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name: commission regulation (ec) no 2664/1999 of 16 december 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 type: regulation subject matter: trade policy; plant product date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 12. 1999 l 325/43 commission regulation (ec) no 2664/1999 of 16 december 1999 fixing the maximum export refund on barley in connection with the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1501/95 of 29 june 1995 laying down certain detailed rules for the application of council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 on the granting of export refunds on cereals and the measures to be taken in the event of disturbance on the market for cereals (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2513/98 (4), and in particular article 4 thereof, (1) whereas an invitation to tender for the refund and/or the tax for the export of barley to all third countries was opened pursuant to commission regulation (ec) no 1701/1999 (5), as amended by regulation (ec) no 2322/1999 (6); (2) whereas article 7 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95 provides that the commission may, on the basis of the tenders notified, in accordance with the procedure laid down in article 23 of regulation (eec) no 1766/92, decide to fix a maximum export refund taking account of the criteria referred to in article 1 of regulation (ec) no 1501/95; whereas in that case a contract is awarded to any tenderer whose bid is equal to or lower than the maximum refund, as well as to any tenderer whose bid relates to an export tax; (3) whereas the application of the abovementioned criteria to the current market situation for the cereal in question results in the maximum export refund being fixed at the amount specified in article 1; (4) whereas the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 for tenders notified from 10 to 16 december 1999, pursuant to the invitation to tender issued in regulation (ec) no 1701/ 1999, the maximum refund on exportation of barley shall be eur 29,99/t. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 december 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 december 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 147, 30.6.1995, p. 7. (4) oj l 313, 21.11.1998, p. 16. (5) oj l 201, 31.7.1999, p. 27. (6) oj l 280, 30.10.1999, p. 77. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2669/1999 of 16 december 1999 on the issue of system b export licences in the fruit and vegetables sector type: regulation subject matter: plant product; tariff policy date published: nan en official journal of the european communities17. 12. 1999 l 325/51 commission regulation (ec) no 2669/1999 of 16 december 1999 on the issue of system b export licences in the fruit and vegetables sector the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2190/96 of 14 november 1996 on detailed rules for implementing council regulation (ec) no 2200/96 as regards export refunds on fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1303/1999 (2), and in particular article 5(5) thereof, (1) whereas commission regulation (ec) no 2331/ 1999 (3), fixes the indicative quantities for system b export licences other than those sought in the context of food aid; (2) whereas, in the light of the information available to the commission today, there is a risk that the indicative quantities laid down for the current export period for tomatoes will shortly be exceeded; whereas this overrun will prejudice the proper working of the export refund scheme in the fruit and vegetables sector; (3) whereas, to avoid this situation, applications for system b licences for tomatoes exported after 16 december 1999 should be rejected until the end of the current export period, has adopted this regulation: article 1 applications for system b export licences for tomatoes submitted pursuant to article 1 of regulation (ec) no 2331/ 1999, export declarations for which are accepted after 16 december 1999 and before 24 january 2000, are hereby rejected. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 17 december 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 16 december 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 292, 15.11.1996, p. 12. (2) oj l 155, 22.6.1999, p. 29. (3) oj l 281, 4.11.1999, p. 3. |
name: council regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 2700/1999 of 17 december 1999 adjusting with effect from 1 july 1999 the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the european communities and the weightings applied thereto type: regulation subject matter: social protection; eu institutions and european civil service; personnel management and staff remuneration; economic analysis date published: nan en official journal of the european communities21. 12. 1999 l 327/1 i (acts whose publication is obligatory) council regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 2700/1999 of 17 december 1999 adjusting with effect from 1 july 1999 the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the european communities and the weightings applied thereto the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing a single council and a single commission of the european communities, having regard to the protocol on the privileges and immunities of the european communities, and in particular article 13 thereof, having regard to the staff regulations of officials and the conditions of employment of other servants of the european communities laid down by regulation (eec, euratom, ecsc) no 259/68 (1) and last amended by regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 1238/1999 (2), and in particular articles 63, 64, 65, 65a and 82 of the staff regulations, annex xi to the staff regulations, and the first subparagraph of article 20 and article 64 of the conditions of employment, having regard to the proposal from the commission, whereas: (1) a review of the remuneration of officials and other servants carried out on the basis of a report by the commission has shown that the remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of the european communities should be adjusted under the 1999 annual review; (2) in accordance with annex xi to the staff regulations, the annual adjustment in respect of 2000 will entail the establishment before 31 december 2000 of new weightings with retroactive effect from 1 july 2000; (3) these new weightings could lead to retroactive adjustments to remuneration and pensions (positive or negative) in respect of the period of 2000 for which payments will already have been made on the basis of this regulation; (4) provision should therefore be made for the payment of arrears in the event of an upward adjustment as a result of these weightings or for the recovery of sums overpaid in the event of a downward adjustment for the period between the effective date and the date of entry into force of the council's decision on the annual adjustment in respect of 2000; (5) provision should be made for the effects of any such recovery to be spread over a period of not more than twelve months following the date of entry into force of the council's decision on the annual adjustment in respect of 2000, has adopted this regulation: article 1 with effect from 1 july 1999: (a) the table of basic monthly salaries in article 66 of the staff regulations shall be replaced by the following: (1) oj l 56, 4.3.1968, p. 1. (2) oj l 150, 17.6.1999, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 21. 12. 1999l 327/2 step grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 step category group 1 2 3 4 a 1 11 255,79 11 853,71 12 451,63 13 049,55 13 647,47 14 245,39 a 2 9 988,58 10 559,13 11 129,68 11 700,23 12 270,78 12 841,33 a 3/la 3 8 272,36 8 771,43 9 270,50 9 769,57 10 268,64 10 767,71 11 266,78 11 765,85 a 4/la 4 6 949,66 7 339,20 7 728,74 8 118,28 8 507,82 8 897,36 9 286,90 9 676,44 a 5/la 5 5 729,65 6 069,09 6 408,53 6 747,97 7 087,41 7 426,85 7 766,29 8 105,73 a 6/la 6 4 951,49 5 221,65 5 491,81 5 761,97 6 032,13 6 302,29 6 572,45 6 842,61 a 7/la 7 4 262,23 4 474,31 4 686,39 4 898,47 5 110,55 5 322,63 a 8/la 8 3 769,56 3 921,58 b 1 4 951,49 5 221,65 5 491,81 5 761,97 6 032,13 6 302,29 6 572,45 6 842,61 b 2 4 290,09 4 491,22 4 692,35 4 893,48 5 094,61 5 295,74 5 496,87 5 698,00 b 3 3 598,48 3 765,72 3 932,96 4 100,20 4 267,44 4 434,68 4 601,92 4 769,16 b 4 3 112,37 3 257,40 3 402,43 3 547,46 3 692,49 3 837,52 3 982,55 4 127,58 b 5 2 782,05 2 899,42 3 016,79 3 134,16 c 1 3 174,49 3 302,50 3 430,51 3 558,52 3 686,53 3 814,54 3 942,55 4 070,56 c 2 2 761,14 2 878,45 2 995,76 3 113,07 3 230,38 3 347,69 3 465,00 3 582,31 c 3 2 575,62 2 676,13 2 776,64 2 877,15 2 977,66 3 078,17 3 178,68 3 279,19 c 4 2 327,27 2 421,54 2 515,81 2 610,08 2 704,35 2 798,62 2 892,89 2 987,16 c 5 2 145,89 2 233,82 2 321,75 2 409,68 d 1 2 425,17 2 531,21 2 637,25 2 743,29 2 849,33 2 955,37 3 061,41 3 167,45 d 2 2 211,29 2 305,47 2 399,65 2 493,83 2 588,01 2 682,19 2 776,37 2 870,55 d 3 2 058,13 2 146,22 2 234,31 2 322,40 2 410,49 2 498,58 2 586,67 2 674,76 d 4 1 940,54 2 020,12 2 099,70 2 179,28 (b) eur 165,87 shall be replaced by eur 170,35 in article 1(1) of annex vii to the staff regulations, eur 213,61 shall be replaced by eur 219,38 in article 2(1) of annex vii to the staff regulations, eur 381,61 shall be replaced by eur 391,91 in the second sentence of article 69 of the staff regulations and in the second subparagraph of article 4(1) of annex vii thereto, eur 190,90 shall be replaced by eur 196,05 in the first subparagraph of article 3 of annex vii to the staff regulations. article 2 with effect from 1 july 1999, the table of basic monthly salaries in article 63 of the conditions of employment of other servants shall be replaced by the following: a i 5 284,60 5 939,19 6 593,78 7 248,37 ii 3 835,48 4 209,22 4 582,96 4 956,70 iii 3 223,12 3 366,70 3 510,28 3 653,86 b iv 3 096,23 3 399,34 3 702,45 4 005,56 v 2 432,04 2 592,35 2 752,66 2 912,97 c vi 2 313,05 2 449,23 2 585,41 2 721,59 vii 2 070,25 2 140,69 2 211,13 2 281,57 d viii 1 871,18 1 981,39 2 091,60 2 201,81 ix 1 802,02 1 827,12 1 852,22 1 877,32 en official journal of the european communities21. 12. 1999 l 327/3 article 3 with effect from 1 july 1999, the fixed allowance referred to in article 4a of annex vii to the staff regulations shall be: eur 102,24 per month for officials in grade c4 or c5, eur 156,75 per month for officials in grade c1, c2 or c3. article 4 pensions for which entitlement has accrued by 1 july 1999 shall be calculated from that date by reference to the table of basic monthly salaries laid down in article 66 of the staff regulations, as amended by article 1(a) of this regulation. article 5 with effect from 1 july 1999, the date 1 july 1998 in the second subparagraph of article 63 of the staff regulations shall be replaced by 1 july 1999. article 6 1. with effect from 16 may 1999, the weightings applicable to the remuneration of officials and other servants employed in the countries and places listed below shall be as follows: ireland 112,7. 2. with effect from 1 july 1999, the weightings applicable to the remuneration of officials and other servants employed in the countries and places listed below shall be as follows: belgium 100,0 denmark 131,7 germany 107,6 except: bonn 101,7 karlsruhe 98,8 munich 108,8 greece 86,5 spain 92,3 france 118,8 ireland 109,7 italy 101,3 except: varese 94,7 luxembourg 100,0 netherlands 114,4 austria 110,2 portugal 85,4 finland 117,8 sweden 120,0 united kingdom 156,5 except: culham 123,8 3. the weightings applicable to pensions shall be determined in accordance with article 82(1) of the staff regulations. articles 3 to 10 of regulation (ecsc, eec, euratom) no 2175/88 (1) shall remain in force. 4. in accordance with annex xi to the staff regulations these weightings could be adjusted before 31 december 2000 by a council regulation establishing new weightings with effect from 1 july 2000. in this event, the institutions shall make the corresponding positive or negative adjustment to the remuneration and pensions of the officials, former officials and other persons concerned with retroactive effect for the period between the effective date and the date of entry into force of the decision on the 2000 adjustment. (1) oj l 191, 22.7.1988, p. 1. en official journal of the european communities 21. 12. 1999l 327/4 entitled to household allowance not entitled to household allowance 1st to 15th day from 16th day 1st to 15th day from 16th day eur per calendar day if this retroactive adjustment necessitates the recovery of sums overpaid, such recovery may be spread over a period of not more than twelve months from the date of entry into force of the decision on the 2000 annual adjustment. article 7 with effect from 1 july 1999, the table in article 10(1) of annex vii to the staff regulations shall be replaced by the following: a 1-a 3 & la 3 66,45 31,31 45,62 26,22 a 4-a 8 & la 4-la 8 and category b 64,49 29,20 43,76 22,84 other grades 58,51 27,24 37,65 18,84 article 8 with effect from 1 july 1999, the allowances for shiftwork laid down in article 1 of regulation (ecsc, eec, euratom) no 300/76 (1) shall be eur 296,34, eur 447,28, eur 489,06 and eur 666,74. article 9 with effect from 1 july 1999, the amounts in article 4 of regulation (eec, euratom, ecsc) no 260/68 (2) shall be subject to a weighting of 4,277878. article 10 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 17 december 1999. for the council the president k. hemil (1) oj l 38, 13.2.1976, p. 1. regulation as supplemented by regulation (euratom, ecsc, eec) no 1307/87 (oj l 124, 13.5.1987, p. 6) and last amended by regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 2461/98 (oj l 307, 17.11.1998, p. 5). (2) oj l 56, 4.3.1968, p. 8. regulation as last amended by regulation (ec, ecsc, euratom) no 2459/98 (oj l 307 17.11.1998, p. 3). |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2710/1999 of 20 december 1999 determining the quantity available for the first half of 2000 for certain products in the milk and milk products sector under the schemes provided for in the europe agreements between the community and the republic of hungary, the republic of poland, the czech republic, the slovak republic, bulgaria, romania and slovenia in the agreements on free trade between the community and the baltic states type: regulation subject matter: europe; processed agricultural produce; international trade; european construction date published: nan en official journal of the european communities21. 12. 1999 l 327/25 commission regulation (ec) no 2710/1999 of 20 december 1999 determining the quantity available for the first half of 2000 for certain products in the milk and milk products sector under the schemes provided for in the europe agreements between the community and the republic of hungary, the republic of poland, the czech republic, the slovak republic, bulgaria, romania and slovenia in the agreements on free trade between the community and the baltic states the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 2508/97 of 15 december 1997 laying down detailed rules for the applica- tion to milk and milk products of the schemes provided for in the europe agreements between the community and the republic of hungary, the republic of poland, the czech republic, the slovak republic, bulgaria, romania and slovenia the agreements on free trade between the community and the baltic states (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2631/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 4(4) thereof, whereas, in application of commission regulation (ec) no 1626/1999 (3), determining the extent to which applications for import licences for the said products lodged in july 1999 can be accepted, applications for import licences lodged for the products referred to in regulation (ec) no 2508/97 concern quantities less than those available; whereas, therefore, the quantity available for the period 1 january to 30 june 2000 should be fixed for each product, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the quantity available for the period 1 january to 30 june 2000 pursuant to regulation (ec) no 2508/97, shall be as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 21 december 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 20 december 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission (1) oj l 345, 16.12.1997, p. 31. (2) oj l 321, 14.12.1999, p. 13. (3) oj l 192, 24.7.1999, p. 43. en official journal of the european communities 21. 12. 1999l 327/26 a n n ex to ta l qu an tit ie s av ai la bl e fo r th e pe ri od 1 ja nu ar y to 30 ju ne 20 00 co un tr y po la nd cz ec h re pu bl ic sl ov ak re pu bl ic h un ga ry cn co de s 04 02 10 19 04 02 21 19 04 02 21 99 04 05 10 11 04 05 10 19 04 05 10 30 04 05 10 50 04 05 10 90 04 05 20 90 04 06 04 02 10 19 04 02 21 19 04 02 21 99 04 05 10 11 04 05 10 19 04 05 10 30 04 05 10 50 04 05 20 90 04 06 04 02 10 19 04 02 21 19 04 02 21 99 04 05 10 11 04 05 10 19 04 05 10 30 04 05 10 50 04 05 20 90 04 06 04 02 10 04 06 90 29 04 06 in to nn es 3 00 0 84 0 3 09 6, 9 1 38 0 60 0 98 1, 9 72 0 36 0 92 6, 7 18 0, 9 20 0 1 20 0 co un tr y re pu bl ic of es to ni a re pu bl ic of la tv ia re pu bl ic of li th ua ni a cn co de s 04 02 10 19 04 02 21 19 04 05 10 11 04 05 10 19 04 06 04 02 10 19 04 02 21 19 04 05 10 04 06 ex 04 02 29 04 02 10 19 04 02 21 19 04 05 10 11 04 05 10 19 04 06 90 04 02 99 11 in to nn es 1 80 0 90 2, 3 96 0 1 50 0 54 0 72 0 24 0 2 10 0 72 0 84 0 28 0 co un tr y ro m an ia bu lg ar ia cn co de s 04 06 04 06 in to nn es 1 44 4 4 98 0 |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2721/1999 of 20 december 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid type: regulation subject matter: europe; plant product; economic policy; economic geography; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities21. 12. 1999 l 327/51 commission regulation (ec) no 2721/1999 of 20 december 1999 determining the world market price for unginned cotton and the rate for the aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to the act of accession of greece, and in particular paragraphs 3 and 10 of protocol 4 on cotton, as last amended by council regulation (ec) no 1553/95 (1), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1554/95 of 29 june 1995 (2) laying down general rules for the system of aid for cotton and repealing regulation (eec) no 2169/81, as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1419/98 (3), and in particular articles 3, 4 and 5 thereof, (1) whereas article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires a world market price for unginned cotton to be periodically determined from the world market price determined for ginned cotton, using the historical relationship between the two prices as specified in article 1 (2) of commission regulation (eec) no 1201/ 89 of 3 may 1989 laying down rules for implementing the system of aid for cotton (4), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1624/1999 (5); whereas if it cannot be determined in this way it is to be based on the last price determined; (2) whereas article 4 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 requires the world market price for ginned cotton to be determined for a product of specific characteristics using the most favourable offers and quotations on the world market of those considered representative of the real market trend; whereas to this end an average is to be calculated of offers and quotations on one or more european exchanges for a cif product to a north euro- pean port from the supplier countries considered most representative as regards international trade; whereas these rules for determination of the world market price for ginned cotton provide for adjustments to reflect differences in product quality and the nature of offers and quotations; whereas these adjustments are specified in article 2 of regulation (eec) no 1201/89; (3) whereas application of the above rules gives the world market price for unginned cotton indicated hereunder; (4) whereas the first subparagraph of article 5(3a) of regu- lation (ec) no 1554/95 stipulates that the advance payment rate for the aid is to be the guide price less the world market price and less a further amount calculated by the formula applicable when the guaranteed maximum quantity based on the revised production esti- mate for unginned cotton plus at least 7,5 %; commis- sion regulation (ec) no 2606/1999 (6) fixes the produc- tion estimate for the 1999/2000 marketing year, and the relevant percentage increase; whereas the application of this method results in the fixing of the advance payment rate for each member state at the levels set out below, has adopted this regulation: article 1 1. the world market price for unginned cotton as indicated in article 3 of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is set at 19,730 eur/100 kg. 2. the advance payment of the aid referred to in article 5(3a), first subparagraph, of regulation (ec) no 1554/95 is fixed at: 50,109 eur/100 kg in spain, 46,176 eur/100 kg in greece, 86,570 eur/100 kg in other member states. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 21 december 1999. (1) oj l 148, 30.6.1995, p. 45. (2) oj l 148, 30.6.1995, p. 48. (3) oj l 190, 4.7.1998, p. 4. (4) oj l 123, 4.5.1989, p. 23. (5) oj l 192, 24.7.1999, p. 39. (6) oj l 316, 10.12.1999, p. 36. en official journal of the european communities 21. 12. 1999l 327/52 this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 20 december 1999. for the commission franz fischler member of the commission |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2777/1999 of 27 december 1999 on the supply of vegetable oil as food aid type: regulation subject matter: cooperation policy; processed agricultural produce date published: nan en official journal of the european communities28. 12. 1999 l 334/9 commission regulation (ec) no 2777/1999 of 27 december 1999 on the supply of vegetable oil as food aid the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 of 27 june 1996 on food-aid policy and food-aid management and special operations in support of food security (1), and in par- ticular article 24(1)(b) thereof, (1) whereas the abovementioned regulation lays down the list of countries and organisations eligible for community aid and specifies the general criteria on the transport of food aid beyond the fob stage; (2) whereas, following the taking of a number of decisions on the allocation of food aid, the commission has allo- cated vegetable oil to certain beneficiaries; (3) whereas it is necessary to make these supplies in accordance with the rules laid down by commission regulation (ec) no 2519/97 of 16 december 1997 laying down general rules for the mobilisation of prod- ucts to be supplied under council regulation (ec) no 1292/96 as community food aid (2); whereas it is neces- sary to specify the time limits and conditions of supply to determine the resultant costs; (4) whereas, in order to ensure that the supplies are carried out for a given lot, provision should be made for tenderers to be able to mobilise either rape-seed oil or sunflower oil; whereas the contract for the supply of each such lot is to be awarded to the tenderer submit- ting the lowest tender, has adopted this regulation: article 1 vegetable oil shall be mobilised in the community, as community food aid for supply to the recipient listed in the annex, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 2519/97 and under the conditions set out in the annex. the supply shall cover the mobilisation of vegetable oil produced in the community. mobilisation may not involve a product manufactured and/or packaged under inward processing arrangements. tenders shall cover either rape-seed oil or sunflower oil. tenders shall be rejected unless they specify the type of oil to which they relate. the tenderer is deemed to have noted and accepted all the general and specific conditions applicable. any other condition or reservation included in his tender is deemed unwritten. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 27 december 1999. for the commission margot wallstr m member of the commission (1) oj l 166, 5.7.1996, p. 1. (2) oj l 346, 17.12.1997, p. 23. en official journal of the european communities 28. 12. 1999l 334/10 annex lots a, b, c and d 1. action nos: 16/99 (a); 18/99 (b); 19/99 (c); 23/99 (d) 2. beneficiary (2): wfp (world food programme), via cristoforo colombo 426, i-00145 roma. tel.: (39 6) 65 13 29 88; fax: 65 13 2844/3; telex: 626675 wfp i 3. beneficiary's representative: to be designated by the recipient 4. country of destination: a: sierra leone; b: east timor; c: liberia; d: north korea 5. product to be mobilised: refined rape-seed oil or refined sunflower oil 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 3 730 7. number of lots: 4(a: 500 tonnes; b: 1 239 tonnes c: 491 tonnes; d: 1 500 tonnes) 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (4) (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (iii.a.(1)(a) or (b)) 9. packaging: see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (10.8.a, b and c(2)) 10. labelling or marking (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (iii.a(3)) language to be used for the markings: a, c and d: english; b: portuguese supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilisation of the product: mobilisation of refined vegetable oil produced in the community. mobilisation may not involve a product manufactured and/or packaged under inward-processing arrangements. 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of shipment 13. alternative delivery stage: 14. a) port of shipment: b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: a and c: from 7 to 27.2.2000; b and d: from 14.2 to 5.3.2000 second deadline: a and c: from 21.2 to 12.3.2000; b and d: from 28.2 to 19.3.2000 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: second deadline: 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 11.1.2000 second deadline: 25.1.2000 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 15 per tonne 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de l'aide alimentaire, attn mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel; telex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32 2) 296 70 03/296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund: en official journal of the european communities28. 12. 1999 l 334/11 lot e 1. action no: 24/99 2. beneficiary (2): wfp (world food programme), via cristoforo colombo 426, i-00145 roma. tel.: (39 6) 65 13 29 88; fax: 65 13 2844/3; telex: 626675 wfp i 3. beneficiary's representative: to be designated by the recipient 4. country of destination: afghanistan via riga 5. product to be mobilised: refined rape-seed oil or refined sunflower oil 6. total quantity (tonnes net): 262 7. number of lots: 1 8. characteristics and quality of the product (3) (4) (6): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (iii.a.(1)(a) or (b)) 9. packaging: see oj c 267, 13.9.1996, p. 1 (10.4.a, b and c(2)) 10. labelling or marking (5): see oj c 114, 29.4.1991, p. 1 (iii.a(3)) language to be used for the markings: english supplementary markings: 11. method of mobilisation of the product: mobilisation of refined vegetable oil produced in the community. mobilisation may not involve a product manufactured and/or packaged under inward-processing arrangements. 12. specified delivery stage: free at port of shipment 13. alternative delivery stage: 14. a) port of shipment: b) loading address: 15. port of landing: 16. place of destination: port or warehouse of transit: overland transport route: 17. period or deadline of supply at the specified stage: first deadline: from 31.1 to 20.2.2000 second deadline: from 14.2 to 5.3.2000 18. period or deadline of supply at the alternative stage: first deadline: second deadline: 19. deadline for the submission of tenders (12 noon, brussels time): first deadline: 11.1.2000 second deadline: 25.1.2000 20. amount of tendering guarantee: eur 15 per tonne 21. address for submission of tenders and tendering guarantees (1): bureau de l'aide alimentaire, attn mr t. vestergaard, b timent loi 130, bureau 7/46, rue de la loi/wetstraat 200, b-1049 bruxelles/brussel; telex: 25670 agrec b; fax: (32 2) 296 70 03/296 70 04 (exclusively) 22. export refund: en official journal of the european communities 28. 12. 1999l 334/12 notes: (1) supplementary information: andr debongnie (tel. (32 2) 295 14 65), torben vestergaard (tel. (32 2) 299 30 50). (2) the supplier shall contact the beneficiary or its representative as soon as possible to establish which consignment documents are required. (3) the supplier shall deliver to the beneficiary a certificate from an official entity certifying that for the product to be delivered the standards applicable, relative to nuclear radiation, in the member state concerned, have not been exceeded. the radioactivity certificate must indicate the caesium-134 and -137 and iodine-131 levels. (4) the supplier shall supply to the beneficiary or its representative, on delivery, the following document: health certificate. (5) notwithstanding oj c 114 of 29.4.1991, point iv.a(3)(c) is replaced by the following: the words european community . (6) tenders shall be rejected unless they specify the type of peas to which they relate. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2786/1999 of 28 december 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: agricultural policy; plant product; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 29. 12. 1999l 336/4 commission regulation (ec) no 2786/1999 of 28 december 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilateral trade nego- tiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 29 december 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 28 december 1999. for the commission margot wallstr m member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities29. 12. 1999 l 336/5 annex to the commission regulation of 28 december 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 73,7 204 47,1 624 132,5 999 84,4 0709 90 70 052 142,9 204 104,5 999 123,7 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 45,9 204 43,7 999 44,8 0805 20 10 052 77,1 204 52,1 999 64,6 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 51,5 999 51,5 0805 30 10 052 55,3 600 98,4 999 76,8 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 400 70,5 404 75,5 720 60,8 728 83,3 999 72,5 0808 20 50 052 150,9 064 62,3 400 111,4 720 70,7 999 98,8 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2794/1999 of 29 december 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables type: regulation subject matter: plant product; agricultural policy; prices date published: nan en official journal of the european communities 30. 12. 1999l 337/34 commission regulation (ec) no 2794/1999 of 29 december 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 3223/94 of 21 december 1994 on detailed rules for the application of the import arrangements for fruit and vegetables (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1498/98 (2), and in particular article 4 (1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 3223/94 lays down, pursuant to the outcome of the uruguay round multilateral trade nego- tiations, the criteria whereby the commission fixes the standard values for imports from third countries, in respect of the products and periods stipulated in the annex thereto; (2) in compliance with the above criteria, the standard import values must be fixed at the levels set out in the annex to this regulation, has adopted this regulation: article 1 the standard import values referred to in article 4 of regula- tion (ec) no 3223/94 shall be fixed as indicated in the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on 30 december 1999. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 december 1999. for the commission margot wallstr m member of the commission (1) oj l 337, 24.12.1994, p. 66. (2) oj l 198, 15.7.1998, p. 4. en official journal of the european communities30. 12. 1999 l 337/35 annex to the commission regulation of 29 december 1999 establishing the standard import values for determining the entry price of certain fruit and vegetables (eur/100 kg) cn code third country code (1) standard import value 0702 00 00 052 89,4 204 45,6 999 67,5 0709 90 70 052 143,5 204 87,2 999 115,3 0805 10 10, 0805 10 30, 0805 10 50 052 53,3 204 45,6 999 49,5 0805 20 10 052 77,1 204 51,6 999 64,3 0805 20 30, 0805 20 50, 0805 20 70, 0805 20 90 052 54,7 999 54,7 0805 30 10 052 47,7 600 71,0 999 59,4 0808 10 20, 0808 10 50, 0808 10 90 400 81,4 404 75,5 999 78,5 0808 20 50 052 150,9 064 69,2 400 108,1 720 70,7 999 99,7 (1) country nomenclature as fixed by commission regulation (ec) no 2645/98 (oj l 335, 10.12.1998, p. 22). code 999 stands for of other origin. |
name: commission regulation (ec) no 2811/1999 of 29 december 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1760/98 increasing to 3 010 000 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the french intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened type: regulation subject matter: europe; plant product; trade policy; trade date published: nan en official journal of the european communities31. 12. 1999 l 340/85 commission regulation (ec) no 2811/1999 of 29 december 1999 amending regulation (ec) no 1760/98 increasing to 3 010 000 tonnes the quantity of barley held by the french intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened the commission of the european communities, having regard to the treaty establishing the european community, having regard to council regulation (eec) no 1766/92 of 30 june 1992 on the common organisation of the market in cereals (1), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 1253/ 1999 (2), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas: (1) commission regulation (eec) no 2131/93 (3), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 39/1999 (4), lays down the procedures and conditions for the disposal of cereals held by the intervention agencies. (2) commission regulation (ec) no 1760/98 (5), as last amended by regulation (ec) no 2050/1999 (6), opened a standing invitation to tender for the export of 2 838 000 tonnes of barley held by the french interven- tion agency. france informed the commission of the intention of its intervention agency to increase by 172 000 tonnes the quantity for which a standing invi- tation to tender for export has been opened. the total quantity of barley held by the french intervention agency for which a standing invitation to tender for export has been opened should be increased to 3 010 000 tonnes. (3) this increase in the quantity put out to tender makes it necessary to alter the list of regions and quantities in store. annex i to regulation (ec) no 1760/98 must therefore be amended. (4) the measures provided for in this regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the management committee for cereals, has adopted this regulation: article 1 regulation (ec) no 1760/98 is hereby amended as follows: 1. article 2 is replaced by the following: article 2 1. the invitation to tender shall cover a maximum of 3 010 000 tonnes of barley to be exported to all third countries with the exception of the united states, canada and mexico. 2. the regions in which the 3 010 000 tonnes of barley are stored are stated in annex i to this regulation. 2. annex i is replaced by the annex hereto. article 2 this regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publica- tion in the official journal of the european communities. this regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member states. done at brussels, 29 december 1999. for the commission margot wallstr m member of the commission (1) oj l 181, 1.7.1992, p. 21. (2) oj l 160, 26.6.1999, p. 18. (3) oj l 191, 31.7.1993, p. 76. (4) oj l 5, 9.1.1999, p. 64. (5) oj l 221, 8.8.1998, p. 13. (6) oj l 255, 30.9.1999, p. 13. en official journal of the european communities 31. 12. 1999l 340/86 annex annex i (tonnes) place of storage quantity amiens 159 000 ch lons 323 600 clermont 10 000 dijon 217 000 lille 607 000 nantes 37 000 nancy 72 000 orl ans 555 000 paris 152 000 poitiers 232 000 rouen 644 000 toulouse 1 400 |
name: implementing regulations to the convention for the european patent for the common market type: implementing regulation subject matter: research and intellectual property; european organisations; executive power and public service; international affairs date published: nan 30.-12 . 89no l 401 / 28 official journal of the european communities implementing regulations to the convention for the european patent for the common market part i implementing regulations to part i of the convention opposition divisions so as to form directorates , or may form a directorate together with the patent administration division . 2 . the special departments may be grouped together administratively with other departments of the european patent office so as to form directorates-general or may form a separate directorate-general ; in the latter case , rule 12(3 ) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention shall apply , but the appointment of a vice-president to the directorate-general shall be decided upon by the select committee of the administrative council . chapter i organization of the special departments rule 1 allocation of duties to the departments of the first instance 1 . the president of the european patent office shall determine the number of revocation divisions . he shall allocate duties to these departments by reference to the international classification . 2 . the president of the european patent office shall , with the agreement of the select committee of the administrative council , determine in detail the duties for which the patent administration division is responsible pursuant to article 7 . 3 . in addition to the responsibilities vested in them under the convention , the president of the european patent office may allocate further duties to the patent administration division and the revocation divisions . 4 . the president of the european patent office may entrust to employees who are not technically or legally qualified members the execution of individual duties falling to the patent administration division or the revocation divisions , and involving no technical or legal difficulties . rule 2 administrative structure of the special departments 1 . the revocation divisions may be grouped together administratively with the examining divisions and chapter ii languages of the special departments rule 3 language of the proceedings 1 . rules 1 to 3 , 5 , 6.(2 ) and 7 of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention shall apply mutatis mutandis to proceedings before the special departments . 2 . a reduction in the limitation fee , revocation fee or appeal fee shall be allowed the proprietor of a patent or an applicant for revocation who avails himself of the options provided for in article 10 (4). the reduction shall be fixed in the rules relating to fees at a percentage of the total of the fees . part ii implementing regulations to part ii of the convention rule 4 suspension of proceedings rule 13 of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention shall applymutatis mutandis to limitation proceedings and revocation proceedings . rule 5 entries regarding claims to the right , to community patents the entries referred to in article 23 (4 ) shall be made : 30 . 12 . 89 official journal of the european communities no l 401 / 29 ( a ) at the request of the registrar of the court before which the proceedings are instituted ; (b ) at the request of the claimant or any other interested person . rule 9 registering transfers , licences and other rights 1 . rules 20 to 22 of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention shall applymutatis mutandis to entries made in the register of community patents . 2 . the request provided for in article 24 (2 ) must , in the case of subparagraph ( a ), be made within two months , or in the case of subparagraph (b ), within four months , of receipt of notification from the european patent office that the name of a new proprietor has been entered in the register of community patents . 3 . where a community patent is involved in bankruptcy or like proceedings , an entry to this effect shall be made in the register of community patents on request of the competent national authority . the entry shall not incur a fee . 4 . the entry referred to in paragraph 3 shall be deleted at the request of the competent national authority. the request shall not incur a fee . 5 . where a european patent application in which the contracting states are designated is involved in bankruptcy or like proceedings , paragraphs 3 and 4 shall apply mutatis mutandis but the reference to the register of community patents shall be understood as being a reference to the register of european patents provided for in the european patent convention . rule 6 filing of translations and payment of fees in examination or opposition proceedings 1 . when sending the invitation referred to in rule 51 ( 6 ) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention , the european patent office shall also invite the applicant for the patent to file , within the period set by it , the translations prescribed in article 29 ( 1 ) and to pay , within the same period , the fee for the publication of the translations of the claims . 2. when sending the invitation referred to in rule 58 ( 5 ) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention , the european patent office shall also invite the proprietor of the patent to file , within the period referred to in the said paragraph , the translations prescribed in article 29 (2 ) and to pay the fee for the publication of the translations of the claims . 3 . the period for filing the translations prescribed in article 30 (1 ) and (2 ) shall be three months from the date of publication in the community patent bulletin of the mention of the grant of the community patent or , as the case may be , of the decision on the maintenance of the community patent in amended form . 4 . if the acts required by paragraphs are not performed in due time they may still be validly performed within two months of notification of the communication pointing out the failure to observe the time limit , provided that within this two-month period an additional fee in accordance with the rules relating to fees is paid . rule 10 licences of right 1 . any person who wishes to use the invention after a statement provided for in article 43 ( 1 ) has been filed , shall declare his intention to the proprietor of the patent by registered letter . the declaration shall be deemed to have been made one week after posting of the registered letter . a copy of this declaration , stating the date upon which the declaration was posted , shall be sent to the european patent office . failing this , the european patent office shall , in the event of withdrawal of the statement , consider the declaration not to have been made . 2 . the declaration shall state how the invention is to be used . after the declaration has been made , the person making it shall be entitled to use the invention in the way he has stated . 3 . the licensee shall be obliged at the end of every quarter of a calendar year to report to the proprietor of the patent on the use made thereof and to pay the compensation therefor. if this obligation is not complied with , the proprietor of the patent may lay down a further suitable time limit for this purpose . if the time limit is not complied with the licence shall expire . 4 . a request for review of the compensation determined by the revocation division may be made only after the expiry of one year from the last determination of compensation . rule 7 forwarding of translations the european patent office shall enter in the register of community patents the date on which the translations prescribed in article 30 are filed . copies of the translations shall be forwarded to the central industrial property offices of the contracting states concerned by post within the three days following the expiry of the period laid down in rule 6 (3 ). rule 8 revision of the translation the corrected translation provided for in article 29 ( 6 ) shall not have any legal effect until the fee for its publication has been paid . no l 401 / 30 official journal of the european communities 30 . 12 . 89 part iii implementing regulations to part iii of the convention chapter i renewal fees rule 11 rule is rejection of the request for limitation as inadmissible if the revocation division notes that the request for limitation of a community patent does not comply with article 51 ( 1 ) and ( 3 ) and rule 14 , it shall communicate this to the proprietor of the patent and shall invite him to remedy the deficiencies noted within such a period as it may specify. if the request for limitation is not corrected in good time , the revocation division shall reject it as inadmissible . payment of renewal fees 1 . rule 37(1 ) and (2 ) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention shall apply to the payment df renewal fees for community patents . 2 . an additional fee shall be deemed to have been paid at :he same time as the renewal fee within the meaning of article 48 (2 ) if it is paid within the period laid down in that provision . rule 12 period for the entry of surrender the period referred to in article 49 (3 ) shall be three months from the date on which the proprietor of the patent has proved to the european patent office that he has informed the licensee of his intention to surrender . if , before expiry of the period , the proprietor of the patent proves to the european patent office that the licensee agrees to the surrender , it may be entered immediately . rule 16 examination of the request for limitation 1 . if the request for limitation of the community patent is admissible , the proprietor of the patent shall , in any communication pursuant to article 52 (2), where appropriate , be invited to file the description , claims and drawings in amended form . 2 . where necessary, any communication pursuant to article 52 ( 2 ) shall contain a reasoned statement . where appropriate , this statement shall cover all the grounds against the limitation of the patent . 3 . before the revocation division decides on the limitation of the patent , it shall inform the proprietor of the extent to which it intends to limit the patent , and shall request him to pay within three months the fee for printing a new patent specification and to file the translation prescribed in article 53 (2 ) (b ) within the same period . if within that period the proprietor has communicated his disapproval of the patent being limited to this extent , the communication of the revocation division shall be deemed not to have been made , and the limitation proceedings shall be resumed . 4 . the further period referred to in article 53 ( 3 ) shall be two months . 5 . the decision to limit the patent shall state the text of the patent as limited . chapter ii limitation procedure rule 13 period for the filing of the request for limitation rule 12 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the filing of the request for limitation of the community patent . rule 14 content or tne request tor limitation fhe request for limitation of a community patent shall :ontain : a ) the number of the community patent which it is sought to limit , the name of the proprietor and the title of the invention; b ) the amendments sought ; c ) if the proprietor of the patent has appointed a representative , his name and the address of his place of business in accordance with rule 26 (2 ) ( c) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention . rule 17 resumption of limitation proceedings where limitation proceedings have been stayed because of revocation proceedings which result in a decision under article 58 (2 ) or ( 3 ), the revocation division , after the publication of the mention of such decision , shall communicate to the proprietor of the patent that the proceedings will be resumed after notification of this 30 . 12 . 89 official journal of the european communities no l 401 / 31 in the list drawn up by the president of the european patent office . the national law of the contracting state in which the establishment has its place of business shall apply to any such security . communication to the proprietor. rule 13 ( 5 ) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention shall apply mutatis mutandis . rule 18 different claims , description and drawings in the case of limitation where it is decided to limit a community patent in respect of one or some of the contracting states , the community patent may , where appropriate , contain , for that state or states , claims and , if the revocation division considers it necessary , a description and drawings which are different from those for the other contracting states . rule 19 form of the new specification following limitation proceedings the president of the european patent office shall prescribe the form of the publication of the new specification of the community patent and the data which are to be included . rule 22 rejection of the application for revocation as inadmissible 1 . the revocation division shall communicate the application for revocation to the proprietor of the patent who may comment on its admissibility within one month . 2 . if the revocation division notes that the application for revocation does not comply with article 55 ( 1 ) and (4 ) and rule 20 , as well as rule 3 of these implementing regulations in conjunction with rule 1(1 ) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention, it shall communicate this to the proprietor and to the applicant and shall invite the applicant to remedy the deficiencies noted within such period as it may specify . if the application for revocation is not corrected in good time , the revocation division shall reject it as inadmissible . 3 . any decision to reject an application for revocation as inadmissible shall be communicated to the proprietor of the patent . chapter iii revocation procedure rule 23 preparation of the examination of the application for revocation 1 . if the application for revocation is admissible , the revocation division shall invite the proprietor of the patent to file his observations and to file amendments , where appropriate , to the description , claims and drawings within a period to be fixed by the revocation division . 2 . the observations and any amendments filed by the proprietor of the patent shall be communicated to the applicant who shall be invited by the revocation division , if it considers it expedient , to reply within a period to be fixed by the revocation division . rule 20 content of the application for revocation an application for revocation of a community patent shall contain : ( a ) the name and address of the applicant for revocation and the state in which his residence or principal place of business is located , in accordance with rule 26 (2 ) ( c ) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention ; (b ) the number of the patent in respect of which revocation is applied for , the name of the proprietor and the title of the invention ; ( c ) a statement of the extent to which revocation is applied for and of the grounds on which the application is based as well as an indication of the facts , evidence and arguments presented in support of these grounds ; (d ) if the applicant has appointed a representative , his name and the address of his place of business, in accordance with rule 26 (2 ) (c) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention . rule 21 security for the costs of proceedings the security for the costs of the proceedings shall be deposited in a currency in which fees may be paid . it must be deposited with a financial or banking establishment included rule 24 examination of the application for revocation 1 . all communications issued pursuant to article 57 (2 ) and all replies thereto shall be communicated to all parties . 2 . in any communication from the revocation division to the proprietor of the patent pursuant to article 57 (2 ), he shall , where appropriate , be invited to file the description, claims and drawings in amended form. 3 . where necessary , any communication from the revocation division to the proprietor of the patent pursuant no l 401 / 32 official journal of the european communities 30 . 12 . 89 the same community patent be dealt with jointly in order to carry out a joint investigation and take a joint decision . 2 . the revocation division may rescind an order given pursuant to paragraph 1 . rule 26 different claims , description and drawings in the case of revocation where revocation of a community patent is pronounced in respect of one or more of the contracting states , rule 18 shall apply mutatis mutandis . to article 57 (2 ) shall contain a reasoned statement . where appropriate , this statement shall cover all the grounds against the maintenance of the community patent . 4 . before the revocation division decides on the maintenance of the patent in the amended form , it shall inform the parties that it intends to maintain the patent as amended and shall invite them to state their observations within a period of one month if they disapprove of the text in which it is intended to maintain the patent . 5 . if disapproval of the text communicated by the revocation division is expressed , examination of the revocation may be continued ; otherwise , the revocation division shall , on expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 4 , request the proprietor of the patent to pay within three months the fee for the printing of a new specification and to file the translations prescribed in article 58 ( 3 ) ( b ) within the same period . 6 . the further period referred to in article 58 (4 ) shall be two months . 7 . the decision to maintain the patent as amended shall state which text of the patent forms the basis for the maintenance thereof. rule 27 form of the new specification following revocation proceedings rule 19 shall apply to the new specification of the community patent referred to in article 59 . rule 28 other provisions applicable to revocation proceedings rules 59 , 60 and 63 of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention shall apply mutatis mutandis to requests for documents , continuation of revocation proceedings by the european patent office of its own motion and costs in revocation proceedings . rule 25 joint processing of applications for revocation 1 . the revocation division may order that two or more applications for revocation pending before it and relating to part iv implementing regulations to part v of the convention rule 29 entries in the register of community patents 1 . rule 92 ( 1 ) ( a ) to (1 ), (o ), ( q) to (u ) and (w), (2 ) and ( 3 ) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention shall apply mutatis mutandis to the register of community patents . 2 . the register of community patents shall also contain the following entries : ( a ) date of lapse of the community patent in the cases provided for in article 50:(1 ) (b ) and (c); (b ) date of filing of the statement provided for in article 43 ; (c) date of receipt of a request for limitation of the community patent; (d ) date and purport of the decision on the request for limitation of the community patent ; (e ) date of receipt of an application for revocation of the community patent ; (f) date and purport of the decision on the application for revocation of the community patent ; (g ) particulars of matters referred to in article 23 (4); (h ) a record of the information communicated to the european patent office concerning proceedings under the protocol on litigation. rule 30 additional publications by the european patent office the president of the european patent office shall determine in what form the translations filed pursuant to the 30 . 12 . 89 official journal of the european communities no l 401 / 33 convention by the applicant for or proprietor of a patent and, where appropriate , corrected translations , shall be published and whether particulars of such translations and corrected translations should be entered in the community patent bulletin . convention , with the exception of rules 85 ( 3 ), 86 , 87 , 92 and 96 , shall apply mutatis mutandis subject to the following: (a ) . rule 69 shall not apply to decisions on requests for limitation or on applications for revocation of the community patent ; (b ) the select committee of the administrative council shall determine the details of the application of rule 74 (2 ) and (3 ); (c) the term 'contracting states' shall be understood as meaning the states parties to this convention . rule 31 other common provisions rules 36 and 106 and the provisions of part vii of the implementing regulations to the european patent part v implementing regulations to part viii of the convention rule 32 option between a community patent and a european patent 1 . the statement referred to in article 81(1 ) must be filed , and the fees paid , before or when the applicant approves , in accordance with rule 5 1 (4 ) of the implementing regulations to the european patent convention , the text in which the patent is to be granted . 2 . the prescribed fees referred to in article 81 ( 1 ) shall consist of: ( a) an additional fee in accordance with the rules relating to fees ; and (b ) if the designation of more than three contracting states is to be maintained , the currently prescribed designation fee for each additional contracting state over and above the first three . |
name: /* commission regulation (eec) no 1286/69 of 3 july 1969 concerning standing invitations to tender for skimmed milk powder for processing into compound feedingstuffs for pigs of poultry held by the belgian, german, french and netherlands intervention agencies */ type: regulation subject matter: nan date published: nan avis juridique important|31969r1286r glement (cee) n 1286/69 de la commission, du 3 juillet 1969, relatif des adjudications permanentes pour le lait cr m en poudre destin la transformation en aliments compos s pour les porcs ou la volaille et d tenu par les organismes d' intervention belge, allemand, fran ais et n erlandais journal officiel n l 162 du 04/07/1969 p. 0027 - 0029++++( 1 ) jo no l 148 du 28.6.1968, p . 13 . ( 2 ) jo no l 173 du 22.7.1968, p . 4 . ( 3 ) jo no l 98 du 25.4.1969, p . 1 . ( 4 ) jo no l 162 du 4.7.1969, p . 22 . ( 5 ) jo no 34 du 27.2.1964, p . 549/64 . ( 6 ) jo no 311 du 21.12.1967, p . 14 . ( 7 ) jo no l 184 du 29.7.1968, p . 12 . reglement ( cee ) no 1286/69 de la commission du 3 juillet 1969 relatif a des adjudications permanentes pour le lait ecreme en poudre destine a la transformation en aliments composes pour les porcs ou la volaille et detenu par les organismes d'intervention belge, allemand, francais et neerlandais la commission des communautes europeennes, vu le traite instituant la communaute economique europeenne, vu le reglement ( cee ) no 804/68 du conseil, du 27 juin 1968, portant organisation commune des marches dans le secteur du lait et des produits laitiers ( 1 ), notamment son article 7 paragraphe 5 et son article 35, considerant que selon les dispositions prevues a l'article 7 paragraphe 2 deuxieme alinea du reglement ( cee ) no 804/68, des mesures particulieres peuvent etre prises pour le lait ecreme en poudre qui ne peut etre ecoule pendant une campagne laitiere a des conditions normales ; considerant que l'article 5 paragraphe 3 du reglement ( cee ) no 1014/68 du conseil, du 20 juillet 1968, etablissant les regles generales regissant le stockage public du lait ecreme en poudre ( 2 ), modifie par le reglement ( cee ) no 749/69 ( 3 ), offre la possibilite de prevoir un autre prix de vente pour le lait ecreme en poudre transforme en aliments composes pour les porcs ou la volaille que celui vise au paragraphe precedent de l'article cite ci-dessus ; que l'article 7 paragraphe 1 du reglement ( cee ) no 1014/68 prescrit que la vente a lieu, notamment, par adjudication ; considerant que le reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69 de la commission, du 13 juillet 1969, relatif aux dispositions pour l'adjudication permanente de lait ecreme en poudre destine a la transformation en aliments composes pour l'alimentation des porcs ou de la volaille et detenu par les organismes d'intervention ( 4 ) prevoit la mise en application de la procedure d'adjudication permanente dans les etats membres disposant de stocks publics de lait ecreme en poudre, pour l'ecoulement de lait ecreme en poudre entre en stock avant le 1er avril 1969 et destine a la transformation en aliments composes pour les porcs ou la volaille ; considerant qu'en raison des stocks existants de lait ecreme en poudre et des possibilites d'ecoulement restreintes, il convient de proceder a une telle adjudication conformement aux dispositions du reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69 en precisant la quantite mise en adjudication, ainsi que la duree de la validite de cette adjudication ; considerant que l'article 1er du reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69 ne prevoit l'adjudication permanente de lait ecreme en poudre que pour celui ayant fait l'objet de mesures d'intervention conformement a l'article 7 paragraphe 1 du reglement ( cee ) no 804/68 ; qu'il existe, toutefois, dans la communaute des stocks de lait ecreme en poudre achete par l'organisme d'intervention competent au titre de l'article 22 du reglement no 13/64/cee du conseil, du 5 fevrier 1964, portant etablissement graduel d'une organisation des marches dans le secteur du lait et des produits laitiers ( 5 ), modifie en dernier lieu par le reglement no 1020/67/cee ( 6 ) ; que l'article 3 du reglement ( cee ) no 1099/68 de la commission, du 27 juillet 1968, relatif aux dispositions transitoires applicables a certaines mesures nationales d'intervention dans le secteur du lait et des produits laitiers ( 7 ) prevoit que la remise sur le marche de produits laitiers detenus par les organismes d'intervention a la suite d'achats effectues au titre de l'article 22 du reglement no 13/64/cee a lieu apres que les conditions de vente ont ete determinees cas par cas ; qu'il convient de rendre egalement possible la vente de ce lait ecreme en poudre aux conditions fixees par le reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69 ; considerant qu'il est toutefois indique, dans l'interet d'une simplification administrative de l'adjudication, de renoncer a une procedure separee selon la destination et d'arreter des mesures garantissant l'egalite de traitement des soumissionnaires, notamment en ce qui concerne l'attribution de l'adjudication ; considerant que la caution de transformation visee a l'article 14 du reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69 doit etre fixee a un niveau permettant d'assurer le respect de l'obligation de transformer le lait ecreme en poudre en aliments composes au sens du reglement en question ; considerant que les mesures prevues au present reglement sont conformes a l'avis du comite de gestion du lait et des produits laitiers, a arrete le present reglement : article premier 1 . sauf dispositions contraires figurant au present reglement, il est procede a une adjudication permanente pour du lait ecreme en poudre conformement aux dispositions du reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69 . 2 . l'adjudication permanente concerne : a ) le lait ecreme en poudre detenu par les organismes d'intervention belge, allemand, francais et neerlandais et achete avant le 1er avril 1969 au titre de l'article 7 paragraphe 1 du reglement ( cee ) no 804/68, b ) le lait ecreme en poudre detenu par l'organisme d'intervention francais et achete au titre de l'article 22 du reglement no 13/64/cee . 3 . les autres dispositions relatives a la vente de lait ecreme en poudre par les organismes d'intervention restent applicables . article 2 1 . par derogation a l'article 3 du reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69, il est procede a l'adjudication permanente sans distinction de la destination du lait ecreme en poudre mis en vente . 2 . par derogation a l'article 5 du reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69, les publications des avis d'adjudications sont faites sans distinction de la destination du produit . 3 . par derogation a l'article 7 paragraphe 1 du reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69 les adjudications particulieres sont effectuees sans distinction de la destination du produit . les dispositions figurant a l'article 9 paragraphe 2 sous c ) restent applicables . article 3 1 . en ce qui concerne la premiere adjudication particuliere, le delai pour la presentation des offres expire le lundi 14 juillet 1969 a 12 heures . 2 . en ce qui concerne les adjudications particulieres suivantes, le delai pour la presentation des offres expire chaque lundi a 12 heures . 3 . si le lundi est jour ferie, le delai est prolonge jusqu'au premier jour ouvrable, a 12 heures, suivant le lundi . article 4 le dernier delai pour la presentation des offres pour les adjudications particulieres expire le dernier lundi precedant la campagne laitiere 1969/1970 . article 5 par derogation a l'article 12 paragraphes 1 a 3 du reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69 les dispositions suivantes sont applicables pour l'attribution de l'adjudication : 1 . l'offre est refusee si le prix propose dans l'offre est inferieur au prix minimum valable pour l'adjudication particuliere en cause et pour la destination concernee . 2 . sans prejudice des dispositions figurant au paragraphe 1, l'adjudicataire est celui dont le prix offert presente la plus grande difference entre le prix vise dans l'offre et le prix minimum valable pour la destination concernee . si la quantite de lait ecreme en poudre disponible n'est pas epuisee par la prise en consideration de cette offre, l'adjudication est attribuee a celui des autres soumissionnaires dont la difference de prix visee a l'alinea precedent se situe immediatement en dessous . 3 . dans le cas ou la prise en consideration d'une offre conduirait a depasser la quantite de lait ecreme en poudre disponible, l'adjudication n'est attribuee au soumissionnaire en cause que pour cette quantite . 4 . dans le cas ou la prise en consideration de plusieurs offres qui a ) auraient ete presentees pour la meme destination au meme prix ou b ) auraient ete presentees pour des destinations differentes et pour lesquelles la difference de prix visee au paragraphe 2 se situerait au meme niveau, conduirait a depasser la quantite de lait ecreme en poudre disponible, il serait procede a l'attribution de l'adjudication par tirage au sort . article 6 la caution de transformation visee a l'article 14 du reglement ( cee ) no 1285/69 est fixee a 34 unites de compte par 100 kg de lait ecreme en poudre . article 7 le present reglement entre en vigueur le jour suivant celui de sa publication au journal officiel des communautes europeennes . le present reglement est obligatoire dans tous ses elements et directement applicable dans tout etat membre . fait a bruxelles, le 3 juillet 1969 . par la commission le president jean rey |
name: council regulation no 145/69/eec of 16 january 1969 modifying regulation no 823/68/eec concerning the levy to be raised when importing tilsit, havarti and esrom cheeses type: regulation subject matter: nan date published: nan avis juridique important|31969r0145r glement (cee) n 145/69 du conseil, du 16 janvier 1969, modifiant le r glement (cee) n 823/68 en ce qui concerne le pr l vement percevoir lors de l'importation des fromages tilsit, havarti et esrom journal officiel n l 021 du 28/01/1969 p. 0001 - 0002++++ ( 1 ) jo n l 148 du 28 . 6 . 1968 , p . 13 . ( 2 ) jo n l 151 du 30 . 6 . 1968 , p . 3 . reglement ( cee ) n 145/69 du conseil du 16 janvier 1969 modifiant le reglement ( cee ) n 823/68 en ce qui concerne le prelevement a percevoir lors de l'importation des fromages tilsit , havarti et esrom le conseil des communautes europeennes , vu le traite instituant la communaute economique europeenne , vu le reglement ( cee ) n 804/68 du conseil , du 27 juin 1968 , portant organisation commune des marches dans le secteur du lait et des produits laitiers ( 1 ) , et notamment son article 14 paragraphe 6 , vu la proposition de la commission , considerant que le reglement ( cee ) n 823/68 ( 2 ) , a determine les groupes de produits et les dispositions speciales relatives au calcul des prelevements dans le secteur du lait et des produits laitiers ; que , selon ces dispositions , le fromage du type esrom , relevant actuellement de la sous-position 04.04 e i b ) 3 du tarif douanier commun , est soumis au prelevement applicable aux produits faisant partie du groupe n 11 ; considerant que la sous-position de ce fromage dans le commerce international est telle qu'il peut etre commercialise a des prix distincts de ceux pratiques pour les autres fromages de ce groupe ; qu'il est , des lors , possible de tenir compte pour le calcul du prelevement des prix pratiques pour l'exportation vers la communaute ; considerant qu'afin d'atteindre ce but sans renoncer , toutefois , a une garantie en ce qui concerne le niveau du prix a l'importation , il est approprie d'etendre au fromage en cause l'application du regime valable pour les fromages tilsit et havarti ; considerant que tous ces fromages peuvent etre produits avec des teneurs differentes en matieres grasses ; que la difference des valeurs de la matiere grasse dans la communaute et dans les pays tiers est telle que la perception d'un prelevement uniforme peut entrainer des distorsions de concurrence ; qu'il est , des lors , necessaire de prevoir une differenciation forfaitaire du prelevement en fonction de la teneur en matieres grasses des produits en cause ; considerant que , conformement a l'article 19 paragraphe 1 du reglement ( cee ) n 804/68 , la nomenclature prevue au present reglement est reprise au tarif douanier commun , a arrete le present reglement : article premier le libelle de la sous-position 04.04 e i du tarif douanier commun , figurant a l'annexe ii du reglement ( cee ) n 823/68 , est modifie comme suit : " i . d'une teneur en poids de matieres grasses inferieure ou egale a 39 % et d'une teneur en poids en eau dans la matiere non grasse : a ) inferieure ou egale a 47 % b ) superieure a 47 % et inferieure ou egale a 72 % : 1 . cheddar , chester 2 . tilsit , havarti et esrom , d'une teneur en matieres grasses en poids de la matiere seche ( 2 ) : aa ) inferieure ou egale a 48 % bb ) superieure a 48 % 3 . autres c ) superieure a 72 % presentes en emballages immediats d'un contenu net inferieur ou egal a 125 g . " article 2 le texte de l'article 8 du reglement ( cee ) n 823/68 est remplace par le texte suivant : " a l'egard des pays tiers pour lesquels il est constate qu'a l'importation dans la communaute le prix pratique pour des produits faisant partie du groupe n 11 et relevant de la sous-position 04.04 e i b ) 2 , originaires et en provenance de leur territoire , n'est pas inferieure a 85 unites de compte pour 100 kilogrammes , le prelevement pour 100 kilogrammes de produit est egal : 1 . s'il releve de la sous-position 04.04 e i b ) 2 aa ) , au prix de seuil diminue de 85 unites de compte ; 2 . s'il releve de la sous-position 04.04 e i b ) 2 bb ) , a la somme des elements suivants : a ) un element egal au prelevement calcule conformement au point 1 , b ) un element egal a 20 unites de compte . " article 3 le present reglement entre en vigueur le troisieme jour suivant celui de sa publication au journal officiel des communautes europeennes . le present reglement est obligatoire dans tous ses elements et directement applicable dans tout etat membre . fait a bruxelles , le 16 janvier 1969 . par le conseil le president p . lardinois |
name: /* commission regulation no 243/67/eec of 30 june 1967 limiting the quantities of cereals imported free of levy under inward processing arrangements for certain products processed from cereals */ type: regulation subject matter: nan date published: nan avis juridique important|31967r0243r glement n 243/67/cee de la commission, du 30 juin 1967, limitant la quantit de c r ales import es en franchise de pr l vement sous un r gime de trafic de perfectionnement actif pour certains produits transform s des c r ales journal officiel n 137 du 30/06/1967 p. 2965 - 2966++++( 1 ) jo no 133 du 29.6.1967, p . 2797/67 . reglement no 243/67/cee de la commission du 30 juin 1967 limitant la quantite de cereales importees en franchise de prelevement sous un regime de trafic de perfectionnement actif pour certains produits transformes des cereales la commission de la communaute economique europeenne, vu le traite instituant la communaute economique europeenne, vu le reglement no 191/67/cee du conseil, du 27 juin 1967, relatif au regime d'importation et d'exportation des produits transformes a base de cereales ( 1 ), et notamment son article 17 paragraphe 2, considerant que, dans le cadre du regime de trafic de perfectionnement actif, l'article 17 paragraphe 2 du reglement no 191/67/cee prevoit la possibilite de diminuer les quantites de matieres premieres servant a la fabrication des produits transformes vises au paragraphe 1 de cet article qui ne sont soumises au prelevement ; considerant qu'il convient d'appliquer une telle diminution, notamment dans le cas ou l'importation en franchise de prelevement de la quantite de produit de base servant a la fabrication d'un produit transforme, retenue pour le calcul de l'element mobile, conduirait a des perturbations sur le marche du fait de la possibilite de fabriquer, en un meme processus de transformation a partir du meme produit de base, plusieurs produits transformes ; considerant, des lors, que pour certains produits transformes, il convient de limiter la quantite de matiere premiere importee en franchise, en calculant cette limitation d'une facon forfaitaire, de facon a tenir compte de la valeur des produits transformes, autres que le produit principal, issus du meme processus de transformation ; considerant que les mesures prevues au present reglement sont conformes a l'avis du comite de gestion des cereales, a arrete le present reglement : article premier la quantite de produit de base qui, dans le cadre d'un regime de trafic de perfectionnement actif, n'est pas soumise au prelevement, en vue ou comme consequence de l'exportation des produits transformes a base de cereales vises au tableau figurant a l'annexe, ne peut exceder, pour 100 kilogrammes de produit transforme, la quantite fixee a la colonne no 3 dudit tableau . article 2 le present reglement entre en vigueur le 1er juillet 1967 . le present reglement est obligatoire dans tous ses elements et indirectement applicable dans tout etat membre . fait a bruxelles, le 30 juin 1967 . par la commission le president walter hallstein annexe no du tarif douanier commun 11.01 11.02 17.02 designation des marchandises ( selon la numerotation reprise a l'annexe du reglement no 191/67/cee farine d'avoine ayant une teneur en cendres rapportee a la matiere seche inferieure ou egale a 20 % en poids ( c(iii)(a )) grains de froment perle ( a i ( b )) grains de seigle perle ( a ii ( b )) grains perles : - de froment ( a i ( c )) - de seigle ( a ii ( c )) - d'orge, ayant une teneur en cendres rapportee a la matiere seche superieure a 1 % en poids ( a iii b ( 3 ) ( aa )) - d'avoine ( a iii b ( 3)(bb )) - de mais ( a iii b ( 3)(cc )) - de millet ( a iii b ( 3 ) ( ee )) - de sorgho ou de dari ( a iii b ( 3 ) ( ff )) glucose ( dextrose ) presente en poudre cristalline blanche meme agglomeree ( b ii ( a )) tout autre glucose ainsi que le sirop de glucose ( b ii ( b )) quantite de produit de base qui n'est pas soumise au prelevement 162 avoine 120 ble tendre 120 seigle 144 ble tendre 144 seigle 175 orge 144 avoine 144 avoine 144 mais 144 millet 144 sorgho 189 mais 145 mais |