name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2016/169 of 5 february 2016 amending decision 2010/221/eu as regards national measures for preventing the introduction of certain aquatic animal diseases into ireland, finland, sweden and the united kingdom (notified under document c(2016) 605) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: europe; international trade; agricultural policy; fisheries; agricultural activity date published: 2016-02-09 9.2.2016 en official journal of the european union l 32/158 commission implementing decision (eu) 2016/169 of 5 february 2016 amending decision 2010/221/eu as regards national measures for preventing the introduction of certain aquatic animal diseases into ireland, finland, sweden and the united kingdom (notified under document c(2016) 605) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 2006/88/ec of 24 october 2006 on animal health requirements for aquaculture animals and products thereof, and on the prevention and control of certain diseases in aquatic animals (1), and in particular article 43(2) thereof, whereas: (1) commission decision 2010/221/eu (2) allows certain member states to apply placing on the market and import restrictions on consignments of aquatic animals in order to prevent the introduction of certain diseases into their territory, provided that they have either demonstrated that their territory, or certain demarcated areas of their territory, are free of such diseases or that they have established an eradication or surveillance programme to obtain such freedom. member states which have an approved eradication programme for one or more of those diseases, may according to article 3(2) of that decision only apply placing on the market and import restrictions with regard to those diseases until 31 december 2015. (2) decision 2010/221/eu provides that the member states and parts thereof listed in annex i thereto are to be regarded as free from the diseases listed in that annex. in addition, that decision approved the eradication programmes adopted by certain member states in respect of the areas and the diseases listed in annex ii thereto. that decision also approves the surveillance programmes regarding ostreid herpes virus 1 var (oshv-1 var) adopted by certain member states in respect of the areas set out in annex iii thereto. (3) finland has in accordance with article 43 of directive 2006/88/ec submitted an application to the commission for approval of placing on the market and import restrictions on consignments of aquatic animals in order to prevent the introduction of salmonid alphavirus (sav) into the continental parts of its territory. the main justification for finland's application is that sav may cause serious fish diseases like pancreas disease (pd) and sleeping disease (sd) in susceptible species. those diseases are easily transmitted and are shown to cause substantial losses in particular to farms rearing atlantic salmon (salmo salar), but also populations of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (salmo trutta) may be heavily affected. finland has a substantial yearly production of those species reared both for food production and for restocking purposes. those species need to be protected from introduction of sav. (4) infection with sav is defined in the aquatic animal health code (aquatic code) of the world organisation for animal health (oie) as an infection with any subtype of sav of the genus alphavirus of the family togaviridae. such infections are notifiable to the oie since 2014 and diagnostic methods to detect and identify the pathogen are set out in the oie manual of diagnostic test for aquatic animals (oie aquatic manual). furthermore, the aquatic code contains specific recommendations for achieving and maintaining disease free status with regard to sav, and for importation and transit of aquatic animals and products thereof from a country not declared free from infections with sav. (5) finland has provided information describing its system of control and compulsory notification of aquatic animal diseases, and furthermore describing the surveillance schemes which has been in place to document which continental parts of finland are sav-free. that information, confirming that passive surveillance for sav has been in place since the disease was made notifiable in accordance with finnish legislation in 2010 and targeted surveillance over a period of two years from 2013 to 2014, both using diagnostic methods in accordance with the oie aquatic manual, supports the assessment of the continental parts of finland being free of sav. (6) finland has furthermore provided information describing the epidemiological situation with regard to sav in water catchment areas shared with norway, sweden and russia and the biosecurity measures in place to prevent possible transfer of sav from the coastal areas into the continental areas of finland. that information shows that the measures in place are in line with the oie recommendations, and thus also supports the position that the continental parts of finland may be regarded as free of sav. (7) based on the oie's recognition of sav as a serious infectious disease affecting certain salmonid species and the information provided from finland with regard to the current health status as regards sav and the possible economic and ecological impact of the introduction of sav into the continental parts of finland, it is justified that the application of certain placing on the market and import restrictions in accordance with article 43 of directive 2006/88/ec to prevent such introduction should be approved. consequently, salmonid alphavirus (sav) should be listed in annex i to decision 2010/221/eu for the continental parts of the territory of finland. (8) the united kingdom is listed in annex i to decision 2010/221/eu with the territory of great britain, except whitstable bay in kent, blackwater estuary and river crouch in essex and poole harbour in dorset as recognised as free of oshv-1 var. (9) the united kingdom has notified to the commission that oshv-1 var recently is detected in the river roach in essex and in an area outside whitstable bay at the north coast of kent. furthermore as a result of an epidemiological evaluation following the detection in the river roach, the non-disease-free compartment in essex is enlarged to incorporate the existing non-disease free compartment in the blackwater and river colne. finally, the united kingdom has notified the detection of oshv-1 var in the river teign in devon. those areas should therefore no longer be recognised as being free of that disease. the geographical demarcations for the territory of the united kingdom recognised as free of oshv-1 var should be amended accordingly. (10) the continental part of the territory of sweden is listed in annex ii to decision 2010/221/eu as a territory with an approved eradication programme for bacterial kidney disease (bkd). likewise, the coastal parts of the territory of sweden are listed in that annex with an approved eradication programme with regard to infectious pancreas necrosis (ipn). (11) sweden has reported to the commission that over the last three years of surveillance in areas subject to the approved eradication programme five farms have tested positive with regard to bkd. those farms are currently being subject to control and eradication measures in order to establish disease free status. in order to follow up on these farms and to be able to make an overall evaluation of the entire bkd-programme, sweden has requested an extension of the period for which it may apply placing on the market and import restrictions with regard to that disease as set out in decision 2010/221/eu. in view of the results of the programme such prolongation is appropriate. (12) as regards ipn, both finland and sweden have previously asked the commission for an evaluation of the further approach and scope of the surveillance and eradication programmes for that disease. at current the definition of ipn includes all genogroups of ipn. only strains of ipn-virus genogroup 5 are known to cause mortality and clinical disease in farmed salmonids in europe. therefore, other genogroups should not be included in those eradication programmes. a decision on this issue can, however, only be made on the basis of a comprehensive scientific evaluation. such evaluation has not been carried out so far. until such evaluation is completed it is appropriate to prolong sweden's ongoing ipn eradication programme and consequently the possibility to apply placing on the market and import restrictions as set out in decision 2010/221/eu. (13) evaluations concerning transmissible animal diseases which may be subject to national measures will be carried out by the commission within the framework of the foreseen new union legislation on animal health. in view of that it is appropriate to prolong the time limit set out in article 3(2) of decision 2010/221/eu for authorisation to apply certain national measures until those evaluations are concluded and the new union animal legislation enters into force, which is foreseen to take place in 2021. (14) annex iii to decision 2010/221/eu lists seven compartments in the territory of ireland with an approved surveillance programme as regards oshv-1 var. ireland has recently informed the commission that oshv-1 var was detected in gweebara bay (compartment 2) and kenmare bay (compartment 7). consequently those compartments should be removed from the areas listed in annex iii. (15) ireland has further submitted a declaration of disease freedom with regard to oshv-1 var for the remaining five compartments listed in annex iii to decision 2010/221/eu and for a new compartment a: tralee bay hatchery. that declaration complies with the requirements for a declaration of freedom of disease laid down in directive 2006/88/ec. accordingly the following compartments of the territory of ireland: compartment 1: sheephaven bay, compartment 3: killala, broadhaven and blacksod bays, compartment 4: streamstown bay, compartment 5: bertraghboy and galway bays, compartment 6: poulnashaary bay and compartment a: tralee bay hatchery should be regarded as free of oshv-1 var and consequently listed in annex i to decision 2010/221/eu. (16) as the declaration from ireland demonstrates disease freedom of all five remaining compartments listed in annex iii to decision 2010/221/eu, the surveillance programme for oshv-1 var for demonstration of freedom from disease as indicated in that annex will no longer be applicable for the listed irish compartments. the entry for ireland in annex iii should therefore be deleted. (17) article 3(2) of decision 2010/221/eu limits the authorisation to apply certain national measures in accordance with article 43 of directive 2006/88/ec in time until 31 december 2015. in order to avoid disruption in the application of those measures, the proposed amendments should apply from 1 january 2016. (18) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 in article 3(2) of decision 2010/221/eu, the date 31 december 2015 shall be replaced by 1 july 2021. article 2 annexes i and iii to decision 2010/221/eu are replaced by the text in the annex to this decision. article 3 this decision shall apply from 1 january 2016. article 4 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 5 february 2016. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 328, 24.11.2006, p. 14. (2) commission decision 2010/221/eu of 15 april 2010 approving national measures for limiting the impact of certain diseases in aquaculture animals and wild aquatic animals in accordance with article 43 of council directive 2006/88/ec (oj l 98, 20.4.2010, p. 7). annex decision 2010/221/eu is amended as follows: (1) annex i to decision 2010/221/eu is replaced by the following text: annex i member states and areas regarded as being free of diseases listed in the table and approved to take national measures to prevent the introduction of those diseases in accordance with article 43(2) of directive 2006/88/ec disease member state code geographical demarcation of the area with approved national measures spring viraemia of carp (svc) denmark dk whole territory ireland ie whole territory hungary hu whole territory finland fi whole territory sweden se whole territory united kingdom uk the whole territory of the united kingdom the territories of guernsey, jersey and the isle of man bacterial kidney disease (bkd) ireland ie whole territory united kingdom uk the territory of northern ireland the territories of guernsey, jersey and the isle of man infectious pancreatic necrosis (ipn) finland fi the continental parts of the territory sweden se the continental parts of the territory united kingdom uk the territory of the isle of man infections with gyrodactylus salaris (gs) ireland ie whole territory finland fi the water catchment areas of the tenojoki and n t m joki; the water catchment areas of the paatsjoki, tuulomajoki, and uutuanjoki are considered as buffer zones united kingdom uk the whole territory of the united kingdom the territories of guernsey, jersey and the isle of man ostreid herpesvirus 1 var (oshv-1 var) ireland ie compartment 1: sheephaven bay compartment 3: killala, broadhaven and blacksod bays compartment 4: streamstown bay compartment 5: bertraghboy and galway bays compartment 6: poulnasharry bay compartment a: tralee bay hatchery united kingdom uk the territory of great britain, except the river roach, river crouch, blackwater estuary and river colne in essex, the north kent coast, poole harbour in dorset and the river teign in devon the territory of northern ireland except dundrum bay, killough bay, lough foyle, carlingford lough and strangford lough the territory of guernsey infection with salmonid alphavirus (sav) finland fi the continental parts of the territory (2) annex iii to decision 2010/221/eu is replaced by the following text: annex iii member states and areas with surveillance programmes regarding ostreid herpesvirus 1 var (oshv-1 var) and approved to take national measures to control that disease in accordance with article 43(2) of directive 2006/88/ec disease member state code geographical demarcation of the area with approved national measures (member states, zones and compartments)
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2016/170 of 5 february 2016 authorising methods for grading pig carcasses in finland (notified under document c(2016) 658) type: decision_impl subject matter: agricultural policy; europe; agri-foodstuffs; animal product; means of agricultural production date published: 2016-02-09 9.2.2016 en official journal of the european union l 32/163 commission implementing decision (eu) 2016/170 of 5 february 2016 authorising methods for grading pig carcasses in finland (notified under document c(2016) 658) (only the finnish and swedish texts are authentic) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 1308/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 17 december 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing council regulations (eec) no 922/72, (eec) no 234/79, (ec) no 1037/2001 and (ec) no 1234/2007 (1), and in particular article 20(p) thereof, whereas: (1) point 1 of section b.iv of annex iv to regulation (eu) no 1308/2013 provides that, for the classification of pig carcasses, the lean-meat content has to be assessed by means of grading methods authorised by the commission and only statistically proven assessment methods based on the physical measurement of one or more anatomical parts of the pig carcass may be authorised. the authorisation of grading methods should be subject to compliance with a maximum tolerance for statistical error in assessment. that tolerance is defined in article 23(3) of commission regulation (ec) no 1249/2008 (2). (2) by commission decision 96/550/ec (3), the use of three methods for grading pig carcasses in finland was authorised. (3) finland has requested the commission to authorise the replacement of the lean meat assessment formula used in the hennessy grading probe 4 (hgp4) method and to authorise one new method autofom iii that should replace the currently used autofom method, for grading pig carcasses on its territory. finland has presented a detailed description of the dissection trial, indicating the principles on which the new formula are based, the result of its dissection trial and the equations used for assessing the percentage of lean meat in the protocol provided for in article 23(4) of regulation (ec) no 1249/2008. finland has also asked the commission not to include the intrascope/optical probe method in this decision as that method is not used anymore. (4) examination of that request has revealed that the conditions for authorising those new formula and grading method are fulfilled. those formula and grading method should therefore be authorised in finland. (5) modifications of the apparatuses or grading methods should not be allowed, unless they are explicitly authorised by commission implementing decision. (6) for reasons of clarity and legal certainty, a new decision should be adopted. decision 96/550/ec should therefore be repealed. (7) in view of the technical circumstances while introducing new methods and formula, the methods for grading pig carcasses authorised under this decision should apply from 1 february 2016. (8) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the committee for the common organisation of agricultural markets, has adopted this decision: article 1 the use of the following methods is authorised for grading pig carcasses pursuant to point 1 of section b.iv of annex iv to regulation (eu) no 1308/2013 in finland: (a) the hennessy grading probe 4 (hgp4) apparatus and the assessment methods related thereto, details of which are given in part i of the annex; (b) the autofom iii apparatus and the assessment methods related thereto, details of which are given in part ii of the annex. article 2 modifications of the authorised apparatus or grading methods shall not be allowed, unless those modifications are explicitly authorised by commission decision. article 3 decision 96/550/ec is repealed. article 4 this decision shall apply from 1 february 2016. article 5 this decision is addressed to the republic of finland. done at brussels, 5 february 2016. for the commission phil hogan member of the commission (1) oj l 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671. (2) commission regulation (ec) no 1249/2008 of 10 december 2008 laying down detailed rules on the implementation of the community scales for the classification of beef, pig and sheep carcasses and the reporting of prices thereof (oj l 337, 16.12.2008, p. 3). (3) commission decision 96/550/ec of 5 september 1996 authorising methods for grading pig carcasses in finland (oj l 236, 18.9.1996, p. 47). annex methods for grading pig carcasses in finland part i hennessy grading probe 4 (hgp4) 1. the rules provided for in this part shall apply when the grading of pig carcasses is carried out by means of the apparatus termed hennessy grading probe 4 (hgp4). 2. the apparatus hennessy grading probe shall be equipped with a probe of 5,95 mm diameter with an abutting blade of 6,3 mm containing a photodiode (siemens led of the type lyu 260-eo and photo detector of the type 58 mr) and having an operational distance between 0 and 120 mm. 3. the lean meat content of the carcass shall be calculated according to the following formula: y = 67,091 0,566 s1 0,381 s2 + 0,078 m where: s1 : the thickness of back fat (including rind) in millimetres measured at 8 cm off the midline of the carcass behind the last rib (between the 14th rib and the 1st lumbar vertebra); s2 : the thickness of back fat (including rind) in millimetres measured at 6 cm off the midline of the carcass between the 3rd and 4th ribs; m : the thickness of muscle in millimetres measured at 6 cm off the midline of the carcass between the 3rd and 4th ribs. 4. the formula shall be valid for carcasses weighing between 50 and 120 kg. part ii autofom iii 1. the rules provided for in this part shall apply when the grading of pig carcasses is carried out by means of the apparatus termed autofom iii (fully automatic ultrasonic carcass grading). 2. the apparatus shall be equipped with 16 transducers embedded in a stainless steel array. the measurements used for the models shall be an overall size assessment and properties derived from two selected cross-sections. the two selected cross-sections shall be at the minimum fat in the loin and at the loin to ham intersection. the apparatus shall transmit sound waves through the tissues. the echoes emitted by the bones, muscles and fat shall be converted into an image of the interior. based on the image a digital image and data analysis shall be performed. 3. the lean meat content of the carcass shall be calculated according to the following formula: y = 63,2758 + 0,081174 r2p1 1,11488 r2p5 0,89933 r2p10 + 0,057066 r3p3 + 0,097869 r3p5 where: r2p1 : the average thickness of the skin. r2p5 : the skin at the selected p2 position in mm. r2p10 : minimum fat of the cross-section in mm. r3p3 : the meat measured at the selected mft point in mm. r3p5 : the maximum meat measured in mm. 4. the formula shall be valid for carcasses weighing between 50 and 120 kilograms.
name: council decision (eu) 2016/134 of 16 november 2015 on the position to be adopted on behalf of the european union within the stabilisation and association council established by the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and bosnia and herzegovina, of the other part, as regards the replacement of protocol 2 to that agreement, concerning the definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation, by a new protocol which, as regards the rules of origin, refers to the regional convention on pan-euro-mediterranean preferential rules of origin type: decision subject matter: international trade; europe; european construction; international affairs; executive power and public service date published: 2016-02-02 2.2.2016 en official journal of the european union l 25/60 council decision (eu) 2016/134 of 16 november 2015 on the position to be adopted on behalf of the european union within the stabilisation and association council established by the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and bosnia and herzegovina, of the other part, as regards the replacement of protocol 2 to that agreement, concerning the definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation, by a new protocol which, as regards the rules of origin, refers to the regional convention on pan-euro-mediterranean preferential rules of origin the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular the first subparagraph of article 207(4) in conjunction with article 218(9) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, whereas: (1) protocol 2 to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and bosnia and herzegovina, of the other part (1) (the agreement), concerns the definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation. (2) the regional convention on pan-euro-mediterranean preferential rules of origin (2) (the convention) lays down provisions on the origin of goods traded under relevant agreements concluded between the contracting parties. bosnia and herzegovina and other participants in the stabilisation and association process from the western balkans were invited to join the system of pan-european diagonal cumulation of origin in the thessaloniki agenda, endorsed by the european council of june 2003. they were invited to join the convention by a decision of the euro-mediterranean ministerial conference of october 2007. (3) the union and bosnia and herzegovina signed the convention on 15 june 2011 and 24 september 2013 respectively. (4) the union and bosnia and herzegovina deposited their instruments of acceptance with the depositary of the convention on 26 march 2012 and 26 september 2014 respectively. consequently, pursuant to article 10(3) of the convention, the convention entered into force in relation to the union and bosnia and herzegovina on 1 may 2012 and on 1 november 2014 respectively. (5) article 6 of the convention provides that each contracting party is to take appropriate measures to ensure that the convention is effectively applied. to that effect, the stabilisation and association council established by the agreement should adopt a decision replacing protocol 2 to the agreement with a new protocol which, with regard to the rules of origin, refers to the convention. (6) the position of the union within the stabilisation and association council should therefore be based on the attached draft decision, has adopted this decision: article 1 the position to be adopted on behalf of the european union within the stabilisation and association council established by the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and bosnia and herzegovina, of the other part, as regards the replacement of protocol 2 to that agreement, concerning the definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation, by a new protocol which, as regards the rules of origin, refers to the regional convention on pan-euro-mediterranean preferential rules of origin, shall be based on the draft decision of the stabilisation and association council attached to this decision. technical changes to the draft decision of the stabilisation and association council may be agreed to by the representatives of the union in the stabilisation and association council without any further decision of the council. article 2 the decision of the stabilisation and association council shall be published in the official journal of the european union. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 16 november 2015. for the council the president f. mogherini (1) oj l 164, 30.6.2015, p. 2. (2) oj l 54, 26.2.2013, p. 4. draft decision no of the eu-bosnia and herzegovina stabilisation and association council of replacing protocol 2 to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and bosnia and herzegovina, of the other part, concerning the definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation the eu-bosnia and herzegovina stabilisation and association council, having regard to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and bosnia and herzegovina, of the other part (1), and in particular article 42 thereof, having regard to protocol 2 to the stabiliation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and bosnia and herzegovina, of the other part, concerning the definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation, whereas: (1) article 42 of the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and bosnia and herzegovina, of the other part (the agreement) refers to protocol 2 to the agreement (protocol 2), which lays down the rules of origin and provides for cumulation of origin between the european union, bosnia and herzegovina, turkey and any country or territory participating in the european union's stabilisation and association process. (2) article 39 of protocol 2 provides that the stabilisation and association council established in article 115 of the agreement may decide to amend the provisions of the protocol. (3) the regional convention on pan-euro-mediterranean preferential rules of origin (2) (the convention) aims to replace the protocols on rules of origin currently in force among the countries of the pan-euro-mediterranean area with a single legal act. bosnia and herzegovina and other participants in the stabilisation and association process from the western balkans were invited to join the system of pan-european diagonal cumulation of origin in the thessaloniki agenda, endorsed by the european council of june 2003. they were invited to join the convention by a decision of the euro-mediterranean ministerial conference of october 2007. (4) the european union and bosnia and herzegovina signed the convention on 15 june 2011 and 24 september 2013 respectively. (5) the european union and bosnia and herzegovina deposited their instruments of acceptance with the depositary of the convention on 26 march 2012 and 26 september 2014 respectively. consequently, pursuant to article 10(3) of the convention, the convention entered into force in relation to the european union and bosnia and herzegovina on 1 may 2012 and on 1 november 2014 respectively. (6) protocol 2 should therefore be replaced by a new protocol making reference to the convention, has adopted this decision: article 1 protocol 2 to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and bosnia and herzegovina, of the other part, concerning the definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation is replaced by the text set out in the annex to this decision. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. it shall apply from done at , for the stabilisation and association council the chairman (1) oj l 164, 30.6.2015, p. 2. (2) oj l 54, 26.2.2013, p. 4. annex protocol 2 concerning the definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation article 1 applicable rules of origin 1. for the purpose of implementing this agreement, appendix i and the relevant provisions of appendix ii to the regional convention on pan-euro-mediterranean preferential rules of origin (1) (the convention) shall apply. 2. all references to the relevant agreement in appendix i and in the relevant provisions of appendix ii to the convention shall be construed as references to this agreement. article 2 dispute settlement 1. where disputes arise in relation to the verification procedures of article 32 of appendix i to the convention that cannot be settled between the customs authorities requesting the verification and the customs authorities responsible for carrying out that verification, they shall be submitted to the stabilisation and association council. 2. in all cases the settlement of disputes between the importer and the customs authorities of the importing country shall take place under the legislation of that country. article 3 amendments to the protocol the stabilisation and association council may decide to amend the provisions of this protocol. article 4 withdrawal from the convention 1. should either the european union or bosnia and herzegovina give notice in writing to the depositary of the convention of their intention to withdraw from the convention according to article 9 thereof, the european union and bosnia and herzegovina shall immediately enter into negotiations on rules of origin for the purpose of implementing this agreement. 2. until the entry into force of such newly negotiated rules of origin, the rules of origin contained in appendix i and, where appropriate, the relevant provisions of appendix ii to the convention, applicable at the moment of withdrawal, shall continue to apply to this agreement. however, as of the moment of withdrawal, the rules of origin contained in appendix i and, where appropriate, the relevant provisions of appendix ii to the convention shall be construed so as to allow bilateral cumulation between the european union and bosnia and herzegovina only. article 5 transitional provisions cumulation notwithstanding articles 16(5) and 21(3) of appendix i to the convention, where cumulation involves only efta states, the faroe islands, the european union, turkey and the participants in the stabilisation and association process, the proof of origin may be a movement certificate eur.1 or an origin declaration. (1) oj l 54, 26.2.2013, p. 4.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2016/135 of 29 january 2016 postponing the expiry date of approval of flocoumafen, brodifacoum and warfarin for use in biocidal products for product-type 14 (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: chemistry; natural environment; deterioration of the environment; means of agricultural production; marketing date published: 2016-02-02 2.2.2016 en official journal of the european union l 25/65 commission implementing decision (eu) 2016/135 of 29 january 2016 postponing the expiry date of approval of flocoumafen, brodifacoum and warfarin for use in biocidal products for product-type 14 (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 528/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 22 may 2012 concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products (1), and in particular article 14(5) thereof, whereas: (1) the active substances flocoumafen, brodifacoum and warfarin were included into annex i to directive 98/8/ec of the european parliament and of the council (2) for use in biocidal products for product-type 14, and pursuant to article 86 of regulation (eu) no 528/2012 are considered approved under that regulation subject to the specifications and conditions set out in annex i to that directive. (2) their approval will expire on 30 september 2016 for flocoumafen and 31 january 2017 for brodifacoum and warfarin. in accordance with article 13(1) of regulation (eu) no 528/2012, applications have been submitted for the renewal of the approval of these active substances. (3) because of the risks identified when using the active substances flocoumafen, brodifacoum and warfarin, the renewal of their approval is subject to an assessment of an alternative active substance or substances. in addition, due to those risks, the approval of those active substances may be renewed only if it is shown that at least one of the conditions of the first subparagraph of article 5(2) of regulation (eu) no 528/2012 is fulfilled. (4) the commission has launched a study on the risk-mitigation measures that may be applied to anticoagulant rodenticides with a view to proposing the measures that are most suitable for mitigating the risks associated to the properties of those active substances. (5) the possibility should be given to the applicants for the renewal of approval of those active substances to address the conclusions of the study in their application. furthermore, the conclusions of that study should be taken into account when deciding on the renewal of the approval of all anticoagulant rodenticides. (6) in order to facilitate the review and comparison of the risks and benefits of all anticoagulant rodenticides as well as of the risk-mitigation measures applied to them, the assessment of flocoumafen, brodifacoum and warfarin should be performed in parallel to the assessment of the other anticoagulant rodenticides. (7) consequently, for reasons beyond the control of the applicants, the approval of flocoumafen, brodifacoum and warfarin is likely to expire before a decision has been taken on a possible renewal of their approval. it is, therefore, appropriate to postpone the expiry date of approval of those active substances for a period of time sufficient to enable the examination of the applications. (8) except for the expiry date of the approval, those substances should remain approved subject to the specifications and conditions set out in annex i to directive 98/8/ec. (9) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on biocidal products, has adopted this decision: article 1 the expiry date of approval of flocoumafen, brodifacoum and warfarin for use in biocidal products for product-type 14 is postponed to 30 june 2018. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 29 january 2016. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 167, 27.6.2012, p. 1. (2) directive 98/8/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 16 february 1998 concerning the placing of biocidal products on the market (oj l 123, 24.4.1998, p. 1).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2016/120 of 28 january 2016 on the identification of the extensible business reporting language 2.1 for referencing in public procurement (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: information technology and data processing; communications; trade policy; technology and technical regulations; free movement of capital date published: 2016-01-29 29.1.2016 en official journal of the european union l 23/77 commission implementing decision (eu) 2016/120 of 28 january 2016 on the identification of the extensible business reporting language 2.1 for referencing in public procurement (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 1025/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on european standardisation, amending council directives 89/686/eec and 93/15/eec and directives 94/9/ec, 94/25/ec, 95/16/ec, 97/23/ec, 98/34/ec, 2004/22/ec, 2007/23/ec, 2009/23/ec and 2009/105/ec of the european parliament and of the council and repealing council decision 87/95/eec and decision no 1673/2006/ec of the european parliament and of the council (1), and in particular article 13(1) thereof, after consulting the european multi-stakeholder platform on ict standardisation and sectoral experts, whereas: (1) standardisation plays an important role in supporting the europe 2020 strategy, as set out in the communication from the commission entitled europe 2020: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (2). several flagship initiatives of the europe 2020 strategy underline the importance of voluntary standardisation in product or services markets to assure the compatibility and interoperability between products and services, foster technological development and support innovation. (2) the completion of the digital single market is a key priority for the european union as highlighted in the communication from the commission entitled annual growth strategy 2015 (3). the commission in its communication on a digital single market strategy for europe (4) highlighted the role of standardisation and interoperability in creating a european digital economy with a long-term growth potential. (3) in the digital society standardisation deliverables become indispensable to ensure the interoperability between devices, applications, data repositories, services and networks. the communication from the commission entitled a strategic vision for european standards: moving forward to enhance and accelerate the sustainable growth of the european economy by 2020 (5) recognises the specificity of standardisation in the field of information and communication technologies (ict) where solutions, applications and services are often developed by global ict fora and consortia that have emerged as leading ict standards development organisations. (4) regulation (eu) no 1025/2012 aims at modernising and improving the european standardisation framework. it establishes a system whereby the commission may decide to identify the most relevant and most widely accepted ict technical specifications issued by organisations that are not european, international or national standardisation organisations. the possibility of using the full range of ict technical specifications when procuring hardware, software and information technology services will enable interoperability between devices, services and applications, will help public administrations to avoid lock-in that occurs when the public procurer cannot change a provider after the expiration of the procurement contract because using ict proprietary solutions, and will encourage competition in the supply of interoperable ict solutions. (5) for the ict technical specifications to be eligible for referencing in public procurement they must comply with the requirements set out in annex ii to regulation (eu) no 1025/2012. compliance with those requirements guarantees the public authorities that the ict technical specifications are established in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness, objectivity and non-discrimination that are recognised by the world trade organisation in the field of standardisation. (6) the decision to identify the ict specification is to be adopted after consultation of the european multi-stakeholder platform on ict standardisation set up by commission decision 2011/c-349/04 (6) complemented by other forms of consultation of sectoral experts. (7) on 26 february 2015, the european multi-stakeholder platform on ict standardisation evaluated the extensible business reporting language version 2.1 (xbrl 2.1) against the requirements set out in annex ii to regulation (eu) no 1025/2012 and gave a positive advice to their identification for referencing in public procurement. the evaluation of xbrl 2.1 was subsequently submitted to consultation of sectoral experts that confirmed the positive advice to its identification. (8) xbrl 2.1 is a technical specification for digital business reporting, managed by a global not for profit consortium, xbrl international. the consortium is made up of approximately 600 public and private sector organisational members from around the world. the goal of this consortium is to improve reporting in the public interest. (9) xbrl 2.1 can be applied to a very wide range of business and financial data. it streamlines the preparation of business and financial reports for internal and external decision making. by using xbrl 2.1, companies and other producers of financial data and business reports can automate the processes of data collection. (10) the xbrl 2.1 should therefore be identified as ict technical specification eligible for referencing in public procurement, has adopted this decision: article 1 the extensible business reporting language version 2.1 is eligible for referencing in public procurement. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 28 january 2016. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 316, 14.11.2012, p. 12. (2) com(2010) 2020 final of 3 march 2010. (3) com(2014) 902 final of 28 november 2014. (4) com(2015) 192 final of 6 may 2015. (5) com(2011) 311 final of 1 june 2011. (6) commission decision 2011/c-349/04 of 28 november 2011 setting up the european multi-stakeholder platform on ict standardisation (oj c 349, 30.11.2011, p. 4).
name: council decision (eu) 2016/63 of 15 january 2016 concerning the accession of croatia to the convention drawn up on the basis of article k.3(2)(c) of the treaty on european union on the fight against corruption involving officials of the european communities or officials of member states of the european union type: decision subject matter: executive power and public service; criminal law; eu institutions and european civil service; europe; european construction date published: 2016-01-21 21.1.2016 en official journal of the european union l 14/23 council decision (eu) 2016/63 of 15 january 2016 concerning the accession of croatia to the convention drawn up on the basis of article k.3(2)(c) of the treaty on european union on the fight against corruption involving officials of the european communities or officials of member states of the european union the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, having regard to the treaty of accession of croatia, having regard to the act of accession of croatia, and in particular article 3(5) thereof, having regard to the recommendation from the european commission, having regard to the opinion of the european parliament (1), whereas: (1) the convention drawn up on the basis of article k.3(2)(c) of the treaty on european union on the fight against corruption involving officials of the european communities or officials of member states of the european union (2) (the convention against corruption involving officials) was signed on 26 may 1997 and entered into force on 28 september 2005. (2) article 3(4) of the act of accession of croatia (the act of accession) provides that croatia accedes to the conventions and protocols concluded between the member states, listed in annex i to the act of accession, which comprises, inter alia, the convention against corruption involving officials. they are to enter into force in relation to croatia on the date determined by the council. (3) in accordance with article 3(5) of the act of accession, the council is to decide to make all adjustments required by reason of accession to those conventions and protocols, has adopted this decision: article 1 the convention against corruption involving officials shall enter into force for croatia on the first day of the first month following the date of publication of this decision. article 2 the text of the convention against corruption involving officials drawn up in the croatian language (3) shall be authentic under the same conditions as the other texts of the convention against corruption involving officials. article 3 this decision shall take effect on the date following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 15 january 2016. for the council the president j.r.v.a. dijsselbloem (1) opinion of 10 june 2015 (not yet published in the official journal). (2) oj c 195, 25.6.1997, p. 2. (3) the croatian-language version of the convention has been published in a special edition of the official journal (chapter 19, volume 014, p. 120).
name: council decision (cfsp) 2016/37 of 16 january 2016 concerning the date of application of decision (cfsp) 2015/1863 amending decision 2010/413/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against iran type: decision subject matter: asia and oceania; international affairs; international trade; international security; management date published: 2016-01-16 16.1.2016 en official journal of the european union li 11/1 council decision (cfsp) 2016/37 of 16 january 2016 concerning the date of application of decision (cfsp) 2015/1863 amending decision 2010/413/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against iran the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 29 thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 26 july 2010, the council adopted decision 2010/413/cfsp (1) concerning restrictive measures against iran. (2) on 14 july 2015, china, france, germany, the russian federation, the united kingdom and the united states, supported by the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, reached an agreement on a long-term comprehensive solution to the iranian nuclear issue. the successful implementation of the joint comprehensive plan of action (jcpoa) will ensure the exclusively peaceful nature of the iranian nuclear programme and provide for the comprehensive lifting of all nuclear-related sanctions. (3) on 20 july 2015, the united nations security council adopted resolution (unscr) 2231 (2015) endorsing the jcpoa, urging its full implementation in accordance with the timetable established in the jcpoa and providing for actions to take place in accordance with the jcpoa. (4) unscr 2231 (2015) provides that, upon the iaea-verified implementation of iran's nuclear-related commitments as set out in the jcpoa, the provisions of unscrs 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008), 1929 (2010) and 2224 (2015) are to be terminated. (5) unscr 2231 (2015) further provides that states are to comply with the relevant provisions contained in the statement of 14 july 2015 from china, france, germany, the russian federation, the united kingdom, the united states and the european union, attached as annex b to unscr 2231 (2015), aimed at promoting transparency and creating an atmosphere conducive to the full implementation of the jcpoa. (6) on 18 october 2015, by decision (cfsp) 2015/1863 (2), the council decided to terminate implementation of all union nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions, taking into account unscr 2231 (2015) and annex b to unscr 2231 (2015), simultaneously with the iaea-verified implementation by iran of agreed nuclear-related measures. (7) by decision (cfsp) 2015/1863 the council also decided to introduce, upon the iaea-verified implementation of iran's nuclear-related commitments, an authorisation regime for reviewing and deciding on nuclear-related transfers to, or activities with, iran not covered by unscr 2231 (2015), in full consistency with the jcpoa. (8) in accordance with the second paragraph of article 2 of decision (cfsp) 2015/1863, that decision is to apply from the date on which the council notes that the director-general of the iaea has presented a report to the iaea board of governors and to the united nations security council which confirms that iran has taken the measures specified in paragraphs 15.1 to 15.11 of annex v to the jcpoa. (9) the council notes that on 16 january 2016 the director-general of the iaea presented a report to the iaea board of governors and to the united nations security council confirming that iran has taken the measures specified in paragraphs 15.1 to 15.11 of annex v to the jcpoa, has adopted this decision: article 1 decision (cfsp) 2015/1863 shall apply from 16 january 2016. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 16 january 2016. for the council the president a.g. koenders (1) council decision 2010/413/cfsp of 26 july 2010 concerning restrictive measures against iran and repealing common position 2007/140/cfsp (oj l 195, 27.7.2010, p. 39). (2) council decision (cfsp) 2015/1863 of 18 october 2015 amending decision 2010/413/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against iran (oj l 274, 18.10.2015, p. 174).
name: council decision (cfsp) 2016/35 of 14 january 2016 amending decision 2010/413/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against iran type: decision subject matter: asia and oceania; international affairs; international trade; international security; management date published: 2016-01-15 15.1.2016 en official journal of the european union l 10/15 council decision (cfsp) 2016/35 of 14 january 2016 amending decision 2010/413/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against iran the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 29 thereof, having regard to the proposal of the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 26 july 2010, the council adopted decision 2010/413/cfsp (1) concerning restrictive measures against iran. (2) on 24 november 2013, china, france, germany, the russian federation, the united kingdom and the united states, supported by the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, reached an agreement with iran on a joint plan of action which sets out an approach towards reaching a long-term comprehensive solution to the iranian nuclear issue. it was agreed that the process leading to this comprehensive solution would include, as a first step, initial mutually-agreed measures to be taken by both sides for a duration of 6 months and renewable by mutual consent. (3) on 14 july 2015, china, france, germany, the russian federation, the united kingdom and the united states, supported by the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, reached an agreement on a long-term comprehensive solution to the iranian nuclear issue. the successful implementation of the joint comprehensive plan of action (jcpoa) will ensure the exclusively peaceful nature of the iranian nuclear programme and provide for the comprehensive lifting of all nuclear-related sanctions. (4) on 14 july 2015, china, france, germany, the russian federation, the united kingdom and the united states, supported by the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, agreed with iran to extend the implementation of the measures of the joint plan of action to allow for the necessary arrangements and preparations for the implementation of the jcpoa. (5) on 14 july 2015, by decision (cfsp) 2015/1148 (2), the council decided to extend the implementation of the measures of the joint plan of action until 14 january 2016. (6) in order to provide sufficient time for the necessary arrangements and preparations for the implementation of the jcpoa, the suspension of the union restrictive measures specified in the joint plan of action should be extended until 28 january 2016. relevant contracts would have to be executed by that date. (7) decision 2010/413/cfsp should therefore be amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 article 26a of decision 2010/413/cfsp is replaced by the following: article 26a 1. the prohibition set out in article 3a(1) shall be suspended until 28 january 2016 insofar as it concerns the transport of iranian crude oil. 2. the prohibition set out in article 3a(2) shall be suspended until 28 january 2016 insofar as it concerns the provision of insurance and reinsurance, related to the import, purchase, or transport of iranian crude oil. 3. the prohibition set out in article 3b shall be suspended until 28 january 2016. 4. the prohibition set out in article 4c shall be suspended until 28 january 2016 insofar as it concerns gold and precious metals. 5. article 10(3)(a), (b) and (c) shall be replaced by the following points until 28 january 2016: (a) transfers due on transactions regarding foodstuffs, healthcare, medical equipment, or for agricultural or humanitarian purposes below eur 1 000 000, as well as transfers regarding personal remittances, below eur 400 000, shall be carried out without any prior authorisation. the transfer shall be notified to the competent authority of the member state concerned if above eur 10 000; (b) transfers due on transactions regarding foodstuffs, healthcare, medical equipment, or for agricultural or humanitarian purposes above eur 1 000 000, as well as transfers regarding personal remittances, above eur 400 000, shall require the prior authorisation from the competent authority of the member state concerned. the relevant member state shall inform the other member states of any authorisation granted; (c) any other transfer above eur 100 000 shall require the prior authorisation from the competent authority of the member state concerned. the relevant member state shall inform the other member states of any authorisation granted. . 6. article 10(4)(b) and (c) shall be replaced by the following points until 28 january 2016: (b) any other transfer below eur 400 000 shall be carried out without any prior authorisation. the transfer shall be notified to the competent authority of the member state concerned if above eur 10 000; (c) any other transfer above eur 400 000 shall require the prior authorisation from the competent authority of the member state concerned. the authorisation shall be deemed granted within 4 weeks unless the competent authority of the member state concerned has objected within that time limit. the relevant member state shall inform the other member states of any authorisation rejected. . 7. the prohibitions set out in article 18b shall be suspended until 28 january 2016. 8. the prohibitions set out in article 20(1)(b) and (c) and in article 20(2) to the ministry of petroleum, listed in annex ii, shall be suspended until 28 january 2016, insofar as necessary for the execution, until 28 january 2016, of contracts for the import or purchase of iranian petrochemical products. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 14 january 2016. for the council the president a.g. koenders (1) council decision 2010/413/cfsp of 26 july 2010 concerning restrictive measures against iran and repealing common position 2007/140/cfsp (oj l 195, 27.7.2010, p. 39). (2) council decision (cfsp) 2015/1148 of 14 july 2015 amending decision 2010/413/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against iran (oj l 186, 14.7.2015, p. 2).
name: decision (eu) 2016/3 of the european central bank of 18 november 2015 laying down the principles for providing feedback on the performance of national competent authorities' sub-coordinators in the joint supervisory teams of the single supervisory mechanism (ecb/2015/36) type: decision subject matter: cooperation policy; financial institutions and credit; trade policy; budget date published: 2016-01-05 5.1.2016 en official journal of the european union l 1/4 decision (eu) 2016/3 of the european central bank of 18 november 2015 laying down the principles for providing feedback on the performance of national competent authorities' sub-coordinators in the joint supervisory teams of the single supervisory mechanism (ecb/2015/36) the governing council of the european central bank, having regard to council regulation (eu) no 1024/2013 of 15 october 2013 conferring specific tasks on the european central bank concerning policies relating to the prudential supervision of credit institutions (1), and in particular article 6(1) and (7) thereof, whereas: (1) article 6(1) of regulation (eu) no 1024/2013 (hereinafter the ssm regulation) stipulates that the european central bank (ecb) is responsible for the effective and consistent functioning of the single supervisory mechanism (ssm). recital 79 of the ssm regulation states that highly motivated, well-trained and impartial staff is indispensable to effective supervision. (2) in accordance with articles 3 to 6 of regulation (eu) no 468/2014 of the european central bank (2) (hereinafter, the ssm framework regulation), the ecb is in charge of the establishment and composition of joint supervisory teams (jsts) composed of staff members from the ecb and from the national competent authorities (ncas). the jst coordinator, assisted by nca sub-coordinator(s), ensures the coordination of the work within the jst. (3) in view of the nca sub-coordinators' important role in coordinating the jst members from their nca, it is necessary and proportionate to introduce a uniform process for the provision of performance feedback on nca sub-coordinators in jsts. by assisting with the continuous improvement of the nca sub-coordinators' performance, the ssm performance feedback helps to ensure the proper functioning of jsts. the ssm performance feedback initially takes the form of a field test that is limited in time. based on the experience gained during the field test, a more comprehensive implementation of the ssm performance feedback mechanism will be considered. ncas and the ecb are solely responsible for the performance appraisal of their staff. ncas may use the feedback provided in accordance with this decision in the day-to-day management of their staff members, and it may serve as input into the internal appraisal systems of the ncas, if allowed under the relevant national law. (4) recognising that performance feedback is necessary for the management of jsts, the european data protection supervisor has endorsed the ssm performance feedback mechanism, subject to the condition that the precise operation of the performance mechanism is defined in a legal instrument adopted at the appropriate level, has adopted this decision: article 1 definitions for the purposes of this decision, the definitions contained in article 2 of the ssm regulation and article 2 of the ssm framework regulation shall apply. article 2 ssm performance feedback 1. nca sub-coordinators in jsts shall receive feedback on their own and their team's performance in carrying out their tasks in the jst, subject to and in accordance with the principles set out in annex i. 2. following the setting of the nca sub-coordinators' main tasks and objectives, the feedback shall be provided with regard to the feedback cycle that starts on the day of the entry into force of this decision as referred to in article 3 and ends on 29 february 2016. article 3 entry into force this decision shall enter into force on 20 november 2015. done at frankfurt am main, 18 november 2015. for the governing council of the ecb the president of the ecb mario draghi (1) oj l 287, 29.10.2013, p. 63. (2) regulation (eu) no 468/2014 of the european central bank of 16 april 2014 establishing the framework for cooperation within the single supervisory mechanism between the european central bank and national competent authorities and with national designated authorities (ssm framework regulation) (ecb/2014/17) (oj l 141, 14.5.2014, p.1). annex i principles for providing feedback on the performance of nca sub-coordinators in joint supervisory teams of the single supervisory mechanism (ssm performance feedback) principle 1 scope of the ssm performance feedback nca sub-coordinators in jsts will be subject to ssm performance feedback, provided that they work in a jst on the basis of at least 25 % of a full-time equivalent position as defined in the employment framework of the relevant nca. principle 2 purpose of the ssm performance feedback in order to ensure and improve the functioning of the ssm as a whole, the ssm performance feedback will recognise and assess the nca sub-coordinators' performance when carrying out their tasks, with a view to further developing their understanding of the objectives and competencies common to the ssm, and thereby fostering motivation among team members. principle 3 ssm performance feedback process for nca sub-coordinators 1. at the beginning of the feedback cycle, the jst coordinator, after consultation with the nca sub-coordinator, sets the main tasks and objectives for the nca sub-coordinator referred to under principle 1. the main tasks and objectives will be recorded in the ssm feedback form. 2. the jst coordinator is to provide each nca sub-coordinator referred to under principle 1 with ongoing guidance and informal feedback throughout the feedback cycle. once the feedback cycle is completed, the jst coordinator will provide each nca sub-coordinator referred to under principle 1 with end-of-cycle feedback, both orally and in writing in the ssm feedback form. 3. both the ongoing and the end-of-cycle feedback will take into account the nca sub-coordinators' main tasks and objectives, as recorded in the ssm feedback form, the ssm competencies set out in annex ii and their team's contribution to the overall functioning of the jst. principle 4 access to the ssm performance feedback 1. the end-of cycle performance feedback for nca sub-coordinators in a jst may be made accessible to, and may be used by the relevant nca for the purpose of facilitating the nca's regular management of its staff, if allowed by the applicable national laws. 2. ncas may choose to use the ssm performance feedback as additional input to their internal performance appraisal systems, if allowed by the applicable national laws. 3. access to the ssm performance feedback, including its transfer, will be granted to ncas in accordance with article 8(a) of regulation (ec) no 45/2001 of the european parliament and of the council (1). principle 5 protection of personal data processed in the context of the ssm performance feedback 1. the ssm performance feedback data will be processed by the ecb in accordance with regulation (ec) no 45/2001. 2. the performance feedback data is to be used exclusively for the purposes described under principles 2 and 4 and the data is to be stored for a maximum period of five years. (1) regulation (ec) no 45/2001 of the european parliament and of the council of 18 december 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (oj l 8, 12.1.2001 p. 1). annex ii list of ssm competencies professional knowledge : knowledge of supervisory policies, methodologies and regulations, especially in the ssm context, as well as of the functioning of financial institutions. keeps abreast of developments in those fields and applies the knowledge to the relevant areas of work. communication : conveying information clearly and concisely to groups or individuals, either verbally or in writing, to ensure that they understand the information and the message. listening and responding appropriately to others. cooperation and collaboration : building and maintaining on-going, collaborative, working relationships with co-workers to achieve the european goals of the team. developing and maintaining effective relationships with others in order to encourage and support teamwork. proactively sharing data, information and knowledge within the team. determination in achieving objectives : performing tasks with tenacity and perseverance, pursuing successful solutions while adapting own behaviour to find a suitable approach to reach a successful outcome. judgement and intrusiveness : analysing and assessing situations, data and information in order to develop appropriate strategies, plans and policies. understanding and formulating different and opposing perspectives on an issue, if needed, adapting approaches as the requirements of a situation change, considering problems from new perspectives and expanding on the thinking or solutions proposed by others. attempting to fully understand issues prior to making a recommendation or reaching a conclusion, while gathering full and exact information as necessary, arriving at a sound judgement by respectfully asking a series of intrusive questions and continuously scanning for potential issues and information. breadth of awareness and being forward-looking : looking beyond the own role to establish the wider context in which one operates, by having a full understanding of the different functions/areas, by showing awareness of diverse cultural contexts and points of view, and by assessing the implications of own decisions on others. looking ahead and anticipating opportunities and threats in the future, taking action to create opportunities or to avert a future issue. acting objectively with integrity and independence : acting independently and objectively, in the interest of the union as a whole, on the basis of the professional standards of the ssm, verifying circumstances to get a complete and realistic picture of a situation. striving to reduce or eliminate biases, prejudices or subjective evaluations by relying on verifiable data and facts. managing ssm teams (applicable to managers only) : directing (virtual/remote) teams and guiding them towards the team objectives. coordinating team activities across boundaries, by providing direction and by using their competencies and diversity in the most effective and efficient way. working to reduce and cope with ambiguity and finding ways to direct and deliver in uncertain circumstances.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2469 of 8 december 2015 on the signing, on behalf of the union, and provisional application of the amending protocol to the agreement between the european community and the republic of san marino providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in council directive 2003/48/ec on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments type: decision subject matter: international affairs; information and information processing; national accounts; financial institutions and credit; european construction; europe; taxation date published: 2015-12-31 31.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 346/1 council decision (eu) 2015/2469 of 8 december 2015 on the signing, on behalf of the union, and provisional application of the amending protocol to the agreement between the european community and the republic of san marino providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in council directive 2003/48/ec on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 115 in conjunction with article 218(5) and the second paragraph of article 218(8) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, whereas: (1) on 14 may 2013, the council authorised the commission to open negotiations with the republic of san marino to amend the agreement between the european community and the republic of san marino providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in council directive 2003/48/ec on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments (1) (the agreement), in order to align it with the recent developments at global level in which it was agreed to promote automatic exchange of information as an international standard. (2) the text of the amending protocol to the agreement (the amending protocol), which is the result of the negotiations, duly reflects the negotiating directives issued by the council as it aligns the agreement with the latest developments at international level concerning the automatic exchange of information, namely, with the global standard for automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters developed by the organisation for economic cooperation and development (oecd). the union, the member states and the republic of san marino have actively participated in the work of the global forum of the oecd for supporting the development and implementation of this standard. the text of the agreement, as amended by the amending protocol, is the legal basis for implementing the global standard in the relations between the union and the republic of san marino. (3) the amending protocol should be signed on behalf of the union. (4) in view of orientations expressed by the member states and the republic of san marino in the framework of the global forum of the oecd, the amending protocol should be applied on a provisional basis as from 1 january 2016, pending the completion of the procedures for its conclusion and entry into force, has adopted this decision: article 1 the signing on behalf of the union of the amending protocol to the agreement between the european community and the republic of san marino providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in council directive 2003/48/ec on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments is hereby authorised, subject to the conclusion of the said amending protocol. the text of the amending protocol is attached to this decision. article 2 the president of the council is hereby authorised to designate the person(s) empowered to sign the amending protocol on behalf of the union. article 3 subject to reciprocity, the amending protocol shall be applied on a provisional basisas from 1 january 2016, pending the completion of the procedures necessary for its conclusion (2). the president of the council shall, on behalf of the union, notify the republic of san marino of its intention to apply the amending protocol provisionally, subject to reciprocity, as from 1 january 2016. article 4 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 8 december 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) oj l 381, 28.12.2004, p. 33. (2) the date from which the amending protocol will be provisionally applied will be published in the official journal of the european union by the general secretariat of the council.
name: commission decision (eu) 2015/2463 of 18 december 2015 on the rules of procedure of the panel referred to in article 108 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council type: decision subject matter: eu institutions and european civil service; information and information processing; politics and public safety date published: 2015-12-29 29.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 342/57 commission decision (eu) 2015/2463 of 18 december 2015 on the rules of procedure of the panel referred to in article 108 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (1), having regard to commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1268/2012 of 29 october 2012 on the rules of application of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union (2), and in particular article 144 thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 establishes a panel for assessing centrally the situations referred to in its article 106(1) and to adopt appropriate recommendations (the panel). (2) article 108(7) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 establishes the composition of the panel and provides that the panel is to be assisted by a permanent secretariat provided by the commission. (3) article 144 of delegated regulation (eu) no 1268/2012 regulates the organisation and composition of the panel, the procedure for appointing its chair and the management of conflicts of interests. article 144(5) provides for the panel's rules of procedure to be adopted by the commission. (4) it is appropriate to specify the procedure for the appointment and dismissal of the chair and to lay down provisions on deputising for him/her where he/she is absent or prevented from attending to his/her duties. (5) it is necessary to lay down detailed rules on the composition of the panel in any given case, in particular on designating the two permanent members, their deputies and the additional member representing the authorising officer. (6) in the interests of the proper administration of the panel, it is appropriate to specify further the support functions to be provided by the secretariat in the framework of its proceedings. (7) the procedure for bringing a case before the panel should be clarified further, in particular as regards the minimum content of the authorising officer's request. (8) for the benefit of economic operators, it is necessary to clarify the practical arrangements for ensuring that their right to be heard is respected. (9) it is appropriate to specify the practical arrangements for close cooperation between the panel and the european anti-fraud office (olaf) in the light of the administrative arrangements on cooperation and timely exchange of information between the commission and olaf. (10) it is appropriate to clarify the rules for the adoption of panel recommendations. (11) any processing of personal data by the panel and its secretariat is to be carried out in accordance with regulation (ec) no 45/2001 of the european parliament and of the council (3). (12) regulation (ec) no 1049/2001 of the european parliament and of the council (4) should apply to the recommendations adopted by the panel, has adopted this decision: article 1 subject matter this decision lays down the rules of procedure of the panel referred to in article 108 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 (the panel). article 2 appointment and dismissal of the chair 1. the chair of the panel shall be appointed by the commission in accordance with article 144 of delegated regulation (eu) no 1268/2012. 2. if the chair no longer fulfils the conditions required for the performance of his/her duties, he/she may be dismissed by the commission. article 3 deputising for the chair 1. the chair shall have a deputy who shall act as a replacement when he/she is absent or prevented from attending to his/her duties. the deputy shall be appointed in accordance with article 144 of delegated regulation (eu) no 1268/2012. 2. where both the chair and his/her deputy are absent or prevented from attending to their duties, the permanent member with the higher seniority (5), as designated in accordance with article 4, shall deputise. in such case, the permanent member deputising for the chair shall be replaced by his/her deputy designated in accordance with that article 4. article 4 designation of panel members and their deputies 1. the director of the central financial service in the directorate-general for budget shall be one of the two permanent members of the panel as referred to in article 144(2) of delegated regulation (eu) no 1268/2012. the director-general for budget shall designate an official of grade ad11 or above as his/her deputy. the director-general for budget shall designate the second permanent member and his/her deputy ad personam among officials of at least grade ad 14 and ad 11 respectively. 2. the additional member representing the requesting authorising officer, as referred to in article 144(2) of delegated regulation (eu) no 1268/2012, shall be designated in accordance with the rules of procedure and the internal administrative rules of the institution, agency, office of body concerned, as referred to in article 65(3) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012. article 5 designation of observers and cooperation with olaf 1. observers shall not participate in the adoption of recommendations by the panel pursuant to article 13. 2. representatives of the following entities shall have observer status: (a) the commission's legal service; (b) the european anti-fraud office (olaf), where the authorising officer's request is based, inter alia, on information transmitted by olaf; (c) authorising officers (other than the requesting authorising officer) of the commission, of a european office set up by the commission, of an executive agency, another institution, or another european office, body or agency who are concerned by the case submitted to the panel; and (d) any other entity invited by the chair. 3. a representative of the legal service shall attend all meetings of the panel. the legal service shall be informed of all written procedures as referred to in article 10 and may provide oral or written comments. it shall do so if the chair so requests. 4. where olaf has observer status pursuant to point (b) of paragraph 2, olaf shall cooperate closely with the panel in accordance with regulation (eu, euratom) no 883/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (6), with due regard to the respect of procedural and fundamental rights and to the protection of whistle-blowers. in such cases, its representatives may attend all meetings of the panel and participate in all oral and written procedures as referred to in articles 9 and 10 by providing oral and/or written comments and shall do so where invited by the chair. in other cases, olaf may be invited to provide relevant information or advice, where the chair considers it appropriate for the protection of the union's financial interests. 5. authorising officers with observer status pursuant to point (c) of paragraph 2 shall attend all meetings of the panel. they shall be informed of all written procedures as referred to in article 10 and may provide oral and written comments. 6. other observers shall attend the meetings of the panel where invited by the chair and may provide oral and written comments at the chair's invitation. article 6 prevention and management of conflicts of interests 1. any member or observer whose participation in the panel's deliberations would raise a conflict of interests as regards a specific agenda item shall inform the chair and the secretariat without delay and in any case prior to the start of the deliberations. 2. in the event of an identified conflict of interest, the member or observer shall withdraw his/her participation and refrain from discussing the agenda item and from participating in the deliberations, the consensus or the vote, where applicable. 3. the members and observers shall be required to sign a declaration of absence of conflict of interests prior to the start of the panel's deliberations on any given case. 4. where the chair finds himself/herself in a situation of conflict of interest with regard to a specific agenda item, he/she shall inform the secretariat and withdraw his/her participation. in such cases, the chair shall be replaced by his/her deputy. 5. paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the deputy chair, the deputy members and the members of the secretariat of the panel. article 7 permanent secretariat 1. the panel's secretariat shall be provided by and attached administratively to the directorate-general for budget. 2. the secretariat's tasks shall be as laid down in article 144 of delegated regulation (eu) no 1268/2012. in particular, the secretariat shall: (a) verify that requests for referral of a case to the panel are complete before transmitting them to the chair and the members; (b) identify any other authorising officers concerned by the case who may be proposed as possible observers; (c) identify cases where olaf should be invited to provide relevant information or advice as provided for in the second subparagraph of article 5(4). (d) draw up the agenda for the panel's meetings under the responsibility of the chair and send it to the members and observers; (e) attend the deliberations of the panel and draw up the minutes of each meeting; (f) notify the economic operators and other authorising officers concerned in accordance with article 108(8) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012; (g) notify the requesting authorising officer of the recommendation adopted by the panel; (h) handle requests for access to panel documents, in particular its recommendations, in accordance with regulation (ec) no 1049/2001. article 8 referral of cases to the panel 1. the panel shall be convened at the request of any authorising officer of the commission, of another institution, of a european office set up by the commission, of an executive agency, or of another european office, body or agency. 2. the request shall be transmitted to the secretariat electronically by e-mail to panel-secretariat-budg@ec.europa.eu and under encryption, in accordance with the encryption rules in force in the commission. 3. where the authorising officer becomes aware of information as referred to in articles 106(2) and 108(3) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012, he/she shall refer the case to the panel no later than two months after this information has been brought to his/her knowledge, except in duly justified cases. 4. the request of the authorising officer referring a case to the panel shall contain the information required in article 108(8)(a) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012. the authorising officer shall also transmit any relevant information, in particular olaf reports where the information is transmitted by olaf in accordance with articles 7(6) and 11 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 883/2013. 5. only a request accompanied by the information referred to in paragraph 4 shall trigger the start of the period referred to in article 108(8)(f) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012. 6. the request shall be no more than ten pages in length excluding annexes, except in cases involving particularly complex legal or factual issues. article 9 convening a meeting a meeting of the panel shall be convened by the chair for the purpose of: (a) establishing the preliminary classification in law, as referred to in point (b) of article 108(8) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012; (b) adopting a recommendation as referred to in article 108(9) of that regulation. article 10 written procedure 1. on the initiative of the chair or at the request of a member of the panel, the preliminary classification in law may be established, and the recommendation may be adopted, by written procedure. any member of the panel and/or the chair may object to the use of the written procedure. in such cases, the chair shall convene a meeting within a reasonable time. 2. the chair shall set the deadline for the written procedure according to the urgency of the matter, taking due account of the time limits referred to in article 12. article 11 right to submit written observations 1. the panel shall uphold the right of the economic operator concerned to submit observations in accordance with article 108(8) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012. 2. disclosure of information stemming from, or relating to, investigations conducted or coordinated by olaf shall require olaf's agreement which shall be provided in the framework of the oral and written procedure referred to in article 5(4). 3. where the request of the authorising officer is based on information transmitted by olaf and in order to ensure that the confidentiality of investigations conducted or coordinated by olaf and of national investigations or judicial proceedings, where known to olaf, is not impaired, the panel shall consult olaf prior to issuing the notification to the economic operator referred to in article 108(8) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012. 4. the economic operator shall submit observations to the secretariat in writing and in electronic format by e-mail to panel-secretariat-budg@ec.europa.eu as an ordinary electronic file produced using word-processing software. 5. the written observations shall in principle be no more than ten pages in length excluding annexes, except in cases involving particularly complex legal or factual issues. article 12 applicable time limits 1. the applicable time limits for the panel to adopt its recommendation shall be those laid down in point (f) of article 108(8) of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012. 2. in particular, the need to translate any observations submitted by the economic operator may give rise to an exceptional and duly justified case in which the deadline for the panel to adopt its recommendation may be extended. article 13 adoption of the recommendation the panel shall endeavour to reach a consensus. in the absence of a consensus, the matter shall be put to a vote where: (a) the chair has one vote; (b) the two permanent members together have one vote; (c) the additional member representing the requesting authorising officer has one vote. the position of the panel shall be approved by absolute majority. article 14 notification of the recommendation 1. the panel shall notify the requesting authorising officer of its recommendation without delay. 2. the panel shall simultaneously notify its recommendation to the observers, if any, and to olaf, where the case is based on information transmitted by olaf. article 15 confidentiality of the deliberations the deliberations of the panel shall be and shall remain secret. article 16 protection of personal data any processing of personal data by the panel and its secretariat shall comply with regulation (ec) no 45/2001. article 17 transitional provisions pending the appointment of the chair and his/her deputy, the permanent member with the higher seniority shall carry-out the duties of the chair of the panel. article 18 this decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 18 december 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1. (2) oj l 362, 31.12.2012, p. 1. (3) regulation (ec) no 45/2001 of the european parliament and of the council of 18 december 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (oj l 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1). (4) regulation (ec) no 1049/2001 of the european parliament and of the council of 30 may 2001 regarding public access to european parliament, council and commission documents (oj l 145, 31.5.2001, p. 43). (5) commission rules on seniority apply. (6) regulation (eu, euratom) no 883/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 11 september 2013 concerning investigations conducted by the european anti-fraud office (olaf) and repealing regulation (ec) no 1073/1999 of the european parliament and of the council and council regulation (euratom) no 1074/1999 (oj l 248, 18.9.2013, p. 1).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2460 of 23 december 2015 concerning certain protective measures in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype h5 in france (notified under document c(2015) 9818) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: agricultural activity; agricultural policy; regions of eu member states; international trade date published: 2015-12-24 24.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 339/52 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2460 of 23 december 2015 concerning certain protective measures in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype h5 in france (notified under document c(2015) 9818) (only the french text is authentic) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 89/662/eec of 11 december 1989 concerning veterinary checks in intra-community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (1), and in particular article 9(4) thereof, having regard to council directive 90/425/eec of 26 june 1990 concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in intra-community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (2), and in particular article 10(4) thereof, whereas: (1) avian influenza is an infectious viral disease in birds, including poultry. infections with avian influenza viruses in domestic poultry cause two main forms of that disease that are distinguished by their virulence. the low pathogenic form generally only causes mild symptoms, while the highly pathogenic form results in very high mortality rates in most poultry species. that disease may have a severe impact on the profitability of poultry farming. (2) avian influenza is mainly found in birds, but under certain circumstances infections can also occur in humans even though the risk is generally very low. (3) in the event of an outbreak of avian influenza, there is a risk that the disease agent might spread to other holdings where poultry or other captive birds are kept. as a result it may spread from one member state to other member states or to third countries through trade in live birds or their products. (4) council directive 2005/94/ec (3) sets out certain preventive measures relating to the surveillance and the early detection of avian influenza and the minimum control measures to be applied in the event of an outbreak of that disease in poultry or other captive birds. article 16 of that directive provides for the establishment of protection, surveillance and further restricted zones in the event of an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza. in addition, article 30 of directive 2005/94/ec provides for certain measures to be applied in the surveillance zones in order to prevent the spread of the disease, including certain restrictions on the movements of poultry, ready-to-lay-poultry, day-old chicks and hatching eggs. (5) council directive 2009/158/ec (4) lays down rules for trade within the union in poultry and hatching eggs, including the veterinary certificates to be used. (6) france notified the commission of outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype h5 in holdings on its territory where poultry are kept and it immediately took the measures required pursuant to directive 2005/94/ec, including the establishment of protection and surveillance zones in accordance with article 16 of that directive. (7) laboratory investigations have shown that the hpai viruses of the h5n1, h5n2 and h5n9 subtypes detected in france are clearly different from the hpai h5n1 virus that appeared in the mid-1990s in asia and which was first detected in europe in 2005. the hpai viruses of h5 subtype currently detected in the south-west of france are of european origin. (8) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2239 (5) was adopted in order to list, at union level, the protection and surveillance zones established by france in accordance with article 16 of directive 2005/94/ec. (9) due to the current epidemiological situation and the risk of further spread of the disease, france has also established a large further restricted zone around the protection and surveillance zones comprising several departments or parts thereof in the south-west of that member state. (10) in order to limit the spread of the disease, france should ensure that no consignments of live poultry, ready-to-lay poultry, day-old chicks and hatching eggs are dispatched from the protection, surveillance and further restricted zone to other parts of france, other member states or to third countries. (11) day-old chicks present a negligible risk for the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses provided that they have hatched from hatching eggs originating from poultry on holdings located in the further restricted zone and outside the protection and surveillance zones and when the hatchery of dispatch can ensure by its logistics and by its biosecurity working conditions that no contact has occurred between these hatching eggs and any other hatching eggs or day-old chicks originating from poultry flocks within the protection or surveillance zones and which are therefore of a different health status. (12) hatching eggs pose a very low risk for disease transmission provided they are collected from flocks that are kept in the further restricted zone and which have undergone serological testing with negative results. another condition is that such hatching eggs and their packaging have to be disinfected before dispatch from the further restricted zone. (13) without prejudice to the measures applicable in the protection and surveillance zone, it is therefore appropriate that the competent authority of france may authorise the dispatch of consignments of day-old chicks and hatching eggs from the further restricted zone listed in the annex to this decision in accordance with the above requirements and provided that prior agreement of the competent authority of the member state or third country of destination has been obtained. (14) the wide extension of the further restricted zone as established by france in accordance with article 16(4) of directive 2005/94/ec would impose a prohibition of movements on a large proportion of the susceptible poultry population. (15) it is also appropriate to mitigate the risk of poultry becoming exposed to avian influenza viruses circulating in the established surveillance zones by swiftly reducing the density of the susceptible poultry population in these zones that are comprised in the further restricted zone, in particular by timely slaughter and delayed restocking of holdings in that zone. (16) given the large and unexpected scale of the outbreaks and the correspondingly wide area of the surveillance zones established around each outbreak, it is necessary to quickly reduce the density of the susceptible poultry on holdings at a particular high risk for infection. a systematic clinical examination of the poultry prior to dispatch would considerably slow down that depopulation process and increase the risk of virus spread. (17) therefore, it is appropriate to provide that no systematic clinical investigations of poultry on holdings located in the surveillance zones shall be carried out 24 hours prior to dispatch for direct slaughter within the surveillance zone or the further restricted zone, provided that only direct movements of poultry originating from holdings in the surveillance zones are authorised to a designated slaughterhouse located within the surveillance and further restricted zone; and these movements are carried out under stringent biosecurity measures, including a strict separation from poultry originating from the protection zone, and that cleaning and disinfection is carried out accordingly, and that restocking will be significantly delayed. (18) the commission has examined the measures to control the disease and the extent of the zones put under restrictions in collaboration with france, and it deems that they are suitable to achieve the set objectives. (19) the commission is also satisfied that the borders of the protection and surveillance and further restricted zone, established by the competent authority of france in accordance with article 16 of directive 2005/94/ec, are at a sufficient distance to the actual holdings where outbreaks were confirmed. (20) in order to prevent any unnecessary disturbance to trade within the union and to avoid unjustified barriers to trade being imposed by third countries, it is necessary to rapidly define the further restricted zone established in france at union level and to provide that no consignments of live poultry, ready-to-lay poultry, day-old chicks and hatching eggs are dispatched from the protection and surveillance zones and the further restricted zone to other parts of france, to other member states or to third countries, except under certain authorised derogations. (21) in view of the scale of the current developments of the disease outbreaks, it is no longer feasible to timely update the list of the areas established as protection and surveillance zones by a commission implementing decision. therefore, france shall publish these lists on the website of the french authorities which should also be published on the commission's website for information purposes. (22) the further restricted zone around the areas of the protection and surveillance zones should be listed in the annex to this decision and the duration of that regionalisation fixed. (23) given that france is implementing additional measures as laid down in the implementing decision (eu) 2015/2239 to prevent the spread of the avian influenza and for reasons of clarity, that decision should be repealed. (24) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 1. france shall establish the protection and surveillance zones in accordance with article 16(1) of directive 2005/94/ec, and (a) france shall publish lists of the protection and surveillance zones established in accordance with article 16(1) of directive 2005/94/ec (the lists). (b) france shall ensure that the lists are kept up-to-date and provide any update immediately to the commission, to other member states and to the public. 2. the commission shall publish the lists on its website, for information purposes only. article 2 1. without prejudice to the measures to be applied in the protection and surveillance zones in accordance with article 1 of this decision, france shall establish a further restricted zone in accordance with article 16(4) of directive 2005/94/ec which includes at least the areas listed as further restricted zone in the annex to this decision. 2. france shall ensure that no consignments of live poultry, ready-to-lay poultry, day-old chicks and hatching eggs are dispatched from the areas listed in the annex. 3. by way of derogation from paragraph 2, the competent authority of france may authorise the dispatch of consignments of day-old chicks from the areas listed in the annex outside the established protection and surveillance zones to holdings located within that member state or to other member states or to third countries provided that: (a) they are hatched from hatching eggs originating from poultry holdings located outside the protection and surveillance zones; (b) the hatchery of dispatch can ensure by its logistics and biosecurity working conditions that no contact has occurred between these hatching eggs and any other hatching eggs or day-old-chicks originating from poultry flocks within established protection and surveillance zones and which are therefore of a different health status; (c) the competent authority of the member state or third country of destination is given written notification in advance and has agreed to receive the consignments of the day-old chicks and to notify the date of arrival of the consignments at the holding of destination on its territory to the competent authority of france. 4. by way of derogation from paragraph 2, the competent authority of france may authorise the dispatch of consignments of hatching eggs from the areas listed in the annex outside the established protection and surveillance zones to hatcheries located within that member state, other member states or third countries provided that they are collected from holdings situated on the day of collection in the further restricted zone listed in the annex, and on which the poultry have tested negative in a serological survey for avian influenza capable of detecting 5 % prevalence of disease with at least a 95 % level of confidence and traceability is ensured. 5. france shall ensure that the veterinary certificates provided for in annex iv to directive 2009/158/ec accompanying the consignments referred to in paragraph 2 of this article to be dispatched to other member states include the words: the consignment complies with the animal health conditions laid down in commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2460 (6). article 3 the competent authority of france shall authorise the dispatch of poultry for direct slaughter from the areas in the surveillance zones listed in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 1 to a designated slaughterhouse located within the surveillance or the further restricted zone provided that such movement is carried out: (a) without any undue delay as a single trip; (b) under stringent biosecurity measures including a strict separation from poultry originating from other regions, as well as cleaning and disinfection measures. article 4 implementing decision (eu) 2015/2239 is repealed. article 5 this decision shall apply until 31 march 2016. article 6 this decision is addressed to the french republic. done at brussels, 23 december 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 395, 30.12.1989, p. 13. (2) oj l 224, 18.8.1990, p. 29. (3) council directive 2005/94/ec of 20 december 2005 on community measures for the control of avian influenza and repealing directive 92/40/eec (oj l 10, 14.1.2006, p. 16). (4) council directive 2009/158/ec of 30 november 2009 on animal health conditions governing intra-community trade in, and imports from third countries of, poultry and hatching eggs (oj l 343, 22.12.2009, p. 74). (5) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2239 of 2 december 2015 concerning certain protective measures in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtypes h5n1 and h5n2 in france (oj l 317, 3.12.2015, p. 37). annex further restricted zone as referred to in article 1: iso country code member state name (department number) fr france areas comprising the departments of: dordogne (24) gers (32) gironde (33) haute-vienne (87) hautes-pyr n es (65) landes (40) lot-et-garonne (47) pyr n es-atlantiques (64) areas comprising parts of the departments of: charente (16) the commune of: 16254 palluaud lot (46) the communes of 46006 46008 46061 46066 46072 46087 46098 46114 46118 46120 46126 46127 46145 46152 46153 46164 46169 46171 46178 46184 46186 46194 46200 46205 46209 46215 46216 46219 46222 46234 46239 46241 46250 46257 46258 46259 46297 46309 46316 46334 anglars-nozac les arques cassagnes cazals concores degagnac fajoles frayssinet-le-gelat gignac gindou goujounac gourdon lachapelle-auzac lamothe-fenelon lanzac lavercantiere leobard lherm loupiac marminiac masclat milhac montclera montgesty nadaillac-de-rouge payrac payrignac peyrilles pomarede rampoux le roc rouffilhac saint-caprais saint-cirq-madelon saint-cirq-souillaguet saint-clair salviac souillac thedirac le vigan correze (19) the communes of: 19015 19030 19047 19066 19077 19107 19120 19124 19161 19182 19191 19195 19229 19239 19289 ayen brignac-la-plaine chartrier-ferri re cublac estivals larche louignac mansac perpezac-le-blanc saint-aulaire saint-cernin-de-larche saint-cyprien saint-pantal on-de-larche saint-robert yssandon
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2368 of 26 november 2015 adopting a seventh update of the list of sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region (notified under document c(2015) 8189) type: decision_impl subject matter: natural environment; europe; environmental policy date published: 2015-12-23 23.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 338/1 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2368 of 26 november 2015 adopting a seventh update of the list of sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region (notified under document c(2015) 8189) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 92/43/eec of 21 may 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (1), and in particular the third subparagraph of article 4(2) thereof, whereas: (1) the pannonian biogeographical region referred to in article 1(c)(iii) of directive 92/43/eec comprises parts of the union territories of the czech republic, romania and slovakia and the union territory of hungary, as specified in the biogeographical map approved on 20 april 2005 by the committee set up by article 20 of that directive (the habitats committee). (2) the initial list of sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region, within the meaning of directive 92/43/eec, was adopted by commission decision 2008/26/ec (2). that list was last updated by commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/70 (3). (3) the sites included in the list of sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region form part of natura 2000 network which is an essential element of protection of biodiversity in the union. in order to make further progress in the actual establishment of the natura 2000 network and in the context of a dynamic adaptation of that network, the lists of sites of community importance are reviewed regularly. (4) since february 2014 member states have proposed additional sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region within the meaning of article 1 of directive 92/43/eec. member states have also submitted changes in the site-related information contained in the list of sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region. (5) on the basis of the draft list drawn up by the commission in agreement with each of the member states concerned, which also identifies sites hosting priority natural habitat types or priority species, an updated list of sites selected as sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region should be adopted. articles 4(4) and 6(1) of directive 92/43/eec apply to the newly included sites. (6) knowledge of the existence and distribution of the natural habitat types and species is constantly evolving as a result of the surveillance undertaken in accordance with article 11 of directive 92/43/eec. therefore, the evaluation and selection of sites at union level was carried out using the best available information at the time. (7) certain member states have not proposed sufficient sites to meet the requirements of directive 92/43/eec for certain habitat types and species. furthermore, knowledge of the existence and distribution of some natural habitat types listed in annex i and some of the species listed in annex ii to directive 92/43/eec remains incomplete. for those habitat types and species it can therefore not be concluded that the natura 2000 network is complete. (8) in the interests of clarity and transparency, implementing decision (eu) 2015/70 should be repealed. (9) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the habitats committee, has adopted this decision: article 1 the seventh update of the list of sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region as set out in the annex is adopted. article 2 implementing decision (eu) 2015/70 is repealed. article 3 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 26 november 2015. for the commission karmenu vella member of the commission (1) oj l 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7. (2) commission decision 2008/26/ec of 13 november 2007 adopting, pursuant to council directive 92/43/eec, the list of sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region (oj l 12, 15.1.2008, p. 678). (3) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/70 of 3 december 2014 adopting a sixth update of the list of sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region (oj l 18, 23.1.2015, p. 298). annex seventh update of the list of sites of community importance for the pannonian biogeographical region each site of community importance (sci) is identified by the information supplied in the natura 2000 format, including the corresponding map. this information has been transmitted by the competent national authorities in accordance with the second subparagraph of article 4(1) of directive 92/43/eec. the table below gives the following information: a : sci code comprising nine characters, the first two being the iso code for the member state; b : name of sci; c : *= presence on the sci of at least one priority natural habitat type and/or species within the meaning of article 1 of directive 92/43/eec; d : area of sci in hectares or length of sci in km; e : geographical coordinates of sci (latitude and longitude) in decimal degrees. all the information given in the union list below is based on the data proposed, transmitted and validated by the czech republic, hungary, romania and slovakia. a b c d e sci code name of sci * area of sci (ha) length of sci (km) geographical coordinates of sci longitude latitude cz0620001 bezourek * 1,8981 16,5503 49,0917 cz0620002 clupy * 18,0451 16,9506 49,1492 cz0620003 dyjske svahy 7,5755 16,1211 48,8394 cz0620004 fladnitzske vresoviste * 5,531 15,9825 48,8056 cz0620005 hochberk * 34,0534 16,6733 48,9403 cz0620006 kameniky * 6,5851 16,6786 48,7381 cz0620007 kamenna hora u derflic 8,3531 16,1517 48,8147 cz0620008 klinky * 4,3725 16,7794 48,9336 cz0620009 lednicke rybniky 617,9379 16,7214 48,7728 cz0620010 modricke rameno 6,3526 16,6200 49,1353 cz0620011 nove hory * 11,5934 16,6344 49,0467 cz0620013 pod sibenicnim kopcem * 3,5439 16,1489 48,9531 cz0620014 predni kopaniny * 8,8893 16,7428 48,9567 cz0620016 rasovicky zlom chobot * 12,9313 16,9308 49,1258 cz0620017 straci * 3,254 16,8128 48,9367 cz0620018 vetrniky * 32,3536 16,9803 49,1958 cz0620024 vate pisky * 63,432 17,2539 48,9194 cz0620027 vracovska doubrava 23,8011 17,2308 48,9658 cz0620031 slanisko dobre pole * 3,696 16,5317 48,8222 cz0620037 sivicky les * 236,5505 16,7728 49,2183 cz0620048 skalky u sedlece * 67,0327 16,6761 48,7706 cz0620049 pavi kopec * 2,5772 16,6933 48,7636 cz0620051 slapanicke slepence * 8,3224 16,7211 49,1722 cz0620055 vrbicky hajek * 115,3909 16,9147 48,9150 cz0620056 vyrovicke kopce 10,6431 16,1172 48,9258 cz0620073 bzenecka strelnice 28,7441 17,2711 48,9558 cz0620076 zridla u nesvacilky * 4,6784 16,7708 49,0803 cz0620078 jezero 9,5448 17,1786 48,9514 cz0620084 vranovicky a plackuv les * 293,507 16,6078 48,9483 cz0620103 veterovska vrchovina * 496,3278 17,0492 49,0242 cz0620147 miroslavske kopce * 31,8564 16,3008 48,9300 cz0620154 naceraticky kopec 130,551 16,0983 48,8319 cz0620158 rumunska bazantnice * 92,2007 16,6939 49,0333 cz0620162 jecmeniste * 62,922 16,1361 48,7539 cz0620169 ochuzky nedanov * 472,312 16,8358 48,9856 cz0620177 kapansko * 706,2934 17,0117 48,8800 cz0620181 valtrovicky luh * 66,921 16,2175 48,7975 cz0620187 slanisko novosedly * 2,085 16,4978 48,8394 cz0622007 horky u milotic 18,8863 17,1344 48,9444 cz0622009 hovoranske louky * 10,5712 16,9714 48,9650 cz0622017 louky pod kumstatem 3,6325 16,9206 48,9964 cz0622026 trkmanske louky 19,0259 16,8358 48,8583 cz0622037 trkmanec rybnicky 34,6728 16,8422 48,8644 cz0622167 zebetin 1,4463 16,4439 49,0825 cz0622168 musenice 14,4484 16,9417 49,1172 cz0622169 na kocourkach 3,0058 16,2497 48,9986 cz0622181 cervene strane * 6,2238 16,4186 49,0750 cz0622218 dunajovicke kopce * 87,4079 16,5553 48,8519 cz0622219 zapoved u karlina 1,9734 16,9672 48,9706 cz0622220 bila hora 1,7868 16,6611 49,1928 cz0622221 stepanovsky lom 1,0777 16,3306 48,9575 cz0622223 u kaplicky * 5,6877 16,2625 48,9539 cz0622224 u michalka 1,0267 16,3592 48,9839 cz0623003 breclav kaple u nadrazi 0,0445 16,8919 48,7542 cz0623004 brezanka a brezansky rybnik * 20,0124 16,3325 48,8733 cz0623010 hevlinske jezero 9,373 16,3556 48,7644 cz0623011 tasovicky lom 11,0438 16,1528 48,8217 cz0623016 lednice zamek 0,9483 16,8047 48,8019 cz0623018 milotice letiste 26,9566 17,1247 48,9800 cz0623019 oleksovicka mokrina 44,42 16,2633 48,9250 cz0623021 pisecny rybnik 43,7838 17,1531 48,9633 cz0623022 bastinsky potok 9,4398 16,5008 48,8492 cz0623025 slavkovsky zamecky park a aleje * 21,2649 16,8647 49,1528 cz0623026 studankovy vrch 12,0783 16,7217 48,7931 cz0623027 sumicke rybniky 49,0887 16,4731 48,9814 cz0623030 vrbovecky rybnik 23,7939 16,1339 48,7922 cz0623031 vypalenky 80,2804 17,3242 48,9747 cz0623032 zidlochovicky zamecky park * 23,0984 16,6103 49,0331 cz0623034 znojmo kostel nalezeni sv. krize 0,1686 16,0511 48,8564 cz0623035 bily kopec u cejce * 74,2733 16,9919 48,9206 cz0623040 hovoransky hajek 82,5564 17,0269 48,9375 cz0623041 jevisovka 20,0942 16,2308 48,8656 cz0623045 rendezvous * 65,9134 16,7883 48,7494 cz0623046 travni dvur * 325,8144 16,4358 48,7919 cz0623772 bozicky mokrad 4,9068 16,2847 48,8381 cz0623775 bucovice zamek 0,3213 17,0011 49,1492 cz0623778 emin zamecek 0,1186 16,3572 48,8283 cz0623781 klentnice kostel svateho jiri 0,0211 16,6444 48,8436 cz0623782 rybnicni zamecek 0,021 16,7958 48,7844 cz0623788 popice fara 0,0341 16,0153 48,8217 cz0623793 uvalsky rybnik 12,565 16,7125 48,7453 cz0623797 straznicko 181,4488 17,2725 48,8950 cz0623798 bozicke rybniky * 57,4479 16,2622 48,8261 cz0623799 drnholecky luh 149,6311 16,4778 48,8414 cz0623800 knizeci les 12,3319 16,6389 49,0000 cz0623801 prisnoticky les 11,6003 16,6228 49,0092 cz0623803 bezrucova alej * 15,7528 16,7833 48,7747 cz0624001 meandry dyje 232,1792 16,1800 48,8089 cz0624020 stranska skala * 16,8015 16,6758 49,1903 cz0624043 stolova hora * 77,1183 16,6389 48,8411 cz0624060 pouzdranska step kolby * 180,8096 16,6464 48,9478 cz0624062 cernecky a milonicky hajek * 204,0365 17,0433 49,1500 cz0624064 krumlovsky les * 1 945,5222 16,3764 49,0419 cz0624068 straznicka morava * 658,6114 17,2786 48,9111 cz0624070 hodoninska doubrava * 3 029,0835 17,1006 48,8975 cz0624071 ocov * 292,2812 17,1667 48,8581 cz0624072 certoryje * 4 855,0568 17,3928 48,8478 cz0624096 podyji * 6 273,1347 15,8961 48,8517 cz0624097 sevy * 8,0822 16,9725 49,1353 cz0624098 turold 17,4701 16,6397 48,8186 cz0624099 niva dyje * 3 249,0428 16,8019 48,8067 cz0624100 milovicky les * 2 443,2085 16,6942 48,8239 cz0624101 kuntinov * 661,458 16,8494 48,9450 cz0624102 slanisko u nesytu * 9,7703 16,7000 48,7756 cz0624103 musovsky luh * 557,4511 16,5836 48,9161 cz0624104 devin * 406,3195 16,6483 48,8692 cz0624106 tvorihrazsky les * 1 468,2272 16,1133 48,9025 cz0624108 zimarky * 2,731 16,8856 48,8756 cz0624112 spice * 4,2886 16,7692 49,1131 cz0624114 predni kout * 692,8327 16,7769 48,9700 cz0624115 kamenny vrch u kurdejova * 103,6478 16,7467 48,9678 cz0624116 cejkovicke spidlaky * 17,3453 16,9592 48,9214 cz0624117 na adamcich * 7,2338 17,0014 49,0069 cz0624118 skalky u havraniku 15,5183 16,0119 48,8025 cz0624119 soutok podluzi * 9 713,6818 16,9947 48,7231 cz0624130 moravsky kras * 6 485,3704 16,7242 49,3839 cz0624234 svaty kopecek u mikulova * 46,8923 16,6506 48,8078 cz0624236 jizni svahy hadu * 29,8946 16,6733 49,2186 cz0723007 certak 4,2366 17,4356 49,0694 cz0723012 insel 0,4518 17,3842 49,0194 cz0723020 udoli okluky 17,1855 17,4542 48,9742 cz0723024 rochus 57,9347 17,4928 49,0758 cz0724107 nedakonicky les 1 524,7909 17,4033 49,0272 cz0724120 knezpolsky les * 521,1706 17,5008 49,1094 huan20001 aggteleki-karszt s peremter letei * 23 103,73 20,6375 48,4806 huan20002 rakaca-v lgy s oldalv lgyei * 2 082,23 21,088889 48,4825 huan20003 b dva-v lgy s a sas-patak-v lgye * 2 695,23 20,860278 48,51889 huan20004 hern d-v lgy s saj l di-erd * 5 038,17 20,9908 48,1856 huan20005 szuha-v lgy * 1 039,08 20,543889 48,35083 huan20006 saj -v lgy * 2 074,77 20,661944 48,25444 huan21007 b zsva-patak * 832,25 21,440278 48,46611 huan21008 m di bomboly-b nya 7,94 21,308056 48,20194 huan21009 m di-kakas-hegy * 15,36 21,328611 48,18889 hubf20001 keleti-bakony * 22 650,16 18,106389 47,23083 hubf20002 papod s mikl d * 7 734,76 17,863333 47,17417 hubf20003 kab-hegy * 8 075,84 17,669444 47,04056 hubf20004 ag r-tet * 5 135,55 17,502222 46,95861 hubf20006 tihanyi-f lsziget * 773,72 17,855833 46,91278 hubf20007 monostorap ti fekete-hegy * 1 789,35 17,595833 46,92389 hubf20008 csat r-hegy s mikl s p l hegy * 1 607,02 17,818611 47,10028 hubf20009 devecseri sz ki-erd * 1 593,85 17,489167 47,14444 hubf20011 fels -nyir di-erd s meggyes-erd * 4 176,75 17,408333 47,03139 hubf20012 s sdi-r t * 393,45 17,59 46,8675 hubf20014 p cselyi medence * 866,53 17,754444 46,96444 hubf20015 marcal-medence * 4 886,79 17,231389 47,2025 hubf20016 reg-hegyi rivi ra * 1 206,66 17,782222 46,90111 hubf20017 k d rtai dolomitmez k * 793,45 17,993056 47,12278 hubf20018 megye-hegy * 242,83 18,008889 47,06444 hubf20020 szent gy rgy hegy * 72,07 17,447222 46,84278 hubf20021 p ti-hegy * 363,52 18,097778 47,15917 hubf20022 mogyor s-hegy * 199,3 18,030278 47,10167 hubf20023 hajm sk ri t r kcsap s * 901,16 18,068056 47,13583 hubf20024 berhidai l szv lgyek * 127,12 18,1333 47,0878 hubf20025 badacsony * 252,88 17,494722 46,80389 hubf20026 t tv zsonyi bogaras * 235,6 17,801667 47,04889 hubf20027 nemesv mosi sz r-hegy * 58,14 17,821944 47,05528 hubf20028 tapolcai-medence * 2 301,12 17,406111 46,83389 hubf20029 uzsai-erd * 2 719,76 17,340556 46,92889 hubf20031 szentkir lyszabadja 493,01 17,970278 47,07833 hubf20032 balatonkenesei t torj nos 6,75 18,093056 47,03694 hubf20033 d r gdi-medence * 899,96 17,559722 46,99972 hubf20034 balatonf redi-erd * 3 489,62 17,885278 46,99833 hubf20035 keszthelyi-hegys g * 14 898,12 17,265556 46,85472 hubf20037 als -zala-v lgy * 6 551,86 17,1108 46,8281 hubf20039 nyugat-g csej * 4 524,6 16,525556 46,78056 hubf20040 v tyempuszta * 4 141,09 16,634722 46,54361 hubf20043 mura mente * 2 145,4 16,733056 46,4025 hubf20044 kerka mente * 7 340,78 16,546667 46,63444 hubf20045 sz v z princip lis-csatorna * 8 019,37 16,972778 46,595 hubf20046 olt rc * 8 961,44 16,854444 46,56306 hubf20047 fels -zala-v lgy * 1 109,89 16,788889 46,85972 hubf20048 kebele * 1 925,29 16,459444 46,63333 hubf20049 d l-zalai homokvid k (nagykanizsa) * 2 908,77 16,936667 46,43889 hubf20050 cs rnyeberek (zalakom r) * 2 133,54 17,17 46,47833 hubf20052 s rv z-patak mente * 1 186,05 16,861667 46,93667 hubf20053 zalaegerszegi cs csi erd * 1 129,51 16,904167 46,82028 hubf20054 nagykapornaki-erd 638,11 16,966389 46,84472 hubf20055 remetekert * 971,81 17,025 46,80667 hubf30001 szaki-bakony * 25 779,4 17,7492 47,2597 hubf30002 balaton * 59 483,11 17,825 46,88 hubf30003 kis-balaton * 13 344,2 17,1983 46,6311 hubn20001 b kk-fenns k s a l k-v lgy * 14 382,6 20,5075 48,07194 hubn20002 h r-v lgy, d li-b kk * 5 520,15 20,571111 48,00417 hubn20004 szarvask * 631,82 20,334444 47,99528 hubn20005 kisgy ri sottfa-tet cs k s-v lgy * 2 424,19 20,671667 48,03444 hubn20006 miskolctapolcai tat r- rok v r s-b rc * 537,46 20,689722 48,07028 hubn20007 kisgy ri halom-v r-csincse-v lgy cseh-v lgy * 1 000,89 20,708611 47,99417 hubn20008 v r-hegy nagy-eged * 2 036,55 20,4319 47,9531 hubn20009 tard k rny ki erd ssztyepp * 461,84 20,589722 47,90833 hubn20010 szomolyai kapt r-r t * 76,85 20,476111 47,88194 hubn20011 ostoros-patak menti erd spuszta * 48,86 20,470556 47,83278 hubn20012 egerbakta b tor k rny ki erd k * 2 629,82 20,277778 47,95972 hubn20013 hevesaranyosi-fed mesi dombvid k * 1 238,04 20,207222 48,00639 hubn20014 gyepes-v lgy * 3 012,77 20,187222 48,12889 hubn20015 izra-v lgy s az arl i-t * 1 349,12 20,289444 48,14722 hubn20017 borsodb tai kotyind -tet * 297,5 20,390556 48,20611 hubn20018 upponyi-szoros * 1 289,761 20,453056 48,20083 hubn20019 csernely-patak v lgye * 172,34 20,393889 48,16472 hubn20020 s tai t k s-v lgy * 114,17 20,410833 48,17417 hubn20021 domah zai hangony-patak v lgye * 1 171,03 20,090278 48,18611 hubn20025 nagybarcai liget-hegy s saj velezdi gett-hegy * 1 202,24 20,494167 48,25389 hubn20027 zdi harmaci-dombok * 73,7 20,246111 48,2425 hubn20029 girincsi nagy-erd * 112,1 20,973611 47,96167 hubn20030 hej mente * 457,91 20,9453 47,8878 hubn20031 mez cs ti rig s * 93,2 20,944722 47,81722 hubn20032 tiszakeszi-morotva * 290,96 20,980556 47,77167 hubn20034 borsodi-mez s g * 14 849,84 20,819722 47,7825 hubn20035 poroszl i szikesek * 917,86 20,602222 47,645 hubn20036 k t tk zi-legel * 182,7 20,583611 47,68333 hubn20037 nagy-hanyi * 167,81 20,372778 47,69417 hubn20038 kerecsendi berek-erd s l g -part * 142,79 20,324444 47,785 hubn20039 pusztafogacs * 319,62 20,173889 47,61444 hubn20040 nagy-fert gulya-gyep hamvaj r s szikes puszt i * 1 817,09 20,407778 47,57 hubn20041 p lyi szikesek * 2 769,4 20,311667 47,51889 hubn20042 boldogi vajda-r t * 123,49 19,668889 47,60083 hubn20043 verpel ti v r-hegy * 8,39 20,207778 47,86083 hubn20044 recski hegyes-hegy * 161,46 20,074722 47,91861 hubn20046 gy ngy si s r-hegy * 352,68 19,973333 47,7975 hubn20047 m tra szaki let r se * 780,06 20,028333 47,88111 hubn20048 gy ngy starj ni vil gos-hegy s rossz-r tek * 326,71 19,839167 47,86056 hubn20049 m trab rc fall sk ti-r tek * 1 506,88 19,846944 47,91861 hubn20050 gy ngy spatai havas * 324,62 19,798056 47,83722 hubn20051 nyugat-m tra * 1 498,55 19,745 47,89306 hubn20052 apci somly * 42,53 19,706389 47,79389 hubn20053 pet fib nyai kopasz-hegy * 25,4 19,704722 47,77222 hubn20055 szentk ti meszes-tet * 892,6 19,759722 47,99111 hubn20056 tepke * 2 422,69 19,667778 47,95194 hubn20057 b zma * 832,32 19,579167 47,91472 hubn20058 buj ki csirke-hegy s k ntor-r t * 170,61 19,529722 47,87139 hubn20059 szandai v rhegy * 33,7 19,421944 47,90972 hubn20060 s sharty ni hencse-hegy * 106 19,7075 48,06889 hubn20062 k z ps -ipoly-v lgy * 1 679,02 19,383889 48,08917 hubn20063 karancs * 881,79 19,78 48,14639 hubn20064 salg * 139,2 19,853333 48,14583 hubn20065 gortva-v lgy * 155,33 19,8975 48,13528 hubn20067 szilv sv radi aszal s szilv s-patak mente * 183,83 20,3925 48,1322 hubn20068 saj mercsei k rtv lyes-d l * 196,58 20,406944 48,24861 hubn20069 keszny teni saj - b l * 4 729,32 21,093611 47,99111 hubn20071 bodrogzug s bodrog hull mtere * 7 371,56 21,4725 48,2225 hubn20072 tokaji kopasz-hegy * 350,77 21,377778 48,12028 hubn20073 bodrogszegi v rhegy * 41,99 21,361389 48,20056 hubn20074 t llyai pat cs-hegy s tor-hegy * 675,39 21,203056 48,26278 hubn20075 s rospataki mandul s * 8,59 21,546111 48,325 hubn20077 erd b nyei olaszliszkai magyar n szirmos sztyeppr tek * 22,42 21,381111 48,27278 hubn20078 p cini mosonna-erd * 224,55 21,848611 48,34944 hubn20079 r vle nyv ri erd k * 353,51 22,014444 48,32444 hubn20081 long-erd * 3 159,72 21,638611 48,35194 hubn20082 fels regmeci ronyva * 172,35 21,620278 48,46806 hubn20084 k zponti-zempl ni-hegys g * 8 665,78 21,388056 48,43 hubn20085 szaki-zempl ni-hegys g * 1 853,98 21,469444 48,55944 hubn20087 bask i r tek * 585,98 21,318889 48,34028 hubn20088 reg ci v rhegy * 245,68 21,338056 48,37889 hubn20089 f z ri p l-hegy * 732,77 21,403889 48,53778 hubn20090 koml skai mogyor s-tet s zsid -r t * 357,75 21,469722 48,35917 hubn20092 telkib nyai kir ly-hegy * 182,09 21,4025 48,48111 hubn20093 b zsvai temet alja * 12,03 21,477222 48,47083 hubn21094 buj ki h nyeli-erd s als -r t * 50,21 19,58 47,84528 hubn21095 nagyl ci k -hegy * 198,1 19,570833 48,05917 hubn22096 tisza jv rosi rt ri erd k * 188,48 21,088333 47,91528 hudd20001 tenkes * 1 558,75 18,271111 45,895 hudd20003 vill nyk vesdi fekete-hegy * 290,88 18,415833 45,87639 hudd20004 d l-zselic * 6 804,78 17,993333 46,16889 hudd20006 sz rsomly * 270,03 18,424444 45,86333 hudd20007 kelet-dr va * 6 623,5 17,718333 45,83556 hudd20008 orm ns gi erd k * 10 532,05 17,951667 45,9075 hudd20010 cs rd-hegyszentm rtomi v lgyek * 259,76 18,134444 45,91694 hudd20011 szeksz rdi-dombvid k * 2 446,15 18,621389 46,31139 hudd20012 geresdi-dombvid k * 6 567,4 18,568611 46,19056 hudd20014 j nosh zi-erd s gett-berek * 619,3 17,3853 46,2806 hudd20015 kisbajomi erd k * 1 299,55 17,483056 46,28972 hudd20016 szak-zselici erd s gek * 16 248,33 17,806389 46,26917 hudd20017 mocsol di-erd * 2 586,05 17,819444 46,61694 hudd20018 pati-erd * 332,11 17,669722 46,38167 hudd20019 mernyei-erd * 250,41 17,794444 46,4775 hudd20020 k z p-mez f ldi l szv lgyek * 1 597,93 18,838056 46,73 hudd20022 szakad ti l szgyepek * 28,31 18,460556 46,5575 hudd20023 tolnai duna * 7 161,69 18,959167 46,65056 hudd20024 aparhanti sztyepp * 21,45 18,4575 46,34361 hudd20026 lengyel-h gy szi erd k 3 635,99 18,356667 46,42361 hudd20028 kopp ny menti r tek * 362,79 18,129444 46,58167 hudd20029 kissz kelyi-dombs g * 2 979,07 18,528056 46,67583 hudd20030 mecsek * 26 181,17 18,365 46,20861 hudd20031 feh rv z * 1 550,01 17,514722 46,63944 hudd20032 gemenc * 20 704,09 18,8833 46,2731 hudd20033 nagyhajm si dombok 456,68 18,266667 46,39389 hudd20034 balatonendr di dombok * 158,97 17,981111 46,85583 hudd20035 pog ny-v lgyi r tek * 1 987,1 17,582222 46,69361 hudd20036 ordacsehi berek * 749,1 17,610556 46,75417 hudd20038 d ndi fels -hegy * 9,94 18,158611 46,84944 hudd20039 d k ny-hegy * 885,65 18,087222 46,7275 hudd20040 tengelici homokvid k * 5 788,12 18,7181 46,715 hudd20041 d l-balatoni berkek * 488,55 17,895 46,8394 hudd20042 k r shegyi erd k * 1 682,3 17,881667 46,80611 hudd20043 kopasz-dombi erd 1 045,71 17,828333 46,72389 hudd20044 boronka-mell ke * 11 491,39 17,489167 46,48861 hudd20045 b da-karapancsa * 10 797,61 18,697222 45,99361 hudd20046 t r kkopp nyi erd k * 2 164,79 18,019722 46,56972 hudd20047 vityai-erd * 1 290,39 17,724167 46,63472 hudd20049 somogyt ri erd k * 1 734,08 17,726944 46,70194 hudd20050 szenes-legel * 380,07 18,661944 46,65222 hudd20051 dar nyi bor k s * 3 479,46 17,562222 45,98667 hudd20052 orm ns gi vizes l helyek s gyepek * 1 414,36 17,712778 45,88472 hudd20053 csokonyavisontai f s legel * 497,07 17,465833 46,04389 hudd20054 nyugat-dr va * 373,84 16,891944 46,28417 hudd20055 z k ny- rtilosi dombok * 270,94 16,897222 46,29056 hudd20056 k z p-dr va * 6 274,93 17,356389 46,03139 hudd20057 somogymeggyesi erd 678,26 17,944444 46,70722 hudd20058 l tr nyi-puszta * 981,4 17,746944 46,76333 hudd20059 balatonkereszt ri r tek 588,65 17,418333 46,69139 hudd20060 rinyaszentkir lyi-erd * 507,4 17,379444 46,1825 hudd20061 holl di-erd 1 978,82 17,342778 46,64667 hudd20062 nyugat-dr va-s k * 5 178,28 17,164167 46,18056 hudd20063 szentai-erd * 19 527,57 17,211944 46,23333 hudd20064 s gv ri dombok * 2 343,81 18,062778 46,81222 hudd20065 t tt si-erd 1 189,15 18,534444 45,89889 hudd20066 p csi-s k * 505,23 18,131111 46,04889 hudd20067 sz kelyszabari erd 287,57 18,586111 46,05417 hudd20068 gy k nyesi erd k 776,31 16,976111 46,27472 hudd20069 paksi rgemez * 352,14 18,813889 46,61944 hudd20070 tengelici r tek * 466,35 18,643333 46,58833 hudd20071 paksi tarka s fr nyos * 91,16 18,759444 46,57139 hudd20072 dunaszentgy rgyi-l perd * 328,03 18,83 46,54694 hudd20073 szedresi s-s rv z * 753,01 18,666667 46,44722 hudi20001 csi gyepek * 299,11 17,895 47,68611 hudi20002 adony-perk tai l szv lgyek * 201,19 18,821944 47,08444 hudi20003 alapi kasz l r tek * 518,58 18,654722 46,81528 hudi20004 aszal-v lgy * 102,16 18,431944 47,23722 hudi20005 b rsonyos * 1 209,66 18,154444 47,48 hudi20006 bels b r ndi l szv lgy * 280,69 18,514444 47,0975 hudi20007 besny i l szv lgy * 40,99 18,826667 47,19444 hudi20008 b rzs ny * 30 401,22 18,935278 47,91306 hudi20009 budai-hegys g * 9 522,14 18,903889 47,55056 hudi20010 buda rsi kop rok * 574,68 18,9275 47,4725 hudi20011 cs pi gyepek * 334,94 18,066667 47,58972 hudi20012 cs vharaszti homokvid k * 1 199,86 19,37 47,2969 hudi20013 csolnoki l szgyepek * 410,76 18,709722 47,67472 hudi20014 debegi -hegy * 84,7 19,1575 47,71556 hudi20015 d li-gerecse * 4 815,13 18,535556 47,54222 hudi20016 ep li szarmata vonulat * 1 577,49 18,668611 47,63861 hudi20017 rd-t t nyi plat * 1 164,85 18,853056 47,43528 hudi20018 szaki-gerecse * 2 687,12 18,606944 47,72139 hudi20019 fels -t pi * 2 047,64 19,681944 47,40167 hudi20020 gerecse * 2 437,1 18,433889 47,69 hudi20021 gerje-mente * 3 343,07 19,885278 47,12889 hudi20022 g g ny- s k r s- r mente * 817,73 19,886944 47,05861 hudi20023 g d ll i-dombs g * 7 517,48 19,421944 47,59306 hudi20024 t pi gy rgye- jszilv si szikesek * 1 743,58 20,001389 47,31139 hudi20025 hajta mente * 5 794 19,818056 47,40083 hudi20026 ipoly v lgye * 2 936,79 18,761111 47,90194 hudi20027 kelet-mez f ldi l szv lgyek * 315,5 18,749444 46,87056 hudi20028 kirvai l szgyepek * 252,28 18,725556 47,61944 hudi20029 kocsi gyepek * 47,25 18,219167 47,58333 hudi20030 k zponti-gerecse * 5 911,5 18,540278 47,65417 hudi20031 lajoskom romi l szv lgyek * 909,76 18,3633 46,7864 hudi20032 mocsai rg s legel * 86,26 18,222222 47,71028 hudi20033 m ri- rok * 684,13 18,342778 47,2525 hudi20034 duna s rtere * 16 573,52 19,124722 47,705 hudi20035 nagyk r si pusztai t lgyesek * 3 302,06 19,71 47,04444 hudi20036 nagyl ki l szv lgyek * 288,8 18,656944 46,93472 hudi20037 nyakas-tet szarmata vonulat * 614,22 18,709167 47,56806 hudi20038 nyugat-cserh t s nasz ly * 9 609,02 19,268889 47,78972 hudi20039 pilis s visegr di-hegys g * 30 145,74 18,910556 47,70389 hudi20040 g d ll i-dombs g peremhegyei * 317,62 19,215 47,62444 hudi20041 p c alja * 61,9 18,655556 47,47056 hudi20042 r ckevei duna- g * 3 190,51 18,975833 47,24472 hudi20043 reketty s * 305,68 19,911944 47,38 hudi20044 s rr t * 4 108,59 18,288611 47,17639 hudi20045 szigethalmi homokbuck k * 68,99 19,02 47,32944 hudi20046 sz kek * 3 616,3 19,874444 47,21361 hudi20047 szigeti homokok * 848,9 19,0986 47,6453 hudi20048 szom di gyepek * 295,04 18,324722 47,70028 hudi20049 szentgy rgypuszta * 975,44 18,710556 47,41083 hudi20050 als -t pi s patakv lgyek * 1 801,41 19,5925 47,38722 hudi20051 turj nvid k * 12 213,44 19,3189 47,1511 hudi20052 rd-sz zhalombattai t blar g * 24,83 18,938333 47,35056 hudi20053 velencei-hegys g * 4 001,23 18,5603 47,2583 hudi20054 velencei-t * 1 082,13 18,563056 47,19778 hudi20055 veresegyh zi-medence * 354,99 19,29 47,6233 hudi21056 j szkarajen i puszt k * 6 968,26 19,985 47,08472 hudi30001 v rtes * 25 553,63 18,3847 47,4417 hudi30002 z molyi-medence * 2 595,09 18,4444 47,3406 hufh20001 r bak z * 5 973,01 16,9664 47,575 hufh20002 fert t * 11 298,94 16,7081 47,6822 hufh20003 fert mell ki dombsor * 2 563,76 16,6375 47,6994 hufh20006 dudlesz-erd * 1 091,88 16,5719 47,7306 hufh20007 p ri-rep l t r * 214,96 17,8067 47,6261 hufh20008 pannonhalmi-dombs g * 7 676,23 17,6731 47,5211 hufh20009 g ny i-homokvid k * 2 880,9 17,8047 47,7178 hufh20010 r pce mente * 1 626,14 16,9469 47,395 hufh20011 r ba * 5 106,72 17,3897 47,5356 hufh20012 soproni-hegys g * 5 264,47 16,5169 47,6669 hufh20013 hat r-menti erd k * 2 252,83 16,6983 47,5167 hufh30004 szigetk z * 17 183,02 17,5089 47,8619 hufh30005 hans g * 13 545,17 17,1272 47,6717 huhn20001 fels -tisza * 28 681,89 21,798333 48,21611 huhn20002 hortob gy * 105 170,03 21,126389 47,62556 huhn20003 tisza-t * 17 830,37 20,680833 47,61306 huhn20004 fels -sebes-k r s 517,53 21,565556 46,99833 huhn20005 nagy-sz ks s rakotty s * 248,75 21,7575 47,30306 huhn20006 pocsaji csordalegel * 168,97 21,811667 47,295 huhn20007 szentp terszeg-hencidai gyepek * 1 018,82 21,653056 47,26806 huhn20008 kismarja pocsaj eszt ri-gyepek * 2 427,05 21,845278 47,255 huhn20009 derecske kony ri gyepek * 3 787,9 21,554444 47,32472 huhn20010 pocsaji-kapu * 284,24 21,855556 47,29667 huhn20011 hencidai csere-erd * 121,1 21,685556 47,23417 huhn20012 s ndorosi tavak * 474,29 21,726389 47,33528 huhn20013 k z p-bihar * 12 045 21,476111 47,10333 huhn20014 kismarjai nagy-szik * 848,18 21,793056 47,21139 huhn20015 k z p-tisza * 14 235,59 20,139444 46,93944 huhn20016 k k-k ll -v lgye * 1 504,03 21,948333 47,45083 huhn20017 hajd bagosi-legel * 308,08 21,676389 47,40861 huhn20018 mikep rcsi ny rf shegyi-legel * 229,16 21,657778 47,43417 huhn20019 b nki-erd * 368,55 21,7925 47,46 huhn20020 monostorp lyi-legel * 150,52 21,779722 47,41361 huhn20021 hal pi ll -hegy * 176,05 21,839722 47,51139 huhn20022 rauchbauer-erd * 205,9 21,867778 47,55667 huhn20023 h rmashegyi-t lgyesek * 501,06 21,825278 47,55694 huhn20024 martinkai-legel * 368,26 21,786944 47,57778 huhn20025 k rises j n s-r sz * 324,39 21,928889 47,54694 huhn20026 ny r br nyi k poszt s-lapos * 77,5 21,99 47,55861 huhn20027 ny r br nyi kis-mogyor s 168,65 22,020278 47,56806 huhn20028 csohos-t * 191,74 21,8575 47,43167 huhn20029 l tav rtesi falu-r t 54,37 21,853333 47,3875 huhn20030 f l pi l pr tek * 22,36 22,108056 47,59167 huhn20031 hanelek * 95 22,095556 47,57222 huhn20032 g ti-erd * 5 682,98 21,931389 47,65222 huhn20033 debrecen-hajd b sz rm nyi t lgyesek * 5 634,62 21,610278 47,62167 huhn20035 mb lyi-erd s f nyi-erd * 1 433,34 22,247222 47,72167 huhn20036 b torligeti nagy-legel * 450,72 22,2375 47,77556 huhn20037 b torligeti-l p * 329,89 22,273333 47,77889 huhn20038 jtanyai l pok * 333,59 22,22 47,74583 huhn20039 piricsei j lia-liget * 73,58 22,201389 47,74639 huhn20040 apagyi albert-t * 94,16 21,895556 47,97944 huhn20041 apagyi falu-r t * 34,63 21,94 47,96472 huhn20042 napkori legel * 161,29 21,896667 47,93333 huhn20043 paszabi kubikg dr k 19,15 21,664167 48,15861 huhn20044 j szd zsai pap-erd * 61,98 20,03 47,56806 huhn20045 kaszonyi-hegy d dai-erd * 1 326,58 22,481389 48,2325 huhn20046 gel nes beregdar c * 1 159,49 22,508056 48,18528 huhn20047 v mosatya-csaroda * 2 008,09 22,417778 48,17889 huhn20048 tarpa-t kos * 6 351,29 22,494167 48,11889 huhn20049 l nya-tiszaszalka * 4 135,02 22,327222 48,27333 huhn20050 k m r -f lesd * 1 943,52 22,633611 48,02083 huhn20051 eret-hegy * 142,45 22,588333 48,00472 huhn20053 magosligeti-erd s gyepek * 560,2 22,821667 48,05 huhn20054 csaholc garbolc * 4 054,45 22,815 47,97444 huhn20055 rozs ly csengersima * 984,63 22,750833 47,88917 huhn20056 j nki-erd * 397,96 22,687778 47,94278 huhn20057 gr fi-erd * 229,06 22,338611 48,03417 huhn20058 teremi-erd * 912,49 22,323056 47,77861 huhn20059 bika-r t * 66,02 22,099444 47,68472 huhn20060 ny regyh zi l t r * 189,31 21,696944 47,92417 huhn20062 feh rt i l t r * 159,06 22,073889 47,92139 huhn20063 baktai-erd * 970,45 22,055556 47,97778 huhn20064 rohodi-legel * 52,74 22,125278 48,01528 huhn20065 ny rturai-legel * 28,87 21,816389 48,02917 huhn20067 csik s-l pos * 78,1 21,986389 47,85583 huhn20069 hajd szoboszl i szikes gyepek * 553,96 21,361667 47,43583 huhn20070 darvasi csiff-puszta * 472,26 21,337222 47,12361 huhn20071 ny rmih lydi-legel * 67,08 21,941667 47,74972 huhn20072 b k nyi k z s-legel * 84,68 21,716944 47,72806 huhn20073 j sz roksz ll si szikesek * 289,65 19,983056 47,6075 huhn20074 alatty ni berki-erd * 39,29 20,043056 47,40639 huhn20076 bors halmi-legel * 1 555,53 19,945833 47,55417 huhn20077 j szf nyszarui-erd * 29,45 19,700556 47,56944 huhn20078 j szs gi zagyva- rt r * 487,43 19,833056 47,50194 huhn20079 pusztamizsei-erd 84,62 19,9975 47,46111 huhn20081 jsz sz-j szboldogh zi gyepek * 1 963,84 20,008889 47,3275 huhn20085 j szap ti j szkis ri szikesek * 1 781,24 20,173611 47,50361 huhn20089 als -zagyva hull mtere * 451,31 20,206667 47,21444 huhn20092 hajd szov ti gyepek * 344,78 21,485 47,38889 huhn20093 kaba-f ldesi gyepek * 5 079,5 21,2475 47,31778 huhn20095 l nyi-legel * 411,07 21,701111 47,20639 huhn20098 d l- sv nyi gyepek * 1 483,15 21,287222 47,22917 huhn20100 gat ly * 713,55 21,134167 47,2475 huhn20101 bihari-legel * 2 644,04 21,594444 47,18083 huhn20103 berekb sz rm ny k rm sdpusztai legel k * 1 370,99 21,610833 47,0675 huhn20105 cs km i gyepek * 607,48 21,2425 47,03556 huhn20106 jfeh rt i gyepek * 497,05 21,691389 47,7925 huhn20107 nagy-vadas * 186,25 21,659167 47,86 huhn20109 s st i-erd * 280,41 21,719722 47,99139 huhn20113 kisv rdai gyepek * 687,39 22,041667 48,25778 huhn20114 tiszal ki szikesek * 1 587,58 21,4825 48,03667 huhn20116 tiszavasv ri szikesek * 333,25 21,421389 47,96917 huhn20120 vajai-t rol 88,88 22,153611 47,97944 huhn20121 czak -t * 177,85 21,558056 47,77583 huhn20122 t c v lgye * 125,5 21,564167 47,61694 huhn20124 daru-r t * 117,84 22,073056 48,04528 huhn20125 ny rgyulaji kis-r t * 156,71 22,08 47,895 huhn20127 kraszna menti r tek * 375,48 22,340833 47,97972 huhn20128 ny rs g-peremi geresek * 217,28 22,336944 47,81778 huhn20129 ny rbogd nyi r t 61,69 21,863889 48,05472 huhn20131 orosi gyepek * 193 21,812222 47,95139 huhn20133 balk nyi libeg s * 139,17 21,8225 47,80472 huhn20134 k ll semj ni csordalegel * 31,27 21,900833 47,85667 huhn20138 aranyosi-legel * 179,01 20,689722 47,40972 huhn20139 szal ki nagy-fert * 217,54 20,650833 47,45 huhn20140 rb ri-legel * 280,27 20,636667 47,49722 huhn20141 tiszaigar tisza rsi k rtv lyes * 611,73 20,801111 47,51528 huhn20144 kenderesi-legel * 526,12 20,680278 47,27278 huhn20145 kecskeri-puszta s k rny ke * 1 538,4 20,809722 47,27833 huhn20146 hegyesbor * 1 369,85 20,93 47,27861 huhn20148 p szt i-legel * 381,65 20,704722 47,08056 huhn20149 mez t ri szandazugi-legel * 386,69 20,656111 47,02917 huhn20152 kunszentm rtoni b bockai-legel * 181,18 20,320278 46,84694 huhn20153 szelev nyi t -k z * 166,04 20,226667 46,81972 huhn20154 cs pa-szelev nyi gyepek * 213,65 20,168333 46,79556 huhn20155 cserkei nagy-fert * 199,86 20,189722 46,84333 huhn20156 tiszasasi l p-legel * 155,37 20,059722 46,82972 huhn20157 tiszaugi k rtv lyes s bokros * 417,05 20,088333 46,85944 huhn20158 tiszak rt-tiszainokai gyepek * 471,91 20,140278 46,86722 huhn20159 tunyogmatolcsi holt-szamos 303,02 22,444722 47,94972 huhn20160 g g -szenke 72,61 22,603611 47,96639 huhn20161 s msoni ti bellegel * 241,07 21,6889 47,5619 huhn21162 j szals szentgy rgyi erd * 24,52 20,083889 47,39917 huhn21163 biri nagy-r t * 276,11 21,873056 47,84917 huhn21164 liget-legel * 2 206,81 21,7358 47,6733 huhn21165 pen szleki gyepek * 469,29 22,138333 47,60611 hukm20001 h dmez v s rhely k rny ki s csan di-h ti puszt k * 16 419,46 20,588056 46,48306 hukm20002 h dmez v s rhelyi k k-t * 3 910,09 20,3175 46,53028 hukm20003 t-erd 136,63 20,367778 46,54 hukm20004 sz raz- r * 1 521,66 20,692222 46,33361 hukm20005 deszki gyepek * 537,06 20,213889 46,19528 hukm20006 m gocs- r * 126,04 20,489444 46,59556 hukm20007 csorv si l szgyep * 12,91 20,813611 46,61472 hukm20008 maros * 5 964,59 20,496944 46,19139 hukm20009 mez hegyes-battonyai gyepek * 94,73 20,977222 46,355 hukm20010 gyula-szabadk gy si gyepek * 10 633,92 21,1175 46,5725 hukm20011 k r sk zi erd k * 5 635,16 21,396389 46,6875 hukm20012 fekete-, feh r- s kett s-k r s * 1 979,86 21,073056 46,85611 hukm20013 b lmegyeri f s-puszta * 652,46 21,1725 46,89611 hukm20014 d vav nya k rny ki gyepek * 14 027,2 21,154444 47,06167 hukm20015 hortob gy-beretty * 3 079,21 20,838889 47,11917 hukm20016 sebes-k r s * 1 455,21 21,321667 46,98111 hukm20017 h rmas-k r s * 7 818,24 20,275278 46,85083 hukm20018 holt-sebes-k r s * 285,25 21,177778 46,95194 hukm20019 d l-bihari szikesek * 6 521,54 21,488333 46,87556 hukm20020 gyepes csatorna * 170,25 21,294444 46,76889 hukm20021 sarkadi f si-erd 117,5 21,314722 46,77444 hukm20022 k les- r * 71,12 21,415278 46,82806 hukm20023 korh ny s holt-korh ny * 49,24 21,600278 46,86556 hukm20024 orosi t lgyes 57,13 21,436389 46,90583 hukm20025 gyant i erd k * 221,58 21,423889 46,86778 hukm20026 t nisz ll s-szarvasi gyepek * 586,66 20,739167 46,85333 hukm20027 csereb k ny * 10 000,19 20,508611 46,74472 hukm20028 t kei gyepek * 2 985,68 20,270556 46,73694 hukm20029 szentesi gyepek * 606,04 20,244167 46,6175 hukm20030 lapist -fert * 1 902,72 20,358611 46,63583 hukm20031 kurca 198,59 20,221944 46,61833 hukn20001 fels -kiskuns gi szikes puszta * 15 776 19,1564 47,0658 hukn20002 pesz ri-erd * 1 628,46 19,300556 47,10333 hukn20003 fels -kiskuns gi turj nvid k * 14 436,47 19,310556 46,99278 hukn20004 d l-b cska * 781,46 19,293333 46,04083 hukn20005 tass szalkszentm rtoni szikes puszta * 1 655,22 19,047222 46,98417 hukn20006 nagyny ri-erd * 750,08 19,558611 46,94972 hukn20007 solti rg s gyep * 110,21 19,075278 46,79917 hukn20008 d li-homokh ts g * 2 385,97 19,647222 46,205 hukn20009 fels -kiskuns gi szikes tavak s miklapuszta * 19 679,72 19,146389 46,74722 hukn20010 szabadsz ll si rg s gyep 74,01 19,241944 46,88222 hukn20011 f l ph zi homokbuck k * 2 117,13 19,421944 46,8925 hukn20012 szegedi rg s gyep 187,88 20,092222 46,24556 hukn20013 f l psz ll s soltszentimre cseng di l pok * 3 122,99 19,248889 46,74278 hukn20014 haj si-homokpuszta * 463,31 19,166111 46,32694 hukn20015 gasegyh za orgov nyi r tek * 4 321,14 19,498333 46,80111 hukn20016 matk pusztai rg s gyep * 155,66 19,681389 46,80278 hukn20017 k z p-csongr di szikesek * 1 142,66 20,084444 46,45278 hukn20018 j noshalma-kunfeh rt i erd k * 1 341,34 19,367222 46,355 hukn20019 baksi-puszta * 4 875,17 20,051389 46,5575 hukn20020 harkai-t * 661,94 19,5725 46,47944 hukn20021 k rdi erd telek keceli l pok * 2 517,88 19,19 46,61306 hukn20022 kisk r si turj nos * 2 870,96 19,263611 46,64 hukn20023 t zl r kiskunhalasi homokbuck k * 1 929,05 19,52 46,50917 hukn20024 b csa-bugaci homokpuszta * 11 660,45 19,5919 46,6689 hukn20025 f l ph zi hossz -r t * 466,73 19,486111 46,86444 hukn20026 m ricg ti l pok * 766,97 19,725 46,59528 hukn20027 p teri-t * 782,1 19,898333 46,58667 hukn20028 tiszaalp r-bokrosi rt ri bl zet * 3 288,33 20,027222 46,81722 hukn20029 csongr di k nya-sz k * 455,96 20,038333 46,69472 hukn20030 pirt i nagy-t * 256,54 19,4631 46,5253 hukn20031 als -tisza hull mt r * 7 929,6 20,161389 46,53472 hukn20032 d l- rjeg * 4 585,08 19,1708 46,4867 hukn20033 rsekhalma-nemesn dudvari l szv lgyek * 240,26 19,0925 46,32528 hukn20034 ny rl rinci erd * 207,17 19,863056 46,87472 hukn20035 harkak t ny kiskunmajsai homokbuck k * 714,3 19,5903 46,53 hukn20036 imre-hegy, pirt -kiskunhalasi homokbuck k * 1 564,32 19,400556 46,47778 hukn22037 k khegyi l t r * 460,05 19,064722 46,23333 hukn30001 csongr d-bokrosi s st * 714,15 19,9703 46,7414 hukn30002 g t ri feh r-t * 852,78 19,9842 46,6525 hukn30003 izs ki kolon-t * 3 581,79 19,3397 46,7617 huon20001 s g-hegy * 238,06 17,118056 47,23083 huon20002 k szegi-hegys g * 4 018,23 16,4831 47,365 huon20003 abl nc patak v lgye * 1 465,45 16,6317 47,375 huon20005 v ti gyakorl t r * 596,56 16,794167 47,29111 huon20006 pinka * 486,09 16,4219 47,2031 huon20007 k les-tet * 385,41 16,785 47,22472 huon20008 r ba s cs rn c-v lgy * 12 146,75 17,0103 47,3478 huon20009 cs ngei legel * 181,33 17,04 47,35361 huon20011 kenyeri rept r * 698,76 17,144722 47,36833 huon20012 kemeness mj ni cserj s legel 618,48 17,123889 47,32917 huon20013 regcser * 258,06 17,0275 47,27 huon20014 g rcei tufagy r s l pr t * 454,85 17,036389 47,22333 huon20018 rs g * 44 165,39 16,3589 46,8514 huon20020 gy ngy s-patak s a k szegi als -r t * 337,25 16,5425 47,375 rosci0008 betfia 1 747,8 22,0295 46,9761 rosci0020 c mpia careiului * 23 636,3 22,2172 47,6197 rosci0021 c mpia ierului * 21 282,7 22,2594 47,4699 rosci0025 cefa * 5 257,2 21,6671 46,9050 rosci0048 cri ul alb * 890,6 21,4368 46,5649 rosci0049 cri ul negru 1 826,9 21,7722 46,6842 rosci0050 cri ul repede amonte de oradea 1 858,6 22,2554 47,0664 rosci0061 defileul cri ului negru * 2 202,8 22,1692 46,6737 rosci0068 diosig 376,2 21,9508 47,3108 rosci0098 lacul pe ea * 48,9 21,9867 47,0049 rosci0104 lunca inferioar a cri ului repede 656 21,7719 47,0887 rosci0108 lunca mure ului inferior * 17 465,3 20,9882 46,1352 rosci0109 lunca timi ului 9 919,3 21,3595 45,6945 rosci0115 mla tina satchinez * 2 290,1 21,0908 45,9747 rosci0155 p durea goroni te 951,7 21,8457 46,8086 rosci0185 p duricea de la sant u 88,8 21,8284 47,1590 rosci0218 dealul mocrei rovina ineu * 3 730,4 21,9014 46,4058 rosci0220 s cueni 732,5 22,1437 47,3351 rosci0231 n dab socodor v r ad * 6 660,6 21,3631 46,4213 rosci0277 becicherecu mic * 2 066,7 21,1666 45,8377 rosci0287 comlo u mare 2 671,9 20,6409 45,8658 rosci0289 coridorul drocea codru moma * 3 229,2 22,2368 46,3839 rosci0294 cri ul alb ntre gurahon i ineu * 1 228,5 22,1004 46,3696 rosci0345 paji tea cenad 6 031,2 20,6881 46,0983 rosci0346 paji tea ciacova * 40,5 21,1244 45,4959 rosci0348 paji tea jebel * 283,1 21,1742 45,5599 rosci0349 paji tea pesac 148,2 20,8257 45,9075 rosci0350 lunca teuzului 5 238,9 21,6649 46,5907 rosci0370 r ul mure ntre lipova i p uli 618,7 21,6445 46,0901 rosci0387 salonta * 3 585,6 21,5413 46,7632 rosci0388 s r turile de la foeni gr niceri * 197,8 20,8894 45,4301 rosci0390 s r turile dinia * 1 011,9 21,0524 45,6842 rosci0401 turnu varia u * 312,5 21,1283 46,2769 rosci0402 valea din s nandrei * 46,3 21,1750 45,8817 skuev0004 kop ianske slanisko * 8,704 21,8878 48,5928 skuev0006 latorica * 7 501,404 21,9769 48,4800 skuev0007 i arovsk les * 26,087 21,9836 48,5269 skuev0010 kom r ansk slanisko * 14,549 18,0842 47,7692 skuev0012 be iansky polder 2,74 21,9167 48,5308 skuev0017 pri orechovom rade * 1,7 18,1111 47,7753 skuev0019 tarbucka * 171,561 21,7897 48,3683 skuev0020 bisce 28,01 21,7639 48,6825 skuev0026 ra kovsk luh 16,887 21,9403 48,5678 skuev0029 ve k kopec 25,13 21,9606 48,4192 skuev0030 hore sk l ky * 84,434 21,9461 48,4111 skuev0032 ladmovsk v pence * 332,226 21,7717 48,4203 skuev0034 bor iansky les * 7,93 21,7089 48,3881 skuev0036 litava * 2 629,704 19,0933 48,2250 skuev0037 obor nsky les 9,821 21,9103 48,5347 skuev0038 obor nske jamy 8,43 21,8997 48,5400 skuev0052 sele tianska str * 9,021 19,3661 48,0942 skuev0053 kiarovsk mo iar 29,548 19,4319 48,1047 skuev0054 c deninsk mo iar 138,166 19,0397 48,0708 skuev0055 ipe sk hony * 24,937 19,0619 48,0656 skuev0064 bratislavsk luhy * 691,567 17,0650 48,1356 skuev0065 marcelovsk piesky * 43,894 18,3194 47,7775 skuev0066 kamen nske slanisk * 119,436 18,6472 47,8703 skuev0067 enkov * 123,657 18,5267 47,7786 skuev0068 jursk chlm * 104,601 18,5250 47,8008 skuev0069 b ske slanisko * 44,597 18,4250 47,7928 skuev0070 martovsk mokra * 33,678 18,0942 47,8594 skuev0071 abov * 21,123 18,1564 47,8781 skuev0072 detvice * 88,986 18,1203 47,8825 skuev0073 listov jazero * 41,534 18,0519 47,8911 skuev0074 dubn k * 171,851 17,7861 48,3211 skuev0075 kl tovsk rameno * 272,125 17,7039 48,0219 skuev0076 bokro sk slanisko * 9,999 18,2569 47,7489 skuev0077 dunajsk trstiny * 169,196 17,8522 47,7731 skuev0078 mostov * 22,5 17,9050 47,7689 skuev0079 horn h j * 72,98 18,2456 48,1744 skuev0080 juh sove slance * 41,902 17,8736 48,2369 skuev0083 eli ovsk les * 30,655 17,5053 48,1164 skuev0084 z to * 81,549 18,2014 48,0231 skuev0085 doln h j * 58,24 18,2169 48,1650 skuev0086 kriv hrabiny * 83,041 18,3817 48,0250 skuev0087 osminy * 98,84 18,3581 48,0942 skuev0088 s ky * 32,753 17,8981 48,2214 skuev0089 martinsk les * 994,155 17,3819 48,2614 skuev0090 dunajsk luhy * 4 542,025 17,4681 47,9047 skuev0091 plosk hora * 26,628 18,7467 47,8608 skuev0092 dolnov ske luhy 211,377 18,0931 47,8025 skuev0093 severn bod cky kan l * 24,129 17,4992 47,9075 skuev0094 ve k les * 46,095 18,2133 48,1194 skuev0095 pansk l ky * 68,711 18,0397 48,1028 skuev0096 urianske slanisk * 169,384 18,1250 48,0925 skuev0097 pal rikovsk l ky * 16,931 18,0747 48,0667 skuev0098 nesvadsk piesky * 17,086 18,1572 47,9219 skuev0099 pavelsk slanisko * 18,48 18,0039 47,7711 skuev0100 chot nske piesky * 7,131 18,2144 47,8122 skuev0113 dlh l ky 16,992 16,9650 48,5514 skuev0115 bahno 49,65 17,2706 48,6242 skuev0116 jakubovsk rybn ky 137,705 16,9758 48,4111 skuev0117 abrod * 162,343 16,9961 48,5325 skuev0119 irok * 205,008 17,0717 48,4144 skuev0120 jasen cke 49,92 17,1531 48,5542 skuev0121 marheck rybn ky * 57,48 17,0311 48,4092 skuev0123 d brava * 21,213 16,9294 48,3853 skuev0124 bogdalick vrch * 56,589 16,8969 48,4083 skuev0125 gajarsk al vium moravy * 1 244,282 16,9556 48,5406 skuev0126 vinodolsk h jik * 21,756 18,1997 48,2008 skuev0129 cerovina * 354,323 18,7222 48,0439 skuev0155 al vium starej nitry * 433,992 18,1328 47,8253 skuev0156 konopisk 8,419 17,5736 47,9494 skuev0157 star vrch * 13,439 18,6267 47,8206 skuev0158 modr vrch * 147,651 18,6469 47,8272 skuev0159 al vium itavy * 46,398 18,1342 47,8519 skuev0160 kar b * 76,165 17,7189 47,9125 skuev0161 suchohradsk al vium moravy 55,676 16,8597 48,4008 skuev0162 grg s * 47,063 17,1283 48,5558 skuev0163 rudava * 1 958,66 17,2694 48,5411 skuev0165 k tsky les * 374,869 16,9733 48,6547 skuev0166 cigl t 175,713 16,9786 48,5594 skuev0167 bezodn 65,447 17,0139 48,3825 skuev0168 horn les * 556,2 16,8753 48,3447 skuev0169 orlovsk v ky 206,92 17,0642 48,4689 skuev0170 me terova l ka 133,5 17,0669 48,4842 skuev0171 zelienka 141,68 17,1617 48,6022 skuev0172 be nisko * 922,38 17,2228 48,5333 skuev0173 kotlina * 616,69 17,3336 48,6394 skuev0174 lindava * 403,001 17,3675 48,3683 skuev0176 dvor iansky les * 146,843 18,1178 48,2644 skuev0177 molzie 67,863 16,9078 48,3828 skuev0178 v studienkach 19,449 16,8769 48,4378 skuev0179 erven rybn k * 234,695 17,1325 48,5781 skuev0180 ludinsk h j * 161,939 18,4675 47,9961 skuev0182 ovsk luhy * 483,713 17,7308 47,7686 skuev0183 ve kol lsky ostrov * 327,818 17,9286 47,7500 skuev0184 burdov * 1 680,719 18,7947 47,8417 skuev0208 senianske rybn ky 209,307 22,0794 48,6947 skuev0212 mute * 33,08 20,2728 48,5936 skuev0213 kazarka * 106,241 17,1264 48,6300 skuev0217 ondria ov potok * 7,835 17,0044 48,3431 skuev0218 mo iarka * 221,535 17,0375 48,3631 skuev0219 malina * 438,845 17,0889 48,4153 skuev0220 a t nsky potok * 2,237 17,1736 48,6117 skuev0226 vani ovec * 196,839 17,1464 48,6147 skuev0227 ili sk mo iare 88,657 17,6733 47,8964 skuev0235 stretavka 17,71 21,9961 48,6031 skuev0236 bodrog * 107,032 21,7814 48,4056 skuev0257 al vium ip a * 250,644 19,0764 48,0711 skuev0261 dedinsk hora * 132,734 19,5303 48,2233 skuev0269 ostrovn l ky * 627,577 17,1728 48,0469 skuev0270 hru ov * 494,854 17,2000 48,0581 skuev0272 vozok nsky luh * 6,005 18,6736 48,0242 skuev0279 r * 654,959 17,2297 48,2311 skuev0280 dev nska kobyla * 643,035 16,9969 48,1906 skuev0285 al vium mur a * 226,325 20,2453 48,6133 skuev0292 drie ov hora * 9,976 18,4642 47,8497 skuev0293 k ovsk rameno * 475,215 17,6769 47,7897 skuev0294 bagovsk vrch * 222,653 18,3528 48,0753 skuev0295 biskupick luhy * 916,345 17,1897 48,0822 skuev0311 ka enky 281,409 16,9503 48,6161 skuev0312 dev nske al vium moravy * 155,68 16,9594 48,2256 skuev0313 dev nske jazero * 1 264,066 16,9256 48,2931 skuev0314 morava 389,924 16,8947 48,4883 skuev0315 skalick al vium moravy 251,449 17,1761 48,8561 skuev0316 raneck piesky * 272,135 17,2847 48,5750 skuev0317 rozporec 82,858 16,9053 48,3514 skuev0326 strahu ka * 1 170,007 21,4581 48,6547 skuev0327 mili * 5 113,016 21,4608 48,5769 skuev0329 kov ske l ky * 146,372 21,7142 48,3761 skuev0340 esk z vrt 3,916 20,6064 48,5433 skuev0341 doln vrch * 1 527,467 20,7228 48,5731 skuev0345 ke ovsk krapy * 354,55 20,4961 48,5031 skuev0347 domick krapy * 111,575 20,4692 48,4831 skuev0352 hru ovsk lesostep * 40,104 20,6261 48,5994 skuev0355 fabi nka * 647,655 20,5450 48,5733 skuev0356 horn vrch * 6 027,69 20,7797 48,6411 skuev0357 cerov vrchovina * 2 627,997 19,9008 48,2028 skuev0358 sov hrad * 41,655 19,9211 48,2281 skuev0359 decht rske vinice 55,18 20,0172 48,2447 skuev0360 bele r 61,591 19,9917 48,1711 skuev0361 vodok 137,218 20,0081 48,2067 skuev0362 pieskovcov chrbty * 98,67 20,1453 48,2681 skuev0363 ahan * 310,768 20,1069 48,3742 skuev0365 d lovsk mo iar 82,576 19,6125 48,2436 skuev0392 brezovsk str * 65,944 19,0022 48,1678 skuev0393 dunaj * 1 425,7 18,7289 47,7969 skuev0395 pohrebi te * 85,014 18,2853 47,7706 skuev0502 tokeravsk v penka 12,733 17,0039 48,2025 skuev0512 mokr les * 171,83 16,9539 48,3372 skuev0513 bencov mlyn * 19,985 16,9119 48,3386 skuev0523 lak rska duna * 5,28 17,1758 48,5825 skuev0526 kala tovsk potok * 44,99 17,2447 48,6425 skuev0527 gachovec * 30,24 17,2097 48,5950 skuev0552 lohotsk mo iar * 22,083 18,0128 47,8575 skuev0669 drie ov * 88,956 20,0419 48,2136 skuev1007 i arovsk les * 64,66 21,9792 48,5197 skuev1064 bratislavsk luhy * 41,78 17,1361 48,1317 skuev1125 gajarsk al vium moravy 469,76 16,9433 48,5292 skuev1173 kotlina * 211,29 17,3511 48,6261 skuev1182 ovsk luhy * 258,052 17,7261 47,7753 skuev1227 ili sk mo iare * 325,48 17,7028 47,8364 skuev1269 ostrovn l ky * 12,561 17,2019 48,0342 skuev1293 k ovsk rameno * 186,853 17,6797 47,7853 skuev1311 ka enky 32,166 16,9497 48,6039 skuev1316 raneck piesky * 715,45 17,3014 48,5867 skuev1357 cerov vrchovina * 410,31 20,0592 48,2300 skuev1362 pieskovcov chrbty * 220,77 20,1558 48,2664
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2373 of 26 november 2015 adopting a ninth update of the list of sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region (notified under document c(2015) 8219) type: decision_impl subject matter: environmental policy; natural environment; regions and regional policy date published: 2015-12-23 23.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 338/688 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2373 of 26 november 2015 adopting a ninth update of the list of sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region (notified under document c(2015) 8219) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 92/43/eec of 21 may 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (1), and in particular the third subparagraph of article 4(2) thereof, whereas: (1) the atlantic biogeographical region referred to in article 1(c)(iii) of directive 92/43/eec comprises the union territories of ireland, the netherlands and the united kingdom, and parts of the union territories of belgium, denmark, germany, spain, france and portugal as specified in the biogeographical map approved on 20 april 2005 by the committee set up by article 20 of that directive (the habitats committee). (2) the initial list of sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region, within the meaning of directive 92/43/eec, was adopted by commission decision 2004/813/ec (2). that list was last updated by commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/72 (3). (3) the sites included in the list of sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region form part of the natura 2000 network which is an essential element of the protection of biodiversity in the union. in order to make further progress in the actual establishment of the natura 2000 network and in the context of a dynamic adaptation of that network, the lists of sites of community importance are reviewed regularly. (4) since february 2014 member states have proposed additional sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region within the meaning of article 1 of directive 92/43/eec. member states have also submitted changes in the site-related information contained in the list of sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region. (5) on the basis of the draft list drawn up by the commission in agreement with each of the member states concerned, which also identifies sites hosting priority natural habitat types or priority species, an updated list of sites selected as sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region should be adopted. articles 4(4) and 6(1) of directive 92/43/eec apply to the newly included sites. (6) knowledge of the existence and distribution of the natural habitat types and species is constantly evolving as a result of the surveillance undertaken in accordance with article 11 of directive 92/43/eec. therefore, the evaluation and selection of sites at union level was carried out using the best available information at the time. (7) certain member states have not proposed sufficient sites to meet the requirements of directive 92/43/eec for certain habitat types and species. furthermore, knowledge of the existence and distribution of some of the natural habitat types listed in annex i and some of the species listed in annex ii to directive 92/43/eec remains incomplete. for those habitat types and species it can therefore not be concluded that the natura 2000 network is complete. (8) in the interests of clarity and transparency, implementing decision (eu) 2015/72 should be repealed. (9) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the habitats committee, has adopted this decision: article 1 the ninth update of the list of sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region as set out in the annex is adopted. article 2 implementing decision (eu) 2015/72 is repealed. article 3 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 26 november 2015. for the commission karmenu vella member of the commission (1) oj l 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7. (2) commission decision 2004/813/ec of 7 december 2004 adopting, pursuant to council directive 92/43/eec, the list of sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region (oj l 387, 29.12.2004, p. 1). (3) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/72 of 3 december 2014 adopting an eighth update of the list of sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region (oj l 18, 23.1.2015, p. 385). annex ninth update of the list of sites of community importance for the atlantic biogeographical region each site of community importance (sci) is identified by the information supplied in the natura 2000 format, including the corresponding map. this information has been transmitted by the competent national authorities in accordance with the second subparagraph of article 4(1) of directive 92/43/eec. the table below gives the following information: a : sci code comprising nine characters, the first two being the iso code for the member state; b : name of sci; c : *= presence on the sci of at least one priority natural habitat type and/or species within the meaning of article 1 of directive 92/43/eec; d : area of sci in hectares or length of sci in km; e : geographical coordinates of sci (latitude and longitude) in decimal degrees. all the information given in the union list below is based on the data proposed, transmitted and validated by belgium, denmark, germany, ireland, spain, france, netherlands, portugal and the united kingdom. a b c d e sci code name of sci * area of sci (ha) length of sci (km) geographical coordinates of sci longitude latitude be1000001 la for t de soignes avec lisi res et domaines bois s avoisinants et la vall e de la woluwe. complexe for t de soignes - vall e de la woluwe * 2 076 4,4306 50,7833 be1000002 zones bois es et ouvertes au sud de la r gion bruxelloise. complexe verrewinkel - kinsendael * 139,8 4,3549 50,7879 be1000003 les zones bois es et les zones humides de la vall e du molenbeek au nord-ouest de la r gion bruxelloise. complexe laerbeek-dieleghem-poelbos - marais de jette-ganshoren * 117,2 4,305547 50,88252 be2100015 kalmthoutse heide 2 064 4,4167 51,4 be2100016 klein en groot schietveld * 2 288 4,5833 51,3667 be2100017 bos- en heidegebieden ten oosten van antwerpen * 5 240 4,7444 51,2667 be2100019 het blak, kievitsheide, ekstergoor en nabijgelegen kamsalamanderhabitats * 697 4,8 51,3333 be2100020 heesbossen, vallei van marke en merkske en ringven met valleigronden langs de heerlese loop * 678 4,7444 51,3694 be2100024 vennen, heiden en moerassen rond turnhout * 3 627 4,9667 51,3667 be2100026 valleigebied van de kleine nete met brongebieden, moerassen en heiden * 4 884 5,0833 51,25 be2100040 bovenloop van de grote nete met zammelsbroek, langdonken en goor. * 4 307 5,1833 51,1611 be2100045 historische fortengordels van antwerpen als vleermuizenhabitat. * 359 4,4833 51,2167 be2200028 de maten * 536 5,45 50,95 be2200029 vallei- en brongebied van de zwarte beek, bolisserbeek en dommel met heide en vengebieden. * 8 306 5,3333 51,1167 be2200030 mangelbeek en heide- en vengebieden tussen houthalen en gruitrode * 3 768 5,4333 51,05 be2200031 valleien van de laambeek, zonderikbeek, slangebeek en roosterbeek met vijvergebieden. * 3 627 5,3 50,9833 be2200032 hageven met dommelvallei, beverbeekse heide, warmbeek en wateringen * 1 980 5,5 51,2833 be2200033 abeek met aangrenzende moerasgebieden * 2 523 5,7 51,175 be2200034 itterbeek met brand, jagersborg en schootsheide en bergerven * 1 869 5,7306 51,1 be2200035 mechelse heide en vallei van de ziepbeek * 3 741 5,6333 50,95 be2200036 plateau van caestert met hellingbossen en mergelgrotten. * 132 5,6833 50,8139 be2200037 uiterwaarden langs de limburgse maas met vijverbroek * 778 5,7667 51,0333 be2200038 bossen en kalkgraslanden van haspengouw * 2 604 5,2667 50,8167 be2200041 jekervallei en bovenloop van de demervallei * 633 5,5167 50,85 be2200042 overgang kempen-haspengouw * 689 5,5667 50,9097 be2200043 bosbeekvallei en aangrenzende bos- en heidegebieden te as-opglabbeek-maaseik * 573 5,6167 51,0583 be2300005 bossen en heiden van zandig vlaanderen: oostelijk deel * 3 377 3,45 51,15 be2300006 schelde- en durme stuarium van de nederlandse grens tot gent * 8 957 4,1919 51,1531 be2300007 bossen van de vlaamse ardennen en andere zuidvlaamse bossen. * 5 548 3,75 50,7917 be2300044 bossen van het zuidoosten van de zandleemstreek * 1 793 4,25 50,9583 be2400008 zoni nwoud * 2 761 4,4167 50,75 be2400009 hallerbos en nabije boscomplexen met brongebieden en heiden * 1 832 4,2833 50,7083 be2400010 valleigebied tussen melsbroek, kampenhout, kortemberg en veltem. * 1 445 4,5833 50,9167 be2400011 valleien van de dijle, laan en ijse met aangrenzende bos- en moerasgebieden * 4 068 4,6833 50,8083 be2400012 valleien van de winge en de motte met valleihellingen. * 2 244 4,8667 50,9333 be2400014 demervallei * 4 910 4,9833 51,0028 be2500001 duingebieden inclusief ijzermonding en zwin. * 3 782 2,8681 51,195 be2500002 polders * 1 866 3,1003 51,2417 be2500003 westvlaams heuvelland * 1 878 2,7667 50,775 be2500004 bossen, heiden en valleigebieden van zandig vlaanderen: westelijk deel * 3 064 3,32 51,1 be31001b0 affluents braban ons de la senne (braine-l'alleud; braine-le-ch teau; ittre; tubize) * 707,6631 4,3019 50,6964 be31002b0 vall es de l'argentine et de la lasne (la hulpe; lasne; rixensart; waterloo) * 669,8601 4,4608 50,7289 be31003c0 vall e de la lasne (rixensart; wavre) * 432,3222 4,5489 50,7217 be31004c0 vall e de la dyle en aval d'archennes (grez-doiceau) * 139,0314 4,6461 50,7792 be31005b0 vall e de la nethen (beauvechain; grez-doiceau) * 176,5073 4,7047 50,7889 be31006b0 vall e de la dyle ottignies (ottignies-louvain-la-neuve; wavre) * 303,153 4,6028 50,6783 be31007b0 vall e du train (chaumont-gistoux) * 495,6909 4,7036 50,6958 be31009b0 carri res souterraines d'orp-jauche (orp-jauche) 14,2951 1,6 4,9436 50,6683 be31010b0 sources de la dyle (court-saint-etienne; genappe; ottignies-louvain-la-neuve) * 654,809 4,4936 50,6336 be31011b0 vall e de la thyle (court-saint-etienne; genappe; les bons villers; villers-la-ville) * 1 126,1097 4,5233 50,5967 be31012c0 vall e de la dyle de wavre archennes (grez-doiceau) * 83,7826 4,6475 50,7453 be32001b0 vall e de la lys (comines-warneton) * 411,0824 2,9003 50,7372 be32002b0 vall e de l'escaut en aval de tournai (celles; estaimpuis; pecq) * 369,5012 3,3536 50,6914 be32003b0 pays des collines (celles; mont-de-l'enclus) * 132,6485 3,5156 50,7597 be32004b0 vall e de la rhosnes (flobecq) 191,9359 3,7464 50,7706 be32005b0 vall es de la dendre et de la marcq (ath; ellezelles; flobecq; frasnes-lez-anvaing; lessines) * 529,3547 3,6475 50,7072 be32006c0 bois d'enghien et de silly (enghien; silly) * 541,7831 3,9689 50,6406 be32007b0 bois de la houssi re (braine-le-comte; ittre) * 718,4101 4,1972 50,6228 be32008b0 bois d'arpes et de l'h 'pital (nivelles; seneffe) * 138,233 4,2747 50,5928 be32010b0 marais de la verne (p ruwelz) * 102,135 3,5675 50,5228 be32011c0 for t de bon-secours (bernissart; p ruwelz) * 391,9571 3,6328 50,4922 be32012c0 bord nord du bassin de la haine (beloeil; bernissart; saint-ghislain) * 2 212,9688 3,7381 50,5039 be32014b0 vall e de la haine en amont de mons (la louvi re; le roeulx; mons) * 458,7774 4,0617 50,4583 be32015b0 canal souterrain de la b te refaite (chapelle-lez-herlaimont; seneffe) 1,0883 1,27 4,2917 50,5042 be32016b0 for t de mariemont (manage; morlanwelz) * 153,5487 4,2508 50,4686 be32017b0 vall e de la haine en aval de mons (bernissart; boussu; hensies; jurbise; mons; quaregnon; saint-ghislain) * 1 687,2707 3,7617 50,4436 be32018c0 bois de colfontaine (boussu; colfontaine; dour; frameries) * 841,8853 3,8519 50,3814 be32019b0 vall e de la trouille (estinnes; frameries; mons; qu vy) * 1324,424 13 3,9692 50,4258 be32020b0 vall e de la princesse (binche) * 133,4774 4,2269 50,3972 be32021b0 haute-sambre en aval de thuin (fontaine-l'ev que; lobbes; thuin) * 715,5169 0,2 4,3086 50,3769 be32022b0 trou des sarrazins loverval (gerpinnes) 0,0812 0,12 4,4611 50,3633 be32023b0 vall e du ruisseau d'acoz (ch telet) * 19,269 0,16 4,5247 50,3822 be32024b0 basse-sambre (aiseau-presles; sambreville) * 60,2591 0,02 4,5944 50,4181 be32025b0 haut-pays des honnelles (honnelles; qui vrain) * 544,2931 0,11 3,7117 50,3511 be32026b0 haute-sambre en amont de thuin (erquelinnes; estinnes; lobbes; merbes-le-ch teau; thuin) * 392,2497 4,2406 50,3236 be32027b0 vall e de la biesmelle (thuin) * 268,4235 4,2928 50,3289 be32029b0 haute vall e de la thure (sivry-rance) * 496,3646 4,2019 50,1864 be32030b0 vall e de la hante (beaumont; froidchapelle; sivry-rance) * 457,5285 0,35 4,3006 50,1786 be32031c0 bois de vieux sart et de montbliart (sivry-rance) * 940,105 4,1814 50,1411 be32032c0 for ts de rance (beaumont; froidchapelle; sivry-rance) * 977,2837 4,2608 50,1642 be32041b0 trou aux feuilles (erquelinnes) 0,0308 0,03 4,1519 50,2661 be32042b0 vall e du ruisseau d'erpion (froidchapelle) 6,4076 4,3753 50,2211 be32044b0 bassin de l'escaut en amont de tournai (antoing; brunehaut; p ruwelz; tournai) * 193,3125 3,5228 50,4953 be32045c0 vall e de l'aubrecheuil (mons; soignies) * 36,3554 4,0206 50,5028 be32046c0 vall e du pi ton (chapelle-lez-herlaimont; courcelles) * 59,7842 4,3011 50,4858 be32047b0 vall e de la thure (erquelinnes) * 10,2932 4,1572 50,2933 be33001b0 sources du geer (geer; hannut) * 42,6506 5,1622 50,67 be33002b0 basse vall e du geer (bassenge; juprelle; oupeye; vis ) * 584,6499 11,86 5,6178 50,7672 be33003b0 montagne saint-pierre (bassenge; oupeye; vis ) * 241,477 5,6814 50,7758 be33004b0 basse meuse et meuse mitoyenne (bl gny; oupeye; vis ) * 225,1903 5,6961 50,7731 be33008c0 vall e de la burdinale (burdinne; h ron; wanze) * 289,9482 5,1167 50,5706 be35002b0 vall e de l'orneau (gembloux; jemeppe-sur-sambre; perwez) * 317,0307 4,6781 50,5036 be35007c0 for ts et lac de bambois (fosses-la-ville; mettet) * 358,1031 4,6708 50,3553 be35049b0 vall e du ruisseau de fairoul (florennes; walcourt) 57,925 4,53 50,26 bemnz0001 vlaamse banken 100 994 2,5489 51,3339 bemnz0005 vlakte van de raan 1925 3,2431 51,4411 de0916391 ntp s-h wattenmeer und angrenzende k stengebiete * 452 455 8,4614 54,5333 de0916392 d nen- und heidelandschaften nord-sylt * 1 916 8,3894 55,0172 de1003301 doggerbank 169 895 4,1675 55,5958 de1016392 d nen- und heidelandschaften nord- und mittel-sylt * 642 8,3306 54,955 de1115301 nsg rantumbecken 567 8,3172 54,8736 de1115391 d nenlandschaft s d-sylt * 741 8,2911 54,8061 de1116391 k stenlandschaft ost-sylt * 380 8,4019 54,8839 de1118301 rutteb ller see 55 8,7636 54,8953 de1119303 s derl gumer binnend nen 809 8,9558 54,8692 de1121304 eichenw lder der b xlunder geest 84 9,2331 54,7889 de1121391 nsg fr slev-jardelunder moor 224 9,2356 54,8217 de1209301 sylter au enriff 531 429 7,1842 54,7831 de1219301 leckfeld * 111 8,9644 54,7953 de1219391 gew sser des bongsieler kanal-systems 581 9,0161 54,7069 de1219392 heide- und magerrasenlandschaft am ochsenweg und im soholmfeld * 298 8,9836 54,7464 de1220301 w lder an der lecker au * 50 9,04 54,7722 de1315391 k sten- und d nenlandschaften amrums * 2 158 8,3361 54,6497 de1316301 godelniederung / f hr * 149 8,4372 54,6981 de1319301 nsg bordelumer heide und langenhorner heide mit umgebung 201 8,9547 54,6556 de1320302 l tjenholmer und bargumer heide * 313 9,0022 54,6839 de1320303 schirlbusch 14 9,0961 54,6222 de1320304 l wenstedter sandberge * 21 9,1511 54,6286 de1321302 pob ller bauernwald 152 9,2531 54,6086 de1321303 d nen am rimmelsberg * 17 9,2725 54,6233 de1322391 treene winderatter see bis friedrichstadt und bollingstedter au * 2 906 9,4797 54,7039 de1420301 standort bungsplatz husum * 150 9,0675 54,505 de1420302 moorweiher im staatsforst drelsdorf 6 9,1064 54,5964 de1420391 quell- und niedermoore der arlauniederung * 56 9,0908 54,5519 de1421301 immenstedter wald * 155 9,1978 54,5464 de1421303 w lder im s derhackstedtfeld * 76 9,2856 54,5825 de1421304 ahrenvi lfelder westermoor 69 9,2653 54,5439 de1422301 wald rumbrand * 60 9,3497 54,5233 de1422303 gammellunder see 36 9,4494 54,5642 de1423393 idstedtweger geestlandschaft * 98 9,4925 54,5572 de1521391 w lder der ostenfelder geest 733 9,3111 54,4892 de1522301 kalkquellmoor bei klein rheide 19 9,4611 54,4633 de1617301 d nen st. peter * 153 8,6083 54,3203 de1620302 lundener niederung 902 9,0678 54,2953 de1621301 w lder bei bergenhusen * 145 9,3075 54,3925 de1622308 gr ben der n rdlichen alten sorge 769 9,3639 54,3833 de1622391 moore der eider-treene-sorge-niederung * 3 499 9,4761 54,3094 de1623303 fockbeker moor 375 9,5908 54,3294 de1623304 wald stlich hohn 11 9,5331 54,3042 de1623306 owschlager see 44 9,6044 54,3881 de1623351 bergangsmoor im kropper forst 18 9,5106 54,3989 de1623392 binnend nen- und moorlandschaft im sorgetal 958 9,5342 54,3508 de1714391 steingrund 17 450 8,1117 54,2361 de1719391 untereider * 3 606 8,8969 54,2819 de1720301 wei es moor 69 9,0322 54,25 de1721301 wald bei welmb ttel * 105 9,2361 54,205 de1721302 wald bei hollingstedt 30 9,2086 54,2925 de1721309 kleiner geestr cken s dlich d rpling 42 9,3131 54,2422 de1722301 wald westlich wrohm * 26 9,3567 54,2161 de1723301 gehege osterhamm-elsdorf 646 9,5575 54,2731 de1723302 dachsberg bei wittenmoor 48 9,5469 54,2883 de1724334 d nen bei kattbek * 152 9,75 54,2169 de1813391 helgoland mit helgol nder felssockel * 5 509 7,8972 54,2086 de1820302 nsg fieler moor 258 9,1414 54,1592 de1820303 ehemaliger fuhlensee 86 9,135 54,1203 de1821304 gieselautal 94 9,3031 54,1358 de1821391 riesewohld und angrenzende fl chen * 435 9,2183 54,1367 de1823301 w lder der n rdlichen itzehoer geest * 711 9,6889 54,1528 de1823304 haaler au 432 9,5447 54,1522 de1920301 windberger niederung * 363 9,1467 54,0547 de1922301 w lder stlich mehlbek * 60 9,4622 54,0108 de1922391 iselbek mit lindhorster teich 117 9,355 54,0711 de1923301 schierenwald * 588 9,6661 54,0175 de1923302 reher kratt 92 9,5983 54,0558 de1923304 moore bei christinenthal 37 9,5656 54,0361 de1923305 quellhangmoor lohfiert 8,6 9,5589 54,0125 de1924391 w lder im aukrug * 879 9,7892 54,0481 de1927301 kiebitzholmer moor und trentmoor * 535 10,2189 54,0044 de1927352 tarbeker moor 131 10,3058 54,0275 de2016301 hamburgisches wattenmeer * 13 750 8,2833 53,8833 de2018331 unterelbe * 18 789,7 9,4297 53,7269 de2020301 klev- und donnlandschaft bei st. michaelisdonn * 222 9,1375 53,9772 de2021301 kudensee 104 9,2064 53,9553 de2022302 vaaler moor und herrenmoor 964 9,3617 53,9764 de2023303 rantzau-tal 215 9,5919 53,9544 de2024301 heiden und d nen bei st rkathen * 59 9,7483 53,9725 de2024308 m hlenbarbeker au und angrenzendes quellhangmoor * 58 9,6842 53,9825 de2024391 mittlere st r, bramau und b nzau 211 9,7722 53,9883 de2024392 moore der breitenburger niederung 514 9,68 53,905 de2025303 hasenmoor 275 10,0081 53,9292 de2026303 osterautal * 320 10,0219 53,95 de2026304 barker heide * 186 10,1531 53,9158 de2026305 altwaldbest nde im segeberger forst 154 10,1394 53,9617 de2026307 moorweiher im segeberger forst 42 10,1486 53,9375 de2104301 borkum-riffgrund 62 548 6,4139 53,8706 de2117331 k stenheiden und krattw lder bei cuxhaven * 953,51 8,6161 53,8361 de2123301 binnend nen nordoe * 390 9,5022 53,8897 de2124301 klein offenseth-bokelsesser moor * 473 9,6814 53,8289 de2125334 kaltenkirchener heide * 510,59 9,8972 53,8297 de2126303 pfeifengraswiese n rdlich seth 8 10,165 53,8706 de2126391 w lder im kisdorfer wohld und angrenzende fl chen * 472 10,0708 53,8056 de2127302 birkenmoor bei gro niendorf * 32 10,2286 53,8414 de2218301 ahlen-falkenberger moor, seen bei bederkesa * 2 877 8,7647 53,6775 de2218302 a b tteler und herrschaftliches moor * 288 8,7564 53,7611 de2220301 balksee und randmoore, nordahner holz * 1 513 9,0219 53,6831 de2221301 oederquarter moor * 84 9,2536 53,7692 de2222321 wetternsystem in der kollmarer marsch 26 9,4914 53,7547 de2224305 staatsforst rantzau stlich tornesch 113 9,7653 53,7053 de2224306 obere kr ckau 51 9,7122 53,7681 de2224391 himmelmoor, kummerfelder gehege und angrenzende fl chen * 766 9,8328 53,7336 de2225303 pinnau / gronau * 33 9,8644 53,7142 de2226302 wohldorfer wald * 134 10,1483 53,705 de2226303 duvenstedter brook * 785 10,1678 53,725 de2226306 glasmoor * 140 10,0447 53,7144 de2226307 wittmoor * 51 10,0769 53,7064 de2226391 alstersystem bis itzstedter see und nienwohlder moor * 1 165 10,1031 53,7728 de2227303 hansdorfer brook mit ammersbek * 292 10,1919 53,7136 de2227304 neuenteich und binnenhorster teiche 36 10,24 53,7667 de2227351 n rdlich tiergarten 51 10,3039 53,6992 de2306301 nationalpark nieders chsisches wattenmeer * 276 956,22 6,9203 53,6036 de2311331 ochsenweide, schafhauser wald und feuchtwiesen bei esens * 214,12 7,6081 53,6236 de2312331 teichfledermaus-habitate im raum wilhelmshaven 308,74 7,9897 53,4692 de2316331 unterweser * 3 512,14 8,4978 53,4244 de2317302 dorumer moor * 211 8,6406 53,6619 de2317331 extensivweiden n rdlich langen * 4,27 8,6144 53,6303 de2320331 westerberge bei rahden * 186,67 9,0947 53,6681 de2320332 osteschleifen zwischen kranenburg und nieder-ochtenhausen 49,55 9,1631 53,5592 de2322301 schwingetal * 1 961 9,4275 53,5531 de2322331 wasserkruger moor und willes heide * 56,73 9,3553 53,6656 de2323392 schleswig-holsteinisches elb stuar und angrenzende fl chen * 19 279,7 8,8681 53,8769 de2324302 schnaakenmoor * 60 9,7611 53,6033 de2324303 holmer sandberge und buttermoor * 231 9,6986 53,6181 de2324304 nsg t vsmoor / haselauer moor * 154,65 9,7131 53,6453 de2325301 ohmoor 51 9,9689 53,6539 de2326301 wittmoor 139 10,0683 53,6972 de2327301 kammolchgebiet h ltigbaum / stellmoor 605 10,2228 53,6542 de2327302 stellmoorer tunneltal/h ltigbaum * 480 10,205 53,6256 de2408331 teichfledermaus-gew sser im raum aurich 57,95 7,5514 53,545 de2410301 ewiges meer, gro es moor bei aurich * 1 138 7,4383 53,5383 de2413331 upjever und sumpfmoor dose * 118,81 7,8897 53,5258 de2417370 weser bei bremerhaven 1 682 8,5583 53,5833 de2418301 sellstedter see und ochsentriftmoor * 527 8,7031 53,5344 de2418331 niederung von geeste und grove * 495,18 8,8875 53,5197 de2421331 hohes moor * 853,96 9,2514 53,5528 de2423301 feerner moor * 179 9,5069 53,5381 de2424302 m hlenberger loch/ne sand * 804 9,7825 53,5444 de2424303 rapfenschutzgebiet hamburger stromelbe 340 9,7919 53,5567 de2426301 boberger d ne und hangterrassen * 50 10,1514 53,5103 de2427302 talwald hahnenkoppel 33 10,3031 53,5725 de2427391 bille * 217 10,3606 53,5725 de2428393 w lder im sachsenwald und schwarze au * 1 534 10,4394 53,5411 de2429301 birkenbruch s dlich gro pampau * 11 10,5569 53,5142 de2507301 hund und paapsand 2 557 6,9392 53,3819 de2507331 unterems und au enems * 7 376,81 7,1739 53,3281 de2509331 gro es meer, loppersumer meer 891,07 7,2925 53,4264 de2510331 ihlower forst * 327,48 7,4492 53,405 de2511331 fehntjer tief und umgebung * 2 496,99 7,4625 53,3728 de2511332 kollrunger moor und klinge * 479,85 7,7017 53,4383 de2513301 schwarzes meer * 16 7,8869 53,4139 de2513331 neuenburger holz * 664,39 7,9833 53,3853 de2516331 nebenarme der weser mit strohauser plate und juliusplate * 1 637,34 8,4797 53,3942 de2517301 placken-, k nigs- und stoteler moor * 481 8,6022 53,4214 de2517331 teichfledermaus-gew sser im raum bremerhaven/bremen * 448,63 8,5764 53,4531 de2518301 silbersee, laaschmoor, b lter see, b lter moor * 406 8,7792 53,4811 de2518331 niederungen von billerbeck und oldendorfer bach * 400,19 8,7933 53,3822 de2519301 wollingster see mit randmoor * 133 8,8711 53,4558 de2519331 malse * 80,2 8,965 53,4697 de2519332 franzhorn * 143,55 9,0056 53,4236 de2520331 oste mit nebenb chen * 3 720,15 9,1433 53,3689 de2520332 spreckenser moor 63,35 9,0986 53,4589 de2522301 auetal und nebent ler * 753 9,5381 53,4692 de2522302 braken * 639 9,4956 53,4233 de2522331 hahnenhorst * 65,24 9,3653 53,4139 de2523331 neuklosterholz * 240,64 9,6411 53,4747 de2524331 este, b tersheimer heide, gl singer bruch und osterbruch * 1 127,75 9,7239 53,3456 de2524332 este-unterlauf 7,03 9,7136 53,4911 de2525301 fischbeker heide * 763 9,8519 53,4506 de2525302 buchenw lder in rosengarten 257 9,8497 53,4106 de2526302 heuckenlock/schweenssand * 129 10,0469 53,4719 de2526303 die reit 63 10,1108 53,4764 de2526304 kirchwerder wiesen 858 10,1636 53,4342 de2526305 hamburger unterelbe * 739 10,0994 53,4533 de2526331 seeve * 884,11 9,9867 53,33 de2526332 elbe zwischen geesthacht und hamburg * 573,41 10,1053 53,4289 de2527302 nsg dalbekschlucht * 74 10,2969 53,4731 de2527303 borghorster elblandschaft * 230 10,2939 53,435 de2527391 besenhorster sandberge und elbinsel * 250 10,3286 53,4436 de2528301 gkss-forschungszentrum geesthacht 0,1 10,4272 53,4103 de2529306 g lzower holz 448 10,5028 53,4819 de2611331 heseler wald 26,81 7,6211 53,3019 de2613301 lengener meer, stapeler moor, baasenmeers-moor * 1 560 7,8706 53,3481 de2616331 dornebbe, braker sieltief und colmarer tief 13,35 8,3997 53,3417 de2617331 kuhlmoor, tiefenmoor * 40,75 8,615 53,3019 de2619302 springmoor, heilsmoor * 244 8,8494 53,3347 de2620301 huvenhoopssee, huvenhoopsmoor * 139 9,1047 53,3739 de2626331 gew ssersystem der luhe und unteren neetze * 2 479,4 10,1953 53,2478 de2627301 zollenspieker/kiebitzbrack * 109 10,1989 53,4008 de2627331 birken-eichenwald bei sangenstedt 36,07 10,2633 53,3478 de2628331 ilmenau mit nebenb chen * 5 381,85 10,5714 53,0925 de2710331 wolfmeer * 33,2 7,5056 53,2886 de2711331 magerwiese bei potshausen * 3,26 7,6192 53,2019 de2712331 holtgast 35,55 7,7111 53,2203 de2713331 wittenheim und silstro * 94,22 7,9517 53,2933 de2713332 garnholt * 31,58 8,0044 53,2458 de2714331 mansholter holz, schippstroht * 289,63 8,1264 53,2239 de2714332 elmendorfer holz 28,18 8,03 53,2183 de2715301 ipweger moor, gellener torfm rte * 316 8,3336 53,2169 de2715331 eichenbruch, ellernbusch * 131,44 8,2408 53,2428 de2715332 funchsb sche, ipweger b sche * 93,8 8,2703 53,2244 de2716331 mittlere und untere hunte (mit barnef hrer holz und schreensmoor) * 573,99 8,2011 53,1156 de2717301 heide und heideweiher auf der rekumer geest 23 8,55 53,2042 de2717331 garlstedter moor und heidhofer teiche * 307,78 8,6664 53,2717 de2717332 brundorfer moor * 11,26 8,6678 53,2439 de2718301 reithbruch * 73 8,7658 53,2203 de2718331 sch nebecker aue * 97,14 8,7053 53,22 de2718332 untere w mmeniederung, untere hammeniederung mit teufelsmoor * 4 153,32 8,8456 53,2367 de2720331 hepstedter b sche 109,26 9,0847 53,2769 de2721301 bullensee, hemelsmoor * 292 9,2256 53,2417 de2721331 borstgrasrasen bei badenstedt * 6,93 9,1875 53,2717 de2722331 sotheler moor * 66,99 9,4389 53,2175 de2723301 gro es moor bei wistedt * 157 9,6439 53,2836 de2723331 w mmeniederung * 8 578,95 9,4653 53,1639 de2724331 kauers wittmoor * 33,36 9,6733 53,2625 de2725301 l neburger heide * 23 286 9,9347 53,15 de2726331 garlstorfer und toppenstedter wald * 416,04 10,0628 53,2261 de2727331 laubw lder am einemhof und kranichmoor 94,05 10,265 53,2767 de2809331 ems * 8 216,66 7,2822 52,7056 de2811331 barger meer 7 7,6675 53,1903 de2812331 godensholter tief 85,26 7,8289 53,1694 de2812332 glittenberger moor * 28,61 7,8194 53,1108 de2813331 fintlandsmoor und d nikhorster moor * 240,05 7,8981 53,1717 de2814331 haaren und wold bei wechloy * 200,47 8,1294 53,1608 de2814332 everstenmoor * 112,4 8,14 53,1156 de2815331 sager meer, ahlhorner fischteiche und lethe * 868,95 8,1236 52,9494 de2817301 werderland 393 8,65 53,1417 de2817331 untere delme, hache, ochtum und varreler b ke * 82,42 8,6619 53,1033 de2817370 weser zwischen ochtumm ndung und rekum 447 8,5917 53,1744 de2818301 grambker feldmarksee 22,6 8,7289 53,1556 de2818302 zentrales blockland 1 080 8,8042 53,1375 de2818304 lesum 108 8,6917 53,1653 de2819301 untere w mme * 445 8,8667 53,1333 de2819302 kuhgrabensee 32,3 8,8458 53,1194 de2819370 hollerland * 290,9 8,8708 53,1222 de2820301 wiestetal, glindbusch, borchelsmoor * 837 9,2433 53,1481 de2822331 stellmoor und weichel * 219,8 9,3908 53,1408 de2824331 schwarzes moor und seemoor * 82,52 9,7342 53,1217 de2830331 buchen- und eichenw lder in der g hrde (mit breeser grund) * 805,08 10,8297 53,1222 de2830332 rotbauchunken-vorkommen strothe/almstorf 202,6 10,7036 53,0975 de2910301 krummes meer, aschendorfer obermoor * 784 7,4394 53,0239 de2911301 leegmoor 461 7,5553 52,9992 de2911302 esterweger dose * 1 236 7,6175 53,0778 de2912331 lahe 34,34 7,9619 53,0417 de2912332 ohe 22,68 7,6581 52,9825 de2913331 sandgrube pirgo 1,73 7,9022 53,0486 de2915331 tannersand und gierenberg * 29,65 8,2953 53,02 de2916301 hasbruch * 627,9 8,4917 53,0719 de2916331 st he * 209,18 8,4783 53,0067 de2917331 delmetal zwischen harpstedt und delmenhorst * 476,06 8,5592 52,9783 de2917332 stenumer holz 93,89 8,5656 53,0831 de2918302 binnensalzstelle rethriehen * 9 8,7569 53,0458 de2918331 steller heide 76,25 8,6831 53,0158 de2918370 niedervieland-stromer feldmark 432 8,6833 53,0958 de2918371 bremische ochtum 50 8,7583 53,0542 de2919331 sandtrockenrasen achim 57,23 8,9944 53,0206 de2919370 krietes wald (im holze) * 6 8,9611 53,0611 de2919371 parks in oberneuland * 27 8,9389 53,0972 de2921331 wolfsgrund * 43,36 9,3236 53,0242 de2921332 wedeholz * 182,52 9,3356 53,01 de2922301 gro es und wei es moor * 435 9,3975 53,0572 de2923331 moor am schweinekobenbach * 63,78 9,5572 53,0433 de2924301 b hme * 1 711,71 9,7528 52,8869 de2924331 riensheide * 140,83 9,7458 53,0106 de2928331 bobenwald 212,58 10,4628 53,0183 de2929301 lohn 175 10,5619 53,0586 de2929331 kammmolch-biotop m hrgehege/oetzendorf 108,07 10,6419 53,0344 de2932301 maujahn * 37 11,0431 53,0947 de3010331 stillgew sser bei kluse 52,11 7,3642 52,9181 de3011331 windelberg 15,14 7,5114 52,9292 de3012301 markatal mit bockholter dose * 268 7,8258 52,9289 de3012331 langelt 50,1 7,7839 52,9289 de3013301 heiden und moore an der talsperre th lsfeld * 434 7,9403 52,9136 de3014302 nsg baumweg 57 8,1422 52,8969 de3015331 d hler wehe 68,22 8,2558 52,9817 de3016301 poggenpohlsmoor * 114 8,3467 52,9583 de3018331 hachetal * 248,33 8,8331 52,865 de3018332 kammmolch-biotop bei syke 159,97 8,7664 52,9206 de3019301 amphibienbiotop friedeholzer schlatt 17 8,8492 52,9278 de3019331 okeler sandgrube 3,53 8,8864 52,9472 de3021331 aller (mit barnbruch), untere leine, untere oker * 18 030,69 10,0964 52,6258 de3021332 sandgrube bei walle 5,31 9,2747 52,9839 de3021333 d nengebiet bei neum hlen * 54,3 9,2467 52,9408 de3021334 poggenmoor * 14,48 9,2839 52,9781 de3021335 mausohr-habitate n rdlich nienburg 175,1 9,2789 52,77 de3021336 mausohr-jagdgebiet lindhoop 31,76 9,3036 52,9381 de3022331 lehrde und eich * 762,76 9,4522 52,9139 de3023301 grundloses moor * 290 9,5456 52,9006 de3026301 rtze mit nebenb chen * 1 772 10,0933 52,8289 de3026302 moor- und heidegebiete im truppen bungsplatz munster-s d * 2 932 10,0592 52,9531 de3031331 konau bei braudel 46,73 10,8928 52,9942 de3110301 tinner dose, sprakeler heide * 3 955 7,3836 52,7972 de3115301 b ken der endeler und holzhauser heide * 508 8,3319 52,885 de3116301 herrenholz * 281 8,3686 52,7922 de3116302 pestruper gr berfeld 34 8,45 52,8775 de3117331 bassumer friedeholz * 56,72 8,6361 52,8672 de3118331 geestmoor und klosterbachtal * 376,86 8,7397 52,7839 de3118332 kammmolch-biotop bei bassum 4,54 8,6908 52,8556 de3120331 burckhardtsh he 104,95 9,0617 52,8153 de3120332 h gerdorn 57,12 9,1164 52,8267 de3122301 vehmsmoor * 256 9,4978 52,8631 de3124301 moor- und heidegebiete im truppen bungsplatz bergen-hohne * 7 101 9,8047 52,8017 de3125301 gro es moor bei becklingen * 783 9,9539 52,8747 de3126331 heiden und magerrasen in der s dheide * 630,59 10,1703 52,8114 de3127331 lutter, lachte, aschau (mit einigen nebenb chen) * 5 113,62 10,3492 52,7153 de3127332 l nsholz 171,77 10,3311 52,8367 de3129301 bullenkuhle * 2,55 10,5181 52,8144 de3130331 kammmolch-biotop nord stlich langenbr gge * 72,16 10,7331 52,8056 de3210301 stadtveen, kesselmoor, s d-tannenmoor * 30 7,4561 52,7528 de3210302 untere haseniederung * 2 119 7,4178 52,6786 de3216301 goldenstedter moor * 638 8,4086 52,7311 de3217331 wietingsmoor * 2 815,59 8,6475 52,7092 de3218331 rathloser geh ge 116,27 8,7436 52,7036 de3218332 pastorendiek und amphibiengew sser n rdlich schwaf rden * 44,06 8,8192 52,7531 de3221331 lichtenmoor * 359,01 9,3439 52,7225 de3224331 mei endorfer teiche, ostenholzer moor * 3 299,16 9,7731 52,7294 de3226301 bornriethmoor * 113 10,1022 52,7753 de3226331 entenfang boye und bruchbach * 297,41 10,0131 52,6917 de3227301 breites moor * 121 10,1786 52,7019 de3227331 kleingew sser bei dalle * 5,21 10,3128 52,7858 de3229331 ise mit nebenb chen 272,34 10,5992 52,6367 de3230331 ohreaue * 199,55 10,8547 52,6814 de3231301 diesdorfer wohld * 136 10,8903 52,7728 de3309331 esterfelder moor bei meppen * 1,31 7,2569 52,6989 de3311301 hahnenmoor, hahlener moor, suddenmoor * 1 205 7,6603 52,6533 de3312331 b che im artland * 1 481,21 7,8228 52,5967 de3312332 b rsteler wald und teichhausen * 140,61 7,7169 52,6497 de3314331 wald bei burg dinklage * 118,31 8,1497 52,6572 de3315331 diepholzer moor * 459,24 8,3194 52,6 de3317301 neust dter moor * 1 989 8,6622 52,5883 de3318331 swinelake bei barenburg 19,8 8,8369 52,6156 de3319331 hohes moor bei kirchdorf * 630 8,8869 52,5894 de3319332 teichfledermaus-gew sser im raum nienburg * 687,09 9,0992 52,5172 de3320331 marklohe 7,03 9,1497 52,6711 de3321331 nienburger bruch * 112,48 9,2022 52,6022 de3322331 fledermauslebensraum bei rodewald 393,62 9,4567 52,6672 de3324331 hellern bei wietze * 65,83 9,8142 52,6106 de3326331 henneckenmoor bei scheuen * 36 10,1256 52,6867 de3329301 r ssenbergheide-k lsenmoor, heiliger hain * 418 10,5711 52,6542 de3329331 teichgut in der oerreler heide 52,23 10,5256 52,6289 de3329332 gro es moor bei gifhorn * 2 630,34 10,6469 52,5719 de3406301 itterbecker heide 109 6,7892 52,5167 de3409331 moorschlatts und heiden in wachendorf 109,9 7,2167 52,5506 de3410331 lingener m hlenbach und nebenbach 19,18 7,3647 52,5458 de3411331 pottebruch und umgebung * 158,81 7,6528 52,5058 de3411332 swatte poele 4,09 7,6428 52,55 de3414331 dammer berge * 772,24 8,1636 52,5408 de3415301 d mmer * 2 965 8,335 52,4992 de3416301 rehdener geestmoor * 1 737 8,5025 52,5747 de3416302 oppenweher moor * 394 8,5069 52,5175 de3417301 oppenweher moor 471,51 8,5247 52,5022 de3418301 renzeler moor * 467 8,7475 52,5778 de3420331 steinhuder meer (mit randbereichen) * 5 371,31 9,3706 52,4844 de3421301 rehburger moor * 1 188 9,235 52,5225 de3421331 h fern 50,42 9,2969 52,5281 de3423331 helstorfer, otternhagener und schwarzes moor * 1 663,61 9,6067 52,5253 de3424301 bissendorfer moor * 583 9,6872 52,5072 de3424331 quellwald bei bennem hlen * 15,5 9,7206 52,5717 de3425301 trunnenmoor * 171 9,8806 52,5347 de3426301 brand * 464 10,1 52,5236 de3427301 bohlenbruch * 171 10,2339 52,5319 de3427331 erse * 75,68 10,2372 52,4689 de3430301 vogelmoor * 273 10,7697 52,5486 de3431302 obere ohre * 7 10,9822 52,5594 de3431331 dr mling * 4 224,26 10,9183 52,4886 de3433301 jeggauer moor * 54 11,1717 52,5436 de3507301 h gelgr berheide halle-hesingen 20 6,8789 52,4517 de3508301 heseper moor, engdener w ste 795 7,1931 52,4356 de3508331 tillenberge 94,03 7,1264 52,4022 de3511301 koffituten * 20,27 7,6683 52,4406 de3512301 finkenfeld und wiechholz * 269,68 7,6786 52,4489 de3513331 darnsee * 15,8 8,0003 52,4219 de3514331 geh lze bei epe 7,18 8,0314 52,4372 de3515331 grenzkanal 0,35 8,3156 52,4067 de3516301 stemweder berg 268,08 8,46 52,4589 de3516302 grabensystem tiefenriede 15,4 8,3147 52,4083 de3517301 schnakenpohl 6,61 8,5511 52,4175 de3517302 gro e aue * 231,16 8,6419 52,4931 de3517303 kirche in rahden mit wochenstube des gro en mausohr 0,06 8,6147 52,4347 de3518301 wei es moor * 45,56 8,6942 52,4314 de3518302 osterwald 112,63 8,7003 52,3936 de3518331 feuchtwiese bei diepenau * 0,53 8,7708 52,3997 de3520331 s ndern bei loccum * 306,34 9,1564 52,4419 de3520332 schaumburger wald 1 496,92 9,1636 52,3897 de3522331 feuchtgebiet am wei en damm * 20,4 9,4511 52,4017 de3525331 altwarmb chener moor * 1 221,67 9,9183 52,4222 de3526331 fuhse-auwald bei uetze (herrschaft) * 149,99 10,1822 52,4867 de3527332 kammmolch-biotop plockhorst 40,29 10,2886 52,4461 de3528301 fahle heide, gifhorner heide * 355,5 10,4894 52,4731 de3528331 maa el 188,56 10,4931 52,4003 de3531301 stauberg n rdlich oebisfelde 12 10,9947 52,4675 de3532301 grabensystem dr mling 779 11,1275 52,4675 de3533301 dr mling * 4 328 11,0108 52,5125 de3608301 syen-venn * 201 7,1122 52,3636 de3608302 bentheimer wald * 780 7,1675 52,3231 de3608331 weiher am syenvenn 9,52 7,1139 52,3533 de3609301 berger keienvenn 5,7 7,2672 52,3717 de3609302 ahlder pool * 37 7,2692 52,345 de3609303 samerrott 313 7,2775 52,3075 de3610301 gutswald stovern 114 7,3422 52,3108 de3611301 heiliges meer - heupen 230,57 7,6572 52,3569 de3612301 mettinger und recker moor * 426,26 7,75 52,385 de3614331 mausohr-wochenstubengebiet osnabr cker raum 0,1 8,0628 52,3881 de3615331 hunte bei bohmte 8,87 8,3256 52,3547 de3618302 mindenerwald 519,68 8,8092 52,3892 de3619301 heisterholz 467,85 8,9411 52,3508 de3622331 mausohr-wochenstube bei barsinghausen 0,06 9,4761 52,3661 de3623331 binnensalzstelle am kaliwerk ronnenberg * 1,74 9,6503 52,3133 de3623332 laubw lder s dlich seelze * 473,56 9,58 52,3578 de3624331 leineaue zwischen hannover und ruthe * 967,84 9,8014 52,2858 de3625331 bockmerholz, gaim * 1 094,92 9,8842 52,325 de3625332 mergelgrube bei hannover 18,05 9,8703 52,3828 de3626301 hahnenkamp 45 10,0175 52,3453 de3626331 h meler wald 1 019,67 10,0836 52,3481 de3627331 binnensalzstelle klein oedesse * 6,74 10,2233 52,3842 de3627332 meerdorfer holz 363,01 10,3247 52,3694 de3629301 eichen-hainbuchenw lder zwischen braunschweig und wolfsburg * 1 324 10,6472 52,3597 de3630301 beienroder holz * 547 10,7133 52,3317 de3630331 rieseberger moor * 159,75 10,8083 52,2931 de3630332 sundern bei boimstorf 176,73 10,7853 52,3069 de3631331 pfeifengras-wiesen und binnensalzstelle bei grasleben * 100,94 10,9858 52,3097 de3633301 speetze und krummbek im ohre-aller-h gelland 23 11,1783 52,3742 de3633302 silberkuhle bei bodendorf 0,01 11,2886 52,3033 de3634301 kl dener pax-wanneweh stlich calv rde * 1 162 11,3392 52,3939 de3634302 kirche in b lstringen 0,01 11,345 52,3197 de3708302 gildehauser venn * 645 7,0975 52,2581 de3708303 r enberger venn * 25,43 7,0744 52,2422 de3708331 kleingew sser achterberg 2,77 7,07 52,2819 de3709301 harskamp 73,63 7,2161 52,2514 de3709302 salzbrunnen am rothenberg * 0,48 7,2689 52,2339 de3709303 schnippenpohl 5,48 7,2414 52,2356 de3709304 feuchtwiese ochtrup * 11,71 7,18 52,2522 de3709305 stollen im rothenberg bei wettringen 0,33 7,2664 52,2206 de3710301 zachhorn 21,49 7,5008 52,2742 de3711301 emsaue * 2 721,33 7,4872 52,2494 de3724331 hallerburger holz 171,29 9,7058 52,1919 de3724332 linderter und stamstorfer holz 105,06 9,6828 52,27 de3727331 klein lafferder holz 89,34 10,2869 52,2331 de3729301 pfeifengras-wiese bei schapen, schapener forst * 89 10,6267 52,2886 de3729331 w lder und kleingew sser zwischen mascherode und cremlingen * 659,32 10,6339 52,24 de3729332 riddagsh user teiche 496,2 10,5919 52,2736 de3730301 rieseberg * 177 10,7683 52,2875 de3730303 nordwestlicher elm * 1 460 10,7728 52,2139 de3730331 pfeifengraswiese wohld 85,22 10,6867 52,2917 de3730332 roter berg (mit lenebruch, heiligenholz und f nfgemeindeholz) * 134,46 10,7306 52,2697 de3730333 lutterlandbruch 83,73 10,8389 52,2856 de3731331 dorm * 677,2 10,8811 52,2753 de3732301 lappwald s dwestlich walbeck * 512 11,0525 52,2622 de3732302 bartenslebener forst im aller-h gelland 204 11,1219 52,2644 de3732303 w lder und pfeifengras-wiesen im s dl. lappwald * 728 11,0519 52,2469 de3732304 zisterne weferlingen 0,01 11,0297 52,295 de3732305 marienborn 81 11,1039 52,2033 de3733301 w lder am flechtinger h henzug 1 031 11,1947 52,2839 de3806301 l ntener fischteich u. ammeloer venn * 287,58 6,7839 52,1169 de3807301 amtsvenn u. h ndfelder moor * 894,38 6,9622 52,1639 de3807302 witte venn, krosewicker grenzwald * 28,73 6,7231 52,0747 de3807303 graeser venn - gut moorhof * 79,08 6,9908 52,1542 de3808301 eper-graeser venn/ lasterfeld 210,57 7,0219 52,1489 de3809301 alter bierkeller bei ochtrup 0,15 7,1794 52,1925 de3809302 vechte * 139,38 7,2231 52,0825 de3810301 emsdettener venn und wiesen am max-clemens-kanal * 478,72 7,4714 52,17 de3810302 bagno mit steinfurter aa 466,38 7,3572 52,1158 de3811301 eltingm hlenbach * 309,06 7,6642 52,1314 de3811302 wentruper berge 61,7 7,5986 52,1125 de3811303 hanfteich 4,42 7,6525 52,1692 de3823331 hallerbruch * 212,44 9,5936 52,1864 de3824331 limberg bei elze * 169,5 9,69 52,1311 de3824332 leineaue unter dem rammelsberg * 189,14 9,7653 52,1158 de3824333 saale mit nebengew ssern * 39,83 9,5906 52,0608 de3825332 mausohr-wochenstubengebiet hildesheimer bergland 0,24 9,7772 52,0856 de3827331 berelries 124,24 10,2153 52,1756 de3829301 asse * 648 10,6647 52,1403 de3830301 heeseberg-gebiet * 277 10,8497 52,0889 de3833301 salzstelle wormsdorf * 3 11,1914 52,14 de3906301 zwillbrocker venn u. ellewicker feld * 245,84 6,7047 52,0461 de3907301 schwattet gatt 61,33 6,8656 52,0847 de3907303 wacholderheide h rsteloe 8,67 6,9103 52,0983 de3908301 liesner wald 205,07 7,0119 52,0139 de3909301 herrenholz und sch ppinger berg 193,34 7,2733 52,1086 de3909302 wald bei haus burlo 132,07 7,2594 52,0422 de3910301 steinfurter aa 31,23 7,3953 52,0644 de3911302 hanseller floth 16,22 7,5717 52,0572 de3912301 gro e bree * 63,01 7,7103 52,0314 de3915301 ruthebach, laibach, loddenbach, nordbruch * 473,89 8,2806 52,0328 de3915302 barrelp ule 6,53 8,2528 52,0142 de3915303 tatenhauser wald bei halle * 176,99 8,3286 52,0469 de3929331 harly, ecker und okertal n rdlich vienenburg * 681,91 10,5172 51,9733 de3930301 fallsteingebiet n rdlich osterwieck * 1 390 10,7194 52,0094 de3930331 grabensystem gro es bruch 76,31 10,9392 52,0606 de3932301 gro es bruch bei wulferstedt 86 11,1481 52,0286 de3933301 hohes holz bei eggenstedt 825 11,2242 52,0869 de4006301 burlo-vardingholter venn und entenschlatt * 100,22 6,7475 51,905 de4008301 berkel * 728,13 7,1922 51,9764 de4008302 f rstenkuhle im weissen venn 87,98 7,0511 51,9086 de4008304 felsbachaue * 13,29 7,1297 51,9725 de4009301 roruper holz mit kestenbusch * 255,2 7,2456 51,9189 de4009303 sundern * 11,57 7,22 51,9917 de4010301 bombecker aa * 149,02 7,3469 51,9906 de4010302 baumberge 396,47 7,3994 51,9558 de4010303 brunnen meyer 2,11 7,3769 51,9667 de4012301 wolbecker tiergarten 287,67 7,7456 51,9103 de4012302 heidbusch 106,99 7,8403 51,9481 de4013301 emsaue, kreise warendorf und g tersloh * 1 307,95 7,7883 51,9861 de4013303 wartenhorster sundern s d stlich von everswinkel 76,26 7,8808 51,9125 de4014301 tiergarten, erweiterung schachblumenwiese * 90,71 8,0597 51,9911 de4014302 wald stlich freckenhorst 50,66 8,0122 51,9292 de4029301 ecker- und okertal * 267 10,6511 51,8914 de4029302 stimmecke bei suderode * 5,7 10,6217 51,9808 de4029331 stimmecke bei suderode (nieders chsischer teil) 0,4 10,6281 51,9569 de4031301 huy n rdlich halberstadt * 2 005 10,9814 51,9572 de4101301 wyler meer (teilfl che des nsg d ffel) * 25,54 5,9567 51,8197 de4102302 nsg salmorth, nur teilfl che * 932,07 6,1231 51,8403 de4103301 dornicksche ward * 143,36 6,2803 51,82 de4103302 nsg emmericher ward * 248,29 6,1972 51,8386 de4103303 nsg kellener altrhein, nur teilfl che, mit erweiterung * 19,49 6,1789 51,8033 de4103304 brutbaeume des heldbock (grosser eichenbock) in emmerich 0,01 6,2097 51,8597 de4104301 nsg hetter-millinger bruch, mit erweiterung 660,77 6,345 51,8469 de4104302 nsg bienener altrhein, millinger u. hurler meer u. nsg empeler m. * 648,65 6,3492 51,8142 de4104304 klevsche landwehr, anholt. issel, feldschlaggr. u. regnieter bach 3,82 6,4094 51,8558 de4108301 schwarzes venn * 39,54 7,0153 51,8661 de4108303 wei es venn / geisheide * 1 298,02 7,1767 51,8175 de4109301 teiche in der heubachniederung * 331,92 7,2219 51,8117 de4111301 venner moor * 147,43 7,5419 51,8597 de4111302 davert * 2 226,29 7,6264 51,855 de4112301 waldgebiet brock 76,24 7,7222 51,8364 de4113301 br ckerholz 36,45 7,9497 51,82 de4113302 waldgebiet kettelerhorst 155,7 7,8636 51,8792 de4114301 bergeler wald * 104,65 8,1631 51,8097 de4114302 vellerner brook und hoher hagen 145,87 8,0703 51,8069 de4114303 geisterholz 299,06 8,1119 51,835 de4115302 stadtholz in rheda 52,5 8,2631 51,8467 de4117301 senneb che * 95,69 8,5961 51,8842 de4117302 holter wald * 313,76 8,5764 51,8975 de4118301 senne mit stapelager senne * 11 735,02 8,6914 51,8064 de4118303 strotheniederung 93,87 8,8422 51,8197 de4129301 rohnberg, westerberg und k hlerholz bei ilsenburg * 448 10,6658 51,8656 de4131301 ziegenberg, augstberg und horstberg bei benzingerode * 146 10,8939 51,8275 de4131302 heers bei blankenburg 109 10,9628 51,8178 de4132301 harslebener berge und steinholz nordwestlich quedlinburg * 261 11,0903 51,8272 de4132302 hoppelberg bei langenstein 55 11,0056 51,8392 de4132303 sand-silberscharten-standorte bei quedlinburg * 12,88 11,11 51,8058 de4202301 nsg kranenburger bruch 118,47 6,0381 51,7878 de4202302 reichswald 582,74 6,0556 51,7492 de4203301 wisseler d nen 70,97 6,3025 51,7706 de4203302 kalflack * 61,96 6,2425 51,7914 de4203303 nsg grietherorter altrhein * 472,28 6,3303 51,7975 de4204301 nsg reeser schanz * 71,13 6,4117 51,7439 de4204302 nsg lohwardt/reckerfeld, h bsche gr ndort, nur teilfl., mit erw. * 121,44 6,4161 51,7206 de4204303 nsg altrhein reeser eyland, mit erweiterung * 45,35 6,4353 51,7581 de4204305 nsg sonsfeldsche bruch, hagener meer und d ne, mit erweiterung 60,97 6,4828 51,7542 de4204306 nsg gut grindt u. nsg rheinaue zw. km 830,7 - 833,2 , nur teilfl. * 115,96 6,4314 51,7067 de4205301 grosses veen 90,28 6,5575 51,7153 de4205302 diersfordter wald/ schnepfenberg * 579,75 6,5433 51,7092 de4206301 d mmer wald * 209,82 6,8028 51,7186 de4207301 lichtenhagen * 99,9 6,8408 51,7108 de4207302 fter mark 33,9 6,9003 51,7406 de4207303 kranenmeer 9,79 6,95 51,7858 de4207304 wienbecker m hle 1,62 6,9961 51,7244 de4208301 bachsystem des wienbaches * 40,5 6,9558 51,7264 de4208302 holtwicker wacholderheide 5,66 7,1275 51,7514 de4209301 gagelbruch borkenberge * 88,3 7,2717 51,7767 de4209302 lippeaue * 2 415,85 7,0544 51,6878 de4209303 westruper heide 77,96 7,2369 51,7375 de4209304 truppen bungsplatz borkenberge * 1 715,69 7,2828 51,7683 de4210302 stever 14,78 7,4044 51,7108 de4211301 w lder nordkirchen * 325,63 7,5569 51,7378 de4212301 oestricher holt 299,47 7,8333 51,7383 de4213301 lippeaue zwischen hangfort und hamm * 613,84 7,9108 51,7019 de4213302 uentroper wald * 242,85 7,9722 51,7258 de4213303 am vinckewald / d ppe * 8,93 7,9847 51,7906 de4214301 stockumer holz 369,93 8,0469 51,7089 de4214302 steinbruch vellern * 13,68 8,0519 51,7911 de4214303 liese- und boxelbachtal * 50,19 8,1272 51,755 de4216301 margarethensee 19,91 8,3608 51,6989 de4216302 scheelenteich 2,87 8,4475 51,7289 de4218301 tallewiesen 49,77 8,76 51,7558 de4218302 langenbergteich 1,61 8,6922 51,7939 de4232301 teufelsmauer n rdlich thale * 18 11,0725 51,7617 de4232303 kalkflachmoor im helsunger bruch * 20 11,0156 51,7831 de4232304 m nchenberg bei stecklenberg * 96 11,0975 51,7394 de4232305 marktkirche quedlinburg 0,01 11,1419 51,7903 de4303301 erlenw lder bei gut hovesaat * 7,79 6,2064 51,6681 de4304301 uedemer hochwald 422,67 6,3636 51,6742 de4304302 nsg rheinaue bislich-vahnum, nur teilfl che 67,08 6,4828 51,6756 de4305301 nsg bislicher insel, nur teilfl che * 1 002,02 6,5075 51,6514 de4305302 nsg weseler aue * 31,03 6,5983 51,6786 de4305303 nsg rheinvorland bei perrich * 51,17 6,5767 51,6561 de4305304 schwarzes wasser 100,28 6,5836 51,6972 de4305305 nsg droste woy und nsg westerheide * 17,11 6,5158 51,6717 de4306301 nsg lippeaue bei damm u. bricht und nsg loosenberge, nur teilfl. * 582,75 6,7975 51,6678 de4306302 nsg - komplex in den drevenacker d nen, mit erweiterung * 304,78 6,6908 51,6536 de4306303 kaninchenberge 104,08 6,6961 51,6272 de4306304 gartroper m hlenbach * 143,39 6,8464 51,6469 de4306305 stollbach * 15,78 6,7592 51,6211 de4307301 postwegmoore u. r tterberg-nord * 94,65 6,9164 51,6508 de4307302 steinbach 13,36 6,8494 51,6686 de4309301 die burg * 143,32 7,1728 51,6614 de4311301 in den k mpen, im mersche und langerner hufeisen * 127,63 7,5383 51,6125 de4311302 disselkamp, lippeaue s dlich waterhues und unterlauf beverbach 103,78 7,5986 51,6406 de4311303 beversee * 99,41 7,6386 51,6389 de4311304 w lder bei cappenberg * 672,9 7,5531 51,6631 de4312301 lippe zwischen hamm und werne * 117,64 7,6736 51,6619 de4313301 geithe 118,58 7,9136 51,6817 de4313302 w lder um welver 281,25 7,9664 51,63 de4314301 ahsewiesen 372,13 8,0442 51,6361 de4314302 teilabschnitte lippe- unna, hamm, soest, warendorf * 1 122,14 7,6039 51,6406 de4314303 berkenkamp und quabbeaue * 211,12 8,1022 51,6919 de4315301 lusebredde, hellingh user wiesen und klostermersch * 591,64 8,2836 51,6686 de4315302 manninghofer bach sowie gieseler und muckenbruch 120,82 8,3522 51,6392 de4315304 woeste und eichenbuchenwald bei ostinghausen 61,45 8,1931 51,6386 de4315305 haus d sse 0,07 8,1931 51,6386 de4317302 rabbruch und osternheuland 586,09 8,4867 51,6586 de4317303 heder mit th ler moorkomplex * 450,23 8,5517 51,7 de4404301 fleuthkuhlen * 583,99 6,3347 51,555 de4404302 niederkamp 145,98 6,4919 51,5228 de4405301 rhein-fischschutzzonen zwischen emmerich und bad honnef * 2 335,78 6,6156 51,5764 de4405302 nsg rheinvorland n rdl. der ossenberger schleuse, nur teilfl che 16,56 6,5903 51,5781 de4405303 nsg rheinvorland im orsoyer rheinbogen, mit erweiterung * 397,01 6,6386 51,5686 de4406301 nsg rheinaue walsum * 521,14 6,6992 51,5431 de4407301 kirchheller heide und hiesfelder wald * 708,93 6,8353 51,5808 de4407302 k llnischer wald * 187,31 6,8989 51,5561 de4407303 heidesee in der kirchheller heide 54,28 6,8772 51,5808 de4413302 laubwald bei haus westrich * 2,65 7,8672 51,5489 de4414301 b ecke und hiddingser schledde 190,89 8,1142 51,5286 de4416301 p ppelsche tal * 449,87 8,3731 51,5636 de4416302 eringerfelder wald und pr venholz 396,97 8,5061 51,5942 de4503301 hangmoor damerbruch * 8,91 6,2364 51,4119 de4504301 staatsforst rheurdt / littard 144,68 6,4978 51,4592 de4504302 tote rahm * 94,53 6,4714 51,4033 de4603301 krickenbecker seen - kl. de witt-see * 1 255,41 6,2472 51,3178 de4604301 nette bei vinkrath 9,81 6,3286 51,4022 de4605301 latumer bruch mit buersbach, stadtgr ben und wasserwerk * 297,74 6,6547 51,3181 de4605302 egelsberg 72,15 6,5828 51,3894 de4606301 die spey * 106,35 6,7022 51,3358 de4606302 ueberanger mark 327,56 6,7997 51,3369 de4702301 elmpter schwalmbruch * 285,7 6,1167 51,2289 de4702302 w lder und heiden bei br ggen-bracht * 1 611,78 6,1444 51,2708 de4703301 tantelbruch mit elmpter bachtal und teilen der schwalmaue * 236,09 6,2178 51,2369 de4706301 ilvericher altrheinschlinge * 311,27 6,6681 51,2794 de4802301 l sekamp und boschbeek * 253,41 6,0825 51,1781 de4802302 meinweg mit ritzroder d nen 188,38 6,17 51,1758 de4803301 schwalm, knippertzbach, raderveekes u. l ttelforster bruch * 718,72 6,2808 51,1767 de4803302 schaagbachtal * 149,87 6,1847 51,125 de4803303 helpensteiner bachtal-rothenbach * 162,66 6,1958 51,1478 de4806303 knechtstedener wald mit chorbusch 1 177,64 6,7489 51,085 de4806304 nsg uedesheimer rheinbogen * 91,97 6,7772 51,1833 de4806305 wahler berg 8,68 6,8122 51,1244 de4807301 urdenbach - kirberger loch - zonser grind * 705,77 6,8597 51,1383 de4807302 hilden - sp rkelnbruch * 107,79 6,9547 51,1903 de4807303 ohligser heide * 136,41 6,9733 51,1597 de4807304 further moor * 43,44 6,9825 51,1069 de4907301 worringer bruch * 163,66 6,8575 51,0503 de5002301 teverener heide 447,94 6,0278 50,9447 de5003301 kellenberg und rur zwischen flossdorf und broich * 213,25 6,3097 50,9525 de5004301 lindenberger wald 103,02 6,4281 50,9186 de5006301 k nigsdorfer forst 329,34 6,7433 50,9433 de5008301 thielenbruch * 62,49 7,0842 50,9872 de5102301 wurmtal s dlich herzogenrath * 436,9 6,1028 50,8372 de5102302 wurmtal n rdlich herzogenrath * 18,84 6,0778 50,89 de5104301 indem ndung * 91,76 6,3686 50,8994 de5105301 dickbusch, loersfelder busch, steinheide 448,03 6,6628 50,8833 de5105302 n rvenicher wald 224,33 6,6617 50,8264 de5106301 kerpener bruch und parrig * 328,85 6,7033 50,8986 de5107302 waldseenbereich theresia 41,05 6,845 50,8756 de5107304 heider bergsee und schluchtsee in der ville-seenkette 26,28 6,8644 50,8267 de5107305 ober-, mittel- und untersee in der ville-seenkette 58,19 6,8511 50,8142 de5108301 wahner heide * 2 864,52 7,1792 50,865 de5109303 sandgrube seligenthal 23,32 7,2764 50,8047 de5205301 drover heide * 598,47 6,5353 50,7314 de5207301 waldville 1 129,12 6,9561 50,6761 de5207303 altwald ville 66,2 6,8481 50,7947 de5207304 villew lder bei bornheim 724,62 6,8719 50,7789 de5208301 siegaue und siegm ndung * 564,36 7,1214 50,7778 de5305305 ginnicker bruch 3,01 6,5739 50,6961 dk009x061 kongens mose og draved skov * 783 8,9525 55,01556 dk009x070 fr slev mose * 409 9,262222 54,82333 dk009x179 lindet skov, h nning mose, h nning plantage og lovrup skov * 2 325 8,93 55,16028 dk009x181 s lsted mose * 155 8,849722 55,03111 dk009x182 vid med till b, rudb l s og magisterkogen * 603 8,959444 54,94083 dk009x281 mandbjerg skov * 59 9,060833 55,15694 dk009x346 brede * 36 8,782222 55,09083 dk00ax048 hedeomr der ved store r bjerg * 623 9,031389 55,72333 dk00ax054 vejen mose * 461 9,089722 55,50528 dk00ax172 bl bjerg egekrat, lyngbos hede og henneg rds klitter * 694 8,190833 55,75361 dk00ax173 kallesm rsk hede, gr rup langs , fiils og k rg rd klitplantage * 11 636 8,191111 55,64611 dk00ax174 n rreb k ved tvilho * 42 8,906111 55,5675 dk00ax175 n rholm hede, n rholm skov og varde st for varde * 991 8,598333 55,6725 dk00ax177 sneum og holsted * 570 8,992778 55,52111 dk00ax178 konge * 805 8,963611 55,42917 dk00ax291 alslev dal * 457 8,503611 55,58694 dk00ay176 vadehavet med ribe , tved og varde vest for varde * 134 760 8,552778 55,19639 dk00bx170 vre grejs dal * 886 9,457222 55,74333 dk00bx289 ringive kommuneplantage * 145 9,101111 55,79611 dk00bx290 egtved dal * 1 043 9,278333 55,63833 dk00bx293 holtum dal, vre del * 168 9,351944 55,96444 dk00by165 harrild hede, ulvemosen og heder i n rlund plantage * 2 349 9,183889 56,03556 dk00by171 randb l hede og klitter i frederiksh b plantage * 958 9,155556 55,66167 dk00cx037 borris hede * 4 750 8,695833 55,9175 dk00cx042 s nder feldborg plantage 120 8,964722 56,32333 dk00cx158 sk ns og tranemose * 84 8,840556 56,51583 dk00cx159 heder og klitter p skovbjerg bakke * 1 720 8,511389 56,26306 dk00cx160 nissum fjord * 10 967 8,333611 56,36778 dk00cx161 stadil fjord og vest stadil fjord * 6 903 8,205278 56,18917 dk00cx162 skjern * 2 580 8,868889 55,95833 dk00cx164 mose ved karstoft 26 9,084167 55,88028 dk00cx259 kimmelk r landkanal 3 8,2625 56,18417 dk00cx270 husby s og n rres 352 8,210278 56,26222 dk00cx277 l nborg hede * 353 8,457222 55,86444 dk00cx278 husby klit * 493 8,1325 56,25917 dk00cx285 flynder og heder i klosterhede plantage * 561 8,368889 56,47806 dk00cx286 idom og ormstrup hede * 494 8,500833 56,31278 dk00cx292 ovstrup hede med r jen b k * 484 8,93 56,24639 dk00cy040 ven , ven sund * 2 926 8,651111 56,55 dk00cy157 sk rs 12 8,854167 56,54833 dk00cy163 ringk bing fjord og nymindestr mmen * 27 684 8,273056 55,92111 dk00dy294 stenholt skov og stenholt mose * 340 9,368611 56,20222 dk00dz153 sepstrup sande, vrads sande, velling skov og palsg rd skov * 5 572 9,464167 56,03556 dk00ex017 lvand klithede og f rby s * 838 8,424444 56,94472 dk00ex025 vangs hede * 1 408 8,456111 57,00444 dk00ex026 dr by vig * 1 678 8,866389 56,86806 dk00ex129 vullum s * 132 8,7975 57,08194 dk00ex130 hanstholmreservatet, nors s og vandet s * 5 738 8,587778 57,06028 dk00ex132 hvidbjerg , ove s og rum s * 1 572 8,421944 56,85611 dk00ex135 k s hoved * 396 8,695 56,61417 dk00ex258 m gerodde og karby odde * 497 8,557222 56,77083 dk00ex265 klitheder mellem stenbjerg og lodbjerg * 2 918 8,297778 56,84306 dk00ex266 lild strand og lild strandk r * 749 8,911944 57,12833 dk00ex268 kors knude * 20 8,773611 57,07417 dk00ex283 hanstholmknuden * 388 8,729167 57,10083 dk00ex284 risum enge og selde vig * 322 9,016389 56,79194 dk00ex287 kongenshus hede * 1 570 9,135278 56,38028 dk00ey124 l gst r bredning, vejlerne og bulbjerg * 44 768 9,0425 57,0025 dk00ey133 agger tange, nissum bredning, skibsted fjord og ager * 25 583 8,609722 56,66167 dk00ey136 s nder lem vig og geddal strandenge * 1 115 8,784167 56,55639 dk00ey144 karup * 1 108 9,002778 56,43667 dk00ey145 hjelm hede, flynders og stubberg rd s * 2 170 8,900278 56,475 dk00ey288 hessellund hede * 1 123 9,099167 56,32167 dk00fx121 svinkl v klitplantage og gr nne strand * 1 094 9,300556 57,14278 dk00va257 jyske rev, lillefiskerbanke 24 083 6,745833 56,84972 dk00va258 store rev 10 892 9,271944 57,705 dk00va259 gule rev 47 059 8,176667 57,31639 dk00va301 l nstrup r dgrund 9 283 9,666389 57,45472 dk00va302 knudegrund 748 9,905556 57,59556 dk00va340 sandbanker ud for thybor n 6 325 8,025 56,74 dk00va341 sandbanker ud for thorsminde 6 364 8,054444 56,34556 dk00va347 sydlige nords 246 296 7,434167 55,36333 dk00va348 thybor n stenvolde 7 804 7,759722 56,6375 es0000001 illas c es * 990,34 8,9044 42,2167 es0000003 picos de europa * 23 782,82 4,9697 43,1642 es0000054 somiedo * 29 143,9 6,2478 43,0981 es0000122 aritzakun-urritzate-gorramendi * 6 032,48 1,4294 43,2288 es0000210 alto sil * 43 751,56 6,3619 42,9275 es0000317 penarronda-barayo * 4 266,88 86,66 6,7953 43,5661 es0000319 r a de ribadesella-r a de tinamayor * 5 787,7 88 4,8075 43,4364 es1110001 ortigueira - mera * 3 867,83 7,8328 43,7025 es1110002 costa rtabra * 7 545,74 7,9548 43,7181 es1110003 fragas do eume * 9 127,05 7,9934 43,3812 es1110004 encoro de abegondo - cecebre * 528,56 8,2804 43,2619 es1110005 costa da morte * 11 809,4 9,2495 42,8673 es1110006 complexo h mido de corrubedo * 9 262,89 9,0897 42,5314 es1110007 betanzos - mandeo * 1 020,09 8,1763 43,2379 es1110008 carnota - monte pindo * 4 673,85 9,1189 42,8902 es1110009 costa de dexo * 346,53 8,3266 43,3989 es1110010 estaca de bares * 851,55 7,6962 43,7685 es1110011 esteiro do tambre * 1 581,5 8,9019 42,8078 es1110012 monte e lagoa de louro * 1 095,75 9,0961 42,7554 es1110013 xubia - castro * 2 074,31 8,0241 43,4797 es1110014 serra do care n * 6 661,68 7,9556 42,9214 es1110015 r o anll ns * 161,99 8,8362 43,2316 es1110016 r o tambre * 583,25 8,3601 42,9541 es1120001 ancares - courel * 102 635,29 6,9545 42,8945 es1120002 r o eo * 982,06 7,0374 43,5315 es1120003 parga - ladra - t moga * 4 939,07 7,5747 43,0034 es1120004 a marronda * 1 239,05 7,2161 43,0998 es1120005 as catedrais * 297,47 7,1232 43,5532 es1120006 carballido * 4 827,92 7,1504 43,2843 es1120007 cruzul - ag eira * 651,63 7,153 42,8474 es1120008 monte faro * 2 988,13 7,8906 42,6288 es1120009 monte maior * 1 247,12 7,5364 43,6415 es1120010 negueira * 4 547,16 6,8693 43,1355 es1120011 r a de foz - masma * 643,22 7,2604 43,5483 es1120012 r o landro * 127,19 7,6038 43,5828 es1120013 r o ouro * 108,92 7,422 43,5319 es1120015 serra do xistral * 22 963,85 7,5766 43,4564 es1120016 r o cabe * 1 786,92 7,4006 42,6441 es1120017 costa da mari a occidental * 491,25 7,6297 43,7237 es1130001 baixa limia * 33 920,46 7,9864 41,9001 es1130002 macizo central * 46 985,62 7,2858 42,2175 es1130003 bidueiral de montederramo * 1 983,84 7,4919 42,2241 es1130004 pena veidosa * 2 321,06 7,9303 42,5286 es1130005 r o t mega * 630,46 7,4707 41,9237 es1130006 veiga de ponteli ares * 159,75 7,8501 42,0423 es1140001 sistema fluvial ulla - deza * 1633,2 8,4907 42,7546 es1140002 r o l rez * 149,55 8,5767 42,4501 es1140003 a ramallosa 91,98 8,8189 42,1177 es1140004 complexo ons - o grove * 7 606,65 8,9115 42,3822 es1140005 monte aloia 782,89 8,6799 42,0822 es1140006 r o tea * 356,38 8,4848 42,2273 es1140007 baixo mi o * 2 870,93 8,5361 42,0593 es1140008 bra as de xestoso * 1 077,14 8,3443 42,6741 es1140009 cabo udra * 623,03 8,8287 42,3245 es1140010 costa da vela * 1 418,85 8,8748 42,2803 es1140011 g ndaras de budi o * 727,08 8,6302 42,0621 es1140012 illas estelas * 725,26 8,8597 42,15 es1140013 serra do cand n * 10 699,06 8,243 42,5715 es1140014 serra do cando * 5 458,32 8,3887 42,466 es1140015 sobreirais do arnego * 1 123,6 8,0911 42,7665 es1140016 enseada de san sim n * 2 218,32 8,6383 42,3121 es1200001 picos de europa (asturias) * 25 183,48 4,9133 43,2428 es1200002 muniellos * 5 559,21 6,7031 43,0172 es1200006 r a de villaviciosa * 1 249,38 5,3908 43,5206 es1200007 cueva rosa * 126 3,5 5,1306 43,4439 es1200008 redes * 37 804,24 5,3556 43,1692 es1200009 ponga-amieva * 28 100 5,1581 43,2072 es1200010 montovo-la mesa * 14 926 6,1575 43,1483 es1200011 pe a ubi a * 13 281 5,92 43,0625 es1200012 caldoveiro * 12 709 6,0978 43,2286 es1200014 sierra de los lagos * 10 778 6,6683 43,1944 es1200016 r a del eo * 1 901,26 7,0275 43,5264 es1200022 playa de vega * 37 5,1408 43,48 es1200023 r o eo (asturias) * 123 23 7,1314 43,4231 es1200024 r o porc a * 65 9 6,8842 43,5117 es1200025 r o navia * 96 8 6,7256 43,4822 es1200026 r o negro * 45 17 6,5661 43,4986 es1200027 r o esva * 192 35 6,4619 43,4547 es1200028 r o esqueiro * 13 4,5 6,2308 43,5558 es1200029 r o nal n * 560 47 5,9878 43,39 es1200030 r o narcea * 374 32 6,2022 43,3578 es1200031 r o pig e a * 45 8,5 6,2158 43,3233 es1200032 r o sella * 500 78,25 5,1744 43,3839 es1200033 r o las cabras-bed n * 36 7,25 4,8906 43,405 es1200034 r o pur n * 22 6 4,7117 43,3844 es1200035 r o cares-deva * 269 55 4,7069 43,3175 es1200036 alcornocales del navia 47 6,7803 43,2794 es1200037 aller-lena * 13 266 5,5697 43,0614 es1200038 carbayera de el tragam n * 4 5,62 43,5206 es1200039 cuencas mineras * 13 225 5,6033 43,2142 es1200040 meandros del nora * 65 5,9656 43,38 es1200041 pe a manteca-genestaza * 7 871 6,3008 43,2403 es1200042 sierra plana de la borbolla * 1 029 4,64 43,3883 es1200043 sierra del sueve * 3 409 5,2475 43,4269 es1200044 turbera de la molina * 33 6,3286 43,3828 es1200045 turbera de las due as * 26 6,1686 43,5625 es1200046 valgrande * 4 752 5,8131 42,995 es1200047 yacimientos de icnitas * 3 542 44,15 5,4994 43,555 es1200048 alto navia * 75 11,5 6,9617 43,02 es1200049 cuenca del ag eira * 174 44,5 6,9233 43,2208 es1200050 cuenca del alto narcea * 319 68,6 6,5286 43,1097 es1200051 r o ibias * 171 29,5 6,7925 42,9897 es1200052 r o trubia * 81 14,5 5,9892 43,28 es1200053 r o del oro * 55 18 6,7625 43,1833 es1200054 r os negro y aller * 136 32,75 5,5911 43,1472 es1200055 cabo busto-luanco * 11 599,9 140,88 6,1261 43,5639 es1200056 fuentes del narcea, dega a e ibias * 52 132,24 6,5586 43,0319 es1300001 li bana * 42 547 4,6532 43,0571 es1300002 monta a oriental * 21 679 3,6123 43,25 es1300003 rias occidentales y duna de oyambre * 1 272,62 4,4082 43,3828 es1300004 dunas de liencres y estuario del pas * 544,21 3,9348 43,4702 es1300005 dunas del puntal y estuario del miera * 675,04 3,7466 43,4345 es1300006 costa central y r a de ajo * 444,48 3,6319 43,4966 es1300007 marismas de santo a, victoria y joyel * 3 702 3,4929 43,3708 es1300008 rio deva * 397,91 4,677 43,1544 es1300009 r o nansa * 569,86 4,409 43,25 es1300010 r o pas * 957,29 3,8628 43,0644 es1300011 r o as n * 530,49 3,5188 43,1844 es1300012 r o ag era * 214,48 3,2962 43,3266 es1300013 r o y embalse del ebro * 7 684,83 4,0815 42,7893 es1300014 r o camesa * 245,66 4,1837 42,8612 es1300015 r o miera * 395,53 3,6882 43,3454 es1300016 sierra del escudo * 3 198,15 3,9228 43,0807 es1300017 cueva la roger a 112,27 4,1242 43,395 es1300019 cueva del rejo * 180 4,4786 43,3399 es1300020 r o saja * 321,28 4,2492 43,1604 es1300021 valles altos del nansa y saja y alto campoo * 51 098,51 4,3086 42,9868 es1300022 sierra del escudo de cabu rniga * 787,02 4,3628 43,2812 es2110003 urkabustaizko irla-hariztiak / robledales isla de urkabustaiz * 265,38 2,8792 42,9422 es2110004 arkamu-gibillo-arrastaria * 11 538,34 2,9736 42,9065 es2110006 baia ibaia / r o baia * 423,55 47,4 2,8778 42,9251 es2110009 gorbeia * 20 211,42 2,8129 43,0277 es2110010 zadorra ibaia / r o zadorra * 327,03 59,8 2,7945 42,8201 es2110011 zadorraren sistemako urtegiak / embalses del sistema del zadorra * 2 559,32 2,5705 42,9229 es2110013 arabako lautadako irla-hariztiak / robledales isla de la llanada alavesa * 257,38 2,3504 42,8691 es2110014 salburua * 216,54 2,6373 42,8578 es2110015 gasteizko mendi garaiak / montes altos de vitoria * 1 852,19 2,61 42,7852 es2110016 aldaiako mendiak / montes de aldaia * 1 120,7 2,4746 42,8971 es2110017 barrundia ibaia / r o barrundia * 98,06 19,3 2,4981 42,9104 es2110018 tolo o mendilerroa / sierra tolo o * 11 284,84 2,668 42,6157 es2110019 izki * 9 005,15 2,4912 42,7044 es2110020 ega-berron ibaia / r o ega-berron * 226,45 40,3 2,4348 42,734 es2110022 entzia * 9 931,04 2,3419 42,7917 es2110023 arakil ibaia / r o arakil * 30,07 6,04 2,2753 42,8709 es2120001 arno * 1 011 2,3968 43,2777 es2120002 aizkorri-aratz * 14 947,37 2,3793 42,9576 es2120003 izarraitz * 1 593 2,297 43,2112 es2120004 urolako itsasadarra / r a del urola * 111,97 2,2454 43,2856 es2120005 oria garaia / alto oria * 152,07 29,9 2,296 42,9682 es2120006 pagoeta * 1 365 2,1758 43,2345 es2120007 garate-santa barbara 160,53 2,1937 43,2868 es2120008 hernio-gazume * 2 160 2,1437 43,1728 es2120009 i urritza * 81,28 2,1559 43,2892 es2120010 oriako itsasadarra / r a del oria * 189,48 9 2,0943 43,2757 es2120011 aralar * 10 962,2 2,1129 42,9944 es2120012 araxes ibaia / r o araxes * 64,23 12,7 2,0279 43,0848 es2120013 leitzaran ibaia / r o leitzaran * 91,91 55,4 1,9615 43,1662 es2120014 ulia * 43 1,9713 43,3345 es2120015 urumea ibaia / r o urumea * 73,3 11 1,9418 43,2423 es2120016 aiako harria * 6 806,74 1,8372 43,2602 es2120017 jaizkibel * 2 470 1,8549 43,3576 es2120018 txingudi-bidasoa * 139,0516 1,7612 43,344 es2130001 arma n * 2 966,39 3,3166 43,2748 es2130002 ordunte * 3 869,16 3,3518 43,1729 es2130003 barbadungo itsasadarra / r a del barbadun * 49,76 1,09 3,1168 43,3441 es2130004 astondoko haremunak / dunas de astondo * 5,19 2,9445 43,42 es2130005 gaztelugatxeko doniene / san juan de gaztelugatx * 157,76 2,7773 43,4478 es2130006 urdaibaiko ibai sarea / red fluvial de urdaibai * 1 327,8 440 2,6317 43,2858 es2130007 urdaibaiko itsasertzak eta padurak / zonas litorales y marismas de urdaibai * 1 009,62 2,6768 43,3676 es2130008 urdaibaiko artadi kantauriarrak / encinares cant bricos de urdaibai * 1 582,8 2,6621 43,3816 es2130009 urkiola * 5 958,39 2,6556 43,3816 es2130010 lea ibaia / r o lea * 110,4 17,8 2,5124 43,3414 es2130011 artibai / r o artibai * 138,96 23,2 2,4759 43,3023 es2200010 artikutza * 3 638,55 1,7934 43,204 es2200014 r o bidasoa * 387,04 1,6419 43,1314 es2200015 regata de orabidea y turbera de arxuri * 191,04 1,532 43,2469 es2200017 se or o de b rtiz * 2 052,32 1,5905 43,1811 es2200018 belate * 26 067,44 1,6689 43,0617 es2200019 monte alduide * 9 028,69 1,4561 43,0307 es2200020 sierra de aralar * 14 648,9 1,9119 42,9576 es2200021 urbasa y andia * 27 857,68 2,079 42,8409 es2200022 sierra de lokiz * 13 145,69 2,1962 42,7255 es2200023 r o baztan y regata artesiaga * 76,04 1,5879 43,1417 es2200024 r os ega-urederra * 531,49 2,1746 42,6504 es2200043 robledales de ultzama y basaburua * 2 274,65 1,6906 42,9917 es4120025 ojo guare a * 13 141,84 3,6172 43,05 es4120028 monte santiago * 2 536,96 3,0339 42,9658 es4120049 bosques del valle de mena * 6 480,96 3,2867 43,0625 es4120051 riberas del zadorra * 170,5 2,8333 42,7706 es4120052 riberas del ayuda * 425,89 2,6958 42,7225 es4120088 montes de valnera * 2 236,75 3,6625 43,1436 es4120089 hoces del alto ebro y rudr n * 46 320,02 3,8067 42,8081 es4120090 embalse del ebro-monte hijedo * 7 306,25 3,9181 42,97 es4130003 picos de europa en castilla y le n * 101 336,66 5,0611 42,9861 es4130010 sierra de los ancares * 55 581,95 6,6994 42,7922 es4130035 valle de san emiliano * 55 747,81 6,0256 42,9578 es4130037 hoces de vegacervera * 5 317,4 5,5353 42,9067 es4130050 monta a central de le n * 34 351,9 5,7933 42,9339 es4130149 oma a * 20 041,84 6,1514 42,8256 es4140011 fuentes carrionas y fuente cobre-monta a palentina * 78 178,8 4,5556 42,9369 es4140027 covalagua * 2 348,18 4,12 42,7708 es90atl01 el cachucho * 234 950,34 4,85 44,0423 eszz12001 banco de galicia * 1 023 511,83 11,7952 42,7338 eszz12003 sistema de ca ones submarinos de avil s * 339 025,63 80,4 6,1001 43,8712 fr1100795 massif de fontainebleau * 28 063 2,66667 48,41667 fr1100796 for t de rambouillet * 1 991 1,70917 48,71222 fr1100797 coteaux et boucles de la seine * 1 417 1,64917 49,08528 fr1100798 la bass e * 1 403 3,28333 48,45 fr1100799 haute vall e de l'essonne * 971 2,41333 48,33861 fr1100800 pelouses calcaires de la haute vall e de la juine * 103 2,15889 48,35111 fr1100801 basse vall e du loing * 76,84 2,78028 48,32417 fr1100802 pelouses calcaires du g tinais * 310 2,31389 48,36861 fr1100803 tourbi res et prairies tourbeuses de la for t d'yveline * 820 1,97167 48,68028 fr1100805 marais des basses vall es de la juine et de l'essonne * 397 2,39389 48,55722 fr1100806 buttes gr seuses de l'essonne * 24,56 2,46167 48,5025 fr1100810 champignonni res d'etampes 1 2,18139 48,43028 fr1100812 l'yerres de sa source a chaumes-en-brie 7,93 2,955 48,68194 fr1100814 le petit morin de verdelot saint-cyr-sur-morin 4,38 3,26472 48,88722 fr1100819 bois de vaires-sur-marne 96,63 2,64694 48,88 fr1102004 rivi re du dragon 24,26 3,21361 48,5375 fr1102005 rivi res du loing et du lunain * 400 2,79417 48,2775 fr1102006 bois des r serves, des usages et de montg * 863 3,1325 49,03667 fr1102007 rivi re du vannetin 63,3 3,17167 48,77778 fr1102008 carri re de mocpoix 3,8 2,73944 48,1625 fr1102009 carri re de darvault 27,05 2,745 48,27028 fr1102013 carri re de guerville 79,89 1,76361 48,96389 fr1102014 vall e de l'epte francilienne et ses affluents * 3 187 1,67361 49,16028 fr1102015 sites chiropt res du vexin fran ais 22,3 1,77972 49,17528 fr1102016 carri re saint nicolas 5,7 2,96222 48,39194 fr2100262 pelouses de la barbarie savigny-sur-ardres * 105 3,80889 49,25472 fr2100268 landes et mares de sezanne et de vindey 97 3,69944 48,70528 fr2100271 p tis de damery 93 3,85944 49,0875 fr2100274 marais et pelouses du tertiaire au nord de reims * 381 3,85389 49,27194 fr2100283 le marais de saint-gond * 1 744 3,86944 48,81444 fr2100314 massif forestier d'epernay et tangs associ s * 2 847 3,77917 48,99861 fr2200346 estuaires et littoral picards (baies de somme et d'authie) * 15 662 1,58667 50,23333 fr2200347 marais arri re-littoraux picards * 1 686 1,67167 50,31167 fr2200348 vall e de l'authie * 658 1,86167 50,33333 fr2200349 massif forestier de cr cy-en-ponthieu 894 1,81667 50,24139 fr2200350 massif forestier de lucheux * 275 2,40222 50,21472 fr2200352 r seau de coteaux calcaires du ponthieu oriental * 94 2,15944 50,10417 fr2200353 r seau de coteaux calcaires du ponthieu m ridional * 41 2,02222 50,04694 fr2200354 marais et monts de mareuil-caubert * 895 1,84611 50,06944 fr2200355 basse vall e de la somme de pont-r my breilly * 1 462 2,06722 49,99 fr2200356 marais de la moyenne somme entre amiens et corbie * 525 2,37889 49,88472 fr2200357 moyenne vall e de la somme * 1 827 2,62472 49,91361 fr2200359 tourbi res et marais de l'avre * 322 2,42389 49,82056 fr2200362 r seau de coteaux et vall e du bassin de la selle * 618 1,94667 49,72056 fr2200363 vall e de la bresle * 1 016 1,58861 49,96694 fr2200369 r seau de coteaux crayeux du bassin de l'oise aval (beauvaisis) * 415 1,98778 49,525 fr2200371 cuesta du bray * 774 1,99806 49,36167 fr2200372 massif forestier du haut bray de l'oise * 645 1,95222 49,46083 fr2200373 landes et for ts humides du bas bray de l'oise * 230 1,82944 49,45528 fr2200376 cavit de larris millet saint-martin-le-n ud 1,64 2,05972 49,40944 fr2200377 massif forestier de hez-froidmont et mont c sar * 852 2,2725 49,38694 fr2200378 marais de sacy-le-grand * 1 370 2,55972 49,33667 fr2200379 coteaux de l'oise autour de creil * 102 2,45278 49,23861 fr2200380 massifs forestiers d'halatte, de chantilly et d'ermenonville * 2 393 2,63778 49,28056 fr2200382 massif forestier de compi gne * 3 180 2,86444 49,32917 fr2200383 prairies alluviales de l'oise de la f re sempigny * 3 010 3,22361 49,5975 fr2200386 massif forestier d'hirson * 1 016 4,15861 49,94778 fr2200387 massif forestier du regnaval * 133 3,85333 49,91833 fr2200390 marais de la souche * 2 747 3,84194 49,60278 fr2200391 landes de versigny * 239 3,45806 49,63778 fr2200392 massif forestier de saint-gobain * 434 3,41583 49,55583 fr2200395 collines du laonnois oriental * 1 376 3,72361 49,52722 fr2200396 tourbi re et coteaux de cessi res montbavin * 683 3,515 49,54528 fr2200398 massif forestier de retz * 847 3,18333 49,275 fr2200399 coteaux calcaires du tardenois et du valois * 329 3,53444 49,26389 fr2200401 domaine de verdilly * 596 3,4425 49,07056 fr2200566 coteaux de la vall e de l'automne * 625 2,84028 49,29694 fr2300121 estuaire de la seine * 11 341 0,13472 49,41889 fr2300122 marais vernier, risle maritime * 7 652 0,45556 49,41722 fr2300123 boucles de la seine aval * 5 486 0,94083 49,42472 fr2300124 boucles de la seine amont, coteaux de saint-adrien * 423 1,14889 49,38333 fr2300125 boucles de la seine amont, coteaux d'orival * 99 1,00806 49,32167 fr2300126 boucles de la seine amont d'amfreville gaillon * 2 099 1,26806 49,29333 fr2300128 vall e de l'eure * 2 697 1,14694 49,17611 fr2300131 pays de bray humide * 3 332 1,59806 49,54806 fr2300132 bassin de l'arques * 338 1,17694 49,77222 fr2300133 pays de bray cuestas nord et sud * 984 1,41194 49,50861 fr2300136 la for t d'eu et les pelouses adjacentes * 778 1,5625 49,9425 fr2300137 l'y res * 963 1,46833 49,93167 fr2300139 littoral cauchois * 6 303 0,27833 49,73778 fr2300145 for t de lyons * 788 1,40528 49,39028 fr2300146 bois de la roquette 3,24 0,64167 49,75083 fr2300147 val eglantier * 10 0,46167 49,49389 fr2300149 corbie 29 0,41861 49,32389 fr2300150 risle, guiel, charentonne * 4 748 0,6 49,08528 fr2300152 vall e de l'epte * 946 1,51389 49,08667 fr2302001 r seau de cavit s du nord-ouest de la seine-maritime * 27 0,3025 49,68583 fr2302002 for t d'eawy 691 1,27194 49,70667 fr2302004 les cavit s de beaumont-le-roger * 0,55 0,77611 49,08278 fr2302005 l'abbaye de jumi ges 0,07 0,82056 49,43167 fr2302006 iles et berges de la seine en seine-maritime * 236 1,1275 49,355 fr2302007 iles et berges de la seine dans l'eure * 327 1,25111 49,30361 fr2302008 les grottes du mont roberge 1 1,49139 49,10528 fr2302009 le haut bassin de la calonne * 780 0,40833 49,21167 fr2302010 la vall e de l'iton au lieu-dit le hom 31 1,11694 49,12583 fr2302011 les cavit s de tilli res-sur-avre 16 1,04806 48,75694 fr2302012 les tangs et mares des for ts de breteuil et conches * 146 0,82944 48,81972 fr2400516 carri res de bourges 10 2,42667 47,05917 fr2400517 coteaux calcaires du sancerrois * 195 2,79972 47,3 fr2400518 massifs forestiers et rivi res du pays-fort * 3 104 2,44028 47,29806 fr2400520 coteaux, bois et marais calcaires de la champagne berrichonne * 5 008 2,33556 46,90722 fr2400521 basse vall e de l'arnon * 1 334 2,18417 46,77056 fr2400522 vall es de la loire et de l'allier * 4 069 3,05889 46,98444 fr2400523 vall e de l'essonne et vallons voisins * 837 2,36105 48,22885 fr2400524 for t d'orl ans et p riph rie * 2 251 2,47694 47,8025 fr2400525 marais de bordeaux et mignerette * 62,79 2,56889 48,10833 fr2400526 lande gen vriers de nogent-sur-vernisson 8 2,76417 47,84472 fr2400527 tangs de la puisaye 403 2,87306 47,69583 fr2400528 vall e de la loire de tavers belleville-sur-loire * 7 120 2,28667 47,81583 fr2400530 coteaux calcaires lig riens entre ouzouer-sur-loire et briare 9,98 2,70694 47,64 fr2400531 lots de marais et coteaux calcaires au nord-ouest de la champagne berrichonne * 376 1,94775 46,87325 fr2400533 site chauves-souris de valencay-lye 0,4 1,56194 47,15639 fr2400534 grande brenne * 58 052 1,23111 46,76528 fr2400535 vall e de l'anglin et affluents * 4 139 1,17222 46,55 fr2400536 vall e de la creuse et affluents * 5 283 1,5325 46,57389 fr2400537 vall e de l'indre * 2 147 1,21107 46,96253 fr2400540 les puys du chinonais * 127 0,21556 47,18861 fr2400541 complexe forestier de chinon, landes du ruchard * 1 214 0,43667 47,19194 fr2400548 la loire de candes saint martin mosnes * 5 556 0,48028 47,34611 fr2400550 arc forestier du perche d'eure-et-loir * 522 0,98139 48,58 fr2400551 cuesta c nomanienne du perche d'eure-et-loir * 350 1,0025 48,35167 fr2400552 vall e de l'eure de maintenon anet et vallons affluents * 751 1,41333 48,77417 fr2400553 vall e du loir et affluents aux environs de ch teaudun * 1 310 1,40472 48,11472 fr2400556 nord-ouest sologne * 1 337 1,74944 47,7475 fr2400558 domaine de chambord * 4 676 1,54 47,59472 fr2400559 bois de sudais 260 1,18833 47,42556 fr2400561 vall e du cher et coteaux, for t de grosbois * 1 700 1,40111 47,29611 fr2400562 vall e de la cisse en amont de saint-lubin * 336 1,28972 47,66222 fr2400564 coteaux calcaires riches en chiropt res des environs de montoire-sur-le-loir 21 0,80472 47,77778 fr2400565 vall e de la loire de mosnes tavers * 2 278 1,36167 47,59833 fr2402001 sologne * 346 184 1,98 47,53611 fr2402002 site chauves-souris de charly 1,5 2,75389 46,89778 fr2402003 site chauves-souris de la guerche-sur-l'aubois 0,01 2,94972 46,95194 fr2402004 site chauves-souris de ch rost 0,01 2,1175 46,99444 fr2402005 site chauves-souris de vignoux-sur-barangeon 0,01 2,17278 47,20167 fr2402006 sites chauves-souris de l'est du loiret 1,13 2,98528 47,95667 fr2402007 complexe du changeon et de la roumer * 4 564 0,37639 47,38889 fr2500076 landes du tertre bizet et fosse arthour * 222 0,74028 48,65361 fr2500077 baie du mont saint-michel * 38 747 1,64056 48,67472 fr2500079 chausey * 82 943 1,78611 48,8525 fr2500080 littoral ouest du cotentin de br hal pirou * 3 375 1,57194 49 fr2500081 havre de saint-germain-sur-ay et landes de lessay * 4 061 1,61778 49,2125 fr2500082 littoral ouest du cotentin de saint-germain-sur-ay au rozel * 2 316 1,70028 49,32361 fr2500083 massif dunaire de h auville vauville * 752 1,83167 49,59889 fr2500084 r cifs et landes de la hague * 9 178 1,96139 49,72278 fr2500085 r cifs et marais arri re-littoraux du cap l vi la pointe de saire * 15 403 1,30278 49,71167 fr2500086 tatihou - saint-vaast-la-hougue 852 1,2425 49,59194 fr2500088 marais du cotentin et du bessin - baie des veys * 29 270 1,15639 49,36861 fr2500090 marais arri re-littoraux du bessin * 360 0,54917 49,34222 fr2500091 vall e de l'orne et ses affluents * 2 118 0,45778 48,90972 fr2500092 marais du grand haz * 167 0,38861 48,69861 fr2500094 marais alcalin de chicheboville-bellengreville * 154 0,21194 49,11556 fr2500096 monts d'eraines 319 0,12528 48,94111 fr2500099 haute vall e de l'orne et affluents * 20 593 0,13667 48,67639 fr2500100 sites d'ecouves * 1 381 0,06028 48,60472 fr2500103 haute vall e de la touques et affluents * 1 402 0,29694 48,93861 fr2500106 forets, etangs et tourbieres du haut-perche * 3 675 0,81861 48,55222 fr2500107 haute vall e de la sarthe * 3 452 0,32 48,47389 fr2500108 bois et coteaux a l'ouest de mortagne-au-perche * 36,37 0,50817 48,54389 fr2500109 bois et coteaux calcaires sous belleme * 105 0,53515 48,3385 fr2500110 vallee de la see 1 424 1,10722 48,72611 fr2500113 bassin de l'airou 709 1,35722 48,84417 fr2500117 bassin de la souleuvre 5 634 0,82917 48,95556 fr2500118 bassin de la druance 5 737 0,64083 48,91694 fr2500119 bassin de l'andainette * 617 0,50972 48,59722 fr2502001 h traie de cerisy * 1 018,6 0,87417 49,19583 fr2502002 carri re de loisail 0,06 0,59167 48,51333 fr2502003 carri re de la mansonni re 0,17 0,76056 48,4175 fr2502004 anciennes carri res de la vall e de la mue 24,98 0,44639 49,27583 fr2502005 anciennes carri res de beaufour-druval 3,01 0,01889 49,21056 fr2502006 ancienne carri re de la cressonni re 0,36 0,35778 49,02694 fr2502007 anciennes carri res d'orbec 4,5 0,40222 49,01889 fr2502008 ancienne champignonni re des petites hayes 3,98 0,39194 48,54028 fr2502009 anciennes mines de barenton et de bion 16,51 0,79889 48,63444 fr2502010 anciennes carri res souterraines d'habloville 0,44 0,16861 48,77472 fr2502011 combles de la chapelle de l'oratoire de passais 0,04 0,76611 48,51889 fr2502012 coteaux calcaires et anciennes carri res de la meauffe, cavigny et airel * 44,85 1,10389 49,18694 fr2502013 ancienne carri re souterraine de saint-pierre-canivet 2,31 0,21083 48,92806 fr2502014 bocages et vergers du sud pays d'auge * 21 540 0,29694 48,73389 fr2502015 vall e du sarthon et affluents * 5 255 0,11167 48,47139 fr2502016 combles de l' glise de burcy 0,03 0,80222 48,86722 fr2502017 combles de l' glise d'amay -sur-orne 0,05 0,43806 49,08556 fr2502018 banc et r cifs de surtainville 14 070 1,90972 49,43056 fr2502019 anse de vauville 13 073 1,92389 49,60833 fr2502020 baie de seine occidentale 45 566 1,09583 49,49417 fr2502021 baie de seine orientale 44 456 0,13056 49,37111 fr2600965 vall e de la loire entre fourchambault et neuvy-sur-loire * 2 546 3,01417 47,17333 fr2600991 tourbi res, marais et for ts alluviales de la vall e du branlin * 537 3,22806 47,66111 fr2601005 pelouses s ches orchid es sur craie de l'yonne * 306 3,45194 48,19917 fr2601009 landes et g tines de puisaye * 88 3,13917 47,57056 fr2601011 etangs oligotrophes littorelles de puisaye, bordures paratourbeuses et landes * 551 3,005 47,62833 fr2601012 g tes et habitats chauves-souris en bourgogne * 63 405 4,61361 47,43111 fr3100474 dunes de la plaine maritime flamande * 4 425 2,45472 51,07389 fr3100475 dunes flandriennes d calcifi es de ghyvelde * 194 2,54444 51,05889 fr3100477 falaises et pelouses du cap blanc nez, du mont d'hubert, des noires mottes, du fond de la forge et du mont de couple * 733 1,71917 50,9275 fr3100478 falaises du cran aux oeufs et du cap gris-nez, dunes du chatelet, marais de tardinghen et dunes de wissant * 1 023 1,6275 50,87722 fr3100479 falaises et dunes de wimereux, estuaire de la slack, garennes et communaux d'ambleteuse-audresselles * 410 1,60806 50,79583 fr3100480 estuaire de la canche, dunes picardes plaqu es sur l'ancienne falaise, for t d'hardelot et falaise d'equihen * 1 658 1,59417 50,60472 fr3100481 dunes et marais arri re-littoraux de la plaine maritime picarde * 1 016 1,59139 50,44889 fr3100482 dunes de l'authie et molli res de berck * 186 1,57667 50,38833 fr3100483 coteau de dannes et de camiers 96 1,63333 50,57778 fr3100484 pelouses et bois neutrocalcicoles de la cuesta sud du boulonnais * 420 1,80694 50,64333 fr3100485 pelouses et bois neutrocalcicoles des cuestas du boulonnais et du pays de licques et for t de guines 660 1,88333 50,7375 fr3100487 pelouses, bois acides neutrocalcicoles, landes nord-atlantiques du plateau d'helfaut et syst me alluvial de la moyenne vall e de l'aa * 383 2,23806 50,70361 fr3100488 coteau de la montagne d'acquin et pelouses du val de lumbres 63 2,09361 50,73 fr3100489 pelouses, bois, for ts neutrocalcicoles et syst me alluvial de la moyenne vall e de l'authie * 86 2,05917 50,25583 fr3100491 landes, mares et bois acides du plateau de sorrus saint josse, prairies alluviales et bois tourbeux en aval de montreuil * 57 1,71111 50,46306 fr3100492 prairies et marais tourbeux de la basse vall e de l'authie * 274 1,79333 50,36389 fr3100494 prairies et marais tourbeux de guines * 137 1,91278 50,88 fr3100495 prairies, marais tourbeux, for ts et bois de la cuvette audomaroise et de ses versants * 563 2,2325 50,78417 fr3100498 for t de tournehem et pelouses de la cuesta du pays de licques 451 2,02361 50,76667 fr3100499 for ts de desvres et de boulogne et bocage prairial humide du bas-boulonnais * 552 1,79306 50,70056 fr3100504 pelouses m tallicoles de la plaine de la scarpe 17 3,08778 50,40389 fr3100505 pelouses m tallicoles de mortagne du nord * 17 3,45778 50,49333 fr3100506 bois de flines-les-raches et syst me alluvial du courant des vanneaux * 196 3,14278 50,43028 fr3100507 for ts de raismes / saint amand / wallers et marchiennes et plaine alluviale de la scarpe * 1 938 3,42833 50,39694 fr3100509 for ts de mormal et de bois l'ev que, bois de la lani re et plaine alluviale de la sambre * 987 3,78556 50,25056 fr3100512 hautes vall es de la solre, de la thure, de la hante et leurs versants bois s et bocagers * 244 4,15361 50,21389 fr3102001 marais de la grenouill re 16,64 2,11389 50,40083 fr3102002 bancs des flandres 112 919 2,15889 51,17611 fr3102003 r cifs gris-nez blanc-nez 29 156 1,5625 50,89167 fr3102004 ridens et dunes hydrauliques du d troit du pas-de-calais 68 245 1,24861 50,66833 fr3102005 baie de canche et couloir des trois estuaires 33 306 1,48833 50,34611 fr5200621 estuaire de la loire * 21 726 1,84951 47,24804 fr5200622 vall e de la loire de nantes aux ponts-de-c et ses annexes * 16 522 0,96333 47,37528 fr5200623 grande bri re et marais de donges * 16 842 2,24 47,37361 fr5200624 marais de l'erdre * 2 561 1,50536 47,36786 fr5200625 lac de grand-lieu * 6 292 1,6775 47,09083 fr5200626 marais du m s, baie et dunes de pont-mah , tang du pont de fer * 2 688 2,42722 47,41333 fr5200627 marais salants de gu rande, traicts du croisic et dunes de pen-bron * 4 376 4,81194 47,30083 fr5200628 for t, tang de vioreau et tang de la provosti re * 281 1,4225 47,52361 fr5200629 vall e de la loire des ponts-de-c montsoreau * 5 161 0,17972 47,32417 fr5200630 basses vall es angevines, aval de la rivi re mayenne et prairies de la baumette * 9 210 0,53472 47,55806 fr5200633 cavit s souterraines le buisson et la seigneurerie (chemellier) 10 0,33917 47,35056 fr5200634 cavit s souterraines de l'h 'tel herv 6 0,09861 47,48722 fr5200635 cavit souterraine de la poinsonni re (vieil baug ) 4 0,10722 47,53472 fr5200636 cave prieur et cave du ch teau (cunault) 6 0,2 47,33 fr5200639 vall e de l'erve en aval de saint-pierre-sur-erve * 342 0,41222 47,97861 fr5200640 for t de multonne, corniche de pail * 825 0,15639 48,45806 fr5200645 vall e du rutin, coteau de chaumiton, tang de saosnes et for t de perseigne * 719 0,25778 48,40472 fr5200646 alpes mancelles * 1 195 0,07611 48,36306 fr5200647 vall e du narais, for t de berc et ruisseau du dinan * 3 804 0,37472 47,89306 fr5200648 massif forestier de vibraye 269 0,72361 48,02639 fr5200649 vall e du loir de bazouges vaas * 4 028 0,10611 47,69111 fr5200650 for t de sill * 721 0,11306 48,21111 fr5200651 carri res souterraines de la voloni re 1,5 0,65194 47,76028 fr5200652 carri res souterraines de vouvray-sur-huisne 0,02 0,55361 48,08861 fr5200653 marais breton, baie de bourgneuf, le de noirmoutier et for t de monts * 52 337 2,0725 46,87361 fr5200654 c 'tes rocheuses, dunes, landes et marais de l' le d'yeu * 1 204 2,35694 46,69528 fr5200655 dunes de la sauzaie et marais du jaunay * 1 138 1,8925 46,6625 fr5200656 dunes, for t et marais d'olonne * 2 884 1,81833 46,56667 fr5200657 marais de talmont et zones littorales entre les sables-d'olonne et jard-sur-mer * 2 010 1,645 46,4325 fr5200658 for t de mervent-vouvant et ses abords * 495 0,74111 46,50306 fr5200659 marais poitevin * 47 745 1,13278 46,4175 fr5202001 la cave billard (puy notre dame) 0,02 0,22222 47,13056 fr5202002 cavit s chiropt res de saint-michel-le-cloucq et pissotte 6,56 0,78333 46,65833 fr5202003 bocage osmoderma eremita entre sill -le-guillaume et la grande-charnie * 13 445 0,16 48,11 fr5202004 bocage osmoderma eremita au nord de la for t de perseigne * 5 828 0,26972 48,4575 fr5202005 ch taigneraies osmoderma eremita au sud du mans * 4 715 2,03639 47,73778 fr5202006 bocage de la for t de la monnaie javron-les-chapelles * 6 451 0,24167 48,46417 fr5202007 bocage de monts rs la for t de sill -le-guillaume * 10 245 0,3875 48,18528 fr5202009 marais de goulaine * 1 514 1,40943 47,20285 fr5202010 plateau du four 4 208 2,64667 47,27639 fr5202011 estuaire de la loire nord 30 714 2,36722 47,18472 fr5202012 estuaire de la loire sud - baie de bourgneuf 49 441 2,26861 47,09528 fr5202013 plateau rocheux de l' le d'yeu 11 998 2,43639 46,70472 fr5300002 marais de vilaine * 10 891 2,1425 47,58667 fr5300003 complexe de l'est des montagnes noires * 1 404 3,51028 48,20028 fr5300004 rivi re le douron * 2 908 3,64472 48,58056 fr5300005 for t de paimpont * 1 221 2,20528 48,01806 fr5300006 rivi re elle * 2 103 3,46611 48,01611 fr5300007 t tes de bassin du blavet et de l'hy res * 1 509 3,25333 48,35889 fr5300008 rivi re leguer, for ts de beffou, coat an noz et coat an hay * 1 841 3,43 48,59 fr5300009 c 'te de granit rose-sept-iles * 72 232 3,48806 48,86056 fr5300010 tregor go lo * 91 228 3,04194 48,86278 fr5300011 cap d'erquy-cap fr hel * 55 870 2,365 48,655 fr5300012 baie de lancieux, baie de l'arguenon, archipel de saint malo et dinard * 5 149 2,16778 48,63472 fr5300013 monts d'arr e centre et est * 10 887 3,81417 48,42944 fr5300014 complexe du menez hom * 1 830 4,25 48,23167 fr5300015 baie de morlaix 26 614 3,865 48,69306 fr5300016 anse de goulven, dunes de keremma * 2 067 4,24806 48,65167 fr5300017 abers - c 'tes des l gendes * 22 714 4,625 48,60611 fr5300018 ouessant-mol ne * 77 222 4,91194 48,3725 fr5300019 presqu'ile de crozon * 4 423 4,54389 48,2425 fr5300020 cap sizun * 2 841 4,70139 48,04639 fr5300021 baie d'audierne * 2 459 4,35556 47,87778 fr5300023 archipel des gl nan * 58 725 4,00889 47,72944 fr5300024 rivi re elorn * 2 397 4,08472 48,44278 fr5300025 complexe forestier rennes-liffr -chevr , tang et lande d'ou e, for t de haute s ve * 1 730 1,53333 48,20694 fr5300026 rivi re scorff, for t de pont calleck, rivi re sarre * 2 419 3,2575 48,00361 fr5300027 massif dunaire g vres-quiberon et zones humides associ es * 6 828 3,17222 47,61556 fr5300028 ria d'etel * 4 259 3,15528 47,7275 fr5300029 golfe du morbihan, c 'te ouest de rhuys * 20 609 2,825 47,57861 fr5300030 rivi re de penerf, marais de suscinio * 4 912 2,64583 47,50472 fr5300031 ile de groix * 28 381 3,48694 47,63139 fr5300032 belle ile en mer * 17 359 3,14333 47,335 fr5300033 iles houat-hoedic * 17 797 2,96528 47,395 fr5300034 estuaire de la vilaine * 4 769 2,50833 47,5 fr5300035 for t de qu n can, vall e du poulancre, landes de liscuis et gorges du daoulas * 922 3,12056 48,22167 fr5300036 landes de la poterie * 60 2,46528 48,48306 fr5300037 for t de lorge, landes de lanfains, cime de kerchouan * 507 2,83361 48,34972 fr5300039 for t du cranou, menez meur * 1 283 4,06889 48,34444 fr5300040 for t de huelgoat * 112 3,73194 48,36417 fr5300041 vall e de l'aulne * 3 564 3,95306 48,19417 fr5300043 guisseny * 612 4,45389 48,635 fr5300045 pointe de corsen, le conquet * 724 4,77528 48,39444 fr5300046 rade de brest, estuaire de l'aulne * 9 239 4,32333 48,30444 fr5300048 marais de mousterlin * 479 4,01694 47,85222 fr5300049 dunes et c 'tes de tr vignon * 9 863 3,88667 47,80639 fr5300050 etangs du canal d'ille et rance * 246 1,64667 48,34194 fr5300052 c 'te de cancale param * 1 751 1,90333 48,69 fr5300058 vall e de l'arz * 1 234 2,34583 47,70944 fr5300059 rivi re la ta, pointe du talud, tangs du loc'h et de lannenec * 925 3,49861 47,74472 fr5300061 estuaire de la rance * 2 788 1,9675 48,55889 fr5300062 etang du moulin neuf * 46 3,56417 48,56167 fr5300066 baie de saint-brieuc - est * 14 391 2,64944 48,53194 fr5300067 tourbi re de lann gazel * 136 4,26889 48,51194 fr5302001 chiropt res du morbihan 2 2,655 47,70389 fr5302006 c 'tes de crozon 10 212 4,61528 48,21917 fr5302007 chauss e de sein * 41 559 5,0675 48,03833 fr5302008 roches de penmarch 45 728 4,33333 47,75 fr5302014 vall e du canut * 427 1,89472 47,97472 fr5400405 c 'teaux calcaires entre les bouchauds et marsac * 222 0,00194 45,78306 fr5400406 for ts de la braconne et de bois blanc * 4 588 0,30056 45,71528 fr5400407 grotte de rancogne 1 0,40639 45,6975 fr5400410 les chaumes boissi res et c 'teaux de ch teauneuf-sur-charente * 625 0,09417 45,61028 fr5400411 chaumes du vignac et de cl rignac * 103 0,05528 45,56444 fr5400413 vall es calcaires p ri-angoumoisines * 1 654 0,145 45,59583 fr5400417 vall e du n et ses principaux affluents * 4 630 0,17278 45,51306 fr5400419 vall e de la tude * 1 557 0,11556 45,375 fr5400420 c 'teaux du montmor lien * 323 0,255 45,43333 fr5400422 landes de touverac - saint-vallier * 2 222 0,2375 45,41111 fr5400424 ile de r : fier d'ars * 3 890 1,46194 46,22972 fr5400425 ile de r : dunes et for ts littorales * 534 1,53528 46,21556 fr5400429 marais de rochefort * 13 604 0,97222 46,01583 fr5400430 vall e de la charente (basse vall e) * 10 723 0,98028 45,92444 fr5400431 marais de brouage (et marais nord d'ol ron) * 26 095 1,12556 45,87 fr5400432 marais de la seudre * 13 976 1,08361 45,78028 fr5400433 dunes et for ts littorales de l'ile d'ol ron * 2 904 1,24361 45,84861 fr5400434 presqu'ile d'arvert * 9 725 1,20111 45,73139 fr5400435 chaumes de sechebec * 39,96 0,74028 45,89972 fr5400437 landes de montendre * 3 141 0,35139 45,19083 fr5400438 marais et falaises des c 'teaux de gironde * 12 508 0,76583 45,31194 fr5400439 vall e de l'argenton * 738 0,42417 46,99056 fr5400441 ruisseau le magot * 241 0,04333 46,62139 fr5400442 bassin du thouet amont * 7 079 0,30389 46,62389 fr5400443 vall e de l autize * 226 0,48333 46,51194 fr5400444 vall e du magnerolles * 1 826 0,13083 46,41806 fr5400445 chaumes d'avon * 1 511 0,02972 46,37278 fr5400446 marais poitevin * 20 323 1,08389 46,25139 fr5400447 vall e de la boutonne * 7 333 0,26861 46,15806 fr5400448 carri res de loubeau 30,37 0,14917 46,21306 fr5400450 massif forestier de chiz -aulnay * 17 357 0,19222 46,04167 fr5400452 carri res des pieds grimaud 4,71 0,61917 46,775 fr5400453 landes du pinail * 925 0,51389 46,70278 fr5400457 for t et pelouses de lussac-les-ch teaux * 933 0,71139 46,42583 fr5400458 brandes de la pierre-la * 780 0,9375 46,48972 fr5400459 vall e du corchon * 62,87 1,10139 46,49583 fr5400460 brandes de montmorillon * 2 779 0,95333 46,40861 fr5400463 vall e de la crochati re 19,39 0,66667 46,27056 fr5400465 landes de cadeuil * 575 0,93917 45,76694 fr5400467 vall e de salleron * 150 1,005 46,43944 fr5400469 pertuis charentais * 456 027 1,58722 46,04417 fr5400471 carri res de saint-savinien 146 0,68556 45,8875 fr5400472 moyenne vall e de la charente et seugnes et coran * 7 106 0,63056 45,72972 fr5400473 vall e de l'antenne * 1 208 0,37389 45,75861 fr5400535 vall e de l'anglin * 568 0,88639 46,69139 fr5402001 carri re de l'enfer 41,11 0,97028 45,75778 fr5402002 carri re de fief de foye 16,8 0,80833 45,84389 fr5402003 carri res de bellevue 1,09 0,42389 45,43194 fr5402004 basse vall e de la gartempe * 674 0,83083 46,66667 fr5402008 haute vall e de la seugne en amont de pons et affluents * 4 342 0,44889 45,44556 fr5402009 vall e de la charente entre angoul me et cognac et ses principaux affluents (soloire, boeme, echelle) * 5 373 0,2675 45,65417 fr5402010 vall es du lary et du palais * 1 844 0,215 45,20472 fr5402011 citerne de sainte-ouenne 0,03 0,44167 46,44444 fr5402012 plateau de rochebonne 9 715 2,46778 46,20111 fr7200660 la dordogne * 5 694 0,08278 44,83306 fr7200661 vall e de l'isle de p rigueux sa confluence avec la dordogne * 7 948 0,19111 45,02361 fr7200662 vall e de la dronne de brant 'me sa confluence avec l'isle * 5 173 0,21611 45,28083 fr7200663 vall e de la nizonne * 3 391 0,26056 45,39639 fr7200664 coteaux calcaires de la vall e de la dordogne 3 768 1,14 44,84833 fr7200665 coteaux calcaires de proissans, sainte-nathal ne et saint-vincent-le-paluel 603 1,24111 44,94528 fr7200666 vall es des beunes * 5 510 1,11194 44,91889 fr7200667 coteaux calcaires de la vall e de la v z re 599 1,07028 45,01222 fr7200668 la v z re 450 1,13528 45,03833 fr7200669 vallon de la sandonie 612 0,52222 45,34167 fr7200670 coteaux de la dronne 272 0,52389 45,29111 fr7200671 vall es de la double * 10 800 0,25167 45,19306 fr7200672 coteaux calcaires du causse de daglan et de la vall e du c ou * 874 1,16194 44,73 fr7200673 grottes d'azerat 463 1,11361 45,16917 fr7200675 grotte de saint-sulpice d'eymet 1 0,36278 44,68167 fr7200676 coteaux calcaires de borr ze 366 1,35167 44,93528 fr7200677 estuaire de la gironde * 61 080 0,83917 45,4575 fr7200678 dunes du littoral girondin de la pointe de grave au cap ferret * 6 470 1,1925 45,05556 fr7200679 bassin d'arcachon et cap ferret * 22 684 1,16417 44,66389 fr7200680 marais du bas m doc * 15 463 0,99536 45,38863 fr7200681 zones humides de l'arri re dune du littoral girondin * 11 184 1,11528 45,00861 fr7200682 palus de saint-loubes et d'izon * 770 0,39611 44,93056 fr7200683 marais du haut m doc * 5 000 0,81 45,31833 fr7200684 marais de braud-et-saint-louis et de saint-ciers-sur-gironde * 4 850 0,65389 45,23861 fr7200685 vall e et palus du moron * 1 050 0,48528 45,04861 fr7200686 marais du bec d'amb s * 2 204 0,5125 44,97472 fr7200687 marais de bruges, blanquefort et parampuyre * 256 0,5975 44,90194 fr7200688 bocage humide de cadaujac et saint-m dard-d'eyrans * 1 589 0,51861 44,75167 fr7200689 vall es de la saye et du meudon * 306 0,37028 45,09778 fr7200690 r seau hydrographique de l'engranne * 633 0,17484 44,74988 fr7200691 vall e de l'euille * 123 0,25861 44,67639 fr7200692 r seau hydrographique du dropt * 2 450 0,08694 44,65278 fr7200693 vall e du ciron * 3 637 0,27667 44,37556 fr7200694 r seau hydrographique de la bassane * 230 0,10722 44,49833 fr7200695 r seau hydrographique du lisos * 400 0,01111 44,46917 fr7200696 domaine d partemental d'hostens * 413 0,63923 44,49926 fr7200697 boisements ch nes verts des dunes du littoral girondin * 1 633 1,1325 45,225 fr7200698 carri res de c nac 22,63 0,46027 44,79683 fr7200699 grottes du trou noir 179 0,03694 44,66583 fr7200700 la garonne * 5 626 0,04028 44,57889 fr7200702 for ts dunaires de la teste-de-buch * 5 312 1,17152 44,58087 fr7200703 for t de la pointe de grave et marais du logit * 192 1,08806 45,55472 fr7200705 carri res souterraines de villegouge 960 0,32498 44,9449 fr7200708 lagunes de saint-magne et louchats * 150 0,61111 44,51278 fr7200709 lagunes de saint-symphorien * 22 0,56194 44,42556 fr7200710 dunes modernes du littoral landais d'arcachon mimizan plage * 739 1,25472 44,41944 fr7200711 dunes modernes du littoral landais de mimizan plage au vieux-boucau * 593 1,32278 44,07556 fr7200712 dunes modernes du littoral landais de vieux-boucau hossegor * 176 1,42639 43,73444 fr7200713 dunes modernes du littoral landais de capbreton tarnos * 439 1,45472 43,61583 fr7200714 zones humides de l'arri re dune du pays de born * 14 950 1,1725 44,35222 fr7200715 zones humides de l'ancien tang de lit-et-mixe * 2 188 1,26222 44,05472 fr7200716 zones humides de l' tang de l on * 1 283 1,30472 43,8925 fr7200717 zones humides de l'arri re dune du marensin * 1 383 1,325 43,77333 fr7200718 zones humides de moliets, la prade et moisans * 100 1,37556 43,82722 fr7200719 zones humides associ es au marais d'orx * 988 1,39417 43,58833 fr7200720 barthes de l'adour * 12 810 1,31222 43,51667 fr7200721 vall es de la grande et de la petite leyre * 5 686 0,77528 44,43472 fr7200722 r seau hydrographique des affluents de la midouze * 4 914 0,43639 43,98389 fr7200723 champ de tir de captieux * 9 284 0,35333 44,22389 fr7200724 l'adour * 2 100 1,05528 43,71167 fr7200725 zone humide du m tro * 159 1,48556 43,56 fr7200727 tourbi re de m es * 97 1,12278 43,705 fr7200728 lagunes de brocas * 6 0,55556 44,05833 fr7200729 coteaux de la vall e de la l mance 208 0,96167 44,57972 fr7200732 coteaux de th zac et de montayral * 435 1,00444 44,455 fr7200733 coteaux du boudouyssou et plateau de lascrozes 1 128 0,96389 44,37583 fr7200736 coteaux du ruisseau des gascons 214 0,82639 44,16778 fr7200737 le boudouyssou * 236 0,98139 44,39528 fr7200738 l'ourbise * 377 0,27694 44,38333 fr7200739 vall e de l'avance * 191 0,09472 44,25806 fr7200741 la g lise * 3 815 0,195 44,0375 fr7200742 massif du moulle de jaout * 16 600 0,40667 43,03861 fr7200745 massif du montagnon * 8 871 0,51778 43,02972 fr7200749 montagnes du bar tous * 14 600 0,77639 43,04639 fr7200750 montagnes de la haute soule * 14 750 0,89694 42,99917 fr7200751 montagnes du pic des escaliers * 8 600 0,98556 43,05611 fr7200752 massif des arbailles * 13 000 1,01694 43,12389 fr7200754 montagnes de saint-jean-pied-de-port * 12 567 1,19778 43,07278 fr7200756 montagnes des aldudes * 17 440 1,36944 43,14889 fr7200758 massif du baygoura * 3 475 1,29472 43,27778 fr7200759 massif du mondarrain et de l'artzamendi * 5 269 1,43111 43,29944 fr7200760 massif de la rhune et de choldocogagna * 5 700 1,62028 43,31667 fr7200766 vallon du clamond * 267 0,64861 43,47778 fr7200770 parc bois du ch teau de pau * 19 0,38583 43,29583 fr7200771 coteaux du tursan * 1 236 0,40222 43,59639 fr7200774 baie de chingoudy 341 1,77361 43,36694 fr7200775 domaine d'abbadia et corniche basque * 571 1,71917 43,38833 fr7200776 falaises de saint-jean-de-luz biarritz * 1 353 1,60667 43,43417 fr7200777 lac de mouriscot * 21 1,55944 43,45556 fr7200779 coteaux de castetpugon, de cadillon et de lembeye * 199 0,17694 43,55167 fr7200781 gave de pau * 8 212 0,65028 43,40222 fr7200782 tourbi re de louvie-juzon * 31 0,38306 43,09583 fr7200784 ch teau d'orthez et bords du gave 4 300 0,83806 43,46917 fr7200785 la nivelle (estuaire, barthes et cours d'eau) * 1 450 1,64167 43,37083 fr7200786 la nive * 11 010 1,46917 43,46333 fr7200787 l'ardanavy (cours d'eau) * 627 1,38333 43,43722 fr7200788 la joyeuse (cours d'eau) * 450 1,26139 43,48528 fr7200789 la bidouze (cours d'eau) * 2 550 1,05972 43,38278 fr7200790 le saison (cours d'eau) * 2 200 0,87361 43,2375 fr7200791 le gave d'oloron (cours d'eau) et marais de labastide-villefranche * 2 450 0,85556 43,37472 fr7200792 le gave d'aspe et le lourdios (cours d'eau) * 1 600 0,60806 43,07444 fr7200793 le gave d'ossau * 2 300 0,41833 43,07806 fr7200795 tunnel de saint-amand-de-coly 63 1,22556 45,04333 fr7200797 r seau hydrographique du gat mort et du saucats * 1 300 0,51722 44,6375 fr7200798 site du griffoul, confluence de l'automne * 10 0,55639 44,39028 fr7200799 carri res de lafox 2 0,7075 44,17778 fr7200800 caves de n rac 1,29 0,33363 44,1353 fr7200801 r seau hydrographique du brion * 220 0,26806 44,50333 fr7200802 r seau hydrographique du beuve * 600 0,15444 44,49861 fr7200803 r seau hydrographique du gestas * 404 0,36278 44,83722 fr7200804 r seau hydrographique de la pimpinne * 100 0,47139 44,78806 fr7200805 r seau hydrographique des jalles de saint-m dard et d'eysines * 500 0,6425 44,89611 fr7200806 r seau hydrographique du midou et du ludon * 6 533 0,23528 43,89972 fr7200807 tunnel d'excideuil 4 1,03389 45,355 fr7200808 carri re de lanquais - les roques 2,8 0,67722 44,80417 fr7200809 r seau hydrographique de la haute dronne * 2 118 0,87333 45,57083 fr7200810 plateau d'argentine * 191 0,39444 45,46472 fr7200811 panache de la gironde et plateau rocheux de cordouan (syst me pertuis gironde) * 95 256 1,42889 45,54944 fr7200812 portion du littoral sableux de la c 'te aquitaine * 50 716 1,33389 45,12 fr7200813 c 'te basque rocheuse et extension au large 7 806 1,66694 43,44389 fr7300835 grotte d'aliou * 1 1,04917 42,99 fr7300836 chars de moulis et de liqu , grotte d'aubert, soulane de balagu res et de sainte-catherine, granges des vall es de sour et d'astien * 4 377 1,03778 42,96306 fr7300840 grotte de tourtouse 1 1,12639 43,09001 fr7300841 queirs du mas d'azil et de camarade, grottes du mas d'azil et de la carri re de sabarat * 1 629 1,33556 43,07972 fr7300847 vall e du tarn (de brousse jusqu'aux gorges) * 3 713 2,7425 44,04639 fr7300877 tourbi re du rey * 19,21 2,00722 44,45472 fr7300879 lande de la borie * 117 1,96944 44,29611 fr7300884 zones rupestres x rothermiques du bassin de marignac, saint-b at, pic du gar, montagne de ri * 7 680 0,72667 42,95 fr7300885 cha nons calcaires du pi mont commingeois * 6 198 0,67139 43,02028 fr7300887 c 'tes de bieil et de montouss * 98,32 0,64333 43,30194 fr7300889 vall e de l'adour * 2 694 0,01722 43,65278 fr7300891 tangs d'armagnac * 1 028 0,03083 43,89583 fr7300893 coteaux de lizet et de l'osse vers montesquiou * 1 865 0,35278 43,58167 fr7300897 vall e et coteaux de la lauze * 3 603 0,70917 43,46056 fr7300898 vall e de la dordogne quercynoise * 5 567 1,63611 44,90472 fr7300900 vall e de la c re et tributaires * 3 031 1,9725 44,95306 fr7300902 vall es de l'ouysse et de l'alzou * 3 009 1,59778 44,78889 fr7300904 marais de la fondial * 25,5 1,67167 45,00417 fr7300905 vieux ch nes de cantegrel 12,59 1,56583 44,75361 fr7300906 vieux ch nes de la panonnie 28,29 1,65972 44,77333 fr7300907 vieux ch nes des imbards 33,09 1,63806 44,85 fr7300909 zone centrale du causse de gramat * 6 426 1,66556 44,67056 fr7300910 vall es de la rauze et du vers et vallons tributaires * 4 817 1,55194 44,56472 fr7300912 moyenne vall e du lot inf rieure * 2 554 1,64417 44,4825 fr7300913 basse vall e du c l * 4 702 1,77028 44,55194 fr7300914 grotte de fond d'erbies 1 1,68389 44,41361 fr7300915 pelouses de lalbenque * 401 1,56917 44,35194 fr7300917 serres de saint-paul-de-loubressac et de saint-barth l my, et causse de pech tondut * 832 1,46444 44,32 fr7300919 serres de labastide-de-penne et de belfort-du-quercy * 616 1,56472 44,26917 fr7300920 granquet-pibeste et soum d'ech * 7 275 0,15361 43,05833 fr7300922 gaves de pau et de cauterets (et gorge de cauterets) * 482 0,0895 42,98624 fr7300936 tourbi re et lac de lourdes * 73,04 0,08778 43,10917 fr7300940 tourbi re de clarens * 139 0,42056 43,14611 fr7300944 montagne noire occidentale * 1 919 2,07083 43,43278 fr7300945 causse de caucali res et labrugui re * 2 001 2,31389 43,54583 fr7300951 for t de la gr signe * 3 604 1,75194 44,02528 fr7300952 gorges de l'aveyron, causses proches et vall e de la v re * 11 660 1,71167 44,08444 fr7300953 causse de gaussou et sites proches 198 1,66861 44,19417 fr7301631 vall es du tarn, de l'aveyron, du viaur, de l'agout et du gijou * 17 180 2,1975 44,16194 fr7301822 garonne, ari ge, hers, salat, pique et neste * 9 602 1,83139 43,08389 fr7302002 cavit s et coteaux associ s en quercy-gascogne * 1 103 0,76722 44,0675 fr7401103 vall e de la dordogne sur l'ensemble de son cours et affluents * 7 620 2,13167 45,22694 fr7401108 landes et pelouses serpentinicoles du sud corr zien * 115 1,93 44,99056 fr7401119 pelouses calcicoles et for ts du causse corr zien * 140 1,48167 45,08972 fr7401120 ab mes de la fage 1 1,52694 45,07861 fr9101446 vall e du lampy 9 555 2,15667 43,33167 ie0000006 killyconny bog (cloghbally) sac * 191,23 6,968317 53,78878 ie0000007 lough oughter and associated loughs sac * 4 757,91 7,44517 54,0541 ie0000014 ballyallia lake sac 182,25 8,982157 52,87344 ie0000016 ballycullinan lake sac * 192,58 9,056045 52,92095 ie0000019 ballyogan lough sac * 379,9 8,935601 52,96576 ie0000020 black head-poulsallagh complex sac * 7 805,35 9,267648 53,10034 ie0000030 danes hole, poulnalecka sac 39,31 8,697544 52,79604 ie0000032 dromore woods and loughs sac * 877,42 8,964508 52,92711 ie0000036 inagh river estuary sac * 391,03 9,336918 52,9449 ie0000037 pouladatig cave sac 2,68 9,035892 52,83191 ie0000051 lough gash turlough sac * 25,33 8,900417 52,75733 ie0000054 moneen mountain sac * 6 107,45 9,129817 53,05986 ie0000057 moyree river system sac * 477,88 8,918391 52,9577 ie0000064 poulnagordon cave (quin) sac 0,06 8,857069 52,8135 ie0000077 ballymacoda (clonpriest and pillmore) sac 486,54 7,906002 51,90441 ie0000090 glengarriff harbour and woodland sac * 1 305,78 9,559921 51,7523 ie0000091 clonakilty bay sac * 507,98 8,870937 51,60209 ie0000093 caha mountains sac * 6 859,09 9,670185 51,74895 ie0000097 lough hyne nature reserve and environs sac 451,14 9,286642 51,49617 ie0000101 roaringwater bay and islands sac 14 259,23 9,494889 51,48039 ie0000102 sheep's head sac 3 135,26 9,716444 51,58931 ie0000106 st. gobnet's wood sac * 43,63 9,166621 51,94323 ie0000108 the gearagh sac * 557,95 8,983591 51,88172 ie0000109 three castle head to mizen head sac 341,66 9,815474 51,47551 ie0000111 aran island (donegal) cliffs sac 517,92 8,550985 55,00223 ie0000115 ballintra sac * 47,06 8,112857 54,56645 ie0000116 ballyarr wood sac 30,2 7,710908 55,029 ie0000129 croaghonagh bog sac * 248,98 7,911022 54,73988 ie0000133 donegal bay (murvagh) sac * 1 810,24 8,154258 54,62583 ie0000138 durnesh lough sac * 357,43 8,194151 54,57275 ie0000140 fawnboy bog/lough nacung sac * 1 105,4 8,159966 55,04042 ie0000142 gannivegil bog sac * 2 153,65 8,267031 54,90293 ie0000147 horn head and rinclevan sac * 2 344,32 7,995177 55,19877 ie0000154 inishtrahull sac 471,23 7,238993 55,43552 ie0000163 lough eske and ardnamona wood sac * 860,71 8,044164 54,69576 ie0000164 lough nagreany dunes sac * 221,15 7,767049 55,22695 ie0000165 lough nillan bog (carrickatlieve) sac * 4 157,79 8,252865 54,75904 ie0000168 magheradrumman bog sac * 997,7 7,176154 55,19816 ie0000172 meenaguse/ardbane bog sac * 668,52 8,155604 54,72751 ie0000173 meentygrannagh bog sac * 530,02 7,97685 54,90027 ie0000174 curraghchase woods sac * 358,21 8,871679 52,59529 ie0000181 rathlin o'birne island sac 811,57 8,821295 54,66827 ie0000185 sessiagh lough sac 72,2 7,934652 55,17115 ie0000189 slieve league sac * 3 925,96 8,725717 54,66187 ie0000190 slieve tooey/tormore island/loughros beg bay sac * 9 435,49 8,608789 54,75054 ie0000191 st. john's point sac * 1 078,93 8,462291 54,57422 ie0000194 tranarossan and melmore lough sac * 653,63 7,81295 55,23225 ie0000197 west of ardara/maas road sac * 6 739,04 8,40223 54,81989 ie0000199 baldoyle bay sac 538,93 6,110758 53,40207 ie0000202 howth head sac 374,88 6,063541 53,37353 ie0000204 lambay island sac 405,3 6,013422 53,49086 ie0000205 malahide estuary sac * 809,69 6,151094 53,46094 ie0000206 north dublin bay sac * 1 474,99 6,134847 53,36846 ie0000208 rogerstown estuary sac * 586,47 6,13104 53,50426 ie0000210 south dublin bay sac 742,12 6,18681 53,32328 ie0000212 inishmaan island sac * 793 9,591032 53,08131 ie0000213 inishmore island sac * 14 666,06 9,734081 53,13607 ie0000216 river shannon callows sac * 5 856,48 8,020866 53,25326 ie0000218 coolcam turlough sac * 138,69 8,640946 53,68637 ie0000231 barroughter bog sac * 174,02 8,310229 53,07869 ie0000238 caherglassaun turlough sac * 165,65 8,885284 53,10256 ie0000242 castletaylor complex sac * 145,62 8,816266 53,18531 ie0000248 cloonmoylan bog sac * 554,43 8,331046 53,05325 ie0000252 coole-garryland complex sac * 1 120,42 8,851228 53,08672 ie0000255 croaghill turlough sac * 47,79 8,61254 53,685 ie0000261 derrycrag wood nature reserve sac 118,26 8,385936 53,04322 ie0000268 galway bay complex sac * 14 408,98 9,037627 53,19955 ie0000278 inishbofin and inishshark sac * 2 795,25 10,22373 53,6164 ie0000285 kilsallagh bog sac * 279,73 8,493626 53,6517 ie0000286 kiltartan cave (coole) sac 0,01 8,821963 53,09802 ie0000295 levally lough sac * 58,81 8,70956 53,52893 ie0000296 lisnageeragh bog and ballinastack turlough sac * 455,5 8,514501 53,61954 ie0000297 lough corrib sac * 25 247,2 9,182433 53,4411 ie0000299 lough cutra sac 659,02 8,787977 53,03067 ie0000301 lough lurgeen bog/glenamaddy turlough sac * 1 162,12 8,526156 53,58477 ie0000304 lough rea sac 365,57 8,575094 53,18788 ie0000308 loughatorick south bog sac * 888,34 8,468739 52,9868 ie0000318 peterswell turlough sac * 245,57 8,73902 53,12941 ie0000319 pollnaknockaun wood nature reserve sac 80,51 8,383525 53,06351 ie0000322 rahasane turlough sac * 351,58 8,785749 53,22042 ie0000324 rosroe bog sac * 262,04 9,871785 53,40954 ie0000326 shankill west bog sac * 136,4 8,555704 53,51847 ie0000328 slyne head islands sac 2 384,56 10,19505 53,425 ie0000330 tully mountain sac 473,5 10,01497 53,58657 ie0000332 akeragh, banna and barrow harbour sac * 1 199,77 9,844771 52,3198 ie0000335 ballinskelligs bay and inny estuary sac 1 628,88 10,20939 51,82956 ie0000343 castlemaine harbour sac * 8 686,83 9,868138 52,11772 ie0000353 old domestic building, dromore wood sac 123,98 9,7078 51,8591 ie0000364 kilgarvan ice house sac 17,14 9,463735 51,89599 ie0000365 killarney national park, macgillycuddy's reeks and caragh river catchment sac * 76 478,21 9,743545 51,96488 ie0000370 lough yganavan and lough nambrackdarrig sac * 271,72 9,884282 52,09379 ie0000375 mount brandon sac * 14 355,3 10,1806 52,21336 ie0000382 sheheree (ardagh) bog sac * 17,08 9,480485 52,03965 ie0000391 ballynafagh bog sac * 156,46 6,778281 53,2946 ie0000396 pollardstown fen sac * 266,19 6,847491 53,18957 ie0000397 red bog, kildare sac * 36,49 6,534195 53,19652 ie0000404 hugginstown fen sac 63,34 7,232309 52,42583 ie0000407 the loughans sac * 40,74 7,533328 52,72321 ie0000412 slieve bloom mountains sac * 4 879,2 7,591741 53,07572 ie0000428 lough melvin sac 2 269,84 8,183985 54,43295 ie0000432 barrigone sac * 66,36 9,036642 52,60081 ie0000439 tory hill sac * 76,9 8,685498 52,53786 ie0000440 lough ree sac * 14 371,24 7,975919 53,54965 ie0000448 fortwilliam turlough sac * 51,51 7,977292 53,61827 ie0000453 carlingford mountain sac 3 101,18 6,270285 54,05855 ie0000455 dundalk bay sac 5 236,27 6,337488 53,95841 ie0000458 killala bay/moy estuary sac * 2 181,83 9,163449 54,20444 ie0000461 ardkill turlough sac * 37 9,096546 53,60725 ie0000463 balla turlough sac * 54,9 9,116672 53,80351 ie0000466 bellacorick iron flush sac 17,36 9,522508 54,16082 ie0000470 mullet/blacksod bay complex sac * 14 029,04 10,0154 54,14613 ie0000471 brackloon woods sac 79,96 9,55977 53,75966 ie0000472 broadhaven bay sac 9 075,28 9,906485 54,29055 ie0000474 ballymaglancy cave, cong sac 9,77 9,337422 53,53753 ie0000475 carrowkeel turlough sac * 54,39 9,058797 53,66697 ie0000476 carrowmore lake complex sac * 3 648,34 9,724691 54,17224 ie0000479 cloughmoyne sac * 97,8 9,172367 53,49094 ie0000480 clyard kettle-holes sac * 126,51 9,178232 53,58076 ie0000484 cross lough (killadoon) sac * 56,69 9,909147 53,70526 ie0000485 corraun plateau sac 3 886,96 9,858686 53,89397 ie0000492 doocastle turlough sac * 76,88 8,640674 54,02698 ie0000495 duvillaun islands sac 530,03 10,15544 54,07879 ie0000497 flughany bog sac * 231,09 8,590122 54,00904 ie0000500 glenamoy bog complex sac * 13 062,82 9,642524 54,28017 ie0000503 greaghans turlough sac * 58,71 9,074304 53,60969 ie0000504 kilglassan/caheravoostia turlough complex sac * 157,05 9,09472 53,62488 ie0000507 inishkea islands sac * 1 230,29 10,20522 54,12937 ie0000516 lackan saltmarsh and kilcummin head sac * 540,05 9,242201 54,27675 ie0000522 lough gall bog sac * 362,74 9,810199 53,93988 ie0000525 shrule turlough sac * 228,16 9,112154 53,53311 ie0000527 moore hall (lough carra) sac 0,05 9,225991 53,71335 ie0000532 oldhead wood sac 85,55 9,782033 53,77622 ie0000534 owenduff/nephin complex sac * 27 063,61 9,693783 54,0165 ie0000541 skealoghan turlough sac * 54,07 9,140072 53,60923 ie0000542 slieve fyagh bog sac * 2 376,91 9,672375 54,20674 ie0000566 all saints bog and esker sac * 369,68 7,981776 53,15086 ie0000571 charleville wood sac 377,52 7,523582 53,25982 ie0000572 clara bog sac * 836,54 7,626956 53,32028 ie0000575 ferbane bog sac * 153,08 7,835053 53,28336 ie0000576 fin lough (offaly) sac 78,1 7,950434 53,31466 ie0000580 mongan bog sac * 207,83 7,951763 53,32775 ie0000581 moyclare bog sac * 129,86 7,883322 53,26818 ie0000582 raheenmore bog sac * 210,01 7,342183 53,3375 ie0000584 cuilcagh - anierin uplands sac * 9 739,71 7,882642 54,15337 ie0000585 sharavogue bog sac * 223,43 7,928826 53,03773 ie0000588 ballinturly turlough sac * 178,49 8,244174 53,58783 ie0000592 bellanagare bog sac * 1207,6 8,435641 53,8271 ie0000595 callow bog sac * 617,92 8,499225 53,91022 ie0000597 carrowbehy/caher bog sac * 343,83 8,651698 53,7938 ie0000600 cloonchambers bog sac * 348,21 8,5645 53,76962 ie0000604 derrinea bog sac * 86,19 8,691233 53,84286 ie0000606 lough fingall complex sac * 607,04 8,882406 53,18225 ie0000607 errit lough sac 83,7 8,699594 53,81367 ie0000609 lisduff turlough sac * 70,28 8,240496 53,54996 ie0000610 lough croan turlough sac * 155,09 8,180368 53,49425 ie0000611 lough funshinagh sac * 480,96 8,101851 53,51214 ie0000612 mullygollan turlough sac * 43,79 8,305783 53,76426 ie0000614 cloonshanville bog sac * 225,77 8,377593 53,87305 ie0000622 ballysadare bay sac * 2 145,47 8,588296 54,23547 ie0000623 ben bulben, gleniff and glenade complex sac * 5 983,81 8,381146 54,36463 ie0000625 bunduff lough and machair/trawalua/mullaghmore sac * 4 389,06 8,447902 54,46537 ie0000627 cummeen strand/drumcliff bay (sligo bay) sac * 4 919,12 8,582079 54,32145 ie0000633 lough hoe bog sac * 3 215,41 8,978632 54,06605 ie0000634 lough nabrickkeagh bog sac * 271,94 8,890352 54,08307 ie0000636 templehouse and cloonacleigha loughs sac * 492,85 8,590384 54,09705 ie0000637 turloughmore (sligo) sac * 74,2 8,692022 54,06663 ie0000638 union wood sac 60,5 8,487309 54,2033 ie0000641 ballyduff/clonfinane bog sac * 269,57 8,002554 53,08118 ie0000646 galtee mountains sac * 6 421,78 8,143799 52,36644 ie0000647 kilcarren-firville bog sac * 676,67 8,087032 53,0647 ie0000665 helvick head sac 205,14 7,54102 52,04777 ie0000668 nier valley woodlands sac 94,1 7,641844 52,27326 ie0000671 tramore dunes and backstrand sac * 752,83 7,102032 52,15801 ie0000679 garriskil bog sac * 324,81 7,454868 53,6543 ie0000685 lough ennell sac 1 720,38 7,403005 53,46712 ie0000688 lough owel sac 1 122,57 7,392118 53,57303 ie0000692 scragh bog sac 23,94 7,359465 53,57908 ie0000696 ballyteige burrow sac * 703,4 6,651232 52,20495 ie0000697 bannow bay sac * 1 325,7 6,794443 52,23239 ie0000700 cahore polders and dunes sac * 264,88 6,212854 52,54278 ie0000704 lady's island lake sac * 540,32 6,391611 52,1933 ie0000707 saltee islands sac 15 809,17 6,597482 52,11763 ie0000708 screen hills sac 140,94 6,388111 52,4067 ie0000709 tacumshin lake sac * 558,82 6,46741 52,19628 ie0000710 raven point nature reserve sac * 594,52 6,364589 52,35603 ie0000713 ballyman glen sac * 24,72 6,155854 53,20315 ie0000714 bray head sac 264,3 6,079248 53,18155 ie0000716 carriggower bog sac 93,16 6,167928 53,10421 ie0000717 deputy's pass nature reserve sac 48,27 6,162603 52,95139 ie0000719 glen of the downs sac 74,48 6,115262 53,13571 ie0000725 knocksink wood sac * 89,8 6,191572 53,20398 ie0000729 buckroney-brittas dunes and fen sac * 320,79 6,075452 52,86678 ie0000733 vale of clara (rathdrum wood) sac 381,62 6,234707 52,95608 ie0000764 hook head sac 16 940,17 6,874479 52,10294 ie0000770 blackstairs mountains sac 5 052,95 6,788544 52,58453 ie0000781 slaney river valley sac * 6 020,48 6,561223 52,46263 ie0000831 cullahill mountain sac * 54,61 7,488334 52,78942 ie0000849 spahill and clomantagh hill sac * 146,54 7,506283 52,74751 ie0000859 clonaslee eskers and derry bog sac 278,79 7,606973 53,16065 ie0000869 lisbigney bog sac * 35,64 7,33384 52,86175 ie0000919 ridge road, sw of rapemills sac * 16,44 7,941726 53,13238 ie0000925 the long derries, edenderry sac * 30,25 7,002784 53,31053 ie0000930 clare glen sac 24,22 8,386286 52,68502 ie0000934 kilduff, devilsbit mountain sac * 134,28 7,907493 52,82521 ie0000939 silvermine mountains sac * 24,83 8,228849 52,7791 ie0000979 corratirrim sac * 117,04 7,878701 54,27287 ie0000994 ballyteige (clare) sac 6,43 9,265337 53,02548 ie0000996 ballyvaughan turlough sac * 21,73 9,160058 53,10972 ie0001013 glenomra wood sac 52,77 8,577572 52,75816 ie0001021 carrowmore point to spanish point and islands sac * 4 238,3 9,504666 52,80993 ie0001040 barley cove to ballyrisode point sac * 795,02 9,735834 51,47358 ie0001043 cleanderry wood sac 61,09 9,933347 51,73734 ie0001058 great island channel sac 1 443,22 8,260851 51,8895 ie0001061 kilkeran lake and castlefreke dunes sac * 98,06 8,955856 51,55942 ie0001070 myross wood sac 3,66 9,146848 51,57202 ie0001090 ballyness bay sac * 1 235,83 8,133008 55,14872 ie0001107 coolvoy bog sac * 306,68 8,191302 54,89547 ie0001125 dunragh loughs/pettigo plateau sac * 2 023,35 7,953935 54,62289 ie0001141 gweedore bay and islands sac * 6 016,12 8,355998 55,06632 ie0001151 kindrum lough sac 116,1 7,710306 55,23345 ie0001179 muckish mountain sac 1 522,8 7,992573 55,10705 ie0001190 sheephaven sac * 1 841,98 7,853724 55,16019 ie0001195 termon strand sac * 86,89 8,43801 54,93295 ie0001197 keeper hill sac * 413,71 8,266146 52,75058 ie0001209 glenasmole valley sac * 149,3 6,362362 53,24124 ie0001228 aughrusbeg machair and lake sac 422,43 10,16577 53,55739 ie0001230 courtmacsherry estuary sac * 735,43 8,707068 51,64271 ie0001242 carrownagappul bog sac * 487,43 8,496545 53,50109 ie0001251 cregduff lough sac 72,64 9,925952 53,3866 ie0001257 dog's bay sac * 141,5 9,961762 53,37476 ie0001271 gortnandarragh limestone pavement sac * 347,04 9,213162 53,40566 ie0001275 inisheer island sac * 551,78 9,529812 53,05545 ie0001285 kiltiernan turlough sac * 52,44 8,849911 53,17695 ie0001309 omey island machair sac * 228,96 10,16215 53,53343 ie0001311 rusheenduff lough sac 48,76 10,0068 53,60754 ie0001312 ross lake and woods sac * 323,19 9,218797 53,37557 ie0001313 rosturra wood sac 39,11 8,349788 53,06443 ie0001321 termon lough sac * 211,79 8,871377 53,02964 ie0001342 cloonee and inchiquin loughs, uragh wood sac 1 154,55 9,696039 51,8035 ie0001371 mucksna wood sac 14,38 9,590147 51,86744 ie0001387 ballynafagh lake sac 53,74 6,790422 53,29947 ie0001398 rye water valley/carton sac * 72,29 6,536256 53,37993 ie0001403 arroo mountain sac * 3 967,89 8,229865 54,38488 ie0001430 glen bog sac * 28,49 8,506234 52,49336 ie0001432 glenstal wood sac 6,34 8,383068 52,66655 ie0001459 clogher head sac 23,75 6,219553 53,79301 ie0001482 clew bay complex sac * 11 987,05 9,652409 53,85214 ie0001497 doogort machair/lough doo sac * 184,36 9,979973 54,01924 ie0001501 erris head sac 814,8 10,04006 54,28091 ie0001513 keel machair/menaun cliffs sac * 1 616,02 10,03607 53,95458 ie0001529 lough cahasy, lough baun and roonah lough sac * 300,71 9,894285 53,73323 ie0001536 mocorha lough sac * 66,65 9,162343 53,53934 ie0001547 castletownshend sac 17,52 9,170591 51,53683 ie0001571 urlaur lakes sac 265,9 8,750263 53,84978 ie0001625 castlesampson esker sac * 200,06 8,106717 53,41084 ie0001626 annaghmore lough (roscommon) sac 249,53 8,139169 53,79692 ie0001637 four roads turlough sac * 100,56 8,240158 53,51214 ie0001656 bricklieve mountains & keishcorran sac * 1 696,2 8,391416 54,04908 ie0001669 knockalongy and knockachree cliffs sac 111,37 8,738695 54,20595 ie0001673 lough arrow sac 1 458,16 8,321416 54,05751 ie0001680 streedagh point dunes sac * 630,31 8,533987 54,40987 ie0001683 liskeenan fen sac * 43,41 8,051993 53,03602 ie0001741 kilmuckridge-tinnaberna sandhills sac * 85,75 6,257929 52,49331 ie0001742 kilpatrick sandhills sac * 39,71 6,149453 52,72955 ie0001757 holdenstown bog sac * 3,89 6,687647 52,90971 ie0001766 magherabeg dunes sac * 74,64 6,030131 52,92223 ie0001774 lough carra/mask complex sac * 13 526,72 9,334943 53,62785 ie0001776 pilgrim's road esker sac * 69,76 7,94233 53,33302 ie0001786 kilroosky lough cluster sac * 57,61 7,24197 54,20074 ie0001810 white lough, ben loughs and lough doo sac 116,33 7,214764 53,70005 ie0001818 lough forbes complex sac * 1 337,09 7,877497 53,76467 ie0001831 split hills and long hill esker sac * 75,26 7,465919 53,38861 ie0001847 philipston marsh sac 3,76 8,164671 52,56656 ie0001858 galmoy fen sac 25,05 7,568117 52,80732 ie0001873 derryclogher (knockboy) bog sac * 1 712,96 9,426235 51,80334 ie0001879 glanmore bog sac * 1 148,28 9,852146 51,71224 ie0001880 meenaguse scragh sac 627,39 8,134992 54,76355 ie0001881 maulagowna bog sac * 426,08 9,631804 51,81341 ie0001890 mullaghanish bog sac * 70,05 9,142973 51,98356 ie0001898 unshin river sac * 917,02 8,46732 54,15996 ie0001899 cloonakillina lough sac * 68,43 8,624498 54,00342 ie0001912 glendree bog sac * 340,06 8,732098 52,94381 ie0001913 sonnagh bog sac * 464,92 8,64401 53,12433 ie0001919 glenade lough sac 114,03 8,270572 54,36443 ie0001922 bellacorick bog complex sac * 9 523,83 9,451398 54,13618 ie0001926 east burren complex sac * 18 808,77 9,003804 53,03097 ie0001932 mweelrea/sheeffry/erriff complex sac * 20 983,4 9,706557 53,66657 ie0001952 comeragh mountains sac 6 293,17 7,56662 52,23611 ie0001955 croaghaun/slievemore sac 3 295,22 10,13502 53,99485 ie0001957 boyne coast and estuary sac * 629,51 6,25722 53,72874 ie0001975 ballyhoorisky point to fanad head sac 1 293,04 7,679339 55,25287 ie0001976 lough gill sac * 3 320,45 8,340456 54,26141 ie0001992 tamur bog sac * 1 277,92 7,966914 54,55531 ie0002005 bellacragher saltmarsh sac 16,81 9,792118 53,9435 ie0002006 ox mountains bogs sac * 10 570,31 8,840743 54,15034 ie0002008 maumturk mountains sac * 13 471,72 9,659259 53,51591 ie0002010 old domestic building (keevagh) sac 0,02 8,887824 52,83156 ie0002012 north inishowen coast sac * 7 069,09 7,324399 55,30258 ie0002031 the twelve bens/garraun complex sac * 16 170,12 9,853833 53,53402 ie0002032 boleybrack mountain sac * 4 244,14 8,067444 54,24688 ie0002034 connemara bog complex sac * 49 218,37 9,625593 53,39144 ie0002036 ballyhoura mountains sac * 747,03 8,526209 52,30611 ie0002037 carrigeenamronety hill sac 101,57 8,436286 52,29391 ie0002041 old domestic building, curraglass wood sac 0,02 9,394076 51,95342 ie0002047 cloghernagore bog and glenveagh national park sac * 33 459,83 8,066534 54,99911 ie0002070 tralee bay and magharees peninsula, west to cloghane sac * 11 632,15 9,941478 52,26739 ie0002074 slyne head peninsula sac * 4 028,17 10,10635 53,44149 ie0002081 ballinafad sac 0,11 9,182862 53,78177 ie0002091 newhall and edenvale complex sac 136,65 9,007036 52,80834 ie0002098 old domestic building, askive wood sac 43,36 9,868408 51,82259 ie0002110 corliskea/trien/cloonfelliv bog sac * 725,22 8,505938 53,71746 ie0002111 kilkieran bay and islands sac * 21 412,98 9,729864 53,28064 ie0002112 ballyseedy wood sac * 39,65 9,656473 52,25476 ie0002117 lough coy sac * 77,43 8,763812 53,1105 ie0002118 barnahallia lough sac 44,5 10,12049 53,53291 ie0002119 lough nageeron sac 19,49 9,874542 53,32047 ie0002120 lough bane and lough glass sac 203,51 7,171971 53,68806 ie0002121 lough lene sac 489,95 7,228374 53,6632 ie0002122 wicklow mountains sac * 32 945,71 6,376099 53,08482 ie0002123 ardmore head sac 29,52 7,709143 51,94306 ie0002124 bolingbrook hill sac * 206,03 8,18534 52,76469 ie0002125 anglesey road sac * 33,25 8,095153 52,65264 ie0002126 pollagoona bog sac * 55,06 8,533838 53,01434 ie0002129 murvey machair sac * 80,16 10,01072 53,38644 ie0002130 tully lough sac 143,12 9,983193 53,59071 ie0002135 lough nageage sac 156,84 7,731032 54,6142 ie0002137 lower river suir sac * 7 099,99 7,633991 52,39715 ie0002141 mountmellick sac 2,17 7,264763 53,12634 ie0002144 newport river sac 1 403,12 9,429319 53,92586 ie0002147 lisduff fen sac * 31,13 7,876904 53,05351 ie0002157 newgrove house sac 47,5 8,821321 52,87282 ie0002158 kenmare river sac * 43 287,99 10,05382 51,7195 ie0002159 mulroy bay sac 3 209,14 7,727846 55,17891 ie0002161 long bank sac 3 372,38 6,281166 52,29971 ie0002162 river barrow and river nore sac * 12 373,17 7,181937 52,58121 ie0002164 lough golagh and breesy hill sac * 799,17 8,052698 54,52795 ie0002165 lower river shannon sac * 68 329,57 9,426517 52,58376 ie0002170 blackwater river (cork/waterford) sac * 10 149,7 8,397065 52,14021 ie0002171 bandon river sac * 321,26 9,096588 51,74149 ie0002172 blasket islands sac 22 711,72 10,57564 52,08519 ie0002173 blackwater river (kerry) sac 5 902,74 9,756241 51,89258 ie0002176 leannan river sac 1 731,83 7,800126 55,01193 ie0002177 lough dahybaun sac 76,13 9,528317 54,11771 ie0002179 towerhill house sac 60,7 9,199652 53,72367 ie0002180 gortacarnaun wood sac 112,47 8,735218 53,02523 ie0002181 drummin wood sac 84,52 8,72443 53,04361 ie0002185 slieve mish mountains sac 9 791,75 9,809881 52,20242 ie0002187 drongawn lough sac * 31,22 9,841378 51,81431 ie0002189 farranamanagh lough sac * 27,6 9,689811 51,57846 ie0002193 ireland's eye sac 41,83 6,062824 53,40464 ie0002213 glenloughaun esker sac * 5,63 8,264042 53,29279 ie0002214 killeglan grassland sac * 61,97 8,201515 53,42957 ie0002236 island fen sac 12,12 7,817873 53,06291 ie0002241 lough derg, north-east shore sac * 3 648,19 8,250605 53,03534 ie0002243 clare island cliffs sac 354,53 10,019 53,80507 ie0002244 ardrahan grassland sac * 201,08 8,83036 53,16479 ie0002245 old farm buildings, ballymacrogan sac 0,16 9,003278 52,92462 ie0002246 ballycullinan, old domestic building sac 5,92 9,04279 52,91697 ie0002247 toonagh estate sac 5,86 9,029899 52,88587 ie0002249 the murrough wetlands sac * 606,12 6,047331 53,03871 ie0002250 carrowmore dunes sac * 442,53 9,509246 52,75444 ie0002252 thomastown quarry sac * 4,23 7,143599 52,53456 ie0002256 ballyprior grassland sac * 44,47 7,130996 52,98315 ie0002257 moanour mountain sac * 47,39 8,247793 52,42468 ie0002258 silvermines mountains west sac * 612,36 8,276987 52,77975 ie0002259 tory island coast sac * 3 045,74 8,229551 55,26225 ie0002261 magharee islands sac 2 269,67 10,00525 52,33161 ie0002262 valencia harbour/portmagee channel sac 2 693,01 10,31652 51,92408 ie0002263 kerry head shoal sac 5 797,23 10,06249 52,44559 ie0002264 kilkee reefs sac 2 916,04 9,675065 52,69631 ie0002265 kingstown bay sac 80,28 10,12641 53,51543 ie0002268 achill head sac 7 164,95 10,16178 53,96206 ie0002269 carnsore point sac 8 735,86 6,33592 52,18521 ie0002274 wicklow reef sac 1 533,23 5,955834 52,97334 ie0002279 askeaton fen complex sac * 284,77 8,93556 52,57483 ie0002280 dunbeacon shingle sac * 42,44 9,564536 51,60061 ie0002281 reen point shingle sac * 6,57 9,60655 51,60088 ie0002283 rutland island and sound sac * 3 867,26 8,458556 54,96441 ie0002287 lough swilly sac * 9 261,65 7,543182 55,06379 ie0002293 carrowbaun, newhall and ballylee turloughs sac * 106,14 8,782684 53,10852 ie0002294 cahermore turlough sac * 64,88 8,87299 53,11797 ie0002295 ballinduff turlough sac * 61,08 8,806329 53,11939 ie0002296 williamstown turloughs sac * 232,54 8,649558 53,66166 ie0002298 river moy sac * 15 396,45 9,112386 53,98897 ie0002299 river boyne and river blackwater sac * 2 320,86 6,784026 53,69396 ie0002301 river finn sac * 5 501,79 7,953603 54,78797 ie0002303 dunmuckrum turloughs sac * 33,92 8,212567 54,49108 ie0002306 carlingford shore sac 526,28 6,161631 54,03372 ie0002312 slieve bernagh bog sac * 1 974,82 8,5511 52,83899 ie0002313 ballymore fen sac 43,03 7,636442 53,49441 ie0002314 old domestic buildings, rylane sac 14,01 8,837894 52,89048 ie0002315 glanlough woods sac 16,85 9,440463 51,86978 ie0002316 ratty river cave sac 0,75 8,770245 52,76443 ie0002317 cregg house stables, crusheen sac 0,02 8,842743 52,98772 ie0002318 knockanira house sac 0,04 9,052325 52,78155 ie0002319 kilkishen house sac 0,46 8,760108 52,80154 ie0002320 kildun souterrain sac 0,83 9,234928 53,5532 ie0002324 glendine wood sac 19,69 7,585308 52,11992 ie0002327 belgica mound province sac 41 150 11,71048 51,38388 ie0002328 hovland mound province sac 108 926 12,83267 52,20267 ie0002329 south-west porcupine bank sac 33 112 15,02477 51,79918 ie0002330 north-west porcupine bank sac 71 921 14,20974 53,63172 ie0002331 mouds bog sac * 591,2 6,816213 53,21446 ie0002332 coolrain bog sac * 145,96 7,599258 52,97299 ie0002333 knockacoller bog sac * 130,4 7,538445 52,96918 ie0002336 carn park bog sac * 247,89 7,826289 53,42527 ie0002337 crosswood bog sac * 206,61 7,868813 53,41128 ie0002338 drumalough bog sac * 278,89 8,592037 53,7965 ie0002339 ballynamona bog and corkip lough sac * 244,78 8,092976 53,43795 ie0002340 moneybeg and clareisland bogs sac * 364,33 7,333168 53,78133 ie0002341 ardagullion bog sac * 117,33 7,523424 53,72557 ie0002342 mount hevey bog sac * 483,79 7,066603 53,47747 ie0002343 tullaher lough and bog sac * 469,18 9,558495 52,70587 ie0002346 brown bog sac * 76,68 7,853439 53,7319 ie0002347 camderry bog sac * 280,72 8,448957 53,56444 ie0002348 clooneen bog sac * 215,03 7,894768 53,80308 ie0002349 corbo bog sac * 206,76 8,084769 53,6692 ie0002350 curraghlehanagh bog sac * 278,23 8,489976 53,52999 ie0002351 moanveanlagh bog sac * 214,73 9,409223 52,45429 ie0002352 monivea bog sac * 286,68 8,680073 53,36137 ie0002353 redwood bog sac * 555,04 8,081186 53,14941 ie0002354 tullaghanrock bog sac * 103,93 8,530607 53,91089 ie0002356 ardgraigue bog sac * 183,54 8,24132 53,17352 ie0002953 blackwater bank sac 12 407,01 6,20438 52,3791 ie0002998 west connacht coast sac 66 016,34 10,0538 53,7832 ie0002999 hemptons turbot bank sac 4 495,88 6,96997 55,4408 ie0003000 rockabill to dalkey island sac 27 325,56 6,0221 53,425 ie0003001 porcupine bank canyon sac 78 559 15,07916 51,99209 ie0003002 south east rockall bank sac 149 318 14,46136 51,38388 nl1000001 waddenzee * 249 170 5,2488 53,2711 nl1000002 ijsselmeer * 2 441 5,3872 53,0275 nl1000003 witterveld * 481 6,5078 52,9615 nl1000004 engbertsdijksvenen * 998 6,6679 52,4687 nl1000005 uiterwaarden zwarte water en vecht * 1 080 6,1043 52,5736 nl1000009 duinen den helder - callantsoog * 645 4,7146 52,8999 nl1000010 schoorlse duinen * 1 737 4,6625 52,6982 nl1000012 kennemerland-zuid * 8 170 4,5497 52,3636 nl1000013 meijendel & berkheide * 2 876 4,3532 52,149 nl1000014 westduinpark & wapendal * 246 4,2445 52,0819 nl1000015 haringvliet * 10 988 4,0629 51,8961 nl1000016 solleveld & kapittelduinen * 770 3,9722 51,5769 nl1000017 kop van schouwen * 2 242 3,7075 51,7029 nl1000020 manteling van walcheren * 735 3,5653 51,5856 nl1000021 krammer-volkerak * 6 080 4,2548 51,6492 nl1000022 kempenland-west * 1 882 5,1873 51,4273 nl1000024 strabrechtse heide & beuven * 1 843 5,6215 51,4007 nl1000026 deurnsche peel & mariapeel * 2 734 5,8849 51,4165 nl1000028 maasduinen * 5 274 6,1166 51,5594 nl1000029 brunssummerheide * 542 5,9971 50,9243 nl1000030 coepelduynen * 188 4,4147 52,2224 nl2000002 bargerveen * 2 083 7,0255 52,6765 nl2000008 meinweg * 1 822 6,1232 51,1636 nl2003001 aamsveen * 144 6,9504 52,1869 nl2003002 abdij lilbosch & voormalig klooster mariahoop 15 5,9679 51,0899 nl2003003 achter de voort, agelerbroek & voltherbroek * 323 6,9264 52,378 nl2003005 bekendelle * 88 6,699 51,9414 nl2003006 binnenveld 111 5,5824 52,0108 nl2003007 bergvennen & brecklenkampse veld * 133 7,0053 52,4319 nl2003009 boetelerveld * 171 6,3252 52,3634 nl2003010 boschhuizerbergen 277 6,0137 51,5503 nl2003011 de bruuk 99 5,9638 51,761 nl2003012 bunder- en elslo rbos * 190 5,7438 50,9103 nl2003013 canisvliet 141 3,8131 51,2189 nl2003014 drouwenerzand * 222 6,806 52,9626 nl2003015 elperstroomgebied * 351 6,668 52,8776 nl2003016 geleenbeekdal * 253 5,8896 50,9359 nl2003017 markermeer & ijmeer 1 109 5,0713 52,4483 nl2003019 groote gat 70 3,5022 51,3226 nl2003020 groote wielen * 604 5,8788 53,2266 nl2003021 hollands diep * 591 4,5516 51,71 nl2003023 ilperveld, oostzanerveld, varkensland & twiske * 1 910 4,916 52,457 nl2003024 kolland & overlangbroek * 170 5,4269 51,9958 nl2003025 kunderberg * 95 5,9576 50,866 nl2003026 langstraat 506 5,0066 51,6854 nl2003027 lemselermaten * 55 6,8755 52,3443 nl2003028 lieftinghsbroek * 20 7,119 53,0031 nl2003029 lonnekermeer * 105 6,8551 52,2767 nl2003030 uiterwaarden lek * 148 4,988 51,9686 nl2003031 mantingerbos 46 6,605 52,8115 nl2003032 mantingerzand * 780 6,5926 52,7777 nl2003033 noorbeemden & hoogbos * 55 5,801 50,7681 nl2003034 norgerholt 26 6,4521 53,057 nl2003035 oeffeltermeent * 101 5,9408 51,7104 nl2003036 oostelijke vechtplassen * 4 401 5,0901 52,2387 nl2003037 oude maas * 474 4,4396 51,8393 nl2003038 oudegaasterbrekken, fluessen en omgeving * 3 054 5,5049 52,9223 nl2003040 polder westzaan * 1 057 4,7859 52,45 nl2003042 roerdal * 834 6,0273 51,147 nl2003043 sarsven en de banen 154 5,7943 51,2677 nl2003044 stelkampsveld * 102 6,474 52,1157 nl2003045 swalmdal * 123 6,064 51,2314 nl2003047 ulvenhoutse bos * 112 4,81 51,5537 nl2003049 vogelkreek 97 4,0094 51,3404 nl2003050 wijnjeterper schar * 170 6,1613 53,0588 nl2003051 willinks weust * 52 6,785 51,9642 nl2003052 witte veen * 290 6,8696 52,1471 nl2003053 wooldse veen * 63 6,7447 51,9083 nl2003054 wormer- en jisperveld en kalverpolder * 1 435 4,8362 52,5079 nl2003055 zeldersche driessen * 82 6,0217 51,6944 nl2003059 duinen terschelling * 4 040 5,3073 53,3995 nl2003060 duinen en lage land texel * 4 083 4,7268 53,0524 nl2003061 duinen vlieland * 1 484 5,0098 53,281 nl2003063 olde maten & veerslootlanden 795 6,1162 52,6324 nl2003064 de wieden * 7 167 6,0625 52,6997 nl2007001 eems-dollard 15 365 7,0439 53,3151 nl2008001 doggersbank 464 987 3,4782 55,1392 nl2008002 klaverbank 124 026 3,0844 54,0233 nl2008003 vlakte van de raan 17 521 3,3096 51,4866 nl2011015 van oordt's mersken * 536 6,1613 53,0588 nl2014067 rijntakken * 8 356 5,9452 51,9473 nl3000016 zwanenwater & pettemerduinen * 770 4,6875 52,8071 nl3000027 zwin & kievittepolder * 127 3,3711 51,3673 nl3000036 nieuwkoopse plassen & de haeck * 2 008 4,8046 52,1424 nl3000040 biesbosch * 9 640 4,7573 51,7513 nl3000061 naardermeer * 1 151 5,1147 52,2925 nl3000070 dwingelderveld * 3 768 6,4093 52,8086 nl3000401 kampina & oisterwijkse vennen * 2 278 5,2458 51,5703 nl3004001 loevestein, pompveld & kornsche boezem * 750 5,032 51,7641 nl3004002 eilandspolder * 796 4,8615 52,5797 nl3004003 landgoederen oldenzaal * 578 6,9617 52,3256 nl3004004 sint jansberg * 226 5,9303 51,7423 nl3004005 landgoederen brummen * 677 6,1254 52,1138 nl3004006 zouweboezem 257 4,9952 51,9494 nl3004007 lingegebied & diefdijk-zuid * 750 5,076 51,8639 nl3009001 alde feanen * 2 124 5,9253 53,1245 nl3009005 duinen ameland * 2 055 5,7519 53,4557 nl3009006 duinen schiermonnikoog * 833 6,1738 53,4876 nl3009012 groote peel 1 348 5,8178 51,3465 nl3009016 oosterschelde * 36 976 3,9722 51,5769 nl4000017 voordelta 83 534 3,6775 51,7452 nl4000021 grevelingen * 13 753 3,9919 51,7421 nl9801004 bakkeveense duinen 258 6,2879 53,0867 nl9801007 fochtelo rveen * 2 596 6,41 53,0054 nl9801009 drentsche aa-gebied * 3 902 6,6454 53,0245 nl9801013 weerribben * 3 280 5,9539 52,7808 nl9801016 borkeld * 493 6,5035 52,2725 nl9801017 vecht- en beneden-reggegebied * 4 122 6,4669 52,4956 nl9801018 wierdense veld * 420 6,5159 52,3747 nl9801019 buurserzand & haaksbergerveen * 1 243 6,7784 52,1431 nl9801021 dinkelland * 532 7,024 52,2919 nl9801023 veluwe * 88 366 5,8453 52,1902 nl9801025 sint pietersberg & jekerdal * 256 5,6739 50,8239 nl9801035 weerter- en budelerbergen & ringselven * 1 139 5,6693 51,3031 nl9801036 leenderbos, groote heide & de plateaux * 4 390 5,5011 51,3291 nl9801040 savelsbos * 357 5,7475 50,8029 nl9801041 geuldal * 2 472 5,9394 50,7794 nl9801044 botshol * 218 4,9257 52,2522 nl9801049 vlijmens ven, moerputten & bossche broek 897 5,2363 51,6826 nl9801055 brabantse wal 1 725 4,3861 51,3961 nl9801064 springendal & dal van de mosbeek * 1 245 6,8741 52,4436 nl9801071 holtingerveld * 1 754 6,2522 52,8041 nl9801072 korenburgerveen * 459 6,6565 51,9868 nl9801075 grensmaas * 314 5,7754 51,0253 nl9801076 bemelerberg & schiepersberg * 191 5,7731 50,8417 nl9801079 duinen goeree & kwade hoek * 1 624 3,9823 51,8371 nl9801080 noordhollands duinreservaat * 5 204 4,6284 52,5771 nl9802001 noordzeekustzone 144 475 5,0268 53,3453 nl9802031 zwarte meer 2 162 5,9524 52,6303 nl9802033 veluwerandmeren 6 123 5,6619 52,38 nl9802068 yersekse en kapelse moer 433 4,0197 51,4911 nl9803006 rottige meenthe & brandemeer * 1 369 5,8984 52,8431 nl9803011 drents-friese wold & leggelerveld * 7 466 6,3044 52,9018 nl9803015 sallandse heuvelrug * 2 217 6,4099 52,3381 nl9803030 loonse en drunense duinen & leemkuilen * 3 969 5,1323 51,6459 nl9803039 leudal * 340 5,9461 51,2493 nl9803061 westerschelde & saeftinghe 43 987 3,7825 51,3812 nl9803073 regte heide & riels laag * 538 5,0265 51,5036 nl9803077 voornes duin * 1 432 4,0629 51,8961 ptcon0001 peneda/ger s * 88 845,42 8,1219 41,7886 ptcon0017 litoral norte * 2 797,4 8,8333 41,7 ptcon0019 rio minho * 4 554,72 8,6531 42,0075 ptcon0020 rio lima * 5 360,8 8,6328 41,75 ptcon0024 valongo * 2 552,51 8,4708 41,1464 ptcon0039 serra d'arga * 4 493,29 8,7461 41,7819 ptcon0040 c 'rno do bico * 5 139,45 8,5167 41,8833 uk0012549 godrevy head to st agnes * 128,07 5,230278 50,30056 uk0012550 fontmell and melbury downs 260,75 2,142778 50,97222 uk0012552 pewsey downs * 153,87 1,848333 51,37167 uk0012553 prescombe down 76,14 2,020556 51,0275 uk0012557 the new forest * 29 262,36 1,680556 50,86639 uk0012559 penhale dunes * 621,34 5,137778 50,37167 uk0012566 kenfig/ cynffig * 1 191,67 3,744722 51,51833 uk0012570 braunton burrows * 1 346,64 4,212222 51,09111 uk0012576 hill of towanreef * 1 885,92 2,95 57,30833 uk0012577 craigengar * 37,31 3,475 55,77222 uk0012583 moniack gorge * 32,16 4,401667 57,45 uk0012584 bath and bradford-on-avon bats 107,16 2,238611 51,4175 uk0012585 beer quarry and caves 31,1 3,111944 50,69694 uk0012586 windsor forest and great park 1 687,26 0,623333 51,43556 uk0012587 bredon hill 359,86 2,050556 52,06361 uk0012594 rum * 10 835,33 6,3333 57 uk0012598 preseli 2 705,9 4,751111 51,955 uk0012599 river itchen 309,26 1,334722 50,95389 uk0012602 east devon pebblebed heaths 1 119,94 3,359167 50,67194 uk0012604 tregonning hill * 5,21 5,357778 50,12056 uk0012638 dunkeld-blairgowrie lochs 428,09 3,554167 56,575 uk0012642 river wye/ afon gwy * 2 234,89 3,299722 52,02333 uk0012643 river eden * 2 463,23 410 2,832778 54,60528 uk0012646 ensor's pool 3,8 1,486389 52,3425 uk0012647 river wensum * 381,74 0,993889 52,71778 uk0012650 south hams * 129,53 3,489167 50,39833 uk0012658 mells valley 28,22 2,491667 51,22583 uk0012661 glynllifon 189,27 4,306111 53,07083 uk0012670 afon teifi/ river teifi 715,58 4,170833 52,13583 uk0012672 cannock extension canal 5,47 1,970556 52,64972 uk0012679 culm grasslands * 768,69 3,647778 50,98 uk0012680 rhos llawr-cwrt 46,13 4,32 52,1225 uk0012681 rooksmoor 61,36 2,369722 50,89722 uk0012682 taynish and knapdale woods 966,27 5,556944 56,04028 uk0012683 salisbury plain * 21 438,1 1,889444 51,24583 uk0012685 gower commons/ tiroedd comin gwyr 1 776,72 4,169722 51,58889 uk0012687 yell sound coast * 1 540,55 1,15 60,46111 uk0012691 river tweed * 3 795,88 1284,69 2,791667 55,6 uk0012694 monach islands * 3 646,58 7,608333 57,525 uk0012696 north rona 628,53 5,825 59,125 uk0012705 sound of barra 12 507,46 7,3517 57,0539 uk0012711 mousa 530,6 1,172222 60 uk0012712 cardigan bay/ bae ceredigion 95 860,36 4,617222 52,24639 uk0012713 south uist machair * 3 432,65 7,333333 57,31389 uk0012715 ebernoe common 234,93 0,607222 51,03667 uk0012716 the mens 203,28 0,540833 51,00111 uk0012720 epping forest 1 604,95 0,0225 51,64417 uk0012723 east hampshire hangers * 569,68 0,945833 51,035 uk0012724 chilterns beechwoods * 1 276,48 0,585278 51,81083 uk0012727 wye valley woodlands/ coetiroedd dyffryn gwy * 916,24 2,678611 51,65778 uk0012734 avon gorge woodlands * 152,35 2,633611 51,46389 uk0012735 downton gorge * 69,3 2,818611 52,36333 uk0012740 birklands and bilhaugh 271,84 1,075278 53,20472 uk0012741 staverton park and the thicks, wantisden 81,45 1,440833 52,10583 uk0012745 borrowdale woodland complex * 667,83 3,181667 54,50556 uk0012748 coedydd a cheunant rheidol/ rheidol woods and gorge 229,19 3,839722 52,39361 uk0012749 south dartmoor woods * 2 157,15 3,819167 50,51667 uk0012750 loch etive woods * 2 639,54 5,183333 56,475 uk0012756 glen tanar * 4 180,09 2,891667 57,02222 uk0012758 black wood of rannoch * 1 100,65 4,347222 56,66667 uk0012759 kinveachy forest * 2 849,36 3,9 57,2375 uk0012762 amat woods * 233,36 4,583333 57,875 uk0012766 coed y cerrig * 9,1 3,029167 51,88333 uk0012767 kingley vale * 208,05 0,827778 50,89167 uk0012768 castle eden dene * 194,4 1,324722 54,75 uk0012770 great yews * 28,71 1,830278 51,0075 uk0012782 ingleborough complex * 5 769,28 2,373611 54,16 uk0012785 strath * 1 386,58 5,965 57,28889 uk0012786 durness * 1 212,74 4,768333 58,56917 uk0012787 inchnadamph * 1 282,91 4,940278 58,12833 uk0012789 pasturefields salt marsh * 7,7 2,0125 52,82139 uk0012791 hoy * 9 499,7 3,319444 58,85833 uk0012793 thursley, ash, pirbright and chobham * 5 138 0,693056 51,16167 uk0012795 carrine common * 45,86 5,089722 50,2525 uk0012799 the lizard * 3 257,11 5,224444 50,01139 uk0012801 roydon common and dersingham bog 351,83 0,499444 52,77278 uk0012804 mole gap to reigate escarpment * 887,68 0,28 51,26583 uk0012809 minsmere to walberswick heaths and marshes * 1 265,52 1,617222 52,25611 uk0012810 the stiperstones and the hollies 601,46 2,923333 52,59917 uk0012815 keen of hamar 39,9 0,82 60,7675 uk0012816 tyne and allen river gravels 36,84 2,485556 54,95556 uk0012817 gang mine 8,26 1,5725 53,09778 uk0012821 caenlochan * 5 204,16 3,291667 56,875 uk0012826 rodborough common 104,26 2,218333 51,73083 uk0012831 wye and crundale downs * 112,24 0,981111 51,16 uk0012832 lewes downs * 146,86 0,0475 50,86472 uk0012833 queendown warren * 14,28 0,623333 51,33528 uk0012834 lydden and temple ewell downs * 61,7 1,256389 51,16194 uk0012835 folkestone to etchinghill escarpment * 181,94 1,118333 51,10611 uk0012836 castle hill * 114,68 0,051111 50,84194 uk0012838 thrislington 22,58 1,5075 54,68889 uk0012844 lower derwent valley * 915,91 0,930556 53,88806 uk0012845 oxford meadows 265,89 1,286667 51,77694 uk0012863 trotternish ridge * 3 170,15 6,233333 57,56667 uk0012864 beinn iadain and beinn na h'uamha * 524,85 5,783333 56,6125 uk0012870 rannoch moor * 10 102,96 4,693333 56,63028 uk0012878 drostre bank * 12,66 3,315 51,97194 uk0012882 waveney and little ouse valley fens * 193,18 1,018333 52,37833 uk0012883 holme moor and clean moor * 7,58 3,291667 51,02528 uk0012884 corsydd m 'n/ anglesey fens * 467,19 4,295556 53,3125 uk0012885 crymlyn bog/ cors crymlyn * 299,45 3 3,888333 51,63639 uk0012889 cothill fen * 43,55 1,329444 51,69556 uk0012890 newham fen 13,49 1,732778 55,55889 uk0012891 tulach hill and glen fender meadows * 1 583,05 3,866667 56,75278 uk0012892 norfolk valley fens * 616,21 0,856111 52,52667 uk0012894 morrone birkwood * 318,4 3,425 56,99444 uk0012895 ben lawers * 5 027,59 4,225 56,55417 uk0012897 beinn dearg * 13 848,93 4,895833 57,79444 uk0012900 ben lui * 2 059,5 4,811111 56,39444 uk0012901 ben heasgarnich * 2 780,01 4,6 56,4875 uk0012902 flanders mosses * 1 073,58 4,2 56,15833 uk0012907 solway mosses north * 652,6 3,243611 54,92528 uk0012912 fenn's, whixall, bettisfield, wem and cadney mosses * 949,2 2,762222 52,9225 uk0012915 thorne moor * 1 909,38 0,8975 53,63833 uk0012923 border mires, kielder - butterburn * 11 851,77 2,497778 55,30472 uk0012926 berwyn a mynyddoedd de clwyd/ berwyn and south clwyd mountains * 27 221,21 3,607222 52,83861 uk0012928 elenydd * 8 609,42 3,726667 52,31917 uk0012929 dartmoor * 23 165,77 3,994444 50,66028 uk0012935 north harris * 13 132,01 6,955 57,99167 uk0012942 drumochter hills * 9 445,56 4,191667 56,86667 uk0012945 rhinog * 3 144,53 4,005 52,84778 uk0012946 eryri/ snowdonia * 19 737,6 3,953333 53,17333 uk0012950 ben wyvis * 5 387,45 4,55 57,68167 uk0012951 ben alder and aonach beag * 6 658,26 4,497222 56,84444 uk0012952 meall na samhna * 1 883,03 4,465278 56,46389 uk0012955 creag meagaidh * 6 144,58 4,548611 56,9625 uk0012956 ben nevis * 9 317,18 4,95 56,79167 uk0012957 beinn a'ghlo * 8 084,76 3,705556 56,83472 uk0012958 ardmeanach * 374,79 6,161111 56,40278 uk0012959 glen coe * 2 966,07 5,016667 56,64444 uk0012960 lake district high fells * 26 999,36 3,080833 54,67611 uk0012970 oak mere 68,82 2,638889 53,20583 uk0012977 lismore lochs * 108 5,529167 56,49861 uk0012983 loch watten 428,35 3,327778 58,4875 uk0012985 llangorse lake/ llyn syfaddan * 215,64 3,264444 51,92778 uk0012994 river moidart * 15,69 3,75 5,716667 56,78194 uk0012995 river borgie 32,72 14,23 4,288889 58,49167 uk0012996 river kerry * 10,08 3,4 5,65 57,68333 uk0013007 river usk/ afon wysg * 1 007,71 3,013889 51,79583 uk0013010 afon tywi/ river tywi 363,45 3,911389 51,92 uk0013011 ouse washes 311,35 0,205833 52,48278 uk0013016 river avon * 498,24 1,823333 51,10389 uk0013025 solway firth * 43 636,72 3,336667 54,97083 uk0013027 morecambe bay * 61 506,22 2,961667 54,11917 uk0013030 severn estuary/ m 'r hafren 73 715,4 2,978056 51,46861 uk0013031 drigg coast * 1 397,44 3,429722 54,35056 uk0013036 flamborough head 6 311,96 0,076944 54,11139 uk0013039 luce bay and sands * 48 759,28 4,75 54,75 uk0013041 invernaver * 294,54 4,25 58,5225 uk0013042 sands of forvie * 734,05 1,966667 57,33333 uk0013043 winterton - horsey dunes * 425,94 1,689722 52,72333 uk0013044 barry links * 789,67 2,75 56,47917 uk0013045 st david's / ty ddewi 935,47 5,303056 51,90833 uk0013046 glannau ynys gybi/ holy island coast 464,27 4,688333 53,30167 uk0013047 tintagel-marsland-clovelly coast 2 429,84 4,529167 50,9825 uk0013055 oldshoremore and sandwood * 443,73 5,1 58,48333 uk0013059 dungeness * 3 223,56 0,952778 50,91889 uk0013076 sefton coast * 4 563,97 3,085 53,58083 uk0013077 sandwich bay * 1 137,87 1,3775 51,30528 uk0013089 clyde valley woods * 434,66 3,797222 55,71667 uk0013091 ardgour pinewoods * 1 647,32 5,341667 56,79583 uk0013104 benacre to easton bavents lagoons * 366,93 1,710278 52,38639 uk0013107 thanet coast 2 803,84 1,375833 51,39 uk0013111 plymouth sound and estuaries 6 402,03 4,1475 50,335 uk0013112 fal and helford 6 387,8 5,150278 50,09167 uk0013114 lundy 3 064,53 4,667778 51,18694 uk0013116 pembrokeshire marine/ sir benfro forol * 138 069,45 5,615833 51,72639 uk0013117 pen llyn a'r sarnau/ lleyn peninsula and the sarnau * 146 023,48 4,366389 52,69139 uk0013141 foinaven * 14 845,6 4,847222 58,40278 uk0013573 loch lomond woods * 1 454,33 4,679167 56,2 uk0013574 mound alderwoods * 297,33 4,091667 57,96389 uk0013575 conon islands * 120,11 4,445833 57,55833 uk0013577 the broads * 5 889,66 1,603611 52,73528 uk0013584 creag nan gamhainn * 15,75 3,404167 57,25972 uk0013585 cwm cadlan 83,93 3,505278 51,77722 uk0013589 stromness heaths and coast * 635,78 3,35 59 uk0013592 lendalfoot hills complex * 1 309,71 4,8875 55,19139 uk0013594 whitlaw and branxholme 40,71 2,793889 55,55 uk0013595 west midlands mosses * 184,18 1,961111 52,85111 uk0013597 loch maree complex * 15 734,92 5,394444 57,60694 uk0013602 caithness and sutherland peatlands * 143 538,7 3,9375 58,33611 uk0013618 monadh mor * 251,79 4,369444 57,55139 uk0013619 pitmaduthy moss * 121,78 4,05 57,77361 uk0013658 cotswold beechwoods 585,85 2,147778 51,81861 uk0013690 essex estuaries 46 140,82 1,043611 51,70167 uk0013694 isles of scilly complex 26 850,95 6,343056 49,91833 uk0013695 st kilda 25 467,58 8,583333 57,81667 uk0013696 wormley hoddesdonpark woods 335,53 0,088611 51,73556 uk0013697 blean complex 520,62 1,028611 51,30194 uk0014728 coll machair * 851,33 6,658333 56,58889 uk0014729 rhidorroch woods * 740,67 4,966667 57,89861 uk0014739 strathglass complex * 23 583,93 5,016667 57,3375 uk0014744 tiree machair * 785,46 6,924167 56,52194 uk0014749 loch of stenness * 791,87 3,25 58,99583 uk0014774 moor house - upper teesdale * 38 795,99 2,312222 54,71639 uk0014775 north pennine dales meadows * 497,09 2,106667 54,62528 uk0014776 craven limestone complex * 5 328,25 2,116389 54,10111 uk0014777 morecambe bay pavements * 2 609,69 2,86 54,27444 uk0014778 asby complex * 3 122,23 2,620556 54,49417 uk0014780 orfordness - shingle street * 901,19 1,561389 52,08139 uk0014782 fenland * 618,64 0,278889 52,30639 uk0014783 tanat and vyrnwy bat sites/ safleoedd ystlumod tanat ac efyrnwy 11,78 3,413333 52,8225 uk0014784 usk bat sites/ safleoedd ystlumod wysg * 1 686,4 3,176389 51,82389 uk0014787 limestone coast of south west wales/ arfordir calchfaen de orllewin cymru * 1 594,53 5,055833 51,63056 uk0014788 great orme's head/ pen y gogarth * 302,63 3,853611 53,3325 uk0014789 coedydd derw a safleoedd ystlumod meirion/ meirionnydd oakwoods and bat sites * 2 813,7 3,898889 52,795 uk0014790 cors caron * 862,03 3,916667 52,25667 uk0014791 cors fochno * 652,71 4,015833 52,5025 uk0014792 rhos goch * 67,65 3,172778 52,1275 uk0014793 pembrokeshire bat sites and bosherston lakes/ safleoedd ystlum sir benfro a llynnoedd bosherston 122,44 4,938333 51,62111 uk0014794 wye valley and forest of dean bat sites/ safleoedd ystlumod dyffryn gwy a fforest y ddena 142,7 2,5725 51,7375 uk0016254 isle of wight downs 461,8 1,471667 50,66889 uk0016372 north meadow and clattinger farm 104,88 1,979167 51,63889 uk0016373 chilmark quarries 10,41 2,036389 51,07833 uk0016412 cairngorms * 57 685,02 3,654167 57,07667 uk0016599 ballynahone bog * 243,24 6,661944 54,82306 uk0016603 cuilcagh mountain * 2 744,45 7,804722 54,22389 uk0016606 garron plateau * 4 650,07 6,061667 55,00306 uk0016607 pettigoe plateau * 1 264,32 8,0175 54,51944 uk0016608 teal lough * 198,22 6,855278 54,73472 uk0016609 black bog * 183,42 7,015278 54,67389 uk0016610 garry bog * 154,76 6,527778 55,10833 uk0016611 fairy water bogs * 223,7 7,473333 54,64139 uk0016612 murlough * 11 902,03 5,783333 54,21111 uk0016613 magilligan * 1 058,22 6,923889 55,17611 uk0016614 upper lough erne * 5 738,38 7,494444 54,2 uk0016615 eastern mournes * 7 507,03 5,965556 54,17472 uk0016618 strangford lough * 15 398,54 5,594444 54,44444 uk0016619 monawilkin 174,78 7,861111 54,42917 uk0016620 derryleckagh 48,69 6,286111 54,165 uk0016621 magheraveely marl loughs * 58,78 7,266667 54,18917 uk0016622 slieve beagh * 1 884,68 7,193889 54,34806 uk0017068 the vadills * 62,43 1,3875 60,28333 uk0017069 papa stour 2 076,69 1,691667 60,33333 uk0017070 loch nam madadh * 2 320,38 7,155556 57,62222 uk0017072 berwickshire and north northumberland coast 65 045,5 1,672222 55,65389 uk0017073 solent and isle of wight lagoons * 36,24 1,136944 50,775 uk0017074 loch roag lagoons * 43,62 6,875 58,23333 uk0017075 the wash and north norfolk coast * 107 761,28 0,318056 52,93694 uk0017076 chesil and the fleet * 1 631,63 2,522778 50,61306 uk0017077 lochs duich, long and alsh reefs 2 380,86 5,575 57,275 uk0017096 faray and holm of faray 785,68 2,825 59,225 uk0017097 north northumberland dunes * 1 147,56 1,800278 55,68472 uk0017101 obain loch euphoirt * 348,59 7,191667 57,53611 uk0019756 bankhead moss, beith * 32,5 4,633333 55,71944 uk0019757 black loch moss * 108,42 3,833333 55,90556 uk0019758 blawhorn moss * 109 3,783333 55,89444 uk0019759 braehead moss * 122,6 3,658333 55,74444 uk0019760 coalburn moss * 224,32 3,863889 55,60417 uk0019761 cockinhead moss * 48,4 4,608333 55,70278 uk0019762 cranley moss * 101,27 3,675 55,70833 uk0019763 dykeneuk moss * 61,64 4,630556 55,68889 uk0019764 red moss * 75,86 3,784167 55,51833 uk0019765 waukenwae moss * 155,49 4,098333 55,73333 uk0019767 reidside moss * 87,17 2,665278 57,6 uk0019768 north shotts moss * 53,36 3,798333 55,83056 uk0019771 claish moss and kentra moss * 1 013,78 5,730556 56,74167 uk0019772 coladoir bog * 155,46 5,956944 56,39722 uk0019773 eilean na muice duibhe * 568,08 6,263889 55,56389 uk0019774 feur lochain * 376,18 6,39 55,83889 uk0019775 glac na criche * 265,33 6,436111 55,85167 uk0019791 carn nan tri-tighearnan * 4 151,29 3,944444 57,43056 uk0019793 hascosay * 164,92 0,9875 60,6125 uk0019794 inverasdale peatlands * 1 264,57 5,736667 57,84333 uk0019795 east mires and lumbister * 620,32 1,1 60,63917 uk0019796 moidach more * 929,05 3,608333 57,45139 uk0019797 ronas hill - north roe * 4 900,9 1,416667 60,55 uk0019798 sligachan peatlands * 1 440,91 6,1725 57,27667 uk0019799 tingon * 569,3 1,533333 60,53333 uk0019800 turclossie moss * 62,77 2,1925 57,60778 uk0019801 flow of dergoals * 170,18 4,734722 54,88333 uk0019802 sound of arisaig (loch ailort to loch ceann traigh) 4 556,65 5,870833 56,80833 uk0019803 sunart * 10 246,72 5,808333 56,675 uk0019804 north uist machair * 3 048,54 7,379167 57,53333 uk0019806 dornoch firth and morrich more * 8 700,53 4,041667 57,85 uk0019807 culbin bar * 612,88 3,775 57,62917 uk0019808 moray firth 151 347,17 3,725556 57,81694 uk0019811 river spey * 5 729,48 776,6 3,5 57,37083 uk0019812 insh marshes * 1 158,78 3,966667 57,09167 uk0019813 kirkcowan flow * 777,57 4,736111 55,00278 uk0019814 kilhern moss * 123,83 4,808333 54,92917 uk0019815 lewis peatlands * 27 945,59 6,35 58,35556 uk0019816 mointeach scadabhaigh * 3 320,06 7,275 57,59722 uk0019818 mochrum lochs * 178,99 4,651389 54,84889 uk0019820 mointeach nan lochain dubha * 410,07 5,854167 57,21667 uk0019833 duddon mosses * 313,07 3,192778 54,25694 uk0019834 roudsea wood and mosses * 470,45 3,001667 54,21778 uk0019838 north norfolk coast * 3 207,37 0,610556 52,96889 uk0019839 m ine mh r * 1 150,41 5,518056 56,08056 uk0019840 endrick water 239,11 40,52 4,4 56,05556 uk0019841 merrick kells * 8 698,3 4,445833 55,13333 uk0019857 dorset heaths * 5 730,73 2,16 50,65083 uk0019859 peak district dales * 2 326,33 1,787778 53,09139 uk0019861 isle of portland to studland cliffs 1 447,5 2,226111 50,62056 uk0019863 st albans head to durlston head * 287,22 1,991111 50,59222 uk0019864 sidmouth to west bay * 897,3 2,954444 50,71583 uk0019865 breckland * 7 548,06 0,745 52,51889 uk0019866 rex graham reserve * 2,67 0,550833 52,34194 uk0019958 morven and mullachdubh * 916,76 3,075 57,125 uk0019959 muir of dinnet 415,76 2,893056 57,10139 uk0019978 lower river spey - spey bay * 652,6 3,116667 57,67 uk0020019 carmarthen bay dunes/ twyni bae caerfyrddin * 1 206,32 4,482778 51,73917 uk0020020 carmarthen bay and estuaries/ bae caerfyrddin ac aberoedd * 66 101,16 4,376389 51,66667 uk0020021 y twyni o abermenai i aberffraw/ abermenai to aberffraw dunes * 1 871,03 4,372778 53,15167 uk0020025 glannau m 'n: cors heli / anglesey coast: saltmarsh 1 058 4,421944 53,16167 uk0030030 ballochbuie * 1 881,73 3,318333 56,99167 uk0030031 barnack hills and holes * 23,27 0,411389 52,62778 uk0030032 river derwent and bassenthwaite lake * 1 832,96 3,142222 54,57639 uk0030033 north pennine moors * 103 109,42 1,79 54,16944 uk0030034 burnham beeches 382,76 0,630833 51,56 uk0030035 clints quarry 12,03 3,302222 54,70917 uk0030036 denby grange colliery ponds 18,53 1,590556 53,63361 uk0030037 devil's dyke * 8,02 0,358889 52,23361 uk0030038 dorset heaths (purbeck and wareham) and studland dunes * 2 221,94 1,965833 50,65444 uk0030039 eller's wood and sand dale * 4,09 0,683333 54,25222 uk0030040 exmoor heaths * 10 705,87 3,624722 51,16444 uk0030041 firth of lorn 20 975,01 5,716667 56,21667 uk0030042 glan-traeth * 14,1 4,368611 53,17333 uk0030043 grimsthorpe 0,35 0,469167 52,77194 uk0030044 kennet and lambourn floodplain * 114,47 1,549722 51,43139 uk0030045 largalinny * 244,87 7,886667 54,43194 uk0030046 afon gwyrfai a llyn cwellyn 114,29 4,170833 53,08306 uk0030047 lough melvin * 516,43 8,121944 54,42722 uk0030048 mendip woodlands * 253,92 2,421667 51,20694 uk0030049 morfa harlech a morfa dyffryn 1 062,57 4,129167 52,87333 uk0030051 mottey meadows 43,87 2,236944 52,7175 uk0030052 north somerset and mendip bats * 561,19 2,746389 51,28611 uk0030053 orton pit 141,24 0,288056 52,53444 uk0030054 portholme 91,93 0,184167 52,32083 uk0030055 rathlin island 3 344,62 6,216667 55,3 uk0030056 river camel * 621,17 69 4,735278 50,50417 uk0030057 river ehen 24,39 3,4975 54,51528 uk0030058 rook clift * 10,82 0,832778 50,95694 uk0030059 solent maritime * 11 325,09 0,927778 50,79639 uk0030060 south devon shore dock 341,01 3,7 50,2125 uk0030061 south wight maritime 19 862,71 1,3475 50,59139 uk0030063 wast water 286,21 3,289167 54,44389 uk0030064 lower bostraze and leswidden * 2,33 5,660278 50,12056 uk0030065 newlyn downs * 115,71 5,044167 50,34889 uk0030066 strathy point 203,58 4,0375 58,59111 uk0030067 south-east islay skerries 1 498,3 6,061111 55,65278 uk0030068 fardrum and roosky turloughs * 43,1 7,722222 54,4 uk0030069 sanday 10 971,65 2,5 59,28333 uk0030070 cernydd carmel * 361,14 4,043333 51,82556 uk0030071 aberbargoed grasslands 39,78 3,209722 51,685 uk0030072 sugar loaf woodlands 173,84 3,023056 51,84333 uk0030073 achnahaird * 21,37 5,363889 58,06667 uk0030074 afonydd cleddau/ cleddau rivers * 750,73 4,996944 51,88444 uk0030075 afon eden - cors goch trawsfynydd * 284,29 3,9 52,82611 uk0030076 alde, ore and butley estuaries 1 561,53 1,568889 52,10167 uk0030077 altnaharra 68,93 4,425 58,28472 uk0030078 alyn valley woods/ coedwigoedd dyffryn alun * 168,3 3,201389 53,15861 uk0030079 ardnamurchan burns 24,98 9,49 6,191667 56,71667 uk0030080 ashdown forest 2729 0,070556 51,05583 uk0030081 abhainn clais an eas and allt a'mhuilinn 0,9 2,76 5,258333 58,13333 uk0030082 aston rowant 127,75 0,948611 51,66833 uk0030083 banagher glen * 87,77 6,952778 54,88361 uk0030084 bann estuary * 347,94 6,749167 55,1675 uk0030085 baston fen 2,2 0,316944 52,73917 uk0030086 beast cliff - whitby (robin hood's bay) 260,2 0,517222 54,41389 uk0030087 bee's nest and green clay pits 14,76 1,641389 53,08667 uk0030088 berriedale and langwell waters 57,62 44,63 3,519444 58,19444 uk0030089 binevenagh * 90,79 6,924722 55,12056 uk0030090 blackmill woodlands 71,01 3,544167 51,56139 uk0030091 blackstone point 7,38 4,056944 50,29667 uk0030092 blaen cynon * 66,83 3,528056 51,74833 uk0030093 walton moss * 285,89 2,775 54,99056 uk0030094 borders woods * 53,23 2,6625 55,58056 uk0030095 bracket's coppice 53,66 2,6875 50,86056 uk0030096 brecon beacons/ bannau brycheiniog 269,67 3,416944 51,88 uk0030097 breen wood * 36,01 6,238056 55,13778 uk0030098 breney common and goss and tregoss moors 816,01 4,8825 50,40222 uk0030099 broubster leans 172,76 3,652778 58,52778 uk0030100 brown moss 32,03 2,653333 52,94972 uk0030101 buchan ness to collieston * 207,52 1,808333 57,43889 uk0030102 burrow head 244,22 4,4 54,69167 uk0030103 butser hill * 238,66 0,98 50,97167 uk0030104 cadair idris * 3 785,05 3,918333 52,70111 uk0030105 caeau mynydd mawr 25,06 4,065833 51,78917 uk0030106 calf hill and cragg woods * 34,43 2,698056 54,04667 uk0030107 cannock chase 1 236,93 2,026667 52,76639 uk0030108 cape wrath 1 015,21 4,927222 58,60444 uk0030109 cardiff beech woods * 115,62 3,270556 51,53389 uk0030110 carn-glenshane pass * 1 938,78 6,771111 54,90889 uk0030111 carsegowan moss * 49,49 4,45 54,9 uk0030112 cawdor wood * 161,6 3,925 57,51389 uk0030113 glaswelltiroedd cefn cribwr/ cefn cribwr grasslands 58,35 3,628056 51,535 uk0030114 bae cemlyn/ cemlyn bay * 43,43 4,511111 53,41167 uk0030115 cerne and sydling downs 369,08 2,468333 50,81667 uk0030116 cladagh (swanlinbar) river 28,3 7,630556 54,21917 uk0030117 coed cwm einion * 21,01 3,930556 52,53444 uk0030118 coedydd aber * 346,2 4,001389 53,22222 uk0030119 coedydd llawr-y-glyn 100,68 3,580833 52,50111 uk0030120 coille mh r 311,23 5,634722 57,31111 uk0030121 corsydd eifionydd * 144,32 4,295833 53,00556 uk0030122 coyles of muick * 135,16 3,108333 57,00833 uk0030123 craighall gorge * 53,59 3,345833 56,61944 uk0030124 coedwigoedd penrhyn creuddyn/ creuddyn peninsula woods * 118,86 3,805833 53,29472 uk0030125 upper strathearn oakwoods 152,48 3,865 56,34389 uk0030126 cumbrian marsh fritillary site 22,96 2,932222 54,75917 uk0030127 cwm clydach woodlands / coedydd cwm clydach 28,81 3,15 51,80389 uk0030128 cwm doethie - mynydd mallaen 4 122,29 3,830278 52,09667 uk0030129 dam wood 18,98 4,269444 57,58333 uk0030130 dawlish warren * 58,84 3,435833 50,60306 uk0030131 dee estuary/ aber dyfrdwy * 15 805,89 3,216111 53,32833 uk0030132 deeside and buckley newt sites * 207,52 3,061667 53,20306 uk0030133 dew's ponds 6,74 1,500556 52,29194 uk0030134 dinnet oakwood 19,73 2,883333 57,06944 uk0030135 dixton wood 13,14 2,030556 51,97972 uk0030136 dogden moss * 156,73 2,502778 55,7375 uk0030138 duncton to bignor escarpment 214,47 0,626944 50,91389 uk0030139 dunraven bay 6,47 3,6025 51,44222 uk0030140 durham coast * 393,63 1,292778 54,75889 uk0030141 coedydd nedd a mellte * 378,18 3,567222 51,77222 uk0030142 arnecliff and park hole woods 52,49 0,787778 54,43333 uk0030143 east caithness cliffs 442,64 3,339167 58,28028 uk0030144 gweunydd blaencleddau * 150,11 4,685278 51,95333 uk0030145 coetiroedd cwm elan/ elan valley woodlands * 439,53 3,578889 52,26222 uk0030146 coedwigoedd dyffryn elwy/ elwy valley woods * 83,01 3,466389 53,20972 uk0030147 emer bog 37,5 1,438333 50,99 uk0030148 exmoor and quantock oakwoods * 1 895,17 3,5825 51,18389 uk0030149 fair isle 561,27 1,533333 59,53333 uk0030150 fens pools 20,4 2,117778 52,49667 uk0030151 ford moss * 61,14 2,0475 55,63278 uk0030152 dun moss and forest of alyth mires * 469,96 3,345 56,7 uk0030153 galloway oakwoods 355,1 4,529167 55,00833 uk0030154 glen beasdale 507,32 5,741667 56,89444 uk0030155 glen creran woods * 703,88 5,248611 56,56667 uk0030156 glenartney juniper wood 101,74 4,001389 56,3375 uk0030157 gower ash woods/ coedydd ynn gwyr * 233,15 4,059722 51,57472 uk0030158 granllyn 20,99 3,150278 52,695 uk0030159 green hill of strathdon 640,77 3,133333 57,23333 uk0030160 grogwynion 42,11 3,894722 52,33 uk0030161 mwyngloddiau fforest gwydir/ gwydyr forest mines 39,75 3,801389 53,10389 uk0030162 hackpen hill 35,83 1,491944 51,55944 uk0030163 halkyn mountain/ mynydd helygain * 610,36 3,204722 53,235 uk0030164 hartslock wood * 34,24 1,1075 51,50583 uk0030165 hastings cliffs 183,72 0,652222 50,86861 uk0030166 hatfield moor 1 363,55 0,943889 53,54361 uk0030167 helbeck and swindale woods * 136,38 2,333889 54,54222 uk0030168 hestercombe house 0,08 3,084167 51,05194 uk0030169 hollymount * 49,95 5,749722 54,32194 uk0030170 humber estuary * 36 657,15 0,734722 53,58917 uk0030171 inverpolly * 11 877,32 5,183333 58,06389 uk0030172 isle of may 356,75 2,573611 56,19028 uk0030173 johnstown newt sites 69,61 3,028333 53,01222 uk0030174 keltneyburn * 31,73 3,988889 56,62972 uk0030175 kennet valley alderwoods * 56,77 1,4275 51,40444 uk0030176 kinloch and kyleakin hills * 5 266,96 5,729167 57,21667 uk0030177 kippenrait glen * 61,56 3,947222 56,175 uk0030178 kirk deighton 4,03 1,396389 53,94528 uk0030179 ladder hills * 4 357,94 3,248611 57,21667 uk0030180 lecale fens 40,87 5,770833 54,27667 uk0030181 ledmore wood 93,37 4,25 57,875 uk0030182 eileanan agus sgeiran lios m r 1 139,62 5,4375 56,56806 uk0030183 little gruinard river 1 177,98 69,68 5,441667 57,75833 uk0030184 little wittenham 68,76 1,173333 51,63139 uk0030185 llwyn * 22,1 3,371111 53,16694 uk0030186 llyn dinam 36,69 4,534167 53,26639 uk0030187 corsydd llyn/ lleyn fens * 283,68 4,509167 52,90028 uk0030188 loch a'phuill 151,17 6,941667 56,46944 uk0030189 loch achnacloich 20,09 4,241667 57,73333 uk0030190 loch creran 1 226,39 5,341667 56,53222 uk0030191 loch fada 80,34 6,208333 56,08333 uk0030192 loch laxford 1 221,33 5,084722 58,40222 uk0030193 loch of isbister 105 3,3 59,09444 uk0030194 loch of wester 69,66 3,163889 58,51944 uk0030195 loch ruthven 201,15 4,28 57,33167 uk0030196 loch ussie 102,62 4,5 57,575 uk0030197 lower findhorn woods * 181,43 3,666667 57,55 uk0030198 lyppard grange ponds 1,09 2,176944 52,19806 uk0030199 main valley bogs * 186,2 6,383333 55,01222 uk0030200 manchester mosses 172,81 2,465556 53,47111 uk0030202 y fenai a bae conwy/ menai strait and conwy bay 26 482,67 4,055 53,23444 uk0030203 mendip limestone grasslands * 417,47 2,859167 51,29667 uk0030204 methven moss * 83,7 3,602778 56,39167 uk0030205 migneint-arenig-dduallt * 19 968,23 3,782222 52,97722 uk0030206 mingarry burn 4,25 3,77 6,179167 56,61111 uk0030208 moffat hills * 2 891,92 3,333333 55,40833 uk0030209 loch moidart and loch shiel woods * 1 756,77 5,566667 56,80972 uk0030210 monadhliath * 10 671,11 4,272222 57,08611 uk0030211 moneygal bog * 155,79 7,630278 54,74194 uk0030212 moninea bog * 44,74 7,5425 54,14167 uk0030213 montgomery canal 55,89 3,115556 52,6825 uk0030214 montiaghs moss 151,28 6,314722 54,52528 uk0030215 moorfoot hills * 8 498,99 3,016667 55,70694 uk0030216 mortlach moss 12,02 2,830556 57,49167 uk0030217 morvern woods * 1 927,49 5,647222 56,51667 uk0030218 airds moss * 1 359,33 4,197222 55,50278 uk0030219 mull oakwoods 1 401,89 5,68 56,40556 uk0030220 mull of galloway 136,39 4,9 54,64167 uk0030221 mynydd epynt * 40,12 3,628333 52,04722 uk0030222 nene washes 88,19 0,078333 52,57278 uk0030223 ness woods * 847,12 4,591667 57,19167 uk0030224 north antrim coast * 314,59 6,393333 55,2325 uk0030225 north downs woodlands * 287,58 0,403611 51,34 uk0030226 north fetlar 1 581,93 0,855556 60,61667 uk0030227 north pembrokeshire woodlands/ coedydd gogledd sir benfro * 315,68 4,846389 51,97472 uk0030228 north york moors * 44 082,25 0,904167 54,40917 uk0030229 north west pembrokeshire commons/ comins gogledd orllewin sir benfro 248,89 5,233889 51,90056 uk0030230 ascrib, isay and dunvegan 2 584,99 6,638889 57,51389 uk0030231 ardvar and loch a'mhuilinn woodlands 805,99 5,084722 58,25 uk0030232 overstrand cliffs 30,02 1,325 52,92306 uk0030233 owenkillew river * 213,46 7,132222 54,72778 uk0030234 ox close * 141,25 2,024444 54,30806 uk0030235 paston great barn 0,95 1,449444 52,85722 uk0030236 peatlands park * 207,3 6,598611 54,48833 uk0030237 peter's pit 28,3 0,465556 51,33778 uk0030238 phoenix united mine and crow's nest 48,72 4,447778 50,52389 uk0030239 pitkeathly mires 61,49 3,444444 56,3125 uk0030240 turflundie wood 86,36 3,3 56,31389 uk0030241 polruan to polperro 213,39 4,584167 50,33111 uk0030242 quants 20,29 3,158889 50,95306 uk0030243 rassal * 1 017,19 5,551667 57,4375 uk0030244 rea's wood and farr's bay * 41,81 6,228056 54,70722 uk0030245 rhos talglas 53,55 4,121667 52,25056 uk0030246 richmond park 846,68 0,274444 51,44083 uk0030247 rinns of islay 1 149,7 6,416667 55,76389 uk0030248 river axe 25,78 3,039167 50,75917 uk0030249 river bladnoch 300,02 143,57 4,583333 54,90833 uk0030250 river clun 14,93 2,891667 52,37278 uk0030251 river dee * 2 446,82 571,2 3,075 57,05556 uk0030252 river dee and bala lake/ afon dyfrdwy a llyn tegid * 1 308,93 175,7 2,861111 53,04722 uk0030253 river derwent 411,23 0,927778 53,9175 uk0030254 river evelix 20,17 19,06 4,119444 57,89583 uk0030255 langavat 1 459,64 88,9 6,75 58,08333 uk0030256 river kent 109,12 2,756667 54,35056 uk0030257 river lambourn 27,27 1,426944 51,46194 uk0030258 river mease 21,86 1,615556 52,69972 uk0030259 river moriston * 194,53 31,98 4,816667 57,17222 uk0030260 river naver 1 066,66 127,63 4,341667 58,30694 uk0030261 river oykel 960,42 211,65 4,733333 57,97222 uk0030262 river south esk 478,62 167,59 2,916667 56,70278 uk0030263 river teith * 1 312,4 143,76 4,2875 56,28333 uk0030264 river thurso 355,58 114,04 3,466667 58,42222 uk0030265 rixton clay pits 13,99 2,475278 53,40639 uk0030266 rochdale canal 25,55 2,161111 53,53056 uk0030267 roman wall loughs 684,26 2,351667 55,01944 uk0030268 rostrevor wood 16,63 6,187222 54,09111 uk0030270 saltfleetby-theddlethorpe dunes and gibraltar point * 960,2 0,225833 53,39111 uk0030271 clogwyni pen llyn/ seacliffs of lleyn 1 048,4 4,646389 52,8 uk0030272 shelforkie moss * 111,37 3,841667 56,26667 uk0030273 sullom voe * 2 698,55 1,309722 60,46389 uk0030274 shingle islands * 77,9 3,663889 56,64167 uk0030275 shortheath common * 58,94 0,893889 51,12361 uk0030276 skipwith common 295,2 0,9975 53,82778 uk0030277 slieve gullion 612,13 6,435 54,12778 uk0030280 south pennine moors * 64 983,13 1,783056 53,46028 uk0030281 st abb's head to fast castle 127,52 2,195833 55,91944 uk0030282 st austell clay pits * 0,61 4,781111 50,36 uk0030283 stodmarsh * 564,64 1,1725 51,30639 uk0030284 strensall common 569,63 1,005833 54,02972 uk0030285 subberthwaite, blawith and torver low commons 1 865,17 3,123056 54,29639 uk0030286 tarbert woods 1 595,97 5,575 55,78333 uk0030287 tayvallich juniper and coast 1 213,47 5,668056 55,98056 uk0030288 threepwood moss * 53,29 2,766667 55,675 uk0030289 treshnish isles 1 962,66 6,406667 56,5 uk0030290 trossachs woods 374,95 4,420833 56,23611 uk0030291 turmennan 14,83 5,714167 54,37944 uk0030292 tweed estuary 155,93 2,011111 55,77111 uk0030293 tyne and nent 36,84 2,443333 54,79694 uk0030294 tynron juniper wood 6,67 3,843056 55,21389 uk0030295 ullswater oakwoods * 123,41 2,927778 54,5075 uk0030296 upper ballinderry river * 58,8 6,8625 54,65556 uk0030297 upper nithsdale woods * 98,38 3,866667 55,35694 uk0030298 urquhart bay wood * 46,03 4,441667 57,33333 uk0030299 west dorset alder woods * 329,29 2,655 50,76833 uk0030300 west fermanagh scarplands * 2 270,35 7,869167 54,39028 uk0030301 wimbledon common 348,31 0,234444 51,43222 uk0030302 witherslack mosses * 486,53 2,833056 54,23583 uk0030303 wolf island bog * 118,02 6,562222 54,91111 uk0030304 woolmer forest 666,68 0,850278 51,08556 uk0030305 yerbeston tops 18,81 4,816667 51,75472 uk0030306 yewbarrow woods * 112,89 3,002778 54,27611 uk0030307 rigg - bile * 500,89 6,144444 57,46111 uk0030310 south solway mosses * 1 962,36 3,243333 54,92583 uk0030311 firth of tay & eden estuary * 15 412,53 2,95 56,36667 uk0030312 river tay 9 497,72 837,11 4,083333 56,56667 uk0030313 peeswit moss * 52,98 3,05 55,78333 uk0030314 raeburn flow * 63,96 3,1 54,95278 uk0030315 red moss of netherley * 92,53 2,233333 57,03611 uk0030316 west fannyside moss * 33,83 3,918056 55,93333 uk0030317 darwin mounds 137 726 7,216667 59,75833 uk0030318 aughnadarragh lough 12,8 5,774444 54,4625 uk0030319 ballykilbeg 37,59 5,775833 54,29444 uk0030320 river foyle and tributaries 770,12 120 7,451667 54,73611 uk0030321 cranny bogs * 78,9 7,343611 54,52333 uk0030322 curran bog * 183,31 6,6425 54,79972 uk0030323 dead island bog * 54,56 6,5475 54,8875 uk0030324 deroran bog * 75,46 7,187778 54,58806 uk0030325 tonnagh beg bog * 55,6 7,362778 54,48667 uk0030326 tully bog * 35,99 7,349722 54,62583 uk0030328 briddlesford copses * 167,22 1,220833 50,71056 uk0030329 crowdy marsh 92,65 4,614444 50,62056 uk0030330 dover to kingsdown cliffs * 183,85 8 1,3825 51,14389 uk0030331 eversden and wimpole woods 66,48 0,034722 52,15889 uk0030332 fen bog 27,49 0,689722 54,36528 uk0030333 harbottle moors 936,3 2,146944 55,33111 uk0030334 mottisfont bats 196,88 1,558056 51,04778 uk0030335 naddle forest * 360,89 2,780833 54,5225 uk0030336 simonside hills * 2 082,6 2,028889 55,26722 uk0030337 singleton and cocking tunnels 2,45 0,758611 50,92167 uk0030338 parkgate down * 6,94 1,102778 51,17111 uk0030339 tarn moss 17,03 2,929167 54,63861 uk0030340 tr igh na berie * 153,75 6,928333 58,21306 uk0030341 oronsay * 340,07 6,25 56,01167 uk0030342 fannich hills * 9 637,96 4,991667 57,69306 uk0030343 beinn bhan 4 181,32 5,668333 57,43889 uk0030344 onich to north ballachulish woods * 619,06 5,185 56,71222 uk0030346 glen shira 65,34 5,009444 56,29778 uk0030347 slochd 91,78 3,958056 57,31667 uk0030348 the maim 484,58 3,208333 57,06667 uk0030349 crookhill brick pit 4,71 2,504444 50,61639 uk0030350 holnest 54,94 2,474722 50,89444 uk0030352 dogger bank 1 233 115 2,218889 54,8575 uk0030353 haig fras 47 569,38 7,78 50,25028 uk0030354 scanner pockmark 335 0,971111 58,28528 uk0030355 wyville thomson ridge 173 995 6,715 59,97361 uk0030356 garron point * 15,58 2,168889 56,98333 uk0030357 braemar pockmarks 518 1,476111 58,98667 uk0030358 north norfolk sandbanks and saturn reef 360 341 2,120833 53,37472 uk0030359 stanton banks 81 727 7,907778 56,23472 uk0030360 river roe and tributaries 407,6 87 6,928889 54,99472 uk0030361 river faughan and tributaries 293,27 62,03 7,199167 54,92361 uk0030362 bolton fell moss * 374,74 2,798056 55,01139 uk0030363 north west rockall bank 436 526 14,16778 57,70972 uk0030364 east mingulay 11 511 7,405833 56,78889 uk0030365 red bay 965,54 6,023611 55,11444 uk0030366 arun valley 487,49 0,528056 50,91861 uk0030367 pevensey levels 3 585,38 0,350556 50,8525 uk0030368 bassurelle sandbank 6 709 1,006389 50,59306 uk0030369 haisborough, hammond and winterton 146 759 1,966111 52,84083 uk0030370 inner dowsing, race bank and north ridge 84 514 0,720556 53,25722 uk0030371 margate and long sands 64 914 1,37 51,56528 uk0030372 lyme bay and torbay 31 248 2,969722 50,65111 uk0030373 start point to plymouth sound & eddystone 34 076,13 3,983611 50,21 uk0030374 lizard point 13 988 5,255833 49,9675 uk0030375 lands end and cape bank 30 172 5,824722 50,20139 uk0030376 shell flat and lune deep 10 565 3,203889 53,86389 uk0030377 hamford water 50,35 1,2236 51,9025 uk0030378 tankerton slopes and swalecliffe 13,01 1,0703 51,3658 uk0030379 pisces reef complex 873 5,251944 54,14778 uk0030380 wight-barfleur reef 137 344 1,473611 50,27778 uk0030381 croker carbonate slabs 6 591 5,238056 53,4725 uk0030382 studland to portland 33 191,09 2,1675 50,55472 uk0030383 skerries and causeway 10 862 6,596667 55,2425 uk0030384 the maidens 7 461,36 5,751944 54,94361 uk0030385 pobie bank reef 96 575 0,2931 60,5297 uk0030386 solan bank reef 85 593 5,08 59,0008 uk0030387 anton dohrn seamount 142 861 11,02324 57,21456 uk0030389 east rockall bank 369 489 12,91 57,65444
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2369 of 26 november 2015 adopting a ninth update of the list of sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region (notified under document c(2015) 8191) type: decision_impl subject matter: natural environment; environmental policy; regions and regional policy date published: 2015-12-23 23.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 338/34 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2369 of 26 november 2015 adopting a ninth update of the list of sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region (notified under document c(2015) 8191) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 92/43/eec of 21 may 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (1), and in particular the third subparagraph of article 4(2) thereof, whereas: (1) the continental biogeographical region referred to in article 1(c)(iii) of directive 92/43/eec comprises the union territory of luxembourg and parts of the union territories of belgium, bulgaria, the czech republic, denmark, germany, france, italy, austria, poland, romania, slovenia, croatia and sweden, as specified in the biogeographical map approved on 20 april 2005 by the committee set up by article 20 of that directive (the habitats committee). (2) the initial list of sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region, within the meaning of directive 92/43/eec, was adopted by commission decision 2004/798/ec (2). that list was last updated by commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/69 (3). (3) the sites included in the list of sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region form part of the natura 2000 network which is an essential element of the protection of biodiversity in the union. in order to make further progress in the actual establishment of the natura 2000 network and in the context of a dynamic adaptation of that network, the lists of sites of community importance are reviewed regularly. (4) since february 2014 member states have proposed additional sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region within the meaning of article 1 of directive 92/43/eec. member states have also submitted changes in the site-related information contained in the list of sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region. (5) on the basis of the draft list drawn up by the commission in agreement with each of the member states concerned, which also identifies sites hosting priority natural habitat types or priority species, an updated list of sites selected as sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region should be adopted. articles 4(4) and 6(1) of directive 92/43/eec apply to the newly included sites. (6) knowledge of the existence and distribution of the natural habitat types and species is constantly evolving as a result of the surveillance undertaken in accordance with article 11 of directive 92/43/eec. therefore, the evaluation and selection of sites at union level was carried out using the best available information at the time. (7) certain member states have not proposed sufficient sites to meet the requirements of directive 92/43/eec for certain habitat types and species. furthermore, knowledge of the existence and distribution of some of the natural habitat types listed in annex i and some of the species listed in annex ii to directive 92/43/eec remains incomplete. for those habitat types and species it can therefore not be concluded that the natura 2000 network is complete. (8) in the interests of clarity and transparency, implementing decision (eu) 2015/69 should be repealed. (9) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the habitats committee, has adopted this decision: article 1 the ninth update of the list of sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region as set out in the annex is adopted. article 2 implementing decision (eu) 2015/69 is repealed. article 3 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 26 november 2015. for the commission karmenu vella member of the commission (1) oj l 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7. (2) commission decision 2004/798/ec of 7 december 2004 adopting, pursuant to council directive 92/43/eec, the list of sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region (oj l 382, 28.12.2004, p. 1). (3) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/69 of 3 december 2014 adopting an eighth update of the list of sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region (oj l 18, 23.1.2015, p. 1). annex ninth update of the list of sites of community importance for the continental biogeographical region each site of community importance (sci) is identified by the information supplied in the natura 2000 format, including the corresponding map. this information has been transmitted by the competent national authorities in accordance with the second subparagraph of article 4(1) of directive 92/43/eec. the table below gives the following information: a : sci code comprising nine characters, the first two being the iso code for the member state; b : name of the sci; c : *= presence on the sci of at least one priority natural habitat type and/or species within the meaning of article 1 of directive 92/43/eec; d : area of the sci in hectares or length of the sci in km; e : geographical coordinates of the sci (latitude and longitude) in decimal degrees. all the information given in the union list below is based on the data proposed, transmitted and validated by belgium, bulgaria, croatia, the czech republic, denmark, germany, france, italy, luxembourg, austria, poland, romania, slovenia and sweden. a b c d e sci code name of sci * area of sci (ha) length of sci (km) geographical coordinate of sci longitude latitude at1101112 nickelsdorfer haidel * 12,1 17,0508 47,9556 at1102112 zurndorfer eichenwald und hutweide * 153,4 17,0039 47,96 at1103112 parndorfer heide * 7,38 16,8694 47,9969 at1104212 fronwiesen und johannesbach * 47,88 16,5158 47,9331 at1106218 siegendorfer pu ta und heide * 27,86 16,5833 47,7806 at1108813 bernstein lockenhaus rechnitz * 24 586,2097 16,3556 47,3792 at1110137 neusiedler see nord stliches leithagebirge * 57 124,56 16,7725 47,8433 at1114813 s dburgenl ndisches h gel- und terrassenland * 13 999,1 16,4206 47,0678 at1115415 naturwaldreservat lange leitn, neckenmarkt 28,95 16,5294 47,6392 at1122916 lafnitztal * 590,57 16,1053 47,0664 at1123323 mattersburger h gelland * 3 060,87 16,4 47,7 at1201a00 waldviertler teich-, heide- und moorlandschaft * 13 722,12 15,1389 48,7986 at1202000 march-thaya-auen * 8 879,95 16,9458 48,5417 at1204000 donau-auen stlich von wien * 9 516,26 16,7667 48,1306 at1205a00 wachau * 18 063,42 15,4069 48,3583 at1206a00 weinviertler klippenzone * 3 150,43 16,3861 48,5722 at1207a00 kamp- und kremstal * 14 495,27 15,675 48,5306 at1208a00 thayatal bei hardegg * 4 428,6 15,8389 48,8417 at1209a00 westliches weinviertel * 2 982,32 15,825 48,7153 at1210a00 steinfeld * 3 018,33 16,2972 47,9 at1213000 pannonische sandd nen * 2 523,63 16,7458 48,2972 at1214000 hundsheimer berge * 2 135,1 16,9778 48,1236 at1215000 bisamberg * 360,5 16,375 48,3208 at1216000 tullnerfelder donau-auen * 17 533,32 15,9556 48,3528 at1217a00 strudengau nibelungengau * 4 821,74 15,0417 48,2167 at1218000 machland s d * 1 670,15 14,7819 48,1694 at1219000 nieder sterreichische alpenvorlandfl sse * 7 024,54 15,2694 48,1833 at1220000 feuchte ebene leithaauen * 5 086,32 16,4611 48,0083 at1301000 nationalpark donau-auen (wiener teil) * 2 258 16,5317 48,1728 at1302000 naturschutzgebiet lainzer tiergarten * 2 259 16,2258 48,1767 at1303000 landschaftsschutzgebiet liesing (teil a, b und c) * 639 16,2383 48,1469 at1304000 bisamberg (wiener teil) * 340 16,4039 48,3164 at2208000 lafnitztal neudauer teiche * 1 162,64 16,088056 47,17 at2211000 hartberger-gmoos 61,04 15,976111 47,27306 at2213000 steirische grenzmur mit gamlitzbach und gnasbach * 2 159,02 16,025 46,66806 at2214000 deutschlandsberger klause * 22,71 15,196944 46,81889 at2218000 feistritzklamm/herberstein * 124,89 15,803889 47,21806 at2225000 demmerkogel-s dh nge, wellinggraben mit sulm-, saggau- und la nitzabschnitten und p nitzbach * 2 095,98 15,451944 46,78 at2229001 oberlauf der pinka * 37,25 16,055 47,46806 at2230000 teile des s doststeirischen h gellandes inklusive h ll und grabenlandb che * 15 663,26 15,906944 46,84694 at2242000 schwarze und wei e sulm * 220,22 15,12 46,78611 at3105000 unterer inn * 864 13,25 48,2917 at3106000 reinthaler moos * 16 13,5264 47,9167 at3107000 tanner moor * 120 14,8653 48,5069 at3108000 tal der kleinen gusen * 346 14,475 48,3972 at3109000 unteres trauntal * 213 14,1417 48,1806 at3110000 ettenau * 625 12,7917 48,0569 at3114000 traun-donau-auen * 664 14,35 48,2653 at3115000 maltsch * 353 14,5833 48,6167 at3118000 salzachauen * 337 12,8442 48,0242 at3119000 auw lder am unteren inn * 550 13,2411 48,2864 at3120000 waldaist und naarn * 3 838 14,6667 48,4167 at3121000 b hmerwald und m hlt ler * 9 351 13,9333 48,6667 at3122000 oberes donau- und aschachtal * 7 119 13,7667 48,4833 at3123000 wiesengebiete und seen im alpenvorland * 1 263 13,1833 48,0333 at3125000 rannatal * 226 13,775 48,5028 at3127000 eferdinger becken * 1 355,9 14,0752 48,3171 at3129000 wiesengebiete im m hlviertel * 574,4 14,7384 48,538 at3131000 leitenbach * 110,69 13,8272 48,3624 at3132000 machland nord * 1 124,74 14,7703 48,1877 at3137000 unteres steyr- und ennstal * 358,1 14,2557 48,0238 at3139000 unteres trauntal erweiterung * 1 160,64 13,9167 48,0833 at3140000 gerlhamer moor 11,81 13,5583 47,9517 at3201014 wallersee-wengermoor * 298,47 13,1817 47,9267 at3223000 salzachauen, salzburg * 623,91 12,96 47,91 at3228000 b rmooser moor 55,82 12,9239 47,9989 at3229000 nordmoor am mattsee 3,7 13,15 47,99 at3233000 pfarrkirche st. georgen bei salzburg 0,066 12,88 47,99 be2200039 voerstreek * 1 592 5,8333 50,7333 be32023b0 vall e du ruisseau d'acoz (ch telet) * 19,269 0,16 4,5247 50,3822 be32029b0 haute vall e de la thure (sivry-rance) * 496,3646 4,2019 50,1864 be32030b0 vall e de la hante (beaumont; froidchapelle; sivry-rance) * 457,5285 0,35 4,3006 50,1786 be32031c0 bois de vieux sart et de montbliart (sivry-rance) * 940,105 4,1814 50,1411 be32032c0 for ts de rance (beaumont; froidchapelle; sivry-rance) * 977,2837 4,2608 50,1642 be32033b0 sources de la hante (froidchapelle) * 533,0425 4,3619 50,1392 be32034c0 bois massart et for ts de sivry-rance (chimay; froidchapelle; sivry-rance) * 680,9372 4,2722 50,1256 be32035b0 la fagne entre baili vre et robechies (chimay) 14,255 4,2647 50,07 be32036b0 vall e de l'eau blanche virelles (chimay; couvin; froidchapelle) * 950,45 0,06 4,35 50,0808 be32037b0 massifs forestiers entre momignies et chimay (chimay; momignies) * 1 866,818 4,2175 50,0236 be32038b0 bois de bourlers et de baileux (chimay; couvin) * 1 202,8146 4,4006 50,0172 be32039b0 vall es de l'oise et de la wartoise (chimay; momignies) * 757,882 4,2397 49,9911 be32040b0 haute vall e de l'eau noire (chimay; couvin) * 712,6 4,4153 49,9686 be33002b0 basse vall e du geer (bassenge; juprelle; oupeye; vis ) * 584,6499 11,86 5,6178 50,7672 be33003b0 montagne saint-pierre (bassenge; oupeye; vis ) * 241,477 5,6814 50,7758 be33004b0 basse meuse et meuse mitoyenne (bl gny; oupeye; vis ) * 225,1903 5,6961 50,7731 be33005b0 vall e du ruisseau de bolland (bl gny; herve; soumagne) * 49,0328 5,7525 50,6564 be33006b0 vall e de la gueule en aval de kelmis (plombi res; welkenraedt) * 570,0029 5,9292 50,7033 be33007b0 vall e de la gueule en amont de kelmis (kelmis; lontzen; raeren; welkenraedt) * 464,0796 0,31 6,0019 50,7008 be33008c0 vall e de la burdinale (burdinne; h ron; wanze) * 289,9482 5,1167 50,5706 be33009b0 vall e de la mehaigne (braives; burdinne; villers-le-bouillet; wanze) * 224,9005 5,1972 50,5936 be33010c0 vall e de la meuse huy et vallon de la soli res (amay; huy; wanze) * 491,2364 0,86 5,1936 50,5083 be33011c0 vall es du hoyoux et du triffoy (clavier; huy; marchin; modave; ohey) * 1 308,8615 0,24 5,2922 50,4336 be33012b0 affluents de la meuse entre huy et fl malle (amay; engis; fl malle; modave; nandrin; neupr ) * 534,7989 1,16 5,4264 50,5597 be33013b0 bois de la neuville et de la vecqu e (fl malle; neupr ; seraing) * 388,3017 5,5211 50,5589 be33014b0 vall e de l'ourthe entre comblain-au-pont et angleur (chaudfontaine; comblain-au-pont; esneux; li ge; neupr ; sprimont) * 695,1504 1,23 5,5903 50,5553 be33015b0 bois d'anthisnes et d'esneux (anthisnes; comblain-au-pont; esneux; nandrin; neupr ; ouffet) * 906,1534 5,5322 50,5167 be33016b0 basse vall e de la vesdre (chaudfontaine; fl ron; olne; trooz) * 336,91 2,01 5,6819 50,5853 be33017b0 basse vall e de l'ambl ve (aywaille; comblain-au-pont; sprimont) * 339,0457 2,34 5,6514 50,4831 be33018b0 coteaux calcaires de theux et le rocheux (theux) * 68,6933 5,8036 50,5314 be33019b0 vall e de la vesdre entre eupen et verviers (baelen; dison; limbourg; verviers) * 528,8851 0,67 6,0322 50,61 be33020b0 affluents du lac d'eupen (eupen; raeren) * 498,4647 6,1086 50,6203 be33021b0 osthertogenwald autour de raeren (raeren) * 402,9171 6,1114 50,6492 be33022b0 la gileppe (baelen; jalhay; limbourg) * 1 155,7037 5,9964 50,5786 be33023c0 vall e de la soor (baelen; eupen) * 447,1768 6,0558 50,5761 be33024c0 vall e de la helle (baelen; eupen; waimes) * 760,0492 6,1211 50,5717 be33025b0 fagnes du nord-est (eupen; raeren; waimes) * 2 355,7305 6,195 50,5939 be33026b0 vall e de l'ourthe entre hamoir et comblain-au-pont (anthisnes; comblain-au-pont; ferri res; hamoir; ouffet) * 589,1676 5,5847 50,4694 be33027c0 vall e de la lembr e et affluents (aywaille; durbuy; ferri res; stoumont) * 749,3012 2 5,645 50,4053 be33028b0 vall e de l'ambl ve du pont de targnon remouchamps (aywaille; stoumont; theux) * 1 774,2119 5,7381 50,4358 be33029c0 basse vall e de la lienne (stoumont) * 396,0469 5,7361 50,3975 be33030c0 vall e de l'ambl ve de ch neu au pont de targnon (stoumont) * 239,1749 5,8 50,4042 be33031b0 bois de la g ronst re (spa) 451,3228 5,8753 50,4708 be33032b0 fagnes de malchamps et de stoumont (aywaille; spa; stoumont; theux) * 774,0569 5,8406 50,4408 be33033c0 vall e du wayai et affluents (jalhay) * 87,4299 5,9403 50,4881 be33034b0 vall e de la ho gne (jalhay) * 502,1987 5,9561 50,5317 be33035c0 plateau des hautes-fagnes (baelen; jalhay; malmedy; waimes) * 3 990,2691 6,1058 50,5286 be33036b0 fagnes de la roer (b tgenbach; waimes) * 1 295,851 6,1706 50,5003 be33037c0 camp militaire d'elsenborn (b llingen; b tgenbach) * 2 559,1941 6,2289 50,475 be33038b0 vall e de la schwalm (b llingen; b tgenbach) * 634,7202 6,2814 50,4772 be33039c0 vall e de l'olefbach (b llingen) * 714,7518 6,3269 50,4586 be33040b0 fagnes de stavelot et vall e de l'eau rouge (jalhay; malmedy; stavelot) * 1 258,3099 6,0172 50,4772 be33041c0 fagnes de la polleur et de malmedy (malmedy; waimes) * 1 091,5546 6,0522 50,4856 be33042c0 vall es de la warche et du bayehon en aval du barrage de robertville (malmedy; waimes) * 461,4288 0,24 6,0917 50,4533 be33043b0 vall e de la warche entre butgenbach et robertville (b tgenbach; waimes) * 157,4474 6,2211 50,4444 be33044b0 sources de l'ambl ve (amel; b tgenbach; waimes) 53,538 6,1917 50,4072 be33045b0 sources de la warchenne (waimes) * 17,2129 6,1533 50,4011 be33046b0 vall e de la warche en amont de butgenbach (b llingen; b tgenbach) * 296,7745 6,3161 50,3806 be33047c0 vall e de la holzwarche (b llingen) * 335,5652 6,3369 50,4047 be33048b0 vall e de la lienne et affluents entre les trous de bras et habi mont (lierneux; manhay; stoumont; trois-ponts) * 225,485 5,775 50,3556 be33049c0 mardelles d'arbrefontaine et vallons fangeux de fosse (lierneux; trois-ponts; vielsalm) * 215,6154 5,8497 50,3439 be33050c0 fagne de la gotale et affluents du ruisseau de chavanne (lierneux; manhay) * 177,6714 5,7161 50,3331 be33051c0 vall e de l'ambl ve entre wanne et coo (stavelot; trois-ponts) * 223,6255 5,9164 50,3797 be33052b0 ma campagne au sud de malmedy (malmedy) * 47,7365 6,0256 50,4094 be33053b0 noir ru et vall e du rechterbach (malmedy; sankt vith; stavelot; trois-ponts) * 609,1859 6,01 50,3286 be33054c0 vall e de l'ambl ve entre montenau et baugn (amel; malmedy; waimes) * 229,5568 6,0736 50,3881 be33055c0 vall e de l'emmels (amel) * 309,5062 6,1119 50,3489 be33056b0 haute vall e de l'ambl ve entre heppenbach et montenau (amel) * 384,7701 6,2144 50,3383 be33057b0 vall e du kolvenderbach (amel; b llingen) * 185,2465 6,2697 50,3361 be33058c0 vall e du medemberbach (b llingen) 258,1106 6,3128 50,3428 be33059b0 sources de l'our et de l'ensebach (b llingen) * 258,4716 6,3697 50,3394 be33060c0 haute vall e de la lienne (lierneux; manhay) * 383,6248 5,7758 50,3094 be33061c0 affluents de l'our entre setz et schoenberg (amel; sankt vith) * 235,9335 6,2161 50,3094 be33062c0 vall e sup rieure de l'our et ses affluents (amel; b llingen; sankt vith) * 396,0458 6,2514 50,2864 be33063c0 vall e et affluents du braunlauf (burg-reuland; gouvy; sankt vith) * 285,7175 6,0719 50,2514 be33064c0 vall e de l'ulf (burg-reuland; gouvy) * 290,555 6,0311 50,2128 be33065b0 vall e inf rieure de l'our et ses affluents (burg-reuland; sankt vith) 637,2948 0,5 6,1475 50,1783 be33066b0 grotte jaminon (pepinster) 0,0812 0,33 5,8022 50,5717 be33067b0 bois de staneux (spa; theux) * 492,1118 5,8431 50,5033 be34001c0 vall e et affluents du n blon (clavier; durbuy; ouffet) * 138,4926 5,4578 50,4161 be34002b0 vall e de l'ourthe entre bomal et hamoir (durbuy; ferri res; hamoir) * 618,3973 0,9 5,5347 50,3925 be34003b0 vall e de l'ourthe entre hotton et barvaux-sur-ourthe (durbuy; hotton; somme-leuze) * 1 539,166 0,95 5,4067 50,3208 be34004b0 massifs forestiers famenniens entre hotton et barvaux-sur-ourthe (durbuy; erez e; hotton) * 1 755,2853 5,4564 50,3147 be34005b0 la calestienne entre barvaux et bomal (durbuy) * 331,6739 5,5172 50,3586 be34006b0 la calestienne entre oppagne et barvaux (durbuy; erez e) * 260,771 5,505 50,3275 be34007b0 basse vall e de l'aisne (durbuy; erez e; ferri res; manhay) * 1 912,0601 0,57 5,6269 50,3408 be34008b0 camp militaire de marche-en-famenne (hotton; marche-en-famenne; somme-leuze) * 2 841,6882 5,3953 50,2703 be34009b0 la calestienne entre marenne et hotton (hotton) * 282,8977 5,4333 50,2536 be34011b0 la calestienne entre hotton et oppagne (erez e; hotton) * 109,5375 5,4839 50,2839 be34012b0 vall e de l'ourthe entre la roche et hotton (erez e; hotton; la roche-en-ardenne; rendeux) * 606,2717 5,4792 50,2592 be34013b0 haute vall e de l'aisne (erez e; la roche-en-ardenne; manhay) * 1 835,987 5,585 50,2575 be34014b0 fagne de la cr pale et prairies de malempr (lierneux; manhay) * 175,6605 5,7361 50,2806 be34015b0 fanges des sources de l'aisne (manhay) * 603,8988 5,6936 50,2447 be34016b0 fagnes de samr e et de tailles (houffalize; la roche-en-ardenne; vielsalm) * 860,386 5,7564 50,2325 be34017b0 fagnes de bihain (gouvy; houffalize; vielsalm) * 702,8874 5,78 50,2439 be34018c0 sources de la lienne (lierneux; vielsalm) * 199,0986 5,8072 50,2644 be34019b0 ennal et grand fond (trois-ponts; vielsalm) * 176,4531 5,9378 50,3233 be34020b0 bassin sup rieur de la salm (gouvy; vielsalm) * 759,172 1,5 5,9789 50,2383 be34021b0 la calestienne marche en famenne (marche-en-famenne) * 37,4751 0,17 5,3672 50,2297 be34022b0 basse vall e de la wamme (marche-en-famenne; nassogne) * 74,7726 5,33 50,1789 be34023b0 vall e de l'ourthe entre nisramont et la roche (houffalize; la roche-en-ardenne; rendeux) * 1 934,1733 5,6314 50,1742 be34024b0 bassin inf rieur de l'ourthe orientale (gouvy; houffalize; la roche-en-ardenne) * 2 116,7715 5,8242 50,1517 be34025b0 haute-wimbe (beauraing; daverdisse; wellin) * 1 238,7177 5,0033 50,0353 be34026b0 massif forestier de daverdisse (daverdisse; libin; tellin; wellin) * 3 955,8708 5,1039 50,0322 be34027c0 bassin de la lomme de poix-saint-hubert grupont (libin; saint-hubert; tellin) * 3 632,4243 5,2697 50,0453 be34028b0 vall e de la lomme de grupont rochefort (nassogne; rochefort) * 157,7492 1,61 5,2931 50,1164 be34029c0 haute-wamme et masblette (nassogne; saint-hubert; tellin; tenneville) * 7 338,123 5,3992 50,095 be34030c0 for t de freyr (libramont-chevigny; sainte-ode; saint-hubert; tenneville) * 3 120,5413 5,4533 50,0564 be34031b0 bassin moyen de l'ourthe occidentale (libramont-chevigny; sainte-ode) * 229,0606 5,49 50,0167 be34032c0 bassin inf rieur de l'ourthe occidentale (bertogne; houffalize; la roche-en-ardenne; tenneville) * 817,7925 5,6594 50,1075 be34033b0 etangs de longchamps et de noville (bastogne; bertogne) * 345,6359 5,6803 50,0414 be34034b0 sources du ruisseau de tavigny (gouvy; houffalize) * 153,5869 1,13 5,8589 50,0814 be34035b0 bassin sup rieur de la wiltz (bastogne) * 178,0343 5,7586 49,9808 be34036b0 haute-lesse (bertrix; daverdisse; libin; paliseul) * 382,2851 5,1317 49,9806 be34037b0 haute-lomme (libin; libramont-chevigny; saint-hubert) * 1 845,1265 5,3453 49,9736 be34038b0 bassin sup rieur de l'ourthe occidentale (libramont-chevigny) * 1 402,7301 5,4442 49,9558 be34039b0 haute-s re (fauvillers; l glise; libramont-chevigny; neufch teau; vaux-sur-s re) * 2 799,8756 5,6597 49,8872 be34040b0 vall e de villers-la-bonne-eau (bastogne) * 170,57 5,7431 49,9464 be34041c0 s re frontali re (fauvillers; martelange) * 152,6854 5,7553 49,8642 be34042b0 bassin de la semois de bouillon alle (bouillon; vresse-sur-semois) * 1 675,0114 0,35 5,0225 49,8239 be34043c0 bassin de la semois du maka bouillon (bouillon) * 889,9007 5,1467 49,7775 be34044b0 vall e du ruisseau des aleines (bertrix; bouillon; paliseul) * 484,7259 0,06 5,1714 49,8417 be34045c0 for ts de muno (bouillon; florenville) * 561,0742 5,1892 49,735 be34046b0 bassin de la semois de florenville auby (bertrix; florenville; herbeumont) * 4 513,1319 4 5,2747 49,7625 be34047b0 haute-vierre (bertrix; herbeumont; libramont-chevigny; neufch teau) * 464,1486 5,375 49,8372 be34048b0 bassin de la semois de jamoigne chiny (chiny; florenville; herbeumont) * 2 246,2543 5,3422 49,7253 be34049c0 basse-vierre (chiny; herbeumont; l glise; neufch teau; tintigny) * 2 910,5993 5,435 49,7628 be34050b0 bassin de la semois entre tintigny et jamoigne (chiny; habay; l glise; tintigny) * 2 435,021 5,4742 49,7408 be34051b0 vall es du ruisseau de mellier et de la mandebras (habay; l glise; neufch teau) * 1 202,892 5,5358 49,7522 be34052c0 for t d'anlier (habay; l glise; martelange) * 7 555,3735 0,04 5,6464 49,7792 be34053b0 bassin de l'attert (attert) * 1 178,5848 5,7886 49,7836 be34054b0 bassin de la marche (chiny; florenville; meix-devant-virton) * 2 452,7336 1 5,3711 49,665 be34055b0 vall e du ruisseau de breuvanne (chiny; tintigny) * 621,3383 5,4508 49,6767 be34056b0 bassin de la semois de etalle tintigny (etalle; habay; tintigny) * 2 030,4189 5,5789 49,695 be34057b0 marais de la haute-semois et bois de heinsch (arlon; attert; etalle; habay) * 1 356,4447 5,73 49,6939 be34058c0 camp militaire de lagland (arlon; etalle; saint-l ger) * 2 536,1028 5,7117 49,6575 be34059b0 vall es de l'eisch et de clairefontaine (arlon) * 154,2729 5,8661 49,6711 be34060b0 bassin sup rieur de la chevratte (meix-devant-virton; tintigny) * 1 150,093 5,4783 49,6314 be34061b0 vall es de laclaireau et du rabais (etalle; saint-l ger; virton) * 2 106,3054 5,6064 49,6194 be34062b0 bassin du ruisseau du messancy (arlon; messancy) * 322,0819 5,7489 49,6317 be34063b0 vall es de la chevratte (meix-devant-virton; rouvroy) * 266,5451 5,4789 49,5911 be34064b0 vall es de la vire et du ton (rouvroy; virton) * 288,5141 5,5942 49,5522 be34065b0 bassin sup rieur de la vire et du ton (aubange; messancy; musson; saint-l ger; virton) * 1 307,1076 5,6967 49,5978 be34066b0 vall e du ton et c 'te bajocienne de montquintin ruette (rouvroy; virton) * 1 896,805 0,1 5,5408 49,5294 be34067b0 for ts et marais bajociens de baranzy athus (aubange; musson) * 815,4636 0,06 5,7256 49,5472 be34068c0 bois de famenne humain et aye (marche-en-famenne) * 540,967 5,2628 50,2239 be34069b0 mare de frassem (arlon) 6,6131 5,8314 49,6983 be35002b0 vall e de l'orneau (gembloux; jemeppe-sur-sambre; perwez) * 317,0307 4,6781 50,5036 be35003b0 vall e de la sambre en aval de la confluence avec l'orneau (floreffe; namur) * 74,7669 1 4,7461 50,4328 be35004b0 vall e de la meuse de dave marche-les-dames (namur) * 498,8201 4,9175 50,4553 be35005b0 bassin du samson (andenne; assesse; gesves; namur; ohey) * 1 241,9124 5,025 50,4075 be35006b0 vall e de la meuse de marche-les-dames andenne (andenne; ohey) * 365,3231 5,1278 50,4686 be35008b0 vall e du burnot (anh e; profondeville) * 149,4159 4,8431 50,3625 be35009b0 vall e de la meuse d'yvoir dave (anh e; assesse; namur; profondeville; yvoir) * 606,6893 4,9261 50,3886 be35010b0 vall e du bocq (assesse; hamois; yvoir) * 432,9865 4,8858 50,335 be35011b0 vall e de la molign e (anh e; florennes; mettet; onhaye) * 883,9947 4,7811 50,3017 be35012b0 vall e de la meuse de dinant yvoir (anh e; dinant; yvoir) * 724,6635 0,12 4,9014 50,28 be35013c0 bois calcaires de nettinne (somme-leuze) * 208,8703 5,2683 50,2869 be35014c0 bois de famenne waillet (marche-en-famenne; somme-leuze) 457,7921 5,3208 50,2525 be35015b0 vall e du flavion (anh e; florennes; onhaye) * 690,9218 0,23 4,7911 50,2536 be35016b0 vall e de la chinelle (florennes; philippeville) * 917,5926 4,6514 50,2158 be35017b0 vall e du ruisseau de f ron (florennes; hasti re; onhaye) * 209,7441 4,7847 50,2225 be35018b0 bassin de l'hermeton en aval de vodel e (doische; florennes; hasti re; philippeville) * 989,2994 4,7781 50,2019 be35019b0 vall e de la meuse en amont d'hasti re (beauraing; doische; hasti re; houyet) * 1 359,5278 4,8408 50,1792 be35020b0 vall e de la meuse d'hasti re dinant (dinant; hasti re; onhaye) * 862,4424 0,33 4,8847 50,2139 be35021b0 vall e de la lesse en aval de houyet (dinant; houyet) * 1 645,2371 1,05 4,9564 50,215 be35022b0 bassin de l'iw ne (ciney; houyet; rochefort) * 909,2267 5,0772 50,2147 be35023b0 vall e de la lesse entre villers-sur-lesse et houyet (houyet; rochefort) * 441,1214 5,0233 50,1914 be35024b0 vall es des ruisseaux de fenffe et du vachau (ciney; houyet; rochefort) * 885,7112 5,1297 50,1978 be35025b0 la famenne entre eprave et havrenne (rochefort) * 1 700,2195 5,1864 50,1797 be35026b0 massif forestier de cerfontaine (cerfontaine; chimay; couvin; froidchapelle; philippeville) * 2 938,459 0,48 4,3878 50,1089 be35027b0 vall e de l'eau blanche entre aublain et mariembourg (chimay; couvin) * 1 262,1705 4,4411 50,0744 be35028b0 bassin fagnard de l'eau blanche en aval de mariembourg (couvin; doische; philippeville) * 1 362,6301 4,5608 50,1186 be35029b0 bassin fagnard de l'eau noire (doische; hasti re; philippeville) * 3 460,2958 4,6428 50,1464 be35030b0 la calestienne entre frasnes et doische (couvin; doische; philippeville; viroinval) * 2 662,4461 0,52 4,6492 50,1014 be35031b0 bassin ardennais de l'eau noire (couvin; viroinval) * 106,7092 4,5072 50,0267 be35032b0 bassin ardennais du viroin (viroinval) * 403,1193 4,6292 50,0453 be35033b0 vall e du ruisseau d'alisse (viroinval) * 23,9072 0,7 4,6547 49,9936 be35034b0 vall es des ruisseaux de rempeine et de la scheloupe (beauraing) * 539,4659 4,9228 50,1314 be35035b0 vall e de l'il we (beauraing; houyet) * 753,8508 4,9967 50,1439 be35036b0 vall e du biran (beauraing; houyet) * 374,0077 5,0433 50,1089 be35037b0 vall e de la wimbe (beauraing; rochefort; wellin) * 1 047,2686 0,47 5,1042 50,1094 be35038b0 bassin de la lesse entre villers-sur-lesse et chanly (nassogne; rochefort; tellin; wellin) * 2 284,4931 0,31 5,1942 50,1181 be35039b0 vall e de la houille en aval de gedinne (beauraing; gedinne) * 1 782,577 4,8678 50,0378 be35040b0 vall e de la hulle (gedinne) * 1 512,7936 4,8175 49,9722 be35041b0 bassin de la houille en amont de gedinne (gedinne) * 1 385,266 4,8703 49,9636 be35042b0 vall e de l'almache en amont de gembes (bi vre; daverdisse; gedinne) * 533,9154 5,0464 49,9603 be35043c0 vall e du ruisseau de saint-jean (gedinne) * 450,9077 4,8761 49,9397 be35044c0 bassin du ruisseau du ru au moulin (bi vre; gedinne; vresse-sur-semois) * 499,1283 4,9203 49,8967 be35045b0 vall e de la semois en aval d'alle (bi vre; vresse-sur-semois) * 1 801,0554 4,9011 49,8592 be35046b0 vall e du ruisseau de gros fays (bi vre) * 92,8254 4,9886 49,8661 be35047c0 vall e du ruisseau de rebais (vresse-sur-semois) * 517,3369 0,11 4,95 49,8256 be35048b0 vall e du ruisseau de la goutelle (vresse-sur-semois) * 100,7688 4,8769 49,8167 bg0000104 provadiysko royaksko plato * 50 158,5877 27,251111 43,17333 bg0000106 harsovska reka * 36 756,7004 27,321111 43,84139 bg0000107 suha reka * 62 528,73 27,659444 43,74694 bg0000113 vitosha * 27 102,1062 23,254167 42,54667 bg0000117 kotlenska planina * 69 058,9177 26,428333 42,88861 bg0000119 trite bratya * 1 021,99 27,288333 42,71167 bg0000130 kraymorska dobrudzha * 6 657,4945 28,2845 43,6587 bg0000132 pobitite kamani * 231,35 27,6925 43,23222 bg0000133 kamchiyska i emenska planina * 63 678,468 27,508056 42,92306 bg0000134 choklyovo blato * 280,86 22,816389 42,39361 bg0000136 reka gorna luda kamchia * 2 276,93 26,598889 42,80889 bg0000137 reka dolna luda kamchia * 2 460,6974 27,115 42,87722 bg0000138 kamenitsa * 1 455,71 26,993611 43,39722 bg0000139 luda kamchia * 6 111,06 26,6025 42,77 bg0000141 reka kamchia * 158,84 27,478333 43,03806 bg0000149 rishki prohod * 11 861,5 26,955833 42,92889 bg0000151 aytoska planina * 29 379,4 27,441389 42,68917 bg0000164 sinite kamani * 12 288,91 26,374444 42,7225 bg0000165 lozenska planina * 1 294,42 23,4725 42,58806 bg0000166 vrachanski balkan * 35 981,25 23,460833 43,17083 bg0000167 belasitsa * 11 587,7677 23,113611 41,34917 bg0000168 ludogorie * 59 447,4621 26,777222 43,80806 bg0000169 ludogorie srebarna * 5 223,8 27,133056 44,025 bg0000171 ludogorie boblata * 4 836,45 26,604167 43,88944 bg0000173 ostrovche * 6 749,1852 26,471389 43,43 bg0000178 ticha * 2 706,93 26,778889 43,13528 bg0000180 boblata * 3 216,87 26,590556 44,00444 bg0000181 reka vit * 5 717,17 24,622222 43,52694 bg0000182 orsoya * 2 949,4139 23,050556 43,785 bg0000190 vitata stena * 2 630,19 25,249444 42,94083 bg0000192 reka tundzha 1 * 9 502,9987 26,085 42,58194 bg0000194 reka chaya 650,62 24,865278 42,08639 bg0000195 reka tundzha 2 * 5 953,32 26,548889 42,28 bg0000196 reka mochuritsa * 8 702,8302 26,775556 42,64 bg0000198 sredetska reka * 707,78 27,0475 42,31528 bg0000199 tsibar * 2 971,73 23,512222 43,81194 bg0000203 tulovo 161,71 25,555556 42,56139 bg0000205 straldzha * 882,02 26,780556 42,61167 bg0000206 sadievo * 516,67 4 26,018056 42,55528 bg0000211 tvardishka planina * 38 649,5295 26,06 42,84028 bg0000212 sakar * 132 117,761 26,304722 41,95083 bg0000213 tarnovski visochini * 4 434,61 25,622222 43,10222 bg0000214 dryanovski manastir * 2 987,89 25,451667 42,93278 bg0000216 emen * 490,37 25,373056 43,145 bg0000217 zhdreloto na reka tundzha * 7 856,99 26,539167 41,96194 bg0000218 derventski vazvishenia 1 * 38 696,5012 26,714167 42,03722 bg0000219 derventski vazvishenia 2 * 55 036,13 27,053611 42,12972 bg0000224 ograzhden maleshevo * 27 373,5031 23,093056 41,50917 bg0000230 fakiyska reka * 4 104,72 27,291111 42,29417 bg0000231 belenska gora * 5 041,85 25,773056 43,38222 bg0000232 batin * 2 691,05 25,706389 43,68278 bg0000233 studena reka * 5 301,57 25,462778 43,49528 bg0000239 obnova karaman dol * 10 750,81 25,073056 43,42944 bg0000240 studenets * 27 946,0774 24,4975 43,27 bg0000241 srebarna * 1 448,2177 27,078056 44,11278 bg0000247 nikopolsko plato * 18 503,18 24,962778 43,61111 bg0000254 besaparski vazvishenia * 6 743,06 24,405556 42,09861 bg0000255 gradinska gora 439,9 25,176667 42,15528 bg0000261 yazovir koprinka * 876,33 25,251667 42,65861 bg0000263 skalsko * 2 189,47 25,309167 42,96694 bg0000266 peshtera mandrata * 1 24,528056 43,06361 bg0000269 peshtera lyastovitsata 1 24,171667 43,03028 bg0000275 yazovir stamboliyski * 9 355,55 25,106389 43,09111 bg0000279 stara reka * 146,17 26,022222 43,09361 bg0000280 zlatarishka reka * 67,69 25,899167 43,05139 bg0000281 reka belitsa * 117,26 25,6225 42,91306 bg0000282 dryanovska reka * 183,16 25,511667 42,95167 bg0000287 merichlerska reka 509,9 25,523333 42,13528 bg0000289 trilistnik * 616,95 24,871944 42,22111 bg0000291 gora shishmantsi 373,99 25,014444 42,2525 bg0000294 karshalevo * 6 307,08 22,586111 42,35194 bg0000295 dolni koriten * 461,69 22,58 42,465 bg0000298 konyavska planina * 9 671,95 22,881667 42,36639 bg0000301 cherni rid * 858,45 23,715833 42,41306 bg0000304 golak * 10 930,5064 23,950278 42,28667 bg0000308 verila * 6 443,4218 23,291111 42,38472 bg0000313 ruy * 6 236,2059 22,570833 42,855 bg0000314 rebro * 213,39 22,766389 42,745 bg0000322 dragoman * 21 357,18 23,067222 42,92389 bg0000334 ostrov * 3 918,6003 24,076389 43,69 bg0000335 karaboaz * 13 659,862 24,596944 43,70778 bg0000336 zlatia * 3 194,78 23,518889 43,71722 bg0000339 rabrovo * 910,82 22,623333 44,02222 bg0000340 tsar petrovo * 1 908,744 22,6825 43,96111 bg0000365 ovchi halmove * 1 309,66 24,375556 42,33028 bg0000366 kresna ilindentsi * 48 596,428 23,164722 41,75528 bg0000372 tsigansko gradishte * 9 555,741 24,875 41,40083 bg0000374 bebresh * 6 821,91 23,822222 43,00444 bg0000377 kalimok brashlen * 7 550,18 26,434444 44,02556 bg0000382 shumensko plato * 4 490,62 26,880556 43,26028 bg0000393 ekokoridor kamchia emine * 28 054,7924 27,007778 42,95306 bg0000396 persina * 25 684,1996 25,095278 43,66361 bg0000399 bulgarka * 23 996,75 25,391944 42,78556 bg0000401 sveti iliyski vazvishenia * 8 464,27 26,2 42,39472 bg0000402 bakadzhitsite * 4 504,87 26,719722 42,43222 bg0000418 kermenski vazvishenia * 2 107,8131 26,220278 42,49972 bg0000420 grebenets * 9 884,53 26,553889 42,68139 bg0000421 preslavska planina * 14 060,01 26,645556 43,15417 bg0000424 reka vacha trakia 550,32 24,535278 42,10139 bg0000425 reka sazliyka 991,77 25,844722 42,22722 bg0000426 reka luda yana * 474,08 24,341389 42,29472 bg0000427 reka ovcharitsa 1 163,72 26,0375 42,22389 bg0000429 reka stryama * 4 078,38 86 24,768889 42,46889 bg0000432 golyama reka * 7 451,74 26,161667 43,20917 bg0000434 banska reka * 77,3 25,527778 42,02611 bg0000435 reka kayaliyka 71,4 25,339722 42,05556 bg0000436 reka mechka * 3 310,7 25,092778 41,94528 bg0000437 reka cherkezitsa 144,75 25,001944 42,08417 bg0000438 reka chinardere * 1 155,56 25,063889 41,97139 bg0000440 reka sokolitsa * 141,54 15 26,019722 42,13361 bg0000441 reka blatnitsa * 1 079,1 36 26,070278 42,44528 bg0000442 reka martinka * 722,68 25,605556 42,14944 bg0000443 reka omurovska * 532,31 90 25,225 42,35917 bg0000444 reka pyasachnik * 1 879,97 24,653333 42,31556 bg0000487 bozhite mostove * 33,12 23,547778 43,31389 bg0000497 archar * 808,653 22,952222 43,79944 bg0000498 vidbol * 1 305,14 22,673333 43,79694 bg0000500 voynitsa * 3 107,1381 22,641944 43,90167 bg0000501 golyama kamchia * 216,69 245 27,065 43,1075 bg0000503 reka lom * 1 441,13 23,052222 43,69556 bg0000507 deleyna * 2 257,54 22,6975 44,06194 bg0000508 reka skat * 408,59 23,838889 43,56361 bg0000509 tsibritsa * 962,68 23,357778 43,625 bg0000513 voynishki bakadzhik * 1 138,94 26,844444 42,35889 bg0000516 chernata mogila * 13,07 25,289722 43,48361 bg0000517 portitovtsi vladimirovo * 664,38 23,416944 43,51361 bg0000518 vartopski dol * 987,42 22,805556 43,79972 bg0000519 mominbrodsko blato 26,61 23,2275 43,78333 bg0000521 makresh * 2 061,25 22,670278 43,76278 bg0000522 vidinski park * 1 578,79 22,735 43,88417 bg0000523 shishentsi * 572,85 22,557778 43,94056 bg0000524 orizishteto * 475,74 22,850833 44,01056 bg0000525 timok * 494,97 22,643611 44,18833 bg0000526 dolno linevo * 31,62 23,314167 43,83611 bg0000527 kozloduy * 125,38 23,593611 43,7875 bg0000528 ostrovska step vadin * 301,29 24,185 43,6725 bg0000529 marten ryahovo * 1 172,74 26,135833 43,96667 bg0000530 pozharevo garvan * 6 304,9234 26,818333 44,08528 bg0000532 ostrov bliznatsi * 606,245 22,857778 43,85556 bg0000533 ostrovi kozloduy * 909,035 23,767778 43,78111 bg0000534 ostrov chayka * 504,166 27,146389 44,13 bg0000539 gora topolyane 67,55 25,854444 42,30833 bg0000552 ostrov kutovo * 119,32 22,993889 44,01333 bg0000553 gora topolchane 66,58 26,448889 42,64528 bg0000554 gora zhelyu voyvoda 71,99 26,469167 42,62472 bg0000567 gora blatets 47,85 26,506944 42,62917 bg0000569 kardam * 918,92 28,079722 43,75333 bg0000570 izvorovo kraishte * 1 082,27 27,944444 43,83861 bg0000572 rositsa loznitsa * 1 811,98 27,913333 43,96583 bg0000576 svishtovska gora * 1 917,2 25,306944 43,59139 bg0000578 reka maritsa * 14 693,1 25,234167 42,06222 bg0000587 varkan 1 22,676389 43,98861 bg0000589 marina dupka 1 26,496111 43,19972 bg0000591 sedlarkata 1 24,296389 43,28944 bg0000593 bilernitsite * 64,51 23,339722 43,28139 bg0000594 bozhia most ponora * 227,9 23,564722 43,31389 bg0000601 kalenska peshtera * 377,38 23,776111 43,2425 bg0000602 kabiyuk * 286,87 26,96 43,34611 bg0000605 bozhkova dupka * 1 26,3475 43,65556 bg0000607 peshtera mikre * 1 24,525 43,06222 bg0000608 lomovete * 32 488,93 26,141111 43,63417 bg0000609 reka rositsa * 1 440,86 25,4125 43,20333 bg0000610 reka yantra * 13 900,41 25,672222 43,33944 bg0000611 yazovir gorni dabnik * 2 539,29 24,291944 43,34722 bg0000612 reka blyagornitsa * 1 522,94 16 25,946111 42,66806 bg0000613 reka iskar * 9 458 24,2725 43,47944 bg0000614 reka ogosta * 1 365,7376 23,853611 43,71139 bg0000615 devetashko plato * 14 997,07 24,930278 43,19583 bg0000616 mikre * 15 447,16 24,689722 43,02056 bg0000617 reka palakaria * 3 006,7334 23,358889 42,39944 bg0000618 vidima * 1 823,05 24,923333 42,94694 bg0000622 varnensko beloslavski kompleks 178,1966 27,638889 43,18194 bg0000623 taushan tepe * 305,2559 27,310833 43,29139 bg0000624 lyubash * 1 267,0432 22,736667 42,78583 bg0000627 konunski dol * 779,0628 24,164444 43,55167 bg0000628 chirpanski vazvishenia * 12 321,417 25,400278 42,34611 bg0000631 novo selo 815,9082 22,789722 44,16639 bg0000635 devnenski halmove * 297,108 27,6323 43,2127 bg0001011 osogovska planina * 34 513,2448 22,664444 42,15917 bg0001012 zemen * 17 758,0428 22,709167 42,4675 bg0001013 skrino * 12 755,4599 22,935556 42,14611 bg0001014 karlukovo * 28 841,93 24,036667 43,22111 bg0001017 karvav kamak * 17 680,3729 22,525 42,66694 bg0001022 oranovski prolom leshko * 13 245,47 22,996111 41,92 bg0001023 rupite strumeshnitsa * 10 458,7438 23,251944 41,42722 bg0001028 sreden pirin alibotush * 68 934,385 23,566667 41,51056 bg0001030 rodopi zapadni * 272 851,406 24,229444 41,75278 bg0001031 rodopi sredni * 155 107,6837 25,053056 41,83 bg0001032 rodopi iztochni * 217 446,8895 25,795833 41,505 bg0001033 brestovitsa * 2 670,58 24,628333 42,05889 bg0001034 ostar kamak * 15 994,31 25,823611 41,88639 bg0001036 balgarski izvor * 2 618,99 24,298333 43,06389 bg0001037 pastrina * 3 551,58 23,329444 43,42611 bg0001039 popintsi * 20 906,7154 24,249722 42,44556 bg0001040 zapadna stara planina i predbalkan * 219 753,2598 22,918333 43,34111 bg0001042 iskarski prolom rzhana * 22 693,26 23,496944 43,02861 bg0001043 etropole baylovo * 27 448,2536 23,88 42,72278 bg0001307 plana * 2 785,72 23,45 42,51833 bg0001375 ostritsa * 4 429,5 23,065833 42,53583 bg0001386 yadenitsa * 17 016,2128 24,006389 42,105 bg0001389 sredna gora * 110 373,64 24,280833 42,58639 bg0001493 tsentralen balkan bufer * 138 363,8244 24,740556 42,80083 bg0002018 ostrov vardim * 1 167,5509 25,480278 43,62944 cz0110040 chuchelske haje * 74,8212 14,3861 50,0197 cz0110049 havranka a salabka 2,7348 14,4214 50,1194 cz0110050 prokopske udoli * 126,7728 14,3692 50,0419 cz0110142 blatov a xaverovsky haj 213,885 14,6372 50,0931 cz0110154 kanon vltavy u sedlce * 34,7508 14,3958 50,1339 cz0113001 obora hvezda 1,9125 14,3236 50,0844 cz0113002 milicovsky les 11,4163 14,5447 50,0272 cz0113005 lochkovsky profil * 34,3074 14,3353 50,0008 cz0113773 praha petrin 52,5905 14,4017 50,0811 cz0113774 praha letnany 75,167 14,5250 50,1319 cz0114001 radotinske udoli * 109,4444 14,3142 49,9986 cz0210003 na pramenech 3,0355 14,9444 49,6025 cz0210008 zamecky park liblice 33,675 14,5831 50,3089 cz0210010 housina * 211,509 14,0364 49,8683 cz0210011 lounin 18,95 14,0144 49,9097 cz0210022 kozi hura 230,5823 15,3136 50,1217 cz0210023 pusta sec 6,8873 13,9103 50,0000 cz0210027 voderadske buciny 317,4222 14,7992 49,9578 cz0210028 posazavske buciny * 154,4442 14,8836 49,8950 cz0210029 zadni hradek 12,835 14,7581 50,4317 cz0210034 vsetatska cernava * 10,9578 14,5739 50,2728 cz0210043 hradec a kuchynka * 151,6753 14,1219 49,8228 cz0210044 na horach u kresina * 4,7059 13,9525 49,8022 cz0210047 tremsin a hrebence * 167,9784 13,7797 49,5767 cz0210053 stredni povltavi u drbakova * 268,8791 14,4058 49,7425 cz0210054 tok * 156,6008 13,8869 49,7006 cz0210056 trokavecke louky 11,0499 13,7031 49,6614 cz0210058 louky u budenina * 28,6073 14,6789 49,6447 cz0210062 tesliny * 41,5688 13,7503 49,6233 cz0210064 pisecny presyp u pist 3,6418 14,9972 50,1622 cz0210066 zerka 17,0048 14,5044 50,4153 cz0210100 bilichovske udoli * 115,2204 13,8978 50,2486 cz0210101 dymokursko * 4 309,2394 15,1953 50,2886 cz0210105 kalivodske buciny * 181,9896 13,8336 50,2119 cz0210107 krnci a voleska * 73,329 14,0850 50,1567 cz0210109 chlum u neprevazky 223,3384 14,9233 50,3853 cz0210111 paterovske strane 31,3982 14,8353 50,4947 cz0210113 louky u rybnika proudnice 27,6541 15,4014 50,1186 cz0210114 radouc 31,3061 14,9019 50,4333 cz0210118 v jezirkach 2,9351 15,1128 50,0831 cz0210150 ctvrte * 112,0008 15,0614 50,2978 cz0210152 polabi u kostelce * 387,8208 14,5642 50,2372 cz0210153 zvolska homole * 49,6128 14,3986 49,9431 cz0210172 hrabanovska cernava * 54,9573 14,8342 50,2175 cz0210173 slana louka u ujezdce * 1,3434 14,4231 50,2822 cz0210175 zlunice skochovice * 1 093,7455 15,3714 50,2444 cz0210186 upor cerninovsko * 873,8382 14,4958 50,3278 cz0210409 kuliva hora * 37,7404 14,2850 49,9650 cz0210421 mramor * 127,4599 14,1233 49,8975 cz0210704 certova skala * 3,8899 13,7922 49,9978 cz0210708 stribrny luh * 104,6507 13,8886 50,0169 cz0210713 polabske hury 24,8473 14,8378 50,1619 cz0210714 lzovicke tune * 69,654 15,3306 50,0308 cz0210719 milcice * 3,8604 14,9800 50,1083 cz0210720 loucenske rybnicky 4,688 15,0183 50,2997 cz0210721 penovce u rybnika lutovnik * 0,9769 15,0056 50,2917 cz0210726 vapnomilny bor u liskeho 4,0755 13,9364 50,2581 cz0210729 vetrusicke rokle * 36,8495 14,3786 50,1936 cz0210730 piscina u bysicek 0,5217 14,7842 50,1867 cz0210731 risnice 4,9283 14,8958 49,5558 cz0210732 kaliste * 6,0321 14,6919 49,6650 cz0210733 pahorek u ledcic 1,3074 14,3164 50,3497 cz0212001 brezinsky rybnik 4,083 13,7811 49,5258 cz0212002 cervene doliky 2,1671 13,9533 50,2117 cz0212004 malikovicka stran 9,6112 13,9850 50,2072 cz0212006 drhleny 17,091 15,0800 50,4947 cz0212008 hadce u hrncir * 2,8299 14,8511 49,5853 cz0212010 hvozdanske haje 3,0712 13,7972 49,5247 cz0212016 milska stran 12,2152 13,8756 50,2356 cz0212019 smradovna * 159,4868 13,8986 50,2672 cz0212020 reckov 29,3347 14,9044 50,4983 cz0212021 slatinna louka u velenky 7,5928 14,9039 50,1531 cz0212022 slepec 8,5125 14,7883 50,2842 cz0212023 piscina u tisic * 0,5997 14,5517 50,2653 cz0213001 novy rybnik u kaciny 14,2096 15,3494 49,9678 cz0213004 rybnik stary u lichov 3,1127 14,3244 49,6925 cz0213005 sachovec 2,3818 14,8289 49,9517 cz0213006 valcha 2,1997 14,8650 50,5017 cz0213008 bezdekovsky lom 1,1419 13,8894 49,5722 cz0213009 vlasimska blanice * 404,2066 14,8406 49,6281 cz0213013 breznice obloucek 17,0636 13,9658 49,5422 cz0213015 dobrissky park * 38,075 14,1800 49,7767 cz0213016 zakolansky potok * 10,1023 14,2406 50,1469 cz0213017 drazska koupe 8,3782 13,9131 49,5158 cz0213023 hrdlicka zdanska hora * 68,0736 14,4089 49,7919 cz0213028 kalivody 13,0829 13,8300 50,2069 cz0213029 kalspot 4,2386 14,0314 50,1244 cz0213038 kysice kobyla 20,3731 14,0878 50,0892 cz0213039 labe libechov 116,9273 14,4511 50,3764 cz0213042 losinsky potok 0,6669 15,0181 49,7908 cz0213043 trestibok * 29,0339 14,4511 49,8769 cz0213047 minartice 2,7497 14,5386 49,6636 cz0213048 mydlovarsky luh 3,9515 14,9167 50,1744 cz0213050 ohrazenicky potok 1,6229 13,9419 49,7619 cz0213051 oskobrh 94,1636 15,2314 50,1478 cz0213058 lom na plachte 0,7687 14,7272 50,0317 cz0213059 trebichovicka olsinka 0,4477 14,0789 50,1858 cz0213061 tynecke mokriny 77,0749 15,3900 50,0492 cz0213063 rakovnik za koupalistem 9,9976 13,7550 50,1014 cz0213064 rozmital pod tremsinem 56,8823 13,8703 49,5839 cz0213065 na babe * 29,2094 13,8764 50,0272 cz0213066 rybnik vocert a lazy 22,9898 13,7861 49,5183 cz0213067 sazava 72,7629 15,1900 49,7211 cz0213068 dolni sazava 398,0326 14,9211 49,8636 cz0213069 sedlecsky potok 2,682 14,8117 49,6536 cz0213070 slansko bysensky potok * 26,2641 14,0528 50,2439 cz0213071 slavkov 4,6722 14,6067 49,6825 cz0213072 smecno * 70,1981 14,0228 50,1911 cz0213076 stepanovsky potok 16,545 15,0297 49,7361 cz0213077 suchdolsky rybnik 10,8745 14,6425 49,5064 cz0213078 trhovky 17,7027 14,1744 49,5831 cz0213081 vapenicke jezero 8,3853 14,4181 49,6178 cz0213082 velky raputovsky rybnik 10,4754 13,8414 49,5317 cz0213083 veltrusy * 297,4323 14,3369 50,2867 cz0213084 vlckovice dubsky rybnik 7,8193 14,7197 49,6311 cz0213086 aglaia 520,822 14,1850 49,8078 cz0213512 skocova piskovna 3,1376 13,8528 49,9767 cz0213600 bela pod bezdezem zamek 1,226 14,8072 50,5017 cz0213601 jungmannova skola v beroune 0,2147 14,0686 49,9622 cz0213602 dobrissky zamek 0,4848 14,1792 49,7817 cz0213610 krivoklat hrad 1,2208 13,8722 50,0378 cz0213611 ledce hajovna 0,0283 15,0783 50,3547 cz0213612 loucen hotel jivak 0,0325 14,9919 50,2764 cz0213613 malesov 0,0398 15,2253 49,9247 cz0213615 stola jarnice 0,0399 14,3375 49,5861 cz0213620 stola moric 0,0398 14,8233 49,6150 cz0213621 stoly velke ameriky 33,5465 14,1953 49,9581 cz0213626 suchomasty zamecek 0,0471 14,0572 49,8939 cz0213628 tocnik hrad 0,4043 13,8872 49,8906 cz0213629 tynecka rotunda 0,0079 14,5928 49,8306 cz0213630 vysoky ujezd kostel 0,0526 14,4744 49,8131 cz0213631 svata dobrotiva 0,44 13,8414 49,7650 cz0213776 bezdecin 81,1779 14,8947 50,3969 cz0213777 bohostice 5,5192 14,1311 49,6036 cz0213779 brezanske udoli * 496,5257 14,4206 49,9675 cz0213783 felbabka 11,3754 13,9347 49,8075 cz0213784 horni a dolni obdenicky rybnik 31,6206 14,3661 49,5589 cz0213785 horni solopysky rybnik 20,7986 14,3925 49,6550 cz0213787 hrachoviste 62,829 13,9008 49,7897 cz0213789 jablonna mokrad 12,8579 14,1531 49,6589 cz0213790 jaburek 16,4961 13,8969 50,0647 cz0213791 jezera 4,7252 14,4239 49,6047 cz0213792 kacina * 196,7672 15,3358 49,9825 cz0213794 kerske rybnicky 9,2342 14,9258 50,1303 cz0213796 kolin letiste 22,3596 15,1733 50,0022 cz0213802 v hladomori * 146,6388 14,4014 49,9075 cz0213814 ledny potok 1,6149 13,7139 49,7164 cz0213817 obecnicky potok 1,1052 13,9522 49,7136 cz0213818 octarna 15,0656 13,9100 49,7186 cz0213822 v hlinistatech 1,288 13,7681 49,9611 cz0214002 karlicke udoli * 524,9438 14,2533 49,9464 cz0214003 zlaty kun * 105,7205 14,0831 49,9117 cz0214004 cerny orel 226,7132 14,7461 50,1981 cz0214005 andelske schody * 186,8343 14,2319 49,8297 cz0214006 milovice mlada 1 244,11 14,8858 50,2706 cz0214007 karany hrbackovy tune * 348,0814 14,8106 50,1669 cz0214008 lanska obora * 2 999,5048 13,9189 50,0883 cz0214009 libicke luhy * 1 478,7352 15,1781 50,1044 cz0214010 domanovicky les 354,8923 15,3383 50,1122 cz0214011 tyrov ouporsky potok * 1 341,2204 13,8111 49,9694 cz0214012 prihrazske skaly 519,309 15,0614 50,5225 cz0214013 kokorinsko * 9 679,7813 14,5794 50,4392 cz0214014 podlesi 8,9029 14,8644 49,6239 cz0214015 vuznice * 397,2324 13,9942 50,0256 cz0214016 zelivka * 1 329,2088 15,2369 49,6547 cz0214017 karlstejn koda * 2 658,0247 14,1456 49,9569 cz0214025 udoli plakanek 90,1267 15,1344 50,4836 cz0214037 kotyz * 28,8913 14,0519 49,9156 cz0214039 stroupinsky potok * 5,9415 13,8650 49,9033 cz0214040 louky u drahlina 12,6201 13,9567 49,7331 cz0214041 niva kotelskeho potoka * 186,8443 13,8475 49,6194 cz0214042 padrtsko * 829,9154 13,7742 49,6683 cz0214043 niva bele u klokocky 11,198 14,8850 50,4956 cz0214044 kersko 217,1575 14,9356 50,1450 cz0214045 prameny klicavy * 62,6564 13,8311 50,1447 cz0214046 rybnik vidlak 5,8583 15,2061 49,8414 cz0214047 brda * 66,2437 13,9047 49,7453 cz0214049 piscina u tuhane 0,4236 14,5211 50,2958 cz0214050 zehunsko * 358,1087 15,3106 50,1550 cz0310001 fabian homolka 263,2859 14,9892 49,0311 cz0310008 rybnik ruze 2,066 15,1150 49,0719 cz0310009 velky hodonicky rybnik 2,7768 14,5556 48,7006 cz0310010 klokocinske louky 29,7174 14,1906 49,2231 cz0310014 libin * 132,5738 14,0106 48,9872 cz0310017 planicsky rybnik-bobovec * 407,226 14,1786 48,7117 cz0310019 zelendarky 38,4527 14,2572 49,2081 cz0310020 velky a maly kamyk 447,4244 14,2956 49,2286 cz0310022 vyri skaly nad otavou 6,007 14,1869 49,3919 cz0310032 certova stena-luc 132,6244 14,2694 48,6311 cz0310033 udoli luznice a vlasenickeho potoka * 152,619 14,5817 49,4008 cz0310035 vltava rozmberk-vetrni 129,5996 14,3431 48,7111 cz0310057 pohori na sumave * 156,875 14,6814 48,6114 cz0310063 pastvina u prestovic * 1,2754 13,9536 49,2778 cz0310067 rysovy 35,3846 13,8939 49,2781 cz0310070 hadi vrch 12,1119 15,1961 48,9631 cz0310073 kralek 3,7986 14,8967 49,1758 cz0310074 osika 67,3814 15,1469 49,0311 cz0310080 dvoriste 25,5292 14,6486 49,0681 cz0310084 nerestsky lom * 5,3113 14,0678 49,5083 cz0310163 zofinsky prales pivonicke skaly 417,1228 14,6953 48,6617 cz0310605 zofinka * 338,0786 14,8836 48,8261 cz0310610 cervene blato * 395,3683 14,8075 48,8697 cz0310611 siroke blato * 95,5628 14,9856 48,9058 cz0310615 pisecny presyp u vlkova 1,3734 14,7144 49,1592 cz0310618 rybnik motovidlo 11,5839 14,3794 48,9992 cz0312030 cista hora * 0,6985 13,7769 49,1281 cz0312032 haje * 1,6967 13,7778 49,1092 cz0312033 hroby * 0,1437 14,8564 49,3933 cz0312034 jaroskov * 1,5069 13,6747 49,1117 cz0312035 kladrubska hora 12,5259 14,8531 49,4294 cz0312036 kozlovska stran * 1,3186 13,7292 49,3075 cz0312038 lomnicky velky rybnik 41,6304 14,7114 49,0944 cz0312040 maly horusicky rybnik 4,9892 14,7028 49,1531 cz0312045 polna * 0,6404 14,1500 48,7928 cz0312048 stici rybnik 3,8105 14,7842 48,9903 cz0312050 ubislav * 0,2557 13,6578 49,1197 cz0312226 svaty kriz * 8,3988 14,1992 48,8472 cz0313004 tercino udoli 5,9199 14,7569 48,7794 cz0313092 bedrichovsky potok 1,1034 14,7075 48,7492 cz0313094 blatna * 43,3607 13,8744 49,4250 cz0313096 cabuze 38,5459 13,7122 49,1236 cz0313097 cepska piskovna a okoli 141,1588 14,8331 48,9172 cz0313098 hlinir ponedrazka 164,3175 14,6850 49,1319 cz0313099 hlubocke hraze 67,1265 14,4419 49,0486 cz0313101 krvavy a kaclezsky rybnik 561,6693 15,1072 49,1114 cz0313103 lom skalka u sepekova 2,1662 14,4433 49,4403 cz0313106 luznice a nezarka * 859,5027 14,7050 49,2461 cz0313110 moravska dyje 167,6624 15,4367 49,0117 cz0313113 sokoli hnizdo a bazantnice * 47,7426 14,7750 48,7972 cz0313114 onsovice mlyny 24,1455 13,7578 49,1058 cz0313115 boukal 4,6143 14,3369 49,4653 cz0313116 radomilicka mokrina 47,4734 14,2581 49,1286 cz0313117 preslickovy rybnik 8,4441 14,8022 48,7700 cz0313119 raseliniste radlice 3,1604 15,3167 49,1317 cz0313122 steken 6,0222 14,0161 49,2633 cz0313123 stropnice 1 268,9972 14,7272 48,8575 cz0313125 tabor zahradka 30,0786 14,6247 49,4208 cz0313128 nadejska soustava * 612,2595 14,7428 49,1214 cz0313129 purkrabsky rybnik a tocnik * 7,8973 14,9153 48,9450 cz0313131 trebon * 98,1216 14,7778 48,9872 cz0313132 tune u spacku 0,6413 14,4897 48,9475 cz0313134 ujezdec 20,4734 13,8178 49,4950 cz0313137 veversky potok 2,0661 14,7967 48,7533 cz0313138 vrbenske rybniky * 320,2272 14,4317 49,0011 cz0313140 zavisinsky potok 9,3505 13,8225 49,5364 cz0313141 zofina hut 45,0977 14,9083 48,8114 cz0313513 raseliniste kaplicky * 116,2537 14,2214 48,5994 cz0313635 kratochvile zamek 0,0736 14,1683 49,0589 cz0313805 blanice 7,4356 13,9336 49,0119 cz0313815 maly bukac 5,0877 15,1525 49,1653 cz0313820 prachatice kostel 0,0776 13,9992 49,0131 cz0313822 kostenicky potok 29,5954 15,0244 49,0244 cz0314019 velky a maly tisy * 677,6577 14,7256 49,0603 cz0314021 borkovicka blata * 638,7831 14,6417 49,2283 cz0314022 horni malse * 1 619,3787 14,4597 48,6536 cz0314023 trebonsko stred * 4 026,9316 14,8997 48,9206 cz0314024 sumava * 171 925,2166 13,6408 48,9369 cz0314044 opolenec * 20,6662 13,7969 49,0869 cz0314109 ruda * 77,7623 14,6878 49,1483 cz0314123 boletice * 20 348,7324 14,0961 48,8406 cz0314124 blansky les * 22 211,9424 14,2914 48,9089 cz0314126 hlubocke obory * 3 257,0505 14,4769 49,0975 cz0314634 chynovska jeskyne 2,9897 14,8342 49,4297 cz0314635 mnissky rybnik 25,7045 15,1017 49,0094 cz0314636 tejmlov nad zavirkou * 22,493 13,6550 49,1303 cz0314637 raseliniste u suchdola 7,849 15,2397 49,1319 cz0314638 vosecky rybnik 7,0665 15,1314 49,1350 cz0314639 rybniky u lovetina 10,8951 15,0544 49,2061 cz0314640 rybnik brand 34,8842 15,1864 48,9628 cz0314641 zlaty potok v posumavi * 109,87 14,0872 48,9750 cz0314642 pastvina u zahorcic 1,5751 13,7825 49,4839 cz0314648 kocelovicke pastviny 2,1545 13,8244 49,4744 cz0315002 dolejsi rybnik 6,3927 13,8231 49,4319 cz0315005 rezabinec 2,7884 14,0836 49,2508 cz0320005 v ulickach 135,0806 13,6969 49,5572 cz0320013 prameniste presinskeho potoka * 43,9245 13,6347 49,5583 cz0320022 svihovske hvozdy * 724,1597 13,2286 49,4636 cz0320023 cepicna * 175,998 13,5894 49,2717 cz0320029 chlumska stran * 117,0328 13,6536 49,9356 cz0320030 haltravsky hreben * 965,3511 12,7578 49,4472 cz0320037 na pozarech * 78,1653 12,4833 49,6958 cz0320043 pavlova hut * 33,5865 12,4608 49,7817 cz0320053 kohoutov * 1 262,6316 13,7600 49,9308 cz0320140 chejlava * 375,0604 13,5464 49,5303 cz0320180 cerchovsky les * 2 300,0043 12,7931 49,3769 cz0320437 svate pole 3,5449 13,7186 49,3039 cz0322055 drahotinsky les 16,2404 12,7756 49,5153 cz0322057 manovicky rybnik 6,7339 13,6069 49,4575 cz0322058 pastviste u finu * 11,4468 13,5714 49,2100 cz0322059 pohorsko * 0,4995 13,6264 49,1594 cz0322060 vlkonice * 1,0699 13,5964 49,3000 cz0323142 berounka 140,3452 13,5981 49,9308 cz0323143 blovice 7,9471 13,5286 49,5825 cz0323144 bonetice 0,4362 12,8200 49,6753 cz0323145 bradava * 25,6249 13,6397 49,6094 cz0323147 darmysl piskovna 0,4901 12,8828 49,6381 cz0323149 kakejcov 1,581 13,6094 49,6672 cz0323150 kamenec 9,9802 13,5964 49,8772 cz0323151 katerinsky a nivni potok 980,1947 12,6681 49,6694 cz0323155 lopata * 16,752 13,5572 49,6642 cz0323156 mesensky potok * 1,0379 13,6606 49,6483 cz0323158 osek rybnik labutinka 14,7062 13,5842 49,7822 cz0323159 plzen zabela * 116,5565 13,4456 49,7800 cz0323160 pocinovice 0,8198 12,9572 49,5928 cz0323161 presinsky potok * 1,3296 13,6028 49,5575 cz0323162 prestice v hlinkach 9,7548 13,3136 49,5978 cz0323163 pruhonsky rybnik 1,0769 13,5550 49,4814 cz0323164 rabi 2,804 13,6267 49,2903 cz0323165 radbuza 13,035 12,8464 49,5594 cz0323166 radbuza novy dvur pila * 11,1974 12,6656 49,5542 cz0323167 rokycany vojenske cviciste 66,2522 13,5806 49,7217 cz0323169 stribro vojenske cviciste 106,3958 12,9692 49,7572 cz0323170 zlaty potok * 1,8703 13,4044 49,5169 cz0323478 trebycinka u bezdekova 0,6908 13,3333 49,4792 cz0323636 dolany kostel 0,053 13,2492 49,4425 cz0323637 stola rohatiny i 0,0398 13,4969 49,9325 cz0323638 jeskyne inku 0,0398 12,7928 49,9275 cz0323639 liblin lihovar 0,03 13,5419 49,9172 cz0323640 manetin kostel 0,0465 13,2311 49,9914 cz0323641 predslav kostel 0,0428 13,3550 49,4481 cz0323642 radnice kostel 0,0457 13,6072 49,8575 cz0323644 stola loreta 0,0398 13,2800 49,3567 cz0323645 stola vera 0,0398 12,7772 49,9169 cz0323646 stribro stoly dlouhy tah 0,0398 13,0156 49,7575 cz0323647 vseruby kostel 0,0474 13,2281 49,8419 cz0323648 zihobce zamek 0,1113 13,6319 49,2150 cz0323812 klabava 2,3534 13,7025 49,7261 cz0323824 ostruzna 20,2674 13,3931 49,2631 cz0323825 hadovka 3,3035 12,9225 49,8750 cz0324025 kanon strely * 358,4276 13,4503 49,9136 cz0324026 niva nemanickeho potoka * 680,8988 12,6969 49,4561 cz0324029 techonicka draha 9,1052 13,5567 49,3689 cz0324032 v moravkach * 2,4175 13,5842 49,3908 cz0325001 hradecka bahna 2,7414 13,6578 49,7136 cz0325002 hurky 6,7854 13,1828 49,8964 cz0410001 tisovec 26,1234 12,5069 50,3542 cz0410018 jezersky vrch 31,4604 13,2722 50,1231 cz0410020 ramena ohre * 291,1547 12,5750 50,1333 cz0410021 nadlesi * 111,2594 12,7611 50,1586 cz0410023 blazejsky rybnik 50,4943 13,0175 49,9997 cz0410038 mechove udoli 9,9206 12,5144 50,0089 cz0410040 pernink * 99,8497 12,7983 50,3664 cz0410046 sibenicni vrch 5,5878 12,5242 50,3294 cz0410047 stitarsky rybnik 4,2247 12,1144 50,2447 cz0410150 soos * 458,7625 12,4067 50,1519 cz0410151 vladar * 237,2515 13,2108 50,0786 cz0410155 rudne 443,6366 12,6833 50,3522 cz0410168 vysoka pec * 210,3183 12,6978 50,3325 cz0410176 vysoky kamen 2,4716 12,4072 50,3017 cz0410401 krasenske raseliniste * 151,7351 12,7564 50,1078 cz0410404 becovske lesni rybniky 50,8354 12,8728 50,0933 cz0410413 kanon ohre * 339,5168 12,7972 50,1958 cz0410414 kladske raseliny * 2 672,8471 12,6675 50,0411 cz0412065 medvedi rozhledy * 1,6242 12,6842 50,0778 cz0412069 pramenske pastviny * 0,4994 12,7314 50,0617 cz0412070 rausenbasska lada * 497,1617 12,7444 50,0364 cz0412071 skalka pod tisovym vrchem 1,4596 12,8356 50,0361 cz0413007 prachomety 20,6674 12,9372 50,0111 cz0413008 prameny teple 154,8067 12,7606 49,9856 cz0413009 rankovicky triangl 11,913 12,8442 50,0058 cz0413013 mokrady u tesetic 14,6864 13,1025 50,1569 cz0413014 hrivinovske pastviny 13,7587 13,1108 50,1475 cz0413015 louky u dlouhe lomnice 26,3037 12,9997 50,1514 cz0413017 u jedlove 30,0173 12,6011 49,9753 cz0413018 u hajenky 6,2966 12,8642 50,0658 cz0413173 za udrci 31,7763 13,0689 50,1367 cz0413174 borecke rybniky 4,2023 12,9547 50,3181 cz0413177 bystrina luzni potok 1 129,5805 12,1369 50,2850 cz0413179 podhorni louky 41,331 12,7958 49,9744 cz0413180 horni kramolin ovesne 18,1443 12,7992 49,9575 cz0413181 mokrady u javorne 51,9868 12,9450 50,1253 cz0413182 u bunkru 56,5867 12,7361 50,0925 cz0413184 piskovna erika 21,8527 12,6031 50,2150 cz0413185 matyas 70,8804 12,6292 50,2025 cz0413187 mezi rybniky 10,2148 12,9150 50,0894 cz0413188 olsova vrata 46,1322 12,9253 50,2150 cz0413190 ostrovske rybniky 121,0345 12,9197 50,2972 cz0413191 na pilske sachte 17,2498 12,9253 50,1700 cz0413193 u sedmi rybniku 7,557 12,3344 50,1592 cz0413194 strela 22,863 13,2803 50,0964 cz0413195 tepla s pritoky a otrocinsky potok 27,5302 12,7992 50,0478 cz0413196 tyniste 5,8321 13,1944 50,1486 cz0414026 upolinova louka krizky * 687,183 12,7625 50,0642 cz0414027 lomnicky rybnik * 109,6451 12,9586 50,1664 cz0414110 krusnohorske plato * 11 779,5895 12,7214 50,4014 cz0414127 hradiste * 33 159,0685 13,1089 50,2519 cz0420004 vrbka 16,0724 14,1631 50,3928 cz0420007 holy vrch * 38,2358 14,2319 50,5314 cz0420008 na cernci 7,1383 14,3739 50,5481 cz0420012 zelinsky meandr * 189,6673 13,3214 50,3678 cz0420013 v hlubokem * 23,4725 13,9733 50,3594 cz0420014 hora rip * 90,0487 14,2872 50,3839 cz0420015 myslivna * 61,9669 14,0764 50,3950 cz0420021 kokrhac hasistejn * 168,024 13,2492 50,4411 cz0420026 boren * 67,4043 13,7658 50,5297 cz0420035 na louckach * 1 015,1181 13,1928 50,4686 cz0420041 skalky u trebuticek * 65,2897 14,2494 50,5375 cz0420044 evanska rokle 16,5649 14,0344 50,3844 cz0420053 raseliniste u jezera cinovecke raseliniste * 61,0186 13,7414 50,7128 cz0420059 strane u velkeho ujezdu 8,6046 14,2347 50,5517 cz0420061 strane nad chomutovkou 8,7581 13,5856 50,3906 cz0420063 stroupec 24,3882 13,4953 50,3614 cz0420069 detansky chlum * 48,969 13,3092 50,2014 cz0420073 udoli podbradeckeho potoka * 94,0635 14,0928 50,3725 cz0420074 grunwaldske vresoviste * 129,9946 13,6800 50,6900 cz0420076 na dlouhe strani 13,598 14,1353 50,3756 cz0420082 studenec * 846,2335 14,4656 50,8322 cz0420083 spravedlnost-chribska * 61,0896 14,4697 50,8764 cz0420085 mokrad pod terezinskou pevnosti 3,8458 14,1644 50,5175 cz0420144 novodomske a polske raseliniste * 2 510,5968 13,2106 50,5111 cz0420160 podmilesy * 237,5555 13,1869 50,4236 cz0420165 velky vrch cernodoly * 87,4069 13,8333 50,3811 cz0420166 velky rybnik * 88,8164 14,5294 50,8894 cz0420171 udoli hacky * 105,9614 13,3567 50,4711 cz0420406 krizove vrsky, maly vrch, sibenik * 18,3414 13,8267 50,4319 cz0420416 milesovka * 490,1785 13,9406 50,5528 cz0420449 sedlo * 54,3701 14,2622 50,5958 cz0420451 bohynska lada, chmelnik, lotaruv vrch * 376,8554 14,1519 50,7525 cz0420454 lipska hora * 66,0249 13,9144 50,5136 cz0420455 lhota * 82,9671 13,9308 50,5269 cz0420456 ostry * 93,2383 13,9553 50,5303 cz0420459 kostalov * 485,4839 13,9928 50,5003 cz0420460 trtenske strane 12,5636 13,8789 50,4300 cz0420462 plesivec 5,1961 14,0889 50,5644 cz0420500 libouchecke buciny * 601,5499 14,0697 50,7747 cz0420501 olsovy potok * 357,7672 14,0064 50,8014 cz0420507 udoli chribske kamenice * 338,2513 14,5381 50,8458 cz0420520 luzickohorske buciny * 626,5169 14,6139 50,8511 cz0420525 slanisko u skrle 10,0094 13,5281 50,4175 cz0420528 klinovecke krusnohori * 1 175,673 13,0064 50,4028 cz0422075 borecsky vrch * 34,1356 13,9881 50,5142 cz0422077 klenec 5,2667 14,2564 50,3889 cz0422079 kralovomlynsky rybnik 0,6047 14,1558 50,8336 cz0422081 na spalenisti 2,181 13,6767 50,2592 cz0422084 pisciny u oleska 28,8457 14,2000 50,4825 cz0422085 sobechlebske terasy 2,3978 13,5308 50,2172 cz0422087 v kuksu 20,2197 14,3594 50,5222 cz0423001 hunikovsky potok * 4,2579 14,4186 50,7764 cz0423006 nebesky rybnicek u veseli 1,368 14,4425 50,4925 cz0423198 bezejmenny pritok trojhorskeho potoka * 0,7727 14,2000 50,6061 cz0423201 blsansky chlum * 18,4263 13,8397 50,3464 cz0423202 brezina 59,7703 13,8992 50,5461 cz0423203 cernovice 13,6937 13,3714 50,4486 cz0423206 dobrna 7,7513 14,2853 50,7558 cz0423210 doubravka * 42,7413 13,8594 50,6383 cz0423211 haj u oseka 12,9715 13,7247 50,6358 cz0423212 horenec cicov * 20,831 13,8008 50,4608 cz0423213 chomutov zoopark * 44,3752 13,4253 50,4747 cz0423215 katerina mokrad 9,8511 13,9019 50,6567 cz0423216 kopistska vysypka 327,6803 13,5997 50,5369 cz0423217 krasny dvur * 103,9764 13,3564 50,2456 cz0423219 lucni potok trebusin * 0,6592 14,2167 50,6044 cz0423223 petrohrad * 34,2863 13,4408 50,1214 cz0423224 ploskovice * 9,0081 14,2022 50,5594 cz0423225 radobyl * 29,329 14,0928 50,5317 cz0423227 sinutec dlouhy kopec * 31,5786 13,7931 50,4525 cz0423228 stradovsky rybnik 3,7983 13,9267 50,6900 cz0423229 udlicke doubi 43,8137 13,4611 50,4567 cz0423232 vrch hazmburk * 31,3901 14,0142 50,4333 cz0423233 vrch mila 5,49 13,7578 50,4344 cz0423236 vsechlapy kamyk * 12,0851 13,8378 50,4622 cz0423507 horni kamenice 185,6252 14,3575 50,8094 cz0423510 ohre 506,9111 14,1625 50,4506 cz0423651 drzovice rodinny dum 0,0385 14,3267 50,6133 cz0423652 chribska kostel 0,0649 14,4825 50,8639 cz0423653 jilove u decina skola 0,0873 14,1050 50,7622 cz0423654 lobendava kostel 0,0941 14,3167 51,0206 cz0423656 ustek kostel 0,0761 14,3436 50,5847 cz0424030 bezrucovo udoli * 1 195,0762 13,3450 50,5031 cz0424031 ceske svycarsko * 10 626,9065 14,3553 50,8783 cz0424033 rana hradek * 168,942 13,7656 50,4053 cz0424034 babinske louky 74,2738 14,1306 50,5972 cz0424036 besicky chochol * 28,5255 13,3667 50,3675 cz0424037 lovos * 292,9447 14,0208 50,5336 cz0424038 holy vrch u hlinne * 102,9062 14,1122 50,5767 cz0424039 oblik srdov brnik * 335,1659 13,8158 50,4153 cz0424111 labske udoli * 1 372,3886 14,2142 50,8439 cz0424125 doupovske hory * 12 584,7068 13,2281 50,2864 cz0424127 vychodni krusnohori * 14 635,1328 13,6561 50,6328 cz0424129 bile strane u litomeric * 63,9196 14,1319 50,5583 cz0424133 strane nad suchym potokem 5,6331 14,2597 50,5292 cz0424134 sovice u brzanek 1,0679 14,3064 50,4656 cz0424135 bile strane u steti * 11,3527 14,3833 50,4689 cz0424136 strane u drahobuzi 7,8494 14,3347 50,5261 cz0510028 ralsko * 143,6954 14,7617 50,6731 cz0510164 kozlov tabor * 304,2446 15,3503 50,5056 cz0510191 prulom jizery u rakous * 1 062,1517 15,1919 50,6189 cz0510400 jizerskohorske buciny * 3 536,9561 15,1661 50,8628 cz0510402 raseliniste jizerky * 263,5663 15,3206 50,8294 cz0510403 quarre * 2,3924 15,2825 50,8586 cz0510405 bukovec * 120,3492 15,3589 50,8128 cz0510408 smedava * 41,2445 15,2786 50,8361 cz0510412 jizerske smrciny * 285,6949 15,2394 50,8375 cz0510415 raseliniste jizery * 396,7996 15,3431 50,8506 cz0510441 binov bobri souteska * 455,9207 14,3675 50,6483 cz0510508 klic 322,8296 14,5672 50,7842 cz0510509 jezevci vrch * 95,9994 14,7042 50,7886 cz0512100 roverske skaly 1 688,5811 14,4603 50,5700 cz0513237 ceska lipa mokrad v nive sporky 20,2628 14,5283 50,7008 cz0513238 cihelenske rybniky 9,0536 14,4956 50,7000 cz0513240 janovicke rybniky 1,8591 14,8325 50,7639 cz0513244 manusicke rybniky 16,3831 14,5108 50,7119 cz0513249 prachen zicht 2,0807 14,4942 50,7714 cz0513251 rokytka 0,8442 14,9572 50,7817 cz0513254 lucni potok 1,1835 15,0742 50,7275 cz0513255 slatinne vrchy * 138,4586 14,7081 50,5528 cz0513256 smeda 143,1561 15,0350 50,9711 cz0513257 struznicke rybniky 17,5068 14,4736 50,7033 cz0513505 dolni ploucnice 779,2812 14,3322 50,7222 cz0513506 horni ploucnice * 837,3537 14,5981 50,6714 cz0513508 zahradky * 14,3914 14,5228 50,6369 cz0513509 svitavka 10,1195 14,6714 50,7972 cz0513657 bila desna kanal protrzene prehrady 0,0797 15,2939 50,8022 cz0513658 cesky dub zakladni umelecka skola 0,0545 14,9947 50,6603 cz0513659 doksy zamek 0,5674 14,6528 50,5650 cz0513662 lemberk zamek 0,2474 14,7881 50,7775 cz0513663 podhaji chalupa 0,0215 15,2344 50,5192 cz0513665 skalice u ceske lipy 0,0399 14,5281 50,7406 cz0513666 jeskyne sklepy pod troskami 0,0398 15,2356 50,5167 cz0513668 zdislava kostel 0,0558 14,8750 50,7622 cz0514041 suchy vrch nadeje 187,7514 14,6447 50,8197 cz0514042 jestrebsko dokesko * 6 924,2448 14,6561 50,6131 cz0514113 podtrosecka udoli 518,8955 15,2192 50,5256 cz0514243 velky a maly bezdez * 70,3366 14,7178 50,5403 cz0514667 zapadni jeskyne 0,0399 14,8853 50,7908 cz0514668 vapenice basa * 137,5634 15,0047 50,7106 cz0514669 poselsky a mariansky rybnik * 79,6177 14,6722 50,5483 cz0514670 ronov vlhost * 747,3622 14,4478 50,6139 cz0514672 udoli jizery a kamenice * 400,5479 15,3017 50,6358 cz0515001 cerveny rybnik 3,8342 14,5511 50,7347 cz0520008 kamenna 2,9059 15,7900 50,5706 cz0520009 perna 119,8724 15,2578 50,2928 cz0520020 hradecek 119,8998 15,8375 50,5861 cz0520022 miletinska bazantnice 69,3921 15,6619 50,3967 cz0520028 babiccino udoli ryzmburk * 65,4582 16,0403 50,4297 cz0520030 nechanice lodin * 1 562,4649 15,5950 50,2242 cz0520038 cesovske lesy 739,9014 15,3322 50,3322 cz0520178 brezinka * 161,4917 16,1994 50,4156 cz0520184 veselsky haj 446,3919 15,4772 50,3208 cz0520507 kozinek * 84,0753 16,2092 50,5083 cz0520508 starkovske buciny 129,1608 16,1539 50,5389 cz0520511 zaltman * 91,2073 16,0428 50,5514 cz0520518 broumovske steny 1 357,1172 16,3003 50,5433 cz0520519 adrspassko-teplicke skaly * 1 715,7367 16,1264 50,5950 cz0520600 trckov 432,0502 16,4281 50,3097 cz0520603 pansky vrch * 70,465 16,3264 50,3778 cz0520604 zdobnice ricka * 434,9145 16,4019 50,1761 cz0522002 hustiransky les 1,6436 15,7956 50,3514 cz0522127 vrazba 6,6499 15,8219 50,3342 cz0522129 zadni machova 15,0387 16,1267 50,1583 cz0523002 hluboky kovac 7,8532 15,4517 50,3847 cz0523003 rybnik strasidlo 3,2373 15,4539 50,3953 cz0523005 turi rybnik 115,4628 16,0542 50,3186 cz0523006 pileticky a libranticky potok 25,3487 15,8728 50,2503 cz0523007 dedina u dobrusky 8,0335 16,1731 50,2717 cz0523009 zamek v kostelci nad orlici 0,0196 16,1989 50,1236 cz0523010 na plachte 39,1417 15,8586 50,1881 cz0523011 pod ryzmburkem 0,7602 16,0472 50,4319 cz0523014 vladivostok 22,1282 16,2800 50,4936 cz0523264 bystrice 51,701 15,6811 50,2836 cz0523265 cervena tremesna rybnik 7,3056 15,6481 50,4033 cz0523266 slatinna louka u roudnicky 7,6345 15,8319 50,1722 cz0523267 zaorlicko * 185,3711 16,5433 50,2311 cz0523268 dubno ceska skalice * 66,0716 16,0706 50,4039 cz0523272 chlumec karlova koruna * 19,1883 15,4517 50,1592 cz0523273 javorka a cidlina sber 307,2919 15,4750 50,3031 cz0523274 libosad obora * 42,8739 15,3825 50,4456 cz0523275 kacerov 2,1101 16,3722 50,2394 cz0523276 kanice lesni rybnik 0,5373 15,5878 50,3014 cz0523277 labe hostinne 11,1501 15,6897 50,5508 cz0523279 lukavecky potok 0,6827 15,5842 50,4053 cz0523280 metuje a drevic 46,222 16,1703 50,5761 cz0523282 nadslav 6,746 15,2514 50,4197 cz0523283 olesnice 390,3914 15,4181 50,1531 cz0523284 opocno * 68,3291 16,1147 50,2594 cz0523286 rybnik smrkovak 6,9516 15,4683 50,3336 cz0523287 rybnik spaleniste 1,5954 16,2364 50,2783 cz0523288 stara metuje 23,3818 15,9433 50,3422 cz0523290 tynistske poorlici * 648,7489 16,0447 50,1803 cz0523291 uhrinov benatky 5,2976 16,3314 50,2217 cz0523293 vino 72,399 15,3986 50,1494 cz0523669 bila tremesna 0,0399 15,7678 50,4578 cz0523675 jicineves zamek 0,3731 15,3422 50,3731 cz0523676 josefov pevnost 41,4311 15,9303 50,3389 cz0523677 kost 0,9432 15,1350 50,4903 cz0523680 pevnost dobrosov 1,9725 16,2000 50,4081 cz0523682 stare hrady zamek 1,0308 15,2136 50,3864 cz0523683 stola portal 0,0398 16,2786 50,3486 cz0523823 lucni potok v podkrkonosi * 3,5621 15,7964 50,5889 cz0524044 krkonose * 54 979,594 15,6339 50,6969 cz0524045 zbytka * 79,4338 16,0653 50,2964 cz0524046 orlicke hory sever * 941,6314 16,3614 50,3378 cz0524047 peklo * 474,2281 16,1889 50,3742 cz0524048 bysicky 17,2989 15,6139 50,4153 cz0524049 orlice a labe * 2 683,18 16,1822 50,1244 cz0524050 halin 163,0527 16,1347 50,3167 cz0525001 baziny 3,6516 16,3003 50,2958 cz0525002 rerisny u machova 4,2226 16,2883 50,5042 cz0530020 hrebecovsky hrbet * 738,473 16,5817 49,7608 cz0530021 zernov 312,4113 15,9433 50,0944 cz0530027 psi kuchyne * 268,6016 16,4486 49,8442 cz0530028 vadetin lansperk 170,814 16,4433 49,9947 cz0530033 bohdalov 956,418 16,7828 49,7392 cz0530034 moravska sazava * 353,3615 16,6603 49,9497 cz0530037 hemze-mytkov * 27,8321 16,2497 50,0011 cz0530064 mazurovy chalupy 11,6674 15,9269 50,1617 cz0530146 kralicky sneznik * 1 726,2944 16,8378 50,1717 cz0530149 rychnovsky vrch * 353,3297 16,6617 49,8333 cz0530174 lanskrounske rybniky * 41,5231 16,5800 49,9319 cz0530500 lichnice kankovy hory * 451,2401 15,5925 49,8683 cz0530501 brandys * 179,5287 16,2917 49,9958 cz0530502 seminsky presyp 0,5731 15,5219 50,0556 cz0530503 litice 111,0038 16,3478 50,0819 cz0532131 u baninskeho viaduktu 0,9452 16,4783 49,6747 cz0532132 stremosicka stran 46,0594 16,0817 49,8878 cz0533002 mala straka 3,6022 15,8783 49,8753 cz0533005 u pohranovskeho rybnika 66,2105 15,7506 50,0744 cz0533012 michnovka-pravy 2,8234 15,6128 50,1361 cz0533295 bestvina * 19,0903 15,5803 49,8375 cz0533296 bousovka 1,1297 15,7911 49,8767 cz0533297 buky u vysokeho chvojna * 29,5266 15,9925 50,1367 cz0533300 hermanuv mestec * 62,5764 15,6708 49,9442 cz0533301 udoli chrudimky 6,3788 15,9828 49,7442 cz0533302 cholticka obora * 69,5926 15,6153 49,9814 cz0533303 chrudimka 230,0122 15,6681 49,8117 cz0533307 kuneticka hora * 26,941 15,8114 50,0803 cz0533308 bohdanecsky rybnik a rybnik matka 251,3 15,6744 50,0944 cz0533309 pardubice * 2,2371 15,7775 50,0422 cz0533310 hluboky rybnik * 6,5229 15,8339 49,8631 cz0533312 rybnik more 2,2636 15,5800 49,9633 cz0533314 ticha orlice 39,1703 16,6081 50,0500 cz0533316 uhersko 81,1644 16,0172 49,9917 cz0533501 slavicka obora * 7,4476 15,7900 49,8703 cz0533684 bestvina krypta 0,0325 15,5994 49,8358 cz0533685 borova u policky 0,0378 16,1764 49,7289 cz0533686 bouda u techonina 0,0399 16,6767 50,0697 cz0533687 jeskyne betnik 0,0398 16,0728 49,9444 cz0533688 jeskyne u horniho ujezda 0,0245 16,2281 49,8050 cz0533691 parizov 0,0398 15,5689 49,8292 cz0533693 podolska a paterova jeskyne 0,0398 15,6558 49,8892 cz0533694 vranova lhota 0,0316 16,8267 49,7103 cz0534050 cerny nadymac 24,3739 15,5825 50,0739 cz0534051 anenske udoli * 39,3975 15,9875 49,8633 cz0534052 dolni chrudimka 65,5817 15,8578 50,0006 cz0534053 krkanka-stradovske peklo * 277,4949 15,7717 49,8525 cz0534054 hubsky-stradovka * 76,2302 15,8231 49,8061 cz0534055 ratajske rybniky 20,4137 15,9350 49,7706 cz0610003 vysoky kamen u smrcne 242,0996 15,5731 49,4647 cz0610005 u hamru 13,2743 16,3436 49,5117 cz0610022 havranka 22,9689 15,5542 49,7319 cz0610025 habrova sec 91,4963 15,7664 48,9928 cz0610029 horni mrzatec 6,3446 15,3658 49,2072 cz0610030 doupsky a bazantka 10,9563 15,4264 49,2339 cz0610056 svarec * 13,4789 16,3531 49,5247 cz0610145 hroznetinska louka * 18,7119 15,3644 49,7614 cz0610159 velky spicak * 168,8447 15,5181 49,3081 cz0610170 zhejral * 154,1104 15,3153 49,2167 cz0610175 baba 82,298 15,8650 49,4569 cz0610179 jedlovy les a udoli rokytne 375,0377 15,9667 49,0550 cz0610401 zakova hora 39,0273 15,9922 49,6547 cz0610412 ransko * 263,9209 15,8036 49,6697 cz0610512 luzny rybnik 15,0017 15,5456 49,3739 cz0612133 dedkovo 5,6337 16,3758 49,5456 cz0612134 dolni rybnik u ujezda 9,2421 15,8806 49,5075 cz0612135 hodiskovsky rybnik 5,0387 16,0347 49,5103 cz0612136 kobylinec 0,6882 15,9367 49,2500 cz0612137 obecnik 4,8872 16,1417 49,4161 cz0612139 pod kamennym vrchem 12,1247 15,8978 49,6167 cz0612140 podvesnik 20,6182 15,9247 49,4503 cz0612141 ptacovsky kopecek 0,7898 15,9319 49,2342 cz0612143 rybnik u zadniho zhorce 7,6508 15,9319 49,4281 cz0612145 rychtarsky rybnik 5,9954 15,8194 49,4447 cz0612147 spilberk 0,632 16,1269 49,2189 cz0612149 suche skaly * 4,8409 15,6239 48,9436 cz0613002 rostynska obora 49,8787 15,4286 49,2536 cz0613003 marsovec a cepicka 12,39 16,0625 49,2342 cz0613004 brevnicky potok 3,8314 15,6111 49,6203 cz0613005 martinicky potok 27,4396 15,1978 49,5797 cz0613009 niva frysavky 35,3296 16,1156 49,6203 cz0613010 udoli svratky u krasneho 96,533 16,1761 49,6786 cz0613012 na ostrazne 1,6739 16,2853 49,5750 cz0613013 silhanky 5,6951 15,4236 49,2469 cz0613318 babinsky rybnik 39,1012 15,8964 49,5422 cz0613319 ficku rybnik 1,0325 15,9231 49,5106 cz0613321 jankovsky potok 128,2712 15,3536 49,4853 cz0613322 koupaliste u bohuslavic 2,9781 15,5844 49,1450 cz0613327 nova rise 42,7749 15,5450 49,1567 cz0613328 raselinne jezirko rosicka 0,1708 15,5136 49,2417 cz0613332 slapanka a zlaty potok 245,3877 15,6556 49,5414 cz0613333 staviste 3,3901 16,0006 49,5761 cz0613334 trnava 225,007 15,1947 49,5167 cz0613335 u borovne 17,3063 15,4067 49,1653 cz0613336 v kopaninach 0,8999 15,4350 49,1347 cz0613338 vatin 45,0469 15,9408 49,5306 cz0613695 biskupice kostel 0,0295 16,0100 49,0378 cz0613696 biskupice skola 0,0403 16,0089 49,0364 cz0613698 jerisno-herman 0,0327 15,6425 49,7875 cz0613699 namest nad oslavou zamecek 0,0774 16,1653 49,2094 cz0613700 zdar nad sazavou garaze 0,0187 15,9361 49,5819 cz0613809 divka 27,833 15,9100 49,5764 cz0613816 namestska obora * 286,4767 16,1808 49,2064 cz0614052 rybniky u rudolce 49,4005 15,8475 49,4733 cz0614053 darska raseliniste * 390,4373 15,8917 49,6508 cz0614054 na oklice * 55,7088 15,3967 49,4003 cz0614056 v lisovech * 27,5277 15,2786 49,2475 cz0614057 znetinske rybniky 52,5832 15,9256 49,4617 cz0614058 rybniky v poustich 25,797 15,5358 49,2836 cz0614059 stiri dul reka * 92,5992 15,8617 49,6675 cz0614131 udoli oslavy a chvojnice * 2 339,1052 16,1683 49,1575 cz0614132 kamenicky rybnik 3,7191 15,4347 49,5269 cz0614133 kozenek 19,9169 16,2375 49,1092 cz0614134 udoli jihlavy * 861,9281 16,1783 49,1053 cz0615001 zajeci skok 2,4765 15,5347 49,4136 cz0615014 louky u cerneho lesa 19,0841 15,9419 49,5856 cz0615018 simanovske raseliniste 3,9677 15,4464 49,4503 cz0620016 rasovicky zlom chobot * 12,9313 16,9308 49,1258 cz0620018 vetrniky * 32,3536 16,9803 49,1958 cz0620020 masovicka strelnice * 77,5301 15,9711 48,8464 cz0620037 sivicky les * 236,5505 16,7728 49,2183 cz0620101 mikulovicky les * 153,5119 16,1206 48,9706 cz0620103 veterovska vrchovina * 496,3278 17,0492 49,0242 cz0620120 zlobice * 61,574 16,5100 49,3186 cz0620132 udoli chlebskeho potoka * 136,958 16,3850 49,4758 cz0620139 polamanky * 16,2499 16,8753 49,0886 cz0620191 sokoli skala * 305,0977 16,3708 49,4183 cz0620194 cepickuv vrch a udoli hodoninky * 187,4357 16,3733 49,4953 cz0620204 lapikus 139,4802 16,0489 48,9369 cz0620245 rakovecke udoli * 755,6629 16,8219 49,3003 cz0622142 rojetinsky hadec 1,9627 16,2661 49,3669 cz0622150 biskoupsky kopec 8,2111 16,2572 49,1072 cz0622161 ve zlebe 2,5454 16,2331 49,0733 cz0622162 kopecky u unanova 8,425 16,0731 48,9114 cz0622166 milejovske louky 10,9688 17,5128 48,9456 cz0622167 zebetin 1,4463 16,4439 49,0825 cz0622170 na lesni horce 2,5949 16,4769 49,3028 cz0622172 nad vapenkou 0,5714 17,5219 48,8611 cz0622173 netopyrky 0,9127 16,5525 49,2333 cz0622174 pansky les jezdiny 26,0826 16,4367 49,5950 cz0622175 pekarka * 12,8212 16,3425 49,0886 cz0622179 siroky 0,5657 16,2353 49,0658 cz0622181 cervene strane * 6,2238 16,4186 49,0750 cz0622184 visengrunty 8,9388 16,8278 49,0456 cz0622217 stepni strane u komoran * 11,8753 16,9250 49,1961 cz0623324 loucka 12,1467 16,2622 49,4044 cz0623329 prudka 0,1385 16,3697 49,4147 cz0623344 nad brnenskou prehradou 567,0596 16,4736 49,2653 cz0623345 citonice rybnik skalka 2,2498 15,9625 48,8769 cz0623348 jankovec 15,0626 15,9683 48,9519 cz0623349 javornik hlinik 1,4314 17,5189 48,8619 cz0623351 nad kaplickou 3,8354 16,5194 49,5608 cz0623354 crhov rozsicka * 27,4885 16,4608 49,5458 cz0623355 lovcicky potok a jordanek * 36,1935 17,0753 49,0828 cz0623357 masovice lom 10,1388 15,9861 48,8594 cz0623358 mourinov druhy rybnik 4,5459 16,9728 49,1150 cz0623359 cekal 3,3304 15,9497 48,9353 cz0623360 podmoli strouha 5,0959 15,9456 48,8469 cz0623365 raksicke louky 74,9809 16,3225 49,0181 cz0623366 strelicka bazinka 2,9268 16,4672 49,1472 cz0623367 u huberta 3,0694 15,9989 48,9533 cz0623368 kaolinka unanov 4,9705 16,0522 48,8881 cz0623370 letiste marchanice 20,8751 17,0244 49,2989 cz0623372 lom u zerutek 1,7843 15,9675 48,9083 cz0623697 doubravnik kostel 0,121 16,3517 49,4256 cz0623701 blansko kostel 0,0704 16,6386 49,3603 cz0623702 borotin zamek 0,1174 16,6703 49,5811 cz0623703 dedice kostel 0,06 16,9778 49,2947 cz0623704 dlouha lhota 0,0373 16,5122 49,4283 cz0623707 stary zamek jevisovice 0,5575 15,9883 48,9908 cz0623708 novy zamek jevisovice 0,2839 15,9939 48,9833 cz0623709 kretin zamek 0,0948 16,5011 49,5633 cz0623710 krtiny kostel 0,1967 16,7428 49,2967 cz0623711 lipov kostel 0,0609 17,4617 48,9053 cz0623713 rosice zamek 0,2343 16,3858 49,1822 cz0623717 tavikovice zamek 0,1457 16,1075 49,0328 cz0623718 uhercice zamek 0,9022 15,6333 48,9147 cz0623719 vranov nad dyji zakladni skola 0,1046 15,8097 48,8967 cz0623807 hobrtenky 131,1647 16,5283 49,2039 cz0623808 pisarky 70,695 16,5542 49,1922 cz0623819 reka rokytna 123,6679 16,1331 49,0439 cz0624020 stranska skala * 16,8015 16,6758 49,1903 cz0624062 cernecky a milonicky hajek * 204,0365 17,0433 49,1500 cz0624064 krumlovsky les * 1 945,5222 16,3764 49,0419 cz0624065 kvetnice * 127,5068 16,4158 49,3572 cz0624066 jasenova 53,2292 17,5456 48,9433 cz0624067 kamenny vrch 13,7752 16,5550 49,1817 cz0624069 strabisov oulehla * 596,5873 17,1997 49,1800 cz0624072 certoryje * 4 855,0568 17,3928 48,8478 cz0624094 bosonozsky hajek 48,0958 16,4997 49,1894 cz0624095 udoli dyje * 1 821,0468 15,7292 48,9233 cz0624096 podyji * 6 273,1347 15,8961 48,8517 cz0624097 sevy * 8,0822 16,9725 49,1353 cz0624106 tvorihrazsky les * 1 468,2272 16,1133 48,9025 cz0624128 krumlovsko-rokytenske slepence * 99,3176 16,3317 49,0583 cz0624129 lucni udoli 125,9743 16,7500 49,3108 cz0624130 moravsky kras * 6 485,3704 16,7242 49,3839 cz0624132 udoli svitavy * 1 204,5864 16,6500 49,2967 cz0624235 malhostovicke kopecky * 2,6339 16,4953 49,3258 cz0624236 jizni svahy hadu * 29,8946 16,6733 49,2186 cz0625020 trenckova rokle 17,9318 16,2653 49,4083 cz0710004 pod trlinou 51,797 16,9408 49,8736 cz0710006 drevohosticky les 309,9052 17,5989 49,4469 cz0710007 lesy u bezuchova * 250,1831 17,5939 49,4758 cz0710034 lansky luh 32,1388 17,0664 50,3211 cz0710148 prestavlcky les 210,1068 17,4969 49,3956 cz0710161 kralovstvi 587,7624 17,2950 49,5106 cz0710182 chorynsky mokrad * 217,7489 17,9075 49,5167 cz0710183 rychlebske hory raci udoli * 1 191,6215 16,9711 50,3547 cz0712186 hrdiboricke rybniky 39,6213 17,2244 49,4847 cz0712187 chrasticky hadec 2,9631 16,9453 50,1325 cz0712189 pod rudnym vrchem 16,8532 16,9822 50,1119 cz0712190 polachovy strane 6,3796 16,9447 50,0878 cz0712191 stran nad hutskym potokem * 0,8037 16,8139 49,4733 cz0712192 u bilych hlin 0,6828 17,3292 49,5253 cz0712193 u strejckova lomu 3,4435 17,3258 49,5233 cz0712196 vyri skaly 3,308 16,9439 50,0836 cz0712197 zdar 16,0266 16,8669 49,9908 cz0712225 za hrncirkou 3,1102 16,9897 49,4878 cz0713004 racinka 3,224 17,0242 50,0519 cz0713008 deyluv ostruvek 1,0075 17,2417 49,5022 cz0713374 horni morava 9,3726 16,9208 49,9258 cz0713375 hustopece sterkac 59,8452 17,8478 49,5217 cz0713383 ohrozim horka 0,0921 17,0100 49,4914 cz0713385 pisecna mokrad 7,5429 17,2522 50,2761 cz0713388 protivanov 2,3009 16,8447 49,4908 cz0713391 tyn nad becvou 2,6674 17,6428 49,5267 cz0713394 dolni a prostredni svrcov 2,8078 17,4875 49,5367 cz0713395 vidnava 39,3392 17,1992 50,3811 cz0713397 zlate hory cerne jezero 235,0636 17,3767 50,2436 cz0713398 zlate hory zlate jezero 25,758 17,3958 50,2783 cz0713526 velka strelna stoly 0,0398 17,4472 49,6700 cz0713720 bila lhota 0,0551 16,9758 49,7111 cz0713722 branna hrad 0,6755 17,0117 50,1508 cz0713723 cechy pod kosirem 0,3931 17,0375 49,5497 cz0713724 cerna voda kostel 0,0395 17,1569 50,3103 cz0713725 cerna voda kulturni dum 0,078 17,1558 50,3106 cz0713726 hanusovice kostel 0,0262 16,9475 50,0928 cz0713728 chudobin 0,0783 17,0367 49,6878 cz0713730 na spicaku 7,685 17,2508 50,2853 cz0713734 libina u cernusku 0,055 17,0742 49,8894 cz0713735 lipova-lazne materska skolka 0,0389 17,1039 50,2231 cz0713736 otaslavice kostel 0,0648 17,0678 49,3850 cz0713739 ruda nad moravou 0,2382 16,8750 49,9747 cz0713740 sobotin domov duchodcu 0,024 17,0733 50,0189 cz0713741 soudkova stola 0,0673 17,6900 49,6036 cz0713742 stola marie pomocna 0,0398 17,3981 50,2294 cz0713743 stola marka 0,3242 16,8967 50,0264 cz0713745 velke losiny lazensky dum eliska 0,1496 17,0356 50,0333 cz0713746 veselicko 0,1001 17,5044 49,5308 cz0713747 vlkos statek 0,04 17,4225 49,3936 cz0714073 litovelske pomoravi * 9 458,5647 16,9944 49,7814 cz0714075 keprnik * 2 542,9958 17,1214 50,1500 cz0714076 kosir lomy * 41,8057 17,0931 49,5408 cz0714077 praded * 6 070,7695 17,2183 50,0583 cz0714078 rabstejn * 702,0771 17,1550 49,9539 cz0714080 spranek * 270,546 16,8997 49,6764 cz0714081 rejviz * 591,3971 17,2828 50,2161 cz0714082 becva zebracka 288,6729 17,4914 49,4956 cz0714083 maly kosir * 13,3822 17,0925 49,5556 cz0714084 hadce a buciny u raskova 816,1028 16,9017 50,0528 cz0714085 morava chropynsky luh * 3 205,3339 17,3250 49,4381 cz0714086 rychlebske hory sokolsky hrbet * 8 045,7786 17,1128 50,2539 cz0714133 libava * 10 773,8817 17,4606 49,6433 cz0714771 hurka u hranic 37,354 17,7481 49,5375 cz0714772 udoli bystrice * 751,1231 17,4097 49,6658 cz0715024 sumarnik 0,8578 17,1286 50,1892 cz0715025 udoli malinskeho potoka 22,0705 17,0719 49,9528 cz0720013 babi hora * 49,2911 17,5583 48,9533 cz0720016 kovaruv zleb obora * 214,1899 17,5922 49,0292 cz0720033 semetin * 1 327,2646 17,9222 49,3383 cz0720058 nad kasavou 27,4914 17,7900 49,2933 cz0720153 trojak 654,2318 17,3028 49,2683 cz0720185 rusava horansko * 73,4279 17,6969 49,3553 cz0720190 ondrejovsko * 298,0803 17,7122 49,3289 cz0720192 velka vela * 770,6784 17,7083 49,3106 cz0720420 rudicky les * 497,4982 17,7658 49,0464 cz0720422 valy-bucnik * 1 094,8844 17,7739 48,9997 cz0720428 na koncoch * 1 735,336 17,8922 49,0319 cz0720435 podkralovec * 961,9107 18,0744 49,1281 cz0720437 valentova * 558,0151 17,9464 49,0542 cz0720441 bile potoky * 164,1579 18,0297 49,1094 cz0722198 hodnovska dolina 7,5629 18,0572 49,0828 cz0722199 hrusova dolina 98,2995 18,1022 49,1075 cz0722201 kobyli hlava 3,7207 17,5239 48,9575 cz0723020 udoli okluky 17,1855 17,4542 48,9742 cz0723401 breznice u zlina 1,0044 17,6472 49,1944 cz0723403 uhliska 50,6736 17,6794 49,1542 cz0723406 chvalcov 1,1934 17,7081 49,3883 cz0723409 kurovice lom 6,651 17,5217 49,2731 cz0723410 mokrad pumpak 1,9306 17,4719 49,3236 cz0723412 mokrad u slovackych strojiren 8,6276 17,6503 49,0008 cz0723413 ovcirka 10,2205 17,7233 49,0408 cz0723414 polichno pod duby 26,8077 17,7039 49,0725 cz0723415 polichno 67,1242 17,7167 49,0647 cz0723416 popovicke rybniky 98,7478 17,5208 49,0619 cz0723417 pozdechov 0,3557 17,9847 49,2372 cz0723421 remizy u banova 67,418 17,7333 48,9719 cz0723423 skalky 11,135 17,4822 49,2956 cz0723424 stonac 5,5088 17,4269 49,3069 cz0723425 strane u popovic 130,8608 17,5569 49,0492 cz0723426 strizovice 29,5549 17,4544 49,2506 cz0723430 udoli banovskeho potoka 21,6227 17,7028 49,0103 cz0723434 vlara 9,572 18,0281 49,0489 cz0723750 jankovice kostel 0,0281 17,3886 49,1539 cz0723751 komna kostel 0,0792 17,7986 48,9961 cz0723752 lidecko kostel 0,0307 18,0511 49,2042 cz0723753 luhacovice zamek 0,1355 17,7475 49,0964 cz0723754 pozdechov kostel 0,0594 17,9531 49,2331 cz0723755 rusava kostel 0,024 17,7011 49,3550 cz0723756 slavicin kostel 0,1042 17,8753 49,0925 cz0723757 slavicin zamek 0,1046 17,8764 49,0894 cz0723758 slusovice kostel 0,0662 17,8017 49,2475 cz0723759 stola sintrova 0,0398 17,9042 49,2958 cz0723813 kotrle 0,4461 18,0236 49,3778 cz0724087 ujezdecky les * 932,274 17,6758 49,0647 cz0724089 beskydy * 120 386,5333 18,3683 49,4217 cz0724090 bile karpaty * 20 043,308 17,7144 48,9111 cz0724091 chriby * 19 226,4512 17,3000 49,1394 cz0724120 knezpolsky les * 521,1706 17,5008 49,1094 cz0724121 nad jasenkou * 738,575 17,9819 49,3664 cz0724429 hostynske vrchy * 2 396,5918 17,7586 49,3875 cz0724430 vlarsky prusmyk * 3 172,6326 18,0519 49,0597 cz0810001 cerveny kamen * 249,5555 18,1572 49,5825 cz0810004 niva moravky * 367,3621 18,4231 49,6517 cz0810014 pstruzi potok * 39,6586 17,2292 49,9511 cz0810018 sovinec * 2 561,3324 17,2503 49,8683 cz0810021 libotin * 78,4109 18,0625 49,5822 cz0810031 palkovicke hurky 131,5443 18,2556 49,6408 cz0810032 ptaci hora 76,273 17,5414 50,0281 cz0810035 kojetinske vrchy 252,745 17,9803 49,5489 cz0810036 stramberk * 129,3575 18,1219 49,5914 cz0810423 hnevosicky haj 70,1559 17,9917 50,0000 cz0813438 cihelna kunin 26,883 17,9808 49,6283 cz0813439 dehylovsky potok stepan 80,1703 18,1844 49,8675 cz0813442 dolni marklovice 41,219 18,5703 49,8986 cz0813444 hermanicky rybnik 478,9617 18,3383 49,8786 cz0813445 hermanovice 18,6922 17,3717 50,2028 cz0813447 hukvaldy * 200,2797 18,2297 49,6158 cz0813448 jakartovice 13,7477 17,6997 49,9050 cz0813449 jilesovice dehylov 20,7675 18,1667 49,8844 cz0813450 karlova studanka 24,6851 17,3044 50,0708 cz0813451 karvina rybniky * 14,6032 18,5086 49,8775 cz0813455 mokrad u rondelu 14,8038 18,4072 49,7867 cz0813456 moravice 209,5993 17,3367 49,9578 cz0813457 niva olse vernovice * 553,9969 18,4444 49,9225 cz0813460 osoblazsky vybezek 96,1242 17,6944 50,3000 cz0813461 ostrava silherovice * 101,4709 18,2819 49,9197 cz0813462 reka ostravice 155,448 18,3658 49,6436 cz0813463 paskov * 16,8559 18,2947 49,7292 cz0813464 piliky 11,9328 18,2836 49,7517 cz0813468 sokoli potok 49,9616 17,3289 50,1697 cz0813469 stare hliniste 4,6782 17,6939 50,1094 cz0813470 sterbuv rybnik a maly bystry potok 11,9648 18,2589 49,5322 cz0813471 stonavka nadrz halama 4,5856 18,4933 49,7417 cz0813472 sucha rudna zlaty lom 3,3297 17,3575 50,0653 cz0813474 udoli moravice * 186,8099 17,8439 49,8458 cz0813475 vaclavovice piskovna 6,86 18,3772 49,7650 cz0813516 olse * 169,0421 18,7339 49,6144 cz0813760 cerny dul 0,0398 17,6939 49,7969 cz0813763 javorovy vrch 83,0551 17,2958 50,0492 cz0813764 stare oldruvky 0,0398 17,6561 49,7764 cz0813765 stola franz franz 0,0398 17,2828 49,9781 cz0813766 stola jakartovice 0,0399 17,6589 49,9200 cz0813767 zaluzna 0,2041 17,7158 49,8228 cz0813770 cermna dul potlachovy 0,0243 17,6836 49,7658 cz0813810 horni odra 9,492 17,7478 49,7181 cz0814092 poodri * 5 235,0293 18,0947 49,7117 cz0814093 hranicni meandry odry * 125,8704 18,3497 49,9369 cz0815031 skalske raseliniste 45,535 17,2092 49,9189 de1122391 niehuuser tunneltal und krusau mit angrenzenden fl chen * 137 9,3814 54,8289 de1123305 munkbrarupau- und schwennautal * 102 9,5703 54,8119 de1123392 blixmoor * 29 9,5106 54,7994 de1123393 k stenbereiche flensburger f rde von flensburg bis geltinger birk * 10 958 9,7839 54,8122 de1222301 stiftungsfl chen sch ferhaus * 107 9,3778 54,7678 de1222353 staatsforst s d stlich handewitt 17 9,3425 54,7617 de1223356 w lder an der bondenau 126 9,6117 54,71 de1224321 wald s dlich holzkoppel * 22 9,8283 54,7339 de1225355 fehrenholz 19 9,9756 54,725 de1249301 westliche r nnebank 8 601 14,0025 54,7117 de1251301 adlergrund 23 397 14,265 54,745 de1322392 wald-, moor- und heidelandschaft der fr ruper berge und umgebung * 940 9,4592 54,6869 de1323301 nsg hechtmoor * 34 9,5919 54,6647 de1323355 rehbergholz und schwennholz * 193 9,615 54,6658 de1324391 wellspanger-loiter-oxbek-system und angrenzende w lder * 1 434 9,5408 54,5708 de1325356 dr lter holz * 131 9,8975 54,6861 de1326301 nsg schwansener see * 202 10,0244 54,6108 de1332301 fehmarnbelt 27 992 11,0708 54,605 de1339301 kadetrinne 10 007 12,2531 54,4881 de1343301 plantagenetgrund 14 909 12,8586 54,6081 de1345301 erweiterung libben, steilk ste und blockgr nde wittow und arkona 7 580 13,2111 54,6542 de1346301 steilk ste und blockgr nde wittow * 1 850 13,2578 54,665 de1423302 tiergarten * 96 9,5286 54,5186 de1423394 schlei incl. schleim nde und vorgelagerter flachgr nde * 8 748 9,8589 54,6019 de1424357 kiuser gehege 38 9,725 54,5869 de1425301 karlsburger holz 186 9,9497 54,5997 de1425330 aassee und umgebung * 110 9,9525 54,5042 de1446302 nordr gensche boddenlandschaft * 11 142 13,3833 54,5456 de1447302 jasmund * 3 622 13,6292 54,5556 de1447303 sa nitz, eiskeller und ruinen dwasieden 0 13,6225 54,5083 de1523353 karlshofer moor * 52 9,6631 54,4675 de1523381 busdorfer tal * 31 9,5389 54,4883 de1524391 gro er schnaaper see, b ltsee und anschlie ende fl chen * 253 9,7742 54,4875 de1525331 hemmelmarker see * 159 9,8925 54,4881 de1526352 stohl 204 10,1278 54,4728 de1526353 naturwald stodthagen und angrenzende hochmoore * 321 10,0686 54,4228 de1526391 s dk ste der eckernf rder bucht und vorgelagerte flachgr nde * 8 238 10,1275 54,4897 de1528391 k stenlandschaft bottsand marzkamp u. vorgelagerte flachgr nde * 5 483 10,3514 54,4408 de1532321 sundwiesen fehmarn * 35 11,1275 54,4061 de1532391 k stenstreifen west- und nordfehmarn * 1 457 11,1275 54,5233 de1533301 staberhuk * 1 657 11,3156 54,4192 de1540302 dar er schwelle 38 421 12,4164 54,4861 de1541301 dar * 4 204 12,5119 54,4478 de1542302 recknitz- stuar und halbinsel zingst * 27 890 12,4875 54,3642 de1544302 westr gensche boddenlandschaft mit hiddensee * 23 278 13,1519 54,4908 de1547303 kleiner jasmunder bodden mit halbinseln und schmaler heide * 4 054 13,51 54,4492 de1624391 w lder der h ttener berge 416 9,6583 54,4264 de1624392 wittensee und fl chen angrenzender niederungen * 1 220 9,7617 54,3867 de1625301 kluvensieker holz 261 9,8547 54,3706 de1626325 kiel wik / bunkeranlage 0,2 10,1258 54,3683 de1626352 kalkquelle am nord-ostsee-kanal in kiel * 9 10,0961 54,3717 de1627321 hagener au und passader see 525 10,3169 54,3592 de1627322 gorkwiese kitzeberg 7 10,1844 54,36 de1627391 kalkreiche niedermoorwiese am ostufer des dobersdorfer sees 26 10,3256 54,3136 de1628302 selenter see * 2 390 10,4494 54,3069 de1629320 hohenfelder m hlenau * 155 10,4664 54,3328 de1629391 strandseen der hohwachter bucht * 1 319 10,6292 54,3269 de1631304 seegalendorfer geh lz 13 10,9578 54,3106 de1631351 seegalendorfer und neuratjensdorfer moor * 68 10,9717 54,3369 de1631391 putlos * 1 042 10,8456 54,3286 de1631392 meeresgebiet der stlichen kieler bucht 61 830 10,8728 54,4472 de1631393 k stenlandschaft nordseite der wagrischen halbinsel * 315 11,0058 54,38 de1632392 k stenlandschaft vor gro enbrode und vorgelagerte meeresbereiche * 1 739,36 11,1281 54,3664 de1640301 ahrenshooper holz 56 12,4442 54,3869 de1640302 hohes ufer zwischen ahrenshoop und wustrow 34 12,4014 54,3681 de1641301 barther stadtholz 457 12,6119 54,3356 de1643301 kleingew sserlandschaft bei gro kordshagen (nordvorpommern) 501 12,8408 54,3167 de1645302 kreidebruch bei berglase 35 13,3194 54,3258 de1646302 tilzower wald * 860 13,4464 54,3697 de1647303 granitz * 1 227 13,6478 54,3867 de1648302 k stenlandschaft s dostr gen * 2 426 13,6539 54,3364 de1652301 pommersche bucht mit oderbank * 110 115 14,4019 54,3561 de1724302 wehrau und m hlenau * 246 9,7594 54,2628 de1725304 vollstedter see * 160 9,8517 54,2406 de1725306 staatsforst langwedel-s ren 278 9,9833 54,2136 de1725352 quellen am gro en schierensee * 23 9,9644 54,2633 de1725353 niedermoor bei manhagen * 25 9,9183 54,2217 de1725392 gebiet der oberen eider incl. seen * 2 502 9,9592 54,2897 de1726301 wald nordwestlich boksee * 25 10,1264 54,2508 de1727305 klosterforst preetz * 40 10,2589 54,2556 de1727322 untere schwentine * 451 10,2508 54,2889 de1727351 kolksee bei schellhorn * 6 10,3281 54,2122 de1727354 moorweiher bei rastorf * 55 10,2981 54,2811 de1727392 lanker see und k hrener teich 679 10,2928 54,2075 de1728303 lehmkuhlener stauung * 29 10,3386 54,2069 de1728304 nsg rixdorfer teiche und umgebung 115 10,4078 54,2069 de1728305 nsg vogelfreist tte lebrader teich * 144 10,4358 54,2208 de1728307 gottesgabe 686 10,495 54,2758 de1728351 kalkflachmoor bei mucheln 11 10,4261 54,2594 de1729353 gro er und kleiner benzer see * 48 10,6156 54,2044 de1729391 dannauer see und hohensasel und umgebung 341 10,5286 54,2286 de1729392 kossautal und angrenzende fl chen * 213 10,6172 54,3072 de1730301 steinbek * 150 10,7922 54,2442 de1730326 tal der k kel hner m hlenau * 173 10,7564 54,2939 de1731303 w lder um g ldenstein * 112 10,8603 54,2175 de1732321 guttauer gehege 583 11,0467 54,2014 de1732381 rosenfelder br k n rdlich dahme * 45 11,0836 54,2489 de1733301 sagas-bank 3 238 11,1861 54,275 de1739303 ribnitzer gro es moor und neuhaus-dierh ger d nen * 316 12,3028 54,2794 de1739304 w lder und moore der rostocker heide * 3 591 12,1872 54,2078 de1740301 wald bei altheide mit k rkwitzer bach * 1 003 12,3253 54,2244 de1743301 nordvorpommersche waldlandschaft * 7 377 12,8817 54,2578 de1744301 krummenhagener see, borgwallsee und p tter see * 1 576 13 54,2744 de1744303 f rsterhofer heide * 84 13,0903 54,2497 de1747301 greifswalder bodden, teile des strelasundes und nordspitze usedom * 59 970 13,49 54,2183 de1749301 greifswalder oie 218 13,9008 54,2361 de1749302 greifswalder boddenrandschwelle und teile der pommerschen bucht 40 401 13,9597 54,2389 de1825302 wennebeker moor und langwedel * 230 9,9064 54,1889 de1826301 nsg dosenmoor * 546 10,0261 54,1333 de1826302 wald am bordesholmer see 35 10,0056 54,1742 de1828302 grebiner see, schluensee und schmarkau 241 10,4683 54,1897 de1828392 seen des mittleren schwentinesystems und umgebung * 6 648 10,4172 54,14 de1829303 wald n rdlich malente 66 10,5369 54,1956 de1829304 buchenw lder dodau 402 10,5567 54,1369 de1829391 r beler holz und umgebung 333 10,6594 54,1267 de1830301 nsg neust dter binnenwasser * 277 10,8019 54,1167 de1830302 lachsau * 159 10,7708 54,1686 de1830391 gebiet der oberen schwentine 420 10,6458 54,1603 de1831302 buchenw lder s dlich cismar 69 10,9889 54,1853 de1831321 kremper au * 191 10,8156 54,1833 de1832322 walkyriengrund 2 224 11,0311 54,1267 de1832329 ostseek ste zwischen gr mitz und kellenhusen * 220 11,0253 54,1711 de1836301 riedensee * 113 11,6819 54,1506 de1836302 k hlung * 521 11,7792 54,1125 de1837301 conventer niederung * 1 024 11,8953 54,1356 de1838301 stoltera bei rostock 83 12,0325 54,1769 de1840301 d nschenburger moor und teufelsmoor bei gresenhorst * 137 12,4458 54,1303 de1840302 billenh ger forst * 870 12,3761 54,1 de1842303 tal der blinden trebel * 526 12,8236 54,1367 de1845301 kleingew sserlandschaft bei d mitzow * 887 13,2447 54,1914 de1846302 binnensalzstelle greifswald, an der bleiche * 10 13,3728 54,1022 de1846303 moore zwischen greifswald und miltzow * 245 13,3433 54,1306 de1849301 d nengebiet bei trassenheide * 318 13,8583 54,1058 de1926301 b nneb tteler gehege 59 10,0994 54,0906 de1928351 w lder am stocksee * 109 10,3464 54,0731 de1928359 w lder zwischen schlamersdorf und garbek * 111 10,3933 54,0156 de1929320 barkauer see * 472 10,6439 54,0831 de1929351 heidmoorniederung 338 10,5039 54,0342 de1929391 w lder im ahrensb ker endmor nengebiet * 624 10,5369 54,0153 de1930301 middelburger seen * 124 10,6817 54,0806 de1930302 w lder im p nitzer seengebiet * 210 10,7181 54,0289 de1930330 strandniederungen s dlich neustadt * 46 10,8003 54,0903 de1930353 p nitzer seengebiet 162 10,6964 54,0333 de1930391 s seler baum und s seler moor * 80 10,6953 54,0761 de1931301 ostseek ste am brodtener ufer * 2 084 10,8836 54,0017 de1931391 k stenlandschaft zwischen pelzerhaken und rettin * 100 10,8794 54,0936 de1934302 wismarbucht * 23 828 11,3258 54,005 de1934303 erweiterung wismarbucht 3 515 11,4061 54,0678 de1936301 westbr gger holz * 143 11,7556 54,0536 de1936302 kleingew sserlandschaft s dlich von kr pelin * 4 027 11,835 54,0078 de1937301 h tter wohld und kleingew sserlandschaft westlich hanstorf * 834 11,95 54,0722 de1940301 teufelsmoor bei horst * 302 12,4164 54,0547 de1941301 recknitz- und trebeltal mit zufl ssen * 17 551 12,5544 54,0667 de1946301 w lder um greifswald 920 13,4622 54,0736 de1946302 greifswald-eldena, bierkeller 0 13,4575 54,0906 de1950301 wocknin-see * 52 14,0669 54,0114 de2027301 nsg ihlsee und ihlwald * 42 10,3006 53,9611 de2027302 segeberger kalkbergh hlen 3 10,3175 53,9372 de2028352 wald bei s hren * 29 10,4231 53,9061 de2028359 wald n rdlich steinbek * 26 10,4222 53,9311 de2029351 bachschlucht r sing * 28 10,5197 53,9414 de2029353 wulfsfelder moor 6 10,5386 53,95 de2030303 nsg aalbeek-niederung * 310 10,7994 53,9828 de2030304 hobbersdorfer gehege und brammers hlen * 167 10,6939 53,9583 de2030328 schwartautal und curauer moor * 764 10,6261 53,9664 de2030351 waldhusener moore und moorsee * 41 10,7786 53,9169 de2030392 travef rde und angrenzende fl chen * 2 514,9 10,8944 53,9219 de2031301 k ste kl tzer winkel und ufer von dassower see und trave * 3 568 10,9081 53,9581 de2031303 nsg dummersdorfer ufer * 340 10,8508 53,9125 de2032301 lenorenwald * 546 11,0831 53,9575 de2035301 wismar-m ggenburg, tischlerei 0 11,5067 53,9178 de2035302 geh ft gagzow 0 11,5322 53,9325 de2036301 z sower wald * 707 11,6844 53,9147 de2036302 kleingew sserlandschaft bei kirch mulsow * 1 552 11,7119 53,9583 de2037301 beketal mit zufl ssen * 2 227 12,0181 53,9706 de2038301 kleingew sserlandschaft an den letschower tannen (bei schwaan) * 1 074 12,0222 53,9267 de2039301 hohensprenzer, dudinghausener und dolgener see * 1 158 12,2167 53,9197 de2040301 kleingew sserlandschaft bei jahmen 119 12,415 53,9019 de2041301 griever holz * 289 12,5058 53,9375 de2044302 drosedower wald und woldeforst * 1 184 13,0478 53,9742 de2045302 peenetal mit zufl ssen, kleingew sserlandschaft am kummerower see * 11 112 13,4736 53,9019 de2048301 kleingew sserlandschaft am pinnower see bei anklam 627 13,8239 53,9225 de2048302 ostvorpommersche waldlandschaft mit brebowbach * 1 618 13,7153 53,9781 de2049302 peeneunterlauf, peenestrom, achterwasser und kleines haff * 53 256 13,9106 53,9394 de2050303 ostusedomer h gelland * 2 302 14,1847 53,9033 de2051301 d nenw lder stlich von ahlbeck (usedom) * 112 14,2131 53,9306 de2127333 leezener au-niederung und hangw lder * 311 10,2506 53,8875 de2127391 travetal * 1 289 10,3039 53,9131 de2128358 steinkampholz 54 10,4556 53,8292 de2129351 bachschlucht bei herweg * 3 10,5381 53,8361 de2129353 w stenei * 227 10,5811 53,8842 de2129357 friedhofseiche genin 1 10,6519 53,8422 de2130301 lauerholz * 339 10,7372 53,8872 de2130302 herrnburger binnend ne und duvennester moor * 155 10,7611 53,8353 de2130303 moore in der palinger heide * 272 10,7656 53,8608 de2130322 herrnburger d nen 88 10,7436 53,8372 de2130352 moorw lder am wesloer moor und am herrnburger landgraben * 91 10,7617 53,8672 de2130391 gr nauer heide, gr nauer moor und blankensee * 345,39 10,7247 53,8158 de2132302 bernstorfer wald 102 11,1064 53,825 de2132303 stepenitz-, radegast- und maurinetal mit zufl ssen * 1 448 11,0808 53,8344 de2133301 santower see 251 11,1967 53,885 de2133302 jameler wald, tressower see und moorsee * 602 11,3106 53,8669 de2133303 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft everstorf * 854 11,2567 53,8794 de2134301 kleingew sserlandschaft westlich von dorf mecklenburg 720 11,4006 53,8486 de2136302 klaas- und teppnitzbachtal sowie uferzone neuklostersee * 406 11,7131 53,8533 de2137302 schlemminer w lder und kleingew sserlandschaft * 3 665 11,8411 53,8544 de2138302 warnowtal mit kleinen zufl ssen * 6 479 11,9947 53,8436 de2139301 bockhorst * 65 12,2356 53,8119 de2141301 kleingew sserlandschaft n rdlich von j rdenstorf 168 12,6003 53,8961 de2142301 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft s d stlich von altkalen 703 12,7628 53,8864 de2142302 eichenreihe bei gro markow * 2 12,6867 53,8256 de2227352 rehbrook 49 10,3328 53,7367 de2227356 s lfelder tannen 9 10,2522 53,7861 de2228352 rehkoppel * 97 10,4247 53,7789 de2230304 w lder westlich des ratzeburger sees * 336 10,6881 53,7325 de2230305 braken (bei utecht) * 196 10,7992 53,7806 de2230306 ostufer gro er ratzeburger see (mv) und mechower grenzgraben * 108 10,7603 53,7556 de2230381 trockenfl chen nordwestlich gro sarau * 23 10,7164 53,7811 de2230391 w lder und seeufer stlich des ratzeburger sees * 756 10,7917 53,7347 de2231303 goldensee, mechower, lankower und culpiner see (mv) 559 10,82 53,7211 de2231304 wald- und moorlandschaft um den r ggeliner see * 1 360 10,9381 53,7292 de2232301 kleingew sserlandschaft s d stlich von rehna 427 11,12 53,7494 de2234302 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft dambecker seen und buchholz * 1 354 11,3775 53,7697 de2234304 schweriner au ensee und angrenzende w lder und moore * 4 418 11,4714 53,7281 de2236301 binnensalzwiese bei s lten * 12 11,7497 53,7294 de2236302 obere seen und wendfeld (bei sternberg) * 304 11,7897 53,7042 de2236303 wariner seenlandschaft * 1 075 11,74 53,7814 de2238302 wald- und gew sserlandschaft um gro upahl und boitin * 3 493 11,9358 53,7608 de2239301 nebeltal mit zufl ssen, verbundenen seen und angrenzenden w ldern * 6 547 12,2503 53,7522 de2239302 inselsee g strow * 694 12,1761 53,7678 de2239303 bunker in g strow-priemerburg 62 12,2914 53,7847 de2240301 feldgeh lz und park von rothspalk * 14 12,4403 53,7117 de2241302 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft s dlich von teterow * 3 359 12,5022 53,7083 de2241303 schluchtw lder bei teschow * 6 12,6375 53,7875 de2242302 stauchmor ne n rdlich von remplin * 1 520 12,7347 53,7808 de2242304 beekbusch bei hohen mistorf * 37 12,6739 53,7933 de2243301 wald n rdlich von basepohl * 824 12,9269 53,7561 de2243302 ivenacker tiergarten, stavenhagener stadtholz und umgebung * 278 12,9378 53,7142 de2244301 g tzkower wald und anschlie ende kleingew sser * 175 13,0814 53,7233 de2244302 kleingew sserlandschaft bei g ltz (n rdlich altentreptow) 671 13,1608 53,7567 de2245302 tollensetal mit zufl ssen * 6 894 13,2764 53,7283 de2246301 talmoorkomplex des kleinen landgrabens bei werder * 211 13,4017 53,7056 de2247301 trockenh nge und hangquellmoor bei rebelow (gro es landgrabental) 15 13,5064 53,7478 de2247302 wasserburg spantekow 0 13,5339 53,7883 de2247303 kleingew sser westlich boldekow bei rubenow (ovp) 18 13,5592 53,7289 de2248301 putzarer see 516 13,6797 53,7044 de2251301 altwarper binnend nen, neuwarper see und riether werder * 1 428 14,2361 53,7172 de2327351 sieker moor 15 10,3133 53,6272 de2328354 nsg hahnheide 1 351 10,4522 53,6225 de2328355 gro ensee, m nchsteich, stenzer teich 177 10,3533 53,6256 de2328381 nsg kranika * 96 10,3881 53,6556 de2328391 trittauer m hlenbach und drahtm hlengebiet * 120 10,4042 53,6364 de2329301 lankauer see * 105 10,6608 53,6611 de2329351 koberger moor 100 10,5133 53,6489 de2329352 pantener moorweiher und umgebung * 89 10,6308 53,6592 de2329353 quellwald am ankerschen see * 65 10,655 53,6914 de2329381 nsg borstgrasrasen alt m lln * 12 10,6556 53,6317 de2329391 w lder des hevenbruch und des koberger forstes * 924 10,5453 53,6325 de2330351 moorwald im ankerschen ziegelbruch * 18 10,7025 53,6625 de2330353 nsg oldenburger see und umgebung * 123 10,7503 53,6033 de2330391 salemer moor und angrenzende w lder und seen * 679 10,8358 53,6783 de2331306 schaalsee (mv) * 2 206 10,9353 53,6111 de2331393 amphibiengebiete westlich kittlitz 665 10,8875 53,6567 de2331394 schaalsee mit angrenzenden w ldern und seen * 2 193,12 10,9081 53,6192 de2332301 sch nwolder moor * 143 11,0353 53,6364 de2334302 g rslower ufer 48 11,4981 53,6311 de2334304 neum hler see * 256 11,34 53,6444 de2334306 kleingew sserlandschaft am buchholz (n rdlich schwerin) 182 11,3614 53,6867 de2334307 halbinsel reppin, schwerin-mue * 12 11,4897 53,6053 de2335301 pinnower see * 376 11,5292 53,6067 de2336301 sch nlager see, j lchendorfer holz und wendorfer buchen * 547 11,7117 53,6703 de2338302 bolzsee bei oldenstorf 13 12,1053 53,6522 de2338304 mildenitztal mit zufl ssen und verbundenen seen * 5 312 12,0181 53,6525 de2339303 cossensee und siggen * 194 12,2431 53,6694 de2341302 malchiner see und umgebung * 3 460 12,6011 53,6836 de2341303 bl cherhof s dwestlich klocksin 0 12,5192 53,6181 de2342301 ostpeene und benz * 388 12,7897 53,6853 de2343301 baumreihen und wald bei kittendorf * 53 12,915 53,6142 de2344301 kastorfer rinne 387 13,0925 53,6444 de2345303 altentreptow, eiskeller 0 13,2622 53,6914 de2345304 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft zwischen hohenmin und podewall 255 13,2869 53,6319 de2346301 neuenkirchener und neveriner wald * 382 13,3347 53,6392 de2348301 galenbecker see * 1 856 13,7253 53,6289 de2348302 demnitzer bruch, schafhorst und l bkowsee 316 13,7514 53,6878 de2349301 jatznick, eiskeller 0 13,9389 53,6058 de2350301 waldhof, j gerbr ck und schwarzer see * 2 446 14,1308 53,6381 de2350302 alteichen bei christiansberg * 31 14,1717 53,6911 de2350303 uecker von torgelow bis zur m ndung * 143 14,0647 53,6986 de2350304 wald bei kuhlmorgen an der uecker * 19 14,0283 53,6006 de2351301 ahlbecker seegrund und eggesiner see * 1 546 14,2261 53,6486 de2429304 kiefholz * 149 10,5903 53,5678 de2429353 kleinstmoore bei hornbek 20 10,6333 53,5461 de2430302 rosengartener moor * 16 10,7944 53,5333 de2430353 langenlehstener heide * 21 10,775 53,5022 de2430391 seenkette dr sensee bis gudower see mit angrenzenden w ldern u.a. * 459 10,7325 53,5775 de2430392 talh nge bei g ttin, grambeker teiche und umgebung 341 10,6908 53,5633 de2431304 testorfer wald und kleingew sserlandschaft * 432 10,8806 53,5594 de2431391 amphibiengebiet seedorfer forst 213 10,875 53,5978 de2431392 hakendorfer w lder 85 10,8344 53,5811 de2433301 grambower moor 575 11,2803 53,6006 de2433302 wald bei d mmer * 350 11,225 53,56 de2437301 w lder bei mestlin und langenh gener seewiesen * 2 017 11,9478 53,5589 de2439304 paschen-, langhagen- und g ltzsee * 589 12,3167 53,5906 de2440301 drewitzer see mit l bowsee und dreiersee * 1 463 12,3572 53,5464 de2441302 seenlandschaft zwischen klocksin und jabel * 2 455 12,5178 53,5844 de2441303 k lpinsee und nordteil fleesensee * 3 349 12,5453 53,5036 de2442301 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft n rdlich von waren * 3 942 12,6736 53,5808 de2442302 waren, marienkirche und eiskeller 0 12,6956 53,5178 de2443301 ziegenbusch zwischen rosenow und m llenhagen 50 12,9658 53,59 de2443302 kleingew sserlandschaft n rdlich m llenhagen 750 12,9175 53,5503 de2444301 kuckssee und lapitzer see * 127 13,0939 53,5294 de2445301 zirzower m hle 0 13,1958 53,5783 de2445302 neubrandenburg, eiskeller und brauereikeller 0 13,285 53,5575 de2445303 trollenhagen, bunker 0 13,3022 53,5936 de2446301 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft bei burg stargard * 2 033 13,4431 53,5056 de2447301 eichhorster wald 246 13,5317 53,5814 de2448302 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft brohmer berge * 5 209 13,8531 53,5825 de2448303 strasburg, eiskeller 0 13,7372 53,5083 de2448374 stra burger m hlenbach beeke (oberlauf und m ndung, mv) * 31 13,7669 53,5069 de2450301 koblentzer see und zerrenthiner wiesen * 929 14,1242 53,5261 de2450302 eichenw lder bei viereck * 27 14,0464 53,5556 de2451301 gottesheide mit schlo - und lenzener see 1 399 14,2883 53,5836 de2451302 latzigsee bei borken 122 14,2008 53,5414 de2528331 elbeniederung zwischen schnackenburg und geesthacht * 22 654,31 10,9356 53,2208 de2529301 n ssauer heide 88 10,6036 53,4969 de2529302 stecknitz-delvenau 63 10,6258 53,4394 de2529304 stecknitz-delvenau * 259 10,6231 53,4172 de2530301 bretziner heide * 34 10,8161 53,4211 de2530372 kleingew sser bei leisterf rde (lwl) * 153 10,7494 53,4753 de2530373 kleingew sserlandschaft zwischen greven und granzin (lwl) 409 10,8358 53,4711 de2531303 schaaletal mit zufl ssen und nahegelegenen w ldern und mooren * 1 853 11,0144 53,475 de2531304 wald und lindenallee bei banzin * 34 10,9094 53,4056 de2533301 sude mit zufl ssen * 2 519 11,245 53,43 de2535302 w lder in der lewitz 999 11,6169 53,4806 de2538302 alte elde bei kuppentin, fahrenhorst und bobziner zuschlag * 616 12,1192 53,4939 de2539301 plauer see und umgebung * 5 137 12,3256 53,4717 de2541301 kleingew sser- und waldlandschaft sietower forst 340 12,5283 53,4406 de2542302 m ritz * 10 164 12,6833 53,4267 de2543301 seen, moore und w lder des m ritz-gebietes * 14 184 12,9439 53,3931 de2545302 burg stargard, hospital und eiskeller 0 13,3064 53,4914 de2545303 tollensesee mit zufl ssen und umliegenden w ldern * 6 554 13,17 53,4714 de2546301 schlavenkensee * 797 13,4017 53,4275 de2547301 damerower wald schlepkower wald jagenbruch * 469,26 13,6381 53,4097 de2547302 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft hinrichshagen wrechen * 2 564 13,5022 53,4108 de2547303 jagenbruch und kleingew sserlandschaft bei hildebrandshagen (mv) 73 13,6269 53,4164 de2547374 wald- und kleingew sserlandschaft helpter berge * 549 13,6242 53,4969 de2548301 daberkower heide 338 13,6808 53,4983 de2549301 eiskellerberge os bei malchow * 5,16 13,9303 53,4219 de2549302 k hntoptal * 80,54 13,8503 53,44 de2549303 schanzberge bei brietzig 13 13,8892 53,4894 de2549304 m hlbach beeke * 176,88 13,8722 53,4711 de2549305 malchower os (mv) * 6 13,935 53,4308 de2550301 caselower heide 895 14,0942 53,4467 de2551301 gro er kutzowsee bei bismark 48 14,2994 53,4736 de2551302 randowh nge beim burgwall l cknitz 93 14,2356 53,4364 de2551373 kiesbergwiesen bei bergholz (s dlich l cknitz) * 54 14,1961 53,4381 de2551374 wald nord stlich von l cknitz * 22 14,2258 53,4603 de2628392 elbe mit hohem elbufer von tesperhude bis lauenburg mit angr. fl. * 734 10,5072 53,3769 de2630301 wiebendorfer moor 21 10,8289 53,3983 de2630303 elbtallandschaft und sudeniederung bei boizenburg * 1 648 10,7489 53,3539 de2632301 feldgeh lze und w lder im raum pritzier * 273 11,0656 53,3819 de2632372 die rense * 138 11,1228 53,3517 de2634301 schlo park ludwigslust * 186 11,4767 53,3264 de2635303 ludwigsluster-grabower heide, wei es moor und griemoor * 253 11,5494 53,3142 de2635304 neust dter see 154 11,5672 53,3964 de2635305 ludwigslust, eiskeller 0 11,505 53,3272 de2636301 sonnenberg bei parchim * 885 11,7586 53,3942 de2638301 marienflie * 1 215 12,1581 53,3469 de2638302 qua liner moor * 24,57 12,1439 53,3586 de2638303 waldsee mathildenhof * 73,17 12,0847 53,3156 de2638305 flie gew sser, seen und moore des siggelkower sanders * 1 227 12,0053 53,3825 de2639301 marienflie 609 12,1728 53,3519 de2639302 fledermausquartier kirche meyenburg 0,26 12,2442 53,3161 de2642301 ostufer sumpfsee bei vietzen 6 12,7233 53,3183 de2644302 schlo berg weisdin * 27 13,1172 53,3997 de2644303 tiergarten neustrelitz * 42 13,0631 53,3572 de2644304 kalkhorst * 175 13,0736 53,32 de2644305 neustrelitz, eiskeller 0 13,0544 53,3567 de2645301 serrahn * 6 464 13,2331 53,3319 de2646304 schmaler luzin, zansen und carwitzer see * 1 580 13,4575 53,3178 de2646305 w lder bei feldberg mit breitem luzin und dolgener see * 3 945 13,4361 53,3544 de2647301 kieker und schotterwerk * 593,74 13,5958 53,3681 de2647302 karpfensee bei boisterfelde * 55,5 13,5103 53,3186 de2647304 fledermausquartier bunker zerweliner heide 20,17 13,6139 53,3119 de2647305 umgebung gro er und kleiner karpfensee (mv) 80 13,5067 53,3203 de2648301 fledermauswinterquartier friedhofsgruft sch nermark 0,04 13,7092 53,3311 de2649301 beesenberg 87,07 13,8919 53,3914 de2650301 randowh nge bei schm lln * 156,79 14,145 53,3086 de2650322 kleinseen bei carmzow 63,51 14,1167 53,6925 de2651301 storkower os und stlicher b rgersee bei penkun * 187 14,2647 53,3053 de2652301 schwarzer tanger 142,05 14,335 53,3097 de2652302 hohenholzer forst und kleingew sserlandschaft bei kyritz * 1 539 14,3339 53,365 de2727332 mausohr-wochenstubengebiet elbeeinzugsgebiet 0,1 10,8942 52,8933 de2732371 r gnitzniederung 581 11,045 53,2692 de2733301 l btheener heide und trebser moor * 1 513 11,1719 53,2964 de2735301 alte elde zwischen wanzlitz und krohn * 181 11,5011 53,2553 de2736301 l cknitz-oberlauf und angrenzende w lder (mv) * 308 11,7508 53,2647 de2737301 g litzer kohlegruben * 105,47 11,9278 53,2033 de2737302 ruhner berge * 351 11,9311 53,2933 de2738301 hainholz an der stepenitz * 115,32 12,0469 53,2719 de2738302 stepenitz * 2 046,05 12,0264 53,2147 de2740301 oberheide * 145 12,4797 53,2506 de2741301 berlinchener see, berlinchener luch * 360,55 12,5625 53,2178 de2741302 m nchsee * 286 12,5325 53,2864 de2742301 kr mmeler heide 293 12,6872 53,2392 de2742302 mirower holm * 467 12,8189 53,2264 de2743304 kleinseenlandschaft zwischen mirow und wustrow * 1 500 12,8822 53,2411 de2744301 thymen * 467,49 13,1494 53,2219 de2744302 schwarzer see * 57,22 13,1117 53,2253 de2744303 erweiterung thymen * 317,22 13,1572 53,2339 de2744307 moore und seen bei wesenberg * 133 13,0233 53,2792 de2744308 wangnitzsee * 516 13,0586 53,2483 de2744309 schwarzer see stlich priepert (mv) * 24 13,1069 53,2258 de2745301 klapperberge * 1 271,93 13,2756 53,2567 de2745302 hutung s hle * 43,45 13,2519 53,2108 de2745303 kastavenseen-molkenkammersee * 295,19 13,2297 53,2167 de2745371 sandergebiet s dlich von serrahn * 2 462 13,2281 53,2514 de2746301 hardenbeck-k strinchen * 6 664,45 13,4419 53,2386 de2746302 kr selinsee und mechowseen * 575 13,4061 53,2636 de2747302 stromgew sser * 2 582,52 13,6525 53,2661 de2747303 kuhzer see/jakobshagen * 1 406,62 13,6489 53,2108 de2747304 klaushagen 602,97 13,5681 53,2317 de2747305 zerweliner allee und carolinenhain * 72,92 13,5981 53,2872 de2748301 charlottenh he * 235,09 13,8122 53,2728 de2748302 fledermausquartier bunkeranlagen gro e heide bei prenzlau 2,6 13,7078 53,2311 de2749301 uckerseewiesen und trockenh nge * 119,65 13,8097 53,2411 de2749322 seenkette hoheng stow-l tzlow 124,15 14,0006 53,2478 de2749323 gro er kuhsee bei gramzow 33,1 13,9814 53,2078 de2750301 randow-welse-bruch * 3 714,05 14,1064 53,2581 de2750302 blumberger wald * 244 14,1144 53,2167 de2750304 zichower wald weinberg * 116,63 14,0583 53,2078 de2750305 gutspark, lindenallee und storcheneiche radewitz * 10 14,1583 53,2953 de2750306 randowtal bei gr nz und schwarze berge * 697 14,1136 53,2794 de2751301 piepergrund * 106,7 14,26 53,2542 de2751302 gro e h lle * 18,79 14,205 53,2589 de2752301 trockenrasen geesow * 81,71 14,3933 53,2478 de2752302 salveytal * 381,52 14,3733 53,2286 de2752303 silberberge * 49,69 14,3561 53,2172 de2752304 stettiner berge * 22,26 14,4317 53,2514 de2832331 gew ssersystem der jeetzel mit quellw ldern * 583 11,0925 53,0064 de2833301 werder besandten * 112,9 11,2753 53,1053 de2833302 untere rhinowwiesen 395,39 11,3069 53,1119 de2833306 elbtallandschaft und l cknitzniederung bei d mitz * 1 363 11,2536 53,1358 de2833307 festung d mitz 0 11,2469 53,1439 de2834301 untere l cknitzniederung * 348,08 11,3883 53,1111 de2834303 karenzer und kali er heide 76 11,35 53,1658 de2835301 rambower moor * 447,79 11,59 53,1444 de2835302 nausdorfer moor * 161,41 11,5492 53,1222 de2835303 meynbach bei krinitz * 338 11,5239 53,1933 de2836301 mittlere und obere l cknitz * 388,7 11,6719 53,1103 de2836302 stavenower wald * 323,71 11,6881 53,1439 de2836303 bootzer torfloch * 43,28 11,7139 53,1897 de2837301 schlatbach * 127,75 11,8928 53,135 de2837302 weinberge kl ssenberge bei perleberg * 125,7 11,8667 53,1028 de2838301 gro er horst * 94,57 12,0692 53,1611 de2842301 wummsee und twernsee * 380,14 12,8042 53,1883 de2842302 buchheide 1 123,86 12,7394 53,18 de2842303 erweiterung wumm- und twernsee * 80,53 12,7883 53,1836 de2842304 uferbereiche gro er wummsee, twern- und giesenschlagsee (mv) 271 12,7997 53,1944 de2843302 forst buberow * 348,77 12,8714 53,1078 de2843303 himmelreich * 442,97 12,86 53,1817 de2843304 teufelsbruch (wolfsbruch) * 53,53 12,9286 53,1769 de2843305 dollgowsee * 238,78 12,8511 53,1469 de2843326 gro er p tschsee bei rheinsberg * 114,69 12,8447 53,1292 de2843327 rochowsee und pl tzensee * 57,28 12,8147 53,1894 de2844301 stechlin * 8 675,76 13,0017 53,1378 de2844302 polzowtal * 516,24 13,1078 53,1011 de2844303 gramzow-seen * 619,88 13,1467 53,1103 de2844304 globsower buchheide 385,72 13,1033 53,1408 de2844305 gro er boberowsee (mv) 71 13,0244 53,1881 de2845301 stolpseewiesen-siggelhavel * 405,42 13,215 53,1669 de2846301 kleine schorfheide havel * 8 194,29 13,3428 53,1053 de2846302 templiner kanalwiesen * 70,26 13,4792 53,1136 de2846323 fledermausquartier brauerei templin 0,04 13,4931 53,1156 de2847301 gro er briesensee * 115,49 13,66 53,1431 de2847302 lab skewiesen 164,1 13,615 53,1322 de2847303 k lpinsee * 1 848,95 13,6614 53,1053 de2847304 platkowsee-netzowsee-metzelthin * 2 592,16 13,5408 53,1639 de2847325 l bbesee erg nzung 339,86 13,5519 53,1094 de2848301 arnimswalde * 1 408,02 13,7353 53,1081 de2848302 eulenberge * 1 946 13,8 53,1917 de2848303 kronhorst-gro fredenwalde * 5 304,25 13,7283 53,1539 de2848304 schwemmpfuhl * 510,82 13,7658 53,1947 de2848305 poratzer mor nenlandschaft erg nzung 85,02 13,8322 53,1167 de2849301 hintenteiche bei biesenbrow * 104,07 13,9964 53,1347 de2849302 melzower forst * 2 786,25 13,9089 53,1558 de2849303 suckower haussee * 138,9 13,8525 53,14 de2849304 steinh fel-schmiedeberg-friedrichsfelde * 1 315,89 13,8786 53,1142 de2849325 ober ckersee * 727,09 13,8661 53,1869 de2851301 m llerberge * 61,47 14,2694 53,1253 de2851302 trockenrasen jamikow * 81,72 14,1822 53,1592 de2851303 welsetalh nge bei kunow * 19,98 14,2461 53,1322 de2851304 trockenrasen gro pinnow * 6,81 14,2906 53,1861 de2933301 werder kietz * 126,98 11,3308 53,0672 de2934301 nemitzer heide * 1 061 11,3492 52,9847 de2934302 lenzen-wustrower elbniederung * 999,67 11,4939 53,0675 de2934303 elbaue wootz 201,23 11,3394 53,0708 de2934304 werder m dlich * 154,97 11,3981 53,0767 de2934305 werder m dlich erg nzung 46,8 11,4489 53,0836 de2935301 aland-elbe-niederung n rdlich seehausen * 2 573 11,6406 52,9678 de2935303 gandower schweineweide * 213,71 11,5197 53,0672 de2935304 elbdeichvorland jagel 33,46 11,6208 53,0444 de2935305 gadow * 412,97 11,6356 53,0875 de2935306 elbe * 1 322,24 11,9581 52,8856 de2936301 perleberger schie platz * 356,95 11,8269 53,0433 de2936302 silge * 1 520,85 11,7197 53,0644 de2937301 mendeluch * 23,64 11,88 53,0189 de2937302 m rickeluch * 11,32 11,8667 53,0289 de2937303 untere stepenitzniederung und jeetzbach * 950,82 11,8353 53,0322 de2937304 wei er berg bei spiegelhagen 9 11,9217 53,0953 de2938301 cederbach * 148,47 12,0389 53,0267 de2940301 m hlenteich * 71,06 12,4464 53,0392 de2940302 postluch ganz * 36,67 12,4744 53,0169 de2940303 k nigsberger see, kattenstieg see * 367,63 12,4356 53,0542 de2941301 oberes temnitztal * 64,28 12,6514 53,0275 de2941302 wittstock-ruppiner heide * 9 346,34 12,6653 53,0972 de2941303 dosse 613,13 12,4981 53,0069 de2942301 kunsterspring * 102,29 12,7497 53,025 de2942302 ruppiner schweiz 94,8 12,7942 53,0494 de2942303 revier rottstiel-tornow * 186,95 12,8225 53,0303 de2942304 ruppiner schweiz erg nzung * 254,4 12,7975 53,0339 de2942305 fledermausquartier gro er bunker frankendorf 3,34 12,7244 53,0028 de2943301 lindower rhin und fristower plagge * 190,89 12,8519 53,0167 de2943302 rheinsberger rhin und hellberge * 859,26 12,9147 53,0481 de2944301 wolfsluch * 297,78 13,1025 53,0481 de2944302 polzowtal erg nzung * 4,8 13,0767 53,0908 de2945301 zehdenicker mildenberger tonstiche * 1 537,42 13,2969 53,0286 de2945302 seilershofer buchheide * 970,8 13,1897 53,0697 de2945303 tornow 350,08 13,2558 53,0794 de2947301 buchheide (templiner forst) * 566,87 13,5025 53,0733 de2947302 bollwinwiesen/gro er gollinsee * 905,74 13,5856 53,0542 de2947303 reiersdorf * 248,96 13,6311 53,0447 de2947304 l bbesee 923,23 13,6094 53,0792 de2947305 polsensee 578,26 13,5092 53,0519 de2947306 vietmannsdorfer heide 315,88 13,5486 53,0375 de2948302 endmor nenlandschaft bei ringenwalde * 572,55 13,6867 53,0719 de2948303 krinertseen * 352,04 13,7367 53,0883 de2948304 poratzer mor nenlandschaft * 3 923,62 13,7878 53,0592 de2948305 winkel * 142,89 13,6842 53,0514 de2948306 fledermausquartier eiskeller glambeck 0,04 13,8192 53,0256 de2949301 fischteiche blumberger m hle * 320,3 13,9411 53,0447 de2949302 grumsiner forst/redernswalde * 6 106,06 13,8372 53,0031 de2949303 sernitz-niederung und trockenrasen * 78,34 14,0061 53,1014 de2950301 breitenteichsche m hle * 149,45 14,0169 53,0858 de2950302 felchowseegebiet * 971 14,1364 53,0553 de2950303 pinnow 1 251,12 14,0786 53,0619 de2950304 ostufer mudrowsee * 8,08 14,0256 53,0053 de2950305 trockenrasen schildberge * 5,61 14,0936 53,0158 de2951302 unteres odertal * 10 056,39 14,2911 53,0386 de3031301 landgraben- und dummeniederung * 4 931 10,9967 52,9133 de3034301 magerweide aschkabel * 12 11,4947 52,9278 de3035301 der most bei harpe 120 11,5369 52,9325 de3036301 elbaue beuster-wahrenberg * 2 919 11,8278 52,9414 de3036302 elbdeichhinterland * 1 951,12 11,7861 52,9789 de3036303 kr henfu * 157,36 11,7072 52,9942 de3036304 elbdeichvorland * 1 271,33 11,7886 52,9675 de3037301 jackel * 348,14 11,9064 52,9864 de3037302 karthan * 219,36 11,9564 52,9922 de3037303 karthane * 458,32 11,9736 52,9739 de3038301 plattenburg * 352,15 12,0458 52,9592 de3041301 oberes temnitztal erg nzung 237,76 12,6064 52,8981 de3042301 storbeck 313,02 12,7753 52,9797 de3042302 wahlendorfer luch, klappgraben, g nsepfuhl * 238,95 12,7375 52,9617 de3043301 sch ner berg * 1,15 12,9667 52,9206 de3043302 rheinsberger rhin und hellberge erg nzung * 311,22 12,9169 52,9881 de3045301 moncapricesee 113,55 13,1697 52,9233 de3045302 liebenberger bruch * 239,15 13,2886 52,8878 de3046301 exin * 396,31 13,3492 52,9247 de3046302 schnelle havel erg nzung * 7,72 13,3886 52,915 de3047301 kienhorst/k llnseen/eichheide * 5 004,07 13,6656 52,9444 de3047302 rarangseen * 65,9 13,5986 52,9903 de3047303 d llnflie * 1 988,53 13,5414 52,9944 de3048301 lindhorst 321,06 13,7064 52,9847 de3048302 werbellinkanal * 3 460,64 13,6833 52,9111 de3049302 gro -ziethen * 891,37 13,8594 52,9503 de3049303 parsteinsee * 1 156,82 13,9739 52,9414 de3050301 brodowin-oderberg * 1 608,43 14,0053 52,9039 de3050302 tiefer see * 28,97 14,0086 52,9461 de3050303 lunower h lzchen * 51,66 14,1194 52,9394 de3050304 koppelberg altgalow (westteil) * 2,78 14,1575 52,9939 de3050305 buchsee * 5,41 14,0097 52,9628 de3132301 landgraben-dumme-niederung n rdlich salzwedel * 2 903 11,1044 52,8825 de3134301 arendsee 503 11,4761 52,8911 de3134302 weidefl chen bei kraatz 79 11,4222 52,8458 de3136301 krumker holz und w lder stlich dr sedau 428 11,7314 52,8125 de3137301 lennewitzer eichen 180,74 11,9594 52,8936 de3138301 elbaue werben und alte elbe kannenberg * 2 212 12,0422 52,8328 de3138302 havel n rdlich havelberg * 213 12,0511 52,855 de3138303 quitz bler d nengebiet * 142,07 12,0047 52,8883 de3139301 dosseniederung * 810,87 12,2894 52,8025 de3140301 b renbusch 30,05 12,4289 52,8983 de3142301 unteres rhinluch dreetzer see erg nzung * 111,98 12,6761 52,8006 de3143301 s dufer ruppiner see 61,73 12,8789 52,8558 de3146301 schnelle havel * 2 541,89 13,3497 52,8442 de3146302 langer tr del 43,26 13,4578 52,8611 de3146303 kreuzbruch 1 354,1 13,3736 52,8131 de3147301 finowtal pregnitzflie * 1 804,56 13,6283 52,8272 de3147303 fledermausquartier lagerbunker pechteich 0,85 13,6008 52,8575 de3148301 nonnenflie -schw rzetal * 488,58 13,7736 52,8006 de3148302 buckowseerinne * 507,15 13,7364 52,8919 de3148303 fledermauswochenstube in eberswalde 0,02 13,7925 52,8439 de3149301 kanonen- und schlo berg, sch fergrund * 88,73 13,9419 52,815 de3149302 niederoderbruch 859,74 13,9864 52,8569 de3149303 plagefenn * 1 055,93 13,9408 52,8814 de3149304 finowtal rag ser flie * 456,25 13,8514 52,8561 de3150301 pimpinellenberg * 6,01 14,0231 52,8658 de3150302 tongruben neuenhagen * 120,83 14,0439 52,8236 de3150303 gabower hangkante * 75,53 14,0828 52,8264 de3150304 trockenh nge oderberg-liepe * 53,95 14,0303 52,8656 de3150325 breitefenn * 28,99 14,0475 52,8994 de3151301 oderwiesen neur dnitz 1 046,33 14,1908 52,8172 de3232301 rohrberger moor * 16 11,0261 52,7117 de3232302 jeetze zwischen beetzendorf und salzwedel 20,2 11,1219 52,7697 de3232303 waldgebiet ferchau bei salzwedel 718 11,0892 52,7944 de3232304 moorweide bei stapen * 53 11,1292 52,7344 de3233301 k he westlich winterfeld * 46 11,1708 52,74 de3233302 kuhschellenstandort bei recklingen 4 11,2106 52,7394 de3234301 kalbescher werder bei vienau * 137 11,4611 52,7031 de3236301 uchte unterhalb goldbeck 14 11,8297 52,7631 de3237301 fasanengarten iden * 61 11,8911 52,7847 de3238301 jederitzer holz stlich havelberg * 277 12,125 52,7908 de3238302 elbaue zwischen sandau und sch nhausen * 2 433 12,0267 52,6989 de3238303 kamernscher see und tr bengraben * 284 12,1 52,7475 de3239301 untere havel und schollener see * 4 536 12,2103 52,7783 de3239302 restw lder bei rhinow 19,71 12,275 52,7903 de3240301 unteres rhinluch dreetzer see * 1 296,8 12,4767 52,7794 de3240302 gollenberg * 58,6 12,3967 52,745 de3241301 friesacker zootzen * 160,85 12,6367 52,7903 de3241302 g rner see * 236,58 12,5333 52,7033 de3243301 oberes rhinluch * 1 639,5 12,9053 52,7936 de3243302 mossberge 139,82 12,8356 52,7589 de3243303 oberes rhinluch erg nzung * 316,07 12,8133 52,8186 de3243304 fledermausquartier stallgeb ude in linum 0,6 12,8703 52,7497 de3244301 kremmener luch * 1 186,41 13,0019 52,7864 de3244303 behrensbr ck * 375,68 13,1606 52,7797 de3245301 fledermauswinterquartier lehnitz 0,76 13,2881 52,7669 de3246301 lubowsee * 75,85 13,3894 52,7431 de3246302 briesetal * 180,92 13,3439 52,7178 de3246303 buchenw lder am liepnitzsee * 142,43 13,4867 52,7447 de3247301 biesenthaler becken * 190,41 13,6261 52,7528 de3247302 biesenthaler becken, erweiterung * 769,49 13,6183 52,7528 de3247303 oberseemoor * 47,06 13,5322 52,7564 de3247304 rabenluch * 8,59 13,6072 52,7842 de3248302 trampe 430,59 13,815 52,7789 de3248304 fledermausquartier kellerberg gr ntal 0,8 13,7308 52,7419 de3249301 c thener flie tal * 74,78 13,9431 52,7983 de3249302 oderbruchrand bad freienwalde * 136,61 13,9919 52,7908 de3249303 fledermausquartier haus bethesda 0,04 14,0231 52,7803 de3250301 biesdorfer kehlen * 64,78 14,0969 52,7261 de3250302 hutelandschaft altranft-sonnenburg * 571,36 14,0731 52,7506 de3250303 sonnenburger wald und ahrendskehle * 467,41 14,0156 52,7528 de3250304 trockenrasen wriezen * 62,07 14,1061 52,7189 de3250306 fledermauswinterquartier schie gang 3,16 14,0006 52,7581 de3252301 odervorland gieshof * 488,79 14,3783 52,7292 de3331301 hartauniederung zwischen l delsen und ahlum * 50 10,9644 52,6925 de3331302 ohreaue * 603 10,8817 52,6647 de3332301 tangelnscher bach und bruchw lder * 443 11,0139 52,6744 de3332302 jeetze s dlich beetzendorf * 278 11,0889 52,6497 de3333301 buchenwald stlich kl tze 522 11,2283 52,6264 de3333302 eiskeller in kl tze 0,01 11,1756 52,6219 de3334301 secantsgraben, milde und biese 472 11,4133 52,6361 de3337301 schie platz bindfelde stlich stendal * 183 11,9206 52,605 de3337302 stendaler stadtforst * 128 11,9317 52,6178 de3338301 binnend ne bei scharlibbe 44 12,0878 52,6861 de3338302 klietzer heide 1 925 12,125 52,6475 de3339301 niederung der unteren havel/g lper see * 7 385,92 12,3236 52,6172 de3339303 buckow-steckelsdorf-g ttlin * 288,72 12,2733 52,6119 de3339304 klietzer heide * 655,08 12,2436 52,6358 de3340302 rodewaldsches luch * 139,34 12,4047 52,6022 de3340303 hundewiesen * 316,49 12,3936 52,6731 de3341301 m hlenberg nennhausen * 11 12,5147 52,6083 de3341302 teufelsberg oder rhinsberg bei landin * 4,47 12,5189 52,6678 de3342301 paulinenauer luch * 212,19 12,7086 52,6869 de3342302 lindholz 112,36 12,7294 52,6736 de3342303 paulinenauer luch erg nzung * 157,04 12,7747 52,7033 de3343301 leitsakgraben * 995,89 12,9511 52,6453 de3343302 leitsakgraben erg nzung * 39,3 12,8922 52,64 de3345301 muhrgraben mit teufelsbruch * 693,62 13,1733 52,6247 de3346301 tegeler flie tal * 377,36 13,3333 52,6167 de3346302 eichwerder moorwiesen * 118,69 13,3564 52,6275 de3346304 tegeler flie tal * 462,63 13,3975 52,6822 de3347301 b rnicke 513,03 13,6292 52,6486 de3347302 sch nower heide 589,6 13,5092 52,6917 de3347303 schlosspark buch * 26,11 13,4997 52,6381 de3348301 weesower luch 57,55 13,7092 52,6447 de3349301 blumenthal 136,75 13,915 52,6536 de3349302 f ngersee und unterer gamengrund * 248,54 13,8369 52,6017 de3349324 gamengrundseen 166,48 13,8614 52,6822 de3350302 batzlower m hlenflie b chnitztal * 289,84 14,15 52,6456 de3352301 oderaue kienitz * 1 095,06 14,4833 52,6531 de3353301 oderaue genschmar 257,68 14,5364 52,6267 de3434301 j venitzer moor * 508 11,4856 52,5058 de3434302 kellerberge nord stlich gardelegen 116 11,4542 52,5403 de3434303 brauereikeller gardelegen 0,01 11,3783 52,5264 de3435301 mooswiese hottendorf stlich gardelegen 51 11,5317 52,5189 de3435302 spitzberg s dwestlich klinke * 1 11,5925 52,5764 de3436301 fenn in wittenmoor * 6 11,6861 52,5408 de3437302 elbaue zwischen derben und sch nhausen * 4 371 11,9786 52,5006 de3437303 stendaler rohrwiesen 180 11,8853 52,5647 de3439302 gro es fenn * 83,71 12,2767 52,5603 de3439303 niederung der unteren havel/g lper see erg nzung * 8,82 12,3028 52,5142 de3440301 pritzerber laake * 511,35 12,4361 52,5419 de3440304 gr ninger see 137,72 12,4769 52,5933 de3441301 wei es fenn und d nenheide * 180,55 12,5306 52,5261 de3442302 bagower m hlenberg * 6,52 12,7028 52,5183 de3442303 bagower bruch 154,37 12,6844 52,5231 de3442304 beetzsee-rinne und niederungen * 916,3 12,7169 52,5381 de3442305 fledermausquartier in klein behnitz (wohnhaus) 0,57 12,7114 52,5736 de3443301 heimsche heide erg nzung * 45,63 12,9578 52,5864 de3444303 d beritzer heide * 2 789,53 13,0428 52,5125 de3444304 heimsche heide 817,34 13,0244 52,5881 de3444305 rhinslake bei rohrbeck 49,3 13,0236 52,5408 de3444306 falkenseer kuhlaake * 169,65 13,1364 52,5794 de3444307 bredower forst 250,97 13,0275 52,5764 de3444308 fort hahneberg 10 13,1383 52,5217 de3445301 spandauer forst * 1 347,32 13,1828 52,5794 de3445302 zitadelle spandau 0,44 13,2122 52,5417 de3445303 wasserwerk tegel 0,73 13,27 52,5761 de3445304 baumberge * 42,53 13,2306 52,6 de3445305 flie wiese ruhleben * 15,9 13,2361 52,5261 de3447301 falkenberger rieselfelder * 88,07 13,5664 52,5817 de3448301 langes elsenflie und wegendorfer m hlenflie * 211,07 13,7336 52,5844 de3448302 fredersdorfer m hlenflie , breites und krummes luch * 800,04 13,7542 52,5172 de3448303 wiesengrund * 82,66 13,7239 52,5506 de3449301 herrensee, lange-damm-wiesen und barnimh nge * 1 081,86 13,8406 52,5192 de3449303 zimmersee 55,71 13,9239 52,5444 de3450301 klobichsee * 550,36 14,1167 52,5539 de3450302 ruhlsdorfer bruch * 170,96 14,0044 52,5686 de3450303 stobbertal * 865,78 14,1403 52,5814 de3450304 gumnitz und gro er schlagenthinsee * 204,18 14,0914 52,5167 de3450305 rotes luch tiergarten * 1 255,66 14,0036 52,5022 de3450306 tornowseen pritzhagener berge * 682,48 14,0758 52,5889 de3450307 scherm tzelsee * 363,31 14,0544 52,5667 de3450308 buckow waldsieversdorfer niederungslandschaft * 150,65 14,07 52,5522 de3450309 m ncheberg * 845,22 14,1308 52,5144 de3450320 m ncheberg erg nzung 687,1 14,1792 52,5322 de3451301 gusower niederheide * 76,76 14,32 52,5711 de3452302 wilder berg bei seelow * 82,3 14,4072 52,5256 de3453301 oderinsel kietz * 209 14,6183 52,5806 de3513332 gehn * 508,3 7,9328 52,4344 de3535301 colbitz-letzlinger heide * 19 348 11,565 52,4097 de3536301 mahlpfuhler fenn * 1 210 11,7369 52,4464 de3536302 tanger-mittel- und unterlauf * 74 11,8492 52,4906 de3536303 eschengehege n rdlich tangerh tte * 162 11,7992 52,4514 de3536304 kleingew sser westlich werlberge 49 11,6686 52,4525 de3537303 s ppling westlich wei ewarte * 485 11,8461 52,4675 de3540301 gro e freiheit bei plaue 78,21 12,4033 52,4144 de3540302 pelze 50,81 12,3725 52,4317 de3541301 mittlere havel * 800,83 12,6044 52,4264 de3542301 ketziner havelinseln * 233,26 12,82 52,4767 de3542302 deetzer h gel * 33,48 12,7447 52,4278 de3542303 deetzer h gel erg nzung * 54,25 12,8258 52,4147 de3542304 steppenh gel im havelland * 25,01 12,7922 52,4969 de3542305 mittlere havel erg nzung * 2 524,45 12,6531 52,4361 de3543301 krielower see 155,09 12,8522 52,4208 de3543302 obere wublitz * 101,12 12,9561 52,4606 de3543304 wolfsbruch 112,4 12,9292 52,4142 de3544301 pfaueninsel * 88,34 13,13 52,435 de3544302 giebelfenn * 12,35 13,0989 52,4667 de3544303 ferbitzer bruch * 1 156,37 13,0089 52,4997 de3544304 sacrower see und k nigswald * 801,37 13,0939 52,4414 de3544305 heldbockeichen 33,16 13,0556 52,4292 de3545301 grunewald * 1 591,67 13,2242 52,4675 de3547301 wasserwerk friedrichshagen * 9,77 13,6433 52,4664 de3547302 teufelsseemoor k penick * 6,45 13,6317 52,42 de3548301 m ggelspree-m ggelsee * 1 679,82 13,6833 52,425 de3548302 wilhelmshagen-woltersdorfer d nenzug * 187 13,7394 52,4444 de3548305 fledermausrevier r dersdorf 2,71 13,79 52,4836 de3549301 l cknitztal * 488,37 13,895 52,425 de3549303 maxsee * 368,87 13,9781 52,4669 de3551301 matheswall/schmielensee * 107,21 14,3228 52,4206 de3551302 lietzener m hlental * 139,78 14,3211 52,4556 de3551303 marxdorfer maserk tten * 21,39 14,2622 52,4725 de3551304 graning 475,85 14,2881 52,4244 de3551325 matheswall/schmielensee erg nzung 74,16 14,3031 52,4147 de3552301 treplin-alt zeschdorfer flie tal * 125,64 14,4144 52,4139 de3552303 lietzen/d bberin * 393,82 14,3594 52,4553 de3552304 langer grund-kohlberg * 142,2 14,4397 52,4983 de3552306 oderh nge mallnow * 304,71 14,4717 52,4689 de3553301 oderberge * 12,82 14,5347 52,4069 de3553303 zeisigberg * 5,16 14,5692 52,475 de3553305 priesterschlucht * 6 14,5447 52,4839 de3553306 trockenrasen am oderbruch * 129,04 14,4575 52,4825 de3553307 lebuser odertal * 429 14,5319 52,4089 de3553308 oder-nei e erg nzung * 2 894,8 14,56 52,3217 de3613301 grasmoor * 24 7,9028 52,3956 de3613303 vogelpohl 259,93 7,9153 52,3633 de3613304 w ldchen n rdlich westerkappeln 35,21 7,8675 52,3722 de3613331 achmer sand 278,17 7,9206 52,3733 de3613332 d te (mit nebenb chen) * 117,5 7,9694 52,2594 de3614332 kammmolch-biotop palsterkamp 63,36 8,1006 52,3147 de3614333 piesbergstollen 1,12 8,0228 52,3197 de3614334 fledermauslebensraum wiehengebirge bei osnabr ck * 1 167,04 8,0708 52,3669 de3614335 mausohr-jagdgebiet belm 293,39 8,195 52,3167 de3616301 obere hunte * 147 8,4292 52,2794 de3618301 gro es torfmoor, altes moor * 605,36 8,6933 52,3531 de3635302 colbitzer lindenwald 527 11,5528 52,3328 de3636302 erlen-eschenwald westlich mahlwinkel * 208 11,7622 52,3869 de3636303 fledermausquartier bunker dornberg 1 11,7058 52,3306 de3637301 elbaue bei bertingen * 2 748 11,9028 52,3597 de3637302 b rgerholz bei burg * 941 11,9322 52,3061 de3638301 g sener niederwald * 447 12,0186 52,3481 de3639301 fiener bruch 159 12,2158 52,3189 de3640301 gr nert * 467,28 12,45 52,3558 de3640302 buckau und nebenflie e erg nzung * 136,82 12,4478 52,2919 de3641303 bruchwald rosdunk 96,54 12,5822 52,3711 de3641304 krahner busch * 166,73 12,5325 52,3097 de3641305 stadthavel * 249,07 12,5181 52,3925 de3641306 plane erg nzung * 325,85 12,5942 52,2225 de3642301 lehniner mittelheide und quellgebiet der emster * 596,83 12,7628 52,3125 de3642302 rietzer see * 1 127,98 12,6686 52,3753 de3642303 kolpinsee und m ckenfenn * 76,34 12,7939 52,3322 de3642304 michelsdorfer m hlberg * 11,05 12,7086 52,3111 de3643301 kleiner plessower see * 104 12,8653 52,3903 de3643303 glindower alpen * 106,74 12,9217 52,3517 de3643304 streuwiesen bei werder 71,76 12,9081 52,3856 de3644301 saarmunder berg 76,71 13,1042 52,3125 de3644302 moosfenn * 3,04 13,0617 52,3553 de3644303 parforceheide 256,45 13,1694 52,3603 de3645301 teltowkanal-aue * 12,88 13,1967 52,3992 de3645302 genshagener busch * 282,36 13,3108 52,3383 de3646302 glasowbachniederung * 98,86 13,4294 52,3411 de3646303 brunnluch 44 13,4847 52,3269 de3648302 triebschsee 44,88 13,8044 52,3461 de3648303 wernsdorfer see 119,86 13,7089 52,3814 de3649301 swatzke und skabyberge * 467,31 13,8411 52,3367 de3649302 gro es f rstenwalder stadtluch * 84,54 13,9469 52,3517 de3649303 m ggelspreeniederung * 630,47 13,8867 52,3814 de3651301 kersdorfer see * 199,04 14,2533 52,3228 de3651302 glieningmoor * 150,71 14,205 52,3503 de3651303 spree * 2 323,79 14,0231 52,1114 de3652301 boo ener teichgebiet * 103,92 14,4842 52,3853 de3652302 oberes klingetal * 18,34 14,4872 52,3478 de3653301 eichwald und buschm hle * 228,08 14,5775 52,3067 de3653302 oderwiesen n rdlich frankfurt * 212,1 14,5383 52,3814 de3653303 fauler see / markendorfer wald * 169,21 14,5025 52,3061 de3653304 fledermausquartier brauereikeller frankfurt (oder) 0,25 14,5506 52,3417 de3653305 oderwiesen am eichwald * 51,94 14,5639 52,3117 de3653326 fledermausquartier g ldendorfer eiskeller 0,11 14,5328 52,3114 de3712301 stollen bei ibbenb ren-osterledde 0,16 7,8119 52,2744 de3712302 sandsteinzug teutoburger wald * 93,91 7,7675 52,2225 de3712303 kirche in ledde (kreis steinfurt) 0,03 7,8142 52,2411 de3713301 silberberg * 39 7,9533 52,2111 de3713302 habichtswald * 403,56 7,8908 52,2369 de3713304 stollen westlich leeden 0,31 7,8797 52,2158 de3713305 permer stollen 0,31 7,8356 52,2644 de3713331 h ggel, heidhornberg und roter berg 249,84 7,9694 52,2242 de3714331 teiche an den sieben quellen 48,38 8,0439 52,1964 de3715331 else und obere hase 55,13 8,4939 52,1906 de3717301 limberg * 172,7 8,5075 52,2889 de3718301 stollen oberl bbe, elfter kopf 7,64 8,7456 52,2817 de3718302 schloss ulenburg 0,11 8,6872 52,2267 de3719301 w lder bei porta westfalica * 1 472,67 8,8403 52,255 de3719302 unternammerholz 79,16 8,9778 52,2614 de3719331 unternammer holz (nieders chsischer teil) * 23,53 8,9769 52,2647 de3720301 s ntel, wesergebirge, deister * 2 497 9,5228 52,2428 de3720331 teufelsbad * 66,76 9,1225 52,2425 de3720332 mausohr-quartiere wesergebirge 0,21 9,0378 52,2217 de3723331 oberer feldbergstollen im deister 0,14 9,5211 52,2542 de3734301 olbe- und bebertal s dlich haldensleben * 144 11,3856 52,2339 de3734302 haldensleben, fledermausquartier bornsche str. 25 0,01 11,4128 52,2958 de3734303 bebertal bei hundisburg * 114 11,4092 52,2569 de3735301 untere ohre 39,4 11,54 52,2633 de3736301 elbaue s dlich rog tz mit ohrem ndung * 1 663 11,7492 52,2731 de3737301 heide s dlich burg 88 11,8578 52,2394 de3737302 ihle zwischen friedensau und grabow 4,8 11,955 52,2258 de3738301 ringelsdorfer-, gloine- und dreibachsystem im vorfl ming * 319 12,1189 52,245 de3740301 riembach * 109,87 12,3861 52,2031 de3740302 buckau und nebenflie e * 938,33 12,3339 52,2214 de3740303 verlorenwasserbach * 469,69 12,44 52,2378 de3741301 bullenberger bach * 275,95 12,5278 52,2375 de3741302 mittelbruch 50,98 12,5522 52,2053 de3742301 baitzer bach 20,54 12,6722 52,2172 de3742302 hackenheide * 1 208,85 12,7761 52,2478 de3743301 seddiner heidemoore und d ne * 21,35 12,9864 52,2731 de3744301 nuthe-nieplitz-niederung * 5 584,57 13,1453 52,2742 de3745302 kalkmagerrasen trebbin * 11,47 13,2586 52,2328 de3746302 prierowsee * 210,57 13,4658 52,2356 de3746304 d nen dabendorf 19,02 13,4425 52,2472 de3746305 k nigsgraben und schleuse mellensee * 42,67 13,4272 52,2142 de3746307 m llergraben 72,79 13,4636 52,2094 de3746308 umgebung prierowsee * 347,98 13,4567 52,2394 de3746309 z low-niederung * 57,19 13,4411 52,2725 de3747301 sutschketal * 63,17 13,6139 52,2483 de3747302 tiergarten * 153,26 13,65 52,2861 de3747304 p tzer hintersee * 460,99 13,6325 52,2111 de3747305 gro machnower weinberg * 12,89 13,505 52,2683 de3748301 dolgensee 308,45 13,7511 52,2492 de3748304 radeberge * 269,66 13,6861 52,2017 de3748305 skabyer torfgraben * 304,94 13,7419 52,2972 de3748306 f rstersee * 68,53 13,705 52,2031 de3748307 dubrow 191,54 13,7217 52,2075 de3748308 skabyer torfgraben erg nzung * 5,52 13,7411 52,2808 de3749301 gro schauener seenkette * 1 912,47 13,9092 52,2142 de3749302 luchwiesen * 109,57 13,9056 52,2575 de3749303 kanalwiesen wendisch- rietz * 106,62 13,9983 52,2203 de3749304 griesenseen * 112,91 13,9644 52,2061 de3749305 linowsee-dutzendsee * 60 13,8444 52,2011 de3749306 storkower kanal * 96,18 13,8522 52,2719 de3749307 binnend ne waltersberge * 13,97 13,9558 52,2672 de3749308 kolpiner seen 39,35 13,9947 52,295 de3749309 gro schauener seenkette erg nzung * 281,15 13,8764 52,2383 de3751301 schwarzberge und spreeniederung * 694,46 14,2767 52,2394 de3751302 drahendorfer spreeniederung * 618,18 14,2681 52,2917 de3752301 buschschleuse * 1 239,62 14,3406 52,2897 de3752302 unteres schlaubetal * 363,34 14,4311 52,2025 de3752303 unteres schlaubetal erg nzung * 305,99 14,4428 52,2469 de3752304 fledermausquartier markendorfer eiskeller 2,13 14,4706 52,2958 de3753301 ziltendorfer d ne * 7,31 14,6217 52,2122 de3753302 wacholderh nge lossow 5,26 14,5336 52,2819 de3753303 fledermausquartier keller der ehem. marmeladenfabrik brieskow-f. 0,17 14,5636 52,2469 de3754303 mittlere oder * 1 426,3 14,6936 52,2525 de3813302 n rdliche teile des teutoburger waldes mit intruper berg * 782,34 8,0194 52,1617 de3813303 stollen lienen-holperdorp 0,22 7,9433 52,1733 de3813331 teutoburger wald, kleiner berg * 2 294,46 8,1306 52,1169 de3814331 andreasstollen 0,1 8,1006 52,1797 de3817301 system else/werre 61,95 8,545 52,1897 de3818301 salzquellen bei der loose * 6,21 8,7669 52,1161 de3818302 wald n rdlich bad salzuflen * 211,76 8,7278 52,1144 de3819301 rotenberg, b renkopf, habichtsberg und wihupsberg * 380,61 8,9556 52,1319 de3819302 auf dem bockshorn 28,15 8,9661 52,1958 de3820331 ostenuther kiesteiche 41,23 9,0167 52,1761 de3821331 rinderweide * 38,22 9,1939 52,1383 de3822331 hamel und nebenb che * 253,2 9,4586 52,1411 de3823301 ith * 3 655 9,5817 52,0281 de3823332 h hlengebiet im kleinen deister * 106,71 9,5667 52,185 de3825301 haseder busch, giesener berge, gallberg, finkenberg * 742 9,9047 52,1786 de3825302 tongrube ochtersum 1,42 9,94 52,1289 de3825331 beuster (mit nsg am roten steine) * 87,71 9,9311 52,1022 de3827332 kammmolch-biotop tagebau haverlahwiese 116,7 10,3197 52,1086 de3835301 stromelbe im stadtzentrum magdeburg 64 11,6408 52,1267 de3837301 ehle zwischen m ckern und elbe 29,8 11,8789 52,0992 de3838301 b rgerholz bei rosian * 105 12,1267 52,1047 de3839301 altengrabower heide 2 847 12,2169 52,1486 de3839302 schweinitz bei loburg 109 12,1967 52,1042 de3840301 schlamau * 69,59 12,4581 52,1278 de3840302 arensnest 119,83 12,4264 52,1483 de3840303 fledermausquartier wiesenburg 1,11 12,4522 52,1153 de3841301 belziger bach * 180,78 12,6258 52,1753 de3842301 plane * 808,71 12,6931 52,1103 de3843301 obere nieplitz * 591,23 12,9406 52,1447 de3844301 dobbrikower weinberg * 6,39 13,0525 52,1661 de3845301 seeluch-priedeltal * 265,32 13,1772 52,1883 de3845302 gadsdorfer torfstiche und luderbusch * 107,03 13,3264 52,1978 de3845303 kummersdorfer heide/breiter steinbusch * 1 001,82 13,3253 52,1269 de3845304 schulzensee * 17,73 13,315 52,155 de3845305 rauhes luch * 111,66 13,1717 52,1458 de3845306 teufelssee * 8,54 13,3311 52,1422 de3845307 nuthe, hammerflie und eiserbach * 815,19 13,1981 52,17 de3846302 horstfelder und hechtsee * 248,48 13,4058 52,1989 de3846303 fauler see * 21,16 13,4019 52,1378 de3846305 m nnigsee 35,97 13,3833 52,1097 de3846306 wehrdamm/mellensee/kleiner w nsdorfer see * 697,93 13,4358 52,1922 de3846307 sperenberger gipsbr che * 21,75 13,3811 52,1389 de3847301 l ptener fenne-wustrickwiesen * 218,03 13,6625 52,1531 de3847302 m hlenflie -s gebach * 164,85 13,5931 52,1183 de3847303 kleine und mittelleber * 75,19 13,5561 52,1272 de3847304 t pchiner seen * 374,94 13,5883 52,1714 de3847305 gro er und westufer kleiner zeschsee * 107,05 13,5172 52,1164 de3847306 gro er und kleiner m ggelinsee * 334,69 13,5164 52,1339 de3847307 j gersberg-schirknitzberg * 1 596,99 13,5108 52,1706 de3847308 briesensee und klingeberg * 79,19 13,6103 52,1106 de3847309 heideseen bei gro k ris * 255,38 13,6456 52,1858 de3847310 leue-wilder see * 50,5 13,6197 52,1914 de3847311 m hlenflie -s gebach erg nzung 115,85 13,5839 52,1244 de3848302 dahmetal * 797,3 13,735 52,1022 de3848303 stintgraben * 109,38 13,7239 52,1628 de3848304 katzenberge * 143,41 13,735 52,1942 de3848305 streganzer berg * 159,33 13,8158 52,1908 de3848306 streganzsee-dahme und b rgerheide * 1 657,94 13,7758 52,1519 de3849301 milaseen * 117,11 13,9481 52,1517 de3849302 josinskyluch 172,1 13,9608 52,1269 de3849303 kienheide * 922,85 13,9392 52,1747 de3849304 laie langes luch 88,11 13,8914 52,1417 de3849305 erweiterung josinskyluch krumme spree * 68,32 13,9539 52,1189 de3850301 schwenower forst * 745,68 14,0228 52,1353 de3850302 spreeb gen bei briescht * 110,38 14,1444 52,1006 de3850303 schwenower forst erg nzung 29,17 14,0417 52,1644 de3851301 spreewiesen s dlich beeskow * 486,64 14,22 52,1439 de3852301 oberes demnitztal * 87,42 14,4119 52,1778 de3852302 schlaubetal * 128 14,4481 52,1475 de3852303 oelseniederung mit torfstichen * 86,06 14,3703 52,1581 de3852304 schlaubetal * 1 322,56 14,46 52,1275 de3852305 teufelssee und urwald f nfeichen 153 14,4739 52,1697 de3853301 klautzke-see und waldmoore mit kobbelke * 382,45 14,5444 52,1097 de3853302 trockenh nge lawitz * 35,17 14,6353 52,1139 de3853303 pohlitzer m hlenflie * 90,65 14,5742 52,1686 de3854301 fledermausquartier kraftwerksruine vogelsang 18 14,7011 52,1683 de3917301 sparrenburg 6,06 8,5278 52,0167 de3918301 hardisser moor * 29,43 8,8258 52,0175 de3919302 begatal * 493,44 9,0625 52,0094 de3922301 emmer * 658,67 9,3472 52,0169 de3923331 kanstein im th ster berg * 83,73 9,6422 52,0567 de3924301 sieben berge, vorberge * 2 711 9,8594 52,0294 de3924331 duinger wald mit doberg und weenzer bruch * 439,71 9,6953 51,9839 de3925331 riehe, alme, gehbeck und subeck * 12,17 9,9953 52,0331 de3925332 kammmolch-biotop r derhofer teiche 79,31 9,9847 52,0906 de3926331 nette und sennebach * 292,05 10,1314 51,9719 de3926332 steinberg bei wesseln * 14,83 10,0208 52,0839 de3927301 hainberg, bodensteiner klippen 1 191 10,2322 52,0408 de3927302 innerste-aue (mit kahnstein) * 266 10,3758 51,9986 de3928301 salzgitterscher h henzug (s dteil) * 2 013 10,4311 52,0011 de3933302 kloster in remkersleben 0,01 11,3311 52,0886 de3935301 s lzetal bei s lldorf * 76 11,5906 52,0411 de3936301 elbaue zwischen saalem ndung und magdeburg * 6 589 11,7214 52,0939 de3936302 binnend ne gommern * 5 11,8236 52,0664 de3939301 obere nuthe-l ufe * 853 12,2381 52,0203 de3940301 golmengliner forst und schleesen im fl ming 498 12,3619 52,0356 de3940302 l hnsdorfer revier bei g ritz 91 12,4617 52,0267 de3940303 fl mingbuchen 146,95 12,4336 52,0483 de3941301 planetal * 104,32 12,6008 52,0486 de3942301 fl mingrummeln und trockenkuppen * 180,68 12,5569 52,0814 de3943302 zarth * 260,75 12,9161 52,0925 de3943303 heide malterhausen 247 12,9683 52,0186 de3944301 forst zinna/keilberg * 7 093 13,0914 52,0631 de3944302 gr na 1,02 13,0856 52,0356 de3945303 heidehof golmberg * 8 702,67 13,3292 52,0194 de3945304 st rtchen und freibusch * 178,71 13,2739 52,0594 de3945305 espenluch und st lper see * 78,72 13,3089 52,0436 de3946301 sch bendorfer busch * 812,39 13,4094 52,0722 de3946302 park st lpe und sch nefelder busch 49,74 13,3617 52,0794 de3947301 massow 441,39 13,6269 52,0697 de3947302 replinchener see * 12,28 13,6572 52,0939 de3947303 kiesgrube spitzenberge * 3,24 13,5125 52,0358 de3947304 glash tte/mochheide * 1 377,42 13,605 52,0306 de3948301 luchsee 113,13 13,7967 52,0444 de3948302 verlandungszone k thener see * 66,46 13,8308 52,0814 de3948303 heideseen 238,64 13,7831 52,0672 de3948304 erweiterung heideseen verlandungszone k thener see westlicher t * 229,41 13,7978 52,0744 de3949301 unterspreewald * 2 520,51 13,8756 52,0558 de3949302 pretschener spreeniederung * 798,7 13,9447 52,0742 de3949303 meiereisee und kriegbuschwiesen * 117,23 13,8408 52,0136 de3949304 d rrenhofer moor * 13,93 13,9447 52,0389 de3950301 dollgener grund * 78,4 14,0236 52,0053 de3950303 teufelsluch * 49,2 14,0636 52,0631 de3951301 stockshof behlower wiesen * 487,47 14,2931 52,0083 de3951302 alte spreem ndung * 108,06 14,1967 52,0758 de3951303 dammer moor * 171,04 14,2717 52,0153 de3951305 uferwiesen bei niewisch * 5,36 14,2247 52,0756 de3951306 fledermauswochenstube in niewisch 0,12 14,2303 52,0778 de3952301 reicherskreuzer heide und schwanensee * 3 076,83 14,4558 52,0003 de3952302 kr ger-, r hden- und m schensee * 218,86 14,4553 52,0644 de3953301 trautzke-seen und moore 68,36 14,5367 52,0311 de3953302 dorchetal * 131,08 14,6306 52,0717 de3953303 fledermausquartier bahnhof neuzelle 0,77 14,6503 52,1 de3954301 oder-nei e * 595 14,7108 52,0956 de4017301 stlicher teutoburger wald * 5 303,59 8,2986 52,0856 de4018301 donoperteich-hiddeser bent * 107,98 8,8158 51,9272 de4020301 teiche am steinheimer holz * 2,89 9,1156 51,9014 de4021301 emmertal 351,25 9,2433 51,9736 de4021302 schildberg 123,65 9,2744 51,9619 de4021303 w lder bei blomberg * 1 378,28 9,1639 51,9536 de4022301 m hlenberg bei pegestorf * 11 9,4739 51,9314 de4022302 burgberg, heinsener klippen, r hler schweiz * 2 695,83 9,5006 51,9078 de4022331 mausohr-wochenstubengebiet bei polle 0,05 9,4283 51,9136 de4023331 quellsumpf am heiligenberg * 5,97 9,5083 51,9964 de4023332 lenne * 48,35 9,6408 51,9289 de4024301 amphibienbiotope an der hohen warte * 77 9,7439 51,9769 de4024331 asphaltstollen im hils 2,6 9,7011 51,9292 de4024332 laubw lder und klippenbereiche im selter, hils und greener wald * 1 521,99 9,8936 51,9 de4037302 elbaue steckby-l dderitz * 3 319 11,9736 51,9097 de4037303 saaleaue bei gro rosenburg 538 11,7803 51,9192 de4038301 keller schlo ruine zerbst 0,01 12,0819 51,9639 de4039301 rossel, buchholz und streetzer busch n rdlich ro lau * 220 12,3361 51,9608 de4039302 olbitzbach-niederung nord stlich ro lau * 133 12,3147 51,9069 de4040301 pfaffenheide-w rpener bach n rdlich coswig * 476 12,4797 51,9081 de4041301 grieboer bach stlich coswig * 16 12,5353 51,9083 de4041302 feuchtwiese bei dobien 12 12,6303 51,9097 de4042301 woltersdorfer heide n rdlich wittenberg-lutherstadt 200 12,72 51,9131 de4042302 klebitz-rahnsdorfer felds lle 327 12,8214 51,9461 de4042303 friedenthaler grund 167 12,7333 51,9444 de4043301 bl nsdorf 543,92 12,8797 51,9436 de4047301 z tzener busch * 91,04 13,6578 51,9536 de4047302 prierow bei gol en * 56,48 13,6414 51,9903 de4047303 krossener busch * 60,71 13,6172 51,9181 de4047304 luckauer salzstellen * 75,37 13,8031 51,8458 de4047305 wacholderheiden bei sellendorf 37,21 13,5236 51,9444 de4047306 dahmetal erg nzung * 266,47 13,6239 51,9719 de4048301 magerrasen sch nwalde 5,29 13,7758 51,9953 de4048302 urstromtal bei gol en * 433,65 13,6922 51,9606 de4048303 magerrasen sch nwalde erg nzung * 40,8 13,7697 51,9989 de4049301 wiesenau * 134,85 13,9056 51,9725 de4049303 niederung b rnichen * 141,22 13,9169 51,9647 de4049304 ellerborn, riebocka und ragower niederungswiesen * 665,13 13,9047 51,9044 de4049305 lehniksberg 13,06 13,8953 51,9569 de4050301 n rdliches spreewaldrandgebiet * 396,62 14,0411 51,9731 de4051301 lieberoser endmor ne und staakower l uche * 8 255 14,3114 51,9417 de4051302 dobberburger m hlenflie * 381,65 14,2206 52,0131 de4052301 pinnower l uche und tauersche eichen * 1 587,05 14,4956 51,9542 de4053301 calpenzmoor * 135,46 14,5022 51,9125 de4053302 feuchtwiesen atterwasch * 192,97 14,6178 51,9406 de4053303 krayner teiche/lutzketal * 623,85 14,5806 51,9786 de4053304 pastlingsee * 69,51 14,5469 51,9106 de4053305 pastlingsee erg nzung * 38,82 14,5886 51,9111 de4119301 externsteine * 124,92 8,9189 51,8694 de4119302 eggeosthang mit lippischer velmerstot * 142,49 8,9597 51,8453 de4119303 silberbachtal mit ziegenberg * 138,74 8,9981 51,86 de4119305 hohlsteinh hle 0,03 8,9094 51,8344 de4119306 bielsteinh hle mit lukenloch * 18,86 8,9192 51,8161 de4120301 emmeroberlauf und beberbach * 131,09 9,145 51,8222 de4120303 beller holz * 461,1 9,0281 51,8931 de4120304 nieheimer tongrube 13,84 9,1247 51,8156 de4120305 buchenwald bei bellenberg 94,91 9,0111 51,87 de4121301 salkenbruch * 284,78 9,2236 51,8694 de4121302 schwalenberger wald * 2 720,83 9,2089 51,9017 de4121303 kloster marienm nster (kreis h xter) 0,53 9,2136 51,8333 de4122301 r uschenberg * 28,04 9,3728 51,8083 de4123301 holzberg bei stadtoldendorf, heukenberg * 781 9,6686 51,8506 de4123302 moore und w lder im hochsolling, hellental * 1430 9,5778 51,7842 de4123331 teiche am erzbruch und finkenbruch im solling 2,57 9,5483 51,7997 de4124301 kleyberg 10 9,7158 51,8931 de4124302 ilme * 705,78 9,7808 51,7678 de4125301 altendorfer berg * 101 9,9069 51,8203 de4125331 mausohr-wochenstubengebiet s dliches leinebergland 0,31 9,8719 51,6997 de4127301 schwermetallrasen bei lautenthal 12 10,2958 51,8658 de4127303 oberharzer teichgebiet * 576 10,3167 51,7869 de4127304 bergwiesen und teiche bei zellerfeld * 102 10,3464 51,8289 de4127331 bielstein bei lautenthal 4,69 10,2917 51,8775 de4127332 iberg 70,29 10,2472 51,8208 de4128331 felsen im okertal 76,25 10,4694 51,87 de4129302 nationalpark harz (niedersachsen) * 15 770 10,4836 51,7861 de4130301 zillierbach s dlich wernigerode * 6 10,805 51,8078 de4133301 bode und selke im harzvorland * 276 11,2611 51,845 de4134301 hakel s dlich kroppenstedt 1 323 11,3375 51,8825 de4135301 salzstelle bei hecklingen * 35 11,5575 51,845 de4135302 weinberggrund bei hecklingen * 8 11,5136 51,8636 de4136301 nienburger auwald-mosaik 254 11,7731 51,8456 de4137304 diebziger busch und wulfener bruchwiesen * 1 058 11,9378 51,8556 de4138301 k hnauer heide und elbaue zwischen aken und dessau * 3 880 12,1481 51,8547 de4140304 dessau-w rlitzer elbauen * 7 582 12,3861 51,8558 de4141302 bresker forst stlich oranienbaum * 211 12,4978 51,8036 de4141303 forsthaus mullberg 7 12,5153 51,805 de4142301 elbaue zwischen griebo und prettin * 8 422 12,8097 51,78 de4142302 k chenholzgraben bei zahna * 42 12,7994 51,8819 de4143301 untere schwarze elster * 525 12,8619 51,8028 de4143401 gl cksburger heide 1 803 12,9889 51,8692 de4144301 korgscher und steinsdorfer busch * 197 13,0992 51,8317 de4144302 schweinitzer flie 12,2 13,0844 51,8108 de4145301 wiepersdorf * 734,76 13,2664 51,8656 de4145302 schweinitzer flie * 433,4 13,2594 51,8239 de4145303 schweinitzer flie erg nzung * 82,83 13,2653 51,8258 de4147301 schuge- und m hlenflie quellgebiet * 350,14 13,6008 51,8792 de4147302 h llenberge * 161,54 13,6097 51,8292 de4147303 vogelsang wildau-wentdorf * 6,75 13,5508 51,8986 de4147304 schlagsdorfer h gel * 5,04 13,5206 51,8761 de4147305 gehren-waltersdorfer quellh nge * 71,1 13,6347 51,8083 de4148301 borcheltsbusch und brandkieten teil i und ii * 117,04 13,7392 51,82 de4148302 sto dorfer see * 165,7 13,8269 51,8369 de4148303 borcheltsbusch und brandkieten, erweiterung * 157,53 13,7361 51,8186 de4148304 alteno-radden * 33,42 13,8319 51,865 de4149301 tornower niederung * 706,64 13,8678 51,8269 de4149302 schlabendorfer bergbaufolgelandschaft lichtenauer see * 466,62 13,8919 51,8275 de4149303 alteno-radden erg nzung * 4,29 13,8525 51,8686 de4150301 innerer oberspreewald * 5 757,89 14,0375 51,8822 de4150302 byhleguhrer see * 853,45 14,15 51,8975 de4150303 vetschauer m hlenflie teiche stradow * 272,05 14,0856 51,8186 de4152302 peitzer teiche 2 062,63 14,4139 51,8492 de4152303 lakomaer teiche * 306,08 14,4003 51,8025 de4219301 egge * 3123 8,9036 51,7483 de4219302 kiebitzteich 1,79 8,9992 51,7708 de4219303 w lder zwischen iburg und aschenh tte * 181,56 8,9969 51,7239 de4219304 stollen am grossen viadukt westlich altenbeken 0,41 8,9239 51,76 de4220301 satzer moor * 12,22 9,0689 51,7219 de4220302 hinnenburger forst mit emder bachtal * 1 384,75 9,1342 51,7131 de4220303 wenkenberg * 26,23 9,1128 51,7961 de4221301 stadtwald brakel 1 568,76 9,2683 51,7331 de4221302 kalkmagerrasen bei ottbergen * 77,98 9,2986 51,7156 de4221304 franzmann-haus in brakel-hembsen 0,02 9,2419 51,7108 de4222301 buchenw lder der weserh nge * 636,48 9,4336 51,8475 de4222302 grundlose-taubenborn * 73,14 9,3667 51,7542 de4222303 bielenberg mit stollen * 64,85 9,3592 51,7789 de4222304 rathaus h xter 0,04 9,3833 51,7753 de4222331 w lder im s dlichen solling * 1 029,89 9,4967 51,6819 de4223301 w lder im stlichen solling * 1 458 9,6783 51,7169 de4224301 weper, gladeberg, aschenburg * 842 9,8122 51,6986 de4224331 w lder im solling bei lauenberg * 322,18 9,7422 51,7583 de4225331 klosterberg * 9,18 9,9986 51,7458 de4226301 gipskarstgebiet bei osterode * 1327 10,2381 51,6947 de4226331 kalktuffquellen bei westerhof * 3,96 10,0933 51,7639 de4228331 sieber, oder, rhume * 2 450,51 10,2056 51,6186 de4229301 hochharz * 6 023 10,6525 51,7981 de4229303 bergwiesen bei st. andreasberg * 215,29 10,5375 51,7161 de4229331 bacht ler im oberharz um braunlage * 415,73 10,6417 51,6878 de4230301 stollensystem b chenberg bei elbingerode 160 10,7989 51,7908 de4230302 elendstal im hochharz * 74 10,6767 51,7517 de4230303 bergwiesen bei k nigsh tte * 251 10,7669 51,7508 de4231301 laubwaldgebiet zwischen wernigerode und blankenburg * 3 615 10,8764 51,7939 de4231302 devonkalkgebiet bei elbingerode und r beland * 424 10,8708 51,7636 de4231303 bodetal und laubw lder des harzrandes bei thale * 5 773 10,9722 51,7119 de4231304 bielsteintunnel bei h ttenrode 0,01 10,9153 51,7828 de4231305 hermannsh hle r beland 0,01 10,8478 51,7553 de4231306 bielsteinh hlengebiet bei r beland 20 10,8378 51,7533 de4231307 pinge wei er stahlberg r beland 0,01 10,865 51,7561 de4233301 gegensteine und schierberge bei ballenstedt * 107 11,1861 51,7347 de4233302 burgesroth und laubw lder bei ballenstedt * 620 11,1919 51,7061 de4235301 wipper unterhalb wippra * 80 11,4878 51,7456 de4235302 trockenh nge im wippertal bei sandersleben * 206 11,5325 51,6964 de4236301 auenw lder bei pl tzkau 417 11,7028 51,7494 de4238301 brambach s dwestlich dessau * 97 12,1594 51,7778 de4239301 taube-quellen und auengebiet bei m st * 150 12,2694 51,7617 de4239302 untere muldeaue * 2 755 12,2947 51,7639 de4240301 mittlere oranienbaumer heide * 2 024 12,3547 51,7753 de4241301 fliethbach-system zwischen d bener heide und elbe 72 12,6139 51,755 de4243301 kl dener ri * 96 12,8342 51,7342 de4243302 kuhlache und elsteraue bei jessen 150 12,9878 51,7847 de4244301 alte elster und rohrbornwiesen bei premsendorf 212 13,1389 51,7478 de4244302 gew ssersystem annaburger heide s d stlich jessen * 337 13,0522 51,745 de4245301 fluten von arnsnesta * 113,24 13,1725 51,7389 de4246301 freilebener landgraben und h lle freileben 87,06 13,3953 51,7869 de4246302 kremitz und fichtwaldgebiet * 648,62 13,3961 51,7025 de4247301 rochauer heide 557,28 13,5381 51,7928 de4247302 lehmannsteich * 136,69 13,5447 51,7239 de4247303 lugkteichgebiet * 326,61 13,6025 51,7189 de4247304 heidegrund gr nswalde * 262,51 13,6625 51,7811 de4248301 bergen-wei acker moor * 115,47 13,7217 51,7633 de4248302 g rlsdorfer wald * 195,2 13,7692 51,7983 de4248303 wanninchen 693,46 13,7869 51,7864 de4248304 tannenbusch und teichlandschaft gro meh ow * 203,78 13,8167 51,7292 de4248305 sandteichgebiet * 212 13,8044 51,7494 de4248306 bornsdorfer teichgebiet * 94,51 13,7 51,7889 de4248307 drehnaer weinberg und stiebsdorfer see 154,47 13,7753 51,7608 de4248308 gahroer buchheide 106,78 13,7342 51,7481 de4248309 sandteichgebiet erg nzung 173,7 13,81 51,7472 de4249302 seeser bergbaufolgelandschaft 891,56 13,9342 51,7861 de4249303 calauer schweiz 1 406,54 13,9725 51,7033 de4250301 g ritzer und vetschauer m hlenflie e * 302,48 14,0325 51,7611 de4251301 glinziger teich- und wiesengebiet * 293,25 14,2167 51,7583 de4251302 koselm hlenflie * 111,14 14,1939 51,7175 de4252301 sergen-katlower teich- und wiesenlandschaft * 716,4 14,4933 51,7161 de4252302 biotopverbund spreeaue * 623,19 14,3531 51,7394 de4253302 euloer bruch * 82,23 14,5925 51,7556 de4254301 hispe 14,53 14,6958 51,7061 de4318301 ziegenberg * 74,28 8,7089 51,6864 de4319301 eselsbett und schwarzes bruch * 127,28 8,9433 51,6275 de4319302 sauerbachtal b lheim * 48,73 8,9564 51,6047 de4319304 kalkfelsen bei grundsteinheim * 6,86 8,8825 51,66 de4319305 stollen bahnlinie kassel-altenbeken 0,21 8,9742 51,6781 de4320301 hirschstein 77,07 9,0014 51,6164 de4320302 gradberg * 779,03 9,0286 51,6972 de4320303 kalkmagerrasen bei willebadessen * 46,23 9,0236 51,6444 de4320305 nethe * 734,11 9,0133 51,6469 de4320306 talbach stlich niesen * 95,46 9,1631 51,6239 de4320307 quellgebiet bockskopf * 22,46 9,0536 51,6247 de4321301 kalkmagerrasen bei dalhausen * 32,65 9,3192 51,6322 de4321303 lebersiek s dlich dalhausen * 22,8 9,2903 51,6092 de4321304 wandelnsberg * 106,97 9,3439 51,6761 de4322301 stahlberg und h lleberg bei deisel * 142,71 9,3936 51,6078 de4322302 urwald wichmanessen 13,83 9,4811 51,6092 de4322303 hannoversche klippen 23,77 9,4319 51,6508 de4322304 w lder um beverungen * 972,25 9,3622 51,6417 de4322331 mausohr-wochenstube s dsolling 0,02 9,3981 51,6889 de4323331 schw lme und auschnippe * 352,35 9,7644 51,5914 de4324331 wald am gro en streitrodt bei delliehausen 225,38 9,7675 51,6772 de4324332 brenke und wald am hohen rott bei verliehausen 103,05 9,6961 51,6139 de4325301 g ttinger wald * 4 878 10,0219 51,5514 de4325331 wahrberg * 25,13 9,9389 51,6789 de4325332 m useberg und eulenberg * 18,45 9,9936 51,6572 de4328301 steinberg bei scharzfeld * 13 10,38 51,6353 de4328331 butterberg/hopfenbusch * 35,64 10,4628 51,6094 de4329301 bergwiesen und wolfsbachtal bei hohegei * 244 10,6572 51,6669 de4329302 staufenberg * 144 10,6406 51,6228 de4329303 gipskarstgebiet bei bad sachsa * 1 495 10,5028 51,5719 de4330301 harzer bacht ler * 1 501 10,6703 51,7092 de4330302 radeweg bei hasselfelde 190 10,8275 51,6614 de4330305 beretal mit seitent lern * 1 068 10,7836 51,6108 de4331301 bere und mosebach s dwestlich stiege 35 10,8556 51,6325 de4331302 regensburger kopf lindischberg * 309 10,9181 51,6017 de4332301 spaltenmoor stlich friedrichsbrunn 82 11,0822 51,6942 de4332302 selketal und bergwiesen bei stiege * 4 522 11,1794 51,6714 de4334301 langes holz und steinberg westlich hettstedt 103 11,4811 51,6625 de4334302 weinfeld nordwestlich mansfeld 24 11,4508 51,6133 de4334303 brummtal bei quenstedt * 82 11,4256 51,6928 de4335301 kupferschieferhalden bei hettstedt 466 11,4947 51,6775 de4336306 saaledurchbruch bei rothenburg * 477 11,7492 51,6344 de4337301 fuhnes mpfe stlich l bej n * 67 11,9564 51,6406 de4338301 fuhnequellgebiet vogtei westlich wolfen * 48 12,1575 51,6836 de4338302 wiesen und quellbusch bei radegast * 51 12,1111 51,65 de4340301 muldeaue oberhalb pouch * 513 12,5242 51,6083 de4340302 vereinigte mulde und muldeauen * 5 905 12,6878 51,3897 de4340303 kirche muldenstein 0,01 12,335 51,6653 de4340304 schlauch burgkemnitz 67 12,375 51,6681 de4341301 buchenwaldgebiet und hammerbachtal in der d bener heide * 958 12,6456 51,6544 de4342301 elbtal zwischen m hlberg und greudnitz * 4 905 13,0133 51,5592 de4342302 lausiger teiche und ausrei er-teich stlich bad schmiedeberg * 105 12,8011 51,6831 de4342303 buchenwaldgebiet kossa * 660 12,725 51,6419 de4342304 presseler heidewald und moorgebiet * 4 221 12,7689 51,5728 de4342305 dommitzscher grenzbachgebiet * 573 12,8033 51,6297 de4342306 dommitzscher grenzbach 5,8 12,7197 51,6603 de4344301 d nengebiet dautzschen-d brichau 949 13,0697 51,6167 de4344302 annaburger heide 1 590 13,1219 51,7075 de4344303 annaburger heide * 850,6 13,1511 51,6575 de4344304 d brichauer wiesen 181 13,1042 51,6067 de4345301 alte elster und riecke teil i und ii * 110,46 13,2597 51,6692 de4345302 schweinert 110,33 13,2692 51,6236 de4345303 mittellauf der schwarzen elster erg nzung * 302,45 13,325 51,5825 de4346302 oelsiger luch * 39,84 13,3894 51,6908 de4346303 hochfl che um die hohe warte * 784,24 13,4686 51,6225 de4346304 hohe warte 87,72 13,4578 51,6311 de4347302 kleine elster und niederungsbereiche * 2 164,18 13,6142 51,6647 de4348301 tanneberger sumpf gr bitzer busch * 46,49 13,7239 51,6664 de4350301 teichlandschaft buchw ldchen-muckwar * 95,34 14,0108 51,6861 de4350302 binnend nenkomplex woschkow * 117,91 14,0281 51,6192 de4352301 talsperre spremberg * 344,02 14,3842 51,6239 de4353301 faltenbogen s dlich d bern 93,32 14,6008 51,6058 de4353303 preschener m hlbusch * 22,75 14,6458 51,6478 de4353304 luisensee * 57,36 14,5675 51,6497 de4354301 nei eaue * 249,96 14,7572 51,6333 de4413301 ruhrstau bei echthausen * 110,45 7,9128 51,5011 de4417301 tuffstein bei b ren * 0,17 8,5847 51,5381 de4417302 w lder bei b ren 1 231,5 8,6042 51,5611 de4417303 afte 126,47 8,6722 51,5192 de4419301 schwarzbachtal * 219,77 8,9564 51,545 de4419302 dahlberg * 8,84 8,9061 51,5047 de4419303 bleikuhlen und w schebachtal * 71,06 8,9056 51,5325 de4419304 marschallshagen und nonnenholz * 1 528,81 8,9114 51,565 de4420301 hellberg-scheffelberg * 90,47 9,0189 51,5458 de4420302 asseler wald * 136,51 9,0414 51,51 de4420303 kalkmagerrasen bei ossendorf * 50 9,1056 51,5122 de4420304 quast bei diemelstadt-rhoden * 302,34 9,0381 51,4881 de4421301 ostheimer hute * 16,19 9,3244 51,5089 de4421302 schwiemelkopf * 69,04 9,3081 51,5194 de4421303 desenberg * 3,17 9,1989 51,5017 de4421305 siechenberg bei liebenau * 7,52 9,2892 51,5039 de4422302 dingel und ebersch tzer klippen * 118,39 9,3694 51,535 de4422303 kalkmagerrasen und diemelaltwasser bei lamerden * 17,52 9,3389 51,5286 de4422304 flohrberg und ohmsberg bei deisel * 40,69 9,3883 51,5856 de4422305 der bunte berg bei ebersch tz * 31,69 9,3417 51,5411 de4422306 samensberg 9,54 9,3697 51,5928 de4422307 kalkmagerrasen entlang der diemel * 127,34 9,3606 51,5592 de4422308 wolkenbruch bei trendelburg 3,14 9,4469 51,5767 de4422350 holzapetal * 254,87 9,4911 51,5403 de4423301 urwald sababurg * 101,42 9,5144 51,5381 de4423305 totenberg (bramwald) 432 9,6547 51,53 de4423350 weserh nge mit bachl ufen * 4 364,15 9,5917 51,4725 de4424301 ossenberg-fehrenbusch * 677 9,7736 51,5272 de4426301 seeanger, retlake, suhletal * 391 10,1894 51,5567 de4426302 seeburger see 115 10,1667 51,5653 de4427331 mausohr-wochenstube eichsfeld 0,1 10,2625 51,5133 de4428302 ellersystem weilr der wald s lzensee * 1 902 10,4911 51,5556 de4428303 waldgebiet um wenderh tte mit soolbachtal und sonnenstein * 964 10,3969 51,5142 de4429301 hunnengrube katzenschwanz sattelk pfe * 276 10,7056 51,5494 de4429320 erdf lle um liebenrode, seel cher und ketterl cher * 33 10,5422 51,5364 de4430301 kammerforst himmelsberg m hlberg * 962 10,7236 51,5672 de4430304 r digsdorfer schweiz harzfelder holz hasenwinkel * 668 10,8247 51,5419 de4431301 buchenw lder um stolberg * 3 677 10,9281 51,5622 de4431302 alter stolberg und heimkehle im s dharz * 88 10,9353 51,5169 de4431304 thyra im s dharz 20,6 10,9544 51,5292 de4431305 nsg alter stolberg * 633 10,8858 51,5236 de4431306 haingrund und organistenwiese bei stolberg 13 10,9175 51,5736 de4431307 hagen heidelberg * 1 041 10,8628 51,5878 de4431320 pfaffenk pfe * 334 10,8475 51,5278 de4432301 buntsandstein- und gipskarstlandschaft bei questenberg im s dharz * 6 012 11,1336 51,4994 de4433301 wipper im ostharz * 39,3 11,1667 51,5731 de4433302 bodenschwende bei horla im s dharz * 608 11,1825 51,5517 de4433303 ziegenberg bei k nigerode * 25 11,2142 51,5878 de4434301 gipskarstlandschaft p lsfeld und breiter fleck im s dharz * 1 722 11,3883 51,5261 de4434302 kupferschieferhalden bei klostermansfeld 96 11,4783 51,5783 de4434303 kupferschieferhalden bei wimmelburg 125 11,4939 51,5156 de4434304 alte schule in ahlsdorf 0,01 11,4678 51,5439 de4436301 trockenrasenh nge n rdlich des s en sees * 84 11,6836 51,5003 de4436303 zaschwitz bei wettin * 133 11,8206 51,5736 de4437301 blonsberg n rdlich halle * 32 11,9356 51,5881 de4437302 porphyrkuppenlandschaft nordwestlich halle * 674 11,8592 51,5578 de4437305 bergholz n rdlich halle 181 11,9861 51,5903 de4437306 erlen-eschen-wald bei gutenberg n rdlich halle * 4 11,9786 51,55 de4437307 nordspitze der pei nitz und forstwerder in halle * 23 11,9475 51,4994 de4437308 d lauer heide und lindbusch bei halle * 700 11,8933 51,4978 de4437309 brandberge in halle 91 11,9272 51,5144 de4438301 porphyrkuppen westlich landsberg 52 12,1414 51,525 de4438302 porphyrkuppen burgstetten bei niemberg * 51 12,0764 51,5525 de4440301 ehemaliger bungsplatz mit paupitzscher see 489 12,3753 51,5714 de4440302 leinegebiet * 630 12,5028 51,5172 de4440303 spr daer wald und triftholz 97 12,4422 51,5281 de4441301 schwarzbachniederung mit sprottabruch * 737 12,7317 51,5372 de4442301 gro er teich torgau und benachbarte teiche * 928 12,9706 51,5364 de4442302 separate fledermausquartiere in mittel- und nordwestsachsen 302 12,6144 51,2369 de4442303 roitzsch * 181 12,8558 51,5889 de4446301 mittellauf der schwarzen elster * 2 815,84 13,3686 51,5392 de4446302 restsee tr bitz 37,31 13,4208 51,5958 de4447301 erweiterung loben * 1 033,9 13,6056 51,5136 de4447302 forsthaus pr sa 3 798,17 13,5197 51,5264 de4447303 der loben * 665,93 13,6153 51,5069 de4447304 suden bei gorden 89,34 13,6503 51,545 de4447305 hohenleipisch 168 13,5689 51,5258 de4447306 wiesen am flo graben 38,19 13,6 51,5411 de4447307 kleine elster und niederungsbereiche erg nzung * 915,01 13,695 51,6594 de4448302 gr nhaus 1 780,74 13,7144 51,5486 de4448304 welkteich * 113,1 13,7164 51,5022 de4449301 westmarkscheide-mariensumpf 22,91 13,9578 51,5656 de4450301 wei er berg bei bahnsdorf * 28,64 14,1189 51,5675 de4450302 bergbaufolgelandschaft bluno * 803 14,2181 51,5056 de4452301 spreetal und heiden zwischen uhyst und spremberg * 820 14,4764 51,4711 de4453301 altes schleifer teichgel nde * 104 14,5544 51,5331 de4453302 muskauer faltenbogen 280 14,63 51,5236 de4453303 reuthener moor * 95,52 14,5442 51,5972 de4453304 w lder und feuchtgebiete bei wei kei el * 261 14,6906 51,5075 de4453305 trebendorfer tiergarten * 196 14,5897 51,5147 de4454301 zerna * 17,16 14,7289 51,5858 de4454302 nei egebiet * 2 450 15,02 51,2961 de4507301 ruhraue in m lheim * 137,55 6,8928 51,4053 de4508301 heisinger ruhraue * 150,26 7,0711 51,4156 de4510301 felsen am harkortsee 2,52 7,4067 51,4042 de4512302 abbabach * 24,81 7,6906 51,4522 de4513301 luerwald und bieberbach * 2 637,34 7,8906 51,4742 de4513302 waldreservat moosfelde * 699,13 7,9994 51,4636 de4513303 r hr zwischen h sten und hachen * 38,72 8,0053 51,3967 de4513304 weichholzaue ense * 7,11 7,995 51,4844 de4514302 arnsberger wald * 7 991,59 8,1878 51,4136 de4514303 waldreservat obereimer * 2 377,41 8,0656 51,3817 de4514304 kleine schmalenau und hevesee * 97,95 8,1125 51,4669 de4515301 hamorsbruch und quellb che * 464,05 8,2997 51,4025 de4515302 heveoberlauf * 139,83 8,1819 51,4486 de4515304 m hne mittellauf * 115,63 8,2408 51,485 de4516301 l rmecketal * 267,21 8,3986 51,4481 de4516302 m hne oberlauf * 82,05 8,5189 51,4694 de4516303 h hle am kattenstein 0,27 8,4306 51,4539 de4516305 lieth hle und bachschwinde des w schebaches * 23,9 8,3806 51,4347 de4517301 w lder und quellen des almetals * 472,79 8,665 51,4267 de4517303 leiberger wald * 1 864,05 8,6542 51,4975 de4517304 aschenh tte * 19,41 8,5336 51,4686 de4517305 bergwerk th len 1,45 8,6581 51,4292 de4518301 buchholz bei bleiw sche * 317,93 8,6767 51,4625 de4518302 w lder bei padberg 96,58 8,7897 51,4006 de4518303 buchenw lder und schutthalden an der wei en frau * 151,73 8,7017 51,4067 de4518304 r senbecker h hle 3,18 8,6711 51,4114 de4518305 bredelar, stadtwald marsberg und f rstenberger wald * 2 650,14 8,7831 51,4556 de4519301 b chenberg und platzberg bei hesperinghausen * 41,95 8,9056 51,4906 de4519302 kittenberg 95,1 8,925 51,4083 de4519303 wulsenberg, hasental und kregenberg * 80,21 8,8675 51,4408 de4519304 huxstein * 4,77 8,8956 51,4861 de4519305 glockengrund, glockenr cken und hummelgrund * 52,41 8,9306 51,4161 de4519306 leitmarer felsen * 99,77 8,8644 51,4322 de4520301 weldaer berg und mittelberg * 75,16 9,1081 51,4731 de4520302 iberg bei welda * 25,35 9,1031 51,4497 de4520303 wittmarwald bei volkmarsen 289,47 9,1403 51,4392 de4520304 eilsbusch bei wethen 4,13 9,0889 51,4844 de4520305 tiergarten bei k lte * 26,36 9,0414 51,4089 de4520306 gro seggenried am rh daer bach 3,49 9,1494 51,4083 de4521301 warmberg osterberg * 62,54 9,3075 51,4817 de4521302 kalkmagerrasen bei calenberg und herlinghausen * 22,42 9,1931 51,48 de4521304 schottenbruch bei niedermeiser * 28,57 9,3231 51,4556 de4521305 bachlauf der warme von ehlen bis liebenau * 72,81 9,2983 51,3772 de4521350 quellgebiet bei ostheim * 35,8 9,32 51,4989 de4522302 rothenberg bei burguffeln * 27,47 9,4533 51,4225 de4522303 mittelberg bei hofgeismar * 41,54 9,3544 51,4861 de4522304 kelzer holz und me hagen * 664,69 9,3525 51,4569 de4523303 ballertasche 44 9,6372 51,4567 de4523304 termenei bei wilhelmshausen 28,32 9,5611 51,405 de4523331 fulda zwischen wahnhausen und bonaforth * 108,23 9,5614 51,3844 de4524301 gro er leinebusch 180 9,8258 51,4739 de4524302 buchenw lder und kalk-magerrasen zwischen dransfeld u. hedem nden * 1 496 9,7378 51,4442 de4524303 kreideberg bei ellerode * 57,15 9,8086 51,41 de4525302 rh neberg bei marzhausen * 28,74 9,9075 51,4011 de4525331 reinh user wald * 1 207,92 10,0003 51,4519 de4525332 dramme * 39,71 9,8775 51,4517 de4525333 leine zwischen friedland und niedernjesa * 53,62 9,92 51,4481 de4528302 ohmgebirge * 1 520 10,3336 51,4681 de4529302 bleicher der berge * 1 273 10,5272 51,4375 de4530301 westliche hainleite w belsburg * 1 170 10,6639 51,4039 de4530302 helme mit m hlgr ben 45 10,7511 51,4953 de4531303 reesberg 29 10,9483 51,4992 de4533301 gew ssersystem der helmeniederung * 234 11,2247 51,4147 de4533303 rathaus sangerhausen 0,01 11,2983 51,4736 de4534301 der hagen und othaler holz n rdlich beyernaumburg 584 11,4017 51,4861 de4535301 eislebener stiftsholz 390 11,5075 51,4825 de4535302 kuckenburger hagen * 70 11,6592 51,4106 de4535303 schwermetallrasen bei hornburg 2 11,5831 51,4536 de4535304 stollen und trockenrasen bei unterfarnst dt * 11 11,6075 51,4314 de4536301 r hrichte und salzwiesen am s en see * 57 11,66 51,4975 de4536302 salziger see n rdlich r blingen am see * 518 11,6878 51,4778 de4536303 muschelkalkh nge westlich halle * 114 11,8131 51,4906 de4536304 salzatal bei langenbogen * 137 11,7836 51,4908 de4536305 kalkstollen im weidatal bei schraplau 0,03 11,6747 51,4375 de4537301 saale-, elster-, luppe-aue zwischen merseburg und halle * 1 756 12,0092 51,4053 de4538301 engelwurzwiese bei zwintsch na 6 12,0417 51,4472 de4539301 br sen glesien und tannenwald 138 12,3247 51,4033 de4540301 partheaue * 562 12,5328 51,3589 de4541301 k mmereiforst * 267 12,5389 51,4764 de4541302 w lperner torfwiesen * 64 12,6039 51,4431 de4542301 berge um hohburg und dornreichenbach * 301 12,7975 51,4033 de4542302 lossa und nebengew sser * 491 12,8764 51,3903 de4542303 am spitzberg 163 12,7558 51,3897 de4543301 teiche um neum hle * 87 12,9528 51,4667 de4543302 laubw lder der dahlener heide * 1 009 13,0511 51,4222 de4543303 dahle und tauschke * 788 13,165 51,3869 de4544301 elbtalh nge burckhardshof * 79 13,1733 51,42 de4545301 elbtal zwischen sch na und m hlberg * 4 313 13,5186 51,1319 de4545302 elbdeichvorland m hlberg-stehla * 204,83 13,1989 51,4419 de4545303 gohrische heide 235,17 13,3161 51,4314 de4545304 gohrischheide und elbniederterrasse zeithain 2 654 13,3283 51,3908 de4546301 kleine r der * 401,02 13,3675 51,4594 de4546302 alte r der bei prieschka 78,65 13,4453 51,4819 de4546303 gro e r der * 136,89 13,4547 51,4533 de4546304 r deraue und teiche unterhalb gro enhain * 2 126 13,4783 51,3625 de4547302 untere pulsnitzniederung * 666,68 13,5561 51,4247 de4547303 pulsnitz und niederungsbereiche * 588,84 13,655 51,4078 de4548302 teichgebiet kroppen-frauendorf * 214,62 13,8108 51,4 de4548303 seewald * 273,37 13,6703 51,5006 de4549301 rohatschgebiet zwischen guteborn und hohenbocka * 245,1 13,9669 51,4242 de4549302 sorgenteich 49,98 13,9033 51,4344 de4549303 peickwitzer teiche * 94,92 13,9775 51,4486 de4549304 fledermausquartier kirche ruhland 0,11 13,8689 51,46 de4549305 sorgenteich erg nzung 2,07 13,9106 51,4381 de4549306 peickwitzer teiche erg nzung * 3,89 13,9839 51,4414 de4550301 dubringer moor * 1 709 14,1931 51,3964 de4550302 insel im senftenberger see * 889,9 14,0258 51,4967 de4550303 feuchtgebiete leippe-torno * 199 14,1164 51,4133 de4550304 bergbaufolgelandschaft laubusch * 350 14,1003 51,47 de4551301 spannteich knappenrode 258 14,3267 51,41 de4551302 schwarze elster oberhalb hoyerswerda 238 14,1917 51,3431 de4551303 separate fledermausquartiere und -habitate in der lausitz * 254 14,5947 51,225 de4552301 truppen bungsplatz oberlausitz * 13 597 14,8436 51,4503 de4552302 oberlausitzer heide- und teichlandschaft * 13 732 14,5422 51,3083 de4553301 schwarzer sch ps unterhalb reichwalde * 244 14,6139 51,3958 de4554301 raklitza und teiche bei rietschen * 339 14,7839 51,4044 de4554302 wei er sch ps bei h hnichen 67 14,8444 51,3811 de4554303 niederspreer teichgebiet und kleine heide h hnichen * 1 876 14,8781 51,3781 de4607301 w lder bei ratingen * 199,45 6,9139 51,3578 de4607302 fuchslochbachtal 10,54 6,9372 51,3483 de4610301 gevelsberger stadtwald * 540,56 7,3783 51,3231 de4611301 kalkbuchenw lder bei hohenlimburg * 145,7 7,5583 51,3525 de4611303 h ttenbl serschachth hle * 0,15 7,6558 51,3706 de4612301 felsenmeer mit h hlen * 24,95 7,7858 51,3814 de4613301 h nnetal * 146,61 7,8472 51,3878 de4613303 balver wald * 442,65 7,8539 51,3556 de4613304 wacholderheide bollenberg 3,5 7,9075 51,3153 de4614303 ruhr 525,56 8,4147 51,3689 de4614306 gro e sunderner h hle 4,19 8,0136 51,3133 de4615301 ruhrtal bei laer u. schneisenberg * 197,45 8,2339 51,3475 de4616301 halden bei ramsbeck 36,51 8,4097 51,3114 de4616304 h hlen und stollen bei olsberg und bestwig 63,44 8,5236 51,3675 de4617301 bruchhauser steine * 84,86 8,5406 51,3325 de4617302 gew ssersystem diemel und hoppecke * 586,69 8,7286 51,4136 de4617303 kalkkuppen bei brilon * 203,84 8,5122 51,3842 de4617304 teichgrotte und ponorh hle am kirchloh 0,14 8,6067 51,3881 de4618301 kahlen-berg bei adorf 6,03 8,7972 51,355 de4619301 kalkflachmoor bei vasbeck 11,45 8,9278 51,3886 de4620301 scheid bei volkmarsen * 89,91 9,1322 51,3939 de4620302 wald bei volkhardinghausen und freienhagen 623,05 9,0547 51,2969 de4620303 d rneberg und w nne bei viesebeck * 37,38 9,1442 51,3475 de4620304 twiste mit wilde, watter und aar * 147,54 8,9764 51,3356 de4620401 vorsperre-twistetalsperre * 28,01 9,0544 51,36 de4621302 burghasunger berg * 9,43 9,2753 51,3244 de4621303 wattenberg/hundsberg * 209,47 9,2753 51,2997 de4621305 festberg bei philippinenthal * 14,32 9,2186 51,3361 de4621306 w lder bei zierenberg * 1 513,78 9,3094 51,3811 de4622301 keischel bei weimar * 19,82 9,3869 51,3767 de4622302 habichtswald und seilerberg bei ehlen * 2 919,36 9,3742 51,3236 de4622303 d rnberg, immelburg und helfenstein * 410,7 9,3369 51,3514 de4623302 fuldaschleuse wolfsanger * 14,06 9,5589 51,3303 de4623331 bacht ler im kaufunger wald * 1 298,39 9,7561 51,3197 de4623350 fulda ab wahnhausen * 34,32 9,5847 51,4042 de4624301 ermschwerder heegen 37,57 9,8039 51,3619 de4624302 kalkmagerrasen bei ro bach * 55,12 9,8267 51,3125 de4624303 freudenthal bei witzenhausen * 75,85 9,8281 51,3592 de4624331 weiher am kleinen steinberg 14,59 9,6986 51,3672 de4625301 ebenh he-liebenberg * 142,48 9,9061 51,3297 de4625303 nsg kelle teufelskanzel * 200 9,9567 51,3208 de4625304 wiesenm hle marth 0,01 9,9992 51,3789 de4625331 mausohr-jagdgebiet leinholz * 340,09 9,855 51,3875 de4626301 lengenberg knappberg katzenstein * 693 10,0847 51,3275 de4626304 leinetalh nge westlich heiligenstadt * 333 9,9911 51,3681 de4626306 r hrsberg hasenwinkel m hlberg * 451 10,0161 51,3106 de4627301 fledermausquartiere im pferdebachtal bei heiligenstadt 0,01 10,1633 51,3494 de4628301 mittlerer d n * 793 10,3672 51,3389 de4628302 krankenhaus und klostergeb ude reifenstein 0,01 10,3642 51,3481 de4628303 dachstuhl alten- und pflegeheim deuna 0,01 10,4775 51,3556 de4629301 nsg keulaer wald 302 10,5189 51,3583 de4630301 nsg hotzenberg * 91 10,7317 51,3178 de4631301 dickkopf bendeleber forst nsg gatterberge * 1 226 10,9464 51,3786 de4631302 hainleite wipperdurchbruch kranichholz * 6 869 10,9022 51,3353 de4632302 kyffh user badraer schweiz solwiesen * 3 382 11,0406 51,3961 de4633303 esperstedter ried salzstellen bei artern * 940 11,1494 51,3375 de4633304 m nchenried und helmegr ben bei artern * 341 11,32 51,3781 de4634301 borntal, feuchtgebiet und heide bei allstedt * 381 11,4533 51,3792 de4634302 ziegelrodaer buntsandsteinplateau * 2 315 11,4883 51,3214 de4634303 bottendorfer h gel * 133 11,4072 51,3136 de4635301 schmoner busch, spielberger h he und elsloch s dlich querfurt * 316 11,5969 51,33 de4636301 wasserschlo in sankt ulrich 0,01 11,7969 51,3006 de4637301 geiselniederung westlich merseburg * 57 11,9747 51,3344 de4638302 elster-luppe-aue * 548 12,1489 51,3725 de4638303 schafhufe westlich g nthersdorf 2 12,1458 51,3428 de4638304 wiesengebiet westlich schladebach * 35 12,0975 51,3206 de4639301 leipziger auensystem * 2 825 12,2589 51,3672 de4639302 bienitz und moormergelgebiet 299 12,2506 51,3542 de4639303 pfeifengraswiese bei g nthersdorf 1 12,175 51,3419 de4640301 bl ulingswiesen s d stlich leipzig * 13 12,4956 51,3039 de4641301 teich- und waldgebiete um machern und brandis * 216 12,6628 51,3475 de4641302 laubwaldgebiete zwischen brandis und grimma * 389 12,6747 51,3033 de4643301 wermsdorfer waldteichkette * 239 12,9 51,3131 de4644301 collmberg und oschatzer kirchenwald * 71 13,0117 51,3014 de4644302 d llnitz und mutzschener wasser * 1 347 13,1467 51,2761 de4645301 jahnaniederung * 403 13,2808 51,2719 de4645302 separate fledermausquartiere und -habitate im gro raum dresden 83 13,9725 50,9028 de4646301 elligastbachniederung * 199 13,5283 51,34 de4647301 gro e r der zwischen gro enhain und medingen * 967 13,6983 51,2564 de4648301 molkenbornteiche st lpchen * 191 13,7908 51,2997 de4648302 k nigsbr cker heide * 6 931 13,8828 51,3269 de4648303 linzer wasser und kieperbach * 329 13,7542 51,3492 de4648304 damm hlenteichgebiet * 218 13,7511 51,2981 de4648305 fledermausquartiere schloss und kirche gro kmehlen 0,88 13,7258 51,3806 de4649301 ruhl nder schwarzwasser * 54 13,9269 51,3836 de4649302 teichgruppen cosel-zeisholz * 185 13,9367 51,3694 de4649303 schwarzwasserniederung * 369,51 13,8672 51,3892 de4649304 erlenbruch oberbusch gr ngr bchen * 311 13,9806 51,3433 de4649305 saleskbachniederung unterhalb gr ngr bchen * 147 13,9514 51,3703 de4650301 ottersch tz * 210 14,0983 51,3722 de4650302 je nitz und thury * 300 14,1814 51,3089 de4650303 cunnersdorfer teiche * 104 14,0497 51,3222 de4650304 teichgebiet biehla-wei ig * 963 14,1103 51,3306 de4650305 deutschbaselitzer gro teichgebiet * 201 14,1564 51,2933 de4651301 waldteiche westlich sch nau * 52 14,2211 51,3236 de4651302 klosterwasserniederung * 347 14,2375 51,2661 de4651303 teichgruppen am dobersch tzer wasser * 493 14,2819 51,3097 de4651304 teichgruppe wartha 40 14,3169 51,3522 de4651305 hoyerswerdaer schwarzwasser * 574 14,3447 51,2467 de4651306 biwatsch-teichgruppe und teiche bei caminau * 244 14,3111 51,3217 de4653301 schlo teichgebiet klitten * 219 14,5961 51,3647 de4654301 doras ruh * 521 14,8578 51,3125 de4654302 schwarzer sch ps oberhalb horscha * 282 14,7431 51,2906 de4654303 teiche bei moholz 122 14,7919 51,2992 de4707301 rotth user und morper bachtal * 182,09 6,8867 51,2481 de4707302 neandertal * 269,07 6,9464 51,2236 de4708302 teufelsklippen 7,22 7,1053 51,2144 de4709301 wupper stlich wuppertal * 125,45 7,2475 51,2444 de4709303 gelpe und saalbach * 154,76 7,1736 51,2353 de4710301 ennepe unterhalb der talsperre 60,8 7,3869 51,2889 de4710302 halver h lloch 0,19 7,4842 51,2008 de4711302 gesshardth hle 0,25 7,6514 51,2617 de4712301 schluchtw lder im lennetal * 202,21 7,815 51,2592 de4712302 sch nebecker h hle 0,08 7,7281 51,2061 de4713301 lennealtarm siesel 39,51 7,9 51,2275 de4715301 wenne * 112,84 8,1881 51,2753 de4716301 hunau, oberes negertal, renautal und steinberg * 1 495,41 8,4683 51,2192 de4716302 schluchtw lder bei elpe * 89,4 8,4214 51,2817 de4717301 nsg-komplex bei willingen * 182,53 8,6047 51,2578 de4717302 neuer hagen * 74,35 8,575 51,2608 de4717303 schluchtw lder n rdlich niedersfeld * 179,97 8,5203 51,2833 de4717304 wiesen im springebach- und hillebachtal bei niedersfeld 115,45 8,5536 51,2433 de4717305 bergwiesen bei winterberg 486,18 8,4761 51,1647 de4717306 oberes orketal * 268,43 8,5944 51,2122 de4717307 wissinghauser heide 24,82 8,6286 51,2353 de4717308 kahle p n 96,99 8,6619 51,2608 de4717309 itter-quellen (nrw-erweiterung des hessischen ittertales) 12,63 8,6169 51,2497 de4717310 schluchtwald helle bei winterberg * 58,47 8,5494 51,1975 de4717311 in der strei 30,07 8,5044 51,2269 de4717350 ettelsberg mit ruthenaar- und hoppecketal bei willingen * 116,19 8,6003 51,2828 de4718301 osterkopf bei usseln * 35,65 8,6739 51,2903 de4718302 kahle p n bei usseln * 35,04 8,6661 51,2706 de4718303 goldh user teich 19,61 8,8164 51,2561 de4718304 magerrasen am aarberg s dl. eppe * 18,78 8,7736 51,2303 de4718371 wilde aar 6,04 8,6983 51,2486 de4719301 hagenfeld 5,53 8,9325 51,2375 de4719303 dalwigker holz und gebranntes holz bei korbach * 135,77 8,9089 51,2425 de4719304 langenstein, klinger klippen und hochstein * 83,52 8,9778 51,2311 de4719305 magerrasen bei korbach und dorfitter * 23,05 8,8667 51,2481 de4719306 siegfriedh hle bei obernburg 0,45 8,9014 51,2325 de4720303 wald n rdlich netze * 1 079,9 9,1033 51,2536 de4720304 edersee-steilh nge * 697,46 9,0308 51,2014 de4721302 auf den hesseln bei naumburg * 20,54 9,1814 51,2342 de4721304 gudensberger basaltkuppen und wald am falkenstein * 327,43 9,2944 51,2511 de4722303 baunsberg * 28,93 9,4108 51,2722 de4722304 d nche * 206,26 9,4317 51,2947 de4723301 quellgebiet bei oberkaufungen * 8,72 9,6533 51,3 de4723302 heubruchwiesen bei eschenstruth * 92,42 9,6419 51,2325 de4723303 wald n rdlich niederkaufungen 17,25 9,6039 51,2897 de4723304 lossewiesen bei niederkaufungen * 16,61 9,5722 51,2928 de4724304 lichtenauer hochland * 287,14 9,7486 51,2092 de4724306 lossetal bei f rstenhagen * 271,98 9,6767 51,2192 de4724308 niestetal und niesteh nge * 510,88 9,7294 51,2925 de4724309 r sberg bei rommerode * 42,55 9,7597 51,2233 de4724310 hirschberg- und tiefenbachwiesen * 141,59 9,7389 51,2436 de4724311 hohekopf bei gro almerode 48,11 9,7961 51,2422 de4725302 jest dter weinberg / werraaltarm u. -aue bei albungen * 86,21 10,0014 51,2183 de4725303 bilstein im h llental * 3,19 9,9653 51,2278 de4725306 mei ner und mei ner vorland * 2 042,82 9,8303 51,2117 de4726304 kirche ershausen 0,01 10,1617 51,2586 de4726305 wohnhaus dietzenrode 0,01 10,0147 51,2981 de4726306 dieter der klippen h hneberg * 87 10,1208 51,2942 de4726320 stein rachelsberg gobert * 716 10,0506 51,2633 de4726350 kalkklippen der gobert * 289,22 10,0483 51,2431 de4727301 muschelkalkh nge von gro bartloff bis faulungen * 764 10,2636 51,2119 de4727320 ibenkuppe thomasbr cke stlicher westerwald * 1 203 10,2158 51,2886 de4728301 d rnaer platz * 148 10,3733 51,2242 de4728302 nsg flachstal * 180 10,4928 51,2653 de4728303 dachboden der psychiatrie m hlhausen 0,01 10,4056 51,2078 de4729301 volkenrodaer teiche * 197 10,5503 51,2569 de4730301 sonder oberholz gro er horn * 277 10,7711 51,2097 de4732301 trockenrasen-komplex nord stlich herrnschwende * 211 11,0608 51,2397 de4732302 gr ndelsloch kindelbr ck 4 11,0794 51,2653 de4733301 westliche schm cke spatenberge * 679 11,2122 51,2739 de4733302 moorberg und ziegenbeil n rdlich battgendorf * 121 11,2697 51,2183 de4734301 finne-nordrand s dwestlich wohlmirstedt * 347 11,455 51,2328 de4734302 trockenrasen am wendelstein * 6 11,4617 51,2775 de4734303 ostrand der hohen schrecke * 265 11,3806 51,2336 de4734304 kloster donndorf 0,01 11,3597 51,2969 de4734320 hohe schrecke finne * 5 732 11,3308 51,2572 de4735302 forst bibra * 571 11,6403 51,2019 de4735303 kirche nebra 0,01 11,5786 51,2869 de4735304 lbergstollen bei wangen 0,01 11,5383 51,2781 de4735305 dissaugraben bei wetzendorf * 89 11,6 51,2647 de4735306 trockenh nge bei steigra * 124 11,6564 51,2953 de4735307 unstrutaue bei burgscheidungen 279 11,6678 51,2506 de4736301 trockenrasenfl chen bei karsdorf und glockenseck * 193 11,6733 51,2592 de4736302 neue g hle und trockenrasen n rdlich freyburg * 84 11,7806 51,2347 de4736303 m chelholz, m chelner kalkt ler und hirschgrund bei branderoda * 294 11,8094 51,2597 de4736304 fledermausquartier in der kirche branderoda 0,01 11,8136 51,2642 de4736305 schafberg und n ssenberg bei zscheiplitz * 211 11,7194 51,2242 de4736306 marienberg bei freyburg * 27 11,7772 51,2186 de4736307 schlo berg und burgholz bei freyburg * 40 11,7867 51,2128 de4737301 bunker bei der halde pf nnerhall 0,02 11,8986 51,2928 de4737302 kuhberg bei gr st * 12 11,8344 51,255 de4738301 engelwurzwiese stlich bad d rrenberg 1 12,0867 51,2875 de4739301 kulkwitzer lachen 39 12,2411 51,2794 de4739302 elsteraue s dlich zwenkau * 915 12,2836 51,1681 de4740301 oberholz und st rmthaler wiesen * 198 12,5072 51,2456 de4741301 laubwaldgebiete der oberen partheaue * 253 12,6803 51,225 de4741302 rohrbacher teiche und g selbach * 191 12,5839 51,2167 de4743301 waldgebiet an der klosterwiese * 104 12,97 51,2767 de4745301 dolomitgebiet ostrau und jahnatal * 183 13,1792 51,1933 de4746301 seu litzer gr nde * 183 13,4439 51,2339 de4746302 t ler s d stlich lommatzsch * 635 13,3064 51,1592 de4746303 bosel und elbh nge n rdlich mei en * 157 13,4561 51,1817 de4746304 winzerwiese * 33 13,4833 51,2061 de4747301 hopfenbachtal * 298 13,6364 51,2128 de4748301 teiche um zschorna und kleinnaundorf * 227 13,7503 51,2481 de4748302 buchberge bei lau nitz 200 13,8356 51,2242 de4748303 moorwaldgebiet gro dittmannsdorf * 267 13,7889 51,2039 de4749301 pulsnitz- und haselbachtal * 265 13,8964 51,2642 de4749302 flie gew ssersystem kleine r der und orla * 416 13,8333 51,1861 de4750301 gro er rohrbacher teich * 47 14,0147 51,2917 de4750302 berge bei ohorn * 221 14,1111 51,1861 de4751301 waldteiche n rdlich r ckelwitz * 42 14,2097 51,2728 de4752301 teiche zwischen neschwitz und gro dubrau * 334 14,3689 51,26 de4752302 spreeniederung malschwitz * 631 14,4997 51,2361 de4753301 feuchtgebiete und w lder bei gro saubernitz * 76 14,6339 51,2369 de4753302 t ler um wei enberg * 963 14,6203 51,1644 de4753303 basalt- und phonolithkuppen der stlichen oberlausitz * 1 096 14,7572 51,1072 de4754301 hohe dubrau * 367 14,7019 51,2597 de4754302 stauwurzel, teiche und w lder an der talsperre quitzdorf * 409 14,7917 51,2464 de4754303 ullersdorfer teiche 101 14,8222 51,2342 de4754304 laubw lder der k nigshainer berge * 203 14,8403 51,1944 de4755301 teiche und feuchtgebiete nord stlich kodersdorf * 193 14,9714 51,2861 de4755302 flie gew sser bei sch pstal und kodersdorf * 296 14,8992 51,215 de4755303 monumentsh gel 67 14,8525 51,2417 de4808301 wupper von leverkusen bis solingen * 555,96 7,0225 51,0908 de4809301 dh nn u. eifgenbach * 285,94 7,0664 51,0297 de4810301 wupper und wipper bei wipperf rth * 147,15 7,5619 51,0903 de4811301 ehemaliger truppen bungsplatz stilleking und hemecketal * 152,54 7,6311 51,19 de4811302 bruchw lder w ste * 28,87 7,5503 51,1272 de4812301 ebbemoore * 1 068,53 7,6806 51,1256 de4813301 kalkbuchenw lder,kalkhalbtrockenrasen und-felsen s dl. finnentrop * 219,7 8,0358 51,1569 de4813302 attendorner tropfsteinh hle * 13,2 7,9178 51,1286 de4813303 heinrich-bernhardt h hle 0,12 7,8803 51,1719 de4814302 stelborner klippen 0,76 8,165 51,1017 de4815301 schluchtwald bei saalhausen * 35,21 8,2064 51,1269 de4816302 schanze * 6 153,98 8,385 51,1153 de4816303 kahler asten * 52,99 8,4886 51,1853 de4817301 hallenberger wald * 2 249,33 8,5456 51,1397 de4817302 schluchtwald angstbecke und g mminghauser mark * 245,2 8,5103 51,1753 de4817304 waldreservat glindfeld- orketal (mit nebent lern) * 2 991,84 8,7219 51,2181 de4817305 liesetal-hilmesberg 100,06 8,6019 51,1589 de4817306 nuhnewiesen, wache und dreisbachtal 324,92 8,6561 51,1039 de4819301 kellerwald * 5 822,61 8,9978 51,1461 de4819303 ederseeufer bei herzhausen * 28,87 8,8967 51,1814 de4819307 calluna heide bei altenlotheim 3,74 8,9267 51,1253 de4820301 sonderrain bei bad wildungen * 4,4 9,1167 51,1039 de4820302 zechsteinh nge bei lieschensruh * 44,72 9,1031 51,1783 de4820305 bilstein bei bad wildungen * 62,9 9,1008 51,1322 de4820307 schartenberg bei reitzenhagen * 41,4 9,1058 51,1422 de4820308 schrummbachsrain und kalkrain bei giflitz * 17,16 9,0986 51,1525 de4820401 stausee von affoldern * 147,09 9,0661 51,1619 de4821301 wartberg bei kirchberg 24,06 9,3036 51,1903 de4821304 kalkmagerrasen nordwestlich lohne * 4,05 9,2247 51,1964 de4821305 eckerich bei fritzlar 26,6 9,2581 51,1317 de4821306 magerrasen am sauerbrunnen bei geismar * 1,61 9,2369 51,1519 de4821307 ems zwischen merxhausen und werkel * 30,64 9,2864 51,2047 de4822303 heiligenberg stlich gensungen * 17,77 9,4589 51,1342 de4822304 untere eder * 1 665,9 9,3633 51,1142 de4823301 riedforst bei melsungen * 2 054,07 9,6392 51,1639 de4824301 reichenbacher kalkberge * 383,47 9,76 51,1697 de4824302 wei bachtal bei reichenbach * 27,48 9,7864 51,1708 de4824304 wachholderheide bei vockerode-dinkelberg * 15,03 9,7089 51,1381 de4824308 glimmerode und hambach bei hessisch lichtenau * 782,71 9,7633 51,1875 de4825301 trimberg bei reichensachsen * 158,82 9,9667 51,1489 de4825302 werra- und wehretal * 24 481,91 9,9164 51,2844 de4826302 eichenberg bei frieda 14,45 10,1392 51,1958 de4826304 werraaltarm bei schwebda * 8 10,1028 51,1928 de4826305 kalkberge bei r hrda und wei enborn * 634,46 10,1158 51,1131 de4827301 plesse-konstein-karnberg * 564,01 10,21 51,1706 de4827302 frankenloch bei heldra 8,91 10,2072 51,1269 de4827304 adolfsburg bornberg s lzenberg * 148 10,2247 51,1431 de4827305 mertelstal heldrastein * 251 10,1886 51,105 de4827306 werrah nge von frankenroda bis falken * 569 10,2903 51,1203 de4827307 treffurter stadtwald n rdlich treffurt * 352 10,2361 51,1608 de4827308 treffurter stadtwald s dlich treffurt * 278 10,255 51,1097 de4828301 hainich * 15 036 10,4294 51,1075 de4829301 keuperh gel und unstrutniederung bei m hlhausen * 290 10,5317 51,175 de4830302 nsg unstruttal zwischen n gelstedt und gro vargula * 201 10,7483 51,1122 de4830303 bruchwiesen bei bad tennstedt * 23 10,8225 51,1572 de4831301 unstrut-niederung nord stlich herbsleben 192 10,87 51,1308 de4832301 kahler berg und drachenschwanz bei tunzenhausen * 80 11,0792 51,1706 de4832302 unstrutaue bei schallenburg * 154 11,0933 51,1461 de4832304 ha lebener ried alperstedter ried * 447 11,0408 51,1211 de4833301 brembacher weinberge klausberg scherkonde * 144 11,2611 51,1339 de4833302 monna und gr ben bei leubingen * 14 11,2033 51,2006 de4835301 gutschbachtal und steinbachtal s dwestlich bad bibra * 82 11,5503 51,1922 de4835302 hohndorfer r cken nord stlich eckartsberga * 457 11,6194 51,1486 de4835303 lichtenburg nordwestlich eckartsberga * 94 11,53 51,1342 de4835305 eckartsberga weinkeller marienthal, dorfstr. 11 0,01 11,5258 51,1422 de4835306 eckartsberga keller gartenstra e 0,01 11,5608 51,1242 de4835307 finne-h nge bei auerstedt * 84 11,5833 51,1139 de4836301 tote t ler s dwestlich freyburg * 826 11,7414 51,1869 de4836302 hirschrodaer graben * 187 11,6914 51,1997 de4836303 g ttersitz und schenkenholz n rdlich bad k sen * 153 11,7264 51,1503 de4836304 saale-ilm-platten bei bad k sen * 718 11,7231 51,1242 de4836305 steingraben bei st dten * 40 11,6992 51,1811 de4836306 himmelreich bei bad k sen * 46 11,6919 51,1167 de4836307 kirche gro jena 0,01 11,7903 51,1881 de4836308 burg saaleck 0,01 11,7014 51,1094 de4837301 saaleh nge bei goseck * 237 11,8558 51,1883 de4837302 halbberge bei mertendorf * 17 11,8589 51,1242 de4839301 wei e elster nord stlich zeitz * 425 12,2094 51,1106 de4840301 lobst dter lache 178 12,44 51,1211 de4840302 wyhraaue und frohburger streitwald * 434 12,5247 51,0764 de4841301 laubw lder um beucha * 80 12,5697 51,1439 de4841302 bergbaufolgelandschaft bockwitz * 564 12,5411 51,115 de4842301 mittleres zwickauer muldetal * 2 033 12,7747 51,0125 de4842302 muldent ler oberhalb des zusammenflusses * 2 301 13,0447 51,1325 de4842303 tiergarten colditz * 98 12,8278 51,1286 de4842304 kohlbach- und ettelsbachtal * 144 12,775 51,1214 de4842305 erlbach- und auenbachtal bei colditz * 433 12,8589 51,0964 de4844301 unteres zschopautal * 835 13,0211 51,1003 de4845301 gro holz schleinitz * 53 13,2503 51,1625 de4846301 triebischt ler * 1 177 13,4111 51,0569 de4846302 linkselbische t ler zwischen dresden und mei en * 896 13,5269 51,1247 de4847301 waldteiche bei mistsch nke und ziegenbusch * 112 13,5956 51,1847 de4847302 moritzburger teiche und w lder * 561 13,6628 51,1756 de4847303 teiche und gr nde im friedewald * 147 13,6122 51,1481 de4847304 l nitzgrund und l nitzh nge * 115 13,66 51,1175 de4848301 r dertal oberhalb medingen * 770 13,8781 51,1528 de4848302 promnitz und kleinkuppenlandschaft bei b rnsdorf 137 13,7403 51,1728 de4848303 dresdener heller 125 13,7553 51,0983 de4848304 prie nitzgrund * 224 13,7744 51,0897 de4850301 obere wesenitz und nebenfl sse * 684 14,1211 51,1217 de4852301 spreegebiet oberhalb bautzen * 313 14,535 51,0553 de4852302 buchenwaldgebiet wilthen 157 14,3625 51,0892 de4853301 czorneboh und hochstein * 666 14,5419 51,1114 de4910301 wallefelder h hle 0,21 7,4678 51,0089 de4912303 gleyer * 23 7,7325 51,0983 de4912304 wacholdergel nde bei branscheid 4,91 7,7164 51,0011 de4913301 buchen- und bruchw lder bei einsiedelei und apollmicke * 286,62 7,9614 51,0633 de4913302 wacholderheide kihlenberg 4,47 7,9456 51,0422 de4914301 kr henpfuhl * 4,16 8,1047 51,0653 de4914302 dollenbruch, sellenbruch und silberbachoberlauf * 41,62 8,035 51,0256 de4914303 grubengel nde littfeld 41,49 8,0247 51,0128 de4914305 albaumer klippen * 13,32 8,1308 51,0608 de4915301 elberndorfer und oberes zinser bachtal * 115,97 8,195 51,0064 de4915302 schwarzbachsystem mit haberg und krenkeltal * 311,81 8,1944 51,0247 de4915304 kalkniedermoor bei birkefehl 4,94 8,2886 51,0122 de4916301 eder zwischen erndtebr ck und beddelhausen * 133,72 8,2533 51,0306 de4916302 borstgrasrasen am oberen steinbach * 16,81 8,4239 51,0464 de4916303 grubengel nde h rre 9,97 8,3903 51,0281 de4916304 schieferbergwerk honert 0,24 8,4197 51,0264 de4917306 breite heide bei hatzfeld * 17,55 8,5256 51,0003 de4917307 battenfelder driescher * 31,53 8,6381 51,0356 de4917308 haasenblick * 1 223,32 8,6258 51,0664 de4917309 gr nland zwischen binsenbach und burghelle * 21,59 8,515 51,0419 de4917310 burgberg battenberg 27,81 8,6386 51,0178 de4917350 obere eder * 2 335,21 8,6308 51,0336 de4917351 fledermaus-winterquartier tunnel dodenau 0,62 8,5858 51,0225 de4918301 nemphetal bei bottendorf 42,19 8,8111 51,0014 de4918302 hommersh user heide * 39,18 8,7594 51,0911 de4918303 eichelpf hl * 19,89 8,6789 51,0606 de4919301 heide an der obersten m hle bei frankenau * 15,33 8,9044 51,0861 de4919302 magerrasen-komplex am mittelberg bei frankenau * 27,08 8,95 51,0811 de4920301 bernertsgrund bei l hlbach * 13,54 9,0069 51,0667 de4920302 sondertal und talgraben bei bad wildungen * 62,51 9,1011 51,0961 de4920303 waldgebiet n rdlich fischbach * 28,44 9,0789 51,0442 de4920304 hoher keller * 1 494,3 9,1008 51,015 de4920305 urff zwischen hundsdorf und der m ndung in die schwalm * 42,66 9,1236 51,0489 de4921301 borkener see 329,17 9,2742 51,0347 de4922301 mosenberg bei homberg 63,76 9,4214 51,055 de4922302 efze zwischen holzhausen und v lkershain * 27,23 9,4489 51,0178 de4922303 standort bungsplatz homberg/efze 290,68 9,3997 51,0072 de4923301 fuldatal bei konnefeld * 16,85 9,6367 51,0494 de4923302 waltersberg bei rengshausen 13,34 9,5442 51,0114 de4925302 gipskarst bei berneburg 8,82 9,8906 51,0606 de4925304 wald s d stlich nentershausen 321 9,9608 51,0033 de4926303 werraaue von herleshausen 260,05 10,1553 51,0006 de4926304 wald s d stlich von netra * 185,04 10,1253 51,0836 de4926305 w lder und kalkmagerrasen der ringgau s dabdachung * 1 567,74 10,1094 51,0447 de4926350 boyneburg und schickeberg bei breitau * 292,62 10,0219 51,0933 de4927302 kielforst nordwestlich h rschel * 99 10,2067 51,0167 de4927303 creuzburger werratal-h nge * 147 10,2797 51,06 de4930301 fahnersche h he ballst dter holz * 1 259 10,7781 51,0497 de4931301 trockenrasen nordwestlich erfurt * 89 10,9542 51,0328 de4931302 gr ben im gro en ried 11 10,9636 51,0689 de4931303 gustav-adolf-kapelle witterda 0,01 10,8958 51,0389 de4932301 schwansee * 325 11,0956 51,0739 de4932302 luisenhall * 97 11,0236 51,0622 de4933301 gro er ettersberg * 1 634 11,2808 51,0217 de4935301 unteres ilmtal * 278 11,5742 51,0697 de4936301 saaleh nge bei tultewitz s dlich bad k sen * 56 11,7025 51,085 de4936302 frauenprie nitzer holz und laase * 196 11,7125 51,0117 de4937301 geh lz bei osterfeld * 3 11,9033 51,0833 de4937302 waldauer heideteich- und auwaldgebiet 26 11,96 51,0639 de4939302 restloch zechau * 213 12,3272 51,0119 de4940301 haselbacher teiche und plei eaue * 240 12,4475 51,0669 de4940302 plei ewiesen windischleuba * 219 12,4892 51,0067 de4940303 nordteil haselbacher teiche * 40 12,4411 51,0783 de4940304 kammerforst * 433 12,4164 51,0544 de4941301 prie nitz * 91 12,6161 51,0878 de4941302 st ckigt und streitwald * 507 12,5828 51,03 de4941303 leinawald * 1 732 12,5569 50,9783 de4942301 erlbach- und aubachtal bei rochlitz * 358 12,8428 51,0092 de4943301 zschopautal * 2 436 13,0069 50,9436 de4944301 striegist ler und aschbachtal * 1 995 13,1994 50,9875 de4945301 oberes freiberger muldetal * 1 551 13,3919 50,8925 de4945302 pitzschebachtal * 140 13,2686 51,0347 de4945303 schwermetallhalden bei freiberg 28 13,3936 50,9031 de4946301 bobritzschtal * 621 13,4325 50,9119 de4946302 separate fledermausquartiere im raum chemnitz und freiberg 1 13,1689 50,8586 de4947301 t ler von vereinigter und wilder wei eritz * 1 319 13,5872 50,9514 de4947302 w lder am landberg * 108 13,4994 50,9942 de4949301 elbtalh nge zwischen loschwitz und bonnewitz * 292 13,8583 51,0236 de4949302 wesenitz unterhalb buschm hle * 476 13,9986 51,0172 de4950301 polenztal * 371 14,1222 51,0125 de4951301 hohwald und valtenberg * 513 14,2758 51,0542 de4951302 laubw lder am unger * 152 14,2303 51,0083 de4954301 plie nitzgebiet * 679 14,7978 51,0242 de5008302 k nigsforst * 2 517,26 7,1581 50,9286 de5009301 tongrube wei 12,51 7,1931 50,9625 de5009302 tongrube / steinbruch oberauel 9,01 7,2175 50,9547 de5010301 immerkopf * 13,88 7,4631 50,9633 de5010302 loopebach * 30,21 7,4114 50,9642 de5011301 gr nlandkomplex westlich l ffelsterz * 3,73 7,6536 50,93 de5012301 wacholderbest nde bei wildberg 3,39 7,7739 50,9331 de5013301 eulenbruchs wald * 167,23 7,8564 50,9069 de5014301 auenwald bei netphen * 14,19 8,1183 50,9011 de5015301 rothaarkamm und wiesent ler * 3 441,46 8,2464 50,8786 de5016301 finkental und magergr nland bei didoll * 55,1 8,4744 50,9781 de5016304 buchenw lder und wiesent ler bei bad laasphe * 1 706,01 8,3839 50,9661 de5016305 hoher stein * 1,95 8,425 50,9289 de5017302 sackpfeife * 1 890,39 8,5286 50,9692 de5017303 wiese an der pr chte bei holzhausen * 7,47 8,6225 50,9844 de5017304 hirschbachseite und eifaer berg * 86,23 8,5861 50,9778 de5017305 lahnh nge zwischen biedenkopf und marburg * 9 457,35 8,5808 50,8703 de5018301 franzosenwiesen und rotes wasser * 111,95 8,8211 50,9481 de5018302 christenberg * 22,29 8,7481 50,9589 de5018303 diebskeller/landgrafenborn * 22,55 8,7894 50,9581 de5018304 christenberger talgrund * 105,42 8,76 50,9483 de5018305 langer grund bei sch nstadt 23,65 8,815 50,9236 de5018306 kr mersgrund/konventswiesen * 11,03 8,7864 50,9314 de5018307 nebeler hintersprung 16,88 8,7819 50,9494 de5018308 hohe hardt und geiersh he/rothebuche * 401,66 8,82 50,9083 de5019301 wald zwischen roda und oberholzhausen * 705,86 8,8461 50,9742 de5020301 kalkkuppen bei winterscheid * 42,89 9,0489 50,9272 de5020302 waldgebiet s dlich densberg * 539,08 9,0969 50,98 de5020303 wald zwischen sachsenhausen und strang * 486,62 9,1206 50,9436 de5020304 huteb ume s dlich jesberg * 17,35 9,1425 50,9847 de5020305 ehemaliger steinbruch nordwestlich sebbeterode 0,56 9,0878 50,9642 de5021301 leistwiesen bei rommershausen * 27,32 9,1761 50,9269 de5021302 altw sser der schwalm nord stlich schlierbach * 11,22 9,2078 50,9747 de5022301 schw rzwiesen bei h lsa 16,8 9,4364 50,9375 de5023301 ro bachtal bei v lkershain * 114,14 9,4997 50,9775 de5024301 forbachsee bei bebra * 22,32 9,7675 50,9767 de5024303 heide bei atzelrode 2,44 9,6875 50,9811 de5024305 auenwiesen von fulda, rohrbach und solz * 787,56 9,7606 50,9 de5024306 wald westlich l dersdorf * 977,47 9,7111 50,9597 de5025302 s ulingssee bei kleinensee 21,41 9,9692 50,9325 de5025303 seulingswald * 2 323,15 9,8578 50,9106 de5025350 kalkmagerrasen zwischen morschen und sontra * 444,49 9,9564 51,0569 de5026301 rohrlache von heringen * 75,48 10,0203 50,9056 de5026302 obersuhler aue 67,99 10,0558 50,9442 de5026304 grubenberg bei gerstungen * 55 10,0819 50,9842 de5026305 dankmarsh user rh den 111 10,0056 50,9386 de5026350 rh den bei obersuhl und bosserode 122,44 10,01 50,9422 de5027302 nordwestlicher th ringer wald * 3179 10,3072 50,9364 de5027303 brauereikeller h rscheler stra e neuenhof 0,01 10,215 50,9997 de5028301 h rselberge * 520 10,4606 50,9597 de5028302 nessetal s dlicher kindel * 486 10,4911 50,9867 de5028303 wartberge bei seebach * 83 10,4269 50,9039 de5029301 krahnberg kriegberg * 470 10,6514 50,9692 de5030301 seeberg siebleber teich * 581 10,7664 50,9253 de5030302 apfelst dtaue zwischen wechmar und neudietendorf * 154 10,7986 50,9042 de5031301 molsdorfer schlo park 7 10,9631 50,9008 de5032301 steiger willroder forst werningslebener wald * 2 265 11,0753 50,9375 de5033303 klosterholz * 554 11,1958 50,9344 de5034302 ilmtal zwischen bad berka und weimar mit buchfarter wald * 1 776 11,3264 50,9111 de5035301 nerkewitzer grund klingelsteine heiligenberg * 410 11,64 50,9803 de5035302 isserstedter holz m hltal windknollen * 809 11,5811 50,9519 de5035303 gro er gleisberg jenzig * 812 11,6764 50,9503 de5035304 kernberge w llmisse * 2 045 11,6594 50,9092 de5035306 glatthaferwiesen l bstedt 7 11,6161 50,9481 de5035307 kirche cospeda 0,01 11,5586 50,9489 de5035308 kirchboden kunitz 0,01 11,6369 50,9564 de5035309 jenaer forst * 852 11,5244 50,9153 de5036301 tautenburger forst hohe lehde gleistalh nge * 1 100 11,7189 50,9783 de5036302 alter gleisberg * 125 11,7058 50,9553 de5036303 waldecker schlo grund langes tal * 609 11,7781 50,92 de5037301 beuche wethautal * 294 11,855 50,9878 de5037302 an den ziegenb cken * 403 11,8403 50,9342 de5037303 am schwertstein himmelsgrund * 1 109 11,9242 50,9114 de5037304 hainspitzer see und park * 22 11,8356 50,9594 de5038301 zeitzer forst * 1 718 12,0389 50,9881 de5038302 elsteraue bei bad k stritz * 48 12,0097 50,9444 de5038303 brahmeaue * 102 12,1444 50,9119 de5038304 zeitzer forst * 421 12,0386 50,9631 de5038305 schluchten bei gera und bad k stritz mit rosch tzer wald * 164 12,0897 50,9203 de5040301 eremit-lebensr ume zwischen altenburg und schm lln * 288 12,2792 50,9783 de5040302 nsg fasanerieholz * 19 12,4689 50,9564 de5041301 pastholz langenleuba * 67 12,6381 50,9772 de5042301 chemnitztal * 671 12,8519 50,9286 de5042302 sandberg wiederau * 60 12,835 50,9606 de5045301 freiberger bergwerksteiche * 305 13,3397 50,8053 de5047301 t ler von roter wei eritz und oelsabach * 246 13,6233 50,9653 de5048301 lockwitzgrund und wilisch * 309 13,7808 50,9681 de5048302 m glitztal * 1 657 13,7669 50,8375 de5049301 meuschaer h he * 26 13,8528 50,9686 de5049302 gottleubatal und angrenzende laubw lder * 405 13,9928 50,8978 de5049303 seidewitztal und b rnersdorfer bach * 698 13,8686 50,8919 de5049304 bahrebachtal * 360 13,9056 50,8728 de5049305 barockgarten gro sedlitz * 25 13,895 50,9478 de5050301 nationalpark s chsische schweiz * 9 359 14,2936 50,9128 de5050302 lachsbach- und sebnitztal * 628 14,2586 50,9503 de5050303 tafelberge und felsreviere der linkselbischen s chsischen schweiz * 471 14,0814 50,8969 de5050304 bielatal * 549 14,0439 50,8631 de5051301 sebnitzer wald und kaiserberg * 239 14,3 50,9686 de5054301 mandautal * 302 14,7278 50,9164 de5104302 rur von obermaubach bis linnich * 240,98 6,4258 50,8706 de5109301 naafbachtal * 923,49 7,3008 50,8964 de5109302 agger * 198,1 7,2633 50,8956 de5110301 br lbach * 825,2 7,5272 50,9244 de5111301 kesselsiefen u. galgenberg * 82,77 7,5492 50,8381 de5111302 rosbachtal * 143,21 7,6389 50,8111 de5111303 quellmoor bei neuenh hnen 6,35 7,5356 50,8425 de5112301 stollen bei morsbach-schlechtingen 0,09 7,7531 50,8611 de5113301 heiden und magerrasen trupbach * 85,22 7,9561 50,9036 de5113302 giebelwald * 1 073 7,9067 50,8364 de5114301 wei bachtal zwischen wilgersdorf und rudersdorf * 61,89 8,1325 50,8317 de5114302 oberes langenbachtal * 17,59 8,1706 50,8375 de5115301 gernsdorfer weidek mpe * 110,21 8,1864 50,8461 de5115302 dillquellgebiet bei offdilln * 146,6 8,2403 50,8353 de5115303 dietzh lztal bei rittershausen * 156,59 8,2692 50,8461 de5116301 am dimberg bei steinperf * 48,98 8,4725 50,8089 de5116302 extensivgr nland um mandeln * 61,42 8,3386 50,8469 de5116304 gr nland um den weis-berg bei eiershausen * 105,11 8,3661 50,8108 de5116305 extensivgr nland bei ober- und niederh rlen * 158,89 8,4314 50,8336 de5116306 m hlhelle, eichert und ziegenrain bei fischelbach 0,34 8,3422 50,8736 de5116307 gro er bohnstein 1,86 8,3508 50,8833 de5116308 borstgrasrasen n rdlich simmersbach * 91,13 8,3819 50,8311 de5116309 lohm hlenteich s dlich eibelshausen * 4,08 8,3386 50,8033 de5116310 magerrasen bei steinperf und bracheh ll bei niedereisenhausen 8,72 8,4853 50,8231 de5118301 dammelsberg und k hlersgrund 21,8 8,7503 50,8106 de5118302 obere lahn und wetschaft mit nebengew ssern * 374,14 8,6297 50,8628 de5119301 br ckerwald und hu geweid * 404,7 8,9639 50,8019 de5119302 wohraaue zwischen kirchhain und gem nden (wohra) * 278,93 8,9469 50,8872 de5119303 kuhteiche emsdorf 17,97 8,9742 50,8633 de5120301 wieragrund von schwalmstadt * 72,34 9,1592 50,8936 de5120302 maculinea-schutzgebiet bei neustadt * 296,24 9,0992 50,8231 de5120303 herrenwald stlich stadtallendorf * 2 706,05 9,0689 50,8106 de5122301 truppen bungsplatz schwarzenborn * 927,69 9,4439 50,8944 de5122302 kalkberg bei wei enborn * 18,51 9,44 50,8264 de5125301 dreienberg bei friedewald * 351,35 9,8692 50,8708 de5125302 landecker berg bei ransbach * 618,55 9,89 50,8344 de5125303 st ckig ruppertsh he 69,55 9,95 50,8236 de5125350 werra zwischen phillippsthal und herleshausen * 97,93 9,9867 50,8442 de5126302 erdfallgebiet frauensee * 1 066 10,1464 50,8997 de5126303 kambachsm hle zu dorndorf 0,01 10,0989 50,8522 de5127301 schweinaer grund zechsteing rtel um bad liebenstein * 2 142 10,3386 50,8642 de5128301 th ringer wald von ruhla bis gro er inselsberg * 2 342 10,4442 50,8628 de5128302 fledermauswochenstuben schweina und bad liebenstein 0,01 10,3489 50,8283 de5129303 wiesen um waltershausen und cumbacher teiche * 283 10,6025 50,8769 de5130302 t p ohrdruf jonastal * 5 999 10,8336 50,8408 de5130303 hirzberg wannigsrod kranichmoor * 279 10,6761 50,8608 de5131302 marlitt-villa arnstadt 0,01 10,9472 50,8319 de5131303 drei gleichen * 888 10,8683 50,8758 de5132301 riechheimer berg k nigsstuhl * 703 11,1469 50,8756 de5132302 gro es holz sperlingsberg * 478 11,0919 50,8 de5134301 reinst dter berge langer grund * 2 294 11,5181 50,8336 de5134303 ferienheim martinsroda 0,01 11,4697 50,8003 de5135301 leutratal cospoth schie platz rothenstein * 1 723 11,5747 50,8575 de5135302 dohlenstein und pfaffenberg * 89 11,6053 50,8067 de5135304 fledermauswochenstuben altenberga und zwabitz 0,01 11,5411 50,8308 de5135305 stollen im kaolinsteinbruch bei altendorf 0,1 11,5892 50,8358 de5136301 zeitzgrund teufelstal hermsdorfer moore * 452 11,8019 50,8844 de5136302 h nge um meusebach und im rotehofbachtal * 460 11,7156 50,8067 de5137301 evangelische kirche hundhaupten 0,01 11,9878 50,8311 de5138301 hainberg weinberg * 300 12,0553 50,8814 de5138302 evangelische kirche gei en 0,01 12,0033 50,8636 de5140301 bacht ler im oberen plei eland * 205 12,3258 50,7856 de5141301 am r mpfwald glauchau * 84 12,5606 50,8 de5142301 limbacher teiche * 196 12,7531 50,8419 de5142302 oberwald hohenstein-ernstthal * 182 12,6914 50,8219 de5144301 fl hatal * 1 814 13,1822 50,7356 de5146301 gimmlitztal * 218 13,6017 50,7706 de5147301 p belbachtal und hofeh bel * 169 13,67 50,81 de5148301 luchberggebiet * 38 13,7297 50,8664 de5148302 trebnitztal * 248 13,8272 50,8339 de5148303 bergwiesen bei d nschten * 15 13,7206 50,8217 de5148304 weicholdswald * 166 13,76 50,7897 de5149301 mittelgebirgslandschaft um oelsen * 680 13,9156 50,8028 de5149302 feuchtgebiete am brand * 44 13,9958 50,8158 de5153301 hochlagen des zittauer gebirges * 727 14,6917 50,8444 de5154301 eichgrabener feuchtgebiet * 150 14,8036 50,8692 de5203301 wehebacht ler und leyberg * 199,97 6,3169 50,72 de5203302 werther heide, napoleonsweg 17,48 6,2825 50,7767 de5203303 brockenberg 32,36 6,2314 50,7497 de5203305 b renstein 27,12 6,2342 50,7572 de5203306 hammerberg 32,64 6,2378 50,7633 de5203307 m nsterbachtal, m nsterbusch * 67,71 6,205 50,7781 de5203308 schlangenberg 107,91 6,2503 50,7417 de5203309 steinbruchbereich bernhardshammer und binsfeldhammer 81,83 6,2494 50,7594 de5203310 brander wald * 193,88 6,1964 50,765 de5209302 tongrube niederpleis 13,48 7,2283 50,7725 de5210301 wohmbach und zufl sse * 58,97 7,4756 50,7286 de5210302 ahrenbach, adscheider tal 141,68 7,3561 50,7531 de5210303 sieg * 617,22 7,2033 50,7886 de5210304 basaltsteinbruch eitorf/ stein 11,49 7,4681 50,7367 de5211301 leuscheider heide * 1 179 7,5211 50,7269 de5211302 wiesen bei dreisel 73,84 7,5911 50,7922 de5211303 buchenw lder auf dem leuscheid 140,93 7,5114 50,7392 de5211304 steinbruch imhausen 15,14 7,6219 50,7719 de5212302 sieg * 1 042 7,7728 50,7847 de5212303 nistertal und kroppacher schweiz * 1 113 7,7931 50,7064 de5213301 w lder am hohenseelbachkopf * 1 025 8,0011 50,7444 de5214301 in der gambach * 15,97 8,0786 50,7308 de5214302 gilsbachtal 60,11 8,0728 50,7653 de5214303 bergwiesen lippe mit buchheller- und mischebachtal * 265,3 8,0717 50,7108 de5214305 r bgarten * 129,82 8,0897 50,7153 de5214306 weier- und winterbach * 221,5 8,1433 50,7078 de5214307 grosser stein mit umgebenden buchenw ldern * 80,34 8,1183 50,73 de5214308 hickengrund / wetterbachtal 87,62 8,1533 50,7375 de5214309 buchheller-quellgebiet * 203,06 8,0528 50,7069 de5215304 orchideenwiesen bei haiger-seelbach * 89,97 8,1894 50,7611 de5215305 krombachswiesen und struth bei sechshelden * 342,38 8,2456 50,7489 de5215306 dill bis herborn-burg mit zufl ssen * 93,97 8,2608 50,6889 de5215307 waldgebiet stlich von langenaubach * 138,64 8,2 50,715 de5215308 wald und gr nland um donsbach * 229,98 8,2414 50,7358 de5215309 wei eh ll und waldbereiche stlich niederscheld * 106,48 8,3181 50,7097 de5215310 wechselfeuchtes gr nland nordwestlich haiger-flammersbach * 12,29 8,1678 50,7342 de5216302 strickshute von frechenhausen * 33,32 8,4353 50,7975 de5216303 struth von bottenhorn und erweiterungsfl chen * 105,67 8,4614 50,7972 de5216305 schelder wald * 3 788,78 8,3733 50,7597 de5216306 hoffeld bei eisemroth * 42,83 8,3892 50,7225 de5216307 magerrasen bei wommelshausen * 6,46 8,4942 50,7714 de5217301 waldgebiet stlich von lohra 82,19 8,6586 50,7353 de5218301 kleine lummersbach bei cyriaxweimar 138,25 8,7111 50,7936 de5218302 lahnaltarm von bellnhausen * 16,39 8,7183 50,7086 de5218303 zwester ohm * 31,84 8,7639 50,7147 de5219301 am neburg * 31,62 8,9228 50,7928 de5219303 ohmwiesen bei r digheim 198,61 8,9433 50,7797 de5219304 wald zwischen ro berg und h ingen * 366,57 8,8939 50,7139 de5220302 l tzelgrund bei maulbach * 45,19 9,0819 50,7278 de5221301 w lder n rdlich ohmes * 271,36 9,1772 50,785 de5221302 wald zwischen romrod und ober-sorg * 532,46 9,2744 50,7072 de5222301 immichenhainer teiche * 23,21 9,3408 50,7986 de5224301 gro es moor bei gro enmoor * 23,72 9,6678 50,7033 de5224302 moor bei wehrda * 5,49 9,6722 50,7344 de5224303 hauneaue zwischen neukirchen und hermannspiegel 183,78 9,7133 50,7936 de5225305 ulster * 300 9,9589 50,7425 de5225306 standorfsberg b ckenberg * 137 9,9278 50,7628 de5225307 hubenberg michelsberg auew ldchen * 257 9,9781 50,7636 de5225308 rasdorfer berg * 268 9,9375 50,7244 de5226301 nsg arzberg * 114 10,0236 50,7508 de5226302 kuppige rh n s dwestlich dermbach * 3 891 10,0556 50,6981 de5226304 chsenberg dietrichsberg sattelberg * 962 10,0278 50,7867 de5227301 ple stoffelskuppe bernsh user kutte * 1 570 10,2425 50,7511 de5227302 nsg horn mit kahlk pfchen * 164 10,1908 50,7194 de5227304 nsg breitunger seen 77 10,3317 50,7506 de5229301 mittlerer th ringer wald westlich oberhof * 1 037 10,6489 50,7106 de5229303 th ringer wald zwischen kleinschmalkalden und tambach-dietharz * 1 409 10,5592 50,7964 de5230303 erlebachwiesen bei w lfis * 111 10,7631 50,7939 de5230304 glb hangquellmoor siegelbach 8 10,7433 50,7531 de5230305 wilde gera bis plaue und reichenbach * 536 10,7886 50,7311 de5231301 wipfragrund stausee heyda * 578 10,9456 50,7214 de5231302 evangelische kirche dosdorf 0,01 10,9158 50,7992 de5231303 sch ferspalte im zimmertal und enzianerdfall bei plaue 0,1 10,8789 50,7831 de5231304 gro e luppe reinsberge veronikaberg * 2 483 10,9069 50,7736 de5232301 edelmannsberg * 278 11,0894 50,7544 de5232304 ilm-aue von gr finau-angstedt bis stadtilm * 315 11,0336 50,7383 de5232305 nsg t nnreisig * 36 11,0542 50,7714 de5233301 kalmberg * 586 11,1806 50,7789 de5233302 fledermauswochenstuben kleing litz 0,01 11,2469 50,6997 de5233303 muschelkalkh nge um teichel und gro kochberg * 1 026 11,2583 50,7864 de5233304 muschelkalk-landschaft westlich rudolstadt * 1 080 11,2128 50,7119 de5235301 glb in den nikolauswiesen 0,23 11,5389 50,7742 de5235302 fledermausquartiere orlam nde 0,01 11,5267 50,7775 de5235303 fledermausquartiere im walpersberg bei gro eutersdorf 0,1 11,5589 50,795 de5236301 neust dter teichgebiet * 467 11,7408 50,7544 de5236302 stliches riffgebiet orlatal * 137 11,6817 50,7144 de5237301 nsg frie nitzer see struth * 355 11,9431 50,7775 de5237302 auma buchenberg wolcheteiche * 489 11,8458 50,6875 de5238303 elstertal zwischen greiz und w nschendorf * 1 602 12,1536 50,7267 de5239301 bildh lzer im werdauer wald * 125 12,2719 50,7103 de5243301 zw nitztal * 133 12,9789 50,7633 de5244301 lautenbachtal * 124 13,1578 50,7211 de5245301 tal der schwarzen pockau * 720 13,2411 50,6225 de5245302 kalkwerk lengefeld * 6 13,1758 50,6978 de5247301 buchenw lder bei rechenberg-holzhau * 180 13,5542 50,7253 de5248301 bergwiesen um schellerhau und altenberg * 82 13,6992 50,7714 de5248302 hemmschuh * 254 13,6872 50,7272 de5248303 geisingberg und geisingwiesen * 325 13,7758 50,7719 de5248304 kahleberg bei altenberg 22 13,7325 50,7483 de5248305 georgenfelder hochmoor * 35 13,745 50,7281 de5248306 f rstenauer heide und grenzwiesen f rstenau * 522 13,8136 50,7353 de5303301 wollerscheider und hoscheider venn * 34,96 6,2469 50,6281 de5303302 kalltal und nebent ler * 620,88 6,2814 50,6172 de5303303 buchenw lder bei zweifall * 402,82 6,2703 50,6878 de5304301 ruraue von heimbach bis obermaubach * 261,97 6,4744 50,6697 de5304302 buntsandsteinfelsen im rurtal * 315,38 6,4822 50,6883 de5304303 meuchelberg * 58,29 6,465 50,6378 de5305301 b rvenicher berg / t tschberg * 46,01 6,6036 50,6419 de5305302 muschelkalkkuppen bei embken und muldenau * 46,37 6,5447 50,6969 de5305303 griesberg 18,02 6,6397 50,5992 de5306301 schavener heide 67,11 6,6781 50,6194 de5307301 laubwald s dlich rheinbach * 550,53 6,9414 50,6044 de5308303 waldreservat kottenforst * 2 456,15 7,0536 50,6733 de5309301 siebengebirge * 4 661,74 7,2722 50,6283 de5309302 rodderberg 32,81 7,1903 50,6467 de5309303 kaolingrube oedingen 17,71 7,1708 50,6156 de5309304 basaltsteinbr che h hnerberg und eudenberg / tongrube eudenbach 144,32 7,3492 50,6992 de5309305 asberg bei kalenborn 94 7,3886 50,6628 de5310301 nsg komper heide * 52,76 7,3661 50,6839 de5310302 asbacher grubenfeld 23 7,3886 50,6628 de5310303 heiden und wiesen bei buchholz * 88 7,3728 50,6822 de5312301 unterwesterwald bei herschbach * 1 019 7,7564 50,5958 de5313301 ackerflur bei alpenrod 12 7,8664 50,6292 de5314301 hoher westerwald * 1 965,11 8,1533 50,6228 de5314303 nsg krombachtalsperre 43 8,1275 50,6242 de5314304 feuchtgebiete und heiden des hohen westerwaldes * 4 780 8,0178 50,6719 de5315302 amdorfer viehweide 17,8 8,2631 50,6806 de5315303 h rbacher viehweide * 29,67 8,2619 50,6744 de5315304 rehbachtal zwischen driedorf und merkenbach * 110,5 8,25 50,6433 de5315305 ulmbachtal und wiesen in den hainerlen * 144,67 8,2253 50,6156 de5315306 fleisbachtal und hindstein * 102,69 8,2847 50,6269 de5315307 waldgebiet zwischen uckersdorf und burg * 117,87 8,2844 50,6994 de5315308 beilstein bei herborn 54,56 8,3289 50,665 de5315309 gr nland und h hlen bei erdbach und medenbach * 306,81 8,2403 50,6933 de5316301 wacholderheiden und gr nland n rdlich von niederlemp 48,15 8,4194 50,6519 de5316302 gr nlandkomplexe von herbornseelbach bis ballersbach und aar-aue * 412,94 8,3503 50,6756 de5316303 dillwiesen bei katzenfurt 47,62 8,3608 50,6156 de5316304 salbeiwiesen bei bechlingen und breitenbachtal 136 8,4561 50,6108 de5316305 wiesen westlich des leuchtek ppels bei bellersdorf 34,6 8,4328 50,6753 de5316306 struthwiesen bei gro altenst dten * 167,02 8,4864 50,6692 de5316308 krausebachtal bei gro altenst dten * 11,71 8,4856 50,6519 de5316309 auenbereich zwischen oberlemp und k lschhausen * 53,93 8,4169 50,645 de5317301 oberes verstal * 85,01 8,5739 50,6856 de5317302 helfholzwiesen und br hl bei erda * 121,89 8,5369 50,6811 de5317304 holzw ldchen bei krofdorf-gleiberg 11,38 8,6358 50,605 de5317305 gr nland und w lder zwischen frankenbach und heuchelheim * 499,73 8,5825 50,6278 de5317306 krofdorfer forst * 811,03 8,6458 50,6703 de5317307 fohnbach und gleibach * 34,08 8,6186 50,6478 de5318301 hangelstein * 106,38 8,7261 50,6292 de5318302 wieseckaue und josolleraue * 649,67 8,7222 50,6067 de5318303 feuchtwiesen bei daubringen * 164,78 8,7417 50,6389 de5318304 tr nkbachniederung bei daubringen 119,52 8,7719 50,6497 de5318305 borstgrasrasen bei wieseck und callunaheiden bei mainzlar * 11,26 8,7467 50,6686 de5318306 wiesecker teiche 4,75 8,7139 50,6183 de5319301 hoher stein bei nordeck 31,6 8,8553 50,6972 de5319302 sickler teich bei londorf * 6,32 8,8844 50,6925 de5319303 waldgebiete zwischen weitershain und bersrod * 574,4 8,9386 50,65 de5320303 feldatal/kahlofen und ohmaue * 969,78 9,1025 50,6394 de5321301 talauen von brenderwasser,sengersbach,wannbach- und k pfelbachtal * 174,68 9,275 50,6183 de5321302 am kalten born bei wallenrod * 39,98 9,3114 50,6567 de5321303 seifen und maschhag westlich allmenrod * 34,96 9,2997 50,6428 de5321304 wald n rdlich k ddingen * 543,95 9,2186 50,6311 de5322303 gro seggenried am huhnrod * 2,85 9,4736 50,6272 de5322304 hutewald auf dem hainig bei lauterbach * 5,15 9,4181 50,6233 de5322305 magerrasen bei lauterbach und kalkberge bei schwarz * 362,7 9,4117 50,7047 de5322306 lauter und eisenbach * 170,62 9,3228 50,5875 de5323301 breitenbachtal bei michelsrombach * 593,49 9,6442 50,6447 de5323303 obere und mittlere fuldaaue * 2 538,5 9,5942 50,6267 de5325303 nsg teufelsberg pietzelstein * 203 9,8861 50,67 de5325304 nsg r berg nsg tannenberg-seelesberg * 585 9,91 50,6433 de5325305 vorderrh n * 3 690,4 9,8436 50,6561 de5325308 n st ab mahlerts * 49,89 9,8478 50,63 de5325350 ulsteraue * 279,24 9,9928 50,545 de5326301 nsg horbel hoflar birkenberg * 591 10,0856 50,6367 de5326302 ibengarten wiesenthaler schweiz sommertal * 1 455 10,1575 50,6714 de5326303 kirche neidhardtshausen 0,01 10,1269 50,6792 de5327302 grimmelbachliete hardt * 98 10,1803 50,6186 de5327303 kr cke oberwald wunschberg * 258 10,2306 50,6214 de5327305 ro dorfer steintriften * 260 10,2217 50,6947 de5328303 eschberg d rrenberg * 311 10,4186 50,6272 de5328305 werra bis treffurt mit zufl ssen * 2 260 10,2339 51,0303 de5328306 dolmar und christeser grund * 1 049 10,4892 50,6364 de5329301 reisinger stein 59 10,6272 50,6614 de5330301 schneekopf schm cker graben gro er beerberg * 1 106 10,7592 50,6742 de5330305 oberlauf der zahmen gera seiffartsburg * 1 015 10,8056 50,6853 de5330306 th ringer wald stlich suhl mit vessertal * 3 729 10,78 50,59 de5331301 erbskopf marktal und morast gabelt ler * 734 10,8953 50,6317 de5331302 bergwiesen um schmiedefeld a. rstg. mit ziegensumpf * 159 10,8353 50,6089 de5332301 pennewitzer teiche unteres wohlrosetal * 423 11,0325 50,6739 de5332302 fledermausquartiere k nigsee 0,01 11,0953 50,6633 de5333301 schwarzatal ab goldisthal mit zufl ssen * 1 903 11,1108 50,6031 de5333302 nsg schenkenberg * 52 11,2931 50,6911 de5333304 schieferbruch unterwei bach 0,1 11,1697 50,6197 de5334301 saaletal zwischen hohenwarte und saalfeld * 744 11,3931 50,6264 de5334303 stollen gottschild kamsdorf 0,1 11,4781 50,6483 de5335303 krankenhaus ranis 0,01 11,5606 50,6617 de5335304 zechsteinriffe in der orlasenke und d britzer schweiz * 448 11,5711 50,6744 de5336302 dreba-plothener teichgebiet * 1 038 11,7558 50,6447 de5337301 nordwestvogtl ndische teiche und moor oberlinda * 371 11,9539 50,5564 de5337302 separate fledermausquartiere u. -habitate vogtland/westerzgebirge * 279 12,2522 50,4808 de5337320 weidatal * 225 11,9947 50,6942 de5338301 p llwitzer wald * 962 12,0811 50,6386 de5338302 elstersteilh nge * 659 12,16 50,57 de5339302 waschteich reuth * 16 12,3186 50,6647 de5339303 g ltzschtal * 260 12,2886 50,5942 de5340301 bacht ler s dlich zwickau * 83 12,5047 50,6608 de5340302 crinitzer wasser und teiche im kirchberger granitgebiet * 202 12,4981 50,6214 de5341301 wildenfelser bach und zschockener teiche * 34 12,6439 50,6631 de5341302 kalkbr che im wildenfelser zwischengebirge * 14 12,6036 50,6553 de5341303 muldetal bei aue * 894 12,6639 50,6403 de5341304 moorgebiet am filzteich und stockteich * 378 12,5906 50,5614 de5342301 kuttenbach, moosheide und vordere aue * 213 12,8025 50,5944 de5343301 moore und mittelgebirgslandschaft bei elterlein * 407 12,9097 50,5769 de5343302 moorgebiet rotes wasser * 99 12,8933 50,6508 de5343303 binge geyer 6 12,93 50,6189 de5344301 moosheide bei marienberg * 53 13,1286 50,6467 de5344302 pre nitz- und rauschenbachtal * 851 13,1458 50,5686 de5344303 p hlbachtal * 337 13,0508 50,5228 de5345301 buchenw lder und moorwald bei neuhausen und olbernhau * 1 700 13,4211 50,6361 de5345302 moth user heide * 664 13,2181 50,5889 de5345303 serpentingebiet z blitz-ansprung 140 13,2556 50,6558 de5345304 kriegwaldmoore * 163 13,2739 50,6114 de5345305 natzschungtal * 216 13,3364 50,6108 de5345306 bergwiesen um r benau, k hnhaide und satzung * 471 13,1908 50,5125 de5403301 perlenbach-fuhrtsbachtal * 331,25 6,2372 50,5119 de5403302 gebirgsbach rur bei monschau * 91,26 6,2125 50,5481 de5403303 felsen am unterlauf des perlenbaches * 33,37 6,2508 50,5297 de5403304 oberlauf der rur * 938,11 6,2003 50,5383 de5403305 vennhochfl che bei m tzenich 32,25 6,2028 50,5689 de5403306 monschauer stollen 0,12 6,2314 50,5481 de5404301 kermeter * 3 588,62 6,4514 50,6161 de5404302 bacht ler im truppen bungsplatz vogelsang * 233,63 6,3806 50,5364 de5404303 dedenborn, talaue des p ngel-, w stebaches und erkensruhroberlauf * 668,14 6,3494 50,5336 de5404304 schlosskirche in schleiden 0,08 6,4739 50,53 de5405301 kallmuther berg 274,85 6,6331 50,5769 de5405302 h nge an urft und gillesbach, urftaue von urft bis schmidtheim * 495,26 6,58 50,5044 de5405303 weyerer wald * 225,42 6,6269 50,5392 de5405305 tanzberg 18,5 6,5856 50,5425 de5405306 mannenbergh hlen und mannenbergstollen 0,51 6,6281 50,5 de5405307 kartsteinh hlen mit kakush hle * 5,45 6,6594 50,5458 de5405308 willenbergstollen bei nettersheim-zingsheim 0,24 6,6431 50,5147 de5406301 eschweiler tal und kalkkuppen * 384,47 6,7322 50,5669 de5406302 bad m nstereifeler wald * 856,59 6,8333 50,5439 de5406303 hardt bei pesch 21,71 6,6786 50,5344 de5407301 wiesen bei ruine tomberg 107,08 6,9794 50,5889 de5408302 ahrtal * 1 659 7,0019 50,4969 de5409301 m ndungsgebiet der ahr * 125 7,2708 50,5553 de5410301 w lder zwischen linz und neuwied * 3 000 7,3781 50,5125 de5410302 felsent ler der wied * 1 213 7,4439 50,5497 de5412301 westerw lder seenplatte * 430 7,8358 50,5828 de5413301 westerw lder kuppenland * 3187 7,8836 50,5033 de5414301 elbbachtal * 82,84 8,0522 50,4939 de5414302 heidenkopf und knoten n rdlich mengerskirchen * 118,26 8,1625 50,5756 de5414303 wiesen n rdlich lahr 51,01 8,1369 50,5214 de5414304 abbaugebiete dornburg-thalheim * 278,91 8,0253 50,5236 de5415301 kallenbachtal zwischen arborn und obershausen * 174,34 8,2058 50,5767 de5415303 maienburg bei winkels * 12,48 8,1711 50,5569 de5415304 kreuzberg und kahlenbergskopf bei obershausen * 1 098,34 8,2478 50,575 de5415305 ulmbach zwischen allendorf und biskirchen * 13,13 8,2978 50,5497 de5416301 weinberg bei wetzlar * 183,41 8,4678 50,54 de5416302 waldgebiet stlich von allendorf und n rdlich von leun * 3 224,55 8,3581 50,5625 de5416303 lahnwiesen zwischen burgsolms und oberbiel * 72,98 8,4039 50,5497 de5416304 dillauen bei der lutherm hle 30,34 8,4036 50,5942 de5416305 urwaldzelle bei braunfels 20,09 8,3728 50,5167 de5417301 lahnaue zwischen atzbach und gie en * 369,33 8,6183 50,5761 de5417302 abgrabungsgew sser grube fernie 13,81 8,6464 50,5439 de5418301 gie ener bergwerkswald 85,85 8,6711 50,5619 de5418302 gew sser in den gailschen tongruben 6,65 8,6931 50,5639 de5418303 wald um die peterseen s dwestlich lich 86,35 8,7858 50,5017 de5419301 wetterniederung bei lich * 364,92 8,8683 50,5303 de5419303 w lder und flachwasserteiche stlich lich * 584,86 8,8756 50,5144 de5419304 lauter bei laubach * 12,88 8,9886 50,5719 de5420304 laubacher wald * 9 485,67 9,0761 50,4903 de5421302 hoher vogelsberg * 3 861,36 9,2506 50,4778 de5422303 talauen bei herbstein * 1 379,11 9,3986 50,5372 de5422304 weinberg bei stockhausen * 13,14 9,4425 50,5706 de5423301 himmelsberg * 132,61 9,5422 50,515 de5423302 zeller loch * 4,76 9,6222 50,5142 de5423303 kalkberge bei gro enl der * 45,75 9,5194 50,5864 de5423304 l der mit zufl ssen * 127,92 9,5128 50,5033 de5426320 hohe rh n * 1 620 10,0922 50,5636 de5427301 geba-triften diesburg * 1 716 10,2964 50,5858 de5427303 nsg bischofswaldung mit stedtlinger moor * 515 10,2544 50,5222 de5428301 zehnerberg und bauerbachtal * 117 10,4203 50,5069 de5428302 trockenhang am halsberg * 32 10,4889 50,535 de5428303 herpfer wald berkeser wald stillberg * 2 207 10,355 50,5544 de5429301 kalkquellmoore bei lengfeld * 13 10,6714 50,5258 de5429302 kirche marisfeld 0,01 10,5733 50,5569 de5429303 kirche themar 0,01 10,6158 50,5033 de5430301 erle-wiesen st. kilian * 101 10,7442 50,5717 de5431301 schleusegrund-wiesen * 386 10,8481 50,5197 de5431304 bergwiesen um neustadt a. rstg. und kahlert * 260 10,93 50,5792 de5434301 schieferbr che bei probstzella 348 11,3586 50,5558 de5434302 kirche reichenbach 0,01 11,3772 50,5678 de5435301 mittelgrund * 662 11,6072 50,5169 de5436301 burgk bleiberg kobersfelsen * 422 11,7372 50,5414 de5436303 wettera * 126 11,7825 50,5222 de5437301 wisenta und zeitera * 81 11,9281 50,5353 de5437302 wisenta und zeitera * 401 11,895 50,5542 de5438302 gro er weidenteich * 342 12,0592 50,4975 de5438303 syrau-kauschwitzer heide * 178 12,0669 50,5292 de5438304 rosenbachgebiet * 114 12,0433 50,4872 de5438305 vogtl ndische p hle * 187 11,9689 50,4133 de5438320 nsg steinicht * 17 12,1594 50,5833 de5439301 triebtalgebiet * 203 12,2867 50,4589 de5439302 unteres friesenbachgebiet * 43 12,1772 50,5028 de5440301 steinberggebiet * 216 12,4569 50,5392 de5441301 moorgebiet moosheide obercrinitz * 62 12,5144 50,5731 de5441302 steinbergwiesen und seifenbachtal * 68 12,6433 50,5456 de5441303 bergwiesen um sch nheide und st tzengr n * 134 12,5344 50,4953 de5441304 tal der gro en bockau * 410 12,6267 50,4814 de5441305 bergwiesen um sosa * 130 12,6633 50,4917 de5442301 schwarzwassertal und burkhardtswald * 656 12,7203 50,4708 de5442302 griesbachgebiet * 175 12,735 50,5394 de5442303 p hlwassertal mit wernitzb chel * 134 12,8222 50,5108 de5443301 mittelerzgebirgische basaltberge * 156 13,0342 50,5719 de5443302 scheibenberger heide * 115 12,9261 50,5208 de5444301 buchenw lder bei steinbach * 441 13,1717 50,5403 de5445301 moore und moorw lder bei satzung * 158 13,1831 50,5075 de5504302 bunker wiesen 0,32 6,4744 50,4683 de5504303 oleftal * 11,64 6,345 50,4614 de5504305 kyllquellgebiet * 81,25 6,3808 50,3919 de5505301 wiesen, borstgrasrasen und heiden bei sistig * 127,35 6,5217 50,4717 de5505304 manscheider bachtal und paulushof * 258,42 6,5064 50,4547 de5505305 unteres genfbachtal * 46,95 6,655 50,4869 de5505307 kalktuffquelle bei blankenheim * 0,47 6,6628 50,4436 de5505308 haubachtal, dietrichseiffen * 190,72 6,6203 50,45 de5505309 dahlemer binz * 11,52 6,53 50,4042 de5506301 buirer lei bei buir 51,73 6,7278 50,4822 de5506302 aremberg * 241 6,8206 50,4192 de5507301 w lder am hohn * 287 6,9203 50,4153 de5509301 nsg laacher see * 2 104 7,2758 50,4131 de5509302 vulkankuppen am brohlbachtal * 1 115 7,2022 50,4667 de5510301 mittelrhein * 1 195 7,5583 50,35 de5510302 rheinh nge zwischen unkel und neuwied * 768 7,2903 50,5367 de5511301 nsg urmitzer werth * 69 7,5117 50,4186 de5511302 brexbach- und saynbachtal * 2 014 7,6219 50,4522 de5512301 montabaurer h he * 2 811 7,7589 50,4072 de5513302 waldgebiet westlich von elz * 40,83 7,9856 50,4197 de5514301 heidenh uschen * 145,02 8,0825 50,4756 de5514302 spitzberg, gackenberg und tongruben von hintermeilingen 154,36 8,1139 50,4839 de5514303 b renloch bei thalheim 1,69 8,0372 50,4889 de5514304 elbbachaue stlich von elz * 48,09 8,0475 50,4081 de5515302 marmorbruch wirbelau 8,04 8,2122 50,4519 de5515303 lahntal und seine h nge * 2 166,38 8,1881 50,3942 de5516301 heiligerwald-blessestein-eichenkopf * 938,77 8,4028 50,4892 de5516302 waldgebiete s dwestlich von weilm nster * 142,44 8,3611 50,4153 de5516303 an den fu wiesen bei gr venwiesbach * 136,81 8,4369 50,4047 de5517301 wehrholz * 157,63 8,6278 50,4914 de5517302 wacholderheide und streuobstwiese bei hoch-weisel 13,34 8,6247 50,4089 de5517303 ackergrundbachtal n rdlich cleeberg * 38,28 8,5458 50,4581 de5518301 salzwiesen von m nzenberg * 64,25 8,765 50,4631 de5518302 in der metz bei m nzenberg 21,34 8,7522 50,4519 de5518303 salzwiesen bei rockenberg * 11,05 8,7297 50,4317 de5518304 gr nland bei bellersheim und obbornhofen 54,4 8,8319 50,4458 de5518305 h lle von rockenberg 10,36 8,7358 50,4383 de5518306 wald stlich oppershofen 101,49 8,7797 50,4217 de5519302 kaltenrain bei steinheim 22,73 8,9325 50,4444 de5519304 horloffaue zwischen hungen und grund-schwalheim * 604,59 8,9117 50,4481 de5519305 basalth gel des vogelsberges im randbereich zur wetterau 75,14 8,9325 50,4539 de5520301 basaltsteinbruch glash tten 6,98 9,1342 50,4117 de5520302 talauen von nidder und hillersbach bei gedern und burkhards * 253,9 9,1633 50,4222 de5520303 wingersh user schweiz * 67,71 9,1147 50,4586 de5520304 basaltmagerrasen am rand der wetterauer trockeninsel * 263,53 9,0383 50,4914 de5520305 eichk ppel bei eichelsdorf 42 9,0733 50,4583 de5520306 waldgebiete s dlich und s dwestlich von schotten * 1 680,61 9,0897 50,4311 de5521301 merkenfritzbachaue bei gedern * 28,98 9,1864 50,4131 de5521302 hegwaldseifen bei ober-seemen * 43,42 9,2714 50,4286 de5521303 kugelhornmoosfl chen im vogelsberg 16,82 9,1711 50,3944 de5522301 in der kiesel bei hintersteinau * 32,05 9,4447 50,4222 de5522303 talauen bei freiensteinau und gew sserabschnitt der salz * 787,25 9,3467 50,4044 de5522304 vogelsbergteiche und l deraue bei grebenhain * 493,46 9,3672 50,4864 de5523301 sch nbuche 124,66 9,5356 50,4731 de5523302 zufl sse der fliede * 95,87 9,7169 50,4583 de5525351 hochrh n * 4 809,62 10,0031 50,4733 de5525352 haderwald * 1 794,86 9,8742 50,4203 de5526371 bayerische hohe rh n * 19 260,59 9,9475 50,4139 de5527301 winterquartiere der mopsfledermaus in der rh n 0 10,1289 50,5425 de5527371 bachsystem der streu mit nebengew ssern 1 275,52 10,2414 50,4578 de5527372 trockengebiete vor der rh n * 789,74 10,2889 50,4694 de5527373 trockenverbundgebiet rh n grabfeld * 616,49 10,1981 50,4258 de5528371 bahratal 65,62 10,3725 50,4028 de5529301 gehegter berg eingefallener berg * 140 10,6208 50,4894 de5529302 gleichberge * 1 831 10,5947 50,3958 de5529303 eingefallener keller themar 0,01 10,6092 50,4986 de5530301 elsterbachtal wiedersbacher moore * 80 10,8089 50,4678 de5530302 heidefl che im hildburgh user stadtwald * 107 10,7231 50,4642 de5531302 nsg leite bei harras * 570 10,8686 50,3978 de5532302 nsg r thengrund * 116 11,1586 50,4072 de5532307 h hlen bei rauenstein und meschenbach * 7 11,0728 50,4086 de5532308 westliches schiefergebirge um steinheid und scheibe-alsbach * 1 739 11,0644 50,51 de5533301 tettautal klettnitzgrund * 152 11,2456 50,4142 de5533302 haderholz 23 11,2489 50,47 de5533303 bergwiesen im sonneberger oberland * 179 11,2353 50,4739 de5534301 schieferbr che um lehesten * 241 11,4442 50,5042 de5535301 j gersruh gem grund th ringische moschwitz * 1 374 11,61 50,4014 de5536301 h nge an der bleilochtalsperre * 927 11,7289 50,4794 de5536371 saaletal v. joditz bis blankenstein u. nsg tannbach b. m dlareuth * 337,69 11,8036 50,41 de5537301 tannbach-klingefelsen * 29 11,8433 50,3992 de5537302 gr nes band sachsen / bayern * 741 11,9825 50,3683 de5537303 kemnitztal * 151 12,0494 50,4206 de5537304 kleingew sser um mi lareuth * 28 11,9361 50,4375 de5538301 elstertal oberhalb plauen * 621 12,0642 50,4475 de5538302 triebelbachtal * 190 12,1203 50,3786 de5539301 g rnitzbach- und w rschnitzbachtal * 291 12,3253 50,3783 de5539302 bergwiesen und moorstandorte bei sch neck * 104 12,3181 50,3847 de5540301 am alten flo graben * 97 12,4194 50,445 de5540302 oberes zwickauer muldetal * 425 12,4267 50,4428 de5540303 bergwiesen um klingenthal * 223 12,3892 50,355 de5540304 buchenw lder um klingenthal * 244 12,4556 50,3875 de5541301 erzgebirgskamm am kleinen kranichsee * 330 12,6683 50,4164 de5541302 erzgebirgskamm am gro en kranichsee * 999 12,5847 50,4164 de5541303 mittelgebirgslandschaft bei johanngeorgenstadt * 467 12,6981 50,455 de5542301 wiesen um halbmeil und breitenbrunn * 82 12,8081 50,4339 de5543301 zweibach 106 12,8558 50,4586 de5543302 gro es mittweidatal * 220 12,9292 50,4453 de5543303 kalkbruch hammerunterwiesenthal * 21 13,0033 50,4472 de5543304 fichtelbergwiesen * 231 12,9433 50,4114 de5604301 baasemer wald * 96,5 6,4767 50,3886 de5605302 gew ssersystem der ahr * 2 542,25 6,635 50,37 de5605304 heidemoor am moorbach 12,06 6,5686 50,3897 de5605305 dahlemer kalktriften * 99,62 6,5128 50,37 de5605306 obere kyll und kalkmulden der nordeifel * 1 326 6,6325 50,3358 de5607301 w lder um bongard in der eifel * 70 6,8431 50,3 de5608302 nitzbach mit hangw ldern zwischen virneburg und nitztal * 616 7,1147 50,3575 de5608303 wacholderheiden der osteifel * 1 134 7,0883 50,4267 de5609301 unterirdische stillgelegte basaltgruben mayen und niedermendig 153 7,2661 50,3611 de5610301 nettetal * 1 170 7,2828 50,3478 de5612301 staatsforst stelzenbach 488 7,8281 50,3797 de5613301 lahnh nge * 4 781 7,8606 50,3236 de5614301 eich von niederbrechen * 30,19 8,1456 50,3678 de5614302 mensfelder kopf * 35,11 8,0928 50,3492 de5615303 wald und schiefergruben bei langhecke und klein-weinbach * 331,31 8,2597 50,39 de5615304 eisenbach bei niederselters * 13,13 8,2733 50,3436 de5616301 im weihergrund bei laubuseschbach * 4,3 8,3419 50,3825 de5617301 haubergsgrund bei pfaffenwiesbach * 39,46 8,6272 50,3281 de5617302 eichkopf bei oberm rlen 59,44 8,65 50,3525 de5617303 usa zwischen wernborn und ober-m rlen * 60,14 8,6136 50,3672 de5618301 salzwiesen von wisselsheim * 23,06 8,7558 50,3833 de5618302 magertriften von ober-m rlen und ostheim * 77,52 8,675 50,3783 de5618303 bungsplatz bei ockstadt 48,78 8,7108 50,3444 de5619303 am faulenberg bei dauernheim 21,42 8,9603 50,3742 de5619305 buchenw lder stlich von echzell * 847,18 8,9414 50,4033 de5619306 gr nlandgebiete in der wetterau * 1 369,15 8,9444 50,3478 de5620301 salzwiesen und weinberg von selters * 33,7 9,0331 50,3492 de5620302 gei berg bei ortenberg * 14,97 9,0731 50,3514 de5621301 gew ssersystem der bracht 53,74 9,2606 50,3425 de5621302 seemenbachtal bei niederseemen * 44,47 9,2406 50,3933 de5621303 reichenbach und riedbach bei birstein * 21,54 9,3022 50,3183 de5622301 bellinger berg * 95,58 9,4936 50,3111 de5622302 weinberg bei steinau 34,78 9,4425 50,3256 de5622303 h lle und weinberg von kressenbach * 20,61 9,4633 50,3733 de5622304 weiherskopf/ hohestein * 420,78 9,4542 50,3628 de5622305 ohlsteinbruch bei steinau an der stra e * 25,43 9,4794 50,3381 de5622306 steinaubachtal, teufelsloch und almosenwiese bei steinau a.d.str. * 104,04 9,4683 50,3489 de5622307 kaupe und lochwiese bei rzell 23 9,4372 50,3953 de5622309 katzenstein bei marborn * 2,3 9,4022 50,3172 de5622310 steinaubach und rzeller wasser * 45,34 9,4444 50,3897 de5623301 stephanskuppe bei sterbfritz * 8,47 9,645 50,32 de5623302 am stein bei elm 7,39 9,5839 50,37 de5623303 ebertsberg bei elm * 13,51 9,5703 50,3631 de5623304 weinberg bei hohenzell * 45,79 9,545 50,3175 de5623305 weinberg bei bellings * 24,72 9,5139 50,3033 de5623306 hainberg bei elm 5,42 9,5431 50,3694 de5623307 hundsgraben bei elm * 25,39 9,5561 50,3719 de5623308 waizenberg bei hohenzell * 15,11 9,5239 50,3125 de5623309 im escherts bei hutten * 17,08 9,5994 50,3642 de5623310 weiperzberg bei breunings und weiperz * 36,68 9,5947 50,3 de5623311 langer berg bei sterbfritz 38,96 9,6264 50,3264 de5623312 lietebach,kelterberg und schluchtwald bei ahlersbach u. hohenzell * 208,15 9,5597 50,3183 de5623313 kinzberg bei vollmerz 14,84 9,6017 50,3333 de5623314 weinberg bei ahlersbach 31,94 9,5642 50,3317 de5623315 weinberg und giebel bei elm und herolz * 31,36 9,5478 50,3628 de5623316 gerlingsberg bei herolz * 20,89 9,5769 50,3492 de5623317 kinzigsystem oberhalb von steinau a. d. stra e * 152,28 9,5667 50,315 de5623318 lambertswiese bei bellings * 5,51 9,5181 50,3086 de5623320 hangw lder am ebertsberg/escheberg bei elm * 57,85 9,5767 50,3586 de5623321 basaltmagerrasen und alter stein bei gundhelm * 6,81 9,6561 50,3661 de5623322 kohlk ppel und berg cker bei weiperz, streitrain und weiperzberg * 91,71 9,5853 50,3042 de5623323 dallecker bei hohenzell 83,45 9,5561 50,3075 de5623324 kalktuffquelle beim haineshof * 0,43 9,5919 50,3572 de5624303 magerrasen bei weichersbach und weitere fl chen 126,41 9,6886 50,3069 de5624304 bergwiesen bei z ntersbach * 81,53 9,7372 50,3139 de5624305 hemmersbach/ bergwiesen bei ziegelh tte und weitere fl chen * 136,73 9,6922 50,3581 de5624306 nickus-hoherdin * 1 001,8 9,6875 50,3497 de5624307 stoppelsberg bei weichersbach und haag-stiftes bei oberzell * 440,24 9,7008 50,3156 de5624350 frauenstein * 430,36 9,7006 50,3781 de5626301 teiche bei sch nau an der brendt 3 10,1275 50,3875 de5626371 tal der brend * 424,23 10,1147 50,3753 de5626372 schmalwasser- und premichtal 343,12 9,9967 50,3333 de5627301 trockenh nge im saale-, streu- und l hriether tal * 149 10,2372 50,3106 de5627303 mausohrkolonien in der rh n 0 10,0994 50,2856 de5627304 winterquartiere der mopsfledermaus bei neustadt 0 10,255 50,3778 de5627371 fr nkische saale zwischen heustreu und steinach * 296,45 10,2253 50,3242 de5628301 laubw lder bei bad k nigshofen * 1 874 10,4031 50,3283 de5628303 grenzstreifen am galgenberg milzgrund warth gel * 199 10,4903 50,3639 de5628371 milztal und oberes saaletal 757,51 10,3664 50,3189 de5629301 oberlauf der milz * 64 10,6294 50,3842 de5629302 schlechtsarter schweiz * 530 10,6111 50,3228 de5629303 altenburg * 304 10,5875 50,3183 de5630371 rodachaue mit bischofsaue westlich bad rodach 264,91 10,7553 50,3425 de5630372 rodacher wald mit ruhh gel * 708,08 10,7514 50,3217 de5631302 nsg magerrasen bei emstadt und itzaue * 87 10,9939 50,3589 de5631320 g rsdorfer heide * 128 10,965 50,3756 de5631371 muschelkalkzug von den langen bergen bis nach wei enbrunn v. wald * 1 975,74 10,9506 50,3419 de5631372 feuchtgebiete um rottenbach 31,31 10,9597 50,3708 de5631373 wiesen stlich und westlich unterlauter b. coburg 65,41 10,995 50,3022 de5632302 tal der oberen itz * 228 11,02 50,2964 de5632303 lauterburg 0 11,0183 50,3169 de5632304 nsg effeldertal * 175 11,0497 50,3658 de5632371 stlicher m nchr dener forst * 215,82 11,0736 50,3181 de5633301 f ritzgrund * 198 11,2139 50,3178 de5634371 t ler und rodungsinseln im frankenwald mit geroldsgr ner forst * 1 883,67 11,5278 50,3406 de5636302 steinbruchgel nde stlich selbitz 35 11,7681 50,3189 de5636371 selbitz, muschwitz und h llental * 436,66 11,6892 50,3683 de5639301 tetterweinbachtal, pfaffenloh und zeidelweidebach * 127 12,2297 50,3006 de5639302 raunerbach- und haarbachtal * 275 12,3006 50,265 de5704301 schneifel * 3 665 6,3833 50,2686 de5705301 duppacher r cken * 1 031 6,5381 50,2608 de5706303 gerolsteiner kalkeifel * 8 408 6,6978 50,2031 de5707302 nsg jungferweiher 33 6,9819 50,2197 de5711301 rheinh nge zwischen lahnstein und kaub * 4 555 7,6947 50,1686 de5714301 scheiderwald bei hennethal * 45,57 8,1075 50,2339 de5714302 wald nord stlich huppert * 190,94 8,0228 50,21 de5714303 taunusw lder bei mudershausen * 1 768 8,025 50,2958 de5714350 nsg heckenberg von strinz-trinitatis * 10,03 8,1619 50,2356 de5715301 wald stlich ohren * 137,12 8,2125 50,2983 de5716301 schmittr der wiesen und angrenzende fl chen * 27,59 8,4428 50,2033 de5716302 reichenbachtal * 21,62 8,4653 50,2039 de5716304 reifenberger wiesen, schmittgrund b. oberreifenberg mit angr. fl. * 73,67 8,4414 50,2344 de5716305 altk nig 75,11 8,4822 50,2131 de5716306 niedges-,sau- und kirrbachtal zwischen mauloff und schmitten * 104,16 8,4131 50,2742 de5716307 wald bei arnoldshain 115,21 8,4706 50,2672 de5716308 dombachtal * 122,95 8,3386 50,2975 de5716309 dattenberg u. wald westl. glash tten mit silber- u. dattenbachtal * 861,56 8,3378 50,2 de5717301 kirdorfer feld bei bad homburg 134,48 8,6078 50,2528 de5717302 h nerbergswiesen von oberursel * 21,27 8,5225 50,2069 de5717304 oberurseler stadtwald und stierst dter heide * 533,66 8,5411 50,2017 de5717305 erlenbach zwischen neu-anspach und nieder-erlenbach * 62,33 8,605 50,2808 de5718302 beunebachaue bei ober-w llstadt 4,86 8,7389 50,2825 de5719302 wald zwischen kilianst dten und b desheim 121,55 8,8519 50,2114 de5719303 buchenw lder zwischen florstadt und altenstadt * 1 185,37 8,8856 50,2914 de5721303 schnepfenkopfh hle bei gelnhausen 0,01 9,2131 50,2072 de5721304 r uber-heinz-h hle bei w chtersbach 0,01 9,3039 50,2539 de5721305 kinzig zwischen langenselbold und w chtersbach * 148,85 9,1444 50,2006 de5722301 rohrbachquellgebiet * 38,18 9,4919 50,2756 de5722302 neudorfwiesen bei steinau * 27,66 9,4978 50,2842 de5722304 spessart bei alsberg * 712,85 9,4447 50,2625 de5722305 klingbach, orb und haselbachtal bei bad orb * 50,2 9,3483 50,2292 de5723301 ratzerod von neuengronau * 96,01 9,5461 50,2958 de5723302 westerngrund von neuengronau und breunings * 100,8 9,5775 50,2775 de5723303 weinberg von neuengronau * 50,23 9,6164 50,2772 de5723306 hohe wiese und steinfirst bei breunings * 33,32 9,6306 50,2992 de5723308 wald zwischen breunings und mottgers * 272,71 9,6281 50,2903 de5723309 hirschk fergebiete bei jossa 48,53 9,5617 50,2464 de5723310 wacholderheiden im jossatal 15,32 9,4986 50,2439 de5723311 leimberg bei breunings 66,71 9,5881 50,2939 de5723350 biberlebensraum hessischer spessart (jossa und sinn) * 749,89 9,6636 50,3061 de5725301 waldwiesen und moore im neuwirtshauser forst * 184 9,8981 50,2178 de5725302 lindenstumpf und rudelberg * 16 9,86 50,2781 de5726371 w lder und trockenstandorte bei bad kissingen und m nnerstadt * 4 421,81 10,0372 50,2122 de5728371 bundorfer wald und quellb che der baunach * 1 541,45 10,4867 50,2117 de5728372 ha bergetrauf von k nigsberg bis stadtlauringen * 923,38 10,4206 50,2067 de5729301 reutsee 12 10,5447 50,2439 de5730301 heiligenwiese und heiligenleite und althellinger grund * 138 10,7797 50,2436 de5730302 muggenbacher tongruben 23 10,7903 50,2164 de5730303 w lder im grabfeld * 461 10,7178 50,3422 de5730304 wiesen im grabfeld * 332 10,7069 50,2164 de5730305 fledermausquartiere heldburg 0,01 10,7261 50,2811 de5731301 naturschutzgebiet vogelfreist tte glender wiesen * 169 10,9372 50,29 de5731302 veste coburg, bausenberger und callenberger forst 247 10,9947 50,2714 de5731303 naturschutzgebiet gro er teich und tambachaue * 19 10,8739 50,2372 de5731305 lebensr ume der wiesenknopf-ameisenbl ulinge s dlich coburg 26 10,9981 50,2292 de5732371 bruchschollenkuppen im landkreis coburg * 99,84 11,1164 50,2806 de5732372 fledermaus-winterquartiere im coburger land 3,5 11,0164 50,3542 de5732373 r derbach-, biberbach- und schneybachtal * 126,02 11,0883 50,2058 de5733302 mausohrkolonien im naturraum obermainisches h gelland 0 11,3217 50,2433 de5733303 festung rosenberg und plassenburg 0 11,3278 50,2447 de5733371 steinach- und f ritztal und rodach von f rth a.b. bis marktzeuln * 585,74 11,2036 50,2303 de5734301 mausohrwochenstube in steinwiesen 0 11,4633 50,2936 de5734302 rabensteiner h he mit zeyerner wand * 13 11,3967 50,2656 de5734303 zeyerner grund * 203 11,4486 50,2461 de5734304 kalkmagerrasen zwischen vogtendorf und w tzelsdorf 89 11,3922 50,2117 de5735301 naturwaldreservat hammerleite 53 11,5758 50,2983 de5737371 woja- und haidleite 42,36 11,9708 50,2511 de5738371 nordostbayerische bacht ler um rehau * 470,53 12,1172 50,2089 de5739301 bergwiesen um rohrbach und hennebachtal * 56 12,3525 50,2539 de5803301 alf- und bierbach * 324 6,2986 50,1856 de5804301 sch necker schweiz * 1 086 6,4781 50,1828 de5805301 moore bei wei enseifen * 182 6,5483 50,1567 de5805302 birresborner eish hlen und vulkan kalem * 112 6,61 50,1822 de5807302 eifelmaare * 1 201 6,8681 50,1692 de5809301 moselh nge und nebent ler der unteren mosel * 16 273 7,3031 50,1772 de5813301 wiesen nord stlich ransel * 27,8 7,8544 50,1067 de5813302 zorner kopf 89 7,9056 50,1494 de5814301 wiesen bei b rstadt 69,59 8,0756 50,1094 de5814303 aartalh nge zwischen burg hohenstein und lindschied * 340,07 8,0689 50,1747 de5814305 aartal zwischen hahn und bleidenstadt * 22,08 8,1489 50,1436 de5815301 rabengrund von wiesbaden mit angrenzenden fl chen * 83,76 8,2236 50,1181 de5815302 neuhofer heide mit angrenzender fl che * 11,3 8,2208 50,1536 de5815303 thei tal von niedernhausen mit angrenzenden fl chen * 82,51 8,265 50,1517 de5815304 goldsteintal bei wiesbaden mit angrenzenden fl chen * 59,61 8,2478 50,1269 de5815305 trockenborn/ kellerskopf bei rambach * 55,23 8,2708 50,1292 de5815306 buchenw lder n rdlich von wiesbaden * 4 124,3 8,2203 50,1114 de5816301 rossert-hainkopf-dachsbau * 118,28 8,3908 50,1625 de5816303 krebsbachtal bei ruppertshain * 84,5 8,4133 50,1581 de5816305 burghain falkenstein * 36,25 8,475 50,1894 de5816306 wiesen im s en gr ndchen bei neuenhain 9,08 8,4942 50,1631 de5816307 nsg daisbachwiesen bei bremthal * 28,14 8,3614 50,1467 de5816308 nsg kickelbach bei fischbach 9,89 8,4297 50,1556 de5816309 rombachtal und auf dem bangert bei k nigstein * 84,04 8,4578 50,1733 de5816310 neum hle bei schlo born * 26,28 8,3919 50,1878 de5816311 hangw lder und felsfluren am kaisertempel/martinswand b. eppstein * 228,87 8,4136 50,1383 de5816312 wald stlich wildsachsen * 272,23 8,3814 50,1175 de5817302 nsg hinterste neuwiese und nsg waldwiesenbach bei oberh chstadt * 23,4 8,5189 50,1961 de5817303 sauerbornsbachtal bei schwalbach a. t. * 23,15 8,5314 50,1639 de5818301 am berger hang * 10,79 8,7803 50,1583 de5818302 berger warte * 29,81 8,75 50,1678 de5818303 nsg seckbacher ried und angrenzende fl chen * 15,07 8,7411 50,1461 de5818304 waldst ck westlich bischofsheim * 26,94 8,7864 50,1483 de5819301 mayengewann von l mmerspiel * 6,86 8,8653 50,1017 de5819303 amerikafeld und schindkaute bei steinheim 20,18 8,8947 50,1069 de5819304 bruchk bel 162,9 8,9311 50,1639 de5819305 donsenhard bei m hlheim 13,49 8,8631 50,1172 de5819306 hirzwald bei mittelbuchen 144,58 8,8808 50,1631 de5819307 mainaue bei schleuse kesselstadt 32,35 8,86 50,1289 de5819308 erlensee bei erlensee und bulau bei hanau * 603,46 8,9681 50,1361 de5819309 us-milit rgel nde bei gro auheim 72,17 8,9625 50,1094 de5820301 kinzigaue von langenselbold * 129,44 9,0392 50,1647 de5820302 weideswiesen-oberwald bei erlensee * 157,3 9,0078 50,1531 de5820303 tongrube von meerholz 31,76 9,1733 50,1531 de5821301 talauensystem der bieber und der kinzig bei biebergem nd * 465,66 9,3214 50,1617 de5821302 n lichbach bei altenmittlau * 3,57 9,175 50,1378 de5821303 hailerer sonnenberg und angrenzende magerasenfl chen 11,15 9,1756 50,1833 de5822301 wiesb tt-moor mit angrenzenden waldfl chen * 196,29 9,3914 50,1206 de5822303 beilstein bei lettgenbrunn * 6,65 9,4036 50,1711 de5822350 lohrbach und fl rsbach bei fl rsbachtal * 16,97 9,4614 50,0972 de5823301 sinngrund * 409 9,6603 50,1169 de5824301 schondratalsystem * 304 9,7164 50,1828 de5824302 naturschutzgebiet sodenberg-gans * 493 9,8186 50,1128 de5824371 einertsberg, schondraberg und angrenzende w lder * 2 379,83 9,69 50,1794 de5824372 sippach-tal s d stlich sippachsm hle 1,52 9,8 50,1908 de5825301 mausohrkolonien in machtilshausen und diebach 0 9,8419 50,1275 de5825371 w lder und trockengebiete stlich hammelburg * 1 317,1 9,9556 50,0969 de5827371 standort bungsplatz br nnhof und umgebung 2 333,95 10,2375 50,1353 de5828301 naturschutzgebiet urlesbachtal * 23 10,4067 50,1319 de5828371 gei leraue und aurachwiesen bei ostheim 159,48 10,5331 50,125 de5830301 alsteraue von der landesgrenze bis zur m ndung * 132 10,8183 50,1808 de5830371 weisach-aue und nebenb che um maroldsweisach 109,32 10,6803 50,1806 de5831372 eierberge bei banz und teile des banzer waldes * 651,89 10,9422 50,1086 de5831373 itztal von coburg bis baunach * 1 452,01 10,8767 50,1281 de5832371 s dlicher staatsforst langheim * 185,5 11,1208 50,1144 de5833371 maintal von theisau bis lichtenfels * 871,71 11,1647 50,155 de5835301 steinachtal mit naturwaldreservat k hberg * 85 11,5283 50,1847 de5835302 landschaftsbestandteil peterleinstein 12 11,5975 50,1569 de5835371 feuchtgebiet mit vermoorungen s dlich hohenberg * 56,86 11,6586 50,1897 de5835372 mainaue und muschelkalkh nge zwischen kauerndorf und trebgast * 397,66 11,5719 50,1136 de5836371 serpentinstandorte am haidberg s dwestlich zell * 61,02 11,8003 50,1281 de5837301 naturwaldreservat waldstein 22 11,8575 50,1286 de5837302 buchberg bei reicholdsgr n 23 11,9369 50,115 de5837303 paradiesteiche 14 11,9425 50,1078 de5838302 eger- und r slautal * 941 12,1567 50,1225 de5838371 habitate des skabiosen-scheckenfalters bei selb * 21,25 12,1633 50,1958 de5838372 feuchtgebiete um selb und gro wendern * 195,58 12,1719 50,1525 de5839302 naturschutzgebiet naturwaldreservat hengstberg 40 12,1878 50,1311 de5839303 elstergebirgss dabfall bei sch nberg * 91 12,3339 50,1903 de5903301 enztal * 645 6,3167 50,0111 de5905301 kyllberg und steinborner wald * 1 691 6,6228 50,1033 de5905302 w lder bei kyllburg 412 6,5983 50,0397 de5906301 lieser zwischen manderscheid und wittlich * 1 346 6,8303 50,0544 de5908301 mosel * 623 7,1556 50,0647 de5908302 kondelwald und nebent ler der mosel * 9 185 7,0356 50,0794 de5909301 altlayer bachtal * 2 168 7,2525 50,0678 de5911301 nsg struth * 871 7,6583 50,0544 de5912301 engweger kopf und scheibigkopf bei lorch * 93,75 7,7872 50,0617 de5912302 lorcher werth * 15,04 7,8175 50,0344 de5912303 rheintal bei lorch * 143,92 7,8061 50,0581 de5912304 gebiet bei bacharach-steeg * 1 267 7,725 50,05 de5912305 wald und wiesen s dlich ranselberg * 98,08 7,8358 50,0453 de5913304 geisenheimer heide 8,75 7,9461 49,9956 de5913306 teufelskadrich bei lorch * 379,62 7,8678 50,0042 de5913307 steigwiesen und guntal sowie wald s dlich presberg * 421,38 7,8719 50,0406 de5913308 wispertaunus * 5 259,02 7,9128 50,0894 de5914301 weihersberg bei kiedrich * 93,75 8,0617 50,0583 de5914302 weilburger tal-klingengrund * 39,65 8,1517 50,0881 de5914303 rheinniederung mainz-bingen * 1 149 8,0181 49,9931 de5914350 mariannenaue * 81,8 8,0711 50,0106 de5914351 wanderfischgebiete im rhein 1 270,33 8,3283 49,9714 de5915301 rettbergsaue bei wiesbaden * 71,08 8,2228 50,035 de5916301 falkenberg und gei berg bei fl rsheim 95,13 8,3961 50,0083 de5916302 galgenberg bei diedenbergen * 294,97 8,4222 50,0875 de5916303 weilbacher kiesgruben 56,69 8,4581 50,0503 de5917301 schwanheimer d ne 57,39 8,5617 50,0886 de5917302 heidelandschaft westlich m rfelden-walldorf mit angrenz. fl chen 225,92 8,5117 50,0011 de5917303 kelsterbacher wald 445,02 8,52 50,0444 de5917304 mark- und gundwald zwischen r sselsheim und walldorf 798,31 8,5619 50,0175 de5917305 schwanheimer wald * 762,45 8,5794 50,0575 de5918302 herrnr ther- und bornwaldswiesen von sprendlingen mit angrenz.fl. * 51,12 8,7189 50,0261 de5918303 frankfurter oberwald * 301,34 8,6969 50,0742 de5918304 nsg bruch von gravenbruch 73,69 8,7386 50,0583 de5918305 luderbachaue von dreieich * 291,57 8,7436 50,0314 de5918306 erlenbachaue bei neu-isenburg * 19,62 8,7172 50,0525 de5919302 d ne von dudenhofen 6,26 8,8825 50,0036 de5919303 nsg schwarzbruch und nsg pechgraben bei seligenstadt * 67,91 8,9556 50,0531 de5919304 nsg schifflache bei gro auheim 61,34 8,985 50,0975 de5920301 naturschutzgebiet alzenauer sande 95 9,0467 50,0728 de5920350 sendefunkstelle mainflingen/zellhausen * 165,96 9,0133 50,0169 de5921301 vorkommen von wiesenknopf-ameisenbl ulingen im lkr. aschaffenburg 12 9,1361 50,0528 de5921371 wiesen und magerrasen zwischen h sbach und rottenberg * 274,48 9,2203 50,0203 de5922371 lohrbach- und aubach-tal * 363,78 9,4961 50,0369 de5923301 naturschutzgebiet graureiherkolonie am salzberg * 158 9,6378 50,0228 de5923302 winterquartiere der mopsfledermaus im spessart 7 9,6567 50,0303 de5924371 trockengebiete an den werntalh ngen zwischen karsbach und stetten * 748,43 9,8061 50,0258 de5925301 truppen bungsplatz hammelburg * 3 591 9,8589 50,0661 de5927371 maintal bei sennfeld und weyer * 325,55 10,2703 50,0517 de5927372 forst dianenslust und stadtwald schweinfurt 1 331,12 10,2578 50,0775 de5928371 w ssernachtal * 748,16 10,4394 50,0592 de5929302 mausohrkolonien in den ha bergen und im itz-baunach-h gelland 0 10,4592 50,1883 de5929371 ha bergetrauf von zeil am main bis k nigsberg * 2 533,66 10,6197 50,0294 de5929372 mainaue zwischen eltmann und ha furt * 950,24 10,5272 50,0131 de5930302 naturwaldreservat stachel 24 10,7056 50,0647 de5930371 ehemaliger standort bungsplatz ebern und umgebung * 261,52 10,76 50,0875 de5930372 s dhang des steinert nord stlich jesserndorf 24,38 10,6986 50,0936 de5930373 w lder um maroldsweisach, k nigsberg u. rentweinsdorf mit schloss * 1 381,24 10,7683 50,0528 de5931371 daschendorfer forst 820,41 10,8561 50,0256 de5931372 h nge am kraiberg * 94,8 10,8619 50,0011 de5931373 baunachtal zwischen reckendorf und baunach 94,02 10,8364 50,0058 de5931374 maintal von staffelstein bis hallstadt * 717,14 10,9381 50,0344 de5932371 albtrauf im landkreis lichtenfels * 1 852,97 11,0553 50,0922 de5932372 waldgebiete buchrangen und spendweg * 651,11 11,1181 50,0956 de5933302 schwalbenstein 14 11,305 50,0061 de5933371 trockenrasen, wiesen und w lder um weismain * 1 990,05 11,2172 50,0667 de5934302 feuchtgebiete im limmersdorfer forst * 135 11,4469 50,015 de5934371 albtraufh nge zwischen g rau und thurnau * 303,1 11,3492 50,0331 de5935302 lindauer moor 27 11,5317 50,0533 de5935303 blumenau bei bad berneck * 71 11,6256 50,0447 de5936301 bernecker felsh nge * 115 11,6794 50,0533 de5936302 berg- und moorwiesen bei kornbach * 41 11,8 50,0889 de5936303 torfmoorh lle * 125 11,8317 50,0908 de5936371 heinersreuther bach 44,3 11,7244 50,0614 de5937301 zeitelmoos bei wunsiedel * 398 11,9597 50,0567 de5937304 luisenburg, gipfel der gro en k sseine und kleines labyrinth 62 11,9944 50,0092 de5937371 schneebergmassiv mit fichtelseemoor * 3 047,79 11,8731 50,0447 de5938301 k sseinetal 23 12,1581 50,0222 de6003301 ourtal * 7 236 6,2322 49,9917 de6004301 ferschweiler plateau * 2 430 6,4228 49,9089 de6007301 mesenberg und ackerflur bei wittlich 205 6,8911 49,9631 de6008301 kautenbachtal * 860 7,1381 49,9161 de6008302 tiefenbachtal * 286 7,0969 49,9014 de6009301 ahringsbachtal * 2 043 7,2042 49,94 de6011301 soonwald * 5 732 7,6039 49,9078 de6012301 binger wald * 3 268 7,8203 49,9889 de6012302 wiesen bei sch neberg * 526 7,7342 49,9072 de6012303 d rrebach bei stromberg * 134 7,7036 49,9397 de6013301 rheinwiesen von oestrich-winkel und geisenheim * 14,37 7,99 49,9881 de6013302 ebental bei r desheim 27,74 7,9228 49,9922 de6013350 r desheimer aue * 7,55 7,94 49,9756 de6014301 winkeler aue * 6,09 8,0111 49,9958 de6014302 kalkflugsandgebiet mainz-ingelheim * 1 304 8,1656 50,0064 de6015301 nsg laubenheimer-bodenheimer ried * 72 8,3194 49,9511 de6015302 ober-olmer wald * 351 8,1733 49,9603 de6016302 nsg kisselw rth und s ndchen * 73 8,3503 49,9156 de6016303 riedloch von trebur mit angrenzender fl che * 7,36 8,3744 49,9169 de6016304 wald bei gro -gerau * 488,01 8,4972 49,9514 de6016305 gr nland im bereich der herrenwiese nordwestlich astheim 56,56 8,3622 49,9319 de6016306 ginsheimer altrhein * 76,77 8,3461 49,9628 de6017303 rotb hl * 4,23 8,6233 49,9269 de6017304 m nchbruch von m rfelden u.r sselsheim u.gundwiesen von m rfelden * 997,44 8,5253 49,9844 de6017305 kammereckswiesen und kirchnerseckgraben von langen * 44,96 8,6639 49,9761 de6017306 faulbruch von erzhausen * 15,24 8,6553 49,9472 de6017307 sandtrockenrasen zwischen m rfelden und walldorf 101,55 8,5653 49,9847 de6018304 sandrasen bei urberach 7,14 8,7794 49,9689 de6018305 kranichsteiner wald mit hegbachaue,m rsbacher grund u. silzwiesen * 2 129,77 8,7108 49,9258 de6018306 koberst dter wald stlich von langen 146,18 8,7125 49,9794 de6018307 neuwiese und wald nord stlich von messel * 308,64 8,785 49,9508 de6018308 naturdenkmal steinbruch bei langen 1,94 8,695 49,9822 de6019301 reikersberg bei nieder-roden mit angrenzenden fl chen * 18,41 8,9022 49,9869 de6019302 in den r dern bei babenhausen 85,68 8,9703 49,9494 de6019303 untere gersprenz * 772,9 8,8939 49,93 de6019304 nsg nieder-rodener lache * 124,63 8,8747 49,9728 de6019305 vdo-siemens betriebsgel nde n rdlich babenhausen * 0,52 8,9519 49,9725 de6020301 streuobstwiesen zwischen erbig und bischberg 177 9,1458 49,9458 de6021302 standort bungsplatz aschaffenburg 86 9,1792 49,9439 de6021371 extensivwiesen und ameisenbl ulinge in und um aschaffenburg * 250,82 9,1789 49,9519 de6022371 hochspessart * 17 415,57 9,4544 49,9519 de6023301 naturschutzgebiet romberg 56 9,5942 49,9839 de6023302 mausohrwochenstuben im spessart 0 9,5936 49,9619 de6024301 winterquartiere der mopsfledermaus bei karlstadt 0 9,7711 49,9614 de6024371 m usberg, rammersberg, st ndelberg und umgebung * 297,09 9,7028 49,9961 de6025371 gramschatzer wald 4 241,08 9,9525 49,9106 de6027371 unkenbachaue mit sulzheimer gipsh gel und grettst dter wiesen * 275,48 10,2822 49,9753 de6027372 naturschutzgebiet h rnauer wald * 180,52 10,3233 49,9225 de6028301 mausohrkolonien im steigerwaldvorland 0 10,3725 50,0194 de6028371 d rrfelder und sulzheimer wald * 784,81 10,3506 49,9625 de6029371 buchenw lder und wiesent ler des nordsteigerwalds * 15 876,84 10,5525 49,9344 de6029372 spitzberg und g nsleite bei limbach * 104,14 10,6139 49,9819 de6029373 maintalh nge zwischen stettfeld und zeil * 196,91 10,6131 50,0047 de6030302 vogelfreist tte graureiherkolonie dippach am main * 32 10,7169 49,9522 de6030303 mittleres aurach-tal von priesendorf bis walsdorf * 122 10,7494 49,8853 de6030371 maintalh nge um viereth-trunstadt und oberhaid * 245,07 10,8608 49,9411 de6031371 altw sser an der regnitzm ndung bei bamberg und bei viereth * 150,97 10,8486 49,9214 de6032301 mausohrkolonien in lohndorf, ehrl und amlingstadt 0 11,0483 49,9158 de6032371 albtrauf von d rnwasserlos bis zeegendorf * 3 063,17 11,0461 49,9081 de6034301 rh tschluchten westlich bayreuth * 37 11,4756 49,9458 de6034302 ehrlichbachaue bei obernsees * 7 11,3853 49,9308 de6034303 kalktuffmoorwiese bei wohnsdorf * 14 11,3536 49,9186 de6035302 buchstein 13 11,5367 49,9256 de6035371 muschelkalkh nge nord stlich bayreuth * 375,54 11,6642 49,9747 de6035372 rotmain-, mistelbach- und lschnitztal um bayreuth * 705,21 11,5206 49,9869 de6035373 eremitage in bayreuth * 38,72 11,6244 49,9481 de6036301 haidenaab-quellmoore * 11 11,8075 49,9686 de6037371 bergwiesen im s dlichen fichtelgebirge * 384,87 11,8492 49,9875 de6037372 scheibenwiese bei ebnath * 3,41 11,9603 49,9608 de6039301 basaltkuppen in der n rdlichen oberpfalz * 224 12,1731 49,9556 de6039371 wondreb zwischen leonberg und waldsassen * 95,09 12,2917 49,9728 de6039372 seibertsbachtal 39,56 12,1958 49,9586 de6040371 wondrebaue und angrenzende teichgebiete * 235,52 12,3461 49,9211 de6105301 untere kyll und t ler bei kordel * 505 6,6433 49,8219 de6105302 kyllh nge zwischen auw und daufenbach * 376 6,6239 49,8858 de6107301 frohnbachtal bei hirzlei 47 6,9903 49,8644 de6108301 dhronh nge * 709 6,9778 49,7828 de6109303 idarwald * 6 564 7,2069 49,8294 de6113301 untere nahe * 280 7,9058 49,9044 de6116301 riedwiesen von w chterstadt 73,76 8,3875 49,8631 de6116302 bruderl cher 16,14 8,4258 49,8358 de6116303 gro er goldgrund bei hessenaue * 130,97 8,3531 49,8889 de6116304 oberrhein von worms bis mainz 465 8,3647 49,8819 de6116305 rheinniederung zwischen gimbsheim und oppenheim * 416 8,3772 49,8125 de6116350 k hkopf-knoblochsaue * 2 377,85 8,4297 49,8164 de6116351 riedsee westlich leeheim 45,52 8,4206 49,8592 de6117301 griesheimer d ne und eichw ldchen * 46,29 8,5703 49,8383 de6117302 d ne am ulvenberg von darmstadt-eberstadt * 8,88 8,6392 49,8117 de6117303 lerchenberg und kernesbellen von darmstadt-eberstadt * 17,19 8,6572 49,8142 de6117304 ehemaliger august-euler-flugplatz von darmstadt * 69,53 8,5858 49,8553 de6117306 wei er berg bei darmstadt und pfungstadt * 93,15 8,6067 49,83 de6117307 pfungst dter d ne * 5,55 8,6219 49,8122 de6117308 streuobstwiesen von darmstadt-eberstadt/prinzenberg und eichw ld. 37,52 8,6592 49,8347 de6117309 beckertanne von darmstadt mit angrenzender fl che * 74,62 8,5903 49,8447 de6117310 kiesgrube beim weilerhof nord stlich wolfskehlen 21,96 8,5128 49,8753 de6117311 nsg l serbecken von weiterstadt 8,04 8,5653 49,8906 de6118302 sandmagerrasen am spie feld westlich dieburg * 14,97 8,8108 49,895 de6118304 dommersberg, dachsberg und darmbachaue von darmstadt * 318,43 8,6886 49,8486 de6118305 wald und magerrasen bei ro dorf * 216,3 8,7339 49,8506 de6119301 wald s dlich von otzberg * 305,63 8,9275 49,8036 de6120301 wald bei wald-amorbach 274,13 9,0133 49,8597 de6121371 maintal und -h nge zwischen sulzbach und kleinwallstadt * 301,45 9,1808 49,8689 de6121372 naturschutzgebiet aubachtal bei wildensee 66,54 9,3103 49,8133 de6123302 maintrockenh nge am kallmuth und am h bschenberg * 18 9,6247 49,8 de6123371 magerstandorte bei marktheidenfeld und triefenstein * 168,26 9,6314 49,8489 de6123372 naturdenkmal unterer klingelbachgraben * 3,13 9,5858 49,81 de6124371 trockenstandorte um leinach * 243,48 9,81 49,8692 de6124372 maintalh nge zwischen gambach und veitsh chheim * 866,15 9,7742 49,9808 de6124373 zellinger gemeindewald 842,13 9,7669 49,8944 de6125301 mausohrwochenstuben im maindreieck 0 9,8406 49,8817 de6126301 prosselsheimer holz 223 10,1556 49,8508 de6127371 mainaue zwischen grafenrheinfeld und kitzingen * 1 380,1 10,1825 49,8853 de6131302 bruderwald mit naturwaldreservat wolfsruhe 462 10,9058 49,8544 de6131371 regnitz, stocksee und sandgebiete von neuses bis hallstadt * 259,35 10,99 49,8097 de6131372 wiesen um die altenburg bei bamberg 56,75 10,8683 49,8789 de6132371 albtrauf von der friesener warte zur langen meile * 1 886,41 11,0489 49,8367 de6134301 mausohrkolonien in der fr nkischen schweiz 2 11,3367 49,8656 de6134371 ahorntal * 314,27 11,44 49,8475 de6135301 naturschutzgebiet craimoosweiher 19 11,595 49,8222 de6135302 zwischenmoore n rdlich creu en 3 11,6094 49,8736 de6137301 haidenaabtal und gabellohe * 112 11,8453 49,8919 de6137302 basaltkuppen im raum kemnath * 81 11,85 49,8283 de6138371 grenzbach und heinbach im steinwald * 165,8 12,0897 49,8906 de6138372 serpentinstandorte in der n rdlichen oberpfalz * 119,19 12,0364 49,8567 de6139371 waldnaabtal zwischen tirschenreuth und windisch-eschenbach * 2 618,33 12,2581 49,8881 de6141301 spirkenmoor bei griesbach * 67 12,5003 49,8608 de6205301 sauertal und seitent ler * 1 879 6,4956 49,8042 de6205302 obere mosel bei oberbillig * 468 6,5194 49,6994 de6205303 mattheiser wald 448 6,6461 49,7139 de6206301 fellerbachtal * 514 6,81 49,76 de6208302 hochwald * 3 038 7,0878 49,7069 de6212302 moschellandsberg bei obermoschel 76 7,7828 49,7225 de6212303 nahetal zwischen simmertal und bad kreuznach * 5 068 7,695 49,7939 de6216302 eich-gimbsheimer altrhein * 662 8,3881 49,7608 de6216303 hammer-aue von gernsheim und gro -rohrheim * 233,01 8,4431 49,7136 de6217302 seeheimer d ne * 0,68 8,6278 49,7747 de6217303 im dulbaum bei alsbach * 9,3 8,5908 49,7461 de6217305 kniebrecht,melibocus u.orbish he b.seeheim-jugenh.,alsb.u.zwing. * 953,98 8,6347 49,7261 de6217306 d ne neben schenken cker zwischen seeheim und jugenheim * 0,14 8,6317 49,7647 de6217307 oberste und unterste r der n rdlich seeheim * 7,61 8,6472 49,7797 de6217308 j gersburger und gernsheimer wald 1 315,85 8,5367 49,7336 de6218301 felsberg bei reichenbach * 167,89 8,6883 49,7267 de6218302 buchenw lder des vorderen odenwaldes * 3 705,4 8,7067 49,6569 de6218305 herrensee von niedernhausen * 23,94 8,8053 49,7603 de6219301 gr nlandbereiche stlich von brensbach * 87,26 8,9028 49,7728 de6220350 ohrenbach zwischen bremhof und ohrenbach * 10,09 9,1217 49,7117 de6222341 sandstein spessart * 269 9,4192 49,7614 de6222371 maintalh nge zwischen b rgstadt und wertheim * 617,09 9,5536 49,7603 de6223301 naturschutzgebiet trockenh nge bei b ttigheim * 47 9,6542 49,7111 de6223341 dertinger berge * 121,89 9,6178 49,7775 de6225303 fledermausquartiere in der festung marienberg 6 9,9194 49,7897 de6225371 laubw lder um w rzburg * 1 033,43 9,8653 49,7886 de6225372 irtenberger und guttenberger wald * 3 994,01 9,8794 49,7278 de6227371 sandgebiete bei schwarzach, klein- und gro langheim * 1 431,76 10,2086 49,7683 de6227372 flugplatz kitzingen * 119,71 10,2025 49,7417 de6230371 langenbachgrund und haarweiherkette * 151,6 10,9436 49,7453 de6231371 waldgebiet untere mark * 815,65 10,9781 49,7281 de6232301 lias-grube bei unterst rmig 12 11,0544 49,7856 de6232303 rtlbergweiher mit rtlberg * 217 11,0864 49,7392 de6232304 eglofsteiner weiher 17 11,0206 49,6989 de6232371 b g bei eggolsheim * 67,18 11,0483 49,7533 de6233303 buchenberg * 210 11,3247 49,7411 de6233371 wiesent-tal mit seitent lern * 6 934,41 11,2947 49,805 de6233372 ehrenb rg und katzenk pfe * 905,67 11,1822 49,7114 de6234301 landschaftsbestandteil niederwald bei kosbrunn * 14 11,4981 49,7897 de6235301 naturschutzgebiet grubenfelder leonie 87 11,635 49,7028 de6237371 heidenaab, creussenaue und weihergebiet nordwestlich eschenbach * 1 866,05 12,0047 49,6558 de6238301 parkstein * 2 12,0697 49,7317 de6240301 bergwiesengebiet altglash tte * 72 12,3911 49,7728 de6240302 moorgebiet bei b rnau * 53 12,4636 49,7861 de6305301 wiltinger wald 849 6,6264 49,6242 de6305302 nitteler fels und nitteler wald * 1 013 6,5058 49,6508 de6306301 ruwer und seitent ler * 4 331 6,7558 49,6186 de6307301 wiesen bei wadrill und sitzerath * 92 6,9061 49,6044 de6307302 westlich otzenhausen * 29 6,9903 49,6022 de6308301 dollberg u. eisener wald * 928 7,0192 49,6231 de6308302 wiesenkomplex bei eisen * 99 7,0478 49,6136 de6308303 felsental der nahe bei nohfelden * 90 7,1436 49,5967 de6309301 obere nahe * 5 627 7,3706 49,7878 de6310301 baumholder und preu ische berge * 11 569 7,3975 49,6417 de6313301 donnersberg * 8 082 7,9089 49,4747 de6316302 wald s d stlich b rstadt 120,86 8,4925 49,6228 de6316303 maulbeeraue 418,85 8,3719 49,6608 de6316401 lampertheimer altrhein * 515,59 8,4294 49,6053 de6317301 weschnitzinsel von lorsch 197,58 8,5878 49,6328 de6317302 magerrasen von gronau mit angrenzenden fl chen * 159,62 8,6575 49,6844 de6317305 tongrubengel nde von bensheim und heppenheim 91,87 8,6181 49,6606 de6317306 hinterer bruch s dlich heppenheim 16,94 8,6389 49,625 de6317308 drosselberg/hambach mit angrenzenden fl chen * 121,99 8,6561 49,6481 de6318304 tromm * 321,67 8,7992 49,5986 de6318306 gronauer bach mit hummelscheid und schannenbacher moor * 51,44 8,6964 49,6906 de6318307 oberlauf der weschnitz und nebenb che * 121,62 8,7831 49,5775 de6319301 rotes wasser von olfen mit angrenzenden fl chen * 20,18 8,8886 49,6075 de6319302 oberl ufe der gersprenz * 67,08 8,8439 49,7136 de6319303 oberlauf und nebenb che der m mling * 93,75 8,925 49,6236 de6320301 ebersberger felsenmeer 17,33 9,0258 49,6075 de6320302 erdbachh hle bei erbach 0,01 9,0053 49,6656 de6320371 drei seen im oberen breitenbachtal bei breitenbuch * 39,59 9,0853 49,6111 de6321371 t ler der odenwald-b che um amorbach * 547,71 9,2183 49,6494 de6322341 odenwald und bauland hardheim * 2 746,33 9,4553 49,6186 de6322371 steinbruchgel nde bei umpfenbach 46,65 9,3522 49,6975 de6323341 untere tauber und main * 732,33 9,5436 49,7133 de6325371 steinbr che n rdlich kirchheim 82,81 9,8494 49,6631 de6326371 trockentalh nge im s dlichen maindreieck * 511,77 10,0189 49,68 de6327302 kalktuffquellen zwischen willanzheim und markt einersheim * 25 10,2972 49,6828 de6327371 vorderer steigerwald mit schwanberg * 8 350,89 10,3447 49,6319 de6327372 gemeindew lder um willanzheim * 301,74 10,2 49,6778 de6330371 moorweiher im aischgrund und in der grethelmark * 215,11 10,825 49,6747 de6331371 teiche und feuchtfl chen im aischgrund, weihergebiet bei mohrhof * 422,44 10,8517 49,6628 de6332301 landschaftsbestandteil kr ttental 17 11,0783 49,6769 de6332302 naturschutzgebiet wildnis am rathsberg * 25 11,0325 49,6225 de6332371 markwald bei baiersdorf * 308,09 11,0039 49,6753 de6332372 flachmoore bei kunreuth 14,28 11,1583 49,6906 de6332373 hirschk fervorkommen bei kleinseebach 0,89 11,0019 49,6506 de6333371 streuobst, kopfeichen und quellen am hetzleser berg * 1 438,49 11,1406 49,6481 de6333372 lillinger wald * 174,78 11,2828 49,6269 de6334371 w lder s dwestlich betzenstein 62,6 11,4047 49,6506 de6335302 wellucker wald n rdlich k nigstein * 899 11,6114 49,6283 de6335305 h hlen der n rdlichen frankenalb 0,01 11,4544 49,7619 de6335306 dolomitkuppenalb * 2 195 11,5167 49,6303 de6335371 pegnitz zwischen michelfeld und hersbruck * 310,54 11,5636 49,6753 de6335372 stlicher vogelherd im veldensteiner forst 248,52 11,5503 49,6506 de6335373 sandgrube und teiche s dlich auerbach i. d. opf. 5,83 11,6167 49,6719 de6336301 us-truppen bungsplatz grafenw hr * 19 279 11,775 49,6836 de6337371 vilsecker mulde mit den t lern der schmalnohe und wiesenohe * 939,27 11,8553 49,6272 de6338301 lohen im manteler forst mit schie lweiher und stra weiherkette * 772 11,9953 49,7031 de6340301 blockschuttw lder am pleysteiner sulzberg * 109 12,4853 49,6642 de6340371 pfreimd und lois-bach * 242,58 12,4486 49,6072 de6341301 torflohe * 173 12,5511 49,6136 de6404301 stl. wochern * 59 6,4139 49,5006 de6404302 leuktal, krautfelsen u. b renfels bei orscholz * 269 6,5069 49,5161 de6404303 moselaue bei nennig * 189 6,3675 49,5297 de6404304 r llbachschlucht und lateswald bei nennig * 261 6,4017 49,5289 de6404305 kalkw lder bei palzem * 664 6,4117 49,5736 de6405302 saarh lzbachtal zunkelsbruch * 152 6,6308 49,5119 de6405303 serriger bachtal und leuk und saar * 2 249 6,5758 49,5664 de6406301 nsg panzbachtal westl. bergen * 72 6,6775 49,5386 de6406302 lannenbachaue bei scheiden und umgebung * 61 6,7425 49,5469 de6406303 nsg holzbachtal * 58 6,7883 49,5683 de6406304 wachtelkopf bei rappweiler * 12 6,8003 49,5481 de6406305 h lzbach zw. rappweiler u. niederlosheim * 71 6,7919 49,5222 de6407301 noswendeler bruch * 149 6,8622 49,535 de6407302 wadrilltal * 183 6,8956 49,5586 de6407304 wiesenlandschaft bei buweiler * 51 6,9456 49,5639 de6407305 l stertal * 223 6,9169 49,5547 de6407306 bremerkopf bei steinberg * 564 6,8461 49,5811 de6407307 wiesenlandschaft bei berroth * 297 6,9667 49,5103 de6407308 schreck n rdlich kastel 18 6,9603 49,5828 de6408301 holzhauser wald bei t rkism hle * 358 7,0983 49,5944 de6408302 s terbachtal * 134 7,0931 49,5811 de6408303 s dlich braunshausen * 12 6,9933 49,5817 de6408304 s dlich bosen * 54 7,0664 49,56 de6408305 eiweiler * 179 7,0133 49,5708 de6408307 s dwestlich selbach * 17 7,0125 49,5281 de6408308 s dteil des nohfeldener rhyolith-massivs * 440 7,0994 49,545 de6409301 stl. nohfelden 4 7,1978 49,5686 de6409302 flachsh bel, s. wolfersweiler * 11 7,1808 49,5631 de6409303 hofberg bei reitscheid * 40 7,2144 49,5397 de6409304 wiese n reitscheid * 26 7,2231 49,5286 de6409305 weisselberg * 78 7,2433 49,5236 de6409306 hellerberg bei freisen * 41 7,2717 49,5461 de6410301 ackerflur bei ulmet 10 7,4783 49,5819 de6411301 kalkbergwerke bei bosenbach * 64 7,5061 49,5439 de6411302 k nigsberg * 1 083 7,5881 49,5831 de6411303 grube oberstaufenbach * 10 7,5167 49,5186 de6413301 kaiserstra ensenke * 307 7,8383 49,5414 de6414301 kalkmagerrasen zwischen ebertsheim und gr nstadt * 395 8,1331 49,57 de6414302 g llheimer wald 290 8,0167 49,5764 de6416301 rheinniederung ludwigshafen-worms * 379 8,3928 49,5897 de6417302 viernheimer d ne * 2,01 8,5636 49,5214 de6417304 viernheimer waldheide und angrenzende fl chen * 154,54 8,5289 49,5664 de6417305 glockenbuckel von viernheim und angrenzende fl chen * 64,66 8,5489 49,5358 de6417341 weschnitz, bergstra e und odenwald bei weinheim * 687,82 8,6667 49,5908 de6417350 reliktwald lampertheim und sandrasen untere wildbahn 844,45 8,5547 49,5933 de6418350 eiterbach * 8,51 8,8203 49,5336 de6418351 steinachtal bei abtsteinach * 38,24 8,785 49,5175 de6419301 magerwiesen von raubach 15,99 8,8906 49,5544 de6419303 beerfelder heide 3,94 8,9919 49,5633 de6419304 oberes ulfenbachtal bei unter-sch nmattenwag * 81,49 8,8508 49,5094 de6419305 nsg d rr-ellenbachtal bei wald-michelbach * 54,25 8,8747 49,5769 de6419306 jakobsgrund und gammelsbachaue * 44,63 8,9619 49,5044 de6419307 finkenbachtal und hinterbachtal * 140,69 8,9061 49,505 de6420350 euterbach und itterbach mit nebenb chen * 51,42 9,0864 49,5436 de6420351 leegwald und h llklinge bei kailbach 20,51 9,0742 49,5275 de6421341 odenwald mudau-schlo au * 232,4 9,1767 49,5592 de6421342 odenwaldt ler buchen-walld rn * 496,49 9,3147 49,5864 de6423341 nordwestliches tauberland und brehmbach * 509,31 9,5939 49,6286 de6424341 nord stliches tauberland * 944,17 9,7069 49,6511 de6425371 st ckach, lindach und herrenwald 1 184,36 9,9514 49,5358 de6425372 tauber- und gollachtal bei bieberehren * 639,79 9,9786 49,5072 de6427371 fledermauswinterquartiere des steigerwalds und der frankenh he 4,74 10,2978 49,595 de6428301 schwadengraben 6 10,4092 49,5931 de6428302 mausohrkolonien in steigerwald, frankenh he und windsheimer bucht 0 10,2275 49,6244 de6428371 gipsh gel bei k lsheim und w stph l * 61,09 10,3508 49,5719 de6430371 aurach zwischen emskirchen und herzogenaurach 199,08 10,7972 49,5614 de6432301 sandheiden im mittelfr nkischen becken * 1 168 11,0586 49,5533 de6432371 irrhain * 111,82 11,0675 49,5153 de6434301 traufh nge der hersbrucker alb * 1 472 11,4819 49,5436 de6434302 ruine rothenberg bei schnaittach 3 11,36 49,5544 de6434371 feuchtgebiete im pegnitztal bei reichenschwand * 37,87 11,3644 49,505 de6435306 mausohrwochenstuben im oberpf lzer jura 0 11,6297 49,5286 de6435372 teich stlich oberreinbach 2,2 11,6622 49,5578 de6436371 wiesen und sandgrube bei ga enhof 24,65 11,7131 49,5558 de6438301 buchenw lder bei sitzambuch 144 12,0325 49,5144 de6439371 pfreimdtal und kainzbachtal * 334,43 12,2764 49,5514 de6441301 fahrbachtal * 444 12,5739 49,5617 de6441302 naturwaldreservat st ckstein 83 12,5247 49,5414 de6504301 hammelsberg u. atzb sch bei perl * 202 6,4036 49,4792 de6505301 steilh nge der saar * 1 108 6,57 49,5089 de6505302 nackberg * 35 6,5964 49,435 de6505303 s dhang hohe berg * 27 6,65 49,4264 de6505304 kewelsberg zwischen t nsdorf und wehingen * 12 6,5031 49,4672 de6505305 kalkbergwerk mondorf 6 6,5906 49,4153 de6505306 ehemaliger eisenbahntunnel bei biringen 2 6,5453 49,4161 de6506301 wolferskopf * 415 6,7056 49,4128 de6506302 wiesenlandschaft bei d ppenweiler * 108 6,7731 49,3933 de6506303 stlich merzig * 59 6,6992 49,4481 de6506304 gro er l ckner nord stl. oppen * 321 6,8039 49,4672 de6506305 in geiern * 28 6,6803 49,4244 de6506306 bei rimlingen und rissenthal * 35 6,7658 49,4692 de6507301 prims * 601 6,8703 49,4786 de6507302 steinbach truppen bungsgel nde * 126 6,9361 49,4694 de6507303 s dlicher klapperberg im schachen 50 6,9375 49,4514 de6507304 fledermausquartier schmelz 0,1 6,8536 49,4433 de6508301 naturschutzgro vorhaben ill * 1 089 7,0964 49,4056 de6508302 stlich bergweiler 17 7,0069 49,4739 de6508303 grie bach, westl. oberlinxweiler * 40 7,1206 49,4547 de6508304 grauer dorn bei baltersweiler 6 7,1503 49,4986 de6509301 ostertal * 456 7,2233 49,4692 de6511301 westricher moorniederung * 2 152 7,5519 49,4236 de6512301 mehlinger heide * 399 7,8364 49,4831 de6515301 d rkheimer bruch 698 8,2353 49,4844 de6517341 unterer neckar heidelberg mannheim * 284,82 8,6131 49,455 de6518341 odenwald bei schriesheim * 840,23 8,6944 49,4889 de6518342 steinach und zufl sse * 630,73 8,7892 49,4683 de6519301 heumatte rothenberg 36,25 8,9361 49,485 de6519304 odenwald bei hirschhorn * 5 281,58 8,8772 49,4153 de6519341 odenwald brombachtal * 1 473,08 8,8614 49,4861 de6520341 odenwald eberbach * 3 358 9,0392 49,4964 de6520342 odenwald neckargerach-waldbrunn * 421,49 9,0997 49,4189 de6521341 elzbachtal * 1 222,06 9,2269 49,4589 de6522341 seckach und zufl sse * 1 624,33 9,4497 49,4467 de6523341 westlicher taubergrund * 1 839,11 9,7228 49,5153 de6526341 taubergrund bei creglingen * 929,81 10,0611 49,4633 de6527371 endseer berg * 125,74 10,2378 49,4394 de6527372 naturwaldreservate der frankenh he 243,91 10,2492 49,3983 de6528371 anstieg der frankenh he stlich der a 7 * 3 447,22 10,2961 49,4319 de6530371 zenn von st ckach bis zur m ndung 609,31 10,7656 49,4914 de6531301 f rther und zirndorfer stadtwald 828 10,9228 49,4658 de6531371 weiherkette n rdlich weinzierlein 5,26 10,8856 49,4339 de6532371 wasserwerk erlenstegen * 213,33 11,16 49,4714 de6532372 tiergarten n rnberg mit schmausenbuck * 613,2 11,1753 49,45 de6533371 rodungsinseln im reichswald 43,47 11,2608 49,4378 de6534371 bacht ler der hersbrucker alb * 698,33 11,4733 49,4472 de6535371 w lder im oberpf lzer jura * 803,73 11,6381 49,5706 de6537371 vils von vilseck bis zur m ndung in die naab * 621,95 11,9317 49,2744 de6537372 johannisberg * 381,41 11,9894 49,4686 de6538371 amphibien-lebensr ume um etsdorf 34,11 12,0439 49,4483 de6540302 mausohrkolonien im naturraum oberpf lzisch-bayerischer wald 0 12,4142 49,4144 de6540371 standort bungsplatz oberviechtach * 240,38 12,4464 49,4778 de6541371 bayerische schwarzach und biberbach 530,4 12,6194 49,4619 de6605301 nied * 638 6,6236 49,3681 de6605302 bei gisingen * 152 6,6303 49,3458 de6606302 primswiesen bei nalbach 13 6,8006 49,3828 de6606303 primswiesen bei bilsdorf 18 6,8233 49,3875 de6606304 rodener saarwiesen 29 6,7383 49,3358 de6606305 s dlich flugplatz d ren 14 6,6756 49,31 de6606306 wiesenlandschaft zw. h lzweiler u. schwalbach 47 6,8172 49,3114 de6606307 sonnenkuppe 0,1 6,6953 49,3364 de6606308 blauwald 0,1 6,6764 49,3258 de6606309 altarme der saar * 22 6,6978 49,3617 de6607301 wiesenlandschaft bei wahlschied 70 7,0092 49,3436 de6607302 hoxberg i u. ii 0,1 6,8822 49,3917 de6608301 nordwestlich heinitz 109 7,1281 49,3322 de6609301 limbacher u. spieser wald * 1 653 7,1903 49,32 de6609302 nsg kasbruch * 35 7,2058 49,3369 de6609303 wiesen bei frankenholz und oberbexbach 52 7,2606 49,3719 de6609304 k hnbruch 29 7,2772 49,3258 de6609305 blies * 303 7,3 49,2706 de6609306 limbacher sandd ne 10 7,2844 49,3044 de6609307 bliesaue bei beeden 6 7,3111 49,3003 de6610301 closenbruch * 82 7,3594 49,3347 de6610302 j gersburger wald und k nigsbruch bei homburg * 647 7,3631 49,3614 de6610303 binnend ne nord stlich homburg 5 7,3597 49,3275 de6610304 nsg lambsbachtal * 5 7,3814 49,3169 de6610305 eichelscheidt 0,1 7,3881 49,3606 de6610306 landeskrankenhaus homburg 0,3 7,345 49,3067 de6616301 speyerer wald und ha locher wald und schifferst dter wiesen * 3 218 8,3456 49,3403 de6616304 rheinniederung speyer-ludwigshafen * 1 448 8,4822 49,3856 de6617341 sandgebiete zwischen mannheim und sandhausen * 1 775,54 8,5558 49,4286 de6618341 kleiner odenwald * 3 560,63 8,7928 49,3767 de6618342 kraichgau meckesheim * 890,36 8,8361 49,3153 de6619341 odenwald-neckargem nd 331,82 8,8839 49,4047 de6620341 bauland mosbach * 1 356,66 9,1522 49,3786 de6620342 neckartal und wald obrigheim * 1 425,02 9,0694 49,3364 de6621341 schefflenzer wald 1 074,67 9,3217 49,3997 de6622341 jagsttal bei sch ntal und klosterwald * 1 260,51 9,5292 49,3197 de6623341 jagsttal d rzbach krautheim * 1 750,2 9,6289 49,3631 de6625341 taubergrund weikersheim niederstetten * 1 741,55 9,9175 49,4342 de6627301 hutungen der frankenh he * 78 10,2239 49,3517 de6627371 taubertal n rdlich rothenburg und steinbachtal * 1 061,7 10,1575 49,4067 de6628371 hutungen am rother berg und um lehrberg * 182,48 10,4944 49,3106 de6628372 kammmolch-habitate um eichelberg und fichtholz bei colmberg 562,01 10,4389 49,3594 de6628373 tierweiher bei hinterholz und weiher am aub hl 12,3 10,4594 49,3331 de6629301 naturschutzgebiet scheerweihergebiet bei schalkhausen * 53 10,515 49,3094 de6629302 hofgarten in ansbach * 13 10,5825 49,3006 de6629371 sonnensee und birkenfelser forst 174,44 10,5508 49,3836 de6630301 bibert und haselbach * 240 10,7144 49,3797 de6632371 rednitztal in n rnberg * 337,76 11,0256 49,3794 de6632372 kornberge bei worzeldorf 137,88 11,1381 49,3633 de6633371 nsg schwarzach-durchbruch und rh tschluchten bei burgthann * 147,12 11,3294 49,3711 de6633372 feuchtbiotope bei oberhembach * 48,46 11,2669 49,3075 de6634371 h llberg * 66,14 11,4778 49,3664 de6636301 fledermausquartiere um hohenburg 0,01 11,8086 49,3147 de6636371 lauterachtal * 822,1 11,7922 49,2989 de6637301 naturschutzgebiet unteres pfistertal n rdlich vilshofen 14 11,945 49,305 de6639371 talsystem von schwarzach, auerbach und ascha * 784,25 12,3147 49,3958 de6639372 charlottenhofer weihergebiet, hirtlohweiher und langwiedteiche * 930,68 12,175 49,3519 de6640301 kulzer moos * 83 12,4511 49,3919 de6640371 schwarzwihrberg bei r tz * 209,68 12,4864 49,3569 de6641371 schwarzachtal zwischen hocha und sch nthal 221,79 12,6661 49,3822 de6642302 buchenw lder bei alth tte 216 12,7558 49,3378 de6642371 buchenwald stlich perlh tte 177,19 12,73 49,3931 de6706301 warndt * 5 097 6,7742 49,1994 de6706302 westl. berus * 144 6,6714 49,2619 de6706303 nsg saaraue nordwestlich wadgassen 14 6,7878 49,2739 de6706304 nsg breitborner flo * 39 6,8242 49,2861 de6706306 sauberg bei felsberg * 22 6,6886 49,285 de6706307 nsg eulenm hle / eulenm hle/welschwies * 89 6,7514 49,2547 de6707301 saarkohlenwald * 2 444 7,0025 49,3117 de6708301 stiftswald und felsenwege st. arnual * 309 7,0056 49,2033 de6708302 nsg wusterhang und beierwies bei fechingen 8 7,09 49,2119 de6708303 allmendwald und bettelwald bei ormesheim 92 7,1583 49,2089 de6708304 scheidterberg 0,1 7,0744 49,2536 de6708305 woogbachtal * 709 7,1039 49,2375 de6708307 eichertsfelsen bei oberw rzbach 1 7,1408 49,2506 de6708308 st. arnualer wiesen 38 7,0256 49,2189 de6709301 badstube mimbach * 11 7,2983 49,2194 de6709302 bliesaue zwischen blieskastel und bliesdalheim * 199 7,2606 49,2203 de6709303 muschelkalkh nge nordwestlich wecklingen * 14 7,2203 49,2164 de6709304 schlangenh hle 0,1 7,3225 49,2806 de6709305 hollerl cher 0,1 7,2578 49,2914 de6709306 lambertsberg 0,1 7,1903 49,2667 de6709307 l ffelsberg 0,1 7,2189 49,2697 de6709308 kr tenbruch 0,1 7,2117 49,2847 de6710301 zweibr cker land * 2 694 7,465 49,2267 de6715301 modenbachniederung * 2 104 8,2661 49,2939 de6715302 bellheimer wald mit queichtal * 4 679 8,2725 49,2156 de6716301 rheinniederung germersheim-speyer * 2 072 8,4222 49,2686 de6716341 rheinniederung von philippsburg bis mannheim * 3 493,84 8,515 49,3281 de6717341 lu hardt zwischen reilingen und karlsdorf * 4 955,12 8,5544 49,2203 de6717342 kinzig-murgrinne kapellenbruch * 171,33 8,6597 49,2658 de6718341 stringer kraichgau * 1 264,13 8,7089 49,2289 de6719341 kraichgau neckarbischofsheim * 744,91 9,0008 49,2875 de6721341 untere jagst und unterer kocher * 2 391,24 9,3433 49,2806 de6723341 kupfer- und forellental * 1 421,89 9,6211 49,2675 de6724341 jagsttal langenburg mulfingen * 2 018,24 9,815 49,3214 de6726341 nord stliche hohenloher ebene * 417,39 10,0967 49,3239 de6727371 klosterberg und gailnauer berg 375,11 10,1825 49,2556 de6733371 moosgraben und dennenloher weiher * 321,59 11,3206 49,2972 de6733372 vermoorungen s dlich allersberg und bei seligenporten * 11,88 11,2853 49,2617 de6734371 binnend nen und albtrauf bei neumarkt * 734,35 11,4761 49,2158 de6735301 talmoore an der schwarzen laaber * 229 11,6108 49,2675 de6735371 buchen- und mischw lder um deusmauer 256,41 11,64 49,2547 de6736301 schlo berg, wolfgangsh hle und hohllochberggruppe bei velburg * 160 11,6831 49,2442 de6736302 truppen bungsplatz hohenfels * 14 902 11,8114 49,2625 de6738371 m nchshofener berg * 180,57 12,0697 49,2394 de6739301 regentalh nge bei hirschling * 352 12,1744 49,2117 de6740301 neub uer weiher * 34 12,4253 49,2425 de6740302 waldweihergebiet im postloher forst * 418 12,3528 49,2819 de6741371 chamb, regentalaue und regen zwischen roding und donaum ndung * 3 193,53 12,515 49,1981 de6743301 hoher bogen * 498 12,915 49,2369 de6808301 birzberg, honigsack/kappelberghang bei fechingen * 183 7,0714 49,1858 de6808302 gebberg bei fechingen * 53 7,0792 49,1961 de6808303 muschelkalkh nge bei bebelsheim u. wittersheim * 142 7,155 49,1789 de6808304 umgebung gr finthal * 53 7,1167 49,1644 de6808305 n rdlich rilchingen-hanweiler * 13 7,0489 49,1339 de6809301 bickenalbtal * 288 7,3314 49,1814 de6809302 muschelkalkgebiet bei gersheim und blieskastel * 1 640 7,1981 49,1697 de6809303 zw. bliesdalheim und herbitzheim * 113 7,2364 49,1661 de6809304 umgebung b ckweiler (westl.) * 52 7,2869 49,1894 de6809305 baumbusch bei medelsheim * 400 7,2492 49,1403 de6809307 nsg himsklamm * 51 7,2225 49,1303 de6809308 br cker berg bei niedergailbach * 102 7,2019 49,1247 de6811302 gersbachtal * 338 7,5878 49,1531 de6812301 biosph renreservat pf lzerwald * 35 997 7,7814 49,2133 de6814301 standort bungsplatz landau * 219 8,1311 49,1808 de6814302 erlenbach und klingbach * 1 018 8,1592 49,1172 de6816301 h rdter rheinaue * 2 382 8,3478 49,1431 de6816341 rheinniederung von karlsruhe bis philippsburg * 4 655,83 8,3831 49,1508 de6818342 kraichgau sinsheim * 1 772,52 8,8439 49,2064 de6820341 stlicher kraichgau * 565,67 9,0289 49,1644 de6822341 ohrntal und kochertal bei sindringen * 932,96 9,5311 49,1925 de6823341 waldenburger berge * 307,53 9,6461 49,1497 de6824341 kochertal schw bisch hall k nzelsau * 2 210,63 9,7772 49,2092 de6825341 jagst bei kirchberg und brettach * 893,42 9,9942 49,1967 de6829371 feuchtgebiete im s dlichen mittelfr nkischen becken * 45,94 10,57 49,1097 de6830371 obere altm hl mit brunst-schwaigau und wiesmet 4 507,98 10,6906 49,1781 de6830372 burgstallwald bei gunzenhausen 118,27 10,7811 49,1164 de6832371 gew sserverbund schw bische und fr nkische rezat * 1 093,9 10,8158 49,2486 de6832372 r ttenbacher wald 282,36 11,0533 49,1311 de6833302 mausohrwochenstuben in der mittleren frankenalb 0 11,5497 49,6286 de6833371 trauf der s dlichen frankenalb * 4 324,42 10,7878 49,0189 de6833372 schwarzach vom main-donau-kanal bis oberm ssing * 206,46 11,3217 49,1317 de6834301 trauf der mittleren frankenalb im sulztal * 1 224 11,4164 49,1256 de6836371 schwarze laaber * 1 158,75 11,6822 49,1822 de6837302 h hle s dwestlich von markstetten 0,01 11,8606 49,1803 de6838301 trockenh nge bei kallm nz * 280 11,9578 49,1683 de6840301 nsg regentalh nge zwischen kirchenrohrbach und zenzing * 22 12,4153 49,1833 de6841371 standort bungsplatz roding * 163,19 12,5422 49,1989 de6841372 amphibienvorkommen am pfahl bei ried am pfahl * 37,13 12,6194 49,1931 de6842301 pfahl * 104 12,855 49,0867 de6842371 sandgrube bei schachendorf * 8,95 12,7075 49,1689 de6843301 winterquartiere der mopsfledermaus im oberpf lzer wald 0 12,9939 49,1656 de6843302 birkenbruchwald oed und erlenw lder bei arnbruck und h tzelsried * 59 12,9228 48,9881 de6843371 kaitersberg-felsh nge 20,21 12,9544 49,1717 de6844301 arracher moor * 19 13,0131 49,1928 de6844371 oberlauf des wei en regens bis k tzting mit kaitersbachaue * 637,87 13,1144 49,1561 de6844372 kleiner und gro er osser, zwercheck und schwarzeck * 392,92 13,0686 49,1453 de6844373 gro er und kleiner arber mit arberseen * 2 295,2 13,1172 49,1042 de6914301 bienwaldschwemmf cher * 13 571 8,1528 49,0336 de6915301 rheinniederung neuburg-w rth * 1 450 8,2575 49,0069 de6916341 alter flugplatz karlsruhe * 53,69 8,3819 49,0292 de6916342 hardtwald zwischen graben und karlsruhe * 4 728,73 8,4431 49,0872 de6917342 bruchsaler kraichgau mit silzenwiesen * 1 049,86 8,5975 49,1061 de6917343 kinzig-murg-rinne zwischen bruchsal und karlsruhe * 1 557,32 8,5311 49,0861 de6918311 mittlerer kraichgau * 2 723,76 8,6986 49,0706 de6919341 heuchelberg und hartwald * 1 578,16 8,9711 49,1114 de6924341 b hlertal vellberg geislingen * 849,5 9,8664 49,1172 de6924342 schw bisch haller bucht * 795 9,7333 49,0847 de6926341 crailsheimer hart und reusenberg * 702,2 10,0861 49,1097 de6927341 rotachtal * 596,13 10,3083 49,0267 de6929371 hesselberg * 282,03 10,5247 49,0675 de6931371 feuerlettenh nge um dorsbrunn und arbachtal stlich pleinfeld * 159,25 11,0328 49,095 de6932301 erlenbach bei syburg * 59 11,1319 49,0572 de6932371 fledermauswinterquartiere in der s dlichen frankenalb 7,97 11,0047 49,0256 de6935371 wei e, wissinger, breitenbrunner laaber u. kreuzberg bei dietfurt * 2 323,23 11,5367 49,0986 de6937301 flanken des naabdurchbruchtals zwischen kallm nz und mariaort * 1 441 11,9497 49,0769 de6937371 naab unterhalb schwarzenfeld und donau von poikam bis regensburg * 1 114,77 12,0356 49,0025 de6938301 trockenh nge bei regensburg * 377 11,9183 48,9172 de6939302 bacht ler im falkensteiner vorwald * 1 387 12,3256 49,0486 de6939371 trockenh nge am donaurandbruch * 521,43 12,2692 49,0242 de6940371 vermoorung s dwestlich falkenstein 9,13 12,4733 49,0828 de6941301 weiher bei wiesenfelden * 50 12,535 49,0375 de6941302 brandmoos und hauerin * 90 12,5808 49,0292 de6943371 aitnach 48,94 12,8833 49,0431 de6944301 silberberg * 309 13,1261 49,0561 de6944302 moore westlich zwiesel * 175 13,1414 49,0311 de6946301 nationalpark bayerischer wald * 24 206 13,3889 48,9947 de7015341 rheinniederung zwischen wintersdorf und karlsruhe * 5 231,42 8,2239 48,9161 de7016341 hardtwald zwischen karlsruhe und muggensturm 2 176,84 8,3394 48,945 de7016342 wiesen und w lder bei ettlingen * 1 617,8 8,4272 48,9381 de7016343 oberwald und alb in karlsruhe * 599,15 8,4003 48,9906 de7017341 pfinzgau ost * 1 789,14 8,6617 48,9419 de7017342 pfinzgau west * 559,36 8,5108 48,9933 de7018341 stromberg * 11 794,6 8,9022 49,0161 de7018342 enztal bei m hlacker * 3 063,92 8,8147 48,9386 de7021341 l wensteiner und heilbronner berge * 5 427,53 9,4042 49,0978 de7021342 n rdliches neckarbecken * 1 257,68 9,2267 49,0375 de7024341 kochertal abtsgm nd gaildorf und rottal * 1 059,66 9,8094 48,9703 de7025341 oberes b hlertal * 636,6 9,8772 49,0128 de7026341 virngrund und ellwanger berge * 401,3 10,1286 48,9447 de7028301 mausohrkolonien in und am rand der schw bischen alb 0 10,4892 48,9942 de7029302 naturschutzgebiet auwald bei westheim * 50 10,6397 48,9936 de7029371 w rnitztal * 3 893,33 10,6172 48,9417 de7031371 schambachried 11,2 10,9358 48,9664 de7031373 schambachtal mit seitent lern 207,38 11,0003 48,9761 de7032301 laubenbuch 20 11,0606 48,9697 de7035371 magerrasen auf der albhochfl che im lkr. eichst tt * 54,86 11,6031 48,8375 de7036371 trockenh nge im unteren altm hltal mit laaberleiten und galgental * 2 720,05 11,6997 48,9803 de7036372 hienheimer forst stlich und westlich schwaben * 1 188,99 11,7381 48,9156 de7037371 frauenforst stlich ihrlerstein und westlich d rnstetten * 334,53 11,9247 48,9519 de7038371 standort bungsplatz oberhinkofen 526,75 12,1278 48,9464 de7040302 w lder im donautal * 1 289 12,3672 48,9322 de7040371 donau und altw sser zwischen regensburg und straubing * 2 193,76 12,3758 48,9753 de7042371 standort bungsplatz bogen 72,47 12,7067 48,9042 de7043301 bergwiesen und -weiden im vorderen bayerischen wald * 19 12,9439 48,9086 de7043371 deggendorfer vorwald * 1 497,25 12,8878 48,975 de7043372 wolfertsrieder bach 62,87 12,9139 48,9775 de7045371 oberlauf des regens und nebenb che * 1 921,91 13,2006 48,9417 de7116341 albtal mit seitent lern * 2 736,92 8,4503 48,8531 de7116342 w lder und wiesen bei malsch * 901,8 8,3633 48,8889 de7117341 bocksbach und obere pfinz * 730,53 8,5486 48,8764 de7118341 w rm-nagold-pforte * 1 901,74 8,7278 48,8286 de7119341 strohg u und unteres enztal * 2 459,4 8,9597 48,8658 de7121341 unteres remstal und backnanger bucht * 795,72 9,3089 48,8594 de7123341 welzheimer wald * 976,89 9,7103 48,8686 de7125341 unteres leintal und welland * 1 489,6 9,9711 48,8708 de7127341 sechtatal und h gelland von baldern * 435,5 10,3228 48,8983 de7128341 westlicher riesrand * 417 10,4081 48,8839 de7128371 trockenverbund am rand des n rdlinger rieses * 948,97 10,715 48,82 de7130301 wemdinger ried 124 10,6739 48,8733 de7130302 heroldinger burgberg * 374 10,6989 48,8047 de7130371 pf fflinger wiesen und riedgraben bei laub 230,61 10,5881 48,9047 de7130372 oberlauf der ussel bis itzing 28,74 10,8003 48,8328 de7131371 steinbruch langenaltheim 78,5 10,9644 48,8914 de7131372 steinbruch am schrandelberg bei langenaltheim 13,83 10,9403 48,8831 de7132371 mittleres altm hltal mit wellheimer trockental und schambachtal * 4 204,5 11,3658 48,9167 de7132372 galgenberg und schutterquelle * 11,51 11,0956 48,8264 de7132373 buchenw lder auf der albhochfl che * 275,45 11,0617 48,8497 de7134371 standort bungsplatz ingolstadt heppberg * 263,29 11,4425 48,8303 de7136301 weltenburger enge und hirschberg und altm hlleiten * 934 11,8319 48,9092 de7136302 naturschutzgebiet sandharlander heide * 11 11,8011 48,8442 de7136303 mausohrkolonien in der s dlichen frankenalb 0 11,8269 48,8903 de7136304 donauauen zwischen ingolstadt und weltenburg * 2 766 11,7633 48,8417 de7136305 trockenrasen n rdlich pf rring * 4 11,7 48,8431 de7137301 sippenauer moor * 16 11,9539 48,8706 de7138371 bachmuschelb che s dlich thalmassing * 45,56 12,1044 48,8753 de7138372 tal der gro en laaber zwischen sandsbach und unterdeggenbach 682,25 12,0769 48,8225 de7142301 donauauen zwischen straubing und vilshofen * 4 787 13,0169 48,7644 de7144301 todtenau und gf hretwiesen bei zell * 150 13,1456 48,8856 de7144371 wiesen und triften um rohrm nz, grafling und frath * 101,78 12,9981 48,8806 de7144372 extensivwiesen stlich deggendorf * 102,78 13,0619 48,8522 de7144373 obere hengersberger ohe mit hangwiesen * 350,66 13,1175 48,8408 de7145371 wiesengebiete u. w lder um den brotjackelriegel und um sch llnach * 417,55 13,2233 48,8131 de7148301 bischofsreuter waldhufen * 967 13,7594 48,8389 de7148302 moore bei finsterau und philippsreuth * 88 13,6872 48,8781 de7148371 philippsreuter waldhufen * 69,27 13,6719 48,8636 de7214341 rheinniederung von lichtenau bis iffezheim * 2 051,82 8,0714 48,7894 de7214342 bruch bei b hl und baden-baden * 2 145,87 8,1022 48,7317 de7214343 magerrasen und w lder zw. sandweier und stollhofen * 780,65 8,0939 48,7889 de7215341 w lder und wiesen um baden-baden * 1 514,22 8,2547 48,7831 de7216341 unteres murgtal und seitent ler * 1 920,51 8,3533 48,7861 de7217341 eyach oberhalb neuenb rg * 299,7 8,5306 48,7858 de7218341 calwer heckeng u * 2 046,24 8,8014 48,7172 de7220341 stuttgarter bucht * 558,58 9,1967 48,8056 de7222341 schurwald * 3 033,28 9,4817 48,7633 de7224341 rehgebirge und krummtal * 264,53 9,7611 48,7181 de7224342 albtrauf donzdorf heubach * 2 519,91 9,8858 48,7314 de7225341 albuchwiesen * 51,1 10,0214 48,7764 de7226311 heiden und w lder zwischen aalen und heidenheim * 4 702,55 10,1275 48,7808 de7229301 abbaustelle bei oberringingen, teich b. sternbach, pr latenweiher 8 10,5078 48,7394 de7229371 kesseltal mit kessel, hahnenbach und k hrlesbach 212,33 10,5747 48,7344 de7230371 donauw rther forst mit standort bungsplatz und harburger karab 2 400,92 10,8114 48,7519 de7232301 donau mit jura-h ngen zwischen leitheim und neuburg * 3 282 11,0297 48,7267 de7233371 amphibienhabitate um neuburg 29,53 11,1886 48,7889 de7233372 donauauen mit gerolfinger eichenwald * 2 926,76 11,3078 48,7419 de7233373 donaumoosb che, zucheringer w rth und brucker forst * 947,29 11,2853 48,6939 de7234371 oberstimmer schacht * 18,82 11,4514 48,7047 de7236301 naturschutzgebiet binnend nen bei siegenburg und offenstetten 25 11,8308 48,7533 de7236302 naturwaldreservat damm 71 11,785 48,7356 de7236303 forstmoos * 218 11,6972 48,7133 de7236304 nato- bungsplatz siegenburg 261 11,7981 48,7558 de7237371 sallingbachtal 339,39 11,8631 48,8031 de7239371 gelbbauchunken-habitate n rdlich ascholtshausen 15,89 12,1897 48,7917 de7243301 untere isar zwischen landau und plattling * 1 217 12,7311 48,6856 de7243302 isarm ndung * 1 906 12,9422 48,7864 de7244301 schuttholzer moor * 108 13,1519 48,7453 de7245301 bayerwaldb che um sch llnach und eging am see * 334 13,2586 48,7417 de7245302 nadelw lder der schwanenkirchner terti rbucht * 260 13,2153 48,7117 de7246371 ilz-talsystem * 2 846,58 13,4308 48,7461 de7246372 sand- und lehmgrube loizersdorf 10,11 13,3972 48,7433 de7248301 bergwiesen und magerrasen am dreisessel * 45 13,8058 48,7586 de7248302 hochwald und urwald am dreisessel * 273 13,8078 48,7758 de7248371 borstgrasrasen und bergwiesen obergrainet-gschwendet * 141,49 13,6711 48,8003 de7313341 westliches hanauer land * 1 377,34 7,91 48,6625 de7314341 schwarzwald-westrand bei achern * 674,59 8,1539 48,6111 de7315341 n rdlicher talschwarzwald um b hlertal * 532,71 8,2056 48,6711 de7315342 wiesen, moore und heiden bei forbach * 599,63 8,2964 48,6692 de7316341 kaltenbronner enzh hen * 1 042,44 8,4669 48,7111 de7317341 kleinenztal und schwarzwaldrandplatten * 1 394,62 8,6058 48,6872 de7319341 g ulandschaft an der w rm * 850,64 8,89 48,7225 de7320341 glemswald * 3 254,66 9,0647 48,7192 de7321341 filder * 697 9,2994 48,6894 de7322341 hohes reisach und rauber * 374,13 9,4872 48,6594 de7323341 pfuhlbach und eichert * 127,03 9,6436 48,6858 de7324341 eybtal bei geislingen * 1 825,87 9,8864 48,6467 de7325341 steinheimer becken * 3 000,12 10,0517 48,6764 de7327341 h rtsfeld * 3 363 10,2997 48,7911 de7328302 steinbruch n rdlich bergheim 0,3 10,4575 48,6581 de7328303 dattenhauser ried 297 10,3689 48,6464 de7328304 egau 42 10,4069 48,6281 de7328305 wittislinger ried 93 10,4439 48,6258 de7328371 nebel-, kloster- und brunnenbach 318,2 10,4986 48,6719 de7329301 donauauen blindheim-donaum nster * 1 211 10,665 48,6439 de7329371 westerried n rdlich wertingen 20,54 10,6372 48,5953 de7329372 juraw lder n rdlich h chst dt * 3 819,24 10,6139 48,6814 de7330301 mertinger h lle und umgebende feuchtgebiete 858 10,7639 48,6608 de7330302 niederterrassenw lder zwischen fristingen und lauterbach 218 10,7189 48,6453 de7331301 abbaustellen zwischen rain und gempfing 2 10,9481 48,6778 de7332301 illdorfer, kundinger, eschlinger leiten * 77 11,0097 48,6733 de7335371 feilenmoos mit n ttinger viehweide * 870,41 11,5506 48,6889 de7340371 habitate der gelbbauchunke im landkreis dingolfing-landau 16,61 12,4464 48,6711 de7341301 unteres isartal zwischen niederviehbach und landau * 276 12,4158 48,6256 de7341371 mettenbacher, grie enbacher und k nigsauer moos (unteres isartal) 220,46 12,5417 48,6739 de7344301 unteres vilstal * 341 13,0378 48,6011 de7345301 vilshofener donau-engtal * 113 13,1686 48,6503 de7346371 ehemaliges kiesgrubengel nde n rdlich hellersberg 13,21 13,3911 48,6031 de7347371 erlau * 574,55 13,5578 48,6564 de7347372 steinbruchgebiet nordwestlich hauzenberg 13,33 13,6075 48,6689 de7348371 moore im bereich sonnen-wegscheid mit abschnitten des rannatals * 262,01 13,7225 48,6231 de7413341 stliches hanauer land * 3 409,08 7,9681 48,6089 de7415341 wilder see hornisgrinde * 2 897,3 8,2281 48,5406 de7415342 oberes murgtal * 1 356,11 8,3428 48,5508 de7418341 nagolder heckeng u * 1 296,21 8,6939 48,5628 de7419341 spitzberg, pfaffenberg, kochhartgraben und neckar * 853,49 8,9469 48,5144 de7420341 sch nbuch * 11 247,13 9,0689 48,5831 de7421341 albvorland bei n rtingen * 1 501,97 9,3728 48,6019 de7422341 lenninger tal und teckberg * 1 948,76 9,4792 48,5581 de7422342 hohenneuffen, jusi und ba geige * 1 616,57 9,4244 48,5633 de7423341 neidlinger alb * 1 570,11 9,5733 48,5892 de7423342 filsalb * 5 430,04 9,7192 48,6058 de7423343 gebiete zwischen laichingen und donnstetten * 324,94 9,6417 48,5181 de7425341 lonetal kuppenalb 444,78 9,9172 48,5486 de7426341 hungerbrunnen-, sacken- und lonetal * 918,38 10,0231 48,5997 de7427341 giengener alb und eselsburger tal * 990,2 10,23 48,6044 de7427371 naturschutzgebiet gundelfinger moos * 226,35 10,2958 48,5108 de7428301 donau-auen zwischen thalfingen und h chst dt * 5 798 10,3872 48,5178 de7429301 gr ben im donauried n rdlich eppisburg 53 10,5678 48,5353 de7430301 fledermausquartiere im landkreis augsburg 0 10,8139 48,515 de7431301 lechauen n rdlich augsburg * 401 10,8711 48,5131 de7433371 paar * 2 970,22 11,1689 48,5108 de7438371 bucher graben * 46,35 12,0447 48,5739 de7438372 kl tzlm hlbach * 54,06 12,0275 48,5125 de7439371 leiten der unteren isar * 642,58 12,2267 48,5642 de7440371 vilstal zwischen vilsbiburg und marklkofen * 834,65 12,4908 48,5369 de7442301 niedermoore und quells mpfe im isar-inn-h gelland * 25 12,7747 48,5417 de7445301 laufenbachtal * 312 13,3319 48,5714 de7446301 donauleiten von passau bis jochenstein * 517,47 13,5117 48,5933 de7446371 stlicher neuburger wald und innleiten bis vornbach * 1 088,27 13,4283 48,5342 de7447371 donau von kachlet bis jochenstein mit inn- und ilzm ndung * 508,02 13,5425 48,5769 de7512341 rheinniederung von wittenweier bis kehl * 3 880,27 7,7783 48,4483 de7513341 untere schutter und unditz * 2 637,52 7,8747 48,4406 de7515341 oberes wolfachtal * 780,8 8,2956 48,4133 de7515342 n rdlicher talschwarzwald bei oppenau * 336,45 8,1872 48,5211 de7516341 freudenst dter heckeng u * 1 033,55 8,6178 48,4722 de7517341 horber neckarh nge * 790,71 8,6628 48,43 de7519341 neckar und seitent ler bei rottenburg * 637,65 8,8622 48,4278 de7519342 rammert * 2 859,99 8,9711 48,4372 de7520341 albvorland bei m ssingen * 2 026,31 9,0572 48,3928 de7521341 albtrauf pfullingen * 3 678,66 9,2639 48,4456 de7521342 mittleres albvorland bei reutlingen * 1 140,92 9,2383 48,4964 de7522341 uracher talspinne * 4 736,81 9,4097 48,4911 de7522342 wacholderheiden bei m nsingen * 138,11 9,4794 48,4297 de7523341 truppen bungsplatz m nsingen * 6 384,47 9,5553 48,4453 de7524341 blau und kleine lauter * 1 588,92 9,8797 48,435 de7524342 alb um nellingen/merklingen * 612,18 9,8158 48,4975 de7526341 westliche lonetal-fl chenalb * 400,62 10,0214 48,4875 de7527341 donaumoos * 917,51 10,2361 48,4989 de7527371 leipheimer moos * 183,65 10,2142 48,4828 de7528371 stubenweiherbach * 4,29 10,3472 48,4111 de7530301 l tzelburger lehmgrube 6 10,7892 48,4592 de7531371 h h-, h rgelau- und schwarzgraben, lechbrenne n rdlich augsburg * 65,74 10,8914 48,44 de7531372 lechleite zwischen friedberg und thierhaupten 88,53 10,9364 48,4481 de7535371 kammmolch-habitate im kranzberger forst 144,54 11,6639 48,4147 de7537301 isarauen von unterf hring bis landshut * 5 276 11,9028 48,4308 de7538371 gelbbauchunken-habitate um niedererlbach * 24,84 12,0164 48,4672 de7539371 kleine vils * 28,29 12,2619 48,4733 de7545371 unterlauf der rott von bayerbach bis zur m ndung * 241 13,3167 48,4206 de7614341 mittlerer schwarzwald zw. gengenbach und wolfach * 253,63 8,1456 48,3967 de7616341 kleinkinzig- und r tenbachtal * 114,98 8,3986 48,3528 de7617341 wiesen und heiden an glatt und m hlbach * 587,5 8,6011 48,3808 de7618341 gebiete zwischen rosenfeld und haigerloch * 286,49 8,8136 48,3356 de7619341 magerwiesen um bisingen * 452,54 8,9264 48,3342 de7620341 salmendingen/sonnenb hl * 293 9,1178 48,3478 de7620342 reichenbach und killertal * 1 224,63 9,04 48,3436 de7620343 albtrauf zwischen m ssingen und g nningen * 3 567,67 9,1339 48,4047 de7621341 gebiete um trochtelfingen * 698,4 9,2731 48,32 de7622341 gro es lautertal und landgericht * 3 309,45 9,5067 48,3278 de7623341 tiefental und schmiechtal * 3 304,49 9,6986 48,3642 de7625341 donautal bei ulm * 366,92 9,9675 48,3736 de7628301 riedellandschaft-talmoore * 341 10,4103 48,3839 de7629371 zusamtal von ziemetshausen bis sch nebach 344,12 10,5689 48,3083 de7629372 dinkelscherbener moor * 50,02 10,6172 48,3356 de7630371 schmuttertal 899,33 10,7383 48,3367 de7631371 lechauen zwischen k nigsbrunn und augsburg * 2 303,74 10,9289 48,3053 de7631372 lech zwischen landsberg und k nigsbrunn mit auen und leite * 2 502,03 10,8894 48,2003 de7634301 naturschutzgebiet weichser moos * 55 11,4317 48,3828 de7635301 ampertal * 2 171 11,9117 48,4653 de7635302 giesenbacher quellmoor * 8 11,6242 48,3878 de7636371 moorreste im freisinger und im erdinger moos * 491,12 11,6792 48,3753 de7637371 strogn mit hammerbach und k llinger b chlein * 328,04 11,9914 48,3672 de7638301 aufgelassene sandgrube stlich riding 3 12,0008 48,3781 de7643371 altbachgebiet s dwestlich triftern * 121,87 12,9819 48,3683 de7712341 taubergie en, elz und ettenbach * 4 929,17 7,6925 48,2386 de7713341 schwarzwald-westrand von herbolzheim bis hohberg * 1 990,58 7,8825 48,3147 de7714341 mittlerer schwarzwald bei haslach * 668,77 8,0486 48,2997 de7715341 mittlerer schwarzwald bei hornberg und schramberg * 776,65 8,2836 48,2097 de7716341 schiltach und kaltbrunner tal * 1 170,82 8,3606 48,2614 de7717341 neckartal zwischen rottweil und sulz * 2 202,58 8,6083 48,2706 de7718341 kleiner heuberg und albvorland bei balingen * 872,59 8,8111 48,2711 de7719341 gebiete um albstadt * 1 519,31 9,0139 48,2811 de7720341 gebiete bei burladingen * 616,45 9,085 48,3019 de7722341 zwiefaltener alb * 787,74 9,4558 48,2528 de7724341 donau zwischen munderkingen und erbach * 457,94 9,7522 48,2756 de7726302 naturschutzgebiet wasenl cher bei illerberg 69 10,0928 48,2986 de7726341 illertal * 274,49 10,0389 48,3044 de7726371 untere illerauen * 834,1 10,0161 48,3392 de7726372 obenhausener ried und muschelb che im rothtal 399,08 10,1569 48,2442 de7727301 alte g nz bei tafertshofen * 20 10,2775 48,2119 de7728301 mausohrkolonien im ost- und unterallg u 0 10,3944 48,2983 de7728302 buchenwald stlich krumbach 182 10,3919 48,2711 de7728303 mindelh nge zwischen winzer und mindelzell * 87 10,4547 48,2469 de7732301 naturschutzgebiet haspelmoor * 157 11,0889 48,22 de7733371 flughafen f rstenfeldbruck 226,35 11,2642 48,2044 de7734301 gr ben und niedermoorreste im dachauer moos * 306 11,4839 48,2744 de7734302 allacher forst und angerlohe * 219 11,4775 48,2042 de7735371 heidefl chen und lohw lder n rdlich von m nchen * 1 913,85 11,6108 48,2258 de7736371 gr ben und niedermoorreste im erdinger moos * 110,56 11,7361 48,2392 de7736372 nsg s dlich der ismaninger fischteiche 22,7 11,7133 48,2036 de7739371 isental mit nebenb chen * 766,01 12,1819 48,2514 de7741371 gr nbach und bucher moor * 150,55 12,5361 48,1939 de7742371 inn und untere alz * 1 564,83 12,7733 48,2567 de7743301 innleite von buch bis simbach * 115 12,9694 48,2614 de7744371 salzach und unterer inn * 5 688,11 12,7608 48,0697 de7813341 schwarzwald zwischen kenzingen und waldkirch * 2 199,04 7,8425 48,1536 de7817341 eschachtal * 1 097,63 8,5158 48,1944 de7818341 prim-albvorland * 1 296,5 8,7231 48,1617 de7819341 stlicher gro er heuberg * 2 155,29 8,9111 48,1711 de7819342 wiesen bei schwenningen 388,11 8,9942 48,1117 de7820341 schmeietal * 978,09 9,1175 48,1333 de7820342 truppen bungsplatz heuberg * 4 732,05 9,0394 48,1672 de7821341 gebiete um das laucherttal * 1 658,29 9,2192 48,2103 de7822341 gro er buchwald und tautschbuch * 2 739,27 9,4125 48,2011 de7823341 donau zwischen munderkingen und riedlingen * 1 427,78 9,5736 48,2039 de7824341 w lder bei biberach * 401,59 9,8025 48,1072 de7825341 d rnach und osterried * 195,24 9,8633 48,1839 de7828371 gr ben im mittleren mindeltal 78,71 10,4925 48,1494 de7829301 angelberger forst * 641 10,5889 48,1131 de7831301 westerholz 40 10,8897 48,1439 de7832371 ampermoos * 528,67 11,1381 48,1025 de7833371 moore und buchenw lder zwischen etterschlag und f rstenfeldbruck * 775,61 11,2172 48,1217 de7834301 nymphenburger park mit allee und kapuzinerh lzl * 177 11,4917 48,1567 de7837371 ebersberger und gro haager forst * 3 840,44 11,9417 48,12 de7839371 mausohrkolonien im unterbayerischen h gelland 0 11,4528 48,5022 de7841371 wochenstuben der wimperfledermaus im chiemgau 3,5 12,7494 47,9306 de7842371 kammmolch-habitate in den landkreisen m hldorf und alt tting * 113,57 12,6869 48,1478 de7911341 kaiserstuhl * 1 054,65 7,6578 48,1125 de7911342 rheinniederung von breisach bis sasbach * 1 009,01 7,5867 48,0997 de7912341 glotter und n rdl. mooswald * 1 937,87 7,7994 48,1033 de7914341 rohrhardsberg, obere elz und wilde gutach * 3 985,61 8,1281 48,1297 de7915341 sch nwalder hochfl chen * 1 721,46 8,2122 48,1106 de7916341 s d stlicher schwarzwald bei villingen * 359,96 8,3597 48,1108 de7918341 hohenkarpfen * 291,44 8,7278 48,04 de7918342 s dwestlicher gro er heuberg * 2 929,32 8,8044 48,1161 de7919341 donautal und hochfl chen von tuttlingen bis beuron * 5 417,56 8,9106 48,0392 de7920341 gebiete zwischen sigmaringen und me kirch * 28,95 9,2078 48,0461 de7920342 oberes donautal zwischen beuron und sigmaringen * 2 707,14 9,0533 48,09 de7922341 enzkofer ried und mengener riedle * 103,94 9,3581 48,025 de7922342 donau zwischen riedlingen und sigmaringen * 1 164,25 9,3975 48,0881 de7923341 federsee und blinder see bei kanzach * 2 831,82 9,6283 48,0786 de7924341 umlachtal und ri s dlich biberach * 712,92 9,7686 48,0244 de7926301 heimertinger illerleite 8 10,1508 48,0539 de7926341 rot und bellamonter rottum * 536,09 9,9967 48,1264 de7927371 bachmuschelbest nde bei lauben * 21,1 10,2886 48,0706 de7929301 bechstein-fledermausvorkommen um bad w rishofen 137 10,5747 48,0133 de7930301 wiedergeltinger w ldchen 26 10,6847 48,0233 de7932371 windach * 309,92 11,0131 48,0397 de7932372 ammerseeufer und leitenw lder * 952,06 11,1756 47,9789 de7933301 schluifelder moos und bulachmoos * 74 11,2108 48,0806 de7933371 eichenalleen und w lder um meiling und we ling * 329,49 11,2569 48,0614 de7933372 herrschinger moos und aubachtal * 209,01 11,1789 48,0133 de7934302 eichelgarten im forstenrieder park * 18 11,4367 48,0489 de7934371 moore und w lder der endmor ne bei starnberg * 586,62 11,3617 48,0289 de7938371 attel * 294,07 12,1236 48,0331 de7939301 innauen und leitenw lder * 3 553 12,1558 47,9739 de7939371 moore um wasserburg * 134,29 12,1719 48,0728 de7942301 heigermoos * 3 12,6797 48,0394 de8012341 breisgau * 3 127,54 7,7522 48,0142 de8012342 sch nberg mit schwarzwaldh ngen * 2 521,35 7,7886 47,9292 de8013341 schauinsland * 917,86 7,9022 47,9156 de8013342 kandelwald, ro kopf und zartener becken * 2 071,49 7,9664 48,0039 de8016341 baar * 2 220,35 8,5183 47,9456 de8017341 n rdliche baaralb und donau bei immendingen * 2 529,17 8,6894 47,9475 de8020341 ablach, baggerseen und waltere moor * 513,74 9,0906 47,9433 de8023341 feuchtgebiete um altshausen * 1 401,29 9,5306 47,9367 de8024341 feuchtgebiete um bad schussenried * 609,47 9,67 47,9875 de8025341 wurzacher ried und rohrsee * 1 890,21 9,8936 47,9214 de8026341 aitrach und herrgottsried * 558,23 10,0719 47,9244 de8027301 benninger ried * 101 10,2008 47,975 de8027371 westliche g nz * 142,22 10,2886 47,9864 de8028301 katzbrui * 44 10,4531 47,9683 de8028371 mindelquellgebiet * 81,68 10,4481 47,9128 de8028372 kalktuffquellen im allg uer alpenvorland * 10,99 10,5578 47,8853 de8028373 obere mindel * 88,65 10,4806 47,9422 de8029371 staffelwald bei irsee und lehmgrube hammerschmiede * 329,89 10,5922 47,9036 de8032302 naturschutzgebiet seeholz und seewiese * 97 11,0947 47,9953 de8032371 ammersee-s dufer und raistinger wiesen * 882,4 11,1278 47,9344 de8032372 moore und w lder westlich die en * 2 590,62 11,0392 47,9125 de8033371 mor nenlandschaft zwischen ammersee und starnberger see * 2 071,96 11,1808 47,9461 de8033372 standort bungsplatz maising * 101,52 11,3033 47,9925 de8033373 nsg maisinger see 121,83 11,2758 47,9794 de8034371 oberes isartal * 4 669,78 11,4772 47,9658 de8036301 kastensee mit angrenzenden kesselmooren * 28 11,8283 47,9931 de8037371 kupferbachtal, glonnquellen und gutterst tter streuwiesen * 105,74 11,8497 47,9508 de8037372 mausohrkolonien im s dlichen landkreis rosenheim 2 11,8983 47,9278 de8038371 rotter forst und rott * 846,29 12,0953 47,9775 de8038372 moore n rdlich bad aibling * 106,38 11,9683 47,9028 de8039302 moore und seen nord stlich rosenheim * 559 12,2492 47,9228 de8039371 murn, murner filz und eiselfinger see * 514,15 12,2181 47,9844 de8040371 moorgebiet von eggst dt-hemhof bis seeon * 2 115,7 12,3858 47,9375 de8041301 winterquartier der mopsfledermaus in burg stein 0 12,5467 47,9878 de8041302 alz vom chiemsee bis altenmarkt * 477 12,4886 47,9344 de8041371 standort bungsplatz traunstein 104,45 12,6394 47,9042 de8043371 haarmoos 277,18 12,8947 47,9053 de8111341 markgr fler rheinebene von neuenburg bis breisach * 2 361,85 7,59 47,9233 de8113341 belchen * 2 871,64 7,8644 47,8222 de8113342 hochschwarzwald um den feldberg * 5 052,16 8,0214 47,8619 de8114341 hochschwarzwald um hinterzarten * 1 764,78 8,0781 47,9022 de8115341 wutachschlucht * 3 542,5 8,4031 47,8483 de8115342 l ffinger muschelkalkhochland * 469,21 8,3225 47,8797 de8117341 s dliche baaralb * 1 337,57 8,6583 47,8786 de8118341 hegaualb * 1 372,17 8,7467 47,8739 de8119341 stlicher hegau und linzgau * 504,87 8,9406 47,8967 de8121341 ruhest tter ried, egelseeried und taubenried * 407,15 9,1903 47,9053 de8122341 buchenw lder bei fronhofen * 253,14 9,5078 47,8536 de8122342 pfrunger ried und seen bei illmensee * 1 723,52 9,3897 47,8992 de8123341 tobelw lder bei blitzenreute * 221,5 9,6081 47,8681 de8124341 altdorfer wald * 1 350,46 9,7261 47,8456 de8126341 ach und d rrenbach * 22,58 10,0967 47,8328 de8127301 illerdurchbruch zwischen reicholzried und lautrach * 968 10,1778 47,8494 de8128301 g nzhangw lder markt rettenbach oberg nzburg * 449 10,4042 47,8769 de8128302 gillenmoos * 86 10,4869 47,8203 de8130301 gennachhauser moor * 234 10,6842 47,8428 de8131301 moorkette von peiting bis wessobrunn * 944 10,9778 47,8083 de8131371 lech zwischen hirschau und landsberg mit auen und leiten * 2 889,85 10,8711 47,9897 de8132302 ettinger bach * 59 11,165 47,7967 de8133301 naturschutzgebiet osterseen * 1 087 11,3183 47,8069 de8133302 eberfinger drumlinfeld mit magnetsrieder hardt u. bernrieder filz * 1 115 11,2089 47,84 de8133371 starnberger see * 5 689,05 11,3167 47,8994 de8134303 fledermaus-kolonien im s dwesten oberbayerns 0 11,0869 48,0269 de8134371 moore s dlich k nigsdorf, rothenrainer moore und k nigsdorfer alm * 1 100,28 11,4975 47,7939 de8134372 loisachleiten * 306,52 11,4008 47,8678 de8135371 moore zwischen dietramszell und deining * 960,34 11,5028 47,9067 de8136302 taubenberg * 1 847 11,7669 47,8333 de8136371 mangfalltal * 1 347,64 11,8122 47,8175 de8137301 wattersdorfer moor * 346 11,8492 47,8506 de8138371 auer weidmoos mit kalten und kaltenaue * 465,51 12,0197 47,805 de8138372 moore um raubling * 1 027,92 12,0456 47,8011 de8139371 simsseegebiet * 1 041,88 12,2342 47,8692 de8140371 moore s dlich des chiemsees * 3 566,41 12,5061 47,8336 de8140372 chiemsee * 8 151,56 12,445 47,8772 de8141301 hangquellmoor ewige sau * 50 12,5586 47,8633 de8142371 moore im salzach-h gelland * 1 308,54 12,8592 47,8956 de8142372 oberes surtal und urstromtal h glw rth * 878,21 12,7503 47,8511 de8143371 uferbereiche des waginger sees, g tzinger achen und untere sur * 239,36 12,9136 47,8572 de8211341 markgr fler h gelland mit schwarzwaldh ngen * 3 248,08 7,7058 47,8142 de8213311 gletscherkessel pr g und weidfelder im oberen wiesental * 4 778,22 7,9506 47,7825 de8214341 blasiwald und unterkrummen * 358,77 8,1542 47,7969 de8214342 bernauer hochtal und taubenmoos * 1 698,58 8,0569 47,8003 de8214343 oberer hotzenwald * 1 841,86 8,0939 47,7336 de8216341 blumberger pforte und mittlere wutach * 6 337,85 8,4403 47,7792 de8218341 westlicher hegau * 1 879,43 8,8847 47,8042 de8218342 gottmadinger eck * 316,03 8,7681 47,7256 de8219341 mettnau und radolfzeller aach unterhalb singen * 1 742,02 8,9322 47,7394 de8220341 bodanr ck und westl. bodensee * 14 340,65 9,0975 47,7325 de8220342 berlinger see und bodenseeuferlandschaft * 3 768,67 9,1622 47,7586 de8221341 bodensee hinterland bei berlingen * 334,69 9,2178 47,7875 de8221342 bodenseehinterland zwischen salem und markdorf * 463,68 9,3669 47,7136 de8222341 deggenhauser tal * 811,96 9,3939 47,7981 de8222342 rotachtal bodensee * 466,19 9,4636 47,7556 de8224341 feuchtgebiete bei waldburg * 294,56 9,7547 47,7567 de8225341 weiher und moore um ki legg * 1 229,42 9,8828 47,8067 de8226341 feuchtgebietskomplexe n rdlich isny * 605,82 10,0394 47,7517 de8227301 quellflur bei staig * 1 10,2439 47,7853 de8227302 quellfluren bei maisenbaindt * 1 10,2269 47,7619 de8227373 k rnacher wald * 2 759,61 10,1667 47,73 de8228301 kempter wald mit oberem rottachtal * 4 096 10,4794 47,7211 de8229301 elbsee * 151 10,5492 47,7958 de8229302 fronhalde und holdersberg 18 10,5483 47,7572 de8230301 hangquellmoor s dwestlich echerschwang * 2 10,7739 47,7089 de8230371 moore um bernbeuren * 325,95 10,8106 47,7217 de8231302 illach von hausen bis jagdberg * 300 10,9378 47,7233 de8232371 grasleitner moorlandschaft * 2 137,87 11,0525 47,755 de8233301 moor- und drumlinlandschaft zwischen hohenkasten und antdorf * 1 412 11,2403 47,7639 de8233371 standort bungsplatz spatzenhausen n rdlich murnau * 134,69 11,1789 47,7178 de8234371 moore um penzberg * 1 161,21 11,4317 47,7883 de8234372 loisach * 192,74 11,4033 47,8478 de8235301 ellbach- und kirchseemoor * 1 173 11,6017 47,7981 de8235371 attenloher filzen und mariensteiner moore * 650,2 11,6606 47,7575 de8237371 leitzachtal * 2 240,7 11,9039 47,7714 de8238371 innauwald bei neubeuern und pionier bungsplatz nussdorf * 191,63 12,1472 47,7272 de8240302 b rnseemoor * 93 12,3367 47,7944 de8243301 standort bungsplatz kirchholz (bad reichenhall) * 114 12,9042 47,7347 de8243371 marzoller au * 140,54 12,9164 47,7578 de8311341 t llinger berg und tongrube r mmingen 342,02 7,6342 47,6139 de8311342 markgr fler rheinebene von weil bis neuenburg * 1 526,23 7,5364 47,7153 de8312341 r ttler wald * 2 511,89 7,7375 47,7058 de8313341 weidfelder bei gersbach und an der wehra * 1 977,89 7,9603 47,6869 de8314341 alb zum hochrhein * 1 201,78 8,1117 47,6628 de8314342 wiesen bei waldshut * 745,61 8,1681 47,6514 de8315341 t ler von schwarza, mettma, schl cht, steina * 3 809,04 8,2692 47,7114 de8316341 klettgaur cken * 1 468,37 8,4094 47,6125 de8317341 w lder, wiesen und feuchtgebiete bei jestetten * 387,87 8,5558 47,6467 de8319341 schiener berg und westlicher untersee * 2 596,3 8,9689 47,6978 de8322341 bodenseeufer westlich friedrichshafen * 512,37 9,4178 47,6647 de8323341 schussenbecken und schmalegger tobel * 904,84 9,5981 47,7789 de8323342 argen und feuchtgebiete s dlich langnau * 508,48 9,6539 47,6328 de8324301 stockenweiler weiher, degermoos, schwarzenbach * 239 9,8081 47,6467 de8324341 moore und weiher um neukirch * 239,99 9,6964 47,67 de8324342 obere argen und seitent ler * 933,45 9,8772 47,6747 de8324343 untere argen und seitent ler * 982,77 9,9022 47,7378 de8325341 bodenm ser und hengelesweiher * 761,49 10,0275 47,6967 de8325371 hammermoos bei heimenkirch * 60,9 9,9253 47,6264 de8325372 osterholz bei rentershofen 47,16 9,9606 47,6106 de8326341 adelegg * 640,06 10,0978 47,7133 de8326371 allg uer molassetobel * 936,69 10,0319 47,6392 de8326372 maierh fer moos 27,52 10,0586 47,66 de8327301 moore im wierlinger wald * 198 10,2178 47,6722 de8327303 werdensteiner moos * 139 10,2597 47,6142 de8327304 rottachberg und rottachschlucht * 527 10,2978 47,6 de8327372 naturschutzgebiet widdumer weiher und wasenmoos * 34,86 10,3075 47,6314 de8329301 wertachdurchbruch * 876 10,5294 47,6906 de8329302 weihermoos holzleuten * 144 10,5469 47,6811 de8329303 sulzschneider moore * 1 795 10,6564 47,6908 de8329304 attlesee * 69 10,5397 47,6314 de8329305 senkele * 159 10,6633 47,6381 de8330302 halbtrockenrasen am forggensee * 171 10,7597 47,6122 de8330303 unterer halblech * 120 10,8167 47,6369 de8330371 urspringer filz,premer filz und viehweiden * 546,57 10,825 47,6683 de8331301 naturschutzgebiet moore um die wies * 378 10,9097 47,6753 de8331302 ammer vom alpenrand b. zum nsg vogelfreist tte ammersee-s dufer * 2 391 10,9728 47,7228 de8331303 trauchberger ach, moore und w lder am nordrand des ammergebirges * 1 129 10,855 47,6503 de8332301 murnauer moos * 4 291 11,1458 47,6358 de8332372 mor nenlandschaft zwischen staffelsee und baiersoien * 2 591,93 11,0367 47,6867 de8334371 loisach-kochelsee-moore * 1 900,3 11,3572 47,6992 de8411341 w lder bei wyhlen * 692,8 7,6869 47,555 de8412341 dinkelberg * 2 135,01 7,7856 47,6114 de8413341 murg zum hochrhein * 1 394,66 8,01 47,6436 de8416341 hochrhein stl. waldshut * 269,4 8,3369 47,5794 de8423301 bodenseeufer 213 9,6311 47,5633 de8423341 bodenseeuferlandschaft stlich friedrichshafen * 1 363,44 9,5478 47,6172 de8423372 unterreitnauer moos und nsg mittelseemoos bei wasserburg * 58 9,6631 47,5856 de8424371 laiblach und lindauer ach * 105,61 9,7728 47,5897 de8426371 sinswanger moor n rdlich oberstaufen * 62,72 10,0139 47,5719 de8427371 felmer moos, gro moos und gallmoos 80,46 10,2692 47,5575 de8428301 h hnermoos * 170 10,3728 47,5928 de8429301 schmelzwasserrinnen und toteisl cher bei pfronten * 38 10,5833 47,5839 de8429302 alpenrandquellseen * 233 10,6422 47,5722 de8429371 pfrontener wasenmoos und moore bei hopferau * 158,44 10,5875 47,5939 de8430301 naturschutzgebiet bannwaldsee * 558 10,7769 47,6036 de8430372 kalktuffquells mpfe und niedermoore im ostallg u * 115,55 10,6811 47,5903 dk002x110 saltholm og omliggende hav * 7 218, 12,7658 55,6428 dk002x111 vestamager og havet syd for * 6 179, 12,5317 55,5881 dk002x211 b llemose * 20, 12,5622 55,8275 dk002x212 vre m lle dal, fures og frederiksdal skov * 1 987, 12,3356 55,8047 dk002x213 vasby mose og sengel se mose * 109, 12,2339 55,6914 dk002x214 brob k mose og gentofte s * 46, 12,5356 55,7494 dk002x273 nedre m lle dal * 42, 12,5478 55,8058 dk002x338 j gersborg dyrehave * 842, 12,5686 55,7922 dk003x106 arres , ellemose og lille lyngby mose * 4 748, 12,1050 55,9819 dk003x202 hessel med omliggende stenrev * 4 193, 11,7022 56,1967 dk003x203 gilbjerg hoved * 40, 12,2725 56,1250 dk003x204 teglstrup hegn og hammerm lle skov * 891, 12,5519 56,0492 dk003x205 gurre s * 448, 12,4844 56,0308 dk003x206 rusland * 248, 12,4103 56,0825 dk003x207 gribskov * 6 042, 12,3156 55,9997 dk003x208 tisvilde hegn og melby overdrev * 2 044, 12,0372 56,0350 dk003x209 roskilde fjord * 13 473, 12,0317 55,7842 dk003x210 kattehale mose * 8, 12,3706 55,8561 dk003x272 esrum s , esrum og sn vret skov * 1 886, 12,3697 56,0628 dk003x279 kongens lyng * 2, 11,9450 55,9125 dk003x297 j gerspris skydeterr n * 569, 11,9372 55,8872 dk003x333 kyndby kyst * 360, 11,8700 55,8056 dk004x215 ejby dal og omliggende kystskr nter * 36, 11,8444 55,7114 dk004x216 hejede overdrev, valborup skov og vals lille s * 1 330, 11,8811 55,5500 dk004x217 lsemagle strand og staunings * 538, 12,2122 55,5028 dk004x218 k ge * 59, 12,0325 55,4714 dk004x219 tryggev lde dal * 347, 12,2750 55,3811 dk004x269 vall dyrehave * 62, 12,2122 55,4089 dk004x334 ryeg rd dyrehave, bramsn s og garveriskov * 46, 11,8300 55,6897 dk004y335 egern s med holme og fugls * 150, 11,7958 55,6608 dk005x221 sejer bugt og saltb k vig * 43 912, 11,3233 55,8264 dk005x222 udby vig * 382, 11,7517 55,7631 dk005x223 mose, tiss , halleby og flasken * 3 262, 11,2872 55,5767 dk005x224 allindelille fredskov * 114, 11,7700 55,5142 dk005x225 bagholt mose * 14, 12,0136 55,3844 dk005x226 store mose, skarres og bregninge * 3 400, 11,3739 55,6278 dk005x227 nordlige del af sor s nderskov * 81, 11,5758 55,4367 dk005x228 s torup s og ulse s 118, 11,9878 55,2983 dk005x276 r sn s, r sn s rev og kalundborg fjord * 5 664, 10,9544 55,7072 dk005x331 bjergene, diesebjerg og bollinge bakke * 451, 11,4347 55,8292 dk005y220 havet og kysten mellem hundested og r rvig * 4 004, 11,8089 55,9589 dk005y229 sk lsk r fjord og havet og kysten mellem agers og gl n * 17 357, 11,3469 55,1853 dk006x087 maribos erne * 3 806, 11,5408 54,7408 dk006x090 klinteskoven * 1 000, 12,5364 54,9822 dk006x230 skove ved vemmetofte * 162, 12,2342 55,2600 dk006x232 r dmandshave * 65, 11,7531 55,2394 dk006x233 havet og kysten mellem pr st fjord og gr nsund * 31 949, 12,1714 55,0097 dk006x234 havet og kysten mellem karreb k fjord og knudshoved odde * 16 905, 11,7047 55,1275 dk006x237 lekkende dyrehave * 33, 12,0075 55,0683 dk006x238 sm landsfarvandet nord for lolland, guldborg sund, b t nor og hyllekrog-r dsand * 77 848, 11,5308 54,9175 dk006x239 horreby lyng * 257, 12,0131 54,8172 dk006x240 krenkerup haveskov * 20, 11,6669 54,7742 dk006x241 halsted kloster dyrehave * 5, 11,2458 54,8497 dk006x242 nakskov fjord * 8 195, 10,9942 54,8364 dk006x260 stege nor * 569, 12,2942 54,9769 dk006x261 oreby skov * 29, 11,8164 55,0356 dk006x264 holtug kridtbrud 5, 12,4467 55,3417 dk006x278 maltrup skov * 2, 11,6039 54,8192 dk006x279 busemarke mose og r by s * 241, 12,4253 54,9647 dk006x339 listrup lyng * 15, 11,9464 54,8353 dk006y231 holmeg rds mose * 328, 11,8178 55,2925 dk006y275 sus med tystrup-bavelse s og slagmosen * 1 678, 11,5878 55,3575 dk007x079 ertholmene 1 256, 15,1908 55,3203 dk007x080 almindingen, lene og paradisbakkerne * 6 084, 14,9789 55,1103 dk007x243 hammeren og slotslyngen * 549, 14,7625 55,2672 dk007x244 gyldens * 14, 15,0817 55,1456 dk007x245 kystskr nter ved arnager bugt * 20, 14,7975 55,0547 dk007x246 dueodde * 253, 15,0433 54,9950 dk007x298 sp llinge dal, d ndal og helligdomsklipperne * 118, 14,8722 55,2106 dk007x311 randkl ve sk r * 37, 15,0489 55,1678 dk008x047 lilleb lt * 35 043, 9,7358 55,3436 dk008x075 odense fjord * 5 047, 10,4911 55,4856 dk008x183 fyns hoved, lillegrund og lillestrand * 2 182, 10,6119 55,6089 dk008x184 bel , havet syd for og n r * 11 283, 10,1442 55,5933 dk008x185 havet mellem roms og hindsholm samt roms * 4 215, 10,7619 55,5131 dk008x186 r jle klint og kasmose skov * 178, 9,8181 55,5492 dk008x187 urup dam, brab k mose, birkende mose og illemose * 102, 10,5767 55,3808 dk008x188 odense med h gerup , sallinge og lindved * 654, 10,2350 55,2631 dk008x189 ster s * 57, 10,8411 55,2908 dk008x190 centrale storeb lt og vresen 62 047, 10,8753 55,2592 dk008x191 kajbjerg skov * 294, 10,7842 55,2678 dk008x192 s er ved t rup og klintholm 36, 10,8072 55,1831 dk008x193 storelung * 28, 10,2592 55,2567 dk008x194 skove og s er syd for brahetrolleborg * 1 965, 10,3767 55,1286 dk008x195 arreskov s * 473, 10,2997 55,1581 dk008x196 store res , sortes og igles * 16, 10,2983 55,1211 dk008x197 b jden nor * 114, 10,0908 55,1008 dk008x198 maden p heln s og havet vest for * 2 045, 9,9869 55,1500 dk008x199 vestlige del af avernak * 124, 10,2442 55,0294 dk008x201 sydfynske hav * 44 986, 10,5278 54,8683 dk008x327 svanninge bakker * 125, 10,2472 55,1289 dk008x328 r dme svinehaver * 41, 10,5006 55,1014 dk008x329 thur rev * 162, 10,7164 55,0294 dk009x058 hostrup s , assenholm mose og felsted vestermark * 1 322, 9,4317 54,9611 dk009x059 pamhule skov og stevning dam * 1 091, 9,3892 55,2244 dk009x068 rinken s skov, dyrehaven og rode skov * 864, 9,5428 54,9344 dk009x180 bolderslev skov og uge skov * 154, 9,3544 55,0017 dk009x271 lilleskov og troldsmose * 105, 9,9147 55,0144 dk009x280 augustenborg skov * 32, 9,8547 54,9450 dk00bx044 uldum k r, t rring k r og lholm k r 1 049, 9,5450 55,8578 dk00bx166 store vandskel, r rb k s og tinnet krat * 2 221, 9,4042 55,9006 dk00bx167 skove langs nordsiden af vejle fjord * 2 542, 9,7200 55,6983 dk00bx168 munkebjerg strandskov * 307, 9,6356 55,6875 dk00bx169 h jen b k * 180, 9,5303 55,6739 dk00bx170 vre grejs dal * 886, 9,4572 55,7433 dk00bx293 holtum dal, vre del * 168, 9,3519 55,9644 dk00bx326 bygholm dal * 51, 9,7356 55,8703 dk00bx337 svanemose * 175, 9,4322 55,4353 dk00dx146 anholt og havet nord for * 13 357, 11,5733 56,7411 dk00dx147 eldrup skov og s er og moser i l venholm skov * 155, 10,5108 56,4556 dk00dx148 stubbe s * 778, 10,6992 56,2567 dk00dx150 tved k r * 6, 10,4469 56,2000 dk00dx151 begtrup vig og kystomr der ved helgen s * 1 771, 10,4797 56,1353 dk00dx155 stavns fjord, sams sterflak og nordby hede * 15 663, 10,7242 55,9344 dk00dx263 nordby bakker * 628, 10,5289 55,9708 dk00dx300 mols bjerge med kystvande * 2 915, 10,5475 56,2147 dk00dx319 kastbjerg dal * 1 125, 10,1408 56,6431 dk00dx320 bjerre skov og haslund skov * 192, 9,9936 56,3889 dk00dx321 kal skovene og kal vig * 746, 10,4814 56,2811 dk00dx322 kobberhage kystarealer * 792, 10,7439 56,1694 dk00dx323 lillering skov, stj r skov, t strup skov og t strup mose * 134, 9,9753 56,1386 dk00dx324 brabrand s med omgivelser * 521, 10,0733 56,1411 dk00dx325 giber , enem rket og sk de havbakker * 168, 10,2464 56,0922 dk00dy149 guden og gjern bakker * 815, 9,6722 56,2353 dk00dy152 salten , salten langs , moss og s er syd for salten langs og dele af guden * 4 470, 9,6625 56,0478 dk00dy154 yding skov og ejer skov * 130, 9,8003 56,0033 dk00dy156 horsens fjord, havet st for og endelave * 45 823, 10,2275 55,8211 dk00dy262 silkeborgskovene * 1 455, 9,5161 56,1389 dk00dy294 stenholt skov og stenholt mose * 340, 9,3686 56,2022 dk00dz153 sepstrup sande, vrads sande, velling skov og palsg rd skov * 5 572, 9,4642 56,0356 dk00ex137 tjele langs og vinge m lleb k * 676, 9,6283 56,5322 dk00ex138 brandstrup mose * 52, 9,5161 56,3817 dk00ex139 hald ege, stanghede og dollerup bakker * 1 524, 9,3364 56,3872 dk00ex140 nipg rd s * 50, 9,3500 56,3106 dk00ex141 rosborg s * 74, 9,2144 56,4192 dk00ex142 bredsg rd s * 172, 9,2614 56,4553 dk00ex143 m nsted og daugbjerg kalkgruber og m nsted dal * 740, 9,1600 56,4611 dk00ex287 kongenshus hede * 1 570, 9,1353 56,3803 dk00ey124 l gst r bredning, vejlerne og bulbjerg * 44 768, 9,0425 57,0025 dk00ey134 lovns bredning, hjarb k fjord og skals, simested og n rre dal, samt skravad b k * 23 513, 9,2656 56,5711 dk00fx005 r bjerg mile og hulsig hede * 4 463, 10,4111 57,6625 dk00fx010 strandenge p l s og havet syd herfor * 66 986, 11,0675 57,1917 dk00fx112 skagens gren og skagerrak * 269 079, 10,3969 57,8686 dk00fx113 hirsholmene, havet vest herfor og ellinge ?s udl b * 9 460, 10,5433 57,5011 dk00fx114 uggerby klitplantage og uggerby ?s udl b * 717, 10,1108 57,5869 dk00fx115 k rsg rd strand, vandplasken og liver * 442, 9,8875 57,5311 dk00fx116 rubjerg knude og l nstrup klint * 292, 9,7792 57,4531 dk00fx117 sted dal * 124, 10,4225 57,4372 dk00fx118 holtemmen, h jsande og nordmarken * 713, 11,0414 57,3058 dk00fx119 solsb k * 33, 10,5433 57,2797 dk00fx120 store vildmose * 1 853, 9,8064 57,2306 dk00fx121 svinkl v klitplantage og gr nne strand * 1 094, 9,3006 57,1428 dk00fx122 lborg bugt, randers fjord og mariager fjord * 68 583, 10,3403 56,8622 dk00fx123 nibe bredning, halk r dal og s nderup dal * 18 907, 9,5494 56,9614 dk00fx125 lille vildmose, tofte skov og h stemark skov * 7 824, 10,2069 56,8831 dk00fx126 rold skov, lindenborg dal og madum s * 8 748, 9,8575 56,8428 dk00fx127 lundby hede, oudrup sterhede og vindbl s hede * 937, 9,4408 56,9294 dk00fx128 kielstrup s * 509, 9,9347 56,6639 dk00fx257 havet omkring nordre r nner * 18 535, 10,9722 57,3900 dk00fx274 ejstrup klit og egvands bakker * 1 295, 9,4769 57,1806 dk00fx295 navns med hede * 103, 9,4531 56,8842 dk00fx296 ster lovnk r * 97, 10,2447 56,7353 dk00fx312 tolne bakker * 171, 10,3319 57,4858 dk00fx313 tislum m lleb k * 58, 10,2575 57,4533 dk00fx314 bangsbo dal og omliggende overdrevsomr der * 877, 10,4558 57,3969 dk00fx315 nym lle b k og nejsum hede * 69, 10,2311 57,3050 dk00fx316 hammer bakker, stlig del * 108, 10,0436 57,1258 dk00fx317 lien med underlien * 1 046, 9,3622 57,1458 dk00fx318 villestrup dal * 538, 9,8964 56,7311 dk00fx336 saltum bjerge * 163, 9,7161 57,2778 dk00fx342 jerup hede, r bjerg og tolshave mose * 4 024, 10,3828 57,5272 dk00va170 mejl flak 3 907, 10,4872 56,0481 dk00va171 gilleleje flak og tragten 15 034, 12,3547 56,1525 dk00va200 stenrev syd st for langeland 1 484, 10,7681 54,7617 dk00va235 kirkegrund 1 753, 11,4086 55,1106 dk00va247 kims top og den kinesiske mur 26 092, 11,5817 57,0372 dk00va248 herthas flak 1 380, 10,8689 57,6400 dk00va249 l s trindel og t nneberg banke 8 619, 11,2225 57,4383 dk00va250 store middelgrund 2 137, 12,0778 56,5550 dk00va253 ryggen 437, 10,7414 55,6222 dk00va254 flensborg fjord, bredgrund og farvandet omkring als 64 922, 10,1372 54,9406 dk00va255 hatterbarn 633, 10,8517 55,8814 dk00va256 broen 588, 11,0272 55,2014 dk00va260 femern b lt 11 456, 11,0414 54,7114 dk00va261 adler grund og r nne banke 31 910, 14,4167 54,9475 dk00va299 lysegrund 3 158, 11,7606 56,3000 dk00va303 schultz og hastens grund samt briseis flak 20 740, 11,2306 56,2314 dk00va304 munkegrunde 1 329, 10,9042 55,9589 dk00va305 stevns rev 4 645, 12,4669 55,3236 dk00va306 klinteskov kalkgrund 1 994, 12,5664 54,9747 dk00va307 b chers grund 1 093, 12,3053 54,9314 dk00va308 davids banke 839, 14,6819 55,3631 dk00va309 hvideodde rev 830, 14,6811 55,1339 dk00va310 bakkebr dt og bakkegrund 299, 14,7311 54,9786 dk00va330 ebbel kkerev 140, 11,4719 55,9686 fr1100798 la bass e * 1 403 3,28333 48,45 fr2100246 pelouses, rochers et buxaie de la pointe de givet * 673 4,83667 50,12333 fr2100247 pelouses et frutic es de la r gion de joinville * 511 5,14361 48,38361 fr2100248 rebord du plateau de langres cohons et chalindrey * 200 5,395 47,80083 fr2100249 pelouses et frutic es de la c 'te oxfordienne de bologne latrecey * 653 4,85194 47,98861 fr2100250 pelouse des sources de la suize a courcelles-en-montagne * 111 5,18917 47,83333 fr2100251 pelouses et for ts du bars quanais * 318 4,531 47,972 fr2100253 pelouse des brebis brienne-la-vieille * 40 4,52667 48,36361 fr2100255 savart de la tommelle marigny * 286 3,83167 48,66167 fr2100256 savart du camp militaire de moronvilliers 1 511 4,31278 49,21833 fr2100257 savart du camp militaire de mailly-le-camp 536 4,31972 48,58639 fr2100258 savart du camp militaire de mourmelon * 408 4,40917 49,16083 fr2100259 savart du camp militaire de suippes * 7 957 4,64139 49,18556 fr2100260 pelouses du sud-est haut-marnais * 228 5,41083 47,71306 fr2100261 pelouses submontagnardes du plateau de langres 30 5,19444 47,79722 fr2100263 pelouse de la c 'te de chaumont brottes * 11 5,13361 48,08917 fr2100264 pelouses, rochers, bois, prairies de la vall e de la marne poulangy-marnay * 367 5,24389 48,02583 fr2100265 buxaie de condes-brethenay * 89 5,15444 48,14306 fr2100267 landes et mares de mesnil-sur-oger et d'oger * 102 4,00917 48,93917 fr2100270 ri zes du plateau de rocroi * 329 4,41444 49,92444 fr2100273 tourbi res du plateau ardennais * 363 4,78806 49,96722 fr2100274 marais et pelouses du tertiaire au nord de reims * 381 3,85389 49,27194 fr2100275 marais tourbeux du plateau de langres (secteur sud-ouest) * 399 5,03361 47,76556 fr2100276 marais tufeux du plateau de langres (secteur sud-est) * 137 5,18306 47,76444 fr2100277 marais tufeux du plateau de langres (secteur nord) * 237 5,1425 47,83194 fr2100278 tufi re de rolampont * 80 5,25556 47,94778 fr2100281 marais de villech tif * 131 4,12583 48,31139 fr2100282 marais de la vanne a villemaur * 90 3,75028 48,25639 fr2100283 le marais de saint-gond * 1 744 3,86944 48,81444 fr2100284 marais de la vesle en amont de reims * 466 4,1925 49,18028 fr2100285 marais de la superbe * 276 3,90611 48,59917 fr2100286 marais d'athis-cherville * 43 4,14611 49,00639 fr2100287 marais de germont-buzancy * 99 4,90306 49,43417 fr2100288 prairies d'autry * 166 4,80806 49,25111 fr2100290 prairies de courteranges 41 4,23167 48,27556 fr2100291 vall e du rognon, de doulaincourt la confluence avec la marne * 486 5,17778 48,34667 fr2100292 vall e de l'aube, d'auberive dancevoir * 1 136 4,9425 47,89583 fr2100293 vall e de l'aujon, de chameroy a arc-en-barrois * 467 5,08111 47,89889 fr2100295 prairies de la voire et de l'h ronne * 1 088 4,57861 48,47056 fr2100296 prairies, marais et bois alluviaux de la bass e * 841 3,69583 48,53889 fr2100297 prairies et bois alluviaux de la basse vall e alluviale de l'aube * 742 3,99722 48,55444 fr2100298 prairies de la vall e de l'aisne * 4 242 4,715 49,39861 fr2100299 for ts de la vall e de la semoy a thilay et hautes-rivi res * 531 4,83944 49,88194 fr2100300 massif de signy-l'abbaye * 2 241 4,36667 49,70139 fr2100301 for t du mont-dieu * 477 4,84361 49,55861 fr2100302 vall e bois e de la houille * 237 4,815 50,0775 fr2100305 for t d'orient * 6 135 4,42722 48,29806 fr2100308 garenne de la perthe 637 3,97583 48,61556 fr2100309 for ts et clairi res des bas-bois * 2 846 4,28083 48,31361 fr2100310 bois d'humegnil-epothemont * 417 4,65806 48,40333 fr2100311 camp militaire du bois d'ajou * 267 4,57139 48,41222 fr2100312 massif forestier de la montagne de reims (versant sud) et tangs associ s * 1 733 4,04556 49,09194 fr2100315 for t de trois-fontaines * 3 326 4,91694 48,70722 fr2100317 for t de doulaincourt * 2 057 5,19361 48,2975 fr2100318 bois de villiers-sur-marne, buxi res-les-froncles, froncles et vou court * 650 5,15472 48,30528 fr2100319 vall es du rognon et de la sueurre et massif forestier de la cr te et d'ecot la combe * 3 928 5,3325 48,20111 fr2100320 for t d'harreville-les-chanteurs * 433 5,6325 48,25861 fr2100322 val de la joux et la vouette roches-sur-rognon * 257 5,25944 48,28 fr2100323 le cul du cerf orquevaux * 176 5,40667 48,31722 fr2100324 les gorges de la vingeanne * 71 5,19917 47,76139 fr2100325 bois de la c 'te nogent-en-bassigny * 9 5,33639 48,01417 fr2100326 bois de la voivre marault * 224 5,08722 48,18 fr2100329 vallon de senance courcelles-en-montagne et noidant-le-rocheux * 49 5,23667 47,83528 fr2100330 bois de serqueux * 960 5,75833 48,01472 fr2100331 tangs de bairon * 105 4,76556 49,53528 fr2100332 tang de la horre * 725 4,65472 48,5 fr2100333 tangs lat raux du der 307 4,69 48,56778 fr2100334 r servoir de la marne dit du der-chantecoq * 6 127 4,77944 48,56806 fr2100335 tangs de belval, d'etoges et de la grande rouillie * 280 4,98389 48,95111 fr2100336 grotte de coublanc 0,28 5,46722 47,69528 fr2100337 ouvrages militaires de la r gion de langres * 59 5,30778 47,83028 fr2100338 fort de dampierre ou magalotti 65 5,42722 47,95917 fr2100339 carri res souterraines d'arsonval 345 4,62472 48,28306 fr2100340 carri res souterraines de vertus 11 3,98444 48,89583 fr2100341 ardoisi res de montherm et de deville 1 4,73028 49,87139 fr2100342 souterrains de montlibert 1 5,3325 49,58417 fr2100343 site chiropt res de la vall e de la bar * 2 228 4,82361 49,59194 fr2100344 ruisseaux de vaux-la-douce et des bruy res * 6 5,73972 47,85861 fr2100345 ruisseaux de pressigny et de la ferme d'aillaux * 635 5,66056 47,73083 fr2100620 l'apance 23 5,77222 47,93806 fr2102001 anciennes carri res souterraines de chevillon et fontaines sur marne 23 5,14972 48,54222 fr2102002 site chiropt res de la vall e de l'aujon * 3 734 4,91528 48,06556 fr2102003 carri res souterraines de chaumont-choignes 20 5,17056 48,11083 fr2200386 massif forestier d'hirson * 1 016 4,15861 49,94778 fr2200388 bocage du franc bertin 132 4,21833 49,75472 fr2400519 haute vall e de l'arnon et petits affluents * 305 2,3025 46,48917 fr2400522 vall es de la loire et de l'allier * 4 069 3,05889 46,98444 fr2400535 vall e de l'anglin et affluents * 4 139 1,17222 46,55 fr2400536 vall e de la creuse et affluents * 5 283 1,5325 46,57389 fr2600956 milieux forestiers et pelouses des combes de la c 'te dijonnaise * 2 086 4,93833 47,225 fr2600957 milieux forestiers, prairies et pelouses de la vall e du suzon * 2 785 4,90611 47,41111 fr2600958 milieux forestiers, pelouses et marais des massifs de moloy, la boni re et lamargelle * 574 4,90528 47,55583 fr2600959 milieux forestiers du ch tillonnais avec marais tufeux et sites sabot de v nus * 3 331 4,75167 47,78583 fr2600960 massifs forestiers de francheville, d'is-sur-tille et des laverottes * 442 4,97833 47,47861 fr2600961 massif forestier du mont beuvray * 1 006 4,03306 46,91944 fr2600962 pelouses associ es aux milieux forestiers des plateaux de basse bourgogne * 1 826 3,59139 47,66278 fr2600963 marais tufeux du ch tillonnais * 97 4,91333 47,75917 fr2600965 vall e de la loire entre fourchambault et neuvy-sur-loire * 2 546 3,01417 47,17333 fr2600966 vall e de la loire entre imphy et decize * 1 850 3,33972 46,84528 fr2600968 bec d'allier * 1 069 3,13194 46,96611 fr2600969 val d'allier bourguignon * 951 3,06139 46,8375 fr2600970 pelouses calcicoles et falaises des environs de clamecy * 532 3,50528 47,49389 fr2600971 pelouses calcicoles de la c 'te ch lonnaise * 910 4,65361 46,68778 fr2600972 pelouses calcicoles du m connais * 160 4,72139 46,30028 fr2600973 pelouses et for ts calcicoles de la c 'te et arri re c 'te de beaune * 1 670 4,70972 47,01333 fr2600974 pelouses et for ts calcicoles des c 'teaux de la cure et de l'yonne en amont de vincelles * 1 568 3,76528 47,58722 fr2600975 cavit s chauves-souris en bourgogne * 3 537 4,79111 47,34472 fr2600976 prairies et for ts inondables du val de sa 'ne entre chalon et tournus et de la basse vall e de la grosne * 6 171 4,90667 46,71361 fr2600979 dunes continentales, tourbi re de la truch re et prairies de la basse seille * 3 055 4,99833 46,51389 fr2600980 prairies, bocage, milieux tourbeux et landes s ches de la vall e de la belaine * 3 518 4,12556 46,30111 fr2600981 prairies inondables de la basse vall e du doubs jusqu' l'amont de navilly * 1 434 5,23194 46,92667 fr2600982 for ts, landes, tourbi res de la vall e de la canche * 256 4,08694 47,00167 fr2600983 vall es de la cure et du cousin dans le nord morvan * 4 132 3,78472 47,42806 fr2600986 prairies, landes s ches et ruisseaux de la vall e de la dragne et de la maria * 1 057 3,91944 46,95778 fr2600987 ruisseaux crevisses du bassin de l'yonne amont * 591 3,98611 47,26778 fr2600988 h traie montagnarde et tourbi res du haut morvan * 1 040 4,01556 47,00333 fr2600989 tourbi re du vernay et prairies de la vall e du vignan * 258 4,08028 47,26083 fr2600990 landes et tourbi re du bois de la biche * 339 3,48611 47,85861 fr2600992 ruisseaux patrimoniaux et milieux tourbeux et paratourbeux de la haute vall e du cousin * 1 500 4,12583 47,29778 fr2600993 tangs cistude d'europe du charolais * 512 4,3475 46,56833 fr2600994 complexe des tangs du bazois 398 3,60944 47,18139 fr2600995 prairies mar cageuses et paratourbeuses de la vall e de la cure * 522 4,03361 47,21194 fr2600996 marais alcalin et prairies humides de baon * 21 4,11167 47,8575 fr2600998 for t de ravin et landes du vallon de canada, barrage du pont du roi * 332 4,46806 46,93694 fr2600999 for ts de ravin de la vall e de l'oussi re en morvan * 186 3,96583 47,12444 fr2601000 for ts, pelouses, boulis de la vall e du rhoin et du ravin d'antheuil * 1 303 4,7775 47,11306 fr2601002 for t de ravin la source tufeuse de l'ignon * 98 4,75556 47,48056 fr2601004 eboulis calcaires de la vall e de l'arman on * 219 4,05083 47,87222 fr2601005 pelouses s ches orchid es sur craie de l'yonne * 306 3,45194 48,19917 fr2601008 landes s ches et milieux tourbeux du bois du breuil * 356 3,7925 46,70139 fr2601012 g tes et habitats chauves-souris en bourgogne * 63 405 4,61361 47,43111 fr2601013 for t de c teaux et environs * 13 281 5,05 47,06667 fr2601014 bocages, for ts et milieux humides des amognes et du bassin de la machine * 32 765 3,35944 46,96194 fr2601015 bocage, for ts et milieux humides du sud morvan * 49 191 3,88278 46,90611 fr2601016 bocage, for ts et milieux humides du bassin de la grosne et du clunysois * 44 132 4,62167 46,46139 fr2601017 bords de loire entre iguerande et decize * 11 453 3,86111 46,50861 fr3100511 for ts, bois, tangs et bocage herbager de la fagne et du plateau d'anor * 1 709 4,13528 50,06444 fr4100153 pelouses et vallons forestiers de chauvoncourt * 289 5,47028 48,88944 fr4100154 pelouses, for t et fort de pagny-la-blanche-c 'te * 141 5,7425 48,53444 fr4100155 pelouses et milieux cavernicoles de la vall e de la chiers et de l'othain, buxaie de montm dy * 314 5,36056 49,51694 fr4100156 marais de chaumont devant damvillers 79 5,41556 49,30778 fr4100157 plateau de malz ville 439 6,20361 48,72556 fr4100159 pelouses du pays messin * 680 6,07417 49,11 fr4100161 pelouses et vallons forestiers du rupt de mad * 1 702 5,92611 49,00028 fr4100162 pelouses d'allamps et zones humides avoisinantes * 38 5,83083 48,54083 fr4100163 pelouses du toulois * 181 5,81861 48,64528 fr4100164 pelouses de lorry-mardigny et vittonville * 127 6,0775 48,99778 fr4100165 pelouses de sivry-la-perche et nixeville 60 5,26444 49,12222 fr4100166 hauts de meuse * 846 5,59972 48,85694 fr4100167 pelouses et rochers du pays de sierck * 683 6,36083 49,45278 fr4100168 pelouses obergailbach * 153 7,23278 49,12444 fr4100169 c 'te de delme et anciennes carri res de tincry * 310 6,35833 48,91167 fr4100170 carri res souterraines et pelouses de klang g tes chiropt res * 59 6,36444 49,32167 fr4100171 corridor de la meuse 12 705 5,41278 49,23806 fr4100172 mines du warndt 169 6,65528 49,1025 fr4100175 mines de mairelles, de ch teau lambert, r seau jean antoine, secteur le thillot 6 6,77 47,85889 fr4100177 g tes chiropt res de la colline inspir e erabli res, pelouses, glise et ch teau de vandeleville * 34 5,99028 48,42222 fr4100178 vall e de la moselle du fond de monvaux au vallon de la deuille, ancienne poudri re de bois sous roche * 520 5,98 48,64917 fr4100179 bois du feing * 94 6,575 48,42583 fr4100180 bois de demange, saint-joire * 463 5,40611 48,56972 fr4100181 for ts de la vall e de la m holle * 387 5,59972 48,62222 fr4100182 for ts de gondrecourt-le-ch teau * 1 063 5,55056 48,47472 fr4100183 for ts des argonnelles * 1 030 4,99611 48,91972 fr4100185 for t domaniale de beaulieu * 573 5,03917 49,04583 fr4100186 for t de dieulet * 7 5,13111 49,46556 fr4100188 vallons de gorze et grotte de robert fey * 299 6,00944 49,07111 fr4100189 for t humide de la reine et catena de rangeval * 5 167 5,77667 48,78278 fr4100190 for ts et tangs du bambois * 94 6,80194 47,95417 fr4100191 milieux forestiers et prairies humides des vall es du mouzon et de l'anger * 320 5,69833 48,28361 fr4100192 for t et tang de parroy, vall e de la vezouze et fort de manonviller * 2 752 6,61361 48,61917 fr4100193 cr tes des vosges mosellanes * 1 583 7,24611 48,58611 fr4100194 for t domaniale de g rardmer ouest (la morte femme, faignes de noir rupt) * 1 011 6,80333 48,06083 fr4100196 massif du grand ventron * 944 6,91139 47,96 fr4100197 massif de vologne * 598 6,84083 48,10611 fr4100198 massif de haute meurthe, d fil de straiture * 959 6,98694 48,11444 fr4100199 massif de saint maurice et bussang * 686 6,87389 47,86889 fr4100201 h traie sapini re de bousson et grandcheneau * 1 049 7,01139 48,51972 fr4100202 massif forestier de longegoutte * 356 6,70667 47,95194 fr4100203 chaumes du hohneck, kastelberg, rainkopf, et charlemagne * 210 7,00694 48,03111 fr4100204 secteur du tanet gazon du faing * 538 7,05361 48,09778 fr4100205 tourbi re de lispach * 11 6,94444 48,05389 fr4100206 tourbi re de machais et cirque de blanchemer * 210 6,96417 48,00806 fr4100207 etang et tourbi re de la demoiselle * 15 6,54722 48,00306 fr4100208 cours d'eau, tourbi res, rochers et for ts des vosges du nord et souterrain de ramstein * 2 013 7,59361 49,04861 fr4100209 tourbi re du champ tre * 17 6,79361 48,00333 fr4100210 tourbi re de jemnaufaing * 10 6,82583 48,00333 fr4100211 tourbi re de la bouy re * 3 6,73194 48,14583 fr4100212 landes et tourbi res du camp militaire de bitche * 173 7,52194 49,0825 fr4100213 vallon de halling 17 6,24389 49,48444 fr4100214 marais de vittoncourt * 57 6,46611 49,02667 fr4100215 marais d'ippling * 55 7,0075 49,09639 fr4100216 marais de pagny-sur-meuse * 169 5,75806 48,69389 fr4100219 complexe de l' tang de lindre, for t de romersberg et zones voisines * 5 308 6,80361 48,79083 fr4100220 etang et for t de mittersheim, corn e de ketzing * 1 460 6,92806 48,83361 fr4100222 lac de madine et tangs de pannes 1 468 5,73556 48,91944 fr4100227 vall e de la moselle (secteur chatel-tonnoy) * 2 335 6,29917 48,44861 fr4100228 confluence moselle moselotte * 1 128 6,625 48,0125 fr4100230 vall e de la sa 'nelle * 29 5,61667 48,36056 fr4100231 secteurs halophiles et prairies humides de la vall e de la nied * 737 6,43278 48,98972 fr4100232 vall e de la seille (secteur amont et petite seille) * 1 477 6,58361 48,7825 fr4100233 vall e du madon (secteur harou / pont-saint-vincent), du brenon et carri res de xeuilley * 1 154 6,14194 48,53306 fr4100234 vall e de la meuse (secteur de stenay) * 2 338 5,18722 49,45028 fr4100236 vall e de la meuse (secteur sorcy saint-martin) * 1 911 5,66639 48,71333 fr4100238 vall e de la meurthe de la voivre saint-cl ment et tourbi re de la basse saint-jean * 2 081 6,70861 48,46917 fr4100239 vall e de la meurthe du collet de la schlucht au rudlin * 119 7,02222 48,08806 fr4100240 vall e de l'esch de ansauville jezainville * 1 774 5,96667 48,83722 fr4100241 vall e de la nied r unie 1 302 6,4775 49,22667 fr4100243 ruisseau et tourbi re de belbriette * 19 6,98611 48,07833 fr4100244 vall es de la sarre, de l'albe et de l'isch marais de francaltroff * 970 6,88722 48,97194 fr4100245 g tes chiropt res autour d'epinal 0,03 6,4025 48,16028 fr4100246 g tes chauves-souris autour de saint-di 0,04 6,96861 48,31778 fr4100247 carri res du perthois: g tes chauves-souris 0,13 5,14028 48,60361 fr4102001 la meuse et ses annexes hydrauliques 582 5,50917 48,95472 fr4102002 g tes chiropt res de la v 'ge 1 5,99194 47,99972 fr4201794 la sauer et ses affluents * 749 7,74194 49,03056 fr4201795 la moder et ses affluents * 1 996 7,56389 48,93167 fr4201796 la lauter * 1 994 8,02306 49,00389 fr4201797 secteur alluvial rhin-ried-bruch, bas-rhin * 20 144 7,7375 48,43333 fr4201798 massif forestier de haguenau * 3 114 7,84222 48,81722 fr4201799 vosges du nord * 4 996 7,34 48,81472 fr4201801 massif du donon, du schneeberg et du grossmann * 3 151 7,26611 48,53556 fr4201802 champ du feu * 169 7,26333 48,4 fr4201803 val de vill et ried de la schernetz * 2 002 7,365 48,34028 fr4201805 promontoires siliceux * 188 7,12056 47,84028 fr4201806 collines sous-vosgiennes * 470 7,26444 47,96278 fr4201807 hautes vosges * 9 002 6,98111 47,99861 fr4201810 vall e de la doller * 1 155 7,22528 47,74111 fr4201811 sundgau, r gion des tangs * 198 7,13083 47,55667 fr4201812 jura alsacien * 3 998 7,32889 47,49028 fr4201813 hardt nord * 6 546 7,43611 47,8625 fr4202000 secteur alluvial rhin-ried-bruch, haut-rhin * 4 259 7,54722 47,82056 fr4202001 vall e de la largue * 991 7,12583 47,59056 fr4202002 vosges du sud * 5 106 6,92806 47,93306 fr4202003 vall e de la sarre, de l'albe et de l'isch, le marais du francaltroff, bas-rhin 517 7,02611 48,955 fr4202004 site chauves-souris des vosges haut-rhinoises * 6 231 7,13 48,06667 fr4301280 bassin du drugeon * 6 704 6,22444 46,85611 fr4301281 combes derniers * 332 6,16528 46,71056 fr4301282 tourbi res et ruisseaux de mouthe, source du doubs * 124 6,20167 46,70556 fr4301283 tourbi res, lac de remoray et zones environnantes * 790 6,24472 46,70556 fr4301284 lac et tourbi res de malpas, les pr s partot et le bief belin * 154 6,29472 46,835 fr4301287 tourbi re des cerneux-gourinots et zones humides environnantes, les seignes des guinots, le verbois * 391 6,77472 47,16972 fr4301288 cret des roches * 60 6,77944 47,37472 fr4301289 c 'te de champvermol * 156 6,79528 47,42722 fr4301290 massif du mont-d'or, du noirmont et du risol * 10 364 6,24333 46,66722 fr4301291 vall es de la loue et du lison * 24 987 6,04722 47,04278 fr4301294 moyenne vall e du doubs * 6 259 6,13611 47,28194 fr4301298 vall es du dessoubre, de la r verotte et du doubs * 16 271 6,61917 47,17722 fr4301299 complexe de la cluse et mijoux * 817 6,38167 46,86444 fr4301301 c 'te de ch teau le bois et gouffre du creux p p * 152 5,83917 47,14583 fr4301304 r seau de cavit s barbastelles et grands rhinolophes de la vall e du doubs (4 cavit s) * 42 6,20361 47,30222 fr4301306 bresse jurassienne * 9 477 5,291 46,5247 fr4301308 lac et tourbi res des rousses, vall e de l'orbe * 503 6,11377 46,51928 fr4301309 tourbi res et lacs de chapelle-des-bois et de bellefontaine les mortes * 320 6,10722 46,58639 fr4301310 combe du lac * 142 5,99528 46,41056 fr4301313 grandvaux * 2 023 5,90222 46,53944 fr4301315 combe du nanchez * 432 5,84833 46,51389 fr4301316 plateau du lizon * 2 076 5,79056 46,43333 fr4301317 vallons forestiers, rivi res, ruisseaux, milieux humides et temporaires de la for t de chaux * 1 885 5,65222 47,07167 fr4301318 massif de la serre * 4 400 5,55583 47,19222 fr4301319 massif du risoux * 1 843 6,09667 46,53806 fr4301320 for t du massacre * 1 807 6,02917 46,40833 fr4301321 recul e des planches pr s arbois * 1 343 5,80306 46,88722 fr4301322 recul es de la haute seille * 1 420 5,66639 46,72778 fr4301323 basse vall e du doubs * 3 804 5,40333 47,00611 fr4301327 tival assenci re * 1 640 5,78444 46,50194 fr4301328 entrec 'tes du milieu malvaux * 1 992 6,01861 46,67222 fr4301330 complexe des sept lacs du jura * 2 162 5,8976 46,6285 fr4301331 vall es et c 'tes de la bienne, du tacon et du flumen * 17 583 5,89917 46,39944 fr4301332 for ts, corniches calcaires, ruisseaux et marais de vulvoz viry * 2 400 5,76083 46,30778 fr4301334 petite montagne du jura * 38 293 5,58889 46,42194 fr4301338 pelouses de la r gion v sulienne et vall e de la colombine * 1 941 6,23639 47,62889 fr4301340 pelouses de champlitte, tang de theuley-les-vars * 346 5,51528 47,5975 fr4301342 vall e de la sa 'ne * 17 906 5,90389 47,62056 fr4301344 vall e de la lanterne * 23 880 6,30389 47,83278 fr4301345 r seau de cavit s rhinolophes de la r gion de vesoul (6 cavit s) 13 6,12833 47,5925 fr4301346 plateaux des mille etangs * 18 677 6,60639 47,81806 fr4301347 for ts, landes et marais des ballons d'alsace et de servance * 2 483 6,79306 47,79944 fr4301348 pi mont vosgien * 4 701 6,91111 47,74111 fr4301350 tangs et vall es du territoire de belfort * 5 114 6,96056 47,61861 fr4301351 r seau de cavit s miniopt res de schreibers en franche-comt (15 cavit s) 25 6,20361 47,30222 fr4302001 c 'te de mancy * 46 5,54806 46,65694 fr5400403 vall e de l'issoire * 507 0,745 46,04917 fr5400408 vall e de la tardoire * 3 149 0,5375 45,66722 fr5400459 vall e du corchon * 62,87 1,10139 46,49583 fr5400460 brandes de montmorillon * 2 779 0,95333 46,40861 fr5400462 vall e de la gartempe les portes d'enfer * 491 0,91389 46,33139 fr5400464 etangs d'asni res 73,47 0,81472 46,14833 fr5400467 vall e de salleron * 150 1,005 46,43944 fr7200807 tunnel d'excideuil 4 1,03389 45,355 fr7200809 r seau hydrographique de la haute dronne * 2 118 0,87333 45,57083 fr7300868 causse comtal * 379 2,67611 44,39778 fr7300870 tourbi res du l vezou * 489 2,90139 44,19556 fr7300871 plateau central de l'aubrac aveyronnais * 7 081 2,96194 44,61778 fr7300874 haute vall e du lot entre espalion et saint-laurent-d'olt et gorges de la truy re, basse vall e du lot et le goul * 5 654 2,96167 44,46944 fr7300875 puy de wolf * 124 2,30278 44,55167 fr7300876 tangs du s gala * 52,5 2,29694 44,44806 fr7300900 vall e de la c re et tributaires * 3 031 1,9725 44,95306 fr7300908 secteur de lac r de * 176 1,79028 44,77361 fr7300942 vall e de l'arn * 1 456 2,58083 43,52972 fr7300944 montagne noire occidentale * 1 919 2,07083 43,43278 fr7300945 causse de caucali res et labrugui re * 2 001 2,31389 43,54583 fr7300946 tourbi res du margn s * 2 787 2,5775 43,65833 fr7300948 le montalet * 381 2,75139 43,68167 fr7300949 basse vall e du lignon * 56 2,32778 43,64278 fr7301631 vall es du tarn, de l'aveyron, du viaur, de l'agout et du gijou * 17 180 2,1975 44,16194 fr7302001 vieux arbres de la haute vall e de l'aveyron et des abords du causse comtal * 1 630 2,67944 44,43222 fr7401103 vall e de la dordogne sur l'ensemble de son cours et affluents * 7 620 2,13167 45,22694 fr7401104 tourbi re de n garioux malsagne * 199 2,02861 45,72861 fr7401105 landes et zones humides de la haute v z re * 7 707 2,00528 45,60972 fr7401107 landes des mon di res * 244 1,84778 45,46611 fr7401108 landes et pelouses serpentinicoles du sud corr zien * 115 1,93 44,99056 fr7401109 gorges de la v z re autour de treignac * 350 1,84528 45,57778 fr7401110 for t de la cubesse * 150 2,05944 45,53667 fr7401111 vall e de la v z re d'uzerche la limite d partementale 19/24 * 927 1,47 45,30306 fr7401113 vall e de la montane vers gimel * 130 1,83694 45,29417 fr7401121 vall e du ruisseau du moulin de vignols * 322 1,37972 45,32583 fr7401122 ruisseaux de la r gion de neuvic 7,65 2,22389 45,31944 fr7401123 tourbi res et fonds tourbeux de bonnefond peret bel air * 732 2,0225 45,50611 fr7401124 bassin de gouzon 740 2,31389 46,17972 fr7401125 tourbi re de l' tang du bourdeau * 39 1,83194 45,92444 fr7401128 vall e de la gioune * 975 2,12083 45,77111 fr7401129 vall e de la creuse * 490 1,63972 46,38361 fr7401130 gorges de la grande creuse * 570 1,83 46,28278 fr7401131 gorges de la tardes et vall e du cher * 1 234 2,50139 46,20417 fr7401133 etangs du nord de la haute-vienne 172 1,20389 46,31639 fr7401135 tourbi re de la source du ruisseau des dauges * 646 1,4175 46,01444 fr7401137 pelouses et landes serpentinicoles du sud de la haute vienne * 260 1,40361 45,58222 fr7401138 etang de la pouge * 225 0,93722 45,78889 fr7401141 mine de chabannes et souterrains des monts d'ambazac 692 1,35972 45,95722 fr7401142 ruisseau de moissannes 7 1,56972 45,86417 fr7401145 landes et zones humides autour du lac de vassivi re * 798 1,90861 45,81028 fr7401146 vall e du taurion et affluents * 5 000 1,79389 45,9975 fr7401147 vall e de la gartempe sur l'ensemble de son cours et affluents * 3 560 1,25583 46,1275 fr7401148 haute vall e de la vienne * 1 318 1,66944 45,75778 fr7401149 for t d'epagne * 439 1,60917 45,93028 fr8201632 prairies humides et for ts alluviales du val de sa 'ne * 3 665 4,9326 46,4809 fr8201633 dunes des charmes ( sermoyer) 13,73 4,98778 46,51194 fr8201634 lande tourbeuse des oignons 20 4,93472 46,39972 fr8201635 la dombes 47 656 5,05889 46,055 fr8201637 marais de lavours * 423 5,75972 45,83722 fr8201638 milieux alluviaux et aquatiques du fleuve rh 'ne, de jons anthon * 384 5,07756 45,8208 fr8201639 steppes de la valbonne * 1 122 5,1542 45,8337 fr8201640 revermont et gorges de l'ain * 1 733 5,39639 46,33111 fr8201641 milieux remarquables du bas bugey * 4 465 5,43569 45,9014 fr8201642 plateau du retord et cha ne du grand colombier * 1 418 5,71833 46,06417 fr8201643 cr ts du haut-jura * 17 346 5,92194 46,20444 fr8201644 marais de la haute versoix et de brou * 61 6,16139 46,36278 fr8201648 galerie chauves-souris du pont des pierres * 9 5,81137 46,1645 fr8201650 etournel et defil de l'ecluse * 318 5,9175 46,12806 fr8201653 basse vall e de l'ain, confluence ain-rh 'ne * 3 409 5,25355 45,9349 fr8201658 vall e de l'eyrieux et de ses affluents * 1 073 4,57 44,84556 fr8201660 plateau de montselgues * 4 003 4,02111 44,50972 fr8201663 affluents rive droite du rh 'ne * 1 187 4,78278 45,19083 fr8201664 secteur des sucs * 905 4,15694 44,83972 fr8201665 allier et ses affluents * 880 3,96583 44,70222 fr8201666 loire et ses affluents * 1 315 4,03611 44,80917 fr8201667 tourbi res du plateau de saint-agr ve * 181 4,3875 45,05389 fr8201670 c vennes ard choises * 1 749 4,19944 44,5125 fr8201671 suc de clava * 13 4,64583 45,31056 fr8201675 sables de l'herbasse et des balmes de l'is re * 1 067 5,01995 45,0777 fr8201703 massif de la tournette 4 658 6,27667 45,83361 fr8201711 massif du mont vuache * 2 050 5,93083 46,06333 fr8201712 le sal ve * 4 427 6,16306 46,10917 fr8201718 les usses * 307 5,85427 45,9985 fr8201720 cluse du lac d'annecy * 282 6,22639 45,79222 fr8201726 tangs, landes, vallons tourbeux humides et ruisseaux crevisses de chambaran * 2 480 5,17861 45,28305 fr8201727 l'isle cr mieu * 13 632 5,3617 45,7734 fr8201728 tourbi re du grand lemps * 786 5,41581 45,4377 fr8201729 marais du val d'ainan * 247 5,59774 45,4352 fr8201742 marais tourbi res de l'herretang * 205 5,70216 45,3881 fr8201748 iles du haut rh 'ne * 89 5,61028 45,6375 fr8201749 milieux alluviaux et aquatiques de l' le de la plati re * 937 4,76756 45,3537 fr8201755 etangs du forez * 85 4,055 45,76417 fr8201756 parties sommitales du forez et hautes chaumes * 5 452 3,86 45,65694 fr8201757 for ts et tourbi res des monts de la madeleine * 242 3,83278 45,99111 fr8201758 lignon, vizezy, anzon et leurs affluents * 875 3,85389 45,71694 fr8201760 cr ts du pilat * 1 831 4,58002 45,3785 fr8201761 tourbi res du pilat et landes de chaussitre * 351 4,44083 45,30833 fr8201762 vall e de l'ondenon, contreforts nord du pilat * 871 4,44611 45,44611 fr8201763 pelouses, landes et habitats rocheux des gorges de la loire * 2 500 4,25028 45,43583 fr8201764 bois de lespinasse, de la benisson-dieu et de la pacaudi re * 631 3,97167 46,16139 fr8201765 milieux alluviaux et aquatiques de la loire * 2 200 4,14167 45,84028 fr8201768 ruisseaux moule perli re du boen, du ban et font d'aix 105 3,8425 45,90722 fr8201769 rivi re moule perli re d'ance 14 3,88972 45,37833 fr8201770 r seau de zones humides, pelouses, landes et falaises de l'avant-pays savoyard * 3 156 5,76333 45,61333 fr8201771 ensemble lac du bourget-chautagne-rh 'ne * 8 204 5,7675 45,77444 fr8201772 r seau de zones humides de l'albanais * 600 5,95389 45,76667 fr8201785 pelouses, milieux alluviaux et aquatiques de l' le de miribel-jonage * 2 849 4,98139 45,80333 fr8201791 g te chauves-souris des mines de vallossi res 2 4,53833 46,0775 fr8202002 partie orientale du massif des bauges * 14 513 6,22472 45,66944 fr8202004 mont colombier * 2 178 6,11911 45,6449 fr8202005 site chiropt res des monts du matin 315 4,26 45,8775 fr8202006 prairies humides et for ts alluviales du val de sa 'ne aval * 1 041 4,75229 46,07417 fr8301012 gorges du haut-cher * 1 232 2,57028 46,26639 fr8301014 tangs de sologne bourbonnaise 469 3,433 46,575 fr8301015 vall e de l'allier nord * 4 213 3,32889 46,49778 fr8301016 vall e de l'allier sud * 1 941 3,41778 46,19 fr8301017 basse sioule * 593 3,27972 46,26 fr8301018 c 'teaux de ch teau-jaloux 6 3,10028 46,09861 fr8301019 monts de la madeleine * 266 3,80056 46,00889 fr8301021 for t de troncais * 1 300 2,69333 46,64917 fr8301025 for t des colettes * 762 3,00667 46,19639 fr8301029 tang de la racherie 16 3,43917 46,36194 fr8301030 monts du forez * 5 555 3,83694 45,61444 fr8301032 zones alluviales de la confluence dore-allier * 2 401 3,37556 45,92444 fr8301033 plaine des varennes * 938 3,43333 45,79028 fr8301034 gorges de la sioule * 3 577 2,88111 45,99917 fr8301035 vall es et c 'teaux x rothermiques des couzes et limagnes * 2 311 3,05333 45,64167 fr8301036 vall es et c 'teaux thermophiles au nord de clermont-ferrand * 235 3,10722 45,85889 fr8301037 marais sal de saint-beauzire * 13 3,16306 45,85111 fr8301038 val d'allier alagnon * 2 419 3,21028 45,64194 fr8301039 artense * 696 2,725 45,44528 fr8301040 c zallier * 2 170 2,89444 45,42361 fr8301042 monts-dore * 6 424 2,83333 45,5625 fr8301044 auzelles * 12,04 3,49806 45,60639 fr8301045 bois-noirs * 417 3,60667 45,94417 fr8301048 puy de pileyre-turluron * 79 3,31972 45,72361 fr8301049 comt d'auvergne et puy saint romain * 352 3,29722 45,635 fr8301051 vall es et pi monts du nord-forez * 465 3,62944 45,79833 fr8301052 cha ne des puys 2 037 2,96194 45,78806 fr8301055 massif cantalien * 6 106 2,68889 45,10556 fr8301056 tourbi res et zones humides du nord-est du massif cantalien * 1 527 2,84306 45,21944 fr8301057 gorges de la dordogne, de l'auze et de la sum ne * 4 206 2,28583 45,27028 fr8301058 environs de meallet 15 2,41583 45,25667 fr8301059 zones humides de la plan ze de saint-flour * 2 276 2,96917 45,03944 fr8301060 zones humides de la r gion de riom-es-montagne * 769 2,68278 45,28833 fr8301061 c 'teaux de raulhac et cros de ronesque 286 2,65083 44,87972 fr8301065 vall es et c 'teaux thermophiles de la r gion de maurs * 119 2,19278 44,64917 fr8301067 vall es et g tes de la sianne et du bas alagnon * 6 046 3,09083 45,20306 fr8301068 gorges de la rhue * 1 018 2,65556 45,36389 fr8301069 aubrac * 723 3,00028 44,77444 fr8301070 sommets du nord margeride * 1 748 3,4825 45,04556 fr8301072 val d'allier limagne brivadoise * 748 3,38528 45,34083 fr8301073 c 'teaux de montlaison / la garenne / pr s sal s de beaumont * 82 3,32833 45,31722 fr8301074 val d'allier / vieille brioude / langeac * 2 929 3,39806 45,19333 fr8301075 gorges de l'allier et affluents * 9 312 3,68722 44,96139 fr8301076 mezenc * 2 742 4,16389 44,92333 fr8301077 marais de limagne * 234 3,66333 45,06694 fr8301079 sommets et versants orientaux de la margeride * 1 235 3,45111 44,86444 fr8301080 gorges de l'arzon * 877 3,86111 45,22889 fr8301081 gorges de la loire et affluents partie sud * 7 057 3,92083 44,89 fr8301082 lacs d'espalem et de lorlanges 67 3,20583 45,29528 fr8301083 saint-beauzire 17 3,28361 45,26667 fr8301084 mont bar * 21 3,72667 45,19861 fr8301086 sucs du velay / meygal 217 4,1325 45,055 fr8301087 sucs de breysse 118 4,00833 44,90222 fr8301088 haute vall e du lignon * 810 4,31014 45,02047 fr8301090 pont de desges * 108 3,43778 45,00361 fr8301091 dore et affluents * 4 299 3,35227 45,41363 fr8301094 rivi res moules perli res 269 3,57444 44,92722 fr8301095 lacs et rivi res loutres 562 2,55222 45,62611 fr8301096 rivi res crevisses pattes blanches 1 164 3,84639 44,92056 fr8302002 tourbi re du haut-livradois: complexe tourbeux de virennes * 149 33,83054 45,323 fr8302003 marais du cassan et de prentegarde * 506 2,27806 44,94611 fr8302005 g tes chauves-souris, contreforts et montagne bourbonnaise * 1 944 3,50967 46,0408 fr8302007 grotte de la denise 58 3,85556 45,06028 fr8302008 carri re de solignac (dite de coucouron) * 220 3,87639 44,97417 fr8302009 complexe minier de la vall e de la senouire * 1 888 3,6 45,19889 fr8302010 cavit mini re de la pause * 262 3,62722 45,75972 fr8302011 tunnels des gorges du chavanon * 545 2,49083 45,56722 fr8302012 g tes chauve-souris du pays des couzes * 1 231 3,03056 45,57111 fr8302013 g tes de la sioule * 730 2,84583 45,84167 fr8302014 site de teissi res * 213 2,55611 44,80139 fr8302015 site des grivaldes * 510 2,55278 44,73611 fr8302016 site de compaing * 355 2,69306 45,025 fr8302017 site de palmont * 281 2,48222 45,12306 fr8302018 site de salins * 262 2,38889 45,19111 fr8302019 site de la coste * 81 3,11722 45,16194 fr8302021 g tes de h risson * 255 2,70389 46,51194 fr8302022 massif forestier des prieur s: moladier, bagnolet et messarges * 2 941 3,26667 46,50833 fr9101352 plateau de l'aubrac * 687 3,05861 44,61556 fr9101355 montagne de la margeride * 9 400 3,43306 44,84917 fr9101357 plateau de charpal * 3 410 3,57944 44,6475 fr9101361 mont loz re * 11 687 3,76028 44,44083 fr9101362 combe des cades * 304 3,57806 44,41167 fr9101363 vall es du tarn, du tarnon et de la mimente * 10 514 3,69083 44,29361 fr9101364 hautes vall es de la c ze et du luech 13 080 3,99583 44,37528 fr9101374 vallon de l'urugne 580 3,23056 44,4125 fr9101375 falaises de barjac * 1 522 3,4 44,4975 fr9101376 causse des blanquets 746 3,335 44,51889 fr9101378 gorges du tarn * 447 3,26667 44,29583 fr9101419 cr tes du mont marcou et des monts de mare * 1 484 2,99472 43,69389 fr9101424 le caroux et l'espinouse * 2 316 2,92972 43,60972 fr9101446 vall e du lampy 9 555 2,15667 43,33167 fr9102008 valdonnez * 5 000 3,54389 44,46361 hr2000030 utno pilja 0,7833 15,233287 45,41561 hr2000057 jazbina jama 0,7833 15,386805 45,31374 hr2000072 ledeni ka pilja 0,7833 15,380965 45,25512 hr2000094 ozaljska pilja 0,7833 15,465278 45,61581 hr2000108 privis jama 0,7833 15,333756 45,38413 hr2000174 trbu njak rastik 2 001,2578 17,280931 45,49598 hr2000234 dragani ka uma je evica 1 * 64,9387 15,646277 45,56839 hr2000364 mura * 6 153,1062 16,641 46,457 hr2000368 peteranec 200,5021 16,896921 46,17684 hr2000369 vr ni dio ravne gore 764,227 16,046524 46,29447 hr2000371 vr ni dio ivan ice * 6 067,23 16,121426 46,1843 hr2000372 dunav vukovar * 13 370,1118 19,003 45,417 hr2000394 kopa ki rit * 23 160,2282 18,874831 45,64567 hr2000415 odransko polje * 13 683,4915 16,27264 45,5892 hr2000416 lonjsko polje * 51 151,3703 16,817257 45,36024 hr2000420 sunjsko polje * 19 581,783 16,72115 45,30486 hr2000426 dvorina 1 333,7414 18,139 45,091 hr2000427 gajna 422,8689 18,224424 45,13889 hr2000437 ribnjaci kon anica 1 278,1775 17,144 45,664 hr2000438 ribnjaci poljana 1 602,4489 16,946849 45,52528 hr2000440 ribnjaci si ani i blatnica 761,5594 16,685 45,819 hr2000441 ribnjak narta 624,2876 16,850042 45,81475 hr2000444 varo ki lug * 844,9982 16,471544 45,80328 hr2000449 ribnjaci crna mlaka 693,9621 15,734497 45,61124 hr2000450 ribnjaci dragani i 385,4952 15,625336 45,55962 hr2000451 ribnjaci pisarovina 360,3708 15,84 45,574 hr2000459 petrinj ica * 842,1694 16,283011 45,294 hr2000463 dolina une 4 297,7576 16,647 45,211 hr2000465 utica * 4 698,2621 16,431057 45,62574 hr2000470 ep vara din 82,8286 16,390295 46,34832 hr2000488 ju ni dilj * 153,4162 17,944669 45,2337 hr2000570 crni jarki * 522,986 17,157416 46,01821 hr2000571 ur eva ki peski * 21,9611 17,09915 46,02867 hr2000572 klo tarski (kalinova ki) peski * 27,8272 17,169748 46,00243 hr2000573 petrijevci 124,8713 18,519317 45,6136 hr2000580 papuk * 37 429,1774 17,681305 45,51013 hr2000583 medvednica * 18 531,8142 15,964799 45,91336 hr2000586 umberak samoborsko gorje * 34 119,9638 15,472936 45,74616 hr2000589 stupni ki lug 745,4407 15,826145 45,73716 hr2000591 klek * 847,8863 15,147668 45,25918 hr2000592 ogulinsko-pla ansko podru je * 33 058,3592 15,3 45,193 hr2000593 mre nica tounj ica * 1 203,1111 15,395 45,284 hr2000596 slunj ica 128,4466 15,59351 45,09726 hr2000623 ume na dilj gori * 15 014,3358 18,037 45,279 hr2000642 kupa * 5 176,6349 15,642 45,479 hr2000670 cret dubravica 5,2132 15,745559 45,96449 hr2000672 zovje 1,1942 16,842756 46,23383 hr2000728 biljsko groblje * 2,0374 18,736639 45,60348 hr2000730 bistrinci * 19,8967 18,395039 45,69249 hr2000780 klin a sela 32,5063 15,743704 45,68625 hr2000799 gornji hru evec potok kravar ica 2,5002 16,023672 45,5738 hr2001001 cret blatu a 42,5986 15,908618 45,31863 hr2001002 epelova ke livade * 36,7674 17,023988 45,97783 hr2001004 stari gradac lendava 125,3989 17,298 45,94 hr2001005 starograda ki marof 184,1973 17,325248 45,92726 hr2001006 upanijski kanal (gornje bazje zidina) 276,5846 17,555 45,867 hr2001031 odra kod jagodna 5,2458 16,144 45,699 hr2001034 ma kovec ribnjak 4,6034 16,42428 46,42784 hr2001045 trpinja * 4,5781 18,903654 45,4281 hr2001070 sutla 192,0447 15,624 46,096 hr2001085 ribnjak grudnjak s okolnim umskim kompleksom * 12 424,33 18,174312 45,60064 hr2001086 brezni ki ribnjak (ribnjak na ice) 1 438,1363 18,171 45,574 hr2001088 mala dubrava vu edol 228,298 19,037449 45,32314 hr2001115 strahinj ica * 1 374,6782 15,904973 46,18491 hr2001162 pivnica jama 0,7833 15,357045 45,60155 hr2001172 jama pod debelom glavom 0,7833 15,571127 45,18609 hr2001177 ponor pod kremenom 0,7833 15,647068 45,12635 hr2001178 vugrinova pilja 0,7833 15,701385 45,77373 hr2001190 idovske jame 0,7833 16,039215 45,99749 hr2001191 cerjanska pilja 0,7833 16,059913 46,27519 hr2001192 zdenec pri ciglaru 0,7833 16,061262 46,28389 hr2001193 pilja kod u njara 0,7833 16,238571 45,31794 hr2001195 pilja pod picom 0,7833 16,410973 46,1596 hr2001216 ilova 805,064 17,071 45,628 hr2001220 livade uz potok injaticu 37,5905 17,162 45,726 hr2001224 malodap eva ke livade 16,7114 17,307939 45,7184 hr2001228 potok dolje * 5,2541 15,843309 45,82429 hr2001243 rijeka esma 139,6043 16,932 45,739 hr2001281 bilogora * 7 494,2188 17,265306 45,81132 hr2001285 gornja gare nica * 78,8575 16,826005 45,6506 hr2001286 orljavac 401,5697 17,50938 45,41538 hr2001288 pri ac lu ani 200,3588 17,665921 45,13661 hr2001289 davor livade 17,7404 17,538507 45,12687 hr2001292 livade kod aglina 197,6052 17,980993 45,33708 hr2001293 livade kod grubi nog polja * 2 967,455 17,229237 45,66656 hr2001298 vejalnica i kr * 143,7599 16,091 45,901 hr2001305 zve evo 11,3498 17,509592 45,54028 hr2001307 drava akumulacije * 9 663,246 16,428 46,316 hr2001308 donji tok drave * 21 532,0137 18,507756 45,66207 hr2001309 dunav s od kopa kog rita * 13 824,9734 18,835 45,821 hr2001311 sava nizvodno od hru ice * 12 971,1526 17,519 45,109 hr2001318 kalnik vranilac 12,7462 16,468664 46,13373 hr2001319 ris * 912,1327 16,660781 46,17455 hr2001320 crna gora * 147,0133 16,7958 46,16007 hr2001323 esma ume 123,0679 16,682 45,845 hr2001326 jelas polje s ribnjacima 4 552,3528 17,865305 45,13403 hr2001327 ribnjak dubrava 347,883 16,604 45,824 hr2001328 lon a, glogovica i breznica 121,5887 18,06 45,342 hr2001329 potoci oko papuka * 432,2594 17,735 45,568 hr2001330 pakra i bijela 28,925 17,339 45,551 hr2001331 a eva cret 21,1108 16,048 45,258 hr2001333 kupa kod severina 273,0549 15,180502 45,4195 hr2001335 jastrebarski lugovi * 3 782,4565 15,694955 45,60358 hr2001336 podru je oko mate i a pe ine * 292,2 15,624514 45,11341 hr2001339 podru je oko jopi a pilje * 219,5796 15,593651 45,3006 hr2001340 podru je oko ku trovke 3 247,2216 15,213249 45,33865 hr2001342 podru je oko pilje gradusa 1 802,3865 16,44085 45,32591 hr2001346 me imurje * 2 516,2933 16,406396 46,45935 hr2001347 donje me imurje 217,2428 16,675299 46,4039 hr2001348 dolina sutle kod razvora 98,208 15,655953 46,08617 hr2001354 podru je oko jezera borovik 7 228,6286 18,166427 45,35878 hr2001355 psunj 10 061,3356 17,325324 45,40838 hr2001356 zrinska gora * 30 771,6879 16,274841 45,20527 hr2001370 podru je oko hrvatske kostajnice 2 910,757 16,565127 45,25029 hr2001372 podru je oko pilje vrlovka 6,2554 15,391 45,637 hr2001378 livade kod hudin eca * 13,9233 15,902532 46,24924 hr2001379 vlakanac-radinje 2 920,0148 17,601822 45,13603 hr2001381 vukmani cret 14,8931 15,643425 45,43017 hr2001383 klasni i 1,4769 15,980868 45,55127 hr2001385 orljava 128,6519 17,791 45,259 hr2001387 podru je uz maju i bru inu 969,0841 16,154 45,293 hr2001389 bani evac 6,4959 17,459385 45,34071 hr2001390 brajakovo brdo 10,1211 15,446083 45,5144 hr2001391 brebornica * 74,6241 15,610122 45,29838 hr2001392 ljube ica 13,0979 16,393586 46,16512 hr2001393 nurkovac 12,5417 17,611175 45,31701 hr2001401 pe ina pritok slunj ice * 1,2361 15,609 45,078 hr2001402 rado aji * 0,6306 15,645 45,108 hr2001403 bijela 83,1716 17,103 45,51 hr2001404 glogovnica 3,2126 16,582 46,069 hr2001405 lonja 4,3241 16,296 46,072 hr2001406 maja 24,5455 16,165 45,268 hr2001407 orljavica 29,9574 17,541 45,341 hr2001408 livade uz bednju i 224,0488 15,961 46,238 hr2001409 livade uz bednju ii 1 143,2497 16,126446 46,23525 hr2001410 livade uz bednju iii 303,2571 16,352 46,176 hr2001411 livade uz bednju iv 19,4126 16,473784 46,22258 hr2001412 livade uz bednju v 113,6267 16,556 46,239 hr2001414 spa vanski bazen 38 212,0044 18,926202 45,0598 hr2001415 spa va jz * 5 336,9558 18,868 44,969 hr2001416 brezovica-jelik * 441,2609 17,092291 46,07065 hr2001500 stepska stani ta kod bapske * 77,5168 19,268 45,197 hr2001501 stepska stani ta kod opatovca * 42,0585 19,160976 45,25058 hr2001502 stepska stani ta kod arengrada * 33,7313 19,317 45,212 hr2001503 potok bregana 16,89 15,685 45,842 hr5000014 gornji tok drave (od donje dubrave do terezinog polja) * 23 037,0406 17,086823 46,14185 hr5000015 srednji tok drave (od terezinog polja do donjeg miholjca) * 13 570,4921 17,733 45,821 hr5000019 gorski kotar i sjeverna lika * 217 232,5008 14,881605 45,2838 it1110001 rocca di cavour 76 7,378 44,781 it1110002 collina di superga * 747 7,7706 45,0697 it1110004 stupinigi * 1731 7,592 44,981 it1110005 vauda * 2654 7,6509 45,2503 it1110009 bosco del vaj e bosc grand * 1 347 7,9289 45,1114 it1110014 stura di lanzo * 688 7,5647 45,2203 it1110015 confluenza po pellice * 146 7,561 44,811 it1110016 confluenza po maira * 178 7,646 44,838 it1110017 lanca di santa marta (confluenza po banna) * 164 7,6956 44,9514 it1110018 confluenza po orco malone * 312 7,8661 45,1839 it1110019 baraccone (confluenza po dora baltea) * 1 574 8,0411 45,1781 it1110020 lago di viverone * 926 8,0311 45,4178 it1110024 lanca di san michele * 228 7,6783 44,8675 it1110025 po morto di carignano * 503 7,696667 44,89639 it1110034 laghi di meugliano e alice * 283 7,785 45,456 it1110035 stagni di poirino favari * 1 844 7,792 44,923 it1110036 lago di candia * 335 7,9089 45,3281 it1110047 scarmagno torre canavese (morena destra d'ivrea) * 1 876 7,814722 45,36806 it1110050 mulino vecchio (fascia fluviale del po) * 414 7,971 45,256 it1110051 peschiere e laghi di pralormo 141 7,829 44,8287 it1110061 lago di maglione * 17 7,995 45,345 it1110062 stagno interrato di settimo rottaro * 22 7,977 45,401 it1110063 boschi e paludi di bellavista * 95 7,864 45,442 it1110064 palude di romano canavese * 35 7,858374 45,39529 it1110079 la mandria * 3 379 7,5739 45,1631 it1110084 boschi umidi e stagni di cumiana * 23 7,398621 44,95695 it1120002 bosco della partecipanza di trino * 1 075 8,254722 45,225 it1120004 baraggia di rovasenda * 1 178 8,301 45,578 it1120005 garzaia di carisio * 103 8,2003 45,4225 it1120007 palude di s. genuario 426 8,183 45,223 it1120008 fontana gigante (tricerro) * 311 8,286625 45,23382 it1120010 lame del sesia e isolone di oldenico * 934 8,3975 45,41917 it1120013 isolotto del ritano (dora baltea) * 253 8,001111 45,23139 it1120014 garzaia del rio druma * 128 8,312 45,4539 it1120016 laghetto di sant'agostino * 21 8,282 45,785 it1120023 isola di santa maria * 721 8,14 45,174 it1120030 sponde fluviali di palazzolo vercellese * 243 8,236717 45,16971 it1130001 la bessa * 734 8,035 45,486 it1130003 baraggia di candelo * 604 8,159 45,531 it1130004 lago di bertignano (viverone) e stagno presso la strada per roppolo * 26 8,065402 45,42932 it1140001 fondo toce * 361 8,478388 45,93889 it1150001 valle del ticino * 6 597 8,728109 45,49903 it1150002 lagoni di mercurago * 472 8,552 45,731 it1150003 palude di casalbeltrame * 651 8,5018 45,4275 it1150004 canneti di dormelletto * 153 8,5797 45,427 it1150005 agogna morta (borgolavezzaro) 13 8,661 45,304 it1150007 baraggia di piano rosa * 1 194 8,437086 45,61968 it1150008 baraggia di bellinzago * 119 8,606 45,565 it1160003 oasi di crava morozzo * 299 7,7322 44,4214 it1160009 confluenza po bronda * 136 7,455 44,68306 it1160010 bosco del merlino 354 7,716 44,7974 it1160011 parco di racconigi e boschi lungo il torrente maira * 326 7,663 44,78 it1160012 boschi e rocche del roero * 1 704 7,885556 44,73417 it1160013 confluenza po varaita * 171 7,597 44,82 it1160029 colonie di chirotteri di s. vittoria e monticello d'alba 17 7,946 44,7 it1160036 stura di demonte * 1 174 7,359 44,306 it1170001 rocchetta tanaro * 126 8,319 44,858 it1170002 valmanera * 2 190 8,172 44,952 it1170003 stagni di belangero (asti) * 591 8,195 44,863 it1170005 verneto di rocchetta tanaro * 10 8,35535 44,8504 it1180002 torrente orba * 506 8,655 44,779 it1180004 greto dello scrivia * 2 241 8,847163 44,80642 it1180005 ghiaia grande (fiume po) * 462 8,318 45,152 it1180009 strette della val borbera * 1 665 9,018 44,728 it1180010 langhe di spigno monferrato * 2 512 8,293763 44,50875 it1180011 massiccio dell'antola monte carmo monte legna * 5 993 9,157222 44,59333 it1180017 bacino del rio miseria * 2 094 8,507778 44,51111 it1180027 confluenza po sesia tanaro * 4 061 8,6069 45,09 it1180031 basso scrivia * 921 9 8,868703 44,96179 it1180032 bric montariolo 545 5,8 8,674814 44,98166 it1320425 piana crixia * 801 8,266667 44,50833 it1321205 rocchetta cairo * 156 8,291667 44,43333 it1321313 foresta della deiva torrente erro * 886 8,466667 44,475 it1330213 conglomerato di vobbia * 2 976 9 44,6 it1330223 rio di vallenzona * 118 9,094444 44,61389 it1330620 pian della badia (tiglieto) * 249 8,6 44,53333 it1330905 parco dell'antola * 2 653 9,196944 44,5875 it1330925 rio pentemina * 294 9,102 44,534 it1331012 lago marcotto roccabruna gifarco lago della nave * 2 159 9,333333 44,53333 it1331019 lago brugneto * 767 9,2 44,53333 it1331104 parco dell'aveto * 6 903 9,433333 44,48333 it2010006 lago di biandronno * 134 8,703889 45,82722 it2010007 palude brabbia * 460 8,722778 45,79028 it2010008 lago di comabbio * 467 8,691389 45,76167 it2010009 sorgenti del rio capricciosa * 76 8,620833 45,74417 it2010010 brughiera del vigano 510 8,68 45,687 it2010011 paludi di arsago * 543 8,728889 45,70056 it2010012 brughiera del dosso 455 8,697222 45,65278 it2010013 ansa di castelnovate * 302 8,666389 45,63806 it2010014 turbigaccio, boschi di castelletto e lanca di bernate * 2 481 8,756 45,506 it2010015 palude bruschera * 164 8,586111 45,76167 it2010017 palude bozza monvallina * 21 8,623 45,839 it2010020 torbiera di cavagnano 6,02 8,876 45,908 it2010021 sabbie d'oro * 22 8,626 45,834 it2010022 alnete del lago di varese * 296 8,795833 45,795 it2020002 sasso malascarpa * 328 9,328333 45,85056 it2020003 palude di albate * 74 9,09 45,76556 it2020004 lago di montorfano * 84 9,138889 45,78361 it2020005 lago di alserio * 488 9,2175 45,79139 it2020006 lago di pusiano * 659 9,270278 45,80028 it2020007 pineta pedemontana di appiano gentile 220 8,936667 45,74417 it2020008 fontana del guercio * 35 9,197 45,724 it2020011 spina verde * 855 9,0575 45,80694 it2030004 lago di olginate * 78 9,423333 45,79528 it2030005 palude di brivio * 300 9,443 45,764 it2030006 valle s. croce e valle del curone * 1 213 9,366111 45,71444 it2030007 lago di sartirana * 28 9,425833 45,71556 it2050001 pineta di cesate 182 9,089444 45,59444 it2050002 boschi delle groane 726 9,115 45,64444 it2050003 valle del rio pegorino 122 9,295556 45,66611 it2050004 valle del rio cantalupo 70 9,28 45,66222 it2050005 boschi della fagiana * 1 044 8,830556 45,42667 it2050006 bosco di vanzago 193 8,972222 45,51917 it2050007 fontanile nuovo 40 9,007222 45,46472 it2050008 bosco di cusago 13 9,008611 45,44778 it2050009 sorgenti della muzzetta * 136 9,364722 45,46028 it2050010 oasi di lacchiarella * 37 9,170833 45,32583 it2050011 oasi le foppe di trezzo sull'adda * 9,67 9,499167 45,61778 it2060010 valle del freddo * 72 10,023 45,798 it2060013 fontanile brancaleone * 12 9,665833 45,52139 it2060014 boschetto della cascina campagna 5,33 9,8811 45,4657 it2060015 bosco de l'isola * 92 9,885833 45,43056 it2070020 torbiere d'iseo * 362 10,02983 45,6454 it2080001 garzaia di celpenchio * 140 8,598611 45,23556 it2080002 basso corso e sponde del ticino * 8564 8,933056 45,31333 it2080003 garzaia della verminesca * 162 8,626667 45,22139 it2080004 palude loja * 40 8,644722 45,20056 it2080005 garzaia della rinalda * 38 8,593333 45,16083 it2080006 garzaia di s. alessandro * 266 8,685556 45,17556 it2080007 garzaia del bosco basso * 41 8,645833 45,11889 it2080008 boschetto di scaldasole 101 8,886667 45,13556 it2080009 garzaia della cascina notizia * 73 8,758333 45,11444 it2080010 garzaia di sartirana * 190 8,6574 45,0812 it2080011 abbazia acqualunga * 176 8,726389 45,055 it2080012 garzaia di gallia * 107 8,839167 45,08778 it2080013 garzaia della cascina portalupa * 5,42 8,7918 45,3061 it2080014 boschi siro negri e moriano * 1 352 9,057222 45,21556 it2080015 san massimo * 462 8,974444 45,19583 it2080016 boschi del vignolo * 260 8,949167 45,2125 it2080017 garzaia di porta chiossa * 80 9,211389 45,23333 it2080018 garzaia della carola * 32 9,1675 45,23889 it2080019 boschi di vaccarizza * 465 9,248056 45,14333 it2080020 garzaia della roggia torbida * 14 9,108056 45,07694 it2080021 monte alpe * 320 9,297222 44,81028 it2080023 garzaia di cascina villarasca * 53 9,104444 45,3 it2090001 monticchie * 238 9,648333 45,14333 it2090002 boschi e lanca di comazzo * 266 9,473056 45,43611 it2090003 bosco del mortone * 64 9,452222 45,3875 it2090004 garzaia del mortone * 35 9,438056 45,39028 it2090005 garzaia della cascina del pioppo * 6,73 9,446944 45,37222 it2090006 spiagge fluviali di boffalora * 172 9,4725 45,36417 it2090007 lanca di soltarico * 160 9,5714 45,2874 it2090008 la zerbaglia * 553 9,6375 45,27583 it2090009 morta di bertonico * 48 9,6701 45,2482 it2090010 adda morta * 191 9,71631 45,2167 it2090011 bosco valentino * 59 9,763 45,2055 it20a0001 morta di pizzighettone * 42 9,7968 45,1773 it20a0002 naviglio di melotta * 237 9,799722 45,38917 it20a0003 palata menasciutto * 75 9,715833 45,40361 it20a0004 le bine * 144 10,440833 45,13889 it20a0006 lanche di azzanello * 141 9,9381 45,3238 it20a0007 bosco della marisca * 102 9,888611 45,35528 it20a0008 isola uccellanda * 76 9,9131 45,338 it20a0013 lanca di gerole * 476 10,262 45,014 it20a0014 lancone di gussola * 114 10,350278 45,00417 it20a0015 bosco ronchetti * 210 10,126 45,038 it20a0016 spiaggioni di spinadesco * 825 9,936389 45,12139 it20a0017 scolmatore di genivolta * 72 9,905278 45,33583 it20a0018 cave danesi * 322 9,8125 45,42361 it20a0019 barco * 67 9,8872 45,383 it20a0020 gabbioneta * 111 10,226389 45,21889 it20b0001 bosco foce oglio * 306 10,669444 45,03611 it20b0002 valli di mosio * 66 10,469444 45,1575 it20b0003 lanca cascina s. alberto * 105 10,607222 45,03944 it20b0004 lanche di gerra gavazzi e runate * 158 10,352778 45,17083 it20b0005 torbiere di marcaria * 93 10,540833 45,11889 it20b0006 isola boscone * 139 11,234444 45,04083 it20b0007 isola boschina * 39 11,148889 45,04944 it20b0010 vallazza * 530 10,831111 45,12889 it20b0011 bosco fontana * 236 10,743889 45,20139 it20b0012 complesso morenico di castellaro lagusello * 271 10,634444 45,36583 it20b0014 chiavica del moro * 25 10,901667 45,10972 it20b0015 pomponesco * 62 10,5975 44,91972 it20b0016 ostiglia * 127 11,099722 45,10444 it20b0017 ansa e valli del mincio * 1 517 10,74 45,16278 it3210003 laghetto del frassino * 78 4 10,666944 45,4375 it3210008 fontanili di povegliano 118 6 10,900278 45,3425 it3210012 val galina e progno borago * 989 21 10,993889 45,50111 it3210013 palude del busatello 443 18 11,088611 45,11111 it3210014 palude del feniletto sguazzo del vallese 167 8 11,1129 45,3181 it3210015 palude di pellegrina 111 7 11,013889 45,22861 it3210016 palude del brus le vallette 171 10 11,219995 45,1697 it3210018 basso garda 1 431 20 10,681944 45,46417 it3210019 sguazzo di rivalunga 186 6 11,105 45,34861 it3210042 fiume adige tra verona est e badia polesine * 2 090 149 11,26661 45,2508 it3220005 ex cave di casale vicenza 36 3 11,586667 45,52472 it3220008 buso della rana 0,64 11,361 45,6504 it3220037 colli berici * 12 906 97,61 11,499167 45,43389 it3220038 torrente valdiezza * 33 17 11,445142 45,55692 it3220039 biotopo le poscole 149 11 11,385 45,61139 it3220040 bosco di dueville e risorgive limitrofe * 715 279 11,5204 45,5621 it3240002 colli asolani * 2 202 34 11,95 45,81833 it3240004 montello * 5 069 40 12,125 45,81528 it3240005 perdonanze e corso del monticano * 364 41 12,265556 45,97056 it3240006 bosco di basalghelle 14 2 12,521111 45,83 it3240008 bosco di cessalto 28 3 12,619573 45,6988 it3240012 fontane bianche di lancenigo * 64 4 12,282778 45,71083 it3240014 laghi di revine * 119 7 12,228611 45,9875 it3240015 palu' del quartiere del piave 692 21 12,097778 45,88 it3240016 bosco di gaiarine 2,11 1 12,492105 45,8608 it3240017 bosco di cavalier 9,43 1 12,551944 45,76472 it3240028 fiume sile dalle sorgenti a treviso ovest * 1 490 52 12,078056 45,64694 it3240029 ambito fluviale del livenza e corso inferiore del monticano * 1 955 270 12,4468 45,7896 it3240030 grave del piave fiume soligo fosso di negrisia * 4 752 142 12,2419 45,8208 it3240031 fiume sile da treviso est a san michele vecchio 753 103 12,35415 45,58922 it3240032 fiume meschio * 40 43 12,4046 45,9513 it3240033 fiumi meolo e vallio * 85 93 12,400833 45,64576 it3250003 penisola del cavallino: biotopi litoranei * 315 22 12,442798 45,4334 it3250006 bosco di lison 5,56 1 12,742778 45,74778 it3250008 ex cave di villetta di salzano 64 5 12,132222 45,53417 it3250010 bosco di carpenedo * 13 3 12,2466 45,5122 it3250013 laguna del mort e pinete di eraclea * 214 20 12,755465 45,5416 it3250016 cave di gaggio 115 7 12,3295 45,5616 it3250017 cave di noale 43 3 12,084444 45,55417 it3250021 ex cave di martellago * 50 4 12,168056 45,53333 it3250022 bosco zacchi 0,75 12,762206 45,80372 it3250023 lido di venezia: biotopi litoranei * 166 16 12,321942 45,3405 it3250030 laguna medio-inferiore di venezia * 26 384 90 12,228889 45,31556 it3250031 laguna superiore di venezia * 20 365 88 12,473611 45,50861 it3250032 bosco nordio * 157 11 12,262222 45,125 it3250033 laguna di caorle foce del tagliamento * 4 386 103 12,961336 45,62328 it3250034 dune residue del bacucco * 13 2 12,3174 45,1808 it3250044 fiumi reghena e lemene canale taglio e rogge limitrofe cave di cinto caomaggiore * 640 171 12,8239 45,7147 it3250047 tegn e di chioggia * 2 655 35 12,41 45,2025 it3250048 tegn e di porto falconera * 623 11 12,934444 45,58333 it3260017 colli euganei monte lozzo monte ricco * 15 096 92 11,684722 45,30861 it3260018 grave e zone umide della brenta * 3 848 104 11,7757 45,5674 it3260022 palude di onara e corso d'acqua di risorgiva s. girolamo * 148 22 11,8175 45,62056 it3260023 muson vecchio, sorgenti e roggia acqualonga * 27 34 11,910894 45,6145 it3270003 dune di donada e contarina * 105 8 12,223333 45,04111 it3270004 dune di rosolina e volto * 115 10 12,241389 45,08667 it3270005 dune fossili di ariano polesine * 101 8 12,185278 44,9675 it3270006 rotta di s. martino * 32 4 12,195278 44,95722 it3270007 gorghi di trecenta 20 4 11,427137 45,02345 it3270017 delta del po: tratto terminale e delta veneto * 25 362 628 11,907157 44,97742 it3270024 vallona di loreo 64 3 12,204722 45,07639 it3310005 torbiera di sequals * 14 12,8614 46,1772 it3310007 greto del tagliamento 2 719 12,9533 46,1669 it3310008 magredi di tauriano * 369 12,8553 46,1256 it3310009 magredi del cellina * 4 372 12,7397 46,0331 it3310010 risorgive del vinchiaruzzo * 261 12,7342 45,9853 it3310011 bosco marzinis * 11 12,7858 45,9344 it3310012 bosco torrate 11 12,8011 45,8942 it3320015 valle del medio tagliamento * 3 580 13,0419 46,2372 it3320020 lago di ragogna * 83 13,0025 46,1744 it3320021 torbiera di casasola e andreuzza * 98 13,0761 46,1969 it3320022 quadri di fagagna * 62 13,0842 46,1292 it3320023 magredi di campoformido 242 13,1869 46,0267 it3320024 magredi di coz 10 12,9581 46,0644 it3320025 magredi di firmano 57 13,4086 46,0753 it3320026 risorgive dello stella * 802 13,0703 45,9244 it3320027 palude moretto * 39 13,1647 45,8975 it3320028 palude selvote * 68 13,1889 45,8819 it3320029 confluenza fiumi torre e natisone 604 13,3568 45,9478 it3320030 bosco di golena del torreano * 140 12,9797 45,8522 it3320031 paludi di gonars * 89 13,2236 45,8856 it3320032 paludi di porpetto * 24 13,2272 45,8675 it3320033 bosco boscat * 72 13,1661 45,8325 it3320034 boschi di muzzana * 350 13,1156 45,7922 it3320035 bosco sacile 145 13,1908 45,7886 it3320036 anse del fiume stella * 78 13,0677 45,7578 it3320037 laguna di marano e grado * 16 363 13,2361 45,7258 it3320038 pineta di lignano * 118 13,0922 45,6611 it3330001 palude del preval * 14 13,5272 45,9617 it3330002 colle di medea 41 13,4369 45,9242 it3330005 foce dell'isonzo isola della cona * 2 668 13,5089 45,7522 it3330006 valle cavanata e banco mula di muggia * 860 13,4667 45,6956 it3330007 cavana di monfalcone * 133 13,5228 45,7875 it3330008 relitti di posidonia presso grado * 0,97 13,379182 45,67207 it3330009 trezze san pietro e bardelli * 1 971 13,41 45,63 it3340006 carso triestino e goriziano * 9 648 13,7825 45,7472 it3340007 area marina di miramare * 25 13,714482 45,70094 it4010002 monte menegosa, monte lama, groppo di gora * 3 495 9,696111 44,675 it4010003 monte nero, monte maggiorasca, la ciapa liscia * 852 9,508611 44,56 it4010004 monte capra, monte tre abati, monte armelio, sant'agostino, lago di averaldi * 6 273 9,477778 44,76639 it4010005 pietra parcellara e pietra perduca * 342 9,480278 44,84278 it4010006 meandri di san salvatore * 253 9,386111 44,72528 it4010007 roccia cinque dita * 21 9,629167 44,64139 it4010008 castell'arquato, lugagnano val d'arda * 280 9,8344 44,8361 it4010011 fiume trebbia da perino a bobbio * 352 9,417778 44,79472 it4010012 val boreca, monte lesima * 4 724 9,245 44,65194 it4010013 monte dego, monte veri, monte delle tane * 2 993 9,366111 44,62722 it4010016 basso trebbia * 1 336 9,591667 44,9875 it4010017 conoide del nure e bosco di fornace vecchia * 580 9,699167 44,92028 it4010018 fiume po da rio boriacco a bosco ospizio * 6 151 9,762778 45,09583 it4010019 rupi di rocca d'olgisio 70 9,3968 44,9108 it4020001 boschi di carrega * 1 277 10,206389 44,7225 it4020003 torrente stirone * 2 747 9,948889 44,83806 it4020006 monte prinzera * 840 10,080278 44,64361 it4020007 monte penna, monte trevine, groppo, groppetto * 1 689 9,504167 44,46528 it4020008 monte ragola, lago mo , lago bino * 1 398 9,551389 44,60694 it4020010 monte gottero * 1 476 9,695 44,38528 it4020011 groppo di gorro * 188 9,888333 44,53167 it4020012 monte barigazzo, pizzo d'oca * 2 525 9,791389 44,61778 it4020013 belforte, corchia, alta val manubiola * 1 474 9,905 44,50028 it4020014 monte capuccio, monte sant'antonio * 900 10,028333 44,65556 it4020015 monte fuso * 825 10,268333 44,51028 it4020017 aree delle risorgive di viarolo, bacini di torrile, fascia golenale del po * 2 622 10,321944 44,92972 it4020020 crinale dell'appennino parmense * 5 281 10,066944 44,38944 it4020021 medio taro * 3 810 10,175 44,7419 it4020022 basso taro * 1 005 10,2324 44,9815 it4020023 barboj di rivalta * 424 10,3266 44,6227 it4020025 parma morta 601 10,4633 44,9233 it4020026 boschi dei ghirardi * 306 9,7279 44,5026 it4020027 cronovilla * 92 10,4119 44,658 it4030001 monte acuto, alpe di succiso * 3 254 10,188611 44,34833 it4030002 monte ventasso * 2 913 10,293056 44,385 it4030003 monte la nuda, cima belfiore, passo del cerreto * 3 470 10,279167 44,31278 it4030004 val d'ozola, monte cusna * 4 878 10,375 44,29083 it4030005 abetina reale, alta val dolo * 3 440 10,458333 44,26361 it4030006 monte prado * 618 10,402222 44,26083 it4030007 fontanili di corte valle re * 877 10,5328 44,7672 it4030008 pietra di bismantova * 201 10,414722 44,42083 it4030009 gessi triassici * 1 908 10,388611 44,38333 it4030010 monte duro * 411 10,540833 44,54167 it4030011 casse di espansione del secchia * 277 10,808889 44,66028 it4030013 fiume enza da la mora a compiano * 705 10,33 44,49389 it4030014 rupe di campotrera, rossena * 1 405 10,4342 44,5803 it4030015 valli di novellara 1 982 10,7556 44,8919 it4030016 san valentino, rio della rocca * 785 10,7175 44,54167 it4030017 ca' del vento, ca' del lupo, gessi di borzano * 1 661 10,609722 44,58639 it4030018 media val tresinaro, val dorgola * 512 10,565833 44,49889 it4030020 golena del po di gualtieri, guastalla e luzzara * 1 131 10,66 44,94944 it4030021 rio rodano, fontanili di fogliano e ariolo e oasi di marmirolo * 189 10,65377 44,6481 it4030022 rio tassaro * 585 10,374167 44,48806 it4030023 fontanili di gattatico e fiume enza * 773 10,4386 44,73 it4030024 colli di quattro castella * 168 10,465 44,6256 it4040001 monte cimone, libro aperto, lago di pratignano * 5 174 10,718889 44,17417 it4040002 monte rondinaio, monte giovo * 4 848 10,573889 44,15389 it4040003 sassi di roccamalatina e di sant'andrea * 1 198 10,943333 44,39278 it4040004 sassoguidano, gaiato * 2 419 10,845278 44,29056 it4040005 alpesigola, sasso tignoso e monte cantiere * 3 762 10,578333 44,24556 it4040006 poggio bianco dragone * 307 10,617222 44,30917 it4040007 salse di nirano * 371 10,821667 44,51556 it4040009 manzolino * 326 11,131389 44,61417 it4040010 torrazzuolo 132 11,091944 44,69111 it4040011 cassa di espansione del fiume panaro * 276 11,002222 44,59583 it4040012 colombarone * 50 10,788611 44,61833 it4040013 faeto, varana, torrente fossa * 391 10,777222 44,45333 it4050001 gessi bolognesi, calanchi dell'abbadessa * 4 296 11,4211 44,4236 it4050002 corno alle scale * 4 578 10,853333 44,13944 it4050003 monte sole * 6 476 11,193889 44,30333 it4050004 bosco della frattona * 392 11,661111 44,35361 it4050011 media valle del sillaro * 1 107 11,441944 44,29528 it4050012 contrafforte pliocenico * 2 627 11,3111 44,3414 it4050013 monte vigese * 618 11,093889 44,21278 it4050014 monte radicchio, rupe di calvenzano * 1 382 11,126944 44,32083 it4050015 la martina, monte gurlano * 1 107 11,379167 44,22083 it4050016 abbazia di monteveglio * 882 11,078889 44,465 it4050018 golena san vitale e golena del lippo 69 11,313889 44,54611 it4050019 la bora * 40 11,2047 44,6314 it4050020 laghi di suviana e brasimone * 1 902 11,088333 44,11306 it4050022 biotopi e ripristini ambientali di medicina e molinella * 4 486 11,6956 44,5617 it4050023 biotopi e ripristini ambientali di budrio e minerbio * 875 11,5653 44,6186 it4050024 biotopi e ripristini ambientali di bentivoglio, s. pietro in casale, malalbergo e baricella 3 206 11,5994 44,6869 it4050027 gessi di monte rocca, monte capra e tizzano * 226 11,25 44,4667 it4050028 grotte e sorgenti pietrificanti di labante * 4,7 11,037055 44,25852 it4050029 boschi di san luca e destra reno * 1 953 11,2856 44,4725 it4050031 cassa di espansione del torrente samoggia 145 11,1999 44,5975 it4050032 monte dei cucchi, pian di balestra * 2 449 11,2545 44,1814 it4060001 valli di argenta * 2 904 11,8247 44,5886 it4060002 valli di comacchio * 16 781 12,1781 44,6194 it4060003 vene di bellocchio, sacca di bellocchio, foce del fiume reno, pineta di bellocchio * 2 244 12,261389 44,6075 it4060004 valle bertuzzi, valle porticino cannevi * 2 691 12,219722 44,7875 it4060005 sacca di goro, po di goro, valle dindona, foce del po di volano * 4 872 12,321944 44,81 it4060007 bosco di volano * 400 12,259722 44,78194 it4060009 bosco di sant'agostino o panfilia * 188 11,381389 44,78222 it4060010 dune di massenzatica * 52 12,164444 44,89833 it4060012 dune di san giuseppe * 73 12,241389 44,73028 it4060015 bosco della mesola, bosco panfilia, bosco di santa giustina, valle falce, la goara * 1 563 12,2639 44,8761 it4060016 fiume po da stellata a mesola e cavo napoleonico * 3 140 11,580833 44,91194 it4070001 punte alberete, valle mandriole * 972 12,218889 44,52528 it4070002 bardello * 100 12,238056 44,53833 it4070003 pineta di san vitale, bassa del pirottolo * 1 222 12,235278 44,51028 it4070004 pialasse baiona, risega e pontazzo * 1 596 12,256667 44,505 it4070005 pineta di casalborsetti, pineta staggioni, duna di porto corsini * 578 12,278333 44,53667 it4070006 pialassa dei piomboni, pineta di punta marina * 464 12,276944 44,46278 it4070007 salina di cervia * 1 096 12,3308 44,2517 it4070008 pineta di cervia * 194 12,336944 44,27583 it4070009 ortazzo, ortazzino, foce del torrente bevano * 1 255 12,321111 44,345 it4070010 pineta di classe * 1 082 12,278611 44,35278 it4070011 vena del gesso romagnola * 5 538 11,6475 44,2661 it4070016 alta valle del torrente sintria * 1 173 11,6289 44,1567 it4070017 alto senio * 1 015 11,5492 44,1978 it4070021 biotopi di alfonsine e fiume reno * 472 11,969722 44,52444 it4070022 bacini di russi e fiume lamone * 132 12,011353 44,38608 it4070024 podere pantaleone * 9 11,9717 44,4272 it4070025 calanchi pliocenici dell'appennino faentino * 1 098 11,771101 44,2413 it4070026 relitto della piattaforma paguro * 66 12,5825 44,38444 it4070027 bacino dell'ex-fornace di cotignola e fiume senio * 20 11,916111 44,37502 it4080001 foresta di campigna, foresta la lama, monte falco * 4 041 11,833889 43,83694 it4080002 acquacheta * 1 654 11,695556 44,02194 it4080003 monte gemelli, monte guffone * 13 350 11,738611 43,94889 it4080004 bosco di scardavilla, ravaldino * 455 12,013611 44,13972 it4080005 monte zuccherodante * 1 097 11,946667 43,80667 it4080006 meandri del fiume ronco * 232 12,091944 44,17306 it4080007 pietramora, ceparano, rio cozzi * 1 957 11,919167 44,18472 it4080008 balze di verghereto, monte fumaiolo, ripa della moia * 2 462 12,08 43,79361 it4080009 selva di ladino, fiume montone, terra del sole * 222 11,993611 44,19361 it4080010 careste presso sarsina * 507 12,105278 43,93972 it4080011 rami del bidente, monte marino * 1 360 11,872222 43,88167 it4080012 fiordinano, monte velbe * 505 12,01497 44,07932 it4080013 montetiffi, alto uso * 1 387 12,279444 43,94056 it4080014 rio mattero e rio cuneo * 421 12,203889 44,05639 it4080015 castel di colorio, alto tevere * 527 12,066667 43,75 it4090001 onferno * 273 12,549722 43,87389 it4090002 torriana, montebello, fiume marecchia * 2 401 12,375556 43,97861 it4090003 rupi e gessi della valmarecchia * 2 526 12,3019 43,8994 it4090004 monte s. silvestro, monte ercole e gessi di sapigno, maiano e ugrigno * 2 172 12,250556 43,85667 it4090005 fiume marecchia a ponte messa * 265 12,23 43,81444 it4090006 versanti occidentali del monte carpegna, torrente messa, poggio di miratoio * 2 139 12,2667 43,8 it5110002 monte orsaro * 1 979 9,97 44,39222 it5110003 monte matto monte malpasso * 748 10,052778 44,36417 it5110004 monte acuto groppi di camporaghera * 460 10,190556 44,31722 it5110005 monte la nuda monte tondo * 523 10,227778 44,28222 it5120001 monte sillano passo romecchio * 257 10,349722 44,26611 it5120002 monte castellino le forbici * 662 10,405278 44,23944 it5120003 parco dell'orecchiella pania di corfino lamarossa * 2 008 10,375 44,21278 it5130001 alta valle del sestaione * 828 10,655 44,11889 it5130005 libro aperto cima tauffi * 360 10,739722 44,15139 it5130006 monte spigolino monte gennaio * 493 10,815556 44,11111 it5130009 tre limentre reno * 9 360 10,968056 44,04833 it5140001 passo della raticosa, sassi di san zanobi e della mantesca * 2 208 11,365556 44,18972 it5140002 sasso di castro e monte beni * 812 11,308333 44,14694 it5140003 conca di firenzuola * 2 338 11,370833 44,10333 it5140004 giogo colla di casaglia * 6 111 11,458056 44,08278 it5140005 muraglione acqua cheta * 4 885 11,659167 43,9625 it5150003 appennino pratese * 4 191 11,079715 43,9812 it5180001 crinale monte falterona monte falco monte gabrendo * 200 11,720556 43,87389 it5180002 foreste alto bacino dell'arno * 10 391 11,755278 43,83111 it5180003 giogo seccheta * 89 11,806667 43,82667 it5180005 alta vallesanta * 5 037 11,928889 43,75306 it5180006 alta valle del tevere * 1 656 12,018056 43,75028 it5180007 monte calvano * 1 537 11,976389 43,71417 it5180008 sasso di simone e simoncello * 1 665 12,286944 43,74806 it5180009 monti rognosi * 948 12,008056 43,57278 it5180010 alpe della luna * 3 397 12,162778 43,65139 it5180011 pascoli montani e cespuglieti del pratomagno * 6 753 11,637778 43,65361 it5180012 valle dell'inferno e bandella * 893 11,653611 43,50778 it5180013 ponte a buriano e penna * 1 186 11,743333 43,50056 it5180014 brughiere dell'alpe di poti * 1 143 11,984444 43,47278 it5180016 monte dogana * 1 235 12,032778 43,39639 it5180018 foreste di camaldoli e badia prataglia * 2 937 11,848333 43,80083 it5180101 la verna monte penna * 302 11,94 43,71 it5210001 boschi di monti di sodolungo rosso (citt di castello) * 2 755 12,366667 43,46667 it5210002 serre di burano * 769 12,562249 43,4585 it5210003 fiume tevere tra san giustino e pierantonio * 524 12,267674 43,36292 it5210004 boschi di pietralunga * 1 558 12,45 43,46667 it5210005 gola del corno di catria * 715 12,725 43,425 it5210006 boschi di morra marzana * 2 090 12,05 43,41667 it5210007 valle delle prigioni (monte cucco) * 573 12,725 43,39167 it5210008 valle del rio freddo (monte cucco) * 196 12,75 43,375 it5210009 monte cucco (sommit ) * 827 12,733333 43,36667 it5210010 le gorghe * 126 12,756201 43,34059 it5210011 torrente vetorno 245 12,743056 43,3125 it5210012 boschi di montelovesco monte delle portole * 1 988 12,445769 43,2829 it5210013 boschi del bacino di gubbio * 912 12,641111 43,28611 it5210014 monti maggio nero (sommit ) * 1 563 12,819444 43,24167 it5210015 valle del torrente nese monti acuto corona * 3 462 12,3431 43,2472 it5210019 fosso della vallaccia monte pormaiore * 643 12,832253 43,17951 it5210022 fiume tescio (parte alta) 82 12,695 43,10944 it5210023 colli selvalonga il monte (assisi) * 478 12,714444 43,09806 it5210024 fiume topino (bagnara nocera umbra) 37 12,821032 43,10196 it5210031 col falcone (colfiorito) * 267 12,885178 43,05875 it5210032 piani di annifo arvello * 261 12,869444 43,03333 it5210036 piano di ricciano 101 12,853889 43,00306 it5210037 selva di cupigliolo * 331 12,872626 42,9829 it5210041 fiume menotre (rasiglia) 49 12,8496 42,96427 it5210044 boschi di terne pupaggi * 1 460 12,875833 42,89583 it5210045 fiume vigi * 122 12,919655 42,82927 it5210071 monti sibillini (versante umbro) * 17 932 13,140833 42,78806 it5210072 palude di colfiorito * 189 12,875833 43,02417 it5210073 alto bacino del torrente lama * 2 366 12,266667 43,56667 it5210074 poggio pantano (scheggia) * 55 12,766988 43,41642 it5210075 boschi e pascoli di fratticiola selvatica (valfabbrica) * 2 569 12,541667 43,175 it5210076 monte alago (nocera umbra) * 72 12,833145 43,12896 it5310003 monti sasso simone e simoncello * 563 12,299207 43,77207 it5310004 boschi del carpegna * 59 12,304412 43,79637 it5310005 settori sommitali monte carpegna e costa dei salti * 746 12,334722 43,8125 it5310006 colle s. bartolo * 1 193 12,8306 43,9486 it5310007 litorale della baia del re 17 12,973611 43,87417 it5310008 corso dell'arzilla * 327 12,946389 43,83333 it5310009 selva di s. nicola 5,65 12,929313 43,88077 it5310010 alpe della luna bocca trabaria * 2 624 12,233333 43,62 it5310011 bocca serriola * 1 273 12,3444 43,5375 it5310012 montecalvo in foglia * 3 181 12,655556 43,78833 it5310013 mombaroccio * 2 446 12,829167 43,77972 it5310014 valle avellana * 1 729 12,536111 43,83667 it5310015 tavernelle sul metauro * 827 12,9014 43,7292 it5310016 gola del furlo * 3 059 12,724444 43,64722 it5310017 monte nerone gola di gorgo a cerbara * 8 155 12,55 43,56194 it5310018 serre del burano * 3 720 12,5167 43,5139 it5310019 monte catria, monte acuto * 8 746 12,6893 43,4833 it5310022 fiume metauro da piano di zucca alla foce * 771 13,0244 43,7903 it5320001 monte lo spicchio monte columeo valle di s. pietro * 988 12,771389 43,37083 it5320002 valle scappuccia * 289 12,933333 43,44806 it5320003 gola di frasassi * 728 12,958333 43,4 it5320004 gola della rossa * 1 301 12,9975 43,43361 it5320005 costa tra ancona e portonovo * 466 13,559722 43,58972 it5320006 portonovo e falesia calcarea a mare * 229 13,6222 43,5486 it5320007 monte conero * 1 123 13,600556 43,54389 it5320008 selva di castelfidardo * 115 13,5875 43,46806 it5320009 fiume esino in localit ripa bianca * 406 13,2939 43,5319 it5320010 monte maggio valle dell'abbadia * 716 12,811111 43,2825 it5320011 monte puro rogedano valleremita * 1 514 12,8625 43,28583 it5320012 valle vite valle dell'acquarella * 1 057 13,022222 43,34667 it5320013 faggeto di san silvestro * 371 12,894444 43,30833 it5320014 monte nero e serra santa * 644 12,845833 43,22778 it5330001 monte ragnolo e monte meta (versante occidentale) * 997 13,211111 43,02083 it5330002 val di fibbia valle dell'acquasanta * 3 131 13,191667 42,98833 it5330003 rio terro * 1 815 13,252222 43,02861 it5330004 monte bove * 2 213 13,196667 42,93056 it5330005 monte castel manardo tre santi * 1 631 13,267222 42,97917 it5330006 faggete del s. lorenzo * 761 13,222222 42,86111 it5330007 pian perduto * 383 13,195833 42,84528 it5330008 valle rapegna e monte cardosa * 2 341 13,1339 42,8797 it5330009 monte giuoco del pallone monte cafaggio * 3 404 12,908333 43,23722 it5330010 piana di pioraco * 558 12,915321 43,18687 it5330011 monte letegge monte d'aria * 1 774 13,154167 43,16389 it5330012 macchia di montenero * 355 13,175 43,37194 it5330013 macchia delle tassinete * 179 13,208333 43,35833 it5330014 fonte delle bussare 9,26 13,236111 43,30611 it5330015 monte s. vicino * 847 13,066667 43,32889 it5330016 gola di s. eustachio * 583 13,1375 43,205 it5330017 gola del fiastrone * 2 553 13,2225 43,06944 it5330018 gola di pioraco * 804 12,983889 43,16667 it5330019 piani di montelago * 839 12,980556 43,11389 it5330020 monte pennino scurosa * 2 496 12,921389 43,11944 it5330021 boschetto a tasso presso montecavallo * 479 12,9671 42,9653 it5330022 montagna di torricchio * 1 231 13,031111 42,96861 it5330023 gola della valnerina monte fema * 3 542 13,051389 42,93194 it5330024 selva dell'abbadia di fiastra * 1 113 13,419444 43,22083 it5340001 litorale di porto d'ascoli 109 13,9097 42,9019 it5340002 boschi tra cupramarittima e ripatransone * 1 223 13,820833 43,01528 it5340003 monte dell'ascensione * 1 152 13,5725 42,92083 it5340004 montagna dei fiori * 606 13,586111 42,81472 it5340005 ponte d'arli * 261 13,474167 42,80333 it5340006 lecceto d'acquasanta * 379 13,402778 42,77083 it5340007 s. gerbone * 679 13,401389 42,70139 it5340008 valle della corte * 1 814 13,3875 42,71667 it5340009 macera della morte * 465 13,340278 42,71056 it5340010 monte comunitore * 696 13,338889 42,73194 it5340011 monte ceresa * 1 024 13,348611 42,80417 it5340012 boschi ripariali del tronto * 153 13,275556 42,75194 it5340013 monte porche palazzo borghese monte argentella * 1 765 13,260556 42,88389 it5340014 monte vettore e valle del lago di pilato * 3 775 13,275 42,84167 it5340015 montefalcone appennino smerillo * 444 13,456111 42,99861 it5340016 monte oialona colle propezzano * 969 13,327778 42,86278 it5340017 colle galluccio * 241 13,3125 42,82667 it5340018 fiume tronto tra favalanciata e acquasanta * 964 13,369444 42,75639 it5340019 valle dell'ambro * 2 020 13,254167 42,94944 it5340020 valle dell'infernaccio monte sibilla * 3 415 13,258333 42,91111 it6020001 piano dei pantani * 80 13,1975 42,72972 it7120022 fiume mavone * 160 13,682222 42,52222 it7120081 fiume tordino (medio corso) * 313 13,64487 42,62833 it7120082 fiume vomano (da cusciano a villa vomano) * 459 13,670706 42,58447 it7120083 calanchi di atri * 1 154 13,987634 42,55193 it7120213 montagne dei fiori e di campli e gole del salinello * 4 221 13,603333 42,75444 it7120215 torre del cerrano * 3 415 14,094444 42,59028 it7130024 monte picca monte di roccatagliata * 1 766 13,85 42,20139 it7130031 fonte di papa * 811 14,055556 42,22083 it7130105 rupe di turrivalignani e fiume pescara * 185 14,022222 42,275 it7130214 lago di penne * 109 13,902222 42,44444 it7140106 fosso delle farfalle (sublitorale chietino) * 792 14,472222 42,25833 it7140107 lecceta litoranea di torino di sangro e foce del fiume sangro * 552 14,541667 42,22917 it7140108 punta aderci punta della penna * 317 14,677995 42,17847 it7140109 marina di vasto * 57 14,740278 42,08611 it7140110 calanchi di bucchianico (ripe dello spagnolo) * 180 14,155333 42,31719 it7140111 boschi ripariali sul fiume osento 595 14,530556 42,16667 it7140112 bosco di mozzagrogna (sangro) * 428 14,448 42,16368 it7140126 gessi di lentella * 436 14,686111 41,99722 it7140214 gole di pennadomo e torricella peligna * 269 14,324722 42,01556 lu0001002 vall e de l'our de ouren a wallendorf pont * 5 675,92 6,1767 49,9508 lu0001003 vall e de la tretterbaach * 468,3 5,9436 50,0958 lu0001004 weicherange breichen * 57,4 5,995 50,0486 lu0001005 vall e sup rieure de la wiltz * 186,63 5,8528 49,9708 lu0001006 vall es de la s re, de la wiltz, de la clerve et du lellgerbaach * 503,76 6,0303 49,9478 lu0001007 vall e sup rieure de la s re / lac du barrage * 4 363 5,8558 49,8758 lu0001008 vall e de la s re moyenne de esch/s re dirbach * 399,4 5,9919 49,9031 lu0001010 grosbous neibruch * 18,62 5,9453 49,8422 lu0001011 vall e de l'ernz noire / beaufort / berdorf * 4 195,19 6,3319 49,7517 lu0001013 vall e de l'attert de la fronti re useldange * 801,83 5,8922 49,7503 lu0001014 zones humides de bissen et fensterdall * 44,46 6,0542 49,7597 lu0001015 vall e de l'ernz blanche * 2 013,82 6,1961 49,755 lu0001016 herborn bois de herborn / echternach haard * 1 178,36 6,4139 49,7564 lu0001017 vall e de la s re inf rieure * 1 526,98 6,49 49,7383 lu0001018 vall e de la mamer et de l'eisch * 6 799,39 5,9883 49,6942 lu0001020 pelouses calcaires de la r gion de junglinster * 1 507,12 6,2231 49,7233 lu0001021 vall e de la syre de manternach fielsmillen * 195,79 6,4628 49,7006 lu0001022 grunewald * 3 157,52 6,1956 49,6486 lu0001024 machtum pellembierg / froumbierg / greivenmaacherbierg * 399,61 6,4053 49,6489 lu0001025 hautcharage / dahlem asselborner et boufferdanger muer * 228,4 5,9444 49,5989 lu0001026 bertrange greivelserhaff / bouferterhaff * 700,8 6,0397 49,5992 lu0001027 sanem groussebesch / schouweiler bitchenheck * 274,48 5,9475 49,5586 lu0001028 differdange est prenzebierg / anciennes mines et carri res * 1 159,61 5,8897 49,5008 lu0001029 r gion de la moselle sup rieure * 1 675,31 6,3461 49,4975 lu0001030 esch-sur-alzette sud-est anciennes mini res / ellegronn * 1 007,61 6,0044 49,4519 lu0001031 dudelange haard * 660,45 6,0567 49,4681 lu0001032 dudelange ginzebierg * 272,78 6,1169 49,4581 lu0001033 wilwerdange conzefenn * 136,9 6,0372 50,1458 lu0001034 wasserbillig carri re de dolomie 20,81 6,4933 49,7169 lu0001035 schimpach carri res de schimpach 11,31 5,8244 49,9978 lu0001037 perl ancienne ardoisi res 45,16 5,7736 49,8061 lu0001038 troisvierges cornelysmillen * 318,3 5,9919 50,1228 lu0001042 hoffelt kaleburn * 92,52 5,9075 50,0956 lu0001043 troine/hoffelt sporbaach * 67,95 5,8897 50,0942 lu0001044 cruchten bras mort de l'alzette * 20,85 6,1064 49,7944 lu0001045 gonderange/rodenbourg faascht * 263,04 6,28 49,6956 lu0001051 wark niederfeulen-warken * 160,59 6,0533 49,8786 lu0001054 fingig reifelswenkel * 85,05 5,8889 49,6067 lu0001055 capellen air de service et schultzbech 3,25 5,9797 49,6453 lu0001066 grosbous seitert 21,61 5,9822 49,8108 lu0001067 leitrange heischel 29,97 5,8806 49,7094 lu0001070 grass moukebrill * 200,04 5,8983 49,6289 lu0001072 massif forestier du stiefeschboesch 38,9 5,8564 49,7344 lu0001073 massif forestier du ielboesch 31,24 6,0239 49,6536 lu0001074 massif forestier du faascht 46,19 5,9461 49,65 lu0001075 massif forestier du aesing 58,94 5,965 49,5478 lu0001076 massif forestier du waal 66,05 6,1208 49,4978 lu0001077 bois de bettembourg * 247 6,0917 49,5458 lu0001031 dudelange haard * 660,45 6,055 49,4694 plc080001 uj cie warty * 33 297,37 14,704 52,5528 plc140001 puszcza kampinoska * 37 640,49 20,5968 52,3356 plc200004 puszcza bia owieska * 63 147,58 23,7829 52,7516 plc990001 awica s upska 80 050,25 16,7651 54,939 plh020001 ch odnia w cieszkowie 18,54 1 17,3681 51,6213 plh020002 dbnia skie mokrad a * 5 233,27 16,5665 51,3513 plh020003 dolina achy * 991,24 16,7451 51,4453 plh020004 g ry sto owe * 10 983,57 16,3497 50,4599 plh020005 kamionki * 71,96 16,537 50,6748 plh020006 karkonosze * 18 204,91 15,7586 50,7602 plh020007 kopalnie w z otym stoku * 170,05 4 16,8688 50,4313 plh020008 ko ci w konradowie 0,41 16,7933 50,3091 plh020009 panie skie ska y 1,06 15,5895 51,103 plh020010 piekielna dolina ko o polanicy * 142,52 16,4886 50,4007 plh020011 rudawy janowickie * 6 635,04 15,9806 50,823 plh020012 ska ki stoleckie 6,31 16,8772 50,599 plh020013 sztolnie w le nej 30,22 2 15,2772 51,0168 plh020014 torfowisko pod ziele cem * 225,83 16,4142 50,3457 plh020015 wrzosowisko przemkowskie * 6 663,7 15,6811 51,4345 plh020016 g ry bialskie i grupa nie nika * 19 038,47 16,8561 50,2286 plh020017 gr dy w dolinie odry * 8 756,34 17,307 51,0082 plh020018 gi odrza skie * 20 223,04 16,4373 51,4463 plh020019 pasmo krowiarki * 5 423,19 16,7516 50,3177 plh020020 prze omy pe cznicy pod ksi em * 240,28 16,286 50,8406 plh020021 wzg rza kie czy skie 403,64 16,6301 50,8184 plh020033 czarne urwisko ko o lutyni * 36,14 16,8949 50,3585 plh020034 dobromierz * 1 514,58 16,2535 50,8789 plh020035 bia a l decka * 73,14 16,8792 50,3269 plh020036 dolina widawy * 2 053,22 16,9058 51,2127 plh020037 g ry i pog rze kaczawskie * 35 005,3 16,0592 50,9959 plh020038 g ry kamienne * 24 098,85 16,0948 50,678 plh020039 grodczyn i homole ko o dusznik * 287,87 16,3569 50,4047 plh020040 masyw l y * 5 059,25 16,7058 50,8536 plh020041 ostoja nad barycz * 82 026,38 17,2826 51,4972 plh020042 ostrzyca proboszczowicka * 74,03 15,7655 51,0564 plh020043 prze om nysy k odzkiej ko o morzyszowa * 330,66 16,6575 50,4937 plh020044 stawy sobieszowskie * 239,58 15,6713 50,8481 plh020045 stawy w borowej 188,73 17,2553 51,1765 plh020047 torfowiska g r izerskich * 4 764,96 15,3926 50,8541 plh020049 wirownie w starej olesznej * 41,8 15,5866 51,4202 plh020050 dolina dolnej kwisy * 5 972,18 15,4246 51,3892 plh020051 irysowy zagon ko o gromadzynia 37,93 16,3551 51,3195 plh020052 p tn w legnicki * 837,78 16,2228 51,2639 plh020053 zag rzyckie ki * 359,79 16,55 51,2603 plh020054 ostoja nad bobrem * 15 372,98 15,6667 51,0374 plh020055 przeplatki nad bystrzyc * 843,69 16,75 50,9776 plh020057 masyw che mca * 1 432,45 16,208 50,7859 plh020060 g ry orlickie * 2 798,07 16,3796 50,3657 plh020061 dzika orlica * 539,73 16,5417 50,2347 plh020062 g ry bardzkie * 3 379,67 16,7455 50,487 plh020063 wrzosowiska witoszowsko- awszowskie * 10 141,62 15,4797 51,4681 plh020065 bierut w 223,53 17,5106 51,1225 plh020066 prze omowa dolina nysy u yckiej * 1 661,73 14,9528 51,042 plh020068 muszkowicki las bukowy * 206,36 16,928 50,6374 plh020069 las pilczycki * 119,56 16,9606 51,1524 plh020070 sztolnia w m otach 12,42 16,5469 50,2988 plh020071 ostoja nietoperzy g r sowich * 21 324,86 16,4639 50,6667 plh020072 uroczyska bor w dolno l skich * 8 067,76 15,1141 51,3001 plh020073 lud w l ski 82,14 17,0059 50,8643 plh020074 wzg rza strzeli skie * 3 836,16 17,069 50,6802 plh020075 stawy karpnickie * 211,34 15,8355 50,8539 plh020076 r d a pijawnika * 157,39 15,7655 50,859 plh020077 erkowice-ska a * 84,85 15,5816 51,1588 plh020078 kumaki dobrej * 2 094,03 17,1619 51,1973 plh020079 wzg rza warzgowskie * 660,92 16,7522 51,4089 plh020081 lasy grdzi skie * 3 087,53 17,3681 51,1166 plh020082 wzg rza niemcza skie * 3 237,16 16,7461 50,7628 plh020083 dolina bystrzycy omnickiej * 951,7 16,4936 50,3147 plh020084 dolina dolnej baryczy * 3 165,81 17 16,5464 51,6254 plh020086 pie ska dolina nysy u yckiej * 2 353,39 15,0993 51,2568 plh020087 ga uszki w chocianowie 29,54 15,7101 51,3474 plh020088 dalkowskie jary * 40,1 15,8799 51,6551 plh020089 d browy janikowskie 15,59 17,3742 50,9747 plh020090 d browy kliczkowskie * 552,91 15,4765 51,4101 plh020091 dolina ole nicy i potoku boguszyckiego * 1 118,81 17,4129 51,2598 plh020092 r dliska ko o zimnej wody * 156,01 16,0765 51,3231 plh020093 skoroszowskie ki 1 359,69 17,169 51,3989 plh020094 modraszki ko o opoczki * 31,41 16,5006 50,7876 plh020095 g ra wapienna * 119,86 15,7013 50,9542 plh020096 g ry z ote * 7 128,9 16,8222 50,3698 plh020097 jelonek przemkowski * 62,64 15,8571 51,5163 plh020098 karsz wek * 486,26 17,1706 50,7439 plh020099 kie czyn 2,75 16,6416 50,8118 plh020100 kozior g w czernej * 142,77 15,9132 51,7145 plh020101 le ne stawki ko o goszcza * 111,92 17,5154 51,3831 plh020102 ki g r i pog rza izerskiego * 6 433,41 15,4123 50,9272 plh020103 gi nad bystrzyc * 2 084,43 16,7968 51,0853 plh020104 gi ko o cha upek * 127,21 17,0108 50,4832 plh020105 trzci skie mokrad a * 75,29 15,8975 50,8817 plh020106 jod owice 9,37 16,812 51,2861 plh020107 b r jod owy w goli 11,9 17,5593 51,3582 plh040001 forty w toruniu 12,91 2 18,6049 53,0429 plh040003 solecka dolina wis y * 7 030,08 18,2794 53,246 plh040007 jezioro gop o * 13 459,42 18,3407 52,5553 plh040011 dybowska dolina wis y * 1 392,02 18,4141 53,0369 plh040012 nieszawska dolina wis y * 3 891,72 18,7278 52,9241 plh040013 cyprianka * 109,28 19,0656 52,7531 plh040014 cytadela grudzi dz 222,81 18,7652 53,5174 plh040017 sandr wdy * 6 320,75 18,3358 53,6668 plh040018 torfowisko miele skie * 146,06 19,3842 52,873 plh040019 ciechocinek * 13,23 18,7813 52,8909 plh040020 torfowisko linie * 5,27 18,3097 53,1874 plh040022 krzewiny * 498,98 18,5646 53,6237 plh040023 doliny brdy i st ki w borach tucholskich * 3 948,35 17,9409 53,605 plh040025 zamek wiecie 17,48 18,4601 53,404 plh040026 lisi k t * 1 061,33 17,5014 53,0689 plh040027 ki trz licowe w foluszu * 2 130,84 17,655 52,966 plh040028 ostoja barci sko-g sawska * 3 456,41 20 17,7445 52,7902 plh040029 r wnina szubi sko- abiszy ska 2 825,85 23 17,7027 53,0988 plh040030 solniska szubi skie * 361,88 17,647 53,0024 plh040031 b ota k cie skie * 3 899,28 19,2509 52,5181 plh040033 dolina osy * 2 183,69 18,9964 53,4941 plh040034 ko ci w liwicach 0,11 18,1717 53,7068 plh040035 mszar p ociczno * 181,81 19,671 53,1231 plh040036 ostoja brodnicka * 4 176,86 19,2786 53,3512 plh040037 s one ki w dolinie zg owi czki * 151,91 18,7811 52,5034 plh040038 stary zagaj * 307,47 19,3121 52,8187 plh040039 w oc awska dolina wis y * 4 763,76 18,9838 52,7534 plh040040 zbocza p utowskie * 1 002,42 18,3855 53,2694 plh040041 wydmy kotliny toru skiej * 5 289,91 18,6128 52,9319 plh040043 leniec w barbarce * 4,11 18,5548 53,0565 plh040044 leniec w chor giewce * 12,09 18,5402 52,9581 plh060001 chmiel 25,77 22,7167 51,0596 plh060002 czarny las 19,85 22,9218 51,7166 plh060003 debry 179,46 23,1152 50,555 plh060004 dobry * 87,78 23,4352 52,041 plh060005 dolina rodkowego wieprza * 1 523,34 22,9351 51,2571 plh060006 gliniska * 16,59 23,6353 50,8596 plh060007 go cierad w * 1 752,64 21,9608 50,8815 plh060008 hubale * 34,4 23,1874 50,6831 plh060009 jeziora u ciwierskie * 2 065,57 23,1105 51,365 plh060010 k ty 23,98 23,1245 50,6752 plh060011 krowie bagno 535,24 23,3015 51,4203 plh060012 olszanka 10,97 22,7096 51,0498 plh060013 ostoja poleska * 10 159,15 23,2318 51,4459 plh060014 pastwiska nad huczw * 149,51 23,7325 50,6307 plh060015 p askowy na czowski 1 080,69 22,0081 51,3597 plh060016 pop wka * 55,7 23,5085 50,756 plh060017 roztocze rodkowe * 8 472,8 22,9633 50,5965 plh060018 stawska g ra 4,98 23,403 51,2068 plh060019 su le wzg rza * 27,23 24,0074 50,4827 plh060020 sztolnie w senderkach 80,6 23,051 50,5394 plh060021 widnik * 122,83 22,6917 51,2321 plh060022 wity roch 202,36 23,1844 50,5369 plh060023 torfowiska che mskie * 2 124,17 23,6547 51,1464 plh060024 torfowisko sobowice * 175,42 4 23,3996 51,1209 plh060025 dolina sieniochy * 2 693,09 23,5164 50,6456 plh060026 wodny d 188,35 23,0567 50,9869 plh060027 wygon grabowiecki * 8,37 23,5557 50,8019 plh060028 zaro le 391,83 23,3071 50,4597 plh060029 urawce 35,76 23,5812 50,3718 plh060030 izbicki prze om wieprza 1 778,06 23,1376 50,9194 plh060031 uroczyska las w janowskich * 34 544,25 22,2046 50,676 plh060032 poleska dolina bugu * 8 173,24 23,673 51,2841 plh060033 dobromy l * 636,82 23,1643 51,2317 plh060034 uroczyska puszczy solskiej * 34 671,49 23,0148 50,4252 plh060035 zachodniowo y ska dolina bugu * 1 556,11 24,0612 50,6785 plh060039 dobu ek 199,3 23,7087 50,5773 plh060040 dolina towni 1 134,99 22,8953 50,8211 plh060042 ki nad szysz * 981,05 23,6419 50,4202 plh060043 lasy sobiborskie * 9 709,35 23,5959 51,4149 plh060044 niedzieliska 17,86 23,0731 50,6921 plh060045 prze om wis y w ma opolsce * 15 116,37 21,7912 51,1104 plh060048 podpakule * 10,69 23,4736 51,353 plh060051 dolny wieprz * 8 182,3 22,0815 51,5685 plh060053 terespol 24,93 23,5973 52,0816 plh060054 opole lubelskie 2 724,43 22,0165 51,1543 plh060055 pu awy 1 156,97 21,99 51,4312 plh060056 bachus 84,24 23,4187 51,3075 plh060057 serniawy 38,03 23,363 51,3298 plh060058 dolina wolicy * 938,28 23,3823 50,8436 plh060059 drewniki 65,49 23,3677 50,9091 plh060060 horodysko * 2,89 23,4033 50,824 plh060061 las or owski 367,25 23,2786 50,8891 plh060062 rog w 12 23,5228 50,7981 plh060063 komaszyce 127,82 22,0745 51,1185 plh060064 nowosi ki (julian w) * 33,48 23,3213 51,1866 plh060065 paw w * 870,95 23,1604 51,1475 plh060066 dolina krzny 202,99 23,3775 52,0627 plh060067 kamie * 97,98 1 23,5725 51,1095 plh060068 sawin * 7,17 23,3834 51,275 plh060069 wierzchowiska * 4,15 22,26 51,1225 plh060070 borowa g ra 3,3 23,4989 50,4407 plh060071 guz wka 741,46 22,7623 50,8704 plh060072 kum w majoracki 137,19 23,5508 51,0135 plh060073 posad w 3,15 23,8155 50,5079 plh060074 putnowice * 50,57 23,6591 50,9632 plh060075 mud 44,13 23,6715 51,0068 plh060076 brzeziczno * 97,97 23,0066 51,3846 plh060078 polichna 368,4 22,2212 50,8835 plh060079 dzierzkowice * 247,08 22,0943 50,9802 plh060080 abunie 311,41 23,4198 50,6447 plh060081 opiennik 157,71 22,9879 51,0345 plh060082 wieciech w 130,09 21,867 50,9625 plh060083 szczecyn * 932,52 22,0301 50,8149 plh060084 adelina 483,73 23,7948 50,6324 plh060085 br dek 208,72 23,4091 50,6815 plh060086 dolina g rnej siniochy 596,96 23,4746 50,716 plh060087 doliny abu ki i topornicy 2 054,72 23,1957 50,652 plh060088 kazimier wka 165,45 23,6132 50,682 plh060089 minok t * 177,92 23,3701 50,3834 plh060090 siennica r ana 133,73 23,4229 51,0458 plh060091 kornel wka 28,58 23,3202 50,7794 plh060092 niedzieliski las * 267,24 23,1298 50,692 plh060093 uroczyska roztocza wschodniego * 5 809,99 23,4906 50,2827 plh060094 uroczyska las w adamowskich * 1 100,77 23,251 50,6318 plh060095 jelino * 8,37 23,0315 51,4184 plh060096 bystrzyca jakubowicka * 456,18 22,6773 51,2933 plh060097 dolina dolnej tanwi * 8 518,01 22,8318 50,4255 plh060098 wrzosowisko w orzechowie 18,84 23,0261 51,4597 plh060099 uroczyska las w strzeleckich * 3 598,64 23,8642 50,9368 plh060100 tarnoszyn * 368,09 23,7484 50,3976 plh060101 horodyszcze * 25,43 23,2069 51,7584 plh060102 las ali ski * 784,08 23,6677 51,1832 plh060103 lasy do hobyczowskie * 472,88 24,085 50,6038 plh060104 lasy mircza skie 153,04 23,9977 50,6848 plh060105 ma luchy * 91,57 22,9709 51,4544 plh060106 obuwik w uroczysku wid w * 36,55 22,8906 51,8682 plh060107 ostoja parczewska * 3 591,53 22,9724 51,5579 plh060108 jata * 1 188,34 22,2059 51,9677 plh080001 dolina leniwej obry * 7 137,66 15,671 52,3065 plh080002 rynna jezior obrza skich * 15 305,73 15,8887 52,3333 plh080003 nietoperek 7 377,37 15,4805 52,3944 plh080004 torfowisko ch opiny * 498,49 15,0433 52,8323 plh080005 torfowisko m odno * 239,36 14,7802 52,1251 plh080006 uj cie noteci * 3 994,54 15,3515 52,7256 plh080007 buczyna szprotawsko-piotrowicka * 1 423,3 15,6778 51,5083 plh080008 buczyny agowsko-sulci skie * 6 771,02 15,1974 52,3656 plh080009 dolina ilanki * 2 232,83 15,0317 52,3504 plh080011 dolina pliszki * 5 033,85 15,1959 52,2526 plh080012 kargowskie zakola odry * 3 070,28 15,6689 51,9933 plh080013 gi s ubickie * 825,1 14,5575 52,3662 plh080014 nowosolska dolina odry * 6 040,33 15,7637 51,8332 plh080015 uj cie ilanki * 1 958,74 14,8001 52,2963 plh080024 mopkowy tunel ko o krzystkowic 48,05 15,2121 51,814 plh080028 kro nie ska dolina odry * 19 202,47 14,6872 52,1123 plh080029 torfowiska su owskie 44,32 14,7158 52,3768 plh080030 borowina * 512,22 15,6009 51,6424 plh080031 bory chrobotkowe ko o brz zki * 891,95 15,0137 52,0256 plh080032 bory chrobotkowe puszczy noteckiej * 2 309,03 15,5983 52,6562 plh080033 bronisz w * 629,98 15,4661 51,7824 plh080034 bytnica 33,89 15,1696 52,144 plh080035 dbowe aleje w gry ynie i zawiszach * 29,7 15,2755 52,1949 plh080036 jeziora go cimskie * 2 995,77 15,733 52,7378 plh080037 lasy dobrosu owskie * 11 192,86 15,0247 52,187 plh080038 gi nad nys u yck * 449,91 14,8308 51,5056 plh080039 mierkowskie wydmy * 609,78 14,8993 51,8404 plh080040 oty 0,11 15,7112 51,8479 plh080041 skwierzyna 0,25 15,5029 52,5993 plh080042 stara d browa w korytach * 1 630,39 15,1744 52,2769 plh080043 sulech w 0,13 15,6244 52,0857 plh080044 wilki nad nys * 12 226,92 15,0266 51,4801 plh080046 ma omickie gi * 992,97 15,4365 51,5703 plh080047 urawie bagno s awskie * 41,7 15,9855 51,9046 plh080048 bory chrobotkowe ko o bytomca 615,29 14,8344 52,1025 plh080049 rynna jezior rzepi skich * 293,93 14,7546 52,324 plh080051 bro ek 65,13 14,7098 51,7041 plh080052 jeziora brodzkie * 829,18 14,7283 51,8014 plh080053 jezioro janiszowice * 206,07 15,041 51,8977 plh080054 nowogrodzkie przygie kowisko 31,46 15,2837 51,8124 plh080055 przygie kowiska ko o gozdnicy * 1 767,7 15,0458 51,4321 plh080056 diabelski staw ko o radomicka * 7,31 14,9947 52,1369 plh080057 dolina lubszy * 724,52 15,0368 51,7071 plh080058 murawy gorzowskie * 79,85 15,1896 52,7289 plh080059 gi ko o wymiarek * 159,16 15,0667 51,5262 plh080060 uroczyska bor w zasieckich * 4 375,36 14,8439 51,7455 plh080062 zimna woda * 86,33 15,5344 51,8683 plh080063 bory babimojskie 619,66 15,8612 52,134 plh080064 skroda * 378,62 15,0358 51,5908 plh080065 lubski g nie ycowy * 64,98 15,0002 51,7892 plh080067 rynna gry yny * 1 336,84 15,2743 52,1368 plh080068 dolina dolnego bobru * 1 730,05 15,2742 51,7153 plh080069 d browy gubi skie * 1 534,62 14,9043 51,9608 plh080070 las arski * 1 245,13 15,1334 51,5973 plh080071 ostoja barlinecka * 26 596,41 15,3218 52,8889 plh080073 rynna jezior torzymskich * 306,13 14,9992 52,3033 plh100001 d browa grotnicka * 101,48 19,3187 51,9199 plh100002 d browa wietlista w pernie * 40,06 19,2102 52,2863 plh100003 lasy spalskie * 2 016,4 20,1522 51,558 plh100004 ka w bczkowicach * 191,18 19,7161 51,183 plh100005 niebieskie r d a * 25,24 20,029 51,5121 plh100006 pradolina bzury-neru * 21 886,17 79 19,3742 52,105 plh100007 za cza ski uk warty * 9 317,24 18,7458 51,1173 plh100008 dolina rodkowej pilicy * 3 787,43 19,9131 51,2179 plh100015 dolina rawki * 2 525,38 20,2906 51,9323 plh100016 buczyna ga kowska 103,41 19,6996 51,7373 plh100017 buczyna janinowska * 528,96 19,6854 51,8505 plh100018 cisy w jasieniu * 19,68 19,5693 50,9976 plh100019 d browy wietliste ko o redzenia * 44,29 19,9407 51,7284 plh100020 lasy gorzkowickie * 61,53 19,5901 51,1695 plh100021 grabia * 1 670,48 19,0149 51,528 plh100022 gr dy nad lind * 54,92 19,3294 51,8764 plh100023 las dbowiec * 47,04 19,729 50,9155 plh100024 lasy smardzewickie * 286,52 20,095 51,489 plh100025 lipickie mokrad a * 369,51 18,4851 51,8399 plh100026 lubiasz w w puszczy pilickiej * 202,81 2 19,8701 51,4257 plh100027 d browy w marianku * 72,7 19,6764 51,2021 plh100028 polany puszczy bolimowskiej * 132,28 20,1059 52,0387 plh100029 s one ki w pe czyskach * 34,97 19,2415 51,9785 plh100030 torfowiska ytno ewina * 45,33 19,5569 50,9525 plh100031 wielkopole jod y pod czartori 41,91 19,8561 51,2101 plh100032 silne b ota * 67,37 2 19,5147 52,0093 plh100033 szczypiorniak i kowaliki * 28,54 2 19,6301 51,9596 plh100034 wola cyrusowa * 92,35 19,7442 51,8676 plh100035 ki cieb owickie * 475,34 20,0974 51,5392 plh100036 wite ugi * 151,23 3 19,1158 51,3846 plh100037 torfowiska nad prosn * 95,55 18,1929 51,3766 plh120004 dolina pr dnika * 2 160,93 19,8084 50,2108 plh120005 dolinki jurajskie * 886,51 19,6821 50,1694 plh120006 jaroszowiec 584,81 19,6005 50,3439 plh120007 kalina-lisiniec 5,68 20,1599 50,3626 plh120008 ko o grobli * 599,63 20,362 50,0982 plh120010 lip wka * 25,39 20,3725 50,0891 plh120011 micha owiec 20,35 19,6832 50,3291 plh120014 pustynia b dowska * 1 963,9 19,5113 50,3424 plh120015 stercz w- cianka 10,96 20,1704 50,3285 plh120017 wa y 9,25 20,228 50,3408 plh120019 ostoja popradzka * 57 930,98 20,8357 49,4172 plh120020 ostoje nietoperzy okolic bukowca 586,33 20,809 49,7942 plh120033 bednarka 1 291,93 21,3348 49,6495 plh120034 czerna 76,39 19,6307 50,1694 plh120035 nawojowa * 1 993,97 20,7646 49,5633 plh120036 abowa * 3 251,19 20,8599 49,543 plh120044 krzeszowice 39,83 19,6319 50,1378 plh120047 ostoja w pa mie brzanki * 788,9 21,0876 49,8513 plh120048 nowy wi nicz 325,68 20,4835 49,9119 plh120049 cybowa g ra 18,15 20,234 50,3839 plh120051 giebu t w 6,38 20,1676 50,3979 plh120052 ostoje nietoperzy beskidu wyspowego * 5 706,13 20,4772 49,7326 plh120053 grzyma w 15,23 20,1981 50,3698 plh120054 kalina ma a 25,64 20,1147 50,3602 plh120055 komor w 4,91 20,0189 50,3448 plh120056 kwiat wka * 46,96 20,1658 50,4741 plh120058 rudno 72,37 19,6165 50,0439 plh120059 dolina sanki 22,46 19,7042 50,0688 plh120060 cedron 216,51 19,6825 49,896 plh120061 bia a g ra 12,89 19,969 50,4472 plh120062 kaczmarowe do y 12,62 20,0612 50,3062 plh120063 chod w falni w 7,27 19,9659 50,3748 plh120064 d bie 4,01 20,1802 50,3404 plh120065 dbnicko-tyniecki obszar kowy 282,86 19,8754 50,0294 plh120066 db wka nad rzek uszewk 844,28 20,6885 50,1681 plh120067 dolina rzeki gr bki 999,78 20,5383 50,1034 plh120068 jadowniki mokre 704,22 20,7789 50,1449 plh120069 ki nowohuckie 59,75 20,0355 50,0666 plh120070 kpie na wy ynie miechowskiej 54,17 19,9707 50,4648 plh120071 opalonki 2,4 20,176 50,3503 plh120072 porad w 11,3 20,0547 50,3308 plh120073 pstroszyce 19,44 20,016 50,4061 plh120074 s awice duchowne 4,41 20,0712 50,3156 plh120075 uniej w parcele 3,7 19,9501 50,4283 plh120076 widnica 7,86 20,0352 50,3971 plh120077 rudnia skie modraszki kajas wka 447,24 19,6669 50,0202 plh120079 skawi ski obszar kowy 44,13 19,8381 49,9975 plh120080 torfowisko wielkie b oto 347,89 20,2749 50,0189 plh120083 dolna so a * 500,97 19,1959 49,9513 plh120084 wi liska 48,68 19,5299 50,0139 plh120085 dolny dunajec * 1 293,94 20,892 50,0234 plh120087 ososina * 345,39 20,643 49,7568 plh120088 rodkowy dunajec z dop ywami * 755,83 20,4463 49,4251 plh120089 tarnawka * 139,95 20,2861 49,83 plh120090 bia a tarnowska * 957,46 20,9585 49,9659 plh120091 armeria 7,39 19,4819 50,2804 plh120092 pleszczotka 4,92 19,4733 50,2913 plh120094 ostoje nietoperzy powiatu gorlickiego * 2 824,56 21,0923 49,6106 plh120096 bia owodzka g ra nad dunajcem * 67,65 20,633 49,6897 plh140001 ostoja bagno ca owanie * 3 447,51 21,3401 52,013 plh140002 baranie g ry * 180,63 20,1299 53,0939 plh140003 d browa radziejowska * 52,2 20,5416 52,0199 plh140004 d browy seroczy skie * 552,56 21,9882 52,012 plh140005 dolina wkry * 24 20,6892 52,494 plh140006 dolina zwole ki * 2 379,34 18 21,6701 51,3048 plh140007 kantor stary 97,01 22,0976 52,3615 plh140008 krogulec * 113,11 21,263 52,491 plh140009 gi czarnej strugi * 38,78 21,0818 52,3633 plh140010 olszyny rumockie * 149,66 20,2316 53,0691 plh140011 ostoja nadbu a ska * 46 036,74 22,5464 52,4263 plh140012 sik rz * 204,54 19,559 52,6312 plh140013 wydmy lucynowsko-mostowieckie 300,48 21,4471 52,5312 plh140015 pakos aw * 668,63 21,1545 51,2054 plh140016 dolina dolnej pilicy * 31 821,57 21,0415 51,6911 plh140020 forty modli skie 157,25 20,7172 52,3895 plh140021 uroczyska ckie * 1 620,44 19,6288 52,4845 plh140022 bagna celestynowskie * 1 036,97 21,4417 52,0186 plh140023 bagna oro skie * 921,45 21,6195 51,68 plh140024 d browy ceranowskie * 161,79 22,1553 52,6428 plh140025 dolina rodkowego widra * 1 475,69 21,4723 52,092 plh140026 dzwonecznik w kisielanach * 45,72 22,2035 52,2508 plh140027 go e ki * 49,59 21,7299 51,9957 plh140028 go ob rz * 186,53 22,2747 52,1244 plh140029 kampinoska dolina wis y * 20 659,11 20,5815 52,4263 plh140030 kawica * 1 468,86 21,322 51,7379 plh140031 las jana iii sobieskiego * 115,15 21,1658 52,232 plh140032 ostoja nadliwiecka * 13 622,72 21,9777 52,3673 plh140033 podeb ocie * 1 275,78 21,7213 51,632 plh140034 poligon rembert w * 241,93 21,2048 52,282 plh140035 puszcza kozienicka * 28 230,37 21,4531 51,5276 plh140036 rogo nica * 153,23 21,9378 52,1006 plh140037 torfowiska czernik * 53,8 21,5853 52,3428 plh140038 bia e b ota * 31,43 21,2295 52,3576 plh140039 stawy w abie cu * 105,28 21,0371 52,0423 plh140040 strzebla b otna w zielonce * 2,2 21,1392 52,2959 plh140041 las biela ski * 129,84 20,9619 52,2924 plh140042 las natoli ski * 103,73 21,0794 52,1421 plh140043 ostoja nowodworska 51,06 20,7523 52,4195 plh140044 grabinka * 45,8 20,2277 52,0313 plh140045 wietliste d browy i gr dy w jab onnej * 1 816,03 20,9559 52,5153 plh140046 bory bagienne i torfowiska karaska * 558,83 21,3631 53,2463 plh140047 bory chrobotkowe karaska 1 124,52 21,295 53,2582 plh140048 ki kazu skie * 340,02 20,6918 52,4017 plh140049 myszynieckie bory sasankowe * 1 936,98 21,6038 53,3949 plh140050 ki ostr wieckie * 954,58 21,2559 52,0359 plh140051 dolina skrwy lewej * 129,02 19,5124 52,5199 plh140052 zachodniokurpiowskie bory sasankowe * 2 214,06 21,1542 53,164 plh140053 ki ukowskie * 173,36 20,4052 51,9884 plh140054 aleja pachnicowa * 1,09 1 20,4423 52,6184 plh140055 ki soleckie * 222,06 21,0998 52,0363 plh160001 forty nyskie 55,43 17,3232 50,4817 plh160002 g ra witej anny * 5 084,28 18,2565 50,4488 plh160003 kamie l ski 832,4 18,1054 50,5251 plh160004 ostoja s awniowicko-burgrabicka 771,56 17,278 50,3371 plh160005 bory niemodli skie * 4 541,34 17,6732 50,5899 plh160007 g ry opawskie * 5 583,29 17,4576 50,2854 plh160008 dolina ma ej panwi * 1 106,27 18,4968 50,6064 plh160009 lasy barucickie * 4 394,49 17,6828 50,9677 plh160010 ki w okolicach chrz stowic 795,02 18,0513 50,6691 plh160011 g zdzieszowicki * 619,9 18,0981 50,3969 plh160012 ki w okolicach kar owic nad stobraw 933,45 17,7316 50,8736 plh160013 ki w okolicach kluczborka nad stobraw 356,65 18,1505 50,9748 plh160014 opolska dolina nysy k odzkiej * 1 439,64 17,4288 50,6841 plh160016 przy k nad bia g ucho ask * 166 17,3264 50,4054 plh160017 teklusia * 316,48 18,0847 51,0547 plh160018 rozumicki las * 96,58 17,9853 50,0129 plh160019 ywocickie gi * 101,72 18,0063 50,4556 plh160020 szumirad * 99,1 18,2729 50,8335 plh180001 ostoja magurska * 20 104,73 21,5073 49,5284 plh180006 ko acznia 0,1 22,2664 50,3055 plh180007 rzeka san 1 374,76 22,3669 49,7992 plh180008 fort salis soglio 51,72 22,8944 49,7578 plh180011 jasio ka * 686,73 21,6963 49,5857 plh180012 ostoja przemyska * 39 656,77 22,6273 49,6919 plh180013 ostoja g ry s onne * 46 071,46 22,3521 49,5339 plh180014 ostoja ja liska * 29 252,1 21,8478 49,3976 plh180015 ysa g ra * 2 743,79 21,5896 49,5444 plh180016 ryman w * 5 240,99 21,8679 49,5295 plh180017 horyniec * 11 633,03 23,398 50,2369 plh180018 trzciana * 2 285,53 21,6685 49,5089 plh180019 d browa ko o zaklikowa * 4,99 22,1516 50,7657 plh180020 dolina dolnego sanu * 10 176,64 22,3369 50,3923 plh180021 dorzecze g rnego sanu * 1 578,67 22,1565 49,4448 plh180022 klon wka * 136,75 21,5648 49,8846 plh180023 las nad braciejow * 1 440,17 21,4571 49,9985 plh180024 ukawiec * 2 270,18 23,0721 50,0514 plh180025 nad husowem * 3 347,7 22,2271 49,9417 plh180027 ostoja czarnorzecka * 1 946,6 21,8615 49,7467 plh180028 patria nad odrzechow 572,89 22,0202 49,5501 plh180030 wis ok rodkowy z dop ywami * 1 064,64 21,6568 49,796 plh180031 golesz * 260,85 21,4441 49,7809 plh180032 ja mierz 174,45 21,9912 49,6133 plh180033 j zef w wola dbowiecka * 60,51 2 21,4297 49,6549 plh180034 ko ci w dydni 198,01 22,1564 49,6796 plh180035 ko ci w nowosielcach 0,28 22,0772 49,5652 plh180036 ko ci w r wnem 1,36 21,7172 49,5939 plh180037 ko ci w skalniku 350,62 21,4848 49,5714 plh180038 ladzin 50,14 21,8555 49,5988 plh180039 las hrabe ski * 125,6 21,9277 49,5901 plh180040 las nieg owicki * 30,76 21,4487 49,719 plh180041 ki nad m yn wk * 51,02 21,4116 49,7504 plh180042 ki w komborni 13,14 21,8523 49,6967 plh180043 mrowle ki 294,08 21,9677 50,0938 plh180045 sanisko w bykowcach * 79,77 22,2648 49,5388 plh180046 liwocz 327,66 21,3583 49,8069 plh180047 lasy le ajskie * 2 656,4 22,2594 50,2339 plh180048 bory bagienne nad bukow * 532,2 22,4571 50,5617 plh180049 tarnobrzeska dolina wis y * 4 059,69 21,635 50,5575 plh180050 starodub w pe kiniach 574,82 22,5763 50,0768 plh180051 ki nad wojk wk 9,62 21,726 49,782 plh180052 wis oka z dop ywami * 2 651,03 21,4006 49,7269 plh180053 dolna wis oka z dop ywami * 453,69 21,3508 50,0575 plh180054 lasy sieniawskie * 18 015,42 22,7473 50,1807 plh180055 enklawy puszczy sandomierskiej * 7 952,49 21,831 50,4499 plh200001 jeleniewo * 5 910,07 22,9664 54,2385 plh200002 narwia skie bagna * 6 823,05 22,9492 53,0483 plh200003 ostoja suwalska * 6 349,51 22,8487 54,2552 plh200004 ostoja wigierska * 16 072,11 23,0865 54,0729 plh200005 ostoja augustowska * 107 068,74 23,2486 53,9173 plh200006 ostoja knyszy ska * 136 084,43 23,2383 53,3098 plh200007 pojezierze sejne skie * 13 630,94 23,424 54,1197 plh200008 dolina biebrzy * 121 206,23 22,58 53,4514 plh200010 ostoja w dolinie g rnej narwi * 19 090,18 23,4595 52,9151 plh200014 schrony brzeskiego rejonu umocnionego 117,07 22,9947 52,3925 plh200015 murawy w ha kach * 157,34 23,1826 52,83 plh200016 dolina szeszupy * 1 701,35 22,9659 54,3229 plh200017 torfowiska g r sudawskich * 98,51 22,9177 54,3435 plh200018 czerwony b r * 5 052,22 22,0771 52,9909 plh200019 jelonka * 2 479,9 23,3576 52,6065 plh200020 mokrad a kolne skie i kurpiowskie * 1 446,57 21,7674 53,3971 plh200021 ostoja w dolinie g rnego nurca * 5 524,05 23,1487 52,612 plh200022 dolina g rnej rospudy * 4 070,69 22,6219 54,1639 plh200023 dolina pisy * 3 223,21 21,7887 53,3497 plh200024 ostoja narwia ska * 18 604,96 22,8539 53,214 plh200025 sasanki w kolimagach 2,54 21,8483 53,3607 plh200026 r dliska wzg rz sok lskich * 49,11 23,479 53,6335 plh220001 bagna izbickie * 786,35 17,422 54,6581 plh220002 bia e b oto * 43,42 17,8887 54,4803 plh220003 bia og ra * 1 132,8 17,9245 54,8175 plh220005 bytowskie jeziora lobeliowe * 2 490,32 17,5623 54,167 plh220006 dolina g rnej eby * 2 550,07 18,0255 54,4444 plh220007 dolina k odawy * 10,51 18,5264 54,1895 plh220008 dolina reknicy * 66,34 18,4344 54,2711 plh220009 dolina rodkowej wietcisy * 430,88 18,2296 54,1301 plh220010 hopowo * 5,44 18,24 54,2662 plh220011 jar rzeki raduni * 85,82 18,3075 54,3058 plh220012 jeziorka cho nickie * 214,31 17,7085 54,2628 plh220013 jezioro piasek 54,83 17,1292 54,0109 plh220014 kurze grzdy * 1 586,59 17,9747 54,3998 plh220016 bia a * 418,83 18,2266 54,5692 plh220017 mechowiska sulczy skie * 45,58 17,7862 54,2251 plh220018 mierzeja sarbska * 1 882,9 17,6543 54,7753 plh220019 orle 269,92 18,1573 54,6517 plh220020 pe cznica * 253,06 18,246 54,5299 plh220021 pia nickie ki * 1 084,99 18,0583 54,8146 plh220022 p ywaj ce wyspy pod rekowem * 107,94 17,4665 54,0899 plh220023 ostoja s owi ska * 32 955,3 17,3999 54,7121 plh220024 przymorskie b ota * 1 688,87 16,7637 54,5461 plh220025 przywidz * 953,12 18,3442 54,1922 plh220026 sandr brdy * 7 492,59 17,5475 53,883 plh220027 staniszewskie b oto * 917,17 18,0359 54,3739 plh220028 studzienickie torfowiska * 175,27 17,5664 54,1061 plh220029 trzy m yny * 765,88 18,2041 54,7522 plh220030 twierdza wis ouj cie 16,17 18,6801 54,3948 plh220031 wa mierz * 388,27 18,7178 54,015 plh220032 zatoka pucka i p wysep helski * 26 566,43 18,5907 54,685 plh220033 dolna wis a * 10 374,19 18,8413 53,8294 plh220034 jeziora wdzydzkie * 13 583,75 17,9113 54,0197 plh220035 jezioro krasne * 95,61 17,2822 53,8703 plh220036 dolina upawy * 5 508,63 17,29 54,4879 plh220037 dolina stropnej * 963,39 17,6554 54,1831 plh220038 dolina wieprzy i studnicy * 14 349,03 16,8916 54,2005 plh220039 jeziora lobeliowe ko o soszycy * 132,4 17,5824 54,2603 plh220040 ebskie bagna * 211,47 17,5749 54,5608 plh220041 miasteckie jeziora lobeliowe * 1 372,46 17,0593 54,04 plh220042 torfowisko pob ockie * 111,63 17,4803 54,6245 plh220044 ostoja w uj ciu wis y * 883,51 18,7898 54,3616 plh220045 g rkowski las * 99,3 17,5661 54,6612 plh220052 dolina s upi * 6 991,48 17,1913 54,3544 plh220054 widowo 99,14 18,1291 54,8307 plh220055 bunkier w oliwie 0,13 18,5515 54,4058 plh220056 czerwona woda pod babilonem * 821,12 17,4191 53,7749 plh220057 ostoja zapce ska * 3 804,86 17,4599 54,002 plh220058 doliny brdy i chociny * 1 455,76 17,4482 53,8381 plh220059 du y oko * 21,51 17,4281 53,7218 plh220060 las wolno * 335,29 17,469 53,73 plh220061 mtne * 523,71 17,778 53,7849 plh220062 ostoja mas owiczki * 1 679,99 17,2439 54,0983 plh220063 bielawa i bory ba ynowe * 1 341,51 18,2526 54,8008 plh220064 sporysz * 481,08 17,0099 53,816 plh220065 zielenina * 643,83 18,3825 54,1343 plh220066 dolina szczyry * 346,98 17,0156 53,5879 plh220067 gr dy nad jeziorami zdu skim i szpgawskim * 236,33 18,6037 54,0258 plh220068 guzy * 115,23 18,3307 54,1473 plh220069 jezioro dymno 114,67 17,0553 53,9244 plh220070 jezioro kr g 424,4 18,1009 53,9769 plh220071 karwickie r dliska * 371,78 17,6964 54,4305 plh220072 kaszubskie klify * 227,61 9 18,3529 54,8185 plh220073 leniec nad wierzyc 24,96 17,9952 54,1041 plh220074 lubieszynek * 671,41 18,2135 54,1064 plh220075 mechowiska zblewskie 107,86 18,1126 54,457 plh220076 miko ajki pomorskie * 132,44 19,182 53,8351 plh220077 m osino-lubnia * 2 469,49 17,8412 53,923 plh220078 nowa brda * 10 020,88 17,2032 53,8925 plh220079 ostoja borzyszkowska * 6 454,19 17,3271 53,9939 plh220080 prokowo * 885,64 18,1809 54,3696 plh220081 rynna d u nicy * 353,43 17,8714 54,1535 plh220082 stary bukowiec * 308,39 18,0638 54,0215 plh220083 wielki klincz * 288,23 18,0854 54,0868 plh220084 wejherowo 0,16 18,2385 54,6016 plh220085 torfowisko trzebielino * 99,87 17,105 54,201 plh220086 szumle * 976,47 18,2163 54,1542 plh220087 sztumskie pole * 571,93 18,9672 53,9541 plh220088 d br wka * 504,59 18,0835 54,1659 plh220089 huta dolna * 66,03 18,3374 54,2285 plh220090 nowa sikorska huta * 174,71 18,0921 54,1955 plh220091 piotrowo * 483,03 18,1494 54,1932 plh220092 pomlewo * 177,41 18,401 54,2226 plh220093 wilcze b ota * 8,98 18,1519 54,0137 plh220094 dolina wierzycy * 4 618,33 18,2973 54,012 plh220095 uroczyska pojezierza kaszubskiego * 3 922,31 18,053 54,2596 plh220096 jeziora choczewskie * 1 120,03 17,9283 54,7334 plh220097 jeziora kistowskie 367,45 17,7373 54,2883 plh220098 lasy rekowskie * 2 288,54 17,4744 54,0985 plh220099 opali skie buczyny * 355,67 18,0809 54,7066 plh220100 klify poddbskie * 594,44 16,9809 54,6247 plh220101 szczodrowo * 223,56 18,4011 54,1135 plh220102 bezlist ko o gniewowa 19,7 18,3302 54,5817 plh220104 jezioro ksi e w lipuszu * 15,38 17,7908 54,1142 plh220105 klify i rafy kamienne or owa * 335,68 18,5693 54,4913 plh240001 cieszy skie r d a tufowe * 266,89 18,7157 49,724 plh240003 podziemia tarnog rsko-bytomskie 3 490,8 18,8222 50,427 plh240004 szachownica 13,14 18,8083 51,0542 plh240005 beskid l ski * 26 405,25 19,025 49,6323 plh240008 ko ci w g rkach wielkich 0,39 18,8554 49,7736 plh240009 ostoja rodkowojurajska * 5 767,55 19,5046 50,4213 plh240010 stawy czok * 586,1 18,2745 50,1388 plh240013 graniczny meander odry * 156,63 18,3443 49,9355 plh240015 ostoja olszty sko-mirowska * 2 210,88 19,274 50,7656 plh240016 suchy m yn * 524,27 19,7281 50,7037 plh240020 ostoja z otopotocka * 2 748,06 19,4163 50,6865 plh240022 pier ciec 1 702,07 18,8078 49,8534 plh240023 beskid ma y * 7 186,16 19,4004 49,764 plh240024 stawiska * 6,63 18,7495 51,0459 plh240025 torfowisko przy dolinie kocinki * 5,64 19,1055 50,9351 plh240026 prze om warty ko o mstowa 100,64 19,233 50,8261 plh240027 gi w lasach nad liswart * 234,68 18,7891 50,7835 plh240028 walaszczyki w czstochowie 23,46 19,0244 50,7652 plh240029 bagno w korzonku * 12,21 18,9432 50,7046 plh240030 poczesna ko o czstochowy 39,17 19,1156 50,7176 plh240031 bia ka lelowska 7,23 8 19,6767 50,7155 plh240032 ostoja kroczycka 1 391,16 19,5289 50,5776 plh240033 r d a rajecznicy * 194,27 19,7298 50,5858 plh240034 buczyny w szypowicach i las niwiski 256,09 19,6171 50,5025 plh240035 bagno bruch ko o pyrzowic * 38,87 19,049 50,5218 plh240036 hubert 33,74 18,4455 50,538 plh240037 lipienniki w d browie g rniczej * 296,5 19,2184 50,3852 plh240038 torfowisko sosnowiec-bory 2,01 19,2714 50,2761 plh240039 zbiornik gocza kowicki uj cie wis y i bajerki * 1 650,26 18,8708 49,9203 plh240040 las ko o tworkowa * 115,08 18,2614 50,0187 plh240041 ki d browskie 384,84 19,3829 50,3649 plh240042 ki w jaworznie 36,45 19,3472 50,2027 plh240043 ki w s awkowie 50,97 19,3416 50,3028 plh240045 lema skie jod y 151,3 19,1339 50,9805 plh260001 dolina krasnej * 2 384,1 20,6117 51,0947 plh260002 ysog ry * 8 081,27 20,9275 50,9042 plh260003 ostoja nidzia ska * 26 515,64 20,5254 50,4635 plh260004 ostoja przedborska * 11 605,21 20,0571 50,998 plh260010 lasy suchedniowskie * 19 120,89 20,692 51,0454 plh260011 lasy skar yskie * 2 383,5 20,7278 51,1401 plh260012 uroczysko pity * 753,36 42 20,6666 51,1144 plh260013 dolina bia ej nidy * 5 116,84 20,3176 50,7327 plh260014 dolina bobrzy * 612,69 20,5204 50,9041 plh260015 dolina czarnej * 5 780,6 20,1557 51,2 plh260016 dolina czarnej nidy * 1 191,51 20,5039 50,7638 plh260017 dolina g rnej mierzawy 912,44 20,0497 50,5008 plh260018 dolina g rnej pilicy * 11 193,22 19,8671 50,6033 plh260019 dolina kamiennej * 2 586,45 21,5544 50,9826 plh260020 dolina mierzawy * 1 320,15 20,3033 50,5213 plh260021 dolina warkocza * 337,91 20,7384 50,818 plh260022 g ry pieprzowe * 76,95 21,7848 50,6876 plh260023 kras staszowski * 1 743,48 21,2298 50,5768 plh260024 krzemionki opatowskie * 691,12 21,4664 50,9858 plh260025 ostoja barcza * 1 523,48 20,7602 50,9539 plh260026 ostoja brze nicka * 811,79 20,5445 51,2643 plh260027 ostoja gaj * 466,64 20,2723 50,6748 plh260028 ostoja jeleniowska * 3 589,24 21,209 50,8202 plh260029 ostoja kozubowska * 4 256,77 20,4369 50,4289 plh260030 ostoja pomorzany * 906 20,3147 51,2089 plh260031 ostoja sieradowicka * 7 847,37 20,9666 51,0179 plh260032 ostoja sobkowsko-korytnicka * 2 204,06 20,4472 50,6896 plh260033 ostoja stawiany * 1 194,49 20,6284 50,5855 plh260034 ostoja szaniecko-solecka * 8 072,86 20,7024 50,5082 plh260035 ostoja wierzejska 224,64 20,6621 50,915 plh260036 ostoja yzn w * 4 480,03 21,4888 50,5425 plh260037 prze om lubrzanki * 272,62 29 20,7916 50,9026 plh260038 uroczyska las w starachowickich * 2 349,18 21,1105 51,0753 plh260039 wzg rza kunowskie * 1 868,67 206 21,2738 50,9795 plh260040 lasy cisowsko-or owi skie * 10 406,87 20,8513 50,7475 plh260041 wzg rza chci sko-kieleckie * 8 616,46 20,5713 50,837 plh280001 dolina drwcy * 12 561,56 19,528 53,3685 plh280002 gier o * 56,95 1 21,4982 54,079 plh280003 jezioro kara * 814,84 19,4763 53,5586 plh280004 mamerki * 162,09 1 21,6465 54,1841 plh280005 puszcza romincka * 14 754,34 22,5416 54,3241 plh280006 rzeka pas ka * 8 418,46 20,1663 53,982 plh280007 zalew wi lany i mierzeja wi lana * 40 862,31 19,3696 54,3389 plh280009 bie kowo * 122,71 20,1503 54,3566 plh280010 budwity * 450,93 19,69 53,9119 plh280011 g zwa * 499,14 21,2315 53,8829 plh280012 ostoja lidzbarska * 8 866,93 19,7457 53,2043 plh280014 ostoja welska * 3 384,37 19,881 53,3483 plh280015 prze omowa dolina rzeki wel * 1 259,68 19,7866 53,3305 plh280016 ostoja borecka * 25 340,14 22,1198 54,1257 plh280028 ostoja dru no * 3 088,79 19,4839 54,0855 plh280029 doliny erozyjne wysoczyzny elbl skiej * 2 260,45 19,5256 54,2742 plh280030 jezioro d ugie * 642,91 20,012 53,8074 plh280031 murawy ko o pas ka * 642,7 19,7188 54,0726 plh280032 uroczysko markowo * 1 453,64 19,9201 54,0309 plh280033 warmi skie buczyny * 1 525,85 20,3673 53,9277 plh280034 jezioro woszczelskie * 313,67 22,2518 53,8483 plh280035 ostoja radomno * 929,37 19,5768 53,5394 plh280036 dolina kakaju * 1 427,97 19,4461 53,4818 plh280037 torfowisko zocie * 65,78 22,7406 53,9398 plh280038 jezioro wuk niki * 326,17 20,0984 53,973 plh280039 jonkowo-warka y * 226,53 20,3202 53,8111 plh280040 kaszuny * 263,96 20,3826 54,114 plh280041 murawy na pojezierzu e ckim * 77,22 22,3352 53,9008 plh280043 ostoja dylewskie wzg rza * 3 430,62 19,9723 53,5479 plh280044 ostoja nad o winem * 3 356,7 21,5776 54,3022 plh280045 ostoja p nocnomazurska * 14 573,01 21 21,6958 54,1133 plh280046 swajnie * 1 186,51 7 20,534 54,0081 plh280047 torfowiska r dliskowe ko o abdnika * 26,95 21,0013 54,1969 plh280048 ostoja piska * 57 826,61 60 21,1854 53,6703 plh280049 niecka skaliska * 11 385,72 21,9362 54,2807 plh280050 nied wiedzie wielkie * 89,14 19,7848 53,9292 plh280051 aleje pojezierza i awskiego * 377,25 19,4816 53,6417 plh280052 ostoja napiwodzko-ramucka * 32 612,78 20,7104 53,3866 plh280053 ostoja i awska * 21 029,35 19,4977 53,7356 plh280054 mazurskie bagna * 1 569,32 21,7998 53,8812 plh280055 mazurska ostoja wia baranowo * 4 305,1 13 21,4526 53,8354 plh280056 murawy na poligonie orzysz * 1 298,35 21,9578 53,7455 plh280057 g ra dbowa ko o m awy * 386,6 20,2599 53,1553 plh300001 biedrusko * 9 938,09 16,904 52,5645 plh300002 uroczyska p yty krotoszy skiej * 34 225,2 17,6374 51,7147 plh300003 d browy obrzyckie * 885,17 16,568 52,6961 plh300004 dolina noteci * 50 531,99 17,1775 53,0766 plh300005 fortyfikacje w poznaniu 137,39 9 16,9342 52,4214 plh300006 jezioro kubek * 1 048,78 16,0736 52,6982 plh300007 ostoja zgierzyniecka * 574,87 16,2622 52,4516 plh300008 kopanki 0,53 16,3162 52,2887 plh300009 ostoja nadwarcia ska * 26 653,07 17,8968 52,1773 plh300010 ostoja wielkopolska * 8 427,12 16,7762 52,2803 plh300011 puszcza bieniszewska * 953,96 18,1823 52,2876 plh300012 rogali ska dolina warty * 14 753,62 16,9455 52,197 plh300013 sierak w 1,05 16,0896 52,649 plh300014 zachodnie pojezierze krzywi skie * 5 494,83 16,7209 51,9269 plh300016 bagno chlebowo * 465,31 16,7489 52,737 plh300017 dolina rurzycy * 1 766,04 16,6303 53,3397 plh300019 torfowisko rzeci skie * 236,36 16,3241 52,7589 plh300021 poligon w okonku * 2 180,21 16,7468 53,5248 plh300026 pojezierze gnie nie skie * 15 922,12 17,7313 52,5283 plh300028 bar o nia wolszty ska * 22,02 16,1305 52,1765 plh300029 jezioro mnich * 46 3 16,027 52,6575 plh300030 ostoja ko o promna * 1 399,01 10 17,2687 52,4514 plh300031 dolina kamionki * 847,68 10 15,9863 52,5042 plh300032 ostoja midzychodzko-sierakowska 7 591,08 16,0198 52,6024 plh300033 dolina mogielnicy * 1 161,26 16,4516 52,299 plh300034 dolina swdrni * 1 290,72 18,1815 51,8096 plh300035 baran w 12,27 17,9839 51,2694 plh300036 zamorze pniewskie * 305,34 16,2027 52,5135 plh300037 kiszewo * 2 301,11 16,6486 52,7179 plh300038 dolina cybiny * 2 424,72 17,261 52,4199 plh300039 bdlewo-bieczyny * 751,98 16,7263 52,2156 plh300040 dolina ob onki * 5 894,45 17,2761 53,3146 plh300041 ostoja przemcka * 4 396,48 16,2288 51,9353 plh300042 dolina mia y * 514,58 16,2133 52,8136 plh300043 dolina we ny * 1 446,98 16,8705 52,7071 plh300044 jezioro kalisza skie * 719,08 17,1282 52,8879 plh300045 ostoja pilska * 3 068,62 16,6905 53,1073 plh300046 dolina buk wki * 776,1 16,1636 52,9319 plh300047 dolina debrzynki * 920,87 17,0773 53,525 plh300048 glinianki w lenartowicach 7,45 17,8164 51,9169 plh300049 gr dy w czerniejewie * 1 212,87 17,4669 52,4541 plh300050 stawy kiszkowskie 477,5 17,2849 52,5982 plh300051 gr dy byty skie * 1 300,65 16,4906 52,4696 plh300052 uroczyska kuja skie * 1 018,16 17,2023 53,3912 plh300053 lasy erkowsko-czeszewskie * 7 158,23 17,5296 52,1358 plh300054 struga bia o liwka * 251,68 17,0919 53,1066 plh300055 dbowa g ra * 586,82 17,251 53,1253 plh300056 buczyna w d ugiej go linie * 703,49 16,9776 52,6728 plh300057 dolina redzkiej strugi 557,04 17,1952 52,2499 plh300058 uroczyska puszczy zielonki * 1 238,35 17,1361 52,5401 plh300059 jod y ostrzeszowskie * 8,58 17,992 51,4294 plh320001 bobolickie jeziora lobeliowe * 4 759,27 16,6724 53,9507 plh320002 brze nicka wgorza * 592,16 15,6898 53,5255 plh320003 dolina grabowej * 8 255,34 16,6961 54,1517 plh320004 dolina iny ko o recza * 4 471,82 15,4688 53,2129 plh320005 dolina kr pieli * 232,76 15,1329 53,3335 plh320006 dolina p oni i jezioro miedwie * 20 755,9 15,0246 53,1635 plh320007 dorzecze parsty * 27 710,43 16,0623 53,9457 plh320008 janiewickie bagno * 162,2 16,7254 54,2643 plh320009 jeziora szczecineckie * 6 479,19 16,5998 53,8271 plh320010 jezioro kozie * 179,36 14,9602 52,873 plh320011 jezioro wielki byty * 2 011,15 16,2727 53,2913 plh320012 kemy ryma skie * 2 644,84 15,6061 53,9816 plh320013 ostoja goleniowska * 8 418,97 14,7469 53,6668 plh320014 pojezierze my liborskie * 4 406,84 14,9366 52,9839 plh320015 police kana y 100,25 4 14,5476 53,5609 plh320016 s owi skie b oto * 192,61 16,4811 54,3634 plh320017 trzebiatowsko-ko obrzeski pas nadmorski * 17 468,79 15,1813 54,1047 plh320018 uj cie odry i zalew szczeci ski * 52 611,98 14,4542 53,7681 plh320019 wolin i uznam * 30 791,95 14,4499 53,9026 plh320020 wzg rza bukowe * 12 011,05 14,706 53,3263 plh320021 strzaliny ko o tuczna 17,27 16,2177 53,1846 plh320022 dolina radwi, chocieli i chotli * 21 861,73 16,6538 54,0344 plh320023 jezioro lubie i dolina drawy * 15 046,7 15,7501 53,3551 plh320025 dolina pi awy * 2 204,28 16,4896 53,5288 plh320033 uroczyska w lasach stepnickich * 2 749,74 14,6559 53,6002 plh320036 bagno i jezioro ciemino * 787,35 16,5569 53,6443 plh320037 dolna odra * 30 458,09 14,2647 52,9993 plh320038 gogolice-kosa * 1 451,72 14,6204 52,9157 plh320039 jeziora czaplineckie * 31 949,3 16,1958 53,6097 plh320040 jezioro bobici skie * 3 383,26 16,7939 53,9952 plh320041 jezioro bukowo * 3 263,03 16,2527 54,3251 plh320042 jezioro miadowo * 213,43 16,5602 53,6183 plh320043 karsib rz widwi ski * 587,99 15,8814 53,6789 plh320044 lasy bierzwnickie * 8 792,3 15,5595 53,0205 plh320045 miros awiec * 6 566,62 16,2075 53,3006 plh320046 uroczyska puszczy drawskiej * 74 416,3 15,9617 53,083 plh320047 warnie bagno * 1012 15,9418 54,1466 plh320048 diabelskie pustacie * 3 232,08 16,6555 53,5427 plh320049 dorzecze regi * 14 827,82 15,7789 53,8092 plh320050 dolina tywy * 3 754,86 33 14,6468 53,1129 plh320051 mieszkowicka d browa * 26,39 14,3871 52,7836 plh320052 ostoja golczewska * 845,13 15,0226 53,8183 plh320053 dolina bielawy * 456,29 16,4911 54,2442 plh320054 wzg rza krzymowskie * 1 179,31 14,2993 52,9533 plh320055 wzg rza mory skie * 588 14,3491 52,8913 plh320056 torfowisko reptowo * 605,55 14,8375 53,3844 plh320057 mechowisko manowo * 55,47 16,3076 54,1171 plh320059 jezioro kopa * 1 166,48 16,4613 54,4928 plh320060 dziczy las * 1 765,72 14,7194 53,05 plh320061 bystrzyno * 893,69 15,7964 53,8458 plh320062 bukowy las g rki * 964,6 16,1267 54,212 plh320063 jezioro stolsko * 139,68 14,3165 53,5693 plh320064 las baniewicki * 611,54 14,5851 53,1047 plh320065 torfowisko poradz * 567,53 15,6062 53,9174 plh320066 wi zog ra * 489,5 16,1925 54,0958 plh320067 pojezierze i skie * 10 229,9 15,5041 53,3903 plh320068 jezioro wicko i modelskie wydmy * 2 469,94 16,6215 54,5428 plh320069 ostoja we ty ska * 1 470,92 14,5858 53,2396 plh320070 jezioro dobropolskie * 397,87 14,7296 52,9499 plh990002 ostoja na zatoce pomorskiej 243 058,55 14,8835 54,2146 rosci0002 apuseni * 75 943,1 22,8019 46,5830 rosci0004 b g u 3 128,6 23,7967 46,3361 rosci0008 betfia 1 747,8 22,0295 46,9761 rosci0009 bisoca * 1 163, 26,6718 45,5373 rosci0011 brani tea cat rilor * 301,5 24,2452 43,8925 rosci0014 buc ani 512,6 25,6696 44,8900 rosci0015 buila v nturari a * 4 524,7 24,0915 45,2398 rosci0019 c limani gurghiu * 134 965,8 25,1210 46,9138 rosci0026 cenaru * 426,1 26,7814 45,6873 rosci0029 cheile glodului, cibului i m zii * 735,2 23,1506 46,0418 rosci0030 cheile l pu ului * 1 659,7 23,6394 47,4373 rosci0031 cheile nerei beu ni a * 37 719,7 21,8338 44,9413 rosci0032 cheile rud riei * 299,7 22,1083 44,8637 rosci0034 cheile turenilor * 134,2 23,7125 46,6038 rosci0035 cheile turzii * 326,1 23,6779 46,5623 rosci0039 ciuperceni desa * 39 574,3 23,0155 43,8770 rosci0040 coasta lunii * 693,8 23,9490 46,5163 rosci0041 coasta rupturile tanacu * 327,9 27,8531 46,6757 rosci0042 codru moma * 24 650,3 22,2751 46,5478 rosci0043 comana * 26 480,8 26,1030 44,1414 rosci0044 corabia turnu m gurele * 8 185,1 24,6806 43,7286 rosci0045 coridorul jiului * 71 092,7 23,7994 43,7869 rosci0046 cozia * 16 760,3 24,3047 45,3171 rosci0049 cri ul negru 1 826,9 21,7722 46,6842 rosci0050 cri ul repede amonte de oradea 1 858,6 22,2554 47,0664 rosci0051 cu ma * 44 253,5 24,8359 47,1540 rosci0054 dealul cet ii deva * 108,8 22,8754 45,8892 rosci0055 dealul cet ii lempe mla tina h rman * 373,9 25,6554 45,7225 rosci0056 dealul cioca dealul vi elului * 916,5 25,6859 45,7733 rosci0057 dealul istri a * 576,6 26,5410 45,1124 rosci0058 dealul lui dumnezeu * 578,8 27,4046 47,2597 rosci0059 dealul perchiu * 184,7 26,7518 46,2654 rosci0061 defileul cri ului negru * 2 202,8 22,1692 46,6737 rosci0062 defileul cri ului repede p durea craiului * 39 410,8 22,4408 46,8852 rosci0063 defileul jiului * 10 945,6 23,3740 45,2735 rosci0064 defileul mure ului * 34 149,1 22,2979 46,0182 rosci0069 domogled valea cernei * 62 171,2 22,6238 45,0917 rosci0070 drocea * 26 108, 22,1652 46,1844 rosci0074 f getul clujului valea morii * 1 667,3 23,5599 46,7119 rosci0075 p durea p tr u i * 8 746,1 26,1967 47,7914 rosci0076 dealul mare h rl u * 25 112,4 26,7480 47,5033 rosci0077 f na ele b rca * 144, 27,4925 47,0786 rosci0079 f na ele de pe dealul corhan s bed * 463,9 24,4431 46,6539 rosci0080 f na urile de la glodeni * 74,8 27,5366 46,8493 rosci0081 f ne ele seculare frumoasa * 10,1 26,1984 47,5978 rosci0082 f ne ele seculare ponoare * 40,4 26,2571 47,5725 rosci0087 gr di tea muncelului ciclovina * 39 818,1 23,2373 45,5735 rosci0088 gura vedei aica slobozia 9 792,7 25,6881 43,6949 rosci0092 igni * 19 598, 23,7613 47,8476 rosci0093 insulele stepice ura mic slimnic * 366,8 24,1473 45,8734 rosci0095 la s r tura * 15,9 24,3591 47,1886 rosci0099 lacul tiucilor sic puini bon ida * 3 798,2 23,8623 46,8826 rosci0100 lacurile f r g u glodeni 229,5 24,5810 46,6784 rosci0103 lunca buz ului * 6 986,5 27,0008 45,0760 rosci0106 lunca mijlocie a arge ului * 3 614,3 25,4856 44,6001 rosci0107 lunca mirce ti 32,5 26,8729 47,0852 rosci0109 lunca timi ului 9 919,3 21,3595 45,6945 rosci0110 m gurile b i ei * 274, 22,8748 46,0193 rosci0111 mestec ni ul de la reci * 2 103,6 25,9018 45,8176 rosci0112 mlaca t tarilor 3,6 24,6501 45,7155 rosci0117 movila lui burcel * 12,7 27,8031 46,8471 rosci0118 movilele de la p ucea * 6, 24,3396 46,2267 rosci0120 muntele t mpa * 214, 25,5960 45,6347 rosci0124 mun ii maramure ului * 106 890,9 24,6027 47,7936 rosci0126 mun ii arcu * 58 656,6 22,5056 45,3077 rosci0128 nordul gorjului de est * 49 159,6 23,6408 45,2457 rosci0129 nordul gorjului de vest * 86 958, 23,0436 45,1688 rosci0132 oltul mijlociu cibin h rtibaciu 2 826,1 24,3143 45,6680 rosci0135 p durea b rnova repedea * 12 216, 27,6497 47,0239 rosci0136 p durea bejan * 102,2 22,8888 45,8518 rosci0137 p durea bog ii * 6 352,2 25,4130 45,9074 rosci0138 p durea bolintin 5 736,5 25,6447 44,4605 rosci0140 p durea c lug reasc * 676,9 24,6031 44,1620 rosci0141 p durea ciornohal * 269,6 27,2344 47,6287 rosci0142 p durea d lh u i * 203,4 27,0076 45,6942 rosci0143 p durea de gorun i stejar de la dosul f na ului * 108,1 25,0416 45,8920 rosci0144 padurea de gorun i stejar de pe dealul purc retului * 42,1 24,8632 45,8725 rosci0145 p durea de la alparea 459,3 22,0808 47,0180 rosci0146 p durea de stejar pufos de la hoia * 7,5 23,4955 46,7679 rosci0147 padurea de stejar pufos de la mir sl u * 56,2 23,7253 46,3737 rosci0148 p durea de stejar pufos de la peti * 91,6 24,2466 46,0303 rosci0152 p durea floreanu frumu ica ciurea 18 978,3 27,2689 46,9352 rosci0154 p durea glodeni 1 042, 24,5805 46,6428 rosci0155 p durea goroni te 951,7 21,8457 46,8086 rosci0158 p durea b lteni h rboanca 526, 27,6568 46,6712 rosci0159 p durea homi a * 56,6 26,6165 47,2710 rosci0160 p durea icu eni * 10,2 27,6715 47,2456 rosci0161 p durea medeleni 131,1 27,6475 47,2954 rosci0162 lunca siretului inferior * 25 080,7 27,4880 45,6184 rosci0164 p durea plopeni 91,1 25,9356 45,0529 rosci0166 p durea re ca hot rani 1 630,5 24,4215 44,1818 rosci0167 p durea ro cani * 55,6 27,4058 47,4413 rosci0168 p durea sarului 6 792,9 24,1611 44,4419 rosci0170 p durea i mla tinile eutrofe de la prejmer * 344,5 25,7400 45,7364 rosci0171 p durea i paji tile de la m rze ti * 200, 27,4970 47,2403 rosci0173 p durea st rmina 2 768,6 22,7634 44,5013 rosci0174 p durea studini a * 65,8 24,4091 43,9740 rosci0176 p durea t t ru i 55,1 26,6171 47,3132 rosci0177 p durea topana 891,3 24,5306 44,8595 rosci0179 p durea troianu * 78,8 25,0118 44,0210 rosci0181 p durea uricani * 114,3 27,4874 47,1440 rosci0183 p durea vl dila * 406,8 24,3720 44,0068 rosci0184 p durea zamostea lunca 298,7 26,2515 47,8770 rosci0186 p durile de stejar pufos de pe t rnava mare * 240,3 24,7053 46,2642 rosci0187 paji tile lui suciu * 16 005, 23,9309 46,2779 rosci0192 pe tera m gurici 94,5 23,5589 47,3610 rosci0194 piatra craiului * 15 867, 25,2248 45,4841 rosci0198 platoul mehedin i * 53 594, 22,6311 44,9280 rosci0199 platoul meledic * 150,5 26,6189 45,4965 rosci0200 platoul va c u 4 983,2 22,4440 46,4294 rosci0202 silvostepa olteniei * 9 296,7 23,5294 44,1985 rosci0203 poiana cu narcise de la negra i 4,5 25,1435 44,6013 rosci0205 poienile cu narcise de la dumbrava vadului 399,1 25,1025 45,7728 rosci0206 por ile de fier * 125 546,3 21,9983 44,6944 rosci0208 putna vrancea * 38 212,8 26,5034 45,9215 rosci0209 rac hida 239,3 23,2419 47,1081 rosci0210 r pa lechin a * 282,6 24,2273 46,4695 rosci0211 podi ul seca elor * 7 014,1 23,7918 46,0026 rosci0213 r ul prut 10 540,6 28,1746 46,2907 rosci0214 r ul tur * 20 515,5 23,1250 47,8948 rosci0216 reghiu scruntar * 112,4 26,8611 45,7856 rosci0218 dealul mocrei rovina ineu * 3 730,4 21,9014 46,4058 rosci0221 s r turile din valea ilenei * 111,7 27,3762 47,2211 rosci0222 s r turile jijia inferioar prut * 10 613, 27,4231 47,3239 rosci0223 s r turile ocna veche * 132,8 23,8048 46,5765 rosci0224 scrovi tea * 3 391,4 26,0372 44,7121 rosci0225 seaca opt ani 2 110,1 24,4698 44,7170 rosci0226 semenic cheile cara ului * 37 554,5 21,9736 45,1427 rosci0227 sighi oara t rnava mare * 85 815,4 24,8436 46,1407 rosci0232 some ul mare superior 148,6 24,5330 47,2789 rosci0234 st nca tef ne ti * 1, 27,2268 47,8391 rosci0235 st nca tohani * 49,9 26,4343 45,0690 rosci0236 strei ha eg * 24 967,6 23,0529 45,4380 rosci0238 suatu -cojocna crair t * 4 146,2 23,7921 46,6566 rosci0240 t ad 1 557, 22,1387 46,9300 rosci0251 tisa superioar * 6 310,4 23,8374 47,9505 rosci0253 trasc u * 50 063,6 23,4559 46,2793 rosci0254 tufurile calcaroase din valea bob lna * 16,3 23,1133 45,9030 rosci0255 turb ria de la dersca 11,8 26,2625 47,9333 rosci0257 tusa barc u 9,6 22,7544 47,0225 rosci0258 v ile br tiei i br tioarei * 201,8 24,9505 45,2769 rosci0259 valea c lm uiului * 17 922,9 27,2022 44,9806 rosci0264 valea izei i dealul solovan * 46 872,7 24,2218 47,6596 rosci0265 valea lui david * 1 434,7 27,4419 47,2433 rosci0266 valea olte ului 1 537,3 24,2636 44,2522 rosci0267 valea ro ie 819,4 22,0172 47,0854 rosci0268 valea v lsanului * 9 480,2 24,7609 45,2487 rosci0270 v n tori neam * 30 201,8 26,2004 47,1741 rosci0272 vulcanii noroio i de la p clele mari i p clele mici * 928,9 26,7133 45,3474 rosci0275 b rs u omcuta 4 773,1 23,2711 47,5620 rosci0283 cheile doftanei * 2 613,3 25,7453 45,2514 rosci0284 cheile teregovei * 289,1 22,3014 45,1840 rosci0289 coridorul drocea codru moma * 3 229,2 22,2368 46,3839 rosci0290 coridorul ialomi ei * 26 726,8 26,8848 44,6021 rosci0291 coridorul mun ii bihorului codru moma * 7 591,5 22,4323 46,3788 rosci0294 cri ul alb ntre gurahon i ineu * 1 228,5 22,1004 46,3696 rosci0295 dealurile clujului de est * 18 889,6 23,6332 46,9157 rosci0296 dealurile dr g aniului 7 625,8 24,1469 44,5828 rosci0297 dealurile t rnavei mici biche * 37 082, 24,9458 46,5287 rosci0298 defileul cri ului alb * 16 558,2 22,4183 46,3013 rosci0299 dun rea la g rla mare maglavit 9 494,6 22,9256 44,1187 rosci0300 f na ele pietroasa podeni * 105,4 23,6526 46,4494 rosci0303 h rtibaciu sud est * 25 902,8 25,1383 45,9459 rosci0304 h rtibaciu sud vest * 22 726,1 24,4084 45,7830 rosci0306 jiana * 13 415,8 22,6633 44,4023 rosci0308 lacul i p durea cernica 3 267,3 26,3030 44,4498 rosci0309 lacurile din jurul m scurei 1 159,7 27,5398 46,3888 rosci0310 lacurile f lticeni 895,2 26,2695 47,5079 rosci0314 lozna 10 248,8 23,4856 47,2931 rosci0316 lunca r ului doamnei * 55,6 24,8575 45,0661 rosci0318 m gura t rgu ocna * 844,4 26,5717 46,2680 rosci0320 mociar * 4 016,8 24,8071 46,7590 rosci0322 muntele es * 34 880,8 22,5300 47,0760 rosci0325 mun ii metaliferi * 14 302,5 22,5860 46,1126 rosci0326 muscelele arge ului * 10 014,7 24,8873 45,1350 rosci0329 oltul superior 1 508,2 25,5223 45,7712 rosci0330 ose ti b rze ti 1 448,9 27,5252 46,7688 rosci0331 paji tile balda frata mihe u de c mpie * 200,2 24,1693 46,6771 rosci0333 paji tile s rm el mila urmeni * 1 136,1 24,1651 46,8096 rosci0334 p durea buciumeni homocea 4 993,3 27,2884 46,0857 rosci0335 p durea dobrina hu i * 8 518,3 27,9757 46,5905 rosci0336 p durea dumbrava 1 821,1 21,6792 45,6454 rosci0337 p durea neudorfului * 4 502,1 21,6541 46,0056 rosci0338 p durea paniova 1 908,9 21,7545 45,8580 rosci0341 p durea i lacul stolnici 1 525,8 24,8010 44,5755 rosci0342 p durea t rgu mure 573,8 24,6041 46,5540 rosci0344 p durile din sudul piemontului c nde ti * 4 312,6 25,2494 44,9187 rosci0347 paji tea fegernic * 280, 22,1521 47,1986 rosci0352 per ani * 2 260,8 25,2836 45,7536 rosci0354 platforma cotmeana * 12 528,4 24,6026 44,9413 rosci0355 podi ul lipovei poiana rusc * 35 710,3 22,3938 45,8247 rosci0356 poienile de la ard 47,2 23,5114 46,8158 rosci0357 porumbeni * 7 051,7 25,1169 46,2329 rosci0358 pricop huta certeze * 3 164,3 23,5138 47,9575 rosci0359 prigoria benge ti * 2 489,5 23,6479 45,0728 rosci0361 r ul cara 588, 21,5297 45,0538 rosci0362 r ul gilort 872,6 23,6228 45,0866 rosci0363 r ul moldova ntre oniceni i mite ti 3 214,8 26,4805 47,2920 rosci0364 r ul moldova ntre tupila i i roman 4 720,9 26,7388 47,0319 rosci0365 r ul moldova ntre p ltinoasa i ru i 5 303,3 26,1804 47,4197 rosci0366 r ul motru 1 920,6 23,2684 44,6159 rosci0367 r ul mure ntre more ti i ogra 526,8 24,3683 46,4773 rosci0368 r ul mure ntre deda i reghin 393,7 24,7479 46,8211 rosci0369 r ul mure ntre iernu eni i peri 256,4 24,6827 46,7201 rosci0373 r ul mure ntre br ni ca i ilia 1 883,7 22,7976 45,9362 rosci0374 r ul negru 1 001,4 26,0400 45,8227 rosci0375 r ul nera ntre bozovici i moceri 394,3 21,9754 44,8921 rosci0376 r ul olt ntre m run ei i turnu m gurele 12 146, 24,7183 43,8673 rosci0377 r ul putna 655,4 26,7680 45,8605 rosci0378 r ul siret ntre pa cani i roman 3 711, 26,8821 47,1088 rosci0379 r ul suceava * 881, 25,8311 47,9214 rosci0380 r ul suceava liteni 1 254,4 26,3574 47,6010 rosci0382 r ul t rnava mare ntre cop a mic i mihal 929,9 24,0711 46,0859 rosci0383 r ul t rnava mare ntre odorheiu secuiesc i v n tori 461,9 25,0239 46,2784 rosci0384 r ul t rnava mic * 331,3 24,5908 46,3992 rosci0385 r ul timis ntre rusca i prisaca 1 440,6 22,1936 45,4733 rosci0386 r ul vedea 9 077,2 24,9800 44,0965 rosci0391 siretul mijlociu bucecea 569,7 26,4065 47,7288 rosci0392 slatina 137,1 26,0074 47,4646 rosci0393 some ul mare 557,1 24,2356 47,2113 rosci0394 some ul mic 117, 23,9229 47,0878 rosci0395 soveja * 4 565,4 26,6477 45,9822 rosci0399 suharau darabani * 1 936,2 26,3728 48,1506 rosci0400 ieu budac 888,4 24,4013 47,0639 rosci0403 v nju mare 2 187,8 22,8868 44,4004 rosci0406 zarandul de est * 20 315,3 22,3919 46,1157 rosci0407 zarandul de vest * 8 887,6 21,9812 46,1539 rosci0408 zau de campie * 10, 24,1022 46,6525 se0330054 beijershamn och svansholmarna * 653,5 16,401 56,5977 se0330102 g rdby sandhed * 39,3 16,6432 56,619 se0330103 by sandbackar * 12,4 16,652 56,5857 se0330108 ottenby nr * 2 391,4 16,4235 56,2197 se0330109 eckelsudde * 424,8 16,378 56,4177 se0330139 kalkstad * 22,3 16,5044 56,6094 se0330140 r sselk rret 17,8 16,5803 56,6319 se0330174 syd stra lands sj marker * 8 866,9 16,6012 56,4362 se0330176 stora alvaret * 25 885,4 16,5016 56,4647 se0330219 albrunna lund * 36,5 16,4151 56,3185 se0330220 dalby lund * 24,4 16,4557 56,4757 se0330222 lilla vickleby lund 17 16,4423 56,5667 se0330223 skogsbylund 2,6 16,4977 56,624 se0330224 vickleby dell vskog * 46,6 16,4341 56,594 se0330225 v sterstads almlund * 12,2 16,4214 56,4274 se0330271 lenstad-t velsrum * 35,8 16,5622 56,6253 se0330273 norra midsj banken 98 353,6 17,4031 56,2005 se0410010 stiby backe 119,8 14,691 56,021 se0410012 listershuvud * 488,3 14,7571 56,0243 se0410024 johannishus sar * 59,4 15,4291 56,2212 se0410039 backa * 28,6 15,1918 56,205 se0410040 utklippan 117,6 15,7024 55,9532 se0410042 tromt -alm * 3 316,5 15,453 56,1454 se0410046 br kne-hoby sk rg rd 214,7 15,0693 56,1438 se0410047 bj rkesk rven 40,8 15,2117 56,139 se0410055 halen * 563,7 14,4957 56,2541 se0410057 skinsagylet * 77 14,5828 56,1906 se0410062 valje * 90,9 14,5484 56,0536 se0410065 v stra tors 33,9 14,6416 56,0075 se0410066 spraglehall * 11,6 14,7527 56,0547 se0410068 pukaviksbukten 8 864,8 14,7653 56,1103 se0410071 st rn * 213,1 14,8446 56,1412 se0410079 persg rde * 59,5 14,9723 56,2653 se0410080 kvall kra * 59,3 14,956 56,2646 se0410088 j rnavik * 151,5 15,0708 56,1797 se0410089 sonekulla * 62,4 15,1176 56,1684 se0410092 hagl * 160,6 15,5162 56,1652 se0410094 sk rva * 234,4 15,5736 56,2022 se0410097 hallarum * 50,8 15,8241 56,1542 se0410098 j rk * 124,2 15,719 56,0921 se0410099 h stholmen- ppensk r * 1 151 15,7641 56,0742 se0410100 senora sven * 87,8 15,7708 56,1052 se0410101 uttorp * 76,2 15,6821 56,0801 se0410104 torhamns udde * 511 15,8365 56,0785 se0410105 f rskesj n * 333,7 15,8469 56,1559 se0410107 steneryd * 7,3 15,8302 56,1242 se0410114 kn s * 67 15,6665 56,1649 se0410115 pagelsborg 1,5 15,0824 56,1952 se0410120 vamb sa norra * 24,6 15,4574 56,1927 se0410121 lind udde * 21,2 15,3483 56,1215 se0410123 eriksberg * 136,1 15,0178 56,1738 se0410124 bock n-mj n * 301,9 15,0057 56,1436 se0410125 f ls * 42,3 14,9679 56,148 se0410126 ljungryda * 8,3 14,5182 56,2166 se0410128 m rrums n * 171,2 14,7364 56,2634 se0410130 stora rom * 16,8 15,8218 56,142 se0410133 t rn -yttre ek 106 14,9697 56,112 se0410134 tj r * 300,6 15,0496 56,1666 se0410135 l ngasj n s * 146,7 14,8553 56,254 se0410137 rasl ngen stra * 183,1 14,4373 56,2686 se0410138 boafall norra 12,4 14,458 56,2478 se0410140 boarp * 2,8 14,7477 56,2862 se0410143 elleholm norra 3,2 14,7243 56,1609 se0410144 g rag l 4,8 14,6724 56,2813 se0410145 gr num 7,8 14,6355 56,2527 se0410146 baggeboda * 6 14,479 56,2767 se0410148 bergudden * 6,4 15,63 56,1713 se0410151 v m parken * 31,5 15,615 56,1822 se0410152 ryssberget * 126,8 14,6002 56,0743 se0410153 siesj * 64,6 14,5574 56,0704 se0410155 n snabbarna * 21,3 14,5877 56,0193 se0410156 silln s * 118 14,6139 56,0027 se0410157 kr kenabben * 23,5 14,7205 55,9966 se0410158 han * 247,7 14,8462 56,0097 se0410160 boafall-pieboda * 200,4 14,4747 56,2457 se0410161 holje 15,3 14,5201 56,2993 se0410163 t rn -har -brors * 492 14,9923 56,127 se0410168 br kne n * 80 15,0705 56,3127 se0410171 sj arp-n ssj n * 160 15,1885 56,2263 se0410172 n sudden * 8,9 15,1951 56,2314 se0410173 smygen * 22,8 15,1217 56,1603 se0410174 g marken * 114,5 15,2958 56,1341 se0410175 g bokskog * 18,9 15,3195 56,1389 se0410176 bl t -kid * 82 15,4059 56,1756 se0410181 stora hammar-var -lill * 486,4 15,7981 56,1433 se0410187 hj rthallaberget * 77,8 14,6289 56,0214 se0410188 bj rkenabben * 30,7 14,6745 55,9952 se0410189 kr kenabben nordv st * 13,5 14,719 56,008 se0410190 tocken * 2,6 14,7296 56,0597 se0410193 blankaviksk rret 0,67 14,4485 56,2752 se0410195 bellevueparken * 5,6 14,8521 56,1758 se0410196 str mma 7 14,8497 56,1927 se0410205 vamb san s * 139,9 15,4413 56,1791 se0410206 iv 75,9 15,4918 56,1482 se0410207 piskabacken * 19,3 15,2551 56,2283 se0410208 brunnsskogen * 72,3 15,2781 56,1955 se0410209 fornan s 3,3 15,2962 56,1871 se0410210 angelskog * 7,5 15,3056 56,1801 se0410211 v ngs -biskopsm la * 83,5 15,1126 56,149 se0410212 g sfeten 10,4 15,2235 56,121 se0410220 gullberna * 2,7 15,6307 56,1889 se0410221 idholm * 24 15,7469 56,1526 se0410222 stra m ckl * 27,7 15,7806 56,1478 se0410224 utl ngan * 63,2 15,7952 56,0267 se0410225 sandhamn * 26,8 15,8532 56,089 se0410229 n smarken * 38,2 15,6545 56,1675 se0410231 ryamad * 0,35 15,6933 56,1068 se0410232 fornan s stra 9,1 15,3018 56,186 se0410233 elleholm * 231,1 14,7177 56,1509 se0410234 v rhult * 4,8 14,5989 56,2001 se0410264 stra kvall kra * 38,7 14,9625 56,267 se0410265 komperskulla 0,34 14,6431 56,2984 se0410266 h ngdovak rret 2 14,4997 56,2376 se0420002 hallands v der * 1 834,4 12,5673 56,4408 se0420013 ubbalt * 81,4 13,6904 56,3495 se0420021 boarps hed * 30,1 13,7717 55,9322 se0420043 rasl vs mosse 63,3 13,9562 56,0884 se0420047 norra mosslunda * 72,3 14,0908 55,9734 se0420075 verke ns dalg ng * 2 750,2 14,0401 55,7257 se0420077 marknadsplatsen * 28,2 14,2109 55,694 se0420087 listarums sens naturreservat * 59,3 14,0902 55,5723 se0420103 nytebodaskogen * 55,8 14,384 56,3309 se0420106 iv klack * 115,8 14,4116 56,1304 se0420107 kjugekull 11,6 14,3666 56,0745 se0420128 torsebroparken * 14 14,128 56,1076 se0420129 simris strand ngar * 33,7 14,3545 55,5315 se0420130 b ckhalladalen * 104,3 14,3136 55,575 se0420131 benestads backar * 7,2 13,9004 55,5267 se0420132 rupsk rret * 6 13,9252 55,5137 se0420133 str ntem lla * 47,8 14,2344 55,6173 se0420134 stenshuvud * 398,1 14,2699 55,6571 se0420135 svabesholm * 15,3 14,2468 55,6585 se0420136 friseboda * 272,8 14,2031 55,8033 se0420137 gropah let * 76,2 14,2344 55,8665 se0420138 spet * 216,4 14,3209 55,9198 se0420141 forsakar-borr kra * 38,5 14,0705 55,8293 se0420142 s ndreklack * 31,2 14,0838 55,8351 se0420149 stora hults f lad * 4,8 12,7637 56,3255 se0420150 linner d * 44,4 13,3009 56,1683 se0420151 osby skansar 7 13,9716 56,3537 se0420152 s dra spet 57,2 14,2649 55,8977 se0420154 s der sen * 1 701,3 13,2289 56,0242 se0420155 kl vahallar * 121,6 13,1101 56,0865 se0420157 m lleg rden * 25,3 14,1459 55,7669 se0420179 lya ljunghed och lemossen * 230,5 12,8976 56,3944 se0420202 maltesholm * 29,2 13,9877 55,9024 se0420203 klintab cken * 35,8 13,958 55,917 se0420204 mj ns dalg ng * 90,8 14,0031 55,872 se0420206 gladsaxhallar och tobisviksheden * 95,6 14,3239 55,5812 se0420232 bj rekusten * 631,2 12,6948 56,4595 se0420233 ngelholms kronopark * 205,7 12,8242 56,244 se0420234 lyngby * 4,6 14,1061 55,9041 se0420235 lyngsj n * 92,9 14,0684 55,9347 se0420236 vittsk vle driva * 58,4 14,1673 55,862 se0420238 klammersb ck * 74,4 14,1844 55,7101 se0420239 rinkaby skjutf lt * 775,4 14,3101 55,966 se0420240 ravlunda skjutf lt * 861,3 14,1826 55,7461 se0420241 sporrakulla * 8,5 14,2405 56,2886 se0420242 herrevadskloster-bror d * 42 13,2522 56,1067 se0420243 bonnarps hed 23,6 13,1861 56,0828 se0420244 stafors-ljungryda * 11,5 14,5158 56,2135 se0420245 klammersb ck-torup * 8,8 14,1567 55,702 se0420246 torups ngar * 102,9 14,1266 55,6934 se0420247 ludar ds f lad * 76,6 13,9983 55,6963 se0420248 breab ck-ruger d * 51 13,9842 55,747 se0420249 djurr dsb cken * 127,2 13,9515 55,6913 se0420250 fyledalen * 461,9 13,8605 55,5543 se0420252 lingen set * 86,5 14,1339 56,066 se0420253 v stra f laden * 38,9 14,1382 56,044 se0420254 sumallet * 40,4 14,1668 55,986 se0420255 gamleg rden 19 14,1801 55,9845 se0420256 bj rkh ll 36,1 14,2012 55,97 se0420257 h sl v 149,7 14,216 55,996 se0420258 hercules * 38,8 14,2522 56,0031 se0420259 vrams ns mynning * 21,8 14,2064 55,9278 se0420260 pulken * 7,7 14,2063 55,8853 se0420261 egeside * 21,6 14,1929 55,8666 se0420262 skeingeborg 3,1 13,8878 56,3611 se0420263 bj rnum 8,3 13,7224 56,2862 se0420267 siesj omr det * 56,2 14,5507 56,0767 se0420268 v stra malshult * 55,1 13,9314 56,3462 se0420271 djurholmamossen * 109,5 13,0484 56,3485 se0420272 rhultsb cken * 10,2 13,0318 56,337 se0420273 korup * 81,9 12,8837 56,3967 se0420274 edenryd * 516,2 14,5103 56,0329 se0420275 tostebergakusten * 1 585,7 14,4442 55,9958 se0420276 stra hammaren-k ring ren * 387,2 14,3808 55,9665 se0420277 lemossen-hulrugered * 41 12,9128 56,3903 se0420280 ever ds utmark * 37,5 13,9254 55,8668 se0420281 h rr ds utmark * 5,7 14,0482 55,7776 se0420282 pr st ngen 15,4 14,1817 55,8947 se0420283 hallands s nordsluttning * 112,9 12,9184 56,4196 se0420284 lyab cken * 12,2 12,863 56,413 se0420285 kronovall * 50,1 14,0367 55,6349 se0420287 herrevadskloster * 213,1 13,251 56,0945 se0420288 impan * 12,6 14,302 55,5582 se0420289 stensmyr * 341,4 13,5211 56,3174 se0420290 f jemyr * 309,9 13,5594 56,2765 se0420291 slottet * 3 12,8229 56,3724 se0420292 ledtorpet * 2,1 12,8816 56,4035 se0420293 brandeborg * 18,1 13,2222 56,0892 se0420294 l rkesholmssj n 77,4 13,3795 56,2838 se0420295 matsalycke * 1,9 14,0733 56,229 se0420296 m ller d 3,1 13,7716 56,355 se0420297 magl ekar 2,5 13,6297 56,0536 se0420298 h rlinge ngar * 113,1 13,8653 56,3664 se0420299 skeingesj n 276,1 13,8936 56,3683 se0420300 v rsj n 275,9 13,4693 56,3123 se0420301 verum 8 13,7908 56,362 se0420302 ullstorpsk rret * 6,4 14,0181 55,5166 se0420303 rasl ngen v stra 231,9 14,4238 56,2568 se0420304 dr gsperyd 12 14,5741 56,1846 se0420305 gyllebosj n * 105,5 14,1901 55,5968 se0420306 holje n * 29,3 14,4885 56,1781 se0420307 helge * 112,2 14,2115 55,8948 se0420308 arasl vssj n 368,2 14,1204 56,0621 se0420309 hammarsj n 1 795,6 14,2108 55,987 se0420310 vrams n * 242,2 13,9525 55,9416 se0420311 gyllebo * 19,2 14,187 55,5873 se0420312 levrasj n 273,5 14,4916 56,1057 se0420313 store mosse 323,6 13,7394 56,0064 se0420314 mannag rden * 13,4 14,0662 56,2432 se0420315 uggleskogen * 36,8 13,4043 56,146 se0420316 balsbergsgrottan 1,3 14,1997 56,1027 se0420317 vejshulta myr * 100,7 13,5344 56,3056 se0420319 iv sj n-oppmannasj n 6 159,2 14,4089 56,1049 se0420320 varshultamyren * 156,7 13,2828 56,2025 se0420322 n sum 51,7 14,5292 56,171 se0420323 van s * 72,6 14,047 56,1835 se0420324 balsberget * 284,7 14,2121 56,102 se0420325 angsholmasj n 9 13,5671 56,1809 se0420326 dunderb cken * 6,5 14,1406 55,8043 se0420327 j ren * 46,3 14,0268 55,7752 se0420328 stackedala 14,6 13,9635 55,9208 se0430022 dalby s derskog * 36,3 13,3305 55,6755 se0430023 dalby norreskog * 19,2 13,3397 55,6827 se0430024 billebjer * 22,9 13,3184 55,6886 se0430026 m ryd-h llestad * 198,4 13,3866 55,6904 se0430030 kungsmarken * 232,4 13,2711 55,7182 se0430031 linnebjer * 38,3 13,3039 55,7331 se0430042 st ngby mosse * 29,2 13,1554 55,7712 se0430044 dagstorps mosse * 5,8 13,0719 55,8135 se0430063 ven * 67,5 12,7001 55,8976 se0430064 rustningshamn 22,7 12,7971 55,9243 se0430067 fj restad-gantofta * 42,2 12,8168 55,9847 se0430079 christinelund * 30,7 12,6156 56,1313 se0430082 m lleh ssle-kullens havsbad * 245,7 12,529 56,2328 se0430092 kullaberg * 1 358 12,5066 56,2889 se0430093 sandhammaren-k seberga * 1 252,8 14,164 55,3883 se0430094 ystads sandskog * 142,8 13,8936 55,4336 se0430095 falsterbohalv n * 42 342,2 12,8047 55,3872 se0430096 h sthagen * 48,2 13,4947 55,503 se0430097 r varekulan * 48,1 13,4986 55,7945 se0430098 g llabj r * 126 13,3255 56,0083 se0430099 sk ldervikens stra klippkust * 143,1 12,6329 56,2579 se0430100 fulltofta * 244,3 13,6058 55,8834 se0430101 l vestads sar 34,4 13,8627 55,6513 se0430104 kl vab cken * 151,7 13,1151 56,0791 se0430105 hallab ckens dalg ng * 191,3 13,0698 56,0461 se0430106 traner ds mosse * 106,8 13,1839 56,0462 se0430109 r ns dalg ng * 48,9 12,7872 55,9981 se0430110 klingav ls n-karup * 840,6 13,5916 55,6268 se0430111 falsterbo skjutf lt * 66,4 12,8722 55,3951 se0430112 kabusa * 217,1 13,9912 55,416 se0430113 revingef ltet * 2 993,9 13,4759 55,6939 se0430114 h gestads mosse * 79,3 13,8451 55,5141 se0430115 skoghejdan * 76 13,8304 55,5524 se0430116 skoghusets enef lad * 18,2 13,7786 55,5528 se0430117 borgen * 16,9 12,8496 55,9689 se0430118 billingem lla * 9,3 13,3514 55,9715 se0430119 abullahagen * 30,4 13,3174 55,8259 se0430120 humlar dshus * 16,3 13,5293 55,5903 se0430121 fj llmossen * 280,4 13,8978 55,8252 se0430122 fredriksbergs mosse * 69,7 13,7941 55,5299 se0430126 f gels ngsdalen * 14,6 13,3237 55,7152 se0430127 vitab cksk llan * 0,77 13,7849 55,5883 se0430128 tannhuset * 18,4 13,7631 55,5937 se0430129 jordbodh llorna 24,6 13,7692 55,5945 se0430130 sularpsk rret 1,4 13,3039 55,7131 se0430131 vombs norreg rd 30,3 13,5476 55,6847 se0430132 lemmestr torp * 41,7 13,3909 55,5092 se0430133 eksholm * 24,1 13,3104 55,5541 se0430134 bjersj holms dell vskog 11,3 13,7746 55,4626 se0430135 yddingen * 10 13,2327 55,5369 se0430136 ellestadssj n * 286 13,7319 55,533 se0430137 krageholmssj n * 221,4 13,7453 55,5014 se0430139 nyv ngsskogen * 90,6 13,8315 55,5577 se0430140 ljungatorpsk rret * 7,4 13,8546 55,531 se0430141 borstb cken * 19,7 13,5985 55,713 se0430142 zackows mosse * 2,9 12,5501 56,2524 se0430143 sniberups f lad * 12,5 13,7431 55,7612 se0430144 lia ngen * 7,8 13,071 56,0158 se0430145 hunner ds mosse * 22,5 13,3994 55,4967 se0430147 jonstorp-vege ns mynning * 1 280 12,7279 56,2318 se0430148 lommabukten 219,8 13,0435 55,6475 se0430149 tygelsj -gessie 1 159,4 12,9204 55,4991 se0430150 vellinge ngar * 395,1 12,9658 55,4554 se0430151 domsten-viken * 10,2 12,5917 56,1324 se0430152 knivs s * 23,9 13,4029 55,6608 se0430153 h ckeberga-skogg rd * 329,8 13,4116 55,5758 se0430154 h ckeberga-degebergahus * 28,2 13,4054 55,5608 se0430155 h ckeberga-husarahagen 50,6 13,4215 55,5529 se0430156 stadsparken i lund 11,3 13,1857 55,6986 se0430157 limhamns kalkbrott 90 12,9334 55,5677 se0430158 klintaskogen * 14,6 13,5102 55,8626 se0430159 stora harrie mosse * 13,1 13,1345 55,8005 se0430161 humlamaden-enelyckan * 91,1 13,522 55,6055 se0430162 sax ns mynning-j ravallen 1 956,6 12,8943 55,8223 se0430163 karaby backar * 6,4 13,0399 55,8115 se0430164 ekesh garna * 5,2 13,0824 55,8387 se0430165 bj ret * 20,9 13,4928 55,9771 se0430166 stra fulltoftaomr det * 128,9 13,6459 55,8773 se0430167 snogeholm 67,4 13,7088 55,5581 se0430168 vedskloster * 48,6 13,6295 55,6853 se0430169 timan 6,2 13,8134 55,8856 se0430170 s vdeborg * 288,4 13,7013 55,5785 se0430171 bellinga * 42 13,7202 55,526 se0430174 f gelsj n 7,9 12,9504 55,8143 se0430175 ugglarps mosse 28,9 13,2888 55,4773 se0430176 b ltebergaravinen * 2,9 12,8988 55,9567 se0430177 smedjebacken * 32,4 13,0933 56,0383 se0430178 torup 123,9 13,2131 55,5576 se0430179 allarps bj r * 34,4 13,4219 55,9917 se0510001 bj rs kra-b linge * 44,6 13,1928 56,3314 se0510002 ekered 1,9 12,9932 56,3702 se0510003 starpe mosse * 188,9 13,0584 56,3773 se0510006 laholmsbuktens sanddynsreservat * 676,5 12,9553 56,5332 se0510007 tj rby * 60,1 12,9904 56,553 se0510009 b larp * 7,4 13,1735 56,5752 se0510011 g storps skog * 158,9 13,1793 56,607 se0510012 hollandsbj r * 7,8 13,1289 56,6078 se0510020 haverdal * 666,4 12,6787 56,7103 se0510026 steninge-stensj strand * 198,7 12,6146 56,7863 se0510039 grimsholmen * 220,3 12,5582 56,8422 se0510048 v stra getter n * 176,6 12,1935 57,1182 se0510049 getter ns f gelreservat * 350,4 12,241 57,1324 se0510050 balg * 2 143,3 12,1523 57,1556 se0510051 gamla varberg * 51,5 12,2335 57,1593 se0510052 g ssl sa * 20,7 12,4904 57,148 se0510053 rn sudden * 64,7 12,1583 57,1922 se0510058 kungsbackafjorden * 7 862,9 12,0403 57,3849 se0510062 sv ngehallar-fj rehals * 291,2 11,9226 57,4049 se0510063 g ddevik * 37,3 12,2396 57,4449 se0510064 vallda sand 335,2 11,9317 57,482 se0510066 h rdalen * 29,3 11,9744 57,4945 se0510067 s r v sterskog * 49,6 11,9244 57,5047 se0510068 sandsj backa-halland * 1 799,7 12,0187 57,5272 se0510081 morups t nge 207,4 12,3651 56,9206 se0510082 gamla k pstad * 320,3 12,2934 57,0383 se0510084 nidingen 728 11,8989 57,3025 se0510091 vendels 473,2 12,1204 57,3107 se0510094 store mosse- ringe * 77,6 13,1139 56,6124 se0510096 brog rd * 15,7 12,972 56,686 se0510097 rnarp * 8,4 12,989 56,6868 se0510101 biskopstorp * 758 12,8865 56,7952 se0510103 vall sen dr 4,4 13,0808 56,3544 se0510108 kvarnaberget 6,8 13,1099 56,6487 se0510109 hallask r 4,9 13,1085 56,6408 se0510110 frodeparken 15,4 12,8447 56,8599 se0510111 myskebackarna * 39,6 12,8236 56,895 se0510113 kraberg * 5,1 12,231 57,2601 se0510115 h gvads n 59,7 12,697 57,1106 se0510119 s derskogen * 30,2 13,1226 56,6223 se0510122 d mestorp * 261,2 12,9815 56,4097 se0510123 aleskogen * 26,4 12,8358 56,6653 se0510124 skip s * 78,6 12,6372 56,7889 se0510126 lilla middelgrund 17 840,2 11,92 56,9537 se0510127 fladen 10 380,6 11,7508 57,1566 se0510128 n snabben 78,3 12,4901 57,0881 se0510130 hovg rds n 1,5 12,7867 56,8802 se0510131 vapn mosse * 224,6 12,915 56,7763 se0510132 fylle n 268,6 13,1403 56,7291 se0510133 rossared * 359,5 12,1987 57,4802 se0510137 stegared s dra 31,1 12,569 57,0867 se0510139 nabben * 27,4 12,5609 57,1102 se0510141 stegared 8,9 12,5663 57,0925 se0510143 j rnm lle * 7,2 12,426 57,0323 se0510148 suse n-hult 9 12,7529 56,868 se0510157 st vlaberget 13,1 12,8791 56,8365 se0510158 ppinge * 2 13,0342 56,6691 se0510159 ekasj 14,3 13,1336 56,5216 se0510160 klinta hallar 12,8 13,0929 56,371 se0510162 fr llinge * 3,3 12,8314 56,8366 se0510167 ringen s skjutf lt * 52,8 12,6851 56,6835 se0510168 karsefors * 37,7 13,1174 56,4994 se0510169 s ghuslund * 2,7 13,0709 56,4924 se0510171 rolfs n 36,8 12,1235 57,4815 se0510173 svinamadsb cken 82,6 13,0099 56,3833 se0510174 tjuvhultsk rret * 3 12,9714 56,3967 se0510175 k ringemossarna och store mosse * 165,3 12,229 57,3857 se0510184 vindrarp * 65,8 13,0486 56,3958 se0510185 tran 225,4 12,6139 56,9584 se0510186 stora middelgrund och r de bank 11 410 12,1117 56,6221 se0510187 morups bank 565,8 12,2167 56,8708 se0520001 vr ng sk rg rden * 7 003,4 11,7529 57,5477 se0520010 h lta * 38,3 11,8307 57,8912 se0520012 lg n-bratt n * 1187 11,6971 57,9212 se0520013 dsm ls kile * 237,4 11,7755 57,9269 se0520020 h rman * 1 484,6 11,3746 58,1584 se0520034 stigfjorden * 4 837,3 11,612 58,0875 se0520036 s l fjorden * 2869 11,5713 57,8592 se0520037 breviks kile-toften s * 774,8 11,5524 58,0042 se0520038 h r n * 707,9 11,491 58,0148 se0520039 str mmarna 452,1 11,4985 58,2306 se0520043 nordre lvs estuarium * 7 085,3 11,7357 57,7848 se0520044 v ger ds dalar 78,5 11,484 58,2425 se0520047 sillvik 29,3 11,7436 57,7353 se0520048 stenungsundskusten * 2 144,8 11,791 58,0134 se0520050 xn s * 113 11,8666 57,7974 se0520051 gullbringa 24,3 11,782 57,8839 se0520052 guddehj lm 156,7 11,8722 57,8799 se0520053 sundsby * 362,9 11,6909 58,07 se0520054 f glevik 2,6 11,8083 57,748 se0520056 nordre lv-tomtebacken * 132,1 11,9023 57,8393 se0520057 malm fjord 699,2 11,3577 58,2867 se0520058 m sesk r 1 797,6 11,3424 58,0873 se0520171 gullmarsfjorden 11 395 11,445 58,2864 se0520174 halsefjorden 1 211,7 11,7751 58,1153 se0520176 pater noster-sk rg rden 2 415,8 11,4876 57,9139 se0520181 gr derhamns ngen 2,8 11,4319 58,2416 se0520183 s ve n, nedre delen 34,1 12,0831 57,7363 si3000009 lu ka jama * 44,184 14,7201 45,9179 si3000010 koritno izvir izliv v savo dolinko * 3,324 14,1415 46,3555 si3000011 zadnje struge pri suhadolah * 54,001 14,5357 46,1815 si3000020 cerkno zakri * 529,672 13,9679 46,1374 si3000023 otale lazec * 493,8 13,9839 46,0841 si3000025 ko no ob lo nici 111,935 15,6148 46,3372 si3000029 mrzlica * 92,984 15,1184 46,1863 si3000034 banj ice travi a * 1 166,116 13,7004 46,0451 si3000037 pregara travi a 239,142 13,8798 45,4312 si3000046 bela krajina * 517,696 15,2575 45,6972 si3000047 koritno * 4,946 14,1361 46,3608 si3000048 dobli ica * 382,77 15,1766 45,5693 si3000049 temenica 155,354 15,1109 45,8018 si3000051 krakovski gozd * 3 418,518 15,3973 45,8862 si3000052 kotarjeva prepadna * 37,569 15,1707 45,7529 si3000054 brestanica 307,968 15,5074 45,9817 si3000055 stobe breg * 100,326 15,1629 45,5841 si3000056 vejar * 221,008 15,0179 45,9375 si3000057 vrhtrebnje sv. ana * 696,406 15,0573 45,884 si3000058 umberk * 433,221 14,8808 45,8905 si3000059 mirna * 547,3 15,12 45,9434 si3000060 ri ana 18,474 15,12 45,9434 si3000061 slovenske konjice 39,157 15,4093 46,3377 si3000062 gradac * 1 506,839 15,2196 45,6131 si3000063 metlika * 695,382 15,3357 45,6589 si3000064 bezgovka 40,234 15,2461 45,568 si3000068 voglajna pregrada tratna izliv v savinjo 55,163 15,3518 46,2166 si3000069 stanetinski potok in kupetinski potok 13,182 16,071 46,5635 si3000072 petri ina jama 135,067 15,3078 45,4852 si3000073 gornji kal 18,497 15,2386 45,4766 si3000074 kostanjevi ka jama * 228,17 15,4256 45,8341 si3000075 lahinja * 849,789 15,2087 45,5019 si3000079 e eni ke gmajne z rov ico * 329,639 14,6518 46,1719 si3000080 medvedce 179,086 15,6658 46,3651 si3000083 ocvirkova jama 44,743 15,2116 46,2065 si3000085 bo tanj 6,254 15,2751 46,0131 si3000086 gabrje brusnice 10,554 15,2574 45,794 si3000088 boletina velikono nica * 1,886 15,4571 46,251 si3000089 pragersko marsiljka 67,717 15,6661 46,3854 si3000091 bo tonova jama 5,163 14,6797 46,1368 si3000093 ihanska jama 40,521 14,6465 46,121 si3000094 bidov eva jama 153,606 14,2635 46,2669 si3000097 cov ka prepadna 28,61 14,9983 46,3034 si3000099 ihan 180,32 14,6246 46,1275 si3000100 gozd kranj kofja loka * 1 943,75 14,3037 46,2117 si3000101 gozd ol evek adergas * 839,036 14,478 46,2724 si3000105 kropa * 33,741 14,2045 46,2876 si3000110 ratitovec 2 331,3 14,0833 46,2269 si3000112 velovlek * 52,477 15,911 46,4652 si3000113 podvinci * 215,389 15,9221 46,4441 si3000114 cerovec 13,507 15,3517 46,26 si3000117 haloze vinorodne * 6 301,313 15,916 46,3314 si3000118 bo haloze dona ka gora * 10 882,277 15,6965 46,2834 si3000120 marna gora * 1 694,07 14,467 46,1493 si3000121 em eni ka planina * 316,138 14,9544 46,1852 si3000123 divja jama nad plavmi in zamedvejski potok * 37,74 13,5767 46,0544 si3000125 ko bana * 163,249 13,5344 46,0433 si3000126 nano ica * 771,369 14,1342 45,7858 si3000130 kozja luknja * 11,83 14,2286 45,6058 si3000131 skedenca nad rajnturnom 46,118 14,6365 45,8635 si3000133 radovna most v sr. radovni jez he vintgar 43,749 14,0424 46,3819 si3000134 ajdovska pe 47,214 15,3569 45,9689 si3000135 raja pe 11,057 15,27 45,9944 si3000137 huda luknja pri radljah 31,219 15,2257 46,62 si3000138 pusti ekova pol na 46,27 15,5931 46,0785 si3000139 str ene lu e * 48,584 14,6124 45,9497 si3000141 duplica 11,689 14,6849 45,9675 si3000142 libanja 12,504 16,1655 46,4395 si3000143 ate 70,998 14,9605 45,9679 si3000144 jur inci 172,669 15,9755 46,4875 si3000146 velenik 272,57 15,6224 46,4034 si3000147 boreci * 426,591 16,1182 46,5579 si3000148 dobrava * 102,252 15,8881 46,5656 si3000149 obre * 757,522 16,2532 46,4116 si3000150 sredi e ob dravi hra ica 168,06 16,2931 46,4045 si3000152 vodena jama 71,913 14,801 45,8396 si3000153 vrhek 0,935 15,2023 45,9763 si3000154 bled podhom * 4,405 14,0918 46,3836 si3000155 sora kofja loka jez gori ane * 186,738 14,3519 46,16 si3000156 upanova jama 3,088 14,6377 45,9131 si3000157 bobnova jama * 33,428 14,9484 45,8087 si3000158 babja luknja 28,443 14,3906 46,1338 si3000159 vintarjevec * 130,686 14,8216 46,0154 si3000160 kocjan 117,968 14,6342 45,885 si3000162 breg pri mali loki * 4,54 14,7201 45,9425 si3000164 reber borovja 74,721 14,9113 46,0964 si3000165 medija borovja 89,781 14,8487 46,1687 si3000168 rna dolina pri grosuplju * 10,508 14,6611 45,9785 si3000169 povirje vzhodno od bode * 4,664 14,1426 46,3517 si3000170 kr ka jama * 431,339 14,7669 45,891 si3000171 radensko polje vir nica * 522,168 14,6845 45,918 si3000172 zgornja drava s pritoki * 4 682,751 15,3367 46,5847 si3000174 mrzla jama pri prestranku * 66,124 14,1656 45,7395 si3000175 kolpa 685,146 15,2374 45,4474 si3000176 bistri ki jarek * 101,943 15,5335 46,4113 si3000179 veliko bukovje * 1 353,973 15,2702 45,4883 si3000181 kum * 5 949,786 15,1274 46,0849 si3000183 pol nik 92,462 14,9619 46,0679 si3000184 zgornja jablanica 80,871 14,8704 46,0393 si3000185 koprivnica 388,352 15,024 45,8549 si3000186 slugova jama 9,876 15,0519 45,8417 si3000187 petanjska jama * 79,871 15,1187 45,7637 si3000188 ajdovska planota * 2 408,784 15,0507 45,7959 si3000191 ajdovska jama * 1 721,568 15,444 45,9401 si3000192 radulja s pritoki * 1 308,64 15,2219 45,9065 si3000194 radgonsko kapelske gorice * 1 090,326 15,9656 46,6387 si3000195 dole pri litiji 74,177 15,0234 46,0301 si3000197 slavinski ravnik * 1 185,672 14,1332 45,7092 si3000198 lijak * 36,779 13,7203 45,9613 si3000201 nakelska sava * 120,063 14,2906 46,2702 si3000202 vir pri sti ni * 4,478 14,815 45,9486 si3000203 kompoljska jama potiskavec * 154,716 14,7306 45,7977 si3000204 globo ec * 105,589 14,8161 45,855 si3000205 kandr e drtij ica * 1 360,422 14,8204 46,145 si3000206 lubnik * 1 267,551 14,2675 46,1625 si3000207 podpe ka jama * 87,916 14,68 45,8406 si3000208 imenkova jama 82,488 14,8235 45,9618 si3000210 astitiljiva luknja * 57,773 14,1601 46,3187 si3000212 slovenska istra * 5 252,534 13,7348 45,4774 si3000213 vol eke 104,504 15,3157 46,2418 si3000214 li enca pri polj anah * 2 727,926 15,5478 46,3469 si3000215 mura * 10 251,714 16,3614 46,5586 si3000219 grad brdo preddvor * 582,158 14,4002 46,2857 si3000220 drava * 3 692,582 15,9785 46,3634 si3000221 gori ko * 44 823,708 16,0965 46,7983 si3000222 zabi e * 804,322 14,3743 45,5004 si3000223 reka 440,95 14,1724 45,6174 si3000225 dolina branice * 6 313,145 13,8988 45,8211 si3000226 dolina vipave * 5 112,217 13,759 45,8985 si3000228 grabono * 124,868 16,0043 46,5792 si3000229 vrhe nad ra o * 571,895 14,0111 45,7585 si3000231 javorniki sne nik * 44 038,324 14,3668 45,6419 si3000232 notranjski trikotnik * 15 231,6 14,3227 45,7752 si3000233 matarsko podolje * 2 307,893 14,1524 45,4968 si3000234 vrbina * 273,784 15,5594 45,9277 si3000237 poljanska sora log kofja loka * 151,437 14,1643 46,1128 si3000238 strunjanske soline s stju o * 35,216 13,6036 45,5267 si3000239 kanal sv. jerneja 31,808 13,6039 45,4952 si3000240 se oveljske soline in estuarij dragonje 417,126 13,6016 45,4749 si3000241 ankaran sv. nikolaj 7,271 13,7378 45,5749 si3000243 debeli rti 5,265 13,7069 45,593 si3000247 piranski klif 3,597 13,5718 45,5289 si3000249 med izolo in strunjanom klif 55,576 13,6157 45,5405 si3000251 usterna rasti e pozejdonke * 6,96 13,6966 45,5483 si3000252 kocjanski zatok * 122,593 13,7516 45,5461 si3000255 trnovski gozd nanos * 53 234,951 13,8642 45,9899 si3000257 ra ki ribniki po eg * 613,2 15,6663 46,4334 si3000258 su a ki, smrdejski in fabski potok 19,424 14,3423 45,4862 si3000260 blego * 1 569,064 14,0903 46,1276 si3000262 sava medvode kresnice * 1 123,908 14,4914 46,1144 si3000263 ko evsko * 106 794,154 15,035 45,6178 si3000266 kamen ki potok * 129,645 15,2082 45,9965 si3000267 gorjanci radoha * 11 799,412 15,391 45,8054 si3000268 dobrava jovsi * 2 865,796 15,6875 45,9217 si3000270 pohorje * 27 568,109 15,4494 46,4814 si3000271 ljubljansko barje * 12 960,564 14,4452 46,0015 si3000273 orlica * 3 831,215 15,6341 46,0263 si3000274 bohor * 6 831,953 15,4405 46,0699 si3000275 ra ica * 2 236,067 14,5252 46,1392 si3000276 kras * 48 041,257 13,969 45,4723 si3000279 kopitnik 274,213 15,1783 46,1033 si3000280 veliko kozje * 603,864 15,1843 46,0789 si3000284 dacarjevo brezno iganja vas 107,704 14,3001 46,3188 si3000288 dolsko * 871,228 14,6987 46,097 si3000290 gori ka brda 401,058 13,5953 46,0096 si3000291 ljubljanica grada ica mali graben 186,579 14,5602 46,0509 si3000295 kosca * 89,611 14,7546 45,9697 si3000296 marindol * 602,978 15,3278 45,5015 si3000297 mi ja dolina * 637,258 14,5865 45,8039 si3000302 osrednje slovenske gorice * 2 076,088 15,9606 46,535 si3000303 sotla s pritoki * 548,823 15,7172 46,0279 si3000306 dravinja s pritoki * 541,765 15,6363 46,309 si3000307 med strunjanom in fieso 14,995 13,5944 45,5266 si3000308 gra nica * 322,322 15,3417 46,0973 si3000309 savinja gru ovlje petrov e * 464,175 15,1152 46,2423 si3000311 vitanje oplotnica * 1 304,473 15,2988 46,3908 si3000312 selca 82,444 14,2086 46,2293 si3000313 vzhodni kozjak * 1 694,151 15,3631 46,6409 si3000314 bistrica pri libojah * 11,76 15,1702 46,1876 si3000316 dolenji suhor 6,348 15,277 45,6869 si3000317 kotrede 41,236 14,9986 46,1568 si3000318 zavr e 48,018 15,4433 46,2252 si3000319 loki potok s pritoki * 9,711 14,8204 46,107 si3000321 olni ki potok s pritoki * 13,202 15,3165 45,9403 si3000326 bajdinc * 3,781 14,6105 45,8829 si3000328 trojane * 75,884 14,8928 46,1844 si3000329 bistrica z bu avnico in beno * 35,434 15,0251 46,0058 si3000330 presladolski potok * 6,97 15,432 46,0111 si3000331 dolenji leskovec * 7,474 15,453 45,9954 si3000332 suhadolski potok * 8,806 15,6249 45,9694 si3000333 curnov ica * 6,671 15,6073 45,9714 si3000334 berje zasip * 168,377 14,1139 46,393 si3000335 polhograjsko hribovje * 2 965,092 14,2416 46,041 si3000337 zahodni kozjak * 1 627,669 15,0899 46,6169 si3000338 krka s pritoki * 2 447,737 15,2044 45,8281 si3000339 vi nar povirje 4,074 14,1325 46,3717 si3000340 hinja s pritoki * 18,77 15,1501 45,9973 si3000341 globo ica s pritoki * 9,363 15,1093 45,9823 si3000343 veliki potok * 9,285 14,7137 45,9938 si3000344 sti ki potok * 9,285 14,7842 45,9831 si3000345 bukovica * 9,928 14,8151 45,9929 si3000346 lukov ki potok * 0,994 15,0716 45,9055 si3000347 tavberk * 1,799 15,1927 45,8664 si3000352 dobov ek * 3,911 14,5322 46,2359 si3000353 urkov potok * 2,633 14,5832 45,8763 si3000354 savski potok * 6,289 14,8708 46,0944 si3000355 tangarski potok * 2,744 14,7691 46,0402 si3000356 maljek * 6,185 14,8798 46,0599 si3000358 reka pri la kem * 8,25 15,2904 46,1644 si3000361 bolska * 3,685 14,874 46,1931 si3000362 reka pri grajski vasi * 3,26 15,0483 46,2285 si3000363 drameljski potok * 3,426 15,3842 46,2889 si3000364 zagajski potok povirni del * 2,423 15,4414 46,2891 si3000365 spodnja ponkvica * 1,213 15,4718 46,2392 si3000366 lo nica * 7,803 15,4872 46,1963 si3000367 jezer ica s pritokom * 6,666 15,3954 46,1555 si3000368 kozarica * 3,141 15,3569 46,183 si3000369 grad pod etrtek * 16,132 15,59 46,159 si3000370 slatinski potok * 3,609 15,5772 46,669 si3000376 savinja celje zidani most 165,865 15,2482 46,2069 si3000377 devina * 11,386 15,571 46,4116 si3000378 rakovnik * 0,896 15,2138 45,8197 si3000379 vrhoveljska planina * 56,669 13,5659 46,0461 si3000380 strmec * 5,823 13,5744 46,0379 si3000382 trebnje 29,453 15,0011 45,9061 si3000386 strunjanska dolina 30,21 13,6166 45,5251 si3000387 divji potok * 15,285 15,1144 45,6598 si3000388 vr ica * 4,93 15,1277 45,652 si3000389 ro nodolski potok * 0,74 15,1453 45,6783 si3000390 lo nica s trnavo * 32,994 15,0979 46,2825 si3000391 divjakova jama 26,656 15,3043 46,6074
name: council implementing decision (eu) 2015/2428 of 10 december 2015 amending decision 2009/791/ec and implementing decision 2009/1013/eu authorising germany and austria respectively to continue to apply a measure derogating from articles 168 and 168a of directive 2006/112/ec on the common system of value added tax type: decision_impl subject matter: europe; taxation; consumption; european union law date published: 2015-12-22 22.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 334/12 council implementing decision (eu) 2015/2428 of 10 december 2015 amending decision 2009/791/ec and implementing decision 2009/1013/eu authorising germany and austria respectively to continue to apply a measure derogating from articles 168 and 168a of directive 2006/112/ec on the common system of value added tax the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 291(2) thereof, having regard to council directive 2006/112/ec of 28 november 2006 on the common system of value added tax (1), and in particular article 395(1) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, whereas: (1) germany and austria were each granted a derogating measure by council decision 2009/791/ec (2) and council implementing decision 2009/1013/eu (3) respectively. the application of the derogating measure was extended by council implementing decision 2012/705/eu (4) until 31 december 2015. (2) the derogating measure derogates from articles 168 and 168a of directive 2006/112/ec which govern the right of taxable persons to deduct value added tax (vat) charged on goods and services supplied to them for the purposes of their taxed transactions. the derogating measure is intended to exclude completely from the right of deduction the vat borne on those goods and services which are used more than 90 % by the taxable person for his private use or for that of his employees, or, in general, for non-business purposes. (3) in order to take into account the case-law of the court of justice of the european union, according to which input vat relating to expenditure incurred by a taxable person cannot be deducted if it relates to activities which, in view of their non-economic nature, do not fall within the scope of directive 2006/112/ec, it is appropriate to clarify that the derogating measure also applies to goods and services used for activities of a non-economic nature. (4) the objective of the derogating measure is to simplify the procedure for charging and collecting vat. the amount of tax due at the level of final consumption is only affected to a negligible extent. (5) by letters registered with the commission on 16 march 2015 and 19 march 2015, germany and austria respectively requested authorisation to continue to apply the derogating measure. (6) in accordance with the second subparagraph of article 395(2) of directive 2006/112/ec, the commission informed the other member states, by letters dated 15 september 2015, of the requests made by austria and germany. by letters dated 17 september 2015, the commission notified austria and germany that it had all the information necessary to consider the request. (7) according to the information provided by austria and germany, the legal and factual situation which has justified the current application of the derogating measure concerned has not changed and continues to exist. austria and germany should therefore be authorised to continue applying this derogating measure for a further period, but limited in time until 31 december 2018, in order to allow for a review of the necessity and effectiveness of the derogating measure and the apportionment rate between business and non-business use on which it is based. (8) where austria or germany consider that a further extension beyond 2018 is necessary, the member state concerned should submit to the commission a report on the application of the derogating measure, which includes a review of the apportionment rate applied, together with the extension request, by no later than 31 march 2018 in order to allow sufficient time for the commission to examine the request. (9) the derogating measures will only have a negligible effect on the overall amount of tax collected at the stage of final consumption and will not adversely affect the union's own resources accruing from vat. (10) decision 2009/791/ec and implementing decision 2009/1013/eu should therefore be amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 articles 1 and 2 of decision 2009/791/ec are replaced by the following: article 1 by way of derogation from article 168 and article 168a of directive 2006/112/ec, germany is authorised to exclude completely value added tax (vat) borne on goods and services from the right to deduct vat when the goods and services in question are used more than 90 % for the private purposes of a taxable person or of his employees, or, more generally, for non-business purposes or non-economic activities. article 2 this decision shall expire on 31 december 2018. any request for extension of the derogating measure provided for in this decision shall be submitted to the commission by 31 march 2018. such request shall be accompanied by a report on the application of this measure which includes a review of the apportionment rate applied on the right to deduct vat on the basis of this decision. article 2 articles 1 and 2 of implementing decision 2009/1013/eu are replaced by the following: article 1 by way of derogation from article 168 and article 168a of directive 2006/112/ec, austria is authorised to exclude completely value added tax (vat) borne on goods and services from the right to deduct vat when the goods and services in question are used more than 90 % for the private purposes of a taxable person or of his employees, or, more generally, for non-business purposes or non-economic activities. article 2 this decision shall expire on 31 december 2018. any request for extension of the derogating measure provided for in this decision shall be submitted to the commission by 31 march 2018. such request shall be accompanied by a report on the application of this measure which includes a review of the apportionment rate applied on the right to deduct vat on the basis of this decision. article 3 this decision shall apply from 1 january 2016. article 4 this decision is addressed to the federal republic of germany and the republic of austria. done at brussels, 10 december 2015. for the council the president f. bausch (1) oj l 347, 11.12.2006, p. 1. (2) council decision 2009/791/ec of 20 october 2009 authorising the federal republic of germany to continue to apply a measure derogating from article 168 of directive 2006/112/ec on the common system of value added tax (oj l 283, 30.10.2009, p. 55). (3) council implementing decision 2009/1013/eu of 22 december 2009 authorising the republic of austria to continue to apply a measure derogating from article 168 of directive 2006/112/ec on the common system of value added tax (oj l 348, 29.12.2009, p. 21). (4) council implementing decision 2012/705/eu of 13 november 2012 amending decision 2009/791/ec and implementing decision 2009/1013/eu authorising germany and austria respectively to continue to apply a measure derogating from articles 168 and 168a of directive 2006/112/ec on the common system of value added tax (oj l 319, 16.11.2012, p. 8).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2433 of 18 december 2015 amending implementing decision 2014/709/eu as regards the animal health control measures relating to african swine fever in certain member states (notified under document c(2015) 9168) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: means of agricultural production; europe; agricultural policy; agricultural activity date published: 2015-12-22 22.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 334/46 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2433 of 18 december 2015 amending implementing decision 2014/709/eu as regards the animal health control measures relating to african swine fever in certain member states (notified under document c(2015) 9168) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 89/662/eec of 11 december 1989 concerning veterinary checks in intra-community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (1), and in particular article 9(4) thereof, having regard to council directive 90/425/eec of 26 june 1990 concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in intra-community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (2), and in particular article 10(4) thereof, having regard to council directive 2002/99/ec of 16 december 2002 laying down animal health rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption (3), and in particular article 4(3) thereof, whereas: (1) commission implementing decision 2014/709/eu (4) lays down animal health control measures in relation to african swine fever in the member states or areas thereof listed in the annex thereto (the concerned member states). those measures include prohibitions on the dispatch of live pigs, porcine semen, ova and embryo, pig meat, pig meat preparations, pig meat products and any other products containing pig meat, as well as consignments of animal by-products from porcine animals, from certain areas of the concerned member states (the commodities). that annex demarcates and lists those areas to take account of the level of risk based on the epidemiological situation in the concerned member states. (2) in order to adapt the animal health control measures laid down in implementing decision 2014/709/eu to the evolution of the epidemiological situation in the different areas of the member states concerned, and to take account of the different risk levels depending on the type of commodities, it is appropriate to provide for certain derogations for certain types of commodities originating from the areas listed in the different parts of the annex to that implementing decision. those derogations should also be in line with the risk mitigation measures for importation as regards african swine fever indicated in the terrestrial animal health code of the world organisation for animal health (5). the additional safeguard measures and animal health requirements applicable, in case such derogations are granted, should also be described in that implementing decision. (3) the prohibition on the dispatch of live pigs from the areas listed in part iii of the annex to implementing decision 2014/709/eu is particularly stringent and may therefore lead to logistic and animal welfare problems where the slaughtering of pigs in the respective areas is not possible, in particular due to the absence of an appropriate slaughterhouse or limitations in slaughtering capacity within the relevant areas listed in part iii of that annex either within the same member state or in the territory of another member state listed in the annex. (4) the movement of live pigs for immediate slaughter poses less risk than other types of movements of live pigs provided that risk mitigation measures are in place. it is therefore appropriate that when the circumstances described in recital 3 occur, the member states concerned may exceptionally grant derogations for the dispatch of live pigs from the areas listed in part iii of the annex for immediate slaughter to a slaughterhouse located outside that area in the same member state or in the territory of another member state listed in the annex provided that risk mitigating measures are met in order not to jeopardise disease control. (5) in terms of the risk of the spread of african swine fever, movements of different porcine commodities pose different levels of risk. as a general rule, the movement of porcine semen from restricted areas poses significant risks in terms of exposure and consequences. however, the application of additional risk mitigating measures, such as testing and increased biosecurity, can allow for derogations for semen collected in the areas listed in parts ii and iii of the annex to implementing decision 2014/709/eu. article 9 of that implementing decision should therefore be amended. (6) the derogations for the dispatch of certain live pigs from the areas listed in parts ii and iii of the annex to implementing decision 2014/709/eu to other areas listed in part ii or iii of that annex of another member state with a similar disease status are justified provided that specific risk mitigating measures are applied. the flexibility provided by these new measures is important in order to ensure proper implementation of the measures in a medium and long term perspective. this requires the establishment of a safe channelling procedure under the strict control of the competent authorities of the member state of transit and destination. articles 3 and 4 of that implementing decision should therefore be amended. (7) as an additional risk mitigating measure, a channelling procedure should be in place in order to isolate animals coming from areas with a higher risk for african swine fever. it is therefore necessary to clarify and specify the procedures for the dispatch, transit and delivery of live pigs. (8) the derogations provided for in implementing decision 2014/709/eu for the dispatch of live pigs and semen between areas with a comparable risk for african swine fever should only be applied when approved by the competent authorities of the member states of transit and destination, prior to such movement. (9) council directive 64/432/eec (6) provides that health certificates are to accompany the movements of live animals. where derogations from the prohibition on the dispatch of live pigs from the areas listed in the annex to implementing decision 2014/709/eu are applied to live pigs intended for intra-union trade, those health certificates should include a reference to that implementing decision so as to ensure that adequate and accurate health information is provided in the relevant certificates. (10) the period of application of the animal health control measures provided for in implementing decision 2014/709/eu should take account of the epidemiology of african swine fever and the conditions required to regain disease-free status for african swine fever in accordance with the terrestrial animal health code of the world organisation for animal health. therefore, the period of application of implementing decision 2014/709/eu should be extended until 31 december 2019. (11) several cases of african swine fever in wild boar in estonia and latvia are located in the areas listed in parts ii and iii of the annex to implementing decision 2014/709/eu. these cases are located in close proximity to the areas listed in part i of that annex. (12) african swine fever has never been reported in the most northern areas in poland currently listed in part ii of the annex to implementing decision 2014/709/eu. (13) the evolution of the current epidemiological situation in the union as regards african swine fever should be considered in the assessment of the risk represented by the animal health situation as regards that disease in estonia, latvia and poland. in order to focus animal health control measures and to prevent the further spread of african swine fever, as well as to prevent any unnecessary disturbance to trade within the union and to avoid unjustified barriers to trade by third countries, the union list of areas subject to the animal health control measures set out in parts i and ii of the annex to implementing decision 2014/709/eu should be amended to take into account the current animal health situation as regards that disease in those three member states. (14) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 implementing decision 2014/709/eu is amended as follows: (1) article 3 is amended as follows: (a) the introductory phrase is replaced by the following: by way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in point (a) of article 2, the member states concerned may authorise the dispatch of live pigs from a holding located in the areas listed in part ii of the annex to other areas in the territory of the same member state or to areas listed in part ii or iii of the annex of another member state provided that:; (b) the following point 4 is added: 4. for live pigs dispatched to areas listed in part ii or iii of the annex of another member state, the following additional requirements shall apply: (a) the pigs comply with any other appropriate animal health guarantees based on a positive outcome of a risk assessment of measures against the spread of african swine fever required by the competent authority of the member state of the place of origin and approved by the competent authority of the member state of the place of transit and the competent authority of the member state of destination, prior to the movement of such animals; (b) the member state of origin immediately informs the commission and the other member states of the animal health guarantees and the approval by the competent authorities referred to in point (a); (c) a channelling procedure in accordance with article 16a is set up, under the control of the competent authorities of the member states of origin, transit and destination, in order to ensure that the animals, moved in accordance with the additional requirements provided for in point (a) are transported in a safe manner and are not subsequently moved to another member state. (d) for live pigs that comply with the additional requirements of point 4 of this article, the following additional wording shall be added to the corresponding health certificate for swine referred to in article 5(1) of directive 64/432/eec: pigs in compliance with article 3 of commission implementing decision 2014/709/eu. ; (2) the following article 3a is inserted: article 3a derogation from the prohibition on the dispatch of live pigs from the areas listed in part iii of the annex by way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in point (a) of article 2, the member states concerned may authorise the dispatch of live pigs from the areas listed in part iii of the annex to other areas listed in parts ii in the territory of the same member state or to areas listed in part ii or iii of the annex of another member state, provided that: 1. the pigs are from a holding with an appropriate level of biosecurity approved by the competent authority, the holding is under the supervision of the competent authority, and the pigs comply with the requirements laid down in point 1 of article 3 and in either point 2 or point 3 of article 3; 2. the pigs are located in the centre of an area of at least three km radius in which all animals in the holdings comply with the requirements laid down in point 1 of article 3 and in either point 2 or point 3 of article 3; 3. the competent authority of the holding of dispatch must inform in due time the competent authority of the holding of destination of the intention to send the pigs and the competent authority of the holding of destination must notify the competent authority of the holding of dispatch of the arrival of the pigs; 4. the transport of the pigs within and through areas outside of the areas listed in part iii of the annex must be carried out along predefined transport routes and the vehicles used for transporting the pigs must be cleaned, if necessary disinsectised and disinfected as soon as possible after unloading; 5. for live pigs dispatched to areas listed in part ii or iii of the annex of another member state, the following additional requirements shall apply: (a) the pigs comply with any other appropriate animal health guarantees based on a positive outcome of a risk assessment of measures against the spread of african swine fever required by the competent authority of the member state of origin and approved by the competent authority of the member state of the place of transit and the competent authority of the member state of destination, prior to the movement of such animals; (b) the member state of the place of origin immediately informs the commission and the other member states of the animal health guarantees and the approval by the competent authorities referred to in the point (a) and authorises a list of holdings that comply with animal health guarantees; (c) a channelling procedure in accordance with article 16a is set up, under the control of the competent authorities of the member states of origin, transit and destination, in order to ensure that the animals, moved in accordance with the additional requirements provided for in point (a), are transported in a safe manner and are not subsequently moved to another member state; (d) for the live pigs that comply with all conditions of this article, the following additional wording shall be added to the corresponding health certificate for swine referred to in article 5(1) of directive 64/432/eec: pigs in compliance with article 3a of commission implementing decision 2014/709/eu. ; (3) article 4 is amended as follows: (a) the introductory phrase is replaced by the following: by way of derogation from the prohibitions provided for in points (a) and (c) of article 2, the member states concerned may authorise the dispatch for immediate slaughter of live pigs from the areas listed in part iii of the annex to other areas in the territory of the same member state or to areas listed in part ii or iii of the annex of another member state in case there are logistic limitations in the slaughter capacity of the slaughterhouses approved by the competent authority in accordance with article 12 located in the areas listed in part iii of the annex, provided that:; (b) the following point 10 is added: 10. for live pigs dispatched to areas listed in part ii or iii of the annex of another member state, the following additional requirements shall apply: (a) the pigs comply with any other appropriate animal health guarantees based on a positive outcome of a risk assessment of measures against the spread of african swine fever required by the competent authority of the member state of the place of origin and approved by the competent authority of the member state of transit and the competent authority of the member state of destination, prior to the movement of such animals; (b) the member state of the place of origin shall immediately inform the commission and the other member states of the animal health guarantees and the approval by the competent authorities referred to in point (a) and authorises a list of holdings complying with animal health guarantees; (c) a channelling procedure in accordance with article 16a is set up, under the control of the competent authorities of the member states of origin, transit and destination, in order to ensure that the animals, moved in accordance with the additional requirements provided for in point (a), are transported in a safe manner and are not subsequently moved to another member state; (d) for live pigs that comply with all conditions of this article, the following additional wording shall be added to the corresponding health certificate for swine referred to in article 5(1) of directive 64/432/eec: pigs in compliance with article 4 of commission implementing decision 2014/709/eu. ; (4) in article 8, the introductory phrase of paragraph 1 is replaced by the following: 1. without prejudice to article 3, article 3a and article 4, the member states concerned shall ensure that live pigs are not dispatched from their territory to other member states and third countries, except where those live pigs come from:; (5) article 9 is replaced by the following: article 9 prohibition on the dispatch to other member states and third countries of consignments of porcine semen and ova and embryos collected from pigs from the areas listed in the annex 1. the member state concerned shall ensure that no consignments of the following commodities are dispatched from their territory to other member states and third countries: (a) porcine semen, unless the semen was collected from donor boars kept at semen collection centre approved in accordance with article 3(a) of council directive 90/429/eec (7) and located outside the areas listed in parts ii, iii and iv of the annex to this decision; (b) porcine ova and embryos, unless the ova and embryos originate from donor females of the porcine species kept in holdings which comply with article 8(2) and are situated outside the areas listed in parts ii, iii and iv of the annex and the embryos are in vivo derived embryos conceived as a result of artificial insemination or in vitro produced embryos conceived as a result of fertilisation with semen complying with the conditions laid down in point (a) of this paragraph. 2. by way of derogation from the prohibitions provided for in paragraph 1(a) of this article and point (b) of article 2, the member states concerned may authorise the dispatch of consignments of porcine semen, if the semen was collected from donor boars kept at a semen collection centre approved in accordance with article 3(a) of directive 90/429/eec, applying all biosecurity rules relevant for african swine fever and located in the areas listed in parts ii and iii of the annex to this decision to areas listed in part ii or iii of the annex of the same member state or another member state provided that: (a) the consignments of porcine semen comply with any other appropriate animal health guarantees based on a positive outcome of a risk assessment of measures against the spread of african swine fever required by the competent authority of the member state of origin and approved by the competent authority of the member state of destination, prior to the dispatch of the consignment of semen; (b) the member state of origin immediately informs the commission and the other member states of the animal health guarantees referred to in the point (a); (c) the donor boars comply with the requirements laid down in point 1 of article 3 and in either point 2 or point 3 of article 3; (d) the donor boars were subjected to an individual agent identification test performed within 5 days prior to the date of collection of the semen to be dispatched, with negative results and a copy of test results is attached to the animal health certificate accompanying the consignment of the semen; (e) the following additional attestation shall be added to the corresponding animal health certificates referred to in article 6(1) of directive 90/429/eec: porcine semen in compliance with article 9 of commission implementing decision 2014/709/eu of 9 october 2014 concerning animal health control measures relating to african swine fever in certain member states and repealing implementing decision 2014/178/eu. (7) council directive 90/429/eec of 26 june 1990 laying down the animal health requirements applicable to intra- community trade in and imports of semen of domestic animals of the porcine species (oj l 224, 18.8.1990, p. 62).;" (6) the following article 16a is inserted: article 16a channelling procedure the competent authority shall ensure that the channelling procedure complies with the following requirements: 1. each truck and other vehicles that are used for the transport of live pigs have been: (a) individually registered by the competent authority of the member state of dispatch for the purpose of the transport of live pigs using the channelling procedure; (b) sealed by the official veterinarian after loading; only the official from the competent authority may break the seal and replace it with a new one; each loading or replacement of seals must be notified to the competent authority; 2. the transport takes place: (a) directly, without stopping; (b) taking the route that has been authorised by the competent authority; 3. the official veterinarian responsible for the holding of destination must confirm each arrival to the competent authority of origin; 4. after unloading of the live pigs the truck or vehicle and any other equipment which have been used in the transport of these pigs, are cleaned and disinfected in their entirety within the closed area of the place of destination under the supervision of the official veterinarian. article 12(a) of directive 2002/60/ec shall apply; 5. before the first dispatch from areas listed in part iii of the annex takes place, the competent authority of origin shall ensure that the necessary arrangements are in place with the relevant authorities within the meaning of point (c) of annex vi to directive 2002/60/ec in order to ensure that the emergency plan, the chain of command and full cooperation of services in case of accidents during the transport, a major breakdown of the truck or other vehicle or any fraudulent action of the operator. the operators of the trucks shall immediately notify the competent authority of any accident or major breakdown of the truck or the vehicle.; (7) in article 21, the date 31 december 2018 is replaced by the date 31 december 2019; (8) the annex is replaced by the text in the annex to this decision. article 2 addressees this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 18 december 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 395, 30.12.1989, p. 13. (2) oj l 224, 18.8.1990, p. 29. (3) oj l 18, 23.1.2003, p. 11. (4) commission implementing decision 2014/709/eu of 9 october 2014 concerning animal health control measures relating to african swine fever in certain member states and repealing implementing decision 2014/178/eu (oj l 295, 11.10.2014, p. 63). (5) terrestrial animal health code of the world organisation for animal health (http://www.oie.int/international-standard-setting/terrestrial-code/access-online/). (6) council directive 64/432/eec of 26 june 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-community trade in bovine animals and swine (oj 121, 29.7.1964, p. 1977/64). annex annex part i 1. estonia the following areas in estonia: the linn of keila, the linn of kunda, the linn of loksa, the linn of maardu, the linn of mustvee, the linn of p rnu, the linn of saue, the linn of tallinn, the maakond of l nemaa, the part of the vald of kuusalu located to the north of road 1 (e20), the vald of are, the vald of audru, the vald of halinga, the vald of haljala, the vald of harku, the vald of j el htme, the vald of keila, the vald of kernu, the vald of kiili, the vald of koonga, the vald of lavassaare, the vald of nissi, the vald of padise, the vald of paikuse, the vald of raasiku, the vald of rae, the vald of r gavere, the vald of saku, the vald of saue, the vald of sauga, the vald of sindi, the vald of s meru, the vald of tootsi, the vald of tori, the vald of t stamaa, the vald of varbla, the vald of vasalemma, the vald of vihula, the vald of viimsi, the vald of viru-nigula. 2. latvia the following areas in latvia: in the novads of ogres, the pagasti of sunta u and ogresgala, the novads of da u, the novads of amatas, the novads of carnikavas, the novads of garkalnes, the novads of ik iles, the novads of in ukalna, the novads of jaunjelgavas, the novads of eguma, the novads of l gatnes, the novads of m lpils, the novads of neretas, the novads of ropa u, the novads of salas, the novads of siguldas, the novads of vecumnieku, the novads of vies tes. 3. lithuania the following areas in lithuania: in the rajono savivaldyb of jurbarkas, the seni nija of raudon s, veliuonos, sered iaus and juodai i , in the rajono savivaldyb of pakruojis, the seni nija of klovaini , rozalimo and pakruojo, in the rajono savivaldyb of paneve ys, the seni nija of krekenavos, upyt s, naujamies io and smilgi , in the rajono savivaldyb of raseiniai, the seni nija of ariogalos, ariogalos miestas, betygalos, pagojuk and iluvos, in the rajono savivaldyb of akiai, the seni nija of plok i , kri k , lek i , luk i , gri kab d io, barzd , virg dai i , sintaut , kudirkos naumies io, slavik , aki , the rajono savivaldyb of pasvalys, the rajono savivaldyb of vilkavi kis, the rajono savivaldyb of radvili kis, the savivaldyb of kalvarija, the savivaldyb of kazl r da, the savivaldyb of marijampol . 4. poland the following areas in poland: in the wojew dztwo podlaskie: the gminy of august w with the city of august w, nowinka, p aska, sztabin and barg w ko cielny in the powiat augustowski, the gminy of choroszcz, juchnowiec ko cielny, sura , turo ko cielna, tykocin, apy, po witne, zawady, dobrzyniewo du e and part of zab ud w (the south-west part of the gmina delimitated by the line created by road number 19 and prolonged by road number 685) in the powiat bia ostocki, the gminy of czy e, hajn wka with the city of hajn wka, dubicze cerkiewne, kleszczele and czeremcha in the powiat hajnowski, the gminy of grodzisk, dziadkowice and milejczyce in the powiat siemiatycki, the gminy of kobylin-borzymy, kulesze ko cielne, soko y, wysokie mazowieckie with the city of wysokie mazowieckie, nowe piekuty, szepietowo, klukowo and ciechanowiec in the powiat wysokomazowiecki, the powiat sejne ski, the gminy of rutka-tartak, szypliszki, suwa ki, raczki in the powiat suwalski, the gminy of rutki in the powiat zambrowski, the gminy of suchowola and korycin in the powiat sok lski, the powiat bielski, the powiat m. bia ystok, the powiat m. suwa ki, the powiat moniecki. part ii 1. estonia the following areas in estonia: the linn of kallaste, the linn of rakvere, the linn of tartu, the linn of v ndra, the linn of viljandi, the maakond of ida-virumaa, the maakond of p lvamaa, the maakond of raplamaa, the part of the vald of kuusalu located to the south of road 1 (e20), the part of the vald of palamuse located to the east of the tallinn-tartu railway, the part of the vald of p rsti located to the west of road 24126, the part of the vald of suure-jaani located to the west of road 49, the part of the vald of tabivere located to the east of the tallinn-tartu railway, the part of the vald of tamsalu located to the north-east of the tallinn-tartu railway, the part of the vald of tartu located to the east of the tallinn-tartu railway, the part of the vald of viiratsi located to the west of the line defined by the western part of road 92 until the junction to road 155, then road 155 until the junction to road 24156, then road 24156 until it crosses verilaske river, then the verilaske river until it reaches the southern border of the vald, the vald of abja, the vald of aegviidu, the vald of alatskivi, the vald of anija, the vald of h demeeste, the vald of haaslava, the vald of halliste, the vald of kadrina, the vald of kambja, the vald of karksi, the vald of kasep , the vald of k pu, the vald of kose, the vald of k ue, the vald of laekvere, the vald of luunja, the vald of m ksa, the vald of meeksi, the vald of pala, the vald of peipsi re, the vald of piirissaare, the vald of rakvere, the vald of saarde, the vald of saare, the vald of surju, the vald of tahkuranna, the vald of tapa, the vald of v ndra, the vald of vara, the vald of vinni, the vald of v nnu. 2. latvia the following areas in latvia: the novads of krimuldas, in the novads of limba u, the pagasti of skultes, vidrid u, limba u and umurgas, in the novads of ogres, the pagasti of krapes, eipenes, lauberes, madlienas, mazozolu, men eles and taurupes, the novads of prieku u, in the novads of salacgr vas, the pagasts of liepupes, the novads of aizkraukles, the novads of akn stes, the novads of al ksnes, the novads of apes, the novads of baltinavas, the novads of balvi, the novads of c su, the novads of cesvaines, the novads of rg u, the novads of gulbenes, the novads of il kstes, the novads of jaunpiebalgas, the novads of j kabpils, the novads of koc nu, the novads of kokneses, the novads of krustpils, the novads of lielv rdes, the novads of l v nu, the novads of lub nas, the novads of madonas, the novads of p rgaujas, the novads of p avi u, the novads of raunas, the novads of rug ju, the novads of saulkrastu, the novads of s jas, the novads of skr veru, the novads of smiltenes, the novads of varak nu, the novads of vecpiebalgas, the novads of vi akas, the republikas pils ta of j kabpils, the republikas pils ta of valmiera. 3. lithuania the following areas in lithuania: in the rajono savivaldyb of anyk iai, the seni nija of andrioni kis, anyk iai, debeikiai, kavarskas, kurkliai, skiemonys, traupis, tro k nai, and the part of sv dasai located south to road no 118, in the rajono savivaldyb of jonava the seni nija of il , bukoni and, in the eimi seni nija, the kaimas of biliu kiai, drobi kiai, normainiai ii, normain liai, ju konys, pauliukai, mit ni kiai, zofijauka, naujokai, in the rajono savivaldyb of kai iadorys, the seni nija of,kai iadori apylink s, kruonio, nemaitoni , papar i , sli , ie mari , ie mari apylink s and the part of the seni nija of rum i ki located south to the road n. a1, in the rajono savivaldyb of kaunas, the seni nija of akademijos, al n , babt , batniavos, eki k s, domeikavos, e er lio, garliavos, garliavos apylinki , ka ergin s, kulautuvos, linksmakalnio, raudondvario, ringaud , rok , samyl , taurakiemio, u lied i , vilkijos, vilkijos apylinki and zapy kio, in the rajono savivaldyb of k dainiai, the seni nija of josvaini , pernaravos, kraki , dotnuvos, gud i n , survili kio, vilaini , truskavos, tos, k daini miesto, in the rajono savivaldyb of panev ys the seni nija of karsaki kio, mie i ki , pa strio, panev io, ramygalos, raguvos, vadokli and vel io, in the rajono savivaldyb of al ininkai, the seni nija of ja i n , turgeli , akmenyn s, al inink , gervi ki , butrimoni , ei i ki , po koni , dieveni ki , in the rajono savivaldyb of var na, the seni nija of kaniavos, marcinkoni , merkin s, the miesto savivaldyb of alytus, the miesto savivaldyb of kai iadorys, the miesto savivaldyb of kaunas, the miesto savivaldyb of panev ys, the miesto savivaldyb of vilnius, the rajono savivaldyb of alytus, the rajono savivaldyb of bir ai, the rajono savivaldyb of druskininkai, the rajono savivaldyb of lazdijai, the rajono savivaldyb of prienai, the rajono savivaldyb of irvintos, the rajono savivaldyb of ukmerg , the rajono savivaldyb of vilnius, the savivaldyb of bir tonas, the savivaldyb of elektr nai. 4. poland the following areas in poland: in podlaskie wojew dztwo: the gminy of czarna bia ostocka, supra l, wasilk w and part of zab ud w (the north-east part of the gmina delimitated by the line created by road number 19 and prolonged by road number 685) in the powiat bia ostocki, the gminy of d browa bia ostocka, jan w, nowy dw r and sidra in the powiat sok lski, the gminy of lipsk in the powiat augustowski, the gminy of narew, narewka and bia owie a in the powiat hajnowski. part iii 1. estonia the following areas in estonia: the linn of elva, the linn of j geva, the linn of p ltsamaa, the linn of v hma, the maakond of j rvamaa, the maakond of valgamaa, the maakond of v rumaa, the part of the vald of palamuse located to the west of the tallinn-tartu railway, the part of the vald of p rsti located to the east of road 24126, the part of the vald of suure-jaani located to the east of road 49, the part of the vald of tabivere located to the west of the tallinn-tartu railway, the part of the vald of tamsalu located to the south-west of the tallinn-tartu railway, the part of the vald of tartu located to the west of the tallinn-tartu railway, the part of the vald of viiratsi located to the east of the line defined by the western part of road 92 until the junction to road 155, then road 155 until the junction to road 24156, then road 24156 until it crosses verilaske river, then the verilaske river until it reaches the southern border of the vald, the vald of j geva, the vald of kolga-jaani, the vald of konguta, the vald of k o, the vald of laeva, the vald of n o, the vald of paistu, the vald of pajusi, the vald of p ltsamaa, the vald of puhja, the vald of puurmani, the vald of rakke, the vald of rannu, the vald of r ngu, the vald of saarepeedi, the vald of t htvere, the vald of tarvastu, the vald of torma, the vald of lenurme, the vald of v ike-maarja. 2. latvia the following areas in latvia: in the novads of limba u, the pagasti of vi enes, p les and katvaru, in the novads of salacgr vas, the pagasti of aina u and salacgr vas, the novads of aglonas, the novads of alojas, the novads of bever inas, the novads of burtnieku, the novads of ciblas, the novads of dagdas, the novads of daugavpils, the novads of k rsavas, the novads of kr slavas, the novads of ludzas, the novads of mazsalacas, the novads of nauk nu, the novads of prei u, the novads of r zeknes, the novads of riebi u, the novads of r jienas, the novads of stren u, the novads of valkas, the novads of v rkavas, the novads of vi nu, the novads of zilupes, the republikas pils ta of daugavpils, the republikas pils ta of r zekne. 3. lithuania the following areas in lithuania: in the rajono savivaldyb of anyk iai, the seni nija of vie intos and the part of the seni nija of sv dasai located north to road no 118, in the rajono savivaldyb of jonava the seni nija of upnink , ruklos, dumsi , u usali , kulvos and, in the seni nija of eimiai, the kaimas akliai, akmeniai, barsukin , blauzd iai, gireliai, jag lava, juljanava, kuigaliai, liepkalniai, martyni kiai, mila i kiai, mimaliai, naujasodis, normainiai i, paduobiai, palankesiai, pamelnyt l , p d iai, skryn s, svalkeniai, terespolis, varp nai, eimi gst., ieveli kiai and eimi miestelis, in the rajono savivaldyb of kai iadorys, the seni nija of palomen s, pravieni ki and the part of the seni nija of rum i ki located north of the road n. a1, in the rajono savivaldyb of kaunas, the seni nija of vand iogalos, lapi , karm lavos and neveroni , in the rajono savivaldyb of k dainiai, the seni nija of pel dnagi , in the rajono savivaldyb of al ininkai, the seni nija of baltosios vok s, pabar s, dainavos, kalesnink , in the rajono savivaldyb of var na, the seni nija of valkinink , jak n , matuiz , var nos, vydeni , the miesto savivaldyb of jonava, the rajono savivaldyb of ignalina, the rajono savivaldyb of kupi kis, the rajono savivaldyb of moletai, the rajono savivaldyb of roki kis, the rajono savivaldyb of vencionys, the rajono savivaldyb of trakai, the rajono savivaldyb of utena, the rajono savivaldyb of zarasai, the savivaldybe of visaginas. 4. poland the following areas in poland: in podlaskie wojew dztwo: the gminy of gr dek and micha owo in the powiat bia ostocki, the gminy of krynki, ku nica, sok ka and szudzia owo in the powiat sok lski. part iv italy the following areas in italy: all areas of sardinia.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2434 of 18 december 2015 amending implementing decision 2014/237/eu on measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the union of harmful organisms as regards certain fruits and vegetables originating in india (notified under document c(2015) 9178) type: decision_impl subject matter: trade; tariff policy; trade policy; asia and oceania; international trade; plant product; agricultural activity date published: 2015-12-22 22.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 334/61 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2434 of 18 december 2015 amending implementing decision 2014/237/eu on measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the union of harmful organisms as regards certain fruits and vegetables originating in india (notified under document c(2015) 9178) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 2000/29/ec of 8 may 2000 on protective measures against the introduction into the community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the community (1), and in particular the fourth sentence of article 16(3) thereof, whereas: (1) commission implementing decision 2014/237/eu (2) prohibits the import from india of plants other than seeds and roots of colocasia schott, plants other than seeds of momordica l., solanum melongena l. and trichosanthes l. furthermore, for the import of plants of mangifera l. other than seeds, implementing decision 2014/237/eu requires that appropriate measures are taken by indian authorities to ensure that consignments are free from harmful organisms. (2) implementing decision 2014/237/eu is limited in time. in light of the number of interceptions of harmful organisms on a wide range of plants and plant products of indian origin, the commission concludes that further improvements of the indian phytosanitary certification system are needed. consequently, it is appropriate to extend the validity of implementing decision 2014/237/eu until 31 december 2016. (3) implementing decision 2014/237/eu should therefore be amended accordingly. (4) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 article 2 of implementing decision 2014/237/eu is replaced by the following: article 2 this decision shall expire on 31 december 2016. article 2 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 18 december 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 169, 10.7.2000, p. 1. (2) commission implementing decision 2014/237/eu of 24 april 2014 on measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the union of harmful organisms as regards certain fruits and vegetables originating in india (oj l 125, 26.4.2014, p. 93).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2415 of 17 december 2015 on the approval pursuant to article 19 of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008 of the european parliament and of the council of modified traffic distribution rules for the airports milan malpensa, milan linate and orio al serio (bergamo) (notified under document c(2015) 9177) type: decision_impl subject matter: air and space transport; transport policy; organisation of transport; consumption; regions of eu member states; europe date published: 2015-12-19 19.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 333/124 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2415 of 17 december 2015 on the approval pursuant to article 19 of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008 of the european parliament and of the council of modified traffic distribution rules for the airports milan malpensa, milan linate and orio al serio (bergamo) (notified under document c(2015) 9177) (only the italian text is authentic) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (ec) no 1008/2008 of the european parliament and of the council of 24 september 2008 on common rules for the operation of air services in the community (1), and in particular article 19(3) thereof, whereas: 1. procedure (1) by letter of 21 april 2015, received by the commission on 21 april 2015, the italian authorities informed the commission, pursuant to article 19(3) of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008, of the ministerial decree no 395 of 1 october 2014 amending decree no 15 of 3 march 2000 on the distribution of air traffic within the milan airport system, as amended (2) (hereinafter the lupi decree). by letters of 5 november 2014 and 18 march 2015, the italian authorities provided further information on the lupi decree. the commission requested additional information by letter dated 5 september 2015 to which the italian authorities replied by letter dated 25 september 2015. (2) the airport system of milan comprises the airports of malpensa, linate and orio al serio (bergamo). 2. background and description of the measure 2.1. the bersani and bersani 2 decree (3) by commission decision of 21 december 2000 (3), the commission declared the traffic distribution rules for the milan airport system set out in the decree of the minister for infrastructure and transport of 3 march 2000 (4) (hereinafter the bersani decree) as compatible with council regulation (eec) no 2408/92 (5). this regulation has since been repealed and replaced by regulation (ec) no 1008/2008. the commission's decision was subject to these rules being amended as indicated by the italian authorities in a letter of 4 december 2000. this amendment took place through the decree of the minister for infrastructure and transport of 5 january 2001 (6) (hereinafter the bersani 2 decree). (4) the objective of the bersani decree and bersani 2 decree was to ensure the realisation of the full development potential of milan malpensa airport as an international hub, whilst at the same time describing milan linate airport as a facility for point to point services. to this end, the bersani decree and bersani 2 decree contained several provisions; in particular they imposed, at milan linate airport, limitations on the number of daily return services to eu airports identified on the basis of passenger traffic volume, as follows: one daily return service per carrier for routes with traffic between 350 000 and 700 000 passengers, two daily return services per carrier for routes with traffic between 700 000 and 1 400 000 passengers, three daily return services per carrier for routes with traffic between 1 400 000 and 2 800 000 passengers, no limit for routes with traffic above 2 800 000 passengers. (5) from linate, community carriers may, with the arrangements set out immediately above, operate a daily return service using two time slots to airport systems or individual airports located in objective 1 regions which in the course of the calendar year 1999 registered passenger traffic of fewer than 350 000 units in milan's airport system. (6) the bersani 2 decree specifies that all european capitals will have at least one return trip connection per day with linate and that community airports with annual traffic of more than 40 million passengers in 1999 will be connected to linate by at least two return trips per day, (7) the bersani decree and bersani 2 decree also restricted milan linate airport to single aisle aircraft for point-to-point scheduled connections within the eu only. 2.2. the lupi decree (8) the lupi decree changes the bersani decree and the bersani 2 decree by removing any limitations on the number of daily return services to eu airports identified on the basis of passenger traffic volume imposed at milan linate airport. the other limitations imposed at milan linate airport (single aisle aircraft, point-to-point scheduled connections within the eu) remain in place. (9) the italian authorities explained that the reason for this change were the need to abolish restrictions based on criteria that are now obsolete and no longer appropriate and to allow operators holding slots at milan linate airport to use them as efficiently as possible. this should contribute to make italy's and europe's airport systems more efficient both for business and passengers. (10) the lupi decree (ministerial decree no 395) was signed on 1 october and published on 11 october 2014, just prior to the start of the winter 2014-2015 iata scheduling period, which started on 26 october 2014. the lupi decree is applicable since the beginning of the 2014/2015 winter traffic season. (11) italy did not consult interested parties prior to the adoption of the lupi decree. 3. observations submitted to the commission by interested parties (12) the commission published a summary of the modified traffic distribution rules notified by the italian authorities in the official journal of the european union (7) and invited interested parties to submit comments. (13) the commission received comments from two interested parties, who wished to remain anonymous. the commission sent a summary of the comments to the italian authorities to allow the italian authorities to comment. 3.1. the first interested party (14) the first interested party stated that the italian authorities had not consulted all the airlines or airports concerned on the modified traffic distribution rules prior to their adoption. consequently, according to the same interested party, only certain airlines which had been made aware of the imminent changes were able to use the flexibility introduced by the new decree and to plan accordingly in sufficient time for the start of the winter 2014/2015 scheduling season. (15) the first interested party also pointed out that the italian authorities did not respect their obligation und regulation (ec) no 1008/2008 not to apply changes to traffic distribution rules before the commission's approval. (16) moreover, the first interested party also raised the issue of slots attribution at milan linate airport. 3.2. the second interested party (17) the second interested party indicated that the timing of the adoption of the lupi decree allowed some airlines to introduce new routes from linate with immediate effect without any proper consultation of the other airlines operating at linate airport having taken place or even prior information being provided to them. (18) the second interested party also highlighted that the notification to the commission of the lupi decree was received more than 7 months after its publication. (19) moreover, the second interested party considered that the lupi decree concerns a specific advantage to etihad, alitalia and its european equity partners as alitalia holds the vast majority of slots and that the lupi decree has the potential to severely distort competition in favour of alitalia. the second interested party asked the commission to immediately repeal the lupi decree. 4. the terms of article 19 of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008 (20) article 19(2) of the regulation (ec) no 1008/2008 provides that a member state, after consultation with interested parties, may regulate, without discrimination among destinations inside the community and on grounds of nationality or identity of air carriers, the distribution of air traffic between airports serving the same city of conurbation. specific conditions for the distribution of traffic are set out in the same paragraph. (21) article 19(3) of the regulation (ec) no 1008/2008 provides that a member state concerned shall inform the commission of its intention to regulate the distribution of air traffic or to change an existing traffic distribution rule. it also provides that the commission shall examine the application of article 19(2) and, within six months of receipt of the information from the member state, and after having asked the committee set up in article 25 of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008 for opinion shall decide whether the member state may apply the measures. it adds that the commission shall publish its decision in the official journal of the european union and that the measures shall not be applied before the publication of the commission's approval. 5. assessment (22) the lupi decree modifies the rules regarding traffic distribution for the airport system of milan by removing limitations at linate airport on the number of daily return services to eu airports identified on the basis of passenger traffic volume. therefore, it constitutes a change to an existing traffic distribution rule within the meaning of article 19(3) of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008. (23) the italian authorities consider that the lupi decree does not constitute a change to existing traffic distribution rules, as the lupi decree was not considered to be a measure aimed at modifying the air traffic within milan airport system. the lupi decree merely removes a restriction to the provision of services. (24) the commission does not follow this argument. the limitations on the number of daily return services to eu airports identified on the basis of passenger traffic volume form part of a traffic distribution rule, intended to allocate air services outside the limitations to another airport of the milan airport system. the commission approved this traffic distribution rule in 2000. removing one element of this distribution rule therefore constitutes a change to that rule. (25) the italian authorities have not consulted interested parties before adopting the lupi decree. they have therefore failed to comply with the obligation to do so, set out in article 19(2) of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008. (26) the italian authorities consider that they did not need to consult interested third parties as article 19(2) of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008 would only require to consult interested parties when the member state intends to regulate traffic, i.e. before creating a traffic distribution rule, but not in case of its amendment. the commission does not agree with this reasoning. the amendment of a traffic distribution rule means that the rule after the amendment is different from the one applicable before. having regard to the rationale of article 19, such (intended) change in the legal situation is not fundamentally different from the change brought about by the introduction of a new rule. this change in legal situation constitutes the very justification for the national authorities' duty to consult interested parties, in the same way as it underpins the authorities' duty to notify the case to the commission. hence, the term regulate in article 19(2) has to be understood as also comprising the amendment of traffic distribution rules. (27) the italian authorities argue that a consultation was not necessary from a substantial point of view as all air carriers holding slots at linate airport equally benefitted from the lupi decree. the commission notes that this argument anticipates upon the possible conclusions to be drawn in light of the observations interested parties are entitled to make. by definition, it cannot defeat italy's obligation to consult interested parties first, before drawing any conclusions. (28) the italian authorities indicated that they are prepared to carry out a consultation now. for the sake of clarity, however, it must be underlined that such a consultation would need to be followed by a new act, to be taken in light of the observations submitted. such new act would be indispensable even if, following the consultation, the italian authorities were to continue to consider that the rule as amended by the lupi decree is appropriate. 6. conclusion (29) contrary to article 19(2) of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008, the italian authorities have failed to consult interested parties before amending the traffic distribution rules for the milan airport system. (30) the measures provided for in the ministerial decree no 395 of 1 october 2014 amending decree no 15 of 3 march 2000 on the distribution of air traffic within the milan airport system, as amended, notified to the commission on 21 april 2015, can therefore not be approved. (31) this decision is in accordance with the opinion of the committee referred to in article 25 of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008, has adopted this decision: article 1 approval of the measures provided for in the ministerial decree no 395 of 1 october 2014 amending decree no 15 of 3 march 2000 on the distribution of air traffic within the milan airport system, notified to the commission on 21 april 2015, is hereby denied. article 2 this decision is addressed to the republic of italy. done at brussels, 17 december 2015. for the commission violeta bulc member of the commission (1) oj l 293, 31.10.2008, p. 3. (2) italian official gazette no 237 of 11 october 2014. (3) oj l 58, 28.2.2001, p. 29. (4) italian official gazette no 60 of 13 march 2000. (5) council regulation (eec) no 2408/92 of 23 july 1992 on access for community air carriers to intra-community air routes (oj l 240, 24.8.1992, p. 8). as regards this repeal, see article 27 of regulation (ec) no 1008/2008. (6) italian official gazette no 14 of 18 january 2001. (7) oj c 183, 4.6.2015, p. 4.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2394 of 8 december 2015 on the position to be taken by the member states on behalf of the european union, concerning the decisions to be adopted by the permanent commission of eurocontrol, with regard to the roles and tasks of eurocontrol and on centralised services type: decision subject matter: air and space transport; international affairs; european construction; european organisations; transport policy date published: 2015-12-18 18.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 332/136 council decision (eu) 2015/2394 of 8 december 2015 on the position to be taken by the member states on behalf of the european union, concerning the decisions to be adopted by the permanent commission of eurocontrol, with regard to the roles and tasks of eurocontrol and on centralised services the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 100(2) and article 218(9) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, whereas: (1) the permanent commission of eurocontrol (the permanent commission), by its decision no 123 of 4 december 2013, established a study group to investigate in what manner the eurocontrol international convention relating to cooperation for the safety of air navigation of 13 december 1960 (the eurocontrol convention) may require amendment in order to reflect the evolving air traffic management landscape in europe. (2) on 19 october 2015 the study group tasked the eurocontrol agency with preparing a draft permanent commission act defining the future roles and tasks of eurocontrol. (3) a draft decision of the permanent commission regarding the roles and tasks of eurocontrol will be on its agenda for approval at its meeting on 8 and 9 december 2015. (4) once adopted, that decision will have legal effects. according to the applicable institutional framework, set out in the eurocontrol convention, as amended by the protocol signed at brussels on 12 february 1981 (the amended convention), the permanent commission is in charge of formulating eurocontrol's general policy. the definition of the roles and tasks will govern eurocontrol's future action and will necessarily reflect what eurocontrol considers as legitimate activity. it will be binding on all eurocontrol members, including member states of the union. (5) the definition of the roles and tasks of eurocontrol may have consequences with regard to the application of union law and, in particular, the integrity of union competences, given that union legislation covers important areas in which eurocontrol is active. in some cases, eurocontrol's role and activity depend on decisions taken at union level. (6) it is therefore important to ensure that the definition of eurocontrol's roles and tasks does not conflict with union law, in particular union competences, and that it does not prejudge future union action. (7) at its meeting on 8 and 9 december 2015, the permanent commission may also adopt a decision on centralised services. the union is not currently in possession of sufficient information to evaluate the substance of such a decision, which may prejudge future activity conducted by eurocontrol and in a manner that may be detrimental to the union's activity in this field, in particular as regards single european sky air traffic management research (sesar). a decision on this matter should thus be postponed. (8) the position to be taken on the union's behalf within the permanent commission should therefore be established, has adopted this decision: article 1 the position to be taken by the member states on behalf of the european union in the permanent commission of eurocontrol concerning the roles and tasks of eurocontrol and centralised services shall be in accordance with the annex. the member states shall act jointly in the interest of the union. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 8 december 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna annex i. eurocontrol's roles and tasks the union requests that the proposed text regarding the services, roles and tasks of eurocontrol in no way affect the union competences and that it not prejudge future union action. where specific tasks are currently performed by eurocontrol under the union legal framework on a temporary basis, those tasks shall not be presented as tasks independent of union decisions. the union requests the following changes to the list of eurocontrol roles and tasks set out in the annex to the eurocontrol action paper cn-sg-6-2015 on the roles and tasks of the organisation of 16 november 2015: (1) as regards article 2(1) on functions and services: (a) air traffic central flow management; (b) atm network functions if conferred by on behalf of the european union; (c) atm functions tasks on behalf of icao for the eur/nat region; (d) establishment, billing and collection of air navigation charges; (e) provision of air traffic services at muac, subject to the results of the discussions between the member states and eurocontrol the agency; (f) central functions and services, such as ead, artas/camos, and other central services which might be entrusted to it by the permanent commission, in agreement close cooperation with the union. (2) as regards article 2(2) on roles: (a) with respect to support, the changes shall be as follows: (i) support to its member states, nsas, ansps and other relevant stakeholders; (ii) support to the eu bodies including the provision of expertise to support regulatory activities in compliance accordance with the high-level agreement between the eu and eurocontrol of 29 october 2012 at the request of these bodies; (iii) facilitation and promotion of european interests in non-ecac states in atm matters in close cooperation with its member states, their ansps and industry and the eu, except for areas covered by eu rules and subject to respecting eu competences; (iv) contribution to sesar (r & d, atm master plan maintenance and deployment) building upon its expertise in atm expertise, pan-european coverage, civil-military aspect and central flow network network management role, in compliance with relevant eu legislation; (v) providing research and related simulation facilities, e.g. for sesar, research activities in addition to sesar and airspace changes in compliance with relevant eu legislation, where applicable; (vi) offer training/education to member state organisations. (b) with respect to the mechanisms for cooperation, the changes shall be as follows: (i) facilitate and promote civil-military coordination on atm/ans developments; (ii) support member states in icao work, subject to respecting eu competences; (iii) cooperate with other world regions subject to agreement with member states ensuring coordination with the eu; (iv) international cooperation/coordination (icao, faa, nato, etc.) on behalf of its member states, other than eu member states subject to respecting eu competences; (v) advising non-eu at their request those member states that are not eu member states and have not concluded agreements with the union, on atm safety and performance matters, making use of in compliance with icao rules, in coordination with the eu and subject to respecting its competences eu and easa rules in this area to inform enhancing harmonization, safety, operational efficiency and economies of scale. (c) with respect to pan-european atm data and information the changes shall be as follows: (i) collection and analysis of data, which could include performance data, safety data, etc. (in order to maintain the systems and data in support of regulatory work) for states that are not eu member states and, if this task is conferred to it by the eu, for eu member states; (ii) analysis and provision of reports (information) on the data collected (e.g. ace, prr) for states that are not eu member states and, if this task is conferred to it by the eu, for eu member states; (iii) run the essip/lssip process, if conferred by the european union; (iv) including reporting to icao on the implementation of the global air navigation plan (ganp) and aviation system block upgrades (asbus) and ensuring coordination with the eu reporting mechanisms in agreement with the european union; (v) collection of traffic data and provision of statfor forecast. ii. centralised services the union's position is that a decision on centralised services should be postponed at this stage. the union is not currently in possession of sufficient information to evaluate the substance of a decision on centralised services. such a decision may prejudge future activity conducted by eurocontrol and in a manner that may be detrimental to the union's activity in this field, in particular as regards single european sky air traffic management research (sesar).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2398 of 17 december 2015 on information and documentation related to an application for a facility located in a third country for inclusion in the european list of ship recycling facilities (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: technology and technical regulations; cooperation policy; environmental policy; maritime and inland waterway transport; documentation; information and information processing; deterioration of the environment; economic geography date published: 2015-12-18 18.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 332/145 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2398 of 17 december 2015 on information and documentation related to an application for a facility located in a third country for inclusion in the european list of ship recycling facilities (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 1257/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 20 november 2013 on ship recycling and amending regulation (ec) no 1013/2006 and directive 2009/16/ec (1), and in particular article 15(3) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (eu) no 1257/2013, in particular in its title iii, lays down requirements for ship recycling facilities wishing to recycle ships flying the flag of a member state of the european union and thereby applying for inclusion in the european list of ship recycling facilities. (2) article 15(2) of regulation (eu) no 1257/2013 lists information and documentation to be provided by ship recycling companies as part of their application files for ship recycling facilities located in a third country for inclusion on the european list. furthermore, article 16(2) lists information to be published in the official journal about the ship recycling facility to be included in the european list. (3) contrary to other implementing acts to be adopted under the ship recycling regulation, there is no directly equivalent template available from the hong kong convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ship of 2009. the format given in annex therefore comprises relevant extracts from hong kong convention appendix 5 (document of authorization of ship recycling dasr) and from the relevant imo guidelines related to ship recycling facilities and adds information and documentation requirements added in the ship recycling regulation (as listed in articles 15(2) and 16(2) of the regulation). (4) stakeholders were consulted in writing on the contents of the decision. the annex takes comments made into account. (5) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the ship recycling regulation committee established under article 25 of regulation (eu) no 1257/2013, has adopted this decision: article 1 the information and documentation required to identify a ship-recycling facility located in a third country applying for inclusion in the european list of ship recycling facilities shall be submitted in the format provided in the annex. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 17 december 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 330, 10.12.2013, p. 1. annex part 1 identification of the ship recycling facility name of ship recycling facility distinctive recycling company identity no. full address of ship recycling facility primary contact person phone number email address name, address, and contact information of ownership company working language(s) part 2 additional information method(s) of recycling (1) type(s) of ships that can be recycled procedure for approval of the ship recycling plan (2) number of employees (3) maximum ship recycling output achieved on a given year in the past 10 years (in ldt) (4) description of the ship recycling facility (layout, waterdepth, accessibility, etc.) heavy equipment heavy-lifting machines e.g. jib crane: 60 tonnes e.g. mobile crane: 35 tonnes 1, 27 tonnes 1 e.g. hydraulic backhoe: sh400, zx330, sk220, zx200 with shear, magnet e.g. hydraulic shear: 600 tonnes 1 e.g. weight bridge: 50 tonnes boat e.g. gross tonnage: 5 tonnes, power: 240 hp shear e.g. capacity: 600 tonnes other equipment o2 supply e.g. liquid o2 supply system: 10 m3 gas supply e.g. lpg bottles compressed air fire extinguishers e.g. portable fire extinguisher capacity waste oil treatment e.g. oil water separation tank tank capacity: abt. 20 tonnes wastes storage e.g. container for asbestos: 2 incinerator(s) e.g. none electric power supply e.g. substation location of the facility (5) division and classification of the location e.g. urbanisation control area area of the facility (in sqm) area of pavement peripheral environment e.g. factories: former quarry, two marinas in the vicinity, vulnerable environmental zones e.g. housing: private houses at the entrance and 200 m from entrance workers' certificates/licences (6) certificate/licence number of personnel/qualifications (7) 1) manager of asbestos handling 2) manager of pcb handling 3) designated chemicals handling 4) asbestos handling class 5) gas cutting 6) welding 7) zinc handling 8) lifting 9) heavy lift machines 10) seafarer 11) diver 12) removal of hazardous materials (material a) (material b) (material c) (material d) (material e) (material f) (material g) (material h) (material i) (material j) (material k) part 3 identification of the permit, license and authorisation granted by the competent authority/-ies to conduct ship recycling as per article 15(2)(a) of regulation (eu) no 1257/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 20 november 2013 on ship recycling, the ship recycling company shall provide a copy of the document(s) issued by its competent authorities to conduct the ship recycling (8) and, where relevant, the permit, license or authorisation granted by the competent authorities to all its contractors and sub-contractors directly involved in the process of ship recycling. permit, license or authorisation document(s) attached to the application file (9): name of the document country of issuance issuing competent authority issued on (date) valid until (date or indefinite) beneficiary entity (10) part 4 capability and limitations of the ship recycling facility 4.1. ship recycling capacity the ship recycling facility is authorised to accept a ship for recycling subject to the following size limitations: maximum capacity of ship to be recycled other limitations dwt gt ldt length breadth width depth 4.2. safe and environmentally sound management of hazardous materials the ship recycling facility is authorised to accept a ship for recycling that contains hazardous materials as specified in the following table subject to the conditions noted below: management of hazardous materials (11) descriptions of the management steps (12) 1) asbestos removal storage waste treatment management of hazardous materials descriptions of the management steps 2) ozone-depleting substances removal storage waste treatment heavy metals: 3) tinorganic anti-fouling compounds and system 4) cadmium and cadmium compounds 5) hexavalent chromium and hexavalent chromium compounds 6) lead and lead compounds 7) mercury and mercury compounds removal storage waste treatment flame retardants: 8) polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) 9) hexabromocyclododecane (hbcdd) 10) polybrominated biphenyl (pbbs) removal storage waste treatment 11) radioactive substances removal storage waste treatment management of hazardous materials descriptions of the management steps other persistent organic pollutants (pops) 12) polychlorinated biphenyls (pcb) 13) perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (pfos) 14) polychlorinated napthalenes (more than 3 chlorine atoms) 15) certain short-chain chlorinated paraffins (sccp) (alkanes, c10-c13, chloro) removal storage waste treatment 16) hazardous liquids, residues and sediments removal storage waste treatment 17) paints and coatings that are highly flammable and/or lead to toxic release removal storage waste treatment 18) other hazardous materials not listed above and that are not part of the ship structure (specify) removal storage waste treatment part 5 statement concerning the recycling of eu member states flag ships recycling of ships flying the flag of a member state of the european union hereby, (name) , on behalf of (company) (hereafter the company) (13) confirms that the company will accept ships flying the flag of eu member states for recycling only in accordance with the requirements laid out in regulation (eu) no 1257/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 20 november 2013 on ship recycling. furthermore, the company will: (a) prior to any recycling of the ship: send the ship recycling plan, approved by the competent authority according to the procedure applicable (14), to the ship owner and the administration or a recognised organisation authorised by it; report to the administration that the ship recycling facility is ready in every respect to start the recycling of the ship; (b) when the total or partial recycling of a ship is completed in accordance with this regulation, within 14 days of the date of the total or partial recycling in accordance with the ship recycling plan, send a statement of completion to the administration which issued the ready for recycling certificate for the ship. the statement of completion will include a report on incidents and accidents damaging human health and/or the environment, if any. place date signature: nb: the statement does not imply that the facility may not accept ships flying the flag of a third country. part 6 statement concerning waste recovery and disposal operations waste recovery and disposal operations further to the 2009 hong kong international convention for the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships, regulation (eu) no 1257/2013 of the european parliament and of the council on ship recycling aims to prevent, reduce, minimise and, to the extent practicable, eliminate accidents, injuries and other adverse effects on human health and the environment caused by ship recycling. article 15(5) of the regulation requires that the ship recycling company must be able to demonstrate that the waste management facility which receives the waste will be operated in accordance with human health and environmental protection standards that are broadly equivalent to relevant international and european union standards. hereby, (name) , on behalf of (company) (hereafter the company) (15) confirms to the best of its knowledge that the waste management facility or facilities receiving the waste from the ship recycling facility is (are): (a) authorised by its competent national authorities to deal with the waste it receives; (b) operated in accordance with human health and environmental protection standards that are broadly equivalent to relevant international and european union standards; along with this statement, the company provides a copy of all relevant documents obtained by the waste management facility or facilities (see part 2). place date signature: part 7 ship recycling facility plan ship recycling facility plan in accordance with article 15(2)(g) of regulation (eu) no 1257/2013 of the european parliament and of the council on ship recycling of 20 november 2013, the ship recycling company is required to confirm that it has adopted a ship recycling facility plan, taking into account the relevant imo guidelines. i (name) , declare that a ship recycling facility plan was adopted by (company) (16). a copy of the ship recycling facility plan is attached to the application file. place date signature: part 8 safe-for-hot work and safe-for-entry criteria as per article 15(2)(d), the ship recycling company provides evidence that the ship recycling facility is capable of establishing, maintaining and monitoring of the safe-for-hot work and safe-for-entry criteria throughout the ship recycling process. evidence attached to the application file (17) safe-for-hot work safe-for-entry conditions (1) see e.g. paragraph 3 in section 3.4.1 of imo guidelines, resolution mepc.210(63), page 24. (2) this concerns the procedure referred to in article 7(3) and article 15(2)(b) of the ship recycling regulation. (3) at the time of application. (4) the figure should be documented, e.g. via official confirmations of completion of recycling of ships recycled that year, indicating ldt of the ships. as per article 32 of the eu srr, the figure is calculated as the sum of the weight of ships expressed in ldt that have been recycled in a given year in that facility. the maximum annual ship recycling output is determined by selecting the highest value occurring in the preceding 10-year period for each ship recycling facility, or, in the case of a newly authorised ship recycling facility, the highest annual value achieved at that facility. (5) a map of the boundary of the ship recycling facility and the location of ship recycling operations within it is attached as per article 15(2)(e) of the regulation. (6) please note that it is only necessary to fill in corresponding lines in the table with regard to those hazardous materials the ship recycling facility is authorised to remove. (7) please note that the ship recycling company must at all times be in a position to provide evidence of the competence of each member of personnel authorised to carry out the removal of hazardous materials to the european commission or agents acting on its behalf. (8) if the respective competent authority/-ies does/do not issue a specific permit, license or authorisation to conduct ship recycling, the applicant shall clearly state this in his application and submit other relevant permits, licenses or authorisations relating to the activities of the company. (9) please list in the table and attach a copy of all permits, license or authorisations granted by the competent authorities. (10) name of the ship recycling company and/or its contractor/sub-contractor concerned by the document. (11) for the management of each item, the national and/or international requirements should be identified for reference. any limitations imposed under the authorisation granted by the competent authority/-ies of the country where the facility is located should be mentioned. the hazardous materials may be present in parts of the ship or equipment (e.g. in paint or as plastic additives) or in chemical mixtures (e.g. cooling fluids). (12) as per article 15(2)(f)(ii) of the regulation, please 1) indicate which management process will be applied, 2) indicate the location where the activity takes place (either within the facility or at a downstream waste management facility in the latter case, information should also be provided, including the facility name and contact information) and 3) provide evidence that the applied process will be carried out without endangering human health and in an environmentally sound manner. (13) name of the ship recycling company. (14) the procedure is described in article 7(3) of the ship recycling regulation. (15) name of the ship recycling company. (16) name of the ship recycling company. (17) refer to the relevant extracts of the ship recycling facility plan attached to this application.
name: commission decision (eu) 2015/2363 of 16 december 2015 updating annex a to the monetary agreement between the european union and the principality of monaco type: decision subject matter: european union law; europe; european construction; international affairs; financial institutions and credit; monetary relations date published: 2015-12-17 17.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 331/37 commission decision (eu) 2015/2363 of 16 december 2015 updating annex a to the monetary agreement between the european union and the principality of monaco the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the monetary agreement of 29 november 2011 between the european union and the principality of monaco (1), and in particular article 11(3) thereof, whereas: (1) article 11(2) of the monetary agreement between the european union and the principality of monaco (the monetary agreement) requires the principality of monaco to apply the same rules as those established in the french republic for the purposes of transposing union legal acts concerning the activities and prudential regulation of credit institutions and the prevention of systemic risks to payment and securities settlement systems contained in annex a to the monetary agreement. (2) in accordance with article 11(3) of the monetary agreement, the list included in annex a to the agreement needs to be amended by the commission upon amendment of any relevant texts and also each time a new text is adopted by the union. (3) twenty-four legal acts concerning the activities and prudential regulation of credit institutions and the prevention of systemic risks to payment and securities settlement systems were adopted by the union and must therefore be added to the list included in annex a to the monetary agreement: (1) regulation (eu) no 600/2014 of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 84). (2) directive (eu) 2015/849 of the european parliament and of the council of 20 may 2015 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council, and repealing directive 2005/60/ec of the european parliament and of the council and commission directive 2006/70/ec (oj l 141, 5.6.2015, p. 73). (3) commission implementing regulation (eu) 2015/880 of 4 june 2015 on the extension of the transitional periods related to own funds requirements for exposures to central counterparties in regulations (eu) no 575/2013 and (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 143, 9.6.2015, p. 7). (4) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/1515 of 5 june 2015 amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council as regards the extension of the transitional periods related to pension scheme arrangements (oj l 239, 15.9.2015, p. 63). (5) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/62 of 10 october 2014 amending regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to the leverage ratio (oj l 11, 17.1.2015, p. 37). (6) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/1555 of 28 may 2015 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the disclosure of information in relation to the compliance of institutions with the requirement for a countercyclical capital buffer in accordance with article 440 (oj l 244, 19.9.2015, p. 1). (7) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/1556 of 11 june 2015 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the transitional treatment of equity exposures under the irb approach (oj l 244, 19.9.2015, p. 9). (8) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/488 of 4 september 2014 amending delegated regulation (eu) no 241/2014 as regards own funds requirements for firms based on fixed overheads (oj l 78, 24.3.2015, p. 1). (9) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/850 of 30 january 2015 amending delegated regulation (eu) no 241/2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for own funds requirements for institutions (oj l 135, 2.6.2015, p. 1). (10) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/923 of 11 march 2015 amending delegated regulation (eu) no 241/2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for own funds requirements for institutions (oj l 150, 17.6.2015, p. 1). (11) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/942 of 4 march 2015 amending delegated regulation (eu) no 529/2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council as regards regulatory technical standards for assessing the materiality of extensions and changes of internal approaches when calculating own funds requirements for market risk (oj l 154, 19.6.2015, p. 1). (12) commission implementing regulation (eu) 2015/227 of 9 january 2015 amending implementing regulation (eu) no 680/2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 48, 20.2.2015, p. 1). (13) commission implementing regulation (eu) no 945/2014 of 4 september 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to relevant appropriately diversified indices according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 265, 5.9.2014, p. 3). (14) commission implementing regulation (eu) no 1030/2014 of 29 september 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the uniform formats and date for the disclosure of the values used to identify global systemically important institutions according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 284, 30.9.2014, p. 14). (15) commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1187/2014 of 2 october 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council as regards regulatory technical standards for determining the overall exposure to a client or a group of connected clients in respect of transactions with underlying assets (oj l 324, 7.11.2014, p. 1). (16) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/61 of 10 october 2014 to supplement regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and the council with regard to liquidity coverage requirement for credit institutions (oj l 11, 17.1.2015, p. 1). (17) commission implementing regulation (eu) 2015/79 of 18 december 2014 amending implementing regulation (eu) no 680/2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council as regards asset encumbrance, single data point model and validation rules (oj l 14, 21.1.2015, p. 1). (18) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/585 of 18 december 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the specification of margin periods of risk (oj l 98, 15.4.2015, p. 1). (19) commission implementing regulation (eu) 2015/233 of 13 february 2015 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to currencies in which there is an extremely narrow definition of central bank eligibility pursuant to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 39, 14.2.2015, p. 11). (20) commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1152/2014 of 4 june 2014 supplementing directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards on the identification of the geographical location of the relevant credit exposures for calculating institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer rates (oj l 309, 30.10.2014, p. 5). (21) commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1222/2014 of 8 october 2014 supplementing directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the specification of the methodology for the identification of global systemically important institutions and for the definition of subcategories of global systemically important institutions (oj l 330, 15.11.2014, p. 27). (22) commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/63 of 21 october 2014 supplementing directive 2014/59/eu of the european parliament and of the council with regard to ex ante contributions to resolution financing arrangements (oj l 11, 17.1.2015, p. 44). (23) directive 2014/65/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending directive 2002/92/ec and directive 2011/61/eu (recast) (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 349). (24) regulation (eu) no 600/2014 of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 84: for the provisions applicable to credit institutions). (4) annex a to the monetary agreement should be amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 annex a to the monetary agreement between the european union and the principality of monaco is replaced by the text set out in the annex to this decision. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 16 december 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj c 310, 13.10.2012, p. 1. annex annex a applicable banking and financial legislation 1 with regard to the provisions applicable to credit institutions: council directive 86/635/eec of 8 december 1986 on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of banks and other financial institutions (oj l 372, 31.12.1986, p. 1). amended by: 2 directive 2001/65/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 27 september 2001 amending directives 78/660/eec, 83/349/eec and 86/635/eec as regards the valuation rules for the annual and consolidated accounts of certain types of companies as well as of banks and other financial institutions (oj l 283, 27.10.2001, p. 28). 3 directive 2003/51/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 18 june 2003 amending directives 78/660/eec, 83/349/eec, 86/635/eec and 91/674/eec on the annual and consolidated accounts of certain types of companies, banks and other financial institutions and insurance undertakings (oj l 178, 17.7.2003, p. 16). 4 directive 2006/46/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 14 june 2006 amending council directives 78/660/eec on the annual accounts of certain types of companies, 83/349/eec on consolidated accounts, 86/635/eec on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of banks and other financial institutions and 91/674/eec on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of insurance undertakings (oj l 224, 16.8.2006, p. 1). 5 council directive 89/117/eec of 13 february 1989 on the obligations of branches established in a member state of credit institutions and financial institutions having their head offices outside that member state regarding the publication of annual accounting documents (oj l 44, 16.2.1989, p. 40). 6 directive 98/26/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 19 may 1998 on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems (oj l 166, 11.6.1998, p. 45). amended by: 7 directive 2009/44/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 6 may 2009 amending directive 98/26/ec on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems and directive 2002/47/ec on financial collateral arrangements as regards linked systems and credit claims (oj l 146, 10.6.2009, p. 37). 8 directive 2010/78/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 24 november 2010 amending directives 98/26/ec, 2002/87/ec, 2003/6/ec, 2003/41/ec, 2003/71/ec, 2004/39/ec, 2004/109/ec, 2005/60/ec, 2006/48/ec, 2006/49/ec and 2009/65/ec in respect of the powers of the european supervisory authority (european banking authority), the european supervisory authority (european insurance and occupational pensions authority) and the european supervisory authority (european securities and markets authority) (oj l 331, 15.12.2010, p. 120). 9 regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 4 july 2012 on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (oj l 201, 27.7.2012, p. 1). 10 regulation (eu) no 909/2014 of the european parliament and of the council of 23 july 2014 on improving securities settlement in the european union and on central securities depositories and amending directives 98/26/ec and 2014/65/eu and regulation (eu) no 236/2012 (oj l 257, 28.8.2014, p. 1). 11 directive 2001/24/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 4 april 2001 on the reorganisation and winding up of credit institutions (oj l 125, 5.5.2001, p. 15). amended by: 12 directive 2014/59/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms and amending council directive 82/891/eec, and directives 2001/24/ec, 2002/47/ec, 2004/25/ec, 2005/56/ec, 2007/36/ec, 2011/35/eu, 2012/30/eu and 2013/36/eu, and regulations (eu) no 1093/2010 and (eu) no 648/2012, of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 190). 13 directive 2002/47/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 6 june 2002 on financial collateral arrangements (oj l 168, 27.6.2002, p. 43). amended by: 14 directive 2009/44/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 6 may 2009 amending directive 98/26/ec on settlement finality in payment and securities settlement systems and directive 2002/47/ec on financial collateral arrangements as regards linked systems and credit claims (oj l 146, 10.6.2009, p. 37). 15 directive 2014/59/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms and amending council directive 82/891/eec, and directives 2001/24/ec, 2002/47/ec, 2004/25/ec, 2005/56/ec, 2007/36/ec, 2011/35/eu, 2012/30/eu and 2013/36/eu, and regulations (eu) no 1093/2010 and (eu) no 648/2012, of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 190). 16 directive 2002/87/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 16 december 2002 on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate and amending council directives 73/239/eec, 79/267/eec, 92/49/eec, 92/96/eec, 93/6/eec and 93/22/eec, and directives 98/78/ec and 2000/12/ec of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 35, 11.2.2003, p. 1). amended by: 17 directive 2005/1/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 9 march 2005 amending council directives 73/239/eec, 85/611/eec, 91/675/eec, 92/49/eec and 93/6/eec and directives 94/19/ec, 98/78/ec, 2000/12/ec, 2001/34/ec, 2002/83/ec and 2002/87/ec in order to establish a new organisational structure for financial services committees (oj l 79, 24.3.2005, p. 9). 18 directive 2008/25/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 11 march 2008 amending directive 2002/87/ec on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate, as regards the implementing powers conferred on the commission (oj l 81, 20.3.2008, p. 40). 19 directive 2010/78/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 24 november 2010 amending directives 98/26/ec, 2002/87/ec, 2003/6/ec, 2003/41/ec, 2003/71/ec, 2004/39/ec, 2004/109/ec, 2005/60/ec, 2006/48/ec, 2006/49/ec and 2009/65/ec in respect of the powers of the european supervisory authority (european banking authority), the european supervisory authority (european insurance and occupational pensions authority) and the european supervisory authority (european securities and markets authority) (oj l 331, 15.12.2010, p. 120). 20 directive 2011/89/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 16 november 2011 amending directives 98/78/ec, 2002/87/ec, 2006/48/ec and 2009/138/ec as regards the supplementary supervision of financial entities in a financial conglomerate (oj l 326, 8.12.2011, p. 113). 21 with the exception of title v: directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 26 june 2013 on access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, amending directive 2002/87/ec and repealing directives 2006/48/ec and 2006/49/ec (oj l 176, 27.6.2013, p. 338). 22 with regard to the provisions applicable to credit institutions and with the exception of articles 15, 31 to 33 and title iii: directive 2004/39/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 21 april 2004 on markets in financial instruments amending council directives 85/611/eec and 93/6/eec and directive 2000/12/ec of the european parliament and of the council and repealing council directive 93/22/eec (oj l 145, 30.4.2004, p. 1). amended by: 23 directive 2006/31/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 5 april 2006 amending directive 2004/39/ec on markets in financial instruments, as regards certain deadlines (oj l 114, 27.4.2006, p. 60). 24 directive 2007/44/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 5 september 2007 amending council directive 92/49/eec and directives 2002/83/ec, 2004/39/ec, 2005/68/ec and 2006/48/ec as regards procedural rules and evaluation criteria for the prudential assessment of acquisitions and increase of holdings in the financial sector (oj l 247, 21.9.2007, p. 1). 25 directive 2008/10/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 11 march 2008 amending directive 2004/39/ec on markets in financial instruments, as regards the implementing powers conferred on the commission (oj l 76, 19.3.2008, p. 33). 26 directive 2010/78/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 24 november 2010 amending directives 98/26/ec, 2002/87/ec, 2003/6/ec, 2003/41/ec, 2003/71/ec, 2004/39/ec, 2004/109/ec, 2005/60/ec, 2006/48/ec, 2006/49/ec and 2009/65/ec in respect of the powers of the european supervisory authority (european banking authority), the european supervisory authority (european insurance and occupational pensions authority) and the european supervisory authority (european securities and markets authority) (oj l 331, 15.12.2010, p. 120). supplemented and implemented by: 27 commission regulation (ec) no 1287/2006 of 10 august 2006 implementing directive 2004/39/ec of the european parliament and of the council as regards record-keeping obligations for investment firms, transaction reporting, market transparency, admission of financial instruments to trading, and defined terms for the purposes of that directive (oj l 241, 2.9.2006, p. 1). 28 commission directive 2006/73/ec of 10 august 2006 implementing directive 2004/39/ec of the european parliament and of the council as regards organisational requirements and operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms for the purposes of that directive (oj l 241, 2.9.2006, p. 26). 29 with regard to the provisions of titles i and ii: directive 2007/64/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 13 november 2007 on payment services in the internal market amending directives 97/7/ec, 2002/65/ec, 2005/60/ec and 2006/48/ec and repealing directive 97/5/ec: (oj l 319, 5.12.2007, p. 1). amended by: 30 directive 2009/111/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 16 september 2009 amending directives 2006/48/ec, 2006/49/ec and 2007/64/ec as regards banks affiliated to central institutions, certain own funds items, large exposures, supervisory arrangements, and crisis management (oj l 302, 17.11.2009, p. 97). 31 with the exception of title v: directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 26 june 2013 on access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, amending directive 2002/87/ec and repealing directives 2006/48/ec and 2006/49/ec (oj l 176, 27.6.2013, p. 338). 32 directive 2009/110/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 16 september 2009 on the taking up, pursuit and prudential supervision of the business of electronic money institutions amending directives 2005/60/ec and 2006/48/ec and repealing directive 2000/46/ec (oj l 267, 10.10.2009, p. 7). amended by: 33 with the exception of title v: directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 26 june 2013 on access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, amending directive 2002/87/ec and repealing directives 2006/48/ec and 2006/49/ec (oj l 176, 27.6.2013, p. 338). 34 regulation (eu) no 1093/2010 of the european parliament and of the council of 24 november 2010 establishing a european supervisory authority (european banking authority), amending decision no 716/2009/ec and repealing commission decision 2009/78/ec (oj l 331, 15.12.2010, p. 12). amended by: 35 regulation (eu) no 1022/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 22 october 2013 amending regulation (eu) no 1093/2010 establishing a european supervisory authority (european banking authority) as regards the conferral of specific tasks on the european central bank pursuant to council regulation (eu) no 1024/2013 (oj l 287, 29.10.2013, p. 5). 36 directive 2014/17/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 4 february 2014 on credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property and amending directives 2008/48/ec and 2013/36/eu and regulation (eu) no 1093/2010 (oj l 60, 28.2.2014, p. 34). 37 directive 2014/59/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms and amending council directive 82/891/eec, and directives 2001/24/ec, 2002/47/ec, 2004/25/ec, 2005/56/ec, 2007/36/ec, 2011/35/eu, 2012/30/eu and 2013/36/eu, and regulations (eu) no 1093/2010 and (eu) no 648/2012, of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 190). 38 regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 4 july 2012 on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (oj l 201, 27.7.2012, p. 1). amended by: 39 regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 26 june 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 (oj l 176, 27.6.2013, p. 1). 40 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1002/2013 of 12 july 2013 amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories with regard to the list of exempted entities (oj l 279, 19.10.2013, p. 2). 41 directive 2014/59/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms and amending council directive 82/891/eec, and directives 2001/24/ec, 2002/47/ec, 2004/25/ec, 2005/56/ec, 2007/36/ec, 2011/35/eu, 2012/30/eu and 2013/36/eu, and regulations (eu) no 1093/2010 and (eu) no 648/2012, of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 190). 42 regulation (eu) no 600/2014 of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 84). 43 directive (eu) 2015/849 of the european parliament and of the council of 20 may 2015 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council, and repealing directive 2005/60/ec of the european parliament and of the council and commission directive 2006/70/ec (oj l 141, 5.6.2015, p. 73). 44 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/1515 of 5 june 2015 amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council as regards the extension of the transitional periods related to pension scheme arrangements (oj l 239, 15.9.2015, p. 63). supplemented and implemented by: 45 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 1247/2012 of 19 december 2012 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the format and frequency of trade reports to trade repositories according to regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (oj l 352, 21.12.2012, p. 20). 46 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 1248/2012 of 19 december 2012 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the format of the records to be maintained by central counterparties according to regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (oj l 352, 21.12.2012, p. 30). 47 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 1249/2012 of 19 december 2012 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the format of the records to be maintained by central counterparties according to regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (oj l 352, 21.12.2012, p. 32). 48 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 876/2013 of 28 may 2013 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards on colleges for central counterparties (oj l 244, 13.9.2013, p. 19). 49 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1003/2013 of 12 july 2013 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to fees charged by the european securities and markets authority to trade repositories (oj l 279, 19.10.2013, p. 4). 50 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 148/2013 of 19 december 2012 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories with regard to regulatory technical standards on the minimum details of the data to be reported to trade repositories (oj l 52, 23.2.2013, p. 1). 51 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 149/2013 of 19 december 2012 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards on indirect clearing arrangements, the clearing obligation, the public register, access to a trading venue, non-financial counterparties, and risk mitigation techniques for otc derivatives contracts not cleared by a ccp (oj l 52, 23.2.2013, p. 11). 52 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 150/2013 of 19 december 2012 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the details of the application for registration as a trade repository (oj l 52, 23.2.2013, p. 25). 53 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 151/2013 of 19 december 2012 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories, with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the data to be published and made available by trade repositories and operational standards for aggregating, comparing and accessing the data (oj l 52, 23.2.2013, p. 33). 54 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 152/2013 of 19 december 2012 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards on capital requirements for central counterparties (oj l 52, 23.2.2013, p. 37). 55 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 153/2013 of 19 december 2012 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for own funds requirements for institutions (oj l 52, 23.2.2013, p. 41). 56 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 285/2014 of 13 february 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards on direct, substantial and foreseeable effect of contracts within the union and to prevent the evasion of rules and obligations (oj l 85, 21.3.2014, p. 1). 57 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 667/2014 of 13 march 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to rules of procedure for penalties imposed on trade repositories by the european securities and markets authority including rules on the right of defence and temporal provisions (oj l 179, 19.6.2014, p. 31). 58 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 484/2014 of 12 may 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the hypothetical capital of a central counterparty according to regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 138, 13.5.2014, p. 57). 59 commission implementing regulation (eu) 2015/880 of 4 june 2015 on the extension of the transitional periods related to own funds requirements for exposures to central counterparties in regulations (eu) no 575/2013 and (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 143, 9.6.2015, p. 7). 60 regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 26 june 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 (oj l 176, 27.6.2013, p. 1). amended by: 61 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/62 of 10 october 2014 amending regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to the leverage ratio (oj l 11, 17.1.2015, p. 37). 62 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/1555 of 28 may 2015 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the disclosure of information in relation to the compliance of institutions with the requirement for a countercyclical capital buffer in accordance with article 440 (oj l 244, 19.9.2015, p. 1). 63 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/1556 of 11 june 2015 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the transitional treatment of equity exposures under the irb approach (oj l 244, 19.9.2015, p. 9). supplemented and implemented by: 64 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 1423/2013 of 20 december 2013 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to disclosure of own funds requirements for institutions according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 355, 31.12.2013, p. 60). 65 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 183/2014 of 20 december 2013 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms, with regard to regulatory technical standards for specifying the calculation of specific and general credit risk adjustments (oj l 57, 27.2.2014, p. 3). 66 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 241/2014 of 7 january 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for own funds requirements for institutions (oj l 74, 14.3.2014, p. 8). amended by: 67 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/488 of 4 september 2014 amending delegated regulation (eu) no 241/2014 as regards own funds requirements for firms based on fixed overheads (oj l 78, 24.3.2015, p. 1). 68 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/850 of 30 january 2015 amending delegated regulation (eu) no 241/2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for own funds requirements for institutions (oj l 135, 2.6.2015, p. 1). 69 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/923 of 11 march 2015 amending delegated regulation (eu) no 241/2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for own funds requirements for institutions (oj l 150, 17.6.2015, p. 1). 70 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 342/2014 of 21 january 2014 supplementing directive 2002/87/ec of the european parliament and of the council and regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the application of the calculation methods of capital adequacy requirements for financial conglomerates (oj l 100, 3.4.2014, p. 1). 71 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 523/2014 of 12 march 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for determining what constitutes the close correspondence between the value of an institution's covered bonds and the value of the institution's assets (oj l 148, 20.5.2014, p. 4). 72 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 525/2014 of 12 march 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the definition of market (oj l 148, 20.5.2014, p. 15). 73 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 526/2014 of 12 march 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for determining proxy spread and limited smaller portfolios for credit valuation adjustment risk (oj l 148, 20.5.2014, p. 17). 74 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 528/2014 of 12 march 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for non-delta risk of options in the standardised market risk approach (oj l 148, 20.5.2014, p. 29). 75 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 529/2014 of 12 march 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for assessing the materiality of extensions and changes of the internal ratings based approach and the advanced measurement approach (oj l 148, 20.5.2014, p. 36). amended by: 76 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/942 of 4 march 2015 amending delegated regulation (eu) no 529/2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council as regards regulatory technical standards for assessing the materiality of extensions and changes of internal approaches when calculating own funds requirements for market risk (oj l 154, 19.6.2015, p. 1). 77 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 625/2014 of 13 march 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council by way of regulatory technical standards specifying the requirements for investor, sponsor, original lenders and originator institutions relating to exposures to transferred credit risk (oj l 174, 13.6.2014, p. 16). 78 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 680/2014 of 16 april 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 191, 28.6.2014, p. 1). 79 commission implementing regulation (eu) 2015/227 of 9 january 2015 amending implementing regulation (eu) no 680/2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 48, 20.2.2015, p. 1). 80 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 602/2014 of 4 june 2014 laying down implementing technical standards for facilitating the convergence of supervisory practices with regard to the implementation of additional risk weights according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 166, 5.6.2014, p. 22). 81 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 945/2014 of 4 september 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to relevant appropriately diversified indices according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 265, 5.9.2014, p. 3). 82 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 1030/2014 of 29 september 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the uniform formats and date for the disclosure of the values used to identify global systemically important institutions according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 284, 30.9.2014, p. 14). 83 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1187/2014 of 2 october 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council as regards regulatory technical standards for determining the overall exposure to a client or a group of connected clients in respect of transactions with underlying assets (oj l 324, 7.11.2014, p. 1). 84 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/61 of 10 october 2014 to supplement regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and the council with regard to liquidity coverage requirement for credit institutions (oj l 11, 17.1.2015, p. 1). 85 commission implementing regulation (eu) 2015/79 of 18 december 2014 amending implementing regulation (eu) no 680/2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council as regards asset encumbrance, single data point model and validation rules (oj l 14, 21.1.2015, p. 1). 86 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/585 of 18 december 2014 supplementing regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the specification of margin periods of risk (oj l 98, 15.4.2015, p. 1). 87 commission implementing regulation (eu) 2015/233 of 13 february 2015 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to currencies in which there is an extremely narrow definition of central bank eligibility pursuant to regulation (eu) no 575/2013 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 39, 14.2.2015, p. 11). 88 commission implementing regulation (eu) 2015/880 of 4 june 2015 on the extension of the transitional periods related to own funds requirements for exposures to central counterparties in regulations (eu) no 575/2013 and (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 143, 9.6.2015, p. 7). 89 with the exception of title v: directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 26 june 2013 on access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, amending directive 2002/87/ec and repealing directives 2006/48/ec and 2006/49/ec (oj l 176, 27.6.2013, p. 338). amended by: 90 directive 2014/59/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms and amending council directive 82/891/eec, and directives 2001/24/ec, 2002/47/ec, 2004/25/ec, 2005/56/ec, 2007/36/ec, 2011/35/eu, 2012/30/eu and 2013/36/eu, and regulations (eu) no 1093/2010 and (eu) no 648/2012, of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 190). supplemented and implemented by: 91 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 604/2014 of 4 march 2014 supplementing directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards with respect to qualitative and appropriate quantitative criteria to identify categories of staff whose professional activities have a material impact on an institution's risk profile (oj l 167, 6.6.2014, p. 30). 92 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 527/2014 of 12 march 2014 supplementing directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the classes of instruments that adequately reflect the credit quality of an institution as a going concern and are appropriate to be used for the purposes of variable remuneration (oj l 148, 20.5.2014, p. 21). 93 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 530/2014 of 12 march 2014 supplementing directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards further defining material exposures and thresholds for internal approaches to specific risk in the trading book (oj l 148, 20.5.2014, p. 50). 94 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1152/2014 of 4 june 2014 supplementing directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards on the identification of the geographical location of the relevant credit exposures for calculating institution-specific countercyclical capital buffer rates (oj l 309, 30.10.2014, p. 5). 95 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 650/2014 of 4 june 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the format, structure, contents list and annual publication date of the information to be disclosed by competent authorities in accordance with directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 185, 25.6.2014, p. 1). 96 commission implementing regulation (eu) no 710/2014 of 23 june 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to conditions of application of the joint decision process for institution-specific prudential requirements according to directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 188, 27.6.2014, p. 19). 97 commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1222/2014 of 8 october 2014 supplementing directive 2013/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council with regard to regulatory technical standards for the specification of the methodology for the identification of global systemically important institutions and for the definition of subcategories of global systemically important institutions (oj l 330, 15.11.2014, p. 27). 98 directive 2014/49/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 16 april 2014 on deposit guarantee schemes (recast) (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 149). 99 directive 2014/59/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms and amending council directive 82/891/eec, and directives 2001/24/ec, 2002/47/ec, 2004/25/ec, 2005/56/ec, 2007/36/ec, 2011/35/eu, 2012/30/eu and 2013/36/eu, and regulations (eu) no 1093/2010 and (eu) no 648/2012, of the european parliament and of the council (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 190). amended by: 100 commission delegated regulation (eu) 2015/63 of 21 october 2014 supplementing directive 2014/59/eu of the european parliament and of the council with regard to ex ante contributions to resolution financing arrangements (oj l 11, 17.1.2015, p. 44). 101 with regard to the provisions applicable to credit institutions and with the exception of articles 34 to 36 and title iii: directive 2014/65/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending directive 2002/92/ec and directive 2011/61/eu (recast) (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 349): amended by: 102 regulation (eu) no 909/2014 of the european parliament and of the council of 23 july 2014 on improving securities settlement in the european union and on central securities depositories and amending directives 98/26/ec and 2014/65/eu and regulation (eu) no 236/2012 (oj l 257, 28.8.2014, p. 1). 103 with regard to the provisions applicable to credit institutions: regulation (eu) no 600/2014 of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending regulation (eu) no 648/2012 (oj l 173, 12.6.2014, p. 84)
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2358 of 10 december 2015 authorising certain member states to accept, in the interest of the european union, the accession of armenia to the 1980 hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction type: decision subject matter: europe; criminal law; family; social affairs; international affairs; european construction date published: 2015-12-17 17.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 331/23 council decision (eu) 2015/2358 of 10 december 2015 authorising certain member states to accept, in the interest of the european union, the accession of armenia to the 1980 hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 81(3) in conjunction with article 218 thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, having regard to the opinion of the european parliament (1), whereas: (1) the european union has set as one of its aims the promotion of the protection of the rights of the child, as stated in article 3 of the treaty on european union. measures for the protection of children against wrongful removal or retention are an essential part of that policy. (2) the council adopted regulation (ec) no 2201/2003 (2) (brussels iia regulation), which aims to protect children from the harmful effects of wrongful removal or retention and to establish procedures to ensure their prompt return to the state of their habitual residence, as well as to secure the protection of rights of access and rights of custody. (3) regulation (ec) no 2201/2003 complements and reinforces the hague convention of 25 october 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction (the 1980 hague convention) which establishes, at international level, a system of obligations and cooperation among contracting states and between central authorities and aims to ensure the prompt return of wrongfully removed or retained children. (4) all member states of the union are party to the 1980 hague convention. (5) the union encourages third states to accede to the 1980 hague convention and supports the correct implementation of the 1980 hague convention by participating, along with the member states, inter alia, in the special commissions organised on a regular basis by the hague conference on private international law. (6) a common legal framework applicable between member states of the union and third states could be the best solution to sensitive cases of international child abduction. (7) the 1980 hague convention stipulates that it applies between the acceding state and such contracting states as have declared their acceptance of the accession. (8) the 1980 hague convention does not allow regional economic integration organisations such as the union to become party to it. therefore, the union cannot accede to that convention, nor can it deposit a declaration of acceptance of an acceding state. (9) pursuant to opinion 1/13 of the court of justice of the european union, declarations of acceptance under the 1980 hague convention fall within the exclusive external competence of the union. (10) armenia deposited its instrument of accession to the 1980 hague convention on 1 march 2007. the 1980 hague convention entered into force for armenia on 1 june 2007. (11) several member states have already accepted the accession of armenia to the 1980 hague convention. an assessment of the situation in armenia has led to the conclusion that those member states that have not yet accepted the accession of armenia, are in a position to accept, in the interest of the union, the accession of armenia under the terms of the 1980 hague convention. (12) the member states that have not yet accepted the accession of armenia should therefore be authorised to deposit their declarations of acceptance of accession of armenia in the interest of the union in accordance with the terms set out in this decision. the kingdom of belgium, the czech republic, the federal republic of germany, the republic of estonia, ireland, the kingdom of spain, the french republic, the italian republic, the republic of cyprus, the republic of latvia, the republic of lithuania, hungary, malta, the republic of poland, the republic of slovenia, the slovak republic, the republic of finland and the kingdom of sweden which have already accepted the accession of armenia to the 1980 hague convention should not deposit new declarations of acceptance as the existing declarations remain valid under public international law. (13) the united kingdom and ireland are bound by regulation (ec) no 2201/2003 and are taking part in the adoption and application of this decision. (14) in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of protocol no 22 on the position of denmark, annexed to the treaty on european union and to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, denmark is not taking part in the adoption of this decision and is not bound by it or subject to its application, has adopted this decision: article 1 1. the member states that have not yet done so are hereby authorised to accept the accession of armenia to the hague convention of 25 october 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction (the 1980 hague convention) in the interest of the union. 2. member states referred to in paragraph 1 shall, no later than 11 december 2016, deposit a declaration of acceptance of the accession of armenia to the 1980 hague convention in the interest of the union worded as follows: [full name of member state] declares that it accepts the accession of armenia to the hague convention of 25 october 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction, in accordance with council decision (eu) 2015/2358 3. each member state shall inform the council and the commission of the deposit of its declaration of acceptance of the accession of armenia and communicate to the commission the text of the declaration within two months of its deposit. article 2 those member states which deposited their declarations of acceptance of the accession of armenia to the 1980 hague convention prior to the date of adoption of this decision, shall not deposit new declarations. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. article 4 this decision is addressed to all member states with the exception of the kingdom of belgium, the czech republic, the kingdom of denmark, the federal republic of germany, the republic of estonia, ireland, the kingdom of spain, the french republic, the italian republic, the republic of cyprus, the republic of latvia, the republic of lithuania, hungary, malta, the republic of poland, the republic of slovenia, the slovak republic, the republic of finland and the kingdom of sweden. done at brussels, 10 december 2015. for the council the president f. bausch (1) opinion of 11 february 2015 (not yet published in the official journal). (2) council regulation (ec) no 2201/2003 of 27 november 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing regulation (ec) no 1347/2000 (oj l 338, 23.12.2003, p. 1).
name: council implementing decision (cfsp) 2015/2359 of 16 december 2015 implementing decision 2013/255/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against syria type: decision_impl subject matter: civil law; international affairs; asia and oceania date published: 2015-12-17 17.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 331/26 council implementing decision (cfsp) 2015/2359 of 16 december 2015 implementing decision 2013/255/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against syria the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 31(2) thereof, having regard to council decision 2013/255/cfsp of 31 may 2013 concerning restrictive measures against syria (1), and in particular article 30(1) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 31 may 2013, the council adopted decision 2013/255/cfsp. (2) one person and two entities should no longer be kept on the list of natural and legal persons, entities or bodies subject to restrictive measures set out in annex i to decision 2013/255/cfsp. (3) decision 2013/255/cfsp should therefore be amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 annex i to decision 2013/255/cfsp is amended as set out in the annex to this decision. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 16 december 2015. for the council the president c. dieschbourg (1) oj l 147, 1.6.2013, p. 14. annex the person and two entities listed below, as well as their related entries, are hereby deleted from the list set out in annex i to decision 2013/255/cfsp: a. persons no 205. samir hamsho b. entities no 68. syria steel sa no 69. al buroj trading
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2355 of 10 december 2015 authorising certain member states to accept, in the interest of the european union, the accession of the russian federation to the 1980 hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction type: decision subject matter: international affairs; europe; social affairs; family; criminal law; european construction date published: 2015-12-17 17.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 331/14 council decision (eu) 2015/2355 of 10 december 2015 authorising certain member states to accept, in the interest of the european union, the accession of the russian federation to the 1980 hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 81(3) in conjunction with article 218 thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, having regard to the opinion of the european parliament (1), whereas: (1) the european union has set as one of its aims the promotion of the protection of the rights of the child, as stated in article 3 of the treaty on european union. measures for the protection of children against wrongful removal or retention are an essential part of that policy. (2) the council adopted regulation (ec) no 2201/2003 (2) (brussels iia regulation), which aims to protect children from the harmful effects of wrongful removal or retention and to establish procedures to ensure their prompt return to the state of their habitual residence, as well as to secure the protection of rights of access and rights of custody. (3) regulation (ec) no 2201/2003 complements and reinforces the hague convention of 25 october 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction (the 1980 hague convention) which establishes, at international level, a system of obligations and cooperation among contracting states and between central authorities, and aims to ensure the prompt return of wrongfully removed or retained children. (4) all member states of the union are party to the 1980 hague convention. (5) the union encourages third states to accede to the 1980 hague convention and supports the correct implementation of the 1980 hague convention by participating, along with the member states, inter alia, in the special commissions organised on a regular basis by the hague conference on private international law. (6) a common legal framework applicable between member states of the union and third states could be the best solution to sensitive cases of international child abduction. (7) the 1980 hague convention stipulates that it applies between the acceding state and such contracting states as have declared their acceptance of the accession. (8) the 1980 hague convention does not allow regional economic integration organisations such as the union to become party to it. therefore, the union cannot accede to that convention, nor can it deposit a declaration of acceptance of an acceding state. (9) pursuant to opinion 1/13 of the court of justice of the european union, declarations of acceptance under the 1980 hague convention fall within the exclusive external competence of the union. (10) the russian federation deposited its instrument of accession to the 1980 hague convention on 28 july 2011. the 1980 hague convention entered into force for the russian federation on 1 october 2011. (11) several member states have already accepted the accession of the russian federation to the 1980 hague convention. an assessment of the situation in the russian federation has led to the conclusion that those member states that have not yet accepted the accession of the russian federation, are in a position to accept, in the interest of the union, the accession of the russian federation under the terms of the 1980 hague convention. (12) the member states that have not yet accepted the accession of the russian federation should therefore be authorised to deposit their declarations of acceptance of accession of the russian federation in the interest of the union in accordance with the terms set out in this decision. the republic of bulgaria, the czech republic, the republic of estonia, ireland, the hellenic republic, the kingdom of spain, the french republic, the republic of croatia, the republic of lithuania, romania, the republic of slovenia, the slovak republic and the republic of finland which have already accepted the accession of the russian federation to the 1980 hague convention should not deposit new declarations of acceptance as the existing declarations remain valid under public international law. (13) the united kingdom and ireland are bound by regulation (ec) no 2201/2003 and are taking part in the adoption and application of this decision. (14) in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of protocol no 22 on the position of denmark, annexed to the treaty on european union and to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, denmark is not taking part in the adoption of this decision and is not bound by it or subject to its application, has adopted this decision: article 1 1. the member states that have not yet done so are hereby authorised to accept the accession of the russian federation to the hague convention of 25 october 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction (the 1980 hague convention) in the interest of the union. 2. member states referred to in paragraph 1 shall, no later than 11 december 2016, deposit a declaration of acceptance of the accession of the russian federation to the 1980 hague convention in the interest of the union worded as follows: [full name of member state] declares that it accepts the accession of the russian federation to the hague convention of 25 october 1980 on the civil aspects of international child abduction, in accordance with council decision (eu) 2015/2355 3. each member state shall inform the council and the commission of the deposit of its declaration of acceptance of the accession of the russian federation and communicate to the commission the text of the declaration within two months of its deposit. article 2 those member states which deposited their declarations of acceptance of the accession of the russian federation to the 1980 hague convention prior to the date of adoption of this decision, shall not deposit new declarations. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. article 4 this decision is addressed to all member states with the exception of the republic of bulgaria, the czech republic, the kingdom of denmark, the republic of estonia, ireland, the hellenic republic, the kingdom of spain, the french republic, the republic of croatia, the republic of lithuania, romania, the republic of slovenia, the slovak republic and the republic of finland. done at brussels, 10 december 2015. for the council the president f. bausch (1) opinion of 11 february 2015 (not yet published in the official journal). (2) council regulation (ec) no 2201/2003 of 27 november 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing regulation (ec) no 1347/2000 (oj l 338, 23.12.2003, p. 1).
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2361 of 16 december 2015 appointing an italian member and an italian alternate member of the committee of the regions type: decision subject matter: europe; eu institutions and european civil service date published: 2015-12-17 17.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 331/29 council decision (eu) 2015/2361 of 16 december 2015 appointing an italian member and an italian alternate member of the committee of the regions the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 305 thereof, having regard to the proposal of the italian government, whereas: (1) on 26 january, on 5 february and on 23 june 2015, the council adopted decisions (eu) 2015/116 (1), (eu) 2015/190 (2) and (eu) 2015/994 (3) appointing the members and alternate members of the committee of the regions for the period from 26 january 2015 to 25 january 2020. (2) a member's seat on the committee of the regions has become vacant following the end of the term of office of mr ignazio marino. (3) an alternate member's seat would become vacant following the appointment of mr antonio decaro as a member of the committee of the regions, has adopted this decision: article 1 the following are hereby appointed to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: (a) as member: sig. antonio decaro, sindaco di bari; and (b) as alternate member: sig. andrea ballar , sindaco di novara, article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 16 december 2015. for the council the president c. dieschbourg (1) oj l 20, 27.1.2015, p. 42. (2) oj l 31, 7.2.2015, p. 25. (3) oj l 159, 25.6.2015, p. 70.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2360 of 16 december 2015 appointing a greek member and a greek alternate member of the committee of the regions type: decision subject matter: europe; eu institutions and european civil service date published: 2015-12-17 17.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 331/28 council decision (eu) 2015/2360 of 16 december 2015 appointing a greek member and a greek alternate member of the committee of the regions the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 305 thereof, having regard to the proposal of the greek government, whereas: (1) on 26 january, on 5 february and on 23 june 2015, the council adopted decisions (eu) 2015/116 (1), (eu) 2015/190 (2) and (eu) 2015/994 (3) appointing the members and alternate members of the committee of the regions for the period from 26 january 2015 to 25 january 2020. (2) on 10 december 2015, a member's seat on the committee of the regions has become vacant following the end of the mandate on the basis of which mr dimitrios kalogeropoulos (politically accountable to the municipal council of maroussi) was proposed. (3) an alternate member's seat on the committee of the regions has become vacant following the end of the term of office of mr panagiotis katsivelas, has adopted this decision: article 1 the following are hereby appointed to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: (a) as member: mr dimitrios kalogeropoulos, politically accountable to the municipal council of palaio faliro (change of mandate); and (b) as alternate member: mr georgios patoulis, mayor of maroussi, article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 16 december 2015. for the council the president c. dieschbourg (1) oj l 20, 27.1.2015, p. 42. (2) oj l 31, 7.2.2015, p. 25. (3) oj l 159, 25.6.2015, p. 70.
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/2336 of 14 december 2015 amending decision 2010/279/cfsp on the european union police mission in afghanistan (eupol afghanistan) type: decision subject matter: cooperation policy; asia and oceania; european construction date published: 2015-12-15 15.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 329/16 council decision (cfsp) 2015/2336 of 14 december 2015 amending decision 2010/279/cfsp on the european union police mission in afghanistan (eupol afghanistan) the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union and in particular article 28, article 42(4) and article 43(2) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 18 may 2010, the council adopted decision 2010/279/cfsp (1) on the european union police mission in afghanistan (eupol afghanistan). (2) on 17 december 2014, the council adopted decision 2014/922/cfsp (2) amending and extending decision 2010/279/cfsp, in particular by extending eupol afghanistan until 31 december 2016 and providing for a financial reference amount for the period until 31 december 2015. (3) decision 2010/279/cfsp should be amended to provide for a financial reference amount for the period from 1 january 2016 to 31 december 2016, has adopted this decision: article 1 in article 13(1) of decision 2010/279/cfsp, the following sub-paragraph is added: the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to eupol afghanistan for the period from 1 january 2016 to 31 december 2016 shall be eur 43 650 000. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 14 december 2015. for the council the president f. mogherini (1) council decision 2010/279/cfsp of 18 may 2010 on the european union police mission in afghanistan (eupol afghanistan) (oj l 123, 19.5.2010, p. 4). (2) council decision 2014/922/cfsp of 17 december 2014 amending and extending decision 2010/279/cfsp on the european union police mission in afghanistan (eupol afghanistan) (oj l 363, 18.12.2014, p. 152).
name: decision (eu) 2015/2332 of the european central bank of 4 december 2015 on the procedural framework for the approval of the volume of euro coin issuance (ecb/2015/43) type: decision subject matter: monetary economics; monetary relations date published: 2015-12-12 12.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 328/123 decision (eu) 2015/2332 of the european central bank of 4 december 2015 on the procedural framework for the approval of the volume of euro coin issuance (ecb/2015/43) the governing council of the european central bank, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular the first sentence of article 128(2) thereof, whereas: (1) the member states whose currency is the euro (hereinafter the euro area member states) have the right to issue euro coins subject to approval by the european central bank (ecb) of the volume of the issue. (2) where a derogation in favour of a member state is abrogated, that member state should be entitled to participate in the approval procedure in the year prior to the cash changeover so that it may exercise its right to issue euro coins from the day it becomes a euro area member state. (3) as required by article 5(4) of regulation (eu) no 651/2012 of the european parliament and the council (1), issuances of collector coins should be accounted for on an aggregate basis in the volume of coin issuance to be approved by the ecb. (4) rules related to the procedural framework for the approval of the volume of coin issuance should be established. (5) in order to obtain the approval of the ecb, the euro area member states should submit approval requests to the ecb. (6) while methodologies to estimate coin demand may vary to a certain extent across the euro area member states, the ecb needs to be provided with a certain minimum level of information to verify the demand for the volume of coin issuance requested for approval. (7) the volumes of coin issuance approved should not be surpassed without the ecb's prior approval. (8) to allow the euro area member states enough time to compile the requested data, this decision should only take effect on 1 january 2016, has adopted this decision: article 1 definitions for the purposes of this decision, the following definitions apply: (1) circulation coins and commemorative coins have the same meaning as in article 2 of council regulation (eu) no 729/2014 (2); (2) collector coins has the same meaning as in article 1 of regulation (eu) no 651/2012; (3) volume of coin issuance refers to the net difference, in terms of face value, between the cumulative volume of euro coins issued by a euro area member state and the cumulative volume of euro coins returned to that euro area member state during the respective calendar year. article 2 annual approval request 1. each euro area member state shall, on an annual basis, submit a request to the ecb for the approval of the volume of coin issuance attributable to that member state in the following year. the request shall be submitted no later than 30 september of the year preceding the year for which the request is made. 2. the request shall be based on the estimated coin demand in the requesting euro area member state and shall distinguish between circulation coins and collector coins. each request shall include a general explanation of the methodology used to estimate demand. 3. for circulation coins, the volume requested may include an additional amount in excess of estimated demand to provide a reasonable safety margin. 4. for circulation coins, the request shall include the following information: (a) the circulation figure as at 30 june or an alternative date of the year preceding the year for which the request is made and which is used to estimate coin demand for the year for which the request is made in accordance with the methodology selected by the requesting euro area member state; (b) any other relevant data required to assess the request made by the euro area member state in accordance with the methodology selected by the requesting euro area member state; (c) whether and to what extent the volume requested includes an additional amount in accordance with paragraph 3; and (d) the volume of coin issuance for which approval is requested. 5. additional information to be supplied in relation to circulation coins may include, where available and considered important by the requesting euro area member state to substantiate the approval request: (a) key factors impacting on coin demand at national level; (b) more detailed information on the coin demand broken down by denomination; and (c) whether and to what extent coin demand at national level is influenced by coin demand from other euro area member states. 6. for collector coins, the request shall contain the following information: (a) the overall volume, measured by aggregate face value, of coin issuance of collector coins, including a list of the denominations of the collector coins; and (b) whether a safety margin has been included in the request to cater for as yet unknown events to be commemorated by euro collector coins. 7. where an agreement has been concluded between the european union and a state or territory which is not a member state of the european union regarding the entitlement of the state or territory to use the euro as its official currency (hereinafter a monetary agreement) and that monetary agreement grants the state or territory the right to issue euro coins, the volume of coin issuance by that state or territory shall be added to the annual request of the euro area member state specified in the monetary agreement. 8. where a derogation in favour of a member state is abrogated, the ecb shall process, in the year prior to the cash changeover, a request voluntarily made by such a member state in line with the requirements of this article for the approval of the volume of coin issuance attributable to that member state following the cash changeover. 9. the governing council shall adopt a decision on the approval of the annual volume of coin issuance for the euro area before the end of the calendar year preceding the year for which the requests for approval are made. article 3 notification and ad hoc approval request 1. the volume of coin issuance approved by the ecb for each euro area member state in a calendar year shall not be exceeded at any time during that calendar year without prior approval by the ecb. 2. euro area member states shall continuously monitor coin demand. if the actual demand for euro coins in a euro area member state is likely to exceed the approved volume of coin issuance for that calendar year, that member state shall immediately notify the ecb. 3. the notification shall include the following information: (a) the coin denomination or denominations for which the demand is higher than expected; and (b) a detailed description of the key factors causing the unexpected increase in coin demand. 4. within ten ecb business days of receipt of the notification, the ecb, at an operational level not requiring the involvement of the ecb's decision-making bodies, may pre-assess the notification and provide non-binding guidance to the notifying euro area member state. in particular, the ecb may recommend increasing the additional volume of coin issuance where the notified higher coin demand appears to be insufficient to meet the actual demand, leading to a possible breach of the obligation under paragraph 1. 5. where the increased coin demand continues to exist following the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 4, the euro area member state shall make an ad hoc approval request for an additional volume of coin issuance to the ecb without undue delay. 6. the ad hoc approval request shall specify the proposed increase in the volume of coin issuance and provide detailed information on the key factors causing the unexpected increase in coin demand not anticipated in the annual approval request. 7. the governing council shall adopt an individual decision on the ad hoc approval request. article 4 taking effect this decision shall take effect on 1 january 2016. article 5 addressees this decision is addressed to the euro area member states. done at frankfurt am main, 4 december 2015. the president of the ecb mario draghi (1) regulation (eu) no 651/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 4 july 2012 on the issuance of euro coins (oj l 201, 27.7.2012, p. 135). (2) council regulation (eu) no 729/2014 of 24 june 2014 on denominations and technical specifications of euro coins intended for circulation (oj l 194, 2.7.2014, p. 1).
name: decision (eu) 2015/2330 of the european central bank of 4 december 2015 amending decision ecb/2014/53 on the approval of the volume of coin issuance in 2015 (ecb/2015/41) type: decision subject matter: monetary relations; monetary economics date published: 2015-12-12 12.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 328/119 decision (eu) 2015/2330 of the european central bank of 4 december 2015 amending decision ecb/2014/53 on the approval of the volume of coin issuance in 2015 (ecb/2015/41) the governing council of the european central bank, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 128(2) thereof, whereas: (1) the european central bank (ecb) has the exclusive right from 1 january 1999 to approve the volume of coins issued by the member states whose currency is the euro. (2) based on the estimates of demand for euro coins in 2015 that the member states whose currency is the euro submitted to the ecb, the ecb approved the total volume of euro coins intended for circulation and euro collector coins not intended for circulation in 2015 in decision ecb/2014/53 (1). (3) on 1 october 2015, the greek ministry of finance requested that the volume of euro coins that greece may issue in 2015 be increased from eur 13,3 million to eur 52,7 million to be able to respond to an unexpected rise in the demand for coins. (4) the ecb approves the abovementioned request for an increase in the volume of euro coins intended for circulation that greece may issue in 2015. (5) on 2 october 2015, the belgian ministry of finance requested that the volume of euro coins that belgium may issue in 2015 be increased from eur 0,8 million to eur 65,8 million to be able to respond to an unexpected rise in the demand for coins. (6) the ecb approves the abovementioned request for an increase in the volume of euro coins intended for circulation that belgium may issue in 2015. (7) therefore, decision ecb/2014/53 should be amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 amendment the table in article 1 of decision ecb/2014/53 is replaced by the following: (eur million) issuance of coins intended for circulation and issuance of collector coins (not intended for circulation) in 2015 belgium 65,8 germany 529,0 estonia 10,3 ireland 39,0 greece 52,7 spain 301,4 france 230,0 italy 41,5 cyprus 10,0 lithuania 120,7 luxembourg 45,0 malta 8,7 netherlands 52,5 latvia 30,6 austria 248,0 portugal 30,0 slovenia 13,0 slovakia 13,4 finland 60,0 article 2 taking effect this decision shall take effect on the day of its notification to the addressees. article 3 addressees this decision is addressed to the member states whose currency is the euro. done at frankfurt am main, 4 december 2015. the president of the ecb mario draghi (1) decision ecb/2014/53 of 11 december 2014 on the approval of the volume of coin issuance in 2015 (oj l 365, 19.12.2014, p. 163).
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/2310 of 10 december 2015 amending decision 2013/189/cfsp establishing a european security and defence college type: decision subject matter: teaching; european construction; eu institutions and european civil service; defence; eu finance; international security; employment date published: 2015-12-11 11.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 326/64 council decision (cfsp) 2015/2310 of 10 december 2015 amending decision 2013/189/cfsp establishing a european security and defence college the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 42(4) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 22 april 2013, the council adopted decision 2013/189/cfsp establishing a european security and defence college (1). (2) on 22 july 2014, the council adopted decision 2014/491/cfsp amending decision 2013/189/cfsp (2). (3) decision 2013/189/cfsp, as amended by decision 2014/491/cfsp, provides for a financial reference amount for the first 12 months from 1 august 2013 to 31 july 2014 and for the subsequent period from 1 august 2014 to 31 december 2015. (4) on 25 march 2014 the steering committee established by decision 2013/189/cfsp agreed that the period of the financing agreement should be aligned with the annual accounting period, running from 1 january to 31 december, so as to require only one set of accounts from 2016 onwards. (5) a new financial reference amount for the period from 1 january 2016 to 31 december 2016 should therefore be established. (6) decision 2013/189/cfsp should therefore be amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 article 16(2) of decision 2013/189/cfsp is replaced by the following: 2. the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure of the esdc during the first 12 months after the conclusion of the financing agreement referred to in paragraph 3 shall be eur 535 000. the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure of the esdc during the period from 1 august 2014 to 31 december 2015 shall be eur 756 000. the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure of the esdc during the period from 1 january 2016 to 31 december 2016 shall be eur 630 000. the financial reference amounts intended to cover the expenditure of the esdc for subsequent periods shall be decided by the council. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 10 december 2015. for the council the president f. bausch (1) council decision 2013/189/cfsp of 22 april 2013 establishing a european security and defence college (esdc) and repealing joint action 2008/550/cfsp (oj l 112, 24.4.2013, p. 22). (2) council decision 2014/491/cfsp of 22 july 2014 amending decision 2013/189/cfsp establishing a european security and defence college (esdc) (oj l 218, 24.7.2014, p. 6).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2311 of 9 december 2015 amending implementing decisions (eu) 2015/1500 and (eu) 2015/2055 on protective measures against lumpy skin disease in greece (notified under document c(2015) 8585) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: agricultural activity; means of agricultural production; health; regions of eu member states; europe; marketing; agricultural policy date published: 2015-12-11 11.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 326/65 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2311 of 9 december 2015 amending implementing decisions (eu) 2015/1500 and (eu) 2015/2055 on protective measures against lumpy skin disease in greece (notified under document c(2015) 8585) (only the greek text is authentic) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 89/662/eec of 11 december 1989 concerning veterinary checks in intra-community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (1), and in particular article 9(4) thereof, having regard to council directive 90/425/eec of 26 june 1990 concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in intra-community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (2), and in particular article 10(4) thereof, having regard to council directive 92/119/eec of 17 december 1992 introducing general community measures for the control of certain animal diseases and specific measures relating to swine vesicular disease (3), and in particular paragraphs (1)(a), (3)(a) and (6) of article 19 thereof, having regard to council directive 2002/99/ec of 16 december 2002 laying down the animal health rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption (4), and in particular article 4(3) thereof, whereas: (1) directive 92/119/eec lays down general measures for the control of certain animal diseases. these include measures to be taken in the event of a suspicion and the confirmation of lumpy skin disease (lsd) in a holding, the measures to be taken in restriction zones and other additional measures to control the disease. those measures also provide for emergency vaccination in case of an outbreak of lsd as a supplement to other control measures. (2) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 (5) lays down comprehensive protective measures and restrictions on the movement and dispatch of bovine animals and semen thereof, as well as the placing on the market of certain animal products from certain areas of greece affected by lumpy skin disease. (3) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2055 (6) lays down the conditions for setting out the programme for emergency vaccination of bovine animals against lumpy skin disease in greece. furthermore, implementing decision (eu) 2015/2055 has amended certain provisions of implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 and has extended the restricted zone in order to include not only the regional unit of evros, but also the regional units of rodopi, xanthi, kavala and limnos. (4) on 19 october 2015, the greek authorities notified the commission of additional outbreaks in the regional unit of chalkidiki and again on 21 october 2015 on their intention to apply vaccination against lumpy skin disease in the regional units of chalkidiki, thessaloniki and kilkis and on 11 november on their intention to apply vaccination in the regional units of drama and serres. this requires to enlarge the restricted zone set out in the annex to implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 as well as the area where vaccination may be carried out as set out in annex i to implementing decision (eu) 2015/2055. (5) implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 and implementing decision (eu) 2015/2055 should therefore be amended accordingly. (6) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 the annex to implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 is replaced by the following: annex restricted zones referred to in article 2(b) the following regional units in greece: regional unit of evros regional unit of rodopi regional unit of xanthi regional unit of kavala regional unit of chalkidiki regional unit of thessaloniki regional unit of kilkis regional unit of limnos regional unit of drama regional unit of serres. article 2 annex i to implementing decision (eu) 2015/2055 is replaced by the following: annex i the following regional units in greece: regional unit of evros regional unit of rodopi regional unit of xanthi regional unit of kavala regional unit of chalkidiki regional unit of thessaloniki regional unit of kilkis regional unit of limnos regional unit of drama regional unit of serres. article 3 this decision is addressed to the hellenic republic. done at brussels, 9 december 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 395, 30.12.1989, p. 13. (2) oj l 224, 18.8.1990, p. 29. (3) oj l 62, 15.3.1993, p. 69. (4) oj l 18, 23.1.2003, p. 11. (5) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 of 7 september 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in greece and repealing implementing decision (eu) 2015/1423 (oj l 234, 8.9.2015, p. 19). (6) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2055 of 10 november 2015 laying down the conditions for setting out the programme for emergency vaccination of bovine animals against lumpy skin disease in greece and amending implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 (oj l 300, 17.11.2015, p. 31).
name: political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/2298 of 26 november 2015 on the appointment of the eu mission commander for the european union military mission to contribute to the training of the malian armed forces (eutm mali) and repealing decision (cfsp) 2015/955 (eutm mali/3/2015) type: decision subject matter: africa; defence; eu institutions and european civil service; cooperation policy; european construction date published: 2015-12-10 10.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 324/13 political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/2298 of 26 november 2015 on the appointment of the eu mission commander for the european union military mission to contribute to the training of the malian armed forces (eutm mali) and repealing decision (cfsp) 2015/955 (eutm mali/3/2015) the political and security committee, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 38 thereof, having regard to council decision 2013/34/cfsp of 17 january 2013 on a european union military mission to contribute to the training of malian armed forces (eutm mali) (1), and in particular article 5 thereof, whereas: (1) pursuant to article 5(1) of decision 2013/34/cfsp, the council authorised the political and security committee (psc), in accordance with article 38 of the treaty on european union, to take the relevant decisions concerning the political control and strategic direction of eutm mali, including the decisions to appoint the subsequent eu mission commanders. (2) on 16 june 2015, the psc adopted decision (cfsp) 2015/955 (2) appointing brigadier general franz xaver pfrengle as eu mission commander for eutm mali. (3) on 30 september 2015, germany recommended the appointment of brigadier general werner albl as the new eu mission commander for eutm mali to succeed brigadier general franz xaver pfrengle. (4) the eu military committee has supported the recommendation. (5) decision (cfsp) 2015/955 should therefore be repealed. (6) in accordance with article 5 of protocol no 22 on the position of denmark, annexed to the treaty on european union and to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, denmark does not participate in the elaboration and the implementation of decisions and actions of the union which have defence implications, has adopted this decision: article 1 brigadier general werner albl is hereby appointed eu mission commander for the european union military mission to contribute to the training of the malian armed forces (eutm mali) from 18 december 2015. article 2 decision (cfsp) 2015/955 is hereby repealed. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on 18 december 2015. done at brussels, 26 november 2015. for the political and security committee the chairperson w. stevens (1) oj l 14, 18.1.2013, p. 19. (2) political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/955 of 16 june 2015 on the appointment of the eu mission commander for the european union military mission to contribute to the training of the malian armed forces (eutm mali) and repealing decision eutm mali/3/2014 (eutm mali/2/2015) (oj l 156, 20.6.2015, p. 20).
name: commission delegated decision (eu) 2015/2290 of 12 june 2015 on the provisional equivalence of the solvency regimes in force in australia, bermuda, brazil, canada, mexico and the united states and applicable to insurance and reinsurance undertakings with head offices in those countries type: decision_del subject matter: employment; america; insurance; civil law; asia and oceania date published: 2015-12-09 9.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 323/22 commission delegated decision (eu) 2015/2290 of 12 june 2015 on the provisional equivalence of the solvency regimes in force in australia, bermuda, brazil, canada, mexico and the united states and applicable to insurance and reinsurance undertakings with head offices in those countries the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to directive 2009/138/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 25 november 2009 on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of insurance and reinsurance (solvency ii) (1), and in particular article 227(5) thereof, whereas: (1) directive 2009/138/ec establishes a risk-based prudential regime for insurance and reinsurance undertakings in the union. full application of directive 2009/138/ec to insurers and reinsurers in the union will commence on 1 january 2016. even though directive 2009/138/ec will be fully applied as of 1 january 2016, the commission may already adopt the present delegated decision by virtue of article 311 of directive 2009/138/ec. (2) article 227 of directive 2009/138/ec relates to equivalence for third-country insurers that are part of groups headquartered in the union. a positive equivalence determination under article 227 of directive 2009/138/ec, by a delegated act of the commission, allows such groups, when deduction and aggregation is used as the consolidation method for their group reporting, to take into account the calculation of capital requirements and available capital (own funds) under the rules of the non-union jurisdiction rather than calculating them on the basis of directive 2009/138/ec, for the purposes of calculating the group solvency requirement and eligible own funds. (3) paragraph 5 of article 227 of directive 2009/138/ec provides for a determination of fixed-duration provisional equivalence for third countries whose insurance solvency regimes meet certain criteria. a determination of provisional equivalence is valid for a period of 10 years with possibility of renewal. (4) the european insurance and occupational pensions authority has provided advice according to article 33(2) of regulation (eu) no 1094/2010 of the european parliament and of the council (2) to the commission contributing to the assessment of third countries under article 227(5) of directive 2009/138/ec (3). regarding the united states, the insurance dialogue which started in 2012 with the aim of achieving improved mutual understanding of the respective insurance regulatory and supervisory regimes has been a principal framework for mutual exchange of information, leading to the conclusion reached in this decision. (5) in australia, the life and general insurance capital standards (lagic) (general insurance prudential standard (gps) 110: capital adequacy, life insurance prudential standards (lps) 110: capital adequacy) require insurers to calculate capital charges for insurance risk, insurance concentration risk, asset risk, asset concentration risk, operational risk and aggregation benefit. a total balance sheet approach is used. there is a minimum capital requirement (the prudential capital requirement (pcr)); insurers are also required to establish an icaap (internal capital adequacy assessment process) setting out the actions that will occur to rectify a decline in capital through set points above its pcr. non-life insurers are allowed to use internal models subject to their approval by australian prudential regulation authority (apra). gps 220 and lps 220 (risk management) require a risk management framework, which must include as a minimum a risk management strategy describing risk management policies, procedures, management responsibilities and internal controls. insurers must report to the apra their solvency, financial position, financial performance, capital adequacy, investments, assets and asset concentrations, premiums and claims data, policy liabilities and off-balance sheet exposures. under the corporations act 2001, companies are required to prepare and lodge annual financial reports with the australian securities and investments commission. for life insurers, non-life insurers and insurance groups there are additional disclosures obligations regarding capital management and capital adequacy. apra is able to share information with other financial supervisors; it is a signatory to the multilateral memorandum of understanding on cooperation and information exchange of the international association of insurance supervisors (the iais mmou), and has concluded mous with foreign supervisors (including a number of union supervisors). apra is independently responsible for prudential regulation and supervision of insurers; only apra can authorise an entity to carry on insurance business in australia. apra has the power to issue prudential standards which have the force of law. no present or former apra staff member is allowed to disclose confidential information obtained in the course of duties or capacity, under sanction of the law. disclosure of information to a court is strictly limited. (6) in bermuda, the insurance act lays down two capital requirements for insurers other than captive insurance companies (4): the minimum solvency margin (msm) and the enhanced capital requirement (ecr), applicable to both commercial life and non-life insurers. the ecr is determined from the relevant basic solvency capital requirement (bscr) according to a standard formula or the insurer's approved internal capital model provided that the ecr is at least equal to the insurer's msm. the bscr covers the following risks: credit risk, spread risk, market risk, premium risk, reserve risk, interest risk, catastrophe risk and operational risk. a target capital level of 120 % of the ecr is used as an early warning solvency threshold. qualifying capital rules differ for different categories of insurers. the insurance act also includes provisions on undertakings' reporting obligations regarding their solvency positions. the bermudan monetary authority (bma) is the independent regulator and supervisor. most bermudian insurers are obliged to prepare additional financial statements in accordance with international financial reporting standards; otherwise insurers may use any generally accepted accounting principles recognised by the bma. insurers must publish their financial statements, which contain quantitative and qualitative information. the bma may enter into agreements and exchange information with foreign supervisory authorities; it is a signatory to the iais mmou. the bma is bound by confidentiality law, requiring that any information regarding the business or affairs of supervised financial institutions, or regarding persons dealing with them, that is obtained by bma staff, shall be treated as confidential. (7) in brazil, the insurance decree-law no 73/1966 determines that insurers, to guarantee all their obligations, establish technical provisions, special funds and provisions in accordance with the criteria established by the national council of private insurance (cnsp). under resolution cnsp 316, the minimum capital required (cmr) is the higher of the base capital and the risk capital. the base capital is a fixed amount linked to the type of entity and the regions in which it has been authorised to operate, as well as the risk capital, which is the sum of capital requirements for underwriting, credit, operational and market risks. for most insurers, the risk capital is higher than the base capital, thus constituting the cmr. resolution cnsp 3162/2014 establishes the rules for the use of an internal model as an alternative to a standard formula to calculate the cmr. there are minimum corporate governance requirements applicable. insurers must have internal controls over their activities, information systems and compliance with legal requirements. the superintend ncia de seguros privados (susep) is responsible for the supervision of the brazilian insurance industry. susep operates under the ministry of finance as the executive body of the regulations set by the cnsp. its managing council has independent authority to establish susep's general policies for regulation and compliance with cnsp's resolutions within its area of competence. insurers are required to submit data on capital, assets, liabilities, revenue and expenditure to susep on a monthly basis, as well as details of operations, the balance sheet, a profit and loss account on a quarterly basis; insurers must publish their financial statements, which contain quantitative and qualitative information. susep may enter into agreements and exchange information with foreign supervisory authorities; it is a signatory to the iais mmou. information may only be used for supervisory purposes within the scope of susep's supervisory functions. further, information obtained from another authority is only used for the purposes of that request. susep's staff and former staff are bound to confidentiality by law. (8) in canada, the insurance companies act requires insurers to maintain adequate capital. the guidelines published by the office of the superintendent of financial institutions (osfi) set out the detailed standards. the applicable capital requirements for insurers are the minimum continuing capital and surplus requirement (mccsr guideline) for life insurers and the minimum capital test (mct guideline) for non-life insurers. both the mccsr and the mct address risks related to both assets and liabilities on and off the balance sheet. non-life insurers are required to hold capital in excess of 100 % of the mct, while life insurers are required to hold capital in excess of 120 % of the mccsr. below those levels, insurers are not allowed to operate. in addition to those requirements, there is a supervisory target capital level of 150 % of the mct for non-life insurers, and of the mccsr for life insurers, respectively. capital requirements are calculated according to a standard formula; use of internal models is only permitted in very limited cases. insurers are also required to establish an internal target capital ratio based on an own risk and solvency assessment (orsa), including non-prescribed stress tests that take into account the insurer's specificities. the office of the superintendent of financial institutions (osfi), the canadian insurance supervisor, is an independent, self-financing federal agency. every regulated insurer is required to submit audited annual accounts and supplementary information to ofsi, along with an auditors' report, an appointed actuary's report, a dynamic capital adequacy testing report summarising the results of various stress-tests, and quarterly filings about capital position. insurers are also required to prepare and make available on demand, an annual orsa setting an internal capital target. osfi may enter into agreements and exchange information with foreign supervisory authorities; it acceded to the iais mmou in july 2012. osfi is bound by confidentiality law, requiring that any information regarding the business or affairs of supervised financial institutions, or regarding persons dealing with them, that is obtained by osfi staff, shall be treated as confidential. (9) in mexico, the act laying down a revised insurance prudential framework, the ley de instituciones de seguros y de fianzas (lisf), entered into force on 4 april 2015. under the lisf, the solvency capital requirement (scr) applies, covering underwriting risks and financial and counterparty risks. stress testing takes place at least once a year (dynamic solvency test). the mexican regime allows the use of either a standard formula or an internal model for the calculation of the scr. the comisi n nacional de seguros y fianzas (cnsf) is responsible for the supervision of life and non-life insurers in mexico; it has independent power to licence or withdraw the license of insurance undertakings, and carries out stress tests at least once per year. insurers must report data on their organisation, operations, accounting, investment and capital to the cnsf on at least a quarterly basis; they must also disclose their objectives, policies and practices in risk retention, transfer or mitigation; and they must publish quantitative and qualitative information on their operations, technical and financial situation and risks. the cnsf may cooperate and exchange information with foreign supervisors if there is an information exchange agreement; a number of such agreements are in place, and the cnsf applied to join the iais mmou in 2010. where an information exchange agreement exists between cnsf and a foreign supervisor, the cnsf must ask the foreign supervisor for its prior consent before disclosing information which it provided. no person who is or was a cnsf staff member is allowed to disclose confidential information; professional secrecy requirements are laid down in the national law and any breach of professional secrecy leads to sanctions. (10) in the united states, regulation and supervision of insurance and reinsurance is essentially state-based. insurers must comply with the relevant laws for each state in which they write policies, and insurance supervision is in the hands of independent state supervisors under insurance commissioners. state capital adequacy requirements are based on the national association of insurance commissioners (naic) risk-based capital (rbc) model law, which has been adopted by all states. the rbc standard formula covers the most material risks for each of the primary insurance types (life, property and casualty, and health), allowing the use of internal models for specific products and risk modules. rbc is calculated by applying factors to various assets, premium, claim, expense and reserve items. there are four levels of quantitative capital requirements with different supervisory interventions in each case: company action level, regulatory action level, authorised control level, and mandatory control level. the united states regime has an orsa for insurers comparable to that under solvency ii. regarding reporting and transparency, there are standardised reporting requirements, covering mainly: business and performance, risk profile, valuation methods and assumptions used, capital requirements and management. financial statements, including the actuarial opinion and the auditor's statement, are publicly disclosed. state insurance commissioners may share confidential information with foreign supervisors, provided that the recipient agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the information. they may also enter into agreements governing the sharing and use of confidential information. a number of memoranda of understanding on exchange of information have been signed between union supervisors and insurance departments of states; a number of state insurance departments are signatories of the iais mmou, and several more have recently applied. confidentiality requirements, incorporated into state legislation on the basis of naic model laws, provide that information obtained by state supervisors is confidential and that they shall maintain the confidentiality of information received from foreign supervisors. staff of state supervisory authorities is covered by obligations of professional secrecy under state-level legislation. (11) following these assessments, third countries' solvency regimes covered in this decision should be considered to meet the criteria for provisional equivalence laid down in article 227(5) of directive 2009/138/ec, with the exclusion of rules on captives in bermuda, which are subject to a different regulatory regime. (12) the initial period of the provisional equivalence determined by this decision should be 10 years. the commission may nevertheless undertake a specific review relating to an individual third country or territory at any time outside the general review, where relevant developments make it necessary for the commission to re-assess the equivalence determined by this decision. the commission should therefore continue to monitor, with the technical assistance of eiopa, the evolution of the regimes in force in the third countries covered by this decision and the fulfilment of the conditions on the basis of which this decision has been adopted. (13) directive 2009/138/ec applies from 1 january 2016. this decision should therefore also grant provisional equivalence as of that date, has adopted this decision: article 1 the solvency regimes in force in australia, bermuda (with the exception of rules on captives), brazil, canada, mexico and the united states and applicable to insurance and reinsurance undertakings with head offices in those countries shall be considered as provisionally equivalent to the regime laid down in chapter vi of title i of directive 2009/138/ec. article 2 provisional equivalence shall be granted for a period of 10 years from 1 january 2016. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 12 june 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 335, 17.12.2009, p. 1. (2) regulation (eu) no 1094/2010 of the european parliament and of the council of 24 november 2010 establishing a european supervisory authority (european insurance and occupational pensions authority), amending decision no 716/2009/ec and repealing commission decision 2009/79/ec (oj l 331, 15.12.2010, p. 48). (3) eiopa equivalence analysis of brazil, 10 march 2015. eiopa equivalence assessment of bermuda, 9 march 2015. eiopa equivalence analysis of canada, 28 january 2015. eiopa equivalence analysis of australia, 16 july 2013. eiopa equivalence analysis of mexico, 16 july 2013. (4) the insurance act establishes different categories of insurers which are subject to different sets of rules. captive insurers are one specific category of insurers, which has not been included in eiopa's assessment and is not covered by the present act.
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/2275 of 7 december 2015 amending decision 2012/389/cfsp on the european union mission on regional maritime capacity building in the horn of africa (eucap nestor) type: decision subject matter: africa; european construction; criminal law; transport policy date published: 2015-12-08 8.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 322/50 council decision (cfsp) 2015/2275 of 7 december 2015 amending decision 2012/389/cfsp on the european union mission on regional maritime capacity building in the horn of africa (eucap nestor) the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 28 and articles 42(4) and 43(2) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 16 july 2012, the council adopted decision 2012/389/cfsp (1) on the european union mission on regional maritime capacity building in the horn of africa (eucap nestor). (2) on 22 july 2014, the council adopted decision 2014/485/cfsp (2) extending eucap nestor until 12 december 2016. (3) on 6 october 2015, the council adopted decision (cfsp) 2015/1793 (3) extending the period covered by the financial reference amount until 15 december 2015. (4) decision 2012/389/cfsp should be amended to provide for a financial reference amount for the period from 16 december 2015 to 12 december 2016, has adopted this decision: article 1 article 13(1) of decision 2012/389/cfsp is replaced as follows: 1. the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to eucap nestor for the period from 16 july 2012 to 15 november 2013 shall be eur 22 880 000. the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to eucap nestor for the period from 16 november 2013 to 15 october 2014 shall be eur 11 950 000. the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to eucap nestor for the period from 16 october 2014 to 15 december 2015 shall be eur 17 900 000. the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to eucap nestor for the period from 16 december 2015 to 12 december 2016 shall be eur 12 000 000. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 7 december 2015. for the council the president c. cahen (1) council decision 2012/389/cfsp of 16 july 2012 on the european union mission on regional maritime capacity building in the horn of africa (eucap nestor) (oj l 187, 17.7.2012, p. 40). (2) council decision 2014/485/cfsp of 22 july 2014 amending decision 2012/389/cfsp on the european union mission on regional maritime capacity building in the horn of africa (eucap nestor) (oj l 217, 23.7.2014, p. 39). (3) council decision (cfsp) 2015/1793 of 6 october 2015 amending decision 2012/389/cfsp on the european union mission on regional maritime capacity building in the horn of africa (eucap nestor) (oj l 260, 7.10.2015, p. 30).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2260 of 3 december 2015 repealing decision 2008/630/ec on emergency measures applicable to crustaceans imported from bangladesh and intended for human consumption (notified under document c(2015) 8472) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: health; trade; deterioration of the environment; asia and oceania; international trade; trade policy; fisheries date published: 2015-12-05 5.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 321/58 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2260 of 3 december 2015 repealing decision 2008/630/ec on emergency measures applicable to crustaceans imported from bangladesh and intended for human consumption (notified under document c(2015) 8472) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (ec) no 178/2002 of the european parliament and of the council of 28 january 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the european food safety authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety (1), and in particular article 53(1)(b)(ii) thereof, whereas: (1) commission decision 2008/630/ec (2) was adopted following the detection of residues of veterinary medicinal products and unauthorised substances in crustaceans imported into the union from bangladesh and intended for human consumption (the products). (2) decision 2008/630/ec provides that member states are to authorise the importation into the union of the products, provided that they are accompanied by the results of an analytical test carried out at the place of origin to ensure that they do not present a danger to human health (the analytical test). (3) a commission audit (3) was carried out in bangladesh from 20 april 2015 to 30 april 2015 (the audit), in order to evaluate the control of residues and contaminants in live animals and animal products including controls on veterinary medicinal products. the audit report concluded that the system in place for residues controls in aquaculture offers guarantees equivalent to the requirements laid down in union legislation. (4) the number of non-compliant consignments has decreased significantly. (5) based on the results of the audit and on the very low number of non-compliant consignments, it appears unnecessary to require that consignments of the products imported into the union from bangladesh be accompanied by analytical tests. decision 2008/630/ec should therefore be repealed. (6) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 decision 2008/630/ec is hereby repealed. article 2 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 3 december 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1. (2) commission decision 2008/630/ec of 24 july 2008 on emergency measures applicable to crustaceous imported from bangladesh and intended for human consumption (oj l 205, 1.8.2008, p. 49). (3) final report of an audit carried out in bangladesh from 20 april 2015 to 30 april 2015 in order to evaluate the control of residues and contaminants in live animals and animal products including controls on veterinary medicinal products dg (sante) 2015-7517 mr. http://ec.europa.eu/food/fvo/audit_reports/details.cfm?rep_id=3501
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2250 of 26 november 2015 confirming or amending the average specific emissions of co2 and specific emissions targets for manufacturers of new light commercial vehicles for the calendar year 2014 pursuant to regulation (eu) no 510/2011 of the european parliament and of the council (notified under document c(2015) 8346) type: decision_impl subject matter: mechanical engineering; land transport; organisation of transport; environmental policy; deterioration of the environment; chemistry date published: 2015-12-04 4.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 318/39 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2250 of 26 november 2015 confirming or amending the average specific emissions of co2 and specific emissions targets for manufacturers of new light commercial vehicles for the calendar year 2014 pursuant to regulation (eu) no 510/2011 of the european parliament and of the council (notified under document c(2015) 8346) (only the dutch, english, estonian, french, german, italian, polish, portuguese, and swedish texts are authentic) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 510/2011 of the european parliament and of the council of 11 may 2011 setting emission performance standards for new light commercial vehicles as part of the union's integrated approach to reduce co2 emissions from light-duty vehicles (1), and in particular article 8(6) and article 10(1) thereof, whereas: (1) the commission is required, pursuant to article 8(6) of regulation (eu) no 510/2011, to confirm or amend each year the average specific emissions of co2 and the specific emissions target for each manufacturer of light commercial vehicles in the union. on that basis, the commission is to determine whether manufacturers and pools of manufacturers formed in accordance with article 7(1) of that regulation have complied with their specific emissions targets in accordance with article 4 of that regulation. (2) pursuant to article 4 of regulation (eu) no 510/2011 the average specific emissions of manufacturers for 2014 are calculated in accordance with the third paragraph of that article and take into account 70 % of the manufacturer's new light commercial vehicles registered in that year. (3) the detailed data to be used for the calculation of the average specific emissions and the specific emissions targets is set out in point 1 of part a and part c of annex ii to regulation (eu) no 510/2011 and is based on member states' registrations of new light commercial vehicles during the preceding calendar year. (4) where light commercial vehicles are type-approved in a multi-stage process, point 7 of part b of annex ii to regulation (eu) no 510/2011 requires that the manufacturer of the base vehicle take responsibility for the co2 emissions of the completed vehicle. (5) the 2014 data were submitted to the commission by the time-limit of 28 february 2015 in accordance with article 8(2) of regulation (eu) no 510/2011 by a majority of the member states. where, as a result of the verification of the data by the commission, it was evident that certain data were missing or manifestly incorrect, the commission contacted the member states concerned and, subject to the agreement of those member states, adjusted or completed the data accordingly. where no agreement could be reached with a member state, the provisional data of that member state were not adjusted. (6) on 13 may 2015, the commission published the provisional data and notified 64 manufacturers of the provisional calculations of their average specific emissions of co2 in 2014 and their specific emissions targets in accordance with article 8(4) of regulation (eu) no 510/2011. manufacturers were asked to verify the data and to notify the commission of any errors within 3 months of receipt of the notification in accordance with the article 8(5) of that regulation. 23 manufacturers submitted notifications of errors. (7) for the remaining 41 manufacturers that did not notify any errors in the datasets or respond otherwise, the provisional data and provisional calculations of the average specific emissions and the specific emissions targets should be confirmed without adjustments. (8) the commission has verified the corrections notified by the manufacturers and the respective justifications and the datasets have been adjusted as appropriate. (9) in the case of records without matching vehicle identification numbers and with missing or incorrect identification parameters, such as type, variant, version code or type-approval number, the fact that manufacturers cannot verify or correct those records should be taken into account. as a consequence, it is appropriate to apply an error margin to the co2 emissions and mass values in those records. (10) the error margin should be calculated as the difference between the distances to the specific emissions target expressed as the specific emissions targets subtracted from the average emissions calculated including and excluding those registrations that cannot be verified by the manufacturers. regardless of whether that difference is positive or negative, the error margin should always improve the manufacturer's position with regard to its specific emission target. (11) in accordance with article 10(2) of regulation (eu) no 510/2011, a manufacturer should be considered as compliant with its specific emission target referred to in article 4 of that regulation where the average emissions indicated in this decision are lower than the specific emissions target, expressed as a negative distance to target. where the average emissions exceed the specific emissions target, an excess emission premium are to be imposed in accordance with article 9 of regulation (eu) no 510/2011, unless the manufacturer concerned benefits from an exemption from that target in accordance with article 2(4) or article 11 of that regulation or is a member of a pool in accordance with article 7 of that regulation and the pool complies with its specific emissions target. (12) following a statement by the volkswagen group on 3 november 2015 that irregularities were found when determining type approval co2 levels of some of their vehicles, the average specific emissions of co2 and the specific emissions targets should not be confirmed for the volkswagen pool and its members until further clarification is provided by the volkswagen group. as a consequence the volkswagen pool and its members (audi ag, dr ing. h.c.f. porsche ag, quattro gmbh, seat s.a., skoda auto a.s., and volkswagen ag) should not be subject to this decision. (13) the average specific emissions of co2 from new light commercial vehicles registered in 2014, the specific emissions targets and the difference between those two values should be confirmed or amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 the values relating to the performance of manufacturers, as confirmed or amended for each manufacturer of light commercial vehicles and for each pool of manufacturers of light commercial vehicles in respect of the 2014 calendar year in accordance with article 8(6) of regulation (eu) no 510/2011, are specified in the annex to this decision. the values referred to in points (a) to (e) of article 10(1) of regulation (eu) no 510/2011 for each manufacturer of light commercial vehicles and for each pool of manufacturers of light commercial vehicles in respect of the 2014 calendar year are also specified in the annex to this decision, with the exception provided for in article 2(4) of that regulation for the manufacturers concerned. article 2 this decision is addressed to the following individual manufacturers and pools formed in accordance with article 7 of regulation (eu) no 510/2011: (1) alke s.r.l. via vigonovese 123 35127 padova italy (2) automobiles citroen route de gizy 78943 v lizy-villacoublay cedex france (3) automobiles peugeot route de gizy 78943 v lizy-villacoublay cedex france (4) avtovaz jsc represented in the union by: lada france s.a.s. 13, route nationale 10 78310 coigni res france (5) bluecar sas 31-32 quai de dion bouton 92800 puteaux france (6) bayerische motoren werke ag petuelring 130 80788 m nchen germany (7) bmw m gmbh petuelring 130 80788 m nchen germany (8) fca us llc (chrysler group llc) represented in the union by: fiat chrysler automobiles building 5 ground floor room a8n c.so settembrini, 40 10135 torino italy (9) cng-technik gmbh niehl plant, building imbert 479 henry-ford-stra e 1 50735 k ln germany (10) automobile dacia s.a. guyancourt 1 avenue du golf 78288 guyancourt cedex france (11) daimler ag mercedesstr 137/1 zimmer 229 hpc f403 70327 stuttgart germany (12) dongfeng motor corporation represented in the union by: giotti victoria srl sr.l. pissana road 11/a 50021 barberino val d' elsa (florence) italy (13) dr motor company s.p.a. s s 85, venafrana km 37.500 86070 macchia d'isernia italy (14) esagono energia s.r.l. via puecher 9 20060 pozzuolo martesana (mi) italy (15) fca italy s.p.a. (fiat group automobiles s.p.a.) building 5 ground floor room a8n c.so settembrini, 40 10135 torino italy (16) ford motor company of australia ltd represented in the union by: ford werke gmbh niehl plant, building imbert 479 henry-ford-stra e 1 50735 k ln germany (17) ford motor company niehl plant, building imbert 479 henry-ford-stra e 1 50735 k ln germany (18) ford werke gmbh niehl plant, building imbert 479 henry-ford-stra e 1 50735 k ln germany (19) fuji heavy industries ltd represented in the union by: subaru europe nv/sa leuvensesteenweg 555 b/8 1930 zaventem belgium (20) mitsubishi fuso truck & bus corporation represented in the union by: daimler ag, mercedesstr 137/1 zimmer 229 hpc f403 70327 stuttgart germany (21) mitsubishi fuso truck europe s.a. represented in the union by: daimler ag, mercedesstr 137/1 zimmer 229 hpc f403 70327 stuttgart germany (22) llc automobile plant gaz poe 2 60502 l hte tartumaa estonia (23) gm korea company adam opel ag bahnhofsplatz 1 ipc 39-12 65423 r sselsheim germany (24) gac gonow auto co. ltd represented in the union by: gonow europe s.r.l. via ottaviano 42 00192 rome italy (25) great wall motor company ltd represented in the union by: international motors limited i.m. house south drive coleshill b46 1df united kingdom (26) hebei zhongxing automobile co., ltd represented in the union by: ursus sa lublin, ul. frezer w 7 20-952 lublin poland (27) honda motor co., ltd 470 london road slough berkshire sl3 8qy united kingdom (28) honda of the uk manufacturing ltd 470 london road slough berkshire sl3 8qy united kingdom (29) hyundai motor company represented in the union by: hyundai motor europe gmbh kaiserleipromenade 5 63067 offenbach germany (30) hyundai assan otomotiv sanayi ve ticaret a.s. represented in the union by: hyundai motor europe gmbh kaiserleipromenade 5 63067 offenbach germany (31) hyundai motor manufacturing czech s.r.o. kaiserleipromenade 5 63067 offenbach germany (32) hyundai motor india ltd represented in the union by: hyundai motor europe gmbh kaiserleipromenade 5 63067 offenbach germany (33) isuzu motors limited represented in the union by: isuzu motors europe nv bist 12 2630 aartselaar belgium (34) iveco s.p.a. via puglia 35 10156 torino italia (35) jaguar land rover limited abbey road whitley coventry cv3 4lf united kingdom (36) kia motors corporation represented in the union by: kia motors europe gmbh theodor-heuss-allee 11 60486 frankfurt am main germany (37) kia motors slovakia s.r.o. theodor-heuss-allee 11 60486 frankfurt am main germany (38) lada automobile gmbh erlengrund 7-11 21614 buxtehude germany (39) lada france s.a.s. 13 route nationale 10 78310 coigni res france (40) magyar suzuki corporation ltd legal department suzuki-allee 7 64625 bensheim germany (41) mahindra & mahindra ltd represented in the union by: mahindra europe s.r.l. via cancelliera 35 00040 ariccia (roma) italy (42) mazda motor corporation represented in the union by: mazda motor europe gmbh european r&d centre hiroshimastr 1 61440 oberursel/ts germany (43) m.f.t.b.c. represented in the union by: daimler ag, mercedesstr 137/1 zimmer 229 hpc f403 70327 stuttgart germany (44) mia electric s.a.s. 45, rue des pierri res bp 60324 79143 cerizay cedex france (45) mitsubishi motors corporation mmc represented in the union by: mitsubishi motors europe b.v. mme mitsubishi avenue 21 6121 sg born the netherlands (46) mitsubishi motors europe b.v. mme mitsubishi avenue 21 6121 sg born the netherlands (47) mitsubishi motors thailand co., ltd mmth represented in the union by: mitsubishi motors europe bv mme mitsubishi avenue 21 6121 sg born the netherlands (48) nissan international sa represented in the union by: renault nissan representation office av des arts 40 1040 bruxelles belgium (49) adam opel ag bahnhofsplatz 1ipc 39-12 65423 r sselsheim germany (50) piaggio & c s.p.a. viale rinaldo piaggio 25 56025 pontedera (pi) italy (51) renault s.a.s. guyancourt 1 avenue du golf 78288 guyancourt cedex france (52) renault trucks 99 route de lyon ter l10 0 01 69802 saint priest cedex france (53) ssangyong motor company represented in the union by: ssangyong motor europe office herriotstra e 1 60528 frankfurt am main germany (54) suzuki motor corporation represented in the union by: suzuki deutschland gmbh legal department suzuki-allee 7 64625 bensheim germany (55) tata motors limited represented in the union by: tata motors european technical centre plc. internal automotive research centre university of warwick coventry cv4 7al united kingdom (56) toyota motor europe nv/sa avenue du bourget 60 1140 brussels belgium (57) toyota caetano portugal s.a. avenida vasco de gama 1410 4431-956 vila nova de gaia portugal (58) volvo car corporation vak building assar gabrielssons v g se-405 31 g teborg sweden (59) pool for: daimler ag mercedesstr 137/1 zimmer 229 70546 stuttgart germany (60) pool for: fca italy s.p.a. building 5 ground floor room a8n c.so settembrini, 40 10135 torino italy (61) pool for: ford -werke gmbh neihl plant, building imbert 479 henry-ford-stra e 1 50735 k ln germany (62) pool for: general motors bahnhofsplatz 1 ipc 39-12 65423 r sselsheim germany (63) pool for: kia theodor-heuss-allee 11 60486 frankfurt am main germany (64) pool for: mitsubishi motors mitsubishi avenue 21 6121 sg born the netherlands (65) pool renault 1 avenue du golf 78288 guyancourt cedex france it shall be published in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 26 november 2015. for the commission miguel arias ca ete member of the commission (1) oj l 145, 31.5.2011, p. 1. annex table 1 values relating to the performance of manufacturers confirmed in accordance with article 10 of regulation (eu) no 510/2011 a b c d e f g h i manufacturer name pools and derogations number of registrations average co2 (70 %) corrected specific emissions target distance to target distance to target adjusted average mass average co2 (100 %) alke srl 16 0,000 222,482 222,482 222,482 2 216,56 0,000 automobiles citroen 154 961 127,146 160,663 33,517 33,517 1 551,84 148,026 automobiles peugeot 154 473 124,856 160,399 35,543 35,543 1 549,00 146,894 avtovaz jsc p7 77 210,189 137,116 73,073 72,997 1 298,64 214,805 bluecar sas 121 0,000 133,522 133,522 133,522 1 260,00 0,000 bayerische motoren werke ag 2 422 129,180 177,329 48,149 48,149 1 731,04 141,416 bmw m gmbh 243 142,347 190,631 48,284 48,284 1 874,07 150,222 chrysler group llc p2 1 318 200,728 210,825 10,097 20,813 2 091,21 211,988 cng-technik gmbh p3 621 116,949 152,149 35,200 35,200 1 460,29 125,337 automobile dacia sa p7 21 978 120,885 135,623 14,738 14,987 1 282,59 132,196 daimler ag p1 125 357 187,428 217,544 30,116 30,151 2 163,46 199,685 dongfeng motor corporation dmd 324 153,270 1 174,41 162,614 dr motor company srl dmd 2 254,000 1 755,00 254,000 esagono energia srl dmd 2 0,000 1 287,50 0,000 fiat group automobiles spa p2 124 796 141,101 172,327 31,226 31,230 1 677,26 157,616 ford motor company of australia limited p3 12 338 213,167 219,493 6,326 6,333 2 184,42 228,221 ford motor company p3 731 217,325 220,629 3,304 3,304 2 196,63 231,048 ford-werke gmbh p3 178 997 158,184 189,189 31,005 31,028 1 858,57 175,294 fuji heavy industries ltd dmd 52 150,500 1 585,31 157,154 mitsubishi fuso truck & bus corporation p1 723 235,611 245,321 9,710 9,710 2 462,14 241,080 mitsubishi fuso truck europe sa p1 4 236,000 241,960 5,960 5,960 2 426,00 237,750 llc automobile plant gaz dmd 4 274,000 2 271,25 290,750 gm korea company p4 29 142,400 171,736 29,336 29,336 1 670,90 154,862 gonow auto co ltd d 74 161,000 175,000 14,000 14,000 1 138,99 173,419 great wall motor company limited dmd 279 182,482 1 760,34 195,645 hebei zhongxing automobile co ltd dmd 15 205,200 1 705,20 214,800 honda motor co ltd 11 147,571 192,340 44,769 44,769 1 892,45 174,727 honda of the uk manufacturing ltd 237 143,721 165,215 21,494 21,494 1 600,78 154,270 hyundai motor company 1 375 145,133 179,341 34,208 34,208 1 752,68 163,534 hyundai assan otomotiv sanayi ve 782 107,751 112,806 5,055 5,055 1 037,25 109,752 hyundai motor manufacturing czech sro 1 285 134,567 150,479 15,912 15,912 1 442,33 142,786 hyundai motor india ltd 3 110,000 121,029 11,029 11,029 1 125,67 111,333 isuzu motors limited 10 810 192,379 207,105 14,726 14,726 2 051,22 200,433 iveco spa 31 381 218,029 244,542 26,513 26,513 2 453,76 228,131 jaguar land rover limited d 14 517 255,021 276,930 21,909 21,909 2 030,51 267,020 kia motors corporation p5 1 378 121,285 145,127 23,842 23,842 1 384,79 132,739 kia motors slovakia sro p5 403 116,418 152,246 35,828 35,828 1 461,34 129,288 lada automobile gmbh dmd 55 218,842 1 236,35 220,745 lada france p7 13 179,000 141,392 37,608 37,608 1 344,62 179,000 magyar suzuki corporation ltd dmd 204 114,063 1 283,70 118,029 mahindra & mahindra ltd dmd 178 205,573 2 099,21 210,539 mazda motor corporation dmd 335 132,235 1 715,02 152,313 m.f.t.b.c. p1 6 237,750 220,725 17,025 17,025 2 197,67 242,167 mia electric sas 9 0,000 100,094 100,094 100,094 900,56 0,000 mitsubishi motors corporation mmc p6/d 2 368 192,202 210,000 17,798 17,798 1 971,60 202,592 mitsubishi motors europe bv mme p6/d 430 203,641 210,000 6,359 6,359 2 060,83 208,040 mitsubishi motors thailand co ltd mmth p6/d 9 711 202,875 210,000 7,125 7,125 1 955,90 206,504 nissan international sa 39 343 140,282 191,926 51,644 51,644 1 888,00 184,325 adam opel ag p4 77 322 156,975 177,176 20,201 20,201 1 729,40 172,516 piaggio & c spa d 2 285 115,871 155,000 39,129 39,129 1 093,36 145,090 renault sas p7 204 847 114,825 166,494 51,669 51,822 1 614,54 149,052 renault trucks 7 682 214,930 245,610 30,680 30,680 2 465,25 225,265 ssangyong motor company d 741 197,079 210,000 12,921 12,921 2 064,60 203,709 suzuki motor corporation dmd 190 158,421 1 231,19 162,100 tata motors limited 77 191,358 209,026 17,668 17,668 2 071,87 193,169 toyota motor europe nv sa 28 016 181,199 195,431 14,232 14,360 1 925,69 192,592 toyota caetano portugal sa dmd 662 256,985 1 940,61 259,695 volvo car corporation 2 406 142,776 183,178 40,402 40,402 1 793,94 158,808 table 2 values relating to the performance of pools confirmed in accordance with article 10 of regulation (eu) no 510/2011 a b c d e f g h i pool name pool number of registrations average co2 (70 %) corrected specific emissions target distance to target distance to target adjusted average mass average co2 (100 %) daimler p1 126 090 187,577 217,704 30,127 30,160 2 165,18 199,926 fiat group automobiles spa p2 126 114 141,520 172,730 31,210 31,253 1 681,59 158,184 ford-werke gmbh p3 192 687 160,689 191,129 30,440 30,467 1 879,43 178,734 general motors p4 77 351 156,966 177,174 20,208 20,208 1 729,38 172,510 kia p5 1 781 120,066 146,738 26,672 26,672 1 402,11 131,958 mitsubishi motors p6/d 12 509 200,650 210,000 9,350 9,350 1 962,48 205,817 pool renault p7 226 915 113,870 163,493 49,623 49,771 1 582,27 147,444 explanatory notes to tables 1 and 2: column a: table 1: manufacturer name means the name of the manufacturer as notified to the commission by the manufacturer concerned or, where no such notification has taken place, the name registered by the registration authority of the member state. table 2: pool name means the name of the pool declared by the pool manager. column b: d means that a derogation relating to a small volume manufacturer has been granted in accordance with article 11(3) of regulation (eu) no 510/2011 with effect for the calendar year 2014. dmd means that a de minimis derogation applies, i.e. a manufacturer which together with all its connected undertakings was responsible for fewer than 1 000 new registered vehicles in 2014 does not have to meet a specific emissions target. p means that the manufacturer is a member of a pool (listed in table 2) formed in accordance with article 7 of regulation (eu) no 510/2011 and the pooling agreement is valid for the calendar year 2014. column c: number of registrations means the total number of new cars registered by member states in a calendar year, not counting those registrations that relate to records where the values for mass or co2 are missing and those records which the manufacturer does not recognise. the number of registrations reported by member states may otherwise not be changed. column d: average co2 (70 %) corrected means the average specific emissions of co2 that have been calculated on the basis of the 70 % lowest emitting vehicles in the manufacturer's fleet in accordance with the third paragraph of article 4 of regulation (eu) no 510/2011. where appropriate, the average specific emissions of co2 have been adjusted to take into account the corrections notified to the commission by the manufacturer concerned. the records used for the calculation include those that contain a valid value for mass and co2 emissions. column e: specific emissions target means the emissions target calculated on the basis of the average mass of all vehicles attributed to a manufacturer applying the formula set out in annex i to regulation (eu) no 510/2011. column f: distance to target means the difference between the average specific emissions of co2 specified in column d and the specific emissions target in column e. where the value in column f is positive, the average specific emissions of co2 exceed the specific emissions target. column g: distance to target adjusted means that where the values in this column are different from those in column f, the values in that column have been adjusted to take into account an error margin. the error margin is calculated in accordance with the following formula: error = absolute value of [(ac1 tg1) (ac2 tg2)] ac1 = the average specific emissions of co2 including the unidentifiable vehicles (as set out in column d); tg1 = the specific emissions target including the unidentifiable vehicles (as set out in column e); ac2 = the average specific emissions of co2 excluding the unidentifiable vehicles; tg2 = the specific emissions target excluding the unidentifiable vehicles. column i: average co2 (100 %) means the average specific emissions of co2 that have been calculated on the basis of 100 % of the vehicles attributed to the manufacturer. where appropriate, the average specific emissions of co2 have been adjusted to take into account the corrections notified to the commission by the manufacturer concerned. the records used for the calculation include those that contain a valid value for mass and co2 emissions but do not take into account the super-credits referred to in article 5 of regulation (eu) no 510/2011.
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/2249 of 3 december 2015 amending decision 2014/486/cfsp on the european union advisory mission for civilian security sector reform ukraine (euam ukraine) type: decision subject matter: european construction; cooperation policy; europe date published: 2015-12-04 4.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 318/38 council decision (cfsp) 2015/2249 of 3 december 2015 amending decision 2014/486/cfsp on the european union advisory mission for civilian security sector reform ukraine (euam ukraine) the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 28, article 42(4) and article 43(2) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 22 july 2014, the council adopted decision 2014/486/cfsp (1) on the european union advisory mission for civilian security sector reform ukraine (euam ukraine). (2) on 17 november 2014, by means of decision 2014/800/cfsp (2), the council decided to launch euam ukraine on 1 december 2014 and to amend decision 2014/486/cfsp in order to provide euam ukraine with a financial reference amount for the period until 30 november 2015. (3) decision 2014/486/cfsp should be amended to provide for a financial reference amount for the period from 1 december 2015 to 30 november 2016. (4) furthermore, decision 2014/486/cfsp should be amended to extend the mandate of euam ukraine by one year, has adopted this decision: article 1 decision 2014/486/cfsp is hereby amended as follows: (1) in article 14(1), the following subparagraph is added: the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to euam ukraine for the period from 1 december 2015 to 30 november 2016 shall be eur 14 400 000. (2) in article 19, the second paragraph is replaced by the following: it shall apply until 30 november 2017. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. it shall apply from 1 december 2015. done at brussels, 3 december 2015. for the council the president f. braz (1) council decision 2014/486/cfsp of 22 july 2014 on the european union advisory mission for civilian security sector reform ukraine (euam ukraine) (oj l 217, 23.7.2014, p. 42). (2) council decision 2014/800/cfsp of 17 november 2014 launching the european union advisory mission for civilian security sector reform ukraine (euam ukraine) and amending decision 2014/486/cfsp (oj l 331, 18.11.2014, p. 24).
name: council decision (euratom) 2015/2228 of 10 november 2015 approving the conclusion, by the european commission, of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 to the agreement between the french republic, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean type: decision subject matter: international affairs; america; european construction; world organisations; international security; europe; defence date published: 2015-12-03 3.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 317/11 council decision (euratom) 2015/2228 of 10 november 2015 approving the conclusion, by the european commission, of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 to the agreement between the french republic, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european atomic energy community, and in particular the second paragraph of article 101 thereof, having regard to the recommendation from the european commission, whereas: (1) the commission has, in accordance with the council directives adopted by council decision of 22 april 2013, negotiated amendments to protocols 1 and 2 to the agreement between the french republic, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean (the amendments to protocols 1 and 2). (2) the conclusion, by the european commission, of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 should be approved, has adopted this decision: article 1 the conclusion by the european commission of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 to the agreement between the french republic, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean is hereby approved. the text of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 is attached to this decision. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna annex i. paragraph i of protocol 1 to the agreement between the french republic, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean (the safeguards agreement) is replaced by the following: i. (a) until such time as (1) french protocol i territories have, in peaceful nuclear activities, nuclear material in quantities exceeding the limits stated, for the type of material in question, in article 35 of the agreement between france, the community and the agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean (hereinafter referred to as the agreement ), or (2) the decision has been taken to construct or authorize construction of a facility, as defined in the definitions, in french protocol i territories, the implementation of the provisions in part ii of the agreement shall be held in abeyance, with the exception of articles 31-37, 39, 47, 48, 58, 60, 66, 67, 69, 71-75, 81, 83-89, 93 and 94. (b) the information to be reported pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of article 32 of the agreement may be consolidated and submitted in an annual report; similarly, an annual report shall be submitted, if applicable, with respect to the import and export of nuclear material described in paragraph (c) of article 32. (c) in order to enable the timely conclusion of the subsidiary arrangements provided for in article 37 of the agreement, the community shall: (1) notify the agency sufficiently in advance of its having nuclear material in peaceful nuclear activities in french protocol i territories in quantities that exceed the limits referred to in section (a) hereof, or (2) notify the agency as soon as the decision to construct or to authorize construction of a facility in french protocol i territories has been taken, whichever occurs first. at such time, procedures for cooperation in the application of the safeguards provided for under the agreement shall be agreed upon, as necessary, between france, the community and the agency. ii. paragraph i of protocol 2 to the safeguards agreement is replaced by the following: i. at such time as the community notifies the agency in accordance with section 1(c) of protocol 1 of this agreement that there is nuclear material in peaceful nuclear activities in french protocol i territories in quantities that exceed the limits referred to in section 1(a)(1) of protocol 1 of this agreement or that the decision has been taken to construct or authorize construction of a facility, as defined in the definitions, in french protocol i territories, as referred to in section 1(a)(2) of protocol 1 of this agreement, whichever occurs first, a protocol for procedures for cooperation in the application of the safeguards provided for under the agreement shall be agreed upon between france, the community and the agency. such procedures will amplify certain provisions of the agreement and, in particular, specify the conditions and means according to which the cooperation referred to above shall be implemented in such a way as to avoid unnecessary duplication of safeguards activities. the procedures shall be, to the extent practicable, based upon those then in force under protocols to, and the subsidiary arrangements of, other safeguards agreements between member states of the community, the community and the agency, including the related special understandings agreed upon by the community and the agency.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2236 of 27 november 2015 establishing the position to be taken on behalf of the european union within the ministerial conference of the world trade organisation as regards an extension of the moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions and the moratorium on non-violation and situation complaints type: decision subject matter: international affairs; trade policy; tariff policy; world organisations; marketing date published: 2015-12-03 3.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 317/33 council decision (eu) 2015/2236 of 27 november 2015 establishing the position to be taken on behalf of the european union within the ministerial conference of the world trade organisation as regards an extension of the moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions and the moratorium on non-violation and situation complaints the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 207(4), in conjunction with article 218(9) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, whereas: (1) at the 1998 ministerial conference of the world trade organisation (wto), a moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions (e-commerce moratorium) to the effect that wto members are to continue their current practice of not imposing customs duties on electronic transmissions was adopted in the form of a declaration. currently the moratorium takes the form of a wto ministerial conference decision, which has been renewed every 2 years since 1998. (2) a moratorium on non-violation and situation complaints has continuously been extended at the wto ministerial conference after the expiration of the 5-year period for taking the decision on the scope and modalities of such complaints pursuant to article 64(3) of the agreement on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (trips agreement). (3) at the wto ministerial conference in december 2013, those moratoria were last extended until 2015. both moratoria should be further extended at any forthcoming wto ministerial conference or should be made permanent where a consensus to that effect arises in ongoing or future discussions. (4) it is in the interest of the union to give its support to the extension of the e-commerce moratorium on an indefinite basis. it is also in the union's interest to extend the moratorium on non-violation and situation complaints until the ministerial conference approves the recommendations of the council for trips with regard to the scope and modalities of non-violation and situation complaints pursuant to article 64(3) of the trips agreement, has adopted this decision: article 1 the position to be taken on behalf of the european union within the ministerial conference of the world trade organisation is to support an extension of the moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions on an indefinite basis and to support an extension of the moratorium on complaints of the types provided for under subparagraphs 1(b) and 1(c) of article xxiii of the general agreement on tariffs and trade 1994 (non-violation and situation complaints), until the ministerial conference takes a decision on the scope and modalities of the non-violation and situation complaints. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 27 november 2015. for the council the president j. asselborn
name: council decision (euratom) 2015/2227 of 10 november 2015 approving the conclusion, by the european commission, of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 to the agreement between the united kingdom, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean type: decision subject matter: international affairs; europe; european construction; america; world organisations; defence; international security date published: 2015-12-03 3.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 317/9 council decision (euratom) 2015/2227 of 10 november 2015 approving the conclusion, by the european commission, of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 to the agreement between the united kingdom, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european atomic energy community, and in particular the second paragraph of article 101 thereof, having regard to the recommendation from the european commission, whereas: (1) the commission has, in accordance with the council directives adopted by council decision of 23 september 2013, negotiated amendments to protocols 1 and 2 to the agreement between the united kingdom, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean (the amendments to protocols 1 and 2). (2) the conclusion, by the european commission, of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 should be approved, has adopted this decision: article 1 the conclusion by the european commission of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 to the agreement between the united kingdom, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean is hereby approved. the text of the amendments to protocols 1 and 2 is attached to this decision. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna annex i. paragraph i of protocol 1 to the agreement between the united kingdom, the european atomic energy community and the international atomic energy agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean (the safeguards agreement) is replaced by the following: i. (a) until such time as (1) united kingdom protocol i territories have, in peaceful nuclear activities, nuclear material in quantities exceeding the limits stated, for the type of material in question, in article 35 of the agreement between united kingdom, the community and the agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty for the prohibition of nuclear weapons in latin america and the caribbean (hereinafter referred to as the agreement ), or (2) the decision has been taken to construct or authorize construction of a facility, as defined in the definitions, in united kingdom protocol i territories, the implementation of the provisions in part ii of the agreement shall be held in abeyance, with the exception of articles 31-37, 39, 47, 48, 58, 60, 66, 67, 69, 71-75, 81, 83-89, 93 and 94. (b) the information to be reported pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of article 32 of the agreement may be consolidated and submitted in an annual report; similarly, an annual report shall be submitted, if applicable, with respect to the import and export of nuclear material described in paragraph (c) of article 32. (c) in order to enable the timely conclusion of the subsidiary arrangements provided for in article 37 of the agreement, the community shall: (1) notify the agency sufficiently in advance of its having nuclear material in peaceful nuclear activities in united kingdom protocol i territories in quantities that exceed the limits referred to in section (a) hereof, or (2) notify the agency as soon as the decision to construct or to authorize construction of a facility in united kingdom protocol i territories has been taken, whichever occurs first. at such time, procedures for cooperation in the application of the safeguards provided for under the agreement shall be agreed upon, as necessary, between the united kingdom, the community and the agency. ii. paragraph i of protocol 2 to the safeguards agreement is replaced by the following: i. at such time as the community notifies the agency in accordance with section 1(c) of protocol 1 of this agreement that there is nuclear material in peaceful nuclear activities in united kingdom protocol i territories in quantities that exceed the limits referred to in section 1(a)(1) of protocol 1 of this agreement or that the decision has been taken to construct or authorize construction of a facility, as defined in the definitions, in united kingdom protocol i territories, as referred to in section 1(a)(2) of protocol 1 of this agreement, whichever occurs first, a protocol for procedures for cooperation in the application of the safeguards provided for under the agreement shall be agreed upon between the united kingdom, the community and the agency. such procedures will amplify certain provisions of the agreement and, in particular, specify the conditions and means according to which the cooperation referred to above shall be implemented in such a way as to avoid unnecessary duplication of safeguards activities. the procedures shall be, to the extent practicable, based upon those then in force under protocols to, and the subsidiary arrangements of, other safeguards agreements between member states of the community, the community and the agency, including the related special understandings agreed upon by the community and the agency.
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/2216 of 30 november 2015 amending decision 2010/413/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against iran type: decision subject matter: management; international security; international affairs; international trade; asia and oceania date published: 2015-12-01 1.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 314/58 council decision (cfsp) 2015/2216 of 30 november 2015 amending decision 2010/413/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against iran the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 29 thereof, having regard to council decision 2010/413/cfsp of 26 july 2010 concerning restrictive measures against iran and repealing common position 2007/140/cfsp (1), and in particular article 23 thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 26 july 2010, the council adopted decision 2010/413/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against iran. (2) by its judgment of 18 september 2015 in case t-121/13, the general court of the european union annulled the council's decision to include oil industry pension fund investment company (opic) on the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures set out in annex ii to decision 2010/413/cfsp. (3) opic should be included again on the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures, on the basis of a new statement of reasons. (4) decision 2010/413/cfsp should therefore be amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 annex ii to decision 2010/413/cfsp is amended as set out in the annex to this decision. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on 1 december 2015. done at brussels, 30 november 2015. for the council the president j. asselborn (1) oj l 195, 27.7.2010, p. 39. annex the entity listed below is inserted in the list set out in part i of annex ii to decision 2010/413/cfsp: i. persons and entities involved in nuclear or ballistic missile activities and persons and entities providing support to the government of iran b. entities name identifying information reasons date of listing 159. oil industry pension fund investment company (opic) no 234, taleghani st, tehran, iran opic provides significant support to the government of iran by providing financial resources and financing services for oil and gas development projects to a variety of entities linked to the government of iran, including subsidiaries of state-owned companies (nioc). also, opic has owned ioec (iranian offshore engineering construction co.) which is eu-designated for providing logistical support to the government of iran. the oil and gas sector constitutes a significant source of funding for the government of iran, and there is a potential connection between iran's oil revenue derived from its energy sector and the funding of iran's proliferation-sensitive activities. the managing director of opic is naser maleki, who is a united nations designated individual on the grounds of being head of the shahid hemat industrial group (shig) and also a modafl (iranian ministry of defence and armed forces logistics) official overseeing the work on the shahab 3 ballistic missile programme (iran's long-range ballistic missile currently in service). shig is a united nations designated entity on the grounds that it is a subordinate entity of aerospaces industries organisation (aio, which is an eu-designated entity) and involved in iran's ballistic missile programme. accordingly, opic is directly associated with iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or the development of nuclear weapons delivery systems. 1.12.2015
name: decision (eu) 2015/2211 of the european parliament of 27 october 2015 on the closure of the accounts of the european institute of innovation and technology for the financial year 2013 type: decision subject matter: eu finance; accounting; eu institutions and european civil service; budget date published: 2015-12-01 1.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 314/39 decision (eu) 2015/2211 of the european parliament of 27 october 2015 on the closure of the accounts of the european institute of innovation and technology for the financial year 2013 the european parliament, having regard to the final annual accounts of the european institute of innovation and technology for the financial year 2013, having regard to the court of auditors' report on the annual accounts of the european institute of innovation and technology for the financial year 2013, together with the institute's replies (1), having regard to the statement of assurance (2) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the council's recommendation of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the european institute of innovation and technology in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 (05304/2015 c8-0054/2015), having regard to its decision of 29 april 2015 (3) postponing the discharge decision for the financial year 2013, and the replies from the director of the european institute of innovation and technology, having regard to article 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 of 25 june 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (4), having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (5), and in particular article 208 thereof, having regard to regulation (ec) no 294/2008 of the european parliament and of the council of 11 march 2008 establishing the european institute of innovation and technology (6), and in particular article 21 thereof, having regard to commission regulation (ec, euratom) no 2343/2002 of 19 november 2002 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 185 of council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (7), having regard to commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1271/2013 of 30 september 2013 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 208 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (8), and in particular article 108 thereof, having regard to rule 94 of and annex v to its rules of procedure, having regard to the second report of the committee on budgetary control (a8-0282/2015), 1. approves the closure of the accounts of the european institute of innovation and technology for the financial year 2013; 2. instructs its president to forward this decision to the director of the european institute of innovation and technology, the council, the commission and the court of auditors, and to arrange for its publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj c 442, 10.12.2014, p. 184. (2) see footnote 1. (3) oj l 255, 30.9.2015, p. 409. (4) oj l 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. (5) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1. (6) oj l 97, 9.4.2008, p. 1. (7) oj l 357, 31.12.2002, p. 72. (8) oj l 328, 7.12.2013, p. 42.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2217 of 27 november 2015 on measures to prevent the introduction into the union of the foot-and-mouth disease virus from libya and morocco (notified under document c(2015) 8223) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: africa; organisation of transport; tariff policy; agricultural activity; environmental policy; agricultural policy; means of agricultural production; trade policy date published: 2015-12-01 1.12.2015 en official journal of the european union l 314/60 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2217 of 27 november 2015 on measures to prevent the introduction into the union of the foot-and-mouth disease virus from libya and morocco (notified under document c(2015) 8223) (text with eea relevance) the european commission having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 91/496/eec of 15 july 1991 laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on animals entering the community from third countries and amending directives 89/662/eec, 90/425/eec and 90/675/eec (1), and in particular article 18(6) thereof, having regard to council directive 97/78/ec of 18 december 1997 laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on products entering the community from third countries (2), and in particular article 22(5) thereof, whereas: (1) directive 91/496/eec lays down the principles of veterinary checks on animals entering the union from third countries. it lays down the measures which can be adopted by the commission, if a disease liable to present a serious threat to animal or public health manifests itself or spreads in the territory of a third country. (2) directive 97/78/ec lays down the principles of veterinary checks on products entering the union from third countries. it lays down the measures which can be adopted by the commission, if a disease liable to present a serious threat to animal or public health manifests itself or spreads in the territory of a third country. (3) foot-and-mouth disease is one of the most contagious diseases of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. the virus causing the disease has the potential for rapid spread, notably through products obtained from infected animals and contaminated inanimated objects including means of transport like livestock vehicles. the virus can also persist in a contaminated environment outside the host animal for several weeks depending on the temperature. (4) following outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in algeria, libya and tunisia in 2014, commission implementing decision 2014/689/eu (3) provided for protection measures to avoid the introduction in the union of that disease. (5) in particular, implementing decision 2014/689/eu established measures on the cleansing and disinfection of livestock vehicles and vessels from algeria, libya and tunisia. as morocco is a potential country of transit for the livestock vehicles returning from algeria, libya and tunisia to the union, those measures also applied to vehicles and vessels from that country. that decision was applicable until 1 october 2015. (6) on 2 november 2015 morocco notified to the world organisation for animal health (oie) the confirmation of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease of serotype o in the western part of its territory. (7) the presence of foot-and-mouth disease in morocco is liable to constitute a serious risk to the livestock population of the union. (8) the foot-and-mouth disease situation in libya remains uncertain and a significant number of consignments of live bovine animals is exported from eu member states to that country. (9) in addition, libya and morocco are potential countries of transit for the livestock vehicles returning from other african countries to the union. (10) therefore, the foot-and-mouth disease situation in libya and morocco requires to adopt protection measures at union level which take into account the survival of the foot-and-mouth disease virus in the environment and potential transmission routes of that virus. (11) livestock vehicles and vessels used for the transport of live animals to libya and morocco may be contaminated with the foot-and-mouth disease virus in those countries and therefore constitute a risk of introducing the disease upon their return to the union. (12) appropriate cleansing and disinfection of livestock vehicles and vessels is the most appropriate way to reduce the risk of rapid virus transmission over large distances. (13) it is therefore appropriate to ensure that all livestock vehicles and vessels which have transported live animals to destinations in libya and morocco are appropriately cleansed and disinfected and that such cleansing and disinfection is properly documented in a declaration to be submitted by the operator or driver to the competent authority at the point of entry into the union. (14) the operator or driver should ensure that for each livestock vehicle and vessel which has transported live animals to destinations in libya and morocco, a cleansing and disinfection certificate is retained for a minimum period of three years. (15) member states should also have the possibility to subject vehicles which transport feed from or have transported feed to infected countries, and for which a significant risk of introduction of foot-and-mouth disease into the territory of the union cannot be excluded, to on-the-spot disinfection of the wheels or any other part of the vehicle deemed necessary to mitigate that risk. (16) in addition, although imports of live animals of species susceptible to foot-and-mouth disease are not authorised from any country in africa, the importation of certain categories of equidae is authorised from morocco in accordance with council directive 2009/156/ec (4) and equidae from that third country may transit the union on their way to another third country in accordance with commission decision 2010/57/eu (5). therefore, member states should have the possibility to subject livestock vehicles carrying equidae coming from that third country to on-the-spot disinfection of the wheels or any other part of the vehicle deemed necessary to mitigate the risk of introduction of foot-and-mouth disease into the union. (17) the measures provided for by this decision should apply for a period of time which allows a full evaluation of the evolution of the foot-and-mouth disease in the affected areas. (18) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 for the purpose of this decision, livestock vehicle or livestock vessel means any vehicle or vessel being used or which has been used for the transport of live terrestrial animals. article 2 1. member states shall ensure that the operator or driver of a livestock vehicle or livestock vessel on arrival from libya and morocco provides to the competent authority of the member state at the point of entry in the union information showing that the livestock or loading compartment, where applicable the truck body, the loading ramp, the equipment having been in contact with animals, the wheels and the driver's cabin and protective clothes/boots used during unloading have been cleansed and disinfected after the last unloading of animals. 2. the information referred to in paragraph 1 shall be included in a declaration completed in accordance with the model set out in annex i or in any other equivalent format which includes at least the information set out in that model. 3. the original of the declaration referred to in paragraph 2 shall be kept by the competent authority for a period of three years. article 3 1. the competent authority of the member state of the point of entry into the union shall visually check livestock vehicles coming from libya and morocco in order to determine whether they have been satisfactorily cleansed and disinfected. 2. the competent authority of the member state responsible for the issuing of the animal health certificate for imports into libya and morocco of live animals to be loaded shall visually check livestock vessels in order to determine whether they have been satisfactorily cleansed and disinfected prior to loading the animals. 3. where the checks referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 show that cleansing and disinfection have been satisfactorily carried out or where the competent authorities have in addition to the measures provided for in paragraph 1 ordered, organised and carried out additional disinfection of previously cleansed livestock vehicles or vessels, the competent authority shall attest that fact by issuing a certificate in accordance with the model set out in annex ii. 4. where the checks referred to in paragraph 1 and 2 show that cleansing and disinfection of the livestock vehicle or vessel have not been satisfactorily carried out, the competent authority shall take one of the following measures: (a) subject the livestock vehicle or vessel to proper cleansing and disinfection at a place designated by the competent authority, as close as possible to the point of entry into the member state concerned and issue the certificate referred to in paragraph 3; (b) where there is no suitable facility for the cleansing and disinfection in the vicinity of the point of entry or where there is a risk that residual animal products may escape from the uncleansed livestock vehicle or vessel: (i) refuse the entry into the union of the livestock vehicle or vessel; or (ii) perform a preliminary on-the-spot disinfection of the livestock vehicle or vessel not satisfactorily cleansed and disinfected pending the application of the measures provided for in point (a). 5. the original of the certificate referred to in paragraph 3 shall be kept by the operator or driver of the livestock vehicle for a period of three years. a copy of that certificate shall be kept by the competent authority for a period of three years. article 4 the competent authority of the member state of the point of entry into the union may subject any vehicle having transported feed from or having transported feed to libya and morocco for which a significant risk of introduction of foot-and-mouth disease into the union cannot be excluded to on-the-spot disinfection of the wheels or any other part of the vehicle deemed necessary to mitigate that risk. article 5 the competent authority of the member state of the border inspection post of entry may subject vehicles carrying equidae from morocco to be introduced into the union in accordance with the provisions of directive 2009/156/ec and in case of transit in accordance with decision 2010/57/eu, for which a significant risk of introduction of foot-and-mouth disease into the territory of the union cannot be excluded, to on-the-spot disinfection of the wheels or any other part of the vehicle deemed necessary to mitigate that risk. article 6 this decision shall apply until 31 december 2016. article 7 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 27 november 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 268, 24.9.1991, p. 56. (2) oj l 24, 30.1.1998, p. 9. (3) commission implementing decision 2014/689/eu of 29 september 2014 on measures to prevent the introduction into the union of the foot-and-mouth disease virus from algeria, libya, morocco and tunisia (oj l 287, 1.10.2014, p. 27). (4) council directive 2009/156/ec of 30 november 2009 on animal health conditions governing the movement and importation from third countries of equidae (oj l 192, 23.7.2010, p. 1). (5) commission decision 2010/57/eu of 3 february 2010 laying down health guarantees for the transit of equidae being transported through the territories listed in annex i to council directive 97/78/ec (oj l 32, 4.2.2010, p. 9). annex i model declaration to be provided by the operator/driver of the livestock vehicle/vessel coming from libya and morocco i, the operator/driver of the livestock vehicle/vessel (1) declare that: the most recent unloading of animals and feed took place at: country, region, place date (dd.mm.yyyy) time (hh:mm) following unloading, the livestock vehicle/vessel was subject to cleansing and disinfection. the cleansing and disinfection included the livestock or loading compartment, [the truck body,] (2) the loading ramp, the equipment having been in contact with animals, the wheels and the driver's cabin and protective clothes/boots used during unloading. the cleansing and disinfection took place: country, region, place date (dd.mm.yyyy) time (hh:mm) the disinfectant has been used at the concentrations recommended by the manufacturer (3): the next loading of animals will take place at: country, region, place date (dd.mm.yy) time (hh:mm) date place signature of the operator/driver name of operator/driver of the livestock vehicle and its business address (in block letters) (1) insert number of registration plate/identification of the livestock vehicle/vessel. (2) delete if not applicable. (3) indicate the substance and its concentration. annex ii model cleansing and disinfection certificate for livestock vehicles/vessels coming from libya and morocco i, the undersigned official certify that i have checked: 1. the livestock vehicle(s)/vessel(s) with the registration plate(s)/identification (1) today and by visual control found the livestock or loading compartment, [the truck body] (2), the loading ramp, the equipment having been in contact with animals, the wheels and the driver's cabin and protective clothes/boots used during unloading satisfactorily cleansed. 2. the information presented in the form of a declaration as set out in annex i to commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2217 (3) or in another equivalent form covering the items set out in annex i to implementing decision (eu) 2015/2217. date time place competent authority signature of the official (4) stamp: name in block letters: (1) insert number(s) of registration plate/identification of the livestock vehicle(s)/vessel(s). (2) delete if not applicable. (3) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2217 of 27 november 2015 on measures to prevent the introduction into the union of the foot-and-mouth disease virus from libya and morocco (oj l 314, 1.12.2015, p. 60). (4) the colour of the stamp and of the signature must be different from that of the printing.
name: political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/2200 of 13 november 2015 extending the mandate of the head of mission of the european union monitoring mission in georgia (eumm georgia) (eumm georgia/1/2015) type: decision subject matter: eu institutions and european civil service; international affairs; european construction; europe date published: 2015-11-28 28.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 313/40 political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/2200 of 13 november 2015 extending the mandate of the head of mission of the european union monitoring mission in georgia (eumm georgia) (eumm georgia/1/2015) the political and security committee, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular the third paragraph of article 38 thereof, having regard to council decision 2010/452/cfsp of 12 august 2010 on the european union monitoring mission in georgia, eumm georgia (1), and in particular article 10(1) thereof, whereas: (1) pursuant to decision 2010/452/cfsp, the political and security committee (psc) is authorised, in accordance with the third paragraph of article 38 of the treaty, to take the relevant decisions concerning the political control and strategic direction of the european union monitoring mission in georgia (eumm georgia), including the decision to appoint a head of mission. (2) on 16 december 2014, the council adopted decision 2014/915/cfsp (2), extending the mandate of eumm georgia from 15 december 2014 to 14 december 2016. (3) on 19 december 2014, the psc adopted decision eumm georgia/1/2014 (3), appointing mr kstutis jankauskas as head of mission of eumm georgia from 15 december 2014 to 14 december 2015. (4) the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy has proposed to extend the mandate of mr kstutis jankauskas as head of mission of eumm georgia from 15 december 2015 to 14 december 2016, has adopted this decision: article 1 the mandate of mr kstutis jankauskas as head of mission of eumm georgia is hereby extended until 14 december 2016. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 13 november 2015. for the political and security committee the chairperson w. stevens (1) oj l 213, 13.8.2010, p. 43. (2) council decision 2014/915/cfsp of 16 december 2014 amending decision 2010/452/cfsp on the european union monitoring mission in georgia, eumm georgia (oj l 360, 17.12.2014, p. 56). (3) political and security committee decision eumm georgia/1/2014 of 19 december 2014 on the appointment of the head of the european union monitoring mission in georgia (eumm georgia) (oj l 369, 24.12.2014, p. 78).
name: political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/2201 of 13 november 2015 on the acceptance of third states' contributions to the european union advisory mission for civilian security sector reform ukraine (euam ukraine) (euam ukraine/5/2015) type: decision subject matter: european construction; europe; cooperation policy; politics and public safety date published: 2015-11-28 28.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 313/41 political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/2201 of 13 november 2015 on the acceptance of third states' contributions to the european union advisory mission for civilian security sector reform ukraine (euam ukraine) (euam ukraine/5/2015) the political and security committee, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular the third paragraph of article 38 thereof, having regard to council decision 2014/486/cfsp of 22 july 2014 on the european union advisory mission for civilian security sector reform ukraine (euam ukraine) (1), whereas: (1) pursuant to article 10(3) of decision 2014/486/cfsp, the council authorised the political and security committee (psc) to take the relevant decisions on the acceptance of proposed contributions to euam ukraine by third states. (2) the civilian operation commander recommended that the psc accept the proposed contributions from georgia to euam ukraine and to consider the contribution as significant. (3) georgia should be exempted from financial contributions to the budget of euam ukraine, has adopted this decision: article 1 third states' contributions 1. the contribution from georgia to euam ukraine is accepted and considered to be significant. 2. georgia is exempted from financial contributions to the budget of euam ukraine. article 2 entry into force this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 13 november 2015. for the political and security committee the chairperson w. stevens (1) oj l 217, 23.7.2014, p. 42.
name: commission implementing decision (eu, euratom) 2015/2188 of 25 november 2015 amending decision 2005/872/ec, euratom authorising the czech republic to use certain approximate estimates for the calculation of the vat own resources base (notified under document c(2015) 8174) type: decision_impl subject matter: eu finance; taxation; european union law; europe; organisation of transport date published: 2015-11-27 27.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 312/21 commission implementing decision (eu, euratom) 2015/2188 of 25 november 2015 amending decision 2005/872/ec, euratom authorising the czech republic to use certain approximate estimates for the calculation of the vat own resources base (notified under document c(2015) 8174) (only the czech text is authentic) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european atomic energy community, having regard to council regulation (eec, euratom) no 1553/89 of 29 may 1989 on the definitive uniform arrangements for the collection of own resources accruing from value added tax (1), and in particular the second indent of article 6(3) thereof, after consulting the advisory committee on own resources, whereas: (1) under article 381 of council directive 2006/112/ec (2), the czech republic may, in accordance with the conditions applying in that member state on the date of its accession, continue to exempt the international transport of passengers, as referred to in point (10) of annex x, part b, for as long as the same exemption is applied in any of the member states which were members of the community on 30 april 2004; those transactions must be taken into account for the determination of the vat own resources base. (2) by commission decision 2005/872/ec, euratom (3), the czech republic has an authorisation to use approximate estimates for transactions referred to in point (10) of annex x, part b to directive 2006/112/ec. (3) in its response of 29 april 2015 to the letter of 14 february 2014 of the commission regarding the simplification of vat own resources inspections (4), the czech republic requested authorisation from the commission to use a fixed percentage of the intermediate base for the calculation of the vat own resources base for transactions referred to in point (10) of annex x, part b to directive 2006/112/ec for the financial years 2015 to 2020. the czech republic has shown that the historical percentage has remained stable over time. the czech republic should therefore be authorised to calculate the vat own resources base using a fixed percentage in accordance with the letter sent by the commission. (4) for reasons of transparency and legal certainty it is appropriate to limit the applicability of the authorisation in time. (5) it is therefore appropriate to amend decision 2005/872/ec, euratom accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 in decision 2005/872/ec, euratom the following article 1a is inserted: article 1a by way of derogation from article 1 of this decision, for the purpose of calculating the vat own resources base from 1 january 2015 to 31 december 2020, the czech republic is authorised to use 0,10 % of the intermediate base in respect of transactions referred to in point (10) of annex x, part b, (passenger transport) to council directive 2006/112/ec (5). article 2 this decision is addressed to the czech republic. done at brussels, 25 november 2015. for the commission kristalina georgieva vice-president (1) oj l 155, 7.6.1989, p. 9. (2) council directive 2006/112/ec of 28 november 2006 on the common system of value added tax (oj l 347, 11.12.2006, p. 1). (3) commission decision 2005/872/ec, euratom of 21 november 2005 authorising the czech republic to use certain approximate estimates for the calculation of the vat own resources base (oj l 322, 9.12.2005, p. 19). (4) ares(2015)371446.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2181 of 24 november 2015 on the publication with restriction in the official journal of the european union of the reference to standard en 795:2012 on personal fall protection equipment anchor devices under regulation (eu) no 1025/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: technology and technical regulations; consumption; organisation of transport date published: 2015-11-26 26.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 309/10 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2181 of 24 november 2015 on the publication with restriction in the official journal of the european union of the reference to standard en 795:2012 on personal fall protection equipment anchor devices under regulation (eu) no 1025/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 89/686/eec of 21 december 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to personal protective equipment (1), and in particular article 5(4) thereof, having regard to the regulation (eu) no 1025/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on european standardisation, amending council directives 89/686/eec and 93/15/eec and directives 94/9/ec, 94/25/ec, 95/16/ec, 97/23/ec, 98/34/ec, 2004/22/ec, 2007/23/ec, 2009/23/ec and 2009/105/ec of the european parliament and of the council and repealing council decision 87/95/eec and decision no 1673/2006/ec of the european parliament and of the council (2), and in particular point (a) of article 11(1) thereof, having regard to the opinion of the committee established by article 22 of regulation (eu) no 1025/2012, whereas: (1) where a national standard transposing a harmonised standard, the reference of which has been published in the official journal of the european union, covers one or more essential health and safety requirements set out in annex ii to directive 89/686/eec, equipment manufactured in accordance with this standard is presumed to meet the basic health and safety requirements concerned. (2) on 12 february 2000, the european commission, upon publication of the list of harmonised standards in the official journal of the european union, issued a warning for harmonised standard en 795:1996. it specifies that this publication does not concern the equipment described in classes a, c and d [ ] in respect of which there shall be no presumption of conformity with the provisions of directive 89/686/eec. (3) in a judgment of 21 october 2010 in case c-185/08, the court of justice of the european union held that the provisions of en 795 relating to class a 1 anchor devices are not covered by directive 89/686/eec. (4) on 3 august 2012, france lodged a formal objection in respect of standard en 795:2012 personal fall protection equipment anchor devices, harmonised under directive 89/686/eec. the standard was approved by the european committee for standardisation (cen) on 9 june 2012 but its reference has not yet been published in the official journal of the european union. (5) the formal objection is based on the fact that fixed anchor devices, to which personal protective equipment (ppe) against falls from a height such as a body harness, a lanyard with shock absorber and other connecting elements is attached, form an integral part of a structure or rock face. anchor devices which form an integral part of a structure are not ppe but devices external to the ppe and therefore complementary. in this case, only connecting elements should be regarded as ppe. (6) standard en 795:2012 concerns both fixed and mobile anchor points. however, only mobile anchor points (that is to say transportable and temporary), not permanently secured to a structure, come under the scope of directive 89/686/eec. (7) the anchor devices covered by standard en 795:2012 are of five types, according to their characteristics: type a: anchor devices with one or more stationary anchor points and with the need for structural anchors or fixing elements to fix to the structure; type b: anchor device with one or more stationary anchor points without the need for structural anchors or fixing elements to fix it to the structure; type c: anchor devices employing horizontal flexible anchor lines; type d: anchor devices employing horizontal rigid anchor lines; type e: anchor device for use on horizontal surfaces where the performance relies solely on mass and friction between itself and the surface (deadweight anchors). (8) having examined the standard en 795:2012, the commission has established that only types b and e anchor devices are mobile anchors not meant to remain permanently fixed to the structure, and are therefore ppe covered by directive 89/686/eec. (9) the european standardisation organisations, the european stakeholder organisations receiving union financing and the personal protective equipment working group were consulted, has adopted this decision: article 1 the reference of standard en 795:2012 personal fall protection equipment anchor devices shall be published in the official journal of the european union with restriction as set out in the annex. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 24 november 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 399, 30.12.1989, p. 18. (2) oj l 316, 14.11.2012, p. 12. annex publication of titles and references of european harmonised standards under directive 89/686/eec eso (1) reference and title of the harmonised standard (and reference document) first publication oj reference of superseded standard date of cessation of presumption of conformity of superseded standard note 1 cen en 795:2012 personal fall protection equipment anchor devices this is the first publication en 795:1996 warning: this publication does not concern the equipment described in: type a (anchor devices with one or more stationary anchor points and with the need for structural anchors or fixing elements to fix to the structure) referred to in clauses 3.2.1, 4.4.1, 5.3, type c (anchor devices employing horizontal flexible anchor lines) referred to in clauses 3.2.3, 4.4.3 and 5.5, type d (anchor devices employing horizontal rigid anchor lines) referred to in clauses 3.2.4, 4.4.4 and 5.6, any combination of the above. in respect of types a, c and d, this publication does not concern either clauses: 4.5, 5.2.2, 6, 7; annex a or annex za. accordingly, in respect of the equipment mentioned above, there shall be no presumption of conformity with the provisions of directive 89/686/eec because they are not considered to be ppe. note: generally the date of cessation of presumption of conformity will be the date of withdrawal ('dow'), set by the european standardisation organisation, but attention of users of these standards is drawn to the fact that in certain exceptional cases this can be otherwise. (1) eso: european standardisation organisation: cen: avenue marnix 17, 1000 brussels, belgium; tel.+32 25500811; fax +32 25500819 (http://www.cen.eu) cenelec: avenue marnix 17, 1000 brussels, belgium; tel.+32 25196871; fax +32 25196919 (http://www.cenelec.eu) etsi: 650 route des lucioles, 06921 sophia antipolis, france; tel.+33 492944200; fax +33 493654716, (http://www.etsi.eu)
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2182 of 24 november 2015 on a measure taken by germany pursuant to directive 2006/42/ec of the european parliament and of the council, to prohibit the placing on the market of a type of a poultry plucking machine (notified under document c(2015) 8086) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: marketing; organisation of transport; technology and technical regulations; agricultural activity; consumption; means of agricultural production; europe date published: 2015-11-26 26.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 309/13 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2182 of 24 november 2015 on a measure taken by germany pursuant to directive 2006/42/ec of the european parliament and of the council, to prohibit the placing on the market of a type of a poultry plucking machine (notified under document c(2015) 8086) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to directive 2006/42/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 17 may 2006 on machinery, and amending directive 95/16/ec (1), and in particular article 11(3) thereof, whereas: (1) in accordance with the procedure set out in article 11(2) of directive 2006/42/ec, germany informed the commission of a measure to prohibit the placing on the market of a poultry plucking machine of type rf-169 distributed by fringo gmbh & co. kg, kurf rstendamm 96, 10709 berlin. (2) the reason for taking the measure was the non-conformity of the poultry plucking machine with the essential health and safety requirements set out in annex i to directive 2006/42/ec. (3) sections 1.2.3 starting and normal stop of annex i to directive 2006/42/ec require that machinery must be fitted with a control device which prevents unattended and unexpected starting and ensures that operator can stop machinery safely at all times. the plucking machine has a flexible mains cable with a plug which contains a small distribution panel with a residual current protection device (rcd). intentional starting and normal stopping are carried out, in accordance with the operating instructions, by inserting a plug into a socket and removing it. there is no on/off switch on the machinery. (4) section emergency stop of annex i to directive 2006/42/ec requires that machinery must be fitted with one or more emergency stop to enable actual or impending danger to be averted. owing to the length (3,4 m) of the flexible mains cable, the fact that there is no on/off switch and the machine can only be stopped by unplugging it from the socket, an immediate risk can only be averted by means of an emergency stop device on the machinery. (5) section 1.2.6 failure of the power supply of annex i to directive 2006/42/ec requires the machinery not to lead to dangerous situation in case of interruption of the power supply, the re-establishment of the power supply after an interruption or any fluctuation of the power supply. when the power supply is restored the plucking machinery starts up immediately, which could give rise to a hazardous situation. (6) section 1.3.7 risks related to moving parts of annex i to directive 2006/42/ec requires the machinery to prevent risk of contact which could lead to accidents or, where risk persist, to be fitted with guards or protective devices. the movable transmission parts of plucking machine are accessible through the feather discharge chute on side of the machine and from beneath the machine. the machine does not stop when the flap is open and therefore parts of the body of the user may come into contact with rotating parts causing injures. (7) section 1.5.1 electricity supply of annex i to directive 2006/42/ec requires the machinery to be designed, constructed and equipped in a way that all hazards of an electrical nature are or can be prevented. wiring must be selected in such a way as to be suitable for all conditions of use, for external influences and mechanical stresses. the pvc cables used on the machinery (h05vv-f and 53 rvv 300/500 v) are intended for: very light, light and normal loads, when water is present free-falling drops and for temporary outdoor use. since, when the machinery is used for its intended purpose, inundation of the connection cable and heavy loading are to be reckoned with, the connection cable is classed as unsafe. (8) section 1.7.3 marking of machinery of annex i to directive 2006/42/ec requires the machinery to be marked visibly, legibly and indelibly with minimum particulars. the plucking machine has no indication of the year in which it was manufactured, and the data plate is not attached to the machine in a permanent manner. on the motor, there is no manufacturer's serial number or identification symbol, strand count, standard(s) applied, temperature class/temperature limit or rated power factor(s). (9) the commission invited fringo gmbh & co. kg to present its observations on the measure taken by germany. no reply was received. (10) examination of the evidence provided by the german authorities confirms that the poultry plucking machine of type rf-169 distributed by fringo gmbh & co. kg, kurf rstendamm 96, 10709 berlin, fails to comply with the essential health and safety requirements referred to in article 5(1)(a) of directive 2006/42/ec and that the non-conformity gives rise to serious risks of injury to users. it is therefore appropriate to consider the measure taken by germany as justified, has adopted this decision: article 1 the measure taken by germany to prohibit the placing on the market of a poultry plucking machine of type rf-169 distributed by fringo gmbh & co. kg, kurf rstendamm 96, 10709 berlin, is justified. article 2 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 24 november 2015. for the commission el bieta bie kowska member of the commission (1) oj l 157, 9.6.2006, p. 24.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2097 of 26 october 2015 on setting up the integrated carbon observation system european research infrastructure consortium (icos eric) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: deterioration of the environment; research and intellectual property; legal form of organisations; environmental policy; chemistry date published: 2015-11-20 20.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 303/19 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2097 of 26 october 2015 on setting up the integrated carbon observation system european research infrastructure consortium (icos eric) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 723/2009 of 25 june 2009 on the community legal framework for a european research infrastructure consortium (eric) (1), and in particular point (a) of article 6(1) thereof, whereas: (1) the kingdom of belgium, the federal republic of germany, the french republic, the italian republic, the republic of finland, the kingdom of the netherlands, the kingdom of norway and the kingdom of sweden requested the commission to set up the integrated carbon observation system european research infrastructure consortium (icos eric). the swiss confederation will participate in icos eric as observer. (2) the kingdom of belgium, the federal republic of germany, the french republic, the italian republic, the kingdom of the netherlands, the kingdom of norway and the kingdom of sweden have agreed that the republic of finland will be the host member state of icos eric. (3) the commission has, in accordance with article 5(2) of regulation (ec) no 723/2009, assessed the application and concluded that it meets the requirements set out in that regulation. (4) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the committee established by article 20 of regulation (ec) no 723/2009, has adopted this decision: article 1 1. the integrated carbon observation system european research infrastructure consortium named icos eric is hereby established. 2. the statutes of icos eric are set out in the annex. the statutes shall be kept up to date and made publicly available on the website of icos eric and at its statutory seat. 3. the essential elements of the statutes for which amendments shall require approval by the commission in accordance with article 11(1) of regulation (ec) no 723/2009 are provided for in articles 1, 2, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23 and 24. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 26 october 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 206, 8.8.2009, p. 1. annex statutes of the integrated carbon observation system european research infrastructure consortium (icos eric) the kingdom of belgium the federal republic of germany the french republic the italian republic the republic of finland the kingdom of the netherlands the kingdom of norway the kingdom of sweden hereinafter referred to as the members and the swiss confederation hereinafter referred to as the observer whereas the members are convinced that addressing climate change arising from anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (ghg) is a global challenge and that research and continuous, long-term observations are required to enhance understanding of ghg emissions, sinks, their impacts on earth systems and management options; considering that observing essential climate variables, including ghg, is required to support the work of the united nations framework convention on climate change (unfccc) and the intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc); emphasising that the unfccc calls on its parties to promote and cooperate in systematic ghg observation via the cooperation with the global climate observing system (gcos), the climate observing component of the global earth observation system of systems (geoss); considering the importance of the national ghg research and its observing capacities, and the need for establishing coordination at the european level, as an integrated carbon observation system (icos) research infrastructure; whereas the members wish to enable research to improve understanding of the regional budgets of ghg sources and sinks, their human and natural drivers and the controlling mechanisms, by developing high-precision and long-term ghg observations; whereas the members wish to provide access to the icos data for wide user communities, to link research, education and innovation promoting technological developments and to provide independent data to contribute to analysis of emission inventories; requesting the european commission to establish the infrastructure icos as a european research infrastructure consortium (icos eric), have agreed as follows: chapter 1 general provisions article 1 name, statutory seat and working language 1. an integrated carbon observation system european research infrastructure consortium icos eric is set up. 2. icos eric shall have its statutory seat in helsinki, finland (the hosting state). 3. the working language of icos eric shall be english. article 2 tasks and activities 1. the principal task of icos eric shall be to establish a distributed integrated carbon observation system research infrastructure (icos ri) and to coordinate the operations of icos ri, distribute information from icos ri to user communities and to establish integrated data and analysis from ghg observation systems. 2. icos eric shall provide effective access to coherent and precise data to facilitate research into multi-scale analysis of ghg emissions, sinks and their driving processes by making available measurement protocols, long-term data and data products. technological developments and demonstrations, related to ghgs, shall be promoted by the linking of research, education and innovation. to this end icos eric shall undertake and coordinate activities, including but not limited to: (a) quantification of ghg atmospheric concentrations and terrestrial and oceanic fluxes over europe and key regions of european interest, including the north atlantic ocean; (b) facilitation of european research programmes and projects; (c) contribution to the mobility of knowledge and/or researchers within the european research area (era) and increasing the use of intellectual potential throughout europe; (d) coordination and support of development of technology and protocols for high-quality and cost-efficient measurements of ghg concentrations and fluxes also to be promoted beyond europe; (e) contribution of timely information relevant to the ghg policy and decision-making; (f) facilitation of the analysis of carbon sequestration and/or ghg emission reduction activities on global atmospheric composition levels, including the attribution of sources and sinks by geographical regions and activity sectors; (g) facilitation of the aims of the icos ri to establish a template for the future development of similar integrated and operative ghg observation networks beyond europe; (h) scientific and management evaluation of the activities, the strategic orientation and operation of all components of icos ri by external evaluators. 3. icos eric shall be operated on a non-economic basis. in order to further promote innovation as well as transfer of knowledge and technology, limited economic activities may be carried out provided that they are closely related to its principal task and that they do not jeopardise the achievement thereof. chapter 2 members and observers article 3 membership, observer and representing entity 1. the following entities may become members or observers of icos eric: (a) member states of the union; (b) associated countries; (c) third countries other than associated countries; (d) intergovernmental organisations. 2. entities referred to in paragraph 1 may become members of icos eric if they contribute to the operation of icos eric and/or host icos central facility and/or icos national networks. 3. members of icos eric shall include at least a member state and two other countries that are either member states or associated countries. 4. member states or associated countries shall hold jointly the majority of the voting rights in the general assembly. the general assembly shall determine any modification of voting rights that are necessary to ensure the icos eric complies at all times with that requirement. 5. a member or an observer may be represented by one or more public entities, including regions or private entities with a public service mission, of its own choosing and appointed according to its own rules and procedures. a member or an observer shall inform in writing the chairperson of the general assembly of any change regarding the representing entity. 6. the members and the observers as well as their representing entities are listed in annex 1. annex 1 shall be kept up to date by the chairperson of the general assembly or any person authorised by him/her. article 4 admission of members and observers 1. the admission of members shall comply with the following conditions: (a) an entity referred to in article 3(2) shall submit a written application to the chairperson of the general assembly; (b) the application shall describe how the applicant will be involved in icos ri and participate in the realisation of the tasks and activities of icos eric described in article 2 and how it will fulfil the obligations referred to in article 6(2); (c) the admission of new members shall require the approval of the general assembly. 2. the admission of observers shall comply with the following conditions: (a) an entity referred to in article 3(3) shall submit a written application to the chairperson of the general assembly; (b) the application shall describe how the applicant will be involved in icos ri, whether it will participate in the realisation of the objectives and tasks of icos eric described in article 2 and how it will fulfil observer obligations referred to in article 6(4); (c) the admission of an observer shall require the approval of the general assembly; 3. an observer may be admitted for maximum of three years. the general assembly, on request of the observer, may extend that initial period once for the same duration. in exceptional cases the general assembly may accept more than one extension of an observer status. article 5 withdrawal of a member or of an observer/termination of membership or observer status 1. no member may withdraw within a period of five years following the entry into force of the commission decision setting up icos eric unless the general assembly accepts the member's request to withdraw at an earlier time. 2. after the period referred to in paragraph 1 a member may withdraw at the end of a financial year provided that it notifies its intention to withdraw by sending an official request 12 months in advance to the chairperson of the general assembly. 3. an observer may withdraw at the end of a financial year provided that it notifies its intention to withdraw by sending an official request six months in advance to the chairperson of the general assembly. 4. a withdrawing member or observer shall fulfil all obligations, including financial obligations, it has entered into before its withdrawal. 5. the general assembly may terminate the membership or the observer status if the following cumulative conditions are met: (a) the member or the observer is in serious breach of one or more of its obligations under these statutes; (b) the member or the observer has failed to rectify such breach within a period of six months after it has received notice of the breach in writing; and (c) the member or the observer has been given opportunity to present its position with regard to a pending decision of termination to the general assembly. article 6 rights and obligations of members and observers 1. rights of members shall include: (a) the right to appoint representing entities; (b) the right to attend and vote at the general assembly; (c) the right to access to the services and activities coordinated by icos eric for its research community. 2. each member shall: (a) pay the annual membership contribution specified in annex 2; (b) empower its representatives attending the general assembly with a full authority to represent the member; (c) ensure adoption of relevant standards and tools in icos national network operations; (d) provide the necessary infrastructure and resources for icos national network operations and icos central facilities that it hosts; (e) promote uptake of icos eric coordinated data and services among researchers in their country, and gather user feedback and requirements. 3. rights of observers shall include: (a) the right to appoint representing entities; (b) the right to attend to the general assembly without a vote. an observer may have other rights granted by the general assembly according to the procedure determined in the internal rules. 4. each observer shall: (a) pay the annual observer contribution specified in annex 2; (b) fulfil any other obligation negotiated between the respective observer and icos eric, and agreed by the general assembly. chapter 3 governance and management of icos eric article 7 governance 1. icos eric shall include the following bodies: the general assembly, the scientific advisory board, the ethical advisory board, and the director-general supported by the icos research infrastructure committee. the general assembly may establish other advisory bodies that it considers appropriate. 2. specific agreements describing the roles and responsibilities, including financial obligations shall be concluded between icos eric and the entities responsible for managing the icos central facilities and icos national networks. article 8 general assembly: composition, meetings and procedures 1. the general assembly shall be the governing body of icos eric and shall be composed of representatives of the members and observers of icos eric. each member may have up to three representatives. an observer may have one representative in the general assembly. 2. the general assembly shall elect a chairperson and a vice chairperson amongst the representatives for the term of two years, renewable twice. 3. the general assembly shall be convened and chaired by the chairperson. in his or her absence, the general assembly shall be chaired by the vice chairperson. 4. the general assembly shall meet at least once per year and be responsible for the overall direction and supervision of icos eric and decide upon the strategic orientation and structure of icos ri. 5. an extraordinary meeting of the general assembly may be requested by at least one third of the members. 6. a member may be represented by another member if notified in writing to the chairperson of the general assembly. a member cannot represent more than one other member. 7. decisions of the general assembly may also be taken by written procedure. 8. the general assembly shall adopt its rules of procedure. article 9 voting rights 1. each member shall have at least one vote that shall be supplemented with an additional vote for a member hosting an icos central facility, the carbon portal or the head office, and an additional vote for a member hosting four icos class-1 stations of at least two different types (atmospheric, ecosystem, ocean station). each member shall have maximally three votes. 2. members with more than one vote cannot split their votes. 3. the chairperson or in her/his absence the vice chairperson, shall have no voting rights. the member from which the chairperson/vice chairperson originates may nominate another member representative. article 10 decisions 1. to reach a quorum, two thirds of all the members must be represented. 2. the general assembly shall decide by unanimity of the members represented on the following matters: (a) proposals for amendment of the statutes of icos eric; (b) liquidation and winding-up of icos eric. 3. the general assembly shall decide by two-thirds majority of the votes of the members represented on the following matters: (a) approval of the annual accounts of icos eric; (b) acceptance of the annual activity report of icos ri; (c) approval of the annual work plans and taking note of the budgets and indicative five-year financial plans of icos central facilities; (d) approval of the annual budget; (e) approval of the icos eric strategy; (f) adoption of its own rules of procedure; (g) adoption of the internal rules; (h) appointment and dismissal of the director-general, and appointment and dismissal of the members of the icos research infrastructure committee; (i) appointment and dismissal of the icos eric scientific advisory board; (j) approval of the new members and observers; (k) termination of membership or observer status; (l) approval of any major agreements which are of significant importance for the operations of icos ri; (m) establishment of advisory bodies; (n) extension of the term of icos eric. 4. decisions of the general assembly on the following matters shall require: (a) a two-thirds majority of the votes of the members represented; and (b) a two-thirds majority of the annual membership contributions paid for the most recent full financial year: (a) the level of annual membership contributions. any change to the contribution structure which results in increased contribution supporting any of the following components of icos ri (head office, carbon portal or an icos central facility) must be approved by the member(s) hosting the affected facility; (b) the decision to recognise icos central facilities as crucial for the operations of icos ri; (c) the approval of early withdrawal of a member provided for in article 5(1). 5. any other decision by the general assembly shall be made with simple majority of the votes of the members represented. article 11 director-general 1. the director-general of icos eric shall be appointed by the general assembly according to a procedure established by the general assembly. the term for the director-general shall be five years, renewable twice. 2. the director-general shall be the legal representative of icos eric. 3. the director-general shall carry out the day-to-day management of the icos eric and be responsible for the implementation of the decisions by the general assembly, including the annual work plan and annual budget as well as overseeing and coordinating the icos ri activities. 4. the director-general shall be based at the statutory seat of icos eric and shall be responsible for managing staff and activities of the head office and the carbon portal in accordance with the icos eric budget. article 12 scientific advisory board 1. the general assembly shall establish an independent scientific advisory board. 2. the membership and the rules of procedure of the scientific advisory board shall be decided by the general assembly and included into the internal rules. 3. the scientific advisory board shall: (a) monitor the scientific quality of icos ri activities; (b) give feedback and make recommendations to develop icos ri activities; (c) present recommendations annually to the general assembly. article 13 ethical advisory board 1. the general assembly shall establish an independent ethical advisory board to advise and give periodic reports on ethical issues. the ethical advisory board shall be composed of three to five independent persons. 2. the membership and the rules of procedure of the ethical advisory board shall be decided by the general assembly and included into the internal rules. article 14 icos research infrastructure committee 1. there shall be an icos research infrastructure committee (icos ri committee) for the icos eric. the icos ri committee shall include one representative from the head office, carbon portal, each icos central facility and each monitoring station assembly, the latter formed by scientific and technical experts from the icos national networks. 2. the icos ri committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure. 3. the director-general shall consult the icos ri committee for all general matters including drawing up proposals for the general assembly for establishing and modifying annual work plans related to icos ri to ensure consistence, coherence and stability of the research infrastructure services. 4. icos ri committee meetings shall be convened by the director-general. chapter 4 contributions, liability, insurance and reporting article 15 contributions and principles of finance 1. members and observers shall pay annual contributions as described in annex 2. 2. annual member and observer contributions are cash contributions. principles of contributions are set out in the annex 2 and will be further defined in the internal rules. 3. contributions other than the annual contribution to icos eric may be provided by members and observers individually or in cooperation with other members, observers or third parties. 4. icos eric may also receive donations, gifts and other contributions after approval by the general assembly. 5. icos eric resources shall be used for objectives as laid down in these statutes. 6. the financial year of icos eric shall begin on 1 january and end on 31 december of each year. 7. the accounts of icos eric shall be accompanied by a report on budgetary and financial management of the financial year. 8. icos eric shall be subject to the legal requirements of the applicable law regarding preparation, filing, auditing and publication of accounts. article 16 liability and insurance 1. icos eric shall be liable for its debts. 2. financial liability of the members towards the icos eric's debts shall be limited to their respective annual financial contribution. 3. icos eric shall take appropriate insurance to cover the risks of its activities. article 17 reporting 1. icos eric shall produce an annual activity report, containing in particular the scientific, operational and financial aspects of its activities. the report shall be approved by the general assembly and transmitted to the commission and relevant public authorities within six months after the end of the corresponding financial year. the report shall be made publicly available. 2. icos eric shall inform the commission of any circumstances which threaten to seriously jeopardise the achievement of icos eric tasks or hinder the icos eric from fulfilling requirements laid down in regulation (ec) no 723/2009. chapter 5 policies article 18 data policy and intellectual property rights policy 1. icos ri data, as well as intellectual property rights and other knowledge that is related to the icos ri data and produced and developed within the icos ri, shall belong to the entity or to the person who has generated it. the use of icos ri data shall be granted to icos eric by the data providers in accordance with the conditions defined in the icos data policy document. 2. icos eric shall adopt common principles and rules in order to ensure access to the scientific knowledge of the icos ri. data providers and authors shall be acknowledged in an appropriate manner. article 19 access policy for users and dissemination policy 1. icos eric shall establish secure, fair and transparent procedures to provide access to the icos data for all data users. 2. if research access to the icos ri facilities and services has to be restricted for capacity reasons the selection criteria shall be based on scientific excellence of the proposals according to the procedure set out in the internal rules. 3. the data providers and the icos eric shall encourage researchers to make their research results publicly available and request researchers of member countries to make results available through the icos eric. 4. in order to reach various target audiences the icos eric shall use several channels, such as web portal, newsletters, workshops, presence in conferences, articles in magazines and daily newspapers. article 20 evaluation 1. every five years an independent panel of international external evaluators of the highest quality, appointed by the general assembly, shall carry out: (a) scientific and management evaluations of the activities of icos eric; (b) evaluation of icos ri activities, scientific and strategic orientation and operation of all components of icos ri. the panel shall give special attention to the fulfilment of user requirements. 2. the results of the evaluations referred to in paragraph 1 shall be reported to the general assembly. article 21 employment icos eric shall be an equal opportunity employer. all vacancies in icos eric shall be announced publicly. article 22 procurement policy and tax exemption 1. icos eric shall treat procurement candidates and tenderers equally and in non-discriminatory way, independent of whether or not they are established in the european union. the procurement policy of icos eric shall follow the principles of transparency, non- discrimination and competition. 2. the director-general shall be responsible for all icos eric procurements. tenders shall be publicised on the icos eric website and in the members' and observers' territories. the decision to award procurement shall be publicised and include a full justification. icos eric shall establish its own procurement policy. 3. procurement by members and observers concerning icos eric activities shall be done in such a way that due consideration is given to icos eric needs, technical requirements and specifications issued by the relevant bodies. 4. icos eric procurement policy shall be used for the entire icos ri where feasible. 5. tax exemptions based on article 143(1)(g) and article 151(1)(b) of council directive 2006/112/ec (1) and in accordance with articles 50 and 51 of council implementing regulation (eu) no 282/2011 (2) shall be limited to the value added tax for such goods and services which are for official use by icos eric, exceed the value of eur 250, and are wholly paid and procured by the icos eric. the tax exemptions shall apply to non-economic activities. they shall not apply to economic activities. procurement by individual members shall not benefit from these exemptions. no further limits shall apply. chapter 6 duration, winding up, disputes, set up provisions article 23 duration icos eric shall be established for an initial period of 20 years which may be prolonged by decision of the general assembly. article 24 winding-up and insolvency 1. the winding-up of the icos eric shall require a decision of the general assembly in accordance with article 10(2)(b) and shall be notified within 10 days after its adoption to the european commission. 2. assets remaining after payment of the icos eric debts shall be apportioned among the members in proportion to their cumulated contribution to the icos eric over the five consecutive years prior to winding-up. 3. without undue delay and in any event within 10 days of the closure of the winding-up procedure, the icos eric shall notify the commission thereof. 4. the icos eric shall cease to exist on the day on which the european commission publishes the appropriate notice in the official journal of the european union. 5. at any time, in the event that icos eric is unable to pay its debts, it shall immediately notify the commission thereof. article 25 internal rules these statutes shall be implemented by internal rules to be adopted by the general assembly. article 26 amendments to the statutes 1. amendments may be proposed to the general assembly by any member or by the director-general. 2. proposals for amendments to these statutes may be adopted by the general assembly and submitted to the european commission in accordance with article 11 of regulation (ec) no 723/2009. article 27 applicable law the setting-up and internal functioning of icos eric shall be governed by: (a) union law, in particular regulation (ec) no 723/2009; (b) by the law of the hosting state in case of a matter not covered (or only partly covered) by union law; (c) by these statutes and their implementing rules. article 28 disputes 1. the court of justice of the european union shall have jurisdiction over litigation among the members in relation to the icos eric, between members and the icos eric and over any litigation to which the union is a party. 2. union legislation on jurisdiction shall apply to disputes between the icos eric and third parties. in cases not covered by union legislation, the law of the hosting state shall determine the competent jurisdiction for the resolution of such disputes. article 29 availability of the statutes the statutes shall be kept up to date and made publicly available at the icos eric website and at the statutory seat. article 30 setting-up provisions 1. a constitutional meeting of the general assembly shall be called by the hosting state as soon as possible after the commission decision to set up the icos eric takes effect. 2. before the constitutional meeting is held and no later than 45 calendar days after the commission decision to set up the icos eric takes effect, the hosting state shall notify the founding members and observers, as listed in annex 1, of any specific urgent legal action that needs to be taken on behalf of icos eric. unless a member objects within five working days after being notified, the legal action shall be carried out by a person duly authorised by the hosting state. (1) council directive 2006/112/ec of 28 november 2006 on the common system of value added tax (oj l 347, 11.12.2006, p. 1). (2) council implementing regulation (eu) no 282/2011 of 15 march 2011 laying down implementing measures for directive 2006/112/ec on the common system of value added tax (oj l 77, 23.3.2011, p. 1). annex 1 the members and observers and their current representing entities this annex lists the members and the observers, and the entities representing them. members country or intergovernmental organisation representing entity the kingdom of belgium belgian science policy office (belspo) the republic of finland ministry of education and culture; ministry of transport and communications the french republic french alternative energies and atomic energy commission (cea); national centre for scientific research (cnrs); french national institute for agricultural research (inra) the federal republic of germany federal ministry of transport (bmvi) the italian republic consiglio nationale delle riserche dipartimento di scienze del sistema terra e tecnologie ambientali (cnr-dta); centro euro-mediterraneo sui cambiamenti climatici (cmcc); icos-it, joint research unit the kingdom of the netherlands nederlandse organisatie voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek (nwo) the kingdom of norway the research council of norway the kingdom of sweden swedish research council observers country or intergovernmental organisation representing entity the swiss confederation eth zurich annex 2 annual contributions preface resourcing of the icos national networks is organised nationally, and the funding is not included in host contributions. icos central facilities, operated outside the icos eric either as national or as multinational consortia, are funded in major part from the hosting countries and in lesser part by icos eric through reallocation of annual contributions. icos eric integrated activities are funded by annual contributions and by host premium contributions. principles annual membership contribution to the icos eric is based on the following variables: common basic contribution (50 % of the common contributions), common gni-based contribution (50 % of the common contributions), station-based contributions. hosting countries are committed to pay host premium contributions to icos eric (ho, cp). observers will pay annual observer contributions based on the same calculation method as for members. members or observers joining the icos eric will pay the full annual contribution for the year of entry. annual contributions of intergovernmental organisations will be decided by the general assembly. icos eric budget and activities will be adjusted to match the revenue. initial commitments before the end of the initial 5-year period the general assembly will decide about the calculation method for subsequent periods. (a) initial commitment for members is 5 years (unless ga decides otherwise). no initial commitment for observers; (b) the indicative revenue structure of icos eric for 5 years is shown below (table 1) and is based on an estimated participation of the countries that have signed the letter of intent; (c) the maximum relative host premium contribution for the first 5-year budget of the head office or carbon portal cannot exceed 80 % of the annual budget of each component; (d) the initial icos ri total 5-year budget is detailed in the financial plan (location to be defined); (e) annual contributions are listed in table 2. note: the budget is an estimate based on countries' intention to become icos eric in 2013. it will be revised based on the final membership by the first ga. table 1 the plan for icos eric revenue and expenditure structure for the first 5 years, calculated based on the estimations in table 2 revenue, keur 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 common basic contribution 166 154 154 154 154 common gni-based contribution 176 171 171 171 171 station-based contribution 616 859 859 859 859 host premium contribution (ho) 950 950 950 950 950 host premium contribution (cp) 859 859 859 859 859 total 2 767 2 993 2 993 2 993 2 993 expenditure, keur 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 head office and common activities 1 135 1 126 1 126 1 126 1 126 carbon portal activities 1 016 1 008 1 008 1 008 1 008 central facilities activities 616 859 859 859 859 total 2 767 2 993 2 993 2 993 2 993 table 2 estimated annual contributions and host premium contributions towards icos eric for the first five years of operation member/observer* country annual contribution 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 belgium total 57 836 95 199 95 199 95 199 95 199 common basic contr. 18 462 17 143 17 143 17 143 17 143 common gni-based contr 7 625 7 407 7 407 7 407 7 407 station-based contribution 31 750 70 650 70 650 70 650 70 650 finland total 112 938 133 009 133 009 133 009 133 009 common basic contr. 18 462 17 143 17 143 17 143 17 143 common gni-based contr 3 877 3 766 3 766 3 766 3 766 station-based contribution 90 600 112 100 112 100 112 100 112 100 host premium contribution 900 000 900 000 900 000 900 000 900 000 france total 163 087 182 067 182 067 182 067 182 067 common basic contr. 18 462 17 143 17 143 17 143 17 143 common gni-based contr 42 026 40 825 40 825 40 825 40 825 station-based contribution 102 600 124 100 124 100 124 100 124 100 host premium contribution 50 000 50 000 50 000 50 000 50 000 germany total 205 424 288 461 288 461 288 461 288 461 common basic contr. 18 462 17 143 17 143 17 143 17 143 common gni-based contr 54 012 52 468 52 468 52 468 52 468 station-based contribution 132 950 218 850 218 850 218 850 218 850 italy total 95 052 92 796 92 796 92 796 92 796 common basic contr. 18 462 17 143 17 143 17 143 17 143 common gni-based contr 32 790 31 853 31 853 31 853 31 853 station-based contribution 43 800 43 800 43 800 43 800 43 800 netherlands total 57 237 66 314 66 314 66 314 66 314 common basic contr. 18 462 17 143 17 143 17 143 17 143 common gni-based contr 12 375 12 021 12 021 12 021 12 021 station-based contribution 26 400 37 150 37 150 37 150 37 150 host premium contribution 139 338 139 338 139 338 139 338 139 338 norway total 89 285 109 272 109 272 109 272 109 272 common basic contr. 18 462 17 143 17 143 17 143 17 143 common gni-based contr 6 773 6 579 6 579 6 579 6 579 station-based contribution 64 050 85 550 85 550 85 550 85 550 sweden (1) total 123 133 153 851 153 851 153 851 153 851 common basic contr. 18 462 17 143 17 143 17 143 17 143 common gni-based contr 7 472 7 258 7 258 7 258 7 258 station-based contribution 97 200 129 450 129 450 129 450 129 450 host premium contribution 719 259 719 259 719 259 719 259 719 259 switzerland* total 54 114 63 281 63 281 63 281 63 281 common basic contr. 18 462 17 143 17 143 17 143 17 143 common gni-based contr 9 253 8 988 8 988 8 988 8 988 station-based contribution 26 400 37 150 37 150 37 150 37 150 grand total 2 766 703 2 992 848 2 992 848 2 992 848 2 992 848 (1) the total annual contribution for sweden will not exceed 7 750 000 sek.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2091 of 17 november 2015 amending implementing decision 2011/431/eu on a union financial contribution towards member states' fisheries control, inspection and surveillance programmes for 2011 (notified under document c(2015) 7856) type: decision_impl subject matter: fisheries; european construction; eu finance; accounting; cooperation policy date published: 2015-11-19 19.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 302/110 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2091 of 17 november 2015 amending implementing decision 2011/431/eu on a union financial contribution towards member states' fisheries control, inspection and surveillance programmes for 2011 (notified under document c(2015) 7856) (only the bulgarian, danish, dutch, english, estonian, finnish, french, german, greek, italian, latvian, lithuanian, maltese, polish, portuguese, romanian, slovenian, spanish and swedish texts are authentic) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 508/2014 of the european parliament and of the council of 15 may 2014 on the european maritime and fisheries fund and repealing council regulations (ec) no 2328/2003, (ec) no 861/2006, (ec) no 1198/2006 and (ec) no 791/2007 and regulation (eu) no 1255/2011 of the european parliament and of the council (1), in particular article 129(2) thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 861/2006 of 22 may 2006 establishing community financial measures for the implementation of the common fisheries policy and in the area of the law of the sea (2), and in particular article 21 thereof, whereas: (1) member states have submitted to the commission, in accordance with article 20 of regulation (ec) no 861/2006, their fisheries control programmes for 2011 and the applications for a union financial contribution towards the expenditure incurred in carrying out the projects contained in such programme. (2) the commission fixed in its implementing decision 2011/431/eu (3) the maximum amount by project and the rate of the union financial contribution within the limits set by article 15 of regulation (ec) no 861/2006 and laid down the conditions under which such contribution may be granted. (3) article 2 of implementing decision 2011/431/eu provides that all payments in respect of which a reimbursement is claimed are to be made by the member state concerned by 30 june 2015 and that payments made after that deadline are not eligible for reimbursement. (4) several member states informed the commission in the first half of 2015 that they encountered difficulties in respecting that deadline in the context of the financial crisis. (5) in order to ensure that member states are able to pursue the execution of these projects and do not abandon them further to the interruption of the reimbursements by the commission from the second half of 2015, the deadline provided for in article 2 of implementing decision 2011/431/eu should be extended until 31 march 2016. (6) implementing decision 2011/431/eu should therefore be amended accordingly. (7) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the committee for fisheries and aquaculture, has adopted this decision: article 1 in article 2 of implementing decision 2011/431/eu, the first sentence is replaced by the following: all payments in respect of which a reimbursement is claimed shall be made by the member state concerned by 31 march 2016. article 2 this decision shall apply from 1 july 2015. article 3 this decision is addressed to the kingdom of belgium, the republic of bulgaria, the kingdom of denmark, the federal republic of germany, the republic of estonia, ireland, the hellenic republic, the kingdom of spain, the french republic, the italian republic, the republic of cyprus, the republic of latvia, the republic of lithuania, the republic of malta, the kingdom of the netherlands, the republic of poland, the portuguese republic, romania, the republic of slovenia, the republic of finland, the kingdom of sweden, and the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. done at brussels, 17 november 2015. for the commission karmenu vella member of the commission (1) oj l 149, 20.5.2014, p. 1. (2) oj l 160, 14.6.2006, p. 1. (3) commission implementing decision 2011/431/eu of 11 july 2011 on a union financial contribution towards member states' fisheries control, inspection and surveillance programmes for 2011 (oj l 188, 19.7.2011, p. 50).
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2088 of 10 november 2015 establishing the position to be adopted on behalf of the european union in the relevant committees of the united nations economic commission for europe as regards the proposals for amendments to un regulations nos 12, 16, 26, 39, 44, 46, 58, 61, 74, 83, 85, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 110, 116 and 127, the proposal for a new un regulation on frontal impact, the proposals for amendments to the consolidated resolution on the construction of vehicles (r.e.3), and the proposal for a new mutual resolution no 2 (m.r.2) on vehicle powertrain definitions type: decision subject matter: transport policy; organisation of transport; mechanical engineering; technology and technical regulations; united nations date published: 2015-11-19 19.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 302/103 council decision (eu) 2015/2088 of 10 november 2015 establishing the position to be adopted on behalf of the european union in the relevant committees of the united nations economic commission for europe as regards the proposals for amendments to un regulations nos 12, 16, 26, 39, 44, 46, 58, 61, 74, 83, 85, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 110, 116 and 127, the proposal for a new un regulation on frontal impact, the proposals for amendments to the consolidated resolution on the construction of vehicles (r.e.3), and the proposal for a new mutual resolution no 2 (m.r.2) on vehicle powertrain definitions the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 114, in conjunction with article 218(9) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, whereas: (1) in accordance with council decision 97/836/ec (1), the union acceded to the agreement of the united nations economic commission for europe (unece) concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted to and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions (revised 1958 agreement). (2) in accordance with council decision 2000/125/ec (2), the union acceded to the agreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles (parallel agreement). (3) directive 2007/46/ec of the european parliament and of the council (3) replaced the approval systems of the member states with a union approval procedure and established a harmonised framework containing administrative provisions and general technical requirements for all new vehicles, systems, components and separate technical units. that directive incorporated un regulations in the eu type-approval system, either as requirements for type-approval or as alternatives to union legislation. since the adoption of that directive, un regulations have increasingly been incorporated into union legislation in the framework of the eu type-approval. (4) in the light of experience and technical developments, the requirements relating to certain elements or features covered by un regulations nos 12, 16, 26, 39, 44, 46, 58, 61, 74, 83, 85, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 110, 116 and 127, as well as consolidated resolution on the construction of vehicles (r.e.3) need to be adapted for technical progress. (5) in order to improve the relevant safety provisions for motor vehicles, a new un regulation on frontal impact should be adopted; in order to harmonise vehicle powertrain definitions, a new mutual resolution no 2 (m.r.2) on vehicle powertrain definitions should also be adopted. (6) it is therefore necessary to establish the position to be adopted on behalf of the union in the administrative committee of the revised 1958 agreement and in the executive committee of the parallel agreement, as regards the adoption of those un acts, has adopted this decision: article 1 the position to be adopted on behalf of the union in the administrative committee of the revised 1958 agreement and in the executive committee of the parallel agreement during the period from 9 to 13 november 2015 shall be to vote in favour of the proposals listed in the annex to this decision. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) council decision 97/836/ec of 27 november 1997 with a view to accession by the european community to the agreement of the united nations economic commission for europe concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted to and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these prescriptions (revised 1958 agreement) (oj l 346, 17.12.1997, p. 78). (2) council decision 2000/125/ec of 31 january 2000 concerning the conclusion of the agreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles (parallel agreement) (oj l 35, 10.2.2000, p. 12). (3) directive 2007/46/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 5 september 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (framework directive) (oj l 263, 9.10.2007, p. 1). annex proposal for supplement 4 to the 04 series of amendments to regulation no 12 (steering mechanism) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/92 proposal for supplement 6 to the 06 series of amendments to regulation no 16 (safety-belts) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/93 proposal for supplement 3 to the 03 series of amendments to regulation no 26 (external projections) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/82 proposal for the 01 series of amendments to regulation no 39 (speedometer and odometer) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/83 proposal for supplement 10 to the 04 series of amendments to regulation no 44 (child restraint systems) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/94 proposal for supplement 2 to the 04 series of amendments to regulation no 46 (devices for indirect vision) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/84 proposal for the 03 series of amendments to regulation no 58 (rear underrun protection) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/85 proposal for supplement 3 to regulation no 61 (external projections of commercial vehicles) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/86 proposal for corrigendum 1 to supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendments to regulation no 74 (installation of lighting and light-signalling devices (mopeds)) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/79 proposal for supplement 11 to the 05 series of amendments to regulation no 83 (emissions of m1 and n1 vehicles) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/100 proposal for supplement 6 to the 06 series of amendments to regulation no 83 (emissions of m1 and n1 vehicles) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/101 proposal for supplement 7 to the original version of regulation no 85 (measurement of the net power) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/102 proposal for supplement 6 to the 02 series of amendments to regulation no 94 (frontal collision) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/95 proposal for 03 series of amendments to regulation no 94 (frontal collision) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/96 proposal for supplement 5 to the 03 series of amendments to regulation no 95 (lateral collision) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/97 proposal for supplement 8 to the 01 series of amendments to regulation no 97 (vehicle alarm systems) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/87 proposal for supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments to regulation no 98 (headlamps with gas-discharge light sources) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/80 proposal for supplement 11 to regulation no 99 (gas discharge light sources) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/81 proposal for supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to regulation no 100 (electric power trained vehicles) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/98 proposal for supplement 6 to the 01 series of amendments to regulation no 101 (co2 emissions/fuel consumption) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/103 proposal for supplement 13 to regulation no 106 (tyres for agricultural vehicles) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/109 proposal for supplement 4 to the 06 series of amendments to regulation no 107 (general construction of buses and coaches) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/88 proposal for supplement 4 to the 05 series of amendments to regulation no 107 (general construction of buses and coaches) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/104 proposal for supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments to regulation no 110 (specific components for cng/lng) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/89 proposal for supplement 5 to regulation no 116 (vehicle alarm systems) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/91 proposal for 02 series of amendments to regulation no 127 (pedestrian safety) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/99 proposal for a new regulation on frontal impact with focus on restraint systems ece/trans/wp.29/2015/105 proposal for 01 series of amendments to the new regulation on frontal impact with focus on restraint systems ece/trans/wp.29/2015/106 proposal for amendments to the consolidated resolution on the construction of vehicles (r.e.3) ece/trans/wp.29/2015/111 proposal for a new mutual resolution no 2 (m.r.2) on vehicle powertrain definitions ece/trans/wp.29/2015/110
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2090 of 17 november 2015 appointing a german member of the committee of the regions type: decision subject matter: eu institutions and european civil service; europe date published: 2015-11-19 19.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 302/109 council decision (eu) 2015/2090 of 17 november 2015 appointing a german member of the committee of the regions the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 305 thereof, having regard to the proposal of the german government, whereas: (1) on 26 january, 5 february and 23 june 2015, the council adopted decisions (eu) 2015/116 (1), (eu) 2015/190 (2) and (eu) 2015/994 (3) appointing the members and alternate members of the committee of the regions for the period from 26 january 2015 to 25 january 2020. (2) a member's seat on the committee of the regions has become vacant following the end of the term of office of ms jacqueline kraege, has adopted this decision: article 1 the following is hereby appointed as a member to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: frau heike raab, staatssekret rin, bevollm chtigte des landes rheinland-pfalz beim bund und f r europa, f r medien und digitales. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption. done at brussels, 17 november 2015. for the council the president j. asselborn (1) oj l 20, 27.1.2015, p. 42. (2) oj l 31, 7.2.2015, p. 25. (3) oj l 159, 25.6.2015, p. 70.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2071 of 10 november 2015 authorising member states to ratify, in the interests of the european union, the protocol of 2014 to the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation as regards articles 1 to 4 of the protocol with regard to matters relating to judicial cooperation in criminal matters type: decision subject matter: international affairs; economic geography; european construction; rights and freedoms; united nations date published: 2015-11-18 18.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 301/47 council decision (eu) 2015/2071 of 10 november 2015 authorising member states to ratify, in the interests of the european union, the protocol of 2014 to the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation as regards articles 1 to 4 of the protocol with regard to matters relating to judicial cooperation in criminal matters the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 82(2), in conjunction with article 218(6)(a)(v) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, having regard to the consent of the european parliament, whereas: (1) the union is promoting the ratification of international labour conventions, classified by the international labour organisation (ilo) as up to date, to contribute to the union's efforts to promote human rights and decent work for all and to eradicate trafficking in human beings both inside and outside the union. the protection of fundamental principles and rights at work is a key aspect of that promotion. (2) the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation, which the protocol of 2014 supplements, is a fundamental ilo convention and has a bearing on rules which make reference to core labour standards. (3) in so far as the protocol of 2014 to the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation (the protocol) covers the area of protection of victims of crime governed by article 82(2) of the treaty on the functioning of the european union (tfeu), the union has already adopted common rules which cover this area to a large extent, in particular through directive 2011/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council (1) and directive 2012/29/eu of the european parliament and of the council (2). the protocol may affect those common rules. (4) article 19(4) of the ilo constitution, on the adoption and ratification of conventions, similarly applies to protocols, which are binding international agreements, subject to ratification and linked to conventions. (5) the union cannot ratify the protocol as only states can be parties thereto. (6) member states should therefore be authorised to ratify the protocol, acting jointly in the interests of the union, with regard to those parts falling within union competence in accordance with article 82(2) tfeu. (7) articles 1 to 4 of the protocol contain obligations relating to union legislation concerning the protection of victims of crimes. as a consequence, those provisions fall within the scope of title v of part three tfeu, in particular article 82(2) thereof. (8) article 82(2) tfeu is the only legal basis that this decision should be based on. the protocol, in particular article 4 thereof, also refers to the residence status of victims of forced or compulsory labour to the extent that this is required to enable those victims to have access to appropriate and effective remedies. however, this objective, which relates to article 79 tfeu, is merely incidental whilst the objectives relating to article 82(2) tfeu are identifiable as the predominant aim and component. (9) in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of protocol no 22 on the position of denmark, annexed to the treaty on european union and to the tfeu, denmark is not taking part in the adoption of this decision and is not bound by it or subject to its application. (10) the united kingdom and ireland are bound by directive 2011/36/eu and directive 2012/29/eu, and are therefore taking part in the adoption of this decision. (11) member states should be authorised to ratify the protocol with regard to matters relating to judicial cooperation in criminal matters contained in articles 1 to 4 thereof. the parts of the protocol falling within the competence conferred upon the union, other than the parts related to judicial cooperation in criminal matters, will be subject to a decision adopted in parallel to this decision, has adopted this decision: article 1 member states are hereby authorised to ratify, for the parts, contained in articles 1 to 4 of the protocol, falling within the competence conferred upon the european union under article 82(2) tfeu, the protocol of 2014 to the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation. article 2 member states should take the necessary steps to deposit their instruments of ratification of the protocol with the director-general of the international labour office as soon as possible, preferably by 31 december 2016. article 3 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) directive 2011/36/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 5 april 2011 on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims, and replacing council framework decision 2002/629/jha (oj l 101, 15.4.2011, p. 1). (2) directive 2012/29/eu of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, and replacing council framework decision 2001/220/jha (oj l 315, 14.11.2012, p. 57).
name: council implementing decision (cfsp) 2015/2053 of 16 november 2015 implementing decision 2010/231/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against somalia type: decision_impl subject matter: international affairs; civil law; africa date published: 2015-11-17 17.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 300/27 council implementing decision (cfsp) 2015/2053 of 16 november 2015 implementing decision 2010/231/cfsp concerning restrictive measures against somalia the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 31(2) thereof, having regard to council decision 2010/231/cfsp of 26 april 2010 concerning restrictive measures against somalia and repealing common position 2009/138/cfsp (1), and in particular article 7 thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 26 april 2010, the council adopted decision 2010/231/cfsp. (2) on 11 march 2014, the united nations security council committee established pursuant to united nations security council resolution (unscr) 751 (1992) and unscr 1907 (2009) deleted one person from the list of persons subject to the restrictive measures set out in paragraphs 1, 3 and 7 of unscr 1844 (2008). (3) annex i to decision 2010/231/cfsp should therefore be amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 annex i to decision 2010/231/cfsp is amended in accordance with the annex to this decision. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 16 november 2015. for the council the president f. mogherini (1) oj l 105, 27.4.2010, p. 17. annex the entry for the following person is deleted from annex i to decision 2010/231/cfsp: jim'ale, ali ahmed nur
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/2051 of 16 november 2015 amending decision 2013/730/cfsp in support of seesac disarmament and arms control activities in south east europe in the framework of the eu strategy to combat the illicit accumulation and trafficking of salw and their ammunition type: decision subject matter: international security; economic geography; defence; trade policy date published: 2015-11-17 17.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 300/19 council decision (cfsp) 2015/2051 of 16 november 2015 amending decision 2013/730/cfsp in support of seesac disarmament and arms control activities in south east europe in the framework of the eu strategy to combat the illicit accumulation and trafficking of salw and their ammunition the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular articles 26(2) and 31(1) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) council decision 2013/730/cfsp (1) provides that the union shall contribute to the south-eastern and eastern europe clearinghouse for the control of small arms and light weapons (seesac) project on reducing the threat of the illicit spread and trafficking of small arms and light weapons (salw) and their ammunition in south east europe. (2) the project supported by decision 2013/730/cfsp aims, amongst other aspects, to improve the security provisions and stockpile management for the storage of conventional weapons and ammunition stockpiles (the storage security component). (3) in paragraph 3.1 of the annex to decision 2013/730/cfsp, bosnia and herzegovina, kosovo (2), the republic of moldova, montenegro, serbia and the former yugoslav republic of macedonia (fyrom) are designated as beneficiaries of the storage security component, however albania is not. (4) according to the implementing agency seesac, and with the agreement of the albanian authorities, there is a need for albania to benefit from the storage security component and there is available funding under decision 2013/730/cfsp. (5) decision 2013/730/cfsp should, therefore, be amended to include albania as a beneficiary of the storage security component, has adopted this decision: article 1 paragraph 3.1 of the annex to decision 2013/730/cfsp is replaced by the following: 3.1. increased security of stockpiles through infrastructure improvements and capacity development objective this activity will reduce the threat of the spread and illicit trafficking of salw and their ammunition by improving security provisions and stockpile management for the storage of conventional weapons and ammunition stockpiles in albania, bosnia and herzegovina, kosovo (*), the republic of moldova, montenegro, serbia and fyrom. description the successful implementation of council decision 2010/179/cfsp with a two-pronged approach of (1) improving the security of storage locations in three countries (3), and (2) building the capacity of the personnel tasked with managing stockpiles (4), significantly increased security provisions and reduced the risk of the unwanted proliferation of stockpiles of salw and their ammunition. building on these achievements, the second phase of the project will continue to improve the security of weapons and ammunition storages in south east europe by providing further specific technical and infrastructural assistance in line with international best practices and standards. the project activities will provide support to the ministries of defence in albania, bosnia and herzegovina, the republic of moldova, montenegro and fyrom as well as the ministries of interior of the republic of serbia, fyrom and kosovo (*) by procuring and installing the necessary equipment for securing weapons and ammunition stockpiles. in addition, where necessary, training will be provided for staff in charge of stockpile management. the sites at which security will be improved will be selected based on an assessment of the priorities as well as the security risks they pose. specifically, the project envisages the following activities: albania: security upgrades at ammunition and conventional weapons storage sites of the ministry of defence (up to 2 sites), including through the installation and/or refurbishment of perimeter fencing and lighting, intruder alarm systems, closed-circuit television cameras (cctv) and telecommunications equipment. bosnia and herzegovina: security upgrades at ammunition and conventional weapons storage sites of the ministry of defence including through the installation and/or refurbishment of perimeter fencing and lighting, intruder alarm systems, closed-circuit television cameras (cctv) and telecommunications equipment, complementing the work on safety of stockpiles done by undp and osce. kosovo (*): improvement of the police department stockpile management capabilities through training and assessment of the current state. refurbishment of one small local salw and ammunition storage. fyrom: security upgrade of the ministry of interior central storage site (orman) through procurement of security equipment and implementation of infrastructure upgrades including the refurbishment of the perimeter fence; cctv equipment and lighting; and new security doors for storage buildings. security upgrade of the central storage site of fyrom armed forces through the procurement and installation of video surveillance and improvement of perimeter- and building security by repairing fences, installation of new entry gates, and magazine security doors refurbishment. the republic of moldova: security upgrades at the central arms and munitions depot (camd) of the ministry of internal affairs, including the installation of security fences, entry control systems and procurement of an e-register of weapons. montenegro: physical improvements to the brezovik ammunition site including overall improvements to storage security infrastructure. development of a central register of stored weapons and ammunition. serbia: security upgrade at the main salw storage site of the ministry of interior, including video surveillance and access control. regional training on stockpile management: to be implemented at both regional (yearly) and national level (when needed). project results and implementation indicators: the project will result in improved security in south east europe through the reduction of the risk of illicit trade by: increasing the security of salw storage sites in albania (up to 2), bih (4), kosovo (*) (1), the republic of moldova (2), montenegro (1), serbia (1) and fyrom (2) through measurable security oriented infrastructure upgrades. increasing the capacity of staff to safeguard stockpiles by training at least 60 staff from the beneficiary countries in three workshops and providing targeted training at national level. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 16 november 2015. for the council the president f. mogherini (1) council decision 2013/730/cfsp of 9 december 2013 in support of seesac disarmament and arms control activities in south east europe in the framework of the eu strategy to combat the illicit accumulation and trafficking of salw and their ammunition (oj l 332, 11.12.2013, p. 19). (2) this designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with unscr 1244 (1999) and the icj opinion on the kosovo declaration of independence. (3) in croatia, the security of the ministry of interior's central weapons storage murat was improved through the installation of video surveillance; in bosnia and herzegovina 41 security doors were installed and security at four salw and ammunition storage locations of the ministry of defence was bolstered; security at montenegro's ministry of defence ammunition depot taras was upgraded to international security standards. (4) a stockpile management course was developed and a total of 58 operation level officials from the ministries of defence, the armed forces and ministries of interior of bosnia and herzegovina, croatia, fyrom, montenegro and serbia were trained in stockpile management.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2055 of 10 november 2015 laying down the conditions for setting out the programme for emergency vaccination of bovine animals against lumpy skin disease in greece and amending implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 (notified under document c(2015) 7671) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: marketing; europe; regions of eu member states; foodstuff; means of agricultural production; health; animal product; agricultural policy; agricultural activity date published: 2015-11-17 17.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 300/31 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2055 of 10 november 2015 laying down the conditions for setting out the programme for emergency vaccination of bovine animals against lumpy skin disease in greece and amending implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 (notified under document c(2015) 7671) (only the greek text is authentic) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 89/662/eec of 11 december 1989 concerning veterinary checks in intra-community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (1), and in particular article 9(4) thereof, having regard to council directive 90/425/eec of 26 june 1990 concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in intra-community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (2), and in particular article 10(4) thereof, having regard to council directive 92/119/eec of 17 december 1992 introducing general community measures for the control of certain animal diseases and specific measures relating to swine vesicular disease (3), and in particular article 19(1)(a), (3)(a) and (6) thereof, having regard to council directive 2002/99/ec of 16 december 2002 laying down the animal health rules governing the production, processing, distribution and introduction of products of animal origin for human consumption (4), and in particular article 4(3) thereof, whereas: (1) directive 92/119/eec lays down general measures for the control of certain animal diseases. these include measures to be taken in the event of a suspicion and the confirmation of lumpy skin disease (lsd) in a holding, the measures to be taken in restriction zones and other additional measures to control the disease. those measures also provide for emergency vaccination in case of an outbreak of lsd as a supplement to other control measures. (2) on 20 august 2015, the greek authorities notified the commission of two outbreaks of lsd in bovine holdings with approximately 200 bovine animals in feres area of the regional unit of evros in greece. these outbreaks represent the first occurrence of lsd in the union. (3) in order to prevent the spread of lsd to other parts of greece, to other member states and to third countries, the commission adopted commission implemening decision (eu) 2015/1423 (5) prohibiting the movement and dispatch of bovine animals and semen thereof, as well as the placing on the market of certain animal products from the regional unit of evros. (4) in the light of further information on the epidemiological situation in greece those interim protective measures were replaced by the more complex protection measures laid down in commission implemening decision (eu) 2015/1500 (6). (5) moreover, on 10 september 2015 greece informed the commission and member states about 24 confirmed and 17 suspected outbreaks of lsd on holdings situated in the established protection and surveillance zones in the regional unit of evros. (6) additionally, on 27 september 2015, the greek authorities notified the commission of an outbreak of lsd in the south-east of the regional unit of xanthi and again, on 2 october 2015, of a new outbreak of lsd in the regional unit of kavala, located west of the regional unit of xanthi. (7) furthermore, on 7 october 2015 the greek authorities notified the commission of an outbreak of lsd in one bovine holding in the regional unit of limnos. (8) in the event of an outbreak of lsd, article 19 of directive 92/119/eec provides for the possibility to apply vaccination against that disease. (9) on 26 august 2015 greece submitted to the commission a programme for emergency vaccination against lsd of bovine animals kept on holdings in the regional unit of evros in greece. the programme provided details concerning the geographical and administrative definition of the vaccination zone, the number of holdings and animals to be vaccinated and the time when vaccination should be accomplished and the circumstances motivating the decision to implement the measures. (10) in accordance with the scientific opinion of the european food safety authority (the efsa) on lumpy skin disease (7) only live attenuated vaccines against lsd are commercially available. the opinion describes the neethling attenuated lsd virus vaccine as highly effective in preventing morbidity. because homologous lsd vaccines are more effective than vaccines based on attenuated sheep pox viruses, their use is to be recommended, subject to availability by vaccine producers which are exclusively operating outside the union. (11) there is no vaccine against lsd with the marketing authorisation in the union. emergency vaccination in accordance with article 19 of directive 92/119/eec can therefore only be carried out in accordance with article 8 of directive 2001/82/ec of the european parliament and of the council (8), permitting member states to provisionally allow the use of vaccines without a marketing authorisation in the event of a serious epizootic disease as it is the case of lsd. (12) in accordance with article 19(6) of directive 92/119/eec, greece informed the commission on 5 september 2015 of the acquisition of a sufficient number of doses of homologous lsd vaccine and the start of emergency vaccination in protection and surveillance zones in the regional unit of evros according to the vaccination programme described in recital 9. in addition, on 27 september and 2 october 2015 respectively, the greek authorities informed the commission of their decision to introduce vaccination of bovine animals kept on holdings in the regional units of rodopi, xanthi and kavala in line with the vaccination programme submitted on 26 august 2015. (13) the purpose of this decision is to define the conditions under which greece should apply emergency vaccination. the rapid spread of lsd in greece constitutes a risk to other parts of the territory of greece and to neighbouring countries. therefore, it is also the purpose of this decision to reinforce the disease control measures applied in greece by restricting the movement of unvaccinated bovine animals older than 3 months to other holdings within the restricted area. this age limitation allows the necessary movement of young calves to other holdings for further rearing during a period after birth when they cannot be effectively immunised. at the same time, it is necessary to allow the movement of unvaccinated animals directly to a slaughterhouse within the restricted area. (14) the area where vaccination against lsd is to be carried out may cover the entire restricted zone as defined in implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500, which is set out in the annex to that decision. (15) the first round of vaccination should be completed as soon as possible and not later than 31 october 2015 and 30 november 2015 in the regional unit of evros and in the regional units of rodopi, xanthi and kavala respectively. in case of further outbreaks in other regional units, the vaccination in the affected regional unit should be completed within 2 months after the confirmation of the first outbreak of lsd in that regional unit subject to availability of vaccines. because the success of the control measures in greece also depends on the success of the control measures in a neighbouring third country which had reported outbreaks of lsd in close proximity to those notified in greece, it may be necessary to vaccinate offspring born to vaccinated bovine animals and to revaccinate bovine animals in the affected area. the period of application of this decision on vacination against lsd in greece has therefore been set until the end of 2016. (16) the risk of spreading the disease from vaccinated animals and products thereof is different to the risks arising from non-vaccinated and possibly incubating animals. therefore, it is necessary to lay down conditions for the movement of vaccinated bovine animals and for the placing on the market of products derived from such animals. (17) the knowledge about lsd is incomplete. vaccinated bovine animals are protected from clinical signs but not necessarily from infection and not all vaccinated animals respond with a protective immunity. therefore, such animals after the period of at least 28 days following the vaccination shall be allowed to be sent directly for immediate slaughter to slaughterhouses situated on the territory of greece. (18) consequently, fresh meat and meat preparations thereof, as well as meat products subjected to a non-specific treatment may constitute a non-negligible risk of spreading lsd. therefore, it is justified to limit the placing on the market of the fresh meat, meat preparations and meat products thereof to the territory of greece, provided that such fresh meat, meat preparations and meat products are subjected to special marking which is not oval and cannot be confused with the health mark for fresh meat as set out in chapter iii of section i of annex i to regulation (ec) no 854/2004 of the european parliament and of the council (9) and the identification mark for meat preparations and meat products consisting of or containing meat of bovine animals, as set out in section i of annex ii to regulation (ec) no 853/2004 of the european parliament and of the council (10). (19) however, a specific treatment of meat products in hermetically sealed containers to a fo value of three or more and a treatment described in points 1.1 to 1.5 of part a of annex ix to council directive 2003/85/ec (11) of milk and dairy products sufficiently inactivate lsd virus in such products destined for human consumption and therefore such milk and dairy products should be allowed to be placed on the market on the whole of the teritorry of greece and in other member states and to be dispatched to third countries. (20) implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 should therefore be amended accordingly. (21) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 1. in addition to the measures taken by greece in accordance with articles 4, 5 and 10 of directive 92/119/eec, greece may carry out emergency vaccination against lumpy skin disease of bovine animals kept on holdings in the area as set out in annex i under the conditions set out in annex ii. 2. the programme submitted by greece to the commission on 26 august 2015 for emergency vaccination against lumpy skin disease of bovine animals kept on holdings in the area as set out in annex i is approved. 3. any movement to other member states of bovine animals vaccinated against lumpy skin disease is prohibited. 4. any movement to other member states of bovine animals younger than 6 months and not vaccinated against lumpy skin disease but born to dams vaccinated against lumpy skin disease is prohibited. article 2 greece shall take the necessary measures to comply with this decision and shall inform the commission and member states in accordance with article 19(5) of directive 92/119/eec. article 3 implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 is amended as follows: (1) in article 1, paragraph 3 is deleted; (2) in article 4, paragraph 1, is replaced by the following: 1. by way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in point (a) of article 3(1), the competent authority may authorise the dispatch of bovine animals and captive wild ruminants from holdings situated in the restricted zone to a slaughterhouse located in other parts of greece provided that: (a) the animals have been resident since birth, or for the past 28 days, on a holding where no case of lumpy skin disease was officially reported during that period, (b) the animals were clinically checked at loading and did not present any clinical symptoms of lumpy skin disease, (c) the animals are transported for immediate slaughter directly, without stopping or unloading, (d) the slaughterhouse is designated for this purpose by the competent authority, (e) the competent authority of the slaughterhouse has to be informed by the dispatching competent authority of the intention to send animals and notifies the dispatching competent authority of their arrival, (f) on arrival at the slaughterhouse, these animals are kept and slaughtered separately from other animals within less than 36 hours, (g) the animals intended to be moved (i) were either not vaccinated against lumpy skin disease and have been kept on holdings: where vaccination was not carried out and which are situated outside protection and surveillance zones; or where vaccination was carried out and which are situated outside protection and surveillance zones, and a waiting period of at least 7 days after vaccination in the herd has elapsed; or which are situated in a surveillance zone maintained beyond 30 days because of the occurrence of further cases of the disease; or (ii) were vaccinated against lumpy skin disease at least 28 days prior to movement and come from a holding on which all susceptible animals had been vaccinated at least 28 days prior to the intended movement. (3) article 5 is replaced by the following: article 5 derogation from the prohibition on the placing on the market of fresh meat and meat preparations of bovine animals and wild ruminants 1. by way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in points (a) and (c) of article 3(2), the competent authority may authorise the placing on the market outside the restricted zone of fresh meat, excluding offal other than liver, and meat preparations thereof, as well as fresh hides and skins obtained from bovine animals and wild ruminants: (a) kept on holdings in the restricted zone that were not under restrictions in accordance with directive 92/119/eec, or (b) slaughtered or hunted before 21 august 2015, or (c) referred to in paragraph 1 of article 4. the competent authority shall ensure that the fresh meat, excluding offal other than liver, and meat preparations thereof, as well as fresh hides and skins referred to in the first subparagraph are not dispatched to other member states or third countries. 2. the competent authority shall only authorise the dispatch to other member states of consignments of fresh meat and meat preparations produced from such fresh meat obtained from bovine animals kept and slaughtered outside the restricted zone, provided that such meat and meat preparations were produced, stored and handled without coming into contact with meat and meat preparations not authorised for dispatch to other member states, and the consignments are accompanied by an official health certificate as set out in the annex to commission regulation (ec) no 599/2004 (12) and of which part ii shall be completed with the following attestation: fresh meat or meat preparations complying with commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 of 7 september 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in greece. (12) commission regulation (ec) no 599/2004 of 30 march 2004 concerning the adoption of a harmonised model certificate and inspection report linked to intra-community trade in animals and products of animal origin (oj l 94, 31.3.2004, p. 44)." (4) article 6 is replaced by the following: article 6 derogation from the prohibition on the placing on the market of meat products consisting of or containing meat of bovine animals and wild ruminants 1. by way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in point (a) of article 3(2), the competent authority may authorise the placing on the market of meat products produced in the restricted zone from fresh meat of bovine animals and wild ruminants: (a) kept on holdings in the restricted zone that were not under restrictions in accordance with directive 92/119/eec, or (b) slaughtered or hunted before 21 august 2015, or (c) referred to in paragraph 1 of article 4, or (d) kept and slaughtered outside the restricted zone. 2. the competent authority shall authorise the placing on the market of meat products referred to in paragraph 1, conforming to conditions of points (a), (b) or (c) of that paragraph, only on the territory of greece, provided that the meat products have been subjected to a non-specific treatment which ensures that the cut surface of the meat products shows no longer the characteristics of fresh meat. the competent authority shall ensure that the meat products referred to in the first subparagraph are not dispatched to other member states or third countries. 3. the competent authority shall only authorise the dispatch of consignments of meat products produced from fresh meat obtained from the animals referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) and (c) to other member states, provided that the meat products have been subjected to a specific treatment in hermetically sealed containers to an fo value of three or more, and are accompanied by an official health certificate as set out in the annex to regulation (ec) no 599/2004 and of which part ii shall be completed with the following attestation: meat products complying with commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 of 7 september 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in greece. 4. the competent authority shall only authorise the dispatch to other member states of consignments of meat products produced from fresh meat obtained from the animals referred to in paragraph 1(d), provided that the meat products have been subjected to a non-specific treatment, which ensures that the cut surface of the meat products shows no longer the characteristics of fresh meat and is accompanied by an official health certificate as set out in the annex to regulation (ec) no 599/2004 and of which part ii shall be completed with the following attestation: meat products complying with commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 of 7 september 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in greece. (5) article 7 is replaced by the following: article 7 derogation from the prohibition on the dispatch and placing on the market of milk and dairy products 1. by way of derogation from the prohibition provided for in point (b) of article 3(2), the competent authority may authorise the placing on the market of milk for human consumption obtained from bovine animals kept on holdings situated in the restricted zone, and dairy products thereof, provided that the milk and dairy products have been subjected to a treatment described in points 1.1 to 1.5 of part a of annex ix to council directive 2003/85/ec (13). 2. the competent authority shall only authorise the dispatch to other member states of consignments of milk and dairy products obtained from bovine animals kept on holdings situated in the restricted zone, provided that the milk and dairy products are intended for human consumption, have undergone the treatment referred to in paragraph 1 and the consignments are accompanied by an official health certificate as set out in the annex to regulation (ec) no 599/2004 and of which part ii shall be completed with the following attestation: milk or dairy products complying with commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 of 7 september 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in greece. (13) council directive 2003/85/ec of 29 september 2003 on community measures for the control of foot-and-mouth disease repealing directive 85/511/eec and decisions 89/531/eec and 91/665/eec and amending directive 92/46/eec (oj l 306, 22.11.2003, p. 1)." (6) the title of article 8 is replaced by the following: article 8 special marking of fresh meat, meat preparations and meat products referred to in articles 5(1) and 6(2) respectively (7) the date in article 12 is replaced by 31 december 2016. (8) the annex is replaced by the text in annex iii. article 4 this decision is addressed to the hellenic republic. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 395, 30.12.1989, p. 13. (2) oj l 224, 18.8.1990, p. 29. (3) oj l 62, 15.3.1993, p. 69. (4) oj l 18, 23.1.2003, p. 11. (5) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1423 of 21 august 2015 concerning certain interim protective measures against lumpy skin disease in greece (oj l 222, 25.8.2015, p. 7). (6) commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 of 7 september 2015 concerning certain protective measures against lumpy skin disease in greece and repealing implementing decision (eu) 2015/1423 (oj l 234, 8.9.2015, p. 19). (7) efsa journal 2015;13(1):3986 (73 pp.). (8) directive 2001/82/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 6 november 2001 on the community code relating to veterinary medicinal products (oj l 311, 28.11.2001, p. 1). (9) regulation (ec) no 854/2004 of the european parliament and of the council of 29 april 2004 laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption (oj l 139, 30.4.2004, p. 206). (10) regulation (ec) no 853/2004 of the european parliament and of the council of 29 april 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin (oj l 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55). (11) council directive 2003/85/ec of 29 september 2003 on community measures for the control of foot-and-mouth disease repealing directive 85/511/eec and decisions 89/531/eec and 91/665/eec and amending directive 92/46/eec (oj l 306, 22.11.2003, p. 1). annex i greece: the following regional units in greece: regional unit of evros; regional unit of kavala; regional unit of limnos; regional unit of rodopi; regional unit of xanthi. annex ii conditions for the use of emergency vaccination in the control and eradication of lumpy skin disease in application of article 19 of directive 92/119/eec 1. extent of the geographical area in which emergency vaccination is to be carried out the vaccination zone shall be within the area defined in annex i. the restrictions applicable in the vaccination zone shall be those provided for in this decision and in implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500, without prejudice to the provisions of article 10 of directive 92/119/eec. 2. species and age of the animals to be vaccinated all bovine animals independently of their sex, age and gestational or productive status shall be vaccinated in the first round of vaccination referred to in point 3. offspring of vaccinated bovine animals shall be vaccinated in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer at the age of not less than 4 months. 3. duration of the vaccination campaign the first round of vaccination in the regional unit of evros shall be completed by 31 october 2015. the first round of vaccination in the regional units of rodopi, xanthi and kavala shall be completed by 30 november 2015. the first round of vaccination in any of the other regional units listed in annex i shall be completed as soon as possible and not later than 2 months after the confirmation of the first outbreak in that regional unit. 4. specific standstill of animals and products thereof irrespective of any other measures that may be in place in the restricted zone as defined in implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500, animals older than 90 days shall not be moved to another holding except if they were vaccinated and regularly re-vaccinated at least 28 days before movement. upon expiry of the 28 days after vaccination, the measures for movement of vaccinated bovine animals and for placing on the market of products derived from vaccinated bovine animals as laid down in implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 apply without prejudice to the provisions of article 10 of directive 92/119/eec. unvaccinated animals may be moved for direct slaughter to a slaughterhouse situated within the restricted area. except in the case of emergency slaughter, a waiting period of 7 days after vaccination in the herd shall be observed before unvaccinated animals from holdings on which vaccination was carried out are sent for slaughter. unvaccinated offspring younger than 6 months born to dams vaccinated at least 28 days prior to labour may be moved to another holding situated within the restricted zone. 5. special registration of the vaccinated animals for each vaccinated bovine animal vaccination details shall be entered by the local competent authority in the dedicated online database connected with the central database established in accordance with regulation (ec) no 1760/2000 of the european parliament and of the council (1). the records must ensure a link between the vaccinated dam and the offspring. 6. other matters appropriate to the emergency vaccination 6.1. surveillance area in greece surrounding the vaccination zone a surveillance area of at least 10 km around the vaccination zone referred to in point 1 shall be established, in which intensified surveillance shall be carried out and the movement of bovine animals shall be subject to controls by the competent authority. bovine animals not vaccinated against lumpy skin disease and kept on holdings situated in the surveillance area surrounding the vaccination zone shall not leave their holdings until a waiting period of at least 7 days has elapsed following the completion of the vaccination on holdings situated in the vaccination zone at a distance of less than 10 km. 6.2. period for which the measures applied in the zones established in accordance with article 10 of directive 92/119/eec and implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 are maintained the measures applied in the vaccination zone shall remain in force until they are abrogated in accordance with article 19(6) of directive 92/119/eec. 6.3. execution of the vaccination campaign vaccination shall be carried out by an official of the competent authority or private veterinarian appointed by and under supervision of the competent authority. the priority for vaccination should be given to the animals kept on holdings situated within the protection and surveillance zones and in areas bordering other member states and regional units in greece which are free of lsd. necessary measures shall be in place to avoid the spread of possible virus. any residual quantities of vaccine shall be returned to the point of vaccine distribution with a written record on the number of animals vaccinated and the number of doses used. 6.4. vaccine to be used homologous live attenuated virus vaccine against lsd (neethling strain), lumpy skin disease vaccine for cattle, onderstepoort biological products, south africa. alternatively: live attenuated virus vaccine against lsd (sis type), lumpyvax, msd animal health, intervet, south africa. the vaccine shall be used in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer and article 8 of directive 2001/82/ec under the responsibility of the central competent authorities. 6.5. progress reports and final report a progress report on the execution of the programme shall be provided to the commission and the member states in accordance with article 19(5) of directive 92/119/eec. a detailed report on the completion of the programme shall be provided to the commission and the member states in accordance with article 19(5) of directive 92/119/eec before the restrictions referred to in points 6.1 and 6.2 are removed. (1) regulation (ec) no 1760/2000 of the european parliament and of the council of 17 july 2000 establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products and repealing council regulation (ec) no 820/97 (oj l 204, 11.8.2000, p. 1). annex iii the annex to implementing decision (eu) 2015/1500 is replaced by the following: annex greece: the following regional units in greece: regional unit of evros; regional unit of kavala; regional unit of limnos; regional unit of rodopi; regional unit of xanthi.
name: council implementing decision (eu) 2015/2050 of 10 november 2015 on the launch of automated data exchange with regard to dactyloscopic data in belgium type: decision_impl subject matter: europe; information technology and data processing; information and information processing; natural and applied sciences; communications date published: 2015-11-17 17.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 300/17 council implementing decision (eu) 2015/2050 of 10 november 2015 on the launch of automated data exchange with regard to dactyloscopic data in belgium the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council decision 2008/615/jha of 23 june 2008 on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime (1), and in particular article 33 thereof, having regard to the opinion of the european parliament, whereas: (1) according to article 25(2) of decision 2008/615/jha, the supply of personal data provided for under that decision may not take place until the general provisions on data protection set out in chapter 6 of that decision have been implemented in the national law of the territories of the member states involved in such supply. (2) article 20 of council decision 2008/616/jha (2) provides that the verification that the above condition has been met with respect to automated data exchange in accordance with chapter 2 of decision 2008/615/jha is to be done on the basis of an evaluation report based on a questionnaire, an evaluation visit and a pilot run. (3) according to chapter 4, point 1.1, of the annex to decision 2008/616/jha, the questionnaire drawn up by the relevant council working group concerns each of the automated data exchanges and has to be answered by a member state as soon as it believes it fulfils the prerequisites for sharing data in the relevant data category. (4) belgium has completed the questionnaire on data protection and the questionnaire on dactyloscopic data exchange. (5) a successful pilot run has been carried out by belgium with france and luxembourg. (6) an evaluation visit has taken place in belgium and a report on the evaluation visit has been produced by the french and luxembourgish evaluation team and forwarded to the relevant council working group. (7) an overall evaluation report, summarising the results of the questionnaire, the evaluation visit and the pilot run concerning dactyloscopic data exchange, has been presented to the council. (8) on 13 july 2015, the council concluded that belgium had fully implemented the general provisions on data protection set out in chapter 6 of decision 2008/615/jha. (9) therefore, for the purposes of automated searching of dactyloscopic data, belgium should be entitled to receive and supply personal data pursuant to article 9 of decision 2008/615/jha. (10) denmark is bound by decision 2008/615/jha and is therefore taking part in the adoption and application of this decision which implements decision 2008/615/jha. (11) ireland is bound by decision 2008/615/jha and is therefore taking part in the adoption and application of this decision which implements decision 2008/615/jha. (12) the united kingdom is not bound by decision 2008/615/jha and is therefore not taking part in the adoption of this decision which implements decision 2008/615/jha and is not bound by it or subject to its application, has adopted this decision: article 1 for the purposes of automated searching of dactyloscopic data, belgium is entitled to receive and supply personal data pursuant to article 9 of decision 2008/615/jha as from 18 november 2015. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. this decision shall apply in accordance with the treaties. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) oj l 210, 6.8.2008, p. 1. (2) council decision 2008/616/jha of 23 june 2008 on the implementation of decision 2008/615/jha on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime (oj l 210, 6.8.2008, p. 12).
name: council implementing decision (eu) 2015/2049 of 10 november 2015 on the launch of automated data exchange with regard to dactyloscopic data in sweden type: decision_impl subject matter: information technology and data processing; information and information processing; natural and applied sciences; europe; communications date published: 2015-11-17 17.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 300/15 council implementing decision (eu) 2015/2049 of 10 november 2015 on the launch of automated data exchange with regard to dactyloscopic data in sweden the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council decision 2008/615/jha of 23 june 2008 on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime (1), and in particular article 33 thereof, having regard to the opinion of the european parliament, whereas: (1) according to article 25(2) of decision 2008/615/jha, the supply of personal data provided for under that decision may not take place until the general provisions on data protection set out in chapter 6 of that decision have been implemented in the national law of the territories of the member states involved in such supply. (2) article 20 of council decision 2008/616/jha (2) provides that the verification that the above condition has been met with respect to automated data exchange in accordance with chapter 2 of decision 2008/615/jha is to be done on the basis of an evaluation report based on a questionnaire, an evaluation visit and a pilot run. (3) according to chapter 4, point 1.1, of the annex to decision 2008/616/jha, the questionnaire drawn up by the relevant council working group concerns each of the automated data exchanges and has to be answered by a member state as soon as it believes it fulfils the prerequisites for sharing data in the relevant data category. (4) sweden has completed the questionnaire on data protection and the questionnaire on dactyloscopic data exchange. (5) a successful pilot run has been carried out by sweden with austria. (6) an evaluation visit has taken place in sweden and a report on the evaluation visit has been produced by the austrian evaluation team and forwarded to the relevant council working group. (7) an overall evaluation report, summarising the results of the questionnaire, the evaluation visit and the pilot run concerning dactyloscopic data exchange, has been presented to the council. (8) on 13 july 2015, the council concluded that sweden had fully implemented the general provisions on data protection set out in chapter 6 of decision 2008/615/jha. (9) therefore, for the purposes of automated searching of dactyloscopic data, sweden should be entitled to receive and supply personal data pursuant to article 9 of decision 2008/615/jha. (10) denmark is bound by decision 2008/615/jha and is therefore taking part in the adoption and application of this decision which implements decision 2008/615/jha. (11) ireland is bound by decision 2008/615/jha and is therefore taking part in the adoption and application of this decision which implements decision 2008/615/jha. (12) the united kingdom is not bound by decision 2008/615/jha and is therefore not taking part in the adoption of this decision which implements decision 2008/615/jha and is not bound by it or subject to its application, has adopted this decision: article 1 for the purposes of automated searching of dactyloscopic data, sweden is entitled to receive and supply personal data pursuant to article 9 of decision 2008/615/jha as from 15 november 2015. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. this decision shall apply in accordance with the treaties. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) oj l 210, 6.8.2008, p. 1. (2) council decision 2008/616/jha of 23 june 2008 on the implementation of decision 2008/615/jha on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime (oj l 210, 6.8.2008, p. 12).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2039 of 13 november 2015 on the equivalence of the regulatory framework of south africa for central counterparties to the requirements of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories type: decision_impl subject matter: trade policy; budget; free movement of capital; executive power and public service; africa; financial institutions and credit date published: 2015-11-14 14.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 298/29 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2039 of 13 november 2015 on the equivalence of the regulatory framework of south africa for central counterparties to the requirements of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 4 july 2012 on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (1), and in particular article 25(6) thereof, whereas: (1) the procedure for recognition of central counterparties (ccps) established in third countries set out in article 25 of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 aims to allow ccps established and authorised in third countries whose regulatory standards are equivalent to those laid down in that regulation to provide clearing services to clearing members or trading venues established in the union. that recognition procedure and the equivalence decision provided for therein thus contribute to the achievement of the overarching aim of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 to reduce systemic risk by extending the use of safe and sound ccps to clear over-the-counter (otc) derivative contracts, including where those ccps are established and authorised in a third country. (2) in order for a third country legal regime to be considered equivalent to the legal regime of the union in respect of ccps, the substantial outcome of the applicable legal and supervisory arrangements should be equivalent to union requirements in respect of the regulatory objectives they achieve. the purpose of this equivalence assessment is therefore to verify that the legal and supervisory arrangements of south africa ensure that ccps established and authorised therein do not expose clearing members and trading venues established in the union to a higher level of risk than the latter could be exposed to by ccps authorised in the union and, consequently, do not pose unacceptable levels of systemic risk in the union. (3) this decision is based on the outcome of the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable in south africa and their adequacy to mitigate the risks that clearing members and trading venues established in the union may be exposed to in a manner considered equivalent to the outcome of the requirements laid down in regulation (eu) no 648/2012. the significantly lower risks inherent in clearing activities carried out in financial markets that are smaller than the union financial market should thereby, in particular, be taken into account. (4) in accordance with article 25(6) of regulation (eu) no 648/2012, three conditions need to be fulfilled in order to determine that the legal and supervisory arrangements of a third country regarding ccps authorised therein are equivalent to those laid down in that regulation. (5) according to the first condition, ccps authorised in a third country must comply with legally binding requirements which are equivalent to the requirements laid down in title iv of regulation (eu) no 648/2012. (6) the legally binding requirements of south africa for ccps authorised therein consist of the financial markets act, act no 19 of 2012 (fma). the registrar of securities services (the registrar) has a comprehensive set of powers to oversee, monitor and investigate clearing houses authorised to operate in south africa (licensed clearing houses). (7) the fma sets out the duties and requirements with which clearing houses must comply. in particular, under the fma, the registrar grants the authorisation to operate as a licensed clearing house, provided that the applicant complies with those requirements and contributes to the achievement of the objectives set out in the fma, including systemic risk mitigation and ensuring that the south african financial markets are fair, efficient and transparent. in order to ensure those requirements are met, the registrar may impose the conditions it considers appropriate when granting an authorisation. licensed clearing houses must conduct their business in a fair and transparent manner and with due regard to the rights of clearing members and their clients. moreover, pursuant to the fma, licensed clearing houses must comply with international supervisory standards, including the principles for financial markets infrastructures (pfmis) issued in april 2012 by the committee on payment and settlement systems (2) and the international organization of securities commissions (iosco). (8) the fma empowers the minister of finance to make regulations regarding any matter required or permitted to be prescribed by the fma or any other matter necessary for the better administration and implementation of the fma. moreover, the registrar is empowered under the fma to issue guidelines on the application and interpretation of the fma and take any measures it considers necessary for the proper performance and exercise of its functions or duties or for the implementation of the fma. (9) the equivalence assessment of the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable to licensed clearing houses should also take account of the risk mitigation outcome that they ensure in terms of the level of risk to which clearing members and trading venues established in the union are exposed to due to their participation in licensed clearing houses. the risk mitigation outcome is determined by both the level of risk inherent in the clearing activities carried out by the ccp concerned which depends on the size of the financial market in which it operates, and the appropriateness of the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable to ccps to mitigate that level of risk. in order to achieve the same risk mitigation outcome, more stringent risk mitigation requirements are needed for ccps carrying out their activities in bigger financial markets whose inherent level of risk is higher than for ccps carrying out their activities in smaller financial markets whose inherent level of risk is lower. (10) the size of the financial market in which licensed clearing houses carry out their clearing activities is significantly smaller than that in which ccps established in the union carry out theirs. in particular, over the past three years, the total value of derivative transactions cleared in south africa represented less than 1 % of the total value of derivative transactions cleared in the union. therefore, participation in licensed clearing houses exposes clearing members and trading venues established in the union to significantly lower risks than their participation in ccps authorised in the union. (11) the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable to licensed clearing houses may therefore be considered as equivalent where they are appropriate to mitigate that lower level of risk. the primary rules applicable to licensed clearing houses, which require compliance with the pfmis, mitigate the lower level of risk existing in south africa and achieve a risk mitigation outcome equivalent to that pursued by regulation (eu) no 648/2012. (12) the commission therefore concludes that the legal and supervisory arrangements of south africa ensure that licensed clearing houses authorised therein comply with legally binding requirements which are equivalent to the requirements laid down in title iv of regulation (eu) no 648/2012. (13) according to the second condition under article 25(6) of regulation (eu) no 648/2012, the legal and supervisory arrangements of south africa in respect of ccps authorised therein must provide for effective supervision and enforcement of those ccps on an ongoing basis. (14) the registrar supervises and enforces compliance with the fma. in particular, the registrar annually assesses whether licensed clearing houses comply with the fma and their internal rules and procedures, as well as with directives, requests, conditions or requirements of the registrar made pursuant to the fma. the registrar is also empowered to revoke or suspend the authorisation of a licensed clearing house if the latter fails to comply with the fma, its internal rules and procedures or with a directive, request, condition or requirement made by the registrar pursuant to the fma, among others. (15) the registrar has the power to request information or documents from licensed clearing houses and to conduct on-site inspections. after an on-site inspection has taken place, the registrar can, among other things, request a licensed clearing house to take any steps or to refrain from performing any act in order to terminate or remedy an irregularity. penalties may be imposed by the registrar in case of failure by a licensed clearing house to submit any information pursuant to the fma. moreover, in order to ensure the implementation and administration of the fma, the registrar may issue general directives or directives addressed to a specific entity. (16) the commission therefore concludes that the legal and supervisory arrangements of south africa in respect of ccps authorised therein provide for effective supervision and enforcement on an ongoing basis. (17) according to the third condition under article 25(6) of regulation (eu) no 648/2012, the legal and supervisory arrangements of south africa must include an effective equivalent system for the recognition of ccps authorised under third country legal regimes (third country ccps). (18) ccps authorised in a third-country in which the legal and supervisory arrangements are equivalent to those of the south african regulatory framework, which have equivalent regulation on anti-money laundering and combating financial terrorism, and in which ccps are subject to effective supervision may provide services in south africa provided they are authorised by the registrar. for granting an authorisation, the registrar will assess the application for authorisation taking into consideration the regulatory framework of the third country and may take into account information provided by any other supervisory authority, including third-country supervisory authorities. moreover, the registrar may exempt the third country ccps from some or all of the requirements required under the fma. the registrar may enter into cooperation arrangements with third-country regulatory or supervisory authorities with the purpose of coordinating the supervision on an ongoing basis and exchanging information regarding third-country ccps authorised in a third-country in which the legal and supervisory arrangements are equivalent to those of the south african regulatory framework and which are subject to effective supervision in the third-country in which they are authorised. (19) while noting that the structure of the recognition procedure of the legal regime of south africa applicable to third-country ccps differs from the procedure laid down in regulation (eu) no 648/2012, it should nonetheless be considered as providing for an effective equivalent system for the recognition of third-country ccps. (20) the conditions laid down in article 25(6) of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 can therefore be considered to be met by the legal and supervisory arrangements of south africa regarding licensed clearing houses, and those legal and supervisory arrangements should be considered to be equivalent to the requirements laid down in regulation (eu) no 648/2012. the commission should continue monitoring on a regular basis the evolution of the legal and supervisory framework for ccps in south africa and the fulfilment of the conditions on the basis of which this decision has been taken. (21) the regular review of the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable in south africa to ccps authorised therein should be without prejudice to the possibility of the commission to undertake a specific review at any time outside the general review, where relevant developments make it necessary for the commission to reassess the equivalence granted by this decision. such reassessment could lead to the withdrawal of the recognition of equivalence. (22) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the european securities committee, has adopted this decision: article 1 for the purposes of article 25 of regulation (eu) no 648/2012, the legal and supervisory arrangements of south africa consisting of the financial markets act and applicable to licensed clearing houses authorised therein shall be considered to be equivalent to the requirements laid down in regulation (eu) no 648/2012. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 13 november 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 201, 27.7.2012, p. 1. (2) as of 1 september 2014 the committee on payment and settlement systems has changed its name to committee on payment and market infrastructures.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2038 of 13 november 2015 on the equivalence of the regulatory framework of the republic of korea for central counterparties to the requirements of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories type: decision_impl subject matter: trade policy; budget; asia and oceania; free movement of capital; executive power and public service; financial institutions and credit date published: 2015-11-14 14.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 298/25 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/2038 of 13 november 2015 on the equivalence of the regulatory framework of the republic of korea for central counterparties to the requirements of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 648/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 4 july 2012 on otc derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories (1), and in particular article 25(6) thereof, whereas: (1) the procedure for recognition of central counterparties (ccps) established in third countries set out in article 25 of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 aims to allow ccps established and authorised in third countries whose regulatory standards are equivalent to those laid down in that regulation to provide clearing services to clearing members or trading venues established in the union. that recognition procedure and the equivalence decision provided for therein thus contribute to the achievement of the overarching aim of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 to reduce systemic risk by extending the use of safe and sound ccps to clear over-the-counter (otc) derivative contracts, including where those ccps are established and authorised in a third country. (2) in order for a third country legal regime to be considered equivalent to the legal regime of the union in respect of ccps, the substantial outcome of the applicable legal and supervisory arrangements should be equivalent to union requirements in respect of the regulatory objectives they achieve. the purpose of this equivalence assessment is therefore to verify that the legal and supervisory arrangements of the republic of korea (hereafter south korea) ensure that ccps established and authorised therein do not expose clearing members and trading venues established in the union to a higher level of risk than the latter could be exposed to by ccps authorised in the union and, consequently, do not pose unacceptable levels of systemic risk in the union. (3) on 1 october 2013, the commission received the technical advice of the european securities and markets authority (esma) on the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable to ccps authorised in south korea. the technical advice identified a number of differences between the legally binding requirements applicable, at a jurisdictional level, to ccps in south korea and the legally binding requirements applicable to ccps under regulation (eu) no 648/2012. this decision is not only based, however, on a comparative analysis of the legally binding requirements applicable to ccps in south korea, but also on an assessment of the outcome of those requirements, and their adequacy to mitigate the risks that clearing members and trading venues established in the union may be exposed to in a manner considered equivalent to the outcome of the requirements laid down in regulation (eu) no 648/2012. the significantly lower risks inherent in clearing activities carried out in financial markets that are smaller than the union financial market should thereby, in particular, be taken into account. (4) in accordance with article 25(6) of regulation (eu) no 648/2012, three conditions need to be fulfilled in order to determine that the legal and supervisory arrangements of a third country regarding ccps authorised therein are equivalent to those laid down in that regulation. (5) according to the first condition, ccps authorised in a third country must comply with legally binding requirements which are equivalent to the requirements laid down in title iv of regulation (eu) no 648/2012. (6) the legally binding requirements of south korea for ccps authorised therein consist of the financial investment services and capital markets act 2013 (fscma), including a number of subordinated regulations implementing the fscma. (7) ccps are authorised by the financial services commission (fsc). to grant an authorisation for clearing, the fsc must be satisfied, among other things, that the ccp has equity capital equivalent to the established regulatory minimum, has a proper and sound business plan, has human resources, data-processing equipment and other physical facilities sufficient to protect investors and to conduct clearing business, does not have any officer who is disqualified under the fscma, has in place a system for preventing conflicts of interest and its shareholders have adequate financial capabilities, are of good financial standing and social credibility. the fsc may, when granting authorisation, attach conditions as may be necessary for ensuring soundness in management of the ccp and maintaining sound market order. authorised ccps are then subject to ongoing supervision by the fsc, as well as oversight by the bank of korea under the bank of korea act. (8) the fsc has stated its intention to assess its financial market infrastructures (fmis) against the international standards set out under the principles for financial market infrastructures (pfmis) issued in april 2012 by the committee on payment and settlement systems (2) (cpss) and the international organization of securities commissions (iosco). in march 2015 the fsc released the business guideline for financial market infrastructures, which provides specific standards that fmis should comply with in conducting business pursuant to the fscma and its subordinate regulations. the guideline has reorganised the 24 key principles of the pfmis into 14 principles in accordance with domestic circumstances, and provides detailed standards for their implementation. in december 2012, the bank of korea amended its regulation on the operation and management of payment and settlement systems to adopt the pfmis as its oversight standards. (9) the fscma and its subordinated regulations also require ccps to adopt internal rules and procedures as are necessary for the proper regulation of its clearing and settlement facilities. the requirements of the fscma, its subordinated regulations, the guideline and the regulation on the operation and management of payment and settlement systems are thus implemented in the internal rules and procedures of the clearing houses. under the fscma, any revision to the articles of incorporation or internal rules and procedures of ccps must be approved by the fsc. (10) the legally binding requirements in south korea therefore comprise a two-tiered structure. the fscma and its subordinated regulations set out the high-level standards which ccps must comply with in order to obtain authorisation to provide clearing services in south korea. those primary rules comprise the first tier of the legally binding requirements in south korea. in order to prove compliance with the primary rules, ccps must submit their internal rules and procedures to the fsc for approval in accordance with the business guideline for financial market infrastructures. those internal rules and procedures comprise the second tier of requirements in south korea. (11) the equivalence assessment of the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable to ccps in south korea should also take account of the risk mitigation outcome that they ensure in terms of the level of risk to which clearing members and trading venues established in the union are exposed to due to their participation in those entities. the risk mitigation outcome is determined by both the level of risk inherent in the clearing activities carried out by the ccp concerned which depends on the size of financial market in which it operates, and the appropriateness of the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable to ccps to mitigate that level of risk. in order to achieve the same risk mitigation outcome, more stringent risk mitigation requirements are needed for ccps carrying out their activities in bigger financial markets whose inherent level of risk is higher than for ccps carrying out their activities in smaller financial markets whose inherent level of risk is lower. (12) the size of the financial market in which ccps authorised in south korea carry out their clearing activities is significantly smaller than that in which ccps established in the union carry out theirs. in particular, over the past three years, the total value of derivative transactions cleared in south korea represented less than 1 % of the total value of derivative transactions cleared in the union. therefore, participation in ccps authorised in south korea exposes clearing members and trading venues established in the union to significantly lower risks than their participation in ccps authorised in the union. (13) the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable to ccps authorised in south korea may therefore be considered as equivalent where they are appropriate to mitigate that lower level of risk. the primary rules applicable to those ccps, complemented by their internal rules and procedures which implement the pfmis, mitigate the lower level of risk existing in south korea and achieve a risk mitigation outcome equivalent to that pursued by regulation (eu) no 648/2012. (14) the commission therefore concludes that the legal and supervisory arrangements of south korea ensure that ccps authorised therein comply with legally binding requirements which are equivalent to the requirements laid down in title iv of regulation (eu) no 648/2012. (15) according to the second condition under article 25(6) of regulation (eu) no 648/2012, the legal and supervisory arrangements of south korea in respect of ccps authorised therein must provide for effective supervision and enforcement of those ccps on an ongoing basis. (16) the fsc is responsible for establishing and implementing supervisory rules and for the inspection and examination of financial institutions. the fsc, as the primary supervisor of ccps, has the comprehensive power to control and penalise them including, among other things, the power to cancel the license of ccps, the power to suspend and transfer the business of ccps, and the power to impose sanctions on the ccps. day-to-day supervision is conducted by the financial supervisory service (fss) which acts under the oversight of the fsc. ccps are subject to biannual inspection, each of four weeks duration, and non-periodic inspection on the supervisor's demand. the fss conducts ongoing monitoring of ccps' compliance with risk management requirements through surveillance and risk-based examination procedures including testing of prudential requirements. additionally, one of the main objectives of the bank of korea's oversight of ccps authorised in south korea is to secure their safety and efficiency. it carries out oversight by assessing information on ccps, conducting biennial assessments of them against the pfmis, and requesting improvements if necessary. the bank of korea has the authority to require these improvements to be made, with the agreement of the monetary policy committee if it is a major improvement. (17) the commission therefore concludes that the legal and supervisory arrangements of south korea in respect of ccps authorised therein provide for effective supervision and enforcement on an ongoing basis. (18) according to the third condition under article 25(6) of regulation (eu) no 648/2012, the legal and supervisory arrangements of south korea must include an effective equivalent system for the recognition of ccps authorised under third country legal regimes (third-country ccps). (19) third country ccps which want to clear otc derivatives in south korea have to apply to the fsc for approval. (20) in order for approval to be granted, the jurisdiction in which the ccp is established must have a sufficiently robust regulatory regime similar to the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable in south korea. the conclusion of cooperative arrangements between south korean and competent third-country authorities is also required before the third country ccp application is approved. (21) the recognition procedure of the legal regime of south korea applicable to third country ccps that want to clear otc derivatives therein should therefore be considered as providing for an effective equivalent system for the recognition of third country ccps. (22) the conditions laid down in article 25(6) of regulation (eu) no 648/2012 can therefore be considered to be met by the legal and supervisory arrangements of south korea regarding ccps authorised therein, and those legal and supervisory arrangements should be considered to be equivalent to the requirements laid down in regulation (eu) no 648/2012. the commission should continue monitoring on a regular basis the evolution of the legal and supervisory framework for ccps in south korea and the fulfilment of the conditions on the basis of which this decision has been taken. (23) the regular review of the legal and supervisory arrangements applicable in south korea to ccps authorised therein should be without prejudice to the possibility of the commission to undertake a specific review at any time outside the general review, where relevant developments make it necessary for the commission to reassess the equivalence granted by this decision. such reassessment could lead to the withdrawal of the recognition of equivalence. (24) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the european securities committee, has adopted this decision: article 1 for the purposes of article 25 of regulation (eu) no 648/2012, the legal and supervisory arrangements of south korea consisting of the financial investment services and capital markets act 2013 and it subordinated regulations as complemented by the business guideline for financial market infrastructures and the regulation on the operation and management of payment and settlement systems, and applicable to ccps authorised therein shall be considered to be equivalent to the requirements laid down in regulation (eu) no 648/2012. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 13 november 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 201, 27.7.2012, p. 1. (2) as of 1 september 2014 the committee on payment and settlement systems has changed its name to committee on payment and market infrastructures cpmi.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2037 of 10 november 2015 authorising member states to ratify, in the interests of the european union, the protocol of 2014 to the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation with regard to matters relating to social policy type: decision subject matter: international law; international affairs; social affairs; economic geography; rights and freedoms; united nations; criminal law date published: 2015-11-14 14.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 298/23 council decision (eu) 2015/2037 of 10 november 2015 authorising member states to ratify, in the interests of the european union, the protocol of 2014 to the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation with regard to matters relating to social policy the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 153(2), in conjunction with points (a) and (b) of article 153(1) and article 218(6)(a)(v) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, having regard to the consent of the european parliament, whereas: (1) the union is promoting the ratification of international labour conventions, classified by the international labour organisation (ilo) as up to date, to contribute to the union's efforts to promote human rights and decent work for all and to eradicate trafficking in human beings both inside and outside the union. the protection of fundamental principles and rights at work is a key aspect of that promotion. (2) the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation, which the protocol of 2014 supplements, is a fundamental ilo convention and has a bearing on rules which make reference to core labour standards. (3) parts of the rules provided for in the protocol of 2014 to the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation (the protocol) fall within union competence in accordance with article 153(2) of the treaty on the functioning of the european union (tfeu). in particular, some of the rules provided for in the protocol are already covered by union acquis in the area of social policy. in that regard, articles 1(1), 2(a) and 2(d) of the protocol, in particular, concern matters covered by council directive 91/533/eec (1), directive 2008/104/ec of the european parliament and of the council (2), as well as directives on health and safety at work, including council directive 89/391/eec (3), directive 2003/88/ec of the european parliament and of the council (4), council directive 94/33/ec (5) and council directive 92/85/eec (6). (4) article 19(4) of the ilo constitution, on the adoption and ratification of conventions, similarly applies to protocols, which are binding international agreements, subject to ratification and linked to conventions. (5) the union cannot ratify the protocol as only states can be parties thereto. (6) member states should therefore be authorised to ratify the protocol, acting jointly in the interests of the union, with regard to those parts falling within union competence in accordance with article 153(2) tfeu. (7) the parts of the protocol falling within the competence conferred upon the union, other than the parts related to social policy, will be subject to a decision adopted in parallel to this decision, has adopted this decision: article 1 member states are hereby authorised to ratify, for the parts falling within the competence conferred upon the union under article 153(2) tfeu, the protocol of 2014 to the forced labour convention, 1930, of the international labour organisation. article 2 member states should take the necessary steps to deposit their instruments of ratification of the protocol with the director-general of the international labour office as soon as possible, preferably by 31 december 2016. article 3 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) council directive 91/533/eec of 14 october 1991 on an employer's obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship (oj l 288, 18.10.1991, p. 32). (2) directive 2008/104/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 19 november 2008 on temporary agency work (oj l 327, 5.12.2008, p. 9). (3) council directive 89/391/eec of 12 june 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work (oj l 183, 29.6.1989, p. 1). (4) directive 2003/88/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 4 november 2003 concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time (oj l 299, 18.11.2003, p. 9). (5) council directive 94/33/ec of 22 june 1994 on the protection of young people at work (oj l 216, 20.8.1994, p. 12). (6) council directive 92/85/eec of 19 october 1992 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding (tenth individual directive within the meaning of article 16(1) of directive 89/391/eec) (oj l 348, 28.11.1992, p. 1).
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2029 of 10 november 2015 appointing one maltese member and two maltese alternate members of the committee of the regions type: decision subject matter: europe; eu institutions and european civil service date published: 2015-11-13 13.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 297/8 council decision (eu) 2015/2029 of 10 november 2015 appointing one maltese member and two maltese alternate members of the committee of the regions the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 305 thereof, having regard to the proposal of the maltese government, whereas: (1) on 26 january, on 5 february and on 23 june 2015, the council adopted decisions (eu) 2015/116 (1), (eu) 2015/190 (2) and (eu) 2015/994 (3) appointing the members and alternate members of the committee of the regions for the period from 26 january 2015 to 25 january 2020. (2) a member's seat on the committee of the regions has become vacant following the end of the term of office of mr peter bonello. (3) an alternate member's seat on the committee of the regions has become vacant following the end of the mandate on the basis of which mr frederick cutajar (mayor of santa lucija) was proposed. (4) an alternate member's seat would become vacant following the appointment of mr anthony mifsud as member of the committee of the regions, has adopted this decision: article 1 the following is hereby appointed as member to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: mr anthony mifsud, councillor, imtarfa local council. article 2 the following are hereby appointed as alternate members to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: mr frederick cutajar, deputy mayor, santa lucija local council, mrs graziella galea, mayor, saint paul's bay local council. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) oj l 20, 27.1.2015, p. 42. (2) oj l 31, 7.2.2015, p. 25. (3) oj l 159, 25.6.2015, p. 70.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/2027 of 10 november 2015 appointing a swedish alternate member of the committee of the regions type: decision subject matter: europe; eu institutions and european civil service date published: 2015-11-13 13.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 297/6 council decision (eu) 2015/2027 of 10 november 2015 appointing a swedish alternate member of the committee of the regions the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 305 thereof, having regard to the proposal of the swedish government, whereas: (1) on 26 january, on 5 february and on 23 june 2015, the council adopted decisions (eu) 2015/116 (1), (eu) 2015/190 (2) and (eu) 2015/994 (3) appointing the members and alternate members of the committee of the regions for the period from 26 january 2015 to 25 january 2020. (2) an alternate member's seat on the committee of the regions has become vacant following the end of the term of office of mr rolf s llryd, has adopted this decision: article 1 the following is hereby appointed as an alternate member to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: ms birgitta sacr deus, ledamot i regionfullm ktige, dalarnas l ns landsting. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) oj l 20, 27.1.2015, p. 42. (2) oj l 31, 7.2.2015, p. 25. (3) oj l 159, 25.6.2015, p. 70.
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/2005 of 10 november 2015 extending the mandate of the european union special representative in afghanistan type: decision subject matter: european construction; international affairs; asia and oceania; eu institutions and european civil service date published: 2015-11-11 11.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 294/53 council decision (cfsp) 2015/2005 of 10 november 2015 extending the mandate of the european union special representative in afghanistan the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 33 and article 31(2) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 22 july 2013, the council adopted decision 2013/393/cfsp (1) appointing mr franz-michael skjold mellbin as the european union special representative (eusr) in afghanistan. the eusr's mandate is to expire on 31 october 2015. (2) the mandate of the eusr should be extended for a further period of 16 months. (3) the eusr will implement the mandate in the context of a situation which may deteriorate and could impede the achievement of the objectives of the union's external action as set out in article 21 of the treaty, has adopted this decision: article 1 european union special representative the mandate of mr franz-michael skjold mellbin as the eusr in afghanistan is extended until 28 february 2017. the council may decide that the mandate of the eusr be terminated earlier, based on an assessment by the political and security committee (psc) and a proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy (hr). article 2 policy objectives the eusr shall represent the union and promote union policy objectives in afghanistan, in close coordination with member states' representatives in afghanistan. more specifically, the eusr shall: (a) contribute to the implementation of the eu-afghanistan joint declaration, the eu strategy in afghanistan 2014-2016 and, as appropriate, the eu-afghan cooperation agreement on partnership and development (capd); (b) support union-afghanistan political dialogue; (c) support the pivotal role played by the united nations (un) in afghanistan with particular emphasis on contributing to better coordinated international assistance, thereby promoting the implementation of the bonn, chicago, tokyo and london conference communiqu s, as well as relevant un resolutions. article 3 mandate in order to fulfil the mandate, the eusr shall, in close cooperation with member states' representatives in afghanistan: (a) promote the views of the union on the political process and developments in afghanistan; (b) maintain close contact with, and support the development of, relevant afghan institutions, in particular the government and the parliament as well as the local authorities. contact should also be maintained with other afghan political groups and other relevant actors in afghanistan, in particular relevant civil society actors; (c) maintain close contact with relevant international and regional stakeholders in afghanistan, in particular the special representative of the secretary-general of the un and the senior civilian representative of the north atlantic treaty organisation (nato) and other key partners and organisations; (d) advise on the progress achieved in meeting the objectives of the eu-afghanistan joint declaration, of the eu strategy in afghanistan 2014-2016, the eu-afghan cooperation agreement on partnership and development (capd) and of the bonn, chicago, tokyo and london conference communiqu s in particular in the following areas: (i) civilian capacity building, especially at sub-national level; (ii) good governance and the establishment of institutions necessary for the existence of the rule of law, in particular an independent judiciary; (iii) electoral and constitutional reforms, (iv) security sector reforms, including the strengthening of judicial institutions and the rule of law, the national army and the police force, and in particular the development of the civilian police service; (v) promotion of growth, namely through agriculture and rural development; (vi) respect for afghanistan's international human rights obligations, including respect for the rights of persons belonging to minorities and the rights of women and children; (vii) respect of democratic principles and the rule of law; (viii) fostering participation of women in public administration, civil society and, in accordance with un security council resolution 1325(2000), the peace process; (ix) respect for afghanistan's international obligations, including cooperation in international efforts to combat terrorism, illicit drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings and proliferation of arms and weapons of mass destruction and related materials; (x) facilitation of humanitarian assistance and the orderly return of refugees and internally displaced persons; and (xi) enhancing the effectiveness of union presence and activities in afghanistan and contributing to the formulation of the regular implementation reports on the eu strategy in afghanistan 2014-2016, as requested by the council; (e) actively participate in local coordination fora such as the joint coordination and monitoring board, while keeping non-participating member states fully informed of decisions taken at these levels; (f) advise on the participation and the positions of the union in international conferences with regard to afghanistan, and in particular on the next international ministerial conference on afghanistan, to be co-hosted by the union in brussels, in close liaison with the afghan authorities and the main international partners; (g) take an active role in promoting regional cooperation through relevant initiatives including the istanbul process and the regional economic conference on afghanistan (recca); (h) contribute to the implementation of the union's human rights policy and the eu guidelines on human rights, in particular with regard to women and children in conflict-affected areas, especially by monitoring and addressing developments in this regard; (i) provide, as appropriate, support to an inclusive and afghan-led peace process leading to a political settlement consistent with the red lines agreed at the bonn conference. article 4 implementation of the mandate 1. the eusr shall be responsible for the implementation of the mandate, acting under the authority of the hr. 2. the psc shall maintain a privileged link with the eusr and shall be the eusr's primary point of contact with the council. the psc shall provide the eusr with strategic guidance and political direction within the framework of the mandate, without prejudice to the powers of the hr. 3. the eusr shall work in close coordination with the european external action service (eeas) and the relevant departments thereof. article 5 financing 1. the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to the mandate of the eusr in the period from 1 november 2015 to 28 february 2017 shall be eur 7 625 000 2. the expenditure shall be managed in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable to the general budget of the union. 3. the management of the expenditure shall be subject to a contract between the eusr and the commission. the eusr shall be accountable to the commission for all expenditure. article 6 constitution and composition of the team 1. within the limits of the eusr's mandate and the corresponding financial means made available, the eusr shall be responsible for constituting a team. the team shall include the expertise on specific policy issues as required by the mandate. the eusr shall promptly and regularly inform the council and the commission of the composition of the team. 2. member states, institutions of the union and the eeas may propose the secondment of personnel to work with the eusr. the salary of such seconded personnel shall be covered by the member state, the institution of the union concerned or the eeas, respectively. experts seconded by member states to the institutions of the union or the eeas may also be posted to work with the eusr. internationally contracted personnel shall have the nationality of a member state. 3. all seconded personnel shall remain under the administrative authority of the sending member state, the sending institution of the union or the eeas and shall carry out their duties and act in the interest of the mandate of the eusr. article 7 privileges and immunities of the eusr and the staff of the eusr the privileges, immunities and further guarantees necessary for the completion and smooth functioning of the mission of the eusr and the members of the eusr's staff shall be agreed with the host country, as appropriate. member states and the eeas shall grant all necessary support to such effect. article 8 security of eu classified information the eusr and the members of his team shall respect the security principles and minimum standards established by council decision 2013/488/eu (2). article 9 access to information and logistical support 1. member states, the commission and the general secretariat of the council shall ensure that the eusr is given access to any relevant information. 2. the union delegations and/or member states, as appropriate, shall provide logistical support in the region. article 10 security in accordance with the union's policy on the security of personnel deployed outside the union in an operational capacity under title v of the treaty, the eusr shall take all reasonably practicable measures, in accordance with the eusr's mandate and the security situation in the area of responsibility, for the security of all personnel under the eusr's direct authority, in particular by: (a) establishing a specific security plan based on guidance from the eeas, including specific physical, organisational and procedural security measures, governing the management of the secure movement of personnel to, and within, the area of responsibility as well as the management of security incidents and including a contingency and evacuation plan; (b) ensuring that all personnel deployed outside the union are covered by high-risk insurance, as required by the conditions in the area of responsibility; (c) ensuring that all members of the eusr's team to be deployed outside the union, including locally contracted personnel, have received appropriate security training before or upon arriving in the area of responsibility, based on the risk ratings assigned to that area by the eeas; (d) ensuring that all agreed recommendations made following regular security assessments are implemented, and providing the council, the hr and the commission with written reports on their implementation and on other security issues within the framework of the progress and the mandate implementation reports. article 11 reporting the eusr shall regularly provide the hr and the psc with reports. the eusr shall also report to council working parties as necessary. regular reports shall be circulated through the coreu network. the eusr may provide the foreign affairs council with reports. in accordance with article 36 of the treaty, the eusr may be involved in briefing the european parliament. article 12 coordination 1. the eusr shall contribute to the unity, consistency and effectiveness of the union's action and shall help ensure that all union instruments and member states' actions are engaged consistently, to attain the union's policy objectives. the activities of the eusr shall be coordinated with those of the commission, as well as with the union's delegation in pakistan. the eusr shall provide member states' missions and union delegations with regular briefings. 2. in the field, close liaison shall be maintained with the member states' heads of missions and heads of the union delegations. they shall make every effort to assist the eusr in the implementation of the mandate. the eusr shall provide the head of the european union police mission in afghanistan (eupol afghanistan) with local political guidance. the eusr and the civilian operations commander shall consult each other as required. the eusr shall also liaise with other international and regional actors in the field. article 13 assistance in relation to claims the eusr and his staff shall assist in providing elements to respond to any claims and obligations arising from the mandates of the previous eusrs in afghanistan, and shall provide administrative assistance and access to relevant files for such purposes. article 14 review the implementation of this decision and its consistency with other contributions from the union to the region shall be kept under regular review. the eusr shall present the council, the hr and the commission with a progress report by the end of june 2016 and a comprehensive mandate implementation report by the end of november 2016. article 15 entry into force this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. it shall apply from 1 november 2015. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) council decision 2013/393/cfsp of 22 july 2013 amending decision 2013/382/cfsp extending the mandate of the european union special representative in afghanistan (oj l 198, 23.7.2013, p. 47). (2) council decision 2013/488/eu of 23 september 2013 on the security rules for protecting eu classified information (oj l 274, 15.10.2013, p. 1).
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/2008 of 10 november 2015 amending decision 2010/452/cfsp on the european union monitoring mission in georgia, eumm georgia type: decision subject matter: cooperation policy; international affairs; europe date published: 2015-11-11 11.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 294/69 council decision (cfsp) 2015/2008 of 10 november 2015 amending decision 2010/452/cfsp on the european union monitoring mission in georgia, eumm georgia the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 28, and articles 42(4) and 43(2) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 12 august 2010, the council adopted decision 2010/452/cfsp (1), which extended the european union monitoring mission in georgia (eumm georgia or the mission), established by council joint action 2008/736/cfsp (2). (2) on 16 december 2014, the council adopted decision 2014/915/cfsp (3) amending decision 2010/452/cfsp, which extended the mission until 14 december 2016 and provided a financial reference amount until 14 december 2015. (3) a new financial reference amount covering the period from 15 december 2015 to 14 december 2016 should be provided. (4) decision 2010/452/cfsp should therefore be amended accordingly, has adopted this decision: article 1 decision 2010/452/cfsp is amended as follows: (1) in article 14(1), the following subparagraph is added: the financial reference amount intended to cover the expenditure related to the mission between 15 december 2015 and 14 december 2016 shall be eur 17 640 000.; (2) in article 14, paragraphs 2 and 3 are replaced by the following paragraph: 2. all expenditure shall be managed in accordance with the rules and procedures applicable to the general budget of the union. participation of natural and legal persons in the award of procurement contracts by eumm georgia shall be open without limitations. furthermore, no rule of origin for the goods purchased by eumm georgia shall apply. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. it shall apply from 15 december 2015. done at brussels, 10 november 2015. for the council the president p. gramegna (1) council decision 2010/452/cfsp of 12 august 2010 on the european union monitoring mission in georgia, eumm georgia (oj l 213, 13.8.2010, p. 43). (2) council joint action 2008/736/cfsp of 15 september 2008 on the european union monitoring mission in georgia, eumm georgia (oj l 248, 17.9.2008, p. 26). (3) council decision 2014/915/cfsp of 16 december 2014 amending decision 2010/452/cfsp on the european union monitoring mission in georgia, eumm georgia (oj l 360, 17.12.2014, p. 56).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1997 of 5 november 2015 amending decision 2009/821/ec as regards the lists of border inspection posts and veterinary units in traces (notified under document c(2015) 7534) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: economic geography; tariff policy; european union law; agricultural policy; trade date published: 2015-11-07 7.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 291/6 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1997 of 5 november 2015 amending decision 2009/821/ec as regards the lists of border inspection posts and veterinary units in traces (notified under document c(2015) 7534) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 90/425/eec of 26 june 1990 concerning veterinary and zootechnical checks applicable in intra-community trade in certain live animals and products with a view to the completion of the internal market (1), and in particular article 20(1) and (3) thereof, having regard to council directive 91/496/eec of 15 july 1991 laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on animals entering the community from third countries and amending directives 89/662/eec, 90/425/eec and 90/675/eec (2), and in particular the second sentence of the second subparagraph of article 6(4) and article 6(5) thereof, having regard to council directive 97/78/ec of 18 december 1997 laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on products entering the community from third countries (3), and in particular article 6(2) thereof, whereas: (1) commission decision 2009/821/ec (4) lays down a list of border inspection posts approved in accordance with directives 91/496/eec and 97/78/ec. that list is set out in annex i to that decision. (2) following a satisfactory audit carried out by the commission audit service (the food and veterinary office (fvo)), the border inspection post at brussels south charleroi airport in belgium can be approved for the category other animals, specifically for insects, with the footnote o(14). the list of entries for that member state set out in annex i to decision 2009/821/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (3) spain has communicated that two inspection centres at the border inspection post at the port at vilagarc a-ribeira-carami al should become a separate border inspection post at a pobra-ribeira and that one inspection centre at the border inspection post at the port at coru a-laxe should be deleted from the list of entries for that member state. the list of entries for spain set out in annex i to decision 2009/821/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (4) following the delisting of the category u for one inspection centre at the airport roissy charles-de-gaulle, the french authorities have modernised that inspection centre and communicated that the modernisation is finalised. therefore, category u can be re-installed for that inspection centre in annex i to decision 2009/821/ec. (5) following a satisfactory audit carried out by the fvo, the border inspection post at the port at cagliari in italy can be approved for the categories of products for human consumption (hc) and for other packed products (nhc(2)). following communication from italy, the entry for the border inspection post at the port at salerno should be amended and the entries for the border inspection posts at the airports at milano-linate and verona should be deleted. the annex i to decision 2009/821/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (6) lithuania has communicated that the border inspection post at the railway at pag giai has been closed down. the list of entries for that member state set out in annex i to decision 2009/821/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (7) following a satisfactory audit carried out by the fvo, one inspection centre at the border inspection post at amsterdam airport in the netherlands can be extended to all categories of living animals, with the footnote o(14) and category u without restriction. in addition, the netherlands have communicated that the inspection centre vriescentrum vink beverwijk bv has been added to the border inspection post at the port in amsterdam. the two entries in the list for that member state set out in annex i to decision 2009/821/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (8) the united kingdom has communicated that two inspection centres at the border inspection post at the airport at heathrow have been replaced by one new inspection centre and that the border inspection post at the port at falmouth has been suspended. the two entries in the list for that member state set out in annex i to decision 2009/821/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (9) annex ii to decision 2009/821/ec lays down the list of central, regional and local units in the integrated computerised veterinary system (traces). (10) following communication from italy, a change should be brought to the central unit in the list of central, regional and local units in traces for that member state set out in annex ii to decision 2009/821/ec. (11) decision 2009/821/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (12) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 annexes i and ii to decision 2009/821/ec are amended in accordance with the annex to this decision. article 2 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 5 november 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 224, 18.8.1990, p. 29. (2) oj l 268, 24.9.1991, p. 56. (3) oj l 24, 30.1.1998, p. 9. (4) commission decision 2009/821/ec of 28 september 2009 drawing up a list of approved border inspection posts, laying down certain rules on the inspections carried out by commission veterinary experts and laying down the veterinary units in traces (oj l 296, 12.11.2009, p. 1). annex annexes i and ii to decision 2009/821/ec are amended as follows: (1) annex i is amended as follows: (a) in the part concerning belgium, the following entry for brussels south charleroi airport is inserted after the entry for antwerpen/anvers: brussels south charleroi airport be crl 4 a o(14) (b) the part concerning spain is amended as follows: (i) the entry for the port at coru a-laxe is replaced by the following: a coru a es lcg 1 p hc, nhc (ii) after the amended entry for coru a port, the following entry for a pobra-ribeira port is inserted: a pobra-ribeira es zjf 1 p a pobra do carami al hc-t(fr)(3) ribeira hc-t(fr)(3) (iii) the entry for vilagarc a-ribeira-carami al port is replaced by the following entry: vilagarc a es vil 1 p vilagarc a hc, nhc (c) in the part concerning france, the entry for the airport roissy charles-de-gaulle is replaced by the following: roissy charles-de-gaulle fr cdg 4 a air france hc-t(1), hc-nt, nhc-nt france handling hc-t(1), hc-nt, nhc station animali re u, e, o(14) (d) the part concerning italy is amended as follows: (i) the following entry for the port at cagliari is inserted after the entry for bologna-borgo panigale: cagliari it cag 1 p hc, nhc(2) (ii) the entry for the port at salerno is replaced by the following: salerno it sal 1 p hc, nhc-t(fr), nhc-nt (iii) the entries for the airports at milano-linate and verona are deleted; (e) in the part concerning lithuania, the entry for the railway at pag giai is deleted; (f) the part concerning the netherlands is amended as follows: (i) the entry for the airport at amsterdam is replaced by the following: amsterdam nl ams 4 a aviapartner cargo b.v. hc(2), nhc-t(fr), nhc-nt(2) o(14) schiphol animal centre u, e, o(14) klm-2 u, e, o(14) freshport hc(2), nhc(2) o(14) (ii) the entry for the port at amsterdam is replaced by the following: amsterdam nl ams 1 p cornelis vrolijk hc-t(fr)(2)(3) daalimpex, velsen hc-t pca hc(2), nhc(2) kloosterboer ijmuiden hc-t(fr) blankendaal coldstores, velsen hc-t(fr)(2) vriescentrum vink beverwijk bv hc-t(fr)(2) (g) the part concerning the united kingdom is amended as follows: (i) the entry for the port at falmouth is replaced by the following: falmouth (*) gb fal 1 p hc-t(1)(3) (*), nhc-nt(1)(3) (*) (ii) the entry for the airport at heathrow is replaced by the following: heathrow gb lhr 4 a eurobip hc(1)(2), nhc(2) animal reception centre u, e, o (2) in annex ii, in the part concerning italy, the entry for the central unit it00000 direz. gen. sanit veterinaria e alimenti is replaced by the following: it00000 ministero della salute direzione della sanit animale e dei farmaci veterinari
name: council decision (euratom) 2015/1990 of 26 october 2015 approving the conclusion, by the european commission, on behalf of the european atomic energy community, of the agreement continuing the international science and technology center type: decision subject matter: international affairs; cooperation policy; european construction; research and intellectual property; world organisations; eu institutions and european civil service; technology and technical regulations date published: 2015-11-06 6.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 290/8 council decision (euratom) 2015/1990 of 26 october 2015 approving the conclusion, by the european commission, on behalf of the european atomic energy community, of the agreement continuing the international science and technology center the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european atomic energy community, and in particular article 4 and the second paragraph of article 101 thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, whereas: (1) on 21 october 2013, the council authorised the commission to open negotiations for the establishment of an agreement continuing the international science and technology center between the european union and the european atomic energy community (euratom) acting as one party, georgia, japan, the kingdom of norway, the kyrgyz republic, the republic of armenia, the republic of kazakhstan, the republic of korea, the republic of tajikistan, and the united states of america (the agreement). (2) those negotiations have been successfully completed and the agreement was initialled on 22 june 2015. (3) the agreement also covers matters falling under competences of euratom. (4) the signing of the agreement is subject to a separate procedure as regards matters falling under the treaty on european union and treaty on the functioning of the european union. (5) the conclusion of the agreement by the commission, acting on behalf of euratom, should be approved as regards matters falling within the competence of euratom, has adopted this decision: article 1 the conclusion by the european commission, on behalf of the european atomic energy community, of the agreement continuing the international science and technology center is hereby approved (1). article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 26 october 2015. for the council the president f. mogherini (1) the text of agreement will be attached to the council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the union, of the agreement continuing the international science and technology center.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1985 of 4 november 2015 pursuant to article 3(3) of regulation (eu) no 528/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on an anti-viral tissue impregnated with citric acid (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: health; european union law; marketing; chemistry; europe; miscellaneous industries date published: 2015-11-05 5.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 289/26 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1985 of 4 november 2015 pursuant to article 3(3) of regulation (eu) no 528/2012 of the european parliament and of the council on an anti-viral tissue impregnated with citric acid (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 528/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 22 may 2012 concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products (1), and in particular article 3(3) thereof, whereas: (1) on 28 april 2015, belgium requested the commission to decide, pursuant to article 3(3) of regulation (eu) no 528/2012, whether an anti-viral tissue placed on the market with the claim kills 99,9 % of cold & flu viruses in the tissue is a biocidal product or a treated article and, if considered a biocidal product, whether it would belong to product-type 1 (human hygiene) or 2 (disinfectants and algaecides not intended for direct application to humans or animals). (2) according to the information provided by belgium, the tissue is a 3-ply tissue of which the middle layer is impregnated with citric acid. citric acid is stated to be irreversibly bound into the tissue's matrix and to remain in the product throughout its lifecycle. after the tissue has been used, i.e. when moisture after sneezing, coughing or blowing of the nose into the tissue hits the middle layer, citric acid is claimed to deactivate the viral load within the tissue in order to prevent transfer back to the hands, transmittance of the virus from hand to hand contact and transmittance to surfaces with which the tissue comes into contact. (3) the tissue meets the definition of an article as provided under article 3(2)(c) of regulation (eu) no 528/2012. (4) the tissue meets the definition of a treated article as provided under article 3(1)(l) of regulation (eu) no 528/2012, as citric acid is intentionally incorporated into it with the aim to deactivate viruses and to limit cross-contamination with these viruses. (5) viruses meet the definition of harmful organism as provided under article 3(1)(g) of regulation (eu) no 528/2012 since they may have a detrimental effect on humans. (6) destroying, deterring, rendering harmless, preventing the action of, or otherwise exerting a controlling effect on any harmful organism is a biocidal function. (7) it is therefore essential to establish whether the tissue has a primary biocidal function or not, in order to define whether the tissue is a treated article or a biocidal product. (8) the claim made on the tissue packaging and advertising is kills 99,9 % of cold & flu viruses in the tissue. through such a claim, greater prominence and first importance is given to the biocidal function of the tissue than to its other functions (for example to blow the nose). the anti-viral tissue has therefore a primary biocidal function. (9) since product-type 1 covers biocidal products used to disinfect the skin or the scalp and product-type 2 covers biocidal products used for wider purposes, such as the disinfection of surfaces, materials or air, the use of the tissue would rather correspond to the latter product-type. (10) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on biocidal products, has adopted this decision: article 1 an anti-viral tissue impregnated with citric acid and placed on the market with the claim kills 99,9 % of cold & flu viruses in the tissue shall be considered as a biocidal product in accordance with article 3(1)(a) of regulation (eu) no 528/2012 and shall fall within product-type 2 as defined in annex v to that regulation. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 4 november 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 167, 27.6.2012, p. 1.
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/1967 of 9 march 2012 on the signing and conclusion of the agreement between the european union and bosnia and herzegovina establishing a framework for the participation of bosnia and herzegovina in european union crisis management operations type: decision subject matter: cooperation policy; international affairs; europe; international security; european construction date published: 2015-11-04 4.11.2015 en official journal of the european union l 288/2 council decision (cfsp) 2015/1967 of 9 march 2012 on the signing and conclusion of the agreement between the european union and bosnia and herzegovina establishing a framework for the participation of bosnia and herzegovina in european union crisis management operations the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, in particular article 37 thereof, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, in particular article 218(5) and (6) thereof, having regard to the proposal of the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy (the hr), whereas: (1) conditions regarding the participation of third states in european union crisis management operations should be laid down in an agreement establishing a framework for such possible future participation, rather than defining those conditions on a case-by-case basis for each operation concerned. (2) following the adoption of a decision by the council on 26 april 2010 authorising the opening of negotiations, the hr negotiated an agreement between the european union and bosnia and herzegovina establishing a framework for the participation of bosnia and herzegovina in european union crisis management operations (the agreement). (3) the agreement should be approved, has adopted this decision: article 1 the agreement between the european union and bosnia and herzegovina establishing a framework for the participation of bosnia and herzegovina in the european union crisis management operations is hereby approved on behalf of the union. the text of the agreement is attached to this decision. article 2 the president of the council is hereby authorised to designate the person(s) empowered to sign the agreement in order to bind the union. article 3 the president of the council shall, on behalf of the union, give the notification provided for in article 16(1) of the agreement. article 4 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 9 march 2012. for the council the president i. auken
name: commission decision (eu) 2015/1966 of 9 july 2014 on the state aid sa. 34118 (2012/c ex 2011/n) which germany is planning to implement in favour of porsche leipzig gmbh and dr ing. h.c.f. porsche aktiengesellschaft (notified under document c(2014) 4075) (text with eea relevance) type: decision subject matter: economic policy; europe; mechanical engineering; competition; regions of eu member states date published: 2015-10-31 31.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 287/68 commission decision (eu) 2015/1966 of 9 july 2014 on the state aid sa. 34118 (2012/c ex 2011/n) which germany is planning to implement in favour of porsche leipzig gmbh and dr ing. h.c.f. porsche aktiengesellschaft (notified under document c(2014) 4075) (only the german text is authentic) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular the first subparagraph of article 108(2) thereof, having regard to the agreement on the european economic area, and in particular article 62(1)(a) thereof, having called on interested parties to submit their comments pursuant to those provisions (1) and having regard to their comments, whereas: 1. procedure (1) by electronic notification registered on 20 december 2011 at the commission (sani 6554), the german authorities notified regional aid under the guidelines on national regional aid for 2007-2013 (2) (hereinafter rag) to porsche leipzig gmbh and to dr ing. h.c.f. porsche aktiengesellschaft for an investment project in leipzig, in the region of saxony, germany. (2) by letter dated 11 july 2012, the commission informed germany of its decision of the same date to initiate the procedure laid down in article 108(2) tfeu (hereinafter the opening decision) in respect of the regional aid to be implemented in favour of the investment project by porsche leipzig gmbh and by dr ing. h.c.f. porsche aktiengesellschaft, in view of carrying out an in depth assessment on the basis of the communication from the commission on the criteria for an in-depth assessment of regional aid to large investment projects (3) (hereinafter idac). (3) the commission decision to initiate the formal investigation procedure was published in the official journal of the european union on 30 october 2012 (4). third parties were invited to submit their comments. (4) germany submitted comments and the necessary information for the in-depth assessment by letter dated 31 october 2012 (2012/116806). (5) by letter dated 17 december 2012 (2012/135107), and by e-mail dated 4 february 2012, the commission requested further information, which was provided by germany by letters dated 25 january 2013 (2013/008324) and 7 february 2013 (2013/013186). (6) no comments were received from other interested parties. 2. detailed description of the state aid 2.1. objective of the measure (7) the german authorities intend to promote regional development by providing regional aid in the form of a direct grant and an investment premium to porsche leipzig gmbh and to dr ing. h.c.f. porsche aktiengesellschaft for the production of a new car model. the investment will take place in leipzig, saxony, which is an assisted area pursuant to article 107(3)(c) tfeu with a standard regional aid ceiling for large enterprises of 20 % gross grant equivalent (gge) for the period between 1 january 2011 and 30 june 2014 (5). 2.2. the beneficiary (8) the recipients of the aid will be porsche leipzig gmbh (hereafter porsche leipzig) and dr ing. h.c.f. porsche aktiengesellschaft (hereafter porsche ag). porsche leipzig is a subsidiary of porsche ag, which itself is since 1 august 2012 a fully integrated subsidiary of volkswagen aktiengesellschaft, and thus belongs to the volkswagen group (hereinafter vw group). (9) the vw group manufactures cars ranging from small cars to luxury and commercial vehicles. in 2013, the vw group operated a total of 106 factories in 19 european countries and eight additional countries in america, asia and africa and counted 572 800 employees. in the same year, the vw group delivered 9,7 million cars to customers in 153 countries, corresponding to a 12,8 % share of the passenger car market in the world (6), and its revenue totalled eur 197 billion. (10) in 2013, porsche ag employed 19 456 people worldwide and delivered 162 145 new vehicles to customers globally. its revenue reached eur 14,3 billion in 2013. 2.3. the investment project (11) the investment project started in april 2011. completion was planned for may 2014. (12) the investment project aims at an extension of the existing leipzig production plant in order to manufacture a new passenger car model porsche macan. this model is a sport utility vehicle/cross-over type passenger car, which belongs to the polk b segment (midsize/medium class passenger cars), and to the ish global insight segment suv d (standard sport utility vehicle) (7). (13) the project involves investments in buildings, machinery, equipment and intangible assets, and includes the construction and equipment of a car body and a paint shop, both dedicated to the production of the new model. since the operations of the existing plant in leipzig had been limited so far to the assembly of cars, the investment constitutes an upgrading of the site to a fully developed car manufacturing plant. (14) the production capacity created by the project amounts to [40 000-100 000] (8) vehicles per year. technically a maximum capacity of [40 000-100 000] vehicles would be possible. calculated on the basis of 235 working days this corresponds to [ ] vehicles per day. full capacity is envisaged to be reached in the first half of 2014. (15) the total eligible investment costs of the project are eur 550,08 million in nominal value. in present value (9) this amount is eur 521,56 million. the table below provides a breakdown of the total eligible costs of the project by year and category, as notified: eligible investment costs (nominal in eur million) mio. eur (rounded) 2011 2012 2013 2014 total building [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] external equipment [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] machinery/equipment [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] intangible assets [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] total [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 550,08 (16) the german authorities confirm that only new assets will be eligible, and that intangible assets are obtained from third parties at market price. 2.4. financing of the investment (17) the german authorities confirm that the beneficiary's own contribution, free of any public support, exceeds 25 per cent of the eligible costs. 2.5. legal basis (18) the national legal basis for the financial support is the following: (a) an investment premium on the basis of the investitionszulagengesetz 2010 (10); (b) a direct grant pursuant to the koordinierungsrahmen der gemeinschaftsaufgabe verbesserung der regionalen wirtschaftsstruktur (ga) 2009 (11). 2.6. the aid measure (19) the beneficiary applied for the direct grant on 24 march 2011. on 29 march 2011 the development bank s chsische aufbaubank (hereinafter sab) confirmed that the beneficiary will be in principle entitled to obtain a direct grant as incentive for the realisation of the investment. the investment premium is granted in the present case, subject to commission approval under a fiscal measure that establishes a legal right to aid in accordance with objective criteria and without further exercise of discretion by the member state. therefore, the beneficiary did not need to apply for the investment premium before start of works. (20) germany intends to grant aid of eur 43,67 million in present value. since the planned total eligible expenditure in present value for the project is eur 521,56 million (eur 550 million in nominal value), the proposed aid intensity is 8,37 % gge (gross grant equivalent). (21) germany confirmed that the aid for the project would not be combined with aid received for the same eligible costs from other local, regional, national or union sources; and that neither the approved maximum aid amount in present value nor the approved aid intensity would be exceeded if the amount of eligible expenditure deviated from the estimate given in the notification. (22) both the direct grant and the investment premium are granted under the condition that the beneficiary will maintain the investment in the assisted region for a minimum period of 5 years after the completion of the investment project. 2.7. general provisions (23) the german authorities undertook to submit to the commission: within 2 months of granting the aid, a copy of the relevant acts concerning this aid measure, on a 5-yearly basis, starting from the approval of the aid by the commission, an intermediary report (including information on the aid amounts being paid, on the execution of the aid contract and on any other investment projects started at the same establishment/plant), within 6 months after payment of the last tranche of the aid, based on the notified payment schedule, a detailed final report. 3. grounds for initiating the formal investigation procedure (24) in the opening decision, the commission noted that the aid project respects the standard compatibility criteria laid down in the rag, and that the proposed aid amount and intensity do not exceed the maximum allowable. nonetheless, in conformity with the provisions of paragraph 68 of rag, it was unable to confirm the compatibility of the aid with the internal market within the preliminary examination. (25) paragraph 68 of rag requires that the commission opens the formal investigation and proceeds to an in-depth assessment of the incentive effect, the proportionality, as well as the positive and negative effects of the aid, where the beneficiary's market share in the relevant product and geographic market exceeds 25 % before or after the investment (hereinafter also paragraph 68(a)-test) or where the capacity created by the investment exceeds 5 % of a market that is in relative or absolute decline (hereinafter also paragraph 68(b)-test). (26) the commission could not exclude in the preliminary examination that the market share threshold and the threshold relating to the capacity increase by the investment in an underperforming market were not exceeded in the relevant markets. (27) more specifically, the commission raised doubts about germany's proposal for the definition of the relevant product market, i.e. to take into consideration either the overall passenger car market without any segmentation, or if a segmentation is deemed necessary, only the b segment according to the classification of polk. in line with an earlier decision (12), the commission considered that for sport utility vehicles the ihs global insight classification would be more appropriate. the commission was not in a position to confirm without doubts that either the overall passenger car markets, solely the polk b segment or solely the ihs global insight suv-d category can be considered as relevant product market by the investment. therefore, the commission left the precise definition of the relevant product market open and considered plausible alternative market definitions, consisting of the overall passenger car market, the polk b segment b and the ihs global insight suv-d segment. (28) the commission was also unable to take a definite view on the definition of the geographic market. it could not conclude whether the geographic market is as wide as the european economic area (hereinafter eea), or, as suggested by germany, that it consists of the global, or at least the combined eea and north american market. (29) the analysis under paragraph 68(a) of the rag (market share test) came to the result that the applicable 25 % market share threshold is exceeded on the polk b segment on the eea geographic market (13). (30) the analysis under paragraph 68(b), applied to the eea market, showed that for the ihs global insight suv-d segment, the capacity increase created by the project, which amounts to [ ] %, exceeds substantially the applicable threshold of 5 %, whilst the market itself was underperforming in the relevant reference period. in 2005-2010, the average annual growth rate (cagr) of the apparent consumption of the product concerned in the eea was 0,9 %, compared to the average annual growth of the gdp in the eea, which was 1,62 % (14). (31) as the commission could not establish that the thresholds laid down in paragraph 68(a) and (b) of the rag were not exceeded, it decided to open the formal investigation procedure. it stated in particular that if the comments received in reply to the opening of the formal investigation would not allow the commission to conclude without any doubt that the relevant thresholds are not exceeded, it would carry out an in-depth assessment of the investment project on the basis of the idac. germany and interested third parties were invited to submit their comments. 4. comments from interested parties (32) no comments were submitted by interested third parties. 5. comments from germany 5.1. the relevant product market (33) germany maintained its position that the polk b segment represents an appropriate definition of the relevant product market, but did not submit any additional arguments. 5.2. the relevant geographic market (34) germany remains of the view that the global market, or at least the combined eea and north american market, should be considered as the relevant geographic market. germany argues that this opinion is additionally supported by the fact that the world market is served from a single production site. 5.3. in-depth assessment of the aid measure (35) germany provided the following information in order to allow the commission to carry out an in-depth assessment. 5.3.1. positive effects of the aid (36) germany considers that the investment contributes to the regional development of leipzig and saxony for the following reasons. the investment project will secure 833 jobs and 29 trainee posts and will create 1 040 new jobs and 30 new trainee positions. in addition, a large number of indirect jobs will be created by the suppliers and service providers in the region. the employment multiplier is 2,5 (15), which means that about 2 700 additional indirect jobs are expected to be created. a large number of these jobs are expected to be created at the aid beneficiary's establishment or in its immediate vicinity. about 750 jobs are expected to be created between 2012 and 2015 in the areas of supplies, technology transport and packaging alone. the aid beneficiary is actively involved in various network and cluster initiatives that promote the development of the automotive industry in the region (e.g. the automotive cluster east germany). the beneficiary is highly active in the area of basic and further training of its employees. in addition to hiring highly qualified staff, the beneficiary supports regular (in-house and external) training for its own employees. 5.3.2. appropriateness of the aid (37) germany notes that the commission accepted already in the dell poland decision (16) that state aid, among other measures, is an appropriate means to promote the regional development of regions where the gdp per capita and the wage levels are lower than the national average, and the unemployment rate is higher than the national average. the gdp per capita in saxony was 73 % of the german average in 2011. the unemployment rate was almost 50 % higher than the german average in 2011, and the inhabitants of the region had an average disposable income which amounted to 82 % of the german average in the period of 2007-2009 (17). (38) therefore, germany considers that the notified aid is an appropriate instrument for achieving its cohesion objectives. 5.3.3. incentive effect/counter-factual scenario (39) germany offers information to prove that the aid falls under scenario 2 of the idac, as it provides an incentive to the beneficiary to carry out the full investment in the leipzig plant rather than locating it partly in [location 1 in germany] and partly in leipzig (body construction and paintwork in an existing plant in [location 1 in germany], and assembly in the leipzig plant). in particular, germany provided relevant, genuine and contemporary company documents which explain porsche ag's multistage decision-making process concerning the location of the investment. the decision-making process is described below. the beneficiary's decision-making process (40) the decision to invest in the macan project and on its location was taken in march 2011. in the preparatory and decision-making period, despite the fact that porsche automobile holding se and volkswagen ag had already agreed on the creation of an integrated automotive group in 2009, the relevant organs of porsche ag took all company-relevant decisions completely autonomously, without involvement of the boards and committees of the vw group. (41) in accordance with the applicable rules of procedure of the executive board of porsche ag, decisions (including location decisions) to launch new products (models) had to be first submitted to the products committee of the executive board of porsche ag (vorstandsausschuss produkte, hereinafter vap), and to be approved by the supervisory board of porsche ag (aufsichtsrat, hereinafter ar). (42) the investment and location decision on macan was taken in a multi-stage decision-making process. at each stage, comparative calculations for different production scenarios at various locations in germany were prepared and considered. (43) the decision-making process as described below started in [2010] and was completed on 15 march 2011 with the ar decision in favour of the leipzig location, taken under the condition that state aid would be available for the investment in that location. (44) in the early stages of the decision-making process only the options 1 to 4 described below were considered; option 5 (18) was introduced slightly later and presented to the vap on [2010]. option description of the option 1. [location 2 in germany] production and delivery of the entire vehicle from [location 2 in germany] 2. [location 2 in germany]/porsche leipzig body construction/paint in [location 2 in germany], then transport of the painted body to leipzig for assembly and delivery 3. [location 1 in germany]/porsche leipzig body construction/paint in [location 1 in germany], then transport of the painted body to leipzig for assembly and delivery 4. [location 3 in germany] production and delivery of the entire vehicle from [location 3 in germany] 5. porsche leipzig production and delivery of the entire vehicle from leipzig. (45) germany explained, on the basis of company documents, that during the course of the planning and decision-making phase several calculations of the production costs attributable to the location were carried out in order to achieve the same level of accuracy for each option. therefore, the baseline i.e. the preferred option at a given time was changing during the decision making process (19). (46) since porsche leipzig had less time than the other locations to perform calculations of the same scope, and, as its operations had been limited to assembly, it lacked experience in detailed cost planning for structural investments, such as buildings and infrastructure in the areas of paint shop and body construction. the vap meeting of [2010], which accepted option 5 as baseline, requested the submission of a more detailed plan by porsche leipzig. (47) during this further detailed planning phase, it became clear that the initially assumed cost advantage of option 5 over option 3 was steadily diminishing, and finally disappeared, when additional investment costs were identified resulting into a clear cost disadvantage compared to option 3. still the cost estimates of option 3 and 5 were significantly lower than those of the other options. (48) the management of porsche leipzig started to investigate the possibility of utilising state aid to bridge the cost disadvantage, and contacted the saxon ministry for economy, labour and transportation (hereinafter smwa). (49) in its letter of 25 february 2011, porsche leipzig asked the smwa to examine the possibility of granting aid for the planned investment. this letter underlined that, so far, no decision on the location had been taken and that state aid was sought in order to compensate the disadvantages of the leipzig location. the general outline and scope of the investment project were presented to smwa in a meeting on 28 february 2011. (50) the vap, in its meeting on [2011], prescribed porsche leipzig to identify additional savings in order for option 5 to remain competitive with option 3. (51) by letter of 9 march 2011, the smwa assured porsche leipzig that it would support the investment project for the full production of macan in leipzig, if it were to meet the conditions in force for the award of regional aid. (52) as a result of detailed calculations, the below comparison of production costs attributable to the location before the potential state aid was presented to the ar on 15 march 2011: options production costs attributable to the location in eur million without aid as of 15 march 2011 3. [location 1 in germany]/porsche leipzig [ ] 5. porsche leipzig [ ] (53) thus, in absence of aid, option 5 showed a disadvantage of eur 65 million compared to option 3. (54) as under option 5 the entire investment costs are incurred in leipzig, the total infrastructure and product investment costs of eur 550 million could be considered as eligible for regional aid. therefore, if the investment complied with the conditions in force for the award of regional aid, the potential aid amount could be eur 47,5 million. therefore the net (after aid) production costs for option 5 would decrease from eur [ ] million to eur [ ] million. (55) under option 3, a small part of the total investment costs (for assembly) would be incurred in leipzig, and could be eligible for regional aid in the amount of approximately eur 10,02 million. the [location 1 in germany] is not situated in an assisted region; therefore it is not eligible for regional aid. the net (after aid) production costs for option 3 decrease from eur [ ] million to eur [ ] million. (56) as summarised in the table below, when aid is taken into consideration, the disadvantage of option 5 compared to option 3 drops from eur 65 million to eur 27,52 million (situation in march 2011). option 3 option 5 production costs without state aid eur [ ] million eur [ ] million disadvantage of option 5 compared to option 3 without the aid eur 65 million state aid eur 10,02 million eur 47,5 million production costs taking into account the aid eur [ ] million eur [ ] million disadvantage of option 5 compared to option 3 taking into account the aid eur 27,52 million (57) germany explained that, in addition to the quantified cost disadvantage of eur 27,52 million, some qualitative criteria were considered which were in favour of option 5. first, empirical data from the automotive industry show that complete production at one site compared to a situation where body production and paint take place at one location, and assembly takes place in another, minimises certain risks, e.g. risks due to transportation. second, the full production in one location allows a dynamic process design, which can ensure an optimised production process. third, potential deficiencies or errors can be identified and eliminated quicker if the full production takes place in one location. experience shows that error rates in general can be reduced if the employees working in different stages of the production process can cooperate at the same location. fourth, the brand image is also a decisive factor. the site [in location 1 in germany] produces mainly [ ] vehicles, whereas the macan is to be positioned as a premium vehicle. (58) based on these calculations and considerations, the cfo of porsche ag announced at the ar meeting on 15 march 2011 his company's intention to apply for regional state aid for the expansion of the leipzig production plant. as is documented in the minutes of the ar meeting of 15 march 2011, he submitted that the final decision on the location of the macan investment should therefore depend on the availability of aid. (59) in reaction to this statement, the ar approved option 5 (full production in leipzig) under the condition that state aid would be available. (60) after the conditional decision of the ar on 15 march 2011, porsche leipzig applied formally for discretionary regional aid from funds of the joint scheme for improving regional economic structures (grw). the aid application was submitted to the sab on 24 march 2011. for the investment allowance a legal entitlement exists, which is in the present case subject to commission approval. no ex ante application is required, but the expected amount of the investment allowance has to be indicated in the application for discretionary aid in order to ensure respect of the aid ceiling. (61) on 29 march 2011, sab confirmed that the investment project meets the conditions of eligibility for subsidies. (62) the investment project started in april 2011. (63) the table below summarises the details of the multi-stage decision making process: date [2010] vap meeting: only options 1 to 4 are presented vap approves a decision to further elaborate options 1 to 4 option 1 is chosen as baseline [2010] vap meeting: options 1 to 5 are presented option 3 is chosen as baseline [2010] ar meeting: ar decides to implement the macan project location decision is still open, ar requests the vap to propose the location ar welcomes option 5 [2010] vap meeting: still all five production location options are open vap requests further elaboration of the planning of option 5 option 5 is chosen as baseline [2011] vap meeting: vap confirms the decision proposal that will be presented to ar at the next ar meeting, which will decide on the production location the approval of the ar is still required 25 february 2011 letter of porsche leipzig to the smwa: requesting smwa to examine the possibility of granting aid for the planned investment [before 15 march 2011] vap meeting: vap confirms the cost estimates for option 5 vap requests further savings 9 march 2011 smwa letter confirming preparedness to support project: smwa confirms that it supports the investment project for the full production of macan in leipzig if it meets the conditions in force for the award of regional aid 15 march 2011 ar meeting: approves the full production of macan in leipzig under the condition of availability of state aid 24 march 2011 formal application of porsche leipzig for the discretionary part of the aid 29 march 2011 letter of sab: confirms that the investment project meets the conditions of eligibility for subsidies april 2011 start of works on the investment project 5.3.4. proportionality of the aid (64) under scenario 2 of paragraph 22 of the idac, an aid measure is considered to be proportionate if it equals the difference between the net costs of the beneficiary company to invest in the assisted region and the net costs to invest in the alternative region(s). germany points out that the calculations used for the incentive effect can also be used as a basis for assessing the proportionality of the aid. (65) option 5 has a cost disadvantage of eur 65 million compared to option 3. (66) despite the maximum permissible aid of eur 47,5 million (in nominal value), there is still a cost disadvantage of eur 27,52 million for option 5. (67) germany therefore argues that, as the aid does not fully compensate the location disadvantage of leipzig, there is no overcompensation. the aid is consequently proportionate. (68) germany points out that in its decision on location, porsche ag takes not only financial considerations into account, but also non quantifiable qualitative criteria. 5.3.5. negative effects of the aid on competition and trade (69) germany emphasises that the regional aid serves solely to compensate the disadvantage of the location in leipzig, i.e. to compensate for the additional costs of full production at the leipzig site compared to the production scenario for bodies and paintwork at the plant in [location 1 in germany] with delivery of painted bodies to leipzig for assembly. as the aid is proportionate, the aid has no effect on competition. the investment in the macan project, and its resulting effects on competition and trade, would have happened in any event. (70) therefore, germany considers that the aid is in line with paragraph 40 of the idac and has no negative effects on competition and trade. 6. assessment of the aid measure and compatibility 6.1. existence of aid (71) the financial support will be given by the german authorities in the form of a direct grant and an investment premium. the support is thus given by a member state and through state resources within the meaning of article 107(1) tfeu. (72) as the aid is granted to subsidiaries of a single group of companies, the vw group, the measure is selective. (73) the envisaged financial support will relieve the beneficiaries from costs which they would normally have had to bear themselves. therefore, they benefit from an economic advantage over their competitors. (74) the envisaged financial support will be given for an investment in the car sector; as cars are traded between member states, this support is likely to affect trade between member states. (75) as the measure favours the production of vw group, competition is distorted or is threatened to be distorted. (76) consequently, the commission considers that the measure constitutes state aid within the meaning of article 107(1) of the tfeu. 6.2. legality of the aid measure (77) by notifying the planned aid measure before putting it into effect, the german authorities respected their obligation under article 108(3) of the tfeu and the individual notification requirement expressed in article 7(e) of commission regulation (ec) no 1628/2006 (20), and in article 6(2) of commission regulation (ec) no 800/2008 (21). 6.3. legal basis for the assessment (78) the objective of the aid is to promote regional development. as the german authorities undertook to award the aid before 1 july 2014 (subject to commission approval, if not yet available), the basis for assessing the compatibility of the aid with the internal market are the rag, as prolonged by paragraph 186 of the guidelines on regional state aid for 2014-2020 (22) until 30 june 2014. the provisions of section 4.3 of the rag, relating to large investment projects are particularly relevant for the purposes of this assessment. if the commission should not be able to establish without doubts in the formal investigation that the thresholds laid down in paragraph 68(a) (market share test) and paragraph 68(b) (capacity increase/market performance tests) of the rag are not exceeded, it is required to proceed to an in-depth assessment to be conducted on the basis of the criteria laid down in the idac. (79) the commission needs to conduct its assessment in three steps: first, it has to confirm that the measure is compatible with the general provisions of the rag, second, it has to verify whether or not it can exclude without doubt that the market share test and capacity increase/market performance tests under paragraph 68(a) and (b) of the rag (the paragraph 68(a) and (b) tests) do not require an in-depth assessment, third, depending on the outcome of the assessment in the second step, it may have to conduct an in-depth assessment. 6.4. compatibility of the measure with standard compatibility criteria of the rag (80) the commission established already in recital 36 of the opening decision that the aid meets the general compatibility criteria for the rag. the formal investigation did not reveal any elements that would put into question this assessment. the commission notes in particular the following. there is no indication that porsche leipzig, porsche ag or the vw group in particular would be in financial difficulty, as the conditions laid down in the community guidelines on state aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty (23) are not fulfilled. therefore, the group to which the aid beneficiary belongs is eligible for regional aid. the aid is granted in application of block-exempted schemes which respect the standard compatibility criteria of the rag. in particular, the project leads to a diversification of the output of an existing establishment, allowing it to manufacture a new passenger car model, the porsche macan; it is therefore an initial investment within the meaning of paragraph 34 of the rag. the costs eligible for investment aid are defined in line with the rag. the beneficiary also has the obligation to maintain the investment in the region for a minimum of 5 years after completion of the project. the beneficiary provides a financial contribution of at least 25 % of the eligible costs in a form which is free of any public support. the planned total eligible expenditure for the project is eur 521 559 981,66 in present value (discounted to the date of notification). there is no indication that, in the past, the beneficiary has received regional investment aid for any earlier investment projects which may have started within the 3-year period before the start of works on the present investment. therefore, the present investment does not constitute a single investment project, within the meaning of paragraph 60 of the rag, with any such earlier investment projects. according to the scaling down mechanism laid down in paragraph 67 of the rag, the eligible expenditure incurred leads to a maximum allowable aid intensity of 8,37 % gge (gross grant equivalent) for the project. since the intensity of the proposed aid (eur 43 666 078,75 in present value) does not exceed the maximum allowed aid intensity, and the notified aid is not to be combined with further regional investment aid, the proposed aid intensity for the project complies with the rag. (81) in view of these considerations, the commission considers that the standard compatibility criteria of the rag are met. 6.5. application of the tests laid down in the provisions of paragraph 68 of the rag (82) the commission stated in paragraph 78 of the opening decision that if the comments received in reply to the opening of the formal investigation do not allow the commission to conclude without any doubt that the thresholds laid down in the paragraph 68(a) and (b) tests are not exceeded, the commission will carry out an in-depth assessment of the investment project on the basis of the commission communication on the criteria for an in-depth assessment of regional aid to large investment projects. the commission has to assess whether the comments received allow this conclusion. (83) in its comments, germany maintained its position already reflected in the opening decision, without adding any comments or information not yet presented in the preliminary examination phase. in particular, germany maintained its view that the relevant product market should be defined as the polk b segment (and not as the ihs global insight classification suv-d), and that the geographic market should be defined as including at least the combined eea and northern american market (and not only the eea market). the position on the geographic market is in particular supported by the argumentation that the world market is served from a single production site. (84) as to the product market, the commission considers the following: the decision to carry out an in-depth assessment does not prejudge the outcome of the resulting in-depth compatibility assessment. however, before approving aid, the commission has to be satisfied that the positive contribution resulting from the aid measure will compensate in any event its negative effects on trade and competition. therefore, for the purpose of deciding on whether an in-depth assessment on the compatibility of an aid measure is to be carried out or not, the product market definition should be as narrow as possible, taking account of the specific characteristics of the car to be manufactured. (85) in the opening decision the commission considered that as far as sport utility vehicles are concerned due to their different nature in comparison to normal passenger cars as regards price, size and engine performance, etc., the ihs global insight classification would be more appropriate than the classification offered by polk and should therefore be applied to the project at hand. for the same reasons, in a recent other case concerning sport utility vehicles, the commission referred to the relevant ihs global insight classification and not to the broader polk b segment (24). (86) the commission maintains its view that, for the definition of the product market of sports utility vehicles, the ihs global insight classification is more relevant than the segmentation offered by polk. germany did not submit any additional arguments which would contradict this view. the argument that vw group operates all its long-term strategic planning and analyses on the conceptual base of polk is irrelevant in this context. in addition, the commission did not receive any information from third parties during the formal investigation that would allow a better understanding of the segmentation of the market regarding the type of passenger car in question. the commission therefore maintains its approach to leave open the exact definition of the relevant product market and to apply an approach of plausible alternative market definitions, defining individual car segments (including the narrowest segmentation for which data are available) in addition to combined segments as plausible relevant product markets (25), and does not discard the suv-d segment according to ish global insight as a plausible alternative market segment. (87) as to the geographic market the commission maintains its initial assessment that the relevant market is the eea or a larger market; therefore the commission cannot exclude that the geographic market is limited to the eea market. (88) in the opening decision (paragraph 58), the commission referred to two at that time pending formal investigations (26) in which it examined, for certain segments of the car market, whether the relevant geographic market is wider than the eea. according to the conclusions of the in-depth assessment undertaken by the commission services, it could not be excluded that the relevant geographic market for the products and reference periods concerned was not larger than the eea market. since the two member states concerned by those opening decisions chose to withdraw their notifications of regional aid before the adoption of final decisions by the commission, the conclusions of the in-depth assessments carried out in those cases could not be confirmed in formal decisions. (89) the commission considers that the arguments brought forward by germany in the preliminary examination, and maintained without further elements or information being submitted in the context of the formal investigation, are insufficient to diffuse the concern that the geographic market could be limited to the eea market. in particular, the commission considers the following: (90) the fact that large car producers are internationally active and in global competition is not sufficient proof that the individual markets are integrated and constitute a single worldwide market (or a combined eea and northern american market). the same applies to the argument that the 10 largest oems have manufacturing sites and distribution systems all over the world. in fact, the commission considers that exchange rate instability could be named as one factor that has led oems to build production plants closer to regional demand; and the same may hold for policies of effective protection (high tariffs on imports of final producers, low tariffs on intermediate products, giving an incentive for local production/assembly). a third argument for the existence of globalised production structures, despite not integrated markets, is the fact that certain states allow imports only if joint ventures for local production are created in parallel. the global presence of major players as manufacturers is therefore not by itself an indication of the existence of a global (or wider than the eea) market. similarly, the existence of distribution systems that extend across the world does not constitute proof that the market is global (or wider than the eea) from a competition perspective. the fact that porsche ag intends to serve the world market from only one site is also not sufficient to support an assessment that the geographic market is wider than the eea. in fact, the suv-d market is relatively small compared to other market segments, and economies of scale might favour here a one site approach. as the model is to be sold under the porsche name, and the high quality of luxury cars produced by porsche ag is so far, in view of their clients, linked to manufacturing in germany, a second production site outside germany could be harmful for a successful marketing strategy. germany justified itself (see recital 57 above) the choice of leipzig over [location 1 in germany], amongst others, with brand name aspects. (91) also the argument that a high level of trade flows, e.g. the fact that more than 20 % of the eea production are exported to the north american market, is insufficient to prove the existence of a global (or here wider than the eea) market. the commission considers that, whereas trade flows can give insight into the degree of integration of different geographic areas by looking at the importance of imports and exports relative to local production and consumption levels, the existence of trade flows itself is not a sufficient proof to consider that an integrated geographic market exists. in fact, there may well be shipments between the eea and other regions, but that does not mean that markets are integrated in the sense that market conditions (e.g. prices) in one market influence market conditions in the other. this holds in particular where the observed shipments relate primarily to shipments by the manufacturers themselves, as opposed to shipments by independent importers and exporters engaging in price arbitrage. pricing may well be entirely market specific (e.g. high in one market, low in another), and not aligned to the conditions of an alleged integrated market. trade flow analysis does not address the principal question in market definition, namely whether imports or exports could defeat a price increase in the local market. the commission notes that germany did not submit further empirical material that would prove the existence of correlated price movements, or the reactivity of net imports to changes in relative prices. empirical material submitted in the quoted earlier cases is irrelevant for the present case, as it refers to different market segments (a-segment according to polk) and different reference periods. (92) the commission notes that porsche ag has plans to export a substantive part of its macan production to china. this intention, as such, does not prove the existence of an integrated market. (93) the commission acknowledges that the importance of trade barriers is diminishing over time. nonetheless, the commission is convinced that one of the main factors for overseas production, and relocation decisions, of eu car manufacturers are market access barriers in the target markets. high tariff barriers still seriously hamper access for eu exporters, notably in asia. non-tariff barriers, including burdensome and discriminatory certification requirements, additional testing requirements excise taxes etc., have a strong impact on eu vehicle exports to the south-east asian, chinese, and south american markets. the commission admits that the united states is by far the most important destination for the eu overall car exports. however, the eu and the us have strongly divergent approaches to regulation and market surveillance. such regulatory divergence is probably even today the most significant access barrier for eu automotive exports to the us. (94) the commission has further taken due note of the arguments put forward in relation to the decreasing transport costs. the commission is not fully convinced in this respect. the future developments with regard to decreasing transport costs cannot be clearly confirmed in the current economic situation where fuel costs are increasing. therefore, the mentioned future decrease in costs cannot be taken into consideration. (95) in light of the above, and as the commission did not receive any additional information during the formal investigation enabling it to conclude that the relevant geographical market is wider than the eea, it maintains its assessment that the relevant geographic market whatever the product market definition chosen is either the eea or larger. again, the commission emphasises that it is required to verify that the positive contribution resulting from the aid measure will compensate in any event its negative effects on trade and competition. therefore, for the purpose of deciding on whether an in-depth assessment on the compatibility of an aid measure is to be carried out or not, the geographic market definition should be as narrow as possible, taking account of the specific characteristics of the car to be manufactured. 6.5.1. conclusion on the market share test (paragraph 68(a) of the rag) (96) the commission has carried out the test laid down in point 68(a) of the rag in all plausible product and geographic markets to verify whether the beneficiary's market share exceeds 25 % before and after the investment. (97) in view of the fact that a single relevant product and geographic market could not be established, the results of all plausible markets had to be taken into account. the market share of the vw group in the polk b segment in the eea accounts for more than [> 25] % in all years between 2010 and 2015.the commission therefore concludes that the threshold laid down in paragraph in 68(a) is exceeded. however, for the suv-d product market, the market share is not exceeded for none of the possible plausible geographic markets (eea, eea+ northern america, global). 6.5.2. conclusion on the production capacity in an underperforming market test (paragraph 68(b) of the rag) (98) having regard to the fact that it could not be established whether the overall passenger car market without any segmentation, solely the polk segment category b or solely the ihs global insight suv-d segment can be considered as the relevant product market, the commission had to verify whether the capacity created by the project exceeds 5 % of all plausible markets, measured using the apparent consumption data of the product concerned in the eea. (99) this test carried out for the ihs global insight suv-d segment revealed that the capacity increase exceeds by far the 5 % threshold if applied to the eea market. the opening decision established already in paragraph 72 that the relevant market was underperforming and even in decline over the last 5 years preceding the investment. (100) the commission therefore concludes that the threshold of 5 % capacity increase in an underperforming market laid down in paragraph 68(b) of the rag is exceeded in so far as the ihs global insight suv-d segment of that market is concerned. 6.5.3. conclusion (101) in light of the above, the commission decides that it cannot exclude that the relevant thresholds of the 68(a) and (b) tests are exceeded. the commission therefore decides to conduct a detailed verification, following the opening of the procedure provided for in article 108(2) tfeu, that the aid is necessary to provide an incentive effect for the investment and that the benefits of the aid measure outweigh the resulting distortion of competition and effects on trade between member states. 6.6. in-depth assessment of the aid measure (102) the in-depth assessment is conducted on the basis of the idac. 6.6.1. positive effects of the aid objective of the aid (103) the german authorities explained the investment's positive regional effects. the following positive effects of the investment have been identified. impact on regional employment: the investment will create 1 040 new jobs and 30 trainee positions in addition to the existing 833 jobs and 29 training positions. furthermore, the creation of at least 2 700 indirect jobs can be expected. it is expected that at least 744 indirect jobs will be created in the vicinity of the establishment in question. attracting suppliers and service providers of the automotive and of other sectors to the region: the commission considers that the investment of porsche ag has an important role in creating and further developing the automotive industry in saxony, thus attracting suppliers and service providers to this region. active involvement of the beneficiary in various network and cluster initiatives: in order to promote the development of the automotive industry in the leipzig region, and in the whole of east germany, the beneficiary actively participates in cluster and network initiatives, such as the cross-state automotive cluster eastern germany initiative. training: it is planned to further develop employees' skills in the form of internal and external training. (104) the commission considers that the german authorities have provided adequate information to demonstrate that the project will contribute to the economic development of the leipzig region. appropriateness of the aid instrument (105) paragraphs 17 and 18 of the idac underline that state aid in the form of initial investment aid is only one of the means to overcome market failures and to promote economic development in disadvantaged regions. aid constitutes an appropriate instrument if it provides specific advantages compared with other policy measures. according to paragraph 18 of the idac, only measures for which the member state considered other policy options, and for which the advantages of using a selective instrument such as state aid for a specific company are established, are considered to constitute an appropriate instrument. (106) germany based its explanation for appropriateness of the aid instrument on the economic situation of the situation in the saxony region and provided evidence to prove that the region is disadvantaged in comparison with the average of other regions in germany. the german authorities point out that in the year of starting the works, i.e. in 2011, saxony's gdp per capita was 75 % of the german average and the unemployment rate was 50 % higher than the german average. for the years between 2007 and 2009 the average disposable income in saxony was approximately 82 % of the german average. germany argues that, in this kind of economic situation, a direct subsidy has already been acknowledged by the commission's case practice as an appropriate means to address the economic shortcomings. (107) in view of the socioeconomic situation of the leipzig region, as confirmed by its status as a region eligible for regional aid in accordance with article 107(3)(c) tfeu with an aid intensity ceiling of 20 %, and in line with earlier case practise (e.g. in the dell poland decision (27)), the commission accepts that the granting of state aid is an appropriate instrument to achieve the regional development objective in the region concerned. incentive effect/counterfactual scenario (108) as there are many valid reasons for a company to locate its investment in a certain region, even without any aid being granted, the idac requires the commission to verify in detail that the aid is necessary to provide an incentive effect for the investment. the objective of this detailed assessment is to determine whether the aid actually contributes to changing the behaviour of the beneficiary, so that it undertakes (additional) investment in the assisted region concerned. paragraph 22 of the idac states that the incentive effect can be proven in two possible scenarios: in the absence of aid, no investment would take place at all since without the aid, the investment would not be profitable for the company at any location (scenario 1); in the absence of aid, the investment would take place in another location in the eu (scenario 2). (109) the idac requires the member state to demonstrate to the commission the existence of the incentive effect of the aid and provide clear evidence that the aid effectively had an impact on the investment choice or the location choice. in this context, the member state is also required to give a comprehensive description of the counterfactual scenario in which no aid would be granted to the beneficiary. the scenarios have to be deemed realistic by the commission. (110) the german authorities state that the aid to porsche leipzig and porsche ag falls under scenario 2, and presented a counterfactual scenario, reflecting the concrete investment and location planning for the macan project which considered, in addition to leipzig, several alternative locations, all situated in germany. (111) the idac places the burden of proof regarding the existence of an incentive effect on the member state. paragraph 25 of the idac indicates that the member state could give proof of the incentive effect of the aid by providing company documents that show that a comparison has been made between the costs and benefits of locating in the assisted region selected for the investment with an alternative location. the member state is invited to rely on financial reports, internal business plans and documents that elaborate on various investment scenarios. (112) germany provided comprehensive contemporary and genuine evidence documenting porsche ag's multi-stage decision-making process concerning the location of the investment. (113) this documentation shows that five options for the production location were considered. all the locations considered, except leipzig, are situated in non-assisted regions in germany. (114) in the planning process, several calculations and cost estimates with increasing level of detail and precision were carried out, based on which the most viable option the baseline changed three times (28). the documents provided allow the commission to conclude that when the estimates for production costs attributable to the location arrived to the same accuracy levels (revenue levels are assumed to be identical for all options), option 3 (body construction and paint in [location 1 in germany], delivery of the painted body to leipzig for assembly) and option 5 (body construction, paint and assembly in leipzig) emerged as the most competitive locations. (115) for this reason the documents show that, in the last phase of the decision-making process, the comparison took place only between option 3 and option 5. (116) as described in recital 53 of this decision, the final estimates for production costs attributable to the location resulted in a cost disadvantage of eur 65 million for option 5 (leipzig) compared to option 3 ([location 1 in germany]/leipzig). in order to reduce the cost disadvantage of option 5, and in view of the forthcoming formal decision of the ar on the localisation of the investment project, porsche leipzig started exploring with the saxon authorities the availability of state aid to attract the investment project to leipzig. (117) in its letter of 25 february 2011, porsche leipzig asked the smwa to examine the possibility of granting aid for the planned investment. following a meeting between porsche leipzig and the saxon authorities where porsche leipzig explained the investment project and the decisional situation, the saxon authorities undertook by letter of 9 march 2011 to support the investment project for the full production of macan in leipzig if the investment were to respect the conditions in force for the award of regional aid. (118) as described in recital 56 of this decision the cost disadvantage of option 5 to option 3 decreased to eur 27,52 million after taking the maximum permissible aid into account. however, some qualitative criteria were also taken into account in favour of option 5. (119) on 15 march 2011, the ar decided to locate the full investment in leipzig (option 5). as documented by the minutes of the ar meeting, this decision was made explicitly subject to the availability of state aid. (120) following the conditional decision of the ar, porsche leipzig applied formally for regional aid on 24 march 2011. the authority responsible for administering the scheme confirmed on 29 march 2011 in writing that, subject to detailed verification, the project in principle met the conditions of eligibility. following this formal confirmation, works on the project were started in april 2011. (121) in view of the above, the commission notes, in accordance with paragraph 20 of the idac, that the formal incentive effect requirements laid down in paragraph 38 of the rag were met; the beneficiary submitted an application for aid and the authority responsible for administering the scheme subsequently confirmed in writing that, subject to detailed verification, the project in principle met the conditions of eligibility laid down by the scheme, before works on the project started. in addition, the german authorities provided clear evidence that the aid effectively had an impact on the investment's location choice; since porsche ag's decision to locate the full production of macan in leipzig was taken only after confirmation that the investment project would be eligible for state aid and supported by public authorities, since the ar approved the location subject to the availability of state aid. therefore, the commission considers, in accordance with paragraphs 23 and 25 of the idac that the counterfactual scenario presented by germany is realistic and supported by genuine and contemporary evidence. the aid therefore has a real (substantive) incentive effect. by reducing the viability gap in favour of leipzig, the aid contributed to changing the location decision of the beneficiary company. without the aid, the investment would not have taken place in leipzig. proportionality of the aid (122) for the aid to be proportional, the amount and intensity of the aid must be limited to the minimum needed for the investment to take place in the assisted region. (123) in general, regional aid is considered to be proportional to the seriousness of the problems affecting the assisted regions if it respects the applicable regional aid ceiling, including the automatic, progressive scaling-down of the regional aid ceiling for large investment projects (which is already part of the applicable regional aid map). the applied aid intensity in this case is not higher than the regional aid ceilings corrected by the scaling-down mechanism, as was already established in recital 80. (124) in addition to the general principle of proportionality contained in the rag, the idac requires a more detailed assessment to be carried out. under scenario 2 of the idac, the aid is considered proportionate if it equals the difference between the net costs for the beneficiary to invest in the assisted region and the net costs to invest in the alternative location. (125) the documentation submitted by germany proves that the aid was limited to the amount necessary, because it does not exceed the difference in costs between option 3 and option 5. the final calculation shows that even with the aid, option 5 is eur 27,5 million more expensive (eur 65 million without the aid) in nominal value than option 3. the german authorities explained that the remaining cost disadvantage was considered as acceptable due to certain, non-quantifiable criteria, such as strategic (second full manufacturing car plant under porsche name), quality (avoidance of transport risks between [location 1 in germany] and leipzig) and image ([ ]) factors that also favoured the location of the investment in leipzig. (126) as the aid is limited to the amount necessary to compensate for the net additional costs of locating the investment project in leipzig, as compared to the alternative location, the commission considers that the proportionality of the aid is demonstrated. 6.6.2. negative effects of the aid on competition and trade (127) paragraph 40 of the idac states that if the counterfactual analysis suggests that without the aid the investment would have gone ahead in any case, albeit possibly in another location (scenario 2), and if the aid is proportional, possible indications of distortions such as a high market share and an increase in capacity in an underperforming market would in principle be the same regardless of the aid. (128) as the aid measure supports a scenario 2 investment decision and the aid is limited to the minimum, no negative effects on trade and competition could be identified. the investment would have been carried out in another location, resulting in the same level of distortion of competition in any event. therefore, the commission considers that the aid has no negative effects on competition. (129) in accordance with paragraph 53 of the idac, if, without aid, the investment would have been located in a poorer region (more regional handicaps higher maximum regional aid intensity) or to a region that is considered to have the same regional handicaps as the target region (same maximum regional aid intensity), this would constitute a negative element in the overall balancing test that is unlikely to be compensated by any positive elements, because it runs counter the very rationale of regional aid. (130) as there is no indication that the investment would have been located in another assisted region with a higher or similar aid intensity ceiling (there is no indication that any location outside germany was considered), the commission considers that the aid has no anti-cohesion effect that would run counter the very rationale of regional aid. 6.7. balancing (131) having established that the aid provides an incentive for carrying out the investment in the region concerned and is proportionate, it is necessary to balance the positive effects of the aid with its negative effects. (132) the assessment confirmed that the aid measure has an incentive effect attracting an investment which offers an important contribution to the regional development of a disadvantaged region which is eligible for regional aid pursuant to article 107(3)(c) tfeu, without depriving from the investment any region with the same or a higher aid intensity ceiling (no anti-cohesion effect). the commission considers that attracting an investment to a poorer region is more beneficial for cohesion within the union than if the same investment had been located in a more developed region. as stated in paragraph 53 of the idac, the commission considers that the positive effects of regional aid which merely compensate for the difference in net costs relative to a more developed alternative investment location, will normally be considered, under the balancing test, to outweigh any negative effects in the alternative location for new investment. (133) in view of the above, the commission finds that, given that the aid is proportional to the difference in net costs for carrying out the investment in the selected location, as compared to a more developed alternative location, the positive effects of the aid, in terms of its objective and appropriateness, as demonstrated above, outweigh the negative effects in the alternative location. (134) in accordance with paragraph 68 of the rag, and in light of the in-depth assessment conducted on the basis of the idac, the commission concludes that the aid is necessary to provide an incentive effect for the investment and that the benefits of the aid measure outweigh the resulting distortion of competition and effect on trade between member states. 7. conclusion (135) the commission concludes that the proposed regional investment aid in favour of porsche leipzig gmbh and dr ing. h.c.f. porsche aktiengesellschaft awarded before 1 july 2014 under the condition that it is subject to commission approval fulfils all the conditions laid down in the rag and in the idac and can therefore be considered compatible with the internal market in accordance with article 107(3)(c) tfeu, has adopted this decision: article 1 1. the state aid which germany is planning to implement in favour of porsche leipzig gmbh and dr ing. h.c.f. porsche aktiengesellschaft amounting to eur 43 666 078,75 in present value (discounted to the date of notification) and representing a maximum aid intensity of 8,37 % in gross grant equivalent, is compatible with the internal market in accordance with article 107(3)(c) tfeu. 2. the implementation of the aid referred to in article 1(1) is accordingly authorised, provided that it is awarded before 1 july 2014. article 2 the german authorities shall submit to the commission: within 2 months of granting the aid, a copy of the relevant acts concerning this aid measure; on a 5-yearly basis, starting from the approval of the aid by the commission, an intermediary report (including information on the aid amounts being paid, on the execution of the aid contract and on any other investment projects started at the same establishment/plant); within 6 months after payment of the last tranche of the aid, based on the notified payment schedule, a detailed final report. article 3 this decision is addressed to the federal republic of germany. done at brussels, 9 july 2014. for the commission joaqu n almunia vice-president (1) oj c 333, 30.10.2012, p. 17. (2) oj c 54, 4.3.2006, p. 13. (3) oj c 223, 16.9.2009, p. 3. (4) see footnote 1. (5) leipzig is a so-called statistical effect region; see germany's regional aid map in commission decision of 8 november 2006 on state aid case n 459/06 national state aid map for germany 2007-2013 (oj c 295, 5.12.2006, p. 6). leipzig is eligible for regional aid under the derogation of article 107(3)(c) with a maximum aid intensity of 20 % for the period between 1 january 2011 and 30 june 2014. (6) the german authorities confirmed that the submitted market data include all vehicles manufactured or sold by the vw group, while the market share data relates only to passenger cars. (7) polk and ihs global insight are major market research companies analysing the car market. (8) business secret. (9) the present values in this decision are calculated on the basis of a base rate of 2,05 %, applicable on the date of the notification (december 2011), increased by 100 basis points in accordance with the commission communication on the revision of the method for setting the reference and discount rates (oj c 14, 19.1.2008, p. 6). (10) the summary information sheet for the block exempted scheme investitionszulagengesetz 2010 was published under x 167/08 (oj c 280, 20.11.2009, p. 5). (11) the summary information sheet for the block exempted scheme koordinierungsrahmen der gemeinschaftsaufgabe verbesserung der regionalen wirtschaftsstruktur was published under xr 31/07 (oj c 102, 5.5.2007, p. 11). (12) cf. commission decision c(2011)6479 final of 20 september 2011 (n 559/10 united kingdom lip jaguar cars) (oj c 22, 27.1.2012, p. 2). (13) in the years between 2010 and 2015, i.e. in the year before and after completion of the investment, the market share of the vw group in the polk b segment in the combined eea and north american market, as well as in the ihs global insight suv-d segment in both the eea and the combined eea and north american market remains below 25 %. (14) for the polk b segment, the capacity increase remains below the 5 % threshold. (15) germany based the assumption of the 2,5 multiplier on empirical data published in comparable studies, e.g. mei ner (2009): automobilproduktion in der prozess- oder wertsch pfungskette presentation on 28 october 2009 in brandenburg; kleinhenz, heblich, gold (2006): das bmw werk regensburg wirtschaftliche und soziale vernetzung in der region; university of south carolina (2002): the economic impact of bmw on south carolina; woodward, guimaraes (2008): bmw in south carolina: the economic impact of a leading sustainable enterprise; gesellschaft f r wirtschaftliche strukturforschung mbh (2011): gute wachstumsperspektiven trotz zuk nftiger herausforderungen; gehrke, krawczyk et al. (2009): die bedeutung der automobilindustrie f r die deutsche volkswirtschaft im europ ischen kontext. (16) c46/2008, decision of 23 september 2009 (oj l 29, 2.2.2010, p. 8), paragraph 171. (17) source: statistical office of the free state of saxony (statistisches landesamt des freistaates sachsen) july 2012, german federal statistical office (statistical yearbook 2012) gdp/capita; federal employment agency (bundesagentur f r arbeit) unemployment per inhabitant as a percentage; statistical yearbook for saxony 2011 disposable income per inhabitant. (18) option 5 had initially not been considered, as it was assumed to be uneconomical. at the initiative of the executive board of porsche leipzig, porsche leipzig was able to disprove this assumption based on a preliminary calculation of the production costs attributable to the location. (19) the vap chose as baseline option 1 on [2010], option 3 on [2010], and option 5 on [2010]. (20) commission regulation (ec) no 1628/2006 of 24 october 2006 on the application of articles 87 and 88 of the treaty to national regional investment aid (oj l 302, 1.11.2006, p. 29). (21) commission regulation (ec) no 800/2008 of 6 august 2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of articles 87 and 88 of the treaty (general block exemption regulation) (oj l 214, 9.8.2008, p. 3). (22) oj c 209, 23.7.2013, p. 1. (23) oj c 244, 1.10.2004, p. 2. (24) see footnote 11. (25) state aid decisions sa.30340 fiat powertrain technologies: decision of 9 february 2011, (c(2011)612) (oj c 151, 21.5.2011, p. 5); sa. 32169 volkswagen sachsen: decision of 13 july 2011 (c(2011)4935) (oj c 361, 10.12.2011, p. 17). (26) sa.27913 c 31/2009 hun lip aid to audi hungaria motor kft: decision of 28 october 2009 (c(2009)8131) (oj c 64, 16.3.2010, p. 15); extension decision of 6 july 2010 (c(2010)4474) (oj c 243, 10.9.2010, p. 4); decision of 13 july 2011 (c(2011)4935) in sa.32169 c/2011 de lip aid to volkswagen sachsen, (oj c 361, 10.12.2011, p. 17). (27) see footnote 15. (28) see footnote 17.
name: council implementing decision (eu) 2015/1956 of 26 october 2015 fixing the date of effect of decision 2008/633/jha concerning access for consultation of the visa information system (vis) by designated authorities of member states and by europol for the purposes of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences type: decision_impl subject matter: criminal law; international law; information and information processing; information technology and data processing; european construction; politics and public safety date published: 2015-10-30 30.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 284/146 council implementing decision (eu) 2015/1956 of 26 october 2015 fixing the date of effect of decision 2008/633/jha concerning access for consultation of the visa information system (vis) by designated authorities of member states and by europol for the purposes of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council decision 2008/633/jha of 23 june 2008 concerning access for consultation of the visa information system (vis) by designated authorities of member states and by europol for the purposes of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences (1), and in particular article 18(2) thereof, having regard to the opinion of the european parliament, whereas: (1) decision 2008/633/jha provides that it is to take effect from a date to be determined by the council once the commission has informed the council that regulation (ec) no 767/2008 of the european parliament and of the council (2) has entered into force and is fully applicable. (2) by letter of 2 july 2013, the commission informed the council that regulation (ec) no 767/2008 had entered into force and had been fully applicable as from 27 september 2011. (3) the conditions for triggering the exercise by the council of its implementing powers pursuant to decision 2008/633/jha have been met and an implementing decision fixing the date of effect of decision 2008/633/jha should therefore be adopted. (4) this decision replaces council decision 2013/392/eu (3), which was annulled by a judgment of the court of justice of the european union (the court) (4). in that judgment, the court maintained the effects of decision 2013/392/eu until the entry into force of a new act intended to replace it. therefore, as of the date of entry into force of this decision, decision 2013/392/eu ceases to produce effects. (5) in order to ensure the continuity of access rights for consultation of the vis by designated authorities of member states and by europol for the purposes of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences, the date from which decision 2008/633/jha took effect should be maintained as set out in article 1 of decision 2013/392/eu. (6) as regards iceland and norway, this decision constitutes a development of the provisions of the schengen acquis within the meaning of the agreement concluded by the council of the european union and the republic of iceland and the kingdom of norway concerning the latters' association with the implementation, application and development of the schengen acquis (5) which fall within the area referred to in article 1, point h, of council decision 1999/437/ec (6). (7) as regards switzerland, this decision constitutes a development of the provisions of the schengen acquis within the meaning of the agreement between the european union, the european community and the swiss confederation on the swiss confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the schengen acquis (7) which fall within the area referred to in article 1, point h, of decision 1999/437/ec read in conjunction with article 3 of council decision 2008/146/ec (8). (8) as regards liechtenstein, this decision constitutes a development of the provisions of the schengen acquis within the meaning of the protocol between the european union, the european community, the swiss confederation and the principality of liechtenstein on the accession of the principality of liechtenstein to the agreement between the european union, the european community and the swiss confederation on the swiss confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the schengen acquis (9) which fall within the area referred to in article 1, point h, of decision 1999/437/ec read in conjunction with article 3 of council decision 2011/350/eu (10). (9) in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of protocol no 22 on the position of denmark, annexed to the treaty on european union and the treaty on the functioning of the european union, denmark is not taking part in the adoption of this decision and is not bound by it or subject to its application. given that this decision builds upon the schengen acquis, denmark shall, in accordance with article 4 of that protocol, decide within a period of six months after the council has decided on this decision whether it will implement it in its national law. (10) this decision constitutes a development of provisions of the schengen acquis in which the united kingdom does not take part in accordance with council decision 2000/365/ec (11). the united kingdom is therefore not taking part in the adoption of this decision and is not bound by it or subject to its application. (11) this decision constitutes a development of provisions of the schengen acquis in which ireland does not take part in accordance with council decision 2002/192/ec (12). ireland is therefore not taking part in the adoption of this decision and is not bound by it or subject to its application. (12) this decision should not affect the position of the member states in respect of which regulation (ec) no 767/2008 has not yet been put into effect. in particular, it should not affect the application of article 6 of decision 2008/633/jha with regard to those member states, has adopted this decision: article 1 decision 2008/633/jha shall take effect from 1 september 2013, as set out in article 1 of decision 2013/392/eu. article 2 decision 2013/392/eu shall cease to produce effects from 31 october 2015, without prejudice to the date of effect of decision 2008/633/jha, as set out in article 1 of decision 2013/392/eu. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the date following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at luxembourg, 26 october 2015. for the council the president c. dieschbourg (1) oj l 218, 13.8.2008, p. 129. (2) regulation (ec) no 767/2008 of the european parliament and of the council of 9 july 2008 concerning the visa information system (vis) and the exchange of data between member states on short-stay visas (vis regulation) (oj l 218, 13.8.2008, p. 60). (3) council decision 2013/392/eu of 22 july 2013 fixing the date of effect of decision 2008/633/jha concerning access for consultation of the visa information system (vis) by designated authorities of member states and by europol for the purposes of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences (oj l 198, 23.7.2013, p. 45). (4) judgment of the court of justice of 16 april 2015, parliament v council, c-540/13, ecli:eu:c:2015:224. (5) oj l 176, 10.7.1999, p. 36. (6) council decision 1999/437/ec of 17 may 1999 on certain arrangements for the application of the agreement concluded by the council of the european union and the republic of iceland and the kingdom of norway concerning the association of those two states with the implementation, application and development of the schengen acquis (oj l 176, 10.7.1999, p. 31). (7) oj l 53, 27.2.2008, p. 52. (8) council decision 2008/146/ec of 28 january 2008 on the conclusion, on behalf of the european community, of the agreement between the european union, the european community and the swiss confederation on the swiss confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the schengen acquis (oj l 53, 27.2.2008, p. 1). (9) oj l 160, 18.6.2011, p. 21. (10) council decision 2011/350/eu of 7 march 2011 on the conclusion, on behalf of the european union, of the protocol between the european union, the european community, the swiss confederation and the principality of liechtenstein on the accession of the principality of liechtenstein to the agreement between the european union, the european community and the swiss confederation on the swiss confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the schengen acquis, relating to the abolition of checks at internal borders and movement of persons (oj l 160, 18.6.2011, p. 19). (11) council decision 2000/365/ec of 29 may 2000 concerning the request of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland to take part in some of the provisions of the schengen acquis (oj l 131, 1.6.2000, p. 43). (12) council decision 2002/192/ec of 28 february 2002 concerning ireland's request to take part in some of the provisions of the schengen acquis (oj l 64, 7.3.2002, p. 20).
name: commission delegated decision (eu) 2015/1958 of 1 july 2015 on the applicable systems to assess and verify constancy of performance of geosynthetics and related products pursuant to regulation (eu) no 305/2011 of the european parliament and of the council (text with eea relevance) type: decision_del subject matter: technology and technical regulations; leather and textile industries; consumption; building and public works date published: 2015-10-30 30.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 284/181 commission delegated decision (eu) 2015/1958 of 1 july 2015 on the applicable systems to assess and verify constancy of performance of geosynthetics and related products pursuant to regulation (eu) no 305/2011 of the european parliament and of the council (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (eu) no 305/2011 of the european parliament and of the council of 9 march 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products and repealing council directive 89/106/eec (1), and in particular article 60(h) thereof, whereas: (1) the procedure for attesting the conformity of geosynthetics and related products with the applicable technical specifications has been established in commission decision 96/581/ec (2). (2) decision 96/581/ec does not lay down detailed criteria for the choice of systems to assess and verify constancy of performance for the reaction to fire of geosynthetics and related products. (3) the systems set out in annex v to regulation (eu) no 305/2011 should be more adequately chosen to assess the performance of geosynthetics and related products. this should enable manufacturers to access the internal market more efficiently, thus contributing to greater competitiveness of the construction industry as a whole. (4) decision 96/581/ec should therefore be repealed and replaced in the interest of clarity and transparency, has adopted this decision: article 1 this decision applies to the geosynthetics and related products set out in annex i. article 2 the geosynthetics and related products referred to in article 1 shall be assessed and verified for constancy of performance in relation to their essential characteristics in accordance with the systems specified in annex ii. article 3 decision 96/581/ec is repealed. references to the repealed decision shall be construed as references to this decision. article 4 this decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 1 july 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 88, 4.4.2011, p. 5. (2) commission decision 96/581/ec of 24 june 1996 on the procedure for attesting the conformity of construction products pursuant to article 20(2) of council directive 89/106/eec as regards geotextiles (oj l 254, 8.10.1996, p. 59). annex i products covered this decision applies to: 1. geosynthetics (membranes and textiles) used for separation, protection, drainage, filtration, or soil reinforcement 2. geocomposites used for separation, protection, drainage, filtration, or soil reinforcement 3. geogrids used for separation, protection, drainage, filtration, or soil reinforcement 4. geomembranes used for separation, protection, drainage, filtration, or soil reinforcement 5. geonets used for separation, protection, drainage, filtration, or soil reinforcement annex ii systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance for the products covered by this decision, taking into account their essential characteristics, the systems for assessment and verification of constancy of performance apply as follows: table 1 for all essential characteristics except for reaction to fire products essential characteristics applicable system for assessment and verification of constancy of performance as set out in annex v to regulation (eu) no 305/2011 geosynthetics (membranes and textiles), geocomposites, geogrids, geomembranes and geonets used for separation, protection, drainage, filtration, or soil reinforcement for all essential characteristics except reaction to fire 2+ table 2 for reaction to fire only for all products indicated in the first column of table 1, the systems for assessment and verification of constancy of performance are determined, depending on their subfamilies, as follows: product subfamilies applicable systems for assessment and verification of constancy of performance as set out in annex v to regulation (eu) no 305/2011 products for which a clearly identifiable stage in their production process results in an improvement of their reaction to fire performance (e.g. by adding fire retardants or limiting of organic materials) 1 products for which an applicable european legal base exists to classify their reaction to fire performance without testing 4 products not belonging to the subfamilies indicated in rows 1 and 2 3
name: council decision (eu) 2015/1947 of 1 october 2015 on the conclusion, on behalf of the european union, of the protocol amending the marrakesh agreement establishing the world trade organisation type: decision subject matter: economic conditions; tariff policy; africa; european construction; executive power and public service; world organisations; international trade date published: 2015-10-30 30.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 284/1 council decision (eu) 2015/1947 of 1 october 2015 on the conclusion, on behalf of the european union, of the protocol amending the marrakesh agreement establishing the world trade organisation the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular the first subparagraph of article 207(4), in conjunction with point (v) of article 218(6)(a) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, having regard to the consent of the european parliament, whereas: (1) the world trade organisation (wto) launched the doha round of trade negotiations, known as the doha development agenda, in november 2001. the negotiations on trade facilitation were launched in july 2004 on the basis of a commitment to clarify and improve several articles of the general agreement on tariffs and trade 1994 (gatt 1994): article v (freedom of transit), article viii (fees and formalities connected with importation and exportation), and article x (publication and administration of trade regulations), with a view to further expediting the movement, release and clearance of goods, including goods in transit. in addition, the mandate referred to provisions for effective cooperation between customs or any other appropriate authorities on trade facilitation and customs compliance issues. (2) negotiations have been conducted by the commission in consultation with the special committee established under article 207(3) of the treaty. (3) the ninth wto ministerial conference held in bali on 3-6 december 2013 adopted the ministerial decision on trade facilitation, which concluded negotiations on the agreement on trade facilitation subject to the legal review of the text. the ministerial decision also set up the preparatory committee on trade facilitation and instructed the wto's general council to adopt a protocol to insert the agreement as annex 1a to the marrakesh agreement establishing the wto and to open it for acceptance by each wto member in accordance with its internal procedures. (4) at its meeting on 27 november 2014, the wto's general council adopted the protocol amending the marrakesh agreement establishing the world trade organisation (the protocol) and opened it for acceptance by wto members. (5) the protocol includes the agreement on trade facilitation and the commitments of developing countries that are incorporated as an annex to that agreement. a significant number of developing countries have already notified their category a commitments pursuant to article 15(1) of the agreement on trade facilitation. the committee on trade facilitation will receive the notifications of commitments under category a for least developed countries pursuant to article 15(2) of the agreement on trade facilitation and the notifications of commitments under categories b and c for both developing and least developed countries pursuant to article 16(5) of the agreement on trade facilitation. the commitments will become an integral part of the agreement on trade facilitation. (6) the protocol should be approved on behalf of the union, has adopted this decision: article 1 the protocol amending the marrakesh agreement establishing the world trade organisation is hereby approved on behalf of the european union. the text of the protocol is attached to this decision. article 2 the president of the council shall designate the person(s) empowered to deposit, on behalf of the union, the instrument of acceptance, as specified in paragraph 4 of the protocol (1). article 3 this protocol shall not be construed as conferring rights or imposing obligations which can be directly invoked before union or member state courts and tribunals. article 4 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at luxembourg, 1 october 2015. for the council the president . schneider (1) the date of entry into force of the protocol will be published in the official journal of the european union by the general secretariat of the council.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/1942 of 26 october 2015 establishing the position to be taken on behalf of the european union within the general council of the world trade organisation on the united states' request for a wto waiver to extend the agoa programme type: decision subject matter: world organisations; tariff policy; economic conditions; international trade; africa; america date published: 2015-10-29 29.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 283/9 council decision (eu) 2015/1942 of 26 october 2015 establishing the position to be taken on behalf of the european union within the general council of the world trade organisation on the united states' request for a wto waiver to extend the agoa programme the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular the first subparagraph of article 207(4), in conjunction with article 218(9) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, whereas: (1) paragraphs 3 and 4 of article ix of the marrakesh agreement establishing the world trade organisation (wto agreement) set out the procedures for the granting of waivers concerning the multilateral trade agreements in annex 1a or 1b or 1c to the wto agreement and their annexes. (2) the united states was granted a waiver of obligations under paragraph 1 of article i and paragraphs 1 and 2 of article xiii of the general agreement on tariffs and trade 1994 (gatt 1994) on 27 may 2009 covering the period to 30 september 2015. (3) pursuant to paragraph 3 of article ix of the wto agreement, the united states submitted a request to waive its obligations under paragraph 1 of article i and paragraphs 1 and 2 of article xiii of the gatt 1994 until 30 september 2025, to the extent necessary to permit the united states to continue to provide duty-free treatment to eligible products originating in beneficiary sub-saharan african countries designated pursuant to the african growth and opportunity act (agoa). (4) the granting of the united states request for a wto waiver would not negatively affect either the economy of the european union or trade relations with the beneficiaries of the waiver. moreover, the union generally supports actions to alleviate poverty and promote stability and sustainable economic development in the beneficiaries' countries. (5) it is appropriate, therefore, to establish the position to be taken on behalf of the union within the wto general council to support the waiver request by the united states, has adopted this decision: article 1 the position to be taken on behalf of the european union within the general council of the world trade organisation shall be to support the united states' request to waive its obligations under paragraph 1 of article i and paragraphs 1 and 2 of article xiii of the general agreement on tariffs and trade 1994 until 30 september 2025 in accordance with the terms of the united states' waiver request. this position shall be expressed by the commission. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at luxembourg, 26 october 2015. for the council the president c. dieschbourg
name: political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/1916 of 20 october 2015 on the establishment of the committee of contributors for the european union csdp mission in mali (eucap sahel mali) (eucap sahel mali/3/2015) type: decision subject matter: communications; cooperation policy; european construction; africa date published: 2015-10-24 24.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 280/28 political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/1916 of 20 october 2015 on the establishment of the committee of contributors for the european union csdp mission in mali (eucap sahel mali) (eucap sahel mali/3/2015) the political and security committee, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular the third paragraph of article 38 thereof, having regard to council decision 2014/219/cfsp of 15 april 2014 on the european union csdp mission in mali (eucap sahel mali) (1), whereas: (1) pursuant to article 10(3) of decision 2014/219/cfsp, the council authorised the political and security committee (psc) to take relevant decisions on the establishment of a committee of contributors (coc) for eucap sahel mali. (2) the european council conclusions of g teborg of 15 and 16 june 2001 established guiding principles and arrangements for third states' contributions to police missions. on 10 december 2002, the council approved a document entitled consultations and modalities for the contribution of non-eu states to eu civilian crisis management operations which further developed the arrangements for the participation of third states in civilian crisis management operations, including the establishment of a coc. (3) the coc should be a forum for discussing all problems relating to eucap sahel mali's day-to-day management with the contributing third states. the psc, which exercises the political control and strategic direction of eucap sahel mali, should take account of the views expressed by the coc, has adopted this decision: article 1 establishment 1. a committee of contributors (coc) for the european union csdp mission in mali (eucap sahel mali) is hereby established. 2. the terms of reference of the coc are laid down in the document entitled consultations and modalities for the contribution of non-eu states to eu civilian crisis management operations. article 2 composition 1. the coc members shall be the following: (a) representatives of all member states; and (b) representatives of third states participating in eucap sahel mali and providing contributions. 2. a representative of the european commission may also attend the coc's meetings. article 3 information from the head of mission the head of mission shall regularly send information to the coc. article 4 chair the coc shall be chaired by the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy or by his or her representative. article 5 meetings 1. the coc shall be convened by the chair on a regular basis. where circumstances require, emergency meetings may be convened on the chair's initiative, or at the request of a member. 2. the chair shall circulate in advance a provisional agenda and documents relating to the meeting. the chair shall be responsible for conveying the outcome of the coc's discussions to the psc. article 6 confidentiality 1. in accordance with council decision 2013/488/eu (2), the council's security rules shall apply to the meetings and proceedings of the coc. in particular, representatives in the coc shall possess adequate security clearance. 2. the deliberations of the coc shall be covered by the obligation of professional secrecy, except in so far as the coc unanimously decides otherwise. article 7 entry into force this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 20 october 2015. for the political and security committee the chairperson w. stevens (1) oj l 113, 16.4.2014, p. 21. (2) council decision 2013/488/eu of 23 september 2013 on the security rules for protecting eu classified information (oj l 274, 15.10.2013, p. 1).
name: council decision (eu) 2015/1914 of 18 september 2015 on the signing, on behalf of the european union, of the additional protocol to the council of europe convention on the prevention of terrorism (cets no 196) type: decision subject matter: international affairs; criminal law; european construction; politics and public safety; european organisations; social affairs date published: 2015-10-24 24.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 280/24 council decision (eu) 2015/1914 of 18 september 2015 on the signing, on behalf of the european union, of the additional protocol to the council of europe convention on the prevention of terrorism (cets no 196) the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 83(1), in conjunction with article 218(5) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, whereas: (1) on 1 april 2015 the council authorised the commission to open negotiations for the additional protocol to the council of europe convention on the prevention of terrorism (cets no 196), hereinafter the additional protocol. (2) on 19 may 2015 the council of europe committee of ministers adopted the additional protocol. the additional protocol aims at facilitating the implementation of united nations security council resolution 2178(2014) on foreign terrorist fighters and, in particular, at establishing criminal offences for certain acts identified in operative paragraph 6 of that resolution. (3) a common understanding of foreign terrorist-fighter-related offences and criminal offences of a preparatory nature with the potential to lead to the commission of terrorist acts, would contribute to further enhancing the effectiveness of the criminal justice instruments and cooperation at union and international level. (4) council framework decision 2002/475/jha (1) established common union rules on combatting terrorism. the additional protocol might affect those common rules or alter their scope. (5) the additional protocol should therefore be signed on behalf of the european union as regards matters falling within the competence of the union in so far as the additional protocol may affect those common rules or alter their scope. the member states retain their competence in so far as the protocol does not affect common rules or alter the scope thereof. (6) ireland is bound by framework decision 2002/475/jha and is therefore taking part in the adoption of this decision. (7) in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of protocol (no 21) on the position of the united kingdom and ireland in respect of the area of freedom, security and justice, annexed to the treaty on european union and to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and without prejudice to article 4 of that protocol, the united kingdom is not taking part in the adoption of this decision and is not bound by it or subject to its application. (8) in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of protocol (no 22) on the position of denmark, annexed to the treaty on european union and to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, denmark is not taking part in the adoption of this decision and is not bound by it or subject to its application, has adopted this decision: article 1 the signing on behalf of the european union of the additional protocol to the council of europe convention on the prevention of terrorism (cets no 196), as regards matters falling within the competence of the union, is hereby authorised, subject to the conclusion thereof (2). article 2 the president of the council is hereby authorised to designate the person(s) empowered to sign the additional protocol on behalf of the european union. article 3 this decision shall enter into force upon its adoption. it shall apply in accordance with the treaties. done at brussels, 18 september 2015. for the council the president c. dieschbourg (1) council framework decision 2002/475/jha of 13 june 2002 on combating terrorism (oj l 164, 22.6.2002, p. 3). (2) the text of the additional protocol will be published together with the decision on its conclusion.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1918 of 22 october 2015 establishing the administrative assistance and cooperation system ( aac system ) pursuant to regulation (ec) no 882/2004 of the european parliament and of the council on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules (notified under document c(2015) 7132) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: agricultural activity; agricultural policy; information and information processing; executive power and public service; health; information technology and data processing date published: 2015-10-24 24.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 280/31 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1918 of 22 october 2015 establishing the administrative assistance and cooperation system (aac system) pursuant to regulation (ec) no 882/2004 of the european parliament and of the council on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules (notified under document c(2015) 7132) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to regulation (ec) no 882/2004 of the european parliament and of the council of 29 april 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules (1), and in particular the second subparagraph of article 63(1) thereof, whereas: (1) regulation (ec) no 882/2004 establishes a harmonised framework for the organisation of official controls to verify compliance with food law and feed law and animal health and animal welfare rules laid down in union legislation. title iv thereof lays down the rules for administrative assistance and cooperation between competent authorities in the member states in order to ensure the application of food and feed law. (2) in particular, regulation (ec) no 882/2004 requires member states to provide each other with administrative assistance, to cooperate and to exchange information in order to ensure that cross-border instances of non-compliance are effectively pursued. (3) in addition, regulation (ec) no 882/2004 provides for the administrative assistance and cooperation obligations of member states to be complemented by the obligation for the commission to coordinate the action undertaken by member states where instances of non-compliance are widespread or recurrent, or where member states fail to agree on how to address non-compliance. (4) to fulfil the obligations laid down in regulation (ec) no 882/2004, the competent authorities in each member state are required to exchange information that is necessary to enable the verification of compliance with food and feed law with their counterparts in other member states, and in certain cases, with the commission, where the results of official controls require action in more than one member state. (5) for the exchange of information to be conducted as efficiently as possible, an it system should be set up, namely, the administrative assistance and cooperation system (aac system), to provide the liaison bodies, designated in each member state in accordance with article 35 of regulation (ec) no 882/2004, with the necessary tools to facilitate the practical implementation of the exchange of information required by that regulation. the aac system should offer a streamlined method of communication and a structured format for the exchange of information. (6) for the development, use and maintenance of the aac system, the information technology (it) rationalisation policy principles of the commission apply, which means the reuse of existing systems, in this case, where possible, the reuse of existing data exchange systems, in order to provide the most efficient solution possible and avoid unnecessary duplication of it systems. (7) access to the aac system should only be granted to the liaison bodies designated in each member state in accordance with regulation (ec) no 882/2004 and to commission nominated staff. member states should be able to indicate, among the designated liaison bodies, certain liaison bodies that have been specifically designated to utilise the aac system in relation to instances of a possible non-compliance perpetrated through deceptive fraudulent practices. (8) in order to provide further technical support and facilitate the preparation of administrative assistance and cooperation procedures, upon request of a liaison body, competent authorities at central or regional level, within a member state, may be given access to a number of technical functionalities of the aac system. such access may be given only to the functionalities necessary to enable the exchange of information, relating to requests for assistance or notification of non-compliance, between those authorities and the liaison body that deals with that request or notification. (9) in certain cases, information concerning non-compliance with food or feed law is disseminated by and among the competent authorities in the member states through the rapid alert system for food and feed (rasff), established in accordance with regulation (ec) no 178/2002 of the european parliament and of the council (2), and through the trade control and expert system (traces), established by commission decision 2004/292/ec (3). in order to avoid unnecessary duplication, that information should be made available through the aac system to the liaison bodies designated in accordance with regulation (ec) no 882/2004, so that the member state notifying that information to the rasff or traces is not required to upload the same information onto the aac system for the purposes of administrative assistance and cooperation. accordingly, the rasff and traces applications should be enabled to provide data to the aac system in order to streamline the process. (10) information exchanged concerning administrative assistance and cooperation pursuant to regulation (ec) no 882/2004 may include the results of official controls performed on business operators and on premises and goods under their control, and information which permits the identification of such operators, premises or goods. access to such information should be restricted to those officials who, given their function within the competent authorities, need the information for the purpose of verifying compliance with, or otherwise enforcing, food or feed law. (11) the aac system should permit the closure of an administrative assistance and cooperation procedure by the liaison body that sent a request for assistance or a notification regarding a possible or established cross-border instance of non-compliance, once the assistance or feedback to the notification has been provided by the liaison body that received the request or notification. arrangements should be put in place to avoid procedures becoming dormant or remaining open unnecessarily and should allow the system to automatically close a procedure where no activity or exchange of information has taken place over a period of 6 months. (12) this decision respects the fundamental rights and observes the principles which are recognised by the charter of fundamental rights of the european union. in particular, this decision seeks to ensure full respect for the right to protection of personal data. (13) where the exchange of information provided for in regulation (ec) no 882/2004 and in this decision involves the processing of personal data, a careful assessment should be carried out to ensure that the processing is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes of efficient administrative assistance and cooperation, and that such processing is in accordance with the national provisions implementing directive 95/46/ec of the european parliament and of the council (4) and with regulation (ec) no 45/2001 of the european parliament and of the council (5). where exemptions and restrictions of certain rights of the data subjects and obligations of the data controller laid down by directive 95/46/ec and regulation (ec) no 45/2001 are considered in order to safeguard the interests referred to in article 13(1)(d) and (f) of directive 95/46/ec and in article 20(1)(a) and (e) of regulation (ec) no 45/2001, those exemptions and restrictions may only be adopted if they are necessary and proportionate to the objective pursued. restrictions to the rights of data subjects should constitute a necessary measure to prevent interference with the official control tasks of the competent authorities and with the assessment of compliance with food law or feed law. in particular, rights of the data subjects may be restricted, in accordance with directive 95/46/ec and regulation (ec) no 45/2001, during the period in which actions are carried out for the purpose of sighting or discrete surveillance, where granting them would jeopardise or undermine the purpose of official controls or investigations. in order to guarantee a high level of data protection, it is appropriate to establish a maximum timeframe to ensure that personal data do not remain in the aac system longer than it is necessary to achieve compliance with the rules laid down in title iv of regulation (ec) no 882/2004. in particular, a retention period of 5 years, starting from the closure of the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure, should be established, after which time personal data should be removed from the aac system. the length of the retention period is necessary to give the possibility to the liaison bodies and the commission to consult the information over a sufficient period of time after the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure has been closed, in order to ascertain the timely identification of reoccurring, connected or widespread non-compliance with food or feed law. (14) it is appropriate to lay down rules concerning the rectification of information exchanged through the aac system in order to ensure that the information stored in that system is accurate. it is also appropriate to lay down minimum requirements for data security to prevent any unauthorised access or use of them. (15) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: section i general provisions article 1 subject matter this decision lays down the rules concerning the establishment and use of the administrative assistance and cooperation system (the aac system) to support the exchange of information between the competent authorities of the member states, and between those competent authorities and the commission, in accordance with title iv of regulation (ec) no 882/2004. article 2 definitions for the purpose of this decision, the following definitions shall apply: (1) administrative assistance and cooperation procedure means an established workflow provided for in the aac system which permits liaison bodies and the commission to exchange information concerning possible instances of non-compliance in accordance with articles 36, 37 and 38 of regulation (ec) no 882/2004; (2) closure of an administrative assistance and cooperation procedure means applying the technical facility provided by the aac system to close an administrative assistance and cooperation procedure; (3) withdrawal of an administrative assistance and cooperation procedure means withdrawing from the aac system an administrative assistance and cooperation procedure which was erroneously uploaded onto it. section ii functioning of the aac system article 3 establishment and management of the aac system 1. the commission shall establish, manage and update, as necessary, the aac system. 2. the commission shall give access to the aac system to the liaison bodies designated by each member state in accordance with article 35(1) of regulation (ec) no 882/2004 (the liaison bodies). 3. upon request of one of the liaison bodies referred to in paragraph 2, the commission shall give access to the aac system to designated staff belonging to competent authorities at central or regional level within the same member state. such access shall be limited to the technical functionalities of the aac system required to exchange information between those competent authorities and the liaison body that requested the access, in relation to the preparation of administrative assistance and cooperation procedures handled by the liaison body. 4. the commission shall ensure that the rapid alert system for food and feed (rasff) established in accordance with article 50 of regulation (ec) no 178/2002 and the trade control expert system (traces) established in accordance with article 2 of decision 2004/292/ec are able to provide the necessary information to the aac system and thereby to the liaison bodies. article 4 liaison bodies responsible for the exchange of information concerning a possible non-compliance perpetrated through deceptive fraudulent practices member states shall specifically indicate which of the liaison bodies referred to in article 3, paragraph 2 are designated for the purpose of exchanging information regarding possible non-compliances perpetrated through deceptive fraudulent practices. article 5 responsibilities of the liaison bodies in relation to the aac system 1. the liaison bodies shall be responsible for: (a) ensuring that their staff comply with the rules on confidentiality provided for in article 7(2) and (3) of regulation (ec) no 882/2004; (b) uploading onto the aac system requests for assistance in accordance with article 36 of regulation (ec) no 882/2004 (requests for assistance), notifications of a non-compliance in accordance with articles 37 and 38 of that regulation (notifications of non-compliance) and the responses to such requests for assistance or notifications of non-compliance, as appropriate; (c) ensuring that the information that must be provided to a liaison body in another member state, in accordance with articles 36, 37 and 38 of regulation (ec) no 882/2004, is uploaded without undue delay on the aac system; (d) taking every reasonable step to ensure that the information uploaded to the aac system is accurate and, where necessary, is rectified and kept up-to-date; (e) withdrawing from the aac system, no later than 30 days from the upload date, any information erroneously uploaded onto it or no longer necessary to initiate the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure. 2. requirements in paragraph 1(a), (d) and (e) shall also apply to staff of the competent authorities at central or regional level referred to in article 3(3). if a liaison body has evidence to suggest that an item of information is inaccurate or was erroneously included in the aac system, it shall inform the liaison body which included that item in the aac system as soon as possible. article 6 closure of the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure 1. the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure shall be closed by the liaison body that uploaded the request for assistance or the notification of non-compliance in accordance with article 5(1)(b) following receipt of an appropriate response to such request for assistance or notification of non-compliance, from the receiving liaison body. 2. if, after a period of 6 months from the date on which the request for assistance or notification of non-compliance was uploaded onto the aac system as provided for in article 5(1)(b), the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure has not been closed, the aac system shall ask the requesting liaison body or notifying liaison body to confirm that the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure is still ongoing. the requesting liaison body or notifying liaison body shall, within 15 working days either confirm that the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure is still ongoing or close the procedure if it is no longer necessary. if no confirmation is given or the procedure is not closed by the liaison body, the aac system shall close the procedure automatically. 3. where confirmation is received in accordance with paragraph 2 that the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure is still ongoing, it shall remain open in the aac system. starting from the date of such confirmation any period of 6 months of no exchange of information shall result in the automatic closure of the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure. article 7 responsibilities of the commission in relation to the aac system the commission shall: (a) ensure the development, maintenance, support and any necessary update of the software and it infrastructure for the aac system; (b) monitor the exchange of information through the aac system for the purpose of identifying activities that are, or appear to be, contrary to food or feed law and are of particular interest at union level, as provided for in article 40(1) of regulation (ec) no 882/2004; (c) analyse the information exchanged through the aac system for the purpose of its coordination tasks, as provided for in article 40(1) of regulation (ec) no 882/2004, and in view of producing reports to facilitate the implementation of that regulation; (d) provide the necessary formats and guidance for the use of the aac system. article 8 exchange of information through the aac system 1. information shall be exchanged through the aac system by using the format made available by the commission in accordance with point (d) of article 7. 2. in relation to each instance, the information exchanged through the aac system shall at least include: (a) contact details of the competent authorities and officials dealing with the instance; (b) a description of the possible non-compliance; (c) the identification, where possible, of the business operators associated with it; (d) details of animals or goods associated with a possible instance of non-compliance with food or feed law; (e) an indication of whether the information is exchanged for the purpose of: (i) formulating a request for assistance or replying to one; or (ii) introducing a notification of non-compliance or responding to one; (f) an indication of the liaison body to which the request for assistance or notification of non-compliance is addressed; (g) an indication of whether the request for assistance or the notification of non-compliance relates to a possible instance of a non-compliance perpetrated through deceptive fraudulent practices and whether access to it is to be limited to the liaison bodies referred to in article 4. section iii processing of personal data and security article 9 purpose limitation 1. the liaison bodies and the commission shall exchange and process personal data through the aac system only for the purposes of implementing the requirements on administrative assistance and cooperation laid down in title iv of regulation (ec) no 882/2004. 2. in no instance shall personal information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership and information concerning the health or sex life of an individual be included in the data exchange. article 10 data protection 1. directive 95/46/ec and regulation (ec) no 45/2001 shall apply to the extent that the information exchanged through the aac system contains personal data as defined in article 2(a) of directive 95/46/ec and in article 2(a) of regulation (ec) no 45/2001. 2. in relation to their responsibilities to transmit the relevant information to the aac system and the processing of any personal data that might result from that activity as well as from the exchanges referred to in article 3(3), the competent authorities and the liaison bodies of the member states shall be regarded as controllers, as defined in article 2(d) of directive 95/46/ec. 3. in relation to the responsibility to manage the aac system, for the processing of any personal data that might result from article 5 of this decision, the commission shall be regarded as controller as defined in article 2(d) of regulation (ec) no 45/2001. 4. member states may restrict the rights and obligations under article 6(1), article 10, article 11(1) and article 12 of directive 95/46/ec as necessary to safeguard the interest referred to in article 13(1)(d) and (f) of that directive. 5. the commission may restrict the rights and obligations under article 4(1), article 11, article 12(1), and articles 13 to 17 of regulation (ec) no 45/2001 where such restriction constitutes a necessary measure to safeguard the interests referred to in article 20(1)(a) and (e) thereof during the period in which actions are being planned or performed to verify compliance with food or feed law or to ensure the enforcement of food or feed law in the specific case to which the information relates. article 11 retention of personal data the commission shall remove the personal data processed in the aac system as soon as they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected and processed and, as a general rule, no later than 5 years after the closure of the administrative assistance and cooperation procedure. article 12 data security the commission and member states shall ensure that the aac system complies with the rules on data security adopted pursuant to article 22 of regulation (ec) no 45/2001 and to article 17 of directive 95/46/ec respectively. article 13 date of application this decision shall apply from the twentieth day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. article 14 addressees this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 22 october 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1. (2) regulation (ec) no 178/2002 of the european parliament and of the council of 28 january 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the european food safety authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety (oj l 31, 1.2.2002, p. 1). (3) commission decision 2004/292/ec of 30 march 2004 on the introduction of the traces system and amending decision 92/486/eec (oj l 94, 31.3.2004, p. 63). (4) directive 95/46/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 24 october 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (oj l 281, 23.11.1995, p. 31). (5) regulation (ec) no 45/2001 of the european parliament and of the council of 18 december 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (oj l 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1).
name: council decision (eu) 2015/1915 of 9 october 2015 appointing two spanish members and three spanish alternate members of the committee of the regions type: decision subject matter: eu institutions and european civil service; europe date published: 2015-10-24 24.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 280/26 council decision (eu) 2015/1915 of 9 october 2015 appointing two spanish members and three spanish alternate members of the committee of the regions the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 305 thereof, having regard to the proposals of the spanish government, whereas: (1) on 26 january, on 5 february and on 23 june 2015, the council adopted decisions (eu) 2015/116 (1), (eu) 2015/190 (2) and (eu) 2015/994 (3) appointing the members and alternate members of the committee of the regions for the period from 26 january 2015 to 25 january 2020. (2) two members' seats on the committee of the regions have become vacant following the end of the term of office of mr jos ram n bauz d az and ms cristina mazas p rez-oleaga, (3) three alternate members' seats on the committee of the regions have become vacant following the end of the term of office of ms mar a de diego dur ntez, mr esteban mas portell and ms inmaculada valencia bay n, has adopted this decision: article 1 the following are hereby appointed as members to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: da. francina armengol i socias, presidenta del gobierno de las islas baleares da. rosa eva d az tezanos, vicepresidenta y consejera de universidades e investigaci n, medio ambiente y politica social de la comunidad de cantabria article 2 the following are hereby appointed as alternate members to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: da. mar a de diego dur ntez, viceconsejera de ordenaci n del territorio y relaciones institucionales de la comunidad de castilla y le n d. marc pons i pons, consejero de presidencia del gobierno de la islas baleares d. juan jos sota verdi n, consejero de econom a, hacienda y empleo de cantabria. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption. done at brussels, 9 october 2015. for the council the president j. asselborn (1) oj l 20, 27.1.2015, p. 42. (2) oj l 31, 7.2.2015, p. 25. (3) oj l 159, 25.6.2015, p. 70.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/1892 of 18 february 2014 approving the conclusion, by the european commission, on behalf of the european atomic energy community, of the protocol to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the republic of croatia to the european union type: decision subject matter: international affairs; european construction; europe date published: 2015-10-23 23.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 279/3 council decision (eu) 2015/1892 of 18 february 2014 approving the conclusion, by the european commission, on behalf of the european atomic energy community, of the protocol to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the republic of croatia to the european union the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty establishing the european atomic energy community, and in particular the second paragraph of article 101 thereof, having regard to the recommendation from the european commission, whereas: (1) on 24 september 2012, the council authorised the commission to open negotiations with the former yugoslav republic of macedonia in order to conclude a protocol to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the republic of croatia to the european union (the protocol). (2) those negotiations were successfully completed and the protocol was approved by the government of the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, through an exchange of letters on 25 october 2013. (3) the conclusion, by the commission, of the protocol should be approved as regards matters falling within the competence of the european atomic energy community. (4) the signature and conclusion of the protocol are subject to a separate procedure as regards matters falling within the competence of the union and its member states, has adopted this decision: article 1 the conclusion by the european commission, on behalf of the european atomic energy community, of the protocol to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the republic of croatia to the european union is hereby approved. the text of the protocol is attached to the decision on its signature. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption. done at brussels, 18 february 2014. for the council the president i. stournaras
name: council decision (eu) 2015/1891 of 1 october 2015 on the conclusion, on behalf of the european union and its member states, of the protocol to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the republic of croatia to the european union type: decision subject matter: european construction; europe; international affairs date published: 2015-10-23 23.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 279/1 council decision (eu) 2015/1891 of 1 october 2015 on the conclusion, on behalf of the european union and its member states, of the protocol to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the republic of croatia to the european union the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 217, in conjunction with point (a)(i) of the second subparagraph of article 218(6) and the second subparagraph of article 218(8) thereof, having regard to the act of accession of croatia, and in particular the second subparagraph of article 6(2) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, having regard to the consent of the european parliament, whereas: (1) in accordance with council decision 2014/665/eu (1), the protocol to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the republic of croatia to the european union (the protocol), has been signed, subject to its conclusion. (2) the conclusion of the protocol is subject to a separate procedure as regards matters falling within the competence of the european atomic energy community. (3) the protocol should be approved, has adopted this decision: article 1 the protocol to the stabilisation and association agreement between the european communities and their member states, of the one part, and the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, of the other part, to take account of the accession of the republic of croatia to the european union is hereby approved on behalf of the union and its member states (2). article 2 the president of the council is hereby authorised to designate the person(s) empowered to deposit, on behalf of the union and its member states, the instruments of approval provided for in article 12(2) of the protocol. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption. done at luxembourg, 1 october 2015. for the council the president . schneider (1) oj l 276, 18.9.2014, p. 1. (2) the text of the protocol has been published together with the decision on its signature.
name: commission decision (eu) 2015/1826 of 15 october 2014 on the state aid sa.33797 (2013/c) (ex 2013/nn) (ex 2011/cp) implemented by slovakia for nchz (notified under document c(2014) 7359) (text with eea relevance) type: decision subject matter: social protection; chemistry; civil law; business organisation; economic policy; european union law; competition; europe date published: 2015-10-15 15.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 269/71 commission decision (eu) 2015/1826 of 15 october 2014 on the state aid sa.33797 (2013/c) (ex 2013/nn) (ex 2011/cp) implemented by slovakia for nchz (notified under document c(2014) 7359) (only the slovak text is authentic) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 108(2) thereof, having regard to the agreement on the european economic area, and in particular article 62(1)(a) thereof, having regard to the decisions by which the commission initiated the procedure laid down in article 108(2) of the treaty on the functioning of the european union (1), having called on interested parties to submit their comments pursuant to the provisions cited above, and having regard to their comments, whereas: 1. procedure (1) by e-mail of 13 october 2011 the commission received a complaint (2) alleging that slovakia had granted unlawful aid to a company called nov ck chemick z vody, a.s. v konkurze (nchz). (2) the commission forwarded the complaint to slovakia on 17 october 2011 together with a request for information. the slovak authorities requested a slovak version of the documents, which was sent to them by e-mail on 16 january 2012. (3) the slovak authorities submitted the requested information by letter dated 17 february 2012. further requests for information were sent by the commission on 22 march 2012 and 21 june 2012. slovakia responded on 23 april 2012 and 11 september 2012. (4) the complainant sent further information on its complaint on 14 june 2012. at the request of the complainant, a meeting between the commission and the complainant was held on 24 january 2013. additional information was submitted by the complainant by e-mails of 8 and 22 march 2013. (5) by letter dated 2 july 2013 the commission informed slovakia that it had decided to open the procedure laid down in article 108(2) of the treaty on the functioning of the european union in respect of the aid. (6) the commission decision to open the procedure was published in the official journal of the european union (3). the commission invited interested parties to submit their comments on the alleged aid measure. (7) slovakia provided comments on the decision to open the procedure on 3 september 2013 and on 2 and 30 december 2013. at the request of the slovak authorities a meeting between slovakia and the commission was held on 7 october 2013 and 17 february 2014. (8) the commission received two comments from interested parties (both on 12 november 2013). it forwarded them to slovakia on 2 december 2014, together with a set of additional questions. slovakia was given the opportunity to react; its comments were received by letter dated 14 january 2014. (9) the commission asked slovakia further questions on 2 may 2014, to which slovakia replied on 14 and 30 may 2014. the commission also sent an additional request for clarification by e-mail to one of the interested third parties on 20 march 2014, to which the third party eventually replied on 6 may 2014. 2. background to and description of the measures 2.1. beneficiary (10) nchz (whose activities are now pursued by the company fortischem, a.s.) was a chemical producer with three divisions. the company's main activities were the production of calcium carbide and technical gases, the production of polyvinylchloride (pvc) and its processing products and to an increasing extent basic and special low tonnage chemicals. (11) nchz operated a chemical plant (founded in 1940) located in the tren n region in western slovakia, which is a region eligible for assistance under article 107(3)(a) tfeu. the company was privately owned (4). 2.2. bankruptcy proceedings of nchz (12) nchz entered bankruptcy proceedings on 8 october 2009, claiming that it was unable to sustain its operations due to a fine of eur 19,6 million imposed by the commission for its participation in a calcium carbide cartel (5). the commission notes, however, that the fine was not the only major liability of nchz and that nchz filed for bankruptcy before the cartel fine became due. 2.2.1. strategically important companies act (13) one month after nchz entered into bankruptcy proceedings, slovakia adopted act no 493 of 5 november 2009 on certain measures regarding strategically important companies, giving a pre-emption right to the state to buy strategic companies out of bankruptcy proceedings and requiring the bankruptcy administrator to ensure continued operation of the strategic company during the proceedings. the government declared nchz to be a strategic company under that act on 2 december 2009, i.e. one day after the act entered into force. the act expired on 31 december 2010. nchz was the only company to which the act was applied. 2.2.2. decision to continue operation in bankruptcy (14) in january 2011, on the basis of a decision of the creditors' committee and the secured creditors, the bankruptcy administrator of the company was instructed to continue the operation of nchz in bankruptcy even after the act expired. this decision was based on an economic report analysing the situation of the company and concluding that the outcome of the bankruptcy proceedings would be more favourable to the creditors if the company continued operating. the decision to continue the operation was also approved by the tren n court in february 2011. (15) there were two relevant creditors' bodies involved in deciding whether to continue operation of nchz: the creditors' committee, consisting of 5 entities (6), four of which were privately owned. the one public entity in the committee was the slovak national property fund (fond n rodn ho majetku slovenskej republiky). in addition, nchz had six secured creditors. of these six secured creditors, four were public entities the national property fund, the environmental fund (environment lny fond), the slovak guarantee and development bank (slovensk z ru n a rozvojov banka, a. s.) and the town of nov ky. 2.2.3. sale of the nchz business (16) during the bankruptcy proceeding, there were two open tenders organised by the administrator for the sale of the business of nchz. the first one was unsuccessful since only one bidder participated in the final stage, offering eur 2 million. the administrator refused that bid and the tender was cancelled by a decision of the tren n court. the business was sold following a second tender organised in 2011. in that tender, two bidders qualified for the final stage, one offering eur 2 046 000 and the other eur 2 200 000. the bidder with the highest bid was selected. the winning bidder was a czech company called via chem slovakia. the sale contract with via chem slovakia was concluded on 16 january 2012 and the sale was closed on 31 july 2012. nchz received [ ] (7), which was included in the proceeds of the sale. in addition, via chem slovakia agreed to take over private commitments of the nchz business incurred during the bankruptcy proceedings, totalling eur [10-13] million. (17) according to the conditions of the second tender potential bidders had two options: they could submit a bid either undertaking the commitments of the transferee specified in article 1.7 of the tender conditions or without undertaking those commitments. the commitments included the conditions that: during a period of five years after the acquisition of the nchz business, production would be maintained at a level of at least 75 % of 2010 production; an investment of at least eur 11 million would be made in environmental rule compliance measures necessary for the continuation of chemical production; and the purchaser would not resell or transfer the nchz business during a period of five years in a way that could jeopardise the continuation of its operations. (18) the rules of the tender stipulated that, if the highest bid were from a bidder not undertaking the commitments, the highest bidder who did take them over would have the possibility to match the highest bid. according to the information provided by the slovak republic, none of the participants in the second tender submitted a bid undertaking the commitments. therefore, the business of nchz was sold to a bidder who did not undertake the commitments. (19) on 1 august 2012, one day after the conclusion of the transaction between nchz in bankruptcy and via chem slovakia, the main business of nchz the chemical division was sold by via chem slovakia to fortischem for eur [ ]. fortischem also took over all commitments and contracts related to the chemical division. most of nchz's 1 412 employees were also transferred to fortischem. slovakia claims that less than 60 % of the original property of nchz was transferred, since no immovable assets were included in the transfer. however, on the basis of the contract, fortischem is allowed to use the immovable property originally belonging to the transferred business but left in the ownership of via chem slovakia. (20) even though all the assets of nchz were sold during the bankruptcy proceedings, the proceedings have not yet been finalised (one reason being on-going court cases with respect to certain claims). in 2012, part of the claims of the public creditors, of around eur 4,0 million, was repaid from the proceeds of the sale of nchz's business. however, there are still proceeds from the asset sale that have not yet been distributed. 2.3. description of the measures (21) the measures under assessment are the non-payment of liabilities towards various state entities in the course of nchz's bankruptcy proceedings. (22) nchz's outstanding liabilities towards public entities or state-owned companies incurred during the bankruptcy proceedings totalled eur 13 353 877,46 on 1 august 2012, the date of the sale of nchz's business. these liabilities represent only the liabilities incurred during the bankruptcy proceedings (they are not the total liabilities due to the state). such liabilities are defined in section 87 of the slovak bankruptcy act (8) as claims against the estate. claims against the estate include claims arising after bankruptcy is declared in respect of the administration and liquidation of assets in bankruptcy and claims arising after bankruptcy is declared in respect of taxes, charges, duties, health insurance premiums, social insurance premiums, and wages or salaries of employees of the bankrupt company. any liabilities incurred from the continued operation of the company during the bankruptcy proceedings that cannot be paid from the revenue from such continued operation are also treated as claims against the estate. (23) nchz's public liabilities that arose during the bankruptcy proceedings are set out in table 1 below. table 1 nchz liabilities towards the state or state-owned companies arising during the bankruptcy proceedings (position as at 1 august 2012) public authorities/state-owned company amount of liability in eur social insurance institute [ ] v eobecn zdravotn pois ov a (health insurance company owned by the state) [ ] state water management undertaking (slovensk vodohospod rsky podnik, .p.) [ ] city of nov ky (fee for waste, real estate tax) [ ] environmental fund [ ] rtvs, s.r.o. [ ] several municipalities (fee for waste, real estate tax) [ ] common health insurance company (spolo n zdravotn pois ovna) [ ] motor vehicle tax authority (da z motorov ch vozidiel) [ ] total 13 353 877,46 (24) under section 88(5) of the slovak bankruptcy act, liabilities arising as a result of operation of the business are settled by the administrator from the proceeds of that operation in the order in which they fall due. (25) from the information available to the commission it appears that at least certain state institutions (e.g. the social insurance company) did try to enforce receivables under the bankruptcy proceedings. however, the continued operation of nchz did not bring in sufficient revenue to cover all operating costs including the social security contributions and other state receivables generated during the bankruptcy proceedings. nchz's revenue was used primarily to cover costs directly related to the operation of the business (supply of raw materials, energy etc.) in order to maintain its commercial activity, while the liabilities vis- -vis the state were not paid and continued to grow during the continued operation of nchz in bankruptcy. (26) the continued operation of nchz, which was the principal cause of these accumulated liabilities, was based on two different measures during the bankruptcy proceedings: on the act between december 2009 and december 2010 and on the decision of the creditors as of january 2011. 2.3.1. operation under the act (27) from the entry into force of the act on 1 december 2009 and the government decision of 2 december 2009 until the expiry of the act on 31 december 2010, nchz benefited from the status of a strategic company. under the act, a bankruptcy administrator was obliged to: (i) ensure the continued operation of a strategic company, even if its revenue did not fully cover its operating costs including taxes and social security contributions; and (ii) prevent the unjustified collective dismissal of employees. (28) the act was to apply to commercial companies of strategic importance that were subject to bankruptcy proceedings. the purpose of the act was to maintain in operation undertakings that were in bankruptcy but had been declared by the slovak government to be strategically important. in addition, the act gave the slovak government a pre-emption right to purchase strategic companies that had gone into bankruptcy. (29) in order for a company to fall within the scope of the act, all of the following requirements had to be met: the company had to be a commercial company whose assets were the subject of declared bankruptcy proceedings; the company had to be important for protecting health, national security or the proper functioning of the economy; the company had to have more than 500 employees, or in a significant way supply energy, gas, heat or products of the refinery industry to the public, other industries and nationwide transportation, or operate waterworks, a public wastewater treatment plant, a public sewer or a public water supply; the company had to be declared as being of strategic importance by the slovak government. (30) nchz was the only company to benefit from the act. the act was adopted on 5 november 2009 and took effect on 1 december 2009. on 2 december 2009 the slovak government proclaimed nchz a strategic company by decision no 534/2009. (31) in deciding that nchz was of strategic importance, the slovak government pointed to the fact that the company's bankruptcy could lead to a loss of more than 1 700 direct jobs, and endanger a further 5 000 jobs with nchz's suppliers in slovakia. it also stated that stopping production at nchz would negatively affect the performance and competitiveness of the chemical industry in slovakia and thus significantly worsen the position of the whole slovak economy (9). 2.3.2. operation under the decision of the creditors' committee (32) after the act expired on 31 december 2010, the bankruptcy administrator, who was bound by the instructions of the creditors' committee, decided to continue the operations of nchz in line with the provisions of the slovak bankruptcy act. (33) under the slovak bankruptcy act, the creditors of all unsecured receivables registered in the bankruptcy proceedings must elect a creditors' committee in order to exercise their rights in the course of the bankruptcy. the committee has the power to issue instructions to the bankruptcy administrator in the circumstances explicitly provided for in the slovak bankruptcy act, including where the costs of the operation of the bankrupt business exceed the revenue from its operations and its continued operation thus leads to a further accumulation of liabilities. in such a situation the administrator must seek instructions regarding the extent to which the continued operation of the company is to be pursued (article 88 of the slovak bankruptcy act). such instructions have to be voted on by the creditors' committee together with the secured creditors and then approved and made binding by a bankruptcy court. (34) in the case of nchz's bankruptcy proceedings the committee consisted of five entities, four of which were privately owned (10). the public member of the committee was the national property fund (fond n rodn ho majetku). in addition, according to the information available to the commission, nchz had six secured creditors. four of these secured creditors were state-owned/public undertakings: the national property fund, the environmental fund (environment lny fond), the slovak guarantee and development bank (slovensk z ru n a rozvojov banka, a.s.) and the town of nov ky. (35) as required under the slovak bankruptcy act the administrator informed both the unsecured and secured creditors (at their joint meeting on 26 january 2011) that the costs of operating the nchz business were higher than the revenue from operation. the administrator also provided the creditors with an economic analysis dated 23 december 2010, identifying several possible scenarios and comparing costs and revenue from the point of view of nchz's creditors. the analysis concluded that it was in the interests of the creditors to continue the operation of nchz and to sell the business as a going concern. the administrator's analysis was supplemented by an nchz management presentation entitled nchz nov ky restructuring feasibility study, which also argued that the best solution for the creditors would be to sell nchz off as a company in operation. taking account of these studies, all creditors in the creditors' committee and all the secured creditors agreed on 26 january 2011 with continuing the operation of the company. that decision was approved and thus made binding for the administrator by the tren n court in a ruling of 23 february 2011. (36) following the approval by the creditors and by the tren n court, the nchz business continued operation without any interruption until its sale as a going concern to via chem slovakia in july 2012. 2.3.3. the commission decision to open the formal investigation procedure (37) the opening decision of 2 july 2013 found that nchz had not fully paid social security contributions for its employees or any other liabilities towards various state entities during the bankruptcy proceedings. the amount of public debt for the period 2009-2011 totalled eur 12,1 million. in view of the financial difficulties of nchz in the lead-up to filing for bankruptcy, by allowing continued operation of nchz the state ran a real risk that nchz would accumulate public liabilities it would not then be in a position to honour. the non-paid debt could thus have been avoided or at least significantly reduced by discontinuing the operations of nchz during the bankruptcy proceedings. (38) there were also strong indications that the creditors' decision to continue operating nchz after the expiry of the act was attributable to the state and provided the company with an undue, selective, economic advantage. (39) the commission thus concluded on a preliminary basis that by being allowed to continue its operations and market activities without having to pay social security contributions and other public liabilities during a significant period of time, nchz had been awarded an advantage vis- -vis its competitors that it would not have received under normal market conditions. (40) the commission also doubted whether the tender through which nchz was sold was unconditional since some of the bidders had the possibility of raising their bids at a later stage, when all the bids had already been submitted. the commission therefore doubted whether the price paid for the company's assets by the successful bidder represented a market price that ensured maximisation of revenue to satisfy the creditors, including the state. moreover, there were strong indications that the economic continuity between nchz and the new entity had not been interrupted. this would mean that any incompatible state aid granted to nchz could be recovered from the new owner of the company's business. (41) the commission therefore decided to open the procedure laid down in article 108(2) of the treaty on the functioning of the european union. 3. comments from interested parties (42) two third parties commented on the opening decision: the complainant and another interested third party that wished to remain anonymous. both of these interested parties endorsed the facts and the reasoning set out by the commission in the decision to open the formal investigation procedure. (43) the third parties stressed the evident temporal link between the economic difficulties of nchz and the introduction of the strategic companies act, which was adopted in an accelerated legislative procedure. in addition, only one day after the entry into force of the act, the slovak government adopted the decision declaring nchz a strategic company within the meaning of the act. both interested parties claimed that the state could have prevented the foreseeable risk of non-paid public liabilities accumulating by not granting nchz strategic company status. (44) in addition, nchz had possibly benefited from the advantage of having the status of a firm unable to exit the market by law and thus remained a reliable business partner, whereas other companies in the same situation as nchz, i.e. in bankruptcy proceedings, would most likely have had deteriorating business relations with their suppliers and customers owing to the possibility of their market exit. (45) as regards the operation of nchz following the decision of the creditors' committee, one of the interested parties argues that the state owned member of the creditor's committee could and should have tried to reach a different outcome by convincing the other committee members or at least by voting against the continued operation of nchz. the same reasoning applies to the state as one of the secured creditors, which according to the interested parties had the right to veto the decision approving the continued operation of nchz. the interested parties take the view that this failure to act meant that the decision of the creditors' committee and the secured creditors could be attributed to the state. (46) in any event, the interested parties also argued that the decision of the tren n court to allow the maintenance of nchz's operation was also attributable to the state. (47) both of the interested parties alleged that the continued operation of nchz distorted competition, particularly in the calcium carbide market. and that nchz had a very aggressive pricing policy during that period. (48) as regards the sale of nchz, one of the interested parties claimed that the tender commitments made the outcome of the tender uncertain and that this was the reason why it had not participated in the tender, although the acquisition of nchz's business might have been interesting. (49) finally, the interested parties stated that fortischem's overall operation and presence on the market was basically identical with the former nchz business. the only observable change was the change in name and owner. 4. comments from slovakia existence of an economic advantage to nchz (50) slovakia claimed that the administrator of the bankruptcy proceedings of nchz was obliged to continue the operation of the company on the basis of the act until 31 december 2010. as regards the nature of that act, slovakia claimed that it constituted a general measure applicable to all companies fulfilling the conditions. (51) slovakia argued that, even though no decision was taken by the creditors or the court during the first period, it was likely that in the absence of the act the creditors would in any case have decided to continue nchz's operation. slovakia referred to the preliminary analysis and public statements by the administrator of october 2009 (i.e. before the entry into force of the act) indicating a preference for the continued operation of nchz. the act did not, therefore, have any material effect, since nchz would have continued operating even without the act being adopted solely on the basis of the standard bankruptcy rules. (52) subsequently, after the act expired in december 2010, the administrator requested instructions regarding the continued operation of the company from the creditors' committee. the committee agreed and this decision was confirmed by the tren n court (11). slovakia submitted the economic analysis that had been prepared as the basis for the creditors' committee to take its decision. the company continued to operate until it was sold in 2012. (53) slovakia also provided a hypothetical analysis by the administrator based on the methodology used for the analysis in the second period (continued operation based on the decision of creditors and the court), which shows that if liquidation had been considered at the beginning of the first period (continued operation on the basis of the act), the outcome of the analysis would have been the same. despite a lower level of current liabilities totalling eur 8,5 million, the proceeds from liquidation would not have been bigger than the costs and current liabilities. (54) in view of the above, slovakia argued that the behaviour of the state throughout the bankruptcy proceedings was in line with the market economy creditor principle. therefore, it provided no economic advantage to nchz and did not constitute state aid. recovery of slovakia's claims from nchz in bankruptcy (55) slovakia claimed that, when administering and recovering claims against nchz, the main creditor, the social insurance company (soci lna pois ov a), had acted in line with social insurance act no 461/2003, as amended, and in line with the slovak bankruptcy act. soci lna pois ov a exhausted all available remedies under the law. it did not accept the non-payment of premiums and duly entered its claim with the administrator. (56) the social insurance company had no record of any claims against nchz arising before the declaration of bankruptcy that would have needed to be entered in the bankruptcy proceedings in accordance with section 28 of the slovak bankruptcy act (12). it could not therefore become a member of the creditors' bodies deciding on the continued operation of nchz. (57) therefore, the only available means for ensuring the payment of its claims was to register them in the ongoing bankruptcy proceedings as claims against the estate. so this is what the social insurance company (through its prievidza branch) did on an ongoing basis, in accordance with sections 87 and 88 of the slovak bankruptcy act (for details see table 2). (58) under section 87(3) of the slovak bankruptcy act, claims against the estate are to be satisfied by the administrator from the proceeds of the liquidation of the assets of the estate in question by payment due date. the administrator is liable to creditors with a claim against the estate for losses sustained by them when their claim against the estate has not been properly and promptly satisfied in accordance with this provision, unless he can prove that he acted with due professional diligence. on 24 august 2011 a meeting of the representatives of the social insurance company and nchz was held at the prievidza branch. at the meeting the administrator informed the social insurance company's representatives that he was not able to meet claims against the estate because he had to prioritise the continuing operation of the business so that the company could be sold at the best possible price. (59) under section 47(1) of the slovak bankruptcy act, a declaration of bankruptcy suspends all judicial and other proceedings concerning the assets that are subject to the bankruptcy proceedings and belong to the bankrupt party. the time limits established or laid down in these proceedings do not expire during the period of suspension. (60) under section 47 of the slovak bankruptcy act, the social insurance company may not assert a claim by means of a decision under the social insurance act nor subsequently recover a claim by initiating enforcement proceedings (see section 48 of the slovak bankruptcy act). table 2 below shows an overview of claims registered by the social insurance company in the period from september 2009 to january 2012. (61) however, on 15 november 2011 the social insurance company prievidza branch made a complaint against persons authorised to act on behalf of nchz to the district public prosecutor in prievidza, alleging that during the period from june 2011 to september 2011 they had committed the criminal offence of failing to levy and pay insurance contributions in accordance with sections 277 and 278 of act no 300/2005 (the criminal code), as amended. on 7 february 2012 the investigator at the district police directorate in prievidza suspended the criminal proceedings because it was not possible to establish facts allowing a criminal prosecution of the persons concerned. table 2 claims registered in the bankruptcy proceedings (in eur thousand) (13) by the social insurance company between september 2009 and january 2012 description of claim date of registration with the bankruptcy administrator amount in eur thousand social security insurance and pension insurance 11.10.2010 [ ] social security insurance and pension insurance 24.6.2011 [ ] social security insurance and pension insurance december 2011 [ ] guarantee insurance 11.10.2010 [ ] guarantee insurance 24.6.2011 [ ] guarantee insurance 18.1.2012 [ ] total amount of claims registered up to 31 january 2012 [ ] sale of nchz (62) as regards the sale of nchz, slovakia argued that the sale was carried out in an open, transparent and unconditional manner and that through the tender the highest bidder was duly selected. as regards the type of sale, slovakia argued that this case should be considered a specific case of an asset deal where all assets are transferred together with their rights and certain liabilities attached to them. (63) slovakia further argued that in this particular case the conditions attached to the second tender were not likely to influence the possibility of obtaining the highest possible price because neither of the two bidders who participated in the second tender were going to undertake the liabilities. additionally, the price finally obtained (eur 2,2 million) was very close to the price of the first tender, which was cancelled (eur 2 million). the first tender did not include any commitments. (64) given that nchz was, in slovakia's view, sold in a sufficiently open, transparent and unconditional tender, a market price was obtained for nchz's assets. in slovakia's view there is no economic continuity link between nchz, via chem slovakia and now fortischem. slovakia argued that in the transaction between via chem slovakia and fortischem less than 60 % of the business was transferred, in particular because no immovables were included in the sale. finally, slovakia claimed that the commission did not have any evidence demonstrating that nchz was sold as a going concern for the purpose of avoiding the recovery of state aid. (65) slovakia confirmed that all non-monetary commitments relating to contracts with employees had also been transferred to the new buyer via chem slovakia. slovakia also clarified that no appraisal report had been produced evaluating the total assets or the company as a going concern. further, slovakia confirmed that all liabilities towards the state incurred during the bankruptcy proceedings stayed with nchz and would be settled from the proceeds of the sale. 5. assessment of the measure 5.1. existence of state aid (66) by virtue of article 107(1) tfeu, any aid granted by a member state or through state resources in any form whatsoever, which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods, shall, in so far as it affects trade between member states, be incompatible with the internal market. (67) in order to conclude whether state aid is present, it must therefore be assessed whether the cumulative criteria listed in article 107(1) tfeu (i.e. transfer of state resources, imputability to the state, selective advantage, potential distortion of competition and effect on intra-eu trade) are met in the case at hand. this should be assessed in particular in relation to the non-payment of social security contributions and other liabilities vis- -vis the state during the continued operation of nchz in bankruptcy: (i) by virtue of the application of the act following the decision of the government declaring nchz to be a strategic company within the meaning of the act (see point 5.2) and (ii) by continued operation under the decision of the creditors' committee with the agreement of the public creditors (see point 5.3). (68) the assessment will have to be carried out keeping in mind that, in view of the financial difficulties of nchz in the lead-up to the filing for bankruptcy, by declaring nchz a strategic company the government ran a real risk of nchz accumulating public liabilities which it would not then be in a position to honour. there existed a substantial risk that the continued operation of nchz during the bankruptcy proceedings would not yield sufficient revenue to cover all operating costs including the social security contributions and other state receivables and that the mounting liabilities vis- -vis the state would not be duly paid. as this scenario did in fact materialise during 2010, this risk of further mounting non-paid liabilities vis- -vis the state was even clearer at the beginning of 2011 when, after expiry of the act, the creditors' committee decided to continue nchz's operation. in fact, the creditors of nchz were specifically alerted to this issue by the administrator. (69) the continued operation of the company in bankruptcy led to mounting debt to the state. the amount of the unpaid debt that accumulated over the period of the bankruptcy proceedings (2009-2012) totals more than eur 13,3 million. (70) it should also be noted that the accumulated public liabilities are unlikely to be fully recovered from the proceeds of the sale of the business of nchz (eur 2,2 million sales price and [ ] return of [ ]). indeed, so far only around eur 4,0 million of claims by public entities have been repaid from the proceeds of the sale. 5.2. application of the act to nchz (71) for 13 months (from the entry into force of the act on 1 december 2009 until its expiry on 31 december 2010), the application of the act to nchz provided the basis for the continued operation of nchz despite the fact that the costs of operating the business were consistently higher than the revenue obtained from it, thereby resulting in mounting debt. (72) in line with section 5(a) of the act, the bankruptcy administrator was obliged to secure the operation of a company declared by the government as being strategically important. in his reply to a request for information the administrator stated that the continuation of the operation of the bankrupt company was a necessary consequence of compliance with his obligations stemming directly from the act. thus, nchz was able to continue operating and to maintain its business relationships despite being in a situation in which the administrator would have been obliged to consider the possibility of stopping operations and winding up the business (because it was not able to pay all of its debts). 5.2.1. transfer of state resources and imputability (73) as indicated above, slovakia adopted the act and declared nchz to be a strategic company on the basis of that act. therefore, the administrator was obliged by application of the act to continue the operation of nchz during the bankruptcy proceedings. (74) by virtue of that declaration, the operation of the company was maintained even though there was a clear risk (which indeed materialised) that the revenue would not be sufficient to cover the costs of the operation of the business during bankruptcy, including the social security contributions and other liabilities vis- -vis the state. (75) consequently, this foreseeable risk of accumulation of non-paid liabilities towards the state could have been prevented by the state, by exercising its discretion under the act and not granting nchz the status of strategic company, which obliged the administrator to continue operation of nchz's business during the bankruptcy proceedings. (76) moreover, the continuation of operations and the accumulation of additional liabilities as a consequence of the application of the act made it more difficult for the existing public creditors of nchz to recover their existing claims. (77) therefore, the commission concludes that declaring nchz to be a strategic company led to a transfer of state resources within the meaning of article 107(1) tfeu. this transfer occurred in the form of foregone revenue from social security contributions and other public claims not honoured by nchz during the period when the act applied to it. the commission also notes that the decision to declare nchz a strategic company was adopted by the government and is therefore clearly attributable to the slovak state. 5.2.2. economic advantage (78) the application of the act to nchz provided it with an economic advantage, as it protected the company from the normal course of bankruptcy proceedings under the standard bankruptcy legislation. for almost 13 months, nchz continued its operations exclusively by virtue of the application of the act. the bankruptcy administrator had to ensure the operation of the undertaking even if its revenue did not fully cover its operating costs including taxes or social security contributions. the application of the act thus deprived the administrator and the creditors of their discretion to decide whether the continued operation of the company was economically advantageous. (79) due to the loss-making character of the continued operations, nchz was not able to fully pay its liabilities, including social security and health insurance contributions for its employees and other liabilities towards various state entities during the bankruptcy proceedings. (80) the application of the act to nchz required the administrator to: (i) ensure the operation of nchz and (ii) prevent an unjustified collective dismissal of employees. on that basis, the administrator himself stated that on the basis of the application of the act he was obliged to continue operating nchz in full, without any possibility of analysing alternatives and choosing the one most advantageous for the creditors of the company in bankruptcy. (81) while the act was in force, no creditors' meeting deciding on the economic future of nchz could take place and no analysis was made to assess whether the continued operation of nchz was at that stage in the creditors' interest. only when the act was about to expire did the administrator commission a comprehensive economic analysis and call a meeting of the company's creditors to decide whether to continue operating nchz or not. (82) in addition, the application of the act to nchz was based, not on considerations which the company's creditors would have taken into account, but on other public policy considerations. the explanatory memorandum to the government decision of 2 december 2009 declaring nchz a strategic company under the act mentions the threat of 1 700 jobs being lost directly at nchz and an additional 5 000 jobs being lost at nchz's suppliers if the company closed down. it also states that stopping production at nchz would negatively affect the performance and competitiveness of the whole chemical industry in slovakia and thus significantly worsen the position of the whole slovak economy. the application of the act to nchz by the government was, therefore, evidently not justified on the basis of the market economy creditor principle. slovakia maintains that, although no decision was taken either by the creditors or the court during the first period, it is likely that the creditors would have decided to continue operating nchz even if the act had not been applied to it. slovakia refers to a preliminary analysis of 26 october 2009 and public statements made by the administrator in october 2009 (i.e. before the act entered into force) indicating that the continued operation of nchz was his preferred option. (83) however, the preliminary analysis by the administrator is rather sketchy, does not contain any analysis of alternative options (sale of assets or liquidation) and cannot therefore be considered a solid basis that the creditors would have used for deciding on the continued operation of nchz. furthermore, in december 2009 the court replaced the original administrator of nchz with a new one, who might have reached a different conclusion on the basis of a more in-depth assessment. however, any further assessment of the issue was suspended by the entry into force of the act and thus the creditors and the court were given no opportunity to discuss and decide on the matter from the point of view of their economic interests. (84) although the creditors and the court decided to continue operating nchz after the act expired, this decision was taken in a different economic situation and was based on a significantly more complex and solid economic assessment produced in december 2010 in view of the expiry of the act. that analysis primarily had to take into account that following the first period nchz had outstanding liabilities (both public and private) from its previous continued operation totalling eur 16 million and these had priority over any pre-bankruptcy liabilities. therefore, the situation for the creditors was not the same as at the beginning of the bankruptcy proceedings when a large part of those liabilities had not yet been incurred. (85) in addition, the uncertainty automatically entailed in decision-making under the standard bankruptcy rules was removed by the application of the act to nchz, which guaranteed that at least until the act expired at the end of 2010 nchz would be fully operational. this sent a strong signal to the company's suppliers and customers, who were assured that they could keep trading with nchz, because the company would, owing to its strategic company status under the act, remain fully operational. since security of supply is an important element for customers in the chemical sector, the application of the act provided a significant advantage to nchz as compared with the standard bankruptcy procedure. it gave nchz's customers significantly more assurance that, despite any further losses and irrespective of the views and interests of its creditors, nchz would continue operating at least until the act expired. nchz thus received privileged treatment compared with its competitors in a similar situation. (86) the risk of customers switching to other suppliers as a result of bankruptcy is not just a hypothetical one. in fact, even with the shield provided by the application of the act, some customers were lost in 2009 and 2010, as indicated in the administrator's economic analysis produced after the act expired. without the application of the act the risk that even more sales would be lost owing to the uncertainties created by the bankruptcy proceedings would have been significantly higher. this would also have increased the risk that the creditors might view the continued operation of nchz as no longer making economic sense. (87) slovakia provided a hypothetical analysis by the administrator based on the methodology used for the analysis in the second period which shows that, if liquidation had been considered at the beginning of the first period, the outcome of the analysis would not have been different from the outcome of the analysis in the second period. regardless of the lower level of current liabilities totalling eur 8,5 million, the proceeds from liquidation would not have been greater than the costs and the current liabilities. however, this analysis is very brief and hypothetical and was produced by the administrator only after the event (14), as it was not drawn up and submitted until march 2014. (88) slovakia has not demonstrated that the continued operation of nchz would really have been approved at the beginning of the bankruptcy period on the basis of a proper in-depth analysis and discussion by all the stakeholders, even if the act had not been applied to nchz. in fact, if the act had not been applied to nchz, the company would have faced additional negative consequences (such as customers switching to safer suppliers), which would have significantly increased the risk of the creditors opting to discontinue operation at that stage. (89) the application of the act thus provided nchz with a selective economic advantage, as it protected the company from the normal course of the bankruptcy proceedings under the standard bankruptcy legislation. it deprived the administrator, the creditors and the court of the possibility of discontinuing operation of nchz or making significant staff cuts (see recital 27), either at the beginning of the bankruptcy proceedings or later on (i.e. in the course of 2010) in view of developments in nchz's economic situation. it also provided nchz and third parties (such as customers and suppliers) with a certainty of continued operation, which under standard bankruptcy rules is never guaranteed. (90) in the light of the above, the commission takes the view that the application of the act provided nchz with an undue economic advantage. 5.2.3. selectivity of the measure (91) the decision to apply the act to nchz, thereby guaranteeing its continued operation, is an individual measure adopted by the government specifically concerning nchz and is therefore, by definition, selective. (92) the slovak authorities argue that the act was a general measure applicable to all companies fulfilling the criteria laid down in it. leaving aside the fact that the relevant measure is not the act itself but its application to nchz by the government's decision, the commission notes that in accordance with the established case-law of the eu courts the fact that the act was a general measure does not exclude the possibility of it conferring a selective advantage on a particular entity. (93) first, even though the act was a general legislative measure the circumstances of the case suggest that it was in fact aimed specifically at nchz (some press articles even dubbed the act lex nchz). the act was adopted one month after the company was declared bankrupt and nchz was the only company to which the act was applied. (94) second, for the act to be applied to a given company, a decision by the government declaring the company to be strategic was required, as the act did not apply automatically to every company fulfilling the conditions set out in section 1(2) of the act. in addition, in view of the general wording of those conditions, the government had significant discretion regarding which companies it considered strategic (15). (95) therefore, the commission considers that the measure allowing the accumulation of nchz's unpaid debts to the state constitutes a selective measure within the meaning of article 107(1) tfeu. 5.2.4. distortion of competition and effect on trade between member states (96) the continued operation of nchz by virtue of the application of the act had the effect of reducing costs that nchz would otherwise have had to bear. the operation of nchz did not yield sufficient revenue to cover all operating costs, including social security contributions and other state receivables incurred during the bankruptcy proceedings. despite its inability to cover all its liabilities, and in particular those vis- -vis the state (which remained unpaid for the 13 months that the act was in force), nchz remained active on the market offering its products in competition with other european chemical producers. (97) moreover, as described above, the application of the act provided nchz with economic advantages not enjoyed by other companies in a similar situation. in particular, it was likely to significantly reduce the risks of losing customers and suppliers during the bankruptcy proceedings. the fact that the company was obliged, under the act, to continue operations encouraged the business partners of nchz to maintain their relationship with the company. the security of supply for nchz customers, particularly important in the chemical industry, was ensured through the continued operation of the business as provided for by the act. if the act had not applied, nchz's customers would have been more likely to search for alternative sources of supply for fear of a sudden discontinuation of operations owing to the deteriorating financial and economic situation of the bankrupt company. (98) reducing a single company's costs amounts to operating aid and thus distorts competition as nchz's competitors had to bear those costs or the consequences of inability to pay. furthermore, the measures may have distorted competition by artificially retaining nchz on the calcium carbide market and other markets where it was active. (99) since there is only a limited number of producers of calcium carbide in the eu and the products are traded europe-wide, the measure in question also clearly affects trade between member states. 5.2.5. conclusion on the presence of state aid (100) in the light of the above, the commission concludes that the declaration of nchz as a strategic company under the act constituted a selective advantage in favour of that company, was imputable to the state and entailed the use of state resources to distort competition in a market open to trade between member states. the measure therefore constitutes state aid within the meaning of article 107(1) tfeu. (101) the amount of the aid corresponds to the unpaid liabilities due to the state and state entities accumulated during the period when the act applied to nchz. on the basis of the information provided by slovakia, the unpaid debt at the beginning of the period stood at eur 735 817,44 (16). when the act expired, the outstanding liabilities stood at eur 5 519 241,54 (17). therefore, the aid amount is eur 4 783 424,10. 5.3. continued operation under the decision of the creditors' committee (102) after the act expired, the administrator was no longer legally obliged to continue the operation of the company. he informed the creditors (both secured and unsecured) that nchz's losses had been mounting continuously since it was declared bankrupt and that the costs of operating the business were higher than the proceeds from its operation. despite being aware of the poor condition of the company, all creditors on the creditors' committee and the secured creditors agreed in january 2011 that nchz should continue to operate. this decision was subsequently confirmed by the bankruptcy court in accordance with the slovak bankruptcy act and thus became binding for the administrator. 5.3.1. imputability and economic advantage (103) the continuation of nchz's operations after the expiry of the act was based on a decision of the creditors' committee (representative body of non-secured creditors), whose members were mainly private companies. the formal investigation procedure revealed that no member of the creditor's committee or the secured creditors had a veto right under the slovak bankruptcy act. in fact, the voting in these bodies took place by majority. therefore, no state entity could have enforced its interests in stopping further accumulation of the debts. (104) it can therefore be concluded that the continuation of nchz's operations was based on a decision determined by the private creditors, as the public creditors were not in a position to veto nchz's continued operation. for this reason, the decision to continue operating nchz after the act expired cannot be considered imputable to the state. (105) this also shows that the decision of the various public creditors to actively support the continuation of nchz's operation in the second period was taken at the same time and under the same conditions (pari passu) as the decisions of the comparable private creditors, which means that the public creditors acted in line with the market economy creditor principle. (106) in addition, for the sake of completeness, the commission verified the economic analysis produced by the administrator, which was available to the creditors and the court at the relevant point in time. the analysis identifies several possible scenarios and compares the costs and revenue from the point of view of nchz's creditors. in particular, the analysis indicates that discontinuing the operation of nchz would lead to significant costs totalling more than eur 48 million. the bulk of the costs related to the closure and environmental clean-up of the chemical production sites (around eur 37,3 million) and staff costs (eur 10,5 million if all legal obligations were fulfilled). at the same time, the expected revenue from the sale of individual assets was in the region of eur 47-52 million (without taking into account additional costs of dismantling and removing the equipment). (107) as the outstanding (public and private) liabilities incurred from operating during the bankruptcy proceedings (eur 16 million at that time) had preferential treatment, none of the pre-bankruptcy claims would be satisfied. however, the analysis considers that the sale of the undertaking with continued operation was likely to bring higher revenue, since some of the technological equipment would be irreparably damaged if operation were discontinued. the analysis also states that, despite the failure of the first tender, there were several interested buyers. overall, the analysis concludes that it was in the interests of the creditors to continue operating nchz and sell the business as a going concern. (108) the economic analysis by the administrator was also accompanied by an analysis produced by the management of nchz. that analysis considered the expected real value of the company's assets in the event of discontinued operation to amount to only eur 15,5 million, making the discontinuation of nchz's operation even less attractive for the creditors. furthermore, the study argued that the company could be successfully sold following certain restructuring measures to be adopted; since the act made laying off staff rather difficult, the staff cuts were implemented by nchz only after the act ceased to apply at the beginning of the second period. overall, the study also concluded that the creditors would be best off if nchz were sold as a going concern. (109) the proposal for continued operation based on those documents was subsequently accepted by all creditors, both public and private. the commission notes that the debts owed to at least some of the private creditors had also been increasing during the bankruptcy period, amounting in the end to eur 11,5 million. (110) in addition, the in-depth investigation showed that only two of the four public creditors represented in the creditor bodies (the national property fund, the environmental fund, the slovak guarantee and development bank and the town of nov ky) were directly concerned by the threat of further accumulation of the debts owed to them by nchz during its continued operation. these were the environmental fund, whose additional claims during the second period were only eur [100-500] thousand, and the town of nov ky, whose additional outstanding claims during the second period came to eur [300-800] thousand. the main public creditors to whom the amounts owed mounted up during the bankruptcy proceedings, in particular the public health and social security insurance companies, were not represented on any of the creditor bodies deciding on the continuation of nchz's operation. therefore, they had no possibility of directly influencing the decision-making and thus could not prevent nchz's continued operation. those public creditors did all they could to recover the debts by registering their claims with the bankruptcy administrator and using all the enforcement mechanisms available under the bankruptcy act. (111) in view of the above, the commission considers that the behaviour of the different state entities was in line with the private creditor test. (112) therefore, the commission concludes that nchz did not benefit from an advantage over its competitors that it would not have received under normal market conditions in the second period when the act was no longer applicable and nchz continued its operation on the basis of the decision of the creditors' committee. 5.3.2. conclusion on the presence of state aid (113) since at least two of the cumulative conditions for defining state aid (imputability to the state and existence of an economic advantage) are not fulfilled, the commission concludes that the continued operation of nchz under the decision of the creditors' committee does not constitute state aid within the meaning of article 107(1) tfeu. 5.4. unlawful aid (114) the commission notes that, since the application of the act to nchz constitutes state aid, it was granted in breach of the notification and stand-still obligations laid down in article 108(3) tfeu. thus, the commission notes that the aid granted to nchz constitutes unlawful state aid. 5.5. compatibility of the measures with the internal market (115) since the measure identified above constitutes state aid within the meaning of article 107(1) tfeu, its compatibility must be assessed in the light of the exceptions laid down in paragraphs 2 and 3 of that article. (116) according to the case-law of the court of justice, it is up to the member state to cite possible grounds of compatibility and to demonstrate that the conditions for such compatibility are met (18). the slovak authorities consider that the measures do not constitute state aid and have not cited any possible grounds on which to assess compatibility. (117) the commission has none the less assessed whether any of the grounds laid down in the tfeu would be applicable prima facie to the measures under assessment. (118) since nchz was the subject of bankruptcy proceedings at the time when the measures were granted, it was clearly a firm in difficulty within the meaning of the community guidelines on state aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty (the r&r guidelines) (19). (119) therefore, any assessment of the compatibility of state aid with the internal market should in principle be made on the basis of the criteria set out in those guidelines. (120) the commission notes that the conditions for rescue aid laid down in point 3.1 of the r&r guidelines do not seem to be met: in particular, the measures do not consist of liquidity support in the form of loan guarantees or loans and they were not accompanied by a commitment from slovakia to communicate to the commission a restructuring plan or a liquidation plan and so on. (121) in relation to restructuring aid as defined in point 3.2 of the r&r guidelines, the commission observes that slovakia did not notify any of the measures identified above as restructuring aid and that it has failed to demonstrate that any of the necessary elements for them to be considered as such are present (restructuring plan, own contribution, compensatory measures and so on). (122) point 34 of the r&r guidelines requires the granting of the aid to be conditional on implementation of a restructuring plan, which must be endorsed by the commission in all cases of individual aid. the aid in the case at hand had been granted without a credible restructuring plan satisfying the conditions laid down in the r&r guidelines. this circumstance would in itself be sufficient to exclude compatibility of the measures with the internal market. (123) in addition, the commission observes that slovakia has not brought to the attention of the commission any facts that would ensure compliance with the necessary requirements for finding restructuring aid compatible: restoration of the long-term viability of nchz, acceptable levels of own contribution, adequate compensatory measures, and so on. (124) the commission concludes that the measure identified above is not compatible on the basis of the r&r guidelines and thus constitutes state aid which is incompatible with the internal market. 5.6. recovery of the aid (125) according to the treaty and the court's established case-law, the commission should normally decide that the member state concerned must abolish aid illegally granted when such aid has been found to be incompatible with the internal market (20). the court has also consistently held that the obligation on a member state to abolish aid declared incompatible with the internal market is designed to re-establish the previously existing situation (21). (126) in this context, the court has established that this objective is attained once the recipient has repaid the amounts granted by way of unlawful aid, thus forfeiting the advantage which it had enjoyed over its competitors on the market, and the situation prior to the payment of the aid is restored (22). (127) in line with the case-law, article 14(1) of council regulation (ec) no 659/1999 states that where negative decisions are taken in cases of unlawful aid, the commission shall decide that the member state concerned shall take all necessary measures to recover the aid from the beneficiary (23). (128) thus, given that none of the measures in question were notified to the commission, in violation of article 108 of the treaty, but are to be considered unlawful and incompatible aid, the amounts granted must be recovered in order to re-establish the situation that existed on the market before they were granted. recovery should cover the time from when the advantage accrued to the beneficiary, that is to say when the aid was put at the disposal of the beneficiary, until effective recovery, and the sums to be recovered should bear interest until effective recovery. recovery will take into account the amounts of outstanding debts constituting state aid which have been demonstrated to have been already repaid from the proceeds of the sale of nchz's assets. (129) in view of the sale of the business of nchz to via chem slovakia and fortischem, the commission will examine possible economic continuity between these companies in order to analyse whether the recovery of aid should be extended to them or not. 5.7. economic continuity of nchz through the sale of the business (130) as indicated, in the event of a negative commission decision regarding the recovery of incompatible aid to an undertaking in the context of articles 107 and 108 tfeu, the member state in question is required to recover the incompatible aid. the recovery obligation may be extended to a new company to which the company in question has transferred or sold part of its assets, where that transfer or sale structure leads to the conclusion that there is economic continuity between the two companies (24). (131) as regards the purpose of the transaction, the commission notes that, although it does not have direct evidence that the intention of the transaction was to evade the effects of a potential recovery decision, it was however clear to the slovak authorities that the commission had been preliminarily investigating a complaint against nchz since 17 october 2011 (see recital 2) and that there was the existing claim for the payment of the cartel fine of eur 19,6 million imposed on nchz by a decision of 22 july 2009 (see recital 12). (132) according to the court decision in italy and sim 2 v commission (25), on which the commission based its decisions concerning the companies olympic airlines, alitalia and sernam (26), the assessment of economic continuity between the aid beneficiary and the undertaking to which its assets were transferred is established based on a set of indicators. the following factors may be taken into consideration: the sale price corresponding to a market price or not, the scope of the sold assets (assets and liabilities, maintenance of workforce, the assets as a whole), the identity of the buyer(s), the timing of the sale (after the initiation of preliminary assessment, the formal investigation procedure or the final decision) and the economic logic of the operation. this set of indicators was confirmed by the court in its decision of 28 march 2012 in ryanair v commission, which confirmed the alitalia decision (27). (133) in view of the sale of the nchz business to via chem slovakia, and subsequently to fortischem, the commission will thus analyse, on the basis of the above listed criteria, whether there is an economic continuity between nchz and the business ultimately acquired and currently operated by fortischem. (134) the commission considers that it is not appropriate to analyse separately the economic continuity of the two transactions leading to the acquisition of nchz's business activities by fortischem, i.e. first the sale to via chem slovakia and then the sale to fortischem. via chem slovakia sold the business to fortischem in the second transaction on 1 august 2012, i.e. only one day after closing the first transaction. therefore, via chem slovakia never actually managed and operated the nchz business activities it acquired. (135) the commission acknowledges that the scope of the two transactions is not exactly the same, since via chem slovakia retained ownership of certain immovable assets (buildings and land). however, it is evident from the information provided that all the economic activities of nchz acquired by via chem slovakia were immediately transferred to fortischem. with the sole exception of the immovable assets, fortischem took over from via chem slovakia all assets and rights related to chemical production (production machines and equipment, contracts etc.) as well as commitments related to chemical production (including all employment contracts). the immovable assets that were not sold to fortischem but were necessary for the continuation of the nchz economic activities were made available to fortischem on the basis of a lease contract. therefore, the commission will directly analyse whether there is economic continuity between nchz and its business activities acquired by fortischem. the specific features of the two transactions will be taken into account to the extent that they are relevant to this assessment. 5.7.1. selling price (136) in its decision to open the formal investigation procedure the commission expressed doubts as to whether the price of eur 2,2 million paid for the company's assets by via chem slovakia, the successful bidder, represented a market price. (137) the tender came with conditions attached that appear likely to have lowered the value of the assets. according to the tender conditions potential bidders could choose whether to make their bid with or without undertaking the commitments of the transferee (for details see recitals 17 and 18). (138) the rules of the tender stipulated that, if the highest bid came from a bidder that chose not to undertake the commitments, the highest bidder making those commitments would have the chance to match the highest bid. the commission considers that this possibility for one bidder to raise his bid after all the bids have been submitted is likely to discourage potential participants and/or have a negative impact on the bids that are made. (139) in fact, one of the elements that ensure that the highest price is achieved in a tender is the uncertainty as regards the prices offered by the other bidders. if a bidder submitting a bid with commitments knows that his bid need only be the highest among the bids with commitments and that he will be able to match his bid to that of the highest bidder not undertaking the commitments, he may well put in a lower bid than if no opportunity to match is provided for in the tender conditions. (140) furthermore, this condition could discourage bidders who do not wish to bid with commitments because they know that, even if their bid is the highest, it may be rejected because another buyer who is prepared to undertake the commitments can increase its bid. if this occurs, the bidder without commitments is not given the opportunity to re-bid and offer a higher purchase price. (141) in view of the above, the tender conditions seem to give preference to bidders undertaking the commitments, since if two bidders offer the same price, one with commitments and one without, the bid with the commitments is preferred over the other one. this would appear to be an indication that the price that would be achieved in the absence of the commitments could potentially be higher than the price offered by the winning bidder. it can reasonably be presumed that the obligation to fulfil the commitments has financial implications for the buyer which it takes into account when submitting its bid. in the absence of the commitments, the price offered by that buyer would thus likely be higher. (142) slovakia argues that even a bidder offering to accept commitments could not be sure that there would be no other bidder offering commitments with a potentially higher bid. however, this does not undermine the fact that bidders without commitments were in general treated less favourably than bidders with commitments, and that potential bidders not willing to undertake the commitments could thereby have been discouraged from participating. (143) slovakia also argues that, in view of the total volume of the commitments, which exceeded eur 11 million, it was highly unlikely that any bidder would submit a bid undertaking these commitments. it claims that, in particular in view of the price of only eur 2 million offered during the first tender, no rational participant in the tender would have undertaken commitments with such financial implications. the commitments in fact include investments of at least eur 11 million. however, the investment is earmarked to finance measures ensuring compliance with the applicable environmental rules necessary for the continuation of chemical production. any bidder wishing to continue chemical production would need to make such an investment and this amount would thus need to be taken into account also by bidders not undertaking the commitments. while the other two commitments (referred to in recital 17) did have a potential effect on price, a buyer planning to maintain or even expand nchz's activities would not find those commitments excessively burdensome, considering the advantage granted in the tender to bidders with commitments. therefore, the possibility of a bid undertaking commitments cannot be discounted as extremely improbable and this possibility was therefore liable to influence the price offered in the tender. (144) although ultimately no bids with commitments were received, the conditions did not allow for the inclusion of the highest possible number of bidders bidding against each other with their best offers, which is a prerequisite for sale at the highest possible market price. (145) in addition, the sale was organised as a sale of the whole business as a going concern, i.e. with all the assets bundled together and no bidder could buy any asset separately. this excluded the possibility of maximising the final price through bidding for partial areas of nchz's activities (while at the same time avoiding or limiting potential difficulties stemming from the possible discontinuation of operations). the commission observes that the documents submitted by the slovak authorities indicate that there were potential bidders who were interested in acquiring only some parts of nchz's business (for example, bluo epsilon limited was interested in acquiring only the carbide production facilities). therefore, it cannot be excluded that a sale of partial areas of nchz's business would not have led to a higher total sales price. (146) as regards the sale from via chem slovakia to fortischem, it was a transaction between two private parties where no tender was organised. the price was simply negotiated between the two private parties without any possibility for other parties to offer a higher price. therefore, the doubts as to whether the price paid by via chem slovakia corresponded to a market price also relate to the price paid by fortischem. (147) in view of the above, it appears likely that nchz's assets were not sold in a manner that ensured the maximisation of revenue for the transferred business. (148) in view of the above, the commission concludes that the price paid by via chem slovakia for nchz's business was probably not a true market price, as the conditions of the tender as well as the fact that bidders had to bid for all assets bundled together had an impact on the price. 5.7.2. scope of the transaction (149) in order to avoid economic continuity, the assets and other elements of the business transferred need to represent only a part of the previous company or its activities. the larger the part of the original business that is transferred to a new entity, the higher the likelihood that the economic activity related to these assets continues to benefit from the incompatible aid. (150) although slovakia claims that the sale was an asset deal, the terms of the sale actually indicate that the company was sold as a going concern. as indicated in recital 19 above, all assets and at least part of the transferable commitments were sold to the new owner. (151) the sale of nchz to via chem slovakia was approved by the slovak competition authority on 19 july 2012. from this decision it is clear that the entire business of nchz, as a going concern, was the object of the notified merger and thus of the sale (28). (152) the scope of activity of the business acquired by fortischem remains the same as the previous scope of nchz's activities. this is demonstrated by a comparison of the production programme of nchz at the very beginning of the bankruptcy proceedings (29) with the current production programme according to the website of fortischem (30). in both cases, the main areas of activity of nchz and fortischem respectively consist of inorganic (electrolytic) chemicals, including calcium carbide, organic chemicals, polymers and pvc processing products. all 14 key products from these production areas, representing 99 % of nchz's revenue in 2008 (31), are also produced by fortischem. the revenue generated by the above products sold by fortischem totalled eur 161,3 million in 2013 (32). this revenue is comparable to nchz's revenue of around eur 150-160 million during the bankruptcy proceedings (33). therefore, both the production programme and the revenue of the transferred business remained the same as those of nchz. more than 95 % of nchz's 1 412 employees were also transferred to fortischem. the employees were not made redundant and then rehired by fortischem, instead their employment contracts were simply transferred to fortischem. (153) slovakia argues that less than 60 % of the business was transferred, in particular because no immovable property was included. however, as explained above (see recital 134), fortischem leases the immovable property (land and buildings) necessary for the chemical production from via chem slovakia. apart from the immovable property, all other assets, rights and obligations related to the transferred business were taken over by fortischem. fortischem thus runs the business of nchz and continues with the same product portfolio. (154) in addition, fortischem also kept the existing nchz management. for example, the ceo of nchz before the transfer of the business has become the chairman of the board of directors of fortischem. (155) at the time of the acquisition of the nchz business, fortischem also publicly announced in the press that it did not plan any major changes as regards staff or production and that it would keep the existing management (34). (156) therefore, as regards the scope of the transaction, fortischem effectively took over all the economic activities of nchz, together with all the associated assets, rights and obligations. the fact that part of the assets are used on the basis of a lease contract rather than direct ownership does not change the fact that fortischem simply continues with the economic activities of nchz in the same scope as before the transaction. (157) in addition, the two interested parties that submitted comments also claim that fortischem continues to behave in the same way as nchz did, offering the same portfolio of products on the same geographic markets and that the only visible change is the change of name. (158) therefore, fortischem continues the business of nchz without any major changes in commercial, staff or production policy. 5.7.3. identity of the owners (159) where the owners of an acquiring company are the same as those of the selling company, this would be a strong indication of economic continuity. (160) in this case, the commission was not able to collect any evidence that would confirm the claims of the complainant that there are links between the original and the new final owners of the nchz business. while the direct owners are different, it is not possible to verify from independent and reliable sources who the ultimate owners are behind some of the cyprus-based direct or indirect parent companies. (161) however, the slovak authorities submitted sworn statements by energochemica, the current parent company of fortischem, declaring that the owners of fortischem are not in any way related to the former owners of nchz. (162) in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, the commission presumes that there are no links between the original and the new owners of the nchz business transferred to fortischem. 5.7.4. timing of the sale (163) the sale took place after the commission had opened the preliminary investigation into the complaint and forwarded the complaint for comments to the state. therefore, at least the slovak state was aware that there was a possibility that the measures in question could constitute illegal and incompatible aid which would need to be recovered. 5.7.5. economic logic of the operation (164) the purpose of the economic logic criterion is to verify whether the acquirer of the assets uses them in the same way as the seller or whether, on the contrary, it integrates the assets into its own commercial strategy and thus realises synergies justifying its interest in acquiring these assets. (165) the acquisition by fortischem involved the whole chemical division of nchz, i.e. the main part of nchz's business as a going concern, together with more than 95 % of the employees and related rights and obligations. as demonstrated above, the production portfolio and the scope of activities of fortischem are identical to those of nchz. (166) fortischem also publicly announced in the press that it did not plan any major changes to the way the nchz business operated and to its scope of activities (35). even though fortischem forms part of a larger group of companies, in the energochemica group, there do not seem to be any major synergy effects with other members of the group. even though some of them are also active in the chemical industry, their area of activity is different (light stabilisers, phenolic resins, detergents etc.), and consequently there does not seem to be any major connection with the activities of fortischem. (167) therefore, there was no change in the commercial strategy and fortischem simply uses the assets in the same way as the seller. 5.7.6. conclusion on economic continuity between nchz and the economic activities acquired and operated by fortischem (168) overall, it appears that the only changes concern the name of the company and the legal entity to which it belongs. article 1.2 of the tender conditions stipulates that nchz is intended to be sold in its entirety as a set of tangible and intangible assets together with its staff. article 3.1 of the sales agreement between via chem slovakia and nchz dated 16 january 2012 states that the going concern being transferred according to this agreement includes all immovable assets, movable assets, other rights and property values that: (i) serve the operation of the going concern or, owing to their nature, are meant to serve such purpose, and (ii) as of the decisive date belong to the seller. furthermore, the acquirer continues with the production portfolio and commercial policy of nchz. finally, the price paid for the nchz business probably does not constitute a market price. (169) therefore, the commission concludes that there is economic continuity between nchz and fortischem. (170) as a consequence of the above, the commission is of the view that the advantage granted by slovakia to nchz constitutes unlawful and incompatible state aid, and that the recovery of this incompatible state aid granted to nchz is to be extended also to the new owner of the business. with its continuous operational presence in the market, fortischem continues to benefit from the state aid that was received for nchz's economic activities and continues to distort the market. 6. conclusion (171) the commission concludes that the decision of the slovak government to declare nchz a strategic company under the act, thereby sheltering it from the normal application of bankruptcy law, constituted state aid within the meaning of article 107(1) of the treaty. (172) the commission also finds that such aid was unlawfully granted in breach of the notification and standstill obligation provided for by article 108(3) of the treaty on the functioning of the european union. (173) finally, the commission concludes that such aid is incompatible with the internal market, because the relevant conditions of the 2004 rescue and restructuring guidelines were not met and no other compatibility grounds were identified. (174) this aid has to be recovered from nchz and the recovery order should also be extended to fortischem, which has an economic continuity link with nchz, has adopted this decision: article 1 the state aid of eur 4 783 424,10 provided to nchz by declaring it a strategic company in line with the strategically important companies act, thereby sheltering it from the normal application of bankruptcy law, was unlawfully put into effect by slovakia in breach of article 108(3) of the treaty on the functioning of the european union and is incompatible with the internal market. article 2 the decision to allow continued operation of nchz after the expiry of the act on the basis of the decision of the creditors' committee did not constitute state aid within the meaning of article 107(1) tfeu. article 3 1. slovakia shall recover the incompatible aid referred to in article 1 from nchz. 2. in view of the economic continuity between nchz and fortischem, the obligation to repay the aid should also be extended to fortischem. 3. the sums to be recovered shall bear interest from the date on which they were put at the disposal of nchz until their actual recovery. 4. the interest shall be calculated on a compound basis in accordance with chapter v of commission regulations (ec) no 794/2004 (36) and (ec) no 271/2008 (37) amending regulation (ec) no 794/2004. article 4 1. recovery of the aid referred to in article 1 shall be immediate and effective. 2. slovakia shall ensure that this decision is implemented within four months following the date of notification of this decision. article 5 1. within two months following notification of this decision, slovakia shall submit the following information: a) the total amount (principal and recovery interest) to be recovered from the beneficiaries; b) a detailed description of the measures already taken or planned to be taken to comply with this decision; c) documents demonstrating that the beneficiary has been ordered to repay the aid. 2. slovakia shall keep the commission informed of the progress of the national measures taken to implement this decision until recovery of the aid referred to in article 1 has been completed. it shall immediately submit, at the request of the commission, information on the measures already taken and planned to be taken to comply with this decision. it shall also provide detailed information concerning the amounts of aid and recovery interest already recovered from the beneficiaries. article 6 this decision is addressed to the slovak republic. done at brussels, 15 october 2014. for the commission joaqu n almunia vice-president (1) commission decision c(2013) 3555 final of 2 july 2013 (oj c 297, 12.10.2013, p. 85). (2) the complainant asked for its identity not to be disclosed. (3) see footnote 1. (4) the owner of the company was disor holdings limited, a company with no declared business activity registered in cyprus whose ultimate owners are not publicly known. (5) the fine was imposed by commission decision of 22 july 2009 in case comp/39.396 calcium carbide and magnesium based reagents for the steel and gas industries (oj c 301, 11.12.2009, p. 18). (6) according to the applicable rules, members of the creditors' committee are non-secured creditors elected at the meeting of all creditors where the votes of each creditor correspond to the amount of its claims. (7) confidential information. (8) z kon . 7/2005 z.z. z 9. decembra 2004 o konkurze a re trukturaliz cii a o zmene a doplnen niektor ch z konov [act no 7/2005 of 9 december 2004 on bankruptcy and restructuring and amending certain acts]. (9) explanatory memorandum to government decision no 534/2009 of 2 december 2009 proclaiming nchz a strategic company. (10) the private members of the creditors' committee were invest kredit, s.r.o. (owned by disor holdings limited, the sole shareholder of nchz); nov ck energetika, a.s. (originally a subsidiary of nchz, the majority shareholder since january 2011 being stupefy holdings limited); m-energo, s.r.o. (majority shareholder stupefy holdings limited) and dak kiaba, s.r.o. (11) obchodn vestn k [commercial gazette] no 37b, 23 february 2011. (12) the social insurance company was not a secured creditor because the liabilities towards it were incurred only after the beginning of the bankruptcy proceedings. (13) all figures are rounded. (14) judgment of 5 june 2012, commission v edf, c-124/10, ecli:eu:c:2012:318, paragraphs 83-85 and 105; judgment of 16 may 2002, france v commission, c-482/99, ecli:eu:c:2002:294, paragraphs 71 and 72; judgment of 30 april 1998, city flyer express ltd v commission, t-16/96, ecli:eu:t:1998:78, paragraph 76. (15) in this respect, see in particular case t-152/99, hijos de andr s molina, sa (hamsa) v commission, ecli:eu:t:2002:188, paragraph 157. (16) this amount corresponds to the outstanding debts due to public creditors on 31 december 2009. the slovak authorities claim that there is no precise information on the amounts on the exact date when nchz was declared to be a strategic company. therefore, the figure is the most precise available estimate (and a rather conservative one) of the amount of outstanding liabilities at the beginning of the application of the act. (17) this amount corresponds to the outstanding debts due to public creditors on 31 december 2010. the slovak authorities claim that there is no precise information of the amounts on the exact date when nchz ceased to be a strategic company under the act. therefore, the figure is the most precise available estimate (and a rather conservative one) of the amount of outstanding liabilities at the end of the application of the act. (18) case c-364/90, italy v commission, ecli:eu:c:1993:157, paragraph 20. (19) oj c 244, 1.10.2004, p. 2. (20) see case c-70/72, commission v germany, ecli:eu:c:1973:87, paragraph 13. (21) see joined cases c-278/92, c-279/92 and c-280/92, spain v commission ecli:eu:c:1994:325, paragraph 75. (22) see case c-75/97, belgium v commission, ecli:eu:c:1999:311, paragraphs 64 and 65. (23) council regulation (ec) no 659/1999 of 22 march 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of article 93 of the ec treaty (oj l 83, 27.3.1999, p. 1). (24) judgment of the general court of 28 march 2012, ryanair ltd v european commission; case t-123/09, paragraph 155. (25) judgment of the court of 8 may 2003, italian republic and sim 2 multimedia spa v commission of the european communities, joined cases c-328/99 and c-399/00. (26) commission decision of 17 september 2008, state aid n 321/08, n 322/08 and n 323/08 greece vente de certains actifs d'olympic airlines/olympic airways services; commission decision of 12 november 2008 state aid n 510/2008 italy sale of assets of alitalia; commission decision of 4 april 2012 sa.34547 france reprise des actifs du groupe sernam dans le cadre de son redressement judiciaire. (27) judgment of the general court of 28 march 2012 in case t-123/09, ryanair ltd v commission. (28) see in particular recitals 25 29 of the merger approval decision (decision no 2012/fh/3/1/032) available at http://www.antimon.gov.sk/2012fh31032/. (29) see the presentation of the bankruptcy administrator of 26 october 2009nov ck chemick z vody, a.s. prezent cia spr vcu, slides 4 and 5. (30) see www.fortischem.sk. (31) see slide 5 of the presentation of the bankruptcy administrator of 26 october 2009nov ck chemick z vody, a.s. prezent cia spr vcu. (32) see 2013 annual report of energochemica group, of which fortischem is the largest member, http://www.energochemica.eu/data/files/vyrocka_ech_2013.pdf. (33) see, for example, the economic analysis produced by the administrator in december 2010, page 3 (see recital 106). (34) see, for example, the article nov cku chemi ku bude prev dzkova spolo nos fortischem [nchz to be operated by fortischem] of 2 august 2012, published on webnoviny: http://www.webnoviny.sk/ekonomika/novacku-chemicku-bude-prevadzkovat-s/526742-clanok.html (35) see footnote 31. (36) commission regulation (ec) no 794/2004 of 21 april 2004 implementing council regulation (ec) no 659/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of article 93 of the ec treaty (oj l 140, 30.4.2004, p. 1). (37) commission regulation (ec) no 271/2008 of 30 january 2008 amending regulation (ec) no 794/2004 implementing council regulation (ec) no 659/1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of article 93 of the ec treaty (oj l 82, 25.3.2008, p. 1).
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1849 of 13 october 2015 on measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the union of harmful organisms as regards certain vegetables originating in ghana (notified under document c(2015) 6858) type: decision_impl subject matter: tariff policy; agricultural policy; plant product; trade policy; agricultural activity; international trade; africa; trade date published: 2015-10-15 15.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 268/33 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1849 of 13 october 2015 on measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the union of harmful organisms as regards certain vegetables originating in ghana (notified under document c(2015) 6858) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 2000/29/ec of 8 may 2000 on protective measures against the introduction into the community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the community (1), and in particular the third sentence of article 16(3), thereof, whereas: (1) plant health checks carried out by member states on consignments of certain plants and plant products originating in ghana revealed that a high number of these plants and plant products were infested with harmful organisms, mainly non-european tephritidae, like ceratitis cosyra (walker), thrips palmi karny or bemisia tabaci (genn.). the number of consignments from ghana intercepted with harmful organisms in the union has shown a significant upward trend since 2009. most of the interceptions concern plants other than seeds, of capsicum l., lagenaria ser., luffa mill., momordica l. and solanum l. other than s. lycopersicum l. (hereinafter the specified commodities). (2) audits carried out by the commission in ghana in 2012 and 2015 revealed shortcomings in the phytosanitary export certification system. despite assurances and action announced by the competent authorities of ghana, the number of interceptions increased further. (3) in the light of the outcome of those audits and the number of interceptions, the commission concluded that the current phytosanitary safeguards of ghana are insufficient to ensure that consignments of plants and plant products originating in ghana are free from harmful organisms or to avoid the risk of introduction of harmful organisms into the union through the import of the specified commodities. (4) measures should be taken to address the risk posed by the import into the union of the specified commodities. consequently, the introduction into the union of the specified commodities should be prohibited. (5) the measures should remain in place until 31 december 2016 in order to address the ongoing risk of introduction, while allowing ghana to upgrade its certification system. (6) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 the introduction into the territory of the union of plants other than seeds, of capsicum l., lagenaria ser., luffa mill., momordica l. and solanum l., other than s. lycopersicum l. originating in ghana shall be prohibited. article 2 article 1 shall apply until 31 december 2016. article 3 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 13 october 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj l 169, 10.7.2000, p. 1.
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/1837 of 12 october 2015 on union support for the activities of the preparatory commission of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organisation (ctbto) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction type: decision subject matter: electrical and nuclear industries; european construction; international security; defence; international affairs; eu finance date published: 2015-10-13 13.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 266/83 council decision (cfsp) 2015/1837 of 12 october 2015 on union support for the activities of the preparatory commission of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organisation (ctbto) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty of the european union, and in particular article 26(2) and article 31(1) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy, whereas: (1) on 12 december 2003, the european council adopted the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (the strategy), chapter iii of which contains a list of measures that need to be taken both within the union and in third countries to combat such proliferation. (2) the union is actively implementing the strategy and is giving effect to the measures listed in chapter iii thereof, in particular through releasing financial resources to support specific projects conducted by multilateral institutions, such as the provisional technical secretariat (pts) of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organisation (ctbto). (3) on 17 november 2003, the council adopted common position 2003/805/cfsp (1) on the universalisation and reinforcement of multilateral agreements in the field of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of delivery. that common position calls, inter alia, for the promotion of the signing and ratification of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty (ctbt). (4) the states signatories of the ctbt have decided to establish a preparatory commission, endowed with legal capacity, and which has standing as an international organisation, for the purpose of carrying out the effective implementation of the ctbt, pending the establishment of the ctbto. (5) the early entry into force and universalisation of the ctbt and the strengthening of the monitoring and verification system of the preparatory commission of the ctbto are important objectives of the strategy. in this context, the nuclear tests carried out by the democratic people's republic of korea in october 2006, may 2009 and february 2013 further underlined the importance of the early entry into force of the ctbt and the need for an accelerated building-up and strengthening of the ctbt monitoring and verification system. (6) the preparatory commission of the ctbto is engaged in identifying how its verification system could best be strengthened, including through the development of noble gas monitoring capabilities and efforts aimed at fully involving states signatories of the ctbt in the implementation of the verification regime. (7) in the framework of the implementation of the strategy, the council adopted three joint actions and two decisions on support for activities of the preparatory commission of the ctbto, namely joint action 2006/243/cfsp (2) in the area of training and capacity building for verification, and joint action 2007/468/cfsp (3), joint action 2008/588/cfsp (4), decision 2010/461/cfsp (5) and decision 2012/699/cfsp (6) in order to strengthen the monitoring and verification capabilities of the preparatory commission of the ctbto. (8) that union support should be continued. (9) the technical implementation of this decision should be entrusted to the preparatory commission of the ctbto which, on the basis of its unique expertise and capabilities through the network of the international monitoring system (ims), comprising over 280 facilities in about 85 countries, and the international data centre, is the sole international organisation having the ability and legitimacy to implement this decision. the projects as supported by the union can only be financed through an extra-budgetary contribution to the preparatory commission of the ctbto, has adopted this decision: article 1 1. for the purpose of ensuring the continuous and practical implementation of certain elements of the strategy, the union shall support the activities of the preparatory commission of the ctbto in order to further the following objectives: (a) to strengthen the capabilities of the ctbt monitoring and verification system, including in the field of radionuclide detection; (b) to strengthen the capabilities of the states signatories of the ctbt to fulfil their verification responsibilities under the ctbt and to enable them to benefit fully from participation in the ctbt regime. 2. the projects to be supported by the union shall have the following specific objectives: (a) to support the sustainment of the monitoring system in order to improve the detection of possible nuclear explosions, specifically by supporting: selected auxiliary seismic (as) stations and the global radio-xenon background characterisation and xenon mitigation; the enhancements of virtual data exploitation centre (vdec) administration and associated activities; the implementation of phase 2 of the international data centre (idc) seismic, hydro-acoustic and infrasound (shi) re-engineering programme; and the increasing test coverage for idc applications; (b) to strengthen the verification capabilities of the preparatory commission of the ctbto in the areas of on-site inspections, specifically by supporting the development of on-site inspection (osi) operational capabilities through expanding and complementing the technical capabilities of the osi multi-spectral and infrared (msir) system; (c) to support the promotion of the universalisation and entry into force of the ctbt and the long term sustainability of its verification regime through outreach and capacity building, including through providing support for training and workshops in south-east asia, the pacific and the far east (seapfe) and middle east and south asia (mesa) to promote effective participation in the ctbt; for the capacity building system maintenance; for outreach to the scientific and policy-making/diplomatic communities to increase awareness and understanding of the ctbt; and for consolidating and expanding the extended national data centre (ndc) in-a-box (ndc-in-a-box) offering/package. projects are also aimed at ensuring union visibility in providing support to the above mentioned activities and the proper programme management in the implementation of this decision. these projects shall be carried out for the benefit of all states signatories of the ctbt. a detailed description of the projects is set out in the annex. article 2 1. the high representative of the union for foreign affairs and security policy (the high representative) shall be responsible for the implementation of this decision. 2. the technical implementation of the projects referred to in article 1(2) shall be carried out by the preparatory commission of the ctbto. it shall perform this task under the control of the high representative. for this purpose, the high representative shall enter into the necessary arrangements with the preparatory commission of the ctbto. article 3 1. the financial reference amount for the implementation of the projects referred to in article 1(2) shall be eur 3 024 756. 2. the expenditure financed by the amount stipulated in paragraph 1 shall be managed in accordance with the procedures and rules applicable to the union budget. 3. the european commission shall supervise the proper management of the financial reference amount referred to in paragraph 1. for that purpose, it shall conclude a financing agreement with the preparatory commission of the ctbto. the financing agreement shall stipulate that the preparatory commission of the ctbto is to ensure visibility of the union contribution, commensurate with its size. 4. the european commission shall endeavour to conclude the financing agreement referred to in paragraph 3 as soon as possible after the entry into force of this decision. it shall inform the council of any difficulties in that process and of the date of conclusion of the financing agreement. article 4 1. the high representative shall report to the council on the implementation of this decision on the basis of regular reports prepared by the preparatory commission of the ctbto. those reports shall form the basis for the evaluation carried out by the council. 2. the european commission shall provide information on the financial aspects of the implementation of the projects referred to in article 1(2). article 5 this decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption. this decision shall expire 24 months after the date of the conclusion of the financing agreement referred to in article 3(3). however, it shall expire six months after its entry into force if no financing agreement has been concluded by that time. done at luxembourg, 12 october 2015. for the council the president f. mogherini (1) council common position 2003/805/cfsp of 17 november 2003 on the universalisation and reinforcement of multilateral agreements in the field of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of delivery (oj l 302, 20.11.2003, p. 34). (2) council joint action 2006/243/cfsp of 20 march 2006 on support for activities of the preparatory commission of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organisation (ctbto) in the area of training and capacity building for verification and in the framework of the implementation of the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (oj l 88, 25.3.2006, p. 68). (3) council joint action 2007/468/cfsp of 28 june 2007 on support for activities of the preparatory commission of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organisation (ctbto) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the eu strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (oj l 176, 6.7.2007, p. 31). (4) council joint action 2008/588/cfsp of 15 july 2008 on support for activities of the preparatory commission of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organisation (ctbto) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (oj l 189, 17.7.2008, p. 28). (5) council decision 2010/461/cfsp of 26 july 2010 on support for activities of the preparatory commission of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organisation (ctbto) in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (oj l 219, 20.8.2010, p. 7). (6) council decision 2012/699/cfsp of 13 november 2012 on the union support for the activities of the preparatory commission of the comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty organisation in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities and in the framework of the implementation of the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (oj l 314, 14.11.2012, p. 27). annex union support for the activities of the preparatory commission of the ctbto in order to strengthen its monitoring and verification capabilities, enhance the prospects for early entry into force and support the universalisation of the ctbt and in the framework of the implementation of the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction i. introduction 1. the building up of a well-functioning monitoring and verification system of the preparatory commission of the ctbto (the preparatory commission) is a crucial element for preparing the implementation of the ctbt once it will have entered into force. the development of the capabilities of the preparatory commission in the area of noble gas monitoring is an important tool for assessing whether an observed explosion is a nuclear test. in addition, the operability and performance of the ctbt monitoring and verification system depends on the contribution of all states signatories of the ctbt. therefore, it is important to enable states signatories of the ctbt to participate in and contribute fully to the ctbt monitoring and verification system. the work undertaken in implementing this decision will also be important for enhancing the prospect for early entry into force and the universalisation of the ctbt. the projects described in this decision will significantly contribute to achieving the objectives of the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. 2. to that end, the union will support the following nine projects: (a) sustaining ims as stations hosted in countries that need support; (b) global radio-xenon background characterisation project; (c) vdec administration and associated activities; (d) support for phase 2 idc shi re-engineering; (e) xenon mitigation; (f) increasing test coverage for idc applications; (g) hardware enhancements to the osi msir system; (h) training and workshops in seapfe and mesa, capacity building system maintenance and outreach to the scientific and policy-making/diplomatic communities; and (i) extended ndc-in-a-box. the prospects of entry into force of the ctbt have improved due to a more favourable political environment, which is also demonstrated by recent new signatures and ratifications of the ctbt, including by indonesia, one of the states listed in annex 2 to the ctbt. given this positive dynamic, in the coming years an increased and urgent focus needs to be put on both completing the build-up of the ctbt verification regime and ensuring its readiness and operational capability, as well as continuing work towards the entry into force and universalisation of the ctbt. the nuclear tests carried out by the democratic people's republic of korea in october 2006, may 2009 and february 2013 not only demonstrated the importance of a universal ban on nuclear tests, they also underscored the need for an effective verification regime to monitor compliance with such a ban. a fully operational and credible ctbt verification regime will provide the international community with reliable and independent means to ensure that this ban is respected. moreover, the ctbto data also play a crucial role in timely tsunami warning and the assessment of the dispersal of radioactive emissions after the fukushima nuclear accident of march 2011. supporting those projects reinforces the objectives of the common foreign and security policy. the implementation of those complex projects will contribute significantly to improving effective multilateral responses to current security challenges. in particular, those projects will further the objectives of the eu strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, including to further universalise and strengthen the norms contained in the ctbt as well as its verification regime. the preparatory commission is building an ims to ensure that no nuclear explosion goes undetected. based on its unique expertise through a worldwide ims as network, comprising over 280 facilities in 85 countries, and the idc, the preparatory commission is the sole organisation with the capacity to implement those projects, which can only be financed through an extra-budgetary contribution to the preparatory commission. in joint action 2006/243/cfsp, joint action 2007/468/cfsp, joint action 2008/588/cfsp, decision 2010/461/cfsp and decision 2012/699/cfsp, the union has supported the establishment of an e-learning training program, the integrated field exercise 2008 in respect of osi and the integrated field exercise 2014 (ife14), radio-xenon assessment and measurement, characterisation and mitigation, technical assistance and capacity building, developing capacity for future generations of ctbt experts, enhancing the atmospheric transport model (atm), as stations, strengthening cooperation with the scientific community, strengthening the osi capabilities with the development of a noble gas detection system, and the pilot project to support the participation of experts from developing countries in technical and policy making meetings of the preparatory commission. the projects under this decision build upon the previous joint action projects and progress achieved through their implementation. the projects under this decision are such as to avoid any potential overlaps with decision 2012/699/cfsp. some of the projects under this decision contain elements that are similar to activities undertaken under previous joint actions, but differ in material scope or target different recipient countries or regions. in addition to other voluntary contributions and contributions-in-kind received by the ctbto in support of its activities from donors, such as eu and non-eu states, institutions, and others, the nine projects, mentioned above, in support of activities of the preparatory commission will be implemented and managed by the pts. ii. description of the projects heading 1: sustainment of the monitoring system this heading consists of the following six components: : component 1 : sustainment of ims as stations hosted in countries that need support. : component 2 : global radio-xenon background characterisation project : component 3 : vdec administration and associated activities : component 4 : support for phase 2 idc shi re-engineering : component 5 : xenon mitigation : component 6 : increasing test coverage for idc applications component 1: sustainment of ims as stations hosted in countries that need support 1. background this project is to continue to provide assistance to local authorities to improve the operation and sustainability of certified stations in the ims as network that are hosted by countries that need support. 2. project scope meeting the high level of data quality and availability mandated for ims as stations poses significant challenges to some countries. detailed assessments of specific local conditions, targeted improvements of station infrastructure (given past operational experience), resolving impending obsolescence issues, and assisting in setting up appropriate internal arrangements and agreements to support operations and maintenance will improve overall station sustainability and help the local station operator to ensure the required station performance in the future. work under this project would therefore consist, inter alia, of continuing to collect the necessary facts and reviewing sustainability conditions for those facilities of the as network targeted within this project, station visits including system calibrations, minor repairs, and operator training, additional training to local station operators, infrastructure and security upgrades, upgrades of backup power systems and upgrade or replacement of obsolete equipment. in addition, within this project, a series of targeted visits to the local authorities of as host countries will also continue to be undertaken to raise awareness and acknowledgement of their ims facilities operation and maintenance responsibilities under the ctbt, to assess current arrangements for station operation and maintenance, and encourage establishment or improvements to the national support structure and resources as required. 3. benefits and outcome maintain and improve data availability for as stations. component 2: global radio-xenon background characterisation project 1. background the preparatory commission measures radio-xenon in the environment with very sensitive systems as an important part of the ctbt verification regime. with the contribution received from the union within the framework of joint action 2008/588/cfsp, the ctbto has purchased two transportable systems for measuring the noble gas radioisotopes, 133xe, 135xe, 133mxe and 131mxe. those systems have been used to measure the radio-xenon background in indonesia, japan and kuwait. for this purpose cooperation agreements with partner institutes have been established. 2. project scope to continue those measurement campaigns, funds are required for the shipment of the mobile noble gas systems to new locations, and to run the systems in a single location for at least 12 months to cover seasonal variation. the location in kuwait is in the middle of a void of ims noble gas measurement systems. the portable station in kuwait has great importance from a network coverage point of view in the persian gulf area. since this location provides considerable information on the characterisation of the global xenon background, the objective is first to extend the measurement campaigns in kuwait during the implementation period of this project. the other system will start taking measurements under decision 2012/699/cfsp in manado, indonesia. the extension of the measurement campaign would allow characterisation of this location throughout an entire 12-month cycle covering all seasonal conditions. after the end of this campaign, the ctbto is planning to perform additional measurements in areas where the global radio-xenon background is not fully known and understood. preferred locations are equatorial sites in latin america, asia and africa. 3. benefits and outcome the benefits are a better understanding of the global noble gas background variation, and better coverage of the noble gas monitoring network. following these measurement campaigns, the systems will be available for use by the ctbto for follow-up studies of the noble gas background on different geographical scales and as backup and/or training systems. component 3: vdec administration and associated activities. 1. background the idc maintains the vdec, which allows external researchers, ndcs, and pts contractors to access ims data, idc products and idc software. the vdec was established under decision 2010/461/cfsp. 2. project scope the objective is to continue to support vdec as a platform for collaborative research using ims data and idc products and software. 3. benefits and outcome the vdec supports research and development in advanced technologies for monitoring under the ctbt. in doing so, it provides opportunities for research by young scientists and engineers, as well as for researchers in less developed countries, where there are fewer resources. component 4: support for phase 2 idc shi re-engineering 1. background based on an initial phase to re-engineer selected parts of the shi system, and taking advantage of a significant contribution-in-kind from the usa, the pts has begun a so-called phase 2 idc shi re-engineering programme. the goal of this programme is to develop a comprehensive software architecture to guide projects for new development and updates to the existing software over the next 5 to 7 years. the phase 2 re-engineering programme is divided again into several shorter phases following the rational unified process for software development (rup). the initial rup phase, known as the inception phase was scheduled for completion in 2014, with system requirements and system specifications documents completed. the next rup phase, elaboration, will go through 2016 and into 2017 and involve the development of a software architecture design and sufficient prototype development to mitigate the highest risks identified in the design. a key objective of specifying an overarching software architecture is to allow the pts to prioritise sustainment activities. although the contribution-in-kind from the usa is a significant part of this project, it is imperative that all ctbto member states be involved in the process. this will be achieved by regular briefings to the working groups and through technical meetings. 2. project scope the objective is to: (1) support two technical meetings on software engineering; and (2) provide contracted services/short-term staff appointment for prototype development. 3. benefits and outcome the overarching objective of this project is to provide a more modern and adaptable framework for software development and maintenance for the next 20 years. the result should be a system and support organisation that is more resilient to change and less expensive to operate and maintain. component 5: xenon mitigation 1. background the preparatory commission measures radio-xenon in the environment with very sensitive noble gas systems as an important part of the ctbt verification regime. current radio-xenon emissions from radiopharmaceutical production facilities (rpfs) significantly affect background levels at noble gas stations of the ctbto ims. with the contribution received from the union within the framework of decision 2012/699/cfsp, the ctbto has contracted a study for developing a technical solution which can be used for reducing radio-xenon emissions from rpfs. the study was carried out by sck cen, belgium and allowed the development of a trap system prototype based on silver zeolite material which demonstrated promising results. 2. project scope in order to support ongoing efforts for xenon mitigation and as a follow up to the outcomes of work carried out under decision 2012/699/cfsp, funds are required for further development of the xenon trap system with the following key objectives: (a) carrying out a scaling-up study of the silver zeolites based trap prototype developed by sck cen, belgium, under decision 2012/699/cfsp, under a wider range of operational conditions with the aim to further assess system performance. (b) extending the testing to additional rpfs through specific design studies and demonstration exercises in various operational environments. the upcoming kaeri rpf in busan, korea is a suitable candidate for hosting such studies in cooperation with sck cen, belgium. (c) assessing the long-term behaviour of selected materials in terms of resistance to high level of irradiation in real operational environment. this will be carried out as part of testing under operational conditions. (d) integration of high performance stack monitoring systems at rpfs will allow high quality stack release data to be generated and shared with the ctbto and states signatories of the ctbt. detection systems will be based on high purity germanium detectors with high performance for radio-xenon analysis at different activity levels. (e) development of improved atm tools for reliable assessment of radio-xenon emissions from rpfs on ims stations. the tools will be used by the ctbto and made available to states signatories of the ctbt to allow independent assessment based on stack monitoring data. the tools will also support configurable configuration of the ims noble gas network. 3. benefits and outcome full scale testing of xenon reduction systems under various operational conditions will allow a final design of a concrete technical solution for mitigating xenon emissions from rpfs. the improved performance of the ims noble gas network will provide states signatories of the ctbt with monitoring data of higher quality in terms of ctbt verification value. component 6: increasing test coverage for idc applications 1. background unit, integration and regression testing represents a recurring, highly specialised and time consuming task within the maintenance of waveform and radionuclide applications at the idc. extensive testing is required as part of deploying a new operating system version, releasing a new version of an application or changing the configuration of existing software. as the software is quite complex, can be run in thousands of different configurations and often relies on both disk and database access to be able to perform, the development of tests is also complex. most testing so far has been done by having a domain expert run the software in common configurations, examine the results and compare them with previous and expected results. this manual process is seldom repeatable and relies heavily on the availability of human resources as well as on domain expertise. to address these problems, in november 2013 the preparatory commission started a project to identify and implement an open-source testing framework that would enable it to run tests in continuous automatic mode. this is a three-year contract that was initiated in november 2013 and is intended to end in november 2016. the preparatory commission has already contracted software development services for this work. union funds are intended to be used to cover the last optional extension, of this existing contract, that will run from january to november of 2016. the continuous automatic testing framework (cats) is intended to also facilitate creation and maintenance of test suites and to develop an initial set of integration tests for the automatic waveform processing components. the project is currently progressing as planned. the system requirements document has been completed and two open-source software packages (jenkins and fitnesse) have been identified that together satisfy the preparatory commission's requirements. 2. project scope the objective of this project is to follow-up on the implementation of cats by increasing code coverage through the development of unit, regression and integration tests in particular in the areas of waveform network processing, radionuclide software, and product and data dissemination. 3. benefits and outcome this work will help put in place repeatable quality control processes and will increase the efficiency of idc software deployment operations. this will result in higher quality automatic waveform and radionuclide software and ultimately in a better service to ctbto member states in particular with respect to dissemination of data, products and software. heading 2: hardware and software enhancements to the osi msir system 1. background the msir system, developed by the pts through funding under decision 2012/699/cfsp and complemented by a contribution-in-kind for ife14, has the capacity to acquire spectral information from an airborne platform over the range from the visible to the thermal infrared. the system is an arrangement of sensors on a stabilised base, supporting instruments as well as processing tools to extract osi-relevant information. furthermore, elements of the system including mission planning software, inertial measurement unit, system controller, auxiliary pilot and operator navigation system and video camera have been integrated and tested within the pts airborne gamma spectrometer system enabling the acquisition of data along predefined flight lines. these elements are also available for other osi airborne operations, including the initial overflight and the airborne magnetic survey. 2. project scope the objectives are to expand the capabilities of the msir system and, as a consequence, to enhance the ability of an inspection team to detect osi-relevant features. the msir system has been designed to be modular and additional components can be added as and when funds permit. testing by the pts has demonstrated the value of other msir sensors that would complement the existing system sensor array. this proposal seeks to complement the system through the addition of dedicated sensors: (a) multispectral sensor instrument testing by the pts using a contribution-in-kind system has demonstrated the value of acquiring data in discrete spectral bands in both the near and short wave infrared. in addition, detection capability in this part of the spectrum was highlighted as a key requirement of an airborne msir system by participants at two osi experts meetings in 2011 and 2012. as such, this element is a critical element of the proposal. the contribution-in-kind hardware used during ife14 is unavailable to the pts as a long term loan and, given the near year-round use of such devices, there is a low probability of receiving a similar device through a loan agreement from a state signatory of the ctbt. consequently, the proposal is to purchase an off-the-shelf multispectral instrument fully integrated with existing components that is capable of detecting osi-relevant features in the near and short-wave infrared. (b) distance measuring instrument as demonstrated during various field tests, a laser distance measuring instrument with scanning functionality installed on an airborne platform offers considerable advantages to an inspection team. currently, the msir system does not have the capability to generate terrain data but is well placed to deliver such data through the addition of a scanning laser distance measuring instrument. such an instrument would: enable the rapid generation of surface and terrain elevation data that may identify osi-relevant features obscured by vegetation; facilitate the correction of other msir data and facilitate the generation of orthorectified image products; enable the generation of 3d models further facilitating the decision-making process within the osi inspection team and supporting mission planning. in addition to serving the msir system, such an instrument could also be used as an auxiliary component of the radionuclide measurement system to provide accurate ground clearance data to correct gamma data acquired during overflights. such an instrument would be particularly valuable in an area of high relief (as experienced during ife14). 3. benefits and outcome a more efficient and effective msir system will enhance the work of inspectors during an osi. consequently, this supports union policy and the union's determination for the ctbt to enter into force. furthermore the project has the ability to complement and further enhance the airborne sensors industry in europe. several companies in the union provide products in this field. heading 3: outreach and country-level capacity building this heading consists of the following two components: component 1 : training and workshops in seapfe and mesa, capacity building system maintenance and outreach to the scientific and policy-making/diplomatic communities component 2 : extended ndc-in-a-box component 1: training and workshops in seapfe and mesa, capacity building system maintenance and outreach to the scientific and policy-making/diplomatic communities 1. background the pts has successfully worked to build capacity in supporting ndcs and authorised users in a systematic way in the regions of africa, latin america and the caribbean, eastern europe, and parts of seapfe. the positive results achieved have been greatly enhanced through union support. extending such country-level capacity building to more countries in seapfe and to the mesa regions would be a logical consequence. in addition, capacity building systems installed in a number of countries (40 systems, with 20 installations in preparation) are vital to maintaining capacity, but frequently suffer from technical difficulties, often due to harsh local climatic or infrastructural conditions. some degree of maintenance of these systems is necessary to attain the full benefits of country-level capacity building. expert-level interaction with the preparatory commission is a key means of maintaining both political support for, and technical expertise in, all aspects of the ctbt. a series of regular conferences and academic, diplomatic and scientific outreach events (such as the biennial ctbt science and technology conference, regional ctbt workshops and conferences, ctbt public policy courses, and scientist-to-scientist workshops) have served to build and maintain confidence in the verification regime and to highlight the importance of the ctbt as a cornerstone of the global non-proliferation and disarmament regime. these activities also provide a useful avenue for engaging the states listed in annex 2 to the ctbt but which have not ratified the ctbt with the aim of advancing the entry into force of the ctbt. 2. project scope this sub-project strengthens earlier efforts to build technical capacities at the country level by supporting training and workshops in the seapfe and mesa regions to promote effective ctbt participation by countries in those regions. special focus is put on training for radionuclide analysts based on the software added to the ndc-in-a-box in 2013. these two regions will receive appropriate attention when selecting recipients under the activities included in the ninth project on the extended ndc-in-a-box software and its core element, seiscomp3. one major objective of this is to support states signatories of the ctbt in integrating the processing of ims with national and regional seismic networks and merging of normal routine operations like local and regional seismic hazard monitoring with nuclear explosion monitoring by the establishments hosting ndcs. linkages with the other two sub-projects under this proposal will be sought, for example through use of appropriate common materials in training and workshops and the collection of lessons learned at country level. remedial technical support for capacity building systems that are effectively utilised at country level but which fail due to minor technical obstacles, including securing appropriate internet accessibility, will be provided. this sub-project will also increase awareness and understanding of the ctbt in the academic community and among policy practitioners and decision-makers, in particular within the states listed in annex 2 to the ctbt but which have not ratified the ctbt by offering courses and training programmes on ctbt issues, particularly on the scientific and technical aspects of the ctbt. developing countries and states listed in annex 2 to the ctbt but which have not ratified the ctbt will be specifically targeted, in line with the strategies of the pts for the entry into force and universalisation of the ctbt. 3. benefits and outcome the activities are in line with union objectives in promoting enhanced global security through increasing awareness and understanding of the ctbt and supporting common position 2003/805/cfsp, and through intensified outreach to states listed in annex 2 to the ctbt, country-level capacity building, including through take-up in the seapfe and mesa regions. component 2: extended ndc-in-a-box 1. background in 2013, the preparatory commission engaged in an effort to expand its current ndc-in-a-box offering with additional software, enabling users to more easily combine data from the ims network with data from local and national stations and also to significantly improve the ndcs' processing capability. as part of this effort, a license agreement was signed in december 2013 with the helmholtz-centre potsdam gfz german research centre for geosciences, enabling the preparatory commission to distribute the seiscomp3 software as part of the ndc-in-a-box offering to its authorised users for purposes of ims data processing and analysis. software development work for the first release of extended ndc-in-a-box to alpha testers has currently been completed and testing by ndcs is on-going. the framework of the extended ndc-in-a-box was discussed, requirements refined and considered acceptable by ndc representatives during the dpss sessions of the 2014 ndc workshop held in vienna (12 to 16 may). at the end of the project, the same ndc representatives, acting as alpha testers, will have the opportunity to test the new software distribution at their sites. interest from ctbto member states in requirements definition and testing has been overwhelming despite the time and equipment requirements placed upon ndc representatives that take part in the project. 2. project scope this sub-project will also consolidate the new extended ndc-in-a-box package to facilitate its adoption among ndcs while ensuring consistency with idc software re-engineering. this consists in the following components: (a) addressing feedback received during alpha testing by resolving identified problems and making small enhancements to the software as requested by alpha testers. the result of this work should be a first official release of the extended ndc-in-a-box distribution; and (b) addressing training needs among ndcs, in particular for the newly developed tools to be included in the extended ndc-in-a-box, and for the seiscomp3 package. this will be achieved through two ndc waveform analyst training courses and two training courses dedicated to seiscomp3 as well as through expert-in-the-field missions to ndcs in need of on-site support. 3. benefits and outcome the activities are in line with union objectives by promoting enhanced global security through increasing awareness and understanding of the ctbt and supporting common position 2003/805/cfsp, and through intensified outreach to states listed in annex 2 to the ctbt, country-level capacity building, including maintenance of capacity building systems as well as wider adoption of the ndc-in-a-box software. iii. duration the total estimated duration of the implementation of the projects is 24 months. iv. beneficiaries the beneficiaries of the projects to be supported pursuant to this decision are all the states signatories of the ctbt, as well as the preparatory commission. v. implementing entity the preparatory commission will be entrusted with the technical implementation of the projects. the projects will be implemented directly by staff of the preparatory commission, experts from the states signatories of the ctbt and contractors. it is envisaged that funding will be used to contract a project management consultant who will be responsible to: assist the preparatory commission in the implementation of this decision, of the reporting obligations during the entire implementation period, including the final narrative report and the final financial report; maintain an archive of all documents related to this decision, especially in view of possible verification missions; ensure union visibility in all its aspects; ensure that all activities involving finance, law and procurement are in line with the financing agreement referred to in article 3(3) of this decision; and ensure that all information, including budgetary information, is complete, accurate and provided in a timely manner. the implementation of the projects will be in accordance with the financial and administrative framework agreement (fafa) and the financing agreement, referred to in article 3(3) of this decision, to be concluded between the european commission and the preparatory commission. vi. third party participants experts from the preparatory commission and from the states signatories of the ctbt may be considered as third-party participants. they will work under the standard rules of operation for experts of the preparatory commission.
name: political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/1823 of 6 october 2015 on the appointment of the eu force commander for the european union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the somali coast (atalanta) and repealing decisions (cfsp) 2015/607 and (cfsp) 2015/1750 (atalanta/6/2015) type: decision subject matter: criminal law; eu institutions and european civil service; defence; european construction; africa date published: 2015-10-10 10.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 265/10 political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/1823 of 6 october 2015 on the appointment of the eu force commander for the european union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the somali coast (atalanta) and repealing decisions (cfsp) 2015/607 and (cfsp) 2015/1750 (atalanta/6/2015) the political and security committee, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 38 thereof, having regard to council joint action 2008/851/cfsp of 10 november 2008 on a european union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the somali coast (1), and in particular article 6 thereof, whereas: (1) pursuant to article 6(1) of joint action 2008/851/cfsp, the council authorised the political and security committee (psc) to take the relevant decisions on the appointment of the eu force commander for the european union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the somali coast (eu force commander). (2) on 15 april 2015, the psc adopted decision (cfsp) 2015/607 (2) appointing captain (navy) alfonso g mez fern ndez de c rdoba as eu force commander. (3) the eu operation commander has recommended the appointment of rear admiral stefano barbieri as the new eu force commander to succeed captain (navy) alfonso g mez fern ndez de c rdoba. (4) the eu military committee supports that recommendation. (5) on 29 september 2015, the psc adopted decision (cfsp) 2015/1750 (3) appointing rear admiral stefano barbieri as eu force commander as from 6 october 2015. (6) the date of the appointment should be modified. (7) decisions (cfsp) 2015/607 and (cfsp) 2015/1750 should therefore be repealed. (8) in accordance with article 5 of protocol no 22 on the position of denmark, annexed to the treaty on european union and to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, denmark does not participate in the elaboration and the implementation of decisions and actions of the union which have defence implications, has adopted this decision: article 1 rear admiral stefano barbieri is hereby appointed eu force commander for the european union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the somali coast (atalanta) as from 8 october 2015. article 2 decisions (cfsp) 2015/607 and (cfsp) 2015/1750 are hereby repealed. article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at brussels, 6 october 2015. for the political and security committee the chairperson w. stevens (1) oj l 301, 12.11.2008, p. 33. (2) political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/607 of 15 april 2015 on the appointment of the eu force commander for the european union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the somali coast (atalanta) and repealing decision (cfsp) 2015/102 (atalanta/3/2015) (oj l 100, 17.4.2015, p. 79). (3) political and security committee decision (cfsp) 2015/1750 of 29 september 2015 on the appointment of the eu force commander for the european union military operation to contribute to the deterrence, prevention and repression of acts of piracy and armed robbery off the somali coast (atalanta) and repealing decision (cfsp) 2015/607 (atalanta/5/2015) (oj l 256, 1.10.2015, p. 13).
name: council decision (eu) 2015/1796 of 1 october 2015 on the conclusion of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and european atomic energy community and the swiss confederation associating the swiss confederation to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation and the research and training programme of the european atomic energy community complementing horizon 2020, and regulating the swiss confederation's participation in the iter activities carried out by fusion for energy type: decision subject matter: cooperation policy; research and intellectual property; european construction; eu institutions and european civil service; european organisations; international affairs; electrical and nuclear industries; europe date published: 2015-10-08 8.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 263/8 council decision (eu) 2015/1796 of 1 october 2015 on the conclusion of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and european atomic energy community and the swiss confederation associating the swiss confederation to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation and the research and training programme of the european atomic energy community complementing horizon 2020, and regulating the swiss confederation's participation in the iter activities carried out by fusion for energy the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 186, in conjunction with article 218(6)(a), article 218(7) and the first subparagraph of article 218(8) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, having regard to the consent of the european parliament, whereas: (1) the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and european atomic energy community and the swiss confederation associating the swiss confederation to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation and the research and training programme of the european atomic energy community complementing horizon 2020, and regulating the swiss confederation's participation in the iter activities carried out by fusion for energy (the agreement), was signed on behalf of the union on 5 december 2014 in accordance with council decision 2014/953/eu (1). (2) the agreement was concluded by the european atomic energy community on 5 december 2014 in accordance with council decision 2014/954/euratom (2). (3) the agreement should be approved, has adopted this decision: article 1 the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and european atomic energy community and the swiss confederation associating the swiss confederation to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation and the research and training programme of the european atomic energy community complementing horizon 2020, and regulating the swiss confederation's participation in the iter activities carried out by fusion for energy is hereby approved on behalf of the union (3). article 2 the president of the council shall, on behalf of the union, give the notification provided for in the first subparagraph of article 15(1) of the agreement (4). article 3 the commission shall adopt the position to be taken on behalf of the union within the switzerland/communities research committee with regard to that committee's decisions taken pursuant to article 5(2) of the agreement. article 4 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at luxembourg, 1 october 2015. for the council the president . schneider (1) council decision 2014/953/eu of 4 december 2014 on the signing, on behalf of the european union, and provisional application of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and european atomic energy community and the swiss confederation associating the swiss confederation to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation and the research and training programme of the european atomic energy community complementing horizon 2020, and regulating the swiss confederation's participation in the iter activities carried out by fusion for energy (oj l 370, 30.12.2014, p. 1). (2) council decision 2014/954/euratom of 4 december 2014 approving the conclusion by the european commission, on behalf of the european atomic energy community, of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and european atomic energy community and the swiss confederation associating the swiss confederation to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation and the research and training programme of the european atomic energy community complementing horizon 2020, and regulating the swiss confederation's participation in the iter activities carried out by fusion for energy (oj l 370, 30.12.2014, p. 19). (3) the agreement has been published in oj l 370 of 30.12.2014 together with the decision on signature. (4) the date of entry into force of the agreement will be published in the official journal of the european union by the general secretariat of the council.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/1795 of 1 october 2015 on the conclusion of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and the faroe islands associating the faroe islands to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation (2014-2020) type: decision subject matter: international affairs; europe; cooperation policy; european construction; research and intellectual property date published: 2015-10-08 8.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 263/6 council decision (eu) 2015/1795 of 1 october 2015 on the conclusion of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and the faroe islands associating the faroe islands to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation (2014-2020) the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 186, in conjunction with article 218(6)(a) and the first subparagraph of article 218(8) thereof, having regard to the proposal from the european commission, having regard to the consent of the european parliament, whereas: (1) the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and the faroe islands associating the faroe islands to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation (2014-2020) (the agreement) was signed on behalf of the union on 17 december 2014 in accordance with council decision (eu) 2015/209 (1), subject to its conclusion at a later date. (2) the agreement should be approved, has adopted this decision: article 1 the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and the faroe islands associating the faroe islands to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation (2014-2020) is hereby approved on behalf of the union (2). article 2 the president of the council shall, on behalf of the union, give the notification provided for in article 5(2) of the agreement (3). article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the date of its adoption. done at luxembourg, 1 october 2015. for the council the president . schneider (1) council decision (eu) 2015/209 of 10 november 2014 on the signing, on behalf of the european union, and provisional application of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the european union and the faroe islands associating the faroe islands to horizon 2020 the framework programme for research and innovation (2014-2020) (oj l 35, 11.2.2015, p. 1)). (2) the agreement has been published in oj l 35 of 11.2.2015 together with the decision on signature. (3) the date of entry into force of the agreement will be published in the official journal of the european union by the general secretariat of the council.
name: council decision (eu) 2015/1792 of 5 october 2015 appointing five spanish members and five spanish alternate members of the committee of the regions type: decision subject matter: europe; eu institutions and european civil service date published: 2015-10-07 7.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 260/28 council decision (eu) 2015/1792 of 5 october 2015 appointing five spanish members and five spanish alternate members of the committee of the regions the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular article 305 thereof, having regard to the proposals of the spanish government, whereas: (1) on 26 january, on 5 february and on 23 june 2015, the council adopted decisions (eu) 2015/116 (1), (eu) 2015/190 (2) and (eu) 2015/994 (3) appointing the members and alternate members of the committee of the regions for the period from 26 january 2015 to 25 january 2020, (2) five members' seats on the committee of the regions have become vacant following the end of the term of office of ms rita barber nolla, ms yolanda barcina angulo, ms mar a dolores de cospedal garc a, mr ignacio gonz lez gonz lez and mr jos antonio monago terraza, (3) five alternate members' seats on the committee of the regions have become vacant following the end of the term of office of mr enrique barrasa s nchez, mr borja corominas fisas, ms teresa gim nez delgado de torres, ms mar a victoria palau t rrega and mr juan luis s nchez de muni in lacasa, has adopted this decision: article 1 the following are hereby appointed as members to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: d.a miren uxue barcos berruezo, presidenta de la comunidad foral de navarra d.a cristina cifuentes cuencas, presidenta de la comunidad de madrid d. guillermo fern ndez vara, presidente de la junta de extremadura d. emiliano garc a-page s nchez, presidente de la junta de comunidades de castilla-la mancha d. ximo puig i ferrer, presidente de la generalidad valenciana article 2 the following are hereby appointed as alternate members to the committee of the regions for the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 january 2020: d a rosa balas torres, directora general de acci n exterior de la junta de extremadura d a. elena cebri n calvo, consejera de agricultura, medio ambiente, cambio clim tico y desarrollo rural de la generalidad valenciana d. cruz fern ndez mariscal, director general de relaciones institucionales y asuntos europeos de la vicepresidencia de la junta de comunidades de castilla-la mancha d.a yolanda ibarrola de la fuente, directora general de asuntos europeos y cooperaci n con el estado de la comunidad aut noma de madrid d.a ana ollo hualde, consejera de relaciones ciudadanas e institucionales article 3 this decision shall enter into force on the day of its adoption. done at luxembourg, 5 october 2015. for the council the president n. schmit (1) oj l 20, 27.1.2015, p. 42. (2) oj l 31, 7.2.2015, p. 25. (3) oj l 159, 25.6.2015, p. 70
name: council decision (cfsp) 2015/1764 of 1 october 2015 amending decision 2014/512/cfsp concerning restrictive measures in view of russia's actions destabilising the situation in ukraine type: decision subject matter: europe; international affairs; international trade; international security date published: 2015-10-02 2.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 257/42 council decision (cfsp) 2015/1764 of 1 october 2015 amending decision 2014/512/cfsp concerning restrictive measures in view of russia's actions destabilising the situation in ukraine the council of the european union, having regard to the treaty on european union, and in particular article 29 thereof, whereas: (1) on 31 july 2014, the council adopted decision 2014/512/cfsp (1) concerning restrictive measures in view of russia's actions destabilising the situation in ukraine. (2) the council considers that those restrictive measures should not affect the european space industry. (3) therefore, certain operations concerning specific pyrotechnics referred to in the common military list of the european union (2), necessary for the use of launchers operated by launch service providers of member states or established in a member state, or for the use of launches of space programmes of the union, its member states or of the european space agency, or for the fuelling of satellites by satellites manufacturers established in a member state, should be permitted, has adopted this decision: article 1 decision 2014/512/cfsp is hereby amended as follows: (1) in article 2, the following paragraphs are added: 5. the prohibitions in paragraphs 1 and 3 shall not apply to: (a) the sale, supply, transfer or export and to the import, purchase or transport of hydrazine (cas 302-01-2) in concentrations of 70 per cent or more; (b) the import, purchase or transport of unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (cas 57-14-7); (c) the sale, supply, transfer or export and to the import, purchase or transport of monomethyl hydrazine (cas 60-34-4); for use of launchers operated by european launch service providers, or for the use of launches of european space programmes, or for the fuelling of satellites by european satellites manufacturers. the amount of any export of hydrazine shall be calculated in accordance with the launch or launches or the satellites for which it is made and shall not exceed a total quantity of 800 kg for each individual launch or satellite. the amount of any export of monomethyl hydrazine shall be calculated in accordance with the launch or launches or the satellites for which it is made. 6. the prohibitions in paragraph 2 shall not apply to the provision of technical assistance, brokering services or other services, and to the provision of financing or financial assistance, related to the operations referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 5. 7. the operations referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 5 and in paragraph 6 shall be subject to prior authorisation by the competent authorities of the member states. member states shall duly inform the council in all cases where they grant an authorisation. the information shall include the details of the amounts transferred and of the end-use.; (2) in article 9(1) the following subparagraph is added: article 2(6) shall apply from 9 october 2015. article 2 this decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at luxembourg, 1 october 2015. for the council the president e. schneider (1) decision 2014/512/cfsp of 31 july 2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of russia's actions destabilising the situation in ukraine (oj l 229, 31.7.2014, p. 13). (2) oj c 129, 21.4.2015, p. 1.
name: commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1765 of 30 september 2015 amending annexes i and ii to decision 2004/558/ec as regards the infectious bovine rhinotracheitis-free status of the federal state of baden-w rttemberg of germany and of the region valle d'aosta of italy (notified under document c(2015) 6572) (text with eea relevance) type: decision_impl subject matter: health; regions of eu member states; agricultural policy; trade policy; agricultural activity; means of agricultural production; tariff policy date published: 2015-10-02 2.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 257/44 commission implementing decision (eu) 2015/1765 of 30 september 2015 amending annexes i and ii to decision 2004/558/ec as regards the infectious bovine rhinotracheitis-free status of the federal state of baden-w rttemberg of germany and of the region valle d'aosta of italy (notified under document c(2015) 6572) (text with eea relevance) the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council directive 64/432/eec of 26 june 1964 on animal health problems affecting intra-community trade in bovine animals and swine (1), and in particular article 9(2) and 10(2) thereof, whereas: (1) directive 64/432/eec lays down rules for trade within the union in bovine animals. article 9 thereof provides that a member state which has a compulsory national control programme for one of the contagious diseases listed in annex e(ii) thereto, may submit its programme to the commission for approval. that list includes infectious bovine rhinotracheitis. infectious bovine rhinotracheitis is the description of the most prominent clinical signs of the infection with the bovine herpesvirus type 1 (bhv1). article 9 of directive 64/432/eec also provides for the definition of the additional guarantees which may be required in intra-union trade. (2) in addition, article 10 of directive 64/432/eec provides that where a member state considers that its territory or part thereof is free from one of the diseases listed in annex e(ii) to that directive, it is to present appropriate supporting documentation to the commission. that article also provides for the definition of the additional guarantees which may be required in intra-union trade. (3) commission decision 2004/558/ec (2) approves the programmes for the control and eradication of bhv1 presented by the member states listed in annex i thereto for the regions listed in that annex and for which additional guarantees apply in accordance with article 9 of directive 64/432/eec. (4) in addition, annex ii to decision 2004/558/ec lists the regions of the member states that are considered free of bhv1 and to which additional guarantees apply in accordance with article 10 of directive 64/432/eec. (5) all regions of germany, with the exception of the federal states of bavaria, thuringia, saxony, saxony-anhalt, brandenburg, berlin and mecklenburg-western pomerania are currently listed in annex i to decision 2004/558/ec. those federal states are free of bhv1 and are therefore listed in annex ii to that decision. (6) germany has submitted to the commission supporting documentation for the federal state of baden-w rttemberg to be considered free of bhv1 and for the additional guarantees in accordance with article 10 of directive 64/432/eec. (7) following the evaluation of the supporting documentation submitted by germany, the federal state of baden-w rttemberg should no longer be listed in annex i to decision 2004/558/ec, but instead be listed in annex ii thereto and the application of the additional guarantees in accordance with article 10 of directive 64/432/eec should be extended to it. annexes i and ii to decision 2004/558/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (8) the region valle d'aosta in italy is currently listed in annex i to decision 2004/558/ec. (9) italy has submitted to the commission supporting documentation for the region valle d'aosta to be considered free of bhv1 and for the additional guarantees in accordance with article 10 of directive 64/432/eec. (10) following the evaluation of the supporting documentation submitted by italy, the region valle d'aosta should no longer be listed in annex i to decision 2004/558/ec, but instead be listed in annex ii thereto and the application of the additional guarantees in accordance with article 10 of directive 64/432/eec should be extended to it. annexes i and ii to decision 2004/558/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (11) decision 2004/558/ec should therefore be amended accordingly. (12) the measures provided for in this decision are in accordance with the opinion of the standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed, has adopted this decision: article 1 annexes i and ii to decision 2004/558/ec are replaced by the text in the annex to this decision. article 2 this decision is addressed to the member states. done at brussels, 30 september 2015. for the commission vytenis andriukaitis member of the commission (1) oj 121, 29.7.1964, p. 1977/64. (2) commission decision 2004/558/ec of 15 july 2004 implementing council directive 64/432/eec as regards additional guarantees for intra-community trade in bovine animals relating to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and the approval of the eradication programmes presented by certain member states (oj l 249, 23.7.2004, p. 20). annex annex i member states regions of member states to which the additional guarantees for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis apply in accordance with article 9 of directive 64/432/eec belgium all regions czech republic all regions germany the federal states of: bremen hamburg hesse lower saxony north rhine-westphalia rhineland-palatinate saarland schleswig-holstein italy region friuli-venezia giulia autonomous province of trento annex ii member states regions of member states to which the additional guarantees for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis apply in accordance with article 10 of directive 64/432/eec denmark all regions germany the federal states of: baden-w rttemberg bavaria berlin brandenburg mecklenburg-western pomerania saxony saxony-anhalt thuringia italy region valle d'aosta autonomous province of bolzano austria all regions finland all regions sweden all regions
name: commission decision (eu) 2015/1753 of 30 september 2015 on confirming the participation of italy in enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection type: decision subject matter: research and intellectual property; european union law; europe; european construction date published: 2015-10-01 1.10.2015 en official journal of the european union l 256/19 commission decision (eu) 2015/1753 of 30 september 2015 on confirming the participation of italy in enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection the european commission, having regard to the treaty on the functioning of the european union, and in particular articles 328(1) and 331(1) thereof, having regard to council decision 2011/167/eu of 10 march 2011 authorising enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection (1), having regard to the notification by italy of its intention to participate in enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection, whereas: (1) on 10 march 2011, the council decided to authorise enhanced cooperation between austria, belgium, bulgaria, the czech republic, cyprus, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, ireland, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, malta, the netherlands, poland, portugal, romania, slovakia, slovenia, sweden and the united kingdom in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection. (2) on 17 december 2012, the european parliament and the council adopted regulation (eu) no 1257/2012 (2). (3) on 17 december 2012, the council adopted regulation (eu) no 1260/2012 (3). (4) italy has notified its intention to participate in enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection by letter dated 2 july 2015, which the commission registered as received on 20 july 2015. (5) the commission notes that neither decision 2011/167/eu nor regulations (eu) no 1257/2012 and (eu) no 1260/2012 prescribe any particular conditions of participation in enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection and that italy's participation should strengthen the benefits of this enhanced cooperation, has adopted this decision: article 1 participation of italy in enhanced cooperation 1. the participation of italy in enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection authorised by decision 2011/167/eu is confirmed. 2. regulations (eu) no 1257/2012 and (eu) no 1260/2012 shall apply to italy in accordance with this decision. article 2 notification to be provided by italy 1. italy shall notify the commission of the measures adopted in accordance with article 9 of regulation (eu) no 1257/2012 by the date of application of that regulation. 2. italy shall notify the commission of the measures adopted in accordance with article 4(2) of regulation (eu) no 1257/2012 by the date of application of that regulation or in the case where the unified patent court does not have exclusive jurisdiction in italy with regard to european patents with unitary effect on the date of application of that regulation, by the date from which the unified patent court has such exclusive jurisdiction in italy. article 3 entry into force and date of application of regulations (eu) no 1257/2012 and (eu) no 1260/2012 in italy 1. regulations (eu) no 1257/2012 and (eu) no 1260/2012 shall enter into force in italy on the day following that of the publication of this decision in the official journal of the european union. 2. regulations (eu) no 1257/2012 and (eu) no 1260/2012 shall apply to italy on the date of the entry into force of the agreement on a unified patent court. article 4 entry into force this decision shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the official journal of the european union. done at brussels, 30 september 2015. for the commission the president jean-claude juncker (1) oj l 76, 22.3.2011, p. 53. (2) regulation (eu) no 1257/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 17 december 2012 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection (oj l 361, 31.12.2012, p. 1). (3) council regulation (eu) no 1260/2012 of 17 december 2012 implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection with regard to the applicable translation arrangements (oj l 361, 31.12.2012, p. 89).
name: decision (eu) 2015/1631 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the eighth, ninth and 10th european development funds for the financial year 2013 type: decision subject matter: eu finance; budget; cooperation policy date published: 2015-09-30 30.9.2015 en official journal of the european union l 255/142 decision (eu) 2015/1631 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the eighth, ninth and 10th european development funds for the financial year 2013 the european parliament, having regard to the financial statements and revenue and expenditure accounts for the eighth, ninth and 10th european development funds for the financial year 2013 (com(2014) 487 c8-0146/2014), having regard to the commission's annual report of 14 april 2014 on the financial management of the eighth, ninth and 10th european development funds for the financial year 2013, having regard to the financial information on the european development fund (com(2014) 350), having regard to the court of auditors' annual report on the activities funded by the eighth, ninth and 10th european development funds for the financial year 2013, together with the commission's replies (1), having regard to the statement of assurance (2) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the council's recommendations of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the commission in respect of the implementation of the operations of the european development funds for the financial year 2013 (05135/2015 c8-0050/2015, 05136/2015 c8-0051/2015, 05138/2015 c8-0052/2015), having regard to the commission's report on the follow-up to the discharge for the 2012 financial year (com(2014) 607), and to the accompanying commission staff working document (swd(2014) 285 and swd(2014) 286), having regard to the partnership agreement between the members of the african, caribbean and pacific group of states, of the one part, and the european community and its member states, of the other part, signed in cotonou on 23 june 2000 (3) and amended in ouagadougou, burkina faso, on 22 june 2010 (4), having regard to council decision 2001/822/ec of 27 november 2001 on the association of the overseas countries and territories with the european community (overseas association decision) (5), having regard to article 33 of the internal agreement of 20 december 1995 between the representatives of the governments of the member states, meeting within the council, on the financing and administration of the community aid under the second financial protocol to the fourth acp-ec convention (6), having regard to article 32 of the internal agreement of 18 september 2000 between representatives of the governments of the member states, meeting within the council, on the financing and administration of community aid under the financial protocol to the partnership agreement between the african, caribbean and pacific states and the european community and its member states signed in cotonou (benin) on 23 june 2000 and the allocation of financial assistance for the overseas countries and territories to which part four of the ec treaty applies (7), having regard to article 11 of the internal agreement of 17 july 2006 between the representatives of the governments of the member states, meeting within the council, on the financing of community aid under the multiannual financial framework for the period 2008 to 2013 in accordance with the acp-ec partnership agreement and on the allocation of financial assistance for the overseas countries and territories to which part four of the ec treaty applies (8), having regard to article 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to article 74 of the financial regulation of 16 june 1998 applicable to development finance cooperation under the fourth acp-ec convention (9), having regard to article 119 of the financial regulation of 27 march 2003 applicable to the 9th european development fund (10), having regard to article 142 of council regulation (ec) no 215/2008 of 18 february 2008 on the financial regulation applicable to the 10th european development fund (11), having regard to rule 93 and the third indent of rule 94 of, and annex v to, its rules of procedure, having regard to the report of the committee on budgetary control and the opinion of the committee on development (a8-0102/2015), 1. grants the commission discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the eighth, ninth and 10th european development funds for the financial year 2013; 2. sets out its observations in the resolution below; 3. instructs its president to forward this decision and the resolution forming an integral part of it to the council, the commission, the court of justice of the european union, the court of auditors and the european investment bank, and to arrange for their publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj c 398, 12.11.2014, p. 1. (2) oj c 401, 13.11.2014, p. 264. (3) oj l 317, 15.12.2000, p. 3. (4) oj l 287, 4.11.2010, p. 3. (5) oj l 314, 30.11.2001, p. 1, and oj l 324, 7.12.2001, p. 1. (6) oj l 156, 29.5.1998, p. 108. (7) oj l 317, 15.12.2000, p. 355. (8) oj l 247, 9.9.2006, p. 32. (9) oj l 191, 7.7.1998, p. 53. (10) oj l 83, 1.4.2003, p. 1. (11) oj l 78, 19.3.2008, p. 1.
name: decision (eu) 2015/1703 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the sesar joint undertaking for the financial year 2013 type: decision subject matter: budget; eu finance; eu institutions and european civil service; transport policy date published: 2015-09-30 30.9.2015 en official journal of the european union l 255/402 decision (eu) 2015/1703 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the sesar joint undertaking for the financial year 2013 the european parliament, having regard to the final annual accounts of the sesar joint undertaking for the financial year 2013, having regard to the court of auditors' report on the annual accounts of the sesar joint undertaking for the financial year 2013, together with the joint undertaking's replies (1), having regard to the statement of assurance (2) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the council's recommendation of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the joint undertaking in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 (05306/2015 c8-0049/2015), having regard to article 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 of 25 june 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (3), having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (4), and in particular article 208 thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 219/2007 of 27 february 2007 on the establishment of a joint undertaking to develop the new generation european air traffic management system (sesar) (5), and in particular article 4b thereof, having regard to commission regulation (ec, euratom) no 2343/2002 of 19 november 2002 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 185 of council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (6), having regard to commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1271/2013 of 30 september 2013 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 208 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (7), having regard to rule 94 of and annex v to its rules of procedure, having regard to the report of the committee on budgetary control and the opinion of the committee on transport and tourism (a8-0110/2015), 1. grants the executive director of the sesar joint undertaking discharge in respect of the implementation of the joint undertaking's budget for the financial year 2013; 2. sets out its observations in the resolution below; 3. instructs its president to forward this decision and the resolution forming an integral part of it to the executive director of the sesar joint undertaking, the council, the commission and the court of auditors, and to arrange for their publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj c 452, 16.12.2014, p. 58. (2) oj c 452, 16.12.2014, p. 59. (3) oj l 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. (4) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1. (5) oj l 64, 2.3.2007, p. 1. (6) oj l 357, 31.12.2002, p. 72. (7) oj l 328, 7.12.2013, p. 42.
name: decision (eu) 2015/1628 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013, section vii committee of the regions type: decision subject matter: eu finance; budget; eu institutions and european civil service date published: 2015-09-30 30.9.2015 en official journal of the european union l 255/131 decision (eu) 2015/1628 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013, section vii committee of the regions the european parliament, having regard to the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013 (1), having regard to the consolidated annual accounts of the european union for the financial year 2013 (com(2014) 510 c8-0152/2014) (2), having regard to the court of auditors' annual report on the implementation of the budget concerning the financial year 2013, together with the institutions' replies (3), having regard to the statement of assurance (4) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to article 314(10) and articles 317, 318 and 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 of 25 june 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (5), having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (6), and in particular articles 55, 99, 164, 165 and 166 thereof, having regard to rule 94 of and annex v to its rules of procedure, having regard to the report of the committee on budgetary control (a8-0105/2015), 1. grants the secretary-general of the committee of the regions discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the committee of the regions for the financial year 2013; 2. sets out its observations in the resolution below; 3. instructs its president to forward this decision and the resolution forming an integral part of it to the european council, the council, the commission, the court of justice of the european union, the court of auditors, the european external action service, the european economic and social committee, the committee of the regions, the european ombudsman and the european data protection supervisor, and to arrange for their publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj l 66, 8.3.2013. (2) oj c 403, 13.11.2014, p. 1. (3) oj c 398, 12.11.2014, p. 1. (4) oj c 403, 13.11.2014, p. 128. (5) oj l 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. (6) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1.
name: decision (eu) 2015/1676 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on the closure of the accounts of the european training foundation for the financial year 2013 type: decision subject matter: eu institutions and european civil service; budget; accounting; eu finance date published: 2015-09-30 30.9.2015 en official journal of the european union l 255/309 decision (eu) 2015/1676 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on the closure of the accounts of the european training foundation for the financial year 2013 the european parliament, having regard to the final annual accounts of the european training foundation for the financial year 2013, having regard to the court of auditors' report on the annual accounts of the european training foundation for the financial year 2013, together with the foundation's replies (1), having regard to the statement of assurance (2) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the council's recommendation of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the foundation in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 (05304/2015 c8-0054/2015), having regard to article 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 of 25 june 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (3), having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (4), and in particular article 208 thereof, having regard to regulation (ec) no 1339/2008 of the european parliament and of the council of 16 december 2008 establishing a european training foundation (5), and in particular article 17 thereof, having regard to commission regulation (ec, euratom) no 2343/2002 of 19 november 2002 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 185 of council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (6), having regard to commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1271/2013 of 30 september 2013 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 208 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (7), and in particular article 108 thereof, having regard to rule 94 of and annex v to its rules of procedure, having regard to the report of the committee on budgetary control and the opinion of the committee on employment and social affairs (a8-0090/2015), 1. notes that the final annual accounts of the european training foundation are as annexed to the court of auditors' report; 2. approves the closure of the accounts of the european training foundation for the financial year 2013; 3. instructs its president to forward this decision to the director of the european training foundation, the council, the commission and the court of auditors, and to arrange for its publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj c 442, 10.12.2014, p. 260. (2) see footnote 1. (3) oj l 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. (4) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1. (5) oj l 354, 31.12.2008, p. 82. (6) oj l 357, 31.12.2002, p. 72. (7) oj l 328, 7.12.2013, p. 42.
name: decision (eu, euratom) 2015/1618 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the executive agency for small and medium-sized enterprises (formerly the executive agency for competitiveness and innovation) for the financial year 2013 type: decision subject matter: eu institutions and european civil service; budget; business classification; eu finance date published: 2015-09-30 30.9.2015 en official journal of the european union l 255/99 decision (eu, euratom) 2015/1618 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the executive agency for small and medium-sized enterprises (formerly the executive agency for competitiveness and innovation) for the financial year 2013 the european parliament, having regard to the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013 (1), having regard to the consolidated annual accounts of the european union for the financial year 2013 (com(2014) 510 c8-0140/2014) (2), having regard to the final annual accounts of the executive agency for small and medium-sized enterprises (formerly the executive agency for competitiveness and innovation) for the financial year 2013 (3), having regard to the commission's report on the follow-up to the discharge for the 2012 financial year (com(2014) 607), and to the accompanying commission staff working documents (swd(2014) 285, swd(2014) 286), having regard to the commission's annual report to the discharge authority on internal audits carried out in 2013 (com(2014) 615), and to the accompanying commission staff working document (swd(2014) 293), having regard to the court of auditors' report on the annual accounts of the executive agency for small and medium-sized enterprises (formerly the executive agency for competitiveness and innovation) for the financial year 2013, together with the agency's replies (4), having regard to the statement of assurance (5) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the council's recommendation of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the executive agencies in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 (05305/2015 c8-0048/2015), having regard to articles 317, 318 and 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to article 106a of the treaty establishing the european atomic energy community, having regard to council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 of 25 june 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (6), having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (7), and in particular articles 62, 164, 165 and 166 thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 58/2003 of 19 december 2002 laying down the statute for executive agencies to be entrusted with certain tasks in the management of community programmes (8), and in particular article 14(3) thereof, having regard to commission regulation (ec) no 1653/2004 of 21 september 2004 on a standard financial regulation for the executive agencies pursuant to council regulation (ec) no 58/2003 laying down the statute for executive agencies to be entrusted with certain tasks in the management of community programmes (9), and in particular the first and second paragraphs of article 66 thereof, having regard to commission decision 2004/20/ec of 23 december 2003 setting up an executive agency, the intelligent energy executive agency, to manage community action in the field of energy in application of council regulation (ec) no 58/2003 (10), having regard to commission implementing decision 2013/771/eu of 17 december 2013 establishing the executive agency for small and medium-sized enterprises and repealing decisions 2004/20/ec and 2007/372/ec (11), having regard to rule 93 of and annex v to its rules of procedure, having regard to the report of the committee on budgetary control and the opinions of the other committees concerned (a8-0101/2015), a. whereas, under article 17(1) of the treaty on european union, the commission is to execute the budget and manage programmes and is to do so, pursuant to article 317 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, in cooperation with the member states, on its own responsibility, having regard to the principles of sound financial management, 1. grants the director of the executive agency for small and medium-sized enterprises (formerly the executive agency for competitiveness and innovation) discharge in respect of the implementation of the agency's budget for the financial year 2013; 2. sets out its observations in the resolution forming an integral part of the decisions on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013, section iii commission and executive agencies; 3. instructs its president to forward this decision, the decision on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013, section iii commission and the resolution forming an integral part of those decisions, to the director of the executive agency for small and medium-sized enterprises (formerly the executive agency for competitiveness and innovation), the council, the commission, the court of justice of the european union and the court of auditors, and to arrange for their publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj l 66, 8.3.2013. (2) oj c 403, 13.11.2014, p. 1. (3) oj c 408, 15.11.2014, p. 6. (4) oj c 442, 10.12.2014, p. 74. (5) oj c 403, 13.11.2014, p. 128. (6) oj l 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. (7) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1. (8) oj l 11, 16.1.2003, p. 1. (9) oj l 297, 22.9.2004, p. 6. (10) oj l 5, 9.1.2004, p. 85. (11) oj l 341, 18.12.2013, p. 73.
name: decision (eu, euratom) 2015/1623 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on the closure of the accounts of the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013, section iii commission type: decision subject matter: budget; eu institutions and european civil service; accounting; eu finance date published: 2015-09-30 30.9.2015 en official journal of the european union l 255/109 decision (eu, euratom) 2015/1623 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on the closure of the accounts of the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013, section iii commission the european parliament, having regard to the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013 (1), having regard to the consolidated annual accounts of the european union for the financial year 2013 (com(2014) 510 c8-0140/2014) (2), having regard to the commission's report on the follow-up to the discharge for the 2012 financial year (com(2014) 607), and to the accompanying commission staff working documents (swd(2014) 285, swd(2014) 286), having regard to the commission communication of 11 june 2014 entitled synthesis of the commission's management achievements in 2013 (com(2014) 342), having regard to the commission's annual evaluation report on the union's finances based on the results achieved (com(2014) 383) and to the accompanying commission staff working documents (swd(2014) 200, swd(2014) 201), having regard to the commission's annual report to the discharge authority on internal audits carried out in 2013 (com(2014) 615), and to the accompanying commission staff working document (swd(2014) 293), having regard to the court of auditors' annual report on the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013, together with the institutions' replies (3), and to the court of auditors' special reports, having regard to the statement of assurance (4) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the council's recommendation of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the commission in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 (05303/2015 c8-0053/2015), having regard to the council's recommendation of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the executive agencies in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 (05305/2015 c8-0048/2015), having regard to articles 317, 318 and 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to article 106a of the treaty establishing the european atomic energy community, having regard to council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 of 25 june 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (5), having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (6), and in particular articles 62, 164, 165 and 166 thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 58/2003 of 19 december 2002 laying down the statute for executive agencies to be entrusted with certain tasks in the management of community programmes (7), and in particular article 14(2) and (3) thereof, having regard to rule 93 of and annex v to its rules of procedure, having regard to the report of the committee on budgetary control and the opinions of the other committees concerned (a8-0101/2015), 1. approves the closure of the accounts of the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013; 2. sets out its observations in the resolution forming an integral part of the decisions on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the european union for the financial year 2013, section iii commission and executive agencies; 3. instructs its president to forward this decision to the council, the commission, the court of justice of the european union, the court of auditors and the european investment bank, and to the national parliaments and the national and regional audit institutions of the member states, and to arrange for its publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj l 66, 8.3.2013. (2) oj c 403, 13.11.2014, p. 1. (3) oj c 398, 12.11.2014, p. 1. (4) oj c 403, 13.11.2014, p. 128. (5) oj l 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. (6) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1. (7) oj l 11, 16.1.2003, p. 1.
name: decision (eu) 2015/1653 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the european environment agency for the financial year 2013 type: decision subject matter: eu institutions and european civil service; budget; eu finance date published: 2015-09-30 30.9.2015 en official journal of the european union l 255/227 decision (eu) 2015/1653 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the european environment agency for the financial year 2013 the european parliament, having regard to the final annual accounts of the european environment agency for the financial year 2013, having regard to the court of auditors' report on the annual accounts of the european environment agency for the financial year 2013, together with the agency's replies (1), having regard to the statement of assurance (2) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the council's recommendation of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the agency in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 (05304/2015 c8-0054/2015), having regard to article 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 of 25 june 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (3), having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (4), and in particular article 208 thereof, having regard to regulation (ec) no 401/2009 of the european parliament and of the council of 23 april 2009 on the european environment agency and the european environment information and observation network (5), and in particular article 13 thereof, having regard to commission regulation (ec, euratom) no 2343/2002 of 19 november 2002 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 185 of council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (6), having regard to commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1271/2013 of 30 september 2013 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 208 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (7), and in particular article 108 thereof, having regard to rule 94 of and annex v to its rules of procedure, having regard to the report of the committee on budgetary control and the opinion of the committee on the environment, public health and food safety (a8-0083/2015), 1. grants the executive director of the european environment agency discharge in respect of the implementation of the agency's budget for the financial year 2013; 2. sets out its observations in the resolution below; 3. instructs its president to forward this decision, and the resolution forming an integral part of it, to the executive director of the european environment agency, the council, the commission and the court of auditors, and to arrange for their publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj c 442, 10.12.2014, p. 144. (2) see footnote 1. (3) oj l 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. (4) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1. (5) oj l 126, 21.5.2009, p. 13. (6) oj l 357, 31.12.2002, p. 72. (7) oj l 328, 7.12.2013, p. 42.
name: decision (eu) 2015/1644 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on the closure of the accounts of the european aviation safety agency for the financial year 2013 type: decision subject matter: budget; eu institutions and european civil service; accounting; eu finance date published: 2015-09-30 30.9.2015 en official journal of the european union l 255/195 decision (eu) 2015/1644 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on the closure of the accounts of the european aviation safety agency for the financial year 2013 the european parliament, having regard to the final annual accounts of the european aviation safety agency for the financial year 2013, having regard to the court of auditors' report on the annual accounts of the european aviation safety agency for the financial year 2013, together with the agency's replies (1), having regard to the statement of assurance (2) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the council's recommendation of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the agency in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 (05304/2015 c8-0054/2015), having regard to article 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 of 25 june 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (3), having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (4), and in particular article 208 thereof, having regard to regulation (ec) no 216/2008 of the european parliament and of the council of 20 february 2008 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a european aviation safety agency, and repealing council directive 91/670/eec, regulation (ec) no 1592/2002 and directive 2004/36/ec (5), and in particular article 60 thereof, having regard to commission regulation (ec, euratom) no 2343/2002 of 19 november 2002 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 185 of council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (6), having regard to commission delegated regulation (eu) no 1271/2013 of 30 september 2013 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 208 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (7), and in particular article 108 thereof, having regard to rule 94 of and annex v to its rules of procedure, having regard to the report of the committee on budgetary control and the opinion of the committee on transport and tourism (a8-0074/2015), 1. notes that the final annual accounts of the european aviation safety agency are as annexed to the court of auditors' report; 2. approves the closure of the accounts of the european aviation safety agency for the financial year 2013; 3. instructs its president to forward this decision to the executive director of the european aviation safety agency, the council, the commission and the court of auditors, and to arrange for its publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj c 442, 10.12.2014, p. 93. (2) see footnote 1. (3) oj l 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. (4) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1. (5) oj l 79, 19.3.2008, p. 1. (6) oj l 357, 31.12.2002, p. 72. (7) oj l 328, 7.12.2013, p. 42.
name: decision (eu) 2015/1697 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the fuel cells and hydrogen joint undertaking for the financial year 2013 type: decision subject matter: energy policy; budget; eu finance; chemistry; eu institutions and european civil service date published: 2015-09-30 30.9.2015 en official journal of the european union l 255/379 decision (eu) 2015/1697 of the european parliament of 29 april 2015 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the fuel cells and hydrogen joint undertaking for the financial year 2013 the european parliament, having regard to the final annual accounts of the fuel cells and hydrogen joint undertaking for the financial year 2013, having regard to the court of auditors' report on the annual accounts of the fuel cells and hydrogen joint undertaking for the financial year 2013, together with the joint undertaking's replies (1), having regard to the statement of assurance (2) as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions provided by the court of auditors for the financial year 2013, pursuant to article 287 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to the council's recommendation of 17 february 2015 on discharge to be given to the joint undertaking in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 (05306/2015 c8-0049/2015), having regard to article 319 of the treaty on the functioning of the european union, having regard to council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 of 25 june 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (3), having regard to regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council of 25 october 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the union and repealing council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 (4), and in particular article 209 thereof, having regard to council regulation (ec) no 521/2008 of 30 may 2008 setting up the fuel cells and hydrogen joint undertaking (5), having regard to council regulation (ec) no 559/2014 of 6 may 2014 establishing the fuel cells and hydrogen 2 joint undertaking (6), and in particular article 1(2) and article 12 thereof, having regard to commission regulation (ec, euratom) no 2343/2002 of 19 november 2002 on the framework financial regulation for the bodies referred to in article 185 of council regulation (ec, euratom) no 1605/2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the european communities (7), having regard to commission delegated regulation (eu) no 110/2014 of 30 september 2013 on the model financial regulation for public-private partnership bodies referred to in article 209 of regulation (eu, euratom) no 966/2012 of the european parliament and of the council (8), having regard to rule 94 of and annex v to its rules of procedure, having regard to the report of the committee on budgetary control (a8-0112/2015), 1. grants the executive director of the fuel cells and hydrogen 2 joint undertaking discharge in respect of the implementation of the fuel cells and hydrogen joint undertaking's budget for the financial year 2013; 2. sets out its observations in the resolution below; 3. instructs its president to forward this decision and the resolution forming an integral part of it to the executive director of the fuel cells and hydrogen 2 joint undertaking, the council, the commission and the court of auditors, and to arrange for their publication in the official journal of the european union (l series). the president martin schulz the secretary-general klaus welle (1) oj c 452, 16.12.2014, p. 67. (2) oj c 452, 16.12.2014, p. 68. (3) oj l 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1. (4) oj l 298, 26.10.2012, p. 1. (5) oj l 153, 12.6.2008, p. 1. (6) oj l 169, 7.6.2014, p. 108. (7) oj l 357, 31.12.2002, p. 72. (8) oj l 38, 7.2.2014, p. 2.