form of oxides of iron. DESCRIPTION OF RELATED ART [0003] Molten steel is normally produced in an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) using primarily solid ferrous scrap or other solid iron derivatives or a Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) using hot molten iron containing up to 3.5% C and scrap or other solid iron derivative. In the EAF steel is melted using a combination of electrical and chemical energy. Melting of the scrap in the BOF process is accomplished by chemical energy alone. In both the EAF and BOF process, the molten metal is refined using a flux to remove some of the sulfur and most of the phosphorous while providing protection to the refractory lining. Oxygen is blown into the molten metal to remove carbon, phosphorous, aluminum, chrome and silicon from the molten bath through an oxidation process. The oxidation process is exothermic which causes heat to emit and take the molten metal up to the proper tapping temperature. [0004] Once the molten steel is at the proper temperature and chemistry it is tapped from the EAF or BOF into a refractory lined ladle and taken to secondary steel making refining stage for further chemistry and alloy adjustments. Alloys such as ferro-silicon, silico-manganese, ferro-manganese, aluminum, nickel, chrome, molybdenum, vanadium and carbon may be added directly to the molten steel to adjust chemistry. Likewise, high calcium and dolomitic lime calcium carbide, calcium aluminate, spar and silica sand may be added to the slag floating on top of the molten steel in the ladle to adjust chemistry in the ladle. [0005] Dissolved oxygen is typically removed by adding aluminum, silico-manganese, ferro-silicon, ferro-managese and carbon. All additions except carbon produce a solid oxide particle known as an inclusion. [0006] Inclusions including silicates, aluminates and other oxide compounds remain in the steel. These create operational problems during processing of the steel and continuous casting and rolling, but are also detrimental to the quality of the steel. This is an ongoing challenge for the steel maker to reduce these undesirable elements and inclusions to an acceptable level in the final product. [0007] Consequently, it has been found that certain materials may be added to the molten metal during the steel making process, which will reduce or eliminate undesirable inclusions in the molten metal. One method of introducing these desirable additives is the use of a cored wire injection. Use of cored wire injection in the steel making is known in the art. For example, Sarbendu et al, U.S. Pat. No. 7,682,418 describes a cored wire injection process. It describes a method of injecting cored wire into the liquid steel bath. Cored wire allows for release of additives while controlling the zone of release. The addition of additives can be controlled by changing dimensions of the cored wire and the speed of injection depending on the needs of the steel making process. Cored wire commonly has a outer coating, usually a continuous steel tube, which is filled with various additives, including lead, sulfur, selenium, tellurium, and bismuth as filling material. Cored wire containing calcium or mixture of calcium silicon is normally injected to liquefy alumina inclusions and ameliorate ladle and tundish nozzle clogging. A different type of cored wire method for treating molten metal is seen in King et al, U.S. Pat. No. 6,508,857. This is primarily an aluminum sheath forming a composite core with a calcium inner core encased in a steel jacket. [0008] Production of silicon killed high carbon, low dissolved oxygen steel grades has a problem with tundish and ladle nozzle clogging. Tundish and ladle nozzle clogging is commonplace in silicon killed, high carbon, low dissolved oxygen grades. Symptoms of clogging manifest as a decrease in flow rate from the ladle to the tundish; a similar decrease in flow rate from the tundish to the mold with an associated decline in strand speed; and the formation of steel flow deflection buttons or “whiskers” on the bottom of the tundish nozzles. Signs tending to precede the occurrence of clogging in silicon-killed steels include the following: [0009] 1. Aluminum levels greater than 0.003% for steels with carbon levels >0.20%; [0010] 2. Dissolved oxygen levels under 20 ppm; [0011] 3. Sulfur removal levels greater than 30% using a white slag practice; [0012] 4. Dolomitic or Mag-Carbon ladle slag line material; and [0013] 5. Ladle Furnace heat working times in excess of 45 minutes. [0014] Many solutions have been used to reduce the propensity for clogging in silicon killed steels: low aluminum ferro alloys; tundish slide gate nozzle change systems; calcium and calcium silicon wire injection systems; and increasing the oxygen content of the liquid steel in the ladle and tundish. Operators since the start of continuous casting have been increasing the oxygen content of the steel in the tundish to eliminate nozzle clogging. Typically the operators will stick an iron pipe lance into the molten steel in the tundish and blow gaseous oxygen. This can often lead to the formation of slag on the billet surface, increased levels of internals inclusions (dirt), pinholes or blowholes, chemistry changes with respect to Mn, Si and C, strand breakouts and increased dissolved nitrogen and oxygen levels. In all cases, uncontrolled increasing of the oxygen content of the steel is a poor option for eliminating nozzle clogs. [0015] In a majority of steel melt shops, the final product is a continuously cast billet, bloom, slab or beam blank. Liquid steel in the ladle is of no commercial value. Castability is a very good measure of steel making process control. Steel making using the lowest cost process and raw materials is futile if the liquid steel cannot be cast into a semi-finished shape with the correct chemistry and level of cleanliness. A steel melt shop is producing at peak efficiency when the continuous caster is running smoothly and the strand operator is sitting in a chair taking very little action. If the caster operator needs to modify the liquid steel chemistry in the tundish or mold to correct existing nozzle clogging, then one can say there is a defect present in the steel making process. [0016] White slag practices have been instituted in many silicon-killed shops that reduce FeO levels in the slag to less than 1%, which aids in the removal of sulfur from the liquid steel. While some have claimed to “invent” the white slag practice, a reference can be found in the 1951 edition of Making Shaping and Treating of Steel, pp. 517-518. At that time, the oxidizing slag in the EAF would be hand rabbled out using rakes and replaced by a reducing slag. The major difference today is that the EAF can be tapped essentially slag free and white slag can built and used in the ladle at the ladle furnace. Additionally, inert gas stirring in the ladle has greatly aided in the intermixing of steel and slag. Calcium carbide, calcium silicon fines, and ferro-silicon fines may be added to the ladle slag to reduce the FeO. As the FeO level drops in the slag likewise does the dissolved oxygen level in the steel. With a liquid slag and an accommodating V ratio (CaO %/SiO 2 %), sulfur reduction of 60% or better to levels less than 0.010% S are possible at dissolved oxygen levels of 15 ppm. The big drawback to the white slag practice is that ladle and tundish nozzle clogging becomes much more commonplace. [0017] Intrinsically, silicon killed steel ladle and tundish nozzle clogging can be traced to the following sources: [0018] 1. Alumina; [0019] 2. Manganese silicates; [0020] 3. Manganese-Silicate-Alumina inclusions; [0021] 4. Magnesium aluminate spinels; and [0022] 5. Cold steel temperatures. [0000] Consider each of these is turn: Alumina [0023] Alumina, Al 2 O 3 is the bane of all casters. Aluminum is the most cost effective deoxidizer but oxides of aluminum precipitate as alumina on nozzles surfaces and sinter together to block the flow of molten steel. Sometimes, metallic aluminum is used as a sacrificial deoxidizer in low carbon silicon killed steels. For silicon-killed steels with more than 0.10% C to which no sacrificial aluminum is added, the most common trace sources of aluminum are ferroalloys used in the steel making process. Calcium silicon wire may contain up to 1.5% aluminum. Other sources include calcium aluminate slag fluxes. While the use of calcium aluminate slag conditioner reduces the need for fluorspar to liquefy the ladle slag, metallic aluminum and vanadium oxide can be present depending on the source of the slag conditioner. The use of fluorspar is known to reduce ladle slag line life but if calcium aluminate is substituted for fluorspar, an operator runs the risk of increased aluminum levels in silicon killed steels and possibly a vanadium increase depending on the source of the calcium aluminate. Increased levels of vanadium lead to unpredictability in tensile strength. While refractory supervisors despise the use of spar, use of calcium aluminate slag, liquefiers containing metallic aluminum, and vanadium oxides on high carbon silicon killed grades limited to 0.003% AI, leads to nozzle clogging and chemistry problems so spar may be the only suitable slag liquefier. [0024] Calcium and calcium silicon wire injection has been developed to promote the formation of a liquid calcium aluminate inclusion in steel. Calcium silicon lump is also added at various plants to aid in deoxidization and also help in the formation of a liquid calcium aluminate inclusion. In quite a few silicon-killed shops, calcium silicon wire is injected as a primary deoxidizer and desulfurizer. While this is effective in sufficient quantities, the use of a white slag can be considered as a less expensive alternative. With the white slag practice, calcium silicon wire can be injected in at levels less than 0.5 kilogram per metric ton of liquid steel, to liquefy remaining alumina in the steel. Manganese Silicates [0025] In silicon-killed steels, a liquid manganese silicate inclusion is typically produced at Mn/Si ratios greater than 3.4 to 1. At lower ratios, solid SiO 2 forms which can provide a base for tundish nozzle clogs. Lower Mn/Si ratios produce stronger deoxidization levels but with the use of a white slag practice, dissolved oxygen levels under 20 ppm can be produced. Obviously, either increasing the manganese or decreasing the silicon levels will increase the Mn/Si ratio. Decreasing the Si level is preferable and is entirely feasible when using a white slag practice. An operator must experiment to find the correct ratio for producing a molten manganese silicate but usually somewhere greater than 3.4 parts Mn to 1 part Si produces the desired result. Manganese-Silicate-Alumina Inclusions [0026] Paradoxically, increasing the silicon level leads to the formation of a liquid Manganese-Silicate Alumina inclusion. With increasing levels of aluminum, increasing the silicon level can lead to the formation of a liquid inclusion. Many steel plants produce high carbon silicon killed heats with about 0.20% Si. In many melt shops, occurrences of tundish nozzle clogging or whiskering correspond well to levels of Al greater 0.003%. So, an operator should increase Si content when the Al is greater than 0.003% but the major problem with this approach is that as the Si content is increased, the Al content likewise increases due to trace amounts of Al in the FeSi. The problem with increasing the Si level, in addition to incurring unnecessary costs, is that the Mn/Si ratio is decreased thus promoting the formation of solid silica. Magnesium Aluminate Spinels [0027] Another factor in tundish nozzle clogging is the formation of magnesium aluminate spinels. This problem occurs in high carbon heats with dissolved oxygen levels less than 20 ppm. [0028] Under reducing conditions in high carbon, low dissolved oxygen steels, magnesium can be liberated from dolomitic or MgO—C slag line brick. Clogging tends to start and get worse at free oxygen levels less than 15 ppm for 1-36 grades. When a high carbon heat is worked for 45 minutes or longer with a white slag practice, the occurrences of magnesium aluminate spinel clogging becomes much more prevalent. Several treatments can be used to minimize tundish nozzle clogging due to spinels. First, white slag treatment of a ladle of molten steel should not be started until a caster delivery time is certain. Second, the addition of slag deoxidizers such as calcium carbide, ferro silicon, or calcium silicon fines should not be used to excess. Third, the white slag treatment times should be minimized. Finally, lime additions at the ladle furnace should be very limited since the slag V ratio would tend to increase. Lowering the slag V ratio increases the capacity of the slag to absorb magnesium aluminate spinels. Cold Steel Temperatures [0029] With the ready availability of liquidus formulae and years of casting experience, cold steel temperature is not a major factor in high carbon silicon killed steel caster nozzle clogging. Most steel temperature problems occur due to false temperature readings, cold ladles and tundishes and excessive inert gas stirring in the ladle. A vigorously stirred ladle can lose 2.67° C. per minute (5° F. per minute). Uniform training of operators in taking immersion temperatures needs to be enforced due to variability's in insertion depth and position. Furthermore, testing and calibration of temperature measuring equipment needs to be conducted on a regularly scheduled basis. Current Practices to Prevent Clogging [0030] Various methods are currently used to solve ladle and tundish nozzle clogging problems, but none are completely effective. Operators use an iron oxygen lance to knock off buttons or whiskers from the bottom of tundish nozzles. The ladle slag may be treated with sand and mill scale, which helps, but does not completely prevent nozzle clogging. Adding mill scale to ladle slag can cause sulfur to revert from the slag to the liquid steel in the ladle. This is a very unwanted result. Sand additions to ladle slag help to minimize clogging but can shorten ladle life and does not always eliminate ladle and tundish nozzle clogging. Sand additions also limit the ability of ladle slag to remove sulfur so when using sand, producing very low sulfur steel may not be possible. Removing the ladle to tundish shroud or putting an oxygen lance into the tundish often solves the tundish nozzle clogging problem, but does so at a cost of quality of the end product. The symptoms may be treated by tundish nozzle changers, but this does not solve the problem. Current practices for avoiding silicon killed steel nozzle clogging can be summarized as follows: 1. Minimize the aluminum level to 0.003%; 2. Add calcium or calcium silicon cored wire or calcium silicon lump to liquefy aluminates; 3. Maintain a Mn/Si ratio greater than 3.4 to 1; 4. Minimize the white slag treatment times to reduce formation of magnesium aluminate spinels; 5. Reduce the ladle slag V ratio by adding sand or wollastonite at the ladle furnace after all desulfurization is completed; 6. Increase the molten steel dissolved oxygen by blowing an oxygen lance in the open stirring eye or add mill scale to the slag; and 7. Maintain the temperature measuring equipment and be sure operators follow a uniform temperature measurement protocol. Each of these seven items may reduce silicon killed nozzle clogging, but none either individually or in combination completely eliminate it. Sulfur can be reverted from the ladle slag to the molten steel if an oxygen lance is blown into the stirring eye or mill scale is thrown into the slag. Fundamental Cause and Solution for Nozzle Clogging [0038] Ladle and tundish nozzle clogging are primarily attributable to precipitation of alumina and magnesium aluminate spinel inclusions to the inner surface of nozzles. Alumina and magnesium aluminates spinel inclusions adhere to the nozzle surface and accrete until the cross sectional area is reduced and the throat of the nozzle is choked off. Alumina inclusion and magnesium aluminate spinel precipitation is closely linked to surface tension and wetting angle of liquid iron on alumina and magnesium aluminate inclusions. Inclusion precipitation from the molten steel to the inner nozzle surface is reduced as the surface tension of the molten steel is reduced. In molten steel, surface tension is strongly influenced by dissolved oxygen and sulfur. [0039] Sulfur and oxygen sharply decrease liquid iron surface tension. Increasing sulfur allows for better flow of molten steel through a ladle or tundish nozzle. In many qualities of steel higher sulfur levels are to be avoided so increasing sulfur levels is not always a suitable option. Increasing amounts of dissolved oxygen have a very big influence on reducing nozzle clogging. Small amount of oxygen can be added to the steel without harming the physical properties. [0040] Removing the ladle to tundish shroud or putting an oxygen lance in the tundish confirms this effect, however both methods have their drawbacks. When the ladle to tundish shroud is removed, steel can gain 10 to 30 ppm of nitrogen from the air. Increased nitrogen in steel can lead to undesirable changes in physical properties. Direct injection of oxygen using a lance leads to a very high local concentration of dissolved oxygen which can react with silicon and manganese to form manganese silicate inclusion. A small controlled addition of oxygen to the steel is needed which neither causes a nitrogen increase nor manganese silicate inclusions. [0041] Dissolved oxygen strongly influences the contact angle of liquid iron on solid alumina. The lower the surface tension the lower the contact angle and thus the better the wetting of a solid inclusion by the molten steel. Alumina precipitation to the ladle and tundish nozzle is to be avoided so a lower contact angle indicates an increased propensity for wetting of a solid inclusion. To avoid clogging, wetting of the alumina inclusion by molten steel inside the ladle or tundish nozzle is very desirable. Clogging results in casting machine slowdowns and loss of productivity. At its worst, nozzle clogging can completely choke off an orifice and shut down a process. A choked off nozzle results in a machine turnaround, replacement of a refractory lined tundish, unnecessary steel scrap and down time. Down time is extremely expensive since it can never be replaced. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0042] None of the current remedies for clogging are entirely satisfactory. Blowing oxygen into a ladle can result in sulfur increase in the molten steel. Simply adding mill scale can result in a sulfur reversion to the steel. Adding sand to the ladle slag does not always produce repeatable results and can result in increased ladle slag line wear. Removing the ladle to tundish shroud during a cast allows an uncertain 5 to 25 part per million increase in dissolved oxygen, but also causes an undesirable nitrogen increase in the steel. Operators located below the steel shroud are exposed to steel sparks and a potentially dangerous situation when the ladle for tundish shroud is removed. Injecting gaseous oxygen into the steel requires a water-cooled or refractory lance, a mechanism to raise and lower the lance, spare lances, gas regulation and water and gaseous oxygen piping. [0043] The current invention uses a cord wire technology to inject a cored wire containing oxides of iron. Introduction of a cored wire containing oxides of iron provides a precisely measured method for adding oxygen to steel in the steel making process and eliminating ladle and tundish nozzle clogging. Injection of cored wire containing oxides of iron eliminates the hazards associated with removing the ladle to a tundish shroud during a cast. It provides a more precise control of dissolved oxygen and avoids unwanted nitrogen in the steel. Using a cored wire avoids mixing with slag on the top of the ladle and sulfur reversion. The cored wire melts approximately one-third to nine-tenths below the top surface of the ladle. Oxides of iron are released into the melt and immediately absorbed by the molten steel. Thereby there is no mixing with the slag layer, thus a sulfur reversion is completely eliminated. Nitrogen increases are completely eliminated. The equipment required to inject cord wire is much simpler than an oxygen lance. Cored wire only requires a stationary wire feeder, guiding tubes, and cored wire. Cored wire will allow higher aluminum ferro alloys to be used reducing the need to use higher cost low aluminum ferroalloys. The oxygen contained in the cored wire will convert metallic aluminum from the ferroalloys to alumina which is easy to float out of the steel and trap in the slag on top of the ladle. The current invention prevents casting machine slow downs and loss of productivity. It allows operators to run the casting process faster and increase machine efficiency while lowering per ton fixed costs. It is safer, adds service life to equipment, and allows lower cost aluminum ferroalloys to be used thus increases efficiency and lowers cost in producing the same quality steel grade as would be produced by conventional methods. This invention is designed to be neutral regarding the quality of the steel produced. This invention should have minimal, if any, effect on the quality of the steel being produced in the steel making process. Rather, the invention is designed to approve to efficiency of the steel making process and lower the cost of the resulting steel. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0044] FIG. 1 is a cored wire showing filling material and raised seam prior to seam being bent flush. [0045] FIG. 2 is the cored wire showing particulate material and with the seam bent flush along the circumference of cored wire. [0046] FIG. 3 is the particulate material on steel strip prior to being formed into a tube. [0047] FIG. 4 shows the cored wire feeding into a ladle containing molten steel. DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0048] FIG. 1 shows the cored wire ( 100 ) consists of a filling ( 200 ) made of a particular material and a metal jacket ( 110 ) made out of steel. The metal jacket ( 110 ) is usually made from a soft mild carbon steel ranging from 0.4 to 0.5 mm thick. The metal jacket ( 110 ) provides the following functions: 1. Contains the filling ( 200 ); 2. Keeps the filling dry ( 200 ); 3. Prevents the filling ( 200 ) from reacting in the liquid slag layer on top of the ladle; and 4. Provides rigidity for the filling ( 200 ) to penetrate into the molten steel. [0053] The cored wire ( 100 ) is normally would into a coil ( 400 ) and place on a reel. The metal jacket ( 110 ) starts as a flat ribbon and is formed into the cylinder that holds the filling ( 200 ). The flat ribbon like material is bent into a cylinder with the seam ( 120 ) holding the filling ( 200 ) in place inside the cored wire ( 100 ). [0054] FIG. 2 shows the cored wire ( 100 ) with the seam ( 120 ) bent flush with along the circumference of the cored wire ( 100 ). The filling ( 200 ) should be composed of oxides of iron containing FeO, Wustite; Fe 2 O 3 , Hematite; and Fe 3 O 4 , Magnetite. One common source of oxides of iron is mill scale. The filling ( 200 ) is particulate matter usually crushed down to granular form with an average diameter ranging in size from 0.1 to 1.0 mm as well as more fine powder form. The filling ( 200 ) fills all of the interstitial space available inside the cored wire. [0055] FIG. 3 shows the filling ( 200 ) on a ribbon like portion of the metal jacket ( 110 ) before the metal jacket ( 110 ) is formed into the cored wire ( 100 ) as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 . The ribbon like metal jacket ( 110 ) will then be formed into the cored wire ( 100 ) around the filling ( 200 ) and sealed with a seam ( 120 ) at the top. The seam ( 120 ) will be bent over flat onto the circumference of the cored wire ( 100 ). The cored wire ( 100 ) will then be wound into a coil ( 400 ) with weight of the coil ranging from 113.4 kg to 2268 kg (250 to 5000 lb). [0056] FIG. 4 shows the cored wire ( 100 ) feeding into a ladle ( 500 ) containing molten steel ( 600 ). A cored wire-feeding machine ( 550 ) is normally used to feed the wire ( 100 ) into a ladle. One end of the cored wire ( 100 ) is placed over the top of the ladle ( 500 ). The wire-feeding machine ( 550 ) is started and the cored wire ( 100 ) is advanced through the top layer of slag into the liquid steel ( 600 ) contained in the ladle ( 500 ). [0057] The metal jacket ( 110 ) forming the outer shell of the cored wire ( 100 ) prevents premature melting of the filling ( 200 ) so reactions can take place in the molten steel ( 600 ) and not in the slag layer. The feeding speed can be varied to allow the melting of cored wire ( 100 ) at various depths in the ladle ( 500 ). [0058] The current invention provides an improved method and apparatus for increasing and maintaining dissolved oxygen somewhere between one and 1,000 parts per million (ppm). Using conventional cored wire injection procedures, a cored wire ( 100 ) is injected into the ladle ( 500 ) in the silicon-killed steel making process. This cored wire ( 100 ) includes the usual metal jacket ( 110 ), a filling ( 200 ) that comprises a various forms of oxides of iron containing Wustite, hematite and or magnetite. Various oxides of iron have varying amounts of oxygen as a by-weight percentage. This percentage ordinarily varies between 10% and 30%. Therefore, the amount of iron oxide that is added to a metric ton of steel will depend in part on the percentage of oxygen in that particular iron oxide mixture as well as the desired parts per million of oxygen that may be added to a metric ton of molten steel in the ladle. The smallest amount of oxides of iron to add one part per million, assuming a 30% oxygen composition of the oxides of iron, requires 0.00333 kilograms of oxides of iron per metric ton of steel. Should the percentage of oxygen content of the oxides of iron, be lower, then higher amounts oxides of iron would have to be added to get to the one part per million. Similarly, if one wishes to add 1,000 parts per million to a metric ton of molten steel and assuming a 10% oxygen content in the added oxides of iron, the highest rate of addition of oxides of iron is 10 kilograms per metric ton. In industrial applications the actual range added will fall usually between the low of 0.00333 kilogram per metric ton and the high of 10 kilograms per metric ton of molten steel. [0059] Using the current invention a typical ladle furnace practice would proceed as follows: 1. Complete all ladle furnace alloying and heating 2. During the alloying and heating process wire inject a cored wire ( 100 ) with a filling ( 200 ) composed as outlined above to get the dissolved oxygen to 5 to 1000 parts per million. 3. Add calcium or calcium silicon wire as needed. 4. Stir the bath enough to keep an eye open on top of the ladle. 5. Wire inject the cored wire ( 100 ) containing oxides of iron to get the dissolved oxygen up to 5 to 1000 parts per million. 6. Take the heat the caster. [0066] Alternatively, one may wire feed the cored wire ( 100 ) containing the above materials at the caster. Injecting into the tundish is more difficult, but not impossible. Injecting the cored wire ( 100 ) in the ladle to tundish shroud or wire feeding it into the tundish may solve the tundish nozzle clogging issue, but it will not solve the ladle clogging issue. Specific Examples of Industrial Applied Usage [0067] Cored wire containing mill scale oxides of iron was fed into ladles containing 334 metric tons of silicon killed molten steel during a field trial. The cored wire was 13 mm in diameter, contained oxides of iron with an average oxygen content of 22%, with a oxides of iron content of 0.442 kg/linear meter (0.297 lb/linear foot). The composition of the oxides of iron components used for the field trial was Wustite, FeO, 75 to 80%, Magnetite, Fe 3 O 4 was 15 to 20% and Hematite, Fe 2 O 3 was 2 to 4%. The total % Fe was 73.7%. Total desired dissolved oxygen content in molten steel ranged from 1 parts per million to 1000 parts per million. The amount of addition of oxides of iron in a cored wire can range from 0.00333 kg/metric ton up to a 10 kg/metric ton of molten steel. [0068] Oxides of iron are formed during hot reheating of steel slabs, billets, blooms or forgings. Steel is heated in furnaces to temperature up to 1454° C. (2650° F.). Air in the furnaces oxidizes the surface of the steel shape and forms oxides of irons in the form of FeO, Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 . These oxides of iron are found on the bottom of reheat furnaces and along the furnace discharge and rolling path of the hot steel shape. [0069] During processing at the ladle furnace three distinct phases were used for injecting the oxides of iron. The first phase (Phase I) for injection was just after receipt of the ladle at the ladle furnace. Injection at this time was done to oxidize metallic aluminum to alumina just after start of processing at the ladle furnace. The second phase (Phase II) for injection of oxides of iron was after the sulfur was removed from the molten steel (desulfurization). Injection at this time would remove the very small amount of magnesium dissolved in the steel and help prevent the formation of magnesium aluminate spinels. The third phase (Phase III) for oxides of iron injection was just after calcium or calcium silicon wire injection to provide a small increase in dissolved oxygen needed to prevent clogging. [0070] The oxides of iron cored wire was injected into the ladle at speeds ranging from 152.4 to 304.8 m/min. Dissolved oxygen was measured using an oxygen probe prior to each oxides of iron cored wire injection and after the injection. [0071] Trials were conducted on high carbon, >0.20% C and low carbon, <0.10% C silicon killed carbon steel grades. The trials showed an increase in dissolved oxygen in the molten steel. Some example quantitative trial results are listed below: [0000] High Carbon Grades Low Carbon Grades Length of Length of Oxides of Increase in Oxides of iron Cored Dissolved Dissolved iron Cored Dissolved Increase in Wire Injected Oxygen Oxygen Wire Injected Oxygen ppm Dissolved Phase (meters) ppm gain (%) (meters) gain Oxygen (%) I 102.7 21.3 484.0 Not Trialed Not Trialed Not Trialed II 37.8 10.3 183.9 196.9 52.1 500.9 III 120.0 8.2 482.4 19.5 5.8 40.3 [0072] The oxides of iron produced an increase in the dissolved oxygen in the molten steel. At the caster the tundish to ladle shroud was kept in place 100% of the time indicating that caster nozzle clogging did not occur during the trials. While the oxides of iron-cored wire injection was in use, no casting speed slowdowns indicating nozzle clogging were observed. No sulfur increases occurred in the molten steel indicating that no reversion occurred from the slag to the molten steel. [0073] The forgoing description is by way of explanation and not of limitation. The only limitations are in the claims which follow.
A method for reducing tundish and ladle nozzle clogging in a steel making process by introducing an additive into molten steel containers used in steel making at predetermined times. The additives introduced are oxides of iron which contain between 10% and 30% of oxygen by weight. By adding the oxides of iron in a controlled manner using a cored wire apparatus, clogs in tundish or ladle nozzles in the steel making process are avoided and the steel flows more smoothly with less interruptions due to clogged nozzles. A preferred embodiment uses oxides of iron contained in a cored wire which can be introduced at a predetermined rate and readily mix with molten steel, provide better distribution of dissolved oxygen in the steel to oxidize inclusions, and facilitate removal of the inclusions before the inclusions can cause nozzle clogging.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a novel synthetic zeolite-type material and to a process for its preparation and use. 2. Description of the Prior Art U.S. Pat. No. 3 950 496 describes the preparation of zeolite ZSM-18 using a synthesis gel which includes as a template the material 1,3,4,6,7,9-hexahydro-2,2,5,5,8,8-hexamethyl-2H-benzo[1,2-C:3,4-C'-5,6-C"] tripyrolium trihydroxide. We have now found that use of this template, optionally in admixture with a further nitrogen-containing template can produce a novel zeolite-type material. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a zeolite-type material having, in the dehydrated organic-free form, the empirical formula: m(M.sub.2 /.sub.a O:X.sub.z O.sub.xz /.sub.2 :.sub.y YO.sub.2(I) in which m is 0.5 to 1.5; M is a cation of valency a; x is 2 or 3; X is a metal of valency x selected from aluminium, gallium, boron, zinc and iron; z is 2 when x is 3 and z is 1 when x is 2; y is at least 2; and Y is silicon or germanium; and having, in the calcined hydrogen form, an X-ray diffraction pattern including significant peaks substantially as shown in Table 1 herein. The material according to the invention is referred to herein as SUZ-9. Preferably X is gallium or, especially, aluminium. Preferably Y is silicon. The material may contain more than one metal X, and/or both silicon and germanium. When X is aluminium and Y is silicon, the material is an aluminosilicate, or zeolite. Preferably in formula I, m is 0.6-1.3 and y is 2-15 especially 3-9.5 in particular 4-7.6. Particularly preferred are those zeolite-type materials in which at least one M is an alkali metal having an atomic number of at least 19, e.g. potassium, rubidium and/or caesium, in particular those in which M is potassium or is a mixture of potassium and sodium, especially with an atom ratio of 2:98 to 50:50 such as 5:95-20:80. As is common in this field, it should be understood that in addition to the elements represented in the general formula I, the material may be hydrated by water in addition to any water notionally present when M is hydrogen. The material may also include occluded or adsorbed materials such as nitrogenous materials originally present in the synthesis mixture or resulting from reaction of materials originally present. Further, the material may contain more cations M than necessary to balance the charge associated with metal X. This phenomenon is described, for example, in J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., 1985, pp. 289-290. All such materials should be understood to be within the scope of the invention. The cation M may for example be selected from H + , ammonium, alkali metal cations, alkaline earth metal cations, aluminium cations, gallium cations and mixtures thereof. The cations present in the material as initially prepared will of course depend on the substances present in the synthesis gel, and may include organic containing cations. Commonly, an alkali metal, especially sodium and/or potassium, will be present, possibly along with cations of organic nitrogen-containing materials. Those cations initially present may if desired be replaced either wholly or partially by other cations e.g. hydrogen ions or metal cations, using conventional ion exchange techniques. The hydrogen form (i.e. M=H + ) may be produced by known methods such as acid exchange or ammonium exchange followed by a thermal treatment, or a combination of the two. For many applications, it may be useful to produce SUZ-9 in the calcined hydrogen form. Occluded or adsorbed materials may if desired be removed by thermal and/or chemical techniques. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The material SUZ-9 may be prepared by reacting together under aqueous alkaline conditions the following materials: a source of oxide YO 2 ; a source of oxide X z O xz / 2 ; a source of M(OH) a ; water; 1,3,4,6,7,9-hexahydro-2,2,5,5,8,8-hexamethyl-2H-benzo[1,2-C:3,4-C'-5,6-C"] tripyrolium trihydroxide or halide or its precursor or reaction product (hereafter also called the tripyrolium compound); and preferably tetraethylammonium hydroxide or halide or its precursor or reaction product; The reaction mixture preferably has components in the following molar ratios: YO 2 /X z O xz / 2 =at least 3, preferably at least 5, preferably less than 100, especially 5 to 60, most preferably 5 to 30; H 2 O/ YO 2 =5 to 500, preferably 10 to 50 and especially 10-30; OH - /YO 2 =less than 1.5, preferably less than 1.0, preferably at least 0.1, especially 0.1 to 0.8; tetraethylammonium compound plus 1,3,4,6,7,9-hexahydro-2,2,5,5,8,8- hexamethyl-2H-benzo [1,2-C:3,4-C'-5,6-C"] tripyrolium trihydroxide compound/YO 2 =0.01 to 2.0 especially 0.05 to 1.0. The reaction mixture preferably has a molar ratio of the tripyrolium compound/YO 2 =0.01-0.10 especially 0.03-0.10. The reaction mixture also preferably hs components in at least some of the following molar ratios with respect to X z O xz / 2 :M 2 / a O 1-10 e.g. 1.5-10 especially 1.5-6.5, K 2 O 0.5-8 especially 0.5-5, Na 2 O substantially 0 or 0.5-5, especially0.5-2, H 2 O 100-700 especially 200-490, and total of the tripyrolium compound and tetraethyl ammonium compound (when present) 0.1-5 e.g. 1-4, tripyrolium compound 0.1-1.0 especially 0.3-0.9, tetra ethylammonium compound (when present) 0.1-10 especially 1-6. The reaction conditions are selected and maintained such as to produce crystals of SUZ-9. OH - should be understood to be defined as follows: a[(no. of moles of M(OH) a )-(no. of moles of M(OH) a associated with X z O xz / 2 )] Following synthesis, it is possible to adjust the value of y by conventional chemical techniques. For example, y may be increased by treatment with acid, silicon tetrachloride, ammonium hexafluorosilicate or a combination of steaming and ammonium ion exchange. All these treatments tend to remove element X from the framework. y may be reduced by treatment with, for example, sodium aluminate or gallate, or similar treatments which introduce X into the framework. The source of oxide YO 2 may for example be fumed silica, sodium silicate, silicic acid, precipitated silica, colloidal silica, or the germanium equivalent. It is preferably fumed silica. The source of oxide X z O xz / 2 , may be an aluminium salt, aluminium hydroxide, aluminium oxide, or a metal aluminate; or the equivalent for other metals X. The use of a metal aluminate, especially sodium aluminate, is preferred. The source of M(OH) a may for example be an alkali or alkaline earth metal hydroxide, for example sodium, potassium, magnesium or calcium hydroxide. A mixture of different materials, for example sodium hydroxide plus potassium hydroxide, may be used. It is especially preferred that the reaction mixture contains an alkali metal with atomic number of at least 19, e.g. as described for M above, in particular potassium, or a mixture of potassium and sodium, especially with a total atom ratio from any sources in the reaction mixtures, e.g. whether added as hydroxide and/or aluminate, of 10:90 to 90:10 such as 90:10 to 40:60. The process for the preparation of material SUZ-9 includes the presence of a template comprising 1,3,4,6,7,9-hexahydro-2,2,5,5,8,8-hexamethyl-2H-benzo[1,2-C:3,4-C'-5,6-C"] tripyrolium trihydroxide or its precursor or reaction product, and preferably also tetraethylammonium hydroxide or halide or its precursor or reaction product. The process may involve in situ reaction of the template or templates to form active species during the preparation of SUZ-9 and hence reaction products of the template or templates may also be used. Similarly precursors for the template or templates or the active species may be used. The molar ratio of tetraethylammonium compound/1,3,4,6,7,9-hexahydro2,2,5,5,8,8-hexamethyl-2H-benzo[1,2-C:3,4-C'-5,6-C"] tripyrolium trihydroxide compound is preferably in the range of from 1:1 to 20:1, especially 1:1 to 10:1. The reaction mixture is maintained under crystallisation conditions until crystals of the desired product SUZ-9 are formed. In general, a reaction temperature of from 80° to 200° C. under autogenous pressure is suitable, and an optimum reaction time can be determined by monitoring the course of the reaction. As is common in zeolite synthesis the precise way in which the reaction is carried out will affect the end product. Particular combinations of parameters may be used to optimise the yield of SUZ-9. Such optimisation is a routine part of zeolite synthesis. The novel product SUZ-9 may under some circumstances be co-produced with other crystalline materials. Particular reaction conditions which lead to the production of SUZ-9 are given in the Examples herein. Material SUZ-9 has a variety of potential applications particularly as a catalyst or adsorbent. As is common in the field of zeolites and zeolite-type materials, it may be used in a number of purifications or separations, and a number of catalytic conversions, for example the conversion of hydrocarbons and oxygenates into other products including reforming, cracking hydrocracking, alkylation, e.g. with n and isobutene, hydroisomerization and dewaxing e.g. of lube oil. Examples of cracking are of hydrocarbons into other hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight, such as linear alkanes e.g. of 6-30 carbons to mixtures of olefins and alkanes, and cracking of gas oil and residual oil to lighter oils; temperatures of 300°-500° C. may be used. For example, among hydrocarbon conversions are conversions of a linear olefin such as a C 4-6 linear olefin, e.g. butene-1 into a branched olefin, e.g. a branched olefin mixture comprising a majority having at least 5 carbons; the dimerization and/or oligomerization of olefins; and the reactions of at least one olefin, e.g. of 3-20 carbons with a reactive, usually organic, compound. Examples of such a compound are carbon monoxide, usually mixed with hydrogen, in order to form alcohols, and are also aromatic hydrocarbons, such as ones, e.g. of 6-10 carbons, preferably benzene or toluene to form an alkylated compound, and are also oxygenates, especially methanol, dimethyl ether and/or formaldehyde to form higher olefins. The conversion of methanol into hydrocarbons, especially those of 2-4 carbons and/or at least 5 carbons, and the alkylation of the aromatic hydrocarbons with said oxygenate to form alkylated aromatic reaction product may also be performed over the zeolite-type material as may the reaction of formaldehyde and acetic acid to form acrylic acid. Examples of suitable conditions for these conversions are passage of the feedstock alone with at least one inert gaseous component, such as nitrogen or other inert gas, or an alkane such as butene, at 200°-600° C. over the catalyst, optionally after activation or regeneration with a gas containing molecular oxygen such as air, or thermal activation in the presence of hydrogen. Pressures of about atmospheric may be used, e.g. with the conversion of methanol and its reaction with aromatic hydrocarbon and production of acrylic acid and conversion of linear to branched olefins, while higher pressures, e.g. of 0.2-10 MPa absolute may be used, e.g. for conversion of olefins to alcohols. In addition to intrinsic activity of the zeolite type material conferred by its porous crystalline structure, it may also be subjected to exchange or impregnation with an element suitable for imparting a specific type of catalytic activity. Metal or non metal compounds which may be used for ion exchange and/or impregnation may for example be compounds of any one of the following elements, namely those belonging to Groups IB, IIA, IIB, IIIA, IIIB, IVA, IVB, VB, VIA, VIIA and VIII according to the Periodic Table due to Mendeleef. Specifically, compounds of copper, silver, zinc, aluminium, gallium, indium, thallium, lead, phosphorus, antimony, bismuth, chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, manganese, rhenium, iron, cobalt, nickel, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, platinum are preferred. For use as a catalyst, the zeolite-type material may, if desired, be bound in a suitable binding material. The binder may suitably be one of the conventional alumina, silica, clay or aluminophosphate binders or a combination of binders. Amounts of binder to total of binder and zeolite-type material may be up to 90% e.g. 10-90% by weight. If desired other known zeolites may be present, with or without the binder. Throughout this Specification, it should be understood that reference to an X-ray diffraction pattern indicates a powder diffraction pattern obtained on a conventional fixed-slit X-ray diffractometer using copper K-alpha radiation. Table 1 gives the positions of significant peaks present in the XRD of fully calcined SUZ-9 in the hydrogen form. It should be understood that the complete XRD's may contain weak peaks in addition to those listed in the Table. In addition, where peaks are close together, two or more peaks may, through lack of resolution, appear as a single peak. It will also be understood that the intensities of the peaks can vary widely depending on a number of factors, notably the presence of non-framework materials. The presence of water or nitrogenous materials present in or resulting from the original synthesis gel, may alter the relative intensities of the peaks at different d-spacings. Other factors which can affect the details of the XRD include the molar ratio of X to Y and the particle size and morphology of the sample. It will be appreciated that the XRD patterns presented in the Examples hereinafter are those actually obtained from various samples of calcined and uncalcined SUZ-9. Data were collected on a Philips PW 1820 diffractometer using 1/4°, 0.2 mm, 1/4° fixed slits, scanning from 4° to either 32 or 36° 2-theta in 0.025° steps. Theta is the Bragg angle; I is the intensity of a peak; and I o is the intensity of the strongest peak. Philips APD 1700 processing software was used to determine d-spacings (in angstrom units) and relative intensities (100×I/I o ) with copper radiation, copper K-alpha one wavelength=1.54056 Angstroms. The following Examples illustrate the invention. The following reagents were used in the preparation of SUZ-9. Sodium Aluminate ex BDH 40 wt % Al 2 0 3 , 30 wt % Na 2 O, 30 wt % H 2 O (in Ex 2-4). Sodium aluminate 61.3 wt % Al 2 O 3 , 37.8% wt Na 2 O (for Ex 5). Sodium Hydroxide ex FSA Distilled Water Tetraethylammonium Hydroxide ex Fluka (40 wt % in water) (For Ex 1-4). Fumed Silica (Cab-O-Sil, M5) ex BDH 1,3,4,6,7,9-hexahydro-2,2,5,5,8,8-hexamethyl-2H-benzo[1,2-C:3,4-C'-5,6-C"] tripyrolium trihydroxide (referred to as TRISQUAT) (50 wt % in water) for Ex 2-4 and 25.7 wt % in water for Ex 5). Potassium Hydroxide ex FSA EXAMPLE 1 Preparation of TRISQUAT 1,3,4,6,7,9-hexahydro-2,2,5,5,8,8-hexamethyl-2H-benzo[1,2-C:3,4-C'-5,6-C"] tripyrolium trihydroxide, was prepared by the method of U.S. Pat. No. 3950496. It has the structure: ##STR1## The hexabromomethylbenzene precursor was prepared by the method of A. D. U. Hardy et al, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin II, 1979, 1013. EXAMPLE 2 (a) 5.71 g of potassium hydroxide was dissolved in 65.00 g of distilled water and then added to 14.24 g of fumed silica with stirring. 21.81 g of tetraethylammonium hydroxide and 6.70 g of TRISQUAT solution were added to the silica gel with vigorous stirring. The resultant gel was then added to a solution of 3.00 g sodium aluminate dissolved in 20.0 g of distilled water and stirred vigorously. The reaction mixture was stirred for a further 11/2 hours. The reaction mixture had the following composition: 20.1 SiO 2 --Al 2 O 3 --1.2 Na 2 O--4.3 K 2 O --5.0 TEAOH--0.8 TRISQUAT--483.9 H 2 O TEAOH=tetraethylammonium hydroxide The reaction mixture was loaded into a pressure vessel of 150 cm 3 volume and heated at 135° C. for 116 hours. The pressure vessel was revolved during the reaction. At the end of this period the pressure vessel was cooled to room temperature and the contents filtered. The solid product was washed with distilled water and dried at 100° C. Analysis of the product gave the following molar composition 7.4 SiO.sub.2.Al.sub.2 O.sub.3.K.sub.2 O.0.1 Na.sub.2 O Analysis by X-ray diffraction identified the product as SUZ-9, the X-ray diffraction pattern is shown in Table 2(a). (b) The material produced from Example 2(a) was calcined in air for 16 hours at 550° C. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the calcined material is shown in Table 2(b). The sorption capacities of the calcined SUZ-9 for n-hexane, toluene and cyclohexane were 6.8 wt %, 5.3 wt % and 3.1 wt % respectively (P/Po=0.6, T=25° C.). EXAMPLE 3 2.86 g of potassium hydroxide was dissolved in 65.00 g of distilled water and then added to 14.24 g of fumed silica with stirring. 21.81 g of tetraethylammonium hydroxide and 9.3 g of TRISQUAT solution were added to the silica gel with stirring. The resultant mixture was added to a solution containing 6.0 g of sodium aluminate dissolved in 20.00 g of distilled water. The reaction mixture was stirred for 1 hour. The reaction mixture had the following molar composition: 10.0 SiO 2 --Al 2 O 3 --1.2 Na 2 O--1.1 K 2 O--2.5 TEAOH--0.6 TRISQUAT--247 H 2 O The reaction mixture was loaded into a 150 cm 3 volume pressure vessel and heated at 135° C. for 184 hours. The pressure vessel was revolved during the reaction. At the end of this period the pressure vessel was cooled down to room temperature and the contents filtered. The solid product was washed with distilled water and dried at 100° C. Analysis of the product gave the following composition: 5.6 SiO.sub.2 --Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 --0.7 K.sub.2 O The solid was calcined in air for 16 hours at 550° C. 6.2 g of the calcined material was refluxed with 120 ml of 1.5M ammonium nitrate solution at 80° C. for 3 hours. This procedure was repeated two more times with intermediate washing with distilled water. The ammonium form zeolite was then calcined in air at 400° C. for 5 hours to produce the hydrogen form. The X-ray diffraction pattern of the calcined hydrogen form SUZ-9 is shown in Table 4. EXAMPLE 4 A reaction mixture was prepared in exactly the same manner as Example 2 and stirred for 31/2 hours. The reaction mixture was loaded into a 150 cm 3 pressure vessel and heated at 135° C. for 188 hours. At the end of this period the pressure vessel was cooled to room temperature and the contents filtered. The solid product was washed with distilled water and dried at 100° C. It was then calcined and a portion converted into the calcined hydrogen form in the manner described in Ex 3 and the X-ray diffraction pattern of the calcined hydrogen form SUZ9 is shown in Table 3. EXAMPLE 5 12.68 g of Trisquat solution was mixed with 40.00 g of distilled water and then added to 9.50 g of fumed silica with vigerous stirring. The resultant mixture was added to a solution containing 2.6 g of sodium aluminate and 4.11 g of potassium hydroxide dissolved in 20.2 g of distilled water. The reaction mixture was stirred for 1.5 hours. The reaction mixture had the following molar composition: 10.1 SiO.sub.2 --Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 --Na.sub.2 O--2.3 K.sub.2 O--0.6 TRISQUAT--247.9 H.sub.2 O The reaction mixture was loaded into a 50 cm 3 pressure vessel nd heated at 135° C. for 93 hours. The pressure vessel was not agitated during the reaction. At the end of this period the pressure vessel was cooled down to room temperature and the contents filtered. The solid product was washed with distilled water and dried at 100° C. Analysis of the product gave the following composition: 6.6 SiO.sub.2 --Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 --0.9 K.sub.2 O The product was calcined as in Ex. 3 and a portion converted into the calcined hydrogen form in the manner described in Ex 3 but with a 0.5 g solid treated with 50 ml of the ammonium nitrate solution and the calcination of the ammonium form zeolite at 550° C. in air for 3 hours. The Xray diffraction pattern of the calcined hydrogen form SUZ9 is shown in Table 5. EXAMPLE 6 The catalytic activity of the calcined hydrogen form of the SUZ-9 of Example 3 was tested in the cracking of a hydrocarbon. The calcined hydrogen SUZ-9 was pelleted and crushed to pass through 600 micron but not 250 micron sieves. 2.0 g (5.0 ml) of this material was loaded into a quartz reactor and heat activated in flowing air (flow rate 100 ml/min) by raising the temperature of the catalyst at 4° C. per min up to 550° C., at which temperature it remained for 16 hr. The catalyst was then allowed to cool to 400° C. before being tested for the catalytic conversion of n-dodecane at 40° C. n Dodecane was converted at a WHSV of 4.5 in the presence of nitrogen carrier gas (flow rate of 79 ml/min measured at 25° C.); WHSV stands for weight of dodecane fed per hour/weight of catalyst. After 30 mins on stream the conversion of n-dodecane was 13.3% and the product carbon molar selectivities, defined as the % carbon molar yield of each component/total carbon molar conversion, were C1-4 alkanes (21.5%), C2-4 alkenes (38.3%) and C5-11 alkanes/alkenes (40.2%). TABLE 1______________________________________X-ray Diffraction Pattern of SUZ-9, Calcined Hydrogen Formd (Å) Relative Intensity______________________________________15.66 ± 0.30 VS11.89 ± 0.25 W10.46 ± 0.25 M9.04 ± 0.15 VW7.85 ± 0.15 M7.55 ± 0.15 M/S6.97 ± 0.15 VW6.32 ± 0.12 W/M6.13 ± 0.12 M/S5.92 ± 0.12 S5.80 ± 0.12 M5.63 ± 0.12 M5.44 ± 0.12 W/M5.22 ± 0.12 M5.07 ± 0.12 VW/W4.48 ± 0.10 S4.35 ± 0.10 S4.26 ± 0.10 M/S3.86 ± 0.08 M3.78 ± 0.08 W/M3.67 ± 0.08 W/M3.60 ± 0.08 M/S3.55 ± 0.08 VS3.49 ± 0.07 W/M3.42 ± 0.07 W/M3.35 ± 0.07 M3.30 ± 0.07 M3.25 ± 0.07 W/M3.21 ± 0.07 W/M3.14 ± 0.07 S3.06 ± 0.07 M3.02 ± 0.07 S2.89 ± 0.06 M/S2.86 ± 0.06 W2.78 ± 0.06 W2.73 ± 0.06 VW/W2.64 ± 0.06 VW/W2.59 ± 0.06 W/M2.52 ± 0.06 VW/W______________________________________ VS = 60-100 S = 40-60 M = 20-40 W = 10-20 VW < 10 TABLE 2 (a)______________________________________XRD of Product Obtained in Example 2 (a)2 Theta d (Å) Relative Intensity______________________________________5.62 15.72 1007.43 11.88 88.43 10.48 269.77 9.05 111.24 7.87 811.73 7.54 3914.07 6.29 1314.44 6.13 2114.91 5.94 2115.26 5.80 915.67 5.65 2416.27 5.44 616.90 5.24 617.53 5.06 418.42 4.81 219.73 4.50 4820.34 4.36 3620.63 4.30 2420.83 4.26 1223.02 3.86 4523.55 3.77 424.26 3.67 1324.74 3.60 2425.07 3.55 7625.37 3.51 1526.00 3.42 1426.93 3.31 2127.80 3.21 1527.86 3.20 1528.39 3.14 3329.16 3.06 1929.50 3.03 3430.93 2.89 35______________________________________ TABLE 2 (b)______________________________________XRD of Calcined Material Obtained in Example 2 (b)2 Theta d (Å) Relative Intensity______________________________________5.57 15.85 1007.38 11.97 128.39 10.53 309.68 9.13 911.20 7.90 1511.71 7.55 5514.00 6.32 1814.44 6.13 3214.85 5.96 2415.23 5.81 1015.63 5.67 2716.24 5.46 716.86 5.26 1217.44 5.08 318.42 4.81 319.69 4.51 5720.29 4.37 3220.58 4.31 1920.78 4.27 1222.99 3.87 4423.52 3.78 724.27 3.66 2224.76 3.59 3025.08 3.55 9225.97 3.43 1726.91 3.31 2627.83 3.20 1228.28 3.15 3728.43 3.14 3529.12 3.06 2429.42 3.03 5130.90 2.89 46______________________________________ TABLE 3______________________________________XRD of Product Obtained in Example 4,Calcined Hydrogen Form2 Theta d (Å) Relative Intensity______________________________________5.64 15.66 897.43 11.89 148.45 10.46 359.77 9.04 111.27 7.84 2911.72 7.55 4312.70 6.97 514.00 6.32 1614.45 6.13 4214.95 5.92 5215.26 5.80 2615.72 5.63 2916.29 5.44 1716.98 5.22 2617.48 5.07 619.81 4.48 5320.41 4.35 5020.86 4.26 3923.05 3.86 3523.54 3.78 2124.21 3.67 2224.72 3.60 4025.06 3.55 10025.50 3.49 2226.04 3.42 1726.61 3.35 2926.98 3.30 3627.40 3.25 2227.80 3.21 1728.43 3.14 6029.18 3.06 2929.56 3.02 5030.93 2.89 4131.28 2.86 13______________________________________ TABLE 4______________________________________XRD of Product of Example 3, calcined hydrogen form2 Theta d (Å) Relative Intensity______________________________________4.88 18.09 95.59 15.80 877.41 11.92 118.41 10.51 2811.22 7.87 3011.68 7.57 4412.67 6.98 513.98 6.32 2314.41 6.13 4414.88 5.95 4315.22 5.82 2515.69 5.64 2516.23 5.46 1716.93 5.23 2517.43 5.09 619.73 4.50 4920.34 4.36 4620.81 4.27 2922.04 4.03 822.81 3.89 2623.00 3.86 2923.48 3.79 2024.16 3.69 2324.65 3.61 3824.99 3.56 10025.47 3.50 2225.98 3.43 1726.57 3.35 2426.90 3.31 2927.33 3.26 1828.35 3.15 5729.05 3.07 2729.50 3.03 4730.82 2.90 3531.20 2.87 1131.98 2.80 1032.69 2.74 833.91 2.64 1034.30 2.61 1434.56 2.59 13______________________________________ TABLE 5______________________________________XRD of Product of Example 5 in calcined H Form2 Theta d (Å) Relative Intensity______________________________________4.82 18.33 95.59 15.81 1007.38 11.97 128.39 10.53 279.72 9.10 611.24 7.87 2011.65 7.59 2112.25 7.22 313.84 6.40 714.42 6.14 1914.91 5.94 2715.22 5.82 1215.70 5.64 1416.25 5.45 916.97 5.22 1417.45 5.08 419.81 4.48 2020.37 4.36 2720.82 4.26 1222.06 4.03 423.06 3.85 1423.50 3.78 624.24 3.67 1124.68 3.60 1525.04 3.55 3725.48 3.49 1426.09 3.41 826.65 3.34 1126.97 3.30 1127.41 3.25 828.43 3.14 2529.18 3.06 1329.60 3.02 2030.95 2.89 13______________________________________ The Xray diffraction results in Table 5 show that the product has the structure of SUZ-9 as shown in the XRD in Table 1, because the reflections are in the same position and most of the reflections have the same intensities relative to each other as those in Table 1. Differences in relative intensity in Table 5 may be due to the fact that the crystals of the calcined H form product of Example 5 are cylindrical and are considerably longer than those of Examples 2-4 . They are therefore more susceptible to preferred orientation in the XRD sample holder, causing certain reflections to be stronger.
A novel zeolite type material, designated SUZ-9 and suitable for use as an absorbent, catalyst or catalyst base, has, in its dehydrated organic free form, the empirical form m (M 2/a O):X z O xz/2 : y YO 2 , where m is 0.5-1.5, M is an a valent cation; x is 2 or 3 and z is correspondingly 1 or 2; y is at least 2; X is Al, Ga, B, Zn or Fe; and Y is Si or Ge, and in its calcined hydrogen form an X-ray diffraction pattern including significant specified peaks.
BACKGROUND OF INVENTION [0001] This application hereby incorporates by reference the following chain of applications/patents and claims the priority benefit of as a continuation-in-part application of application Ser. No. 10/264,305, filed Oct. 3, 2002, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 09/472,138, filed Dec. 23, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. ______, which is a divisional of application Ser. No. 09/114,244, filed Jun. 29, 1998, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,068,161, which claims benefit of provisional application Serial No. 60/052,775, filed Jul. 1, 1997. [0002] The present invention relates generally to receptacles and containers, and particularly relates to a caseless dispenser container used for transporting, storing, and dispensing fluids. The invention finds particularly particular application with fluids introduced or subjected to elevated temperatures relative to the filling temperature of the fluid into the container, such as cooking oil or similar comestible products, although it may also find application with noncomestible fluid products. [0003] U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,050,455; 6,068,161; and 6,247,507 are commonly owned by the assignee of the present application. These patents relate generally and specifically to the concept of thin-walled containers, and the disclosures of each are hereby expressly incorporated herein. For example, thin-walled containers which are defined as having a ratio of plastic resin required to manufacture the container relative to the amount of product capable of being transported in the container. A typical thin-walled container of this type has a weight-to-volume ratio of approximately 55 to 70 grams per gallon (approximately 18 to 24 grams per liter). [0004] In shipping and storing bulk fluid products, plastic molded containers are commonly used and are blow-molded, one-piece containers. These containers are usually stored or shipped in a separate case that receives individual containers or may enclose multiple containers such as a set of four (4) to six (6) containers. These cases adopt various different configurations or conformations such as wire or plastic cases, corrugated paper boxes, or other corrugated materials, which provide desired structural support to the individual containers during shipping. For example, and as shown in FIG. 1, a blow-molded plastic container is received in a corrugated box for storage, shipment, and handling. Since the corrugated case is intended to carry or receive the structural load or bearing forces (on the order of ______ force-lbs) during storage and shipment, little design effort has heretofore been undertaken to address structural concerns of a container without the use of separate cases, i.e., caseless shipping containers. [0005] Another common use for containers in cases is to store and ship cooking oil. Historically, and as briefly noted above, these containers are used in conjunction with a corrugated or cardboard case so that vertical loading of one container to the other is transferred through the cases. As will be appreciated, part of the manufacturing/total cost of the shipping assembly is associated with the corrugated case. The use of the case allows less resin to be used in the plastic container, although the design of the assembly (container and associated case) is intended to transfer structural forces via the corrugated material and not the container. [0006] These known arrangements encounter a number of problems, for example, stacking height of one container on top of another is limited. Long, unbraced lengths are encountered. In addition, if the corrugated material becomes wet, e.g., if a container leaks or moisture from the environment permeates the corrugated case, the structural strength and integrity of the corrugated case can become a serious problem. There are also potential food storage issues associated with any leakage of oil. [0007] Still another issue with a container and case assembly used in storing and shipping cooking oil, for example, is that the oil is typically filled at a temperature above ambient, on the order of approximately one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100° F.). Oil is less dense at the elevated temperature. The containers are usually filled to the base of the neck and then over time and as the oil cools, the fill level decreases. This results in a large air gap in prior art containers. In order to ship a desired amount of oil when it is filled at an elevated temperature, the vendor must use a container of increased height to accommodate this phenomenon. [0008] Once the container is filled, it is sealed with a cap, such as a screw-on or threaded cap. Typically, a lesser quality, less expensive model is used since some of the cost in the prior art arrangements is directed to supplying the corrugated case. If the sealed container is exposed to an increase in temperature, for example on the order of one hundred ten degrees (110° F.) while sitting in a truck in a hot environment, the increase in internal pressure could cause the lesser quality cap to leak. As will be appreciated, this only exacerbates the situation of contaminated product, as well as moisture problems and decreased strength associated with the prior art corrugated case and container assembly. [0009] Accordingly, a need exists to provide a container, preferably a caseless container that resolves these problems and others in an inexpensive, efficient, and reliable manner. BRIEF SUMMARY OF INVENTION [0010] A new and improved container for storing fluid, particularly a fluid filled at an elevated temperature, and a method of forming same is provided. [0011] In an exemplary embodiment of the invention, the container includes a generally parallelepiped structure having a fill/dispensing spout through one wall thereof. The spout extends above a desired fill level with an opening that terminates in a first plane. An overflow region is provided that terminates in a wall portion in the first surface that is disposed between the fill level and first plane to accommodate a desired air space in the container. [0012] Preferably, a wall portion defining the overflow region terminates substantially in the same plane as the opening through the spout. [0013] A handle is preferably interposed between the opening and the wall portion of the overflow region. In one embodiment, the handle extends at an angle from beneath a base portion of the spout to the wall portion of the overflow region. [0014] With large volume containers that may hold three (3) to five (5) gallons of a fluid, product may be stored in caseless containers. A number of structural load elements, which in the preferred arrangement are rib elements, are used to add structural rigidity to the container. The larger containers may be stacked in a brick-like fashion. [0015] Preferably, the ribs are oriented generally perpendicular to the elongated dimension of the container to serve the useful purpose of transferring forces from an upper layer to a lower layer of containers when the containers are oriented in a stacked array on their sides. [0016] An advantage of the present invention resides in the ability of the container to accommodate fluid filled at an elevated temperature. [0017] Still another advantage is found in the elimination of cases for shipping. [0018] Yet another advantage is found in improved sealing of the spout. [0019] Still other advantages and benefits of the present invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon reading and understanding the following detailed description. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS [0020] [0020]FIG. 1 is an isometric view of a prior art container stored in a corrugated case. [0021] FIGS. 2 - 6 are elevational, right side, left side, top, and bottom plan views of a preferred embodiment of the invention. [0022] [0022]FIG. 7 is an elevational view of another embodiment of the invention. [0023] [0023]FIG. 8 is a representation of multiple containers stacked in accordance with the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0024] Briefly, and with reference to FIG. 1, a prior art arrangement of a thin-walled bottle or container 20 is shown in a corrugated case 22 . The container includes a fluid spout 24 having a cap 26 intended to seal a fluid spout opening (not shown). The spout in this embodiment is intended to be used for both filling and dispensing, and thus is generally a wide-mouthed opening to facilitate the amount of fluid that is filled or dispensed from the container. Cutouts 28 are provided in an upper surface of the corrugated case 22 to form a handle for lifting and transport of the combined case and container assembly. Again, this assembly is a conventional arrangement and illustrates how some bulk fluids, such as cooking oil or the like, are stored and shipped through commerce. [0025] FIGS. 2 - 6 illustrate a preferred container 30 for storing fluids in accordance with the present invention, and in this particular instance illustrates a caseless container that solves a particular need with regard to a fluid filled in the container at an elevated temperature. The bottle or container 30 is preferably a one-piece, blow-molded plastic construction which has a generally parallelepiped wall structure 32 integrally formed in the blow-molding process and having a fluid spout 34 and integral handle 36 formed therein. The container is a hollow structure forming an internal cavity that is dimensioned to receive a predetermined quantity of fluid therein, for example, two or five gallon containers, although other sizes are also contemplated without departing from the scope and intent of the present invention. Dairy products, juices, cooking oil, and other comestible fluid products, or powder or liquid detergents may be stored therein. Thus, continued reference to the particular application of this structure for cooking oil should not be deemed limiting, even though the container described herein serves the particular needs required in that industry. [0026] The wall structure includes a strengthening component such as a series of integrally formed ribs or grooves 40 that provide additional structural strength or rigidity to the container. As shown, the strengthening features 40 are illustrated as extending around the entire periphery of the container and are disposed in generally parallel relation to a first or upper surface 42 and a second or lower surface 44 . Although it will be appreciated that the strengthening features 40 are peripherally continuous in the illustrated embodiment, related designs that alter the cross-section of these ribs in order to attain increased rigidity or strength can be used without departing from the present invention. [0027] The lower surface 44 includes a recess 50 that is primarily intended for ease of handling when the contents of the fluid container are poured from the spout. As will be further appreciated, a user grasps the container by the handle 36 with one hand and can tip or manipulate the container by placing the fingers of the other hand into the recess 50 on the lower surface. The contents can then be poured from the container in a controlled fashion. It will also be appreciated that opening 52 is provided to form/delineate the handle from the remainder of the container and allows the container to be lifted with a single hand. If the lateral width of the handle is increased, it may not be necessary to provide a through opening cooking oil, and instead recesses extending inwardly from either side may be sufficient. The handle is preferably centrally located between parallel sidewall portions 32 a , 32 b (FIGS. 3 and 5) and is also approximately disposed midway between front and rear wall portions 32 c and 32 d (FIGS. 2 and 5). This advantageously locates the handle behind the spout 34 , which is located forwardly on a substantially planar portion 54 forming an upper surface of the wall structure of the container. In the preferred embodiment, the handle 36 integrally merges at one end 36 a to provide a smooth transition with the upper surface portion 54 and at a second end 36 b merges with an overflow reservoir region 60 the structure and function of which will be described in greater detail below. Although this handle arrangement has particular advantages, other handle configurations may prove useful for other or related applications. [0028] The reservoir region comprises approximately one and one-half percent (1½%) of the total volume of the container. For example, in a thirty five (35) pound version of the container, the total fill capacity is approximately one thousand sixty five cubic inches (1,065 in 3 ) and the overflow region capacity is approximately twenty additional cubic inches (20 in 3 ), for a total of one thousand eighty four cubic inches (1,084 in 3 ). In the seventeen and one half (17½) pound version of the container, the total fill capacity is approximately five hundred and thirty two cubic inches (532 in 3 ) and the overflow region adds an additional eight cubic inches (8 in 3 ) of capacity for a total of five hundred forty cubic inches (540 in 3 ). The upper wall portion 54 b in the overflow region defines the upper terminus of the container. That is, it defines a stepped region above the planar portion 54 a of the upper surface located beneath the spout. The overflow region provides increased capacity that finds particular application when fluid, such as cooking oil, is introduced into the container at an elevated temperature. The fill line is represented by dotted line 62 (FIG. 2) and is just below the wall portion 54 a beneath the spout. Here, however, the overflow region provides additional air space. If a fluid is filled at an elevated temperature, for example 100° F., with time it will cool and the fill level will decrease. Previously, manufacturers could only fill to a level below the representative fill line 62 because of the absence of any overflow region such as 60 . That is, the fill level was substantially below the bottom of the spout, and then as it cooled over time, the fluid level would be substantially below the upper surface of the container. This was necessary in situations where the fluid was also raised to an even higher temperature, for example during storage the temperature in some environments can reach 110° F. or greater, resulting in increased pressure in the sealed container. The overflow region accommodates these conditions and allows increased volume or capacity of fluid to be filled into each container of a certain height. By forming the overflow region and the upper wall at substantially the same height as the opening of the spout (i.e., above the planar portion 54 a , the fill level 62 can be increased to the adjacent bottom portion of the spout without filling all of the overflow region air space 60 . Once the cap (not shown) is placed onto the container, the filled container becomes a sealed environment. For example, a cap incorporating a rubber gasket on the interior or underside surface of the cap provides an improved sealing arrangement. This is an improvement over the conventional foil type seal used in association with a lesser quality cap that does not have the ability to withstand the internal pressures encountered in some uses, such as with oil. Under increased temperature the prior art arrangements had a tendency to leak since part of the manufacturing cost was devoted to the purchase of a corrugated case rather than an improved cap-to-container seal. Here, eliminating the cases, and incorporating the overflow region and structural means to handle the increased internal pressure, provides a highly useful container that addresses these concerns while also addressing cost concerns associated with material purchase and manufacture of the container. [0029] As is also apparent in FIG. 7, the container can be made in various sizes. The seventeen and one half (17½) pound version shown in FIG. 7 is simply representative of one of a number of different sized containers that can be used incorporating these concepts. Like numbers represent like elements and the features and benefits described above in association with the embodiment of FIGS. 2 - 6 are also provided here. [0030] [0030]FIG. 8 illustrates a desired stacking array of the filled containers. The strengthening ribs allow the manufacturer/shipper to eliminate the use of any external cases such as a corrugate case, and still can withstand loading forces and internal pressure when sealed that match or exceed that of the prior art. By stacking the containers on their side as illustrated in FIG. 8 in brick-like fashion, there are no long unbraced lengths. That is, the structural reinforcing ribs are able to transfer load from one upper layer to the next adjacent lower layer. As noted above, a higher quality, more expensive cap can be used in this arrangement. Moreover, by stacking the containers on their sides, the vertical loads need not necessarily be transferred through the cap and spout. [0031] The container can be filled to increased capacity, and provision is made for filling with fluids at elevated temperatures, as well as encountering environments where the sealed container is exposed to elevated temperatures. The potential problems associated with a container that leaks are also substantially reduced since the structural load bearing capability of the container is not impacted. [0032] The invention has been described with reference to the preferred embodiments. Obviously, modifications and alterations will occur to others upon a reading and understanding of this specification. It is intended that the invention be construed as including all such modifications and alterations insofar as they come within the scope of the appended claims or the equivalents thereof.
A container for storing a fluid incorporates an overflow region. The overflow region is located above the desired fill line of the container and preferably terminates in the same plane as the opening of the fill spout. In this manner, the amount of fluid filled in the container can be maximized while still providing the desired air space for shipping purposes. Incorporating structural features into the body of the blow-molded container eliminate the use of external cases.
This is a division of application Ser. No. 693,343, filed Jan. 22, 1985, now U.S. Pat. No. 4,621,121. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The invention is directed to bis-(2-ethylamino-4-diethylamino-s-triazine-6-yl) tetrasulfide (V 480), a process for its production, its use, and vulcanizable mixtures containing it. The corresponding disulfide is known from German Pat. No. 1,669,954 and the related Westlinning U.S. Pat. No. 3,801,537. The entire disclosure of Westlinning is hereby incorporated by reference and relied upon. The disulfide can be produced for example from the corresponding mercaptotriazine by oxidation with iodine or hydrogen peroxide. The compound thus obtained is employed as a vulcanization accelerator in rubber mixtures. The problem to be solved by the invention is to find a compound which imparts better properties to vulcanizates and process for the production of the compound. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The subject matter of the invention is bis-(2-ethylamino-4-diethylamino-s-triazine-6-yl)-tetrasulfide (V 480) and a process for its production which comprises reacting an aqueous, alkaline solution of 2-ethylamino-4-diethylamino-6-mercaptotriazine in a 2-phase system with a solution of S 2 Cl 2 in an inert organic solvent at a temperature of <+10° C., with the proviso that the solvent either does not dissolve the tetrasulfide or only slightly dissolves it. Advantageously there is produced an alkaline solution of the mercaptotriazine which contains the alkali ions (e.g. sodium or potassium ions) and mercaptotriazine molecule in equimolar amounts. However, preferably there is used an amount of alkali, especially sodium hydroxide which is about 5 to 10% higher. This solution is mixed with an organic solvent, especially an aliphatic or cycloaliphatic hydrocarbon, especially benzene (gasoline), petroleum ether or cyclohexane, so that there is formed a 2-phase system and there is added a solution of S 2 Cl 2 , preferably in the solvent which also is premixed beforehand with the solvent for the mercaptotriazine. The temperature thereby should be below 10° C., preferably below 5° C. S 2 Cl 2 is brought to reaction in equimolar amounts under vigorous stirring. Under the stated conditions the S 2 Cl 2 surprisingly acts exclusively in a codensing manner. The molar ratio of S 2 Cl 2 to the mercaptotriazine is preferably from 1:1 to 1,01:1, especially from 1:1 to 1,1:1. The product which precipitated was separated with the help of commonly known procedures and dried advantageously at 40-45° C. under a vacuum. Other subject matter of the invention include the use of V 480 in vulcanizable rubber mixtures and the corresponding V 480 containing mixtures themselves. In the use of the compound V 480 of the invention as cross-linker or vulcanization accelerator it clearly shows its superiority to the standard compounds as well as to the disulfide V 143. There is an extensive palatte of accelerators available to the rubber processing industry, especially for sulfur vulcanization, of which the most important classes for all purpose rubbers are: benzthiazolylsulfenamide, bis-benzthiazolyldisulfide, and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole as well as their corresponding triazine derivatives . Besides there is a series of special compounds such as thiuramdisulfides and peroxides which also act as cross-linkers without further additives such as sulfur, but which also are frequently used in combination with sulfur. Today, the quantitatively most significant in terms of practical use, especially for the vulcanization of all purpose rubbers are the benzthiazolylsulfenamides. A substantial disadvantage of the just mentioned vulcanization accelerators, especially the sulfenamides, is their greatly increasing tendency to reversion of the vulcanizate with increasing vulcanization temperature, especially when using besides reversion susceptible types of rubber such as NR and polyisoprene. With increasing temperature the speed of reversion increases so greatly that on the one hand there is a drastic reduction of the cross-linking density at optimum vulcanization and on the other hand, there is a sharp decline of the optimum cross-linking density with a frequently unavoidable over vulcanization. This is of similar concern but applies to a lesser extent to the remaining accelerator of the class of benzothiazoles. These disadvantages of the benzothiazole accelerators limit their usability with increasing vulcanization temperature and places limits in reference to the efforts of the processing industry to increase productivity by the use of higher vulcanization temperatures. A further non-neglibible disadvantage today, especially of the sulfenamides, is that there is formed free amine during the vulcanization process, which, insofar as they are nitrosizable, can lead to the formation of toxic nitrosamines, which in the future can be expected to limit their areas of use through legislation. Surprisingly V 480 proves to be a compound both in regard to its use as a cross-linker and also as a vulcanization accelerator in sulfur vulcanization, which imparts to the vulcanizates produced therewith even at high vulcanization temperatures extraordinarily high reversion resistance. Therefore, they are predestined for use with high temperature vulcanization and therewith make possible increases in productivity. The use of V 480 includes known rubber mixtures according to the state of the art such as natural rubber (NR), isoprene rubber (IR), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), isobutylene isoprene rubber (IIR), ethylene-propyleneterpolymer rubber (EPDM), nitrile rubber (NBR), halogen containing rubber (e.g. polychloroprene or chlorinated natural rubber) and especially natural rubber which is epoxidized up to 75% (ENR), as well as their mixtures. The presence of double bonds is essential. The use of V 480 has particular significance of the reversion susceptible isoprene and natural rubbers, as well as their blends with other rubbers, V 480 is employed in sulfur containing rubber mixtures in an amount of 0.3 to 15, preferably 0.3 to 5 parts by weight per 100 parts of rubber. In sulfur-free rubber mixtures there is used in an amount of 0.3 to 10, preferably, 0.3 to 5 parts by weight of V 480 per 100 parts by weight of rubber. The rubber mixtures also contain the customary reinforcing system, i.e. furnace blacks, channel blacks, flame blacks, thermal blacks, acetylene blacks, arc blacks, (K blacks etc. as well as synthetic fillers such as silicas, silicates, aluminum oxide hydrate, calcium carbonate, and natural fillers such as clays, siliceous chalks, chalks, talcs, etc, and their blends in an amount of 5 to 300 parts per 100 parts of rubber ZnO and stearic acid as vulcanization promoters in an amount of 2 to 5 parts, customarily used antiagers, ozone protectants and fatigue protectants such as, e.g. IPPD, TMQ, as well as waxes as light protectants and their blends, plastizers at pleasure such as e.g. aromatic, naphthenic, parrafinic, synthetic plasticizers, and their blends optionally retarders such as e.g. N-cyclohexylthiophthalimide, (N-trichloromethylthiophenylsulfonyl)-benzene and their blends, optionally silanes such as e.g. bis-(3-triethoxysilylpropyl)-tetrasulfide, gamma-chloropropyltriethoxysilane, gamma-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane, ##STR1## and their blends, in an amount of 0.1 to 20, preferably 1 to 10 parts per 100 parts of filler, optionally sulfur in an amount of 0.5 to 4 parts per 100 parts of rubber, optionally other customary accelerators customarily employed as secondary accelerators in the rubber industry, especially Vulkalent E, in an amount of 0.2 to 4 parts, preferably 0.6 to 1.8 parts based on 100 parts of rubber, optionally additional sulfur doners, optionally dyes and processing aids. The area of use extends to rubber mixtures, as they are customarily used in making tires, to industrial articles, such as e.g. mixtures for conveyor belts, V-belts, molded articles, piles with or without insertions, rubber rolls, linings, spray profiles, freehand articles, films, shoe soles and uppers, cables, full gum tires, and their vulcanizates. Unless otherwise indicated all parts and percentages are by weight. The compositions can comprise, consist essentially of, or consist of the stated materials and the process can comprise, consist essentially of, or consist of the recited steps with such materials. While V 480 can be used with advantage in high temperature vulcanization it also can be used with conventional lower temperature vulcanization. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Example 1 454 grams of 2-diethylamino-4-ethylamino-6-mercaptotriazine were dissolved in aqueous sodium hydroxide which had been produced from 84 grams of NaOH and 1.5 liters of water. The solution was placed in a liter threeneck flask, then there was added 1.5 liters of light benzine (B.P. 80-110° C.) and the mixture cooled to 0° C. with vigorous stirring. There was then run in within 20 minutes a solution of 137 grams of S 2 Cl 2 in 100 ml of benzine whereby care was taken that the temperature did not exceed +50° C. The tetrasulfide immediately precipitated out. At the end of the reaction the mixture was stirred for a further 5 minutes, subsequently sucked off and washed. The snow white of fine powder was dried in a vacuum/12 Torr at 40-45° C. Amount: 499.5 grams, corresponding to 97.1% of theory; M.P. 149-150° C. Analysis: Bis-(2-Ethylamino-4-diethylamino-s-triazine-6-yl)-tetrasulfide, Mol-Wt. 516, C 18 H 32 N 10 S 4 ______________________________________ C H N S______________________________________Calculated 41.9 6.2 27.1 24.8Found 41.8 6.5 26.8 24.8______________________________________ Testing Standards The physical tests were carried out at room temperature according to the following standard specification (DIN stands for German Industrial Standard): ______________________________________Tensile strength, elongation at DIN 53504 MPabreak and on 6 mm thickrings modulusResistance to tear DIN 53507 N/mmpropagationImpact elasticity DIN 53512 %Shore A hardness DIN 53505 --Mooney Test, ML 4 DIN 53524 --Goodrich Flexometer ASTM °C.(Determination of heat D 62362build-up ΔT)Firestone-Ball Rebound AD 20245______________________________________ In the use examples there are employed the following names and abbreviations whose meanings are given below: ______________________________________RSS: Ribbed Smoked Sheet (natural rubber)Corax ® N 220: Carbon Black, Surface Area (BET) 120 m.sup.2 /g (Degussa)Naftolen ZD: Hydrocarbon PlasticizerIngralen 450: Aromatic hydrocarbon plasticizerIngroplast NS: Naphthenic hydrocarbon plasticizerVulkanox 4010 NA: N--Isopropyl-N'--phenyl- p-phenylene-diamineVulkanox HS: Poly-2,2,4-trimethyl-1, 2-dihydroquinolineMesamoll: Alkylsulfonic acid ester of phenyl and cresolProtektor G35: Wax protector against ozoneVukacit MOZ: N--Morpholine-2-benzo- thiazolsulphenamideVulcacit Mercapto: 2-MercaptobenzothiazoleVulcacit Thiuram: Tetramethyl-thiurammono- sulfideVulcazit CZ: N--Cyclohexyl-2-benzo- thiazolesulphenamideVulcalent E: (N--trichloromethylthio- phenylsulfonyl)-benzenePVI: N--Cyclohexylthiophthal- imideUltrasil VN3: Precipitated silica (Degussa)Gran.: GranulateV143: Bis-(2-Ethylamino-4-di- ethylamino-s-triazine- 6-yl)-disulfide______________________________________ Example 2 Reversion Stability With V 480 As Cross-Linker (Carbon Black As Filler) ______________________________________ 1 2 3______________________________________RSS 1, Ml 4 = 67 100 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50 50ZnO RS 5 50 5Stearic acid 2 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1 1 1Vulkacit MOZ 1.43 -- --V 143 -- 1.29 --PVI -- 0.4 --V 480 -- -- 4Sulfur 1.5 1.5 -- ##STR2##170° C. 30.0 8.5 2.3______________________________________ The example shows that reversion stability was obtained using V 480 without sulfur. As reference systems there were used in mixture 1 MOZ in a so-called semi-efficient dosing, which according to the state of the art has been evaluated as very good and in sample 2 there was used the already reversion stable accelerator V 143. Example 3 Temperature Dependence Of The Reversion Behavior Using V480 (Carbon/Silica As Fillers) ______________________________________ 4 5 6______________________________________RSS 1, ML 4 = 67 100 100 100CORAX N 220 25 25 25Ultrasil VN 3 B Gran. 25 25 25ZnO RS 5 5 5Stearic acid 2 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1.5 1.5 1.5V 480 -- -- 3Vulkacit MOZ 1.43 -- --V 143 -- 1.29 --Sulfur 1.5 1.5 -- ##STR3##145° C. 22.4 11.3 0160° C. 38.8 20.9 0170° C. 47.4 30.3 1.9180° C. 52.6 38.7 4.6______________________________________ Mixtures in which carbon black is partially replaced by silica are especially susceptible to reversion. Mixture 6 shows that V 480 used as a cross-linker, i.e., without sulfur, imparted to the vulcanizate even at the highest vulcanization temperatures the utmost resistance to reversion. Example 4 Vulcanization Stability With Overheating At 170° C. Using V 480 ______________________________________ 7 8 9______________________________________RSS 1, ML 4 = 67 100 100 100CORAX N 220 25 25 25Ultrasil Un 3 Gran. 25 25 25ZnO RS 5 50 5Stearic acid 2 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1 1 1Vulkacit MOZ 1.43 -- --V 143 -- 1.29 --V 480 -- -- 3Sulfur 1.5 1.5 -- ##STR4##170° C. 44.7 28.7 2.6Vulcanization time *t.sub.95%at 170° C. t.sub.95%+ 50'Tensile Strength 17.2 16.0 19.3 12.5 11.2 19.7Modulus 300% 5.1 3.7 5.5 3.3 2.8 5.3Tear PropagationResistance 32 16 29 6 5 28Firestone-Ball Rebound 54.9 52.8 53.5 51.3 51.7 53.2______________________________________ *t.sub.95% means that 95% of the vulcanization agent had been reacted; t.sub.95%+ 50' means that it was heated for a further 50 minutes. This example shows that with increasing reversion with overheating, namely 50'/170° C. a greater decrease occurs in the physical vulcanization data. This can be seen especially clearly with mixture 7 in the tensile strength and 300% Modulus as well as in the resistance to tear propagation while in contrast mixture 9 in overheating the physical data remained practically unchanged. Here also V 480 was compared to a semi-EV-system, which according to the state of the art already had been distinguished as resistant to reversion. Example 5 Reversion Stability Using V 480 As Accelerator At a Vulcanization Temperature Of 170° C. ______________________________________ 10 11______________________________________RSS 1, ML 4 = 67 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50ZnO RS 5 5Stearic acid 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1 1Vulkacit MOZ -- 1.43V 480 1.5Sulfur 0.8 1.5 ##STR5## 0.8 29.2Tensile Strength 22.6 24.3Modulus 300% 11.0 10.4Elongation at Break 480 530Firestone-Ball Rebound 46.5 45.9Shore A Hardness 62 62______________________________________ Example 5 shows that the combination of 1.5 parts V 480 with 0.8 parts sulfur always remain completely resistant to conversion at 170° C. compared to the corresponding sulfenamide and that with this combination at t 95% practically the same data level is established. Example 6 Influence Of The Sulfur Dosing On The V 480 Accelerator (Vulcanization Temperature: 170° C.) __________________________________________________________________________ 12 13 14 15 16 17__________________________________________________________________________RSS 1, Ml 4 = 67 100 100 100 100 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50 50 50 50 50ZnO RS 5 5 5 5 5 5Stearic acid 2 2 2 2 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3 3 3 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1 1 1 1 1 1Vulkacit MOZ 1.43 -- -- -- -- --V 143 -- 1.29 -- -- -- --PVI -- 0.4 -- -- -- --V 480 -- -- 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Sulfur 1.5 1.5 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 ##STR6##t.sub.10% 3.8 4.2 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.8t.sub.80 -t.sub. 20%Vulcanizate data at 11.5 12.1 11.4 12.1 12.5 13.1t.sub.95% Modulus 300%Shore A Hardness 63 66 63 63 64 65__________________________________________________________________________ Example 6 shows that an increase of sulfur content beyond 0.8 is possible and leads to increase in modulus without reversion increasing very greatly. Indeed the raising of the sulfur content results in a slight shortening of the scorch properties. This can be counterbalanced through the use of Vulkalent E (see Example 7). Example 7 Effect Of Customary Retarders On The Prevulcanization Time And Reversion Employing V 480 ______________________________________ 18 19 20 21______________________________________RSS 1, ML (1 + 4) = 67 100 100 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50 50 50ZnO RS 5 5 5 5Stearic acid 2 2 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1 1 1 1Vulkacit MOZ 1.43 -- -- --V 480 -- 1.5 1.5 1.5Sulfur 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.8PVI -- -- 1.2 --Vulkalent E -- -- -- 1.2Scorch time 130° C. min 21.5 8.0 17.5 21.0(increase 2 scaledivisions)Scorch at 170° C. 3.8 2.8 3.8 4.1(t.sub.10%)Modulus 300% 10.6 11.0 8.8 13.7______________________________________ Example 8 Prolongation Of Scorch And Increase In Modulus Of V 480/Vucalent E--Combination ______________________________________ 22 23 24 25 26______________________________________RSS 1, Ml 4 = 67 100 100 100 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50 50 50 50ZnO RS 5 5 5 5 5Stearic acid 2 2 2 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3 3 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1 1 1 1 1Vulkacit MOZ 1.43 -- -- -- --V 480 -- 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Vulkalent E -- -- 0.4 0.8 1.2Sulfur 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8Scorch time 130° C., 21.5 8.0 12.5 16.7 21.0Min. (increase 2scale divisions)Scorch time 170° C. 3.8 2.8 3.1 3.7 4.1(t.sub.10%), min.Modulus 300% 10.6 11.0 11.8 12.7 13.7______________________________________ Example 9 Prolongation Of The Prevulcanization Time By Vulkalent E With The V 480 Vulcanization ______________________________________ 27 28 29 30______________________________________RSS 1, ML (1 + 4) = 67 100 100 100 100CORAX N 220 25 25 25 25Ultrasil VN3 Gran. 25 25 25 25ZnO RS 5 5 5 5Stearic acid 2 2 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1 1 1 1Vulkacit MOZ 1.43 -- -- --PVI -- -- 1.2 --V 480 -- 3 3 1.5Vulkalent E -- -- -- 1.2Sulfur 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.8Scorch time 130° C., 29.5 16.1 28.5 30.0Min (increase 2scale divisions)Scorch time 170° C. 4.5 3.6 4.2 4.7Modulus 300% 5.3 6.4 6.4 8.6______________________________________ Example 9 shows the effectiveness of the retarder Vulkalent E in the case of a blend of carbon black and silica. Using 1.5 parts V 480, 0.8 parts sulfur and 1.2 parts of Vulkalent E there were obtained MOZ prevulcanization times without further doing anything. The reversion properties of V 480 vulcanization also were not negatively influences by the inclusion of retarders, no more than were the physical data of the vulcanizate. Example 10 V 480 As Accelerator In SBR ______________________________________ 31 32 33______________________________________SBR 1712 137.5 137.5 137.5CORAX N 339 60 60 60ZnO RS 3 3 3Stearic acid 2 2 2Protektor G 35 1 1 1Vulkanox 4010 NA 1.5 1.5 1.5Vulkacit D 0.5 0.5 --Vulkacit CZ 1.45 -- --V 480 -- 1.5 1.5Sulfur 1.6 1.5 1.5 ##STR7##Tensile Strength 20 19.2 23.1Modulus 300% 10.1 11.4 10.9Elongation at Break 480 430 460Shore A Hardness 63 65 64______________________________________ Example 10 shows that V 480 also exerts a positive influence on the resistance to reversion in otherwise already reversion resistant SBR mixtures. Example 11 Resistance To Reversion Of SBR-Vulcanization With V 480 ______________________________________ 33 34______________________________________SBR 1500 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50ZnO RS 5 5Stearic acid 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1 1Vulkacit CZ 1.5 --V 480 -- 1Sulfur 1.8 1.8 ##STR8## 12.1 9.1Vulcanizate data at t.sub.95% :Tensile Strength 20.2 21.8Modulus 300% 10.6 11.1Elongation at Break 450 460Resistance to Tear 13 14PropagationShore A Hardness 63 64______________________________________ This sample shows that V 480 still further improves the reversion properties of the otherwise already slightly reversion susceptible SBR 1500. Example 12 V 480 In Perbuban (Nitrile Rubber) ______________________________________Perbunan N 3307 NS 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50ZnO RS 5 5Stearic acid 1 1Ingralen 450 5 5Mesamoll 10 10Vulkacit CZ 1.3 --V 480 -- 1.5Sulfur 1.8 1.8 ##STR9## 9.5 6.9Vulcanizate data:Tensile Strength 19.5 18.8Modulus 300% 9.2 11.3Elongation at Break 480 380Shore A Hardness 64 65______________________________________ As the example shows the inclusion of V 480 in place of a sulfenamide imparts further advantages in regard to resistance to reversion. Example 13 V 480 In EPDM ______________________________________Buna AP 541 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50ZnO RS 5 5Stearic acid 1 1Ingraplast NS 10 10Vulkacit Thiuram 1 --Vulkacit Mercapto 0.5 --V 480 -- 2.5Sulfur 1 ##STR10## 3.3 0Vulcanizate Data:Tensile Strength 16.0 16.0Modulus 300% 14.4 14.0Elongation at Break 320 350Shore A Hardness 72 69______________________________________ For EPDM also through the inclusion of V 480 there results at the same regulation of the vulcanizate data the possibility still for further increase of the resistance to reversion. Example 14 Simultaneous Use Of V 480 And Si 69 ______________________________________RSS 1, ML 4 = 67 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50ZnO RS 5 5Stearic acid 2 2Naftolen ZD 3 3Vulkanox 4010 NA 2.5 2.5Vulkanox HS 1.5 1.5Protektor G 35 1 1Vulkacit MOZ 1.43 --V 480 -- 1.5Si 69 -- 1.5Sulfur 1.5 0.4 ##STR11## 29.7 0Vulcanizate data:Tensile Strength 25.1 22.0Modulus 300% 10.2 10.8Firestone-Ball Rebound 45.2 44.2Shore A Hardness 63 62Goodrich-Flexometer 159 136delta T Center °C.______________________________________ If there is replaced a portion of the sulfur (0.8 parts) by sulfur donors as for example polysulfidic silane, there likewise result an extraordinary reversion resistance by the example above. Furthermore, there occurs an extraordinary lowering of the build up of heat. Example 15 V 480 Cross-Linking Of Epoxidized Natural Rubber Using Carbon Black And Silica As Filler ______________________________________ 1 2______________________________________ENR 50 100 100CORAX N 330 25 25Ultrasil VN 3 Gran. 25 25ZnO RS 5 5Stearic acid 2 2Vulkanox HS 2 2V 480 -- 3Vulkacit MOZ 2.4 --Vulkacit Thiuram 1.6 --Sulfur 0.3 0.3Tensile Strength 15.1 15.6Modulus 100% (MPa) 8.4 11.0Further Tear Propagation 8 8DIN 53 507 (N/mm)Shore A Hardness 82 89DIN 53 505 23° C.______________________________________ Example 16 V 480 Cross-Linking Of Epoxidized Natural Rubber Using Carbon Black Files ______________________________________ 1 2______________________________________ENR 100 100CORAX N 220 50 50ZnO RS 5 5Stearic acid 2 2Vulkanox HS 2 2V 480 -- 4Vulkacit MOZ 2.4 --Vulkacit Thiuram 1.6 --Sulfur 0.3 0.3Tensile Strength DIN 18.7 27.053 504 Ring 1 (MPa)Modulus 300% (MPa) 18.0 19.0Resistance to further 12 12propagation DIN 53 507(N/mm)Shore A Hardness 75 80DIN 53 505 23° C.______________________________________ The entire disclosure of German priority application is hereby incorporated by reference.
The invention is directed to bis-(2-ethylamino-4-diethylamino-s-triazine-6-yl)-tetrasulfide and a process for its production from the corresponding mercaptotriazine. The compound of the invention is employed in vulcanizable mixtures as a cross-linker or as vulcanization accelerator.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to electromotive motor structures and more particularly to improvements therein. Piezoelectric motors or actuators of the type wherein PZ discs or PZ tubes interact with steel rods or tubes for the purpose of converting electrical signals into linear motion have a number of practical disadvantages. The fit of a disc with a tube or cylinder is subject to very close machining tolerances. The effect of differential thermal expansion and temperature differentials between the cylinder and the PZ material with which it interacts limit the ambient temperatures over which the unit may be operated to a narrow range. The PZ material will scrub heavily against the outer housing and thus will rapidly deteriorate. Electromechanical actuators employing magnetic elements in the form of solenoids are unable to respond to proportionate signals and are either "full travel" or zero travel devices. If their programmed displacement is resisted, current in the coil windings increases and there is a danger of overheating with consequent coil failures. Electromechanical actuators of the magnetic "torque motor" pattern can respond proportionately but their force capability is greatly limited and their displacement is heavily influenced by applied load. Electrorestrictive actuators can respond to proportionate signals and develop high force, but their displacement is very small and may be coupled only with the greatest difficulty and close tolerance machining. PZ actuators have high force capability, proportional displacements, rapid response and high stiffness (insensitivity to applied load) but their small displacement usually demands some form of mechanical or hydraulic motion amplifier. OBJECTS AND SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of this invention is to provide an electromotive actuator which avoids the requirement of very close machining tolerances and the mechanical scrubbing problems previously indicated. Yet another object of the invention is to provide an electromotive actuator including an improved mechanical motion amplifier. Another object of the invention is to provide a precise high torque rotary actuator. Still another object of this invention is to provide a novel and simple electromotive actuator. The foregoing and other objects of this invention may be achieved by providing a central electroexpansive body which can be piezoelectric, magneto strictive, electrostrictive or even magnetically actuated. This body has a cup attached to each end with the sides slotted to provide a plurality of fingers. The material of the cups is a resilient metal. For example, when a disc of PZ material is subjected to an axial electric field applied by connecting a potential source across its two flat faces, it expands in the direction of field application and contracts along planes normal to the axis. The amount of radial contraction is determined by the product of the electric field and the d 31 coefficient as described in, for example, W. P. Mason "Piezoelectric Crystals and their Application to Ultrasonics." A disc of an electromotive material, such as PZ, is fitted inside each cup, which is dimensioned so that when the disc is excited by a proper electric field, it can fit within the cup without difficulty. When the field is removed, the disc expands radially and thus the fingers in each cup are expanded outwardly. The discs in each cup are excited and the assembly is then fitted inside of a cylinder. A rod is attached to at least one end of the assembly and extends axially outwardly from the cylinder. When the exciting fields are removed from the discs, the fingers of the two cups expand outwardly and firmly grasp the walls of the cylinder and hold the assembly in place. The fingers of the respective cups constitute motion amplifiers. The assembly can be moved by first exciting one of the discs whereby the associated fingers move away from the walls of the cylinder. The central body is then excited thereby expanding axially to move the cup with the excited disc therewith. At that time the excitation is removed from the excited disc whereby its fingers will engage the cylinder walls. The disc in the cup at the other end of the central body is then excited, followed by removal of excitation from the central body. The central body then contracts moving the cup with the excited disc therewith. The excitation is then removed from the excited disc. In this manner the assembly, including the rod extending externally from the cylinder can be made to move from one end of the cylinder to the other. In a practical embodiment of the invention, the rod may be tapered and by its position within an orifice, as determined by controlling the assembly, it can control the amount of fluid which passes through that orifice such as fuel being supplied to an engine. If it is desired to hold the assembly stationary and move the cylinder, then all that is required is that the rod be held stationary. Then, to move the cylinder in a direction away from the clamped side of the assembly, the disc in the cup at the end of the assembly closest to the clamped side is excited, followed by an excitation of the central body. This moves the cylinder. The excited disc then has the excitation removed whereby it clamps the cylinder wall. The other disc is then excited followed by removal of the excitation of the central body, followed by removal of the excitation of the other disc. The system is then ready for a new cycle. To move in the opposite direction, the sequence is reversed. To obtain angular movement with high torque the cups and associated discs have their position maintained but four stacks of discs are provided with their axes at right angles to the cylinder axis. The four stacks are arranged in a square and are held between extensions from the cups in a manner so that when a diagonally opposite pair of the stacks is excited with one polarity voltage and the diagonally opposite pair is excited with an opposite polarity voltage a twisting motion occurs which turns whichever one of the cups has its fingers released at that time. Excitation of the excited disc is removed. The other disc is excited. The excitation to the stacks of discs is then removed, followed by removal of excitation from the other disc whereby the assembly is held at its new angle. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of an actuator in accordance with this invention. FIG. 2 is a block schematic drawing exemplifying an electrical circuit which can be used to actuate the embodiment of the invention shown in FIG. 1. FIG. 2A is a block schematic drawing of an alternative circuit for actuating the embodiment of the invention. FIG. 3 is a fragmentary view illustrating another embodiment of the invention. FIG. 4 is illustrative of an actual application of an embodiment of the invention. FIG. 5 is a cross sectional view of an embodiment of the invention which produces torque or a turning action. FIG. 6 is a view along the lines 6--6 in FIG. 5. FIG. 7 is a schematic drawing of circuits supplemental to the circuits shown in FIG. 2 for driving the invention shown in FIG. 6. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring now to FIG. 1, there may be seen a cross sectional view of one embodiment of the invention. This comprises a central body 10 which, by way of example but not by way of a limitation on the invention is a stack of PZ discs. A metal cup respectively 12, 14 is attached to each end of the PZ stack. The sides of each cup are cut or slotted to provide metal fingers which for cup 12 bear reference numeral 16 and for cup 14 bear reference numeral 18. The stack of electroexpansive discs 10 is maintained in compression by tension wires or rods, represented by the dotted lines, respectively 20, 22, which also hold the two cups tightly clamped against the stack. An exciting voltage is applied to the stackin well known manner, by wiring 11. The cups are made of a resilient metal having a low thermal expansion such as "Invar." Inserted into each cup is a disc, respectively 24, 25. These discs by way of example, and not to serve as a limitation on the invention may be PZ material. It is known that the PZ discs may have an electric field applied thereacross as by leads respectively 23, 25, which causes axially expansion and radial contraction. The disc sizes are selected so that when an electric field is applied thereacross, they can fit inside of the cups and when the field is removed, they expand radially and cause the fingers of the cups to spring outwardly. Accordingly, the discs 24, 25 are excited and placed within the respective cups, 12, 14. The term `excitation` and `excited,` as used in this specification, refers to the application of the constant or modulated direct current electric field across the PZ discs that causes their controlled expansion and contraction in accordance with the magnitude of that field. To achieve motion amplification, the outer periphery of each cup has a larger diameter at the tips of the fingers which is ground to make even contact with the bore of the cylinder. At the base of each finger a circumferential groove 27, 29 is cut in the cup to provide, in effect, a mechanical hinge. The electroexpanisve disc is positioned axially inside the cup, such that its radial displacement is amplified at the tips of the fingers, the mechanical hinge acting as a fulcrum. A rod 32, is attached to one end of the assembly. The discs 24, 26 are excited to enable the radial cup fingers to retract and the assembly is then inserted within a cylinder 34. The inner diameter of the cylinder is selected so that when excitation is removed, from the respective discs 24, 26 the cup fingers extend outwardly and tightly engage the inner walls of the cylinder. A plug 36, having an opening to enable the rod 32 to extend therethrough may close one end of the cylinder. A cover 38 may be used to close the other end of the cylinder. The wire leads for applying excitation may be brought outside of the cylinder through suitable openings or the electronic circuits 39 required for sequencing and exciting the discs and stack may be enclosed at one end of the leads connected thereto. In order to cause the assembly to move in either direction within the cylinder, the three elements of the actuator are operated sequentially by a circuit arrangement such as is shown in FIG. 2. To make the assembly move in the direction of the rod 32, for example, excitation is applied to the disc 26, which causes the radial cup fingers to retract inwardly away from the cylinder wall. Grooves 27, 29 in the outer periphery of the cups 12, 14, reduce the bending stiffness of the fingers and act as a mechanical hinge. As a result, a mechanical amplification occurs to increase the radial displacement of the finger diameter by a factor determined by the length of the cup fingers. After disc 26 has been excited, the stack 10 is excited causing it to expand axially. This moves the cup 14 and the rod 32 to the right. Thereafter, excitation is removed from the disc 26 whereupon the radial fingers 18 spring outwardly and engage the inner wall of the cylinder 34. Thereafter, disc 24 is excited causing the radial fingers 16 to spring inwardly away from the inner wall of the cylinder. This is followed by a removal of the excitation from the stack 10 whereupon the stack contracts moving the left end of the assembly towards the right. This is followed by the removal of excitation from the disc 24, enabling it to expand and cause the radial fingers 16 to engage the inner wall of the cylinder. To cause opposite motion of the assembly and rod, the procedure described is reversed. A schematic of a digital electrical circuit which may be used to sequence the system to provide motion either to the left or the right is shown in FIG. 2. A control signal source 40 can enable either one of two gates respectively 42, 44, to pass signals from a pulse source 45, through gate 42 to a cyclic counter 46, or through gate 44 to a cyclic counter 48. When gate 42 is enabled, the cyclic counter 46 can control three flip flops, respectively 50, 52, 54 to sequence the respective discs 26, 24 and the stack 10 to move the assembly to the right, or in the direction of the rod. When the gate 44 is enabled, the counter 48, can sequence the respective flip flops 50, 52 and 54, to sequence the two discs and the stack so that the assembly will move to the left. In operation, assume that the control signal source 40 enables gate 42 to apply pulses to counter 46. In response to the first pulse, the counter will move from its 0 state to its one count state, which sets flip flop 50. When in its set state, the output of flip flop 50 can enable a field to be applied to the disc 26. This causes the disc to contract radially whereupon the fingers of the cup 14 spring inwardly. The second count of the counter sets the flip flop 52, whereby a field is applied in response to the output of flip flop 52 to the stack 10. The stack expands in an axial direction. The next or third count of counter 46 resets flip flop 50 whereupon the field is removed from the disc 26 and the radial fingers spring out outwardly engaging the inner wall of the cylinder 34. The fourth count of the counter 46 sets the flip flop 54, in response to which the disc 24 contracts radially enabling the cup fingers to spring inwardly. The fifth count of the counter 46 resets flip flop 52 whereupon the excitation field is removed from the stack 10 causing it to contract and move the cup 12 therewith. The sixth count of the counter resets the flip flop 54, removing the excitation from the disc 24, whereupon the cup fingers are caused to bend radially outward and engage the inner wall of the cylinder. The next count of the counter sets it on the 0 count. When gate 44 is enabled, the first count of the counter sets flip flop 54. The second count of the counter sets flip flop 52. The third count of the counter resets flip flop 54. The fourth count of the counter resets flip flop 52. And the sixth count of the counter resets flip flop 50. This causes the assembly to move to the left. If it is desired to move the cylinder which encloses the assembly and maintain the actuator assembly fixed, all that is required is to hold the assembly stationary and properly sequence the excitation of the two discs and the stack. FIG. 2A is a block schematic diagram of an alternative circuit for actuating the discs and the stack in the proper sequence to obtain motion in either direction. The sine wave output of a sine wave generator 51 is applied to a 90° phase shifter 53 and to a double pole double throw switch 55. The output of the 90° phase shifter 53 is applied through a switch 53' to a peak clipper pulse shaper 56 and to a second 90° phase shifter 57. The output of the second phase shifter is also connected to double pole double throw switch 55. The double pole double throw switch output is connected to two peak clipper and pulse shaper circuits respectively 58 and 69. The connections from the sine wave generator 51 and 90° phase shifter to the double pole double throw switch 55, and from the double pole double throw switch to the respective peak clippers 58 and 59 are made in known fashion so that, when operated to one closed position, the output of 90° phase shifter 56 is connected to peak clipper and pulse shifter 58, and the output of the sinewave generator 51 is applied to peak clipper and pulse shaper 59, and when operated to its other closed position peak clipper and pulse shaper 58 receives the output of sine wave generator 51 and peak clipper and pulse shaper 50 receives the output of the sinewave generator. Every time the double pole, double throw switch is operated to a closed position, it closes switch 53', otherwise switch 53' remains open. Peak clipping pulse shaper 56 has its output applied through suitable amplification means, not shown to the electromotive body 10; peak dipping and pulse shapers 58 and 59 respectively have their outputs applied through suitable amplification means not shown to respective discs 26 and 24. The circuit of peak clippers and pulse shapers 58 and 59 are arranged to and shape a little more than 90° of the tops of the sinewaves that they receive. The circuit of peak clipper and pulse shaper 56 is arranged to clip and shape a little more than 180° from the top of the sinewave it receives. Accordingly, when double pole double throw switch 55 connects sinewave generator output to peak clipper and pulse shaper 59 and 90° phase shifter 57 to peak clipper and pulse shaper 58, then, the following takes place. First, disc 24 is excited, followed approximately 90° later by excitation of the stack of discs 10. A little more than 90° later excitation is removed from disc 24. Before the stack of discs 10 have their excitation removed, and about 90° after they were excited, disc 26 is excited. After excitation, is removed form the stack of discs, it is removed from disc 10. Accordingly, the excitation sequence enables motion of the assembly in the direction of disc 26. By operating double pole double throw switch to its other position the assembly motion will be made in the direction of disc 24. From the foregoing it should be appreciated that the output of peak clipper and pulse shaper 56 and of flip flop 52 perform the same function. The outputs of peak clipper and pulse shapers 58 and 59 respectively perform the same functions as the respective outputs of flip flops 50 and 54. FIG. 3 shows the rod 32 being held stationary by a block 60. The remainder of the embodiment of the invention is exactly as is shown in FIG. 1, and therefore will not be repeated here. Thus, FIG. 3 is a fragmentary view of another embodiment of the invention. The circuit required for moving the cylinder 34, is the same circuit as is shown in FIG. 2, as will become clear from the following description. Assume that it is desired to move the cylinder to the left. Gate 42 is enabled. When counter 46 assumes its first count state, it sets flip flop 50 whereupon the disc 26 has excitation applied to it and the radial fingers of the cup 14 spring inwardly away from the cylinder walls. When counter 46 attains its second count, it sets flip flop 52 which applies an excitation to the stack 10 causing it to expand axially which, because the assembly is held stationary, moves the cylinder 34 to the left the same distance as the distance of the expansion as the stack 10. This third count of the counter 46 resets flip flop 50. The radial fingers of cup 14 now engage the cylinder walls. The fourth count of the counter sets flip flops 54 in response to which excitation is applied to the disc 24 whereupon the radial fingers of the cup 12 spring inwardly. A fifth count of the counter resets flip flop 52, in response to which the excitation field is removed from the stack 10 in response to which it contracts radially, carrying the cup 12 with it. Upon the sixth count, the flip flop 54 is reset removing the excitation from the disc 24 whereupon the radial fingers of the cup 12 are caused to expand outwardly, engaging the wall of the cylinder 44. To reverse the motion of the cylinder 34, gate 44 is enabled to pass pulses from the pulse source 46 to counter 88. The first count sets flip flop 54 in response to which disc 24 is excited and the radial fingers of cup 12 spring outwardly. The second count of counter 48 sets flip flop 52, in response to which stack 10 is excited, causing it to expand radially and carry the cup 12 with it. The third count of counter 48 resets the flip flop 54 whereupon excitation is removed from disc 24 and the radial fingers of the cup 12 engage the inner walls of the cylinder again. The fourth count of the counter sets flip flop 50, in response to which the disc 26 is excited and the radial fingers of cup 14 spring inwardly away from the cylinder wall. The fifth count of the counter reset flip flop 52, whereupon the stack 10 contracts radially. Since the stack position is fixed, when it contracts, it moves the cup 12 to the right along with it whereby moving the cylinder to the right. When counter 48 attains its sixth count, it resets flip flop 50 wherby the field is removed from the disc 26 and the fingers of the cup 14 are moved outwardly to engage the cylinder walls again. The above pattern of voltage application may be repeated at frequencies up to 1000 Hz. The result is a slewing of the inner assembly of the actuator that transmits a force through the rod 32. The rod force depends upon the force capability of the electroxpansive device 10 and the friction force applied by the cups 12 and 14 through their fingers 16 and 18 to the inner walls of the cylinder 34. The cups and the cylinder may be fabricated from a low thermal expansion material, such as Invar, to avoid differential expansion. From the description of FIG. 2A, it should be clear that that circuit provides the sequence of operation required for moving the cylinder as described above. FIG. 4 illustrates in cross section a practical embodiment of the invention used, for example, to control fuel flow. Components in FIG. 4 which are the same or similar to those shown in FIG. 1 are given the same reference numerals. The shaft 32 has its end gradually reduced to a point so that as the actuator moves to the right, as seen in the drawing, the shaft 32 will gradually reduce the size of the passageway 62 in the housing 64. Fuel, or a liquid, from a source, not shown, flows through opening 66 and opening 70 in the housing 64 to fill the cavity 58, in the housing, which connects to the passageway 62. The spring 72 assists in motion that opens passageway 63. Operation of the system should be clear from the explanation of FIGS. 1 and 2. The apparatus shown may be used as an idle fuel trimmer in an internal combustion engine. Reference is now made to FIGS. 5 and 6 which are respectively a cross sectional view and a view along lines 6--6 illustrating a "rotating" embodiment of the invention. Four stacks of discs, respectively 80, 81 and 82, 83 are clamped by bolts 81A, 81B between them, in side by side relationship between a fork extension 84, 85 attached to cup 90 and a blade extension 86 attached to cup 88. However, they are positioned with their axes at an angle to the axis of cylinder 96. The cup members have fingers respectively 92, 94 created by slotting the sides of the cup, have the external bottom notches, respectively 92, 95, and, as before, the cups are dimensioned to fit within the cylinder 96, when the respective discs 98, 100 within the respective cups have a voltage applied across them. A shaft 102 extends outwardly of the cylinder from the base of cup member 88. The sequence of excitation is generally as was previously described. First the disc in one cup is excited to enable release of the fingers of that cup, followed by excitation of the central disc stacks, followed by release of excitation of the disc in said one cup, followed by excitation of the disc in the second cup releasing its fingers, followed by release of excitation of the central disc stacks, followed by release of excitation of the disc in the second cup. Excitation of the one diagonally related pair of the central stacks, say stacks 80 to 83 causes an expansion of those stacks. Excitation of the other pair of stacks 81 and 82 may be effected with a negative voltage to cause contraction of a similar magnitude. Or a voltage of similar polarity may be applied to their stacks if they are initially "poled" in opposite sense to the other stacks. Since the outer ends of all stacks are effectively held motionless by the fork extension from the cup 90 whose fingers are still in holding contact with the inside wall of the cylinder, a twisting movement of the other blade extension 86 and therewith the associated cup 88 can occur. Upon removal of the excitation from the disc in this cup, its fingers engage the cylinder wall again, holding its new position. The disc in the other cup is excited, releasing its fingers from the wall. The excitation is them removed from the central stacks, the four stacks of disc return to their unexcited positions twisting the other released cup therewith. Excitation is removed from the other cup, and the electromotive assembly is now in the new position, rotated by an angle from the former position. If one side is always excited first, then the direction of rotation is determined by the voltage polarity applied to each of the two stack pairs. If one pair of stacks is always to be excited in the same polarity then the direction of rotation is determined by which of the discs is excited first. Connection is made to the discs by means of slip rings, not shown, which can be attached to and rotate with cup 90. The electronic logic and power supply 110 is carried on an extension from cup 90 and also rotates with it. By displacing the two pairs of stacks 80,81 and 82,83 axially from one another and reducing their distance from the cylinder axis, greater angular steps, but less torque is obtained. By holding one cup so it cannot rotate as described in connection with FIG. 3, the cylinder may be made to turn instead of the rod. If for example, rod 112, extending from cup 90, is fixed and the electronic logic and power supply are similarly fixed requiring no slip rings, then cylinder 96 can be made to rotate in one or the other direction by causing expansion of one or the other of the diagonally related pairs of stacks with contraction of the remaining diagonally related pairs. The same circuitry operated in the same manner as was described for FIGS. 2 and 2A may be used to drive the embodiment shown in FIG. 5 except with the modification shown in FIG. 7. There flip flops 50, 52 and 54 are shown, which are sequenced in the manner previously described for FIG. 2. The output of flip flop 50, when set, applies a field to disc 98. The output of flip flop 56, when set, applies a field to disc 100. The output of flip flop 54, when set, is applied to stacks 80 and 83 and to an inverter 108 which applies the inverted polarity voltage to stacks 81 and 82. In the case of FIG. 2A, the output of peak clipper and pulse shaper 56 would be used to drive the inverter 108 as well as stacks 80 and 83. There has accordingly been described hereinabove a novel and useful actuator which can provide precise and rapid linear motion or rotary motion.
An electromotive actuator comprises a hollow cylinder within which is an electroexpansive body having attached to each end a metal cup with slotted sides. Inside of each cup there is positioned an electroexpansive disc which, in the absence of excitation, causes the slotted sides, which are called fingers hereinafter, to bend outward, and in the presence of excitation enables them to return to their original position. In the absence of excitation the fingers clamp tightly against the inner surface of the cylinder and in the presence of excitation they spring inwardly and release that surface. By sequencing the excitation of the respective discs and the central body in one embodiment of the invention, the assembly can be made to move in either direction and thereby move an externally extending rod. In another embodiment of the invention, by properly sequencing the excitation of the discs and central body, high torque and fine angular resolution may be obtained.
REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is related to copending application "Method of Depositing a Silicon Oxide Dielectric Layer" by E. B. Priestley and P. J. Call, Ser. No. 793,641; copending application "Method of Depositing a Lubricant Layer on a Video Disc" by A. D. Grubb and G. F. Nichols, Ser. No. 793,643; copending application "A Video Disc Capacitive Recording Means with a Conductive Bilayer" by J. L. Vossen, Ser. No. 793,644; and copending application "A Video Disc with a Conductive Layer Having an Oxygen Content Gradient" to J. L. Vossen, Ser. No. 793,640, which applications were filed concurrently with this application on May 4, 1977 and are herein incorporated by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION An audio/video information system for recording and playing back audio/video information has been described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,842,194 and 3,842,217 to Clemens herein incorporated by reference. According to this system, audio/video information is recorded in the form of geometric variations in spiral grooves on the surface of the disc. Disc replicas are then made of an insulating material such as vinyl and are coated first with a conductive material and then with a dielectric film. A metallized stylus is utilized as a second electrode forming a capacitor with a video disc. The audio/video information is monitored by the stylus which notes changes in capacitance between the stylus and the video disc as the geometric variations in the form of depressions pass under the stylus. The groove density of video discs is generally from about 1,000 to about 10,000 grooves per inch (400-4000 grooves per centimeter). In U.S. Pat. No. 3,843,399 to Kaplan et al., a polymeric dielectric coating for the video disc is described wherein the polymeric dielectric coating is formed from styrene deposited in a glow discharge. While this dielectric coating is operative, it has been desired to have a dielectric coating with improved wear, age deterioration resistance, and adhesion to the conductive layer. In U.S. Pat. No. 3,982,066 to Nyman et al. and in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,984,907 and 4,004,080 to Vossen, Jr. et al., herein incorporated by reference, the adhesion of polymeric dielectric layers to a conductive layer is improved by utilizing copper in the conductive layer at the dielectric interface. The copper is either employed as a separate layer interposed between a nickel/chromium/iron alloy layer and the polymeric layer, or the copper is used to form a pseudo alloy with the nickel/chromium/iron alloy. While the copper improves adhesion, it is subject to corrosion which causes instability in the polymeric dielectric layer and aggravates the deterioration of the dielectric layer. It has thus been desired to improve the adhesion between a polymeric dielectric layer and a conductive metal layer which does not employ copper at the dielectric interface. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION This invention pertains to a capacitive recording means comprised of a disc having a spiral groove on a face thereof with audio/video information in the form of geometric variations in said groove. A thin conductive layer is deposited on the face of the disc followed by the deposition of a polymeric dielectric layer formed from styrene and nitrogen in a glow discharge. It has been found that when the formed polymeric layer contains from about 2 to about 12 atomic percent of nitrogen, the age deterioration resistance and wear characteristics of the video disc are greatly improved. Furthermore, the adhesion of the polymeric dielectric layer to metal conductive layers which do not contain copper at the dielectric interface is also improved. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of an apparatus for vacuum depositing in a continuous manner first a conductive layer, then a dielectric layer, and then a lubricant layer on a vinyl disc containing geometrically coated audio/video information. FIG. 2 is a graph of the atomic percent of the elements in a film of the invention as a function of sputter etch depth. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION A disc replica containing geometrically coated audio/video information is first prepared in a manner described in the Clemens' patents. Suitably the disc material is a vinyl such as polyvinyl chloride. Next, a conductive layer is deposited onto the vinyl discs. Suitably, the conductive layer is a bilayer comprised of a first thin copper layer and a second layer of a nickel/chromium/iron alloy wherein the iron content is less than 10% by weight. The atomic percent of oxygen and other elements as employed in the specification and Claims is defined as that measured by Auger electron spectroscopy. The absolute value of the oxygen and other elements α(0), is determined by the following calibration: a pure silver sample is sputter etched removing about 300 angstroms and the Auger peak to peak magnitude for the Ag doublet (351:354ev) is recorded. This value is taken to be Δ(Ag). The peak to peak magnitude for the 0 (510) Auger peak and the sample to be measured is taken to be Δ(0). The absolute 0 value is calculated according to the equation ##EQU1## The 1.03 factor for Ag is obtained from the Handbook of Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Palmberg et al. According to the present invention, a polymeric dielectric layer formed from styrene and nitrogen in a glow discharge is then deposited on the conductive layer wherein the deposited polymeric layer contains from about 2 to about 12 atomic percent of nitrogen and preferably from about 4 to about 6 atomic percent of nitrogen. Suitably, the dielectric layer is from about 50 to about 500 angstroms thick. It has been found that dielectric layers containing greater than 2 atomic percent nitrogen have marked improvement to age deterioration. For example, a video disc having a dielectric layer formed from styrene and containing less than 2 atomic percent nitrogen will deteriorate in about 6 months when stored in a cool dry atmosphere; and will deteriorate in about a week when stored in a hot humid environment. In contrast, a video disc having a dielectric layer containing about 5 atomic percent of nitrogen, will perform effectively after a year or more even when stored under hot humid conditions. The nitrogen in the dielectric layer is obtained by adding nitrogen to styrene monomer in the glow discharge. The manner of obtaining sufficient amounts of nitrogen in the glow discharge will depend on whether a batch or continuous process is employed. For example, when a batch process is employed for deposition, the chamber containing the discs is first evacuated to about 10 -6 torr. Before the glow is initiated, nitrogen is introduced to produce a partial pressure of about 3 to 30 microns and styrene monomer is introduced to produce a total pressure of about 5 to 60 microns with the partial pressure ratio of nitrogen to styrene at about 0.75:1 to about 4:1. When the glow is initiated it contains sufficient nitrogen to produce dielectric layers containing from about 2 to about 12 atomic percent nitrogen. The equilibrium pressure during glow discharge is from about 2 to 70 microns. When a continuous apparatus is used for depositing the dielectric layer, a glow discharge containing sufficient quantities of nitrogen can be obtained by controlling the introduction rate of the nitrogen and styrene and the pressure of the glow discharge. For example, when vinyl discs 30.5 cm in diameter are to be coated at the rate of 720 per hour, the nitrogen is first introduced at a rate to produce a pressure of about 4 microns. The glow discharge is then activated. While maintaining the nitrogen flow rate and glow discharge, the styrene monomer is introduced in sufficient quantities to increase the glow discharge pressure up to about 8 microns. The deposited dielectric layers will also contain from about 2 to about 12 atomic percent of nitrogen. After the dielectric layer has been deposited, a lubricant layer is deposited in accordance with the manner described in the above mentioned copending application to Grubb et al utilizing the methyl alkyl siloxane lubricants described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,833,408 to Matthies. Since the metal layers, dielectric layers and lubricant layers may be deposited under vacuum conditions in a continuous manner, a single apparatus may be employed for depositing all the layers which allows for rapid processing of the video disc. FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional top view which schematically illustrates a vacuum chamber 10 which is divided into three connecting evacuated chambers; a metal deposition chamber 11, a dielectric deposition chamber 12, and an oil lubricant deposition chamber 13. Vinyl disc replicas 14 containing geometrically coated audio/video visual information are first assembled onto racks 15 by a disc assembler 16. The disc replicas 14 are then transported into the vacuum chamber 10 via an inlet pressure lock 17. As the vinyl disc 14 proceed through the inlet pressure lock 17, the pressure is reduced by means of a pump 18 to about 10 to 50 microns. This approximately equalizes the pressure in the inlet pressure lock 17 with the evacuated chamber 10 which is maintained at about 3 to 12 microns during operation. The vinyl discs 14 are then transported into a loading area 19 where the vinyl discs 14 are taken from the racks 15 and loaded singly in a vertical position onto a continuously moving conveyor belt 20 which advances about 0.2 feet (6 cm) per second. The vacuum in the loading area 19 is maintained by a pump 21. The racks 15 are removed from the loading area 19 by way of an exit pressure lock 22 after pressure in the lock 22 has been equalized with atmospheric pressure. The video discs 14 which have been loaded onto the conveyor belt 20 ae conveyed into the metal deposition chamber 11 where metal layers are sputtered onto both sides of each vinyl disc 14. The deposited metal layers may consist of a bilayer of a copper layer and a nickel/chromium/iron alloy layer or a trilayer of a copper layer, a nickel/chromium/iron alloy layer and a copper layer. To deposit the bilayer, the vinyl discs 14 first pass between a pair of copper cathodes 23 which are about 4 inches (10 cm) × 14 inches (36 cm) in size and about 4 inches (10 cm) apart and then pass between a pair of nickel/chromium/iron alloy cathodes 24 which are about 14 inches (36 cm) × 29 inches (74 cm) in size and about 10 inches (25.4 cm) apart. To deposit a trilayer the vinyl discs further pass between a second pair of copper electrodes 25 which are similar to copper electrodes 23. In order to sputter the metal from the cathodes onto the vinyl discs 14, about 220 standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm) of argon gas is introduced through a valve 26 and a line 27. About 130 sccm of argon is introduced at the inlet of the chamber 11 and about 90 sccm of argon at the chamber exit. The pressure in the metal deposition chamber 11 is maintained at about 4 to about 8 microns. A glow discharge in the argon gas is created by supplying a current to the cathodes. Ions from the glow discharge (which are confined by means of magnetrons 28) strike the metal cathodes ejecting metal atoms. The metal atoms collect on the vinyl discs 14 forming metal layers. The copper layers are approximately 25 to 50 angstroms thick and the nickel/chromium/iron alloy layers are about 100 to 400 angstroms thick. In order to produce stable, stress-free films of nickel/chromium/iron alloy, oxygen is added through a valve 29 and a line 30 so as to produce a film containing about 5 to 20 atomic percent of oxygen in the alloy. When a conductive bilayer is employed the oxygen is introduced at a point where the vinyl discs 14 move towards the alloy cathodes 24, as shown in FIG. 1. Peak oxygen values of about 10 to 35 atomic percent will occur at the interface with the first copper layer and low oxygen values will occur at the interface with the polymeric dielectric layer. The low oxygen content at this interface has also been found to increase adhesion with the polymeric dielectric layer. The vinyl discs 14 are then conveyed through a 2 inch (5 cm) wide tunnel 31 formed from metal sheets 32 into the dielectric deposition chamber 12. A low pressure is maintained in the tunnel by means of a vacuum pump 33 which minimizes cross-contamination of the gases in the metal deposition chamber 11 with the gases of the dielectric deposition chamber 12. In accordance with the present invention a dielectric layer prepared from styrene and nitrogen is deposited in a glow discharge. The styrene, as a styrene monomer, is added through a valve 34 and a line 35. Nitrogen gas is supplied through a valve 36 and a line 37. A glow discharge is created by supplying an electrical current to pairs of screen electrodes 39 and the discharge is confined by magnets 38. From 1 to 3 pairs of electrodes may be employed, depending upon the desired rate of deposition and layer thickness. The glow discharge breaks up the styrene monomer which copolymerizes with the nitrogen at the surface of the disc 14. Radio frequency current of about 1 ampere is supplied to the electrodes at a power of about 470 to about 1800 watts. The current can be varied to regulate the thickness and the degree of cross-linking of the deposited film and to regulate the heat buildup of the disc, which should not exceed about 130° F (54° C). The density of the screen electrodes 39 (open area/total area) regulates the amount of energy available to the styrene monomer and nitrogen surrounding the vinyl disc 14. This also affects the deposition thickness of the dielectric layer. Suitable screen densities are from about 0 to about 30%. After the vinyl discs 14 are coated with the dielectric layer they are conveyed into the oil lubricant deposition chamber 13 through a second tunnel 40. The tunnel 40 is maintained at a low pressure by means of a vacuum pump 41 to prevent cross-contamination of the gases from the dielectric deposition chamber 12 with the gases of the lubricant deposition chamber 13. The lubricant oil to be deposited is added through a valve 42 and a line 43. The oil is vaporized in an oil vaporizer 44 by contacting the oil with a hot surface of about 250° C. As the oil vaporizes, it diffuses from the hot surface and is directed towards the discs 14 by means of a perforated vapor distributor 45. As the oil vapor contacts the discs 14, it condenses on the disc surfaces forming a thin uniform lubricant layer. The rate of oil vaporization, the geometry of the oil distributor 45, the pressure in the chamber 13 and the rate at which the disc 14 pass through the oil distributor 45 control the thickness of the lubricant oil layer. Suitable lubricant layer thicknesses are from about 90 to 400 angstroms and preferably about 180 to 230 angstroms. The discs 14, now coated with a metal layer, a dielectric layer, and a lubricant oil layer, are conveyed into a disc collection area 60 where they are removed from the chain conveyor 20 and assembled onto a rack 61. A vacuum in the disc collection area is maintained by means of a pump 62. The rack 61 and the vinyl discs 14 are then transported through an outlet pressure lock 63 which has been evacuated by means of pump 64. The discs 14 and the rack 61 are removed from the vacuum chamber 10 after the outlet pressure lock 63 is brought to atmospheric pressure. A disc assembler 65 removes the vinyl discs 14 from the racks 61 and the racks 61 are returned to the vacuum chamber 10 by way of an inlet pressure lock 66. The following Examples are presented to further describe the invention but it is not meant to limit the invention to the details described therein. EXAMPLE 1 In this Example vinyl disc replicas, each approximately 30.5 cm in diameter and containing geometrically coated audio/video information in a spiral groove (5,555 grooves per inch) were coated with conductive layers, dielectric layers, and lubricant layers utilizing an apparatus as described in FIG. 1. The vinyl discs were coated at a rate of 720 per hour. The deposited conductive layer was a bilayer consisting of a first copper layer about 50 angstroms thick and then an alloy layer of Inconel-600 (76.8% nickel, 13.8% chromium and 8.5% iron) about 200 angstroms thick. The metal deposition chamber was maintained at about 6 microns pressure, the copper cathodes were activated with 360 volts and 1.4 amperes of current and the magnetrons maintained a field of 330 gauss. The Inconel electrode was activated with 540 volts and 17.5 amperes of current. The deposited dielectric layer contained about 5 atomic percent of nitrogen and the layer was 225 angstroms thick. In the dielectric chamber the nitrogen was first introduced to obtain a pressure of 4.3 microns. The glow was then activated by supplying 3.25 kilowatts of radio frequency power balance about equally between two pairs of electrodes. The screen density was 30 percent. Next the styrene monomer was introduced to increase the pressure to about 6.5 microns. In the lubricant chamber a lubricant was added to the vaporizer at the rate of 6 ml/hr. The lubricant was a silicon compound having a viscosity of about 49.0 centistokes at 25° C and a specific gravity of 0.89 and having the formula ##STR1## wherein R is an alkyl group of about 4-20 carbon atoms and x is an integer. The vaporizer was maintained at a temperature of about 250° C, and the lubricant chamber was maintained at about 5 microns pressure. The deposited lubricant layer was 180 angstroms thick. The coated vinyl discs were stored at 90° F (32° C) and 50% relative humidity for 1 year and then repeatedly played back by contacting the rotating disc with the stylus as described in the Clemens' patents. After 100 playbacks the video disc continued to function properly producing audio/visual information. FIG. 2 is a graph of elements in the deposited layers of a vinyl disc prepared by this Example versus sputter etch depth as determined by Auger analysis and based on the sputtering rate of tantalum pentoxide. EXAMPLE 2 In this Example a vinyl disc 30.5 cm in diameter and coated with a copper-Inconel bilayer as in Example 1 was coated with a nitrogen-containing dielectric layer in a 46 cm by 76 cm bell jar. The bell jar was evacuated to a pressure of 10 -6 torr and then nitrogen was introduced to a partial pressure of 20 microns and styrene monomer added to a partial pressure of 28 microns. The dielectric layer was deposited by rotating the disc at a rate of 30 rpm between two 8 cm × 8 cm electrodes which covered a strip 5.5 cm wide on the disc. To create a glow, current was supplied to the electrodes at 300 milliamps and 10 kilohertz and with about 1000 volts. The deposition time was about 1.5 minutes. The dielectric layer was about 250 angstroms thick and contained about 7 atomic percent of nitrogen. A lubricant layer was then applied to the disc. After storage at 32° C and 50% relative humidity for 1 year, the disc continued to perform effectively after 100 playbacks. CONTROL This Example is presented as a control. The procedure of Example 2 was substantially repeated except that in the bell jar the initial partial pressure of nitrogen was 10 microns and the initial partial pressure of styrene monomer was about 14 microns. The deposition time was about 1 minute. The dielectric layer was found to contain about 1.5 atomic percent of nitrogen. It was found that the disc was worn after about 100 playbacks when stored for only about 3 weeks at 32° C and 50% relative humidity.
This invention relates to a video disc with a thin polymeric dielectric layer formed from styrene and nitrogen. The dielectric layer has improved age deterioration resistance, wear characteristics and adhesion to a metal conductive layer.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is the National Stage of PCT/RU2010/000177 filed on Apr. 16, 2010, which claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 of Russian Application No. 2009115817 filed on Apr. 28, 2009, the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference. The international application under PCT article 21(2) was not published in English. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The invention relates to the field of oil recovery and, more specifically, to the recovery of oil using elastic vibration energy and with rather high efficiency can be applied for recovering of oil from depths of over 2000 meters. 2. Description of the Related Art The device for pulse impact on oil formation (pool) with a downhole apparatus is known with working idea based on ‘electro-hydraulic effect’ allowing to increase productivity of oil pool treatment. In this device downhole apparatus is designed as empty cylindrical body and contains a charger, a unit of energy storage capacitors, a discharge unit with two electrodes and a trigger. The major disadvantages of this device are: big size of a downhole apparatus (roughly diameter is 250 mm, length—3500 mm) and low energy (not more than 100-300 J) of single discharge of energy storage capacities. The use of a downhole apparatus with such energy of discharge does not allow to work with depths of over 1500-2000 meters, while vast majority of wells e.g. in Western Siberia of Russian Federation and in Canada have oil formations (pools) on depths of 2500-2700 meters and more and its size makes difficult to work in pipe casing with reduced diameter with varying configuration of sections of pool and limits its move to other wells. The second (and most important) disadvantage of this device is caused by ‘negative constructive features’ of a unit of energy storage capacitors. Normally for increase of discharge energy, capacity energy is increased as discharge energy is equal to half of multiplication of capacity and squared voltage applied. However this leads to considerable size increase of downhole apparatus and makes more difficult use of it. ‘Negative constructive features’ of the unit of energy storage capacitors of the known device are that capacities both when charging and discharging have parallel electrical connection. Accordingly this approach does not allow to have discharging voltage more than 20 kW (limited by cable working capacity and safety requirements) and does not allow to obtain energy of discharge more than 1 kJ, which is however required (see Paschen curve in the analogue in FIG. 1 ) for efficient work on considerable depths. There is no direct note for such (parallel) connection of charging capacities in the description of known invention but available information (see ‘Electro-physical and electro-chemical treatment of materials’ chapter 13 ‘Electro-hydraulic treatment’ pp. 265-270, FIGS. 1 , 2 and 3 ) let us claim that authors of this invention used exactly this well-known and commonly used method for electrical connection of charging capacitors. Besides, use in this device of electro-hydraulic effect causing elastic vibrations of only low frequency in fluent fraction of oil pool providing treatment of reservoir zone but does not allow to treat with vibration well bottom zone (as high frequency vibration is required), which could increase productivity of treated oil pool. Given disadvantage should be also associated with the method for oil recovery with use of this devise. It is also known the method of oil recovery using energy of high frequency vibration generated by source of acoustic vibrations [2]. The use of elastic vibrations of high frequency does not prevent from placing of downhole apparatus on depth of 2700 meters but does not allow impacting on critical area of the well (as low frequency vibration is required), that could increase to greater extent productivity of treated oil pool. This is the major disadvantage of described method of oil recovery and accordingly of the device used for it. Apart from this, it is know the method for oil discovery using energy of elastic vibration of two frequencies in the range of 10-60 kHz including placing in a well on the working depth of downhole apparatus, initiation of elastic vibrations of various frequencies followed by mainly multiple impact with elastic vibrations of various frequencies on oil pool. This method is realized with use of the device in which downhole apparatus is connected to aboveground power supply and contains one ultrasonic emitting piezoelectric transmitter having rather narrow gain-frequency characteristic and providing generation of elastic vibrations of high frequency on its resonance frequency. However this assembly (device) and, accordingly, based on its use the method for oil recovery with impact of elastic vibration on oil pool, which in its technical essence is closet to the invention and is used as the prototype, have a range of major disadvantages. First, non-linearity of porous environment containing fluid may be not sufficient for conversion of pulse emission of piezoelectric transmitter pulsation of low frequency. Besides, as maximum amplitude of high-frequency vibrations remains the same and in case of pulsation is 103 times less than high frequency, intensity of emission of low-frequency will be 106 times less than the one of high frequency, which is obviously not enough for having any impact on pool. So, the use of one piezoelectric transmitter in different options of its stimulation does not allow to obtain elastic vibration of low frequency. Therefore, the known method and the known device with use of piezoelectric transmitter (authors of the known invention mention only piezoelectric transmitter) do not provide treatment of required area of a well. Second, proposed by the authors of known invention impact by elastic vibrations of low frequency in the range of 10-15 kHz and impact by elastic vibration of high frequency in the range above 44 kHz are not optimal for treatment of oil pool. Third, the known device does not provide and the known method does not take into consideration simultaneous impact with elastic vibration of high and low frequency, which in some cases may be very helpful. Due to disadvantages listed above, the known method and device can be described as ones having low technical capabilities, which dramatically reduce efficiency of treatment of oil pool and do not allow increasing its productivity to required level. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The task that should be solved with this invention is development of such a device and such a method of its use, which (with minimum possible size of downhole apparatus) allow to process oil recovery on depths below 2000 meters and efficiently impact on treated pool e.g. treating in its well bottom zone and reservoir zone with boundaries in 1.5-2 and 150-200 meters from the well accordingly. The solution in the invention has been achieved due to technical results which in process of oil recovery allow capability of treatment of oil pool with elastic vibrations of high and low frequency, provide in a discharge unit of downhole apparatus discharge voltage above 20 kV and discharge pulse with energy above 1 kJ. The given task in the method of oil recovery with use of energy of elastic vibrations, including placing in a well on working depth of downhole apparatus, which is connected to aboveground power supply unit of industrial frequency and contains an ultrasonic transducer ( 14 ) that provides for the generation of high frequency elastic vibrations, exciting elastic vibrations of different frequencies and then repeatedly applying the elastic vibrations to the oil pool, IS ACHIEVED due to applying the elastic vibrations to the oil pool, is provided with high and/or low frequency vibrations and for production of elastic vibrations of high and low frequency with two independent sources of vibrations are used, one of which is designed as at least one emitting ultrasonic (as a rule—magnetostrictive) transducer and the second is based on electro pulse device, which provides elastic vibration of low frequency, is connected to an aboveground power supply of industrial frequency and comprises the following electrically interconnected components: a charger, a unit of energy storage capacitors ( 17 ), a discharge unit with electrodes, and two switching means, one of them provides grouping of separate energy storage capacitors in a single unit, while the second one carries out switching of capacitors from one method of their electrical connection to another, at the same time impact of high frequency elastic vibration is provided in low frequency ultrasonic range, mainly, on frequency of 18-44 kHz and applied in permanent or pulse regime with intensity in the range of 1-5 Wt/sm2, and impact of elastic vibrations of low frequency is provided with discharging pulses frequency equal to 0,2-0,01 Hz and the energy of single discharging pulse of 100-800 J, note that source of electric power applies to a charger constant voltage, in the range of 300-150 V, before charging capacitors they are grouped in one unit, charging is conducted mainly for parallel connection of capacitors and normally is carried out during 20 sec. up to required voltage, with the maximum one equal to 20-27 kV, and before discharging of the unit of energy storage capacitors, providing supply of output voltage on electrodes of discharging unit, all charging capacitors or part of them are switched to consequent electrical connection, at the same time impact of elastic vibration of low and high frequency is applied in turn or simultaneously, mainly, in fixed position of downhole apparatus, and is continued with permanent and/or changing electrical and acoustical characteristics of aboveground and/or in-well equipment and technological parameters of oil recovery process and, mainly, in course of permanent and/or periodical pumping out of oil from the well. This is also helped with the following: grouping of separate charging capacitors in the single unit and triggering of charging capacitors from one way of electrical connection to another is done mainly automatically; magnitude of voltage applied to charging unit during process of charging of capacitors is set permanent and/or changing; magnitude of voltage is changed smoothly or sharply; magnitude of voltage is changed mainly to increase magnitude; magnitude of voltage is changed at least once; unit of charging capacitors consists of at least two capacitors; unit of charging capacitors consists mainly of even number of capacitors; unit of charging capacitors consists mainly of capacitors with electrical capacity of 0.5-3 microfarad and voltage of 20-30 kV; unit of charging capacitors consists mainly of capacitors with the same and/or different technical characteristics grouping of the unit of charging capacitors at relevant stages is kept unchanged or is changed; during charging of the unit of capacitors each capacitor is charged up to working voltage or at least up to 35%-50% of its magnitude during charging of the unit of capacitors each capacitor is charged to the same and/or different working voltage during charging of the unit of capacitors they are charged simultaneously or consequently; in case of consequent charging capacitors are charged with time intervals or without them; in case of charging with time intervals charging is done with the same or/and with different intervals; interval duration is set in the range from 5 sec. to 10 min; in course of discharge of capacitors they are discharged simultaneously and/or consequently; in course of simultaneous discharge of capacitors all of them or only part of them are discharged; in course of simultaneous discharge of part of capacitors at least two of them are discharged; in course of consequent discharge of capacitors discharge is carried out with or without time intervals; in course of discharge with time intervals discharge is carried out with the same and/or different time intervals; duration of time interval is set in the range of 5-20 seconds; in case of regime of pulse impact with elastic high frequency vibrations the duration of impact makes 0.1-0.5 seconds with pauses from 0.5 to 5 seconds. The given task in the device realizing the method on point 1 including aboveground power supply of industrial frequency and, downhole apparatus having control unit, which is connected with electrical cable to aboveground power supply, is done in the format of empty cylindrical body, separated by partitions on hermetic sectors and contains the source of elastic high frequency vibrations, designed as emitting ultrasonic transducer, IS ACHIEVED due to the fact, that it is additionally provided with source of low frequency elastic vibrations, which is developed, mainly, on the basis of electro pulse device, connected to aboveground power supply of industrial frequency and placed in downhole apparatus, note that the source of high frequency elastic vibrations is designed as at least one ultrasonic, mainly, magnetostrictive transducer, and electro pulse device includes electrically connected charger, a unit of energy storage capacitors, a discharge unit with electrodes and two switching means, one of which at relevant stage of Work of downhole apparatus provides grouping of separate charging capacitors in one single unit, and the second provides in the unit of energy store capacitors switching of capacitors from their parallel connection to consequent connection and vise versa from consequent connection to parallel one, note that switching means are designed, mainly, as one single device, which is placed in the same frame with the unit of energy storage capacitors, and sections of downhole apparatus, in which the unit of energy store capacitors and source of high frequency elastic vibrations are situated, are filled with electro-insulating material. This is also favored due to: the module of downhole apparatus is filled mainly with electro-insulating material; the module of downhole apparatus is filled with electro-insulating material in such a way that if downhole apparatus is situated vertically all parts in this section are dipped in electro-insulating material but in the module of the unit of energy storage capacitors there is some air cushion; the volume of air cushion in the section is not less than 15% of volume of electro-insulating material; the sections of downhole apparatus in which the unit of energy storage capacitors and source of high frequency elastic vibrations are situated, are filled with, mainly, the same electro-insulating material; electro-insulating material is made of, mainly, heat-resistant organic-silicon fluid. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS the proposed invention is explained with charts where the following parts are presented: in FIG. 1 —slit of downhole apparatus; in FIG. 2 —profile of the treated well in FIG. 3 —slit of downhole apparatus at stage of grouping of the unit of energy storage capacitors from complete set of capacitors in FIG. 4 —slit of downhole apparatus at stage of grouping of the unit of energy storage capacitors from non-complete set of capacitors in FIGS. 5 and 6 —slit of downhole apparatus at stage of discharge of the unit of energy storage capacitors with different options of its grouping; in FIG. 7 —one of possible options for method realization. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The device for oil recovery with use of energy of elastic vibrations of high and low frequency includes (see FIG. 1-3 ) two aboveground power supply units with control unit 1 and downhole apparatus 4 connected with cable 5 to power supply units 2 and 3 , designed as empty cylindrical body 6 and separated by partitions 7 , 8 and 9 into hermetical modules 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 . Downhole apparatus 4 consists of source of high frequency elastic vibrations, which is connected to the power supply unit 2 and developed on the basis of magnetostrictive transducer, e.g. the one of circular type 14 and the source of low frequency elastic vibrations, developed on the basis of electro-pulse device. This electro-pulse device includes electrically connected in series charger 15 , unit 16 of capacitors 17 and discharge unit with electrodes 18 , 19 and the trigger 20 , which may be designed e.g. as gas-filled discharger. Unit 16 of capacitors is provided with two switching means 21 , 22 , which are connected to control unit 1 , interconnected to power supply unit 3 and work automatically. First of them (equipped with switches 34 ) at relevant stages of work of downhole apparatus 4 provides (see FIGS. 3 and 4 ) grouping of separated capacitors 17 in a single unit 16 . The second switching mean 22 (equipped with switches 33 and 35 ) at relevant stages of work of downhole apparatus 4 (together with switches 34 of first switching mean) provides in unit 16 of capacitors switching of separate capacitors 17 from parallel electrical connection ( FIGS. 3 and 4 ) to series connection and vise versa. The switching mean 22 is designed, mainly, on basis of gas-filled dischargers 23 , which together with switches 35 connect in series all energy storage capacitors 17 . Modules 11 and 12 of downhole apparatus 4 , containing magnetostrictive transducer 14 , unit 16 of capacitors 17 and switching means 21 and 22 are filled with insulating material 24 , which is heat-resistant organosilicon fluid e.g. ‘Penta—TPMS-110’. These modules are filled with insulating fluent in the way that the module of downhole apparatus is filled with electro-isolating material in such a way that if downhole apparatus 4 is situated vertically all parts in this module are dipped into insulating material. At the same time in the module 12 there is some air cushion (shown but not noted in FIG. 1 ), which volume is not less than 15% from volume of insulating fluid. Such insulating material and the option for filling of module 12 provide most favorable conditions for the work of parts mentioned above. Module 13 , containing electrodes 18 and 19 interconnected accordingly with output of the unit 16 of the capacitors 17 and with the body 6 of downhole apparatus 4 is designed with four transparent windows 25 providing access in the apparatus of oil-saturated fluid 26 (liquid treated media), which fills the well 27 , which is provided with oil-well tubing 29 and oil pump with plunger 30 , which is connected to pumping jack 31 with flexible element (not noted) and oil bars 32 . Below there are specific examples: production of low frequency elastic vibrations, production of high frequency elastic vibrations and realization of proposed method not excluding other ways of their execution in the claim of invention. The laboratory research, allowed to determine workability of the proposed device of oil recovery and investigate claimed limitations for proposed method for oil recovering, was conducted with downhole apparatus (diameter 102 mm, length 3200 mm), which has been developed with the use of specifically produced energy storage capacitors (capacity 0.4-3 microfarad, working voltage from 10 to 20-30 kV) and circular magnetostrictive transducer (resonance frequency 24 kHz, intensity of emission 5 Wt/sm2), produced from the fusion 49K2F and having diameter of 84 mm and height of set of plates of 100 mm. The number of charging capacitors in the unit varied from two to six and part of capacitors before discharge were connected in groups of two capacitors. First (see FIG. 2 ), the downhole apparatus 4 e.g. using oil-well tubing 29 is pulled down in the well 27 filled with fluid 26 (if required, working fluent is poured in the well) and place it in the area of expected impact on an oil pool requiring relevant treatment e.g. on the depth of 2700 meters. Due to this, body of module 13 of the downhole apparatus 4 through the windows 25 is filled with fluid 26 . As a result electrodes 18 and 19 are completely deep into it. Production of Low Frequency Elastic Vibrations (Option 1 Depth 2700 m) Production of low frequency elastic vibrations is preceded with execution of the number of technological operations (regimes) interconnected (see FIGS. 3 and 5 ) with grouping of separated capacitors in one unit including charging the unit of capacitors, switching of capacitors from one type of electrical connection to another and followed by discharge of the unit of capacitors done e.g. automatically which is more rational than manual control (which however is also possible). Regime ‘Grouping of Charging Capacitors in One Unit’. On the command from control unit 1 aboveground power supply unit 3 is connected to industrial electrical power grid (voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz) and switching means 21 and 22 , gas-filled dischargers 23 and trigger 20 are connected (not shown in figures) with the point of power supply unit 3 , which supplies working voltage of 220 V. As a result, electrical switches 33 , 34 and 35 of switching means and make contacts (in FIG. 3-6 are in bold) of gas-filled dischargers 23 and the trigger 20 are switched in initial (open) position. On second command from control unit 1 (done simultaneously or consequently) on switching means 21 and 22 , electrical switches 33 , 34 and 35 connect six charging energy storage capacitors 17 included in the downhole apparatus 4 with electrical chain (attached to the body 6 of the downhole apparatus) of charger 15 providing (see FIG. 3 ) their parallel electrical connection and completing their grouping in one unit 16 . All six charging capacitors 17 have the same technical characteristics (capacity—1.7 microfarad, working voltage—12.5 kV). It should be noted that the unit of charging capacitors^ Is grouped from at least two capacitors Is grouped, mainly, from even number of capacitors Depending on number of capacitors included in the set of downhole apparatus and real working conditions of downhole apparatus, can be grouped from capacitors with the same and/or different technical characteristics, note that initial grouping of unit of charging capacitors at relevant stages of work of electro-pulse device can be easily changed automatically in different ways. Regime ‘Charging of Unit of Energy Storage Capacitors’. When energy storage capacitors are grouped in one unit 16 on according command from control unit 1 (see FIG. 3 ) charger 15 is connected to the point (switched on by the same command) of power supply unit 3 , which transforms industrial voltage of electrical network in DC voltage (the range 300-150 V) and by cable 5 is transmitted to charging unit 15 providing option of simultaneous charging to the same magnitude of all six charging capacitors 17 . As a result, DC voltage e.g. 250 V is applied to charging capacitors and their charging to required magnitude is carried out. For charging duration of 10 sec. all charging capacitors 17 are completely charged to their (12.5 kV) working voltage. It should be noted that in course of charging of the unit of charging capacitors: magnitude of voltage applied to charger can be changed and this can be done gradually or in jump towards its increase at least once; capacitor is charged not less than to 35-50% from the magnitude of its working value; capacitors can be charged to different extent capacitors can be charged in series (one by one), note that for series charging it can be done without time intervals or with intervals setting the same or different duration in the range of 5 sec.-10 min. optimal duration of charging makes 10-20 sec. Regime ‘Discharging of Unit of Energy Storage Capacitors’. When charging of unit 16 of charging capacitors 17 is completed in accordance with corresponding commands (see FIG. 4 ) from control unit 1 , communicated (simultaneously or consequently) to charger 15 and switching means 21 and 22 , charger 15 is switched out from power supply unit 3 and electrical switches 33 and 34 of switching means 21 and 22 switch capacitors 17 in their in series electrical connection. Then from control unit 1 to trigger 20 of discharging unit comes the command for electrical connection of unit 16 of charging capacitors with electrodes 18 and 19 , one of which ( 18 ) is connected to the trigger 20 and the other ( 19 ) is connected to body 6 of downhole apparatus 4 . As a result of such connection discharging of unit of charging capacitors 16 takes place providing supply of output voltage (breakdown voltage) to electrodes 18 and 19 of discharging unit. Magnitude of such breakdown voltage is proportional to number of charging capacitors and is equal to the sum voltages charged by each of them and for the parameters mentioned above makes 75 kV. When such output voltage from the unit of charging capacitors is supplied to electrodes 18 and 19 deep in oil-saturated fluid 26 , between electrodes the single electrical discharge takes place, which energy is 800 J and which, on mentioned depth, is sufficient for efficient impact on critical area of the pool in distance of 180-200 meters from downhole apparatus. It should be noted that during discharge of the unit of charging capacitors in case of simultaneous discharging one can discharge not all capacitors but only part of them (at least two) capacitors can be discharged one by one; in this case discharging may be carried out without time intervals or with such intervals setting for them the same or different duration in the range of 5-20 seconds. The discharge causes significant movements of the fluid following in development of cavity pockets, which then are closed. Single electrical discharge causes water hammer consisting of two water hammers: first one when fluid is pulled out and the cavity one occurring when pocket is closed. The more density of the fluid (more powerful pulse and the higher amplitude) is the higher pressure of electro-water hammer is. When hydraulic impact of first single electrical discharge on fluid 26 (filling module 13 and the well 27 ) and accordingly on receiver part of well, all equipment and devices (on corresponding command from control unit) is switched into initial condition (energy supply unit 3 is not disconnected from industrial network) and is ready again to consequent execution of such regimes of work as ‘Grouping of charging capacitors in one unit’ and ‘Discharging of the unit of charging capacitors’, Multiple execution of these regimes of work (possibly with other electrical parameters) leads to development in the fluid of second and so on single electrical discharges, normally with frequency of 0.2-0.01 Hz (for parameters mentioned above −0.03 Hz). In course of works on different depth other options for production of low frequency elastic vibrations listed below can be implemented. Production of low frequency elastic vibrations (Option #2. Depth is 2000 m) Regime ‘Grouping of Charging Capacitors in One Single Unit’. Unit of capacitors—totally 6. Used for work—−4 capacitors. The capacitors have the same technical characteristics. Electrical capacity—1.0 microF, Working voltage—25 kV. Regime ‘Charging of the Unit of Charging Capacitors’. Voltage—220 V. Magnitude of voltage is constant. Capacitors are charged up to working voltage. Capacitors are charged simultaneously. Duration of charging—10 seconds Regime ‘Discharging of the Unit of Charging Capacitors’. Before discharging, capacitors are grouped in two groups by two capacitors, Capacitors are discharged simultaneously. Breakdown voltage is 50 kV. Energy of discharge is 500 J. Impact on the critical area at distance of 140-160 meters. Frequency of discharges is 0.03 Hz. Production of low frequency elastic vibrations (Option #3. Depth is 1700 m) Regime ‘Grouping of Charging Capacitors in One Single Unit’. (see FIG. 4 ) Unit of capacitors—totally 6. Used for work—−3 capacitors. The capacitors have the same technical characteristics. Electrical capacity—1.0 microF. Working voltage—25 kV. Regime ‘Charging of the Unit of Charging Capacitors’. (see FIG. 4 ) Voltage—180 V. Capacitors are charged up to 56% of working voltage. Capacitors are charged simultaneously. Duration of charging—10 seconds Regime ‘Discharging of the Unit of Charging Capacitors’ (see FIG. 6 ). Before discharging, capacitors are not grouped. Capacitors are discharged simultaneously. Breakdown voltage is 40 kV. Energy of discharge is 300 J. Impact on the critical area at distance of 80-100 meters. Frequency of discharges is 0.03 Hz. Production of low frequency elastic vibrations (Option #4. Depth is 2200 m) Regime ‘Grouping of Charging Capacitors in One Single Unit’. Unit of capacitors—totally 6. Used for work—6 capacitors (A, B, C, D, E, F). The capacitors (A-F) have different technical characteristics. Electrical capacity: (A and B)—0.5 microF, (C and D)—1.0 microF, (E and F)—1.5 microF. Working voltage: (A and B)—14 kV; (C and D)—20 kV, (E and F)—22 kV. The capacitors are grouped in three groups: (A and B), (C and D), (E and F). Regime ‘Charging of the Unit of Charging Capacitors’. Voltage: (A and B)—170 V, (C and D)—180 V, (E and F)—190 V. Magnitude of voltage is changed in a jump. Capacitors are charged up to working voltage. Groups of capacitors are charged consequently (one by one): e.g. first (A and B) then (C and D) and then (E and F). Between charging of groups there are the same time intervals of 10 seconds. Duration of charging: (A and B)—10 seconds, (C and D)—15 seconds, (D and E)—20 seconds Regime ‘Discharging of the Unit of Charging Capacitors’. Groups of capacitors are discharged consequently (one by one): e.g. first (A and B) then (C and D) and then (E and F). Between discharging of groups there are the same time intervals of 20 and 10 seconds. For discharging of the group (A and B): breakdown voltage is 28 kV; energy of discharge is 100 J; impact on the critical area at distance of 40-50 meters. For discharging of the group (C and D): breakdown voltage is 40 kV; energy of discharge is 400 J; impact on the critical area at distance of 100-120 meters. For discharging of the group (E and F): breakdown voltage is 44 kV; energy of discharge is 700 J; impact on the critical area at distance of 160-180 meters. In general for options 1-4 treatment of critical area of the well with elastic vibrations of low frequency on noted depths with noted parameters may (see FIG. 7 ) be performed permanently during all overhaul life of the well or it can be performed as follows: cycle of impact with elastic vibrations during 5-10 min; cycle of technological break during 5-15 min; repeated cycle (2-5 times) of impact and break recovery of oil-saturated fluid from the well After completion of all works with production and use of elastic low frequency vibrations electro-pulse device is switched off from the power supply unit 3 , which is disconnected from industrial electrical network. Production of elastic high frequency vibrations of low frequency ultrasonic range. On first command from control unit 1 aboveground power supply unit 2 (see FIG. 2 and), which is ultrasonic generator e.g. PS 4-25 connected to industrial electrical network, on second command it starts transforming electrical energy of industrial frequency (50 Hz) in energy of AC voltage of ultrasonic frequency (working frequency of 23-26 kHz) and transmits it by cable 5 on toxoid energizing coil (shown but not noted in FIG. 1 ) of circular magnetostrictive transducer 14 . Under influence of magnetic field created by energizing coil transducer 14 starts radial vibrations with amplitude of 2-5 microns, which via insulating material 24 and walls of the body 6 of downhole apparatus 4 are transmitted to fluid 26 filling the well 27 and its critical area. Under influence of these vibrations of fluid filtration properties of critical area are improved and stabilized, which leads to increase of productivity of treated oil pool. Impact by elastic vibrations of high frequency is performed mainly on frequency 18-44 kHz and is continued in constant or pulse regime with intensity in the range of 1-5 Wt/sm2. It should be noted that depth of placement of transducer does not have negative impact on efficiency of production of high frequency vibrations and also it should be noted that in case of pulse impact by high frequency elastic vibrations duration of impact makes 0.1-0.5 seconds and duration of break makes 0.5-5 seconds. Generally treatment of critical area of the well with elastic vibrations of high frequency on the depths noted above with parameters noted above can be done e.g. as follows: initial intensity of vibrations—1.2 Wt/sm2; duration of treatment—5 minutes; technological break of 5 minutes increase (performed from control unit 1 ) of intensity of vibrations—2.5 Wt/sm2; duration of treatment—20 minutes technological break during 10 minutes three cycles of treatment with duration of 10 minutes per each with two technological breaks of 5 minutes each. After completion of all works with production and use of elastic high frequency vibrations of low frequency ultrasonic range magnetostrictive transducer is switched off from the power supply unit 2 , which is disconnected from industrial electrical network. It should be noted that maximum efficiency from realization of proposed method is achieved in case when oil-saturated fluid 28 is pumped out from treated well e.g. with oil pump 30 , pumping jack 31 , oil bars 32 and oil-well tubing 29 . Note that pumping out of the fluid can be started before impact on the pool by elastic vibrations. Comparative analysis of known and proposed technical solutions indicates significant advantages of the latter. First, it is capability to impact on oil pool with elastic vibrations of both high and low frequency and accordingly treatment of not only well bottom zone but also treatment of critical area of the pool. Second, it is the capability to work on depths of 1500-2700 meters and more with optimal regimes of treatment and opportunities for broad variations of electro-technical parameters of downhole apparatus with simultaneous impact on oil pool with elastic vibrations of both high and low frequency. Third, this is rather small size of downhole apparatus (in comparison with first analogue: diameter is 2.5 times less, length is 1.04 times shorter), which allows using of it in wells of any profile of inclines of sections of pool with quick movements from well to well. Sources of information take into consideration in course of development of the invention specification and claim: 1. RF patent #2 283 951 ‘Electro-hydraulic pulse device.’, 2006 2. RF patent #2 026 969, ‘The approach for acoustic impact on critical area of a pool’, 1995 3. RF patent #2 162 519 ‘The approach fro acoustic treatment of critical area of a well and device for its realization’, 2001
A method and assembly for recovering oil using elastic vibration energy involves placing a downhole apparatus in a well, which downhole apparatus is connected to aboveground power supply units and contains an ultrasonic transducer that provides for the generation of high frequency elastic vibrations, exciting elastic vibrations of different frequencies and then repeatedly applying the elastic vibrations to the oil formation, wherein both high and low frequency vibrations are applied to the formation. The low frequency vibrations are generated with the aid of an electric pulse device which is connected to an aboveground power supply and includes the following electrically interconnected components: a charger, a unit of energy storage capacitors, a discharge unit with electrodes, and two switching devices. The method and assembly make it possible to recover oil from depths of over 2000 meters and to act effectively on the formation being treated.
BACKGROUND OF INVENTION [0001] This invention is directed toward an apparatus for improving the performance of undercabinet and other similar streamlined profile puck lights by providing a longer lighting life, greater efficiency and improved heat dissipation. More particularly, the invention relates to improving undercabinet lighting by replacing the standard fluorescent or halogen lamp in puck lights with a light emitting diode (LED) light source. [0002] Conventional undercabinet lighting is often in the form of small, convenient and mobile “puck” lights. These puck lights are so called because they are often round and can be mounted and moved with a minimum of effort. These lights generally utilize fluorescent or incandescent lamps as a light source. Fluorescent and incandescent lamps typically require filaments and cathode tubes for operation. As such, they are fragile and have a relatively short operating life. Furthermore, filament lamps are not the most economical to operate. In addition, by producing light by heating a filament, incandescent lamps generate a great deal of heat. This heat build up limits the effectiveness of traditional undercabinet lighting due to safety considerations and the possibility of unintentionally and adversely heating items on countertops. This heat generation also makes traditional puck lights less versatile in that some places in which such a light would be desired cannot accommodate a large buildup of heat (e.g. closets, shelves, etc.). Moreover, traditional incandescent and fluorescent lights are quite inefficient. Incandescent lights converts a large amount of energy to heat rather than light and fluorescent lamps have a relatively high start up power consumption. Accordingly, new ways to provide more efficient lighting are desired. [0003] Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are solid state semi-conductor devices that convert electrical energy into light. LEDs are made from a combination of semi-conductors and generate light when current flows across the junctions of these materials. The color of the light produced by the LED is determined by the combination of materials used in its manufacture. LEDs have made significant advances in providing a higher performing light source since their inception. For example, red-emitting AlGaAs (aluminum gallium arsenide) LEDs have been developed with efficacies greater than 20 lumens per electrical watt, such devices being more energy efficient and longer lasting producers of red light than red-filtered incandescent bulbs. More recently, AlGaInP (aluminum gallium indium phosphide) and InGaN (indium gallium nitride) LED's have succeeded ALGaAs as the brightest available LEDs. As a result, LEDs have become cost effective replacements for standard incandescent light sources in various applications, such as automotive brake lights, roadway work zone safety lights and red stoplights. [0004] Nevertheless, while LEDs are more efficient than incandescent light bulbs at converting electrical power to light, there use in various applications has been limited by several factors. First, LEDs have traditionally only been able to emit low intensity light because they can only accommodate a relatively small current. For this reason, LEDs have conventionally only been used in passive illumination applications, in which light emitted from an LED enters an observer's eye directly in order to impart information about the LED (for example, as an on/off switch for an electrical circuit). Until very recently, it has been rare for LEDs to be used in active illumination systems, in which light emitted from the LED encounters an object and is reflected back to an observer, thus providing information to the observer about the object. This is because it requires a higher intensity light to provide active illumination than passive illumination due to the scattering and absorbing of the light by an illuminated object. [0005] Second, until very recently LEDs have only been available in a limited number of wavelengths and corresponding colors. LEDs generally only emit light over a relatively narrow spectrum of wavelengths. Traditionally, LEDs were only available in red, blue and blueish-green. This limited the applications in which LEDs could be used. Recently, however, a host of new colored LEDs have become available. These include yellow, green and, most importantly, white. [0006] As previously discussed, the current fluorescent and incandescent lamps used in undercabinet lighting have multiple components (increasing the cost to manufacture), are fragile, produce a great amount of heat and have a relatively short operating life. Furthermore, conventional undercabinet lighting is subject to failure upon power outages. Constructing undercabinet lighting with a battery powered LED as its light source or with a back-up battery power supply system would alleviate many of the foregoing problems. To date, no device exists which adequately utilizes an LED system in undercabinet lighting. Therefore, it would be advantageous to provide an LED light source for undercabinet lighting which replaces the traditional filament or fluorescent lamp with an LED light source and that overcomes the drawbacks traditionally associated with LEDs. SUMMARY OF INVENTION [0007] In a first aspect, an illumination system is provided that includes an LED module or housing and a mounting base. A plurality of LEDs is mounted on the module to serve as a light source and generates a light pattern. At least one optical assembly is operatively associated with the housing for focusing and dispersing the light pattern. The housing can be easily mounted and removed from the base unit to provide a flexible mounting architecture. [0008] In a second aspect, a method for forming a lighting assembly is provided. The method comprises the steps of providing a plurality of LEDs, mounting the LEDs on an LED module, providing an optical assembly, mounting the optical assembly on the LED module such that the optical assembly focuses and disperses light from the LEDs passing through the optical assembly, providing an electrical power source, and connecting the electrical power source to the LED module such that power is provided to the LEDs. [0009] In a third aspect, an illumination system is provided that includes an LED module or housing and a mounting base. A plurality of high intensity white LEDs are mounted on the module forming at least one array and serving as a light source and generating a light pattern. At least one optical assembly is operatively associated with the housing for focusing and dispersing the light pattern. A fixing apparatus is disposed on the surface of the LED module for attaching the module to a structure's surface. A battery system provides power to the LEDs. [0010] One advantage of the present invention is the provision of undercabinet lighting having a longer lighting life and increased reliability. [0011] Another advantage of the present invention resides in the reduced cost of manufacturing undercabinet lighting due to the decreased number of required components. [0012] Another advantage of the present invention is the provision of an undercabinet lighting assembly having a minimal cost of operation due to the inherently low power consumption of the device. [0013] Another advantage of the present invention is the provision of an undercabinet light assembly having a two-part construction allowing individual lights to be easily moved and repositioned. [0014] Another advantage of the present invention is provided by the inherently cool operating temperature of LEDs, allowing for a fracture resistant plastic light cover and improved safety. [0015] Another advantage of the present invention is provided by a battery powered system, which also allows for emergency lighting in the case of AC power failure. [0016] Yet another advantage of the present invention is the provision of undercabinet lighting capable of being manufactured having several different shapes. [0017] Still another advantage of the present invention is the provision of a switch in the form of a variable resistor allowing control over the intensity of and the number of LEDs in operation. [0018] Still another advantage of the present invention is the provision of a magnetic coupler in the base unit, allowing the base unit and the LED module to be mounted on a metal surface without adhesives or mechanical couplers. [0019] Still another advantage of the present invention is the provision of a LED illumination system having a thin profile to allow it to be used in situations where space is limited. [0020] Still other benefits and advantages of the invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon a reading and understanding of the following detailed specification. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS [0021] The present invention will be described in detail with several preferred embodiments and illustrated, merely by way of example and not with intent to limit the scope thereof, in the accompanying drawings. [0022] [0022]FIG. 1 is a partially exploded perspective view of a puck lighting assembly in accordance with the present invention. [0023] [0023]FIG. 2 is bottom view of an LED module in accordance with the present invention. [0024] [0024]FIG. 3 is a top view of an LED module in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. [0025] [0025]FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the interior of an LED module in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. [0026] [0026]FIG. 5 is a perspective view of several LED modules on a single mounting base in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0027] [0027]FIG. 1 shows a perspective view of an undercabinet puck lighting assembly in accordance with aspects of the present invention. With reference to FIGS. 1 and 2, the lighting assembly includes an LED module 10 enclosing the lighting components and circuitry and a mounting base 20 . The LED module is defined by an annular sidewall 12 and an upper 14 and lower 16 face. Mounted on the upper face are a plurality of LEDs 18 forming at least one array. Although the upper face 14 is defined as the face on which the LEDs 18 are situated, this orientation may of course change when the light assembly is deployed. For example, the upper face 14 will actually be facing down when the light is deployed on an underside of a cabinet. The module 10 and base unit 20 are preferably circular in shape, but any other shape is contemplated by the present invention. [0028] With reference to FIG. 2, a fixing apparatus 22 is located on the lower face 16 of the module 10 for attaching the module to a mounting structure, such as the mounting base 20 or another mounting surface. The fixing apparatus 22 may include magnets, fixing posts, Velcro, flanged heads of fasteners or any other type of connector that can be quickly and easily attached and detached from a surface. A preferred fixing apparatus is a magnet, thereby allowing the module to be quickly removed from the mounting base 20 and attached to any magnetically attractive surface, such as a refrigerator door. Two or more types of fixing apparatus may be used to permit the module to be attached to a wide variety of surfaces. [0029] A corresponding attachment apparatus 24 is located on the mounting base 20 . This attachment apparatus 24 can take many forms depending on which type of fixing apparatus 22 is located on the lower face 16 of the module 10 . For example, if the fixing apparatus 22 is a magnet, the attachment apparatus 24 will be an oppositely charged magnet pole. If the fixing apparatus is a flanged fastener head, the attachment apparatus 24 will be a recess in which the flanged head will fit. [0030] The mounting base 20 is itself attached to an associated structure (such as the underside of a cabinet) by one or more connectors 26 . This connector can be any of the types mentioned above, as well as more permanent types of connectors such as nails, screws, bolts, glue etc. In a preferred embodiment, the mounting base 20 is attached to an underside of a cabinet with a permanent type of connector such as a nail or screw. In such an embodiment, the module 10 can be quickly removed from the base 20 to be used elsewhere while the mounting base 20 remains snugly attached to the cabinet. The mounting base 20 can be of similar size and shape as the module 10 , in which case each module would have its own corresponding base, or it may be larger than the LED module and have space and connections for attaching several modules, as seen more clearly in FIG. 5. [0031] With continued reference to FIGS. 1 and 2, the plurality of LEDs 18 , mounted on the upper face 14 of the module 10 , operate as the light source for the lighting assembly. The LEDs 18 of the present invention replace the standard fluorescent or incandescent lamp and associated hardware, such as ballasts and sockets, which are used in conventional undercabinet lighting. The plurality of LEDs 18 from which the light source is made, form at least one array of LEDs. An array of LEDs is defined herein to mean a group of LEDs on a common circuit that are operated together. However, it will be appreciated that any number of LED arrays, grouped in any desired configuration are within the scope and intent of the present invention. For example, the LEDs may be placed in rows forming multiple linear arrays 28 , 30 , 32 as shown in FIG. 3. The LEDs 18 in each array can be selected to emit multiple colors of spectral output, thereby giving the desired light output, light level, and beam characteristics. Thus, for example, ALGaInP or InGaN LEDs can be used in the invention. [0032] In a preferred embodiment, High Brightness (HB) and Ultra High Brightness (UHB) LEDs are used in the invention, which are capable of emitting light of intensities that meet or exceed that of traditional bulbs. These HB-LEDs are grown using sophisticated compound semiconductor epitaxial growth techniques, the most common of which is metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). [0033] Preferably, white light LEDs are used in the invention. Suitable for use in the present invention are UV and blue LEDs that allow the possibility of generating white light from an LED by applying luminescent phosphor materials on top of the LED. In one technique, a layer of phosphor partially transforms the UV or blue light into longer wavelengths, e.g. yellow light. These LEDs efficiently extract white light by efficiently converting the UV/blue light into visible light of the desired wavelength. A detailed disclosure of a UV/Blue LED-Phosphor Device with efficient conversion of UV/Blue Light to visible light suitable for use in the present invention may be found in U.S. Pat. No. 5,813,752 (Singer) and U.S. Pat. No. 5,813,753 (Vriens), the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. White light LED systems provide significant benefits over traditional fluorescent and incandescent lamps. Thus, in a particularly preferred embodiment, the LEDs 18 are high intensity white light LEDs. [0034] As shown in FIG. 1, each LED module 10 includes an optical assembly 34 positioned over the module for focusing and dispersing the light emitted by the LEDs 18 . The optical assembly 34 comprises a rigid plastic cover, although other materials such as glass are also contemplated. Such a cover may be opaque or transparent, depending on the type of emitted light desired. In addition, also included as part of the optical assembly 34 may be one or more reflectors and/or one or more lenses (not shown) to provide directional and beam characteristic control. [0035] The optical assembly 34 is shown in FIG. 1 as being disc-shaped with a generally planar top surface 35 in order to present a streamlined profile. This thin profile design allows the lighting assembly to fit easily under cabinets without obstructing or interfering with articles positioned on a countertop. The use of LEDs, which generally take up less space than traditional bulbs, also allows for a thin design. Nevertheless, the present invention contemplates an optical assembly of any shape. [0036] An optical assembly 34 with a planar top surface 35 can be adapted to diffuse or modify light from the LEDs as it passes through the optical assembly. In this respect the optical assembly 34 can be opaque or transparent, depending on the type of emitted light desired. The top surface 35 of the optical assembly may be smooth such that light from the LEDs passes through it without substantial refraction. Alternately, the top surface 35 can be equipped with light modifying structures (not shown), such as plate diffusers, fresnel lenses or prismatic output couplers. [0037] The optical assembly 34 can be adapted to move or rotate so that the focus and the dispersion of the light pattern from the LEDs 18 can be adjusted as desired. The optical assembly 34 may be made from a variety of materials, including glass and various thermoplastics. Due to safety concerns, the optical assembly 34 is preferably made from a rigid, shatter-resistant thermoplastic. As desired, the optical assembly can be made either translucent or transparent, and allowing light from the LEDs 18 to be focused to form either a spot-like optical output or a diffuse, uniform output. [0038] Alternatively, the focus and dispersion may be adjusted by fixing the optical assembly 34 and allowing the top surface 14 of the module 10 to move or rotate. This may be accomplished using a manually operated focusing knob 36 or any other known means for adjusting an optical lens or LED array. The focusing knob 36 may be situated in any convenient location, such as on the annular side wall 12 . [0039] To regulate the intensity of the light LED beam, a switch 38 , coupled to a variable resistor (not shown) located inside the module, may be provided on the exterior of the module 10 for allowing variable optical output. The switch 36 can be designed as a rheostat so that it is possible to change the resistance value without interrupting the circuit to which it is connected. Pulse width modulation using an IC chip for dimming is contemplated as well. If multiple arrays 28 , 30 , 32 of LEDs are present on a single LED module 10 , multiple switches 38 may be present to independently control each array. In this way, a user may adjust the optical output to any desired level. Other means of controlling the light output, such as a single on/off switch are also contemplated. In such an arrangement, the intensity of the beam cannot be varied. [0040] Alternatively, or in addition to the rheostat design, the switch 38 can be designed having step level variable control which allows a user to choose from distinct levels of illumination. For example, the switch may be designed having two modes of illumination, the first mode providing full illumination while the second mode providing partial illumination. When operating at partial illumination, the undercabinet light source may be used as a night-light. As mentioned, such a design may be used in conjunction with a rheostat variable resistor or other digital dimming means. [0041] In addition to allowing the user to adjust the optical output of the light source, the switch 38 may be adapted to enable the user to selectively turn on and off any number of LEDs 18 in each array. In order to achieve such a feature, the variable resistor is designed to selectively short-circuit predetermined sections of the resistor or switch certain LEDs out of the circuit. Therefore, the user can operate the switch to selectively turn on and off any number of LEDs as desired. Of course, multiple switches may be used to perform the noted functions described herein as being performed by the single switch 38 . [0042] With reference to FIG. 4, the undercabinet lighting assembly is preferably powered by a DC voltage source such as a battery system 40 . The battery system is preferably housed in the LED module 10 , such as on the inside of the annular wall 12 , enabling the module to be easily removed from the mounting base 20 and put anywhere that a light is needed without the need for external wires or an AC power connection. The battery system 40 may be housed in a battery compartment (not shown). The batteries can be of any desired type and size, including but not limited to alkaline, nickel cadmium, standard, heavy duty, lithium, nickel metal hydride and others. Also enclosed in the module are various wires 42 for connecting the battery to the LEDs. In a preferred embodiment, the batteries are rechargeable. [0043] Alternately, or in addition to being powered by a DC voltage source, the lighting assembly may be connected to a power source, such as an AC power source, via a cord 44 adapted to plug into any conventional electrical outlet (not shown). The lighting assembly may thus be powered either directly from the AC wall plug, or alternately, if driven by rechargeable batteries, periodically recharged via an AC plug-in adapter/recharger 45 . The AC adapter/recharger 45 may be plugged directly into an outlet 46 on the LED module 10 or it may be integrated into the mounting base 20 . Alternately, the AC adapter/recharger and the AC power cord 44 may be a single structure capable of both directly powering the lighting assembly and recharging the batteries. If the AC adapter is integrated into the mounting base 20 , the mounting base must have an AC power cord and the AC power is supplied to the battery system 40 via connecting circuitry (not shown) on the bottom of the module and the top surface of the base unit. [0044] As shown in FIG. 5, a linear configuration of LED modules 10 powered by a single AC plug may be realized by mounting multiple LED modules 10 on a large unitary base unit 20 . The base unit 20 is equipped with an electrical circuit 48 that supplies power to each attached LED module 10 . [0045] A power source selector 50 may be provided on the annular side wall 12 of the module to determine what source of power the lamp will use during operation. An AC power source indicator 52 and a battery source indicator 54 may be disposed on the annular side wall 12 of the module 10 for indicating which source of power is being utilized. One skilled in the art will appreciate that the battery life can be controlled by controlling the intensity of the LED beam with the switch 38 . [0046] In an exemplary embodiment, when the lighting assembly is configured to be using AC power, the battery system 40 is adapted to automatically turn on the light source upon failing or faulting of the primary power source. A sensor (not shown) detects when AC power is no longer available and sends a signal to the battery system 40 to supply power to the light source. This feature is particularly useful during power outages. [0047] The module 10 is preferably made from a tough, light-weight, and inexpensive thermoplastic, although other materials may be used. The use of plastic in the manufacture of the lighting assembly without safety concerns is due to the cool operational temperature of LEDs. The use of such materials in the construction of the lighting assembly makes these lights quite versatile, allowing them to be used in various environments where the threat of breakage or fire would discourage the use of traditional lights. Thus, in addition to undercabinet lighting, these lights can be stuck on walls, outdoor pathways, refrigerator doors, and in basements and garages. In addition, the undercabinet lighting assembly may be made of a flexible material such as rubber or an elastomeric material. As such, the module 10 can be bent into any shape or configuration as desired. Such a flexible module 10 allows the user to utilize the light source in several different environments. Such a feature may be achieved because of the unique characteristics of LEDs. LED light sources have significantly fewer components than standard fluorescent or incandescent lamps. In addition, unlike standard fluorescent and incandescent lamps, LEDs do not have fragile parts such as filaments, electrodes, etc. Therefore, LED light sources do not require a large housing made from a protective rigid material and can thus be made of a flexible material. [0048] The invention has been described with reference to the preferred embodiment. Obviously, modifications and alterations will occur to others upon a reading and understanding of this specification. The invention is intended to include all such modifications and alterations in so far as they come within the scope of the appended claims and the equivalents thereof.
A lighting assembly for improving the performance of undercabinet and streamlined lighting includes a LED module onto which is mounted a plurality of light emitting diodes (LEDs). The LEDs serve as the light source for generating a light pattern. An optical assembly focuses and disperses the LED output to a desired light contour. The lighting assembly further includes a mounting base for attaching the LED module to an associated surface, such as the underside of a cabinet. A battery source is optionally enclosed in the module for providing primary or secondary power to the lighting assembly. In a preferred embodiment, the battery source is a rechargeable battery that can be recharged by means of an AC adapter that connects to the lighting assembly.
CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This patent application is a Continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/755,697, filed Jan. 5, 2001 now abandoned, which is a Continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/336,271, filed Jun. 18, 1999, which issued as U.S. Pat. No. 6,203,486 on Mar. 20, 2001. This Continuation-in-part Application also claims priority of Provisional Patent Application No. 60/254,739, filed Dec. 11, 2000. STATEMENT RE FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT Not Applicable REFERENCE TO A “SEQUENCE LISTING” Not Applicable BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates generally to magnetic fields. More particularly, the present invention relates to apparatus and method for restoring and/or enhancing the earth's dc magnetic field, that has been degraded by time, that is degraded in a particular geographical area, that is being degraded by any man-made structure, and/or that is being degraded by an ELF (extra-low-frequency) or an rf (radio frequency) magnetic field, and for applying the restored/enhanced magnetic field into an internal portion, or into an entire being, of a human being or other living thing. 2. Description of the Related Art Various magnetic devices have been designed, patented, and sold as healing devices. For instance, permanent magnets have been used as shoe insoles, attached to various body parts, and distributed over large areas to provide magnetic mattress pads or blankets. While the healing power of magnetic fields might be questioned, athletes and horse trainers are convinced that permanent magnets applied to a body part relieve muscle soreness and promote healing, and many individuals believe that permanent magnets relieve their arthritic pain. Some believe that healing is a result of increased blood flow proximal to the magnet. Permanent magnets and permanent magnet devices that are sold for magnetic therapy may apply magnetic field densities of up to 1400 gauss to skin and flesh proximal to the magnet. While, the effect of these gauss levels on DNA might be questioned, there seems to be no evidence that they do any harm. Included among patents that teach the use of permanent magnets for healing are: Markoll, U.S. Pat. No. 5,665,049, issued Sep. 9, 1997; Guay et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,226,185, issued Jul. 13, 1993; and Sakuma et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,807,233, issued Sep. 15, 1998. Lu et al., in U.S. Pat. No. 5,788,624, issued Aug. 4, 1998, teach magnetic treatment for disease in which a person's body is progressively scanned by permanent magnets that are placed on opposite sides of the body, and that subject progressive portions of the body to magnetic flux densities as high as 3,500 gauss (0.35 Tesla). Continuing to consider the healing power of magnetic fields, in a December 2000 news report, treatment of malaria by a magnetic field was reported. Apparently, persons ill with malaria are placed in a room for a few hours wherein a magnetic field developed by Helmholtz coils is sufficiently high to spin red blood corpuscles. With regard to healthful benefits of magnetic fields, U.S. Pat. No. 5,935,516, which issued on Aug. 10, 1999, Carl E. Baugh teaches the use of a magnetic field having a magnetic flux density of 1.0 to 5.0 gauss and a frequency of 0.5 to 30 Hertz. At least one company offers a device that uses pulsed magnetic fields. For instance, QRS America of Venice, Fla., offers a pad upon which a person may lie, and be subjected to magnetic-field therapy that is defined as, “quantron resonance therapy using pulsed electromagnetic fields operating at a range of frequencies.” While some magnetic fields, such as the earth's dc magnetic field, are known to be healthful, there is convincing evidence that ELF magnetic fields, particularly in the range of 50 and 60 Hertz frequencies, and also microwave rf magnetic fields, such as used by cell phones, are detrimental to health. Reports by many researchers are available on the Internet from EMF-Link of Information Ventures, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. 19102, regarding the harmful effects of ac magnetic fields, both in the ELF range and the rf range. Tests on breast cancer cells conducted originally by Dr. Robert Liburty, and replicated in four other laboratories, show that ELF magnetic fields, such as 50 or 60 Hertz magnetic fields, in the range of 2.0 to 12.0 milligauss cancel the oncostatic effect of melatonin. ELF magnetic fields have also been connected with an increase of almost four times in Alzheimer's disease among workers who use industrial sewing machines, as reported by E. Sobel and his associates in two articles published in Neurology Magazine. In the October 2000 issue of “Environmental Health Perspectives” (v 108, pp. 967-972), a study by Dr. James Trosko's laboratory at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich. reports that ELF magnetic fields as low as 0.04 or 0.05 gauss can alter gene expression, and also act as a tumor promoter. There have been disturbing reports concerning the deleterious effects of ELF magnetic fields on children. An increase in cancer and leukemia, of up to four times, has been reported to be occurring among children who live near power lines. Further, it has been reported that infant death syndrome occurs more frequently among children who live near power lines. While much work has been done with regard to magnetic-field healing, and while the deleterious effects of ac magnetic field have been shown, both by statistical and laboratory evidence, very little has been done to overcome the deleterious effects of ac magnetic fields and thereby provide a more healthful environment. However, Litovitz et al., in U.S. Pat. No. 5,544,665, issued Aug. 13, 1996, seek to overcome the harmful effects of ac magnetic fields by superimposing a “confusion” magnetic field onto an ac magnetic field. While it is well-known that the earth's dc magnetic field is healthful and necessary for cell communication, it is also well-known that the earth's dc magnetic field is decreasing exponentially, as a function of (the mathematical number) “e” to a negative exponent that is equal to time in years, multiplied by a constant. Therefore, the earth's dc magnetic field quite likely is of a lower magnitude than that which would provide optimum health. Further, the magnitude of the earth's dc magnetic field varies regionally, so that the earth's dc magnetic field is even further reduced in some geographical areas. Another factor is man-made structures. Man-made structures often degrade the earth's dc magnetic field in a living space. And, both the quality and effectiveness of the earth's dc magnetic field are being degraded by environmental factors, such as ELF and rf magnetic fields. It has been reported that infant death syndrome occurs more frequently during storms of solar winds in which the earth's magnetic field is perturbated. Thus we see that infant death syndrome has been reported to be a function of both power line magnetic fields and perturbations in the earth's magnetic field. In addition, since the earth's magnetic field has “holes” in which the strength of the earth's dc magnetic field is reduced, these “holes” may be an other factor in infant death syndrome. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Apparatus and method of the present invention, by vectorial addition of an other dc magnetic field with the earth's dc magnetic field, produce an enhanced dc magnetic field that exceeds the magnitude of the earth's dc magnetic field in its present state of time-based degradation, or that exceeds an ambient dc magnetic field that has been degraded below the magnitude of the earth's dc magnetic field by a steel structure. In addition, or alternately, apparatus and method of the present invention provide a dc magnetic field that vectorially increases a dc ambient magnetic field, thereby at least partially obviating the detrimental effects of environmental ac magnetic fields, whether the environmental ac magnetic fields be in the range of ELF or rf magnetic fields. More particularly, apparatus and method are provided for immersing a critical body component of a living thing, or an entire body of a living thing, into a dc magnetic field of increased magnetic intensity for extended periods of time, such as during working hours, recreation, and/or sleep, for healthful living and/or magnetic therapy. In one basic embodiment, apparatus for providing a restored and/or enhancing dc magnetic field, includes an electrically-powered magnetic-field generator, that is attached to or built into, a structure, such as a building, a room, a bed, or an other article of furniture, but may be attached to, or built into, a portable or mobile apparatus, such as a carrel, or a vehicle. Whether the present invention is practiced to provide a restored dc magnetic field or an enhanced dc magnetic field, the magnetic field that is to be vectorially added must be nonreversing, or unidirectional, in the living space in which the dc magnetic field is to be enhanced or restored. That is, the magnetic flux must flow in a nonreversing direction in the living space in which the magnetic flux density is to be restored or enhanced. In another basic embodiment, apparatus for providing a restored and/or enhancing dc magnetic field to a portion of a person or living thing, includes a magnetic-field generator that may be in the form of a flexible magnetic strip or sheet, and that is worn by, or attached to a body member of, a person, or an other living thing. Preferably, the generated dc magnetic field has a time-weighted average that exceeds 1.0 gauss, but may be as low as 0.1 gauss, and the method of the present invention comprises vectorially adding the generated dc magnetic field to the earth's dc magnetic field, at any gauss level and at any vectorial angle that results in a vectorially increased dc magnetic field, or that results in a restored dc magnetic field that has been degraded by an ac magnetic field or any other means. A magnetic-field restored/enhanced living space, as defined herein, is any area in which a dc magnetic field is restored and/or enhanced to a height that will envelope a human or any other living thing, or a number of living things, in which a living thing normally resides for a purpose other than being in a magnetic field that has been restored/enhanced, and in which the living thing continues normal activities. As taught herein, magnetic-field restored/enhanced living spaces may include entire floor areas, or partial floor areas, of houses, buildings, factories, rooms in houses, hospital or nursing home rooms, offices, barns, animal trailers, animal housing, animal retaining areas, hatcheries, incubators, greenhouses, and any other structure that may be used for a living space for any living thing. Further, magnetic-field restoring/enhancing apparatus may include home and office furniture, work carrels, TV carrels, carrels for hospital and nursing home patients, and any other apparatus in which the primary use for the apparatus is other than exposure to a healthful magnetic field, and in which the primary use for the living space is continued during exposure to healthful magnetic fields. Magnetic-field restored/enhanced living spaces may be disposed above sleeping areas of beds in homes, nursing homes, and hospitals, in bassinets, play pens, beds, and strollers for infants and children, and in vehicles for personal use, public transportation, or freight transportation. Each type of magnetic-field-enhancing or magnetic-field-restoring apparatus includes a magnetic-field generator. A magnetic-field generator may consist of a multi-turn generator coil, permanent magnets, one or two sheets of magnetic material, electromagnets, or semi-permanent electromagnets. A semi-permanent magnet, as defined herein, is a magnet in which the core material requires periodic remagnetizing. With regard to magnetic-field generators that consist of multiturn generator coils, as is well-known to those skilled in the art, all of the magnetic flux of a coil flows axially through a coil, flows nonreversingly, or unidirectionally, out one end of the coil, reverses directions by curving outwardly, flows outside the coil toward the opposite end of the coil, reverses directions by curving inwardly, and flows unidirectionally into an other end of the coil. In like manner, with regard to sheets of magnetic material, as is well-known to those skilled in the art, when a permanent magnet has a single pole on each of two faces, all of the magnetic flux flows nonreversingly, or unidirectionally, from one face, reverses directions by curving outwardly, and flows outside of the permanent magnet toward the opposite face, reverses directions by curving inwardly, and flows unidirectionally into the other face. In some embodiments, magnetic-field generators of the present invention surround, or partially surround, a living space, or surround, or partially surround, an area projected from a living space. For instance, if a magnetic-field generator is disposed around a perimeter of a mattress, then it surrounds an area that is projected downward from a sleeping area above the mattress, and the living space is disposed above the sleeping area. Further, in magnetic-field generators for work carrels or TV carrels, if only three walls are used, and one side is left open, then the magnetic-field generator partially surrounds the magnetic-field-enhanced living space. Magnetic-field generators disclosed herein may be used to produce magnetic poles that are disposed at any desired angle. Preferably, an angle is chosen that will provide the greatest vectorial addition to the earth's magnetic field. However, for body-worn magnetic-field generators, vertical pole orientation is preferred to keep the vectorial sum more nearly constant without regard to polar orientation of the wearer. In a first aspect of the present invention, a method for permeating an entire living thing with a dc magnetic field that is greater than an ambient dc magnetic field comprises: generating a dc magnetic field that permeates a living space with a unidirectional dc magnetic field having a magnetic flux density that is greater than 0.1 gauss; vectorially adding the unidirectional dc magnetic field to the ambient dc magnetic field in the living space; the vectorially adding step comprises producing a dc magnetic field vector in the living space that is greater than either the unidirectional dc magnetic field or the ambient dc magnetic field; and disposing the living thing in the living space. In a second aspect of the present invention, a method for restoring a normal dc magnetic field vector in a living space wherein earth's dc magnetic field has been degraded by vectorial addition of an ac magnetic field comprises: generating a dc magnetic field that permeates the living space with a unidirectional dc magnetic field having a magnetic flux density that is greater than 0.1 gauss; vectorially adding the unidirectional dc magnetic field to the degraded dc magnetic field; and the vectorially adding step comprises producing a dc magnetic field vector that is greater than either the unidirectional dc magnetic field or the degraded dc magnetic field, and that is equal to, or greater than, the normal dc magnetic field vector. In a third aspect of the present invention, a method for providing an enhanced dc magnetic field above a sleeping surface comprises: generating a unidirectional dc magnetic field; the generating step comprises magnetizing a sheet of magnetic material in a manner in which one side functions substantially as a single North magnetic pole and an other side functions substantially as a single South magnetic pole; sizing the magnetized sheet to correspond to the sleeping surface; disposing the magnetized sheet proximal to the sleeping surface; and the disposing step comprises orienting the single North magnetic pole of the magnetized sheet proximal to earth's South magnetic pole. In a fourth aspect of the present invention, a method for permeating a portion of a body member with a dc magnetic field comprises: sizing a strip of magnetic material that includes two sides and two edges that connect the sides; magnetizing the strip of magnetic material in a manner in which one of the edges functions substantially as a single North magnetic pole and an other of the edges functions substantially as a single South magnetic pole; disposing the magnetized strip around a portion of a circumference of the body member; and disposing the single North magnetic pole proximal to earth's South magnetic pole. In a fifth aspect of the present invention, a method for providing an enhanced unidirectional dc magnetic field comprises: generating a unidirectional dc magnetic field; the generating step comprises magnetizing a sheet of magnetic material in a manner in which one side functions substantially as a single North magnetic pole and an other side functions substantially as a single South magnetic pole; disposing the North pole proximal to a South pole of earth's magnetic field; and placing the magnetized sheet onto a horizontal surface. In a sixth aspect of the present invention, a method for providing an enhanced unidirectional dc magnetic field above a seating portion of a seat comprises: magnetizing a sheet of magnetic material in a manner in which one side functions substantially as a single North magnetic pole and an other side functions substantially as a single South magnetic pole; disposing a first portion of the magnetized material proximal to, and generally parallel to, a back portion of a seat; disposing a second portion of the magnetized material proximal to, and generally parallel to, a seating portion of the seat; and disposing a North pole of said second portion proximal to a South pole of earth's magnetic field. A first object of the invention is to provide a biologically-enhanced dc magnetic field in a living space, for work, sleep, relaxation, and/or play, for a person's, or living thing's, entire body, by vectorially adding an other dc magnetic field with the earth's dc magnetic field to produce a dc magnetic field whose vector sum is greater than the earth's dc magnetic field. A second object of the invention is restore a dc magnetic field, that has been degraded by an ac magnetic field, that has been degraded by a natural geological formation, or that has been degraded by a man-made structure or vehicle, by vectorially adding an other dc magnetic field with the earth's dc magnetic field, and thereby provide a restored dc magnetic field whose vector-added dc component is greater than the earth's dc magnetic field, and to provide the vector-added dc magnetic field in a living space, for work, sleep, relaxation, and/or play, for a person's, or living thing's, entire body. A third object of the invention is to provide apparatus and method for overcoming the detrimental effects of ELF and rf magnetic fields, such as altering of gene function or promotion of cancer, by vectorial addition of an other dc magnetic field with the earth's dc magnetic field, and for applying the vectorially-added dc magnetic field to an internal body part, or to the entire body of a person. A fourth object of the invention is to provide body-worn apparatus for vectorially-increasing the dc magnetic field in an internal body part, during normal work, sleep, relaxation, and/or play. A fifth object of the present invention is to provide apparatus and method that provides entire-body-engulfing dc magnetic fields for use in intensive human and animal biomagnetic therapy. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a vector diagram showing declination of the North pole in the Northern hemisphere and both horizontal and vertical components thereof; FIG. 2 is a vector diagram of an other dc magnetic field being vectorially added to the earth's dc magnetic field; FIG. 3 is a vector diagram of still an other dc magnetic field being vectorially added to the earth's dc magnetic field wherein an angle between the two dc magnetic fields is greater than shown in FIG. 2 ; FIG. 4 is a graph of gauss vs. time, showing an ac magnetic field has degraded the earth's dc magnetic field, and showing how an other dc magnetic field, algebraically added to the earth's dc magnetic field, not only restores a normal minimum dc magnetic field, but also enhances the dc magnetic field; FIG. 5 is a graph of gauss vs. time, showing that an ac magnetic field, that is larger than the earth's dc magnetic field, obliterates the normal dc magnetic field of the earth; FIG. 6 is a vector diagram showing that opposite-pole vectors of an ac magnetic field degrade the earth's dc magnetic field; FIG. 7 is a vector diagram showing that a normal dc magnetic field, that has been degraded as shown in FIG. 6 , not only has been restored, but also has been enhanced, by an other dc magnetic field; FIG. 8 is a graph of gauss vs. distance for a magnetic field centered between two rectangular pieces of magnetized flexible sheet; FIG. 9 is a side elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing bed with a magnetic-field generator both horizontally and circumferentially disposed with respect to an upper and a lower sleep unit; FIG. 10 is a partial cross section of the magnetic-field generator 138 of FIG. 9 ; FIG. 11 is a cross-section of a wire carrying a current that is flowing downward into the paper, showing a magnetic field that is developed thereby; FIG. 12 is a cross-section of a multi-turn generator coil with a longitudinal axis disposed below the cross-sectioned coils, and with current flowing downward into the paper, showing magnetic flux and magnetic poles developed thereby; FIG. 13 is a partial plan view of an generator-coil wrap in which strips of conductive material are bonded to a nonconductive backing, which may be used to construct a magnetic-field generator for a bed, which may be used inside a room before application of Sheetrock®, or any other type of wall board, or which may be used for wrap around a building, either under or over sheeting, for clarity showing the strips extending from ends of the nonconductive backing; FIG. 14 is an enlarged partial view of the coil wrap of FIG. 13 taken substantially as shown by view line 14 - 14 of FIG. 13 ; FIG. 15 is a partial perspective view in which strips of conductive material are wallpapered inside a room of an existing building which, when connected in series, provide a magnetic-field generator; FIG. 16 is a schematic top view of a magnetic-field-enhancing building, showing a magnetic-field generator that is perimetrically disposed, as symbolized by a dash line; FIG. 17 is an end elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing building in which a magnetic-field generator extends under the floor, up a side wall, across a ceiling, and down the other side wall; FIG. 18 is a front elevation of the magnetic-field-enhancing building of FIG. 17 , taken substantially as shown by view line 18 - 18 of FIG. 17 , showing a plurality of individual-zone generators, with a zone control shown as a block diagram; FIG. 19 is a perspective view of a magnetic-field-enhancing hospital bed with a magnetic-field-enhancing structure surrounding a hospital bed, with a magnetic-field generator symbolized by dash lines, and a mechanism to raise and lower the magnetic-field-enhancing structure; FIG. 20 is a perspective view of a magnetic-field-enhancing carrel which can be shaped to substantially enclose a work or sleep area, whose height is sufficient to provide a beneficial magnetic field for sitting or sleeping, and which can be moved through doors, showing coil jumpers as a dash line; FIG. 21 is a partial elevation, in cross-section, of a magnetic-field-enhancing air mattress; FIG. 22 is a partial elevation, in cross-section, of a magnetic-field-enhancing lower sleep unit, or box spring in which the magnetic-field generator thereof is in the form of a bundled-loop coil; FIG. 23 is a partial elevation, in cross-section, of a magnetic-field-enhancing water bed in which the magnetic-field generator, which is in the form of a bundled-loop coil, is shown in alternate locations; FIG. 24 is an end elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing seating furniture, showing bundled conductors that form a two-axis magnetic-field generator; FIG. 25 is a perspective and symbolic view of a magnetic-field generator for the magnetic-field-enhancing seating furniture of FIG. 24 , illustrating construction of the two-axis magnetic-field generator; FIG. 26 is a schematic, in perspective form of a single-axis magnetic-field generator for uses, such as a desk of FIG. 27 , showing shielded return conductors in dash lines; FIG. 27 is a perspective drawing of a magnetic-field-enhancing desk that includes the single-axis magnetic-field generator of FIG. 26 , showing a general location of the U-shaped generator by means of heavier outlines of the desk top; FIG. 28 is a top view of a bassinet that is magnetic-field-enhancing, showing padding that spaces a baby from one or more perimetrically-disposed magnetic-field generators; FIG. 29 is a cross-sectional side elevation of the magnetic-field-enhancing bassinet of FIG. 28 , taken substantially as shown by section line 29 - 29 of FIG. 28 , indicating alternate magnetic-field generator locations/designs, and showing a battery installed beneath a living surface; FIG. 30 is a side elevation of a prior-art permanent magnet of domino shape, showing the flow of magnetic flux around ends thereof; FIG. 31 is an end elevation of two, spaced-apart permanent magnets with North poles disposed upwardly, illustrating that the earth's magnetic field is enhanced both inside and outside the magnets, and that the earth's magnetic field is enhanced substantially equally above and below the magnets; FIG. 32 is an isometric drawing of a parallel-bar magnetic-field generator, showing a magnetic-field-enhanced living space in phantom lines; FIG. 33 is an isometric drawing of a closed-ring magnetic-field generator; FIG. 34 is a side elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing bassinet, playpen, or bed in which a magnetic-field generator, in the form of a sheet of magnetized material, is disposed under a mattress; FIG. 35 is an end elevation of the magnetic-field-enhancing bassinet, playpen, or bed of FIG. 34 ; FIG. 35A is a partial end elevation of the magnetic-field-enhancing bassinet, playpen, or bed of FIGS. 34 and 35 , showing the magnetic-field generator angled near edges thereof to focus the enhancing magnetic field; FIG. 35B is a partial end elevation of the magnetic-field-enhancing bassinet, playpen, or bed of FIGS. 34 and 35 , showing the magnetic-field generator angled near edges and ends thereof to focus the enhancing magnetic field; FIG. 35C is a partial end elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing mattress that uses a magnetized pad for the magnetic-field generator; FIG. 35D is a partial end elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing mattress that uses a magnetized pad for the magnetic-field generator, and that includes a longitudinally-disposed strip of magnetized sheet along each edge to increase the strength of the magnetic field; FIG. 36 is a side elevation of a child sitting in a magnetic-field-enhancing car seat that is strapped in a vehicle, showing the magnetic-field generator in phantom lines, and also showing, in phantom lines, a sleeping position of the child's head, to illustrate the fact that the enhancing magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus envelops the child's head, whether the child is awake or asleep; FIG. 37 is a side elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus in the form of a magnetic-field-enhancing baseball cap, or Magcap; FIG. 37A is a partial and enlarged cross-section of the baseball cap of FIG. 37 , taken substantially as shown by section-line 37 A- 37 A of FIG. 37 , showing the crown-shaped magnetic-field generator pad thereof; FIG. 38 is a perspective drawing of a person wearing a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus in the form of a magnetic-field-enhanced headband, Magband; FIG. 38A is a cross-section of the headband of FIG. 38 , showing preferred magnetization in which upper and lower edges are magnetized as separate poles; FIG. 38B is a symbolic top view of a magnetic-field generator that may be used in a Magband, a dress belt, a back support, or some other magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus, showing an alternate magnetic pole arrangement; FIG. 39 is a partial elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus in the form of a magnetic-field-enhancing belt, Magbelt, whose poles preferably are as shown in FIG. 38A , but that may be as shown in FIG. 38B , showing an up arrow on the buckle for correct use when the pole arrangement of FIG. 38A is used; FIG. 40 is a cross-sectional view of magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus in the form of a magnetic-field-enhancing back brace, or a Magbrace whose poles preferably are as shown in FIG. 38A , but may be as shown in FIG. 38B ; FIG. 41 is a perspective view of a magnetic-field-enhancing carrel in the form of a free-standing railing that uses rows of permanent magnets, such as the rows of FIG. 32 , to form a U-shaped magnetic-field generator; FIG. 41A is a cross-sectional elevation of the free-standing railing of FIG. 41 , showing one permanent magnet, of a row of permanent magnets, in one section of the railing; FIG. 42 is a perspective view of a magnetic-field-enhancing carpet that includes a magnetic-field generator in the form of a bundled-loop coil, with seating furniture disposed inside an area circumscribed by the magnetic-field generator; FIG. 43 is a perspective view of a magnetic-field-enhancing carpet that includes a magnetic-field generator in the form of a magnetized sheet of material, and that includes edge enhancement, with seating furniture disposed inside an area circumscribed by the magnetic-field generator; FIG. 44 is a partial front elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing room that includes two magnetic-field generators, in the form of two magnetized sheets that are disposed at right angles to each other, one being disposed on a floor, and an other being disposed on a wall, whereby an enhancing magnetic field is developed with respect to an axis that is disposed between the two magnetic-field generators; FIG. 45 is a partially cross-sectioned side view of a reclining chair that is extended in the reclining position, with a leg-supporting portion spaced-apart from a seat portion, and with a partial cross-section showing a magnetic field generator in a back portion in the form of a sheet of magnetized material; FIG. 45A is an enlarged partial cross-section of the reclining chair of FIG. 45 , taken substantially the same as FIG. 45 , showing supplementary magnetic-field generators, in the form of sheets of magnetized material for magnetically bridging a gap between a seat and a leg-support portions of the reclining chair; FIG. 46 is cross-sectioned front elevation of a vehicle showing that the steel roof, walls, and floor degrades the earth's dc magnetic field, and showing restoration and/or enhancement of the dc magnetic field by the use of floor and roof magnetic-field generators; FIG. 47A is a side elevation of a first magnetic-field-enhancing captains chair that is usable in a vehicle, such as the vehicle of FIG. 46 , that includes a magnetic-field generator on a back and under a seat of the captains chair; FIG. 47B is a side elevation of a second magnetic-field-enhancing captains chair that is usable in a vehicle, such as the vehicle of FIG. 46 , that includes a magnetic-field generator in front of a back and on top of a seat of the captains chair; FIG. 47C is a cross-sectioned side elevation of a third magnetic-field-enhancing captains chair that is usable in a vehicle, such as the vehicle of FIG. 46 , that includes a magnetic-field generator that is built into a back and into a seat of the captains chair; and FIG. 47D is a cross-sectioned side elevation of a magnetic-field-enhancing base and a magnetic-field-enhancing floor mat for use with the magnetic-field-enhancing captains chairs of FIGS. 47A , 47 B, and 47 C, and that extend a respective one of the magnetic-field generators down to a floor of a vehicle and forward under feet and legs of a person. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Before describing various embodiments of the present invention, it is important to set forth principles of operation. Thus, a basic discussion of the earth's dc magnetic field, algebraic and trigonometric vector addition of ac and dc magnetic fields, and magnetic reluctance of various materials, including the human body, is in order. Referring now to FIG. 1 , in a vector diagram 10 , a dc vector 12 of earth's dc magnetic field 14 points not only to the North, but also points downwardly at an angle 16 , because the North pole is downward from horizontal in the Northern hemisphere. Thus, the dc vector 12 includes a vertical component 18 and a horizontal component 20 . In the vicinity of Chicago, Ill., the angle 16 is 72.0 degrees. And, in most parts of the earth, the magnitude of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 is about 0.5 gauss. Therefore, the vertical component 18 of the dc vector 12 is only slightly less than the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , since it is equal to 0.5 gauss multiplied by the cosine of 72.0 degrees. However, the horizontal component 20 is only 0.16 gauss, because it is equal to 0.5 gauss multiplied by the sine of 72.0 degrees. Referring now to FIG. 2 , in a vector diagram 26 , the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 is depending downwardly at the angle 16 which is 72.0 degrees. And, an other dc vector 28 of an other dc magnetic field 30 has been vectorially added to provide a resultant dc vector 32 that is greater than the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 . Referring now to FIG. 3 , in a vector diagram 38 , the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 is depending downwardly at the angle 16 . And, an other dc vector 40 of an other dc magnetic field 42 has been vectorially added to provide a resultant dc vector 44 that is greater than the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 . Summarizing the principles taught in FIGS. 2 and 3 , and referring again to FIG. 3 , in the present invention, the other dc vector 40 of the other dc magnetic field 42 is vectorially combined, at any angle 46 , with the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , to produce a resultant dc magnetic field 48 whose resultant dc vector 44 is greater than the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 . Referring now to FIG. 4 , a graph 54 of gauss vs. time shows the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 oriented upwardly as graphs ordinarily show increasing magnitude. Since the earth's dc magnetic field 14 is a constant, the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 is also represented as a horizontal line 56 . An ac magnetic field 58 has been imposed onto the earth's dc magnetic field 14 . Cyclically-variable vectors 60 A and 60 B of the ac magnetic field 58 are shown in their respective locations along a sinusoidal curve 62 . The sinusoidal curve 62 shows the direction and vector magnitudes of the ac magnetic field 58 vs. time. For simplicity, the magnetic fields 14 and 58 are assumed to be in a plane of the paper, so the dc vector 12 , and either one of the cyclically-variable vectors, 60 A or 60 B, can be added algebraically, rather than trigonometrically. Algebraic addition of the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 with the cyclically-variable vector 60 B of the ac magnetic field 58 results in a minimum flux-density vector 64 that occurs cyclically. And, algebraic addition of the dc vector 12 and the cyclically-variable vector 60 B results in the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 being increased cyclically to a maximum flux density-vector 66 that occurs cyclically. A vector 68 represents the total cyclic variation in the dc vector 12 that is caused by the ac magnetic field 58 . Continuing to refer to FIG. 4 , if a vector 70 of an other dc magnetic field 72 is algebraically added to the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , the zero position of the graph 54 shifts from 0 1 to 0 2 , and the minimum flux-density vector 64 is increased to a new minimum flux-density vector 74 . If the vector 70 of the other dc magnetic field 72 is greater than the cyclically-variable vector 60 B, then the new minimum flux-density vector 74 is greater than the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , and a normal dc magnetic field is restored. Therefore, in the present invention, use of an other dc magnetic field, such as the dc magnetic field 72 is used to restore the magnitude of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , thereby promoting effective cell communication, when the earth's dc magnetic field 14 has been degraded by an ac magnetic field, such as the ac magnetic field 58 . While the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , the ac magnetic field 58 , and the other dc magnetic field 72 have been illustrated in FIG. 4 in vectorial alignment, so that the magnetic fields 14 , 58 , and 72 can be added algebraically, in most situations, practicing the invention will require trigonometric addition as will be taught in conjunction with FIGS. 6 and 7 . That is, in most instances an environmental ac magnetic field will not be vectorially aligned with the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , and preferably, a vectorial orientation of the other dc magnetic field is chosen to best restore a normal dc magnetic field. Referring now to FIG. 5 , a graph 80 of gauss vs. time shows the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 as the horizontal line 56 . Cyclically-variable vectors 82 A and 82 B of an ac magnetic field 84 are shown along their respective positions along a sinusoidal curve 86 . Since, as shown, the cyclically-variable vectors 82 A and 82 B are greater than the dc vector 12 , the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 is destroyed by the cyclically-variable vector 82 B of the ac magnetic field 84 . However, in like manner as taught in conjunction with FIG. 4 , if an other dc magnetic field, of sufficient flux density, were added to the dc vector 12 , a minimum flux density, equal to the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , would be restored. Referring now to FIG. 6 , a vector diagram 92 shows trigonometric addition of the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 and cyclically-variable vectors 94 A and 94 B of an ac magnetic field 96 . The earth's North magnetic pole depends downwardly at the angle 16 , which is 72.0 degrees in the vicinity of Chicago, Ill. The magnetic fields 14 and 96 are at an angle 98 that is 45 degrees. Trigonometric addition of the dc vector 12 and the cyclically-variable vector 94 A results in a cyclically-maximum flux-density vector 100 . More importantly, trigonometric addition of the dc vector 12 and the cyclically-variable vector 94 B results in a minimum dc flux-density vector 102 that is smaller than the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 . Therefore, the earth's dc magnetic field 14 has been degraded by the ac magnetic field 96 . Referring now to FIG. 7 , a vector diagram 108 adds a vector 110 of an other dc magnetic field 112 to the vector diagram 92 of FIG. 6 . That is, the vector diagram 108 shows trigonometric addition of the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , the vector 110 of the other dc magnetic field 112 , and the cyclically-variable vectors 94 A and 94 B of the ac magnetic field 96 . The earth's North magnetic pole depends downwardly at the angle 16 , which is 72.0 degrees, and the ac magnetic field 96 is at the angle 98 , which is 45.0 degrees, to the earth's dc magnetic field 14 . Trigonometric addition of the dc vector 12 , the vector 110 , and the cyclically-variable vector 94 A results in a cyclically-maximum flux-density vector 114 which is shown as a broken line, since a portion would overlap the vector 110 . More importantly, trigonometric addition of the dc vector 12 , the vector 110 , and the cyclically-variable vector 94 B results in a minimum dc flux-density vector 116 that is larger than the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 . Therefore, the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , that had been degraded by the ac magnetic field 96 to be equal to the minimum dc flux-density vector 102 of FIG. 6 , which is less than the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , has been restored by the other dc magnetic field 112 as shown by the minimum dc flux density vector 116 of FIG. 7 . Further, the other dc magnetic field 112 not only has restored the dc vector 12 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , it also has enhanced the earth's dc magnetic field 14 , because the minimum dc flux-density vector 116 is larger than the dc vector 12 . In the present invention, instead of using magnetic field densities of up to 1,400 gauss, as taught by some for use in magnetic therapy, the present invention uses magnetic field densities in the range of about 0.1 to 5.0 gauss. But, can magnetic flux densities as low as taught herein even penetrate human flesh? Resistance to flow of magnetic flux through materials is called, “reluctance” or “magnetic reluctance.” For a vacuum, air, and most nonmagnetic materials, magnetic reluctance is equal to, or very nearly equal to, 1.0 gauss. Magnetic reluctance of iron and steel varies, with composition, hardness, and the degree of magnetization, from about 0.016 to 0.00025, so curves, rather than tables, are used to determine values of magnetic reluctance. Generally speaking, the magnetic reluctance for most steels is on the order one one-thousandths that of air and non-magnetic materials. It is difficult to find technical information on the magnetic reluctance of the human body. Fortunately, it is easy to determine that the reluctance of the human body is the same as, or very nearly the same as, air. Tests to determine the reluctance of the human body can be made with an instrument as simple as a camping compass, or with a Hall-effect gaussmeter. As taught in conjunction with FIG. 1 , the horizontal component 20 of the earth's dc magnetic field 14 is about 0.16 gauss. This means that a compass needle is positioned by a magnetic field of only 0.16 gauss. Can a magnetic field density of 0.16 gauss position a compass needle through a body of a human being? If so, then the magnetic reluctance of the human body must be nearly the same as air. If two individuals are positioned back to back with one facing North and the other facing South, with about three inches between their backs, and a case of a compass, that is off to one side of the two individuals, is rotated rapidly about 90 degrees, the compass needle will be pointing East or West. If then, the compass is positioned rapidly between the backs of the two individuals, the compass needle will find North as quickly as it does in air. If the magnetic reluctance of the human body were, to any extent, greater than that of air, the two individuals would shield the compass needle from the earth's dc magnetic field, and the compass needle could not find North. And yet, reproducing this test will show that a compass needle will point to the North pole directly through one of the individuals. In a similar test, if a person stands with his back toward the North pole, and moves a compass from the left of himself, past his front, and to the right of himself, he will see that the compass needle continuously points directly toward the North. If the magnetic reluctance of the human body were, to any extent, greater than that of air, then the compass needle would show the magnetic flux detouring around him, and then closing in around him to continue a path of least reluctance. Magnetic field restorers and magnetic field generators of the present invention include embodiments in which permanent magnets are worn on the head, body, or some other body part of an individual. But is it possible to develop a magnetic flux density in a body-worn magnet that will penetrate the human body with a magnetic flux density of 0.1 gauss, or greater? Or, would a body-worn magnet, that would produce a magnetic field somewhere between 0.1 and 5.0 gauss be too heavy to wear on the body? Referring now to FIG. 8 , a graph 118 shows magnetic flux densities, in gauss vs. distance in inches, from respective ones of faces of two sheets of flexible magnetic material, not shown. The two sheets of magnetic material for this test were 8.250 inches (21.0 cm) wide, 6.375 inches (16.2 cm) high, and 0.060 inches (1.52 mm) thick, weighed 6.7 ounces (190.3 grams) each, and were magnetized with only a single magnetic pole on each side. In the test of FIG. 8 , the two sheets of flexible magnetic material were spaced apart 18 inches (45.8 cm), and air was the medium between the two sheets of magnetic material. As shown by the graph 118 of FIG. 8 , the two sheets of magnetic material would produce a magnetic-field density of 1.0 gauss in the innermost part of an object, such as a human body, that is 18.0 inches (45.8 cm) thick. It has been proven previously that magnetic fields penetrate the human body as easily as they do air. Therefore, the test of FIG. 8 proves that body-worn magnets, light enough to be carried, can produce a magnetic field that can penetrate a human body. More especially, the test of FIG. 8 shows that two sheets of flexible magnetic material that weigh only 6.7 ounces (190.3 grams) each can produce a magnetic field in the innermost organ of a person, who is 18.0 inches (45.7 cm) thick, an enhancing magnetic field whose magnitude is twice that of the earth's dc magnetic field and ten times the minimum gauss level taught herein. Quite a number of patents have been granted for use in magnetic therapy on the basis of unique distribution of magnetic poles on surfaces of flexible magnetic sheets. Among these are Spiegler, U.S. Pat. No. 6,416,458 which issued on Jul. 9, 2002; and Brisoni et al., U.S. Pat. No. 6,267,719 which issued on Jul. 31, 2001. In addition, two patents, pertaining to therapeutic use of magnetic fields, have been granted in which flexible magnetic material includes only a single pole on each side. Flamant et al., in U.S. Pat. No. 6,126,588 which issued on Oct. 3, 2000, teach a flexible magnetic material that will drape to follow contours of a human body. And, Gardner et al., in U.S. Pat. No. 5,621,369, teach a flexible magnet that includes a pattern of ridges that are designed to produce a dispersed magnetic field. While flexible magnets with alternating, or patterned, magnetic poles on each side have produced a confusion of magnetic fields that penetrate the body to superficial depths, Flamant et al. have oriented the South magnetic pole toward the body member needing therapy. In contrast, Griffin et al. in U.S. Pat. No. 5,587,956 teaches juxtaposing one polarity of a magnetic pad against a body member, and at a later time, reversing the magnetic pad. In contrast, in the present invention, magnetic poles are oriented to enhance the earth's dc magnetic field, to restore an ambient dc magnetic field that has been degraded by a steel structure, to restore a dc magnetic field that has been degraded by an ac magnetic field, or to provide magnetic-field penetration completely through a body, or a body member, by providing opposite magnetic poles on opposite sides of the body or body member. The magnetic pole at the geographical North Pole is not magnetically a North pole, but instead it is magnetically a South pole. Therefore, enhancing and/or restoring the earth's dc magnetic field is accomplished by orienting a North magnetic pole of a magnetic-field generator toward the (supposedly) North magnetic pole. But, since the (supposedly) North magnetic pole is oriented downwardly at 72.0 degrees from North in the vicinity of Chicago, Ill., at that geographical location, vertical orientation of the magnetic poles of the enhancing magnetic field is almost ideal, with the North magnetic pole of the magnetic-field generator being disposed downwardly. However, magnetic-field enhancing or magnetic-field restoring as taught herein can be accomplished by vector addition at any angle that results in restoring or enhancing the earth's dc magnetic field. Referring now to FIG. 9 , a magnetic-field-enhancing bed or magnetic-field enhancing apparatus 120 includes a bed, or bed structure, or furniture structure 122 , a box spring or lower sleep unit 124 , a mattress, or upper sleep unit 126 , and a magnetic-field generator 128 that is disposed between the lower sleep unit 124 and the upper sleep unit 126 , and that is shown as a thicker line. The mattress 126 includes a head edge 130 , a foot edge 132 , and a pair of side edges 134 that all depend downwardly from a top surface, or sleeping surface 136 , and that form a perimeter 138 around the mattress 126 . The magnetic-field generator 128 produces exclusively North and South magnetic poles as shown, and a resultant dc magnetic field that is oriented generally along flux lines 140 . The magnetic-field generator 128 is designed to produce a magnetic field with a magnitude of about 0.5 to 5.0 gauss that passes through a person, or body of a human, 142 . More particularly, the magnetic-field generator 128 is designed to enhance or restore the earth's dc magnetic field in a living space 144 that extends upwardly for a height 146 from the top surface 136 that is sufficient to engulf the body of the person 142 . Obviously, the edges 130 , 132 , and 134 define a length, not numbered, and a width, not numbered, of the living space 144 . Referring now to FIG. 10 , the magnetic-field generator 128 is shown disposed between the lower sleep unit 124 and the upper sleep unit 126 of FIG. 9 . The magnetic-field generator 128 includes a multi-turn generator coil 148 , a coil sheath 150 , a web 152 for disposing between the lower sleep unit 124 and the upper sleep unit 126 , and a skirt 154 . Referring now to FIG. 11 , a wire 156 is shown in cross-section. If a current is flowing downward through the wire 156 into the paper, the current flow through the wire 156 develops magnetic flux in the direction shown by an arrow 158 . With the thumb of the right hand in the direction of current flow, the direction of the magnetic flux around the wire is in the direction of fingers of the right hand. Referring now to FIG. 12 , a multi-turn generator coil 160 is shown in cross-section, and includes a plurality of turns 162 of wire 164 that are wound around an axis 166 . If current is flowing downwardly through the turns 162 of wire 164 into the paper, magnetic flux flows generally as shown by an arrow 168 , and develops North and South magnetic poles as shown, but some magnetic flux flows between coils, as shown by an arrow 170 . With fingers of the right hand pointing in the direction of current flow through the turns 162 of wire 164 , the thumb points toward the North pole. Referring again to FIG. 9 , in like manner to the multiturn generator coil 160 of FIG. 12 , magnetic flux flows from one pole of the magnetic-field generator 128 along the flux lines 140 , and nonreversibly, or unidirectionally, through the living space 144 , and returns to the opposite pole of the magnetic-field generator 128 . Referring now to FIG. 13 , and FIG. 14 that is an enlarged cross-section taken substantially as shown by section line 14 - 14 of FIG. 13 , a coil wrap 176 includes a plurality of strips 178 of conductive material that are spaced apart, and bonded to a nonconductive backing 180 . The coil wrap 176 can be used in place of plastic wrap that is often used over sheeting in building construction, it can be used under Sheetrock®, or it can be used for making smaller coils. Referring now to FIG. 15 , magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus or a magnetic-field enhancing room 186 includes a room or room structure 188 , and a magnetic-field generator or multi-turn generator coil 190 . The room 186 includes a floor 192 and interior wall surfaces 194 . Strips 196 of conductive material are wallpapered onto the interior wall surfaces 194 , and are continuous around corners, except for one corner 198 . When the strips 196 are connected with jumpers, not shown, the magnetic-field generator 190 is formed, thereby providing the magnetic-field enhancing room 186 . If the magnetic-field enhancing room 186 is to be used primarily for persons who will be sitting or sleeping, a magnetic-field-enhanced living space 200 does not necessarily need to extend to a height 202 that is more than 1.5 meters (5.0 feet) above the floor 204 . And, since the magnetic-field enhanced living space 200 will extend both above and below the magnetic-field generator 190 , the magnetic-field generator 190 does not need to be as long as the height 202 . In like manner, a living space in many building does not necessarily need to extend up to a ceiling of the building, a magnetic-field generator thereof does not necessarily need to extend down to a floor, and the magnetic-field generator does not necessarily need to extend upwardly to a height of a magnetic-field-enhanced living space. Referring now to FIG. 16 , a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus or a magnetic-field enhancing building 208 includes a building or a building structure 210 with a structural perimeter 212 , and a magnetic-field generator or multi-turn generator coil 214 that is symbolized by dash lines, that is applied perimetrically, and that produces poles along a vertical axis 216 . Referring now to FIG. 17 , an end elevation of a magnetic-field enhancing apparatus or a magnetic-field-enhancing building 222 is shown. The magnetic-field-enhancing building 222 includes a building or a building structure 224 , and a magnetic-field generator or multi-turn generator coil 226 that is symbolized by a dash line. A magnetic field is produced whose poles are disposed along an axis 228 . In FIG. 18 , the magnetic-field-enhancing building 222 of FIG. 17 is taken substantially as shown by view-line 18 - 18 of FIG. 17 . The magnetic-field-enhancing building 222 includes a plurality of the generator coils 226 of FIG. 17 that are connected to a zone control 234 of FIG. 18 . The zone control 234 may be programmed to apply power to selected ones of the generator coils 226 , thereby magnetic-field enhancing selected ones of zones, such as a zone 236 of the building 222 , in accordance with a selected use of the building 222 during a selected portion of a day. Referring now to FIG. 19 , a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus or a magnetic-field-enhancing hospital bed 242 includes a bed or a bed structure 244 , a magnetic-field generator 246 that is disposed perimetrically around the bed 242 , and a lifting mechanism 248 for raising and lowering both the magnetic-field generator 246 and a surround structure 250 . The magnetic-field generator 246 is disposed both horizontally and perimetrically in the surround structure 250 . The surround structure 250 serves as a bed rail when raised, whether or not a voltage is applied to the magnetic-field generator 246 , and the lifting mechanism 248 lowers the surround structure 250 to provide easy entrance onto, and exit from, the bed 242 . Referring now to FIG. 20 , a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus or a magnetic-field-enhancing carrel 292 includes a foldable carrel or a carrel structure 294 and a magnetic-field generator 296 that is symbolized by a dash line. The carrel structure 294 includes foldably-hinged panels 298 A, 298 B, 298 C, and 298 D. A portion of the magnetic-field generator 296 is disposed in each of the panels 298 A- 298 D. The foldable carrel 294 may be shaped to substantially enclose, except for an opening 300 between ends 302 A and 302 B, a work space or a sleep area, or any other area in which a beneficial magnetic field is desired. A bundled-conductor jumper 304 connects portions of the magnetic field generator that are disposed in the panels 298 A- 298 D. The magnetic-field-enhancing carrel 292 has a height 306 that preferably is short enough to be moved through doors, not shown, and the magnetic-field generator 296 is positioned to provide a beneficial dc magnetic field in a living space 308 for sitting or sleeping. Referring now to FIG. 21 , a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus or a magnetic-field-enhancing mattress 314 includes a mattress or a mattress structure 316 . The mattress 314 may be of the type wherein water is used in a cavity 318 to provide support, or which may be of the type in which air is used. The mattress 314 includes riser portions 320 A and 320 B. The riser portions 320 A and 320 B are welded together with a magnetic-field generator 322 that is made of a plurality of wires 324 , and that is disposed between the riser portions, 320 A and 320 B. Referring now to FIG. 22 , a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus or a magnetic-field-enhancing bed 330 includes a box spring or lower sleep unit 332 , and a magnetic-field generator 334 . The magnetic-field generator 334 includes bundled and continuously looped wire 336 and a bundling conduit 338 . The box spring 332 includes a cloth cover 340 that encloses the magnetic-field generator 334 . When the magnetic-field generator 334 is disposed under a mattress, or upper sleep unit, 342 , the magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 330 and the upper sleep unit 342 cooperate to provide a magnetic-field-enhancing bed 344 . Alternately, not shown, the magnetic-field generator 334 may be made as an integral part of the upper sleep unit 342 . Referring now to FIG. 23 , a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus or a magnetic-field-enhancing water bed 350 includes a water bed or a water bed structure 352 , and a magnetic-field generator 354 . The water bed 350 includes rails 356 , a bottom board 358 , and a water-bed mattress 360 . The magnetic-field generator 354 includes continuously-looped wire 362 with bundled turns that are disposed in a conduit 364 . Alternately, the magnetic-field generator 354 may be disposed under the water bed 350 as shown by a dash line 366 . Referring now to FIG. 24 , a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus or magnetic-field-enhancing seating furniture 370 includes seating furniture or seating furniture structure 372 , and a magnetic-field generator or two-axis generator 374 . The two-axis generator 374 produces a magnetic field that is disposed along two axes, one axis with poles along a vertical axis 376 , and an other axis with poles along a horizontal axis 378 , thereby producing a magnetic field that is distributed upward and backward, forward and downward, and therebetween, as shown by lines 380 A and 380 B. The magnetic-field generator 374 includes a horizontal coil portion 382 A that is disposed along a horizontal plane 384 , thereby producing poles along the vertical axis 376 , and a vertical coil portion 386 A that is disposed along a vertical plane 388 , thereby producing poles along the horizontal axis 378 , and thereby producing a magnetic-field-enhanced living space 390 that is sufficient to engulf a human, not shown, seated in the magnetic-field-enhancing seating furniture 370 . Referring now to FIGS. 24 and 25 , but more particularly to FIG. 25 , the two-axis magnetic-field generator 374 of FIG. 24 is symbolically shown in FIG. 25 as a single-turn coil, but would normally be made as a bundled-conductor coil, as previously described. The two-axis generator 374 includes the horizontal coil portion 382 A, and an other horizontal coil portion 382 A, the vertical coil portion 386 B and an other vertical coil portion 386 B, a front portion 392 , a first rear portion 394 A, and a second rear portion 394 B. The first and second rear portions, 394 A and 394 B, are connected to positive and negative potentials, as shown, to any suitable source of electrical power. The coil portions 386 A and 386 B tend to develop a magnetic field whose poles are vertical, as shown by the vertical axis 376 of FIG. 24 . In like manner, the portions 382 A and 382 B tend to develop a magnetic field whose poles are horizontal, as shown by the horizontal axis 378 of FIG. 24 . Therefore, the magnetic-field generator 374 is a two-axis magnetic-field generator. Referring now to FIG. 26 a U-shaped magnetic-field generator 400 includes a pair of active back portions 402 with terminals 404 which may be connected to a source of electrical power, a pair of active side portions 406 , a pair of magnetically-shielded side portions 408 , and a magnetically-shielded back portion 410 . Magnetic shielding can be achieved by the use of soft iron sheets, or by any suitable means, not an inventive part of the present invention. Referring now to FIG. 27 , a magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus or a magnetic-field-enhancing desk 414 includes a desk or a desk structure 416 , and the U-shaped generator 400 of FIG. 26 . The desk 414 includes a top 418 , and the location of the U-shaped generator 400 is symbolized by heavier lines along three of four edges 420 of the top 418 . Since the U-shaped generator 400 is open-sided, although the poles of the magnetic-field developed thereby are generally vertical, it is easy to see that the magnetic field will flow forward, thereby providing a magnetic-field-enhanced living space 422 that will engulf a person, not shown, who is using the desk 414 . Referring now to FIGS. 28 and 29 , a magnetic-field-enhancing bassinet 428 includes a bassinet 430 , and shown only in FIG. 29 , one or more of electrical magnetic-field generators 432 , 434 , 436 , and/or 438 , or one of two types of permanent-magnet magnetic-field generators that will be discussed subsequently. The bassinet 428 includes perimetrical sidewalls 440 with a perimetrical top rim 442 , and shown only in FIG. 29 , a bottom 444 that is inserted into the sidewalls 440 , and a perimetrical flange 446 that extends downward from the bottom 444 , providing a bottom recess 448 . A baby 450 lying on a mattress 452 is spaced away from the sidewalls 440 by a perimetrical pad 454 . If one or more of the electrical magnetic-field generators, 432 , 434 , 436 , and/or 438 are used, a battery 456 may be installed in the bottom recess 448 to provide electrical power. If the electrical magnetic-field generator 432 is used, it is disposed perimetrically around the sidewalls 440 , and is bunched along a line 458 that extends through the baby 450 . If the electrical magnetic-field generators 434 and 436 are used, they are disposed perimetrically around the sidewalls 440 , and are bunched along lines 460 and 462 , respectively. If the electrical magnetic-field generator 438 is used, it is disposed perimetrically around the sidewalls 440 , and distributed between the lines 460 and 462 . Referring now to FIG. 30 , a domino-shaped permanent magnet 466 has a face that is 1.875 inches (4.76 cm) long and 0.875 inches (22.2 mm) wide, and has a thickness of 0.375 (9.5 mm). As shown, the permanent magnet 466 is magnetized with a single pole of one polarity on one face, and a single pole of an opposite polarity on an opposite face, so that magnetic flux flows as shown by a magnetic flux line 468 . The permanent magnet of FIG. 30 produces a magnetic flux density of 800 gauss on each face, weighs 1.75 ounces (49.6 grams), and will lift forty-one identical permanent magnets. In contrast, the sheets of flexible magnetic material of FIG. 8 will not even stick together. Referring now to FIG. 31 , if two rows 470 of the permanent magnets 466 of FIG. 30 are spaced at a distance 472 , a magnetic field will be developed between the magnets, and symmetrically, both above and below, the magnets 466 , as indicated by the flux lines 474 . Referring now to FIG. 32 , a parallel-bar permanent magnet enhancer 480 includes rows 482 A and 482 B of the permanent magnets 466 that are spaced apart by a distance 484 . The magnets 466 are forcibly and tightly juxtaposed together, and the rows 482 A and 482 B have equal lengths 486 . The North poles of all of the magnets 466 are disposed upwardly, as indicated by the letter “N”. By juxtaposing a plurality of the magnets 466 together to form the rows 482 A and 482 B, magnetic flux cannot flow around any of ends 488 , except for those of magnets 466 that are at the ends of the rows 482 A and 482 B. A living space 490 is provided that is inside the rows 482 A and 482 B, and that extends both above and below the rows 482 A and 482 B. Referring now to FIG. 33 , a closed-ring magnetic-field generator 496 includes the rows 482 A and 482 B of permanent magnets 466 of FIG. 31 . In addition, the closed-ring permanent-magnet generator 496 includes rows 498 A and 498 B of permanent magnets 466 that are juxtaposed against the rows 482 A and 482 B, as shown, to form the closed-ring magnetic-field generator 496 . By juxtaposing the rows 498 A and 498 B against the ends 488 of the rows 482 A and 482 B of FIG. 32 , flow of magnet flux about the ends 488 of FIG. 32 is precluded, and magnetic flux inside the closed-ring magnetic-field generator 496 is increased. However, there is some flux loss at ends 500 of the rows 498 A and 498 B, as shown by a flux line 502 . Referring now to FIGS. 34 and 35 , a magnetic-field-enhancing bassinet, playpen, or bed, or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 506 includes a bassinet structure, playpen structure, or bed structure 508 , a mattress 510 having a living surface 512 , and a magnetic-field generator pad, 514 . The magnetic-field generator pad 514 includes an upper surface 516 and a lower surface 518 , with a single one of the magnetic poles on respective ones of the surfaces, 516 and 518 , as shown. The magnetic-field generator pad 514 is made of flexible magnetic material such as taught in conjunction with FIG. 8 . A magnetic-field-enhanced living space 520 includes a length 522 , a width 524 , and a height 526 for a person, or living thing, 528 in which an enhancing magnetic field 530 is provided in the living space 520 , that when vectorially added to the earth's magnetic field, produces a dc magnetic field that is vectorially greater than the earth's magnetic field, as taught in conjunction with FIG. 3 . Since the magnetic-field generator pad 514 is magnetized with a single North pole on one side and a single South pole on the other side, all of the magnetic flux flows nonreversingly, or unidirectionally, from one side of the pad 514 , nonreversingly, or unidirectionally, through the living space 520 , in the opposite direction around the pad 514 , and unidirectionally into the other side of the pad 514 . Referring now to FIG. 35A , a magnetic-field generator pad 532 , that may be used instead of the generator pad 514 of FIGS. 34 and 35 , includes edges 534 that are bent upwardly, as shown, to focus the magnetic field. In like manner, referring now to FIG. 35B , a magnetic-field generator pad 536 , that may be used instead of the generator pad 514 of FIGS. 34 and 35 , includes ends 538 and edges 540 that are both bent upwardly to focus the magnetic field. Referring now to FIG. 35C , a magnetic-field-enhancing mattress or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 544 includes a foam mattress pad 546 and the magnetic-field-generator pad 548 in a cover 550 . Referring now to FIG. 35D , a magnetic-field-enhancing mattress 552 includes the foam mattress pad 546 , the magnetic-field-generator pad 548 , and the cover 550 of FIG. 35C . In addition, the magnetic-field enhancing mattress 552 includes either two, or four, doubler strips 554 that are also made from flexible magnetic material, such as that used for the tests of FIG. 8 , and that are each juxtaposed to an edge 556 of the generator pad 548 . By doubling or tripling the thickness of the pad 548 wherein the strips 554 are placed, the magnetic field is strengthened along the edges 556 . Strengthening the magnetic field along the edges 556 increases the magnetic field inward of the edges 556 because the strengthened magnetic field along the edges 556 increases the length of the magnetic path around the pad 548 , even as a dam increases depth of water. Referring now to FIG. 36 , a magnetic-field-enhancing child car seat or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 560 is attached to a vehicle seat 562 in a vehicle 564 . A magnetic-field generator 566 , as indicated by a phantom line, provides an enhancing magnetic field generally in a direction 568 . The magnetic-field generator 566 , which may be of the type using the generator coil as shown in FIG. 24 , permanent magnets as shown in FIG. 42 or 33 , or the enhancer pad as shown in FIGS. 34 and 35 , provides an enhancing magnetic field for a child, whether a child's head 570 is in a vertical position, as shown, or in a sleeping position 572 as shown by phantom lines. Referring now to FIG. 37 , a magnetic-field-enhancing cap or Magcap 576 includes a crown-conforming portion 578 and a bill 580 . Referring now to FIG. 37A , the Magcap 576 includes an outer fabric layer 582 , an inner fabric layer 584 , and a magnetic-field generator or magnetic-field-generator pad 586 that is polarized, as shown. Whereas others have taught placing a South magnetic pole proximal to a body or body member for some supposed medical reason, in the Magcap 576 , the North pole is placed proximal to the head, so that the magnetic field produced by the magnetic-field generator 586 enhances the earth's dc magnetic field, as shown by a vector 588 . Referring now to FIGS. 38 , 38 A, and 38 B, in FIG. 38 , a person 594 is wearing a magnetic headband, body-member-encircling band, or Magband 596 . As shown in FIG. 38A , preferably the Magband 596 is edge magnetized as indicated, thereby providing magnetic flux as shown by flux lines 598 , and thereby enhancing the earth's dc magnetic field. In FIG. 38B , alternate magnetization of the Magband 596 is shown. Portions 600 are not magnetized as indicated by a single line. Portions 602 are magnetized with a North Pole on the inside of the Magband 596 , and portions 604 are magnetized with a North Pole on the outside of the Magband 596 , thereby providing magnetic flux completely through the Magband as shown by a line 606 . Therefore, in addition to providing flow of magnetic flux completely through a head, or body member, 608 of the person 594 , the earth's dc magnetic field is vectorially enhanced. Referring now to FIG. 39 , a magnetic-field-enhancing belt, body-part-encircling band, or Magbelt, 610 preferably is edge magnetized as taught in conjunction with FIG. 38A , but optionally may be magnetized in accordance with FIG. 38B , with advantages as taught in conjunction with FIGS. 38A and 38B . A buckle 612 includes an up arrow 614 as a guide for correct use when the Magbelt 610 is magnetized in accordance with the teaching of FIG. 38A . Referring now to FIG. 40 , a magnetic-field-enhancing back brace, body-part-encircling band, or Magbrace 616 , preferably is edge magnetized as taught in conjunction with FIG. 38A , but alternately may be magnetized in accordance with the teaching of FIG. 38B . Referring now to FIGS. 37-40 , the Magcap 576 of FIG. 37 , the Magband 596 of FIG. 38 , the Magbelt 610 of FIG. 39 , and the Magbrace 616 of FIG. 40 each provide a magnetic field that penetrates a body member, that vectorially adds an enhancing magnetic field to the earth's dc magnetic field, thereby providing a magnetic-field-enhanced magnetic field that penetrates a body member. Referring now to FIGS. 41 and 41A , a magnetic-field-enhancing carrel or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 618 of FIG. 41 includes a U-shaped carrel 620 and a magnetic-field generator 622 . In FIG. 41A , the magnetic-field generator 622 is shown in cross section with the U-shaped carrel 620 . The magnetic-field generator 622 preferably is constructed of domino-shaped magnets 466 of FIG. 30 , that are disposed in rows, such as the rows 482 A and 482 B of FIG. 32 . A magnetic field is developed by the magnetic-field-enhancing carrel 618 that generally is vertical, as shown by a vertical axis 624 , but slopes outwardly from an open side 626 . Referring now to FIG. 42 , a magnetic-field-enhancing carpet, or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 630 includes a carpet 632 and a magnetic-field generator 634 . The magnetic-field generator 634 is in the form of a bundled coil and is circumferentially disposed with respect to a perimeter 636 of the carpet 632 . The magnetic-field-enhancing carpet 630 provides a magnetic-field-enhanced living space in an area roughly defined by the magnetic-field generator 634 that extends upwardly with magnetic poles being disposed generally along a vertical axis 638 , so that a person, not shown, sitting in seating furniture 640 is subjected to an enhanced dc magnetic field. Optionally, the magnetic-field generator 634 is separate from the carpet 632 . Referring now to FIG. 43 , a magnetic-field enhancing carpet or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 644 includes a carpet 646 and a magnetic-field generator 648 . The magnetic-field generator 648 is in the form of a pad of magnetized material, with magnetic poles as taught in conjunction with FIGS. 34 and 35 . In addition, the magnetic-field generator 648 includes a doubler strip 650 of magnetized material to increase the magnetic field proximal to a periphery 652 of the carpet 646 . The magnetic-field-enhancing carpet 644 provides a magnetic-field-enhanced living space in an area roughly defined by the magnetic-field generator 648 that extends upwardly with magnetic poles being disposed generally along a vertical axis 654 , so that a person, not shown, sitting in the seating furniture 640 is subjected to an enhanced dc magnetic field. Optionally, the magnetic-field generator 648 is separate from the carpet 646 . Referring now to FIG. 44 , a magnetic-field-enhancing room or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 660 includes a first magnetic-field generator 662 in the form of a magnetized sheet of material that is disposed on a floor 664 , and second magnetic-field generator 666 that is disposed in a wall 668 . The magnetic-field generators, 662 and 666 are magnetized with magnetic poles as shown, and as taught in conjunction with FIGS. 34 and 35 . An enhancing magnetic field is produced whose axis is generally as shown by an inclined axis 670 . Referring now to FIG. 45 , a magnetic-field enhancing chair or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 672 includes a magnetic-field-enhancing back portion 674 , a magnetic-field-enhancing seat portion 676 , a structure 678 , a leg-support portion 680 , and a leg-support extending mechanism 682 . The magnetic-field-enhancing back portion 674 includes a back portion 684 , and a magnetic-field generator 686 that is in the form of a sheet of magnetized material that may be in the order of 0.125 inches (3.2 mm) thick, and that includes magnetic poles as taught herein. The back portion 684 includes a cover 688 , a sheet of foam rubber 690 , and a back board 692 , and the magnetic-field generator 686 is disposed between the foam rubber 690 and the back board 692 . The magnetic-field-enhancing seat portion 676 is constructed similarly, except as will be described in conjunction with FIG. 45A Referring now to FIG. 45A , a cross-sectioned portion of the magnetic-field enhancing seat 676 is shown with the leg-support portion 680 separated at a distance 694 by the mechanism 682 that connects the leg-support portion 680 to the structure 678 . The magnetic-field-enhancing seat portion 676 includes a seat portion 696 and a magnetic-field generator 698 that is in the form of a sheet of magnetized material with magnetic poles as taught herein. In like manner, the magnetic-field-enhancing leg-support portion 680 includes a leg-supporting portion 700 and a magnetic-field generator 702 that is in the form of a sheet of magnetized material with magnetic poles as taught herein. In addition to the magnetic-field generator 698 , the magnetic-field-enhancing seat portion 676 also includes a supplementary magnetic-field generator 704 that is disposed at an angle, as shown. And the magnetic-field-enhancing leg-support portion 680 includes a supplementary magnetic-field generator 706 that is disposed at an angle, as shown. The supplementary magnetic-field generators, 704 and 706 , not only provide supplementary magnetic field, but also, because the supplementary magnetic-field generators, 704 and 706 , are inclined at angles, as shown, their magnetic fields bridge the gap of the distance 694 , filling the space between the portions 696 and 700 with their own magnetic fields so that a continuous magnetic field is provided by the magnetic-field generators 698 and 702 , even though the leg-supporting portion 700 is separated from the seat portion 696 by the distance 694 . Referring now to FIG. 46 , a magnetic-field-restoring vehicle or magnetic-field-enhancing vehicle 712 includes a steel roof 714 , a steel floor 716 , steel walls 718 A and 718 B that connect the steel roof 714 to the steel floor 716 , and a driver's seat 720 . The vehicle 712 is facing West, so the steel wall 718 A is to the North, and orientation of the North pole is represented by the vector 14 . Since the magnetic reluctance of steel is in the order of a thousand times lower than that of air, a portion of the magnetic flux of the earth's dc magnetic flux flows transversely through the material of the steel roof 714 , as illustrated by vectors 722 A and 722 B, and downwardly through the steel walls 718 A and 718 B, as illustrated by vectors 724 A and 724 B, thereby degrading the earth's dc magnetic field in an interior 726 of the vehicle 712 . A remaining portion of the earth's dc magnetic field flows downwardly through the steel roof 714 , downwardly through the interior 726 , and through the steel floor 716 , as illustrated by a vector 728 . The vector 728 is shorter than the vector 14 to illustrate the fact that the earth's dc magnetic field is degraded by steel construction of the vehicle 712 . While it is logical to assume that degradation of the earth's dc magnetic field will vary in accordance with individual design parameters of various makes and models of vehicles, measurements with a gaussmeter indicate an average degradation of fifty percent. Therefore, an operator, not shown, sitting on the seat 720 , and passengers, not shown, are disposed in an ambient magnetic field that has been degraded approximately fifty percent by steel construction of the vehicle 712 . While it would be difficult to measure the flow of magnetic flux downwardly through the walls 718 A and 718 B, flow of magnetic flux through the walls 718 A and 718 B can be illustrated by the fact that a compass will point to the walls 718 A and 718 B if the vehicle 712 is oriented in a North-South direction. Continuing to refer to FIG. 46 , a first magnetic-field generator, first magnetized sheet, or first magnetized pad, 730 is disposed proximal to the steel floor 716 generally in a floormat position. A second magnetic-field generator, second magnetized sheet, or second magnetized pad, 732 is disposed proximal to the steel roof 714 generally in a headliner position. While either of the magnetic-field generators, 730 or 732 , will vectorially increase the vector 728 , using both magnetic-field generators, 730 and 732 , is preferred, since it produces the greatest, and most uniform, increase. If the vehicle 712 is made of steel, as described, then adding the magnetic-field generators 730 and 732 make the vehicle 712 either a magnetic-field-restoring vehicle or a magnetic-field-enhancing vehicle, depending upon the strength of the magnetic field that is generated. However, if the vehicle 712 is not made of magnetic material, adding the magnetic-field generators 730 and 732 makes the vehicle 712 a magnetic-field-enhancing vehicle. Either way, occupants, not shown, of the vehicle 712 , travel in a more healthful magnetic field. Referring now to FIG. 47A , a magnetic-field-enhancing vehicle chair or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 738 includes a magnetic-field generator 740 that is in the form a magnetized sheet, that extends downwardly behind a back 742 of forwardly the chair 738 and under a seat 744 . Referring now to FIG. 47B , in a second embodiment, a magnetic-field-enhancing vehicle chair or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 748 includes a magnetic-field generator 750 that is in the form a magnetized sheet, that extends downwardly in front of a back 752 of the chair 748 and forwardly on top of a seat 754 . Referring now to FIG. 47C , in a third embodiment, a magnetic-field-enhancing vehicle chair or magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus 758 includes a magnetic-field generator 760 that is in the form a magnetized sheet, and that extends downwardly-inside a back 762 and forwardly inside a seat 764 of the chair 758 . Referring now to FIGS. 47A-47D , and more particularly to FIG. 47D , in a variation that may be used with any of the magnetic-field-enhancing vehicle chairs 47 A- 47 C, a magnetic-field generator 768 , that is in the form of a magnetized pad, extends downwardly in front of a seat pedestal 770 . In addition, optionally an other magnetic-field generator 772 , that is in the form of a floor mat, may be used in conjunction with any of the magnetic-field-enhancing vehicle chairs 47 A- 47 C. While construction details have not been shown or described in conjunction with FIGS. 47A-47D , it should be apparent to one skilled in the art that any conceivable construction or method of attachment can be employed without departing from the scope of the disclosed invention. With regard to vehicles, such as shown and described in conjunction with FIG. 46 , the cabs and sleeping quarters of trailer tractors are commonly constructed of aluminum, so that the earth's dc magnetic field is not degraded in either the cab of the tractor or in the operator's sleeping quarters. However, the present invention is useful in providing an enhanced dc magnetic field, both in the cab, and in sleeping quarters. For instance, extending the magnetic-field generators 730 and 732 back into sleeping quarters, not shown, provides a magnetic-field-enhancing bedroom. Alternately, a magnetic-field-enhancing bed, such as the magnetic-field-enhancing bed 506 of FIGS. 34 and 35 , may be used in a trucker's sleeping quarters, or in any other living space used for sleeping. Referring again to FIG. 43 , the magnetic-field generator 648 may be enlarged to cover an entire floor of a room, or enlarged to cover an entire building, or be used in magnetic-field-enhancing vehicles, such as trains or other mass transportation vehicles. The magnetic field generators, such as the magnetic-field generator 648 , may be constructed of and laid as tiles, or may be laid under a carpet and carpet pad. In summary, the present invention produces a restored and/or enhanced dc magnetic field in a living area, in an entire living thing, or in a body member of a living thing. That is, various embodiments of the present invention provide dc magnetic-field enhanced living spaces for entire living things. Other embodiments are worn on the body, and therefore provide restored or enhanced dc magnetic fields in selected body portions. The present invention can be used: to enhance the earth's dc magnetic field beyond its present time-degraded magnitude; to restore, and optionally to enhance, a healthy dc magnetic field when the earth's dc magnetic field has been degraded by an ac magnetic field; to restore and/or to enhance a healthy dc magnetic field in geographical areas in which the earth's dc magnetic field has been degraded by a natural geological formation; and to restore and/or enhance a normal dc magnetic field when the earth's dc magnetic field has been degraded in a man-made structure, such as a vehicle. With regard to environmental ac magnetic fields, vector addition of an environmental ac magnetic field with earth's dc magnetic field commonly produces a cyclically-fluctuating dc magnetic field whose cyclic minimum is less than the earth's magnetic field and, therefore, insufficient for healthy cell communication. However, in the present invention vector addition of an enhancing dc magnetic field, the earth's dc magnetic field, and an environmental ac magnetic field produces a cyclically-fluctuating dc magnetic field whose cyclic minimum is greater than the earth's dc magnetic field, thereby providing a dc magnetic field whose magnitude is sufficient for healthful cell communication, and thereby reducing, or even obviating, the deleterious effects of environmental ac magnetic fields. With regard to geographical areas, in some geographical areas, natural geological formations of magnetic material cause the earth's dc magnetic field to detour underground, or around those geographical areas, thereby degrading the dc magnetic field. The present invention may be used to restore the dc magnetic field to the magnitude experienced in other geographical areas, or to enhance the earth's dc magnetic field above its present time-degraded magnitude. With regard to man-made structures, some man-made structures, including vehicles such as cars and vans, and other vehicles constructed of steel, seriously degrade the earth's dc magnetic field. This is especially serious when both driver and passengers are subjected to degraded magnetic fields for long hours. The enhancing magnetic fields used to practice the present invention may be as low as 0.1 gauss, and as high as, or higher than, 5.0 gauss, and may be at any angle to the earth's dc magnetic field, or at any angle to an ac magnetic field, and in any plane that results in a dc magnetic field that is greater than the earth's dc magnetic field. Enhancing magnetic fields, as taught herein, may be generated electromagnetically, or permanent magnets may be used in any suitable shape, size, number and/or combination to generate enhancing magnetic fields. However, sheets of magnetized material are preferred for many embodiments. Obviously, an enhancing magnetic field cannot be an ac magnetic field. Instead, it must be a dc magnetic field. Further, it must provide a nonreversing, or unidirectional, magnetic field in the living area in which the dc magnetic field is to be enhanced or restored. That is, the magnetic flux must flow in a nonreversing direction in the living area in which the magnetic flux density is to be enhanced. The enhancing magnetic field cannot be developed by a plurality of spaced-apart permanent magnets, as has been used in conventional magnetic mattresses, since, as illustrated in FIG. 30 , spaced-apart permanent magnets each develop an omnidirectional magnetic field that flows around each magnet. That is, spaced-apart permanent magnets, as used in conventional magnetic mattresses, generate magnetic fields that flow in all directions in a sleeping space above the mattress, and in all directions into a person sleeping on the mattress. Therefore, spaced-apart permanent magnets could not possibly be used to enhance the earth's dc magnetic field in a living space, or to restore a normal dc magnetic field in a living space that has been degraded by an ac magnetic field. However, as is well-known to those skilled in the art, all of the magnetic flux of a coil flows axially, and nonreversingly or unidirectionally, out one end of the coil, reverses directions by curving outwardly, flows toward the opposite end of the coil, reverses directions by curving inwardly, and flows nonreversingly, or unidirectionally, into an other end of the coil. Therefore, to enhance the earth's dc magnetic field, or restore a normal dc magnetic field in a living space, the living space must be disposed in the portion of the generated magnetic field that is unidirectional. In like manner, when a permanent magnet has a single pole on each of two faces, all of the magnetic flux flows nonreversingly, or unidirectionally, from one face, reverses directions by curving outwardly, and flows unidirectionally into the other face. Therefore, to enhance the earth's dc magnetic field, or restore a normal dc magnetic field in a living space, the living space must be disposed in the portion of the generated magnetic field that is unidirectional. The material used for the tests of FIG. 8 has an MGOe of 0.7, was manufactured by Magnet Technology, Inc. of Lebanon, Ohio, and was magnetized as taught herein. In a test using a spliced sheet 48.0 inches (121.9 cm) wide, 72.0 inches (182.9 cm) long, and 0.060 inches (1.524 mm) thick, magnetic fields of 0.90, 0.78, 0.62, and 0.49 gauss were generated at heights of 12.0, 16.0, 20.0, and 24.0 inches (30.5 cm, 40.6 cm, 50.8 cm, and 61.0 cm) from the magnetized sheet, respectively. With regard to sheets of magnetic material used in magnetic-field-enhancing apparatus taught herein, it should be understood that any material that may be magnetized with a single magnetic pole of one polarity on one face, and a single pole of an opposite polarity on another face, whether it be a structural material, or a material added for the purpose of providing an enhancing magnetic field, may be used to magnetically enhance any of the living spaces taught herein, or any other living space, whether the magnetized material is used under the living space, at a side of the living space, above the living space, on opposite sides of the living space, or any other suitable combination. That is, the present invention includes magnetizing a sheet of magnetic material in a manner in which one side will function substantially as a single North magnetic pole and an other side will function substantially as a single South magnetic pole. While it is preferable that sheets of magnetic material be magnetized with an exclusive North pole on one side, and an exclusive North pole on the other side, it should be understood that gaps of non-magnetized material, or even inclusions of areas with reverse magnetization are within the scope of the present invention, as long as an enhancing dc magnetic field is generated in a living space. Further, while it may be preferable to magnetize a single sheet of magnetic material, the invention may be practiced by use of tiles or elongated strips, and the tiles or strips may be either closely juxtaposed or spaced apart as long as an enhancing dc magnetic field is provided in a living space. The tiles or strips may be placed under or between objects, spliced together, fastened together with Velcro, fastened together with a slide-fastener, vulcanized, or merely placed into position, as long as an enhancing dc magnetic field is generated in a living space. Although apparatus and method of the present invention has focused on providing a more healthful living environment, as opposed to providing therapeutic apparatus and method, the apparatus and method taught herein may be used, at various gauss intensities, for therapeutic treatment by immersing a patient's entire body, or an entire living thing, into a living space which may be above a bed, a special therapeutic device, a portion of a room, a room, or an entire building, for periods of time that may range from a portion of an hour to days or even weeks. While body-attached and mattress-pad-inserted magnets are being sold by others that induce magnetic flux intensities of up to approximately 1400 gauss into human flesh for the purpose of magnetic therapy, the present invention uses magnetic fields in a more natural way. In the present invention, a magnetic flux density is provided that is in the natural range used by, or usable by, the human body, to enhance cell communication. That is, while many teach the use of magnets to cure various diseases by applying magnetic fields of up to 1400 gauss to surface portions of the human body or to surface portions of animals, the present invention generates magnetic fields that penetrate entire living areas. And the magnetic poles of the generated magnetic fields are oriented in predetermined relationships to the earth's dc magnetic field, so that the generated magnetic fields vectorially add to the earth's dc magnetic field. So that, entire bodies of humans or other living things are immersed in an enhanced magnetic field, thereby promoting cell communication and general good health. Even in embodiments of the present invention wherein magnetic-field generators are body-worn, magnetic fields are generated at moderate gauss levels, and orientation of the magnetic poles in relation to a body member of a body member, or according to a theory that a particular magnetic pole provides the greatest healing power. Instead, in the present invention, poles of body-worn magnetic-field generators are disposed in a particular relationship to the earth's dc magnetic field. A magnetic pole orientation is chosen that vectorially increases the magnitude of the earth's dc magnetic field, thereby providing an enhanced dc magnetic field. Continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/336,271, filed Jun. 18, 1999, which issued as U.S. Pat. No. 6,203,486 on Mar. 20, 2001, Continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/755,697, filed Jan. 5, 2001, and Provisional Patent Application No. 60/254,739, filed Dec. 11, 2000, are all incorporated herein by reference thereto. While specific apparatus and method have been disclosed in the preceding description, it should be understood that these specifics have been given for the purpose of disclosing the principles of the present invention, and that many variations thereof will become apparent to those who are versed in the art. Therefore, the scope of the present invention is to be determined by the appended claims, and without regard to any numbers that may be parenthetically inserted in any of the claims.
Apparatus and method are provided for enhancing the earth's dc magnetic field ( 14 ) and/or for restoring the earth's dc magnetic field ( 14 ), when the earth's dc magnetic field ( 14 ) has been degraded by steel construction, or has been degraded by either an extra-low-frequency or an rf magnetic field ( 96 ), in a living space ( 144 ). Magnetic-field enhancing/restoring apparatus includes beds ( 120 ), mattresses ( 314 ), bassinets ( 428 ), other seating furniture ( 370 ), office furniture ( 414 ), rooms ( 186 ), buildings ( 222 ), child-restraint seating ( 560 ), and vehicles ( 712 ). Apparatus and method also are provided for enhancing the earth's dc magnetic field in a body member ( 608 ) by use of body-worn apparatus ( 596 ). Magnetic-field enhancers/restorers include magnetic-field-enhancing coils ( 226 ) and magnetized sheets or pads ( 514 ).
This application is a Continuation-in-Part application of U.S. Application Ser. No. 108,000 filed Oct. 14, 1987, now abandoned. BACKGROUND OF INVENTION 1. Field of Invention The present invention relates to a high voltage measuring circuit which is surged to a capacitive grounding tap bushing of a high voltage power equipment, such as a high voltage transformer, whereby to reproduce transient fault signals that occur on such high voltage apparatus. 2. Description of Prior Art Various high voltage measuring circuits have been developed to measure fault signals on high voltage circuits. However, such circuits do not operate over a wide frequency range, they are complex and costly to construct, and the output signal of such known equipment is often affected by environmental electric or magnetic fields. SUMMARY OF INVENTION It is a feature of the present invention to provide a high voltage measuring circuit for reproducing transient signals occurring in a high voltage circuit, and which substantially overcomes the above-mentioned disadvantages of the prior art, and wherein the measuring circuit is connected to a capacitive grounding tap bushing of such high voltage power equipment. According to another feature of the present invention there is provided a high voltage measuring circuit which is isolated from magnetic and electric perturbances and which is capable of reproducing transient signals occurring in high voltage transformers and within a frequency range of between 1 Hz to 1 MHz, and wherein the high voltage measuring circuit is connected to the capacitive grounded bushing of the transformer. According to the above features, from a broad aspect, the present invention provides a high voltage measuring circuit for broadband measurement of transient signals occurring in high voltage apparatus. The measuring circuit is housed in a shielded housing having an input sensing circuit for connection to a capacitive grounded tap of the high voltage apparatus. The sensing circuit is connected to an output circuit through an electrical shielded connection. The measuring circuit generates output signals which are replicas of the transient signals appearing on the bushing of the high voltage apparatus. The broadband of the measuring circuit extends over a frequency range of from about 1 Hz to 1 MHz and has a signal level higher than background noise. In a preferred embodiment of the high voltage measuring circuit of the present invention the measuring circuit is connected to the capacitive grounded tap bushing of a high voltage transformer. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS The present invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: FIG. 1 is a fragmented view showing the high voltage measuring circuit of the present invention connected to a capacitive grounding tap bushing of a high voltage transformer; FIG. 2 is a simplified schematic diagram of the high voltage measuring circuit of the present invention; FIG. 3 is a characteristic diagram showing the response of the circuit over a frequency range of from 1 Hz to 1 MHz; FIG. 4 is a detailed schematic diagram of the high voltage measuring circuit of the present invention; FIG. 5A is a characteristic curve of a high voltage circuit on which there is shown a fault signal; and FIG. 5B is a characteristic curve of the fault signal as shown on an expanded scale. DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring to the drawings, and more particularly to FIG. 1, there is shown a simplified diagram of a capacitive grounded tap bushing 10 having a casing 11 connected to the grounded housing of a high voltage transformer 12. The tap comprises a tap conductor 13 which is usually utilized to test the capacitance of the bushing which is constituted by the insulation 14 layered in the bushing. The insulation is comprised of alternate layers of insulating paper 15 and aluminum foil 16 which are in contact with the bushing casing 11. Usually the current is measured in the outermost foil 16 of the insulation 14, which foil is grounded. The high voltage measuring circuit 17 of the present invention is housed, at least in part, within a casing 18 which is constructed of steel having a high permeability whereby to shield the components therein against the environmental magnetic field. A coupling 19 connects the primary of the current transformer 20 to the conductor 13. The casing 18 is secured to the bushing 10 by suitable fasteners (not shown). Referring now to FIG. 2, there will be described the construction of the high voltage measuring circuit 17 of the present invention. As shown in FIG. 2, the capacitive bushing 10 is schematically illustrated by the capacitors C 1 and C 2 and conductor 13. This capacitive tap has a certain resonant frequency. The current in the tap is measured by a miniature current transformer 20 and the voltage across the taps of the coil 20' of the transformer is proportional to the second derivative of the voltage present on the bushing. In order to obtain a replica of this voltage, the signal at the output of the current transformer winding 20' is twice integrated. The first integration is obtained by a passive LR circuit 21 consisting of the inductance of the secondary coil 20' of the transformer and its load resistance, herein R O and R O ' connected in parallel. This load resistance is equal to about 25 ohm. R O and R O ' are coupling resistances for coaxial cable 23 and each have a value of 50 ohms. The integration circuit 22 constitutes a second integration circuit which purpose is to reproduce a signal that is proportional to the input voltage UA. After the first integration by the LR circuit 21 the signals become proportional to the first derivative of the measured voltage. The second integration is accomplished by the amplifier 29, the resistor 30 and the capacitor 31. A low pass filter 40 of the Bessel type and of the 6th order is connected to the input of the integrator amplifier 29, and has a cut-off frequency of 1 MHz. Its function is to eliminate the resonance frequency of the capacitive bushing. This resonance frequency appears at about 3 MHz. The filter also provides an adequate frequency response over the operating range of the measuring circuit. In order for adequate operation at low frequencies, the current transformer 20 must be efficiently shielded against parasitic magnetic fields and the earth's magnetic field. This is made possible by placing the current transformer 20 in a steel housing 18 having a high permeability. The coaxial cable 23, as well as all of the electronic components of the measuring circuit, are also disposed in the interior of a shield 25 in order not to be affected by any electromagnetic or high frequency electric fields. The ground symbol 11 represents the grounded connection of a transformer while the ground symbol 24 represents an earth ground at the output measuring terminals 50. It is pointed out that essentially three conditions have to be fulfilled to attain a constant transformation ratio of up to about 3 MHz. Firstly, the miniature current transformer (MCT) ration shall not be higher than 200:1, since a higher ratio implies a higher number of turns of the secondary winding, and this results in an excessive stray inductance and capacitance which give rise to resonant frequencies falling into the measuring bandwidth. Secondly, the physical size of the MCT core shall be restrained to approximately 5 cm in outer diameter in order to minimize the leakage magnetic flux. Thirdly, the secondary winding has to be uniformly distributed over the MCT core circumference and the burden resistor shall be tapped to the winding section at approximately every 20 turns. This is needed in order to reduce the effect of eccentricity of the primary magnetic flux in the core. A description of the principle of operation of such a current transformer was published by John M. Anderson, "Wide frequency range current transformers", The Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 42, No. 7, July 1971. The integration circuit, as shown in FIG. 2, must be able to integrate the voltage appearing at its input up to 120 db extending over a frequency range of 1 Hz to 1 MHz. It is therefore difficult, while maintaining an acceptable signal to noise ratio, to cover a frequency range of this magnitude. In order to solve this problem, a combined passive and active integrator is utilized as shown in FIG. 4. The passive portion of the integrator is constituted by resistor R 4 and capacitor C 2 , and the active part is constituted by the amplifier 29 and its associated resistor R 5 and capacitor C 3 . The transfer equation is given by the following expression: ##EQU1## The crossing point of the active and passive integrators is exact when the relationship of the expression (1 +ωR5C3)/(l+ωR4C2) is unitary. The overlapped frequency is of the range of 2 KHz, as shown in FIG. 3. FIG. 3 is a characteristic representation showing the operation of a measuring circuit over the frequency range of 1 Hz to 1 MHz. The overlapping of the active and passive integrators is illustrated at 51. Referring now to FIG. 5A, there is shown a typical transient fault signal which occurs when closing a high voltage switch. The transient fault signal is identified by reference numeral 42 and appears at the peak voltage of the 60 Hz signal 43. This fault signal is illustrated on a magnified scale in FIG. 5B and, as can be seen, it has a very sharp front 44 over a very short rise time. This is a typical type of transient fault signal that the measuring circuit of the present invention can monitor whether appearing on the positive or negative cycle of the signal. Another typical type of fault that is monitored is that which occurs during an explosion in a transformer. This type of monitoring provides valuable information concerning the nature and severity of the fault signals on particular high voltage power equipment, such as high voltage transformers. It is within the ambit of the present invention to cover any obvious modifications of the examples of the preferred embodiment described herein, provided such modifications fall within the scope of the appended claims.
A high voltage measuring circuit for broadband measurement of transient signals occurring in high voltage apparatus. The measuring circuit is housed in a shielded housing having an input sensing circuit for connection to a capacitive grounded tap of the high voltage apparatus. The sensing circuit is connected to an output circuit through an electrical shielded connection. The measuring circuit generates output signals which are replicas of the transient signals appearing on the bushing of the high voltage apparatus. The broadband of the measuring circuit extends over a frequency range of from about 1 Hz to 1 MHz and has a signal level higher than background noise.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to an improved chair including a removable worksurface. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION It is known to provide a chair assembly having a seat and integral worksurface. This assembly is often referred to as a desk. The worksurface is provided on the chair to provide a surface on which a person may place items and/or provide a working surface, such as a surface for taking notes during a meeting or presentation, etc., while the person is sitting in the chair. The worksurface is conventionally permanently attached to the chair. Thus, the person must remain sitting in the chair to comfortably and properly utilize the worksurface. This limits the person's mobility during a meeting as the worksurface is not mobile. In many meeting rooms, it may be necessary to move about to view demonstrations or exchange communications with others, and the known chairs as described above do not provide flexibility as to permitting use of the worksurface at multiple positions or locations. Another drawback of known chairs of this type is that the worksurfaces conventionally have a single fixed use position. However, since people vary greatly in size and preferred working positions, most conventional chairs do not allow the worksurface to be adjusted to comfortably accommodate different people. While some known chairs have a worksurface which pivots from a use position to a storage position adjacent one side of the chair, which storage position allows the chair to be used without the worksurface and improves the ease of entry and exit of a user into and from the chair, nevertheless this type of pivoting capability does not provide for adjustment of the use position of the worksurface for different users. Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to provide a chair assembly having a removable worksurface on a chair which allows the user to easily remove the worksurface and use the worksurface when removed from the chair. The removability and portability of the worksurface enables the user to move about a room while carrying and using the worksurface. It is a further object of this invention to provide a simple interface between the chair and worksurface which allows the worksurface to be securely but removably attached to the chair and also allows a person to efficiently remove the worksurface without the operation of external devices to effect release of the worksurface from the chair. A still further object is to provide a chair assembly, as aforesaid, which permits the use position of the worksurface to be readily adjusted. The present invention relates to a chair assembly which includes a chair and separable worksurface. The worksurface includes a planar tablet mounted on a base which defines a mounting part. The chair includes an arm extending therefrom to support an arm of a person seated in the chair. The chair arm has a pad on its upper surface for supporting a person's arm, and a mounting part for releasably engaging the corresponding mounting part of the worksurface. The mounting part on the chair arm includes a stem which extends beneath the pad, and the mounting part on the worksurface base defines a socket for receiving the stem therein. A releasable securement means holds the stem in the socket such that the worksurface is usable by a person seated in the chair. The releasable securement means permits the worksurface to be separated from the chair such that the worksurface is usable remote from the chair. The securement means includes a ball detent mechanism which cooperates between the stem and the socket. The tablet, in a preferred embodiment, is pivotable into multiple use positions relative to the base. Other objects and purposes of this invention will be apparent to persons acquainted with apparatus of this general type upon reading the following specification and inspecting the accompanying drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a chair assembly with a removable worksurface assembly according to the invention. FIG. 2 is a side view of the chair assembly of FIG. 1. FIG. 3 is a top view of the chair assembly of FIG. 1. FIG. 4 is an enlarged cross sectional view of portions of the chair arm and worksurface assembly joined together. FIG. 5 is a view similar to FIG. 4 but showing the worksurface assembly removed from the chair arm. FIG. 6 is a bottom view showing the chair arm and worksurface assembly in a separated condition. FIG. 7 is a top view of the worksurface assembly mounted on the chair arm and showing the worksurface assembly in a central position in solid line and in outwardly and inwardly pivoted positions in dash and double-dash lines, respectively. Certain terminology will be used in the following description for convenience in reference only and will not be limiting. For example, the words "up", "down", "right", and "left" will generally designate directions in the drawings, and may also refer to the orientation of a person seated in the chair. The words "front" and "back" will refer to the orientation of a person seated in the chair. Said terminology will include derivatives and words of similar meaning. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown a chair assembly 15 including a chair 20 having a vertically extending back 21, a seat 22 horizontally cantilevered from a lower end of the chair back 21, and a base or leg arrangement 23 extending between the bottom of the seat and a support surface such as a floor. The base arrangement 23, as is conventional, may be adjustable to space the seat 21 at different heights above the floor. The chair 20, in the illustrated embodiment, has a single arm rest assembly 25 cantilevered forwardly from a one side of the back 21 so as to be positioned vertically above one side edge of the seat 22. A worksurface assembly 28 is removably secured to the free end of the armrest assembly 25. Armrest assemblies may be provided on both sides of the chair for supportive engagement of a person's arms if desired, although only one armrest assembly is provided with the removable worksurface assembly 28 (FIG. 3). The armrest assembly 25 includes an elongate arm 31 having a generally upwardly inclined arm portion 32 cantilevered from the lower portion of the back 21 (FIG. 2). As illustrated, the armrest assembly 25 extends from an edge of the back 21 so that the arm 31 extends along the right side of a person seated on the chair 20 and is spaced upwardly from the seat 22. The armrest assembly may also extend along the left side of the chair if desired, and would be a mirror image of the described armrest assembly 25. The upwardly inclined arm portion 32 is integrally joined with a substantially horizontal arm portion 33 which defines the free end of the arm and defines thereon an upper surface 36. A cushioned arm pad 38 is conventionally secured to the upper surface 36. The pad 38 has an end portion 41 extending beyond an end surface 42 of the horizontal arm portion 33. The arm pad 38 extends essentially horizontally and is adapted to comfortably receive an arm of a user on an upper surface thereof. Pad 38 may have a cloth or vinyl outer cover surrounding a padding which in turn surrounds a core mounting material. The arm 31 includes a male mounting part 40 for engagement with the worksurface assembly 28. Thus, mounting part 40 includes a projection or stem 45 cantilevered horizontally outwardly from the end 42 of the horizontal arm portion 33 and offset downwardly from the lower surface 39 of the pad 38. The stem 45 is integral with and extends outwardly generally parallel to the longitudinal axis of the horizontal arm portion 33. The stem 45 is positioned upwardly from a lower surface 43 of the horizontal arm portion 33, whereby the cross section of the stem 45 is smaller than the cross section of the horizontal arm portion 33. The stem 45 in the illustrated embodiment is generally rectangular in cross section and has a free end surface 46 spaced forwardly from the arm end 42, and has generally planar side surfaces 47 extending from the arm end 42 to the end surface 46. The end surface 46 of the stem 45 is disposed beneath the pad 38 so that the stem is totally covered by the pad when viewed from above. Thus, the pad 38 covers and prevents contact between a user's arm and the stem 45 when the worksurface assembly 28 is removed (FIG. 4). A slot 54 is defined between the lower surface 40 of the pad 38 and an upper one of side surfaces 47. The slot 54 opens laterally at both sides and at a forward longitudinal end thereof remote from arm end 42. A detent-type retaining structure is associated with the stem 45 and includes apertures 48 that are positioned in the sidewardly facing surfaces 47 and accommodate therein worksurface assembly securement or detent members 49. Detent members 49 extend beyond the plane of the side surfaces 47 in their usual biased state. The detent members 49 may be rounded objects, such as balls or pins, received in the apertures 48 and biased outwardly by springs (not shown) positioned within the apertures and biasing the detent members 49 outwardly. Holding rings 51 are mounted at the mouth of the apertures 48 to hold the securement members 49 therein. The detent members 49 have a slightly greater diameter than the holding rings so as to be seated thereby and to extend partially beyond the planes of the side surfaces 47. The detent members 49 are retractable into the apertures 48 when a force is applied thereto overcoming the outward biasing force of the spring. Such resilient detent arrangements are conventional. The worksurface assembly 28 includes a plate-like tablet 56 mounted on a base 55 which, in the illustrated embodiment, is defined by an intermediate structural member 57 and a lower structural member 58. The structural members 57, 58 can be defined by a single integrally structured member if desired. The base 55 permits removable securement of the worksurface assembly 28 to the chair arm 31, and permits pivotal support of the tablet 56. The tablet 56 is positioned on top of the intermediate member 57, and has a larger upper surface area than the base 55. The tablet 56 is generally at least about three times the length of the base 55 to provide adequate work space on the planar and substantially horizontal upper surface 59 thereof. The base 55 has a length longer than the stem 45, and height and width greater than the stem 45. In the joined state of the worksurface assembly 28 and chair arm 31, the end surface of the base 55 abuts the arm end 42 of the horizontal portion 33 of the chair arm 31 (FIG. 4). The rear edge of tablet 56 is spaced a small distance forwardly from the arm end 42 providing clearance space to permit pivoting of the tablet, as discussed below. The base 55 defines a female mounting part 80 for removably securing the worksurface assembly 28 to the chair arm 31 as described below. The tablet 56 and base 55 have aligned, coaxial apertures 61, 62 respectively for receiving a fastening pivot 63 which secures the tablet 56 and intermediate member 57 together. The fastening pivot 63, in the illustrated embodiment, is threaded into only aperture 62 so that the longitudinal axis 60 of the fastening pivot 63 defines a generally vertical axis about which the tablet 56 can horizontally pivot relative to the intermediate member 57. The fastening pivot 63 is positioned beneath the pad 38 and the axis 60 extends perpendicular to the upper surface 59 of the tablet 56. The pivot axis 60 is closely adjacent to the inner end of the tablet to allow the outer end of tablet 56 (i.e., the end remote from the chair arm 31 in the assembled state) to travel a greater distance than the inner end of the tablet when the latter is pivoted. A downward facing surface 64 of the tablet 56 has detent recesses 72 (three recesses 72A, 72B, 72C in the illustrated embodiment) formed therein in opposed relation to an upper surface of the base 55. The recesses 72 are positioned in an arc generated about the axis 60 as a center. Intermediate member 57 has a second aperture 66 therein which is coaxial with an aperture 67 in the lower member 58 in the assembled state of the base. The apertures 66, 67 generally align with the arc defined by the detent recesses 72 in the tablet 56. A fastener 68 is positioned within the apertures 66, 67 to fixedly secure the lower member 58 to the intermediate member 57. A detent mechanism 70 extends upwardly from one end of the fastener 68 above an upper surface 73 of the intermediate member 57. The detent mechanism 70 is a conventional ball detent including a retractable ball 71 which can be urged downwardly against a spring (not shown) so that an uppermost point of the ball 71 is generally coplanar with the upper surface 73 of the intermediate member 57. The detent recesses 72 of tablet 56 receive the detent ball 71 in its normally upward biased state to selectively stationarily position the tablet 56 relative to the base 55. The illustrated embodiment shows the three detent recesses 72A, 72B, 72C defining three positions A, B, C (FIG. 7) of the tablet 56 relative to the base 55 when the latter is mounted on the chair arm. It will be recognized that the invention is not limited to only three illustrated selectable detented positions of the tablet. The intermediate position A of the tablet 56, as is shown in solid line in FIG. 7, is defined by the ball 71 being received in the central recess 72A. The tablet 56 extends forwardly from the chair arm 31 generally in alignment therewith in this intermediate position thereof. The outer end portion of tablet 56 remote from the chair arm widens relative to the inner end portion such that the outer end portion of the tablet extends slightly in front of a person seated in the chair. An inward angled position B of the tablet 56 is shown in dashed line and is held therein by the ball 71 being received in the recess 72B. The outer end portion of the tablet 56 remote the chair arm 38 extends in front of a person seated in the chair 20 to a greater extent in the inward position B than in the intermediate position A. An outward angled position C of the tablet 56 is shown in double-dash line and is held therein by the ball 71 being received in the recess 72C. The outer end portion of the tablet 56 remote from the chair arm 38 extends sidewardly away from a person seated in the chair 20 to a greater extent in the outward position C than in the intermediate position A. The worksurface assembly also includes a female mounting part 80 defined on the base 55 and adapted for releasable engagement with the arm mounting part 40. The female mounting part 80 includes an elongate blind bore or socket 81 which projects forwardly from the rear surface 83 of the base and terminates at a front end wall 85. The cross section of socket 81 corresponds in size and shape (i.e. rectangular) to the cross section of stem 45 so that the latter can be snugly slidably inserted into the socket. Detent recesses 82 are formed in the opposed side surfaces 79 of the socket 81 for engagement with the detent members 49 carried on the stem 45. The detent members 49 normally extend outwardly from the stem side surfaces 47 and are removably engageable in the detent recesses 82 of the mounting part 80. The receipt of the detent members 49 in the detent recesses 82 provides a releasable securement of the worksurface assembly 28 to the chair arm 31 without additional external apparatus which must be engaged by a user to selectively secure or release the worksurface assembly 28 to or from the chair 20. The use of the chair assembly 15 will now be briefly described. A user mounts the worksurface assembly 28 onto the chair arm 31 by generally aligning the base 55 with the stem 45 of the chair arm 31, and then accurately aligning the socket 81 of mounting part 80 with the stem 45. The worksurface assembly is then manually moved rearwardly to insert the stem 45 into the socket 81. The detent members 49 carried on the stem 45 contact the side surfaces of the socket 81 and are recessed into the stem 45, overcoming the outward biasing force acting on the detent members 49. Once the stem 45 is received in the socket 81 at the proper depth, the detent members 49 align with the detent recesses 82 of the mounting part 80 and are urged by the associated spring (not shown) into the detent recesses 82, thereby securing the worksurface assembly 28 to the chair arm 31. Once the worksurface assembly 28 is secured to the stem 45 and chair arm 31, a user may prefer to use the tablet 56 at a different angle. To rotate the tablet 56 into a different use position, a person grasps the tablet 56, preferably by the side edges thereof, and forcibly horizontally rotates the tablet about the pivot axis 60. The ball 71 of the detent mechanism 70 as received in one of the detent recesses 72 contacts an edge of the one detent recess and is forced downwardly into the detent mechanism 70 against the spring force. The tablet 56 is further pivoted and the ball 71 rides on the lower surface 64 of the tablet until the ball 71 is received in another of the detent recesses 72A, 72B, 72C corresponding to the user desired position of the tablet 56. The tablet 56 is shown in FIG. 7 as having three detent recesses 72A, 72B, 72C corresponding to the three tablet positions A, B and C. The worksurface assembly 28 can be easily removed from the arm 31 generally by a reversing of the above mounting procedure. More specifically, when a user desires to remove the worksurface assembly 28 from the chair arm 31, he grasps the worksurface assembly 28, preferably along opposite longitudinal edges of the tablet 56, and forces or pulls the worksurface assembly 28 forwardly away from the arm 31. The force provided by the user overcomes the holding force biasing the detent members 49 into the detent recesses 82, causing the detent members 49 to be cammed inwardly against the spring force allowing the base 55 to be slidably removed from the stem 45 of the chair arm 31. The worksurface assembly 28 may then be freely carried about a meeting room when removed from the chair arm 31. The person carrying the worksurface assembly 28 thus has a mobile worksurface, i.e. the tablet 56, on which the person may write. When the tablet 56 is removed the chair arm 31, the chair 20 may be used as a standard chair since the arm pad 38 totally covers the stem 45 and hence prevent user contact therewith. If either necessary or desirable, the chair can be provided with arms on both sides thereof. FIG. 3 shows the chair 20 having two arms 31, 31A. The right arm 31 has the mounting part 40 as described above for securing the worksurface assembly 28 thereto. Both arms 31, 31A have pads 38, 38A thereon for the comfort of the user. It is also possible for the left arm 31A to have a mounting part 40 associated therewith so that a worksurface assembly 28 may be mounted on the left side of the chair if desired. Although a particular preferred embodiment of the invention has been disclosed in detail for illustrative purposes, it will be recognized that variations or modifications of the disclosed apparatus, including the rearrangement of parts, lie within the scope of the invention. More specifically, the present invention will not be limited to the shape of the tablet, stem, socket, or chair unless specifically claimed. The invention also is not limited to the three pivotal positions of the tablet unless specifically claimed. It will be understood that additional or fewer pivotal tablet positions lie within the scope of the invention.
A chair including a worksurface assembly which is selectively mounted to an arm of the chair. A connecting structure interface between the chair arm and worksurface assembly allows the worksurface assembly to be easily removed from and remounted on the chair arm. The worksurface assembly when removed from the chair operates as a mobile worksurface for the user. The worksurface assembly has a tablet defining an upper worksurface thereon. The tablet is pivotable relative to the base into selected use positions when the base is mounted on the chair arm.
[0001] This application claims the benefit of priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(e) of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Nos. 61/311,920 filed on Mar. 9, 2010. BACKGROUND [0002] This invention relates generally to a formulation that minimizes mixed inorganic deposits in non-phosphate or low-phosphate automatic dishwashing systems. [0003] Automatic dishwashing detergents are generally recognized as a class of detergent compositions distinct from those used for fabric washing or water treatment. Automatic dishwashing detergents are required to produce a spotless and film-free appearance on washed items after a complete cleaning cycle. Phosphate-free or low-phosphate compositions rely on non-phosphate builders, such as salts of citrate, carbonate, silicate, disilicate, bicarbonate, aminocarboxylates and others to sequester calcium and magnesium from hard water, and upon drying, can leave an insoluble visible deposit. Polymers made from (meth)acrylic acid and maleic acid are known for use in inhibiting the scale or other insoluble deposits produced from non-phosphate builders. For example, WO 2009/123322 discloses polymers made from acrylic acid, maleic acid and a sulfonated monomer in a composition containing biodegradable builders. However, this reference does not disclose a composition containing a polymer with a lactone end group. [0004] The problem addressed by this invention is to find a composition capable of reducing formation of mixed inorganic deposits. STATEMENT OF INVENTION [0005] The present invention is directed to an automatic dishwashing detergent composition comprising: (a) a polymer comprising polymerized residues of at least one C 3 -C 6 carboxylic acid monomer and a lactone end group; and (b) a biodegradable builder selected from the group consisting of nitrilotriacetic acid, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, glycine-N,N-diacetic acid, methylglycine-N,N-diacetic acid, 2-hydroxyethyliminodiacetic acid, glutamic acid-N,N-diacetic acid, 3-hydroxy-2,2′-iminodisuccinate, S,S-ethylenediaminedisuccinate aspartic acid-diacetic acid, N,N′-ethylenediamine disuccinic acid, iminodisuccinic acid, aspartic acid, aspartic acid-N,N-diacetate, beta-alaninediacetic acid, polyaspartic acid, salts thereof and combinations thereof. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0006] All percentages are weight percentages (wt %), unless otherwise indicated and all temperatures are in ° C., unless otherwise indicated. Weight average molecular weights, M w , are measured by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) using polyacrylic acid standards, as is known in the art. The techniques of GPC are discussed in detail in Modern Size Exclusion Chromatography, W. W. Yau, J. J. Kirkland, D. D. Bly; Wiley-Interscience, 1979, and in A Guide to Materials Characterization and Chemical Analysis, J. P. Sibilia; VCH, 1988, p. 81-84. The molecular weights reported herein are in units of daltons. As used herein the term “(meth)acrylic” refers to acrylic or methacrylic. Preferably, the biodegradable builders are present as sodium, potassium or lithium salts; preferably sodium or potassium; preferably sodium. Preferred biodegradable builders include glycine-N,N-diacetic acid, methylglycine-N,N-diacetic acid, 2-hydroxyethyliminodiacetic acid, polyaspartic acid, iminodisuccinic acid, 3-hydroxy-2,2′-iminodisuccinate, glutamic acid-N,N-diacetic acid and salts thereof. Preferably, the composition is “phosphorus-free,” i.e., it contains less than 0.5 wt % phosphorus (as elemental phosphorus), preferably less than 0.2 wt %, preferably less than 0.1 wt %, preferably no detectable phosphorus. Preferably, the composition is “low-phosphate,” i.e., it contains from 0.5 to 3 wt % phosphorus (as elemental phosphorus), preferably from 0.5 to 1.5 wt %. Preferably, the composition contains less than 2 wt % of low-molecular weight (less than 1,000) phosphonate compounds (e.g., 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP), and salts), preferably less than 1 wt %, preferably less than 0.5 wt %, preferably less than 0.2 wt %, preferably less than 0.1 wt %. A “C 3 -C 6 carboxylic acid monomer” is a mono-ethylenically unsaturated compound having one or two carboxylic acid groups, e.g., (meth)acrylic acid, maleic acid, fumaric acid, itaconic acid, maleic anhydride, crotonic acid, etc. Preferably, the polymer comprises at least 50 wt % polymerized residues of at least one C 3 -C 6 carboxylic acid monomer, preferably at least 60 wt %, preferably at least 70 wt %, preferably at least 80 wt %, preferably at least 85 wt %, preferably at least 90 wt %, preferably at least 95 wt %, preferably at least 98 wt %, preferably at least 99 wt %. Preferably, the C 3 -C 6 carboxylic acid monomer is selected from among (meth)acrylic acid and maleic acid, preferably (meth)acrylic acid, preferably acrylic acid. [0007] Preferably, the lactone end group is one produced by an internal esterification reaction between a carboxylic acid substituent on a polymerized carboxylic acid monomer residue and a terminal hydroxy group derived from a chain transfer agent, most often a γ-lactone, as shown below [0000] [0000] wherein A is a polymer chain comprising polymerized residues of (meth)acrylic acid; R 1 and R 2 independently may be hydrogen, methyl, ethyl, propyl or butyl; providing that R 1 and R 2 contain a total of at least two carbon atoms. For example, when isopropanol is used as a chain transfer agent in polymerization of acrylic acid it produces a terminal hydroxy group on the polyacrylic acid chain which may react with a carboxylic acid to produce a γ-lactone end group, as shown below [0000] [0000] Preferably, secondary alcohols are used as chain transfer agents, resulting in the generic γ-lactone end group shown below for a polyacrylic acid [0000] [0000] Use of larger alcohols than isopropanol as chain transfer agents potentially could lead to alternative structures resulting from radical formation at non-hydroxy-bearing carbon atoms, possibly including δ-lactones. [0008] Other polymerized monomer residues which may be present in the polymer include, e.g., non-ionic (meth)acrylate esters, cationic monomers, monounsaturated dicarboxylates, saturated (meth)acrylamides, vinyl esters, vinyl amides (including, e.g., N-vinylpyrrolidone), sulfonated acrylic monomers, styrene and α-methylstyrene. [0009] The total weight of biodegradable builders in the composition is from 2 to 40 wt % of the total weight of the composition. Preferably, total weight of biodegradable builders is at least 5 wt %, preferably at least 7 wt %, preferably at least 8 wt %, preferably at least 9 wt %, preferably at least 10 wt %. Preferably, the total weight of biodegradable builders is no more than 35 wt %, preferably no more than 30 wt %, preferably no more than 25 wt %, preferably no more than 20 wt %, preferably no more than 17 wt %, preferably no more than 15 wt %, preferably no more than 14 wt %, preferably no more than 13 wt %, preferably no more than 12 wt %. Preferably, the composition further comprises an alkali metal citrate, carbonate, bicarbonate and/or aminocarboxylate. Preferably, the amount of alkali metal citrate is from 0.01 to 40 wt %, preferably no more than 35 wt %, preferably no more than 30 wt %, preferably no more than 25 wt %, preferably no more than 20 wt %. [0010] Preferably, the polymer contains no more than 40 wt % polymerized residues of esters of acrylic or methacrylic acid, preferably no more than 30 wt %, preferably no more than 20 wt %, preferably no more than 10 wt %, preferably no more than 5 wt %, preferably no more than 2 wt %, preferably no more than 1 wt %, preferably no more than 0.5 wt %. Preferably, the polymer comprises at least 70 wt % polymerized residues of monomers selected from (meth)acrylic acid, maleic acid, fumaric acid and itaconic acid, and no more than 30 wt % polymerized residues of esters of acrylic or methacrylic acid; preferably at least 80 wt % polymerized residues of monomers selected from (meth)acrylic acid, maleic acid, fumaric acid and itaconic acid, and no more than 20 wt % polymerized residues of esters of acrylic or methacrylic acid. Preferably, the polymer contains no more than 30 mole % of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid (AMPS) (including metal or ammonium salts) or other sulfonic acrylic monomers (e.g., allyloxybenzenesulfonic acid, methallylsulfonic acid and (meth)allyloxy benzenesulfonic acid), preferably no more than 20 mole %, preferably no more than 10 mole %, preferably no more than 5 mole %, preferably no more than 2 mole %, preferably no more than 1 mole %, preferably no more than 0.5 mole %. [0011] Preferably, the polymer has M w from 1,000 to 90,000. Preferably, M w is at least 2,000, preferably at least 3,000, preferably at least 4,000, preferably at least 5,000, preferably at least 6,000. Preferably, M w is no more than 70,000, preferably no more than 50,000, preferably no more than 40,000, preferably no more than 30,000, preferably no more than 20,000, preferably no more than 15,000, preferably no more than 10,000. [0012] The polymer may be used in combination with other polymers useful for controlling insoluble deposits in automatic dishwashers, including, e.g, polymers comprising combinations of residues of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, maleic acid or other diacid monomers, esters of acrylic or methacrylic acid including polyethylene glycol esters, styrene monomers, AMPS and other sulfonic acid monomers, and substituted acrylamides or methacrylamides. [0013] The polymer of this invention may be produced by any of the known techniques for polymerization of acrylic monomers, e.g., solution polymerization and emulsion polymerization; solution polymerization is preferred. Preferably, the initiator does not contain phosphorus. Preferably, the polymer contains less than 1 wt % phosphorus, preferably less than 0.5 wt %, preferably less than 0.1 wt %, preferably the polymer contains no phosphorus. The chain transfer agent comprises an alcohol, preferably isopropanol. The polymer may be in the form of a water-soluble solution polymer, slurry, dried powder, or granules or other solid forms. [0014] Other components of the automatic dishwashing detergent composition may include, e.g., surfactants, oxygen and/or chlorine bleaches, bleach activators, enzymes, foam suppressants, colors, fragrances, antibacterial agents and fillers. Typical surfactant levels depend on the particular surfactant used, typically from 0.1 wt % to 10 wt %, preferably from 0.5 wt % to 5 wt %. Fillers in tablets or powders are inert, water-soluble substances, typically sodium or potassium salts, e.g., sodium or potassium sulfate and/or chloride, and typically are present in amounts ranging from 0 wt % to 75 wt %, preferably from 5% to 50%, preferably from 10% to 40%. Fillers in gel formulations may include those mentioned above and also water. Fragrances, dyes, foam suppressants, enzymes, corrosion inhibitor and antibacterial agents usually total no more than 5 wt % of the composition. [0015] Preferably, the composition contains from 5 to 20 wt % of a percarbonate salt, preferably from 8 to 15 wt %, preferably from 10 to 15 wt %. Preferably, the composition has a pH (at 1 wt % in water) of at least 9, preferably at least 10.5; preferably the pH is no greater than 12.5, preferably no greater than 11.5. [0016] The composition can be formulated in any typical form, e.g., as a tablet, powder, monodose, multi-component monodose, sachet, paste, liquid or gel. The composition can be used under typical operating conditions for any typical automatic dishwasher. Typical water temperatures during the washing process preferably are from 20° C. to 85° C., preferably from 30° C. to 70° C. Typical concentrations for the composition as a percentage of total liquid in the dishwasher preferably are from 0.1 to 1 wt %, preferably from 0.2 to 0.7 wt %. With selection of an appropriate product form and addition time, the composition may be present in the prewash, main wash, penultimate rinse, final rinse, or any combination of these cycles. The polymer of the present invention can be formulated in a number of ways in the dishwashing detergent. For example, the polymer could be formulated with the inorganic builders, biodegradable builders, fillers, surfactants, bleaches, enzymes, and so forth. Alternatively, for example, the polymer could be formulated with the surfactant, citric acid, solvents, and other optional ingredients. Additionally, the polymer could be located in one or more compartments within an engineered unit dose product so as to release at a different point during the wash cycle than the biodegradable builder. [0017] Preferably, the composition comprises from 0.5 to 12 wt % of said polymer. Preferably, the composition comprises at least 1 wt % of the polymer, preferably at least 1.5 wt %, preferably at least 2 wt %, preferably at least 2.5 wt %. Preferably, the composition comprises no more than 10 wt % of the polymer, preferably no more than 8 wt %, preferably no more than 6 wt %, preferably no more than 5 wt %, preferably no more than 4 wt %. Polymers of this invention may be blended with polymers made from sulfonic acid monomers. EXAMPLES [0018] Polymer Testing—All polymers were tested for scale reduction by incorporating them as described below, with “Prototype 1F”, as described below and washing glasses for 5 cycles in a KENMORE QUIETGUARD dishwasher (solids added to main wash cycle) using water with 400 ppm hardness (2:1 Ca +2 :Mg +2 ) at 130° F. (54.4° C.) with no food soil. Glasses were evaluated after 3 and 5 cycles using the scale from ASTM method 3556-85 (1=clean, 5=heavy film). [0019] Results—3.2 grams active trisodium salt of methylglycinediacetic were added to each experiment along with 28 grams of Formulation Protoype 1F. [0000] scaling rating Formulation 3 Cycles 1) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 2.47 (40%) w/o polymer 2) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 2.43 (40%) w/1.6 grams liquid Comp. poly. A (50%) 3) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 2.80 (40%) w/1.78 grams liquid Comp. poly. B (45.53%) 4) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 2.33 (40%) w/2.02 grams liquid ANTIPREX A (39.7%) 5) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 2.40 (40%) w/2.16 grams liquid Comp. poly. C (37%) TRILON M is an aqueous solution of the trisodium salt of methylglycinediacetic acid (Na3MGDA), available from BASF Corp. [0000] scaling rating Formulation 5 Cycles 1) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 2.97 (40%) w/o polymer 2) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 3.03 (40%) w/1.6 grams liquid Comp. poly. A (50%) 3) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 3.40 (40%) w/1.78 grams liquid Comp. poly. B (45.53%) 4) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 2.77 (40%) w/2.02 grams liquid ANTIPREX A (39.7%) 5) 28 grams Prototype 1F + 8 grams TRILON M 2.70 (40%) w/2.16 grams liquid Comp. poly. C (37%) [0000] Ingredient % of formulation Sodium Citrate 22.9% TRILON M (40%) 0.0% Sodium Carbonate 11.4% Sodium Bicarbonate 11.4% BRITESIL H20 11.4% Sodium Percarbonate 11.4% TERGITOL L-61 1.7% Polymer 0.0% Sodium Sulfate 29.7% total 100.0% Polymer Samples: [0020] Comparative polymer A (Mw=2220)=90% acrylic acid/10% maleic acid, sodium salt. Phosphono end group. [0021] Comparative polymer B (Mw=7,201) 100% acrylic acid polymer with sulfonate end group. ANTIPREX A (available from Ciba Corp.) (Mw=6,877) 100% acrylic acid polymer with a γ-lactone end group having geminal methyl groups. [0022] Comparative polymer C (Mw 22,974) 70% acrylic acid/30% 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane sulfonic acid, sodium salt with sulfonate end group. [0023] Comp. polymer A was added at a level of 1.6 wet g/cycle @ 50% solids=0.8 g active Comp. polymer B was added at a level of 1.78 wet g/cycle @ 45.53% solids=0.8 g active Polymer A was added at a level of 2.02 wet g/cycle @ 39.7% solids=0.8 g active Comp. polymer C was added at a level of 2.16 wet g/cycle @ 37% solids=0.8 g active
An automatic dishwashing detergent composition having at least two components. The first component is a polymer containing polymerized residues of at least one C 3 -C 6 carboxylic acid monomer and a lactone end group. The second component is a biodegradable builder selected from among nitrilotriacetic acid, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, glycine-N,N-diacetic acid, methylglycine-N,N-diacetic acid, 2-hydroxyethyliminodiacetic acid, glutamic acid-N,N-diacetic acid, 3-hydroxy-2,2′-iminodisuccinate, S,S-ethylenediaminedisuccinate aspartic acid-diacetic acid, N,N′-ethylenediamine disuccinic acid, iminodisuccinic acid, aspartic acid, aspartic acid-N,N-diacetate, beta-alaninediacetic acid, polyaspartic acid, salts thereof and combinations thereof.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] Utility panels may contain arrays of utility panel elements, such as switches or fuses. Such utility panels may be located within enclosures for safety and/or security purposes. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0002] Monitoring utility panel elements with an imaging device may be difficult when the imaging device is within close proximity of the panel. Such a close proximity situation may occur, for example, when the imaging device operates within an enclosure housing the utility panel. Embodiments of the current invention permit imaging devices to acquire images of utility panel elements at close proximity to the panels. Images may be acquired even within an enclosure, and the images may be monitored or analyzed remotely. [0003] In one embodiment, a system, or corresponding method, for imaging utility panel elements arranged on a utility surface includes an optical focusing element configured to focus rays from the utility panel elements and to form an image of the utility panel elements at an imaging plane, where the imaging plane is non-parallel with the utility surface. The system also includes an imaging surface situated at the imaging plane and configured to acquire a representation of the image. [0004] In some embodiments, the utility surface, optical focusing element, and imaging surface are enclosed within an enclosure. In some embodiments having an enclosure, the enclosure includes a door. Some embodiments include a reflector configured to redirect rays from the utility surface toward the optical focusing element. Further, in some embodiments including an enclosure with a door, a reflector may be mounted on the door. In some embodiments, the utility surface, optical focusing element, and imaging surface are oriented in accordance with a Scheimpflug condition. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0005] The foregoing will be apparent from the following more particular description of example embodiments of the invention, as illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which like reference characters refer to the same parts throughout the different views. The drawings are not necessarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon illustrating embodiments of the present invention. [0006] FIG. 1 is a diagram that illustrates a system according to an embodiment of the invention for external monitoring of utility panel elements arranged on a utility surface within an enclosure. [0007] FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of a system for imaging a utility surface onto an imaging surface that is non-parallel with the utility surface. [0008] FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a system for imaging a utility surface in accordance with a Scheimpflug condition. [0009] FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of an imaging device including two optical focusing elements and an imaging surface according to an embodiment of the invention. [0010] FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of an embodiment of a system for imaging a utility surface, including a reflector. [0011] FIG. 6 is a flow diagram that illustrates a procedure for imaging utility panel elements arranged on a utility surface. [0012] FIG. 7 is a diagram that illustrates a display showing an image of utility panel elements with status indication. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0013] A description of example embodiments of the invention follows. [0014] As used in this application, “imaging” and “image” imply that optical conditions are met to render an image substantially in focus. Thus, for example, if an “image” of a subject surface is produced at an imaging surface, this implies that substantially all of the image of the subject surface is in focus at the imaging surface. [0015] Electrical elements, such as switches, fuses, and circuit breakers, are susceptible to failure. Electrical elements may be arranged on surfaces of utility panels, and such utility panels may be enclosed within various structures of enclosures for purposes of safety and/or security. Failure of electrical elements results in a corresponding loss of a utility, such as electrical service or air conditioning service, for an end user or for users downstream of the failure of the electrical elements. One potential early indication that electrical components may fail is elevated temperature or overheating of the components. To monitor for overheating, cameras, particularly infrared cameras, may be used to image electrical elements in an embodiment of the invention. Thus, infrared cameras may be used to provide early warning of upcoming component failures. In another scenario, the utility panel elements may have a typical thermal profile due to conduction of current caused by a standard load. In an event the load unexpectedly discontinues due to a fault or theft, for example, the thermal profile at the utility element will change due to a drop in current flow. The infrared cameras and corresponding processors(s) can identify the change. [0016] Electrical utility panels may be contained within enclosures for safety and/or security purposes, and any monitoring of enclosed panels must often be done outside of the enclosures or otherwise be done remotely. Further, the enclosures may be sufficiently small that imaging an entire panel with a single, stationary imaging device is difficult due to the close proximity of the imaging device to the utility panel surface. A typical way to produce an in-focus image of a subject surface is to place a lens between the subject surface and an imaging surface, with the subject surface, the lens, and the imaging surface all parallel to each other. However, at close proximity to a sufficiently large utility panel, this parallel configuration may be difficult or impossible to achieve. [0017] Embodiments of the present invention provide a system and a corresponding method for imaging utility panel elements arranged on a utility surface. The imaging may be done at close proximity to the utility surface and may be done within a structure that encloses the utility surface. Embodiments of the invention may utilize an ability of an optical focusing element, such as a lens, to focus rays from a utility surface, to form an image of the utility surface or of utility panel elements arranged on a surface of the panel. An imaging surface, where the image of the utility surface is in focus, may be oriented within an imaging plane that is non-parallel with the utility surface. Utility panel elements may include switches, fuses, circuit breakers, or electrical interconnections. The utility panel may be a junction box panel or other type of electrical panel or other surface that has attached components that can overheat. [0018] Embodiments of the invention may include a reflecting surface, such as a mirror as part of the imaging system. Further, in the case of an enclosure enclosing the utility surface and the imaging device, the imaging system may benefit from incorporating a part of the enclosure, such as a door or wall, as a mounting surface for the reflector. Images may be remotely monitored outside of a safety structure containing the utility panel. [0019] In embodiments of the invention, a utility surface, an optical focusing element, and an imaging surface may be arranged according to a Scheimpflug condition such that an image of the utility surface is formed at the imaging surface even when the imaging surface is non-parallel with the utility surface. [0020] FIG. 1 is an illustration of a system 100 for monitoring utility panel elements 110 arranged on a utility surface 105 . The utility surface 105 is part of a utility panel 104 . The system 100 includes an imaging device 115 . The imaging device 115 includes a lens 120 , imaging surface 125 , and communications interface 130 . The imaging surface 125 is oriented within an imaging plane (not shown). The imaging surface 125 is non-parallel with the utility surface 105 . The utility panel 104 and the imaging device 115 are housed within an enclosure 135 . [0021] The enclosure 135 includes an enclosure door 140 . A mirror 145 is mounted on the enclosure door 140 . The mirror 145 reflects or redirects rays from utility elements 110 toward the lens 120 . The lens 120 focuses the rays from the utility panel elements 110 to form an image of the utility panel elements 110 at the imaging surface 125 . The imaging surface 125 is configured to acquire a representation of the image of the utility panel elements 110 . The system 100 in FIG. 1 is an overall illustration of a monitoring system and is not meant to show detailed geometry of rays or optical components. Optical geometry for embodiments is illustrated in greater detail in FIGS. 2-5 . [0022] Still referring to FIG. 1 , the communications interface 130 communicates information associated with the representation of the image of the utility panel elements 110 via a cable 152 to a computer 155 . In the system 100 , the communications interface 130 is an electrical communications interface, and the cable 150 is an electrical cable. However, in other embodiments, a communications interface may be optical, wireless, or use X10 communications techniques. In the case of a wireless communications interface, a cable is not necessary. In the case of an optical communications interface, a fiber optic cable or free space link may be used. [0023] In the system 100 , the computer 155 functions as a receiver to receive the electrical signals representing the image of the utility panel elements 110 via the cable 150 . The computer 155 produces an image 165 of the utility panel elements 110 on a computer monitor 170 . A person 172 may view the image 165 of the utility panel elements 110 remotely, or at any location outside of the enclosure 135 . However, in other embodiments, monitoring is done by other means, such as a direct input to a video monitor. Further, other embodiments utilize machine-based analysis of images rather than human monitoring. In some embodiments, a receiver includes a screen, recorder, additional communications interface, memory device or buffer. [0024] The mirror 145 is configured to reflect rays from the utility panel elements 110 toward the lens 120 when the door 140 is closed. In other embodiments, a mirror or reflector may not be required. However, in some embodiments, an enclosure is large enough for an imaging device to acquire an image of utility panel elements without the use of a mirror. Further, some embodiments such as those shown in FIGS. 2-3 need not include mirrors or other types of reflectors. [0025] In the system 100 , the imaging device 115 is configured to image infrared light rays (not shown), but in other embodiments, the rays may be other types of rays, such as visible rays. In the system 100 , the utility surface 105 , focusing element 120 , imaging surface 125 , and communications interface 130 are encompassed by the enclosure 135 . In other embodiments, the utility surface, focusing element, imaging surface, and communications interface are not enclosed within an enclosure or a subset of these elements is enclosed. In some embodiments, such as those shown in FIGS. 1 and 5 , there is a reflector optically disposed between the utility surface and the optical focusing element, wherein the reflector is configured to redirect rays from the utility surface toward the optical focusing element, wherein the reflector is not attached to a door of an enclosure. In other embodiments, a mirror or other reflector is mounted in conjunction with a wall or other surface in an enclosure. Further, it will be appreciated that embodiments, such as that in FIG. 5 , may include a reflector without any enclosure of the utility panel. [0026] In some embodiments, a focusing element may be situated in a focusing element plane, and the utility surface, the focusing element plane, and the imaging surface may be oriented in accordance with a Scheimpflug condition, explained below in reference to FIG. 3 . In some embodiments, the optical focusing element is a germanium lens. In some embodiments, the utility surface is a switch panel, fuse panel, circuit breaker panel, junction box panel, electrical panel, or electrical interconnect surface. In the system 100 , the utility surface 105 is substantially planar. However, in other embodiments, the utility surface is not planar. Further, in some embodiments, the optical focusing element includes two or more elements configured to focus the rays to form the image. [0027] FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of a system 200 for imaging utility panel elements (not shown) arranged on a utility surface 205 . In the system 200 , the utility surface 205 is part of a utility panel 204 . The utility surface 205 is oriented in a utility surface plane 206 . A lens 220 focuses rays 275 from utility panel elements (not shown) arranged on the utility surface 205 onto an imaging surface 225 to form an image of the utility surface 205 . The lens 220 is oriented in a lens plane 221 . The imaging surface 225 is arranged in an imaging plane 226 , which is non-parallel with the utility surface 205 . [0028] The utility panel elements (not shown) are essentially in the same plane as the utility surface 205 . Thus, when the optical components are arranged to render an image (in focus) of the utility surface 205 , an image of the utility panel elements may also be rendered. Therefore, under the assumption that utility panel elements are essentially flush (or in the same plane) as the utility surface, imaging the utility surface and imaging the utility panel elements are essentially equivalent for focusing purposes. [0029] FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a system 300 for imaging utility panel elements (not shown) arranged on a utility surface 305 , which is part of a utility panel 304 . The system 300 is similar to system 200 in FIG. 2 . However, a difference is that in the system 300 , the utility surface 305 , lens 320 , and imaging surface 325 are arranged according to a Scheimpflug condition. [0030] The Scheimpflug condition is a principle of geometric optics that may apply when the plane in which a lens is oriented and the plane in which an imaging surface is oriented are not parallel to each other. Viewed in another way, the principle may apply when the surface to be imaged (subject surface) is not parallel with the imaging surface. When the subject surface, the lens, and the imaging surface are oriented according to the Scheimpflug principle, an image of the subject surface may be rendered in focus at the imaging surface, even when the imaging surface is not parallel with the subject surface. According to the Scheimpflug principle, the plane in which the imaging surface is oriented and the plane in which the lens is oriented meet at an intersection point through which the plane of focus also passes. [0031] As previously mentioned, the components in the system 300 are oriented to meet the Scheimpflug condition. Thus, the utility surface 305 is oriented in a utility surface plane 306 , the lens 320 is oriented in a lens plane 321 , and the imaging surface 325 is oriented within an imaging plane 326 . The imaging plane 326 and lens plane 321 meet at an intersection point 380 through which the utility surface plane 306 also passes. An image of the utility surface 305 is rendered in focus at the imaging surface 325 . Rays 375 from the utility panel elements (not shown) arranged on the utility surface 305 are focused by the lens 320 onto the imaging surface 325 . The lens 320 is tilted with respect to the image plane. In embodiments in which a lens is also shifted parallel with the imaging plane, the configuration may be referred to as a “tilt-shift” configuration. [0032] FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a portion of a system 400 for imaging utility panel elements (not shown) arranged on a utility surface (not shown). The system 400 illustrates that more than one optical focusing element may be used. Viewed in another way, an optical focusing element may include two or more optical elements. Accordingly, the system 400 uses lens 420 and lens 422 to focus rays 475 from utility panel elements (not shown) onto an imaging surface 425 . [0033] FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of a system 500 for imaging utility panel elements (not shown) arranged on a utility surface 505 . The system 500 includes a mirror 540 as part of an imaging system. Utility panel elements (not shown) are arranged on a utility surface 505 , which is part of a utility panel 504 . The mirror 540 reflects rays (not shown) from utility surface 505 toward an imaging device 515 . The imaging device 515 includes a lens 520 and an imaging surface 525 . [0034] In the system 500 , the utility surface 505 , mirror 540 , lens 520 , and imaging surface 525 are arranged to meet the Scheimpflug condition. In this case, the lens 520 is arranged in a lens plane 521 , and the imaging surface 525 is arranged in an imaging plane 526 . The lens plane 521 and the imaging plane 526 meet at intersection point 580 . The utility surface 505 is arranged in a utility surface plane 506 , and the mirror 540 is arranged in a mirror plane 541 . The utility surface plane 506 and the mirror plane 541 meet at a second intersection point 581 . A virtual imaging surface 585 is arranged in a virtual imaging plane 586 , and the virtual imaging plane 586 joins intersection point 580 and second intersection point 581 . The virtual imaging surface 585 is the surface that appears to be imaged due to the inclusion of the mirror 540 . Thus, the Scheimpflug condition may also be met when a system includes a mirror or other reflector. Thus, an image of the utility panel elements (not shown) arranged on the utility surface 505 is rendered at the imaging surface 525 . [0035] FIG. 6 is a flow diagram that illustrates a procedure 600 for imaging utility panel elements arranged on a utility surface. At 690 , rays from utility panel elements arranged on a utility surface are focused to form an image of the elements at an imaging plane that is non-parallel with the utility surface. At 691 , the image of the utility panel elements is captured at an imaging surface that coincides with the imaging plane. [0036] In some embodiments, focusing light rays includes focusing infrared light rays. In some embodiments, the rays are focused and the image is captured within an enclosure, and the procedure also includes transmitting information from within the enclosure to outside of the enclosure, where the transmitted information is related to a status of the utilities and is based upon the image of the utility panel elements. In some embodiments, transmitting the information is done electronically or electrically. In other embodiments, transmitting the information is done optically or wirelessly. [0037] Some embodiments may further include reflecting the rays from the utility panel elements and redirecting the rays to be focused. Further, in embodiments in which the ray focusing and the image capturing are performed within an enclosure, rays from the utility panel elements may be redirected and reflected at a reflecting surface that is situated in conjunction with a door to the enclosure. In some embodiments, the ray focusing and the image capturing are performed in accordance with a Scheimpflug condition. In some embodiments, focusing rays from the utility panel elements includes focusing rays from a switch panel, fuse panel, circuit breaker panel, junction box panel, electrical panel, or electrical interconnect. [0038] Further embodiments according to the present invention include embodiments using panoramic imagers with wide field of view. Some imagers within the scope of the invention are catadioptric imagers that include a mirror and lens combination, with the mirror cross section having the shape of a conic section. [0039] FIG. 7 is a diagram illustrating a display 770 showing an image 765 of utility panel elements 766 with a status indicator overlay 767 . The display 770 is one example of a monitoring system that includes some machine-based analysis, as described above in conjunction with FIG. 1 . In FIG. 1 , the image 765 of the utility panel elements 766 is provided by an imaging device (not shown) such as imaging device 115 in FIG. 1 . The status indicator overlay 767 is generated by a computer (not shown) such as the computer 155 in FIG. 1 . The computer performs analysis of image information received from the imaging device to determine a status of the utility elements. For example, the computer may determine the brightness of the images of the individual utility panel elements 766 to calculate a temperature of each element. [0040] Still referring to FIG. 7 , the status indicator overlay 767 indicates a temperature status of the selected utility panel element. The status indicator overlay 767 may be colored green (not shown), for example, when the calculated temperature of the selected element is within an acceptable range. If the calculated temperature exceeds a predetermined threshold, the color status indicator overlay 767 may change to red, for example. It will be understood that variations of the status indicator overlay 767 may be in different positions on the display 770 and change in color, shape, design, or other characteristics to indicate status of utility elements. Further, other variations of the display 770 include a separate status indicator overlay such as the status indicator overlay 767 for each utility panel element. [0041] While this invention has been particularly shown and described with references to example embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details may be made therein without departing from the scope of the invention encompassed by the appended claims.
Switch boxes and other such utility boxes must some time be monitored by video. And most of the time, they are behind a door for security and safety reasons In order to image them, the imaging system must then be located very close to them, that is, inside the enclosure. Disclosed herein are systems and corresponding methods for imaging and monitoring utility panel elements arranged on a utility surface. Example embodiments include an optical focusing element to focus rays from utility panel elements and image the elements onto an imaging plane that is non-parallel with a utility surface, and an imaging surface configured to acquire a representation of the image. Example systems and corresponding methods provide for thermal imaging of utility panel elements at close proximity to the elements and within an enclosure. An advantage of these systems and methods is that utility panel elements such as fuses and switches may be imaged even when located within an enclosure and remotely monitored.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to safe deposit boxes. More particularly, this invention relates to safe deposit box constructions having removable shelves and interconnectable doors allowing an intermediate shelf between adjoining boxes to be removed and the doors of the adjoining boxes interconnected to create an enlarged safe deposit box having the size of the combined boxes. 2. Description of the Background Art Conventional safe deposit box constructions comprise a two dimensional array of safe deposit boxes which are manufactured together as a integral unit for sale to an institution such as a bank, savings and loan, or a private vault company. Each of the safe deposit boxes in the array is configured to slideably receive a bond box for safe storage of valuables. It has long been recognized that is it desirable for the institution to have a mixture of various sized safe deposit boxes for rental to its customers at different rental rates. Hence, the array of safe deposit boxes may actually comprise a mixture of larger and smaller safe deposit boxes for rental to the customers. Unfortunately, it is often difficult or impossible for the institution to predict the customer demand for any particular size safe deposit box. Accordingly, an oversupply or an undersupply of a particular size of safe deposit boxes usually exists. The institution thus suffers customer dissatisfaction and loss of income. In recent years, ganged safe deposit box constructions have been developed which include uniformly sized safe deposit boxes having removable shelves and interconnectable doors which allow an intermediate shelf between adjoining safe deposit boxes to be removed and the doors of the boxes interconnected to create a double-sized safe deposit box formed from the two adjoining boxes. Larger sized boxes (e.g. triple- & quadruple-sized) may be created by ganging additional adjoining boxes. More specifically, U.S. Pat. No. 4,528,916 entitled "Plural Box Construction" discloses a ganged safe deposit box construction having removable shelves and interconnectable doors. In Patent '916, the intermediate shelves each include a down-turned front edge which is thicker than the crack between the adjacent doors of the adjoining boxes. The shelf, therefore, cannot be removed through the crack between adjacent doors and is retained in position between adjoining boxes by the closure of one or both of the adjacent doors. Conversely, both adjacent doors must be opened to allow removal of the shelf. To create a double-sized box, the adjacent doors are opened fully and the intermediate shelf between the adjoining boxes is removed. The adjacent doors are then interconnected by means of a spline which fits into a groove in the edges of the adjacent doors. A plate may be affixed to the adjacent doors to prevent spreading of the doors thereby retaining the spline in position therebetween. The interconnected doors thus function in the conventional manner as a single door to close about the enlarged safe deposit box, now comprised of the two adjoining boxes. An object of this invention is to provide an improvement which is a significant contribution to the advancement of the safe deposit box art. Another object of this invention is to provide an improved safe deposit box construction having removable shelves and interconnectable doors which allow an intermediate shelf between adjoining boxes to be removed and the adjacent doors interconnected to create a safe deposit box of a size equal to the combined areas of the adjoining boxes. Another object of this invention is to provide an improved safe deposit box construction having easily removable shelves and easily interconnectable doors that can be quickly removed and interconnected with the use of a simple allen wrench. Another object of this invention is to provide an improved safe deposit box construction which minimizes unnoticeable intrusion. Another object of this invention is to provide an improved safe deposit box construction having removable shelves and interconnectable doors in which the shelves comprise a flat configuration thereby eliminating the need for any bending or other angle forming operations during the manufacture thereof. The foregoing has outlined some of the more pertinent objects of the invention. These objects should be construed to be merely illustrative of some of the more prominent features and applications of the intended invention. Many other beneficial results can be obtained by applying the disclosed invention in a different manner or modifying the invention within the scope of the disclosure. Accordingly, other objects and a fuller understanding of the invention may be had by referring to the summary of the invention and the detailed description of the preferred embodiment in addition to the scope of the invention defined by the claims taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The invention is defined by the appended claims with a specific embodiment shown in the attached drawings. For the purpose of summarizing the invention, the invention comprises a safe deposit box construction including a two dimensional array of safe deposit boxes. The doors of the safe deposit boxes are interconnectable with adjoining doors and the shelves in the safe deposit boxes are removable. The interconnectability of the doors and the removability of the shelves permit the intermediate shelf between adjoining boxes to be removed and the doors thereof interconnected to create a safe deposit having a size equal to the combined sizes of the adjoining boxes that were ganged. Moreover, any number of safe deposit boxes may be ganged together to create a new safe deposit box having a substantially increased size. More particularly, the safe deposit box construction of the invention preferably comprises a two column section of safe deposit boxes constructed with a top and bottom wall, left and right outermost side walls and a middle wall positioned between the side walls thereby defining a two column box-like structure having an opened front. Uniquely designed slots and protrusions are formed equidistantly along the inner surfaces of the walls allowing a uniquely designed flat shelf to be quickly installed therein to create a two column array of equally sized safe deposit boxes. Equally sized safe deposit doors are hinged to the middle wall to open in a butterfly-like manner and to close about their respective safe deposit boxes. The edges of the doors are slotted for receiving a spline which allows adjacent doors to be interconnected. An important feature of the safe deposit box construction of the invention is the uniquely designed slots and flat shelves which allow the shelves to be quickly installed therein. Each flat shelf includes a pair of flat arms protruding from the forwardmost side edges thereof. The flat arms are designed to slideably fit into the uniquely designed slots in the walls to secure the shelf into position while preventing spreading of the walls of the safe deposit box. The shelves are each secured into position by means of a retaining plate threadably secured to the face of the walls by means of an upper and lower screw, the upper screw of the lower shelf and the lower screw of the upper shelf being obstructed when the door for that safe deposit box is closed, thereby preventing removal of the shelf. Each flat shelf including its flat arms comprise a planar configuration facilitating manufacturing from flat stock material while eliminating any bending or special forming operations. The foregoing has outlined rather broadly the more pertinent and important features of the present invention in order that the detailed description of the invention that follows may be better understood so that the present contribution to the art can be more fully appreciated. Additional features of the invention will be described hereinafter which form the subject of the claims of the invention. It should be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the conception and the specific embodiment disclosed may be readily utilized as a basis for modifying or designing other structures for carrying out the same purposes of the present invention. It should also be realized by those skilled in the art that such equivalent constructions do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS For a fuller understanding of the nature and objects of the invention, reference should be had to the following detailed description taken in connection with the accompanying drawings in which: FIG. 1 is a front view of the two column safe deposit box construction of the invention illustrating uniformly sized safe deposit boxes and interconnectable doors which may be ganged together for creating larger sized safe deposit boxes; FIG. 2 is an enlarged, partial cross-sectional view of FIG. 1 illustrating the construction of the left and right and middle side walls creating the two column section for receiving removable shelves; FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the left wall of the safe deposit box construction of the invention, the right wall being a mirror image thereof; FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the middle wall illustrating the double-walled construction thereof, the right perspective view being a mirror image thereof; FIG. 5 is a front view of a retaining plate which secures the shelf into position; and FIG. 6 is a partial vertical cross-sectional view of FIG. 2 illustrating two interconnected doors creating a double-sized safe deposit box; Similar reference characters refer to similar parts throughout the several views of the drawings. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring to FIG. 1, the safe deposit box construction 10 comprises top, bottom and rear walls 12, 14 and 15, left and right side walls 16 and 18 and middle wall 20, thereby defining a two column section having an open front. Uniformly sized interconnectable doors 22 are hinged to the middle wall 20 by means of a conventional three-leaf butterfly safe deposit box hinge 24. Each door 22 is provided with a conventional double nose safe deposit box lock 26. Removable shelves 28 are provided for installation between adjacent doors 22 in each column to define individual safe deposit boxes. The interconnectable doors 22 and removable shelves 28 allow ganging of individual safe deposit boxes to create double, triple, quadruple, etc. sized boxes as desired. For example, the individual safe deposit boxes may be dimensioned to have the interior dimensions of 31/4" high×10 5/32" wide×233/8" long to receive a nominal three inch bond box having an actual size of 23/4" high×9 3/4" wide×22" long. To double the size of the safe deposit box, the intermediate shelf 28 is removed and the adjacent doors 22 are interconnected to increase the size of the new safe deposit box to 6 13/16" high×10 5/32" wide×233/8" long (taking into account the 12 gauge removed shelf) to receive a nominal five inch bond box having an actual height of 43/4". Additional intermediate shelves 28 and adjacent doors 22 may be removed and interconnected to triple, quadruple, etc. to the size of the safe deposit box. Referring to FIG. 2, the left and right side walls 16 and 18 are mirror images of each other and each include an inner side portion 30 and a face portion 32 defining a front corner 34. Similarly, middle wall 20 comprises left and right side portions 36 and 38 having their rear and front side edges 40 and 42 turned inwardly and welded together to create a double-walled construction. The front side edges 42 of the side portions 36 and 38 are further bent outwardly and welded to each another for creating a vertical hinge tang 44 to which the middle leaf of the hinge 24 is connected. As thus constructed, the inwardly turned front side edges 42 define a face portion 46 and a front corner 48. FIG. 3 is a partial perspective view of the left side wall 16 of the safe deposit box construction 10, the right side wall 18 being a mirror image thereof. As shown, a front slot 50 is formed from the front corner 34 into a part of the face portion 32. A side slot 52, in alignment with the front slot 50, is formed from the corner 48 into a part of the inner side portion 30. A slot 26S is provided for receiving the bolt of the lock 26. Alternatively, slot 26S may be provided with a removable plate allowing a conventional electronic safe deposit box lock to be utilized. FIG. 4 is a partial perspective view of the middle wall 20 illustrating the left wall portion 36 thereof, the right wall portion 38 being a mirror image thereof. As shown, a front slot 54 extends from corner 48 into a part of the face portion 46 and a side slot 56 which extends in alignment therewith from the corner 48 and to a part of the left wall portion 36. A slot 24S may be provided in tang 44 for receiving the tab of the hinge 24 that prevents removal of the door 22 in the event the hinge pin is removed. Returning to FIG. 2, the removable shelves 28 of the invention each comprise a planar, substantially rectangular main portion 58, a pair of planar L-shaped arms 60 and 62 extending from the rectangular portion 58, and a planar, substantially T-shaped front portion 64 extending from the front edge of the shelf 58. The rectangular main portion 58 is dimensioned to fit between the side walls 16 (or 18) and middle wall 20 of the safe deposit box construction 10. The L-shaped arms 60 and 62 each include a rearwardly extending planar tab 60T and 62T, which defines a space 60S and 62S between the tab 60T and 62T and the main portion 58. During installation, tabs 60T and 62T engage into front and side slots 50 and 52 of the side wall 16 (or 18) and the front and side slots 54 and 56 of the middle wall 20, respectively. Slots 50-56 are aligned with the crack between adjacent doors 22 such that the T-shaped portion 64 of the shelf 28 fits into the crack between adjacent doors 22. This overlapping of the edges of the doors 22 provides stability to the doors 22 while preventing access to adjoining safe deposit boxes. Furthermore, the interlocking of the tabs 60T and 62T of the arms 60 and 62 with the respective slots 50-56 prevents spreading of the side wall 16 (or 18) and the middle wall 20. Finally, protrusions 66 are formed in the side wall 16 (or 18) and the middle wall 20 in the safe deposit box below the shelf 28 for support and at least one above the shelf to prevent the rear of the shelf 28 from being pushed up from the safe deposit box below. It is noted that the planar shelf 28 may be inverted and installed in the right column, between side wall 18 and middle wall 20. As shown in FIG. 5, each shelf 28 is retained in position by means of a retaining plate 68. Specifically, retaining plate 68 comprises a generally rectangular configuration with center notch 70. Notch 70 of the retaining plate 68 is aligned with and engages into a corresponding notch 76 formed in the side edge of the shelf 28 between the arm 62T and the T-shaped end 64 (see also FIG. 2). Retaining plate 68 straddles the front slot 54 and is threadably connected to the face portion 46 of the wall portion 36 of the middle wall 20 by means of upper and lower allen head screws 72U and 72L which threadably engage into upper and lower Nutscrews (see FIG. 6) permanently secured in the face portion 46. The interlocking of notch 70 of retaining plate 68 with notch 76 of the shelf 28 prevents removal of the shelf even if one screw 72 is removed. Furthermore, it is noted that the head of the upper and lower screws 72U and 72L are covered by the upper and lower adjacent doors 22 when such doors 22 are closed. Thus, both adjacent doors 22 must be opened before both screws 72U and 72L can be unthreaded and the retaining plate 68 and intermediate shelf 28 removed. As shown in FIG. 6, the adjacent doors may be interconnected by means of a spline 78 which fits into corresponding grooves 22G formed in the horizontal edges of the doors 22. Preferably grooves 22G are L-shaped in cross-section for receiving a spline 78 having L-shaped ends 78E. Furthermore, spline 78 preferably comprises a center portion 78C which fits between the crack of adjacent doors 22. The spline 78 further preferably comprises a substantially flat innerportion 78I which extends along the length of the spline 78 adjacent the inside surface 22S of the doors 22. Spline 78 is preferably secured into position by means of an allen head set screw 80 which threadably engages through the inner portion 78I for frictional engagement with the respective door 22. The spline 78 as thus configured is easily installed in the grooves 22G of adjacent doors 22 to rigidly interconnect the same. Spreading of the doors 22 is prevented because of the L-shaped grooves 22G and the corresponding L-shaped ends 78E of the spline 78. Ideally, the allen head of the set screws 80 and the screw 72 of the retaining plate 68 are of the same size as the allen head of the key adjustment of the lock 26 such that only one allen wrench is needed for keying the lock, installing or removing the shelves 28, and interconnecting the doors 22 with the spline 78. The present disclosure includes that contained in the appended claims, as well as that of the foregoing description. Although this invention has been described in its preferred form with a certain degree of particularity, it is understood that the present disclosure of the preferred form has been made only by way of example and that numerous changes in the details of construction and the combination and arrangement of parts may be resorted to without departing from the spirit of the invention. Now that the invention has been described,
A safe deposit box construction including a two-dimensional array of safe deposit boxes, the doors of which are interconnectable with adjoining doors and the shelves of which are removable. The interconnectability of the doors and the removability of the shelves permit the intermediate shelf between adjoining boxes to be removed and the doors thereof interconnected to create a safe deposit box having a size equal to the combined sizes of the adjoining boxes.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED PATENT APPLICATIONS [0001] This application claims the benefit of the filing date of U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 60/827,116 filed on Sep. 27, 2006. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of the Invention [0003] This invention relates generally to control systems for drilling and boring operations, and more particularly to a laser based control system and apparatus for drilling and boring operations. [0004] 2. Description of Related Art [0005] Trenchless technology is a growing field that includes a wide variety of methods and techniques for installing and rehabilitating underground infrastructure with minimal surface disruption and without the destruction and subsequent rebuilding of essential infrastructure that is common with trenching and excavation. Examples of trenchless technologies include, but are not limited to, microtunneling, pipejacking, pipe ramming, sliplining, guided boring, haul systems, tunnel boring, and earth pressure balance systems. [0006] In most if not all trenchless technology applications, direction of the pipe or utility structure through the earth is of utmost importance. Proper directional guidance throughout the trenchless technology implementation ensures not only that the resulting utility infrastructure is placed properly, but also ensures that the trenchless technology operation does not hit or otherwise damage (such as through vibrations) existing utilities and other underground objects. [0007] In some trenchless technology operations such as microtunneling and guided boring, the boring or tunneling tool can be guided during the operation itself by various techniques. In other trenchless technology operations, such as pipejacking and pipe ramming, the method is non-steerable, and pipes installed by these methods are laid straight. Often times a pilot tube is placed prior to the pipejacking or pipe ramming operation using a technique such as microtunneling. The subsequent pipejacking or pipe ramming operation will then follow the pilot tube to ensure that the pipe is installed in it's proper location. [0008] In guiding a trenchless technology operation, knowledge of when the cutting head is deviating from it's intended course is extremely valuable so that the machine operator can make adjustments necessary to bring the direction of the cutting head back on course. The cutting head may deviate from it's intended course for a variety of reasons, such as machine or operator inputs, encounter of different soil types, encounter of a rock or boulder, and the like. Knowing when such a deviation occurs and the extent of such a deviation is important to ensure that timely course corrections are made. [0009] It is an object of the present invention to provide a laser control system and apparatus for drilling and boring operations. It is another object of the present invention to provide a laser control system and apparatus for drilling and boring operations where the control head is low cost in the event of a cutting head malfunction. It is a further object of the present invention to provide a laser control system and apparatus for drilling and boring operations where the control head does not require a power source. It is a further object of the present invention to provide a laser control system and apparatus for drilling and boring operations that is reliable and not susceptible to failure. It is a further object of the present invention to provide a laser control system and apparatus for drilling and boring operations that can optionally be operated remotely. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0010] In accordance with the present invention, there is provided a laser control system and apparatus for drilling and boring operations comprising a laser, an optical control head, an audible alignment indicator operatively coupled to the optical control head, and a target having a laser beam hole. [0011] The foregoing paragraph has been provided by way of introduction, and is not intended to limit the scope of the present invention as defined by this specification, drawings, and attached claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0012] The invention will be described by reference to the following drawings, in which like numerals refer to like elements, and in which: [0013] FIG. 1 is a diagram of a laser controlled trenchless operation; [0014] FIG. 2 is a plan view of an optical control head; [0015] FIG. 3 is a perspective view of an optical control head; [0016] FIG. 4 is a perspective view of an audible alignment indicator; and [0017] FIG. 5 is a plan view of a target. [0018] The present invention will be described in connection with a preferred embodiment, however, it will be understood that there is no intent to limit the invention to the embodiment described. On the contrary, the intent is to cover all alternatives, modifications, and equivalents as may be included within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by this specification, drawings, and appended claims. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0019] For a general understanding of the present invention, reference is made to the drawings. In the drawings, like reference numerals have been used throughout to designate identical elements. [0020] FIG. 1 is a diagram of a laser controlled trenchless operation. In a horizontal trenchless operation, it is common to have an insertion pit 101 and a receiving pit 103 that correspond with the origination and the termination of the trenchless operation or a segment thereof. The insertion pit 101 and the receiving pit 103 are typically excavated and often times reinforced for worker safety. If the trenchless operation is performed on a slope, one or both of the insertion pit 101 and the receiving pit 103 may not be necessary. An example of such an application is the trenchless installation of a culvert pipe under a raised railroad bed where trenchless technology is used to prevent settling or disruption of the railroad bed. The raised railroad bed has slopes on either side of the railroad bed that negate the need to excavate an insertion pit 101 or a receiving pit 103 . FIG. 1 further shows the top of terrain 105 . The laser controlled trenchless operation of FIG. 1 is exemplary only, and is not intended to limit the scope of the present invention to any particular type or method of trenchless technology. A pipe 107 is drilled from the insertion pit 101 to the receiving pit 103 . The pipe 107 may be steel or other material suitable to drilling or boring operations, as will be known to those skilled in the art. The pipe 107 may be rotated and driven by a drive unit 109 . Examples of such drive units are those units manufactured by Akkerman, Inc. of Brownsdale, Minn., and whose products can be seen at The drive unit 109 provides rotation to the pipe 107 as well as horizontal displacement sufficient to progress the drilling or boring operation. At the far end of the pipe 107 is a pipe head 111 that serves to cut through soil as the pipe 107 is rotated and driven by the drive unit 109 . In some embodiments of the present invention, tile pipe head 111 is beveled to help guide placement of the pipe 107 . An operator can control the yaw and pitch of the pipe 107 as it is being inserted through the ground. This control is performed by slowing or stopping the rotation of the pipe 107 at the drive unit 109 while maintaining or modifying the horizontal force applied to the pipe 107 . Due to the geometry of the pipe head 111 , the pipe 107 will tend to track on a linear course when rotation is applied from the drive unit 109 , and will tend to track in a non-linear fashion when rotation from the drive unit is slowed down or stopped. This attribute is useful in controlling the direction of the pipe 107 . Should the pipe 107 deviate from it's intended course during installation, the direction of the pipe 107 can be altered by slowing or stopping the rotation of the pipe 107 , orienting the pipe head 111 such that the beveled surface of the pipe head provides non-linear tracking in the intended direction, and then resuming rotation of the pipe 107 once it is determined that the pipe 107 has returned to it's intended course during installation. The laser control system and apparatus of the present invention allows one to determine if the direction of travel of the pipe 107 has deviated from it's intended course during installation, and further, allows one to determine the angular position of the pipe head 111 such that course corrections can be made. The laser control system and apparatus of the present invention uses an optical control head 200 with a prism 201 within the pipe 107 to provide information to an operator regarding the direction of travel of a pipe 107 being installed and the angular position of the pipe head 111 . A laser 113 originates a sending beam 117 through a hole in a target 115 , through the drive unit 109 , and down the length of pipe 107 . Upon reaching the prism 201 , a returning beam 119 travels down the length of pipe 107 until it strikes a target 115 . The prism 201 may be any prism used to redirect light, and in particular laser light. The return beam 119 is oriented with respect to the sending beam 117 based on the angular position of the prism 201 and the attached optical control head 200 . It is thus important to know the angular position of the prism 201 and the attached optical control head 200 during the boring s or drilling operation. The target 115 is shown in further detail in FIG. 5 , and provides the location of the sending beam 117 by way of a pass through hole and the returning beam 119 . The placement of the sending beam 117 with respect to the returning beam 119 provides the operator with information on the deviation of travel of the pipe 107 during installation. This allows the operator to make minor course corrections throughout the installation process. It is important to know the angular position of the optical control head 200 so that the pipe head 111 can be rotated to the proper position to allow for travel in a specified direction. The optical control head 200 contains a signaling mechanism that allows for the determination of angular position of the control head 200 . This mechanism will be shown in FIGS. 2 , 3 , and 4 . [0021] It is often times inconvenient or impossible to view the target 115 while operating the drive unit 109 . In these situations, an optional video camera 121 is directed at the target 115 and a display unit (not shown) may be placed in a position convenient for the operator or others to view the target 115 . [0022] During operation of the laser control system and apparatus of the present invention, the target 115 is continuously monitored during a drilling or boring operation, and minor course deviations are corrected through operator intervention by slowing or stopping the rotation of the pipe 107 , orienting the pipe 107 and attached pipe head 111 in an angular position that will allow the pipe head 111 to travel in a direction that will compensate for the detected course deviation, providing horizontal displacement of the pipe 107 and pipe head 111 until such time as the course is corrected, and then returning to rotational and horizontal displacement boring or drilling. [0023] As will become evident to one skilled in the art after reading this specification with the attached drawings and claims, the laser control system and apparatus of the present invention is well suited to a variety of trenchless operations, and also to vertical boring and drilling operations. [0024] Turning now to FIG. 2 , a plan view of an optical control head according to one embodiment of the present invention is shown. The prism 201 , as previously described, can be seen. The prism 201 is structurally attached to a first flange 203 , which is in turn connected to a strut 205 that is in turn connected to a second flange 207 . The purpose of the flange and strut arrangement is to provide mechanical integrity to the device and also to provide acoustical isolation for the audible alignment indicator 400 . In some embodiments of the present invention, the audible alignment indicator may be electronic, using a position sensing device such as a mercury switch and an electronic device such as a buzzer, horn, bell, or the like. The first flange 203 , the strut 205 , and the second flange 207 may be made from a metal such as steel, brass, copper, stainless steel, or the like. The first flange 203 , the strut 205 , and the second flange 207 may also be made from a plastic. The audible alignment indicator 400 is shown in further detail in FIG. 4 , and essentially provides an audible signal similar to a bell when the optical control head 200 is placed at an angular position that would indicate 12 o'clock, or another fixed reference point. The audible alignment indicator 400 may be made from a metal such as steel, brass, copper, stainless steel, or the like. A shaft 209 connects the second flange 207 to an expandable plug 211 , a tightener 213 and a threaded shaft 215 . The shaft 209 , the tightener 213 and the threaded shaft 215 may be made from a metal such as steel, brass, copper, stainless steel, or the like. The shaft 209 , the tightener 213 and the threaded shaft 215 may also be made from a plastic. The expandable plug 21 may be made from a material such as rubber, silicone, or the like. The purpose of the expandable plug 211 , tightener 213 and threaded shaft 215 is to attach the optical control head 200 to the inside of a pipe without allowing for rotation. While the expandable plug 211 , tightener 213 and threaded shaft 215 portray a specific embodiment, other attachment means may be used without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. [0025] Turning now to FIG. 3 , a perspective view of an optical control head according to one embodiment of the present invention is shown. The prism assembly 201 can be seen along with the prism glass 301 and a visual alignment indicator 303 . The visual alignment indicator 303 , as can be seen in FIG. 3 , is a marking that indicates 12 o'clock or another fixed angular position reference. Also shown in FIG. 3 is the first flange 203 , the strut 205 , and the second flange 207 . Also shown is the audible alignment indicator 400 . [0026] Turning now to FIG. 4 , a perspective view of an audible alignment indicator 400 according to one embodiment of the present invention is shown. The audible alignment indicator 400 has been removed from the optical control head 200 for clarity, and serves to provide an audible indication of a specified angular position. As can be seen in FIG. 4 , a striker 401 is attached to a pivot pin 403 and is free to rotate about the pivot pin 403 upon rotation of the audible alignment indicator 400 . The pivot pin 403 is offset from the center of the bell housing 409 such that the striker 401 clears the bell housing 409 when rotated 180 degrees, and strikes the bell housing only when rotated a full 360 degrees. This allows for an audible indication only once in a complete 360 degree rotation and also provides the cam-like displacement required for proper operation of the striker 401 . In addition, a striker guide plate 405 contains a stop 407 that retains the striker 401 through 90 degrees of rotation and then releases the striker 401 past 90 degrees of rotation such that the striker 401 strikes the bell housing 409 and generates a bell like sound. The components of the audible alignment indicator 400 are preferably a metal such as steel, brass, copper, stainless steel or the like. Plastic materials may also be used for some of the components. [0027] Lastly, FIG. 5 shows a plan view of a target 500 according to one embodiment of the present invention. The target backing 501 may be made of paper, plastic, spunbonded polyolefin wood, steel, aluminum, or any material that is suitable for a planar structure. A laser beam hole 503 is placed through the target 500 to accommodate a sending laser beam as was previously described and portrayed by way of FIG. 1 . A laser beam termination 505 may be seen on a target in use. The target further may have angular displacement markings such as the clock indicators 507 to represent 12 o'clock, 509 to represent 3 o'clock, 511 to represent 6 o'clock, and 513 to represent 9 o'clock. Alternatively, other angular displacement indicators in degrees, radians, or the like, may also be used. The position of the laser beam termination 505 in relation to the laser beam hole 503 indicates the deviation distance and direction from course during a boring or drilling operation. The target 500 may also contain a laser sensing device or devices such as an infrared sensor, photo diode, or the like. Further details related to the use of the target 500 with the laser control system and apparatus of the present invention have been previously provided in this specification. [0028] It is, therefore, apparent that there has been provided, in accordance with the various objects of the present invention, a laser control system and apparatus for drilling and boring operations. While the various objects of this invention have been described in conjunction with preferred embodiments thereof, it is evident that many alternatives, modifications, and variations will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Accordingly, it is intended to embrace all such alternatives, modifications and variations that fall within the spirit and broad scope of this specification, drawings, and appended claims.
A laser control system and apparatus for guiding a drilling or boring operation during a trenchless technology implementation. In most if not all trenchless technology applications, direction of the pipe or utility structure through the earth is of utmost importance. Proper directional guidance throughout the trenchless technology implementation ensures not only that the resulting utility infrastructure is placed properly, but also ensures that the trenchless technology operation does not hit or otherwise damage (such as through vibrations) existing utilities and other underground objects. The laser control system and apparatus of the present invention comprises a laser, a laser control head having a prism, an audible alignment indicator operatively coupled to the laser control head, and a target having a laser beam hole.
CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application claims the benefit of Provisional Application No. 61/759560, filed Feb. 1, 2013, and Provisional Application No. 61/710610, filed Oct. 5, 2012, the disclosures of which are hereby expressly incorporated by reference herein. BACKGROUND [0002] The present invention pertains to an improved irrigator-aspirator tip component of the type inserted into the lens capsule of an eye, such as for removing cortical material, washing, cleaning and/or polishing. SUMMARY [0003] This summary is provided to introduce a selection of concepts in a simplified form that are further described below in the Detailed Description. This summary is not intended to identify key features of the claimed subject matter, nor is it intended to be used as an aid in determining the scope of the claimed subject matter. [0004] In accordance with the present invention, a unitary, one-piece sleeve is provided for an ophthalmic irrigator-aspirator instrument of the type having a handpiece with an aspiration opening through the distal end thereof and one or more irrigation openings adjacent to the aspiration opening. The instrument includes an elongated, narrow tip projecting from the handpiece distal end, such tip having an internal bore communicating with the handpiece aspiration opening and an aspiration port at or adjacent to a distal end of the tip. The novel sleeve has a proximate annular hub portion constructed and arranged to be manually connected to a distal end portion of the handpiece in a watertight fit, with the sleeve surrounding the full extent of the tip and the aspiration and irrigation openings of the handpiece. An intermediate portion of the sleeve forms a channel for an irrigation fluid between the exterior of the tip and the interior portion of the sleeve. The channel is in communication with the handpiece irrigation opening and an irrigation port adjacent to the distal end of the sleeve, for conveying the irrigation fluid through the channel and ejecting it from the irrigation port of the sleeve. The distal end portion of the sleeve is sized for manual connection over the distal portion of the tip in a watertight fit at a location between the sleeve irrigation port and the aspiration port of the tip. Such distal end portion of the sleeve has an aspiration port located to be in communication with the tip aspiration port. The sleeve proximate, intermediate, and distal portions are integral with each other and are formed of a resilient material that allows the sleeve to be manually stretched onto the handpiece and tip. [0005] The sleeve is intended to be a single use item for an ophthalmic procedure, but the tip is protected by the sleeve during use and can be reused. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0006] The foregoing aspects and many of the attendant advantages of this invention will become more readily appreciated as the same become better understood by reference to the following detailed description, when taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein: [0007] FIG. 1 is a top front perspective of an intraocular irrigator-aspirator tip component in accordance with the present invention with parts shown in exploded relationship; [0008] FIG. 2 is a corresponding perspective thereof on a somewhat larger scale showing some parts assembled; [0009] FIG. 3 is a vertical axial section thereof with the parts shown in the positions of FIG. 2 ; [0010] FIG. 4 is a section corresponding to FIG. 3 but on a larger scale and with parts fully assembled; [0011] FIG. 4A is a further enlarged, fragmentary, vertical section of the intraocular irrigator-aspirator tip component of FIGS. 1-4 ; [0012] FIG. 5 is a top front perspective of a second embodiment of an intraocular irrigator-aspirator tip component in accordance with the present invention with parts shown in exploded relationship; [0013] FIG. 6 is a corresponding perspective thereof on a somewhat larger scale showing some parts assembled; [0014] FIG. 7 is a vertical axial section thereof with the parts shown in the positions of FIG. 6 ; [0015] FIG. 8 is a section corresponding to FIG. 3 but on a larger scale and with parts fully assembled; [0016] FIG. 8A is a further enlarged, fragmentary, vertical section of the intraocular irrigator-aspirator tip component of FIGS. 5-8 ; [0017] FIG. 9 is a top front perspective of a modified form of an intraocular irrigator-aspirator tip component in accordance with the present invention with parts shown in exploded relationship; [0018] FIG. 10 is a fragmentary, enlarged, top plan thereof with the parts assembled; [0019] FIG. 11 is a vertical axial section thereof with the parts shown in the positions of FIG. 10 ; [0020] FIG. 12 is a top front perspective of another modified form of an intraocular irrigator-aspirator tip component in accordance with the present invention with parts shown in exploded relationship; [0021] FIG. 13 is a corresponding perspective thereof on a somewhat larger scale showing some parts assembled; [0022] FIG. 14 is a vertical axial section thereof with the parts shown in the positions of FIG. 13 ; [0023] FIG. 15 is a section corresponding to FIG. 14 but on a larger scale and with parts fully assembled; and [0024] FIG. 15A is a further enlarged, fragmentary, vertical section of the intraocular irrigator-aspirator tip component of FIGS. 12-15 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0025] With reference to FIG. 1 , an irrigation-aspiration handpiece 10 has a distal portion 12 adapted to receive a separate tip 14 which typically is surgical grade stainless steel or titanium. In a representative embodiment, tip 14 is reusable and has an externally threaded proximate stem 16 for reception in the internally threaded bore 18 that opens at the distal end of the handpiece. FIGS. 2-4 show the tip 14 after it has been joined to the handpiece 10 . In FIG. 3 it can be seen that the tip 14 has an internal bore 17 that communicates with the central longitudinal bore 18 of the handpiece 10 . At the proximate end, the handpiece is connected to a low pressure or vacuum source, such that aspiration is achieved through the distal end port 20 of the tip 16 as controlled by the user (typically a surgeon). In addition, the handpiece has an annular channel 22 for discharge of an irrigation liquid, such as to compensate for material aspirated through the tip 14 . [0026] In accordance with the present invention, a one-piece or unitary sleeve 24 of a soft, resilient material, such as silicone rubber, is provided for fitting tightly over the tip 14 and the distal end portion of the handpiece 10 to which the tip has been joined. [0027] With reference to FIG. 4 , the resilient sleeve 24 has a distal hub portion 26 with a wall diameter somewhat greater than the remainder of the sleeve for increased rigidity adjacent to a lip 28 in the area where the sleeve would typically be grasped by the surgeon or technician assembling the apparatus. At the proximate end, on the internal face 30 , the sleeve is tapered for ease in fitting the sleeve on and over the distal tip portion of the handpiece. The handpiece can be formed with an external thread 32 or a series of ribs to achieve a watertight fit of the sleeve on the handpiece. [0028] The diameter of an intermediate portion of the sleeve 24 gradually decreases along the length of the tip 14 , being sized to form an annular channel 34 which is in communication with the handpiece irrigation channel 22 . Moving still farther in a distal direction, the wall thickness of the sleeve lessens to increase the overall flexibility of the sleeve in the area where it will protrude through a corneal incision. [0029] The details of the distal-most portion of the sleeve 24 and inner tip 14 are best seen in FIG. 4A . In this embodiment, the distal end of the tip 14 has the end port 20 . The sleeve 24 has a distal end portion 36 that projects beyond the end port 20 , with an internal aspiration cavity 38 in communication therewith. In the embodiment shown, the end portion 36 of the sleeve has an annular shoulder 40 to butt against the distal end of the tip 14 when the sleeve is inserted fully over the tip. An external aspiration port 42 is formed in the distal sleeve part 36 . In the illustrated embodiment, port 42 extends obliquely, which is preferred, but it can be positioned at any desired location around the sleeve portion 36 . The wall thickness at the distal portion 36 is greater than the thickness where the sleeve fits over the tip 14 , for a somewhat less flexible but still soft tip that can be manipulated by the surgeon to a desired location. The fit of the sleeve around the distal end of the tip is very snug and watertight. [0030] Still referring to FIG. 4A , one or more ports 44 are provided for expulsion of irrigation liquid close to the aspiration port but nevertheless spaced proximate therefrom. Typically, during an intraocular procedure both ports will be positioned inside the cornea and usually inside the lens capsule. The distal part 36 of the sleeve is unsupported and should have sufficient rigidity that it does not collapse so as to block aspiration. Nevertheless, the part of the sleeve 24 proximate to the irrigation port 44 will be fitted through a small corneal slit, and should be sufficiently flexible to conform to the shape of the slit without unduly stretching or tearing the cornea. Whereas the tip 14 itself is very rigid and can have sharp edges that could tear delicate eye tissue with which they come into engagement, the sleeve is soft enough that the risk of tearing, cutting, or abrasion of eye tissue is reduced significantly. In addition, the sleeve protects the tip 14 from being damaged, such as by contact with other instruments during surgery. The sleeve can be a single-use item, allowing the aspiration tip to be used multiple times. [0031] FIGS. 5 to 8A correspond, respectively, to FIGS. 1 to 4A , but for a second representative embodiment of the present invention. The handpiece 10 is the same, including the distal portion 12 , central aspiration bore 18 , and annular irrigation channel 22 . The separate tip 14 ′ has the same threaded stem 16 for joining to the handpiece, but the distal end portion of the tip 14 ′ and the distal end portion of the sleeve 24 ′ are a little different. [0032] As best seen in FIG. 8A , the distal end of the tip 14 ′ is closed, and the aspiration port 20 ′ opens through the side, very close to the distal end. The distal end portion 36 ′ of the resilient sleeve tightly embraces the closed end of the tip 14 ′ and the end portion on both sides of the port 20 ′ in a watertight fit. The sleeve 24 ′ has an aspiration port 42 ′ located to register with the tip port 20 ′ when the parts are assembled. Port 42 ′ can be smaller than port 20 ′ so that the hard and potentially sharp metal inner tip will not come in contact with delicate eye tissue during use. [0033] For both illustrated embodiments it is important that the sleeve 24 / 24 ′ be fully inserted on the tip 14 / 14 ′, and for both embodiments it is important that the sleeve be correctly aligned or registered with the tip. FIGS. 9-11 illustrate modifications that can be used with both embodiments to assist in obtaining the correct relative orientation. [0034] The tip 14 / 14 ′ is “clocked” to the handpiece 10 ′ so that the relative orientation will be the same each time one of the aspiration tips is connected. For example, in FIG. 9 the bend of the tip toward its distal end would always be oriented vertically upward. A registration mark (arrow 50 ) is formed on the exterior of the handpiece for reference, preferably on an enlarged extension 52 . Extension 52 has a flat annular face 54 from which the distal portion 12 ′ extends. Such portion 12 ′ has a pair of longitudinally spaced, circumferential ribs 32 ′ adjacent to the distal end of the handpiece. The sleeve 24 ″ also has a registration mark (arrow 54 ) formed thereon. During assembly, the surgeon or technical assistant can manually pull the sleeve over the aspirator tip 14 / 14 ′ while keeping the registration marks in alignment, thereby assuring the correct relative orientation. [0035] In addition, the construction of the modified sleeve 24 ″ and handpiece 10 ′ help assure that the sleeve will be fully stretched over the tip and handpiece to the desired degree, and no more. The proximate end of the sleeve will abut against the face 54 of the handpiece extension 52 , and, as seen in FIG. 11 , an internal rib 56 of the sleeve 24 ″ is snugly received between the handpiece ribs 32 ′ when the desired fit is achieved. [0036] FIGS. 12 to 15A correspond, respectively, to FIGS. 1 to 4A , but for a third representative embodiment of the present invention. The handpiece 10 ′ is the same as previously described except for the distal portion 12 ′″. For example, the handpiece of the third embodiment still has the central aspiration bore 18 (see FIGS. 14 and 15 ) and annular irrigation channel 22 , and the bore and channel open through the distal end of the distal portion 12 ′″. The outer periphery of the distal portion 12 ′″ is configured for connection to a composite rigid tip component 60 . Tip component 60 has an internally threaded hub or base 62 for joining to the handpiece, such as by mating threads (external on the handpiece distal portion 12 ′″ and internal in the hub or base 62 ). FIGS. 13 , 14 , and 15 show the hub or base 62 connected to the handpiece. [0037] The hub or base 62 can be formed of a rigid plastic material. The composite tip 60 includes a rigid (preferably surgical grade stainless steel or titanium) cannula 64 projecting distally from the hub or base 62 . The cannula is fixed in the base, such as by overmolding during manufacturing. As seen in FIG. 15 , the bore 66 of the cannula communicates with the aspiration bore 18 of the handpiece and can terminate at or near a distal port 68 . [0038] As best seen in FIGS. 13 and 14 , the hub or base 62 includes a distal protrusion or stem 70 . As seen in FIGS. 14 and 15 , stem 70 has longitudinal passages 72 that communicate with the annular irrigation channel 20 of the handpiece. [0039] This embodiment includes a thin-walled resilient sleeve 24 ′″ similar to the sleeves previously described. The proximate end portion (hub) 74 of sleeve 24 ′″ can be fitted tightly over the stem 70 of the composite tip component 60 . As best seen in FIG. 15 , an interior rib 76 at the proximate end of the sleeve can be received in a groove 78 at the proximate end of the stem for a reliable connection of the sleeve to the stem. For registration purposes, the outer periphery of the stem can be a shape other than cylindrical and the proximate portion of the sleeve shaped the same. In the illustrated embodiment the stem and sleeve are approximately triangular in transverse cross section so the sleeve will be oriented correctly as it is slid on the stem prior to use of the IA instrument. [0040] As best seen in FIG. 15A , the distal end of the rigid cannula opens through an end port 88 . The distal end portion of the resilient sleeve 24 ′″ tightly embraces the tip of the cannula in a watertight fit. The sleeve 24 ′″ has an aspiration port 80 in fluid communication with the bore of the cannula, and a nearby irrigation port 82 that communicates with the annular passage for irrigation liquid that flows from the handpiece. [0041] Although this embodiment shows an end port for the cannula, the cannula and sleeve can be modified similar to the embodiment of FIGS. 6 to 8A for a side port application. Either way, it is intended that this embodiment of a composite tip and one-piece or unitary resilient sleeve be sold preassembled as a single use item for quick and reliable connection to a reusable handpiece. Both aspiration and irrigation are supported, and sterility is assured because the tip and sleeve are discarded after one use. [0042] While illustrative embodiments have been illustrated and described, it will be appreciated that various changes can be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
An ophthalmic irrigator-aspirator has a handpiece with aspiration and irrigation openings through its distal end; and a narrow aspiration tip projecting distally. A flexible sleeve has an annular hub for watertight connection to the handpiece. The sleeve surrounds the full extent of the tip. An intermediate portion of the sleeve forms a channel for an irrigation fluid along the exterior of the tip to a port in the sleeve. The distal end of the sleeve is sized for a watertight connection over the distal portion of the tip. Such distal end of the sleeve has an aspiration port in communication with the tip aspiration port. The sleeve proximate, intermediate, and distal portions are integral with each other and are formed of a resilient material that allows the sleeve to be manually stretched onto the handpiece and tip.
This application is a continuation, of application Ser. No. 08/083,763, filed Jun. 30, 1993 now abandoned. FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to photographic couplers, particularly to pyrazolotriazole magenta couplers, preferably to 1-H-pyrazolo[1,5-b] [1,2,4]triazole magenta couplers of class 218 (hereafter PT couplers). More specifically, it relates to a process for the one-step synthesis of a key intermediate in PT coupler synthesis by the direct addition of the aminopyrazoles to suitable organic nitriles in the presence of a condensing agent. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Pyrazolotriazole dye-forming magenta couplers are well known in the color image-forming coupler art. Such couplers provide magenta dyes with superior dye light stability. This class of couplers often require multi-step synthetic sequences, involving moisture sensitive intermediates such as imidates, resulting in lower overall yields. The present invention relates to a process of preparing N-(4-substituted pyrazolyl)amidines (I) which are useful key intermediates in the preparation of PT coupler compounds of the formula (II). ##STR1## Formula (II) represents pyrazolotriazole compounds which are PT dye-forming magenta couplers employed in photographic silver halide materials. In the above formulae (I) and (II), X is a coupling-off group and R 1 and R 2 are independently hydrogen or a coupler substituent known in the photographic art which does not adversely affect the desired properties of the coupler. Pyrazolotriazoles of formula (II) can be obtained from the amidines of formula (I) by methods known in the art. The methods known in the art for the synthesis of amidines involve the reaction of the organic nitrile with a suitable alcohol in the presence of anhydrous hydrogen chloride to form the imidate ester, which on subsequent reaction with a 3-amino-4-substituted-5-alkylpyrazole furnished the desired amidine. ##STR2## Unfortunately, this process involves the isolation and manipulation of rather unstable and highly moisture sensitive intermediate imidate esters (IV). SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Accordingly, the present invention is directed to a direct single-step synthetic route to amidines of the formula (I), a key intermediate in PT coupler synthesis, via the addition of aminopyrazoles or 3-amino-4-substituted pyrazoles to organic nitriles. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a direct access to a key intermediate amidine in PT coupler synthesis without forming moisture sensitive imidate intermediates. Moreover, the present invention reduces the number steps to synthesize such amidines from 2 to 1. Synthesis of N-(benzoxazol-2-yl)benzamidines by the condensation of benzonitriles and 2-aminobenzoxazoles is disclosed in the prior art (Subbaiah et al., Synthesis, May, 1990, pp. 422-424). However, a direct single-step synthesis involving 3-amino-4-substituted pyrazoles, 3-aminopyrazoles and organic nitriles is not disclosed or suggested in the prior art. The process according to the present invention comprises reacting a compound of the formula (V), with a compound of the formula (III), in the presence of a condensing agent to obtain the compound of the formula (I): ##STR3## wherein X is a coupling-off group and R 1 and R 2 are independently hydrogen or a coupler substituent known in the photographic art which does not adversely affect the desired properties of the coupler. The preparation of the amidine of formula (I) from the aminopyrazole of formula (V) and the nitrile of the formula (III) is conducted either in the absence of a solvent or in the presence of a solvent such as chlorobenzene, dichlorobenzene, and haloalkanes. While these solvents are preferred, other organic solvents which are inert with respect to the reactants and the product and which satisfactorily dissolve the subject materials can be employed. Reaction temperatures are adjusted within the boiling point range of the solvents (when present). Preferred reaction temperatures are in the range of 100° C. to 150° C. with ambient pressure and a reaction time of 0.1 to 4 hours. A condensing agent is necessary for the formation of amidine. Preferred condensing agents are anhydrous aluminum chloride, boron trifluoride, antimony pentafluoride, stannic chloride, and other acidic condensing agents known in the art. The conversion of amidine to amidoxime followed by cyclization to afford the desired PT couplers (II) can be carried out by direct oxidation of the amidines (I) to produce the desired PT couplers. In the generic structures (I) and (II), X is a coupling-off group known in the art. Such groups can determine the equivalency of the coupler, can modify the reactivity of the coupler, or can advantageously affect the layer in which the coupler is coated or other layers in the element by performing, after release from the coupler, such functions as development inhibition, development acceleration, bleach inhibition, bleach acceleration, color correction, and the like. Additionally, formula (II) includes compounds wherein R 1 or R 2 is a reactive substituent which can be converted to the coupler substituent, thereby providing a dye-forming 1H-pyrazolo[1,5-b] [1,2,4]triazole coupler. Representative classes of coupling-off groups include halogen, particularly chlorine, bromine, or fluorine, alkoxy, aryloxy, heterocyclyloxy, heterocyclic, such as hydantoin and pyrazolo groups, sulfonyloxy, acyloxy, carbonamido, imido, acyl, heterocyclicimido, thiocyano, alkylthio, arylthio, heterocyclylthio, suflonamido, phosphonyloxy and arylazo. They are described in, for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,355,169; 3,227,551; 3,432,521; 3,476,563; 3,617,291; 3,880,661; 4,052,212; 4,540,654 and 4,134,766; in U.K. patents and published application numbers 1,466,728; 1,531,927; 1,533,039; 2,006,755A and 2,017,704A; and in EP 177,765; the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. Examples of specific coupling-off groups are ##STR4## wherein X is chlorine, bromine or --S--Ar, and wherein Ar is an unsubstituted or substituted phenylene group. Compounds in which X is chlorine are preferred. R 1 and R 2 each independently represent hydrogen or a coupler substituent known in the art which typically promotes solubility, diffusion resistance or dye hue or dye stability of the dye formed upon reaction of the coupler with the oxidized color developing agent. Examples of coupler substituent groups include an alkyl group which may be straight or branched, and which may be substituted, such as methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, t-butyl, trifluoromethyl, tridecyl or 3-(2,4,-di-t-amylphenoxy) propyl; an alkoxy group which may be substituted, such as methoxy or ethoxy; an alkylthio group which may be substituted, such as methylthio or octylthio; an aryl group, an aryloxy group or an arylthio group, each of which may be substituted, such as phenyl, 4-t-butylphenyl, 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl, phenoxy, 2-methylphenoxy, phenlythio or 2-butoxy-5-t-octylphenylthio; a heterocyclic group, a heterocyclic oxy group or a heterocyclic thio group, each of which may be substituted and which contain a 3 to 7 membered heterocyclic ring composed of carbon atoms and at least one hetero atom selected from the group consisting of oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur, such as 2-furyl, 2-thienyl, 2-benzimidazolyloxy or 2benzothiazolyl; cyano; an acyloxy group which may be substituted, such as acetoxy or hexadecanoyloxy; a carbamoyloxy group which may be substituted, such as N-phenylcarbamoyloxy or N-ethylcarbamoyloxy; a silyloxy group which may be substituted, such as trimethylsilyloxy; a sulfonyloxy group which may be substituted, such as dodecylsulfonyloxy; an acylamino group which may be substituted, such as acetamido or benzamido; an anilino group which may be substituted, such as phenylanilino or 2-chloroanilino; an ureido group which may be substituted, such as phenylureido or methylureido; an imido group which may be substituted, such as N-succinimido or 3-benzylhydantoinyl; a sulfamoylamino group which may be substituted, such as N, N-dipropyl-sulfamoylamino or N-methyl-N-decylsulfamoylamino. Additional examples of coupler substituent groups include a carbamoylamino group which may be substituted, such as N-butylcarbamoylamino or N,N-dimethyl-carbamoylamino; an alkoxycarbonylamino group which may be substituted, such as methoxycarbonylamino or tetradecyloxycarbonylamino; an aryloxycarbonylamino group which may be substituted, such as phenoxycarbonylamino or 2,4-di-t-butylphenoxycarbonylamino; a sulfonamido group which may be substituted, such as methanesulfonamido or hexadecanesulfonamido; a carbamoyl group which may be substituted, such as N-ethylcarbamoyl or N,N-dibutylcarbamoyl; an acyl group which may be substituted, such as acetyl or (2,4-di-t-amylphenoxy) acetyl; a sulfamoyl group which may be substituted such as N-ethylsulfamoyl or N,N-dipropylsulfamoyl; a sulfonyl group which may be substituted, such as methanesulfonyl or octanesulfonyl; a sulfinyl group which may be substituted, such as octanesulfinyl or dodecylsulfinyl; an alkoxycarbonyl group which may be substituted, such as methoxycarbonyl or butyloxycarbonyl; an aryloxycarbonyl group which may be substituted, such as phenyloxycarbonyl or 3-pentadecyloxycarbonyl; an alkenyl group carbon atoms which may be substituted; a carboxyl group which may be substituted; a sulfo group which may be substituted; hydroxyl; an amino group which may be substituted; or a carbonamido group which may be substituted. Substituents for the above substituted R 1 or R 2 groups include those that do not adversely affect the desired properties of the pyrazolotriazole coupler. Representative substituents for the substituted R 1 or R 2 groups include halogen, an alkyl group, an aryl group, an aryloxy group, a heterocyclic or a heterocyclic oxy group, cyano, an alkoxy group, an acyloxy group, a carbamoyloxy group, a silyloxy group, a sulfonyloxy group, an acylamino group, an anilino group, a ureido group, an imido group, a sulfonylamino group, a carbamoylamino group, an alkylthio group, an arylthio group, heterocyclic thio group, an alkoxycarbonylamino group, an aryloxycarbonylamino group, a sulfonamido group, a carbamoyl group, an acyl group, a sulfamoyl group, a sulfonyl group, a sulfinyl group, an alkoxycarbonyl group, an aryloxycarbonyl group, an alkenyl group, a carboxyl group, a sulfo group, hydroxyl, an amino group or a carbonamido group. Generally, the above groups and substituents thereof which contain an alkyl group may include an alkyl group having 1 to 16 carbon atoms. The above groups and substituents thereof which contain an aryl group may include an aryl group having 6 to 8 carbon atoms, and the above groups and substituents which contain an alkenyl group may include an alkenyl group having 2 to 6 carbon atoms. Preferably, R 1 or R 2 represents hydrogen, an alkyl group, an aryl group, a carbonamido group, a sulfonamido group, a sulfone group, a thio group, a sulfoxide group, a ureido group or a multicyclic group such as adamantlyl, camphoryl, norbornyl or a polynuclear aromatic. Additionally, R 1 or R 2 in formula (I) may constitute a reactive group which can be converted to a coupler substituent as defined above, thereby providing a dye-forming 1H-pyrazolo[1,5-b] [1,2,4]triazole coupler. Thus, formula (I) includes compounds produced according to the method of the present invention which can be further modified through the R 1 or R2 substituent to provide a desired dye-forming 1H-pyrazolo[1,5-b] [1,2,4]triazole coupler by methods known in the art. For example, when R 1 or R 2 is amino (--NH2), the amino can be reacted with a group such as R 3 --CO--Cl, wherein R 3 is an alkyl, aryl, heterocyclic, alkoxy, aryloxy, alkylamino or arylamino group, to form a substituent of R 3 --CO--NH-- on the pyrazolotriazole ring. An example of such a method is illustrated in U.S. Pat. No. 4,540,654 the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference. Additionally, the above-described R 1 or R 2 groups can be a ballast group, which is known in the photographic art as a radical of such size and configuration as to confer on the coupler molecules sufficient bulk to render the coupler substantially non-diffusible from the layer in which it is coated in a photographic element. Couplers of the invention may be attached to ballast groups, or to polymeric chains through one or more of the groups on the pyrazolotriazole nucleus. For example, one or more coupler moieties can be attached to the same ballast group. Representative ballast groups include substituted or unsubstituted alkyl or alkoxy or aryloxy or aryl groups containing 8 to 32 carbon atoms. Representative substituents of the ballast groups include alkyl, aryl, alkoxy, aryloxy, alkylthio, arylthio, hydroxy, halogen, alkoxycarbonyl, aryloxycarbonyl, carboxy, acyl, acyloxy, carbonamido, carbamoyl, alkylsulfonyl, arylsulfonyl, sulfonamido, and sulfamoyl groups wherein the alkyl and aryl substituents and the alkyl and aryl portions of the alkoxy, aryloxy, alkylthio, arylthio, alkoxycarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, acyl, acyloxy, carbonamido, carbamoyl, alkylsulfonyl, arylsulfonyl, sulfonamido, and sulfamoyl substituents contain 1 to 30 carbon atoms and 6 to 30 carbon atoms, respectively. These ballast group substituents can be further substituted with the same substituents. Illustrative amidine compounds of the formula (I) which can be produced according to the present invention are as follows: ##STR5## Each of the above compounds are useful intermediates for the magenta dye-forming couplers and each contains a ballast group for R 1 in the formula (I). The present invention is more clearly described by, though in no way limited to, the following examples. SYNTHESIS OF I-6 ##STR6## A 100-mL flask equipped with a magnetic stirring bar and a pressure equalizing addition funnel was heated under a dry stream of argon and allowed to cool to room temperature. The flask was charged with 3-amino-4-chloro-5-tert-butylpyrazole (2.0 g 11.52 mmol), pthaloyl blocked nitrile (VI, 2.59 g, 12.1 mmol), and dry o-dichlorobenzene as the solvent. The reaction flask was immersed in a water bath (≈25° C.) and anhydrous stannic chloride (1.75 mL, 3.9 g, 15 mmol) was added dropwise through a hypodermic syringe under argon; the reaction turned yellow. The contents of the flask were carefully heated (oil bath) to a temperature of 150° C. and maintained at that temperature until completion (30 min, TLC 9:2, CH 2 CI 2 :MeOH) of the reaction. The mixture was cooled and anhydrous ether (≈75 mL) was added. The white solid was filtered, washed with ether, and dried (4.99 g, >100%). A part (2.3 g) of the crude solid was subjected to flash chromatography to furnish 1.51 g (66% yield) of the desired amidine as pale yellow solid. Calcd. for C 19 H 22 CIN 5 O 2 : C, 58.84; H, 5.72; N, 18.06; Cl, 9.14. Found: C, 57.94; H, 5.76; N, 16.80; Cl, 9.56. 1 H-NMR (300MHz, CDCI30 and field desorption mass spectra (FDMS) were consistent with the free amidine structure. While the invention has been described in detail and with reference to specific embodiments thereof, it will be apparent to one skilled in the art that various changes and modifications can be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
In the production of 1H-pyrazolo[1,5-b] [1,2,4]triazole couplers, substituted 3-amino-pyrazole compounds add to suitable organic nitriles in the presence of an acidic condensing agent such as aluminum chloride, stannic chloride or boron trifluoride to directly produce desired amidine intermediates in good yields, avoiding the generation of moisture sensitive intermediate imidate esters. Moreover, the availability of oxidation techniques to convert amidines to 1H-pyrazolo[1,5-b] [1,2,4]triazole couplers in a single step makes it possible to produce these couplers in a total of two steps compared to conventional multi-step synthetic schemes.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/236,046, filed Oct. 1, 2015, and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/276,010, filed on Jan. 7, 2016. Each of these applications are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention is directed to a method of reducing insect pests from agriculture, livestock, and human interaction without adversely affecting the environment. The system attracts insects to a location where they can be safely eliminated. A primary aspect of the present invention is to attract the insects with a light source, for example electroluminescent (EL) lighting. Other types of lighting and sensory attractants for insects are also described and can be used in various combinations. The reduction of pests can be accomplished by attractive elimination such as by a high voltage grid or other known methods. BACKGROUND [0003] Problems arise with the introduction of insect pests in artificially created agroecosystems used to satisfy the demands for suitable crops for human consumption. These agroecosystems create a highly conducive environment for herbivorous insects, which are responsible for destroying one fifth of the world's total crop production annually. Insects harm crops by feeding directly on the plants, transmitting plant diseases, and even post harvesting when the harvested crop has been stored for distribution. Current solutions involve sustainable agriculture techniques, biotechnology, and pesticides. [0004] Pesticides have been used to increase crop yield per acre to meet the growing demand of the increasing worldwide population. Chemicals are introduced into the environment each year affecting wildlife, water quality, and air quality. Pesticides are absorbed into food and are prevalent in the fruits and vegetables meaning pesticides are regularly ingested by humans. Toxicity of pesticides varies from each product based upon its country of origin and the pesticide used. Studies have shown, for example, that pesticides may cause Parkinson's disease, an increased risk of cancer, miscarriages, damage to the central nervous system and kidney, and also act as endocrine disrupters. Pesticides can also cause birth defects in animals and humans. Symptoms from pesticide ingestion can take years to surface after your initial exposure. Pesticides also indiscriminately kill birds, bats, and other pest predators. [0005] Currently, the amount of pesticide a farmer uses is limited by the sensitivity of the crop to the pesticide. To address this issue, researches in biotechnology are currently exploring genetically altered crops to create pesticide tolerant, insect resistant, and virus resistant crops. Pesticide resistant crops could help plants avoid the harmful effects and limitations of traditional pesticides. However, pesticide resistant crops could incentivize farmers to use larger volumes of the pesticide, which only perpetuates the problem of pesticide and its adverse toll on human and animal health and the environment. [0006] Testing has also been conducted on genetically engineering crops to contain the insect-killing toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), a useful biocontrol agent. However, there is a high potential for accelerated evolution of pest resistance to B.t., which can result in the loss of one of agriculture's safest and most useful biocontrol agents currently produced. There are currently no manufactured virucides that do not also harm crops. The thought behind engineering virus resistance is that the plants can be engineered to contain a virus gene so the plant could resist attack by the same virus. In the short-term, this method could reduce losses due to viruses and reduce the use of insecticides. However, a long-term use issue is the ability of viruses to rapidly evolve, rendering the engineered plants susceptible to attack once again. [0007] Biopesticides are an environmentally safe alternative to chemical pesticides. Biopesticides are agricultural biologicals which are made from materials found in nature to act as sustainable crop protection. Most biopesticides are only in the early development phases, and are not as effective as chemical pesticides. [0008] Additionally, the very insecticides once used to maintain higher yields are now hurting crop production. Between 2005 to 2013, Colony Collapse Disorder emerged as a substantial worldwide issue. It is believed that thirty percent of the total bee colonies (in the United States) were dying off each year. Studies found that agricultural residue near collapsed bee colonies contained 700,000 times the lethal level of neonicotinoid pesticides for bees. Numerous studies during this time have implicated pesticides as a factor in Colony Collapse Disorder. As a result, there are not enough bees to pollinate the existing crops, which is essential for sustainable crop growth. Without the bees to pollinate the crops, the amount of pesticides used to mitigate pests in crops becomes irrelevant. In 2013, a mass die-off of bees took place in Wilsonville, Oreg. 25,000 bees were killed simultaneously as a result of misuse of a neonicotinoid pesticide (Medical Daily, Bee Kill-Off in Oregon: Officials Confirm Bee Deaths Result of Insecticide ‘Safari’, (last viewed Sep. 21, 2016)) on surrounding trees. As a result of Colony Collapse Disorder, the European Union voted to ban neonicotinoid pesticides for a two-year period, and instead use sustainable agriculture techniques, biotechnology, and pesticides. [0009] Sustainable agriculture techniques may not be sufficient. A farm is its own ecosystem and harboring populations of pest predators can be an effective pest-control technique. Sustainable agriculture techniques are a means to avoiding harmful pesticides by practicing crop rotation, soil enrichment, and utilizing natural pest predators. Crop rotation breaks the pest reproductive cycles by growing different crops in succession in the same field. Continuously growing the same crop guarantees a steady food supply and thereby a steady or increasing pest population because many pests have preferences for specific crops. This technique does not guarantee the removal of pests, and is only a partial solution. Neighboring farm schedules could allow pests to cycle through other surrounding farms and back to their original location. Soil enrichment can be achieved by plowing under crop residues in the field after harvest, covering crops, or adding composted plant material or animal manure. Healthy soil improves yields and produces robust crops that are less vulnerable, though not impervious, to pest invasions. Other variables, such as the drought, can also reduce pest predator populations, but are unpredictable. [0010] A pest control system and method are needed to attract insect pests away from crops, livestock, and humans, without harming the environment or individuals. SUMMARY [0011] There are two different methods for reducing the insect population: attractive elimination and dispersed elimination. Attractive elimination is the process of eradicating insect pests via luring the insects into a trap. In this case, trap has a broad definition that encompasses electronic flying insect killers, electrocution grids, light traps, adhesive traps, flying insect airflow traps, and terrestrial and aquatic arthropod traps. Dispersed elimination is the application of insecticides to eliminate insect pests over a broad area. [0012] A flower attracts insects in three different ways. The first attractant is the scent of the flower, encouraging insects to find and pollinate the blossom. The scent acts as an attractant at large distances. The second attractant is the color of the bloom. The color of the bloom appeals to insects at a mid-ranged level. The third attractant is the brightly colored inner section of the flower, called a pistil. The pistil entices insects at a very close range. The present invention mimics these characteristics, individually, or in combination. [0013] The three attractants can be used cohesively with an electroluminescent light panel. The area of the light panel can vary. An array of LEDs can be used as an electroluminescence source, for example. The color of the light panel by itself can cover the middle range of insect attraction with respect to distance and can be used unaided. LEDs of the same or different color can be used for spot lighting to accelerate the speed of insect attraction at short-range distances. Additional options include the use of pheromones that can encompass a wider scope of attraction. Further still, aspects of the present disclosure can include a fourth attractant. The sound that the inverter and/or the EL light source emit is an attractant to insects due to the disruptive vibrations in the surrounding environment. An EL is any light source that is generated directly by an electrical source without going through heat or plasma stage. This includes light emitting diode (LED), organic light emitting diode (OLED) and other types of EL. By way of example only, an EL can be phosphor between two plates of a capacitor that is excited and gives off light when an AC voltage is applied across the capacitor. At least one side of the capacitor plate is transparent, allowing the light to exit. In addition, an artificial noise source can be utilized that offers an output having an adjustable wavelength. These elements can be used either together or individually as well as in any combination. [0014] Two primary categories of scents are those associated with food and reproduction to entice insects to a trap. Scents associated with food for a mosquito include carbon dioxide, and materials found in animal sweat such as nonanal, lactic acid, octanol, and low molecular weight carboxylic acids. Pheromones can be used to attract insects by using scents that are associated with reproduction. These scents can be mixed with polymers and cured to form a matrix of material that will attract insects. The polymers used can include UV or heat cured polyurethanes, acrylics, and vinyl. These scent/polymer mixtures can be placed on EL lamps or other warming elements where the heat can help to volatilize and transmit these scents into the air. For scents that mimic food, concentrations from about 0.01 wt. % to about 30 wt. % can be used. Using concentrations from about 0.1 wt. % to about 20 wt. % to attract insects can be more beneficial. For pheromones, the concentration can be lower and more commonly between about 0.001 wt. % and about 5 wt. %, with target ranges between 0.01 wt. % and about 2 wt. %, with 0.01% being more beneficial. [0015] Semiochemicals, or pheromones, can be used to manipulate the behavior of insect pests. They are non-toxic and biodegradable chemicals that lure insects into traps, or cause them to expend energy they normally require for locating food and mates. Insects detect the pheromones by antennae. Some pheromones can be active for days and act as territorial boundaries. Semiochemicals can also be used to convey warnings of danger and reproductive readiness. Using pheromones to indicate reproductive readiness equates to distracting the males away from females to reduce the population density of pests by minimizing interaction and, accordingly, how much they reproduce. In each of these circumstances, the pheromones either act to lure insects to their extermination or to repulse them from an area. According to aspects of the present disclosure, pheromones targeted at attracting insects would be used in order to lure them towards their neutralization. This includes combinations of semiochemicals that can be incorporated into polymers and screen printed onto the attractive panel. It also includes the use of heaters including self-limiting heaters that can increase the vapor pressure of the pheromones by gently heating a polymer matrix incorporated with the heater. [0016] Some insects respond to sound. Mosquitos have well developed organs for hearing. Their feathery antennae are attached to the Johnston's organ for hearing. They are sensitive to sounds up to 2000 Hz. Mosquitos use sound to identify mates and are attracted to certain frequencies of sound. The frequency for use with the present invention can be determined by the exact mosquito species and type, the sex of the mosquito, and the air temperature. The frequency can be based on insect activity. The disclosed device uses the frequency hopping technique to attract a range of mosquito species and is effective at various air temperatures. Frequencies from 100 Hz to 1200 Hz can be used but a narrow range of 350 Hz to 550 Hz can be more focused to get the desired results. Frequency hopping can be done at different intervals for example 25 Hz steps for 5 to 600 seconds at each step or the steps can be proportional for example like musical notes from F4 (349.23 Hz) to C#5 (554.37 Hz). Mosquitos change their wing flapping frequency to become in tune to a mate as they come into the area where the sound is emanating. As the frequency of the output changes it can imitate the changing frequency during mating. The tones used can be random or sequential. The sonic attraction can be used by itself or in conjunction with light and/or scents to attract insects. The sonic attracting element can be generated with a speaker, a piezo element or from a deposited layer of dielectric material. The dielectric layer can be part of an EL light. The deposition method can be screen printing or similar printing techniques such as roll coating, slot coating, stencil coating, or several other methods known in the art. [0017] The sound attractant component can attract insects due to the vibration released to the surrounding environment. As the decibels increase, so does the effective area that reaches insects. Additionally, insects prefer frequencies anywhere from about 100 to 400 Hertz. The inverter used to convert the solar power for use in the lamp and the lamps themselves emits a sound around 80 decibels at 350 Hertz. The frequency of this sound can be adjusted to attract different pests. While this frequency might not work for long range attraction, it can assist in the short range attraction of the insect pests to the device. [0018] Mosquitoes, crickets, moths, cockroaches, and fruit flies exhibit some phonotaxis and are susceptible to trapping via sound enticement. Sound enticement can be used to mimic mate-seeking adults and can be used to produce signals that disrupt vibrational communication between insects. While mosquitos are not highly susceptible to phonotaxis, they can be drawn to the general area of light. An EL lamp or other light source such as a fluorescent light or mercury discharge lamp is designed to attract insects over a broad area to where they can hear the sounds being produced in the trap. [0019] Light traps, with or without ultraviolet (UV) light, attract certain insects. UV lights are the technology currently employed in many bug zappers. The long wave UV-A is very attractive to insects and does not contain much visible light. This electromagnetic radiation falls in a wavelength from 320 nanometers to 400 nanometers. Insects perceive light in the 300 to 650 nanometer range, but prefer light that is between 300 to 480 nanometers. The UV light can be used in conjunction with the main operation panel, which can be designed to operate in the range of 300 to 650 nanometer. This present invention is so effective in attracting insects because it can operate at about the 480 nanometer range of light, which is a known attractive color to compound eyed insects. A 15-acre area requires drawing insects from about 456 feet away (i.e. radius). Additional wavelengths of light can be easily added to this panel for specific insects as required. [0020] The lamp is designed to attract insects over an area, up to about 15-acre. The product primarily uses a high voltage grid to kill the attracted insect. Insects have compound eyes, meaning they only have two types of color pigment receptors sensitive to 3 colors of light: ultraviolet, blue, and green. Bright white or bluish lights (blue or green EL, mercury vapor, white incandescent, and white fluorescent) are the most attractive to insects. Yellowish, pinkish, or orange (sodium vapor, halogen, or dichrom yellow) are the least attractive to most insects. Additional wavelengths of light can be easily added to the panel for specific insects as required. [0021] According to aspects of the present disclosure, the main panel is an electroluminescent lamp that can exhibit Lambertian emission, which means that the surface of the lamp has the same radiance when viewed from any angle. This surface can be beneficial as a light source for attracting insects where the panel could be viewed at long distances and from many different angles. A single panel could attract insects over a large area. [0022] Another advantage of the invention is that the light source would not affect the beneficial pollination insects that are active during the day, but rather would attract the insect pests that lay eggs or reproduce during the night. Additionally, this device can be powered using alternative energy, such as solar energy, wind power, hydropower, and the like, in addition to traditional electricity, coal and natural gas sources. The system can operate continuously independent of electrical input keeping with the technology's green initiative. [0023] An aspect of the invention is an insect control system. The system includes an electroluminescent light source that acts as a Lambertian emitter, and at least one electrical grid located within an operation panel. [0024] An aspect of the invention is an insect electrocution system. The system includes a solar panel, at least one power storage device, at least one of an electrocution grid and insect trap, and an operational panel. The power storage device stores energy from the solar panel. The operational panel includes at least two of the following insect attracting elements: a first electroluminescent light source that is a Lambertian emitter, a second electroluminescent light source that operates at a different wavelength than the first electroluminescent light source, at least one of the first and second electroluminescent light source pulses, at least one sound source, and at least one scent source. The power storage device provides power for the at least two attracting systems, and the electrocution grid. [0025] An aspect of the invention is a method to execute non-pollinating insects. The method includes providing a system to an area. The system includes at least one light emitting source, and an electrocution grid within an operation panel. The light emitting source attracts non-pollinating insect to the system, and the electrical grid electrocutes the non-pollinating insect once it is attracted to the system. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0026] The present invention is not limited in its application to the particular schematics shown. The invention is capable of alternate embodiments, and all terminology is for the purpose of the description. [0027] FIG. 1 illustrates a schematic diagram of one embodiment of the present disclosure; [0028] FIG. 2 illustrates a schematic diagram of panel components according to aspects of the present disclosure; [0029] FIG. 3 illustrates a block diagram of electrical control components of one embodiment of the present disclosure; [0030] FIG. 4 illustrates a schematic diagram of the layers of an electroluminescent light source according to aspects the present disclosure; [0031] FIG. 5 illustrates a block diagram of the electronics of an insect control device according to aspects of the present disclosure; [0032] FIG. 6 depicts an embodiment of an insect control device according to aspects of the present disclosure; [0033] FIG. 7 depicts an embodiment of an insect control device according to aspects of the present disclosure; [0034] FIG. 8 illustrates an embodiment of the box before components are added to the box; and [0035] FIG. 9 illustrates an embodiment of the operational panel. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0036] The present disclosure is directed to an insect control system. The system includes at least one light source that acts as a Lambertian emitter, and at least one electrical grid located within an operation panel. [0037] The light source can emit light in a wavelength between 250 nm and 650 nm. The light source can be florescent, luminescent light, or a LED, including an OLED, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, multiple light sources can be used, which can emit the same or different wavelengths of light. Different wavelengths can be more or less attractive to insects. The light source can be emitted as at least one spot, dot, strip, panel, triangle, oval, rectangle or any other suitable and/or desired shape. The light source can also be a plurality of light sources or can emit at least two wavelengths of light. The light can be from a Lambertian emitter. The lights can emit light at wavelengths between about 250 nm and about 800 nm, in some embodiments about 300 to 650 nanometer, in some embodiments between 350 to 480 nanometers. In some embodiments, the light source can be an electroluminescent light that can be blue in color and in the range of 400 nm to 480 nm. In some embodiments, the light source can be a LED light, which can be green in color and about 525 nm. In some embodiments, the light source (electroluminescent or otherwise) can pulse. In embodiments where multiple light sources are used, each light source can pulse at the same frequency or at different frequencies. The frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 600 Hz, about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz, about 100 Hz to about 1000 Hz, or between about 100 Hz and about 1500 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency can change from a first frequency to a second frequency, or to additional frequencies. The frequency can change by either scanning or by hopping. Scanning as used herewith means to change values in a consecutive or sequential order, either increasing or decreasing in value using a non-integer method for example the charging of a capacitor where there is a smooth transition from one frequency to another while hitting all the frequencies in between. For example, transitioning gradually from 350 Hz to 400 Hz while hitting all the frequencies in between. Hopping means to change from a first value to a second value in a digital move, where the first value and the second value are incrementally different and may or may not be consecutive. For example, a first value might be 350 Hz, and a second value might be 600 Hz, and a third value might be 400 Hz. Frequency hopping is more likely to be digital and programmed in nature and not relying on a physical process like charging a capacitor. In some embodiments, the light source can be chosen based on the time of day that the system will be used. By way of example, it can be beneficial to use an EL light during night time hours and a LED light during daytime hours. In some embodiments, the light source can also act as the sound generating device. [0038] The electric grid can be made from an electrically conductive material. Suitable materials include stainless steel, silver, copper, gold, aluminum, titanium, similar materials, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material can be 304 or 316 stainless steel. The electrical grid can be mesh cloth. The grid openings of the electrical grid can be any suitable size, including openings between about 0.1 and about 1.0 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches to 0.5 inches. In some embodiments, the grid can be a number 2 grid (i.e. two grids per linear inch), a number 3 grid (i.e. three grids per linear inch), or a number 4 grid (i.e. four grids per linear inch). The size of the grids can be determined based on the size of the insects to be attracted by the system. In some embodiments, more than one grid can be used in the system. The grids can be the same size or different sizes. In some embodiments when more than one grid is used, the grids can be spaced such that the larger grid can be placed in front of the smaller grid (i.e. the larger grid is closer to the opening of the panel). The grids can be sized to allow light and scents to transmit through the grids. A spacer can be used to separate the materials. The spacer between the grids can be between about 0.1 inches and about 2 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches and in some embodiments about 0.50 inches. [0039] The system can further include an attraction sensory panel. The attraction sensory panel can include multiple sensory operations in a single device. The attraction sensory panel can include the light source. The attraction sensory panel can include a pheromone and/or scent. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can further include at least one heater, for example a self-limiting heated strip, and at least one pheromone or scent. In an embodiment of the invention, at least one heater can be located adjacent to the light source. Pheromones or scents within the attraction sensory panel can be replaced as needed, for example on a semiannually or annual basis. The heated strip can be graphite based. Pheromones can be used to attract insects to the system for electrocution. The pheromones or scent can be selected to attract one or more specific insects. More than one pheromone can be used in the system to attract more than one insect. Suitable scents can include, but are not limited to, scents associated with food, including carbon dioxide, reproduction and egg laying, and combinations thereof. Scents that attract egg laying insects can include butyric acid and hexanoic acid. Scent associated with food may include materials found in animal sweat, including nonanal, lactic acid, butyric acid, hexanoic acid and other acids or esters with a molecular weight of less than 120, octanol, and low molecular weight carboxylic acids, and combinations thereof. For scents that mimic food concentrations between about 0.01% and about 30% can be used. Using concentrations from between 0.1% and about 20% to attract insects can be more beneficial. 0.001% and about 5%, with target ranges between 0.01% and about 2% to 0.01% being more beneficial. In some embodiments, a fan can be used to distribute the scent or pheromone. The attraction sensory panel can be polymeric material, for example an acrylic material. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can include a fan and at least one switch for each scent or group of scents to turn additional scents on or off in the panel. Activation of the switch may be controlled by a processor, timer, light sensor or other methods know to those of skill in the art. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can also include a separate power storage device or the battery for the system. [0040] The pheromone and/or scent can be in a polymer matrix, silica gel or activated carbon or another porous carrier. The polymers used can include UV or heat cured polyurethanes, acrylics, and vinyl, inks and combinations thereof. The heater can heat the polymer matrix thereby enhancing the release of the pheromone and/or scent, which can be in the matrix. In some embodiments, multiple pheromones and/or scent can be used which can be activated in the attraction sensory panel at separate times to increase the release of a particular pheromone and/or scent, or simultaneously in the same or different quantities. In some embodiments, a computer program or programmable device can be used to activate or disable the heater. In some embodiments, the program or programmable device can control the heater and/or the pheromone release such that the scent from the pheromones or scents are released during predetermined times or for a predetermined duration. The predetermined time can be for any duration during a day, week, month, or year. The predetermined duration can be for between about 1 minute and about 24 hours. In some embodiments, the predetermined time can be for one hour, two hours, five hours, or ten hours. By way of example only, the attraction sensory panel can include pheromone A and scent B, each within a polymer matrix. The heater associated with pheromone A can be turned on to increase the release of pheromone A. The heater associated with scent B can remain off, thereby increasing the release of pheromone A compared to scent B. Alternatively, both heaters can be activated simultaneously and the temperature varied at each heater to produce a desired mixture of pheromone A and B. In some embodiments, a sonic device can be used to release the pheromones and/or scent by vibration. Suitable devices include, but are not limited to, a sonic with the integrated barium titanate dielectric array, piezoelectric speakers or coil driven speakers, or combinations thereof. The attraction sensory panel can be between about 4 inches and about 12 inches wide and about 6 inches to about 28 inches long, and, between about 0.1 and about 0.5 inches thick, in some embodiments the sensory panel is about 6 inches by about 18 inches about 0.25 inches thick. The attraction sensory panel can be a polymeric material. In some embodiments, the polymeric material can be acrylic composite. Other suitable materials can include polycarbonate or another stiff transparent plastic. In some embodiments, the polymer can by ultraviolet stabilized. These matrixes can be placed on EL lamps or other warming elements where the heat can help to volatilize and transmit these scents into the air. [0041] The attraction sensory panel can be on a fixed panel in the device. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can become the fixed panel once assembled into the operational panel. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can be attached to a fixed panel in the operational panel. By way of example only, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be on the back side of the system. In these embodiments, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be oriented in any direction on the fixed panel. The electrical grid can be located in front of the fixed panel. The system can further include a frequency emitting device. The frequency emitting device can be used to produce sounds that can trap insects in the system by disrupting the vibrational communication between insects. The frequency can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz can be used but a narrow range of about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz can be more focused to get the desired results. Frequency hopping (as described above) can be done at different intervals for example 25 Hz steps for 5 to 600 seconds at each step or the steps can be proportional for example like musical notes from F4 (349.23 Hz) to C#5 (554.37 Hz). In some embodiments, the frequency can change by scanning. The amplitude can vary depending upon the foliage where the system is located. In some embodiments, the sound emitted can be calibrated to the insect to be terminated. The frequency emitting device can be the heated strip, the light source or another device in the system. In some embodiments, the components of the system can oscillate to create the emitting frequency. For example, the inverter of the system can generate a frequency. [0042] The system, or components of the system, can be powered by an energy source. The energy source can be from at least one battery, solar energy, electricity, coal, water power, geothermal, natural gas, oil, or combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the energy source can be used to charge at least one battery associated with the panel for subsequent use. [0043] A solar panel can be used to charge at least one battery for use by the system. The solar panel can have a wattage between about 1 W and about 100 W, in some embodiments about 20 W. The solar panel can produce between about 10 V and about 30 V, in some embodiments about 21 V. The solar panel can also produce between about 0.1 A and about 10 A, in some embodiments about 1 A. The dimensions of the solar panel can be between 6 inches and 36 inches, by between 10 inches and 24 inches, by between 13 inches and 20 inches. In some embodiments, the dimensions of the solar panel can be 20 inches by 13.37 inches by 1.375 inches thick. Suitable solar powered system includes, but are not limited to, systems produced by Infinium Solar, Sun Power, Kyocera, Ameresco Solar and combinations thereof. More than one solar panel can be used to achieve the required power to operate the system. Cables that attach the solar panel to the operation panel can be UV stabilized, and suitable for outdoor use. In some embodiments, the cables can be covered by a material to protect the cable from weather. By way of example only, the cables can be PVC coated copper wires. The wires can be between about 12 and about 24 AWG, in some embodiments about 16 AWG. [0044] The system can include at least one power storage device, such as a battery. Multiple batteries can be joined in series or in parallel. Each battery can be rated for between about 3.7 and 24 V, in some embodiments about 12 V. When the batteries are powered in an inverter, they can create greater than about 2500 V. The inverter voltage may be increased by use of a boost inverter, a buck inverter or a voltage multiplier for example a capacitor and diode bridge. Each battery can be rated for between about 1 and 30 Amp-hours, in some embodiments about 9 Amp-hours. Each battery can operate at a temperature between about −40° C. and about 60° C. The battery can be weatherproof, or located in a weatherproof container. The weight of each battery can be between about 1 lb and about 5 lbs, in some embodiments about 2.8 lbs. The battery can be used to power components in the system, or components of the system, including a microprocessor which can control the light source, a boost inverter, and a voltage multiplier. A boost inverter can be used to convert direct current into alternating current. A boost inverter can build a magnetic field in an inductor, then turned off to stop current flow. A voltage pulse can be generated as the magnetic field collapses. A voltage multiplier can be used to power the electrical grid. [0045] The attraction sensory panel, frequency emitting device, electronic components, power components, and electrical grid can be in an operation panel. In some embodiments, components, for example batteries, and the power supply, can be exterior to the operational panel. The operational panel can be a container, such as a box, that is open on one side. One side of the panel can be the fixed panel. The grids can be positioned over the attraction sensory panel and attach to the side panels of the operational panel. The operational panel can also include a protective panel on the open side of the operational panel over the grids. The protective panel can be sized according to the size of the operational panel. The protective panel can prevent animals, such as birds or humans from contacting the electrical grid. The length of the panel can be between about 6 inches and about 48 inches. The width of the panel can be between about 1 inch and about 12 inches, and the height of the panel can be between about 0.5 inches and about 48 inches. In some embodiments, the length of the panel can be about 18 inches, the width of the panel can be about 4 inches, and the height of a panel can be about 6 inches. Suitable materials for the operational panel can include any non-corrosive material, including but not limited to stainless steel, coated aluminum, titanium, aluminum alloys, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material of the operational panel can be 304 stainless steel. [0046] The system can further comprise a control manager. The control manager of the system can manage the charge control of power from the solar panel to the battery. The control manager can also include a short circuit protection. The short circuit protection can determine if there is a short in the panel, for example, a short caused by weather. If a short has been found, then the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared. For example, the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared after a time of between 30 seconds and about 5 minutes, in some embodiments about one minute. When the short has cleared, the short circuit protection can turn the panel back to an operational mode. If the short has not cleared, the short circuit protection can put the system into a safe mode (i.e. off), until the short has cleared. If the short has not cleared after between about 12 hours and about 72 hours, in some embodiments about 24 hours, a signal or message can be sent to a user. The control manager can also be used to turn the system to an operational mode. The control manager can compare the battery voltage to the solar panel. When the battery voltage is greater than the solar panel, the panel can turn on (i.e. operational mode). The control manager can also be equipped with a timer that turns the system, or components of the system, on and off as desired. In some embodiments, the operational period can be between about 8-12 hours. In other embodiments, when the battery voltage is less than the solar panel, the panel can turn off. The panel can be operational from dusk for a period of time. The period of time can be between about 8 hours and 12 hours, in some embodiments about 10 hours, in other embodiments longer than 12 hours depending upon power availability. [0047] Components in the system can be monitored remotely. In some embodiments, the control manager panel can also monitor components in the system. A user can be notified, for example, when battery power is low, if the system is not working correctly (for example if there is an issue with a solar panel), if the life of a battery is low, or if the system is not optimally working (for example if the solar panel is not receiving optimal sunlight). Other components can also be monitored and recorded for the user, which can be remotely transmitted to the user. Thus, in some embodiments, the system can include a signal generator. [0048] Advantageously, while power can be drawn to the system during the day with the solar panel, the system can be operational only after dusk. By operating during dark hours of the day, the system cannot and does not attract pollinating insects that are active during the light hours of the day. Rather, the operation of the insect attracting elements are configured to not attract pollinating insects. Instead, the system can be used at that time period to attract insects that are harmful to agriculture and humans. These insects can be selected from the group consisting of an insect from a subject/order selected from the group consisting of mitsubishi, orthopteran, homopterous, rhynogta, coleopteran, lepidoptera, hymenoptera, diptera, and combinations thereof. Specific insects include termites, crickets, slugs, locusts, leaf hoppers, bugs, moths, chafers, scarabs, worms, longicorns, weevils, mosquitos, maggots, cockroaches, house flies, wasps, buzzers, green leafhoppers, migratory locusts, slugs, green leafhoppers, tettigonlidaes, northern china crickets, house termites, a Huainan local termites, black wing local termites, green mirid bugs, banana lace bugs, ping stinkbugs, changes stinkbugs, strip bee green stinkbugs, velvety chafers, verdigris scarabs, apple gooding worms, mulberry longicorns, spotted cerabycids, black sani tortoises, white spotted flower chafers, codling moths, a. transitella —navel orangewood worms, corn ear worm moths, green scaly weevils, grape horn worms, cacaecia crateagans, copper geometrides, twill leaf miners, bore fruit moths, cut worms, pine caterpillars, navicular caterpillars, persimmon fruit worms, oriental moths, grape said encleiades, locusts, plow solid bees, plow stem buzzers, wasps, peach wasps, mosquitoes, yellow fever mosquitos, zika carrying mosquitoes, dengue carrying mosquitoes, lutzomyia corn seed maggots, orange euribiidaes, and combinations thereof. [0049] The system can be mounted using any suitable device or tool. By way of example, the system can be mounted on a pole or on the side of a building. A framed hanger can be used to mount the system. Furthermore, multiple operational panels can be combined to form a system. [0050] The present disclosure is directed to an insect control system. The insect control system includes a power source, a light source; and an electrical grid. [0051] The light source can emit light in a wavelength between 250 nm and 650 nm. The light source can be florescent, luminescent light, or a LED, including an OLED, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, multiple light sources can be used, which can emit the same or different wavelengths of light. Different wavelengths can be more or less attractive to insects. The light source can be emitted as at least one spot, dot, strip, panel, triangle, oval, rectangle or any other suitable and/or desired shape. The light source can also be a plurality of light sources or can emit at least two wavelengths of light. The light can be from a Lambertian emitter. The lights can emit light at wavelengths between about 250 nm and about 800 nm, in some embodiments about 300 to 650 nanometer, in some embodiments between 350 to 480 nanometers. In some embodiments, the light source can be an electroluminescent light that can be blue in color and in the range of 400 nm to 480 nm. In some embodiments, the light source can be a LED light, which can be green in color and about 525 nm. In some embodiments, the light source (electroluminescent or otherwise) can pulse. In embodiments where multiple light sources are used, each light source can pulse at the same frequency or at different frequencies. The frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 600 Hz, about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz, about 100 Hz to about 1000 Hz, or between about 100 Hz and about 1500 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency can change from a first frequency to a second frequency, or to additional frequencies. The frequency can change by either scanning or by hopping. Scanning as used herewith means to change values in a consecutive or sequential order, either increasing or decreasing in value using a non-integer method for example the charging of a capacitor where there is a smooth transition from one frequency to another while hitting all the frequencies in between. For example, transitioning gradually from 350 Hz to 400 Hz while hitting all the frequencies in between. Hopping means to change from a first value to a second value in a digital move, where the first value and the second value are incrementally different and may or may not be consecutive. For example, a first value might be 350 Hz, and a second value might be 600 Hz, and a third value might be 400 Hz. Frequency hopping is more likely to be digital and programmed in nature and not relying on a physical process like charging a capacitor. In some embodiments, the light source can be chosen based on the time of day that the system will be used. By way of example, it can be beneficial to use an EL light during night time hours and a LED light during daytime hours. In some embodiments, the light source can also act as the sound generating device. [0052] The electric grid can be made from an electrically conductive material. Suitable materials include stainless steel, silver, copper, gold, aluminum, titanium, similar materials, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material can be 304 or 316 stainless steel. The electrical grid can be mesh cloth. The grid openings of the electrical grid can be any suitable size, including openings between about 0.1 and about 1.0 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches to 0.5 inches. In some embodiments, the grid can be a number 2 grid (i.e. two grids per linear inch), a number 3 grid (i.e. three grids per linear inch), or a number 4 grid (i.e. four grids per linear inch). The size of the grids can be determined based on the size of the insects to be attracted by the system. In some embodiments, more than one grid can be used in the system. The grids can be the same size or different sizes. In some embodiments when more than one grid is used, the grids can be spaced such that the larger grid can be placed in front of the smaller grid (i.e. the larger grid is closer to the opening of the panel). The grids can be sized to allow light and scents to transmit through the grids. A spacer can be used to separate the materials. The spacer between the grids can be between about 0.1 inches and about 2 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches and in some embodiments about 0.50 inches. [0053] The system can further include an attraction sensory panel. The attraction sensory panel can include multiple sensory operations in a single device. The attraction sensory panel can include the light source. The attraction sensory panel can include a pheromone and/or scent. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can further include at least one heater, for example a self-limiting heated strip, and at least one pheromone or scent. In an embodiment of the invention, at least one heater can be located adjacent to the light source. Pheromones or scents within the attraction sensory panel can be replaced as needed, for example on a semiannually or annual basis. The heated strip can be graphite based. Pheromones can be used to attract insects to the system for electrocution. The pheromones or scent can be selected to attract one or more specific insects. More than one pheromone can be used in the system to attract more than one insect. Suitable scents can include, but are not limited to, scents associated with food, including carbon dioxide, reproduction and egg laying, and combinations thereof. Scents that attract egg laying insects can include butyric acid and hexanoic acid. Scent associated with food may include materials found in animal sweat, including nonanal, lactic acid, butyric acid, hexanoic acid and other acids or esters with a molecular weight of less than 120, octanol, and low molecular weight carboxylic acids, and combinations thereof. For scents that mimic food concentrations between about 0.01% and about 30% can be used. Using concentrations from between 0.1% and about 20% to attract insects can be more beneficial. 0.001% and about 5%, with target ranges between 0.01% and about 2% to 0.01% being more beneficial. In some embodiments, a fan can be used to distribute the scent or pheromone. The attraction sensory panel can be polymeric material, for example an acrylic material. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can include a fan and at least one switch for each scent or group of scents to turn additional scents on or off in the panel. Activation of the switch may be controlled by a processor, timer, light sensor or other methods know to those of skill in the art. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can also include a separate power storage device or the battery for the system. [0054] The pheromone and/or scent can be in a polymer matrix, silica gel or activated carbon or another porous carrier. The polymers used can include UV or heat cured polyurethanes, acrylics, and vinyl, inks and combinations thereof. The heater can heat the polymer matrix thereby enhancing the release of the pheromone and/or scent, which can be in the matrix. In some embodiments, multiple pheromones and/or scent can be used which can be activated in the attraction sensory panel at separate times to increase the release of a particular pheromone and/or scent, or simultaneously in the same or different quantities. In some embodiments, a computer program or programmable device can be used to activate or disable the heater. In some embodiments, the program or programmable device can control the heater and/or the pheromone release such that the scent from the pheromones or scents are released during predetermined times or for a predetermined duration. The predetermined time can be for any duration during a day, week, month, or year. The predetermined duration can be for between about 1 minute and about 24 hours. In some embodiments, the predetermined time can be for one hour, two hours, five hours, or ten hours. By way of example only, the attraction sensory panel can include pheromone A and scent B, each within a polymer matrix. The heater associated with pheromone A can be turned on to increase the release of pheromone A. The heater associated with scent B can remain off, thereby increasing the release of pheromone A compared to scent B. Alternatively, both heaters can be activated simultaneously and the temperature varied at each heater to produce a desired mixture of pheromone A and B. In some embodiments, a sonic device can be used to release the pheromones and/or scent by vibration. Suitable devices include, but are not limited to, a sonic with the integrated barium titanate dielectric array, piezoelectric speakers or coil driven speakers, or combinations thereof. The attraction sensory panel can be between about 4 inches and about 12 inches wide and about 6 inches to about 28 inches long, and, between about 0.1 and about 0.5 inches thick, in some embodiments the sensory panel is about 6 inches by about 18 inches about 0.25 inches thick. The attraction sensory panel can be a polymeric material. In some embodiments, the polymeric material can be acrylic composite. Other suitable materials can include polycarbonate or another stiff transparent plastic. In some embodiments, the polymer can by ultraviolet stabilized. These matrixes can be placed on EL lamps or other warming elements where the heat can help to volatilize and transmit these scents into the air. [0055] The attraction sensory panel can be on a fixed panel in the device. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can become the fixed panel once assembled into the operational panel. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can be attached to a fixed panel in the operational panel. By way of example only, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be on the back side of the system. In these embodiments, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be oriented in any direction on the fixed panel. The electrical grid can be located in front of the fixed panel. The system can further include a frequency emitting device. The frequency emitting device can be used to produce sounds that can trap insects in the system by disrupting the vibrational communication between insects. The frequency can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz can be used but a narrow range of about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz can be more focused to get the desired results. Frequency hopping (as described above) can be done at different intervals for example 25 Hz steps for 5 to 600 seconds at each step or the steps can be proportional for example like musical notes from F4 (349.23 Hz) to C#5 (554.37 Hz). In some embodiments, the frequency can change by scanning. The amplitude can vary depending upon the foliage where the system is located. In some embodiments, the sound emitted can be calibrated to the insect to be terminated. The frequency emitting device can be the heated strip, the light source or another device in the system. In some embodiments, the components of the system can oscillate to create the emitting frequency. For example, the inverter of the system can generate a frequency. [0056] The system, or components of the system, can be powered by a power source. The power source can be from at least one battery, solar energy, electricity, coal, water power, geothermal, natural gas, oil, or combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the power source can be used to charge at least one battery associated with the panel for subsequent use. [0057] A solar panel can be used to charge at least one power source or battery for use by the system. The solar panel can have a wattage between about 1 W and about 100 W, in some embodiments about 20 W. The solar panel can produce between about 10 V and about 30 V, in some embodiments about 21 V. The solar panel can also produce between about 0.1 A and about 10 A, in some embodiments about 1 A. The dimensions of the solar panel can be between 6 inches and 36 inches, by between 10 inches and 24 inches, by between 13 inches and 20 inches. In some embodiments, the dimensions of the solar panel can be 20 inches by 13.37 inches by 1.375 inches thick. Suitable solar powered system includes, but are not limited to, systems produced by Infinium Solar, Sun Power, Kyocera, Ameresco Solar and combinations thereof. More than one solar panel can be used to achieve the required power to operate the system. Cables that attach the solar panel to the operation panel can be UV stabilized, and suitable for outdoor use. In some embodiments, the cables can be covered by a material to protect the cable from weather. By way of example only, the cables can be PVC coated copper wires. The wires can be between about 12 and about 24 AWG, in some embodiments about 16 AWG. [0058] The system can include at least one power storage device, such as a battery. Multiple batteries can be joined in series or in parallel. Each battery can be rated for between about 3.7 and 24 V, in some embodiments about 12 V. When the batteries are powered in an inverter, they can create greater than about 2500 V. The inverter voltage may be increased by use of a boost inverter, a buck inverter or a voltage multiplier for example a capacitor and diode bridge. Each battery can be rated for between about 1 and 30 Amp-hours, in some embodiments about 9 Amp-hours. Each battery can operate at a temperature between about −40° C. and about 60° C. The battery can be weatherproof, or located in a weatherproof container. The weight of each battery can be between about 1 lb and about 5 lbs, in some embodiments about 2.8 lbs. The battery can be used to power components in the system, or components of the system, including a microprocessor which can control the light source, a boost inverter, and a voltage multiplier. A boost inverter can be used to convert direct current into alternating current. A boost inverter can build a magnetic field in an inductor, then turned off to stop current flow. A voltage pulse can be generated as the magnetic field collapses. A voltage multiplier can be used to power the electrical grid. [0059] The attraction sensory panel, frequency emitting device, electronic components, power components, and electrical grid can be in an operation panel. In some embodiments, components, for example batteries, and the power supply, can be exterior to the operational panel. The operational panel can be a container, such as a box, that is open on one side. One side of the panel can be the fixed panel. The grids can be positioned over the attraction sensory panel and attach to the side panels of the operational panel. The operational panel can also include a protective panel on the open side of the operational panel over the grids. The protective panel can be sized according to the size of the operational panel. The protective panel can prevent animals, such as birds or humans from contacting the electrical grid. The length of the panel can be between about 6 inches and about 48 inches. The width of the panel can be between about 1 inch and about 12 inches, and the height of the panel can be between about 0.5 inches and about 48 inches. In some embodiments, the length of the panel can be about 18 inches, the width of the panel can be about 4 inches, and the height of a panel can be about 6 inches. Suitable materials for the operational panel can include any non-corrosive material, including but not limited to stainless steel, coated aluminum, titanium, aluminum alloys, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material of the operational panel can be 304 stainless steel. [0060] The system can further comprise a control manager. The control manager of the system can manage the charge control of power from the solar panel to the battery. The control manager can also include a short circuit protection. The short circuit protection can determine if there is a short in the panel, for example, a short caused by weather. If a short has been found, then the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared. For example, the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared after a time of between 30 seconds and about 5 minutes, in some embodiments about one minute. When the short has cleared, the short circuit protection can turn the panel back to an operational mode. If the short has not cleared, the short circuit protection can put the system into a safe mode (i.e. off), until the short has cleared. If the short has not cleared after between about 12 hours and about 72 hours, in some embodiments about 24 hours, a signal or message can be sent to a user. The control manager can also be used to turn the system to an operational mode. The control manager can compare the battery voltage to the solar panel. When the battery voltage is greater than the solar panel, the panel can turn on (i.e. operational mode). The control manager can also be equipped with a timer that turns the system, or components of the system, on and off as desired. In some embodiments, the operational period can be between about 8-12 hours. In other embodiments, when the battery voltage is less than the solar panel, the panel can turn off. The panel can be operational from dusk for a period of time. The period of time can be between about 8 hours and 12 hours, in some embodiments about 10 hours, in other embodiments longer than 12 hours depending upon power availability. [0061] Components in the system can be monitored remotely. In some embodiments, the control manager panel can also monitor components in the system. A user can be notified, for example, when battery power is low, if the system is not working correctly (for example if there is an issue with a solar panel), if the life of a battery is low, or if the system is not optimally working (for example if the solar panel is not receiving optimal sunlight). Other components can also be monitored and recorded for the user, which can be remotely transmitted to the user. Thus, in some embodiments, the system can include a signal generator. [0062] Advantageously, while power can be drawn to the system during the day with the solar panel, the system can be operational only after dusk. By operating during dark hours of the day, the system cannot and does not attract pollinating insects that are active during the light hours of the day. Rather, the operation of the insect attracting elements are configured to not attract pollinating insects. Instead, the system can be used at that time period to attract insects that are harmful to agriculture and humans. These insects can be selected from the group consisting of an insect from a subject/order selected from the group consisting of mitsubishi, orthopteran, homopterous, rhynogta, coleopteran, lepidoptera, hymenoptera, diptera, and combinations thereof. Specific insects include termites, crickets, slugs, locusts, leaf hoppers, bugs, moths, chafers, scarabs, worms, longicorns, weevils, mosquitos, maggots, cockroaches, house flies, wasps, buzzers, green leafhoppers, migratory locusts, slugs, green leafhoppers, tettigonlidaes, northern china crickets, house termites, a Huainan local termites, black wing local termites, green mirid bugs, banana lace bugs, ping stinkbugs, changes stinkbugs, strip bee green stinkbugs, velvety chafers, verdigris scarabs, apple gooding worms, mulberry longicorns, spotted cerabycids, black sani tortoises, white spotted flower chafers, codling moths, a. transitella —navel orangewood worms, corn ear worm moths, green scaly weevils, grape horn worms, cacaecia crateagans, copper geometrides, twill leaf miners, bore fruit moths, cut worms, pine caterpillars, navicular caterpillars, persimmon fruit worms, oriental moths, grape said encleiades, locusts, plow solid bees, plow stem buzzers, wasps, peach wasps, mosquitoes, yellow fever mosquitos, zika carrying mosquitoes, dengue carrying mosquitoes, lutzomyia corn seed maggots, orange euribiidaes, and combinations thereof. [0063] The insect control system can be used over an area of coverage that can be up to about 20 acres, in some embodiments between about 10 and 15 acres. The present invention can reduce operating expenses for insect control by more than about 40%, and attract as much as about 90% of harmful insects from the area of coverage. [0064] The system can be affixed to a side of a building, or other structure, such as a pole. It can be placed in an elevated position so that it is out of reach of humans or animals. The panel can be quickly installed by attaching the panel to framed hangers. [0065] The present disclosure is directed to an insect electrocution system. The system includes a solar panel, at least one power storage device, at least one electrocution grid and insect trap, and an operational panel. The power storage device stores energy from the solar panel. The operational panel includes at least two of the following insect attracting elements: a first electroluminescent light source that is a Lambertian emitter, a second electroluminescent light source that operates at a different wavelength than the first electroluminescent light source, at least one of the first and second electroluminescent light source pulses, at least one sound source, and at least one scent source. The power storage device provides power for the at least two attracting systems, and the at least one electrocution grid. [0066] The operational panel can further include a sensor. The sensor can control the activation or deactivation of at least the insect attracting elements. By way of example, the sensor can sense time or ambient light. [0067] The operational panel can include a first light source that supplies at least one light at a wavelength of between about 300 nm and about 600 nm. The light source can be an electroluminescent light source or a point light source, or combinations thereof. The system can further include a light source. The light source can emit light in a wavelength between 250 nm and 650 nm. The light source can be florescent, luminescent light, or a LED, including an OLED, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, multiple light sources can be used, which can emit the same or different wavelengths of light. Different wavelengths can be more or less attractive to insects. The light source can be emitted as at least one spot, dot, strip, panel, triangle, oval, rectangle or any other suitable and/or desired shape. The light source can also be a plurality of light sources or can emit at least two wavelengths of light. The light can be from a Lambertian emitter. The lights can emit light at wavelengths between about 250 nm and about 800 nm, in some embodiments about 300 to 650 nanometer, in some embodiments between 350 to 480 nanometers. In some embodiments, the light source can be an electroluminescent light that can be blue in color and in the range of 400 nm to 480 nm. In some embodiments, the light source can be a LED light, which can be green in color and about 525 nm. In some embodiments, the light source (electroluminescent or otherwise) can pulse. In embodiments where multiple light sources are used, each light source can pulse at the same frequency or at different frequencies. The frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 600 Hz, about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz, about 100 Hz to about 1000 Hz, or between about 100 Hz and about 1500 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency can change from a first frequency to a second frequency, or to additional frequencies. The frequency can change by either scanning or by hopping. Scanning as used herewith means to change values in a consecutive or sequential order, either increasing or decreasing in value using a non-integer method for example the charging of a capacitor where there is a smooth transition from one frequency to another while hitting all the frequencies in between. For example, transitioning gradually from 350 Hz to 400 Hz while hitting all the frequencies in between. Hopping means to change from a first value to a second value in a digital move, where the first value and the second value are incrementally different and may or may not be consecutive. For example, a first value might be 350 Hz, and a second value might be 600 Hz, and a third value might be 400 Hz. Frequency hopping is more likely to be digital and programmed in nature and not relying on a physical process like charging a capacitor. In some embodiments, the light source can be chosen based on the time of day that the system will be used. By way of example, it can be beneficial to use an EL light during night time hours and a LED light during daytime hours. In some embodiments, the light source can also act as the sound generating device. [0068] The electric grid can be made from an electrically conductive material. Suitable materials include stainless steel, silver, copper, gold, aluminum, titanium, similar materials, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material can be 304 or 316 stainless steel. The electrical grid can be mesh cloth. The grid openings of the electrical grid can be any suitable size, including openings between about 0.1 and about 1.0 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches to 0.5 inches. In some embodiments, the grid can be a number 2 grid (i.e. two grids per linear inch), a number 3 grid (i.e. three grids per linear inch), or a number 4 grid (i.e. four grids per linear inch). The size of the grids can be determined based on the size of the insects to be attracted by the system. In some embodiments, more than one grid can be used in the system. The grids can be the same size or different sizes. In some embodiments when more than one grid is used, the grids can be spaced such that the larger grid can be placed in front of the smaller grid (i.e. the larger grid is closer to the opening of the panel). The grids can be sized to allow light and scents to transmit through the grids. A spacer can be used to separate the materials. The spacer between the grids can be between about 0.1 inches and about 2 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches and in some embodiments about 0.50 inches. [0069] The system can further include an attraction sensory panel. The attraction sensory panel can include multiple sensory operations in a single device. The attraction sensory panel can include the light source. The attraction sensory panel can include a pheromone and/or scent. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can further include at least one heater, for example a self-limiting heated strip, and at least one pheromone or scent. In an embodiment of the invention, at least one heater can be located adjacent to the light source. Pheromones or scents within the attraction sensory panel can be replaced as needed, for example on a semiannually or annual basis. The heated strip can be graphite based. Pheromones can be used to attract insects to the system for electrocution. The pheromones or scent can be selected to attract one or more specific insects. More than one pheromone can be used in the system to attract more than one insect. Suitable scents can include, but are not limited to, scents associated with food, including carbon dioxide, reproduction and egg laying, and combinations thereof. Scents that attract egg laying insects can include butyric acid and hexanoic acid. Scent associated with food may include materials found in animal sweat, including nonanal, lactic acid, butyric acid, hexanoic acid and other acids or esters with a molecular weight of less than 120, octanol, and low molecular weight carboxylic acids, and combinations thereof. For scents that mimic food concentrations between about 0.01% and about 30% can be used. Using concentrations from between 0.1% and about 20% to attract insects can be more beneficial. 0.001% and about 5%, with target ranges between 0.01% and about 2% to 0.01% being more beneficial. In some embodiments, a fan can be used to distribute the scent or pheromone. The attraction sensory panel can be polymeric material, for example an acrylic material. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can include a fan and at least one switch for each scent or group of scents to turn additional scents on or off in the panel. Activation of the switch may be controlled by a processor, timer, light sensor or other methods know to those of skill in the art. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can also include a separate power storage device or the battery for the system. [0070] The pheromone and/or scent can be in a polymer matrix, silica gel or activated carbon or another porous carrier. The polymers used can include UV or heat cured polyurethanes, acrylics, and vinyl, inks and combinations thereof. The heater can heat the polymer matrix thereby enhancing the release of the pheromone and/or scent, which can be in the matrix. In some embodiments, multiple pheromones and/or scent can be used which can be activated in the attraction sensory panel at separate times to increase the release of a particular pheromone and/or scent, or simultaneously in the same or different quantities. In some embodiments, a computer program or programmable device can be used to activate or disable the heater. In some embodiments, the program or programmable device can control the heater and/or the pheromone release such that the scent from the pheromones or scents are released during predetermined times or for a predetermined duration. The predetermined time can be for any duration during a day, week, month, or year. The predetermined duration can be for between about 1 minute and about 24 hours. In some embodiments, the predetermined time can be for one hour, two hours, five hours, or ten hours. By way of example only, the attraction sensory panel can include pheromone A and scent B, each within a polymer matrix. The heater associated with pheromone A can be turned on to increase the release of pheromone A. The heater associated with scent B can remain off, thereby increasing the release of pheromone A compared to scent B. Alternatively, both heaters can be activated simultaneously and the temperature varied at each heater to produce a desired mixture of pheromone A and B. In some embodiments, a sonic device can be used to release the pheromones and/or scent by vibration. Suitable devices include, but are not limited to, a sonic with the integrated barium titanate dielectric array, piezoelectric speakers or coil driven speakers, or combinations thereof. The attraction sensory panel can be between about 4 inches and about 12 inches wide and about 6 inches to about 28 inches long, and, between about 0.1 and about 0.5 inches thick, in some embodiments the sensory panel is about 6 inches by about 18 inches about 0.25 inches thick. The attraction sensory panel can be a polymeric material. In some embodiments, the polymeric material can be acrylic composite. Other suitable materials can include polycarbonate or another stiff transparent plastic. In some embodiments, the polymer can by ultraviolet stabilized. These matrixes can be placed on EL lamps or other warming elements where the heat can help to volatilize and transmit these scents into the air. [0071] The attraction sensory panel can be on a fixed panel in the device. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can become the fixed panel once assembled into the operational panel. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can be attached to a fixed panel in the operational panel. By way of example only, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be on the back side of the system. In these embodiments, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be oriented in any direction on the fixed panel. The electrical grid can be located in front of the fixed panel. The system can further include a frequency emitting device. The frequency emitting device can be used to produce sounds that can trap insects in the system by disrupting the vibrational communication between insects. The frequency can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz can be used but a narrow range of about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz can be more focused to get the desired results. Frequency hopping (as described above) can be done at different intervals for example 25 Hz steps for 5 to 600 seconds at each step or the steps can be proportional for example like musical notes from F4 (349.23 Hz) to C#5 (554.37 Hz). In some embodiments, the frequency can change by scanning. The amplitude can vary depending upon the foliage where the system is located. In some embodiments, the sound emitted can be calibrated to the insect to be terminated. The frequency emitting device can be the heated strip, the light source or another device in the system. In some embodiments, the components of the system can oscillate to create the emitting frequency. For example, the inverter of the system can generate a frequency. [0072] The system, or components of the system, can be powered by an energy source. The energy source can be from at least one battery, solar energy, electricity, coal, water power, geothermal, natural gas, oil, or combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the energy source can be used to charge at least one battery associated with the panel for subsequent use. [0073] A solar panel can be used to charge at least one battery for use by the system. The solar panel can have a wattage between about 1 W and about 100 W, in some embodiments about 20 W. The solar panel can produce between about 10 V and about 30 V, in some embodiments about 21 V. The solar panel can also produce between about 0.1 A and about 10 A, in some embodiments about 1 A. The dimensions of the solar panel can be between 6 inches and 36 inches, by between 10 inches and 24 inches, by between 13 inches and 20 inches. In some embodiments, the dimensions of the solar panel can be 20 inches by 13.37 inches by 1.375 inches thick. Suitable solar powered system includes, but are not limited to, systems produced by Infinium Solar, Sun Power, Kyocera, Ameresco Solar and combinations thereof. More than one solar panel can be used to achieve the required power to operate the system. Cables that attach the solar panel to the operation panel can be UV stabilized, and suitable for outdoor use. In some embodiments, the cables can be covered by a material to protect the cable from weather. By way of example only, the cables can be PVC coated copper wires. The wires can be between about 12 and about 24 AWG, in some embodiments about 16 AWG. [0074] The system includes at least one power storage device, such as a battery. Multiple batteries can be joined in series or in parallel. Each battery can be rated for between about 3.7 and 24 V, in some embodiments about 12 V. When the batteries are powered in an inverter, they can create greater than about 2500 V. The inverter voltage may be increased by use of a boost inverter, a buck inverter or a voltage multiplier for example a capacitor and diode bridge. Each battery can be rated for between about 1 and 30 Amp-hours, in some embodiments about 9 Amp-hours. Each battery can operate at a temperature between about −40° C. and about 60° C. The battery can be weatherproof, or located in a weatherproof container. The weight of each battery can be between about 1 lb and about 5 lbs, in some embodiments about 2.8 lbs. The battery can be used to power components in the system, or components of the system, including a microprocessor which can control the light source, a boost inverter, and a voltage multiplier. A boost inverter can be used to convert direct current into alternating current. A boost inverter can build a magnetic field in an inductor, then turned off to stop current flow. A voltage pulse can be generated as the magnetic field collapses. A voltage multiplier can be used to power the electrical grid. [0075] The attraction sensory panel, frequency emitting device, electronic components, power components, and electrical grid can be in an operation panel. In some embodiments, components, for example batteries, and the power supply, can be exterior to the operational panel. The operational panel can be a container, such as a box, that is open on one side. One side of the panel can be the fixed panel. The grids can be positioned over the attraction sensory panel and attach to the side panels of the operational panel. The operational panel can also include a protective panel on the open side of the operational panel over the grids. The protective panel can be sized according to the size of the operational panel. The protective panel can prevent animals, such as birds or humans from contacting the electrical grid. The length of the panel can be between about 6 inches and about 48 inches. The width of the panel can be between about 1 inch and about 12 inches, and the height of the panel can be between about 0.5 inches and about 48 inches. In some embodiments, the length of the panel can be about 18 inches, the width of the panel can be about 4 inches, and the height of a panel can be about 6 inches. Suitable materials for the operational panel can include any non-corrosive material, including but not limited to stainless steel, coated aluminum, titanium, aluminum alloys, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material of the operational panel can be 304 stainless steel. [0076] The system can further comprise a control manager. The control manager of the system can manage the charge control of power from the solar panel to the battery. The control manager can also include a short circuit protection. The short circuit protection can determine if there is a short in the panel, for example, a short caused by weather. If a short has been found, then the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared. For example, the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared after a time of between 30 seconds and about 5 minutes, in some embodiments about one minute. When the short has cleared, the short circuit protection can turn the panel back to an operational mode. If the short has not cleared, the short circuit protection can put the system into a safe mode (i.e. off), until the short has cleared. If the short has not cleared after between about 12 hours and about 72 hours, in some embodiments about 24 hours, a signal or message can be sent to a user. The control manager can also be used to turn the system to an operational mode. The control manager can compare the battery voltage to the solar panel. When the battery voltage is greater than the solar panel, the panel can turn on (i.e. operational mode). The control manager can also be equipped with a timer that turns the system, or components of the system, on and off as desired. In some embodiments, the operational period can be between about 8-12 hours. In other embodiments, when the battery voltage is less than the solar panel, the panel can turn off. The panel can be operational from dusk for a period of time. The period of time can be between about 8 hours and 12 hours, in some embodiments about 10 hours, in other embodiments longer than 12 hours depending upon power availability. [0077] Components in the system can be monitored remotely. In some embodiments, the control manager panel can also monitor components in the system. A user can be notified, for example, when battery power is low, if the system is not working correctly (for example if there is an issue with a solar panel), if the life of a battery is low, or if the system is not optimally working (for example if the solar panel is not receiving optimal sunlight). Other components can also be monitored and recorded for the user, which can be remotely transmitted to the user. Thus, in some embodiments, the system can include a signal generator. [0078] Advantageously, while power can be drawn to the system during the day with the solar panel, the system can be operational only after dusk. By operating during dark hours of the day, the system cannot and does not attract pollinating insects that are active during the light hours of the day. Rather, the operation of the insect attracting elements are configured to not attract pollinating insects. Instead, the system can be used at that time period to attract insects that are harmful to agriculture and humans. These insects can be selected from the group consisting of an insect from a subject/order selected from the group consisting of mitsubishi, orthopteran, homopterous, rhynogta, coleopteran, lepidoptera, hymenoptera, diptera, and combinations thereof. Specific insects include termites, crickets, slugs, locusts, leaf hoppers, bugs, moths, chafers, scarabs, worms, longicorns, weevils, mosquitos, maggots, cockroaches, house flies, wasps, buzzers, green leafhoppers, migratory locusts, slugs, green leafhoppers, tettigonlidaes, northern china crickets, house termites, a Huainan local termites, black wing local termites, green mirid bugs, banana lace bugs, ping stinkbugs, changes stinkbugs, strip bee green stinkbugs, velvety chafers, verdigris scarabs, apple gooding worms, mulberry longicorns, spotted cerabycids, black sani tortoises, white spotted flower chafers, codling moths, a. transitella —navel orangewood worms, corn ear worm moths, green scaly weevils, grape horn worms, cacaecia crateagans, copper geometrides, twill leaf miners, bore fruit moths, cut worms, pine caterpillars, navicular caterpillars, persimmon fruit worms, oriental moths, grape said encleiades, locusts, plow solid bees, plow stem buzzers, wasps, peach wasps, mosquitoes, yellow fever mosquitos, zika carrying mosquitoes, dengue carrying mosquitoes, lutzomyia corn seed maggots, orange euribiidaes, and combinations thereof. [0079] The system can be mounted using any suitable device or tool. By way of example, the system can be mounted on a pole or on the side of a building. A framed hanger can be used to mount the system. Furthermore, multiple operational panels can be combined to form a system. [0080] The present invention is directed to a method to execute non-pollinating insects. The method includes providing a system to a field. The system includes at least one light emitting source, and an electrocution grid within an operation panel. The emitting light attracts the non-pollinating insect to the system. The electrocution grid electrocutes the non-pollinating insect after the non-pollinating insect is attracted to the system. [0081] The operational panel can further include a sensor. The sensor can control the activation or deactivation of at least the insect attracting elements. By way of example, the sensor can sense time or ambient light. [0082] The operational panel can include a light source that supplies at least one light at a wavelength of between about 300 nm and about 600 nm. The light source or light emitting source can emit light in a wavelength between 250 nm and 650 nm. The light source or light emitting source can be florescent, luminescent light, or a LED, including an OLED, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, multiple light sources or light emitting sources can be used, which can emit the same or different wavelengths of light. Different wavelengths can be more or less attractive to insects. The light source or light emitting source can be emitted as at least one spot, dot, strip, panel, triangle, oval, rectangle or any other suitable and/or desired shape. The light source or light emitting source can also be a plurality of light sources or can emit at least two wavelengths of light. The light can be from a Lambertian emitter. The lights can emit light at wavelengths between about 250 nm and about 800 nm, in some embodiments about 300 to 650 nanometer, in some embodiments between 350 to 480 nanometers. In some embodiments, the light source or light emitting source can be an electroluminescent light that can be blue in color and in the range of 400 nm to 480 nm. In some embodiments, the light source or light emitting source can be a LED light, which can be green in color and about 525 nm. In some embodiments, the light source (electroluminescent or otherwise) can pulse. In embodiments where multiple light sources are used, each light source can pulse at the same frequency or at different frequencies. The frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 600 Hz, about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz, about 100 Hz to about 1000 Hz, or between about 100 Hz and about 1500 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency can change from a first frequency to a second frequency, or to additional frequencies. The frequency can change by either scanning or by hopping. Scanning as used herewith means to change values in a consecutive or sequential order, either increasing or decreasing in value using a non-integer method for example the charging of a capacitor where there is a smooth transition from one frequency to another while hitting all the frequencies in between. For example, transitioning gradually from 350 Hz to 400 Hz while hitting all the frequencies in between. Hopping means to change from a first value to a second value in a digital move, where the first value and the second value are incrementally different and may or may not be consecutive. For example, a first value might be 350 Hz, and a second value might be 600 Hz, and a third value might be 400 Hz. Frequency hopping is more likely to be digital and programmed in nature and not relying on a physical process like charging a capacitor. In some embodiments, the light source can be chosen based on the time of day that the system will be used. By way of example, it can be beneficial to use an EL light during night time hours and a LED light during daytime hours. In some embodiments, the light source can also act as the sound generating device. [0083] The electric grid can be made from an electrically conductive material. Suitable materials include stainless steel, silver, copper, gold, aluminum, titanium, similar materials, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material can be 304 or 316 stainless steel. The electrical grid can be mesh cloth. The grid openings of the electrical grid can be any suitable size, including openings between about 0.1 and about 1.0 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches to 0.5 inches. In some embodiments, the grid can be a number 2 grid (i.e. two grids per linear inch), a number 3 grid (i.e. three grids per linear inch), or a number 4 grid (i.e. four grids per linear inch). The size of the grids can be determined based on the size of the insects to be attracted by the system. In some embodiments, more than one grid can be used in the system. The grids can be the same size or different sizes. In some embodiments when more than one grid is used, the grids can be spaced such that the larger grid can be placed in front of the smaller grid (i.e. the larger grid is closer to the opening of the panel). The grids can be sized to allow light and scents to transmit through the grids. A spacer can be used to separate the materials. The spacer between the grids can be between about 0.1 inches and about 2 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches and in some embodiments about 0.50 inches. [0084] The system can further include an attraction sensory panel. The attraction sensory panel can include multiple sensory operations in a single device. The attraction sensory panel can include the light source. The attraction sensory panel can include a pheromone and/or scent. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can further include at least one heater, for example a self-limiting heated strip, and at least one pheromone or scent. In an embodiment of the invention, at least one heater can be located adjacent to the light source. Pheromones or scents within the attraction sensory panel can be replaced as needed, for example on a semiannually or annual basis. The heated strip can be graphite based. Pheromones can be used to attract insects to the system for electrocution. The pheromones or scent can be selected to attract one or more specific insects. More than one pheromone can be used in the system to attract more than one insect. Suitable scents can include, but are not limited to, scents associated with food, including carbon dioxide, reproduction and egg laying, and combinations thereof. Scents that attract egg laying insects can include butyric acid and hexanoic acid. Scent associated with food may include materials found in animal sweat, including nonanal, lactic acid, butyric acid, hexanoic acid and other acids or esters with a molecular weight of less than 120, octanol, and low molecular weight carboxylic acids, and combinations thereof. For scents that mimic food concentrations between about 0.01% and about 30% can be used. Using concentrations from between 0.1% and about 20% to attract insects can be more beneficial. 0.001% and about 5%, with target ranges between 0.01% and about 2% to 0.01% being more beneficial. In some embodiments, a fan can be used to distribute the scent or pheromone. The attraction sensory panel can be polymeric material, for example an acrylic material. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can include a fan and at least one switch for each scent or group of scents to turn additional scents on or off in the panel. Activation of the switch may be controlled by a processor, timer, light sensor or other methods know to those of skill in the art. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can also include a separate power storage device or the battery for the system. [0085] The pheromone and/or scent can be in a polymer matrix, silica gel or activated carbon or another porous carrier. The polymers used can include UV or heat cured polyurethanes, acrylics, and vinyl, inks and combinations thereof. The heater can heat the polymer matrix thereby enhancing the release of the pheromone and/or scent, which can be in the matrix. In some embodiments, multiple pheromones and/or scent can be used which can be activated in the attraction sensory panel at separate times to increase the release of a particular pheromone and/or scent, or simultaneously in the same or different quantities. In some embodiments, a computer program or programmable device can be used to activate or disable the heater. In some embodiments, the program or programmable device can control the heater and/or the pheromone release such that the scent from the pheromones or scents are released during predetermined times or for a predetermined duration. The predetermined time can be for any duration during a day, week, month, or year. The predetermined duration can be for between about 1 minute and about 24 hours. In some embodiments, the predetermined time can be for one hour, two hours, five hours, or ten hours. By way of example only, the attraction sensory panel can include pheromone A and scent B, each within a polymer matrix. The heater associated with pheromone A can be turned on to increase the release of pheromone A. The heater associated with scent B can remain off, thereby increasing the release of pheromone A compared to scent B. Alternatively, both heaters can be activated simultaneously and the temperature varied at each heater to produce a desired mixture of pheromone A and B. In some embodiments, a sonic device can be used to release the pheromones and/or scent by vibration. Suitable devices include, but are not limited to, a sonic with the integrated barium titanate dielectric array, piezoelectric speakers or coil driven speakers, or combinations thereof. The attraction sensory panel can be between about 4 inches and about 12 inches wide and about 6 inches to about 28 inches long, and, between about 0.1 and about 0.5 inches thick, in some embodiments the sensory panel is about 6 inches by about 18 inches about 0.25 inches thick. The attraction sensory panel can be a polymeric material. In some embodiments, the polymeric material can be acrylic composite. Other suitable materials can include polycarbonate or another stiff transparent plastic. In some embodiments, the polymer can by ultraviolet stabilized. These matrixes can be placed on EL lamps or other warming elements where the heat can help to volatilize and transmit these scents into the air. [0086] The attraction sensory panel can be on a fixed panel in the device. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can become the fixed panel once assembled into the operational panel. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can be attached to a fixed panel in the operational panel. By way of example only, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be on the back side of the system. In these embodiments, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be oriented in any direction on the fixed panel. The electrical grid can be located in front of the fixed panel. The system can further include a frequency emitting device. The frequency emitting device can be used to produce sounds that can trap insects in the system by disrupting the vibrational communication between insects. The frequency can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz can be used but a narrow range of about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz can be more focused to get the desired results. Frequency hopping (as described above) can be done at different intervals for example 25 Hz steps for 5 to 600 seconds at each step or the steps can be proportional for example like musical notes from F4 (349.23 Hz) to C#5 (554.37 Hz). In some embodiments, the frequency can change by scanning. The amplitude can vary depending upon the foliage where the system is located. In some embodiments, the sound emitted can be calibrated to the insect to be terminated. The frequency emitting device can be the heated strip, the light source or another device in the system. In some embodiments, the components of the system can oscillate to create the emitting frequency. For example, the inverter of the system can generate a frequency. [0087] The system, or components of the system, can be powered by an energy source. The energy source can be from at least one battery, solar energy, electricity, coal, water power, geothermal, natural gas, oil, or combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the energy source can be used to charge at least one battery associated with the panel for subsequent use. [0088] A solar panel can be used to charge at least one battery for use by the system. The solar panel can have a wattage between about 1 W and about 100 W, in some embodiments about 20 W. The solar panel can produce between about 10 V and about 30 V, in some embodiments about 21 V. The solar panel can also produce between about 0.1 A and about 10 A, in some embodiments about 1 A. The dimensions of the solar panel can be between 6 inches and 36 inches, by between 10 inches and 24 inches, by between 13 inches and 20 inches. In some embodiments, the dimensions of the solar panel can be 20 inches by 13.37 inches by 1.375 inches thick. Suitable solar powered system includes, but are not limited to, systems produced by Infinium Solar, Sun Power, Kyocera, Ameresco Solar and combinations thereof, combinations thereof. More than one solar panel can be used to achieve the required power to operate the system. Cables that attach the solar panel to the operation panel can be UV stabilized, and suitable for outdoor use. In some embodiments, the cables can be covered by a material to protect the cable from weather. By way of example only, the cables can be PVC coated copper wires. The wires can be between about 12 and about 24 AWG, in some embodiments about 16 AWG. [0089] The system can include at least one power storage device, such as a battery. Multiple batteries can be joined in series or in parallel. Each battery can be rated for between about 3.7 and 24 V, in some embodiments about 12 V. When the batteries are powered in an inverter, they can create greater than about 2500 V. The inverter voltage may be increased by use of a boost inverter, a buck inverter or a voltage multiplier for example a capacitor and diode bridge. Each battery can be rated for between about 1 and 30 Amp-hours, in some embodiments about 9 Amp-hours. Each battery can operate at a temperature between about −40° C. and about 60° C. The battery can be weatherproof, or located in a weatherproof container. The weight of each battery can be between about 1 lb and about 5 lbs, in some embodiments about 2.8 lbs. The battery can be used to power components in the system, or components of the system, including a microprocessor which can control the light source, a boost inverter, and a voltage multiplier. A boost inverter can be used to convert direct current into alternating current. A boost inverter can build a magnetic field in an inductor, then turned off to stop current flow. A voltage pulse can be generated as the magnetic field collapses. A voltage multiplier can be used to power the electrical grid. [0090] The attraction sensory panel, frequency emitting device, electronic components, power components, and electrical grid can be in an operation panel. In some embodiments, components, for example batteries, and the power supply, can be exterior to the operational panel. The operational panel can be a container, such as a box, that is open on one side. One side of the panel can be the fixed panel. The grids can be positioned over the attraction sensory panel and attach to the side panels of the operational panel. The operational panel can also include a protective panel on the open side of the operational panel over the grids. The protective panel can be sized according to the size of the operational panel. The protective panel can prevent animals, such as birds or humans from contacting the electrical grid. The length of the panel can be between about 6 inches and about 48 inches. The width of the panel can be between about 1 inch and about 12 inches, and the height of the panel can be between about 0.5 inches and about 48 inches. In some embodiments, the length of the panel can be about 18 inches, the width of the panel can be about 4 inches, and the height of a panel can be about 6 inches. Suitable materials for the operational panel can include any non-corrosive material, including but not limited to stainless steel, coated aluminum, titanium, aluminum alloys, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material of the operational panel can be 304 stainless steel. [0091] The system can further comprise a control manager. The control manager of the system can manage the charge control of power from the solar panel to the battery. The control manager can also include a short circuit protection. The short circuit protection can determine if there is a short in the panel, for example, a short caused by weather. If a short has been found, then the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared. For example, the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared after a time of between 30 seconds and about 5 minutes, in some embodiments about one minute. When the short has cleared, the short circuit protection can turn the panel back to an operational mode. If the short has not cleared, the short circuit protection can put the system into a safe mode (i.e. off), until the short has cleared. If the short has not cleared after between about 12 hours and about 72 hours, in some embodiments about 24 hours, a signal or message can be sent to a user. The control manager can also be used to turn the system to an operational mode. The control manager can compare the battery voltage to the solar panel. When the battery voltage is greater than the solar panel, the panel can turn on (i.e. operational mode). The control manager can also be equipped with a timer that turns the system, or components of the system, on and off as desired. In some embodiments, the operational period can be between about 8-12 hours. In other embodiments, when the battery voltage is less than the solar panel, the panel can turn off. The panel can be operational from dusk for a period of time. The period of time can be between about 8 hours and 12 hours, in some embodiments about 10 hours, in other embodiments longer than 12 hours depending upon power availability. [0092] Components in the system can be monitored remotely. In some embodiments, the control manager panel can also monitor components in the system. A user can be notified, for example, when battery power is low, if the system is not working correctly (for example if there is an issue with a solar panel), if the life of a battery is low, or if the system is not optimally working (for example if the solar panel is not receiving optimal sunlight). Other components can also be monitored and recorded for the user, which can be remotely transmitted to the user. Thus, in some embodiments, the system can include a signal generator. [0093] Advantageously, while power can be drawn to the system during the day with the solar panel, the system can be operational only after dusk. By operating during dark hours of the day, the system cannot and does not attract pollinating insects that are active during the light hours of the day. Rather, the operation of the insect attracting elements are configured to not attract pollinating insects. Instead, the system can be used at that time period to attract insects that are harmful to agriculture and humans. These insects can be selected from the group consisting of an insect from a subject/order selected from the group consisting of mitsubishi, orthopteran, homopterous, rhynogta, coleopteran, lepidoptera, hymenoptera, diptera, and combinations thereof. Specific insects include termites, crickets, slugs, locusts, leaf hoppers, bugs, moths, chafers, scarabs, worms, longicorns, weevils, mosquitos, maggots, cockroaches, house flies, wasps, buzzers, green leafhoppers, migratory locusts, slugs, green leafhoppers, tettigonlidaes, northern china crickets, house termites, a Huainan local termites, black wing local termites, green mirid bugs, banana lace bugs, ping stinkbugs, changes stinkbugs, strip bee green stinkbugs, velvety chafers, verdigris scarabs, apple gooding worms, mulberry longicorns, spotted cerabycids, black sani tortoises, white spotted flower chafers, codling moths, a. transitella —navel orangewood worms, corn ear worm moths, green scaly weevils, grape horn worms, cacaecia crateagans, copper geometrides, twill leaf miners, bore fruit moths, cut worms, pine caterpillars, navicular caterpillars, persimmon fruit worms, oriental moths, grape said encleiades, locusts, plow solid bees, plow stem buzzers, wasps, peach wasps, mosquitoes, yellow fever mosquitos, zika carrying mosquitoes, dengue carrying mosquitoes, lutzomyia corn seed maggots, orange euribiidaes, and combinations thereof. [0094] The system can be mounted using any suitable device or tool. By way of example, the system can be mounted on a pole or on the side of a building. A framed hanger can be used to mount the system. Furthermore, multiple operational panels can be combined to form a system. [0095] The present disclosure is directed to a method to control insects over an area. The method includes providing a system comprising a power source, a light source, and an electrical grid. The system attracts insects and the electrical grid terminates the insect. [0096] The light source can emit light in a wavelength between 250 nm and 650 nm. The light source can be florescent, luminescent light, or a LED, including an OLED, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, multiple light sources can be used, which can emit the same or different wavelengths of light. Different wavelengths can be more or less attractive to insects. The light source can be emitted as at least one spot, dot, strip, panel, triangle, oval, rectangle or any other suitable and/or desired shape. The light source can also be a plurality of light sources or can emit at least two wavelengths of light. The light can be from a Lambertian emitter. The lights can emit light at wavelengths between about 250 nm and about 800 nm, in some embodiments about 300 to 650 nanometer, in some embodiments between 350 to 480 nanometers. In some embodiments, the light source can be an electroluminescent light that can be blue in color and in the range of 400 nm to 480 nm. In some embodiments, the light source can be a LED light, which can be green in color and about 525 nm. In some embodiments, the light source (electroluminescent or otherwise) can pulse. In embodiments where multiple light sources are used, each light source can pulse at the same frequency or at different frequencies. The frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 600 Hz, about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz, about 100 Hz to about 1000 Hz, or between about 100 Hz and about 1500 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency can change from a first frequency to a second frequency, or to additional frequencies. The frequency can change by either scanning or by hopping. Scanning as used herewith means to change values in a consecutive or sequential order, either increasing or decreasing in value using a non-integer method for example the charging of a capacitor where there is a smooth transition from one frequency to another while hitting all the frequencies in between. For example, transitioning gradually from 350 Hz to 400 Hz while hitting all the frequencies in between. Hopping means to change from a first value to a second value in a digital move, where the first value and the second value are incrementally different and may or may not be consecutive. For example, a first value might be 350 Hz, and a second value might be 600 Hz, and a third value might be 400 Hz. Frequency hopping is more likely to be digital and programmed in nature and not relying on a physical process like charging a capacitor. In some embodiments, the light source can be chosen based on the time of day that the system will be used. By way of example, it can be beneficial to use an EL light during night time hours and a LED light during daytime hours. In some embodiments, the light source can also act as the sound generating device. [0097] The electric grid can be made from an electrically conductive material. Suitable materials include stainless steel, silver, copper, gold, aluminum, titanium, similar materials, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material can be 304 or 316 stainless steel. The electrical grid can be mesh cloth. The grid openings of the electrical grid can be any suitable size, including openings between about 0.1 and about 1.0 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches to 0.5 inches. In some embodiments, the grid can be a number 2 grid (i.e. two grids per linear inch), a number 3 grid (i.e. three grids per linear inch), or a number 4 grid (i.e. four grids per linear inch). The size of the grids can be determined based on the size of the insects to be attracted by the system. In some embodiments, more than one grid can be used in the system. The grids can be the same size or different sizes. In some embodiments when more than one grid is used, the grids can be spaced such that the larger grid can be placed in front of the smaller grid (i.e. the larger grid is closer to the opening of the panel). The grids can be sized to allow light and scents to transmit through the grids. A spacer can be used to separate the materials. The spacer between the grids can be between about 0.1 inches and about 2 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches and in some embodiments about 0.50 inches. [0098] The system can further include an attraction sensory panel. The attraction sensory panel can include multiple sensory operations in a single device. The attraction sensory panel can include the light source. The attraction sensory panel can include a pheromone and/or scent. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can further include at least one heater, for example a self-limiting heated strip, and at least one pheromone or scent. In an embodiment of the invention, at least one heater can be located adjacent to the light source. Pheromones or scents within the attraction sensory panel can be replaced as needed, for example on a semiannually or annual basis. The heated strip can be graphite based. Pheromones can be used to attract insects to the system for electrocution. The pheromones or scent can be selected to attract one or more specific insects. More than one pheromone can be used in the system to attract more than one insect. Suitable scents can include, but are not limited to, scents associated with food, including carbon dioxide, reproduction and egg laying, and combinations thereof. Scents that attract egg laying insects can include butyric acid and hexanoic acid. Scent associated with food may include materials found in animal sweat, including nonanal, lactic acid, butyric acid, hexanoic acid and other acids or esters with a molecular weight of less than 120, octanol, and low molecular weight carboxylic acids, and combinations thereof. For scents that mimic food concentrations between about 0.01% and about 30% can be used. Using concentrations from between 0.1% and about 20% to attract insects can be more beneficial. 0.001% and about 5%, with target ranges between 0.01% and about 2% to 0.01% being more beneficial. In some embodiments, a fan can be used to distribute the scent or pheromone. The attraction sensory panel can be polymeric material, for example an acrylic material. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can include a fan and at least one switch for each scent or group of scents to turn additional scents on or off in the panel. Activation of the switch may be controlled by a processor, timer, light sensor or other methods know to those of skill in the art. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can also include a separate power storage device or the battery for the system. [0099] The pheromone and/or scent can be in a polymer matrix, silica gel or activated carbon or another porous carrier. The polymers used can include UV or heat cured polyurethanes, acrylics, and vinyl, inks and combinations thereof. The heater can heat the polymer matrix thereby enhancing the release of the pheromone and/or scent, which can be in the matrix. In some embodiments, multiple pheromones and/or scent can be used which can be activated in the attraction sensory panel at separate times to increase the release of a particular pheromone and/or scent, or simultaneously in the same or different quantities. In some embodiments, a computer program or programmable device can be used to activate or disable the heater. In some embodiments, the program or programmable device can control the heater and/or the pheromone release such that the scent from the pheromones or scents are released during predetermined times or for a predetermined duration. The predetermined time can be for any duration during a day, week, month, or year. The predetermined duration can be for between about 1 minute and about 24 hours. In some embodiments, the predetermined time can be for one hour, two hours, five hours, or ten hours. By way of example only, the attraction sensory panel can include pheromone A and scent B, each within a polymer matrix. The heater associated with pheromone A can be turned on to increase the release of pheromone A. The heater associated with scent B can remain off, thereby increasing the release of pheromone A compared to scent B. Alternatively, both heaters can be activated simultaneously and the temperature varied at each heater to produce a desired mixture of pheromone A and B. In some embodiments, a sonic device can be used to release the pheromones and/or scent by vibration. Suitable devices include, but are not limited to, a sonic with the integrated barium titanate dielectric array, piezoelectric speakers or coil driven speakers, or combinations thereof. The attraction sensory panel can be between about 4 inches and about 12 inches wide and about 6 inches to about 28 inches long, and, between about 0.1 and about 0.5 inches thick, in some embodiments the sensory panel is about 6 inches by about 18 inches about 0.25 inches thick. The attraction sensory panel can be a polymeric material. In some embodiments, the polymeric material can be acrylic composite. Other suitable materials can include polycarbonate or another stiff transparent plastic. In some embodiments, the polymer can by ultraviolet stabilized. These matrixes can be placed on EL lamps or other warming elements where the heat can help to volatilize and transmit these scents into the air. [0100] The attraction sensory panel can be on a fixed panel in the device. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can become the fixed panel once assembled into the operational panel. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can be attached to a fixed panel in the operational panel. By way of example only, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be on the back side of the system. In these embodiments, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be oriented in any direction on the fixed panel. The electrical grid can be located in front of the fixed panel. The system can further include a frequency emitting device. The frequency emitting device can be used to produce sounds that can trap insects in the system by disrupting the vibrational communication between insects. The frequency can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz can be used but a narrow range of about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz can be more focused to get the desired results. Frequency hopping (as described above) can be done at different intervals for example 25 Hz steps for 5 to 600 seconds at each step or the steps can be proportional for example like musical notes from F4 (349.23 Hz) to C#5 (554.37 Hz). In some embodiments, the frequency can change by scanning. The amplitude can vary depending upon the foliage where the system is located. In some embodiments, the sound emitted can be calibrated to the insect to be terminated. The frequency emitting device can be the heated strip, the light source or another device in the system. In some embodiments, the components of the system can oscillate to create the emitting frequency. For example, the inverter of the system can generate a frequency. [0101] The system, or components of the system, can be powered by an energy source. The energy source can be from at least one battery, solar energy, electricity, coal, water power, geothermal, natural gas, oil, or combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the energy source can be used to charge at least one battery associated with the panel for subsequent use. [0102] A solar panel can be used to charge at least one battery for use by the system. The solar panel can have a wattage between about 1 W and about 100 W, in some embodiments about 20 W. The solar panel can produce between about 10 V and about 30 V, in some embodiments about 21 V. The solar panel can also produce between about 0.1 A and about 10 A, in some embodiments about 1 A. The dimensions of the solar panel can be between 6 inches and 36 inches, by between 10 inches and 24 inches, by between 13 inches and 20 inches. In some embodiments, the dimensions of the solar panel can be 20 inches by 13.37 inches by 1.375 inches thick. Suitable solar powered system includes, but are not limited to, systems produced by Infinium Solar, Sun Power, Kyocera, Ameresco Solar and combinations thereof. More than one solar panel can be used to achieve the required power to operate the system. Cables that attach the solar panel to the operation panel can be UV stabilized, and suitable for outdoor use. In some embodiments, the cables can be covered by a material to protect the cable from weather. By way of example only, the cables can be PVC coated copper wires. The wires can be between about 12 and about 24 AWG, in some embodiments about 16 AWG. [0103] The system can include at least one power storage device, such as a battery. Multiple batteries can be joined in series or in parallel. Each battery can be rated for between about 3.7 and 24 V, in some embodiments about 12 V. When the batteries are powered in an inverter, they can create greater than about 2500 V. The inverter voltage may be increased by use of a boost inverter, a buck inverter or a voltage multiplier for example a capacitor and diode bridge. Each battery can be rated for between about 1 and 30 Amp-hours, in some embodiments about 9 Amp-hours. Each battery can operate at a temperature between about −40° C. and about 60° C. The battery can be weatherproof, or located in a weatherproof container. The weight of each battery can be between about 1 lb and about 5 lbs, in some embodiments about 2.8 lbs. The battery can be used to power components in the system, or components of the system, including a microprocessor which can control the light source, a boost inverter, and a voltage multiplier. A boost inverter can be used to convert direct current into alternating current. A boost inverter can build a magnetic field in an inductor, then turned off to stop current flow. A voltage pulse can be generated as the magnetic field collapses. A voltage multiplier can be used to power the electrical grid. [0104] The attraction sensory panel, frequency emitting device, electronic components, power components, and electrical grid can be in an operation panel. In some embodiments, components, for example batteries, and the power supply, can be exterior to the operational panel. The operational panel can be a container, such as a box, that is open on one side. One side of the panel can be the fixed panel. The grids can be positioned over the attraction sensory panel and attach to the side panels of the operational panel. The operational panel can also include a protective panel on the open side of the operational panel over the grids. The protective panel can be sized according to the size of the operational panel. The protective panel can prevent animals, such as birds or humans from contacting the electrical grid. The length of the panel can be between about 6 inches and about 48 inches. The width of the panel can be between about 1 inch and about 12 inches, and the height of the panel can be between about 0.5 inches and about 48 inches. In some embodiments, the length of the panel can be about 18 inches, the width of the panel can be about 4 inches, and the height of a panel can be about 6 inches. Suitable materials for the operational panel can include any non-corrosive material, including but not limited to stainless steel, coated aluminum, titanium, aluminum alloys, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material of the operational panel can be 304 stainless steel. [0105] The system can further comprise a control manager. The control manager of the system can manage the charge control of power from the solar panel to the battery. The control manager can also include a short circuit protection. The short circuit protection can determine if there is a short in the panel, for example, a short caused by weather. If a short has been found, then the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared. For example, the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared after a time of between 30 seconds and about 5 minutes, in some embodiments about one minute. When the short has cleared, the short circuit protection can turn the panel back to an operational mode. If the short has not cleared, the short circuit protection can put the system into a safe mode (i.e. off), until the short has cleared. If the short has not cleared after between about 12 hours and about 72 hours, in some embodiments about 24 hours, a signal or message can be sent to a user. The control manager can also be used to turn the system to an operational mode. The control manager can compare the battery voltage to the solar panel. When the battery voltage is greater than the solar panel, the panel can turn on (i.e. operational mode). The control manager can also be equipped with a timer that turns the system, or components of the system, on and off as desired. In some embodiments, the operational period can be between about 8-12 hours. In other embodiments, when the battery voltage is less than the solar panel, the panel can turn off. The panel can be operational from dusk for a period of time. The period of time can be between about 8 hours and 12 hours, in some embodiments about 10 hours, in other embodiments longer than 12 hours depending upon power availability. [0106] Components in the system can be monitored remotely. In some embodiments, the control manager panel can also monitor components in the system. A user can be notified, for example, when battery power is low, if the system is not working correctly (for example if there is an issue with a solar panel), if the life of a battery is low, or if the system is not optimally working (for example if the solar panel is not receiving optimal sunlight). Other components can also be monitored and recorded for the user, which can be remotely transmitted to the user. Thus, in some embodiments, the system can include a signal generator. [0107] Advantageously, while power can be drawn to the system during the day with the solar panel, the system can be operational only after dusk. By operating during dark hours of the day, the system cannot and does not attract pollinating insects that are active during the light hours of the day. Rather, the operation of the insect attracting elements are configured to not attract pollinating insects. Instead, the system can be used at that time period to attract insects that are harmful to agriculture and humans. These insects can be selected from the group consisting of an insect from a subject/order selected from the group consisting of mitsubishi, orthopteran, homopterous, rhynogta, coleopteran, lepidoptera, hymenoptera, diptera, and combinations thereof. Specific insects include termites, crickets, slugs, locusts, leaf hoppers, bugs, moths, chafers, scarabs, worms, longicorns, weevils, mosquitos, maggots, cockroaches, house flies, wasps, buzzers, green leafhoppers, migratory locusts, slugs, green leafhoppers, tettigonlidaes, northern china crickets, house termites, a Huainan local termites, black wing local termites, green mirid bugs, banana lace bugs, ping stinkbugs, changes stinkbugs, strip bee green stinkbugs, velvety chafers, verdigris scarabs, apple gooding worms, mulberry longicorns, spotted cerabycids, black sani tortoises, white spotted flower chafers, codling moths, a. transitella —navel orangewood worms, corn ear worm moths, green scaly weevils, grape horn worms, cacaecia crateagans, copper geometrides, twill leaf miners, bore fruit moths, cut worms, pine caterpillars, navicular caterpillars, persimmon fruit worms, oriental moths, grape said encleiades, locusts, plow solid bees, plow stem buzzers, wasps, peach wasps, mosquitoes, yellow fever mosquitos, zika carrying mosquitoes, dengue carrying mosquitoes, lutzomyia corn seed maggots, orange euribiidaes, and combinations thereof. [0108] The system can be mounted using any suitable device or tool. By way of example, the system can be mounted on a pole or on the side of a building. A framed hanger can be used to mount the system. Furthermore, multiple operational panels can be combined to form a system. [0109] The present disclosure is directed to a method to manufacture an insect control device. [0110] A light source can be included in the insect control device. The light source can be mechanically mounted or bonded with an adhesive to a substrate. The light source can emit light in a wavelength between 250 nm and 650 nm. The light source can be florescent, luminescent light, or a LED, including an OLED, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, multiple light sources can be used, which can emit the same or different wavelengths of light. Different wavelengths can be more or less attractive to insects. The light source can be emitted as at least one spot, dot, strip, panel, triangle, oval, rectangle or any other suitable and/or desired shape. The light source can also be a plurality of light sources or can emit at least two wavelengths of light. The light can be from a Lambertian emitter. The lights can emit light at wavelengths between about 250 nm and about 800 nm, in some embodiments about 300 to 650 nanometer, in some embodiments between 350 to 480 nanometers. In some embodiments, the light source can be an electroluminescent light that can be blue in color and in the range of 400 nm to 480 nm. In some embodiments, the light source can be a LED light, which can be green in color and about 525 nm. In some embodiments, the light source (electroluminescent or otherwise) can pulse. In embodiments where multiple light sources are used, each light source can pulse at the same frequency or at different frequencies. The frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency of the pulse can be between about 100 Hz and about 600 Hz, about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz, about 100 Hz to about 1000 Hz, or between about 100 Hz and about 1500 Hz. In some embodiments, the frequency can change from a first frequency to a second frequency, or to additional frequencies. The frequency can change by either scanning or by hopping. Scanning as used herewith means to change values in a consecutive or sequential order, either increasing or decreasing in value using a non-integer method for example the charging of a capacitor where there is a smooth transition from one frequency to another while hitting all the frequencies in between. For example, transitioning gradually from 350 Hz to 400 Hz while hitting all the frequencies in between. Hopping means to change from a first value to a second value in a digital move, where the first value and the second value are incrementally different and may or may not be consecutive. For example, a first value might be 350 Hz, and a second value might be 600 Hz, and a third value might be 400 Hz. Frequency hopping is more likely to be digital and programmed in nature and not relying on a physical process like charging a capacitor. In some embodiments, the light source can be chosen based on the time of day that the system will be used. By way of example, it can be beneficial to use an EL light during night time hours and a LED light during daytime hours. In some embodiments, the light source can also act as the sound generating device. [0111] The electric grid can be made from an electrically conductive material. Suitable materials include stainless steel, silver, copper, gold, aluminum, titanium, similar materials, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material can be 304 or 316 stainless steel. The electrical grid can be mesh cloth. The grid openings of the electrical grid can be any suitable size, including openings between about 0.1 and about 1.0 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches to 0.5 inches. In some embodiments, the grid can be a number 2 grid (i.e. two grids per linear inch), a number 3 grid (i.e. three grids per linear inch), or a number 4 grid (i.e. four grids per linear inch). The size of the grids can be determined based on the size of the insects to be attracted by the system. In some embodiments, more than one grid can be used in the system. The grids can be the same size or different sizes. In some embodiments when more than one grid is used, the grids can be spaced such that the larger grid can be placed in front of the smaller grid (i.e. the larger grid is closer to the opening of the panel). The grids can be sized to allow light and scents to transmit through the grids. A spacer can be used to separate the materials. The spacer between the grids can be between about 0.1 inches and about 2 inches, in some embodiments about 0.25 inches and in some embodiments about 0.50 inches. The grid can be mechanically mounted to an operational panel or box. [0112] The system can further include an attraction sensory panel. The attraction sensory panel can include multiple sensory operations in a single device. The attraction sensory panel can include the light source. The attraction sensory panel can include a pheromone and/or scent. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can further include at least one heater, for example a self-limiting heated strip, and at least one pheromone or scent. In an embodiment of the invention, at least one heater can be located adjacent to the light source. Pheromones or scents within the attraction sensory panel can be replaced as needed, for example on a semiannually or annual basis. The heated strip can be graphite based. Pheromones can be used to attract insects to the system for electrocution. The pheromones or scent can be selected to attract one or more specific insects. More than one pheromone can be used in the system to attract more than one insect. Suitable scents can include, but are not limited to, scents associated with food, including carbon dioxide, reproduction and egg laying, and combinations thereof. Scents that attract egg laying insects can include butyric acid and hexanoic acid. Scent associated with food may include materials found in animal sweat, including nonanal, lactic acid, butyric acid, hexanoic acid and other acids or esters with a molecular weight of less than 120, octanol, and low molecular weight carboxylic acids, and combinations thereof. For scents that mimic food concentrations between about 0.01% and about 30% can be used. Using concentrations from between 0.1% and about 20% to attract insects can be more beneficial. 0.001% and about 5%, with target ranges between 0.01% and about 2% to 0.01% being more beneficial. In some embodiments, a fan can be used to distribute the scent or pheromone. The attraction sensory panel can be polymeric material, for example an acrylic material. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can include a fan and at least one switch for each scent or group of scents to turn additional scents on or off in the panel. Activation of the switch may be controlled by a processor, timer, light sensor or other methods know to those of skill in the art. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can also include a separate power storage device or the battery for the system. [0113] The attraction sensory panel can include between about 6 and about 30 layers of screen printed inks. The layers can be deposited onto a substrate. The finished attraction sensory panels can be laser cut with the substrate and affixed to a clear panel made of acrylic. An adhesive can be used to affix the panel to the substrate. The adhesive can be an acrylate polymer, for example 3M 467 adhesive. The spacer can be a polymeric material, for example an acrylic, polyethylene, or polyethylene terephthalate spacer, or other transparent or translucent material. A cover sheet can also be used to finish the box and protect the edges of the screen. Suitable cover sheet materials include, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, polypropylene or other opaque, transparent or translucent material that is not conductive and combinations thereof. Parts can be held together using rivets, which can be polymeric and non-conductive, for example a plastic rivet, such as Klick-loc 5 mm plastic rivets. [0114] The pheromone and/or scent can be in a polymer matrix, silica gel or activated carbon or another porous carrier. The polymers used can include UV or heat cured polyurethanes, acrylics, and vinyl, inks and combinations thereof. The heater can heat the polymer matrix thereby enhancing the release of the pheromone and/or scent, which can be in the matrix. In some embodiments, multiple pheromones and/or scent can be used which can be activated in the attraction sensory panel at separate times to increase the release of a particular pheromone and/or scent, or simultaneously in the same or different quantities. In some embodiments, a computer program or programmable device can be used to activate or disable the heater. In some embodiments, the program or programmable device can control the heater and/or the pheromone release such that the scent from the pheromones or scents are released during predetermined times or for a predetermined duration. The predetermined time can be for any duration during a day, week, month, or year. The predetermined duration can be for between about 1 minute and about 24 hours. In some embodiments, the predetermined time can be for one hour, two hours, five hours, or ten hours. By way of example only, the attraction sensory panel can include pheromone A and scent B, each within a polymer matrix. The heater associated with pheromone A can be turned on to increase the release of pheromone A. The heater associated with scent B can remain off, thereby increasing the release of pheromone A compared to scent B. Alternatively, both heaters can be activated simultaneously and the temperature varied at each heater to produce a desired mixture of pheromone A and B. In some embodiments, a sonic device can be used to release the pheromones and/or scent by vibration. Suitable devices include, but are not limited to, a sonic with the integrated barium titanate dielectric array, piezoelectric speakers or coil driven speakers, or combinations thereof. The attraction sensory panel can be between about 4 inches and about 12 inches wide and about 6 inches to about 28 inches long, and, between about 0.1 and about 0.5 inches thick, in some embodiments the sensory panel is about 6 inches by about 18 inches about 0.25 inches thick. The attraction sensory panel can be a polymeric material. In some embodiments, the polymeric material can be acrylic composite. Other suitable materials can include polycarbonate or another stiff transparent plastic. In some embodiments, the polymer can by ultraviolet stabilized. These matrixes can be placed on EL lamps or other warming elements where the heat can help to volatilize and transmit these scents into the air. [0115] The attraction sensory panel can be mechanically mounted or bonded to a fixed panel in the device. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can become the fixed panel once assembled into the operational panel. In some embodiments, the attraction sensory panel can be attached to a fixed panel in the operational panel. By way of example only, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be on the back side of the system. In these embodiments, the light source and the attraction sensory panel can be oriented in any direction on the fixed panel. The electrical grid can be located in front of the fixed panel. The system can further include a frequency emitting device. The frequency emitting device can be used to produce sounds that can trap insects in the system by disrupting the vibrational communication between insects. The frequency can be between about 100 Hz and about 2000 Hz can be used but a narrow range of about 350 Hz to about 550 Hz can be more focused to get the desired results. Frequency hopping (as described above) can be done at different intervals for example 25 Hz steps for 5 to 600 seconds at each step or the steps can be proportional for example like musical notes from F4 (349.23 Hz) to C#5 (554.37 Hz). In some embodiments, the frequency can change by scanning. The amplitude can vary depending upon the foliage where the system is located. In some embodiments, the sound emitted can be calibrated to the insect to be terminated. The frequency emitting device can be the heated strip, the light source or another device in the system. In some embodiments, the components of the system can oscillate to create the emitting frequency. For example, the inverter of the system can generate a frequency. [0116] The system, or components of the system, can be powered by an energy source. The energy source can be from at least one battery, solar energy, electricity, coal, water power, geothermal, natural gas, oil, or combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the energy source can be used to charge at least one battery associated with the panel for subsequent use. [0117] A solar panel can be used to charge at least one battery for use by the system. The solar panel can have a wattage between about 1 W and about 100 W, in some embodiments about 20 W. The solar panel can produce between about 10 V and about 30 V, in some embodiments about 21 V. The solar panel can also produce between about 0.1 A and about 10 A, in some embodiments about 1 A. The dimensions of the solar panel can be between 6 inches and 36 inches, by between 10 inches and 24 inches, by between 13 inches and 20 inches. In some embodiments, the dimensions of the solar panel can be 20 inches by 13.37 inches by 1.375 inches thick. Suitable solar powered system includes, but are not limited to, systems produced by Infinium Solar, Sun Power, Kyocera, Ameresco Solar and combinations thereof. More than one solar panel can be used to achieve the required power to operate the system. Cables that attach the solar panel to the operation panel can be UV stabilized, and suitable for outdoor use. In some embodiments, the cables can be covered by a material to protect the cable from weather. By way of example only, the cables can be PVC coated copper wires. The wires can be between about 12 and about 24 AWG, in some embodiments about 16 AWG. [0118] The system can include at least one power storage device, such as a battery. Multiple batteries can be joined in series or in parallel. Each battery can be rated for between about 3.7 and 24 V, in some embodiments about 12 V. When the batteries are powered in an inverter, they can create greater than about 2500 V. The inverter voltage may be increased by use of a boost inverter, a buck inverter or a voltage multiplier for example a capacitor and diode bridge. Each battery can be rated for between about 1 and 30 Amp-hours, in some embodiments about 9 Amp-hours. Each battery can operate at a temperature between about −40° C. and about 60° C. The battery can be weatherproof, or located in a weatherproof container. The weight of each battery can be between about 1 lb and about 5 lbs, in some embodiments about 2.8 lbs. The battery can be used to power components in the system, or components of the system, including a microprocessor which can control the light source, a boost inverter, and a voltage multiplier. A boost inverter can be used to convert direct current into alternating current. A boost inverter can build a magnetic field in an inductor, then turned off to stop current flow. A voltage pulse can be generated as the magnetic field collapses. A voltage multiplier can be used to power the electrical grid. [0119] The attraction sensory panel, frequency emitting device, electronic components, power components, and electrical grid can be in an operation panel. In some embodiments, components, for example batteries, and the power supply, can be exterior to the operational panel. The operational panel can be a container, such as a box, that is open on one side. One side of the panel can be the fixed panel. The grids can be positioned over the attraction sensory panel and attach to the side panels of the operational panel. The operational panel can also include a protective panel on the open side of the operational panel over the grids. The protective panel can be sized according to the size of the operational panel. The protective panel can prevent animals, such as birds or humans from contacting the electrical grid. The length of the panel can be between about 6 inches and about 48 inches. The width of the panel can be between about 1 inch and about 12 inches, and the height of the panel can be between about 0.5 inches and about 48 inches. In some embodiments, the length of the panel can be about 18 inches, the width of the panel can be about 4 inches, and the height of a panel can be about 6 inches. Suitable materials for the operational panel can include any non-corrosive material, including but not limited to stainless steel, coated aluminum, titanium, aluminum alloys, and combinations thereof. In some embodiments, the material of the operational panel can be 304 stainless steel. [0120] The system can further comprise a control manager. The control manager of the system can manage the charge control of power from the solar panel to the battery. The control manager can also include a short circuit protection. The short circuit protection can determine if there is a short in the panel, for example, a short caused by weather. If a short has been found, then the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared. For example, the short circuit protection can determine if the short has cleared after a time of between 30 seconds and about 5 minutes, in some embodiments about one minute. When the short has cleared, the short circuit protection can turn the panel back to an operational mode. If the short has not cleared, the short circuit protection can put the system into a safe mode (i.e. off), until the short has cleared. If the short has not cleared after between about 12 hours and about 72 hours, in some embodiments about 24 hours, a signal or message can be sent to a user. The control manager can also be used to turn the system to an operational mode. The control manager can compare the battery voltage to the solar panel. When the battery voltage is greater than the solar panel, the panel can turn on (i.e. operational mode). The control manager can also be equipped with a timer that turns the system, or components of the system, on and off as desired. In some embodiments, the operational period can be between about 8-12 hours. In other embodiments, when the battery voltage is less than the solar panel, the panel can turn off. The panel can be operational from dusk for a period of time. The period of time can be between about 8 hours and 12 hours, in some embodiments about 10 hours, in other embodiments longer than 12 hours depending upon power availability. [0121] Components in the system can be monitored remotely. In some embodiments, the control manager panel can also monitor components in the system. A user can be notified, for example, when battery power is low, if the system is not working correctly (for example if there is an issue with a solar panel), if the life of a battery is low, or if the system is not optimally working (for example if the solar panel is not receiving optimal sunlight). Other components can also be monitored and recorded for the user, which can be remotely transmitted to the user. Thus, in some embodiments, the system can include a signal generator. [0122] Advantageously, while power can be drawn to the system during the day with the solar panel, the system can be operational only after dusk. By operating during dark hours of the day, the system cannot and does not attract pollinating insects that are active during the light hours of the day. Rather, the operation of the insect attracting elements are configured to not attract pollinating insects. Instead, the system can be used at that time period to attract insects that are harmful to agriculture and humans. These insects can be selected from the group consisting of an insect from a subject/order selected from the group consisting of mitsubishi, orthopteran, homopterous, rhynogta, coleopteran, lepidoptera, hymenoptera, diptera, and combinations thereof. Specific insects include termites, crickets, slugs, locusts, leaf hoppers, bugs, moths, chafers, scarabs, worms, longicorns, weevils, mosquitos, maggots, cockroaches, house flies, wasps, buzzers, green leafhoppers, migratory locusts, slugs, green leafhoppers, tettigonlidaes, northern china crickets, house termites, a Huainan local termites, black wing local termites, green mirid bugs, banana lace bugs, ping stinkbugs, changes stinkbugs, strip bee green stinkbugs, velvety chafers, verdigris scarabs, apple gooding worms, mulberry longicorns, spotted cerabycids, black sani tortoises, white spotted flower chafers, codling moths, a. transitella —navel orangewood worms, corn ear worm moths, green scaly weevils, grape horn worms, cacaecia crateagans, copper geometrides, twill leaf miners, bore fruit moths, cut worms, pine caterpillars, navicular caterpillars, persimmon fruit worms, oriental moths, grape said encleiades, locusts, plow solid bees, plow stem buzzers, wasps, peach wasps, mosquitoes, yellow fever mosquitos, zika carrying mosquitoes, dengue carrying mosquitoes, lutzomyia corn seed maggots, orange euribiidaes, and combinations thereof. [0123] The system can be mounted using any suitable device or tool. By way of example, the system can be mounted on a pole or on the side of a building. A framed hanger can be used to mount the system. Furthermore, multiple operational panels can be combined to form a system. FIG. 1 illustrates a manner in which the present invention can function to lure and terminate pest insects. The present invention can be a system 100 that includes a solar panel 102 (i.e. photovoltaic panel). The solar panel 102 can collect energy that can be stored in a battery 105 . While a single battery is illustrated in FIG. 1 , one skilled in the art would understand that multiple batteries can be used for storage of energy without deviating from the invention. A charge controller can be used to protect the batteries from over charging. The battery 104 can be used in conjunction with an inverter to provide the AC power needed to drive the operation panel. The battery can also power a power supply 101 . The battery 104 can also work to power a heated strip 108 , spot LEDs 106 , and provide power for the electrified grid (illustrated in FIG. 2 ). The heated strip 108 can increase the vapor pressure of the pheromones and increase the distance of pheromone spread to attract insects. The number of spot LEDs 106 can vary without deviating from the invention. The spot LEDs 106 can be selected for any wavelength to act as an attractant. Typically, this wavelength can be shorter than about 420 nm. The spot LEDs 106 and a light source 112 , which can be a EL lamp, can flash at a rate that affects insects, but not to humans. The light source 112 , the spot LEDs 106 , the heated strip 108 can be housed in an operational power 114 . [0124] FIG. 2 illustrates an operation panel 200 according to aspects of the present disclosure. The attraction sensory panel 202 can include the light source 206 with the option for a heated strip 208 to release pheromones. While FIG. 2 illustrates the attraction sensory panel 200 as being along the width of the operational panel 200 , one skilled in the art would understand that the attraction sensory panel 202 could be lengthwise along the operational panel 200 without deviating from the invention. The attraction sensory panel 202 illustrates the light source 206 as three spot LEDs (though any number of light sources can be used) to attract insects. Insects are attracted quickly at a shorter range, and longer for longer range. In front of the attraction sensory panel 202 can be at least one electrified grid 204 . In some embodiments, as illustrated in FIG. 2 , two electrified grids 204 can be used that function as a zapper to eliminate insects as they contact the operational panel 200 . The electrocuted insects can be discarded through openings in the operational panel 200 (not illustrated). The operational panel 200 can also include a protective panel 210 to prevent people or large animals, birds, or humans from harm. The two electrified grids 204 can be set apart from one another by a small distance, in order for the bug to complete the circuit as it touches both screens, thus eradicating the pest. According to aspects of the present disclosure, in at least some embodiments the separation may be on the order of 0.05 inches to about 0.75 inches. [0125] FIG. 3 is a diagram 300 of the major electrical and control components in the electroluminescent device according to aspects of the present disclosure. The solar panel 302 can collect energy that can be limited by a charge controller 304 . This charge controller 304 can limit power from the solar panel 302 from overcharging and damaging the battery 306 . This energy can then be stored in the battery 306 which feeds energy into the power supply 308 . This power supply 308 can provide the correct output voltages and frequencies for the light source 312 (including spot LEDs), the operational panel 314 , heated pheromone strip 310 , and the electrical grid 316 . [0126] FIG. 4 illustrates the layers contained within the printed EL lamp 400 according to aspects of the present disclosure. The printed EL lamp can be printed with a traditional screen printing process. The substrate 402 can be any suitable material, including plastics and textiles. The ability to vary the substrate 402 offers flexibility to the entire printed lamp. A sealant layer 404 can also be applied to the substrate 402 if desired. Suitable sealant layer 404 materials include, but are not limited to, polymers that are screen printed as a liquid, then undergo free radical polymerization when exposed to UV light. The sealant layer 404 can be between about 50 microns to about 150 microns thick, in some embodiments about 100 microns thick. Furthermore, the sealant can also be used on the sides of the EL lamp down to the substrate 402 . At least one front electrode 406 can be included in a clear conductor layer 408 . The electrode can be any suitable conductive material. The EL lamp 400 can also include at least one rear electrode 410 and a clear conductor layer 408 . By way of example only, the front or rear electrodes 406 / 408 can be made with silver flake used in the buss bars. The clear conductor layer 408 can be any suitable material, including poly(3.4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate. The front and rear electrodes 406 / 408 can energize the phosphor layer 412 and dielectric layer 414 when power is supplied to the power supply. The phosphor layer 412 and dielectric layer 414 can act as a capacitor dielectric by turning the changing electric field to light. The dielectric layer 414 can be emphasized to increase the sound output as the energized electrodes produce vibrational responses in the dielectric layer 414 . The dielectric layer 414 can contain high dielectric constant compounds bound (which can include a barium titanate or barium/strontium titanate material) into a polymer matrix (where polyurethane or similar material can be a binder for the matrix). The sealant layer and the substrate layer can protect the lamp from shorting, adversely affecting the environmental conditions. FIG. 4 illustrates the sealant layer covering the top clear conductive layer of the EL lamp. In practice, the sealant can also cover the sides of the EL lamp. [0127] FIG. 5 illustrates an embodiment of the electronics 500 of the insect control device according to aspects of the present disclosure. The electronics include a solar panel 502 which can be connected to a battery 506 (or batteries) through a charge controller 504 . The charge controller 504 can control the charged level of the battery so that the battery is not overcharged. The battery 506 can be connected to a microprocessor 508 , which can power and control a boost inverter 510 , and a light source 512 . The battery 506 can also be directly connected to a light source 512 . The boost inverter 510 can be powered by the battery 506 and used to power a light source 512 and a voltage multiplier 514 . The boost inverter 510 can determine if there is a short in the system and turn the system off if necessary. The voltage multiplier 514 can be used to power the electrical grid 516 . In some embodiments, the battery 506 can directly power the electrical grid 516 . [0128] FIG. 6 depicts an embodiment of the present invention in an agricultural field. As illustrated, the system is mounted to a pole in the field. The system 600 includes a solar panel 602 , and the operational panel 614 comprising a light source and an electrical grid. A pheromone or scent source can also be included in the system. FIG. 7 depicts an embodiment of the present invention mounted to a building. The system 700 includes a solar panel, and the panel comprising a light source and an electrical grid. A pheromone or scent source can also be included in the system. [0129] FIG. 8 illustrates an embodiment of a box 800 before components are added to the box. Five sides 801 comprise the box leaving one side open to receive the operative components, including the attraction sensory panel. FIG. 9 illustrates an embodiment of a fully assembled operational panel 914 with the attraction sensory panel 902 , including the three light sources 906 and two pheromone/food scent stripes 908 on each side of the light sources 906 . A protective panel 910 is also illustrated in FIG. 9 . [0130] Ranges have been discussed and used within the forgoing description. One skilled in the art would understand that any sub-range within the stated range would be suitable, as would any number within the broad range, without deviating from the invention. [0131] The foregoing description of the present invention has been presented for purposes of illustration and description. Furthermore, the description is not intended to limit the invention to the form disclosed herein. Consequently, variations and modifications commensurate with the above teachings, and the skill or knowledge of the relevant art, are within the scope of the present invention. The embodiment described hereinabove is further intended to explain the best mode known for practicing the invention and to enable others skilled in the art to utilize the invention in such, or other, embodiments and with various modifications required by the particular applications or uses of the present invention. It is intended that the appended claims be construed to include alternative embodiments to the extent permitted by the prior art.
An environmentally friendly method and device to eliminate insect pests utilizing lighting, sound, pheromones or scents, alone or in combination. This present invention to remove pests avoids the expense of biocide technologies that have not been developed fully, the damage to people and the environment from the use of dangerous chemical pesticides, and add to sustainable agriculture efforts including integrated pest management.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS Claiming Benefit Under 35 U.S.C. 120 This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/245,296, filed on Oct. 6, 2005 now U.S. Pat. No. 7,484,012, now under allowance, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/034,725, filed on Dec. 19, 2001, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 6,993,596, and which was related to related to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/710,926, filed on Nov. 9, 2000, all filed by Heather M. Hinton. FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT This invention was not developed in conjunction with any Federally sponsored contract. MICROFICHE APPENDIX Not applicable. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE The related U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/245,296, filed on Oct. 6, 2005, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/034,725, filed on Dec. 19, 2001, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/710,926, filed on Nov. 9, 2000, are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties, including figures and Information Disclosure Statements. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/245,296, filed on Oct. 6, 2005, now under allowance, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/034,725,, filed on Dec. 19, 2001, now issued as U.S. Pat. No. 6,993,596, and which was related to related to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/710,926, filed on Nov. 9, 2000, by Heather M. Hinton. This invention relates to online user identification, authentication, and authorization systems and methods, and especially to cross-domain log on technologies and technologies which create and manage virtual communities of online users. 2. Description of the Related Art Each Internet user is served by a “home domain”, which is a domain in which a user is “registered”. A user typically “logs in” to his or her home domain using a user ID or name and password. Then, after successfully completing a log in process, the user is allowed to access secured information and resources within the home domain to which the user is entitled to access or use according to the user's account definition. The user, then, has a ‘long term relationship’ with his or her home domain. In addition, the home domain itself may have ‘long term’ relationships with other domains. For example, a search engine web site provider may maintain a long term relationship with a service provider, such as an online insurance quote provider. This is a typical characteristic especially for business-to-business (“B2B”) and e-community domains, where one domain (e.g. the home domain) is responsible for user registration issues, including such issues as help desk support and password management. Often, a user will access resources in different (“participating”) domains on behalf of their home domain. In some instances, the user will have to resubmit to a log in or authentication process as he or she moves from the home domain to another domain. To address this problem, the related patent application described a method to allow a user to transfer to another participating, secure domain without having to re-authenticate to this second domain. This process was referred to as “cross-domain single-sign-on”. The drawback with the method described in the related patent application is that a user can only transfer to a participating domain directly from the user's home domain, and not across from one participating domain to another participating domain. While being of some usefulness to the user, this process effectively requires the user to return to the home domain before proceeding to another participating domain rather than going directly to the other participating domain. Still other available solutions to this problem do not allow for a “long term” relationship with a domain that is not the home domain in which a user is registered or initially authenticates. These other solutions require a user to transfer to a new domain via the user's authenticating domain, usually by triggering a hypertext transfer protocol (“HTTP”) redirection to the new domain. Therefore, there is a need in the art for a cross-domain single-sign-on system and method which allows an Internet user to establish a long-term relationship with participating domains, and which gives the user the ability to go directly to participating domains, via bookmarks or direct URL's for example, without having to go through a home domain first. Further, there is a need in the art for this new system and method to provide a simple user experience wherein the user does not need to know anything about the e-community in which he or she is participating. Another advantage of the approach proposed in this invention is that it is easy to implement, easy to use, and provides a secure method of cross-domain single-sign-on functionality. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The following detailed description when taken in conjunction with the figures presented herein provide a complete disclosure of the invention. FIG. 1 illustrates a simple e-community architecture. FIG. 2 shows a first portion of the logical process of the invention for a user to enroll in a specific domain within an e-community. FIG. 3 shows a second portion of the logical process of the invention for a user to enroll in a specific domain within an e-community. FIG. 4 sets forth the high-level logical process according to the invention for registering, enrolling, authenticating, vouching for, authorizing, participating, and disengaging to and from an e-community by a user. FIG. 5 shows a first portion of the logical process of the invention for a user to enroll in a group of participating domains within an e-community. FIG. 6 shows a second portion of the logical process of the invention for a user to enroll in a group of participating domains within an e-community. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention allows an Internet user to transfer directly to a domain that is participating in the e-community, by means such as a Bookmark or a directly-typed URL, without the necessity of returning to a home domain prior to transferring to the participating domain. This enhances the usability of the e-community and set of participating domains, and allows the user to build a long-term relationship with multiple participating domains, all within the scope of an e-community. Initially, a user registers in a “home domain”, where the user establishes a valid user account and password. Subsequently, a user may first authenticate (e.g. log-in to) a home domain, which creates and holds a credential for the user. Later, the user may attempt to access or use resources in another domain affiliated with the e-community from the user's home domain which results in the home domain sending an enrollment request message to the affiliated domain with an enrollment request token. The enrollment request is sent via the user's browser using HTTP redirection. Included in this request is a home domain identity cookie (DIDC) set by the home domain. The user's browser extracts and stores the home DIDC. The affiliated site receives the enrollment request message, unpacks the enrollment request token, and builds an affiliated domain identity cookie (affiliated DIDC) for that user. An enrollment success message is sent by the affiliated domain to the home domain, including the affiliated DIDC and a success indicator. Again, the message is sent via the user's browser using redirection. The user's browser extracts and stores the affiliated DIDC. The home domain receives the enrollment success message and modifies the home DIDC to include a “enrolled at affiliated domain” token in a portion of extensible data in the home DIDC. This updated home DIDC is then transmitted to the user's browser, where it is stored in the persistent cookie store. Enrollment into other affiliated domains may proceed similarly until the user has enrolled in all user-selected affiliated domains, or has been automatically enrolled in all domains belonging to a group of affiliated domains. This enrollment may be explicitly initiated by a user for a single domain or for a group of affiliated domains. The enrollment process may also be automatically (e.g. “under the covers”) triggered based on a user's actions. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention extends or builds upon the invention of the related patent application. As such, the web-based cross-domain single-sign-on (“CD-SSO”) authentication system and method of the related patent application forms a part of the preferred embodiment of the present invention. It will be recognized, though, by those skilled in the art that the present invention may be utilized and realized in conjunction with other user authentication technologies and processes. In particular, an “introductory authentication token”, as described in the related patent application, is an integral part of the present invention. For the purposes of the present disclosure, the introductory authentication token will be referred to as a “vouch-for” token. An “enrollment” function is added to the process of the related patent application, and the vouch-for token is expanded to include extensible metadata. The present invention does not require an SSL connection to be established for the transfer of the vouch-for token. Further according to the preferred embodiment, this disclosure presents the e-community single-sign-on functionality as disclosed in the related and incorporated patent application. This functionality can be implemented as a part of an existing security policy management product, as a “plug-in” to an existing Web proxy server, such as Netscape or Microsoft IIS, or as a plug-in to an existing Web application server, such as IBM WebSphere Application Server. It will be readily recognized by those skilled in the art that implementation with other web services software and platforms is possible without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. The present invention is designed with the requirements for global corporations and for “e-communities”, such as B2B relationships, in mind. These requirements are for: a. Single-sign on functionality between e-community members within a DNS domain. b. Single-sign on functionality between e-community members across DNS domains (such as and c. Co-existence with existing infrastructure: this solution can be implemented as a plug-in, allowing plugging it in to a wide variety of front end Web Servers. d. Extensible data included in enrollment tokens to be used for personalization and branding purposes (not for security purposes). The goals met by the preferred embodiment of the present invention are: a. to provide a Cross-domain single-sign-on functionality that can work with existing systems with minimal software and hardware modifications/additions; b. realize a CD-SSO functionality that does not require a “master authentication” server c. provide a CD-SSO solution that is scalable to tens of millions of users; d. provide a CD-SSO functionality with the ability to transfer “meta-data” such as is used for branding or co-branding purposes; e. provide a CD-SSO functionality which fits within the “extranet” space. Process Participants According to the present invention, an “e-community” has many different “participants”, including e-community members, or domains corresponding to the business units that are participating in the e-community, and users who are employees or clients of the e-community members. In general, a user is an employee of one and only one e-community member, so this e-community member represents the user's home domain. Within the e-community, there are specific roles that must be filled. An e-community “owner-member” is the e-community member that maintains common functionality required by all e-community members. An example of this type of functionality would be enrolling new members into the e-community. “Key administrators” are able to invoke the key management functionality at the e-community owner-member, where each e-community member will have one or more key administrators. “User administrators” may invoke limited user administration functionality at other e-community members. This user administration functionality is preferably limited to user creation, deletion and identity mapping for users in the “e-community” groups only. This allows each e-community member to manage their own users and to have limited responsibility for other e-community member's users. An e-community has, in general, more than two participants. FIG. 1 illustrates a simple e-community architecture, where a user ( 100 ) accesses the e-community from their browser. In this example, there are three participants in the e-community: the user's home domain ( 103 ), an “other” domain ( 106 ) and “another” domain ( 108 ). Within the home domain ( 103 ), there are two web “front-ends”. The e-community functionality is preferably implemented as part of these front-ends as a e-Community SSO plug-in ( 109 ). The front-ends ( 101 , 104 , and 107 ) may represent “clusters” (e.g. a set of replicas), or they may represent single machines. Process Phases The process is designed to handle all combinations of in-domain and out-of-domain requests to protected as well as unprotected resources by a user that is or is not already authenticated into the CD-SSO domain. The CD-SSO process ( 40 ) contains the following steps, as shown in FIG. 4 : a. registration of the user into the e-community (a prerequisite of the protocol) ( 41 ), and/or registration of a member (or domain) into the e-community ( 41 ′); b. enrollment of the user into the e-community ( 42 ) and or enrollment of a member (or domain) into the e-community ( 42 ′); c. authentication ( 43 ) of user into the user's “home” domain within the e-community; d. subsequently vouching ( 44 ) for the user's authenticated identity by the home domain to a participating e-community domain; e. authorization ( 45 ) of the user in the e-community; f. participation ( 48 ) in e-community (e.g. user accesses or uses resources of domains in e-community) g. logging out ( 46 ) of user from the e-community; and i. removal ( 47 ) of the member from the e-community. At any time during the process ( 40 ), if the process is deemed to have “failed”, that is, any of the authentication verification tasks fail, then an “access denied” message is returned ( 49 ) to the user and the process stops. Protected Versus Plaintext Versions of Process According to the preferred embodiment, this process is intended to be used with “protection” on the tokens used to transfer and maintain state information. This protection is in the form of encryption for confidentiality, and hashes for integrity. For those installations that use this e-community single-sign-on functionality for personalization purposes and which do not have strong security requirements, this encryption and hashing may be omitted. This disclosure describes the secure version of this process. User Perspective of e-Community Enrollment Process in General Participants in the e-community must be “registered” into the domain. This means that the participant must have a valid user identify in at least one of the member domains that is within the e-community. There is one and only one domain that is defined as a user's home domain. For example, an employee of IBM would have as his or her home domain when participating in an e-community relationship with ACME, REMCO, and Registration into the e-community home domain is not a part of this process—it is a requirement for this functionality. Each member of the e-community must have some means of mapping the identity of a user from another domain into an identity that is valid within that member's domain. The e-community solution provides an exit so that each e-community member can provide their own identity mapping procedure. This functionality will be established when enrolling a member into the e-community. User enrollment into the e-community is the act of establishing a relationship between a user and the e-community members. Enrollment requires that a user have a valid account established within the user's home domain. As a result of enrollment into the e-community, a user will have a “domain identity cookie” (“DIDC”) established by each of the participating e-community domains. This domain identity cookie will be used by the individual e-community members when implementing the single-sign-on functionality. The purpose of the domain identity cookie is to identify the user's “home” domain, to identify a URL in the user's home domain that can “vouch for” the user's identify, and to identify the e-community in which this user is a participant. The DIDC can also be used for personalization purposes, such as branding or co-branding based on the user's home domain. The DIDC may also be used to distinguish which e-communities of multiple e-communities to which a user belongs. A user enrolls in the e-community through his or her home domain. As a prerequisite for enrolling in the e-community, the user is required to authenticate to his or her home domain. This allows for an access control decision to determine if the user has “e-community” privileges. Thus, not all of a company's employees, for example, will be allowed to participate in an e-community relationship. Enrollment in the e-community may require an explicit action on the part of the user, or it may be implemented as an “under-the-covers” automatic enrollment functionality triggered by the user's actions. Once this process has been initiated, it is the responsibility of the user's home domain to enroll the user in all participating e-community domains. There are two ways that enrollment can be accomplished, according to the preferred embodiment. The first method of enrollment enrolls the user at a group of affiliated sites; this is referred to as “group enrollment”. This group corresponds to the minimal set of affiliate sites in which all users must be enrolled. For example, this may correspond to a set of distinct DNS named resources for a single corporation. The second method of enrollment enrolls a user at a specific individual site; this is referred to as “individual enrollment”. This method of enrollment is activated through an “enroll at X” hyperlink that in turns invokes the enrollment functionality to enroll a user in domain “X” only. Group Enrollment Process During group enrollment, a user is enrolled in a set of domains that make up a “minimal” set of domains within the e-community. This group may be defined by the user's home domain, and may correspond to the common set of domains required by all users participating in a given e-community. When a user activates the group enrollment functionality, the user is preferably redirected from one domain to another, until each domain has been visited once. The user's home domain is responsible for redirecting the user to each of the participating domains for the purpose of enrolling in the e-community following a “star” topology. This allows the home domain to determine and report the status of each enrollment attempt across the e-community. This functionality may be implemented as part of an “e-community portal enrollment” resource. That is, each participant within the e-community will provide an “enrollment” page with the resources required to trigger the enrollment functionality. The functionality behind the “enroll” resource is responsible for re-directing a response through the user to every participating domain in the e-community in turn. The group enrollment process ( 50 ) is shown in FIG. 5 , based on the components shown in FIG. 1 . This example assumes that the user has not previously enrolled in the e-community, and that a user does not have any domain identity cookies from any of the e-community members. First, the user ( 100 ) accesses ( 51 ) an “enroll in e-community” resource at domain ( 103 ), at which time the SSO plug-in ( 109 ) at home domain ( 101 ) receives ( 52 ) this request and checks ( 53 ) if the user ( 100 ) has authenticated to the home domain ( 101 ). If the user has not already authenticated to the home domain, the SSO plug-in ( 109 ) at the home domain prompts ( 54 ) user ( 100 ) for authentication information, and performs ( 55 ) authentication verification. Once the user has been authenticated, an access control decision is made to determine if the user is able to enroll in the e-community ( 56 ). According to the preferred embodiment, this authorization check is performed by the security policy server authorization engine. If the user is not entitled to enroll in the e-community, the process stops ( 57 ) with an error message issued to the user. If the user is permitted to enroll in the e-community, the process continues with the SSO plug-in ( 103 ) at the home domain building ( 58 ) a single-sign-on cookie, e-Community cookie, such as: eCC( 101 )={Auth Server=101, URI at Auth, e-community=sample, creation date=Nov 1, 2000, extensible attribute=value pairs}, hash(info) where the extensible data is configured by member “ 103 .” Next, the SSO plug-in ( 103 ) consults ( 59 ) an internal resource list to determine who are the participants in the e-community. This list contains the other domain ( 106 ) and another domain ( 108 ). The plug-in ( 109 ) then builds an identity cookie DIDC ( 103 ) and an “enrollment token” for the user ( 100 ), and creates a response, re-directed to the other community domain ( 106 ). As previously discussed, the enrollment token can be sent “in the clear” or cryptographically protected. Continuing to FIG. 6 , the user's browser extracts ( 62 ) the DIDC and stores it in the browser's persistent cookie store, such as storing it in a cookie folder on a hard disk drive, and redirects the response to the other community domain ( 106 ). The plug-in ( 109 ) at the other domain ( 106 ) front-end ( 104 ) receives ( 63 ) the enrollment request from the home domain front-end ( 101 ) which was redirected through the user ( 100 ). The plug-in ( 109 ) at the other domain's front end ( 104 ) “unpacks” the enrollment token, and builds an domain identity cookie for the user for the other domain ( 106 ). An “enrollment successful” message is then sent to the home domain's front-end ( 101 ) via redirection ( 63 ) through the user's browser ( 100 ) along with the domain identity cookie for the other domain ( 106 ). During redirection ( 64 ) at the user's browser, the user's browser extracts ( 64 ) the DIDC for the other domain ( 106 ) and puts it in the browser's persistent cookie store. Finally, the home domain ( 103 ) plug-in ( 109 ) at the first front-end ( 101 ) receives ( 65 ) the redirected “enrollment successful at other domain” message. The SSO plug-in ( 103 ) at the first front-end ( 101 ) modifies ( 65 ) the home domain DIDC to include an “enrollment success at other domain” symbol in the extensible attribute data. This modified cookie is then returned ( 65 ) to the user in the next response from the first front-end ( 101 ). In this manner, the home domain DIDC is “built up” or accumulated to include indicators of successful enrollments at affiliated domains within the e-community. This process may continue for additional domains in the e-community, using the user's browser as a re-direction node in the communication path to pass enrollment tokens and success tokens between the home domain and the affiliated domains, as shown in the remaining steps of FIG. 6 ( 66 - 602 ). As a result of this process, the user's browser receives a persistent domain identity cookie set by each of the e-community members ( 103 , 106 , 108 ) in which the user has successfully been enrolled. According to the preferred embodiment, the cookie format is: DIDC(x)={home domain=103, vouch for, e-community=sample, creation date=Nov 1, 2000, extensible data(x)=data(x)}, hash(info) Further, the user may be fully enrolled or partially enrolled. The behavior of the home domain is preferably configurable in the case when enrollment fails at an affiliated domain, such that the home domain plug-in can re-attempt enrollment at an affiliated domain until it is successful, or it can report an error to the user (and the e-community administrator). Additionally, the user's browser now has a memory-based single-sign-on cookie set by the front-end that authenticated the user, in this case the first front-end ( 101 ) at the user's home domain. According to the preferred embodiment, the SSO cookie has the format: eCC( 101 )={Auth Server=101, URI at Auth, e-community=sample, creation date=Nov 1, 2000, extensible attribute-value pairs}, hash(info) Individual Affiliate Site Enrollment Process Enrollment of a user at an individual affiliate site enrollment is the process of enrolling a user at one participating e-community domain. It is a degenerate case of group enrollment, where the group size is just one. Enrollment at an individual affiliate site typically occurs when a user activates an “enroll at site X” link at the e-community home domain, or if a user requests a link to a resource at site X from the home domain. Thus, the e-community home is designed to maintain an “enrollment page” with a list of all the individual sites at which a user may chose to enroll. Because different users will chose to enroll at different affiliate sites, each time a user invokes the individual affiliate site enrollment, the user's domain identity cookie at the e-community home is updated to include the identity of the site at which the user has enrolled. The user's DIDC, as set by the e-community home domain, maintains a list of all the affiliate sites at which the user has explicitly enrolled. In order to protect this list should a user purge their cookie cache, a copy of this list may also be kept at the server side, preferably in the user's lightweight directory access protocol (“LDAP”) record so that the complete identity cookie can be rebuilt if necessary. The individual affiliate enrollment process occurs as follows, again based on the components shown in FIG. 1 , where the user is enrolling in site X (e.g. site X could be the “other domain”, for example). In this example, we also assume that the user has already enrolled in the e-community, and that the user has an existing DIDC from their e-community home domain. First, the user ( 100 ) accesses ( 21 ) an “enroll at site X” resource which is preferably provided by his or her home domain ( 103 ). The SSO plug-in ( 109 ) at the first front-end ( 101 ) of the home domain receives ( 22 ) this request, and checks ( 23 ) if user ( 100 ) has already been authenticated to the home domain front-end ( 101 ). If the user has not already been authenticated to the home domain, then the SSO plug-in ( 109 ) prompts ( 24 ) the user ( 100 ) for authentication information (e.g. user name and password), and performs ( 25 ) authentication verification. Once the user is authenticated (or if the user has already been authenticated), the SSO plug-in ( 109 ) at the home domain front-end ( 101 ) builds ( 26 ) a single-sign-on e-Community cookie such as: eCC( 101 )={Auth Server=home domain( 101 ), URI at Auth, e-community=sample, creation date=Nov 1, 2000, extensible attribute=value pairs}, hash(info) where the extensible data is configured by the authenticating e-community member, which is in this example the home domain ( 103 ). Next, an access control decision is made ( 27 ) to determine if the user is able to enroll in the e-community at the affiliated site. If not, the process stops with an error message to the user ( 28 ), otherwise, the process continues. An “enrollment token” for the affiliate site is built ( 29 ) by the SSO plug-in ( 109 ) at the home domain front-end ( 101 ), and sent to the affiliate site via redirection through the user's browser ( 100 ). As with the group enrollment process, the enrollment token can be sent “in the clear” or cryptographically protected. As with the group enrollment process, the user's browser ( 100 ) extracts and stores ( 31 ) the cookie, and redirects (e.g. forwards) the message with the cookie to the affiliate domain. The SSO plug-in ( 109 ) at the affiliate domain ( 106 ) front-end ( 104 ) receives the enrollment request, “unpacks” the enrollment token, builds a domain identity cookie for the user for the affiliate site, and returns ( 32 ) the DIDC with the changes to the home domain via redirection through the user's browser ( 100 ). Similarly to the group enrollment process previously described, the user's browser receives ( 33 ) the DIDC from the affiliate site, extracts and stores a copy of the DIDC in persistent cookie storage, and forwards the message with the DIDC to the home domain, where it is received ( 34 ) by the SSO plug-in ( 109 ) at the home domain front-end ( 101 ). Upon receipt of the DIDC from the affiliate domain, the home domain SSO plug-in modifies the DIDC to include an “enrollment success at affiliate site X” symbol in the extensible attribute data. This cookie is then returned to the user's browser in the next response from the home domain. As with the group enrollment process, the DIDC is built-up or accumulated to include the enrollment status of the user with respect to the individual affiliate site, such as: DIDC(x)={home domain=103, vouch for, e-community=sample, creation date=Nov 1, 2000, extensible data(x)=data(x)}, hash(info) According to the preferred embodiment, the behavior of the SSO plug-in at the home domain is configurable to allow automatic retries to enroll at the affiliate site if the initial attempt fails, and/or to include notification to an administrator of the attempted and failed enrollment at the affiliate site. Authentication of a User into Their Home Domain in the e-Community User enrollment in the e-community does not correspond to authentication into the e-community. Enrollment into the e-community is intended to initiate a long-term relationship between the user and the e-community domains. Authenticating into the e-community is required to initiate a short-term relationship (e.g. a single session) such that the user can engage in e-community actions. According to the preferred embodiment, the user can authenticate only to his or her home domain, which may be accomplished by explicitly logging into their home domain or by requesting a resource either within the home domain or in a domain within the e-community in which the user has enrolled that requires an access control decision and therefore user authentication. These types of authentication processes are well known in the art, and many suitable authentication products and servers are available for this purpose. Therefore, in one advantage of the present invention, our e-community single-sign-on process does not require any changes to existing authentication procedures. Successful authentication, will, however, results in an “e-community” cookie being placed at the user side. If a user requests a protected resource in another domain, then authentication information must be transferred across the e-community. A method for accomplishing this is described later in this disclosure. Still, according to the preferred embodiment, the actual authentication of a user can happen in only one place—their home domain. As a result of authentication, the SSO plug-in generates an “e-Community Cookie” (an eCC or e-community cookie) that acts as an “authenticator bookmark”. This cookie is a memory cookie that is valid within the DNS domain, and will therefore be sent to any other server within the DNS domain. The eCC identifies the server that authenticated the user and a URI pointing to an authentication script that can vouch for the user within a given domain. Only the one instance within a DNS domain that authenticates the user or first receives an authentication “vouch-for” message sets an e-community cookie at the user's browser. As such, a user has one e-community cookie set for each domain at which it has a current, authenticated (or vouched-for) session. The e-community cookie indicates the security server or other plug-in location, and a URI at a plug-in location that can provide an authentication “vouch for” token for that user. This cookie is a domain cookie and can therefore be sent to any server in the domain that created it. This allows for simplified single-sign-on capabilities within a domain that is partitioned by multiple security server domains. As an example, consider a hypothetical site “” that is partitioned so that there is a distinct security policy server set of replicas protecting each of the engineering, accounting, and human resource departments. In this situation, if a user authenticates (or is vouched for) first to engineering, they will have a domain-wide e-community cookie set by the engineering security policy server. When this user then goes to the accounting server, this e-community cookie indicates that the user has a current, authenticated session, and that the accounting server need not re-authenticate the user. Instead, the replica will request a voice-for token from the authenticating server as indicated in the eCC. Vouching for User Identity Across the e-Community This is the process was described in the related patent application, and is utilized by the present invention. The process of vouching for a user's identity is sometimes referred to “transferring of authentication information” across the e-community. The implementation of the preferred embodiment does not transfer authentication information, however. Instead, the user's home domain vouches for the identity of a user to another domain. This means that each member is responsible for managing the users in their domain and for providing a rule set of mapping the vouched-for identities from other domains. The vouch-for process occurs when a non-home front-end receives a request from a user that includes a domain identity cookie (DIDC) but not an e-community cookie (ECC) generated by that front-end. There are several steps to this process: (1) Identification that user is in the e-community but has a different home domain; (2) Requesting (via re-direction) the user's home domain to “vouch for” the user; (3) Authentication of the user at the home domain (if not already authenticated); (4) Generation of a “vouch for token” (VT) to transfer back to the requesting domain a re-directed response; and, (5) Parsing of VT and creating of valid session for the user. A prerequisite for the transfer of authentication information across domains is that the user has already enrolled in the e-community. If there is no DIDC cookie, the front-end will treat the user as a “normal” internal user (as opposed to a participant in the e-community) and will attempt to authenticate the user. Information is passed from the home domain to other domains in the e-community through a “vouch for token,” or VT. The VT is used to vouch for the authenticity of the user's identity to the other e-community domains. The VT will be created for each e-community domain only when requested and cannot be used by any e-community domain other than the intended domain. The VT is “transitory” in that it exists for the re-direction only and will not reside, ever, in the user's persistent or memory cookie stores. The VT is protected by encryption, as well. The VT is included in a response that is redirected back to the “requesting” e-community domain. When the requesting front-end/domain receives the response, it parses the VT, maps the user's identity to a local identity, creates an entry in the server cache, performs an access control decision and provides the appropriate response to the user's request. This front-end is now able to vouch for this user's identity within the domain. Process for Transferring Vouch-For Information Across Domains Vouch for information is transferred across domains when a user requests a resource in a domain other than their home domain, where the request requires an authenticated identity. Referring again to the components of FIG. 1 , the overall transferring vouch for information across domains is described as follows, assuming that the user does not have an eCC cookie for this front-end and that the user already has DIDC cookie for this domain: (1) The user requests access to a resource protected by a plug-in at an associated domain ( 106 ). Included in this request is DIDC for the associated domain, such as: DIDC( 106 )={home domain=103, vouch for, e-community=sample, creation date=Nov 1, 2000}, hash(info). (2) The plug-in at the associated domain front-end ( 104 ) determines that it does not have a current, vouched-for or authenticated session for this user ( 100 ). This could be based on the presence or absence of an eCC cookie set by the associated domain front-end ( 104 ), or some other means, such as SSL session ID mapping as used by Policy Director with secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS). (3) The plug-in at the associated domain front-end ( 104 ) looks for an eCC cookie set by a different front-end within the associated domain ( 106 ). If present, this would indicate that the user has a session with a different front-end within the associated domain ( 106 ). (4) The plug-in then “parses” the DIDC( 106 ) cookie to determine the user's home domain, a URI in their home domain that can vouch for the user's identity, the e-community in which they are enrolled, and a creation/update timestamp. (5) The plug-in also verifies (from the timestamp) that the user's enrollment has not expired. If the user's enrollment has expired, plug-in will respond to the user with an “enrollment expired, please re-enroll in e-community X” message and the processing will stop. (6) Otherwise, the plug-in generates a response to the user, which is re-directed to the home domain and requesting front-end ( 101 ), requesting that domain 103 vouch for the user's identity. (7) The user's browser ( 100 ) then re-directs the response from the affiliated domain front-end ( 104 ) to the home domain front-end ( 101 ), including the home domain DIDC. (8) The home domain plug-in at the first front-end ( 101 ) receives the “vouch-for” request from the affiliated domain front-end ( 104 ) via the user's browser ( 100 ), and determines if the user has a currently authenticated session within the home domain ( 103 ). If not, the plug-in initiates an authentication process, as previously described. (9) The home domain plug-in at the first front-end ( 101 ) updates the timestamp in user eCC from the first front-end ( 101 ). (10) Based on the authenticated identity, the first front-end ( 101 ) builds a “Vouch-For Token” (VT) to provide the vouch-for information to the affiliated domain ( 106 ), such as: VT=E{Tag=VT, userid=jsmith, home domain=103, e-community=sample, timestamp=00.01:01, extensible attribute=value pairs} where the information is encrypted, E{---}. (11) The home domain plug-in constructs a response to the affiliated domain front-end ( 104 ), which is sent via redirection through the user's browser ( 100 ) with the VT appended to the URI. The updated eCC is included in this response. (12) The user's browser ( 100 ) extracts the eCC cookie and puts it in its memory store, and redirects (e.g. forwards) the message on to the affiliated domain's front-end ( 104 ). (13) The affiliated domain's front-end ( 104 ) plug-in ( 109 ) receives the re-directed response originating from the home domain, and extracts the VT from the URI. (14) The affiliated domain plug-in then extracts the information in the VT, and verifies the timestamp. If the timestamp is not “fresh”, there may have been an unnecessary delay in transferring the information, so the affiliated domain plug-in may reinitiate the request to vouch for identity. (15) Based on the user's identity and home domain, and optionally the extensible data, the affiliated domain plug-in maps the user to a username that is valid within the affiliated domain ( 106 ), and the affiliated domain front-end ( 104 ) then creates a credential for the user for use in subsequent access control decisions. (16) The affiliated domain plug-in the creates an eCC cookie for the user, such as: eCC( 104 )={Auth Server=104, URI at Auth, e-community=sample, creation date=Nov. 1, 2000, extensible attribute=value pairs}, hash(info) (17) The affiliated domain plug-in performs an access control decision on the protected resource given the user's identity and credential. (18) The affiliated domain plug-in responds to the user's browser ( 100 ) based on the results of the access control decision, including the eCC for the affiliated domain front-end ( 104 ). (19) The user's browser ( 100 ) receives the response and stores the eCC for the affiliated domain's front-end ( 104 ) in its cookie store. As a result, the following conditions are established: a. The user's browser ( 100 ) has a memory single-sign-on cookie set by the affiliated domain's front-end ( 104 ), such as: eCC( 104 )={Auth Server=104, URI at Auth, e-community=sample, creation date=Nov. 1, 2000, extensible attribute=value pairs}, hash(info) b. The user is also authenticated to his home domain ( 103 ). Authorization in the New CD-SSO Domain When a user has successfully transferred to a participating e-community domain, authorization is performed as previously described, allowing a domain-specific user identity to be established as part of the cross-domain single-sign-on. Based on this user id, the web front-end can retrieve the user's credentials and perform the normal access control decision. Logout of the e-Community According to the preferred embodiment, a user can be “logged out” of an e-community session in one of several ways. A user can explicitly logout, the user can end their browser session, or the user can logout by virtue of an inactivity timeout. As a result of the logout procedure, the user's e-community cookies and any other session state management “records” are invalidated. In the first method of log-out, when the user ends all active browser sessions, such by closing their web browser software, the user's host cookies including all e-community cookies are invalidated and any active SSL sessions are terminated. This means that the e-community SSO functionality is no longer usable—the user must re-authenticate to the e-community. This form of logout requires no changes or modifications to the policy server or the e-community functionality. The disadvantage of this type of logout is that it is not “recorded” at the server side, and the e-community plug-in does not know that the user has terminated their session. If a user's session did not occur over a protected link, then it would be possible for an attacker to steal the user's e-community cookie and replay it to “establish” a session with the server. This is one reason why we recommend that all communications occur over SSL or a similar protected link where possible. In the second method of log-out, inactivity logout may occur when a user's SSL session expires when using a security policy server which supports session timeouts. The duration of an SSL session is browser dependent, but generally configured to eight hours. This type of “logout” will not lead to a complete logout of the e-community but will provide a “staggered” logout, where the user is logged out of each individual domain as his SSL session with that domain expires. If the eCC cookie is being used for state management, inactivity logout will occur when the lifetime as dated from the creation date of the e-community cookie expires. This approach must deal with clock-skew across replicas and clusters within a domain. The only way to get an inactivity logout based on the e-community cookie would be to put a timestamp in the eCC and to require the front-end to check this timestamp, regardless of the presence of a valid SSL connection. According to the third method of log-out, if the user invokes an explicit logout command, the e-community plug-in may “kill” the existing SSL session and all SSL sessions within other e-community domains, as well as expire the e-community generated e-community cookies. The logout functionality is preferably maintained in the “e-community portal”, and may be integrated with the enrollment functionality. The home domain preferably redirects logout messages to all e-community domains in which the user has enrolled based on the user profile stored in their domain identity cookie(s). It is the responsibility of these other domains to expire the user's e-community cookies and to handle the log-out functionality within their domain. Key Management Issues The present e-community single-sign-on invention requires one set of “keys”, a set of symmetric keys used to protect the tokens such as vouch-for, enrollment and logout tokens. These keys are preferably maintained in an extensible markup language (“XML”) table. This data can, at its finest level of granularity, be maintained pairwise between all members of the e-community. In basic embodiment, there may be only one set of keys shared by all members of the e-community. According to the preferred embodiment using a standard web security policy server, a table will be provided that can be populated on a pairwise basis, initialized with universally shared keys. Further according to the preferred embodiment, all re-keying should be done manually, including the regeneration and distribution to all affiliates of the shared keying material. This approach allows for periodic re-keying of the encryption keys used. This is configurable for the installation, and will apply to the entire e-community. This can be triggered when a member joins or leaves the e-community or if for some reason any member has reason to request a re-key. Cookies and Tokens The invention uses tokens and HTTP cookies. Tokens are transitory blocks of data used to communicate across domains, while cookies follow well-known HTTP specifications and are used to store information for a given domain. Tokens are preferably protected cryptographically using encryption, using HTTPS or other suitable means. A symmetric shared key is used for the encryption of the tokens exchanged. It is recommended that this key be updated on a regular, frequent basis. As such, this implementation should facilitate the updating of shared keying material. The CryptoLite package from IBM-Zurich may be used to provide the encryption algorithms for this functionality. Tokens are used to pass information across DNS domains. They are appended to the URI in the HTTP request/response message and are preferably limited to 2 Kbyte according to the preferred embodiment in order to meet industry standards for URI size limitations in the HTTP header. The enrollment token is used to introduce a user's identity to participating e-community domains, as previously described. The enrollment token contains the following data items: a. An ET tag: This is used to identify the token as an ET token. b. The user's home domain: Together with the user's identity as received in the vouch-for token, this is used to map the user to an identity that is valid within the new domain. c. The e-community identity: This is used to identify which e-community the user is participating in. d. A vouch-for resource: This is a URL that contains some form of active content that can authenticate the user (if necessary) and build a “vouch for” token. e. A timestamp: This is used to limit the lifetime of the enrollment token. The lifetime is configurable so that different implementations can allow for enrollment tokens with varying lifetimes. f. Extensible data: Attribute-value pairs which may be used by the “introduced to” domain. g. Hashed information: All of the preceding information a-f is preferably signed with a keyed hash for non-repudiation purposes. This data is also limited in size. The entire hashed, encrypted ET token, together with the redirected URI cannot exceed 2 Kbytes. A sample enrollment token for user Jane Doe may look like the following: Enrollment token:=Tag=ET,, e-communityIdentity=f3Closed,, timestamp=11:10:00 2 Nov 2000, group=accountant}, hash(info) A refresh enrollment token is the same as the enrollment token, with a “refresh enrollment” tag instead of an “enrollment” tag. A refresh enrollment token is used to indicate that a refresh action is required on a user's existing identity cookie. A SSO plug-in takes the user's domain identity cookie and refreshes the cookie timestamp based on the correlation of information in the re-enrollment token and the user's domain identity cookie. If a refresh enrollment token is received and the user does not have a domain identity cookie in that domain, the SSO plug-in may create a new enrollment token based on the information in the refresh enrollment token. A vouch-for token (“VT”) is used to vouch for the identity of an already authenticated user to a domain other than the user's home domain. The token contains the following data items: a. VT tag: This is used to identify the token as a VT token. b. The user's identity: Together with the user's home domain this is used to map the user to an identity that is valid within the new domain. c. The user's home domain: Together with the user's identity this is used to map the user to an identity that is valid within the new domain. d. The e-community identity: This is used to identify which e-community the user is participating in. e. Extensible data in the form of attribute-value pairs may be used by the “introduced to” domain. This data is also limited in size: the entire hashed, encrypted VT token, together with the redirected URI cannot exceed 2 Kbytes. f. A timestamp: This is used to limit the lifetime of the enrollment token. The lifetime is configurable so that different implementations can allow for enrollment tokens with varying lifetimes. A same vouch for token for user Jane Doe may look like the following: Vouch For Token :=E{Tag=VT, UserIdentity=jjdoe,, e-communityIdentity=f3Closed, timestamp=11:10:00 2 Nov 2000, group=accountant, role=manager} Cookies are preferably used to maintain persistent data between a user and a given domain. The persistent identity cookies used in the preferred embodiment do not contain any security relevant information, and simple possession of a domain identity cookie does not provide access to a system. The e-community memory cookies contain security relevant information such that possession of an e-community cookie may provide access to a particular session. This situation arises if the e-community cookie is being used for state management (for unprotected HTTP communications). This implies that the e-community cookies should be protected against theft. A domain identity cookie (“DIDC”) is a persistent cookie that resides in the user's cookie “jar”, such as a cookie.txt file. This cookie is used to identify the e-community in which the user has enrolled, and their e-community in which the user is participating, and a timestamp. The identity cookie may also include extensible data in the form of attribute=value pairs. This information is used as follows: a. The e-community identity is used to identify which e-community the user is participating in. b. The vouch for resource will be a URL that contains some form of active content that can authenticate the user (if necessary) and build a “vouch for” token. c. Extensible data in the form of attribute-value pairs may be used by the “introduced to” domain. This data will not be signed or encrypted (see note below). This data is also limited in size such that the entire domain identity cookie cannot exceed 4 Kbytes, according to the preferred embodiment. d. The timestamp is used to limit the lifetime of the enrollment token. The lifetime is configurable so that different implementations can allow for enrollment tokens with varying lifetimes. e. The information is hashed for integrity protection. A sample domain identity cookie from domain “” for user Jane Doe may look like the following: DIDC( :={Home, e-communityIdentity=f3Closed, timestamp=11:10:00 2 Nov 2000, branding=ibm_sun alliance}, hash(info) According to the preferred embodiment, the information in the domain identity cookie is not be protected by encryption. The domain identity cookie is intended to a piece of information for long-term use. Thus, if it were encrypted, the key management issues would be complicated beyond the benefits of this information. So, the domain identity cookie may or may not be protected by keyed hash. The keyed hash protection will at most provide integrity protection on the data in the cookie. Thus, the data that is included in the cookie should not be security relevant, but should be limited to information used for branding and personalization purposes. As possession of an identity cookie by itself is not enough to provide access to a system, it does not provide a potential attacker with any form of advantage to steal such a cookie. The DIDC cookie is timestamp “refreshed” every time a user authenticates or is vouched-for within a domain within the e-community. This cookie is also refreshed as a result of a refresh request. Note that the structure of the domain identity cookie as set by the e-community home domain is slightly different. In the extensible data field there is a list or a pointer to a list of all the individual affiliate sites where the user has explicitly enrolled. Turning now to the e-community cookie (eCC), it resides in the user's browser cookie memory. The eCC is used to identify the Web server cluster, within a given domain, that can vouch for a user's identity, and is not encrypted. The eCC has a timestamp and optionally extensible data, as well, which is refreshed upon every request to the Web server containing the e-community SSO plug-in. An eCC is valid for only for the duration of a browser session, and it is expired when a user invokes logout functionality. The e-community cookie contains the following data items: a. A local vouch for Web server: this will identify which web server (within a cluster or within the domain) has received the vouch for information from the user's home domain. b. A local vouch for resource: this will be a URL that contains some form of active content that can vouch for the user within the scope of the local domain. c. Extensible data: Attribute-value pairs may be included. d. A timestamp: this is used to limit the lifetime of the enrollment token. The lifetime is configurable so that different implementations can allow for enrollment tokens with varying lifetimes. e. Hash information: This data will be signed with a keyed hash for non-repudiation purposes. This data is also limited in size: the entire identity cookie cannot exceed 2 Kbytes. A sample e-community cookie from domain “” for user Jane Doe appears as such: eCC( :={, LocalVouch, eCommunity ID=f3Closed, timestamp=11:1000 2 Nov 2000, group=accountant, role=manager, role=approver, approval limit=$50,000}, hash(info) Non-Secured Implementation of e-Community SSO Not all implementations of an e-community will require strong protection on e-community communications. An example of this type of implementation would be a B2C environment or a similar environment that did not have legal and liability implications attached to the misuse of a user's identity. For these situations, it is possible to configure the e-community functionality to not implement cryptographic protection on the cookies and tokens used to maintain and transfer information within the e-community. They will be required to maintain some form of active content for populating metadata to the cross-domain tokens. The vouch-for tokens are normally all encrypted in the secure process. In the non-secured implementation of the e-community process, they are not confidentiality or integrity protected. A sample enrollment token in such a case may appear as: Enrollment Token:=Tag=ET,, e-communityIdentity=aolShopping,, timestamp=11:10:00 1 Nov 2000, group=consumer Further, a sample vouch-for token in such a case may take the form of: Vouch For Token:=Tag=VT,, e-communityIdentity=aolShopping, timestamp=15:10:00 2 Nov 2000 These tokens should be used in unprotected format only when there is no risk associated with the theft and replay of these tokens. Neither the eCC or DIDC cookie is normally confidentiality or integrity protected in the secured process, and as such, there are no changes required for the unsecured version of this process. While a preferred embodiment has been disclosed along with aspects of alternate embodiments, it will be recognized by those skilled in the art that certain variations and substitutions from the methods, systems and arrangements disclosed will not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention. Therefore, the scope of the present invention should be determined by the following claims.
An Internet user transfers directly to a domain within an e-community without returning to a home domain or reauthenticating by providing to a web browser by a home domain server a home identity cookie with an extensible data area and an enrollment token; performing enrollment through an e-community for a web-browser user by redirecting the home identity cookie via the web browser to each affiliated domain in the e-community until each has been visited once; responsive to each visit to each affiliated domain, sending an affiliated domain identity cookie to the web browser including an enrollment successful indicator; accumulating received enrollment success indicators in the extensible data area of the home identity cookie; and subsequently, vouching for an identity of the user at an affiliated domain through exchange of a vouch-for request and vouch-for response between the home domain server and an affiliated domain server.
TECHNICAL FIELD [0001] This invention relates to inventory management systems and the parameters used therein. In particular the invention deals with the calculation of optimum reorder parameters, optimizing service levels as well as minimizing cost. [0002] Inventory management systems using suitably programmed computers are not unknown as such. As an example may be cited the program system TRITON as supplied by Baan BV, The Netherlands. This program runs on a computer consisting of at least one processor, memory, input and output. [0003] A theoretical exposition of the functionality of such a system can be found in R. H. Ballou, Business Logistics Management, Prentice Hall Inc., 1992 or E. A. Silver and R. Peterson, Decision Systems for Inventory Management and Production Planning, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1985 BACKGROUND TO THE INVENTION [0004] The main aim of inventory management systems is to administrate and maintain a stock of items, such that ideally any order for any item can be filled from stock, while at the same time the stock of items is kept as low as is possible. Constraints such as maximum investment- and minimum service levels must be maintained. Excess of stock should be avoided. In other words, good inventory management involves providing a high product availability or item service level at a reasonable cost. [0005] The service level is defined as the ratio between the number of demands directly served from stock and the total number of demands or, alternatively, as ratio of served quantity and the total quantity demanded. SL= Served quantity/Total quantity [0006] The service level is a direct consequence of the, in time on the right moment, reordering process for the items in stock. For each item, dependent on the particular supplier of the item, an estimate of the lead time L may be derived. [0007] In order to enable demands to be served from stock during the lead time L, items have to be reordered when a sufficient stock quantity, but no more than that, is still available. This way the demand during the lead time L can be satisfied. [0008] To this end items are reordered when the stock quantity reaches a certain level, the reorder point ROP (see FIG. 1). This reorder point is chosen to enable demands during the lead time to be served, with a certain pre-defined desired service level SLcon. [0009] Another way of managing the stock consists of inspecting the quantity in stock at fixed time intervals (see FIG. 2.). Reordering occurs to a certain predefined, calculated maximum stock level MSL aimed at covering the demand for items during the time intervals between the inspections, with a certain pre-defined desired service level SLcon. [0010] Both methods may be used as well, if the items are not available from a supplier, but are produced in a batch-wise production with a limited production time and production setup time. [0011] Management methods are known, however they differ from the invention in their purpose, their implementation and their mathematical basis. [0012] U.S. Pat. No. 5,287,267, Feb. 15, 1994 [0013] This patent describes a method of controlling an inventory of parts, in particular components needed for the fabrication of products, the same part sometimes being used in a plurality of products, where the actual demand for the products is unknown. Based on estimated forecasts and confidence intervals for the different products, and bills of material, which express the quantities of the parts which are needed as components for each of the products, estimates of the total number of parts required are obtained. [0014] The optimum to an objective aimed at minimization of excess stock, is found using a standard iterative procedure where the solution is found by use of a parametric search on the value of a Lagrange multiplier. [0015] This patent describes a method of managing an inventory of fast moving consumables, predicting near future consumption by the use of statistics based on the recent past, sampling daily consumption patterns, differentiated by day-types. The method is heuristic and uses input and control by human expert knowledge. [0016] Patent EP 0 733 986 A2, Sept. 25, 1996 [0017] This patent describes a method of optimizing an inventory, based on a number of different criteria, such as a selected inventory investment or a service level constraint. A number of initial parameters such as forecasts are predefined. A level of an inventory investment or an inventory level constraint is found by marginal analysis. Gradients or slopes of constraint functions are used to improve the fit of an ensemble of parameters for the items concerned, to predefined service levels or investment constraints. Step-wise improved (on average) values for the ensemble can be obtained. This method is a refinement method for an initially known ensemble of parameters where optimal individual results are not guaranteed. AIM OF THE INVENTION [0018] Current methods of calculating the reorder point and maximum stock level MSL can be improved, in particular by improving the accuracy of the estimates of the variance of the consumption over a certain period of time. A mathematical method avoiding sampling by periods of time, deriving the solution by solving a mathematical expression, using the historical data directly, yields the information required. The invention indicates how this aim can be realized. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0019] In agreement with the aim given the present invention provides a system and method to calculate optimal inventory control parameters for the use in a computer based inventory management system, which comprises at least one processor, memory, input and output. The system consists of a computer program, which calculates the moment of reordering as well as the quantity to reorder. The calculation is characterized by the use of moments of the single demand probability functions P(Q) for each item in the inventory to calculate the reorder point ROP and reorder quantity or the maximum stock level MSL using the formulae E ( R )= A 1× E ( L )× E ( Q ) [0020] And Var ( R )= A 2× E ( L )× Var ( Q )+ A 3× E ( L )× E ( Q ) 2 +A 4 2 ×E ( Q ) 2 ×Var ( L ) [0021] Where [0022] Aj parameter depending on the distribution function of Tj [0023] Tj Time elapsed between the demands j-1 and j. [0024] L The lead time, reorder period or production time [0025] R Consumption in units over L [0026] Q(i) Quantity in the single demand i during lead time [0027] E(R) Expected consumption of item over L [0028] E(L) Expected value of L [0029] E(Q) Expected value for Q for any request i [0030] Var(R) Variance of R [0031] Var(Q) Variance of Q [0032] Var(L) Variance of L [0033] An alternative embodiment of the system comprises using the following formulae P  ( R ) = ∑ j = 0 n  w     j × P     j  ( R ) [0034] Where [0035] P(R) the probability distribution of R [0036] P(Q) the probability distribution of Q for any request i [0037] Pj(R) the jth selfconvolution of P(Q) (the joint probability for the total quantity of j requests) [0038] wj the statistical weight of the corresponding joint probability distribution for 1 . . . n simultaneous demands in lead time L. [0039] The reorder quantity is calculated from: SL  ( ROP ) = ∫ 0 ROP  P  ( R )      R [0040] In yet another alternative embodiment the following formula is applied SL  ( ROP ) = ∑ j = 1 n  w     j × F     j  ( ROP ) [0041] Where [0042] SL(ROP) Service level as function of the ROP [0043] Fj(ROP) The cumulative distribution function of Rj [0044] In still another alternative embodiment a completely general formula is applied: L  ( R ) = ∑ j = 1 n  w     j × [ L  ( Q ) ] j [0045] Where [0046] L(Q) the Fourier transform of P(Q) [0047] L(R) the Fourier transform of P(R) [0048] P(R) is found by back-transforming the result just once. [0049] P(R)=Fourier transform of (L(R)) [0050] From this expression ROP, given a desired service level SLcon, can be obtained directly. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0051] [0051]FIG. 1 depicts the Q-system. If the stock reaches the reorder point ROP, an order is created. The reorder point ROP is calculated in such a way as to enable serving demands for items during the lead time L, with a certain pre-defined desired service level SLcon. [0052] [0052]FIG. 2 depicts the fixed order cycle method, or the P-system, where on periodic time-intervals Tp an order is created. At periodic intervals, the quantity in stock is reviewed, and an order is created to re-supply the stock. The maximum stock level MSL enables demands to be served between inspections to a certain predefined service level SLcon. The lead time L is taken into account as well. [0053] [0053]FIG. 3 depicts the relation between the stock, the lead time and variability of the lead time, and demand and variability in demand. The in reality step-wise decrease of the inventory stock is depicted as straight lines, the slope representing the total quantity demanded in the lead time. [0054] [0054]FIG. 4 depicts a probability distribution which can be used to determine the reorder point. [0055] [0055]FIG. 5 depicts two ways of representing the historical consumption over time of an item: First, each demand for an item is represented by a bar, the length of which is proportional to the quantity requested. Alternatively, the historical consumption is represented by sampling the total quantity demanded over a specific period of time. [0056] [0056]FIG. 6 depicts two different demand patterns A and B, each are represented in two ways according to FIG. 5, as single demanded quantities representations A1 and B1, and as the demanded quantities sampled over periods, A2 and B2. [0057] [0057]FIG. 7 depicts the same demand pattern A, in two ways A2 and A3: As sampled by periods using the same sampling period intervals, the sampling period intervals of A3 have been shifted with respect to A2. [0058] [0058]FIG. 8 depicts a number of graphs clarifying the detailed description of the invention. [0059] [0059]FIG. 9 depicts a diagram illustrating an aspect in the detailed description of the invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0060] Using the values of the parameters calculated by the control system according to the invention, allows the inventory management system to optimize the service levels while minimizing the stock inventory and avoiding excess stock. The logistical parameters calculated by the system are: [0061] For the Q-system (R. H. Ballou, Business Logistics Management, Prentice Hall Inc., 1992) the reorder point and the reorder quantity. [0062] For the P-system (R. H. Ballou) or fixed order cycle method, the order to level or maximum stock level MSL and the periodic review period Tp. [0063] For both Q-system and P-system the break quantity or exceptional demanded quantity threshold and lead times are calculated as well. [0064] Currently, the reorder point is calculated as expected demand E(R), the so-called stock reserve SR, to which a quantity is added, the so-called safety stock SS, to cover larger than expected demand, caused by the variability in demand and lead times. See FIG. 3. [0065] The reorder point ROP for Q-systems and order to level MSL for P-systems are calculated in exactly the same manner, the only difference being that ROP depends on the lead time L, whereas MSL depends on Tp+L. Therefore the equations below are given for ROP only. Similar calculations are equally applicable if the items are not re-supplied by ordering from a supplier, but are produced in batch-wise production with a limited production time and production setup time. [0066] Current methods of determining reorder points generally use the following mechanism to estimate ROP: The probability distribution of P(R) is assumed to be a normal distribution (FIG. 4). If demand R>ROP, the demand will not be served. This constitutes the area or fraction p. The estimate of ROP is given by ROP=E ( R )+ Z×Sd ( R ) [0067] Where Z is given by Z=G−1(1−p) resulting in a service level s=(1−p)×100% (G is the standard normal distribution function). [0068] Sd(R) is estimated by several methods, the one most commonly used is based on the mean weighted average absolute difference of the consumption and forecast over a number of historical periods: MAD = ∑ i = 1 n  wi ×  Forecast  ( period     i ) - Real     demand  ( period     i )  [0069] Where the weights wi correspond generally to exponential smoothing, the factor 1.25 is used to convert the mean-absolute-deviation-value into the theoretical desired square-root-mean-squared-deviation Sd ( R )=1.25 ×MAD [0070] The value of MAD should be corrected for the difference between L and the forecast time on which MAD is based. [0071] A second method is based on an estimation of Sd(R) by direct estimation of the variance of the demand sampled in periodic intervals, to which an additional term is added, allowing for the variance of the lead time. Var ( R )= E ( L )× Var ( D )+[ E ( D )] 2 ×Var ( L ) [0072] Both of these methods are based on sampling the total quantity demanded D by periodic intervals only, rather than using the statistics based on individual demands. In this context terms such as “variability in demand” and “variance of demands” are not uncommon, however, this does not imply the use of individual demand statistics. [0073] Note that sampling of demands in intervals actually leads to loss of information: [0074] In FIG. 5, a bar represents a demand for a quantity q, the length of the bar is proportional to the quantity. A box represents the total demand D within a given period. [0075] Two different patterns of demand are represented in FIG. 6 in pattern A1 and B1 respectively, together with the presentation of the same demand patterns sampled in periodic intervals in A2 and B2. [0076] Clearly, sampling in a periodic way leads to the false conclusion that the non-identical patterns shown are in fact identical. [0077] Moreover, as is depicted in FIG. 7, small changes in—or shifts of the period of sampling of the same pattern may lead to radically different estimates for the variance of the distribution as can be seen from A2 and A3, both periodic presentations of the same demand pattern A1. (Note that where the variance is highly dependent on the way the pattern is sampled, changing the sampling or shifting the presentation does not influence the mean or average expected quantity for a sampling period.) [0078] Only the service level during lead time is important, the service level outside lead time is always at least equal to this. In the context of the invention, ROP is estimated from historic data while avoiding the problems mentioned above. [0079] A Rigorous Mathematical Formalism [0080] P(R) is derived from P(Q), where P(Q) is the empirical probability distribution, based on historical frequency data (FIG. 8.) which may be time-weighted using an empirical weighting scheme wq, down weighting inaccurate data and data obtained from a long time in the past. [0081] If the weighted frequency distribution is used, the sum of the corresponding weights is taken for all demanded quantities pertaining to a certain interval, instead of the number of times a demanded quantity pertains to the same interval. [0082] The historical frequency distribution is obtained by sampling Qi on a number of intervals q1, q2 . . . qm and counting the frequency of occurrence for each interval. F(qm)=frequency Qi in interval qm=sum of 1 (Qi in interval qm) [0083] The weighted frequency distribution is obtained by adding the to Qi corresponding weight wq instead of adding 1, when summing the number of occurrences for each interval. Fw(qm)=sum of wq (Qi in interval qm) [0084] Given a number of demands, for instance 3 (FIG. 9.), the joint probability distribution P3(R) for the total consumption R of 3 demands, can be constructed from the single demand probability distribution P(Q). [0085] The demand in the lead time, R, may arise from different numbers of demands j, each with a certain probability of occurring wj, and a probability distribution Pj(R) for the total quantity of the j demands. [0086] Therefore P(R) is derived as a series, P  ( R ) = ∑ j = 0 n  w     j × P     j  ( R ) ( formula     1 ) [0087] Where Pj(R) is the jth selfconvolution of P(Q) and wj is the statistical weight of the corresponding joint probability function for 1 . . . n simultaneous demands in the lead time L. [0088] In practice values of n>100 need not be considered, as then the alternative approach given below is valid. [0089] Under the assumption of the distribution of Ti being known—e.g. an exponential or truncated normal or Weibull, etc.—the coefficients wj can be calculated directly. This calculation of the coefficients can be modified to include the function P(L). [0090] In the case of the distribution of Ti being exponential, for wj a Poisson distribution is the result, with a mean demand number density A equal to the expected number of demands during L divided by L. Calculation of P(R) is then straightforward if the functions Pj are known. [0091] The functions Pj are not easily obtained directly, however estimates of sufficient accuracy of these convolutions are obtained by Fourier transformation of P(Q) and back-transforming the jth power of the transform obtained. However, P(R) may be obtained directly by first summing over j the jth powers of the transform of P(Q), L  ( R ) = ∑ j = 1 n  w     j × [ L  ( Q ) ] j ( formula     2 ) [0092] using the weights wj, and back-transforming the result just once. P(R)=Fourier transform (L(R))  (formula 3) [0093] From this expression, ROP, given a desired service level SLcon, can be calculated easily. The reorder quantity is now calculated in a conventional manner. SL  ( ROP ) = ∫ 0 ROP  P  ( R )      R ( formula     4 ) [0094] In order to improve the accuracy and avoid series termination effects in Fourier space, the Fourier-transform L(Q) can be multiplied with the, in the reciprocal space defined, weighting factor wL. L  ( R ) = ∑ j = 1 n  w     j × [ w     L × L  ( Q ) ] j ( formula     2  B ) [0095] Alternatively, for certain probability distributions of P(Q), such as a normal or a gamma distribution, Pj(R) can be found analytically for all values of j. The ROP can be calculated using formula 4 directly or from the cumulative distribution functions Fj of Pj(R) in formula 5. SL  ( ROP ) = ∑ j = 1 n  w     j × F     j  ( ROP ) ( formula     5 ) [0096] If the number of demands during lead time is sufficiently large, P(R) can be considered to be a normal distribution. In this case P(R) is fully defined by its mean value and variance. The mean may be obtained from E ( R )= A×E ( L )× E ( Q )  (formula 6) [0097] And the variance may be obtained from Var ( R )= A×E ( L )× Var ( Q )+ A×E ( L )× E ( Q ) 2 +A 2 ×E ( Q ) 2 ×Var ( L )  (formula 7) [0098] The advantage is obvious in terms of speed and efficiency. However, it must be stressed that this approach is only valid if de number of demands is high. [0099] Note that formula 7 comprises the (first and second moment, mean and variance) moments of the single demanded quantity probability distribution. The E(Q), Var(Q) may be time-weighted using an empirical weighting scheme wq, down weighting inaccurate data and data obtained from sampling a long time in the past. E ( Q )=Σ wq×Qj/Σwq [0100] And Var ( Q )=Σ wq× ( Qj−E ( Q )) 2 /Σwq [0101] If in the Q-system the quantity in stock drops below the reorder point ROP by serving a demand, the calculation does not start at the reorder point ROP but at a point well below the reorder point. In order to compensate for this effect a correction term may be applied to the above mentioned formulae. [0102] Variables used in the description, for each item in the inventory: [0103] MAD Mean average absolute deviation between forecasted and actual consumption over a number of historical periods [0104] D Demand rate, total quantity demanded by period [0105] Var(D) Variance of D [0106] L The lead time, re-order period or production time [0107] P(L) Probability distribution function of L [0108] E(L) Expected value of L [0109] Var(L) Variance of L [0110] R Consumption in units over L [0111] P(R) Probability distribution function of R [0112] E(R) Expected consumption of item over L [0113] Var(R) Variance of R [0114] Sd(R) Standard deviation of R [0115] Tj Time elapsed between the (j-1)-th and the j-th demand [0116] P(T) Probability distribution function of Tj [0117] Rj Consumption in units of j demands over L [0118] Pj(R) Probability distribution function of Rj [0119] wj the statistical weight of the corresponding joint probability function Pj(R) for 1 . . . j simultaneous demands in lead time L. [0120] Fj(ROP) The cumulative distribution function of Rj [0121] Q(i) Quantity in the i-th single demand during lead time [0122] wq Empirical weighting scheme, down weighting inaccurate data [0123] P(Q) Probability distribution function of Q for any i [0124] E(Q) Expected value for Q for any i [0125] Var(Q) Variance of Q [0126] A Mean demand number density [0127] L(Q) Fourier transform of P(Q) [0128] L(R) Fourier transform of P(R) [0129] wL Weighting factor in reciprocal space [0130] ROP Reorder point [0131] SL Service level [0132] SL(ROP) Service level as function of the ROP [0133] SLcon Desired service level [0134] Tp The time between periodic reviews [0135] MSL Order-to-level or maximum-stock-level
A system designed for the calculation of control parameters for a computer based inventory management system according to the present invention comprises a computer program based on mathematical probabilities using statistical distribution functions. In the context of the invention a computer based inventory management system comprises an inventory management program system such as TRITON® as supplied by Baan BV, The Netherlands, running on a computer consisting of at least one processor, memory, input and output.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0002] The invention relates generally to devices and methods for removing water from a subterranean wellbore. [0003] 2. Description of the Related Art [0004] The presence of water is natural gas wells is a significant hindrance to the production of natural gas. Water naturally migrates into a wellbore along with natural gas from the surrounding formation. In the beginning of production, the gas flow rate is high lo enough that it carries the water to surface. As the well matures, the flow rate begins to drop. Eventually, water collects in the wellbore to the point where the production rate becomes very low. In some cases, the weight of the water increases pressure within the wellbore and prevents gas in the surrounding formation from entering the wellbore. [0005] Prior art approaches to the removal of water from a natural gas well are discussed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,211,242; 5,501,279 and 6,629,566. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0006] The invention provides devices and systems that are useful for removing water from a gas well. In accordance with systems and methods of the present invention, water is removed from a natural gas well using a piston pump is driven by a power fluid that is pumped into the wellbore. An exemplary hydraulic downhole pump is described that is double-acting and double-ended. However, other pump designs may be used, depending upon the depth of the wellbore and the desired output. [0007] In preferred embodiments, a pilot valve is used to actuate the pump. In the instance where a double-acting downhole pump is used, the cycling valve alternately directs a flow of power fluid into opposing hydraulic chambers in the downhole pump to actuate the downhole pump. [0008] In preferred embodiments, brine is used as the power fluid for the pump. A surface unit pumps filtered brine down a conduit to the downhole pump. The brine mixes with the produced water and is returned to the surface along with the produced water. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0009] The advantages and further aspects of the invention will be readily appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art as the same becomes better understood by reference to the following detailed description when considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which like reference characters designate like or similar elements throughout the several figures of the drawing and wherein: [0010] FIG. 1 is a side, cross-sectional view of an exemplary natural gas wellbore with a dewatering pump apparatus in accordance with the present invention. [0011] FIG. 2 is an enlarged, side cross-sectional view of downhole portions of the exemplary pump apparatus shown in FIG. 1 . [0012] FIG. 3 is a side cross-sectional view of the pump portions shown in FIG. 2 , now with the piston member having been shifted to a second position. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0013] FIG. 1 depicts an exemplary natural gas production wellbore 10 that has been drilled through the earth 12 down to a natural gas-bearing formation 14 . The wellbore 10 has been lined with casing 16 . Perforations 18 extend through the casing 16 and into the formation 14 . A production tubing string 20 extends downwardly into the wellbore 10 and is set into place by one or more packers 22 . An annulus 24 is defined between the production tubing string 20 and the casing 16 . A collection of water 26 is located at the lower end of the wellbore 10 . [0014] A dewatering apparatus, generally designated at 28 is disposed within the wellbore 10 through the production tubing string 20 . The dewatering device 28 generally includes a downhole hydraulic pump device 30 which has been disposed into the production tubing string 20 by a running string 32 . The running string 32 may be a wireline running string or a string of coiled tubing, as are known in the art. An inflow fluid conduit 34 is incorporated into or disposed along side of the running string 32 and extends from a fluid pump 36 , which is preferably located at the surface 38 , down to the pump device 30 . The pump 36 is operably interconnected with a supply of power fluid 40 . The power fluid 40 is an operating fluid for the downhole pump device 30 and is preferably filtered brine (salt water). A fluid return line 42 extends from the downhole pump 30 to the surface 38 wherein it is preferably associated with a fluid collection point 44 , such as a sump. In some preferred embodiment, a controller 46 is operably associated with the downhole pump 30 via a control line 48 . The controller 46 may be a preprogrammed programmable computer controller, of a type known in the art for actuating the pilot valve 54 of the downhole pump 30 in accordance with a predetermined scheme. In a currently preferred embodiment, the controller 46 operates the pilot valve 54 on a timer. During operation, the fluid pump 36 preferably flows power fluid down through the inflow fluid conduit 34 in a continuous manner. [0015] FIG. 2 illustrates an exemplary downhole pump 30 in greater detail. The pump device 30 includes a pilot control section 50 and a piston pump portion 52 . It can be seen that the inflow fluid conduit 34 runs into a pilot valve 54 within the control section 50 . A pilot valve is a known device which can be used to control the flow of fluid through the inflow conduit 34 and direct it into either of two chamber conduits 56 , 58 . An example of a suitable pilot valve for this application is an air-operated directional, four-way, direct acting, spool (4/2) control valve. Pilot valves of this type are available commercially from a number of manufacturers. One such valve suitable for use as the pilot valve 54 is the AODV-12-4A valve available from Command Controls Corporation of Elgin, Ill. In the depicted embodiment, the pilot valve 54 is operably interconnected via control line 48 to the controller 46 . A fluid exhaust line 59 extends from the pilot valve 54 to the fluid return line 42 . [0016] The pump portion 52 includes an elongated, generally cylindrical housing 60 which defines an interior piston chamber 62 . A piston member 64 is disposed within the piston chamber 62 and is axially moveable therewithin. The piston member 64 includes a central shaft portion 66 with a radially outwardly extending flange 68 . The flange 68 forms a fluid seal against the housing 60 with the preferred assistance of an annular seal ring 70 . The flange 68 divides the piston chamber 62 into upper and lower power chambers 72 , 74 , respectively. In FIG. 2 , the piston member 64 is shown in an axially upward position with respect to the housing 60 , and as a result, the volume within the upper chamber 72 is minimized, while the volume of the lower chamber 74 has been maximized. [0017] The housing 60 of the pump portion 52 as two axial ends 76 and 78 . A tubular sand screen 80 , of a type known in the art for filtering sand and other debris from fluid, is preferably secured to each axial end 76 , 78 . A first fluid inlet 80 is formed within the upper axial end 76 of the housing 60 to permit fluid communication between the sand screen 80 and the upper power chamber 73 . A one-way check valve 82 is located within the fluid inlet 80 so that fluid may pass into the upper power chamber 73 through the fluid inlet 80 , but cannot exit the upper power chamber 73 via the fluid inlet 80 . [0018] A second fluid inlet 84 is formed into the lower axial end 78 of the housing 60 to permit fluid communication between the lower sand screen 80 and the lower power chamber 75 . One-way check valve 86 is located within the second fluid inlet 84 to ensure that fluid may pass into the lower power chamber 75 through the fluid inlet 84 , but not exit the lower chamber 75 through the inlet 84 . [0019] A first fluid outlet 88 is also disposed within or near the upper axial end 76 of the housing 60 . A fluid conduit 90 extends between the fluid outlet 88 and the fluid return line 42 . A one-way check valve 92 is associated with the first fluid outlet 88 so that fluid may exit the upper power chamber 73 via the fluid outlet 88 but not enter the upper power chamber 73 via the fluid outlet 88 . [0020] A second fluid outlet 94 is formed within or near the lower axial end 78 of the housing 60 . The second fluid outlet 94 is associated with the fluid return line 42 so that fluid may be communicated from the lower fluid chamber 74 and the fluid return line 42 . A one-way check valve 96 is associated with the second fluid outlet 94 so that fluid may exit the lower power chamber 75 via the fluid outlet 94 but not enter the lower power chamber 75 via the fluid outlet 94 . [0021] In a preferred embodiment, the upper and lower power chambers 73 , 75 each contain collars 96 , 98 , respectively. The collars 96 , 98 function to guide the shaft 66 of the piston member 64 and provide a fluid seal against the shaft 66 preventing power fluid from flowing into chambers 73 or 75 . In addition, the collars 96 , 98 each include a power fluid inlet 100 , 102 , respectively, which are formed into the collar 96 or 98 . The first chamber conduit 56 is interconnected via a fluid inlet 96 with the upper power chamber 73 , while the second chamber conduit 58 is interconnected via fluid inlet 102 with the lower power chamber 75 . [0022] The pump portion 52 is a dual-acting and dual-ended pump. The pump portion 52 is dual-acting in that the pump portion 52 pumps fluid as the piston member 64 is moved axially both in the upward direction and in the downward direction, relative to the housing 60 . The pump portion 52 is dual-ended in that a pumping mechanism is provided at both axial ends 76 , 78 of the pump portion 52 . [0023] FIG. 3 depicts the pump 30 now moved from the position shown in FIG. 2 to a second, stroked position. The pilot valve 54 has flowed fluid through the chamber conduit 56 and into the upper power chamber 73 . Increased fluid pressure bears upon the flange 68 of the piston member 64 to urge it downwardly within the piston chamber 62 . As the piston member 64 moves downwardly, the volume of the upper power chamber 73 is increased while the volume of the lower power chamber 75 is decreased. As power fluid is flowed into the upper power chamber 73 through chamber conduit 56 , power fluid exits the lower power chamber 75 via the chamber conduit 58 . Power fluid exiting the lower chamber 75 via conduit 58 will be returned to the pilot valve 54 and directed by the pilot valve 54 to the fluid return line 42 via exhaust line 59 . Wellbore water within the lower power chamber 75 is pumped toward the surface 38 through the fluid outlet 94 , check valve 96 and fluid return line 42 . As the wellbore water enters the fluid return line 42 it is mixed with the power fluid from the lower power chamber 75 . At the same time, downward movement of the piston member 64 within the piston chamber 62 draws wellbore water into the upper power chamber 73 through the fluid inlet 82 . [0024] The pump 30 is then operated to move from the position shown in FIG. 3 , back to the position shown in FIG. 2 . The pilot valve 54 switches the flow of power fluid from the chamber conduit 56 to the chamber conduit 58 . This causes power fluid to enter the lower power chamber 75 through power fluid inlet 102 . Fluid pressure bears upon the flange 68 of the piston member 64 and urges the piston member 64 axially upwardly within the piston chamber 62 . As the piston member 64 moves upwardly, the shaft 66 displaces wellbore water 26 and power fluid from within the upper power chamber 73 . The displaced wellbore water is flowed through the fluid outlet 82 past check valve 92 and into the fluid return line 42 for return to the fluid collection point 44 . Power fluid within the upper power chamber 73 exits the upper chamber 73 via the chamber conduit 56 to the pilot valve 54 where it is directed via exhaust line 59 to the fluid return line 42 . Once within the return line 42 , the power fluid is mixed with wellbore water. Also, upward movement of the piston member 64 draws wellbore water 26 into the lower power chamber 75 via the fluid inlet 86 . [0025] As the pilot valve 54 continues to switch fluid flow between the two chamber is conduits 56 , 58 , the piston member 64 will be alternately moved axially upwardly and downwardly with respect to the housing 60 of the pump portion 52 in a reciprocating manner. Each axial movement of the piston member 64 , or stroke, of the piston member 64 , will result in an amount of wellbore water 26 being flowed upwardly through the fluid return line 42 to the collection point 44 . It is pointed out that, in FIG. 1 , the supply of operating fluid 40 is shown as separate from the fluid collection point 44 . However, those of skill in the art will understand that the fluid supply 40 and the collection point 44 may be combined. [0026] As noted, the controller 46 may operate the pilot valve 54 in accordance with a predetermined scheme, and, in a preferred embodiment, the pilot valve 54 is operated according to a time scheme from the controller 46 . In that case, the pilot valve 54 switches fluid flow between the two chamber conduits 56 , 58 for a particular amount of time that is sufficient to substantially completely shift the piston member 64 within the piston chamber 62 . In an alterative embodiment, the predetermined controller 46 scheme is based upon a substantially complete stroke of the piston member 64 within the piston chamber 62 . A substantially complete stroke would be when the piston member 64 has reached either its furthest upward position or furthest downward axial position with respect to the housing 60 . When the piston member 64 has achieved a substantially complete stroke, the pilot valve 54 will detect a pressure spike within either chamber line 56 or 58 . When the pressure spike is detected, the controller 46 will command the pilot valve 54 to switch the fluid flow between the chamber conduits 56 , 58 in order to move the piston member 64 in the opposite axial direction with respect to the housing 60 . [0027] The foregoing description is directed to particular embodiments of the present invention for the purpose of illustration and explanation. It will be apparent, however, to one skilled in the art that many modifications and changes to the embodiment set forth above are possible without departing from the scope and the spirit of the invention.
Water is removed from a natural gas well using a piston pump is driven by a power fluid that is pumped into the wellbore. The power fluid is intermixed within wellbore water and pumped out of the wellbore along with the removed water.
RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This is continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 09/400,436, filed on Sep. 21, 1999, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Ser. No. 09/011,924, filed on Jun. 8, 1998. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] The invention consists of a fixation device used to immobilize portions of a fractured bone relative to one another, and more specifically to a device to immobilize such portions of fractured bone by attaching an adjustable rigid frame to the fractured bone. DESCRIPTION OF RELATED ART [0003] A fixation device is known from DE 41 13 083 A1. This fixation device has three or four rings used as clamping jaws, said rings being designed as either closed or sector rings. The rings are connected with one another by rods. For mutual positioning of the rings, the rods are axially displaceable and pivotable with respect to the rings and can be clamped in position respective to the rings. Holders are provided on the rings for bone wires or bone fixation and retaining pins. [0004] The known fixation device permits free relative movement of the rings in space, so that the bone fragments can be positioned and repositioned very exactly. The fixation device is secured in a stable fashion in precisely set positions by clamping the rods to the rings. [0005] A fixation device is also known from DE 94 01 291 U, that has only two clamping jaws for provisional emergency care of the patient, with each sector ring having two holders for the clamping pins and with each holder having at least two receptacles for the clamping pins, i.e. the fixation and retaining pins. The receptacles are offset with respect to one another perpendicularly with respect to the plane of the sector ring. The clamping pins are designed as cylindrical pins that have a small point at their anterior ends, said point being capable of being pressed superficially into the bone. These clamping pins are provided with an external thread in their rear areas. After the clamping jaws are positioned, the clamping pins are then advanced by the suitably designed receptacle that cooperates with the external threads of the clamping pins until they rest on the surface of the bone and provide the necessary grip. This fixation of the clamping pins is cumbersome and time-consuming. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0006] The present invention is directed to a fixation device that substantially obviates one or more of the problems due to limitations and disadvantages of the related art. [0007] Additional features and advantages of the invention will be set forth in the description which follows, and in part will be apparent from the description, or may be learned by practice of the invention. The objectives and other advantages of the invention will be realized and attained by the apparatus and method particularly pointed out in the written description and claims hereof, as well as the appended drawings. [0008] To achieve these and other advantages and in accordance with the purpose of the invention, as embodied and broadly described, the invention is a fixation device with clamping jaws having rods connecting the clamping jaws, said rods being adjustable axially and angularly relative to the clamping jaws and being clampable in a desired position, and with fixation and retaining pins that can be received in a clampable fashion in the clamping jaws. The device has a fixation pin applicator releasably connectable with the clamping jaws, by means of which applicator a fixation pin can be brought into a desired position. [0009] Accordingly, the clamping jaws are releasably connectable with a fixation pin applicator, by means of which applicator a fixation pin can be brought into the corresponding desired position on the surface of the bone. [0010] The fixation device offers a minimally invasive alternative to surgery of fractures of bones such as, for example, the tibia. The individual fragments are secured in the area of the cortex in each instance without the medullary cavity being opened (so-called pinless nail method). The fixation device can be applied rapidly and simply because of the fixation pin applicator provided according to the invention, and permits intra operative and postoperative repositioning of the device and of the bone fragments in all planes. [0011] This technique avoids contamination of the medullary cavity. A direct procedural change to using the marrow nailing method poses no risk, i.e., it can be performed without an increased risk of infection. In addition, when the fixation device according to the invention is used, the device can remain in place even during marrow nailing, if that procedure is required, considerably simplifying marrow nailing and also allowing the procedure to be performed more rapidly. [0012] In a different embodiment, the invention is a fixation device that includes a fixation pin applicator that can be designed in the form of a pistol, and can have in addition to a fixed handle, a movable handle part by which a plunger acting on the fixation pin can be displaced. [0013] In the fixation pin applicator, a transport plate for moving the plunger against the force of a spring can be moved by the movable handle part. The plunger and therefore the fixation pin is thus moved toward the desired position by this transport plate. [0014] The fixation pin applicator can be secured to the clamping jaw by a latching mechanism with a catching pin in an especially simple fashion. To release the latching mechanism, the fixation pin applicator has an externally operable release that is connected to the spring loaded latching mechanism. The clamping jaw can also be held in place by a spring loaded ball affixed to the fixation pin applicator, and cooperating with a corresponding depression in the clamping jaw. [0015] The fixation device can consist of two clamping jaws that can be maintained in the desired position with respect to one another by corresponding rods. According to one advantageous embodiment of the invention, however, additional connecting elements can be linked to the clamping jaws, said elements having suitable clamping devices to receive additional rods and hence to connect additional clamping jaws. The fixation device can thus be expanded as desired. [0016] The fixation and retaining pins can have different shapes. In particular, the retaining pins can be made straight or bent. They can also be designed as so-called dual pins, which are forked pins located parallel to one another. The retaining pins can also be made spoon-shaped at their ends and provided with a plurality of points parallel to one another. These pins also can be in the form of single or dual pins. [0017] It is to be understood that both the foregoing general description and the following detailed description are exemplary and explanatory and are intended to provide further explanation of the invention as claimed. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0018] The accompanying drawings are included to provide a further understanding of the invention, are incorporated in and constitute a part of this specification, illustrate embodiments of the invention and, together with the description, serve to explain the objects, advantages, and principles of the invention. [0019] In the drawings, [0020] [0020]FIG. 1 is a side elevation view of the fixation device with the fixation pin applicator in place; [0021] [0021]FIG. 2 is a view as in FIG. 1, with the fixation pin applicator shown in another operating position; [0022] [0022]FIG. 3 is a perspective view showing two clamping jaws connected by two axial rods, according to an embodiment of the invention; [0023] [0023]FIG. 4 is a top plan view showing the two clamping jaws and axial rods shown in FIG. 3; [0024] [0024]FIG. 5 is an exploded view showing a clamping jaw according to the invention; [0025] [0025]FIG. 6 is a perspective view showing one embodiment of the retaining pin according to the invention; [0026] [0026]FIG. 7 is a perspective view illustrating the fixation device applied to a fractured bone; [0027] [0027]FIG. 8 is a perspective view showing a second embodiment of the retaining pin; [0028] [0028]FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating the connection process between the clamping jaw and the fixation pin applicator; [0029] [0029]FIG. 10 is a diagram showing an exploded view of an embodiment of the fixation pin applicator; and [0030] [0030]FIG. 11 is a cross sectional view of the fixation pin applicator shown in FIG. 10, also showing three views of the guide way. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS [0031] The fixation device is formed from a plurality of clamping jaws. FIGS. 1 and 2 show one such clamping jaw 10 , connected to a fixation pin applicator 22 . As shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, clamping jaws 10 can be formed from straight sections bent at an angle with respect to one another, but can also be formed of sector rings or of curved segments. Clamping jaws 10 are connected by axial rods 40 that are axially displaceable in the clamping jaws and can be pivoted relative to the plane of clamping jaws 10 . As a result, simple three-dimensional adjustment of clamping jaws 10 relative to one another is possible. [0032] [0032]FIGS. 3 and 4 show one embodiment of an arrangement of two clamping jaws 10 and two axial rods 40 . Axial rods 40 can pivot and can translate axially within clamping receptacles 12 . Once clamping jaws 10 are positioned in a desired relative position, the axial rods 40 can be fixed to the clamping jaws 10 in a manner to be described later, so as to maintain the desired relative position between the two clamping jaws 10 . In a preferred embodiment, the axial rods 40 are made of carbon fiber, however, other rigid materials could also be used. [0033] When the desired position of the clamping jaws 10 is reached, the axial rods 40 are immobilized to maintain both axial and rotational position with respect to clamping jaws 10 . Clamping jaws 10 are connected in stable fashion with one another, in a fixed relative position in space. [0034] In a different embodiment according to the invention, more than two clamping jaws 10 can be connected by axial rods 40 . This embodiment may require different sets of clamping receptacles 12 to connect respective pairs of clamping jaws with axial rods 40 . For example, an add-on jaw 100 can be attached to the clamping jaw 10 , as shown in FIG. 3. Add-on jaw 100 is similar to clamping jaw 10 , but does not have provisions for pins 20 and 14 . Two sets of axial rods 40 can be attached to the combination of clamping jaw 10 , and add-on jaw 100 , using the additional clamping receptacles 12 of the add-on jaw 100 , so that more than two clamping jaws 10 can be connected together. As shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, add-on jaw 100 can be, for example, placed on top of clamping jaw 10 using guide pins 104 that fit in guide holes 106 . Add-on jaw 100 can then be secured in place using fastener 102 fitting in fastener hole 108 . [0035] As shown in FIG. 7, the clamping jaws 10 must be positioned and then maintained in a precise configuration so that a fractured bone 18 can be immobilized in a position suitable for healing. The invention can be used advantageously to treat, for example, a fractured tibia. However, other bones can also be treated by the invention. It is thus necessary that the clamping jaws 10 and axial rods 40 be easily fixed in a desired relative position, with at least one clamping jaw 10 on each side of fracture 62 . [0036] Clamping jaws 10 have two clamping receptacles 12 to receive the axial rods, shown in detail in FIG. 5. Clamping receptacles 12 are equipped with clamping balls 50 that allow swiveling and axial translation of the rods, as described in greater detail in DE 41 13083A, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. DE 94 02 291 U describes a more general system for swiveling and axially moving rods that are connected to sector rings, and is also incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Clamping balls 50 have a passage 54 that extends diametrically across the ball, and is designed to receive axial rods 40 . Clamping balls 50 also have slots 52 cut on their surface, along meridian lines. Slots 52 allow clamping ball 50 to contract radially by a small amount when squeezed, so that the diameter of passage 54 is reduced. The specific configuration of the slots 52 is not important, as long as they allow a reduction in diameter of passage 54 when the clamping ball 50 is squeezed. [0037] Clamping jaw 10 is provided with a plate 56 used to squeeze clamping balls 50 . Each one of clamping balls 50 is placed in a countersunk hole 69 of clamping jaw 10 , and is held in place by plate 56 , plate 56 is attached to clamping jaw 10 with fasteners 58 , that can be, for example, screws. When screws 58 are loose, balls 50 are free to rotate in countersunk hole 69 , and the diameter of passage 54 is at its greatest value. When screws 58 are tightened, plate 56 squeezes clamping balls 50 against countersunk hole 69 , thus immobilizing them and minimizing the diameter of passage 54 , which in turn immobilizes axial rods 40 . The diameters of holes 69 and 68 are such that clamping balls 50 cannot pass through those holes. [0038] In operation, axial rods 40 are inserted in passages 54 of the clamping balls 50 of a pair of clamping jaws 10 , while screws 58 are loose. Once clamping jaws 10 are in the proper relative position, screws 58 are tightened, preventing further rotation of clamping balls 50 , and translation of axial rods 40 within passages 54 . The configuration of clamping jaws 10 and axial rods 40 cannot then be changed further. [0039] A preferred embodiment according to the invention uses two axial rods 40 per pair of clamping jaws 10 , with corresponding clamping receptacles 12 . However, a different number of axial rods can be used, depending on the desired rigidity of the assembly. Plate 56 can also be made of multiple segments, or of a single segment, as shown in the drawings. Other suitable methods of squeezing clamping balls 50 could also be used, such as an arrangement of springs. [0040] A retaining pin 14 can be inserted at one end of clamping jaw 10 , perpendicularly to clamping jaw 10 . This retaining pin 14 , as shown in the embodiment illustrated here, can be designed as a so-called double-spoon pin. For this purpose, retaining pin 14 is curved at its free end so that it is spoon-shaped, and can have a plurality of ridges or points 16 that serve for increased grip with the cortex of a bone 18 , as shown in FIG. 7. [0041] [0041]FIG. 6 shows one embodiment of a retaining pin 14 according to the invention. In this embodiment, retaining pin 14 has two prongs 42 and 44 that terminate in spoon shaped surfaces, with points 16 disposed on the concave side of the spoon shaped surfaces. As shown in FIG. 7, points 16 are designed to grip the surface of a bone 18 , to facilitate retaining the clamping jaw 10 in position with respect to the bone 18 . [0042] [0042]FIG. 8 shows a second embodiment of retaining pin 14 ′, where only one prong is used. The single prong includes a spoon shaped surface with a concave side having points 16 . Retaining pin 14 or 14 ′ is securely attached to clamping jaw 10 . This can be accomplished, for example, by using a set screw 46 shown in FIG. 5, or by any other suitable method, such as threading, spring loaded catches, or cotter pins. [0043] At the opposite free end of clamping jaw 10 , a fixation pin 20 is guided in an axially displaceable manner in the direction indicated by the double arrow “a”, as shown in FIGS. 1, 2. For axial displaceability of fixation pin 20 , in other words for positioning said pin in the cortex of bone 18 , a fixation pin applicator 22 is connected securely but releasably to clamping jaw 10 by a latching mechanism 24 , that will be described later. [0044] Fixation pin 20 slides freely in hole 70 of clamping jaw 10 , so that it can be positioned as desired abutting a portion of bone 18 , as shown in FIG. 7. Once bone 18 is securely held between retaining pin 14 and fixation pin 20 , the latter pin is secured in place on clamping jaw 10 , to firmly retain clamping jaw 10 in position on bone 18 . This is accomplished, for example, using a set nut 48 and bolt 49 shown in FIG. 5. For example, pin 20 can go through a hole in bolt 49 , so it is held in place when nut 48 is tightened on bolt 49 . [0045] Fixation pin 20 can be positioned rapidly and simply at the desired location using fixation pin applicator 22 . After fixation pin 20 has been positioned, in other words after points 26 of fixation pin 20 have engaged the cortex of bone 18 with a V-shaped portion of pin 20 , fixation pin 20 is secured to the clamping jaw as described above. After fixation pin 20 has been secured to the clamping jaw, fixation pin applicator 22 can be released from clamping jaw 10 , and the procedure can be repeated to position another clamping jaw 10 on bone 18 . [0046] Fixation pin applicator 22 , described with reference to FIGS. 1, 2, 10 and 11 , is designed in the shape of a pistol and has a fixed handle 28 and a housing 30 that resembles a pistol barrel. A piston or plunger 32 is located in housing 30 , said plunger being axially displaceable in the direction b indicated by the double arrow, said plunger acting on the fixation pin 20 inserted into fixation pin applicator 22 . Plunger 32 is displaceable by means of a transport plate 34 . This transport plate is impacted upon by a movable handle part 36 as the movable handle part is pivoted in the direction c indicated by the double arrow. This kinematic arrangement is apparent from a comparison of FIG. 1 showing handle part 36 in its initial position and FIG. 2 showing the handle part in its pivoted position. [0047] The operation of pin applicator 22 is conventional, and is designed to incrementally move plunger 32 towards passage 66 . For example, piston 32 abuts fixation pin 20 , which is loaded in hole 70 of clamping jaw 10 , and is kept in place within housing 30 by guide ways 72 as it is pushed towards bone 18 . A ratcheting mechanism, for example, can be used to allow motion of plunger 32 only in one direction, while fixation pin 20 is driven towards bone 18 . A release lever 38 is also mounted on fixation pin applicator 22 , said lever used to release piston 32 to pull it backwards, as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2. [0048] A pin 41 that is part of latching mechanism 24 engages a catch 64 formed in clamping jaw 10 . A bottom portion of clamping jaw 10 fits in an opening 66 of applicator 22 , as shown in FIGS. 1, 2, 9 and 10 . Once clamping jaw 10 is in position in opening 66 , pin 41 engages catch 64 , and keeps the two components attached. The fixation pin applicator can be released in simple fashion from clamping jaw 10 by actuating release lever 76 , which pulls pin 41 out of catch 64 . [0049] Thus, as shown in FIGS. 9, 10 and 11 , clamping jaw 10 is guided in opening 66 by guide ways 72 . Locking pin 41 is pushed by spring 74 towards catch 64 of the clamping jaw 10 , so that it automatically locks the clamping jaw in place once the jaw is positioned inside opening 66 . Locking pin 41 is moved away from catch 64 using pin release handle 76 , against the force of spring 74 , so that clamping jaw 10 can be released from housing 30 . [0050] In a different embodiment, locking pin 41 could be replaced by a spring loaded sphere, pressed against catch 64 with sufficient force to retain clamping jaw 10 in place in pin applicator 22 , while allowing separation of the two components if they are pulled apart. No actuator to release the two components is required for this embodiment. [0051] The operation of the fixation device according to the invention is described in the following, with reference to FIGS. 1, 2 and 7 . Clamping jaws 10 are initially fitted with the selected retaining pin 14 . Then the fixation pin applicator is connected to the clamping jaw, with a selected fixation pin 20 being inserted. This clamping jaw, provided with pins 14 and 20 , is placed over the portion of bone 18 where implantation is to occur and the appropriate perforations in the skin are marked. For each of the pins, or for each prong of the pins when applicable, a lengthwise incision approximately 8 to 10 mm long is made in the skin with a scalpel. The soft tissues are scraped away using a raspatory, and the bone is exposed down to the periosteum. [0052] The selected retaining pins 14 , attached to clamping jaw 10 , are then introduced into the soft tissues between the bone and the raspatory, until retaining pins 14 gain a sufficient grip in the vicinity of the rear edge of the bone 18 . Then fixation pin 20 , also connected to clamping jaw 10 , is introduced by means of fixation pin applicator 22 through the prepared skin incision in the area of the forward edge of the bone 18 , until proper bone contact is achieved. The implants are finally fixed in place by multiple actuation of handle 36 , which progressively pushes fixation pin 20 towards bone 18 . A sufficient grip of clamping jaw 10 is obtained when the injured extremity can be lifted at the clamping jaw from the support without the pins tearing loose. In the same fashion, the fragment opposite the fracture is secured with one or more clamping jaws 10 . [0053] When dual pins are used, it is sufficient to connect the clamping jaws located proximally and distally with respect to the fracture by means of sufficiently long rods. The fracture is repositioned, for example, while being viewed on an x-ray image converter. As soon as the fragments are in close proximity and the axes of the fragments have been aligned, final fixation of the rods is performed. [0054] It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various modifications and variations can be made in the structure and the methodology of the present invention, without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention. Thus, it is intended that the present invention cover the modifications and variations of this invention provided they come within the scope of the appended claims and their equivalents.
The invention relates to a fixation device with clamping jaws and with rods connecting the clamping jaws, said rods being adjustable axially and angularly for positioning relative to the clamping jaws and clampable in the desired position, and with fixation and retaining pins that are receivable in a clampable fashion in the clamping jaws. According to the invention, a fixation pin applicator can be connected in a releasable fashion to the clamping jaws. A fixation pin can be brought into a desired position by means of the fixation pin applicator.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION a. Field of the Invention The instant invention relates to catheters. In particular, the instant invention relates to a catheter with a steerable distal section having reduced variation in planarity during deflection. b. Background Art It is well-known that the pumping action of the heart is controlled by electrical stimulation of myocardial tissue. Stimulation of this tissue in various regions of the heart is controlled by a series of conduction pathways contained within the myocardial tissue. Cardiac arrhythmias arise when the pattern of the heartbeat is changed by abnormal impulse initiation or conduction in the myocardial tissue. Such disturbances often arise from additional conduction pathways which are present within the heart either from a congenital developmental abnormality or an acquired abnormality which changes the structure of the cardiac tissue, such as a myocardial infarction. One of the ways to treat such disturbances is to identify the conductive pathways and to sever part of this pathway by destroying these cells which make up a portion of the pathway. Traditionally, this has been done by either cutting the pathway surgically; freezing the tissue, thus destroying the cellular membranes; or by heating the cells, thus denaturing the cellular proteins. The resulting destruction of the cells eliminates their electrical conductivity, thus destroying, or ablating, a certain portion of the pathway. By eliminating a portion of the pathway, the pathway may no longer maintain the ability to conduct, and the arrhythmia ceases. The success and advancement of current therapies is dependent upon the development and use of more precise localization techniques which allow accurate anatomical determination of abnormal conductive pathways and other arrythmogenic sites. Historically, the electrophysiologist has had to compromise between placing the catheter in the place of greatest clinical interest and areas that are anatomically accessible. One area of advancement in improving localization techniques and accessing additional sites includes the use of curved and steerable catheters. Curved catheters offer improved maneuverability to specific, otherwise inaccessible sites by being shaped specifically to access a particular site. Although perhaps useful for some more accessible sites, the use of this type of catheter has limitations in reaching sites requiring active articulation during placement. Steerable catheters, which may also be pre-curved, proved additional advantages. While steerability of catheters has improved, there is a need to eliminate significant variations in planarity during deflection of the distal tips of catheters. In accordance with this invention, a catheter is provided that addresses and potentially eliminates significant variation in planarity during catheter tip deflection. The invention also offers a catheter capable of a multitude of angular shaft deflection trajectories through a two or three dimensional range including a catheter that could initially be straight and, upon complete deflection, turn into a loop-shaped catheter. This invention would improve product reliability, consistency, and performance, as well as improve safety of electrophysiology ablation or diagnostic procedures. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is desirable to eliminate significant variations in planarity during deflection of the distal sections of catheters. In particular, it is desirable to have a catheter capable of a multitude of angular shaft deflection trajectories or paths through a two or three dimensional range. An embodiment of the invention is a catheter comprising a distal section constructed of materials of different material hardness longitudinally placed along the distal section to aid bending deflection of the distal section along a desired path, wherein the materials of different material hardness form a wall creating a lumen, and the distal section has a distal end and a proximal end. The distal section of the catheter may include a softer material placed adjoining a harder material in a lengthwise direction. The width of the softer material may vary in steps or graduations in the lengthwise direction. Alternatively, the hardness of the softer material may vary in a lengthwise direction. The location of the softer material may also vary in a lengthwise direction. Further, multiple pairs or layers of sections, of softer material may provide multiple planes of deflection and asymmetrical shaft deflection. The catheter may further include pullwires fixed in the distal section at the distal end. The pullwires may be further accompanied by a system to provide actuation forces to deflect the distal section of the catheter via a handle actuator. The pullwires may also be aligned with the softer material and the pullwires may be housed within the softer material or within the wall of harder material, proximate to the softer material. The pullwires may also be housed within the lumen. The catheter may further include a component in the distal section to prevent collapse of the wall of the distal section. The catheter may further comprise a braiding material incorporated into the materials of different hardness to provide radial stability in the distal section. The materials of different hardness may be co-extruded, reflowed, thermally bonded, etc. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a side view of a distal section of the catheter according to the present invention. FIG. 2 is an end cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 1 . FIG. 3 is a side view of an embodiment of a catheter distal section according to the present invention having spiral stripes of material having hardness that is different from the remainder of the catheter shaft. FIG. 4( a ) is a transverse cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 3 taken along line A-A of FIG. 3 . FIG. 4( b ) is a transverse cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 3 taken along line B-B of FIG. 3 . FIG. 4( c ) is a transverse cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 3 taken along line C-C of FIG. 3 . FIG. 5( a ) is a side view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 3 in an undeflected configuration. FIG. 5( b ) is a side view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 3 in an partially deflected configuration. FIG. 5( c ) is a side view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 3 in an deflected configuration. FIG. 6 is a side view of an embodiment of a catheter distal section having stepped-width stripes of different material hardness according to the present invention. FIG. 7( a ) is a transverse cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 5 taken along line A-A of FIG. 6 . FIG. 7( b ) is a transverse cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 5 taken along line B-B of FIG. 6 . FIG. 7( c ) is a transverse cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 5 taken along line C-C of FIG. 6 . FIG. 8( a ) is a side view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 6 in an undeflected configuration. FIG. 8( b ) is a side view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 6 in an partially deflected configuration. FIG. 8( c ) is a side view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 6 in an deflected configuration. FIG. 9 is a side view of an embodiment of a catheter distal section having stripes of different material hardness according to the present invention. FIG. 10( a ) is a transverse cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 9 taken along line A-A of FIG. 9 . FIG. 10( b ) is a transverse cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 9 taken along line B-B of FIG. 9 . FIG. 10( c ) is a transverse cross-sectional view of the catheter distal section of FIG. 9 taken along line B-B of FIG. 9 . FIG. 11( a ) is a side view of the catheter distal tip of FIG. 9 in an undeflected configuration. FIG. 11( b ) is a side view of the catheter distal tip of FIG. 9 in an partially deflected configuration. FIG. 11( c ) is a side view of the catheter distal tip of FIG. 9 in a further deflected configuration. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Several embodiments of a catheter distal tip deflection apparatus are depicted in the figures. As described further below, the catheter distal tip deflection apparatus according to the present invention provides a number of advantages, including, for example, reducing or eliminating significant variation in deflection path during shaft deflection, the ability to construct a catheter capable of a multitude of angular shaft deflection trajectories through a two or three dimensional range, improved product reliability, improved consistency and performance, and improved safety of electrophysiology ablation and diagnostic procedures. Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2 , a single axis steerable catheter distal section 100 is disclosed in accordance with this invention. The catheter distal section 100 comprises a tubular body 102 defining a lumen or bore 104 , and a tip electrode 120 . As shown in FIG. 2 , which is a transverse cross-sectional view of the tubular body 102 , the tubular body 102 may comprise an inner coil 106 , a PTFE sleeve 108 outside the inner coil 106 , and a braiding material 110 within a polymer sleeve 111 and two longitudinally-extending stripes 112 of material that is different from the remainder of the material of polymer sleeve 111 outside the PTFE sleeve 108 . The stripes 112 are offset 180° from each other and are made of material having a lower durometer than that of the polymer sleeve 111 . The stripes 112 may be located along the polymer sleeve 111 by co-extrusion, although those skilled in the art will understand that other means of fabrication are possible. The polymer sleeve 111 may be constructed from 50-55D Pebax®, while the stripes 112 may be constructed from 35-40D Pebax®. The braiding may be stainless steel or Kevlar®, for example. Although referred to as the “PTFE sleeve 108 ,” the sleeve 108 may be made of any material with similar qualities. The inner coil 106 helps to prevent collapse of catheter distal tip 100 when it is deflected. Inside the tubular body 102 , in the plane formed by stripes 112 , are two or more pullwire sleeves 114 to house multiple pullwires 116 . Alternatively, the pullwire sleeves may instead be imbedded in the stripes 112 , the stripes 112 constructed in such a manner to house the pullwires 116 . The pullwire sleeves 114 maybe made of a number of polymers or rubbers. The pullwire sleeves 114 house the pullwires 116 , which run the length of the catheter body to a control means at the proximal end of the catheter body and may be anchored at or near the tip electrode 120 . The distal section may further comprise a compression coil to maintain circumferential integrity and facilitate deflection. Exemplary control means are shown in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,395,329; 5,861,024; and 6,308,090; the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. The difference in durometer between the polymer sleeve 111 and the stripes 112 , combined with the location of the pullwires 116 in the same plane as the stripes 112 180° apart ensures angular deflection of catheter distal section 100 because the lower durometer stripes 112 stretch and compress more readily than the higher durometer polymer sleeve 111 . Thus, tension on one of the pullwires 116 causes the catheter tip 100 to bend in the plane defined by stripes 112 . Although not shown, the catheter distal section 100 could have two pairs each of stripes and pullwires, allowing a user to deflect the catheter distal section in two separate planes. In this embodiment, the stripes and pullwires would be spaced equidistant across the circumference of the catheter distal section. Manipulation of the first pair of pullwires would deflect the catheter distal section along a first plane, while manipulation of the second pair of pullwires would deflect the catheter distal section along a second plane. Signal wires for supplying energy to the tip electrode 120 are not shown, but can be located in the lumen 104 . The distal section may comprise multiple lumen 104 . While the embodiment of FIGS. 1 and 2 has straight stripes 112 , FIGS. 3 and 4( a )-( c ) show a catheter distal section 300 , with spiral or helical stripes 312 of lower durometer than the durometer of the polymer sleeve 311 . FIG. 3 shows the outside of the tubular body 302 of the catheter distal section 300 , showing the stripes 312 spiraling around the polymer sleeve 311 . Three transverse cross-sections, A-A, B-B, and C-C are cut at various points along the length of the catheter distal section 300 . The corresponding transverse cross-sectional views are shown at FIGS. 4( a )-( c ), respectively. As shown in FIGS. 4( a )-( c ), the tubular body 302 may comprise an inner coil 306 , a PTFE sleeve 308 around the outside of inner coil 306 , and a braiding material 310 within the polymer sleeve 311 or alternatively, at the inside diameter of the polymer sleeve 311 , and the two stripes 312 around the outside of the PTFE sleeve 308 . The stripes 312 are located 180° from each other along the circumference of the distal section 300 and are made of lower durometer material than the material from which the polymer sleeve 311 is constructed. For example, the polymer sleeve 311 may be 50-55D Pebax®, while the stripes 312 may be 35-40D Pebax®. The braiding may be stainless steel or Kevlar®, for example. Although referred to as the “PTFE sleeve 308 ,” the sleeve 308 may be made of any material with qualities similar to those described herein. The inner coil 306 helps to prevent collapse of the catheter distal tip 300 when it is deflected. Rather than having separate pullwire sleeves inside the tubular body 302 , the pullwire sleeves 314 are integral with the stripes 312 in the embodiment depicted in FIGS. 3 and 4( a ). The pullwire sleeves 314 house the pullwires 316 , which run the length of the catheter body to a control means at the proximal end of the catheter body and may be anchored at or near the electrode 320 . The construction of the stripes 312 with a material of lower durometer than the material of the polymer sleeve 311 , in combination with the spiral arrangement of co-extruded stripes 312 around the polymer sleeve 311 , allow a user to form complex curves along multiple planes with the catheter distal section by pulling the pullwires 316 as shown in FIGS. 5( a )-( c ). FIGS. 6 , 7 ( a )-( c ), and 8 ( a )-( c ) show another embodiment of a catheter according to the present invention. Referring to FIGS. 6 , 7 ( a )-( c ), and 8 ( a )-( c ), a single-axis steerable catheter distal section 500 is disclosed. The catheter distal tip 500 comprises a tubular body 502 defining a lumen or bore 504 , and a tip electrode 520 . Transverse cross-sections A-A, B-B, and C-C are cut at various points along the length of catheter distal tip 500 . The corresponding cross-sectional views are shown at FIGS. 7( a )-( c ), respectively. FIGS. 7( a )-( c ) are transverse cross-sectional views of tubular body 502 . Tubular body 502 may comprise an inner coil 506 , a PTFE sleeve 508 around the outside of inner coil 506 , and a braiding material 510 within a polymer sleeve 511 or alternatively, at the inside diameter of the polymer sleeve 511 , and the two stripes 512 along the outside of the PTFE sleeve 508 . The stripes 512 are located 180° from each other along the circumference of the distal section 500 and are made of a matrix having lower durometer than the durometer of the material from which the polymer sleeve 511 is constructed. For example, the polymer sleeve 511 may be 50-55D Pebax®, while the stripes 512 may be 35-40D Pebax®. The braiding may be stainless steel or Kevlar®, for example. Although referred to as the “PTFE sleeve 508 ,” the sleeve 508 may be made of any material with similar qualities to those described herein. Inner coil 506 helps to prevents collapse of catheter distal section 500 when it is deflected. As shown in FIGS. 6 and 7( a )-( c ), the width of the stripes 512 is greater closer to the tip electrode 520 at the distal end of catheter distal section 500 when compared to the width of the stripes 512 at the proximal end of the distal section 500 . A greater width of stripes 512 provides for greater deflection of the catheter distal section 500 near the distal end for a given tension on a pullwire 516 when compared to the same section of the catheter distal section 500 with stripes 512 of narrower width. The pullwire sleeves 514 are shown embedded in stripes 512 , although they also could be located inside the tubular body 502 as in the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 . The pullwire sleeves 514 house the pullwires 516 , which run the length of the catheter body to a control means at the proximal end of the catheter body and may be anchored at or near the electrode 520 . The stripes 512 may also be constructed of materials varying in durometer to produce the same effect. FIGS. 8( a )-( c ) show the distal end of the catheter distal section 500 deflected as a result of pulling a pullwire 516 . The angular deflection of distal end of the distal section 500 increases with increased width of stripes 512 —in this case moving toward the distal end of the catheter distal section 500 , approaching the tip electrode 520 . Although not shown, the catheter distal section 500 could have two pairs each of stripes (four total) and pullwires, allowing a user to deflect the catheter distal section in two separate planes. In this embodiment, the stripes and pullwires would be spaced equidistant across the circumference of the catheter distal section. Manipulation of the first pair of pullwires would deflect the catheter distal section along a first plane, while manipulation of the second pair of pullwires would deflect the catheter distal section along a second plane. FIGS. 9 , 10 ( a )-( c ), and 11 ( a )-( c ) show another embodiment of the catheter construction according to the present invention. Referring to FIGS. 9 , 10 ( a )-( c ), and 11 ( a )-( c ), a single-axis steerable catheter distal section 800 is shown. The catheter distal section 800 may comprise a tubular body 802 defining a lumen or bore 804 , and a tip electrode 820 . Transverse cross-sections A-A, B-B, and C-C are cut at various points along the length of catheter distal section 800 . The corresponding cross-sectional views are shown at FIGS. 10( a )-( c ), respectively. FIGS. 10( a )-( c ) are transverse cross-sectional views of tubular body 802 . The tubular body 802 comprises an inner coil 806 , a PTFE sleeve 808 around the outside of the inner coil 806 , and a braiding material 810 within a polymer sleeve 811 , or alternatively, at the inside diameter of the polymer sleeve 811 , and the two stripes 812 (including stripe sections 812 a , 812 b , and 812 c ) on the outside of the PTFE sleeve 808 . The stripes 812 a , 812 b , and 812 c are located equidistant from each other across the circumference of the tubular body 802 and are made of lower durometer material than the material from which the polymer sleeve 811 is constructed. For example, the polymer sleeve 811 may be made of 50-55D material, while the stripes 812 a , 812 b , and 812 c may be made of material of 50D, 40D, and 35D, respectively. The braiding may be stainless steel or Kevlar®, for example. Although referred to as the “PTFE sleeve 808 ,” the sleeve 808 may be made of any material with similar qualities to those described herein. The inner coil 806 helps to prevent collapse of catheter distal tip 100 when it is deflected. As stated above, the Durometer of the stripes 812 a , 812 b , and 812 c may decrease in steps as they are located closer to the tip electrode 820 at the distal end of catheter distal section 800 . The angular deflection of distal end of the distal section 800 increases with decreased durometer of the stripes 812 a , 812 b , and 812 c —in this case moving toward the distal end of the catheter distal section 800 , approaching the tip electrode 820 . The pullwire sleeves 814 are shown embedded in the stripes 812 , although they also could be located inside the tubular body 802 as in the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 . The pullwire sleeves 814 house the pullwires 816 , which run the length of the catheter body to a control means at the proximal end of the catheter body and may anchored at or near electrode 820 . Although not shown, the catheter distal section 800 could have two pairs each of stripes and pullwires, allowing a user to deflect the catheter distal section in two separate planes. In this embodiment, the stripes and pullwires would be spaced equidistant across the circumference of the catheter distal section. Manipulation of the first pair of pullwires would deflect the catheter distal section along a first plane, while manipulation of the second pair of pullwires would deflect the catheter distal section along a second plane. Although the embodiments described above specifically describe the tip of the catheter, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that the catheter tip is only a portion of a complete system that may also include, e.g., control means or an irrigation system. In addition, rather than using an electrode for ablation, the catheter may use ultrasonic methods of ablation. The catheter tip disclosed may be used for any purpose for which a medical catheter is used including, but not limited to, diagnostics. It will further be understood by those skilled in the art that the present invention may be sold as a kit including other elements used with the catheter such as electronic components used in imaging. Although several embodiments of this invention have been described above with a certain degree of particularity, those skilled in the art could make numerous alterations to the disclosed embodiments without departing from the spirit or scope of this invention. Joinder references (e.g., attached, coupled, connected, and the like) are to be construed broadly and may include intermediate members between a connection of elements and relative movement between elements. As such, joinder references do not necessarily infer that two elements are directly connected and in fixed relation to each other. It is intended that all matter contained in the above description or shown in the accompanying drawings shall be interpreted as illustrative only and not limiting. Changes in detail or structure may be made without departing from the spirit of the invention as defined in the appended claims.
The invention relates to a steerable catheter having a distal section with reduced variation in deflection path during deflection. The distal section of the catheter includes stripes of different material hardness along the length of the distal section affecting the directionality of catheter deflection upon the application of a deflection force like that applied by pull wires. The stripes result in preferential bending in a desired path with greater reproducibility.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is a Continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/960,487, filed Dec. 4, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,126,265; which is a Continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/558,859, filed on Sep. 14, 2009, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,865,036; which is a Continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/282,955, filed on Nov. 18, 2005, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,599,577, entitled, “Method and Apparatus of Correcting Hybrid Flash Artifacts in Digital Images.” BACKGROUND 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to digital image correction, and particularly to correction of eye artifacts due to flash exposure. 2. Description of the Related Art U.S. Pat. No. 6,873,743 to Steinberg, which is hereby incorporated by reference, discloses an automatic, red-eye detection and correction system for digital images including a red-eye detector module that determines without user intervention if a red-eye defect exists. If a defect is located in an image the portion of the image surrounding the defect is passed to a correction module that de-saturates the red components of the defect while preserving the other color characteristics of the defect region. WO03/071484, Pixology, discloses a method of detecting red-eye features in a digital image comprising identifying highlight i.e. glint regions of the image having pixels with a substantially red hue and higher saturation and lightness values than pixels in the regions therearound. In addition, pupil regions comprising two saturation peaks either side of a saturation trough may be identified. It is then determined whether each highlight or pupil region corresponds to part of a red-eye feature on the basis of further selection criteria, which may include determining whether there is an isolated, substantially circular area of correctable pixels around a reference pixel. Correction of red-eye features involves reducing the lightness and/or saturation of some or all of the pixels in the red-eye feature. In many cases, the eye-artifact that is caused by the use of flash is more complex than a mere combination of red color and a highlight glint. Such artifacts can take the form of a complex pattern of hybrid portions that are red and other portions that are yellow, golden, white or a combination thereof. One example includes the case when the subject does not look directly at the camera when a flash photograph is taken. Light from the flash hits the eye-ball at an angle which may provoke reflections different than retro-reflection, that are white or golden color. Other cases include subjects that may be wearing contact lenses or subjects wearing eye glasses that diffract some portions of the light differently than others. In addition, the location of the flash relative to the lens, e.g. under the lens, may exacerbate a split discoloration of the eyes. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A technique is provided for digital image artifact correction as follows. A digital image is acquired. A candidate red-eye defect region is identified in the image. A region of high intensity pixels is identified which has at least a threshold intensity value in a vicinity of said candidate red-eye region. An eye-related characteristic of a combined hybrid region is analyzed. The combined hybrid region includes the candidate red-eye region and the region of high intensity pixels. The combined hybrid region is identified as a flash artifact region based on the analyzing of the eye-related characteristic. Flash artifact correction is applied to the flash artifact region. The flash artifact correction may include red-eye correction of the candidate red-eye region. The flash artifact correction may also include correction of the region of high intensity pixels. A bounding box may be defined around the candidate red-eye defect region. The identifying of the region of high intensity pixels may comprise identifying a seed high intensity pixel by locating said seed high intensity pixel within said bounding box. The seed pixel may have a yellowness above a pre-determined threshold and a redness below a pre-determined threshold. The region of high intensity pixels may be defined around the seed pixel. The analyzing may include calculating a difference in roundness between the candidate red-eye region and the combined region. The red-eye correction may be applied when the roundness of the combined hybrid region is greater than a threshold value. The method may include determining to apply red-eye correction when a roundness of the combined hybrid region is greater than a roundness of the candidate red-eye region by a threshold amount. The method may include determining to not apply correction when the region of high intensity pixels includes greater than a threshold area. The area may be determined as a relative function to the size of said bounding box. The method may include determining a yellowness and a non-pinkness of the region of high intensity pixels. The acquired image may be in LAB color space, and the method may include measuring an average b value of the region of high intensity pixels and determining a difference between an average a value and the average b value of the region of high intensity pixels. The analyzing may include analyzing the combined hybrid region for the presence of a glint, and responsive to detecting a glint, determining to not correct the region of high intensity pixels responsive to the presence of glint. The method may include correcting the region of high intensity pixels by selecting one or more pixel values from a corrected red-eye region and employing the pixel values to correct the region of high intensity pixels. The selected pixel values may be taken from pixels having L and b values falling within a median for the corrected red-eye region. The method may include determining to not apply correction when an average b value of the region of high intensity pixels exceeds a relatively low threshold or if a difference between average a and b values is lower than a pre-determined threshold. The method may include converting the acquired image to one of RGB, YCC or Lab color space formats, or combinations thereof. The analyzing of the acquired image may be performed in Luminance chrominance color space and the region of high intensity pixels may have a luminance value greater than a luminance threshold, and blue-yellow chrominance values greater than a chrominance threshold and a red-green value less than a red-green threshold. The method may include filtering the red-eye candidate regions to confirm or reject said regions as red-eye defect regions, and selecting a subset of the rejected red-eye candidate regions. The method may be implemented within a digital image acquisition device. The method may be implemented as part of an image acquisition process. The method may be implemented as part of a playback option in the digital image acquisition device. The method may be implemented to run as a background process in a digital image acquisition device. The method may be implemented within a general purpose computing device and wherein the acquiring may include receiving the digital image from a digital image acquisition device. The candidate red-eye region and/or the region of high intensity pixels may be corrected. The region of high intensity pixels may be corrected after the red-eye candidate region. The correcting of the region of high intensity pixels may utilize corrected pixel values based on the candidate red-eye region. Results of correcting the candidate red-eye region and the region of high intensity pixels may be combined in such a manner as to obfuscate a seam between the regions. The method may include smoothing a seam region between the candidate red-eye region and the region of high intensity pixels. The eye-related characteristic may include shape, roundness, and/or relative pupil size. A further method is provided for digital image artifact correction. A digital image is acquired. A candidate red-eye defect region is identified in the image. A seed pixel is identified which has a high intensity value in the vicinity of the candidate red-eye region. An eye-related characteristic of a combined hybrid region is analyzed. The combined hybrid region includes the candidate red-eye region and the seed pixel. The combined hybrid region is identified as a flash artifact region based on the analyzing of the eye-related characteristic. Flash artifact correction is applied to the flash artifact region. The flash artifact correction may include red-eye correction of the candidate red-eye region. The flash artifact correction may also include correction of a second region that includes the seed pixel. The seed pixel may have a yellowness above a pre-determined threshold and a redness below a pre-determined threshold. The method may include filtering the red-eye candidate regions to confirm or reject the regions as red-eye defect regions, and selecting a subset of the rejected red-eye candidate regions. The method may be implemented within a digital image acquisition device. The method may be implemented as part of an image acquisition process. The method may be implemented as part of a playback option in the digital image acquisition device. The method may be implemented to run as a background process in a digital image acquisition device. The method may be implemented within a general purpose computing device, and the acquiring may include receiving the digital image from a digital image acquisition device. The analyzing may include checking whether an average b value exceeds a relatively low threshold. The analyzing may include checking whether a difference between an average a value and the average b value is lower than a given threshold. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Embodiments of the invention will now be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 illustrates an image in which several defect candidate regions have been identified and surrounded by bounding boxes; FIG. 2 shows in more detail a candidate region exhibiting a half-red half-white/golden defect; and FIG. 3 illustrates a flow diagram of an embodiment of image correction software according to the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The preferred embodiments provide improved methods for detecting defects in subjects' eyes as well as methods for correcting such defects. A preferred embodiment may operate by examining a candidate red eye region, looking in its neighborhood or vicinity for a possible yellow, white and/or golden patch belonging to the same eye, and, if any, under certain conditions correcting one or both of the red-eye or golden patch. Using a technique in accordance with a preferred embodiment, the quality and acceptability of automatic eye correction can be increased for half red-half white/golden defects. Implementations of the preferred embodiments can take advantage of the red part of the eye defect being detected by one automatic red-eye detection processing method, perhaps utilizing a conventional technique or a new technique, so the detection of the non-red regions can be applied as a pre-correction stage, and so that this method may take full advantage of existing or new detection methods. The correction parts of such red-eye processing may be altered to implement a technique in accordance with a preferred embodiment, while non correction parts preferably are not altered. A technique in accordance with a preferred embodiment may provide a qualitative improvement in image correction with relatively little processing overhead making it readily implemented in cameras that may have limited processing capability and/or without unduly effecting the camera click-to-click interval. It will be seen that pixels belonging to a red-eye defect may be corrected by reducing the red value of the pixel. As an example, image information may be available in Luminance-Chrominance space such as L*a*b* color space. This may involve reducing the L* and a* value of a pixel to a suitable level. In manu cases, reduction of the a* value may automatically restore the chrominance of the eye thus restoring a true value of the iris. However, for white/golden pixels of a half red-half white/golden eye defect, the L and possibly b characteristics of the pixel may also be either saturated and/or distorted. This means that unlike red eye defects, in these cases the original image information may be partially or even totally lost. The correction may be performed by reducing the overall L* value as well as reduction of the a* and b*. However, because l* may be very high, the chrominance may be very low, thus there may not be significant color information remaining In an additional preferred embodiment, correction of the white/golden portion of the defect involves reconstructing the eye, as opposed to the restoration described above from information from the corrected red eye portion of the defect. Referring now to FIG. 3 , a digital image 10 may be acquired 30 in an otherwise conventional manner and/or utilizing some innovative technique. Where the embodiment is implemented in a device separate from a device such as a camera or scanner on which the image was originally acquired, the image may be acquired through file transfer by another suitable means including wired or wireless peer-to-peer or network transfer. Otherwise the image correction process described below, if suitably speed optimized, can either be implemented within the image acquisition chain of the image acquisition device for displaying a corrected image to a user before the user chooses to save and/or acquire a subsequent image; or alternatively, the image correction process can be analysis optimized to operate in the background on the image acquisition device on images which have been stored previously. Next, during red-eye detection 32 , red-pixels 20 are identified and subsequently grouped into regions 22 comprising a plurality of contiguous (or generally contiguous) pixels (see, e.g., FIG. 2 ). These regions can be associated 34 with larger bounding box regions 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 (see, e.g., FIG. 1 ). The candidate regions contained within these bounding boxes are then passed through a set of filters 36 to determine whether the regions are in fact red-eye defects or not. Examples of such falsing filters are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,873,743. One possible reason a filtering process might reject a candidate region, such as a region of red-pixels 20 as illustrated at FIG. 2 , is that it lacks the roundness expected of a typical red-eye defect. Such regions as well as regions failed for other suitable reasons may be preferably passed as rejected regions 38 for further processing to determine if they include a half red-half white/golden eye defect—and if so for the defect to be corrected accordingly. Much of the operation of this processing can be performed in parallel with other red-eye processing (in for example a multi-processing environment) or indeed processing for each rejected region could be carried out to some extent in parallel. Processing in accordance with an exemplary embodiment which may be involved in checking for half red-half white/golden eye defects is outlined in more detail as follows: 1. The bounding box 12 - 18 of an already detected red part of the eye artifact is searched 40 for a point, say 26 (see FIG. 2 ) having: a. High intensity (I>threshold) b. High yellowness (b>threshold) c. Low redness (a<threshold) In this example, it is assumed that the image information for a region is available in Lab color space, although another embodiment could equally be implemented for image information in other formats such as RGB, YCC or indeed bitmap format. If such a point does not exist, then STOP (i.e., the decision is taken that no white/golden patch exists in the vicinity of the red area) and confirm that the region is to be rejected 42 . 2. Starting from a point detected in Step 40 , grow 44 a region 24 (see FIG. 2 ) based on luminance information, for example, if luminance is greater than a threshold, a point is added to the white/golden region 24 . If the region 24 exceeds a predefined maximum allowable size, step 46 , then STOP and confirm that the region is to be rejected 42 . The maximum allowable size can be determined from a ratio of the bounding box area vis-á-vis the overall area of the red 22 and white/golden region 24 . 3. Yellowness and non-pinkness of the white region are then assessed 48 by checking that average b value exceeds a relatively low threshold, and the difference between average “a” and average “b” is lower than a given threshold. If at least one test fails, then STOP and confirm that the region is to be rejected 42 . 4. In this embodiment, the increase of roundness of the combination of initial red 22 and detected white/golden regions 24 from the original red region 22 is checked 50 . Thus, the roundness of the union of the red and white/golden regions is computed and compared with that of the red region 22 . If roundness is less than a threshold value or decreased or not increased sufficiently by “adding” the white/golden region 24 to the red one 22 , then STOP and reject the region 42 . Roundness of a region is preferably computed using the formula Roundness = Perimeter 2 4 ⁢ π · Area Prior to assessing roundness, a hole filling procedure is preferably applied to each region 22 , 24 to include for example pixel 28 within the union. 5. If the region passes one or more and preferably all of the above tests, it is added to the list of confirmed red-eye regions. At this point, the red part of the eye defect can be corrected 52 in any of various manners, for example, by reducing the a value of pixels in Lab color space, while the pixels that were corrected are marked to be used in further processing. 6. For white/golden regions that were added to the list of red-eye defect regions, further correction of the white/golden portion of the defect can be applied, after some further checks. One such check is to detect glint 54 . In RGB space, glint candidates are selected as high luminance pixels (for example, min(R, G)>=220 and max(R, G)==255). If a very round (e.g, in one or both of aspect ratio and elongation), luminous, and desaturated region is found within the interior of the current “red ∪ white” region 22 , 24 , its pixels may be removed from the “pixels-to-correct” list. The glint may be the entire high luminance region but in most cases only a small part of the high luminance region will satisfy the criteria for glint pixels. 7. Where a glint is not detected or is small relative to the size of the white/golden region, the non-red eye artifact pixels 24 can be corrected 56 preferably taking color information from red pixels 22 which where already corrected at step 52 , if such information after the correction exists. Alternatively, the correction can be done by reduction of the Luminance value. In the preferred embodiment, color information is derived from a selection of ex-red pixels with L and b values which lie in the median for that region (between the 30% and 70% points on a cumulative histogram for L and b). These color samples (from the already corrected red part of the eye) are used to create the same texture on both the red and non-red defect parts of the eye. It should be noted that the L and b histograms may be generally available from preprocessing steps, for example, those for determining various thresholds, and won't necessarily have changed during correction as the red correction may just involve reducing the a value of a pixel. It is possible that the correction of the red-eye region and the one for the high intensity region may show an unpleasant seam between the regions. In an alternative embodiment, the corrected region will be smoothed in such a manner that the seams between the two regions if exist, will be eliminated. The present invention is not limited to the embodiments described above herein, which may be amended or modified without departing from the scope of the present invention as set forth in the appended claims, and structural and functional equivalents thereof. In methods that may be performed according to preferred embodiments herein and that may have been described above and/or claimed below, the operations have been described in selected typographical sequences. However, the sequences have been selected and so ordered for typographical convenience and are not intended to imply any particular order for performing the operations. In addition, all references cited above herein, in addition to the background and summary of the invention sections, are hereby incorporated by reference into the detailed description of the preferred embodiments as disclosing alternative embodiments and components.
A method for digital image eye artifact detection and correction include identifying one or more candidate red-eye defect regions in an acquired image. For one or more candidate red-eye regions, a seed pixels and/or a region of pixels having a high intensity value in the vicinity of the candidate red-eye region is identified. The shape, roundness or other eye-related characteristic of a combined hybrid region including the candidate red-eye region and the region of high intensity pixels is analyzed. Based on the analysis of the eye-related characteristic of the combined hybrid region, it is determined whether to apply flash artifact correction, including red eye correction of the candidate red-eye region and/or correction of the region of high intensity pixels.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a device for delivering a substance to an internal portion of a body that has been acted on by a procedure performing instrument such as a catheter, trocar, laparoscopic instrument or a biopsy device. The invention more particularly relates to a biopsy device for obtaining one or more tissue samples and for applying at least one substance to the biopsy site in one operation. The biopsy device is particularly adapted to remove a core or segment of tissue from the biopsy site and then apply a surgical adhesive comprised of a first component containing fibrinogen and a second component containing thrombin to the biopsy site to seal the site and control bleeding. If required, multiple tissue samples may be collected before applying the surgical adhesive. The biopsy device described may be operated manually or used in a semi-automatic or automatic mode. The biopsy device may also be adapted to remove a tissue sample from the biopsy site by aspiration. An excision or coring biopsy is commonly carried out by inserting a needle such as that needle set disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,477,423 into the organ or tissue to be biopsied. That needle is comprised of an outer hollow cutting cannula with an inner stylet needle having a semi-circular notch ground away at the distal end. As the stylet is advanced into the tissue, the tissue is pierced and relaxes or prolapses into the notched cut out or recess. When the cannula is slid forward, the tissue in the notch of the stylet is sliced off and retained in the notch until the cannula is drawn back. The needle yields a core tissue sample which is semi-circular in cross section with its length determined by the length of the notch. An aspiration biopsy is commonly carried out using an aspiration device known as a Menghini needle as described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,850,373 which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. A biopsy aspirating device is also described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,938,505 which is also incorporated by reference herein in its entirety. In an aspiration biopsy, the Menghini needle or other compatible soft-tissue biopsy aspirating device is directed to the biopsy site and positioned so that the distal end of the needle is located in the tissue or cyst to be biopsied. A syringe is then attached to the proximal end of the needle and tissue or fluid is aspirated from the site. The needle is then withdrawn. Under certain circumstances, several complications can develop when biopsy samples are collected with known devices. For example, excision biopsies from lung tissue are associated with a relatively high complication rate due to hemorrhage and pneumothorax (McEvey, R. D., Bagley, M. D., Antic. R. 1983: Percutaneous Biopsy of Intrapulmonary Mass Lesions, Cancer 51, 2321). Profuse bleeding is also considered the most important complication associated with excision biopsies of the kidney and other organs. Profuse bleeding can be a particular problem during the biopsy of patients with hemophilia or other clotting disorders as well as those patients under treatment with anti-coagulants such as heparin or coumadin. Aspiration and core biopsies of the liver can also be complicated by profuse bleeding. To minimize these possible complications, biopsy devices adapted to deliver a surgical adhesive to the biopsy site after aspiration or excision of a tissue sample have been developed. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,850,373 is directed to a manual aspiration biopsy device including a two- or multi-lumen biopsy cannula which has a biopsy channel of constant cross-section over its entire length and at least one application channel. On its proximal end, the device is provided with connection facilities for an aspiration device and at least one application device. At least one application channel is formed by a tube eccentrically slipped over the biopsy channel wall. After tissue is collected, a substance such as a blood coagulation material may be introduced directly to the biopsy site. European Patent 0 455 626 is directed to a manual biopsy device for obtaining a tissue sample and for applying at least one substance in one operation. The biopsy device comprises a biopsy channel having a cutting edge for cutting off tissue and an application channel for applying a blood-clotting substance. The application channel is defined by an application tube slipped over the biopsy cannula. The front end of the application tube is rearwardly offset relative to the cutting edge of the biopsy cannula. At the opposite end of the application channel, a tightly joined connecting piece is provided for connecting at least one duct to convey the blood-clotting substance to the application channel. The biopsy device can be connected to a suction device to collect tissue samples by aspiration. Alternatively, the device can be adapted to perform excision biopsies by longitudinally displaceably mounting a needle with a tissue-penetrating tip within the biopsy cannula as illustrated in U.S. Pat. No. 3,477,423. The design of the device disclosed in EP 0 455 626 has several potential drawbacks. The clearance between the inner wall of the application tube and the outer wall of the biopsy cannula is small. Consequently, when injecting a substance with a viscous component or components such as a fibrin sealant into the application channel, the user must exert substantial pressure on the injector device to force the components into the application channel for delivery to the biopsy site. As a result, tissue sealant can leak out from the connection between the injector device and the applicator tip. The surgical sealant can also leak out at the connection point between the applicator tip and the cantilevered portion of the connecting tube leading to the application channel. A second potential drawback of the excision biopsy device disclosed in EP 0 455 626 is contamination of the biopsy sample with the surgical sealant. Since surgical sealant is injected through the application channel while the stylet is still in the biopsy cannula, surgical sealant flows back over the cored tissue sample contained within the biopsy cannula after the surgical sealant is delivered to the biopsy site. As a result, the biopsy sample becomes coated with the surgical sealant such as a fibrin tissue sealant thereby complicating any diagnosis based on analyis of the excised tissue sample. Theoretically, sample contamination by tissue sealant in the excision biopsy device described in EP 0 455 626 could be avoided by withdrawing the stylet needle containing the excised tissue and the biopsy cannula from the device, leaving only the application tube in place. If the user determined that the tissue sample excised was not of sufficient size or quality for histological examination, the stylet needle could be re-inserted and additional samples obtained. When the biopsy was completed, surgical sealant could then be applied to the biopsy site through the relatively unconstricted application tube. However, withdrawal of the stylet needle/biopsy cannula assembly from the device would provide an unrestricted pathway for blood and sealant to flow back through the application tube by capillary action and severely compromise any attempt by the user to harvest additional biopsy samples or to seal off the biopsy site with a surgical sealant. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In accordance with the invention, a device is described for delivering a substance to an internal portion of a body which has been acted on by a procedure performing instrument such as a catheter, a trocar, a laparoscopic instrument or a biopsy device. The device includes an application tube having a proximal end, a distal end and an internal lumen for receiving the substance to be delivered and at least a portion of the procedure performing instrument. A housing assembly is disposed on the proximal end of the application tube and has an internal lumen extending from a proximal end of the housing assembly to a distal end of the housing assembly. The housing assembly lumen is in communication with the internal lumen of the application tube so as to define a flow passage A flow control member is disposed in the flow passage and has a first position that opens the flow passage and a second position that closes the flow passage. A variety of substances including surgical sealants and adhesives can be delivered to an internal portion of the body using this device. In addition, the surgical sealants and adhesives can themselves act as matrices for the delivery of antibiotics, drugs and other therapeutic agents. Preferably, the device of the invention is a device for obtaining a tissue sample from an internal portion of a body and for applying at least one substance to an internal portion of a body. The device comprises a biopsy cannula having an internal lumen and a distal cutting edge for cutting off tissue. A needle member is slideably mounted within the internal lumen and has a recess for receiving the tissue sample. A driver, which may be manually, semi-automically or automatically operable, is associated with the cannula and the needle member for effecting relative movement between the cannula and the needle and cutting of the tissue. An application tube having a proximal end, a distal end and an internal lumen is disposed around the cannula with the distal end of the application tube rearwardly offset relative to the cutting edge of the cannula. A housing assembly is sealingly engaged to the proximal end of the application tube. The housing assembly includes an internal lumen through which the cannula and needle are slidingly moveable. The housing assembly lumen is in communication with the internal lumen of the application tube so as to define a flow passage. A flow control member is disposed in the flow passage and has a first position that opens the flow passage and a second position that closes the flow passage. In another embodiment, the device may be provided with a back housing which is engaged to the proximal end of the housing assembly and which is also engageable with the driver. The back housing includes a bore through which the cannula and the needle are slidingly moveable. A flow control member is positioned between the engagingly affixed proximal end of the housing assembly and the back housing to prevent backflow of flowable material. The biopsy cannula and the needle member are slidingly moveable through the flow control member. In another embodiment of the invention, a device for obtaining a tissue sample from an internal portion of a body and for applying at least one substance to an internal portion of a body is provided as described above with a housing assembly that is sealingly engaged to the proximal end of the application tube which contains an internal lumen through which the biopsy cannula and needle member are slidingly moveable and a substance supply tube communicating with the internal lumen of the application tube which is engageable with a substance supply for applying the substance to the application tube. In an alternate embodiment of the invention, the device for obtaining a tissue sample from an internal portion of a body and for applying at least one substance to an internal portion of a body comprises a Menghini needle or an equivalent soft tissue biopsy aspirating device as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,850,373 and 3,938,505 respectively. The needle or aspirating device is attachable to a source of suction for aspiration of tissue or sample from the internal portion of a body. An application tube having a proximal end, a distal end and an internal lumen is disposed around the needle or aspirating device with the distal end of the application tube rearwardly offset relative to the cutting edge of the needle or aspirating device. A housing assembly is sealingly engaged to the proximal end of the application tube. The housing assembly includes an internal lumen through which the needle or aspirating device is slidingly moveable. The housing assembly lumen is in communication with the internal lumen of the application tube so as to define a flow passage. A flow control member is disposed in the flow passage and has a first position that opens the flow passage and a second position that closes the flow passage. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a manual biopsy device according to the invention; FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a semi-automatic biopsy device according to the invention; FIG. 3 is a perspective view of an automatic biopsy device according to the invention; FIG. 4 is a sectioned view of the housing assembly of the biopsy device of FIG. 1; and FIG. 5 is a perspective view of an alternative embodiment of a manual biopsy device according to the invention shown with the applicator device in place. FIG. 6 is a sectioned view of the housing assembly of the biopsy device of FIG. 1 showing the split sheath protecting the flow control member as the biopsy needle set is passed through it. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring to FIG. 1, a manual biopsy device 20 of the present invention comprises a biopsy cannula 1 having an internal lumen which defines a biopsy channel and having a distal cutting edge 22 for shearing off tissue. Longitudinally displaceably mounted and concentric with biopsy cannula 1 is a needle member 2 having a distal cutting tip or a tissue-penetrating tip 23 . Needle member 2 is provided with a recess 3 at its distal end so as to accomodate a tissue sample. The tissue sample recess 3 is displaceable from a position located within the biopsy cannula 1 to a position located outside of the biopsy cannula 1 and back using a driver 21 connected to the biopsy cannula 1 and the needle member 2 . Driver 21 controls relative movement between the biopsy cannula 1 and the needle member 2 during tissue sample removal. An example of a manual biopsy needle set is set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 3,477,423 which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety. FIGS. 2 and 3, respectively, illustrate a semi-automatic 30 and an automatic biopsy device 40 embodiment of the invention wherein relative movement between the biopsy cannula and the needle member during tissue sample removal is controlled using semi-automatic driver 31 and automatic driver 41 respectively. A description of the construction and operation of the driver of a semi-automatic biopsy device is described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,313,958. A description of the construction and operation of the driver of an automatic biopsy device is disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,958,625, 4,944,308 and 5,172,702. These four patents are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety. Referring again to FIG. 1, an application tube 4 having a proximal end, a distal end and an internal lumen is slipped over and concentrically positioned around the biopsy cannula 1 such that the biopsy cannula 1 and needle member 2 can be freely withdrawn through the application tube 4 . The distal end of the application tube 4 is rearwardly offset relative to the cutting edge of the biopsy cannula 1 and terminates in a blunt cut end or an angled cutting surface 28 . At the proximal end of the application tube 4 , a housing assembly 5 is tightly joined by gluing or sealing. Referring to FIG. 4, the housing assembly 5 includes a preferably straight tube portion 6 having an internal lumen 24 through which the biopsy cannula 1 and needle member 2 extend therethrough. A substance supply tube 7 enters into tube portion 6 of the housing assembly 5 and includes at least one lumen 25 leading into and communicating with the internal lumen 24 of the tube portion 6 so as to form a flow passage through which a substance can be delivered into the application tube 4 for application to the biopsy site Substance entry port 8 of substance supply tube 7 is fitted with a luer slip, luer lock or a similar type connection for lockingly engaging an applicator device (not shown) containing the substance to be applied to the biopsy site. As noted above, the application tube 4 is sealingly fixed to the distal end of the tube portion 6 of the housing assembly 5 . The proximal end of the tube portion 6 preferably flares out to an integrally molded hub housing 9 having a central bore 26 . Hub housing 9 preferably mates to a back housing 10 comprised of a central bore 27 , a guide channel 29 , a distal portion 11 for connection to the hub housing 9 and a proximal portion 12 comprising an interface 13 for engaging a mating surface on a manual, semi-automatic or automatic biopsy device driver. The interface 13 includes but is not limited to prongs, fingers and equivalent structures. Preferably, housing assembly tube portion 6 , substance supply tube 7 and the hub housing 9 are molded as one piece. Alternatively, tube portion 6 , substance supply tube 7 and hub housing 9 are bonded together using glue, adhesive or ultrasonic welding or equivalent bonding means. The housing assembly is preferably constructed of a hard plastic such as ABS (Lustran ) which can be machined into the shape required for the invention. Interposed within the space created by the mating of the hub housing 9 and the back housing 10 is a flow control member 14 , preferably a one-way valve which is positioned within the space so that it rests and is centered upon an annular shelf 15 molded on the interior wall of the hub housing 9 . The flow control member 14 is always closed to the backflow of blood and surgical sealant and only opens when the biopsy cannula 1 containing the needle member 2 is withdrawn from the device. Guide channel 29 in back housing 9 positions the biopsy cannula 1 and the needle member 2 as they are inserted through the flow control member 14 so that the biopsy cannula 1 and the needle member 2 pass through the center of the flow control member 14 and do not shear off or otherwise damage the flow control member 14 while passing through it. The flow control member 14 is preferably a rubber duck-bill valve. However, the flow control member 14 can also be replaced by any other device which allows the biopsy needle set comprised of the biopsy cannula 1 and the needle member 2 to be completely withdrawn from the device while simultaneously stopping any backflow of flowable material such as blood or tissue sealant from the proximal end of the device. The hub housing 9 and the back housing 10 are preferably joined together using adhesive, glue, ultrasonic welding, a snap fit or by using equivalent joining means FIG. 5 illustrates another embodiment of the invention 50 with an applicator device 52 in place. In this embodiment, the substance supply tube 7 is eliminated. After the biopsy cannula 1 and needle member 2 have been withdrawn from the biopsy device, the surgical sealant is applied to the application channel 4 directly through the flow control member 14 and into the internal lumen 24 of the tube portion 6 where it flows into the application tube 4 for delivery to the biopsy site. This embodiment of the invention can also be used with a semi-automatic or automatic driver. FIG. 6 illustrates another embodiment of the invention in which the sharp tips 22 and 23 of the biopsy cannula 1 and the needle member 2 respectively are shielded by a split sheath 32 which covers the distal end of the biopsy needle set as it is inserted through the flow control member 14 . The split sheath 32 has a distal end 33 which may be open or closed and a proximal end 34 which is affixed onto the biopsy cannula 1 by a hub or other affixation means. The split sheath 32 also has perforations 35 along each side of its length for removing the sheath from the biopsy needle set after it has passed through the flow control member 14 . The manual biopsy device of the invention 20 is used as follows. The user first prepares the patient for the biopsy procedure. Then, the substance or substances to be delivered to the biopsy site are prepared and loaded into the applicator device. For example, the substance may be the fibrin tissue sealant and application device described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,909,251 and 5,464,396 respectively which are incorporated by reference in their entirety herein. The user next attaches the applicator device to the substance entry port 8 of the substance supply tube 7 . In an alternative procedure, where greater maneuverability of the device in the surgical field is desired or required, the applicator device can be affixed to the substance entry port 8 after the biopsy sample has been collected and withdrawn from the device. If this procedure is used, the substance entry port should be plugged to prevent backflow or leakage of blood from the entry port. The user guides the coaxially disposed application tube 4 , biopsy cannula 1 and needle member 2 of the biopsy device to the biopsy site through the tissue with means well known in the art such as ultrasound, computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging equipment. Preferably, both the application tube 4 and the biopsy needle 1 have depth marks evenly spaced along their length to assist the user in identifying the exact location of the distal end of the device. The biopsy device is also preferably equipped with a depth stop that allows the user to lock the biopsy device if need arises. After the biopsy device is accurately positioned, the needle member 2 is pushed forward into the tissue to be biopsied, allowing a sample of tissue to relax or prolapse into the recess or notch 3 cut out at the distal end. The biopsy cannula 1 is then pushed forward and the core of tissue caught in the notch cut or recess 3 is shorn off from the rest of the tissue by the cutting edge 22 of the biopsy cannula 1 . The user then withdraws the biopsy needle set comprised of the biopsy cannula 1 and the needle member 2 proximally through the application tube 4 , through the tube portion 6 , through the flow control member 14 and through the back housing 10 until the complete needle set and the biopsy sample have cleared the flow control member 14 leaving only the application tube 4 in place at the biopsy site. After the biopsy cannula 1 and needle member 2 are withdrawn, the flow control member 14 will return to its normally closed position and will prevent blood or subsequently applied surgical sealant from exiting the device. The biopsy sample is now removed from the notch or recess 3 in needle member 2 and reserved for whatever analysis is appropriate to the sample. Alternatively, the user may collect an additional biopsy sample or samples by re-inserting the needle set into the device and repeating the procedure as required. After the user has collected the final biopsy sample, surgical sealant is injected through the flow path beginning at the substance entry port 8 , and extending down the substance supply tube 7 , the distal end of the tube portion 6 and distally down the application tube 4 until it is delivered to the biopsy site. After an effective amount of tissue sealant is delivered to seal the biopsy site, the application tube 4 is slowly withdrawn from the tissue while simultaneously continuing to inject tissue sealant into the path traversed by the application tube 4 through the tissue. This withdrawal procedure allows a plug of tissue sealant to be deposited in the tissue in the track cut by the biopsy device. In another embodiment of the invention 50 illustrated in FIG. 5, the biopsy sample is first collected as described above. After the user has collected the final biopsy sample and completely withdrawn the biopsy cannula 1 and needle member 2 from the application tube 4 , surgical sealant is injected into the application tube 4 through the flow control member 14 . After an effective amount of surgical sealant has been applied to the site, the application tube 4 can be withdrawn while continuing to inject surgical sealant as described above for embodiment 20 . In another embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIG. 6, the split sheath 32 protects flow control member 14 as the biopsy cannula 1 and needle member 2 are inserted through the flow control member 14 . Once the needle tips 22 and 23 have cleared the flow control member 14 , the split sheath 32 is peeled away from the needle assembly beginning at the proximal end of the sheath 34 and continuing down toward the distal end of the sheath 33 along the perforations 35 and withdrawn in two parts from the device as illustrated in FIG. 6 . The biopsy sample or samples are then collected and the substance applied to the biopsy site as described below. The split sheath 32 can be used with any embodiment of the invention 20 , 30 , 40 or 50 set forth above or with the alternative embodiment for obtaining a tissue sample from an internal portion of a body by aspiration through a Menghini needle or equivalent soft tissue biopsy aspirating device In an alternate embodiment of the invention where a tissue sample is removed from an internal portion of the body by aspiration, surgical sealant is injected into the application tube 4 through the flow control member 14 after the Menghini needle or equivalent soft tissue biopsy aspirating device has been completely withdrawn from the application tube 4 and out the proximal end of the housing assembly 5 . After an effective amount of surgical sealant has been applied to the site, the application tube 4 can be withdrawn while continuing to inject surgical sealant as described above for embodiment 20 . Although use of the device has been described in detail for the manual version of the device, one of ordinary skill in the art will be able to make the necessary adaptations to use the biopsy device and the described procedure with a semi-automatic or automatic biopsy device. In addition to tissue sealant, other substances which may be advantageously applied to a biopsy site using the device of the invention include collagen-based hemostatic agents and any other surgical sealant or hemostatic agents. While the invention has been ilustrated and described in detail in the drawings and foregoing description, the same is to be considered as illustrative and not restrictive in character. All changes and modifications that come within the spirit of the invention are contemplated as within the scope of the invention.
A device for delivering a substance such as a surgical sealant or adhesive to an internal portion of the body that has been acted on by a procedure performing instrument such as a catheter, trocar, laparoscopic instrument or a biopsy device is described. The invention more particularly relates to a biopsy device for obtaining one or more tissue samples and for applying at least one substance to the biopsy site in one operation.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application claims priority to U.S. Patent Application No. 12/350,092 filed Jan. 7, 2009. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The embodiments of the present invention relate to lenses designed to decode three dimensional content displayed on television, movie, computer or similar screens or monitors. BACKGROUND [0003] Three dimensional movies for theatres have been around for decades. With technological advances, three dimensional content is being developed for television, computer monitors and home projectors. In the past, and even today, special glasses allow users to view three dimensional content. Flat paper eyeglasses using red and green film for lenses are the primary glasses being used today. However, flat paper eyeglasses are not very effective for facilitating the desired three dimension effect. In addition, the flat paper eyeglasses are not comfortable and are generally viewed as a novelty. Other flat lenses suffer from the same drawbacks. [0004] One advancement has been the development of linear and circular polarization for decoding three dimensional content. Despite the advancement, the lens and eyeglass technology has not advanced significantly. [0005] Thus, there is a need for lenses that take advantage of the linear and circular polarization technologies while more effectively creating the desired three dimensional effect. Advantageously, the lenses and eyeglasses should provide improved optics and contrast while providing user comfort and versatility. It is also beneficial if the lenses may be mounted into stylish frames. SUMMARY [0006] Accordingly, one embodiment of the present invention is a curved lens configured to decode three dimensional content comprising: a polarizing layer laminated with a polymeric material layer on one or both sides; a retarder layer laminated to a front of the polarizer layer directly or to the polymeric material to form a sheet, said retarder layer aligned to decode a desired circular polarization; and wherein a blank cut from the sheet is curved using a thermoforming process or high pressure process into a lens configured to decode three dimensional content. [0007] Another embodiment is a lens configured to decode three dimensional content comprising: a polarizing layer laminated with a polymeric material layer on one or both sides; a retarder layer laminated to a front of the polarizer layer directly or to the polymeric material to form a sheet, said retarder layer aligned to decode a desired circular polarization; wherein a blank cut from the sheet is curved using a thermoforming process or high pressure process into an optical element configured to decode three dimensional content; and wherein said optical element is utilized in an injection molding process whereby one or more thickness layers are added to the optical element to form said lens. [0008] Another embodiment of the present invention is a method of fabricating a curved lens configured to decode three dimensional content comprising: cutting lens blanks from sheets of material comprising: a polarizing layer laminated with a polymeric material layer on one or both sides; a retarder layer laminated to a front of the polarizer layer directly or the polymeric material, said retarder layer aligned to decode a desired circular polarization, and wherein said blanks are cut to maintain a specified alignment of a polarizing axis associated with said sheet; curving said blanks into lenses by: a. heating the blanks to a deformation temperature; and applying a vacuum suction and/or pressure; or b. applying high pressure. [0009] In one embodiment, the retarder is a norbornene copolymer resin such as an Arton film (manufactured by JSR Corp.) or Zenor film (manufactured by Zeon corp.). Conventional adhesives (e.g., pressure sensitive adhesives) are used to bond the layers forming the lens. In one embodiment, a hard coating is applied to the front and back surfaces of the lens to allow for normal cleaning and extended life. In one embodiment, a lens thickness is between 750 and 1500 microns. In another embodiment, the lens thickness is between 250 and 1500 microns. [0010] Other variations, embodiments and features of the present invention will become evident from the following detailed description, drawings and claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0011] FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrate an exemplary specification sheet for a first lens embodiment of the present invention; [0012] FIGS. 3 and 4 illustrate an exemplary specification sheet for a second lens embodiment of the present invention; [0013] FIG. 5 illustrates a flow chart detailing one embodiment of manufacturing the lenses according to the embodiments of the present invention; and [0014] FIG. 6 illustrates a flow chart detailing a second embodiment of manufacturing the lenses according to the embodiments of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0015] For the purposes of promoting an understanding of the principles in accordance with the embodiments of the present invention, reference will now be made to the embodiments illustrated in the drawings and specific language will be used to describe the same. It will nevertheless be understood that no limitation of the scope of the invention is thereby intended. Any alterations and further modifications of the inventive feature illustrated herein, and any additional applications of the principles of the invention as illustrated herein, which would normally occur to one skilled in the relevant art and having possession of this disclosure, are to be considered within the scope of the invention claimed. [0016] Traditionally flat lenses and frames have been used in 3D glasses. One problem with the flat 3D glasses is that the lenses are distanced from the user's face and more particularly the user's eyes. Thus, light is able to enter the user's eyes from the top, bottom and side of the lenses reducing the visual acuity and contrast thereby reducing the effectiveness and comfort of the 3D experience. This is especially true at home or other locations outside of dark movie theatres. Moreover, the current one-size-fits-all approach to flat 3D eyeglasses reduces the quality of the 3D experience and in many cases results in an uncomfortable fit for most users. Accordingly, the embodiments of the present invention seek to overcome the disadvantages of the prior art flat 3D eyeglasses by creating 3D lenses and eyeglasses which are more akin to normal curved lenses and eyeglasses. Consequently, the lenses described herein are generally thicker than traditional flat 3D lenses and curved to prevent ambient light from interfering with the 3D experience and allow for better fitting glasses. Conventional flat 3D paper lenses are 0.3 to 0.4 mm thick while the embodiments of the present invention are substantially in a range of 0.75 mm to 1.5 mm. In an alternative embodiment, the lenses may be in range of 0.25 mm to 0.75 mm for use with an injection molding process as described below. The curvature further enables a better fit on the user's head. In addition, the thicker lenses enable them to be mounted into stylish frames to which people are more accustomed. [0017] FIGS. 1-4 show specifications associated with lenses made utilizing the embodiments of the present invention. FIGS. 1 and 2 depict charts 100 and 105 listing lens specifications according to a first embodiment. The charts 100 and 105 depict dimensions, including width 110 and length 115 , polarization angle 120 , retardation angle 125 , transmittance percentage 130 , polarizing efficiency 135 , thickness 140 and retardation 145 . As shown in charts 100 and 105 , the width ranges from 495 mm to 505 mm; length from 700 mm to 710 mm; polarization angle from −1.0 degree to 1.0 degree; retardation angle from 44.0 degrees to 46.0 degrees (or 134 degrees to 136 degrees); transmittance percentage from 37.5% to 42.5% v; polarizing efficiency of 99% or greater; thickness of 1020 microns to 1080 microns (or 1.02 mm to 1.08 mm) and retardation of 110 to 150 nm. Larger ranges are possible for each of the aforementioned categories. Charts 101 and 106 shown in FIGS. 3 and 4 , respectively, depict similar lens specifications according to a second embodiment of the present invention. [0018] Fabrication of the lenses is accomplished using lamination and thermoforming techniques. FIG. 5 shows a flow chart 200 detailing one method of fabricating lenses according to the embodiments of the present invention. At 205 , sheets are formed and, at 210 , lens blanks are cut from the sheets of material comprising: polyvinylalcohol polarizer film, polyethylene terephthalate or similar material laminated with triacetate on one or both surfaces (i.e., linear polarized film) and a retarder film laminated on a front surface thereof creating a circular polarized film. While triacetate is one material that can be used, others include polycarbonate, poly(methyl methacrylate), polystyrene, polyamide, cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), cellulose acetate, cellulose diacetate (DAC) or cellulose triacetate (TAC), diacetate and similar stress-free (no birefringence) materials. The triacetate, diacetate or other materials may also be laminated onto the back (bottom) of the polarizer film to eliminate any unwanted retardation effects. A laminator machine forms the sheets of materials such that the axis of the polarizing film and retarder film are aligned properly to small tolerances. In one embodiment, the retarder is an Arton film (manufactured by JSR Corp.) or Zenor (manufactured by Zeon corp.). Other materials, such as polyurethanes, cellulose diacetate and polycarbonates, may also be used as the retardation film. Adhesives bind the materials together. The size of the blanks is dictated by the intended frame size. A typical size is 50 mm×70 mm. At 215 , the blanks are placed into a thermoforming machine which heats the blanks to a deformation temperature (e.g., 90° C. to 130° C.). At 220 , the heated blanks are curved using thermoforming techniques to an optically correct curved surface utilizing vacuum suction and/or pressure. To generate the desired base curve (e.g., 4, 6 and 8), a different combination of unique temperatures and times may be required. Once formed, at 225 , the curved blanks are cooled and removed from the machine. At 230 , the blanks, now lenses, can be finished with conventional lens dry cutting machines. At 235 , a hard coating is applied over the curved lenses. The hard coating allows normal cleaning and extended use while protecting the operational materials forming the lenses. The hard coat may also be applied prior to the thermoforming process by using a thermoformable hard coat material. At 240 , protective, removable sheets are applied to protect the lenses during subsequent operations including installation into frames, packaging and shipping. The protective sheets may also be applied to the sheets of the material prior to thermoforming process. [0019] While thermoforming techniques are referenced in the flow chart 200 , extreme pressures may also be used to create the curved lenses. A machine known as the Wheel or similar machines generate extreme pressures and can be used to curve a blank into a lens. The process is known as press polishing whereby heat and pressure are applied to the blank via both sides of highly polished molds. [0020] The triacetate and diacetate may comprises multiple layers themselves and have qualities, including transparency, low birefringence, lightweight and strength. Moreover, triacetate and diacetate are responsive to lamination and thermoforming processes and techniques as disclosed herein. [0021] For the circular polarized lenses utilized in the embodiments of the present invention the polyvinylalcohol polarizer film is tinted and stretched in a linear direction to orient the polymer molecules. Polyiodine molecules are commonly used to allow polarizing efficiency and transmission to reach acceptable levels (e.g., >99% and >35%, respectively). Alternatively, dichroic dyes can be used to provide improved resistance to heat and humidity, but may have slightly lower polarizing efficiency and transmission. Both embodiments can produce the desired 3D decoding effect. [0022] The curved lenses disclosed herein have numerous advantages over the flat 3D glasses of the prior art. The curved lenses provide a clearer and natural vision of 3D images with greater acuity and contrast. More particularly, the curved lenses reduce light entering the user's eyes from the side, top or bottom of the eyeglass frames thereby increasing the comfort and contrast associated with the viewed 3D images. The curved lenses can be fitted into commercial eyeglass frames to create a stylish pair of eyeglasses. [0023] In another embodiment, as shown in the flow chart 300 of FIG. 6 , an optical element is made using the aforementioned process for use in an injection molded lens. Steps 305 - 330 coincide with steps 205 - 230 described above except that the resultant blanks are thinner than the lenses formed using the steps of flow chart 200 . At 335 , the blank becomes part of the final thicker lenses via an injection molding process. In other words, a thinner version of the lens described above is used as an optical element to make low cost injection molded polycarbonate (or polymethylmethacrylate and polymide) lenses. In this embodiment, the thermoformed optical elements are in a range of about 250-750 microns with a final injected 3D lens in a range of about 1000 to 2200 microns. Such lenses can be optically corrected with increased thickness and rigidity. In one embodiment, a back polymer layer of the lens is the same material as the injected material to provide good adhesion and reliability. [0024] Although the invention has been described in detail with reference to several embodiments, additional variations and modifications exist within the scope and spirit of the invention as described and defined in the following claims.
Curved lenses configured to decode three dimensional content and method of fabricating the same. The lenses comprise a polyvinylalcohol polarizer film or similar type of material laminated with triacetate or similar type material on one or both sides, wherein the polarizer film has a polarizing efficiency equal to or exceeding 99% and a transmittance percentage equal to or exceeding 35% and a retarder film (e.g., norbomene copolymer resin) laminated on a front surface of the polyvinylalcohol polarizer film laminated with triacetate and aligned to produce a desired circular polarization responsive to specified retardation wavelengths. Thermoforming and press polishing techniques may be used to fabricate/curve the blanks into lenses. The lenses (optical elements) may be used in an injection molding process to add thickness.
TECHNICAL FIELD [0001] The present invention relates to a powdered medicine dispensing apparatus and a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus using the same. More particularly, it relates to a powdered medicine dispensing apparatus and a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus using the same that may significantly reduce the production cost of equipment to enable a more precise uniform dispensing of the powdered medicine while relying on half-manual work by a worker, allow many distribution operations to be performed easily and speedily, and dispense responsively according to an amount that is dispensed and an amount that is packaged, and a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus using the same. BACKGROUND OF ART [0002] In general, medicines are classified into tablet form, capsule form, powdered medicine, liquid medicine and the like. [0003] These medicines are prescribed by a physician to be taken routinely 1 to 3 times a day depending on the needs of each patient. [0004] However, of the medicines mentioned above, most tablets, capsules, and liquid medicine may be dispensed easily according to one uniform dose, but due to the characteristic of powdered medicine, a precise machine must be used or a worker must use a specific sized spoon and the like for every single one. [0005] However, powdered medicine dispensing apparatuses of the prior arts are not precise, and require much time for many distribution operations or the costs are very high, and have a disadvantage that a different machine must be used according to formulation (Patent document 1: Korean granted patent No. 10-0699689, Patent document 2: Korean patent application publication No. 10-2008-0017333). [0006] Furthermore, in a case of dispensation by hand, the work must be done in a constantly tense state along with skills by hand, causing not only severe stress for workers, but also there is a problem of the dispensation not being done precisely. DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION Technical Problem [0007] The present invention has been designed to improve the aforesaid characteristics of the prior arts, and its object is to provide a powdered medicine dispensing apparatus and a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus using the same that may significantly reduce the production cost of equipment to enable a more precise uniform dispensing of the powdered medicine while relying on half-manual work by a worker, allow many distribution operations to be performed easily and speedily, and dispense responsively according to an amount that is dispensed and an amount that is packaged, and a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus using the same. Technical Solution [0008] In order to accomplish the above present object, the present invention is configured as follows. [0009] A powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to the present invention comprises, a partition means having a frame with a space of predetermined size, that divides the frame horizontally and vertically to form unit cells for powdered medicine to be uniformly distributed; a driving means connected to a vertically partitioning member whereby a vertical spacing of a member is adjusted; a dispensing means arranged under the partition means dispensing divided powdered medicine to split inject into a medicine wrapping paper; and a holding unit supporting the medicine wrapping paper. [0010] On the other hand, a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to the present invention is configured to comprise a partition means having a frame with a space of predetermined size, that divides the frame horizontally and vertically to form unit cells for powdered medicine to be uniformly distributed; a driving means connected to a vertically partitioning member whereby a vertical spacing of a member is adjusted; a dispensing means arranged under the partition means that dispenses divided powdered medicine; a plurality of individual slots whereby the divided powdered medicine dispensed from a powdered medicine dispensing apparatus is moved individually; an upper guide plate supporting the individual slots horizontally; a first horizontal driving unit that moves the individual slots horizontally as it moves horizontally along the upper guide plate; a first vertical driving unit provided at one side of the first horizontal driving unit, that moves the individual slots vertically; a second horizontal driving unit located at a lower part of the first horizontal driving unit, that moves the individual slots which were transferred by the first vertical driving unit, horizontally; an auxiliary slot unit provided under the second horizontal driving unit, which simultaneously opens an upper part of a medicine wrapping paper moving horizontally and injects powdered medicine stored in the individual slots into medicine wrapping paper; a lower guide plate arranged between the second horizontal driving unit and auxiliary slot unit to guide movement of individual slots; and a second vertical driving unit that moves individual slots which moved the lower guide plate, towards the upper guide plate of an upper part. [0011] And the partition means is configured to have a frame, a plurality of horizontal partition members that divide the frame horizontally, a plurality of vertical partition members that are perpendicular to the horizontal partition members and divide the frame vertically, and a sliding plate arranged at a lower part of the frame, which folds as unit cells partitioned by the horizontal partition members and vertical partition members open and close downwardly and slides. [0012] Further, a guide groove is formed at a lower part of the partition means whereby the dispensing means is slidably attached and detached. [0013] And the dispensing means allow a dispensing slot corresponding with horizontal unit cells to be arranged and each vertical unit cell to be slidably attached and detached into a respective divided segment. [0014] Further, the vertical partition member is configured to have a vertical plate with slots formed to be spaced in correspondence with the horizontal partition member, a perpendicular plate extending perpendicularly at both ends of the vertical plate, an extending plate extending horizontally in a direction opposing each other at the perpendicular plate, and a flat plate extending orthogonally to the extending plate to be connected with the driving means. [0015] And an upper end of the vertical plate is formed to have an inclined surface in a thickness direction. [0016] Further, the driving means is configured to have a driving rotary shaft arranged horizontally in a vertical direction to the partition means, that is operated by a handle, a driven rotary shaft arranged at a position facing the driving rotary shaft, a plurality of rotating bodies each coupled to the driving rotary shaft and driven rotary shaft, and a moving member connecting to each of the plurality rotating bodies. [0017] And the rotary body is arranged in a number corresponding to the vertical partition member of the partition means. [0018] Further, the rotating bodies increase in diameter towards an outer direction from the shaft. [0019] And the diameters of the rotating bodies are in proportion to a distance moved horizontally by the vertical partition member connected to each rotating body. [0020] Further, the powdered medicine dispensing apparatus is configured to further include a horizontal separating plate and a vertical separating plate whereby, out of the unit cells partitioned by the vertical partition members and horizontal partition members, only the unit cells where powdered medicine is injected and partitioned are distinguished and partitioned. [0021] And the vertical separating plate differs in length according to the position of the horizontal separating plate which is positioned at the horizontal partition means. [0022] Further, the dispensing means is configured to have a plurality of slots partitioned by the partition means, that enables divided powdered medicine to be dispensed towards the individual slot arranged below, a fixing unit fixing the slot on a belt, a roller and shaft for step-moving the slot vertically, a cover arranged at a lower part of the slot to open and close the lower part as it rotates by a hinge, and a hanging bar extended towards a side of the cover, which is pressed by a pressing bar according to a movement of the slot to open the cover. [0023] And the individual slot is configured to have a slot storing powdered medicine divided and dropped from the dispensing means, a cover blocking a lower part of the slot, an opening means operating the cover to open and close the lower part of the slot, and a side fixing unit enabling the slot to be guided horizontally by the first horizontal driving unit. [0024] Further, the opening means is configured to have a hinge rotatably connecting the cover to the slot, a link with a side coupled to the hinge side and a link shaft formed on the other side, a perpendicular bar rotatably connected to the link shaft, a pressing unit installed at an end part of the perpendicular shaft, and a guiding unit guiding the perpendicular bar in a state of being supported on the slot. [0025] And the first and second horizontal driving units are configured to have a pressing unit pressing the individual slot horizontally, a belt with the pressing unit fixed, and a roller operating the belt. [0026] Further, the first and second vertical driving units are configured to have a roller coupled to a shaft, a belt rotating by the roller, and a guiding unit coupled to the outer side of the belt, which seats the horizontally transferred individual slot. [0027] And the auxiliary slot unit is configured to have a plurality of perpendicular shafts, an upper fixing bar installed at an upper part of the perpendicular shaft, a first spring positioned between a lower fixing bar installed at a position spaced with a predetermined spacing at the upper fixing bar, a guide bar installed at a perpendicular bar so that the guide bar is supported at an upper end of the first spring, and a pair of powdered medicine guiders rotatably installed on the guide bar, expand operating by the individual slot to guide powdered medicine to medicine wrapping paper. [0028] Further, a second spring which is elastically supported in a direction opposite to each other on the powdered medicine guiders in connection with the guide bar is further provided. [0029] And the second spring is formed to be less elastic than the first spring. [0030] Further, a split sealing machine which is arranged in a proceeding direction of medicine wrapping paper supplied in a roll form to enable the medicine wrapping paper to be divided vertically is further provided in the powdered medicine dispensing apparatus. [0031] And a powdered medicine dispensing apparatus, according to the present invention comprises a multilayered partition means having a frame with a space of predetermined size, that divides the frame horizontally and vertically to form unit cells for powdered medicine to be uniformly distributed; a first driving means connected to a vertically partitioning member of the multilayered partition means whereby a vertical spacing of a member is adjusted; and a second driving means which moves each of the multilayered partition means individually. [0032] And the first driving means is arranged at a lower part of the frame and individually connected to a vertically partition member, whereby each is operated individually. [0033] Further, a diameter of a rotating body is formed so that each of the first driving means operates proportionally to a distance moved by a vertical partition member. [0034] And the multilayered partition means is configured to have a frame stacked with a plurality thereof and arranged to be slidable with each other, a plurality of horizontal partition members that divide the frame horizontally, a plurality of vertical partition members that divide in a vertical direction perpendicular to the horizontal partition members, and a bottom plate for controlling a bottom surface of a frame arranged at the lowermost part of the frame. [0035] Further, the vertical partition member is configured to have a lower guide groove formed to have an inclined upper part and stepped lower part, and a first to third member formed to have a plurality of guide grooves in which the horizontal partition member is inserted into and slides along a length direction. [0036] And an upper protrusion is formed closely contacting the lower guide groove at an inclined surface of the second and third members so that the vertical partition member may be guided as it moves in a length direction by closely contacting the lower guide groove. [0037] On the other hand, as a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus for packaging using a powdered medicine dispensing apparatus, it comprises a dispensing means arranged under a partition means to load powdered medicine partitioned into unit cells as it falls, a third driving means for lifting the dispensing means, an auxiliary slot unit provided under the dispensing means to open the upper part of the medicine wrapping paper by a falling force of the vertically moved distribution means and simultaneously inject powdered medicine stored in the dispensing means into medicine wrapping paper, and a plurality of split sealing machines for individually separating and packaging medicine wrapping paper in a state in which powdered medicine is injected. Advantageous Effects [0038] According to the present invention, there are effects of significantly reducing the production cost of equipment to enable a more precise uniform dispensing of the powdered medicine while relying on half-manual work by a worker, allowing many distribution operations to be performed easily and speedily, and dispensing responsively according to an amount that is dispensed and an amount that is packaged. [0039] Further, according to the present invention, through a semi-automatic method, split injected powdered medicine is easily packaged. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0040] FIG. 1 is a plan view showing a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to a first embodiment of the present invention. [0041] FIG. 2 is a side view showing a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to a first embodiment of the present invention. [0042] FIG. 3 is a perspective view showing the vertical partition member shown in FIG. 1 . [0043] FIG. 4 is a perspective view showing a dispensing means according to the present invention. [0044] FIG. 5 is a perspective view showing a horizontal separating means according to the present invention. [0045] FIG. 6 is a perspective view showing a vertical separating means according to the present invention. [0046] FIGS. 7 to 10 are operational state views showing the operation of a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to a first embodiment of the present invention. [0047] FIG. 11 is a front view showing a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to a second embodiment of the present invention. [0048] FIG. 12 is a plan view showing a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to a second embodiment of the present invention. [0049] FIG. 13 is a schematic diagram showing a dispensing means shown in FIG. 11 . [0050] FIG. 14 is a schematic diagram showing an individual slot shown in FIG. 12 . [0051] FIG. 15 is a perspective view showing a powdered medicine guider of an auxiliary slot unit shown in FIG. 12 . [0052] FIGS. 16 to 20 are operational state views showing the operation of a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to a second embodiment. [0053] FIG. 21 is a view showing a partition means of a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to a third embodiment. [0054] FIG. 22 is a view showing a vertical partition member shown in FIG. 21 . [0055] FIG. 23 is a view showing a first driving means shown in FIG. 21 . [0056] FIG. 24 is a schematic view showing a dispensing means and auxiliary slot unit according to a third embodiment of the present invention. [0057] FIG. 25 is a view showing a dispensing means shown in FIG. 24 . [0058] FIG. 26 is a view showing an auxiliary slot unit shown in FIG. 24 . [0059] FIGS. 27 to 30 are operational state views of a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus according to a third embodiment of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS [0060] Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of the present invention will be described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawings. The embodiments of the present invention can be modified in various forms, and the scope of the present invention should not be construed as limited to the embodiments set forth below. The present embodiments are provided to describe the present invention in more detail to those skilled in the art to which the present invention pertains. Accordingly, the shape of each element shown in the figures may be exaggerated in order to emphasize a more clear description. [0061] The terms first, second, etc. may be used to describe various components, but the components should not be limited by the terms. The terms are used only to distinguish one component from another. [0062] The terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be limited the present invention. Singular forms include plural referents unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. In this application, the terms “comprises” or “having”, etc. are for specifying the presence of a feature, number, step, operation, component, or a combination thereof presented in the specification, and it should be understood that it does not pre-exclude the possibility of the presence or addition of one or more of other features, numbers, steps, operations, components or a combination thereof. [0063] As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 , a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus 100 according to a first embodiment of the present invention comprises a partition means 110 , driving means 120 , dispensing means 130 , and a holding unit 140 . [0064] The partition means 110 is provided with a frame 111 having a predetermined size and is configured to divide the frame 111 horizontally and vertically to form unit cells 114 for powdered medicine to be uniformly distributed in the unit cells 114 . [0065] For this, a frame 111 in a rectangular form having a predetermined height and an open upper and lower part, a horizontal partition member 112 arranged evenly spaced in a horizontal direction in the frame 111 to divide the space inside the frame horizontally, a vertical partition member 113 arranged in a vertical direction of the frame 114 in plurality to divide vertically, and a sliding plate 115 arranged at a lower part of the frame 114 to open and close the lower part is comprised. [0066] Further, a guide groove 116 guiding the sliding plate 115 and a guide groove 117 guiding the dispensing means 130 are formed respectively at the lower part of the frame 111 . [0067] In addition, the vertical partition member 113 is connected to a driving means 120 thereby partitioning unit cells 114 , and horizontal spacing thereof is adjusted to allow powdered medicine that is injected in a unit cell to be uniformly distributed inside the unit cell. [0068] Further, the vertical partition member 113 , as shown in FIG. 3 a , is configured to have a vertical plate 113 a , having slots 113 b formed to be spaced in correspondence with the horizontal partition member and an inclined surface 113 c at an upper surface inclined in a thickness direction, a perpendicular plate 113 e extending perpendicularly at both ends of the vertical plate 113 a , having an elastic member 113 d formed which pressurizes the vertical plate 113 a towards a sliding plate 116 , an extending plate 113 f extending horizontally in a direction opposite to each other from the upper end of the perpendicular plate 113 e , and a flat plate 113 g extending orthogonally from an end part of the extending plate 113 f to be connected with a moving member. [0069] Here, the inclined surface 113 c is formed to prevent the vertical plate from being weakened by a slot 113 b extending to an upper end while preventing powdered medicine that is injected from being piled at the upper end of the vertical partition member. [0070] Further, the sliding plate 115 is provided with a hinge 115 a so that the sliding plate may be folded at regular intervals as shown in FIG. 3 b. [0071] The driving means 120 is a component that is connected to the vertical partition member which divides the horizontal direction, to adjust the horizontal spacing of the member. [0072] As a specific configuration of the driving means 120 , it is configured to have a driving rotary shaft 122 arranged on one side of the frame 111 , that is operated by a handle 121 , a driven rotary shaft 123 arranged on the other side of the frame 111 , that is linkage driven by a rotation force of the driving rotary shaft, a plurality of rotating bodies 124 having different diameters in a shaft direction, coupled to the driving rotary shaft 122 and driven rotary shaft 123 , respectively, and a moving member 125 connecting the rotating bodies 124 to make them mutually linkage driven. [0073] At the exterior circumference of the moving member 125 , the vertical partition member 113 is arranged in a number corresponding to the moving member, allowing each of the connected vertical partition members to operate with a different moving distance by the rotation of the rotating body. [0074] Further, each of the rotating bodies 124 have diameters proportional to the moving distance of each of the vertical partition members 113 inside the frame, so as much as the diameter gradually expands from the rotating body of N 1 to the rotating body of N 5 , the moving distance of the vertical partition members connected to N 1 to N 5 respectively by a moving means each change from L 1 to L 5 , so that the horizontal expansion spacing of the unit cells are made uniform. [0075] For example, each rotating body 124 gradually increases in diameter from N 1 to N 5 , and the moving distance of the vertical partition member 113 which is sequentially connected to N 1 to N 5 of the rotating body from the left side to the right side in reference to the drawings, are moved in proportion to the diameter of the rotating bodies. The moving distance moves as much as L 1 by the rotation of N 1 , as much as L 2 by the rotation of N 2 , and in this way of moving in distance, the moving distance increases from L 1 to L 5 , so the diameter of the rotating bodies are to be correspondent thereto. [0076] Accordingly, the unit cells 114 partitioned by the vertical partition member and the horizontal partition member are extended according to the movement interval, and a uniform space may be ensured. [0077] The driving means 120 is described in the form of a belt in the drawing, but it may be operated by a gear method, and if it is configured to move the vertical partition member horizontally evenly spaced, then any of the sort may be included. [0078] The dispensing unit 130 , as shown in FIG. 4 is configured to have a dispensing slot 132 arranged in plurality, which has a predetermined size and a funnel shape that decreases in size from the upper part towards the lower part, and a sliding plate 131 to be slid and inserted along a guide groove 117 arranged at both ends of the dispensing slot 132 and formed on the frame 111 . [0079] The dispensing means 130 is arranged in a number corresponding to the spacing of the unit cells that divide the frame horizontally, and the unit cells that are divided vertically, are assembled in a block shape as to be adjusted according to the amount of powdered medicine to be dispensed and packaged. [0080] That is, the dispensing means 130 is detachable in a cartridge manner according to the quantity of the unit cells in which powdered medicine is vertically divided. [0081] The holding unit 140 is arranged at a lower part of the partition means 110 and is not shown in the drawings as a means to support a medicine bag located under the dispensing means 130 , but may be guided from the partition means and coupled as a slidingly detachable structure. [0082] On the other hand, as shown in FIG. 5 and FIG. 6 , a horizontal separating plate 150 and a vertical separating plate 160 are further provided. [0083] The horizontal separating plate 150 is configured to have a horizontal plate 151 having a length corresponding with a horizontal spacing of the frame 111 , a handle 152 arranged at both ends of the horizontal plate 151 , and a gap blocker 154 arranged in a length direction at a lower part of the horizontal plate 151 , and the gap blocker 154 may be in form of a sol or use urethane, silicone, etc. that has excellent elasticity. [0084] That is, the horizontal separating plate 150 is arranged having a corresponding length with the horizontal partition member at the upper part of the horizontal partition member. [0085] The vertical separating plate 160 is configured to have slots 162 corresponding to the number of horizontal partition members, and a vertical plate 161 having a groove 163 formed in a length direction to be fixed to the vertical partition member in a clip form. [0086] Further, the vertical separating plate 160 includes a plurality thereof that is formed with different vertical length according to the location the horizontal separating plate 150 is partitioned. [0087] For example, the horizontal separating plate 150 and the vertical separating plate 160 are configured to separate the partitioned unit cells 114 according to the number of powdered medicine being divided to separate them from unit cells not being used. [0088] Here, the number of vertical partition members is illustrated as 5, and the number of horizontal partition members is illustrated as 11, but it is noted that the number of vertical partition members and horizontal partition members may be increasingly formed according to the number of packages of powdered medicine, and it is also noted that the rotating bodies of the driving means is correspondingly increased. [0089] Hereinafter, the operation state of the first embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings. [0090] First, a dispensing means 130 which is blocked in the form of a cartridge to match the quantity of medicine to be packaged, is slidingly inserted into the lower part of the partition means and then, as shown in FIG. 2 , a necessary amount of medicine wrapping paper (MB) is arranged on the holding unit 140 to enable the opening of each medicine wrapping paper to be inserted in the dispensing slot of the dispensing means 130 . [0091] Then, as illustrated in FIG. 7 , the unit cell 114 is separated by using the horizontal separating plate 150 and vertical separating plate 160 as needed and powdered medicine (PW) is injected in the separated unit cell 114 . At this time, the horizontal separating plate 150 is located on an upper part of the horizontal partition member 112 , and the vertical separating plate 160 is closely arranged on a side of the vertical partition member arranged at the very right side out of the vertical partition members 113 in reference to the drawing, and an end part of a side of the vertical separating plate is closely arranged to a side of the horizontal separating plate. [0092] Further, medicine that is mixed according to a prescription that is pulverized in a large number and arranged is used as the powdered medicine. [0093] If the amount of powdered medicine to be injected is large, horizontal separating plate is moved towards another horizontal partition member to partition the horizontal separator plate, and a vertical separating plate corresponding thereto is arranged on the vertical partition member side. That is, the vertical separating plate is prepared individually in plurality to have a length corresponding to the spacing of the divided horizontal partition member. [0094] In this state, if the powdered medicine (PW) is injected into the separated unit cells 114 , the injected powdered medicine is piled up to have a higher height than the one partitioned by the horizontal partition member and vertical partition member, so this must be adjusted so that powdered medicine is uniformly distributed to the unit cells. [0095] For this, as shown in FIG. 8 , the handle 121 is operated so that as the driving rotary shaft 122 and the driven rotary shaft 123 are rotated the connected moving means 125 is moved in the rotating direction. [0096] At this time, a vertical partition member 113 is connected to the moving means 125 so the vertical partition member moves as much as the moving distance of the moving means. [0097] Further, each of the vertical partition members is moved in different distances by rotating bodies having different diameters, so the partitioned unit cells are expanded with uniform spacing, and powdered medicine (PW) as shown in FIG. 9 for the expanded unit cells 114 ′ is horizontally aligned with the upper end of the unit cell 114 ′ [0098] According to another method, when the total volume of the powdered medicine is known, the spacing of the vertical partition members at which the powdered medicine becomes aligned horizontally with the upper end of each unit cell may be calculated by a simple calculation, and the vertical partition member is moved at the same interval and then the powdered medicine is injected, and the upper part of the partition member is evened out. At this time, it is possible to install a scale along the vertical direction to accurately identify the spacing between the vertical partition members. [0099] Then, as shown in FIG. 10 , if the moving means 125 is moved by rotating the rotating body to inject a uniformly divided powdered medicine to the medicine wrapping paper, each of the connected vertical partition members 113 are vertically aligned with the unit dispensing slots 132 arranged underneath. [0100] In this state, when the sliding plate 115 disposed at the lower part of the partition means is slid out along the guide groove 116 , the powdered medicine placed in the unit cell is naturally introduced towards the medicine wrapping paper (MB) arranged respectively along the dispensing slot 132 . At this time, the sliding plate 115 is arranged with a hinge 115 a at regular intervals in a sliding direction so that the sliding plate is lowered downward when the sliding plate is slid off, thereby minimizing the space occupied by the sliding plate. [0101] When the powdered medicine is injected into the medicine wrapping paper, uniformly distributed powdered medicine is stored in each medicine wrapping paper when the powdered medicine is separated from the dispensing slot. [0102] At this time, when the holding unit 140 is enabled to slide off from the partition means, it is possible to easily perform a packaging operation by separating a medicine wrapping paper in a state inserted into the dispensing slot at once. [0103] As shown in FIGS. 11 and 12 , the powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus 200 according to a second embodiment of the present invention comprises a partition means 110 , driving means 120 , a dispensing means 210 , an individual slot 220 , an upper guide plate 230 , a first horizontal driving unit 240 , a first vertical driving unit 250 , an auxiliary slot unit 260 , a lower guide plate 270 , a second horizontal driving unit 280 and a second vertical driving unit 290 . [0104] The partition means 110 and the driving means 120 use the structure used in the first embodiment, and thus the detailed description thereof will be omitted. [0105] As shown in FIG. 13 , the dispensing unit 210 is provided under a partition means 110 and a driving means 120 , and as a component to sequentially store the powdered medicine divided into unit cells by the partition means and driving means, is arranged to have a width and area corresponding to the lower area of the partition means and driving means so a roller 215 is driven by a shaft 214 connected to a motor (not shown), and a plurality of slots 211 are coupled to a fixing unit 212 on a belt 213 wound on the roller 215 . The slot 211 is preferably arranged in a number corresponding to the horizontal direction of the unit cells partitioned by the partitioning means. [0106] Further, a pressing bar 216 a capable of opening the lower part of each slot 211 under the dispensing means 210 is arranged inclining in the slot direction while being orthogonal to a horizontal bar 216 b , wherein the slot 211 is configured to have a cover 211 a pressurized by the pressing bar 216 a to open or close the lower part of the slot, a hinge 211 b that turns the cover 211 a , and a hanging bar 21 c at the pressing bar, which is caught by the pressing bar according to a movement of the slot thereby opening the cover. [0107] The individual slots 220 are located under the dispensing means 210 , and a quantity corresponding to the number of slots of the dispensing means is arranged to be pressed and moved individually by the first horizontal driving unit and is separately moved towards the first vertical driving unit. [0108] Further, the separate slot has an open upper part and a lower part that is opened and closed by the cover 222 , and as shown in FIG. 14 , is configured to have a slot 221 having a gradually narrowing width gradually from the upper part to the lower part, an opening means 223 connected to the cover 222 and performing an operation for opening and closing the cover 222 from the slot, and a side fixing unit 224 arranged in a position opposite to the slot 221 side. [0109] And the opening means 223 is configured to have a hinge 223 a rotatably connecting the cover 222 and the slot 221 , a link 223 b with a side fixed to the hinge 223 a , provided with a link shaft 223 c on its end in a state where it is extended to a certain length, a perpendicular bar 223 d rotatably connected to the link shaft 223 c and extended to a certain length, a pressing unit 223 e extending orthogonally at an end part of the perpendicular bar 223 d , which is pressurized by the auxiliary slot unit described below, and a guiding unit 223 f having a guiding groove 223 g to guide the perpendicular bar 223 d when moving vertically. The guiding unit 223 f is connected to a side of the slot 221 . [0110] The upper guide plate 230 is arranged on the lower part of the individual slots 220 to guide the individual slots 220 and has a cutting hole 231 , 232 cut on both ends to a size big enough to allow the individual slots 220 to pass through. [0111] The first horizontal driving unit 240 is configured to horizontally move the individual slots 230 , wherein a roller 242 installed to a shaft 244 with a spacing corresponding to the moving distance of the individual slots is arranged, and a belt 243 is wound on the roller 242 and operated, and a pressing unit 241 is provided on the belt 243 that pressurizes and pushes the individual slot horizontally. [0112] That is, the first horizontal driving unit 240 is configured to horizontally move the pressing unit 241 , and move the individual slots in a state where they are seated on the upper guide plate from the side of the second vertical driving unit to the side of the first vertical driving unit, wherein the individual slots are pushed stepwise so the individual slots may be discharged one by one towards the cutting hole 231 of the upper guide plate, by the first vertical driving unit. [0113] The first vertical driving unit 250 is configured to have a roller 252 connected to a shaft 251 which is spaced apart evenly, a rotating belt 253 wound on the roller 252 , and a guiding unit 254 which is fixed to the belt 253 , and a coupling groove 255 in which a side fixing unit of the individual slot is inserted and seated is formed on the guide plate 254 . [0114] That is, the first vertical driving unit is configured to grab the individual slots which move by the first horizontal driving unit to move to the auxiliary slot unit underneath. [0115] The auxiliary slot 260 is arranged at a lower side of the first vertical driving unit 250 as shown in FIG. 15 , to guide the powdered medicine stored in the individual slots 220 moved by the first vertical driving unit 250 to a medicine wrapping paper, wherein it is configured to have a pair of perpendicular shafts 261 which are arranged at both sides of the medicine wrapping paper (MB) moving the lower part in the horizontal direction, an upper fixing bar 262 fixed to the upper end of the perpendicular shaft 261 , and a lower fixing bar 263 arranged at a position spaced apart with a certain spacing from the upper fixing bar 262 , a first spring 264 arranged between the upper fixing bar and the lower fixing bar, a guide bar 265 inserted into a perpendicular shaft to be supported by the first spring 264 , and a powdered medicine guider 266 rotatably coupled to the guide bar 265 . [0116] Here, the powdered medicine guider 266 is arranged to have a curved shape as a pair, and a second spring 267 is further included between the powdered medicine guider and guide bar so that the pair of powdered medicine guiders 266 are pressed in a direction opposite to each other. [0117] It is preferable that the second spring 267 has a relatively strong elasticity relative to the first spring 264 . This is to allow the powdered medicine guider to be opened by pressurizing the individual slot after the first spring is first compressed and constantly compressed by the pressing force when the powdered medicine guider is pressurized by the individual slots entering the upper part. [0118] The lower guide plate 270 is a means to guide the individual slots when moving horizontally to move back to the upper guide plate after the individual slots drop the powdered medicine into the medicine wrapping paper, wherein a cutting hole 271 cut so that the individual slot may move towards the auxiliary slot unit with a length corresponding to the upper guide plate is formed on one side. [0119] The second horizontal driving unit 280 and the second vertical driving unit 290 are arranged in a position corresponding to the first horizontal driving unit 240 and the first vertical driving unit 250 , respectively, and the description thereof is omitted. [0120] According to the second embodiment of the present invention, a split sealing machine 300 which is neighboring the auxiliary slot unit 260 while being arranged on the side of the proceeding direction of the medicine wrapping paper (MB) to allow the cartridge to be divided vertically, is further arranged to enable the powdered medicine injected in medicine wrapping paper to be packaged in divided areas. [0121] Further, the medicine wrapping paper is guided by the guide roller 310 in the form of a roll, and passes between the auxiliary slots, and stores a powdered medicine that is dropped from the auxiliary slot. [0122] Here, the dispensing means, the first horizontal driving unit, and the second horizontal driving unit, the first vertical driving unit and the second vertical driving unit are respectively operated by a motor (not shown) connected to a shaft, and the motor is not shown, but is controlled by a control unit for controlling each operation. [0123] Hereinafter, the operation state of the second embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings. [0124] First, as in the first embodiment of the present invention, a partition means 110 and a driving means 120 is used for dividing the powdered medicine into unit cells, and then as shown in FIG. 16 , the lower part of divided powdered medicine is opened stepwise to allow the divided powdered medicine to be moved to a slot 211 of a dispensing means 210 . At this time, in the present embodiment, the distribution means is moved vertically from the lower part of the partition means and driving means so that the powdered medicine is separated, but on the other hand, an entire partition means and driving means may move stepwise and the medicine may be dropped by the dispensing unit. [0125] The powdered medicine injected to the dispensing means is made to be present in a slot closed by a cover 211 a , and a hanging bar 211 c arranged in the cover according to the movement of the slot is caught by a pressing bar 216 a and is turned by a hinge 211 b to be slowly opened to allow the powdered medicine to be dropped towards the individual slots 220 arranged underneath to store the powdered medicine inside each individual slot. Then, as shown in FIG. 17 , the first horizontal driving unit 240 is operated to push the individual slots 220 to the first vertical driving unit 250 , thereby enabling the individual slots 220 ′ of the front end of the unit individual slots to be connected to the guiding unit 254 of the first vertical driving unit 250 . [0126] That is, the dispensing means is able to inject the powdered medicine from the dispensing means in a stepwise manner as it is moved towards the powdered medicine of the state stored in the unit cells, and are opened by a pressing bar arranged on the lower part of the individual slots to allow the powdered medicine to be dropped into individual slots. [0127] In this state, the first vertical driving unit 250 is operated to move the individual slots 220 ′ of the grabbed state to a lower side and move to the auxiliary slot unit 260 to allow the individual slots 220 ′ to be located on the powdered medicine guider 266 side of the auxiliary slot unit 260 . [0128] Next, as shown in FIG. 18 , when the individual slot is lowered by operating the first vertical driving unit 250 , the pressing unit 223 e of the opening means 223 coupled to the individual slots 220 ′ pushes the guide bar 265 and the pressurized guide bar compresses the first spring 264 and is lowered so the lower end of the powdered medicine guider 266 is inserted between the medicine wrapping paper (MB), making the gap in between the medicine wrapping paper to be spaced apart from each other. [0129] Thereafter, as shown in FIG. 19 , by the individual slots that descend when the compressive force generated by the continuous compression of the first spring 264 is stronger than the spring force of the second spring, powdered medicine guider 266 is opened apart oppositely from each other and the medicine wrapping paper becomes even more spaced apart while a cover 222 of the lower part of the individual slots is opened by an operation of a link and a perpendicular shaft of an opening means of a pressed state, so that the powdered medicine that used to be stored is dropped and stored in a medicine wrapping paper. [0130] After dropping the powdered medicine from the individual slots, as shown in FIG. 20 , the medicine wrapping paper is horizontally moved, while simultaneously the stored powdered medicine is partitioned by using the split fusion machine 300 . [0131] Further, the individual slots 220 ′ to which the dropping of powdered medicine is finished, operates the first vertical driving unit 250 in an upper direction to pass through the cutting hole 271 of the lower guide plate 270 while simultaneously operating a second horizontal driving unit 280 to move while being guided by the lower guide plate 270 towards the second vertical driving unit 290 , and then by the second vertical driving unit 290 passing through the cutting hole 232 of the upper guide plate 230 of the upper part and may be positioned in the first horizontal driving unit. [0132] Then, the first horizontal driving unit operates a movement that moves the individual slots horizontally again to move the individual slots to be located under the distribution unit. [0133] This operation is repeatedly performed and the powdered medicine, which is divided by the partition means, can be injected into a continuous process. [0134] As described above, the present invention may be able to correspond to an appropriate amount required by the patient as well as allow quick uniform separation of the powdered medicine to be divided, thereby obtaining high efficiency at low cost in a hospital dealing with a large amount of powdered medicine. [0135] As shown in FIGS. 21 and 24 , the powder dispensing packaging apparatus 300 according to a third embodiment of the present invention comprises a partition means 310 , a first driving means 320 , a second driving means 330 , a dispensing means 340 , a third driving means 350 , an auxiliary slot unit 360 , and a split sealing machine 370 . [0136] The partition means 310 comprises a frame 311 which is formed in a predetermined space by four closed surfaces and is stacked in plurality layers, as shown in FIGS. 21 to 23 , a horizontal partition member 312 which divides the horizontal direction inside the frame 311 into even intervals, a plurality of vertical partition members 313 arranged in a direction perpendicular to the horizontal partition member 312 , and a bottom plate 311 a which controls the bottom surface of the frame arranged at the lowermost side of the frame. [0137] The horizontal partition member 312 and the vertical partition member 313 are arranged to form a unit cell 314 partitioned in a frame so that a predetermined amount of powdered medicine is stored in the unit cells 314 . [0138] The horizontal partition members 312 are provided individually on each of a plurality of frames 3111 , 3112 , 3113 stacked in plurality layers, to be able to move together with each frame as it is operated individually, and as shown in FIG. 23 , a guide groove 3113 a is formed on a lower surface of a frame 3113 arranged on the lowermost layer out of each frame stacked in plurality layers so that each unit cell is expanded so when vertically moving, a holding protrusion 323 may pass in a state where powdered medicine is uniformly distributed. [0139] The vertical partition member 313 is configured to have a first to third members 3131 , 3132 , 3133 , and the first member 3131 comprises a guide groove 3131 a formed to be evenly spaced along a length direction in the form of a plate having a certain length, an inclined surface 3131 b formed on the upper surface thereof, and a lower guide groove 3131 c formed on the lower surface thereof, and the second member 3132 comprises a guide groove 3132 a formed to be evenly spaced along a length direction in the form of a plate having a certain length, an inclined surface 3132 b formed on the upper surface thereof, a lower guide groove 3132 c formed on the lower surface thereof, and an upper protrusion 3132 d formed on a side of the inclined surface 3132 b formed in plurality, and the third member comprises a guide groove 3133 a formed to be evenly spaced along a length direction in the form of a plate having a certain length, an inclined surface 3133 b formed on the upper surface thereof, a hanging groove 3133 c formed on the lower surface thereof, and an upper protrusion 3133 d formed on a side of the inclined surface 3133 d in plurality. [0140] Further, the first through third members 3131 , 3132 , 3133 are provided, stacked on each of the multilayered frames 311 , and the first member slides along the upper surface of the second member if the frame 3111 of the uppermost layer moves when the multilayered frame is individually operated by the second driving member, and the second member slides along the upper surface of the third member and the frame 3113 of the lowermost layer moves and is separated from the bottom plate when the frame 3112 of a middle layer moves. [0141] The first driving means 120 , as shown in FIG. 23 is configured to have a rotating body 321 arranged at the lowermost frame 3113 of the frame 311 and connected via a shaft to operate, an endless track 322 which surrounds the rotating body 321 and moves by the rotation of the rotating body, and a hanging protrusion 323 which is arranged on one side of the upper surface of the endless track 322 to be inserted into the lower guide groove 3133 c formed on the third member 3133 of the lowermost layer out of the vertical partition member 313 . [0142] Further, the first driving means 320 moves the third member as an endless track 322 operates between the grooves 311 b formed on the bottom plate 311 a to change the sizes of the unit cells dividing the frame. [0143] Here the first driving means 320 is arranged in a number corresponding to a plurality of vertical partition members 313 forming unit cells as it moves horizontally to individually operate each vertical partition member, and a diameter of the rotating body is formed to allow each of the vertical partition members to operate in proportion to the distance moved. [0144] That is, the first driving means 320 performs an operation for individually moving a plurality of vertical partition members to a predetermined length in a horizontal direction. [0145] For example, when the first driving means 320 are individually connected to the vertical partition members, the first driving means referred to as M 1 to M 6 respectively, and the vertical partition members referred to as L 1 to L 6 , respectively, they are connected in a manner in which M 1 and L 1 are connected, and M 2 and L 2 are connected, and the moving distance of L 2 is moved farther than L 1 , and thus the rotating body may have a corresponding diameter thereto. In such a way, the diameter of the rotating body is differed from each other so as to perform the operation of M 1 to M 6 to correspond to a moving distance of L 1 to L 6 , and apart from this, a measurement means (not shown) capable of measuring the number of rotations of the rotary body is provided whereby the moving distances of the vertical partition members may be adjusted by varying the number of rotations of a motor in a rotating body with a same diameter. [0146] The second driving means 330 is configured to have a rotating body 331 arranged at both sides of the frame horizontally, an endless track 332 which surrounds the rotating body and operates by the rotating body, and a bracket (not shown) for individually connecting the endless track 332 to the respective frames 3111 , 3112 , 3113 . [0147] That is, the second driving means 330 is arranged in a number corresponding to each frame that is stacked and performs an operation of moving the frame in a vertical direction. [0148] Here, the first driving means 320 is described in the form of a belt in the drawing, but it may be operated by a gear method, and if it is configured to move the vertical partition member horizontally evenly spaced, then any of the sort may be included, and it is described to be operated by the handle but it is also possible to be connected to a motor and such to be operated. [0149] The dispensing means 340 is located under the partition means 310 as shown in FIGS. 24 and 25 , and a plurality thereof is arranged to have spacing which corresponds with the spacing of the unit cells partitioned by a the vertical partition members. A storage slot 341 having an open upper part and a lower part which is opened and closed by a cover 346 a , formed to decrease gradually more towards the bottom part, to store powdered medicine that is partitioned from the unit cells, and an opening means 346 which is connected to the cover 346 a and performs an operation for opening and closing the cover 346 a from the storage slot 341 is configured. [0150] The opening means 346 is configured to have a hinge 346 b for rotatably connecting the cover 346 a and the storage slot 341 , a link 346 c which a side thereof is fixed to the hinge 346 b and has a link shaft 346 d in a state extended to a certain length on an end, a perpendicular bar 346 e which is rotatably connected to the link shaft 346 d and has a certain length extended in a vertical direction, a pressing plate 346 g which extends orthogonally at the end of the perpendicular bar 346 e and is pressed by an auxiliary slot unit which will be described below, and a guide unit 346 f having a guide groove 346 h formed to guide the perpendicular bar 346 e when moving in a vertical direction. The guide unit 346 f is connected to a side of the storage slot 341 . [0151] The third driving unit 350 is arranged in a vertical direction and configured to have a plurality of rotating bodies 351 arranged respectively on both lateral sides of the dispensing means 340 , an endless track 352 which surrounds each rotating body 351 and operates to be connected vertically, and a bracket 353 for connecting the endless track 352 and the dispensing means 340 . [0152] The auxiliary slot unit 360 is arranged under the dispensing means 340 to be operated by the dispensing means 340 moving downward, as shown in FIG. 24 , a pair of perpendicular shafts 361 which are arranged at both sides of the medicine wrapping paper (MB) moving the lower part in a horizontal direction, an upper fixing bar 362 fixed on the upper end of the perpendicular bar 361 and a lower fixing bar 363 arranged at a position spaced apart with a certain spacing from the upper fixing bar 362 , a first spring 364 arranged between the upper fixing bar and the lower fixing bar, a guide bar 365 inserted into a perpendicular shaft to be supported by the first spring 364 , and a powdered medicine guider 366 rotatably coupled to the guide bar 365 . [0153] Here, the powdered medicine guider 366 is arranged to have a curved shape as a pair in group in a number corresponding to the dispensing means 340 and storage slot 341 , and a second spring 367 is further included between the powdered medicine guider and guide bar so that the pair of powdered medicine guiders 366 are pressed in a direction opposite to each other. [0154] It is preferable that the second spring 367 has a relatively strong elasticity relative to the first spring 164 . This is to allow the powdered medicine guider to be opened by pressurizing the individual slot after the first spring is first compressed and constantly compressed by the pressing force when the powdered medicine guider is pressurized by the individual slots entering the upper part. [0155] The split sealing machine 370 is arranged between a plurality of powdered medicine guiders 366 arranged evenly spaced in the proceeding direction of the medicine wrapping paper and configured to moves towards the medicine wrapping paper to seal the medicine wrapping paper using heat or high frequency waves when powdered medicine is injected in the medicine wrapping paper, wherein a general sealer for sealing medicine wrapping paper and the like is used. [0156] Hereinafter, the operation state of the third embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings. [0157] According to the present invention, the horizontal sections of the unit cells 314 are described as three in number. [0158] The powdered medicine filled in the unit cells, must change the volume of the unit cells according to a dose since the powdered medicine corresponding to a single dose is accommodated in one unit cell, and the volume of the unit cells must be changed through the movement of the vertical partition member and the capacity of the powdered medicine being filled in each unit cell must be uniform. For this, as shown in FIG. 27 , a predetermined amount of powdered medicine (PW) is injected and filled in a separated space by the unit cells 314 partitioned to be evenly spaced inside a frame 311 by horizontal partition members 312 and vertical partition members 313 . [0159] In the multilayered frame, the lowermost frame and the intermediate frame are in a state completely filled with the powdered medicine, but at the uppermost frame it is in a piled up state and since the volume spacing of the unit cells don't meet the capacity of one dosage, the uniform distributions of the powdered medicine has not been performed on all of the unit cells. [0160] In this state, to uniformly distribute in respect to each unit cell of the powdered medicine, as shown in FIG. 28 , the first driving means 320 is operated to move the vertical partition member 313 in a horizontal direction to a certain extent. [0161] At this time, the first driving means 320 are divided into M 1 to M 6 and are individually connected to each of the vertical partition members distinguished as L 1 to L 6 , so that the moving distance of L 1 to L 6 is different depending on the operation of M 1 to M 6 . [0162] That is, in order to uniformly distribute the powdered medicine in the unit cells, L 1 and L 2 , L 3 and L 4 , L 5 and 16 are in close contact respectively, and M 1 to M 6 are operated respectively, so that L 3 and L 4 is moved twice as much as the distance L 1 and L 2 moved, and L 5 and L 6 are moved four times as much in distance. At this time, the operation of the first driving means is operated by a control signal of a control unit (not shown). [0163] Shown here is, the frame when seen from a plan view, so the frames stacked at a lower part are simultaneously operated by the connection of the first member to third member of the vertical partition member so the operation of the vertical partition member in the entire frame can be described as the operation of the uppermost frame. [0164] When a generally uniform powdered medicine is distributed in the unit cells by the horizontal expansion of the vertical partition members, as shown in FIG. 29 , the spacing of unit cells 314 ′ in a state where it is expanded to match the spacing of the dispensing means arranged underneath is maintained as the spacing of the unit cells filled with the powdered medicine is adjusted. [0165] That is, the spacing between the first ({circle around ( 1 )}) to third ({circle around ( 3 )}) unit cells filled with powdered medicine distributed between L 1 and L 2 , L 2 and L 3 , L 4 and L 5 respectively, is maintained as L 2 to L 6 are generally moved in a horizontal direction, to form a space between L 1 and L 2 , L 3 and L 4 , and L 5 and L 6 respectively, so that through this spacing, the space in between the storage slots of the dispensing means arranged at a lower part is adjusted to match, and also by maintaining the spacing in between the first ({circle around ( 1 )}) to third ({circle around ( 3 )}), when the frame is moved vertically the powdered medicine is prevented from falling over to a frame of the middle layer from a frame of the uppermost layer while powdered medicine may be dropped to the dispensing means. [0166] Also, as shown in FIG. 29 , after expanding the vertical partition member, a frame of the uppermost layer is moved vertically, so that the powdered medicine in the frame is dropped while simultaneously the height of the powdered medicine placed on the middle layer is uniformly weighed using the frame, and the vertical partition member of L 1 to L 6 is returned as shown in FIG. 28 after dropping the powdered medicine of the uppermost layer and the middle layer, so the vertical partition member is expanded to its maximum at a state where L 2 is attached to L 1 , L 4 to L 3 , and L 6 to L 5 , and then moving the uppermost layer vertically to drop, wherein this method is used to sequentially drop the powdered medicine of each layer to have it stacked on the dispensing means. At this time, through a guide groove 3113 a formed at a lower part of the horizontal partition member of the lowermost layer, it is possible to move without being interrupted by a hanging protrusion. [0167] According to another method, when the total volume of the powdered medicine is known, the spacing of the vertical partition members at which the powdered medicine becomes aligned horizontally with the upper end of each unit cell may be calculated by a simple calculation, and the vertical partition member is moved at the same interval and then the powdered medicine is injected, and the upper part of the partition member is evened out. At this time, it is possible to install a scale along the vertical direction to accurately identify the spacing between the vertical partition members. [0168] Next, as shown in FIGS. 30 and 31 , a powdered medicine which is partitioned by a partition means 310 drops to a dispensing means arranged under the partition means, and a second driving means 330 connected to the uppermost frame 3111 is operated first to allow the powdered medicine to drop into the unit cells 314 ′ divided by the horizontal partition member 312 and the vertical partition member. [0169] That is, the second driving means 330 moves the frames 3111 , 3112 , 3113 of the partition means in the vertical direction and the powdered medicine filled in the unit cells is dropped stepwise to the distribution means, wherein the powdered medicine in the frame located at a lower part thereof is weighed to be compared to be equal with the height of the frame, thereby preventing the powdered medicine in the unit cell from being lost in the process of moving the frame to the storage slot side by the guide plate 341 a which is extended with an incline to one side of the storage slot 341 . [0170] On the other hand, in the operation of the present invention only the process of dropping from the first unit cell of the uppermost frame 3111 will be described as follows. This is because the dropping process of powdered medicine is the same to that of other frames. [0171] When the uppermost frame 3111 is moved in a vertical direction by the operation of the second driving means, a powdered medicine (PW) is dropped inside the storage slot 341 by way of a guide plate 341 a of a storage slot 341 located on a lower part. [0172] The dropped powdered medicine is placed in the storage slot 341 , and is lowered by operation of the third driving means 350 as shown in FIG. 32 . [0173] As shown in FIG. 33 , it is located on the upper side of the auxiliary slot unit 360 arranged under the dispensing means 340 , and when the storage slot 341 is lowered, the pressing unit 346 g of the opening means 346 coupled to the storage slot 341 ′ presses the guide bar 365 and the pressurized guide bar compresses and lowers the first spring 364 and the lower end of the powdered medicine guider 366 is inserted between the medicine wrapping paper (MB), making the gap in between the medicine wrapping paper to be spaced apart from each other. [0174] In this state, as shown in FIG. 34 , the powdered medicine guider 366 cancels out the spring force of the second spring due to the storage slot which is lowered when the compressive force generated by the continuous compression of the first spring 364 is stronger than the spring force of the second spring, and the powdered medicine guider 366 is opened apart oppositely from each other and the medicine wrapping paper becomes more spaced apart while a cover 364 a of the lower part of the storage slots 341 ′ is opened by an operation of a link 346 c and a perpendicular shaft of an opening means in a pressed state, so that the powdered medicine (PW) that used to be stored is dropped and stored in a medicine wrapping paper (MB). [0175] A plurality of split sealing machines 370 arranged in evenly spaced manner as shown in FIG. 32 operate oppositely facing the medicine wrapping paper in a direction towards it to seal it to make the medicine wrapping paper separated from each other. [0176] Here, each shaft is connected to a motor (not shown) to operate, and the motor is not shown but is controlled by a control unit for controlling each operation. [0177] This operation is repeatedly performed and the powdered medicine divided by the partition means may be injected in a continuous process. [0178] In this way, it is possible not only to respond to an appropriate amount in compliance with the amount required by a patient, but also to rapidly divide the powdered medicine uniformly, and thereby it is possible to obtain a large effect with less expense in a hospital handling a large amount of powdered medicine. [0179] Although the present invention has been described with reference to the preferred embodiments, it is intended to aid in the understanding of the technical content of the present invention, and the technical scope of the invention is not intended to be limited thereto. [0180] That is, it would be obvious to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications can be made to the invention without departing from the technical gist of the present invention, and such changes and modifications are within the technical scope of the present invention in view of the interpretation of the claims.
The present invention relates to a powdered medicine dispensing apparatus, and a powdered medicine dispensation packaging apparatus using the same. According to the present invention, the production cost of the apparatus is significantly reduced, and thereby more precise uniform dispensing of the powered medicine can be facilitated while relying on half-manual operation by a worker, many distribution operations can be performed easily and speedily, and dispensing can be made responsive according to the amount that is dispensed and the amount that is packaged.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a rotary machine and more particularly to a tie bolt and stacked wheel assembly for the rotors of such machines, wherein the tie bolts retain the stacked wheels in assembled relation without relative rotation between the tie bolts and the stacked wheels. Exemplary rotary machines to which this invention relates include turbines and/or compressors. The rotors of rotary machines, such as turbines and compressors, are typically formed of axially stacked wheels, which hold individual blades about their periphery. For example, compressor rotors include a series of individual compressor wheels stacked together with a set of tie bolts extending generally axially through the stack. The wheels mount the blades which, together with stator blades, form the compressor stages. The tie bolts are typically elongated studs threaded at both ends for receiving nuts to maintain the wheels in stacked, assembled relation relative to one another. It will be appreciated, however, that tie bolts can have a headed end. In many such rotors formed of stacked wheels, the stacked wheels have ridge and groove arrangements along their interfaces so that the rotor torque can be carried through the stack. In a preferred form, however, sufficient clamp load is applied to the tie bolts to ensure that the rotor torque is carried through the stack by friction between the faces of the wheels and the nut faces. It will be appreciated that any loosening of the nuts on the tie bolts would clearly reduce the tension on the bolts and, thus, lower the torque carrying capability of the rotor, eventually to unacceptable levels. Recognizing this problem, current design practice requires that the rotation of the nut relative to the bolt be prevented by redundant methods. One such method relies on the nut face friction against the threads and the stack. A second method of preventing rotation of the nut relative to the bolt is to run a jam nut against the primary nut to prevent its rotation relative to the stud. It is also desirable to prevent rotation of the tie bolt assembly relative to the stacked wheels to facilitate assembly and ensure sufficient clamp load can be applied for rotor torque to be carried through the stack. A need remains for a reliable bolt and nut assembly mechanism that remains rotationally locked and assembled at all times to keep, e.g., the compressor wheels fully engaged during all operating conditions and in a manner which will not damage the tie bolt assembly or rotor. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The invention provides a simple and reliable bolt and nut mechanism for holding e.g., the aft nut of a compressor during assembly operations and also that remains assembled at all times to keep the compressor wheels fully engaged during all operating conditions. In an embodiment of the invention, a tie bolt and stacked wheel assembly for the rotor of the rotary machine is provided wherein the stacked wheels are joined one to the other in an axial array by tie bolts, more specifically studs, provided at opposite ends with nuts to define bolt assemblies. To prevent rotation of the stud and nut combination within the rotor, a self-locking nut is provided at the aft end of the stud. Thus, the invention may be embodied in a self locking nut comprising: a main body; a forward radial flange defined at a first longitudinal end of said main body; an aft radial flange defined at a second longitudinal end of said main body; and a tab component projecting radially from a radially outer peripheral surface of said aft radial flange. The invention is also embodied a stacked wheel assembly for the rotor of a rotary machine comprising: a plurality of stacked wheels for rotation about a common axis and forming part of the rotor; and a plurality of elongated tie bolts passing through aligned bolt holes of said stacked wheels for retaining the wheels in axially stacked relation, said plurality of tie bolts being spaced from one another circumferentially of the rotor; at least one of said tie bolts comprising a stud having a locking nut at least one of mounted to and defined at one longitudinal end thereof, said locking nut comprising at least one tab component projecting radially therefrom, wherein an end face of said plurality of stacked wheels includes a receptacle for receiving said locking nut and said at least one tab component. The invention is further embodied in a method for retaining stacked wheels for the rotor of a rotary machine in an assembled relation comprising: stacking a plurality of wheels so as to align bolt holes respectively defined therethrough, to thereby define a plurality of tie bolt passages axially of said stacked wheels; providing at least one tie bolt comprising a stud having a locking nut at least one of mounted to and defined at one longitudinal end thereof, said locking nut comprising at least one tab component projecting radially therefrom; inserting said stud through a said tie bolt passage defined by aligned bolt holes of said stacked wheels; disposing said locking nut and said at least one tab component in a receptacle defined in an end face of said plurality of stacked wheels; and axially fixing said at least one tie bolt to said stacked wheels. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS These and other objects and advantages of this invention, will be more completely understood and appreciated by careful study of the following more detailed description of the presently preferred exemplary embodiments of the invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a rotor incorporating a self-locking nut embodying the invention; FIG. 2 is a schematic, broken away view of an aft wheel shaft for accommodating a self-locking nut embodying the invention; FIG. 3 is a view similar to FIG. 2 showing the self-locking nuts in position; FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a self-locking nut embodying the invention; and FIG. 5 is a side elevational view of the self-locking nut of FIG. 4 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION By way of example, a compressor comprising a stacked wheel assembly and tie bolt embodying the invention is illustrated in FIG. 1 . The compressor, generally designated 10 , includes a plurality of wheels 12 axially stacked, each wheel mounting a plurality of circumferentially spaced compressor blades (not shown). The wheels are maintained in their axially stacked relation by a plurality of circumferentially spaced tie bolt assemblies. In the illustrated embodiment, each tie bolt assembly extends axially the length of the compressor. It is to be understood, however, that the invention may also be applied to compressor assembly wherein first and second tie bolt assemblies are provided coupling respective axial sets of stages to one another and overlap to maintain the compressor in axially stacked relation and keep the preload applied during the assembly process. Each of the tie bolt assemblies includes a tie bolt, which may also be characterized as an elongated stud 14 having first and second longitudinal ends. In an exemplary embodiment, at the forward end of each stud (not shown), a locking nut assembly is provided. In this embodiment, a regular 12-point nut and a locking nut that prevents the former from disengagement are provided, although other locking nuts assemblies may be provided. To rotationally lock the stud with respect to the stacked wheels, in an embodiment of the invention a self-locking nut 18 is provided at the aft end of the stud 14 . The self-locking nut 18 may be formed at the aft end of the shaft but is more preferably separately formed and secured to the shaft. In an exemplary embodiment, the nut 18 is threaded to threads defined on the aft end of the stud 14 , but the nut 18 may instead by secured to the stud by brazing or welding. Referring more particularly to FIGS. 4 and 5, in the illustrated embodiment, where the nut is secured to the stud 14 , stud 14 is received in a bore 16 defined in self-locking nut 18 . The nut has a generally circular base portion or flange 20 at the forward end thereof, a reduced diameter portion 22 which may carry or define facets for securing the self locking nut to the stud 14 , and a circular head portion or flange 24 at the aft end thereof. At least one tab 28 is defined to project from the radially outer periphery 26 of the generally circular head portion 24 . Referring to FIGS. 2 and 3, a receptacle or counter bore 30 is defined in the aft wheel shaft 40 for receiving self-locking nut 18 . Furthermore, the tab 28 of the self-locking nut 18 engages a correspondingly sized and shaped cutout or notch 32 , thus counteracting any slight rotational movement such as may be induced during compressor stud tensioning. In the illustrated embodiment, furthermore, the tab comprises inclined side surfaces 34 , 36 and an outer peripheral surface 38 generally parallel to the outer peripheral surface 26 of the aft flange 24 of the nut 18 . It is to be understood, however, that tab configurations other than that illustrated may be adopted without departing from the invention. Thus, the tab may be more rounded than illustrated, or may have straighter sides than those shown. The particular size and shape of the tab may thus be determined as necessary or desirable for ease of manufacture and assembly. It is also to be appreciated that while a single tab is provided on the locking nut 18 of the illustrated embodiment, if deemed necessary or desirable, two or three tabs may be, e.g., symmetrically, provided about the circumference of the nut 18 and receptacle 30 for further resisting rotation of the assembly. As presently proposed, however, a single tab and receptacle should be sufficient to resist forces to which the nut is likely to be exposed and will reduce manufacturing costs. As will be appreciated, the self-locking nut minimizes the weight of the nut/stud locking assembly. In addition, the locking mechanism is simple, thereby reducing manufacturing costs. Also, assembly is easily accomplished as there is only a single feasible position of the locking nut. While the invention has been described in connection with what is presently considered to be the most practical and preferred embodiment, it is to be understood that the invention is not to be limited to the disclosed embodiment, but on the contrary, is intended to cover various modifications and equivalent arrangements included within the spirit and scope of the appended claims.
Stacked wheels of the rotor of a rotary machine are axially coupled to one another by tie bolt assemblies. Each tie bolt assembly includes a stud having forward and aft ends. The aft end of the stud includes a self-locking nut to thereby lock the stud/nut assembly against rotation relative to the rotor.
[0001] This application is a divisional application and claims priority to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/317,648, filed Dec. 12, 2002, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. TECHNICAL FIELD [0002] The present invention is related generally to airspring suspension systems for vehicles, and, more particularly, to an improved airspring suspension system that reduces the potential for damage to the air bag portion of the airspring due to pinching of the bag portion when air pressure is released. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] In general, an airspring is a pneumatic spring configured as a column of gas confined within a container. The pressure of the confined gas, and not the structure of the container, acts as the force medium of the spring. A wide variety of sizes and configurations of airsprings are available, including sleeve-type airsprings, bellows-type airsprings, convoluted-type airsprings, rolling lobe airsprings, etc. Such airsprings commonly are used in both vehicular and industrial applications. Vehicular applications include suspension systems for automobiles, light trucks, semi-tractors and trailers, buses, trains, recreational vehicles, etc., while industrial applications include use in vibration isolation systems. [0004] Airsprings, regardless of their size and configuration, share many common elements. In general, an airspring includes a flexible, sleeve-like member made of fabric-reinforced rubber that defines the sidewall of an inflatable container. Each end of the flexible member is closed by an enclosure element, such as a bead plate which is attached to the flexible member by crimping. The uppermost enclosure element typically also includes air supply components and mounting elements (e.g., studs, blind nuts, brackets, pins, etc.) to couple the airspring to the vehicle structure. The lowermost enclosure element also typically includes mounting elements to couple the airspring to the vehicle axle. [0005] In vehicular applications, airspring suspensions offer many advantages over conventional steel spring-type suspension arrangements, particularly with respect to driver discomfort, cargo damage, and vehicle deterioration. For example, the principle drawback of steel spring suspension systems is their degree of stiffness. Because steel springs must be designed to handle the vehicle's maximum load, the suspension system often is too stiff to provide adequate, or any, shock absorption at light or no-load conditions. Airspring suspension systems, on the other hand, can accommodate load changes simply by adjusting the amount of air pressure in the inflatable container. Air pressure adjustments can be performed automatically via appropriate sensor and control arrangements. [0006] However, the ability to pressure and depressurize the inflatable chamber has created a new problem unique to airspring suspensions. In particular, as air is being removed from the inflatable chamber, the top enclosure element begins to move toward the bottom enclosure element of the airspring, and the flexible sidewall of the container has a tendency to collapse inwardly on itself. Such collapse can result in pinching of the flexible material of the sidewall, which eventually can result in wear and tear, leading to perforation or other damage to the airbag. [0007] Accordingly, it would be desirable to provide an improved airspring design which restricts inward collapse of the flexible sidewall, thus preventing damage to and prolonging the useful life of the airspring assembly. Moreover, it would be desirable to provide a method whereby the improvement can easily be added to existing airspring designs. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0008] The present invention is directed to an airspring assembly which is configured in a manner that reduces instances of damage to or failure of the flexible sidewall of the assembly due to the inward collapse and resultant pinching of the sidewall portion when air is removed from the airspring. [0009] In accordance with one aspect of the invention, the airspring comprises a first end member and a second end member, and a flexible sidewall disposed between the first and second end member to define a chamber therebetween having a longitudinal axis. The chamber is configured to expand and retract along the longitudinal axis. The airspring further includes a collapsible member disposed within the chamber and displaceable between an extended state and a collapsed state responsive to expansion and retraction of the chamber. The collapsible member is configured to substantially restrict movement of the flexible sidewall toward the longitudinal axis as the chamber contracts. [0010] In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a suspension system for a vehicle comprises a top member and a base member, wherein at least one of the top member and the base member is movable relative to the other. A sidewall made of a flexible material extends substantially vertically from the base member to the top member to define an inflatable chamber therebetween. A sidewall support member disposed within the inflatable chamber is configured such that it retains a substantially rigid lateral perimeter while being axially extensible between an extended state and a collapsed state responsive to relative movement of the top member and the base member. This configuration of the sidewall support member substantially restricts lateral inward collapse of the sidewall while the inflatable chamber is deflating. [0011] A method of completing an airspring assembly also is provided. The method comprises deploying a collapsible member within a chamber having an open end, a closed end, and a flexible sidewall between the open and closed ends. The flexible sidewall is configured to expand and retract generally along a longitudinal axis between the open and closed ends. The collapsible member is extensible and collapsible generally along the longitudinal axis responsive to expansion and retraction of the flexible sidewall and is configured to restrict lateral movement of the flexible sidewall toward the longitudinal axis as contraction occurs. The method further comprises coupling an end of the collapsible member to a cover member, and affixing the cover member to the flexible sidewall proximate the open end. [0012] A method of completing a suspension system coupled between the chassis and axle of a vehicle also is provided. The method comprises detaching a first airspring assembly from the chassis and the axle of the vehicle and deploying a second airspring assembly. The second assembly comprises a pressurizable chamber having a top end, a bottom end, a flexible sidewall extending between the top and bottom ends, and a collapsible member disposed within the pressurizable chamber. The collapsible member is extensible and collapsible along a longitudinal axis extending between the top and bottom ends responsive to pressurization and depressurization of the pressurizable chamber, respectively. The collapsible member also is configured to restrict lateral movement of the flexible sidewall toward the longitudinal axis as depressurization occurs. The method further comprises attaching the top end and the bottom end of the second airspring assembly to the chassis and the axle, respectively. [0013] The foregoing has outlined rather broadly the features and technical advantages of the present invention in order that the detailed description of the invention that follows may be better understood. Additional features and advantages of the invention will be described hereinafter which form the subject of the claims of the invention. It should be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the conception and specific embodiment disclosed may be readily utilized as a basis for modifying or designing other structures for carrying out the same purposes of the present invention. It should also be realized by those skilled in the art that such equivalent constructions do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims. The novel features which are believed to be characteristic of the invention, both as to its organization and method of operation, together with further objects and advantages will be better understood from the following description when considered in connection with the accompanying figures. It is to be expressly understood, however, that each of the figures is provided for the purpose of illustration and description only and is not intended as a definition of the limits of the present invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0014] For a more complete understanding of the present invention, reference is now made to the following descriptions taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawing, in which: [0015] FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of an embodiment of a rolling lobe or sleeve-type airspring having an exemplary sidewall support member; [0016] FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of the airspring of FIG. 1 when fully pressurized; [0017] FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the airspring of FIG. 2 when fully depressurized; and [0018] FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of another exemplary embodiment of an airspring when fully depressurized. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0019] For ease of reference, the following description will be made with reference to a rolling lobe or sleeve-type airspring. However, it should be understood that the invention is applicable to any type of airspring, such as a single-convoluted airspring, which may be prone to sidewall damage when depressurization occurs. [0020] An exemplary application of the improvement to an airspring is illustrated in FIG. 1 , which shows a cross-sectional view of a sleeve-type or rolling lobe airspring 10 appropriate for use in a vehicle suspension system. The airspring 10 includes a flexible, sleeve-like member 12 made of fabric-reinforced rubber that defines a sidewall 14 of an inflatable or pressurizable chamber or container 16 . Each end of the container 16 is closed by an enclosure element. For example, in the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1 , the uppermost end of the container 16 is enclosed by an upper enclosure element 18 , such as a bead plate, which is attached to the flexible member 12 by rolling and crimping. A lower enclosure element 20 is attached to the lower end of the flexible member 12 . For example, as shown in FIG. 1 , the lower element 20 may be configured as a cup-shaped enclosure member, which may be integrally molded to the flexible member 12 . In alternative configurations, such as convoluted-type airsprings, the lower enclosure element 20 may be a bead plate rolled and crimped to the flexible member 12 . [0021] In the embodiment illustrated, the cup-shaped member 20 is coupled to a piston 22 , which is a shaped, metal or plastic component configured to both support and provide a surface on which the flexible member 12 can roll. The cup-shaped member 20 may be attached to the piston 22 by an appropriate attachment element (e.g., a bolt 30 ). Alternatively, member 20 and piston 22 may be an integral component. For example, piston 22 may be shaped such that it includes a concave or cup-shaped portion. The piston 22 also includes appropriate mounting elements, such as tapped holes 24 , to secure the airspring 10 to a lower mounting surface, such as the vehicle axle (not shown). Alternatively, in embodiments which do not include a piston 22 , the cup-shaped member 20 or other lower enclosure element (e.g., a bead plate) may include appropriate mounting elements. [0022] An air supply component 26 providing for ingress and egress of air to pressurize and depressurize the container 16 , respectively, is coupled to the upper enclosure element 18 . The upper enclosure element 18 also may include appropriate mounting elements (not shown) for attaching the upper end of the airspring 10 to a mounting surface (e.g., the vehicle chassis) or, alternatively, may be attached to a mounting plate (not shown) having the appropriate mounting elements. [0023] In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1 , the airspring 10 also includes a “bumper” 28 that protrudes upwardly within the container 16 from the lower enclosure member 20 . The bumper 28 , which is shown attached to the member 20 and the piston 22 via a bolt 30 , typically is made of rubber, plastic, or a fabric-reinforced rubber material and is configured to support the vehicle when the airspring 10 is depressurized, such as when the vehicle is not in use or in the event of a failure while on the road. When the container 16 is depressurized, the sidewall 14 collapses and rolls over the piston 22 until the upper enclosure member 18 contacts the bumper 20 . In alternative embodiments, the bumper 28 may be omitted or may have a lower height. If such is the case, then when the container 16 is depressurized and the sidewall 14 collapses, the upper enclosure member 18 will move downwardly until it contacts the lower enclosure member 20 . [0024] Airsprings, such as the airspring 10 described in the foregoing paragraphs, are readily available from multiple manufacturers, including Goodyear and Firestone. The flexible member 12 of such airsprings, however, is prone to damage resulting from the tendency of the sidewall 14 to collapse inwardly toward a longitudinal axis 32 of the container 16 as depressurization occurs. Repeated pinching of the flexible member 12 eventually may lead to perforations which prevent pressurization of the container 16 . When such failures occur, the entire airspring 10 must be removed and replaced. [0025] These types of failures can be prevented by providing a collapsible sidewall support member 34 as shown in FIG. 1 . In the illustrated embodiment, the support member 34 is configured as a helical coil. The upper end of the support member 34 is shown attached to the upper enclosure member 18 via a hook-like tab 36 , but may readily be attached by any other suitable attachment element. The lower end of the support member 34 is positioned over the bumper 28 and rests within the cup-shaped lower enclosure member 20 . In embodiments which do not include the bumper 28 , the lower end of the support member 34 may simply rest within or on the lower enclosure member 20 , or, alternatively, may be attached to the lower enclosure member 20 by any appropriate means. [0026] The support member 34 has elastic properties, such that it is both extendible and collapsible along the longitudinal axis 32 as the container 16 is pressurized and depressurized, respectively. At the same time, the support member 34 is configured to maintain a substantially rigid outer perimeter such that it can resist lateral movement of the sidewall 14 toward the longitudinal axis 32 as the container 16 is depressurized. In an exemplary embodiment, the support member 34 is not suitable for supporting any type of load; rather, all load-bearing functions are provided by the air pressure within the container 16 . Indeed, it is preferable to configure the support member 34 such that it extends and collapses without interfering with the full stroke range of the airspring 10 . [0027] The full stroke range of the airspring 10 may be seen with reference to FIGS. 2 and 3 . In FIG. 2 , the container 16 is fully pressurized such that the upper enclosure member 18 is displaced from the lower enclosure member 20 along the longitudinal axis 32 , and the flexible member 12 is in a fully extended position. In FIG. 3 , the container 16 is completely depressurized such that the upper enclosure member 18 is in contact with the bumper 28 , and the flexible member 12 has rolled along the outer surface of the piston 22 . [0028] In the embodiment illustrated in FIGS. 1-3 , the sidewall support member 34 has portions with varying diameters. An upper end portion 38 and a lower end portion 40 of the support member 34 have several coils all having the substantially the same diameter and sized to fit against the upper and lower enclosure members 18 and 20 , respectively. The primary support for the sidewall 14 is provided by a central portion 42 of the support member 34 . Thus, the diameter of the central portion 42 preferably is as large as practicable to minimize inward collapse of the sidewall 14 as depressurization occurs. Transition portions 44 and 46 of the support member 34 include coils having a graduated diameter. This configuration is particularly advantageous since it permits the portions 44 and 46 to fold up or collapse in a manner that minimizes the height of the support member 34 when in the fully collapsed state. [0029] With reference to the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 3 in which the container 16 is fully depressurized, it can be seen that the sidewall support member 34 does not interfere with the full stroke of the airspring 10 . It can further be seen from FIG. 3 that the transition portion 44 is fully collapsed, while the transition portion 46 remains in a partially extended state. In embodiments in which the bumper 28 is omitted or has a height that does not extend above the upper edge 48 of the lower enclosure member 20 , the sidewall support member 34 may be configured such that the central portion 42 may fit fully within the cup-shaped lower enclosure member 20 , allowing both transition portions 44 and 46 to fully collapse. Such an embodiment is illustrated in FIG. 4 . [0030] It should be apparent from the foregoing discussion that any of a variety of configurations of the collapsible sidewall support member 34 are contemplated. That is, the support member 34 can be configured as any type of elastic or collapsible member that minimizes inward collapse of at least portions of the sidewall 14 , while minimally interfering with the full stroke of the airspring 10 . Thus, for example, the support member 34 may have a uniform diameter provided that, when in the fully collapsed state, interference with the stroke of the airspring 10 is minimized. Further, the support member 34 need not have a circular outer perimeter, but may be configured in other manners such that at least a portion of the periphery presents a rigid barrier that minimizes inward collapse of portions of the sidewall 14 . Still further, the support member 34 may be made of any of a variety of materials, such as metal, polymers, or plastic, which are suitably rigid to resist inward collapse of the sidewall 14 . [0031] It should further be apparent from the foregoing discussion that the existing designs of airsprings easily may incorporate the sidewall support member 34 and that already-assembled airsprings may be retrofitted with the improvement. For example, incorporation of the sidewall support member 34 into an existing assembly process entails providing the upper enclosure member 18 with an attachment element, such as the hook-like tab 36 , attaching the upper end of the member 34 to the hook 36 , positioning the support member 34 within the container 16 , and then securing the upper enclosure member 18 to the flexible member 12 . Similarly, in some embodiments, already-assembled airsprings may be removed from the shelf or detached from the vehicle chassis and axle, the upper enclosure member 18 removed, and the support member 34 positioned within the container 16 and attached to the existing or a replacement upper enclosure member 18 as described above. The upper enclosure member 18 can be reattached to the flexible member 12 in the conventional manner. The completed assembly 10 then may be replaced on the shelf or re-attached to the vehicle chassis and axle for immediate use. [0032] Although the present invention and its advantages have been described in detail, it should be understood that various changes, substitutions and alterations can be made herein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. Moreover, the scope of the present application is not intended to be limited to the particular embodiments of the process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter, means, methods and steps described in the specification. As one of ordinary skill in the art will readily appreciate from the disclosure of the present invention, processes, machines, manufacture, compositions of matter, means, methods, or steps, presently existing or later to be developed that perform substantially the same fuiction or achieve substantially the same result as the corresponding embodiments described herein may be utilized according to the present invention. Accordingly, the appended claims are intended to include within their scope such processes, machines, manufacture, compositions of matter, means, methods, or steps.
An improved airspring assembly includes a collapsible support member disposed within the pressurizable chamber of an airspring having a flexible sidewall. The support member is configured such that it extends and collapses along a longitudinal axis of the chamber responsive to pressurization and depressurization of the chamber, respectively. The support member also is configured such that it retains a substantially rigid outer perimeter, thereby restricting movement of the chamber's flexible sidewall toward the longitudinal axis when the chamber is depressurized. The support member also is configured such that it does not interfere with the full stroke of the airspring.
This application is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 838,201, filed Mar. 7, 1986, now U.S. Pat. No. 4,723,109, which is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 727,589, now abandoned. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention deals with a hold down device for multiple layered roofs, a device for detecting leaks in a roof, and a method of detecting leaks in a roof. More specifically, there is provided a means for holding a multiple layered roof in a secure manner, with the additional benefit that the hold down devices utilized for such a purpose are adapted to function as water leak detectors. Large industrial and commercial buildings quite typically have flat or near flat roof surfaces. These roof surfaces generally are multi-layered, that is they generally have in combination a roof supporting structure which is surmounted by a deck, and various layers of water impermeable membranes, thermal insulation and a ballast layer to assist in holding the entire roof from being blown away. These types of roofs tend to be economical and function quite well as long as there is no break in the water-impermeable membrane. Once the water-impermeable membrane is broken, water enters the roof deck and seeps and runs and eventually enters the interior of the building. When this happens, the roof must be repaired, but often, one cannot detect where the membrane is broken and hence cannot effectively undertake repairs. A second problem with the multiple layered roof is the inability of modern science to devise a scheme for holding the roofs in place, especially during violent storms accompanied by high winds. Current acceptable methods for holding down roofs are to cover the multiple layers with gravel or stone, point attachment, or a combination of both. This obviously tends to hold the roof down but such ballast contributes to the weight of the roof and requires strong structural support which results in higher costs for installation of such a roof. It would be desirable to have a system for holding down roofs that would have the benefit of lowering the costs of the installation of such roofs. It would be a further benefit if the system used to hold down the roof could act as a more or less permanent system to detect leaks in the roof. Several systems are currently in use for detecting leaks in a roof, for example, Gustafson, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,824,460, issued July 16, 1974, discloses a leakage sensor strip which is a pair of encased wires held essentially parallel to each other by a plurality of spaced webs which are an extension of the casing of the wires. The sensor strip is placed and held flat on a floor or roof deck over a certain length so that leakage anywhere along the probe will result in a capacitance change which can be sensed. It is important to note that this system does not provide a hold down function and furthermore, this sensor strip requires a metal channel over its full length in order to hold it flat on the surface. This feature renders the method of installing very expensive and time consuming. Another patent, U.S. Pat. No. 3,967,197, discloses a method of detecting moisture in a multilayered roof system. The method disclosed consists of reading the capacitance at various predetermined points on a roof surface to create a base line reading and then periodically re-reading the capacitance at these same points to determine a deviation from the original reading. A capacitance meter is moved over the surface of the roof. Wherever the moisture in the roof has increased, the dielectric constant increases and the expectation is that this is indicative of a water leak. A third system that has been used for detecting water leaks in a roof is that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,110,945, issued Sept. 5, 1978. In that method, a plurality of water detectors are positioned under the water-impermeable membrane of a roof. In the event that the water-impermeable membrane is broken and the roof leaks, the general area of the leak can be determined. Each such water detector is electrically powered and connected to a sensor at a location remote from the roof. It should be noted that there is no hold down function in either the latter two systems and further, it should be noted that if the system of U.S. Pat. No. 4,110,945 requires repair, it may be required to remove and replace a fair section of the roof. In spite of the usefulness of the above noted systems, there is still a need for a device for conveniently holding down roofs, and a need for a simpler, more dependable means of detecting roof leaks. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention deals with solutions to the problems of securing a roof in place and the inability to quickly and accurately determine the location of roof leaks. The instant invention therefore comprises a hold down device, a modified hold down device for use in detecting water leaks in a roof, and a method of securing a roof in place as well as a method for detecting leaks in a roof. Thus, the present invention deals with a hold down device consisting of two joinable pieces. The device is designed such that the bottom half of the device is securely attached to a roof deck over the water-impermeable membrane and after the multiple layers of the roof are installed, the top half of the device is operably joined with the bottom half and tightened down such that the top plate of the top half compresses the top layer of the multiple layer roof and holds the top layer and all intervening layers to the roof deck. The result is a novel hold down device which has penetrated through but has not destroyed the water-impermeable membrane and has provided secure anchoring for the roof layers. This device can be modified in order to enable the easy detection of roof leaks. This is accomplished by providing electrical leads in the bottom plate where it is anchored to the roof deck. The leads pierce the water-impermeable membrane and enter the roof deck but the bottom plate is compressed over the penetrations made by the leads and acts as a seal on the penetrations when the plate is securely fastened to the roof deck. The electrical leads are continued through the internal stems of the device and terminate in electrical contact points. The top half of the device is similarly constructed so that the two halves, when joined, provide electrical contact points at the upper surface of the roof that can be used to ascertain water leakage in the roof. When such devices are used in combination to secure a roof, they provide a regularly spaced layout of such devices that one can use to determine the exact location of a water leak in the roof. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a sectioned view of the hold down device which is a vertical section at the center point of the device. FIG. 2 is a schematic sectional view of a portion of a roof showing the placement of some devices of this invention. FIG. 3 is a top view of a roof showing the regular placement of the devices to hold down the roof. FIG. 4 is a side plan view of one version of an alternate adjusting and locking mechanism for the device (upper piece). FIG. 5 is a top plan view of the device of FIG. 4. FIG. 6 is a side plan view of one version of an alternate adjusting and locking mechanism for the device (lower piece). FIG. 7 is a bottom plan view of the device of FIG. 6. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring now to the drawings in which like-numbers indicate like-parts or pieces, there is shown in FIG. 1 a hold down device of this invention which is comprised of an enlarged flanged base 1 and a hollow, first adjustable nesting stem 2 which is shown herein as being threaded. The flange is essentially flat on the bottom 3 which rests on the water-impermeable membrane 4 which in turn covers the roof deck 5 in a roof structure. The flat flange contains two aperatures 6 which are receptacles for electrical leads 7, the leads 7 are designed so that they are detachedly secured in the aperatures 6 and such that they extend through the aperatures 6 and pierce the water-impermeable-membrane 4 and the roof deck 5, when the device is in place. The flange 1, which can be fabricated from metals, metal alloys or plastics, has a small center bore 8 through which passes a mechanical fastener 9, the fastener being the principal means by which the device is secured to the roof deck 5. Many types of conventional fasteners can be used. As can be noted from FIG. 1, the enlarged flanged base is integrally surmounted by a hub 10 which is internally threaded to receive the hollow, threaded, first nesting stem 2. This hollow nesting stem contains an inner wall 11 which restrains electrical conduits 12 when they are used in the device. The inner wall 11 can be fashioned from plastic or cardboard or any lightweight material as its only function is to restrain the electrical conduits 12. The uppermost edge 13 of the first nesting stem 2 is surmounted by an electrical insulating layer 14 of an electrical insulating material. The electrical insulated layer 14 is surmounted by at least two metal electrical, semi-circular contacts 15 and each such contact has attached to it an electrical conduit 12, which it will be noted furnishes an electrical connection between the metal leads 7 and the metal contacts 15, the electrical conduits 12 beginning at the electrical leads 7, ascending through the hollow of the first nesting stem 2 and terminating at the metal contacts 15. A second, hollow nesting stem 16 is operably associated with the first nesting stem, in this case by mating threads. The second nesting stem 16 is integrally surmounted by an enlarged flanged top 17, comprising a top plate 18 having a centrally located bore 19 and two aperatures 10 therethrough. The top plate 18 has a centrally located hub 21 which has a center bore therethrough to receive and detachedly secure the second nesting stem 16. The top plate 18 contains in its center bore, a removable tightening plug 22 which has a protrusion 23 extending above the top plate 18 in order that the device can be adjusted up or down by turning the plug 22. The two aperatures 20 have electrical leads 24 removably inserted in them. A compression spring 25 is removably mounted on the plug 22 at the bottom of the plug at (A). The compression spring 25 extends through the hollow to the end of the second nesting stem 16. The end of the compression spring 25 that is distal from its attachment to the plug 22, has an insulating layer 26 of an electrical insulating material attached to the edge 27 thereof. Surmounted on the layer 26, are at least two metal point contacts 28. Attached to each metal point contact 28 is an electrical conduit 29, the electrical conduits 29 ascending through the hollow of the second nesting stem 16 and passing through aperatures 30 and each connecting to and terminating at the electrical leads 24. When the first nesting stem 2 and the second nesting stem 16 are joined, the second nesting stem 2 is turned down on the first nesting stem 16 and the metal contacts 15 intimately touch metal contacts 28 thus completing the conduit from metal leads 7 to metal leads 24. The compression spring 25 ensures that this contact is maintained. In use, a roof structure is provided with a roof deck and a water impermeable membrane is laid down over the roof deck. The roof deck and membrane can be premeasured and premarked for installation points at which the devices of this invention are secured but it is normal practice to install the roof piecemeal after the water-impermeable membrane is laid down and therefore, the size of the thermal insulation planking or the size of planking on the top most layer can determine the installation points of the device since the device is designed to be installed where the four corners of the top planks intersect so that the top plate 18 of the device can grip the corners of the top most planks and hold them down or, the devices can be installed such that the device holds down the center of the top planks. By whatever procedure desired, the enlarged flange base 1 containing the first nesting stem 2 and the hub 10 integrally secured thereto, is first securely fastened to the roof deck, over top the water-impermeable membrane, using a mechanical fastener such as a bolt, screw or nail inserted through the center bore 8. During this installation, the metal leads 7 pierce the water-impremeable membrane but as soon as the mechanical fastener draws the enlarged flange base tightly to the roof deck, the penetrations made by the leads are sealed by the flange and the water-impermeable membrane remains intact. Next, the roof is installed except for the ballast layer and as the top planking of the roof is installed, the top half of each device is engaged with the bottom half of each device and the top half is turned down until the top plank of the roof is securely fastened. In the process of turning the top half of the device down, it will be remembered that the metal contacts of the two pieces contact each other. As the top half of the device is turned down to secure the top planks, the compression spring is compressed in the hollow of the second nesting stem, thereby not requiring any further adjustments in the device to ensure that the contacts are meeting. Finally, the ballast layer is applied to the roof. Rigid thermal planks are often the final layer. Obviously, the flanges and stems which make up this device, and which contain the electrical accoutrements, are easiest prepared in the workshop prior to their use on the roof, although it is possible to prepare them on the job site if it is required. When prepared in the workshop, the flanges and lower parts of the stems are dipped in a curable elastomeric compound to maintain them erosion and moisture free while in use. FIG. 2 shows schematically the typical placement of the devices in a roof system. The roof deck 5 is shown as the bottom most layer of the multi-layered roof. The roof deck 5 is topped by the water-impermeable membrane 4 and three devices labelled (B) are affixed over the water-impermeable membrane using a mechanical fastener 9. One device (c) is shown in phantom in the center of the thin concrete layer. A foamed thermal insulation layer 31 is then placed on top and the whole is surmounted by a light layer of ballast 32, such as crushed stone or thin concrete. If the device requires repair at any time, the ballast layer or thin concrete is removed only from the device to be repaired, the top half of the device is removed and the bottom half unsecured from the roof deck. The reverse order is used when replacing the device. As depicted in FIG. 3, there is shown a top view of a roof wherein the dots represent the devices of this invention. The roof is depicted without the ballast layer for purposes of explaining the method of the invention. Letters have been used along the vertical axis and number along the horizontal axis in order to more fully explain the method of this invention. The amorphous FIG. 33, in the middle of the diagram is intended to be water over a small break in the water-impermeable membrane which is not visible by a visual inspection of the roof surface. In order to detect this leak, one locates the devices of this invention and scrapes away the light ballast layer. The two metal leads on the surface of the device, say, for example, at point B4, are contacted by piercing the elastomeric coating over the metal lead with sharp metal probes which are attached to a sensor instrument. With each surface probe so located, readings of the dielectric constant are taken of the device, which in fact are readings of the two metal leads that form part of the flanged base and that have pierced the roof deck upon construction. Several readings taken at points B3, B4, B5, C4, C5 and C6 clearly indicate that there is water at B4 and C5 and none at B3, B5, C4 and C6, therefore indicating that the break in the membrane is in that nearby area. This area is then subjected to repair. The devices of this invention can be manufactured from metal, metal alloys or plastics. Preferred are lightweight, tough plastics since they can be filled to enhance their strength. Such plastics can be for example, olefinic polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene; polyvinylchloride; urethanes and nylon. Preferred are nylons and most preferred are filled nylons. The drawings and examples herein show mated threads to couple the device together but it is contemplated within the scope of this invention that other means can be used to adjust and couple the two pieces of the device. For example, FIGS. 4 and 5 show a device which is useful herein for that purpose. Instead of threads, the first nesting stem 2 is composed of a stem whose surface is scrolled in regular layers so that there is formed compressable fins 34. The fins do not travel around the entire outer circumference of the stem but are interupted at one or two places. The interuptions serve as smooth channels 35 for the movement of the teeth 36, shown in phantom on the interior surface of the second nesting stem 16, of FIG. 6. FIG. 5 is a top plan view of the bottom half of the device and shows the enlarged flanged base 1, containing aperatures 6 and 8; hub 10; smooth channel 35 and compressable fins 34. FIG. 6 shows the upper half of the device with the aperatures 20 and the plug 22 in place. Vertical rows of shark-like teeth 36 are preformed in the interior wall of the hollow stem. FIG. 7 shows a bottom plan view of the top half of the device. Shown there is the bottom of the plug 22; the vertical rows of shark-like teeth 36; the aperatures 20 and the hub 21. In use, the stem of the top of the device is fitted to the stem of the bottom half of device such that the shark-like teeth 36 are not aligned with the smooth channels 35 and the top half is forced down onto the bottom half whereupon the shark-like teeth 36 lock into the fins 24 and the device cannot be separated because of the ratchet lock of the shark-like teeth 36 in the fins 34. To remove the top half of the device, the top half is forced down slightly, the top half turned until the shark-like teeth 36 match the smooth channels 35 and the top half is withdrawn as the teeth move easily up the smooth channel. The elastomeric material used to coat the ends of the device and prevent erosion can be any elastomeric material. Such materials are organic rubbers, silicone rubbers and silicone-modified organic rubbers.
A hold down device for multi-layered roofs. The hold down device can be modified to afford a water leak detector. A method of using the devices in securing a multi-layered roof is also disclosed.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/855,711, filed Oct. 31, 2006, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference herein, and is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 11/928,226. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of the Invention [0003] This invention relates to a respiratory filter for use by an individual to assist in filtering pollutants. [0004] 2. Description of the Background Art [0005] Presently, there exists a need to filter contaminants, pollutants, and other environmental elements from entering a person's nasal passages. U.S. Pat. No. 5,392,773, the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference herein, discloses a respiratory particulate nasal filter with a fine mesh filtering material that is intended to be removably adhered to the lower surfaces of a person's nose to fully cover both of the person's nostrils. The adhesive section has distal, medial, and proximal adhesive tabs which secure and seal the filter while leaving the upper surfaces of the nose exposed. The fine mesh filter functions to filter the air the person breaths through his nose to thereby reduce contaminates, bacteria, viruses that might otherwise be inhaled. The filter taught by U.S. Pat. No. 5,392,773 comprises tabs that facilitate attachment over both of the person's nostrils. The tabs also facilitate removal. However, because the filter fits over both nostrils and is tabbed, the filter is quite noticeable when worn. Additionally, because the proximal tab is generally rectangular in shape to connect the triangular shape of the filter to the skin found at the junction of the face with the bottom of the nose, this creates difficulty and discomfort in removing the filter from a wearer's face as the filter pulls unnecessarily on facial hair in this region. For these reasons, some people are reluctant to wear the filter. [0006] U.S. Pat. No. 5,740,798, the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference herein, discloses a disposable nasal band filter, which covers the exterior of the user's nose. The approach of the '798 Patent requires an elastic strand which is noticeable and visible externally, which makes the device less tolerable for wearing for long periods of time. The approach of the '798 Patent is also cumbersome and invasive reducing the usability of the filter. [0007] U.S. Pat. No. 7,004,165, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, similarly requires external hardware in order to provide filtration to the nasal passages. The filter of the '165 Patent requires a supporting arrangement which includes a pair of elongated ear support members which the user is required to wear. Such a filter device is cumbersome, heavy and quite noticeable externally. [0008] Likewise, U.S. Pat. No. 5,636,629, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference, discloses an externally worn nasal glove. The nasal glove of the '629 Patent requires a band worn around or about the user's face. This nasal glove is cumbersome and externally visible when worn. As with the previously mentioned patents, this nasal glove covers both nostrils at the same time, adding to its cumbersome nature. [0009] Other prior art nasal filters must be inserted into the nasal passage. U.S. Pat. No. 7,156,099, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference herein, discloses a nasal insert, having a flexible frame. This nasal insert is placed inside the nostrils, as opposed to worn outside the nostril. Such an approach not only subjects the nasal insert to additional contamination, but also crushes nasal hairs within the nostril. These nasal hairs are the first defense against the very pollutants and contaminants sought to be excluded from the nasal passage by the teachings of the present invention. [0010] Similarly, U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,701,924; 5,746,200; and 6,213,121, the disclosures of which are each hereby incorporated by reference herein, each require the nasal filter be inserted into the nasal passage. [0011] Therefore, it is an object of this invention to provide an improvement which overcomes the aforementioned inadequacies of the prior art devices and provides an improvement which is a significant contribution to the advancement of the respiratory nasal filter art. [0012] Another object of this invention is to provide a respiratory nostril filter that is esthetically pleasing to wear without being too noticeable. [0013] Another object of this invention is to provide a respiratory nostril filter that is lightweight and unnoticeable when worn by the user. [0014] The foregoing has outlined some of the pertinent objects of the invention. These objects should be construed to be merely illustrative of some of the more prominent features and applications of the intended invention. Many other beneficial results can be attained by applying the disclosed invention in a different manner or modifying the invention within the scope of the disclosure. Accordingly, other objects and a fuller understanding of the invention may be had by referring to the summary of the invention and the detailed description of the preferred embodiment in addition to the scope of the invention defined by the claims taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0015] For the purpose of summarizing this invention, this invention comprises a hypoalogenic clear, almost non-visible, oval-shaped respiratory nasal filter designed to be adhered about a single nostril of a person. The filter is designed in an oval-shaped configuration and proportionately sized to fit over a person's nasal passage. The filter layer is made of a woven fiber for the filtration of air to help prohibit the inhalation of foreign pollutants, pollens, poisons, viruses and other airborne contaminates. The clear adhesive layer comprises a corresponding clear ring with an adhesive applied to one side that encircles the filter layer. The adhesive functions to allow the filter layer to be adhered thereto. The adhesive also functions to adhere to the periphery of the person's nostril. [0016] The filter is ideal for use in the medical, industrial, pharmaceutical and environmental fields in addition to being ideal for use by the general public, particularly those with asthma and/or allergies to everyday exposure of daily contaminants. Additionally, the filter greatly reduces the inhalation of second hand smoke which has been proven to cause disease at any level. [0017] The filter of the present invention is lighter weight and achieves much greater tolerability than prior art nasal filters, while only using as little as 1/10 th of the materials needed with prior art filters. The filter, utilizing a smaller filter media than prior art filters, allows the filter to be placed closer to the nasal passage, without actually being inserted into the nasal passage. As discussed at length herein, this results in the filter being less visible or noticeable when worn. [0018] The close proximity of the filter to the nasal passage also allows back pressure from a user's exhalation to clean the filter mechanism. Further, because the filter is designed to be worn on an individual nostril, the filter can create an inner and outer seal for greater effectiveness in excluding pollutants and contaminants from the user's respiratory system, while only covering approximately 1/16 th of an inch of skin per nasal passage. [0019] Additionally, due to the small size of the nasal filters, the filters are extremely lightweight, leading to make the filter unnoticeable to the user when wearing the filter. Similarly, this small size allows for construction of the nasal filter utilizing less filter material than has been required by other nasal filters. Similarly, the thin nonvisible self-sealing outer ring of the nasal filter disclosed herein allows for individually sealing the nasal cavity off without insertion of a nasal filter or other additional discomfort. [0020] The filter's small and novel design also overcomes the prior art's requirement that the filter be visible when worn. The design is not only small, which necessarily reduces its visibility, but also relies upon clear adhesives and skin colored filters thus minimizing any visibility of the filter. [0021] The foregoing has outlined rather broadly the more pertinent and important features of the present invention in order that the detailed description of the invention that follows may be better understood so that the present contribution to the art can be more fully appreciated. Additional features of the invention will be described hereinafter which form the subject of the claims of the invention. It should be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the conception and the specific embodiment disclosed may be readily utilized as a basis for modifying or designing other structures for carrying out the same purposes of the present invention. It should also be realized by those skilled in the art that such equivalent constructions do not depart from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0022] For a fuller understanding of the nature and objects of the invention, reference should be had to the following detailed description taken in connection with the accompanying drawings in which: [0023] FIG. 1 is a plan view of the first embodiment of the respiratory nasal filter of the invention; [0024] FIG. 2 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of FIG. 1 along lines 2 - 2 showing the layers of the respiratory nasal filter of the invention; [0025] FIG. 3 is a plan view of the second embodiment of the respiratory nasal filter of the invention; [0026] FIG. 4 is an exploded view of FIG. 3 showing the filter layer, the clear base layer and the layer of additional adhesive; [0027] FIG. 5 is a plan view showing a manner is which the respiratory nasal filter of the invention may be mounted onto a carrier sheet during packaging; [0028] FIG. 6 is a plan view showing a manner in which the respiratory nasal filter of the invention may be packaged; [0029] FIG. 7 is a perspective view showing the nasal filter being attached to the periphery of a nasal orifice of a user; [0030] FIG. 8 is a plan view showing the nasal filter attached to the periphery of a nasal orifice of a user; [0031] FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional view of the nasal filter attached to the periphery of a nasal orifice of a user; and [0032] FIG. 10A is plan view showing a user's nose prior to attaching the nasal filters; and [0033] FIG. 10B is a plan view showing two nasal filters attached to the peripheries of each of a user's nostrils. [0034] Similar reference characters refer to similar parts throughout the several views of the drawings. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0035] As shown in FIG. 1 , the nasal filter 10 of the first embodiment of the invention comprises a generally oval-shaped configuration dimensioned to be slightly larger than the usual size of the periphery of a person's nasal orifice, namely a person's nostril. As best shown in FIG. 2 , the nasal filter 10 comprises a filter layer 12 composed of a microporous filter material. The microporous filter material of the filter layer 12 preferably is composed of a moisture resistant filter material with sufficient pore size to filter out the unwanted particulate, bacteria or virus. [0036] The microporous filter is preferably a spunlaced polyester fabric. This spunlaced fabric is nonwoven. A preferred nonwoven fabric is the PS-1025 provided by Polymer Science, Inc., the technical disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference. The PS-1025 is a ¾ ounce beige colored apertured spunlaced polyester fabric, with a total thickness of 0.003 inches. As would be appreciated by a personal skilled in the art, various color nonwoven fabrics could be utilized so as to match the nostril filter 10 's color as closely as possible to the color and hue of the user's skin, further diminishing the nostril filter 10 's visibility when worn. Similarly, transparent nonwoven fabrics could be utilized, which would also reduce the visibility of the nostril filter when worn. This fabric is comfortable while also mechanically stable allowing the fabric to be used effectively in the nasal filter disclosed herein. [0037] The microporous filter layer 12 is permanently adhered to the upper surface of an oval ring-shaped base layer 14 , preferably composed of a clear plastic material. An adhesive 16 is applied to the underside of the base layer 14 . Adhesive 16 is designed to securely adhere to the peripheral edge of the person's nostril, yet is removable when desired. During manufacturing, the filter 10 may be packaged onto a releasable carrier sheet 18 . [0038] During use, the person simply pulls one of the filters 10 from the carrier sheet 18 and aligns it over one of his nostrils. See FIG. 7 . Upon alignment, the filter 10 is pressed onto the leading peripheral edge of a nasal orifice, as shown in FIG. 8 . As indicated by the arrows 20 in FIG. 8 , the user firmly attaches the nasal filter 10 to the periphery of the user's nostril by guiding the nasal filter 10 around the entire nasal orifice to create a complete seal. The person then removes another filter 10 from the carrier sheet 18 and similarly positions it over his other nostril. [0039] FIG. 9 shows a cross sectional view of a user's nasal orifice 6 while wearing the nasal filter 10 . As shown, the nasal filter 10 is attached firmly, by way of the adhesive 16 , to the periphery of the user's nasal orifice 8 . As shown, the filter layer 12 then serves to filter all air coming into the user's nasal passage 6 . [0040] FIGS. 9A and 9B show a user's nose and the pertinent features thereto in detail. In FIG. 9A , the user is not wearing the nostril filters 10 , while in FIG. 9B , the user is wearing two nostril filters 10 . As shown, the nostril filters 10 bond to the periphery of the user's nasal orifices. The anterior portion of the nostril filter 10 bonds with the facet or soft tissue triangle 30 of the user's nose. The lateral portions of the nostril filters 10 bond with the alar sidewalls 32 A and 32 B of the user's nose. The medial portion of the nostril filter 10 bonds with the columella 36 of the user's nose. The posterior portion of the nostril filters 10 bonds with the nostril sills 38 A and 38 B of the user's nose. As described above, the nostril filter 10 is thus firmly sealed around the entirety of the user's nasal opening. [0041] Notably, the ring-shaped base layer 14 may comprise an appropriate size and configuration that fits a traditional nostril size such that it only adheres to the peripheral edge of the nostril (not to the inside the nostril nor over too much area of the nose). Indeed, ring-shaped base layer 14 may be offered in multiple sizes (e.g., small, medium and large) to accommodate noses of different sizes. Importantly, the clear, nearly transparent, appearance of the ring-shaped base layer 14 assures that the outward appearance of wearing the nostril filters 10 will be minimized. The nostril filters 10 of the invention will therefore be esthetically pleasing to wear without being too noticeable. [0042] This microporous filter layer 12 and ring-shaped base layer 14 are flexible, allowing the nasal filter to completely seal a nostril. Due to this innovative design, the ring-shaped base layer 14 should be no more than 1/16 of an inch wide, and preferably as small as 1/32 of an inch wide. This minimal size combined with the flexibility of the material is sufficient to firmly attach the nostril filter 10 to the user's nostril, regardless of the shape and size of the respective nostril. [0043] Referring now to FIGS. 3-5 , the second embodiment of the respiratory nasal filter 10 of the invention comprises a clear, oval ring-shaped base layer 14 with the adhesive 16 applied to the underside of the base layer 14 . The filter layer 12 is formed in a smaller size relative to the clear base layer 14 and is affixed to the underside of the base layer 14 . The base layer 14 therefore slightly overlaps the peripheral edge of the filter layer 12 such that the filter layer 12 is adhered to its underside by the adhesive 16 . However, the size of the base layer 14 is sufficiently large to define an adhesive area 14 A on the base layer 14 beyond the periphery of the filter layer 12 . The adhesive 16 thus functions to permanently adhere the filter layer 12 to its underside while also providing adhesive area 14 A that removably adheres to the person's skin about the periphery of the person's nostrils. [0044] It is noted that additional adhesiveness may be provided to the adhesive area 14 A. More specifically, a stronger adhesive 165 may be applied to the inner portions of the filter layer 12 that overlap with the base layer 14 . As shown, the stronger adhesive 165 may comprise spots of adhesive 165 that are applied to opposing sides of the overlapping of the filter layer 12 and base layer 14 . In this regard, it is believed that only two spots are necessary to provide adequate adherence to the peripheral edge of the person's nostril. [0045] Different strength adhesives can be utilized for different uses. For instances, industrial uses where high level of airborne contaminants are present benefit from stronger adhesives. These stronger adhesives securely maintain the seal around the user's nostril preventing contaminants from entering the user's nasal passage. A preferred industrial adhesive is a double coated medical grade acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive such as Polymer Science, Inc.'s PS-1006, the technical specifications of which are hereby incorporated by reference. Polymer Science, Inc.'s PS-1006 is a double coated high performance medical grade acrylic adhesive with a polyethylene carrier on a 54# C2S paper differential release liner. Adhesives such as the PS-1006 from Polymer Science, Inc. bond well to most porous and non-porous surfaces. Additionally, these adhesives have high initial tack, enabling immediate application to a user's nostril once the nasal filter is removed from its packaging. Similarly, these adhesives provide exceptional skin adhesion and leave no residue when removed from the skin. [0046] Alternatively, for more recreational usages whereby the contaminant level is not so severe, a lighter weight adhesive suffices. A preferred recreational adhesive is a single coated medical grade acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive, such as Polymer Science, Inc.'s PS-1010, the technical specifications of which are hereby incorporated by reference. Polymer Science, Inc.'s PS-1010 is a single coated high performance medical grade acrylic adhesive with a polyethylene carrier on a 54# C2S paper differential release liner. Adhesives such as the PS-1010 from Polymer Science, Inc. bond well to most porous and non-porous surfaces. Additionally, these adhesives have high initial tack, enabling immediate application to a user's nostril once the nasal filter is removed from its packaging. Similarly, these adhesives provide exceptional skin adhesion and leave not residue when removed from the skin. [0047] The novel nasal filter disclosed herein also provides substantial improvement in weight, breatheability and tolerability for users to wear the nasal filter. [0048] FIG. 4 depicts a preferable embodiment of the nostril filter 10 . As shown in FIG. 4 , outer ring base layer 14 is generally oval in shape having two axes of symmetry, where each axes of symmetry has an outer diameter and an inner diameter. Along the horizontal axis, the outer diameter, in a preferable embodiment, is 1.0900 inches, while the inner diameter is 0.7200 inches. Along the vertical axis, the outer diameter is 0.7660 inches while the inner diameter is 0.5300 inches. The outer ring base layer 14 is preferably a clear polyethylene overlaminate. Pressure sensitive adhesive 16 is applied to one side of the outer ring base layer 14 . When the filter layer 12 is connected to the outer ring base layer 14 , the pressure sensitive adhesive 16 bonds the filter layer 12 to the outer ring base layer 14 . As explained below, the outer diameter of the filter layer 12 is smaller than the outer diameter of the outer ring base layer 12 , thus creating an overlap when the filter layer 12 is affixed to the outer ring base layer 14 . The pressure sensitive adhesive 16 on this overlapping portion of the outer ring base layer 14 will bond to the user's skin when the nostril filter 10 is in use. [0049] The filter layer 12 is also generally oval in shape having two axes of symmetry. The horizontal axis diameter is 0.8447 inches, while the vertical axis diameter is 0.6546 180 inches. When configured as described herein such that the filter layer 12 is arranged on the outer ring base layer 14 , approximately 0.122 inches of the outer ring base layer 14 along the horizontal axis is exposed. Similarly, approximately 0.0557 inches of the outer ring base layer 14 along the vertical axis is exposed. Additionally, as shown in FIG. 4 , the bottom adhesive layer 165 is preferably 0.4983 inches long and approximately 0.0622 inches high such that the bottom adhesive layer 165 overlaps the filter layer 12 along the horizontal axis, thus providing additional securement to the user's nose. [0050] Finally, as noted above in connection with the first embodiment, a pair of the respiratory nasal filters 10 of the invention may be mounted onto a carrier sheet 18 during packaging. See FIG. 5 . Once mounted, a preferable way to package and distribute the nasal filters 10 is in individual heat sealed polyester packaging 19 , such as depicted in FIG. 6 . [0051] The nostril filter 10 disclosed herein also benefits from the following novel manufacturing process. First, the raw materials comprising the non-woven fabric filter layer 12 , the pressure sensitive skin-safe adhesive 16 and the polyethylene overlaminate base layer 14 are cut to two inches wide so that these raw materials can properly move through the manufacturing equipment. Notably, the base layer 14 comes preconfigured with one side containing pressure sensitive skin-safe adhesive 16 . Additionally, the manufacturing process described herein operates with two nostril filters 10 being prepared side-by-side at the same time. [0052] Next, the pressure sensitive skin-safe adhesive 16 is cut into strips 165 , which form the additional adhesive used to provide enhanced securement to a user's nose. These strips 165 are then affixed to the filter layer 12 . The filter layer 12 containing the two strips 165 is then cut into the oval pattern described above, namely an oval shape having a horizontal axis diameter of 0.8447 inches and a vertical axis diameter of 0.6546 inches. [0053] During this step in the process, the inner periphery is cut out of the overlaminate base layer 14 . This inner periphery, as discussed above, is oval in shape having a horizontal diameter of 0.7200 inches and a vertical axis diameter of 0.5330 inches. [0054] Once the inner periphery of the base layer 14 is cut out, the remaining base layer 14 material is overlaid onto the filter layer 12 , positioning the adhesive side of the base layer 14 to be in contact with the filter layer 12 so as to position the filter layer 12 over the inner periphery that had been cut out of the base layer 14 . [0055] Next, the outer periphery of the base layer 14 (which now is affixed to the filter layer 12 ) is cut into the oval shape discussed above, namely having a horizontal axis diameter of 1.0900 inches and a vertical axis diameter of 0.7660 inches. At this stage, the nostril filter 10 has been manufactured and is ready to be packaged. [0056] As mentioned above, this process is done so as to prepare two nostril filters 10 simultaneously. Now, a carrier sheet 18 is placed over the side-by-side finished nostril filters 10 . This carrier sheet 18 is then cut so that a carrier sheet 18 contains two nostril filters 10 . Finally, the pair of filter assemblies 10 are packaged in heat sealable polyester packaging 19 . [0057] The present disclosure includes that contained in the appended claims, as well as that of the foregoing description. Although this invention has been described in its preferred form with a certain degree of particularity, it is understood that the present disclosure of the preferred form has been made only by way of example and that numerous changes in the details of construction and the combination and arrangement of parts may be resorted to without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. [0058] Now that the invention has been described,
A respiratory nasal filter including an outer ring having concentric outer periphery and inner periphery sized to the periphery of a user's nasal orifice, a filter layer having an outer periphery larger than the inner periphery of the outer ring, but smaller than the outer periphery of the outer ring and an adhesive applied to said outer ring for bonding the filter layer concentrically to the outer ring and for bonding the outer ring to the columella, a nasal sill, an alar sidewall and the facet of the user's nose.
PRIORITY [0001] This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 11/097,576 filed on Apr. 4, 2005, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] This application relates to means of alerting motorists to the presence of disabled vehicles or work zone areas. Each year hundreds of motorists are either killed or injured along side the roadway. Many of these accidents may be prevented if the oncoming motorist had advance warning of the presence of these disabled vehicles. [0003] In recent years, a variety of traffic warning devices have become known and reference may be had to the following U.S. patents for a description of these prior art of traffic warning devices; U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,508,195, 6,681,715, 2,954,005, 3,496,904, 4,006,702, 4,197,807, 4,256,50, 2,762,327, 3,132,624, 3,520,235, 4,462,145, 4,466,376 and 5,287,822. [0004] Over the years there have been many attempts to provide a retractable or collapsible traffic cone. Designs have spanned from sleeves of varying diameter and taper which when extended fit into one another and form a cone shaped marker, for example in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,954,005 and 3,496,904. Another variation of the concept is found in U.S. Pat. No. 2,762,327 where the device is inflatable and is attached to a solid base and filled with air when ready for use. Other designs have employed the varied use of coils or springs as a means of displaying the traffic control device. These devices are outlined in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,006,702, 4,256,050, 4,197,807, 4,256,050 and 5,305,705. [0005] Other designs have employed the use of springs and a flexible membrane, for example in U.S. Pat. No. 3,132,624, and a two-piece center support member. U.S. Pat. No. 3,520,235 describes a device that requires assembly prior to use and employs a two-piece center support pole. [0006] In other designs three and four sided panel fan shaped members, for example in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,466,376 and 4,462,145, are employed to form upright three and four sided triangles respectively. [0007] While this has long been recognized as a traffic safety problem many needless deaths and injuries continue to happen every year. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0008] Accordingly, the present invention has been made to solve at least the above-mentioned problems occurring in the prior art, and an object of the present invention is to provide a condensed retractable traffic cone. [0009] To accomplish the above objects, there is provided a condensed retractable traffic cone, that includes a lower portion comprised of a flat bottom section; a first and a second base support, each base support having a bottom with no top, two short sides and a long side, the short sides of the first base support foldable at a first position about the lower portion, and the short sides of the second base support foldable at a second position about the lower portion; a retractable arm comprised of at least two collapsible hollow vertical risers that fit within each other, each collapsible hollow vertical riser having a collapsed position and an expanded position; a lower riser of the least two collapsible hollow vertical risers having a plurality of rotatable connections between the lower of the at least two collapsible hollow vertical risers and the first and the second base support; and an upper riser of the least two collapsible hollow vertical risers being extendable from the lower riser of the least two collapsible hollow vertical risers, wherein when the base supports are in an unfolded open position, the at least two collapsible hollow vertical risers are maintained in the expanded position due to a pulling force of the base supports on the lower riser of the at least two collapsible hollow vertical risers through the connections, and when the base supports are in a folded closed position, the at least two collapsible hollow vertical risers are maintained in the collapsed position due to a pushing force of the base supports on the least two collapsible hollow vertical risers. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0010] The above and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will be more apparent from the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which: [0011] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the current invention in the retracted and closed position; [0012] FIG. 2 is a side view of the current invention in the retracted and open position; [0013] FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the current invention in the expended and open position; [0014] FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the current invention in the expended and open position illustrating reference numerals; [0015] FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the current invention in the expended and open position illustrating the air-flow holes in the series of vertical risers; [0016] FIG. 6 is a perspective view of the current invention in the expended and open position without the vertical risers illustrating the retractable arm; and [0017] FIG. 7 is a perspective view of the current invention in the expended and open position without the vertical risers illustrating the spring design of lower portion of the retractable arm. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0018] Hereinafter, a preferred embodiment of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the accompanying drawings. Note that the same or similar components in drawings are designated by the same reference numerals as far as possible although they are shown in different drawings. In the following description of the present invention, a detailed description of known functions and configurations incorporated herein will be omitted when it may make the subject matter of the present invention rather unclear. [0019] Reference will now be made to the drawings in which the various elements of the present invention will be given numerical designations. In its present form the invention consists of several distinct elements. These elements when combined as described within will allow one of ordinary skill in the art to made and use the present invention. [0020] Current methods of enhancing motorist awareness of safety hazards include flares, solid plastic cones and collapsible or spring cones. The presented invention is designed to eliminate current difficulties encountered with the use of existing road safety devices. With roadside flares there is the inherent short fall that they only last a given period of time and are nor reusable. In addition, they are usually only several inches above the roadway service and may present difficulty in operating. Solid plastic cones are easy to place along the roadway, however, unless they are properly weighted and sized they may be displaced due to strong gusts of winds. In addition, the larger the cone the more storage space that is required. This is a disadvantage (especially in small passenger vehicles) and therefore reduces their attractiveness of the use. In recent years several collapsible or spring traffic cones have been introduced into the market place. [0021] The present invention is a significant improvement to these designs since the use of the flexible hinges on the vertical risers and the use of a rotating base support allows requires approximately ½ the necessary storage space. In addition, when compared to the designs that require springs, for example U.S. Pat. No. 5,305,705, the present invention is totally self-contained and does not require any additional locking mechanism when storing. The reduced storage space significantly increases the attractiveness of the present invention, especially in emergency response vehicles where space is at a premium. [0022] The vertical risers may be described as a rectangular or trapezoidal shaped flexible box where the top and bottom sides are open. The vertical risers are designed to fit within each other and are designed with flexible hinges extending its entire length on each corner so that they may store relatively flat. In U.S. Pat. No. 6,508,195 two retractable arms are used as a means of expanding the porous casing from a compact to expanded position. In the present invention, the two retractable arms are replaced by a single retractable arm placed in the center of the lower portion as is used as a means of expanding the series of vertical risers from a compact to expanded position. As in U.S. Pat. No. 6,508,195 the base supports are connected to the lower portion by a series of protruding tabs and holes. In the present invention, the lower vertical riser is connected to the base supports by a lower linkage that allows the series of vertical risers to transform from a relatively flat position in storage to a rectangular shape when the base support goes from a closed to an open position when rotated about the lower portion. In addition, the upper vertical riser is also linked to the upper portion of the retractable arm. This upper linkage allows for the vertical risers to be lifted from a compact to expanded position when the retractable arm is fully expanded. In order to help accomplish this movement the upper portion of the retractable arm contains a handle. [0023] The condensed retractable traffic cone has been designed to be employ easily, store compactly, withstand prevailing winds and be economical. [0024] The condensed retractable traffic cone is a combination of several pieces. The first two pieces are referenced to as the base supports. The base supports are similar in design and function to the base supports disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 6,508,195. The base supports are connected to the lower portion in a similar manner as taught in U.S. Pat. No. 6,508,195. Connected to the lower portion is a single retractable arm with a handle on its upper portion. When the device is fully deployed the retractable arm is perpendicular to the base supports. When the device is in storage the retractable arm is parallel to the base supports. In the present invention the porous casing taught in U.S. Pat. No. 6,508,195 is replaced by a series of vertical risers. Each vertical riser is designed with hinges along each corner that extend its entire length. This design allows for the vertical rises to be able to change shape when pressure is applied. The vertical risers are designed to fit within each other and may either be rectangular or slightly tapered. In order to reduce wind load on the sign support structure, the each vertical riser may be designed with air-flow holes. Also the bottom portion of the retractable arm may be designed in the shape of a spring that would allow for the slight deflection of the present invention when subject to high wind loads. Allowing for this slight deflection may reduce the overall weight of the device thereby potentially reducing its cost. [0025] In addition, reflective decals may be affixed to the vertical risers to correspond with traffic control device design standards. The actual number of vertical risers employed depends on application. [0026] The two base supports are intended to provide the necessary weight to ensure that the device is not displaced under reasonable wind loads. Each base support also has several strategically placed tabs. The base support is primarily a rectangular type box with the top end and one of the sides open. The long sides of the base support contain a tab at the open end of the box. These tabs are designed to allow the base support to be affixed to holes in the lower portion. The lower portion has been designed with protruding tabs. [0027] The condensed retractable traffic cone has been designed for easy placement during emergency situations. The first step in the application process is to rotate the two base supports from the closed to the open position and locked (parallel with the lower portion). After the base support is fixed in the open position, the series of vertical risers is then expanded by simply pulling in a vertical manner the handle on the upper portion of the retractable arm. This is continued until all the vertical risers are in fully extended position. At this point the invention is ready for application. [0028] The present invention offers an improvement over the previous designs in that the base support has been designed to fold in half thereby significantly reducing the necessary storage space when compared to similar sized designs. Through the use of hinged vertical risers that store effectively flat when not in operation and then open when in operation, significantly also reduces the necessary storage space when compared to devices that use a rigid sleeve design. This improved storage efficiency in both the base support and the vertical risers increases the attractiveness of the present invention to the user since it requires significantly less storage space when compare to the current state of the art. This is especially essential when the users are the highway motorcycle patrol or motorcyclists in general. The present invention has been designed to fit into the side compartment of their motorcycle. This is envisioned as a primary application for the present invention. [0029] In addition when compared to spring or coil type devices the present invention does not require any additional locking mechanism. Also when compared to some previous designs the present invention is totally self-contained and requires no assembly prior to implementation. [0030] Further, the device has been designed so that reflective decals can be directly affixed to the device to alert motorists. Several other designs, especially those that require the use of a spring or a coil require the use of a flexible reflective material. Reflective decals (similar to those used on existing traffic control devices) are usually brittle and would crack when stored in a compressed position, therefore they would not be recommended for many of the previously discussed prior designs. Reflective tape may also be used in many of the previously disclosed designed. While less brittle than decals they have a problem with wrinkling when compressed. A primary benefit of the use of reflective decals or tape is the reduced cost when compared to collars currently used on rigid traffic cones and on several existing collapsible devices. [0031] FIG. 1 illustrates the present invention in the closed and contracted position, illustrating the base support ( 1 ) having two short sides ( 200 ) and one long side ( 201 ) and the lower portion ( 2 ). The base support further includes upper section tabs ( 202 ) and lower section tabs ( 203 ). [0032] FIG. 2 illustrates the present invention in the open and contracted position. By rotating the base supports ( 1 ) about the lower portion ( 2 ), the ball-in-socket design ( 50 ) and the lower linkages ( 9 ) effectively pull the lower ( 10 ), middle ( 6 ) and upper ( 7 ) rectangular shaped hollow vertical risers from a relatively flat shape when stored to an open hollow shape. When the device is readied for storage, the base supports ( 1 ) are rotated about the lower portion ( 2 ) and the lower linkages ( 9 ) effectively push the lower ( 10 ), middle ( 6 ) and upper ( 7 ) rectangular shaped hollow vertical risers from an open hollow shape to a relatively flat shape when the base support ( 1 ) is fully closed. [0033] FIG. 3 illustrates the present invention in the open and expanded position, illustrating the lower ( 10 ), middle ( 6 ) and upper ( 7 ) rectangular shaped hollow vertical risers in the fully extended position. [0034] Referring to FIG. 4 , the lower portion ( 2 ) contains a series of holes ( 100 ) and slots ( 101 ) that allow for the base supports ( 1 ) to be attached by use of the protruding tabs ( 5 ). Other methods of rotatably attaching the base supports ( 1 ) to the lower portion ( 2 ) such that the base supports can fold about a retractable arm ( 30 ) are well known in the art and contemplated herein. For example, a simple rivet can be used to attach the base supports ( 1 ) to the lower portion ( 2 ). [0035] Attached to the lower portion ( 2 ) is a retractable arm ( 30 ) consisting of several sections that fit within each other. Contained within the base supports ( 1 ) are support weights ( 4 ). These support weights ( 4 ) are designed to help the total sign support structure resist displacement under high wind conditions. Also contained between the base supports ( 1 ) and the lower portion ( 2 ) are lower linkages ( 9 ) that allow for movement of the flexible hinges ( 30 ) on the series of vertical risers that allow its shape to change from a relatively flat to a trapezoidal or rectangular hollow shape. The lower linkage ( 9 ) is connected by a ball-in-socket type design ( 50 ) to the base support ( 1 ) and the lower vertical riser ( 10 ). Contained within the lower vertical riser ( 10 ) is a series of middle vertical risers ( 6 ) capable of extending into a fixed position when the upper vertical riser ( 7 ) is extended to its maximum height by lifting the retractable arm ( 20 ). The upper vertical riser ( 7 ) is connected to the retractable arm ( 20 ) by an upper linkage ( 22 ) that allows for the lifting of the lower ( 10 ), middle ( 6 ) and upper ( 7 ) rectangular shaped hollow vertical risers when the retractable arm ( 20 ) is extended. The retractable arm ( 20 ) is extended into a fully vertical position by lifting the handle ( 21 ). [0036] A second embodiment is illustrated in FIG. 5 . As illustrated in FIG. 5 , the lower ( 10 ), middle ( 6 ) and upper ( 7 ) rectangular shaped hollow vertical risers may be designed with air-flow holes as to reduce the overall wind load on the structure. [0037] FIG. 6 illustrates a third embodiment of the present invention, in the open and expanded position without the vertical risers and is intended to show the placement of the retractable arm ( 20 ) in relation to the base supports ( 1 ) and the lower portion ( 2 ). [0038] A fourth embodiment is illustrated in FIG. 7 . As illustrated in FIG. 7 , the lower portion of the retractable arm ( 20 ) may be designed in the shape of a spring ( 60 ) to allow for greater flexibility of the device. This flexibility would allow for temporary slight displacement of the lower ( 10 ), middle ( 6 ) and upper ( 7 ) rectangular shaped hollow vertical risers under high wind conditions, thus reducing the necessary weight of the support weights ( 4 ). [0039] To deploy the current invention, the user simply rotates the two base supports ( 1 ) about the lower portion ( 2 ) into a locked position perpendicular to the retractable arm ( 20 ), and then lifts the series of the lower ( 10 ), middle ( 6 ) and upper ( 7 ) rectangular shaped hollow vertical risers into a locked vertical position by use of the handle ( 21 ) on the upper portion of the retractable arm ( 20 ). The devise is now ready for use. [0040] While the invention has been shown and described with reference to certain preferred embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Consequently, the scope of the invention should not be limited to the embodiments, but should be defined by the appended claims and equivalents thereof
A condensed retractable traffic cone is a device designed to provide motorists with advance warning of disabled vehicles and/or work zone areas. The device has been designed to withstand reasonable winds through the use of two base supports, a lower portion, a retractable arm and a series of retractable vertical risers. The retractable vertical risers in combination with a retractable arm allow for the device to easily expand to height consistent with traffic engineering design standards when in operation and then compact when it is in storage. The two base supports are designed not only to provide the necessary structural stability but to also open and close about the retractable vertical risers thus providing for additional compactness. The vertical risers are designed with flexible hinges so that they may store flat and expand to a rectangular shape when the base supports are rotated to an open position, accomplished a by linkage connecting the lower vertical riser and the base supports.
This is a National Phase Application filed under 35 U.S.C. 371 as a national stage of PCT/EP2012/063209, filed Jul. 6, 2012, and claims priority benefit from European Application No. 11172900.0, filed Jul. 6, 2011, the content of each of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to a wind turbine blade having a longitudinal direction and including a shell structure made of a fibre-reinforced polymer material including a polymer matrix and reinforcement material comprising a plurality of carbon fibre layers embedded in the polymer matrix. The invention further relates to a method of manufacturing a shell structure part of a wind turbine blade, the shell structure part being made of a fibre-reinforced polymer material including a polymer matrix and a fibre-reinforcement material comprising a plurality of carbon fibre layers embedded in the polymer matrix. BACKGROUND ART Vacuum infusion or VARTM (vacuum assisted resin transfer moulding) is one method, which is typically employed for manufacturing composite structures, such as wind turbine blades comprising a fibre-reinforced matrix material. During the manufacturing process, liquid polymer, also called resin, is filled into a mould cavity, in which fibre material priorly has been arranged, and where a vacuum is generated in the mould cavity hereby drawing in the polymer. The polymer can be thermoset plastic or thermoplastics. Typically, uniformly distributed fibres are layered in a first rigid mould part, the fibres being rovings, i.e. bundles of fibres arranged in mats, felt mats made of individual fibres or unidirectional or woven mats, i.e. multi-directional mats made of fibre rovings, etc. A second mould part, which is often made of a resilient vacuum bag, is subsequently placed on top of the fibre material and sealed against the first mould part in order to generate a mould cavity. By generating a vacuum, typically 80 to 95% of the total vacuum, in the mould cavity between the first mould part and the vacuum bag, the liquid polymer can be drawn in and fill the mould cavity with the fibre material contained herein. So-called distribution layers and/or distribution tubes, also called inlet channels, are typically used between the vacuum bag and the fibre material in order to obtain as sound and efficient a distribution of polymer as possible. In most cases the polymer applied is polyester, epoxy or vinylester, and the fibre-reinforcement is most often based on glass fibres or carbon fibres. During the process of filling the mould, a vacuum, i.e. an under pressure or negative pressure, is generated via vacuum outlets in the mould cavity, whereby liquid polymer is drawn into the mould cavity via the inlet channels in order to fill said mould cavity. From the inlet channels the polymer disperses in all directions in the mould cavity due to the negative pressure as a flow front moves towards the vacuum channels. Thus, it is important to position the inlet channels and vacuum channels optimally in order to obtain a complete filling of the mould cavity. Ensuring a complete distribution of the polymer in the entire mould cavity is, however, often difficult, and accordingly this often results in so-called dry spots, i.e. areas with fibre material not being sufficiently impregnated with resin. Resin transfer moulding (RTM) is a manufacturing method, which is similar to VARTM. In RTM the liquid resin is not drawn into the mould cavity due to a vacuum generated in the mould cavity. Instead the liquid resin is forced into the mould cavity via an overpressure at the inlet side. RTM is less frequently used for or in the manufacture of wind turbine blades than VARTM. Prepreg moulding is a method in which reinforcement fibres are pre-impregnated with a pre-catalysed resin. The resin is typically solid or near-solid at room temperature. The prepregs are arranged on a mould surface, vacuum bagged and then heated to a temperature, where the resin is allowed to reflow and eventually cured. This method has the main advantage that the resin content in the fibre material is accurately set beforehand. Prepreg moulding may be used in connection with both a RTM and a VARTM process. Further, it is possible to manufacture hollow mouldings in one piece by use of outer mould parts and a mould core. Such a method is for instance described in EP 1 310 351 and may readily be combined with RTM, VARTM and prepreg moulding. Blades for wind turbines have increased in size in the course of time and may now be more than 60 meters long and weigh more than 18 tonnes. As a result, the impregnation time in connection with manufacturing such blades has increased, as more fibre material has to be impregnated with polymer. Furthermore, the infusion process has become more complicated, as the impregnation of large shell members, such as blades, requires control of the flow fronts to avoid dry spots. In order to reduce the weight of wind turbine blades carbon fibres have been used increasingly, as they have a greater strength and rigidity than glass fibres. Carbon fibres have a considerably smaller diameter than inter alia glass fibres. Consequently, they are compacted to form a very dense structure when subjected to vacuum as in VARTM and also in prepreg moulding. Especially in VARTM, the very dense structure with a very limited amount of voids limits or prevents the propagation and impregnation of the carbon fibres with resin so that dry spots are difficult or impossible to avoid. WO 2010/018225 discloses a wind turbine blade comprising metal fibres, such as steel fibres. In one embodiment, the wind turbine blade comprises outer layers or skins of glass fibres or carbon fibres in order to obtain a smooth surface. DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to obtain a new blade and new method of manufacturing such a blade or a part thereof, such as shell half thereof, which overcomes or ameliorates at least one of the disadvantages of the prior art or which provides a useful alternative. According to a first aspect of the invention, this is obtained by a blade as stated in the preamble of claim 1 and wherein at least a portion of the shell structure is formed of laminate comprising at least one metal filament layer comprising metal filaments and being sandwiched between two carbon fibre layers comprising carbon fibres only, the carbon fibre layers being contiguous with the metal filament layer. The wind turbine blade may comprise individual shell parts adhered to each other such as a first shell half defining a suction side of the wind turbine blade and a second shell half defining a pressure side of the wind turbine blade, the two shell halves being glued together along a trailing and a leading edge of the blade. Alternatively, the wind turbine blade may be formed as a single shell structure. According to a second aspect of the invention, the above object is obtained by a method of manufacturing a shell structure part of a wind turbine blade, the shell structure part being made of a fibre-reinforced polymer material including a polymer matrix and a fibre-reinforcement material comprising a plurality of carbon fibre layers embedded in the polymer matrix, the method comprising the steps of: A providing a first mould part having a longitudinal direction and comprising a first forming surface with a contour defining at least a portion of an outer surface of the shell structure part; B arranging the fibre-reinforcement material in the first mould part so that at least in a longitudinal portion thereof at least one metal filament layer comprising metal filaments is sandwiched between carbon fibre layers comprising only carbon fibres, the carbon fibre layers being contiguous with the metal filament layer; C providing a second mould part and sealing the second mould part to the first mould part so as to provide a mould cavity between the first and the second mould part; D preferably evacuating the mould cavity; E providing resin in the mould cavity simultaneously with step B, and/or subsequently to step C; and F curing or allowing the resin to cure in order to form the shell structure part. By arranging at least one metal filament layer comprising metal filaments between two carbon fibre layers comprising only carbon fibres and wherein the carbon fibre layers are contiguous with the metal filament layers, the metal filament layer functions as a distribution layer improving the propagation of the resin to the carbon fibre layers in the longitudinal direction, transversely in the plane of the carbon fibres and in a direction transversely through the carbon fibre layers. Thereby, also an improved flow front is obtained for avoiding dry spots. Normally, distribution layers which provide less resistance to resin flow than the reinforcing fibrous material are provided as separate layers and do not contribute to the strength of the composite material. However, the metal filament layer arranged between two carbon fibre layers functions as a distribution layer and contributes to the strength of the wind turbine blade. Therefore, it is seen that the metal filaments also constitutes a reinforcement layer in the shell structure. Further, carbon fibres are available having stiffness, i.e. E-modulus, close to that of steel fibres having an E-modulus of about 210 GPa. Thereby layers having differing stiffness can be avoided. According to a further aspect of the invention the object is obtained by the use of a metal filament layer, such as a steel filament layer as an infusion-enhancing resin distribution layer in a laminate of a wind turbine blade comprising a plurality of carbon fibre layers, the metal filament layer preferably being sandwiched between two carbon fibre layers comprising carbon fibres only, the carbon fibre layers being contiguous with the metal layer By the phrase “carbon fibres only” is to be understood that at least 85%, 90%, 95% or 98% of the fibres are carbon fibres. It may even mean that 100% of the fibres are carbon fibres. According to an embodiment the carbon fibres constitute at least 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, or 90% by volume of the reinforcement material of the laminate. According to another embodiment the laminate comprises a plurality of carbon fibres layers arranged on top of each other at least on one side of the metal filament layer. According to a further embodiment the laminate comprises a plurality of carbon fibres layers arranged on top of each other both on the first side of the metal filament layer and on an opposite second side of the metal filament layer. Tests have shown that a faster and more though-out impregnation of the metal filament layers is obtained in the longitudinal direction, in the transverse direction of the plane of the layers and in the transverse direction through the layers, even when more carbon fibre layers are arranged contiguous with the first side of the metal filament layer and with both the first and second side of the metal filament layer. According to an embodiment of the invention the laminate comprises two or more mutually interspaced metal filament layers. It is thereby possible to obtain a through-out impregnation without dry spots of a laminate comprising a large quantity of carbon fibre layers, as each metal filament layer will be able to impregnate adjacent carbon fibre layers. According to a further embodiment, the at least one metal filament layer comprises metal filaments only. According to another embodiment the at least one metal filament layer comprises both metal filament and non-metal fibres. According to an advantageous embodiment the metal filament layer comprises at least one metal filament mat. When the metal filaments in the metal filament layer are arranged in a mat, it is very convenient to arrange the metal filament layer in a mould used for forming the wind turbine blade or a part thereof. It should be noted that in the metal filament layer one or more metal filaments mats may comprise metal filaments only and/or one of more metal filament mats may comprise both metal filaments and non-metal fibres, i.e. be so-called hybrid mats. The hybrid mat may comprise at least 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% or 90% by volume of metal filaments. The non-metal fibres of the hybrid mat are preferably carbon and/or glass fibres. The metal filaments are preferably steel filaments. 1-19%, 3-19% or 5-19% by volume of the fibre-reinforcement material of the laminate may be metal filaments. The rest of the fibres are preferably carbon fibres only. The metal filaments have a cross-sectional dimension substantially greater than that of the non-metal fibres. The metal filaments may have a cross-sectional dimension in the range between 0.04 mm and 1 mm or in the range between 0.07 mm and 0.75 mm or in the range between 0.1 mm and 0.5 mm. According to a preferred embodiment metal filaments of the metal filament mats are arranged in bundles, preferably comprising at least three filaments, such as at least 7, 12, 24 or 36 filaments. By using bundles of filaments the drapability of the mats is improved compared to mats being formed of monofilaments having the same diameter as a bundle of filaments. According to a further embodiment, the bundles of metal filaments are arranged mutually interspaced in the mat. The bundles of metal filaments may be connected and mutually interspaced by means of weft yarns extending perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the metal filaments. It should be noted that it is also possible to use monofilaments in the mats and to connect these by means of weft yarns preferably extending perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the metal filaments. The metal filaments may be substantially unidirectional, advantageously arranged substantially in the longitudinal direction of the blade so as to increase the bending stiffness of the blade. According to another embodiment at least 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% or 100% of the metal filaments are arranged substantially parallel to each other. According to an additional embodiment the portion of shell structure formed of the laminate is a longitudinally extending reinforcement section comprising a plurality of non-metal fibre layers. Preferably, the longitudinally extending reinforcement section extends over at least 40, 50, 60, 70 or 75% of the length of the wind turbine blade. The above longitudinally extending reinforcement section forms a load-bearing structure of the blade and is also called a main laminate. In another embodiment 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 100% of the metal filaments of the laminate are arranged substantially in the longitudinal direction of the blade. This means that the metal filaments themselves may be arranged substantially in the longitudinal direction of the blade. This may also encompass filament cores comprising individual filaments that are mutually twisted. The pitch length of the twist should be comparably high, e.g. higher than 5, 10, 15, or 20 times the diameter of the individual filaments. However, it is preferred that that the individual filaments are non-twisted as this yields a better compression strength and also a better wetting of the carbon fibres. The metal filaments may have a rough surface, e.g. provided by sandblasting or glass blasting of the surface of the metal filaments, to thereby provide strong adherence between the metal filaments and the resin. Alternatively or additionally a size may be applied to the metal filaments so that the metal filaments have an affinity to a certain resin. In a preferred embodiment of the method according to the invention, the second mould part is a so-called vacuum bag. According to an embodiment of the method of manufacturing a shell structure, the at least one metal filament layer comprises only metal filaments, the metal filament preferably being arranged in a metal filament mat. The at least one metal filament layer may, however, also comprise at least one hybrid mat comprising both metal filaments and non-metal fibres, preferably carbon fibres and/or glass fibres. According to a further embodiment of the method according to the invention, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% or 100% of the metal filaments are arranged parallel to each other and extend in the longitudinal direction of the first mould part. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention is explained in detail below with reference to the drawing(s), in which FIG. 1 shows a schematic cross section of an embodiment of a mould part with fibre material arranged in the mould part and thereby in principle also discloses a cross-sectional view of a shell half of a wind turbine blade, said shell half defining the pressure side of the blade and is to be glued to a second shell half defining the suction side of the blade along the trailing and leading edge of the blade; FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a reinforcement section in the wind turbine blade; FIG. 3 shows a unidirectional metal filament mat; FIG. 4 shows a hybrid mat comprising both metal filaments and non-metal fibres; FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a unidirectional metal filament mat comprising monofilaments mutually interspaced by means of weft yarns; FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of a unidirectional mat of monofilaments arranged in bundles, the bundles being formed of monofilaments arranged in a plane and being mutually interspaced by means of weft yarns. FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view of a unidirectional mat formed of densely packed monofilaments arranged in bundles, each bundle comprising three monofilaments and being mutually interspaced by means of weft yarns. FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view of a unidirectional mat comprising monofilaments densely packed in a bundle comprising seven monofilaments, the bundles being mutually interspaced by means of weft yarns. FIG. 9 shows a mat of monofilaments arranged mutually parallel and mutually interspaced and being arranged on a scrim. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view through an embodiment of a first mould part 1 for use in VARTM process. The first mould part 1 is a rigid mould part and has an upwardly facing forming surface 2 . A second mould part 3 being a so-called vacuum bag is sealed to the first mould part 1 , whereby a mould cavity is formed between the first mould part 1 and the vacuum bag 3 . A number of fibre layers, core parts and reinforcement sections are placed in the mould cavity, said parts being included in a finished wind turbine blade shell part, in the present example the shell half defining the pressure side of the blade. The blade shell part comprises one or more lower fibre layers 4 impregnated with resin and optionally coated with gelcoat defining the exterior surface of the shell part, and one or more upper fibre layers 5 impregnated with resin and defining the interior surface of the shell part. The upper and lower fibre layers 5 , 4 may be formed of mats comprising any fibre materials, such as glass fibres, carbon fibres and/or metal filaments or a combination thereof. Between the lower and upper fibre layers 4 , 5 , a longitudinally extending reinforcement section, also called a main laminate 6 , is arranged. The reinforcement section 6 comprises a plurality of fibre layers impregnated with resin. Arranged between the lower and upper fibre layers 4 , 5 are additionally a first core part 7 and a second core part 8 as well as a trailing edge fibre-reinforcement 9 at the trailing edge 10 of the shell part and a leading edge fibre-reinforcement 11 at the leading edge 12 of the shell part. Longitudinally extending inlet channels 13 —also called distribution channels—are arranged on top of the upper fibre layers 5 and below the vacuum bag 3 . Resin is supplied to the mould cavity through the inlet channels 13 . Vacuum outlets 14 are provided at a first rim and a second rim of the first mould 1 , viz. at the leading edge 12 and the trailing edge 10 of the wind turbine shell part. The mould cavity is evacuated through these vacuum outlets 14 . As shown in FIG. 2 , the main laminate 6 comprises the following layers: one or two centrally arranged metal filament layers 15 sandwiched between two first intermediate carbon fibre layers 16 only comprising carbon fibres and being contiguous with the respective centrally arranged metal filament layer 15 ; and two second intermediate carbon fibre layers 17 only comprising carbon fibres and contiguous with the respective first intermediate carbon fibre layer 16 . The main laminate 6 further comprises first intermediate metal filament layers 18 being contiguous with the respective second intermediate carbon fibre layer 17 , and outer carbon fibre layers 19 being contiguous with the respective first intermediate metal filament layer 18 . As can be seen, the main laminate 6 may comprise two or more metal filament layers 15 , 18 for flow enhancement during the infusion process. However, it should be noted that the figure is for illustrative purposes only and is drawn out of scale, since the metal filament layers typically will be sandwiched between a plurality of carbon fibre layers. As an example, the main laminate may be constructed with carbon fibre layer sections with e.g. twenty carbon fibre layers and intermediate metal filament layers for the flow enhancement, i.e. as an example twenty carbon fibre layers, one metal filament layer, twenty carbon fibre layers, one metal filament layer and finally twenty carbon fibre layers. The wind turbine shell half is manufactured as follows: The lower fibre layers 4 are arranged on the upwardly facing forming surface 2 of the first rigid mould part 1 . Then the layers of the main laminate 6 , the core parts 7 and 8 and the trailing edge fibre-reinforcement 10 and the leading edge fibre-reinforcement 11 are arranged on top of the lower fibre layers 4 . The upper fibre layers 5 are then arranged and on top thereof the longitudinally extending inlet channels 13 . Finally, the vacuum outlets 14 arranged and the vacuum bag 3 is sealed to the first rigid mould part 1 to form the mould cavity. The mould cavity is then evacuated through vacuum outlets 14 and resin is supplied to the mould cavity through inlet channels 13 . Resin is subsequently supplied to the inlet channels 13 so as to provide a resin flow front gradually moving towards the vacuum outlets 14 in the transverse direction of the mould. The central metal filament layers 15 sandwiched between the first intermediate carbon fibre layers 16 , 16 and the first intermediate metal filament layers 18 sandwiched between the outer carbon fibre layer 19 and the second intermediate carbon fibre layer 17 function as distribution layers. As a result, the metal filament layers allow for distribution of resin to the adjacent carbon fibre layers so that these layers are impregnated with resin without dry spots being formed. In addition, the metal filaments function as a reinforcement layer in the blade shell increasing the stiffness of the blade. The metal filaments may advantageously be arranged substantially unidirectional in the longitudinal direction of the blade shell. After resin impregnation of all of the fibre layers, the resin is allowed to cure, whereafter the moulded shell half is removed from the mould. The metal filaments of the metal filament layers are preferably steel fibres and preferably arranged in metal filament mats. The metal filament mats may be unidirectional mats comprising primarily filaments extending in the longitudinal direction or multidirectional mats. Further they may be mats comprising only metal filaments or be so-called hybrid mats comprising both metal filaments and non-metal fibres such as carbon fibres. FIG. 3 shows a portion of a metal filament mat being a unidirectional mat comprising a number of mutually parallel metal filaments. The metal filaments 20 are mutually interspaced by means of weft yarns 21 , 22 extending transversely of the longitudinal direction of the metal filaments 20 . The metal filaments 20 shown in FIG. 3 may be monofilaments or bundles of filaments as explained below. FIG. 4 shows a portion of hybrid mat 23 comprising steel filaments 24 and non-metal fibres 25 , such as carbon fibres which woven together. In FIG. 4 the non-metal fibres 25 may be multi-strand carbon fibres, where the individual fibres have a diameter being substantially smaller than that of the steel filaments. The steel filaments 24 may be monofilaments or bundles of filaments, as explained below. Both the unidirectional mat 26 shown in FIG. 3 and the hybrid mat 23 shown in FIG. 4 may be used as metal filament mats in the main laminate 6 shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 . FIG. 5 is a sectional view of a part of a metal filament mat 41 comprising mutually parallel and mutually interspaced monofilaments 30 of metal, the monofilament being interspaced by means of the weft yarns 31 , 32 . FIG. 6 is a sectional view of part of a metal filament mat 26 comprising bundles of metal filaments 27 and wherein the bundles comprise five metal filaments 27 arranged in a common plane, and wherein the bundles of metal filaments 27 are separated by means of crossing weft yarns 28 , 29 . FIG. 7 is a sectional view of a portion of a metal filament mat 42 comprising bundles of three metal filaments 33 , the bundles being interspaced by means of weft yarns 34 , 35 . FIG. 8 is a sectional view of a portion of a metal filament mat 43 comprising bundles of seven metal filaments 36 being closely packed and wherein the bundles of metal filaments 36 are mutually interspaced by means of weft yarns 37 , 38 . The filaments of the bundles may be twisted in the longitudinal direction with a relatively high pitch length. However, it is preferred that that the individual filaments are non-twisted as this yields a better compression strength and also a better wetting of the carbon fibres. FIG. 9 is a sectional view of a portion of a metal filament mat 44 comprising mutually parallel and interspaced monofilaments 39 arranged in a common plane. The monofilaments 39 are arranged on a backing sheet or scrim 40 having an open structure, such as a weakened or knitted structure allowing easy passage of resin through said scrim. The invention has been described with reference to advantageous embodiments. However, the scope of the invention is not limited to the illustrated embodiment, and alterations and modifications may be carried out without deviating from the scope of the invention. LIST OF REFERENCE NUMERALS 1 First rigid mould part 2 Upwardly facing forming surface 3 Second mould part (vacuum bag) 4 Lower fibre layers 5 Upper fibre layers 6 Reinforcement section (main laminate) 7 First core part 8 Second core part 9 Trailing edge fibre-reinforcement 10 Trailing edge of the shell part 11 Leading edge fibre-reinforcement 12 Leading edge of the shell part 13 Inlet channels 14 Vacuum outlets 15 Centrally arranged metal filament layer 16 First intermediate carbon fibre layer 17 Second intermediate carbon fibre layer 18 First Intermediate metal filament layer 19 Outer carbon fibre layers 20 Metal filaments 21 , 22 Weft yarns 23 Hybrid mat 24 Steel filaments 25 Non-metal fibres 26 Metal filament mat 27 Metal filaments 28 , 29 Weft yarns 30 Monofilaments 31 , 32 Weft yarns 33 Metal filaments 34 , 35 Weft yarns 36 Metal filaments 37 , 38 Weft yarns 39 Monofilaments 40 Scrim 41 Metal filament mat 42 Metal filament mat 43 Metal filament mat 44 Metal filament mat
Wind turbine blade has a longitudinal direction and includes a shell structure made of a fiber-reinforced polymer material including a polymer matrix and reinforcement material comprising a plurality of carbon fiber layers embedded in the polymer matrix. At least a portion of the shell structure is formed of a laminate 6 comprising at least one metal filament layer 15, 18 comprising metal filaments and being sandwiched between two carbon fiber layers 16, 16; 17, 18 comprising carbon fibers only. The carbon fiber layers are arranged contiguously with the metal filament layer.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a method of making a perpendicular recording magnetic head pole tip with an etchable adhesion CMP stop layer and, more particularly, to the steps in making the perpendicular recording pole tip wherein such a layer adheres well to bottom and top layers, is commonly etchable with the bottom layer, adheres well to the pole tip during chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) to prevent delamination and indicates a stop point during the CMP for proper pole tip definition. 2. Description of the Related Art The heart of a computer is a magnetic disk drive which includes a rotating magnetic disk, a slider that has write and read heads, a suspension arm and an actuator arm. When the disk is not rotating the actuator arm locates the suspension arm so that the slider is parked on a ramp. When the disk rotates and the slider is positioned by the actuator arm above the disk, air is swirled by the rotating disk adjacent an air bearing surface (ABS) of the slider causing the slider to ride on an air bearing a slight distance from the surface of the rotating disk. When the slider rides on the air bearing the actuator arm positions the write and read heads over selected circular tracks on the rotating disk where field signals are written and read by the write and read heads. The write and read heads are connected to processing circuitry that operates according to a computer program to implement the writing and reading functions. A write head is typically rated by its areal density which is a product of its linear bit density and its track width density. The linear bit density is the number of bits which can be written per linear inch along the track of the rotating magnetic disk and the track width density is the number of tracks that can be written per inch along a radius of the rotating magnetic disk. The linear bit density is quantified as bits per inch (BPI) and the track width density is quantified as tracks per inch (TPI). The linear bit density depends upon the length of the bit along the track and the track width density is dependent upon the width of the second pole tip at the ABS. Efforts over the years to increase the areal density have resulted in computer storage capacities increasing from kilobytes to megabytes to gigabytes. The magnetic moment of each pole piece of a write head is parallel to the ABS and to the major planes of the layers of the write head. When the write current is applied to the coil of the write head the magnetic moment rotates toward or away from the ABS, depending upon whether the write signal is positive or negative. When the magnetic moment is rotated from the parallel position, magnetic flux fringing between the pole pieces writes a positive or a negative bit in the track of the rotating magnetic disk. As the write current frequency is increased, the linear bit density is also increased. An increase in the linear bit density is desirable in order to increase the aforementioned areal density which increase results in increased storage capacity. There are two types of magnetic write heads. One type is a longitudinal recording write head and the other type is a perpendicular recording write head. In the longitudinal recording write head the flux induced into first and second pole pieces by a write coil fringes across a write gap layer, between the pole pieces, into the circular track of the rotating magnetic disk. This causes an orientation of the magnetization in the circular disk to be parallel to the plane of the disk which is referred to as longitudinal recording. The volume of the magnetization in the disk is referred to as a bit cell and the magnetizations in various bit cells are antiparallel so as to record information in digital form. The bit cell has a width representing track width, a length representing linear density and a depth which provides the volume necessary to provide sufficient magnetization to be read by a sensor of the read head. In longitudinal recording magnetic disks this depth is somewhat shallow. The length of the bit cell along the circular track of the disk is determined by the thickness of the write gap layer. The write gap layer is made as thin as practical so as to decrease the length of the bit cell along the track which, in turn, increases the linear bit density of the recording. The width of the second pole tip of the longitudinal write head is also made as narrow as possible so as to reduce the track width and thereby increase the track width density. Unfortunately, the reduction in the thickness of the write gap layer and the track width is limited because the bit cell is shallow and there must be sufficient bit cell volume in order to produce sufficient magnetization in the recorded disk to be read by the sensor of the read head. In a perpendicular recording write head there is no write gap layer. The second pole piece has a pole tip with a width that defines the track width of the write head and a wider yoke portion which delivers the flux to the pole tip. At a recessed end of the pole tip the yoke flares laterally outwardly to its full width and thence to a back gap which is magnetically connected to a back gap of a first pole piece. The perpendicular write head records signals into a perpendicular recording magnetic disk. In the perpendicular recording magnetic disk a soft magnetic layer underlies a perpendicular recording layer which has a high coercivity H C . The thicker disk permits a larger bit cell so that the length and the width of the cell can be decreased and still provide sufficient magnetization to be read by the read head. This means that the width and the thickness or height of the pole tip at the ABS can be reduced to increase the aforementioned TPI and BPI. The magnetization of the bit cell in a perpendicular recording scheme is perpendicular to the plane of the disk as contrasted to parallel to the plane of the disk in the longitudinal recording scheme. The flux from the pole tip into the perpendicular recording magnetic disk is in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the disk, thence parallel to the plane of the disk in the aforementioned soft magnetic underlayer and thence again perpendicular to the plane of the disk into the first pole piece to complete the magnetic circuit. Accordingly, the width of the perpendicular recording pole tip can be less than the width of the second pole tip of the longitudinal write head and the height or thickness of the perpendicular recording pole tip can be less than the length of the longitudinal recorded bit cell so as to significantly increase the aforementioned areal density of the write head. The perpendicular recording pole tip is typically constructed by frame plating in the same manner as the construction of the second pole piece in a longitudinal recording head. It is desirable that the pole tip be fully saturated during the write function. This allows an increase in the write signal frequency so as to increase the linear density of the recording. Unfortunately, when the length of the pole tip is short, it is difficult to fabricate a narrow width pole tip because of the loss of the process window of the pole tip in a region where the pole tip meets the flared portion of the second pole piece. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION One approach to overcome this problem is to fabricate the perpendicular recording pole tip by a damascene process whereby a planar, homogenous dielectric layer is deposited with a carbon or diamond like carbon (DLC) hard mask thereon to serve as a chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) stop layer. The hard mask is patterned by photoresist and the dielectric is etched to form a beveled deep trench. Either deposition of a seed layer followed by plating or sputter deposition of an appropriate material with high moment can be used to fill the trench. Pole tip definition is achieved by CMP the structure back to the hard mask. A silicon adhesion layer on top and bottom of the hard mask has been required for adhesion of the hard mask to the dielectric and photoresist layers, thus increasing the number of processing steps. Silicon has excellent adhesion to DLC but does not adhere well to high moment material such as NiFe, CoNiFe and CoFe, which frequently results in delamination of the high moment material which forms the pole tip during CMP. In order to overcome the aforementioned problems with the damascene process the present invention provides a non-silicon commonly etchable adhesion CMP stop layer (adhesion/stop layer) in the process of fabricating the second pole piece pole tip. The adhesion layer is tantalum (Ta). The improved adhesion/stop layer has several desirable attributes, namely: (1) improved adherence to a bottom pole tip forming layer which may be selected from the group consisting of Mo, W, Ta 2 O 3 , SiON X , SiO 2 and Si 3 N 4 , and to a top photoresist layer; (2) etchable by the same reactive ion etching (RIE) process that etches the forming layer; (3) adheres well to the iron alloys employed for the perpendicular recording second pole tip, such as NiFe, CoNiFe and CoFe, thereby preventing delamination of the pole tip during chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) to define the height of the pole tip; and (4) provides a stop indication during CMP so that the pole tip can be fabricated with a precise height. A method of the invention comprises forming a second pole piece layer that is recessed from a head surface of the magnetic head assembly, forming a reactive ion etchable (RIEable) pole tip forming layer on the second pole piece layer, forming the adhesion/stop layer of Ta on the pole tip forming layer, forming a photoresist mask on the adhesion/stop layer with a first opening for patterning the adhesion/stop layer and the pole tip forming layer with a second opening, reactive ion etching (RIE) through the first opening to form the second opening, forming the second pole piece pole tip in the second opening with a top which is above a top of the adhesion/stop layer and chemically mechanically polishing (CMP) the top of the second pole piece pole tip until the CMP contacts the adhesion/stop layer. An aspect of the invention is that after forming the second pole piece layer and before forming the pole tip forming layer, alumina is formed on the second pole piece layer and in a field about the second pole piece layer and then CMP is implemented until a top of the second pole piece layer is exposed and a flat surface is formed, followed by forming the pole tip forming layer on the flat surface. Other aspects of the invention will be appreciated upon reading the following description taken together with the accompanying drawings wherein the various figures are not to scale with respect to one another nor are they to scale with respect to the structure depicted therein. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a plan view of an exemplary prior art magnetic disk drive; FIG. 2 is an end view of a prior art slider with a magnetic head of the disk drive as seen in plane 2 — 2 of FIG. 1 ; FIG. 3 is an elevation view of the prior art magnetic disk drive wherein multiple disks and magnetic heads are employed; FIG. 4 is an isometric illustration of an exemplary prior art suspension system for supporting the slider and magnetic head; FIG. 5 is an ABS view of the magnetic head taken along plane 5 — 5 of FIG. 2 ; FIG. 6 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of the slider taken along plane 6 — 6 of FIG. 2 showing the present perpendicular recording head in combination with a read head; FIG. 7 is an ABS view of the slider taken along plane 7 — 7 of FIG. 6 ; FIG. 8 is a view taken along plane 8 — 8 of FIG. 6 with all material above the coil layer and leads removed; FIG. 9 is an isometric view of a second pole piece of FIG. 6 which includes a bottom pole piece and a top pole tip layer; FIG. 10 is a top view of FIG. 9 ; FIGS. 11A and 11B are a longitudinal view and an ABS view of the steps involved in fabricating the read head portion 72 of FIG. 6 ; FIGS. 12A and 12B are the same as FIGS. 11A and 11B except the first pole piece has been planarized, the coils are fabricated, insulation is provided for the coils, a back gap has been constructed and an alumina layer has been deposited; FIGS. 13A and 13B are the same as FIGS. 12A and 12B except the top of the partially completed head has been chemically mechanically polished (CMP) to provide a flat surface where an alumina isolation layer is formed; FIGS. 14A and 14B are the same as FIGS. 13A and 13B except a second pole piece layer has been formed; FIGS. 15A and 15B are the same as FIGS. 14A and 14B except an alumina layer has been deposited and CMP has been implemented to provide a flat surface; FIGS. 16A and 16B are the same as FIGS. 15A and 15B except a hard mask has been formed; FIGS. 17A and 17B are the same as FIGS. 16A and 16B except an adhesion/stop seed layer of Ta has been formed and a photoresist layer, which is being patterned, is formed on the Ta layer; FIGS. 18A and 18B are the same as FIGS. 17A and 17B except reactive ion etching has been implemented into the hard mask and the adhesion/stop seed layer producing an opening for a second pole piece pole tip; FIGS. 19A and 19B are the same as FIGS. 18A and 18B except a NiFe seed layer has been formed in the opening; FIGS. 20A and 20B are the same as FIGS. 19A and 19B except the opening has been filled with ferromagnetic material; FIGS. 21A and 21B are the same as FIGS. 20A and 20B except the magnetic head has been CMP until the CMP reaches the adhesion/stop seed layer; FIGS. 22A and 22B are the same as FIGS. 21A and 21B except the hard mask has been removed by RIE; FIG. 23 is an enlarged ABS illustration of the perpendicular recording pole tip in FIG. 22B ; and FIG. 24 is an enlarged ABS illustration of another embodiment of the perpendicular recording second pole tip. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Magnetic Disk Drive Referring now to the drawings wherein like reference numerals designate like or similar parts throughout the several views, FIGS. 1–3 illustrate a magnetic disk drive 30 . The drive 30 includes a spindle 32 that supports and rotates a magnetic disk 34 . The spindle 32 is rotated by a spindle motor 36 that is controlled by a motor controller 38 . A slider 42 has a combined read and write magnetic head 40 and is supported by a suspension 44 and actuator arm 46 that is rotatably positioned by an actuator 47 . A plurality of disks, sliders and suspensions may be employed in a large capacity direct access storage device (DASD) as shown in FIG. 3 . The suspension 44 and actuator arm 46 are moved by the actuator 47 to position the slider 42 so that the magnetic head 40 is in a transducing relationship with a surface of the magnetic disk 34 . When the disk 34 is rotated by the spindle motor 36 the slider is supported on a thin (typically, 0.05 μm) cushion of air (air bearing) between the surface of the disk 34 and the air bearing surface (ABS) 48 . The magnetic head 40 may then be employed for writing information to multiple circular tracks on the surface of the disk 34 , as well as for reading information therefrom. Processing circuitry 50 exchanges signals, representing such information, with the head 40 , provides spindle motor drive signals for rotating the magnetic disk 34 , and provides control signals to the actuator for moving the slider to various tracks. In FIG. 4 the slider 42 is shown mounted to a suspension 44 . The components described hereinabove may be mounted on a frame 54 of a housing 55 , as shown in FIG. 3 . FIG. 5 is an ABS view of the slider 42 and the magnetic head 40 . The slider has a center rail 56 that supports the magnetic head 40 , and side rails 58 and 60 . The rails 56 , 58 and 60 extend from a cross rail 62 . With respect to rotation of the magnetic disk 34 , the cross rail 62 is at a leading edge 64 of the slider and the magnetic head 40 is at a trailing edge 66 of the slider. FIG. 6 is a side cross-sectional elevation view of a merged magnetic head assembly 40 , which includes a write head portion 70 and a read head portion 72 , the read head portion employing a read sensor 74 . FIG. 7 is an ABS view of FIG. 6 . The sensor 74 is sandwiched between nonmagnetic electrically nonconductive first and second read gap layers 76 and 78 , and the read gap layers are sandwiched between ferromagnetic first and second shield layers 80 and 82 . In response to external magnetic fields, the resistance of the sensor 74 changes. A sense current Is (not shown) conducted through the sensor causes these resistance changes to be manifested as potential changes. These potential changes are then processed as readback signals by the processing circuitry 50 shown in FIG. 3 . As shown in FIGS. 6 and 7 , the write head portion 70 includes first and second pole pieces 100 and 102 which extend from the ABS to back gap portions 104 and 106 which are recessed in the head and which are magnetically connected to a back gap layer 108 . Located between the first and second pole pieces 100 and 102 is an insulation stack 110 which extends from the ABS to the back gap layer 108 and has embedded therein at least one write coil layer 112 . The insulation stack 110 may have a bottom insulation layer 114 which insulates the write coil from the first pole piece 100 and insulation layers 116 and 118 which insulate the write coil layer from the second pole piece 102 , respectively. An alumina layer 119 is located between the coil layer and the ABS. Since the second shield layer 82 and the first pole piece layer 100 are a common layer this head is known as a merged head. In a piggyback head the second shield layer and the first pole piece layer are separate layers which are separated by a nonmagnetic layer. As shown in FIGS. 2 and 4 , first and second solder connections 120 and 121 connect leads (not shown) from the spin valve sensor 74 to leads 122 and 123 on the suspension 44 , and third and fourth solder connections 124 and 125 connect leads 126 and 127 from the coil 84 (see FIG. 8 ) to leads 128 and 129 on the suspension. As shown in FIGS. 9 and 10 , the second pole piece 102 includes a bottom ferromagnetic layer 130 and a top ferromagnetic pole tip layer 132 . The layers 130 and 132 have flare points 134 and 136 where the layers first commence to extend laterally outwardly after the ABS. The pole tip layer 132 has a pole tip 138 and a yoke which is located between the pole tip 138 and the back gap 108 (see FIG. 6 ). The width of the top of the pole tip 138 is the track width (TW) of the recording head. The pole tip 138 is shown extended forward of the ABS in FIGS. 9 and 10 since this is its configuration when it is partially constructed on a wafer where rows and columns of magnetic head assemblies are fabricated. After completion of the magnetic head assemblies, which will be discussed hereinafter, the head assemblies are diced into rows of magnetic head assemblies and lapped to the ABS shown in FIG. 6 . Each row of magnetic head assemblies is then diced into individual head assemblies and mounted on the suspensions, as shown in FIG. 3 . As shown in FIGS. 6 and 7 , an insulative pole tip forming layer (PT forming layer) 140 is located between the flare point 134 and the ABS. The PT forming layer 140 is not a write gap layer as employed in a longitudinal recording head and therefore does not determine the linear bit density along the track of the rotating magnetic disk. In contrast, the thickness or height of the pole tip 138 along with media and spacing requirements determine the linear bit density since the flux signal magnetizes the bit cells in the recording disk in a perpendicular direction with the flux from the second pole piece returning to the first pole piece 100 via a soft magnetic layer in the perpendicular recording disk. It should be noted that when the second pole piece layer 130 is employed, as shown in FIG. 9 , the length of the head assembly 40 between the ABS and the back gap 108 can be shortened so that the write coil frequency can be increased for further increasing the linear bit density of the write head. It should also be understood that the magnetic head assembly may include multiple write coil layers which are stacked one above the other instead of a single write coil layer, as shown in FIG. 6 , and still be within the spirit of the invention. In addition, the relative location and orientation of the write and read portions of the head may also vary. Method of Making FIGS. 11A and 11B to FIGS. 22A and 22B illustrate various steps in the fabrication of the magnetic head assembly 40 shown in FIGS. 6 and 7 . In FIGS. 11A and 11B the first and second shield layers 80 and 82 may be fabricated by well-known frame plating techniques and the first and second read gap layers 76 and 78 and the sensor 74 may be fabricated by well-known vacuum deposition techniques. In FIGS. 12A and 12B a thick alumina layer is deposited (not shown) and the thick alumina is chemically mechanically polished (CMP) to the first pole piece layer (P 1 ) 100 leaving alumina layers 200 and 202 on each side of the first pole piece layer as shown in FIG. 12B . Next, the insulation layer 114 , such as alumina, is deposited for insulating a subsequent write coil layer 112 from the first pole piece layer 100 . The write coil layer 112 is then formed and is insulated by insulation 116 which may be baked photoresist. After photopatterning (not shown) and ion milling down to the first pole piece layer 100 the back gap 108 is formed. This is followed by depositing a thick layer of alumina 119 . In FIGS. 13A and 13B the magnetic head is CMP flat and an isolation layer 118 , which may be alumina, is deposited and patterned so as to leave the back gap 108 exposed. In FIGS. 14A and 14B the second pole piece (P 2 ) layer 130 is formed with a front end 134 which is recessed from the ABS and the back gap portion 106 which is magnetically connected to the back gap 108 . In FIGS. 15A and 15B a thick alumina layer is deposited (not shown) and CMP flat leaving the alumina layer 140 between the front end 134 of the second pole piece layer and the ABS. In FIGS. 16A and 16B a pole tip forming layer (PT forming layer) 204 is formed on the second pole piece layer 130 and the alumina layer 140 which provides a form for fabricating the pole tip layer 132 with the pole tip 138 which will be discussed in more detail hereinafter. The mask may be Mo, W, Ta 2 O 3 , SiON X , SiO 2 or Si 3 N 4 and is etchable by a fluorine based reactive ion etching (RIE). In FIGS. 17A and 17B an adhesion/stop layer 206 is formed on the PT forming layer 204 followed by a photoresist layer 208 which is photopatterned to define a shape of the second pole tip layer 132 which includes the perpendicular recording pole tip 138 , as shown in FIG. 6 . The adhesion/stop layer 206 is tantalum (Ta). A Ta adhesion/stop layer provides all of the desirable attributes as described hereinabove. In FIGS. 18A and 18B a fluorine based reactive ion etch is implemented into the adhesion/stop layer and into the PT forming layer for producing a slanted profile for the pole tip 138 as shown in FIG. 7 . An aspect of this invention is that both of the adhesion/stop layer 206 and the PT forming layer 204 can be etched by the same fluorine based RIE step. As can be seen from FIGS. 18A and 18B a trench is formed for the second pole tip layer. In FIGS. 19A and 19B a seed layer 210 is sputter deposited into the trench as well as on the front and rear pedestals or the trench may be filled with a ferromagnetic material, such as CoFe, by sputtering (not shown). In FIGS. 20A and 20B plating is implemented to fill the trench to a level slightly above the front and rear pedestals. In FIGS. 21A and 21B CMP is implemented until the CMP stops on the adhesion/stop layer 206 . In FIGS. 22A and 22B , optionally, fluorine based RIE may be implemented to remove any remaining portions of the hard mask layer. A thick alumina layer may then be deposited (not shown) and the magnetic head planarized leaving an alumina layer 212 as shown in FIG. 6 . A capping layer 214 , as shown in FIG. 6 , may then be formed of any suitable material such as alumina. Perpendicular Recording Pole Tip The perpendicular recording pole tip 138 , as shown in FIG. 21B , is enlarged substantially in FIG. 23 . FIG. 23 shows the seed layer 210 which is employed when the pole tip 138 is plated. As shown in FIGS. 6 and 23 , the pole tip is bounded by oppositely facing ABS and back surfaces, top and bottom surfaces 216 and 218 and, with the seed layer 210 , first and second side surfaces 216 and 218 . As shown in FIG. 23 , edge surfaces of layer portions 206 of the adhesion/stop seed layer interface first and second top side surface portions 220 and 222 . Because of the good adhesion between the adhesion/stop seed layer portions 206 and the pole tip 138 there is no delamination at the interfaces 220 and 222 during the CMP step in FIGS. 21A and 21B . FIG. 24 is the same as FIG. 23 except the pole tip 138 has been sputter deposited which eliminates the need for the seed layer 210 shown in FIG. 23 . Discussion It should be understood that vacuum deposition may be employed in lieu of the aforementioned frame plating step. Further, in a broad concept of the invention the pole tip layer can be employed without the aforementioned bottom second pole piece layer. The materials of the various layers are optional in some instances. For instance, photoresist may be employed in lieu of the alumina layers and vice versa. Further, while the magnetic head is planarized at various steps, planarization may occur only for the second pole piece and pole tip layers. Further, the magnetic head assembly may be a merged or piggyback head, as discussed hereinabove. The pole pieces are ferromagnetic materials and are preferably nickel-iron. It should be noted that the second pole piece layer may be a different ferromagnetic material than the pole tip layer. For instance, the second pole piece layer may be Ni 45 Fe 55 and the pole tip layer may be Ni 80 Fe 20 . Clearly, other embodiments and modifications of this invention will occur readily to those of ordinary skill in the art in view of these teachings. Therefore, this invention is to be limited only by the following claims, which include all such embodiments and modifications when viewed in conjunction with the above specification and accompanying drawings.
The method of making a magnetic head assembly includes forming a second pole piece layer that is recessed from a head surface, forming a reactive ion etchable (RIEable) pole tip forming layer on the second pole piece layer, forming an adhesion/stop layer of tantalum (Ta) on the pole tip forming layer, forming a photoresist mask on the adhesion/stop layer with an opening for patterning the adhesion/stop layer and the pole tip forming layer with another opening, reactive ion etching (RIE) through the opening to form the other opening, forming the second pole piece pole tip in the other opening with a top which is above a top of the adhesion/stop layer and chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) the top of the second pole piece pole tip until the CMP contacts the adhesion/stop layer. The invention also includes the magnetic head made by such a process.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is a continuation-in-part and claims the benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/221,142 titled “Vehicle Support Frames with Interlocking Features for Joining Members of Dissimilar Materials” filed Aug. 30, 2011, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. TECHNICAL FIELD [0002] The present disclosure relates to methods of manufacturing vehicle frame assemblies, particularly those frame assemblies incorporating threaded connections. BACKGROUND [0003] Conventional vehicle support frames can be composed of different materials including, for example, steel, aluminum and reinforced polymer composites. Vehicle manufacturers attempt to strike a balance between weight reduction and structural rigidity. It is desirable to design lightweight vehicle frames for full-sized trucks. Aluminum structural members can be designed to achieve up to a 50% weight reduction while still meeting performance targets. Joining aluminum members to steel frame rails presents challenges. [0004] For example, MIG welding aluminum cross members to steel rails is a challenging task as the weld-compatibility between most steels and aluminum is low. Welding, however, provides a cost-effective and robust manner of joining vehicle assembly structural members. Accordingly, it is desirable to consider manufacturing techniques that employ alternative joining techniques. [0005] Past joining techniques have considered incorporating threaded connections between vehicle frame components. For example, in World Intellectual Property Organization Publication No. WO 96/39322 titled “Method for Joining Structural Components” screw attachments of two cross rails is discussed. Such threaded connections between structural components is, however, generally less desirable than welded connections. [0006] Therefore, it still is desirable to have techniques for applying welds in vehicle frame assemblies that incorporate the use of threaded connections. Additionally, it is also desirable to improve upon existing threaded connection designs for vehicle structural members. SUMMARY [0007] The present disclosure addresses one or more of the above-mentioned issues. Other features and/or advantages will become apparent from the description which follows. [0008] One advantage of the present disclosure is that it provides teachings on manufacturing vehicle frame assemblies using threaded connections with welded connections. Moreover, a locating system is provided to ensure proper alignment of components having compatible threads. Additionally, the use of adhesives and adhesive wells are discussed herein, thereby providing additional structural rigidity to vehicle components. [0009] One exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure relates to a method of manufacturing a vehicle frame that includes: forming compatible threads on a first rail composed of a first material and a second rail composed of a second material; forming a pair of locators on the first and second rails, said locators configured to indicate an alignment condition of the first rail and second rail when screwed together; and screwing together the first rail and second rail. [0010] Another exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure relates to a method of manufacturing a vehicle frame, including: forming compatible threads on an interconnecting member (ICM) and a first rail composed of a first material; screwing together the ICM and first rail; and welding the ICM to a second rail composed of a second material. [0011] Another exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure relates to a vehicle frame assembly, including: a first vehicle structural member composed of a first material; a second vehicle structural member composed of a second material; compatible threads on the first and second vehicle structural members; and locators on the first and second vehicle structural members, said locators configured to indicate an alignment condition of the first and second vehicle structural members when screwed together. [0012] Joining vehicle frame assembly rails composed of dissimilar materials using welding and adhesives will be explained in greater detail below by way of example with reference to the figures, in which the same reference numbers are used in the figures for identical or essentially identical elements. The above features and advantages and other features and advantages of the present teachings are readily apparent from the following detailed description of the best modes for carrying out the invention when taken in connection with the accompanying drawings. In the figures: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0013] FIG. 1 is an exploded perspective view of an exemplary vehicle frame assembly, according to the present disclosure. [0014] FIG. 2 is a side view of the vehicle frame assembly of FIG. 1 . [0015] FIG. 3 is a side view of a bolt from the vehicle frame assembly of FIG. 1 at circle 3 . [0016] FIG. 4 is an exploded perspective view of another exemplary vehicle frame assembly, according to the present disclosure. [0017] FIG. 5 is an exploded perspective view of another exemplary vehicle frame assembly, according to the present disclosure. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0018] Referring to the drawings, wherein like characters represent examples of the same or corresponding parts throughout the several views, there are shown various vehicle frame assemblies for use in motor vehicle chassis. Frame assemblies include structural components interconnected through threaded connections. In the illustrated examples, the threaded connections are coupled or mixed with adhesive or welded connections. Locators are also included on components to assist with alignment of threaded components. Thus, improved vehicle frame structures and manufacturing techniques for the same are provided with the present disclosure. [0019] The teachings herein are applicable to any type of frame, especially vehicle frames including frames for pickup trucks, vans, minivans, sports utility vehicles, sedans, coupes, commercial vehicles, and all utility vehicles. [0020] Referring now to FIGS. 1-3 , there is shown an exemplary vehicle frame assembly 10 according to an embodiment the present disclosure. Vehicle frame assembly 10 is taken from a cross rail assembly for a vehicle, e.g., a spare tire frame. As shown in FIG. 1 , assembly 10 includes two vehicle structural components 20 , 30 configured to screw into another vehicle structural component 40 , specifically a cross rail. Vehicle structural components 20 , 30 can be intermediate/interconnecting members between the cross rail 40 and another structural component (e.g., a side rail) or vehicle structural components can be an extension of rail 40 . In the illustrated embodiment, components 20 , 30 are a continuation of rail 40 . Components 20 and 30 are composed of steel. Cross rail 40 is composed of aluminum in this embodiment. Other material selections and combinations will be appreciated including non-metals and composites. [0021] Components 20 , 30 are shown disconnected from cross rail 40 , in FIG. 1 . Component 20 includes a threaded key 50 . Cross rail 40 includes a receptor 60 that is threaded with compatible threads to key threads. Both components include an orifice 70 , 80 on the component 20 and cross rail 40 , respectively that acts as an alignment locator. When key 50 of component 20 is fully inserted into receptor 60 of cross rail 40 orifices 70 and 80 align. In another process a bolt 90 is inserted into each orifice 70 , 80 to ensure that the alignment stays. Orifices 70 , 80 are threaded with compatible threads 100 to the threads 110 on bolt, such as 90 . [0022] In the illustrated embodiment components 20 , 30 and 40 are shown as rectangular rails. Other vehicle structural components and/or rail configurations can be used, such as cylindrical rails or, as previously stated, interconnecting members. [0023] At an opposing end of cross rail 40 another threaded component 30 is attachable to the rail via threads, as shown in FIG. 1 . Component 30 includes a threaded key 120 . Cross rail 40 includes another receptor 130 that is threaded with compatible threads to key 120 . Both components include an orifice 140 on component 30 and orifice 150 on cross rail 40 , respectively that acts as an alignment locator. When key 120 of component 30 is fully inserted into receptor 130 of cross rail 40 orifices align. In another process, a bolt 90 is inserted into each orifice 140 , 150 . Orifices 140 , 150 are threaded with compatible threads (e.g., 100 ) to the threads 110 on bolt 90 , as shown in FIG. 3 . Orifices 140 , 150 are anti-rotation features—or locators—that can be applied for part handling or field usage. [0024] Threads in the receptors 60 and 130 on end of cross rail 40 can be the same or different size. Thread size can be altered to be larger or smaller than the threads illustrated herewith. Threads provide additional resistance preventing relative movement between the components 20 , 30 and cross rail 40 . [0025] To assemble cross rail 40 with components 20 , 30 members are joined together by turning an end of component 20 or 30 and moving through the threads. The key 50 or 120 of components 20 , 30 can be configured with a feature that enables turning, such as a textured surface for added grip, so that keys can be turned by manually. In another embodiment, a tool is designed to fit inside components 20 , 30 to turn components into solid connection with cross rail 40 . [0026] As illustrated in FIG. 2 , one cross-sectional area of component 20 , x 1 , is smaller than another cross-sectional area of component, x 2 . The change in cross-sectional area forms a stop 160 on an outer surface of component 20 . Mechanical stop 160 is configured to distribute a clamp load on the component 20 to the outer surface of cross rail 40 . Stop 160 can be larger or smaller in other embodiments. In another embodiment, a stop is also formed on the internal surface of cross rail. [0027] Component 20 key 50 is covered with an adhesive material 170 , as shown in the side view of the vehicle frame assembly of FIG. 2 . Adhesive 170 is distributed on an outer surface of key 50 . Adhesive 170 is also accumulated in wells 180 of the threads formed on key 50 , as shown. The threads provide an area for structural adhesive to be applied. Adhesive 170 can be applied to one side or both sides of key 50 and cross rail receptor 60 . The structural adhesive 170 is a primary source of bonding and threads are a secondary source of bonding in this embodiment. Roles can be reversed or equilaterally distributed in other arrangements. [0028] Referring again to FIG. 3 , there is shown therein a side view of the bolt 90 from the vehicle frame assembly 10 of FIG. 1 . Bolt 90 is twice threaded on a shaft of the bolt 90 . Threads 110 are formed to be compatible with threads 100 on locators 70 , 80 , 140 , 150 of components 20 , 30 and cross rail 40 . Another orifice (not shown) is added internally to the keys 50 , and 120 of components 20 , 30 to intermesh with threads 110 on bolt. A hexagonal head 190 is also on bolt 90 for compatibility with a crescent wrench or other tool. Adhesive 170 is applied to bolt threads in another embodiment. [0029] Now with reference to FIG. 4 , there is shown an exploded perspective view of another exemplary vehicle frame assembly 200 . Vehicle frame assembly 200 is taken from a cross rail assembly for a vehicle, e.g., a spare tire frame. As shown in FIG. 4 , assembly 200 includes two vehicle structural components 210 , 220 configured to screw into another vehicle structural component, specifically a side rail 230 . Vehicle structural component 220 is an extension of side rail 230 . Vehicle structural component 210 is an interconnecting member (or ICM) between a cross rail (such as cross rail 40 of FIG. 1 ) and another structural component (e.g., side rail 230 ). Side rail 230 is composed of steel. ICM 210 is composed of steel in this embodiment as well. Component 220 is composed of aluminum. Other material selections and combinations will be appreciated including non-metals and composites. [0030] Components 210 , 220 are shown disconnected from side rail 230 in FIG. 4 . Component 220 includes a threaded key 240 . Side rail 230 includes a receptor 250 that is threaded with compatible threads to key 240 threads. When key 240 of component 220 is fully inserted into receptor 250 of side rail 230 orifices 260 , 270 align. In another process, a bolt 280 is inserted into each orifice 260 , 270 to ensure that the alignment stays. Orifices 260 , 270 are threaded with compatible threads to the threads on bolt 280 . [0031] In the illustrated embodiment components are shown as rectangular rails. Other vehicle structural components and/or rail configurations can be used, such as cylindrical rails or, as previously stated, interconnecting members. [0032] Intersecting side rail 230 is another threaded component 210 attachable to side rail via threads, as shown in FIG. 4 . ICM 210 includes a threaded key 290 . Side rail 230 includes another receptor 300 that is threaded with compatible threads to key 290 . Both components include an orifice 310 , 320 that acts as an alignment locator. When key 290 of component is fully inserted into receptor 300 of side rail 230 , orifices 310 , 320 align. In another process, a bolt (such as 280 ) is inserted into each orifice 310 , 320 . Orifices 310 , 320 are threaded with compatible threads to the threads on bolt. Orifices are anti-rotation features—or locators—that can be applied for part handling or field usage. Both component 220 and ICM 210 include an orifice 260 and 310 , respectively that acts as an alignment locator. [0033] Threads on side rail 230 can be of the same or different sizes. Thread size can be altered to be larger or smaller than the threads illustrated herewith. Threads provide additional resistance preventing relative movement between the components and cross rail. [0034] To assemble cross rail with components, members are joined together by turning an end of components 210 , 220 and moving through the threads. The keys 290 , 240 of components 210 , 220 can be configured with a feature that enable turning. In another embodiment, a tool is designed to fit inside components to turn components into solid connection with side rail 230 . Component keys 240 , 290 can be covered with an adhesive material in other embodiments. [0035] FIG. 5 is an exploded perspective view of another exemplary vehicle frame assembly 400 . Vehicle frame assembly 400 includes an interconnecting member 410 welded to a side rail 420 for the vehicle frame at one end and formed with a threaded key 430 at another end. In this embodiment, side rail 420 and ICM 410 are composed of steel. A cross rail 440 is configured with a receptor 450 that is compatible with threads on key 430 . Cross rail 440 is composed of aluminum. [0036] Vehicle frame assembly 400 is taken from a cross rail assembly for a vehicle frame assembly. As shown in FIG. 5 , assembly 400 includes a vehicle structural component (e.g., ICM 410 ) configured to screw into another vehicle structural component, specifically a cross rail 440 . In the illustrated embodiment, side rail 420 is composed of steel. ICM 410 is composed of steel in this embodiment as well and is welded onto side rail 420 at weld line 460 . A cross rail 440 is composed of aluminum. Other material selections and combinations will be appreciated including non-metals and composites. [0037] Threads can be the same or different. Thread size can be altered to be larger or smaller size than the threads illustrated herewith. Threads provide additional resistance preventing relative movement between the component 410 and cross rail 440 . [0038] Those familiar with the art to which this invention relates will recognize various alternative designs, combinations and embodiments for practicing the invention within the scope of the appended claims.
A method of manufacturing a vehicle frame, includes: forming compatible threads on a first rail composed of a first material and a second rail composed of a second material; forming a pair of locators on the first and second rails, said locators configured to indicate an alignment condition of the first rail and second rail when screwed together; and screwing together the first rail and second rail.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] The invention relates to the manufacture of strips composed of nickel cathode sheets, in particular composed of a plurality of at least substantially whole cathode sheets, the differences in thickness within sheets and between various sheets preferably being balanced by hot rolling without heating prior to the hot rolling and the hot rolling itself resulting in an oxide layer that is no longer reducible to nickel, or resulting in irreversible intergranular corrosion and internal corrosion. Whenever nickel is mentioned in the general portion of this description or in the description of specific embodiments, one skilled in the art similarly also considers cobalt to be disclosed as an alternative metal. All aspects described herein that are essential to the invention likewise apply to cobalt. PRIOR ART [0002] Strips made of nickel are produced primarily by reduction smelting. To limit nonmetallic oxidic impurities, melting and pouring are performed in the VIM process, and to eliminate porosity, remelting in the ESR or VAR process is performed. Surface cracks, which result due to the high shrinkage rate of nickel, must be removed by grinding; the amount removed is approximately 6 to 9 mm. Hot rolling usually begins at temperatures of approximately 1150° C. to 1250° C. Not only a surface oxide layer, but also intergranular corrosion results from hot rolling. The thickness of the oxide layer and of the near-surface layer affected by intergranular corrosion depend on the purity level of the material, the exposure time, and the processing temperature. These layers (on both sides of the strip) have a total layer thickness of approximately 50 μm. Oxides have only slight deformation capability. If the layers affected by oxidation were not completely removed, during the subsequent cold rolling into foils, rolled-in oxides would result in holes in the strip and strip breakage. Rolled-in oxides result in surface defects. Structural damage caused by intergranular corrosion results in irreparable loss of strength. [0003] During melting in arc furnaces and induction furnaces, deoxidation is carried out using silicon or aluminum, titanium (approximately 0.03%) is added to bind nitrogen, and sulfur is bound to manganese (approximately 0.3%) or magnesium (approximately 0.05%). Magnesium, silicon, aluminum, and titanium are also used for deoxidation during tapping. Although these elements sometimes become slagged, a considerable portion also remains in the melt. Nickel melted in this way therefore contains impurities of the mentioned elements in levels of >100 ppm to several thousand ppm for each of the elements used. [0004] Thus, the manufacture of strip by hot rolling of material produced by reduction smelting is associated with the following disadvantages: Oxidation not only of the surface, but also of the near-surface grain boundaries, and internal corrosion Oxide layer that is loose, not firmly adherent Two-layer structure of the oxide layer, where primarily the top oxide layer chips off under alternating thermal load due to the different coefficients of expansion of the two layers Formation of pores at the boundary between the metal and the oxide layer. [0009] As a result, blocks and strips that are produced by reduction smelting must be pickled and/or ground, whereby not only the surface oxides, but also the near-surface areas affected by intergranular corrosion and internal corrosion are removed. The facilities required for the material removal entail high capital and operating costs. Waste is generated for an expensive material, and at a relatively high level of refinement. [0010] The use of electrolytically obtained starting material has previously been proposed to avoid the disadvantages of using reduction smelting. [0011] According to DE 2905508 (Hurdelbrink) [GB 2,042,379], cathode sheets are initially cut into strips “in a cold process” (column 2, line 44), the strips are optionally joined at the edges, and the strip produced in this manner is further processed. (Joining at the end would only restore the original dimensions.) The patent does not claim a method of producing a metal strip composed of welded-together cathode sheets that are substantially whole, but, rather, claims a method of making a metal strip that has been formed from strips that represent cut-up cathode sheets. The strip-shaped cutting of whole cathode sheets is a feature characteristic of claim 1 of the cited patent. The advantage of the method is that, for the starting material used, deviations in thickness occur only to the extent to which these exist in a plate, not between various plates. [0012] Whole cathode sheets are explicitly described as being unsuitable for direct conversion into elongated shapes by rolling (column 1, line 57ff.). Since in contrast to hot rolling, in cold rolling only a slight degree of mass balancing takes place over the width, the method described in DE 2905508—unlike the method described in WO 2006024526 [U.S. Pat. No. 7,950,124]—also cannot be used on whole cathode sheets. [0013] In claim 6 and illustrated embodiment III, it is provided that before being split, the cathode plates as a whole may be reduced in thickness by rolling “in order to create a certain thickness.” In this regard, the description (column 3, line 35ff.) states that reducing the plate thickness simplifies the splitting into strips. It is known that whole cathode plates, in their thickness as produced, are difficult to cut due to their columnar structure. Cathode shears that are able to cut through the entire thickness of the sheets therefore represent expensive customized approaches. In any event, the roll gap facilities mentioned in DE 2905508 (column 3, line 31ff.) are not suitable for cutting whole plates, but, rather, for cutting sheets that have been reduced in thickness by rolling. Therefore, the method is used for “simplifying the splitting into strips,” not for balancing the thickness of various sheets. [0014] Incidentally, deviations in thickness within cathode sheets and between various sheets are not mentioned at all in DE 2905508; thus, the process description is also not explicitly directed to the problems of manufacturing a strip of constant thickness. This is also not necessary when elongated anode plates, for example, are to be manufactured, since dimensional accuracy is not relevant in this case. [0015] DE 2905508 also does not mention cold rolling using back tension applied by reels. Rather, even after the joining of sheets that are reduced by rolling and then split and joined on the end-face side, these are still referred to as “rods,” and coiling is described as a separate step after the rolling (“then,” column 4, line 7). DE 2905508 therefore discloses a sheet process, not a strip rolling process in which the rolling using reel tension is an integral component. The reason for dispensing with reel tension during rolling is that in DE 2905508 no method is stated for producing a pore-free weld seam; however, pores reduce the effective cross section and result in tearing of the strip under reel tension. Thus, the weight of the producible units is limited by the length of the roller tables before and after the roll stand (“up to 2 t weight,” column 4, line 8). [0016] In U.S. Pat. No. 3,722,073 (Larson) it is proposed to arrange whole cathode sheets one behind the other and on top of one another, and to stabilize the resulting pack by tack welding, followed by hot rolling. The hot rolling of individual sheets is explicitly ruled out due to the complexity and expense of handling (column 1, line 62ff.). [0017] The stated process specifications (for example, reduction rate ≧75%, preferably ≧96%) are used to avoid bubble formation (blistering) that occurs during annealing after cold rolling. Separation of the sheets during cold rolling is also avoided. A particular stated advantage is that large numbers of production units are achievable by stacking the sheets. In contrast to rolling individual sheets, the rolling of hot strip from blocks is a very productive process. [0018] However, after the hot rolling, up to 5% of the surface area of each of the mutually facing sheets is not bonded. The unbonded areas therefore increase linearly with the number of stacked sheets. Sheets having unbonded areas are not marketable. As a result of the hot rolling step, the entire strip is scaled with a porous oxide layer, and deep intergranular corrosion occurs. On the other hand, it is possible to avoid surface corrosion of the individual sheets in the stack. Blasting, grinding, or pickling of the surface is necessary in order to remove the resulting oxide layer. [0019] The design of the method results in a dilemma: the thinnest possible strips must be produced in order to make use of the productivity of the hot rolling. The typical starting material for the cold rolling is relatively thin strips of 2.5 to 2.0 mm thickness, since nickel is tough and difficult to deform by cold rolling. However, the thinner the strip that results from the hot rolling process, the higher the scrap rate due to scaling. In the example provided by the applicant (Example II), the percentage of scrap is approximately 12.6%, assuming that for a total strip thickness of 3.175 mm, 0.20 mm per side is removed by pickling. Pickling residues or grinding residues are not marketable as pure metal. [0020] WO 2006024526 (EP 1784273 [U.S. Pat. No. 7,950,124], DE 102004042481; Stuth) describes a method of arranging and joining cathode sheets prior to hot rolling or cold rolling. Heat deformation is to be avoided since the material oxidizes and the oxide layers are difficult to remove. The harmfulness of H and S is described; limitations regarding the analysis of the starting material are not quantified. [0021] The described sorting processes are unnecessary for the method described here, at least when sheets are hot-rolled. It is also not necessary to adapt the control of facilities; instead, existing industrial facilities may be easily used. [0022] For the manufacture of packaging strip made of steel, it is known in the prior art to join dimensionally accurate sheets of equal thickness by welding to form a strip (U.S. Pat. No. 1,131,037; Cary). [0023] In the prior art it has not been necessary to consider strip made of a starting material of different thicknesses, since in the production by reduction smelting and subsequent hot rolling, the starting material for the sheets to be joined always has the same thickness, regardless of whether this starting material was obtained using ingot casting or continuous casting. The thickness of the sheets that are to be subsequently joined is set in a targeted manner. [0024] The targeted balancing of the thickness by hot rolling is a technique that solves a problem that arises only with cathode sheets. However, in contrast to production of slabs by reduction smelting, the thickness of the cathode sheets cannot be influenced. The thickness of the cathode sheets depends on their position in the tank house, the flow at this position, and the proximity to the inflow of the electrolyte that is rich in metal ions. Statement of the Object of the Invention [0025] Based on the production process, nickel cathode sheets have the following characteristics: Three-layer structure with different hardnesses of the inner sheet and outer sheets Handles whose ends are welded to the starter sheet, resulting in a double material thickness at these locations Sheets are not planar Different thicknesses within a plate: generally a convex cross section, but significant deviations in thickness and sloping edges Different average thicknesses of various plates Columnar structure Hydrogen charging. [0033] In order to manufacture strip from sheets, the sheets must be joined at one edge. In particular when the joining point is to be rolled, the abutting edges must have no projections, sunken areas, or gaps. [0034] The welding of sheets to form a strip is simplified if the sheets to be joined have a uniform thickness, i.e. there are no differences in thickness either between various sheets or within a sheet, and the sheets are planar. For cathode sheets as starting material, none of these requirements are present; however, they may all be met by hot rolling. However, embrittlement, surface oxidation, deep intergranular corrosion, and internal corrosion are associated with the hot rolling of nickel. According to the prior art, hot-rolled strip must therefore be pickled or ground. [0035] The aim of the proposed method is to use hot rolling for balancing the thicknesses within and between various nickel cathode sheets; it should not be possible for embrittlement, internal oxidation, or intergranular corrosion to occur in the strip due to heating and hot rolling, and at most, a thin, tight oxide layer essentially one layer thick results on the strip, which may be converted by reduction annealing to pure nickel that firmly adheres to the base body. The aim is to avoid having to encapsulate the hot rolling stand to prevent entry of air. In addition, the sheets must be weldable before they are joined, regardless of whether this occurs before or after the hot rolling. [0036] The aim is to avoid bubble formation in the metal during annealing, and separation at the starter sheet during cold rolling. [0037] The oxide layer that results during heating and hot rolling should still be plastically deformable in such a way that the sheets after hot rolling and joining or the strip produced from the sheets after the hot rolling, may be coiled up without the oxide layer chipping off. [0038] The aim is to reduce the percentage of scrap by finding a is use for the edge sections to be separated. [0039] These objects are achieved by a method according to the invention according to claims 1 and 2 . Advantageous embodiments are stated in the dependent claims. Achievement of the Object of the Invention DEFINITIONS [0040] The terms listed below are defined as follows: “Whole cathode sheets” are understood to mean sheets that result during electrolysis, whereby the hangers (loops) may already be separated. “Essentially whole cathode sheets” are understood to mean sheets that are whole cathode sheets up to the edge regions. The edge regions are characterized in that their surface thickness decreases or on the other hand greatly increases (namely, where hangers were welded to the sheet, and where their residues remain on the sheet after the projecting parts are cut off). These edge regions are separated after the hot rolling. Sheets divided into strips do not fall under the term “essentially whole cathode sheets.” “Strip” is understood to mean a flat body that results from the at least essentially whole cathode sheets being welded to one another at the edges. The term “strip” is used in the metal industry in various combinations (strip rolling mill, strip steel). Because cathode sheet manufacturers supply sheets having very different dimensions for which there are no fixed longitudinal and transverse sides at the outset, the strips manufactured from sheets may have a width between approximately 500 mm and several meters, the latter occurring in particular when the sheets are joined at their long sides only after the hot rolling. The stated dimensions are for illustrative purposes only, and do not definitively specify the strip widths that are achievable by the method. The term “one layer/one-ply” hot rolling clarifies that the method does not relate to hot-rolled sheets that are coated and thus fixed. Nickel oxide layers composed of two layers have a ratio of approximately 50:50. An “essentially one-layer oxide layer” is intended to also include a two-layer oxide layer when the two layers have a ratio of ≦10:≧90. A thin oxide layer is understood to mean a layer that does not exceed a thickness of approximately 10 μm upon heating to 1100° C. with a holding period of 800 seconds. In the described application example, the thickness of the oxide layer after the hot rolling was 2 μm. In the determination of the minimum reduction rate, the sheet thickness is considered to be the thickest location on the sheet, with buttons being disregarded. “Technical zero gap” is understood to mean that for sheets placed together at their edges, at no location is there a gap >2 mm, preferably a gap >1 mm. The edges of the sheets may be chamfered. Welding gases are considered to be “free of” other quantities of gas when they contain minor constituents such as those present in standard mixtures that are commercially produced and offered as cylinder gas. The same applies for a pure gas that is intended to contain 100% of an element; for example, 100% argon contains the following nonharmful minor constituents: [0050] Minor Constituents of Argon [0000] Gas ppm CO 2 ≦1 N 2 ≦10 O 2 ≦4 H 2 O ≦5 “Pure nickel” and “ultrapure nickel” are understood to mean nickel having a purity level of 99.94% by weight. DESCRIPTION [0052] The approach according to the invention for achieving the object lies in limiting or reducing in a targeted manner the allowable trace elements in the cathode sheets, which are already pure per se, in such a way that during heating prior to the hot rolling and during the hot rolling itself, no intergranular corrosion or internal corrosion occurs, or, if it occurs, it may be removed, together with the resulting oxide layer, by reducing annealing the morphology of the oxide layer is developed in such a way that it is flexible enough that strip manufactured from the sheets may be coiled up, and a resulting oxide layer may be converted into pure nickel by reducing annealing. Thus, the adhesion of the oxide layer to the base material, and if applicable, the adhesion between various oxide layers, is also important. The layers must not chip off during heating and cooling. [0056] Depending on the purity level in general and the concentration of trace elements in particular, nickel may form a one-layer or a two-layer oxide layer. With regard to the aim of removing the resulting oxide layer by reducing annealing, a two-layer oxide layer is undesirable. When nickel of various qualities oxidizes, the extent of internal corrosion and intergranular corrosion may vary greatly. There is a clear correlation between the number of oxide layers on the one hand and the occurrence of intergranular corrosion and internal corrosion on the other hand: there are compositions that upon oxidation develop an oxide composed of two layers, but that have no intergranular corrosion. However, very pure nickel produced in the laboratory, having a purity level of ≧99.997%, develops only a one-layer oxide layer upon heating, with no intergranular corrosion or internal corrosion. [0057] Nickel produced by reduction smelting having quality grades of Ni 200 develops a two-layer oxide layer and deep intergranular corrosion and internal oxidation under fairly long high-temperature oxidation. The same applies for Ni 270 produced by powder metallurgy, although it has the same high purity level as the best material obtained electrolytically (99.98%). Thus, the manufacturing process and the trace elements typically associated with it are also important. [0058] Despite their much higher purity level compared to material produced by reduction smelting, electrolytically produced cathode sheets, which achieve only the analytical values of ASTM B 39-79 (reapproved 2004), have a two-layer oxide layer and exhibit intergranular corrosion as well as internal corrosion. According to the prior art, sandblasting, pickling, or grinding are necessary after the hot rolling of cathode nickel, in particular pure nickel (U.S. Pat. No. 3,722,073, for example in column 7, lines 35 and 62). [0059] On the other hand, it is known that for nickel produced in the laboratory having a purity level of ≧99.997%, a tight one-layer oxide layer forms that prevents internal corrosion and intergranular corrosion. However, these types of pure cathode sheets are not produced on the commercial scale using hydrometallurgical processes. [0060] The starting point for the considerations was that for manufacturing on the commercial scale it is not practicable to increase the purity level of cathode sheets to ≧99.997%, and that this might not even be necessary if the important issue is not the absolute purity level, but, rather, the limitation of certain trace elements identified as critical. This may be achieved using suitable measures such as heat treatment, and making a selection after chemical analysis of the trace elements in various cathode qualities available on the market, whose content of trace elements differs significantly even if the requirements of ASTM B 39-79 (reapproved 2004) are met. [0061] The following elements have been identified as critical: [0062] Gases and Gas-Forming Elements Elements that form gases upon heating, possibly only due to a chemical reaction, expand, resulting in either formation of bubbles in the material or loosening of the grain structure due to the gas pressure, or creation of voids, in particular at the grain boundaries. This applies for C. Gases that result in increased porosity of the melt or bath spattering during fusion welding are also critical. This applies for H and N. H in particular results in microporosity during cooling of the melt after welding. Segregating elements. Such elements are elements for which heat treatment does not result in concentration balancing due to diffusion, and that instead concentrate at grain boundaries, and that from there reach the material surface, thus infiltrating and detaching oxide layers, and at that location form compounds that melt at low temperature and thus impair the material cohesion (decohesion), in particular during hot working. Such elements are the following: [0068] Metals: Bi, Pb, Mn, Al [0069] Metalloids: Te, Se, Si [0070] Nonmetals: S, P [0071] Si may form a surface film on nickel, and with other elements that readily segregate, namely, Mn and Al, may form a glass-like film composed of manganese silicate (Mn 3 Si 8 Al 3 ) on the metal. This occurs when heating is carried out in a moist atmosphere. [0072] Elements that oxidize before nickel, form stable oxides, and therefore enrich in the oxide layer and form layers [0000] An indication for identifying such elements is that on the electronegativity scale, they have lower values than nickel (Mg, Mn, Ti, Al, Cr, Zn, Fe, Si, and Sn) they have values practically equal to that of nickel (Co, Cu, Pb, Ag, Bi, As). [0075] The oxidation of Mn, Si, Ti, Al, Mg cannot be prevented during heating and hot rolling. These oxides can hardly be removed using heat-treatment processes. The near-surface oxidation of these elements and their oxidation at grain boundaries displace nickel, provided that the oxidation is associated with a volume increase. The resulting surface structure promotes the formation of a two-layer oxide layer. The content of these elements in the nickel must therefore be limited to the greatest extent possible. [0076] To achieve the stated object of the invention, it is not sufficient to identify the critical elements; they must also be quantified. However, due to the interactions between the trace elements, determining the allowable contents of these elements is not a trivial matter. Thus, for example, for nickel qualities produced by reduction smelting, even for C contents of 250 ppm, only limited loosening of the grain boundaries occurs; however, such loosening occurs in electrolytically produced nickel having a much lower C content. The same applies for sulfur: 50 ppm sulfur in material produced by reduction smelting is much less harmful than 10 ppm in electrolytically produced material. The isolated reduction of one trace element may increase the detrimental effects of another trace element, whose content must then likewise be limited. [0077] Limited Trace Elements [0078] It is known that trace elements such as H, C, N, and S may be removed by heat-treatment processes. Claim 1 explicitly refers to the trace elements prior to the hot rolling, not prior to the heating. Therefore, the limiting analytical values with respect to these elements do not have to be met by the manufacturers of the cathode sheets, that, however, does not automatically rule out their use for the proposed method. However, the formation of a particularly tight oxide layer prevents impurities from being removable by annealing. Therefore, these elements must be removed, optionally prior to the oxidation, if they exceed the limits stated in claims 1 and 2 . [0079] Carbon [0080] 0.5% C is soluble in nickel at a hot-rolling temperature of 1100° C. The solubility of carbon in nickel decreases sharply as the temperature drops. At room temperature, only 0.02% C is soluble in nickel. C contents that exceed this value are deposited as graphite upon cooling. [0081] When nickel is heated in air, C preferentially oxidizes with respect to nickel. C segregates at the grain boundaries, where it reacts with penetrating oxygen in near-surface areas and forms voids. At high temperatures, for example the hot-rolling temperature of 1100° C., C also segregates with respect to the surface and is incorporated into the oxide layer. C reacts with inwardly diffusing oxygen at the metal-metal oxide interface, and then leaves voids behind. The bubble formation observed at the surface during annealing of nickel at temperatures of 760° C. is also attributed to C. [0082] CO and CO 2 are formed by the reaction with oxygen. The gas pressure may make the material brittle due to loosening of the grain boundaries, and may cause an oxide layer that is already formed to tear or break off. The strip must then be ground or pickled. [0083] In the analysis of cathode sheets for gases, on average 5.3, 7.8, and 28 ppm by weight O 2 have been detected, depending on the manufacturer. Since the diffusion of O is approximately 20 times that of C, diffusing O may react with C contained in the base metal and form CO and CO 2 . For this reason, outgassing of CO and CO 2 may be detected, even during annealing of cathode sheets under vacuum. Therefore, inwardly diffusing oxygen from the ambient air is not even necessary for the gas evolution during heating. Accordingly, during the heating of nickel, pores also appear in the nickel grains, and not just at near-surface grain boundaries and at the metal-metal oxide boundary layer. [0084] It was not possible to further reduce the low oxygen content mentioned above, even by annealing under vacuum and under a hydrogen-containing shielding gas, which indicates the presence of a second phase. For the nickel quality at the high mentioned oxygen content, 66% of the oxygen could be removed by annealing at 1200° C. for one hour under vacuum. Thus, the oxygen content was in the range of the other qualities. [0085] Since the entry of oxygen into the material cannot be prevented during the hot rolling, it is not meaningful to attempt to reduce the content of oxygen contained in the material. It is more meaningful to reduce the C content prior to the hot rolling. The above-mentioned effects of C, such as void formation, brittleness of the metal, and tearing of the oxide layer do not occur until C contents <35 ppm by weight are reached, i.e. far below the solubility of C in nickel. [0086] The C content may be reduced by annealing under vacuum. Tests have shown that the C content may be lowered from 20 ppm to 5 ppm by annealing at 700° C. for one hour under vacuum. Oxidizing C by annealing in moist hydrogen is particularly effective. The 0 that is released from the water bonds with the surface C, and in contrast to annealing in air, does not penetrate into the material due to the fact that O that does not bond with C bonds with H. As a result of the reaction of C with O, a concentration gradient is formed in the material that causes C to diffuse to the surface, where it bonds with O to form CO. This process depletes C from the entire metal body without resulting in grain boundary expansions due to gas formation in the metal body. In order to remove C by annealing in moist hydrogen, the contents of Mn, Al, and Si must be low enough that these elements do not form a glass-like film composed of manganese silicate (Mn 3 Si 8 Al 3 ). [0087] Sulfur [0088] Sulfur is soluble in nickel in concentrations up to 50 ppm. At concentrations exceeding this value, sulfur deposits as nickel sulfide at the grain boundaries. In the provided production path, the sulfur content must be 1/10 of this value at most. This is due to the fact that at annealing temperatures above approximately 750° C., sulfur diffuses to the surface and, at a rate that is higher by several orders of magnitude, segregates at the grain boundaries and from there migrates to the surface. The oxide layers that form are thus infiltrated. Because sulfides occupy a greater volume than the equivalent quantity of metal, stresses develop at the metal/oxide layer phase boundary that promote chipping of the oxide layer. In that case, the strip would have to be ground. [0089] During the grain boundary and surface segregation, sulfur enrichment (surface concentration to core material concentration) of 10 4 to 10 5 occurs; therefore, the harmfulness of sulfur also depends on the sample thickness. For cathode sheets 12 to 15 mm thick that are heated to 1100° C. prior to the hot rolling, less than 5 ppm by weight sulfur is nonharmful, although only at sulfur contents below 0.6 ppm is there no surface segregation. [0090] For the brief heating and rolling times and the temperatures thus reached, the diffusion and segregation of sulfur from the depths of the metal body is limited. For this reason, it was possible to dispense with determining the allowable sulfur content as a function of the sheet thickness. [0091] For cathode sheet qualities whose S content is greater than 5 ppm at approximately the same sheet thickness, the sulfur content must be reduced by high-temperature annealing in dry hydrogen. In the process, the sulfur diffuses to the surface, where it evaporates or reacts with hydrogen. [0092] Due to the formation of an oxide layer, impurities that tend to collect in the oxide layer or at the interface between the metal and the oxide layer are prevented from being removed by annealing. The high-temperature annealing must therefore be carried out before the surface oxidizes. [0093] Silicon [0094] Si oxidizes preferentially with respect to nickel, forming SiO 2 . In electrolytically produced nickel, the Si content is not high enough for a closed SiO 2 intermediate layer to be able to form. However, SiO 2 may form islands beneath the NiO layer. Due to the different coefficients of expansion of SiO 2 and NiO, the cooling of the material after heating may cause the NiO layer to chip off in places. [0095] Si oxides cannot be reduced by annealing in dry hydrogen; they would be rolled into the metal if the layer in which the oxide is enriched were not removed after the hot rolling. The Si content must therefore be strictly limited, in particular, to <15 ppm by weight. [0096] Manganese [0097] Manganese promotes the oxidation of nickel. Manganese oxidizes preferentially with respect to nickel, segregates at the grain boundaries and the surface, and forms oxides at the nickel/nickel oxide boundary layer. Because manganese also oxidizes preferentially with respect to C, manganese results in delayed oxidation of C. [0098] The manganese content must therefore be limited to <14 ppm. [0099] Magnesium [0100] Magnesium oxidizes preferentially with respect to Ni. Particles containing Si, Mn, and Mg may be detected at the nickel/nickel oxide boundary layer. Magnesium promotes porosity due to the small molar volume of its oxide. It is not possible to reduce either C or H in the oxides of magnesium by annealing. [0101] The magnesium content must therefore be limited to <11 ppm. [0102] Aluminum [0103] NiAl alloys form a protective, firmly adhering Al 2 O 3 layer on the base body that makes the material resistant to high temperature, even with cyclical temperature control. However, the Al content in electrolytically obtained nickel is too low for it to be able to form a closed Al 2 O 3 layer. [0104] For low Al contents up to 1 mol-%, Al 2 O 3 forms in the base matrix due to selective oxidation as the result of the high oxygen affinity of aluminum. Nickel ions diffuse further to the outside, where an NiO layer forms. Al therefore has a tendency toward layer formation. Aluminum oxide is very hard; it does not deform during rolling, and when foils are rolled it may result in hole formation. [0105] Al oxides cannot be reduced by annealing in dry hydrogen; they would be rolled into the metal if the layer in which the oxide is enriched were not removed after the hot rolling. [0106] The Al content must therefore be strictly limited to <7 ppm by weight. [0107] Titanium [0108] Titanium migrates to the surface and is preferentially oxidized to TiO 2 . Titanium cannot be reduced using customary heat treatment measures. The titanium content must therefore be limited to <25 ppm by weight. [0109] Non-Limited Trace Elements [0110] The fact that elements other than those stated in claims 1 and 2 are not mentioned does not mean that they would not be detrimental; rather, this means that for electrolytic production of material having a purity level that meets ASTM B 39-79 (reapproved 2004), these elements typically do not occur, do not occur in detrimental quantities, or may be removed to nonharmful levels using the proposed process path. This applies, for example, to trace elements that are detrimental per se, such as Bi, Pb, Te, Se, and P. [0111] Cobalt [0112] With regard to the proposed method, cobalt behaves like nickel. Therefore, it is not necessary to limit the cobalt content. Cobalt is much more expensive than nickel. For this reason, during nickel extraction it is separated and recovered separately. Therefore, the cobalt content in nickel cathode sheets is generally less than 60 ppm. However, 200 ppm has been detected in test material. [0113] Chromium [0114] Chromium has a higher affinity for oxygen than does nickel. Nevertheless, due to the higher reaction rate, an NiO layer initially forms during oxidation in air at a temperature of 1000° C. With continued heating, chromium contained in nickel diffuses toward the surface. [0115] The chromium activity depends on the concentration in the alloy. For chromium contents of up to 7% by weight in nickel, the scaling constant increases much more intensely than for any of the other metallic trace elements; higher-valence metal ions, for example Cr 3+ cations, are incorporated into the NiO layer. The chromium activity is lower if only trace quantities of chromium are present in the nickel. Chromium is not detrimental in concentrations up to 100 ppm. [0116] The chromium content in the cathode sheets tested was typically <5 ppm. No continuous chromium oxide layer forms at these chromium concentrations. Therefore, limiting the chromium content is not necessary. [0117] Iron [0118] With regard to the proposed method, the statements made for chromium similarly apply for iron. Fe also oxidizes before Ni. It is therefore surprising that even high Fe contents can be tolerated. [0119] Iron oxides may be removed by annealing in dry hydrogen. Such annealing for reducing the nickel oxide is part of the process anyway. Iron oxides in concentrations up to 200 ppm have no detrimental effect on the proposed method. The iron concentrations in the tested cathode sheets were between >5 ppm and <200 ppm. Therefore, limitation is not necessary. [0120] Copper [0121] Nickel oxidizes before copper, and copper does not segregate, even at grain boundaries. Copper oxides may also be removed by annealing in dry hydrogen. No more than 75 ppm copper has been detected in the analyzed qualities; up to these values, copper is not detrimental. For sheets with limited analysis, the copper content is less than 1 ppm. Therefore, it was not necessary to limit the allowable content of copper in cathode sheets. [0122] Hydrogen [0123] Various cathode sheet qualities have been tested for their hydrogen content. At least one occurrence of hydrogen with a content of 0.6 ppm by weight has been identified. This corresponds to 5.3% by volume at standard conditions. However, contents of 1.1% and 3.2% by volume have also been detected. [0124] Hydrogen has proven to be extremely detrimental during fusion welding. Hydrogen causes bath spattering that results in irregular weld seams, and initiates microporosity of the weld seam. [0125] For this reason, H must be reduced to a residual content of <0.1 ppm by weight prior to the fusion welding. This may be carried out by heat treatment (from merely heating at 250° C. for one day, to annealing under vacuum or under shielding gas). According to calculations, at an annealing temperature of 1100° C. atomic hydrogen is outgassed from a 6-mm thick sheet after approximately 4 min. It has been shown that heating at 1100° C. in a continuous furnace for a run-through time of 800 seconds prior to the hot rolling is sufficient to reduce the hydrogen content to a level that allows welding without problems after the hot rolling. For a 90° bending sample, no crack formation was identifiable around a radius of 4 mm. [0126] If sheets are not welded to the strip until after hot rolling, as a result of the prescribed method the hydrogen content does not have to be limited. If the sheets are joined by fusion welding prior to the hot rolling, it is advisable to expel the hydrogen prior to the heat treatment. [0127] Nitrogen [0128] The nitrogen content is relevant because nitrogen present in the material may result in pore formation during fusion welding. In cathode sheets, <2 ppm by weight nitrogen was detected in a gas analysis. This quantity of nitrogen is not detrimental to the welding. [0129] Nitrogen contents greatly exceeding this value may be removed by annealing in dry hydrogen. Advantages Achieved [0130] In the production of a test coil, using material that was consistent with the analysis of claim 2 , it has been shown that after the hot rolling, the material developed an oxide layer having an average thickness of only 2 μm, and that could be reduced to pure nickel by annealing in dry hydrogen in a high-convection hood-type annealing furnace. [0131] To test whether the method is still usable when the sheets are joined prior to hot rolling and then introduced through a coilbox into a multistand hot-rolling mill train, and this crude strip in the coilbox is heated for an extended period without protection from oxidation due to a reducing atmosphere, 24-hour oxidation tests were carried out at 1100° C. with subsequent reduction over a period of 4 hours at 1160° C. on sheets that corresponded to claim 2 . The C content had been reduced to <5 ppm by vacuum annealing. [0132] Here as well, an oxide layer having only one layer was present, but the sheet had numerous pores in the interior, in particular in the area of the boundary of the starter sheet. Pores were also detected on the grain boundaries. Testing of the pores by SEM-EDX has shown that the pore inner walls beneath the near-is surface area (0.1 mm) were not oxidized, so that the pore formation is likely caused by an accumulation of voids and lattice defects. This is supported by the presence of a prominent porous zone at the original starter sheet interface. It should be kept in mind that the hardness of the starter sheet and electrolytic growth differ from one another greatly, and the electrolytic deposits are under significant stress. Internal oxidation of pore inner walls near the surface also takes place at 1100° C. after a 24-hour annealing period (see FIG. 4 ). These internal oxides were also reduced during the subsequent reduction in shielding gas containing 5% H 2 : in the samples from reduction annealing, round “nickel beads” surrounded by an annular gap were present. This phenomenon represents oxides that have been reduced by hydrogen, also inside the material. The annular gap results from the contraction in volume from NiO to Ni, and at the same time incorporates the reaction product (H 2 O). However, the internal oxidation is much less pronounced than in nickel produced by reduction smelting. [0133] The cover layer is foam-like and completely reduced, and adheres well to the base material (see FIG. 5 ). [0134] Using the described method, the advantages of hot rolling, in particular the mass balancing in width, may be utilized without having to accept its disadvantages, such as the need for grinding or pickling after the hot rolling. Further advantages of the method are that the production can be carried out in existing industrial facilities without having to adapt their control systems. Sorting the sheets according to thickness is unnecessary, since all sheets have the same thickness after the hot rolling. The constant thickness, in particular when the sheets are aligned after the hot rolling, also simplifies welding the sheets into a strip, since alignment of the heights of the plates is not necessary, and it is also not necessary to produce a wedge-shaped transition between the welded plates in order to adapt to different thicknesses. [0135] For this purpose, in selecting the usable material the analysis must be significantly limited in comparison to ASTM B 39-79 (reapproved 2004), the standard that must be met for the cathode qualities marketed by LME. Excess of the trace elements stated in claims 1 and 2 are acceptable only when these trace elements are reduced to the allowable values by a heat-treatment process. [0136] The present invention further relates to the use of the strip, manufactured according to the above method steps, as a starter sheet for the production of cathode sheets. [0137] The present invention further relates to the use of the strip or sheet, optionally divided, that is manufactured according to the above method steps as a starting material for the production of wire, in particular welding wire, having a nickel content of at least 99.94%, and starter sheets for the production of cathode sheets. [0138] The present invention further relates to a starter sheet that is obtained according to any of the method steps described above. [0139] The present invention further relates to a wire, in particular welding wire, that is obtainable from sheet or strip that is divided longitudinally, transversely, and/or in a pattern, and/or end pieces and/or side strips, not dimensionally accurate, that are separated before or after the hot rolling according to any of the method steps described above. For this purpose, the sheet sections intended for the production of wire are cut into strips having a rectangular cross section, which may also be curved (see FIG. 6 ) and welded on the end-face side, preferably by butt welding. The projecting weld edges are deburred, for example by shear trimming, and then processed into wire by rolling or drawing. [0140] The present invention is now described, with reference to illustrated embodiments. [0141] The drawing shows the following: [0142] FIG. 1 shows the starting material, heated and hot-rolled according to the invention, as a metallographic cross section [0143] FIG. 2 shows a metallographic cross section, viewed reansversely of the strip, illustrating the oxide layer [0144] FIG. 3 shows a hot-rolled material that has been polished to illustrate internal corrosion [0145] FIG. 4 shows a material subjected to 24-hour oxidation, magnified 50 times [0146] FIG. 5 shows the material according to FIG. 4 subjected to reduction, magnified 500 times [0147] FIG. 6 shows an example of cutting open a separated rough-rolled end to form starting material for wire APPLICATION EXAMPLE Manufacture of Strip from Cathode Plates, with Limited Analysis Starting Material [0148] The selected starting material, having a thickness of 12 to 15 mm, gave the following analysis prior to the hot rolling: [0000] Element Ni C S Mn Mg Al Ti Si Unit % by ppm by ppm by ppm by ppm by ppm by ppm by ppm by weight weight weight weight weight weight weight weight Value >99.98 <20 <2.0 12 3 <7 <25 <10 The material is typically delivered on pallets having a weight of approximately 1 t, using handles. The handles are cut off. The individual sheets were 1280 mm long, 720 mm wide, and 12 to 15 mm thick. [0149] Electrolytically produced sheets have so-called buttons (nodules) on the surface. Since these buttons are fixedly joined to the base sheet and have a conical design, it is not necessary to grind the sheets in their entirety. Individual buttons that project markedly (starting at an approximately 6-mm height relative to the base of the button) were ground off. [0150] Heating [0151] As a result of the deposition process, the material is under high stress; for this reason, it may be recrystallized by vacuum annealing or annealing under shielding gas, also without prior deformation. At a temperature of 700° C., an annealing period of 1 hour is sufficient for this purpose. Annealing was carried out at 1100° C. for 800 seconds in a continuous furnace. Prior heat treatment for removing certain trace elements was not carried out. Annealing temperatures of approximately 900° to 1290° C. are customary. [0152] Depending on the cathode quality, hydrogen concentrations of 0.6, 1.2, and 3.2 ppm by weight were determined in the delivered state. When vacuum annealing is performed at 350° C. for 1 hour, the concentration of 1.2 ppm dropped to 0.1 ppm, and at 750° C., dropped from 3.2 ppm to 0.1 ppm. When annealing is carried out under shielding gas containing hydrogen, the lowest value is achieved for a 1-hour annealing period at 400° C., and at higher temperatures the hydrogen is released from the shielding gas and into the metal. The annealing in the continuous furnace at 1100° C. for 800 seconds is sufficient to outgas hydrogen to the extent that bath spattering no longer occurs during welding. Hot Rolling [0153] The cathode sheets were hot-rolled in one heat to a uniform thickness of 6 mm; i.e. they were reduced by 50 to 60%. The minimum reduction required in claim 3 may be ensured by the feed to the rollers or the pass schedule, and compliance with specifications may be checked using thickness gauges mounted in the roll stand. A reduction by at least 75% as required by U.S. Pat. No. 3,722,073 to avoid the formation of bubbles in the material was not necessary. [0154] The hot rolling of strips is a very cost-effective process, and in any case is less expensive than thickness reduction by cold rolling. The overall thickness reduction of strips is therefore advantageously divided between hot rolling and cold rolling in such a way that the thinnest strips possible, for example <4 mm thick, are produced by hot rolling, and only the remaining reduction is performed by cold rolling. This corresponds to the examples stated in U.S. Pat. No. 3,722,073 (hot strip thickness: 3.175 mm; column 5, line 56 and column 6, line 24). [0155] On the other hand, the hot rolling of sheets is a comparatively expensive process compared to the cold rolling of strips, so that the thickness reduction by hot rolling is limited to the maximum processable thickness on the available cold rolling unit. In the present case, this thickness was 6 mm. [0156] The hot rolling began at a temperature of approximately 1070° C. Nickel is usually rolled at temperatures of 875° C. to 1250° C. This encompasses the temperature range stated in U.S. Pat. No. 3,722,073. [0157] The different thicknesses of the starting material result in different sheet widths during rolling. The narrowest sheet determines the dimensions of the strip to be produced; widths exceeding this value result in scrap. By edging the sheets during the rolling, different sheet widths that result from the different sheet thicknesses may be prevented at the hot-rolling step. [0158] Heating and hot rolling, even at an overall reduction rate of only approximately 50%, result in such a tight bond of the starter sheet and the growth that splitting of the sheets no longer occurs during the subsequent cold rolling. The structure is completely recrystallized after the hot rolling (see FIG. 1 ). The average grain diameter was 62 μm. The grain size was determined using the intercepted segment method, based on a metallographic cross section with grain boundary etching. The grain size determined in accordance with ASTM E112 was 5.4. The average thickness of the oxide layer was approximately 2 μm, as determined based on a metallographic cross section viewed from the transverse direction of the strip (see FIG. 2 ). The oxide layer comprised only one layer. Internal corrosion or intergranular corrosion was not detectable. FIG. 3 shows a hot-rolled material that has been polished to illustrate internal corrosion. The second phase visible in the illustration, which is approximately 100 μm long and lined up in a row in a bead-like manner, was identifiable as a preparation contaminant based on depth of field tests. [0159] The macrohardness determined according to Vickers was 98 HV10, and the average measured microhardness according to Vickers was 103 HV0.2. [0160] The sheets were aligned after the hot rolling and cut to a uniform width with shears while still in the hot rolling mill; the rough-rolled ends were removed. [0161] Removal of the handles and the side edges, not dimensionally accurate, after the hot rolling results in an overall scrap rate of approximately 20% relative to the yield. Since a surcharge must be paid with respect to the LME quotation for the pure starting material that is used, and on the other hand scrap is marketable only with a deduction with respect to the LME quotation, the avoidance and utilization of scrap are an integral component of the proposed method. The percentage of scrap may already be lowered by approximately 6.5% when the portion of the end pieces that is not dimensionally accurate is precisely determined, and only this portion is removed. This may be achieved by water jet cutting, for example. The rough-rolled ends and side strips that then remain may be divided longitudinally, transversely, and/or in a pattern (see FIG. 6 ) and used as starting material for the production of wire, among other things, for the ultrapure welding wire to be used according to claims 6 and 10 . There are a number of uses for ultrapure nickel wire and flat wire, for example products that make use of the high positive temperature coefficient (PTC) of ultrapure nickel, for example as a temperature sensor or regulating coil as used in pencil-type glow plugs for regulating and limiting the temperature of the heating coils. Another use is for filler wires, manufactured from slit strip or flat wire, for welding. Joining [0162] The production of a weld seam that is rollable without incorporation of rolled-in matter is a precision operation: The sheets must be planar; otherwise, projections and infiltrations occur that result in rolling defects, in particular lapping. The sheets must abut at the ends with a technical zero gap, since otherwise the molten metal sags. The weld seam must not sink at the edge of the strip; otherwise, it is necessary to trim the entire strip. During welding, the weld seam must project slightly, since otherwise a sunken area results in rolling defects. [0167] The edges must be removed using separating processes, in particular dividing, machining, ablation, and splitting, in such a way that no gap exceeding 2 mm, preferably 1 mm, occurs at any location after the plates are aligned. [0168] Cutting the sheets at a right angle is advantageous for avoiding scrap; however, the sheets that are to be joined may also be cut at a corresponding angle or in a wave-shaped design, even if is only for the sheets that abut one another with a technical zero gap before welding. In that case, the weld seam is longer than for a right-angled cut, and the load capacity of the weld seam is thus increased. However, the scrap rate also increases. Production of a long weld seam was not necessary in the example. [0169] A chamfer of 30° was milled at the butt joints of the sheets to be joined, a line being milled at an exact angle of 90° relative to a longitudinal edge that was used for the subsequent alignment of the sheets. A chamfer may also be planed, or cut using a water jet cutting unit equipped with a three-dimensional head. [0170] After the milling, the sheets were aligned with a technical zero gap and welded in two plies with pure nickel wire in the TIG process. To avoid having to trim the entire strip due to a sunken weld seam at the edge of the strip, the operation was performed with run-in and run-out pieces. During the welding, a slight elevation in the weld seam height was provided, since sunken weld seams may result in lapping during rolling. A pilot strip is welded on at the start and the end of the nickel strip. The strip resulting from the welding is coiled into plates. [0171] The ultrapure nickel that is therefore relatively soft may also be joined by friction stir welding (FSW). Welding speeds of approximately 100 mm/min are achieved at a tool rotational speed of approximately 1200 rpm and a spindle force (z axis) of approximately 9 kN. It has turned out that preheating of the material and use of forming gas are not necessary. The use of expensive pure nickel welding wire, which is necessary for TIG welding, is dispensed with. [0172] However, the use of tools made of tungsten-rhenium, other hard metals, and metal matrix composites (MMC) results in contamination of the weld seam due to abrasion. This jeopardizes the maintenance of a uniformly high purity level in the overall strip. To avoid contamination of the weld seam, pins loaded with polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) should be used. Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) is unsuitable, since at operating temperatures above approximately 700° C. the carbon, of which the diamond is composed, diffuses into the nickel. PCBN for use in tools is marketed, among others, by SII Advanced Materials, a business unit of Smith International, Inc., West Bountiful, Utah, USA, under the trade name MegaStir. [0173] 100% argon has been used as weld shielding gas, and 95% Ar+5% H 2 has been used as forming gas. Helium should not be used. The fact that helium, as an inert gas, does not react with the welding flux does not mean that no pores result when it is used as shielding gas. Nitrogen in the welding gas or in the forming gas produces pores. The standard gas mixture of 5% hydrogen (H 2 ) and 95% nitrogen (N 2 ) used as a forming gas is therefore detrimental for the present purpose. [0174] Due to the protection of the welding area by shielding gas and forming gas, and the use of pure nickel wire as welding wire, the purity level of the material is not impaired during welding. The produced weld seams are sufficiently strong and pore-free that they may be lapped, and the strip may be cold-rolled at full reel tension. [0175] After the hot rolling and welding, a material sample with a closed weld seam has the following values: [0000] Tensile Yield Elongation at Material state strength point Hardness break [Unit] MPa MPa HV1 % Annealed, hot- 320 100-112 80 66 to 75 rolled Measuring method: DIN 50125 (2004) [0176] In tensile tests the material fails in the base material, not in the weld seam. [0177] The nickel strip could be coiled up without the oxide layer breaking or chipping. The coil produced from sheets by welding had a weight of 1.9 t, including pilot strips, in each case 4 m long, made of structural steel. [0178] Bright Annealing [0179] For a number of uses of the strip (for example, electronic components made of nickel foils), the strip that has been rolled to final dimensions must be free of inclusions. At least in these cases, it is necessary to remove oxides from strip produced by hot rolling, since otherwise the oxides are rolled into the material during the cold rolling whereupon they result in nonmetallic inclusions that due to their hardness do not take part in the deformation of the strip. The material may then tear during the manufacture of foils or during deep drawing. [0180] The H 2 /H 2 O ratio required for the reduction of NiO by hydrogen may be determined based on an Ellingham diagram. Accordingly, for the annealing of nickel at 1160° C., for example, a H 2 /H 2 O ratio of at least 10 −2 is necessary. A sponge-like surface structure results during reduction of the surface oxide layer by annealing in hydrogen. Cold Rolling [0181] The first pass is made at a reduced speed of approximately 30 to 50 m/min in order to even out the weld seams. Otherwise, the material may be rolled the same as for nickel produced by reduction smelting. [0182] Separation of the sheets has not been observed during cold rolling after prior hot rolling. Recrystallizing Annealing [0183] The annealing temperature to be used depends on the grain size of the starting material, the strip thickness, and the cold rolling rate. Ultrapure nickel may be deformed by up to approximately 97% without intermediate annealing. After reduction by 88%. annealing temperatures of 200° C. for an annealing period of 2 hours are sufficient for the recrystallization. [0184] The starting material used according to the invention, with limited values of trace elements, prevents bubble formation during the annealing, even using 100% hydrogen and at annealing temperatures of ≧760° C., i.e. under the conditions for which bubble formation occurs in the material according to U.S. Pat. No. 3,722,073. The described method thus increases the degrees of freedom in the selection of the annealing atmospheres and the annealing temperatures. [0185] U.S. Pat. No. 3,722,073 attempts to achieve the sought objective by a high level of reduction during hot rolling (temperature-dependent: 75% to 92%, preferably 96% or greater) and at low temperatures (column 2, line 31), and particularly advantageously at estimated annealing temperatures of 510° to 650° C. (column 4, line 63). In the method described in the patent application, in any event when individual plates are hot-rolled, the majority of the reduction (calculated as the percentage of the particular starting material) is achieved by cold rolling. Due to the high overall reduction rate for cold rolling, the annealing temperature may be considerably below the lower limit stated in U.S. Pat. No. 3,722,073.
The invention relates to a method for producing a nickel strip from a plurality of at least substantially complete cathode plates, in which the plates are hot-rolled individually in a single layer/in a single ply before or after being joined to form a strip, wherein before the hot rolling the starting material of the plates has a minimum nickel content which can be determined in particular by optical emission spectral analysis, and a maximum content of trace elements, as follows (see Table A).
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to generally to improvements in gas turbine engines and, more particularly it relates to an improvement in labyrinth seals employed throughout the engine for restricting unwanted flow of gas or fluid between adjacent compartments within the engine. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Practically all gas turbine engines utilize labyrinth seals throughout the engine to restrict or to prevent the flow of gas or fluids between adjacent internal compartments of the engine. Such labyrinth seal system is demonstrated by U.S. Pat. No. 3,989,410 issued Nov. 2, 1976 to Bartolomeo Joseph Ferrari of Topsfield, Mass., and assigned to the assignee of the present application, and is incorporated herein by reference. Such referenced patent in its single figure which is a partial cross-sectional view of a typical aircraft gas turbine engine illustrates several labyrinth seals in their practical applications where they are installed to control by throttling the gas or fluid flow between adjacent compartments through a series of annular constrictions formed by the radial clearance at the tips of their labyrinth teeth. It is well known that there is a great deal of difficulty involved in the controlling of the magnitude of such radial clearances due to the large deflections imposed by thermal gradients, centrifugal and gas pressure forces, shaft flexing, etc. For these reasons, most of the applied designs of labyrinth seals permit excessive leakage of the gas or fluid between the adjacent compartments which they are intended to seal against leakage. Such undesirable leakage through the seals has a negative affect on engine efficiency, performance, fuel burn and also on turbine temperature. For example, when the labyrinth seals are used as gas buffers, to control leakage of lubrication from shaft bearing compartments, excessive leakage has the affect of raising oil heat load and increasing oil to fuel heat exchanger size and weight, because the heat from the normally hotter pressurizing air is absorbed by the lubricant. Weight and efficiency of lubrication compartment air-oil separator systems are also adversely affected, because of the requirement to handle greater volume flow rates of air. There are many other applications where labyrinth seals are used as dynamic seals, such as pumps for handling toxic gases or gases otherwise harmful to the environment, or where expensive process gases have to be sealed. It is clearly obvious in all the above-mentioned exemplary application areas, that it is very important to limit or eliminate seal leakage rates. OBJECTS AND SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is, therefore, and object of the present invention to provide an improved sealing arrangement for use between two adjacent compartments of an apparatus by restricting or fully eliminating the leakage flow of the gas or fluid between such compartments. It is another object of the present invention to provide an improved sealing arrangement for use between adjacent compartments of a gas turbine engine by restricting or eliminating the leakage flow of the gas or fluid between such compartments. It is still another object of the present invention to provide an improved labyrinth seal apparatus for use between two adjacent compartments of an apparatus by restricting or fully eliminating the leakage flow of the gas or fluid through the seal between such compartments. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide an improved labyrinth seal apparatus for use between two adjacent compartments of a gas turbine engine which is capable of restricting or fully eliminating the leakage flow of the gas or fluid through the labyrinth seal between such compartments. Accordingly, the present invention provides a labyrinth seal apparatus including an abradable seal member, a toothed seal member, one of said seal members being arranged in a rotatable operating sealing arrangement with the other member, said toothed seal member having an input and an output side, each side being associated with a compartment having a media under different pressure therein, the media on the input side having a tendency to flow through the teeth clearances toward the compartment of the output side of the seal, adjacent teeth of the toothed seal member forming channel means therebetween, a passage means communicating the output compartment with one of the channel means lying close to the output side of the toothed member for providing an additional pressure component in the communicated channel means, thereby restricting or eliminating the tendency of the media from the input side to flow toward the output side. Accordingly, the present invention in one aspect thereof provides for the use of the last-mentioned labyrinth seal arrangement in a gas turbine engine for providing sealing between predetermined adjacent compartments thereof and wherein the abradable seal member is a stationary member and the toothed seal member is a rotating member of the seal. Accordingly, the present invention in another aspect thereof provides for the use of the last-mentioned labyrinth seal arrangement in an aircraft gas turbine engine, wherein the rotatable toothed seal member having formed the communicating passage between the output side compartment and the last downstream channel means thereof for supplying the additional pressure component to the channel means by the pumping action resulting from the rotation of the toothed member. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The present invention will become more readily apparent from the following description of preferred embodiments thereof illustrated and described in reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a sectional view of the labyrinth seal according to the present invention; FIG. 2 is a sectional view of an embodiment taken along line 2--2 of FIG. 1, wherein the passages are directed radially; and FIG. 3 is a sectional view of another embodiment taken along line 2--2 of FIG. 1, wherein the passages are directed at an angle with respect to the radial. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS FIG. 1 illustrates in section the labyrinth seal 10 according to the present invention which includes an inner toothed rotating member 14 fixed for rotation to a main rotor 12 by bolts (not shown) or other suitable mounting means. The rotating member 14 is provided by a plurality of teeth 18 around its outer periphery and having channels 22 formed axially between adjacent teeth. The outer radii of the teeth are in close radial proximity to an abradable rub strip or shroud 20 fixed to the inner radius of an outer seal member 16 which can be either a stationary or rotating member. Without the benefit of the features provided by the present invention, the seal, in an operation which is examplarily described as within a gas turbine engine, will have a pressure P1 on its input side which is higher than the pressure P2 on its opposite or output side. In the absence of the inventive features hereinafter described, the pressure difference causes the gas to flow through the clearance between the teeth 18, (such clearance is shown, in a somewhat off-scale fashion, to be larger than in practice, for illustrative purposes), and the rub strip 20, from the higher to the lower pressure level. Under this conditions, the mass flow rate into the seal through the first tooth Q in is equal to the mass flow rate out Q out through the last tooth 18. The labyrinth seal 10 may contain any number of teeth 18 and the pressure level in each channel 22 formed between each teeth 18 is lower than in the next channel upstream in the direction of the flow, with the channel immediately upstream of the last tooth containing the minimum channel pressure Pg which is also at a higher level than P2. The larger the number of teeth 18, the lower the pressure drop across the last tooth. As pointed out above, up to this point the inventive features have not been considered in the pressure analysis of the seal, that is, the behavior described was that of a typical state of the art seal. Now, according to the present invention, a plurality of passages 24 are formed in the rotating toothed member 14 over its entire circumference and are spaced uniformly thereover. The passages 24 in one embodiment shown in FIG. 2 are directed radially, while in the embodiment shown in FIG. 3 are directed slanted by an angle A with respect to a radius. The passages start at a radial distance Ri as shown, and terminate at a radial distance Ro at the bottom of the channel 22. The passages 24 preferably are formed exiting in the channel 22 between the last adjacent downstream teeth 18. The air entrained in these passages 24 must rotate at the same angular velocity as the rotating seal member 14 and, is therefore, subjected to a centrifugal force causing the air to move away from the center of rotation. The passages 24 in effect function as a pump and in order to further enhance the pumping effect, they are provided with a bevelled scooping recess 26 pointing in the direction of rotation. The pumping action forces the air to flow radially outward from the inner radius Ri to the outer radius Ro and into the channel 22 just upstream of the last tooth 18. The inlet pressure to the passages at Ri is substantially equal to the pressure P2 at the exit of the last tooth 18. Due to the angular velocity of the rotating member 14, the pumping action through the passages 24 will result in a net outward flow into the channel 22 at Ro. Since this increased flow must exit the seal through the last tooth 18 which is at a fixed flow clearance area, the pressure Pg in the gland 22 is forced to a higher level than it would be otherwise without the presence of the passages 24. As the pressure Pg is forced to increase, the pressure drop Pl-Pg must decrease and, provided that the pressure ratio Pg/Pgi across the tooth immediately upstream of the exit of the passages 24 is at or greater than the choked flow ratio (which is a condition where air is flowing at sonic velocity), the flow Q in into the seal must decrease. As a result the flow equilibrium under the inventive conditions is defined by the equation Q in =Q out -Q c , where Q c =the mass flow rate of the air or gas pumped through the passages 24. With the inventive system the leakage flow rate of the sealed air or gas at P1 has been significantly decreased and potentially eliminated. As has been shown, with the inventive structure, the substantial reduction or elimination of the leakage flow rate of the sealed medium results in improved engine performance and specific fuel consumption, in lower turbine inlet temperatures (longer bucket life) and in lighter weight as the result of the reduction of the flow rate of hot gases ingested into the lubrication system, thereby reducing the heat exchanger and air-oil separator requirement. While there has been described herein what is considered to be preferred embodiments of the present invention, other modifications of the invention shall be apparent to those skilled in the art from the teachings herein and, it is, therefore, desired to be secured in the appended claims all such modifications as fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention. Accordingly, what is desired to be secured by Letters Patent of the United States is the invention as defined and differentiated in the appended claims.
A labyrinth seal for use in a gas turbine engine and placed between adjacently lying differently pressurized compartments where leakage may occur from the higher to the lower pressure compartment, the seal includes a stationary annular abradable shroud and a rotor with teeth and with channels formed between adjacent teeth, a pumping passage formed in the rotor for supplying an additional pressure component during rotation from the lower pressure compartment into the channel lying between the last pair of teeth downstream toward the lower pressure compartment.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] This invention relates to a tamping device for plugging or tamping an aperture, and more particularly, but not exclusively, to a tamping device for plugging an end of a blasting hole used in a mine blasting application. BACKGROUND TO THE INVENTION [0002] Mine blasting activities form an important part of the mining process and industry. In one mine blasting application, typically used for underground blasting, a blasting hole is drilled at an ore face into an ore body to be blasted. An explosive charge is subsequently inserted from an open end of the hole into the hole and is positioned at a blind end of the hole. When the explosive charge is detonated, high-pressure shock waves and high-pressure gases propagate back towards the open end of the blast hole. It is advantageous to trap these high-pressure gases inside the blast hole, as the high-pressure gases assist in breaking the ore into smaller particles. A number of methods have therefore in the past been proposed to block or plug the open end of a blasting hole. [0003] In a first method, a resilient bag is filled with clay, whereafter the bag, and thus the clay, is soaked, causing the bag and clay to expand and to form a plug in the hole. However, proper sealing is often not obtained using this solution, because for example, of insufficient soaking time. As the soaking process takes an undesirably long time, users of this device often elect rather to install more than one bag filled with clay to obtain better sealing, instead of waiting for the proper expansion and the sealing of the bag, thus also reducing the cost efficiency associated with this method. [0004] A further tamping device comprises an expandable sleeve arrangement, where the sleeve includes a circumferential knife-edge type contact area, which is outwardly displaced upon installation of the tamping device. The fact that the contact area is of a knife-edge circumferential configuration limits the sealing force that can be obtained using the sealing device. Also, special installation tools are required, which are prone to being displaced, thus rendering the device unusable. [0005] A further solution is to fill a rubber sleeve with sand once the sleeve has been installed in the blasting hole. This solution is however not suitable for vertical drilling applications. [0006] It should also be noted that a permanent type of plug arrangement would not suffice, as explosive charges sometimes misfire, and the blasting hole should thus be accessible in order to remove the charge to remedy the problem. OBJECT OF THE INVENTION [0007] It is accordingly an object of the invention to provide a tamping device that would at least partially alleviate the above-mentioned disadvantages. [0008] It is furthermore an object of the invention to provide a tamping device, which would be an alternative to existing tamping devices. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0009] According to the invention there is provided a tamping device, suitable for use in plugging an open end of a blasting hole, the tamping device comprises: an expandable sleeve having a bore, the sleeve being manipulatable between a circumferentially expanded position and circumferentially retracted position; an actuation member having a head section; the head section being at least partially locatable inside the expandable sleeve; and the head section and expandable sleeve being adapted in order for relative longitudinal displacement between the head section and the expandable sleeve to cause the sleeve to be manipulated from the circumferentially retracted position to the circumferentially expanded position. [0014] Preferably, the sleeve remains stationary, and the actuation member is displaced relative to the sleeve. More particularly, the actuation member may be longitudinally displaced relative to the sleeve. [0015] The actuating member may be displaced by exerting a tensile force thereon. The tensile force may be exerted by pulling a handle of the actuation member, and may alternatively be exerted by a biasing means, for example a spring. Alternatively, complementary threads may be provided on the actuation member and the sleeve, and the actuation member may be displaced by rotating the actuation member relative to the sleeve. [0016] There is provided for an outer surface of the head section and an inner surface of the sleeve to be tapered relative to one another. [0017] Preferably, the sleeve may have a tapered bore. [0018] The sleeve may define a plurality of spaced slots extending longitudinally from a distal end of the sleeve to divide the sleeve in a plurality of gripping members. The gripping members are at least partially resilient, and are radially outwardly manipulatable relative to the actuation member, thus rendering the sleeve expandable. [0019] Each gripping member preferably has a planar inner surface. An outer surface of each gripping member may be arcuate and serrated. [0020] The sleeve may be made of plastic, and more particularly is made of a resilient material. A longitudinal, elongate groove is provided in the sleeve, more particularly in an outer surface of the sleeve, for receiving a detonator cord. [0021] The sleeve may comprise a retaining formation for retaining the actuation member relative to the sleeve. The retaining formation may be C-shaped when viewed in plan, and may include at least two opposing resilient arms. [0022] The head section of the actuation member is preferably tapered when viewed in cross-section. The head section may include a plurality of planar outer surfaces when viewed in plan. More particularly, the head section is configured and dimensioned to compliment the bore of the sleeve. The head section may be hexagonal in cross-section. [0023] The actuation member also includes a stem section extending from the head section. There is provided for the stem to be tapered and for the tapering angle to be less than 5°; preferably about 1°. The stem section locates inside the retaining formation, and the retaining formation engages the stem section as the stem section is displaced relative to the retaining formation, due to the tapered configuration of the stem section. [0024] There is provided for the tapered stem section to be of self-locking configuration relative to the retaining formation. [0025] The actuation member also includes a handle section. [0026] The handle section is configured substantially transverse to the stem section. [0027] The stem section includes a zone of reduced diameter at a junction with the handle section. The zone of reduced diameter may be in the form of a circumferential groove. [0028] There is provided for the handle section to become detached from the stem section at the zone of reduced diameter when a predetermined tensile or pulling force is applied on the handle section. [0029] There is provided for the tamping device to be self-locking when the explosive is detonated, in that high-pressure gasses will exert a force on the head section of the actuation member in order to further longitudinally displace the head section, so as to further manipulate the expandable sleeve to the circumferentially expanded position. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0030] A preferred embodiment of the invention is described by way of a non-limiting example, and with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: [0031] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a tamping device in accordance with the invention; [0032] FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional side view of the tamping device in FIG. 1 ; [0033] FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view taken through line A-A of FIG. 2 ; [0034] FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view taken along line B-B of FIG. 2 ; and [0035] FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the tamping device of FIG. 1 , with the sleeve having been displaced to the circumferentially expanded position. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0036] Referring to the drawings in which like numerals indicate like features, a non-limiting example of a tamping device in accordance with the invention is indicated by reference numeral 10 . The tamping device comprises an expandable sleeve 20 , a retaining member 30 , and an actuation member 40 . [0037] The expandable sleeve 20 is of substantially tubular configuration and defines slots 21 extending longitudinally from a distal end of the sleeve to divide the sleeve into gripping elements 22 . The gripping elements 22 are resilient, and can pivot relative to a base 23 of the sleeve 20 at another end of the sleeve, so as to render the sleeve radially outwardly manipulatable or circumferentially expandable. Serrations 24 are provided on the outer surface of the gripping elements 22 , and ensure proper contact between the sleeve and a surface of a blasting hole in which the tamping 10 is to be used. A bore 25 of the expandable sleeve is of tapered configuration. As can best be seen in FIG. 4 , the gripping elements 22 have planar inner faces 26 , which are adapted to complement an outer surface of the actuation member as described below. An outer perimeter of the sleeve 20 is substantially circular when viewed from an end thereof, and an inner perimeter of the sleeve 20 is substantially hexagonal when viewed from an end thereof. [0038] A retaining formation 30 , shown in FIG. 3 , at the base 23 of the sleeve 20 , comprises a base 31 from which two arcuate retaining extensions 32 extend. The arcuate retaining extensions 32 form a substantially C-shaped retaining formation, and are at least partially resilient in order to retain the actuation member 40 as described herein below. [0039] The actuation member 40 includes a head section 41 , a stem section 42 and a handle 43 . The head section 41 of the actuation member has a tapered outer surface 41 . 1 , which abuts the tapered inner surface 25 of the expandable sleeve 20 . The tapered outer surface 41 . 1 includes a plurality of flat surfaces that renders the head section hexagonal when viewed from an end thereof, as can best be seen in FIG. 4 . [0040] The stem section 42 extends from the head section 41 to handle 43 . The stem section comprises a stem 42 . 1 that extends from the head section in a chamfered arrangement 42 . 2 . The stem 42 . 1 is of a tapered configuration, and more particularly tapers from a major to a minor diameter in a direction towards the handle, as shown by arrow A. The tapered stem configuration causes the stem 42 . 1 to engage the retaining member 30 when displaced in the direction of arrow A. The increasing diameter causes the resilient retaining extensions 32 to be spaced apart, thus resiliently applying an inward force on the stem 42 . 1 . The taper of the stem 42 . 1 is small enough to render the stem 42 . 1 self-locking relative to the retaining member 30 . Preferably, the taper would be less than 5° and more preferably in the vicinity of 1°. The stem section 42 also includes a zone of reduced diameter in the form of a circumferential groove 42 . 3 provided towards the handle 43 , When a predetermined tensile force is applied onto the handle 43 , the handle will become separated at the circumferential groove 42 . 3 for the purposes described hereinbelow. [0041] In use, the tamping device 10 is located inside a blasting hole to be sealed, the expandable sleeve in a circumferentially retracted position and with the actuation member 40 , in particular the head section 41 , being at least partially displaced away from a bore of the expandable sleeve 20 . Once the tamping device 10 has been located at a desired position, a pulling force is exerted by an installer on the handle 43 , which is transmitted via the stem section 42 to the head section 41 of the actuation member 40 . As a result, the actuation member is longitudinally displaced relative to the expandable sleeve 20 , and the relative tapered configuration between the sleeve 20 and the head section 41 causes the expandable sleeve 20 to be manipulated from a circumferentially retracted position to a circumferentially expanded position, as is shown in FIG. 5 . More particularly, the resilient gripping members are forced outwardly and abut the inner wall of the blasting hole in which the device is used. The serrations 24 provided on the gripping members 22 ensure proper engagement between the sleeve and the blasting hole. A detonator cord (not shown) used in the application is located inside an elongate groove 27 provided in the tamping device, and the detonator cord is therefore not compressed during the actuation of the tamping device 10 . When a predetermined tensile or pulling force is applied by an installer to the handle 43 , the handle 43 becomes detached from the stem section 42 at the circumferential groove 42 . 3 . The broken off handle hence serves as an indicator to an inspecting party that the tamping device has been properly installed in that a sufficient tensile force has been applied to the tamping device, and that the sleeve 20 has been sufficiently expanded. [0042] The tamping device is now ready to be used, and will provide a temporary seal when the explosive charge, not shown, is detonated. The initial high-pressure shock wave from the explosion will exert a further force on a larger face 41 . 3 at a distal end of the head section 41 of the actuation member 40 , acting as a piston, and which will momentarily increase the sealing integrity of the tamping device 10 , before the ore body disintegrates. [0043] In the case of a misfire of the explosive charge, the tamping device 10 can be removed by applying a oppositely directed force onto the stem section 42 which will reverse the process as described above. [0044] It will be appreciated that the above is only one embodiment of the invention, and that there may be many variations without departing from the spirit and the scope of the invention. For example, only the bore of the sleeve, alternatively only the outer surface of the head section may be tapered, provided that there is a relative taper between the head section and the sleeve. Also, the head section as well as the sleeve may be of many different cross-sectional profiles and does not need to be hexagonal as shown in this embodiment. The outer surface of the sleeve may also be of many different configurations, and any irregular surface may be provided instead of the serrations shown in this embodiment.
A tamping device ( 10 ) for plugging an open end of a blasting hole used in a mine blasting application comprising an expandable sleeve ( 20 ) having a bore. The sleeve is configurable between circumferentially expanded and circumferentially retracted positions. An actuation member ( 40 ) having a head section ( 41 ) is at least partially locatable inside the expandable sleeve. The head section and the expandable sleeve are adapted in order for relative longitudinal movement between the head section and the expandable sleeve, to cause the sleeve to be manipulated from the retracted position to the expanded position.
RELATED APPLICATIONS This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/740,758 filed Nov. 30, 2005. All of the subject matter of that provisional application is incorporated herein by reference. FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to wastewater treatment systems and the construction to compensate for headloss migration in a wastewater treatment system using ceramic elements and membrane diffusers. BACKGROUND PRIOR ART A conventional wastewater treatment plant typically involves aeration. One type of aeration device is a fine bubble diffuser. The most common types of fine bubble diffusers are ceramic elements and rubber membrane diffusers. In some wastewater treatment systems, the systems specify the use of both ceramic element diffusers and rubber membrane diffusers in the same system. For example, ceramic elements may be installed throughout most of the treatment tanks in the wastewater treatment system and with the use of rubber membrane diffusers installed in the remainder of the system. In such wastewater treatment systems, the rubber membrane diffusers and the ceramic elements are not mounted on any single header but are instead installed on separate grids of headers. However, both sets of grids of headers share the same air supply. In some applications, valves cannot be used to balance the air flow between the grid supporting the ceramic element diffusers and the grid supporting the rubber membrane diffusers. It is known from testing that operating the diffusers for long periods of time results in headloss rise or “headloss migration” due to a change in the relative resistance to air flow through the fine bubble diffusers caused primarily by either biofouling and/or changes in water absorption of the diffuser elements. In the design of a wastewater system it is difficult to design membrane and ceramic element diffusers to have identical headloss versus air flow curves. Additionally, it is also difficult to maintain the headloss from element to element within manufacturing control limits and to influence or predict the different rates of headloss migration arising as a result of fouling of the diffuser elements and changes in surface properties of the rubber membrane diffusers. It is also difficult to predict the changes over time of the flow volume into the wastewater treatment system and the operating flow rates of wastewater treated by the system as additional demands are placed on the system by growth of a community. When two types of diffusers such as ceramic diffusers and rubber membrane diffusers are installed on headers or grids connected to the same air supply system, the less restrictive elements produce higher air flows. Even if balancing orifices are used to compensate for air flow between the header pipes into the diffuser elements, the balancing orifices have a non-linear headloss versus air flow curve, and that non-linear headloss versus air flow curve is significantly different than the headloss/air flow curve of the diffuser elements. Because the headloss/air flow curve of a ceramic diffuser element does not match the headloss/air flow curve of a rubber membrane diffuser, changes in air flow through the headers can only truly be balanced at one flow rate. Additionally, different rates of headloss migration over time complicate the situation further. If the migration rates are significantly different, which is usually the case between ceramic diffusers and rubber membrane diffusers, the balanced flow point will shift with time to a different system flow rate. All of these factors prevent the engineer designing a system that may be balanced at initiation of operation of the wastewater treatment system to maintain its balance over the life of the system's operation. SUMMARY The invention involves installing provision to allow headers supporting one type of fine bubble diffuser element to be raised or lowered as needed and whenever an imbalance occurs, relative to headers supporting a second type of diffuser element. If the two characteristic headloss/air flow curves of the diffuser elements are such that both share the same shape and slope, but one is shifted higher than the other by an inch of water, then reducing the elevation of the header with the more restrictive membranes by the same amount will compensate for the difference. This approach is feasible because the flow imbalance through the diffuser elements is very sensitive to small differences in headloss. Therefore, it does not take much vertical correction in the position of the grid to bring the two types of grid elements into flow balance. Only a few inches of relative submersion difference is normally required to correct for the imbalance. If the characteristic headloss/air flow curves of the two types of elements have the same slope, then the resulting correction in elevation of the diffuser elements will result in substantially balanced flow distribution over a wide range of flow. Other aspects of the invention will become apparent by consideration of the detailed description and accompanying drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic view of a wastewater treatment system embodying the present invention. FIG. 2 is an enlarged cross-section elevation view of a portion of the wastewater treatment system illustrated in FIG. 1 and showing an elevation adjustment arrangement for a header. FIG. 3 is an enlarged illustration of headers shown in FIG. 1 and with the elevation of the headers adjusted to compensate for headloss migration. FIG. 4 is an illustration of an alternative arrangement to facilitate adjustment of the height of the header. FIG. 5 is an illustration of another alternative arrangement for adjusting for the height of the header. FIG. 6 is another alternative embodiment of an arrangement for adjusting height of a header. FIG. 7 is another alternative embodiment of an arrangement for adjusting for the height of a header. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Before any embodiments of the invention are explained in detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and the arrangement of components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the following drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or of being carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology used herein is for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. The use of “including,” “comprising,” or “having” and variations thereof herein is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items. Unless specified or limited otherwise, the terms “mounted,” “connected,” “supported,” and “coupled” and variations thereof are used broadly and encompass both direct and indirect mountings, connections, supports, and couplings. Further, “connected” and “coupled” are not restricted to physical or mechanical connections or couplings. Illustrated in FIG. 1 is a wastewater treatment system 10 including an activated sludge tank 12 and a clarifier 14 . Influent wastewater flows through supply 16 into the activated sludge tank 12 wherein the wastewater is treated. The activated sludge tank 12 will include several compartments or zones 18 . The tank 12 further includes a plurality of air diffusers 20 and 22 mounted near the bottom 24 of the tank and intended to diffuse air in the form of small bubbles into the wastewater 26 in the tank 12 . The air diffusers 20 and 22 are mounted on headers 28 and the headers 28 are connected to an air supply pipe 30 . One of the headers 28 is shown more particularly in FIG. 2 . As shown in FIG. 2 , at least one of the headers 28 includes a horizontally extending pipe 31 supported near the bottom 24 or the floor of the wastewater treatment tank 12 . The horizontally extending pipe 31 supports a plurality of air diffuser elements 20 such that air or other gas can be discharged from the horizontally extending pipe 31 through the diffuser elements 20 and into the wastewater 26 in the form of fine bubbles 34 . The diffusers elements 20 can be any type of diffuser element for the type used in wastewater treatment and including ceramic diffusers and rubber membrane diffusers. The horizontally extending pipe 31 is connected to an air supply pipe 30 which is in turn connected to a source of air pressure (not shown). In the arrangement illustrated in FIG. 2 the header 28 is connected to the vertically extending air supply pipe 30 by an elbow joint pipe 38 , the elbow joint pipe 38 having an end 40 pivotally connected to the lower end of the vertical pipe 30 and a second end 42 pivotally connected to an end of the pipe 31 . The joined sections of pipe can pivot with respect to one another to permit relative vertical movement of the horizontal pipe 31 . The header 28 is also supported by a pair of support links or arms 44 . Each of the support links 44 has one end 46 pivotally connected to a band 48 surrounding and supporting the header 31 and an opposite end 50 pivotally connected or mounted to the floor 24 of the tank 12 . The support links 44 have the same length as the elbow joint pipe 38 and function to maintain the horizontal pipe 31 parallel to the floor 24 in response to relative movement of the pipe 31 . A pair of actuators 52 are also provided for effecting vertical movement of the header 28 with respect to the floor 24 of the tank. The actuators 52 each have one end supported by the floor 24 of the tank and an opposite end connected to the header 28 to move the header vertically. The actuators 52 can be a pneumatically actuated piston and cylinder. In other arrangements, the actuators could be a hydraulically actuated piston and cylinder or a screw driven extendable actuator, the screw being driven by an electric motor, mechanical language, by an air motor or hydraulic motor. A control 58 is mounted externally to the tank 12 and can be connected through line 60 to the actuators 52 to control operation of the actuators 52 and thus control the relative vertical position of the header 28 in the tank. In operation, the control 58 and actuators 52 can be used to change the vertical position of the header 28 in the tank and such that, as shown in FIG. 3 , the relative vertical height of one header 28 can be changed with respect to the vertical height of another header 28 in the wastewater treatment tank 12 . The head pressure of the wastewater 26 on the surface of the diffusers 22 can thus be changed to achieve a balance of air flow through the two sets of diffusers 20 and 22 . During operation of the two sets of diffusers 20 and 22 , the characteristics of the diffusers may change over time. These changes may be caused by microbial growth on the diffusers or by changes over time in the material characteristics of the diffusers. The operating parameters of the wastewater system may also change over time due to fluctuations in the quantity of wastewater flowing into the wastewater treatment system or changes in the characteristics of the wastewater being treated by the system. The control 58 and actuators 52 can be used to maintain balance of the air flow through the different types of diffusers 20 and 22 and accommodate changes in the use of the wastewater system or changes in the flow characteristics of the diffusers over time. FIG. 4 illustrates an alternative arrangement for flexibly connecting the horizontal header 31 to the air supply pipe 30 . In the arrangement shown in FIG. 4 , the vertical pipe 30 supplying air flow to the horizontal header includes a flexible section of pipe 20 , the flexible section of pipe having sufficient flexibility to accommodate several inches of vertical movement of the horizontal header 31 with respect to the bottom of the tank. FIG. 5 illustrates another alternative arrangement wherein a flexible section 80 of pipe is provided in the end of the horizontal header 31 where the horizontal header 31 is connected to the air pipe 30 feeding air to the header. The flexible section of pipe 80 accommodates relative vertical adjustment movement of the horizontal header 31 with respect to the air supply pipe 30 . FIG. 6 illustrates another arrangement wherein a flexible section of pipe 72 is joined in the air supply pipe 30 to accommodate relative vertical movement of the horizontal header 31 . FIG. 7 shows another alternative arrangement wherein an elbow joint 86 is provided between the air supply pipe 30 and the horizontal header 31 to facilitate relative vertical movement of the horizontal header 31 with respect to the supply pipe 30 in the bottom of the wastewater treatment tank. Various features and advantages of the invention are set forth in the following claims.
In a tank for treating wastewater and including a first plurality of air diffuser elements and a second plurality of air diffuser elements, means for adjusting the relative height of the first diffuser elements with respect to the height of the second diffuser elements in response to changing operating conditions in the tank and changes in the characteristics of the diffusers.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application is a continuation of co-pending application Ser. No. 10/672,422 filed Sep. 26, 2003, which application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 10/193,741 filed Jul. 9, 2002, which applications are fully incorporated herein by reference. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention relates to a crankcase compression/scavenging method and, more particularly, to a scavenging air/fuel-air mixture control device for a stratified scavenging two-cycle engine that is designed to first sweep out the combustion gas by introducing air into the combustion chamber during scavenging and then to introduce a fuel-air mixture. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] For a two-cycle engine in which a fuel-air mixture inside a combustion chamber ignites and explodes, pushing down the piston, the exhaust port first opens to begin exhausting the combustion gas, and then the scavenging port opens, introducing the fuel-air mixture supplied to the crankcase into the combustion chamber to exhaust the remaining combustion gas, a known alternative includes an air passage that is connected to the scavenging passage linking the crankcase and the combustion chamber. When the scavenging port opens, the scavenging air in the air passage is first introduced into the combustion chamber to exhaust the combustion gas, and then the fuel-air mixture in the crankcase is introduced into the combustion chamber via the scavenging passage. [0004] The air valve for controlling the scavenging air flow rate, provided in the air passage, and the throttle valve for controlling the output of the carburetor, which is a fuel-air mixture formation means provided in the fuel-air mixture passage connected to the crankcase, must be coordinated with each other in order to prevent incomplete combustion and to stabilize engine operation. To achieve such an objective, the air passage and the fuel-air mixture passage are positioned adjacent to each other vertically, and then the air valve and the throttle valve are integrated to make them work together as described in JP H10-252565; or in configurations in which the air passage and the fuel-air mixture passage are positioned in other ways, the air valve and the throttle valve work together via a linking mechanism as described in JP H9-125966 and JP H9-287521. [0005] In the aforementioned configuration in which the air passage and the fuel-air mixture passage are positioned adjacent to each other vertically and are integrated, the interlocking mechanism for the air valve and the throttle valve is either unnecessary or can be extremely simple. Thus, it is easy to keep these two valves coordinated at proper degrees of opening. However, such a configuration places significant restrictions on the carburetor structure and on the positioning of various mechanisms, significantly reducing the degree of design freedom and making it impossible to incorporate it into an existing carburetor as is, thereby resulting in inconvenience. [0006] On the other hand, the configuration in which the air valve and the throttle valve work together via a linking mechanism can accept either an existing or a freely-designed carburetor. However, manufacturing variations in the linking mechanism and the required clearance in the link junction make it difficult to maintain a proper opening relationship between the air valve and the throttle valve. A particular concern exists in that such a configuration may upset the air/fuel ratio in that partial load region, thereby lowering engine performance. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0007] FIG. 1 is a vertical cross-sectional diagram illustrating the first embodiment of the present invention. [0008] FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional diagram along line A-A in FIG. 1 . FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional diagram along line B-B in FIG. 1 . [0009] FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional diagram along line B-B in FIG. 1 . [0010] FIG. 4 is a vertical cross-sectional diagram illustrating the second embodiment of the present invention. [0011] FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional diagram along line A-A in FIG. 4 . [0012] FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional diagram along line B-B in FIG. 4 . SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0013] The present invention has been developed in order to solve the aforementioned problems, and its objective is to provide a scavenging air/fuel-air mixture control device that can incorporate freely-designed carburetors into the fuel-air mixture passages, and that can also maintain the opening relationship between the mutually separate air valve and throttle valve by linking them via an interlocking mechanism that is free from looseness or play. [0014] In order to solve the aforementioned problems, the scavenging air/fuel-air mixture control device of present invention is provided with an air valve for controlling the scavenging air flow rate that is installed in the air passage connected to the scavenging passage for linking the crankcase with the combustion chamber. The air valve opens and closes the air passage through angular reciprocal movements of its valve body. A throttle valve for controlling the output is provided on the carburetor incorporated in the fuel-air mixture passage connected to the crankcase. The throttle valve opens and closes the fuel-air mixture passage through linear reciprocal movements of its valve body. An interlocking mechanism provided for the air valve and the throttle valve includes a flow rate-controlling mechanism for the fuel to be sent into the fuel-air mixture passage. [0015] The interlocking mechanism has a drive member that is fixed to the valve shaft of the air valve and rotates based on accelerator operation, and a slave member that linearly reciprocates by following a cam provided on the drive member. The cam is fixed onto the valve shaft of the throttle valve. The interlocking mechanism opens and closes the air valve and the throttle valve in relation with each other in response to accelerator operation. The fuel flow rate-controlling mechanism has a metering needle provided on the throttle valve and a metering window provided in the fuel passage leading from the constant fuel chamber to the fuel-air mixture passage. The flow rate of the fuel to be sent into the fuel-air mixture passage is controlled by having the metering needle vary the open area of the metering window according to the degree of opening of the throttle valve. [0016] According to the present invention, by having the air valve and the throttle valve as separate members that are linked through an interlocking mechanism, the carburetor structure and various mechanisms can be freely designed to achieve superior function, without being subjected to the restrictions of the air passage. Moreover, fixing the drive member, which is equivalent to the throttle valve lever in an ordinary carburetor, to the valve shaft of the air valve and having its cam make the slave member on the throttle valve side linearly reciprocate, tends to eliminate looseness or play between the air valve and the throttle valve, thereby properly maintaining their opening relationship. Additionally, by utilizing the linear reciprocal movements of the throttle valve to control the fuel flow rate, the flow rates between the scavenging air and fuel-air mixture as well as the air/fuel ratio can be properly maintained over the entire engine operation range. [0017] Further, objects and advantages of the invention will become apparent from the following detailed description and accompanying drawings. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0018] Before explaining the embodiments of the present invention with reference to the drawings, an engine overview is provided based on FIGS. 3 and 6 . An engine 1 has a cylinder 2 , a crankcase 3 , and a piston 4 . An exhaust port 6 a , which is the inlet of an exhaust passage 6 , and a scavenging port 7 a , which is the outlet of a scavenging passage 7 linking the crankcase 3 and a combustion chamber 5 located above the piston 4 , open into the cylinder 2 . In addition, an air passage 14 is connected to a location near scavenging port 7 a of the scavenging passage 7 and a fuel-air mixture passage 20 is connected to the crankcase 3 . [0019] When the piston 4 begins to ascend from the bottom dead center, the capacity of the crankcase 3 increases, and at the same time, the piston 4 closes the exhaust port 6 a and the scavenging exhaust port 7 a . As a result, the pressure inside the crankcase 3 and the scavenging passage 7 declines, drawing fuel-air mixture from the fuel-air mixture passage 20 into the crankcase 3 , and drawing air from the air passage 14 into the scavenging passage 7 and then into the crankcase 3 . When the piston 4 nears the top dead center, the fuel-air mixture that was supplied to the combustion chamber 5 in the previous stroke ignites and explodes, and when the piston 4 begins to descend, the pressure inside the crankcase 3 rises. Meanwhile, opening the exhaust port 6 a and the scavenging port 7 a exhausts the combustion gas inside the combustion chamber 5 to the exhaust passage 6 ; at the same time, the air inside the scavenging passage 7 jets into the combustion chamber 5 , exhausting the remaining combustion gas. The fuel-air mixture that was drawn into the crankcase 3 is supplied into the combustion chamber 5 via the scavenging passage 7 following the air. The piston 4 then reaches the bottom dead center. [0020] A crank shaft 10 , which is connected via a connecting rod 8 and a crank arm 9 to the piston 4 , which linearly reciprocates based on the repetition of the aforementioned strokes, rotates as in a conventional two-cycle engine. [0021] FIGS. 1, 2 , and 3 illustrate the first embodiment of the present invention. The area where an air valve 15 A of the air passage 14 is provided is positioned alongside and near the fuel-air mixture passage 20 in a main body 19 A of a carburetor 18 A in which a throttle valve 22 A of fuel-air mixture passage 20 is provided. Air that enters an air supply passage 13 via an air cleaner, not shown in the figure but connected to the air supply passage 13 provided with a choke valve 12 , is branched into the two passages 14 and 20 . [0022] The air valve 15 A is a conventional butterfly valve in which a disc-shaped valve body 17 A is fixed onto a valve shaft 16 A rotatably supported in the main body 19 A. [0023] A valve body 23 A of the throttle valve 22 A has a bottom, is cylindrical in shape, and is fitted into a valve hole 21 A formed in the main body 19 A perpendicularly to the fuel-air mixture passage 20 . The tip on the open end of the valve body 23 A protrudes outside the main body 19 A and functions as a valve shaft 24 A. A ring-shaped groove passage 25 is provided on the peripheral surface of the valve body 23 A, and a guiding groove 26 , which goes through in the direction of the fuel-air mixture passage 20 , is provided on the bottom of the valve body 23 A. [0024] A plate-shaped drive member 32 A is secured onto the valve shaft 16 A of the air valve 15 A. The drive member 32 A, which is provided with a post 33 A to which an accelerator cable is to be connected, rotates the air valve 15 A in the opening direction as the driver operates the accelerator, and rotates the air valve 15 A in the closing direction based on a return spring 34 A, which consists of a helical coil spring installed surrounding the valve shaft 16 A in the space between the drive member 32 A and the main body 19 A. That is, the drive member 32 A is equivalent to a throttle valve lever that is fastened to the throttle valve shaft of the carburetor to open/close the throttle valve. [0025] A cam 35 A, whose cam surface 36 A is oriented to the side opposite the air valve 15 A, i.e., to the side opposite the main body 19 A, is provided along an arc that is centered around the valve shaft 16 A. A contact 39 A, consisting of a ball rotatably held at the tip of an adjustment screw 38 A screwed into one horizontal arm 37 Aa of a c-shaped slave member 37 A, contacts the cam surface 36 A. The valve shaft 24 A of the throttle valve 22 A is secured onto the other horizontal arm 37 Ab of the slave member 37 A. A vertical arm 37 Ac has a guiding protrusion 42 A, which is fitted into a guiding groove 41 A that extends in the vertical direction of a bracket 40 A provided in the main body 19 A. [0026] A spring 44 A, which works to keep the contact 39 A in constant contact with the cam surface 36 A, is installed between the top area of the bracket 40 A, which extends in the horizontal direction, and the horizontal arm 37 Aa, which supports the contact 39 A. The spring 44 A is a helical coil spring, and is engaged with the horizontal arm 37 Aa so as to constantly press the valve body 23 A of the throttle valve 22 A, to which the slave member 37 A is secured, to one side of the valve hole 21 A. [0027] The aforementioned drive member 32 A, cam 35 A, slave member 37 A, and spring 44 A comprise an interlocking mechanism 31 A for the air valve 15 A and the throttle valve 22 A. The guiding groove 41 A and the guiding protrusion 42 A comprise a rotation-prevention mechanism 43 A for the slave member 37 A and the throttle valve 22 A. [0028] Next, a known diaphragm-based constant fuel chamber 51 A is provided on the side opposite the aforementioned various mechanisms of the main body 19 A. A main jet 53 A is installed on top of the constant fuel chamber 51 A, and a metering cylinder 54 is positioned on top of the main jet 53 A. The metering cylinder 54 goes through a supply chamber 56 formed by an installation opening into which the main jet 53 A and the metering cylinder 54 are fitted, with its tip protruding into the bottom of the valve hole 21 A. The metering cylinder 54 has a vertically elongated triangular metering window 55 A on the side that faces the supply chamber 56 . [0029] The supply chamber 56 and the downstream side of the throttle valve 22 A of the fuel-air mixture passage 20 are connected via the supply passage 57 ; and the aforementioned main jet 53 A, metering cylinder 54 , supply chamber 56 , and supply passage 57 comprise a fuel passage 52 A, which extends from the constant fuel chamber 51 A to the fuel-air mixture passage 20 . An air bleed passage 58 , which extends from the air supply passage 13 , is connected to the supply chamber 56 . [0030] The base end of a metering needle 62 A is inserted into the valve body 23 A of the throttle valve 22 A. The metering needle 62 A is held by the valve body 23 A by being pressed by a pressing spring 64 onto a plug 63 , which plugs the opening of the valve body 23 A. The tip of the metering needle 62 A is inserted into the metering cylinder 54 without any gaps to speak of. The aforementioned metering window 55 A and the metering needle 62 A comprise a fuel flow-rate controlling mechanism 61 A, and the idling fuel flow rate can be adjusted by changing how deeply the plug 63 is screwed in. [0031] The air valve 15 A and the throttle valve 22 A related to the present embodiment having the aforementioned configuration are placed in positions that close the air passage 14 and the fuel-air mixture passage 20 , respectively, when the engine is being idled. The groove passage 25 and the guiding groove 26 of the throttle valve 22 A are positioned in the maximum width area and bottom area, respectively, of the fuel-air mixture passage 20 , allowing the air to pass at the flow rate required for idling. During idling, the metering needle 62 A is placed in a position that slightly opens the metering window 55 A, allowing the fuel to pass at the flow rate required for idling. [0032] When the driver operates the accelerator, thereby rotating the drive member 32 A, the air valve 15 A opens, gradually increasing the flow rate of the scavenging the air flowing through the air passage 14 . Simultaneously, the cam surface 36 A pushes up the contact 39 A, moving the valve body 23 A of the throttle valve 22 A secured to the slave member 37 A in the direction out of the valve hole 21 A. The valve-opening action increases the opening area of the fuel-air mixture passage 20 , and at the same time, the metering needle 62 A moves with the valve body 23 A to increase the opening area of the metering window 55 A, increasing the flow rate of the fuel-air mixture while maintaining a predetermined air/fuel ratio. [0033] According to the present embodiment, by turning the adjustment screw 38 A, which holds the contact 39 A, the heights of the slave member 37 A and the throttle valve 22 A can be changed, thus adjusting the idle opening of the throttle valve 22 A. Having the spring 44 A make the contact 39 A of the slave member 37 A constantly contact the cam surface 36 A, and having the drive member 32 A and the slave member 37 A secured onto the valve shafts 16 A and 24 A, respectively, tends to eliminate looseness or play in the interlocking mechanism 31 A for the air valve 15 A and the throttle valve 22 A, thus properly maintaining their opening relationship. [0034] Furthermore, according to the present embodiment, the use of a helical coil spring for the spring 44 A can press the valve body 23 A of the throttle valve 22 A to one side of the valve hole 21 A, and can keep the guiding protrusion 42 A of the rotation-prevention mechanism 43 A pressed against one side of the guiding groove 41 A, ensuring stable linear reciprocal movements without looseness. Moreover, since the contact 39 A and the spring 44 A are positioned on the central axis of the throttle valve 22 A, even more stable linear reciprocal movements of the cam 35 A can be achieved. [0035] Additionally, the present embodiment provides an advantage in the ring-shaped groove passage 25 and the guiding groove 26 , which is in the direction of the fuel-air mixture passage 20 , provided on the valve body 23 A of the throttle valve 22 A, can make the air flow during idling uniform and can prevent fuel clogging by discharging any fuel that might enter the valve hole 21 A by traveling around the metering needle 62 A. Furthermore, the entire fuel-air mixture passage 20 or the front and back of the throttle valve 22 A, i.e., nearly the entire area spanning from the entrance area to the exit area, has an elliptical shape whose minor axis is in the direction of the linear reciprocal movements of the throttle valve 22 A and whose major axis is in the direction perpendicular to the minor axis. This flattened shape can increase the cross-sectional area of the fuel-air mixture passage 20 or reduce the overall height of the device by decreasing the strokes of the linear reciprocal movements. [0036] FIGS. 4, 5 , and 6 illustrate a second embodiment of the present invention, in which the air passage 14 and the fuel-air mixture passage 20 are separate and independent from each other without having a common body. The air cleaners for the entrances of these passages may be either independent or shared. [0037] An air valve 15 B provided in the air passage 14 is a widely-known rotary valve, which consists of a cylindrical valve body 17 B, in which a throughhole 27 having the same diameter as the air passage 14 is provided in the diameter direction, and a valve shaft 16 B; which is rotatably supported by a body 28 by fitting the valve body 17 B in a valve hole 29 provided by placing the air passage 14 orthogonally relative to the body 28 . [0038] A valve body 23 B of a throttle valve 22 B, which is one of the components of a carburetor 18 B, is a rectangular flat plate which is fitted into a flat valve hole 21 B formed in a main body 19 B orthogonally to the fuel-air mixture passage 20 . A valve shaft 24 B, which extends from the center of the valve body 23 B, protrudes to the outside of the main body 19 B. The valve body 23 has a notch-shaped opening 30 in the middle of the opposite side. [0039] A flat plate-shaped drive member 32 B provided with a post 33 B for connecting the accelerator cable is secured to the valve shaft 16 B of the air valve 15 B, and rotates the air valve 15 B in the opening direction as the driver operates the accelerator. A return spring 34 B, which consists of a helical coil spring installed surrounding the valve shaft 16 B in the space between the drive member 32 B and the body 28 , rotates the air valve 15 B in the closing direction. [0040] A cam 35 B, whose cam surface 36 B is oriented toward the air valve 15 B, i.e., toward the body 28 , is provided along an arc that is centered around the valve shaft 16 B. Meanwhile, a flat plate-shaped slave member 37 B is secured to the valve shaft 24 B of the throttle valve 22 B, and a contact 39 B consisting of a ball rotatably held at the tip of an adjustment screw 38 B screwed into the slave member 37 B contacts the cam surface 36 B. [0041] A guiding protrusion 42 B is provided on the tip opposite from the adjustment screw 38 B across the valve shaft 24 B of the slave member 37 B, and is fitted into a guiding groove 41 B of a bracket 40 B provided on the main body 19 B. Furthermore, a spring 44 B, which works to keep the contact 39 B in constant contact with the cam surface 36 B, is installed between the main body 19 B and the slave member 37 B, surrounding the valve shaft 24 B. The spring 44 B is a helical coil spring, and is engaged with the slave member 37 B so as to constantly press the valve body 23 B and guiding the protrusion 42 B to one side of a valve hole 21 B and of the guiding groove 41 B, respectively. [0042] The aforementioned drive member 32 B, cam 35 B, slave member 37 B, and spring 44 B comprise an interlocking mechanism 31 B for the air valve 15 B and the throttle valve 22 B. The guiding groove 41 B and the guiding protrusion 42 B comprise a rotation-prevention mechanism 43 B for the slave member 37 B and the throttle valve 22 B. Of course, in the present embodiment, the valve body 23 B of the throttle valve 22 B is a flat plate and is fitted into a flat valve hole 21 B, which functions as a rotation-prevention mechanism, and therefore the aforementioned rotation-prevention mechanism 43 B may be omitted. However, providing the rotation-prevention mechanism 43 B can ensure smooth linear reciprocal movements without applying a twisting force to the valve body 23 B or valve shaft 24 B. [0043] Next, a known diaphragm-based constant fuel chamber 51 B is provided on the side opposite the aforementioned various mechanisms of the main body 19 B, and a fuel nozzle 66 is positioned on top of a main jet 53 B provided on top of this constant fuel chamber 51 B. The fuel nozzle 66 protrudes from the bottom of the valve hole 21 B into the fuel-air mixture passage 20 , and a metering window 55 B, which extends in the vertical direction, is provided on the side of the area facing the fuel-air mixture passage 20 . The aforementioned main jet 53 B and the fuel nozzle 66 comprise a fuel passage 52 B, which extends from the constant fuel chamber 51 B to the fuel-air mixture passage 20 . [0044] An opening 30 provided in the valve body 23 B of the throttle valve 22 B is designed to surround the part of the fuel nozzle 66 protruding into the fuel-air mixture passage 20 with a gap in the idling position, allowing the air to pass through this gap at the flow rate required for idling. Moreover, a metering needle 62 B goes through the valve shaft 24 B on its central axis, and the metering needle 62 B is held by valve shaft 24 B having its tip inserted into the fuel nozzle 66 and a screw 65 at its base screwed into the valve shaft 24 B such that it can adjust the idling fuel flow rate. The aforementioned metering window 55 B and the metering needle 62 B comprise a fuel flow-rate controlling mechanism 61 B. The air valve 15 B and the throttle valve 22 B related to the present embodiment having the aforementioned configuration are placed in positions that close the air passage 14 and the fuel-air mixture passage 20 , respectively, when the engine is being idled. Air at the flow rate required for idling flows through the gap formed between the opening 30 of the throttle valve 22 B and the fuel nozzle 66 . During this step, the metering needle 62 B is placed in a position that slightly opens the metering window 55 B, allowing the fuel to pass at the flow rate required for idling. [0045] When the driver operates the accelerator, thereby rotating the drive member 32 A, the air valve 15 B opens, gradually increasing the flow rate of the scavenging air flowing through the air passage 14 . At the same time, the slave member 37 B is pushed up along the cam surface 36 B by the spring 44 B, pulling up the valve body 23 B of the throttle valve 22 B. The valve-opening action increases the opening area of the fuel-air mixture passage 20 , and at the same time, the metering needle 62 B moves with the valve body 23 B to increase the opening area of the metering window 55 B, increasing the flow rate of the fuel-air mixture while maintaining a predetermined air/fuel ratio. [0046] The present embodiment can also provide the same effects as the first embodiment, i.e., the adjustment screw 38 B can be used to adjust the idling opening of the throttle valve 22 B, the opening relationship between the air valve 15 B and the throttle valve 22 B can be properly maintained without looseness or play in the interlocking mechanism 31 B, and the flattened shape of the fuel-air mixture passage 20 can increase its cross-sectional area or reduce the overall height of the device. [0047] Additionally, the present embodiment provides the advantage of a simpler overall structure because of the fact that the shape of the slave member 37 B is simple and the rotation-prevention mechanism 43 B may be omitted. Furthermore, as shown in FIG. 4 , since the air passage 14 can be positioned at a higher location than the fuel-air mixture passage 20 , the passage leading to the scavenging passage of the engine can be shortened and the shape of the passage can be simplified, which constitute additional advantages. [0048] As explained above, according to the present invention, there are no restrictions on the carburetors that can be used, and any freely-designed carburetor can be incorporated into the fuel-air mixture passage; and the air valve and the throttle valve can be maintained at a proper opening relationship by linking them through an interlocking mechanism that is free of looseness or play, thereby ensuring optimum engine performance over the entire operation range. [0049] While various preferred embodiments of the invention have been shown for purposes of illustration, it will be understood that those skilled in the art may make modifications thereof without departing from the true scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims including equivalents thereof.
The present invention facilitates proper control of the scavenging air and fuel-air mixture for a stratified scavenging two-cycle engine that is based on a crankcase compression/scavenging method, using any carburetor. The present invention includes a drive member, which rotates based on an accelerator operation, installed on the air valve of the air passage, wherein the drive member is movable through angular reciprocal movements. A slave member, which constantly contacts a cam provided on the drive member is installed on the throttle valve of the carburetor, and wherein the slave member is movable through linear reciprocal movements. A fuel flow-rate controlling mechanism works in cooperation with these linear reciprocal movements. The carburetor can be freely designed without regard to the orientation of the air passage and a looseness- and play-free interlocking mechanism having a cam and a spring can maintain the air valve and the throttle valve in a proper opening relationship, thereby stably operating the engine without upsetting the air/fuel ratio.
TECHNICAL FIELD This invention relates to motor vehicle heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and more particularly to the mode and temperature door arrangements therein. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In conventional modern day motor vehicle passenger compartment heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, it is common practice to mount a heater core downstream of an evaporator in an air duct and to continuously circulate engine coolant through the heater core. For air conditioning, refrigerant is circulated through the evaporator and temperature control is obtained by controlling the flow of air from the evaporator relative to the heater core. For example, for maximum cooling demand all of the air flow from the evaporator is bypassed around the heater core and thence into the passenger compartment. On the other hand, for minimum cooling demand, all of the air flow from the evaporator is passed through the heater core and thence delivered to the passenger compartment. And intermediate these two extremes, the bypass flow and that through the heater core are mixed and varied to provide an intermediate temperature air delivery to the passenger compartment. Furthermore, the outlets from the duct downstream from the bypass and heater core are strategically placed to provide the best air distribution for the heating, cooling and defrosting modes as is well known. Typically, in such systems, the mode selection is obtained by one air door(s) and the temperature of the air being delivered is controlled by another separate air door(s) upstream of the former. And while such systems have proven very satisfactory, there remains a continuous quest for reduction in both the size of the system and the number of parts making up the system as well as improved air flow, temperature blending and flexible delivery control. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention offers a quite simple solution to meeting these goals with the use of a combined mode and temperature door that can be controlled by a single selector for automatic or manual operation, the combining of the mode and temperature door resulting in both reduced module size and reduced number of parts necessary to construct the system. According to the present invention, there is provided an air duct having an inlet at one end and terminating at another end in a cylindrical portion having a defroster outlet, an air conditioning outlet and a heater outlet. The outlets are angularly spaced from each other and the air duct is divided into parallel arranged first and second passages for connecting the outlets to the inlet. The evaporator is mounted in one of the passages while the heater is mounted in the other and thus is connected in parallel with the evaporator between the inlet and outlets. A combined rotary mode/temperature door is mounted in the cylindrical duct portion and has angularly arranged openings that are operable in a first mode to fully open the first passage and the air conditioning outlet while closing the heater and defroster outlets and the second passage to effect full cold operation. The door is then further operable in a second mode to leave the first passage partially open while partially opening the air conditioning outlet and the second passage and closing the defroster outlet and heater outlet to effect mixed hot and cold operation. Then, in a third mode, the mode/temperature door is operable to still leave the first passage partially open and the defroster outlet closed while further closing the air conditioning outlet, partially opening the heater outlet, and further opening the second passage to effect bi-level mixed hot and cold operation. Then, in a fourth mode, the mode/temperature door is operable to fully open the second passage and the heater outlet while closing the first passage and the air conditioning outlet and partially opening the defroster outlet to effect full hot heater defroster operation. And finally, in a fifth mode, the door is operable to fully open the second passage while partially opening the defroster outlet and heater outlet and closing the first passage and air conditioning outlet to effect full hot heater and defroster bleed operation. Furthermore, with this arrangement, the mixing of hot and cold air is always within the rotary door to provide good, even mixing for eventual distribution into the passenger compartment. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a new and improved motor vehicle passenger compartment heating, ventilating and air conditioning system. Another object is to provide in a motor vehicle passenger compartment heating, ventilating and air conditioning system a combined mode and temperature door that can be controlled by a single selector for automatic or manual operation to effect a full range of air temperature and air distribution conditions. Another object of the present invention is to provide in a motor vehicle passenger compartment heating, ventilating and air conditioning system a combined rotary mode and temperature door that results in a reduced sized module and reduced parts count. These and other objects, advantages and features of the present invention will become more apparent from the following description and drawing in which: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING FIG. 1 is a diagrammatical longitudinal sectional view of a portion of a motor vehicle passenger compartment heating, ventilating and air conditioning system according to the present invention. FIGS. 2-5 are similar to FIG. 1 but show the mode/temperature door in different positions. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown a terminal portion of a motor vehicle passenger compartment heating, ventilating and air conditioning system comprising an air duct 10 having a first passage 12 of large cross-sectional flow area and a second passage 14 of small cross-sectional flow area connected in parallel with the first passage 12. An evaporator 16 is mounted in the large passage 12 (thus the cold passage) and a heater 18 is mounted in the second passage 14 (thus the hot passage). Air from a blower (not shown) is delivered to the entrance 20 of the air duct shown where it may pass through the evaporator via the wide cold passage 12 and/or the heater 18 via the narrow hot passage 14 as will be described in detail later. The air duct 10 terminates in a cylindrical portion 22 having a center line 24 at right angles to the direction of air flow indicated by the arrows exiting from the air duct passages 12 and 14. The cylindrical portion 22 of the air duct has a defroster outlet 26, air conditioning outlet 28 and heater outlet 30 angularly spaced from each other. This spacing is such that the heater outlet is directed generally radially downward, the defroster outlet is directed generally radially upward, and the air conditioning outlet located intermediate the defroster and heater outlets is directed generally horizontally in the passenger compartment. A hollow cylindrical rotary mode/temperature door 32 having closed ends 33 is mounted in the cylindrical duct portion 22 for rotary movement about the center line or axis 24 of this duct portion. And in contrast with the air duct outlets, the mode/temperature door has two radial outlet openings 34 and 36 angularly positionable relative to the three (3) duct outlets and a single radial inlet opening 38 angularly positionable relative to the exits 40 and 42 of the two air duct passages 12 and 14, respectively. The rotary mode/temperature door outlet openings 34 and 36 and inlet opening 38 are arranged relative to the duct outlets and the air duct exits so that the rotary door, when positioned as shown in FIG. 1, fully opens the cold air passage 12 and closes the hot air passage 14 while fully opening the air conditioning outlet 28 and closing both the defroster outlet 26 and heater outlet 30. This is the full cold air conditioning mode. The rotary mode/temperature door is rotatable by a single selector lever 44 from the position shown in FIG. 1 in the clockwise direction to the mixed temperature mode position shown in FIG. 2. In this mode, the rotary mode/temperature door leaves both the cold passage 12 and the air conditioning outlet 28 partially open but now also partially opens the hot air passage 14 while maintaining the defroster outlet 26 closed. And such movement can continue on to further provide more warmed air to the cooled air for a warmer outlet temperature at the air conditioning outlet, the heater door remaining closed as shown. Then as the mode/temperature door 32 is rotated further clockwise by the selector 44, the air within the door is blended with increasingly warmer air with such blended air then flowing from both the air conditioning outlet and from the heater outlet to provide a bi-level mixed temperature mode as seen in FIG. 3. In this position it will be seen that the mode/temperature door as compared to FIG. 2 continues to close off the cold air passage and the air conditioning outlet while simultaneously opening the heater outlet and the hot air passage further, with good mixing occurring as shown by the arrows. The mode/temperature door can then be rotated further clockwise where the air then begins to flow exclusively from the heater outlet and eventually some bleed from the defroster outlet. This is accomplished as seen in FIG. 4 by the rotary mode/temperature door being positionable to completely close the cold air passage 12 while fully opening the hot air passage 14, partially open the defroster outlet 26, completely close the air conditioning outlet 28 and fully open the downwardly directed heater outlet 30. Finally, the mode/temperature door is positionable by the selector lever 44 to provide both defrosting and heating full hot and full defrost as shown in FIG. 5. In this position, it will be seen that the mode/temperature door continues to fully close the cold air passage 12 while almost fully opening the hot air passage 14 and the defroster outlet 26 and only partially opening the heater outlet 30. As a result, heated air from the upward zone is directed through the defroster outlet for defrosting purposes while some heated air is also being delivered downward through the heater outlet 30 to the passenger compartment's lower zone. Furthermore, it will be appreciated that an infinite variety of modes and temperatures can be achieved by various degrees of openings and closings of the various outlets and air passages by the single mode/temperature door. The foregoing description of the preferred embodiment of the invention has been presented for purposes of illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed. Obvious modifications or variations are possible in light of the above teachings. The embodiment was chosen and described to provide the best illustration of the principles of the invention and its practical application to thereby enable one of ordinary skill in the art to utilize the invention in various embodiments and with various modifications as are suited to the particular use contemplated. All such modifications and variations are within the scope of the invention as determined by the appended claims when interpreted in accordance with the breadth to which they are fairly, legally and equitably entitled.
A motor vehicle heating, ventilating and air conditioning system having a combined mode and temperature door that can be controlled by a single selector for automatic or manual automotive air conditioning control.
TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to a construction method for building, particularly to a main work construction method for reinforced concrete and prefabricated component building. The present invention also relates to one or more building construction units and a building construction machine related to the method. BACKGROUND The construction method for reinforced concrete building generally comprises in-situ casting construction method and prefabrication construction method. Many advanced technologies are developed for prefabrication construction in recent years. Although the prefabrication construction has higher level of mechanization and more obvious characteristic of industrial production than those of the in-situ casting construction, the integrity (such as shock resistance) of the prefabrication construction is affected, and the application of the prefabrication construction is limited because of the defects of poor reliability of dry nodal connection, etc. of the precast reinforced concrete construction. Most reinforced concrete building at present is constructed by the in-situ casting construction method. There is a big bottleneck to increase the industrialization level of the in-situ casting construction method, because all the existing in-situ casting constructions are completed story by story from the first story to the top story. After one story is constructed, all the facilities and equipment on the construction story must be moved to the next construction story to be assembled into the construction operation platform. How the facilities and equipment pass through the obstruction of the recently accomplished structure level is a problem to be faced; moreover, the difficulty increases with the extending of the high altitude. Therefore, using higher mechanized equipment on the constructing story becomes uneconomical and infeasible. In order for disassembly and assembly to be convenient, the traditional residential building construction facilities and equipments are very simple and light, including combined type scaffolds and tool type templates and the like in general. Such residential building construction facilities and equipments must result in low mechanization application level of residential building construction, much hand labor, hard operating condition, low labor productivity, difficult control of product quality, etc. SUMMARY In order to avoid the defects existing in the aforementioned prior art, the present invention provides a main work construction method for reinforced concrete building in accordance with the advantages of in-situ casting and prefabrication, so that the pipeline operation for industrial production can be formed on the construction site, to solve the problems of low mechanization level of prefabrication dry nodal connection and in-situ casting construction, high consumption of labor force, adverse labor condition, large fluctuation of the manual labor product quality, etc. The main work construction method for reinforced concrete building of the present invention comprises the following steps: arranging lifting mechanisms and one or more lifting platforms on the surface layer of the completed permanent foundation; constructing a top story framework on said lifting mechanisms and said lifting platform; lifting the top story framework by said lifting mechanisms; constructing a second top story framework on the lifting mechanisms and the lifting platform, and permanently connecting the top story framework with the second top story framework; lifting said top story framework and said second top story framework by the lifting mechanisms; and constructing repeatedly till the ground story framework is accomplished so as to complete the reverse story-by-story construction from the top story to the ground story. The present invention provides a main work construction method for reinforced concrete building, comprising the following steps: a) arranging at least one lifting platform and multiple lifting mechanisms on the surface layer of the completed ground permanent foundation; b) constructing a top story framework on said lifting mechanisms and said lifting platform; c) lifting the top story framework by said lifting mechanisms; d) supporting the lifted top story framework by supporting device(s), descending and resetting the lifting mechanisms to the original positions, constructing a second top story framework on the original lifting mechanisms and the lifting platform, and permanently connecting the top story framework with the second top story framework; e) lifting said top story framework and said second top story framework by the lifting mechanisms; repeating steps d) and e) to construct and lift all the stories under the second top story till the ground story framework is accomplished so as to complete the reverse story-by-story construction from the top story to the ground story. In accordance with the present invention, the sequence of the reverse story-by-story construction comprises: a. arranging lifting mechanisms and one or more lifting platforms on the surface layer of the completed permanent foundation; b. constructing top story vertical structural members between said lifting mechanisms and the lifting platform, constructing a roof board on said lifting platform to form a top story framework; c. lifting the formed top story framework for one story by the lifting mechanisms by using the lifting platform as a support, and leaving the construction position of the second top story framework; d. constructing second top story vertical structural members among said lifting mechanisms, and permanently connecting the second top story vertical structural members with the top story vertical structural members; e. descending and resetting the lifting platform to the original position, and constructing a top story floor on the lifting platform to form a second top story framework; f. repeating the above steps c), d) and e) till the first story framework is accomplished on the first story vertical structural members; and g. anchoring the first story vertical structural members to the permanent foundation. The method of the present invention is reversal of the order of the main work concrete construction and the traditional method. In the method, the top story is constructed first, and then other stories are constructed story-by-story from top to bottom to the first story. The problem that the equipment and turnover material on the work surface are assembled and disassembled, and assembled and disassembled again on each story is solved, so that the work surface is kept on the first story. Thus, the industrial assembly room can be formed by the mechanical equipment assembled in situ in the space of the first story. Therefore, the continuous construction of standard stories becomes possible, and the construction pipeline operation can be formed. Compared with the prior art, the present invention has the following advantages. 1. All the standard stories above the permanent foundation are accomplished on the lifting platform of the assembly room arranged on the surface layer by story-by-story construction and line production by the present invention to form the pipeline operation, the mechanization level of construction operation and the standardization level of construction operation are greatly increased. 2. The construction equipment of the present invention is not repeatedly disassembled and assembled and is kept on the surface layer; the construction process is greatly simplified; the construction cost is reduced; and the construction speed is increased. 3. The building quality stability becomes better because the present invention uses the in-situ casting construction method in accordance with the prefabrication construction method. 4. The present invention enables the construction production to really achieve industrial production like the pipeline, solves the problem of building industrialization in the construction link and resolves the inconsistency between improvement of the construction machinery and equipment level and the economy; thus, various requirements of structure, function, decoration, etc. of the building are systematically considered in accordance with its inherent law, and are respectively integrated into various components; and substantial progress is made in the concrete implementation of the designs of in situ integrating and assembling the system integration products provided by various professional factories. In addition, the present invention further provides a building construction machine. Said building construction machine is positioned on the ground and comprises: at least one building construction unit, wherein each building construction unit comprises a lifting platform and multiple lifting mechanisms installed and fixed under the lifting platform; and said at least one building construction unit cooperatively operates and simultaneously lifts the framework of the same story of the building to be constructed; and a lifting control system, wherein said lifting control system comprises one or multiple hydraulic servo pump stations, multiple displacement detecting devices, multiple jack load measuring devices, multiple electric control substations and a main control electric system, and controls the lifting mechanisms of said at least one building construction unit in accordance with groups and loops to achieve simultaneous lifting. The building construction machine of the present invention changes the story-by-story construction from the ground story to the top story of the traditional building construction method into the reverse story-by-story construction from the top story to the ground story. The building construction machine is designed for constructing residential building industrial products instead of constructing residential building handicrafts, and the constructed residential building has the standardized variety like the cars produced on the pipeline. Thus, large scale production and industrialization are achieved. Namely the residential building is divided into high-rise residential building and small high-rise residential building; the stories are various and all stories are of the same structure. The standardized stories occur. The construction facilities and equipment of the building construction machine of the present invention are not assembled and disassembled during construction on each story. Thus, the construction facilities and equipment for residential building have more mechanization and electrification applications. The building construction machine of the present invention serves the reverse construction method so as to achieve the aims that the building construction machine is assembled once and is used by the whole building, and the facilities of the building construction machine always operate on the ground story. After one story is constructed, the equipment is integrally placed without passing through the structure level as long as the equipment is lifted for one story and is reset to the original position, and the procedures of disassembly, conveying, assembly, etc. are omitted. The building construction machine of the present invention is corresponding to a floating building assembly room. The building construction machine comprises traveling condition and producing condition. When the building construction machine is in traveling condition, all the hydraulic parts, central control systems and trusses are contracted, gathered together and fixed on several motorcar chassis in accordance with areas so as to respectively and conveniently travel. After traveling and being placed, all parts are reformed and assembled into the producing condition: the support devices are placed, the hydraulic parts are placed and the trusses are placed and fixed, and the mechanical system and the electric system are assembled and commissioned to form an assembly room having high level of mechanization and electrification application, a load platform, an in-situ casting platform and a lifting platform. In summary, compared with the existing small-size machine for sequential story construction and hand work, the building construction machine of the present invention has the following advantages. 1. The mechanization and electrification levels are greatly improved and the efficiency is increased by using the large-size hydraulic and central control systems. 2. The hand work is reduced, and the operating condition is improved. 3. The building construction machine is assembled once and is used by the whole building; many procedures of assembly and disassembly are reduced; the construction period is shortened; and the cost is saved. 4. The parts are used in large scale, and the industrial level is increased. 5. The product quality is guaranteed because of mechanization and standardization production, and convenience is provided for management. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES When reading in accordance with the figures, the essence, principle and practicality of the present invention become more obviously by the following detailed description, wherein the same components in the figures are marked by the same figure marks. FIG. 1 , FIG. 2 , FIG. 3 , FIG. 4 , FIG. 5 , FIG. 6 and FIG. 7 are the schematic diagrams of the construction process of the top story and the second top story of the present invention. FIG. 8 is a sectional view, showing a building construction unit of one embodiment of the present invention corresponding to the aforementioned construction method. FIG. 9 is a sectional view, showing the telescopic sleeve and the jack of one lifting mechanism. The invention will further be described in detail in accordance with the figures and the preferred embodiments. DETAILED DESCRIPTION As shown in FIG. 1 , an assembly room is arranged on the level ground of the surface layer of the completed permanent foundation 1 ; the assembly room is required to include the lifting platform 22 capable of bearing the construction loads of the whole building and the lifting mechanisms 21 having reciprocating motion. One embodiment of the present invention comprises the construction steps. 1. arranging the assembly room, including the lifting mechanisms 21 and the lifting platform 22 , on the surface layer 11 of the completed permanent foundation 1 , as shown in FIG. 1 ; 2. constructing top story vertical structural members 3 between said lifting mechanisms 21 and the lifting platform 22 , temporarily connecting the top story vertical structural members 3 with the lifting platform 22 , and the top story vertical structural members 3 may be columns or shear walls, as shown in FIG. 2 ; 3. constructing a roof board 4 on the lifting platform to form a top story framework, as shown in FIG. 3 ; 4. lifting the formed top story framework for one story by the lifting mechanisms 21 by using the lifting platform as a support, and leaving the construction position of the second top story framework, as shown in FIG. 4 ; 5. constructing second top story vertical structural members 5 among the lifting mechanisms 21 , as shown in FIG. 5 ; 6. vertically connecting the second top story vertical structural members 5 with the top story vertical structural members 3 by section steel 6 for reinforcement to form a load integration so as to bear the vertical load of the building, as shown in FIG. 6 ; disconnecting the top story vertical structural members 3 from the lifting platform 22 so that the top story vertical structural members 3 and the second top story vertical structural members 5 independently bear load; reversely operating the lifting mechanisms 21 so that the lifting platform 22 is descended and reset to the original position; temporarily connecting the lifting platform 22 with the second top story vertical structural members 5 for reinforcement, and then constructing a top story floor 7 on the lifting platform 22 to form the second top story framework; 7. repeating the above steps 4 to 6 till the first story framework is accomplished on the first story vertical structural members, as shown in FIG. 7 ; 8. anchoring the first story vertical structural members to the permanent foundation. In the specific embodiment, the existing computer monitoring software and hardware system and the hydraulic lifting equipment of a large tonnage are used, such as a large-load hydraulic lifting mechanism able to be mechanically locked at any position, patent number 2004100111228; the hydraulic lifting mechanism is controlled by the computer for inducting, monitoring and controlling the movement and is provided with a misoperation safety locking mechanism. In the method of the present invention, the manufacturing shop is formed on the ground story, flow production is performed so that the industrial production of construction can be performed in accordance with the flow production, various requirements of structure, function, decoration, etc. of the building are systematically considered in accordance with its inherent law and are respectively integrated into various components, and the components are prefabricated in the factory and are directly transported to the in-situ asseroomly room to be assembled. For example, the functions including external decoration, water resistance, heat preservation, sound insulation, maintenance, etc. are integrated into the external wall components; the functions including water supply, power supply, water resistance, cupboard, etc. are integrated into the kitchen and toilet components; the functions including separation, sound insulation, etc. are integrated into the internal wall components; and all components are accurately prefabricated in high quality in the factory, transported to the in-situ asseroomly room and assembled into the building in the fixed position. In the specific embodiment, the corresponding installation comprises. 1. Safety and economy of the lifting platform. The integrity and the rigidity of the lifting platform ensure that the schemes are safely and successfully implemented; because the problem that the equipment and turnover material on the work surface are assembled and disassembled, and assembled and disassembled again on each story is solved, the lifting platform is assembled once and is used for many times, the input cost is amortized for many times so that good economy is obtained. 2. The controllability of the movement of the lifting platform. The lifting platform is set to only move in the upward direction in the lifting process to obtain the one-way locking; when there is a problem in partial lifting platform, the whole lifting platform can not be lifted by local locking; the speeds and strokes of all the hydraulic lifting mechanisms shall be consonant to perform stroke locking. 3. Prefabricated vertical structural members. Vertical structural members are structural members bearing building loads during construction, are designed in accordance with the principle of combining permanence with temporariness by considering the temporary support intensity and rigidity, and the integrity of permanent connection. 5. The connection of the lifting platform and the vertical structural members. Because the building loads are transmitted to the permanent foundation of the building by the lifting platform and the vertical structural members during construction, facilities should be preserved on the permanent foundation in order to bear the loads transmitted by the lifting platform and the vertical structural members; meanwhile, the lifting platform and the vertical structural members are provided with facilities for convenient connection and disconnection in order to conveniently transmit loads and bear loads jointly, to ensure the whole lifting stability. 6. Prefabrication and in-situ casting. All the prefabricated structural members of the present invention are integrally connected and combined by in-situ casting. FIG. 8 is a sectional view, showing a building construction unit of one embodiment of the present invention corresponding to the aforementioned construction method. As shown in FIG. 8 , the building construction unit comprises a lifting platform 22 and lifting mechanisms 21 fixed under the lifting platform 22 . Said lifting platform 22 can use a steel structure system. Said steel structure system comprises vertical and horizontal truss steel girders, arranged correspondingly to the vertical and horizontal truss steel girders of the building structure to be constructed. Said lifting platform and said lifting mechanisms form a load bearing structure, and the load bearing structure is temporarily anchored to the permanent structure column to form the load integration. Each said lifting mechanism 21 comprises a jack 33 . Said lifting mechanism 21 can also comprise at least one telescopic sleeve, and the inner cylinder and the outer cylinder of said telescopic sleeve can be mutually locked so as to bear certain load when required to play the function of safety guard. Of course, the lifting mechanism may not be provided with said telescopic sleeve, and the lifting operation can be achieved by using the jack only. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 9 , each said telescopic sleeve can comprise an upper outer cylinder and a lower inner cylinder, and the lower inner cylinder is temporarily anchored to the permanent structural column. The jack 33 is positioned in said telescopic sleeve, and the base of the jack is fixed on said lower inner cylinder. The upper outer cylinder is a steel cylinder, the lower inner cylinder is also a steel cylinder, and the upper outer cylinder and the jack can respectively climb relative to the accessory wall of said lower inner cylinder so that the lifting platform is lifted to the preset height. As shown in FIG. 8 , said building construction unit can also comprise a traveling gear 23 , such as motorcar chassis, so that said building construction unit can be changed to traveling condition from constructing condition conveniently. In the practical construction, take the residential building standard unit as an example, considering the requirement of convenient construction and the requirement of freely division to meet residence function, the beam-column layout for residential building structures should be preferably designed. The load distribution of loading is determined, and the whole construction plane is divided in accordance with the beam-column layout. In accordance with the division, multiple building construction units are placed. In addition, crane beams for transporting materials and feeding pipelines can be arranged between adjacent building construction units. The building construction machine of the present invention comprises at least one the aforementioned building construction unit. In order to cooperatively control multiple lifting mechanisms of the building construction unit during building construction, the building construction machine of the present invention also comprises a lifting control system. Said lifting control system comprise one or multiple hydraulic servo pump stations, multiple displacement detecting devices, multiple jack load measuring devices, multiple electric control substations and a main control electric system. The jacks of said at least one building construction unit are grouped and looped so that said lifting control system can control these jacks through groups and loops, to achieve the synchronous lifting of the jacks. Preferably, each hydraulic servo pump station is arranged corresponding to each building construction unit. Each hydraulic servo pump station comprises multiple hydraulic pumps, and each hydraulic pump supplies hydraulic fluid to one or multiple jacks. Each displacement detecting device comprises a displacement sensor for measuring the lifting displacement of each jack in time, and transmitting the corresponding displacement electrical signal to the electric control substation. Each jack load measuring device comprises a pressure sensor, and the hydraulic fluid pressure of the hydraulic cylinder can be accurately measured by the pressure sensor so that the accurate tonnage of the load can be obtained. Optionally, the present invention controls the hydraulic pumps through the frequency control motor and changes the motor speed by regulating the power supply frequency to achieve the purpose of continuously regulating the flow of the hydraulic pumps, and is matched with the appropriate electric control and detection feedback system to form the close loop control of the pressure and displacement so as to accurately control the synchronization of all hydraulic cylinders during lifting and the load balance during weighing. Preferably, the hydraulic pumps of the present invention are piston pumps with flow valve. The pump station can be provided with a balance valve to reliably ensure that the hydraulic cylinder is in control of the feeding speed when the hydraulic cylinder is lifted or descended, so as to avoid the influence of the system on the load structure because of pressure impact during up-down switching. Meanwhile, the valve can lock the hydraulic cylinder without leakage, and can ensure that the hydraulic cylinder will not freely slide downwards in the case of sudden blackout, so that the load bear bore by the hydraulic cylinder will not be in the condition of out of control. In addition, the control valve has the function of unloading during overloading. The electric control substations can send control signals to the corresponding hydraulic servo pump stations to control the lifting of the corresponding lifting mechanisms. The main control electric system cooperatively controls multiple electric control substations to control the production of the whole building construction machine. The commissioning and calibration of the lifting mechanisms will be described in detail. Step 1: Determining the load distribution of loading, and placing the jacks in accordance with load distribution; wherein, determining the rough distribution figure of loading in accordance with load area, and dividing the whole building; placing the jacks, and fixing the jacks on the bearing structure system of the equipment; placing displacement sensors on partial or all jacks selectively. Preferably, placing the displacement detecting devices at four points on the jacks positioned at four corners of the load; and placing the electric control substations and the main control electric system, and establishing bus communications. Step 2: Putting a commissioning heavy object on the lifting platform, preloading the lifting mechanisms, and determining the whole construction height datum. Because the datum of the ground is inconsistent with that of the load bearing base, before each lifting, the integral datum should be determined and established. The preload of each jack is set in accordance with the estimated distribution situation of the total load. The hydraulic servo pump station is started, and the jacks are preloaded in accordance with the set preload of each jack. When the preset preload is achieved, the hydraulic servo pump station is controlled to stop supplying hydraulic fluid to each jack. Thus, the integral datum is found and established. The commissioning heavy object is weighed when doing the above step 2. The load is simultaneously lifted for a certain distance, such as 4 mm (0.15 inch). The gravity centre of load and the load distribution are calculated in accordance with the jack load data of the jack load measuring devices to prepare for the next whole lifting. When performing lifting operation during construction, preferably, the jacks are controlled to lift several times. For example, the lifting distance of each time is 120 mm (4.72 inch); the bearing structure system platform of the equipment immediately climbs with each lifting to achieve cooperative operation; and the jacks perform lifting operation again and repeat the lifting operation until the total height of one story of the building in total is achieved, such as 3 m. In the process that the load is lifted 120 mm (4.72 inch), the position error of the measuring point during the overall lifting process does not exceed 0.25 mm (0.0098 inch). Once the position error exceeds 0.25 mm (0.0098 inch) or the pressure error of any hydraulic cylinder exceeds 5%, immediately close the system to ensure load safety. Repeat the lifting operation many times until the load is lifted 3 m (118.11 inch). During lifting, the pressure sensor and the displacement sensor of each hydraulic cylinder transmit the load and displacement signals to the programmable controller. The frequency converter unit is driven in accordance with the operating instruction sent by the control console to output hydraulic fluid so that the corresponding hydraulic cylinder moves. The programmable controller continuously corrects the movement error in accordance with the detected pressure and displacement signals to keep the synchronized and balanced load of each cylinder. For example, the core control devices can be the Siemens S7-300 series. One industrial computer is connected with the PROFIBUS industrial bus through a PC interface to monitor and display all the loaded parameters of the lifting cylinders and record the overall lifting process. The PROFIBUS bus is also hung with multiple subsystems, and all the subsystems are composed of CPU S7-200. All the subsystems are controlled by S7-300 so that cooperation is obtained. Because the industrial bus mechanism is used, the system reliability is very high. The system can ensure the safety of data and engineering even in the case of sudden power failure because the system reliability is provided with a UPS power supply. The skilled technical personnel of the technical field should understand that they can make various modifications, combinations, sub-combinations and replacements in accordance with design requirement and other factors, and all of which should be considered to belong to the scope of the claims or its equivalent scope.
A main work construction method for reinforced concrete building and a building construction machine are provided. The construction method involves constructing a top story framework on a lifting mechanisms ( 21 ) and a lifting platform ( 22 ); raising the top story framework by the lifting mechanisms ( 21 ); resetting the lifting platform ( 22 ) to an original position; constructing a second top story framework on the lifting mechanisms ( 21 ) and the lifting platform ( 22 ); permanently connecting the top story framework with the second top story framework; raising the top story framework and the second top story framework by the lifting mechanisms ( 21 ); and constructing repeatedly till the ground story framework is accomplished so as to complete the reverse story-by-story construction from the top story to the ground story.
This invention relates generally to screws and drivers for those screws and relates more particularly to bone screws and specially adapted drivers therefor. In the prior art, many types of screws have been known. More recently, in the field of orthopedics, various developments, have taken place. A number of these are described in an article by Raymond G. Tronzo, M.D. entitled "Hip Nails For All Occasions", Orthopedic Clinics of North America - Vol 5, No. 3, July 1974. However, despite these developments a continuing need exists for improvements in bone screws and for drivers for inserting those screws, in particular for bone screws that are useful for fractures in small bones. An object of this invention is a bone screw which is versatile, easily implanted and removed, and useful alone or with plates and washers. Another object of this invention is a driver specifically adapted for inserting the bone screw of the invention. Other objects of this invention are a bone screw and driver combination and a method for using that combination. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION These and other objects are satisfied by the bone screw implant of the invention which comprises a variable length implant comprising in a connected relationship: (a) a threaded shank portion having a distal portion and a proximal portion, the proximal portion having a thread with a diameter d'; (b) a sleeve having a head with a diameter D (larger than d') and having an inner thread which threads with and can move longitudinally along the proximal portion of the threaded shank; (c) a connector means which connects the sleeve with the proximal threaded shank portion but which permits the sleeve to move longitudinally along the proximal portion, resulting in a maximum and a minimum implant length. Also, according to the invention, an implant comprises in a non-removably connected relationship: (a) a threaded shank portion having a specially adapted and specially shaped head having a diameter no larger than the diameter of the proximal portion of the threaded shank and (b) an internally threaded sleeve having an outer diameter only slightly larger than the diameter of the proximal portion of the threaded shank portion, the thread of the proximal portion of the threaded shank portion and the internal threading of the sleeve being adapted to thread with each other, the sleeve having a head (1) with a larger diameter than the diameter of the main body of the sleeve and (2) with a recess into which a driver means can be placed so as to thread or unthread the sleeve onto or from the proximal portion of the threaded shank portion of the implant. Also according to the invention, a driver especially suitable for inserting and removing the implant of the invention comprises: (a) a handle; (b) an inner rod having at its distal end a first driver means which fits within the sleeve of the implant and mates with the proximal end of the threaded shank portion of the implant, the inner rod being connected at its proximal end to the handle; (c) an outer cylindrical portion having a locking means at its proximal end adapted for locking the outer cylindrical portion with the handle when desired and the outer cylindrical portion having at its distal end a second driver means which mates with the recess in the head of the sleeve of the implant of the invention. Also according to the invention a method of compressing a fracture in a bone comprises: (a) drilling a hole into and through the proximal side of the fracture and into the distal side of the fracture; (b) "overdrilling" the proximal side of the fracture (i.e., drilling the same hole with a drill bit which is large enough to the accommodate shaft of the sleeve; (c) with the implant of the invention extended to its maximum length, placing the driver of the invention (when in its locked position) so that the first driver means located on the inner rod and preferably also the second driver means are engaged with the implant and contact the proximal end of the threaded shaft portion of the implant and the head of the sleeve, respectively, and then rotating the handle so as to insert the implant according to the invention into and through the proximal portion of the fractured bone and into the distal portion of the fractured bone; and (d) unlocking the driver of the invention, holding the inner rod of the driver steady (which holds the threaded shank steady), and then rotating the outer cylinder clockwise so that the implant has a length which is shorter than its maximum length and so that the fracture is compressed. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is an exploded view of an embodiment of the implant of the invention, showing the threaded shaft portion separated from the sleeve before it is non-removably connected to the sleeve, with the sleeve shown partially in cross-section. FIG. 2 is a pictorial representation of the device of FIG. 1, with the sleeve and the threaded shaft portion nonremovably connected together. FIG. 3 is a magnified view of the device shown in FIG. 2, but with the sleeve portion of the device shown partially in cross-section. FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view taken along the lines 4--4 in FIG. 2. FIG. 5 is a pictorial representation of an embodiment of the driver of the invention, showing the locking means located on the handle of the device which locks into a preferably knurled portion of the outer cylindrical portion, the outer cylindrical portion having a special driver means at its distal end, and showing the inner rod portion having another special driver means at its distal end. When the knob is moved toward the tip of the screw driver, the driver goes from its unlocked to its locked position. FIG. 6 is a view partially in cross-section of the driver shown in FIG. 5 (with the driver in its locked position). FIG. 7 is a pictorial representation showing (with use of inner phantom lines) the driver means located at the distal end of the inner rod of the driver just prior to its contacting the proximal end of the threaded shank portion of the implant of the invention, at a point in time when the implant of the invention has its maximum length. FIG. 8 is an end view of FIG. 3 (viewed along lines 8--8 in FIG. 3). FIG. 9 is a pictorial representation in cross-section illustrating the first step in the method of inserting the implant of the invention into a fractured bone, a drill bit shown drilling a hole into and through the proximal portion of the fracture and into the distal portion of the fracture. FIG. 10 is a pictorial representation in cross-section illustrating the second step in the method of inserting the implant of the invention, a second drill bit having a larger diameter than that shown in FIG. 9 being used to "overdrill" (i.e., to accommodate the shaft of the sleeve) the proximal portion of the fracture. FIG. 11 is a pictorial representation in cross-section showing the distal portion of the threaded shank portion of the implant being inserted into the distal portion of the fracture by means of the driver means on the distal end of the inner rod of the driver (preferably together with the driver means on the distal end of the cylinder), these two driver means being mated with recesses in the implant, prior to the sleeve being threaded down onto the proximal portion of the threaded shank portion of the implant of the invention (the fracture being at this time not compressed). The driver of the invention at this time is in its locked position. FIG. 12 is a pictorial representation (partially in cross-section) showing the driver in its unlocked position with the driver means located at the distal end of the inner rod positioned adjacent to and engaged with the proximal end of the threaded shank portion and with the driver means located at the distal end of the outer cylindrical portion being located adjacent to and engaged with the recess in the head of the sleeve portion of the implant of the device of the invention. An arrow indicates the clockwise direction in which the driver will be turned so as to insert the implant of the invention. FIG. 13 is a pictorial representation of the implant of the invention after it has been fully inserted into a fracture and after the fracture has been compressed by the implant and after the driver has been removed. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In FIG. 1, showing a preferred embodiment of the implant 20 of the invention prior to the time when the parts of the implant 20 are assembled together, a threaded shank portion 22 comprises a proximal threaded shank portion 24 and a distal threaded shank portion 26. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1, the threads of proximal threaded shank portion 24 and distal threaded shank portion 26 are not identical, but rather are of different diameters, pitches, and profiles. This is preferred but is not required. The directions of the threads in this embodiment are the same (both preferably are the same and both preferably are righthanded). In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1, the length of the proximal threaded shank portion 24 (preferably machine thread) is slightly shorter than the length of the distal threaded shank portion 26 (preferably bone thread). These relative lengths can be modified as desired, depending upon the intended use. The diameter 32 of the proximal threaded shank portion 24 is slightly smaller than the diameter 34 of the distal threaded shank portion 26. At the proximal end 36 of proximal threaded shank portion 24 a cutout 38 is present and in a preferred embodiment is half-cylindrical. The cutout 38 can (if desired) have a rounded boundary 40. For clarity, sleeve 42 is shown separated from threaded shank portion 22, but this is at a time prior to the assembly of the implant of the invention. Sleeve 42 has an outer diameter 44 and an inner diameter 46. Sleeve 42 has internal threading 48 which mates with and threads with threading 25 of proximal threaded shank portion 24. Sleeve 42 has an outer surface 50 which is substantially smooth. At the proximal end of sleeve 42 is a head 52 which is integral with sleeve 42. Head 52 has an outer diameter 54 and has a recess 56 therein. Recess 56 is preferably in the shape of a slot but can be, if desired, of other shapes, for example, hexagonal. Outer diameter 54 will be larger than the diameter drilled in the proximal portion of the bone fracture during "overdrilling". The length 28 of proximal threaded shaft 24 should be no longer than the length of the sleeve 42 without including the length of head 52. The number of threads in internal threading 48 should be the minimum number of threads to function properly as a machine thread. And the hole 58 should be located just proximal to the last thread in internal threading 48. In FIG. 2, sleeve 42 is shown partially threaded down onto proximal threaded shank portion 24. Proximal threaded shank portion 24 and distal threaded shank portion 26 are integral with each other. In FIG. 2, a hole 58 in sleeve 42 is shown. Prior to assembly of the implant 20, a hole 58 is drilled into sleeve 42. After the sleeve 42 is assembled together with the threaded shank portion 22, the threaded shank portion 22 and the sleeve 42 are nonremovably connected together when manufactured by any suitable means, for example, by deforming some of the threads 25 through hole 58 so that sleeve 42 cannot become disengaged from threaded shank portion 22. Another alternative is to deform proximal end 36 so as to prevent disengagement of sleeve 42 from threaded shank portion 22. In FIG. 3, shown is a magnified view of the device of FIG. 2, with a portion of sleeve 52 shown in cross-section. Cutout 38 is located at the proximal end 36 of proximal thread shaft portion 24, and hole 58 is located in sleeve 42. Proximal threaded shaft portion 24 is threaded within and engaged with internal threading 48 of sleeve 42. In FIG. 4, taken along the lines 4--4 in FIG. 2, proximal threaded shank portion 24 is threadably engaged within internal threading 48 of sleeve 42. Areas 59 are multiple areas of deformed threads which prevent future disengagement of the device. In FIG. 5 is shown a driver which is especially suitable for inserting and removing the implant of the invention. Driver 60 has a handle 62, which is fixedly attached to an inner rod 64. Handle 62 has a slidable portion 66, which can be in the shape of any of a variety of structures, for example (as shown) a knurled portion of a cylinder or a knob. When slidable portion 66 is slid to its distal-most position within handle 62, a small rod 68 fixed thereto can be positioned so that it fits into one of a multiplicity of holes 70 in (preferably) knurled cylindrical portion 72. Knurled cylindrical portion 72 is integral with outer cylindrical portion 74, which fits over inner rod 64 and which has located at its distal-most end 76 a tab 78 for mating with the recess 56 in the head 52 of the sleeve 42. Outer cylindrical portion 74 can be in a locked position, wherein small rod 68 is locked within a hole 70. Outer cylindrical portion 74 can alternatively be in an unlocked position, wherein slidable portion 66 is retracted in a proximal direction so that small rod 68 is not engaged within a hole 70. Tab 78 is integral with distal-most end 76 of outer cylindrical portion 74. Locking mechanism 78 is shaped so that it can mate with recess 56 in head 52. The distal-most end 82 of inner rod 64 is shaped so that it can mate and engage with cutout 38 at proximal end 36 of proximal threaded shank portion 24. Outer cylindrical portion 74 can have at least two integrally attached portions having different diameters 84, 86, if desired; or alternatively, it can have one diameter throughout, which is integrally attached to preferably knurled cylindrical portion 72. Preferably, also, knurled cylindrical portion 72 has a multiplicity of holes 70 therein, into any one of which rod 68 can be engaged. In FIG. 8, an end view taken along the lines 8--8 in FIG. 3 shows head 52 of sleeve 42 with recess 56 therein and shows also proximal threaded shank portion 24 having proximal end 36 and cutout 38 (which is preferably in the shape of a half-cylinder) therein. In FIG. 9, a proximal portion 88 of a fractured bone and a distal portion 90 of that bone are shown separated from each other. A hole is drilled into and through the proximal portion of the fractured bone and into the distal portion of the bone by a drill bit 92. In FIG. 10, a larger diameter drill bit 94 is illustrated within that same bone so as to enlarge the hole in the proximal portion of that fractured bone thereby "overdrilling" the proximal portion of that bone to accommodate the shaft 42 of the sleeve. As illustrated in FIG. 11, with the implant 20 in its fully extended position so that it has its longest possible length, the distal threaded shank portion 26 of the implant 20 is inserted into the distal portion 90 of the fracture and into its optimal position in the bone. The distal-most end 82 of inner rod 64 is shown engaged with the end 36 and cutout 38 of proximal threaded shank portion 24. Tab 78 meshes with and engages with recess 56 within head 52. In FIG. 12, slidable portion 66 is retracted so that it is at its proximal-most position, small rod 68 (attached thereto) is retracted from hole 70, and knurled cylindrical portion 72 is now free to rotate. When knurled cylindrical portion 72 is rotated in a clockwise direction as indicated, the sleeve 42 of the implant 20 advances so as to shorten the overall length of the implant 30 and so as thereby to compress the fracture as force is exerted by head 54 down onto bone where head 54 contacts the bone. As shown in FIG. 13, with the driver 60 removed, the implant 20 can be allowed to remain within the bone as desired. If its removal is desired, the driver 60 especially suitable for inserting the implant can be profitably used for removing the implant. In this event, the reverse of the procedure just described is used, with the distal-most end 82 of inner rod 64 being positioned to abut against and engage with proximal end 36 of proximal threaded shank portion 24 and with cutout 38 and (at the same time) such that locking mechanism 78 abuts against and engages with recess 56 in head 52 of sleeve 42 of implant 20. The driver 60 is at this time in its unlocked position and knurled cylindrical portion 72 is rotated in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction to line up the nearest hole 70 with the rod 68. The screwdriver is then locked and turned as a unit counterclockwise to remove the screw. Because the implant of the invention comprises a special threaded shank portion and a special internally threaded sleeve portion, which parts are connected together in a non-removable relationship, an implant having many advantages results. The implant can be easily inserted as a one-piece device, without the need for assembling any parts together during surgery. Likewise, the device can be easily unscrewed and removed. The slot (or other suitable shape) in the head of the sleeve, together with the feature of the specially shaped proximal end of the threaded shank portion of the implant which fits within the sleeve, results in the advantages that the threaded shaft portion can be held stationary while the screw is being shortened, causing bone compression. The device can be made in a variety of sizes so that it can be used to repair fractures of the small bones of the hand and foot (including diaphaseal, metaphysal, epiphyseal and articular). The device can be used for arthrodesis of small bones, for repair of avulsion fractures of the knee, elbow, shoulder, or any joint with tendenous attachment injury, or for lagging fracture fragments of long bones. The device is especially suitable for use as a small lag screw and reduction device. The implant can be used either alone or with plates and washers, and the implant generates bone compression by itself. The driver of the invention which is especially suitable for inserting and removing the implant of the invention has also several advantages. The first driver means located on the inner rod fits securely within the sleeve of the implant and mates with the proximal end of the threaded shank portion of the implant, so as to enable the threaded shank portion of the implant to be inserted into and through the proximal side of the fracture and into the distal side of the fracture and also enables the driver to prevent slippage of the driver while the outer cylindrical portion of the driver having a second driver means is used to thread the sleeve onto the implant so as to compress the fracture. That is, both the functions of inserting the screw and then lagging the fracture are accomplished by the same implant.
An implant comprising a specially adapted bone screw having a threaded shank portion and a sleeve which mates with and operates in cooperation with the threaded shank portion is provided. Also provided is a driver specially adapted for inserting and removing the implant of the invention. A method of compressing a fracture in a bone is also provided. The implant generates bone compression by itself and can be used either alone or with plates and washers. It is easily inserted into a fracture and also is easily removed from the fracture. The driver which is specially adapted to be used in combination with the implant of the invention aids in the ease of insertion and removal of the implant.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application claims priority benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/977,676, filed Oct. 5, 2007, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference. FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to adjustable trowels, and more specifically to adjustable trowels used for applying and smoothing material on drywall or similar materials and having hinged plates for adjusting to a variety of angles. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Various hand tools exist for applying, smoothing and leathering out joint compound during the construction of building spaces using so called dry wall or gypsum board panels. Where the joint to be finished is between two panels lying in the same plane, a planar trowel is commonly used. The planar trowel generally comprises a single thin steel rectangular sheet having a handle affixed thereto. Alternatively, a relatively wide putty knife may be used. Where two sheets of dry wall meet at a right angle, there is also available a trowel comprising a single thin sheet metal member that is bent along a midline to define two planar surfaces meeting at a fixed 90 degree angle. Again, a handle is affixed to the sheet metal member to facilitate positioning of the trowel in a corner joint and drawing it along the joint as joint compound is applied. In many instances, dry wall panels are not oriented only at 180 degrees and at 90 degrees relative to one another, making it necessary for a tradesman to carry several trowels for accommodating a wide variety of angles. What is needed is an improved design for an adjustable hinged corner trowel. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention meets the above-described need by providing an adjustable hinged corner trowel formed from hinged plates with a removeably attached handle. Cooperating control arms connect the handle to the hinged plates. The cooperating arms are preferably constructed of wire and may have teeth and grooves capable of engagement for adjusting and locking the hinged plates into various positions. The control arms are fixed to the hinged plates and can be fixed relative to each other at the handle by cooperating teeth and grooves. The handle has a threaded member capable of receiving a wing nut to fix the control arms against each other. Thereby, the angle of the hinged plates may be adjusted. The hinged corner trowel establishes both sides of any angled corner at the same time for utilization on drywall or similar materials. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention is illustrated in the drawings in which like reference characters designate the same or similar parts throughout the figures of which: FIG. 1 is a rear elevational view of a hinged corner trowel of the present invention; FIG. 2 is a top plan view of the hinged corner trowel; FIG. 3 is top plan view of one of the arms of the hinged corner trowel; FIG. 4 is a side elevational view of the arm shown in FIG. 3 ; FIG. 5 is a partial top plan view of the hinge of the present invention; FIG. 6 is a partial top plan view of a hinge hoop of the present invention; FIG. 7 is a rear elevational view of a hinged corner trowel according to a second embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 8 is a view of the arms of the second embodiment of the present invention shown seated on the post, and shown in a partial exploded view; FIG. 9A is a bottom plan view of the hinged corner trowel of the second embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 9B is a partial top plan view of a hinge hoop of the second embodiment of the invention; FIG. 9C is a partial top plan view of the hinge of the second embodiment of the invention; FIG. 10 is a rear elevational view of a hinged corner trowel in accordance with a third embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 11A is a bottom plan view of the hinged corner trowel of the third embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 11B is a bottom plan view of the hinged corner trowel of the third embodiment of the present invention with the plates shown in an alternate position; FIG. 12 is a perspective view of an arm of the third embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 13A is a perspective view of the hinged corner trowel of the third embodiment of the invention; and FIG. 13B is a perspective view of the hinged corner trowel of the third embodiment of the invention with the plates shown in an alternate position. DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIGS. 1-6 show a hinged corner trowel 10 in accordance with a first embodiment of the invention. A hinged corner trowel 10 may have a handle 13 with a threaded post 16 disposed thereon. FIG. 1 shows that the handle 13 may have a length L 1 of approximately 6 inches and a diameter D 1 of approximately 1¼ inches. Other dimensions may also be used as will be evident to those of ordinary skill in the art. The handle 13 may be disposed between a pair of flat plates 19 , 22 which may be connected to each other at a hinge 25 . Plate 19 may include top edge 17 and bottom edge 18 , and plate 22 may include top edge 21 and bottom edge 24 . The plates 19 , 22 may be constructed of a 25 gauge steel, or other suitable material. The plates 19 , 22 may have an overall width W 1 of approximately 8 inches and a height H 1 at the hinge 25 of approximately 5½ inches. The top and bottom edges 17 , 18 , 21 , 24 of plates 19 and 22 may have a taper from the hinge 25 to their outer edges 15 , 27 , respectively. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the taper may be approximately 10 degrees from the hinge 25 to the outer edges 15 , 27 . Other dimensions may also be used for the plates which may provide adequate surface area for the application of joint compound or other material, as will be evident to those of ordinary skill in the art. The handle 13 may be connected to the hinged plates 19 , 22 by a pair of arms 28 , 31 . The arms 28 , 31 have first and second opposed ends 52 , 54 and 55 , 57 , respectively. According to a first embodiment of the invention, the arms 28 , 31 may be constructed from any suitable rigid material, but are preferably constructed from wire. The wire may be constructed from steel or other suitable materials and may have a diameter of 3/16 inches. FIGS. 3 and 4 show one of the arms 31 according to the first embodiment of the invention. The arm 31 may have an opening 34 located at a first end 55 . Preferably, the opening 34 may be approximately 5/16 inches in order to be able to receiving the post 16 . However, openings of other sizes may be suitable. The arm 31 may have a length L 2 of approximately 2¼ inches from the second end 57 to the center of the opening 34 . FIG. 3 shows that arm 31 may be provided with a surface 29 comprising a series of alternating V-shaped teeth 32 and grooves 33 located at the first end 55 . Arm 28 may also be constructed in a similar manner to arm 31 and may have similar features. According to the first embodiment of the invention, each arm 28 , 31 may have 30 teeth defining V-shaped grooves, having a 45 degree angle, in surface 29 . The teeth 32 of one of the arms 28 , 31 are capable of engaging with the grooves 33 on the opposite arm 28 , 31 . The teeth and grooved surfaces may be stamped or machined onto the wire. The teeth and grooves may have other suitable arrangements and may also be formed in other ways as will be evident to those of ordinary skill in the art. FIG. 1 shows that the arms 28 , 31 may be arranged on the post 16 via openings 34 in the first ends 52 , 55 of the arms 28 , 31 . The post 16 may include standard threading as known to those of ordinary skill in the art. The arms 28 , 31 may be seated such that the surfaces 29 having the teeth 32 and grooves 33 on the respective arms 28 , 31 are facing each other. In use, when the teeth 32 of the arm 28 are inserted into the grooves 33 on the arm 31 , the position of the arms 28 , 31 may be fixed relative to each other and the arms are not capable of angular movement relative to one another. When the teeth 32 are removed from the grooves 33 , the arms 28 , 31 may be rotated relative to one another around the post 16 . Many different arrangements may be used to attach the second ends 54 , 57 of arms 28 , 31 to the plates 19 , 22 . FIG. 6 shows a hinge hoop 42 which may be spot welded to plate 19 , 22 . The hinge hoop 42 may be approximately ¾ inch in length and may have an opening 43 approximately 3/16 inch in diameter, running along its length, in order to receive the second ends 54 , 57 of arms 28 , 31 . FIGS. 1 and 3 show a clip 38 which may be engaged with the second ends 54 , 55 of the arms 28 , 31 after insertion through the hinge hoop 42 in order to secure the arms 28 , 31 to the plates 19 , 22 . The clip 38 may be removed to detach the arms 28 , 31 from the plates 19 , 22 . The second ends 54 , 55 of the arms 28 , 31 may be removeably attached to the plates 19 , 22 in other ways as will be evident to those of ordinary skill in the art. Alternatively, the arms 28 , 31 may be permanently attached to the plates 19 , 22 . FIG. 5 shows the hinge 25 which connects the plates 19 , 22 together. The hinge 25 may be of ordinary construction. For example, the plates 19 , 22 may be connected by a hinge pin 26 which may be a 1/16 inch steel wire. In order to ensure a tight seam between the plates 19 , 22 , the abutting edges 20 , 23 , respectively, may be formed with 45 degree angles, as will be evident to those of ordinary skill in the art. FIG. 2 shows that the hinge 25 may enable the user to vary the angle between the plates 19 , 22 from between an acute angle of approximately 20 degrees through an obtuse angle of 180 degrees, in this example. Returning to FIG. 1 , shown is a wing nut 40 which may be used on the threaded post 16 to lock the arms 28 , 31 into engagement with each other. The wing nut 40 may be a standard wing nut known in the art. In use, when the wing nut 40 is tightened down onto the post 16 , it pushes the top arm 28 against the bottom arm 31 causing the teeth and grooves to engage. When the user wants to adjust the angle of the plates 19 , 22 , the wing nut 40 may be loosened and the arms 28 , 31 may be rotated relative to one another. FIGS. 7-9C show a hinged corner trowel 110 in accordance with a second embodiment of the invention. The hinged corner trowel 110 may have a handle 113 with a threaded post 116 disposed thereon. The handle 113 may be disposed between a pair of flat plates 119 , 122 which may be connected to each other at a hinge 125 . Plate 119 may include top edge 117 and bottom edge 118 , and plate 122 may include top edge 121 and bottom edge 124 . The plates 119 , 122 may be constructed of a 25 gauge steel, or other suitable material. The plates 119 , 122 may have an overall width W 2 of approximately 8 inches and a height H 2 at the hinge 125 of approximately 5 inches. The top and bottom edges 117 , 118 , 121 , 124 of plates 119 and 122 may have a taper from the hinge 125 to their outer edges 115 , 127 , respectively of approximately 5 degrees. Other dimensions may also be used for the plates which may provide adequate surface area for the application of joint compound or other material, as will be evident to those of ordinary skill in the art. The handle 113 may be connected to the hinged plates 119 , 122 by a pair of arms 128 , 131 . The arms 128 , 131 have first and second opposed ends 152 , 154 and 155 , 157 , respectively. In this embodiment of the invention, the arms 128 , 131 may be arranged with arm 128 abutted against the handle 113 and arm 131 abutted against a wing nut 140 . FIG. 8 shows arms 128 and 131 according to the second embodiment of the invention. The arms 128 , 131 may have an opening 134 located at a first ends 152 , 155 for receiving the post 116 . The arms 128 , 131 may each be provided with a surface 129 comprising a series of alternating V-shaped teeth 132 and grooves 133 located at a first ends 152 , 155 . The arms 128 , 131 may each have forty teeth forming 45 degree angle V-shaped grooves in surfaces 129 . The teeth 132 of one of the arms 128 , 131 are capable of engaging with the grooves 133 on the opposite arm 128 , 131 . The arms 128 , 131 may have a length L 3 of approximately 1½ inches from their second ends 154 , 157 to the center of the openings 134 . FIG. 7 shows that the arms 128 , 131 may be arranged on the post 116 via openings 134 in the first ends 152 , 155 of the arms 128 , 131 . The arms 128 , 131 may be seated such that the surfaces 129 having the teeth 132 and grooves 133 on the respective arms 128 , 131 are facing each other. In use, when the teeth 132 of the arm 128 are inserted into the grooves 133 on the arm 131 , the position of the arms 128 , 131 may be fixed relative to each other and the arms are not capable of angular movement relative to one another. When the teeth 132 are removed from the grooves 133 , the arms 128 , 131 may be rotated relative to one another around the post 116 . Many different arrangements may be used to attach the second ends 154 , 157 of arms 128 , 131 to the plates 119 , 122 . FIG. 9B shows a hinge hoop 142 which may be spot welded to plate 119 , 122 . FIG. 7 shows that the hinge hoop 142 may be approximately ¾ inch in length. The hinge hoop 142 may have an opening 143 approximately 3/16 inch in diameter, running along its length, in order to receive the second ends 154 , 157 of arms 128 , 131 . The hinge hoop 142 may be welded to the plates 119 , 122 approximately 1¼ inches from the hinge 125 , measuring to the center of the opening 143 . The second ends 154 , 157 of arms 128 , 131 may be approximately 1¼ inches long in order to protrude from the end of the hinge hoop 142 . FIGS. 8 and 9A show a clip 138 which may be engaged with the second ends 154 , 155 of the arms 128 , 131 after insertion through the hinge hoop 142 in order to secure the arms 128 , 131 to the plates 119 , 122 . The clip 138 may be removed to detach the arms 128 , 131 from the plates 119 , 122 . The second ends 154 , 155 of the arms 128 , 131 may be removeably attached to the plates 119 , 122 in other ways as will be evident to those of ordinary skill in the art. Alternatively, the arms 128 , 131 may be permanently attached to the plates 119 , 122 . FIG. 9C shows the hinge 125 which connects the plates 119 , 122 together. FIG. 9A shows that the hinge 125 may enable the user to vary the angle between the plates 119 , 122 from between an acute angle of approximately 20 degrees through an obtuse angle of 180 degrees, in this example. Returning to FIG. 7 , shown is a wing nut 140 which may be used on the threaded post 116 to lock the arms 128 , 131 into engagement with each other. In use, when the wing nut 140 is tightened down onto the post 116 , it pushes the top arm 131 against the bottom arm 128 causing the teeth and grooves to engage. When the user wants to adjust the angle of the plates 119 , 122 , the wing nut 140 may be loosened and the arms 128 , 131 may be rotated relative to one another. FIGS. 10-13B show a hinged corner trowel 210 in accordance with a third embodiment of the invention. The hinged corner trowel 210 may have a handle 213 with a threaded post 216 disposed thereon. The handle 213 may be disposed between a pair of flat plates 219 , 222 which may be connected to each other at a hinge 225 . Plate 219 may include top edge 217 and bottom edge 218 , and plate 222 may include top edge 221 and bottom edge 224 . The plates 219 , 222 may be constructed of a 26 gauge steel, or other suitable material. The plates 219 , 222 may have an overall width W 3 of approximately 8½ inches and a height H 3 at the hinge 225 of approximately 5 inches. The top and bottom edges 217 , 218 , 221 , 224 of plates 219 and 222 may be tapered from the hinge 225 to the outer edges 215 , 227 , respectively so that the outer edges 215 , 227 have a height H 4 of approximately 3 11/16 inches. Other dimensions may also be used for the plates which may provide adequate surface area for the application of joint compound or other material, as will be evident to those of ordinary skill in the art. The handle 213 may be connected to the hinged plates 219 , 222 by a pair of arms 228 , 231 . The arms 228 , 231 have first and second opposed ends 252 , 254 and 255 , 257 , respectively. In this embodiment of the invention, the arms 228 , 231 may be arranged with arm 231 abutted against the handle 213 and arm 228 abutted against a wing nut 240 . FIG. 10 shows that the second ends 254 , 257 of the arms 228 , 231 , respectively, may be arranged on the plates 219 , 222 so as to point in opposing directions. FIG. 12 shows arm 228 according to the third embodiment of the invention. The arm 228 may have an opening 234 located at a first end 252 for receiving the post 216 . Arm 231 may also be constructed in a similar manner to arm 228 and may have similar features. The arms 228 , 231 may be arranged on the post 216 via openings 234 in the first ends 252 , 255 of the arms 228 , 231 . In use, the position of the arms 228 , 231 may be fixed relative to each other by application of pressure via tightening the wing nut 240 whereby the arms are not capable of angular movement relative to one another. When the wing nut 240 is loosened or removed, the arms 228 , 231 may be rotated relative to one another around the post 216 . Many different arrangements may be used to attach the second ends 254 , 257 of arms 228 , 231 to the plates 219 , 222 . FIG. 10 shows hinge hoops 242 which may be spot welded to plates 219 , 222 . The hinge hoops 242 may have openings 243 running along their length, in order to receive the second ends 254 , 257 of arms 228 , 231 . The second ends 254 , 257 of arms 228 , 231 may be friction fit through the openings 243 in the hinge hoops 242 . FIG. 11B shows the hinge 225 which connects the plates 219 , 222 together. FIG. 11A shows that the hinge 225 may enable a user to vary the angle between the plates 219 , 222 from between an acute angle of approximately 30 degrees through an obtuse angle of 180 degrees. FIG. 11A shows a positioning of the plates 219 , 222 where the angle between the plates is 32 degrees. In this state, the overall height H 5 of the hinged corner trowel 210 may be approximately 3 15/16 inches, and the overall width W 4 may be approximately 2 5/16 inches. FIG. 11B shows an alternate positioning of the plates 219 , 222 where the angle between the plates is 180 degrees. In this state, the overall height H 6 of the hinged corner trowel 210 may be approximately 1 11/16 inches. FIG. 13A shows the hinged corner trowel 210 according to the third embodiment of the invention. In this example, it is shown how the hinged corner trowel 210 may be used with the plates 219 , 222 lying at an acute angle α 1 . FIG. 13B shows how the hinged corner trowel 210 may be used with the plates 219 , 222 lying at a reflex angle α 2 . While the invention has been described in connection with certain embodiments, it is not intended to limit the scope of the invention to the particular forms set forth, but, on the contrary, it is intended to cover such alternatives, modifications, and equivalents as may be included within the spirit and scope of the invention.
An adjustable hinged corner trowel is formed from hinged plates with a removeably attached handle. Cooperating control arms connect the handle to the hinged plates. The control arms are fixed to the hinged plates and can be fixed relative to each other at the handle by cooperating teeth and grooves. The handle has a threaded member capable of receiving a wing nut to fix the control arms against each other. Thereby, the angle of the hinged plates may be adjusted. The hinged corner trowel establishes both sides of any angled corner at the same time for utilization on drywall or similar materials.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention pertains to automatic washing machines and, more particularly, to a drive system for use in an automatic washing machine. 2. Description of the Prior Art It is widely known in the art of automatic washing machines to provide a drive system for producing both spin and agitation in a cycle of operation. During a typical spin portion of the cycle, a washing machine basket, containing a generally unevenly distributed load of wet clothes, is rotated at a high rate of speed. This rotation develops centrifugal forces resulting in a certain degree of drying of the clothes. Rotation of the washing machine basket can be accompanied by a considerable amount of vibration, not only of the clothes basket itself but also the entire automatic washing machine, if the rotating elements are not properly counterbalanced. Many systems have been employed for the purpose of reducing vibration of the washing machine basket and/or preventing the vibration from being transmitted to the supporting structure. Commercial washing machines can be readily constructed of heavy parts to overcome any uneven load distribution in the washing machine basket so as to minimize or prevent any vibration of the machine as a whole. The inclusion of heavy supporting parts for a domestic machine is objectionable since machines must be readily transportable and are generally of standard sizes. A typical spin portion of a cycle of operation is effected by rotating the clothes basket by means of a motor driven transmission assembly so that during the spin, the transmission assembly is also rotated at a high rate of speed. The transmission assembly is rather heavy as compared to the washing machine basket itself and therefore can considerably affect the balancing of the washing machine during spin. Therefore, it is extremely important to the overall vibration dampening of the washing machine during operation to properly counterbalance the transmission assembly during spin. Unfortunately, such transmission assemblies generally include a plurality of interengaged transmission elements that vary in position during operation of the washing machine. Due to the considerable weight of each of these elements, their respective positions during any given spin cycle can greatly affect machine balancing. It has heretobefore been known to maintain the plurality of elements of an automatic washing machine transmission assembly fixed relative to each other during spin while rotating the transmission assembly as a whole. In such known systems, the transmission elements have been braked at random locations and a balancing counterweight has been provided for the transmission assembly to minimize vibrations. According to such systems, the counterweight is sized and positioned for the average balancing location of the transmission assembly. Obviously, since the transmission elements in such an arrangement are randomly stopped, the counterweight cannot be accurately positioned throughout each spin. Therefore, there exists a need in the art for a drive system for producing spin and agitation in a cycle of operation in an automatic washing machine wherein a transmission assembly of the drive system is accurately counterweighted so as to be properly balanced during spin in order to minimize developed vibrations. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the invention to provide a drive system for an automatic washing machine including a transmission assembly that is adapted to rotate during the spin portion of a cycle of operation wherein the transmission assembly is effectively counterbalanced so as to minimize the development of vibrations during operation. Briefly, the instant invention achieves these objects in a drive system for providing spin and agitating in the cycle of operation of an automatic washing machine. The drive system includes a bi-directional rotary input drive and an output drive. A transmission is drivingly interposed between the input drive and the output drive and includes a plurality of interconnected drive elements located within a transmission housing. Also provided is an apparatus for converting one direction of rotary input drive from the input drive to the transmission into oscillating drive of the output drive and converting the other direction of rotary input drive into uni-directional rotary output of the output shaft. The convening apparatus includes a mechanism for maintaining the plurality of interconnected drive elements in a predetermined orientation relative to the transmission housing whenever the input drive is rotated in the other direction. Other objects, features and advantages of the invention will become more readily apparent from the following detailed description of preferred embodiments thereof when taken in conjunction with the drawings wherein like reference numerals refer to corresponding parts in the several views. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a partial, cross-section side view of an automatic washing machine incorporating the drive system of the invention. FIG. 2 Is a cross-sectional view depicting a portion of the drive system of the invention. FIG. 3 is a top view of a transmission assembly forming part of the drive system of FIG. 2. FIG. 4 is a partial schematic view of the transmission assembly incorporated in the drive system of FIG. 2. FIG. 5 is a bottom view of a crank gear incorporated in the transmission assembly of FIG. 4. FIG. 6(a) is a top view of the transmission assembly of FIG. 4 depicting an operational state thereof during the agitation portion of a cycle of operation of the automatic washing machine. FIG. 6(b) is a top view of the transmission assembly of FIG. 4 depicting an operational state thereof during both agitation and spin portions of the cycle of operation of the automatic washing machine. FIG. 7(a) shows a positioning assembly, according to a first embodiment of the invention, associated with an element of the transmission assembly in a spin operating mode. FIG. 7(b) shows the positioning assembly of FIG. 7(a) in an agitation operating mode FIG. 8(a) depicts an element of the positioning assembly of FIG. 7(a). FIG. 8(b) is a side-view of the element shown in FIG. 8(a). FIG. 9(a) depicts a positioning assembly, according to a second embodiment of the invention, positioned during spin. FIG. 9(b) depicts the positioning assembly of FIG. 9(a) during agitation. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The preferred embodiments of the invention will now be described in detail with initial reference to FIG. 1 which depicts an automatic washing machine 2 that includes an outer cabinet shell 5. Automatic washing machine 2 is provided with a lid 8 that is adapted to pivot about an axis 10 to provide access to a washing basket 13. As is widely known in the art, washing basket 13 is adapted to receive garments which undergo washing, rinsing and drying in a cycle of operation within automatic washing machine 2. Positioned within washing machine basket 13 is an agitator unit 16 having a plurality of blades 19 for use in agitating the garments placed within washing basket 13 during washing cycles. During the cycle of operation, washing basket 13 and agitator unit 16 are adapted to be driven by a drive assembly, generally indicated at 22. Drive assembly 22 includes a bi-directional rotary motor 25 having an output drive shaft 26. A first pulley 29 is fixedly secured for rotation with output drive shaft 26 and is adapted to drive a second pulley 32 through a belt (not shown). Second pulley 32 is adapted to rotate an input drive shaft 35 of a transmission assembly 38. The specific connection between second pulley 32 and input drive shaft 35 will be described in detail hereinafter. Transmission assembly 38, which will be described in detail below, functions to transfer the input drive from motor 25, through input drive shaft 35, to an output drive shaft 41. Output drive shaft 41 is spline connected to agitator 16 at 43. Transmission assembly 38 is also adapted to drive a basket hub 45 through a transmission housing sleeve member 47. Washing basket 13 is fixedly secured to basket hub 45 for rotation therewith by a plurality of screws 48. The specific manner in which transmission assembly 38 oscillates agitating unit 16 and rotates washing basket 13, through basket hub 45 and transmission housing sleeve member 47, will be further detailed below. Automatic washing machine 2 further includes an outer container 50 that is fixed relative to outer cabinet shell 5. Outer container 50 includes a discharge outlet 52 that is adapted to be connected to an inlet 55 of a pump 57 by a conduit (not shown). Pump 57 includes a shaft 60 that is fixedly secured to a third pulley 62 and also an impeller 65. Third pulley 62 is adapted to be driven by motor 25 through a belt (not shown) in a manner known in the art in order to draw liquid and/or detergents that flow into outer container 50 through washing basket 13 during predetermined cycle periods. Pump 57 creates a liquid flow therethrough which is discharged from automatic washing machine 2 through conduit 68. Specific reference will now be made to FIGS. 2 and 3 in further detailing the structure of transmission assembly 38. Transmission assembly 38 includes a transmission housing 77 which is located within a fixed housing 80 disposed within outer cabinet shell 5. Transmission assembly 38 includes a plurality of interengaged transmission elements. In the preferred embodiment shown, these transmission elements include an input drive pinion gear 86 that is adapted to be driven by input drive shaft 35 in the manner which will be more fully described below, a reduction transfer gear 89, a crank gear 92, first, second and third drive linkages 94, 96, and 98 respectively and a drive lever 100. Transmission assembly 38 is further provided with a counterweight 101 carried by transmission housing 77. Counterweight 101 is specifically weighted and positioned to minimize vibrations developed during spin cycles of automatic washing machine 2 due to the considerable weight of transmission assembly 38 as will be described in more detail below. Reference will now be made to FIGS. 3-5 in describing the particular interconnections between the plurality of elements within transmission assembly 38. Input drive shaft 35 has secured thereto a drive hub 103 by means of a key 106. By this arrangement, rotation of input drive shaft 35 directly rotates drive hub 103. Rotation of drive hub 103 is transmitted through a wrap spring 109 to a collar member 112 that is fixedly secured to or integrally formed with input drive pinion gear 86. The particular manner in which wrap spring 109 functions to transmit drive from drive hub 103 to collar member 112 will be more fully described below in discussing the operation of drive assembly 22 during agitation and spin of automatic washing machine 2. Input drive pinion gear 86 directly meshes with a first toothed portion 116 of reduction transfer gear 89. Reduction transfer gear 89 is rotatably mounted within transmission housing 77 by means of a pin 118. Reduction transfer gear 89 further includes a second toothed portion 121 which directly meshes with a toothed portion 125 of crank gear 92. Crank gear 92 is rotatably mounted within transmission housing 77 by means of a pin 128. Reduction transfer gear 89 functions to step down the angular velocity of input drive pinion gear 86 while transmitting input drive to crank gear 92. Crank gear 92 has integrally formed therewith a hub portion 130 which has fixedly secured thereto or integrally formed therewith a cam member 132, the function of which will be detailed below. Crank gear 92, as best shown in FIGS. 3 and 5, includes a plurality of circumferentially spaced apertures 134. A pin 136 is press fitted into one aperture 134, as seen in FIG. 4. First drive linkage 94 is drivingly connected to crank gear 92 by being slip fitted over pin 136 at one end and being secured to second linkage 96 by means of another pin 137 at its other end. Second linkage 96, in turn, includes one end 138 that is rotatably mounted about a fixed pivot axis defined by pin 140 and another end 143 which is pivotally interconnected by a pin 145 with a first end 147 of third drive linkage 98. As best shown in FIG. 3, first drive linkage 94 is interconnected by pin 137 to second drive linkage 96 intermediate first and second ends 138, 143 of second drive linkage 96. A second end 149 of third drive linkage 98 is pivotally interconnected with drive lever 100 by a pin 150. Drive lever 100, in turn, is pinned at 154 to output drive shaft 41. As previously stated, transmission housing 77 is fixedly secured to transmission housing sleeve member 47 which, in turn, is fixedly secured to basket hub 45. Reference will now be made to FIGS. 2, 6(a) and 6(b) in explaining the operation of drive assembly 22 during agitation portions of a cycle of operation of automatic washing machine 2. With initial reference to FIG. 2, input drive shaft 35 has mounted thereon a lower cam 163. Lower cam 163 cooperates with a hub portion 166 of second pulley 32 in order to transmit driving rotation from second pulley 32 to input drive shaft 35 through lower cam 163. Lower cam 163 defines a lower portion 168 and a higher portion 170. Hub portion 166 of second pulley 32 is actually rotatable relative to input drive shaft 35 and lower cam 163 by approximately 160°. Lower portion 168 and higher portion 170 of lower cam 163 are ramped, as is hub portion 166 of second pulley 32, such that the relative rotation of second pulley 32 and lower cam 163 functions to vertically shift second pulley 32 relative to input drive shaft 35 in dependence upon the input rotational direction from motor 25. During agitation, motor 25 is driven such that second pulley 32 is rotated counterclockwise, i.e., into the page on the left side of FIG. 2. This counterclockwise rotation causes second pulley 32 to ramp down lower cam 163. After the 160° of relative rotation occurs, hub portion 166 will be positively engaged with lower cam 163 to drive input drive shaft 35. With second pulley 32 in this lower position, a brake rotor 175, concentrically mounted about input drive shaft 35 by means of a sleeve 177, will engage a brake drum 180. For this purpose, brake rotor 175 is provided with frictional padding 182. Sleeve 177, in turn, is splined to a sleeve 184 that is fixedly secured to transmission housing 77. Brake rotor 175 is biased into engagement with brake drum 180 by means of a coil spring 186. At this point, it should be noted that this drive configuration between second pulley 32 and input drive shaft 35 and the interconnection between sleeve 177 and transmission housing 77 are known in the art and the description thereof is only being provided for the sake of completeness. When drive system 22 is driven in the counterclockwise direction, second pulley 32 and brake rotor 175 will assume the position shown in FIG. 2. As discussed above, this will result in second pulley 32 being located at a lowermost position with respect to input drive shaft 35 and frictional padding 182 will come into contact with brake drum 180. Brake drum 180 is fixedly secured to fixed housing 80 through legs such that transmission housing 77 is also fixed in this mode of operation. Therefore, second pulley 32 will drive input drive shaft 35 through lower cam 163 which, in turn, will directly rotate drive hub 103. As best shown in FIG. 3, when drive hub 103 is rotated in the counterclockwise direction, wrap spring 109 will tighten so as to lock drive hub 103 and collar member 112 together. Therefore, input drive pinion gear 86 will be rotated. Rotation of input drive pinion gem 86 will cause rotation of reduction transfer gear 89 and crank gear 92 in the direction shown by arrow A in FIG. 6(a). Rotation of crank gear 92 will shift second and third drive linkages 96, 98 through first drive linkage 94. Movement of drive linkages 94, 96 and 98 will function to oscillate drive lever 100. This operation can best be understood from viewing FIGS. 6(a) and 6(b). In FIG. 6(a), drive lever 100 is positioned at one extreme end of oscillating motion. As crank gear 92 is rotated in the direction of arrow A, drive lever 100 will be rotated clockwise to the extreme position shown in FIG. 6(b). As crank gear 92 continues to rotate in the direction of arrow A, drive lever 100 will be rotated in the counterclockwise direction from the position shown in FIG. 6(b) to the position shown in FIG. 6(a). Continued rotation of crank gear 92 will therefore result in oscillation of drive lever 100. As previously stated, drive lever 100 is fixedly secured to output drive shaft 41 through pin 154 and output drive shaft 41 is spline connected to agitator unit 16. Therefore, oscillation of drive lever 100 results in oscillation of agitator unit 16. As discussed above with reference to FIGS. 4 and 5, crank gear 92 carries a cam member 132. A preferred embodiment of cam member 132 is shown in FIGS. 7(a) and 7(b). Cam member 132 defines an abutment surface 199 that is adapted to cooperate with a stop element which, in the embodiment shown in FIGS. 7(a) and 7(b), constitutes a spring clip 201. More specifically, spring clip 201 includes a first end portion 203 that terminates in a tip 207, an engagement surface portion 208 adapted to cooperate with a ledge 210 of transmission housing 77 as will be described more fully below, and a second end portion 213. As also will be described more fully below, second end portion 213 is adapted to engage a portion 215 of transmission housing 77. During agitation, cam member 132 rotates in the counterclockwise direction with crank gear 92 and spring clip 201 assumes a position shown in FIG. 7(b). In this position, second end portion 213 of spring clip 201 engages portion 2 15 of transmission housing 77. Rotation of crank gear 92 and cam member 132 in the counterclockwise direction is permitted since spring clip 201 is flexible and since abutment surface 199 will not engage tip 207 due to the rotational direction of cam member 132. Spring clip 201 is preferably sectioned adjacent to first end portion 203 as best shown in FIG. 8(b) to aid in its deflection. Therefore, once agitation has been initiated, spring clip 201 will be shifted to the position shown in FIG. 7(b) by initial rotation of cam member 132 and will remain in this position throughout the entire agitation period. While in this position, cam member 132 can rotate relative to spring clip 201 and transmission housing 77 with first end portion 203 of spring clip 201 flexing to accommodate the rotation of cam member 132. During the spin portions of the cycle of operation of automatic washing machine 2, second pulley 32 is driven by motor 25 in the clockwise direction. Initially, as best illustrated in FIG. 2, second pulley 32 will rotate through 160° relative to lower cam 163. This relative rotation will cause second pulley 32 to be shifted upward relative to input drive shaft 35 due to the matched ramped surfaces of lower cam 63 and hub portion 166 of second pulley 32. This upward movement of second pulley 32 will cause hub portion 166 to engage sleeve 177 of brake rotor 175 thereby causing brake rotor 175 to shift upward against the biasing force of coil spring 186. Upward shifting of brake rotor 175 will disengage frictional padding 182 from brake drum 180 such that transmission housing 77 is no longer braked against rotation. Therefore, transmission housing 77 is left free to rotate relative to fixed housing 80. Once the relative 160° of rotation between second pulley 32 and lower cam 163 occurs, input drive shaft 35 will again be driven by second pulley 32 so as to cause drive hub 103 to be positively driven through key 106. Rotation of drive hub 103 will again cause collar member 112 to be rotated through wrap spring 109. In this drive direction, however, wrap spring 109 will slip and will only apply a given amount of torque to input drive pinion gear 86. As before, input drive pinion gear 86 will drive reduction transfer gear 89 and crank gear 92. Initial rotation of crank gear 92 will cause cam member 132 to rotate clockwise from the position shown in FIG. 7(b) to the position shown in FIG. 7(a). During this rotation, abutment surface 199 of cam member 132 will engage tip 207 of spring clip 201 and cause spring clip 201 to shift relative to transmission housing 77 until engagement surface 208 abuts ledge 210 of transmission housing 77. At this point, reduction transfer gear 89, crank gear 92, first, second and third drive linkages 94, 96 and 98, and drive lever 100 will be prevented from rotating relative to transmission housing 77. Instead, these elements will rotate in unison with transmission housing 77. Since transmission housing 77 is fixedly secured to basket hub 45 through transmission housing sleeve member 47, rotation of transmission housing 77 will directly result in rotation of washing basket 13. In addition, since drive lever 100 rotates in unison with transmission housing 77, output drive shaft 44 will also be rotated so as to cause agitator unit 16 to rotate in unison with washing basket 13. As stated above, cam member 132 will assume the position shown in FIG. 7(a) with spring clip 201 abutting transmission housing 77 during spin. In the preferred embodiment, this will result in reduction transfer gear 89, crank gear 92, first, second and third drive linkages 94, 96 and 98 and drive lever 100 assuming the relative positions shown in FIGS. 3 and 6(b). Since the exact positioning of each of these transmission elements will be the same during each spin, counterweight 101 can be effectively positioned to counterbalance any vibrational effects that would be developed by rotation of these elements. With the drivetrain fixed with respect to transmission housing 77, the torque applied through wrap spring 109 will cause transmission housing 77, washing basket 13 and agitator unit 16 to come up to a desired spinning speed as the torque transmitted through wrap spring 109 overcomes inertia and frictional forces inherent in drive assembly 22. If there is a large unbalanced load in washing basket 13, wrap spring 109 will slip and the spin speed may not reach its maximum. This functions as a safety feature which protects automatic washing machine 2 from damage that might occur from spinning too large an imbalance at full speed. However, it should be noted that any imbalance of the system will result only from an imbalancing of the garments placed in washing basket 13 and not due to any vibrational effects developed by rotation of transmission assembly 38 due to the effective positioning of counterweight 101. Again, it should be emphasized that counterweight 101 can only be positioned to balance the rather heavy weight of the transmission elements in transmission assembly 38 since the exact positioning of these elements during any given spin is predetermined due to the presence of cam member 132 and its cooperation with the stop element. When a spin portion of the cycle of operation is completed, motor 25 no longer drives second pulley 32 and transmission assembly 38 will overrun second pulley 32. When this occurs, second pulley 32 will again rotate back down its helical ramped surface engagement with lower cam 163. This allows brake rotor 175 to be forced back down into frictional engagement with brake drum 180, thereby applying a torque to transmission housing 77 so as to cause transmission housing 77 and washing basket 13 to stop. FIGS. 9(a) and 9(b) represent a second embodiment of the invention wherein the stop element that cooperates with cam member 132 is formed from a plastic collar member 218. FIGS. 9(a) and 9(b) correspond to the positions of cam member 132 and the stop element discussed above with references to FIGS. 7(a) and FIG. 7(b), respectively. In other words, when automatic washing machine 2 is in spin, cam member 132 will be rotated in the clockwise direction, as shown in FIGS. 9(a) and 9(b), until ledge 210 of transmission housing 77 is engaged by an engagement surface 220 of stop member 218. This engagement will, of course, be caused by the shifting of collar member 218 by cam member 132 with abutment surface 199 engaging wall portion 221 of collar member 218. During agitation, collar member 218 will assume the position shown in FIG. 9(b) wherein a wall surface 222 thereof will engage portion 215 of transmission housing 77. According to this embodiment, collar member 218 includes a tapered tip portion 225 that will periodically deflect upon rotation of cam member 132 during agitation in a manner directly analogous to spring clip 201 as discussed above. In all other respects, collar member 218 and spring clip 201 perform the same function which enables transmission assembly 38 to be accurately counterbalanced by counterweight 101. Although described with respect to preferred embodiments of the invention, it should be readily understood that various changes and/or modifications may be made to the invention without departing from the spirit thereof. In general, the invention is only intended to be limited by the scope of the following claims.
A drive system for producing agitation and spin in an automatic washing machine incorporates a transmission assembly including a plurality of interengaged transmission elements located within a transmission housing. During agitation, the transmission housing is braked and the transmission elements convert input rotary drive from a motor to oscillator drive of an output shaft. During spin, a cam member carried by one of the transmission elements automatically shifts a stop element into engagement with the transmission housing. This maintains the transmission elements in a predetermined orientation, prevents relative rotation between each of the transmission elements and the transmission housing and causes the entire transmission assembly to rotate in unison which results in rotation of the output shaft. Since the transmission elements are maintained in the same predetermined orientation during each spin, the entire transmission assembly can be effectively counterbalanced to minimize unbalancing of the system and reduce vibrations during operation.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application is a continuation-in-part of pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/351,214, filed Nov. 30, 1994, for “Implant Surface Preparation.” FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention relates to processes for improving the surfaces of devices to be surgically implanted in living bone, and to implant devices having the improved surfaces. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] The success of prosthetic devices surgically implanted in living bone depends substantially entirely on achieving and maintaining an enduring bond between the confronting surfaces of the device and the host bone. Surgical procedures for preparing living bone to receive a surgically implanted prosthetic device have been known for twenty years or more, but considerable controversy remains concerning the ideal properties of the surface of the device which confronts the host bone. [0004] It is known through clinical experience extending over several decades that titanium and its dilute alloys have the requisite biocompatability with living bone to be acceptable materials for use in making surgically implantable prosthetic devices, when the site of installation is properly prepared to receive them. There is, however, less certainty about the ideal physical properties of the surfaces of the prosthetic devices which confront the host bone. For example, the endosseous dental implant made of titanium enjoys sufficient predictable success to have become the artificial root most frequently chosen for restoring dentition to edentulous patients, but that success depends in part on the micromorphologic nature of the surface of the implant which comes in contact with the host bone. Because there is no standard for the surface micromorphology of dental implants, the surfaces of commercial implants have a wide range of available textures. It is known that osseointegration of dental implants is dependent, in part, on the attachment and spreading of osteoblast-like cells on the implant surface. It appears that such cells will attach more readily to rough surfaces than to smooth surfaces, but an optimum surface for long-term stability has not yet been defined. [0005] Wilke, H. J. et al. have demonstrated that it is possible to influence the holding power of implants by altering surface structure morphology: “The Influence of Various Titanium Surfaces on the Interface Strength between Implants and Bone”, Advances in Biomaterials , Vol. 9, pp. 309-314, Elsevier Science Publishers BV, Amsterdam, 1990. While showing that increased surface roughness appeared to provide stronger anchoring, these authors comment that it “cannot be inferred exclusively from the roughness of a surface as shown in this experiment. Obviously the shear strength is also dependent on the kind of roughness and local dimensions in the rough surface which can be modified by chemical treatment.” [0006] Buser, D. et al., “Influence of Surface Characteristics on Bone Integration of Titanium Implants”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research , Vol. 25, pp. 889-902, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991, reports the examination of bone reactions to titanium implants with various surface characteristics to extend the biomechanical results reported by Wilke et al. The authors state that smooth and titanium plasma sprayed (“TPS”) implant surfaces were compared to implant surfaces produced by alternative techniques such as sandblasting, sandblasting combined with acid treatment, and plasma-coating with HA. The evaluation was performed with histomorphometric analyses measuring the extent of the bone-implant interface in cancellous bone. The authors state, “It can be concluded that the extent of bone-implant interface is positively correlated with an increasing roughness of the implant surface.” [0007] Prior processes that have been used in attempts to achieve biocompatible surfaces on surgically implantable prosthetic devices have taken many forms, including acid etching, ion etching, chemical milling, laser etching, and spark erosion, as well as coating, cladding and plating the surface with various materials, for example, bone-compatible apatite materials such as hydroxyapatite or whitlockite or bone-derived materials. Examples of U.S. patents in this area are U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,855,638 issued to Robert M. Pilliar Dec. 24, 1974 and 4,818,559 issued to Hama et al. Apr. 04, 1989. A process of ion-beam sputter modification of the surface of biological implants is described by Weigand, A. J. et al. in J. Vac. Soc. Technol ., Vol. 14, No. 1, January/February 1977, pp. 326-331. [0008] As Buser et al. point out (Ibid p. 890), the percentage of bone-implant contact necessary to create sufficient anchorage to permit successful implant function as a load-bearing device over time remains unclear. Likewise, Wennerberg et al., “Design and Surface Characteristics of 13 Commercially Available Oral Implant Systems”, Int. J. Oral Maxillofacial Implants 1993, 8:622-633, show that the different implants studied varied considerably in surface topography, and comment: “Which of the surface roughness parameters that will best describe and predict the outcome of an implant is not known” (p. 632). [0009] Radio-frequency glow-discharge treatment, also referred to as plasma-cleaning (“PC”) treatment, is discussed in Swart, K. M. et al., “Short-term Plasma-cleaning Treatments Enhance in vitro Osteoblast Attachment to Titanium”, Journal of Oral Implantology , Vol. XVIII, No. 2 (1992), pp. 130-137. These authors comment that gas plasmas may be used to strip away-organic contaminants and thin existing oxides. Their conclusions suggest that short-term PC treatments may produce a relatively contaminant-free, highly wettable surface. U.S. Pat. No. 5,071,351, issued Dec. 10, 1991, and U.S. Pat. No. 5,188,800, issued Feb. 23, 1993, both owned by the assignee of the present application, describe and claim methods and means for PC cleaning of a surgical implant to provide a contact angle of less than 20 degrees. [0010] Copending application Ser. No. 08/149,905, filed Nov. 10, 1993, owned by the assignee of the present application, describes and claims inventions for improving the surfaces of surgically implantable devices which employ, among other features, impacting the surface with particles of the same material as the device to form the surface into a desired pattern of roughness. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0011] It is a primary object of the present invention to produce an implant surface having a roughness that is substantially uniform over the area of the implant that is intended to bond to the bone in which the implant is placed. [0012] It is a further object of this invention to provide an improved surgically implantable device having on its surface a substantially uniform micromorphology. [0013] It is another object of the invention to provide a process or processes for manufacturing such improved implant devices. [0014] It is an additional object of the invention to provide such improved implant devices which can be manufactured without contaminating the surfaces thereof. [0015] It is a more specific object of the invention to provide an improved etch-solution process that will result in a substantially uniform surface topography on surgically implantable devices. [0016] In accordance with the present invention, the foregoing objectives are realized by removing the native oxide layer from the surface of a titanium implant to provide a surface that can be further treated to produce a substantially uniform surface texture or roughness, and then performing a further, and different, treatment of the resulting surface substantially in the absence of unreacted oxygen. The removal of the native oxide layer may be effected by any desired technique, but is preferably effected by immersing the implant in hydrofluoric acid under conditions which remove the native oxide quickly while maintaining a substantially uniform surface on the implant. The further treatment is different from the treatment used to remove the native oxide layer and produces a desired uniform surface texture, preferably acid etching the surface remaining after removal of the native oxide layer. To enhance the bonding of the implant to the bone in which it is implanted, a bone-growth-enhancing material, such as bone minerals, hydroxyapatite, whitlockite, or bone morphogenic proteins, may be deposited on the treated surface. The implant is preferably maintained in an oxygen-free environment following removal of the native oxide layer, in order to minimize the opportunity for oxide to re-form before the subsequent treatment is performed. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0017] FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic sectional view taken through a body of titanium covered with a layer of native oxide; [0018] FIG. 2 is the same section shown in FIG. 1 after impacting the surface with a grit; [0019] FIG. 3 is the same section shown in FIG. 2 after bulk etching with an acid etch; [0020] FIG. 4 is the same section shown in FIG. 2 after first removing the native oxide and then bulk etching with an acid; [0021] FIGS. 5A and 5B are scanning electron micrographs (“SEMs”) of two titanium dental implants prepared in accordance with the present invention; [0022] FIGS. 6A and 6B are SEMs of the same implants shown in FIGS. 5A and 5B , at a higher magnification level; [0023] FIG. 7 is a graph of the results of an Auger electron spectroscopic analysis of a titanium surface that has been exposed to air; [0024] FIGS. 8A and 8B are SEMs of two titanium dental implants prepared in accordance with the present invention; and [0025] FIGS. 9A and 9B are SEMs of the same implants shown in FIGS. 8A and 8B , at a higher magnification level. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0026] Turning now to the drawings, and referring first to FIG. 1 , a titanium body 10 which has been exposed to air has on its outer surface 12 an irregular layer 14 of an oxide or oxides of titanium which form naturally. This oxide layer 14 is referred to herein as the “native oxide” layer, and typically has a thickness in the range from about 70 to about 150 Angstroms. The native oxide layer that forms naturally on titanium when it is exposed to air is actually a combination of different oxides of titanium, including TiO, TiO 2 , Ti 2 O 3 and Ti 3 O 4 . The concentration of these oxides in the titanium body diminishes with distance from the surface of the body. The oxide concentration may be measured in an Auger spectrometer. [0027] Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) measures the energy of Auger electrons produced when an excited atom relaxes by a radiationless process after ionization by a high energy electron, ion or x-ray beam. The spectra of a quantity of electrons emitted as a function of their energy reveal information about the chemical environment of the tested material. One of the major uses of AES is the depth profiling of materials, to reveal the thickness (depth) of the oxide layer on the surfaces of materials. These Auger electrons lie in an energy level that extends generally between the low energy level of the emission of secondary electrons up to the energy of the impinging electron beam. In this region, small peaks will occur in the spectra at certain energy levels that identify the existence of certain elements in the surface. [0028] As used herein, the term “native oxide layer” refers to the layer which extends from the surface of the material to the depth at which the energy of the peak-to-peak oxygen profile as measured in an Auger electron spectrometer decreases by one-half. For example, in the peak-to-peak oxygen profile reproduced in FIG. 7 , the thickness of the native oxide layer was 130 Angstroms, which is the depth at which the oxygen profile dropped to half its maximum intensity. Thus, removal of a 130-Angstrom layer from the surface of the titanium body would remove the native oxide layer. [0029] FIG. 2 depicts the surface 12 of the titanium body 10 after being grit blasted to achieve initial roughening, as described in more detail below. The oxide layer 14 is still present, but it has a rougher surface than in its original state depicted in FIG. 1 . [0030] FIG. 3 depicts the grit-blasted surface 12 of the titanium body 10 after it has been bulk etched in an etching acid. The etched area 16 where the native oxide layer 14 has been removed by the etching acid exhibits a much finer roughness, but in areas where the oxide layer remains, the initial roughness depicted in FIG. 2 also remains. [0031] FIG. 4 depicts the grit-blasted surface 12 of the titanium body 10 after it has been etched in a first acid to remove the native oxide layer 14 , and then in a second acid to produce the desired topography on the surface 16 produced by the first acid treatment. As described in more detail below, the preferred surface topography has a substantially uniform, fine roughness over the entire surface 16 . [0032] Among the processes previously used to improve the surfaces of dental implants made of titanium is that of etching the surface with an acid, such as a mixture of two parts (by volume) sulfuric acid and one part (by volume) muriatic acid. It has been found that such acid treatments do not etch an oxidized implant surface uniformly or consistently from one region to another. [0033] According to one aspect of the present invention, the native oxide layer is removed from the surface of a titanium implant prior to the final treatment of the surface to achieve the desired topography. After the native oxide layer is removed, a further and different ‘treatment of the surface is carried out in the absence of unreacted oxygen to prevent the oxide layer from re-forming until after the desired surface topography has been achieved. It has been found that this process permits the production of unique surface conditions that are substantially uniform over the implant surface that is so treated. [0034] Removal of the native oxide layer can be effected by immersing the titanium implant in an aqueous solution of hydrofluoric (HF) acid at room temperature to etch the native oxide at a rate of at least about 100 Angstroms per minute. A preferred concentration for the hydrofluoric acid used in this oxide removal step is 15% HF/H 2 O. This concentration produces an etch rate of approximately 200-350 Angstroms per minute at room temperature, without agitation, so that a typical native oxide layer having a thickness in the range from about 70 to about 150 Angstroms can be removed in about one-half minute. Other suitable etching solutions for removing the native oxide layer, and their respective etch rates, are: 50% HF−etch rate˜600 to 750 Angstroms/min. 30% HF−etch rate˜400 to 550 Angstroms/min. 10% HF−etch rate˜100 to 250 Angstroms/min. A 100% HF was found to be difficult to control, and the etch rate was not determined. The preferred 15% HF solution allows substantially complete removal of the native oxide layer with minimum further consumption of the titanium surface after the implant is removed from the solution. [0038] The native oxide layer may be removed by the use of other acids, or by the use of techniques other than acid etching. For example, the Swart et al. article cited above mentions the use of plasma cleaning to remove thin oxides. Regardless of what technique is used, however, it is important to remove substantially all the native oxide from the implant surface that is intended to interface with the living bone, so that the subsequent treatment of that surface produces a substantially uniform surface texture to promote uniform bonding to the living bone. The native oxide layer is preferably removed from substantially the entire bone-interfacing surface of the implant. In the case of screw-type dental implants, the bone-interfacing surface typically includes the entire implant surface beyond a narrow collar region on the side wall of the implant at the gingival end thereof. This narrow collar region preferably includes the first turn of the threaded portion of the implant. It is preferred not to etch the gingival end itself, as well as the narrow collar region, because these portions of the implant are normally fabricated with precise dimensions to match abutting components which are eventually attached to the gingival end of the implant. Moreover, it is preferred to have a smooth surface on that portion of a dental implant that is not embedded in the bone, to minimize the risk of infection. [0039] The treatment that follows removal of the native oxide layer must be different from the treatment that is used to remove the native oxide layer. A relatively aggressive treatment is normally required to remove the oxide layer, and such an aggressive treatment does not produce the desired uniform surface texture in the resulting oxide-free surface. Thus, after the native oxide layer has been removed, the resulting implant surface is immediately rinsed and neutralized to prevent any further attack on the implant surface. The surface is then subjected to the further, and different, treatment to produce a desired uniform surface texture. For example, the preferred further treatment described below is a relatively mild acid-etching treatment which forms a multitude of fine cone-like structures having relatively uniform, small dimensions. Because of the prior removal of the native oxide layer, even a mild second treatment of the implant surface can produce a substantially uniform effect over substantially the entire bone-interfacing surface of the implant. [0040] Prior to removing the native oxide layer, the oxide-bearing surface may be grit blasted, preferably with grit made of titanium or a dilute titanium alloy. As is taught in the aforementioned copending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/149,905, the use of a grit made of titanium avoids contaminating the surface of a titanium implant. Thus, for a dental implant made of commercially pure (“CP”) titanium, the blasting material may be CP B299 SL grade titanium grit. The preferred particle size for this grit is in the range from about 10 to about 60 microns (sifted), and the preferred pressure is in the range from about 50 to about 80 psi. [0041] The surface treatment that follows removal of the native oxide layer from the implant surface may take several forms, singly or in combination. The preferred treatment is a second acid etching step, using an etch solution (“Modified Muriaticetch”) consisting of a mixture of two parts by volume sulfuric acid (96% by weight H 2 S0 4 , 4% by weight water) and one part by volume hydrochloric acid (37% by weight HCl, 63% by weight water) at a temperature substantially above room temperature and substantially below the boiling point of the solution, preferably in the range from about 60° C. to about 80° C. This mixture provides a sulfuric acid/hydrochloric acid ratio of about 6:1. This preferred etch solution is controllable, allowing the use of bulk etch times in the range from about 3 to about 10 minutes. This solution also can be prepared without the risk of violent reactions that may result from mixing more concentrated HCl solutions (e.g., 98%) with sulfuric acid. This second etching treatment is preferably carried out in the absence of unreacted oxygen, and before the implant surface has been allowed to re-oxidize, following removal of the native oxide layer. Of course, the implants may be kept in an inert atmosphere or other inert environment between the two etching steps. [0042] The second etching step produces a surface topography that includes many fine projections having a cone-like aspect in the sub-micron size range. Because of the fine roughness of the surface, and the high degree of uniformity of that roughness over the treated surface, the surface topography produced by this process is well suited for osseointegration with adjacent bone. As illustrated by the working examples described below, the final etched surface consists of a substantially uniform array of irregularities having peak-to-valley heights of less than about 10 microns. Substantial numbers of the irregularities are substantially cone-shaped elements having base-to-peak heights in the range from about 0.3 microns to about 1.5 microns. The bases of these cone-shaped elements are substantially round with diameters in the range from about 0.3 microns to about 1.2 microns, and spaced from each other by about 0.3 microns to about 0.75 microns. The SEMs discussed below, and reproduced in the drawings, illustrate the surface topography in more detail. [0043] The acid-etched surface described above also provides a good site for the application of various materials that can promote bonding of the surface to adjacent bone. Examples of such materials are bone-growth-enhancing materials such as bone minerals, bone morphogenic proteins, hydroxyapatite, whitlockite, and medicaments. These materials are preferably applied to the etched surface in the form of fine particles which become entrapped on and between the small cone-like structures. The bone-growth-enhancing materials are preferably applied in the absence of oxygen, e.g., using an inert atmosphere. [0044] The roughness of the surface to which these materials are applied enhances the adherence of the applied material to the titanium implant. The uniformity of the rough surface enhances the uniformity of the distribution of the applied material, particularly when the material is applied as small discrete particles or as a very thin film. [0045] A preferred natural bone mineral material for application to the etched surface is the mineral that is commercially available under the registered trademark “BIO-OSS”. This material is a natural bone mineral obtained from bovine bone; it is described as chemically comparable to mineralized human bone with a fine, crystalline biological structure, and able to support osseointegration of titanium fixtures. [0046] The invention will be further understood by reference to the following examples, which are intended to be illustrative and not limiting: EXAMPLE 1 [0047] A batch of 30 screw-type cylindrical implants made of CP titanium were grit blasted using particles of CP B299 SL grade titanium grit having particle sizes ranging from 10 to 45 microns, at a pressure of 60 to 80 psi. After grit-blasting, native oxide layer was removed from the implant surfaces by placing 4 implants in 100 ml. of a 15% solution of HF in water at room temperature for 30 seconds. The implants were then removed from the acid, neutralized in a solution of baking soda, and placed in 150 ml. of “Modified Muriaticetch” (described above) at room temperature for 3 minutes. The implants were then removed from the acid, neutralized, rinsed and cleaned. All samples displayed very similar surface topographies and a high level of etch uniformity over the surface, when compared with each other in SEM evaluations. Consistency in the surface features (peaks and valleys) was also observed. The SEMs in FIGS. 5A, 5B , 6 A and 6 B show the surfaces of two of the implants, Sample A-1 and Sample A-4, at magnifications of 2,000 and 20,000. It will be observed that the surface features over the areas shown are consistent and uniform. The scale shown on the X20,000 photographs is 1 micron=0.564 inch. At this magnification the surfaces appear to be characterized by a two-dimensional array of cones ranging in height (as seen in the SEMs) from about 0.17 inch to about 0.27 inch; the base diameters of these cones varied from about 0.17 inch to about 0.33 inch. Converting these numbers to metric units on the above-mentioned scale (1 micron=0.564 inch) yields: cone height range (approx.)=0.30 to 0.50 micron cone base diameter range (approx.)=0.30 to 0.60 micron. The same degree of uniformity was found in all the samples, and from sample to sample, at magnifications of 2,000 and 20,000, as compared with similar samples subjected to bulk etching without prior removal of the native oxide, as described in EXAMPLE NO. 2 below. Example 2 [0050] Four of the implants that had been grit blasted as described in EXAMPLE NO. 1 above were placed in 150 ml. of “Modified Muriaticetch” for 10 minutes. The implants were then removed, neutralized, rinsed and cleaned. SEM photographs taken at magnifications of 2,000 and 20,000 showed that the bulk etch solution failed to remove the native oxide layer after 10 minutes in the etch solution. The failure to remove the native oxide layer (100-150 Angstrom units thick) resulted in a non-uniformly etched surface, as depicted in FIG. 3 . In areas of the implant surfaces where the native oxide was removed, the topography was similar to that observed on the implants in EXAMPLE NO. 1. Example 3 [0051] The procedure of this example is currently preferred for producing commercial implants. A batch of screw-type implants made of CP titanium were immersed in a 15% solution of HF in water at room temperature for 60 seconds to remove the native oxide layer from the implant surfaces. A plastic cap was placed over the top of each implant to protect it from the acid. The implants were then removed from the acid and rinsed in a baking soda solution for 30 seconds with gentle agitation. The implants were then placed in a second solution of baking soda for 30 seconds, again with agitation of the solution; and then the implants were rinsed in deionized water. Next the implants were immersed in another solution of two parts by volume sulfuric acid (96% by weight H 2 S0 4 , 4% by weight water) and one part by volume hydrochloric acid (37% by weight HCl, 63% by weight water) at 70° C. for 5 minutes. The implants were then removed from the acid and rinsed and neutralized by repeating the same steps carried out upon removal of the implants from the HF. All samples displayed very similar surface topographies and a high level of etch uniformity over the surface, when compared with each other in SEM evaluations. Consistency in the surface features (peaks and valleys) was also observed. The SEMs in FIGS. 8A, 8B , 9 A and 9 B show the surfaces of two of the implants, Sample 705MB and Sample 705MC, at magnifications of 2,000 and 20,000. It will be observed that the surface features over the areas shown are consistent and uniform. The scale shown on the X20,000 photographs is 1 micron=0.564 inch. At this magnification the surfaces appear to be characterized by a two-dimensional array of cones ranging in height (as seen in the SEMs) from about 0.17 inch to about 1.128 inch; the base diameters of these cones varied from about 0.17 inch to about 1.128 inch. Converting these numbers to metric units on the above-mentioned scale (1 micron=0.564 inch) yields: cone height range (approx.)=0.30 to 0.20 microns cone base diameter range (approx.)=0.30 to 0.20 microns. The same degree of uniformity was found in all the samples, and from sample to sample, at magnifications of 2,000 and 20,000, as compared with similar samples subjected to bulk etching without prior removal of the native oxide, as described in EXAMPLE NO. 2 above.
The surface of a device that is surgically implantable in living bone is prepared. The device is made of titanium with a native oxide layer on the surface. The method of preparation comprises the steps of removing the native oxide layer from the surface of the device and performing further treatment of the surface substantially in the absence of unreacted oxygen.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] The present application claims the benefits of the filing of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/104,786 filed Oct. 13, 2008. The complete disclosures of the aforementioned related patent applications are hereby incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] This invention relates to a novel arylindenopyrimidine and its therapeutic and prophylactic uses. Disorders treated and/or prevented include neurodegenerative and movement disorders ameliorated by antagonizing Adenosine A2a receptors. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] Adenosine A2a Receptors Adenosine is a purine nucleotide produced by all metabolically active cells within the body. Adenosine exerts its effects via four subtypes of cell surface receptors (A1, A2a, A2b and A3), which belong to the G protein coupled receptor superfamily (Stiles, G. L. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1992, 267, 6451). A1 and A3 couple to inhibitory G protein, while A2a and A2b couple to stimulatory G protein. A2a receptors are mainly found in the brain, both in neurons and glial cells (highest level in the striatum and nucleus accumbens, moderate to high level in olfactory tubercle, hypothalamus, and hippocampus etc. regions) (Rosin, D. L.; Robeva, A.; Woodard, R. L.; Guyenet, P. G.; Linden, J. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1998, 401, 163). [0004] In peripheral tissues, A2a receptors are found in platelets, neutrophils, vascular smooth muscle and endothelium (Gessi, S.; Varani, K.; Merighi, S.; Ongini, E.; Bores, P. A. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2000, 129, 2). The striatum is the main brain region for the regulation of motor activity, particularly through its innervation from dopaminergic neurons originating in the substantial nigra. The striatum is the major target of the dopaminergic neuron degeneration in patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD). Within the striatum, A2a receptors are co-localized with dopamine D2 receptors, suggesting an important site for the integration of adenosine and dopamine signaling in the brain (Fink, J. S.; Weaver, D. Ri; Rivkees, S. A.; Peterfreund, R. A.; Pollack, A. E.; Adler, E. M.; Reppert, S. M. Brain Research Molecular Brain Research, 1992, 14, 186). [0005] Neurochemical studies have shown that activation of A2a receptors reduces the binding affinity of D2 agonist to their receptors. This D2R and A2aR receptor-receptor interaction has been demonstrated instriatal membrane preparations of rats (Ferre, S.; con Euler, G.; Johansson, B.; Fredholm, B. B.; Fuxe, K. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences I of the United States of America, 1991, 88, 7238) as well as in fibroblast cell lines after transfected with A2aR and D2R cDNAs (Salim, H.; Ferre, S.; Dalal, A.; Peterfreund, R. A.; Fuxe, K.; Vincent, J. D.; Lledo, P. M. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2000, 74, 432). In vivo, pharmacological blockade of A2a receptors using A2a antagonist leads to beneficial effects in dopaminergic neurotoxin MPTP (1-methyl-4-pheny-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine)-induced PC) in various species, including mice, rats, and monkeys (Ikeda, K.; Kurokawa, M.; Aoyana, S.; Kuwana, Y. Journal of Neurochemistry, 2002, 80, 262). [0006] Furthermore, A2a knockout mice with genetic blockade of A2a function have been found to be less sensitive to motor impairment and neurochemical changes when they were exposed to neurotoxin MPTP (Chen, J. F.; Xu, K.; I Petzer, J. P.; Steal, R.; Xu, Y. H.; Beilstein, M.; Sonsalla, P. K.; Castagnoli, K.; Castagnoli, N., Jr.; Schwarsschild, M. A. Journal of Neuroscience, 2001, 121, RC143). [0007] In humans, the adenosine receptor antagonist theophylline has been found to produce beneficial effects in Parkinson's disease patients (Mally, J.; Stone, T. W. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 1995, 132, 129). Consistently, recent epidemiological study has shown that high caffeine consumption makes people less likely to develop PD (Ascherio, A.; Zhang, S. M.; Hernan, M. A.; Kawachi, I.; Colditz, G. A.; Speizer, F. E.; Willett, W. C. Annals of Neurology, 2001, 50, 56). In summary, adenosine A2a receptor blockers may provide a new class of antiparkinsonian agents (Impagnatiello, F.; Bastia, E.; Ongini, E.; Monopoli, A. Emerging Therapeutic Targets, 2000, 4, 635). [0008] Antagonists of the A 2A receptor are potentially useful therapies for the treatment of addiction. Major drugs of abuse (opiates, cocaine, ethanol, and the like) either directly or indirectly modulate dopamine signaling in neurons particularly those found in the nucleus accumbens, which contain high levels of A 2A adenosine receptors. Dependence has been shown to be augmented by the adenosine signaling pathway, and it has been shown that administration of an A 2A receptor antagonist reduces the craving for addictive substances (“The Critical Role of Adenosine A 2A Receptors and Gi βγ Subunits in Alcoholism and Addiction: From Cell Biology to Behavior”, by Ivan Diamond and Lina Yao, (The Cell Biology of Addiction, 2006, pp 291-316) and “Adaptations in Adenosine Signaling in Drug Dependence: Therapeutic Implications”, by Stephen P. Hack and Macdonald J. Christie, Critical Review in Neurobiology, Vol. 15, 235-274 (2003)). See also Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2007), 31(8), 1302-1307. [0009] An A 2A receptor antagonist could be used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) since caffeine (a non selective adenosine antagonist) can be useful for treating ADHD, and there are many interactions between dopamine and adenosine neurons. Clinical Genetics (2000), 58(1), 31-40 and references therein. [0010] Antagonists of the A 2A receptor are potentially useful therapies for the treatment of depression. A 2A antagonists are known to induce activity in various models of depression including the forced swim and tail suspension tests. The positive response is mediated by dopaminergic transmission and is caused by a prolongation of escape-directed behavior rather than by a motor stimulant effect. Neurology (2003), 61(suppl 6) S82-S87. [0011] Antagonists of the A 2A receptor are potentially useful therapies for the treatment of anxiety. A 2A antagonist have been shown to prevent emotional/anxious responses in vivo. Neurobiology of Disease (2007), 28(2) 197-205. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0012] The present invention includes compounds of Formula Z [0000] [0013] wherein: [0014] X is selected from the group consisting of: [0000] [0015] R 1 is phenyl wherein said phenyl is optionally substituted with up to three substituents independently selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, and OCH 3 , or a single substituent selected from the group consisting of: OH, OCH 2 CF 3 , OC (1-4) alkyl, C (1-4) alkyl, CHF 2 , OCF 3 , CF 3 , and CN; [0016] R 2 is heteroaryl wherein said heteroaryl is optionally substituted with Cl, F, Br, OC (1-4) alkyl, OCF 3 , OH, C (1-4) alkyl, CHF 2 , CF 3 , OCH 2 CF 3 , or a ring selected from the group consisting of: [0000] wherein R a , R b , and R c are independently H or C (1-4) alkyl; R d is H, —C (1-4) alkyl, —CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 OCH 3 , —CH 2 CO 2 H, —C(O)C (1-4) alkyl, or —CH 2 C(O)C (1-4) alkyl; [0019] and solvates, hydrates, tautomers and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0020] The present invention includes compounds of Formula Z [0000] [0021] wherein: [0022] X is selected from the group consisting of: [0000] [0023] R 1 is phenyl wherein said phenyl is optionally substituted with up to three substituents independently selected from the group consisting of F, Cl, Br, and OCH 3 , or a single substituent selected from the group consisting of: OH, OCH 2 CF 3 , OC (1-4) alkyl, C (1-4) alkyl, CHF 2 , OCF 3 , CF 3 , and CN; [0024] R 2 is heteroaryl wherein said heteroaryl is optionally substituted with Cl, F, Br, OC (1-4) alkyl, OCF 3 , OH, C (1-4) alkyl, CHF 2 , CF 3 , OCH 2 CF 3 , or a ring selected from the group consisting of: [0000] wherein R a , R b , and R c are independently H or C (1-4) alkyl; R d is H, —C (1-4) alkyl, —CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 OCH 3 , —CH 2 CO 2 H, —C(O)C (1-4) alkyl, or —CH 2 C(O)C (1-4) alkyl; [0027] and solvates, hydrates, tautomers and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. [0028] In another embodiment of the invention: [0029] X is selected from the group consisting of: [0000] [0030] R 1 is phenyl, optionally substituted with CN, CF 3 , OC (1-4) alkyl, OCF 3 , C (1-4) alkyl, OCH 2 CF 3 , or up to 3 halogens, selected from the group consisting of Cl, and F; [0031] R 2 is selected from the group consisting of furyl, imidazolyl, pyrrolyl, oxazolyl, isoxazolyl, pyridinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyridazinyl, wherein said pyridinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyridazinyl are optionally substituted with Cl, F, Br, OC (1-4) alkyl, OCF 3 , piperidinyl, 6-methylpiperidinyl, 3-methylpyrrolidinyl, pyrrolidinyl, morpholinyl, or OCH 2 CF 3 : [0032] and solvates, hydrates, tautomers and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. [0033] In another embodiment of the invention: [0034] X is selected from the group consisting of: [0000] [0035] R 1 is phenyl, optionally substituted with CN, CF 3 , OC (1-4) alkyl, OCF 3 , C (1-4) alkyl, or up to 3 halogens, selected from the group consisting of Cl, and F; [0036] R 2 is selected from the group consisting of pyridinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyridazinyl, wherein said pyridinyl, pyrimidinyl, and pyridazinyl are optionally substituted with Cl, F, Br, OC (1-4) alkyl, piperidinyl, pyrrolidinyl, morpholinyl, or OCH 2 CF 3 : [0037] and solvates, hydrates, tautomers and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. [0038] In another embodiment of the invention: [0039] X is selected from the group consisting of: [0000] [0040] R 1 is phenyl, optionally substituted with CN, CF 3 , or up to 3 halogens, selected from the group consisting of Cl, and F; [0041] R 2 is selected from the group consisting of pyridinyl, and pyridazinyl, wherein said pyridinyl is optionally substituted with Cl, F, Br, OC (1-4) alkyl, piperidinyl, pyrrolidinyl, morpholinyl, or OCH 2 CF 3 : [0042] and solvates, hydrates, tautomers and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. [0043] In another embodiment of the invention: [0044] X is selected from the group consisting of: [0000] [0045] R 1 is phenyl, optionally substituted with CN, or F; [0046] R 2 is selected from the group consisting of: [0000] [0047] and solvates, hydrates, tautomers and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. [0048] Another embodiment of the invention comprises a compound selected from the group consisting of: [0000] [0049] and solvates, hydrates, tautomers and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. [0050] This invention further provides a method of treating a subject having a condition ameliorated by antagonizing Adenosine A2a receptors, which comprises administering to the subject a therapeutically effective dose of a compound of Formula Z. [0051] This invention further provides a method of preventing a disorder ameliorated by antagonizing Adenosine A2a receptors in a subject, comprising of administering to the subject a prophylactically effective dose of the compound of claim 1 either preceding or subsequent to an event anticipated to cause a disorder ameliorated by antagonizing Adenosine A2a receptors in the subject. [0052] Compounds of Formula Z can be isolated and used as free bases. They can also be isolated and used as pharmaceutically acceptable salts. [0053] Examples of such salts include hydrobromic, hydroiodic, hydrochloric, perchloric, sulfuric, maleic, fumaric, malic, tartaric, citric, adipic, benzoic, mandelic, methanesulfonic, hydroethanesulfonic, benzenesulfonic, oxalic, palmoic, 2 naphthalenesulfonic, p-toluenesulfonic, cyclohexanesulfamic and saccharinc [0054] This invention also provides a pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound of Formula Z and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. [0055] Pharmaceutically acceptable carriers are well known to those skilled in the art and include, but are not limited to, from about 0.01 to about 0.1 M and preferably 0.05 M phosphate buyer or 0.8% saline. Such pharmaceutically acceptable carriers can be aqueous or non-aqueous solutions, suspensions and emulsions. Examples of non-aqueous solvents are propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, vegetable oils such as olive oil, and injectable organic esters such as ethyl oleate. Aqueous carriers include water, ethanol, alcoholic/aqueous solutions, glycerol, emulsions or suspensions, including saline and buffered media. Oral carriers can be elixirs, syrups, capsules, tablets and the like. The typical solid carrier is an inert substance such as lactose, starch, glucose, methyl-cellulose, magnesium stearate, dicalcium phosphate, mannitol and the like. Parenteral carriers include sodium chloride solution, Ringer's dextrose, dextrose and sodium chloride, lactated Ringer's and fixed oils. Intravenous carriers include fluid and nutrient replenishers, electrolyte replenishers such as those based on Ringer's dextrose and the like. [0056] Preservatives and other additives can also be present, such as, for example, antimicrobials, antioxidants, chelating agents, inert gases and the like. All carriers can be mixed as needed with disintegrants, diluents, granulating agents, lubricants, binders and the like using conventional techniques known in the art. [0057] This invention further provides a method of treating a subject having a condition ameliorated by antagonizing Adenosine A2a receptors, which comprises administering to the subject a therapeutically effective dose of a compound of Formula Z. [0058] In one embodiment, the disorder is a neurodegenerative or movement disorder. Examples of disorders treatable by the instant pharmaceutical composition include, without limitation, Parkinson's Disease, Huntington's Disease, Multiple System Atrophy, Corticobasal Degeneration, Alzheimer's Disease, and Senile Dementia. [0059] In one preferred embodiment, the disorder is Parkinson's disease. [0060] As used herein, the term “subject” includes, without limitation, any animal or artificially modified animal having a disorder ameliorated by antagonizing adenosine A2a receptors. In a preferred embodiment, the subject is a human. [0061] Administering the instant pharmaceutical composition can be effected or performed using any of the various methods known to those skilled in the art. Compounds of Formula Z can be administered, for example, intravenously, intramuscularly, orally and subcutaneously. In the preferred embodiment, the instant pharmaceutical composition is administered orally. Additionally, administration can comprise giving the subject a plurality of dosages over a suitable period of time. Such administration regimens can be determined according to routine methods. [0062] As used herein, a “therapeutically effective dose” of a pharmaceutical composition is an amount sufficient to stop, reverse or reduce the progression of a disorder. A “prophylactically effective dose” of a pharmaceutical composition is an amount sufficient to prevent a disorder, i.e., eliminate, ameliorate and/or delay the disorder's onset. Methods are known in the art for determining therapeutically and prophylactically effective doses for the instant pharmaceutical composition. The effective dose for administering the pharmaceutical composition to a human, for example, can be determined mathematically from the results of animal studies. [0063] In one embodiment, the therapeutically and/or prophylactically effective dose is a dose sufficient to deliver from about 0.001 mg/kg of body weight to about 200 mg/kg of body weight of a compound of Formula Z. In another embodiment, the therapeutically and/or prophylactically effective dose is a dose sufficient to deliver from about 0.05 mg/kg of body weight to about 50 mg/kg of body weight. More specifically, in one embodiment, oral doses range from about 0.05 mg/kg to about 100 mg/kg daily. In another embodiment, oral doses range from about 0.05 mg/kg to about 50 mg/kg daily, and in a further embodiment, from about 0.05 mg/kg to about 20 mg/kg daily. In yet another embodiment, infusion doses range from about 1.0 ,ug/kg/min to about 10 mg/kg/min of inhibitor, admixed with a pharmaceutical carrier over a period ranging from about several minutes to about several days. In a further embodiment, for topical administration, the instant compound can be combined with a pharmaceutical carrier at a drug/carrier ratio of from about 0.001 to about 0.1. [0064] The invention also provides a method of treating addiction in a mammal, comprising administering a therapeutically effective dose of a compound of Formula Z. [0065] The invention also provides a method of treating ADHD in a mammal, comprising administering a therapeutically effective dose of a compound of Formula Z. [0066] The invention also provides a method of treating depression in a mammal, comprising administering a therapeutically effective dose of a compound of Formula Z. [0067] The invention also provides a method of treating anxiety in a mammal, comprising administering a therapeutically effective dose of a compound of Formula Z. [0068] Definitions: [0069] The term “C a-b ” (where a and b are integers referring to a designated number of carbon atoms) refers to an alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, alkoxy or cycloalkyl radical or to the alkyl portion of a radical in which alkyl appears as the prefix root containing from a to b carbon atoms inclusive. For example, C 1-4 denotes a radical containing 1, 2, 3 or 4 carbon atoms. [0070] The term “alkyl,” whether used alone or as part of a substituent group, refers to a saturated branched or straight chain monovalent hydrocarbon radical, wherein the radical is derived by the removal of one hydrogen atom from a single carbon atom. Unless specifically indicated (e.g. by the use of a limiting term such as “terminal carbon atom”), substituent variables may be placed on any carbon chain atom. Typical alkyl radicals include, but are not limited to, methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl and the like. Examples include C 1-8 alkyl, C 1-6 alkyl and C 1-4 alkyl groups. [0071] The term “heteroaryl” refers to a radical derived by the removal of one hydrogen atom from a ring carbon atom of a heteroaromatic ring system. Typical heteroaryl radicals include furyl, pyrrolyl, oxazolyl, thiophenyl, thiazolyl, imidazolyl, pyrazolyl, isoxazolyl, isothiazolyl, oxadiazolyl, triazolyl, thiadiazolyl, pyridinyl, pyridazinyl, pyrimidinyl, pyrazinyl, indolizinyl, indolyl, isoindolyl, indazolyl, benzimidazolyl, benzothiazolyl, purinyl, 4H-quinolizinyl, quinolinyl, isoquinolinyl, cinnolinyl, phthalzinyl, quinazolinyl, quinoxalinyl, 1,8-naphthyridinyl, and pteridinyl. [0072] The term “heterocyclyl” refers to a radical derived by the removal of one hydrogen atom from a ring carbon or ring nitrogen atom of a saturated or partially saturated heteroaromatic ring system. Typical heterocyclyl radicals include morpholinyl, piperidinyl, piperazinyl, pyrrolidinyl, and tetrahydrofuranyl. [0073] Abbreviations: [0074] Herein and throughout this application, the following abbreviations may be used. [0075] BOC butyloxycarbonyl [0076] n-BuLi n-butyllithium [0077] t-BuOK potassium tert-butoxide [0078] DMF dimethylformamide [0079] DMAP dimethylaminopyridine [0080] DMSO dimethylsulfoxide [0081] Et ethyl [0082] LDA lithium diisopropylamine [0083] Me methyl [0084] NBS N-bromo succinimide [0085] NMO N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide [0086] OAc acetate [0087] Pd(dppf)Cl 2 [1,1′-Bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene]dichloropalladium (II) [0088] Ph phenyl [0089] TFA trifluoroacetic acid [0090] THF tetrahydrofuran [0091] The present invention includes within its scope prodrugs of the compounds of this invention. In general, such prodrugs will be functional derivatives of the compounds which are readily convertible in vivo into the required compound. Thus, in the methods of treatment of the present invention, the term “administering” shall encompass the treatment of the various disorders described with the compound specifically disclosed or with a compound which may not be specifically disclosed, but which converts to the specified compound in vivo after administration to the patient. Conventional procedures for the selection and preparation of suitable prodrug derivatives are described, for example, in “Design of Prodrugs”, Ed. H. Bundgaard, Elsevier, 1985. [0092] Where the compounds according to this invention have at least one chiral center, they may accordingly exist as enantiomers. Where the compounds possess two or more chiral centers, they may additionally exist as diastereomers. It is to be understood that all such isomers and mixtures thereof are encompassed within the scope of the present invention. [0093] Where the processes for the preparation of the compounds according to the invention give rise to mixture of stereoisomers, these isomers may be separated by conventional techniques such as preparative chromatography. The compounds may be prepared in racemic form, or individual enantiomers may be prepared either by enantiospecific synthesis or by resolution. The compounds may, for example, be resolved into their component enantiomers by standard techniques, such as the formation of diastereomeric pairs by salt formation with an optically active acid, such as (−)-di-p-toluoyl-D-tartaric acid and/or (+)-di-p-toluoyl-L-tartaric acid followed by fractional crystallization and regeneration of the free base. The compounds may also be resolved by formation of diastereomeric esters or amides, followed by chromatographic separation and removal of the chiral auxiliary. Alternatively, the compounds may be resolved using a chiral HPLC column. [0094] During any of the processes for preparation of the compounds of the present invention, it may be necessary and/or desirable to protect sensitive or reactive groups on any of the molecules concerned. This may be achieved by means of conventional protecting groups, such as those described in Protective Groups in Organic Chemistry, ed. J. F. W. McOmie, Plenum Press, 1973; and T. W. Greene & P. G. M. Wuts, Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons, 1991. The protecting groups may be removed at a convenient subsequent stage using methods known from the art. [0095] General Schemes: [0096] Compounds of Formula Z can be prepared by methods known to those who are skilled in the art. The following reaction schemes are only meant to represent examples of the invention and are in no way meant to be a limit of the invention. [0000] [0097] Scheme 1 illustrates the synthetic routes (Paths 1 and 2) leading to compounds of Formula Z (A, B, C). Starting with 2-amino-3-cyanothiophene I and following the path indicated by the arrows, condensation under basic conditions with R 1 —CN, where R 1 is as defined in Formula Z, affords the aminopyrimidine II. The aminopyrimidine II is reacted with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS), to give the bromothiophene III. Following path 1 bromothiophene III is reacted with R 2 CH 2 ZnCl or R 2 CH 2 ZnBr, where R 2 is as defined in Formula Z, in the presence of a palladium catalyst to afford compounds of Formula Z, where X is CH 2 (A). Following path 2, bromothiophene III is reacted with R 2 CCH, where R 2 is as defined in Formula Z, in the presence of a palladium catalyst to give compounds of Formula Z, where X is [0000] [0000] Compounds of Formula B can be reduced by hydrogenation to give compounds of Formula Z, where X is [0000] [0000] Alternatively, compounds of Formula C may be obtained using the procedure outlined in path 3. An bromothiophene III is reacted with R 2 CH 2 CH 2 ZnCl or R 2 CH 2 CH 2 ZnBr in the presence of a palladium catalyst to give compounds of Formula Z, where X is [0000] [0000] [0098] Scheme 2 illustrates the synthetic routes (Paths 1, 2 and 3) leading to compounds of Formula Z (A, D, E). Starting with aminopyrimidine II, prepared as described in Scheme 1, and following the path indicated by the arrows, reaction with di-tert-butyldicarbonate [(Boc) 2 O] in the presence of 4-dimethylamino pyridine (DMAP) gives the corresponding protected amine IV. The thiophene IV is deprotonated with lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) and reacted with R 2 CHO, where R 2 is as defined in Formula Z, to give an intermediate alcohol V. Following path 1 the alcohol in V is reduced to the corresponding methylene using triethylsilane in trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) to give compounds of the Formula A. Following path 2, compound V is deprotected with TFA to give compounds of Formula D. Following path 3, V is oxidized using Dess-Martin reagent followed by deprotection with TFA to give compound of the Formula E. [0000] [0099] wherein R a , R b are independently selected from H, and CH 3 , or R a is H, and R b is CH 2 CH 3 ; [0100] Scheme 3 illustrates the synthetic route leading to compounds of Formula A and alkyl substituted compounds of Formula A. Compound VI, where R 2 is as defined as in Formula Z, is deprotonated with LDA and potassium tert-butoxide (t-BuOK) and reacted with allyl bromide to give compound VII. Alkene VII is dihydroxylated with osmium tetroxide in the presence of N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMO) to give the diol VIII. Diol VIII is reacted with sodium periodate to give the aldehyde IX. Aldehyde IX is reacted with malononitrile and elemental sulfur under basic conditions to give the thiophene X. The thiophene X is condensed under basic conditions with R 1 —CN, where R 1 is as defined as in Formula Z, to afford compounds of Formula Z where X is CH 2 wherein said CH 2 is optionally substituted with C (1-2) alkyl (A). [0000] [0101] Scheme 4 illustrates the synthetic routes (Paths 1, 2 and 3) leading to compounds of Formula Z (F, J, G, and H). Following path 1, bromothiophene III is reacted with R 2 CH 2 CH 2 ZnCl or R 2 CH 2 CH 2 ZnBr, where R is as defined in Formula Z, in the presence of a palladium catalyst to afford compounds of Formula Z, where X is CH 2 CH 2 (F). Alternatively, compounds of Formula J can be reduced by hydrogenation to give compounds of Formula Z, where X is [0000] [0102] Following path 2 bromothiophene III is reacted with R 2 CHCHB(OH) 2 , where R 2 is as defined in Formula Z, in the presence of a palladium catalyst to give compounds of Formula Z, where X is [0000] [0103] Following path 3 bromothiophene III is reacted with R 2 C(CH 2 )B(OH) 2 , where R 2 is as defined in Formula Z, in the presence of palladium to give compounds of Formula Z where X is [0000] [0104] Compounds of Formula G are reacted with trimethylsufoxonium iodide under basic conditions to afford compounds of Formula Z, where X is [0000] EXAMPLES Example 1 3-(4-Amino-6-pyridin-2-ylethynyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile Example 1 Step A 3-(4-Amino-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile [0105] [0106] Solid potassium-tert-butoxide (1.1 g, 10.1 mmol) was added to a dioxane solution (20 mL) of 2-amino-thiophene-3-carbonitrile (5.0 g, 40.3 mmol) and 1,3-dicyanobenzene (7.2 g, 56.5 mmol). The resulting slurry was stirred vigorously at 130° C. for 15 minutes. The dark slurry was cooled to room temperature, diluted with THF, and dry packed onto silica gel. The material was the purified via column chromatography to give 10.2 g of the title compound. Example 1 Step B 3-(4-Amino-6-bromo-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile [0107] [0108] Solid NBS (1.6 g, 8.7 mmol) was added to a DMF solution (20 mL) of 3-(4-amino-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile (2.0 g, 7.9 mmol). After 45 minutes water was added and the resulting precipitate was collected by filtration, washed with water, and dried in vacuo to give 2.4 g of the title compound. Example 1 Step C 3-(4-Amino-6-pyridin-2-ylethynyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile [0109] [0110] A THF solution of 3-(4-amino-6-bromo-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile (150 mg, 0.45 mmol), 2-ethynyl-pyridine (51 mg, 0.50 mmol), CuI (17 mg, 0.09 mmol), Pd(dppf)Cl 2 (37 mg, 0.05 mmol), and Et 3 N (0.31 mL, 2.25 mmol) was heated in the microwave at 100° C. for 30 min. The resulting mixture was diluted with THF and EtOAc and the organic layer was washed consecutively with 10% aqueous NH 4 OH, water, and brine. The solution was dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), dry packed onto silica gel, and purified via column chromatography to give 91 mg of the title compound. 1 H NMR (Acetone, 300 MHz): δ=8.73-8.81 (m, 2 H), 8.66 (br. s., 1 H), 7.95 (s, 1 H), 7.85-7.93 (m, 2 H), 7.65-7.78 (m, 2 H), 7.45 (dd, J=6.4, 4.9 Hz, 1 H), 7.32 ppm (br. s., 2 H); MS m/e 354 (M+H). Example 2 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-pyridin-2-yl-ethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0111] [0112] An EtOH solution (5 mL) of 3-(4-amino-6-pyridin-2-ylethynyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile (35 mg, 0.10 mmol, prepared as described in Example 1) and 10% Pd/C (7 mg) was hydrogenated at 50 psi. After 16 h the solution was filtered through Celite and the filtrate was concentrated to give 30 mg of the title compound. 1 H NMR (Acetone, 300 MHz): δ=8.54-8.65 (m, 2 H), 8.41 (d, J=4.9 Hz, 1 H), 7.70 (d, J=7.5 Hz, 1 H), 7.48-7.61 (m, 2 H), 7.15 (t, J=4.0 Hz, 2 H), 7.07 (dd, J=7.5, 4.9 Hz, 1 H), 6.78 (br. s., 2 H), 3.20-3.33 (m, 2 H), 3.00-3.14 ppm (m, 2 H); MS m/e 358 (M+H). Example 3 6-(6-Chloro-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-2-phenyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamine Example 3 Step A 6-Bromo-2-phenyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamine [0113] [0114] The title compound was prepared using benzonitrile in place of 1,3-dicyanobenzene as described in Example 1. Example 3 Step B 6-(6-Chloro-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-2-phenyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamine [0115] [0116] A 0.5 M THF solution of (6-chloro-3-pyridyl)methylzinc chloride (0.80 mL, 0.40 mmol) was added to a THF solution (1.6 mL) of 6-bromo-2-phenyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamine (50 mg, 0.16 mmol) and Pd(PPh 3 ) 4 (9 mg, 0.01 mmol) and the mixture was refluxed. After 3 h the mixture was diluted with EtOAc, washed with water then brine, dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), concentrated and purified via column chromatography to give 21 mg of the title compound. 1 H NMR (Acetone, 300 MHz): δ=8.45 (dt, J=5.1, 2.4 Hz, 3 H), 7.77-7.89 (m, 1 H), 7.38-7.52 (m, 4 H), 7.24 (t, J=1.2 Hz, 1 H), 6.82 (br. s., 2 H), 4.34 ppm (s, 2 H); MS m/e 353 (M+H). Example 4 3-(4-Amino-6-pyrazin-2-ylmethyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile Example 4 Step A 2-But-3-enyl-pyrazine [0117] [0118] A 2.5 M hexanes solution of n-BuLi (18.0 mL, 45 mmol) was added to a −78° C. THF solution (60 mL) of t-BuOK (5.1 g, 45 mmol) and diisopropylamine (6.3 mL, 45 mmol). After 5 min at −78° C. the yellow mixture was warmed to −40° C. Neat methylpyrazine (2.7 mL, 30 mmol) was added and the mixture rapidly turned dark red. After 30 min at −40° C. the mixture was cooled to −78° C. and neat allyl bromide (7.6 mL, 90 mmol) was added. After 30 min at −78° C. water was added and the mixture was partially concentrated to remove volatile organics. The resulting mixture was extracted with dichloromethane and the combined organics were dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), concentrated, and purified via column chromatography to give 2.2 g of 2-but-3-enyl-pyrazine. Example 4 Step B 4-Pyrazin-2-yl-butane-1,2-diol [0119] [0120] Osmium tetroxide (2.5 wt. % solution in t-BuOH, 4.0 mL, 0.32 mmol) was added to a 0° C. t-BuOH (30 mL)/water (30 mL) of 2-but-3-enyl-pyrazine (2.1 g, 15.8 mmol) and N-methyl morpholine N-oxide (2.0 g, 17.4 mmol) and the mixture was allowed to warm to rt overnight. TLC analysis indicated a low level of conversion, so an additional 8 mL of OsO 4 was added and the reaction mixture was stirred for 1 d. Conversion improved, but was still incomplete by TLC analysis; 0.5 equiv N-methyl morpholine N-oxide (925 mg) and 1.0 equiv pyridine (1.28 mL) were added, and the mixture was stirred for 2 h. A solution of 24 g Na 2 SO 3 in 96 mL water was added, and the mixture was partially concentrated to remove volatile organics. The remaining aqueous solution was saturated with sodium chloride and was exhaustively extracted with ethyl acetate. The organic extracts were dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), concentrated, and was purified by column chromatography to give 1.7 g of the title compound. Example 4 Step C 3-Pyrazin-2-yl-propionaldehyde [0121] [0122] An aqueous solution of sodium periodate (0.65 M, 20 mL, 13 mmol, 1.3 equiv) was added to a suspension of silica gel (20 g) in dichloromethane (160 mL). A CH 2 Cl 2 solution (10 mL) of 4-pyrazin-2-yl-butane-1,2-diol (1.7 g, 10.1 mmol) was then added. After 2 h the resulting white slurry was vacuum filtered and washed with CH 2 Cl 2 . The filtrate was dried (Na 2 SO 4 ) and concentrated to give 1.1 g of the title compound that was used without further purification. Example 4 Step D 2-Amino-5-pyrazin-2-ylmethyl-thiophene-3-carbonitrile [0123] [0124] Solid elemental sulfur (257 mg, 8.0 mmol) was added to a 0° C. DMF solution (2 mL) of 3-pyrazin-2-yl-propionaldehyde (1.1 g, 8.0 mmol) and Et 3 N (0.67 mL, 4.80 mmol). After 1 h, the solution was cooled to 0° C. and solid malononitrile (529 mg, 8.0 mmol) was added and stirred overnight. The mixture was partitioned between EtOAc and saturated aqueous sodium chloride, and the aqueous phase was extracted with EtOAc. The combined organic extracts were dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), concentrated, and purified by column chromatography to give 555 mg of the title compound. 1 H NMR (CHLOROFORM-d, 300 MHz): δ (ppm) 8.44-8.59 (m, 3H), 6.54 (s, 1H), 4.73 (br. s., 2H), 4.12 (s, 2H) Example 4 Step E 3-(4-Amino-6-pyrazin-2-ylmethyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile [0125] [0126] Solid t-BuOK (7 mg, 0.06 mmol) was added to a dioxane suspension (0.20 mL) of 2-amino-5-pyrazin-2-ylmethyl-thiophene-3-carbonitrile (70 mg, 0.32 mmol) and 1,3-dicyanobenzene (46 mg, 0.36 mmol) and the mixture was heated by microwave irradiation (150° C., 10 min, 300 W). The reaction mixture was diluted with dichloromethane and methanol, dry packed onto silica gel, and purified via column chromatography to give 83 mg of the title compound. [0127] 1 H NMR (DMSO-d 6 , 300 MHz): δ=8.75 (s, 1 H), 8.54-8.68 (m, 4 H), 7.93 (d, J=7.5 Hz, 1 H), 7.70 (t, J=7.7 Hz, 1 H), 7.62 (br. s., 2 H), 7.37 (s, 1 H), 4.45 ppm (s, 2 H); MS m/e 345 (M+H). Example 5 Step A 2-(1,1-Dimethyl-but-3-enyl)-pyridine [0128] [0129] A 2.5 M hexanes solution of n-BuLi (18.0 mL, 45 mmol) was added to a −78° C. THF solution (60 mL) of t-BuOK (5.1 g, 45 mmol) and diisopropylamine (6.3 mL, 45 mmol). After 5 min at −78° C. the yellow mixture was warmed to −40° C. After 15 min, neat 2-isopropylpyridine (3.87 mL, 30 mmol) was added and the mixture rapidly turned dark red. After 30 min at −40° C. the mixture was cooled to −78° C. and neat allyl bromide (7.6 mL, 90 mmol) was added. After 30 min at −78° C. water was added and the mixture was partially concentrated to remove volatile organics. The resulting mixture was extracted with dichloromethane and the combined organics were dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), concentrated, and purified via column chromatography to give 4.3 g of 2-(1,1-dimethyl-but-3-enyl)-pyridine. Example 5 Step B 4-Methyl-4-pyridin-2-yl-pentane-1,2-diol [0130] [0131] Osmium tetroxide (2.5 wt. % solution in t-BuOH, 13.4 mL, 1.1 mmol) was added to a 0° C. t-BuOH (40 mL)/water (40 mL) of 2-(1,1-dimethyl-but-3-enyl)-pyridine (3.5 g, 21.4 mmol) and N-methyl morpholine N-oxide (2.8 g, 23.6 mmol) and the mixture was allowed to warm to rt. After 3 h solid Na 2 SO 3 (32 g) was added portionwise and the resulting suspension was stirred for 1 h. The mixture was partitioned between water and EtOAc and the aqueous phase was extracted with EtOAc. The combined organic extracts were dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), concentrated, and was purified by column chromatography to give 3.9 g of the title compound. Example 5 Step C 3-Methyl-3-pyridin-2-yl-butyraldehyde [0132] [0133] An aqueous solution of sodium periodate (0.65 M, 20 mL, 13 mmol) was added to a suspension of silica gel (20 g) in dichloromethane (160 mL). A CH 2 Cl 2 solution (10 mL) solution of 4-methyl-4-pyridin-2-yl-pentane-1,2-diol (2.0 g, 10.0 mmol) was then added. After 1.5 h the resulting white slurry was vacuum filtered and washed with CH 2 Cl 2 . The filtrate was dried (Na 2 SO 4 ) and concentrated to give 682 mg of the title compound. Example 5 Step D 2-Amino-5-(1-methyl-1-pyridin-2-yl-ethyl)-thiophene-3-carbonitrile [0134] [0135] Solid elemental sulfur (110 mg, 3.4 mmol) was added to a 0° C. DMF solution (1 mL) of 3-methyl-3-pyridin-2-yl-butyraldehyde (671 mg, 4.1 mmol) and Et 3 N (0.29 mL, 2.1 mmol). After 50 min, the solution was cooled to 0° C. and solid malononitrile (226 mg, 3.4 mmol) was added and stirred overnight. The mixture was partitioned between EtOAc and saturated aqueous sodium chloride, and the aqueous phase was extracted with EtOAc. The combined organic extracts were dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), concentrated, and purified by column chromatography to give 430 mg of the title compound. 1 H NMR (CHLOROFORM-d, 300 MHz): 1 H NMR (CHLOROFORM-d, 300 MHz): δ (ppm) 8.57 (d, J=4.9 Hz, 1H), 7.61 (td, J=7.8, 2.1 Hz, 1H), 7.25-7.28 (m, 1H, obscured by CHCl 3 peak), 7.24 (dt, J=7.9, 1.1, 1H), 7.14 (ddd, J=7.5, 4.9, 1.1 Hz, 1H), 6.49 (s, 1H), 4.63 (br. s., 2H), 1.73 (s, 6H). Example 5 Step E 3-[4-Amino-6-(1-methyl-1-pyridin-2-yl-ethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0136] [0137] Solid t-BuOK (7 mg, 0.06 mmol) was added to a dioxane suspension (0.20 mL) of 2-amino-5-(1-methyl-1-pyridin-2-yl-ethyl)-thiophene-3-carbonitrile (75 mg, 0.31 mmol) and 1,3-dicyanobenzene (43 mg, 0.34 mmol) and the mixture was heated by microwave irradiation (150° C., 10 min, 300 W). The reaction mixture was diluted with dichloromethane and methanol, dry packed onto silica gel, and purified via column chromatography to give 83 mg of the title compound. 1 H NMR (DMSO-d 6 , 300 MHz): δ=8.59-8.65 (m, 2 H), 8.57 (d, J=3.8 Hz, 1 H), 7.93 (d, J=7.9 Hz, 1 H), 7.76 (td, J=7.7, 1.9 Hz, 1 H), 7.69 (t, J=7.7 Hz, 1 H), 7.61 (br. s., 2 H), 7.51 (s, 1 H), 7.39 (d, J=7.9 Hz, 1 H), 7.26 (dd, J=7.5, 4.9 Hz, 1 H), 1.83 ppm (s, 6 H); MS m/e 372 (M+H). Example 6 (+)-3-[4-Amino-6-(1-pyridin-2-yl-propyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0138] [0139] The title compound was prepared using 2-n-propylpyridine in place of 2-isopropylpyridine as described in Example 5. 1 H NMR (DMSO-d 6 , 300 MHz): δ (ppm) 8.56-8.64 (m, 3H), 7.92 (d, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 7.77 (td, 1H, J=7.6, 1.6 Hz), 7.69 (t, J=7.7 Hz, 1H), 7.60 (br s, 2H), 7.39-7.46 (m, 2H), 7.25-7.31 (m, 1H), 4.31 (t, J=7.7 Hz, 1H), 2.06-2.25 (m, 2H), 0.88 (t, J=7.2 Hz, 3H); MS m/e 372 (M+H). Example 7 (±)-2-Phenyl-6-(1-pyridin-2-yl-propyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamine hydrochloride [0140] [0141] The title compound was prepared using 2-n-propylpyridine and benzonitrile in place of 2-isopropylpyridine and 1,3-dicyanobenzene, respectively as described in Example 6. 1 H NMR (DMSO-d 6 , 300 MHz): δ (ppm) 8.75 (d, J=5.3 Hz, 1H), 8.31-8.37 (m, 2H), 8.18 (t, J=7.2 Hz, 1H), 7.77 (d, J=7.9 Hz, 1H), 7.61-7.67 (m, 2H), 7.51-7.59 (m, 3H), 4.64 (t, J=7.5 Hz, 1H), 2.14-2.29 (m, 2H), 0.91 (t, J=7.2 Hz, 3H); MS m/e 347 (M+H). Example 8 2-Phenyl-6-pyrazin-2-ylmethyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamine (14) [0142] [0143] The title compound was prepared using benzonitrile in place of 1,3-dicyanobenzene as described in Example 5. 1 H NMR (DMSO-d 6 , 300 MHz): δ (ppm) 8.75 (s, 1H), 8.64 (s, 1H), 8.58 (d, J=2.3 Hz, 1H), 8.29-8.37 (m, 2H), 7.42-7.54 (m, 5H), 7.34 (s, 1H), 4.43 (s, 2H); MS m/e 320 (M+H). Example 9 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(2-methoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile Example 9 Step A [2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0144] [0145] Solid DMAP (42 mg, 0.3 mmol) was added to a THF solution (17 mL) of 3-(4-Amino-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile (850 mg, 3.4 mmol, an intermediate prepared in Example 1) and (Boc) 2 O (1.8 g, 8.4 mmol). After 4 h the mixture was diluted with EtOAc and then washed consecutively with water and brine, dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), concentrated and purified via column chromatography to give 1.2 g of the title compound. Example 9 Step B {2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(2-methoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0146] [0147] A 1.8 M THF solution of LDA (0.45 mL, 0.81 mmol) was added to a −78° C. THF solution (3 mL) of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester (310 mg, 0.68 mmol). After 3 min a THF solution (1 mL) of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde (0.09 mL, 0.81 mmol) was added and the reaction was warmed to room temperature. Saturated aqueous ammonium chloride was added and the crude reaction mixture was extracted with ethyl acetate. The combined extracts were dried (Na 2 SO 4 ), concentrated and purified via column chromatography to give 130 mg of the title compound. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CHLOROFORM-d) δ 8.70 (t, J=1.41 Hz, 1H), 8.63 (dt, J=1.48, 7.96 Hz, 1H), 8.09 (dd, J=1.79, 4.99 Hz, 1H), 7.62-7.70 (m, 2H), 7.46-7.54 (m, J=8.10 Hz, 1H), 7.45 (d, J=1.13 Hz, 1H), 7.33 (br. s., 1H), 6.89 (dd, J=4.90, 7.35 Hz, 1H), 6.18 (d, J=6.03 Hz, 1H), 3.95 (s, 3H), 3.36 (d, J=6.03 Hz, 1H), 1.49 (s, 9H); 490 (M+H). Example 9 Step C 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(2-methoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0148] [0149] Neat trifluoroacetic acid (1 mL) was added dropwise to a CH 2 Cl 2 solution (1 mL) of {2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(2-methoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester (10 mg, 0.02 mmol). After 1 h The reaction was concentrated in vacuo and purified via HPLC. The compound dissolved in acetonitrile (5 mL) and stirred with 100 mg of Spectra/Gel® 1×8 strong-base anion, chloride form, ion-exchange resin and filtered to give 6 mg of the title compound as the HCl salt. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.53-8.69 (m, 2H), 8.14 (dd, J=1.88, 4.90 Hz, 1H), 7.91 (t, J=8.10 Hz, 2H), 7.69 (t, J=7.72 Hz, 1H), 7.61 (br. s., 2H), 7.34 (s, 1H), 7.08 (dd, J=4.90, 7.54 Hz, 1H), 6.51 (br. s., 1H), 6.10 (s, 1H), 3.92 (s, 3H); MS m/e 390 (M+H). Example 10 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-methoxy-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0150] [0151] Neat triethylsilane (0.5 mL) was added to a CH 2 Cl 2 (1 mL)/TFA (1 mL) solution of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester (30 mg, 0.06 mmol, an intermediate prepared in Example 9) and the mixture was heated to 70° C. After 5 h the mixture was cooled to room temperature, concentrated and purified via HPLC. The compound was dissolved in acetonitrile (5 mL) and stirred with 100 mg of Spectra/Gel 1×8 strong-base anion, chloride form ion-exchange resin, and then filtered to give 4 mg of the title compound as the HCl salt. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.56 (s, 1H), 8.48 (d, J=10.93 Hz, 1H), 8.08-8.18 (m, 1H), 7.98-8.08 (m, 1H), 7.80-7.88 (m, 1H), 7.74 (dd, J=1.79, 7.44 Hz, 1H), 7.39-7.49 (m, 1H), 7.03 (dd, J=5.09, 7.16 Hz, 1H), 4.30 (s, 2H), 4.01 (s, 3H). MS m/e 374 (M+H). Example 11 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(6-methoxy-pyridin-2-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0152] [0153] The title compound was prepared using 6-methoxy-pyridine-2-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CHLOROFORM-d, MeOD) δ 8.63 (t, J=1.51 Hz, 1H), 8.55 (dt, J=1.46, 8.01 Hz, 1H), 7.78 (ddd, J=1.22, 1.37, 7.77 Hz, 1H), 7.55-7.71 (m, 2H), 7.42 (d, J=0.94 Hz, 1H), 7.07 d, J=7.35 Hz, 1H), 6.73 (d, J=8.29 Hz, 1H), 5.98 (s, 1H), 3.99 (s, 3H); MS m/e 390 (M+H). Example 12 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2H-[1,2′]bipyridinyl-5′-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0154] [0155] The title compound was prepared using 6-piperidin-1-ylnicotinaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.46-8.76 (m, 2H), 7.91-8.11 (m, 2H), 7.83 (d, J=7.54 Hz, 1H), 7.56-7.74 (m, 1H), 7.31-7.48 (m, 2H), 6.09 (s, 1H), 3.57-3.84 (m, 4H), 1.80 (br. s., 6H); MS m/e 443 (M+H). Example 13 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(2-morpholin-4-yl-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0156] [0157] The title compound was prepared using 2-morpholin-4-ylpyridine-3-carboxaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.49-8.63 (m, 2H), 8.42 (dd, J=1.70, 7.72 Hz, 1H), 8.34 (dd, J=1.88, 5.65 Hz, 1H), 7.83 (dt, J=1.37, 7.82 Hz, 1H), 7.59-7.70 (m, 1H), 7.45 (dd, J=5.65, 7.72 Hz, 1H), 7.40 (d, J=1.32 Hz, 1H), 6.35 (d, J=0.75 Hz, 1H), 3.84 (t, J=4.62 Hz, 4H), 3.42-3.55 (m, 2H), 3.29-3.42 (m, 2H); MS m/e 445 (M+H). Example 14 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(2-pyrrolidin-1-yl-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0158] [0159] The title compound was prepared using 2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)nicotinaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.52-8.71 (m, 2H), 8.15 (d, J=7.16 Hz, 1H), 8.06 (dd, J=1.51, 6.03 Hz, 1H), 7.89-7.99 (m, 1H), 7.63-7.77 (m, 2H), 7.35 (s, 1H), 7.05 (dd, J=6.40, 7.16 Hz, 1H), 6.40 (s, 1H), 3.67-3.87 (m, 4H), 1.84-2.07 (m, 4H); MS m/e 429 (M+H). Example 15 3-[4-Amino-6-(hydroxy-pyridin-2-yl-methyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0160] [0161] The title compound was prepared using pyridine-2-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde, as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.76 (d, J=5.65 Hz, 1H), 8.57-8.72 (m, 2H), 8.47 (td, J=1.60, 7.86 Hz, 1H), 8.03 (d, J=8.10 Hz, 1H), 7.87-7.98 (m, 1H), 7.82 (dt, J=1.41, 7.72 Hz, 1H), 7.60-7.73 (m, 1H), 7.52 (d, J=0.94 Hz, 1H), 6.44 (s, 1H); MS m/e 360 (M+H). Example 16 2-Phenyl-6-pyridin-2-ylmethyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamine [0162] [0163] The title compound was prepared using benzonitrile in place of 1,3-dicyanobenzene as described in example 1, and pyridine-2-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.73 (d, J=4.52 Hz, 1H), 8.39 (td, J=1.70, 7.82 Hz, 1H), 8.13-8.31 (m, 2H), 7.72-7.94 (m, 2H), 7.44-7.58 (m, 3H), 7.39 (s, 1H), 4.62 (s, 2H); MS m/e 319 (M+H). Example 17 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2H-[1,2′]bipyridinyl-3′-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0164] [0165] The title compound was prepared using 2-piperidin-1-ylpyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.51-8.72 (m, 2H), 8.31 (dd, J=1.79, 5.37 Hz, 1H), 8.17 (d, J=7.91 Hz, 1H), 7.95 (dd, J=1.32, 7.72 Hz, 1H), 7.60-7.83 (m, 2H), 7.38 (s, 1H), 7.33 (dd, J=5.46, 7.35 Hz, 1H), 6.13 (s, 1H), 3.23-3.35 (m, 2H), 3.07-3.24 (m, 2H), 1.49-1.77 (m, 6H); MS m/e 443 (M+H). Example 18 3-{4-Amino-6-[(2-ethoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0166] [0167] The title compound was prepared using 2-ethoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.52-8.72 (m, 2H), 8.08 (dd, J=1.88, 4.90 Hz, 1H), 7.98 (dd, J=1.88, 7.54 Hz, 1H), 7.80 (d, J=7.91 Hz, 1H), 7.64 (t, J=7.91 Hz, 1H), 7.29 (s, 1H), 7.03 (dd, J=5.09, 7.35 Hz, 1H), 6.24 (s, 1H), 4.39 (q, J=6.91 Hz, 2H), 1.35 (t, 3H); MS m/e 404 (M+H). Example 19 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-ethoxy-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 19 Step A {2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-[(2-ethoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0168] [0169] The title compound was prepared using 2-ethoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 19 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-ethoxy-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0170] [0171] The title compound was prepared using {2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-[(2-ethoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.54-8.71 (m, 2H), 8.04 (dd, J=1.88, 5.27 Hz, 1H), 7.74-7.84 (m, 1H), 7.58-7.70 (m, 2H), 7.20 (s, 1H), 6.93 (dd, J=5.09, 7.35 Hz, 1H), 4.39 (q, J=7.03 Hz, 2H), 4.19 (s, 2H), 1.39 (t, J=6.97 Hz, 3H); MS m/e 388 (M+H). Example 20 3-[4-Amino-6-(3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2H-[1,2′]bipyridinyl-3′-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 20 Step A {2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2H-[1,2′]bipyridinyl-3′-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0172] [0173] The title compound was prepared using 2-piperidin-1-ylpyridine-3-carboxaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 20 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2H-[1,2′]bipyridinyl-3′-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0174] [0175] The title compound was prepared using {2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2H-[1,2′]bipyridinyl-3′-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.54-8.72 (m, 2H), 8.23 (dd, J=1.88, 5.27 Hz, 1H), 7.93 (d, J=7.91 Hz, 1H), 7.66-7.80 (m, 2H), 7.61 (br. s., 2H), 7.35 (s, 1H), 7.13 (dd, J=5.09, 7.35 Hz, 1H), 4.26 (s, 2H), 2.96-3.21 (m, 4H), 1.46-1.76 (m, 6H); MS m/e 427 (M+H). Example 21 3-{4-Amino-6-[(3-chloro-pyridin-4-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0176] [0177] The title compound was prepared using 3-chloro-4-pyridinecarbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.51-8.78 (m, 4H), 7.93 (s, 1H), 7.51-7.82 (m, 4H), 7.34 (s, 1H), 6.20 (s, 1H); MS m/e 394 (M+H). Example 22 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-chloro-pyridin-4-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 22 Step A [6-[(3-Chloro-pyridin-4-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0178] [0179] The title compound was prepared using 3-chloro-4-pyridinecarbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 22 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-chloro-pyridin-4-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0180] [0181] The title compound was prepared using [6-[(3-chloro-pyridin-4-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.70 (s, 1H), 8.58-8.67 (m, 2H), 8.56 (d, J=4.90 Hz, 1H), 7.94 (d, J=7.54 Hz, 1H), 7.60-7.82 (m, 3H), 7.55 (d, J=4.90 Hz, 1H), 7.30 (s, 1H), 4.40 (s, 2H); MS m/e 378 (M+H). Example 23 3-(4-Amino-6-{hydroxy-[2-(2,2,2-trifluoro-ethoxy)-pyridin-3-yl]-methyl}-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile [0182] [0183] The title compound was prepared using 2-(2,2,2-trifluoro-ethoxy)-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CHLOROFORM-d) δ 8.67 (s, 1H), 8.59 (d, J=7.91 Hz, 1H), 8.11 (dd, J=1.70, 5.09 Hz, 1H), 8.02 (dd, J=1.88, 7.16 Hz, 1H), 7.72 (d, J=7.91 Hz, 1H), 7.53-7.63 (m, 1H), 7.18 (s, 1H), 7.10 (dd, J=5.09, 7.35 Hz, 1H), 6.30 (s, 1H), 4.80 (q, J=8.67 Hz, 2H); MS m/e 458 (M+H). Example 24 3-{4-Amino-6-[2-(2,2,2-trifluoro-ethoxy)-pyridin-3-ylmethyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile Example 24 Step A (2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-{hydroxy-[2-(2,2,2-trifluoro-ethoxy)-pyridin-3-yl]-methyl}-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0184] [0185] The title compound was prepared using 2-(2,2,2-trifluoro-ethoxy)-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 24 Step B 3-{4-Amino-6-[2-(2,2,2-trifluoro-ethoxy)-pyridin-3-ylmethyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0186] [0187] The title compound was prepared using (2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-{hydroxy-[2-(2,2,2-trifluoro-ethoxy)-pyridin-3-yl]-methyl}-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CHLOROFORM-d, MeOD) δ 8.61 (s, 1H), 8.53 (d, J=7.91 Hz, 1H), 8.02 (dd, J=1.88, 4.90 Hz, 1H), 7.61-7.74 (m, 1H), 7.48-7.61 (m, 2H), 7.04 (s, 1H), 6.96 (dd, J=5.09, 7.35 Hz, 1H), 4.76 (q, J=8.54 Hz, 2H), 4.17 (s, 2H); MS m/e 442 (M+H). Example 25 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(2-isopropoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0188] [0189] The title compound was prepared using 2-isopropoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CHLOROFORM-d, MeOD) δ 8.67 (s, 1H), 8.58 (d, J=8.29 Hz, 1H), 8.09 (dd, J=1.88, 5.27 Hz, 1H), 7.88 (dd, J=1.51, 7.54 Hz, 1H), 7.67-7.78 (m, 1H), 7.50-7.64 (m, 1H), 7.14 (s, 1H), 6.96 (dd, J=4.90, 7.16 Hz, 1H), 6.21 (s, 1H), 5.32 (quin, J=6.12 Hz, 1H), 1.34 (d, J=6.40 Hz, 3H), 1.30 (d, J=6.03 Hz, 3H); MS m/e 418 (M+H). Example 26 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-isopropoxy-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 26 Step A {2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(2-isopropoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0190] [0191] The title compound was prepared using 2-isopropoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 26 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-isopropoxy-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0192] [0193] The title compound was prepared using {2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(2-isopropoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CHLOROFORM-d) δ 8.74 (s, 1H), 8.65 (d, J=8.29 Hz, 1H), 8.08 (dd, J=1.88, 5.27 Hz, 1H), 7.70 (d, J=7.91 Hz, 1H), 7.51-7.60 (m, 1H), 7.46 (dd, J=1.88, 7.16 Hz, 1H), 6.73-6.91 (m, 2H), 5.37 (quin, J=6.12 Hz, 1H), 5.27 (br. s., 2H), 4.14 (s, 2H), 1.36 (d, J=6.03 Hz, 6H); MS m/e 402 (M+H). Example 27 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-morpholin-4-yl-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 27 Step A {2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(2-morpholin-4-yl-pyridin-3-y)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0194] [0195] The title compound was prepared using 2-morpholin-4-ylpyridine-3-carboxaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 27 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-morpholin-4-yl-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0196] [0197] The title compound was prepared using {2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(2-morpholin-4-yl-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.53-8.69 (m, 2H), 8.28 (d, J=5.09 Hz, 1H), 7.94 (d, J=6.59 Hz, 1H), 7.62-7.86 (m, 3H), 7.38 (s, 1H), 7.14-7.27 (m, 1H), 4.32 (s, 2H), 3.64-3.81 (m, 4H), 3.10-3.25 (m, 4H); MS m/e 429 (M+H). Example 28 3-[4-Amino-6-(hydroxy-pyridin-4-yl-methyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0198] [0199] The title compound was prepared using pyridine-4-carboxaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.87 (d, J=6.78 Hz, 2H), 8.56-8.74 (m, 2H), 8.24 (d, J=6.59 Hz, 2H), 7.76-7.88 (m, 1H), 7.59-7.72 (m, 1H), 7.51 (s, 1H), 6.39 (s, 1H); MS m/e 360 (M+H). Example 29 3-{4-Amino-6-[(2-fluoro-pyridin-3-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0200] [0201] The title compound was prepared using 2-fluoropyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (400 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.63-8.69 (m, 1H), 8.57-8.62 (m, 1H), 8.16-8.29 (m, 2H), 7.83 (dt, J=1.44, 7.64 Hz, 1H), 7.67 (t, J=7.95 Hz, 1H), 7.43 (ddd, J=1.59, 5.14, 7.21 Hz, 1H), 7.36 (s, 1H), 6.30 (s, 1H); MS m/e 378 (M+H). Example 30 3-{4-Amino-6-[(2-chloro-pyridin-3-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0202] [0203] The title compound was prepared using 2-chloropyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.51-8.70 (m, 2H), 8.37 (dd, J=1.88, 4.90 Hz, 1H), 8.24 (dd, J=1.88, 7.72 Hz, 1H), 7.78-7.91 (m, 1H), 7.62-7.73 (m, 1H), 7.52 (dd, J=4.71, 7.72 Hz, 1H), 7.36 (d, J=1.13 Hz, 1H), 6.36 (s, 1H); MS m/e 394 (M+H). Example 31 3-[4-Amino-6-(hydroxy-pyridin-3-yl-methyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0204] [0205] The title compound was prepared using pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 9.10 (d, J=1.13 Hz, 1H), 8.90 (d, J=5.65 Hz, 1H), 8.74-8.84 (m, 1H), 8.63 (t, J=1.51 Hz, 1H), 8.57 (ddd, J=1.32, 1.46, 8.15 Hz, 1H), 8.18 (dd, J=5.84, 8.10 Hz, 1H), 7.97 (dt, J=1.34, 7.86 Hz, 1H), 7.70-7.84 (m, 1H), 7.62 (d, J=0.94 Hz, 1H), 6.47 (s, 1H); MS m/e 360 (M+H). Example 32 3-(4-Amino-6-pyridin-3-ylmethyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile Example 32 Step A [2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-(hydroxy-pyridin-3-yl-methyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0206] [0207] The title compound was prepared using pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 32 Step B 3-(4-Amino-6-pyridin-3-ylmethyl-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-benzonitrile [0208] [0209] The title compound was prepared using [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-(hydroxy-pyridin-3-yl-methyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (400 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.79 (d, J=1.96 Hz, 1H), 8.71 (dd, J=1.22, 5.38 Hz, 1H), 8.64-8.69 (m, 1H), 8.61 (dt, J=1.47, 8.07 Hz, 1H), 8.39 (d, J=7.83 Hz, 1H), 7.92 (dd, J=5.50, 7.95 Hz, 1H), 7.78 (ddd, J=1.35, 1.47, 7.70 Hz, 1H), 7.59-7.66 (m, 1H), 7.32 (s, 1H), 4.49 (s, 2H); MS m/e 344 (M+H). Example 33 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(3-methoxy-pyridin-2-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0210] [0211] The title compound was prepared using 3-methoxy-pyridine-2-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.65-8.71 (m, 1H), 8.58-8.65 (m, 1H), 8.38 (dd, J=1.04, 5.56 Hz, 1H), 8.21 (d, J=8.85 Hz, 1H), 7.96 (dd, J=5.65, 8.67 Hz, 1H), 7.77-7.85 (m, 1H), 7.60-7.69 (m, 1H), 7.51 (d, J=0.75 Hz, 1H), 6.57 (s, 1H), 4.11 (s, 3H); MS m/e 390 (M+H). Example 34 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-methoxy-pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 34 Step A {2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(3-methoxy-pyridin-2-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0212] [0213] The title compound was prepared using 3-methoxy-pyridine-2-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 34 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-methoxy-pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitril [0214] [0215] The title compound was prepared using {2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(3-methoxy-pyridin-2-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.65 (d, J=1.13 Hz, 1H), 8.61 (d, J=7.91 Hz, 1H), 8.27 (d, J=5.46 Hz, 1H), 8.00 (d, J=8.48 Hz, 1H), 7.70-7.86 (m, 2H), 7.59-7.70 (m, 1H), 7.30 (s, 1H), 4.57 (s, 2H), 4.08 (s, 3H); MS m/e 374 (M+H). Example 35 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-chloro-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 35 Step A [6-[(2-Chloro-pyridin-3-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0216] [0217] The title compound was prepared using 2-chloropyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 35 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-chloro-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0218] [0219] The title compound was prepared using [6-[(2-chloro-pyridin-3-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.64-8.69 (m, 1H), 8.57-8.64 (m, 1H), 8.33 (dd, J=1.88, 4.71 Hz, 1H), 7.90 (dd, J=1.88, 7.54 Hz, 1H), 7.77-7.85 (m, 1H), 7.60-7.70 (m, 1H), 7.42 (dd, J=4.80, 7.63 Hz, 1H), 7.18-7.27 (m, 1H), 4.40 (s, 2H); MS m/e 378 (M+H). Example 36 3-{4-Amino-6-[hydroxy-(6-methoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0220] [0221] The title compound was prepared using 6-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.50-8.73 (m, 2H), 8.27 (d, J=2.45 Hz, 1H), 7.85-8.03 (m, 1H), 7.59-7.81 (m, 2H), 7.29 (d, J=1.13 Hz, 1H), 6.86 (d, J=8.85 Hz, 1H), 5.99 (s, 1H), 3.87 (s, 3H); MS m/e 390 (M+H). Example 37 3-[4-Amino-6-(6-methoxy-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 37 Step A {2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(6-methoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0222] [0223] The title compound was prepared using 6-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde, as described in Example 9. Example 37 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(6-methoxy-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitril [0224] [0225] The title compound was prepared using {2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(6-methoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.53-8.69 (m, 2H), 8.17 (d, J=2.64 Hz, 1H), 7.87-8.00 (m, 1H), 7.60-7.76 (m, 2H), 7.28 (s, 1H), 6.83 (d, J=8.48 Hz, 1H), 4.19 (s, 2H), 3.85 (s, 3H); MS m/e 374 (M+H). Example 38 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-fluoro-pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 38 Step A {2-(3-Cyano-phenyl)-6-[(3-fluoro-pyridin-2-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0226] [0227] The title compound was prepared using 3-fluoro-2-formylpyridine in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde as described in Example 9. Example 38 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-fluoro-pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0228] [0229] The title compound was prepared using {2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-[(3-fluoro-pyridin-2-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d 6 ) δ 8.53-8.68 (m, 2H), 8.44 (dt, J=1.44, 4.66 Hz, 1H), 7.95 (ddd, J=1.22, 1.37, 7.77 Hz, 1H), 7.64-7.86 (m, 2H), 7.33-7.51 (m, 2H), 4.43 (d, 2H); MS m/e 362 (M+H). Example 39 3-[4-Amino-6-(2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbonyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0230] [0231] Solid Dess-Martin reagent (16 mg, 0.04 mmol) was added to a CH 2 Cl 2 solution (2 mL) of {2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-6-[hydroxy-(2-methoxy-pyridin-3-yl)-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl}-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester (20 mg, 0.04 mmol, prepared as an intermediate in Example 9). After 2 h the reaction mixture was concentrated in vacuo and purified via column chromatography to give the corresponding ketone, that was then dissolved in CH 2 Cl 2 (1 mL)/TFA (1 mL) and stirred. After 1 hour the reaction mixture was concentrated in vacuo and purified via HPLC to give 5 mg of the title compound as the TFA salt. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, MeOD) δ 8.55 (t, J=1.51 Hz, 1H), 8.48 (dt, J=1.51, 8.10 Hz, 1H), 8.32 (dd, J=1.88, 5.09 Hz, 1H), 8.07 (s, 1H), 7.94 (dt, J=1.27, 7.82 Hz, 1H), 7.85 (dd, J=1.88, 7.35 Hz, 1H), 7.67-7.77 (m, 1H), 7.08 (dd, J=5.09, 7.35 Hz, 1H), 3.87 (s, 3H); MS m/e 388 (M+H). Example 40 6-(6-Chloro-pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-2-(3-fluoro-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamine [0232] [0233] The title compound was prepared using 3-fluoro-benzonitrile in place of benzonitrile as described in Example 3. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl 3 ) δ=8.38 (d, J=2.3 Hz, 1 H), 8.21 (d, J=7.9 Hz, 1 H), 8.12 (dt, J=2.1, 10.5 Hz, 1 H), 7.59 (dd, J=2.4, 8.1 Hz, 1 H), 7.42 (td, J=5.8, 8.0 Hz, 1 H), 7.34 (d, J=7.9 Hz, 1 H), 7.14 (td, J=1.9, 8.3 Hz, 1 H), 6.78 (s, 1 H), 5.21 (br. s., 2 H), 4.22 (s, 2 H); MS m/e 371/373 (M+H). Example 41 3-{4-Amino-6-[(3-chloro-pyridin-2-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0234] [0235] The title compound was prepared using 3-chloro-pyridine-2-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde, as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, Acetone-d 6 ) δ=8.67-8.74 (m, 2 H), 8.64 (d, J=3.4 Hz, 1 H), 7.92-8.01 (m, 1 H), 7.83 (d, J=7.9 Hz, 1 H), 7.67 (t, J=8.1 Hz, 1 H), 7.49 (dd, J=4.7, 8.1 Hz, 1 H), 7.41 (s, 1 H), 7.03 (br. s., 2 H), 6.38 (s, 1 H); MS m/e 394/396 (M+H). Example 42 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-chloro-pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 42 Step A [6-[(3-Chloro-pyridin-2-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0236] [0237] The title compound was prepared using 3-chloro-pyridine-2-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde, as described in Example 9. Example 42 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-chloro-pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0238] [0239] The title compound was prepared using [6-[(3-chloro-pyridin-2-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, Acetone-d 6 ) δ=8.72 (s, 1 H), 8.69 (s, 1 H), 8.53 (d, J=4.5 Hz, 1 H), 7.88 (d, J=7.9 Hz, 1 H), 7.83 (d, J=7.5 Hz, 1 H), 7.67 (t, J=7.7 Hz, 1 H), 7.35-7.40 (m, 1 H), 7.34 (s, 1 H), 6.98 (br. s., 2 H), 4.55 (s, 2 H); MS m/e 378/380 (M+H). Example 43 3-{4-Amino-6-[(3-bromo-pyridin-2-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl}-benzonitrile [0240] [0241] The title compound was prepared using 3-bromo-pyridine-2-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde, as described in Example 9. 1 H NMR (400 MHz, Acetone-d 6 ) δ=8.68-8.72 (m, 3 H), 8.13 (dd, J=1.2, 8.1 Hz, 1 H), 7.79-7.87 (m, 1 H), 7.63-7.73 (m, 1 H), 7.37-7.46 (m, 2 H), 7.01 (br. s, 2 H), 6.35 (d, J=7.3 Hz, 1 H), 5.52 (d, J=7.8 Hz, 1 H); MS m/e 438/440 (M+H). Example 44 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-bromo-pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile Example 44 Step A [6-[(3-Bromo-pyridin-2-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester [0242] [0243] The title compound was prepared using 3-bromo-pyridine-2-carbaldehyde in place of 2-methoxy-pyridine-3-carbaldehyde, as described in Example 9. Example 44 Step B 3-[4-Amino-6-(3-bromo-pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-benzonitrile [0244] [0245] The title compound was prepared using [6-[(3-bromo-pyridin-2-yl)-hydroxy-methyl]-2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester in place of [2-(3-cyano-phenyl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl]-bis-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester as described in Example 10. 1 H NMR (300 MHz, Acetone-d 6 ) δ=8.65-8.76 (m, 2 H), 8.53-8.62 (m, 1 H), 8.06 (d, J=8.3 Hz, 1 H), 7.83 (d, J=7.9 Hz, 1 H), 7.68 (t, J=8.1 Hz, 1 H), 7.35 (s, 1 H), 7.28 (dd, J=4.7, 8.1 Hz, 1 H), 6.98 (br. s., 2 H), 4.58 (s, 2 H); MS m/e 422/424 (M+H). [0246] Biological Assays and Activity [0247] Ligand Binding Assay for Adenosine A2a Receptor [0248] Ligand binding assay of adenosine A2a receptor was performed using plasma membrane of HEK293 cells containing human A2a adenosine receptor (PerkinElmer, RB-HA2a) and radioligand [ 3 H]CGS21680 (PerkinElmer, NET1021). Assay was set up in 96-well polypropylene plate in total volume of 200 μL by sequentially adding 20 μL 1:20 diluted membrane, 130 μL assay buffer (50 mM Tris.HCl, pH 7.4 10 mM MgCl 2 , 1 mM EDTA) containing [ 3 H] CGS21680, 50 μL diluted compound (4×) or vehicle control in assay buffer. Nonspecific binding was determined by 80 mM NECA. Reaction was carried out at room temperature for 2 hours before filtering through 96-well GF/C filter plate pre-soaked in 50 mM Tris.HCl, pH 7.4 containing 0.3% polyethylenimine. Plates were then washed 5 times with cold 50 mM Tris.HCl, pH 7.4, dried and sealed at the bottom. Microscintillation fluid 30 μL was added to each well and the top sealed. Plates were counted on Packard Topcount for [ 3 H]. Data was analyzed in Microsoft Excel and GraphPad Prism programs. (Varani, K.; Gessi, S.; Dalpiaz, A.; Borea, P. A. British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996, 117, 1693) [0249] Adenosine A2a Receptor Functional Assay (A2AGAL2) [0250] To initiate the functional assay, cryopreserved CHO-K1 cells overexpressing the human adenosine A2a receptor and containing a cAMP inducible beta-galactosidase reporter gene were thawed, centrifuged, DMSO containing media removed, and then seeded with fresh culture media into clear 384-well tissue culture treated plates (BD #353961) at a concentration of 10K cells/well. Prior to assay, these plates were cultured for two days at 37° C., 5% CO 2 , 90% Rh. On the day of the functional assay, culture media was removed and replaced with 45 uL assay medium (Hams/F-12 Modified (Mediatech #10-080CV) supplemented w/0.1% BSA). Test compounds were diluted and 11 point curves created at a 1000× concentration in 100% DMSO. Immediately after addition of assay media to the cell plates, 50 nL of the appropriate test compound antagonist or agonist control curves were added to cell plates using a Cartesian Hummingbird. Compound curves were allowed to incubate at room temperature on cell plates for approximately 15 minutes before addition of a 15 nM NECA (Sigma E2387) agonist challenge (5 uL volume). A control curve of NECA, a DMSO/Media control, and a single dose of Forskolin (Sigma F3917) were also included on each plate. After additions, cell plates were allowed to incubate at 37° C., 5% CO 2 , 90% Rh for 5.5-6 hours. After incubation, media was removed, and cell plates were washed 1× 50 uL with DPBS w/o Ca & Mg (Mediatech 21-031-CV). Into dry wells, 20 uL of 1× Reporter Lysis Buffer (Promega E3971 (diluted in dH 2 O from 5× stock)) was added to each well and plates frozen at −20° C. overnight. For β-galactosidase enzyme calorimetric assay, plates were thawed out at room temperature and 20 μL 2× assay buffer (Promega) was added to each well. Color was allowed to develop at 37° C., 5% CO 2 , 90% Rh for 1-1.5 h or until reasonable signal appeared. The calorimetric reaction was stopped with the addition of 60 μL/well 1M sodium carbonate. Plates were counted at 405 nm on a SpectraMax Microplate Reader (Molecular Devices). Data was analyzed in Microsoft Excel and IC/EC50 curves were fit using a standardized macro. [0251] Adenosine A1 Receptor Functional Assay (A1GAL2) [0252] To initiate the functional assay, cryopreserved CHO-K1 cells overexpressing the human adenosine A1 receptor and containing a cAMP inducible beta-galactosidase reporter gene were thawed, centrifuged, DMSO containing media removed, and then seeded with fresh culture media into clear 384-well tissue culture treated plates (BD #353961) at a concentration of 10K cells/well. Prior to assay, these plates were cultured for two days at 37+ C., 5% CO 2 , 90% Rh. On the day of the functional assay, culture media was removed and replaced with 45 uL assay medium (Hams/F-12 Modified (Mediatech #10-080CV) supplemented w/0.1% BSA). Test compounds were diluted and 11 point curves created at a 1000× concentration in 100% DMSO. Immediately after addition of assay media to the cell plates, 50 nL of the appropriate test compound antagonist or agonist control curves were added to cell plates using a Cartesian Hummingbird. Compound curves were allowed to incubate at room temperature on cell plates for approximately 15 minutes before addition of a 4 nM r-PIA (Sigma P4532)/1 uM Forskolin (Sigma F3917) agonist challenge (5 uL volume). A control curve of r-PIA in 1 uM Forskolin, a DMSO/Media control, and a single dose of Forskolin were also included on each plate. After additions, cell plates were allowed to incubate at 37° C., 5% CO 2 , 90% Rh for 5.5-6 hours. After incubation, media was removed, and cell plates were washed 1× 50 uL with DPBS w/o Ca & Mg (Mediatech 21-031-CV). Into dry wells, 20 uL of 1× Reporter Lysis Buffer (Promega E3971 (diluted in dH 2 O from 5× stock)) was added to each well and plates frozen at −20° C. overnight. For β-galactosidase enzyme calorimetric assay, plates were thawed out at room temperature and 20 μL 2× assay buffer (Promega) was added to each well. Color was allowed to develop at 37° C., 5% CO 2 , 90% Rh for 1-1.5 h or until reasonable signal appeared. The calorimetric reaction was stopped with the addition of 60 μL/well 1M sodium carbonate. Plates were counted at 405 nm on a SpectraMax Microplate Reader (Molecular Devices). Data was analyzed in Microsoft Excel and IC/EC50 curves were fit using a standardized macro. [0000] A2a ASSAY DATA Example A2AGAL2 Ki μM A2A-B Ki μM A1GAL2 Ki μM 1 ND ND ND 2 0.0791955 ND 0.467843 3 0.0472389 ND 0.437825 4 ND ND ND 5 ND ND ND 6 ND ND ND 7 ND ND ND 8 ND ND ND 9 0.00925337 0.0120893 0.168345 10 0.0144145 0.0341979 0.101368 11 0.0293157 ND 0.153003 12 0.200909 ND 1.28086 13 0.171435 ND 0.444939 14 1.03657 ND 1.29181 15 0.00503849 0.0342768 0.15153 16 0.00571479 ND 0.0486855 17 0.031989 ND 0.277077 18 ND ND ND 19 ND ND ND 20 0.0453002 ND 0.292012 21 0.0123055 0.043843 0.412477 22 0.0252639 ND >0.610098 23 ND ND ND 24 ND ND ND 25 ND ND ND 26 ND ND ND 27 0.0397832 ND 0.592243 28 0.0874984 ND 0.786864 29 0.0050851 ND 0.14471 30 0.0162855 0.0619156 0.347296 31 0.0159845 ND 0.285299 32 0.0175752 ND 0.408319 33 0.00444325 0.00666346 0.0842364 34 0.00124222 0.0201697 0.0260795 35 0.0113763 0.0283596 0.713181 36 0.155955 ND 0.725939 37 0.0643428 ND 0.506524 38 0.00141286 0.057783 0.0300469 39 0.0529907 ND 0.289001 40 0.442181 ND 0.4432 41 ND ND ND 42 ND ND ND 43 ND ND ND 44 ND ND ND ND indicates no data was available. [0253] While the foregoing specification teaches the principles of the present invention, with examples provided for the purpose of illustration, it will be understood that the practice of the invention encompasses all of the usual variations, adaptations and/or modifications as come within the scope of the following claims and their equivalents. [0254] All publications disclosed in the above specification are hereby incorporated by reference in full.
This invention relates to a novel thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine, Z, and its therapeutic and prophylactic uses, wherein R 1 and R 2 are defined in the specification. Disorders treated and/or prevented include Parkinson's Disease.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a bi-level image processing method and apparatus such as a method and apparatus for converting the resolution of a bi-level image, or for compressively encoding a bi-level image. Although a bi-level image comprises only black and white dots, many bi-level images exploit the integrating capability of the human visual system to express different levels of gray by means of patterns in which black dots appear with different densities. These patterns are generated by linear interpolation and other well-known techniques, and the arrangement of black dots in the patterns is essentially random. Random arrangements create problems in various types of image processing. As one of these problems, when the resolution of a bi-level image is converted, random arrangements of black dots tend to generate unwanted patterns, referred to as texture, in the converted image. As another problem, when the image is compressively encoded, the randomness of the dot patterns prevents high compression ratios from being attained. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A general object of the present invention is accordingly to increase the regularity of a bi-level image, thereby making the image more suitable for further image processing. A more specific object is to convert the resolution of a bi-level image without generating unwanted texture. Another more specific object is to increase the compression ratio when a bi-level is compressively encoded. The invented method and apparatus begin by dividing a bi-level image into rectangular blocks, and rearranging the dots in each rectangular block into a pattern determined by the number of dots having a particular value in the rectangular block, thereby producing a rearranged image. According to a first aspect of the invention, the resolution of the rearranged image is then converted to produce an output image. According to a second aspect of the invention, the rearranged image is compressively encoded to obtain first coded data. These first coded data may be used as output data. The original bi-level image itself may also be encoded, however, to obtain second coded data, in which case the first coded data are selected for output if the second coded data exceed a certain threshold size, and the second coded data are selected for output if the second coded data do not exceed the threshold size. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS In the attached drawings: FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a first embodiment of the invention; FIGS. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 illustrate dot patterns generated by the first embodiment; FIGS. 17, 18, and 19 illustrate dot rearrangement by the first embodiment; FIG. 20 illustrates resolution conversion in the first embodiment; FIG. 21 is a bi-level image; FIG. 22 is a rearranged image, obtained by the first embodiment by rearranging dots in the bi-level image in FIG. 21; FIG. 23 is a converted image, obtained by the first embodiment by halving the resolution of the bi-level image in FIG. 21; FIG. 24 is a conventional converted image, obtained by halving the resolution of the bi-level image in FIG. 21; FIG. 25 is a block diagram of a second embodiment of the invention; and FIG. 26 is a decoded image obtained by the second embodiment. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Embodiments of the invention will be described with reference to the attached illustrative drawings. First Embodiment The first embodiment is a resolution conversion device for converting the resolution of a bi-level image. This device can be usefully employed in a personal computer, for example, to convert image data from a first resolution to a second resolution, for transmission to a printer, facsimile machine, or other image output device having the second resolution. Referring to FIG. 1, the resolution conversion device 2 comprises a density counter 4, a pattern converter 6, and a linear interpolator 8. The density counter 4 and pattern converter 6 constitute an image regularizer 9. The density counter 4 receives an input bi-level image X, divides the image X into rectangular blocks, and counts the number of black dots in each block, thus obtaining a density count G for each block. In the present embodiment, the rectangular blocks are four-by-four blocks; G therefore takes on values from zero to sixteen. If d i (i=1 to 16) are the bit values of the dots, and black dots are represented by bit values of `1, ` then G can be calculated by the following equation: ##EQU1## The pattern converter 6 rearranges the dots in each block into a pattern determined solely by the value of G. The term "rearrange" is used herein in the usual sense, implying that the pattern converter 6 does not change the number of dots per block, or alter the number of black dots. The resulting rearranged image A, comprising the rearranged blocks, is provided to the linear interpolator 8. The linear interpolator 8 uses a linear interpolation method to convert the resolution of the rearranged image A. Specifically, the linear interpolator 8 selects the dot in the rearranged image that is closest to each dot position in the converted image, and assigns the value of the selected dot to the converted dot. The resulting converted image Y is the output of the resolution conversion device 2. Next, the operation of the pattern converter 6 will be described in more detail. The pattern generated by the pattern converter 6 in each block is a spiral pattern of black dots that starts at a central dot in the block and continues for a number of dots equal to the value of G. The spiral always starts at the same central dot and always proceeds in the same direction. FIGS. 2 to 16 show the spiral patterns for density counts G from one to fifteen, when the starting dot is the upper left dot among the four central dots, and the pattern spirals clockwise. Needless to say, for a density count of zero, the pattern converter 6 generates an all-white pattern, and for a density count of sixteen, the pattern converter 6 generates an all-black pattern. FIGS. 17, 18, and 19 illustrate the action of the pattern converter 6 on typical rectangular blocks having two, three, and four black dots, respectively. Regardless of the disposition of black dots in the input block, the pattern converter 6 converts the block to a fixed, regular output pattern in which the black dots are concentrated at the center of the block. FIG. 20 illustrates the operation of the linear interpolator 8 when the resolution is reduced by a factor of two, so that each four-by-four block of dots is converted to a two-by-two block. The positions of the four dots in the two-by-two block are mapped onto the positions of dots d 1 , d 3 , d 9 , and d 11 in the four-by-four block. The linear interpolator 8 copies the values of these dots d 1 , d 3 , d 9 , and d 11 and discards the other dots. The result of the overall operation of the first embodiment is illustrated by FIGS. 21 to 23. FIG. 21 shows a bi-level image X having a resolution of six hundred dots per inch (600 DPI). FIG. 22 shows the rearranged image A produced by the density counter 4 and pattern converter 6, by rearranging dots according to the spiral patterns shown in FIGS. 2 to 16. FIG. 23 shows the converted image Y produced from this rearranged image A by the linear interpolator 8. The converted image Y has a resolution of three hundred dots per inch (300 DPI). Because of the regularity of the dot patterns in the rearranged image A, to the human eye, the converted image Y in FIG. 23 closely resembles the original image X in FIG. 21. For comparison, FIG. 24 shows the result of converting the resolution of the image in FIG. 21 from six hundred dots per inch to three hundred dots per inch directly by linear interpolation, without rearrangement of the dots. The essentially random patterns of dots that generate different gray levels in FIG. 21 create much unwanted texture in FIG. 24. The image in FIG. 24 is obviously inferior in quality to the image generated by the first embodiment in FIG. 23. Second Embodiment The second embodiment is a bi-level image data compressor that compressively encodes a bi-level image. This embodiment can be usefully employed in a personal computer, for example, to compress image data to be sent to a printer, to avoid overflow of the printer's memory. Referring to FIG. 25, the bi-level image data compressor 10 comprises an image regularizer 9, a first encoder 12 and second encoder 14, a code size counter 16, a comparator 18, and a selector 20. The image regularizer 9 is identical to the image regularizer 9 in the first embodiment, comprising a density counter 4 and pattern converter 6. The input bi-level image X is received by both the image regularizer 9 and the second encoder 14. The first encoder 12 encodes the rearranged image A output by the pattern converter 6 by a lossless coding method, such as the modified modified READ (MMR) method, or an arithmetic coding method, thereby producing first coded data Y 1 . The second encoder 14 encodes the input image X by the same method as employed in the first encoder 12, producing second coded data Y 2 . The code size counter 16 determines the size D of the second coded data Y 2 , by counting bytes, for example. The comparator 18 compares this size D with a threshold value T, and outputs a signal C indicating whether D exceeds T. C is, for example, a one-bit signal with a value of `1` when D exceeds T and a value of `0` when D does not exceed T. The selector 20 receives the coded data Y 1 , and Y 2 and this signal C, selects the first coded data Y 1 when signal C indicates that size D exceeds threshold T, and selects the second coded data Y 2 when D does not exceed T. The data selected by the selector 20 become the output data Z of the image data compressor 10. These output data Z are transmitted by a data transmission controller 22 over a communication channel 24, such as an electrical cable or optical data link, to a decoder 26 in a device such as a printer. The decoder 26 stores the data Z in an internal buffer memory (not visible), and decodes the stored data to obtain a reproduced bi-level image P. The threshold value T is set in relation to the size of the buffer memory used by the decoder 26. The size of this buffer memory is known to the personal computer or other host device in which the image data compressor 10 is installed. If the size of the buffer memory changes, e.g. when a new printer is connected, the host device alters the threshold T accordingly. The operation of the second embodiment will now be described for a case in which the first and second encoders 12 and 14 employ arithmetic coding, and the threshold T is set at 0.1 megabyte. The input bi-level image X is the image shown in FIG. 21, which comprises 2048×2000 dots and has an uncompressed data size of 0.512 megabyte. Arithmetic coding of image X by the second encoder 14 reduces the data size by a factor of 2.516; the size D of the second coded data Y 2 is 0.203 megabyte. Arithmetic coding of the rearranged image A (FIG. 22) reduces the data size by a larger factor of 4.742; the size of the first coded data Y 1 is only 0.147 megabyte. The increased compression ratio is due to the increased regularity of the rearranged data A. The rearranged data A tend to contain, for example, many consecutive occurrences of identical data patterns, which are readily compressed. Since the size D (0.203 megabyte) of the second coded data Y 2 exceeds the threshold value T (0.1 megabyte), the comparator 18 outputs a signal C instructing the selector 20 to select the first coded data Y 1 as the output data Z. The data transmission controller 22 sends the output data Z to the decoder 26. The decoder 26 performs a lossless arithmetic decoding process, so the decoded bi-level image P, shown in FIG. 26, is identical to the rearranged image A. When the size D does not exceed the threshold T, the second coded data Y 2 are selected, and lossless decoding by the decoder 26 produces a decoded image P directly from the encoded original image X. This is, of course, the most desirable situation, but when insufficient memory prevents the decoder 26 from receiving the entire second coded data Y 2 , by substituting the rearranged image A for the original image X, the second embodiment enables the decoder 26 to produce a satisfactory decoded image. The second embodiment thereby avoids the problem of buffer memory overflow, which would lead to an incomplete and hence unacceptable decoded image. The present invention is not restricted to the embodiments above. It is not necessary for the pattern converter 6 to generate spiral dot patterns; various other types of regular patterns can be employed. It is not necessary for the rectangular blocks to be four-by-four blocks; M×N blocks may be employed, where M and N are any integers greater than unity. It is not necessary for M to be equal to N. The value of G can be obtained from a look-up table, instead of by counting. The dots need not be black and white. The image regularizer can be used to regularize bi-level image data for purposes other than resolution conversion and data compression. Those skilled in the art will recognize that other variations are possible within the scope of the invention as claimed below.
A bi-level image is pre-processed by dividing the image into rectangular blocks, and rearranging the dots in each rectangular block into a pattern determined by the density of black dots in the block. The resulting rearranged image is suitable for further processing such as resolution conversion or compressive encoding.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This present application claims priority of a Chinese patent application S/N 200910136969.0 filed Apr. 30, 2009. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention relates to the technical field of application-specific integrated circuit design, and more specifically, to a method and apparatus for detecting timing constraint conflicts in application-specific integrated circuit design. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) design can be divided into front end design and back end design, wherein the front end design personnel output netlist files and timing constraint files according to design requirement documents. A netlist file describes various devices used in chip design and logical connection relationships among the devices, but do not describe how the various devices are physically placed; a timing constraint file is used for specifying the amount of time by which a data signal (and/or a clock signal) needs to arrive in advance or in retard relative to a clock signal (and/or a data signal). Accordingly, time delays of respective circuits in a circuit are prescribed. According to the netlist files and the timing constraint files output by the front end design personnel, the back end design personnel perform layout wiring on netlist level design, which are transformed into layout design composed of standard cells, macrocells and pads, wherein a standard cell library is a library composed of certain basic logical gate circuits, and each cell has same layout height and has a variety of different views; a macrocell comprises a RAM, a ROM and a dedicated IP module; a pad comprises input, output and power supply pad. One important task of the design by the back end design personnel is to satisfy timing constraints required in timing constraint files. [0004] Therefore, timing constraint is one important factor in ASIC design requirement, and a timing constraint conflict means that contradictory timing constraint requirements are made for a same circuit. For example, constraint 1 requires that signal A arrives earlier than signal B, constraint 2 requires that signal A arrives later than signal B, then for signal A, a timing constraint conflict exists. Apparently, if a conflict exists between timing constraints, it is impossible to meet design requirements. However, due to different reasons, the problem of timing constraint conflict exists nearly in all of chip designs. [0005] Currently, in order to detect whether or not timing constraints in timing constraint files can be satisfied, the design personnel usually adopt a STA method (static timing analysis method). Static timing analysis uses indiscriminately a specific timing model, and with respect to a specific circuit, analyzes whether it violates the timing constraints given by a designer. The inputs of a static timing analysis tool are as follows: a netlist, timing constraints and a timing model. A static timing analysis tool implements certain functions to help a user conduct a timing analysis, and main tools in the industry are PrimeTime of Sysnopsys and ETS (Encounter Timing System) of Cadence. During a STA process, in order to detect conflicting timing constraints, there is a need to manually analyze timing report, and debug erroneous timing constraints. However, a timing constraint report of present day ASIC design contains entries varying from 10,000 to 100,000 lines, and debugging work will cost static timing analysis engineers a significant amount of time (several days to several weeks). It will also take ASIC timing-driven layout tools a large amount of time to achieve these goals. If timing constraint conflicts exist in a timing constraint file itself, this design goal is almost impossible. In actual ASIC design, delays in delivery often occur due to this reason. Therefore, if timing constraint conflicts can be acquired in an early stage, design turnaround time in design will be significantly reduced. [0006] Among the existing different STA tools, IBM Einstimer tool provides the following function: if UDT (User Defined Test) and RAT (Required Arrival Time) exist at a same port, a warning message is provided. The function only aims at port and cannot be applied to internal logic, and a warning is given only when the above two tests overlap. If timing constraint of the internal logic conflicts with each other, the tool does not have detecting function. Other STA tools do not even have relevant functions. [0007] Another drawback of the above solution is: for a timing report having 10,000 to 100,000 lines, it is quite difficult to achieve the goal of 100% detecting and covering all the timing constraint conflicts merely by manual work, timing constraint debugging efficiency will be very low. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0008] Therefore, there is a need for a method that can automatically detect timing constraint conflicts with 100% coverage to reduce design turnaround time and engineer resources in ASIC projects. [0009] According to one aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method for detecting timing constraint conflicts, comprising: receiving a timing constraint file; taking all test points in the timing constraint file as nodes, determining directed edges between the nodes and weights of the directed edges according to timing constraints relevant to the test points in the timing constraint file to establish a directed graph; searching for all directed cycles of the directed graph; for each directed cycle, if the sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle satisfies a required condition, determining that a timing constraint conflict exists among the test points and the timing constraints constituting the directed cycle. [0010] According to another aspect of the present invention, there is provided an apparatus for detecting timing constraint conflicts, comprising: a receiving module for receiving a timing constraint file; an establishing module for, taking all test points in the timing constraint file as nodes, determining directed edges between the nodes and weights of the directed edges according to timing constraints relevant to the test points in the timing constraint file to establish a directed graph; a searching module for searching for all directed cycles of the directed graph; a determining module for, for each directed cycle, if the sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle satisfies a required condition, determining that a timing constraint conflict exists among the test points and the timing constraints constituting the directed cycle. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0011] The above and other objectives, features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from more detailed description of the exemplary implementation of the present invention in the drawings, wherein, like reference numbers generally represent same parts in the exemplary implementation of the present invention. [0012] FIG. 1 schematically shows a flowchart of a method for detecting timing constraint conflicts according to the present invention. [0013] FIG. 2 gives a directed graph representation of the Minimum Required Time Advanced (MRTA) concept. [0014] FIG. 3 shows a directed graph of a node having different timing detection types when MRTA=0. [0015] FIG. 4 a schematically shows a flow of searching a netlist for incomplete test point information according to an embodiment of the present invention. [0016] FIG. 4 b gives a method for obtaining general timing constraints according to an embodiment of the present invention. [0017] FIG. 4 c schematically shows a flow of establishing a directed graph according to an embodiment of the present invention. [0018] FIGS. 5 a and 5 b give netlists of a trigger setup check and a trigger hold check, respectively. [0019] FIG. 6 shows a directed graph obtained according to the netlists and timing constraint relationships as shown in FIG. 5 . [0020] FIG. 7 shows a netlist and a directed graph of user-defined skew detection. [0021] FIG. 8 shows a netlist and a directed graph of point-to-point delay detection. [0022] FIG. 9 schematically shows a directed graph obtained according to a netlist file and a timing constraint file. [0023] FIG. 10 schematically shows result of searching the directed graph of FIG. 9 for a strongly connected region. [0024] FIG. 11 schematically shows result of searching the strongly connected region of FIG. 10 for directed cycles. [0025] FIG. 12 schematically shows an apparatus for detecting timing constraint conflicts. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0026] The preferred implementation of the present invention will be described in more detail with reference to the figures, in which preferred embodiments of the present invention are shown. However, the present invention can be implemented in various forms, and shall not be construed as being limited by the embodiments set forth herein. On the contrary, these embodiments are provided to make the present invention more thorough and complete, and, to fully convey the scope of the present invention to a person skilled in the art. [0027] For a better understanding of the present invention, certain basic concepts are first given herein: [0028] (1) MRTA (Minimum Required Time Advanced): if the arrival time (AT A ) of a signal at point A is at least later than the arrival time (AT B ) of the signal at point B by X, namely [0000] AT A −AT B ≧X   (1) [0000] then, for the arrival of the signal at point B, X is the Minimum Required Time Advanced. [0029] (2) Each point in a circuit has different time detection types, which include early mode signal arrival time and late mode signal arrival time, wherein, the early mode signal arrival time gives the earliest signal arrival time at the point, and the late mode signal arrival time gives the latest signal arrival time at the point. In a directed graph, two nodes are used to express such node that has different time detection types. [0030] FIG. 1 schematically shows a flowchart of a method for detecting timing constraint conflicts according to the present invention. Here, a basic outline of the flow is given first, and then, the implementation methods of respective steps will be detailed. First at step S 101 , a timing constraint file is received; the timing constraint file gives timing constraints of timing test points. Then, at step S 102 , all the test points in the timing constraint file are taken as nodes, and directed edges between the nodes and weights of the directed edges are determined according to timing constraints relevant to the test points in the timing constraint file to establish a directed graph. As to how to establish a directed graph is omitted here and it will be described in detail in the latter part. At step S 103 , all directed cycles of the directed graph are sought, and finally at step S 104 , for each directed cycle, if the sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle satisfies a required condition, it is determined that a timing constraint conflict exists among the test points and timing constraints constituting the directed cycle. The method preferably also comprises outputting the test points and timing constraints constituting the directed cycle among which the timing constraint conflict exists. They may be output in various ways including but not limited to files, printer output, graphical user interface output and the like. [0031] At step S 102 , when all the test points in the timing constraint file are taken as nodes, and directed edges between the nodes and weights of the directed edges are determined according to timing constraints relevant to the test points in the timing constraint file to establish a directed graph, a plurality of steps are comprised, which are discussed in detail as follows. [0032] The directed graph here comprises nodes, directed edges and weights of the directed edges. FIG. 2 gives a directed graph representation of Minimum Required Time Advanced (MRTA) concept. MRTA is weight of the directed edge from node B to node A, i.e. weight of a directed edge is the Minimum Required Time Advanced MRTA of signal arrival of two nodes connected by that directed edge. Generally, it is deduced from data in a netlist and data in a timing constraint file. In the graph, if the direction of the directed edge points to a node at which signal arrives at a late time, then MRTA>0. Apparently the direction of the directed edge may also be changed to point from B to A, and then MRTA<0. These two kinds of directed graphs are both permissible; however, in one directed graph, only one manner can be adopted, i.e. either directions of all the directed edges all point to late nodes, or all point to early nodes. The following is described by taking the case where directions of directed edges all point to late nodes as an example. [0033] In addition, one point in a circuit may have different timing detection types, and although there is only one node, it can also be expressed herein as a directed graph. FIG. 3 shows a directed graph of a node having different timing detection types when MRTA=0. Here, two nodes of a directed graph are used to express different timing detection types of one node in a circuit. [0034] The timing constraints given by a timing constraint file essentially contain test point information; however, in many cases, test point information is incomplete. For example, a timing constraint is given by wildcard: reg[*]/D, wherein, * represents any character. And at this time, a netlist is necessarily needed to completely parse all test points, the netlist describes various devices used in design and logical connection relationships among the devices, and only by searching the netlist, can one know how many devices conform to this matching condition, e.g. if the netlist has therein reg[0] ˜reg[20] that conform to the condition, a search result will be obtained. Therefore, FIG. 4 a schematically shows a flow of searching a netlist for incomplete test point information according to an embodiment of the present invention. In response to the requirement of taking all the test points in the timing constraint file as nodes, first at step S 401 , it is judged whether information of all the test points in the timing constraint file are complete; if information of part of the test points in all the test points are incomplete, at step S 402 , a retrieval is conducted in the netlist to obtain complete information of the part of the test points. In this manner, complete test point information is obtained, whereby all nodes of a directed graph can be established. [0035] In addition, some timing constraints are implicit timing constraints, which are brought by the devices used, and such implicit timing constraints must also be checked; the implicit timing constraints are not given in the timing constraint file, but are given in device library of a netlist. At this time, it is also necessary to query library file in the netlist to obtain implicit timing constraints of the devices, the implicit timing constraints are combined with the timing constraints given in the timing constraint file to constitute general timing constraints, so as to establish a timing constraint directed graph. The general timing constraints comprise at least one of the implicit timing constraints and the timing constraints given in the timing constraint file. To combine the implicit timing constraints with the timing constraints given in the timing constraint file, as a matter of fact, is to simply put timing constraints thereof together. For example, if the implicit timing constraints comprise constraints (1) and (2), and the timing constraints given in the timing constraint file comprise constraints (3) and (4), then, the general timing constraints comprise constraints (1), (2), (3) and (4). FIG. 4 b gives a method for obtaining general timing constraints according to an embodiment of the present invention, first at step S 404 , implicit timing constraints are retrieved in a netlist, which implicit timing constraints are defined by devices used in the netlist and are not given in a timing constraint file; then at step S 405 , the implicit timing constraints are combined with the timing constraints given in the timing constraint file to constitute general timing constraints. [0036] FIG. 4 c schematically shows a flow of establishing a directed graph according to an embodiment of the present invention. At step S 407 , general timing constraints are parsed, and all the obtained test points are taken as nodes, wherein the general timing constraints comprise at least one of the implicit timing constraints and the timing constraints given in the timing constraint file; at step S 408 , according to the parsed general timing constraints, directed edges between all the nodes and weights of the directed edges are obtained; at step S 409 , all the nodes, directed edges and weights on the directed edges are used to constitute a directed graph. [0037] Next, the process of establishing a directed graph is described by means of some examples. [0038] Example 1 gives an implicit timing constraint. FIGS. 5 a and 5 b give netlists of a trigger setup check and a trigger hold check, respectively. Here, there is no timing constraint file. The trigger comprises two checkpoints, namely a data point and a clock point, which constitute nodes of the directed graph. According to FIG. 5 a , in the setup check, it is required that the latest data arrival time (LateDataAT) is earlier than the earliest clock arrival time EarlyClockAT) by (MRTA setup =ClockJitter+SetupGuardTime−ClockPeriod), wherein, ClockJitter is the clock jitter; SetupGuardTime is a time parameter decided by device; ClockPeriod is the clock period; according to FIG. 5 b , in the hold check, it is required that the latest clock arrival time (LateClockAT) is earlier than the earliest data arrival time by MRTA hold (MRTA hold =HoldGuardTime), wherein, HoldGuardTime is also a time parameter decided by device. Accordingly, the implicit timing constraint of the device can be parsed as follows: [0000] LateDataAT≦EarlyClockAT+ClockPeriod−ClockJitter−SetupGuardTime EarlyClockAT−LateDataAT≧ClockJitter+SetupGuardTime−ClockPeriod=MRTA setup   (2) [0000] EarlyDataAT≧LateClockAT+HoldGuardTime EarlyDataAT−LateClockAT≧HoldGuardTime=MTRA hold   (3). [0039] The parsing of a timing constraint can either be completed by STA tools, or implemented by independent programming. [0040] According to the parsed implicit timing constraint, it can be known that two nodes, namely a data node and a clock node, are comprised. Since each node has two timing detection types, the directed graph comprises therein four nodes. FIG. 6 shows a directed graph obtained according to the netlists and timing constraint relationships of FIG. 5 . Apparently it is a directed cycle. [0041] Example 2 gives a directed graph establishing process for a user-defined skew detection. FIG. 7 shows a netlist and a directed graph of the user-defined skew detection. According to the netlist, the circuit has therein two input/output devices that are connected to some logics, and two connection points which are test points, namely PAD 1 and PAD 2 . However, since each point has two timing detection types, the directed graph has four nodes. The content of the timing constraint file is as follows: [0000] set_skew_test-pins {PAD1/A PAD2/A}-min SkewGuard, [0000] which means that signal arrival time of pin PAD 1 and pin PAD 2 of the device is within the range of SkewGuard. Here, the timing constraint file does not contain incomplete information; in addition, the devices in the netlist also do not contain implicit timing constraints. The parsing result can be expressed as follows: [0000] AT late1 −SkewGuard≦ AT early2 AT early2 −AT late1 ≧−SkewGuard=MRTA skew   (4) [0000] AT late2 −SkewGuard≦ AT early1 AT early1 −AT late2 ≧−SkewGuard=MRTA skew   (5). [0000] The directed graph established according to nodes, directed edges in the timing constraints and weights of the directed edges is shown at right side of FIG. 7 . [0042] Example 3 gives a directed graph establishing process for a point-to-point delay detection. The point-to-point delay detection is used for controlling the delay between two points in chip design, and is widely used in asynchronous interface logic. FIG. 8 shows a netlist and a directed graph of the point-to-point delay detection. In the netlist as shown in FIG. 8 , two triggers are connected to each other by means of some logics, and the connection points are the test points. According to the netlist at the upper portion of FIG. 8 , there are three test points, namely A, B and C; however, since each point has two timing detection types, the directed graph has six nodes. The content of the timing constraint file is as follows: set_point_to_point_delay-from A-to B-max P2PGuard_AB set_point_to_point_delay-from B-to C-max P2PGuard_BC set_point_to_point_delay-from A-to C-min P2PGuard_AC which means that the maximum delay from point A to point B is P2PGuard_AB, the maximum delay from point B to point C is P2PGuard_BC, and the maximum delay from point A to point C is P2PGuard_AC. Here, the timing constraint file does not contain incomplete information; in addition, the devices in the netlist do not contain implicit timing constraints. The parsing result can be expressed as follows: [0000] AT earlyB −P2PGuard_AB≦AT earlyA AT earlyA −AT earlyB ≧−P2PGuard — AB =MRTA p2pBA   (6) [0000] AT earlyC −P2PGuard — BC≦AT earlyB AT earlyB −AT earlyC ≧−P2PGuard — BC =MRTA p2pCB   (7) [0000] AT earlyC −AT earlyA ≧P2PGuard — AC =MRTA p2pAC   (8). [0000] The directed graph established according to nodes, directed edges in the timing constraints and weights of the directed edges is shown at lower side of FIG. 8 . [0046] After the directed graph is established, it is necessary to search for all directed cycles of the directed graph. There are a variety of ways to search for directed cycles in a directed graph. [0047] One method that is widely used is to first search for all strongly connected components, and then searches the sought strongly connected components for directed cycles. A strongly connected component refers to a part in a directed graph where any two nodes can reach each other. In graph theory technology, there are many algorithms to search for strongly connected components, such as depth-first search algorithm, Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm and the like. Next, the flow of depth-first search algorithm is given. [0048] (1) On directed graph G, starting from one vertex, a depth-first search traversal is performed along an arc whose tail is the vertex, and the vertexes are arranged according to the order in which searches of all of their neighboring points are all completed. The algorithm steps for deriving strongly connected branches of the directed graph G are as follows: 1) a depth-first search is performed on G and according to the sequence in which recursive calls are completed, respective vertexes are numbered; 2) the direction of each edge of G is changed to construct a new directed graph Gr; 3) according to vertex numbers determined in 1), starting from the vertex with largest number, a depth-first search is performed on Gr. If not all the vertexes of Gr are visited during the search process, the vertex with largest number is chosen from the vertexes that have not been visited, and starting from that vertex, the depth-first search is continued; 4) in the finally obtained depth-first spanning forest of Gr, the vertexes on each tree constitute one strongly connected branch of G. [0053] The above is merely an exemplary description, and it can be recognized by a person skilled in the art that any algorithm for searching for a strongly connected region of a directed graph can be used here. [0054] After strongly connected region of a directed graph is found, algorithms in graph theory can be used to search for directed cycles in the strongly connected region. For example, Dijkstra algorithm, FLOYD algorithm and the like can be adopted, and for FLOYD algorithm, code description is available at s/suanfa/2 — 4.asp. [0055] Here, description is still given by taking figures as examples. [0056] FIG. 9 schematically shows a directed graph obtained according to netlist file and timing constraint file. FIG. 10 schematically shows result of searching the directed graph of FIG. 9 for a strongly connected region. FIG. 11 schematically shows result of searching the strongly connected region of FIG. 10 for directed cycles. [0057] It can be appreciated by a person skilled in the art that the object of searching for strongly connected region is to search for directed cycles. Algorithms in graph theory that do not search for a strongly connected region, but directly search for directed cycles can be directly applied to the present invention. [0058] At final step S 104 , for each directed cycle, if sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle satisfies a required condition, it is determined that a timing constraint conflict exists among the test points and timing constraints constituting the directed cycle. Specifically, if directions of all the directed edges of the directed graph point to nodes at which signal arrives at a late time, then MRTA>0, and the condition required to be satisfied by the sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle is that the sum of the weights is larger than 0. Of course, if directions of the directed edges are made to point to nodes at which signal arrives at an early time, then MRTA<0, and the condition required to be satisfied by the sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle is that the sum of the weights is smaller than 0. [0059] In this manner, relevant test points and timing constraints can be determined according to directed cycles constituted by the directed edges whose sums of the weights satisfy the condition, and these timing constraints are conflicting timing constraints. [0060] It can be seen from the above description that the present invention can perform automatic detection purely in software, free engineers from complex manual work, and enhance detection efficiency, whereby 100% detection of conflicting timing constraints can be achieved. [0061] Based on a same inventive concept, the present invention also discloses an apparatus for detecting timing constraint conflicts, and as shown in FIG. 12 , the apparatus comprises: a receiving module 1201 for receiving a timing constraint file; an establishing module 1202 for, taking all test points in the timing constraint file as nodes, determining directed edges between the nodes and weights of the directed edges according to timing constraints relevant to the test points in the timing constraint file to establish a directed graph; a searching module 1203 for searching for all directed cycles of the directed graph; a determining module 1204 for, for each directed cycle, if sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle satisfies a required condition, determining that a timing constraint conflict exists among the test points and timing constraints constituting the directed cycle. Preferably, the apparatus further comprises an outputting module 1205 for outputting the test points and timing constraints constituting the directed cycle among which the timing constraint conflict exists. [0062] According to one implementation of the present invention, the establishing module 1202 comprises (not shown in the figure): a judging module for judging whether information of all the test points in the timing constraint file are complete; a netlist retrieval module for, if information of part of the test points in all the test points are incomplete, conducting a retrieval in the netlist to obtain complete information of the part of the test points. [0063] According to another implementation of the present invention, the establishing module 1202 comprises (not shown in the figure): a parsing module for parsing general timing constraints, and taking all obtained test points as nodes, wherein the general timing constraints comprise at least one of implicit timing constraints and timing constraints given in the timing constraint file; a directed edge and weight establishing module for obtaining directed edges between all the nodes and weights of the directed edges according to parsed general timing constraints; a directed graph establishing module for forming a directed graph by using all the nodes, the directed edges and the weights on the directed edges. [0064] According to a further implementation of the present invention, the parsing module comprises (not shown in the figure): a netlist retrieval module for retrieving implicit timing constraints in the netlist, the implicit timing constraints are defined by devices used in the netlist and are not given in the timing constraint file; a combining module for combining the implicit timing constraints with the timing constraints given in the timing constraint file to form general timing constraints. [0065] According to one implementation of the present invention, if the directed edges point to nodes at which signal arrives at a late time, the condition required to be satisfied by the sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle is that the sum of the weights is larger than 0. [0066] According to another implementation of the present invention, if the directed edges point to nodes at which signal arrives at an early time, the condition required to be satisfied by the sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle is that the sum of the weights is smaller than 0. [0067] According to a still further implementation of the present invention, the searching module 1203 further comprises a strongly connected component searching module (not shown in the figure) for searching for all the strongly connected components of the directed graph. [0068] In the present invention, weight of the directed edge is Minimum Required Time Advanced of signal arrival of two nodes connected by that directed edge. [0069] Although exemplary embodiments of the present invention are described herein with reference to the figures, it shall be appreciated that the present invention is not limited to these precise embodiments, and various changes and modifications may be made to the embodiments by a person skilled in the art without departing from the scope and object of the present invention. All these changes and modifications are intended to be included within the scope of the present invention as defined in the appended claims. [0070] In addition, according to the above description, as will be appreciated by one skilled in the art, the present invention may be embodied as a system, method or computer program product. Accordingly, the present invention may take the form of an entirely hardware embodiment, an entirely software embodiment (including firmware, resident software, micro-code, etc.) or an embodiment combining software and hardware aspects that may all generally be referred to herein as a “circuit,” “module” or “system.” Furthermore, the present invention may take the form of a computer program product embodied in any tangible medium of expression having computer usable program code embodied in the medium. [0071] Any combination of one or more computer usable or computer readable medium(s) may be utilized. The computer-usable or computer-readable medium may be, for example but not limited to, an electronic, magnetic, optical, electromagnetic, infrared, or semiconductor system, apparatus, device, or propagation medium. More specific examples (a non-exhaustive list) of the computer-readable medium would include the following: an electrical connection having one or more wires, a portable computer diskette, a hard disk, a random access memory (RAM), a read-only memory (ROM), an erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM or Flash memory), an optical fiber, a portable compact disc read-only memory (CDROM), an optical storage device, a transmission media such as those supporting the Internet or an intranet, or a magnetic storage device. Note that the computer-usable or computer-readable medium could even be paper or another suitable medium upon which the program is printed, as the program can be electronically captured, via, for instance, optical scanning of the paper or other medium, then compiled, interpreted, or otherwise processed in a suitable manner, if necessary, and then stored in a computer memory. In the context of this document, a computer-usable or computer-readable medium may be any medium that can contain, store, communicate, propagate, or transport the program for use by or in connection with the instruction execution system, apparatus, or device. The computer-usable medium may include a propagated data signal with the computer-usable program code embodied therewith, either in baseband or as part of a carrier wave. The computer usable program code may be transmitted using any appropriate medium, including but not limited to wireless, wireline, optical fiber cable, RF, etc. [0072] Computer program code for carrying out operations of the present invention may be written in any combination of one or more programming languages, including an object oriented programming language such as Java, Smalltalk, C++ or the like and conventional procedural programming languages, such as the “C” programming language or similar programming languages. The program code may execute entirely on the user's computer, partly on the user's computer, as a stand-alone software package, partly on the user's computer and partly on a remote computer or entirely on the remote computer or server. In the latter scenario, the remote computer may be connected to the user's computer through any type of network, including a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN), or the connection may be made to an external computer (for example, through the Internet using an Internet Service Provider). [0073] In addition, each block of the flowchart illustrations and/or block diagrams, and combinations of blocks in the flowchart illustrations and/or block diagrams, can be implemented by computer program instructions. These computer program instructions may be provided to a processor of a general purpose computer, special purpose computer, or other programmable data processing apparatus to produce a machine, such that the instructions, which execute via the processor of the computer or other programmable data processing apparatus, create means for implementing the functions/acts specified in the flowchart and/or block diagram block or blocks. [0074] These computer program instructions may also be stored in a computer-readable medium that can direct a computer or other programmable data processing apparatus to function in a particular manner, such that the instructions stored in the computer-readable medium produce an article of manufacture including instruction means which implement the function/act specified in the flowchart and/or block diagram block or blocks. [0075] The computer program instructions may also be loaded onto a computer or other programmable data processing apparatus to cause a series of operational steps to be performed on the computer or other programmable apparatus to produce a computer implemented process such that the instructions which execute on the computer or other programmable apparatus provide processes for implementing the functions/acts specified in the flowchart and/or block diagram block or blocks. [0076] The flowchart and block diagrams in the Figures illustrate the architecture, functionality, and operation of possible implementations of systems, methods and computer program products according to various embodiments of the present invention. In this regard, each block in the flowchart or block diagrams may represent a module, segment, or portion of code, which comprises one or more executable instructions for implementing the specified logical function(s). It should also be noted that, in some alternative implementations, the functions noted in the block may occur out of the order noted in the figures. For example, two blocks shown in succession may, in fact, be executed substantially concurrently, or the blocks may sometimes be executed in the reverse order, depending upon the functionality involved. It will also be noted that each block of the block diagrams and/or flowchart illustration, and combinations of blocks in the block diagrams and/or flowchart illustration, can be implemented by special purpose hardware-based systems that perform the specified functions or acts, or combinations of special purpose hardware and computer instructions.
The present invention discloses a method and apparatus for detecting timing constraint conflicts, the method comprising: receiving a timing constraint file; taking all test points in the timing constraint file as nodes, determining directed edges between the nodes and weights of the directed edges according to timing constraints relevant to the test points in the timing constraint file to establish a directed graph; searching for all directed cycles of the directed graph; and for each directed cycle, if the sum of the weights of the directed edges constituting the directed cycle satisfies a required condition, determining that a timing constraint conflict exists among the test points and the timing constraints constituting the directed cycle. The method and apparatus can automatically detect timing constraint conflicts with one hundred percent to reduce design turnaround time and engineer resources in ASIC projects.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an apparatus for feeding stock material intermittently to a press, such as those used for stamping or drawing. 2. Description of the Related Art There are numerous types of press feed mechanisms available, each exhibiting a set of strength and weaknesses depending upon the specific application. For instance, a cam-feed type mechanism having high performance characteristics means usually foregoing flexibility such as with a servo-type machine. A servo-type press feed mechanism has an increased ease of set-up, but may sacrifice speed as offered by a cam-feed mechanism. New high speed electronic roll feed mechanisms provide both smooth velocity profiles and high speed characteristics with flexibility. Prior cam, servo, and high speed electronic feed devices utilize different arrangements for providing the ability to provide clean and accurate lifting of the pinch roll. The pinch roll moves from a maximum clamping and contacting position against the stock, to a position away and out of contact with the stock material, thus creating what is termed roll lift. This roll lift requirement, if not accurate, and in time with roller release can prohibit proper die pilot pin operation. Furthermore, these devices need to permit accurate pinch roll return to a contact position with the material in a controlled manner. Slamming of the pinch or pressure roll into the material can cause the roll to bounce or, alternatively, deform the material. Typical press feed mechanisms have utilized roll lift in which the feed has a pinch roll that moves out of contact with the stock so that the press can control stock by the use of pilot pins and align the stock within the press. In other words, the pinch roll loses physical contact with the stock for a particular time during the feeding cycle. This prior system was utilized to eliminate any placement error that was left over from the feed progression. Known feed system also includes a gear train that increases the rotational inertia of the system. What is needed in the art is the ability to more accurately control the stocks at high speed by using a higher speed roll lift method. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION According to the present invention, a material press feed mechanism is disclosed. The pinch roll of the present invention is controlled so that the pinch roll, during apparatus operation, does not lose contact with the workpiece or stock during such operation, i.e. the pinch force measured between the pinch roll and stock goes to substantially zero thereby reducing the friction therebetween. In such a situation, the pilot pins of the associated stamping or drawing press easily control movement of the stock or workpiece. Zero force as defined in this patent application is that in which the clamping force between the pinch roll and stock in the clamping direction goes to substantially zero. At this condition, the press will be able to control the stock. An advantage of the present invention is that roll lift is substantially eliminated between the pinch roll and the stock, therefore the press feed mechanism has a much faster response time in corresponding cycles. A further advantage of the invention is the use of a pinch roll actuator to force the pinch roll toward and away from the stock without substantial movement. During press feed operation, there is no necessity for creating roll lift since the pinch roll actuator only changes the pinch force between the pinch roll and the stock. In other words, the pinch force is reduced to substantially zero without permitting loss of contact between the pinch roll and stock. Another advantage of the present invention is that pinch roll movement is controlled so that there is substantially zero movement at clamp time. A faster response time results since, in going from zero clamp force to maximum clamp force, substantially no movement of the pinch roller occurs other than with possible compression of the stock. With a faster response time, corresponding increases in output speed are possible. Another advantage of the present invention is that by use of the zero force method described above, no marking of the stock is made, as with conventional roll lift mechanisms. Because there is no gap created after the pinch roll pressure is released, there is no opportunity for the pinch roll to slam closed (Roll Lift Bounce) or into contact on the stock on application of maximum clamping force. No impact damage to the roll or stock is therefore created. A further advantage of the present invention is that reduced vibration or roll bounce is created when maximum clamping forces are applied. In the prior art, when the pinch roll would close, vibration would be created. The new system of the present invention eliminates any such error that could be produced in the feed progression through the reduction of such roll lift bounce. Reduction of vibration increases the accuracy of the feed progression, in addition to allowing an increase in the time available for the feed progression. Yet another advantage of the present invention is the use of a unique belt drive system to rotate both the feed and pinch roll. By use of a double sided timing belt, an elimination of conventional gear train members is possible. A further advantage of the present invention is the use of a force based servo screw actuator. Such actuator permits greater control and faster pinch roll response as compared to prior pneumatic or hydraulic actuators. Another advantage of the present invention is the use of a back up roll support on the feed roll of the device. Such back up roll increases the placement accuracy and controllability of the feed roll, by reducing the deflection of the feed roll shaft. The invention, in one form thereof, comprises an apparatus for intermittently feeding a workpiece to a press. The apparatus includes a feed roll with a pinch roll opposite the feed roll with a workpiece passing between the rolls. A drive mechanism used to drive the feed roll. A pinch roll actuator is connected to the pinch roll so that during apparatus operation the actuator changes pinch roll pressure developed between the pinch roll and the workpiece without causing loss of contact between the pinch roll and the workpiece. The invention, in another form thereof, comprises an apparatus for intermittently feeding a workpiece to a press. The apparatus includes a feed roll with a pinch roll opposite the feed roll with a workpiece passing between the rolls. A drive mechanism to used drive the feed roll. A pinch roll actuator is connected to the pinch roll so that during apparatus operation the pinch roll pressure developed against the workpiece from a maximum clamp force to one of zero force. The invention, in yet another form thereof, includes a method of controlling a pinch roll in a press feed unit having a feed roll, the method comprising the steps of supplying a workpiece between the pinch roll and feed roll; applying force to the pinch roll to create a maximum pinch force between the pinch roll and workpiece for workpiece movement by the feed roll; and releasing the force previously created while keeping the pinch roll in contact with the workpiece for workpiece movement by the press. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The above-mentioned and other features and advantages of this invention, and the manner of attaining them, will become more apparent and the invention will be better understood by reference to the following description of an embodiment of the invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein: FIG. 1 is a sectional view of the present invention; and FIG. 2 is a sectional view of the device of FIG. 1 taken along the line 2--2 and viewed in the direction of the arrows. Corresponding reference characters indicate corresponding parts throughout the several views. The exemplification set out herein illustrates one preferred embodiment of the invention, in one form, and such exemplification is not to be construed as limiting the scope of the invention in any manner. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring now to the drawings and particularly to FIG. 1, there is shown an apparatus, generally designated by the numeral 10, for feeding a workpiece, such as a continuous stock material from an uncoiling apparatus, to a power operated press to perform one of a variety of press operations such as, but not limited to, stamping, punching, cutting, staking, or the like. Apparatus 10 includes a housing 12 for supporting the rest of the device. Within housing 12 is a feed roll 14 attached to feed roll shaft 16. A servo motor 18 (FIG. 2) is the roll drive mechanism for apparatus 10. Parallel and opposite to feed roll 14 is a pinch roll 20. Pinch roll 20 is located upon a pinch roll shaft 22. Pinch shaft roll 22 is disposed within a pinch roll bracket 24 which contains both pinch roll 20 and pinch roll shaft 22 for rotation therein. Feed roll 14 is attached to servo motor 18 via keyless bushings 19 (FIG. 2). This arrangement results in a substantial rotational inertia savings due to the elimination of a coupling between servo motor 18 (FIG. 2) to feed roll 14 (FIG. 1). In this embodiment the servo motor shaft is actually feed roll shaft 16. As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, behind feed roll 14 are optional back up rolls 26 that increase the stability of feed roll 14. Back up rolls 26 are keyed for sliding along bottom 13 of housing 12. A rotatable bolt 28 passes through each of the mountings for back up rolls 26, thereby permitting adjustment and control of feed roll 14. These back up rolls 26 assist in rotatable supporting feed roll 14. Pinch roll bracket 24 is steel machined and acts as a pinch roll support. Additionally, pinch roll bracket 24 is keyed for movement toward and away, in a direction normal, to the workpiece and stock table 35. As shown in FIG. 1, a servo pinch roll actuator 30 is connected to move and control pinch roll bracket 24 toward and away from feed roll 14. Additionally, and more importantly for the present invention, actuator 30 creates and controls the clamping force of pinch roll 20 to the workpiece. In operation, servo pinch roll actuator will only vary the clamping force between pinch roll 20 and the workpiece, not lift pinch roll 20 from the workpiece. Servo pinch roll screw actuator 30 operates on electric current, such that the force created and applied to pinch roll 20 and therefore the workpiece, is proportional to the applied electric current. This actuator 30 is not a position based device but force based in that it's position is dependent on the electric current supplied to it along with any forces (gravity, etc.) or opposing forces (stock support or interference, etc.). Transmission of rotation is caused by a timing belt 32, which belt extends from an idler pulley 34 on pinch roll bracket 24, about feed roll 16, behind pinch roll shaft 22 and up again to pulley 24. Timing belts 32 are double sided, double toothed belts able to transmit rotation from the drive means (servo motor 18) to the rolls 14 and 20. As shown in FIG. 2, two such timing belts 32 are utilized on each side of apparatus 10. The stock inlet table 36 (one part of stock table 35) along with stock guide 37 is utilized for guiding workpieces to device 10. The stock outlet table 38 (a second part of stock table 35) guides product workpieces toward an associated press (not shown). As shown in FIG. 2 at least two eccentric style belt tensioners 40 are used about either pulley 34 for tensioning timing belt 32. A mechanical or electronic control mechanism, in connection to the press (not shown), correctly operates motor 18 and servo pinch roll actuator 30 in time with press operation. An adjustment mechanism is connected to the control mechanism to correctly control the electric current applied to actuator 30. In operation, the present invention causes pinch roll 20 not to separate from any workpiece moving through device 10 when the clamping force is released. Workpiece material slides through stock inlet table through stock guides 37 and into contact with feed roll 14 and pinch roll 20. Servo motor 18 drives feed roll 14 in incremental steps as necessary for the feeding of material to a press (not shown) during feed progression. To insure proper alignment of feed material passing through device 10 and along stock output table 38, the pinch force between pinch roll 20 and the workpiece, or alternatively the force between pinch roll 20 and feed roll 14, will be reduced substantially to zero by a reduction in force created by pinch roll actuator 30 of FIG. 1. Actuator 30 causes a reduction of the maximum clamping force between pinch roll 20 and the workpiece, thereby permitting the workpiece passing along the stock output table 38 to be moved, slided, or guided, by the pilot pins within the press tooling (not shown). On another or subsequent duty cycle, when more material needs to be fed to the press, actuator 30 will cause pinch feed roll 20, to change from its substantially zero force clamping state to that of a maximum clamping force created between pinch roll 20 and the workpiece. It is at this time that maximum current will be applied to servo motor 18 and the workpiece will be acted upon and slid in a direction from stock inlet table 36 towards stock output table 38. After this part of the cycle has been completed, actuator 30 will again reduce the clamp forced to substantially zero, between pinch roll 20 and the workpiece. Although the clamping force created by actuator 30 varies from a maximum clamping force to that of zero force (as defined in this application), the current applied to actuator 30 may not necessarily need to go to zero. It may be necessary, or in some embodiments desirable, to cause a very small drag to occur between pinch roll 20 and the workpiece. Even in this case, pinch roll will not be elevated or lifted away from the workpiece by actuator 30. While this invention has been described as having a preferred design, the present invention can be further modified within the spirit and scope of this disclosure. This application is therefore intended to cover any variations, uses, or adaptations of the invention using its general principles. Further, this application is intended to cover such departures from the present disclosure as come within known or customary practice in the art to which this invention pertains and which fall within the limits of the appended claims.
An apparatus for intermittently feeding a workpiece to a press, the device including a feed roll with a pinch roll opposite the feed roll, so that a workpiece may pass between the rolls. A servo screw, pinch roll actuator is connected to the pinch roll so that during apparatus operation, changes in pinch roll pressure may be developed between the pinch roll and the workpiece without causing loss of contact between the pinch roll and the workpiece. A new belt drive system and method of pinch roll control is also disclosed.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention generally relates to vehicle tires and, more specifically, to a non-pneumatic vehicle tire. Tires currently used on vehicles are generally pneumatic tires. With such tires, internal air pressure is necessary to carry the load acting on the tires. Vehicle tires working with internal air pressure function well in practice, however, they do suffer from significant drawbacks. Such drawbacks include complex structural designs as well as safety issues in the event of a puncture during their use on public roads. Airless or non-pneumatic tire designs exist in the prior art. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 1,610,238 to Benson discloses an airless vehicle tire in which arcuate or C-shaped springs are disposed radially around the tire. A ring-shaped wire spring running around the circumference of the tire is threaded through loops formed in the portions of the C-shaped springs situated in the crown portion of the tire. The ends of the C-shaped springs are bent into rings in the bead portions of the tire. A pair of ring-shaped springs, each of a diameter identical to that of the bead of the tire, are threaded one each through the rings on the ends of the C-shaped springs. Similar radially-situated leaf springs are described in U.S. Pat. No. 1,113,036 to Mitchell. The C-shaped leaf springs in this solution, however, do not contain a loop on the crown portion of the tire. According to U.S. Pat. No. 1,471,580 to Walton, springs prepared from wires of circular cross-section are formed in two symmetrically situated semi-circles and disposed radially within the tire so that a tunnel-like arrangement is formed. Both ends of each spring are provided with a fold-back in the form of a circle. Steel wires, which play the role of the bead-rings, are threaded through the circle-shaped fold-backs. In the circumferential direction, the radial springs are tied-up in pairs by a reinforcement in the crown portion of the tire. In this solution, the tire is pressurized to ensure the necessary loadability. The disadvantage of the above prior art tires is that each is unsuitable for carrying loads over approximately 450 lbs. as the crown portions of the springs of each become flat, and, due to the large deformation, the springs fatigue and break. Another drawback of the vehicle tires of such construction is that they can be used only on vehicles with low traveling speeds (maximum 25-35 mph). In case of larger load or speed, the temperature of the vehicle tires significantly exceeds the acceptable temperature limit of 175-195° F. due to large spring deformations. As a consequence, the rubber material ages very quickly becoming thereby unsuitable for further use. A further disadvantage of the above prior art tires is the small side stability characteristic for their high profiles. This makes their safe operation in today's high-speed vehicles impossible. The object of commonly assigned U.S. Pat. No. 6,374,887 to Subotics is a non-pneumatic vehicle tire reinforced by arch-shaped leaf springs, preferably made of a material such as steel, that are radially disposed within the tire. The tire features a crown portion containing the running surface and two side walls joined to the crown portion via shoulder portions. The two sidewalls end in beads which are clamped into a wheel rim. The crown portion, sidewalls and the beads are kept together by ribs made of an elastic material, which are supported by the arched leaf springs. The ends of the leaf springs are embedded flexibly into the beads, and the whole vehicle tire is mounted onto the wheel rim in a pre-stressed state. A disadvantage of the non-pneumatic tire of the Subotics '887 patent, however, is that the strengthening ribs slip on the leaf springs during functioning, since the leaf springs are not built into the rubber body of the tire. The friction thus generated results in heat generation. A consequence of this is a significant heating-up of the tire during use. Furthermore, owing to the flexible embedding of the leaf spring ends into the beads, the tire beads also heat up significantly during operation due to the large deformation of the tires. In addition, under a high loading of the tires, the spring ends are pressed into the rubber material of the beads. As a result, the bead ends of the springs move away from each other and fold-like peak deformations are generated on the crown portion of the springs. These peak deformations result in breaking of the springs after only a short time of operation. Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a non-pneumatic vehicle tire of high wear resistance, loadability, speed and side stability, eliminating, or at least reducing, the above disadvantages of known vehicle tires. These and other objects and advantages will be apparent from the following specification. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to a non-pneumatic tire for vehicles. The invention is based on the recognition that the disadvantages of known vehicle tires with springs originate mainly from the shape, material and arrangement of the leaf springs and from the mode of their joining with the rubber body of the tires. The vehicle tire of the present invention features a body made of an elastic material, preferably rubber or polyurethane. The body has a crown portion containing the running surface and two sidewalls joined to the crown portion via shoulder portions and ending in beads. Radially placed curved springs are situated so as to be circumferentially-spaced in specified distances from each other and extend from one bead to the other. The tire's beads are secured within the flange of a rim of a conventional vehicle wheel by tension as the beads are stretched to get over the flange of the rim during installation of the tire onto the rim. According to the invention, the curved springs are embedded in the tire body at least along the crown portion. In one embodiment of the non-pneumatic tire of the present invention, the shape of the curved springs in the angular range of 0≦t≦π from the one bead to the other can be described in an orthogonal coordinate system with axes X and Y by the equations x=a·cos t and y=b·sin t. This shape is semi-elliptical, where the semi-ellipse falls inside the range determined by ellipses: (7/8) a≧b≧ (1/2) a where: a is the half of the large axis of the ellipse, and b is the half of the small axis of the ellipse. In the ideal case: b= (2/3) a The angle between the inwardly bent ends of the curved springs and the X axis of the orthogonal coordinate system, γ, is preferably a minimum of approximately 8°, or preferably it is equal to the angle between the wheel rim portion fitting to the bead of the tire and the rotational axis of the wheel rim. The curved springs on the crown portion are surrounded by two high-strength, low-stretch belt inserts with good dynamic properties. The belts are built completely into the rubber and are positioned radially outside of the springs. A second embodiment of the non-pneumatic tire of the present invention, suitable for use on two-piece, dismountable wheel rims, features a construction identical to the first embodiment except the belts are omitted and the ends of the curved springs feature, in side-view, a horizontally-oriented C-shape, where, in the nest formed by the C-shape, a bead-ring is embedded into the rubber body of the beads. The circular bead-ring is preferably made of high-strength steel, circularly bent, stranded spring steel wires embedded into rubber or KEVLAR fiber reinforced possibly by graphite or glass fibers. In a third embodiment of the non-pneumatic tire of the present invention, a plurality of radially-extending and circumferentially-spaced compound-curve springs are at least partially embedded within the crown portion and the first and second sidewalls of the tire body, with each of the compound-curve springs having a first end terminating within the first bead of the tire body and a second end terminating within the second bead of the tire body. A circumferentially-extending belt constructed of a high-strength and low stretch material positioned radially outside of the plurality of curved springs so as to surround them. The springs are constructed of a composite material and each spring includes a first sidewall that is generally S-shaped and a second sidewall that is generally inverted S-shaped. More specifically, the sidewalls of each spring each includes upper and lower sidewall portions with the upper sidewall portions convex with respect to a radial plane of the tire and the lower sidewall portions concave with respect to the radial plane of the tire. Each spring also includes a top portion that is convex with respect to the rim of the vehicle wheel and end portions that are flat so as to generally lay along a horizontal axis. A circumferentially-extending snubber is made of an elastic material and is adapted to engage the rim of the vehicle wheel so as to be enclosed by the body of the tire. It is preferable that the surfaces of the curved springs be treated with some material facilitating adhesion, preferably with the two-component CHEMOSIL solution, or a copper covering may be applied to the curved spring surfaces. Furthermore, it is preferable to cover the curved springs under the running surface with a rubber-coated strengthening material, such as steel belting or KEVLAR fabric. The vehicle tire according to the invention can be used advantageously with every vehicle having tires including trucks, military vehicles, cars, etc. The following detailed description of embodiments of the invention, taken in conjunction with the appended claims and accompanying drawings, provide a more complete understanding of the nature and scope of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a first embodiment of the vehicle tire of the present invention mounted on a one-piece wheel rim; FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a second embodiment of the vehicle tire of the present invention mounted on a two-piece wheel rim; FIG. 3 is a diagram showing the shape of the curved springs of the tire of FIG. 1 ; FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view taken around the circumference of the tire of FIG. 1 ; FIG. 5 is a diagram showing the shape of the curved springs of the tire of FIG. 2 ; FIG. 6 is a perspective sectional view of the tire of FIG. 1 ; FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view of a third embodiment of the vehicle tire of the present invention mounted on a one-piece wheel rim; FIG. 8 is a perspective sectional view of the tire of FIG. 7 with an adhesive and strengthening material applied to the springs. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS A first embodiment of the vehicle tire of the present invention is illustrated in cross-section in FIG. 1 . The body, indicated in general at 1 , is preferably made of an elastic material such as rubber or polyurethane (such as by dye-casting, transfer molding or injection molding). While the remainder of the specification will assume that the tire body material is rubber, it is to be understood that alternative materials may be used. The tire body 1 has a circumferentially-extending crown portion 1 . 1 provided with the running surface and two circumferentially-extending adjacent sidewalls 1 . 3 joined to the crown portion via shoulder portions 1 . 2 and ending in circumferentially-extending beads 1 . 4 . The beads 1 . 4 of the vehicle tire are clamped into a one-piece wheel rim 5 . As illustrated in FIGS. 1 , 4 and 6 , vehicle tire body 1 contains radially-extending curved springs 2 . The material of curved springs 2 is preferably a thermoplastic matrix and glass fiber reinforcement composite, commonly known as fiber-reinforced plastic or fiberglass. The matrix is preferably poly-ethylene terephthalate (PET), also known as MYLAR film, or polyester. Other thermoplastics, epoxy, vinyl ester or other thermosets may also be used as a matrix material. As an alternative to the glass fiber, ZYLON fiber or KEVLAR fiber may be used. As an alternative to the composite construction, the curved springs may be made of single-layer or multi-layer spring steel, graphite or KEVLAR fiber with graphite or glass fiber reinforcements. As illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 6 , a pair of belt inserts 3 are embedded into the crown portion 1 . 1 above curved springs 2 . The portion of the crown above the belts, indicated at 8 in FIG. 1 , is provided with the tire tread pattern. Belts 3 should be constructed of a high-strength and low-stretch material. The material of the belts 3 is preferably steel but may alternatively be some high-strength rubbered fabric. Belts 3 may also alternatively be constructed from a fabric containing KEVLAR fiber or steel cords situated in an angle of minimum 10° to the circumferential axis of the crown portion 1 . 1 . The KEVLAR fiber fabric allows the pre-stressed mounting of vehicle tire 1 on wheel rim 5 . This hinders the slip of beads 1 . 4 on wheel rim 5 at higher traveling speeds by protecting against expansion due to high angular momentum and during braking. A rubber layer of a thickness of at least 1 mm should be between the belt insert and the curved springs. As illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 6 , the ends 4 of curved springs 2 are back folded. The back folded curved spring ends 4 rest against wheel rim 5 . Grooves are provided on wheel rim 5 for this purpose. Curved springs 2 preferably are covered by rubber at beads 1 . 4 and in the internal sides of sidewalls 1 . 3 , and on the internal section 6 of crown portion 1 . 1 . In order to ensure better heat conductivity, curved springs 2 may remain uncovered from below on the internal section 7 of shoulder portion 1 . 2 . As will be described in greater detail below with respect to FIG. 6 , curved springs 2 preferably are also coated with a material ensuring better metal-rubber adhesion (or composite or fiberglass-rubber adhesion if the springs are so made) in order to facilitate appropriate building into the rubber. A second embodiment of the vehicle tire according to the present invention is illustrated in cross-section and indicated in general at 1 . 5 in FIG. 2 . The second embodiment may be mounted on a one-piece or two-piece vehicle wheel rim, illustrated at 12 and 13 . As illustrated in FIG. 2 , the ends of curved springs 2 . 1 are bent into a lying (horizontal orientation) C-shape. Bead-rings 9 are positioned within both tire beads 1 . 6 and in the nest formed by the C-shaped spring ends. The bead-rings should be constructed from a high-strength and low stretch-material, preferably steel wire. The foot part 10 of back-folded curved springs 2 . 1 rest against the wheel rim and the upturned spring tips 11 prevent bead rings 9 from sliding out of beads 1 . 6 . Bead rings 9 and curved springs 2 . 1 are all entirely embedded into the rubber of the tire. In the inside of vehicle tire 1 . 5 , curved springs 2 . 1 are covered by a rubber layer 14 so that they are prevented from contacting air moisture. This prevents oxidation of the curved springs 2 . 1 . FIG. 3 shows the shape of curved springs 2 of FIG. 1 situated in the cross-section of the vehicle tire 1 in an orthogonal coordinate system with axes X and Y. The following comments for the springs 2 of FIG. 1 also apply to the springs 2 . 1 of FIG. 2 . It is seen in FIG. 3 that point b defined on axis Y by the semi-ellipse 15 , which describes the shape of curved spring 2 , falls in the ideal case between points b′ and b″ where: Point b′ is defined on axis Y by semi-ellipse 17 satisfying the condition (b′=1/2·a), and Point b″ is defined on axis Y by semi-ellipse 16 satisfying the condition (b″=7/8 ·a). Semi-ellipses 15 , 16 and 17 intercepting axis X at point a, where 2 a is the large axis of the ellipses and 2 b , 2 b ′ and 2 b ″ are the small axes of the ellipses. Thus the contour of curved spring 2 in the angular range of 0≦t≦π(0-180°) corresponds to an ellipse defined in an orthogonal coordinate system with axes X and Y by equations x=a·cos t and y=b·sin t and satisfying the following conditions: 7/8· a≧b≧ 1/2· a where: a is the half of the large axis of the ellipse, and b is the half of the small axis of the ellipse. In the ideal case: b =(2/3) a In both the first and second embodiments of the vehicle tire of the present invention, as illustrated for the first embodiment in FIG. 3 , the shoulder portion 1 . 2 of the vehicle tire 1 can be broader than the bead 1 . 4 of the vehicle tire 1 by a factor of k=2a/100·5 mm, where the distance between the beads 1 . 4 equals two-times the thickness of the rubber layer covering a single bead plus 2 a. The ends of curved springs 2 (and foot 10 of spring 2 . 1 in FIG. 2 ) are produced with a minimum of γ=8° break, as illustrated in FIG. 3 . As a result, the angle between curved spring ends 4 and axis X (of foot 10 of spring 2 . 1 in FIGS. 2 ) is at least 8°. The shock absorption of the vehicle tires of the first and second embodiments occurs due to the shape change of curved springs 2 or 2 . 1 . Due to their semi-elliptical profiles, the shape change of the springs during load is distributed uniformly along the whole length of curved spring 2 or 2 . 1 . In other words, no stress peaks occur which would lead to breaking. As a result, a dynamic life time similar or superior to that of conventional vehicle tires of radial or diagonal cord structure can be ensured. The thin rubber layers covering bead portions 1 . 4 and 1 . 6 provide adhesion so as to hinder or prevent slippage of the beads 1 . 4 and 1 . 6 of the vehicle tires 1 and 1 . 5 on wheel rims 5 and 12 , 13 , respectively. The rubber layers do not play any role in the shock absorption of the vehicle tires. FIG. 4 illustrates the arrangement of curved springs 2 in the vehicle tire 1 . The following comments for the springs 2 and tire 1 of FIG. 1 also apply to the springs 2 . 1 and tire 1 . 5 of FIG. 2 . The thickness of curved springs 2 , their breadth A and circumferential spacing distance C measured at the crown portion 1 . 1 and distance B measured at bead 1 . 4 depend to a great extent on the size of vehicle tire 1 , as well as on the properties expected from the vehicle tire 1 . Considering the dynamic properties of rubber, distance C and dimension A should be a minimum of 10 mm each, whereas distance B should be a minimum of 2 mm. As an example, if the speed of a 15″ diameter vehicle tire is approximately 95 mph and its load is approximately 880 lbs., for spring steel material with a thickness of 2 mm, the dimension A of the curved spring 2 should be a minimum of 20 mm and the distance between curved springs C should be a minimum 15 mm. FIG. 5 shows the deformation of the rubber body and curved springs 2 . 1 in the vehicle tire 1 . 5 under load. The following comments for the springs 2 . 1 and tire 1 . 5 of FIG. 2 also apply to the springs 2 and tire 1 of FIG. 1 . It can be seen in FIG. 5 that under load, the b dimension of the semi-elliptical curved spring 2 . 1 is deformed into the curvature 19 so that its height in the crown portion is reduced to dimension b′″, whereas the position of the bead 1 . 6 of curved spring 2 . 1 remains unchanged. As a result, the convex surface 18 of the running surface is deformed to plane 20 . As illustrated in FIG. 6 , the surfaces of curved springs 2 (of FIG. 1 ) preferably are treated with a two-component CHEMOSIL solution 21 in order to ensure better adherance to the rubber of the tire body. In addition, on the portions below the running surface, springs 2 are preferably covered by a strengthening material such as rubbered KEVLAR fiber fabric 22 . The same may be said of the springs 2 . 1 of FIG. 2 . Above or radially outside of curved springs 2 , as described previously, belt inserts 3 are situated ensuring the adhesion of the vehicle tire 1 to wheel rim 5 during high speed travel. A third embodiment of the vehicle tire of the present invention is illustrated in FIGS. 7 and 8 . As with the first and second embodiments, the body, indicated in general at 30 , is preferably made of an elastic material such as rubber or polyurethane (such as by dye-casting, transfer molding or injection molding). The tire body 30 has a circumferentially-extending crown portion 30 . 1 provided with the running surface and two circumferentially-extending adjacent sidewalls 30 . 3 joined to the crown portion via shoulder portions 30 . 2 and ending in circumferentially-extending beads 30 . 4 . The beads 30 . 4 of the vehicle tire are clamped into a one-piece wheel rim 35 . While a one-piece rim is illustrated, the third embodiment of the tire of the present invention may be mounted on a two-piece wheel rim. As indicated in general at 32 in FIGS. 7 and 8 , vehicle tire body 30 contains radially-extending compound-curve springs 32 . Each spring includes a crown or top portion 32 . 1 , shoulder or upper sidewall portions 32 . 2 , lower sidewall portions 32 . 3 and end portions 32 . 4 . As illustrated in FIGS. 7 and 8 , the top portion of the spring 32 . 1 is slightly convex with respect to the vehicle wheel rim 35 . The upper sidewall portions of the spring 32 . 2 are convex outward with respect to the radial plane of the tire, indicated at 39 in FIG. 7 . The lower sidewall portions of the spring 32 . 3 are concave inward with respect to the radial plane 39 . As a result, the springs feature S-shaped and inverted S-shaped sidewalls. The ends of the spring 34 are generally flat so as to lay along a horizontal axis and bear on the flat section of the rim 35 to circumferentially distribute the load on the vehicle tires. The springs 32 are formed as continuous curves, with no circular or straight sections except the flat end, to avoid concentrations of stress in order to promote long fatigue life. The thickness and width of the springs may very, but may be, as an example only, 4 mm thick and 10 mm wide. The beads of the tire 30 . 4 may optionally be provided with steel or composite bead rings, in the manner illustrated at 9 in FIG. 2 . The ends 34 of the springs 32 engage the bead rings in such an embodiment. The material of the compound-curve springs 32 is preferably a thermoplastic matrix and glass fiber reinforcement composite, commonly known as fiber-reinforced plastic or fiberglass. The matrix is preferably poly-ethylene terephthalate (PET), also known as MYLAR film, or polyester. Other thermoplastics, epoxy, vinyl ester or other thermosets may also be used as a matrix material. As an alternative to the glass fiber, ZYLON fiber or KEVLAR fiber may be used. As an alternative to the composite construction, the compound-curve springs 32 may be made of single-layer or multi-layer spring steel, graphite or KEVLAR fiber with graphite or glass fiber reinforcements. The compound-curve springs are preferably manufactured by pultrusion with subsequent thermoforming. A peel ply textured film is preferably applied to the spring mold before thermoforming the spring. During thermoforming, the thermoplastic matrix material flows into the voids, cracks and cavities of the peel ply to avoid a glossy surface and raise the surface roughness to promote bonding with materials later applied to the surface of the spring. The tire is preferably produced by transfer molding. As illustrated in FIG. 8 , a CHEMLOK adhesive 44 is preferably applied to the spring surface before the transfer molding and permits the rubber to vulcanize directly onto the surface of the spring to provide a bond strength higher than the tear strength of the rubber to avoid adhesive failure. In addition, on the portions below the running surface, springs 32 are preferably covered by a strengthening material such as steel belting or rubbered KEVLAR fiber fabric 42 . As illustrated in FIGS. 7 and 8 , the tire preferably includes a ring-shaped snubber 41 that is positioned on the rim 35 so as to surround it circumferentially. The snubber may be constructed of any elastomer or rubber but preferably is constructed from a thermoplastic foam, such as polyethylene foam. The snubber protects the springs 32 from deforming beyond their elastic limit in the event that the vehicle encounters a road hazard or becomes overloaded. As with the first embodiment, the third embodiment of the tire of the present invention preferably includes a pair of belt inserts 33 embedded into the crown portion 30 . 1 of the tire above compound-curve springs 32 . The portion of the crown above the belts, indicated at 38 in FIG. 7 , is provided with the tire tread pattern. Belts 33 should be constructed of a high-strength and low-stretch material. The material of the belts 33 is preferably steel but may alternatively be some high-strength rubbered fabric. Belts 33 may also alternatively be constructed from a fabric containing KEVLAR fiber or steel cords situated in an angle of minimum 10° to the circumferential axis of the crown portion 30 . 1 . A rubber layer of a thickness of at least 2 mm should be between the belt insert and the curved springs. The belts 33 help to ensure the adhesion of the vehicle tire 30 to wheel rim 35 during high speed travel. The arrangement of the curved springs in the vehicle tire 30 of the third embodiment may also be described with reference to FIG. 4 . The thickness of the compound-curve springs 32 , their breadth A and circumferential spacing distance C measured at the crown portion 30 . 1 and distance B measured at bead 30 . 4 depend to a great extent on the size of vehicle tire 30 , as well as on the properties expected from the vehicle tire 30 . Considering the dynamic properties of rubber, distance C and dimension A should be a minimum of 10 mm each, whereas distance B should be a minimum of 2 mm. Significant advantages of the vehicle tires according to the invention include: Total safety in the event of punctures, since the vehicle tire does not have internal pressure, thus no air can escape which would deteriorate traveling properties. The manufacturing process is well automatable and the production quality is reliable. No monitoring/control of tire air pressure is necessary and there is no need for a spare tire. The energy requirement of the manufacturing of the vehicle tire according to the invention is generally lower as compared to conventional tires. As a result, less environmental harm is caused. Lower rolling resistance and superior fuel efficiency than a pneumatic tire. While the preferred embodiments of the invention have been shown and described, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that changes and modifications may be made therein without departing from the spirit of the invention, the scope of which is defined by the appended claims.
A non-pneumatic tire for a vehicle featuring a body of elastic material and having a circumferentially-extending crown portion featuring a running surface and circumferentially-extending sidewalls joined to the crown portion. The side walls terminate in circumferentially-extending beads which are adapted to engage the rim of a vehicle wheel. A number of radially-extending and circumferentially-spaced compound-curve springs made of a composite material are at least partially embedded within the crown portion and the sidewalls. The curved springs have ends terminating within the beads of the tire body. A circumferentially-extending belt constructed of a high-strength and low stretch material is positioned radially outside of the compound-curve springs.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to an automatic planting machine. More particularly, this invention relates to an automatic planting machine which allows to plant regularly spaced apart plants in rows. 2. Description of the Prior Art Machines known in the art only open a furrow and an attendant, on the machine, inserts successively the young plants into the ground within the furrow opened by the machine. Afterwards it becomes necessary through another device, to close the furrow, and add earth around each plant, to maintain it in proper position. The entire operation is tedious, tiresome, and time consuming. As to the uniformity of planting it is far from being acceptable, since it depends in a high degree on the skillfulness of the attendant as far as distance and timing is concerned, and also on the speed with which he is able to withdraw the plants from the cases containing them. A certain percentage of the plants may become damaged during their handling, specially due to fatigue of the attendant and/or sometimes due to a certain lack of enough sense of responsability. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The invention provides an automatic planting machine which allows to carry out more efficiently the uniform planting of small and/or young plants, and a uniform and correct spacing of adjacent plants in the same row is automatically obtained, independently from the judgement of distance and timing of the machine attendant. The automatic planting machine comprises a chassis, a main wheel at each side of the chassis and rigidly mounted on corresponding independent axles rotatively supported by said chassis, the rim of each main wheel having at least one through aperture; a planting tube slidably mounted in each of said through apertures and timed with the rotation of the corresponding main wheel, and means capable of feeding plants, one at a time, toward the input end of each planting tube timed with the rotation of the corresponding main wheel. It is an object of this invention to provide a machine of the type mentioned which allows to carry out a planting operation with a minimum degree of damaging, or even without damaging at all, the plants which are handled. Another object of this invention is to provide a planting machine which reduces to a minimum the fatigue of the machine attendant. Another object is to provide a planting machine which is capable of opening a furrow, setting the plants therein at the required distance one from the others, and closing again the furrow. Another object is to provide a planting machine operable by unskilled attendants. Another object is to provide a planting machine which is capable of feeding a metered quantity of water to the ground around every plant which has been set into a furrow. Still a further object is to provide a machine which has conveyor means for carrying cases, each containing a certain number of plants, towards the attendant's post and of carrying the empty cases away therefrom. Another object is to provide a machine which has improved means for tamping the soil of the closed furrow. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Further features and details of the present invention will become more apparent during the course of the following description, wherein reference is made to the accompanying drawings, which facilitate the explanation of the present invention and wherein a number of embodiments are also shown by way of example. More particularly: FIG. 1 is a general schematic view of the planting machine according to the invention; FIG. 2 is a schematic side elevation of the machine; FIG. 3 is a schematic showing to facilitate the explanation of the operation of the plant feeding mechanism; FIG. 4 is a schematic view of the structure of the mechanism shown in FIG. 3; FIGS. 5, 6, 7 and 8 are diagrams illustrating four positions of the radial movement of the planting tube in response to the rotation of the corresponding main wheel; FIG. 9 is a schematic showing of the arrangement of an hydraulic lifting jack mounted between the chassis of the machine and the drawbar which allows the hitching of the chassis to the towing tractor; FIG. 10 is a schematic view of the rear of the planting machine, showing the arrangement of the sloped auxiliary rear wheels, a water reservoir mounted on the rear end of the chassis, and a pair of soil stowing scoops mounted behind the pertinent main wheel; FIG. 11 shows an alternative structure of a furrow opening blade hereinafter called "subsoiling blade". FIG. 12 shows the water feeding means and water pump arrangement; FIG. 13 is a schematic view of a rotatable platform for conveying cases, containing the plants to be planted, toward the attendant's post; and FIG. 14 is a schematic view of another conveyor arrangement comprising three conveyor belts, the upper run of the central one being capable of moving away from the attendant's post and the upper run of the other two, arranged one at each side of the central one, being capable of moving toward the attendant's post. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The automatic planting machine of this invention, shown on FIG. 1, comprises a chassis indicated in general by the reference number 1, said chassis having two longitudinal lateral beams 2 and 2', and two transversal beams 3 and 3', and having also two longitudinal reinforcing beams 4 and 4' which are also used for mounting the cam system members which will be described later on. On the longitudinal lateral beams 2 and 2' corresponding supporting bearings 5 are mounted for axles 6 and 6' and the facing end portions thereof are located in a sleeve 7, so that each axle may rotate independently. Said sleeve 7 is only an example of a simple supporting arrangement for the axles 2, 2', since it is equally possible to use other means, for example, one of the axles may be telescopically fit into the other. Between each longitudinal lateral beam 2 or 2' and the corresponding longitudinal reinforcing beam 4 or 4' a corresponding main wheel 8 or 8' is mounted on the pertinent axle 6 or 6'. Each wheel comprises a rim 9 or 9' and corresponding spokes 10 and 10'. Instead of having spokes, the wheels can obviously have a solid central disc. This may be preferable for some embodiments of the machine when means are provided for feeding water to the zone where the plant is put into the furrow, as will be explained later on. On the lower central portion of the rear transversal beam 3' a bracket 11 is mounted of substantially U shape and having a shaft 12 on which the rear end 13 of a drawbar 14 is pivoted, the forward end 15 of said drawbar 14 being designed to be connected to a rear hitching device of a towing tractor (not shown). As is partially shown in FIG. 1 and with more details in FIG. 9, a bracket 16 is mounted on the front transversal beam 3. Bracket 16 has two forwardly directed branches 16' and 16" supporting a transverse pin 17 which pivotally supports the end of the cylinder 18 of a lifting jack, the piston rod 19 of which is connected to the drawbar 14. A hydraulic fluid conduit 20 is connected to the cylinder 18, its other end (not shown) being connected to a manually controllable valve provided at the post of the tractor driver. When the driver operates said valve, hydraulic fluid (from a source provided at the tractor) is fed into the cylinder 18 expanding the jack to increase the distance between the front portion of the chassis and the drawbar, to thereby remove the main wheels 8, 8' from ground. When the operator allows the hydraulic fluid to drain from the cylinder (through the same control valve), the distance between said front portion of the chassis and the drawbar decreases until these elements are again in the relative positions shown on FIG. 2, to thereby allow the main wheels 8, 8' to contact ground, and set the apparatus into planting position. Referring again to FIG. 1, it can be seen that on each longitudinal lateral beam 2 and 2' and on each longitudinal reinforcing beam 4 and 4' corresponding arms 21 and 21' are mounted. One of the ends of each arm 21 and 21' is pivoted by pivot 22 to mount the chassis, and at the other end each pair of arms 21 and 21' supports a corresponding shaft 23 and 23'. Each shaft 23 and 23' has mounted thereon a pair of rear auxiliary wheels 24 and 24' which are spaced apart as indicated on FIG. 1 by the arrow 25. The distance at which the wheels 24 and 24' of each pair are spaced apart is enough to permit the plant, which has just been planted into the furrow, to pass undamaged therebetween. A shock absorber 26 is connected between each arm 21 and 21' and the chassis, and a stop bar 27 is arranged ahead of each pair of wheels 24 and 24' limiting the extent of downward movement of the corresponding arms 21 and 21'. The machine is also provided with a plant feeding mechanism indicated in general on FIG. 1 by the reference number 28, each main wheel being provided with at least one planter indicated in general by the reference number 29, and a mechanism capable of timing the radial movement of the planting tube and indicated in general by the reference number 30. The feeding mechanism 28, the planting tubes 29 and the synchronizing mechanisms 30 will be hereinafter explained in detail. On each longitudinal lateral beam 2 and 2', one end of a pertinent arm 31 is riveted at 32. A corresponding furrow opening blade 33 is rigidly mounted on said arm 31. This blade 33 is capable of opening a furrow just ahead of each main wheel 8 and 8'. As shown on FIG. 1, two follower carrying shafts 34 and 34' are freely mounted in bearings 35, each fixed on a corresponding longitudinal reinforcing beam 4 and 4', the opposed other ends of each shaft 34, 34' being housed in a sleeve 7' so as to be capable of rotating independently. On each main wheel shaft 6 and 6' corresponding cam members 36 are rigidly mounted, one of which can be seen in FIG. 4, and which are engaged by corresponding cam followers 37 and 37' the other ends of which are fixedly mounted on the pertinent cam shaft 34, 34'. On said cam shafts 34 and 34' corresponding levers 38 and 38' are also rigidly mounted and are capable of operating the pertinent feeding mechanism 28 (FIG. 1) which will be described in detail later on. Said feeding mechanism 28 is shown on FIGS. 3 and 4 in a purely schematic way. This mechanism produces the timed feeding of the plants to each corresponding planting tube 29. In FIG. 3, the double-headed arrow 39 indicates the to and fro movement of the lever 38. The feeding mechanism comprises a first stationary platform 40 mounted on the pertinent longitudinal reinforcing beam 4 of the chassis by means of a bracket 41. The plants 42 which are to be planted and which are wrapped in a tubular wrapper are laid on this stationary platform, the roots of the plants being retained in said wrapper, so as to form small cylindrical units capable of rolling by gravity on the platform 40 toward the side of the respective main wheel 8. A gate member 43 is integral with the end of a lever 44 pivoted to pivot 45. The other end of lever 44 engages an actuating rod 46, the other end 47 of which is connected to the lever 38 and the normal position of the gate 43, related to the stationary platform 40, is such that the plants 42 cannot roll beyond the edge of platform 40. A second movable platform 48 is mounted below this platform 40 and capable of rocking on a shaft 49. The movable platform 48 is normally out of contact with the lower edge of the stationary platform 40. A stationary stop member 50 is normally spaced apart from the lower edge of the movable platform 48, so that a plant 51 may roll between the stop member 50 and the edge of the platform 48 falling within the input end of the corresponding planter 29 (which is a channeled member) movably mounted on the rim 9 of the corresponding main wheel 8. The higher edge of the movable platform 48 is connected to the lever 38 by means of a rod 52. Referring now to FIGS. 5 to 8, the timing mechanism producing the radial movement of the planter 29 is indicated in general by the reference number 30 in FIGS. 1 and 2. The function of the planter 29 is to locate a plant into the furrow opened by the furrow opening blade 33. The planter 29 must locate a plant into the furrow and thereafter promptly be retracted before the main wheel has rotated through a substantial angle, since otherwise the plant would be tilted. Synchronizing mechanism 30 assures the prompt retraction of the planter, after the plant has located in the furrow. This mechanism, upon the planter being in a substantially vertical position and its external end in contact with the bottom of the furrow, will retract promptly the planter, so that the plant becomes liberated. This mechanism comprises a cam track member 53 rigidly mounted on the pertinent longitudinal lateral beam 2 and has a special profile which forms a cam track 54 that has a characteristic shape with a sudden change at point 55. One of the ends of an arm 57 is pivoted to a pivot pin 56, mounted on the inner part of the rim 9 of the main wheel 8. A pivot 58 connects the other end of arm 57 to the planter 29 as will be described later on. A cam roller 60 is rotatable supported by stub shaft 59 to an intermediate portion of arm 57. The end of the arm 57 connected to the planter 29 is permanently urged towards the inner face of the rim 9 by means of a spring 61 which has one of its ends fixed at 62 to said arm 57 and its other end is fixed 63 to the inner face of the rim 9. The planter 29 comprises an external guiding sleeve 65, rigidly connected to the wheel 8, by the step-like portion 64, its planting tube 66 is telescopically slidably housed in the sleeve 65, and is capable of projecting through the rim 9. Tube 66 is connected by means of pivot 58, which passes through a slot 65', to arm 57. Starting from the position of main wheel 8 shown on FIG. 5, and assuming that the machine advances in the direction indicated by the arrow 67, the main wheel rotating in the direction indicated by the arrow 68, the cam roller 60 meets the lower end of the cam track 54 and begins to ride upwardly on its straight portion 54' during a first portion of a complete turn of the main wheel, lifting arm 57 and thus retracting the planting tube 66 into the guiding sleeve 65. After the cam roller has reached the point 55 of the cam track 54, it begins to ride on the curved portion 54" during a second portion of the turn of the main wheel, thus maintaining retracted the planting tube 66 within the guiding sleeve 65 during its entire run on said curved portion. Once the cam roller 60 has reached the end of the curved portion 54", spring 61 draws suddenly the arm 57 in the direction of the rim 9 of the main wheel, the planting tube thus projecting again outwardly through the aperture of the rim 9, remaining in this condition during a third and last portion of the turn of the main wheel, until the end of said turn is reached, whereafter a new cycle begins when the subsequent turn of the wheel starts. The operation of the machine will now be described. The latter is connected by means of the drawbar 14 to a towing tractor (not shown) and the attendant --for locating the machine in its transport position-- will act a pertinent valve (not shown) to send fluid through pipe 20 into the jack 18, so that the machine will be raised and roll only on the auxiliary wheels 24, thereby the main wheels 8 and the blade 33 of the plow will become out of contact with the soil or road. Thus, the machine is in the transport position to be moved towards the planting area. Once the machine reaches the planting area to start working, fluid is allowed to become discharged through pipe 20 so that the main wheels 8 and the blades 33 adopt their working positions and the tractor can now start to work on the field. At this instant, the machine will be in proper position to start operation and in particular, reference should be made to FIG. 3, as far as the planting arrangement is concerned. Gate 43 is in its lower position and blocks the forward movement of the plants 42 which are located on the stationary platform 40 (which defines a deposit) and no plant has yet left the deposit; i.e. there is no plant in the position indicated by reference numeral 51. As the main wheel 8 starts to rotate (due to being now in contact with the soil), the cam 36 will be in a position where the cam follower 37 will be in the lowermost position so that the cam follower shaft 34 will transfer, so to say, said position to the lever 38 which will likewise be in the lowermost position, thereby two results are achieved: In first instance, the gate 43 is raised with regard to the stationary platform 40 by means of the rod 46 and the lever 44, so that only the most forward plant in the deposit 42 will pass said gate and fall onto the movable platform 48, and in second instance, said movable platform 48 -- at the same time-- due to the movement of lever 38 and rod 52 is raised near to the stationary stop 50, whereby plant 51 will enter in abutting relationship with said stop 50 and thus becomes retained in said position. The shape of the cam 36 is such that, after the plant 51 has fallen onto the movable platform, lever 38 is raised again, whereby the remaining plants become blocked within the deposit and plant 51 will roll along platform 48, the forward end of which has moved downwardly, by-passing stop 50. This plant will thus fall into the planter 29 and more particularly it allows for the plant to become located within the tubular member 66, which at this instant faces the edge of platform 48. It should be borne in mind that the planter 29 is a funnel-like arrangement, so that as soon as the plant falls onto the receiving end, it will move forward --due to gravity-- within the planter, as will be easily understood by the skilled in this art. According to the embodiment shown, one plant will be planted with each complete turn of the main wheel 8. Obviously the same explanations are applicable to the main wheel 8'. If FIG. 5, a position is shown, where the planter 29 and tubular member 66 has just moved away from the starting position (the cam roller 60 being in contact with the straight portion of the cam track 54), where the plant 51 has been received. Upon continuing the rotation of the main wheel 8, the cam roller 60 enters in contact with the curved portion of the cam track 54. Returning now to the beginning of the planting step, when the planting tube 66 reaches the radial vertical position its end enters the bottom of the furrow; the tubular member will have been withdrawn at the moment when the cam roller 60 has passed the point 55, whereby the plant has become set in the furrow (FIG. 6). The auxiliary wheel 24 will tamp the earth adjacent the planted plant, which thereby becomes fit into the soil. As the main wheel 8 continues rotating, the tubular member 66 will become again projected through the rim of the main wheel 8 (see FIG. 7). It will be understood that the distance existing between two successive planted plants in a row depends on the diameter of the main wheels 8. It is possible to provide in each of the main wheels 8, 8', a pair of diametrically opposite planters, with the pertinent accessories, so that thereby the production can be increased. In order to be able to vary the distance between two adjacent rows of plants, such as those provided by the wheels 8, 8', the beams 3, 3' could be a telescopical arrangement (not shown) and then axles 6, 6' and 34, 34' will likewise have to be of a telescopical structure. Bushings 7 and 7' which support the facing ends of the pertinent axles and cam follower shafts are provided in order to allow the machine to carry out a turn during which one of the wheels will obviously have to rotate at higher speed than the other. In accordance with tests carried out with an experimental machine, it has been found that the rear auxiliary wheels 24, 24' arranged as shown in FIG. 1 will fulfil better the task of tamping the earth adjacent the set plant when they are mounted in a sloped converging manner, as shown in FIG. 10, see particularly reference numerals 69, 69', 70, 70'. The slope of each of these auxiliary wheels with regard to the vertical is approximately 30°. Although in FIG. 1 arms 21, 21' have been shown as being pivoted to the beams 2, 2', respectively, they can likewise be mounted in a stationary manner thereon, in which event the shock absorbers 26 would have to be substituted by rigid links (not shown). In FIG. 1, shafts 23, 23' are passing through arms 21, 21', respectively, which shafts 23, 23' support the pertinent wheels 24, 24'. However, it is evident that these shafts could be mounted in bearings 71, located on the lower side or the upper side of said arms (see FIG. 13). The correct selection of which of the structures will be used, depends on the nature of the soil. Although in FIG. 1 the blade 33 has been shown, it is advisable to replace blade 33 by a blade 72 of the type shown in FIG. 11. The common blade shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 has a tendency to dig upwardly when it strikes hard soil, stones and the like, while the blade shown in FIG. 11 has the tendency to maintain a constant depth of plowing. The blade of the type 72 shown in FIG. 11 will be called hereinafter a "sub-soiling" blade. The sub-soil blade 72 is mounted on support 31 by means of clamping means 73. Practice has also shown that it is advisable, in order to achieve a good tamping of the earth adjacent the just planted plants and to avoid that air becomes blocked in substantial amounts around the roots of the plant, to irrigate the soil at the furrow portion where the plant has been set, with a comparatively small quantity of water and preferably at the moment the planter is in vertical position at the point where the plant has been set into the bottom of the furrow. This requires that the machine is provided with a water deposit 74, conveniently mounted on chassis 1 by means of support 74', as shown in FIG. 10, or as an alternative, the water tank can be mounted on a special carriage, which is towed by the machine. In order to achieve that an exact amount of water is supplied at the precise instant, it is convenient that the hose 75 is connected through a water-feeding arrangement, as shown in FIG. 12 to its discharge port 86. Conveniently,the guiding sleeve 65, which slidably houses the planting tube 66, is connected to a feeding conduit 84 which may pass through one of the spokes of the wheel or may be connected thereto in any other suitable manner. In FIG. 12, one embodiment is shown as to how water is injected into said sleeve 65 near the rim 9. The hose 75, which is connected to the tank 74, ends in a stationary casing 76 which has a seal 77 in sealing contact with shaft 6 (or 6'). This casing 76 in turn is coupled to a bushing 78, which is rigidly connected at 79 to the inside face 80 of the main wheel 8, through a seal 81 provided between the casing 76 and the bushing 78, thereby providing a sealed arrangement which enables to transfer the water from the tank towards the conduit 84 by passing through spaces 82, 83. Conduit 84 debouches into port 86 which thereby feeds the water into the bushing 65. Conveniently,hose 75 is connected to a pump 88 which may be driven either by the wheels of the machine or directly by the tractor, and thereby fluid will be supplied to space 82 and from space 83 through conduit 84 towards port 86. Furthermore,in conduit 84, a timing valve 87 is arranged, which will only open at the proper time, when the planter 29 has set the plant in the furrow. Since the pump 88 may be of the continuous operating type, a check valve 89 in a by-pass 89' may be provided to avoid that excessive pressure may be build-up in the water-feeding arrangement. From the foregoing it is apparent that the pump arrangement 88 and by pass 89' is not a fundamental requirement since the feeding could likewise be forwarded by gravity, but always the timing valve 87 will be required, to avoid that water is continuously supplied to the planter 29. Usually, the young plants are supplied by the tree nurseries in casings containing 100 or more plants and therefore a mechanism has been conceived which can forward successive casings to the attendant who will have to replenish the deposit defined by platform 40. Conveniently, according to one embodiment, a rotary platform 91 mounted on stub shaft 92 may carry a supply of such casings, which rotate towards the bench 93, where one or two attendants may be seated who can then withdraw the plants from such casing and feed the respective deposit. Thus, a continuous feeding of plants is assured, bench 93 is preferably mounted on a stationary platform 94 which is shown in FIG. 13, but not in FIG. 1. Driving means may be provided and connected to stub shaft 92, which driving means are not shown and which are operated by the attendant in accordance with the requirements as far as the feeding is concerned. However, the platform may also be rotated by hand. An alternative embodiment is shown in FIG. 14, where the same platform 94 and bench 93 are shown, but combined with three endless conveyors 95, 96 and 97 of which the conveyors 96 and 97 can supply rows of casings towards the bench 93 and the middle conveyor 95, which will move in opposite direction, is destined to receive the empty casings for discharge. In a further development according to the present invention and as shown in FIG. 10, between the rear wheels 24, 24' and the main wheel 8, a pair of spaced apart scoopers 98, 99, respectively mounted on arms 100, 101 and 102 are provided, which assures that the plant which has just been set into the furrow, is maintained in proper vertical position until the convergent tamping wheels 24, 24' reach the zone adjacent the plant to tamp the earth, as previously described. Obviously, the scoopers will have to be spaced apart a distance which as a minimum is equal to the maximum cross-sectional area of a plant (or small tree) to be planted.
An automatic planting machine for planting plants particularly small and/or young trees, specially designed for forestation and/or reforestation and the like. The machine has, in each of its main wheels, at least one planting tube radially movable and capable of projecting through an aperture in the rim of the wheel coincident with the moment at which a plant is set in the furrow opened by the machine. To open the furrow in the soil, a furrow opening blade is provided in front of each main wheel. Behind each main wheel a pair of auxiliary rear wheels are provided which are capable of tamping the soil at the sides of the plant set in the furrow, and each of said auxiliary rear wheels may be sloped. Means are provided which are capable of feeding plants, one at a time, to each planting tube, the operation of said feeding means and the movement of each planting tube being timed with the rotation of the pertinent main wheel. The machine may be provided with means (e.g. hydraulic) for removing the main wheels from contacting the ground for transportation. A water reservoir and water feeding means may be provided for feeding water to the planted plants. Optionally, conveyor means for forwarding plant containing cases, may also be provided.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The Government may own certain rights in the present invention pursuant to the Office of Health and Environmental Research, USDOE and by Cooperative Research and Development Agreement BNL-C-94-21. FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to a method for reducing pyrimidine photoproducts in humans after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. BACKGROUND OF THE PRESENT INVENTION The sensitivity of the human skin to the ultraviolet (UV) rays (UVR) of the sun is determined by the amount of the pigment, "melanin," contained within the skin. Many individuals with fair or light/white complexions (Skin Types I, II, III) burn because they do not produce sufficient melanin to protect the skin against sunburn. Moderately brown to dark skinned persons (Skin Types IV, V, VI) are not entirely protected form the deleterious effects of solar radiation. The different Skin Type classifications are characterized as follows: Skin Type I: burns easily (freckles) and never tans; Skin Type II: burns easily and tans minimally; Skin Type III: burns moderately and tans gradually; Skin Type IV: burns minimally and tans well; and Skin Types V and VI: tans very well and rarely burns. In addition to sunburn, long-term exposure to the sun, particularly for individuals who do not produce sufficient melanin such as Skin Types I, II, III can lead to premature aging of the skin and cutaneous cancer, usually basal cell, squamous cell carcinomas and malignant melanomas. Dark skinned persons do develop skin cancer but in small percentages, for example, malignant melanomas may occur in areas of the body where melanin levels are low, such as the palmar surfaces of the hands and plantar surfaces of the feet. Conditions such as allergic reactions, coarseness, dryness, mottling, flaccidity and blemishes are also effects of long-term exposure. To obviate these detrimental effects, experts in the field have suggested sun protection formulas having various combinations and percentages of chemical, physical and natural sunscreens, with the sun protective factor (SPF) ranging from 2 to 30 (minimal sun protection=2 and maximum sun protection=30). Further, melanin precursors (i.e. tyrosine, tyrosinase and 3,4-Dihydroxy Phenylalanine (DOPA)) are included in suntan preparations to stimulate the production of melanin. Yet, each year these harmful or life-threatening toxicities are becoming more widespread because the problem still exists for those persons who do not genetically possess sufficient melanocytes (pigment cells) to produce enough melanin. The pigment cell colors the skin by injecting melanosomes into keratinocytes. The keratinocyte carries pigment to the stratum comeurn where it is shed as melanin dust. Melanin provides effective protection against actinic damage of the sun. Notably, there exists an increased correlation between skin sensitivity to UV radiation and melanin content. The degree of sunburn reaction, prevalence of abnormal photosensitivity and the degenerative (aging) and neoplastic changes are reduced with increasing melanin pigmentation. This increased relationship is correlated to the distribution of melanosomes and quantity of melanin in the epidermis. The SPF estimates of melanin have been cited as 1.0-4.3 to 5 for Skin Types I through Skin Types V and VI, respectively. The photoprotective role of melanin is related to its physical and biochemical properties. Melanin (a) scatters and degrades radiation to heat; (b) absorbs the radiation and promotes immediate oxidation reaction, and (c) quenches free radicals generated by UV radiation. Further, melanin in the human epidermis functions as a stable free radical. Because of its polyquinoid nature, melanin acts as an electron exchange polymer and therefore is capable of undergoing immediate photo-oxidation or darkening reaction. Melanin quenches the formulation of other types of damaging free radicals in the human epidermis upon exposure to UV radiation. Thus melanin serves as a scavenger for damaging non-melanin free radicals which may significantly contribute to its photoprotective role in individuals of Skin Types IV, V and VI. The exposure to UV radiation itself produces a phototherapeutic advantage. Subsequent to three UV radiation exposures, Skin Types IV, V, VI become less likely to sunburn. However, Types I, II, III individuals develop very few melanized melanosomes. A melanin filter never develops in the stratum corneum resulting in an absence of melanin dust in the epidermis. Therefore, the need exists for the formulation of the topical application of melanin to provide an added amount of melanin in the skin to protect the human skin from the UV rays of the sun. Yet, dissolving melanin in solution or otherwise distributing melanin in a mixture suitable for topical application for delivery of melanin into the skin has been a difficult problem in the past. This problem was solved with U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,256,403 and 4,806,344. The instant invention is significant in that it provides evidence at the molecular level of the effect of shielding of DNA against skin cancer-inducing lesions by sunscreening agents. The instant invention, which is directed to a method for reducing pyrimidine photoproducts, uses methods and compositions previously described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,256,403 and 4,806,344 (which include natural sunscreening preparations produced by Frances Christian Gaskin, Inc.); however the claimed invention is not limited to using only the sunscreen preparations taught in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,256,403 and 4,806,344 (herein incorporated by reference). Briefly, U.S. Pat. No. 4,806,344 teaches a composition and method of dissolving melanin in a composition for the purpose of photoprotection of human skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. U.S. Pat. No. 5,256,403 teaches a solubilized melanin based compositions. The compositions consist of melanin, the active ingredient, and a substance to solubilize the melanin, blended together in a vehicle suitable for topical application. The effects on environmental carcinogens, such as the increased levels of UVB in the biosphere resulting from ozone depletion, is a major human health concern. The natural sunscreening preparations produced by Frances Christian Gaskin, Inc. provide excellent protection to human skin against increased levels of the highly dangerous carcinogen, UVB. This invention is not limited to using sunscreen preparations produced by Frances C. Gaskin, Inc. (FCG) to reduce pyrimidine photoproducts but the inventor does prefer to use the sunscreen preparations as created by Frances C. Gaskin, Inc. to achieve this goal. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 Outline Depicting the Principles of Pyrimidine Dimer Determination by Alkaline Agarose Gel Method. FIG. 2 Panel A: Experimental Set-up for Testing FCG SPF #4 in Reducing Pyrimidine Photoproducts in Lambda DNA Using a FS20 Sunscreening Lamp and a Pyrex Dish Filter (See FIG. 3). Panel B: Experimental Set-up for Testing FCG SPF #4 and Melanin Plus in Reducing Pyrimidine Photoproducts in 287-mer Exposed to UV Radiation (See FIG. 4). FIG. 3 Test of FCG SPF #4 on Lambda DNA Using a FS20 Sunlamp (0.320 mA). See Experimental Set-up in Panel A, FIG. 1. Lambda DNA which is approximately 49.5 kilobases in size was used. The X-axis represents "Time" that Lambda n6 methanol-free DNA was exposed to a standard FS20 Fluorescent Sunscreen Tanning Lamp. The Y-axis represents Endonuclease Sensitive Sites (ESS) per mega bases (number of pyrimidine dimers per mega (million) bases). FIG. 4 Effects of 254 nm Irradiation on 32P Labelled 287-mer With or Without FCG Sunscreens. Do FCG Sunscreens Protect or Reduce Pyrimidine Photoproducts? See Panel B, FIG. 1 above for Experimental Set-up. 1 LANES 1-2 MOLECULAR WEIGHT MARKERS: Lane 1: Molecular Weight Marker Lane 2: Molecular Weight Marker LANES 3-8: NO SUNSCREEN Lane 3: No UV Lane 4: No UV Lane 5: 110 J/m 2 Lane 6: 165 J/m 2 Lane 7: 220 J/m 2 Lane 8: 275 J/m 2 LANES 9-12: SPF #4 (0.005 G/2.5 CM 2 ) Lane 9: No UV Lane 10: 165 J/m 2 Lane 11: 220 J/m 2 Lane 12: 275 J/m 2 LANES 13-17: FCG (1:500 DILUTION OF PURE FCG) Lane 13: No UV Lane 14: 165 J/m 2 Lane 15: 275 Jtm 2 Lane 16: 550 J/m 2 Lane 17: 825 J/m 2 LANES 18-20 MOLECULAR WEIGHT MARKERS: Lane 18: Molecular Weight Marker Lane 19: Molecular Weight Marker Lane 20: Molecular Weight Marker SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION This invention is directed to a method for reducing pyrimidine photoproducts comprising applying an effective amount of melanin to human skin prior to exposure to ultraviolet rays, wherein said melanin is in a vehicle suitable for topical application and measuring the amount of pyrimidine photoproducts as compared to a control sample. Another embodiment of this invention is where the vehicle is an ointment, cream or lotion. For the purpose of this invention, measuring also means determining, and/or quantifying. This invention is also directed to a method for reducing pyrimidine photoproducts comprising applying an effective amount of melanin and solubilizing substance to human skin prior to exposure to ultraviolet rays, wherein said substance for solubilizing melanin is selected from the group consisting of triethanolamine and trypsin, wherein said solubilizing substance is present in an amount sufficient to solubilize the melanin thereby producing melanin solubilized by said substance, wherein said melanin and solubilizing substance is in a vehicle suitable for topical application and measuring the amount of pyrimidine photoproducts as compared to a control sample. Another embodiment of this invention is where the vehicle is an ointment, cream or lotion. For the purpose of this invention, measuring also means determining, and/or quantifying. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight induces short and long term damages in human skin such as sunburning, wrinkling, premature skin aging and skin cancers. Since melanomas arise from human melanocytes, effects of UV on primary human melanocytes are very important. Sunscreens protect human skin against UV damage, and melanin is a naturally occurring intracellular sunscreen. Melanin can also induce radicals upon exposure to UV, and these radicals may alter the kinds of DNA damage induced by UV exposure. Solar radiation induces erythema, skin thickening and cancers in the skin of man. DNA is a suspected molecular target for the action of sunlight in damaging human skin. A major ultraviolet light-induced photoproduct in DNA is the cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer formed between adjacent pyrimidines on the same DNA strand. Dimers have been implicated in the lethal, mutagenic, and tumorigenic effects of ultraviolet radiation in simple organisms and have been shown to be produced by UVB (290-320 nm) radiation in human skin. In addition to their potential intrinsic biological importance, dimers are easily quantitated and provide a useful dosimeter of damage of DNA in situ. Melanin-based sunscreen preparations (MELANIN FCG and MELANIN PLUS) have been produced and patented which protect human skin against the deleterious effects of UV (U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,806,344 and 5,256,403). These preparations are used in the Examples below to study their effect on pyrimidine dimers and to determine if they reduce pyrimidine photoproducts. Procedures have been developed for measuring the frequency and kinds of DNA damages induced by agents such as UV in nanogram quantities of non-radioactive DNA from human cells and skin (Freeman S. E. et al, Quantitation of radiation-, chemical-, or enzyme-induced single strand breaks in nonradioactive DNA by alkaline gel electrophoresis: application to pyrimidine dimers. Analyt. Biochem. 158:119-129 (1986); Freeman, S. E., et al. Pyrimidine dimer formation in human skin, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 46(2):207-212, 1987). The method allows detection of pyrimidine dimer levels as low as one per million bases in about 50 nanograms of non-radioactive DNA. The protocol is based on (1) the specific and quantitative induction of single strand breaks at dimers sites by UV endonuclease from Micrococcus luteus and (2) separation of the resulting cleaved, single stranded DNA as a function of molecular length by alkaline agarose electrophoresis. Thus, the method is sensitive enough to quantify one damage per two million bases for single strand breaks and damages affecting one DNA strand, and to quantify one damage per 100 million bases for double strand breaks. Sutherland et al has also developed methods for quantitating survival and mutation, including transformation, of human skin cells (Sutherland, et al, Two dimensional, computer controlled film scanner: quantitation of fluorescence from ethidium bromide stained DNA gels, Nal. Biochem., 139:390-399 (1984)). These methods have been applied to cultured human skin cells, including fibroblasts, keratinocytes and melanocytes, human skin biopsies and human skin in situ. The procedures have also been used to test the effect of sunscreens such as PABA (paraamino benzoic acid) on DNA damage and on cellular transformation of human skin cells. Briefly, FIG. 1 describes the principles of pyrimidine dimer determination by the alkaline agarose gel method. DNA from skin or in situ (or in culture, in vitro, or in DNA sequences themselves) is exposed to UV radiation and then the DNA is extracted from the skin as described in standard DNA isolation protocols known to a person of ordinary skill in the art. DNA occurs in its supercoiled state (double stranded DNA) and pyrimidine dimers result in the DNA from exposing the DNA to UV radiation (pyrimidine dimers are defined as a type of DNA damage which links together two pyrimidines adjacent to each other on the same strand of DNA (i.e. CC, CT, TC, or TT)). The DNA is then treated with UV endonuclease (e.g. an endonuclease isolated from Micrococcus luteus) which makes a single strand nick adjacent to each pyrimidine dimer. UV endonuclease is prepared by the standard protocol of Carrier et al (Carrier, W. L. Endonuclease from Micrococcus luteus which has activity toward ultraviolet-irradiated DNA: purification and properties, J. Bact. 102:178-186 (1970). The DNA is no longer supercoiled and now appears in its "relaxed" circle form. The UV endonuclease creates nick adjacent to the dimer and from these nicks the number of Micrococcus luteus UV endonuclease sensitive sites per 1000 bases (ESS/kb) is determined (Sutherland, et al, Two dimensional, computer controlled film scanner: quantitation of fluorescence from ethidium bromide stained DNA gels, Nal. Biochem., 139:390-399 (1984)). The endonuclease treated or untreated DNA is denatured by treatment with alkali and electrophoresed on an alkaline agarose gel along with molecular weight standard markers. After denaturation, the single stranded DNAs are separated according to molecular length by electrophoresis in an alkaline agarose gel. The lane on the left of FIG. 1 depicts DNA not treated with UV endonuclease--DNA that contains dimers but was not treated with endonuclease migrates as a higher molecular length band. The lane on the right of FIG. 1 depicts the endonuclease treated DNA--the same DNA after UV endonuclease treatment migrates as a heterogeneous, lower molecular length band. The alkaline agarose gel protocol is detailed in depth in Freeman et al (Steven E. Freeman, et al., Pyrimidine Dimer Formation in Human Skin, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 46(2): 207-212 (1987) herein incorporated by reference). DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this invention, the following terms, words and phrases shall have the following meanings: UV radiation: ultraviolet radiation photoproduct: any change or modification in DNA whereby the change is induced by light or any light source light: any source which includes fluorescence and ultraviolet dose of radiation: Joules/m 2 ; "J" FCG Sunscreen: SPF #4, Melanin Plus, and Melanin FCG produced by Frances C. Gaskin Inc. UVA radiation: wavelengths between 320-400 nm UVB radiation: wavelengths between 290-320 nm UVC radiation: wavelengths less than 290 nm (narrow band wavelength) DNA "building blocks": Four different nucleotides were found to be the "building blocks" in a DNA molecule (adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine) pyrimidine: Two of the four different building blocks in DNA--either cytosine or thymine pyrimidine dimer: a type of DNA damage which links together two pyrimidines adjacent to each other on the same strand of DNA (i.e. CC, CT, TC, or TT) 6,4 photoproduct or 6,4 pyrimidone: an example of DNA damage whereby two pyrimidines are linked together through a single bond between position 6 on one pyrimidine and position 4 on the second pyrimidine 5,6 photoproduct: also called "cis, syn cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer (5,6)"--another example of DNA damage whereby two pyrimdines are linked together by a cyclobutyl (4 carbon ring) bond at both the 5 position and the 6 position of the pyrimidines ultraviolet light-induced photoproduct in DNA: a cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer formed between adjacent pyrimidines on the same DNA strand. Cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers are major photoproducts formed upon irradiation of DNA with ultraviolet light. EXAMPLES The following examples are provided so as to enable those of ordinary skill in the art to make the compositions of the invention. These examples are not intended to limit the scope of what the inventor regards as the invention. Efforts have been made to ensure accuracy with respect to numbers used to characterize the measured conditions; however, some experimental errors and deviations may be present. EXAMPLE 1 GENERAL METHOD EMPLOYED TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF PYRIMIDINE DIMERS FORMED AS A RESULT OF EXPOSURE TO UV RADIATION This Example outlines the general method employed to determine the number of pyrimidine dimers formed as a result of exposure to UV radiation. FIG. 1 outlines the principles of pyrimidine dimer determination by the alkaline agarose gel method. DNA in situ (in the skin or in culture, in vitro, or in DNA sequences themselves) is exposed to UV radiation and then the DNA is extracted from the skin as described in standard DNA isolation protocols. DNA occurs in its supercoiled state (double stranded DNA) and pyrimidine dimers result in the DNA from exposing the DNA to UV radiation (pyrimidine dimers are defined as a type of DNA damage which links together two pyrimidines adjacent to each other on the same strand of DNA (i.e. CC, CT, TC, or TF)). The DNA is then treated with UV endonuclease (e.g. isolated from Micrococcus luteus) which makes a single strand nick adjacent to each pyrimidine dimer. The DNA is no longer supercoiled and now appears in its "relaxed" circle form. The UV endonuclease creates the nicks and from these nicks the number of Micrococcus luteus UV endonuclease sensitive sites per 1000 bases (ESSIkb) is determined (Sutherland, et al, Two dimensional, computer controlled film scanner: quantitation of fluorescence from ethidium bromide stained DNA gels, Nal. Biochem., 139:390-399 (1984)). The endonuclease treated or untreated DNA is denatured by treatment with alkali and electrophoresed on an alkaline agarose gel along with molecular weight standard markers. After denaturation, the single stranded DNAs are separated according to molecular length by electrophoresis in an alkaline agarose gel. The lane on the left of FIG. 1 depicts DNA not treated with UV endonuclease--DNA that contains dimers but was not treated with endonuclease migrates as a higher molecular length band. The lane on the right of FIG. 1 depicts the endonuclease treated DNA--the same DNA after UV endonuclease treatment migrates as a heterogeneous, lower molecular length band when compared to the DNA not treated with endonuclease. The alkaline agarose gel protocol is detailed in Freeman et al (Steven E. Freeman, et al., Pyrimidine Dimer Formation in Human Skin, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 46(2):207-212 (1987)--herein incorporated by reference). EXAMPLE 2 TEST OF FCG SPF #4 ON LAMBDA DNA USING A FS20 SUNLAMP (0.320 MA) This Example tests the protective effects of FCG SPF #4 sunscreen on Lambda DNA using a FS20 sunlamp (0.320 mA) as the source of ultraviolet light. This Example tests whether FCG SPF #4 sunscreen protects lambda DNA from pyrimidine dimer formation thereby reducing the number of pyrimidine photoproducts as a direct result of UV Radiation exposure. FIG. 2 (Panel A) depicts the experimental set-up for testing the protection SPF#4 can provide to DNA exposed to UV radiation. The Pyrex dish acts a filter to filter out wavelengths less than 290 nm. The quartz disk either was or was not coated with the sunscreen ("sunscreen plus" or "SS+" vs "sunscreen minus" or "SS-") and is placed between the filter dish and the DNA droplet. The DNA droplet is exposed to UV radiation for a predetermined amount of time which was calculated to induce a specific number of pyrimidine dimers. In this Example, alkaline agarose gels are used to determine the number of pyrimidine dimers formed as a result of UV radiation exposure. This gel method is described in Example 1 and is only summarized here: Step 1: Irradiated DNA using FS20 Lamp and a Pyrex dish filter. Lambda DNA was used in this Example and it is approximately 49.5 kilobases in size. The Pyrex dish was used to filter out wavelengths less than 290 nm. A quartz disk was placed between the filter and the DNA droplet. The quartz disk was either coated with the sunscreen or buffer only. Step 2: Samples were removed at different times to obtain different exposure times which equate to a pre-calculated number of induced pyrimidine dimers. Step 3: Add MLE (Micrococcus lutues endonuclease) to half of each reaction mixture to create a nick the single stranded DNA next to where the pyrimidine dimer was located. The other half of the reaction mixture received only buffer--no MLE). Step 4: The DNA was analyzed on an alkaline agarose gel (Freeman S. E., et al, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 46(2):207-212 (1986) and data was plotted as described in FIG. 3. FIG. 3 presents the data obtained from testing the protection of SPF #4 sunscreen on the formation of pyrimidine dimers in lambda DNA. The X-axis of FIG. 3 represents "Time" that Lambda n6 methanol-free DNA was exposed to a standard FS20 Fluorescent Sunscreen Tanning Lamp (to induce pyrimidine dimers). The Y-axis of FIG. 3 represents the number of endonuclease sensitive sites (ESS) per mega bases (number of pyrimidine dimers per mega (million) bases) as described below. The results from this experiment indicate that SPF #4 reduced the number of endonuclease sensitive sites thereby reducing the number of induced pyrimidine dimers. Thus, SPF#4 reduced the number of photoproducts which resulted from UV radiation exposure and which correlated with the number of induced pyrimidine dimers. EXAMPLE 3 GENERAL METHODOLOGY FOR SITE-SPECIFIC LESION QUANTITATION IN UNSHIELDED AND MELANIN FCG SUNSCREEN-PROTECTED DNA Human hazards of solar ultraviolet exposure include sunburn, premature skin aging and skin cancer, and DNA is a primary target for such damages. Much is known about the formation and repair of DNA damages at genomic and specific gene levels, but little is known of damage induction and repair at specific DNA sites. This Example was designed to evaluate the ability of sunscreening products manufactured by FCG, Inc. to protect against specific DNA damages at the specific nucleotide sequence level. Methods have been developed to detect and quantitate such damage formulation, as well as its reduction in the presence of sunscreens. The levels of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers (lethal, potentially carcinogenic) and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts (mutagenic) have been tested, and overall qualitative results indicate that Melanin Plus (Sun Protection Factor 4) and Melanin FCG sunscreening product protects against induction of such damages. In general, an oligonucleotide via the standard protocol of polymerase chain reaction ("PCR:" a process for amplifying nucleic acid covered by U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,683,195 and 4,683,202). For example, a 287-mer was produced which comprises 287 base pairs from T-7 bacteriophage DNA inserted into a plasmid. Each 287-mer is labelled at its 3' end with P-32 ( 32 P). The DNA is then exposed to ultraviolet radiation in order to induce a pyrimidine dimer in the DNA. To do this, the DNA is exposed to a fixed amount of ultraviolet radiation (254 nm wavelength) for different pre-determined times. The desired end result from the UV radiation exposure for each 287-mer is to induce either no pyrimidine dimers or at most to induce only one pyrimidine dimer. In order to determine the time to expose the DNA sequence to, a dose-rate meter is employed ("The Jagger Meter", Jagger, J., A small and inexpensive ultraviolet dose-rate meter useful in biological experiments, Radiat. Res. 14:394-403 (1961)). A meter reading from where the DNA sequence is positioned from the source of the radiation is determined (i.e. 111 microamps/sec/m 2 ) and this meter is pre-calibrated against a National Bureau of Standards Lamp. The calibration factor for the lamp employed for the instant invention is 22 microamps/sec/m 2 which equates to 1 Joule/sec/m 2 . Every second of exposure is equal to 5 Joules; thus an exposure time of 110 seconds is equal to 550 Joules. After the pre-determined exposure time, a sample of the reaction mixture is removed. A portion of this sample is then subjected to UV endonuclease. Next, part of the DNA is treated with UV endonuclease (e.g. an endonuclease isolated from Micrococcus luteus) which makes a single strand nick adjacent to each pyrimidine dimer. UV endonuclease is prepared by the standard protocol of Carrier et al (Carrier, W. L. Endonuclease from Micrococcus luteus which has activity toward ultraviolet-irradiated DNA: purification and properties, J. Bact. 102:178-186 (1970); See description regarding FIG. 1 above). The UV endonuclease creates nick adjacent to the dimer and from these nicks the number of Micrococcus luteus UV endonuclease sensitive sites per 1000 bases (ESS/kb) is determined (Sutherland, et al, Two dimensional, computer controlled film scanner: quantitation of fluorescence from ethidium bromide stained DNA gels, Nal. Biochem., 139:390-399 (1984)). Thus, if there are any pyrimidine dimers (i.e. CC, CT, TC, or TT) and if the DNA-mer is treated with UV endonuclease then the enzyme will induce or cause a cut in the single strand of DNA adjacent to where the pyrimidine dimer was located. The MLE reactions are performed at room temperature for one hour. The MLE reactions are stopped after one hour and the samples are stored -20° C. overnight. The endonuclease treated or untreated DNA is next subjected to a standard sequencing gel. Dye is added to sample, the sample is denatured by heat and then the sample is iced down prior to loading it on the gel. The protocols for these gels are standard and known to those skilled in the art but the following is an example of which method that could be used to achieve the same results: the DNA is analyzed on an 8% urea-containing polyacrylamide gel with G+A and C+T Maxam and Gilbert sequencing reactions as markers. Each sample is loaded onto this 8% sequencing gel and the gels were then autoradiographed (for approximately 48 hours). Bands were cut from the polyacrylamide gels and can be analyzed by the Cerenkov counting method. With this method, the data is corrected for multiple cuts within the same DNA fragment as described in Gordon et al (Gordon et al, J. Biol. Chem. 255:12047-12050 (1980)) and the percentage of initial molecules carrying scissions at a specific site were calculated. This is described in Brash et al (Brash, et al, Nature, 298:189-192 (1982)). The data can be visually analyzed and/or analyzed via a computer. In order to visually analyze the gels, the same number of counts per minute (cpms) need to be loaded into each lane. The total cpms are calculated for each lane and the cpms per band are also determined. The percentage of cpms in each band is calculated and is compared to the total cpms in that lane by dividing the number of cpms per band by the total number of cpms in the lane. A computer software program is being developed at Brookhaven National Laboratories for quantitating the cpms per band as compared to the total cpms in each lane. Visually, each band can be compared to a comparable and receiving the same amount of Joules. Conclusions may be drawn if it is assumed that the same amount of cpms per lane were added to each lane. EXAMPLE 4 254 NM IRRADIATION OF P-32 LABELLED 287-MER This Example studied the effects of 254 nm Irradiation had on 32P labelled 287-met with or without FCG sunscreens. It attempted to answer the question Do FCG Sunscreens Protect or Reduce Pyrimidine Photoproducts? Thus, the purpose of this Example was to determine if either FCG Sunscreen or SPF #4 Sunscreen (Both products are available from Frances C. Gaskin, Inc.) protected DNA from the formation of pyrimidine dimers. If the sunscreens protected the DNA then it once can conclude that the sunscreens used reduced the number of pyrimidine photoproducts resulting from UV radiation exposure. The protocol employed is presented in Example 3. As described in Example 3, a quantitative method for measuring site-specific levels of DNA lesions was used. Briefly, defined-sequence oligonucleotides are end-labeled on one strand by PCR using a 32 P-labeled primer. The oligonucleotides, either unshielded or protected by a sunscreen, are exposed to narrow band radiation or sunlight, treated with lesion-specific agents to induce a nick at each lesion site, electrophoresed on sequencing gels along with sequence and size standards (Brash and Hazeltine, 1982, Nature, 298:189--Herein incorporated by reference). Radioactivity at each position is quantitated using a PhosphorImager. Use of the Micrococcus luteus UV endonuclease or T4 endonuclease V allows measurement of kinetics of induction of cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers including C-C, C-T and T-T at individual sites in the oligonucleotide. This method allows determination of quantitative and qualitative changes in the lesion spectrum of DNA protected by sunscreening agents such as Melanin FCG (used interchangeably with "FCG") and SPF #4. The experimental set-up for testing FCG SPF #4 and Melanin Plus in reducing pyrimidine photoproducts in 287-met exposed to UV radiation (See FIG. 4) is shown in FIG. 2, Panel B. The chart below presents the experimental details used for this Example. As described above, a 287-mer isolated from T-7 bacteriophage was used and the amount of 287-mer per dose 4ul (Column 1). Column 2 indicates whether Buffer only or Sunscreen ("SS") was added to each sample. Column 3 indicates the desired number of pyrimidine dimers ("Py D") for each sample (e.g. "0.2" means "20%" which means that there is one pyrimidine dimer per five (5) 287-mers). Column 4 is the amount of UV radiation dose (in Joules) which is needed to achieve desired number of pyrimidine dimers per 287-mer pyrimidine dimers in Column 3. The figure in Column 4 is pre-calculated such that the UV radiation given will induce the desired number of pyrimidine dimers shown in Column 3. Column 5 indicates the amount of UV exposure time, in seconds, to achieve the desired dose shown in Column 4. ______________________________________ Col. 5 Col. 2 Col. Time Sun 3 111 Screen Dose Col. 4 uA (SS) or Py D Dose perCol. 1 Buffer per Joules secDNA Only molec per m.sup.2 per m.sup.2______________________________________NO SUNSCREEN20 ul Buffer 0 04 ul Buffer .2 110 22 sec4 ul Buffer .3 165 33 sec4 ul Buffer .4 220 44 sec4 ul Buffer .5 275 55 secSPF #44 ul SS .3x 33 sec4 ul SS .5x 55 sec4 ul SS 1.0x 110 secFCGMelanin4 ul SS .3x 33 sec.4 ul SS .5x 55 sec4 ul SS 1.0x 110 sec4 ul SS 1.5x 165 sec______________________________________ Continuing from the chart above, the chart below indicates the lane number for the DNA sequencing gel. The dose in Joules presented in the second column is the amount of UV radiation (254 nm) needed to induce the desired number of pyrimidine dimers shown in the third column. The column labelled "MLE Enz" indicates whether the specific gel lane received MLE or buffer only. The data from this sequencing gel is shown in FIG. 4. The Joules given per lane is indicated below: LANES 1-2 MOLECULAR WEIGHT MARKERS: Lane 1: Molecular Weight Marker Lane 2: Molecular Weight Marker LANES 3-8: NO SUNSCREEN Lane 3: No UV Lane 4: No UV Lane 5: 110 J/m 2 Lane 6: 165 J/m 2 Lane 7: 220 J/m 2 Lane 8: 275 J/m 2 LANES 9-12: SPF #4 (0.005 G/2.5 CM 2 ) Lane 9: No UV Lane 10: 165 J/m 2 Lane 11: 220 J/m 2 Lane 12: 275 J/m 2 LANES 13-17: FCG (1:500 DILUTION OF PURE FCG) Lane 13: No UV Lane 14: 165 J/m 2 Lane 15: 275 J/m 2 Lane 16: 550 J/m 2 Lane 17: 825 J/m 2 LANES 18-20 MOLECULAR WEIGHT MARKERS: Lane 18: Molecular Weight Marker Lane 19: Molecular Weight Marker Lane 20: Molecular Weight Marker Higher doses were used when the UV radiation had to go through a sunscreen. This was done in order to insure that some pyrimidine dimers could be observed. The results from this experiment are shown in FIG. 4. The control in lanes 3 and 4 showed no bands migrating under the 287-mer band (indicated with the arrow); thus, both UV radiation and endonuclease are essential to observe bands below the 287-mer band. In lanes 5-8--NO SUNSCREEN (yes UV and yes endonuclease) smaller bands appeared below the 287-mer band which is indicative of pyrimidine dimers being present. In lanes 9-12, the sunscreen SPF #4 was used with higher overall UV doses in Joules as compared to lanes 3-8. Note that there are no bands below the 287-mer in Lane 9; this is because there was no UV given to that sample and as stated above, both UV radiation and endonuclease are needed to see bands below the 287-mer which indicate the presence of pyrimidine dimers. The results with SPF #4 Sunscreen are harder to quantify when comparing the band number and intensity in lane 6 with those in lane 10. The SPF #4 data will have to be computer analyzed prior to drawing any conclusions. It can be concluded that some UV goes through the SPF #4 sunscreen but how much can not be answered at this time. The same general statements apply when comparing the band number and intensity for lane 8 and lane 11. FCG Sunscreen was used in lanes 13-17. Lane 13 (no UV and yes enzyme) demonstrated what a good control would look like. Note that there are no clear bands smaller than the 287-met band. Because of the different doses used in these lanes with the FCG sunscreen, lanes 6 (no sunscreen, 165 J) and 14 (FCG sunscreen, 165 J) can be compared, and lanes 8 (no sunscreen, 275 J) and 15 (FCG sunscreen, 275 J) can be compared. It is apparent that the intensity of the bands in lane 14 is less than the intensity of the bands in lane 6. Also, the intensity of the bands in lane 15 is less than the intensity of the bands in lane 8. From this data, one could conclude that if the total number of cpms in 5, 6, 7, or 8 was equal to the cpms in lanes 14-17, then FCG sunscreen does indeed protect the 287-mer from UV induced pyrimidine dimers. Thus, FCG can reduce the number of pyrimidine photoproducts as compared to the controls. These data will be computer analyzed in order to quantify this data. ______________________________________ DoseLane Joules UV # Py# 254 nm DIMERS MLE Enz______________________________________ 1 -- -- MW MARKER 2 -- -- MW MARKER 3 0 NONE NONE 4 0 NONE MLE 5 110 J .2 Py D MLE 6 165 J .3 Py D MLE 7 220 J .4 Py D MLE 8 275 J .5 Py D MLE 9 0 NONE MLE10 165 J .2X MLE11 275 J .5X MLE12 550 J 1.0X MLE13 0 NONE MLE14 165 J 33 SEC MLE15 275 J 55 SEC MLE16 550 J 110 SEC MLE17 825 J 165 SEC MLE18 -- MW MARKER19 -- MW MARKER20 -- MW MARKER______________________________________ EXAMPLE 5 UV-PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF MELANIN PLUS AND MELANIN FCG ON HUMAN SKIN The objective of this example is to use sunscreen compounds manufactured by Frances Christian Gaskin, Inc. to study the effects ultraviolet light has on human skin. The above protocols and experiments will be performed on human skin order to quantify the reduction (and protection) of pyrimidine photoproducts as a result of exposure of UV radiation through the sunscreen. EXAMPLE 6 UV-PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF MELANIN PLUS AND MELANIN FCG ON HUMAN SKIN CELLS The objective of this Example is to use sunscreen compounds manufactured by Frances Christian Gaskin, Inc. to study the effects ultraviolet light has on human skin cells in vitro. These studies will allow selection and or creation of more efficient sun preparations and may indicate modifications to current preparations for higher efficacy. More specifically, this Example is directed to studying the effects of UV in the presence and absence of FCG sunscreens on human cultured cells in vitro, including melanocytes. In general, for measurement of DNA damage, cells will be exposed to broad spectrum, or narrow band UVC (wavelengths less than 290 nm), UVB (290-320 nm) or UVA (320-400 nm) [monitored with a spectral radiometer] in the absence or presence of sunscreens at different concentrations. The cells will be harvested, the DNA isolated, treated with a lesion-specific agent, electrophoresed, a quantitative electronic image obtained, data stored on an optical disk, and computer-aided analysis carried out to obtain frequency of different kinds of DNA lesions. Studying Survival and Mutation Rates Once these results are analyzed, further studies will be performed to study survival and mutation rates (including transformation) as a result of UV exposure of cells in the absence or presence of different levels of sunscreen. The cells would then be plated under permissive conditions to determine survival or under non-permissive conditions to select for specific mutations or transformation. After incubation allowing for cell growth, the survival, mutation or transformation frequencies would be determined by scoring microscopically either manually or by using electronic imaging and computer-assisted scoring. The protective effects on DNA at the molecular level due to the sunscreening preparations will be studied two different ways: (1) Determination of the level of screening of DNA damages by the sunscreens in human skin cells; (2) Measurement of the kinds of damages produced by UV in the absence and presence of sunscreens. The inventor anticipates that the sunscreen preparations will be effective in shielding DNA in human skin cells against UV. EXAMPLE 7 UV-PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF MELANIN PLUS AND MELANIN FCG ON HUMAN SKIN MODEL SYSTEMS The objective of this Example is to use sunscreen compounds manufactured by Frances Christian Gaskin, Inc. to study the effects ultraviolet light has on human skin model systems. The experiments and protocols as described above will be employed in the Example. EXAMPLE 8 UV-PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF MELANIN PLUS AND MELANIN FCG ON HUMAN SKIN IN VIVO The objective of this example is to use sunscreen compounds manufactured by Frances Christian Gaskin, Inc. to study the effects ultraviolet light has on human skin in vivo. The experiments and protocols as described above will be employed in the Example. EXAMPLE 9 QUANTITATION OF DATA This Example is designed to quantitate the data generated from these experiments. Software is being developed to allow accurate quantitation of the data obtained in these experiments. Commercially available software only provides crude estimates of lesion levels, thus a reliable computer is needed. The level of several pyrimidine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts at different sites in the DNA, and in different sequence contexts, will be determined. The level of shielding against such photoproducts will be compared with the degree of protection against erythema. REFERENCES The following references may facilitate the understanding or practice of certain aspects of the present invention. Inclusion of a reference in this list is not intended to and does not constitute an admission that the reference represents prior art with respect to the present invention. 1. Steven E. Freeman, et al., Pyrimidine Dimer Formation in Human Skin, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Vol. 46 (No. 2): 207-212 (1987). 2. Douglas E. Brash & William A. Haseltine, UV-induced Mutation Hotspots Occur at DNA Damage Hotspots, Nature, Vol. 298: 189 (1982). 3. Gaskin, Composition and Method for Protecting the Skin from UV-Rays, U.S. Pat. No. 5,256,403, Issued Oct. 26, 1993. 4. Gaskin, Sun Protectant Composition and Method, U.S. Pat. No. 4,806, 344, Issued Feb. 21, 1989. 5. John Clark Sutherland, et al., Unidirectional Pulsed-Field Electrophoresis of Single and Double-Stranded DNA in Agarose Gels; Analytical Expressions Relating Mobility and Molecular Length and Their Application in the Measurement of Strand Breaks, Analytical Biochemistry, Volume 162: 511-520 (1987). 6. S. E. Freman, et al., Wavelength Dependence of Pyrimidine Dimer Formation in DNA of Human Skin Irradiated in situ with Ultraviolet Light, Proc. Nat'l. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 86: 5605-5609 (1989). 7. Steven E. Freeman, et al., Quantitation of Radiation, Chemical or Enzyme-Induced Single Strand Breaks in Nonradioactive DNA by Alkaline Gel Electrophoresis: Application to Pyrimidine Dimers, Analytical Biochemistry, Vol. 158: 119-129 (1986). 8. Betsy M. Sutherland and Alice G. Shih, Quantitation of Pyrimidine Dimer Contents of Nonradioactive Deoxyribonucleic Acid by Electrophoresis in Alakaline Ariarose Gels, Biochemistry, Vol. 22: 745-749 (1983). 9. John C. Sutherland, et al., Lesion Measurement in Non-Radioactive DNA by Quantitative Gel Electrophoresis, DNA Damage and Repair in Human Tissues, 45-61 (1990). 10. J. C. Sutherland, et al., Quantitative Electronic Imaging of Gel Fluorescence with CCD Cameras: Applications in Molecular Biology, BioTechniques, Vol. 10 (No. 4): 492-497 (1991). 11. F. E. Quaite, B. M. Sutherland & J. C. Sutherland, Action Spectrum for DNA Damage in Alfalfa Lowers Predicted Impact of Ozone Depletion, Nature, Vol. 358: 576-578 (1992). 12. Paula V. Bennett and Betsy M. Sutherland, Quantitative Detection of Single-Copy Genes in Nanogram Samples of Human Genomic DNA, BioTechniques, Vol. 15 (No. 3): 520-525 (1993). 13. F. E. Quaite, J. C. Sutherland and B. M. Sutherland, Isolation of High-Molecular-Weight Plan DNA for DNA DamaRe Quantitation: Relative Effects of Solar 297 nm UVB and 365 nm Radiation, Plant Molecular Biology, Vol. 24: 475-483 (1994). 14. R. Cadi, et al., Protective Effect of Flavopherol Against Lipid Peroxidation and Experimental UV B-induced Carcinogenesis in the Hairless Mouse, Nouv. Dermatol 15. J. C. Sutherland, Electronic Imaging of Electrophoretic Gels and Blots, VCH Publishers, 1-42 (1993). 16. Sutherland, et al, Two dimensional, computer controlled film scanner: quantitation of fluorescence from ethidium bromide stained DNA gels, Nal. Biochem., 139:390-399 (1984). 17. Carrier, W. L. Endonuclease from Micrococcus luteus which has activity toward ultraviolet-irradiated DNA: purification and properties, J. Bact. 102:178-186 (1970). 18. Jagger, J., A small and inexpensive ultraviolet dose-rate meter useful in biological experiments, Radiat. Res. 14:394-403 (1961). Additional advantages and modifications will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art. The invention in its broader aspects is therefore not limited to the specific details or representative examples described. Thus, the foregoing description has been directed to particular embodiments of the invention in accordance requirements to the Patent Statues for the purposes of illustration and explanation. It will be apparent, however, to those skilled in this art, that many modifications, changes, and variations in the claimed invention, including, but not limited to, compositions, solutions, methods, etc. set forth will be possible without departing from the scope and spirit of the claimed invention. It is intended that the following claims be interpreted to embrace all such modifications, variations, and changes.
This invention is directed to a method for reducing pyrimidine photoproducts comprising applying an effective amount of melanin to human skin prior to exposure to ultraviolet rays, wherein said melanin is in a vehicle suitable for topical application and measuring the amount of pyrimidine photoproducts as compared to a control sample. Another embodiment of this invention is where the vehicle is an ointment, cream or lotion. For the purpose of this invention, measuring also means determining, and/or quantifying. This invention is also directed to a method for reducing pyrimidine photoproducts comprising applying an effective amount of melanin and solubilizing substance to human skin prior to exposure to ultraviolet rays, wherein said substance for solubilizing melanin is selected from the group consisting of triethanolamine and trypsin, wherein said solubilizing substance is present in an amount sufficient to solubilize the melanin thereby producing melanin solubilized by said substance, wherein said melanin and solubilizing substance is in a vehicle suitable for topical application and measuring the amount of pyrimidine photoproducts as compared to a control sample. Another embodiment of this invention is where the vehicle is an ointment, cream or lotion. For the purpose of this invention, measuring also means determining, and/or quantifying.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This is a continuation of Ser. No. 461,104, filed Jan. 26, 1983, now abandoned, which is a divisional of Ser. No. 339,511, filed Jan. 15, 1982, now U.S. Pat. No. 4,383,624, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 843,112, filed Oct. 17, 1977, now abandoned. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a sliding gate mechanism for a bottom pouring vessel used for the storage, transport and dispensing of molten materials such as liquid metals. In such devices, such as casting ladles or tundish pouring systems, the flow of molten metal from the vessel is controlled by a sliding gate mechanism. Such mechanisms typically consist of a series of shutter plates having orifices or holes therethrough. The plates are attached under the vessel such that the plates may be displaced with respect to each other thereby aligning or misaligning the orifices. This allows the liquid metal to flow from the vessel at a rate dependent upon the degree of coaxial alignment of the orifices. Sliding gate valve systems have been successfully used to control molten metal flow from containing vessels for several years. Examples of typical sliding gate valve systems can be found in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,918,613 to Shapland and 3,581,948 to Detalle. There are numerous advantages associated with using a sliding gate mechanism for pouring molten metals as compared to other flow-controlling mechanisms such as those using a stopper and an associated stopper rod. The absence of the stopper rod mechanism leading out of the container makes the slide gate pouring system particularly useful in vacuum or continuous casting. The sliding gate system, being outside the containing vessel, is less susceptible to the damaging effects of metal temperatures, chemical attack from molten slag and metal erosion. In addition, the sliding gate system more effectively controls molten metal flow by controlling the degree of coaxial alignment of the orifices in the sliding plates. Conventionally, sliding gate mechanisms include a prefired refractory plate which is assembled into a metal-supporting can after firing. The refractory/metal assembly is securely attached to the bottom of the vessel containing molten metal. Another refractory/metal assembly is matched to the first such that the degree of coaxial alignment of the orificess in the refractory plates will control the rate of molten metal flow from the vessel, through the sliding gate mechanism and into the appropriate mold. In order to insure an effective seal between the refractory plates in the sliding gate mechanism, the mating surfaces of the prefired refractory plates are precision ground before they are attached to the containing vessel. This grinding operation normally occurs after the refractory is assembled into the supporting can, but the grinding operation may also be carried out prior to the assembly of the refractory into the metal can. The actual manufacture and assembly of the precision ground refractory is critical to the successful operation of the sliding gate system. A key element in this operation is the assembly of the prefired refractory plate and its supporting metal can. The bond between the refractory and the metal can is crucial. Weak bonds between the refractory and the metal can cause the refractory plate to wobble or shift within the metal can. This shifting hampers efforts to obtain a precision ground surface on the matching faces of the refractories necessary to form an effective seal. If an effective seal cannot be formed, the entire assembly must be scrapped. In addition, if weak bonds are not discovered during assembly or during the grinding operation and the assembly is used to control the molten metal flow in a containing vessel, the refractory plate may shift when the sliding gate mechanism is used. The shifting may hamper the closing of the valve, causing leaks and, in general, may create a dangerous situation for operating personnel. Currently, refractory/metal assemblies of the prior art are produced by pressing a prefired refractory plate into a preformed metal can using a refractory mortar as the bonding medium. In order to accomplish this operation, the refractory mortar must be fluid enough to flow around the refractory plate during pressing such that the space (usually 1/8-1/4 inch) between the plate and the metal can is filled with mortar. A mortar with sufficient fluidity to fill this space undergoes considerable shrinkage upon firing. Assemblies made in this manner exhibit significant amounts of separation between the metal can and the refractory plate where the mortar has shrunk from the metal can. This type of bonding is dependent on the mechanical locking associated with flaws or irregularities in the metal can. This means of locking the refractory plate to the metal can is unsatisfactory and refractory plates have been known to separate totally from the metal can and fall out of the assembly. Another disadvantage of the prior art method of assembling the refractory in the metal can is the pressing operation. The pressing of prefired refractory plates that are slightly warped, flawed or dimensionally inaccurate can cause damage to the part which, in turn, causes the assembly to be scrapped. Even if the refractory plate is dimensionally correct, if it is pressed in a metal can containing too thick or too stiff a mortar, or if there is an improper distribution of this stiff mortar in the metal can, the refractory plate or the metal can will be damaged by the pressing operation. Still another disadvantage of this prior art assembly method is that uneven distribution of mortar between refractory plate and metal can can develop uneven stress distributions in the assembly. During the grinding operation, this may cause cracking of the refractory plate. Yet another disadvantage of this operation is that the layer of mortar between refractory plate and metal can is necessarily thin. This precludes the use of mechanical locks between metal can and mortar such as metal pins, which could extend from the metal can into the mortar layer. A system using mechanical interlocking means would require a relatively thick mortar layer. This would only aggravate shrinkage and mortar distribution problems. Still another disadvantage of the prior art method of assembling the refractory in the metal can is the result of using prefired refractory plates. These plates are relatively difficult to manufacture and their manufacture entails a considerable cost in energy resources and manpower. Refractory shapes which are off-size, warped, chipped, or cracked must be scrapped, which significantly adds to the cost of the finished product. The finished refractory plates are themselves brittle and easily damaged during shipping, handling and the assembly operation. Damage to the correctly manufactured refractory plates adds still more to their final cost. Yet another disadvantage of the prior art products is the expense of the manufacturing method. The prefired refractory plates that are bonded to the metal cans are made of refractory mixes which are pressed, low fired and then high fired. These prefired refractory plates are then pressed into the metal can with refractory mortar and then refired at low temperature, usually about 600° F. The elimination of the second pressing operation and the associated low firing step, as well as the elimination of the high firing step, would considerably reduce the consumption of energy and the ultimate cost of the product. The present invention is more economical to manufacture but produces a better product. It also results in safer operation of the vessels dispensing molten metal with slide gate valves. Additional advantages will be set forth in part in the description which follows, and in part will be obvious from the description, or may be learned by practice of the invention. The advantages of the invention may be realized and attained by means of the combinations particularly pointed out in the appended claims. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In accordance with the purposes of the invention, as embodied and broadly described herein, the present invention comprises a portion of a slide gate valve for controlling the flow of molten material, such as metal. The slide gate portion of the valve is comprised of a metal container, having an unfired coherent refractory directly affixed within it. The refractory is formed in the container from a particulate ceramic mixture that includes a binder. Preferably, the binder bonds the particulate ceramic mixture into a coherent refractory by forming a chemical ond at a temperature below that of conventional firing temperatures, as for example, at a temperature less than 700° F. A particularly preferred binder for the present invention comprises a source of phosphorus pentoxide. It is also preferred that the source of phosphorus pentoxide forming the binder comprise phosphoric acid. It is further preferred that the refractory be comprised of alumina or magnesia. The slide gate portion of the valve may also include means for fixing the refractory to its inner surface, such as projections from the inner surface of the container. The preferred method of forming a slide gate portion of the valve includes providing a container for containing the refractory and then placing a particulate mixture of ceramic material and a binder into the container. The mixture is then shaped within the container by applying pressure. The mixture is then heated within the container to form a chemical bond between the ceramic particles, forming a coherent refractory and also fixing the refractory to the container. It is preferred that where the mixture contains a source of phosphorus pentoxide to form the chemical bond, that the heating step subject the mixture to a temperature in the range of from 400° to 600° F. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated in and constitute a part of this specification, illustrate one embodiment of the invention and, together with the description, serve to explain the principles of the invention. Of the Drawings: FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a portion of a slide valve for a tundish. FIG. 2 is a detailed view of a portion of the embodiment of FIG. 1. FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of a mold assembly for forming the embodiment depicted according to the method of the present invention. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS In order to effectively disclose the preferred embodiments of the present invention, the means of forming prior art structures is discussed. Both the prior art and the present invention are directed to the production of a refractory slide gate component having the following general specifications: TABLE I______________________________________ Cold MOR HotApparent Bulk (Modulus of (2700° F.)Porosity Density Rupture) MOR______________________________________14-18% 2.89-3.05 gms/cc 2000 + psi 500 psi______________________________________ Prefired refractory plates for use in sliding gate systems of the prior art are generally manufactured of three general ceramic oxide clases: 85% Al 2 O 3 , 90% Al 2 O 3 and 96% MgO. Within each class, blends of particulate ceramic materials are mixed with suitable binders and pressing agents. These particulate mixtures are fed to hydraulic, mechanical or impact presses for forming into suitable shapes. The pressed shapes are then dried at elevated temperatures, usually between 250° and 400° F. The dried shapes are then fired at high temperatures to effect a ceramic bond between the particles. The temperature of the firing depends on the composition of the ceramic. Normal firing temperatures are, however, usually in the range of from 2200° F. to 3200° F. It should be evident that the elimination of such a firing step has a very significant effect on the economics of manufacturing such products due to the high energy cost associated with heating materials to such temperatures. Table II illustrates the properties typically associated with prefired refractory plates of various compositions used in conventional slide gate systems. TABLE II______________________________________ HotCeramic Apparent Bulk Cold (2700° F.)Class Porosity Density MOR MOR______________________________________85% 17% 2.82 3000 1000Alumina gms/cc psi psi90% 15% 2.90 2000 2100Alumina gms/cc psi psi96% 16% 2.87 2300 1900MgO gms/cc psi psi______________________________________ The prefired plates that are within specification and have survived the various handling processes associated with their manufacture conventionally are then pressed into the supporting metal container using refractory mortar to bond the refractory plate to the metal container. The surface of the refractory plate may be ground to the appropriate finish and shaped prior to, or after, assembly into the metal container. This method of manufacture has numerous shortcomings that have been set out above. In order to eliminate such shortcomings, the present invention was developed. The present invention comprises a slide gate portion of a valve for controlling the flow of molten metal and a method for its manufacture. In accordance with the invention, the slide gate portion of the valve includes a metal container. As herein embodied and most clearly illustrated in FIG. 1, the slide gate portion 10 has a shaped metal container 12 surrounding the refractory 14. The metal container has several functions. In the present invention, as opposed to prior art devices, the container forms a portion of the mold that shapes the particulate ceramic formed into the refractory 14. The fact the container shapes the ceramic formed into the refractory and is in direct contact therewith, is a significant departure from previously disclosed prior art devices. The shape of the container is dependent upon the mechanism used to actuate the slide gate portion of the valve. The shape of the container depicted in FIG. 1 is merely illustrative of one used typically in a slide valve for a tundish. With the exception of one specific feature, to be hereinafter disclosed, the shape of the container 12 is conventional. The refractory 14 of the device of the present invention is not bonded to the container 12 with a refractory mortar. The refractoy 14 abutts and bonds directly to the container 12. The direct bonding of the refractory to the container through the use of low fired refractories is another significant departure from the conventional devices of the prior art. The direct contact of the refractory to the container allows the present invention to include mechanical means for affixing the refractory 14 to the inner surface of the metal container. As herein embodied and depicted in detail in FIG. 2, the container 12 of the present invention may include projections on the inner surface of the container 12. The projection 18, shown in FIG. 2, is the edge of the container 12 that is bent or formed in a manner to project inwardly. This embodiment is merely illustrative of a projection or projections that could be used to accomplish the same function. The function of the projection(s) is to interlock with the refractory within the container to enhance and strengthen the attachement of the refractory to the container. Separation of the refractory from the container can cause catastrophic release of the molten metal being controlled by the valve. Such an occurrence is a very severe hazard to those using the equipment in addition to being wasteful and destructive of the equipment itself. In accordance with the invention, the slide gate portion of the valve includes an unfired coherent refractory within the container. As herein embodied and depicted in FIG. 1, the slide gate portion 10 includes the coherent refractoy 14. The refractoy 14 is formed from particulate ceramic materials that can be rendered coherent by pressing followed by heating to a temperature below conventional firing temperatures. The refractory should also remain dimensionally stable when subjected to the temperatures of operation of the slide gate valve. The refractory used in the present invention will depend on the type of molten materials being controlled with the slide gate valve. Basic refractories such as deadburned magnesite or synthetic periclase may be used. The refractory can be modified by the addition of such materials as refractory grade chrome ore. Acid or neutral refractories such as alumina, aluminum silicate, mullite, zirconium oxide or zirconium silicate may be used where the situation dictates. The selection of the characteristics of the ceramic component of the refractory is within the skill of those in this technology and no exhaustive disclosure of operable refractories or their ceramic components is necessary The criteria determining whether a ceramic material will be operable with the present invention are its ability to form an unfired coherent refractory with a low temperature bond and to remain dimensionally stable when exposed to the temperature of operation of the slide gate valve. The chemical bonding of the ceramic materials can be effected by the addition of a binder known to bond the ceramic materials and to render them coherent at relatively low temperatures. Typically, the following inorganic materials are known to form chemical bonds with ceramic materials: silicates, sulphates, nitrates, chlorides and phosphates. Particular success has been experienced with the use of phosphate bonding for the practice of the present invention. Additions of phosphorus pentoxide (P 2 O 5 ) to certain refractory compositions have been known to provide excellent low temperature chemical bonds that form the particulate ceramic to a coherent refractory. These bonds are well developed at temperatures in the 400°-600° F. range, which is compatible with the temperatures necessary to prevent the warpage or melting of the metal container surrounding the refractory. The strength of the refractory mixture formed by the development of phosphate bonds, as measured by the modulus of rupture, is adequate to allow handling of the bonded structure as well as the grinding operation forming the sealing face 16 of the slide valve portion. Exposure of the device to higher temperatures in operation does not normally alter the dimensions of the preformed refractory and the additional heating further strengthens the bonding between the particulate ceramic materials forming the refractory. The bonding of the ceramic particles to form the coherent refractory also results in the ceramic material being bonded directly to the container, thus eliminating the need for other materials, such as refractory cements or mortar, being introduced to bond the refractory to the container. In addition to the inorganic binders disclosed, the invention may also utilize organic binder systems such as lignosulfate or pitch-bonded refractories. In any case, the binder should form the particulate ceramic into a coherent refractory by chemically bonding the component particles at temperatures below conventional firing temperatures. Preferably, the binder will render the paticulate ceramic coherent at a temperature less than about 700° F. One embodiment of the invention is disclosed in the following example: A refractory mix of approximately 85% alumina was prepared in a standard dry pan mixer using phosphoric acid as a source of phosphorus pentoxide. The composition of the mix was as follows: ______________________________________ WeightMaterial Percent______________________________________-14 mesh 35Calcined Bauxite-150 mesh 55Calcined Bauxite-325 mesh 5Calcined AluminaPlastic Kaolin 5______________________________________ To that mixture, approximately 5% by weight of 75% concentrated phosphoric acid was added and the moisture content adjusted to approximately 5 to 7 weight percent. The composition of the mixture and particle size of the components were intended to achieve a pressed product having a press density of 2.99 gms/cc. Tooling for a hydraulic impact press, normally used to produce prefired refractory slide gate plates, was modified to accept the larger metal-supporting can as generally depicted in FIG. 3. The metal-supporting can was inserted into the press which included tooling contoured to provide full support for the metal-supporting can. A pre-weighed portion of the above described refractory mix was then charged into the metal-supporting can. The mix charged into the metal-supporting can was preweighed in order to achieve size and density control, but volume charging of the mix would also be possible. The ceramix mix and metal support were then compressed according to standard operating procedures for this type of press. The action of the present hydraulic impact press allows maximum density to be attained at moderate pressing pressures. However, the use of screw impact, hydraulic or mechanical presses would also achieve satisfactory refractory shape and density. After pressing, the ceramic/metal assembly was removed from the press and the surrounding tooling as an integral metal can/refractory plate assembly. Inspection and testing of the as-pressed metal can/refractory plate assembly indicated that the presence of the metal-supporting can did not interfere with the achievement of the desired press density which was measured at 2.98 gms/cc. Visual inspection of the assembly revealed clean, sharp edges, especially around the bore area. The refractory mix was pressed solidly within the metal can. Contact between the metal can and the ceranic was intimate and the assembly could be easily handled without damage to the assembly or the refractory separating and falling from the metal can. The assembly was then placed directly into an index drier where the assembly was exposed to a temperature from 180° F. to 500° F. over a twelve hour cycle. The low fired assembly was again inspected and tested. Visual inspection revealed a hard, sharply defined refractory shape in intimate contact with the metal supporting can. The low fired refracto did not shrink away from the supporting metal can nor did the drying temperature cause excessive expansion of the metal can that could cause rupture of the bond between the refractory and the metal can. The results of testing the low fired assembly (as set out in Table III below) indicate the assembly meets the desired properties for such assemblies as set out previously in Table I. TABLE III______________________________________ HotRefractory Apparent Bulk Cold (2700° F.)Component Porosity Density MOR MOR______________________________________85% Alumina 17% 2.84 2400 1000Class gms/cc psi psi______________________________________ As the above example illustrates, the present invention is capable of providing a component of a slide gate valve having the necessary properties for such components with significat advantages while being produced at significant savings. The present invention in both its article and method embodiments is disclosed herein both generally and by example. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that modifications and variations of the disclosed invention can be made. Such modifications and variations of the disclosed invention are intended to be within the scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.
A refractory slide gate for a container dispensing molten material is comprised of a metal-supporting can filled with a low-fired coherent bonded refractory. The refractory is formed into a coherent refractory body within the metal supporting can and is directly affixed thereto, without the use of refractory mortar. An orifice through the refractory controls the flow of molten material.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Field of the Invention [0001] The present invention relates to a method of forming a synthetic resin structure integral with two-dimensional steel fabric. The synthetic resin structure has an obverse side and reverse side, at each of which the steel fabric is placed to facilitate the formation of panel-like resin structure integral with the steel fabric. Description of Related Art [0002] In a method of forming a plastic compound resin into a panel-like resin structure, disclosed is a technique in which a resin and a metallic net are integrally solidified (referred hereinafter to Japanese laid-open patent application No. 06-293098 as a second prior art). [0003] A compound resin forming technique is disclosed in which an outer surface is solidified integral with the resin (referred hereinafter to Japanese patent No. 3587169 as a third prior art). A method is disclosed to make a resin integrally with a metallic layer and reinforced fibrous layer and meshed sheet (referred hereinafter to Japanese laid-open patent application No. 2013-146988 as a fourth prior art). Also, a method is disclosed to provide a resin reinforced with carbon fiber fabric or a way how to insert a three-dimensional steel fabric (referred hereinafter to Japanese laid-open patent application Nos. 2005-329567 and 2003-011233 as fifth and sixth prior art in turn). [0004] Among the methods raised above, in the technique how to mold the metallic net with the resin (second prior art), the metallic net is heat treated and penetrate into a foamed resin. The method is usable for making a ferro-concrete frame. However, it is difficult to use the method especially when forming a complicatedly thinned structure such as an outer board panel used for automobile. [0005] In the third prior art, the way is shown how to make the reinforcement integral with the panel-like product (instrument panel). That is a composite material in which the resin is solidified integral with the outer surface material and the reinforcement. The composite material is quite other than a structure devoid of the outer surface material. [0006] The fourth prior art is prepared to cope with VaRTM (Vacuum-Assist-Resin-Transfer-Molding) in which a metallic leaf is molded integral with a reinforced resin in order to secure a flame-retardant property. The method intends to reinforce the metallic leaf provided at both front and rear sides to be solidified with the resin. The method does not aim to form a thinned and complicated composite panel structure which is observed at the outer board panel used for automobile. The method has complicated steps to prepare several layers of reinforcements impregnated with the resin and harden the resin with the reinforcements. The method has a disadvantage in not increasing the physical strength of the panel even in view of the complicated structure. [0007] In a method of using the CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics), a plain-woven or twill-woven carbon mat is made by solidified with a resin. Thereafter, the several sheets (e.g. eight sheets) of the carbon mats are laminated each other by means of adhesive. After appropriately forming the laminated-layers, the lamination is placed into a mold die to be integral with the resin as observed in Japanese laid-open patent application No. 07-76890 and the second prior art. [0008] The method compensates for the tendency that the carbon fibers are extremely thin and having a disadvantage in being short of rigidity. The method accompanies a multiple steps of severing, forming and laminating the carbon mats during the molding procedures in addition to the carbon mats being expensive. This brings a number of difficulties in implementing the molding procedures including the fact that the carbon mats placed in the mold die must serve as inserts and be fully impregnated with resin. [0009] Even if the way to weave three-dimensional fabrics are completed as observed in Japanese laid-open patent application Nos. 09-506676, 11-514928 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,137,058, it would take a long time before the three-dimensional fabrics are really put into practical use in the industrial field. [0010] In the way how to mold the reinforcement into the resin, powdered filler or metallic insert has been used. The metallic insert refers to using a steel plate as a hardness-improved material in order to increase the mechanical strength. The steel plate, however, has an inescapable disadvantage to increases its weight. [0011] In other method similar to the above, no way has been developed yet to form the complicatedly thinned structure such as the outer board panel used for various types of vehicles. [0012] In general, the bending strength of the panel depends mainly on the tensile strength of the outer surface. Taken the board panel for example, if the reinforcement is fully spread into the upper and lower surfaces, it is possible to remarkably increase the bending strength of the board panel. It is all the more true when the reinforcement is fully solidified to be integral with the matrix (resin). [0013] Therefore, the present invention has been made with the above drawbacks in mind, it is a main object of the invention to provide a method of forming a synthetic resin structure integral with two-dimensional steel fabric which is capable to secure an enough space between reinforcements and attain a high strength with a minimum amount of the reinforcements by only using a two-dimensional steel fabric. [0014] In the present invention, a hardness-improved steel plate is not used as an insert or reinforcement, instead, steel wires are woven to form a fabric or texture as a steel mat. The steel mats are placed on corresponding upper and lower surface positions, and then the synthetic resin is poured into the mold die, so that the reinforcements are solidified to be integral with the resin. The molded product has surfaces made with a composite structure consisting of the resin and the reinforcement, while an inner space between the reinforcements is filled only with the resin. This makes it possible to impart the high strength to the composite structure, the strength of which is substantially equivalent to the strength of a steel box pipe. [0015] In the present invention, the two-dimensional fabric is placed on both the obverse and reverse sides to form a cubic reinforcement structure. The cubic reinforcement structure has an advantage in facilitating the resin to penetrate into the inner space between the reinforcements, while covering both the surfaces with the composite structure consisting of the reinforcement and the resin. [0016] As for the buckling phenomenon related to the bending strength of the composite structure, since the reinforcements are the two-dimensional steel fabric, and both the surfaces are made integral with the composite structure, the composite structure exhibits a strong resistance to the buckling phenomenon by appropriately selecting the inner matrix. [0017] Generally speaking, when plates of quite different strength are laminated as represented by the combination of the steel plate and plastic plate, an irregular strength region is occurred in which the strength differs at the boundary between the plates. The irregular strength region is susceptible to an exterior force (impact) and weakens the lamination even if the plates are sufficiently laminated by means of adhesive. [0018] As opposed to the above lamination, the present invention is capable to alleviate an occurrence of the irregular strength region so as to endure the exterior force because of the composite structure in which the two-dimensional steel fabrics are solidified at the upper and lower surfaces as the reinforcements to be integral with the resin. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0019] According to the present invention, there is provided a method of forming a synthetic resin structure integral with two-dimensional steel fabric, warps and woofs are made from a steel metal including a piano wire, so that warps and woofs are woven to form a two-dimensional steel fabric in a planar configuration. The two-dimensional steel fabric is severed by a predetermined quantity to make a fabric piece and forming the fabric piece into a flat structure by means of a shape-forming instrument including a pressing procedure. A plurality of the flat structures are prepared and setting one of the flat structures at an upper die, and setting other of the flat structures at lower die of a metallic mold die. The flat structures are juxtaposed mutually in parallel relationship with a minimum distance apart between neighboring ones of the flat structures. [0020] Then, a synthetic resin is injected into the metallic mold die so as to form a synthetic resin body integral with the flat structures, so that the flat structures are embedded into the synthetic resin body as reinforcements. [0021] With the structure described above, the flat structures are made from high-strength steel wires including piano wires. This makes it possible to make the flat structures both tough and endurable enough to resist against high pressures and temperatures. This means that the present method covers all types of resin-forming methods available including the conventional injection mold and resin-mold method. During the resin-injecting process, the resin readily penetrates into a small space formed by the minimum distance between the flat structures. [0022] This makes it possible to attach the resin tightly to the flat structures with high density, thereby forming a three-dimensional structure body, the strength of which is continuously built-up to resultantly provide a tough and endurable resin structure body. [0023] According to other aspect of the present invention, since the warps and woofs forms a plurality of wires twisted to serve as a stranded wire, it is possible to make the flat structures more elastic and pliable. [0024] According to other aspect of the present invention, the synthetic resin includes both a thermoplastic material and thermosetting plastics and forms a moldable resin selected from a group consisting of ABS resin, polypropylene, polystyrene and polyurethane. When the moldable resin is represented by an inexpensive polypropylene or ABS resin, it is possible to form the flat structures with a cost-saving procedure. [0025] According to other aspect of the present invention, the metallic mold die has a first magnet piece embedded in the upper die and having a second magnet embedded in the lower die. Upon setting the flat structures at the metallic mold die, one of the flat structures is attached to the upper die by a magnetic attraction of the first magnet piece. Other flat structures are attached to the lower die by a magnetic attraction of the second magnet piece. [0026] With the first and second magnet pieces provided on the metallic mold die, it is possible to place the flat structures in position without using an adhesive during the resin-forming procedure through an interaction with the magnetism induced from the flat structures. [0027] According to other aspect of the present invention, the metallic mold die has a first electric magnet embedded in the upper die and having a second electric magnet embedded in the lower die. The first and second electric magnet are energized when setting the flat structures at the metallic mold die. One of the flat structures is attached to the upper die by a magnetic attraction of the first electric magnet. Other flat structures are attached to the lower die by a magnetic attraction of the second electric magnet. The first and second electric magnets are deenergized when opening the metallic mold die so as to release the flat structures from the metallic mold die. [0028] With the first and second electric magnet each attached to the upper and lower die during the resin-forming procedure, it is possible to place the flat structures in position toward the upper and lower die through the magnetic attraction, and release the flat structures from the metallic mold die upon opening the metallic mold die. [0029] According to other aspect of the present invention, the synthetic resin body is dimensionally 50 mm at maximum in thickness with the minimum distance measured as 0.5 mm-10 mm. These dimensional arrangements make it possible to apply the synthetic resin body to multiple types of products in various industrial fields. [0030] According to other aspect of the present invention, the two-dimensional steel fabric has an outer surface including an obverse surface side and a reverse surface side. The two-dimensional steel fabric is partly depressed to shape a concave recess from the obverse surface side toward the reverse surface side to let the concave recess serve as a strengthened jut at the time of forming the two-dimensional steel fabric from the warps and woofs. [0031] With the concave recess serving as the strengthened jut, it is possible to significantly reinforce the synthetic resin body with the minimum cost. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0032] A preferred form of the present invention is illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which: [0033] FIG. 1 is a block diagram depicted a sequence how to form a two-dimensional steel fabric according to a first embodiment of the invention; [0034] FIG. 2 is a longitudinal cross sectional view and plan view of the two-dimensional steel fabric; [0035] FIG. 3 is a plan view of a fabric piece produced by severing a predetermined quantity of the two-dimensional steel fabric; [0036] FIGS. 4 through 6 are longitudinal cross sectional views of a metallic press die sequentially depicted to show processes how to form a flat structure. [0037] FIGS. 7 through 9 are longitudinal cross sectional views of a metallic mold die sequentially depicted to show processes how to form a synthetic resin body; [0038] FIGS. 10 through 12 are perspective views of modified wire elements constituting warps and woofs; [0039] FIGS. 13 through 15 are longitudinal cross sectional views of a metallic mold die sequentially depicted to show processes how to form a synthetic resin body according to a second embodiment of the invention; [0040] FIG. 16 is an exploded perspective view of the metallic press die according to a third embodiment of the invention; [0041] FIG. 17 is a plan view of the flat structure in which a strengthened jet is provided; [0042] FIG. 18 is a side elevational view of the flat structure in which the strengthened jet is provided; [0043] FIG. 19 is a plan view of the synthetic resin body in which the flat structure has the strengthened jet according to a fourth embodiment of the invention; [0044] FIG. 20 is a longitudinal cross sectional view of the flat structure taken along lines G-G of FIG. 19 ; [0045] FIG. 21 is an exploded perspective view of the flat structure each arranged at an upper and lower position; [0046] FIG. 22 is a longitudinal cross sectional view of the synthetic resin body in which the flat structure has the strengthened jet according to a fifth embodiment of the invention; [0047] FIGS. 23 through 27 are plan views depicted to enumerate various modification forms of the strengthened jut; and [0048] FIGS. 28 through 30 are plan views of modified two-dimensional steel fabrics each depicted to show other examples than the plain weave. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0049] In the following description of the depicted embodiments, the same reference numerals are used for features of the same type. [0050] Referring to FIGS. 1 through 8 , shown is a method of forming a synthetic resin structure integral with two-dimensional steel fabric according to a first embodiment of the invention. As shown in FIG. 1 , the method has a weaving step (A), a severing step (B), a shape-forming step (C) and a resin-forming step (D). [0051] In the weaving step (A), warps 1 and woofs 2 are prepared, each of which is made from a steel metal including a piano wire, and the warps 1 and woofs 2 are woven or knitted as a steel mat to provide a two-dimensional steel fabric 4 in a planar configuration as shown in FIG. 2 . [0052] The warps 1 and woofs 2 constitutes the two-dimensional steel fabric 4 . These warps 1 and woofs 2 are made from the piano wires as high-strength steel wires to provide a flat structure 6 as described hereinafter in detail. [0053] The warps 1 and woofs 2 are each prepared from the piano wires as the high-strength steel wires, and the warps 1 and woofs 2 are woven or knitted together as a plain weave. In the severing step (B), the two-dimensional steel fabric 4 is severed appropriately by a predetermined quantity to have a predetermined length (L) to resultantly shape a fabric piece as shown in FIG. 3 . [0054] In the shape-forming step (C), the severed steel fabric 4 (the fabric piece) is placed on a metallic press die 7 which serves as a shape-forming instrument as shown in FIG. 4 . The metallic press die 7 has an upper press die 7 a and lower press die 7 b , the upper press die 7 a is driven to move toward the lower press die 7 b , thereby imparting the severed steel fabric 4 with a predetermined shape so as to provide the flat structure 6 as shown in FIG. 5 . [0055] After pressing the severed steel fabric 4 by the metallic press die 7 , the upper press die 7 a is lifted to move away from the lower press die 7 b , so that the metallic press die 7 is opened to take out the pressed steel fabric 4 from the metallic press die 7 as shown in FIG. 6 . [0056] By way of example, two flat structures 6 are prepared in the first embodiment of the invention. [0057] It is to be noted that instead of the metallic press die 7 , a hydraulic pressure instrument (machine) or a bending machine may be used. [0058] In this instance, the metallic press die 7 has a press cavity 7 surrounded by the upper press die 7 a and lower press die 7 b . The press cavity 7 corresponds to a mold cavity 8 c which constitutes a metallic mold die 8 in a resin-forming step (D). [0059] In the resin-forming step (D), two flat structures 6 are prepared by way of illustration. These flat structures 6 are set each as insert means within the mold cavity 8 c of the metallic mold die 8 as shown in FIG. 7 . The metallic mold die 8 has an upper mold die 8 a and lower mold die 8 b . One of the two flat structures 6 is attached to an upper mold die 8 a and the other of the two flat structures 6 is attached to a lower mold die 8 b. [0060] The upper mold die 8 a has a loop-shaped projection 9 surrounding the one flat structure 6 and the lower mold die 8 b has loop-shaped groove 10 which corresponds to the projection 9 and surrounds the other flat structure 6 . Into the projection 9 , a first magnet piece 9 a ( 9 b ) is embedded at each of a right and left side, and a second magnet piece 10 a ( 10 b ) is embedded into the lower mold die 8 b at each of a right and left side in the proximity of the groove 10 . [0061] The flat structures 6 are set within the mold cavity 8 and juxtaposed mutually in parallel relationship with a minimum distance (H) apart as a small space between the neighboring flat structures 6 . When the number of the flat structures 6 exceeds 2, the flat structures 6 can be set juxtaposed mutually in parallel relationship with a minimum distance (H) apart between neighboring ones of the flat structures 6 . [0062] Thereafter, the metallic mold die 8 is driven to move the upper and lower mold dies 8 a , 8 b to hermetically close both the mold dies 8 a , 8 b as shown in FIG. 8 . [0063] After closing the mold dies 8 a , 8 b with a use of the injection mold or resin-pouring procedure, a synthetic resin is supplied to fill the mold cavity 8 c with the synthetic resin. [0064] Within the mold cavity 8 c , provided as a reinforcement means is a synthetic resin body 11 served as a synthetic resin product 12 which is shaped integral with the flat structures 6 , while maintaining the minimum distance (H) between the upper flat structure 6 and the lower flat structure 6 . [0065] The synthetic resin employed herein includes both a thermoplastic material and thermosetting plastics and forms a moldable resin (including engineering plastics) selected from a group consisting of ABS resin (acronym of copolymerized acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene), polypropylene, polystyrene and polyurethane. When the moldable resin is represented by an inexpensive polypropylene or ABS resin, it is possible to form the flat structures 6 with a cost-saving procedure. [0066] After closing the metallic mold die 8 for a certain period of time, the metallic mold die 8 is opened as shown in FIG. 9 . Taken out from the opened mold die 8 is the synthetic resin body 11 which is shaped integral with the flat structures 6 . [0067] Within the synthetic resin body 11 , the flat structures 6 located as the reinforcements at an upper and lower position. The synthetic resin body 11 is dimensionally up to 50 mm at maximum in thickness (t) with the minimum distance (H) measured as 0.5 mm-10 mm (see FIG. 9 ). [0068] With the structure thus far described, the warps 1 and woofs 2 are woven or knitted together to form the two-dimensional steel fabric 4 . The two-dimensional steel fabric 4 is severed by the predetermined quantity and shaped into the two flat structures 6 . The flat structures 6 are arranged within the synthetic resin body 11 in parallel relationship, and shaped appropriately within the cavity by way of the injection mold or resin-pouring procedure. [0069] With the flat structures 6 made by high-strength steel wires including piano wires, it is possible to apply not only the resin-pouring procedure but also the injection mold procedure, the latter of which requires to resist high pressures. The synthetic resin body 11 has an outer surface reinforced by the flat structures 6 and insures an enough space between the flat structures 6 . This makes it possible to achieve a high strength structure with a minimum amount of the reinforcement. [0070] With the first and second magnet pieces ( 9 a , 9 b , 10 a , 10 b ) each provided on the metallic mold die 8 , it is possible to place the flat structures 6 firmly in position without using an adhesive agent during the resin-forming procedure. This is due to a magnetic interaction with the flat structures 6 made of the steel metal. [0071] With the flat structures 6 appeared as the small space (H) therebetween, it becomes possible for the flat structures 6 to move individually within the synthetic resin poured into the within the metallic mold die 8 . This makes it possible to prevent the flat structures 6 float from partly exposed outside the synthetic resin body 11 when hardened by means of setting shrinkage or polymerization shrinkage. [0072] FIGS. 10 through 12 show modification forms which the warps 1 and woofs 2 exhibit to increase an contact area between the flat structures 6 and the synthetic resin body 11 so as to solidly unite the flat structure 6 integral with the synthetic resin body 11 . [0073] As illustrated in FIG. 10 , the warps 1 and woofs 2 has a cruciate cross section. As observed in FIG. 11 , each of the warps 1 and woofs 2 is twisted to constitute a wire-stranded structure. As seen in FIG. 12 , each of the warps 1 and woofs 2 is spirally wound to constitute a helix structure. [0074] FIG. 13 through FIG. 15 show a second embodiment of the invention in which a first electrical magnet (M 1 ) and a second electrical magnet (M 2 ) are provided instead of the magnet pieces ( 9 a , 9 b , 10 a , 10 b ) of the first embodiment of the invention. The first and second electrical magnets (M 1 , M 2 ) are connected to a communication circuit 15 in which a central processing unit (CPU) is provided as shown in FIG. 13 . [0075] Upon implementing the setting step and resin-forming step, the first and second electrical magnets (M 1 , M 2 ) serves as electromagnetic coils to place the flat structures 6 in position when energized via the central processing unit (CPU) at the time of placing the flat structures 6 within the metallic mold die 8 . The first and second electrical magnets (M 1 , M 2 ) are adapted to be deenergized when opening the metallic mold die 8 . [0076] Namely, upon implementing the setting step and the resin-forming step, the latter of which works as a positioning step as shown in FIGS. 13 and 14 , one of the flat structures 6 is attached to the upper mold die 8 a , and the other of the flat structures 6 is attached to the lower mold die 8 b through electromagnetic attraction when placing the flat structures 6 within the metallic mold die 8 . [0077] Upon implementing the procedure to open the metallic mold die 8 as shown in FIG. 15 , the first and second electrical magnets (M 1 , M 2 ) are deenergized via the central processing unit (CPU), thereby setting the flat structures 6 free from the electromagnetic attraction. This makes it possible to readily take the flat structures 6 out from the mold cavity 8 c of the metallic mold die 8 . [0078] FIGS. 16 through 18 show a third embodiment of the invention in which the two-dimensional steel fabric 4 has an outer surface having an obverse surface side 4 b and a reverse surface side 4 a . The two-dimensional steel fabric 4 is partly depressed to shape a concave recess 7 A from the obverse surface side 4 b toward the reverse surface side 4 a to let the concave recess 7 A serve as a strengthened jut J at the time of forming the two-dimensional steel fabric 4 together with the warps 1 and woofs 2 . [0079] For the purpose of making the concave recess 7 A, the metallic press die 7 is modified as represented by FIG. 16 . The metallic press die 7 has an upper press die 7 a and lower press die 7 b . A lower surface of the upper press die 7 a has a rectangular frame 7 k and a pressure frame 7 d each concentrically located to be substantially on the same level. An upper surface 7 s of the lower press die 7 b has a rectangular groove 7 e corresponding to the rectangular frame 7 k , and having a pressure groove 7 f corresponding to the pressure frame 7 d. [0080] Upon implementing the pressing procedure, the flat structures 6 have the same dimension as an inner area surrounded by the rectangular frame 7 k , and placed between the upper press die 7 a and the lower press die 7 b as implemented in the first embodiment of the invention as shown in FIG. 4 . Then, during the procedure in which the upper press die 7 a is moved toward the lower press die 7 b , the rectangular frame 7 k is forced to penetrate into the rectangular groove 7 e , and while at the same time, depressing the pressure frame 7 d against the flat structure 6 to penetrate the flat structure 6 into the pressure groove 7 f. [0081] After completing the pressing procedure, the upper press die 7 a is lifted to withdraw the rectangular frame 7 k from the rectangular groove 7 e . This procedure imparts a cosmetic surface K with the upper surface side 7 b of the flat structure 6 , and while at the same time, adding an strengthened jut J with the lower surface side 7 a of the flat structure 6 as shown in FIGS. 17 and 18 . [0082] As a fourth embodiment of the invention, two flat structures 6 are prepared in order to undergo the injection to mold the synthetic resin body 11 as shown in FIG. 19 through 21 . [0083] With the concave recess provided on the flat structures 6 to serve as the strengthened jut J, it is possible to significantly reinforce the synthetic resin body 11 with the minimum cost. [0084] As a fifth embodiment of the invention, a plurality of the strengthened juts J may be provided with the flat structures 6 in a staggering manner as shown in FIG. 22 . [0085] One of the flat structures 6 has the upper strengthened juts J, and the other of the flat structures 6 has the lower strengthened juts J which correspond to an inner space appeared between the neighboring juts J in the upper position. [0086] FIGS. 23 through 27 enumerate various modification forms of the strengthened jut J. As shown in FIG. 23 , the strengthened jut J has a cruciate configuration by depressing the flat structure 6 . FIGS. 24 and 25 show the strengthened jut J each represented by an elliptic structure and a lozenge-shaped structure. [0087] In FIG. 26 , a pair of the strengthened juts J is contoured along a cubic parabola in symmetrical relationship in horizontal and vertical directions. FIG. 27 depicts a plurality of the strengthened juts J in column-shaped configuration. [0088] Among the strengthened juts J enumerated as above ( FIG. 26 ), the strengthened juts J contoured along the cubic parabola form arch-shaped constructions. This structure enables to convert both the horizontal force (Hv) and vertical force (Lv) into a compression force exerting in an axial direction of the strengthened juts J. This makes it possible to effectively disperse the exterior forces over an extensive area of the synthetic resin body 11 . Modification Forms [0089] It is to be appreciated that the two-dimensional steel fabric 4 may be not only made of the plain-weave wire mesh but also the twill-weave wire mesh, Dutch plain-weave wire mesh or wire-stranded mesh as observed respectively in FIGS. 28 through 30 . [0090] Alternatively, the two-dimensional steel fabric 4 may be made from the Dutch-weave wire mesh. The warps 1 and woofs 2 may be circular, rectangular, elliptic, pentagonal or hexagonal in cross section, the configuration of which would be selected as desired under the given circumstances. In the two-dimensional steel fabric 4 , the warps 1 and woofs 2 may have diameters from several micrometers to the same millimeters. By changing the warps 1 and woofs 2 in terms of the diameters, knitting manner, weaving manner and weaving density (coarseness or fineness), it is possible to appropriately adjust its weight and strength (bending strength and tensile strength) characteristic of the final product. When a high level of the reinforcement is needed for any part of the synthetic resin body 11 , additional numbers of the flat structures 6 may be provided. [0091] While several illustrative embodiments of the invention have been shown and described, numerous variations and alternate embodiments will occur to those skilled in the art. Such variations and alternate embodiments are contemplated, and can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims.
In a method of forming a synthetic resin structure integral with two-dimensional steel fabric, a warp and woof are made from a steel metal, and these wires are woven in a planar configuration to provide a two-dimensional steel fabric which is then pressed into a flat structure. Two flat structures are set at a metallic mold die, into which a synthetic resin is injected so as to form a synthetic resin body integral with the flat structures. This makes it possible to secure a sufficient space between the flat structures, and spread the synthetic resin fully into the flat structures so as to reinforce a surface of the synthetic resin body with durability and high rigidity. Through the toughness, strength and price of the steel metal, it is possible to provide a marketability with products manufactured by using the present method.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is a continuation of International Application No. PCT/EP2008/008902, filed Oct. 22, 2008, which claims priority to European Patent application EP 07 405 315.8, filed Oct. 22, 2007. TECHNICAL FIELD [0002] This disclosure relates to an automatically operating injection device with an occlusion alarm unit and to a method for determining an injection occlusion. The injection unit may be used for automatic injection of a medicament into the body of a patient over a long period of time. It is generally insulin that is injected, although other medicaments to be injected over a long period of time such as, for example, analgesics may be used as well. BACKGROUND [0003] As background, automatically operating injection devices may inject a predefined volume of a medicament into the body of a patient at predefined time intervals. This volume may be withdrawn from a reservoir, typically a replaceable ampoule, via a pump mechanism and may be injected through an injection needle or catheter placed in the patient's body. If an occlusion is present, the pressure in the injection system may increase, since there is no release of pressure provided by the injections. As a result, a force that is to be applied in the pump mechanism may increase over several unsuccessfully performed injections. A force measurement thus may make it possible to ascertain whether or not there is an occlusion. If an occlusion occurs, the patient may no longer be supplied with a necessary medicament. Moreover, since the pump unit may operate automatically at predefined time intervals, the pressure in the ampoule and in the feed lines to the patient's body may increase, which could cause damage to the injection device. An additional problem is that, with increasing pressure, the occlusion may suddenly dissipate causing the patient to receive too large a quantity of the medicament. By using a measurement unit that determines a force necessary for discharging the medicament, it may be possible to ascertain whether an occlusion is present. [0004] Against this background, embodiments of the present disclosure are capable of quickly determining when an occlusion occurs in an injection device with a higher level of accuracy. SUMMARY [0005] In one embodiment an injection device for automatically injecting a medicament into a human comprises an injection unit, a measurement unit, a first memory, a second memory, a switching unit, an evaluation unit, and an occlusion alarm unit, wherein: the injection unit is coupleable to the human to deliver automatically a plurality of injections of the medicament into the human, wherein the plurality of injections are each delivered according to an injection time period; the measurement unit is mechanically coupled to the injection unit and measures an injection force, at the injection time period, for each of the plurality of injections; the first memory is electrically coupled to the measurement unit and stores a value of the injection force for each of the plurality of injections measured by the measurement unit, thereby forming a series of force measurements; the switching unit is electrically coupled to the first memory and the second memory such that the switching unit reads the series of force measurements from the first memory, generates a plurality of evaluation forces based on an evaluation time period, and writes the plurality of evaluation forces to the second memory; the evaluation unit is electrically coupled to the second memory and determines whether to provide an occlusion alarm signal either based on an evaluation of the plurality of evaluation forces or if one or more of the series of force measurements exceeds a force threshold; and the occlusion alarm unit which receives the occlusion alarm signal such that the occlusion alarm unit provides an injection occlusion alarm based on the occlusion alarm signal. [0006] In another embodiment, a method for detecting an injection occlusion in an injection device for automatically injecting a medicament into a human comprises: measuring an injection force, at an injection time period, for each of a plurality of injections automatically delivered by the injection device into the human, thereby forming a series of force measurements, wherein the plurality of injections are each delivered according to the injection time period; generating a plurality of evaluation forces based on the series of force measurements and based on an evaluation time period; determining whether an occlusion exists based on either an evaluation of the plurality of evaluation forces or whether one or more of the series of force measurements exceeds a force threshold; and providing an injection occlusion alarm if an occlusion is determined to exist. [0007] In still another embodiment, a computer-readable medium has computer-executable instructions for performing a method for detecting an injection occlusion in an injection device for automatically injecting a medicament into a human, the method comprising: measuring an injection force, at an injection time period, for each of a plurality of injections automatically delivered by the injection device into the human, thereby forming a series of force measurements, wherein the plurality of injections are each delivered according to the injection time period; generating a plurality of evaluation forces based on the series of force measurements and based on an evaluation time period; determining whether an occlusion exists based on either an evaluation of the plurality of evaluation forces or whether one or more of the series of force measurements exceeds a force threshold; and providing an injection occlusion alarm if an occlusion is determined to exist. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0008] The embodiments set forth in the drawings are illustrative and exemplary in nature and not intended to limit the inventions defined by the claims. The following detailed description of the illustrative embodiments can be understood when read in conjunction with the following drawings, where like structures are indicated with like reference characters and in which: [0009] FIG. 1 shows the basic structure of an injection unit according to one or more embodiments shown and described herein; [0010] FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of a control unit of the injection unit for occlusion detection, in which intervals for evaluation of measurement values can be modified according to one or more embodiments shown and described herein; [0011] FIG. 3 shows a diagram in which force increase values [N/h] (ordinate) are plotted over an increasing observation period [h] (abscissa) according to one or more embodiments shown and described herein; [0012] FIG. 4 shows a pictorial representation of the calculation of the force increase according to one or more embodiments shown and described herein; [0013] FIG. 5 shows a block diagram in which an occlusion evaluation takes place through combination with a force increase determination, a median calculation, and a fixed threshold evaluation according to one or more embodiments shown and described herein; [0014] FIG. 6 shows a detailed representation of the function blocks shown in FIG. 5 for FIR filtering and median calculation according to one or more embodiments shown and described herein; and [0015] FIG. 7 shows a force profile over time when an occlusion occurs according to one or more embodiments shown and described herein. LIST OF REFERENCE CHARACTERS [0000] 1 injection device 2 reservoir 3 piston in 2 4 rod-shaped drive member 5 electric motor 6 housing 7 a,b toothed wheels 9 sleeve-shaped drive member 10 thread on 9 11 base 12 alarm unit 13 control unit 16 downsampler 17 force sensor 19 controller for 9 20 1st memory (force values) 21 evaluation unit 23 switching unit 25 2nd memory (diagram and gradient values) 26 comparator unit 27 3rd memory (occlusion force threshold) 29 force increase calculation unit 31 median calculation unit 32 combinational logic unit 33 AND circuit 35 OR circuit 37 diagram 39 1st area (occlusion in 37 ) 40 catheter 41 2nd area (no occlusion) 43 3rd area (gray area) 44 straight line in 37 (0.5 hour evaluation period) 45 straight line in 37 (1 hour evaluation period) 46 boundary line between 39 and 43 47 boundary line between 41 and 43 49 memory limit value median 100 function block FIX 100 102 FIR coefficient 103 function block FIR 103 104 function block MED 104 105 comparator unit FIR 106 comparator unit MED 107 sequence control 108 element forming differential values F value of injection force (measured) D differential value of injection force (measured) DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0062] Various embodiments of the devices and methods described herein are capable of quickly and accurately determining whether an occlusion exists in an injection device. This may be accomplished by observing and evaluating the injection force measured for each injection. The evaluation time period of the injection force values can be modified by means of a switching unit after a predefined number of injections or after a predefined evaluation period (i.e., the time interval can be lengthened). Such a modification (e.g., lengthening) of the measurement time interval, with simultaneous lengthening of the recording and evaluation period, may result in using force measurements from the previous 8 hours or from the time the device was started, whichever is later. If an occlusion is unambiguously present, the evaluation period can be set to zero and can be re-started after the occlusion has been removed. The modification of the evaluation time period (for the purposes of evaluation) takes place independently of the injection time period between successive injections (e.g., basal release). The injection time period is generally maintained constant, but it could also be modified, for example depending on the time of day. Other time periods are of course possible. [0063] For purposes of this disclosure, “injection time period” is the time period between actual injections of the medicament into the body of the patient. The “evaluation time period” is the time period used by the evaluation unit or comparator unit to evaluate the series of force measurements of the injection device to determine whether an occlusion exists. The evaluation time period is a multiple of the injection time period. For example, if the injection time period was 30 minutes, the evaluation time period can be 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, or any multiple of 30 minutes. [0064] Since, in one embodiment, the injection time period and the evaluation time period are the same, increasing the injection time period also results in an increase in the evaluation time period of the force measurement values. It has been found empirically that longer evaluation time periods permit a more definite conclusion regarding the existence of an occlusion than is possible with shorter evaluation time periods, and false alarms can thus be avoided. Thus, there may be an advantage to having a relatively short injection time period and a relatively long evaluation time period. [0065] The force measurement values can be recorded by a measuring unit as direct force values or as indirectly determined force values. Direct force values will be determined with a force sensor in cooperation with the discharging piston or the drive spindle thereof. In an indirect force measurement unit, for example, a force value concerning a recorded output of the pump mechanism can be determined. A discharged volume of medicament could also be determined. However, a pressure measurement could also be carried out, or drive data concerning a pump motor could be evaluated. In one embodiment, an occlusion evaluation is carried out with a series of force measurement values that are stored for evaluation purposes in a memory. [0066] In order to improve detection of an occlusion, the injection device may comprise (in addition to a first memory for the force measurement values) a second memory which stores increase or gradient values determined statistically from experiments, in particular gradient values of the measured force values, as a function of increasing observation (e.g., evaluation) time periods. The stored gradient values define, in the second memory, a first, a second and a third area. The first area contains values that can be unambiguously interpreted as indicating complete occlusion. The second area contains values that unambiguously indicate no occlusion, and the third area contains values which indicate it is not possible to conclude unambiguously that there is an occlusion or no occlusion. The values to be stored in the second memory are determined statistically from experiments in the laboratory as a diagram, the experiment unambiguously defining an occlusion or no occlusion (e.g. closed or open injection needle). [0067] A comparator unit is provided with which, by comparison with the data stored in the diagram and with the evaluation data, makes it possible to determine whether there is an occlusion, there is no occlusion, or there is no determinable occlusion, depending on where a gradient value (i.e., a force gradient value) determined from several measurement values (force values) over a predefined evaluation time period is located in the diagram. The comparator unit is connected for signaling purposes to the evaluation unit. [0068] To simplify the construction of the injection device and to facilitate the processing of the determined measurement values and gradient values, every nth measurement value stored in the first memory can be selected with the switching unit in the event of an increase in the injection time period between successive measurement values and in the evaluation time period of the measurement values to be processed. It is possible for every second, third, etc., measurement value to be selected. In one embodiment, every second measured force value may be selected. Thus, the force values used for the evaluation can be taken from the series of measured force values, adjusted to the evaluation time period, and re-written to the second memory. This processing of the measurement results permits a simple storage procedure with a shortened recording period, which nevertheless represents an extended evaluation time period. For example, if both the injection time period and the evaluation time period are initially 0.5 hours, the evaluation of the force values can take place after 0.5 hours; if the evaluation time period is doubled to 1 hour, the second evaluation may take place after only one additional 0.5 hours after the first evaluation (for a total evaluation time period of 1 hour). [0069] In addition to the abovementioned evaluation of measurement values over a modifiable evaluation time period, it is possible to have a third memory that stores a force threshold. This fixed value is a safety value which, when met or exceeded by a measurement value during the evaluation period, causes a third occlusion alarm signal to be triggered for the occlusion alarm. [0070] The injection device has a measurement value gradient calculation unit, preferably a force increase calculation unit, which is preferably designed as a FIR filter (Finite-Impulse-Response filter) and with which, from the measurement values of an evaluation period that are stored in the first or second memory, it is possible to determine an increase or gradient value (i.e., an increase of the force value) of the measurement values, which, if it is detectable by the evaluation unit as lying in the first area of the diagram (indicating an occlusion), causes a first occlusion alarm signal. [0071] In addition to the abovementioned gradient calculation unit (or force gradient calculation unit), the injection device can comprise a median calculation unit. With the median calculation unit, differential values determined from two consecutive force values stored in the first or second memory can be sorted in ascending order. In the case of an uneven number of measurement values, there are an even number of differential values. From the sorted differential values, a mean (or average) value can be determined using the two differential values lying in the middle in the sorted differential value series. This mean value can be compared with a stored gradient median threshold, and a second occlusion alarm signal can be generated when this threshold is met or exceeded. If an even number of force measurement values was used, there will be an uneven number of differential values, and the middle value from the sorted differential values can be used for comparison. [0072] For processing the measurement values in a FIR filter for determination of a gradient value (or increase value of the measurement values), an uneven number of measurement values can, in one embodiment, be used to ensure that, as is explained in detail below, adjusting the injection time periods and the evaluation time periods can be done in a simple manner. This uneven number of measurement values can also be used for determination of the median calculation. [0073] The three occlusion alarm signals received above can now each be evaluated individually in order to generate an injection occlusion alarm, although in one embodiment a control unit will be used with a logic AND circuit and a downstream logic OR circuit. The first and second alarm signals are processed with the AND circuit, and this output result and the third alarm signal are combined in the OR circuit. An injection occlusion alarm can be triggered if the OR logic is true. This combinational logic provides additional safety, such that an occlusion that is possibly not detected by the FIR filter still leads to an alarm. This arrangement also significantly reduces the possibility of a false alarm concerning a supposed occlusion. [0074] Further advantageous embodiments and combinations of features will become evident from the following detailed description and from the entirety of the patent claims. [0075] FIG. 1 shows a structural configuration of an injection device 1 according to one embodiment, which may be used for automatically injecting a medicament such as insulin under a patient's skin. [0076] The injection device 1 may have a pump mechanism accommodated in a housing 6 , a reservoir 2 in which an active substance (e.g., a medicament) is stored, an exchangeable energy supply unit (not shown), an alarm unit 12 shown in FIGS. 2 and 5 , and a control unit 13 (shown in FIG. 2 ) which is used, inter alia, for controlling the pump unit and alarm unit 12 . [0077] The pump unit may include a piston 3 which may be disposed in the reservoir 2 and which, via a rod-shaped drive member 4 , may be driven by an electric motor 5 and toothed wheels 7 a and 7 b . The electric motor 5 and force transmission elements—(e.g., toothed wheels 7 a and 7 b that act on a sleeve-shaped, additional drive member 9 meshing via a thread 10 with the drive member 4 ) may be arranged on a “free-floating” base 11 , which acts on a force sensor 17 . The force sensor 17 may be used as a measurement unit for determining, as measurement values, force values F that are to be applied for an injection. [0078] The control unit 13 shown in FIG. 2 comprises, in addition to a controller 19 for the electric motor 5 , also a first memory 20 for storing force values F that are detected by the force sensor 17 and transmitted. The control unit 13 moreover comprises an evaluation unit 21 for determining an injection occlusion by processing the force values F stored in the first memory 20 . The control unit 13 additionally comprises a switching unit 23 which may be connected to a downsampler 16 and with which, as a function of an evaluation result from the evaluation unit 21 , a time interval (e.g., an evaluation time period) between force values F to be stored) may be modified automatically and, in addition, a recording and evaluation period of force values (e.g., force measurements) to be stored and evaluated can be modified automatically. The downsampler 16 may be disposed for signaling purposes between the force sensor 17 and the first memory 20 ; it may be responsible for the later changing of the interval (e.g., evaluation time period) of measurement values (force values F) to be evaluated. The switching unit 23 is also connected for signaling purposes to the first memory 20 and the evaluation unit 21 . [0079] The control unit 13 of the injection device 1 may include a second memory 25 in which, over increasing observation periods, force increase values determined statistically by means of experiments are stored as gradient values in a diagram 37 . The control unit 13 may also include a comparator unit 26 which interacts with the evaluation unit 21 and with which, by comparing with the stored data of below-described increase values from diagram 37 determined like a diagram statistically from experiments and with the evaluation data, it is possible to conclude whether there is an occlusion, no occlusion, or no determinable occlusion. [0080] The evaluation unit 21 of the control unit 13 may have a force increase calculation unit 29 , shown in FIG. 6 , as measurement value gradient calculation unit. In one embodiment, this may be designed as a FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter and with which, from the force values F of an evaluation period that are stored in the first memory 20 (or second memory 25 ), a force increase (e.g., force gradient) value can be determined which, if it is detectable by the evaluation unit as lying in the first area, causes a first occlusion alarm signal. The mode of operation of the force increase calculation unit 29 is described in detail below. [0081] In addition to the force increase calculation unit 29 , the evaluation unit 21 in one embodiment comprises a median calculation unit 31 with which differential values D, determined from two successive force values F stored in the first memory 20 (or second memory 25 ), may be sorted in ascending order. A median value can be determined using the two differential values lying in the middle of the sortable differential value series. The median value can be compared with a stored gradient median threshold, and a second occlusion alarm signal can be generated if the median value exceeds this threshold. [0082] The control unit 13 of the injection device 1 may include a third memory 27 for storing a fixed value of an occlusion force threshold which may define an occlusion and which, when exceeded by a force value F in the evaluation period, triggers a third occlusion alarm signal for the injection occlusion alarm. The occlusion force threshold may be a safety value which is intended to avoid pressure being generated that can cause a rupture of the infusion device. In the embodiment described herein, the occlusion force threshold may be set at twenty-five Newtons being exceeded five times in succession. [0083] When using injection force values F, as described here in one embodiment, the method may be based on the exceeding of a threshold. Instead of a threshold being exceeded, however, the measured values may fall below the threshold if, instead of the force values being used as measurement values, use is made of another measurement value such as, for example, a volume that is to be discharged. [0084] The evaluation unit 21 of the control unit 13 may also comprise, in one embodiment, a combinational logic unit 32 described in detail below, with a logic AND circuit 33 for the first and second occlusion alarm signals, and with a logic OR circuit 35 for the output signal of the AND circuit 33 and the third occlusion alarm signal. An occlusion alarm signal can be triggered by the alarm unit 12 if the OR logic is true. [0085] The diagram 37 shown in FIG. 3 may be stored in the second memory 25 or other suitable location. The diagram 37 may be integrated into each injection device 1 during its production, i.e. before being supplied to the patient. The diagram 37 may contain force increase (e.g., gradient) values (expressed in Newtons per hour, N/h), plotted over an increasing observation period (hours). The diagram 37 may have been statistically determined beforehand from experiments for each injection device type. The diagram 37 does not have to be set up for each injection device; it only has to be experimentally recorded once per injection device type. The diagram 37 may have a first area 39 in which, experimentally, an occlusion is considered unambiguously present. An occlusion may be easily be produced experimentally by deliberately causing a closure of an injection needle (i.e., catheter) 40 (see FIG. 1 ) of the injection device 1 . A second area 41 of the diagram 37 may clearly define the absence of any occlusion. The absence of an occlusion may also be easily verified experimentally by means of a catheter 40 , at whose outer end an injection needle (not shown) is generally arranged, being able to empty freely. [0086] In the embodiment discussed hereafter, the measurement values used are force values that are applied for injection of a medicament. FIG. 7 shows a typical force profile in the event of an occlusion occurring at time O c . [0087] The force F to be applied for an injection may be obtained from the following equation [0000] F=F 0 ( p )+ε, [0000] where function F 0 may be a function of the pressure p in the fluid to be injected and may be substantially constant. Variable ε may be a disturbance variable occurring in the injection device which may be desirable to eliminate. Variable ε may depend on the friction of the fluid in the conduits, the piston friction in the reservoir (ampoule), the ambient temperature, electrical disturbances, etc. [0088] If the injection needle is occluded once and then another time not occluded, it is possible to establish, from the values of the force increase calculation unit, data which cannot be assigned either to the first area 39 (unambiguous occlusion) or the second area 41 (no occlusion). That is to say, these results may lie in a third area 43 , a gray area. It has ascertained experimentally that, if measurements are carried out over a long observation time period, this third area 43 becomes smaller, and the probability of determining whether or not there is an occlusion becomes increasingly better. It can be determined whether the force gradient lies in the first area 39 , the second area 41 , or the third area 43 based on setting the observation time period (from the diagram 37 ) equal to the evaluation time period. [0089] There are several methods for determining a gradient or a force increase over an observation (e.g., evaluation time) period. For example, the following method may be used. [0090] The force values F for each injection may be calibrated in units of Newtons (N), and the measurement may generally be made at a basal release. The measurement may be carried out immediately before the first burst in the respective release interval. In the example shown here, the measurement may be carried out every three minutes. The calibrated force values F may be stored in the first memory 20 . [0091] To record the appliance-specific diagram, according to one theory of FIR filtering, 11 force values F 0 to F 10 are determined in a first evaluation cycle, for example, and are stored in first memory 20 (or second memory 25 ). Of course, an even number of values may also be used. The fewer the measurement values (force values) used, the greater the determination error may be. A large number of values, by contrast, may reduce this error but increases the measurement time. The number of measurement values proposed in one embodiment, namely eleven, has proven optimal, and also an arrangement of the coefficients symmetrical to “0” in the calculation of the gradient by means of FIR filtering. A theory on FIR filtering is described, for example, in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 49, no. 11, November 2001, pages 2713-2730; R. C. Kavanagh “FIR Differentiators for Quantized Signals”. [0092] These 11 force values F 0 to F 10 have been recorded at a time interval (e.g., an injection time period) of three minutes between each injection, that is to say in a recording period (or evaluation time period) of thirty minutes. [0093] To determine a force increase over this recording or evaluation time period, T, the individual, chronologically stored force values are now each multiplied by a coefficient k 0 to k 10 , where the coefficient values k 0 to k 10 have linearly ascending values between −1 and +1. The coefficients thus may, for example, have the following values: [0000] TABLE 1 k 0 k 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k 6 k 7 k 8 k 9 k 10 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 The oldest value considered thus has the weighting −1, while the newest value is weighted with +1. The multiplication results thus obtained are totaled to determine the force increase: [0000] Force increase (gradient)=Σ( k i ×F i )/( T×Σk i 2 ) [0000] where i=0, 1, . . . , 10 and T is the recording or evaluation time period. FIG. 4 shows the determination of the force increase (gradient). [0094] After this first recording or evaluation time period, an evaluation is carried out in accordance with the above description. The determined increase (gradient) is then compared with the lower gradient limit and the upper gradient limit for that observation time period (e.g., evaluation time period). Three possibilities arise from the comparison result: [0000] 1) Occlusion alarm 2) Double recording (e.g., evaluation time) period or 3) Back to initial mode (short measurement time interval) To double the recording or evaluation time period, every second force value F stored in the first memory 20 is eliminated, after which the remaining force values F are stored in succession (e.g., in the second memory 25 ). In the further recording or evaluation time period, measurement is carried out with a doubled time interval until a number of measurements corresponding to the preceding recording period is reached: [0000] TABLE 2 [0095] The lower-case “n” in TABLE 2 is intended to signify that this is a new value cycle which, however, also contains previous force values. The relocating shown here can also be performed with another number of force values, but an uneven number of measurements facilitates the relocating procedure. [0096] According to the above algorithm, all extensions of the recording or evaluation period are carried out beginning with a half hour, then one hour, then two hours, four hours, eight hours, and so on. An extension to over eight hours may not be generally necessary, since the gray area has already become relatively small after a recording or evaluation period of eight hours. In other words, after this long observation period, a nearly unambiguous conclusion is possible as to whether or not an occlusion has been present. [0097] The type-specific diagram 37 may be stored in the second memory 25 of each injection device 1 . When the injection device 1 is started up by the patient or by the physician, then, in the case of a medicament being released every three minutes for example, as explained above, the 11 force values F 0 to F 10 are measured and stored over a period of 30 minutes. The force increase (e.g., gradient) value determined from these 11 force values F 0 to F 10 is compared with values over a corresponding time ordinate value in the stored diagram 37 based on setting the observation time period to the evaluation time period. In FIG. 3 , this may be represented by the straight line 44 for a half-hour observation or evaluation time period and the straight line 45 for a one-hour observation or evaluation time period. [0098] If, at the start of a medicament delivery with, for example, a time interval of three minutes between the basal releases, an occlusion is determined after an evaluation period of thirty minutes, with the force increase (e.g., gradient) value then coming to lie in the first area 39 , an exceed (i.e., a first occlusion alarm) signal is provided which is forwarded to the combinational logic unit. If an occlusion alarm is triggered according to a method described below, further releases of the medicament are suppressed. If no alarm is triggered, then the procedure is as described below. [0099] If the force increase or gradient value lies in the third area 43 (i.e., in the gray area in which an occlusion cannot be unambiguously determined), then, as has been described above, every second force value stored in the first memory 20 is eliminated by the switching unit 23 , and the remaining force values are relocated in succession (e.g., in the second memory 25 ). New force values are now recorded in succession with a scanning interval that is doubled compared to the first observation or evaluation period. The recording or evaluation period has thus been doubled. [0100] If an occlusion can not unambiguously be determined (i.e., the force gradient lies in the gray area), this procedure may be repeated. [0101] If no occlusion is determined, then the recording or evaluation period is not doubled. However, the value of F 10 then takes the place of F n0 and the remaining force values are eliminated. The operation returns to the starting mode. [0102] It will be noted that, independently of the time intervals (e.g., evaluation time period) for recording the force values F, the time interval (e.g., injection time period) between the basal releases is maintained constant. [0103] Instead of working with force increase or gradient values, it is also possible to work with force values, in which case there is another profile of the boundary lines between the three areas. The boundary lines here come close to straight lines. [0104] In addition to an evaluation of the force increase or gradient to determine an injection occlusion, a median calculation can also be carried out using the values of the injection force from the evaluation time period. [0105] In a first step, the differences of successive force values may be determined: [0000] D 0 = F 1 − F 2 D 1 = F 2 − F 1 D 2 = F 3 − F 2 D 3 = F 4 − F 3 D 4 = F 5 − F 4 D 5 = F 6 − F 5 D 6 = F 7 − F 6 D 7 = F 8 − F 7 D 8 = F 9 − F 8 D 9 = F 10 − F 9 [0106] The difference values D thus obtained may now be sorted in ascending order, a mean value is formed from the values of D 4 and D 5 , and this mean value is compared with values from a limit value table (e.g., the gradient median threshold). Starting from the diagram 37 , the following table shows examples of gradient median threshold values for different observation time periods: [0000] TABLE 3 Limit between 1st area 39 and 8.03 7.7 7.04 5.72 4.4 3rd area 43; line 46 Limit between 2nd area 41 and 0.275 0.55 1.1 2.2 4.4 3rd area 43; line 47 Limit value “median” (i.e., 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.20 Gradient median threshold) Observation time period [h] 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 [0107] The gradient threshold values concerning median calculation may be stored in a memory 49 (see FIG. 5 ). When evaluating the median values, in contrast to the “force increase or gradient,” an unambiguous determination is made between occlusion and no occlusion; there is no gray area here. The gray area may be omitted since, as is explained below, the median values are processed together with the force increase or gradient values determined above. If the median values were to be used alone, which is also possible for detecting an injection occlusion, a gray area can then be defined again and the procedure is analogous to the determination of force increase or gradient values. [0108] Three methods are described above by which an occlusion may be detected. Each of these methods may be used alone. However, it is also possible to combine any two or all three methods. Combining all three methods may permit a reliable determination of an injection occlusion and may reduce false alarms to a minimum. In the case of bolus release, as is customary in insulin patients, the determination using the above-described force increase or gradient calculation could in fact lead to an increased risk of false alarms unless a special software routine was provided for bolus releases caused by the patient. [0109] A combination of the three methods is shown in FIG. 5 in a block diagram with the function block FIX 100 for processing of the occlusion force threshold, the function block MED 104 for the median calculation, and the function block FIR 103 for the FIR filtering. The signal outputs of the blocks FIR 103 and MED 104 are coupled to the inputs of an AND circuit 33 . The output of the AND circuit 33 and the output of FIX 100 are coupled to the input of an OR circuit 35 . The output of the OR circuit 35 is connected to the alarm unit 12 . If the OR condition is fulfilled, an occlusion alarm is triggered. [0110] FIG. 6 shows the two function blocks FIR 103 and MED 104 in a more detailed view than in FIG. 5 , the solid lines showing a flow of data and the broken lines showing a control flow. [0111] An input of the AND circuit 33 is connected to a comparator unit 105 of the function block FIR 103 . The other input of the AND circuit 33 is connected to the comparator unit 106 . A force increase or gradient calculation of the force values may be carried out in the force increase calculation unit 29 . A median calculation may be performed by the median calculation unit 31 . The differential values for the median calculation are carried out in block 108 . The limit values necessary for an evaluation of the median value may be saved in memory 49 . All the evaluations and calculations may be controlled by means of the block 107 (sequence control). [0112] The above-described combination of the three evaluation methods “fixed value,” “FIR filtering,” and “median calculation” may also be carried out without requiring a change of recording or evaluation time period. [0113] If an occlusion alarm has been triggered, the injection device may, in one embodiment, be switched on again only when the injection occlusion has been removed. For this purpose, a first basal release is initiated, and, if the force value measured is greater than 90% of the preceding force value that led to the alarm being triggered, the alarm continues and no further basal release is possible. The determination of the instantaneous force value may, in one embodiment, be combined with the preceding force value based on a time period. The percentage of the force value and the permitted time period are dependent on the characteristics of the injection device. [0114] Force values that increase during an injection occlusion have been discussed above. In an occlusion, however, decreasing measurement values can also be used with other measurement methods. Such a measurement method may be described in International Patent Application Publication No. WO 2007/093064 A1, for example. Decreasing measurement values may be processed analogously to the increasing ones described above. [0115] While particular embodiments and aspects have been illustrated and described herein, various other changes and modifications may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the disclosure. Moreover, although various inventive aspects have been described herein, such aspects need not be utilized in combination. It is therefore intended that the appended claims cover all such changes and modifications that are within the scope of this disclosure.
An automatically operating injection device with an occlusion alarm unit and a method for determining an injection occlusion are disclosed. The method includes generating a plurality of evaluation forces based on a series of force measurements and based on an evaluation time period; determining whether an occlusion exists based on either an evaluation of the plurality of evaluation forces or whether one or more of the series of force measurements exceeds a force threshold; and providing an injection occlusion alarm if an occlusion is determined to exist.
This invention relates to the removal of mercaptans from a hydrocarbon-containing feed stream. In particular, it relates to the use of a caustic solution to remove mercaptans from a hydrocarbon-containing feedstream. It is conventional practice at the present time to treat sour hydrocarbon streams to remove mercaptans by contacting the hydrocarbon stream with an alkaline solution in which mercaptides are soluble. The alkaline solution is then separated from the treated stream and subjected to regeneration. The alkaline solution is regenerated by oxidizing the mercaptides to disulfides using a catalyst. One method is to use a metal chelate such as disalicylal ethylene diamino cobalt. Recently, it has been found that certain phtalocyanine compounds are extremely effective catalysts for oxidizing mercaptans or mercaptides and that these compounds regenerate the alkaline solution by oxidation. Other methods exists and are known in the art. The disulfides thus formed coalesce and settle. The disulfides are then separately withdrawn from the alkaline solution and the regenerated alkaline solution is reused in the process. This regeneration process leaves the alkaline solution still containing about 25 percent of the original amount of the sulfur compounds absorbed by the solution. The sulfur compounds remaining in the alkaline solution are soluble in the solution and normally, are recirculated to the extractor which in turn reduces the ability of the extractor to remove further sulfur from the hydrocarbon stream. This in turn can affect downstream catalysts which could be poisoned by either mercaptans or solubilizd organic disulfides that are not removed by the alkaline solution. The object of this invention is to remove the remaining sulfur compounds from the regenerated alkaline solution. Another object of this invention is to remove sulfur from the hydrocarbon stream. Another related object of this invention is to protect sensitive catalysts from poisoning by mercaptans or disulfides present in a hydrocarbon stream. These and other objects will become apparent from the following description of the invention. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION According to the instant invention, the regenerated alkaline solution containing a minor amount of disulfides in solution is contacted with a previously treated hydrocarbon stream to remove the disulfides from the caustic. In the preferred embodiment, the hydrocarbon stream that is used in treating the regenerated caustic will not be subject to isomerization or will be downstream from any treatment that utilizes sulfur sensitive catalyst. This invention is particularly useful in treating an isopentane/normal pentane hydrocarbon feed stream that contains mercaptans. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 shows a typical process for treating mixed pentanes that utilizes the instant invention. FIG. 2 shows details of a typical unit of the instant invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Processes which extract mercaptans from hydrocarbon streams by contacting the stream with an alkaline solution are very widely used. In a large number of these processes, the alkaline solution is comprised of water and an alkaline reagent. This solution is regenerated by the catalyzed oxidation of the mercaptans to disulfides and the subsequent separation of the disulfides from the solution. U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,921,021 and 2,921,020, both hereby incorporated by reference, show a system that can be improved using the instant invention. Several other references, including U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,040,947, 4,362,614, 4,404,098 show the state of the art. There are several advantages to the present invention. The first is that by contacting the alkaline solution with the treated hydrocarbon stream, sulfur compounds are removed from the alkaline solution to further enhance the solution's ability to remove sulfur from the hydrocarbon feedstream. A second advantage is that removing the remaining sulfur from the alkaline stream using the already treated hydrocarbon stream, maintains the efficiency of sulfur sensitive catalyst while increasing the sulfur content of the treated hydrocarbon stream by only a small amount. Another advantage is that using this hydrocarbon stream saves on the cost of installing a separate hydrocarbon treating stream. The hydrocarbon streams that can be utilized in this invention include any feedstream, that contains predominately hydrocarbons, that also contains undesirable levels of sulfur compounds. The present invention is especially suitable for the sweetening of hydrocarbon distillates and particularly sour gasoline, including cracked gasoline, straight run gasoline or mixtures thereof, naphtha, jet fuel, kerosene, aromatic solvent, stove oil, range oil, fuel oil, etc. Other hydrocarbon distillates include lube oil as well as normally gaseous fractions. In still another embodiment, the novel features of the present invention can be utilized for purifying other organic fractions containing certain acidic impurities. These organic compounds include alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, etc. The alkaline solution composition generally is an aqueous solution with the alkaline present in the range generally from about 5 to about 50 weight percent, but preferably between about 10-15 weight percent. The preferred caustic material is an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide in water. Other materials such as potassium hydroxide and lithium hydroxide in aqueous solution can be used. According to the instant invention, the alkaline solution is contacted with the hydrocarbon feedstream in a countercurrent extractor. This extraction process takes place at temperatures ranging from about 100° F. to about 150° F. and pressures ranging from about 60 psig to about 110 psig. Preferably the conditions in the extractor are 125° F. and 85 psig. The weight ratio of feed to alkaline solution fed into the extractor should range from about 2.0 to about 4.0. In the first contactor, mercaptans such as methyl and isopropyl and alkane mercaptan are removed to form RSNa and water were where R is a C 1 to C 6 hydrocarbon. The contacting apparatus can be chosen from any common contacting apparatus but is preferably a countercurrent liquid-liquid trayed contactor. This apparatus preferably contains perforated trays. The alkaline solution can flow, for example, from the top to the bottom of the apparatus countercurrently to the hydrocarbon feed. The treated hydrocarbon feedstream leaves the extractor and can be further treated and separated through conventional means. The alkaline solution exits from the extractor and is then injected into an oxygenation reactor. It is there the mercaptans are oxygenated to disulfides. A catalyst can also be used in the oxygenation reactor. The thus formed organic disulfides are insoluble in the aqueous alkaline solution. Some of the sulfur materials will remain unreacted from the oxygenation reactor. This stream is then sent to a settler to separate the disulfides from the alkaline stream. The mercaptan rich alkaline solution is heated to 145°-150° F. in the oxygenation reactor. Air is injected and the flow is cocurrent in the oxygenation reactor, which can be any conventional reactor but preferably is a packed column containing one inch diameter Raschig rings. The pressure in the oxygenation reactor is about 70-75 psig at 145°-150° F. After the oxygenation step the alkaline and sulfur material go to a phase separator where alkaline solution containing about 60 ppm total of organic sulfides and disulfides are separated from an organic disulfide phase. The inventive feature involves an extractor unit in which an already treated hydrocarbon stream is used to cleanup further the recycled alkaline solution by contacting the alkaline solution with hydrocarbon stream or part thereof, preferably isopentane, to remove traces of organic disulfide. The conditions of the contacting will generally be in the range of 100°-110° F. and 50 psig. To 70 psig. Any means can be provided for the contacting but the preferred system is a cocurrent extractor. This extractor can be packed with, for example, 1-2 inch diameter Raschig rings. The thus treated alkaline solution now free of disulfides is then recycled to the first extractor unit to treat more hydrocarbon feedstreams. The following examples give a detailed description of one embodiment to further explain this invention. The invention is not limited to this particular embodiment, however. EXAMPLE I FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram for the processing of about 12000 BPD of mixed iso-and normal-pentane containing about 60 wt % n-pentane and 40 wt % isopentane and typically about 330 ppm of organic mercaptans. This mixed pentane stream enters a liquid-liquid mercaptan extraction column 4 (via conduit 2). This column has seven perforated trays spaced 5-feet apart along the column and contain over 200 holes per tray the holes having about 3/8-inch diameter each. The column operates at about 85 psig pressure and about 125° F. and is about 8-feet in diameter. An aqueous caustic solution containing typically about 12 wt % caustic enters column 4 above the top tray via conduit 6. This caustic or alkaline solution is virtually free of any organic disulfide content which is the result of the invention discussed previously. There is a small amount of organic sodium mercaptides which remain essentially in the aqueous caustic stream 6. The aqueous sodium hydroxide or caustic soda solution passes countercurrently downward through the dual flow perforated trays to the upflowing mixed pentanes. The mixed pentanes now essentially free of organic mercaptans and disulfides exit column 4 via conduit 28 while the aqueous caustic solution exits the bottom of column 4 via conduit 8. This caustic solution now rich in organic mercaptans is heated to about 150° F. by a heat exchanger (not shown). The caustic solution rich in mercaptans enters oxidizer 12 along with small amounts of catalyst such as disalicylal ethylene diamine cobalt via conduit 10 and air via conduit 14. Here the organic mercaptans are converted to organic disulfides. Oxidizer 12 can be a column packed with Rachig rings or the like. Excess air exits the oxidizer via conduit 16. The regenerated caustic solution now essentially free of organic mercaptans enters via conduit 18 a settler 20 where a liquid phase of organic disulfides exit the settler via conduit 22. Regenerated caustic solution containing a small amount of dissolved organic disulfides exits the bottom of the settler 20 via conduit 24 and enter an organic disulfide extraction column and separator 26 to be discussed later in FIG. 2 and in the example. The isopentane-n-pentane stream now essentially free of sulfur containing compounds enters pentane splitter fractionator 30 via conduit 28 in which there is a sand filter and water washer and dryer (not shown). This fractionator 30 distills the mixed pentanes into essentially iso-pentane which exits fractionator 30 overhead via conduit 32 and essentially n-pentane which exits fractionator 30 bottom via conduit 34. The n-pentane is heated in a heat exchanger (not shown) and enters isomerization reactor 36 where substantial conversion of n-pentane to isopentane takes place in the presence of hydrogen (the injection of hydrogen is not shown). The isomerization reaction conditions are about 720° F. and about 535 psig and takes place over a fixed bed of platinum based catalyst of about 16-feet in depth. The isopentane-n-pentane containing reactor effluent exits reactor 36 via conduit 38 in which there is a cooler (not shown) and a stabilizer column (not shown) and enters pentane splitter fractionator 40. Overhead isopentane exits fractionator 40 via conduit 44 and essentially n-pentane is recycled via conduit 42 to isomerization reactor 36. Isopentane in conduit 44 is joined with isopentane containing small amounts (about 200 ppm) of organic disulfide via conduit 46 as shown in FIG. 2. FIG. 2 illustrates a cocurrent contactor 26 and settler 26a. Contactor 26 can be packed (27) with a plurality of radial wires extending from the center of the contactor along its vertical center-line containing a wire connecting member from the top to bottom of a typical 30-inch diameter column which is 6-feet-six inches in height. Alternatively the contactor 26 can be packed with pall rings (27), Rachig rings and the like suitably supported near the bottom of contactor 26. A stream of essentially isopentane enters contactor 26 via conduit 32 where it is admixed with regenerated aqueous caustic solution containing small amounts of organic disulfides and organic mercaptides via conduit 24. In this cocurrent contactor, isopentane extracts the organic disulfides and the caustic solution and isopentane are settled in separator 26a. The separator 26a is about 8 feet in diameter and 35-feet in length. Conditions in contactor-separator 26-26a are preferably about 115° F. and 60 psig. Caustic solution exits separator 26a via conduit 6 for recycle to mercaptan extractor 4 and the isopentane exits separator 26a via conduit 46. Isopentane from column 40 admixes via conduit 44 and isopentane containing small amounts of organic disulfides via conduit 46 pass via conduit 48 to storage (not shown). CALCULATED EXAMPLE II A calculated material balance to illustrate the invention of using essentially isopentane free of sulfur compounds to remove organic disulfides remaining in the regenerated aqueous caustic solution and thereby protect the sulfur sensitive isomerization catalyst in reactor 36 is given in Table I. TABLE I______________________________________CalculatedMaterial BalanceIN LB/HR Stream NumberCOMPONENT 24 32 6 46______________________________________isopentane -- 54055 -- 54055n-pentane -- 545 -- 545sodium hydroxide 4426 -- 4426 --water 32457 -- 32457 --organic disulfides 1.77 -- -- 1.77(RSSR)organic sodium 0.44 -- 0.44 --mercaptides 36885.21 54600 36883.44 54601.77______________________________________ The above figures illustrate how dissolved organic disulfides in regenerated caustic (24) are extracted into the isopentane (46) leaving regenerated caustic free of organic disulfides which now no longer pass to isopentane-n-pentane stream (28) and no longer to the n-pentane (34) and thereby protect and lengthen the activity of the catalyst in reactor (36) to perform isomerization of normal pentane to isopentane.
A caustic wash process to remove mercaptans from a mixture of hydrocarbons, an improvement comprising washing the regenerated caustic with a fraction of said hydrocarbon to remove residual disulfides to improve the overall removal of sulfur from the hydrocarbon feed stream.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention is broadly concerned with improved methods for the forming and precipitation of small protein or peptide particles making use of the precipitation using compressed antisolvents (PCA) process. More particularly, the invention is concerned with such a method and the resulting proteinaceous particles wherein the process is carried out using a halogenated organic alcohol as at least a part of the protein solvent; in particularly preferred forms, the solvent is 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP), and the process yields micron-sized particles suitable for pharmaceutical uses without substantially degrading the protein. 2. Description of the Prior Art Micron-sized (1-10 μm) protein particles are often deemed necessary for drug delivery systems such as controlled release and direct aerosol delivery to the lungs. Consistent commercial production of small protein particles of this type can be difficult. For example, spray drying techniques often lead to thermal denaturation of the protein, while milling and similar processes yield unacceptably broad size distributions and/or denaturation. Lyophilization can give particles in the desired size range, but with a broad distribution and/or denaturation; moreover, not all proteins of interest can be lyophilized to stable products. In an effort to overcome these problems, supercritical fluid precipitation processes have been employed. Two processes that use supercritical fluids for particle formation are: (1) Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solutions (RESS) (Tom, J. W. Debenedetti, P. G., 1991, The Formation of Bioerodible Polymeric Microspheres and Microparticles by Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solutions . BioTechnol. Prog. 7:403-411), and (2) Gas Anti-Solvent (GAS) Recrystallization (Gallagher, P. M., Coffey, M. P., Krukonis, V. J., and Klasutis, N., 1989, Gas Antisolvent Recrystallization: New Process to Recrystallize Compounds in Soluble and Supercritical Fluids . Am. Chem. Sypm. Ser., No. 406; U.S. Pat. No. 5,360,478 to Krukonis et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,389,263 to Gallagher et al.). See also, PCT Publication WO 95/01221 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,043,280 which describe additional SCF particle-forming techniques. In the RESS process, a solute (from which the particles are formed) is first solubilized in supercritical CO 2 to form a solution. The solution is then sprayed through a nozzle into a lower pressure gaseous medium. Expansion of the solution across this nozzle at supersonic velocities causes rapid depressurization of the solution. This rapid expansion and reduction in CO 2 density and solvent power leads to supersaturation of the solution and subsequent recrystallization of virtually contaminant-free particles. The RESS process, however, is not suited for particle formation from polar compounds because such compounds, which include drugs, exhibit little solubility in supercritical CO 2 . Cosolvents (e.g., methanol) may be added to CO 2 to enhance solubility of polar compounds; this, however, affects product purity and the otherwise environmentally benign nature of the RESS process. The RESS process also suffers from operational and scale-up problems associated with nozzle plugging due to particle accumulation in the nozzle and to freezing of CO 2 caused by the Joule-Thompson effect accompanying the large pressure drop. The relatively low solubilities of pharmaceutical compounds in unmodified carbon dioxide are exploited in the second process wherein the solute of interest (typically a drug, polymer or both) is dissolved in a conventional solvent to form a solution. The preferred ternary phase behavior is such that the solute is virtually insoluble in dense carbon dioxide while the solvent is completely miscible with dense carbon dioxide at the recrystallization temperature and pressure. The solute is recrystallized from solution in one of two ways. In the first method, a batch of the solution is expanded several-fold by mixing with dense carbon dioxide in a vessel. Because the carbon dioxide-expanded solvent has a lower solvent strength than the pure solvent, the mixture becomes supersaturated forcing the solute to precipitate or crystallize as microparticles. This process was termed Gas Antisolvent (GAS) recrystallization (Gallagher et al., 1989). The second method involves spraying the solution through a nozzle into compressed carbon dioxide as fine droplets. In this process, a solute of interest (typically a drug, polymer or both) that is in solution or is dissolved in a conventional solvent to form a solution is sprayed, typically through conventional spray nozzles, such as an orifice or capillary tube(s), into supercritical CO 2 which diffuses into the spray droplets causing expansion of the solvent. Because the CO 2 -expanded solvent has a lower solubilizing capacity than pure solvent, the mixture can become highly supersaturated and the solute is forced to precipitate or crystallize. This process has been termed in general as Precipitation with a Compressed Fluid Antisolvent (PCA) (Dixon, D. J.; Johnston, K. P.; Bodmeier, R. A. AIChE J. 1993, 39, 127-139.) and employs either liquid or supercritical carbon dioxide as the antisolvent. When using a supercritical antisolvent, the spray process has been termed Supercritical Antisolvent (SAS) Process (Yeo, S.-D.; Debenedetti, P. G.; Radosz, M.; Schmidt, H.-W. Macromolecules 1993, 26, 6207-6210.) or Aerosol Spray Extraction System (ASES) Müller, B. W.; Fischer, W.; Verfahren zur Herstellung einer mindestens einen Wirkstoff und einen Träger umfassenden Zubereitung, German Patent Appl. No. DE 3744329 A1 1989). U.S. Pat. No. 6,063,910 describes a specific process for the production of protein particles by supercritical fluid precipitation. In this process, a solution of protein is prepared using a variety of solvents such as ethanol, DMSO and glycols, whereupon the solution is sprayed through a nozzle into an antisolvent under supercritical conditions, thereby effecting precipitation of the protein as small micron-sized products. In the case of insulin, the process was found to create a substantial loss of α-helicity and a marked increased in β-sheet and β-reverse turn content. (Winters et al., J. Pharmaceutical Sciences, 85(6):586-594 (1996)). The solvents used in the process of the '910 patent, and particularly DMSO, are not favored for pharmaceutical uses. For example, many such solvents leave a residuum in the precipitated particles, causing purity problems. There is accordingly a real and unsatisfied need in the art for an improved protein precipitation process which avoids the solvent problems of many prior techniques while giving micron-sized particles of small size distribution and with little protein degradation. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention overcomes the problems outlined above and provides an improved method for forming small protein particles of micron size, preferably from about 1-10 μm, and more preferably from about 1-5 μm. Broadly speaking, the process involves contacting a protein, a protein solvent system and an antisolvent for the protein solvent system under conditions to at least partially dissolve the protein solvent system in the antisolvent with consequent precipitation of the protein; the protein solvent system includes at least in part a halogenated organic alcohol, and preferably consists essentially of a single halogenated organic alcohol. Use of such solvents materially improves precipitation processes heretofore used and avoids many of the problems of the prior art. A wide variety of solvent/antisolvent precipitation processes can be used in accordance with the invention. For example, the GAS and PCA processes can be employed. Preferably however, the solvents of the invention are used in the PCA process wherein the protein is first dissolved in the solvent system, and then droplets of the solution are sprayed into an antisolvent under conditions to precipitate protein particles. The preferred halogenated organic alcohols are the halogenated alkyl alcohols, especially the C 1 -C 4 alcohols. Particular alcohol solvents are HFIP, trifluoroethanol, 2-chloroethanol and mixtures thereof. The single most preferred solvent is HFIP (CAS #920-66-1). This solvent has a boiling point of 59° C. and a density of 1.618 g/ml, and is very soluble in CO 2 . Normally, only a single halogenated organic alcohol will be used as a protein solvent. However, multiple-component solvent systems can also be employed, so long as such systems include a halogenated organic alcohol as at least a part thereof. A variety of antisolvents can also be used in the invention, such as CO 2 , propane, butane, isobutane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, trifluoromethane, hydrogen and mixtures thereof. CO 2 is the most preferred antisolvent, owing to its low cost, ready availability and critical properties (T c =81.0° C. and P c =73.8 bar or 1070 psi). Furthermore, CO 2 is non-toxic, non-flammable, recyclable, and “generally regarded as safe” by the FDA and pharmaceutical industry. During processing, the contact between the protein solution system and antisolvent is carried out at near or supercritical conditions for the antisolvent, e.g., from about 0.5-2 P c and more preferably from about 0.9-1.5 P c ; when CO 2 is used as the antisolvent, pressure conditions are normally maintained at a level of from about 1000-2000 psig, and more preferably from about 1100-1600 psig. The temperature conditions during processing are generally relatively low in order to avoid heat denaturation of the protein. Generally, temperatures of up to about 60° C. and more preferably up to about 50° C. are used. When CO 2 is the antisolvent, such temperatures exceed the T c . In order to maximize production rates, the preferred process is carried out in a pressurized precipitation chamber equipped with a nozzle. The protein solution is sprayed through the nozzle into a precipitation zone containing the antisolvent. The resultant protein particles are collected in a downstream recovery filter, and can easily be further processed for pharmaceutical uses. In most instances, the starting protein is dissolved in a halogenated organic alcohol solvent or solvent system containing such an alcohol, thereby producing true solutions. However, the invention is not so limited. That is, it is possible that the protein may be only partially dissolved or dispersed within the solvent. Therefore, as used herein, “solution” should be understood to mean not only true solutions but also partial solutions and dispersions. Similarly, while complete proteins are often processed in accordance with the invention, protein fragments or peptides could also be treated. Accordingly, the term “protein” refers to all types of proteinaceous species. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of preferred apparatus used in the precipitation of proteins in accordance with the invention; FIG. 2 is a fragmentary schematic representation which, when viewed in connection with FIG. 1, depicts an alternative filtration apparatus; FIG. 3A is a far-UV CD spectra comparing unprocessed insulin with insulin processed in accordance with the invention at a total pressure within the precipitation chamber of 1400 psig, as set forth in Example 1; FIG. 3B is a far-UV CD spectra comparing unprocessed insulin with insulin processed in accordance with the invention at a total pressure within the precipitation chamber of 1200 psig as set forth in Example 1; FIG. 4A is a near-UV CD spectra comparing unprocessed insulin with insulin processed in accordance with the invention at a total pressure within the precipitation chamber of 1400 psig as set forth in Example 1; FIG. 4B is a near-UV CD spectra comparing unprocessed insulin with insulin processed in accordance with the invention at a total pressure within the precipitation chamber of 1200 psig as set forth in Example 1; FIG. 5 is a CD spectra of unprocessed (U) and processed (P) albumin from Example 2; and FIG. 6 is a CD spectra of unprocessed (U) and processed (P) albumin from Example 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The following examples set forth preferred techniques for the micronization of representative proteins, and the characterization of these proteins. It is to be understood, however, that these examples are provided by way of illustration and nothing therein should be taken as a limitation upon the overall scope of the invention. EXAMPLE 1 In this example a series of biosynthetic insulin samples (Eli Lilly Lot No. 009LX9) dissolved in 20 mL HFIP were sprayed through an ultrasonic nozzle into supercritical CO 2 within a precipitation chamber using the techniques of the invention. The precipitated products were then tested to confirm that the final insulin products were not materially altered, as compared with the starting insulin samples. The apparatus employed in this example is set forth in FIG. 1 . Broadly speaking, the apparatus 10 included a temperature-controlled water bath 12 including therein a pair of interconnected filters 14 , 16 and a precipitation chamber 18 equipped with an ultrasonic nozzle (Misonix Sonimist 600-1) 20 having a solution input 80 . A protein-containing solution to be micronized is contained within a reservoir 22 and is directed through the nozzle 20 along with carbon dioxide from a supply 24 . Protein particles from the chamber 18 are recovered in a recovery system 16 . In more detail, the heater for the water bath 12 is preferably a Fisher Scientific Allied Model 70 immersion heater (1000 W). A surge tank 28 (Whitey 304L-HDF4-2250CC) having a 2250 cm 3 capacity and a 1800 psig pressure rating is located within the bath 12 , along with a coil of {fraction (1/16)} inch stainless steel tubing 30 , the filters 14 , 16 , and chamber 18 . A conduit 32 leads from the bottom of tank 28 to a three-way valve 34 . A first conduit 36 extends from an output of valve 34 to an inlet 21 of the nozzle 20 . A second conduit 38 extends from the other output of valve 34 to another three-way valve 40 . A first conduit 42 from the valve 40 is directed to three-way valve 44 , whereas a second conduit 46 leads to the outlet 48 of chamber 18 . One conduit 50 of the valve 44 leads to the input of filter 14 , whereas the second conduit 52 leads to the input of filter 16 . The output conduits 54 , 56 from the filters 14 , 16 are connected to a three-way valve 58 . The third conduit 60 from the valve 58 is equipped with a two-way valve 62 and leads to a heated micrometering valve 64 (Autoclave Engineers 30VRMM 4812) equipped with a thermocouple 65 . As shown, the bath 12 is also provided with three thermocouples 66 , 68 and 70 , with the latter extending into chamber 18 , as well as a pressure transducer 71 . The solution reservoir 22 is coupled with a syringe pump 72 (Isco 260D) having inlet and outlet valves 72 a , 72 b , with the latter having an output conduit 74 leading into bath 12 and particularly to the inlet side of coil 30 . The outlet of coil 30 is connected to a conduit 76 coupled with transducer 71 and leading to a three-way valve 78 ; one output leg 80 from the valve 78 leads to the solution inlet of nozzle 20 . The other output leg 82 is equipped with a two-way valve 84 and leads to the atmosphere. The CO 2 supply 24 includes a pair of CO 2 tanks 86 , 88 with valved outputs 90 , 92 leading to a common outlet conduit 94 equipped with a pressure gauge 96 . The conduit 94 is connected to a valve 98 , the output conduit 100 of which passes through a 7μ filter 102 (Swagelok SS-4FW-7) and leads to a gas booster 104 (Haskell AGD-7, C8 single stage, double acting). The output conduit 106 from booster 104 includes a valve 108 , pressure gauge 110 , proportional pressure relief valve 112 (Nupro SS-4R3A-E, 2250-3000 psig), flow meter 114 and valves 115 , 115 a . As shown, the conduit 106 passes into bath 12 and is coupled to the input of surge tank 28 . The solvent recovery system 26 includes, in addition to micrometering valve 64 , a heated solvent separation cylinder 116 . As shown, a heated output line 118 from the valve 64 includes a thermocouple 119 and leads to the input of cylinder 116 , whereas an output line 120 , equipped with thermocouple 122 and valve 124 , allows recovery of solvent. A gas line 126 extends from the top of cylinder 116 and leads to ¼ inch coiled copper tubing 128 . The output 130 from the latter has a thermocouple 132 and leads to a rotameter 134 (Gilmont Accucal GF-4540-1250, 0-126 SLM CO 2 ). In order to provide further process control, a transducer 136 and pressure gauge 138 are connected via line 140 to a port 141 of chamber 18 . Similarly, a transducer 142 and pressure gauge 144 are connected by way of line 146 to conduit 36 as shown. Finally, an observation light 148 is situated exteriorly of the chamber 18 to allow observation of the micronization process through one of the observation ports 150 , 151 of the chamber 18 . The operating, control and monitoring components of the apparatus 10 are conventionally connected with a personal computer (not shown). This computer has a known control/data logging program loaded thereon. This set of experiments was conducted as a 2 3 factorial design with a center point replicate. The eight experiments were run in random order, followed by the three replicates. The three variables (along with their low and high values) were CO 2 pressure (1200 and 1400 psig), solution concentration (15 and 30 mg/mL), and solution flow rate to the nozzle 20 (2 and 4 mL/min). The rationale behind the selected variable ranges is as follows. The low value of the CO 2 pressure is above the critical pressure of CO 2 (˜74 bar), whereas the high value was limited by the output of the gas booster used to pressurize the CO 2 . This output is constrained by the house air pressure (85 psig) used to drive the booster. The design limitation of the booster is 2500 psig, for an air supply pressure of 150 psig. The selected range of concentrations takes advantage of the high solubility of insulin in HFIP (˜40 mg/mL). The solution flow rates are within the design specifications of the nozzle. The remaining parameters were maintained constant throughout each experiment. Temperature was maintained by the bath 12 at 37° C., and above the critical temperature of CO 2 (˜31° C.). CO 2 mass flow rate was 75 SLM (137 g/min). The procedure used in all of the separate runs is set forth below. 1. In order to ensure adequate CO 2 was present in the cylinders 86 , 88 the pressure on gauge 96 upstream of the gas booster 104 was noted. For these dip tube cylinders 86 , 88 , the pressure remained constant (˜900 psig) while liquid CO 2 is being withdrawn, then the pressure began to drop. A minimum pressure is required to achieve adequate outlet pressure from the gas booster—a higher outlet pressure (e.g. 1400 psig) requires a higher inlet pressure. 2. The data acquisition and control program was placed in RUN mode. A new file for data logging was opened. 3. The amount of insulin to dissolve in 20 mL HFIP was weighed out, and placed in a 25 mL Erlenmeyer flask with ground glass stopper. A stir bar was added to the flask and 20 mL HFIP directly from the solvent bottle was pipetted into the flask. The stopper was replaced and the joint was sealed with Parafilm. The mixture was stirred at medium setting (4) for at least two hours. 4. The 0.2 μm PTFE filter was weighed and installed in the filter 16 . 5. The precipitation chamber 18 , surge tank 28 connected to valves 34 , 40 and the parallel filters 14 , 16 were placed in the bath 12 , and the outlet of the chamber 18 was connected to conduit 46 leading to valve 40 . Valves 34 , 40 were turned such that valve 34 directed CO 2 flow from the surge tank 28 to the inlet of the chamber 18 , and valve 40 directed CO 2 flow from the outlet of the chamber 18 to the parallel filter system. The two three-way valves 44 , 58 of the parallel filter system were turned to direct flow through the 0.2 μm filter 16 . 6. The rest of the tubing and thermocouple connections for the complete setup were then made as described previously and illustrated in FIG. 1 . Valve 78 was then turned to isolate the chamber 18 from the syringe pump 72 , and the two-way valve 84 that connected valve 78 to the atmosphere was opened. This prevented high pressure CO 2 from entering the solution line and syringe pump. 7. The bath 12 was filled with water to a level covering the filters and outlets of the chamber 18 and surge tank 28 . 8. Valve 62 was closed and the system was pressurized with CO 2 by operating the air drive of gas booster 104 . CO 2 flowed from the cylinders 86 , 88 simultaneously; this maintained CO 2 cylinder pressure for a longer period of time, thereby reducing the frequency of adjustments necessary to maintain gas booster outlet CO 2 pressure (and thereby chamber 18 pressure) during the runs. 9. If no leaks were present, pressurization was continued with CO 2 to the experimental pressure, and the bath 12 was filled with water until the fittings on top of the chamber 18 were covered. The temperature of the water during filling was monitored and controlled, to minimize the time required for the immersion heater to achieve and maintain 37° C. 10. The immersion heater was started to heat the water to the desired temperature. The temperature was checked with an ASTM 38C thermometer. The temperatures of the water bath and CO 2 in the chamber 18 were allowed to reach 37° C. 11. The insulin solution was filtered through a 0.2 μm PTFE syringe filter into a 25 mL graduated cylinder. This cylinder was sealed with Parafilm to create the reservoir 22 . 12. Valve 62 was opened and micrometering valve 64 was adjusted to achieve a 75-76 SLM CO 2 at ±4° C. 13. The program was then used to turn on the heaters: associated with micrometering valve 64 , cylinder 116 , and transfer line 118 . 14. The air drive pressure on the gas booster 104 was adjusted to obtain the downstream, or chamber 18 , pressure, as read off the downstream pressure gauge 138 . Typically, the gas booster outlet pressure is 40 psi greater than the downstream pressure. 15. The micrometering valve 64 was then adjusted as necessary to obtain a 60 on the scale of the rotameter. 16. The downstream temperature and pressure recorded by thermocouple 70 and transducer 136 were allowed to stabilize, as indicated by graphs displayed on the monitor output. 17. The syringe pump 72 was then filled with 3 mL solvent, and this solvent was pumped into the conduit 74 . The initial flow of solvent through the nozzle 21 was designed to prevent plugging of the capillary. 18. The observation light 148 was then turned on. 19. The two-way valve 84 connected to valve 78 was closed, along with the syringe pump outlet valve 72 b . The syringe pump 72 was filled with solution, at a flow rate of 20 mL/min. The syringe pump inlet valve 72 a was closed and the syringe pump outlet valve 72 b was opened. The contents of the syringe pump 72 were pressurized at the desired flow rate (e.g. 2 mL/min) until the syringe pump pressure (as indicated on the pump's display) was greater than the chamber 18 pressure; at this point, the valve 78 was turned to permit flow of the solvent/solution to the nozzle 20 . 20. Data logging on the control program was enabled and timing was begun with the stopwatch. This constituted the beginning of a test run. 21. While the solution was flowing through the nozzle 20 , the spray and/or particle formation was observed through the window 151 . 22. Solution was continually pumped at the desired flow rate until the syringe pump 72 was emptied; at this point the outlet valve 72 b was quickly closed. The syringe pump was depressurized, then the syringe pump inlet valve 72 a was opened to rapidly fill the syringe pump (20 mL/min) with ˜7 mL solvent. The syringe pump inlet valve 72 a was closed to pressurize the syringe pump at the experimental flow rate until the syringe pump pressure was greater than the chamber 18 pressure, whereupon the syringe pump outlet valve 72 b was opened. This step was designed to flush the remaining solution from the line and from the ˜1 mL dead volume in the nozzle 20 . 23. Solvent was pumped at the desired flow rate until the syringe pump 72 was emptied, whereupon the outlet valve 72 b was closed and the valve 78 was turned to isolate the chamber 18 . 24. CO 2 was passed continuously through the chamber 18 for a given length of time (e.g., 1.5 h), at least until powder could no longer be seen floating in the chamber 18 . Chamber pressure was monitored on the downstream pressure gauge 138 and the control program display, and the inlet pressure (gas booster outlet pressure) was adjusted via the air drive to maintain the chamber pressure, if necessary. The micrometering valve was adjusted to maintain constant pressure. 25. The valves 38 , 40 were then turned to direct flow of CO 2 from the surge tank 28 directly through the 0.2 μm filter 16 , isolating the chamber 18 . The 0.2 μm filter was flushed with CO 2 for 30 minutes. 26. The outlet from the gas booster 104 was shut off to allow the surge tank 28 to depressurize through the 0.2 μm filter 16 , at constant pressure. The immersion heaters were turned off toward the end of depressurization, when the temperatures began to rise. 27. The micrometering valve 64 was closed and the valves 44 , 58 were turned to direct flow through the 0.5 μm filter 14 , whereupon the valve 40 was turned to direct flow from the chamber 18 outlet 48 to the filter 14 . 28. The heaters (except the condenser heater) were turned on and the micrometering valve 64 was opened to in order to depressurize the contents of the chamber 18 . 29. The heaters, including the immersion heater, were turned off and data logging was disabled. This is the end of the run. 30. Water was then siphoned from the bath 12 and the tubing and thermocouples were disconnected. 31. The tubing from the outlet 48 of the chamber 18 was disconnected, and the surge tank/valves/parallel filter assembly was removed along with the chamber 18 . 32. The lid of the chamber 18 was unscrewed and the lid was carried, with the nozzle attached, to the syringe pump 72 . 33. The outlet line 74 from the syringe pump was removed and the pump was filled with 20 mL DMSO. The pump was allowed to sit, giving time for the DMSO to solubilize any insulin remaining in the pump. 34. Helium was blown through the outlet line 74 and attached lid/nozzle, to remove the DMSO. 35. The nozzle from the lid was removed and the nozzle was sonicated in a beaker full of sufficient DMSO to cover the annular resonator cavity and tip of the capillary. The nozzle was rinsed with water and acetone, and dried with helium. The capillary inlet was connected to a helium cylinder to flush the remaining liquid from the capillary. 36. A weigh tray was tared, and powder was collected from the windows using a scoopula, with the powder being placed in the tray. Powder was also collected from the walls of the chamber 18 . The collected powder was then weighed and placed in a labeled glass vial under helium. The vial was stored at −20° C. 37. The 0.2 μm filter holder was disassembled and the filter was carefully dislodged and weighed. Using the weight of the PTFE filter, the amount of precipitate collected on the filter was calculated. The powder plus the filter was placed in a labeled glass vial under helium. This vial was also stored at −20° C. 38. The 0.5 μm filter was disassembled and if any powder was collected therein the powder was optionally weighed and stored. The purpose of the 0.5 μm filter was to trap any powder that leaves the chamber during depressurization, rather than to collect significant amounts of product. A series of tests was performed to characterize the micronized insulin products, both physically and chemically. HPLC and CD were used to characterize the insulin in solution; IR and Raman spectroscopy were used to characterize the insulin in the solid state. Aerosizer and SEM provided particle size distributions and particle morphologies. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) determined the level of volatiles in the processed powder. Three HPLC methods (Potency, Purity and Polymer) were run on the processed insulin powder reconstituted in aqueous solution. The methods gave an indication of the potency of the insulin, the purity and the polymer content. The processed insulin is referred to as PCA (precipitation with compressed antisolvents) insulin. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the HPLC results. HMWP refers to high-molecular weight polymer. When reconstituted in water, the PCA insulin was as potent as unprocessed insulin, with some slight pressure and concentration factor effects. PCA insulin was also slightly degraded, containing more polymer and insulin related substances. Over the range of variables studied, the experimental factors (pressure, concentration and flow rate) had no significant effect on purity or polymer content of the processed insulin. TABLE 1 HPLC Results - Effect of PCA on Reconstituted Insulin Unprocessed HPLC Method Measurement PCA Average Insulin Potency “as is” Potency (U/mg) 26.8 25.9 Purity Main Peak Insulin % 97.9% 99.1% Polymer HMWP % 0.65% 0.10% TABLE 2 HPLC Results - Significant Factor Effects (5% Level) Measurement Main Effect Interaction “as is” Potency (U/mg) Pressure (+) Concentration-Flow rate (−) Concentration (+) A21 Desamido None None Insulin (%) Other Insulin Related None Pressure-Flow rate (+) Substances (%) Concentration-Flow rate (+) HMWP % None None CD was also performed on the processed insulin, reconstituted in water. FIGS. 3A, 3 B, 4 A and 4 B show the far-UV and near-UV CD spectra of the processed insulin and unprocessed insulin (UPI), respectively. The three numbers for each spectrum of processed insulin (e.g. 1200, 15, 2) represent the factor levels for pressure (1200 psig), concentration (15 mg/mL) and flow rate (2 mL/min). Other than the 1200,15,2 datum, the CD spectra are quite similar, meaning the processed and unprocessed insulins have similar secondary to quaternary structure when reconstituted in water. The anomalous scan of the 1200,15,2 sample in the lower graphs of FIGS. 3B and 4B was due to inaccurate concentration of insulin for this sample. The y-axis scale (mean residue ellipticity, or [Θ]) is obtained by multiplying the angle obtained from the raw CD data by a factor that incorporates the concentration of the sample. This concentration is obtained from a UV absorbance measurement at 280 nm. In the case of the 1200,15,2 sample, some additional component in the sample was absorbing at this frequency, such that the calculated concentration of insulin was greater than the actual concentration in the sample. The secondary structure (α-helix mainly) of the unprocessed insulin is similar to that of the processed insulin, based on the similarity of the far-UV CD spectra (180-260 nm) in FIGS. 3A and 3B. Electronic transitions of the amide chromophore occur in this region. The amide forms the peptide bond in the backbone of the protein, and its CD absorbance is influenced by secondary structure. The tertiary/quaternary structure of the unprocessed insulin is similar to that of the processed insulin. based on the similarity of the near-UV CD spectra (250-400 nm) in FIGS. 4A and 4B. Electronic transition of the tryosine chromophore occurs in this region. There are four tyrosine amino acid residues in the insulin molecule (monomer). The folding of the monomer (tertiary structure) and association with other monomers (quaternary structure) influence the CD absorbance of these residues. The unprocessed insulin contains zinc, and exists as a hexamer (non-covalent aggregate of six monomers) in solution at neutral pH. The similar near-UV CD spectra suggest the processed insulin contains hexameric material as well. In summary, CD demonstrated that the PCA process does not significantly affect the structure of insulin when reconstituted in aqueous solution. In addition, qualitatively there is little difference among the experimental treatments, over the range of pressure, concentration and flow rate studied. CD was also performed on unprocessed insulin dissolved in both water and HFIP. The far-UV spectra indicate some secondary structural changes in HFIP. The near-UV spectra point to unfolding and dissociation of the insulin hexamer into monomers in HFIP. Hence, dissolution of insulin in HFIP appears to change the structure of insulin; however, these changes are reversible. IR and Raman spectroscopy were used to determine the solid-state structure of the processed insulin powder, collected from both the filter 16 and the precipitation chamber. IR was conducted using a Nicolet Nic-Plan IR™ microscope connected to a Nicolet Magna-IR 850 Spectrometer Series II. In each IR spectroscopy case, based on a qualitative comparison of the spectra with that of native insulin, little difference was observed among treatments and the Fourier Self-Deconvoluted (FSD) spectra were similar to that of native insulin. However, the data suggested a higher sheet content and some denaturation for PCA insulin. Each FSD spectra was integrated and factorial analyses were run on both the helix and sheet content, for filter and chamber product. In all cases, there were no significant factors or interactions. For Raman spectroscopy, a Nicolet Raman 950 spectrometer was used, along with OMNIC 4.1a software. Samples were pelletized by compression in a hydraulic press and the cylindrical pellets were placed in a sample holder for scanning. Laser power was limited to 250 mW, to avoid burning the samples. For each sample, 6000 scans were taken. These analyses allowed some conclusions to be drawn about the solid-state structure of the PCA insulin. Qualitatively, both IR and Raman indicate that the PCA product contains less α-helix than native insulin, but the amount of degradation is not large. A comparison of spectra shows that Raman spectroscopy is a more sensitive technique than IR for detecting structural differences in insulin. Note the spike in the Raman spectrum for insulin fibrils, corresponding to β-sheet. This discrepancy may be the inaccurate method of quantifying relative structural content. Particle size distributions (PSD) and morphology were determined using Aerosizer and SEM. For the Aerosizer, the true density of insulin crystals from Lilly Lot No. 002LX9 (density=1.30) was used as input. This density should be the same for Lot No. 009LX9 assuming the two lots have the same crystal form. The Aerosizer results are summarized in Table 3. TABLE 3 PSD Results from Aerosizer for PCA Insulin Mean 10% 50% 90% Collection Distribution Dia. S.D. Under Under Under Filter Number 1.87 1.69 1.05 1.71 3.85 Volume 6.90 1.83 2.88 7.82 13.79 d V /d N 3.68 Chamber Number 0.97 1.67 0.55 0.92 2.35 Volume 4.22 1.99 2.26 4.18 9.03 d V /d N 4.37 As seen in Table 3, both number and volume distributions are narrow, and the mean diameter of the number distribution falls within the 1-5 micron range suitable for pulmonary delivery. SEM was run on the three of the PCA insulin samples. The samples were prepared under different conditions, and were examined for particle morphology, size uniformity, and the occurrence of aggregation. Examination of the powder by SEM revealed that the particles have a fibrous matrix structure. The PCA samples were also analyzed by TGA (25-195° C.), giving a PCA powder volatile content of from 3-6% probably due to moisture absorbed from the atmosphere. EXAMPLE 2 In this example albumin samples dissolved in HFIP were recrystallized using the invention. The resultant particulate albumin was characterized by Aerosizer and SEM. The apparatus used in this example is identical to that described in Example 1 and depicted in FIG. 1, except that a filter (55-6TF-7, 0.5 μm) was used in lieu of the parallel filter assembly 14 , 16 of FIG. 1. A similar procedure recited in Example 1 was used in these experiments. The albumin samples (Sigma Chemical Co., Lot 29H0684) were dissolved in HFIP at concentrations ranging from 25-30 mg/mL. The nozzle spray rate was 2 mL/min. The CO 2 flow rate was 75 sL/min. (0.161 kg/min.). In each experiment about 24-35 mL of albumin solution was sprayed into the chamber 18 . The recrystallized samples were characterized by CD to determine any alteration in the conformation of the precipitated samples as compared with the starting albumin, by Aerosizer particle size analyzer (Amherst Process Instruments, Inc.) to determine particle size and size distribution, and by SEM (HITACHI, S-570) to determine the particle size and morphology. The following Table 4 shows the experimental results (harvested particle amounts and recovery yields) and Aerosizer analysis results for the albumin samples. Micron-size particles were obtained with reproducible yield and particle size distribution. All the samples contained very few particles below 0.7 μm (about 10% or less). A large number of particles were found to be very near to 2 μm. Most experiments produced particles which had a single (unimodal) population distribution. The recovery yield was about 57%, with the majority of particles harvested from the external filter. TABLE 4 Particle size (μm) by Aerosizer analysis Flow Rate Number distribution Volume distribution Run SL/min Other conditions Mean 10% 95% Mean 10% 95% 1 75 30.0 mg/mL, 35 mL, 2.0 mL/min, ultrasonic nozzle 1.30 0.55 5.91 9.23 4.40 16.1 2 75 25.0 mg/mL, 35 mL, 2.0 mL/min, ultrasonic nozzle 1.48 0.73 5.91 11.1 5.13 19.3 Not Analyzed 3 75 25.0 mg/mL, 23.9 mL, 2.0 mL/min, ultrasonic nozzle 1.42 0.66 5.31 11.4 4.97 19.7 1.37 0.64 5.37 9.39 4.49 15.7 4 75 25.0 mg/mL, 27 mL, 2.0 mL/min, ultrasonic nozzle 1.96 0.56 10.4 12.8 6.24 21.0 2.88 1.11 11.8 12.7 6.12 20.5 • V indicates precipitation vessel or chamber 18; F indicates filter • The data of the first row in particle size for every run are from vessel sample. • The data of the second row in particle size for every run are from filter sample. The CD scans of both unprocessed and processed albumin samples were very similar, indicating that there was no significant change in the protein conformation and the precipitated particles could attain native protein conformation. FIGS. 5 and 6 are representative spectra of processed (P) and unprocessed (U) albumin obtained from the precipitation chamber and the filter, respectively. Differences in intensity result from differences in protein concentrations. SEM analysis of the samples of unprocessed and processed albumin under different magnifications (20 and 100μ) demonstrates that the particle size of processed albumin samples is much smaller than unprocessed samples.
A process for forming small micron-sized (1-10 μm) protein particles is provided wherein a protein, a solvent system for the protein and an antisolvent for the protein solvent system are contacted under conditions to at least partially dissolve the protein solvent system in the antisolvent, thereby causing precipitation of the protein. The solvent system is made up of at least in part of a halogenated organic alcohol, most preferably 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP). Preferably, a solution of the protein in the solvent system is sprayed through a nozzle into a precipitation zone containing the antisolvent (preferably CO 2 ) under near- or supercritical conditions.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/781,869 filed Mar. 13, 2006. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The invention relates to a fuel cell and more particularly to an air humidifier for a fuel cell including a caseless humidification module. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] Fuel cell systems are increasingly being used as a power source in a wide variety of applications. Fuel cell systems have been proposed for use in power consumers such as vehicles as a replacement for internal combustion engines, for example. Such a system is disclosed in commonly owned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/418,536, hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Fuel cells may also be used as stationary electric power plants in buildings and residences, as portable power in video cameras, computers, and the like. Typically, the fuel cells generate electricity used to charge batteries or to provide power for an electric motor. [0004] Fuel cells are electrochemical devices which directly combine a fuel such as hydrogen and an oxidant such as oxygen to produce electricity. The oxygen is typically supplied by an air stream. The hydrogen and oxygen combine to result in the formation of water. Other fuels can be used such as natural gas, methanol, gasoline, and coal-derived synthetic fuels, for example. [0005] The basic process employed by a fuel cell is efficient, substantially pollution-free, quiet, free from moving parts (other than an air compressor, cooling fans, pumps and actuators), and may be constructed to leave only heat and water as by-products. The term “fuel cell” is typically used to refer to either a single cell or a plurality of cells depending upon the context in which it is used. The plurality of cells is typically bundled together and arranged to form a stack with the plurality of cells commonly arranged in electrical series. Since single fuel cells can be assembled into stacks of varying sizes, systems can be designed to produce a desired energy output level providing flexibility of design for different applications. [0006] Different fuel cell types can be provided such as phosphoric acid, alkaline, molten carbonate, solid oxide, and proton exchange membrane (PEM), for example. The basic components of a PEM-type fuel cell are two electrodes separated by a polymer membrane electrolyte. Each electrode is coated on one side with a thin catalyst layer. The electrodes, catalyst, and membrane together form a membrane electrode assembly (MEA). [0007] In a typical PEM-type fuel cell, the MEA is sandwiched between “anode” and “cathode” diffusion mediums (hereinafter “DM's”) or diffusion layers that are formed from a resilient, conductive, and gas permeable material such as carbon fabric or paper. The DM's serve as the primary current collectors for the anode and cathode as well as provide mechanical support for the MEA. The DM's and MEA are pressed between a pair of electrically conductive plates which serve as secondary current collectors for collecting the current from the primary current collectors. The plates conduct current between adjacent cells internally of the stack in the case of bipolar plates and conduct current externally of the stack (in the case of monopolar plates at the end of the stack). [0008] The secondary current collector plates each contain at least one active region that distributes the gaseous reactants over the major faces of the anode and cathode. These active regions, also known as flow fields, typically include a plurality of lands which engage the primary current collector and define a plurality of grooves or flow channels therebetween. The channels supply the hydrogen and the oxygen to the electrodes on either side of the PEM. In particular, the hydrogen flows through the channels to the anode where the catalyst promotes separation into protons and electrons. On the opposite side of the PEM, the oxygen flows through the channels to the cathode where the oxygen attracts the hydrogen protons through the PEM. The electrons are captured as useful energy through an external circuit and are combined with the protons and oxygen to produce water vapor at the cathode side. [0009] Many fuel cells use internal membranes, such as the PEM type fuel cell which includes proton exchange membranes, also referred to as polymer electrolyte membranes. In order to perform within a desired efficiency range, it is desirable to maintain the membranes in a moist condition. [0010] Therefore, it is necessary to provide a means for maintaining the fuel cell membranes in the moist condition. This helps avoid damage to or a shortened life of the membranes, as well as to maintain the desired efficiency of operation. Humidification in a fuel cell is discussed in commonly owned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/797,671 to Goebel et al.; commonly owned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/912,298 to Sennoun et al.; and commonly owned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/087,911 to Forte, each of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. [0011] To maintain a desired moisture level, an air humidifier is frequently used to humidify the air stream used in the fuel cell. The air humidifier normally consists of a round or box type air humidification module that is installed into a housing of the air humidifier. Examples of this type of air humidifier are shown and described in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/516,483 to Tanihara et al., hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, and U.S. Pat. No. 6,471,195, hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. A common structure used to seal the air humidification module with the housing of the air humidifier is a pair of spaced apart radial O-ring gaskets. The O-ring gaskets seal air streams within the housing from one another and minimize air leakage therebetween. [0012] The O-ring gaskets have several advantages such as universal availability, usability, and serviceability. However, certain shortcomings also exist. Seating surfaces for the o-ring gaskets demand high precision in the geometry of the involved surfaces. Additionally, the gasket area becomes rather voluminous to militate against movement of the o-ring gaskets which results in leakage. Finally, the air humidification module requires an additional housing or an internal support to enhance the stiffness thereof during the assembly process of the air humidifier. [0013] In order to achieve the demanded precision, complex manufacturing is necessary which results in a higher cost. The additional housing of the air humidification module is at present necessary for enhancing the stiffness, but the housing increases the complexity, cost, weight, and the required package space. For production of prototypes, the use of radial O-ring gaskets is acceptable since the cost and component space requirements are not as limiting as required for mass production. However, use of the O-ring gaskets in mass production is not practical. [0014] It would be desirable to produce a humidifier including a caseless humidification module, wherein sealing properties of the humidification module are optimized. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0015] Consistent and consonant with the present invention, a humidifier including a caseless humidification module, wherein sealing properties of the humidification module are optimized, has surprisingly been discovered. [0016] In one embodiment, the humidifier comprises a hollow housing including a first channel and a second channel formed in an inner surface thereof; a humidification module having a first end and a second end, the first end having a first radially outwardly extending collar and the second end having a second radially outwardly extending collar, the first collar and the second collar respectively disposed in and substantially sealed in the first channel and the second channel of the housing to form a first chamber and a second chamber in the housing, wherein the first chamber is adapted to receive a first fluid and the second chamber is adapted to receive a second fluid; and a vapor permeable membrane disposed in the module and adapted to facilitate a vapor transfer between the first fluid and the second fluid. [0017] In another embodiment, the humidifier comprises a hollow housing including a first channel and a second channel formed in an inner surface thereof, the housing having a first inlet aperture, a second inlet aperture, a first outlet aperture, and a second outlet aperture formed therein; a humidification module having a first end and a second end, the first end having a first radially outwardly extending collar and the second end having a second radially outwardly extending collar, each of the collars having a central aperture formed therein, the module including a water permeable membrane formed by a plurality of hollow fibers and disposed between the first collar and the second collar, wherein the first collar and the second collar are respectively disposed in the first channel and the second channel of the housing; and a sealing material disposed between each of the first collar and the first channel and the second collar and the second channel to form a substantially fluid-tight seal, the housing cooperating with the sealing material and the collars of the module to form a first chamber and a second chamber, the first chamber providing a first fluid conduit from the first inlet aperture around an exterior of the fibers of the membrane to the first outlet aperture, and the second chamber providing a second fluid conduit from the second inlet aperture through the central apertures formed in the collars and an interior of the fibers of the membrane to the second outlet aperture. [0018] In yet another embodiment, the humidifier comprises a hollow housing including a first channel and a second channel formed in an inner surface thereof, the housing having a first inlet aperture, a second inlet aperture, a first outlet aperture, and a second outlet aperture formed therein; a humidification module having a first end and a second end, the first end having a first radially outwardly extending collar and the second end having a second radially outwardly extending collar, each of the collars having a central aperture formed therein, the first collar and the second collar respectively disposed in and substantially sealed in the first channel and the second channel of the housing to form a first chamber and a second chamber in the housing, the first chamber providing a first fluid conduit from the first inlet aperture to the first outlet aperture and the second chamber providing a second fluid conduit from the second inlet aperture through the central apertures formed in the collars to the second outlet aperture; and a water vapor permeable membrane disposed in the module and adapted to facilitate a water vapor transfer between the first fluid conduit and the second fluid conduit. DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0019] The above, as well as other advantages of the present invention, will become readily apparent to those skilled in the art from the following detailed description of a preferred embodiment when considered in the light of the accompanying drawings in which: [0020] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an air humidification module for a humidifier for a fuel cell according to the prior art; [0021] FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a humidifier for a fuel cell according to an embodiment of the invention and showing a housing of the humidifier in an open condition to facilitate a viewing of an air humidification module disposed in the housing; and [0022] FIG. 3 is a fragmentary perspective view of the air humidification module of FIG. 2 and showing a portion of the housing in section. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0023] The following detailed description and appended drawings describe and illustrate various exemplary embodiments of the invention. The description and drawings serve to enable one skilled in the art to make and use the invention, and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention in any manner. In respect of the methods disclosed, the steps presented are exemplary in nature, and thus, the order of the steps is not necessary or critical. [0024] FIG. 1 shows an air humidification module 10 according to the prior art. The module 10 is generally cylindrical with a circular cross-section. Other cross-sectional shapes are also used such as rectangular. The module 10 includes a longitudinal aperture 12 formed therein. A housing (not shown) surrounds the module 10 . The housing includes a first inlet (not shown) and a first outlet (not shown) formed therein to facilitate a flow of a first fluid therethrough and communicate with the aperture 12 . A second inlet (not shown) and a second outlet (not shown) are also formed in the housing to facilitate a flow of a second fluid therethrough and respectively communicate with an inlet 27 and an outlet 28 of the module 10 . Typically, the first fluid and the second fluid are oxygen or air having different water vapor partial pressures or humidity levels, although other fluids can be used. [0025] Each end of the module 10 includes a first annular ring 14 and a spaced apart second annular ring 16 . The first annular ring 14 is disposed adjacent the end of the module 10 . A groove 18 is formed in an outer surface of the first annular ring 14 . A first O-ring 20 is disposed in the groove 18 . [0026] The second annular ring 16 is spaced from the first annular ring 14 in a direction away from the end of the module 10 . A groove 22 is formed in an outer surface of the second annular ring 16 which receives a second O-ring 24 therein. [0027] An outer wall 26 of the module 10 surrounds a membrane 29 such as a hollow fiber membrane. The membrane 29 is a water vapor permeable membrane. It is desirable that a permeation rate of water vapor through the membrane 29 is higher than a permeation rate of the first fluid and the second fluid through the membrane 29 . A ratio of the water vapor permeation rate to the fluid permeation rate of 10:1 or more has been found to provide satisfactory results, although other ratios can be used. [0028] In operation, the first fluid flows into the housing through the first inlet, through the aperture 12 and an inner portion of the hollow tubes forming the membrane 29 , and exits the housing through the first outlet. The second fluid flows into the inlet 27 , between the hollow tubes forming the membrane 29 to communicate with an outer portion of the hollow tubes forming the membrane 29 and out through the second outlet. Water vapor in the fluid having the higher water vapor partial pressure permeates through the membrane 29 and into the fluid having the lower water vapor partial pressure. Thus, the humidity level in the fluid having the higher water vapor partial pressure is decreased and the humidity level in the fluid having the lower water vapor partial pressure increased. The first O-ring 20 and the second O-ring 24 militate against a mixing of the first fluid and the second fluid by sealingly engaging an inner surface of the housing. [0029] FIG. 2 illustrates a humidifier 30 for an air stream of a fuel cell (not shown) according to an embodiment of the invention. It is understood that the humidifier 30 can be used in other applications as desired without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. The humidifier 30 includes a housing 32 and an air humidification module 34 disposed in the housing 32 . The housing 32 has a generally cylindrical shape with a substantially circular cross-section. It is understood that other cross-sectional shapes can be used as desired. The housing 32 includes a first housing section 36 and a second housing section 38 . It is understood that the first section 36 and the second section 38 can be separately formed or formed having a common portion such as a living hinge, for example. The housing 32 is shown in FIG. 2 in an open position. [0030] The first section 36 forms a hollow interior 42 . The interior 42 of the first section 36 is adapted to receive a portion of the air humidification module 34 therein. An inner surface 44 of the first section 36 includes a first channel 46 and a second channel 48 formed therein. A first inlet aperture 50 is formed in the first section 36 and is adapted to provide fluid communication between a source of a first fluid and the hollow interior 42 of the first section 36 . Typically, the first fluid is oxygen or air, although other fluids can be used. [0031] A first end 39 of the first section 36 has a second inlet aperture 40 formed therein and a second end 41 of the first section 36 has a second outlet aperture 43 formed therein. The second inlet aperture 40 is adapted to provide fluid communication with a source of second fluid and the interior 42 of the first section 36 . The second outlet aperture 43 is adapted to discharge the second fluid from the hollow interior 42 of the first section 36 . Typically, the second fluid is oxygen or air, although other fluids can be used. Additionally, the first fluid and the second fluid may have different water vapor partial pressures or humidity levels. [0032] The second section 38 has a hollow interior 52 formed therein. The interior 52 of the second section 38 is adapted to receive a portion of the air humidification module 34 . The interior 42 of the first section 36 and the interior 52 of the second section 38 cooperate to form a hollow chamber within the housing 32 which receives the air humidification module 34 therein. [0033] A first channel 54 and a second channel 56 are formed in an inner surface 58 of the second section 38 , as more clearly shown in FIG. 3 . The first channel 54 and the second channel 56 of the second section 38 are respectively aligned with the first channel 46 and the second channel 48 of the first section 36 to form a first annular channel and a second annular channel in the housing 32 . A first outlet aperture 60 is formed in the second section 38 and is adapted to discharge the first fluid from the hollow interior 52 of the second section 38 . It is understood that the first inlet aperture 50 and the first outlet aperture 60 can be formed elsewhere on the first section 36 and the second section 38 as desired. [0034] A first end 62 of the second section 38 has a second inlet aperture 64 formed therein and a second end 66 of the second section 38 has a second outlet aperture 65 formed therein. The second inlet aperture 64 is adapted to provide fluid communication with the source of second fluid and the interior 52 of the second section 38 . The second outlet aperture 65 is adapted to discharge the second fluid from the hollow interior 52 of the second section 38 . When the first section 36 and the second section 38 are assembled to form the housing 32 , the second inlet aperture 40 and the second inlet aperture 64 cooperate to form a second inlet aperture of the housing 32 and the second outlet aperture 43 and the second outlet aperture 65 cooperate to form a second outlet aperture of the housing 32 . [0035] The module 34 has a generally cylindrical shape with a substantially circular cross-section. It is understood that other cross-sectional shapes can be used as desired. A radially outwardly extending annular collar 70 is formed at a first end 72 of the module 34 and a radially outwardly extending annular collar 74 is formed at a second end 76 of the module 34 . An aperture 68 is formed in each of the collars 70 , 74 . The collars 70 , 74 are adapted to be respectively disposed in the first channel 54 and the second channel 56 . [0036] A sealing material 78 is disposed between the collars 70 , 74 and walls forming the channels 54 , 56 to create a substantially air-tight seal therebetween. Although the sealing material 78 can be any conventional sealing material, a viscous liquid sealing material such as glue, for example, has been found to provide satisfactory results. It is also understood that gaskets such as deformable gaskets can be used. Other conventional sealing materials that may be used such include a UV-curable elastic glue, a polyurethane, a silicon rubber, a thermoplastic elastomer, and a hot-melt adhesive, for example. [0037] A water permeable membrane 80 of the module 34 is disposed between the collars 70 , 74 . It is desirable that a permeation rate of water vapor through the membrane is higher than a permeation rate of the first fluid and the second fluid through the membrane. A ratio of the water vapor permeation rate to the fluid permeation rate 10:1 or more has been found to provide satisfactory results. However, it is understood that other ratios can be used without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. [0038] The membrane 80 typically includes a large number (generally in the range of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands) of hollow fiber membranes bundled nearly in parallel to form a hollow fiber membrane bundle, although more or fewer hollow fiber membranes can be used. Additionally, other membrane types can be used as desired. The ends of the hollow fiber membranes are maintained in an opened state. The hollow fiber membranes can be bundled in a so-called twilled state by alternately cross-arranging the hollow fiber membranes with respect to an axial direction of the hollow fiber membrane bundle [0039] The membrane 80 can be any conventional water permeable membrane and can be either a porous membrane or a non-porous membrane. A non-porous membrane is typically more desirable since the porous membrane permits components other than water vapor to pass therethrough. Additionally, the membrane 80 preferably has material properties (heat resistance, chemical resistance, durability and hydrolysis resistance) suitable for use with water vapor or oxygen gas at a high temperature of about 80 degrees Celsius. The porous membrane can be produced from any conventional porous material such as perfluorocarbon resin having a sulfonic acid group, polyethylene resin, polypropylene resin, polyvinylidene fluoride resin, polyethylene tetrafluoride resin, polysulfone resin, polyethersulfone resin, polyamide resin, polyamidoimide resin, polyetherimide resin, polycarbonate resin, and cellulose derivative resin, for example. The non-porous membrane can be produced from any conventional non-porous material such as polyimide resin, polysulfone resin, perfluorocarbon resin having a sulfonic acid group, polyethersulfone resin, polyamide resin, polyamidoimide resin, polyetherimide resin, polycarbonate resin, polyphenylene oxide resin, polyacetylene resin, and cellulose derivative resin, for example. [0040] The humidifier 30 is assembled by applying the sealing material 78 to at least one of the surfaces forming the channels 46 , 48 , 54 , 56 and the collars 70 , 74 . Where a viscous liquid sealing material 78 is used, the application is typically done shortly prior to insertion of the collars 70 , 74 into the channels 54 , 56 . The viscous liquid sealing material 78 also adheres the collars 70 , 74 to the surfaces forming the channels 46 , 48 , 54 , 56 . Any spaces or voids between the collars 70 , 74 and the surfaces forming the channels 46 , 48 , 54 , 56 are occupied by the sealing material 78 . [0041] The first section 36 is then placed on the second section 38 to insert the collars 70 , 74 into the channels 46 , 48 . The first section 36 and the second section 38 are then joined to form the housing 32 . Any conventional joining method can be used to join the first section 36 and the second section 38 such as gluing or welding, for example. When assembled, the housing 32 cooperates with the sealing material 78 and the collars 70 , 74 to form two separate chambers within the housing 32 . The first chamber provides a first fluid conduit from the first inlet aperture 50 formed in the first section 36 , around an exterior of the fibers of the membrane 80 , to the first outlet aperture 60 formed in the second section 38 . The second chamber provides a second fluid conduit from the second inlet aperture of the housing 32 , through the apertures 68 formed in the collars 70 , 74 and an interior portion of fibers forming the membrane 80 of the module 34 , to the second outlet aperture of the housing 32 . [0042] After application of the sealing material 78 and insertion of the collars 70 , 74 into the channels 46 , 48 , 54 , 56 , the sealing material 78 is permitted to solidify or polymerize, if necessary. The sealing material 78 may be light induced or chemically induced to polymerize. Additionally, the sealing material 78 may be cured or simply permitted to cool down to seal the interface between the collars 70 , 74 and the surfaces forming the channels 54 , 56 . [0043] Due to the use of the sealing material 78 , the channels 54 , 56 need not be precisely formed, since the sealing material 78 occupies any spaces or voids formed between the collars 70 , 74 and the surfaces forming the channels 54 , 56 . Satisfactory results have been obtained using the sealing material 78 with channels 54 , 56 having a depth of approximately 0.1 to 5 mm. It is understood that channels having different depths can be used. [0044] In operation, the first fluid flows through the first inlet aperture 50 , around an exterior of the fibers of the membrane 80 to communicate with the outer portion of the fibers, and out of the first outlet aperture 60 . The second fluid flows into the housing 32 through the second inlet aperture of the housing, through the apertures 68 formed in the collars 70 , 74 and the interior portion of the fibers forming the membrane 80 of the module 34 , and exits the housing 32 through the second outlet aperture of the housing. Water vapor in the fluid having the higher water vapor partial pressure permeates through the membrane 80 into the fluid having the lower water vapor partial pressure. Thus, the humidity level in the fluid having the higher water vapor partial pressure is decreased and the humidity level in the fluid having the lower water vapor partial pressure increased. Typically, the first fluid is the fluid having the higher water vapor partial pressure and the second fluid is the fluid having the lower water vapor partial pressure. The substantially air-tight seal created by the sealing material 78 helps the sealing material 78 to militate against a mixing of the first fluid and the second fluid. [0045] The humidifier 30 having the housing 32 produced from two sections 36 , 38 minimizes a complexity of manufacturing. Due to the minimized complexity of manufacturing, the cost thereof is minimized. A reliability of the seal created by the sealing material 78 is also maximized. [0046] From the foregoing description, one ordinarily skilled in the art can easily ascertain the essential characteristics of this invention and, without departing from the spirit and scope thereof, can make various changes and modifications to the invention to adapt it to various usages and conditions.
An air humidifier is disclosed, the air humidifier including a caseless humidification module, wherein sealing properties of the humidification module are optimized.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to an integrated refining process for the production of high quality gasoline blending components from low value components. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Modern refineries employ many upgrading units such as fluidic catalytic cracking (FCC), hydrocracking (HCR), alkylation, and paraffin isomerization. As a result, these refineries produce a significant amount of isopentane. Historically, isopentane was a desirable blending component for gasoline having a high octane (92 RON), although it exhibited high volatility (20.4 Reid vapor pressure (RVP)). As environmental laws began to place more stringent restrictions on gasoline volatility, the use of isopentane in gasoline was limited because of its high volatility. As a consequence, the problem of finding uses for by-product isopentane became serious, especially during the hot summer season. Moreover, as more gasoline compositions contain ethanol instead of MTBE as their oxygenate component, more isopentane must be kept out of the gasoline pool in order to meet the gasoline volatility specification. So, the gasoline volatility issue becomes even more serious, further limiting the usefulness of isopentane as a gasoline blending component. The process of the present invention solves this problem by converting undesirable isopentane to low-RVP gasoline blending components by alkylation of the isopentane with a refinery stream containing ethylene using an ionic liquid catalyst. Other olefins, such as propylene, butylenes, and pentenes can also be used to convert isopentane to make low RVP hydrocarbon product. By reducing the excess isopentane, the burden of storing isopentane and/or concerns for isopentane usage are eliminated. In general, conversion of light paraffins and light olefins to more valuable cuts is very lucrative to the refining industries. This has been accomplished by alkylation of paraffins with olefins, and by polymerization of olefins. One of the most widely used processes in this field is the alkylation of isobutane with C 3 -C 5 olefins to make gasoline cuts with high octane number using sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids. This process has been used by refining industries since the 1940's. The process was driven by the increasing demand for high quality and clean burning high octane gasoline. Commercial paraffin alkylation processes in modern refineries use either sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid as catalyst. Both of these processes require extremely large amounts of acid to fill the reactor initially. The sulfuric acid plant also requires a huge amount of daily withdrawal of spent acid for off-site regeneration. Then the spent sulfuric acid is incinerated to recover SO 2 /SO 3 and fresh acid is prepared. The necessity of having to handle a large volume of used acid is considered a disadvantage of the sulfuric acid based processes. On the other hand, an HF alkylation plant has on-site regeneration capability and daily make-up of HF is orders of magnitude less. However, the aerosol formation tendency of HF presents a potentially significant environmental risk and makes the HF alkylation process less safe than the H 2 SO 4 alkylation process. Modern HF processes often require additional safety measures such as water spray and catalyst additive for aerosol reduction to minimize the potential hazards. Although these catalysts have been successfully used to economically produce the best quality alkylates, the need for safer and environmentally-more friendly catalyst systems has become an issue to the industries involved. The ionic liquid catalyst of the present invention fulfills that need. In addition, implementing the present invention relieves a refinery of the problem and waste associated with excess fuel gas production. It does this by using ethylene in, for example, offgas from a FCC unit as the source of olefins for the alkylation of isopentane. Typically FCC offgas contains ethylene up to 20 vol %. Other olefin streams containing ethylene or other olefins such as coker gas could also be used for this process. The overall gasoline volume is increased by this process of invention. The net amount of fuel gas from the FCC de-ethanizer is reduced, thus lowering the burden of fuel gas processing equipment. A further benefit of the present invention is that extracting ethylene will improve the purity of hydrogen in FCC offgas. The improved concentration of hydrogen in the offgas may allow the economical recovery of pure hydrogen with the use of a hydrogen recovery unit, such as a pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) unit or a selective hydrogen-permeable membrane unit. Considering tight environmental regulations associated with fuel gas production and shortage of hydrogen in modern refineries, the benefits of fuel gas reduction and hydrogen production are highly desirable. The most economical, thus most desirable, olefin streams are FCC de-ethanizer overhead containing hydrogen, methane, ethane, and ethylene, or coker gas containing olefins. The present process converts the isopentane stream to a low RVP dimethyl pentane and trimethyl butane gasoline fraction with little octane loss. By employing the process of the invention, the overall gasoline volume produced at a refinery is increased. In addition, the net amount of fuel gas from the FCC de-ethanizer is reduced, thus lowering the burden on the fuel gas processing equipment. Furthermore, the present invention includes a new paraffin alkylation process which can produce alkylate gasoline, the most desirable blending component in gasoline, in an environmentally sound manner far superior to the conventional alkylation process. In comparison with the conventional processes, the process according to the present invention offers the following significant advantages over conventional alkylation: Substantial reduction in capital expenditure as compared to sulfuric acid and hydrofluoric acid alkylation plants Substantial reduction in operating expenditure as compared to sulfuric acid alkylation plants Substantial reduction in catalyst inventory volume (potentially by 90%) A substantially reduced catalyst make-up rate (potentially by 98% compared to sulfuric acid plants) A higher gasoline yield Comparable or better product quality (Octane number, RVP, T50) Significant environment, health and safety advantages Expansion of alkylation feeds to include isopentane and ethylene. It follows that employing a process according to the present invention a refiner can upgrade both isopentane and ethylene and at the same time react conventional alkylation feed components (e.g., butene, propylene, pentene, and isobutane) to produce high quality gasoline blending components. These additional capabilities are made possible in part with the high activity and selectivity of the ionic liquid catalyst used for these reactions. The present invention provides its greatest benefits when all these alkylation reactions are conducted with ionic liquid catalysts and none are conducted using sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid catalysts. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides an integrated refinery process for the production of high quality gasoline blending components having low volatility comprising: (a) providing a first ethylene-containing refinery stream; (b) separating a C 2+ fraction from said first stream to produce a second refinery stream richer in ethylene than said first stream; (c) providing an isopentane-containing refinery stream; (d) contacting said isopentane-containing refinery stream with said second refinery stream in the presence of an ionic liquid catalyst in an alkylation zone under alkylation conditions; and (e) recovering high quality gasoline blending components of low volatility from said alkylation zone. In addition the present invention provides a method of improving the operating efficiency of a refinery by reducing fuel gas production and simultaneously producing high quality gasoline blending components of low volatility. The present invention also provides a high quality gasoline blending composition having low volatility prepared by the process described. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a diagram of for an integrated refinery process according to the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Feedstocks One of the feedstocks to the process of the present invention is a refinery stream which contains olefins. Examples of such streams include FCC offgas, coker gas, olefin metathesis unit offgas, polyolefin gasoline unit offgas, methanol to olefin unit offgas and methyl-t-butyl ether unit offgas. The preferred olefin is ethylene. The preferred source of ethylene for conducting a process according to the present invention is offgas from an FCC unit, which may contain up to about 20 vol % of ethylene. This stream may also contain propylene, butylenes and pentenes. The FCC offgas is preferably passed through an ethylene extraction unit to produce a C 2+ fraction, which is rich in ethylene, typically about 50 vol %, and a lighter fraction, which is rich in hydrogen. The C 2+ fraction is fed to the alkylation reactor. Another feedstock to the process of the present invention is a refinery stream which contains isoparaffins, preferably isopentane. Refinery streams which contain isopentane and which may be used in the process of the present invention include, but are not limited to extracted isopentane from an FCC unit, a hydrocracking unit, C 5 and C 6 streams from crude unit distillation, and extracted C 5 and C 6 streams from a reformer. Analysis of an extracted pentane sample from one refinery showed the feed stock to contain 86.4% iso-pentane, 8% n-pentane, 0.9% n-butane, 3.4% C 6 s-C 9 s and 0.2% olefins (C 4 and C 5 olefins). It also contained 88 ppm sulfur (mercaptans) and 0.4 ppm nitrogen. The feed stream exhibited very high RVP of 20, while the desirable current RVP target for gasoline is 7 to 8 range. The isopentane-containing stream may also contain other isoparaffins such as isobutane. Isobutane may be obtained, for example, from hydrocracking units or may be purchased. Catalyst The use of ionic liquids as a new media and solvents for chemical reactions and particularly catalytic processes has gained wide popularity in the past several years. There has been an overwhelming surge in this research arena where ionic liquids have been used as solvents in an array of reactions such as olefins dimerization, olefin oligomerization and polymerization, isomerizations, alkylations, hydrogenations, Diels-Alder cyclizations and many others. In short, ionic liquids have been used as solvents in a wide range of organic reactions and processes. A large number of liquid or solid acid catalysts are known which are capable of effecting alkylation of isoparaffins such as isobutane or isopentane by olefins such as propylene, 1-butene, 2-butene and isobutylene. The catalysts which are most widely used in industrial practice are concentrated sulfuric acid and hydrofluoric acid alone or mixed with Lewis acids such as boron trifluoride. Those processes suffer from major disadvantages: hydrofluoric acid by virtue of its toxicity and its high degree of volatility; and sulfuric acid by virtue of a substantial volumetric consumption of the catalyst requiring burdensome regeneration. These reasons have motivated the development of catalysts which are solid or which are supported on solids such as aluminosilicates or metal oxides such as zirconia treated with sulfuric acid. However, solid catalysts are generally found to present a low level of selectivity and a low degree of activity. The use of aluminum chloride has also been studied and proposed. The process according to the present invention preferably employs a catalytic composition comprising at least one aluminum halide and at least one quaternary ammonium halide and/or at least one amine halohydrate. The aluminum halide which can be used in accordance with the invention is most preferably aluminum chloride. The quaternary ammonium halides which can be used in accordance with the invention are those described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,750,455, which is incorporated by reference herein, which also teaches a method for the preparation of the catalyst. The ionic liquid catalysts which are most preferred for the process of the present invention are N-butylpyridinium chloroaluminate (C 5 H 5 NC 4 H 9 Al 2 Cl 7 ). A metal halide may be employed as a co-catalyst to modify the catalyst activity and selectivity. Commonly used halides for such purposes include NaCl, LiCl, KCl, BeCl 2 , CaCl 2 , BaCl 2 , SiCl 2 , MgCl 2 , PbCl 2 , CuCl, ZrCl 4 , AgCl, and PbCl 2 as published by Roebuck and Evering (Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Develop., Vol. 9, 77, 1970). Preferred metal halides are CuCl, AgCl, PbCl 2 , LiCl, and ZrCl 4 . HCl or any Broensted acid may be employed as an effective co-catalyst. The use of such co-catalysts and ionic liquid catalysts that are useful in practicing the present invention is disclosed in U.S. Published Patent Application Nos. 2003/0060359 and 2004/0077914. Other co-catalysts that may be used to enhance the catalytic activity of ionic liquid catalyst system include IVB metal compounds preferably metal halides such as TiCl 3 , TiCl 4 , TiBR 3 , TiBR 4 , ZrCl 4 , ZrBr 4 , HfCL 4 , HfBr 4 , as described by Hirschauer et al. in U.S. Pat. No. 6,028,024. It is especially important to note that H 2 SO 4 and HF are not effective for the alkylation of isoparaffins with ethylene. So, the process of the present invention would not have been considered in the past. Reaction Conditions Due to the low solubility of hydrocarbons in ionic liquids, olefins-isoparaffins alkylation, like most reactions in ionic liquids is generally biphasic and takes place at the interface in the liquid state. The catalytic alkylation reaction is generally carried out in a liquid hydrocarbon phase, in a batch system, a semi-batch system or a continuous system using one reaction stage as is usual for aliphatic alkylation. The isoparaffin and olefin can be introduced separately or as a mixture. The molar ratio between the isoparaffin and the olefin is in the range 1 to 100, for example, advantageously in the range 2 to 50, preferably in the range 2 to 20. In a semi-batch system the isoparaffin is introduced first then the olefin, or a mixture of isoparaffin and olefin. Catalyst volume in the reactor is in the range of 2 vol % to 70 vol %, preferably in the range of 5 vol % to 50 vol %. Vigorous stirring is desirable to ensure good contact between the reactants and the catalyst. The reaction temperature can be in the range −40° C. to +150° C., preferably in the range −20° C. to +100° C. The pressure can be in the range from atmospheric pressure to 8000 kPa, preferably sufficient to keep the reactants in the liquid phase. Residence time of reactants in the vessel is in the range a few seconds to hours, preferably 0.5 min to 60 min. The heat generated by the reaction can be eliminated using any of the means known to the skilled person. At the reactor outlet, the hydrocarbon phase is separated from the ionic phase by decanting, then the hydrocarbons are separated by distillation and the starting isoparaffin which has not been converted is recycled to the reactor. Typical reaction conditions may include a catalyst volume in the reactor of 5 vol % to 50 vol %, a temperature of −10° C. to 100° C., a pressure of 300 kPa to 2500 kPa, an isoparaffin to olefin molar ratio of 2 to 8 and a residence time of 1 min to 1 hour. A catalyst system comprised of aluminum chloride and hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) for catalyzing the alkylation of iso-paraffins and olefins in ionic liquids (chloroaluminate ionic liquids) is preferred. The HCl can be used as a co-catalyst to enhance the reaction rate. For example, the alkylation of isopentane with ethylene in a batch autoclave is complete in <10 minutes in the presence of HCl. In the absence of HCl, the reaction usually takes ½ hour to 1 hour time (50° C. and autogenic pressure of ˜965 kPa and feed ratio of ˜4). The product selectivity was comparable to that of chloroaluminate ionic liquid without the presence of HCl. Process Configuration A scheme for an integrated refinery alkylation process to implement an embodiment of the present invention is shown in FIG. 1 . An ethylene-containing refinery stream is fed to an Ethylene Extraction Unit to separate a C 2+ fraction rich in ethylene. The Ethylene Extraction Unit is typically comprised of membrane and/or distillation column separation equipment. A second refinery stream containing isopentane is fed to a Distillation Zone. Streams enriched in ethylene and isopentane are contacted in the presence of an ionic liquid catalyst in a Reactor under alkylation conditions. Then the catalyst and hydrocarbon phases are separated in a Catalyst Separator and the catalyst is recycled back to the Reactor. A portion of the recycling catalyst is sent to a Slip Stream Catalyst Regeneration unit. The hydrocarbon phase is sent to a Distillation Zone to recover unreacted isopentane for recycle, and the alkylate product is collected at the bottom. As needed, the alkylate product can be treated to remove any trace impurities. The reject stream from the Ethylene Extraction Unit now has higher hydrogen purity. Further upgrading of the reject stream can be achieved by recovering pure hydrogen gas with use of a H 2 Recovery Unit if desirable. The H 2 Recovery Unit is typically comprised of a selective hydrogen-permeable membrane unit and/or pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) unit. A process according to the present invention offers a refiner considerable flexibility with respect to being able to prepare gasoline blending components of varying composition by selecting both the source of olefins used for alkylation and the paraffin-containing feedstock. Alkylation reactions in accordance with the present invention may be conducted in one or more alkylation zone using the same or different ionic liquid catalysts. For example, the C 2+ fraction described above may contain propylene, butylene and/or pentenes and the isopentane containing stream may also contain isobutane. Isobutane may be alkylated with ethylene to produce a high-octane C 6 gasoline blending component. A C 4 olefin containing stream may be isolated and used for the alkylation of isobutane, isopentane or their mixtures. Other variations and combinations will be apparent to refiners generally. The following examples are illustrative of the present invention, but are not intended to limit the invention in any way beyond what is contained in the claims which follow. EXAMPLES Example 1 The Preparation of N-Butyl-Pyridinium Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquid N-butyl-pyridinium chloroaluminate is a room temperature ionic liquid prepared by mixing neat N-butyl-pyridinium chloride (a solid) with neat solid aluminum trichloride in an inert atmosphere. The syntheses of butylpyridinium chloride and the corresponding N-butyl-pyridinium chloroaluminate are described below. In a 2-L Teflon-lined autoclave, 400 gm (5.05 mol.) anhydrous pyridine (99.9% pure purchased from Aldrich) were mixed with 650 gm (7 mol.) 1-chlorobutane (99.5% pure purchased from Aldrich). The neat mixture was sealed and let to stir at 145° C. under autogenic pressure over night. Then, the autoclave was cooled down to room temperature, vented and the resultant mixture was transferred to a three liter round bottom flask. Chloroform was used to rinse the liner and dissolve the stubborn crusty product that adhered to the sides of the liner. Once all transferred, the mixture was concentrated at reduced pressure on a rotary evaporator (in a hot water bath) to remove excess chloride, un-reacted pyridine and the chloroform rinse. The obtained tan solid product was further purified by dissolving in hot acetone and precipitating the pure product through cooling and addition of diethyl ether. Filtering and drying under vacuum and heat on a rotary evaporator gave 750 gm (88% yields) of the desired product as an off-white shinny solid. 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR were ideal for the desired N-butyl-pyridinium chloride and no presence of impurities was observed by NMR analysis. N-butylpyridinium chloroaluminate was prepared by slowly mixing dried N-butylpyridinium chloride and anhydrous aluminum chloride (AlCl 3 ) according to the following procedure. The N-butylpyridinium chloride (prepared as described above) was dried under vacuum at 80° C. for 48 hours to get rid of residual water (N-butylpyridinium chloride is hydroscopic and readily absorbs water from exposure to air). Five hundred grams (2.91 mol.) of the dried N-butylpyridinium chloride were transferred to a 2-Liter beaker in a nitrogen atmosphere in a glove box. Then, 777.4 gm (5.83 mol.) of anhydrous powdered AlCl 3 (99.99% from Aldrich) were added in small portions (while stirring) to control the temperature of the highly exothermic reaction. Once all the AlCl 3 was added, the resulting amber-looking liquid was left to gently stir overnight in the glove box. The liquid was then filtered to remove any un-dissolved AlCl 3 . The resulting acidic N-butyl-pyridinium chloroaluminate was used as the catalyst for the alkylation of isopentane with ethylene. Example 2 Batch Alkylation Run Procedure Isopentane and ethylene batch alkylation was typically run at 50° C. with paraffin/olefin molar ratio of about 4. Under nitrogen atmosphere in a glove box, an autoclave vessel was charged with ionic liquid catalyst and anhydrous isopentane. The autoclave was then sealed and transferred to a hood and affixed to an overhead stirrer. Then, ethylene gas was introduced to the vessel. The autogenic pressure of the vessel usually rises to 2000 kPa to 24000 kPa depending on the amount of ethylene gas introduced into the autoclave. Once the reaction begins stirring (˜1200 rpm), the pressure quickly drops down to ˜900 kPa to 1100 kPa. The reaction is allowed to continue and stir until the pressure drops to 0 kPa to 70 kPa. Then, the stirring is stopped and the heating mantle is quickly removed. The autoclave is then cooled down to room temperature using a cooling coil. Then, a gas sample was drawn and the reactor is vented and weathered to relieve the system from any remaining gas. The resulting solution is a biphasic with the product and excess isopentane phase is on top while the dense ionic liquid-catalyst phase is on the bottom. The top phase is then decanted and saved for analysis. The bottom phase is either recycled for further use or neutralized with water. Chemical analysis of the products in excess isopentane is usually done by gas chromatography analysis. Example 3 Batch Alkylation of Isopentane in Butylpyridinium Chloroaluminate without Applying Any Additional Pressure (Only the Autogenic Pressure of the System) Ethylene (9.5 gm) was alkylated with isopentane (103 gm) in 20 gm butylpyridinium chloroaluminate ionic at 50° C. and the autogenic pressure in a closed 300 cc autoclave fitted with an overhead stirrer and a cooling coil. The reaction was allowed to stir at ˜1200 rpm until no significant drop in pressure was noticeable. Table 1 below shows the reaction results. Example 4 Batch Alkylation of Isopentane in Butylpyridinium Chloroaluminate at Autogenic Pressure in the Presence of HCl as a Co-Catalyst The reaction above was repeated in a fresh ionic liquid (19.6 gm) but this time HCl (0.35 gm) was added as a co-catalyst (promoter) with 102.7 gm isopentane and 9.7 gm ethylene. The reaction was run at 50° C. and autogenic pressure and 1200 rpm stirring. The reaction was terminated when no further pressure drop was noticeable. With HCl the reaction was noticeably exothermic. Table 1 below shows the results of the reaction. TABLE 1 Batch Alkylation of Isopentane and Ethylene with ButylPyridinium Chloroaluminate Catalyst Example 3 Example 4 Reaction Without HCl With HCl iC5/C 2 = 4 4 Temp. (° C.) 50 50 Starting pressure, kPa 2050 2080 Ending Pressure, kPa 76 48 Reaction Time (min.) 44 5 Yields % C 3− 0 0 C 4 3.6 4.1 C 6 4.1 8.0 C 7 70.5 63.3 C 8 8.9 9.1 C 9 6.2 7.1 C 10 3.5 4.2 C 11+ 3.4 4.3 The results from isopentane/ethylene alkylation are excellent and most of the products are in the desired alkylates range where C 7 s constitute the major fraction of the product mixture. Very little heavy products were produced. Example 4 shows that addition of HCl as a co-catalyst enhances the activity of the ionic liquid catalyst and changes the product selectivity. When HCl was added as a co-catalyst, the reaction was done at much shorter time (completed in 5 minutes) and slight change in product selectivity was observed. Example 5 Batch Alkylation of Isopentane and Ethylene with Other Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquid Catalyst Other chloroaluminate ionic liquid catalysts with quaternary ammonium or amine halide salt can perform the same alkylation chemistry. Table 2 below compares the alkylation results of isopentane with ethylene in different chloroaluminate ionic liquid catalysts. Quaternary ammonium or amine salts used are 1 -butyl-pyridinium (BPy), 4-methyl-1-butyl-pyridinium (MBPy), 1-butyl-4-methyl-imidaazolium (BMIM) and tributyl-methyl-ammonium (TBMA) chloroaluminates. The reactions were all conducted at 50° C. and autogenic pressure at a feed paraffin/olefin molar ratio of 4, in 20 gm ionic liquid for 1 hour. TABLE 2 Batch Alkylation of Isopentane and Ethylene with Various Chloroaluminate Catalyst Salt used to make the chloroaluminate catalyst MBPy BPy TBMA BMIM Starting Pressure, kPa 2040 2230 2140 1920 Ending Pressure, kPa 290 76 540 69 Ethylene Conversion 65% 95% 55% 95% Product Selectivity, wt % C 3− 2.6 0 3.0 0 C 4 3.3 3.6 2.4 3.6 C 6 3.8 4.3 2.7 4.2 C 7 65.8 65.6 69.1 68.8 C 8 9.9 9.8 9.2 9.7 C 9 7.3 6.5 7.3 6.4 C 10 5.5 4.7 4.3 4.3 C 11+ 1.6 3.4 1.9 3.0 The results above indicate that conversion of ethylene and product selectivity are affected by the catalyst selection. A chloroaluminate catalyst made with tributyl-methyl-ammonium is less active than the other three catalysts. Chloroaluminate catalysts made with hydrocarbyl substituted pyridinium chloride or a hydrocarbyl substituted imidazolium chloride shows high activity and good selectivity. Example 6 Continuous Alkylation of Isopentane with Ethylene Evaluation of ethylene alkylation with isopentane was performed in a 100 cc continuously stirred tank reactor. 4:1 molar ratio of isopentane and ethylene mixture was fed to the reactor while vigorously stirring at 1600 rpm. An Ionic liquid catalyst was fed to the reactor via a second inlet port targeting to occupy 15 vol % in the reactor. A small amount of anhydrous HCl gas was added to the process (10:1 molar ratio of catalyst to HCl). The average residence time for the combined volume of feeds and catalyst was about 40 minutes. The outlet pressure was maintained at 2300 kPa using a backpressure regulator. The reactor temperature was maintained at 50° C. The reactor effluent was separated in a 3-phase separator into C 4− gas; alkylate hydrocarbon phase, and the ionic liquid catalyst. Operating conditions and yield information are summarized in Table 3. TABLE 3 Continuous Alkylation of Isopentane and Ethylene Temperature, ° C. 50 Total Pressure, kPa 2300 Catalyst Volume Fraction 0.15 External I/O Ratio, molar 4.0 Olefin Space Velocity/Vol. of Cat (LHSV) 1.1 Catalyst to HCl Ratio, molar 10 Residence Time of Reactant, min 40 Conversion of Ethylene, wt % 95 Selectivity of Converted Products, wt % C 4− 4.3 n C 5 + neo C 5 2.1 C 6 4.2 C 7 78.6 C 8 1.4 C 9 7.0 C 10+ 2.4 Total 100.0 C 7 Product Isomer Distribution, % Trimethylbutane/total C 7 0.2 2,3-Dimethylpentane/total C 7 49.0 2,4-Dimethylpentane/total C 7 48.6 Other-Dimethylpentane/total C 7 0.1 Methylhexane/total C 7 2.1 n-heptane/total C 7 0.0 Sum 100.0 This alkylation process is highly selective in that 78.6% of the converted product is C 7 isoparaffins. Detailed compositional analysis of the alkylate gasoline indicates the C 7 fraction is nearly entirely derived from 2,3- and 2,4-dimethylpentane. 2,3-dimethylpentane and tri-methylbutanes are desirable isomers for high-octane gasoline (91 and 112 RON, respectively). The hydrocarbon product was distilled to separate n-pentane and higher boiling alkylate gasoline (30° C.+) fraction and properties of the alkylate gasoline were measured or estimated. Research octane number was calculated based on GC composition and research octane number of pure compounds assuming volumetric linear blending. Blending octane numbers were measured at 7.5% and 15% blending level, then extrapolated to 100%. RVP and average density were estimated using the GC data assuming linear molar blending. T10, T50 and T90 were measured using ASTM D2887 simulated distillation. TABLE 4 Product Properties of Alkylate Gasoline from Isopentane and Ethylene Alkylation Average density, g/cc 0.69 Average molecular weight, g/mole 104 Average RVP 2.5 Average RON 87 Blending RON 91 Blending MON 84 Simulated Distillation, D2887, ° C. T-10 wt % 76 T-50 wt % 88 T-90 wt % 119 The product property data shows that by employing the process of the present invention, high RVP isopentane (20 RVP) was converted to alkylate gasoline having a low RVP of 2.5. The high-octane (91 blending RON) and excellent boiling point distribution are other desirable features of the gasoline blending components prepared in accordance with the present method. To achieve the high-octane, it is preferable to maintain the 2,3-dimethylpentane selectivity above 40% relative to the total C 7 yield. Example 7 Continuous Alkylation of Isopentane with Propylene Propylene alkylation with isopentane was performed via a similar procedure to that described in Example 6 except different process conditions were used. 8:1 molar ratio of isopentane and propylene mixture was fed to the reactor, at 10° C. reactor temperature and 7 vol % of catalyst. A summary of operating conditions and yield information are presented in Table 5. TABLE 5 Continuous Alkylation of Isopentane and Propylene Temperature, ° C. 10 Total Pressure, kPa 290 Catalyst Volume Fraction 0.07 External I/O Ratio, molar 8.0 Olefin Space Velocity/Vol. of Cat (LHSV) 4.4 Residence Time of Reactant, min 24 Conversion of Propylene, wt % 100 Selectivity of Converted Products, wt % C 4− 3.6 C 6 2.3 C 7 1.4 C 8 74.2 C 9 2.9 C 10+ 15.6 Total 100.0 C 8 Product Isomer Distribution, wt % Trimethylpentane/total C 8 36.5 Dimethylhexane/total C 8 54.8 Methylheptane/total C 8 8.7 n-octane/total C 8 0.0 Sum 100.0 The hydrocarbon product was distilled to generate n-pentane and higher boiling alkylate gasoline (30° C.+) fraction and properties of the alkylate gasoline were measured or estimated, and reported in Table 6. TABLE 6 Product Properties of Alkylate Gasoline from Isopentane and Propylene Alkylation Average density, g/cc 0.71 Average molecular weight, g/mole 119 Average RVP 1.0 Average RON 82 Blending RON 79 Blending MON 78 Simulated Distillation, D2887, deg C. T-10 wt % 107 T-50 wt % 111 T-90 wt % 169 The product property data shows that employing a process according to the present invention high RVP isopentane (20 RVP) was converted to alkylate gasoline having a low RVP of 1.0. The high-octane (82 RON), and excellent boiling point distribution are other desirable features of gasoline blending components prepared in accordance with the present invention. Example 8 Alkylation of Isobutane with 2-Butene Evaluation of C 4 olefin alkylation with isobutane was performed in a 100 cc continuously stirred tank reactor. 8:1 molar ratio of isobutane and 2-butene mixture was fed to the reactor while vigorously stirring at 1600 RPM. An Ionic liquid catalyst was fed to the reactor via a second inlet port targeting to occupy 10-15 vol % in the reactor. A small amount of anhydrous HCl gas was added to the process. The average residence time (combined volume of feeds and catalyst) was about 8 minutes. The outlet pressure was maintained at 100 psig using a backpressure regulator. The reactor temperature was maintained at 0° C. using external cooling. The reactor effluent was separated in a 3-phase separator into C 4 − gas, alkylate hydrocarbon phase, and the ionic liquid catalyst. Detailed composition of alkylate gasoline was analyzed using gas chromatography. Research Octane number was calculated based on GC composition and Research Octane number of pure compounds assuming volumetric linear blending. The operating conditions and performance are summarized in Table 7. TABLE 1 Paraffin Alkylation with C4 olefins Feed Olefin Source cis-2-butene trans-2-butene Feed Paraffin Source isobutane isobutane Catalyst BupyAl2Cl7 CuCl/BupyAl2Cl7 AlCl3 cat: HCl molar ratio 60 40 Acid volume fraction 0.1 0.15 RPM of reactor stirring 1600 1600 Temp 0 0 Olefin space velocity, LHSV 6.6 4.3 External I/O ratio, molar 8.0 8.0 Residence time of reactant, min 8.0 8.1 Olefin conversion, wt % 100 100 C5+ Gasoline Composition C5 1.1 1.5 C6 2.4 1.8 C7 2.7 2.3 C8 82.9 79.8 C9+ 10.9 14.6 Sum 100.0 100.0 % tri-Me-pentane/total C8 95.3 95.3 % Di-Me-hexane/total C8 4.5 4.5 % Me-Heptane/total C8 0.2 0.2 % n-Octane/total C8 0.0 0.0 Research Octane 98.6 98.4 The results in Table 7 show that high octane alkylate can be obtained with n-butylpyridinium chloroaluminate ionic liquid catalyst. With 2-butene, over 95% of the C8 fraction is composed of trimethylpentanes having a RON of about 100. Example 9 Fuel Gas Reduction and H 2 Recovery Option The process of the present invention can decrease the amount of excess fuel gas production in a refinery by converting ethylene in FCC offgas. This aspect of this invention is shown in this Example using a typical FCC offgas data from a refinery, as summarized in Table 8. TABLE 8 Fuel Gas Reduction and H 2 Recovery Option using Ethylene Alkylation After C 2+ Extraction + Typical FCC After C 2+ H 2 Offgas As-Is Extraction Recovery Offgas Volume, MMSCFD* 26 21 12 Reduction in Fuel Gas, % 0 19 55 (Base case) H 2 Recovered, MMSCFD 0 0 9.2 Offgas Composition, vol % H 2 S 10 ppm 0 0 N 2 6.0 7.4 13.2 O 2 0.1 0 0 CO 2 0.4 0 0 CO 0.3 0 0 H 2 35.8 44.0 0 Methane 27.5 33.8 60.4 Ethane 10.6 13 23.2 Ethylene 15 0 0 Propane 1.2 1.5 2.7 Propylene 2.5 0 0 n-Butane 0.1 0.1 0.2 Isobutane 0.1 0 0 Butene 0.1 0 0 C 5+ 0.3 0.2 0.4 Sum 100 100.0 100.0 This refinery generates 26 million standard cubic feet (MMSCFD) of fuel gas from an FCC unit daily and the stream contains 15 vol % ethylene. Using a process according to the present invention results in converting the ethylene stream into high-octane gasoline blending component by alkylating the stream with isopentane or isobutane. The amount of fuel gas from the ethylene extraction unit is reduced to 21 MMSCFM, thus lowering the burden of fuel gas processing equipment. In this case, approximately a 19 percent reduction of fuel gas is feasible. Extracting ethylene or the C 2+ stream will improve the purity of hydrogen in FCC offgas as shown in Table 8, from 36% to 44%. Further upgrading of the reject stream can be achieved by recovering pure hydrogen gas with use of a hydrogen recovery unit such as a pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) unit or a membrane unit. By combining extraction of ethylene and hydrogen recovery, the amount of fuel gas is reduced substantially. In this case, up to a 55% reduction of fuel gas can be realized relative to the base case. In addition, 9 MMSCFD of hydrogen gas can be recovered. Considering the very stringent environmental regulations that are associated with fuel gas production and storage of hydrogen in refineries, the benefits of fuel gas reduction and hydrogen production that are made possible by using the present invention are significant and highly desirable. There are numerous variations on the present invention which are possible in light of the teachings and supporting examples described herein. It is therefore understood that within the scope of the following claims, the invention may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described or exemplified herein.
An integrated refining process for the production of high quality gasoline blending components from low value components is disclosed. In addition there is disclosed a method of improving the operating efficiency of a refinery by reducing fuel gas production and simultaneously producing high quality gasoline blending components of low volatility. The processes involve the alkylation of a refinery stream containing pentane with ethylene using an ionic liquid catalyst.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a finger operated keyboard and particularly to finger operated ergonomic keyboard for data entry, word processing, and/or typewriter like functions. The keyboard is specifically designed for an International, Absolute, Phonetic English, but can also be used for English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Mandarin, and many other languages used in the world. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The conventional typewriter keyboard includes several horizontal rows of keys oriented transversally to an operator. The conventional arrangement of letters of such a keyboard is sometimes referred to as the QWERTY format after the first six letters on the top row of the letter keys. The QWERTY format was developed in the late 1800's and has remained the standard keyboard format to date for typewriters as well as for computers, word processors, and other data entry terminals. The QWERTY format keyboard suffers from several disadvantages. A hand moving up and down the keyboard is required to position for striking keys on the upper and lower portions of the board. Even when it is not necessary to move the entire hand substantial finger movement is required to move the fingers between keys on adjacent rows or between adjacent keys on the same row. Such hand and finger movement decreases the rate at which an operator can enter data via the keyboard, and increases the possibility of making errors. Inventors have secured patents to facilitate data entry on mechanical typewriters, electric typewriters, word processors, and computer keyboards. Many are designed to overcome difficulty of data entry on the standard QWERTY design which is expanded to six horizontal banks of a hundred and one vertically activated keys on the computer style keyboard. The disadvantage of these keyboards is the large amount of finger and/or hand movement required by both left and right hands in order to activate the keys on the board. The conventional keyboard lends itself to making mistakes, getting tire, and carpel tunnel in wrists; while the ergonomic minimizes these problems. The Prior Art U.S. Pat. No. 5,486,058—Titled: Continuous Touch Keyboard by Donald E. Allan issued Jan. 23, 1996, describes a continuous touch keyboard in which a three position key is provided for each finger. The keys are arranged in order to align with the fingers of a cupped pendant hand, and the actuator for fingers two, four, and five and the thumb are elevated above the other keys. In addition, the patent describes thumb keys as well as palm rests for the left and the right hand. The disadvantage with this keyboard is the limitation of the number of characters that can be designated, and as well the difficulty in distinguishing between the positions available for each key. U.S. Pat. No. 4,769,516 also by Donald E. Allan—Titled: Finger Operated Switching Apparatus—Issued: Sep. 6, 1988, also describes a keyboard in which four keys for each finger are arranged in a manner comfortable to the hand with the keys at various elevations above the keyboard. The patent describes a very sophisticated and complicated key in order to provide for the three positions each key can be moved into. The draw backs of this design are the number of characters or indicia which can be designated on the keyboard, and in addition, the inability for the operator to be able to distinguish exactly between the different positions of the keys. Furthermore, the ergonomics of the switch design is such that the switches must be elevated at different heights in order to be useful for the operator. Therefore, it is desirable to have a keyboard which requires a minimum amount of movement of the operator's fingers and hands, and is able to produce the maximum number of characters in one keyboard. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention a ergonomic keyboard for inputting data, said keyboard comprises: a) a keyboard housing; b) a plurality of four position finger boxes mounted in said housing and arranged conformably to receive finger tips of a users hand, wherein said finger boxes are responsive to no movement, depression, contraction and extension of said fingertips corresponding to at least 4 distinct finger box positions namely: neutral, downward, backward, and forward respectively; c) means for assigning letters, numerals, symbols and functions to each of said positions of said finger boxes; and d) means for sensory of each of the positions of each of said finger boxes such that a unique signal is produced for each position of said finger boxes. Preferably finger boxes defining finger openings in said housing which are recessed cavities and located below said keyboard top such that said fingertips fall naturally into said cavities. Preferably further comprising at least one palm/wrist pad elevated above said keyboard top for placement of palm or wrist thereon such that when a users palm or wrist rests on said palm/wrist pad a users finger tips fall naturally into said finger boxes located below said keyboard top. Preferably said finger boxes are six position finger boxes adapted to be responsive to 6 distinct finger tip positions, namely: neutral, downward, backward, and forward being positions 1 to 4 as claimed above and in addition, said finger boxes being responsive to sequential movement of the fingertip namely forward then downward movement of said fingertips being the fifth position and backward then downward movement of the fingertip being the sixth position. Preferably said finger boxes are eight position finger boxes adapted to be responsive to 8 distinct finger tip positions, namely: neutral, downward, backward, and forward, forward then downward, backward then downward, being positions 1 to 6 as claimed above, said finger boxes being responsive to further sequential movements of the fingertip namely downward then forward being the seventh position, and downward then backward being the eighth position. Preferably said keyboard includes at least five finger boxes, one for each finger and thumb. Preferably said keyboard includes two palm/wrist pads and at least ten finger boxes; one pad. Preferably for each hand and one finger box for each finger and thumb. Said keyboard includes two palm/wrist pads and at least fourteen finger boxes; one pad for each hand and one finger box for each finger and thumb, two finger boxes for the index and little fingers of both hands. Preferably wherein; a) said palm/wrist pad is a three post pad naturally in a neutral position, and moveable into a forward position and rearward position; and b) and further including a means sensory of each of the positions of each of said palm/wrist pads, such that a unique signal is produced for each position of said finger boxes. Preferably wherein a) said palm/wrist pad is a five position pad movable into a neutral position, forward position and rearward position; and b) and further including a means sensory of each of the positions of each of said palm/wrist pads such that a unique signal is produced for each position of said finger boxes. Preferably said finger boxes include a vertical key with corresponding contacts and two horizontal levers each with corresponding contacts, said key and levers responsive to no movement, said vertical key responsive to depression of said fingertip for closing one set of contacts, one of said horizontal levers responsive to contraction of said fingertip for closing a second set of contacts, and one of said horizontal levers responsive to extension of said fingertips for closing a third set of contacts. Preferably wherein said horizontal levers are pivotally attached to said keyboard housing with a slot joint, such that said horizontal levers pivot about said slot joint when horizontally urged by a finger tip thereby converting lever horizontal motion to lever vertical motion for closing said contacts. Preferably wherein said finger box being capable of sequential movement of said finger tips and wherein sensory means being responsive to sequential closing of said contacts, sequential closing of said contacts accomplished by forward then downward movement of said fingertips being the fifth position and backward then downward movement of the fingertip being the sixth position. Preferably wherein said finger boxes being eight position finger boxes adapted to be responsive to 8 distinct finger tip positions, namely: neutral, downward, backward, and forward, forward then downward, backward then downward, being positions 1 to 6 as claimed above, said finger boxes being capable of further sequential movements of the fingertip namely downward then forward being the seventh position, and downward then backward being the eighth position. Preferably further comprising at least one palm/wrist pad elevated above said keyboard top for placement of palm or wrist thereon such that when a users palm or wrist rests on said palm/wrist pad a users finger tips fall naturally into said finger boxes located below said keyboard top. Preferably wherein said palm/wrist pad comprises a) a hand rest rigidly connected to moveable control stick which is connected to said keyboard housing at a ball and socket joint, such that said palm/wrist pad pivots about said ball and socket joint, b) said palm/wrist pad is a three position pad movable into a neutral position, forward position and rearward position; and c) and further including a means sensory of each of the positions of each of said palm/wrist pads. An alternate embodiment of the present invention a finger box for receiving a finger tip therein said finger box comprises: a) a vertical key with corresponding contacts; b) two horizontal levers each with corresponding contacts, c) said finger boxes defining finger openings being recessed cavities adapted such that fingertips fall naturally into said cavities; and d) said key and levers responsive to no movement, said vertical key responsive to depression of said fingertip for closing one set of contacts, one of said horizontal levers responsive to contraction of said fingertip for closing a second set of contacts, and one of said horizontal levers responsive to extension of said fingertips for closing a third set of contacts. Preferably wherein said horizontal levers are pivotally attached to a housing with a slot joint, such that said horizontal levers pivot about said slot joint when horizontally urged by a finger tip thereby converting lever horizontal motion to lever vertical motion for closing said contacts. Preferably wherein said finger box being capable of sequential closing of said contacts accomplished by forward then downward movement of said fingertips being the fifth position and backward then downward movement of the fingertip being the sixth position. Preferably wherein said finger boxes being eight position finger boxes adapted to be responsive to 8 distinct finger tip positions, namely: neutral, downward, backward, and forward, forward then downward, backward then downward, being positions 1 to 6 as claimed above, said finger boxes being responsive to further sequential movements of the fingertip namely downward then forward being the seventh position, and downward then backward being the eighth position. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention will now be described by way of example only, with references to the followings drawings in which: FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of the present invention, an ergonomic keyboard taken through finger box 12 and finger switch 14 in order to show the details of the mechanical arrangement. FIG. 2 is both a cross-sectional, side elevational view taken through palm/wrist pad 52 as well as a top partial cut-away view of the palm/wrist pad. FIG. 3 is a schematic top plan view of the ergonomic keyboard showing the finger boxes, finger switches as well as the palm/wrist pads mounted on the keyboard. FIG. 4 is an alternate embodiment taken through the finger box and finger switch showing the currently preferred embodiment of the mechanical arrangement of the finger boxes and finger switches. FIG. 5 is a currently preferred embodiment of the palm/wrist pads, shown both in cross-sectional elevational plan view as well as in partially cut-away top view. FIG. 6 is a schematic cross-sectional plan view taken through the finger box, finger switch as well as the palm/wrist pad 52 showing the mechanical arrangement of the currently preferred embodiment showing how the finger box, finger switch, and palm/wrist pad would typically be mounted in the ergonomic keyboard. FIG. 7 is a cut-away schematic top plan view showing the wiring which typically could be used to inter-connect the finger boxes and finger switches as well as the palm/wrist pads. FIG. 8 is a cut-away schematic top plan view showing the wiring which typically could be used to inter-connect the finger boxes and finger switches as well as the palm/wrist pads. FIG. 9 is a side elevational view of the present invention, an ergonomic keyboard, taken through finger box 12 and finger switch 14 in order to show the details of the mechanical arrangement showing a finger in the finger box. FIG. 10 is a side elevational view of the present invention, an ergonomic keyboard, taken through finger box 112 and finger switch 114 in order to show the details of the mechanical arrangement showing a finger in the finger box. FIG. 11 is a schematic cross-sectional plan view taken through the finger box, finger switch as well as the palm/wrist pad 152 showing the mechanical arrangement of the currently preferred embodiment showing bow the finger box, finger switch, and palm/wrist pad would typically be mounted in the ergonomic keyboard showing a hand on palm/wrist pad and finger in the finger box. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring, first of all, to FIG. 3 the present invention, an ergonomic keyboard shown generally as 10 , includes two sets of six finger boxes 12 , one set corresponding to the right hand on the right hand side of keyboard top 32 and the other side corresponding to the left hand on the left side of keyboard top 32 as depicted in FIG. 3 . Ergonomic keyboard 10 also includes two thumb actuators 50 , one for the right hand, one for the left hand. Ergonomic keyboard 10 also includes palm/wrist pads 52 , one for the right hand and one for the left hand and also a number of finger switches shown as 14 , which are mounted in close proximity and preferably above and to the left and to the right of finger boxes 12 . As depicted in FIG. 3 for the left hand ten finger switches 14 are provided and for the right hand fourteen finger switches 14 are provided. The number of finger switches 14 can vary depending upon the application, or they can be omitted completely. Referring now to FIG. 1 showing the details of finger boxes 12 as well as finger switches 14 and the mechanical workings. Ergonomic keyboard 10 has specially designed finger boxes 12 which can be three, five or seven way switches (not including the home position) or a four, six or eight way switch including the home or neutral position actuated by finger tip pressure. Finger boxes 12 are specially designed in order to allow the tip of a finger to fall naturally into finger opening 13 of finger boxes 12 . As depicted in FIGS. 1 and 3, finger opening 13 is a square shaped box like receptacle, however, in practice any shape is possible including a round or slender oval type opening and/or any other shape as long as finger opening 13 is dimensioned and adapted to permit placement of a finger therein so that a finger can make contact with vertical keys 22 and horizontal levers 24 and 25 . All finger tip positions are obtained by simple depression, retraction or extension of a finger tip. It may be necessary to combine in sequence two finger tip motions to obtain a desired position as will be detailed below. Finger boxes 12 include a vertical key 22 as well as two horizontal levers 24 and 25 which are used to actuate switches using finger pressure only. Finger box 12 operating as a three way switch allows for one switching position when vertical key 22 is depressed vertically with a fingertip. The second and third switch positions are accomplished by horizontally urging horizontal lever 24 by extending a finger in opening 13 or by urging horizontal lever 25 by retracting a finger in finger opening 13 thereby urging the other horizontal lever 25 backwards. Vertical key 22 is received slidably within key guide 30 , and when urged downwardly on key dome 20 closes the printed circuit contact 18 directly below vertical key 22 . Horizontal levers 24 and 25 are attached with a snap connection using a slot joint 38 which permits horizontal lever 24 and 25 to pivot about slot joint 38 such that when horizontal lever 24 or 25 is urged they pivot about slot joint 38 and pressure is applied by horizontal lever 24 or 25 to lever key 28 or lever key 29 , thereby vertically moving lever key 28 or 29 downwardly and slidably along key guide 30 . Lever keys 28 and 29 depress key domes 20 and close the contact of printed circuit contact 18 located vertically below lever keys 28 and 29 . Note that each switch position of finger box 12 operates totally independently from the other. For example, it is possible to actuate horizontal lever 24 without actuating vertical key 22 or horizontal lever 25 . Similarly, it is possible to actuate vertical key 22 without actuating horizontal levers 24 or horizontal lever 25 , and so forth. Finger box arrangement 12 can also operate as a five position switch. The fourth position is obtained by actuating horizontal lever 24 and then depressing vertical key 22 . The fifth position is obtained by actuating horizontal lever 25 and then actuating vertical key 22 thereby consecutively closing the printed circuit contacts 18 below vertical key 22 and lever key 28 . The user of finger box 12 can independently actuate horizontal lever 24 , key 22 and horizontal lever 25 , and/or can consecutively actuate horizontal lever 24 and vertical key 22 or consecutively actuate horizontal lever 25 and vertical key 22 . In this manner, finger box 12 can be placed into five distinctly separate positions by movement of a single finger. Including the home or neutral position, finger box 12 has six distinct positions, actuated by a single finger or a thumb movement. Finger box 12 can also operate as a seven position switch (not including the home position) by making the switching dependent upon the sequence in which the keys are depressed. For example, first depressing vertical key 22 and then urging horizontal lever 24 would constitute one position, whereas, first urging horizontal lever 24 and then depressing vertical key 22 would constitute a second position. In a similar fashion, first depressing vertical key 22 and then horizontal lever 25 would constitute a third position, and first urging horizontal lever 25 and then vertical key 22 would constitute a fourth position. The fifth position would simply be depressing vertical key 22 , sixth position would be urging horizontal lever 24 , seventh position would be urging horizontal lever 25 , and if we include the home position (the neutral position) ie; depressing no keys would represent an eighth position. In addition, ergonomic keyboard 10 may include finger switches 14 which include vertical buttons 26 slidably and vertically received within button guides 33 such that depressing vertical button 26 actuates key domes 20 , thereby closing printed circuit contacts 18 vertically below each respective vertical button 26 . In a presently preferred embodiment, ergonomic keyboard, shown generally as 110 in FIG. 4, comprises keyboard housing 116 , keyboard top 132 , finger boxes 112 , finger switches 114 , circuit wiring 136 , and electronic chip 134 . Finger box 112 includes finger opening 113 , vertical key 122 , horizontal lever 124 , and 125 , key domes 120 , and contacts 118 . Horizontal levers 125 and 124 pivot about and fit into slot joint 138 . Finger switch 114 includes vertical button 126 , slidably received within button guide 133 . In use, similar to ergonomic keyboard 10 , ergonomic keyboard 110 functions in an analogous fashion. The keyboard is arranged such that the fingers of a hand fall naturally into finger openings 113 , of finger boxes 112 . At least one finger box 112 is provided for each finger, and additionally, a similar finger box is provided for the thumb. The index and little fingers could have, for example, double finger boxes. As described above, for finger box 12 , finger box 112 can function as a three position and/or a five or seven position switch. Including the home position it could function as a four position, six position, or eight position switch. Using finger box 112 as a three position switch, first position is obtained by depressing vertical key 122 downwards, and by deforming key dome 120 and making contact with contacts 118 . Second position is obtained by horizontally urging horizontal lever 124 forward thereby pivoting horizontal lever 123 about slot joints 138 , thereby depressing key dome 120 and closing contacts 118 . Similarly, third position is obtained by horizontally urging horizontal lever 125 backwards thereby pivoting horizontal lever 125 about slot joint 138 , thereby deforming key dome 120 and making contacts 118 closed. Finger box 112 , in addition to the three positions described above, has four additional positions; namely, vertically urging vertical key 122 and then urging horizontal lever 124 forward, thereby closing two key domes 120 consecutively. In the fifth position, vertical key 122 is urged downwards and then the horizontal lever 125 is urged backwards, thereby closing two key domes 120 and closing two pairs of contacts 118 consecutively. Reversing the sequence of closings gives two more positions. In this manner, finger box 112 has as many as seven discrete positions, and eight discrete positions including the neutral position. If additional functions are required, finger switches 114 are installed in close proximity to finger boxes 112 , and they are actuated by simply pushing vertically downwards on vertical button 126 which moves slidably within button guide 133 , thereby deforming key dome 120 closing contacts 118 . Contacts 18 or 118 and as discussed herein may be of the standard touch contact type and/or they may be infra red contacts and/or radio frequency type switches and/or they may be optical type contacts. Contacts 18 or 118 may be any type known in the art to be used for this type of switch. Non mechanical contact mechanisms such as radio frequency switches or optical switches are preferable to improve the dependability and longevity of the contacts. Referring now to FIG. 2, ergonomic keyboard 10 and 110 includes palm/wrist pads, shown generally as 52 in FIG. 2 . Palm/wrist pad 52 includes a hand rest 53 , a control stick 54 , four horizontal levers 35 , slot spot joints 38 , four lever contacts 40 , four lever keys 28 , four key guides 30 , four key domes 20 , and four contacts 18 . Control stick 54 is attached to keyboard housing 16 via a ball and socket joint 56 as shown in FIG. 2 . Palm/wrist pad 52 has five positions shown in FIG. 2; namely; a neutral position or the default position 90 , forward position 82 , rearward position 84 , right position 86 , and left position 88 . The forward, right, rearward, and left positions are obtained in an analogous fashion as follows. For example, if one wishes to obtain the rearward position the hand or wrist is placed on hand rest 53 , and is moved in such a manner to urge control stick 54 backwards, thereby urging horizontal lever 35 backwards pivoting it about slot joint 38 , thereby making lever 35 contact with lever key 28 , thereby urging lever key downwardly, deforming key dome 20 , closing contacts 18 . Control stick 54 pivots about ball and socket joint 56 , and horizontal lever 35 pivots about slot joint 38 . In analogous fashion by moving hand rest 53 forward, the forward position can be obtained and similarity, the right position 86 can be actuated and the left position 88 can be actuated. In this manner, by selecting a palm/wrist pad position 52 , finger boxes 112 or finger boxes 12 can take on additional functions depending upon the palm/wrist pad position 52 . Referring now to FIG. 5, which is a presently preferred embodiment of palm/wrist pad shown generally as 152 , and includes hand rest 153 , control stick 154 , lever contacts 40 , lever key 128 , key guide 30 , contact 18 , ball and socket joint 56 , and key dome 20 . Palm/wrist pad 152 operate in an analogous fashion to the palm/wrist pad 52 , shown in FIG. 2 . The major difference is that control stick 154 has rigidly attached to it and integrally connected levers which is not the case with palm/wrist pad 52 . Utilizing this design eliminates the need for horizontal levers 35 shown in FIG. 2 as well as slot joints 38 . Therefore, by incorporating horizontal levers 35 directly into control stick 54 as shown as the new control stick 154 in FIG. 5, enough of the components have been eliminated making the design much simpler. Again, hand rest 153 can be moved into four positions, forward position 182 , rearward position 184 , right position 186 , left position 188 by urging hand rest 153 in the appropriate direction. The contacts are activated in an analogous fashion to palm/wrist pad 52 by urging lever key 28 slidably along key guide 30 to deform key dome 20 , thereby closing contacts 18 . For example, forward position 182 may invoke capital letters and other functions. Rearward position 184 may invoke numbers, calculations, mathematics and calculations. If needed, right 186 and left 188 positions may invoke signs and symbols used by the different trades and professions. Referring now to FIG. 6, which shows the presently preferred embodiment of ergonomic keyboard 10 in a schematic fashion as the cross-sectional view through finger switch 114 , finger box 112 , and palm/wrist pad 152 . This figure shows one potential arrangement of the finger switches, finger boxes, and palm/wrist pads that are possible. FIG. 7 shows a printed circuit diagram 202 showing a portion of the wiring required for the finger boxes, finger switches, and palm/wrist pads. FIG. 8 shows the other portion of the printed circuit diagram 204 which is used in conjunction with printed circuit diagram 202 in order to provide for contacts 18 , which are actuated by finger boxes 112 , finger switches 114 , and palm/wrist pads 152 . It should be apparent to persons skilled in the arts that various modifications and adaptation of this structure described above are possible without departure from the spirit of the invention the scope of which defined in the appended claim.
The present invention an ergonomic keyboard designed for inputting data wherein said keyboard comprises; a keyboard housing; a plurality of four position finger boxes mounted in said housing and arranged conformably to receive finger tips of a users hand, wherein said finger boxes are responsive to no movement, depression, contraction and extension of said fingertips corresponding to at least 4 distinct finger box positions namely: neutral, downward, backward, and forward respectively. The keyboard further has a processor for assigning letters, numerals, symbols and functions to each of said positions of said finger boxes; and contacts at each of the positions of each of said finger boxes such that a unique signal is produced for each position of said finger boxes.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a means for sealing containers at high speed with closure caps. More particularly, it relates to improvements in a method and means for moving hollow thin-walled relatively flexible containers through a straight line sealing machine and for applying and sealing closure caps onto the moving containers. The high speed sealing of containers by a method which uses a straight line sealing machine is well known. In these machines, the filled containers are carried along in a straight line beneath a cap applying means which lightly places a closure cap on each moving container top. Thereafter, the jars are moved beneath a sealing means which tightly seals the closure cap to the moving containers. Prior methods and machines of this general type have been used with relatively rigid glass or other containers and they have applied the closure caps with either a press on motion, or alternatively, a rotary motion such as by applying a threaded closure to a threaded container top. The improvements of the present means provide for the high speed sealing of relatively thin-walled and flexible containers. In normal sealing machinery such containers would be distorted by the sealing mechanism thereby causing the sealed container to be discharged with permanently distorted walls or with unacceptable variations in the sealed package, particularly for vacuum sealed containers. Additionally, the method and means of the present invention provides for a high speed sealing of thin-walled containers by applying the closure caps with a significant press on motion of the closure cap downwardly over the container threads or lugs plus a final and limited rotary or twisting movement of the closure caps. This composite sealing movement, as well as the use of tamper evident composite closures having container gripping bands, has been facilitated by a combination of a closure softening means in the cap applying mechanism. Accordingly, as object of the present invention is to provide an improved straight line method and means for sealing containers. Another object of the present invention is to provide an improved straight line method and means for sealing thin-walled containers. Another object of the present invention is to provide an improved container gripping method and means for a straight line container sealing machine. Another object of the present invention is to provide an improved composite motion sealing means for closure caps. Another object of the present invention is to provide an improved combination of means for heat softening and sealing composite plastic and metal closure caps. Other and further objects of the present invention will become apparent upon an undestanding of the illustrative embodiments about to be described, or will be indicated in the appended claims, and various advantages not referred to herein will occur to one skilled in the art upon employment of the invention in practice. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS A preferred embodiment of the invention has been chosen for purposes of illustration and description and is shown in the accompanying drawings, forming a part of the specification wherein: FIG. 1 is a front view partially in section of the sealing method and means of the present invention. FIG. 2 is a top plan view of the method and means of FIG. 1. FIG. 3 is a diagramatic plan view of the composite sealing mechanism in accordance with the present invention. FIG. 4 is an enlarged detailed sectional view of a cap feed chute in accordance with the present invention. FIG. 5 is a sectional view of the cap chute taken along line 5--5 on FIG. 4. FIG. 6 is a vertical sectional view taken along line 6--6 on FIG. 1. FIG. 7 is an enlarged top plan view of the container gripping chain in accordance with the present invention. FIGS. 8 and 9 are vertical sectional views taken along lines 8--8 and 9--9 on FIG. 1. FIG. 10 is a vertical sectional view of another embodiment. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The method and means of the present invention are particularly useful for thin-walled and relatively flexible containers such as the jar or container 1 illustrated in FIGS. 6 thru 10. Such containers may be formed in one or more sections and the sections themselves may be vacuum formed from relatively thin plastic sheets or molded with relatively thin side walls and with the necessary rims and threads. The containers 1 are sealed with closure caps 2 which may be metal CT caps or molded plastic caps, or composite caps having a molded plastic ring 3 and a metal cover 4 contained within the ring 3. Where the elements to attach the closures to the jars are threads or lugs, these threads or lugs may be shaped to facilitate an initial press-on sealing action whereby the threads of the closure are pressed over at least a portion of the cooperating container threads. FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrate themethod and means in accordance with the present invention as incorporated in a straight line sealing machine 5. In straight line sealing operations, the containers 1 are carried in a line on a conveyor 6 between side belts 7 past a cap applying chute 8 and then a sealing means, which in the illustrated apparatus, comprises an initial press-on sealing means 9 and thereafter a cap rotating means 10. The press-on sealing means 9 presses the caps 2 downwardly over the container 1 finish 11 (FIG. 8) to perform a substantial portion of the sealing by engaging the closure and jar threads and the final sealing means thereafter rotates the cap 2 a fraction of a turn to complete the final seal. Straight line sealing machines of this general type are known, as for example, in issued U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,274,748, dated Sept. 27, 1966; 3,438,174, dated Apr. 15, 1969; and 4,279,115, dated July 21, 1981. The machine described herein has a base, which may be similar to one of those of the above patents, supporting the endless jar conveyor 6 and with appropriate feed means which feeds the jars 1 continuously onto the upper level surface of the conveyor 6. As already indicated, the machine and method of the present invention are adapted for working with relatively thin-walled and flexible containers. The side belt mechanisms of prior machines, such as those identified above, each included side belts for positioning the jars on the conveyor at the proper spacing and for guiding the jars through the cap applying and sealing means. An improved side belt 7 is provided in the present machines which is illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2 as well as FIGS. 6 thru 10. The side belt 7, in accordance with the invention, includes endless metal roller chains 13 mounted on front and rear chain driving and guiding sprockets 14. Each of the chains 13 has a series of jar pockets 15 attached to the chain 13 by brackets 16 (FIG. 7) in side by side position so that the cooperating pockets 15 may move freely along with the endless chains 13 and will form closed jar encapsulating means between the facing runs of the two chains 13.(FIGS. 1, 2 and 7). A preferred PG,7 embodiment of the jar pockets 15 comprises a plastic or metal molded and/or machined element with a quarter section of each jar 1 formed as a cavity 17 on opposite pocket 15 ends. As illustrated in FIG. 7, four adjacent pockets 15, i.e. two facing pockets on opposite sides of the conveyor 6 cooperate to form a single jar encapsulating cavity 18 FIG. 6) which provides full support for the principal portions of the jar 1 being sealed. It is preferred that the cavity 18 formed by the four cooperating pockets 15 conform exactly to the outer dimensions of the jar 1 being sealed so that the cavity 18 provides a full support resisting any deformation of the jar 1 by downward sealing or by other pressures as the jar 1 passes through the sealing machine 5. Additionally, the support of the jars 1 prevents a sagging of the heated plastic jars such as occurs with heated but unsupported jars 1. Alternatively, and depending upon the particular jar shape, jar pockets may be provided having a full half section of each jar formed at about the middle of one side so that only two facing jar pockets cooperate to carry an encapsulated jar through the cap applying and sealing positions. The jar pockets 15 are removably attached to the chain brackets 16 by simple bolts 19 or other fasteners permitting the jar pockets 15 to be changed for differing jar shapes and sizes. As described in the above cited prior patents, the jar conveyor 6, the side belt 7 driving means, as well as the moving portions of the sealing means 9 and 10, are coupled together and synchronized generally by being driven from a single drive motor (not shown). FIG. 10 illustrates another embodiment of a pocket 33 where an outer portion 34 of the pocket 33 is cast steel and the exact jar 1 shape is formed in a lining 35 which may be rubber or plastic. The lining 35 may be porous so that source of vacuum which couples lining 35 through conduit 37 will exert a gripping force on the container 1 to assure the retention of or the desired reshaping of the container 1. The vacuum is applied to the pocket 33 at one or more locations through a suitable stationary manifold 38 making sliding contact with a moving surface of pocket 33. The relatively thin-walled and easily and inexpensively manufactured containers 1 for which the above described side belt 7 is adapted are useful for products produced in enormous quantities so that a rapid sealing operation is desirable for the sealing machine. With each filled jar 1 firmly encapsulated as described, the improved high speed operation is performed by successively moving the jars 1 beneath the press on sealing means 9 whose belt 19 moves each cap a substantial distance down on the jar 1 and by then moving the partially sealed jar 1 beneath the cap twisting means 10 comprising a moving belt 20 and a drag shoe 21 (FIGS. 1 and 3) of the general type described in the above noted issued patents. Thus, as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2, each jar 1 after receiving a cap 2 from the cap feed chute 8, is moved beneath the flat pressure plate 22, which is positioning for guiding the endless pressure belt 19 driven in synchronization with the conveyor 6 and the side belts 7 by a drive pulley 23. The plate 22 and the belt 19 are mounted on adjustable supports 24 on a hollow chamber 25 adjustably positioned above the conveyor belt 6. The twist sealing means 10 is similarly mounted on the sealing machine chamber 25 on adjustable supports 26 and includes the stationary shoe 21 (FIGS. 1, 3 and 9) and the driven cap twisting belt 20 mounted on a second guide shoe 27. As the partially sealed cap 2 is moved under the sealing means 10, the stationary shoe 21 exerts a drag force on one side of the cap cover while the driven belt 20, which is moving faster than the jar 1, applies a sealing force in the opposite direction on a spaced portion of the cap 2. The combines action of the drag shoe 21 and the belt 20 cooperate to rotate the cap 1 a fraction of a turn and to move it to its finally sealed position on the jar 1 as illustrated in FIG. 10. FIGS. 1, 4 and 5 illustrate a preferred embodiment of the cap applying chute 8. The chute 8 has a cap guide track 28 and means for positioning the endmost cap 1 at a moving jar 2 rim so that the endmost cap 1 is pulled from a chute 8 and loosely applied to the jar 1. Such stops are illustrated in the above noted issued patents. The chute 8 of the present invention includes an improved steam heating means best illustrated in FIGS. 4 and 5. This means comprises hollow chambers 29 and 30 surrounding the cap track 28 and nozzles or jets 31 and 32 on the top and bottom of the track 28 which direct heating steam both on to the outer cap 2 skirts and the lower and inner portions of the cap 2 skirts. The upper jets 31 are slanted to direct the steam against the cap flow and the lower jets 32 are shaped to direct the steam into the hollow caps 2 and in the direction of cap motion. This heating of the cap 2 skirts softens their thread portions and facilitates the above described press on and final twist on sealing. Additionally, where tamper indicating bands are formed on the lower portion of the cap 2 skirts, this heating softens these bands and facilitates their movement over retention beads on the jars being sealed. Such tamper indicating means are illustrated, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,299,328 dated Nov. 10, 1981. It will be seen that an improved method and means has been provided which is particularly adapted for sealing thin-walled and relatively flexible containers at high sealing speeds. The method and means are adaptable to present straight line sealing machines with changes to the machine side belts, cap applying means and sealing means. As various changes may be made in the form, construction and arrangement of the invention and with departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, and without sacrificing any of its advantages, it is to be understood that all matter herein is to be interpreted as illustrative and not in a limiting sense.
Improved means are described for sealing thin-walled and relatively flexible containers. The improvements are made in straight line sealing machines which include side belt arrangements which encapsulate the filled containers and which also provide means for heating and then for pressing on and for twisting composite closure caps into a finally sealed position on the encapsulated containers.
This application is a divisional of application Ser. No. 08/356,601 filed Dec. 15, 1995, U.S. Pat. No. 5,601,789. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to a burner for the combustion of oxidizable substances in a carrier gas, and a process for burning combustibles. In a preferred embodiment, the present invention relates to a burner for a thermal post-combustion device, typically used in the printing industry, to burn effluent containing environmentally hazardous constituents, and a process for burning combustibles with such a burner. Recently, environmental considerations have dictated that effluent released to atmosphere contain very low levels of hazardous substances; national and international NOx emission regulations are becoming more stringent. NOx emissions are typically formed in the following manner. Fuel-related NOx are formed by the release of chemically bound nitrogen in fuels during the process of combustion. Thermal NOx is formed by maintaining a process stream containing molecular oxygen and nitrogen at elevated temperatures in or after the flame. The longer the period of contact or the higher the temperature, the greater the NOx formation. Most NOx formed by a process is thermal NOx. Prompt NOx is formed by atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen in the main combustion zone where the process is rich in free radicals. This emission can be as high as 30% of total, depending upon the concentration of radicals present. In order to ensure the viability of thermal oxidation as a volatile organic compound (VOC) control technique, lower NOx emissions burners must be developed. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a raw gas burner which minimizes NOx formation by controlling the conditions that are conducive to NOx formation. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The problems of the prior art have been overcome by the present invention, which provides a raw gas burner design that maximizes fuel efficiency of the burner, minimizes residence time, and reduces or eliminates flame contact with the process air or gas in order to minimize NOx formation. The burner of the present invention meets or exceeds worldwide NOx and CO emission standards for thermal emission control devices. Process air flow such as from the cold side of a heat exchanger associated with thermal oxidizer apparatus or the like, such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,850,857 (the disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference), is directed into and around the burner. The portion of the process air directed into the burner provides the necessary oxygen for combustion of fuel. The portion of the process air not entering the burner provides cooling to the external burner surfaces. The amount of process air flowing into the burner is regulated based upon the pressure drop created by the burner assembly. The pressure drop is, in turn, regulated by one or more of an external damper assembly, an internal damper assembly, and movement of the burner relative to the apparatus in which it is mounted. Process air entering the burner is caused to spin by the use of a swirl generator. This ensures thorough mixing of the fuel and this process air, and also results in a stable flame within the combustion chamber. The fuel supplied to the burner at a constant velocity enters the swirling process air at the base of the burner assembly and in the center of the swirling process air. Preferably gas fuel, which generally contains no chemically bound nitrogen, is used. The fuel mixes with the process air and the fuel/process air mixture proceeds into the combustion section of the burner, where the swirling flow is caused to recirculate. This recirculation ensures complete combustion of the fuel in the combustion chamber. The mixture of burned fuel and process gas transfers its energy flamelessly to the process gas circulating outside the burner combustion chamber, and is hot enough to ignite the process gas there, which then burns separately from the burner combustion chamber, such as in the main combustion enclosure of the thermal post-combustion device. The temperature stratification in the flame tube is decreased significantly, providing for better and earlier oxidation of the process VOC's. In contrast to the prior art, the fuel burns exclusively in the burner combustion chamber, which guarantees a substantial reduction in NOx. The portion of the process gas flowing through the burner is controllable and adjustable, depending upon the burner power, for example. In a preferred embodiment, the portion of the process gas entering the swirl mixing chamber of the burner is controlled by moving the combustion chamber axially along a longitudinal axis. This procedure adjusts the pressure drop of the burner, which in turn controls the amount of process gas entering the swirl mixing chamber. Preferably at least some of the process gas being fed into the swirl mixing chamber enters tangentially, at least at first, and the is redirected axially in the direction of the swirl mixing chamber. This combination of axial and tangential motion results in especially reliable combustion during fluctuating supply flows. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TEE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a front view of the swirl mixing chamber of the burner in accordance with the present invention; FIG. 1A is a prospective view of the swirl mixing chamber of FIG. 1; FIG. 2A is a front view of an internal swirl generator in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 2B is a front view of an internal swirl generator in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 2C is a front view of an internal swirl generator in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 2D is a front view of an internal swirl generator in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 3A is a front view of a round nozzle/valve assembly in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 3B is a front view of a round nozzle/valve assembly in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 4A is a front view of a rectangular nozzle/valve assembly in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 4B is a front view of a rectangular nozzle/valve assembly in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 5A is a side view of the combustion chamber in accordance with the present invention; FIG. 5B is a front view of the combustion chamber in accordance with the present invention; FIG. 6 is a schematic view of the burner installed in an oxidizer in accordance with the present invention; FIG. 7 is a side view of a lance in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 8 is a front view of the lance of FIG. 7; and FIG. 9 is a schematic view of the burner assembly in accordance with the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Turning first to FIG. 6, there is shown a schematic view of a burner 1 mounted as part of a device 100 for the post-combustion of a process gas. The device 100 features an outer side 101 in which an opening 102 has been made to receive the burner 1, as well as feed openings 103, 104 for process gas and exhaust openings 105, 106 for combustion substances. Running parallel to the external face 101, feed ducts 107, 108 conduct the process gas entering through feed openings 103, 104, respectively, which then passes through or along the combustion chamber 50 into a flame tube 109 integrated in the device 100. The process gas flows from one outlet of the cold side of a heat exchanger (not shown) into the feed ducts 107, 108. A portion of the process gas, identified by arrows 110, 111, flows through openings 12 in the swirl mixing chamber 10, and supplies the burner 1 with the required oxygen for combustion of the fuel. The remainder of the process gas not fed into the burner flows along the outer surface of the combustion chamber 50. This causes a heat exchange to take place between the combustion chamber 50 and the process gas overflow, which results in a cooling of the combustion chamber 50. The exterior of the combustion chamber 50 may include a plurality of cooling ribs to enhance this heat exchange. Swirling combustion products flow out of the burner opening 55 without flame contact and mix with the process gas entering through the opening 112 into the flame tube 109. A mixture 113 of combustion products and process gas flows in a swirl along the flame tube 109, which reduces the temperature gradient within the flame tube and permits better and more rapid oxidation of the volatile organic substances contained in the process gas. After the combustion products leave the flame tube 109, they enter a main combustion enclosure 114 of the device 100 in which post-combustion takes place. The exhaust gases can leave the device 100 through the outlets 105, 106 built into the main combustion enclosure 114. The burner 1 includes a swirl mixing chamber 10, a combustion chamber 50 immediately following and in communication with the swirl mixing chamber 10, and a holding assembly 60 onto which the swirl mixing chamber 10 is fastened by bolts 61 or by other suitable means. The holding assembly 60 also contains the fuel lance 63, UV flame scanner 66 and ignition device 67. Burner movement in the longitudinal axis is controlled by the positioning motor 64. Within the burner 1, specifically along its longitudinal axis, the lance 63 is extended through which fuel such as natural gas is fed into the swirl mixing chamber 10. The openings 12 through which a portion of the process gas flows into the swirl mixing chamber 10 are positioned peripherally in the swirl mixing chamber 10. The mixing of the process gas and the fuel is critical to the performance of the raw gas burner of the invention. To insure that the fuel is burned in the burner combustion chamber efficiently, so as to achieve the desired low NOx and CO emissions, the swirl mixing chamber 10 illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 1A is used, which employs radial and tangential swirl techniques to achieve a stable mixing zone over a large process flow range. The swirling motion of the mixture also results in a stable flame within the combustion chamber 50. The swirl mixing chamber 10 includes three main components. An inlet cylinder 11 (FIG. 1A) defines the outer boundary of the burner. Several openings 12 in the cylinder 11 allow the process air to enter the burner. The size and quantity of the openings 12 control the swirl of the process air. The openings 12 are preferably of a rectangular or square shape with a total open area so as to result in a process air inlet velocity of 20 to 80 meters per second. The number of openings 12 is variable, with from 2 to 10 being typical. Three are shown, spaced at about 120° intervals. On the inside of the cylinder 11 and located at each opening 12 is a flow guide 13. Each guide 13 is shaped like a curved ramp or wedge, and is mounted flush to the base and has the same height as the opening 12. Each guide 13 directs the incoming flow to begin the swirl of the process air. The base of the swirl mixing chamber 10 is defined by a flat base plate 14 which closes one end of the cylinder 11. The base plate 14 serves to mount and locate the internal swirl generator 20, the fuel nozzle, and to mount the burner 1 to the insulation plug. The base plate includes an opening 16 at its center for receiving the lance 63. The internal swirl generator 20 includes several curved plates or vanes 15 with one border flush against and mounted to the base plate 14 of the burner. The overall diameter of the swirl generator 20 is preferably about 1/3 to about 1/4 the diameter of the inlet cylinder 11. The number of vanes 15 preferably matches the number of openings 12 in the inlet cylinder 11, although more or less could be used without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. The number, shape and incline of the internal vanes 15 determines the intensity of the central swirl. Suitable examples are illustrated in FIGS. 2A, 2B, 2C and 2D. In FIG. 2A, three vanes 150 are shown, each extending outwardly from a cylindrical section of pipe 151. The vanes 150 are shaped in a semi-circle and feature at the one end farthest from the cylindrical pipe section 151 an end flange 152. The vanes 150 are positioned at about 120° angle to each other, and each have the same height. FIG. 2B illustrates an alternative embodiment, wherein the vanes 150' spiral from the central cylindrical pipe section 151. The vanes are attached to the pipe section 151 such that an imaginary connecting line from the outer end 152' to the inner end 153' intersects the center of the swirl generator 20. The vanes form a semi-circular arc, and are of the same height. The swirl generator of this embodiment is only half the length of the swirl generator of FIG. 2A. FIG. 2C illustrates a further embodiment, similar to the embodiment of FIG. 2B, however, the axial lengths of the vanes 150" are modified such a substantially trapezoidal shape is formed when the vanes are rolled out onto a plane. FIG. 2D illustrates a still further embodiment, again similar to FIG. 2B. However, no central cylindrical pipe is used; the vanes are simply mounted onto the base plate 14, and exhibit a substantially triangular shape when unrolled in a plane. Process air enters at the base of the burner through the openings 12 in the inlet cylinder 11 and follows the flow guides 13 to create a vortex. Some of the process air in this vortex contacts the internal swirl blades 15, which creates a stronger radial type swirl in the center of the vortex. The arrangement of the openings 12, flow guides 13, swirl generator 15 and central opening 16 for the fuel lance 63 permits a mixture of some of the process gas with fuel as well as the creation of a swirl which has both tangential and axial components. This design results in a stable mixing zone within a broad standard range of process adjustment. Fuel is added to the burner at the center 16 of the swirling flow, via the lance 63. Preferred fuels are those with no chemically bound nitrogen, such as natural gas, butane, propane, etc., with natural gas being especially preferred in view of its lower calometric flame temperature. The intensity and location of the central process air swirl determines the required fuel velocity and nozzle location. The fuel should be added to the swirl mixing chamber at a constant velocity in order to reduce the NO x emissions of the burner. Low gas flow velocities result in a poor mixture of fuel and process gas, and, consequently, high NO x levels. High gas velocities also lead to poor mixing and high NO x levels. Preferably, the gas flow velocities are in a range between 50 and 150 m/s. The amount of fuel entering the burner is determined by a valve assembly and conventional actuator and temperature control device. Fuel is increased or decreased as required to maintain the control temperature set point. Fuel and process air begin to mix as they proceed axially down the mixing chamber 10 and enter the combustion section 50 of the burner. In view of the flow characteristics inside the combustion chamber 50, the mixture of fuel and process gas remains intact until it is completely burned in the combustion chamber 50, so that merely combustion products are emitted from the burner 1. Turning to FIGS. 7 and 8, a preferred embodiment of lance 63 is illustrated. The lance 63 includes an outer pipe 70 in which a pipe 71 supplying fuel such as natural gas, an exhaust nozzle arrangement 72, a flame detector 73 and a pilot light At one end outside of the outer pipe 70, the fuel supply pipe 71 has a flange-shape inlet 75 through which fuel is fed into the pipe 71. To attach the lance 63, such as to the holding assembly 60 of the burner 1, the outer pipe 70 features a disk-shaped flange 76. Flame detector 73, preferably a UV sensor, allows observation of the pilot as well as the operating flame. The control of fuel velocity into the burner assembly is important to the NOx performance and turndown (the ratio of high fire to low fire, with low fire being 1) of the burner, and is accomplished with an adjustable nozzle assembly. Turndown ratios as high as 60:1 may be achieved with the burner of the present invention. Low fuel velocity will result in poor air/fuel mixing and/or flame out. High fuel velocity will push the fuel past the mixing point, resulting in higher NOx emissions and flame blow off. FIGS. 3A and 3B illustrate round embodiments of the gas nozzle designed to control the fuel velocity, and FIGS. 4A and 4B illustrate rectangular embodiments. A series of nozzle openings in sequence provides a close approximation to constant velocity in the designs of FIGS. 3A and 4A. These nozzles may be all of the same size or of a progressing ratio. They may be located in a linear or semi-circular pattern, with the latter being preferred in view of the burner configuration and swirl pattern of the process air. Alternatively, slots can be used in place of the series of nozzle openings, as shown in FIGS. 3B and 4B. A sliding valve 33, 33' and 43, 43' is a matching machined piece which as it moves sequentially, opens the fuel nozzles or increases the slot opening. Progressive opening of the valve yields a constant fuel velocity. This progressive nature of the valve provides the constant velocity feature of the burner. For the semicircular design, a rotating cam-shaped piece 33 or 33' is used (FIGS. 3A, 3B). For the linear design, this is accomplished by sliding the valve 43, 43' across the back face of the nozzles/slot (FIGS. 4A, 4B). Complete closure of the valve is possible. Movement of the valve is controlled by conventional controller/actuator technology well known to those skilled in the art. Location of the nozzle/valve assembly is critical to the response of the burner. The combination valve/nozzle assembly is located at the end of the fuel lance 63 in the mixing chamber 10 of the burner 1, which ensures immediate response to control signals, and virtually eliminates burner hunting. As can be seen from FIG. 6, the burner combustion chamber 50 is located at the exit of the swirl mixing chamber 10, and provides an enclosed space for the combustion of the fuel. Combustion of the fuel in an enclosed chamber allows for control of the reaction. Limiting the amount of oxygen and nitrogen in the combustion chamber of the burner lowers NOx emissions. In addition, complete combustion inside the chamber eliminates flame contact with the process air, thereby also minimizing NOx formation. The chamber also acts as a heat exchange medium allowing some heat transfer to the process. Turning now to FIGS. 5A and 5B, combustion chamber 50 includes two orifice plates 51, 52 and a cylinder 53. The exit orifice plate 52 is in the shape of a flat ring whose outer diameter corresponds to the diameter of the cylinder 53. Through the exit orifice plate 52 is an opening 54 smaller than the diameter of the cylinder 53 and through which the combustion gases can escape from the combustion chamber 50. By providing restricted opening 54 at the end of the combustion chamber 50, additional flame stability is achieved. The inlet orifice plate 51 is also in the shape of a flat ring and features a centrally located opening 55 whose diameter corresponds to the diameter of the opening 54 in the exit orifice plate 52. Preferably the diameter of openings 54 and 55 correspond to the diameter of cylinder 11 of swirl mixing chamber 10. The outer diameter of the inlet orifice plate 51 is greater than the diameter of the cylindrical casing of the swirl mixing chamber. The inlet orifice plate 51 and the exit orifice plate 52 provide a large shear stress on the swirling incoming and outgoing flows. These shear stresses provide the dynamic equilibrium which contains the flame inside the chamber. The swirling flow inside the chamber 50 and the recirculation zones created by the orifices ensure complete combustion of the fuel, and only products of combustion exit the chamber 50. An abrupt change in diameter is formed between the swirl chamber and the burner combustion chamber 50, which causes the hot combustion gases to recirculate, which results in flame stability. Preferably, the diameter of the burner combustion chamber 50 is about twice as large as the ring opening between the swirl chamber and the combustion chamber. Wedge-shaped reinforcing straps 56 strengthen the construction of the cylinder 50 and improve the heat exchange between the combustion chamber and the process gas flowing around it. Exterior cooling ribs (not shown) also can be located on the combustion chamber 50 exterior to further enhance heat transfer. Pressure drop across the burner assembly controls the amount of process air entering the burner and determines the intensity of the swirling flow inside the burner. The preferred method for pressure control is to move the mixing and combustion chambers of the burner linearly. Due to the location of the burner in the post-combustion device (FIG. 6), movement in and out of the housing 60 changes the orifice size at the inlet to the flame tube 109, which creates the pressure drop necessary for proper burner operation. Movement of the burner may be controlled to maintain a fixed pressure drop in the burner, or may be programmed to provide a specific burner position corresponding to process air and fuel rates. The movement of the burner is preferably accomplished via linear motion. FIG. 9 shows a preferred assembly. The combustion chamber 50 and swirl mixing chamber 10 are attached to lance assembly 63 by a mounting flange 62. This assembly passes through the center of the insulated mounting housing 60 on the longitudinal axis of 22 of the burner. Hot side bearing assembly 64 and cold side bearing assembly 65 support the moving sections (i.e., the lance 63, the mixing chamber 10 and the combustion chamber 50) of the burner. In and out linear motion of the burner relative to the housing 60 is controlled by the positioning linear actuator 61 coupled to lance 63. A UV flame detector 66 and spark ignitor 67 are also shown. Linear position of the burner is controlled by monitoring fuel usage and chamber differential pressure. The differential pressure before and after the burner is measured by sensing pressure in the post combustion device 100 (FIG. 6) both before the burner in feed duct 108, and after the burner in the flame tube 109. The burner is then moved linearly depending upon the measured differential. Since the diameter of the combustion chamber 50 is slightly less, preferably 5-20 mm less, most preferably 10 mm less, than the diameter of the choke point 115 of the flame tube 109, moving the burner in and out changes the size of the orifice between the combustion chamber 50 and the flame tube 109. This controls the pressure drop of the process air flowing past the burner, and therefore controls the amount of process air entering the burner. For example, as the burner is moved forward in the direction toward the end of the flame tube 109, the orifice between the combustion chamber 50 and the flame tube 109 decreases, and the pressure drop of the process air increases. Optimum burner locations for different air flows and firing rates will vary with the application of the burner. Once the correct burner position is determined, computer programming can be used to provide appropriate signals to the positioning actuator to control burner motion. Although linear actuation of the burner is preferred, it should be understood that other means can be used to change the size of the orifice between the combustion chamber 50 and the flame tube 109 to thereby control the process air flow without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention.
Raw gas burner that maximizes fuel efficiency of the burner, minimizes residence time, and reduces or eliminates flame contact with the process air or gas in order to minimize NOx formation. Process air flow such as from the cold side of a heat exchanger associated with thermal oxidizer apparatus is directed into and around the burner. The amount of process air flowing into the burner is regulated based upon the pressure drop created by the burner assembly. The pressure drop is, in turn, regulated by one or more of an external damper assembly, an internal damper assembly, and movement of the burner relative to the apparatus in which it is mounted. To ensure thorough mixing of the fuel and process air, process air entering the burner is caused to spin by the use of a swirl generator. The fuel/process air mixture proceeds into the combustion section of the burner, where the swirling flow is caused to recirculate to ensure complete combustion of the fuel in the combustion chamber. The mixture of burned fuel and process gas transfers its energy flamelessly to the process gas circulating outside the burner combustion chamber, and is hot enough to ignite the process gas there, which then burns separately from the burner combustion chamber, such as in the main combustion enclosure of the thermal post-combustion device.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/394,924, filed Oct. 20, 2010, the subject matter of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. BACKGROUND [0002] This invention relates generally to asset tracking systems, and more particularly to Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems that employ ferrite material to shape the magnetic field pattern of an antenna-like source or detector [0003] Asset tracking within Data Centers is important for the assistance in inventory audits, physical location identification of assets that require repair or de-commissioning, and for rack environmental management. The industry currently addresses this problem largely by the implementation of manual techniques (handwritten or Excel® spreadsheet-based physical location of assets). Some data center managers have improved upon these techniques by incorporating barcode systems into their asset tracking methods. Nevertheless, the bar code methods are manually implemented, and therefore have cost and accuracy issues, notwithstanding that they are certainly better than processes that are completely manual. [0004] There is, therefore, a need in the IT data center market for a system that tracks assets automatically. There are a number of solutions that are emerging to satisfy this particular need (e.g., solutions that rely on wireless, GPS, image processing, and/or far field RFID). Another method or technology for automatic asset tracking utilizes near field RFID technology and can resolve where a particular asset is located down to the rack unit level within a rack or cabinet. [0005] RFID technology offers the following benefits over manual techniques: 1) an automated method of asset tracking and reporting; 2) a lower life cycle cost; 3) numerous different types of rack IT assets that can be tracked (e.g., patch panels, blanking panels, absence of equipment); 4) greater accuracy for asset rack unit location with accurate asset attributes; and 5) automated monitoring of rack inventory for accurate environmental management Important attributes for near-field RFID methods to gain wide acceptance in the market place are low cost and simple installation (in existing and new data centers). SUMMARY. [0006] In one aspect, there is provided an automated system that, when employed for asset tracking and management, utilizes near field Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology. In accordance with this aspect of the invention, RFID tags are attached to assets, and RFID antennas (and corresponding readers) are strategically located in close proximity to read the tags. To apply an RFID system to a rack or cabinet, near-field antennas are mounted along one of the mounting posts at each rack unit location such that when a piece of equipment (rack mounted or rail mounted) is installed at a particular rack unit space, the tag will be read and registered in an RFID management system. [0007] In one aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of tracking equipment installed on a rack. The method includes attaching an RFID tag to a mounting portion of the equipment; attaching an antenna system to the rack, the antenna system issuing a magnetic field that impinges upon the RFID tag; and shaping the magnetic field issued by the antenna system in response to a distance between the antenna system and the RFID tag. [0008] In one embodiment of this aspect, the step of attaching an antenna system to the rack is performed on a mounting post of the rack. In one embodiment of this aspect, the step of attaching an RFID tag is performed on a mounting ear of the equipment in close proximity of the mounting post of the rack. [0009] In one aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of manufacturing a RFID tag. The method includes attaching a RFID integrated circuit to a first printed circuit board and bonding the first printed circuit board to a substrate. In one embodiment of this aspect, the first printed circuit board is a flex printed circuit board, whereby an RFID strap is formed. In some embodiments, prior to performing the step of bonding the first printed circuit board to a substrate there are provided the further steps of adhering the flex printed circuit board to an antenna flex printed circuit board, to form an inlay and adhering the inlay to a substrate. [0010] In one aspect of the invention, there is provided a system for protecting equipment that is to be installed on a rack. The system includes a near field RFID tag installed in a mounting portion of the equipment that is to be protected. There is additionally provided an antenna array installed on the rack in predetermined relation to the near field RFID tag for issuing a magnetic field. In one embodiment of this aspect, there is further provided a magnetic field shaping arrangement for controlling the magnetic field issued by the antenna array. The magnetic field shaping arrangement includes, in some embodiments, a ferrite element installed on the near field RFID tag. In one embodiment, the magnetic field shaping arrangement is provided with a ferrite member installed in the vicinity of the antenna array distal from the near field RFID tag. [0011] The scope of the present invention is defined solely by the appended claims and is not affected by the statements within this summary. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0012] The invention can be better understood with reference to the following drawings and description. The components in the figures are not necessarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon illustrating the principles of the invention. [0013] FIGS. 1 a to 1 d depict simplified isometric and plan representations of a specific illustrative embodiment of the invention; [0014] FIGS. 2 a to 2 c depict simplified schematic and isometric representations that are useful in describing a near field magnetic coupling technique that is used to communicate between an antenna array and an IT equipment tag, in accordance with the invention; [0015] FIGS. 3 a to 3 d depict plan and side view simplified representations useful to describe a construction that utilizes ferrite material for magnetic field shaping of an antenna array module and an IT equipment tag for a rack-unit-based near field RFID system, in accordance with the invention; [0016] FIGS. 4 a to 4 d depict simplified schematic representations of magnet field lines between an antenna array and an IT equipment tag for the embodiments with and without a ferrite material within the IT equipment tag; [0017] FIGS. 5 a to 5 c depict graphical and simplified isometric representations that are useful to illustrate the RFID system sensitivity as a function of physical proximity between a printed circuit board (PCB) antenna and the IT equipment tag; [0018] FIG. 6 depicts a simplified schematic representation of the shape of the near field magnetic field pattern; [0019] FIG. 7 depicts a simplified representation that is useful to illustrate the components of a specific illustrative embodiment of the invention of far field IT equipment RFID tags, as well as an illustrative manufacturing technique; [0020] FIGS. 8 a and 8 b depict an IT equipment tag that consists of two sections, and the optimization of the circuit to achieve maximum power transfer from the source into the IC load; [0021] FIGS. 9 a and 9 b depict a specific illustrative embodiment of a tag in which the reactance of an antenna and the input impedance of an RFID IC cancel one other; [0022] FIGS. 10 a to 10 d depict a specific illustrative embodiment of an IT equipment RFID tag in which ferrite is used to enhance received coupled power; [0023] FIGS. 11 a and 11 b depict structural representations of a further specific illustrative embodiment of an IT equipment RFID tag that employs ferrite to enhance the received coupled power; and [0024] FIGS. 12 a and 12 b depict yet another illustrative embodiment of an IT equipment RFID tag that employs ferrite to enhance the received coupled power. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0025] With reference to FIGS. 1 a to 1 d, simplified isometric and plan representations of a specific illustrative embodiment of the invention are depicted along with an illustrative asset tracking system. FIG. 1 a illustrates the use of RFID at the rack unit level of granularity. More specifically, RFID tagged equipment is illustrated in use with a rack unit 110 . [0026] The technique of the present invention relies on near field magnetic coupling between an antenna array 112 mounted on the rack's mounting post 114 and an RFID tag 120 that is installed on RFID tagged equipment 130 . Referring to FIG. 1 b, there is shown in isometric representation RFID tag 120 that is attached to IT equipment 130 that mounts in the rack. FIGS. 1 a through 1 d illustrate two key components of the RFID rack-unit-based asset tracking management system of the present invention, specifically antenna array 112 and RFID tag 120 attached to the IT equipment. Antenna array 112 , which as stated is mounted onto the rack's mounting post 114 , contains one near field coupling antenna 132 (or sensor) per rack unit space. The IT equipment tags are mounted as shown on the IT equipment assets that are to be tracked. These tags can be placed on equipment that is mounted on a rail 140 , as shown in FIG. 1 b, or mounted on a post 150 , as shown in FIG. 1 c. Since the IT equipment RFID tags are typically mounted on metallic surfaces, such as surface 155 shown in FIG. 1 d, the performance of a tag directly on a metallic surface will be poor unless special design considerations are applied. [0027] Referring again to FIGS. 1 a to 1 d, when an equipment asset is mounted onto the rack, the previously provisioned RFID tag mounted on equipment mounting ear 160 is interrogated by a reader (not shown in this figure) via post mounted antenna array 112 . The reader reports that a piece of equipment has been inserted into a particular rack at a particular rack unit level to an asset tracking management software. Conversely, when the equipment is removed from the rack, the reader also notifies the asset tracking management software (not shown). RFID tags 120 are, in some embodiments, located on the equipment's mounting ears 160 as shown in FIG. 1 a through FIG. 1 d . As indicated above, these equipment tags communicate to an RFID reader via the post-mounted antennas. [0028] Through the application of this RFID technology, assets within a data center (not shown) can be effectively and automatically tracked and managed. The RFID tags can be mounted on both active and passive equipment that is either front-post-mounted or rail-mounted. The RFID antennas can be mounted at each rack unit location in close proximity to the tagged equipment. This technique allows automatic detection of any tagged equipment that is mounted within the rack. Software can then be utilized to provide a complete and visible configuration of the rack. (Sub-equipment assets like line cards and blade servers are detectable using extensions of the present RFID system. Alternatively, such sub-equipment assets are detectable with the use of equipment chassis network interfaces, such as Integrated Product Lifecycle Management (IPLM) systems. [0029] The RFID tags discussed above for automatic rack unit detection utilize near-field coupling to establish the detection and communication between a reader and an equipment tag. The definition of electromagnetic near-field and far-field modes of operation is generally related to the distance between the source antenna and the measuring point or region. The near field region is typically within a radius much less than its wavelength r 21 <λ, while the far field region is typically outside a radius much greater than its wavelength r>>λ. Since the most common RFID high-frequency signal transmits at about 900 MHz in free space, the wavelength is about 33.3 cm (13.1 in). For this frequency range, the regions are defined as follows: Near Field, r<1-2 in. and far field, r>5-10 ft. It is to be noted that it is a misnomer to use the phrase “near-field antenna,” as this falsely implies that an electromagnetic wave is launched. In reality, this mechanism is preferably described as a magnetic coupling method. [0030] Characterization of the magnetic field shape that the antenna emits and the preferred magnetic field shapes that the tag is optimized to are important to the overall performance of the system. [0031] FIG. 2 is useful to depict the near field magnetic coupling technique that is used in the practice of the invention to communicate between the antenna array and the IT equipment tag. Elements of structure that have previously been discussed are similarly designated. As shown in FIG. 2 a , magnetic field 210 is generated by a current (not shown) on a trace 215 on PCB 220 of antenna array 112 that couples with the IT equipment tag's antenna. It is to be noted that the shape of the magnetic field pattern is dependent upon various parameters, illustratively including the dimensions and permeability of a ferrite 225 that is placed behind the current-carrying trace. The length, width, and height of the current carrying trace 215 on the PCB, and any metallic surfaces behind the ferrite, such as metal enclosure 230 , or on the PCB in front of the current carrying trace, will influence the shape and intensity of the magnetic field. [0032] The antenna formed by the current carrying trace on the PCB is implemented as shown in FIG. 2 b . As shown in FIG. 2 b , trace 215 is juxtaposed to ferrite 225 and connected to a PCB transmission line 235 . A ground plane 240 is schematically represented in FIG. 2 b. [0033] An electrical equivalent model of this antenna is shown in FIG. 2 c . It is important in the practice of the invention that the antennas within the antenna array communicate robustly with their associated rack unit IT equipment tags and not with neighboring rack unit IT equipment tags. Hence the shape of the magnetic field generated by each antenna must be properly designed. It is seen from this figure that the equivalent circuit consists of an inductance L and a capacitance C arranged in series with one another and with an impedance matching element 245 . These electrical parameters are represented in FIG. 2 b. [0034] FIGS. 3 and 4 illustrate the proposed construction that employs the use of ferrite material to enhance the coupling between the PCB antenna array and the IT equipment tag. FIGS. 3 a to 3 d also depict schematically an IT equipment tag 120 for a rack-unit-based near field RFID system, constructed in accordance with the invention. [0035] More specifically, FIGS. 3 a to 3 d are plan and side view simplified representations useful to describe a construction that utilizes ferrite material 225 for magnetic field shaping of an antenna array module 112 . Elements of structure that have previously been discussed are similarly designated. More specifically, FIGS. 3 a to 3 d depict a preferred illustrative construction that utilizes ferrite material 225 for magnetic field shaping of an antenna array module 112 and an IT equipment RFID tag 120 for a rack unit based near field RFID system. The antenna array module construction's top view is depicted in FIG. 3 a and the side view is depicted in FIG. 3 b. [0036] FIG. 3 a depicts plural circuit traces 215 which are coupled by respectively associated switches S to a bus 310 that is provided with a coupler 315 that is coupled to receive and transmit RF energy to an RF source (not shown). [0037] The top view of the structure of IT equipment RFID tag 120 is depicted in FIG. 3 c , and the side view is depicted in FIG. 3 d . In both figures, a metal surface 320 is disposed in close proximity to traces 215 that form antenna array 112 . As depicted in FIG. 3 c , copper trace 215 on PCB 220 is coupled to an integrated circuit 325 . In FIG. 3 d , RFID tag 120 is separated from metal surface 320 by a ferrite spacer 327 and a filler spacer 330 . [0038] FIGS. 4 a to 4 d depict simplified schematic representations of magnet field lines 210 between an antenna array and an IT equipment tag for the embodiments with and without a ferrite spacer 327 within the IT equipment tag. Elements of structure that have previously been discussed are similarly designated. The embodiment of FIG. 4 a illustrates RFID tag 120 separated from metallic surface 320 by an air spacer 410 . Ferrite spacer 327 underneath RFID tag 120 helps to increase the received coupled power from the antenna array by “channeling” or “guiding” the magnetic field away from metallic surface 320 . Thus, it is seen in the air spacer embodiment of FIG. 4 a that magnet field lines 210 extend into metal surface 320 . [0039] The magnetic characteristics of the embodiment depicted in FIG. 4 a are depicted in FIG. 4 b . More specifically, such magnetic characteristics are directed to the metallic material 320 . The magnetic characteristics of the embodiment depicted in FIG. 4 c are depicted in FIG. 4 d , and are directed to the magnetic characteristics of the ferrite spacer 327 . [0040] FIGS. 5 a to 5 c depict graphical and simplified isometric representations that are useful to illustrate the RFID system sensitivity as a function of physical proximity between antenna array 112 and the IT equipment RFID tag 120 . Elements of structure that have previously been discussed are similarly designated. The sensitivity of the system is plotted in the graphical representation of FIG. 5 a . When IT equipment RFID tag 120 is placed within the area outlined in the RFID system sensitivity graph of FIG. 5 a , the system will operate correctly. If the tag is placed outside of this region, the tag may not operate satisfactorily. The iso-curves depicted in FIG. 5 a are dependent on the tags' physical proximity to the antenna source as well as the overall construction of the system (e.g., the size of the ferrite core material, magnitude of transmit power from the system reader, and the shape and position of the PCB trace that forms the antenna). [0041] FIG. 6 depicts a simplified schematic representation of the shape of the near field magnetic field pattern that is useful to summarize the preferred operating distances for optimal system performance. It is to be noted that the magnetic field shape is designed to provide tolerance to the actual position of the IT equipment RFID tag 120 while minimizing any crosstalk between rack unit positions. The magnetic field lines associated with respective RFID tag 120 are represented in the figure by the plural X in a circle 620 . Outline 610 illustrates the safe operating region associated with RFID tag 120 . This outline incorporates degrees of freedom corresponding to: PCB trace length, width, and position; ferrite core length, width, and position; proximity to metal behind the ferrite; proximity to metal in front of the PCB trace; and magnitude of the transmission power level. [0042] FIG. 7 depicts a far field IT equipment RFID tag 710 and an illustrative manufacturing technique, according to one aspect of the invention. The depicted technique uses an RFID IC 720 soldered onto a Flex PCB assembly 725 that is designated an “RFID strap.” The RFID strap is, in some embodiments, glued with electrically conductive adhesive (not shown) onto another flex PCB 730 , that is termed the “antenna flex PCB.” It is to be noted that an RFID IC can be soldered directly onto the antenna flex PCB, thereby obviating the need for the herein-disclosed strap process when using appropriate manufacturing process technologies. Antenna flex PCB 730 implements either a far field antenna as shown in the figure, or a near field antenna (not shown) depending upon the design of the antenna itself. The constructed assembly is termed an “inlay,” represented by inlay 750 . An RFID tag is formed when inlay 750 is bonded onto a substrate (not specifically designated). The inlay constitutes a key component of the RFID tag of the present invention. The manufacturing process steps are illustrated by the function bocks in this figure. Systems 755 and 757 are illustrative of products that are manufactured in accordance with the disclosed manufacturing process. [0043] FIGS. 8 a and 8 b depict an IT equipment RFID tag 820 that consists of two sections, and the optimization of the circuit to achieve maximum power transfer from the source into the IC load. Referring to FIG. 8 a , the IT equipment tag consists of two sections and hence is modeled in two sections, specifically a near field antenna 830 and an IC 840 . Near field antenna 830 is modeled as an ideal receiver voltage source 832 with a source resistance 834 and the reactance component 836 of the antenna itself. The IC has a complex input impedance 842 that can be represented as a reactance and a resistance 844 that represents the load of the IC. In FIG. 8 b , when the IT equipment tag's complex antenna impedance is matched to the complex input impedance of the IC, an optimized circuit is achieved (i.e., maximum power transfer from the source into the IC load occurs when X ANT and X IC are conjugates of each other and hence cancel). For example, if X ANT =jωL and X IC =1/jωC (=−jωC), then when L=1/C a cancellation will occur and the circuit will have been reduced to a simple voltage divider, as depicted in FIG. 8 b. [0044] FIGS. 9 a and 9 b depict an illustrative embodiment of a tag wherein the reactance impedance components of the antenna and the input of the RFID IC cancel each other. Elements of structure that have previously been discussed are similarly designated. As depicted in FIG. 9 a , the impedance arising from the combination of resistance 934 inductance 936 from the tag's loop antenna is designed to match (i.e., provide a complex conjugate) the RFID IC's input impedance, which is the serial combination of equivalence capacitance 942 and resistance 944 , at an illustrative operating frequency of 900 MHz. As depicted in FIG. 9 b , the impedance of the tag's loop antenna is influenced by the environment to which it is attached (not shown). In this figure, RFID tag 120 is installed on mounting ear 160 in the vicinity of a metallic surface 960 . In the embodiment, mutual coupling M is essentially the result of mutual inductance. The components designated generally as 965 represent parasitic capacitance and inductance. [0045] FIGS. 10 a to 10 d depict a specific illustrative embodiment of an IT equipment RFID tag 1010 in which ferrite is used to enhance received coupled power. A ferrite spacer 1015 is used under trace 1020 as shown in FIG. 10 a to enhance the coupled power received by RFID tag 1010 . As shown, RFID tag 1010 is installed on mounting ear 160 of the IT equipment (not shown in this figure), which is itself installed on mounting post 114 . [0046] The tag antenna is formed by a PCB trace 1050 that connects to a tag IC 1055 as shown in FIG. 10 b . The PCB is attached (e.g., adhesive) to a plastic molded component as shown in FIG. 10 d . A metallic rivet assembly having rivet portions 1030 and 1032 , as shown in FIG. 10 c , is inserted onto PCB-molded component assembly, which in this embodiment includes a PCB element 1040 and a molded plastic spacer element 1045 . As shown, plastic spacer element 1045 in this specific illustrative embodiment of the invention is provided with a cavity 1047 that accommodates tag IC 1055 . [0047] The rivet assembly has two functions; first it allows the force from a screw 1060 to transfer to metallic IT equipment mounting ear 160 and mounting post 114 , and secondly it provides an electrical path from the threaded holes in the mounting ear formed by the screw to connect to the metallic post. The function of this molded component is to capture the ferrite material, protect the RFID tag, and provide a robust way for a screw to be inserted through the module as shown in FIG. 10 c. [0048] FIGS. 11 a and 11 b depict structural representations of a further specific illustrative embodiment of an IT equipment RFID tag that employs ferrite 1110 to enhance the received coupled power. Ferrite 1110 is, as previously discussed, employed in the structure shown in FIG. 11 a to enhance the received coupled power. The ferrite is held in place by the two outer PCBs 1120 and 1122 and metallic molded component 1130 . The metallic molded component has features incorporated in to protect the RFID tag and has a raised (proud) feature 1135 that will have functionality similar to that of the rivet assembly depicted in FIG. 10 . In this specific illustrative embodiment of the invention, feature 1135 has a height above the surface of approximately 10 mil. [0049] FIGS. 12 a and 12 b depict yet another illustrative embodiment an IT equipment RFID tag that employs ferrite to enhance the received coupled power. FIG. 12 a depicts mounting posts 1210 and 1212 that support IT equipment 1215 . A ferrite 1220 serves to enhance the received coupled power. The ferrite is held in place onto PCB 1225 , which in this embodiment is a single-sided PCB, by adhesive (not shown) or a mechanical clip (not shown). A metallic washer 1230 is attached to the bottom of solder-coated PCB pad 1232 and functions in a manner analogous to that of the rivet assembly depicted in FIG. 10 . Also in the embodiment of FIG. 12 a , there is depicted a tag IC 1240 that is adjoined in this specific illustrative embodiment of the invention to a foam double sided tape 1245 . [0050] FIG. 12 b depicts a RFID tag 1250 installed on mounting ear 1255 of the IT equipment. An antenna array 1260 also is mounted in mounting post 1210 . This figure additionally depicts a cross-sectional view, and an alternative cross-sectional view taken along section A-A. [0051] The Abstract of the Disclosure is provided to allow the reader to quickly ascertain the nature of the technical disclosure. It is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims. In addition, in the foregoing Detailed Description, it can be seen that various features are grouped together in various embodiments for the purpose of streamlining the disclosure. This method of disclosure is not to be interpreted as reflecting an intention that the claimed embodiments require more features than are expressly recited in each claim. Rather, as the following claims reflect, inventive subject matter lies in less than all features of a single disclosed embodiment. Thus the following claims are hereby incorporated into the Detailed Description, with each claim standing on its own as a separately claimed subject matter. [0052] While various embodiments of the invention have been described, it will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art that other embodiments and implementations are possible within the scope of the invention. Accordingly, the invention is not to be restricted except in light of the attached claims and their equivalents.
The present invention provides an automated system for asset tracking and management and utilizes near field Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology. RFID tags are attached to the assets, and RFID antennas (and corresponding readers) are strategically located in close proximity to read the tags. As applied to a rack or cabinet, near-field antennas are mounted along one of the mounting posts at each rack unit location such that when a piece of equipment (rack mounted or rail mounted) is installed at a particular rack unit space, the tag will be read and registered in an RFID management system. A magnetic field shaping arrangement ensures that crosstalk between adjacent rack positions is prevented. Ferrite elements are used to control the magnetic field.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Many industrial plants in the pulp and paper industry and the petro-chemical industry have a utility part which is a multiunit power plant for providing both electrical energy and process steam by cogeneration. The objective of this utility part of the industrial plant is to load the boilers, the turbine generators, and the tie lines supplying electrical power according to cost, consistent with system constraints and the desired controllability of the header pressure controls. Thus, for example, where a backpressure and an extraction turbine are operating in parallel to maintain a header pressure, it is desirable to divide the steam demand for the particular header being supplied so that the most economic division of load between the two turbines is accomplished while maintaining the desired controllability on the header pressure. In some cases the cost curves for the turbines supplying the header overlap and equal incremental cost loading may be used to arrive at an economic division of the load. However, for many combinations of back-pressure and extraction turbines there is no overlap of the cost curves and another approach must be used. It is therefore an objective of this invention to provide a method and means for dividing the steam load on a header between backpressure and extraction turbines which will provide an economic division of the steam load while maintaining controllability on the header pressure control. In accordance with the above object there is provided a control system for turbines in the utility part of an industrial plant using cogeneration which control system is operable to control the relative quantities of steam supplied from a plurality of steam turbines such as a backpressure and an extraction turbine to a common steam header which supplies process steam at a predetermined pressure while the electrical generation from the generators driven by said turbines is maintained at a maximum consistent with the maintenance of an adequate control range for the header pressure control on those turbines assigned to maintain header pressure, usually the extraction turbines supplying the header. The system includes means for measuring the header pressure combined with means for controlling the steam flow from a turbine such as an extraction turbine so as to maintain the header pressure at a set point. The system also includes means for measuring the steam flow to the header from the turbine being controlled to maintain the header pressure at its desired value as well as means for controlling the steam flow from the other turbines supplying the header to maintain a predetermined relationship between the steam flows from said turbines. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING FIG. 1 shows in block diagram form one arrangement of the novel control system as it is applied to a backpressure turbine and an extraction turbine supplying a common header. FIG. 2 shows another form of the invention. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT In the figure there are shown a portion of the utility section of an industrial plant which has three steam supply headers which provide steam to a process. These headers include a high pressure header 10, an intermediate pressure header 12, and the low pressure header 14. The high pressure header 10 which may be the output line of boilers (not shown) supplying steam to an extraction turbine 16 of the condensing type which includes a high pressure section 16A, an intermediate pressure section 16B and a low pressure section 16C, connected to the various headers such that the high pressure header 10 supplies steam to the high pressure section 16A through the throttling valve 18, with the high pressure section 16A supplying extraction steam flow to the intermediate pressure header 12. The high pressure section 16A is also connected through the extraction valve 20 to the intermediate pressure section 16B. The extraction steam flow from the intermediate pressure section 16B supplies the low pressure header 14 by way of line 22. The intermediate pressure section 16B also supplies the low pressure section 16C through extraction valve 26. As shown in the figure, the turbine 16 is mechanically coupled to operate the generator 30 to provide electrical power output on line 32. In addition to the extraction type condensing turbine 16, the low pressure header is also supplied with steam from the back pressure turbine 34. The steam to the back pressure turbine 34 is supplied from the high pressure header 10 through throttle valve 36 and line 38 while the output steam from turbine 34 is supplied by way of line 40 to the low pressure header 14. The back pressure turbine 34 is mechanically coupled to operate the generator 42 so as to produce on output line 44 an electrical output which is normally combined with the output on line 32 to provide part of the electrical power to the plant. It will be understood that a single industrial plant may include in its utility part a number of units. Thus, while there has only been shown in the figure two turbines, namely 16 and 34, it is not unusual for an industrial plant to include a large number of turbine units, both extraction type condensing turbines and back pressure units which are arranged to supply the steam to various headers which provide processed steam. Thus, while in the figure there is shown a means for supplying low pressure header 14 with steam from the extraction turbine 16 as well as the back pressure turbine 34, the supply of steam to the intermediate header may come not only from the extraction turbine 16 as shown in the figure, but also from another back pressure turbine, not shown. Thus, while the control system to be described below is for the proportioning of the steam supply from the extraction turbine 16 and the back pressure turbine 34 to the low pressure header, a similar control arrangement may be utilized to proportion the supply of steam from the extraction turbine 16 and a back pressure turbine not shown to the intermediate pressure header 12. It is desired, as pointed out above, to control the relationship of the steam flow over lines 22 and 40 or, in other words, from turbine 16 and turbine 34, to the header 14 so as to maintain the pressure in the header 14 at the desired value while preserving the desired degree of controllability for the pressure control system for header 14. It will be evident from the figure that the pressure control of header 14 is carried out by controlling the extraction valves of turbine 16, namely the valves 20 and 26, and the throttle valve 18, as determined by the coupling unit 50 in response to operation of valve 26 by a signal on line 52 as an output from the pressure controller 54 which responds not only to the measured pressure signal as supplied by the pressure transducer 56, but also to the pressure setpoint signal as supplied to the controller on line 58. Thus, the deviation between the desired pressure in header 14 as represented by the signal on line 58 and the actual pressure as measured by the transducer 56 produces a control signal on line 52 which is effective to adjust the extraction valve 26. The controller 54 may include both proportioning and reset action and can be a standard type of controller as used in industrial control systems. For example, if the pressure in the low pressure header 14 falls below its setpoint value, the controller 54 will, by way of the signal on line 52, cause the control valve 26 to operate in a closing direction. As valve 26 closes, the steam flow in line 22 increases so as to maintain the pressure in header 14 at its desired value. As the control signal on line 52 is causing the valve 26 to operate in a closing direction, the coupling unit 50 is operating to cause the valves 18 and 20 to operate in an opening direction so that the modification of the extracted steam flows from the turbine 16 is generally such that the modification is carried out so that the electrical output produced on line 32 by generator 30 does not vary widely. The coupling unit 50 may be considered as including the mechanical coupling frequently used in extraction turbines or it may be considered as a means for separately operating the individual valves as provided for the turbine system. As the steam flow in the line 22 changes in response to the action of the pressure control, that change is detected by the flow transmitter 60 which is operable by way of the flow controller 62 after the measured value has been compared with the desired value as represented by the signal on line 64 to produce a control signal on line 66 to throttle valve 36 which will be effective to modify the steam flow in line 38 and line 40 to the header 14. It will be evident that as the steam through the back pressure turbine 34 is thus modified the output of the generator 42 as measured by the transducer 70 is also modified and, in fact, is proportional to the steam flow in line 40. The output of the transducer 70 on line 72 provides an input to the function generator 74 indicative of the megawatt output of generator 42. The function generator 74 then produces on line 64 a signal indicative of the setpoint for the steam flow on line 22. The relationship between the input and output of function generator 74 is desirably determined so as to maintain valve 26 within a suitable range to maintain controllability for the pressure control and so as to take into account the relative economies of the extraction turbine 16 and the backpressure turbine 34 at different output levels. The characteristic of the function generator 74 may, for example, be similar to that shown graphically in the block 74 representing the function generator. Thus the characteristic may be flat at the mid-range with a drop in the lower region and an increase in the higher region so that valve 26 would tend to be maintained near its 50% open point. The drop at the lower end may be more pronounced when the incremental cost of the back pressure unit is greater at its low flow region. The incremental cost characteristics of the backpressure turbine may thus be such that it is not monotonic in nature. For example, the incremental cost may reach a minimum value at a particular steam flow and may increase both with decreased steam flow as well as with an increased steam flow whereas it is likely that the incremental cost characteristic of the extractor turbine may be monotonic so that if there is an increased steam flow in line 22, an increased incremental cost factor will be applicable. It will be evident that in order to maintain controllability for the pressure control system on the low pressure header 14, it is desirable that the extraction valve 26 should not be at or near its extreme open or closed position except in a transient situation, thus, any change in the opening of the extraction valve 26 resulting from the pressure controller 54 which takes it to or near an extreme position should be modified by a reapportionment of the supply to the header 14 by intermediate pressure section 16B over line 22 and the supply by way of the line 40 from backpressure turbine 34. Thus, it is appropriate that the setpoint for the steam flow in line 22 should be lower, relatively speaking, for low steam flow in line 40 as compared with the setpoint for higher steam flow values. The intermediate pressure header has a pressure control system similar to that of the low pressure header, thus the pressure transducer 80 supplies a signal to pressure controller 82 which also receives on line 84 a signal representing a setpoint for the intermediate pressure header. The controller 82 compares the actual with the desired pressure values and provides a signal on output line 86 to the throttle valve 20 which serves to position that valve to correct the extracted steam flow from the high pressure section of turbine 16 so as to return the pressure in the intermediate pressure header 12 to its desired value. As was mentioned with regard to the adjustment of the throttle valve 26 and the resulting related adjustments of the valves 18 and 20, it will similarly be desirable upon adjustment of the extraction valve 20 that there be appropriate adjustments also in the valves 18 and 26. Thus, if valve 20 is positioned so that it is in a more closed condition, it is desirable that the valve 18 be adjusted to be in a more open position and valve 26 in a more closed position so that the output on line 30 is as nearly constant as possible. In FIG. 2 there is shown a system for producing the same result as that produced by the system of FIG. 1. FIG. 2 differs from FIG. 1 in that the signal on line 72 is produced by summing in summer 73 the signals on lines 41 and 61 which are respectively indicative of the steam flow in lines 40 and 22 as that flow is measured by the respective transducers 43 and 60. Thus, in FIG. 2 the setpoint for the steam flow in line 22 is a function of the sum of the steam flow in line 22 and that in line 40. It will be evident to those skilled in the art that the header pressure may be controlled by controlling a plurality of turbines which may be backpressure and/or extraction units instead of controlling just one, and the controllability of that pressure control may be maintained by changing the steam flow from a plurality of units whch likewise may be backpressure or extraction units. It will also be evident to those skilled in the art that the loads on the various turbines may be mechanical loads such as pumps and fans as well as generators as shown in the figures. Also the extraction valves may be in series with the extraction flow and valve position signals may be used as feedback instead of extraction flows as shown in the figures.
A control system is provided for turbines in the utility part of an industrial plant using cogeneration so that control is maintained over the relative quantities of steam supplied to a common steam header from both the back pressure and the extraction turbines where the header supplies process steam at a predetermined pressure. The steam flow from a stage of the extraction turbine is controlled to maintain the header pressure at its desired value. The steam flow thus controlled is measured and a control means is provided to control the steam flow from a back pressure turbine supplying the same header so as to maintain a predetermined relationship between the two steam flows while maintaining electrical generation from the generators driven by the turbine at a maximum consistent with maintenance of an adequate control range for the header pressure control.
[0001] This application is a continuation of a copending U.S. application Ser. No. 09/656,313, filed 09/06/00, titled “Motionless Electromagnetic Generator,” for which the issue fee has been paid. BACKGROUND INFORMATION [0002] 1. Field of Invention [0003] This invention relates to a magnetic generator used to produce electrical power without moving parts, and, more particularly, to such a device having a capability, when operating, of producing electrical power without an external application of input power through input coils. [0004] 2. Description of the Related Art [0005] The patent literature describes a number of magnetic generators, each of which includes a permanent magnet, two magnetic paths external to the permanent magnet, each of which extends between the opposite poles of the permanent magnet, switching means for causing magnetic flux to flow alternately along each of the two magnetic paths, and one or more output coils in which current is induced to flow by means of changes in the magnetic field within the device. These devices operate in accordance with an extension of Faraday's Law, indicating that an electrical current is induced within a conductor within a changing magnetic field, even if the source of the magnetic field is stationary. [0006] A method for switching magnetic flux to flow predominantly along either of two magnetic paths between opposite poles of a permanent magnet is described as a “flux transfer” principle by R. J. Radus in Engineer's Digest, Jul. 23, 1963. This principle is used to exert a powerful magnetic force at one end of both the north and south poles and a very low force at the other end, without being used in the construction of a magnetic generator. This effect can be caused mechanically, by keeper movement, or electrically, by driving electrical current through one or more control windings extending around elongated versions of the pole pieces 14 . Several devices using this effect are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,165,723, 3,228,013, and 3,316,514, which are incorporated herein by reference. [0007] Another step toward the development of a magnetic generator is described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,368,141, which is incorporated herein by reference, as a device including a permanent magnet in combination with a transformer having first and second windings about a core, with two paths for magnetic flux leading from each pole of the permanent magnet to either end of the core, so that, when an alternating current induces magnetic flux direction changes in the core, the magnetic flux from the permanent magnet is automatically directed through the path which corresponds with the direction taken by the magnetic flux through the core due to the current. In this way, the magnetic flux is intensified. This device can be used to improve the power factor of a typically inductively loaded alternating current circuit. [0008] Other patents describe magnetic generators in which electrical current from one or more output coils is described as being made available to drive a load, in the more conventional manner of a generator. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,006,401, which is incorporated herein by reference, describes an electromagnetic generator including permanent magnet and a core member, in which the magnetic flux flowing from the magnet in the core member is rapidly alternated by switching to generate an alternating current in a winding on the core member. The device includes a permanent magnet and two separate magnetic flux circuit paths between the north and south poles of the magnet. Each of the circuit paths includes two switching means for alternately opening and closing the circuit paths, generating an alternating current in a winding on the core member. Each of the switching means includes a switching magnetic circuit intersecting the circuit path, with the switching magnetic circuit having a coil through which current is driven to induce magnetic flux to saturate the circuit path extending to the permanent magnet. Power to drive these coils is derived directly from the output of a continuously applied alternating current source. What is needed is an electromagnetic generator not requiring the application of such a current source. [0009] U.S. Pat. No. 4,077,001, which is incorporated herein by reference, describes a magnetic generator, or dc/dc converter, comprising a permanent magnet having spaced-apart poles and a permanent magnetic field extending between the poles of the magnet. A variable-reluctance core is disposed in the field in fixed relation to the magnet and the reluctance of the core is varied to cause the pattern of lines of force of the magnetic field to shift. An output conductor is disposed in the field in fixed relation to the magnet and is positioned to be cut by the shifting lines of permanent magnetic force so that a voltage is induced in the conductor. The magnetic flux is switched between alternate paths by means of switching coils extending around portions of the core, with the flow of current being alternated between these switching coils by means of a pair of transistors driven by the outputs of a flip-flop. The input to the flip flop is driven by an adjustable frequency oscillator. Power for this drive circuit is supplied through an additional, separate power source. What is needed is a magnetic generator not requiring the application of such a power source. [0010] U.S. Pat. No. 4,904,926, which is incorporated herein by reference, describes another magnetic generator using the motion of a magnetic field. The device includes an electrical winding defining a magnetically conductive zone having bases at each end, the winding including elements for the removing of an induced current therefrom. The generator further includes two pole magnets, each having a first and a second pole, each first pole in magnetic communication with one base of the magnetically conductive zone. The generator further includes a third pole magnet, the third pole magnet oriented intermediately of the first poles of the two pole electromagnets, the third pole magnet having a magnetic axis substantially transverse to an axis of the magnetically conductive zone, the third magnet having a pole nearest to the conductive zone and in magnetic attractive relationship to the first poles of the two pole electromagnets, in which the first poles thereof are like poles. Also included in the generator are elements, in the form of windings, for cyclically reversing the magnetic polarities of the electromagnets. These reversing means, through a cyclical change in the magnetic polarities of the electromagnets, cause the magnetic flux lines associated with the magnetic attractive relationship between the first poles of the electromagnets and the nearest pole of the third magnet to correspondingly reverse, causing a wiping effect across the magnetically conductive zone, as lines of magnetic flux swing between respective first poles of the two electromagnets, thereby inducing electron movement within the output windings and thus generating a flow of current within the output windings. [0011] U.S. Pat. No. 5,221,892, which is incorporated herein by reference, describes a magnetic generator in the form of a direct current flux compression transformer including a magnetic envelope having poles defining a magnetic axis and characterized by a pattern of magnetic flux lines in polar symmetry about the axis. The magnetic flux lines are spatially displaced relative to the magnetic envelope using control elements which are mechanically stationary relative to the core. Further provided are inductive elements which are also mechanically stationary relative to the magnetic envelope. Spatial displacement of the flux relative to the inductive elements causes a flow of electrical current. Further provided are magnetic flux valves which provide for the varying of the magnetic reluctance to create a time domain pattern of respectively enhanced and decreased magnetic reluctance across the magnetic valves, and, thereby, across the inductive elements. [0012] Other patents describe devices using superconductive elements to cause movement of the magnetic flux. These devices operate in accordance with the Meissner effect, which describes the expulsion of magnetic flux from the interior of a superconducting structure as the structure undergoes the transition to a superconducting phase. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,011,821, which is incorporated herein by reference, describes an electric power generating device including a bundle of conductors which are placed in a magnetic field generated by north and south pole pieces of a permanent magnet. The magnetic field is shifted back and forth through the bundle of conductors by a pair of thin films of superconductive material. One of the thin films is placed in the superconducting state while the other thin film is in a non-superconducting state. As the states are cyclically reversed between the two films, the magnetic field is deflected back and forth through the bundle of conductors. [0013] U.S. Pat. No. 5,327,015, which is incorporated herein by reference, describes an apparatus for producing an electrical impulse comprising a tube made of superconducting material, a source of magnetic flux mounted about one end of the tube, a means, such as a coil, for intercepting the flux mounted along the tube, and a means for changing the temperature of the superconductor mounted about the tube. As the tube is progressively made superconducting, the magnetic field is trapped within the tube, creating an electrical impulse in the means for intercepting. A reversal of the superconducting state produces a second pulse. [0014] None of the patented devices described above use a portion of the electrical power generated within the device to power the reversing means used to change the path of magnetic flux. Thus, like conventional rotary generators, these devices require a steady input of power, which may be in the form of electrical power driving the reversing means of one of these magnetic generators or the torque driving the rotor of a conventional rotary generator. Yet, the essential function of the magnetic portion of an electrical generator is simply to switch magnetic fields in accordance with precise timing. In most conventional applications of magnetic generators, the voltage is switched across coils, creating magnetic fields in the coils which are used to override the fields of permanent magnets, so that a substantial amount of power must be furnished to the generator to power the switching means, reducing the efficiency of the generator. [0015] Recent advances in magnetic material, which have particularly been described by Robert C. O'Handley in Modern Magnetic Materials, Principles and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 456-468, provide nanocrystalline magnetic alloys, which are particularly well suited for the rapid switching of magnetic flux. These alloys are primarily composed of crystalline grains, or crystallites, each of which has at least one dimension of a few nanometers. Nanocrystalline materials may be made by heat-treating amorphous alloys which form precursors for the nanocrystalline materials, to which insoluble elements, such as copper, are added to promote massive nucleation, and to which stable, refractory alloying materials, such as niobium or tantalum carbide are added to inhibit grain growth. Most of the volume of nanocrystalline alloys is composed of randomly distributed crystallites having dimensions of about 2-40 nm. These crystallites are nucleated and grown from an amorphous phase, with insoluble elements being rejected during the process of crystallite growth. In magnetic terms, each crystallite is a single-domain particle. The remaining volume of nanocrystalline alloys is made up of an amorphous phase in the form of grain boundaries having a thickness of about 1 nm. [0016] Magnetic materials having particularly useful properties are formed from an amorphous Co—Nb—B (cobalt-niobium-boron) alloy having near-zero magnetostriction and relatively strong magnetization, as well as good mechanical strength and corrosion resistance. A process of annealing this material can be varied to change the size of crystallites formed in the material, with a resulting strong effect on DC coercivity. The precipitation of nanocrystallites also enhances AC performance of the otherwise amorphous alloys. [0017] Other magnetic materials are formed using iron-rich amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys, which generally show larger magnetization that the alloys based on cobalt. Such materials are, for example, Fe—B—Si—Nb—Cu (iron-boron-silicon-niobium-copper) alloys. While the permeability of iron-rich amorphous alloys is limited by their relatively large levels of magnetostriction, the formation of a nanocrystalline material from such an amorphous alloy dramatically reduces this level of magnetostriction, favoring easy magnetization. [0018] Advances have also been made in the development of materials for permanent magnets, particularly in the development of materials including rare earth elements. Such materials include samarium cobalt, SmCo 5 , which is used to form a permanent magnet material having the highest resistance to demagnetization of any known material. Other magnetic materials are made, for example, using combinations of iron, neodymium, and boron. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0019] It is a first objective of the present invention to provide a magnetic generator which a need for an external power source during operation of the generator is eliminated. [0020] It is a second objective of the present invention to provide a magnetic generator in which a magnetic flux path is changed without a need to overpower a magnetic field to change its direction. [0021] It is a third objective of the present invention to provide a magnetic generator in which the generation of electricity is accomplished without moving parts. [0022] In the apparatus of the present invention, the path of the magnetic flux from a permanent magnet is switched in a manner not requiring the overpowering of the magnetic fields. Furthermore, a process of self-initiated iterative switching is used to switch the magnetic flux from the permanent magnet between alternate magnetic paths within the apparatus, with the power to operate the iterative switching being provided through a control circuit consisting of components known to use low levels of power. With self-switching, a need for an external power source during operation of the generator is eliminated, with a separate power source, such as a battery, being used only for a very short time during start-up of the generator. [0023] According to a first aspect of the present invention, an electromagnetic generator is provided, including a permanent magnet, a magnetic core, first and second input coils, first and second output coils, and a switching circuit. The permanent magnet has magnetic poles at opposite ends. The magnetic core includes a first magnetic path, around which the first input and output coils extend, and a second magnetic path, around which the second input and output coils extend, between opposite ends of the permanent magnet. The switching circuit drives electrical current alternately through the first and second input coils. The electrical current driven through the first input oil causes the first input coil to produce a magnetic field opposing a concentration of magnetic flux from the permanent magnet within the first magnetic path. The electrical current driven through the second input coil causes the second input coil to produce a magnetic field opposing a concentration of magnetic flux from the permanent magnet within the second magnetic path. [0024] According to another aspect of the present invention, an electromagnetic generator is provided, including a magnetic core, a plurality of permanent magnets, first and second pluralities of input coils, a plurality of output coils, and a switching circuit. The magnetic core includes a pair of spaced-apart plates, each of which has a central aperture, and first and second pluralities of posts extending between the spaced-apart plates. The permanent magnets each extend between the pair of spaced apart plates. Each permanent magnet has magnetic poles at opposite ends, with the magnetic fields of all the permanent magnets being aligned to extend in a common direction. Each input coil extends around a portion of a plate within the spaced-apart plates, between a post and a permanent magnet. An output coil extends around each post. The switching circuit drives electrical current alternately through the first and second pluralities of input coils. Electrical current driven through each input coil in the first plurality of input coils causes an increase in magnetic flux within each post within the first plurality of posts from permanent magnets on each side of the post and a decrease in magnetic flux within each post within the second plurality of posts from permanent magnets on each side of the post. Electrical current driven through each input coil in the second plurality of input coils causes a decrease in magnetic flux within each post within the first plurality of posts from permanent magnets on each side of the post and an increase in magnetic flux within each post within the second plurality of posts from permanent magnets on each side of the post. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0025] [0025]FIG. 1 is a partly schematic front elevation of a magnetic generator and associated electrical circuits built in accordance with a first version of the first embodiment of the present invention; [0026] [0026]FIG. 2 is a schematic view of a first version of a switching and control circuit within the associated electrical circuits of FIG. 1; [0027] [0027]FIG. 3 is a graphical view of drive signals produced within the circuit of FIG. 2; [0028] [0028]FIG. 4 is a schematic view of a second version of a switching and control circuit within the associated electrical circuits of FIG. 1; [0029] [0029]FIG. 5 is a graphical view of drive signals produced within the circuit of FIG. 3; [0030] [0030]FIG. 6A is a graphical view of a first drive signal within the apparatus of FIG. 1; [0031] [0031]FIG. 6B is a graphical view of a second drive signal within the apparatus of FIG. 1; [0032] [0032]FIG. 6C is a graphical view of an input voltage signal within the apparatus of FIG. 1; [0033] [0033]FIG. 6D is a graphical view of an input current signal within the apparatus of FIG. 1; [0034] [0034]FIG. 6E is a graphical view of a first output voltage signal within the apparatus of FIG. 1; [0035] [0035]FIG. 6F is a graphical view of a second output voltage signal within the apparatus of FIG. 1; [0036] [0036]FIG. 6G is a graphical view of a first output current signal within the apparatus of FIG. 1; [0037] [0037]FIG. 6H is a graphical view of a second output current signal within the apparatus of FIG. 1; [0038] [0038]FIG. 7 is a graphical view of output power measured within the apparatus of FIG. 1, as a function of input voltage; [0039] [0039]FIG. 8 is a graphical view of a coefficient of performance, calculated from measurements within the apparatus of FIG. 1, as a function of input voltage; [0040] [0040]FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional elevation of a second version of the first embodiment of the present invention; [0041] [0041]FIG. 10 is a top view of a magnetic generator built in accordance with a first version of a second embodiment of the present invention; [0042] [0042]FIG. 11 is a front elevation of the magnetic generator of FIG. 10; and [0043] [0043]FIG. 12 is a top view of a magnetic generator built in accordance with a second version of the second embodiment of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0044] [0044]FIG. 1 is a partly schematic front elevation of an electromagnetic generator 10 , built in accordance with a first embodiment of the present invention to include a permanent magnet 12 to supply input lines of magnetic flux moving from the north pole 14 of the magnet 12 outward into magnetic flux path core material 16 . The flux path core material 16 is configured to form a right magnetic path 18 and a left magnetic path 20 , both of which extend externally between the north pole 14 and the south pole 22 of the magnet 12 . The electromagnetic generator 10 is driven by means of a switching and control circuit 24 , which alternately drives electrical current through a right input coil 26 and a left input coil 28 . These input coils 26 , 28 each extend around a portion of the core material 16 , with the right input coil 26 surrounding a portion of the right magnetic path 18 and with the left input coil 28 surrounding a portion of the left magnetic path 20 . A right output coil 29 also surrounds a portion of the right magnetic path 18 , while a left output coil 30 surrounds a portion of the left magnetic path 20 . [0045] In accordance with a preferred version of the present invention, the switching and control circuit 24 and the input coils 26 , 28 are arranged so that, when the right input coil 26 is energized, a north magnetic pole is present at its left end 31 , the end closest to the north pole 14 of the permanent magnet 12 , and so that, when the left input coil 28 is energized, a north magnetic pole is present at its right end 32 , which is also the end closest to the north pole 14 of the permanent magnet 12 . Thus, when the right input coil 26 is magnetized, magnetic flux from the permanent magnet 12 is repelled from extending through the right input coil 26 . Similarly, when the left input coil 28 is magnetized, magnetic flux from the permanent magnet 12 is repelled from extending through the left input coil 28 . [0046] Thus, it is seen that driving electrical current through the right input coil 26 opposes a concentration of flux from the permanent magnet 12 within the right magnetic path 18 , causing at least some of this flux to be transferred to the left magnetic path 20 . On the other hand, driving electrical current through the left input coil 28 opposes a concentration of flux from the permanent magnet 12 within the left magnetic path 20 , causing at least some of this flux to be transferred to the right magnetic path 18 . [0047] While in the example of FIG. 1, the input coils 26 , 28 are placed on either side of the north pole of the permanent magnet 12 , being arranged along a portion of the core 16 extending from the north pole of the permanent magnet 12 , it is understood that the input coils 26 , 28 could as easily be alternately placed on either side of the south pole of the permanent magnet 12 , being arranged along a portion of the core 16 extending from the south pole of the permanent magnet 12 , with the input coils 26 , 28 being wired to form, when energized, magnetic fields having south poles directed toward the south pole of the permanent magnet 12 . In general, the input coils 26 , 28 are arranged along the magnetic core on either side of an end of the permanent magnet forming a first pole, such as a north pole, with the input coils being arranged to produce magnetic fields of the polarity of the first pole directed toward the first pole of the permanent magnet. [0048] Further in accordance with a preferred version of the present invention, the input coils 26 , 28 are never driven with so much current that the core material 16 becomes saturated. Driving the core material 16 to saturation means that subsequent increases in input current can occur without effecting corresponding changes in magnetic flux, and therefore that input power can be wasted. In this way, the apparatus of the present invention is provided with an advantage in terms of the efficient use of input power over the apparatus of U.S. Pat. No. 4,000,401, in which a portion both ends of each magnetic path is driven to saturation to block flux flow. In the electromagnetic generator 10 , the switching of current flow within the input coils 26 , 28 does not need to be sufficient to stop the flow of flux in one of the magnetic paths 18 , 20 while promoting the flow of magnetic flux in the other magnetic path. The electromagnetic generator 10 works by changing the flux pattern; it does not need to be completely switched from one side to another. [0049] Experiments have determined that this configuration is superior, in terms of the efficiency of using power within the input coils 26 , 28 to generate electrical power within the output coils 29 , 30 , to the alternative of arranging input coils and the circuits driving them so that flux from the permanent magnet is driven through the input coils as they are energized. This arrangement of the present invention provides a significant advantage over the prior-art methods shown, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,077,001, in which the magnetic flux is driven through the energized coils. [0050] The configuration of the present invention also has an advantage over the prior-art configurations of U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,368,141 and 4,077,001 in that the magnetic flux is switched between two alternate magnetic paths 18 , 20 with only a single input coil 26 , 28 surrounding each of the alternate magnetic paths. The configurations of U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,368,141 and 4,077,001 each require two input coils on each of the magnetic paths. This advantage of the present invention is significant both in the simplification of hardware and in increasing the efficiency of power conversion. [0051] The right output coil 29 is electrically connected to a rectifier and filter 33 , having an output driven through a regulator 34 , which provides an output voltage adjustable through the use of a potentiometer 35 . The output of the linear regulator 34 is in turn provided as an input to a sensing and switching circuit 36 . Under start up conditions, the sensing and switching circuit 36 connects the switching and control circuit 24 to an external power source 38 , which is, for example, a starting battery. After the electromagnetic generator 10 is properly started, the sensing and switching circuit 36 senses that the voltage available from regulator 34 has reached a predetermined level, so that the power input to the switching and control circuit 24 is switched from the external power source 38 to the output of regulator 34 . After this switching occurs, the electromagnetic generator 10 continues to operate without an application of external power. [0052] The left output coil 30 is electrically connected to a rectifier and filter 40 , the output of which is connected to a regulator 42 , the output voltage of which is adjusted by means of a potentiometer 43 . The output of the regulator 42 is in turn connected to an external load 44 . [0053] [0053]FIG. 2 is a schematic view of a first version of the switching and control circuit 24 . An oscillator 50 drives the clock input of a flip-flop 54 , with the Q and Q′ outputs of the flip-flop 54 being connected through driver circuits 56 , 58 to power FETS 60 , 62 so that the input coils 26 , 28 are alternately driven. In accordance with a preferred version of the present invention, the voltage V applied to the coils 26 , 28 through the FETS 60 , 62 is derived from the output of the sensing and switching circuit 36 . [0054] [0054]FIG. 3 is a graphical view of the signals driving the gates of FETS 60 , 62 of FIG. 2, with the voltage of the signal driving the gate of FET 60 being represented by line 64 , and with the voltage of the signal driving FET 62 being represented by line 66 . Both of the coils 26 , 28 are driven with positive voltages. [0055] [0055]FIG. 4 is a schematic view of a second version of the switching and control circuit 24 . In this version, an oscillator 70 drives the clock input of a flip-flop 72 , with the Q and Q′ outputs of the flip-flop 72 being connected to serve as triggers for one-shots 74 , 76 . The outputs of the one-shots 74 , 76 are in turn connected through driver circuits 78 , 80 to drive FETS 82 , 84 , so that the input coils 26 , 28 are alternately driven with pulses shorter in duration than the Q and Q′ outputs of the flip flop 72 . [0056] [0056]FIG. 5 is a graphical view of the signals driving the gates of FETS 82 , 84 of FIG. 4, with the voltage of the signal driving the gate of FET 82 being represented by line 86 , and with the voltage of the signal driving the gate of FET 84 being represented by line 88 . [0057] Referring again to FIG. 1, power is generated in the right output coil 29 only when the level of magnetic flux is changing in the right magnetic path 18 , and in the left output coil 30 only when the level of magnetic flux is changing in the left magnetic path 20 . It is therefore desirable to determine, for a specific magnetic generator configuration, the width of a pulse providing the most rapid practical change in magnetic flux, and then to provide this pulse width either by varying the frequency of the oscillator 50 of the apparatus of FIG. 2, so that this pulse width is provided with the signals shown in FIG. 3, or by varying the time constant of the one-shots 74 , 76 of FIG. 4, so that this pulse width is provided by the signals of FIG. 5 at a lower oscillator frequency. In this way, the input coils are not left on longer than necessary. When either of the input coils is left on for a period of time longer than that necessary to produce the change in flux direction, power is being wasted through heating within the input coil without additional generation of power in the corresponding output coil. [0058] A number of experiments have been conducted to determine the adequacy of an electromagnetic generator built as the generator 10 in FIG. 1 to produce power both to drive the switching and control logic, providing power to the input coils 26 , 28 , and to drive an external load 44 . In the configuration used in this experiment, the input coils 26 , 28 had 40 turns of 18-gauge copper wire, and the output coils 29 , 30 had 450 turns of 18-gauge copper wire. The permanent magnet 12 had a height of 40 mm (1.575 in. between its north and south poles, in the direction of arrow 89 , a width of 25.4 mm (1.00 in.), in the direction of arrow 90 , and in the other direction, a depth of 38.1 mm (1.50 in.). The core 16 had a height, in the direction of arrow 89 , of 90 mm (3.542 in.), a width, in the direction of arrow 90 , of 135 mm (5.315 in.) and a depth of 70 mm (2.756 in.). The core 16 had a central hole with a height, in the direction of arrow 89 , of 40 mm (1.575 mm) to accommodate the magnet 12 , and a width, in the direction of arrow 90 , of 85 mm (3.346 in.). The core 16 was fabricated of two “C”-shaped halves, joined at lines 92 , to accommodate the winding of output coils 29 , 30 and input coils 26 , 28 over the core material. [0059] The core material was a laminated iron-based magnetic alloy sold by Honeywell as METGLAS Magnetic Alloy 2605SA1. The magnet material was a combination of iron, neodymium, and boron. [0060] The input coils 26 , 28 were driven at an oscillator frequency of 87.5 KHz, which was determined to produce optimum efficiency using a switching control circuit configured as shown in FIG. 2. This frequency has a period of 11.45 microseconds. The flip flop 54 is arranged, for example, to be set and reset on rising edges of the clock signal input from the oscillator, so that each pulse driving one of the FETS 60 , 62 has a duration of 11.45 microseconds, and so that sequential pulses are also separated to each FET are also separated by 11.45 microseconds. [0061] FIGS. 6 A- 6 H are graphical views of signals which simultaneously occurred within the apparatus of FIGS. 1 and 2 during operation with an applied input voltage of 75 volts. FIG. 6A shows a first drive signal 100 driving FET 60 , which conducts to drive the right input coil 26 . FIG. 6B is shows a second drive signal 102 driving FET 62 , which conducts to drive the left input coil 28 . [0062] [0062]FIGS. 6C and 6D show voltage and current signals associated with current driving both the FETS 60 , 62 from a battery source. FIG. 6C shows the level 104 of voltage V. While the nominal voltage of the battery was 75 volts, a decaying transient signal 106 is superimposed on this voltage each time one of the FETS 60 , 62 is switched on to conduct. The specific pattern of this transient signal depends on the internal resistance of the battery, as well as on a number of characteristics of the magnetic generator 10 . Similarly, FIG. 6D shows the current 106 flowing into both FETS 60 , 62 from the battery source. Since the signals 104 , 106 show the effects of current flowing into both FETS 60 , 62 the transient spikes are 11.45 microseconds apart. [0063] FIGS. 6 E- 6 H show voltage and current levels measured at the output coils 29 , 30 . FIG. 6E shows a voltage output signal 108 of the right output coil 29 , while FIG. 6F shows a voltage output signal 110 of the left output coil 30 . For example, the output current signal 116 of the right output coil 29 includes a first transient spike 112 caused when the a current pulse in the left input coil 28 is turned on to direct magnetic flux through the right magnetic path 18 , and a second transient spike 114 caused when the left input coil 28 is turned off with the right input coil 26 being turned on. FIG. 6G shows a current output signal 116 of the right output coil 29 , while FIG. 6H shows a current output signal 118 of the left output coil 30 . [0064] [0064]FIG. 7 is a graphical view of output power measured using the electromagnetic generator 10 and eight levels of input voltage, varying from 10 v to 75 v. The oscillator frequency was retained at 87.5 KHz. The measurement points are represented by indicia 120 , while the curve 122 is generated by polynomial regression analysis using a least squares fit. [0065] [0065]FIG. 8 is a graphical view of a coefficient of performance, defined as the ratio of the output power to the input power, for each of the measurement points shown in FIG. 7. At each measurement point, the output power was substantially higher than the input power. Real power measurements were computed at each data point using measured voltage and current levels, with the results being averaged over the period of the signal. These measurements agree with RMS power measured using a Textronic THS730 digital oscilloscope. [0066] While the electromagnetic generator 10 was capable of operation at much higher voltages and currents without saturation, the input voltage was limited to 75 volts because of voltage limitations of the switching circuits being used. Those skilled in the relevant art will understand that components for switching circuits capable of handling higher voltages in this application are readily available. The experimentally-measured data was extrapolated to describe operation at an input voltage of 100 volts, with the input current being 140 ma, the input power being 14 watts, and with a resulting output power being 48 watts for each of the two output coils 29 , 30 , at an average output current of 12 ma and an average output voltage of 4000 volts. This means that for each of the output coils 29 , 30 , the coefficient of performance would be 3.44. [0067] While an output voltage of 4000 volts may be needed for some applications, the output voltage can also be varied through a simple change in the configuration of the electromagnetic generator 10 . The output voltage is readily reduced by reducing the number of turns in the output windings. If this number of turns is decreased from 450 to 12, the output voltage is dropped to 106.7, with a resulting increase in output current to 0.5 amps for each output coil 29 , 30 . In this way, the output current and voltage of the electromagnetic generator can be varied by varying the number of turns of the output coils 29 , 30 , without making a substantial change in the output power, which is instead determined by the input current, which determines the amount of magnetic flux shuttled during the switching process. [0068] The coefficients of performance, all of which were significantly greater than 1, plotted in FIG. 8 indicate that the output power levels measured in each of the output coils 29 , 30 were substantially greater than the corresponding input power levels driving both of the input coils 26 , 28 . Therefore, it is apparent that the electromagnetic generator 10 can be built in a self-actuating form, as discussed above in reference to FIG. 1. In the example of FIG. 1, except for a brief application of power from the external power source 38 , to start the process of power generation, the power required to drive the input coils 26 , 28 is derived entirely from power developed within the right output coil 29 . If the power generated in a single output coil 29 , 30 is more than sufficient to drive the input coils 26 , 28 , an additional load 126 may be added to be driven with power generated in the output coil 29 used to generate power to drive the input coils 26 , 28 . On the other hand, each of the output coils 29 , 30 may be used to drive a portion of the input coil power requirements, for example with one of the output coils 26 , 28 providing the voltage V for the FET 60 (shown in FIG. 2), while the other output coil provides this voltage for the FET 62 . [0069] Regarding thermodynamic considerations, it is noted that, when the electromagnetic generator 10 is operating, it is an open system not in thermodynamic equilibrium. The system receives static energy from the magnetic flux of the permanent magnet. Because the electromagnetic generator 10 is self-switched without an additional energy input, the thermodynamic operation of the system is an open dissipative system, receiving, collecting, and dissipating energy from its environment; in this case, from the magnetic flux stored within the permanent magnet. Continued operation of the electromagnetic generator 10 causes demagnetization of the permanent magnet. The use of a magnetic material including rare earth elements, such as a samarium cobalt material or a material including iron, neodymium, and boron is preferable within the present invention, since such a magnetic material has a relatively long life in this application. [0070] Thus, an electromagnetic generator operating in accordance with the present invention should be considered not as a perpetual motion machine, but rather as a system in which flux radiated from a permanent magnet is converted into electricity, which is used both to power the apparatus and to power an external load. This is analogous to a system including a nuclear reactor, in which a number of fuel rods radiate energy which is used to keep the chain reaction going and to heat water for the generation of electricity to drive external loads. [0071] [0071]FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional elevation of an electromagnetic generator 130 built in accordance with a second version of the first embodiment of the present invention. This electromagnetic generator 130 is generally similar in construction and operation to the electromagnetic generator 10 built in accordance with the first version of this embodiment, except that the magnetic core 132 of the electromagnetic generator 10 is built in two halves joined along lines 134 , allowing each of the output coils 135 to be wound on a plastic bobbin 136 before the bobbin 136 is placed over the legs 137 of the core 132 . FIG. 9 also shows an alternate placement of an input coil 138 . In the example of FIG. 1, both input coils 26 , 28 were placed on the upper portion of the magnetic core 16 , with these coils 26 , 28 being configured to establish magnetic fields having north magnetic poles at the inner ends 31 , 32 of the coils 26 , 28 , with these north magnetic poles thus being closest to the end 14 of the permanent magnet 12 having its north magnetic pole. In the example of FIG. 9, a first input coil 26 is as described above in reference to FIG. 1, but the second input coil 138 is placed adjacent the south pole 140 of the permanent magnet 12 . This input coil 138 is configured to establish a south magnetic pole at its inner end 142 , so that, when input coil 138 is turned on, flux from the permanent magnet 12 is directed away from the left magnetic path 20 into the right magnetic path 18 . [0072] [0072]FIGS. 10 and 11 show an electromagnetic generator 150 built in accordance with a first version of a second embodiment of the present invention, with FIG. 10 being a top view thereof, and with FIG. 11 being a front elevation thereof. This electromagnetic generator 150 includes an output coil 152 , 153 at each corner, and a permanent magnet 154 extending along each side between output coils. The magnetic core 156 includes an upper plate 158 , a lower plate 160 , and a square post 162 extending within each output coil 152 , 153 . Both the upper plate 158 and the lower plate 160 include central apertures 164 . [0073] Each of the permanent magnets 154 is oriented with a like pole, such as a north pole, against the upper plate 158 . Eight input coils 166 , 168 are placed in positions around the upper plate 158 between an output coil 152 , 153 and a permanent magnet 154 . Each input coil 166 , 168 is arranged to form a magnetic pole at its end nearest to the adjacent permanent magnet 154 of a like polarity to the magnetic poles of the magnets 154 adjacent the upper plate 158 . Thus, the input coils 166 are switched on to divert magnetic flux of the permanent magnets 154 from the adjacent output coils 152 , with this flux being diverted into magnetic paths through the output coils 153 . Then, the input coils 168 are switched on to divert magnetic flux of the permanent magnets 154 from the adjacent output coils 153 , with this flux being diverted into magnetic paths through the output coils 152 . Thus, the input coils form a first group of input coils 166 and a second group of input coils 168 , with these first and second groups of input coils being alternately energized in the manner described above in reference to FIG. 1 for the single input coils 26 , 28 . The output coils produce current in a first train of pulses occurring simultaneously within coils 152 and in a second train of pulses occurring simultaneously within coils 153 . [0074] Thus, driving current through input coils 166 causes an increase in flux from the permanent magnets 154 within the posts 162 extending through output coils 153 and a decrease in flux from the permanent magnets 154 within the posts 162 extending through output coils 152 . On the other hand, driving current through input coils 168 causes a decrease in flux from the permanent magnets 154 within the posts 162 extending through output coils 153 and an increase in flux from the permanent magnets 154 within the posts 162 extending through output coils 152 . [0075] While the example of FIGS. 10 and 11 shows all of the input coils 166 , 168 deployed along the upper plate 158 , it is understood that certain of these input coils 166 , 168 could alternately be deployed around the lower plate 160 , in the manner generally shown in FIG. 9, with one input coil 166 , 168 being within each magnetic circuit between a permanent magnet 154 and an adjacent post 162 extending within an output coil 152 , 153 , and with each input coil 166 , 168 being arranged to produce a magnetic field having a magnetic pole like the closest pole of the adjacent permanent magnet 154 . [0076] [0076]FIG. 12 is a top view of a second version 170 of the second embodiment of the present invention, which is similar to the first version thereof, which has been discussed in reference to FIGS. 10 and 11, except that an upper plate 172 and a similar lower plate (not shown) are annular in shape, while the permanent magnets 174 and posts 176 extending through the output coils 178 are cylindrical. The input coils 180 are oriented and switched as described above in reference to FIGS. 9 and 10. [0077] While the example of FIG. 12 shows four permanent magnets, four output coils and eight input coils it is understood that the principles described above can be applied to electromagnetic generators having different numbers of elements. For example, such a device can be built to have two permanent magnets, two output coils, and four input coils, or to have six permanent magnets, six output coils, and twelve input coils. [0078] In accordance with the present invention, material used for magnetic cores is preferably a nanocrystalline alloy, and alternately an amorphous alloy. The material is preferably in a laminated form. For example, the core material is a cobalt-niobium-boron alloy or an iron based magnetic alloy. [0079] Also in accordance with the present invention, the permanent magnet material preferably includes a rare earth element. For example, the permanent magnet material is a samarium cobalt material or a combination of iron, neodymium, and boron. [0080] While the invention has been described in its preferred versions and embodiments with some degree of particularity, it is understood that this description has been given only by way of example and that numerous changes in the details of construction, fabrication, and use, including the combination and arrangement of parts, may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
An electromagnetic generator without moving parts includes a permanent magnet and a magnetic core including first and second magnetic paths. A first input coil and a first output coil extend around portions of the first magnetic path, while a second input coil and a second output coil extend around portions of the second magnetic path. The input coils are alternatively pulsed to provide induced current pulses in the output coils. Driving electrical current through each of the input coils reduces a level of flux from the permanent magnet within the magnet path around which the input coil extends. In an alternative embodiment of an electromagnetic generator, the magnetic core includes annular spaced-apart plates, with posts and permanent magnets extending in an alternating fashion between the plates. An output coil extends around each of these posts. Input coils extending around portions of the plates are pulsed to cause the induction of current within the output coils.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The invention relates to a general purpose shelter structure having a variety of applications such as garages, green-houses, tents, swimming pool shelters or the like. More specifically, the invention relates to a shelter structure which is easy to erect and has a movable section to allow access to the interior of the shelter structure. The invention also extends to an improved component of the shelter structure, more particularly a base member to hold in position a plurality of ribs forming the skeleton frame of the shelter structure. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Temporary or collapsible shelters are widely used in a variety of fields because they can be erected considerably more rapidly than a permanent structure and then disassembled when no longer required. A specific example is the temporary garage for automobiles which is mostly used in northern regions where the climate is harsh during the winter. Such garages have a skeleton frame formed by a plurality of metallic ribs supporting a flexible skin that may be either a fabric or a sheet of synthetic material. Although these types of shelters are considerably easier to erect than permanent shelter structures built in a tradional fashion, the process of erecting the shelter is still time-consuming and often requires the assistance of more than one individual. In addition, conventional temporary shelters have rather awkward doors which are difficult to open. Typically, the door structure is simply a large flexible flap spanning the area defined by the front rib of the skeleton frame which forms the door opening of the shelter. The flap is maintained in a closed position by suitable fasteners such as strings. Due to its nature, this large flap is difficult to manipulate in order to close or open the shelter, especially in a strong wind condition. In addition, either in the closed or in the opened position, strong wind forces subject the flap to violent movements which may damage it. OBJECTS AND STATEMENT OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is a shelter structure which is relatively easy to erect by comparison to conventional temporary shelter structures. A more specific object of the invention is an improved component of the shelter structure which facilitates the ribs installation during the process of erecting the skeleton frame of the shelter structure. Another object of the invention is a shelter with an improved door structure which facilitates the door opening and closing process and also is less subject to wind damage as in comparison to conventional shelters where the door is formed only by a substantially loose flexible flap. In one aspect, the invention provides a shelter structure, comprising: a supporting framework including a pair of spaced apart rib holders, each of the rib holders comprising a plurality of stationary receptacles; a plurality of rib members radiating from said holders and extending therebetween to form a skeleton frame, the rib members having end portions removably mounted to respective stationary receptacles of the rib holders; a flexible skin covering at least part of the skeleton frame; and a movable receptacle mounted for movement to each rib holder, the movable receptacle being capable to removably receive the end portions of a rib member, whereby to erect the shelter the rib members are mounted in the stationary receptacles of the base members to form the skeleton frame, the flexible skin is mounted to the skeleton frame and a selected rib member is transfered from the respective stationary receptacle to a movable receptacle allowing the selected rib member to move relatively to the supporting framework. In another aspect, the invention provides a rib holder for use with a shelter structure, comprising: an upstanding wall portion including a top edge; a plurality of stationary receptacles on the top edge for removably receiving end portions of rib members forming a skeleton frame of the shelter structure; a movable receptacle mounted for movement to a lateral face of the upstanding wall portion for removably receiving and end portion of a rib member. Yet, in another aspect, the invention provides a shelter structure, comprising: a supporting framework to support the shelter structure; a plurality of rib members having opposite extremities retained to the supporting framework forming a skeleton frame; a flexible skin covering at least part of the skeleton frame, at least one of the rib members being movable relatively to the supporting framework between a closed and an opened position, in the opened position said at least one of the rib members being in an overlapping relationship with the adjacent rib member and the flexible skin spanning a surface between the rib members in an overlapping relation assuming a folded condition. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Further objects and features of this invention will become more apparent by reference to the following description taken in conjunction with the accompanying figures, in which: FIG. 1 is a top view of a collapsible shelter structure constructed in accordance with the present invention; FIG. 2 is a side elevational view of the shelter structure shown in FIG. 2, its door being in the closed position; FIG. 3 is a view similar to FIG. 2 except that the door is in the opened position; FIG. 4 is an enlarged side elevational view of a rib holder used for supporting one extremity of the ribs forming the skeleton frame of the shelter structure; FIG. 5 is a front view of the rib holder shown in FIG. 4; FIG. 6 is a side elevational view of the rib holder according to a variant; FIG. 7 is a front view of the rib holder shown in FIG. 6; FIG. 8 is a side elevational view of a rib holder according to a further variant; FIG. 9 is a front view of the rib holder shown in FIG. 8; and FIG. 10 is a perspective view of the shelter structure having a transparent flexible skin showing the skeleton frame of the shelter structure. DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Referring to FIGS. 1, 2, 3 and 10, the shelter structure according to the invention is identified comprehensively by the reference numeral 10 and comprises a skeleton frame 12 constituted by rib members 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26. These rib members have opposite extremities retained into rib holders or hubs 28 and 30 which will be described in detail later, and form a generally dome-shaped structure which constitutes a support for a flexible covering 32. It will be appreciated that the ribs 14 and 26 in conjunction with the hubs 28 and 30, form a generally planar and wide footing system for the entire structure. If desired, the stability of the footing system may be enhanced by providing either ballast members or simply by anchoring the various components of this footing system into the ground or the surface on which it is mounted. The structure of the ribs 14 to 26 is not critical to the invention. These ribs may be of a unitary construction or a multi-component assembly and various materials may be used for their manufacture such as plastic, metal or others. In a preferred embodiment, each rib is made of two sections of galvanized metallic pipe which offers durability, strength and the resistance to corrosion, that are joined at the apex of the rib in a manner to allow a certain degree of pivotal motions in the rib plane. Such a joint may be constituted either by a hinge or simply by a loosely tightened bolt passing between overlapping extremities of the two rib sections. The joint may be covered by a weather resistant rubber boot. It will be appreciated that the various rib members of the skeleton frame 12 are of a similar shape however they defer in size. More particularly, the top rib 20 is the smallest, the remaining ribs increasing in size progressively downwardly, so that each rib, with the exception of the end ribs 14 and 26, is capable to receive in an overlapping relationship any one of the preceding ribs. The importance of this characteristic will become clear as the description proceeds. This difference in size of the rib members gives to the shelter structure a somewhat flattened dome-shape. The hubs 28 and 30 which are identical are best illustrated in FIGS. 4 to 9. FIGS. 4 and 5 show a first variant of the hub comprising a generally semicircular upstanding and flat wall portion 34 which may be made of any suitable material such as plastic or metal having the required strength and resistance characteristics. A corrosion resistant material is strongly preferred because of its durability in northern climates. On the top edge of the upstanding wall portion 34 are secured seven radially extending receptacles 36 for receiving the extremities of rib members 14 to 26. The receptacles 36 are in the form of nipples adapted to be used with ribs of tubular construction, slidingly fitting in the respective rib ends. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 4, the nipples are equally spaced apart at 30. When the footing structure is deposited on the ground, the free play in the joints between the ribs and the receptacles will allow the ribs to become coplanar but will prevent them to move further in the upward direction. This characteristic has the effect of providing a more stable footing system which is substantially free of free-play that may cause some instability when installed on the ground. By comparison, if the end sockets were formed perfectly horizontal, the free-play between the sockets and the ribs would remain when the structure is positioned on the ground surface and may result in an undesirable wobbling of the entire shelter. A pair of plates 38 and 39 are pivotally mounted at 40 to the upstanding wall portion 34, each comprising radially projecting receptacles 42 which are identical in construction to the receptacles 36. It will be appreciated that the receptacles 42 are laterally spaced apart from the receptacles 36. In addition, the receptacles 42 are, by virtue of the pivotal connection 40, free to move relatively to the receptacles 36. A pair of plates 44 and 45, identical in construction to the plates 38 and 39, can also be provided on the other face of the upstanding wall portion 34 and mounted thereto by a pivot 46. The upstanding wall portion 34 is supported on a horizontally extending flange 35 provided with a pair of holes 37 and 29 for receiving screws, bolts or other fasteners to secure the hub on a supporting surface. The bottom face of the flange 35 is slightly convex so as to allow a certain degree of rolling motion as a result of tightening of one of the bolts received in the holes 37 and 39. In turn, this rolling motion will vary the inclination of the upstanding wall portion 34, to either stretch or compress the ribs of the skeleton frame. This adjustment is useful because it allows to build in the skeleton frame a certain tension to resist wobbling. Variants of the hub are illustrated in FIGS. 6 to 9. However, before a detailed description of their structure is provided, the operation of the shelter structure according to the invention will be described to illustrate in more detail the operation of the hub. The shelter structure 10 is assembled by mounting the various rib members to the hubs 28 and 30. If the rib members are of a tubular construction, this is achieved by slipping the extremity of each rib member in a receptacle 36. Although not shown in the drawings, a locking device may be provided to prevent an unwanted removal of the rib from the receptacle, such as a cutter pin for example. Since the receptacles 36 are stationary, the installation of the rib members is a relatively easy operation and in most instances, it can be performed by one individual. Evidently, for large shelter structures, two persons may be required. By moving the hubs 28 and 30 relatively to one another and also by varying the inclination of each hub as indicated earlier, the shape of skeleton frame may be changed, by virtue of the hinge connection in each rib. For example, by bringing the hubs 28 and 30 closer to one another, the skeleton frame will be narrowed and its height will be increased. By moving the hubs away from one another, the opposite effect will be obtained. When all the ribs have been located in the base members 28 and 30 so as to form a skeleton frame 12 shown in FIG. 10, the skin 32 is installed thereon. The skin 32 may be of any suitable construction, such as fabric or plastic material, and it will normally be secured to the individual ribs such as by eyelets so as to remain securely in place on the skeleton frame 12. It is not deemed to be necessary to described in detail the attachment system of the flexible skin 32 to the skeleton frame 12 as such systems are well known to those skilled in the art. In a variant, a rigid skin may be provided for some sections of the shelter which do not fold. The next step of the shelter assembly process consists of locating at least one of the ribs of the shelter structure in movable receptacles 42 of the hubs 28 and 30. For example, the rib 26 may be made movable simply by transferring its end portions from the respective receptacles 36 to the receptacles 42 of the pivotable plates 39. As a result, it will be possible to pivotally move the rib 26 toward the rib 24 in order to open the enclosure defined by the shelter structure 10. Since the rib members of the skeleton frame are made larger in size from the central rib 20 toward the ribs 14 and 26, the rib 26 will be able to assume an overlapping relationship with the previous rib 24, in which case the flexible skin 32 spanning the surface between the ribs will adopt a folded condition. It will be appreciated that this method of opening the enclosure defined by the shelter structure 10 is particularly advantageous because at all times, the edges of the flexible skin are retained to the respective rib members against movement created by wind forces. In addition, the opening procedure is greatly simplified as it simply suffices to pivot the movable rib member in the required direction either upwardly to open the shelter or downwardly to close it. In a variant, the rib 24 can be transferred to the pivotable plate 38, whereby it will be possible to move the ribs 24 and 26 relatively to the hubs 28 and 30 and also relatively to one another, since they are mounted to different pivotable plates. Therefore, it will be appreciated that the invention is not limited to a system which uses only one movable rib member as the hubs 28 and 30 are provided to accomodate more than one rib member on the movable plates 38, 39, 44 and 45, so that entire sections of the shelter structure may be made movable. Referring momentarily to FIGS. 4 and 5, it will be seen that the pivotable plates 38, 39, 44 and 45 are provided each with three sockets 42 so as to accept three rib extremities. More specifically, the plate 38 can receive the extremities of the ribs 22, 24 and 26 and similarly, the plate 44 receive the extremities of ribs 14, 16 and 18. In that assembly, the shelter will be provided with two openable sections, each section being constituted by three ribs and the associated portion of the flexible skin 32. By placing ribs of an openable section in different pivotable plates, the section may be made folding or telescopic, as expressed earlier. While each of the plates 38, 39, 44 and 45 is provided with three receptacles 42, they do not have to be necessarily all used. For example, only one or two ribs may be mounted to the movable plate and the remaining receptacles or socket left free. In a variant illustrated in FIGS. 6 and 7, the hub is provided on one side of the upstanding wall portion 34 with a pair of coaxial arms 50 and 52 each having a receptacle 42 and being mounted to the upstanding wall portion 34 by a common pivot 54. On the opposite face of the upstanding wall portion 34 are pivotally mounted individual arms 56, 58 and 60 each carrying a receptacle 42. This arrangement is advantageous because it permits to collapse the shelter structure 10 without the necessity of removing all of the ribs from the hubs 28 and 30. To collapse the structure, it suffices to remove the rib 26 which forms one section of the footing system, or to disconnect the flexible skin 32 from the rib 26 so that the ribs 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 can be pivoted toward the rib 14, together with the flexible skin, thus folding the skeleton frame. The flexible structure can be reassembled simply by pulling on the flexible skin to unfold the skeleton frame and to place the ribs back into their original position. FIG. 8 is a further variant of the base member which is a simplified version of the variant shown in FIGS. 6 and 7. More particularly, this variant uses only a pair of coaxial arms 62 and 64 so as to allow only the ribs 24 and 22 to move relatively to one another and with relation also to the remaining portion of the shelter structure. It will be appreciated that the flexible skin should be made somewhat wider at the base to accomodate the rib transfer from stationary to movable receptacles. In addition, it is preferred to extend the skin fully to the ground so as to form a skirt which will cover the hubs 28 and 30, protecting them against accumulation of debris which may interfere with the proper operation of this mechanical system. While I have described my invention in connection with specific embodiments thereof, it is to be clearly understood that this is done only by way of example and not as a limitation to the scope of my invention as set forth in the objects thereof and in the appended claims.
A shelter structure comprising a supporting framework which includes a pair of spaced apart base members, each base member comprising a plurality of stationary receptacles. A plurality of ribs extend between the base members and have end portions removably mounted to respective stationary receptacles of the base members to form a skeleton frame which is covered by a skin. Each base member also comprises a movable receptacle capable to removeably hold the end portion of a rib. To erect the shelter, the ribs are temporarily mounted in the stationary receptacles of the base members to form a skeleton frame, the skin is mounted to the skeleton frame and one or more selected ribs which ultimately will form the door of the shelter structure are transferred from their respective stationary receptacles to movable receptacles so as to allow the ribs to move between an opened and a closed position relatively to the other ribs of the shelter.
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] The present invention relates to computerized systems for controlling the sharing of personal data in online transactions and the like and in particular to a system providing transparent, high resolution control of the dissemination of personal data including after-the-fact revocation of sharing. [0002] The widespread use of online services makes the control of one's personal data increasingly difficult. Many such services expressly request personal data, but even when information is not consciously provided by a user, personal data from online activity, including search requests, purchases, and a user's location, may be collected and aggregated by online services and applications either for use by the service or application providers or to be sold to third parties. [0003] Wholesale blocking of the tracking or use of personal data may be undesirable to the extent that the collection and use of personal data offsets the cost of services and applications that are otherwise desirable to the user. The collection of personal data may further enhance the efficiency of services provided to the user and allow the development of new services desired by the user. [0004] Nevertheless, user concerns about information tracking are real, and instances of abusive or overreaching data collection jeopardize beneficial applications of such data collection and in the creation and offering of services that require or are otherwise supported by such data collection. [0005] Online users, in theory, can safeguard their personal data by careful review of the contract terms and conditions of online service providers, but as a practical matter the transaction costs of such a review make this impractical for most individuals. In light of the difficulty of understanding and managing the use of personal data, a concerned user may logically default to a position of sharing no personal data. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0006] The present invention provides a centralized and transparent clearinghouse for personal data through which a consumer may understand and control access to his or her personal data with respect to multiple third parties. Centralization allows consumers to reduce their transaction costs in supplying personal data and in updating that information to the extent that only a single location need be consulted and redundant data entry for different third parties can be avoided. The invention provides a clear, fine-grained index of the sharing status of a variety of types of personal data and allows this information to correct, append or even delete shared personal data even after it has been shared. [0007] Specifically, in one embodiment, the present invention provides a method of managing personal data of consumers by providing a first data structure holding personal data linked to a consumer and multiple second data structures identified to different third parties and holding subsets of personal data of the first data structure. An authenticated data connection with a remote consumer electrical device is used for receiving personal data for an authenticated consumer the first and second data structures linked to the authenticated consumer. The personal data stored in the first and second data structures is synchronized and personal data of the second data structures is shared different third parties identified to the second data structures. [0008] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide a centralized clearinghouse for personal information subject to well understood privacy guarantees that nevertheless provides for simple data entry by the consumer who may make use of previously entered and globally stored data. [0009] The authenticated data connection may further provide a display of personal data of the first and second data structures at the remote consumer electrical device. [0010] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide a system that is highly transparent and yet can accommodate data provided to many different third parties or used in multiple ways. [0011] The authenticated data connection may further accept editing commands for the personal data through the authenticated data connection changing the personal data in the first or second data structure. [0012] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to allow data entry or editing by the consumer either on a global basis or for a particular vendor without unnecessary duplication of effort. [0013] The authenticated data connection may further accept display commands changing at least one of a sorting, filtering, or pagination of the personal data as displayed. [0014] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide a method of managing potentially large amounts of data under the control of a single consumer by simplifying access and understanding of that data. [0015] Each second data structure may be linked to a different third party. [0016] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide an intuitive method of data organization (for example by different vendors) without unnecessarily duplicating the effort required by the consumer in providing that data. [0017] Alternatively or in addition, the first data structure may be divided into multiple categories of personal data including the categories of: business, retail, and personal. [0018] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to permit the consumer to organize his or her personal information in logical groupings that may for example be managed together. [0019] The step of entering data may be performed through a link from a program specific to a third-party. [0020] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide a seamless customer experience when the consumer in sharing data with a vendor while allowing the convenience of the centralized data store. [0021] The second data structure may include a sharing status for different elements of the personal data of the data structure controlling how the third parties may share the data of the second data structures. The sharing status may provide conditional sharing according to conditions of the time limit for sharing or sharing for targeted advertising purposes or promotions, improvement of services or products, or aggregation with other data. [0022] It is thus a feature of its least one embodiment of the invention to provide fine-grained control of personal information. [0023] The display of sharing status may further display benefits gained or lost by sharing or not sharing of this personal data. [0024] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to generate a brokerage system allowing the consumer to obtain maximum benefit from a sharing of their personal data. [0025] These particular objects and advantages may apply to only some embodiments falling within the claims and thus do not define the scope of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0026] FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a computation environment suitable for use with the present invention providing multiple portable remote computing devices intercommunicating over the Internet with a data vault system of the present invention and multiple third party customer relationship systems including, for example CRM, POS or other similar systems; [0027] FIG. 2 is a logical diagram of the data vault of FIG. 1 showing the division of data into global data and vendor related data cards; [0028] FIG. 3 is a flowchart of the principal operations of the data vault in managing personal data including enrollment of information partners, managing permissions, intent casting, and wallet functions; [0029] FIG. 4 is an example screenshot showing a graphic user interface for explicit enrollment of information partners; [0030] FIG. 5 is a set of fragmentary screenshots showing graphic user interfaces for implicit enrollment of information partners and the entry of data; [0031] FIG. 6 is a set of fragmentary screenshots showing a graphic user interface for managing permissions for shared personal data; [0032] FIG. 7 is a set of fragmentary screenshots showing a user interface for intent casting; [0033] FIG. 8 is a fragmentary screenshot of a graphic user interface for permissions associated with personal data related to location; [0034] FIG. 9 is a data flow diagram of a location tracking system for in-store location tracking; and [0035] FIG. 10 is a data flow diagram for a wallet system providing control of personal data and real or virtual currency. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT [0036] Referring now to FIG. 1 , an example online service system 10 providing a data vault system 11 of the present invention may provide multiple remote mobile consumer devices 12 such as cell phones, tablet computers, or the like. [0037] As is generally understood in the art and as depicted with respect to mobile consumer device 12 b, such mobile consumer devices 12 generally include a processor 14 communicating with a memory 16 that may hold an operating system 18 and one or more application programs 20 . The mobile consumer device 12 may further include communication and location hardware such as a cell phone transceiver system 22 for communicating with a cell phone system through a cell phone tower 24 . The cell phone transceiver system 22 may be used for the transmission of either or both voice and data, the latter of which may allow communication with websites on the Internet 26 . [0038] Alternatively or in addition, the mobile consumer device 12 b may include a wireless transceiver 28 communicating with a local wireless server 30 , for example, using a Wi-Fi, or other data communication technique as well as a near field communication module 29 . [0039] Often the mobile consumer device 12 b will include a GPS receiver 32 receiving satellite signals from satellites 36 to provide for location information identifying the location of the mobile consumer device 12 b. [0040] As is generally understood in the art, the mobile consumer device 12 may also have a user interface screen 37 allowing for the display of graphic and textual information and the input of textual and/or image information through a keyboard, microphone, camera or the like. [0041] A consumer using the mobile consumer device 12 may also have other computing resources at his or her disposal including, for example, a conventional desktop or laptop computer 38 also connected to the Internet 26 . As will be generally understood in the art, these latter computers 38 also include a processor, memory, operating and application programs and the necessary network interface for Internet connection. [0042] Generally, the present invention provides a data vault server 40 communicating with the Internet 26 through standard network interface 51 and therefore with the remote mobile consumer devices 12 and personal computers 38 . The data vault server 40 may comprise one or more server systems as is understood in the art (including those implemented as cloud services) generally providing a processor 42 and a memory 44 holding an operating system 46 and a data vault program 48 , as will be described in more detail below, such as may be executed by the processor 42 . The data vault server 40 may further include a mass storage device 50 , for example, implementing a database program necessary to track consumer personal data and sharing preferences as will be described below. [0043] Also communicating with the Internet 26 and thus with the remote mobile consumer devices 12 , personal computers 38 , and data vault server 40 connected to the Internet 26 , may be one or more vendor systems 52 that may be used to process consumer information, for example, for business planning, the routing of promotional information, the implementation of reward programs, and the offering and providing of other services. These vendor systems 52 , may, for example, execute commercial customer relation management (CRM) programs, such as Salesforce commercially available from, Inc. of San Francisco, Calif., and may be connected to multiple terminals 54 for access and use of customer information. Generally each of the vendor systems 52 will also include a processor 56 , a memory 58 holding an operating system 59 and a CRM program 60 , and a database system 62 of a type known in the art. It will be appreciated that the CRM program of these vendor systems 52 may in addition or alternatively be executed by or at the data vault server 40 , for example, in a separate computer or as part of the data vault program 48 , without communication over the Internet 26 but rather to implement a hosted CRM system. [0044] Referring now to FIG. 2 , the data vault server 40 of the present invention may communicate with a consumer 64 through one of the mobile consumer devices 12 or general purpose computer 38 to receive personal data about the consumers 64 and provide that personal data in a controlled manner to multiple vendors 65 (for example, through their vendor systems 52 ). This personal data may be entered into the mobile consumer device 12 or general purpose computer 38 directly by the consumer 64 or may be collected automatically by the mobile consumer device 12 (for example, as is the case with location or usage data) or derived from communications between the mobile consumer device 12 and other third-party computer systems (for example, in recording purchases, sites visited and the like). In all cases, the consumer information will pass through a secure portal 61 using standard security techniques such as a secure socket layer, encrypted data, password and pin number to prevent unauthorized view of this data from the consumer side and to ensure that a consumer 64 has been authenticated to be that consumer 64 or a representative of that consumer 64 (authenticated consumers) before viewing or modifying data or sharing permissions. [0045] As implemented by the program 48 on the data vault server 40 , the personal data is received by a synchronization sub block 66 which allocates the data to global data store 67 and multiple vendor data cards 68 . Typically a vendor data card 68 will be associated with a single vendor or brand, such as a store or retail outlet. [0046] Each of the global data store 67 and vendor data cards 68 may be subject to independent and specific security domains with security keys specific to each consumer that can be reset in real time to provide response to security threats. [0047] The global data store 67 may be divided into convenient categories 70 such as: business (related to the consumer's business), retail (related to the consumer's retail preferences and habits) and personal (related to data describing the consumer's person). Other categories 70 , such as, for example, bowling (related to the consumer's bowling interests) can be envisioned. The global data store 67 may also include vendor specific data 72 typically unique to a given vendor. [0048] Generally, the synchronization sub block 66 places all consumer personal data for a given consumer in the global data store 67 in separate storage areas unique to that consumer which is linked to subsets of this personal data for that consumer that may be contained in one or more of the vendor data cards 68 . As new vendor data cards 68 are created, information in the vendor data cards 68 may be pre-populated from the global data store 67 based on common data names to the extent that this information has already been recorded by the consumer 64 . This greatly simplifies the effort required by the consumer 64 who need not repeatedly provide information to different vendors 65 for the respective vendor card profiles. Only one layer of this hierarchy is shown, however, it will be appreciated that vendor data cards 68 may also be broken into subcategory cards (not shown) providing similar hierarchical and synchronized updating as will be described in greater detail below, while providing increasingly fine control of data by the consumer 64 . [0049] The consumer 64 may edit (correct, append or delete) the information in either the global data store 67 or the individual vendor data cards 68 and the synchronization sub block 66 serves to propagate those editing changes to the other location regardless of the point of editing. The synchronization may be implemented through indirect references to a single data store or by agents operating to synchronize multiple copies of the data in separate data stores. Changes in the data of the global data store 67 will be reflected to all vendor data cards 68 using that required data, thus providing vendors 65 with constantly updated information regardless of how that information is collected either in the global data store 67 or in any one of the vendor data cards 68 . The information of the vendor data cards 68 is normally associated with a single vendor 65 and may be customized to that vendor 65 . [0050] The data in the global data store 67 and individual vendor data cards 68 are associated with permission status data, typically on a fine grained basis (e.g. each data element having a separate permission status) that defines whether the data will be shared with a vendor 65 or any vendor 65 . The permission status may be implicit in deletion of the data by the consumer, for example, by editing of the data field value by backspacing over that data (which operates to revoke permission from the vendors 65 ) or explicit by changing the revocation status, in which case the data remains visible (for possible future sharing) in the global data store 67 or individual vendor data card 68 while nevertheless revoking permission from the vendors 65 . [0051] The permission status data controls sharing of associated personal data through a revocation element 74 between the data vault system 11 and the vendors 65 . This revocation element 74 may have one or both of a technological feature 75 and legal feature 77 . In one embodiment, the technological feature 75 may provide the vendor 65 with only a pointer or reference to particular elements of personal data in the vendor data cards 68 . In this way, when data of the vendor data cards 68 is changed or erased those changes or erasures appear automatically to the vendor 65 who obtains the data for each use of the data by following the path of the pointer. Alternative systems using expiring cryptographic keys or cryptographic keys that can be changed by the consumer at their will and policies of “no caching” and the like may also be contemplated. Other possible methods of technological control include notifying the vendors 65 , for example, by electronic message who agree contractually to remove or sequester the data, providing joint access to any cached data so that either party may modify the data and the like. These technological features 75 require that the personal data be collected through the data vault server 40 either by direct entry by the consumer 64 or by capture by application program or the like from automatic data generated by the mobile consumer device 12 , to be held exclusively in the data vault server 40 or be controllable by the data vault server 40 . Part of this control process may include a communication of evolving data use conditions to the vendors 65 as personal information and sharing conditions change, to be described below, for example, as a result of changes implemented by the consumer 64 . These changed data use conditions may trigger the technological feature 75 or procedures at the vendor 65 under the terms of a legal feature 77 [0052] The legal feature 77 will typically be one or more contractual terms between operators of the data vault system 11 and representatives of the vendors 65 requiring the vendor 65 to erase and/or stop using the personal data when it has been deleted from the vendor data cards 68 or permission has been revoked per the permission status data. Additional contractual terms may also prevent the vendor 65 from copying or selling or otherwise transferring the personal data to others or to others not bound by similar contractual terms. A financial penalty may be established in the legal feature 77 in the event of breach of the terms related to sharing, the financial penalty being implemented either by liquidated damages, a bond, or an insurance contract. The financial penalty provides incentive for trustworthy use of the personal data and a potential source of compensation to the consumer 64 in the event of breach that may also help promote an environment of trust. Generally, the contract terms require that revocation of permission means that the personal data may not be used by any third party for any purpose or revealed to others in a manner so that personal data with revoke permission is equivalent to a state in which the personal data is in fact erased by the vendor 65 . Importantly, the legal feature 77 does not require original or exclusive possession of the personal data by the data vault system 11 and may be used to “grandfather” vendors 65 into a trusting relationship with consumer 64 by later adoption of system of the data vault system 11 despite earlier data collection. It will be appreciated that revocation, like sharing, may be unconditional, or may provide consumer 64 with an additional set of options providing gradations in revocation. For example, the revocation may be for all personally identifiable uses of the data (typical) but may further go to uses of the data for the purposes of aggregation to develop, for example, propensity scores or the like, or possibly even anonymized data. In all cases of revocation, the consumer 64 is provided with immediate feedback of the action, for example, by a change in the status displayed to the consumer or by e-mail or the like confirming the revocation. [0053] The execution of the program 48 on the data vault server 40 may provide a permission sub block 78 that communicates with the consumer 64 to manage permissions of data stored in either of the global data store 67 or vendor data cards 68 . Generally, the permission sub block 78 manages editing of the permissions by the consumer 64 or other user authorized by the consumer 64 and synchronizing of permissions between each element of global data store 67 and corresponding permissions of each vendor data card 68 related to the same underlying data. Revocation of the sharing permission for a personal data element in a vendor data card 68 initiates a revocation through the revocation element 74 (regardless of the shared state in the global data store 67 ) for only a single vendor 65 associated with that vendor data card 68 . A revocation of the sharing permission for a personal data element in the global data store 67 , however, initiates a revocation through revocation elements 74 for that data element in the global data store 67 and in all vendor data cards 68 having a corresponding data element, regardless of the shared state in the vendor data card 68 . Revocation of the data element in either the global data store 67 or the vendor data cards 68 may be accompanied by erasing the data element from view by the consumer 64 or may otherwise mark the data of the data element to indicate that it is no longer shared. [0054] Referring now to FIGS. 2 and 3 , a program 48 implementing the data vault system of the present invention, may execute on any one of or in a distributed fashion on processor 42 of the data vault server 40 , processor 14 of various mobile consumer devices 12 and processors 56 of vendor systems 52 , to provide for five different tasks states. [0055] A first task state, indicated by process block 82 , registers a consumer 64 with the data vault system 11 and may include providing some personal data (possibly separate from the data vault global data store 67 and vendor data cards 68 ) needed for administration of the data vault system 11 . This information, for example, may include name and contact information of the consumer 64 , and the selection of a user name and password for logging into the data vault system to ensure that instructions and personal data come from a particular consumer 64 . The registration process may include accepting a contractual agreement by the consumer 64 with respect to use of the system and an explanation of the operation of the data vault system 11 . [0056] Once registration is complete, the consumer 64 may make use of any of a number of services provided by the system represented by pendant tasks states of process block 84 , 86 , 88 , and 90 . [0057] Generally process block 84 allows the consumer 64 to enroll information partners (e.g. vendors 65 ) with the data vault system 11 representing vendors 65 with whom the consumer 64 wishes to share information. This enrollment process implements the revocation elements 74 and sharing permissions described above with respect to future information shared by the consumer 64 although, as noted, may also apply contractually retroactively to information previously shared with these vendors 65 . [0058] Referring also to FIG. 4 , in one embodiment, this enrollment process may be accomplished by providing the consumer 64 with a pool 92 of potential vendors 65 that have been prescreened as agreeing to participate in the data vault system 11 . As depicted on an enrollment screen 93 , these vendors 65 may, for example, be represented as icons 94 with images and text. This user interface allows the consumer 64 to see a wide variety of different vendors 65 he or she may be interested in sharing data with even if the consumer has had no previous contact with these vendors 65 and thus promotes useful sharing of personal data with a broad range of vendors 65 . The icons 94 representing vendors may include conventional retailers as well as nonconventional service vendors, such as browser providers or map providers, which collect personal data in exchange for providing a mapping or browsing surface. By selecting these nonconventional service vendors, the consumer 64 may control the data collected by the services. [0059] In this example, the individual vendors 65 represented by the icons 94 may be selected, for example, by sliding icons 94 as indicated by arrow 96 into an sharing pool 98 representing those vendors 65 with whom he consumer 64 wishes to share information per process block 84 . [0060] Typically, an icon 94 moved into the sharing pool 98 or another selection of an information partner per process block 84 will then cause a data entry screen to open (not shown) allowing the consumer 64 to enter the necessary personal data per process block 86 that may be desired by and/or unique to that vendor 65 . This personal data may include identifying information such as the consumer's name, contact information, including electronic addresses through which the consumer 64 may wish to receive communications from the vendor 65 , demographic information including gender, age income, and preference information including information about the consumer's tastes and interests. This process will be described below in more detail with respect to an alternative method of enrollment and data entry but generally will pre-populate the data entry screen with any information already entered into the global data store 67 and will require the user only enter preferred data unique to that vendor 65 . [0061] Referring to FIGS. 3 and 5 , in many cases the process of enrolling information partners of process block 84 and adding data and managing permissions of process block 84 will be combined seamlessly with a visit to a vendor website or use of the vendor's application program. Either of these options may present to the consumer 64 a welcome screen 100 , for example, displayed on the consumer's mobile consumer device 12 as generated by the vendor's software. On the welcome screen 100 , an option may be provided for the consumer 64 to register to share personal data with the vendor 65 through the data vault system 11 , for example, by activating a screen button 102 . [0062] When the consumer 64 presses this screen button 102 , they may be transferred to a log-in screen 104 implemented by program 48 of the system 11 allowing them to log in to validate their identity, for example, with a name 106 and password 108 . This log-in screen 104 may be triggered by information stored in the mobile consumer device 12 indicating that the consumer 64 has previously registered with the data vault system per process block 82 . Otherwise, the consumer 64 may be transferred to a different screen allowing for complete registration per process block 82 . It will be appreciated, that some of these security features may be offloaded to the vendor website. [0063] Assuming that the consumer 64 has previously registered, the consumer 64 is transferred to a data entry screen 110 where the consumer 64 may enter any necessary personal data required by the particular vendor 65 . This data entry screen 110 implements the process of process block 86 of adding personal data and managing sharing permissions for that personal data. Data that is being entered for the first time may be assumed to have a status of sharing as evidenced by the act of data entry in this context and by visual reinforcement 109 . [0064] As noted above, generally core data 112 from global data store 67 will be pre-populated in the data entry screen 110 greatly simplifying the task of entering data by the consumer 64 . The data entry screen 110 may provide required data entry fields 113 , optional data entry fields 114 , and preferred data entry fields 116 corresponding with any of the data of the global data store 67 and vendor specific data 72 . The data of the preferred data entry field 116 need only be entered if the consumer 64 wishes to be entitled to special consideration or benefits beyond those of a basic application to use of the vendor's website or application. Desirably, these benefits will be described on the data entry screen 110 or there will be a link to further explanation of these benefits. [0065] These characterizations of required, optional, and preferred are generally unique to a vendor card 68 and may be stored therewith. In addition, the vendor cards 68 may hold metadata indicating whether all of the data in any of these characterizations has been entered. Thus, the metadata may indicate whether a preferred status has been obtained by the consumer 64 through filling out all of the necessary data fields. This meta data may be shared with the vendor 65 together with the shared data of the vendor card 68 as discussed above with respect to FIG. 2 . [0066] It will be appreciated, that there may be multiple preferred data entry fields 116 associated with different levels of preferred treatment. For example, special offers on boots may require entry of particular boot data and independent special offers on hats may require particular entry of data. This metadata may distinguish among these levels. [0067] Welcome screen 100 and data entry screen 110 may be implemented through separate computer systems (for example, data vault server 40 and vendor system 52 ) but nevertheless are integrated seamlessly into the vendor website or application program from the perception of the consumer 64 . [0068] Upon completion of the data entry of screen 110 the consumer is returned to a vendor screen 118 which may, for example, provide general information from the vendor including, for example, special offers or benefits that have been triggered by the registration data entry by the consumer. An icon 111 representing the data vault system 11 and the fact that the consumer's personal data is being protected through the data vault may be displayed subsequent to this registration or log-in to provide the consumer 64 with assurance of data protection. [0069] This process of enrolling information partners per process block 84 and adding data and managing permissions of process block 86 may thus be accomplished smoothly through a visit to a vendor website or use of the vendor application on the mobile consumer device 12 . In one embodiment, the initial visit to the vendor website may be instituted by a URL encoded in an optically readable tag such as a QR code tag or Microsoft Tag. [0070] Referring now to FIGS. 2 and 6 , as noted above, entry of the personal data for the first time may provide a default permission to share the data with the vendor 65 as will be indicated by a sharing status indicator; however, the data vault system 11 of the present invention allows the status to be changed through a direct control of sharing permissions as well through a permission screen 120 usable by the consumer 64 . This permission screen 120 will generally be accessed separately from any vendor site, for example, through a mobile consumer device 12 or a computer 38 by directing a browser to a web address of a Web server implemented by program 48 on the data vault server 40 and entering log-in information per screen 104 of FIG. 5 . [0071] In one embodiment, accessing the permission screen 120 will default to a global data screen 121 listing all shared personal data of the given consumer 64 , for example, in a set of rows 123 providing one data element per row. A data element in this context means information that would not likely be edited or revoked separately. For a given consumer 64 the number of data elements may be substantial and, accordingly, sorting buttons 122 may be provided to sort the data for ready access, for example, providing sorting, filtering, and pagination, by name of the data element, or date of entry or modification of the data element, the particular vendor using that data element or the type of data element indicating roughly a degree to which the personal data would be considered sensitive to a typical individual. In this latter regard, address information might be considered less sensitive and body weight might be considered more sensitive. [0072] Each row 123 may show a data name 125 of the type of data (e.g. user name) and/or the actual data value for that data type (e.g. Jane Doe), for example, in text box 124 which may be selected to edit or delete data. In some cases the data element will not be editable by the consumer 64 directly and only a category descriptor 126 (e.g. location tracking or the name provided in the global data store) will be provided. The rows 123 may be organized as discussed above into categories reflecting the category 70 of the global data store 67 . For convenience, the sharing permission of data of all rows 123 within a category 70 may be edited in unison through a set of category controls (not shown) similar to those provided for each row 123 . Vendor specific data 72 can be in a category denoted with that vendor. [0073] Following the description or actual personal data element is an edit button 132 that may be activated to allow the user to edit the preceding data element, for example, allowing the user to change her or his name as shown. Changes in the global data screen 121 will be reflected into each of the vendor data cards 68 as has been described above. The data may also be deleted through this editing although it is preferred to use the revoke button as will be described. [0074] As noted, each personal data element may be individually controlled with respect to a sharing status as may be implemented, for example, through a revoke button 128 which revokes an existing sharing permission or a share button 130 which allows sharing of previously revoked permission. As noted above, at the global level this revoke button 128 will revoke permissions for all vendors 65 . The share button 130 at the global level does not provide permission for sharing to vendor 65 which must be accomplished in a vendor card level to be described below. [0075] When the consumer 64 changes the status of any data element from shared to revoke, a warning message may be presented to the consumer 64 to the extent that the revoked data element may be part of an existing vendor card 68 as required data. This warning will indicate that revoking the sharing of this data element on a global basis will effectively cancel that vendor card 68 . Similarly, if the data element whose sharing is being revoked is preferred data on any vendor cards, this warning will indicate that revoking sharing of this data will eliminate the privileges associated with the sharing of that data as discussed below. [0076] Although in one embodiment pressing of the share button 130 may permit an unconditional sharing (as moderated by vendor cards be described below) it will be recognized that pressing the share button 130 may provide for an additional set of options to the consumer 64 providing gradations in the sharing permission. For example, the sharing may be limited to a duration such as a number of days or years, the sharing may provide limitations on whether the data can be used together with other data for the purposes of aggregation to develop, for example, propensity scores and the like, whether the data can be used if anonymized, whether the data can be redistributed (under the conditions of revocation), whether the data can be used to target advertising or promotions, for the improvement of products or services, and how and to what extent the consumer may be contacted based on the data. These conditions on the use of data will be generally considered conditions of sharing in the present application. In one embodiment a revoke-all button 129 will be provided allowing the user to revoke all sharing of his or her information. [0077] Following the permission buttons 128 and 130 may be a list of vendors sharing that information through vendor data cards 68 , for example, represented by icons 134 to provide a visual indication of the vendor cards that will be affected. [0078] Selecting any of these icons 134 will take the user to a view of the data visible by the particular vendor 65 alone or to this data and a vendor card sharing schedule 136 also providing sorting buttons 122 and all of the other features of the global data screen 121 but limited to data elements that are shared with a particular vendor 65 whose name is indicated, for example, in a caption 138 . [0079] The vendor card sharing schedule 136 may also include a sharing schedule 141 for data elements that are specific to a particular vendor 65 per preferred data 72 . Generally, the preferred data 72 for particular vendor 65 will be personal data of particular value to that particular vendor 65 , for example, household income, representing data that the consumer may not want to share broadly, or data that has unique value to a particular vendor, for example, the consumer's preferred vendor product or product configuration, such as hat size. As discussed above, often this preferred data will be associated with particular benefits that are obtained by the consumer 64 to encourage and incentivize such sharing. In these cases these preferred data elements may be labeled (for example with a link or caption 143 ) with the particular benefit obtained so that the consumer 64 may make the necessary decision about sharing. In one embodiment, pressing of the revoke button 128 associated with these preferred elements will bring up a reminder text box 141 indicating what benefits will be lost if this sharing is revoked. After review of this reminder text box 141 , the user may continue the revoking process or may reconsider. The invention therefore provides for a form of brokerage between the consumer 64 and the vendors 65 allowing the consumer to receive value for providing personal information. This value may be in the form of rewards by a particular vendor or may be in the form of a common currency implemented by the data vault, for example, “badges” which may be redeemed by different vendors or non-vendors. [0080] The vendor card sharing schedule 136 may further provide for contact permissions 140 indicating permissions for the vendor 65 to communicate with the consumer 64 through various means, for example, e-mail, texting, in-store notifications through an application, or the like and may place limits on automatic data collection for example consumer location as will be described below. An option may be provided with respect to the sharing screen 120 to allow any data element to be selected to display a list of all vendors using that data element (and allowing vendor specific adjustment of the sharing permissions) in order to provide ready access to sharing information about the data element. [0081] Referring now to FIGS. 2 , 3 and 7 , the control of shared information may be extended to sharing with a group of unspecified or anonymous vendors, for example, to allow the consumer 64 to share information for the purpose of receiving competing offers for a product the consumer 64 wishes to buy. This is part of process block 88 and may be invoked through intent casting screen 142 presented to the consumer on the mobile consumer device 12 or computer 38 . The intent casting screen 142 allows the user to describe a product or service for which they would like to receive sales offers, for example, by entry into a text box 144 a description of the product or service or selection of the product or service through a pulldown menu system (not shown) that defines general categories of products augmented by text key terms. This process may allow for later editing of the previous search for edit button 147 which allows changes in this requested service or product. [0082] In order to obtain bids for this product or service, consumer 64 may be required to reveal some personal data and may optionally reveal other personal data. As before, this information may be subject to the global permissions of permission screen 120 and a special vendor card permission screen related particularly to intent casting to a set of vendors. [0083] In this case, the permissions for sharing, for example, are accessible through a view sharing button 150 in the intent casting screen 142 . The intent casting screen 142 may further provide options to the consumer 64 to enforce an information sunset option that may be set through button 152 and which allows a scheduled revocation of shared information, for example, in 60 days or other selectable time limit. This time limit may be, for example, a subjective “current” time or specific time categories such as “today”, “this week”, “this month”, “this year”, or “forever until revoked”. At the conclusion of this time limit, the shared information may be fully revoked as described above for all vendors receiving this information. The intent casting screen 142 may further allow other limits to be placed on the sharing of personal data in this context including limits of using the personal data solely for the intent casting and geographic limitations on vendors who may view the personal data. [0084] It will be appreciated that the intent casting screen 142 may also be used for “indirect” intent casting in which the consumer 64 may enter into text box 144 a generic category, for example, including: clothing, home furnishings, free offers, local offers, etc. that are not focused to a specific product but a category of products. As before the particular information being provided in this indirect intent casting may be fully controlled through buttons 150 and 152 . [0085] Referring now to FIGS. 8 and 9 , an important source of personal data that may be managed by the data vault system 11 of the present invention is the location data automatically collected or collectible through many mobile devices. Generally it is understood that mobile consumer devices 12 such as cell phones may report GPS data or cell tower triangulation data indicating the location of the mobile consumer device 12 . Current wireless systems without GPS or even cell phone capabilities may also provide capability for determining fine-grained location, for example, in a store or retail environment through triangulation techniques with wireless routers, near field communication techniques, echolocation, optical techniques or the like. [0086] In this case, one or more wireless router transceivers 160 may be placed in separate locations about a retail floor area 162 . The router transceivers 160 may communicate with a router control system 161 together to determine a location 166 of a mobile user (for example through triangulation) and may map that location into one of various departments zones 164 (e.g. department zone 3, as shown). The zones 164 may be arbitrarily defined to conform approximately to floor area dedicated to distribution of particular types of retail merchandise on the retail floor area 162 . The zones 164 may be mapped to logical departments 168 (e.g. men's department) and this information used to determine information about the consumer 64 (for example, interests and shopping responsibilities) and/or to push promotional material such as coupons or notifications of sales to the consumer 64 in those departments 168 . Control of this tracking information while the consumer 64 is within the retail environment may be indicated by the presence of the icon 111 on the mobile consumer device 12 as was described above. [0087] The data vault system 11 allows control by the consumer 64 of the use of this location information, for example, through permission sub block 78 receiving permission data from the global data store 67 or vendor data cards 68 . The consumer 64 , in a manner analogous to that arrived above, may access a permission form 170 on a vendor data card 68 for the particular vendor 65 that may allow permissions to be set for sharing of all location data or no location data in that environment, for example, through radio boxes 172 or 174 for sharing in particular departments as indicated by radio boxes 176 . Alternatively the location may be limited to a particular building or floor. More generally, permission may be granted for tracking only outdoors or indoors or any combination of the two. In this way, not only can personal data be protected, but a fine-grained sharing of that data may be provided. These selections or similar selections may also be used to control permissions to contact the consumer 64 in a particular department 168 . As before, these permissions may include permissions for particular channels of communication to the consumer 64 so that the consumer may, for example, describe how coupons are to be transmitted to the consumer in the retail floor area 162 (e.g. through instant text message but not through e-mail). These contact permissions may be associated with particular departments 168 , so that the consumer 64 may block promotional information delivered by text or e-mail except when the consumer is in particular departments 168 and, of course, may be unique to a particular on the vendor 65 . [0088] Referring now to FIG. 10 , the present invention may be used to safeguard purchase information collected during retail transactions using electronic wallet systems that manage payment through the user's portable device such as a cell phone, or conventional credit card transactions. In such systems, the consumer 64 in making a purchase with a vendor 65 a will provide authorization, as indicated by arrow 180 , to a wallet system 182 that processes a payment back end communicating with a credit card account or debit card account 184 , for example, managed by a bank vendor 65 b . Any information related to the transaction, indicated by arrow 186 , including purchase amount, the identity of vendor 65 a , and the item being purchased, may be managed through the data vault server 40 . While generally this information must remain accessible to the bank vendor 65 b , such information is generally maintained at a higher level of privilege because of its financial implications. Vendor 65 a , however, participating in this data vault system 11 will need to abide by the consumer 64 permission authorizations in use of this data. [0089] Certain terminology is used herein for purposes of reference only, and thus is not intended to be limiting. For example, terms such as “upper”, “lower”, “above”, and “below” refer to directions in the drawings to which reference is made. Terms such as “front”, “back”, “rear”, “bottom” and “side”, describe the orientation of portions of the component within a consistent but arbitrary frame of reference which is made clear by reference to the text and the associated drawings describing the component under discussion. Such terminology may include the words specifically mentioned above, derivatives thereof, and words of similar import. Similarly, the terms “first”, “second” and other such numerical terms referring to structures do not imply a sequence or order unless clearly indicated by the context. [0090] When introducing elements or features of the present disclosure and the exemplary embodiments, the articles “a”, “an”, “the” and “said” are intended to mean that there are one or more of such elements or features. The terms “comprising”, “including” and “having” are intended to be inclusive and mean that there may be additional elements or features other than those specifically noted. It is further to be understood that the method steps, processes, and operations described herein are not to be construed as necessarily requiring their performance in the particular order discussed or illustrated, unless specifically identified as an order of performance. It is also to be understood that additional or alternative steps may be employed. [0091] References to “a microprocessor” and “a processor” or “the microprocessor” and “the processor,” can be understood to include one or more microprocessors that can communicate in a stand-alone and/or a distributed environment(s), and can thus be configured to communicate via wired or wireless communications with other processors, where such one or more processor can be configured to operate on one or more processor-controlled devices that can be similar or different devices. Furthermore, references to memory, unless otherwise specified, can include one or more processor-readable and accessible memory elements and/or components that can be internal to the processor-controlled device, external to the processor-controlled device, and can be accessed via a wired or wireless network. [0092] It is specifically intended that the present invention not be limited to the embodiments and illustrations contained herein and the claims should be understood to include modified forms of those embodiments including portions of the embodiments and combinations of elements of different embodiments as come within the scope of the following claims. All of the publications described herein, including patents and non-patent publications are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entireties.
A data vault system allows for centralized storage of personal data about a consumer in a transparent multi-tiered structure including a global data store and multiple vendor or category cards. Data in the category cards describing a subset of the globally stored data to be shared with individual vendors and provide fine resolution sharing control. The data in each structure is synchronized so that vendor or category cards may be auto populated.
This invention was made with government support under Grant No.: FA8750-07-1-0033, awarded by the U.S. Air Force. The Government has certain rights in this invention. This application claims priority to U.S. provisional application Ser. No. 61/338,689 filed Feb. 23, 2010, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION A major problem in robotics is the lack of a general purpose hand or gripper with capability of fine manipulation. Available robotic hands are generally heavy and rigid and lack any type of touch feedback. Thus, the robotic hands can easily knock over or break the object they are supposed to pick up. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In a first aspect, the invention is a robotic finger having two levels of compliance. The finger includes a proximal phalange having first and second joint ends and a distal phalange having a joint end and a tip end, wherein the joint end of the distal phalange is coupled to the second joint end of the proximal phalange in a hinged manner. A first compliant actuator is configured to exert a torque on the proximal phalange about the first joint end and a second compliant actuator configured to exert a torque on the proximal phalange about the first joint end, the first and second compliant actuators providing a first level of compliance. At least one compliant touch sensor is mounted on the distal phalange, the at least one compliant touch sensor configured to contact an object before the distal phalange and to compliantly conform to the object and to sense the object. The at least one compliant touch or tactile sensor provides a second level of compliance. In a preferred embodiment, the proximal phalange is coupled to a base at its first joint end in a hinged manner. This embodiment further includes at least one compliant touch sensor mounted on the proximal phalange, the at least one compliant touch sensor configured to contact an object before the distal phalange contacts the object and to compliantly conform to the object and to sense the object. In yet another aspect, the invention is a robotic finger including a mount and a proximal phalange coupled at a first end to the mount via a first joint. A distal phalange is coupled at a joint end to a second end of the proximal phalange via a second joint, the distal phalange including a tip end opposite the joint end. A first actuator is connected to the proximal phalange and configured to exert a torque on the proximal phalange about the first joint. A second actuator is connected to the distal phalange and configured to exert a torque on the distal phalange about the second joint. A first torque sensor detects the torque from the first actuator on the first joint and a second torque sensor detects the torque from the second actuator on the second joint. A controller is provided and is configured to actuate the first and second actuators to move the robot finger, to detect contact of the at least one of the proximal and distal phalanges with an object by sensing changes in the detected torque at the first and second joints and to cause at least one of the first and second actuators to exert a torque on the respective proximal and distal phalanges to exert a force on the object. In yet another aspect, the invention is a method of contacting an object using a robotic finger including moving at least one of a proximal and distal phalange of a robotic finger by applying a first compliant torque to at least one of the proximal and distal phalanges. Contact of at least one of the proximal and distal phalanges with an object is detected by sensing a change in the first compliant torque on at least one of the proximal and distal phalanges. A force is exerted on the object with at least one of the proximal and distal phalanges by exerting a second compliant torque to at least one of the proximal and distal phalanges. In a preferred embodiment of this aspect of the invention contact forces are sensed at the distal phalange. In yet another aspect, the invention is a robotic hand including a base, and a plurality of robotic fingers. Each robotic finger includes a proximal phalange coupled at a first end to the base via a first joint, a distal phalange coupled to a joint end to a second end of the proximal phalange via a second joint, the distal phalange including a tip end opposite the joint end. The finger further comprises a first actuator connected to the proximal phalange and configured to exert a compliant torque on the proximal phalange about the first joint, and a second actuator connected to the distal phalange and configured to exert a compliant torque on the distal phalange about the second joint. A first torque sensor detects the compliant torque from the first actuator on the first joint and a second torque sensor detects the compliant torque from the second actuator on the second joint. The robotic hand further includes a controller configured to actuate the first and second actuators of each of the plurality of robotic fingers and to detect contact of at least one of the plurality of robotic fingers with an object by sensing changes in the detected compliant torque at the first and second joints of the at least one of the plurality of robotic fingers. The controller is further configured to cause at least one of the actuators of the plurality of robotic fingers to exert a compliant torque on the respective ones of the plurality of robotic fingers to exert a force on the object. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The foregoing will be apparent from the following more particular description of example embodiments of the invention, as illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which like reference characters refer to the same parts throughout the different views. The drawings are not necessarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon illustrating embodiments of the present invention. FIG. 1 is an isometric view of a robotic finger according to an embodiment of the present invention; FIGS. 2A and 2B are side views of a series elastic actuator according to an embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 3 is an exploded isometric view of a series elastic actuator according to an embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 4 is an exploded isometric view of a robotic finger according to an embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of wires routed in a robotic finger according to an embodiment of the present invention for series elastic actuators; FIG. 6 is a photograph of a robotic hand that includes two robotic fingers according to the present invention that detect contact and interaction between the fingers and an object. FIG. 7 shows sequential steps of a robotic hand that includes at least two robotic fingers according to the present invention for picking up a stone from a surface; and FIG. 8 shows sequential steps of a robotic hand that includes at least two robotic fingers according to the present invention for placing a stone on a surface. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS A description of example embodiments of the invention follows. FIG. 1 illustrates a robotic finger 100 according to an embodiment of the present invention. The robotic finger 100 includes a base 102 , a proximal phalange 104 and a distal phalange 106 . The proximal phalange 104 is attached to the base 102 by a first joint 108 . The distal phalange 106 is attached to the proximal phalange 104 by a second joint 110 . The distal phalange 106 has an angled tip with an angled portion 112 . The distal phalange also has tactile touch sensors 116 and 118 that are compliant. Each of the proximal phalange 104 and the distal phalange 106 includes a series elastic actuator, such as the elastic actuator disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,650,704, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. An example of a series elastic actuator is shown in FIGS. 2A and 2B . FIG. 2A shows a pulley 202 with a wire represented by 204 and 206 attached to it by a locking mechanism 203 . The pulley 202 pivots around its central axis to exert a pulling force on either end 208 of wire 204 or at end 210 of wire 206 , depending on the direction of rotation of the pulley 202 . FIG. 2B shows the pulley 202 and wire 204 and 206 in a series elastic actuator housing 214 . The series elastic actuator has a housing 214 and two chambers 220 a - b . Each chamber 220 a - b includes a spring 218 a - b and an endcap 216 a - b . The wire portions 204 and 206 feed through holes 221 a - b at the bottom of chambers 220 a - b . The wire portions 204 and 206 feed through the springs 218 a - b and attach to the endcaps 216 a - b . Rotation of the pulley 202 causes the wire portion, either 204 or 206 , under tension to compress its respective spring. For example, if pulley 202 is rotated clockwise as shown in FIG. 2B , then wire portion 204 is pulled towards the pulley likewise pulling endcap 216 a and compressing spring 218 a . In an embodiment of a series elastic actuator, both springs 218 a and 218 b are maintained in a compressed state so that as spring 218 a compresses as shown in FIG. 2B , spring 218 b expands. As spring 218 a is compressed as shown in FIG. 2B , a torque is exerted on housing 214 of the series elastic actuator about the axis of rotation of pulley 202 , the torque being equal to the spring force (caused by the compression of the spring) multiplied by the distance R 212 of the center of the spring 218 a from the centerline of rotation of the pulley 202 . That torque causes the series elastic actuator housing 214 to rotate, in this case in a clockwise direction. Importantly, the series elastic actuator provides a compliant torque, which means that the torque applied by pulley 202 is not directly coupled to the series elastic actuator housing 214 . Instead, the torque load is transmitted through either spring 218 a or spring 218 b , depending on the direction of rotation of pulley 202 . Under no loading, when pulley 202 is rotated then series elastic actuator housing 214 will rotate at the same rate. However, if a load is applied to an exterior portion of series elastic actuator housing 214 then, as pulley 202 turns, one of springs 218 a and 218 b will compress, absorbing some of the load and enabling the torque about pulley 202 to increase gradually as the spring compression increases. If a spring 218 a or 218 b fully compressed, i.e., if the spring force transmitted as a torque about the pulley 202 is saturated, then the series elastic actuator can apply additional torque in a non-elastic manner. As shown in FIG. 2B , spring 218 a is nearly fully compressed. When spring 218 a fully compresses, the force of endcap 216 a is transmitted through the spring 218 a directly to the bottom of chamber 220 a . The force of endcap 218 a can exceed the spring force of spring 218 a when spring 218 a is fully compressed. Therefore, the presence of the springs does not mean that the torque that can be applied is limited, in general. FIG. 3 illustrates a series elastic actuator being used in a phalange for a robotic finger such as that shown in FIG. 1 . Series elastic actuator housing 314 is shown in a perspective view with chambers 320 a - b visible. Springs 318 a - b and endcaps 316 a - b are shown in an exploded view above chambers 320 a - b . Wire 304 , 306 is shown in an exploded view beneath series elastic actuator housing 314 . The series elastic actuator housing 314 includes two walls 320 , 322 , which attach to sides of the series elastic actuator housing 314 . A portion of walls 320 , 322 include holes 321 and 323 through which a shaft 328 is threaded. The holes also support two bushings 324 , 326 which enable the shaft 328 to rotate. The shaft also supports pulley 302 shown beneath the series elastic actuator housing 314 . Also shown is a potentiometer 330 which measures rotation of the shaft 328 relative to wall 322 in this case and thereby relative to series elastic actuator housing 314 . This rotation of the shaft 328 relative to wall 322 can be combined with the stiffness coefficients of the springs 318 a - b to calculate a torque being applied to the series elastic actuator housing 314 about the shaft 328 , and thereby being applied to the phalange. As described in FIG. 2B , the springs 218 a - b and endcaps 216 a - b enable the pulley 212 to rotate in a compliant manner with respect to series elastic actuator body 214 . Potentiometer 330 shown in FIG. 3 enables measurement of the compliant rotation of pulley 302 and shaft 328 relative to series elastic actuator body 314 and walls 320 , 322 . FIG. 4 shows an exploded view of a robotic finger 400 similar to the assembled finger 100 shown in FIG. 1 , FIG. 4 shows the base (or mount) portion 402 , the proximal phalange portion 404 , the tip portion 406 . Also shown in FIG. 4 are joint portions 408 and 410 . The base portion includes two walls 414 , 420 that support drive pulleys 416 and 418 , which are turned by motors (not shown), e.g., electric motors. The proximal phalange portion 404 includes a series elastic actuator housing 422 and end walls 428 and 430 . Walls 428 and 430 hold potentiometers 431 and 429 , respectively, in place. Walls 428 and 430 may also include printed circuit boards for the potentiometers 431 and 429 . Shaft 426 connects the proximal phalange portion 404 to the base portion 402 in a hinged manner. The shaft includes potentiometer portion 427 and wall 430 includes potentiometer portion 429 . Potentiometer portion 427 rotates inside of potentiometer portion 429 . Wall 428 carries a second potentiometer portion 431 and a second potentiometer portion 427 is attached to the base portion 402 at wall 414 . As described with respect to FIG. 3 , potentiometer portion 427 on shaft 426 and potentiometer portion 429 on wall 430 measure rotation of pulley 425 relative to series elastic actuator housing 422 and walls 428 , 430 . Potentiometer portions 433 and 431 , mounted to the wall 414 and wall 428 , respectively, measure rotation of the proximal phalange portion 404 relative to the base portion 402 . The distal phalange portion 406 is coupled to the proximal phalange portion 404 in a similar manner as proximal phalange portion 404 is attached to base portion 402 . The distal phalange portion 406 includes a second series elastic actuator housing 432 and walls 438 , 440 . The distal phalange portion 406 also includes a shaft 436 at second joint 410 . The shaft 436 carries potentiometer portion 443 and wall 440 carries potentiometer portion 439 . These potentiometer portions 443 , 439 measure relative rotation of pulley 434 with respect to series elastic actuator housing 432 . Wall 438 carries potentiometer portion 441 and the first series elastic actuator housing 422 carries potentiometer portion 437 . Potentiometer portions 441 and 437 measure rotation of series elastic actuator housing 432 and walls 438 and 440 with respect to series elastic actuator housing 422 . The distal phalange portion 406 also carries a tip structure 442 . The tip structure 442 and series elastic actuator 432 carry sensor platforms 446 and 444 , respectively. A sleeve 412 , made of compliant material, fits over distal phalange portion 406 , covering sensor platforms 446 and 444 . The compliant cover 412 includes multiple surfaces, including surface 452 and angled surfaces 450 and 448 . The cover 412 also carries several compliant touch sensors 454 which are described in greater detail in U.S. Publication No. 2008/0106258, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The compliant touch sensors 454 deform when an external load or force is applied to its surface. For example, if a normal load, i.e., a load perpendicular to the surface of a touch sensor, is applied, then the touch sensor 454 will deform in an even manner. By contrast, if a sheer force or load, i.e., not parallel to the surface of the touch sensor is applied, then the surface of the touch sensor 454 will skew to one side. Sensors, not shown, on plates 446 and 444 detect deformation of compliant touch sensors 454 . By detecting deformations, the sensors (not shown) detect direction of forces or loads applied to touch sensors 454 and can also determine the magnitude of the force applied by detecting the amount of deformation of the touch sensors 454 . The compliant touch sensors 454 add a second level of compliance to the robotic finger in FIG. 4 (the series elastic actuators in the proximal phalange portion 404 and distal phalange portion 406 providing the first level of compliance). When an object (not shown) is picked up by the robotic finger 400 , the touch sensors 454 are pressed between the underlying structure of the finger 400 and the object (not shown). The touch sensors 454 do not require structural strength to support the object (not shown); the strength is provided by the underlying structure of the finger 400 that backs the touch sensors 454 . Thus, the compliant touch sensors 454 can be made of a material that is much softer than the remainder of the finger and that deforms under very small applied forces. By detecting these tiny forces, the robotic finger 400 may apply delicate force to an object (not shown). The angled surface 450 is a polygonal approximation of a curved fingertip. A curvature of a human fingertip allows the contact with a gripped object to be shifted by rolling the fingertip over the object. The angled surface 450 approximating a curved fingertip, in combination with the touch sensors 454 , likewise allow an object grasped by the robotic finger 400 to be shifted to a different orientation. FIG. 5 shows a schematic representation of routing for wires of series elastic actuators in a robotic finger such as finger 100 in FIG. 1 or finger 400 in FIG. 4 . For the purposes of clarity, FIG. 5 will be explained using reference to FIG. 4 . However, it should be understood that FIG. 4 may use different wiring configurations from that shown schematically in FIG. 5 . FIG. 5 shows a first motor 502 with wire 522 and 526 attached to the motor 502 . Wire 526 is shown in incomplete form in FIG. 5 , but a person having ordinary skill in the art would understand that wire 526 is continued in a similar but opposite fashion as wire 522 which is to be explained. Wire 522 is attached to pulley 506 . With reference to FIG. 4 , pulley 506 is similar to pulley 425 . Pulley 506 carries wire 522 up to series elastic actuator mechanism 514 , which is similar to series elastic actuator 422 in the proximal phalange portion 404 of the finger 400 shown in FIG. 4 . The wire 522 can apply tension to endcap 519 a to exert a compliant torque on series elastic actuator 514 . FIG. 5 also shows a second motor 504 which is similar to motor 418 in FIG. 4 . Motor 504 has wires 520 and 524 attached to it. Similarly to wire 526 , wire 524 is not shown in completion, but a person having ordinary skill in the art would understand that wire 524 is routed similarly but opposite to wire 520 as described following. Wire 520 wraps around an idler pulley 508 that is similar to idler pulley 424 shown in FIG. 4 . Idler pulley 508 is coaxial with pulley 506 as indicated by center line of rotation 509 . This is similar to the coaxial relationship of idler pulley 424 to pulley 425 shown in FIG. 4 . Wire 520 uses idler pulley merely as a relay, and idler pulley 508 does not exert any torque on any portion of a robotic finger such as finger 400 shown in FIG. 4 . Wire 520 continues to pulley 510 , which is similar to pulley 434 shown in FIG. 4 . Wire 520 can apply a force onto endcap 517 in series elastic actuator 512 thereby compressing spring 516 and causing a compliant torque on series elastic actuator 512 . Note that wires 522 and 520 have been described as continuous from motor 504 or 502 up through series elastic actuators 512 and 514 . Alternatively, wires 520 and 522 may include multiple wire segments that are coupled together at pulleys 510 , 506 and 508 . FIG. 6 shows a robotic hand 600 comprising two robotic fingers 602 and 604 . Robotic finger 602 includes a base portion 606 , a proximal phalange portion 616 and a distal phalange portion 612 having a compliant touch sensor cover. Likewise, finger 604 includes a base portion 608 , a proximal phalange portion 618 and a distal phalange portion 614 , also having a compliant touch sensor cover. Bases 606 and 618 are mounted in a common frame 610 . FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram showing how a robotic hand 760 having two opposing fingers 740 , 750 , such as hand 600 in FIG. 6 , may be used to pick up a small item such as a stone 712 , e.g., a biconvex GO stone, on a surface 732 . FIG. 7 shows five steps for picking up the stone 712 (note that the reference numbers in FIG. 7 are only shown on a single step, but apply to all five steps). In the first step 702 , the two fingers 740 , 750 are positioned over the stone 712 . Each finger 740 , 750 has a proximal phalange 714 and 718 , respectively, and a distal phalange 716 and 720 , respectively. In step 702 , finger 740 has its proximal phalange 714 and distal phalange 716 aligned substantially collinearly. Finger 750 has its distal phalange 720 aligned at an angle to the proximal phalange 718 . In step 702 , the hand 760 is moved down towards the surface 732 on which the stone 712 is resting. If tip 728 makes contact with the surface 732 before tip 726 or before compliant touch sensor 722 makes contact with the stone 712 , then the distal phalange 720 compliantly gives by pivoting with respect to proximal phalange 718 . As described above with respect to FIGS. 2B and 3 , the pivoting is detected by a controller, so the controller knows that finger 750 is in contact with surface 732 . If tip 726 contacts surface 732 or if compliant touch sensor 722 contacts the stone 712 before tip 728 of finger 750 contacts surface 732 , then later, in step 706 , finger 750 is extended to make contact between tip 728 and surface 732 . In step 704 , after finger 750 makes contact with the surface 732 , the hand 760 continues to move towards the surface 732 . Distal phalange 720 of finger 750 , if in contact, continues to compliantly give as the hand 760 continues to move. As finger 740 continues to move towards the surface 732 , compliant touch sensor 722 makes contact with the stone 712 . The contact with the stone 712 results in a contact force 730 being applied to the compliant touch sensor 722 that causes a measurable deformation of the compliant touch sensor 722 . As described in U.S. Publication No. 2008/0106258, the compliant touch sensor 722 provides a controller (not shown) that controls the fingers 740 , 750 with a measurement of the contact force 730 being applied to it by the contact with the stone 712 and send a command to stop the motion of the hand. In step 706 , after compliant touch sensor 722 makes contact with the stone 712 , the hand 760 continues to move towards the surface 732 until it comes to a complete stop. If in contact with the surface, distal phalange 720 of finger 750 continues to compliantly give as the hand 760 is coming to a stop. As finger 740 moves towards the surface 732 , the contact force 730 between the compliant touch sensor 722 and the stone 712 may change in magnitude and also in direction, i.e., the vector of the contact force 730 may change. The compliant touch sensor 722 detects the change in the contact force 730 and provides the detected force to the controller (not shown). The contact force 730 also causes the stone 712 to lift an edge opposite that being contacted by the compliant touch sensor 722 . When the tip 726 of distal phalange 716 makes contact with the surface 732 , the distal phalange 716 does not compliantly give (or only compliantly gives by an insignificant amount) compared to the compliant give of distal phalange 720 because distal phalange 716 and proximal phalange 714 of finger 740 are substantially colinear to each other. The colinear alignment of the distal phalange 716 and the proximal phalange 714 of finger 740 results in forces from the hand 760 being transmitted on a vector that is almost colinear with the distal phalange 716 and proximal phalange 714 . Thus, there is negligible torque being applied about the hinge coupling the distal phalange 716 to the proximal phalange 714 . The series elastic actuator (not shown) in distal phalange 716 may apply an actuating force to counteract any torque about the hinge coupling the distal phalange 716 to the proximal phalange 714 to maintain the colinear relationship between the distal phalange 716 and the proximal phalange 714 . The finger 750 is extended to make sure that it is in contact with surface 732 . A small force is applied to avoid moving the hand 760 away from the surface 732 . This places finger 750 in a good position to approach stone 712 at the lowest point possible, which permits the distal phalange 720 of finger 750 to get beneath the stone 712 . This is an important step because if the distal phalange 720 cannot move beneath the stone 712 , the fingers 740 , 750 cannot pick up the stone. In step 708 , finger 750 is moved towards finger 740 . The surface 732 prevents the finger 750 from fully moving toward finger 740 . If finger 750 was a non-compliant robotic finger, then moving finger 750 towards finger 740 while in contact with surface 732 could be dangerous because the finger 750 may damage the surface 732 or the actuators (not shown) operating finger 750 could be damaged by overloading. The compliant robotic finger 750 can be moved towards finger 740 safely because the compliance ensures that there will be no damage to the surface 732 or to the actuators (not shown) of the finger 750 . As finger 750 attempts to move toward finger 740 , its interference with surface 732 will result in increasing forces to actuators (not shown) controlling the proximal phalange 718 , the distal phalange 720 , and/or the hand 760 . Alternatively, the forces of actuators (not shown) controlling the proximal phalange 718 , the distal phalange 720 , and/or the hand 760 may be operated at constant levels predetermined to be sufficient to move the finger 750 towards finger 740 and to keep finger 750 in contact with surface 732 . In step 710 , when the increasing forces to actuators (not shown) controlling the proximal phalange 718 , the distal phalange 720 , and/or the hand 760 reach a predetermined limit, the hand 760 begins to move away from the surface 732 . As the hand 760 moves away from the surface 732 , fingers 740 and 750 also move away from the surface 732 . As finger 750 moves away from the surface 732 , the interference between the surface 732 and the tip 728 of distal phalange 720 will decrease, allowing the finger 750 to continue moving closer to finger 740 . Eventually, finger 750 will be able to move close enough to finger 740 that the stone 712 will be captured between the two fingers 740 , 750 and the stone 712 can be lifted from the surface 732 . FIG. 8 shows how a stone 812 , similar to stone 712 , may be placed without simply dropping the stone. In step 802 , fingertips 816 and 820 are grasping stone 812 such that the stone 812 is in contact with touch sensors 822 and 824 on angled tip surfaces 826 and 828 . Step 802 shows fingertips 816 and 820 moving down towards a surface 830 as indicated by phantom lines. When stone 812 contacts the surface 830 , a sheer force will be produced with touch sensors 822 and 824 which is detected by sensors (not shown). In step 804 , fingertip 820 is moved away from stone 812 to allow the stone 812 to lower onto the surface 830 . At the same time, fingertip 816 moves up to help rotate the stone 812 into its resting position. Finally, step 806 shows finger 820 continuing to move away from the stone 812 and fingertip 816 moving up and away from the stone such that the stone is now resting completely on the surface 830 . The teachings of all patents, published applications and references cited herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety. While this invention has been particularly shown and described with references to example embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details may be made therein without departing from the scope of the invention encompassed by the appended claims.
A robotic finger that includes multiple phalanges, each phalange configured to be compliantly actuated. The robotic finger also includes compliant touch sensors that, in combination with the compliant actuation, provides the robotic finger with two levels of compliance. The two levels of compliance enable the robotic finger to gently conform to and manipulate objects.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The subject invention relates to heat-curable, fiber-reinforced prepregs, heat-curable assemblies of such prepregs, and cured, advanced composites prepared therefrom. More particularly, the subject invention relates to the addition of a selected group of microfibers to the matrix resin component of fiber-reinforced, heat curable prepregs. The addition of such microfibers is effective to increase the toughness of composites prepared from such prepregs without experiencing a loss of modulus or gaining toughness at the expense of lowering the glass transition temperature. DESCRIPTION OF THE RELATED ART Advanced structural composites are high modulus, high strength materials useful in many applications requiring high strength to weight ratios, particularly applications in the aerospace industry. Such composites are generally constructed by preparing a laminated structure whose individual plies consist of heat-curable, matrix-resin-impregnated, fiber-reinforced layers generally termed "prepreg." Such prepreg is manufactured by a variety of methods, the most common of which involves either solution impregnation or thin-film melt impregnation of a fiber substrate. In the solution impregnation process, plies of unidirectional fiber tow, yarn, woven cloth, or non-woven mat, the reinforcing fibers of which are substantially continuous, are immersed in a solution or dispersion of thermosetting matrix resin. The solvent is then evaporated. In the thin-film melt impregnation technique, thin films of matrix resin are placed on one or both sides of the fiber reinforcing material. The matrix resin is then forced into the fiber substrate through the application of heat and pressure. Prepreg prepared by either method generally contains from 15 to 60 percent by weight of resin, depending upon the application. Suitable fiber substrates useful in preparing high performance prepregs include glass, carbon/graphite, boron, aramid, high strength polyethylene and the like. These fibers may be used in the form of tape, tow, roving, non-woven mat, or woven cloth. The fibers are substantially continuous, i.e. they have very high aspect ratios (ratio of length to diameter) as opposed to short, non-continuous, or chopped fibers. One of the drawbacks of advanced composites prepared from fiber-reinforced prepregs is a tendency toward excessive damage arising from sudden impact. The ability of a composite to withstand impact-induced damage is referred to as "toughness." In the past, composites having improved toughness were prepared at the expense of tensile modulus, compressive strength, and resin glass transition temperature. Common means of imparting toughness are adding elastomeric fillers such as carboxyl, amino, or sulfhydryl terminated polyacrylonitrile-butadiene elastomers, incorporating considerable amounts of thermoplastics such as polyether ether ketones or polysulfones into the thermosetting matrix resin; or decreasing the cross-link density of the resin by utilizing higher molecular weight monomers or monomers of lower functionality. While these prior art methods are effective to increase the toughness of composites, this increase in toughness occurs at the expense of tensile modulus and compressive strength, and thus the finished composite must be made thicker and heavier to maintain design parameters. The result is a considerable decrease in the strength/weight ratio, and an inability of the matrix resin to fully translate, and therefore take advantage of, the high strength/modulus properties of the fiber-reinforcing substrate. Thus there is a need for resin systems which afford composites with improved impact properties without a loss of modulus. Only then can the superior properties of advanced fibers be translated fully into impact resistant, high performance composites. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It has now been discovered that when selected microfibers are added in appropriate amounts to thermosetting matrix resins, fiber reinforced articles such as prepregs may be produced which can be used to prepare composites having improved impact resistance, or "toughness," without a loss in compressive strength, modulus, or glass transition temperature. Such prepregs may be used to prepare advanced structural composites which maintain the benefits of high strength/weight ratios and high temperature performance while being resistant to damage produced by sudden impact. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The prepregs of the subject invention consist of fiber reinforcement in the form of unidirectional, randomly oriented, or woven fiber reinforcement of glass, aramid, high tensile synthetic polymers, or carbon/graphite. Carbon/graphite fiber reinforcement is preferred. The fiber reinforcement is impregnated using conventional techniques with from 15 to about 60 percent by weight, preferably from 30 to 50 percent by weight, and most preferably from about 30 percent to about 35 percent by weight of a heat-curable thermosetting resin. The thermosetting resin may be an epoxy resin, a bismaleimide resin, a cyanate resin, mixtures thereof, or other high performance matrix resin system. The matrix resin may contain unsaturated, particularly multiply unsaturated co-monomers of the acetylenic, vinylic, acrylic, or allylic types. Examples of suitable epoxy resins are the di- and polyglycidyl ethers of hydroxyl functional compounds such as the bisphenols, i.e. bisphenol A, bisphenol F, and bisphenol S; hydroquinone; cyclohexanedimethanol; and resorcinol; glycidyl amines such as the reaction products of epichlorohydrin with amines such as aniline, toluenediamine, methylenedianiline; glycidyl compounds of mixed hydroxyamines such as the aminophenols; and the various novolak resins. Many such epoxy resins are commercially available and are well known to those skilled in the art. The epoxy resins may be used alone when a suitable catalyst is present; in conjunction with traditional epoxy resin curing agents; or with curing agents and catalysts. Curing agents of the amine or anhydride type are preferred. Suitable amine curing agents, for example, are the methylenedianilines, toluenediamines, diaminodiphenyloxides, diaminodiphenylsulfides, and diaminodiphenylsulfones. Mono- or bis[mono-N-alkyl]-derivatives of these amines are also suitable. Suitable anhydride curing agents are polysebacic polyanhydride, succinic anhydride, maleic anhydride, nadic anhydride, hexahydrophthalic anhydride, phthalic anhydride, and pyromellitic anhydride. Substituted anhydrides are also suitable. All common epoxy catalysts are suitable, for example, various imidazoles, tertiary amines, and boron trifluoride complexes. Maleimide-group-containing resins may include bismaleimides, polymaleimides, or polyaminobismaleimides. Such maleimides are conveniently synthesized, for example, by reacting maleic anhydride or substituted maleic anhydrides with a di- or polyamine. Examples of suitable di- or polyamines are those listed above as epoxy curatives. However, many other di- or polyamines are also suitable. The polyaminobis- or polymaleimides may be prepared by reacting one or more of the bis- or polymaleimides with additional quantities of one or more di- or polyamines to form higher molecular weight prepolymers. Cyanate-functional resins are generally prepared by reacting cyanogen bromide with an alcohol or phenol. Suitable cyanate-functional resins, for example, are 1,2-, 1,3-, and 1,4-dicyanatobenzene and 2,2'-, 3,3'-, and 4,4'-dicyanatodiphenylmethane and the dicyanates prepared from bisphenol A, bisphenol F, and bisphenol S. Tri- and higher functional cyanate resins are also suitable. Examples of unsaturated co-monomers include bisphenol A dimethyacrylate, diallylphthalate, 2,2'-diallylbisphenol A, and allylisocyanurate. The thermosetting matrix resin may contain a minor amount, i.e. up to about 35 percent by weight, of a thermoplastic resin such as a polyimide, polyamide, polyamideimide, polycarbonate, polyether ketone, polyphenyloxide, or polysulfone. The microfibers useful for the practice of the subject invention differ from conventional whiskers made from inorganic materials which may have diameters of from 5 to 10 μm. By way of contrast, the microfibers of the subject invention have diameters of from 1 to 70 nm and aspect ratios of preferably from about 10 to 100. The microfibers consist of from 60 to 80 percent by weight of amorphous silica, and from 5 to 25 percent by weight of elemental silicon. It is essential that the microfibers contain not more than 5 to 8 percent by weight, and preferably less than 4 percent by weight of silicon carbide. A typical microfiber analysis is as follows: ______________________________________Component % by weight______________________________________Amorphous fused silica 75.6Elemental silicon 18.3Elemental carbon 3.8Silicon carbide 2.0Nitrogen 0.3______________________________________ Such microfibers are available from the J. M. Huber Corporation, P.O. Box 2831, Borger, Tex. 79008-2831, under the tradename Xevex® cobweb whiskers. The microfiber diameter and aspect ratio of the microfibers are critical. If the aspect ratio is too small, the microfibers function merely as a filler, increasing the resin viscosity and, in general, decreasing the physical properties of the finished composite. If the aspect ratio is too large, the microfibers will be found randomly oriented on top of the fiber-reinforcing substrate. In this orientation, little if any toughening will take place, although the tensile strength of the composites prepared from such prepregs may be elevated somewhat. It has been discovered that microfiber diameters of 1 to 70 nm, preferably 2 to 50 nm and particularly 2 to 20 nm with a median diameter of approximately 10 nm are highly suitable for the practice of the subject invention. Of course, in any microfiber sample there are likely to be some microfibers which fall outside the designated range. Preferably, the above-identified ranges include 67 percent and, more preferably, 95 percent of the fibers in any given sample. It is important that appropriate aspect ratios be maintained. Aspect ratios of from about 8 to 200, preferably from about 8 to 150, and most preferably from about 10 to 100 are suitable. If the microfibers have aspect ratios lower than about 8, physical properties may tend toward lower values without any increase in toughness. Microfibers suitable for the practice of the invention may be grown as individual "whiskers." When so manufactured, these microfibers require no further processing other than the optional addition of a coupling agent prior to their incorporation into the matrix resin, provided, of course, that the diameter and aspect ratios fall within the designated ranges. The preferred cobweb whiskers are produced by a continuous process. This process results in the formation of fibrous balls of whiskers having a higher concentration of whiskers near the center of the cobweb "ball." In order to use such cobweb whiskers in the process of the subject invention, the fibrous balls must be broken up, or "individualized," to form microfibers having the appropriate diameter and aspect ratio. There are many conventional techniques for individualizing these fiber bundles. Examples are grinding operations, chopping operations, ball milling, sand milling, colloidal milling, and so forth. Not all of these methods are equally suitable, however, as not all are capable of maintaining the proper aspect ratio of the fibers. A superior technique for individualizing cobweb whiskers into microfibers having aspect ratios of c.a. 10 to 50 is the use of a commercial homogenizer under conditions of high shear. These conditions are readily established by utilizing appropriate resin systems as the liquid vehicle. Such resin systems must have appreciable viscosity at convenient homogenization temperatures. By selecting resins of varying viscosities or by changing the viscosity of a selected resin by increasing or decreasing the homogenization temperature, the viscosity may be increased or decreased as desired. For any given microfiber, the appropriate homogenization conditions are rapidly established through trial and error. If the resultant resin/microfiber premix contains numerous bundles of non-individualized fibers or fibers having too great an aspect ratio, then the viscosity of the resin vehicle must be increased by utilizing a more viscous resin or by operating at a lower temperature. Alternatively, the homogenization time may be increased. If the individualized fibers have too small an aspect ratio, the viscosity of the homogenization liquid may be lowered or the homogenization time decreased. In the examples which follow, the microfibers were derived from Xevex® XPV1 cobweb whiskers. The 500 to 10,000 nm diameter fibrous bundles were individualized utilizing a Tekmar SD45 homogenizer. A premix was prepared, utilizing as the homogenization vehicle either MY720, a tetraglycidyl methylenediamine epoxy resin available from the Ciba Geigy Corporation, Hawthorne, N.Y., or DER® 331, a bisphenol A based diglycidyl ether having an epoxy equivalent weight of approximately 190. However, unmodified conventional prepreg matrix resin systems may also be used when the resin viscosity is suitable. The homogenization was conducted at 80° to 100° C. of or a period of approximately 30 minutes. The fiber reinforcement utilized in the prepregs of the examples is Celion® carbon fabric 3K-70P, available from BASF Structural Materials, Inc., Charlotte, N.C. Resin impregnation was controlled to give a 35 percent by weight resin loading based on the total prepreg weight. Composites were prepared by laying up 16 plies to form a quasi-isotropic panel. The panel was autoclave cured for two hours at 180° C. and 85 psig. Following initial cure, the panels were subjected to a six-hour post-cure at 180° C. and atmospheric pressure. Finished panels measuring 15 cm by 15 cm were then impacted with a falling weight impactor at various energy levels. The damage area caused by the impact was determined by inspecting the impacted panel with ultrasonic C-scan. EXAMPLE 1 A composite panel is fabricated as described above. The matrix resin is a commercial, 4,4'-diaminodiphenylsulfone cured epoxy resin formulation as utilized as a prepregging resin by the Narmco Materials Division, BASF Structural Materials, 1440 North Kraemer Boul., Anaheim, Calif., under the designation of Rigidite® 5208. Prepregs are prepared utilizing the stock resin formulation and the same resin formulation to which the microfibers have been added to give a microfiber content of 8.65 percent by weight relative to total resin weight. Table I summarizes the impact-induced damage at various impact levels. ______________________________________ Damage Area, [in].sup.2Impact Level[in lb/in] 5208 Resin 5208 Resin + 8.65% microfiber______________________________________183 0.09 No Damage219 0.25 No Damage255 0.30 0.23292 0.39 0.28______________________________________ As can be seen from Table I, the addition of 8.65 percent by weight of microfibers has not only increased the impact-damage threshold, but has also decreased the damage area at given impact levels. EXAMPLE 2 A further example is performed to illustrate the effect of whisker addition to a matrix resin specially formulated for increased toughness. The matrix resin is composed of 67 percent by weight of DER® 331 epoxy resin available from the Dow Chemical Corporation, Midland, Mich., and 33 percent by weight of 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl sulfone. DER® 331 is a epoxy resin composed predominately of the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A. This particular resin system is tougher than the 5208 resin used in Example 1 but has considerably lower tensile modulus. Table II summarizes the results obtained in panels prepared from this resin and the same resin containing 3 percent and 5 percent microfibers. TABLE II______________________________________ Damage Area, [in].sup.2 Resin ResinImpact Level Control = 67% with 3% with 5%[in lb/in] DER 331 + 33% DDS Microfibers Microfibers______________________________________292 No Damage No Damage No Damage328 0.12 No Damage 0.01365 0.16 0.03 0.03400 -- 0.06 0.05______________________________________ This table shows that microfibers are effective in further toughening already "tough" resin systems. Tensile modulus measured at 45 degrees to the carbon fiber orientation in all cases was 1.8 msi, indicating that the increase in toughness was not obtained at the expense of modulus. Table II further demonstrates that the amount of microfiber loading is critical. It has been found that microfibers in the amount of less than about 1 percent fail to significantly increase toughness of composites but merely increase resin viscosity. Optimal microfiber concentrations vary with the particular matrix resin but are generally from 2 to 12 percent, and preferably from 2 to 9 percent. Amounts in excess of 15 percent may cause a rapid loss in properties as the microfiber content increases. EXAMPLE 3 Because silica is hydrophillic, the inclusion of significant amounts of microfibers consisting predominately of this material in prepreg might be expected to increase water uptake of composites prepared therefrom. Such an effect would result in lower wet glass transition temperatures and lower wet compression strength. The surface of such microfibers may be rendered hydrophobic by treatment with a coupling agent such as 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane or 2-(3,4-epoxycyclohexyl)ethyltrimethoxysilane. In addition to forming a hydrophobic microfiber surface, use of such compounds as coupling agents frequently aids compatibility with the matrix resin. The coupling agent may be added to the microfibers by conventional techniques, i.e. by applying 1 to 10 percent, preferably 2 to 5 percent by weight of coupling agent to microfibers dispersed in a suitable solvent. Alternatively, the coupling agent may be added to the microfiber premix. If the microfibers are added directly to the resin rather than utilizing a premix, the coupling agent may be added directly to the resin also. In Table III, the results of various impacts on composite panels prepared from a resin system containing microfibers treated with 4 percent by weight relative to microfiber weight of the coupling agent 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane are compared with panels prepared from the same system but without microfibers. The resin is the same resin as in Example 2, 67 percent by weight DER® 331 and 33 percent by weight 4,4'-diaminodiphenylsulfone. TABLE III______________________________________ Damage Area Resin Resin with 3% Resin with 5%Impact Level Without Microfibers plus Microfibers plus[in lb/in] Microfibers Coupling Agent Coupling Agent______________________________________292 No Damage No Damage No Damage328 0.12 0.01 0.02365 0.16 0.08 0.11400 -- 0.14 0.16______________________________________ Wet compression strengths of six-ply panels prepared from the same prepregs used to prepare the panels of Example 3 are measured by immersing the panels in boiling water for a period of 48 hours. Following water boil, compression strengths are measured at 180° F. (8.2.° C.). The results are presented in Table IV. TABLE IV______________________________________Hot Wet Compression Strength at 180° F.Composite Compression Strength______________________________________Control - no microfibers 43 ksi3% microfibers w/coupling agent 55 ksi5% microfibers w/coupling agent 48 ksi______________________________________ Again, Tables III and IV illustrate that significant increases in toughness occur at relatively low microfiber loading. In addition to the increase in toughness, compressive strength is not only maintained but somewhat increased. EXAMPLE 4 (Comparison) Previously, experiments had been performed to enhance composite toughness by adding chopped fiber to prepreg. In one set of experiments, 3 percent by weight relative to resin weight of 10 mil chopped carbon fibers were added to a commercial bismaleimide-epoxy resin system. Toughness was evaluated by determining GIC values via the double cantilever beam test. ______________________________________Composite G.sub.1c in lb/in.sup.2______________________________________Control - no chopped fibers 2.43% 10 mil chopped c/g fibers 1.8______________________________________ As can be seen, the addition of chopped fibers does not result in an increase in properties, but instead causes a 25 percent loss in G 1c . EXAMPLE 5 (Comparison) Standard carbon/graphite composites are prepared from conventional matrix resin formulations with and without inclusion of silicon carbide whiskers having diameters of from 0.1 to 0.5 microns and lengths of 10-40 microns. Composites containing the silicon carbide whiskers exhibit a 40 percent loss in modulus and tensile strength measured at 0° to the fiber axis. The comparison example illustrates that not all microfibers or whiskers are equally effective in increasing modulus. While the microfibers of the subject invention produce composites of increased toughness without a loss of modulus, tensile strength, or compression strength, silicon carbide whiskers cause a severe loss in mechanical properties.
Inclusion of minor amounts of predominately amorphous silica microfibers into thermosetting matrix resins allow manufacture of prepregs which produce toughened composites resistant to impact damage without the loss of modulus normally associated with toughened resin systems.
This is a division of application Ser. No. 911,865 filed June 2, 1978. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to immunofluorescent assays and more particularly, to a solid phase indirect immunofluorescent (SPIIF) assay for the detection of humoral antibodies to native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA). The use of methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) as a carrier for nucleic acid for purposes of immunization has been known for over a decade (Plescia et al, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 52, p. 279, 1964). Methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) has been used also in fractionating procedures for nucleic acid purification (Mandell and Hershey, Analytical Biochemistry 1, p. 66, 1960). The formation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-methylated bovine serum albumin conjugates was first reported Plescia et al (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 52, p. 279, 1964). The primary concern of these investigators was to raise antibodies to denatured (single-stranded) DNA and to smaller polynucleotides-mBSA insoluble conjugates. Until the present invention, there has been no use of a methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA)-native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) precipitate (i.e., conjugate) as a substrate to detect antibodies to n-DNA. Instead, authorities have advised not to use mBSA-n-DNA conjugates for immunizations. As pointed out by Plescia et al (Proc. Nat. Sci. 52, p. 279, 1964), "The mixing of mBSA with native DNA results in the formation of a compact fibrous clot that is virtually impossible to inject." Conventional means used to detect antibodies to native DNA include radioimmunoassays (RIA) and latex agglutination tests. However, while the former means is expensive and too time consuming; the latter is rather insensitive. In order to overcome these disadvantages, an inexpensive, sensitive means which is not time consuming is necessary. This means is provided by the present invention as set forth and described below. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present method of detecting and/or quantitating anti-native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) antibodies and others in serum of various specifically affected patients comprises the following steps: A. incubating an insoluble conjugate of methylated bovine albumin (mBSA)-native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) with a serum from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) for a sufficient period of time; B. washing said serum flocculate mixture and separating therefrom the supernatant fluid; C. adding a fluorescein labeled anti-immunoglobulin antibody to the washed flocculate and incubating the labeled mixture for a sufficient period of time; D. washing said incubated flocculate and separating therefrom the supernatant fluid; and E. suspending a pellet of the antibody mixture in a washing medium and determining the fluorescence of the flocculate, which is proportional to the concentration of said antibodies to said deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). According to the present invention, the anti-DNA antibodies are detected by a solid phase indirect immunofluorescent assay comprising a stable and insoluble conjugate of methylated BSA and double-stranded native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA). Other insoluble conjugates may be prepared by mixing rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) human thyroglobulin or a calf thymus nuclear extract (CTE) with methylated BSA. These insoluble conjugates are used as substrates for the detection of rheumatoid factors, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and anti-nuclear antibodies, respectively, in the serum of patients suffering from autoimmune diseases. DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS The present method employs a stable, insoluble conjugate of methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA)-native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) in solid phase indirect immunofluorescent assays for detection of antibodies to native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA). According to one embodiment of the present invention, equal amounts of the conjugate of methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA)-native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) and the serum from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are incubated for a sufficient length of time. The incubated mixture is then washed with a solution and the supernatant fluid is removed therefrom. Then, a fluorescein labeled anti-immunoglobulin antibody is added to the washed flocculate and the labeled mixture is incubated for a sufficient period of time. The incubated flocculate is then washed and the supernatant fluid is separated therefrom. A pellet of the antibody mixture is suspended in a washing medium and the fluorescence of the flocculate is determined at 490/520 nm for excitation and the emission respectively. Since the fluorescence of the flocculate is proportional to the concentration of the antibodies to the native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA), these (n-DNA) antibodies can be detected. The incubated mixture may be washed with a washing medium such as phospate-buffered saline (PBS) containing albumin. The anti-immunoglobulin antibody (anti-immunoglobulin G or anti-immunoglobulin M) is labeled with a fluorescent agent such as fluorescein isothiocyanate. The fluorescent values obtained for the serum from a systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patient are compared to a baseline fluorescent value for normal control serum. The difference in the fluorescence of the serums provides the basis for determination of the antibodies to native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) in the systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) serum. The assay used to detect antibodies in a serum is a solid phase indirect immunofluorescent assay comprising a stable and insoluble conjugate obtained from a soluble polymer selected from the group consisting of a double-stranded native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA), rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) human thyroglobulin, and a calf thymus nuclear extract insolubilized with methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA). According to the present invention, where the soluble polymer is native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA), the assay is for the detection of antibodies to native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In another assay where the soluble polymer is rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG), the assay is used to detect antibodies to immunoglobulin G (IgG) such as occurs in rheumatoid arthritis. Where the soluble polymer is human thyroglobulin, the assay is used to detect antibodies to thyroglobulin in autoimmune thyroiditis. Insolubilized calf thymus nuclear extract is used to detect anti-nuclear antibodies. According to the present assay, other soluble materials may be used with the methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) to make up the insoluble conjugate for the detection of antibodies to antigens in various diseases. These soluble materials include methylated human serum albumin (mHSA) and a soluble cellular nuclear extract such as Extractable Nuclear Antigen (ENA), for the diagnosis of mixed connective-tissue disease. In the insoluble conjugate, the methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) may be substituted for insolubilizing the soluble polymers (e.g., n-DNA). It has been found that when methylated human serum albumin (mHSA) is substituted for methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA), excellent conjugates are produced. There is little difference in the detection of antibodies when methylated human serum albumin (mHSA) is used to insolubilize the soluble polymers. The insoluble precipitate, i.e., conjugate, of methylated bovine serum albumin-native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) retains the double-stranded form of the original n-DNA as demonstrated by a fluorescent probe analysis of the precipitate, performed according to the method of Morgan and Pulleyblank (BioChem. Biophys. Res. Communications 6, 1974, p. 346). The mBSA-n-DNA precipitate (i.e., conjugate) behaves in the assay similarly to the native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) prior to its insolubilization. That is, the conjugate retains fluorescent properties at a high pH which are characteristic of double-stranded native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA). Also, the insoluble conjugate of methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) or methylated human serum albumin (mHSA) and an insoluble polymer (e.g., n-DNA) retains the antigenicity of the soluble polymer. This was demonstrated by experiments in which addition of soluble DNA specifically inhibited the reactivity of lupus sera with the insoluble mBSA-DNA flocculate. Moreover, upon precipitation of mBSA with n-DNA, for example, a firm coupling is produced such that no free soluble n-DNA is detectable in the supernatant fluids after several washings. Thus, the conjugate (i.e., mBSA-n-DNA) is extremely stable. The following examples are provided to further illustrate the preferred embodiments and advantages of the present invention. EXAMPLE 1 Synthesis of Methylated Bovine Serum Albumin (mBSA)-Native Deoxyribonucleic Acid (n-DNA) Conjugate In accordance with the present invention, the conjugate for the detection of antibodies to native deoxyribonucleic acid was prepared as set forth below. The native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) from calf thymus, Escherichia coli, or salmon sperm was dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at a concentration of 1.0 mg/ml. Then, methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA) was dissolved in water at a concentration of 10 mg/ml. The two solutions were mixed at a previously established optimal ratio for maximum precipitation [700 μl of mBSA (10 mg/ml) for 1 mg n-DNA], and incu-bated at 37° C. for two hours. The precipitate was washed with PBS by centrifugation until no free native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) was detected in the discarded supernatant fluid. The pellet was then suspended in PBS. The flocculate was homogenized using a glass tissue grinder to produce a more uniform suspension, and the concentration of the flocculate was standardized using a Turner 430 fluorometer at 490/520 nm (λ excitation/λ emission) and at 540/590 nm with ethidium bromide. The suspension was centrifuged and suspended in an appropriate volume of PBS supplemented with 5% BSA. The suspension was divided in 5.0 ml aliquots and lyophilized. Upon reconstitution, the suspension was tested for free (soluble) native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) by addition of ethidium bromide to the clear supernatant after centrifugation. There was no free (n-DNA) and accordingly, there was no fluorescence enhancement observed at 540/590 nm. This insoluble conjugate was prepared for the detection of antibodies to native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) in the serum of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. The insoluble conjugates of rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG)-mBSA human thyroglobulin-mBSA, and CTE-mBSA were prepared by essentially the same procedure as outlined above. The only differences were the optimal ratios of mBSA to IgG, thyroglobulin, or CTE and the addition of 0.2% gluteraldehyde for stabilization of the resultant flocculate. EXAMPLE 2 Detection of Anti-Native Deoxyribonucleic Acid (n-DNA) Antibodies In a borosilicate test tube, there was incubated 100 μl of methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA)-n-DNA conjugate with 100 μl of an appropriate serum dilution (i.e., 1:2, 1:4 or 1:10) from a systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patient. The mixture was incubated for thirty minutes at ambient temperature. The mixture was washed by centrifugation three times with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), i.e., 4 ml PBS was added, and the test tube was centrifuged at 2000 xg and the clear supernatant fluid aspirated. The fluorescein labeled anti-immunoglobulin antibody was added, 100 μl of an appropriate dilution (i.e., 1:400) and incubated at ambient temperature for 30 minutes. The labeled antibody flocculate mixture was washed twice by centrifugation. The pellet of the antibody flocculate mixture was suspended in 2.0 ml of PBS and the fluorescence was determined at 490/520 nm for excitation and emission respectively. This fluorometric assay was performed using a spectrofluorometer fitted with monochromators, i.e., the Turner 430 fluorometer. The values obtained for the serum from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients was compared to a baseline for normal control serum. EXAMPLE 3 Fluoroimmunoassay Tests The fluoroimmunoassay as described above in Example 2, was used to detect the antibodies to n-DNA in the serum of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. In order to properly detect the antibodies in the (SLE) serum, the serum of normal patients was also tested. The following is a list of normal serum control values, each from a different individual's, along with the mean and standard deviation, which is a measure of the reproducibility of the assay. These data were obtained using the Turner 430 fluorometer. The serum was diluted 1:4. ______________________________________Fluorescence of Normal Patient SerumSample Number % F 490/520*______________________________________1 .1752 .1803 .1854 .1855 .1706 .1757 .1858 .175mean ± SD = .179 ± .006______________________________________ *The antibody used for this test was goat antihuman IgG tagged with fluorescein. To compare with the above data, the following values are provided of the fluorescence of serum of SLE patients. The values were obtained from serum of individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). ______________________________________Fluorescence of SLE Patient SerumSample Number % F 490/520*______________________________________1 .4302 .3103 .3704 .2155 .3156 .2257 .3358 .485______________________________________ *The antibody used for this test was goat antihuman IgG tagged with fluorescein. As shown in the above tables, there is a specific increase of fluorescence in SLE sera when compared to the baseline of normal control sera. From this experiment, it can be concluded that the serum of SLE patients have antibodies to n-DNA. EXAMPLE 4 Specificity of Solid Phase Fluoroimmunoassay For Anti-DNA Antibodies In order to determine whether the reaction being measured is that of DNA and anti-DNA antibodies, the following inhibition of binding experiment was performed. Serum from a patient with SLE and a normal control were divided in equal volumes of 100 μl. To each serum aliquot, 100 μl of a solution containing free DNA (ranging from 0 to 100 μg) was added and incubated for 1 hour at 37° C. Then, 100 μl of mBSA-DNA were added to each sample and the test was conducted as in Example 2. ______________________________________ Soluble %Serum Sample DNA added(μg) % F (490/520) Inhibition______________________________________Control 0 1.08 NA 1 1.08 NA 5 1.10 NA 10 1.10 NA 50 0.88 NA 100 0.84 NASLE 0 5.02 0 1 3.62 35 5 3.55 37 10 3.22 45 50 1.85 79 100 1.58 86______________________________________ NA = not applicable Inhibition of binding SLE sera antibodies to mBSA-DNA was observed upon precubation of the sera with soluble DNA. The degree of inhibition was proportional to the concentration of the inhibitor. EXAMPLE 5 Comparison of Solid Phase Indirect Immunofluorescence (SPIIF) And Radioimmunoassay (RIA) In order to compare the sensitivity of the present fluoroimmunoassay with that of radioimmunoassay (RIA), the serum from ten SLE patients was tested using the solid phase fluoroimmunoasssay (SPIIF) and a radioimmunoassay (RIA) kit distributed by Amersham/Searle. The results of the tests are provided in the table below. The radioimmunoassay (RIA) used I 125 labeled deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). ______________________________________Sample Number SPIIF (% F) RIA (% Binding)______________________________________1 0 112 133 >1203 58 884 35 585 0 26 1 07 67 1138 10 09 >130 >12010 62 75______________________________________ As shown in the table above, the SPIIF assay is as sensitive as that of the RIA assay. EXAMPLE 6 Detection of Anti-Nuclear Antibodies Using a Calf Thymus Nuclear Extract Insolubilized with mBSA Calf thymus nuclei were purified and the nuclear material was extracted by sonication at 60 KHZ for 3 minutes in hypotonic phosphate buffer. The nuclear extract was precipitated with mBSA and washed once with a solution of 0.25% gluteraldehyde. The precipitate was used as a substrate to detect anti-nuclear antibodies using the method described in Example 2. In addition, ANA positive sera was identified using a commercially available slide kit and the antibody concentration so determined is expressed as the titer. ______________________________________ Solid Phase ImmunofluorescenceSerum Samples ANA Titer Anti-γG Anti-γM______________________________________Control 0 0 0ANA +1 1:20 29 52 1:80 24 993 1:640 47 384 1:1280 87 63______________________________________ Anti-Nuclear antibodies of the IgG and IgM class are detectable using the solid phase fluoroimmunoassay. High titered serum samples show proportionally high fluorescence. In some instances (see 1:80 sample), the titer obtained using commercially available kits fails to reveal a prevalence of one antibody class (IgM) over another.
A method of detecting antibodies to native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA), anti-nuclear antibodies, antibodies to non-histone containing protein, rheumatoid factors, antibodies to thyroglobulin, and an immunofluorescent assay for such detection is described. The method comprises incubating an insoluble conjugate of methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA)-native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) or other substrates with serum from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or other autoimmune diseases for a sufficient length of time, washing the precipitate or flocculate, separating and discarding therefrom the supernatant fluid, adding a fluorescein labeled anti-immunoglobulin antibody to the washed flocculate and incubating the labeled mixture for a sufficient length of time, washing the incubated flocculate and separating therefrom the supernatant fluid, suspending the pellet in a liquid medium to determine the fluorescence of the flocculate, which is proportional to the concentration of antibodies to deoxyribonucleic acid and others in serum specimen. The insoluble conjugate of methylated bovine serum albumin (mBSA)-native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA) retains the double-stranded form of native deoxyribonucleic acid (n-DNA).
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to a continuous process for drawing, crimping and collecting a tow composed of continuous filaments. More particularly, it relates to control of the crimping step during the start up of the continuous process. In the commercial production of acrylic and other synthetic crimped fibers, a tow consisting of a multiplicity of spun continuous filaments is usually prepared first. The tow is then drawn, crimped in a stuffer box crimper and collected in a container. In the case of acrylic tow, the drawing is a wash-draw process as described by Davis and Palmer in U.S. Pat. No. 3,124,631 and the tow is moist when it is crimped and collected. In the operation of the stuffer box crimper, feed rolls force the tow being fed from the draw machine into a crimper chamber having its exit end restricted by an air cylinder loaded clapper plate, after which the crimped tow passes out of the crimper onto a cooling conveyor and is then piddled into a container. At start up, the tow is nonuniform and the piddler is set to divert it to waste collection. When the process is running smoothly, the piddler setting is changed to deliver the tow to the product collection container. At each start up, the operator must continually adjust the clapper plate pressure of the crimper as the draw machine speed increases to operating speed, while also adjusting the supply of steam to the crimper. If the clapper plate pressure or steam pressure are adjusted incorrectly, the tow jams in the crimper and the draw machine must be shut down and restarted. In actual practice, the operator must try to get the "feel" of the crimper adjustments during start up, much as the operator of an automobile with manual transmission does; at times he fails and the crimper jams. To avoid undue waste as a consequence of operator error which may result in several false starts before the process is running smoothly, it is highly desirable to remove the human element from this portion of the start up of the process. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It has been discovered that changing crimper steam and clapper pressures through a range of adjustments in direct proportion to draw machine speed when resuming operations after each draw machine stop greatly reduces the incidence of tow jams in the crimper. To do this, an apparatus is provided which converts voltage signals from the draw machine tachometer-generator to pneumatic signals which are used to regulate clapper pressure and steam pressure to the crimper according to the speed of the draw machine. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of a continuous process for drawing and crimping tow with circuitry and apparatus to regulate crimper steam and clapper pressures according to draw machine speed. FIG. 2 represents response curves of crimper steam pressure and crimper clapper pressure versus draw machine speed when operating according to the invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT For an explanation of the process, attention is invited to FIG. 1 wherein a yarn bundle or tow 10 of continuous synthetic filaments is fed from a wash-draw machine 12 of the type disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,124,631 over roll 14 and into a stuffer box crimper chamber 16 by means of driven feed rollers 13, 15. Tow 10 is directed into the chamber 16 against the combined force of a mass of crimped tow held compacted in the chamber and the force applied by counterpressure means which may be a pivoted clapper 17 in the side wall of the chamber 16 acted on by an air cylinder 19. The counterpressure may be adjusted by regulation of the air supply to the cylinder from pipe line 20. Tow builds up in the crimper chamber 16 until the pressure in that chamber is sufficient to move clapper 17 when crimped tow is forced from the chamber onto collecting belt 18 for transportation to the next step in the process which is usually a collecting step as described by Mendes in U.S. Pat. No. 3,378,898. Steam is supplied to stuffer chamber 16 via pipe 21. An electric motor 22 drives the rolls of wash-draw machine 12 and power is supplied to the motor through a motor control unit 23 connected to a power source through line 24 and switch 26. A tachometer-generator 30 coupled to the draw machine 12 provides an a.c. output signal voltage proportional to the draw machine speed. The output voltage of tachometer-generator 30 is fed through transformer 32 and then to a diode bridge 34 where it is converted to d.c. signals developed across potentiometer 36. A fraction of these d.c. signals are tapped off potentiometer 36 and fed to buffer amplifier 38. The output voltage from amplifier 38 is developed across potentiometers 44 and 52 which provide one of the inputs for operational amplifiers 40 and 56, respectively. The other input for amplifiers 40 and 56 is developed across potentiometers 42 and 54 from an 18 volt negative d.c. source connected to the potentiometers. In this fashion, circuitry is provided to add together the first signals as developed from the output of tachometer-generator 30 with a second signal of constant magnitude in amplifiers 40 and 56 which provide third signals as their outputs that are proportionate to draw machine speed. These third signals are fed from amplifiers 40 and 56 to current to pressure (I/P) transducers 46 (Moore Products I/P Transducer 0-4MA input, 3-15 psi. output) and 66 (Moore Products I/P Transducer 0-4MA input 1-13 psi. output), resectively. A 20 psi. supply of air is connected to both transducers 46 and 66. An amplifier 68 (Moore Products 3X Booster Amplifier), which is provided with a source of 80 psi. air is connected to the output of transducer 66 to provide an output of 3 to 39 psi. A time lag circuit comprising capacitor 58 and resistor 60 is connected to the input of amplifier 56. One end of the capacitor is connected to ground while the other end is connected to switch 62 which in turn is connected to ground and operated by relay 64 in a manner to be described later. During the time the machine is shut down, the pressure of steam supplied to the crimper chamber 16 through pipe 21 is maintained at a constant level to maintain the desired operating temperature in the chamber 16 of the crimper. This constant steam pressure is maintained by keeping control valve 50 partially open by a preselected output from transducer 46 in response to a signal from amplifier 40 which has an input when the draw machine is stopped of a constant d.c. voltage tapped off from potentiometer 42. When the draw machine is started, the amplifier 40 receives an additional input signal developed across potentiometer 44 which is proportional to the voltage output of tach-generator 30 and therefore to the draw machine speed. These first signals across potentiometer 44 are combined with a second signal of constant magnitude developed across potentiometer 42 in amplifier 40 to produce a third signal at the output of amplifier 40 which increases with increasing speed of the draw machine 12 and in turn increases the output air pressure of transducer 46 causing control valve 50 to open more. This increases the pressure of steam to chamber 16 at a uniform rate as the speed of the draw machine 12 increases. In a similar fashion, the pressure applied to the clapper 17 by cylinder 19 is regulated by air pressure supplied to cylinder through pipe 20. This pressure is maintained at a low level during draw machine shut down by a preselected setting of transducer 66 governed by the amount of voltage tapped off from potentiometer 54 and fed through amplifier 56 to the transducer. When the draw machine is started by actuation of switch 26, the amplifier 56 receives an additional input signal developed across potentiometer 52 which is proportional to the voltage output of tach-generator 30 and also to draw machine speed. These first signals across potentiometer 52 are combined with a second signal of constant magnitude (developed across potentiometer 54) in amplifier 56 to produce third signals at the output of amplifier 56 that increase with increasing speed of the draw machine 12. These increasing signals are lagged upon actuation of the start switch 26 (so that the clapper pressure reaches steady state about 2 seconds after the draw machine speed reaches steady state) while the capacitor of resistor capacitor circuit 58, 60 connected to the input of amplifier 56 is charged. Each time the draw machine is stopped, by opening switch 26, relay 64 operates to connect switch 62 to the capacitor 58 thus discharging it through ground. Conversely, when switch 26 is closed and the draw machine is running, relay 64 operates to move switch 62 to the open position. The increasing output from amplifier 56 increases the output air pressure of transducer 66 which is increased by a factor of 3 in passing through amplifier 68 before being fed to cylinder 19 to increase the pressure on flap 17 in accordance with draw machine speed. The above-described relationships of crimper steam pressure and clapper pressure versus draw machine speed at start up are shown in FIG. 2. The draw machine takes approximately 20 seconds to go from a stopped position to normal running speed. The clapper pressure, lagging the draw machine speed by about 2 seconds, increases to an operating level in direct relation to speed and the crimper steam pressure increases to its normal operating level also in accordance with draw machine speed. It is essential that the increase in the pressure applied by the clapper plate lags, or occurs more slowly, than the increase in the draw machine speed. If the clapper plate pressure is not lagged with respect to the draw machine speed, it is quite likely that the tow will jam in the crimper, after which the machine must be shut down. All of the tow processed through the crimper during such an aborted start up must be diverted to waste. By the use of this invention, it has been found in commercial practice that a reduction of more than 50% of the tow wasted in start ups can be achieved. It will be apparent to one skilled in the art that variations of this invention may be made without departing from the spirit and scope thereof.
In a tow processing system that includes a draw machine operating in conjunction with a tow crimper that has a clapper for exerting counterpressure at the outlet end of the crimper, draw machine tachometer-generator signals are converted to proportionate signals which control clapper pressure and crimper steam pressure in a preselected sequence according to draw machine speed to regulate tow crimper conditions during start up of the system.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The invention concerns an elastic clutch, specifically a two-mass flywheel for an internal combustion engine. A clutch of this category has been proposed in German Patent Application No. P3901467.3-12. Clutches of this type are used in conjunction with internal combustion engines, specifically in vehicles, in order to improve the vibration behavior of the drive train in all operational and rotational speed ranges. To be suppressed are specifically torsional vibrations of the engine when passing through the critical speed of rotation. In addition to springs for absorbing torsional jolts, the prior art clutch features for that purpose a damping device, which consists of one or more displacement chambers arranged on the circumference of the fluid-tight clutch that is filled with a damping medium. In displacement chamber is a cam which is effective in the peripheral direction. Another cam, which at a larger angle of rotation engages the displacement chamber, is located on the other clutch half. The enclosed damping medium is thereby displaced, through narrow gaps, into the interior of the clutch. To that end it was proposed to design the displacement chamber as an independent hermetic capsule in order to achieve a heavy damping especially when passing through the resonance speed of rotation. It has been demonstrated that the damping effect is not sufficient at specific operating conditions because the damping medium can still escape, at a large angle of rotation, through excessively wide gaps without contributing to damping. Previously known from U.S. Pat. No. 2,520,180 is a clutch disk through which within the springs serving to transmit the torque each features a damping device. This device comprises a cylinder into which plunges a piston which is surrounded by an elastic boot. While fluid is to be drawn in through a predetermined opening and displaced again, this is supposed to take place without metallic friction. A damping effect graduated across the angle of rotation is not produced thereby. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The problem underlying the invention is to design a clutch of the aforementioned type such that the damping performance will be improved at large angles of rotation, especially in the resonance range in starting and stopping the engine. This problem is solved by the present invention wherein there is provided on the cam coordinated with the second clutch half at least one friction element which, as the cam plunges into the displacement chamber formed by a capsule, that is, at a large relative angle of rotation, makes frictional contact with the defining wall. The friction element bears elastically on the side inner surface of the capsule, i.e., in axial direction, based on the axis of rotation of the clutch, and seals the gap between the cam and the defining wall. The advantage of this arrangement is that in the case of large angles of rotation, which occur especially in the resonance speed range of the engine, there is obtained not only the known hydrodynamic damping within the displacement chamber but additionally a frictional damping. Also, the hydrodynamic damping is improved because the friction element forms in the area of the plunging cam a seal against the expulsion of damping medium. In the range of large angles of rotation, the design of the invention displays a damping characteristic that strongly increases. Another advantage of the invention is that, due to the frictional damping, the dependency of the overall damping upon the temperature of the damping medium is lower. Owing to the mode of operation in the fluid-filled part of the clutch, moreover, there is no risk of friction element wear. Additional embodiments of the invention are also disclosed. As shown in FIG. 2, the friction element may have a split design and may be arranged on both sides of the cam. This results in axially balanced tensioning between the defining walls of the capsule and free axial adjustment of the center disk within the capsule, that is, the displacement chamber. The center disk may be fastened on the hub with larger tolerances. As long as the cam is located outside the capsule, at a small angle of rotation, the friction elements can be expanded by means of a spring to a distance that is greater than the clearance within the capsule. Bevels on the friction elements and/or the capsule facilitate the movement. The guidance of the friction elements in the cam may be provided through centering projections which move into appropriate openings in the cam. The radial expanse of the friction elements is greater than the cam itself in order to achieve an improved tightness with the defining wall of the capsule, with the friction element preferably having a rectangular design. The friction element may be provided with walls which in peripheral direction wrap around the ends of the cam. Formed thereby is a maze seal which contributes to the fact that the damping medium will be forced out of the displacement chamber only through the damping gaps provided, but not in the area of the cams. In the present invention, the hydrodynamic damping is augmented by means of an additional frictional damping, due to the displacement of damping medium through apertures, especially at large angles of rotation. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS An embodiment of the invention will be more fully explained hereafter with reference to the drawings: FIG. 1 is a schematic, partly cut-away end view of the inventional clutch; FIGS. 2a through 2c are cylindrical sectional views of the displacement chamber at various positions of the cam; FIG. 3 is an alternative embodiment of the friction elements in cylindrical section similar to FIG. 2a; and FIG. 4 is an end view of the embodiment according to FIG. 3. DETAILED DESCRIPTION The clutch schematically illustrated in FIG. 1 comprises a first clutch half 1 which is connected with an engine (not shown) and envelopes a second clutch half 2. The second clutchhalf 2 consists essentially of at least one center disk 6 that is connected with a hub 3 which, in turn, is arranged on the shaft of a transmission (not shown). The first clutch half 1 comprises side disks 7, 8 (FIG. 2) and, through tangentially arranged springs 9, is in customary fashion in elastic torsional connection with the center disk 6. The two side disks 7, 8 form a fluid-tight interior 11 that is filled with a viscous medium and in the radially outer area of which there are several capsules 50 fastened by means of axial bolts 54. The capsule 50 consists of a cam 51 oriented radially inward and of sidewalls 52 which, in turn, are in contact with the side disks 7, 8. In the radially outer area of the side disks 6, there are cams 41 arranged which are oriented radially outward. Between the individual cams 41, the side disk 6 extends in essentially circular fashion, with a restriction aperture 53 provided in the area of the cam 51 of the capsule 50. The facing radial surfaces of cams 51 and 41 form together with the side disks 7, 8 of the first clutch half 1 displacement chambers 16, the volumes of which vary at a relative rotation of the two clutch halves. The viscous medium enclosed in it is displaced through the radial gap 53 and other gaps which incidentally occur in fabrication, for instance on the circumference of the cam 41. The sidewalls 52 protrude radially inward up into the area of the center disk 6 so that, here too, an axial seal may be provided, for example a maze seal. FIG. 2a, in a diagrammatic cylinder section, shows the peripheral area between the cam 41 and the area between the sidewalls 52 of the capsule 50. On the cam 41 there are provided, on both sides, friction elements 60 which axially run in openings 42 in the cam 41 by way of projections 64. The two friction elements 60 are axially expanded outwardly by means of an expansion spring 61. The bolt 62 is in the present embodiment fastened to the one friction element 60 and features on the other end a stop 63 which adjusts the two friction elements 60 to an axial dimension a. This axial dimension a, in the rotational position where the cam 41 has not moved yet between the sidewalls 52 of the capsule 50, is greater than the clearance b between the sidewalls 52. FIG. 2b shows the rotated condition of the center disk 6 where the friction elements 60 just bear on the sidewalls 52 of the capsule 50. In this rotated condition, which corresponds to a torque that approaches the full load of the engine, the only slightly dampened free movability of the center disk 6 is interrupted between the side disks 7, 8. Both the friction elements 60 and the sidewalls 52 are provided with bevels 65 respectively 58 by way of which the friction elements 60 can easily enter between the sidewalls 52. FIG. 2c shows the rotary condition of the center disk 6 in which the friction element 60 already has slightly plunged between the sidewalls 52 of the capsule. The friction elements 60 are compressed to the dimension b and, under the effect of the expansion spring 61, forced against the sidewalls 52 causing an intensive frictional contact. At the same time, the displacement chamber formed by the sidewalls 52 and cams 41 and 51 is effectively sealed so that, beginning with this angle of rotation, the enclosed damping medium can escape only through the radial gaps provided for that purpose. Therefore, at this torque corresponding to a high relative rotation of the two clutch halves, the hydraulic damping is greatly increased and supported by a simultaneous frictional damping at the contact points between the friction elements 60 and the sidewalls 52. Consequently, the advantage of this arrangement is constituted not only by the fact that an especially intensive damping is brought about at large angles of rotation that correspond to high torques and therefor torsional vibrations with high amplitudes, but also by the fact that the center disk 6 can at small angles of rotation move relatively freely between the side disks 7, 8 and axially adjust itself. The manufacturing expense for the precise installation of the center disk in the clutch can thereby be reduced. FIG. 3 shows another embodiment of the frictional element. Friction element 60a, by means of molded end walls 66, wraps around the cam 41 on its radial end faces 43. The gap acting in the peripheral direction corresponding to the design according to FIG. 2 is thereby closed. The frictional elements 60a on both sides of the cam 41 surround the cam more completely and form with the projections 64 maze seals on the openings 42. The displacement chamber 16 is sealed even better and more effectively as the cam 41 with the friction elements 60a plunges in. FIG. 4 shows an end view of the design of the friction elements 60a according to FIG. 3. As can be seen, the friction element 60a extends radially further inward than the circular contour of the center disk, which borders on the cam 41 in both peripheral directions. Provided on both friction elements 60 and 60a and sidewalls 52 of the capsule 50 are bevels 65 respectively 58 in both peripheral directions, so that the damping effect will adjust in both peripheral directions (thrust and traction). The capsule 50 and the friction elements 60 and 60a are contained in the part of the clutch that is filled with a viscous medium, so that at large angles of rotation no wear should occurs despite the frictional contact. Nonetheless, it is recommended to select for the capsule 50 and the friction elements 60, 60a a material pairing which achieves a constant frictional damping over the life of the clutch. To that end, the frictional share of the overall damping may be varied through the selection of different materials and through the optimization of the force of the expanding spring. Suitable materials are known plastics or sintered metals. Suitable plastics include polyamid, PEEK, thermoplastics, duroplastics, ferrous or non-ferrous materials or composites. For fine adjustment of the especially heavy damping as the cam 41 plunges into the displacement chamber 16 in the capsule 50, provisions may be made such that the individual cams 41 within the clutch will plunge into the pertaining capsules 50 successively. This measure helps to achieve a soft response of the heavy damping. While this invention has been described as having a preferred design, it will be understood that it is capable of further modification. This application is, therefore, intended to cover any variations, uses, or adaptations of the invention following the general principles thereof and including such departures from the present disclosure as come within known or customary practice in the art to which this invention pertains and fall within the limits of the appended claims.
The invention concerns an elastic clutch including a hydraulic damping device wherein a viscous damping medium is displaced through predetermined gaps upon occurrence of large angles of rotation. To that end, a cam arranged on one clutch half plunges into a capsule type displacement chamber. The cam features friction elements which in the plunging make elastic and sealing contact with the sidewalls of the capsule, thereby causing both an effective sealing of the displacement chamber and also a frictional damping which supports the hydraulic damping. The disk type second clutch half can, during operation, more freely adjust within the clutch, which simplifies the manufacture.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION [0001] This new utility application claims the benefit of provisional application Ser. No. 60/631,051, filed on Nov. 24, 2004. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of the Invention [0003] The invention relates to the process and construction of wastewater treatment plants. More specifically, the invention relates to a system for removing contaminants from wastewater. [0004] 2. Background Art [0005] Municipalities are often faced with the challenge of removing polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and other organic compounds from the discharge of their aging wastewater treatment facilities. Polychlorinated biphenyl is a man-made compound that was used in the manufacture of transformers, hydraulic oils, paints, and in other products. It has been determined to be a health risk to humans and is seen as a bio-accumulative chemical of concern. The PCB, which may be found in the plant's influent and sometimes in the effluent, must be removed to meet a limitation on amounts that are less than can be detected. New facilities may be required to provide the best available treatment for PCB's. [0006] Past manufacturing and disposal procedures have caused the dispersal of PCB in various areas. One of the properties of PCB which made it an attractive product was its resistance to environmental breakdown. Medical research discovered that small concentrations of PCB could cause birth defects and consequently, the manufacture of PCB has been prohibited. [0007] A municipal sewer system may be a combined sewer system subject to periodic flooding. This may spread PCB contamination throughout the sewer system. With PCB's affinity to solids, PCB may be adhered to the sewer walls and solids within the sewer system, and the PCB will periodically be released into the sewage for many years to come. [0008] However, this environmental persistence of PCB prompted the EPA to regulate its discharge from wastewater treatment plants. Because PCB is potentially harmful even at low concentrations, the EPA has set the discharge limitation for PCB at 0.02 parts per trillion, which is 5000 times lower than concentrations (0.1 parts per billion) which current laboratory technology can detect. [0009] It is known that PCB has a large molecular weight and that it is not readily soluble in water. However, it is highly adsorbed by activated carbon. Activated carbon is a granular charcoal that is made by the process of grinding and burning bituminous coal. The size of a carbon grain is about the size of sand (about 0.8 to 1.0 mm in diameter). When water passes through a filter bed of granular activated carbon, the carbon removes dissolved organic contaminants from water by adsorption. During the adsorption process, organic molecules diffuse into the pores of the carbon granules and physically or chemically attach to the carbon. But eventually, a carbon bed becomes saturated with PCB or the concentration exceeds an acceptable limit. At that time, the carbon must be replaced or an alternative solution is needed. [0010] Several authorities have voiced concerns regarding the combined effects of bio-growth and oil accumulation at treatment plants that lack sand pre-filtration facilities. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0011] In an effort to bring a plant into compliance, pilot studies have been conducted to evaluate PCB removal alternatives. One pilot testing program determined the concentration of PCB in all of the liquid and solid process flow streams and recirculation streams in a plant. [0012] For a PCB Mass Balance Study, 300 samples were analyzed for PCB. The results of the study indicated that the PCB detected in the system was found in the various solids streams in the facility. However, since no specific treatment system existed at the plant to remove PCB, governmental authorities required that: (1) the facility install the best available technology for PCB removal; (2) the treatment be incorporated in the final effluent where PCB concentrations are the least; and (3) the maximum benefit could made for the environment. [0013] The second phase of the PCB studies was to evaluate the best effluent treatment method. One method for removing PCB is to use granular activated carbon. The pilot testing system consisted of two pressure filters in series: a sand prefilter followed by a granular activated carbon filter. The sand filter was used to remove suspended solids which were present in a plant's final effluent, to allow the carbon filter to work more efficiently. The study proved that PCB could be efficiently removed from the final effluent using granular activated carbon. [0014] As a result of the PCB pilot test, it was determined that prefiltration before the granular activated carbon treatment provided minimal process benefits. An additional pilot study was conducted to test carbon filtration without sand prefiltration. The second study evaluated two granular carbon filtration beds which could be operated in parallel or in series. [0015] The second pilot study was a success, with no PCB being measured in the effluent from the carbon filter. The testing also determined that under final full scale operation, the carbon filters would filter the suspended solids remaining in the secondary clarifier effluent, and that the filters would require backwashing approximately once per day. The design information achieved during the pilot study helped optimize the final project design. [0016] By not having to construct a sand prefiltering system prior to the activated carbon system, one municipality saved an estimated $5 million in capital expenditures. [0017] The invention thus provides state of the art treatment for PCB. Direct carbon filtration of secondary effluent has proven to be cost-effective, providing an innovative treatment method that has saved millions of dollars in capital expenditures. This unique treatment system has improved the water environment which will help provide future redevelopment of a city that can be focused around both tourism and manufacturing. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0018] FIG. 1 is a schematic drawing of streaming liquids and solids through a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP); and [0019] FIG. 2 is a block flow diagram of several steps in the inventive process. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0020] Referring now to FIGS. 1-2 , sanitary sewage (influent) is transported to a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) through a series of sewers, pumping stations, and interceptors to a raw sewage pumping station, located at the WWTP. In one embodiment of the invention, the raw sewage pumping station contains five pumps which lift the wastewater from deep in the sewer system up into the treatment plant where various unit processes are located to purify the wastewater. [0021] The first step (step A) in the treatment process involves removal of solids such as the sand and grit contained in the wastewater to create solids-depleted wastewater known as Preliminary Effluent (PrE) and thus protect downstream treatment plant systems from premature failure due to wear from the sand and grit. The solids are removed in tanks called detritors, where the sand and grit is allowed to settle out of the waste stream. Following sand and grit removal, the PrE continues to flow by gravity or pumping to one or more primary clarifiers in Step B. In one case, the primary clarifiers hold the wastewater for approximately one to two hours, to allow further the settling and removal of suspended solids in the wastewater stream. This creates a suspended solids depleted wastewater known as Primary Effluent (PE). [0022] Now the wastewater stream is mostly free of suspended solid material, but still contains soluble organic material, which must be removed before the final wastewater stream can be released back into the environment. The next step (step C) in the treatment process is called biological treatment. Following settling in the primary clarifiers, the wastewater is again pumped into one or more tall tanks called trickling filters. In one example, the trickling filters contain large, 3′ cubes of plastic media with openings for water to pass through, where the wastewater is allowed to flow or trickle down a serpentine path through the tank. As the wastewater flows over the plastic media, bacteria attach to the media and remove the soluble organic material (SOM) from the wastewater as food. The bacteria reproduce, and as the wastewater passes through the media, some of the bacteria are sloughed off and are removed from the trickling filter as suspended particles. Therefore, the biological treatment step of the wastewater treatment process includes converting the soluble organic material into bacterial organisms (BO). The effluent from this step is known as Trickling Filter Effluent (TFE). [0023] Following biological treatment, the TFE continues to flow by gravity or pumping from the trickling filters to one or more secondary clarifiers. Once again the wastewater is retained quiescently (step D) for, in one case, for a period of approximately two to four hours in large settling tanks. The suspended bacteria produced in the trickling filters are allowed to settle to the bottom of the secondary clarifiers producing what is known as secondary effluent (SE). [0024] If PCB's or other organic compounds are to be removed, the secondary effluent (SE) now enters the final treatment step (step E) before being discharged back into the environment. This treatment step is called tertiary treatment. It is required in wastewater effluents which PCB or other organic compounds are to be removed. The specific tertiary treatment creates a carbon filter effluent (CFE) by a process that is described in more detail in a subsequent section of this description. Following tertiary treatment, all wastewaters are disinfected (step F) before discharge (step G) to the receiving waters. In one example, the disinfection system involves passing the wastewater through channels where it is exposed to ultraviolet light, which alters the reproductive capacity of pathogenic organisms which may be present in the wastewater stream. By altering the reproductive ability of the organisms in the wastewater, they can no longer be harmful and cause disease. In one case, the actual ultraviolet disinfection process involves passing the wastewater for only seconds through two channels containing often times hundreds of ultraviolet-producing lamps which irradiate the wastewater, thus disinfecting the wastewater stream as the wastewater passes through the channel. [0025] Solids removed from the wastewater treatment process are separately collected and removed. Light organic solids removed from the secondary clarifiers flow through a sludge thickener, where they are allowed to settle further and thicken. For example, their solids content may be increased from approximately 1% solids to approximately 4% solids. The solids removed from the primary clarifiers, which may be approximately 5% solids, are blended with the secondary solids. If desired, chemicals may be added to help further dewater the solids to decrease the volume for ultimate disposal. For example, lime and ferric chloride are mixed with the solids, and the solids stream is pumped in batches to plate and frame filter presses. These presses include of a series of recessed plates with a filter cloth that retains the solids, but the liquid is allowed to drain from the solids as they are pumped into the unit at pressures up to 200 lbs/in 2 . The solids are held in the filter presses from approximately two to four hours, where the solids content is increased from 5% to about 45% solids. [0026] At that point, operations staff may discontinue pumping the solids stream to the filter presses. The presses may then be opened and the approximately 3′×3′×2″ thick solids wafers are allowed to fall from the press into roll off containers. If desired, the roll off containers are transported daily to a local landfill, where the solids are mixed with other refuse for ultimate disposal. [0000] An Example of a Tertiary Treatment System [0027] Following the secondary clarifiers (step D), the secondary effluent (SE— FIG. 2 ) may still contain up to approximately 30 mg/L of suspended solids. That amount of suspended solids, while acceptable to meet national pollution discharge limitations developed by the EPA, may equate to (for one particular city) about 4,000 lbs/day of suspended solids being released to for example, a river. In the case of most WWTPs, a discharge of 30 mg/L of suspended solids does not pose a significant risk to the environment. However, in some cases of wastewater discharge, those suspended solids could contain polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) or other organic compounds. With an effluent limitation of 0.02 parts per trillion (ppt), further treatment technology is needed to remove these residual solids. Sand filtration, followed by granular activated carbon filtration, was the prior art for the removal of organic material from wastewater. Under prior approaches, the sand filters removed suspended solids which could interfere with the carbon filter process needed to remove soluble organic compounds such as PCB. [0028] The present invention involves removing both solids and soluble organic material such as PCB in one step, thus saving the capital required for the construction of sand filters. [0029] Continuing with primary reference to FIG. 1 , following secondary clarification, the wastewater flows to a wet well, where tertiary filter pumps move the secondary effluent to a number of (e.g. 20) of pressure filter vessels, each containing an amount (e.g. 20,000 pounds) of granular activated carbon. [0030] It is known that granular activated carbon is an adsorbent of choice for removing toxic pollutants from water and that granular activated carbon is a highly porous adsorbent material. It is produced, for example, by heating organic matter such as coal, wood and coconut shell in the absence of air, and then crushed into granules. Activated carbon is positively charged and is therefore able to remove negative ions from wastewater and dissolved organic solutes by adsorption into the activated carbon. The activated carbon is replaced periodically after it becomes saturated and thus unable to capture undesirable solutes. In the context of the present invention, granular activated carbon is used for the advanced (tertiary) treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater. It effectively adsorbs relatively small quantities of soluble organics and inorganic compounds such as nitrogen, sulfides, and heavy metal remaining in the wastewater following biological or physical-chemical treatment. Adsorption occurs when molecules adhere to the internal walls of pores in carbon particles produced by thermal activation. Further details concerning granular activated carbon are found in such references as “W ASTEWATER T ECHNOLOGY F ACT S HEET ,” EPA 832-F-00-017 (September 2000), which is incorporated herein by reference. [0031] In one example, pressure filter vessels containing granular activated carbon were positioned so that the secondary effluent (SE) was ducted through a channel that had 20 emergent pipes. Each pipe communicated with two pressure filter vessels that were connected in series. It will be appreciated that other combinations of parallel and series configurations of pressure vessels that treat the secondary effluent (SE) are considered to be within the scope of the invention. The design alternatives thus enable the engineer to balance the flow capacity constraint of a particular installation with a desired level of purity in the resulting effluent. [0032] In one example, an 8 by 30 mesh granular carbon was used; and each 10′ diameter by 20′ tall vessel had the capacity of one million gallons per day (GPD). A particular city had the capacity for 18 million GPD, thus allowing two pressure vessels to be maintained as backup units in the event that some vessels were removed from service for maintenance. [0033] The wastewater is retained in the pressure filter vessels for a dwell time, e.g. approximately 7.5 minutes, which is a recommended retention time for optimal PCB removal. [0034] In addition to removing PCB and other organic materials by the carbon, the residual suspended solids from the waste stream are decreased from approximately 30 mg/L to less than 2 mg/L suspended solids. [0035] The solids, which are retained in the granular activated carbon, must be periodically backwashed using filter backwash pumps. The backwash step includes a scouring operation using compressed air followed by pumping filtered final effluent back through the bottom of the vessel, e.g. at 12 gpm/sf, thus lifting and mixing the carbon with water. The upward flow of water expands the carbon bed, thus detaching the suspended solids which have been retained by the carbon. The backwash flow takes place for a period, e.g. approximately ten minutes. This backwash stream containing high concentrations of suspended solids is diverted to another part of the process. [0036] One system has been designed to allow the backwash flow to be diverted to a separate backwash clarifier. Provisions have been made to add a polymer and ferric chloride to this backwash flow prior to discharge to the backwash clarifier. Polymer and ferric chloride or their equivalents are used to agglomerate the suspended solids in the backwash into larger, more easily-settled solids, which can be separately removed in the backwash clarifier. Typically, plants which utilize tertiary filtration allow the backwashed solids to be directly recycled back into the wastewater treatment process without the backwash clarification step. [0037] Due to the low levels of PCB which must be achieved, the system removes the backwashed solids without recycling them back to the treatment plant, thus not allowing the solids which may contain some PCB to be mixed back into the wastewater stream. The solids which settle from the backwash flow are removed from the backwash clarifier using sludge pumps to move the backwash solids to the existing sludge thickener before blending and further treatment and removal to a landfill as previously described. [0038] The system periodically doses the carbon filters with sodium hypochlorite (bleach) or an equivalent to disinfect the filters and remove bacterial growth. This minimizes the risk that bacteria could attach and grow on the carbon filters since the wastewater stream provides a food source for residual bacteria still remaining in the wastewater stream (thus interfering with the process). [0039] The system includes the provision of sodium hypochlorite tanks, feed pumps, and supply piping to dilute and distribute in one example, an approximate 5% sodium hypochlorite solution to the backwash headers of each of the 20 carbon pressure filter vessels. [0040] Thus there has been disclosed a granular activated carbon process that successfully reduces or eliminates influent PCB concentrations consistently below a level of detection. The activated carbon filtration (tertiary treatment) process is cost-effective in that it is accomplished without sand filtration, and is environmentally and socially acceptable. No pre-filtration steps or facilities are required. In one occasion, the elimination of sand filtration enables cost savings of almost $5 million to be realized. [0041] In one embodiment, the use of an activated carbon treatment without pre-filtration involved deploying 20 activated carbon treatment units, each sized for one MGD. Such units were capable of operating in series or in parallel. For flows up to 10 MGD, the system was operated in series. In that embodiment, the first carbon treatment served as a filter while also removing PCBs. The second unit acted as a polishing filter which further removed any PCBs that may have passed through the first unit. It was found that as flows increased over 10 MGD, individual units could be switched to a parallel mode until all units were operating in parallel (18 MGD). [0042] Experiments have confirmed that the life expectancy of the carbon is extended by the prior removal of solids by filtration. But the increased efficiency and savings in carbon replacement costs were outweighed by the high capital costs for sand filters. [0043] Although other forms of filters are available, a suitable carbon filtration system is available from Calgon of Pittsburgh, Pa. For example, its Model 10 (Dual Module Adsorber) has been found to be suitable for use in the disclosed process. [0044] While embodiments of the invention have been illustrated and described, it is not intended that these embodiments illustrate and describe all possible forms of the invention. Rather, the words used in the specification are words of description rather than limitation, and it is understood that various changes may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
Process and apparatus for treating wastewater from a sewer system including the steps of: (A) removing solids contained in the influent to create solids-depleted preliminary effluent (PrE) and to protect downstream systems from premature failure due to wear from solid particles; (B) removing suspended solids from the PrE to produce a suspended solids-depleted primary effluent (PE); (C) treating the PE biologically by exposing it to bacteria-attracting media that removes soluble organic material, thereby creating trickling filter effluent (TFE); (D) separating the bacterial organisms by settling to create a secondary effluent (SE); (E) subjecting the SE to tertiary treatment to remove PCB's and other compounds and create a carbon filter effluent; (F) disinfecting the CFE to create a final effluent (FE); and (G) discharging the FE to a receiving environment.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Soffits used in interior construction for enclosing the space above kitchen cabinets and the like, for example, are currently, so far as known, constructed on the job piece-by-piece. This is laborious and time consuming, requiring the measuring, cutting and assembling in place of a multitude of lengths of wooden components usually of two-by-four size, to form a framework whose outer surfaces are then covered with plasterboard such as SHEETROCK. For instance, just to frame up a straight, eight foot length of soffit can easily need three to four hours even by a skilled carpenter. To do the same for a corner is even harder and proportionately more time consuming because of the angles involved. The space enclosed by a soffit, though sometimes used for duct work and electrical cables, is otherwise useless so that the cost in time and materials is great for what largely serves only a cosmetic function. My U.S. Pat. No. 4,584,807 issued Apr. 29, 1986, whose disclosure is incorporated herein, illustrates my initial solution to the foregoing by providing a selection of preformed soffits which can be brought to the job, easily cut to length and quickly installed. Those soffits consist essentially of lengths of U-shaped molded material, such as styrene foam, having wooden furring strips inset into and glued to the foam at certain of the exterior longitudinal corners of the soffits. The furring strips serve variously as anchor points for the soffits to a ceiling, as suspension points for the cabinets below, and as nailing points for the plasterboard with which the exterior faces of the soffits are later covered in the usual manner. Four types of soffits of this general nature are provided in my prior patent, a wall type for fitting in the corner between a wall and a ceiling, two "island" types for suspension from a ceiling, one for a single row and the other for a double row of cabinets below, and a corner type for fitting in a corner between two walls. Preferably, the exterior vertical faces of the soffits are provided with spaced apertures along their lengths so that electrical cables can be readily threaded along the interior of the soffits after their installation. Installation involves merely cutting the soffit to proper length and then fastening it in position with nails (or other fasteners) and glue. In some cases wall or ceiling cleats are also necessary. Typically, no more than about a half hour should be required to install one of the eight foot soffits of my prior patent, a great saving compared with framing up a soffit in the current manner. While the wall type soffit shown in FIG. 1 of my prior patent is suitable for either new construction or for remodeling of previous construction, I have since realized that it is more elaborate than is really necessary in the case of new construction, that is, where the soffit can be installed before sheeting or plastering of the wall and ceiling. I have also since realized that the corner type soffit shown in FIG. 4 of that patent can be greatly simplified for use in both new and remodeling installation. The two "island" types of soffits shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 of the patent remain suitable for either kind of installation. Accordingly, the chief objects of the present invention are simpler versions of the wall and corner type soffits of my prior patent for use in new construction. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention simplifies the wall and corner type soffits of my prior patent by eliminating one of the "legs" of each so that they both are now of L-shape rather than of U-shape configuration in cross-section. In the case of the wall type, furring strips are provided at the three exterior longitudinal corners of the soffit and since in new construction there is no plaster or other sheeting on the wall or ceiling, appropriate cleats can easily be nailed to the wall studs and the ceiling joists into which the furring strips of the soffit can be nailed. In the case of the corner type, instead of butting wall type soffits against a corner soffit, as shown in FIG. 4 of my prior patent, rather the end of one wall type is simply butted against the vertical face of another wall type at the corner between two walls, the new corner type, being a right triangle in plan view, is then merely fitted into the corner between the two wall types and butts against the vertical faces of the latter. The new corner type is provided with furring strips only at its upper and lower edges which are secured in turn to those of the wall type. During remodeling construction when the wall type soffits of FIG. 1 of my prior patent are used, the same construction can be used at a corner between two walls so that the new corner type soffit can be employed in that instance also since neither the corner nor the wall type needs support the weight of a cabinet below, the latter instead being hung from the walls rather than the soffits. Other features and advantages of the invention will appear from the drawings and the more detailed description which follows. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is an isometric view of my new wall type soffit shown installed in the corner between a wall and ceiling during new construction, certain portions being broken away for illustrative purposes. FIG. 2 is an isometric view of my new corner soffit. FIG. 3 is an isometric view illustrating my new corner soffit and the manner of the installation of it and a pair of wall type soffits in a corner between two walls. FIG. 4 is a detail view illustrating the manner of accommodating cabinets of greater depth. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Turning first to FIG. 1 the bulk of my new wall type soffit consists of an integral length of styrene foam 10 of L-shaped configuration in cross-section, a suitable foam being one pound STYROFOAM. Preferably the foam 10 is molded to shape but alternately it could be hot wire cut in well-known manner from 48"×48"×96" blocks in which such foam is commercially available or it could be extruded. The legs 11 and 12 of each length of foam 10 have transverse end faces 11a and 12a and rectangular exterior planar surfaces 13 and 14, the latter intersecting each other at a right angle to form the outer faces of the legs 11 and 12. The longitudinal outer end faces 15 and 16 of the legs 11 and 12 are also planar and at right angles to the leg surfaces 13 and 14. The exterior longitudinal corners of the foam 10 at the juncture between the legs surfaces 13 and 14, and the outer longitudinal exterior corners of the legs 11 and 12, are formed by wooden furring strips 17, 18 and 19, respectively, extending the length of the foam 10. The furring strips 17, 18 and 19, which may be wood, are disposed as shown in FIG. 1, being preferably inset into and glued to the foam 10 by virtue of recesses incorporated during the shaping of the foam 10, so that their respective exterior surfaces form portions of the leg surfaces 13 and 14. The furring strips 18 and 19, however, overlap the leg end surfaces 15 and 16 for purposes to be described, and the leg 12 may be apertured at regular spaced intervals 20 along its length. The foam 10 is dimensioned so that the soffit will readily accommodate standard cabinets or the like. For kitchen cabinets the depth of the leg 11 may be 117/8th inches, the height of the leg 12, 103/8 inches, and the thickness of the legs 11 and 12, 11/2 inches. The furring strips 17, 18 and 19 may be each 21/4" by 3/4" in cross-section and the overlap of the strips 18 and 19, 3/4 inches, whereby the overall depth and height of the legs 11 and 12 are 125/8 inches and 111/8 inches, respectively. Preferably the soffits are provided in convenient preformed four-foot lengths which are readily transported to the job site. Installation in the case of new construction is a simple, straightforward task. First a cleat 21 is nailed to the wall studs 22 at the proper distance from the ceiling joists 23, and a second cleat 24 nailed to the joists 23 at the proper distance from the studs 22. (If the joists 23 run parallel to the soffit, bridges between the joists may be necessary in order to anchor the cleats 24.) One or more soffits are then cut to proper length and placed in position as shown in FIG. 1. Nails or other fasteners are then driven up through the furring strip 18 into the wall cleat 21, and through the strip 19 into the ceiling cleat 24. Next the leg surfaces 13 and 14 (as well as the ceiling and wall) are covered with plasterboard 25 nailed into the furring strips 17, 18 and 19. Finally, after finishing off the plasterboard 25 in the usual dry-wall manner, the cabinets are positioned and secured to the wall studs 22 below the soffit. Since some kitchen cabinets are greater in depth than others, that can be accommodated by inserting offset filler strips 26 between the legs 11 and the furring strips 18, on the one hand, and the wall cleats 21 and the studs 22 on the other, as shown in FIG. 4. The new corner type soffit illustrated in FIG. 2 is essentially similar to the wall type of FIG. 1 and similar parts bear primed reference numerals. The principal differences are that the transverse ends 11a' and 12a' are at right angles to each other and to the leg surface 13' but at a 45 degree angle with respect to the other leg surface 14', and no furring strip is used at the outer end of the leg 11'. Dimensionwise, the overall height of the corner leg 12' is the same as that of the wall leg 12, namely 111/8 inches, its length 161/2 inches, and the perpendicular depth of the leg 11' 73/4 inches. Corner installation of the new wall and corner type soffits is shown in FIG. 3 where it will be seen that the end of one wall type butts against one of the corner walls while the end of the other wall type butts against the face 14 of the former, both being installed to the walls and ceiling in the manner described above. The corner type then simply bridges the faces 14 of the two wall soffits, the corner furring strips 17' and 19' being secured to the wall furring strips 17 and 19. Installation of the new corner type in conjunction with the wall type soffits of my prior patent during remodeling construction is the same as that in the case of new construction. As in the case of the soffits of my prior patent, the interiors of the new wall type soffits can be utilized as a duct or ducts for various purposes and the apertures 20 serve for access to the interiors of the soffits for threading electrical wiring or installing other fittings or components before the plasterboard is applied. Indeed, it is conceivable that my new wall type can also be used in remodeling construction where it is feasible to install a cleat over a plaster or plasterboard covered ceiling. In any event, as will be apparent, the preformed soffits of the invention greatly reduce the time, skill and effort required for placement compared with the current practice of building-up soffits piece-by-piece on the job. While the two embodiments shown and described are the preferred ones, being the best modes known of carrying out the invention, the latter is not limited to those particular embodiments. Instead, the following claims are to be read as encompassing all adaptations and modifications of the invention falling within its spirit and scope.
Soffits for interior construction purposes are preformed from L-shaped foam material having insert furring strips for attaching the soffits to walls and ceilings. The preformed soffits are brought to the job site, quickly cut to length, fastened in place, and then covered with plasterboard before cabinets are mounted below.
REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application claims the priority of German Patent Application No. 10 2008 020 154.5, filed Apr. 22, 2008, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. FIELD OF THE INVENTION The invention relates to a method for operation of a wind energy installation. In the method, an oblique incident flow value is determined which represents the difference between the wind direction and the direction of the rotor axis of the wind energy installation. If the oblique incident flow value exceeds a predetermined limit value, then the rotor rotation speed of the wind energy installation is reduced. The invention also relates to an arrangement for carrying out the method. The arrangement comprises a wind energy installation and a wind direction gauge, with a control unit being provided, which reduces the rotor rotation speed of the wind energy installation when the oblique incident flow detected by the wind direction gauge exceeds a predetermined limit value. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION For operation of wind energy installations, it is best for the wind conditions to be constant and for the wind to arrive at the wind energy installation as parallel to the rotor axis as possible. In practice, such ideal conditions frequently do not occur, and continual changes in the wind conditions must be coped with. From experience, a particularly high load for wind energy installations occurs when the wind arrives at the wind energy installation obliquely. Depending on the angular position, the rotor blades are then subject to different loads during revolution. This causes vibration, which can be transmitted from the rotor blades via the rotor shaft into the foundation of the wind energy installation. DE 10 2006 034 106 A1 discloses a method in which the rotor rotation speed is reduced when the angle of the oblique incident flow, that is to say the angle between the instantaneous wind direction and the rotor axis, becomes too great. This method can admittedly in principle contribute to reducing the load on the wind energy installation. However, because of the very simple criterion on which the reduction of the rotation speed is made dependent, the rotor rotation speed is often also reduced when the wind energy installation is not actually subject to any particular load. This leads to unnecessary yield losses. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Against the background of the initially cited prior art, the invention is based on the object of providing a method and an arrangement by means of which the load caused by an oblique incident flow on wind energy installations can be reduced objectively. The object is generally achieved by the features of the invention as broadly described herein. Advantageous embodiments can be found in the detailed description below. According to the invention, in the method, in addition to the oblique incident flow value which represents the difference between the wind direction and the direction of the rotor axis of the wind energy installation, a load value is determined which represents the load state of the wind energy installation. A total load value is calculated on the basis of a functional relationship from the load value and the oblique incident flow value. The functional relationship is such that the total load value varies monotonically as a function of the load value and as a function of the oblique incident flow value. The rotor rotation speed of the wind energy installation is reduced after the total load value has exceeded a first limit value. The wind energy installation is shut down when the total load value is above the first limit value and, in addition, a second limit value, which is dependent on the total load of the wind energy installation, has been exceeded. The rotor rotation speed can be reduced and the wind energy installation shut down immediately if the first and the second limit value are exceeded. Alternatively, it is possible for the first and/or the second limit value to have to be exceeded for a predetermined time interval before the rotation speed is reduced or the wind energy installation is shut down. A number of terms will be explained first of all. The expression an oblique incident flow is used when the wind direction differs from the direction of the rotor axis in the horizontal and/or in the vertical direction. The oblique incident flow value is based on one or more measured values of the wind direction. In the simplest case, the oblique incident flow value corresponds to the angle between the instantaneously measured wind direction and the rotor axis. The oblique incident flow value can also be determined on the basis of a plurality of measured values, for example by spatial or time averaging. Simple averages, sliding averages or else non-linear averages can be provided. In the case of non-linear averaging, measured values which indicate a very major difference between the wind direction and the direction of the rotor axis can be taken into account in the averaging process more than proportionally, for example using a square law, cube law or exponential law. Furthermore, the oblique incident flow value can be used to take account of the angular velocity at which the wind direction is changing. The manner in which the measured value of the wind direction is obtained is irrelevant. The measured value may be based on the position of a wind vane. It is also possible to obtain information about the wind direction from measured values from adjacent wind energy installations. Another possibility is to subject an elongated element, which is provided with a certain amount of elasticity, to the wind, and to measure the direction in which the element bends. The wind direction can also be determined with the aid of ultrasound anemometers. The load acting on a wind energy installation is reflected in various values which may be recorded on a wind energy installation. For example, the load on a wind energy installation rises somewhat as the rotor rotation speed rises or as the generator power rises. One particular load on the wind energy installation can also be expressed by operating parameters on the wind energy installation being outside the envisaged range. Furthermore, the load on the wind energy installation can also be reflected in a load, stress or deformation of the rotor blades, in a load, stress, deformation or vibration of components of the wind energy installation, in the pitch angle of the rotor blades or accelerations of the tower head. It is also feasible to determine the load on a wind energy installation indirectly, for example by using the wind strength to deduce the load on the wind energy installation. However, in practice, it is difficult to measure the wind speed exactly. The load value to be determined according to the invention is based on measured values which reflect the load on the wind energy installation. Measured values of one or more states or characteristics of the wind energy installation may be included in the load value. The functional relationship between the total load value, the oblique incident flow value and the load value is recorded monotonically when the total load value is subject to a change in the same direction, when the oblique incident flow value reflects a rise in the oblique incident flow and when the load value reflects a rise in the load on the wind energy installation. In the simplest case, the oblique incident flow value and the load value are defined such that they assume greater values when the oblique incident flow and/or the load rise or rises. The monotonic functional relationship may then be such that the total load value rises both with an increasing oblique incident flow value and with an increasing load value, that is to say such that the gradient of the function is greater than or equal to zero everywhere, depending on both variables. Without changing the technical effect, the functional relationship may also be such that the total load value falls monotonically as the oblique incident flow increases and as the load increases. Furthermore, without changing the technical effect, it is possible to define the oblique incident flow value and/or the load value such that they become less as the oblique incident flow increases and/or as the load on the wind energy installation increases. The wording that “a second limit value, which is directly or indirectly dependent on the total load of the wind energy installation, is exceeded” relates to precisely two cases which are technically equivalent. In the first case, the wind energy installation is shut down after the total load value has exceeded a second limit value, with the second limit value corresponding to a greater total load of the wind energy installation than the first limit value. In the second case, the wind energy installation is shut down after a parameter which varies as a consequence of the rotation-speed reduction of the wind energy installation has exceeded a predetermined limit value. If the total load which is represented by the total load value rises further after the first limit value has been exceeded, then a measure is taken in order to reduce the total load. For example, the rotation-speed reduction may be proportional to the oblique incident flow value and/or proportional to the load value and/or proportional to the total load value. This measure once again results in the parameter being varied. If the parameter now exceeds a predetermined limit value, then the installation is shut down. This shut-down criterion occurs only when the total load value at the same time has a value which could be used as a shut-down criterion. However, formally, the shut-down process does not depend directly on the total load value. If the rotor rotation speed decreases, for example as a consequence of a further rise in the total load beyond the first limit value, then the undershooting of a rotation-speed lower limit can be used as a shut-down criterion. The undershooting of a power lower limit or the like can also be used. A number of aspects are linked to one another in the method according to the invention. Since the load to which the wind energy installation is actually subject is estimated using the total load value on the basis of the oblique incident flow value, the decision to reduce the rotor rotation speed is made dependent on a criterion which is very close to what should be influenced, specifically the total load on the wind energy installation. In contrast to the situation in the prior art, the reduction in the rotor rotation speed is no longer dependent solely on a criterion which, although it is an indicator of the total load on the wind energy installation, too frequently leads to a reduction in the rotor rotation speed, however, as well when the total load on the wind energy installation is still in an acceptable range. The method according to the invention thus makes it possible to use the measure of reducing the rotor rotation speed more objectively than was possible in the prior art. Furthermore, the invention has found that an oblique incident flow can cause load peaks in the wind energy installation which can have an extraordinarily negative influence on the life of the wind energy installation and on its components. For example, load peaks occur when the wind energy installation is operated at rated power or slightly below rated power and the wind suddenly changes to a different direction, as a result of which an incident flow strikes the rotor at an angle of, for example, 45°. It is particularly critical when the wind direction change is associated with an increase in the wind speed (gust). A situation such as this loads the wind energy installation so severely that this may actually not be acceptable in the short term. Load peaks such as these can be identified, and the wind energy installation can then be shut down, on the basis of the total load of the wind energy installation as determined according to the invention. This also admittedly leads to a yield loss, but the loss caused by this is far less than the loss which would be associated with a shorter life of the wind energy installation. In this situation as well, it is therefore possible to react more objectively to oblique incident flows than in the prior art. The proposal to shut down a wind energy installation when the oblique incident flow is severe has admittedly already been made in the prior art (US 2006/0002791 A1). However, US 2006/000279 A1 has nothing to do with the problem according to the invention of making it possible to react objectively to oblique incident flows, because this document actually lacks the idea of reacting differently to different load situations. In particular, the invention makes it possible to record the total load on a wind energy installation very accurately in the particularly critical region of the rated wind speed, that is to say the wind speed at which the wind energy installation actually reaches the rated power, and to operate it with a severe oblique incident flow in such a way that impermissible loads are safely avoided, while at the same time, however, maximizing the energy yield, that is to say in particular in the region of the rated wind speed, the wind energy installation can be operated close to its permissible load limits. This was not possible with the already known methods. In one simple case of the method according to the invention, the load value is made equal to 0 when the measured value (for example the rotor rotation speed) on which the load value is based is below a predetermined value (for example half the rated rotation speed), and the load value is made equal to 1 when the measured value is above the predetermined value. The oblique incident flow value is correspondingly equal to 0 when the measured value (for example the angle between the instantaneous wind direction and the rotor axis) used as the basis is below a first predetermined value (for example 30°), is equal to 1 when the measured value is above the first predetermined value, and is equal to 2 when the measured value is above a second predetermined value (for example 45°). The total load value can then be calculated by multiplying the load value by the oblique incident flow value, and the rotor rotation speed is reduced when the total load value is greater than or equal to 1, and the wind energy installation is shut down when the total load value is greater than or equal to 2. The values 0, 1, 2 are used only for illustrative purposes, and the same technical effect can be achieved with any other desired numbers, in which case the numbers may also have a different magnitude ratio to one another. In this embodiment, the technical effect of the method according to the invention is comparable with a method in which a plurality of logic questions are combined with one another. One specific independent claim makes it clear that this embodiment is also covered by the subject matter for which protection is sought. The oblique incident flow value can alternatively be determined on the basis of a plurality of variables which represent the wind direction. A first variable (for example normal averaging of the wind direction measured values) is characteristic of load states which can be counteracted by reducing the rotor rotation speed. A second variable (for example square averaging of the wind direction measured values) is characteristic of load states in which the wind energy installation should be shut down. The oblique incident flow value is made equal to 1 when the first variable exceeds a first predetermined limit value, and is made equal to 2 when the second variable exceeds a second predetermined limit value. There is no need for the second predetermined limit value to be greater than the first predetermined limit value. The second predetermined limit value may also be less than or equal to the first predetermined limit value. In its technical effect, this method is also similar to a combination of a number of logic questions. A specific independent claim makes it clear that this embodiment is covered by the subject matter for which protection is sought. However, the advantages of the method according to the invention become more important than in the case of the present examples when the oblique incident flow value and the load value do not just reflect that individual limit values have been exceeded, but when they are defined such that their value in each case becomes greater the greater the respective contribution is to the total load on the wind energy installation. The total load value then provides a more exact picture of the total load to which the wind energy installation is subject. If the load value is determined on the basis of, for example, the rotor rotation speed or the generator power, then the load value is only a general indicator of the basic load on the wind energy installation. If the basic load is high and the oblique incident flow value also indicates that the wind energy installation has an oblique incident flow on it, then the wind energy installation is subject to a total load which makes it necessary to reduce the rotor rotation speed or to shut down the wind energy installation. If the method according to the invention is carried out in this way, then it is evident that the oblique incident flow value is an exact indicator that the wind energy installation actually has an oblique incident flow on it. However, it is evident that this is not the case in many situations. If the wind direction is measured by a wind vane fitted on the wind energy installation, then very minor and locally restricted air vortices can lead to the wind vane indicating high oblique incident flow angles. If the oblique incident flow value is based on the wind direction measured values of the wind vane, then, in a situation such as this, it indicates a severe oblique incident flow even though the rotor is not subject to any oblique incident flow at all overall. The total load value becomes so large that the rotor rotation speed is reduced or the wind energy installation is shut down even though the wind energy installation is actually subject only to the basic load. This leads to unnecessary yield losses. The validity of the total load value can be improved by determining the load value such that it is at the same time an indicator that the wind energy installation is subject to an oblique incident flow. This is achieved, for example, when the load value is determined on the basis of a load on components of the wind energy installation. The term load refers to a strain, stress or deformation in the material which is caused by a force acting on the material from the outside. The load may be cyclic or may be expressed in the form of vibration. Loads in the components of a wind energy installation may admittedly also have other causes, but it has been found that loads are frequently related to an oblique incident flow. If both the load value based on a load and the oblique incident flow value are now high, then the high total load value which results from this is a major indicator that the wind energy installation is actually subject to a high total load as a result of an oblique incident flow. Loads exist which can be associated with an oblique incident flow, with a particularly high probability. This applies, for example, to loads in which the rotor blades bend more severely at specific angular positions during a revolution than at other angular positions. For example, the bending on the rotor blades can be measured by means of strain gauges, and the load value can be determined from the measured values from the strain gauges. If the total load value indicates a situation in which the wind energy installation is subject to a high total load as a result of an oblique incident flow, and in which the rotor blades are at the same time bent more severely at specific angular positions than at other angular positions, then it is possible to further reduce the total load on the wind energy installation by cyclic pitching. In the case of cyclic pitching, the rotor blades are pitched periodically in order to reduce the load, with the period of pitching corresponding to the rotation speed of the rotor. A further contribution to reducing the load on the wind energy installation can be achieved by realigning the wind energy installation such that the difference between the wind direction and the rotor axis is reduced. If the wind energy installation has been shut down after the total load value has exceeded the second limit value, the realignment process should be started immediately after the shutdown. If the rotor rotation speed has merely been reduced, it is possible first of all to wait for a brief time interval, to determine whether the wind will swing back, before realigning the wind energy installation. Alternatively, the alignment process can also be started immediately when the total load value exceeds the first limit value. In addition, the total load value can be used to decide whether to realign the wind energy installation, without any limit value being exceeded. The wind energy installation is subject to a particular load when the wind direction changes and the wind strength rises at the same time. Since a rising wind strength leads to a brief rise in the rotor rotation speed, this situation can be considered by the load value being determined on the basis of an increase in the rotor rotation speed. If the rotation speed is kept constant by the control system at rated power, it is possible, instead of this, to determine the load state for example on the basis of an increase in the torque or some other load. If the total load value exceeds the first limit value, then the reaction predetermined by the method according to the invention may comprise the rotor rotation speed being reduced by a fixed amount. By way of example, the rotor rotation speed can be reduced from 100% of the rotor rotation speed to 90% of the rotor rotation speed. Alternatively, the rotor rotation speed can be reduced continuously or in a plurality of steps, as a result of which the extent to which it is reduced below the rated rotation speed becomes greater the greater the extent to which the total load value exceeds the first limit value. If the second limit value is then also exceeded, then a direct shut-down signal can be triggered, which results in the wind energy installation being shut down. It is likewise possible to reduce the rotor rotation speed such that it undershoots a rotation-speed lower limit when the total load value exceeds the second limit value. When the rotation-speed lower limit is undershot, the wind energy installation is shut down. The undershooting of the rotation-speed lower limit is therefore a shut-down signal which is indirectly linked to the second limit value. In addition to reducing the rotor rotation speed, it is also possible to reduce the generator power when the total load value exceeds the first limit value. This may be reduced by a fixed amount, for example from 100% of the rated power to 85% of the rated power. Alternatively, the generator power can be reduced continuously or in a plurality of steps, the greater the extent to which the total load value exceeds the first limit value. In order to avoid excessively abrupt changes in operation of the wind energy installation, the rotation speed or the power is preferably reduced by ramped set-value reductions, that is to say, for example, the rotation-speed set value is reduced from 100% to 90% or 80% over a predetermined ramp time, for example of 5s. In order to keep the yield loss low, it is desirable to keep the time intervals in which the wind energy installation is operated at reduced rotation speed as short as possible. It is feasible to increase the rotor rotation speed again immediately when the total load value falls below the first limit value. However, when the winds are irregular, this can lead to the rotor rotation speed being permanently accelerated and decelerated. For this reason, the rotation-speed reduction is preferably only reversed when the total load value has been below the first limit value for a predetermined time period, in particular of 20 seconds, preferably of 10 seconds, and furthermore preferably of 5 seconds. Alternatively, the rotation-speed reduction can also be reversed when the total load value is below the first limit value by a predetermined amount (hysteresis). If the wind is very irregular, it may be preferable for the wind energy installation to be operated at a reduced rotor rotation speed even over a relatively long time period. This can be done, for example, by reversing only a certain number of rotation-speed reductions again within a predetermined time period, for example a maximum of 10 rotation-speed reductions in 120 minutes, with the wind energy installation otherwise remaining at that reduced rotation speed for a further 120 minutes. The arrangement according to the invention comprises a first evaluation unit for determination of an oblique incident flow value from measured values of the wind direction gauge, and a second evaluation unit for determination of a load value from measured values of the load sensor. A computation module is also provided which calculates a total load value from the load value and the oblique incident flow value. The computation module uses a functional relationship according to which the total load value (G) varies monotonically as a function of the load value (B) and as a function of the oblique incident flow (S). Finally, the arrangement comprises a control unit which reduces the rotor rotation speed of the wind energy installation when the total load value is above a first limit value, and which shuts down the wind energy installation when a second limit value, which is dependent on the total load, is also exceeded. The load sensor may be a sensor for the rotor rotation speed or a sensor for the generator power. The load sensor may also be a sensor for the load, stress and/or bending of the rotor blades, a sensor for acceleration or a sensor for vibration. The load sensor may also be a sensor for the load, stress or deformation of the tower, rotor shaft, rotor blade or some other component of the wind energy installation. The wind direction gauge may be a wind vane or an ultrasound anemometer which can be arranged on the wind energy installation or elsewhere. In particular, the wind direction measured values can originate from another wind energy installation. The other wind energy installation is preferably located upstream of the wind energy installation of the arrangement according to the invention, seen in the wind direction. The wind direction gauges can be designed such that they can detect not only the horizontal wind direction but also the vertical wind direction, for example, by means of a wind vane with a horizontal rotation axis fitted to the side of the pod. The control unit can be designed such that it reduces the rotor rotation speed or shuts down the installation immediately when the first or second limit value, respectively, is exceeded. Alternatively, the control unit can be designed such that a predetermined time interval is first of all allowed to elapse. A conventional counter or an up/down counter can be provided in order to measure the time interval. The invention will be described by way of example in the following text using advantageous embodiments and with reference to the attached drawings, in which: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 shows an arrangement according to the invention; FIG. 2 shows a schematic illustration of elements on the wind energy installation shown in FIG. 1 ; FIGS. 3-5 show examples for determination of the oblique incident flow values and load values; and FIG. 6 shows a process according to an embodiment in which the wind energy installation can be realigned. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION A wind energy installation 10 in FIG. 1 comprises a pod 12 which is arranged on a tower 11 and has a rotor 13 . The rotor 13 comprises three rotor blades 14 whose pitch is variable, in order to control the rotation speed of the rotor 13 . A wind direction gauge in the form of a wind vane 15 , possibly as well as a wind strength gauge, which is not illustrated, in the form of an anemometer, are or is fitted to the pod 12 . A mast 16 is erected in front of the wind energy installation 10 , and a further wind vane 17 and wind strength gauge 18 are arranged at the top of this mast 16 . The measured values of the wind direction gauge 17 and of the wind strength gauge 18 are recorded and are transmitted via a cable 19 to the wind energy installation 10 . As an alternative to the measurement mast, it is also possible to use ground-based appliances which can measure the wind speed at the hub height (for example Lidar or Sodar). According to FIG. 2 , an evaluation unit 20 is arranged in the wind energy installation 10 and determines an oblique incident flow value from the measured values of the wind vanes 15 and 17 . To this end, the evaluation unit 20 first of all determines a mean value between the wind direction measured values of the wind vane 15 and of the wind vane 17 , and associates the mean value obtained in this way with an oblique incident flow value S. The wind energy installation 10 furthermore comprises two load sensors 21 , 22 which record measured values relating to the instantaneous load on the wind energy installation 10 . For example, the load sensor 21 may be a sensor for the rotor rotation speed, and the load sensor 22 may be a sensor for the bending of the rotor blades 14 . The measured values of the load sensors 21 , 22 are passed to a second evaluation unit 23 . The evaluation unit 23 combines the measured values from the load sensors 21 , 22 and associates them with a load value B. The oblique incident flow value S determined in the evaluation unit 20 , and the load value B determined in the evaluation unit 23 , are passed to a computation module 24 . The computation module 24 calculates a total load value G from the oblique incident flow value S and the load value B, using a functional relationship. In this case, the functional relationship is a multiplication such that the total value G is equal to the product of the oblique incident flow value S and the load value B. The total load value G is passed on to a control unit 25 for the wind energy installation 10 . The control unit 25 has a counter 26 and a comparison module 27 . The total load value G is permanently compared with a first predetermined limit value and with a second predetermined limit value in the comparison module 27 . The counter 26 detects the time period for which the total load value G is above the first and/or above the second limit value. The described arrangement may, for example, be used to determine the oblique incident flow value S and the load value B such that the total load value G is greater than the first limit value when the wind energy installation is running at its rated rotation speed and when the wind is incident on the rotor 13 at an angle α of more than 30°. If the control unit 25 finds that this state is present for more than 15 seconds, then the control unit 25 reduces the rotation speed of the wind energy installation to 90% of the rated rotation speed. The total load value G exceeds the second predetermined limit value when the wind energy installation 10 is running at its rated rotation speed and the wind is incident on the rotor 13 at an angle α of more than 60°. If the control unit 25 finds that this state is present for more than 2 seconds, the control unit 25 issues the command to shut down the wind energy installation. FIG. 6 illustrates a process according to an embodiment in which the wind energy installation can be realigned. In step 100 , the total load value G can be defined such that the first limit value is exceeded when the oblique incident flow angle α is greater than 30° and the load sensor 21 signals that the rotor rotation speed has risen over a time period of more than 3 seconds. In step 101 , in the control unit 25 , this initiates the command to reduce the rotor rotation speed to 90% of the rated rotation speed. In step 102 , once the wind energy installation has stabilized at the new rotor rotation speed, wind readjustment is started, that is to say the wind energy installation 10 is aligned with the new wind direction. In step 103 , if the counter 26 in the control unit 25 then finds that the total load value G is below the first limit value once again for 5 seconds, the control unit 25 issues the command to increase the rotor rotation speed to the rated rotation speed again. If the counter 26 in the control unit 25 then finds that the total load value G is below the first limit value once again for 5 seconds, the control unit 25 issues the command to increase the rotor rotation speed to the rated rotation speed again. FIGS. 3 to 5 show further embodiments of the method according to the invention. FIG. 3 shows the evaluation unit 20 in such a way that it allocates the value 0 to the oblique incident flow value S(α) when the oblique incident flow angle α is between 0° and 30°, allocates the value 1 when the oblique incident flow angle α is between 30° and 45°, and allocates the value 2 when the oblique incident flow angle α is more than 45°. In the evaluation unit 23 , the value 0 is allocated to the load value B(ω) when the rotor rotation speed ω is below half the rated rotation speed ω rated , and the value 1 is allocated when the rotor rotation speed ω is above half the rated rotation speed ω rated . Limits of 80% or 90% of the rated rotation speed have also been proven instead of half the rated rotation speed ω rated . The total load value G(B,S) is calculated as the product of the load value B (ω), and the oblique incident flow value S(α). The first limit value has the value 1, the second limit value has the value 2. The rotor rotation speed is reduced when the total load value G(B,S) is greater than or equal to 1, and the wind energy installation 10 is shut down when the total load value G(B,S) is greater than or equal to 2. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 4 , the load value B (p) is determined as a function of the generator power p, with the load value B(p) being equal to 0 below half the rated power p rated and being equal to 1 above half the rated power P rated . The oblique incident flow value S(α) has the value 1 when α is between 40° and 60°, and has the value 2 when α is greater than 60°. The first limit value has the value 1 and the second limit value has the value 2. Limits of 65% and 80% of the rated power have also been found to be advantageous, instead of half the rated power. In FIG. 5 , there is a proportional relationship between the oblique incident flow value S(α) and the oblique incident flow angle α. The load value B(ω) has the value 0 when the rotor rotation speed ω is below half the rated rotation speed ω rated . The load value B(ω) rises in proportion to the rotor rotation speed ω between half the rated rotation speed ω rated and the rated rotation speed ω rated . The load value B(ω) has the value 4 above the rated rotation speed ω rated . The total load value G(B,S) is once again calculated as the product of the oblique incident flow value S(α) and the load value B(ω). The first limit value has the value 4, and the second limit value has the value 6. By way of example, the first limit value is exceeded when the wind energy installation 10 is operated above the rated rotation speed (B(ω)=4) and the oblique incident flow angle α is slightly below 30° (S(α)=1). The first limit value is likewise exceeded when the wind energy installation 10 is operated at 90% of the rated rotation speed ω rated (B(ω)=2) and the oblique incident flow angle α is approximately 35° (S(α)=2). The second limit value is exceeded, for example, at 90% of the rated rotation speed (B(ω)=2) and at an oblique incident flow angle α of 45° (S(α)=3). The simple examples have been chosen here in order to illustrate that the load value B depends only on the rotor rotation speed and the generator power. In other embodiments, the load value B depends on measured values which may themselves be an indicator of an oblique incident flow. In this case, for example, the measured values relate to vibration in the wind energy installation 10 , to loads on components in the wind energy installation 10 , or to bending or loading of the rotor blades 14 . In other embodiments, the load value is determined from a link between a plurality of measured values, for example also in the form of logic AND or OR logic operations of a plurality of limit value checks or by means of complex mathematical functions which have a plurality of parameters and reflect the physical relationships of the overall load as a mathematical model. The fundamental mathematical models for the total loads are known in the prior art and have been published, for example, in the form of commercial simulation programs. Preferred measurement variables in this case are not only the abovementioned measurement variables for the loads, but in particular also operating parameters such as power, rotation speed, torque, blade angle, pitch activity (activity of the blade pitch control system, detectable for example via the standard deviation of the blade angle), as well as environmental parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, turbulence intensity, wind gradient, air density, temperature. One particularly preferred simple embodiment of a link such as this provides, for example, for the rotor rotation speed to be reduced when the rotor rotation speed is greater than 80%, in particular 90%, of the rated rotation speed and/or the power is more than 65%, in particular 80%, of the rated power, and an oblique incident flow limit value has additionally been exceeded.
A method for operating a wind energy installation and a system for implementing the method. An oblique incident flow value, which represents the difference between the wind direction and the direction of a rotor axis of the wind energy installation, and a load value, which represents the load state of the wind energy installation, are determined. A total load value is determined based on the load value and the oblique incident flow value. The rotor rotation speed is reduced when the total load value is above a first limit value. The wind energy installation is shut down when, in addition, a second limit value is exceeded. The method makes it possible to react objectively to oblique incident flows and can reduce a load on a wind energy installation without causing large yield losses.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] It is believed that examples of known fuel injection systems use an injector to dispense a quantity of fuel that is to be combusted in an internal combustion engine. It is also believed that the quantity of fuel that is dispensed is varied in accordance with a number of engine parameters such as engine speed, engine load, engine emissions, etc. [0002] It is believed that examples of known electronic fuel injection systems monitor at least one of the engine parameters and electrically operate the injector to dispense the fuel. It is believed that examples of known injectors use electromagnetic coils, piezoelectric elements, or magnetostrictive materials to actuate a valve. [0003] It is believed that examples of known valves for injectors include a closure member that is movable with respect to a seat. Fuel flow through the injector is believed to be prohibited when the closure member sealingly contacts the seat, and fuel flow through the injector is believed to be permitted when the closure member is separated from the seat. [0004] It is believed that examples of known injectors include a spring providing a force biasing the closure member toward the seat. It is also believed that this biasing force is adjustable in order to set the dynamic properties of the closure member movement with respect to the seat. [0005] It is further believed that examples of known injectors include a filter for separating particles from the fuel flow, and include a seal at a connection of the injector to a fuel source. [0006] It is believed that such examples of the known injectors have a number of disadvantages. It is believed that examples of known injectors must be assembled entirely in an environment that is substantially free of contaminants. It is also believed that examples of known injectors can only be tested after final assembly has been completed. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0007] According to the present invention, a fuel injector can comprise a plurality of modules, each of which can be independently assembled and tested. According to one embodiment of the present invention, the modules can comprise a fluid handling subassembly and an electrical subassembly. These subassemblies can be subsequently assembled to provide a fuel injector according to the present invention. [0008] The present invention provides a fuel injector for use with an internal combustion engine. The fuel injector comprises a valve group subassembly and a coil group subassembly. The valve group subassembly includes a tube assembly having a longitudinal axis extending between a first end and a second end; a seat secured at the second end of the tube assembly, the seat defining an opening; an armature assembly disposed within the tube assembly. The armature assembly includes a first armature assembly end having a magnetic portion and a second armature assembly end having a sealing portion; a member biasing the armature assembly toward the seat; an adjusting tube located in the tube assembly, the adjusting tube engaging the member and adjusting a biasing force of the member; a filter disposed at least within the tube assembly; and a first attaching portion. The coil group subassembly includes at least one electrical terminal; a solenoid coil operable to displace the armature assembly with respect to the seat, the solenoid coil being axially spaced from the at least one electrical terminal; a terminal connector axially connected to the at least one electrical terminal, the terminal connector electrically connecting the at least one electrical terminal and the solenoid coil; and a second attaching portion fixedly connected to the first attaching portion. [0009] The present invention further provides a fuel injector for use with an internal combustion engine. The fuel injector comprises a valve group subassembly and a coil group subassembly. The valve group subassembly includes a tube assembly having a longitudinal axis extending between a first end and a second end; a seat secured at the second end of the tube assembly, the seat defining an opening; an armature assembly disposed within the tube assembly. The armature assembly includes a first armature assembly end having a magnetic portion; a second armature assembly end having a sealing portion; and an armature tube interposed between and connecting the magnetic portion and the sealing portion; a member biasing the armature assembly toward the seat; an adjusting tube located in the tube assembly, the adjusting tube engaging the member and adjusting a biasing force of the member; a filter disposed at least within the tube assembly; and a first attaching portion. The coil group subassembly includes at least one electrical terminal; a solenoid coil operable to displace the armature assembly with respect to the seat, the solenoid coil being axially spaced from the at least one electrical terminal; a terminal connector axially connected to the at least one electrical terminal, the terminal connector electrically connecting the at least one electrical terminal and the solenoid coil; and a second attaching portion fixedly connected to the first attaching portion. [0010] The present invention also provides for a method of assembling a fuel injector. The method comprises providing a valve group subassembly, providing a coil group subassembly, and inserting the valve group subassembly into the coil group subassembly. The valve group subassembly includes a tube assembly having a longitudinal axis extending between a first end and a second end; a seat secured at the second end of the tube assembly, the seat defining an opening; an armature assembly disposed within the tube assembly. The armature assembly includes a first armature assembly end having a magnetic portion and a second armature assembly end having a sealing portion; a member biasing the armature assembly toward the seat; an adjusting tube located in the tube assembly, the adjusting tube engaging the member and adjusting a biasing force of the member; a filter disposed at least within the tube assembly, the filter having retaining portion; an o-ring circumscribing the first end of the tube assembly, the retaining portion of the filter maintaining the o-ring proximate the first end of the tube assembly; and a first attaching portion. The coil group subassembly includes a solenoid coil operable to displace the armature assembly with respect to the seat; and a second attaching portion. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0011] The accompanying drawings, which are incorporated herein and constitute part of this specification, illustrate an embodiment of the invention, and, together with the general description given above and the detailed description given below, serve to explain features of the invention. [0012] [0012]FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a fuel injector according to the claimed invention. [0013] FIGS. 1 A- 1 C are cross-sectional views of interchangeable armature assemblies usable in the fluid handling subassembly of the fuel injector shown in FIG. 1. [0014] FIGS. 1 D- 1 F are cross-sectional views of various closure members usable in the fluid handling subassembly of the fuel injectors shown in FIG. 1. FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a fluid handling subassembly of the fuel injector shown in FIG. 1. [0015] [0015]FIG. 2A is a cross-sectional view of a variation of the fluid handling subassembly of the modular fuel injector according to the claimed invention. [0016] [0016]FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of an electrical subassembly of the fuel injector shown in FIG. 1. [0017] [0017]FIG. 3A is a cross-sectional view of the two overmolds for the electrical subassembly of FIG. 1. [0018] [0018]FIG. 3B is an exploded view of the electrical subassembly of FIG. 3. [0019] [0019]FIG. 4 is an isometric view that illustrates assembling the fluid handling and electrical subassemblies that are shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, respectively. [0020] [0020]FIG. 5 is a flowchart of the method of assembling the modular fuel injector of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0021] Referring to FIGS. 1 - 4 , a solenoid actuated fuel injector 100 dispenses a quantity of fuel that is to be combusted in an internal combustion engine (not shown). The fuel injector 100 extends along a longitudinal axis A-A between a first injector end 238 and a second injector end 239 , and includes a valve group subassembly 200 and a power group subassembly 300 . The valve group subassembly 200 performs fluid handling functions, e.g., defining a fuel flow path and prohibiting fuel flow through the injector 100 . The power group subassembly 300 performs electrical functions, e.g., converting electrical signals to a driving force for permitting fuel flow through the injector 100 . [0022] Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the valve group subassembly 200 comprises a tube assembly extending along the longitudinal axis A-A between a first tube assembly end 200 A and a second tube assembly end 200 B. The tube assembly includes at least an inlet tube, a non-magnetic shell 230 , and a valve body 240 . The inlet tube 210 has a first inlet tube end proximate to the first tube assembly end 200 A. A second end of the inlet tube 210 is connected to a first shell end of the non-magnetic shell 230 . A second shell end of the non-magnetic shell 230 is connected to a first valve body end of the valve body 240 . And a second valve body end of the valve body 240 is proximate to the second tube assembly end 200 B. The inlet tube 210 can be formed by a deep drawing process or by a rolling operation. A pole piece can be integrally formed at the second inlet tube end of the inlet tube 210 or, as shown, a separate pole piece 220 can be connected to a partial inlet tube 210 and connected to the first shell end of the non-magnetic shell 230 . The non-magnetic shell 230 can comprise non-magnetic stainless steel, e.g., 300 series stainless steels, or any other material that has similar structural and magnetic properties. [0023] A seat 250 is secured at the second end of the tube assembly. The seat 250 defines an opening centered on the fuel injector's longitudinal axis A-A and through which fuel can flow into the internal combustion engine (not shown). The seat 250 includes a sealing surface surrounding the opening. The sealing surface, which faces the interior of the valve body 240 , can be frustoconical or concave in shape, and can have a finished surface. An orifice plate 254 can be used in connection with the seat 250 to provide at least one precisely sized and oriented orifice in order to obtain a particular fuel spray pattern. [0024] An armature assembly 260 is disposed in the tube assembly. The armature assembly 260 includes a first armature assembly end having a ferro-magnetic or armature portion 262 and a second armature assembly end having a sealing portion. The armature assembly 260 is disposed in the tube assembly such that the magnetic portion, or “armature,” 262 confronts the pole piece 220 . The sealing portion can include a closure member 264 , e.g., a spherical valve element, that is moveable with respect to the seat 250 and its sealing surface 252 . The closure member 264 is movable between a closed configuration, as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, and an open configuration (not shown). In the closed configuration, the closure member 264 contiguously engages the sealing surface 252 to prevent fluid flow through the opening. In the open configuration, the closure member 264 is spaced from the seat 250 to permit fluid flow through the opening. The armature assembly 260 may also include a separate armature tube 266 connecting the ferro-magnetic or armature portion 262 to the closure member 264 . [0025] Fuel flow through the armature assembly 260 can be provided by at least one axially extending through-bore 267 and at least one apertures 268 through a wall of the armature assembly 260 . The apertures 268 , which can be of any shape, are preferably non-circular, e.g., axially elongated, to facilitate the passage of gas bubbles. For example, in the case of a separate armature tube 266 that is formed by rolling a sheet substantially into a tube, the apertures 268 can be an axially extending slit defined between non-abutting edges of the rolled sheet. However, the apertures 268 , in addition to the slit, would preferably include openings extending through the sheet. The apertures 268 provide fluid communication between the at least one through-bore 267 and the interior of the valve body. Thus, in the open configuration, fuel can be communicated from the through-bore 267 , through the apertures 268 and the interior of the valve body, around the closure member, and through the opening into the engine (not shown). [0026] To permit the use of extended tip injectors, FIG. 1A shows a three-piece armature 260 comprising the armature tube 266 , elongated openings 268 and the closure member 264 . One example of an extended tip three-piece armature is shown as armature assembly 260 A in FIG. 1B. The extended tip armature assembly 260 A includes elongated apertures 269 to facilitate the passage of trapped fuel vapor. As a further alternative, a two-piece armature 260 B, shown here in FIG. 1C, can be utilized with the present invention. Although both the three-piece and the two-piece armature assemblies are interchangeable, the three-piece armature assembly 266 or 266 A is preferable due to its ability to reduce magnetic flux leakage from the magnetic circuit of the fuel injector 100 according to the present invention. This ability arises from the fact that the armature tube 266 or 266 A can be non-magnetic, thereby magnetically decoupling the magnetic portion or armature 262 from the ferro-magnetic closure member 264 . Because the ferro-magnetic closure member is decoupled from the ferro-magnetic or armature portion 262 , flux leakage is reduced, thereby improving the efficiency of the magnetic circuit. Furthermore, the three-piece armature assembly can be fabricated with fewer machining processes as compared to the two-piece armature assembly. It should be noted that the armature tube 266 or 266 A of the three-piece armature assembly can be fabricated by various techniques, for example, a plate can be rolled and its seams welded or a blank can be deep-drawn to form a seamless tube. [0027] To ensure a positive seal, closure member 264 is attached to intermediate portion or armature tube 266 by welds as shown in FIG. 1D. To achieve different spray patterns or to ensure a large volume of fuel injected relative to a low injector lift, it is contemplated that the spherical closure member 264 be in the form of a flat-faced ball, shown enlarged in detail in FIGS. 1E and 1F. Welds 261 can be internally formed between the junction of the armature tube 266 and the closure member 264 to the armature tube 266 , respectively. Valve seat 250 can be attached to valve body 240 in two different ways. As shown in FIG. 1E, valve seat may simply be floatingly mounted between valve body 240 and orifice plate 254 with an O-ring 251 to prevent fuel leakage around valve seat. Here, the orifice plate 254 can be retained by crimps 240 A that can be formed on the valve body 240 . Alternatively, valve seat 250 may simply be affixed by at least a weld 251 A to valve body 240 as shown in FIG. 1F while the orifice plate 254 can be welded to the seat 250 . [0028] The elongated openings 269 and apertures 268 in the three-piece extended tip armature 260 A serve two related purposes. First, the elongated openings 269 and apertures 268 allow fuel to flow out of the armature tube 266 A. Second, elongated openings 269 allows hot fuel vapor in the armature tube 266 A to vent into the valve body 240 instead of being trapped in the armature tube 266 A, and also allows pressurized liquid fuel to displace any remaining fuel vapor trapped therein during a hot start condition. [0029] In the case of a spherical valve element providing the closure member 264 , the spherical valve element can be connected to the armature assembly 260 at a diameter that is less than the diameter of the spherical valve element. Such a connection would be on side of the spherical valve element that is opposite contiguous contact with the seat. A lower armature guide can be disposed in the tube assembly, proximate the seat, and would slidingly engage the diameter of the spherical valve element. The lower armature guide can facilitate alignment of the armature assembly 260 along the axis A-A, while the intermediate portion or armature tube 266 can magnetically decouple the closure member 264 from the ferro-magnetic or armature portion 262 of the armature assembly 260 . [0030] A resilient member 270 is disposed in the tube assembly and biases the armature assembly 260 toward the seat. A filter assembly 282 comprising a filter 284 A and an adjusting tube 280 is also disposed in the tube assembly. The filter assembly 282 includes a first end and a second end. The filter 284 A is disposed at one end of the filter assembly 282 and also located proximate to the first end of the tube assembly and apart from the resilient member 270 while the adjusting tube 280 is disposed generally proximate to the second end of the tube assembly. The adjusting tube 280 engages the resilient member 270 and adjusts the biasing force of the member with respect to the tube assembly. In particular, the adjusting tube 280 provides a reaction member against which the resilient member 270 reacts in order to close the injector valve 100 when the power group subassembly 300 is de-energized. The position of the adjusting tube 280 can be retained with respect to the inlet tube 210 by an interference fit between an outer surface of the adjusting tube 280 and an inner surface of the tube assembly. Thus, the position of the adjusting tube 280 with respect to the inlet tube 210 can be used to set a predetermined dynamic characteristic of the armature assembly 260 . Alternatively, as shown in FIG. 2A, a filter assembly 282 ′ comprising adjusting tube 280 A and inverted cup-shaped filtering element 284 B can be utilized in place of the cone type filter assembly 282 . [0031] The valve group subassembly 200 can be assembled as follows. The non-magnetic shell 230 is connected to the inlet tube 210 and to the valve body 240 . The filter assembly 282 or 282 ′ is inserted along the axis A-A from the first inlet tube end of the inlet tube 210 . Next, the resilient member 270 and the armature assembly 260 (which was previously assembled) are inserted along the axis A-A from the second valve body end of the valve body 240 . The filter assembly 282 or 282 ′ can be inserted into the inlet tube 210 to a predetermined distance so as to abut the resilient member. The position of the filter assembly 282 or 282 ′ with respect to the inlet tube 210 can be used to adjust the dynamic properties of the resilient member, e.g., so as to ensure that the armature assembly 260 does not float or bounce during injection pulses. The seat 250 and orifice plate 254 are then inserted along the axis A-A from the second valve body end of the valve body 240 . The seat 250 and orifice plate 254 can be fixedly attached to one another or to the valve body 240 by known attachment techniques such as laser welding, crimping, friction welding, conventional welding, etc. [0032] Referring to FIGS. 1 and 3, the power group subassembly 300 comprises an electromagnetic coil 310 , at least one terminal 320 (there are two according to a preferred embodiment), a housing 330 , and an overmold 340 . The electromagnetic coil 310 comprises a wire that that can be wound on a bobbin 314 and electrically connected to electrical contact 322 supported on the bobbin 314 . When energized, the coil generates magnetic flux that moves the armature assembly 260 toward the open configuration, thereby allowing the fuel to flow through the opening. De-energizing the electromagnetic coil 310 allows the resilient member 270 to return the armature assembly 260 to the closed configuration, thereby shutting off the fuel flow. Each electrical terminal 320 is in electrical communication via an axially extending contact portion 324 with a respective electrical contact 322 of the coil 310 . The housing 330 , which provides a return path for the magnetic flux, generally comprises a ferro-magnetic cylinder 332 surrounding the electromagnetic coil 310 and a flux washer 334 extending from the cylinder toward the axis A-A. The washer 334 can be integrally formed with or separately attached to the cylinder. The housing 330 can include holes and slots 330 A, or other features to break-up eddy currents that can occur when the coil is de-energized. Additionally, the housing 330 is provided with scalloped circumferential edge 331 to provide a mounting relief for the bobbin 314 . The overmold 340 maintains the relative orientation and position of the electromagnetic coil 310 , the at least one electrical terminal 320 , and the housing 330 . The overmold 340 can also form an electrical harness connector portion 321 in which a portion of the terminals 320 are exposed. The terminals 320 and the electrical harness connector portion 321 can engage a mating connector, e.g., part of a vehicle wiring harness (not shown), to facilitate connecting the injector 100 to a supply of electrical power (not shown) for energizing the electromagnetic coil 310 . [0033] According to a preferred embodiment, the magnetic flux generated by the electromagnetic coil 310 flows in a circuit that comprises the pole piece 220 , a working air gap between the pole piece 220 and the magnetic armature portion 262 , a parasitic air gap between the magnetic armature portion 262 and the valve body 240 , the housing 330 , and the flux washer 334 . [0034] The coil group subassembly 300 can be constructed as follows. As shown in FIG. 3B, a plastic bobbin 314 can be molded with the electrical contact 322 . The wire 312 for the electromagnetic coil 310 is wound around the plastic bobbin 314 and connected to the electrical contact 322 . The housing 330 is then placed over the electromagnetic coil 310 and bobbin 314 unit. The bobbin 314 can be formed with at least one retaining prong 314 A which, in combination with an overmold 340 , are utilized to fix the bobbin 314 to the housing once the overmold is formed. The terminals 320 are pre-bent to a proper configuration such that the pre-aligned terminals 320 are in alignment with the harness connector 321 when a polymer is poured or injected into a mold (not shown) for the electrical subassembly. The terminals 320 are then electrically connected via the axially extending portion 324 to respective electrical contacts 322 . The completed bobbin 314 is then placed into the housing 330 at a proper orientation by virtue of the scalloped-edge 331 . An overmold 340 is then formed to maintain the relative assembly of the coil/bobbin unit, housing 330 , and terminals 320 . The overmold 340 also provides a structural case for the injector and provides predetermined electrical and thermal insulating properties. A separate collar (not shown) can be connected, e.g., by bonding, and can provide an application specific characteristic such as an orientation feature or an identification feature for the injector 100 . Thus, the overmold 340 provides a universal arrangement that can be modified with the addition of a suitable collar. To reduce manufacturing and inventory costs, the coil/bobbin unit can be the same for different applications. As such, the terminals 320 and overmold 340 (or collar, if used) can be varied in size and shape to suit particular tube assembly lengths, mounting configurations, electrical connectors, etc. [0035] Alternatively, as shown in FIG. 3A, a two-piece overmold can be used instead of the one-piece overmold 340 . The two-piece overmold allow for a first overmold 341 that is application specific while the second overmold 342 can be for all applications. The first overmold is bonded to a second overmold, allowing both to act as electrical and thermal insulators for the injector. Additionally, a portion of the housing 330 can extend axially beyond an end of the overmold 340 and can be formed with a flange to retain an O-ring. [0036] As is particularly shown in FIGS. 1 and 4, the valve group subassembly 200 can be inserted into the coil group subassembly 300 . To ensure that the two subassemblies are fixed in a proper axial orientation, shoulders 222 A of the pole piece 220 engages corresponding shoulders 222 B of the coil subassembly. Next, the resilient member 270 is inserted from the inlet end of the inlet tube 210 . Thus, the injector 100 is made of two modular subassemblies that can be assembled and tested separately, and then connected together to form the injector 100 . The valve group subassembly 200 and the coil group subassembly 300 can be fixedly attached by adhesive, welding, or another equivalent attachment process. According to a preferred embodiment, a hole 360 through the overmold exposes the housing 330 and provides access for laser welding the housing 330 to the valve body 240 . [0037] The first injector end 238 can be coupled to the fuel supply of an internal combustion engine (not shown). The O-ring can be used to seal the first injector end 238 to the fuel supply so that fuel from a fuel rail (not shown) is supplied to the tube assembly, with the O-ring making a fluid tight seal, at the connection between the injector 100 and the fuel rail (not shown). [0038] In operation, the electromagnetic coil 310 is energized, thereby generating magnetic flux is the magnetic circuit. The magnetic flux moves armature assembly 260 (along the axis A-A, according to a preferred embodiment) towards the integral pole piece 220 50 , i.e., closing the working air gap. This movement of the armature assembly 260 separates the closure member 264 from the seat 250 and allows fuel to flow from the fuel rail (not shown), through the inlet tube, the through-bore 267 , the elongated openings and the valve body 240 , between the seat 250 and the closure member 264 , through the opening, and finally through the orifice plate 254 into the internal combustion engine (not shown). When the electromagnetic coil 310 is de-energized, the armature assembly 260 is moved by the bias of the resilient member 270 to contiguously engage the closure member 264 with the seat, and thereby prevent fuel flow through the injector 100 . [0039] Referring to FIG. 5, a preferred assembly process can be as follows: [0040] 1. A pre-assembled valve body and non-magnetic sleeve is located with the valve body oriented up. [0041] 2. A screen retainer, e.g., a lift sleeve, is loaded into the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly. [0042] 3. A lower screen can be loaded into the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly. [0043] 4. A pre-assembled seat and guide assembly is loaded into the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly. [0044] 5. The seat/guide assembly is pressed to a desired position within the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly. [0045] 6. The valve body is welded, e.g., by a continuous wave laser forming a hermetic lap seal, to the seat. [0046] 7. A first leak test is performed on the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly. This test can be performed pneumatically. [0047] 8. The valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly is inverted so that the non-magnetic sleeve is oriented up. [0048] 9. An armature assembly is loaded into the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly. [0049] 10. A pole piece is loaded into the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly and pressed to a pre-lift position. [0050] 11. Dynamically, e.g., pneumatically, purge valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly. [0051] 12. Set lift. [0052] 13. The non-magnetic sleeve is welded, e.g., with a tack weld, to the pole piece. [0053] 14. The non-magnetic sleeve is welded, e.g., by a continuous wave laser forming a hermetic lap seal, to the pole piece. [0054] 15. Verify lift [0055] 16. A spring is loaded into the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly. [0056] 17. A filter/adjusting tube is loaded into the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly and pressed to a pre-cal position. [0057] 18. An inlet tube is connected to the valve body/non-magnetic sleeve assembly to generally establish the fuel group subassembly. [0058] 19. Axially press the fuel group subassembly to the desired over-all length. [0059] 20. The inlet tube is welded, e.g., by a continuous wave laser forming a hermetic lap seal, to the pole piece. [0060] 21. A second leak test is performed on the fuel group subassembly. This test can be performed pneumatically. [0061] 22. The fuel group subassembly is inverted so that the seat is oriented up. [0062] 23. An orifice is punched and loaded on the seat. [0063] 24. The orifice is welded, e.g., by a continuous wave laser forming a hermetic lap seal, to the seat. [0064] 25. The rotational orientation of the fuel group subassembly/orifice can be established with a “look/orient/look” procedure. [0065] 26. The fuel group subassembly is inserted into the (pre-assembled) power group subassembly. [0066] 27. The power group subassembly is pressed to a desired axial position with respect to the fuel group subassembly. [0067] 28. The rotational orientation of the fuel group subassembly/orifice/power group subassembly can be verified. [0068] 29. The power group subassembly can be laser marked with information such as part number, serial number, performance data, a logo, etc. [0069] 30. Perform a high-potential electrical test. [0070] 31. The housing of the power group subassembly is tack welded to the valve body. [0071] 32. A lower O-ring can be installed. Alternatively, this lower O-ring can be installed as a post test operation. [0072] 33. An upper O-ring is installed. [0073] 34. Invert the fully assembled fuel injector. [0074] 35. Transfer the injector to a test rig. [0075] To set the lift, i.e., ensure the proper injector lift distance, there are at least four different techniques that can be utilized. According to a first technique, a crush ring or a washer that is inserted into the valve body 240 between the lower guide 257 and the valve body 240 can be deformed. According to a second technique, the relative axial position of the valve body 240 and the non-magnetic shell 230 can be adjusted before the two parts are affixed together. According to a third technique, the relative axial position of the non-magnetic shell 230 and the pole piece 220 can be adjusted before the two parts are affixed together. And according to a fourth technique, a lift sleeve 255 can be displaced axially within the valve body 240 . If the lift sleeve technique is used, the position of the lift sleeve can be adjusted by moving the lift sleeve axially. The lift distance can be measured with a test probe. Once the lift is correct, the sleeve is welded to the valve body 240 , e.g., by laser welding. Next, the valve body 240 is attached to the inlet tube 210 assembly by a weld, preferably a laser weld. The assembled fuel group subassembly 200 is then tested, e.g., for leakage. [0076] As is shown in FIG. 5, the lift set procedure may not be able to progress at the same rate as the other procedures. Thus, a single production line can be split into a plurality (two are shown) of parallel lift setting stations, which can thereafter be recombined back into a single production line. [0077] The preparation of the power group sub-assembly, which can include (a) the housing 330 , (b) the bobbin assembly including the terminals 320 , (c) the flux washer 334 , and (d) the overmold 340 , can be performed separately from the fuel group subassembly. [0078] According to a preferred embodiment, wire 312 is wound onto a pre-formed bobbin 314 with at least one electrical contact 322 molded thereon. The bobbin assembly is inserted into a pre-formed housing 330 . To provide a return path for the magnetic flux between the pole piece 220 and the housing 330 , flux washer 334 is mounted on the bobbin assembly. A pre-bent terminal 320 having axially extending connector portions 324 are coupled to the electrical contact portions 322 and brazed, soldered welded, or preferably resistance welded. The partially assembled power group assembly is now placed into a mold (not shown). By virtue of its pre-bent shape, the terminals 320 will be positioned in the proper orientation with the harness connector 321 when a polymer is poured or injected into the mold. Alternatively, two separate molds (not shown) can be used to form a two-piece overmold as described with respect to FIG. 3A. The assembled power group subassembly 300 can be mounted on a test stand to determine the solenoid's pull force, coil resistance and the drop in voltage as the solenoid is saturated. [0079] The inserting of the fuel group subassembly 200 into the power group subassembly 300 operation can involve setting the relative rotational orientation of fuel group subassembly 200 with respect to the power group subassembly 300 . The inserting operation can be accomplished by one of two methods: “top-down” or “bottom-up.” According to the former, the power group subassembly 300 is slid downward from the top of the fuel group subassembly 200 , and according to the latter, the power group subassembly 300 is slid upward from the bottom of the fuel group subassembly 200 . In situations where the inlet tube 210 assembly includes a flared first end, bottom-up method is required. Also in these situations, the O-ring 290 that is retained by the flared first end can be positioned around the power group subassembly 300 prior to sliding the fuel group subassembly 200 into the power group subassembly 300 . After inserting the fuel group subassembly 200 into the power group subassembly 300 , these two subassemblies are affixed together, e.g., by welding, such as laser welding. According to a preferred embodiment, the overmold 340 includes an opening 360 that exposes a portion of the housing 330 . This opening 360 provides access for a welding implement to weld the housing 330 with respect to the valve body 240 . Of course, other methods or affixing the subassemblies with respect to one another can be used. Finally, the O-ring 290 at either end of the fuel injector can be installed. [0080] The method of assembling the preferred embodiments, and the preferred embodiments themselves, are believed to provide manufacturing advantages and benefits. For example, because of the modular arrangement only the valve group subassembly is required to be assembled in a “clean” room environment. The power group subassembly 300 can be separately assembled outside such an environment, thereby reducing manufacturing costs. Also, the modularity of the subassemblies permits separate pre-assembly testing of the valve and the coil assemblies. Since only those individual subassemblies that test unacceptable are discarded, as opposed to discarding filly assembled injectors, manufacturing costs are reduced. Further, the use of universal components (e.g., the coil/bobbin unit, non-magnetic shell 230 , seat 250 , closure member 264 , filter/retainer assembly 282 , etc.) enables inventory costs to be reduced and permits a “just-in-time” assembly of application specific injectors. Only those components that need to vary for a particular application, e.g., the terminals 320 and inlet tube 210 need to be separately stocked. Another advantage is that by locating the working air gap, i.e., between the armature assembly 260 and the pole piece 220 , within the electromagnetic coil 310 , the number of windings can be reduced. In addition to cost savings in the amount of wire 312 that is used, less energy is required to produce the required magnetic flux and less heat builds-up in the coil (this heat must be dissipated to ensure consistent operation of the injector). Yet another advantage is that the modular construction enables the orifice disk 254 to be attached at a later stage in the assembly process, even as the final step of the assembly process. This just-in-time assembly of the orifice disk 254 allows the selection of extended valve bodies depending on the operating requirement. Further advantages of the modular assembly include out-sourcing construction of the power group subassembly 300 , which does not need to occur in a clean room environment. And even if the power group subassembly 300 is not out-sourced, the cost of providing additional clean room space is reduced. [0081] While the preferred embodiments have been disclosed with reference to certain embodiments, numerous modifications, alterations, and changes to the described embodiments are possible without departing from the sphere and scope of the present invention, as defined in the appended claims. Accordingly, it is intended that the present invention not be limited to the described embodiments, but that it have the full scope defined by the language of the following claims, and equivalents thereof.
A fuel injector having a fuel inlet, a fuel outlet, and a fuel passageway extending along an axis between the fuel inlet and the fuel outlet. The fuel injector includes a body having an inlet portion, an outlet portion, and a neck portion disposed between the inlet portion and the outlet portion. An adjusting tube is disposed within the neck portion of the body. A fuel filter is mounted inside the adjusting tube prior to the insertion of the adjusting tube into the fuel injector inlet tube. A spring is disposed within the neck portion of the body, the spring having an upstream end proximate to the adjusting tube and a downstream end opposite the upstream end. An armature having a lower portion is disposed within the neck portion of the body and displace able along the axis relative to the body. The downstream end of the spring is disposed proximate to the armature, the spring applying a biasing force to the armature. A valve seal is substantially rigidly connected to the lower portion of the armature. The fuel injector includes a modular valve group subassembly that is connected to a coil group subassembly.
[0001] This application is a Continuation In Part (CIP) of Ser. No. 13/971,853, filed Aug. 21, 2013 by the present inventors, which is incorporated by reference. BACKGROUND—PRIOR ART [0002] Message and clip boards have many variations and means for connecting to a surface. In particular, a message center in the kitchen will often involve a refrigerator for displaying messages. A typical set up usually involve mounting the message board to the front surfaces of the doors using magnets, suction cups or tape to hold the message board to the surface. More extravagant message boards may included a white erasable pen surface used to write messages on and additional compartments for holding supplies. Side mounting to a refrigerator is possible with these same devices but the main viewing surface is typical parallel with the mounting surface. This fixed side mounting makes the visible front hard to see. All prior message board systems tend to have a main rectangular base from which to attach the many variations such as doors, containers, holders to name a few. [0003] U.S. Pat Nos. 7,431,251 and 7,374,142 to Caenvali (2008) shows magnetic mounting base plates along with a magnetic object holder which is not include part of the present invention. U.S. Pat. No. 6,425,560 to Dembowiak (2002) show a magnetic hook design used to hold a calculator or to hang object from using a hook variation. This idea lacks consideration for a wall mount that would require an elongated mounting surface to provide adequate surface area to hold an object to a vertical surface. U.S. Pat. No. 6,425,560 to Diatzikis (2015) shows a magnetic mount specific to a smooth surface such as glass. This invention relies on an additional suction cup and is not intended for a metal surface. U.S. Pat. No. 7,934,330 to Nicolaisen (2006) show a magnetic device used on wall but includes an additional metal plate that must be mounted first to attach the object to the wall. The idea addresses the problem of getting a picture adjusted to the correct height. This idea relies on the plate being secure to the wall to hold the weight of the object. The patent idea submitted illuminates this step. Patent 2007/0290588 to Oh (2007) describes a hinged display attached to the front of a refrigerator. The invention describes an indented section formed into the refrigerator door to allow the display to lay flat when pushed into the door. This patent would involve a more permanent attachment to the wall. Patent 2006/0225331 to Evans (2006) shows a magnetic display system comprising of a primary fixed panel and secondary panels attached with hinges. The secondary panels have a 1 st and second surface for message displays. This invention adds extra weight with the primary panel and relies on the magnets being placed throughout the primary panel surface. Since the primary surface is relied on for the secondary surfaces, this invention teaches away from using the hinge as the primary device used to secure only a primary display to a surface. U.S. Pat. No. 7,040,899 to Armstrong (2006) shows another free standing message board. This invention shows a primary surface with hinged panels for message display. Its primary use is for moving and displaying messages not in a fixed position as indicated by the carrying handle on the top of the invention. U.S. Pat. No. 5,948,498 to Bianco (1999) shows a magnetic wall mount message board that features multiple sections for various message types. Though this invention combines many previous designs into one, it is still only a message board. This invention does not incorporate a hinge. U.S. Pat. No. 5,947,825 to Rosen (1998) shows a refrigerator mount message center with one or more hinged panels. [0004] The invention allows the expansion of the message center using the hinged panels. The messages displayed are only shown on the front surfaces of the base panel as well as the front surface of the hinged modules in the open position [0005] The invention is used to hide the messages when all the panels are closed. U.S. Pat. No. 5,528,796 to Perry (1996) shows a hinged display that allows the message to be placed flat on a desktop. This patent teaches away from any wall mountings and is intended for desktop computing/data entry aid. U.S. Pat. No. 5,430,965 to Lai (1995) shows a message board apparatus for stabilizing a message in a automobiles using suction cups. The device is also shown on a refrigerator but the message is always parallel with the surface it is mounted to. The invention also includes lighting presumably to see the message in low lighting. There is no hinge to the design. U.S. Pat. No. 5,161,321 to Kuhnke (1992) uses a primary base for the display for storage and the display as a cover to the storage. The hinge is integral to the base and display with the base used to support the display. This invention relies on the base panel to support the main display and not the hinge itself. U.S. Pat. No. 5,131,849 to Perrero (1991) uses a primary base for a display and secondary displays as a cover to the base display. The hinge is integral to the base and display with the base used to support the display. This invention relies on the base display to support the main display and not the hinge itself. U.S. Pat. No. 4,828,502 to Leahy (1989) has a primary base display with a hinged cover panel to cover the message when not in use. The panel can serve as a picture of dry erase display but relies on the base panel wall mounts for support. The base wall mount is required. The current invention replaces this base panel with only the hinge to mount the display. U.S. Pat. No. 7,347,020 to Ray (2008) shows a message board with a hinge that is nothing more than a box mounted on the wall. The utility of this design is to allow the message board to also hold messaging supplies or other items. The message board doubles as a frame for art work when the compartments are closed. U.S. Pat. No. 4,738,043 to Ernst (1988) is another frame type display using a hinge to swing the cover away in order to change the message behind the frame. The door that swings is see through and is nothing more than a frame for the underlying message. U.S. Pat. No. 4,869,452 to Bennett (1989) has a unique hinge mechanism primarily used to flip paper and provide a dual surface for ordinary pads. The device is intended to be placed on a table top. U.S. Pat. No. 4,545,768 to Hinnen (1985) a base with multiple compartments as well a secondary hinged panels that also have compartments. These panels rely on the base panel for the wall mount support. Since the base and panels contain compartments, this presumes more mass and a greater mounting force to support the entire invention. The panels rely on the base compartment for support and not just a hinge directly mounted to the wall. U.S. Pat. No. 4,466,639 to Fennegan (1984) shows a hinged clip board with a magnetic insert for easy removal of a note pad. The invention teaches away from any wall mounting for use. U.S. Pat. No. 7,469,869 to Killion (2008) is a device interface to allow a magnetic connection to a non magnetic surface. This device could be used on refrigerators but is only part of a message display system. It does not contain a hinge mechanism which would defeat the purpose of the magnets. U.S. Pat. No. 2,655,740 to B. F. Goodrich shows a large scale display system. This system has a substantial bas panel that support hinged display with opposing surfaces to display messages. This invention is designed as an alternative to standard chalk black boards and would not be appropriate in a home environment. U.S. Pat. No. 98,458 to Bowman, George F. (1869) is a display device with a main hinge that interconnects the display with two covers. The device purpose is to provide a convenient, cheap frame for slat displays and a convenient mechanism for replacing said slate if the slat breaks. The invention steers away from the current invention presented in that its intended use is not for stationary applications. [0006] Kurtz (U.S. Pat. No. 5,301,446) is a patent that include an addition item in the generic claim 1 claiming a (biasing means or imparting a biasing force to said planar cover member . . . ) that is not included (Omission of Element) in the current Application presented. Also, Kurtz teaches away from the current application in that the patent specification and generic claim 1 describes the invention for outdoor use and the additional need for wind that the Kurtz invention relies upon for the use of the invention. The wind and spring (biasing means) combination is vital to the use of the invention to function as described in the specifications. The current Application does not require these additional claims. [0007] All of the message board designs are fixed in position once mounted. Some have a replaceable or compartment in addition to the message board but the emphasis on these additional features are additional compartment(s) for containing items or a surface that can be replaced for design reasons. All use a fixed position mounting to the surface that also restricts the message feature of the board. Since the message part is presented in parallel with the surface that the message board is mounted to, there is only one primary viewing angle to the message board. Also, The mounting of the prior art relies on multiple contact point covering the horizontal and vertical contact positions. [0008] The following is a tabulation of some prior art that presently appears relevant: U. S. Patents [0009] [0000] Patent Number Kind Code Issue Date Patentee 7,374,142  248/206.5 May 20, 2008 Carnevali 7,431,251  248/206.5 Oct. 7, 2008 Carnevali 8,925,881  248/206.5 Jan. 6, 2015 Diatzikis 6,425,560  248/206.5 Jul. 30, 2002 Dembowiak 5,301,446 40/591 Apr. 12, 1994 Kurtz 7,337,497 16/320 Mar. 4, 2008 Seidler; David 8,861,224 361/810  Oct. 14, 2014 Griffin, Jason T 7,934,330 40/711 May 3, 2011 Nicolaisen 7,089,627 16/320 Aug. 15, 2006 Seidler; David 7,040,899 434/430  May 9, 2006 Armstrong, Ronald G. 5,948,498 428/81  Sep. 7, 1999 Bianco; Ronald M. 5,987,825  52/36.1 Nov. 23, 1999 Rosen; Lawrence I. 5,528,796 16/355 Jun. 25, 1996 Perry; John M. 5,430,965 40/597 Jul. 11, 1995 Lai; Shih-Wang 5,161,321 40/493 Nov. 10, 1992 Kuhnke, Horst F. 5,131,849 434/281  Oct. 4, 1991 Perrero, John J. 4,828,502 434/416  May 9, 1998 Leahy, David J. 7,347,020 40/781 Mar. 25, 2008 Ray, et al. 4,738,043 40/618 Apr. 19, 1988 Ernst, Paul F. 4,869,452  248/441.1 Sep. 26, 1989 Bennett; Paul L. 4,545,768 434/304  Oct. 8, 1985 Hinnen, John 4,466,639 281/45  Aug. 21, 1984 Finnegan; Charles L. 7,469,869  248/309.4 Dec. 30, 2008 Killion; Thomas indicates data missing or illegible when filed U. S. Patents Application Publications [0010] [0000] Patent Number Kind Code Issue Date Patentee 2007/0290588 312/401 Dec. 20, 2007 Oh; Seung-jin 2006/0225331  40/600 Oct. 12, 2006 Evans, Rodney E. Foreign Patents Documents [0011] [0000] App or Foreign Doc. No Cntry Code Kind Code Publ. Date Patentee indicates data missing or illegible when filed Advantages [0012] The hinge apparatus of the prior art relies on multiple contact point usually utilizing the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the display being supported. These designs needlessly require a large area in contact with a vertical mounting surface. The advantage of the current invention leaves clear the underlying surface by limiting the mounting area to the target vertical surface along only one edge of the message board. The depth of this pivot apparatus could be varied to easily close over existing items such as magnetic paper holders, pictures or even over other prior art flat mounted message boards. This Magnetic Pivot Apparatus For Verticle Mounting adds the advantage of allowing any type of clip board to be rotated out uniquely while providing a minimal vertical mounting surface edge. The pivot in this invention has a minimal width interface for the actual portion used to attach the message board to the vertical surface. This minimal contact reduces weight or the overall system, reduces the number of contact point with the wall and, more importantly, allows the pivot to be mounted directly to the surface without using a base panel which is typical in all prior art. [0013] A particular application would be to use this apparatus to mount a message board to the side of a refrigerator. This would allow the message board to be position forward, 0 to 180 degrees, with the surface parallel to the front of the fridge to access messages. Then when not in use, the board could be rotated back, parallel with the mounting surface. The invention described is ideal for attaching to any thin metal strips such as those used in drywall corners which are typically constructed with a vertical ferrous metal strip along the length of the corner. This would allow easily moving the message display to many locations in a house without damage the walls or the need for any other mounting devices. A corner mounting on a vertical edge would also allow the display to swing from 0 to 270 degrees along the pivot DRAWINGS [0014] FIG. 1 —MAGNETIC PIVOT APPARATUS FOR VERTICLE MOUNTING—SINGLE AXIS [0015] FIG. 1A —MAGNETIC PIVOT APPARATUS FOR VERTICLE MOUNTING—SINGLE AXIS [0016] FIG. 1B —MAGNETIC PIVOT APPARATUS FOR VERTICLE MOUNTING—SINGLE AXIS [0017] FIG. 2 —MAGNETIC PIVOT APPARATUS FOR VERTICLE MOUNTING MULTI AXIS [0018] FIG. 2A —MAGNETIC PIVOT APPARATUS FOR VERTICLE MOUNTING MULTI AXIS A [0019] FIG. 3A —Home POSITIONS [0020] FIG. 3B —Perpendicular POSITIONS [0021] FIG. 3C —Extended POSITIONS DRAWINGS—LIST OF REFERENCE NUMERALS [0022] 10 Device to Mount [0023] 20 Pivot to Board Interface [0024] 30 Pivot-Board Side [0025] 40 Pivot-Elongated Mounting Surface Side [0026] 50 Magnetic Target Surface Interface [0027] 60 Pivot Means [0028] 70 Target Surface DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0029] FIG. 2A shows the entire invention describes herein showing the major components of the invention and having a two axis Pivot Means 60 . FIGS. 1, 1A, 1B are variation of the pivot apparatus that show one axis configurations. Note that in FIG. 1B the Pivot Elongated Mounting Surface side ( 40 ), Magnetic Target Surface Interface ( 50 ) and Pivot Means ( 60 ) are one and the same. [0030] FIG. 2 shows a pivot axis around a single point using a ball-joint Pivot Means 60 . This would allow the Device to Mount 10 to be rotated in the horizontal, vertical, and angular positions with reference to the ball joint pivot point. [0031] A Device to Mount 10 is represented by a message board but can be any device to be mounted to a vertical edge. Variation would include marker eraser board, magnetic message boards, quark and material boards, LCD or other electronic displays, pictures, etc. FIG. 2A shows a Pivot Means 60 that consist of two axis of rotation with the first axis in the horizontal direction and the second axis is perpendicular to the first axis in the horizontal direction. The said first vertical Pivot Means 60 is located between the Pivot-Board Side 30 and the Pivot-Elongated Mounting Surface Side 40 . Said first Pivot Means 60 shown uses a multi-cylindrical interlocking configuration that may have a solid shaft running through each interlocking piece. The said second horizontal Pivot Means 60 is located between the Pivot-Board Side 30 and the Pivot to Board Interface 20 . Said second horizontal Pivot Means 60 consists of a single shaft mated with a cylinder to provide rotation of the Device to Mount 10 around the center of the shaft. The Device to Mount 10 can have a mounting means that is built into the device. This may include a receiving structure as part of the pivot, hinge, mounting holes or simple an edge that can be used to attach the hinge apparatus. The mounting means could also be added to an existing device by glue, clamp, screw, tape, weld, solder or other fastening method so that the device is securely mounted to the hinge apparatus describer herein. [0032] An essential part of this invention is that said Pivot-Elongated Mounting Surface Side 40 be and elongated rigid surface oriented in the same direction of the said vertical axis. This invention is designed to a specific Target Surface 70 that is any outer corner of drywall construction that uses a metallic corner bead edging, and since most drywall metal corner beads are typically 1.5″ and 2.5″ in with, Pivot-Elongated Mounting Surface Side 40 should have a nominal width of 1.5″ to 2.5″ and an elongated length sufficient to mount the Magnetic Target Surface Interface 50 which consists of magnets. Though the invention described here-in is with reference to a vertical outer corner, this invention would also work for horizontal corners as well as non-corner metal studs used in most commercial construction. The length of the Pivot-Elongated Mounting Surface Side 40 can be varied to securely hold the entire weight of the invention plus the Device to Mount 10 based on the strength of the magnets used for the Magnetic Target Surface Interface 50 . The length can also be varied in direct relation to the strength of the magnets used (the stronger the magnet, the shorter the overall length and vise versa). Though the Target Surface 70 is a metal edging, the invention could also be applied to and metallic surface dimension that provide a minimum surface are of the Pivot-Elongated Surface Side 40 . [0033] The Pivot to Board Interface 20 represents the contact of said Pivot-Board Side 30 with said Device to Mount 10 . Said Pivot to Board Interface 20 can be built into said Device to Mount 10 and/or be an integral part of the Device to Mount 10 . [0034] Magnetic Target Surface Interface 50 shows a plurality of magnets that would cause said Pivot-Elongated Mounting Surface Side 40 to be secured with the proper shear and tear strength to the target surface to hold said Target Surface 70 along all pivotal positions desired along Pivot Means 60 . Magnetic Target Surface Interface 50 could also be a single continuous magnet. [0035] FIG. 3 shows the possible motion range for the said first Pivot Means 60 . Operation [0036] Magnetic Target Surface Interface 50 would be used to attach said Device to Mount 10 to a Target Surface that is metallic and specifically include outer drywall corners. The Elongated Mounting Surface Sided 40 will be parallel to the outer drywall corner, and therefore, perpendicular with the floor or ceiling. This would assure that the position of said Device to Mount 10 surface with reference to said target surface 70 to move from parallel with, to at least 90 degrees from, the target surface 70 ( FIG. 3 ). The position of the board would remain stationary at any position (i.e. 10 °, 45°, 90°, 180°, 270°). In the case of a ball and socket pivot design, the Device to Mount 10 would also be allowed to tilt along the ball and socket joint for multi axis positioning. Conclusion, Ramifications, and Scope [0037] The Magnetic Pivot Apparatus For Vertical Mounting invention described has the major advantage over existing by allowing any style Device to Mount 10 to be mounted to the corner of a wall with no additional hardware or damage to the wall. In addition, the invention disclosed can be used on more traditional targets such as a refrigerator. The invention disclosed has an advantage over prior art on the traditional refrigerator target by allowing the device to mount to be easily rotated perpendicular to the mounting surface to increase visibility or hidden by rotating flat, or parallel to the refrigerator surface. Also, since a predominant fridge door material is currently stainless steel, which is nonmagnetic, current, magnets and magnetic clip boards do not have sufficient ferrous material to create a good magnetic bond to (if any at all)
A Magnetic Pivot Apparatus For Vertical Mounting with a unique elongated mounting surface that is ideal for mounting on the outer corners of most buildings and housing that use metallic corner bead edging that is typically 1.5″ and 2.5″ in width. In addition, the invention disclosed can be used on more traditional surface such as the front or side of a refrigerator or any other surface that have ferromagnetic and paramagnetic properties.
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is based on U.S. provisional application 61/655727 filed Jun. 5, 2012 and hereby incorporated by reference. FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention relates to an electrical switch having a pushbutton operator that is resistant to contamination that would cause sticking of the pushbutton in an activated position. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] Modern appliances such as frontloading washing machines or dryers may provide for lid or door switches detecting when the appliance lid or door is open. These lid switches turn off the appliance to allow the user unhampered access to the clothing in the machine and to protect the consumer from machinery moving inside the appliance. Such switches may provide a button or “switch operator” extending from the housing of the appliance to be activated by closing of the door, the latter which presses the button inward into the housing. [0004] The switch operator may slide within a sleeve that provides for mechanical support to the switch operator guiding it in axial translation when the switch operator is pressed by the door. The sleeve may conform closely to an outer surface of the switch operator both to prevent the ingress of contaminants into the housing and to prevent camming or jamming of the switch operator as it is pressed inward by the door. The sleeve may be stationary with respect to the housing and therefore sealed to the housing. [0005] Contaminants such as water, bleach, fabric softener and detergent that are blocked by the close fit between the sleeve and the switch operator may nevertheless accumulate and dry on the outer surface of the switch operator that protrudes from the housing when the door is open. Such contaminants can cause the switch operator to jam within the sleeve when it is retracted therein potentially allowing operation of the appliance even when the door is open. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0006] The present invention provides a pushbutton switch operator assembly that better resists contamination in the laundry environment or the like by providing a support for the switch operator that is removed from the opening through which the switch operator extends. In this way, the opening through which the switch operator expands may be enlarged so that contamination building up on the switch operator does not interfere with the switch operator movement. Contamination entering through this opening may be diverted in a safe drain passage out of the housing of the switch and/or may be blocked when the switch is fully extended by a rearward collar on the switch operator. [0007] Specifically, then, the present invention provides, in one embodiment, an electrical switch having: a housing providing an opening therein, electrical contacts held within the housing, and a switch operator shaft communicating with the electrical contacts for opening and closing the electrical contacts. The switch operator is supported by a support structure positioned within the housing allowing the switch operator to move along an axis to project through the opening in the housing in an extended state and to retract at least in part into the housing in a retracted state. The support structure is removed from the opening, the latter of which provides substantially no support of the switch operator shaft. The switch operator shaft has a first radial extent about the axis smaller than the opening in the housing so that there is substantially no contact between the switch operator shaft and the opening in the housing when the switch operator shaft is in a retracted position. [0008] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide a switch with an operator that is more resistant to contamination of the outer operator surface. By moving the support structure away from this outer surface, interference between the outer surface and a supporting escutcheon opening is reduced. [0009] The housing may include a drain port for conducting liquid carried from outside the housing along the switch operator shaft into the housing out of the housing along the drainage path removed from the contacts. [0010] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to accommodate some ingress of contamination when the switch operator is fully retracted. [0011] The electrical contacts may communicate with the switch operator by means of a lever having a first cam surface interacting with the switch operator to pivot the lever with axial movement of the switch operator and wherein the lever extends in a direction substantially perpendicular to the axis and the drainage path. [0012] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to offset the electrical components of the switch outside of the natural drainage of contamination of the switch operator. [0013] The switch operator shaft may include an axial bore and the support structure may be a pillar extending along the axis and fitting slidably within the axial bore. [0014] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to shield the support structure within the switch operator to better resist contamination. [0015] The pillar may include a central bore receiving a helical compression spring extending between a bottom of the central bore of the pillar and a top of the axial bore of the switch operator shaft to urge the switch operator shaft toward the extended state. [0016] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide a spring-biasing of the switch operator that is both resistant to contamination and centered along an axis of movement of the switch operator to reduce camming. [0017] The invention may include a key element on the switch operator shaft for resisting rotation of the switch operator shaft about the axis during movement between the extended and retracted state. [0018] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to allow reliable intercommunication between the switch operator and the contacts such as may otherwise be disturbed by rotation of the switch operator. [0019] The key element may be a radially extending finger fitting within a channel parallel to the axis and fixed with respect to the housing. In one example, the key element may extend radially outward and the channel is outside of the switch operator shaft. [0020] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide a simple method of preventing rotation of the switch operator that may employ an arbitrarily long lever to be removed from contamination or the need for close tolerances. [0021] Alternatively the key element may radially extend inward and the channel is a portion of the pillar. [0022] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide a key element that is largely shielded from the possibility of contamination [0023] The electrical switch may include a shaft collar extending radially about the axis from a rear end of the switch operator shaft and having a radial extent larger than the radial extent of the switch operator shaft and substantially equal to the opening in the housing to obstruct the opening in the housing when the switch operator shaft is in the extended state. [0024] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide a mechanism for blocking ingress of contamination, for example when the washing machine or dryer door is open and the switch is most subject to contamination, and to provide a trip ledge for truncating inflow of contamination along the switch operator held by capillary attraction. [0025] The electrical contacts may be closed when the switch operator is in the retracted state. [0026] It is thus a feature of at least one embodiment of the invention to provide for an open state of at least one pair of contacts (for example that may control the activation of internal machinery) when the switch operator is in the extended state most susceptible to jamming. [0027] Other features and advantages of the invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon review of the following detailed description, claims and drawings in which like numerals are used to designate like features. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0028] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a front-loading washing machine suitable for use with the present invention showing an enlarged detail of a switch operator extending from a housing of the appliance; [0029] FIG. 2 is an exploded diagram of the switch operator as supported by an internal pillar and biased by a helical compression spring showing a rearward flaring of the switch operator to provide sealing, and a drip ring and sideably extending tabs that stabilize the switch operator against rotation, limit outward travel of the switch operator and activate an internal switch mechanism; [0030] FIG. 3 a is a cross-section taken along line 3 - 3 of FIG. 1 showing the switch operator in an extended position when an appliance door is open; [0031] FIG. 3 b is a figure similar to that of 3 a showing the switch operator in a retracted position when the appliance door is closed; [0032] FIG. 4 is a figure similar to FIG. 2 showing an internal slot stabilizing the switch against rotation; [0033] FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a switch that may incorporate the switch operator of the present invention extending therefrom for actuation of the switch and having electrical conductors for connecting the switch to other elements such as a motor of an appliance; and [0034] FIG. 6 is an elevational cross-section along line 2 - 2 in FIG. 1 showing a mechanical linkage between the switch operator and an over-center spring mechanism for moving a center contact between two outer flanking contacts each connected to different of the conductors of FIG. 2 , where the lower flanking contact is mounted to be substantially stationary and the upper flanking contact is mounted on a flexible support arm, the switch being shown in a first “safe” state with the switch operator released. [0035] Before the embodiments of the invention are explained in detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and the arrangement of the components set forth in the following description or illustrated in the drawings. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or being carried out in various ways. Also, it is to be understood that the phraseology and terminology used herein are for the purpose of description and should not be regarded as limiting. The use of “including” and “comprising” and variations thereof is meant to encompass the items listed thereafter and equivalents thereof as well as additional items and equivalents thereof. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS [0036] Referring now to FIG. 1 , an appliance 10 , for example a front-loading washing machine, may provide for a housing 12 having an opening 14 in a front wall 13 for providing a user access to a washing volume 15 of a type well known in the art. The opening 14 may be coverable by a door 16 that may seal against the opening 14 to block the flow of water therethrough. While a washing machine is shown in the following example, the invention may also be used in other appliances subject to contamination including dryers, these appliances referred to herein, generally, as laundry machines. [0037] The door 16 may hinge, for example, about a vertical axis at one edge of the door 16 to a side of the opening 14 so that the opposite edge of the door 16 may swing inwards covering the opening 14 and pressing inward on a switch operator 18 protruding from that opposite edge. The pressing inward of the switch operator 18 provides an electrical signal to a control system of the appliance 10 indicating closure of the door 16 and normally allowing activation of internal mechanisms such as a spin basket/agitator, water valves and the like. [0038] In one embodiment, the switch operator 18 may present a button providing a substantially cylindrical outer surface axially aligned with the horizontal axis 20 and movable along the horizontal axis 20 generally perpendicular to a front face of the appliance. [0039] The switch operator 18 may extend through a front faceplate 22 being an integral or connectable part of the switch 48 associated with the switch operator 18 , for example, providing an escutcheon that seals against the housing 12 . An opening 24 in the faceplate 22 through which the switch operator 18 extends is sized to be larger than the radius circumscribing the extending portion of the switch operator 18 (being the radius of the cylinder of the switch operator 18 when it is cylindrical). This opening 24 is nevertheless filled when the switch operator 18 is fully extended (as shown in FIG. 1 ) by a collar 26 extending radially outward near a rear edge of the switch operator 18 (closest to the housing 12 ) and integrally formed with the remainder of the switch operator 18 , for example, as a thermoplastic injection molded part. This collar 26 may be circular or other shape conforming to the opening 24 . Alternatively, the collar 26 may be a rearward flaring on the switch operator 18 . [0040] Referring now to FIG. 2 , a rear edge of the switch operator 18 behind the radially extending collar 26 may include side tabs 30 a and 30 b extending from the switch operator perpendicularly to the axis 20 on either side of the axis 20 . The tab 30 a may engage with a cam surface 34 to move a rocker arm 36 about a fulcrum 38 when the switch operator 18 is pressed inward. The rocker arm 36 communicates with electrical contacts 39 of a type known in the art to provide a switching of electrical current through switch leads 40 . More specifically, at least two contacts 39 of the switch 48 may contact when the switch operator 18 is fully depressed, for example, to allow current flow to an appliance motor (not shown) when the door 16 is closed. Conversely, the two contacts 39 may be separated when the switch operator 18 is fully extended to break current flow to the appliance motor. [0041] The remaining and opposite tab 30 b may be received by a guide slot 44 , for example, formed in a housing 46 of the switch 48 . Engagement between the tabs 30 b and guide slot 44 over the full extension range of the switch operator 18 helps prevent rotation of the switch operator 18 and ensures proper alignment of the tab 30 a and the cam surface 34 . The tabs 30 a and 30 b may also limit the outward travel of the switch operator 18 by extending beyond the collar 26 to abut a rear surface of opening 24 as the switch operator 18 moves outward. [0042] A guide pillar 50 may extend forward along axis 20 from a portion of the housing 46 adjacent to the guide slot 44 and have an outer diameter that may fit within an axial bore 52 formed coaxially within the switch operator 18 and opening rearwardly therefrom. The interface between the pillar 50 and the bore 52 provides the axial guidance of the switch operator 18 when it is extended and retracted that would otherwise be provided by a tightly fitting outer sleeve not employed in the present invention. The pillar 50 may itself include an internal coaxial bore 54 that may receive a helical compression spring 56 fitting between the bottom of the bore 54 at one end and a top of the bore 52 in the switch operator 18 on the other end. The helical compression spring 56 operates to bias the switch operator 18 to its fully extended outward position in the absence of pressure by the door 16 . [0043] Referring now to FIG. 3 a , when the switch operator 18 is in its outermost position (limited by the tabs 30 a and 30 b not shown in FIG. 3 a ) the collar 26 substantially fills the diameter 68 of the opening 24 to prevent contamination 60 outside of the appliance 10 from passing into the inner volume 62 of the switch 48 or inside the appliance 10 . [0044] Nevertheless contamination 60 , for example bleach or other cleaning products described above, can contact the outer surface of the extended switch operator 18 and may harden in the form of crystals or the like as surface contamination 64 which increases the effective diameter 70 of the switch operator 18 beyond the actual diameter 72 of the switch operator 18 . This increase in effective diameter 70 would normally cause jamming of the switch operator 18 against an outer supporting sleeve but in the present invention the effective diameter 70 will remain below the diameter 68 of the opening 24 during typical use. Contamination 60 which drips off of the switch operator 18 , when the switch operator 18 is fully extended, will be guided by the lower portion of the collar 26 and the inter-fitting faceplate 22 to remain outside of the housing 12 . The switch operator 18 is held, when the door 16 is open, in this fully extended position by the extension of the helical spring 56 . [0045] Referring now to FIG. 3 b , when the switch operator 18 is pressed inward by the door 16 , the surface contamination 64 may pass easily through the opening 24 as the collar 26 moves back and the spring 56 is compressed. Contamination 60 on the switch operator 18 or otherwise introduced through the opening 24 at this point in time may wick along the under surface of the switch operator 18 but will be prevented from entering the low clearance space between the pillar 50 and the inner bore of the switch operator 18 by the action of the collar 26 which forms a drip ring conducting any such liquid to a lower point 66 away from this interface and along a drain path 67 leading out of the housing 46 . [0046] Referring momentarily to FIGS. 1 and 6 , symmetric drain paths 67 and 67 ′ are placed on opposite sides of the housing 46 to allow the housing 46 to be mounted to the appliance 10 in either of two orientations so that one of the drain paths 67 , 67 ′ is directed downward. [0047] Referring now to FIG. 4 , in an alternative embodiment or in conjunction with the embodiment of FIG. 2 , the pillar 50 may have a side slot 74 running along axis 20 to give the pillar 50 a C-shaped cross-section. An internal tooth 76 within the bore 52 of the switch operator 18 may slide along the slot 74 to prevent rotation of the switch operator 18 with axial movement of the switch operator 18 in the same manner as the guide slot 44 while allowing elimination of the guide slot 44 . [0048] It will be appreciated that any contamination that collects between the collar 26 and the opening 24 , for example, when the switch operator is fully extended as shown in FIG. 3 a , will be broken by movement of the switch operator 18 inward by closing of the door 16 or otherwise will prevent the appliance motor from being activated thus holding the appliance 10 in a safe state. [0049] Referring now to FIG. 5 , the housing 46 of the electrical switch 48 may be constructed of an insulating thermoplastic material molded to include the opening 24 through which the pushbutton switch operator 18 extends. Conductive leads 40 may extend through other openings in the housing 46 to communicate with external electrical circuits, for example motors or actuators of a household appliance (not shown). [0050] Referring now to FIG. 6 , the electrical switch 48 may contain an upper contact 118 , a center contact 120 , and a lower contact 122 arranged to provide a single pole, double throw electrical switch with the upper contact 118 and lower contact 122 generally flanking the center contact 120 . The center contact 120 may move between the upper contact 118 and lower contact 120 to selectively and alternatively connect to only one of the upper contact 118 and lower contact 122 . [0051] The center contact 120 may be supported on a relatively rigid conductive lever 124 attached at a knife edge pivot point 126 to a conductive support bracket 128 , the latter communicating with one of the conductive leads 40 and pivot point 126 allowing electrical conduction from the conductive lever 124 to the conductive lead 40 . By pivoting the lever 124 around the pivot point 126 , the lever 124 may be moved upward and downward so that the center contact 120 alternately connects electrically to upper contact 118 and lower contact 122 . [0052] A helical over-center spring 130 attaches to a center portion of the lever 124 and extends away from the center contact 120 to a support post 132 on the housing 46 to provide a force on the lever 124 tending to engage the lever 124 and support bracket 128 at the pivot point 126 . [0053] The switch operator 18 , when pressed inward (into the page as depicted in FIG. 6 ), presses against a cam surface 34 attached at one end of a rocker arm 36 to rotate the rocker arm 36 counterclockwise about a center-positioned fulcrum 38 held on a fulcrum block 127 . An opposite end of the rocker arm 36 provides an upwardly extending finger 140 which deflects a center region of the helical over-center spring 130 upward to change its line of action 142 with respect to the fulcrum 38 . The line of action 142 represents a force vector asserted on the lever 124 by the helical over-center spring 130 . When the line of action 42 is above the pivot point 126 , the lever 124 will snap rapidly upward and when the line of action 42 is below the pivot point 126 , lever 124 will snap rapidly downward. [0054] Referring still to FIG. 6 , the upper contact 118 and lower contact 122 are each generally supported on a cantilevered conductive metal strip to one of the conductive leads 40 . Specifically, the upper contact 118 is supported on a lower distal end of flexible metal lever 146 and the lower contact 122 is supported on an upper distal end of a substantially rigid conductive metal strip 144 . Generally the strip 144 and lever 146 extend from their respective contacts 118 and 122 in the opposite direction as the lever 124 . [0055] When the switch operator 18 is released and the rocker arm 36 rotates to its full clockwise position, the line of action 142 of the helical over-center spring 130 moves below the pivot point 126 and a lower surface of the center contact 120 contacts an upper surface of the lower contact 122 at a first position as pulled together by a torsional vector component of the force along the line of action 142 of the over-center spring 130 , the force pulling downward on lever 124 . An upper surface of contact 120 is separated from a lower surface of the upper contact 118 so that a circuit is “made” between contacts 121 and 122 and “broken” between contacts 121 and 118 . [0056] When the switch operator 18 is compressed, the rocker arm 36 rotates to a full counterclockwise position pressing upward on the helical over-center spring 130 to move the line of action 142 above the pivot point 126 pulling upward on lever 124 so that an upper surface of contact 122 contacts the lower surface of contact 118 at a second position. Under the force of contact 122 , flexible lever 146 is moved upward allowing the lever 146 to straighten as it rotates to break any microscopic welds. [0057] Various of the components of the switch 48 as described above are the subject of co-pending application publication number 2013/0015049 published Jan. 17, 2013 and hereby incorporated in its entirety by reference. [0058] Various features of the invention are set forth in the following claims. It should be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and arrangements of the components set forth herein. The invention is capable of other embodiments and of being practiced or carried out in various ways. Variations and modifications of the foregoing are within the scope of the present invention. It also being understood that the invention disclosed and defined herein extends to all alternative combinations of two or more of the individual features mentioned or evident from the text and/or drawings. All of these different combinations constitute various alternative aspects of the present invention. The embodiments described herein explain the best modes known for practicing the invention and will enable others skilled in the art to utilize the invention.
A switch suitable for use in contaminated environments provides for internal support of the operator allowing an oversized opening in the housing of the switch through which the operator extends. In this way contamination on the outer surface of the operator may be accommodated without a jamming of the operator in the retracted position.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION This application is the national phase under 35 USC 371 of international application no. PCT/EP2011/001756, filed Apr. 8, 2011, which claims the benefit of the priority date of German application no. 10 2010 022 985.7, filed Jun. 8, 2010. The contents of the aforementioned applications are incorporated herein in their entirety. FIELD OF DISCLOSURE The invention relates to a filling element as well as to a filling machine. BACKGROUND Filling elements and filling machines for filling bottles or similar containers, in particular also for pressure-filling, are known in different embodiments. For the purpose of the invention, the term “pressure-filling” is to be understood generally to mean a filling method wherein before the actual filling phase, i.e. before the opening of the liquid valve, the respective container that is to be filled and that lies with its container mouth in sealed position against the filling element is pre-stressed with a pressurised pressure gas (inert gas or CO2 gas) which the filling material flowing to the container then increasingly displaces as return gas from the container interior during filling. For the purpose of the invention, “container in sealed position with the filling element” means that the respective container that is to be filled lies in the manner known to the skilled person with its container mouth pressed seal-tight against the filling element or against a seal at that location which encircles the at least one discharge port. In the case of known filling elements, the pressure gas is delivered to the respective container and the return gas is taken away from the respective container over one and the same controlled gas path configured in the filling element, i.e. over a gas path in which a control valve is disposed. This is then for example part of a pneumatic control valve array and is controlled by at least one electrically controllable switching valve of a machine controller of the filling machine. In order among other things to increase the output of a filling machine (number of filled containers per unit of time) while maintaining the gentle filling of the containers, it would make sense if the effective flow cross-section of the gas path for the pressure gas were greater than the effective flow cross-section of the gas path for the return gas, since on the one hand the time (cycle time) for pre-stressing can be reduced and on the other hand a filling speed that is optimum for gentle filling can be achieved in this way. For the purpose of the invention, “effective flow cross-section” means that flow cross-section which the respective gas path exhibits overall and which is essentially determined by the section (gas path section) of the gas path having the smallest cross-section. This requirement for a larger effective flow cross-section for the pressure gas and at the same time for a reduced effective flow cross-section for the return gas cannot be satisfied by a single control valve in the common gas path for the pressure gas and the return gas. Instead this would require at least two control valves with associated electrical switching valve, and this would mean a considerable complexity in terms of both design and in particular of circuit engineering and control engineering. SUMMARY The task of the invention is to provide a filling element which with little additional design complexity facilitates different flow cross-sections for the pressure gas and the return gas with no additional complexity in terms of circuit engineering and control engineering. A peculiarity of the invention consists generally in the fact that in the common gas path—which may also be bifurcated for example—for the pressure gas and the return gas a switching valve is provided which in a first switched state brings about a first effective flow cross-section, for example the greater effective flow cross-section of the gas path for the pressure gas, and in a second switched state brings about a second, smaller than the first, effective flow cross-section of the gas path, for example for the return gas. The switching valve is switched by a drive or mechanically, preferably via a valve stem of the liquid valve or via a valve tube or gas tube, by the actuator of the liquid valve, and exhibits the first switched state for example when the liquid valve is closed and the second switched state for example when the liquid valve is open. The switching valve can be realised in a relatively simple way while retaining the proven design of the filling element. Further embodiments, advantages and possible applications of the invention arise out of the following description of embodiments and out of the figures. All of the described and/or depicted attributes whether alone or in any desired combination are fundamentally the subject matter of the invention independently of their synopsis in the claims or a retroactive application thereof. The content of the claims is also made an integral part of the description. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES The invention is explained in detail below through the use of embodiment examples with reference to the figures. In the figures: FIG. 1 shows in simplified partial representation a filling system according to the invention, together with a bottle raised in sealed position against the filling element of this system; FIGS. 2 and 3 each show in enlarged schematic partial representation a gas space and a switching valve there configured of the filling element of FIG. 1 with two different versions of this valve; FIG. 4 shows in simplified partial representation a filling system according to the invention, together with a bottle raised in sealed position against the filling element of this system in the case of a further embodiment of the invention; FIG. 5 shows in enlarged schematic partial representation a gas space and a switching valve there configured of the filling element of FIG. 4 . DETAILED DESCRIPTION The filling system indicated generally in FIG. 1 by 1 is part of a rotary-type filling machine for filling a liquid filling material into bottles 2 or similar containers. To this end, filling system 1 consists among other things of filling elements 3 , of which only one filling element 3 is shown in FIG. 1 and which are provided at equal angular distances about the periphery of a rotor 4 of the filling machine which (rotor) can be driven to rotate about a vertical machine axis. On the only partially depicted rotor 4 is disposed a tank 5 common to all filling elements 3 and which is configured for example as an annular tank and which during the filling operation is partly filled with the filling material up to a predetermined level N by way of level control. During the filling operation therefore, tank 5 is occupied by an upper gas space 5 . 1 and a lower liquid space 5 . 2 . If filling system 1 is used for pressure-filling the liquid filling material into the containers or bottles 2 , then gas space 5 . 1 is filled under pressure-control with an inert gas (CO2 gas) which is at a filling pressure. The liquid filling material is fed under control to tank 5 over a supply line which is not shown. In a housing 6 of filling element 3 there is configured among other things a liquid channel 7 which is connected via a line 8 to liquid space 5 . 2 of tank 5 . In liquid channel 7 there is provided a liquid valve 9 for the controlled delivery of the liquid filling material across an annular discharge port 10 which concentrically encircles a vertical filling element axis FA and which is formed on the underside of filling element 3 by the local open end of liquid channel 7 . At discharge port 10 there is provided a centering tulip 11 with seal 12 which annularly encircles discharge port 10 and against which respective bottle 2 lies pressed with its bottle mouth 2 . 1 , i.e. in sealed position, during the filling, in particular also during the pressure-filling. Liquid valve 9 consists essentially of a valve body 9 . 1 which is disposed in liquid channel 7 and which interacts with a valve seat configured on the inner surface of liquid channel 7 . In the depicted embodiment, valve body 9 . 1 is provided or configured on a valve tube or gas tube 13 disposed on the same axis as filling element axis FA and open at both ends and which both acts as a valve stem to actuate liquid valve 9 and for this purpose interacts with an actuator 14 with which gas tube 13 and hence valve body 9 . 1 can be moved through a predetermined stroke axially on filling element axis FA (double arrow A) to open and close liquid valve 9 . Gas tube 13 protrudes by its lower open end through discharge port 11 and beyond the underside of housing 6 and so during filling extends by that end into the interior of bottle 2 . Gas tube 14 extends by its upper, likewise open end into a closed gas space 15 . Reference number 16 indicates a probe which is arranged on the same axis as filling element axis FA and which determines the fill height in respective bottle 2 , extending through gas tube 13 and protruding by its lower end out of the lower open end of gas tube 13 . Between the outer surface of probe 16 and the inner surface of gas tube 13 there is configured an annular gas channel 17 which is open at the lower end of gas tube 13 and which at the upper end of gas tube 13 is connected to gas space 15 in the manner described in more detail below. Gas space 15 configured inside housing 6 is part of a gas path system or gas channel system which exhibits a plurality of controlled gas paths with associated control valves 18 . 1 , 18 . 2 and 18 . 3 . These control valves 18 . 1 , 18 . 2 and 18 . 3 which in the depicted embodiment are pneumatically actuated are part of a control valve array 18 which—as is known to the skilled person—is used to control different filling methods or their process or filling phases, among other things by the controlled connection of gas paths of the gas path system or gas channel system with annular channels 19 , 20 and 21 which are provided on rotor 4 for filling elements 3 in common and of which ring channel 20 is connected by a line 22 to gas space 5 . 1 of tank 1 so that ring channel 20 also carries the pressurised inert gas. In the case of pressure-filling, before the actual filling phase, at least a pre-stressing of bottles 2 takes place with the pressurised inert gas which when control valve 18 . 2 is open flows as pressure gas from ring channel 20 across gas space 15 and gas channel 17 into bottle 2 arranged in sealed position at filling element 3 . During the subsequent filling phase and in particular during the rapid filling phase when liquid valve 9 is open the inert gas displaced out of the bottle interior by the filling material flowing into bottle 2 is returned as return gas to ring channel 20 through gas channel 17 , gas space 5 and open control valve 18 . 2 . The duration of the pre-stressing of respective bottle 2 is determined among other things by the effective flow cross-section of the gas path through which the pressure gas flows from ring channel 20 into bottle 2 . The filling rate or flow rate at which the liquid filling material flows through discharge port 10 during the filling phase and in particular during the rapid filling phase of respective bottle 2 is determined among other things by the height of the filling material level N in tank 5 and by the effective flow cross-section of the gas path through which the return gas passes to ring channel 20 . To achieve a highest possible output of the filling system (number of filled bottles per unit of time) while still maintaining a gentle filling of bottles 2 with the liquid filling material, it is among other things a requirement for the gas path for the pre-stressing of respective bottle 2 with the pressure gas or inert gas from ring channel 20 to exhibit the greatest possible effective flow cross-section so as to achieve short cycle times for the pre-stressing, while the gas path for the return gas should exhibit a reduced effective flow cross-section during the filling phase and in particular also during the rapid filling phase. To satisfy these requirements without an additional control valve of control valve array 18 and without involving additional attendant complexity in terms of design and/or circuitry engineering and/or control engineering, filling element 3 is provided among other things with two different gas paths for the pre-stressing and the filling/rapid filling which share a single control valve 18 . 2 . For this purpose control valve 18 . 2 is connected on its input side to ring channel 20 via a gas channel 23 and on its output side to gas space 15 via a gas channel 24 and a further parallel gas channel 25 with throttle 26 . The different gas paths formed for the pressure gas and the return gas by gas channels 24 and 25 are mechanically switched in the manner described below by actuator 14 of liquid valve 9 , i.e. in the depicted embodiment by gas tube 13 together with the opening and closing of liquid valve 9 . Gas space 15 is schematically depicted in more detail in FIG. 2 . Also depicted are in particular probe 16 which is extended out of gas space 15 and sealed at the top with the use of a seal 27 as well as the two gas channels 24 and 25 opening into gas space 15 , with the throttle 26 being in gas channel 25 . The upper end of gas tube 13 is provided with an annular body 28 which encircles probe 16 concentrically and at a distance and which has a flange projecting radially away over the outer surface of the annular body at the top of the annular body, on which (flange) is attached a ring seal 29 encircling probe 16 concentrically and at a distance. When liquid valve 9 is closed, i.e. when gas tube 13 is lowered, ring seal 29 is spaced at a distance from inner surface 15 . 1 of gas space 15 which (inner surface) lies axially opposite it relative to filling element axis FA, and from mouth 24 . 1 of gas channel 24 . When liquid valve 9 is open, ring seal 29 lies against inner surface 15 . 1 in the region of mouth 24 . 1 and sealing the latter tight. In interaction with inner surface 15 . 1 which encircles mouth 24 . 1 , annular body 28 with seal 29 therefore forms a switching valve 30 which when liquid valve 9 is closed mouth 24 . 1 is open to gas space 15 . When liquid valve 9 is closed and control valve 18 . 2 is open therefore there exists for the pressure gas during pre-stressing a gas path with a large flow cross-section out of ring channel 20 and through gas channel 24 , gas space 15 , the interior of annular body 28 which (interior) is open to gas space 15 across radial ports 31 , and across an end port 32 , and gas channel 17 which connects with the interior of annular body 28 . When liquid valve 9 is open and control valve 18 . 2 is closed, i.e. during filling, in particular during rapid filling, there therefore exists for the return gas only a gas path with reduced flow cross-section into ring channel 20 , across gas channel 17 , radial ports 31 in annular body 28 , gas space 15 and gas channel 25 with throttle 26 which now determines or essentially determines the effective reduced flow cross-section of this gas path. The embodiment of switching valve 32 depicted in FIG. 2 also has particular advantages for a CIP cleaning of filling elements 3 because during this cleaning, a flow connection with a relatively large cross-section exists for the cleaning and/or sterilisation medium that is used between gas channel 17 and gas space 15 through ports 31 when liquid valve 9 is open. FIG. 3 shows a modified embodiment in which, when liquid valve 9 is open, switching valve 30 a formed by annular body 28 a with ring seal 29 a in interaction with inner surface 15 . 1 of gas space 15 creates a connection solely between gas channel 17 and gas channel 25 that exhibits throttle 26 , whereas when liquid valve 9 is closed, gas channel 17 also connects with gas channel 24 . For this purpose mouth 25 . 1 of gas channel 25 is executed as an annular port encircling probe 16 . Gas channel 24 opens out into gas space 15 such that it is always connected to gas space 15 whatever the state of valve 30 a . Annular body 28 a exhibits no radial ports in this embodiment. When liquid valve 9 is closed, valve body 29 is axially spaced from mouth 25 . 1 relative to filling element axis FA so that during the pre-stressing of respective bottle 2 , a flow connection from both gas channels 24 and 25 into gas space 15 and hence into gas channel 17 exists when control valve 18 . 1 is open. When liquid valve 9 is open, valve body 29 lies tight against the inner surface of gas space 15 surrounding mouth 25 . 1 , so that during the filling phase and in particular also during the rapid filling phase there exists a connection for the return gas from gas channel 17 solely into gas channel 25 with throttle 26 . Reference sign 33 indicates a gas channel in which control valve 18 . 3 is arranged and which connects gas space 15 to ring channel 21 . This gas channel is used for example for relieving pressure in respective bottle 2 after the end of the filling phase, by control valve 18 . 3 being opened. Control valve 18 . 1 is connected on its input side to gas channels 24 and 25 and on its output side via a gas channel 34 to ring channel 19 through which for example at the start of filling an evacuation of respective bottle 2 is effected controlled by control valve 18 . 1 , again across gas space 15 , additional switching valve 30 or 30 a that is opened when the liquid valve 9 is closed, and gas channel 17 . FIG. 4 shows a filling element 3 a of a filling system 1 a . Filling element 3 a differs from filling element 3 only in that the gas channel system in housing 6 does not exhibit gas channel 25 with throttle 26 but instead the restricting of the return gas during the filling phase or rapid filling phase of the filling process is integrated into switching valve 30 b that corresponds to switching valve 30 or 30 a ( FIG. 5 ). The components which correspond to filling element 3 in regard to their configuration and/or function are indicated in FIG. 4 with the same reference numbers as in FIG. 1 . FIG. 5 depicts schematically gas space 15 of filling element 3 a . To form switching valve 30 b , gas tube 13 is again provided at its upper end which protrudes into gas space 15 with an annular body 28 b having an end ring seal 29 b and which concentrically encircles probe 16 at a distance, and in such a way as to create at its end an annular port 32 b which encircles probe 16 and which is for the interior of annular body 28 b which connects with gas channel 17 . Gas channel 24 opens out into gas space 15 and in such a way that its connection with gas space 15 is independent of the state of switching valve 30 b . When liquid valve 8 is closed, ring seal 29 b is at a distance from inner surface 15 . 1 lying opposite it of gas space 15 , so that among other things during the pre-stressing of respective bottle 2 , when control valve 18 . 2 is open, the pressure gas guided out of ring channel 20 across gas channels 23 and 24 into gas space 15 is able to flow across the largest cross-section of port 32 b into gas channel 17 and hence into bottle 2 . When the liquid valve is closed, seal 29 b lies tight against inner surface 15 . 1 so that port 32 b is closed and it is now only through radial ports 31 b which are provided in annular body 28 b and whose total flow cross-section is very much smaller than the flow cross-section of port 32 b that the return gas can pass at a greatly restricted rate out of gas channel 17 and into gas space 15 from where the return gas is then returned through gas channels 23 and 24 and open control valve 18 . 2 into ring channel 20 . The invention has been described hereinbefore by reference to embodiments. It goes without saying that numerous variations are possible without departing from the concept underlying the invention. Common to all embodiments described above is that switching valve 30 , 30 a or 30 b is mechanically actuated with actuator 14 of liquid valve 9 and is realised with a valve body (annular body 28 , 28 a , 28 b and seal 29 , 29 a and 29 b respectively) which is provided on gas tube 13 acting as a valve stem for liquid valve 9 , so that a change of the flow cross-section for the pressure gas and the return gas is achieved without any additional control valve which would require additional circuit engineering and control engineering complexity. Other embodiments are of course also possible, in particular those in which the respective annular or valve body of the switching valve is formed by a section of gas tube 13 and/or the annular body or valve body is an element connected to the return gas tube. Moreover the invention is of course not limited to filling elements or filling systems having probes that determine the fill height, but also includes among other things filling elements and filling systems in which the filling material quantity introduced into the respective container is controlled by other means, for example by measuring the delivered filling material quantity and/or the weight of the respective container as it is filled. LIST OF REFERENCE SIGNS 1 , 1 a Filling system 2 Bottle 2 . 1 Bottle mouth 3 , 3 a Filling element 4 Rotor 5 Tank 5 . 1 Gas space 5 . 2 Liquid space 6 Filling element housing 7 Liquid channel 8 Pipe 9 Liquid valve 9 . 1 Valve body 10 Discharge port 11 Centering tulip 12 Seal 13 Valve or gas tube 14 Actuator 15 Gas space 15 . 1 Inner surface 16 Probe 17 Gas channel 18 Control valve device 18 . 1 - 18 . 3 Control valve 19 , 20 , 21 Ring channel 22 Pipe 23 - 25 Gas channel 24 . 1 , 25 . 1 Mouth 26 Throttle 27 Seal 28 , 28 a , 28 b Annular body 29 , 29 a , 29 b Ring seal 30 , 30 a , 30 b Switching valve 31 , 31 b Radial port 32 , 32 a , 32 b Port 33 , 34 Gas channel A Movement stroke of the valve body 9 . 1 N Level of the filling material surface in tank 5 FA Filling element axis
A filling element for filling containers includes a housing having a liquid channel, a connection for feeding liquid into the channel, a discharge port for discharging liquid into a container provided in a sealed position on the filling element, a valve in the channel between the connection and the port, an actuator for opening and closing the channel, a gas path for pre-stressing the container's interior with gas and returning displaced gas, a switching valve in the gas path, the valve being switchable by the actuator between a first state for use while pre-stressing and a second switched state for use with displaced gas, wherein in the first state, the gas path has a first effective flow cross section, and in the second state, the gas path has a second effective flow cross section, the second effective flow cross section being different from the first effective flow cross section.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention invention relates to a handle attachment for a chest drainage unit and relates more specifically to a handle attachment for capturing a pair of hangers of a chest drainage unit to allow for easy, one-handed, transport within a medical facility by appropriate medical personnel. 2. Description of Related Art Chest drainage units (CDUs) are used to collect and measure fluids and other materials from a patient's chest during and after surgery and as a result of injury to the patient's chest. It is important to be able to safely transport such units within a medical facility without tipping or spilling the liquid and other materials from the container. It is also beneficial for medical personnel to be able to transport the CDUs with the use of only one hand so that their second or other hand is available to open doors and/or hold other miscellaneous equipment associated with the CDU. During use, many CDUs are suspended by a pair of hangers from a bedside rail. Referring to FIG. 1, a typical CDU is shown and designated at 10. A pair of rigid hangers 12 and 14 connect CDU 10 to a bedrail 16 (shown in dashed outline) or similar such support. Usually, the pair of hangers 12 and 14 support the CDU 10 on a bedrail from opposite ends of a top surface 18 at mounts 20 and 22, respectively of CDU 10 as shown in FIG. 1. Hangers 12 and 14 typically would have a distal curved end 24 that would extend around the bedrail 16 or such similar support, and a proximal pivot end 26 that is pivotally attached to the CDU 10 at mounts 20 and 22, respectively. The term "proximal" is meant to refer to that end of the hanger which is closest to the CDU and "distal" to that end of the hanger which is farthest from the CDU. The hangers 12 and 14 are allowed to rotate on their pivot end 26 in all directions such that the curved end 24 of hangers 12 and 14 can move in generally parallel directions or towards and away from each other as is needed. When transporting the CDU 10, the unit can be carried from underneath its body by two hands or each of the curved ends 24 of hangers 12 and 14 can be grasped to support the unit. Medical personnel could attempt to grasp both curved ends 24 of hangers 12 and 14 in one hand, however, this has been found to be difficult because when the CDU is full of liquid it weighs approximately ten pounds and the hangers 12 and 14 will bite into the carrier's hand sufficiently to cause discomfort. It is therefore, desirable to provide a handle attachment for readily grasping the ends of hangers 12 and 14 to allow medical personnel to transport the CDU with the use of only one hand in a safe manner. Various prior art devices have utilized a molded handle in the top surface of the CDU for transporting the CDU. However, such a design would require that a specialized mold be made to form the body of such a CDU which would entail a significant expense. Furthermore, when transporting a CDU having a molded handle in its top surface (not shown), the hangers 12 and 14 are left to dangle at the sides of the CDU thereby creating a significant danger of having the curved hanger ends 24 catching on foreign objects while the CDU is being transported through the medical facility. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In accordance with the present invention, a handle attachment for a chest drainage unit (CDU) is provided which allows for easy, one-handed, transport of the CDU by medical personnel within a medical facility. More specifically, a handle attachment is provided having a pair of slots for receiving the ends of a pair of hangers provided with the CDU for supporting the CDU on a bedrail or the like. The handle's slots include a detent for securely retaining the hanger ends within the confines of the slot to prevent the hangers from accidentally slipping off the handle during transportation. It is therefore an object of the invention to provide a handle attachment for use with a CDU having a pair of hangers for easy, one-handed, transportation of the CDU within a medical facility. It is a further object of the invention to provide a handle attachment having at least one slot for receiving a hanger from a CDU device for providing easy, one-handed, transportation of the CDU within a medical facility. It is yet another object to provide a handle attachment for a CDU having a pair of slots for receiving the hangers of a CDU device wherein the slots are provided with a mechanism for securely retaining the hanger within the slot of the handle attachment. And, it is yet another object to provide a handle attachment for use with existing CDU devices that are currently being used in medical facilities around the country to allow for the easy, one-handed, transportation of such existing CDU devices within such medical facilities without costly replacement or reworking of such CDU devices. These and other objects of the invention will be made clear from the description contained herein and, more particularly, with reference to the following detailed description of the invention and the accompanying drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a typical chest drainage unit (CDU) being supported on a bedrail or the like. FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a handle attachment of the preferred embodiment of the invention. FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the handle attachment of FIG. 2 in use with a CDU in preparation for easy, one-handed, transportation of the CDU. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION In the description that follows, like elements, whether described above or below, are referred to with like reference numbers. Referring now to the drawing in more detail and initially to FIG. 1, a typical chest drainage unit (CDU) is shown and designated at 10. The CDU 10 is shown supported on a bedrail 16 or the like so that the CDU can be conveniently located near a medical patient who may require its use. Obviously, the CDU could be supported by any convenient medical instrument or piece of furniture which is normally located within a convenient distance to a medical patient who needs the use of the CDU. The CDU 10 usually has a pair of hangers 12 and 14 which connect to a top surface 18 of the CDU 10. The top surface 18 is provided with a pair of hanger mounts 20 and 22 which receive a proximal pivoting end 26 of hangers 12 and 14 such that the hangers are allowed to rotate in all directions. The opposite or distal ends of hangers 12 and 14 are provided with a curved end 24 that would extend around a bedrail 16 or such similar support. The hangers 12 and 14 are shown being pivotally attached to the top surface 18 of CDU 10, however it is also possible that the pivot end 26 of hangers 12 and 14 would be attached to the upper sides of the CDU as long as such hangers are allowed relatively free movement such that their distal free ends are allowed sufficient movement to connect to the invention as discussed below. Referring now to FIG. 2, a handle 30 is illustrated for use with the CDU 10 of FIG. 1. Handle 30 includes a rigid main support member 32 and an arcuate top grasping member 34. The top grasping member 34 can be of any geometric shape however for the preferred embodiment shown in FIG. 2 an arcuate shape is shown. Support slots 36 and 38 are provided at either end of the main support member 32 which are designed to receive the curved ends 24 of hangers 12 and 14, respectively. Support slots 36 and 38 are identical except that they are reversed in orientation and the following description applies to both slots 36 and 28. Slots 36 and 28 have a generally upside down "L" shape configuration with the short arm 40 of the "L" shape forming the entrance to the slot and the long arm 42 of the "L" shape defining a depending slot for receiving the curved end 24 of hangers 12 and 14, respectively. On the inside angle of each "L" shaped slot, an inwardly extending detent 44 is provided which assists in securely holding the curved ends 24 of hangers 12 and 14 within the slots 36 and 38 so that the CDU 10 can be easily and safely transported within the medical facility. The handle 30 can be manufactured out of any material of sufficient rigidity to support approximately ten pounds. The preferred embodiment is shown manufactured out of a medical grade plastic, however, the handle could also be manufactured out of any lightweight metal such as aluminum or a lightweight stainless steel. The curved ends 24 of hangers 12 and 14 have been described as being arcuate in shape, however, it is possible that these ends could have any shape (i.e., squared with a notch or triangular) with would allow the shaped ends to be captured within the support slots 36 and 38 of handle 30. In operation, a medical technician would use handle 30 to assist in transporting a CDU 10 within the medical facility. After a CDU has been used by a patient such that it is full of a discharge fluid, the technician would grasp the handle 30 by its grasping member 32 and place the curved end 24 of each hanger 12 and 14 into the support slots of handle 30 until a distinctive "click" is heard. At this time, the technician would know that the curved ends 24 of hangers 12 and 14 have been securely positioned within support slots 36 and 38 past the detents 42 provided therein. The technician would then be allowed to transport the CDU 10, which weighs approximately ten pounds, through the medical facility with the use of only one hand until the technician has reached a medical laboratory or fluid disposal point within the medical facility where the contents of the CDU can be emptied. During transportation, the technician would have his/her other hand available to open doors and/or carry other necessary medical equipment as is required. The detailed description of the preferred embodiment of the invention having been set forth herein for the purposes of explaining the principles thereof, it is known that there may be modifications, variations or changes in the invention without departing from the proper scope of the invention as defined by the claims attached hereto. Accordingly, it is not intended that the invention be limited, except as by the appended claims.
A handle attachment for use with a chest drainage unit (CDU) having a pair of hangers extending above the CDU to support the CDU on a bedrail or the like. The handle attachment being used to capture both CDU hangers to allow the CDU to be transported within a medical facility by the necessary medical personnel in an easy, one-handed manner.
This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 577,153, filed May 14, 1975, now abandoned. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to a method for the electrical protection of a liner used for sealing the stern tube shaft of a ship. 2. Description of the Prior Art Heretofore, a so-called oil bath system such as the one shown in FIG. 1, has frequently been used as a stern tube shaft seal device. In this shaft seal device, the forward side end face of a boss of a propeller 2 mounted on a propeller shaft 1 is connected to the flange face of a liner 3 fitted to the propeller shaft 1 by means of bolts. A plurality of sealing rings 7 fixed by a casing including a cover ring 4, intermediate rings 5 and a flange ring 6 are slidably fitted to the outer periphery of the liner 3 in order to seal the shaft. This shaft seal device is included to prevent intrusion of sea water into the ship and is a very important feature for safe navigation. Using this device, since the liner is always in sliding contact with the sealing rings during navigation, it is necessary for the liner to have excellent wear resistance and excellent corrosion resistance to sea water. Accordingly, a high chromium stainless steel is frequently used as the liner-constituting material. Since the stainless steel which is used as the liner-constituting material inherently has a good corrosion resistance, no anti-corrosive treatment has been necessary in the past. However, because of the fairly recent increase in pollution of sea water, even stainless steel liners presently have a tendency to suffer such corrosion phenomena as gap corrosion and porous corrosion. Furthermore, this corrosion is continually increasing in severity. In practice, these forms of corrosion occur in that portion of the liner having sliding contact with the sealing rings on the sea water side. Difficulties such as oil leakage and damage to the sealing ring rubber frequently result. Accordingly, when such corrosion occurs on a liner, it must be disassembled from the propeller shaft and reprocessed. If the corrosion is extreme, a fresh liner must be mounted and the corroded liner is discarded. In view of the docking cost required by the exchange or refurbishment of liners and the cost of the maintenance itself, a great economic loss is suffered. Hence, it would be most desirable to develop an effective method for protection of liners from corrosion in sea water. In order to electrically protect the shell of a hull or steel sheet pipes from corrosion, a galvanic anode method has been generally used successfully in the past. In the technique protection is accomplished by using sacrificial anodes made of aluminum and/or zinc. Typical of such devices are those disclosed by the following references: U.S. Pat. No. 3,623,968 (Bohne) which discloses an easily installable sacrificial anode of cylindrical or tubular form to be applied at the joints of welded sections of underground coated pipe to which it is electrically connected; U.S. Pat. No. 3,274,085 to Rutemitter et al; which discloses a consumable aluminum galvanic anodes for cathodic protection of ship ballast tanks among other things; DT-OS 1,446,351 to Maurin et al; which discloses a corrosion protection device for metallic surfaces arranged beneath the earth or submerged in water; and DT-PS 1,133,962 to Determann which discloses the corrosion protection of all submerged parts of the stern of a ship. Other patents related in subject matter are: U.S. Pat. No. 3,562,124 to Leon et al; U.S. Pat. No. 3,616,419 to Bagnulo; U.S. Pat. No. 3,721,618 to Reding et al; U.S. Pat. No. 3,723,282 to Pashak; U.S. Pat. No. 3,864,234 to Wasson; and DT-OS 2,012,864 to Meisel-Krone. However, such devices have not been used in the past in conjunction with stern tube sealing liners. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Accordingly, it is a primary object of this invention to provide a method for protecting a liner used to seal a stern tube from corrosion. It is another object of this invention to provide a method for the electrical protection of a liner used for stern tube sealing in which all necessary periodic replacements can be performed easily. Briefly, these and other objects of the invention as will hereinafter be made clear from the ensuing discussion have been attained by providing a method for the electrical protection of a liner used for the sealing of the stern tube shaft of a ship employing the oil bath system which is characterized in that on the sea water-exposed side of the flange portion of the liner proper, at least one sacrificial anode block member is mounted in a circumferential form on the flange portion in a manner such that it is easily replaceable. In accordance with other embodiments of this invention, the liner proper is electrically insulated from the propeller and/or the anode block member consists of at least one material selected from aluminum, aluminum alloys, zinc and zinc alloys. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Various objects, features and attendant advantages of the present invention will be more fully appreciated as the same becomes better understood from the following detailed description of the present invention when considered in connection with the accompanying drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a sectional view illustrating the arrangement in a conventional stern tube shaft seal in a device employing the oil bath system. FIG. 2 is a graph illustrating the relationship between the ratio of the sea water-exposed surface area of the aluminum anode to the sea water-exposed surface area of the liner member and the mixed potential observed when this invention is used in static sea water. FIG. 3 is a graph illustrating the same relation as illustrated in FIG. 2 in the case of flowing sea water. FIG. 4 is a graph showing the change in the protecting current density between the liner member and the aluminum sacrificial anode at an area ratio of 20% in either static sea water or flowing sea water. FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a sacrificial anode mounted on the flange portion of the liner proper according to this invention. FIG. 6 is a sectional view of a liner, provided with a sacrificial anode, attached to a propeller according to this invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS In general, the sea water-exposed side of a liner used for stern tube sealing has an area of about 1m 2 even in the case of a super-large tanker. Thus, the area to be protected is very small. In view of the required protection potential only, the quantity of the sacrificial anode composed of zinc, aluminum or the like may be small. However, since the liner is composed of stainless steel, it is necessary to apply a higher protection current than is used in the case of protection of ordinary hull shells or other iron materials. Accordingly, in order to extend anode lifetime, large anodes should be attached. FIGS. 2, 3, and 4 contain the results of experiments using the protection device of this invention. More specifically, FIG. 2 illustrates the relationship of the mixed potential relative to the ratio between the sea water-exposed surface area of the aluminum anode to the sea water-exposed surface area of the high chromium stainless steel liner in the case of static sea water. FIG. 3 illustrates the same relation of the mixed potential to the sea water-exposed surface area ratio in flowing sea water. From FIG. 2, it can be seen that the mixed potential in static sea water is substantially anodically dominated throughout the space area ratio range shown in FIG. 2. In flowing sea water, as can be seen from FIG. 3, a cut-off point exists when the area ratio (Y/X) is about 0.2. Below this value, the mixed potential decreases toward zero. Accordingly, when the liner is protected by a sacrificial anode, good protection results can be obtained if the area ratio (Y/X) is not lower than 0.2. FIG. 4 illustrates the density of the protection current flowing between the liner member (high chromium stainless steel) and the aluminum sacrificial anode at an area ratio (Y/X) of 0.2 in either static sea water or flowing sea water. In the case of static sea water, the current density is from 0.02 to 0.03 mA/cm 2 ; and in the case of flowing sea water, the current density is 0.25 to 0.35 mA/cm 2 . Therefore, the necessary anode weight can be calculated from the protection current density in flowing sea water according to the following formulas: I = 3XS, and W = LI/KQ wherein I indicates the average current (A) generated; S is the area of the liner (m 2 ) to be protected; W is the weight of the anode (kg); L denotes the anode lifetime (years), K denotes the replacement coefficient; and Q indicates the effective amount (A · year/kg) of the current generated. Accordingly, if the anode lifetime, i.e., the term of the periodic inspection, is 4 years, the required amount of aluminum alloy sacrificial anode is 54 kg per m 2 of the liner. In the case of aluminum, zinc and zinc alloy sacrificial anodes, the required amount can be similarly calculated. As is apparent from the foregoing illustration, it is most desirable that a considerable amount of the sacrificial anode should be mounted. In practice, however, in view of the position at which the liner is disposed and the space available for the liner, it is difficult to mount a large quantity of the sacrificial anode on the liner. Furthermore, since it often happens that the casing is shifted to the side of the propeller for repairs or the like, the space between the propeller and the casing cannot be entirely utilized for attachment of an anode. Thus, this invention is also characterized by the manner of attaching this sacrificial anode. Embodiments of this invention will now be illustrated more specfically by reference to FIGS. 5 and 6. Referring to FIG. 5, a plurality of sacrificial anode block members 8 are mounted in a circumferential form on the flange portion 3 of the liner on the sea water-exposed side thereof by means of bolts 9. In this manner, sacrificial anode block members can be effectively disposed. In this embodiment, since the sacrificial anodes 8 are connected by means of bolts, their replacement can be accomplished easily. FIG. 6 illustrates the configuration in which a liner 3 having a sacrificial anode mounted on the flange portion is attached to the forward side end face of a boss of a propeller 2. In FIG. 6, a sheet packing 10 is interposed between the forward side end face of the boss of the propeller 2 and the liner flange 3 on which the sacrificial anode 8 is mounted, and an insulating sleeve 12 is inserted into the hole for the bolt 11 for attachment of the liner. The washer 13 is also composed of an insulation material. Accordingly, the liner is completely electrically insulated from the propeller. It is not absolutely necessary that the liner be electrically insulated from the propeller. Even if it is not insulated, some beneficial effects can be attained. However, far superior results are obtained when the liner is insulated from the propeller. When a structure as illustrated above is adopted, only sacrificial anodes are attached directly to the liner. Hence, the corrosion resistance effect is enhanced. When the above-described protection method is used, corrosion of the liner used for sealing a stern tube shaft can be effectively prevented. Difficulties such as intrusion of sea water into the chamber, oil leakage in the shaft seal device and damage to the sealing ring rubber can also easily be overcome. Having now fully described the invention, it will be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art that many changes and modifications can be made thereto without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention as set forth herein.
A method for the electrical protection of a liner used for sealing the stern tube shaft of a ship using an oil bath system, is characterized in that on the sea water-exposed side of the flange portion of the liner proper, at least one easily replaceable sacrificial anode block member is mounted in a circumferential form on the flange portion.
BACKGROUND [0001] Red-emitting phosphors based on complex fluoride materials activated by Mn 4+ , such as those described in U.S. Pat. No. 7,358,542, U.S. Pat. No. 7,497,973, and U.S. Pat. No. 7,648,649, can be utilized in combination with yellow/green emitting phosphors such as YAG:Ce or other garnet compositions to achieve warm white light (CCTs<5000 K on the blackbody locus, color rendering index (CRI)>80) from a blue LED, equivalent to that produced by current fluorescent, incandescent and halogen lamps. These materials absorb blue light strongly and efficiently emit between about 610-635 nm with little deep red/NIR emission. Therefore, luminous efficacy is maximized compared to red phosphors that have significant emission in the deeper red where eye sensitivity is poor. Quantum efficiency can exceed 85% under blue (440-460 nm) excitation. [0002] While the efficacy and CRI of lighting systems using Mn 4+ doped fluoride hosts can be quite high, one potential limitation is their susceptibility to degradation under use conditions. It is possible to reduce this degradation using post-synthesis processing steps, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 8,252,613. However, development of alternative methods for improving stability of the materials is desirable. BRIEF DESCRIPTION [0003] Briefly, in one aspect, the present invention relates to a process for fabricating an LED lighting apparatus that includes a color stable Mn 4+ doped phosphor of formula I [0000] A x (M,Mn)F y   (I) [0000] wherein A is Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, NR 4 or a combination thereof; M is Si, Ge, Sn, Ti, Zr, Al, Ga, In, Sc, Hf, Y, La, Nb, Ta, Bi, Gd, or a combination thereof; R is H, lower alkyl, or a combination thereof; x is the absolute value of the charge of the [MF y ] ion; and y is 5, 6 or 7. [0009] The process includes forming on a surface of an LED chip a polymer composite layer comprising a first and a second population of particles of the phosphor of formula I. The polymer composite layer has a graded composition varying in manganese concentration across a thickness thereof, the first population of particles has a lower manganese concentration than the second population of particles, and the manganese concentration in the polymer composite layer ranges from a minimum value in a region of the polymer composite layer proximate to the LED chip to a maximum value in a region opposite to the LED chip. [0010] In another aspect, an LED lighting apparatus according to the present invention includes an LED chip and a polymer composite layer disposed on a surface of the LED chip and comprising a Mn 4+ -doped complex fluoride phosphor of formula I. The composition of the polymer composite layer varies in manganese concentration across a thickness thereof; and the manganese concentration ranges from a minimum value in a region of the polymer composite layer proximate to the LED chip to a maximum value in a region opposite to the LED chip. DRAWINGS [0011] These and other features, aspects, and advantages of the present invention will become better understood when the following detailed description is read with reference to the accompanying drawings in which like characters represent like parts throughout the drawings, wherein: [0012] FIG. 1 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a lighting apparatus according to the present invention. [0013] FIG. 2 is a schematic cross-sectional view through the LED chip and chip coating of a lighting apparatus according to an embodiment of the present invention. [0014] FIG. 3 is a schematic cross-sectional view through the LED chip and chip coating of a lighting apparatus according to another embodiment of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0015] A cross sectional view of a lighting apparatus or light emitting assembly or lamp 10 according to the present invention is shown in FIG. 1 . Lighting apparatus 10 includes a semiconductor radiation source, shown as light emitting diode (LED) chip 1 , and leads 14 electrically attached to the LED chip. The leads 14 may be thin wires supported by a thicker lead frame(s) 16 or the leads may be self-supported electrodes and the lead frame may be omitted. The leads 14 provide current to LED chip 1 and thus cause it to emit radiation. [0016] LED chip 1 may be any semiconductor blue or ultraviolet light source that is capable of producing white light when its emitted radiation is directed onto the phosphor. In particular, the semiconductor light source may be a blue emitting LED semiconductor diode based on a nitride compound semiconductor of formula In i Ga j Al k N (where 0≦i; 0≦j; 0≦k and l+j+k=1) having an emission wavelength greater than about 250 nm and less than about 550 nm. More particularly, the chip may be a near-uv or blue emitting LED having a peak emission wavelength from about 400 to about 500 nm. Even more particularly, the chip may be a blue emitting LED having a peak emission wavelength ranging from about 440-460 nm Such LED semiconductors are known in the art. [0017] In lighting apparatus 10 , polymer composite layer 2 is disposed on a surface of LED chip 1 . The polymer composite layer 2 includes a Mn 4+ -doped complex fluoride phosphor of formula I and is radiationally coupled to the chip. Radiationally coupled means that radiation from LED chip 1 is transmitted to the phosphor, and the phosphor emits radiation of a different wavelength. In a particular embodiment, LED chip 1 is a blue LED, and polymer composite layer 2 includes a blend of a red line emitting phosphor of formula 1 and a yellow-green phosphor such as a cerium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet, Ce:YAG. The blue light emitted by the LED chip 1 mixes with the red and yellow-green light emitted by the phosphors of polymer composite layer 2 , and the emission (indicated by arrow 24 ) appears as white light. [0018] LED chip 1 may be enclosed by an encapsulant material 20 . The encapsulant material 20 may be a low temperature glass, or a thermoplastic or thermoset polymer or resin as is known in the art, for example, a silicone or epoxy resin. LED chip 1 and encapsulant material 20 may be encapsulated within shell 18 . In addition, scattering particles may be embedded in the encapsulant material. The scattering particles may be, for example, alumina or titania. The scattering particles effectively scatter the directional light emitted from the LED chip, preferably with a negligible amount of absorption. In some embodiments, the encapsulant material 20 contains a diluent material having less than about 5% absorbance and index of refraction of R±0.1. Adding an optically inactive material to the phosphor/silicone mixture may produce a more gradual distribution of flux across the tape and can result in less damage to the phosphor. Suitable materials for the diluent include cubic fluoride compounds such as LiF, MgF 2 , CaF 2 , SrF 2 , AlF 3 , K 2 NaAlF 6 , KMgF 3 , CaLiAlF 6 , KLiAlF 6 , and K 2 SiF 6 , which have index of refraction ranging from about 1.38 (AlF 3 and K 2 NaAlF 6 ) to about 1.43 (CaF 2 ), and polymers having index of refraction ranging from about 1.254 to about 1.7. Non-limiting examples of polymers suitable for use as a diluent include polycarbonates, polyesters, nylons, polyetherimides, polyetherketones, and polymers derived from styrene, acrylate, methacrylate, vinyl, vinyl acetate, ethylene, propylene oxide, and ethylene oxide monomers, and copolymers thereof, including halogenated and unhalogenated derivatives. These polymer powders can be directly incorporated into silicone encapsulants before silicone curing. [0019] In an alternate embodiment, the lamp 10 may only include an encapsulant material without an outer shell 18 . The LED chip 1 may be supported, for example, by the lead frame 16 , by the self-supporting electrodes, the bottom of shell 18 or by a pedestal (not shown) mounted to shell 18 or to the lead frame. [0020] FIG. 2 is an idealized cross section through LED chip 1 and polymer composite layer 2 showing that polymer composite layer 2 is composed of a first population 3 of particles of a Mn 4+ -doped complex fluoride phosphor of formula I and a second population 4 of particles of the same phosphor, dispersed in a polymer composite matrix material 5 . Particles of the first population 3 have a lower manganese concentration than particles of the second population 4 of particles. The concentration of manganese in first population of particles ranges from greater than 0 mol % to about 3 mol %, particularly from 1 mol % to about 3 mol %, and more particularly, from about 1 mol % to about 2.5 mol %, and the concentration of manganese in the particles of second population 4 ranges from about 2 mol % to about 5 mol %, and particularly from 2 mol % to about 4 mol %. The amount of manganese in the particles of first population 3 is less than that in the particles of second population 4 . For example, when the concentration of manganese in first population of particles is 2.5 mol %, the concentration of manganese in the particles of second population 4 ranges from greater than 2.5 to about 5 mol %. Or when the concentration of manganese in the particles of second population 4 is 2 mol %, then the concentration of manganese in first population of particles is less than 2 mol %. In particular embodiments, the first population 3 is composed of a phosphor of formula K 2 (Si a ,Mn b )F 6 where a ranges from 0.975 to 0.99 and b ranges from 0.01 to 0.025, and a+b=1, and the second population 4 is composed of a phosphor of formula K 2 (Si c ,Mn d )F 6 where c ranges from 0.95 to 0.98 and d ranges from 0.02 to 0.05, and c+d=1. [0021] Polymer composite layer 2 has a graded composition varying in manganese concentration across a thickness thereof, that is, in a direction normal to the plane of the surface of LED chip 1 , with the manganese concentration ranging from a minimum value in a region proximate to the LED chip to a maximum value in a region opposite to the LED chip. The particles may be disposed in a band structure, where the first population of particles having a lower manganese concentration is located generally in a region of the polymer composite layer proximate to the LED chip and the second population of particles generally located in a region opposite to the LED chip. The layer may not have a distinct interface at which the composition changes abruptly. Particles of the first population 3 may be mixed with particles of the second population 4 throughout polymer composite layer 2 ; however, in all embodiments, the layer has a graded manganese composition, with a lower concentration of manganese in the region closest to LED chip 1 . [0022] A lighting apparatus according to the present invention is fabricated by forming a polymer composite layer that includes the first and second populations of particles of the Mn 4+ -doped complex fluoride phosphor of formula I on a surface of an LED chip. The particles may be dispersed in a polymer or polymer precursor, particularly a silicone or silicone epoxy resin or precursors therefor. Such materials are well known for LED packaging and will not be described in detail herein. The dispersion is coated on the chip by any suitable process, and particles having a larger density or particle size, or a larger density and larger particle size, preferentially settle in the layer to the region proximate the LED chip, forming a layer having a graded composition. Settling may occur during the coating or curing of the polymer or precursor, and may be facilitated by a centrifuging process. In a first embodiment, the particles of the first and second populations differ in density, and density of particles of the first population is greater than density of particles of the second population. In a second embodiment, the particles of the first and second populations differ in particle size, and the median particle size of the first population of particles is greater than median particle size of the second population of particles. [0023] Alternately, the polymer composite layer may be formed by a two-step coating process. Particles of the first population are dispersed in a polymer resin or resin precursor to form a first coating composition, and particles of the second population are dispersed in a polymer resin or resin precursor to form a second coating composition. The first coating composition is disposed on the LED chip, dried and optionally cured, then the second coating composition is disposed on the first to form a polymer composite layer that includes two layers, particles of the first layer having a lower Mn content than those of the second layer. Where a two-step coating process is used, particles of the first population may have a particle size or density, or particle size and density that is the same as or different from those of the second population. [0024] In some embodiments, the particles of the first populations differ in density and manganese content from the particles of the second population, and particles of the first population have a lower density and lower manganese concentration than particles of the second population of particles. Density of the particles of the first population ranges from about 2.5 g/cc to about 4.5 g/cc. Density of the particles of the second population ranges from about 2.5 g/cc to about 4.5 g/cc. In particular embodiments, density of the particles of the first population ranges from about 2.5 g/cc to about 4.5 g/cc, and concentration of manganese therein ranges from about 1 mol % to about 2.5 mol %, density of the particles of the second population ranges from about 2.5 g/cc to about 4.5 g/cc, and concentration of manganese therein in ranges from about 2 mol % to about 5 mol %, with the condition that the density of the first population of particles is greater than the second population of particles and the median particle sizes are within 10% of one another. [0025] FIG. 3 illustrates an embodiment where the particles of the first and second populations differ in particle size as well as manganese concentration. Polymer composite layer 2 is composed of a first population 3 of particles having a median particle size greater than particles of a second population 4 of particles of the same phosphor, dispersed in a polymer composite matrix material 5 . Particle size of the particles of first population 3 is greater than that of the particles of the second population 4 , and manganese concentration is lower. The median particle size of the particles of first population 3 ranges from about 10 um to about 100 um, particularly from about 20 um to about 50 um. The median particle size of the particles of second population 4 ranges from about 1 um to about 50 um, particularly from about 10 um to about 30 um. [0026] In addition to the Mn 4+ doped phosphor, polymer composite layer 2 may include one or more other phosphors to produce color point, color temperature, or color rendering as desired. When used in a lighting apparatus in combination with a blue or near UV LED emitting radiation in the range of about 250 to 550 nm, the resultant light emitted by the assembly will be a white light. Other phosphors such as green, blue, orange, or other color phosphors may be used in the blend to customize the white color of the resulting light and produce higher CRI sources. [0027] Suitable phosphors for use along with the phosphor of formula I include, but are not limited to: ((Sr 1−z (Ca,Ba,Mg,Zn) z ) 1−(x+w) (Li,Na,K,Rb) w Ce x ) 3 (Al 1−y Si y )O 4+y+3(x−w) F 1−y−3(x−w) , 0<x≦0.10, 0≦y≦0.5, 0≦z≦0.5, 0≦w≦x; (Ca,Ce) 3 Sc 2 Si 3 O 12 (CaSiG); (Sr,Ca,Ba) 3 Al 1−x Si x O 4+x F 1−x :Ce 3+ ((Ca,Sr,Ce) 3 (Al,Si)(O,F) 5 (SASOF)); (Ba,Sr,Ca) 5 (PO 4 ) 3 (Cl,F,Br,OH):Eu 2+ ,Mn 2+ ; (Ba,Sr,Ca)BPO 5 :Eu 2+ ,Mn 2+ ; (Sr,Ca) 10 (PO 4 ) 6 *νB 2 O 3 :Eu 2+ (wherein 0<ν≦1); Sr 2 Si 3 O 8 *2SrCl 2 :Eu 2+ ; (Ca,Sr,Ba) 3 MgSi 2 O 8 :Eu 2+ ,Mn 2+ ; BaAl 8 O 13 :Eu 2+ ; 2SrO*0.84P 2 O 5 *0.16B 2 O 3 :Eu 2+ ; (Ba,Sr,Ca)MgAl 10 O 17 :Eu 2+ ,Mn 2+ ; (Ba,Sr,Ca)Al 2 O 4 :Eu 2+ ; (Y,Gd,Lu,Sc,La)BO 3 :Ce 3+ ,Tb 3+ ; ZnS:Cu + ,Cl − ; ZnS:Cu + ,Al 3+ ; ZnS:Ag + ,Cl − ; ZnS:Ag + ,Al 3+ ; (Ba,Sr,Ca) 2 Si 1−ξ O 4−2ξ :Eu 2+ (wherein 0≦ξ0.2); (Ba,Sr,Ca) 2 (Mg,Zn)Si 2 O 7 :Eu 2+ ; (Sr,Ca,Ba)(Al,Ga,In) 2 S 4 :Eu 2+ ; (Y,Gd,Tb,La,Sm,Pr,Lu) 3 (Al,Ga) 5−α O 12−3/2α :Ce +3 (wherein 0≦α≦0.5); (Ca,Sr) 8 (Mg,Zn)(SiO 4 ) 4 Cl 2 :Eu 2+ ,Mn 2+ ; Na 2 Gd 2 B 2 O 7 :Ce 3+ ,Tb 3+ ; (Sr,Ca,Ba,Mg,Zn) 2 P 2 O 7 :Eu 2+ ,Mn 2+ ; (Gd,Y,Lu,La) 2 O 3 :Eu 3+ ,Bi 3+ ; (Gd,Y,Lu,La) 2 O 2 S:Eu 3+ ,Bi 3+ ; (Gd,Y,Lu,La)VO 4 :Eu 3+ ,Bi 3+ ; (Ca,Sr)S:Eu 2+ ,Ce 3+ ; SrY 2 S 4 :Eu 2+ ; CaLa 2 S 4 :Ce 3+ ; (Ba,Sr,Ca)MgP 2 O 7 :Eu 2+ ,Mn 2+ ; (Y,Lu) 2 WO 6 :Eu 3+ ,Mo 6+ ; (Ba,Sr,Ca) β Si ≢ N μ :Eu 2+ (wherein 2β+4γ=3μ); Ca 3 (SiO 4 )Cl 2 :Eu 2+ ; (Lu,Sc,Y,Tb) 2−u−v Ce v Ca 1+u Li w Mg 2−w P w (Si,Ge) 3−w O 12−u/2 (where −0.5≦u≦1, 1<v≦0.1, and 0≦w≦0.2); (Y,Lu,Gd) 2−Φ Ca Φ Si 4 N 6+Φ :Ce 3+ , (wherein 0≦Φ≦0.5); (Lu,Ca,Li,Mg,Y), α-SiAlON doped with Eu 2+ and/or Ce 3+ ; β-SiAlON:Eu 2+ ; (Ca,Sr,)AlSiN 3 :Eu 2+ (Ca,Sr,Ba)SiO 2 N 2 :Eu 2+ ,Ce 3+ ; 3.5MgO*0.5MgF 2 *GeO 2 :Mn 4+ ; Ca 1−c−f Ce c Eu f Al 1+c Si 1−c N 3 , (where 0 23 c≦0.2, 0≦f≦0.2); Ca 1−h−r Ce h Eu r Al 1−h (Mg,Zn) h SiN 3 , (where 0≦h≦0.2, 0≦r≦0.2); Ca 1−2s−t Ce s (Li,Na) s Eu t AlSiN 3 , (where 0≦s≦0.2, 0≦f≦0.2, s+t>0); and Ca 1−σ−χ−φ Ce σ (Li,Na) χ Eu φ Al 1+σ−χ N 3 , (where 0≦σ≦0.2, 0≦χ≦0.4, 0≦φ≦0.2). In particular, suitable phosphors for use in blends with the phosphor of formula I are (Ca,Ce) 3 Sc 2 Si 3 O 12 (CaSiG); (Sr,Ca,Ba) 3 Al 1−x Si x O 4+x F 1−x :Ce + ((Ca,Sr,Ce) 3 (Al,Si)(O,F) 5 (SASOF)); (Ba,Sr,Ca) 2 Si 1−ξ O 4−2ξ :Eu 2+ (wherein 0≦ξ≦0.2); (Y,Gd,Tb,La,Sm,Pr,Lu) 3 (Al,Ga) 5−α O 12−3/2α :Ce 3+ (wherein 0≦α≦0.5); (Ba,Sr,Ca) 62 Si γ N μ :Eu 2+ (wherein 2β+4γ=3μ); (Y,Lu,Gd) 2−Φ Ca Φ Si 4 N 6+Φ C 1−φ :Ce 3+ , (wherein 0≦Φ≦0.5); β-SiAlON:Eu 2+ ; and (Ca,Sr,)AlSiN 3 :Eu 2+ . More particularly, a phosphor that emits yellow-green light upon excitation by the LED chip may be included in a phosphor blend with a phosphor of formula I, for example a Ce-doped YAG, (Y,Gd,Tb,La,Sm,Pr,Lu) 3 (Al,Ga) 5− .O 12−3/2 .:Ce 3+ (wherein 0≦.≦0.5). [0047] The ratio of each of the individual phosphors in the phosphor blend may vary depending on the characteristics of the desired light output. The relative proportions of the individual phosphors in the various embodiment phosphor blends may be adjusted such that when their emissions are blended and employed in an LED lighting device, there is produced visible light of predetermined x and y values on the CIE chromaticity diagram. Light produced may, for instance, may possess an x value in the range of about 0.30 to about 0.55, and a y value in the range of about 0.30 to about 0.55. As stated, however, the exact identity and amounts of each phosphor in the phosphor composition can be varied according to the needs of the end user. EXAMPLE Bimodal PS PFS Tape [0048] K 2 SiF 6 Mn (5 mol % Mn, particle size 20 um) is combined with K 2 SiF 6 :Mn (2 mol % Mn, particle size 35 um) and the phosphor blend (500 mg) is mixed with a silicone precursor (Sylgard 184, 1.50 g). The mixture is degassed in a vacuum chamber for about 15 minutes. The mixture (0.70 g) is poured into a disc-shaped template (28.7 mm diameter and 0.79 mm thick), held for one hour, and baked for 30 minutes at 90° C. The sample was cut into 5×5 mm 2 squares for testing. [0049] While only certain features of the invention have been illustrated and described herein, many modifications and changes will occur to those skilled in the art. It is, therefore, to be understood that the appended claims are intended to cover all such modifications and changes as fall within the true spirit of the invention.
A process for fabricating an LED lighting apparatus comprising a color stable Mn 4+ doped phosphor of formula I includes forming on a surface of an LED chip a polymer composite layer comprising a first and a second population of particles of the phosphor of formula I having a graded composition varying in manganese concentration across a thickness thereof; A x (M,Mn)F y   (I) wherein A is Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, NR 4 or a combination thereof; M is Si, Ge, Sn, Ti, Zr, Al, Ga, In, Sc, Hf, Y, La, Nb, Ta, Bi, Gd, or a combination thereof; R is H, lower alkyl, or a combination thereof; x is the absolute value of the charge of the [MF y ] ion; and y is 5, 6 or 7. The first population of particles has a lower manganese concentration than the second population of particles, and the manganese concentration in the polymer composite layer ranges from a minimum value in a region of the polymer composite layer proximate to the LED chip to a maximum value in a region opposite to the LED chip.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application is a continuation of application Serial No. 60/449,733, filed on Feb. 24, 2003, and entitled “Sensor Array System and Method for Realistic Sampling.” FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0002] The present invention relates generally to the field of image processing and more specifically to methods for digitizing images. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0003] Digital cameras have sparked much interest in electronic imaging in recent years. These cameras rely on image sensors with a large number of active elements. Each active element converts the flux of light to an electric charge. In a typical image sensor, the light flux is allowed to accumulate for a fixed amount of time producing a charge which is proportional to the light flux and the time of the exposure. The charge is then read from each active element in the sensor to form a mapping of the light intensity falling on the image sensor. To produce color images, the active elements of the image sensors are made to be sensitive to different wavelengths of light. This can be done with dyes placed on the active elements or through taking advantage of the skin depth of the silicon used in the arrays. The Bayer sensor has been the standard for color arrays and uses 1 red, 1 blue, and 2 green elements in a repeated pattern to represent color. Recently a sensor has also been introduced which captures the three primary colors on in single active element by Fovion, Inc. CCD and CMOS sensors are both in widespread use as well and represent variations on the technique outlined above. These variations in technology and methodology, while significant to various performance parameters of the image sensor, are all amenable to the invention outlined below. [0004] Discrete time sampling of continuous time waveforms has been well understood for many years. Nyquist provided the seminal paper on the topic when he showed that a continuous time signal which is strictly bandlimited to frequencies less than W Hz can be exactly reconstructed when uniformly sampled in time at a sampling rate of at least 2/W. The sampling theorem is covered in great detail in many texts, for example see “Descrete Time Digital Signal Processing” by Oppenhiem and Shafer for a more complete discussion. An overview will be presented below to introduce terminology needed for the development of the present invention. [0005] Nyquist's results can be understood if sampling is modeled as a multiplication of an impulse train with the continuous time bandlimited signal f(t). The impulse train is given by: s ( t )=Σδ( t−mT ) m=all integers  eqn. 1 [0006] The sampled signal is then given by: fs(t)=f(t)s(t)  eqn. 1 [0007] This can be represented in the frequency domain as: Fs(w)=F(w)*S(w)  eqn. 2 [0008] where (*) is the convolution operator and F(w) and S(w) are the Fourier transforms of F(w) and S(w). [0009] The Fourier transform of a uniformly spaced impulse train is: S ( w )=Σδ( w− 2 πn/T ) n=all integers  eqn. 3 [0010] Because this is also an impulse train, the convolution of S(w) with F(w) will produce multiple copies of F(w) centered at w=2 πn/T. Note that if the maximal frequency of F(w) is limited to less than π/T the copies of F(w) will not overlap and F(w) can be exactly recreated from Fs(w). [0011] The one dimensional derivation of the sampling theorem can be extended to 2 dimensions. An overview will be presented below to introduce terminology. A more complete description of the two dimensional sampling theorem can be found in “Multi-Dimentional Digital Signal Processing” by Jackson. Consider the two dimensional impulse array s ( x,y )=ΣΣδ( x−mx 0, y−n y 0) m,n=all integers  eqn. 4 [0012] As with the one dimensional sampling theorem consider a signal f(x,y) which is bandlimited to less than Wx and Wy Hz in the x and y dimensions. Sampling of the signal f(x,y) will be modeled as the multiplication in the spatial domain of f(x,y) with s(x,y) such that fs(x,y)=f(x,y)s(x,y)  eqn. 5 [0013] In the frequency domain this can be written as: Fs(wx,wy)=F(wx,wy)*S(wx,wy)  eqn. 6 [0014] where wx is the frequency component in the x direction and wy is the frequency component in the y direction. As in the one dimensional case, the Fourier transform of the impulse array gives: S ( wx,wy )=ΣΣδ( x− 2 π m/x 0, y−nπ/y 0) m,n=all integers  eqn. 7 [0015] which is another impulse array. For the common case where x0=y0, the signal f(x,y) can be exactly reconstructed from fs(x,y) if the original signal has no frequency component above π/x0. However, this condition is actually more restrictive than necessary. Along a diagonal the signal can have frequency components up to sqrt(2)*π/x0 because of the greater separation of the impulses in the impulse array S(wx,wy) along a diagonal. [0016] The choice of s(x,y) above gives a rectangular grid. It is because s was chosen as rectangular in the spatial domain that the impulse array in the frequency domain was also rectangular. Another common chose of s(x, y) is referred to as hexagonal and results when every other row (or column) of the rectangular grid is shifted one half unit relative to the other rows as follows: s ( x,y )=ΣΣδ( x− ( m+mod ( n, 2)/2) x 0 ,y−n y 0) m,n=all integers   eqn. [0017] The solution to the hexagonal sampling theorem is given in Jackson's book “Multi-Dimensional Digital Signal Processing.” It is shown that the hexagonal sampling in the spatial domain gives hexagonal patterns in the frequency domain as well. This pattern can extend the frequency response in the x dimension by 26% but does not extend the response in the y direction. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0018] [0018]FIG. 1 is the frequency domain representation of a two dimensional signal with a maximum frequency content in the x and y directions in 0.048 cycles/mm. [0019] [0019]FIG. 2 is a close up of rectangular sampling grid with a sample spacing of 10 mm. [0020] [0020]FIG. 3 is a frequency domain representation of the result of sampling the signal in FIG. 1 with the rectangular grid in FIG. 2. [0021] [0021]FIG. 4 is a close up of hexagonal sampling grid with a sample spacing of 10 mm. FIG. 5 is a frequency domain representation of the result of sampling the signal in FIG. 1 with the hexagonal grid in FIG. 4. [0022] [0022]FIG. 6 is a close up of a diagonally rectangular sampling grid with a sample spacing of 10 mm in which the sampling grid is rotated by arctan(¾) radians. [0023] [0023]FIG. 7 is a frequency domain representation showing the aliasing which results when the signal in FIG. 1 sampled with the diagonal rectangular grid in FIG. 6. No aliasing occurs with this sampling method. Note that with this sampling technique the signals no longer touch in either the x or y direction. [0024] [0024]FIG. 8 is the frequency domain representation of a signal with a maximum frequency extent of 0.068 cycles/mm. [0025] [0025]FIG. 9 is the frequency domain representation of the signal in FIG. 8 sampled with the rectangular grid in FIG. 2 showing significant aliasing. [0026] [0026]FIG. 10 is a frequency domain representation of the signal in FIG. 8 sampled with the hexagonal grid in FIG. 4 showing aliasing. [0027] [0027]FIG. 11 is a frequency domain representation of the signal in FIG. 8 sampled with the diagonal rectangular grid in FIG. 6 showing no aliasing. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0028] Generally speaking images of natural and man made scenes have greater frequency response in the x and y (horizontal and vertical respectively) dimensions than along a diagonal. This is due to the predominance of edges in the x and y planes in these scenes. Hence it is desirable to have greater frequency content in the x and y dimensions than along the diagonals. Rectangular sampling accomplishes just the opposite, giving greater frequency response along the diagonals than in either the x or y directions. Hexagonal sampling improves this situation by favoring one of x or y, but not both. The present invention addresses this by introducing a type of sampling which favors the frequency response in the x and y directions at the expense of the diagonals. This better matches the needs of images of most types of scenery of interest in digital storage of images. [0029] The basis of the present invention is to rotate the sensor arrays to some angle relative to a rectangular box which defines the area on which the sensors are located. In present sensor arrays, the sensors typically are oriented in rows and columns which run parallel to the edges of a rectangle which defines the outline of the active sensor arrays. By orienting the rows and columns of the sensors at some angle relative to this rectangle, the same rotation of the frequency response is introduced in the frequency domain. Thus the rectangular or hexagonal sampling patterns mentioned above can be used with a rotation to extend the frequency response of the sampled signal preferentially in the x and y directions. [0030] When an image produced with such a sensor pattern is to be displayed on a display device which has a rectangular grid such as a computer monitor, the image must be interpolated to this rectangular gird. Several methods of interpolation exist and are well understood in the art to interpolate between hexagonal and rectangular sampling patterns in which the rows and columns of the sensor arrays are parallel to the edges of the sensor array. The invention further covers interpolation methods which are appropriate for interpolation between an image in which is formed with sensors not parallel to the edges of the active sensor area and rectangular grids which are parallel to the active area of the sensors. [0031] In order to verify the functionality of the non-parellel image arrays, simulations of such arrays have been performed using the Matlab program from the Mathworks corporation. The simulations have been performed using images with a known frequency response sampled on a 500×500 array. The sampling was performed using a sample spacing of 10 samples on the array. For rectangular sampling this places samples on the intersection of all rows and columns indexed by 1+10 n, n=0 . . . 49. Using the sampling grid uniformly spaced on the 500×500 array closely approximate the effects of sampling a continuous signal on the sparse grid. This was done with rectangular and hexagonal sampling with the sampling grid parallel to the edges of the large array as well as with the sampling grid at angles to the edges of the array to demonstrate diagonal rectangular sampling. In particular, the angle of arctan(¾) is used because this angle produces samples at only integer points on the larger array. The present invention is not intended to be limited to this angle and it should be understood by one of skill in the art that this angle was chosen only for ease of simulation. The present invention is also not to be limited to diagonal representations of rectangular sampling only and diagonally heaxagonal sampling is easily realized by rotating a hexagonal sampling pattern instead of a rectangular pattern. [0032] For the remainder of this discussion, the 500×500 array will be assumed to represent points spaced 1 mm apart without loss of generality. Therefore the sampling grids which samples spaced 10 units apart on the 500×500 array will represent sampling points spaced 1 cm apart. [0033] The signal used for the simulations is a diamond in the frequency domain. This is an example of a signal with higher frequency components in the x and y directions than along diagonals. This first such signal used had a maximum frequency component of 0.048 cycles/mm in the x/y directions as illustrated in FIG. 1. FIG. 1 shows the y frequency axis 106 and the x frequency axis 104 in addition to the spectrum of the signal 102 . The axes 104 and 106 show the frequency in cycles per millimeter (mm) multiplied by 500 and offset by 250. Therefore the value of 250 on the axis represents zero frequency and a value of 500 represents a frequency of 0.5 cycles/mm. [0034] [0034]FIG. 2 illustrates a rectangular sampling grid. The figure consists of the y spatial axis 206 , the x spatial axis 204 , and close up of the sampling grid 202 . The grid consists of uniform impulses at the intersections of every 10 th row and column on the 500×500 sampling area. The 500×500 square is bordered by the line segments for (0,0) to (0,500), (0,0) to (500,0), (0,500) to (500,500), and (500,0) to (500,500). This rectangle forms the sampling area. No sampling points are present outside of this rectangle. This sampling area is assumed in all representations of sampling grids in this document. The sampling grid can represent a signal with a maximum x or y frequency content of 0.05 cycles/mm. [0035] Sampling is simulated by performing a point by point multiplication of the rectangular grid shown in FIG. 2 with the inverse discrete Fourier transform of the frequency domain representation of the signal in FIG. 1. The discrete Fourier transform of the result of this point by point multiplication is then performed to yield the frequency domain representation of the sampled signal and is shown in FIG. 3. FIG. 3 contains the x frequency axis 304 and the y frequency axis 306 which are defined in the same manner as in FIG. 1 as well as the spectrum of the signal resulting from the sampling as described above. FIG. 3 shows that the signal in FIG. 1 can just be represented without any overlap of the copies of the signal created in the frequency domain by the sampling. Overlap of the copies of the signal in the frequency domain makes recovery of the original signal from the samples impossible and is referred to as aliasing. Because the copies of the original signal nearly touch, this signal can be deemed to be near the highest frequency signal of the form shown in FIG. 1 which can be represented without aliasing. [0036] [0036]FIG. 4 shows a close up of a hexagonal sampling grid. FIG. 4 consists of the x spatial axis 404 and the y spatial axis 406 in additional to a graphical representation of the sampling grid 402 . The axis are defined as in FIG. 2. This sampling grid is the same as rectangular sampling except every other row is moved by ½ sample. Since the sampling interval is 10 mm, every other row is shifted 5 mm. This sampling technique is known to increase the maximum sampling frequency in the x direction despite using no additional active elements. [0037] Hexagonal sampling is simulated in a manner exactly analogous to the outline given above for the rectangular sampling case represented in FIG. 3 expect the sampling grid in FIG. 4 is used instead of that in FIG. 2. The results are shown in FIG. 5. FIG. 5 contains the x frequency axis 504 and the y frequency axis 506 which are defined in the same manner as in FIG. 1 as well as the spectrum of the signal 502 resulting from the sampling as described above. The copies of the signal no longer touch in the x direction due to the superior frequency representation of hexagonal sampling in this dimension. However the signals still nearly meet in the y direction and therefore this signal still represents nearly the largest frequency signal which can be reproduced faithfully with this sampling technique. [0038] [0038]FIG. 6 shows a diagonal rectangular sampling grid. FIG. 6 contains x spatial axis 604 and y spatial axis 606 defined as in FIG. 2 and a close up of the sampling grid 602 . This grid can be created by rotating an infinite rectangular grid by a fixed angle and then truncating the resulting infinite grid with a rectangle with vertices at (0,0), (0,500), (500,0), and (500,500). The same technique described above is used to simulate sampling except the sampling grid in FIG. 6 is used instead of that in FIGS. 2 and 4. [0039] The results are shown in FIG. 7. FIG. 7 contains the x frequency axis 704 and the y frequency axis 706 which are defined in the same manner as in FIG. 1 as well as the spectrum of the signal 702 resulting from the signal in FIG. 1 using the sampling grid defined in FIG. 6. Note that the copies of the signal no longer touch in either the x or y direction indicating that a larger bandwidth signal can be represented. [0040] The above three sampling techniques where again simulated except this time the signal in FIG. 8 was used instead of the signal in FIG. 1. FIG. 8 contains the x frequency axis 804 and the y frequency axis 806 which are defined in the same manner as in FIG. 1 as well as the spectrum of the signal 802 . These signal in FIG. 8 is identical to the signal in FIG. 1 except that the maximum frequency of the signal in FIG. 8 is 0.068 cycles/mm instead of 0.048 cycles/mm. [0041] Sampling using the rectangular sampling grid in FIG. 2 results in the spectrum shown in FIG. 9. FIG. 9 contains the x frequency axis 904 and the y frequency axis 906 which are defined in the same manner as in FIG. 1 as well as the spectrum of the sampled signal 902 . Note that overlap of the copies of the signals now occurs in both the x and y directions. This is to be expected as the Nyquist limit on rectangular sampling in these directions is 0.05 cycles/mm. [0042] [0042]FIG. 10 shows the results when the hexagonal sampling grid in FIG. 4 is used to sample the signal in FIG. 8. FIG. 10 contains the x frequency axis 1004 and the y frequency axis 1006 which are defined in the same manner as in FIG. 1 as well as the spectrum of the signal 1002 resulting from the sampling of. The overlap is now removed in the x direction but still remains in the y direction. This aliasing will not be as severe as with rectangular sampling but will still degrade the image. [0043] [0043]FIG. 11 shows the results of the diagonally rectangular sampling. FIG. 11 contains the x frequency axis 1104 and the y frequency axis 1106 which are defined in the same manner as in FIG. 1 as well as the spectrum of the signal 1102 which results when the signal in FIG. 8 is sampled using the sampling grid shown in FIG. 6. Note that no overlap of the copies of the spectrum are present and the image can be exactly recovered. The spatial frequency of 0.068 cycles/mm represents the highest frequency which does not alias with the diagonally rectangular sampling grid with an angle of arctan(¾) in simulation and represents an increase of the maximum frequency of a signal of the form shown in FIGS. 1 and 8 of 34%. An angle of 45 degrees would yield an increase of over 41%. [0044] Note that no image in nature is actually bandlimited and some aliasing occurs whenever a sampled image of a natural scene is produced. Only the most contrived of manmade images will be bandlimited. The aliasing of a real image can be reduced by natural low pass filtering effects of optics, the geometry of active elements, and imperfect focus. However these filtering effects do not attenute the high frequency content of a signal sufficiently to completely avoid aliasing. However, for any signal containing higher frequency components in the x and y directions (horizontal and vertical), diagonal sampling can be used advantageously to reduce the effects of aliasing with the same number of active elements. [0045] While the simulations presented show diagonal rectangular sampling, the technique of rotating the sampling grid to extend the frequencies which can be faithfully reproduced in the x/y directions is not limited to rectangular arrays. The same concept can be applied to hexagonal arrays. This would be accomplished by rotating a sampling grid of the form of that shown in FIG. 4 but infinite in extent by a desired angle and then truncating it with a rectangle as described above in the development of the diagonal rectangular array. The resulting diagonal hexagonal array will possess the same ability to represent the high frequency contents of signals as hexagonal sampling except that the response will be rotated by the angle of rotation of the array. Hexagonal sampling is known to produce a hexagonal pattern in the frequency domain which can be faithfully reproduced. However, this hexagon is oriented to give maximum advantage in the x direction and no advantage in the y direction for the array shown in FIG. 4. By rotating the sampling grid some of the advantage can be moved to the y direction at the expense of the x direction. Rotations of 15 or 45 degrees (or any 60 degree increment beyond this from symmetry) will equalize the max frequencies which can be represented in the x and y directions and in both cases will increase this maximum frequency beyond what can be accomplished with rectangular sampling. [0046] In order to display a signal sampled with any diagonal technique on a display device with rectangular spaced samples, the signal must be interpolated. Many types of interpolation will transfer an image sampled on a diagonal grid to be accurately represented on a rectangular grid. The simplest form of interpolation is to simply transfer the nearest point on the diagonal grid onto a given point on the desired rectangular grid. This is very simple but does not yield good results. The next step is to use a linear weighting of several of the nearest points on the diagonally sampled image onto the rectangular grid. The weighting can be as simple as an inverse distance weighting in which the distance from, for example, each of the four nearest neighbors is determined and the weighting of each of these points is determined as the normalized inverse of the distance from the rectangular point to the diagonally sampled points. This method is computationally trackable and produces results which can have acceptable quality. Many other forms of interpolation are given in the literature and a complete summary of all these methods is beyond the scope of this invention. [0047] The following is the Matlab code which generates the simulations described above. %Create a approximation to sampling with rectangular, hexagonal, and diagonal-rectangular % sampling grid. Create a diamond shaped frequency content signal at high resolution (500×500) and sample % with each of the three sampling grids. Display frequency domain results. Assume with loss of generality % that 500×500 array places samples every 1 mm. This gives a Nyquist frequency for rectangular sampling of 1/2 % cycle/mm. This will be respresented at sample 250 of the diplays. Then a sample spacing of 10 represents % a sample every 1 cm. The rectangular sampling grid should therefore show aliasing at a frequency 1/20 cycle/mm % which will be represented by sample 25 on the 500×500 display. The maximum single sided bandwidth of the % signal in the x and y directions is given by r. Setting r = 25 will show the beginning of aliasing in the % rectangular (and hexagonal) sampling grids. N = 500/2; %Set high resolution grid to 500×500 sample_spacing = 10; %Set sample spacing to 10 time domain units index = 0; %Create sampling grid for diagonal/rectangular grid for kk = 1:N diags(kk,:) = kron(ones(1,10),[zeros(1,index) 1 zeros(1,24−index)]); index = mod(index−7,25); end diags_rect = kron(diags,[1 0;0 0]); rect = ones(50,50); %Create rectangular grid temp = zeros(10,10); temp(1,1) = 1; rect = kron(rect, temp); hex = zeros(20,10); %Create hexagonal grid hex(1,1) = 1; hex(11,6) = 1; temp = ones(25,50); hex = kron(temp,hex); clear array; array=zeros(500,500); %Set up signal array at 500×500 resolution r=34; %Set max one sided freq extent of signal centx = 250; %Center signal in frequency domain centy = 250; dones signal = ifft2(array); %Create spacial domain signal rect_diag_samp_signal = signal.*diags_rect;  %Sample signal using diagonal hexagonal sampling rect_diag_samp_signal_fd = fft2(rect_diag_samp_signal); rect_samp_signal = signal.*rect; %Sample signal using rectangular sampling rect_samp_signal_fd = fft2(rect_samp_signal); hex_fd = fft2(hex); hex_samp_signal = signal.*hex; %Sample signal using hexagonal sampling hex_samp_signal_fd = fft2(hex_samp_signal); double image_disp; image_disp(500,500,3) = 0; figure(1) image_disp(:,:,1) = abs(rect_samp_signal_fd)/ max2(rect_samp_signal_fd); image_disp(:,:,2) = image_disp(:,:,1); image_disp(:,:,3) = image_disp(:,:,1); image(image_disp); title — = [‘Rectangular Sampling, Sample Spacing = 10 mm, Max Signal Freq = ‘,num2str(r/500),’ cycles/mm’]; Title(title_) xlabel(‘Frequency (cycles/mm * 500 offset by 250)’) file — = [‘rect_fd_’,num2str(r)]; print(‘-djpeg’,file_); figure(2) image_disp(:,:,1) = abs(hex_samp_signal_fd)/ max2(hex_samp_signal_fd); image_disp(:,:,2) = image_disp(:,:,1); image_disp(:,:,3) = image_disp(:,:,1); image(image_disp); title — = [‘Hexagonal Sampling, Sample Spacing = 10 mm, Max Signal Freq = ‘,num2str(r/500),’ cycles/mm’]; Title(title_) xlabel(‘Frequency (cycles/mm * 500 offset by 250)’) file — = [‘hex_fd_’,num2str(r)]; print(‘-djpeg’,file_); figure(3) image_disp(:,:,1) = 0.5*abs(rect_diag_samp_signal_fd)/ max2(rect_diag_samp_signal_fd); image_disp(:,:,2) = image_disp(:,:,1); image_disp(:,:,3) = image_disp(:,:,1); image(image_disp); title — = [‘Diagonal Rectangular Sampling, Sample Spacing = 10 mm, Angle = arctan(3/4), Max Signal Freq = ‘,num2str(r/500),’ cycles/mm’]; Title(title_) xlabel(‘Frequency (cycles/mm * 500 offset by 250)’) file — = [‘diag_rect_fd_’,num2str(r)]; print(‘-djpeg’,file_); figure(4) image_disp(:,:,1) = 0.5*array/max2(array); image_disp(:,:,2) = image_disp(:,:,1); image_disp(:,:,3) = image_disp(:,:,1); image(image_disp) Title(‘Original Signal in the Frequency Domain’) xlabel(‘Frequency (cycles/mm * 500 offset by 250)’) file — = [‘signal_fd_’,num2str(r)]; print(‘-djpeg’,file_); figure(5) image_disp(:,:,1) = abs(rect)/max2(rect); image_disp(:,:,2) = image_disp(:,:,1); image_disp(:,:,3) = image_disp(:,:,1); image(image_disp); title — = [‘Rectangular Sampling Grid, Sample Spacing = 10 mm ’]; Title(title_) xlabel(‘Position (mm)’) file — = [‘rect_grid’]; print(‘-djpeg’,file_); figure(6) image_disp(:,:,1) = abs(hex)/max2(hex); image_disp(:,:,2) = image_disp(:,:,1); image_disp(:,:,3) = image_disp(:,:,1); image(image_disp); title — = [‘Hexagonal Sampling, Sample Spacing = 10 mm’]; Title(title_) xlabel(‘Position (mm)’) file — = [‘hex_grid’]; print(‘-djpeg’,file_); figure(7) image_disp(:,:,1) = abs(diags_rect)/max2(diags_rect); image_disp(:,:,2) = image_disp(:,:,1); image_disp(:,:,3) = image_disp(:,:,1); image(image_disp); title — = [‘Diagonal Rectangular Sampling, Sample Spacing = 10 mm, Angle = arctan(3/4)’]; Title(title_) xlabel(‘Position (mm)’) file — = [‘diag_rect_grid’]; print(‘-djpeg’,file_); A2 Program dones.m y = [0:r]; x = r−y; k = length(x); y = [−y(k:−1:2) y]; x = [x(k:−1:2) x]; y = y+centy; x = round(x); for k=1:length(y) if x(k) ˜= 0 array([centx−x(k):centx+x(k)],y(k)) = ones(2*x(k)+1,1); end end
A method is described which better aligns the spatially dependent resolution of a sampled image sensor to the resolution requirements of an image. Most images contain greater frequency extent in the horizontal and vertical directions and therefore can benefit from higher resolution. By rotating the sampling grid of a sampled imaging sensor relative to the sampling area it is possible to better align the spatial components of the sensor which possess the highest resolution with the components of the image with the highest frequency content.
INTRODUCTION [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0002] The invention relates to well testing of hydrocarbon reservoirs to determine economic viability. [0003] The purpose of reservoir simulation is to determine as precisely as possible the extent (volume), nature, permeability, and porosity of the payrock. [0004] 2. Prior Art Discussion [0005] In well testing a wellbore is drilled into the payrock, usually at an angle to vertical. The wellbore is lined and the lining is perforated at locations within the payrock. Oil or gas in the payrock flows into the wellbore through these perforations and the pressure arising from his flow is measured by pressure gauges within the wellbore. Flow of oil or gas from the wellbore opening is controlled by pumps and valves at the opening. [0006] For simulation, the hydrocarbon stock which flows from the wellbore is analysed and parameters such as the compressibility and the viscosity are determined. Also, geological surveys are performed. The combined information so gathered is used to estimate the payrock properties. These properties are used by a simulation tool to estimate the pressure curve (as a function of time). The estimated curve is fed back to change the input payrock properties in an iterative manner until the estimated pressure curve matches closely the actual measured curve. The particular payrock properties for this iteration stage should be reasonably accurate. [0007] While this method is quite sound in its reasoning, it suffers from a major drawback. This is an inaccuracy which arises because of use of crude representations of the payrock geometry and material properties. If the geometry and material distribution data is very inaccurate, the overall analysis is generally compromised. OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION [0008] The invention is therefore directed towards addressing this problem by providing for more accurate simulation with less engineer time requirement. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0009] According to the invention, there is provided a hydrocarbon reservoir analysis method comprising the steps of simulating hydrocarbon flow from the reservoir into a wellbore and analysing simulated wellface pressure response by comparing it with measured pressure data, characterised in that the reservoir is modelled before simulation as a solid model comprising polygons in plan and layers in elevation, finite elements are generated in patterns in the polygons and the layers to provide a mesh, and simulation is performed with said mesh. [0010] In one embodiment, the method comprises the further step of selecting an appropriate template model from a set of template models and modifying the selected model. [0011] In one embodiment, the selected model is modified by changing the numbers of layers and the shapes of the polygons. [0012] In one embodiment, the polygon shapes are modified by changing locations of control points at polygon corners and the number of layers is changed by changing depth data associated with said control points. [0013] In one embodiment, the model is represented by objects instantiated from classes. [0014] In one embodiment, the model is represented by: [0015] a shape object defining the overall reservoir shape; [0016] a polygon object defining each polygon in terms of an aerial region in plan bounded by edges defining vertical planes; and [0017] a layer object defining each layer in terms of the bounding planes above and below. [0018] In one embodiment, the mesh is generated by generating a pattern object defining elements extending in an elevational plane. [0019] In one embodiment, a pattern object defines elements in a plane extending radially from the wellbore for a wellbore polygon. [0020] In one embodiment, the plane extends from the wellbore to the polygon edges. [0021] In one embodiment, the pattern object defines progressively fewer elements as it extends from the wellbore. [0022] In another embodiment, the pattern object is swept rotationally from a starting plane extending radially from the wellbore to fill the polygon containing the wellbore. [0023] In one embodiment, a pattern object is swept translationally from a starting plane corresponding to a generator line and defines elements in a direction extending from the generator line in the direction of an adjoining base line. [0024] In one embodiment, the base line and the generator line coincide with polygon boundaries. [0025] In one embodiment, the base and generator lines are defined as such in the shape object, and each pattern object is related to the polygon objects and the shape object according to a condition that each polygon comprises at least one base line and at least two generator lines. [0026] In one embodiment, the pattern objects are inter-related in a manner whereby they are ranked according to their relationship with the wellbore polygon. [0027] In one embodiment, the wellbore polygon has a first rank level, polygons adjoining the wellbore polygon have a second rank level, polygons adjoining the second rank polygons have a third rank level, and subsequent polygons are ranked accordingly. [0028] In one embodiment, each pattern object defines elements according to facets linking layer bounding planes. [0029] In one embodiment, the simulation is performed according to algorithms which inextricably couple finite element mesh generation, material property assignment. and equation solving. [0030] In one embodiment, variable precedence data required for equation solution is inferred and constructed within mesh generation. [0031] In one embodiment, the simulation imposes boundary conditions on parts of the wellbore, leading to a set of pressure equality constraints used to re-map the precedence data to reduce computation time. [0032] In one embodiment, the simulation step comprises the sub-steps of representing time step history, minimum dimensionless pressure, and maximum dimensionless pressure as lines in a pressure/time graph providing controls for a colour range, and receiving input instructions in the form of movement of said lines to a desired position. [0033] According to another aspect, the invention provides a hydrocarbon reservoir analysis system comprising means for performing a method as defined above. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Brief Description of the Invention [0034] The invention will be more clearly understood from the following description of some embodiments thereof, given by way of example only with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: [0035] [0035]FIG. 1 is a high-level diagram showing a testing rig and a payrock; [0036] [0036]FIG. 2 is a more detailed diagram showing a wellbore and its penetration into the payrock; [0037] [0037]FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of a well testing method; [0038] FIGS. 4 ( a ) and 4 ( b ) are together a flow diagram illustrating the simulation step in detail; [0039] [0039]FIG. 5( a ) is a generalised plan view of a reservoir model and FIG. 5( b ) is a generalised elevational view; [0040] [0040]FIG. 6 is a vertical section of part of the model incorporating two polygons; [0041] [0041]FIG. 7 is a diagram illustrating base and generator lines for mesh generation; [0042] [0042]FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating a typical reservoir and some of the aspects which are analysed using simulation results; [0043] [0043]FIG. 9 is a sample log/log results plot showing key features of reservoir make-up; and [0044] [0044]FIG. 10 is a screen shot of a results output graph which also acts as a user interface to allow a user to control the pressure map output. DESCRIPTION OF THE EMBODIMENTS [0045] Referring to FIG. 1, the overall context for reservoir testing is illustrated. A testing rig 1 is erected over a payrock 2 containing a reservoir of a hydrocarbon (oil or gas). A wellbore 3 is drilled at an angle into the payrock, and alternative angles 4 and 5 are shown. [0046] As shown in FIG. 2, the part of the payrock 2 surrounding the wellbore 3 is referred to as a damaged zone 10 . Oil flows through the damaged zone 10 and the lining perforations into the wellbore 3 under the reservoir pressure. A valve 11 controls flow from the top of the wellbore 3 to a stock tank 12 . A fault line 13 at one end of the payrock 2 is also illustrated in this diagram. Flow from the wellbore 3 to the stock tank 12 is denoted q v (t) and wellbore storage is denoted cV st . Various pressure sensors (not shown) are mounted within the wellbore 3 so that an actual pressure change (or curve) as a function of time can be measured. [0047] Referring now to FIGS. 3 , 4 ( a ), and 4 ( b ) a method 20 for reservoir testing and analysis is described. In a step 21 oil flow is measured using the pressure sensors. This step also involves laboratory analysis of oil samples drawn from the stock tank 12 . [0048] A workstation stores a number of templates, each modelling a reservoir. A template 50 is illustrated diagrammatically in FIGS. 5 ( a ) and 5 ( b ). It is a solid model definition of a reservoir in terms of a number of polygons 51 , at least one of which includes a wellbore 52 . The template also comprises a number of layers 53 extending generally in the axial direction of the wellbore 52 . Each polygon 51 is represented as an object in the computer system object-oriented paradigm, as described in more detail below. The layers are defined by objects having attributes including depth values at the polygon control points. [0049] In step 22 , an engineer selects a template 51 which most closely matches the geometry of the reservoir on the basis of the available data and his or her experience. [0050] In step 23 , a model is then created by modifying the initial template model to, for example, change the number of layers and/or the shapes of the polygons. Changing the polygon shapes is implemented in a simple manner by changing the locations of the control points (at the polygon corners). The layers are modified by changing the depth values at the control points. [0051] A simulation data file is then created in step 24 . This comprises the following. [0052] The model (as modified). [0053] Initial reservoir and hydrocarbon material properties such as 3D permeability, porosity, viscosity, and compressibility. Some of this data is guessed on the basis of experience and some is measured. [0054] Mechanical skin definition: radius of damaged zone 10 and altered material properties. [0055] Radial composite zone: radius parallel to the wellbore containing different material properties. [0056] Wellbore geometry: plan position, inclination angle, and azimuth angle. [0057] Completion data: number and length of completion zones. [0058] Sand face flowrate. [0059] Duration of test. [0060] The data file has the following structure. [0061] Control points [0062] i x i y I [0063] The nodes are given in anti-clockwise order. [0064] No. of polygons [0065] A real heterogeneity allows up to nine polygons in plan. [0066] i n1 n2 n3 . . . −1 [0067] Polygon I, node (control point) 1 node2 . . . in anti-clockwise order (with ε terminating −1) Polygons should have generally 3, 4 or 5 sides, but a lone polygon can have up to eight sides. Polygons should be convex, but the overall reservoir can be concave (made up of convex polygons). [0068] No. of layers [0069] The layers are read in from the top down. This means that the bottom plane of the top layer is the top plane of the bottom layer and represents the “interface plane”. There is a full layer data set for each layer (i.e. a t b t c t d t through to compressibility). a t b t c t d t a b b b c b d b [0070] The top surface of the top layer is described by coefficients of the equation of the plane: i.e ax+by+cz+d=0. (e.g. xy plane is 0 0 1 0 i.e. z=0). [0071] Flags for polygons present in this layer. [0072] A series of binary flags to indicate if a polygon is switched on in the current layer (one for each polygon). [0073] damage radius composite radius [0074] Values of 0 for either of these parameters imply they don't occur in this layer. The material properties that make up this layer are given. These are given in order, radially outwards from the wellbore, i.e. damage material, material within the composite radius, material in of polygon1 material in of polygon2 . . . [0075] permeability [0076] x x y x z x [0077] (x′(principal axis) vector for material i permeability) [0078] x y y y z y [0079] (y′ (principal axis) vector for material i permeability.) [0080] k x k y k x [0081] (Principal axes permeabilities for material i.) [0082] porosity viscosity compressibility [0083] wellbore radius [0084] x y z [0085] The wellbore position describes where the wellbore vector enters the top surface for the vertical/inclined geometry. For the purely horizontal case it describes the heel of the first completed section. It also implies the depth of the wellbore for the horizontal case [0086] inclination Flip Flag [0087] The inclination of the wellbore is the angle that it makes with the xy plane. This angle will be assumed to be with the positive sense of that plane. θ has the range π/2-π/2. A binary flag to instruct the system to flip the mesh (0=>NO Flip). [0088] azimuth [0089] The azimuth is the angle in plan of the wellbore and will always have the range −π/2-π/2. [0090] No. of completions [0091] start point i length i [0092] Constant Pressure boundary binary flags. n+2 flags, where there are n control points. “1” indicates that the edge for which that point is the start point (in an anti-clockwise direction) is a constant pressure boundary. The first two flags pertain to the top and bottom surfaces respectively. [0093] Initial Pressure [0094] This could be assumed as 0, but a realistic value assists simulation. [0095] Sandface flowrate [0096] After non-dimensionalisation this has no effect, but again a realistic value ensures that the absolute pressures calculated are realistic. [0097] Final time [0098] This is the extent (in seconds) of the analysis required. [0099] Reference layer Reference Polygon [0100] If the layer containing the material whose property values are to be used for non-dimensionalisation is given, the system uses the main material of that layer (not damage or radial composite material). The principal x permeability is the permeability chosen. The polygon to be used within that layer is given on the same line. [0101] No. of interior no-flow boundaries [0102] node 1 node2 [0103] Series of interior edges can be defined (lining the control points) such that there will be no flow across that boundary. [0104] All distances, coordinates are in meters (m). Vectors (in the context of strike and dip) and plane coefficients are dimensionless. [0105] The following are the material properties: [0106] Permeability in meters squared (m 2 ), [0107] Porosity is dimensionless, [0108] Viscosity in Pascal seconds (Pa s), [0109] Compressibility in “per Pascal” (/Pa). [0110] All angles are in degrees. Pressure is expressed in Newtons per meter squared (N/m 2 ). Flowrate is expressed in meters cubed per second (m 3 /s). [0111] This data is inputted to a simulation tool for simulation in step 25 . This generates an output pressure curve which is reviewed by the engineer in step 26 . The output is then imported into an analysis tool for analysis in step 27 . This involves interpretation of the results in the light of the measured data. As a result, there may be feedback to either model modification 23 or simulation 25 , as indicated by the steps 28 and 29 . These steps provide iteration until the pressure curves match adequately to derive reliable reservoir/payrock data. [0112] The simulation step 25 is illustrated in more detail in FIGS. 4 ( a ) and 4 ( b ). The data file is imported in step 30 and its integrity is checked in step 31 . Step 31 involves checking the geometry for consistency and admissibility with simple verification tests. If the data fails, simulation is stopped in step 32 . [0113] If the data passes the check 31 , it is used for creation of mesh object generators in step 33 . As described above, the model comprises polygons and layers, and the polygons are defined by control points at the corners. The polygons usually define areas of homogenous material properties in a given layer and the layers usually describe physical layers of homogenous materials. The model is used to instantiate various classes as objects for mesh generation. The objects include: [0114] a mesh object for the full topology and geometry of the reservoir, [0115] a shape object for the overall reservoir description, [0116] a polygon object defining each polygon in terms of an aerial region in plan bounded by edges defining vertical planes; and [0117] a layer object defining each plane boarding the layers. [0118] The objects are interrelated, for example, by the shape object comprising polygon object attributes. [0119] In step 34 these objects are checked for integrity and simulation is stopped in step 35 if they fail. Iterative steps 36 and 37 then generate a finite element mesh from the objects. To generate a mesh, a pattern object is created. This object defines a pattern of elements in a radial line from the wellbore in which the number of elements in the wellbore radial direction is reduced with increasing distance from the wellbore. The pattern object creates elements at the wellbore which conform to the geometric positions of the completion openings and are graded to facilitate numerical convergence of the finite element solution. An example is shown in FIG. 6 which illustrates a wellbore centreline 61 and wellbore flow openings 62 . The pattern object defines elements 63 adjoining the wellbore 61 , and larger elements 64 at a distance from the wellbore 61 . [0120] Relationships between the objects ensure consistency of the mesh. For example, the element boundaries are consistent with the layer boundaries, as shown in FIG. 6. The reduction in the number of elements away from the wellbore reduces the required CPU time for the subsequent finite element formulation and solution. [0121] Relationships between the objects are then used to sweep the pattern through 360° C. as viewed in plan around the wellbore 61 , and the extremities are stretched to reach the polygon boundaries. In this way the pattern object is used to generate a mesh of elements for the wellbore polygon. The mesh has the same elevational cross-sectional pattern at any radial line extending from the wellbore, the only differences being length to the polygon boundary from the wellbore. FIG. 6 shows two patterns 70 and 71 , one for each of two adjoining polygons having a common boundary 65 . [0122] To generate a mesh for the remainder of the model, each of the remaining polygon objects is modified to define each boundary line as either a base line or a generator line. Referring to FIG. 7, a polygon 70 comprises a base line 71 adjoining a polygon 72 and a base line 73 adjoining a polygon 74 . The polygons 72 and 74 must also define the lines 71 and 73 as base lines. The polygons also define generator lines and the status of edges common to two polygons is set the same for both. The algorithms to implement these definitions are encapsulated in the shape object. In FIG. 7, the polygon 70 has a generator line 75 , the polygon 72 has a generator line 76 , and the polygon 74 has a generator line 77 . [0123] This object also defines interior generator lines within polygons and parallel to one of the boundary generator lines. These are indicated by the interrupted lines in FIG. 7. [0124] A pattern object along a generator line is generated and it is swept along the adjoining base line as indicated by the arrows A in FIG. 7. Again, the pattern of elements is the same along all generator lines, both boundary and internal, within a polygon. The pattern objects comprise methods (algorithms) and attributes which relate them to each other to ensure coherence between the elements of adjoining polygons. The polygons are ranked according to their relationship with the wellbore polygon. Thus, a level 1 polygon is connected to the wellbore polygon and a level 2 polygon is connected to a level 1 polygon, and so on. Each level has a unique pattern object. [0125] Referring again to FIG. 6, element pattern generation is now described in more detail. In this example, seven levels are generated at the wellbore side such that two correspond exactly to the geometry of the open section and the others are spaced suitably in a manner that will lead to numerical convergence of the finite element solution. The two-dimensional diagrams that represent these sections correspond to the diagrammatic representation of the pattern objects used in this approach. In the pattern object, the element is represented as a 2D facet 73 . The number of facets 73 used parallel to the wellbore object is automatically reduced as the pattern progresses out radially from the wellbore. This reduction is controlled by specific logic rules that allow the object to “decide” which levels (or layers of facets) can be eliminated without removing the level that corresponds to a material interface in the real reservoir. These rules also provide the logic through which each facet 73 can be completed. When the pattern object is swept in a rotational manner around the wellbore to fill the wellbore polygon space, the elements are created through the rotation of the facets. [0126] Another instance of the same class of object is used in the polygon 71 . The match-up between the two patterns is imperative to the production of a conforming finite element mesh. This match-up is achieved through the shape object that encapsulates all the polygons of the reservoir description. In essence, each polygon knows the polygons on its boundaries and consequently the patterns that it must match. Again, if there is the possibility of reducing the number of facets 73 (and thus elements) parallel to the wellbore this pattern object applies the same logical rules referred to above. This pattern (and facets) are swept in a translational manner along the baseline(s) of the polygon to fill that polygon space. [0127] It is dear from FIG. 6 that over the extent of the two polygons the number of elements parallel to the wellbore is reduced from seven to three. In more complex examples this reduction is more significant (e.g. from thirty to three would not be unusual). The result of this approach is to reduce the number of elements and nodes that define the mesh, thus reducing the simulation time very significantly. [0128] Finite element simulation then takes place in step 39 using the generated element mesh. The simulation algorithm exploits specific features of the physical problem such as: [0129] layering of geological strata; [0130] localised nature of drilling damage around the wellbore; [0131] remoteness of external boundaries; [0132] compactness of high activity zones in the early transient; [0133] single phase flow towards a single, deviated wellbore; [0134] pressure equality constraints on well-bore flow regions. [0135] An important feature is that the finite element mesh generation, material property assignment and equation solving are inextricably coupled and interdependent. It follows, from the new approach, that variable precedence data, as required in the solution of the equations, may be inferred and constructed within the mesh generation. The restricted class of geometries, material disposition and topology occurring in the simulation leads to optimal precedence data with greatly increased efficiency. [0136] The specific class of well-flow entails a boundary condition on parts of the wellbore. This boundary condition leads to a set of pressure equality constraints which are exploited to re-map the precedence data so as to achieve significant reductions in computation time. Also, the enforcement of these pressure equality constraints significantly improves the accuracy of the computed results and of the correlation with measured data from real petroleum reservoirs. [0137] The efficiency of the simulation is also increased by a number of important algorithmic features which include: [0138] use of a ring-mapped data base; [0139] portrait-mapping of the active equation cluster; [0140] use of a disk storage and retrieval algorithm for equation packets, optimally linked to physical architecture of the computer. [0141] Referring again to FIG. 4( a ), if there is no review, as indicated by the decision step 40 . the results are outputted for analysis in step 41 and simulation is stopped in step 42 . Regarding the results, reservoir engineers view the results of an analysis in the form of two dimensionless plots. One is of dimensionless pressure versus dimensionless time. The second is the derivative with respect to log of dimensionless time. Both these curves are generally plotted on a log/log plot. The experienced reservoir engineer can discern features of these plots and relate them to physical phenomena occurring in the reservoir over the period being simulated. This is an essential part of the well-testing process through which the reservoir engineer determines the physical parameters of the reservoir. [0142] The output from the simulation is the data that constitutes these plots. The system also plots these graphs itself as a visual aid to the reservoir engineer. A layout is shown in FIG. 8. In this layout, a regularly shaped reservoir 80 having a constant pressure boundary 81 , is split by a zone 82 of low permeability. The wellbore is surrounded by a damage zone 83 of equally low permeability. [0143] The analysis of the welltest problem results in a graph as shown in FIG. 9. This graph reflects the layout modelled as indicated such as: [0144] the effect of the damage zone, [0145] the time at which the low permeability zone is reached by the pressure transient, [0146] the time at which the outer boundary is reached by the pressure transient, [0147] the time at which (and the effect of) the constant pressure outer boundary is reached. [0148] The graph window which is used to plot the results of the analysis serves another purpose in graphical post processing and analysis steps 43 and 41 respectively. In a pressure map mode (i.e. when the perspective view window is used to plot the pressure map) the graph takes on the role of allowing the user to control a number of aspects of that pressure map, namely: [0149] 1. The time step history point to be viewed, [0150] 2. The minimum dimensionless pressure to be colour mapped, (points with a pressure below this will be shown as grey). [0151] 3. The maximum dimensionless pressure to be colour mapped, (points with a pressure above this will be shown as white). [0152] An example is shown in FIG. 10. These parameters are represented on the graph as three lines, two horizontal (minimum dimensionless pressure and maximum dimensionless pressure), and one vertical (current time step for which the pressure map is plotted). The reservoir engineer can drag any of these lines individually on the graph to set it to the desired position. This interface gives the reservoir engineer full control over the plot he is viewing in a simple and effective manner. [0153] It will be appreciated that the invention allows generation of more accurate reservoir data because of accuracy of the reservoir geometrical data. Also, the method of interpreting the models/templates produces a suitable finite element mesh for the analysis of the pressure transient phenomena associated with the reservoir. The approach taken in the invention has important advantages over conventional reservoir testing methods. Currently, well testing involves using analytic solutions to very simplified reservoir models. Aspects like material anisotropy, multiple layers, non parallel bedding planes, aerial heterogeneity, and complex geometry cannot be modelled. The simplifications necessary to simulate real problems limits the accuracy of the analysis. The method and system of the invention can handle all of the above aspects. Another very important aspect is that the invention allows conceptualisation of the reservoir so that mesh generation can take place very quickly, typically in under 20 seconds. [0154] The invention also provides for easy analysis of the results by the reservoir engineer, and because they are based on accurate models the results are generally more meaningful and accurate. [0155] Because of the mesh which is generated complex reservoir configurations may be modelled in minutes rather than hours, and the generated mesh allows optimum use of CPU time. [0156] The invention is not limited to the embodiments described but may be varied in construction and detail within the scope of the claims.
A reservoir in a payrock ( 2 ) is analyzed using finite element simulation. A reservoir engineer selects an appropriate model from a set of template models, each comprising a set of polygons ( 51 ) in plan and layers ( 53 ) in elevation. The polygons are defined in objects instantiated from classes by control points and the layers as depth values of control points. A pattern object sweeps rotationally about a wellbore in a wellbore polygon to define a pattern of elements, fewer in number with distance from the wellbore. A polygon object also sweeps linearly from a generator line in the direction of a base line. The generator and a base lines correspond to polygon boundaries. Finite element simulation is performed with the model so derived.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates in general to translucent storage pages for use in filing photographic film slides, more particularly, storage pages of the type described, having certain improvements for preserving the slide and making access to the slides more convenient. Translucent storage pages for use in filing and preserving photographic film slides are well known in the prior art, as disclosed, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 2,968,882 issued to Jiro Ozeki on Jan. 24, 1961. It has been found, however, that in the use of ordinary easily-formed plastic materials, such as, for example, polyvinyl chloride, which are conventionally used for this purpose, the photographic emulsion on the surface of the slides has a tendency to deteriorate because of the reactive quality of the non-archival material used, which is further aggravated by actual contact between the emulsion surface and the face of the storage page. Furthermore, although provision is made for filing the storage pages in ring binders, in such an arrangement it may be difficult to obtain access to individual slides. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Accordingly, it is a principal object of the present invention to provide an improved storage page for photographic slides, which is designed in an improved manner to protect the photographic emulsion for the life of the slide. Another object of the invention is to provide storage pages which can be readily filed and indexed in a standard filing cabinet, using standard filing frames, which allow the pages to independently hang free in the cabinet. These and other objects are attained in accordance with the present invention in an improved design, in which the storage page is fabricated from what is known as "archival material". Another feature of the design of the present invention is the fabrication of the storage page, so that each of the storage trays for storing individual slides is formed to include in the interior thereof a slight indentation or recess, about a millimeter in depth, so that the interior surface of the storage tray is removed from direct contact with the face of the photographic emulsion. This recess functions to permit the circulation of air around the slide and to prevent the trapping of chemical vapors or moisture between the emulsion surface and the inner surface of the storage page during the storage period, thereby preventing a chemical reaction from taking place between, for example, the acids and sulphurs which are part of the paperboard or other conventional slide mounts from evaporating and attacking the emulsion. A further feature of the improved design includes ridges which facilitate the slideable attachment of a plastic hanger bar having hooks at opposite ends, allowing the storage page to be hung along standard supporting file frames in a standard letter-size file cabinet, and indexing means. Other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will be apparent from a study of the detailed specification hereinafter, with reference to the attached drawings. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 shows a front view of the slide storage page of the present invention; FIG. 2A is a fragmentary showing, in perspective, looking from the rear, of the upper right-hand corner of the slide storage page shown in FIG. 1, showing particularly the design of the page with hanging bar, including one of the hooks, in position for file cabinet storage of the slide pages; FIG. 2B is a showing, in perspective, of the fragment of FIG. 2A in which the hanging bar is partially removed from the slide page; FIG. 2C, is a showing of the hanging bar of FIG. 2B, showing the indexing tab applied, and in phantom, partially removed; FIG. 3 is a fragmentary showing, in perspective, looking from the front of the slide storage page of FIG. 1; and FIG. 4 is a sectional showing through the plane indicated by the arrows 4--4 of FIG. 1, as viewed from the reverse side. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring now to FIG. 1 there is shown a slide storage page 1 which in the present illustrative example has an overall dimension of 24.13 by 28.58 centimeters, which in preferred form is made out of plastic material of archival quality by what is known in the art as a vacuum forming process. In the specifications and claims hereinafter, the term "archival material" refers to material which is not substantially chemically reactive with photographic emulsion. A preferred material for the slide storage page of the present invention is polypropylene; although it will be understood that other materials having similar characteristics relating to the preservation of the stored photographic slides can also be used. Preferably, the material is translucent, as opposed to being transparent, in order to sufficiently diffuse light rays impinging on it, without effecting what is known as a "pinhole" effect. In the present embodiment, the slide storage page 1 comprises a number of rectangular trays 2, each one of which is adapted for the storage of a single slide, such as 3, shown in the lower right-hand corner of FIG. 1. In the present illustrative embodiment there are twenty of the trays 2, each one of which has an overall dimension of 5.4 centimeters square, although it will be understood, of course, that the dimensions and the number of trays in each of the slide storage pages are a matter of choice. Referring to FIGS. 2A, 3 and 4, which respectively show the back, front and sectional shape of a single tray, it will be seen that each of the trays 2 has an overall base portion 4 which is 50 millimeters square and which is indented 5 millimeters from the front face of the page. In each case, the area of the base surface 4 of each of the trays 2 is determined so that a slide 3 comprising a frame 3a and a central emulsion portion 3b can be inserted therein. (See FIG. 1) In each case, the slide 3 is held in place in the tray 2 by means of a pair of projecting tabs 7a, 7b on opposite sides of each of the trays. The projecting tabs 7a, 7b, which extend up about half the length of the tray are 4.2 millimeters wide and have a maximum length of about 30 millimeters long, alternate adjacent tabs being about 2 millimeters shorter, as shown in FIG. 1, to provide additional strength and easy insertion and withdrawal of the slide. Tabs 7a, 7b are formed by cutting longitudinal slots 8a, 8b out of the base surface, and pressing the cutout portion upward. The overall width of the cutout portions 8a, 8b is about 10 millimeters, and their length about 30 millimeters. The tabs 7a, 7b are formed and dimensioned to hold slide mounts of varying thicknesses; for example, cardboard mounts (1 millimeter); plastic or glass mounts, 2.5 millimeters. In accordance with the present invention, a particular improvement comprises providing in each one of the trays 2 a central recessed portion 9. The latter is about 35 millimeters square, and is recessed to a depth of about 1 millimeter below the base surface 4. The recesses 9 are somewhat larger than the film emulsion portion 3b of the color slide 3, so that the base 4 of the tray 2 supports the color slide mount 3a while the emulsion is spaced apart from contact with the plastic surface of the tray 2. This provides space about 1.5 millimeters deep, wherein air can circulate under and around the slide and can prevent trapping of chemicals between the slide surface and the supporting tray. Chemicals which have been found to cause deterioration of the photographic emulsion of the stored slides are either those which may make up the slide itself, or which are present in the paper-board mount. These could combine with moisture to react with and effect deterioration of the emulsion 3a. Referring specifically to FIG. 2A, there is shown in fragment, the upper right-hand corner of the slide storage page 1, including a hanger-bar 20. The latter, which may be, for example, 32.3 centimeters long, and 2 centimeters wide, is about 4 millimeters through the widest part. This is formed from a sheet of polystyrene about 1 millimeter thick, which is folded lengthwise, so as to provide an opening along the lower edge. The parallel opposite sides of hanger-bar 20 are impressed with matching inwardly-directed lengthwise ridges, so that the open inner edge of hanger-bar 20 is constructed to engage in slideable relation a lip 15 about 6 millimeters wide along the upper edge of the slide storage plate 1, as shown in FIG. 2B. The lip 15 has a series of aligned ridges 15a, parallel with the edge, and each about 11/2 millimeters long, projecting about 1 millimeter above the surface of the lip, and which are spaced apart at intervals so that the end ridges are 2 centimeters in from the respective corners. The ridges 15a serve to secure the hanger-bar 20 in place in snap-fit relation on the edge 15. A further addition to the combination is an indexing tab 25, shown in FIG. 2C, which may be, for example, about 5 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide, the upper part comprising a flat rectangular tab, the edges of which are inwardly bent to accommodate an indexing marker. The lower edge 25a of index tab 25 comprises a pair of elongated clips which snap-fit onto the longitudinal ridge of hanger-bar 20, so that index tab 25 can be readily slid onto or off of hanger-bar 20, the different positions being shown in full line, and in phantom, in FIG. 2C. A pair of hooks 10 project in a lateral direction from the upper-right and left-hand corners of the slide storage page as shown, for example, in FIG. 1. The lower edge of the hook 10 has an indentation 10a which is constructed to be accommodated in the guides of a conventional frame for a letter-size file cabinet, so that the slide storage pages 1, instead of being filed in ring binders in the conventional manner, may also be hung on conventional filing frames in said cabinets. This feature will allow each page to hang independently, allowing for further air circulation. Alternatively, the lower edge 30 of the slide storage page is provided with a marginal area including the openings 31 which are punched for filing in a conventional or multi-ring, binders. It will be seen that the inner wall 11 on the upper edge of each of the trays 2, as shown in FIGS. 1 and 4, is inclined to the base surface 4 at an angle which is dependant upon variables, such as the coefficient friction of the plastic material of which the tray 2 is formed (relative to slide 3), the thickness of the material and other factors. It has been found, however, an angle of 45° to the horizontal base 4, is preferable for this purpose. The inclined wall 11 serves to facilitate easy insertion and removal of the slide 3 in such a manner as to prevent it from slipping out of the tray 2. Referring again to FIG. 1, the wall 12 on the lower inner edge of each of trays 2 is cut off in such a manner as to form a linear depression 13 which extends about 3 centimeters along the lower wall. It is possible to insert a finger in the depression 13 so as to enable the bottom edge of the slide 3 to be pushed forward, thereby to slip its front-end over the inclined upper wall 11 along the upper edge of the tray 2. This facilitates its removal from the tray. When it is desired to insert the slide 3 into the tray 2, the bottom end of the slide 3, with its emulsion side down, is inserted into the space formed between the projecting tabs 7a, 7b and the base surface 4. The slide 3 is then pushed forward until the frame 3b rests on the base surface 4, thereby enclosing the slide 3 in the tray 2 without contact between the emulsion surface 3a and the inner surface of the recess 9. It will be apparent that a large number of color film slides 3 can thus be enclosed in trays 2 of each of the slide storage pages in such a way as to be securely held in place by the inclined upper wall 11, either when stored in a conventional ring binder, or when the slide storage page is stored in a file cabinet by use of the hanger-bar 20, including hooks 10. The appropriate slide 3 is easily retrieved in a single operation, by inserting one fingertip into the slots 8a, 8b and pushing the slide 3 forward. Slide storage pages of the form disclosed in FIG. 1, and having the constructional features described in the foregoing paragraphs, can be made by a vacuum form molding process of manufacture out of sheets of polypropylene, which in the present illustrative embodiment may have a thickness of 0.4 millimeters. The compactness of the slide storage pages enables a large number of them to be filed together in a ring binder or in a conventional letter-size file cabinet. The archival characteristics of the material, and the fact that the emulsion is held in spaced-apart relation from the plastic tray in which the slide is secured, enables the slides to be kept for many years without substantial chemical and mechanical deterioration. It will be understood that the present invention is not limited to the particular form disclosed and described herein by way of illustration, but only by the scope of the appended claims.
Translucent plastic pages of an improved design for the filing of color film slides, wherein the storage trays are slightly indented to remove the slide emulsion from direct contact with the plastic. In accordance with a further feature, the translucent storage pages are formed from archival material, and are designed alternatively to be suspended in a file cabinet by means of a hanging bar which affixes to the page, and includes an indexing tab; or to be stored in a conventional ring binder, without the hanging bar.
TECHNICAL FIELD [0001] The invention relates to the in-flight relighting of an aircraft turbofan engine. BACKGROUND [0002] FIG. 1 schematically illustrates a typical turbofan engine 10 for subsonic flight. The engine 10 generally comprises in serial flow communication a fan 12 through which ambient air is propelled, a multi-stage compressor 14 for pressurising the air, a combustor 16 in which the compressed air is mixed with fuel and ignited for generating a stream of hot combustion gases, and a turbine section 18 for extracting energy from the combustion gases. The engine 10 also comprises an auxiliary or accessory gearbox (AGB) 20 on which are located mechanical and electrical systems, such as fuel pumps, oil pumps, generators and a starter/generator. The main rotating parts of the engine 10 are connected in two subgroups, the low pressure (LP) spool and the high pressure (HP) spool, which are coaxially disposed. In use, the engine 10 is started by the starter which is mechanically connected to the HP spool using a set of gears and a tower shaft 22 . Once the desired HP spool speed is reached, fuel is provided into the combustor 16 and is ignited to start or “light” the engine 10 . [0003] When the engine 10 is mounted on an airplane, in the unlikely event of a flame out or engine shutdown, dynamic pressure due to forward speed of the airplane creates a windmill effect to spin the LP and HP spools. This spinning is then further assisted by the starter to spin the HP spool up to the starting speed so that relight can successfully occur. In other arrangements, a shaft power transfer arrangement is provided to transfer windmilling energy from the LP spool to the HP spool to assist acceleration of the HP spool to relight speed. However, there is a continuing need for simpler and better systems. SUMMARY [0004] In one aspect, the present invention provides a method for in-flight relighting a turbofan engine of an aircraft, the engine having at least two shafts, one of which is a high-pressure shaft mounted to a high-pressure compressor and a high-pressure turbine, the high-pressure shaft drivingly connected to an accessory load, the method comprising the steps of: disconnecting the accessory load from the high-pressure shaft to substantially eliminate a parasitic drag load on the high-pressure shaft; permitting ram air to rotate the high pressure shaft; and relighting the engine. [0005] In another aspect, the present invention provides a method for in-flight relighting an aircraft turbofan engine, the engine having at least two shafts, one of which is a high-pressure shaft mounted to a high-pressure compressor, a high-pressure turbine and an electrical generator, the generator electrically driving an accessory load, the method comprising the steps of: determining the presence of an engine-out condition of the engine; using the generator to reduce the rate of rotation of the high-pressure shaft to a desired rate within a relight envelope; and relighting the engine. [0006] In another aspect, the present invention provides a method for in-flight relighting an aircraft accessory gearboxless turbofan engine, the engine having at least two shafts, one of which is a high-pressure shaft mounted to a high-pressure compressor, a high-pressure turbine and a concentrically-mounted electrical generator, the generator electrically driving an accessory load, the method comprising the steps of: using exclusively ram air through the engine to rotate the high-pressure shaft; and then relighting the engine. [0007] In another aspect, the invention provides a method of relighting a gas turbine engine of a fixed-wing aircraft after an in-flight engine-out condition, the engine having at least one electromagnetic bearing apparatus and at least a bladed propulsor mounted to a first shaft and a compressor and turbine mounted to a second shaft, the first shaft drivingly connected to an electric generator, the method comprising the steps of: using windmill rotation of the bladed propulsor to drive the generator; using electricity from the windmill-driven generator to provide power to the electromagnetic bearing apparatus; and relighting the engine. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES [0008] For a better understanding of the present method, and to show more clearly how it may be carried into effect, reference will now be made by way of example to the accompanying figures, in which: [0009] FIG. 1 schematic view of a typical turbofan gas turbine engine according to the prior art; [0010] FIG. 2 is a schematic side view of an example of a turbofan gas turbine engine for use with the present method; and [0011] FIG. 3 is block diagram illustrating the present method. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0012] FIG. 2 shows a turbofan gas turbine engine 20 which generally comprises a low-pressure (LP) spool 21 supporting at least a fan and a turbine, and a concentric high-pressure (HP) spool 24 supporting at least a compressor and a turbine. An embedded or integrated generator or starter/generator 22 is coaxially mounted on the HP spool 24 of the engine 20 , and preferably a second generator or motor/generator 23 is mounted on the LP spool 21 of the engine 20 . Starter-generator 22 may be operated as a motor to light engine 20 , and also preferably as a generator to generate electricity, which a controller 26 may then provide in form suitable for driving accessories 28 such as electrically-driven pumps and other engine and aircraft services. Generator 23 may be used likewise to generate electricity for controller 26 to provide to accessories 28 (but are not necessarily the same controller or accessories/services as driven by generator 22 ), and if a motor/generator, may be used to selectively drive the LP spool 21 . Consequently, the need for an accessory gearbox is obviated, and is thus not present in engine 20 . The design of engine 20 is not new, however the present invention offers new functionality to the engine 20 to provide improved in-flight relighting, as will now be described. [0013] After a flame-out or other shut-down of engine 20 occurs requiring the engine to be relit, in-flight windmilling causes the LP spool 21 and HP spool 24 to rotate, which thus rotates starter-generator 22 . During in-flight windmilling, controller 26 preferably partially or completely disconnects or stops supplying electricity to accessories 28 , so there is substantially no electrical load drawn from starter-generator 22 , and thus there is substantially no parasitic drag on the HP spool 24 caused by starter-generator 22 . For example, in one embodiment shown in FIG. 3 , a flame-out (or other engine-off) condition is initially detected by the controller 26 , which controls the fuel and oil pumps 28 . The controller also monitors electrical output from the generator(s), and includes suitable means to prevent power output to the aircraft electrical bus (also represented by 28 ) which does not meet the specification requirements—i.e. the controller 26 has control over whether the starter-generator 22 is connected to the bus in the ‘generate’ and ‘start’ modes. In a flame-out condition, an appropriate sensor signals the controller to stop the fuel pump from pumping fuel, and preferably also stops the oil pump, and the electrical output of the starter-generator 22 is also disconnected from the aircraft bus. Thus, electromagnetic drag on the HP spool 24 is reduced, and preferably effectively eliminated. Consequently, unlike the prior art, the accessories 28 are disconnected from the HP spool 24 , preferably prior to relight. [0014] Referring again to the engine 10 of FIG. 1 , during in-flight windmilling AGB 20 remains drivingly connected to the HP spool, and thus a plurality of gears and accessories continue to be driven by the HP spool, which creates a parasitic mechanical drag on the HP spool which tends to decelerate the HP spool windmilling speed. As previously described, another energy source is required to overcome this drag and accelerate the engine to its relight speed. However, by disconnecting the load from the HP spool 24 of engine 20 , the parasitic drag of the accessory system is virtually eliminated and, in the right conditions, windmill speed alone becomes sufficient to spin the HP spool 24 at a desired starting speed, using only aircraft attitude if necessary to control windmill speed. Another external power source is not required, thereby simplifying the engine system. This greatly facilitates relighting of the engine 20 by extending the in flight relight envelope of the engine. [0015] Therefore, the windmilling effect of ram air though the high spool may be used to rotate the engine to relight speed, particularly in very small turbofans having low inertia. Thus relight is achieved by disconnecting accessories and then using windmilling power, preferably alone and without the input of additional rotation energy from the starter-generator 22 , or any other power transfer mechanism, to increase the speed of the HP spool. [0016] In fact, conversely to the prior art, in some situations such as when descending rapidly on flame out conditions, the rotor may tend to spin too quickly, and thus prevent optimum relight conditions (e.g. lean blow out may occur if there is too much speed at the low fuel flows generally desired for starting), adjustable “drag” may be provided to the high rotor, e.g. by providing a braking force to slow the HP spool speed down. In one approach, this is achieved by operating the starter/generator 22 as a sort of electromagnetic brake, for example by controlling the current of the starter-generator via the controller 26 . In another aspect, a mechanical braking arrangement may be employed to retard spool rotation. This may be used to put an upper limit on windmill speed under conditions requiring a specific relight speed, without requiring the pilot to set a different decent rate than was required for other reasons (for example, in the case where both engines flame out, descending to an altitude where there is air to breathe is often high on the pilot's list of priorities). Thus, controlling the windmill speed to an optimum value for relight, whether increasing or decreasing the rotor speed as necessary, is available with the present concept. [0017] In another aspect of the present invention, in the case of flame-out, generator 23 may provide self-contained back-up electrical to power during windmilling to a magnetic bearings power system (indicated as among the elements of 28 ) to support the required shafts or spools during power-out situations. The LP spool generator does not induce parasitic drag on the HP spool, and thus no hamper relighting of the HP spool. [0018] The above description is meant to be exemplary only, and one skilled in the art will recognize that other changes may also be made to the embodiments described without departing from the scope of the invention disclosed. For instance, the starter-generator can be any suitable design, and may in fact be provided by two different units (e.g. separate starter and generator). Although it is desirable to adjust parasitic drag (e.g. by disconnecting accessories and/or reducing rotor speed) prior to commencing relight procedures, the operations may be performed in any desired order. Although electrically disconnecting of the HP spool from accessory drive systems is preferred, any suitable selectively operable disconnect system may be employed. Still other modifications may be apparent to those skilled in the art, in light of a review of this disclosure, and such modifications are intended to fall within the appended claims.
The method and apparatus for in-flight relighting of a turbofan engine involve in one aspect selectively controlling an accessory drag load on one or more windmilling rotors to permit control of the windmill speed to an optimum value for relight conditions.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Heretofore, in the art, there has been the need for forming upon a tubular workpiece of a series of equal or unequal bends along the length thereof spaced at different distances from each other and angularly oriented with respect to each other and wherein, there is a need for mass production of such tubular workpieces having a series of such bends therein. One example is in the auto industry in the manufacture of exhaust pipes or tail pipes, and many other areas wherein, tubes are required having a series of angularly related bends formed therein. Heretofore, there have been very complicated machines constructed by which tubular workpieces may have formed therein a series of longitudinally spaced bends of the same or different radii and angularly related with respect to each other. The primary difficulty with the prior art efforts at devices of this type has been the expensive and extensive and complicated nature of the mechanisms and control devices involved. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide an improved and simplified multiple station tube bender by which there is provided a series of tube bending stations around a rotary table and wherein, the rotary table mounts a series of support rods for radially extending workpieces and wherein, in a continuous manner as the table rotates, there will be a continuous intermittent and progressive formation of successive bends on the workpieces simultaneously thus, providing a continuous intermittent delivery of workpieces in final form at the final bending station, all in a continuous operation. It is another object to provide an improved multiple station tube bender and wherein, a series of tubular workpiece blanks may be successively mounted upon a series of support rods and wherein, during intermittent incremental rotary movements of the table, there will be intermittent raising and lowering of the table for disengaging a workpiece from a bending brake assembly at a particular bending station and to facilitate movement of the workpiece to the next adjacent bending station for a successive bend therein. It is another object to provide an automatic mechanical control mechanism by which after each bend in a workpiece, the workpiece will be angularly oriented a predetermined amount in one direction or the other before the next succeeding bend has been applied thereto. These and other objects will be seen from the following specification and claims in conjunction with the appended drawings. THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a fragmentary perspective view of the present multiple station tube bender. FIG. 2 is a fragmentary perspective view on an enlarged scale of the multiple station tube bender shown in FIG. 1. FIG. 3 is a fragmentary plan view of one bending station showing the associated support rod and with the bending brake rotated for forming a bend in the workpiece. FIG. 4 is a front perspective view of one bending station, on an enlarged scale including a movably mounted pedestal and a bending brake assembly. FIG. 5 is a fragmentary vertical section of the tube bender showing the mounting of the table on its platform for rotary and vertical adjustments. FIG. 6 is a fragmentary section taken in the direction of arrows 6--6 of FIG. 5, illustrating the device for controlling angular orientation of the workpiece. FIG. 7 is a similar view of such control mechanism as arranged upon the opposite side of the table from that shown in FIG. 5. FIG. 8 is a fragmentary section taken in the direction of arrows 8--8 of FIG. 5. FIG. 9 is a plan view similar to FIG. 3, showing the position of the bending brake after bending and with the workpiece laterally disengaged from the bending die. FIG. 10 is a side elevational view of the bending station shown in FIG. 9, including the power control for radial adjustments of the bending brake assembly supporting pedestal. FIG. 11 is a fragmentary section of the bending brake control cylinder taken in the direction of arrows 11--11 of FIG. 10. It will be understood that the above drawings illustrate merely a preferred embodiment of the invention, and that other embodiments are contemplated within the scope of the claims hereafter set forth. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring to the drawings, the present multiple station tube bender is generally indicated at 11, FIG. 1, upon the floor surface F, FIG. 10, including support platform 13, FIG. 5, having a supporting frame 15 fragmentarily shown for spacing the platform above the floor surface. The upright table lift cylinder 17 is secured upon the under surface of platform 13 and includes a reciprocal piston 19 with connected piston rod 21 arranged upon a vertical central axis. Said piston rod extends up through platform 13 and at its upper end mounts and is secured to table 43 as by fastener 47, FIG. 5. Rotative feed device 23 of cylindrical form has a circular base flange 25 with said feed device and flange supported upon platform 13 and adapted for incremental rotary reciprocal movements. Ring gear 29 is secured around an upper end portion of the rotative feed device. The second feed cylinder 31, hydraulic or pneumatic, is secured to the undersurface of platform 13 and has an axis at right angles to and laterally displaced from central axis of the piston rod 21, said piston rod being journalled through the upright bore 27 in said rotative feed device. Cylinder 31 includes a piston and connected piston rod 33 which projects from said cylinder and by a clevis 35 is pivotally connected to the link 37. Pivot pin 41 on the outer end of said link is eccentrically connected to flange 25, FIG. 8. Therefore, activation of the cylinder 31 at its opposite ends in a conventional manner is adapted to effect intermittent reciprocal movements of the link 37 and corresponding intermittent reciprocal rotary movements of the rotative feed device 23. Table 43 has a central bore 45 to receive the upper reduced end portion of piston rod 21, and includes annular apron 49 having a bore 51 which receives the rotatable feed device, FIG. 5. Ring gear 53 is arranged within said bore upon said apron at the lower end thereof and is normally spaced from ring gear 29. A series of wedge-shaped rod support plates 55 are spaced around the table 43 to extend radially outward therefrom and are pivotally connected thereto as by the fasteners 57, as shown in FIGS. 2 and 5. Each rod support plate at its outer end has a depending gear box 59, FIGS. 5, 6 and 7, secured to the respective rod support 55 as by fasteners 61. Each gear box includes upright back plate 63, FIG. 2, front plate 65, and spacers 67 assembled together by fasteners 69, FIG. 2. Pinion 71, FIGS. 6 and 7, is journalled within the gear box as by bearings 75, FIG. 5, and external bearing block 77 which receives and journals the workpiece support rod 73. Said support rod axially projects into and is secured to said pinion, as shown in FIGS. 5 and 6. Upright first rack gear 79 is in mesh with pinion 71 and slidably engages one side wall of the gear box, and is adapted for vertical adjustments along with vertical movements of the table 43 with respect to the axially aligned adjustable stop 83, FIG. 6. A second upright rack gear 81 is arranged upon the opposite side of the gear box, FIGS. 6 and 7, is in mesh with said pinion and slidably engages the opposite side of said gear box. As shown in FIG. 6, the second rack gear 81 is normally spaced from but in axial registry with a second adjustable stop 87 secured upon platform 13. As explained hereunder, vertical adjustments of the table 43 will effect corresponding vertical adjustments of the respective gear boxes at the outer ends of the respective rod supports. As one of the rack gears 79 or 81 comes into registry with either of the adjustable stops 83 or 87, upon downward movement of the table 43, further downward movement of said table will cause an angular rotary adjustment of the pinion 71 and the connected support rod 73 for a predetermined angular rotation thereof and a corresponding angular adjustment of the tubular workpiece W axially secured thereto, as in FIGS. 3, 9 and 10. Arranged around the platform 13 and outwardly thereof is the horizontally disposed hollow ring platform 89 secured thereto by a series of spokes 91 and corresponding fasteners 93, FIGS. 1 and 3. The outer ends of said spokes are normally connected to the ring platform by a series of welds 95, as shown in FIG. 9, or other equivalent fastening device. A series of upright rod supports 97 having upwardly opening sockets 99, FIGS. 1, 3, 4, 9 and 10, have mounting plates 113 which overly ring platform 89 and are spaced therearound and are pivotally connected thereto upon a vertical axes as at 115. The outer end of the respective support rods 73 have reduced diameter mandrels 117 adapted to frictionally receive end portions of the respective workpieces W so that the workpieces are held in axial alignment with the rods 73, such as shown in FIG. 3. As shown in FIG. 1, there is provided a radially arranged load station 119 which includes upon the floor surface a radially extending elevated platform 121 mounting an upright notched workpiece support 123. This would normally hold one end of the tubular workpiece W in longitudinal registry with mandrel 117. Workpiece pusher 125 is aligned with notched support 123 as well as with the support rod 73 and is mounted upon the radially adjustable table 127 suitably connected to a movable piston rod 131 of the cylinder 129. This provides illustratively one means by which the table 127 may be advanced and retracted for engaging a tubular workpiece blank W and sliding it along the support 123 into frictional cooperative and securing registry with the mandrel 117 for loading the tubular workpiece blank upon support rod 73 in alignment therewith. A series of spaced bending stations 113 are mounted upon the floor surface F radially outward of and around the platform 13, as best shown in FIG. 1. These stations are each equally spaced apart from each other and with respect to the loading station 119. A series of flat radially extending tracks 135 are applied to the floor surface and extend radially outward from the framework 15 of the platform 13 and are adapted to supportably underly the respective bending stations 133. The outer ends of adjacent tracks 135 are interconnected by the spacer links 137 and corresponding fasteners 139, such as shown fragmentarily in FIG. 4. Each of the bending stations includes a carriage 141 and journalled thereunder at 145 a pair of transverse rollers 143 adapted to engage the respective tracks 135 to facilitate adjustments and reciprocal movements of the respective bending stations and associated carriage 141. Mounted upon each carriage is an upright pedestal 149. The lower cylinder head 151 of the bending cylinder 157 is secured above and is adjustably mounted upon pedestal 149 as by the mounting plate 153 and corresponding fasteners 155. The bending cylinder includes the top support head 159 upon which the present bending brake assembly is mounted. The detail of construction of the bending cylinder 157 is shown in FIG. 11 as including a cylindrical chamber 163 and an axial rotative rod 165 which is journalled with respect to the upright radial angularly related partitions 67. Piston plate 161 is arranged in a vertical plane and is adapted for reciprocal movements in vertical planes and at one upright edge is secured to the rotative rod 165. Pressure fluid conduits 169 extend to the cylinder 157 and project through the respective partitions 167 for pressurizing chamber 163 selectively upon opposite sides of the piston plate 161 for effecting controlled reciprocal rotary movements thereof in a conventional manner. The present bending brake assembly includes the laterally extending bending brake 171 which, at one end, overlies support head 159, receives and is secured to the rotatable piston rod 165 forming a part of the bending cylinder. The bending brake assembly includes the replacable and interchangeable circular bending die 175 mounted on rod 165, which has an exterior annular groove 177 therein to correspond to the diameter of the selected workpiece. The bending brake includes workpiece-engaging jaw 179 grooved at 181 to receive the workpiece and pivotally mounted at 185 to the block 183. The bending brake assembly also includes a laterally extending support plate 187, FIG. 3, which mounts the radially adjustable grooved gripper jaw 189. Cylinder 191, FIG. 10, depends from the bending brake 171 and includes a reciprocal piston and piston rod 193. Control link 195 is pivoted at 197 to said piston rod and at its other end is pivoted at 185 to jaw 179, as shown in FIG. 4, so that vertical adjustments of piston rod 93 will control gripping and ungripping movements of the jaw 179. Similar to the control cylinder 191 for the jaw 179 of the bending brake, there is provided an additional cylinder assembly 199. That cylinder assembly also has a reciprocal piston and piston rod and a linkage similar to the linkage shown in FIG. 10 for operatively connecting the workpiece-gripping jaw 189 and securing an end portion of the workpiece W with respect to the bending die 175 within the annular groove 177 therein, such as shown in FIG. 3. After each bending function of the bending brake and before retraction thereof from the position shown in FIG. 3 to the position shown in FIG. 4, there will be a limited radial inward movement of the pedestal 149 and carriage 141 at each bending station and with respect to the track 135. Referring to FIG. 10, upright bracket 201 depends from the ring platform 89 and secures the horizontally disposed radially extending cylinder 203 with suitable control conduits 209 connected at opposite ends thereof for effecting reciprocal movements of the piston 205 and the connected projecting piston rod 207. The free end of said rod is connected by the bracket 211 to the carriage 141 of the pedestal 149 of each bending station. After the bending operation shown in FIG. 4, cylinder 203 is activated causing a retraction of the carriage 141 a limited distance upon the supporting track 135. Cam arm 213, FIG. 9, having a cam 215 adjacent one end, at its other end is pivotally mounted as at 217 upon support head 159. The opposite end of the cam arm 213 is movably supported upon the ring platform 89 and slidably engages the guide pin 221 upon plate 219 upon said platform. The cam 215 of the cam arm 213 is in operative engagement with the pivotal rod support 97. Accordingly, after the bending brake, fragmentarily shown at 171, FIG. 9, has completed the bending and formed the bend B in the tubular workpiece, cylinder 203 is activated causing a retraction of the piston rod 207 and an inward movement of the carriage 141. This causes a corresponding radial inward movement of the cam arm 213 so as to operatively engage the socketed rod support 97 rotating said rod support around its pivot mounting 115 from the position shown in FIG. 4 to a lateral position, FIG. 9, so that the workpiece W has become disengaged from the bending die 175. So disengaged, the next upward adjustment of the central table 43 will cause an upward movement of the workpiece W and its support rod 73 in a vertical plane as properly disengaged from the bending die 175. An unloading station is generally indicated at 223, FIG. 1, and is arranged radially outward of the final bending station 133 and includes a formed workpiece gripping device 225 upon the support 227. When the particular workpiece upon its rod support has been rotated to the unloading position shown in FIG. 1 with respect to the unloading station 223, the gripper 225 is adapted to operatively engage the formed tubular workpiece and a control mechanism 229 is adapted to retract the support 227 sufficiently to disengage the workpiece from the final bending station 133. OPERATION After the loading of a tubular workpiece blank W upon the mandrel 117 at the loading station 119, FIG. 1, cylinder 17 under a remote control raises the table 43 such as to the dash position shown in FIG. 5 and when so elevated, the internal ring gear 53 is then in mesh with the rotative feed device ring gear 29. Accordingly, in successive operation of the cylinder 31 and its piston rod, there will be an incremental rotary movement of the rotative feed device 23 causing a corresponding angular rotary movement of the table 43 such that the connected rod support 55, the support rod 73 and the associated workpiece are rotated from the loading station to the first bending station in a clockwise direction, shown in FIG. 1. The link 37 connected with cylinder 31 and eccentrically joined to the flange 25 on the rotative drive device 23 functions as a ratchet so that on each activation of the cylinder there is, when the table 43 is elevated, corresponding equal incremental rotary movement of the table in the same direction so that ultimately the table rotates 360 degrees. This causes the particular workpiece to intermittently move from one station to another until the workpiece reaches the unloading station 223, FIG. 1. Accordingly, the bending stations including the loading station 119 and the uloading station 223 are spaced apart equal amounts so that uniform rotary incremental adjustments of the flange 25 and the associated rotative control device will cause similar incremental rotary adjustments of table 43 and the respective rod supports 55 mounted thereon. Retraction of link 37 and drive device 23 occurs after table 43 is lowered and gears 29,53 disengaged. When the workpiece reaches the first bending station 133, the table 43 under the control of the control of cylinder 17 is automatically lowered which causes a corresponding lowering of the respective rod support plates 55 and the corresponding gear boxes and associated rack gears 79 and 81. Depending upon the desired amount of angular orientation of the workpiece for a particular successive bend, the respective adjustable stops 83 and 87 are arranged upon the platform 13, with one of the adjustable stops 83,87 adapted for operative engagement with one of the rack gears 79 and 81. Therefore, upon such lowering of the table 43 as brings one of the rack gears 79 or 81 into engagement with the corresponding adjustable stop, further lowering of the table will cause the associated pinion 71 and support rod 73 to rotate a predetermined amount, depending upon the setting of the adjustable stops. One stop is active and the other stop is inactive. With the workpiece support rod 73 properly oriented for a particular bend, the tubular workpiece is now in registry with the bending die 175 of the bending brake assembly shown in FIG. 4. Cylinder 199 is activated, causing the jaw 189 to grip the outer end portion of the workpiece W with respect to the bending die. Activation of the second cylinder 191, FIG. 10, causes the jaw 179 to operatively engage the tubular workpiece. The bending brake cylinder 157 is now energized by supplying pressure fluid to one of the conduits 169 of FIG. 11, causing a rotary movement of the piston plate 161 and the associated rod 165. This causes a rotary adjustment of the bending brake 171, limited by its engagement with the adjustable stop 173, FIG. 4. This produces the bend in the tubular workpiece, such as shown at B, FIG. 9. During bending of the workpiece, the support rod 73, at its free end, has been supported within the socket 99 of the upright plate 97 which includes inclined guiding surfaces 101. Before the workpiece can be elevated for rotation to the next adjacent station, it must first be disengaged from the bending die 175 in the manner shown in FIG. 9. This is accomplished by activation of the cylinder 203 which causes a radial retraction of the carriage 141 and the associated bending brake assembly and the cam arm 213, causing a slight pivotal movement of the rod support 97 about the pivot 115. This causes a slight lateral disengagement of the workpiece W from the bending die 175, clearing it for a subsequent vertical adjustment. At that time, the cycle repeats and the cylinder 17 is again activated to elevate the table 43 and associated support rod 73 and workpiece. In the operation of the present multiple station tube bender as there are provided incremental rotary movements of the respective support rods 73, additional workpieces W are assembled onto each support rod so that eventually the bending stations will be functioning simultaneously for progressively forming additional successive bends in the tubular workpiece respectively, as it is rotated around platform 13 from the first station shown in FIG. 1 to the final station which corresponds to the unloading station 223. Thus, the present tube bender functions like a pin wheel with the table 43 adapted for intermittent raising and lowering movements and with intermittent incremental rotary movements and with the workpiece support adapted for intermittent angular rotary adjustments for proper angular orientation of the workpiece for the next succeeding bend, as the workpiece progresses around the multiple station tube bender. Thus, corresponding to the stations involved, each station will apply a successive additional bend to the workpiece at a predetermined spacing along the length of the workpiece and angularly oriented with respect to each other until the final product has been completed. Since the bending stations are operating simultaneously, each bending station will form its particular bend in the adjacent workpiece supported with respect thereto. Since the bends are spaced along the length of the tubular workpiece blank, the corresponding bending stations are angularly arranged at different center distances with respect to the center of the table 43, corresponding to the desired spacing of the bends. Having described my invention, reference should now be had to the following claims.
A multiple station tube bender includes a rotatable table upon a platform adapted for incremental rotary movements and for intermittent raising and lowering. The horizontally disposed support rod is adapted to axially mount a tubular workpiece to be bent. A radially extending rod support is mounted upon the table for journalling the rod and including a gear mechanism for variably rotating the support rod for angular orientation of the workpiece before bending. A series of spaced bending stations are arranged around the platform, each including a bending brake assembly at varying center distances from the table and adapted for successive and progressive forming of bends in the workpiece at spaced points along its length. After each bend, the table automatically elevates and rotates the workpiece in a horizontal plane to the next bending station and lowers the workpiece into registry with the bending brake. A gear mechanism upon the rod support effects automatic rotaton of the workpiece to a predetermined angle for the next successive bend. The bending brakes at all bending stations are adapted to act simultaneously on an adjacent workpiece so that there is a continuous intermittent delivery of workpieces in final form at the final bending station during continuous intermittent rotary movements of the table.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 702,690, filed Feb. 19, 1985, now abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 582,704, filed 2/23/84, now abandoned. FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to instruments and tools for use in procedures where a laser beam is used for the cutting, fusing, or other processing of materials. In particular, the invention is directed to non-reflective surgical instruments for use in laser surgery. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The use of lasers in surgery has grown dramatically in the past ten years. In particular, the use of the CO 2 laser in surgery has grown from a very limited range of applications in the mid-1970s to become a widely used tool for a variety of surgical procedures in virtually every major surgical specialty. During this time, however, the instruments used by surgeons in conjunction with lasers, such as forceps and clamps, remained essentially unchanged. In addition to medical applications, lasers are increasingly used in various manufacturing procedures. For example, lasers can be used for welding in the assembly of micro-electronic components. Special tools are often required in such procedures. Instruments used in laser surgery are in most respects of the same type as those used in more conventional surgery. However, special properties are required of instruments used in laser surgery. One of the principle requirements is that the instrument not reflect the laser beam if the beam inadvertently or unavoidably strikes the instrument. If the laser beam is reflected, there is the likelihood that the patient or even the surgeon or his assistants may be injured by the reflected beam. This non-reflective requirement makes standard stainless steel surgical instruments unsuited for laser surgery. Previously, attempts have been made to manufacture instruments which were both non-reflective and still functional in their intended use. Glass instruments, which absorb the infrared radiation used in laser surgery, have been tried without success. Under the heat loads generated by the laser beam, glass instruments are prone to cracking and breaking leading to the dangerous possibility of portions of the instrument being lost within the incision. In addition, sturdy glass instruments are difficult to fabricate in the variety of intricate shapes required for the various surgical techniques. Wooden instruments have also been used in laser surgery. Aside from the difficulty of fabricating complex instruments, the danger of fire exists when wooden instruments are exposed to an infrared laser beam. Other materials have been tested, including specially annealed glasses, plastics, oxidized and dioxidized metals. These materials have been found lacking due to poor mechanical or chemical characteristics. Perhaps the most successful, to date, non-reflective instruments are anodized stainless steel or titanium instruments. These instruments, although the best current alternatives and widely used, suffer a number of serious drawbacks. The anodized coating scratches easily and small portions of it can be left in the wound. Anodization is an oil base process and toxic fumes generated when the instrument is subjected to the high temperatures generated by the laser beam are a hazard. Anodization reduces reflection by only 45% to 50% and the reflected beam is not diffused in nature. Even if the instrument is sand blasted prior to anodization, the anodization process glazes over the surface and the reflected beam is specular in nature. In summary, a suitable instrument for laser surgery must be non-reflective and possess sufficient structural and chemical integrity to withstand the demands placed upon it by the surgeon's manipulations, the heat generated by the laser beam, and the normal wear and tear of hospital cleaning and sterilizing. In addition, it is desirable that the instrument possess a similar heft and balance to conventional instruments so that the surgeon feels comfortable in using the instrument. Tools and instruments for use in non-medical applications must exhibit similar properties. The tools must be non-reflective and at the same time retain their ability to function in their intended use. The instruments of the present invention are the first instruments to meet these requirements. They are non-reflective and still retain their inherent value as tools. The instruments of the instant invention are resistant to corrosion, have good wear properties, high mechanical strength at high temperatures and are easily sterilized. They may be fabricated in any of the myriad of shapes and forms required. Finally, there is little difference, if any, in the feel of these new instruments when compared to conventional surgical instruments. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention involves non-reflective instruments for use in laser processes. The instruments are made of metallic substrate and a non-reflective coating of a material which adsorbs radiation in the infrared region and is selected from the group consisting of aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3 ), aluminum oxide-titanium oxide mixtures (Al 2 O 3 -TiO), chromium oxide-aluminum oxide mixtures and tungstencarbide-cobalt mixtures (WC/Co). DETAILED DESCRIPTION The present invention is applicable to almost any surgical instrument that might be used in laser surgery. Typical examples of such instruments include: forceps, clamps, retractors, elevators, suctions, nerve hooks, separators, microinfertility instruments, needle holders, currettes, etc. In addition, as new instruments are developed for specialized techniques, the same inventive concept will allow their adoption for laser surgery. The instruments of the instant invention have a metallic substrate and are coated to render the instruments non-reflective. The underlying instrument or substrate will typically be stainless steel or titanium. The requirements for the substrate material are generally the same as those utilized in designing conventional instruments. For example, many instruments must possess a degree of springiness to operate properly. The instruments of the present invention may be manufactured starting with existing conventional instruments as the metallic substrate. The coating of the instrument must possess, as its principal property, the ability to absorb infrared radiation. The coating must also adhere strongly to the substrate. Tables I-III report reflectance of CO 2 laser energy by various materials at three different angles of incidence. In all cases except the anodized aluminum, the substrate was stainless steel. The low incident angle of Table I is approximately 10°; the intermediate incident angle of Table II is approximately 45°; and the high incident angle of Table III is 75°. As is seen, the order of effectiveness of the various materials varies to a certain extent dependent on the incident angle. However, in each case the Al 2 O 3 /TiO mixture is superior. As can be seen from the two Al 2 O 3 coatings, the detonation gun process is superior to the plasma torch process. TABLE I__________________________________________________________________________LOW INCIDENT ANGLE Commercial Coating.sup.2 Coating.sup.3Material Designation.sup.1 Method Thickness P in.sup.4 (watts) P out(watts) % Reflected Ranking__________________________________________________________________________Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 LA-2 D-Gun <.002 5.0 .006 .12 2 <.004 5.05 .006 .12Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 LA-6 Plasma 5.25 .011 .21 4Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 /TiO.sup.5 LA-7 D-Gun <.002 5.38 .003 .06 1 <.004 5.75 .005 .09Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3 LC-4 Plasma <.002 5.70 .072 1.26 8 <.004 6.00 .061 1.02Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3 /Al.sub.2 O.sub.3.sup.6 LC-19 Plasma <.002 6.00 .010 .17 3 <.004 6.05 .012 .20WL/Co.sup.7 LW-1N30 D-Gun <.002 6.10 .035 .57 7 <.004 6.10 .031 .51Anodized Al -- -- -- 5.9 .015 .25 5AVM.sup.8 -- -- -- 6.0 .025 .42 6Stainless -- -- -- 5.1 4.7 92.2 9Steel__________________________________________________________________________ TABLE II__________________________________________________________________________INTERMEDIATE INCIDENT ANGLE Commercial Coating.sup.2 Coating.sup.3Material Designation.sup.1 Method Thickness P in.sup.4 (watts) P out (watts) % Reflected Ranking__________________________________________________________________________Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 LA-2 D-Gun <.002 5.85 .100 1.71 3 <.004 5.90 .105 1.78Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 LA-6 Plasma 5.95 .220 3.70 5Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 /TiO.sup.5 LA-7 D-Gun <.002 5.90 .040 .68 1 <.004 5.90 .035 .59Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3 LC-4 Plasma <.002 5.85 .590 10.09 8 <.004 5.85 .480 8.21Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3 /Al.sub.2 O.sub.3.sup.6 LC-19 Plasma <.002 5.85 .132 2.26 4 <.004 5.85 .134 2.29WC/Co.sup.7 LW-1N30 D-Gun <.002 5.80 .093 1.60 2 <.004 5.80 .095 1.64Anodized Al -- -- -- 5.75 .490 8.52 7AVM.sup.8 -- -- -- 5.75 .290 5.04 6Stainless -- -- -- 6.0 4.7 78.3 9Steel__________________________________________________________________________ TABLE III__________________________________________________________________________HIGH INCIDENT ANGLE Commercial Coating.sup.2 Coating.sup.3Material Designation.sup.1 Method Thickness P in.sup.4 (watts) P out (watts) % Reflected Ranking__________________________________________________________________________Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 LA-2 D-Gun <.002 5.25 .220 4.19 2 <.004 5.20 .160 3.08Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 LA-6 Plasma 5.25 .700 13.33 5Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 /TiO.sup.5 LA-7 D-Gun <.002 5.07.sup.9 .111.sup.9 2.21.sup.9 1 <.004 4.98.sup.9 .069.sup.9 1.39.sup.9Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3 LC-4 Plasma <.002 5.05 1.38 27.33 8 <.004 5.05 1.20 23.76Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3 /Al.sub.2 O.sub.3.sup.6 LC-19 Plasma <.002 4.80 .640 13.33 4 <.004 5.00 .580 11.60WC/Co.sup.7 LW-1N30 D-Gun <.002 4.95 .230 4.65 3 <.004 4.85 .175 3.61Anodized Al -- -- -- 5.80 1.400 24.14 7AVM.sup.8 -- -- -- 4.90 .950 19.39 6Stainless -- -- -- 5.85 5.600 95.73 9Steel__________________________________________________________________________ .sup.1 Designations of Union Carbide Corporation. .sup.2 Union Carbide Detonation Gun and Plasma Torch coating methods. .sup.3 <.002 designates coating between approximately .001-.002" thick; <.004 designates coating between approximately .002-.004" thick. .sup.4 CO.sub.2 laser beam, 10.6 micron wavelength. .sup.5 60% Al.sub.2 O.sub.3, 40% TiO. .sup.6 70% Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3, 30% Al.sub.2 O.sub.3. .sup.7 87% WC, 13% Co. .sup.8 Commercial nonreflective instrument marketed by American V. Mueller. .sup.9 Average of two values. In order to evaluate the overall effectiveness of each material, a composite ranking was calculated by averaging the ranking of each material at each incidence angle. The data demonstrates that Al 2 O 3 , Al 2 O 3 /TiO, Cr 2 O 3 /Al 2 O 3 , and WC/Co all perform, on average, significantly better than the prior art and better than the currently available coated instruments. The detonation gun deposited Al 2 O 3 and Al 2 O 3 /TiO coatings are the preferred materials. The 60% Al 2 O 3 /40% TiO coating is particularly preferred. TABLE IV______________________________________COMPOSITE RANKINGS Commercial CompositeMaterial Designation Ranking______________________________________Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 /TiO LA-7 1.0Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 LA-2 2.3Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3 /Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 LC-19 3.6WC/Co LW-1N30 4.0Al.sub.2 O.sub.3 LA-6 4.6AVM -- 6Anodized Al -- 6.3Cr.sub.2 O.sub.3 LC-4 8Stainless Steel -- 9______________________________________ The coating is preferably deposited on a metallic substrate, which is in the physical configuration of the desired instrument, by means of a detonation gun process. The substrate can be a commercially available instrument or it can be manufactured specifically for this purpose. Other forms of deposition such as arc discharge or plasma torch can also be used. The thickness of the coating is critical to producing acceptable surgical instruments. Reflectance is reduced as the thickness of the coating increases. However, if the coating is too thick, its upper portion is adversely affected by the heat of the laser beam. This can lead to the flaking off of a portion of the coating. Obviously, this situation is to be avoided as the instruments are used within open incisions. This condition can be eliminated by keeping the coating thin and thus allowing the metallic substrate to act as a heat sink preventing the coating from overheating. As is readily seen, these two variables require compromise in the design of the thickness of the coating. The coating must be thick enough to reduce reflection adequately, but not so thick as to create problems with excessive heating of the surface of the coating. The thickness of the ceramic coating should be from about 0.0005 inches to about 0.008 inches. Preferably, the coating should be between about 0.001 inches and about 0.004 inches thick. Most preferred is about 0.0015 inches. Coatings of this thickness ensure that the substrate will serve as a heat sink and draw heat away from the surface of the coating into the substrate. This thickness level provides a substantial reduction in reflection (85% to 99+%) of applied laser energy without any flaking or dislodging of the coating. The desired thickness of the coating is in part determined by the size of the instrument as it relates to the effectiveness of the heat sinking phenomena. The coating thickness may vary from coating material to material, but in general the heat sinking phenomena must take place or the coating's mechanical properties will be adversely affected resulting in flaking and chipping of the coating. The adhesion of the coatings to the substrate is of course paramount. Preparation of the surface of the substrate is an important part of obtaining good adhesion. For example, the surface of the substrate is preferably grit blasted prior to the coating, resulting in better adherence of the coating to the substrate. Alternatively the same effect can be obtained by surface treatment merely deleting a portion of the polishing normally carried out on the surface of surgical instruments. This expedient reduces the cost of the instrument substrate and results in a surface to which the coating readily adheres. The coating texture is important to the proper functioning of the instrument. Porous coatings ensure that the small portion of the beam reflected will be diffuse and therefore harmless. Glazed or polished coatings can atually increase reflectance and such a reflected beam is specular and thus more dangerous. A final consideration is that the coating not produce harmful vapors when exposed to the laser beam. The materials used in the present invention may, upon initial exposure to a laser beam, produce small amounts of vapor. These vapors have been tested via atomic absorption spectophotometry and the chemical constituents catalogued. None of the materials used in the present invention produces vapors containing constituents constituting health hazards. In fact, each of the constituents have been found to be at least 1000 times less than the present OSHA limits. Steps can be taken to reduce vapor production further if desired. These include exposing the coated instruments to laser radiation prior to use, thus freeing the coating of vaporizable constituents or vacuum baking of the instrument to remove the vaporizable components. The foregoing description has been made with respect to instruments for use in surgery. However, many of the same problems, particularly the necessity of non-reflectance, exist in other technologies utilizing instruments or tools in conjunction with lasers. The inventive concept described above is equally applicable to these nonmedical applications. Modifications and variations of the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Applicant's intention is to cover all such equivalent modifications and variations as fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention.
A non-reflective instrument comprising a metallic substrate and a coating selected from the group consisting of Al 2 O 3 , Al 2 O 3 /TiO mixtures, Al 2 O 3 /Cr 3 O 2 mixtures and WC/Co mixtures.
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] Not applicable. BACKGROUND OF INVENTION [0002] 1. Field of Invention [0003] This invention relates to a laptop or notebook computer holder that is soft and compactable, easily mounted or removed without tools, securely holds a computer in most vehicles and can be worn on a person while being used, while allowing heat to escape so the computer operates cooler and allows access for accessories such as chargers and the like to be plugged in, and can be converted to a shoulder strap carrier for the computer. When the computer is not in the holder it can be used as Child Play Station or Desk Work Area in most vehicles. [0004] 2. Description of Prior Art [0005] This invention was developed primarily to enable a user to use a portable computer in a car, S.U.V., bus, plane, and like transportation with a seat or steering wheel that a computer can be suspended from with freedom, peace of mind, and flexible versatility. Something not found in previous products on the market today. Although I have not found products that can be compared to this invention, prior products exist to mount a computer in a vehicle. [0006] The portable computer referred to as the laptop or notebook computer has enabled people to bring their computers virtually everywhere. More and more laptops and notebooks are being used as they are being built more powerful and are more affordable than ever before. [0007] Using a portable computer in a vehicle has an inherent danger of damage whether being used by a driver who has stopped and then must drive on, or being used by a passenger (co-worker or teen child) also when used on a public conveyance when there is a need for the user to get up and move around. There is a high probability that damage can occur to the laptop or notebook computer in several ways: [0008] 1). Starting, stopping, turning, can cause the computer to slide off onto the floor or cause some other item to fall onto the device. This very likely can cause damage to lids, L.E.D., case, and/or keyboard. [0009] 2). The same movements can also cause plugs such as a charger, USB or PCMCIA card to brake off. [0010] Another problem with using a laptop or notebook computer as with all electronic devices is heat. Most laptops and notebooks are built with internal fans and have rubber feet built onto the base to allow for proper air circulation. When traveling, a lap or seat or book bag doesn't allow for heat to dissipate as it would if the computer was placed on a flat surface. The improper air circulation may adversely affect the computer. [0011] Certainly the above is a lot for the person responsible for such an expensive device to contend with. For example the parent driving their SUV would worry about their teen in the back seat using the laptop. This could be distracting. If the computer were secured to a seat then the risk of damage would be reduced as well as the distraction. [0012] There are only a couple of methods of securing a laptop or notebook computer in a vehicle. One that comes to mind is a permanent mount similar to that used by police departments in patrol vehicles. However, there are several drawbacks to that type of apparatus. [0013] 1). Not portable. [0014] 2). Very costly. [0015] 3). Generally can only be installed by a professional with tools and equipment and not a layperson. [0016] 4). Certainly limited usage by only one person. Can't be moved to another part of the vehicle for another person to use it. [0017] Another method I read about but have not seen was portable, had a weighted base and a telescopic arm. However the disadvantages would be: [0018] 1). Bulky and difficult to store and make portable. [0019] 2). Expensive. [0020] 3). Requires some assembly and perhaps some tools. [0021] 4). Limited flexibility. [0022] The “Portable Transport Suspender Halter For Laptop Or Notebook Type Computers” resolves the above problems and disadvantages and much more. This will be discussed later under Objects and Advantages. SUMMARY OF INVENTION [0023] Summary: [0024] As the use of the portable computer has increased and specifically with regard to mobility and travel the need for a functional inexpensive way to use the device is present. Prior Art does not accomplish this. This invention does by offering virtually effortless mounting, a secure mount for the computer, inexpensive, almost limitless flexibility, and is lightweight and very portable. OBJECTS AND ADVANTAGES [0025] The objects and advantages over prior art are numerous. Accordingly several objects and advantages are: [0026] 1). This invention is constructed with a soft garment like material. The model was made with tubular webbing. This material is generally used to tie down cargo and as a harness to support a man/women weight for climbing. A like strap can be used. It is pliable and lightweight. This invention is strong and durable enough to support a portable computer and yet can be folded or crumbled up to be stored as one would a pair of socks. This is quite an advantage over the prior art. Like a pair of socks, this invention can be carried on airplanes without problems at security check in. This makes for a very light and very portable support or holder for the computer. [0027] 2). This invention is much less expensive than prior art. The cost of the material and process to manufacture is minimal as compared to prior art. [0028] 3). This invention requires no assembly. To attach it to a vehicle for use is as simple as looping a strap over a bucket seat or bench seat headrest, or wrapping the straps around the vehicle seat and pressing two pieces of Velcro together. Unlike prior art virtually anyone can do it, a professional, a housewife, or a teen. No tools are required. [0029] 4). Unlike prior art this invention's flexibility and versatility is considerable. [0030] a). It can be attached to most automobile, SUV, and truck seats. It can support securely a computer on a front passenger seat facing the driver so the driver can use the computer when stopped and then drive on without moving the computer and any plug in accessories to the side. The computer would also have proper air circulation because it would be suspended in air and the bottom of the base has the mesh cloth. The computer could then easily and quickly be moved to the front seat (passenger or driver side) facing the back seat for use by another person in the vehicle (such as a teen wanting to do homework or go onto the Internet). It could also be moved to the back seat facing the side (driver or passenger side). In addition to the numerous placements in the vehicle and use by different people the two hanging straps allow for the computer to be tilted, or angled, or adjusted to a height compatible to the user. [0031] b). Should the user need to travel and take a bus, train, or plane this invention can be attached to the seat in front of them, support their computer for use, so should the need arise for the user to get up it would not be necessary to find a place to set the computer or close it up. They could just take their break and return to their activity without disruption. [0032] c). This invention can easily convert to a portable computer carrier by laying the front straps along the side of the computer and wrapping the rear straps around the unit. This allows the user to hang the computer flat along the seat it's attached so it is out of the way or hang it on the users shoulder for carrying. This additional flexibility/versatility is an advantage over prior art. [0033] d). When the computer is not in this invention a cloth covered foam insert can be placed into the frame allowing this invention to be used as a child play station while hung on a seat next to a child restraint seat. The soft insert and soft material of this invention makes for a safer item in a vehicle when a child is moving around or getting in or out of the vehicle, also an advantage over prior art. [0034] e). The same insert as described above in d) can be used by an adult as a deskwork area, another advantage over prior art. [0035] f). This invention can be made in a variety of colors, another advantage over prior art. [0036] g). A user can also wear this invention allowing use of the computer secured to the person while sitting, standing or walking, Another advantage over prior art. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS [0037] Drawing # 1 shows a three-sided view of this invention, the top, front, and right side. This illustrates the frame, mesh bottom, suspending straps, and elastic corner straps. [0038] Drawing # 2 is a three-sided view of the base as well as a single dimensional view of its components labeled A, B, C, and D. [0039] Drawing # 3 shows the suspender straps and the component materials to construct them. The components are labeled E, F, and G. [0040] Drawing # 4 and # 5 shows a future variation of the suspender strap should the portable computer manufactures fashion a latch for the straps to be hooked directly to the computer base. [0041] Photo # 1 shows a laptop computer with the lid open suspended from the front seat of a popular S.U.V. (2003 Ford Explorer) facing the driver ready for use. [0042] Photo # 2 shows the same as photo # 1 with the lid of the computer closed depicting a deskwork area. [0043] Photo # 3 shows the rear view of the laptop suspended form the front seat of the S.U.V. Taken to show accessibility to plug accessories into the laptop. [0044] Photo # 4 same as photo # 3 with lid open. [0045] Photo # 5 is the under side view and back of the laptop to show the mesh bottom that allows for heat to dissipate and at the left back that the cooling fans are exposed. [0046] Photo # 6 shows the back view with the lid open and accessories plugged in. [0047] Photo # 7 shows the laptop suspended from the backseat front view facing the passenger side ready for use. [0048] Photo # 8 shows from a side view the laptop suspended from the back seat facing the front of the vehicle. [0049] Photo # 9 shows from a front/side view of the laptop suspended from the front passenger seat facing the back passenger seat ready for use. [0050] Photo # 10 same view as photo # 9 with the lid closed to illustrate its use as a child play station or deskwork area. [0051] Photo # 11 front view of the suspender as a laptop carrier. [0052] Photo # 12 rear view of photo # 11 . [0053] Photo # 13 view of the suspender being worn by a person. [0054] Photo # 14 view of the suspender being worn by another person. [0055] Photo # 15 shows view of the suspender's pliable nature laid out on a flat surface. [0056] Photo # 16 another view on a flat surface with a computer next to it for reference point. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SEQUENCES [0057] Not Applicable. DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0058] Description of Invention: [0059] Drawing # 1 is a perspective view of my “Portable Transport Suspender Halter For Laptop Or Notebook Type Computers”. The working model was constructed from the specifications shown. Photos # 15 and # 16 are of the actual working model. [0060] The Suspender is comprised of four types of cloth materials. Drawing # 2 shows the construction of the base. Although the size will vary to fit all brands and models, this base was designed to fit a Laptop Computer with a 15″ screen. First a 48″ piece of 2″ tubular webbing strap was cut and the ends heated to keep the material from unraveling. Although a like material can be used, the tubular webbing strap was used for its strength, durability, and flexibility. Then the ends were stitched together with a strong stitch. The next step is to create a base for the computer to rest on. The computer was placed on a flat surface and the 2″ webbing is placed around the frame. The corners were marked and cut to allow for a corner to be created. A 1″ vertical cut was made. The cut pieces are then overlapped and a durable stitch was sewn. This caused the flat webbing to bend and provide a bottom on the base for the computer frame to rest on. A cloth mesh square was cut and placed on the top side of the bottom of the base and sewn in place as shown. The mesh allows for heat to dissipate and proper air circulation for a cooler operating environment for the computer. Two elastic cloth straps were then sewn over the front corners of the base to hold the front of the computer in place. Elastic was used to allow for the lid to be opened and closed without removing the computer from the base. I myself preferred using the 1″ tubular webbing for strength however the elastic strap would be a little more user friendly for the general population. [0061] The construction of the straps are shown in Drawing # 3 . [0062] As shown for this model four 1″ tubular webbing straps are cut 30″ long. The length is needed to provide the ability to use this invention in the various places in the vehicles and persons as well as a shoulder carrying case. Velcro is sewn to the straps. The hard Velcro 2″ long is used near the end of each strap and a 20″ long piece of the soft Velcro is sewn on each strap as shown. This allows for adjustability and versatility. The straps are then attached to the base as shown in drawing # 2 . [0063] Drawings # 4 and # 5 represent alternate versions of the strap. Drawing # 4 is built the same as # 3 with an addition of small metal eyeholes. This design allows for a hook to be fastened at the end of a strap by sliding the strap through the end of a hook and folding the end of the strap and pressing the Velcro together. This allows the user to adjust the height of the front or back of the computer differently than drawing # 3 version. Drawing # 5 represents a version that can be used as in previously described. This version uses only two straps with two smaller straps connecting it to the base. OPERATION OF INVENTION [0064] The completed working model is shown in Photos # 15 and # 16 . The soft pliable nature of the materials allows this invention to be stored as one would a pair of socks. It can be folded or bunched up and put in an auto's console or glove box. It is small enough to fit in some ones pocket or a small pocket in luggage or even a briefcase. This makes the invention easily portable. [0065] To be used in its primary purpose, in a vehicle, photo # 1 shows the computer suspended from the front bucket seat of a popular SUV. One would fit the computer into the base with the front corners under the two elastic corner straps. The back corners should fit snug around the back corners of the computer. The two side straps are wrapped around the headrest (they are long enough to wrap around the seat) and the Velcro ends are pressed together. With the computer facing the driver the other two straps are also secured around the headrest. This secures the computer to the vehicle seat and is ready for use. [0066] If someone needed to have a small work area for papers, note pads and the like, just close the cover. This is shown in Photo # 2 . [0067] Photos # 3 , # 4 , and # 6 show the computer while attached allows the user access to plug in a charger or other accessories that the computer is equipped for. [0068] Photo # 5 shows the underside of the invention. It's supposed to show the mesh that won't trap heat and allow the computer to have proper air circulation. It also acts as a dust filter for the computers that have a fan designed to suck air from the underside of the computer for cooling. [0069] If someone other than the driver such as a teen or coworker wanted to use a computer, this same invention is flexible to accommodate that use. Photos # 9 and # 10 shows the computer attached to the rear side of the front bucket seat. The computer is put into the base in the same manner as described above. However, instead of connecting the side straps together, the front and rear straps would be connected in the same fashion as described earlier. The angle and tilt can be adjusted, as needed depending on how long or short the straps are fastened. With the lid closed the suspender can be used as a small work area for someone to use. For a child to use as a play station a cloth covered piece of foam will be offered. It would be the same size as the computer and would be inserted in place of the computer when the invention is used for that purpose. This would avoid the potential of a child bumping into the hard corners of a computer when moving around or getting in and out of the vehicle. [0070] Photos # 7 and # 8 shows the additional flexibility of the invention. It can be attached to the rear seat of a vehicle facing the front or side. [0071] The invention can also be used as a carrying case. Photos # 11 and # 12 shows this. With the computer in the base and placed on a flat surface the front straps should be placed along the sides of the computer toward the back and connected together with the Velcro. Then the two rear straps should be wrapped around the computer and the front straps along the side. As shown the carrier can hold the computer by hand or under a shoulder. [0072] This same invention addition versatility is shown in photos # 13 and # 14 . To wear the computer and allow for hands free holding is as easy as putting the side straps over ones shoulder. [0073] It should also be noted as its use that the straps alone work in the same fashion without the base when it can be developed that the computer manufacturers build their frames with a hook type design as part of the computers frame. Then the straps can be attached directly to the frame and used in the same fashion as described above. CONCLUSIONS, RAMIFICATIONS, AND SCOPE OF INVENTION [0074] After reading the descriptions the reader can summarize that the Portable Transport Suspender Halter For Laptop/Notebook Computers is a unique apparatus with various uses even though it's primary use is to securely hold a laptop or notebook computer. [0075] First it is lightweight and portable. [0076] Second it can be set up for use and removed with ease by virtually anyone. [0077] Third it can aid a user of a portable computer to operate it in an environment allowing for proper air circulation. [0078] Fourth it provides access to plug in accessories that the computer is equipped for. [0079] Fifth it allows a computer to be set up for one user then easily set up in another part of the vehicle for another user. (For example during the day I use the computer suspended from the front bucket seat facing the drivers seat. When I pick up my two children I set the computer up on the back of the front seat facing the back seat. My daughter does her homework and accesses the internet while I attend my sons sports activity.). [0080] Sixth it provides for considerable piece of mind for the person responsible for the computer as when used in the above example the possibility of accessory plugs breaking or other damage is reduced. [0081] Seventh the long straps provides for adjustment of height, angle, or numerous compatible positions. [0082] Eight the long straps also make it possible to attach the suspender to various sized seats allowing the user to use their computer in other means of transportation such as buses, planes, or trains. [0083] Ninth it has other uses when not used for the computer. The deskwork area or child play station. [0084] Tenth and certainly not its last use it can be easily converted to carry the computer securely. [0085] Eleventh one can wear this invention, support a computer and be able to move around if desired. [0086] The invention is not limited to the above. The future may hold a use for the straps themselves if the computer manufacturers fashion a hook that the straps can be attached. Certainly that is something that will be pursued. However, to use this form of attachment is unique at the present time.
An economical lightweight portable Laptop or Notebook Computer holder that can easily, without tools, be attached to most vehicles both public and private (Photos # 1,2,7,8,9 ). It is versatile enough to easily be moved to different places in a vehicle for other users (Photos# 7,8,9 ). The straps and base are made of a strong and durable yet soft and flexible material (Photo # 15 ). Its design provides for proper air circulation and cooling (Photo # 5 ) as well as access for plug in accessories (Photo# 6 ). In addition to holding a computer in a transportation vehicle it can be worn by a person and hold a portable computer for use while walking or standing (Photos# 13,14 ). This same holder can easily convert to a computer carrier with a handle or shoulder strap (Photo# 11,12 ). Additionally this same holder can be used as a Desk Work Area or a Child's Play Station (Photo# 2,10 ).