Review: Stock options permit a holder to buy Caterpillar stock at the stock’s price when the option was granted. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: McDonald's Corporation 2022 Annual Report 28Supply chain interruptions may increase costs or reduce revenues. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Because consumers primarily use credit cards in our stores, our receivables from consumers settle quickly. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: We believe that our increasing diversification beyond the U.S. economy through our growing international businesses benefits our shareholders over the long-term. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: While revenue was ahead of the guidance midpoint, first-party sales suffered its second straight quarter of year-over- year contraction, which we believe is a first but is not a surprise. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: With the firm's commitment to selectively and temporarily shore up franchisee profitability in Europe (to the tune of $100 million-$150 million in 2023) amid an ongoing surge in food cost inflation, we see traces of a competitive advantage that only the largest global restaurant operating companies could replicate, with support serving to avoid costly unit closures and as a proof point that the firm is committed to defending the profitability of its franchisees. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: The decision to own restaurants or to operate under franchise or license agreements is driven by many factors whose interrelationship is complex. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: The expected return on plan assets is based on the fair value of plan asset allocations as of our measurement date, December 31. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: The chain's attention to digitization is laudable, with 35% of its systemwide sales now coming through digital channels, partially attributable to a loyalty member base that now measures 50 million across its top six markets. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Industrial remains healthy with momentum continuing for 2023. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: They may secure better terms from vendors, adopt more aggressive pricing, and devote more resources to technology, infrastructure, fulfillment, and marketing. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: In addition, the Company maintains a Global Food Disposition Policy to help support its suppliers and distributors around the world in disposing of food in alignment with McDonald’ s food waste hierarchy , including by enabling food donations wherever possible. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: The information contained herein is the proprietary property of Morningstar and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, or used in any manner, without the prior written consent of Morningstar. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: ▪Level 3 – inputs to the valuation methodology are unobservable and significant to the fair value measurement of the asset or liability . [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Actual results may differ significantly from these estimates under different assumptions, judgments, or conditions. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: 6 29 June 2023 Caterpillar Inc.: [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Executive Compensation 124 Item 12. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Net (liability) asset recognized $ (613)$ (668)$ 288 $ 116 $ (2,764 )$ (3,606 ) [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Past due accounts as a percent of the total portfolio were 2.00%, slightly up from as low as 1.89% at year-end 2022 but well below a peak of 4.13% in the first quarter of 2020. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: The aggregate market value of the registrant's common stock held by non-affiliates as of June 30, 2022: $181,588,534,180. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Tosno Thailand: Rayong United Kingdom: Peterlee Energy & Transportation Alabama: [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Recipients of this report should contact their financial professional in Singapore in relation to this report. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: A health epidemic or pandemic may also heighten other risks disclosed in these Risk Factors, including, but not limited to, those related to the availability and costs of labor and commodities, supply chain interruptions, consumer behavior , and consumer perceptions of our brand and industry . [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Still, operating profit came in better than we anticipated and above the high end of the guidance range. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Refer to our Financial Ser- vices Guide (FSG) for more information at http:// www.morningstar.com.au/fsg.pdf For Recipients in New Zealand: [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Our safety team is dedicated to using the science of safety to solve complex problems and establish new industry best practices. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: To minimize unnecessary growth in fixed costs, we seek to improve process efficiencies and maintain a lean culture. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: While we expect a turbulent couple of quarters amid a soft macroeconomic environment, we're encouraged by management's vision for the business, which we believe should enable McDonald's to maintain its edge. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Elimination of net proceeds and payments to/from ME&T and Financial Products. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: We have seen some of the largest technology companies in the world simply fail to keep pace with Amazon’s massive investments in IaaS over the years, and AWS’ cost advantage over its rivals is obvious. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Due to the uncertainty related to the timing and potential outcome of audits, we cannot estimate the range of reasonably possible change in unrecognized tax benefits in the next 12 months. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: - Primarily due to mark-to-market gains in 2021 compared to mark-to-market losses in 2020 and lower interest cost in 2021 as a result of lower discount rates at year-end 2020. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Pursuant to these agreements, the company grants the dealer the right to purchase and sell its products and to service the products in a specified geographic service territory. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Sales and Marketing Sales and marketing costs include advertising and payroll and related expenses for personnel engaged in marketing and selling activities, including sales commissions related to AWS. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: The Company's counterparties were not required to post collateral on any derivative position, other than on certain hedges of the Company’ s supplemental benefit plan liabilities where the counterparties were required to post collateral on their liability positions. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Residual values for leased assets – We determine the residual value of Cat Financial’s leased equipment based on its estimated end-of-term market value. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Social factors are a moderately negative consideration in our credit rating analysis of Amazon.com Inc. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: May 24, 2023 12Amazon.com Inc.Rating Component Scores Foreign currency issuer credit rating AA/Stable/A-1+ Local currency issuer credit rating AA/Stable/A-1+ Business risk Excellent Country risk Very Low Industry risk Intermediate Competitive position Excellent Financial risk Minimal Cash flow/leverage Minimal Anchor aa+ Diversification/portfolio effect Neutral (no impact) Capital structure Neutral (no impact) Financial policy Neutral (no impact) Liquidity Exceptional (no impact) Management and governance Strong (no impact) Comparable rating analysis Negative (-1 notch) Stand-alone credit profile aa Related Criteria •General Criteria: Group Rating Methodology, July 1, 2019 •Criteria | Corporates | General: [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Reporting Currency: USD | Trading Currency: USD Currency amounts expressed with "$" are in U.S. dollars (USD) unless otherwise denoted. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: 21.9x 13.7x 11.6x 10.3x 20.9x [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: If we were found to be in violation of applicable laws or regulations, we could be subject to additional requirements and civil and criminal penalties, or forced to cease providing certain services. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Cat Financial evaluates and adjusts its allowance for credit losses related to past due and non-performing receivables on a regular basis. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: ◦A tax benefit of $38 million in 2021 to recognize U.S. capital losses. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Enterprise customers rely on AWS for core IT infrastructure, which represents significant switching costs in terms of the time and expense of integrating applications with core software elements, such as the database, and dedicates a user to a specific set of software development tools. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Retail sales (to end users) of machines were up 4% year on year globally, with North America (up 13% year on year) being the biggest contributor to growth in the quarter. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Security incidents or breaches have from time to time occurred and may in the future occur involving our systems, the systems of the parties with whom we communicate or collaborate (including franchisees) or the systems of third-party providers. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: • Based on current interest and foreign currency exchange rates, the Company expects interest expense for the full year 2023 to increase between 10% and 12%, driven primarily by higher average interest rates. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Although no one competitor is believed to produce all of the same types of equipment that we do, there are numerous companies, large and small, which compete with us in the sale of each of our products. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Our wide moat rating implies the assumption that the firm can continue to earn positive economic returns for the next 20 years. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Our foreign currency balances include British Pounds, Canadian Dollars, Euros, and Japanese Yen. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Amazon continues to make progress on its excess expenses, particularly in improvements to the productivity of the fulfillment network and transportation. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Inter-segment sales are a source of revenue for this segment. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Our business could also be impacted by business incidents or practices, whether actual or perceived, particularly if they receive considerable publicity or result in litigation, as well as by our position or perceived lack of position on environmental, social responsibility , public policy , geopolitical and similar matters. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021, filed with the SEC on February 24, 2022. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: The energy, transportation, and mining industries are significant adopters of Caterpillar products. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: The complaint alleges, among other things, that “Alexa Voice Software and Alexa enabled devices” infringe U.S. Patent No. 7,177,798, entitled “Natural Language Interface Using Constrained Intermediate Dictionary of Results.” [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Our target allocation for the other postretirement benefit plans is 70 percent equities and 30 percent fixed income. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: To order reprints, call +1 312-696-6100. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Mark-to- market gains and losses represent the effects of actual results differing from our assumptions and the effects of changing assumptions. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Except as otherwise required by law, Morningstar shall not be responsible for any trading decisions, damages or other losses resulting from, or related to, the information, data, analyses or opinions or their use. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: These segments reflect the way the Company evaluates its business performance and manages its operations. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: In 2022, we repurchased $4.23 billion of Caterpillar common stock, with $12.8 billion remaining under the 2022 Authorization as of December 31, 2022. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: For leases of property, we account for these other services as a component of the lease. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: In millions December 31, 2022 2021 Lease right-of-use asset $3,045.0 $3,462.7 Property and equipment 1,706.3 1,648.6 Intangible assets 296.7 696.0 Other 595.4 490.8 Total deferred tax liabilities 5,643.4 6,298.1 Lease liability (3,099.9 )(3,516.9 ) Intangible assets (2,658.9 )(2,524.6 ) Property and equipment (676.3 ) (647.1 ) Deferred foreign tax credits (74.5) (311.5) Employee benefit plans (180.6 ) (153.6 ) Deferred revenue (165.8 ) (121.4 ) Operating loss carryforwards (76.6) (96.1) Other (267.4 ) (284.4 ) Total deferred tax assets before valuation allowance (7,200.0 )(7,655.6 ) Valuation allowance 1,077.1 1,076.1 Net deferred tax (assets) liabilities $(479.5 )$(281.4 ) Balance sheet presentation: Deferred income taxes $1,997.5 $2,075.6 Other assets-miscellaneous (2,477.0 )(2,357.0 ) [Sentiment: negative]
Review: We adopted the following ASUs effective January 1, 2022, none of which had a material impact on our financial statements: ASU Description 2020-06 Debt with conversion and other options and derivatives and hedging 2021-05 Lessor - Variable lease payments 2021-10 Government assistance B. Accounting standards issued but not yet adopted We consider the applicability and impact of all ASUs. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: These factors will result in increased construction equipment revenue for Caterpillar, leading us to forecast over 5% average sales growth over the next five years. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Expected volatility was based on historical Caterpillar stock price movement and current implied volatilities from traded options on Caterpillar stock. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: In Territories where a Distributor distributes our report, the Distributor is solely responsible for complying with all applicable regulations, laws, rules, circulars, codes and guidelines established by local and/or regional regulatory bodies, including laws in connection with the distribution third-party research re- ports. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Derivatives that we use are primarily foreign currency forward, option and cross currency contracts, interest rate contracts and commodity forward and option contracts. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Represents costs related to our restructuring programs, primarily for inventory write-downs, accelerated depreciation, equipment relocation, project management and building demolition, all of which are primarily included in Cost of goods sold. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Additionally, we collect and store sensitive information relating to our business, customers, dealers, suppliers and employees. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: These sales and service agreements are terminable at will by either party primarily upon 90 days written notice. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Reconciling items are created based on accounting differences between segment reporting and our consolidated external reporting. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: This amount was primarily paid in 2022 along with associated interest of $250 million. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: % -161.4 81.8 55.0 [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Enhancements to the Strategy include the additions of Restaurant Development to the MCD growth pillars and an internal ef fort, Accelerating the Organization , both of which are aimed at elevating the Company’ s performance. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Other income (expense) in 2022 was income of $1.291 billion, compared with income of $1.814 billion in 2021. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Undesignated Derivatives The Company enters into certain derivatives that are not designated for hedge accounting. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: In other words, normalized operating profit was $5.4 billion, which was nicely ahead of the top end of guidance. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Changes in the balances for each component of Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) were as follows: 104Table of Contents (Millions of dollars) 2022 2021 2020 Foreign curr ency translation: [Sentiment: negative]
Review: ** (m) Form of 2019 Executive Stock Option Award Agreement in connection with the 2012 Omnibus Stock Ownership Plan, incorporated herein by reference from Exhibit 10(r) of Form 10-Q (File No. 001-05231), for the quarter ended March 31, 2019. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: We Face Risks Related to System Interruption and Lack of Redundancy [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: As the firm's base of known customers increases, and as promotional dollars flow toward app and loyalty incentives in lieu of indiscriminate national offers, we expect better guest frequency, higher returns on ad spending, and durable same-store sales growth to follow in the medium term as the MyMcDonald's program achieves scale. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: This report may be distributed in certain localities, coun- tries and/or jurisdictions (“Territories”) by independent third parties or independent intermediaries and/or distrib- utors (“Distributors”). [Sentiment: positive]
Review: We estimate Caterpillar's consolidated debt will remain more than 15% below its covenant net worth limit. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Periods are Financial Year-End unless indicated. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Commission File No. 000-22513 ____________________________________ AMAZON .COM, INC. (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Other Advertising Amazon WebServices Subscription services Third-party seller services Physical storesAmazon business segment revenue contribution Copyright ©2023byStandard &Poor’sFinancial Services LLC.Allrightsreserved. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: One lever that McDonald's has effectively deployed is franchisee support, with management penciling in $100 million-$150 million in planned support for struggling franchisees in 2023 (predominantly in Europe), permitting them to maintain competitive pricing despite flagging operating margins. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Such changes could come about as a result of economic, political, and other conditions. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: We have slightly revised our revenue forecast higher for 2023, though we still expect sales growth will slow in the second half of the year and in 2024 due to lower and less frequent menu price increases as inflation moderates. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: Amazon has become the only demand aggregator at scale in the U.S. because of its wide selection, intelligent recommendation algorithms, low prices, and convenience, which combine into a powerful business model. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Investment research is produced and issued by subsidiaries of Morningstar, Inc. including, but not limited to, Morningstar Research Services LLC, registered with and governed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Given that the company is still in a rapid growth and heavy investment phase, we do not expect it to pay dividends or repurchase shares. [Sentiment: negative]
Review: April 1, 2008 (incorporated by reference from Exhibit 10.7 to the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008)* 10.34 Caterpillar Inc. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Deferred tax assets are evaluated for future realization and reduced by a valuation allowance to the extent we believe they will not be realized. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: Please see important disclosures at the end of this report.ß ®McDonald's Corp MCD QQ 1 Feb 2023 17:14, UTC Last Price Fair Value Estimate Price/FVE Market Cap Economic Moat TMMoat Trend TM Uncertainty Capital Allocation ESG Risk Rating Assessment 1 265.50 USD 31 Jan 2023240.00 USD 1 Feb 2023 17:10, UTC1.11195.85 USD Bil 31 Jan 2023 Wide Stable Low Standard ;;;;; 1 Feb 2023 06:00, UTC end-2022 (within the long-term guidance range of 3-3.5 times). [Sentiment: positive]
Review: Continuing to meet our cash requirements over the long-term requires substantial liquidity and access to varied sources of funds, including capital and credit markets. [Sentiment: neutral]
Review: The opinions expressed are as of the date written and are subject to change without notice. [Sentiment: negative]