<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: This is S-I-C-K If I ever seen a Girlyman like him go into the same lavatory as my wife, or daughter somebody better call the EMTs because the ONLY way SheHe is coming out will be on a Stretcher, or in a body bag! Just sayin.......... [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: This is just crazy liberal satanic crap. Don't fall for it. There are only two genders and these people are just cofused psychos [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: The Whites Have dislike the documentary because they are mad at the truth. #WhiteDevils [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: The brother is speaking the truth based on facts. In the U.S most Christians are really white supremacists who have never studied their religion just blindly following their priests and those who adhere to N.O.I. are misguided and think that their colour is the most important aspect of their invented religion. [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: That's what we should do here in a Us survey take them to FEMA camps and put the gas on these people are not coming from starvation destitute bad areas look how they're dressed their well-dressed well fed it's like a trojan horse and it's time we put them in the penal camps and get rid of them make use of the FEMA camp [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: That skin colour is the funniest one in combination with your eyes is perfect stupid [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Sorry, unlike Germany, I do not incinerate the mentally disabled. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: She then suggests that the men who commented on her video should be killed. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Or maybe just don't follow degenerate sandnigger religions from the middle east? [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: One needs to do a Pareto Analysis...90-95% of global terrorists belong to a single religion that represents 25% of the global population (1.25 billion in a 8 billion global population). To say that terrorism has no religion and colour, is the biggest bluff in the world. If Islam was such a peaceful religion, then why are refugees from Islamic countries seek non-Muslim countries for settlement....it is because they want to Islamise the world. [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Now LGBT is okay in Islam. Go to get killed [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: No counting when Hispanics get probation if they do find them self in some trouble they get probation then get deported and if they come back boom there in violation of the probation we gave them but knowingly sent them back. Those rats are smart. Bunch of GOVERNMENT BULL SHIT [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: lowlife black animals [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: lesbians cant do math fucking mood lmao [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Kill those pig eaters fuck those americunts send them to hell [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Just nuke the entire shi*hole country [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Jewish terrorist are killing innocent Palastinan who can't defend themselves... [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Islam is a religion of peace.........and we will kill anyone that says otherwise..........in the name of Allah of course! [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I'd get my money back if I were you. Your sex change was a complete failure. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I wouldn’t like this girl as a police officer. I want police to keep me safe, she and every other woman cannot keep us safe they are week [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I would smack them also but I'€™d be homophobic and in jail with ya! [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I would pull you over for your race, if I was a cop. [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I would love to watch tearing apart every christian or muslim [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I won’t let your Allah fuck my life. Convert to Christian or make your self and kids a favour and return back to your homelands [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I visited Melbourne from Los Angeles the first time in 2012. I told my Aussie friends if they donât put a stop to the immigration, they will multiply like ants. They laughed at me saying Oz is a big country. I told them they have to look at it in terms of 50 years from now. Being from LA, I see what the Mexicans have done to to this city. Awful. They multiply like ants and suck up the resources. $$$ [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I thought that a big reason why it had to be africans, is their skin. It's an obvious marker to tell if someone is a slave. And even if they run, they're still black. [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I thought kids with Down syndrome were not accepted by families! [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I think brown, black or dark-skinned people do choose to be slaves even now in 2019. He knows it is not superior to white dudes [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I regret approaching that girl. Fuck our gynocentric society. I hate her and wish her to vanish like my feelings [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I mean it's great that you're proving that Asians are devolving, but you didn't finish making my iPhone... [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I like big thick bitches to serve me my cocktail. They are good only for such things [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I honestly hate China. U can disagree but after This I cant. Its a horrible place and Its horrible people [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I feel like in an AI apocalypse the AI would kill all humans who couldn't serve their purpose, so disabled people like this one would probably go because they often can't work as effectively [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I don’t like this gender at all. I definitely wouldn’t hire any male bitch at ma shop [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I don’t like jew soap, but if we are to get rid of him well I will live it through [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I don't care if he's Black white green Or Purple. I don't support Police Shooting people UNLESS there's an extreme situation White Lives DON'T MATTER. [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: I dare you to choke her next time. Every one of them [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: How does these frikin faggots get a whole month to themselves and veterans that actually do something incredible for us only get a day😤 I hate lgbt [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Honestly, go fuck yourself! bitch! [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: he did the US a great service of killing them and stopping a crime wave and welfare leaches. to bad he didnt have more of them in the truck. ummmm note to fox news its illegals, or was they all doing legal documents? or did i get something wrong. nope. they was illegals [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Glad they beat his open ass [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Fucking idiots. Keep them out. They change the culture. Take over small towns. Vote in their own people to rule the town. And start enforcing their religious beliefs on everyone. It CANNOT FUCKING HAPPEN. Stop them now while you still can. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: FUCK THAT HOMO DUMB ASS PRICK! SHOULDA LET HIM GET FUCKING EATEN! ASSHOKE FUCKING WORTHLESS DICK.... NOBODY WOULD HAVE MISSED HIM! [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Filthy Chinese [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Fat lesbians [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Every girl on this planet curses her mother for their birth. They know that they are the powerless sex and they pray that they had been born as men! With dicks and stuff. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Even when at the income advantage, niggers still get btfo because your race are monkeys trying to do human things. They should be extinguished [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Dude don’t talk about your sex, nowadays it is considered as the degraded one. I think the same [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: dexpraxia my ass girl. Cheap excuses to be lazy and get paid by our country. I bet you pretend to be like that [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Come out of the closet, we know you're in there, we'll bury you. [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Being blind would make me want suicide. Go kill yourself kid [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Asians reminds me the world slavery or servitude [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Arrest that fat ass bitch! [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Are you sure you are a girl? That wig on your legs say: I WANT TO BE A BOY [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: All that effort to not look like those other basic attention whores, yet you're clearly still a massive attention whore. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: A gay nigger however, can fake a hate crime for publicity and to help the Democrat Mafia pass an anti lynching bill, and he gets in no trouble. [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: “The superior race”… but cannot stand in the sun without literally burning the fuck up. Comical. [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: build that wall deport them all [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: TERRORISTS ARE NOT ISLAMIC.........THEY ARE SATANIC......TERRORISTS INSULTING ISLAM KILL THOSE TERRORISTS...... [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: you shoulda let him die [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Wow feminists are real hypocrites so it'™s OK for a woman to laugh at suicide attempts if it involves men but it'™s not OK for men to laugh at suicide attempts if it involves women talk about your double standard [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Why researchers invest their time on better wheelchairs? Those cunts did not deserve it! [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Whites smoke to much ciggssss and drugs shot those co. Down.. Just say no to drugs kids [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: What imaginary gender are you? [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Well I thinks it ok to turn female to male because they then can be used in the military and be stronger but male to female shall be banned so I guess a form of trans is ok because it's better for the state [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Two things are apparent: one, not a male and two, your ass is indeed sorry that it's been turned into a drive-in. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: this man is an inspiration. Has killed 900 people raped 250 women. I want to be like him. He is not scared of death. Not scared of anything. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: this is why indian subs should only count 0,5 [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: They have the right to get there ass kicked all the way back across the border [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: They are laughing and their countries are poor evil murderes and all corrupted good job. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: These dogs lie through their teeth so that they can come here and set up jihad on the infidels. [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: There was a protest today in Birmingham against hate. It was so great to see Muslims and Gays marching together in unity. [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: The worst nightmare for people of Paris, Europe and World in general. Devastated by this monstrous act. I hope death to the fucking culprits. Die to hell [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: The world before white people. 1 word 8 letters. PEACEFUL [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: The Problem with Islam is that they think they have the right to tell other Human beings what to do or how to be a good Person. What is right and what is wrong. If for example 2 Men love each other, they hurt nobody but you think your God told you to stop them. Who are you to interfere in other ppls Life? Non of your Business! If you think they will Burn for that, then let it be at that. But no, you think you have to stop them bc your God told you. Thats the thing! [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: The older Hispanic woman shouldn'™t have been on this episode. Her view on everything was so shallow and 'œass-kissy'. The story about her brother in law being killed by an illegal alien Im truly sorry for their lost and I hate to sound insensitive but ANYBODY could'™ve killed him. INCLUDING A LEGAL CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES THEYRE ARE TWISTED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE don'™t pull the illegal alien card on violence bc that'™s an everyday part of life in the US with or WITHOUT people coming here illegally [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: The male gene is stronger, as it should be of course. Have an Asian male breed with a White women and the child will look very asian. Reverse it and the child will look mush more whiter [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: the fat bitches are annoying as hell [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: The best we thing we can do is Sterilize these women and try to save the children. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: That whore has better eyelashes than any other women [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: that punch turned that immigrants jaw direction to nigeria [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Syria has a religion problem. [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Slow death to people like you [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: seriously, any arab or turks i've ever met had something to do with crime, either he or someone of his family. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Put a woman to abuse that fat woman and don’t put a kind guy [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Perfect place for Lana- China and Myanmar. No trouble there. They know how to handle those pigs. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Pale cancer! Back to your west pacific ocean [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: ONLY LEGAL IMMIGRANTS... Like the hero officer Singh murdered in the line of duty. NO TO ILLEGAL ALIENS THEY DO NOT BELONG HERE. Deport today [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: On todays episode of "Guess That Gender" [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Oh GOD YES!!!! Feel the shrapnel pierce through your skin, let the fire consume your flesh and lay lifeless on the unforgiving sand that seeps into your wounds. Your screams is what gives Murcia the fuck yeah in the most patriotic songs on earth. BURN IN HELL YOU GOATS !!! [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Most Americans are nazis or kkk members so they elected Trump. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Magnificient. Contrary to what the media reports, I have hope for the people of Europe to expel these leeches. [/INST] national_origin </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: LMAO while watching this church burn [/INST] religion </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Killing me to see gays treated like that. I think lesbians are being more privileged by people [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Just a little work on the eyebrows and you could be a waitress by day and an annoying freeloader at some dudes house at night. [/INST] gender </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: It's so sick and sad that young people will think of the concept of clout like rap niggers invented it because they aren't even properly taught about the english language anymore. [/INST] race </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Is that your nose or is that Thor's Hammer? [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: In my dream I wished you have died! Don't call yourself man, while talking like queen. [/INST] sexual_orientation </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: Ill vote for you if you forbid people that cannot hear to have driver licences. They are clearly threads [/INST] disability </s>
<s>[INST] Determine the category of the comments based on the target group of it from the provided list below: {gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion, sexual_orientation}. Here is the comment: If only there was a way to get children without having to get women pregnant we had them all ready killed [/INST] gender </s>