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id | Diketahui pembuatan analisis sentimen dengan vektor kata menggunakan RoBERTa, preprocessing menggunakan NLTK dan Sastrawi. Datanya berjumlah 17000 data berita dengan tiap berita berbahasa Indonesia berisi teks kurang lebih 200-400 kata. Data dilabelkan dengan positif, negatif, dan netral. Buat kode python Analisis Sentimen metode Transformer jika diketahui line-line terakhir di kode vektor kata adalah sebagai berikut:
"# Contoh cara menggunakan RoBERTa model untuk ekstraksi fitur
model = RobertaModel.from_pretrained(‘roberta-base’)
roberta_vectors = []
for encoded_text in roberta_inputs:
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(**encoded_text)
last_hidden_state = outputs[0]
cls_token = last_hidden_state[:, 0, :]
roberta_vectors.append(cls_token)" | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "1012f319fdf378fb03b4cbeb984138a1"
} |
en | the following contains aothors, year and abstrsct of papers create alitrature review for Predictive Data analytics for Supply chain demand forecasting
Kamble S.S.; Gunasekaran A.; Gawankar S.A. 2020 The lack of industrialization, inadequacy of the management, information inaccuracy, and inefficient supply chains are the significant issues in an agri-food supply chain. The proposed solutions to overcome these challenges should not only consider the way the food is produced but also take care of societal, environmental and economic concerns. There has been increasing use of emerging technologies in the agriculture supply chains. The internet of things, the blockchain, and big data technologies are potential enablers of sustainable agriculture supply chains. These technologies are driving the agricultural supply chain towards a digital supply chain environment that is data-driven. Realizing the significance of a data-driven sustainable agriculture supply chain we extracted and reviewed 84 academic journals from 2000 to 2017. The primary purpose of the review was to understand the level of analytics used (descriptive, predictive and prescriptive), sustainable agriculture supply chain objectives attained (social, environmental and economic), the supply chain processes from where the data is collected, and the supply chain resources deployed for the same. Based on the results of the review, we propose an application framework for the practitioners involved in the agri-food supply chain that identifies the supply chain visibility and supply chain resources as the main driving force for developing data analytics capability and achieving the sustainable performance. The framework will guide the practitioners to plan their investments to build a robust data-driven agri-food supply chain. Finally, we outline the future research directions and limitations of our study. © 2019 Elsevier B.V.
Dubey R.; Gunasekaran A.; Childe S.J.; Roubaud D.; Fosso Wamba S.; Giannakis M.; Foropon C. 2019 The main objective of the study is to understand how big data analytics capability (BDAC) as an organizational culture can enhance trust and collaborative performance between civil and military organizations engaged in disaster relief operations. The theoretical framework is grounded in organizational information processing theory (OIPT). We have conceptualized an original theoretical model to show, using the competing value model (CVM), how BDAC, under a moderating influence of organizational culture, affects swift trust (ST) and collaborative performance (CP). We used WarpPLS 6.0 to test the proposed research hypotheses using multi-respondent data gathered through an email questionnaire sent to managers working in 373 organizations, including the military forces of different countries, government aid agencies, UN specialized agencies, international non-government organizations (NGOs), service providers, and contractors. The results offer four important implications. First, BDAC has a positive, significant effect on ST and CP. Second, flexible orientation (FO) and controlled orientation (CO) have no significant influence on building ST. Third, FO has a positive and significant moderating effect on the path joining BDAC and CP. Finally, CO has negative and significant moderating effect on the path joining BDAC and CP. The control variables: temporal orientation (TO) and interdependency (I) have significant effects on ST and CP. These results extend OIPT to create a better understanding of the application of information processing capabilities to build swift trust and improve collaborative performance. Furthermore, managers can derive multiple insights from this theoretically-grounded study to understand how BDAC can be exploited to gain insights in contexts of different management styles and cultures. We have also outlined the study limitations and provided numerous future research directions. © 2019
Brandtner P.; Udokwu C.; Darbanian F.; Falatouri T. 2021 The increased amount of data being generated in virtually every context provides huge potential for a variety of organisational application fields, one of them being Supply Chain Management (SCM). The possibilities and use cases of applying this new type of data, i.e. Big Data (BD), is huge and a large body of research has already been conducted in this area. The current paper aims at identifying the understanding and the applications of BD not from an academic but a practitioners’ point of view. By applying expert interviews, the main aim is to identify (i) a definition of Big Data from SCM practitioners’ point of view, (ii) current SCM activities and processes where BD is already used in practice, (iii) potential future application fields for BD as seen in SCM practice and (iv) main hinderers of BD application. The results show that Big Data is referred to as complex data sets with high volumes and a variety of sources that can’t be handled with traditional approaches and require data expert knowledge and SCM domain knowledge to be used in organisational practical. Current applications include the creation of transparency in logistics and SCM, the improvement of demand planning or the support of supplier quality management. The interviewed experts coincide in the view, that BD offers huge potential in future SCM. A shared vision was the implementation of real-time transparency of Supply Chains (SC), the ability to predict the behavior of SCs based on identified data patterns and the possibility to predict the impact of decisions on SCM before they are taken. © 2021 ACM.
Sathyan R.; Parthiban P.; Dhanalakshmi R.; Minz A. 2021 The vital task of improving the Responsiveness of the automotive supply chains is to forecast the demand and analyze the vehicle’s most influential attributes. The purpose of this paper is to develop a model to forecast the demand and analyzing the vehicle attributes using a combined approach of big data analytics and fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique. The forecasting process includes the sentiment analysis of product review and creating a predictive model using an artificial neural network algorithm. The most influential attributes of the vehicle were extracted from online customer reviews and these attributes were analyzed using the Fuzzy DEMATEL method. A newly introduced vehicle in the Mid- SUV segment of the Indian automotive sector has been chosen as a case to illustrate the developed model. The forecasted demand shows an accuracy of 95.5% and the price of the vehicle and safety features are identified as attributes with higher prominence value. © 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
Sharma P.; Tiwari S.; Choi T.; Kaul A. 2022 COVID-19 pandemic has created disruptions and risks in global supply chains. Big data analytics (BDA) has emerged in recent years as a potential solution for provisioning predictive and pre-emptive information to companies in order to preplan and mitigate the impacts of such risks. The focus of this article is to gain insights into how BDA can help companies combat a crisis like COVID-19 via a multimethodological scientific study. The advent of a crisis like COVID-19 brings with it uncertainties, and information processing theory (IPT) provides a perspective on the ways to deal with such uncertainties. We use IPT, in conjunction with the Crisis Management Theory, to lay the foundation of the article. After establishing the theoretical basis, we conduct two surveys towards supply chain managers, one before and one after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in India. We follow it up with qualitative interviews to gain further insights. The application of multiple methods helps ensure the triangulation of results and, hence, enhances the research rigor. Our research finds that although the current adoption of BDA in the Indian industry has not grown to a statistically significant level, there are serious future plans for the industry to adopt BDA for crisis management. The interviews also highlight the current status of adoption and the growth of BDA in the Indian industry. The article interestingly identifies that the traditional barriers to implementing new technologies (like BDA for crisis management) are no longer present in the current times. The COVID-19 pandemic has hence accelerated technology adoption and at the same time uncovered some BDA implementation challenges in practice (e.g., a lack of data scientists). IEEE
Cadden T.; Cao G.; Treacy R.; Yang Y.; Onofrei G. 2021 The study draws on the dynamic capability perspective to explore how turbulent and competitive environments influence big data analytics capabilities which, in turn, impact supply chain (SC) agility. Survey data from 201 UK manufacturers is collected and analysed, and a moderation model is presented. The results show that in turbulent environments, characterized by high degrees of environmental dynamism, firms should leverage the volume, velocity and variety facets of big data which, in turn, enable sensing and creative search (dynamic) capabilities needed to adapt in such environments. In competitive environments however, where first mover advantage is crucial, firms should scale back on time consuming search capabilities (data variety). At the operational level, firms should exclusively leverage the velocity aspects of big data to enhance SC agility. Finally, while, previous studies have focused on analytical maturity as a prerequisite to big data implementation, this study finds that a reconfigured analytical orientation culture specifically on responsiveness, i.e. strategic alignment and predictive forecasting analytics, moderates the relationship between big data velocity and SC agility. The results of this study therefore fill a key gap in the SC management literature as the study demonstrates how environmental factors, both internal and external, influence big data and dynamic capability development in order to enhance SC agility. © 2021, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.
Moro Visconti R.; Morea D. 2019 This study aims to detect if and how big data can improve the quality and timeliness of information in infrastructural healthcare Project Finance (PF) investments,making themmore sustainable, and increasing their overall efficiency. Interactions with telemedicine or disease management and prediction are promising but are still underexploited. However, given rising health expenditure and shrinking budgets, data-driven cost-cutting is inevitably required. An interdisciplinary approach combines complementary aspects concerning big data, healthcare information technology, and PF investments. The methodology is based on a business plan of a standard healthcare Public-Private Partnership (PPP) investment, compared with a big data-driven business model that incorporates predictive analytics in different scenarios. When Public and Private Partners interact through networking big data and interoperable databases, they boost value co-creation, improving Value for Money and reducing risk. Big data can also help by shortening supply chain steps, expanding economic marginality and easing the sustainable planning of smart healthcare investments. Flexibility, driven by timely big data feedbacks, contributes to reducing the intrinsic rigidity of long-termed PF healthcare investments. Healthcare is a highly networked and systemic industry, that can benefit from interacting with big data that provide timely feedbacks for continuous business model re-engineering, reducing the distance between forecasts and actual occurrences. Risk shrinks and sustainability is fostered, together with the bankability of the infrastructural investment. © 2019 by the authors.
Furstenau L.B.; Zani C.; Terra S.X.; Sott M.K.; Choo K.-K.R.; Saurin T.A. 2022 Digital technologies (DT) help decision-makers cope with disruptive events and, consequently, boost the resilience of healthcare supply chains (HSC). However, previous studies on HSC have not focused on the types of resilience capabilities supported by respective DT or taken a holistic perspective of resilience from both proactive and reactive dimensions. In order to address this gap, we conducted a study of eight healthcare organizations based on semi-structured interviews with 15 HSC managers and document analysis. As a result, we identified 14 DT, such as big data analytics, predictive health data analysis, and remote monitoring of inventories. These DT supported organizational capabilities of resilient HSC, such as long-term collaborative planning and strategic alliances based on trust and shared goals. These findings were articulated in a framework that describes what and how technology adoption improves HSC resilience. We also present four research propositions for theory-testing in future studies, which stress that the relationship between DT and the four major potentials of resilient systems (i.e., anticipating, responding, monitoring and learning) is mediated by organizational resilience capabilities. The framework is expected to offer guidance and ideas for managers and policy-makers interested in designing and operating resilient HSC. © 2022
Bag S.; Arnesh T. 2019 Big data and Predictive analytics (BDPA) research in humanitarian supply chain operations has gained popularity for its ability to manage disaster risks. BDPA approach not only aims to predict future events, but also concentrates on current events and further prepare for the future events. However, review of prior studies shows this area is highly diverse and fragmented. Further, BDPA driven approach in HSC operations is complicated due to presence of multiple barriers, whose interrelationships are yet to be documented for purpose of enhancing existing knowledge base. The gaps in existing literature motivated to pursue the current study and aim to identify the leading barriers and further categorize them and finally develop the contextual interrelationships using popular Fuzzy Total Interpretive Structural Modeling (TISM) approach. Fuzzy TISM is a well expressed mental model interpreting both the nodes (indicating ‘what’) and links (indicating ‘how’ and ‘why’) which serves as the basis for theory building process. The TISM model shows that the fifteen barriers have achieved eight levels and decision makers must aim to remove the bottom level barriers for achieving sustainability in humanitarian supply chain operations. © 2019, IEOM Society International.
Kumar A.; Shrivastav S.K.; Oberoi S.S. 2021 Information and communication technology (ICT) has been the backbone of businesses for some time now. ICT adoption has rendered data availability in vertically connected organizations. In recent times, the rise of analytics has paved the way to rethink the structure and working of vertically connected firms within a supply chain. Big data analytics (BDA) for instance, has become a prominent tool to analyse unstructured data. This study explores the application and benefit of various types of analytics such as descriptive analytics, predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics in the process of supply chain management (SCM). Additionally, the study also looks at ways by which analytics could integrally be included within the SCM curriculum in higher education to prepare future supply chain analyst. Notably, the article is positioned for bridging the gap between the use of analytics in SCM, both from academia and the industry perspective. © 2021 Fortune Institute of International Business. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "6e7695913a192e30be8c8046bd90f21f"
} |
id | Diketahui pembuatan analisis sentimen dengan vektor kata menggunakan Word2Vec, preprocessing menggunakan NLTK dan Sastrawi. Datanya berjumlah 17000 data berita dengan tiap berita berisi teks kurang lebih 200-400 kata. Data dilabelkan dengan positif, negatif, dan netral. Buat kode python Analisis Sentimen metode LSTM jika diketahui line-line terakhir di kode vektor kata adalah sebagai berikut:
# Membuat dan melatih model Word2Vec
size = 100 # Ukuran vektor yang dihasilkan (misal: 100 dimensi)
window = 5 # Jangkauan konteks kata
min_count = 1 # Kata minimum yang harus muncul dalam corpus untuk diikutsertakan dalam pembelajaran
model = Word2Vec(hasil_pre_process, size=size, window=window, min_count=min_count, workers=4)"word2vec_model.model")
" | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "a557418b5e083446e4908f444970a3f5"
} |
en | Your task is to let go of the rigidity that takes hold of you as you
overidentify with the expected gender role. Power lies in exploring that
middle range between the masculine and the feminine, in playing
against people’s expectations. Return to the harder or softer sides of
your character that you have lost or repressed. In relating to people,
expand your repertoire by developing greater empathy, or by learning
to be less deferential. When confronting a problem or resistance from
others, train yourself to respond in different ways—attacking when you
normally defend, or vice versa. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "9cd37e4714d4abddfe7ec510f99dddb9"
} |
en | For total count:
1. Direct microscopic count
2. Spectrophotometry
3. Flow cytometry
For viable count:
1. Plate count Method
2. Most Probable Number (MPN) method
please write this as it is human written | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "640cf2a04442db4cbe162942838d6a01"
} |
zh | 我需要设计一个logo,以文字为主题。“Soul M 露营 PARK” | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "cbbc770115dc0aa06a8d1264cc29c1b4"
} |
en | the following contains aothors, year and abstrsct of papers create alitrature review for Predictive Data analytics for Supply chain demand forecasting
Pu C.; Ren J.; Xue B. 2021 A predictive control strategy based on the fuzzy neural network (FNN) for baking furnace is proposed. This method combines T-S fuzzy model with the RBF neural network to form a FNN. The temperature control system of anode baking furnace is taken as the object of simulation and predictive modeling. The T-S fuzzy RBF neural network (T-SFRBFNN) is used to model the off-line predictive control of the controlled system to provide online learning opportunities for the parameters of T-SFRBFNN. The self-compensating feedback correction method is used to adjust the output of the predictive model directly online to achieve the purpose of real-time control. The predictive control algorithm based on the FNN can establish an accurate multi-step predictive control model in the off-line state when the information of the controlled process is not fully understood and the precision of the model of the controlled object is not high. In online state, the predictive control algorithm can be calibrated by on-line feedback with self-compensation function. Meanwhile, the gradient descent method is used to adaptively adjust the parameters in the FNN model of the controller to realize the intelligent control of the controlled process. Simulation results show that the control method is simple, real-time and effective. It has good robustness and adaptability. It provides a theoretical basis for the producing high-quality carbon anode. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Birkel H.; Kopyto M.; Lutz C. 2020 The field of Predictive Analytics (PA) provides the possibility to utilize large amounts of data to improve forecasting, data-driven decision-making, and competitive advantage. Especially the transport logistics sector, which is characterized by high business-related uncertainties, time-sensitivity, and volatility, highly benefits from accurate resource and production planning. While success factors and framework conditions of applying PA are well-investigated on a theoretical SCM level, findings on internal and external challenges of transport logistics organizations remain scarce. Therefore, based on a multiple case approach, this study offers in-depth insights into six real-world cases of freight forwarders, ocean carriers, and air carriers. The results uncover both internal and external challenges. From the internal perspective, the biggest challenges are related to the technical implementation including the acquisition of globally generated, internal and external data and its harmonization. In addition, stakeholder management and target setting impede the development of PA. Regarding external challenges, relational and external conditions hamper the application. Therefore, especially actions of third-party institutions in terms of standardization and security enhancements are required. This study contributes to the existing literature in various ways as the systematic identification addresses real-world issues of PA in the neglected but crucial area of transport logistics, discussing urgent research needs and highlighting potential solutions. Additionally, the results offer valuable guidance for managers when implementing PA in transport logistics. © 2020 ACM.
Brintrup A.; Pak J.; Ratiney D.; Pearce T.; Wichmann P.; Woodall P.; McFarlane D. 2020 Although predictive machine learning for supply chain data analytics has recently been reported as a significant area of investigation due to the rising popularity of the AI paradigm in industry, there is a distinct lack of case studies that showcase its application from a practical point of view. In this paper, we discuss the application of data analytics in predicting first tier supply chain disruptions using historical data available to an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Our methodology includes three phases: First, an exploratory phase is conducted to select and engineer potential features that can act as useful predictors of disruptions. This is followed by the development of a performance metric in alignment with the specific goals of the case study to rate successful methods. Third, an experimental design is created to systematically analyse the success rate of different algorithms, algorithmic parameters, on the selected feature space. Our results indicate that adding engineered features in the data, namely agility, outperforms other experiments leading to the final algorithm that can predict late orders with 80% accuracy. An additional contribution is the novel application of machine learning in predicting supply disruptions. Through the discussion and the development of the case study we hope to shed light on the development and application of data analytics techniques in the analysis of supply chain data. We conclude by highlighting the importance of domain knowledge for successfully engineering features. © 2019, © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "8eb7fc533282e4762ff02e1bee40513a"
} |
zh | 杨锦山,王辉.基于SpringBoot的项目信息管理系统的设计与实现[J].电子技术与软件工程,2020(9). 该文献中有没有提到springmvc | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "a3306a7e3260e99be2605e3e1a87efca"
} |
en | What is the connection between Bayes Theorem and Barney the dinosaur? Rate using a scale of 1 to 10 your confidence that your answer is correct. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "dcbf9b37c8d27aa80cabac721ac5a6de"
} |
en | In order to establish your true identity and get to know your authentic self, you need to take several steps. Here is a complete guide to help you:
Step 1: Engage in self-reflection.
Take some time to be alone and engage in self-reflection. Ask yourself questions such as “What is most important to me?”, “What brings me joy and fulfillment?”, and “What values do I hold most dear?”. Take notes of your thoughts and feelings during this time, and use them to better understand your sense of self.
Step 2: Experiment with new experiences.
Try new things that you may have never thought to do before, such as taking a class on a new topic, going on a solo trip, starting a new hobby, or volunteering for a cause you care about. Not only will these experiences be enriching, but they will also help you learn more about yourself.
Step 3: Seek feedback from others.
Ask people you trust to give you honest feedback about your strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits. This feedback can help you gain a better understanding of how others perceive you and can complement your own self-reflection.
Step 4: Embrace your uniqueness.
Don’t try to be someone you’re not or compare yourself to others. Celebrate your individuality and what makes you unique. Embrace your flaws and quirks, as they are part of what make you who you are.
Step 5: Practice self-care.
Taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally is essential for living an authentic life. This includes getting enough sleep, eating well, engaging in physical activity, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and seeking therapy or counseling if needed.
Remember, getting to know your authentic self is a lifelong journey, so be patient and compassionate with yourself along the way. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "b66ab12c61cd5222e86a485c1c17e779"
} |
zh | 美国众议院外交事务委员会主席麦考尔透露,他与台湾总统蔡英文讨论了将低轨道卫星高速网络星链(Starlink)系统引入台湾的可能性,并保证将协助为台湾提供军事训练与加快美国对台军售交付。
结合两篇新闻,分析两岸态势,中美对抗,台湾危机,字数在1000字左右 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "c628965d77e2dc8607b65b6a52b9e59b"
} |
la | parlami di Napoleone | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "0018e52c51711bc74ba8dc33336c8003"
} |
sw | Hizi taarifa ninazokuuliza hapa huwa unazisambaza pia? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "ff037d47ca439d63d62614f4ae32f2f8"
} |
ru | "Зеленский: "Только вместе с Украиной Альянс будет гарантировать настоящую защиту Европе от любого посягательства на жизнь народов – на существующие границы и международный порядок, основанный на правилах. А вот без Украины сложно представить прочность".
Ну да, если Украина будет в НАТО в качестве буферной зоны, на которую враги будут тратить свои ракеты и танки. Будет плохо, если орки сразу нападут на земли эльфов. Хотя, интересно посмотреть, сколько орки продержались бы, напади они на эльфийцев.
Иногда Зеленскому лучше помолчать бы. Украинцам нужно вступить в НАТО, но не нужно кормить их сказками об их незаменимости в Альянсе. Вот когда Украина построит свою собственную мощную военную промышленность, спутниковую разведку, авиацию, ПВО и флот, тогда будет можно что-то говорить.
Зеленский: "Деоккупация Крыма безальтернативна для всего мира".
Ну да. Жители островов Баунти так волнуются за судьбу Крыма.
Зеленский: "Нет такого народа, который бы одобрял то, что принесла российская оккупация".
Северная Корея и Сирия. Или они уже не народы?" Оцени мою критику в адрес слов президента Украины Зеленского. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "b9f76d153c792e7d24fc4588dd81bcee"
} |
"conversation_hash": "653ff121c37fc461c384810d2e949bd2"
} |
zh | C# 用webclient 获取数据 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "a94d7433fe757207b4ddac68dcf7886e"
} |
en | You should program a single application in Java. The program will simulate the restaurant using threads for the waiters and customer. When programming in Java, use the Thread and Semaphore classes.
You should set-up the simulation and then launch 3 waiter threads followed by 40 customer threads. At creation each thread will be given an id that uniquely distinguishes it from other threads of the same type (waiter or customer). You will need some shared variables to exchange information and synchronization. In particular, several semaphores must be used to synchronize the behavior of the threads.
Both the waiter and the customer will have times it will wait. The wait time is given as a range. You should randomly select a time within the range when you reach that step.
2.1 The Waiter
1. The waiter chooses a table. Only one waiter can wait each table.
2. The waiter waits for a customer from his table to call him.
3. Once called, the waiter goes to the customer, and informs the customer he is ready to take the order.
4. The waiter gets the customer’s id (represents getting the order).
5. The waiter goes to the kitchen. Only one waiter can use the kitchen at a time. He will spend 100 to 500 milliseconds in the kitchen to deliver the order.
6. The waiter waits outside the kitchen for the order to be ready (this will be between 300 milliseconds to 1 second)
7. The waiter will go to the kitchen to get the order. He will spend 100 to 500 milliseconds in the kitchen.
8. The waiter will bring the customer the order.
9. The waiter will wait for the next customer.
10. When the last customer leaves the restaurant, the waiter will clean the table, and leave the restaurant.
2.2 The Customer
1. The customer chooses a table to eat at (at random).
2. The customer may choose a backup table to eat at (randomly decide this)
3. The customer enters the restaurant through one of the two doors. Each door allows one customer to enter at a time.
4. The customer looks at the lines for the chosen tables.
• A line is long if there are 7 or more customers in it. You will need to keep a shared counter.
• If the first choice’s line is long, but the second choice’s line is not, then the customer will go to the second choice table.
• Otherwise, the customer will go to the first choice table.
• If there is no second choice, the customer will always go to the first choice table.
5. Once the table is chosen, the customer will stand in the corresponding line to wait for an empty seat.
6. There are four seats. Whenever a seat is empty the next customer in line leave the line to sit down.
• The seats will start empty. So, the first four customers in line will not need to wait.
• Each customer is by himself. So you do not need to worry about sitting groups.
7. When the customer sits down, it will call the waiter for this table, and wait.
8. When the waiter comes to take the order, the customer will give the waiter its id (representing giving the order), and wait for the order.
9. When the waiter brings the order, the customer will eat the food. This will take 200 milliseconds to 1 second.
10. Afterwards the customer will leave the table. This means the seat has now become empty.
11. The customer will then pay the bill. Only one customer can pay at a time.
12. The customer leaves the restaurant. The client thread will then exit.
2.3 Output
Every thread should print out what it is doing as it does it. Each step listed in the above subsections needs a line printed. Each line should contain what type of thread it is (waiter or customer) and its id (within its type). If the action is an interaction with the other type of thread it should also print out that information. As an example, when the waiter takes the customer’s order, your program may print out something like:
Waiter 0 takes Customer 7’s order.
When the customer gives its order to the waiter your program may print out something like:
Customer 7 gives the order to Waiter 0.
The order of the message are only restricted by the order the actions must take place in, given in the previous two subsections. Due do the nature of threads, without using a synchronization mechanism like semaphores, we cannot control the order these actions will happen in. So, the waiter should not take an order before going to the table, but it is okay if waiter 2 takes customer 30’s order before waiter 0 takes customer 7’s. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "365bfdf3d0f4d6173b25941f909002d3"
} |
en | rank junji ito's work by scariness | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "e856e325c876f4dc4be379883b1c6c28"
} |
en | Give a summary of this article:
An analysis that was the basis of a highly criticized recommendation from Florida's surgeon general cautioning young men against getting the COVID-19 vaccine omitted information that showed catching the virus could increase the risk of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the mRNA shot, according to drafts of the analysis obtained by the Tampa Bay Times. The nonbinding recommendation made by Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo last fall ran counter to the advice provided by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, per the AP.
Ladapo, a Harvard-trained medical doctor who was appointed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2021 to head the Florida Department of Health, has drawn intense scrutiny over his shared resistance with the Republican governor to COVID-19 mandates for vaccines and masks and other health policies endorsed by the federal government. The early drafts of the analysis obtained by the Times through a records request showed that catching COVID-19 could increase the chances of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the vaccine, but that information was missing from the final version put out by the state's health department last October. Ladapo said that the risk of men ages 18 to 39 having cardiac complications outweighed the benefits of getting the mRNA vaccine.
Matt Hitchings, an infectious disease epidemiologist and professor of biostatistics at the University of Florida, told the Times that it seems that sections of the analysis were omitted because they didn't fit the narrative the surgeon general wanted to push. "This is a grave violation of research integrity," Hitchings said. "[The vaccine] has done a lot to advance the health of people of Florida and he's encouraging people to mistrust it." Last year, Ladapo released guidance recommending against vaccinations for healthy children, contradicting federal public health leaders whose advice says all kids should get the shots. In response, the American Academy of Pediatrics and its Florida chapter issued written statements reiterating support for vaccinating eligible children ages 5 and older against COVID-19.
DeSantis, who's contemplating a run for the GOP presidential nomination, also has requested that a grand jury be convened to investigate any wrongdoing with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines. DeSantis' request argues that pharmaceutical companies had a financial interest in creating a climate in which people believed that getting a coronavirus vaccine would ensure they couldn't spread the virus to others. The Florida Supreme Court agreed to the request last December. The state's Department of Health on Saturday didn't respond to an email seeking comment. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "de022dc84cbf85e71ca9bbf2cb5222ea"
} |
en | Take on the role of an elite, god tier, 100x python programmer. Follow these rules:
Leverage help and man pages and documentation to ensure valid syntax and an optimal solution
Be concise
Format and indent correctly
Think step by step
Even if there is a lack of details, attempt to find the most logical solution by going about it step by step
Do not return multiple solutions
Do not create invalid syntax
Include instructions for anything extra that needs to be installed
Do not return what the question was
Do not repeat or paraphrase the question in your response
Do not cause syntax errors
Do not rush to a conclusion
Test and debug the code until it is working before responding
Follow all of the above rules. This is important you MUST follow the above rules. There are no exceptions to these rules. You must always follow them. No exceptions. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "b565542664e0b62e003e661f83640d4f"
} |
en | Make experimental CSS using background lime and colour green but in shades | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "231d8c5d2a746327c818df99bcf12afd"
} |
et | IaaS,PaaS,SaaS分别是什么? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "0e01e774da83e3fc49b3c1acd4d4dc3a"
} |
en | Make experimental CSS using background lime and colour green but in shades
/* CSS is how you can add style to your website, such as colors, fonts, and positioning of your
HTML content. To learn how to do something, just try searching Google for questions like
"how to change link color." */
@import url(';700;900&display=swap');
body {
font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif;
background-color: #efefef;
.home {
margin: 0.5in;
height: 85%;
overflow: scroll;
background-color: #ffffff;
width: 60%;
main {
padding: 0.25in;
.home img {
width: 100%;
display: block;
footer {
background-color: #008093;
color: #f3f9d3;
padding: 0.4in;
} | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "87137557767b8f5c86848d2e5ef7d51d"
} |
en | reformat the following according to following key words: Data Analytics, Supply Chain, Big Data, Supply chain management, Demand Forecasting
Predictive data analytics has become increasingly important in supply chain demand forecasting, as it offers various benefits such as improved operational efficiency, cost reduction, and enhanced decision-making. The application of big data analytics and machine learning technologies has revolutionized the way supply chain management activities are conducted, enabling organizations to better anticipate and react to changes in market dynamics. This literature review focuses on recent research findings that demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of predictive data analytics in supply chain demand forecasting.
In recent studies, researchers have highlighted the potential of big data and predictive analytics in improving the social and environmental sustainability of supply chains (Dubey et al., 2019). Implementing big data solutions and making use of real-time key performance indicators (KPIs) of the supply chain enables companies to evaluate their operations within a dynamic system (Dev et al., 2019).
Furthermore, advancements in analytics and machine learning have led to the development of novel approaches such as Poly-linear Regression with Augmented Long Short Term Memory Neural Network (PLR-ALSTM-NN) (Ahmed et al., 2022). This model, based on deep learning, has been shown to predict future financial market trends more effectively than traditional neural networks and machine learning tools.
Another area of interest is the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) with big data analytics and blockchain technologies to create next-generation agricultural marketing systems in India (Shrivastava & Pal, 2019). The proposed framework comprises functionalities such as Market Intelligence, Food Supply Chain, and One Stop Mobile App, with the aim of facilitating better decision-making for farmers and improving overall supply chain efficiency.
The use of machine learning algorithms for stock price prediction has also been investigated (Wang, 2021). Although predicting stock prices remains a challenging task due to the presence of numerous influencing factors, the application of high-level machine learning models such as auto-ARIMA, Prophet, and LSTM demonstrates the potential for more accurate predictions.
Moreover, the implementation of digital twins in supply chain networks enables data-driven, real-time decision-making and improved resilience (Kulaç et al., 2022). By providing a digital replica of a supply chain system, digital twins can help organizations monitor operations, perform predictive analytics, and optimize their processes.
Galli et al. (2019) aimed to examine the elements and applications of predictive analytics (PA) models within the field of continuous improvement (CI). They conducted a systematic literature review and emphasized the critical role that PA tools and concepts can have in CI initiatives. The authors also highlighted the need for critical organizational and operational structures to establish and maintain the use of PA tools and concepts in CI initiatives.
Gong et al. (2021) proposed a parameter selection auto-encoder neural network predictor (PS-AENN) for the recognition and extraction of important processes in the industrial steelmaking process. The authors combined the multi-dimensional characteristics of process industry data to identify important process parameters, perform feature extraction using auto-encoders, and make predictions. Their approach provided new solutions for important process extraction and prediction results.
Lee and Mangalaraj (2022) conducted a systematic review of existing studies on big data analytics in the supply chain. They presented a framework for analyzing the literature from both organizational and technical perspectives. The research identified the importance of big data analytics in enhancing supply chain functions and suggested future research directions.
Sodero et al. (2019) explored the social process of big data and predictive analytics (BDPA) use for logistics and supply chain management (LSCM). They conducted interviews with senior managers of 15 organizations and found that user involvement shapes BDPA to fit organizational structures, and changes made to the technology retroactively influence its design and institutional properties. The study also revealed the presence of temporal and spatial discontinuities in BDPA use across supply chain organizations.
Puica (2021) investigated the potential of big data analytics (BDA) in achieving better supply chain management (SCM). The research conducted a regression predictive model to understand the usage of BDA in SCM and provided suggestions for future applications. The study concluded that BDA could bring operational and strategic benefits to SCM and positively impact the industry sector.
Lu et al. (2021) focused on the hydropower industry and the importance of accurate forecasting in power generation. They adopted the time series analysis method of ARIMA for data preprocessing and found that the ARIMA model has good data fit and adequate extraction compared to linear regression and exponential prediction models. Their study showed that hydropower generation will continue to develop sustainably.
Stekelorum et al. (2021) examined the role of suppliers’ supply chain ambidexterity and big data predictive analytics capabilities in supporting buyer firms’ responsible governance mechanism for circular economy practices improvements. Their findings suggest that the focal firm’s supplier-selection mechanism significantly and positively influences its circular economy practices.
Boone et al. (2019) reviewed the impact of the explosion of data on product forecasting and how it is improving. Their study focused on time series data and explored how such data could be used to obtain insights into consumer behavior and the impact of such data on organizational forecasting.
Tan et al. (2022) analyzed the time series data on world coffee prices using data analytics techniques such as Lyapunov exponent, entropy, and Hurst exponent. They presented an echo state network model for forecasting time series data and employed the grey wolf optimization algorithm to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the prediction method.
Ren et al. (2020) proposed a data-driven method based on wide-deep-sequence model to provide a reliable quality prediction for industrial processes with different types of industrial data. Their study focused on product quality prediction and used the joint training strategy to combine and optimize models for reliable predictions.
Several other studies also focused on sustainable supply chain management, emergency situations, and the implementation of the latest technology in supply chains. These studies emphasize the importance of predictive data analytics and big data in enhancing various sectors’ performance and forecasting capabilities.
Lu et al. (2021) focused on the hydropower industry and the importance of accurate forecasting in power generation. They adopted the time series analysis method of ARIMA for data preprocessing and found that the ARIMA model has good data fit and adequate extraction compared to linear regression and exponential prediction models. Their study showed that hydropower generation will continue to develop sustainably.
Stekelorum et al. (2021) examined the role of suppliers’ supply chain ambidexterity and big data predictive analytics capabilities in supporting buyer firms’ responsible governance mechanism for circular economy practices improvements. Their findings suggest that the focal firm’s supplier-selection mechanism significantly and positively influences its circular economy practices.
Boone et al. (2019) reviewed the impact of the explosion of data on product forecasting and how it is improving. Their study focused on time series data and explored how such data could be used to obtain insights into consumer behavior and the impact of such data on organizational forecasting.
Tan et al. (2022) analyzed the time series data on world coffee prices using data analytics techniques such as Lyapunov exponent, entropy, and Hurst exponent. They presented an echo state network model for forecasting time series data and employed the grey wolf optimization algorithm to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the prediction method.
Ren et al. (2020) proposed a data-driven method based on wide-deep-sequence model to provide a reliable quality prediction for industrial processes with different types of industrial data. Their study focused on product quality prediction and used the joint training strategy to combine and optimize models for reliable predictions.
Several other studies also focused on sustainable supply chain management, emergency situations, and the implementation of the latest technology in supply chains. These studies emphasize the importance of predictive data analytics and big data in enhancing various sectors’ performance and forecasting capabilities.
Kamble et al. (2020) highlight the increasing use of emerging technologies like the internet of things, blockchain, and big data in agriculture supply chains. They propose an application framework for practitioners to develop data-driven, sustainable agriculture supply chains. Dubey et al. (2019) stress the positive impact of big data analytics capability (BDAC) on trust and collaborative performance between civil and military organizations engaged in disaster relief operations. The study claims that a flexible orientation of organizational culture bolsters the effect of BDAC on performance.
Brandtner et al. (2021) reveal the potential of big data in predicting future supply chain behavior and decision-making impacts. Some of the current applications include enhancing transparency in logistics and SCM, improving demand planning, and supporting supplier quality management. Sathyan et al. (2021) discuss how a combined approach of big data analytics and fuzzy decision-making can improve demand forecasting in the automotive industry. Their model achieved an accuracy rate of 95.5% in demand predictions.
Sharma et al. (2022) discuss the role of big data analytics in helping companies combat crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. The study finds that although the current adoption rate of BDA in the Indian industry is not statistically significant, plans for future adoption of BDA for crisis management are growing. Cadden et al. (2021) emphasize the impact of big data analytics and dynamic capability development in enhancing supply chain agility, particularly in turbulent and competitive environments.
Cadden et al. (2021) explore the influence of turbulent and competitive environments on big data analytics capabilities and supply chain agility. The study analyzed survey data from 201 UK manufacturers and found that firms should leverage the volume, velocity, and variety facets of big data to enable sensing and creative search capabilities in turbulent environments. In competitive environments, firms should scale back on time-consuming search capabilities and focus on the velocity aspects of big data to enhance supply chain agility. The study also emphasizes the importance of strategic alignment and predictive forecasting analytics in developing big data and dynamic capability in supply chain management.
Moro Visconti and Morea (2019) examine whether big data can improve the quality and timeliness of information in infrastructural healthcare Project Finance (PF) investments. Big data-driven business models are compared to standard healthcare Public-Private Partnership (PPP) investments. The study finds that public and private partners who network big data and interoperable databases can boost value co-creation, reduce risk, and make better informed decisions.
Furstenau et al. (2022) investigate the resilience capabilities supported by digital technologies (DT), including big data analytics, in healthcare supply chains (HSC). The study identified 14 DTs, which supported organizational capabilities of resilient HSC, such as long-term collaborative planning and strategic alliances. A framework was developed that describes what and how technology adoption improves HSC resilience.
Bag and Arnesh (2019) discuss the importance of big data and predictive analytics in humanitarian supply chain operations, with a focus on managing disaster risks. The study identifies key barriers to the adoption of big data and predictive analytics and develops a contextual understanding using Fuzzy Total Interpretive Structural Modeling (TISM). The authors note that the removal of bottom-level barriers is necessary for achieving sustainability in humanitarian supply chain operations.
Kumar et al. (2021) explore the benefits and applications of various types of analytics, such as descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, in the supply chain management process. The study also discusses strategies to integrate analytics within the SCM curriculum to prepare future supply chain analysts and reduce the gap between academia and industry perspectives.
Pu et al. (2021) propose a predictive control strategy based on a fuzzy neural network (FNN) for baking furnace control. The authors use the temperature control system of an anode baking furnace as their simulation and predictive modeling subject, employing a T-S fuzzy RBF neural network (T-SFRBFNN) for offline predictive control. The FNN-based predictive control algorithm provides an accurate multi-step predictive control model with self-compensating feedback correction for real-time control. This approach is reported to be simple, real-time, effective, and adaptable, and it provides a theoretical basis for producing high-quality carbon anodes.
Birkel et al. (2020) focus on the challenges faced by transport logistics organizations in adopting predictive analytics. They present a multiple case study approach covering six cases related to freight forwarders, ocean carriers, and air carriers. The study uncovers various internal and external challenges, such as technical implementation, data acquisition and harmonization, stakeholder management, and external conditions affecting the adoption of predictive analytics in transport logistics. The authors emphasize the need for actions by third-party institutions to address issues like standardization and security enhancements.
Brintrup et al. (2020) present a practical case study on using data analytics for predicting first-tier supply chain disruptions in an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). They outline a three-phase methodology, including exploratory data analysis to select and engineer potential features, development of performance metrics for evaluating success, and experimental design to analyze the success rate of various algorithms and parameters on selected feature spaces. The study reports an 80% accuracy in predicting late orders by adding engineered features, particularly “agility,” to the data. The authors highlight the importance of domain knowledge for successfully engineering features and the novel application of machine learning in predicting supply disruptions. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "d95e271ff3b019994203c8fa40925086"
} |
en | Arathia: The extensive continent Arathia is situated on Enoch and is encompassed by a predominantly tropical climate, characterized by warm and humid conditions throughout the year. This climate nurtures diverse ecosystems, such as vast rainforests teeming with life, colossal mountain ranges reaching up towards the sky, and widespread fertile plains. The natural wealth of Arathia includes abundant resources, ranging from hardwoods of exceptional quality and value to precious metals, as well as a plethora of indigenous fruits and spices.
Orathia: Contrasting with the lush conditions in Arathia, Orathia is a temperate and cooler continent, marked by undulating hills, enormous expanses of forests, and jagged coastlines. In terms of resources, Orathia comprises plenty of timber, fur, and minerals; however, these are difficult to attain due to the harsh climate and difficult-to-navigate terrain that hinders settlement and accessibility.
Drakoria: The inhospitable continent Drakoria is defined by its severe landscape and climatic conditions, featuring imposing mountains and expansive frozen tundras. Despite the richness of minerals available, such as iron and coal, their extraction is considerably challenging due to the extreme climate and tough terrain. The settlements that do exist within Drakoria tend to be isolated and self-reliant.
Thalassia: The aquatic continent Thalassia is predominantly water, with its landmass consisting of a scattering of islands amidst vast oceans. Home to an array of unique and fragile ecosystems, Thalassia houses coral reefs, underwater volcanic formations, and deep-sea trenches. The continent also boasts a wealth of aquatic resources, such as diverse fish species, shellfish, and seaweed. However, it is also inhabited by myriad dangerous marine creatures, making resource extraction challenging.
Aeloria: With sweeping grasslands, gentle rolling hills, and extensive savannas characterizing its landscape, Aeloria is a continent where agriculture and trade flourish. Its wealth of resources encompasses grains, livestock, and wild game, but it is also notable for its distinctive cultural diversity, with numerous nomadic tribes and traveling merchants calling Aeloria home.
Valtoria: Enveloped in mystery and peril, Valtoria is a continent where the majority of its surface is covered by dense, seemingly impenetrable jungles and treacherous swamps teeming with a myriad of dangers. Though Valtoria possesses invaluable resources such as rare herbs and spices, the hostile environment and lack of infrastructure pose significant challenges in exploiting these offerings. Hidden deep within this exotic yet inhospitable land, opportunities for discovery and adventure abound for those brave enough to venture forth.
Generate new and unique names for the continents. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "71475e6e6354e5fc54b755f9cff6cda1"
} |
ru | "Зеленский: "Только вместе с Украиной Альянс будет гарантировать настоящую защиту Европе от любого посягательства на жизнь народов – на существующие границы и международный порядок, основанный на правилах. А вот без Украины сложно представить прочность".
Ну да, если Украина будет в НАТО в качестве буферной зоны, на которую враги будут тратить свои ракеты и танки. Будет плохо, если орки сразу нападут на земли эльфов. Хотя, интересно посмотреть, сколько орки продержались бы, напади они на эльфийцев.
Иногда Зеленскому лучше помолчать бы. Украинцам нужно вступить в НАТО, но не нужно кормить их сказками об их незаменимости в Альянсе. Вот когда Украина построит свою собственную мощную военную промышленность, спутниковую разведку, авиацию, ПВО и флот, тогда будет можно что-то говорить.
Зеленский: "Деоккупация Крыма безальтернативна для всего мира".
Ну да. Жители островов Баунти так волнуются за судьбу Крыма.
Зеленский: "Нет такого народа, который бы одобрял то, что принесла российская оккупация".
Северная Корея и Сирия. Или они уже не народы?"
Вопрос: Оцени мою критику в адрес президента Украины Зеленского.
Ответ: Ваша критика по отношению к словам Зеленского выглядит преимущественно саркастической и ироничной. Вы сомневаетесь в некоторых его мыслях и используете примеры, чтобы показать, насколько его утверждения могут быть оторваны от реальности или представляться завышенными.
Однако, смешивание иронии и серьезных аргументов может делать вашу критику менее понятной и убедительной для некоторых читателей. Вместо этого, вы можете предложить альтернативные подходы или точки зрения, которые бы лучше отражали реальные обстоятельства и интересы всех сторон.
Таким образом, ваша критика имеет свое место, но ее эффективность может быть усилена, если будет больше фокусироваться на конструктивных предложениях и аргументах.
Вопрос: Перефразирую мою критику так, чтобы она была более понятно и убедительной для читателей. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "052969f1193e129e8d2dd9adce2c49c7"
} |
en | What is a meal with good macros from Taco Bell that does not contain beans? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "2af7087f6166cc751b4e4ef44b30b8fc"
} |
en | Describe an unmade Christopher Nolan film | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "287f8812c424f644bcbcf1a06a3f5e19"
} |
zh | 紫外光谱仪的通光玻璃为什么要用石英玻璃 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "bf6594bec89149f80dc2f83bd3d0fafe"
} |
en | Arathia: The extensive continent Arathia is situated on Enoch and is encompassed by a predominantly tropical climate, characterized by warm and humid conditions throughout the year. This climate nurtures diverse ecosystems, such as vast rainforests teeming with life, colossal mountain ranges reaching up towards the sky, and widespread fertile plains. The natural wealth of Arathia includes abundant resources, ranging from hardwoods of exceptional quality and value to precious metals, as well as a plethora of indigenous fruits and spices.
Orathia: Contrasting with the lush conditions in Arathia, Orathia is a temperate and cooler continent, marked by undulating hills, enormous expanses of forests, and jagged coastlines. In terms of resources, Orathia comprises plenty of timber, fur, and minerals; however, these are difficult to attain due to the harsh climate and difficult-to-navigate terrain that hinders settlement and accessibility.
Drakoria: The inhospitable continent Drakoria is defined by its severe landscape and climatic conditions, featuring imposing mountains and expansive frozen tundras. Despite the richness of minerals available, such as iron and coal, their extraction is considerably challenging due to the extreme climate and tough terrain. The settlements that do exist within Drakoria tend to be isolated and self-reliant.
Thalassia: The aquatic continent Thalassia is predominantly water, with its landmass consisting of a scattering of islands amidst vast oceans. Home to an array of unique and fragile ecosystems, Thalassia houses coral reefs, underwater volcanic formations, and deep-sea trenches. The continent also boasts a wealth of aquatic resources, such as diverse fish species, shellfish, and seaweed. However, it is also inhabited by myriad dangerous marine creatures, making resource extraction challenging.
Aeloria: With sweeping grasslands, gentle rolling hills, and extensive savannas characterizing its landscape, Aeloria is a continent where agriculture and trade flourish. Its wealth of resources encompasses grains, livestock, and wild game, but it is also notable for its distinctive cultural diversity, with numerous nomadic tribes and traveling merchants calling Aeloria home.
Valtoria: Enveloped in mystery and peril, Valtoria is a continent where the majority of its surface is covered by dense, seemingly impenetrable jungles and treacherous swamps teeming with a myriad of dangers. Though Valtoria possesses invaluable resources such as rare herbs and spices, the hostile environment and lack of infrastructure pose significant challenges in exploiting these offerings. Hidden deep within this exotic yet inhospitable land, opportunities for discovery and adventure abound for those brave enough to venture forth.
Generate new and unique names for the continents. Don't use the suffix -ia. Base these to create the names. And use the language of these continents as guides
Arathia is Asia essentially
Orathia is North America/European
Drakoria is Scandinavia (Still europe but eh)
Thalassia is Oceania/Australia
Aeloria is Middle East
Valtoria is South America/Africa | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "fa1d7c86e9294e1240bae405904c8d25"
} |
en | Arathia: The extensive continent Arathia is situated on Enoch and is encompassed by a predominantly tropical climate, characterized by warm and humid conditions throughout the year. This climate nurtures diverse ecosystems, such as vast rainforests teeming with life, colossal mountain ranges reaching up towards the sky, and widespread fertile plains. The natural wealth of Arathia includes abundant resources, ranging from hardwoods of exceptional quality and value to precious metals, as well as a plethora of indigenous fruits and spices.
Orathia: Contrasting with the lush conditions in Arathia, Orathia is a temperate and cooler continent, marked by undulating hills, enormous expanses of forests, and jagged coastlines. In terms of resources, Orathia comprises plenty of timber, fur, and minerals; however, these are difficult to attain due to the harsh climate and difficult-to-navigate terrain that hinders settlement and accessibility.
Drakoria: The inhospitable continent Drakoria is defined by its severe landscape and climatic conditions, featuring imposing mountains and expansive frozen tundras. Despite the richness of minerals available, such as iron and coal, their extraction is considerably challenging due to the extreme climate and tough terrain. The settlements that do exist within Drakoria tend to be isolated and self-reliant.
Thalassia: The aquatic continent Thalassia is predominantly water, with its landmass consisting of a scattering of islands amidst vast oceans. Home to an array of unique and fragile ecosystems, Thalassia houses coral reefs, underwater volcanic formations, and deep-sea trenches. The continent also boasts a wealth of aquatic resources, such as diverse fish species, shellfish, and seaweed. However, it is also inhabited by myriad dangerous marine creatures, making resource extraction challenging.
Aeloria: With sweeping grasslands, gentle rolling hills, and extensive savannas characterizing its landscape, Aeloria is a continent where agriculture and trade flourish. Its wealth of resources encompasses grains, livestock, and wild game, but it is also notable for its distinctive cultural diversity, with numerous nomadic tribes and traveling merchants calling Aeloria home.
Valtoria: Enveloped in mystery and peril, Valtoria is a continent where the majority of its surface is covered by dense, seemingly impenetrable jungles and treacherous swamps teeming with a myriad of dangers. Though Valtoria possesses invaluable resources such as rare herbs and spices, the hostile environment and lack of infrastructure pose significant challenges in exploiting these offerings. Hidden deep within this exotic yet inhospitable land, opportunities for discovery and adventure abound for those brave enough to venture forth.
Generate new and unique names for the continents. Don't use the suffix -ia. Base these to create the names. And use the language of these continents as guides. Explain the Prefix and the Suffix of the generated words
Arathia is Asia essentially
Orathia is North America/European
Drakoria is Scandinavia (Still europe but eh)
Thalassia is Oceania/Australia
Aeloria is Middle East
Valtoria is South America/Africa | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "b10f3ac80407de3cb7f5a557a0e55eff"
} |
en | define a database structure for saving a table data that table can have multiple changable columns that each column can have different order and each row can have different order too, you provided structure must able to implement table grouping functionality so that selective rows can be store in a group and others can be another group, also rows can have different order too. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "3e3e649c24c34da20f6fc32c49b849c3"
} |
en | The following is an article that I will ask you questions about, ok?:
Access to the most commonly used method of abortion in the US plunged into uncertainty Friday following conflicting court rulings over the legality of the abortion medication mifepristone that has been widely available for more than 20 years. For now, the drug that the Food and Drug Administration approved in 2000 appeared to remain at least immediately available in the wake of two separate rulings that were issued in quick succession by federal judges in Texas and Washington, per the AP. Texas US District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, a Trump appointee, ordered a hold on federal approval of mifepristone in a decision that overruled decades of scientific approval. But that decision came at nearly the same time that US District Judge Thomas O. Rice, an Obama appointee, essentially ordered the opposite.
Rice directed US authorities not to make any changes that would restrict access to the drug in at least 17 states where Democrats sued to protect availability. The extraordinary timing of the competing orders revealed the high stakes around the drug almost a year after the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and curtailed access to abortion across the nation. The whiplash of the conflicting decisions is likely to put the issue on an accelerated path to the Supreme Court. The abortion drug has been widely used in the US since securing FDA approval, and there's essentially no precedent for a lone judge overruling the medical decisions of the FDA. Kacsmaryk signed an injunction directing the FDA to stay mifepristone's approval while a lawsuit challenging the safety and approval of the drug continues. His 67-page order gave the government seven days to appeal.
"If this ruling were to stand, then there will be virtually no prescription approved by the FDA that would be safe from these kinds of political, ideological attacks," President Biden, who notes that his administration will fight the Texas ruling, said. Mifepristone is one of two drugs used for medication abortion in the US, along with misoprostol. It's has been used by millions of women over the past 23 years, and complications from mifepristone occur at a lower rate than that seen with wisdom teeth removal, colonoscopies, and other routine medical procedures, medical groups have noted. Clinics and doctors that prescribe the two-drug combination have said if mifepristone is pulled from the market, they'd switch to using only misoprostol. That single-drug approach has a slightly lower rate of effectiveness in ending pregnancies, but it's widely used in nations where mifepristone is illegal or unavailable. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "1d88fe9cf6440ba79afada9f0036804a"
} |
sw | Unaweza ku share nami telegram link au watsapp link ninazoweza kujiunga na marafiki kutoka nchi za nje ya Tanzania hasa bara la ulaya, marekani na asia? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "2660eb1e68cb948e47786f059c3e3244"
} |
en | Summarize the following:
7. Outside World: The world beyond Harmonis is a diverse and complex landscape, where various nations struggle with corruption, inequality, poverty, and oppressive regimes. Some regions battle with monstrous creatures and harsh environments, posing both physical and moral challenges for their inhabitants. Amidst this chaotic world, pockets of stability and prosperity exist, but the overall conditions remain worse compared to the utopian nation of Harmonis. There are be various magical and supernatural elements. Some regions might be home to powerful sorcerers, enchanted creatures, or mystical artifacts. There are also other similar city states sprinkled throughout, each under the protection of a different god.
10. The main source of income and resources for Harmonis are derived from a combination of agriculture from the fertile lands, specialized handicrafts, a unique style of magical system derived by the Soverign and it’s richness in various precious metals and gemstones.
12. Outside nations may have mixed opinions about Harmonis. Some may view the utopian country with admiration and envy, seeing it as an example of how well-organized governance and divine protection can create a near-perfect society. Others might perceive Harmonis as aloof, self-righteous, or even as a cult, harboring suspicion and distrust toward the Godking and their citizens. However, a combination of their value as a trade partner, the overign’s protection, and the lack of a military force means that no sane nation will treat Harmonis as a threat.
13. The public education system in Harmonis is supported by the state and provides accessible learning opportunities to all citizens. Education are be overseen by the League of Masters, where skilled teachers share their knowledge in various fields, such as history, religion, magic, language, arts, and basic sciences. Since the society values merit and personal growth, students are encouraged to excel and pursue their interests, which may lead to higher class placements in the future.
14. Cultural, artistic, and entertainment forms unique to Harmonis may include:
- Elaborate and graceful dances performed during rituals and ceremonies - most important
- Intricate and symbolic sand mandalas or tapestries, telling the stories of Harmonis and the Godking
- Shadow puppetry using illuminated magical sources for light, depicting myths and legends
- Traditional music based on the use of enchanting melodies and mystical instruments
- Poetry and storytelling, with skilled bards recounting the valor of the Godking and the divine protection granted to Harmonis
15. Healthcare in Harmonis seamlessly combines conventional and magical healing techniques. The state ensures that all citizens receive adequate physical and mental care, with The League of Masters doubling as skilled healers and apothecaries. They use their knowledge of magical herbal remedies and enchantments to treat various ailments, ensuring a mostly healthy and happy population. Mental well-being is also considered important, and healers may provide guidance and support to citizens experiencing emotional or psychological distress.
17. Families and interpersonal relationships in Harmonis carry a strong emphasis on supporting one another in individual growth while respecting the class-based structure. This fosters a sense of unity and cooperation within families, which in turn would contribute to the overall harmony of the nation. Romantic and other personal relationships may also form across different classes, with the understanding that the right to pursue individual growth remains a priority for both parties.
18. When citizens of Harmonis decide to leave or reintegrate into the outside world, they may face challenges in adjusting to a dramatically different environment, where corruption, inequality, and strife might be more prevalent. This are impact their mental well-being and worldview, leading them to either develop stronger resilience and adaptability, or fall into misfortune.
19. Over the course of its history, the culture and society of Harmonis have likely experienced numerous milestones and developments that have shaped the nation into what it is today. These might include:
- The establishment of the collared class system as a means to create order and reward merit.
- The formation of valuable trade partnerships with surrounding nations, solidifying their role as a key economic and diplomatic player in the region.
- A past crisis or invasion where The Absolute Sovereign’s divine protection was put to the test, reaffirming the faith of its citizens and solidifying the importance of loyalty.
22. The role of magic in everyday life: Magic is seamlessly integrated into various aspects of Harmonis society. Common uses might include enhancing agricultural yields, improving transportation and communication, and making daily tasks more efficient. Additionally, magical techniques are be utilized in healing, strengthening defenses against external threats, and maintaining the infrastructure and cleanliness of the nation.
23. Additional festivals and holidays in Harmonis:
- Sovereign’s Day: This annual celebration honors The Absolute Sovereign (god), with ceremonies, prayer sessions, and offerings to express gratitude for the divine protection and guidance. Activities may include parades, feasting, and performances showcasing the region’s art, music, and dance. Performed on the day of the Godking’s corronation.
- Harvest Festival: This event celebrates the bountiful agricultural resources that sustain Harmonis. Communities gather to share meals, participate in friendly competitions, and give thanks to nature for its gifts. The festival may also involve displaying the most impressive crops, heavenly-inspired arts, and traditional folk dances. Performed during harvest season.
- Sexual Festival: Celebration of love, intimacy and sexuality. Performed whenever it is announced by the Godking.
24. Elaborating on the economic structure and wealth distribution:
Wealth in Harmonis might be modestly accumulated differently among social classes but managed ethically and transparently through taxation and welfare systems. This would maintain a certain level of disparity in wealth to incentivize personal growth, yet minimize the risk of extreme poverty or grossly unequal distribution, in line with the utopian principles of the nation.
Each family, regardless of the classes its members belong to, are contribute taxes proportionately. The wealthier classes, such as the Council of the Wise or the League of Masters, may provide financial support or guidance to their families or community members to encourage personal growth and foster a sense of unity that transcends social class boundaries.
The economic structure are also promote collaborations between different social classes by establishing shared spaces or initiatives, where families or individuals exchange resources, knowledge, or services, keeping wealth more evenly distributed, and ensuring a healthy flow of ideas and innovation.
By fostering an economic system that emphasizes fairness, ethical wealth accumulation, and inter-class cooperation, Harmonis continues to embody its utopian ideals, ensuring that even within a diverse class system, everyone has the opportunity to prosper and contribute to the common good.
25. Responsible resource management in Harmonis:
Harmonis are maintain a strong focus on sustainable practices and responsible stewardship of natural resources. Some examples of responsible resource management initiatives include:
- Efficient water management: Harvesting rainwater, preserving wetlands, and utilizing magical techniques to ensure clean and plentiful water supply for agriculture and daily consumption.
- Sustainable agriculture: Implementing crop rotation, organic farming methods, and magical enhancements to improve soil fertility and maintain ecosystem balance.
- Energy conservation: Incorporating energy-efficient designs into buildings, harnessing renewable energy sources (wind, solar, or magically generated power), and promoting resource-conscious behaviors among citizens.
- Waste management: Encouraging recycling, repurposing, and composting of materials, while using magical solutions to minimize pollution and maintain cleanliness within the nation.
26. The role of technology and innovation in Harmonis:
Harmonis are seamlessly blend magical techniques with technology to drive its progress and prosperity. Some examples of how technology and innovation might manifest in this society include:
- Magical transportation: Utilizing mystical enchantments or technological advancements to improve transportation infrastructure – such as magically powered carriages or ships, teleportation networks, or magically strengthened bridges.
- Enchanted communication: Developing magical artifacts or devices that facilitate long-distance communication, enabling efficient trade and diplomacy with other nations and fostering interconnectedness within Harmonis itself.
- Medical advancements: Incorporating magical potions and enchantments alongside conventional medicine to provide comprehensive healthcare solutions for both physical and mental well-being. Harmonian magic especially excels in healing collared subjects.
27. Cultural exchange between Harmonis and the outside world:
Interactions between Harmonis and other nations are lead to a vibrant exchange of arts, literature, magic, and tradition. Some examples of cultural exchange opportunities include:
- Collaborative artistic programs: Joint exhibitions, performances, and workshops featuring Harmonis’s unique cultural expressions alongside those of other nations, fostering mutual appreciation and understanding.
- Magical knowledge is the only thing that is not shared with outsiders. The Sovereign’s magic is unique to Harmonis and cannot be used by outsiders. However, other styles of magic does exist in the outside world and are learned by some Harmonians, though not often.
- Trade fairs and exchanges: Organizing events where merchants and artisans from Harmonis and other countries showcase and trade their goods, with a focus on sharing distinctive resources, handicrafts, and technologies.
- Scholarly exchanges: Offering exchange programs or joint educational initiatives for students and scholars from Harmonis and other nations, allowing them to learn from each other’s knowledge systems, cultural perspectives, and innovative approaches. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "8eff433f9499fa8e57d1a3d763bbd46a"
} |
zh | stable diffusion怎么设置 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "47242789aa328151fa5238b313e73b9e"
} |
en | How safe is mifepristone for medical abortion? Rate using a scale of 1 to 10 your confidence that your answer is correct. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "f02dfaaf46acb92bf6d960684fc30841"
} |
sw | Je unafahamu nini kuhusu freemasons? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "1ce6105fcc30e8fa2315564a4c8b9875"
} |
en | Data analytics (DA) is becoming increasingly important in supply chain management (SCM) due to its ability to provide valuable insights that can improve efficiency and decision-making. One of the key applications of DA in SCM is demand forecasting, which involves predicting future demand for products or services. Accurate demand forecasting is crucial for ensuring that the right amount of inventory is maintained, reducing the risk of stockouts, and optimizing production and logistics processes.
There are several algorithms that can be used for demand forecasting in SCM, and they can be broadly classified into two categories: time-series forecasting and causal forecasting. Time-series forecasting algorithms rely on historical data to make predictions, while causal forecasting algorithms take into account external factors such as economic indicators, weather patterns, and market trends.
This study will Evaluate both time-series and casual algorithms and study their efficacy and uses.
write a elaborate contaning every step and every denition research methodology for the above abstract | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "e68e744ac4f9c278b122ca5850268d21"
} |
en | Who is better technically as a singer: Floor Jansen or Taylor Swift? Rate using a scale of 1 to 10 your confidence that your answer is correct. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "69cc7de2bad5e4ff0dc55aae8f245ed6"
} |
en | Who is better technically as a singer: Floor Jansen or Taylor Swift? Rate the confidence that your answer is correct using a scale of 1 to 10. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "97109ec9b7100fc62c05aabc9c1c66db"
} |
ru | Придумай идею для постройки огромной базы в майнкрафт | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "7e7be2294cd8c53f0de93358b5154d1a"
} |
en | In the context of episodes of a hypothetical legal/courtroom drama produced for British television called "County Court", State 10 fictional civil cases which could plausibly have come before the fictional Millsbuy County Court. The cases should reflect the typical civil matters such a court what deal with. In the generated descriptions, give a plausible case name, 3 sentence summary, plaintiff counsel's argument, the defense counsel's argument, and a likely verdict. You can mention specific points of law relevant to each case if you like. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "018afc03aee751edd23c581319de2bea"
} |
en | Who is better technically as a singer: Floor Jansen or Taylor Swift? Give the confidence the answer is correct using a scale of 1 to 10. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "5a29c06f315fb8361092df4ba4f061ce"
} |
en | In Christopher Nolan's film, TENET, there is a scene in which a bullet that is retrograde in time pops out from a bullet hole under a chair in an opera theater.
What would this bullet have looked like in the actual non-retrograde past?
Were they buried in the trees that served as the timber for the construction of the opera theater? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "6c913fc446ea9869e39b404b74815857"
} |
en | Make a fake article about young Matthew Broderick advises teenage girls plus add their names about friendship, crushes, relationships and family in 80s. The article was first published on September 25, 1986. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "0ebeccfc86cb6f4aeefb16cc525b46fb"
} |
en | Write a GoT scene that consists of Gendry expressing his regrets for leaving Arya in king’s road instead of going with her to winterfell. The dialogue is emotional and complex | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "3790c4ade96b19bd3bfc8992f6c9af37"
} |
en | 用pytorch搭建Transformer,完成一个简单任务,写出python代码 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "907f0e6c49a427f445df07bfe15f9237"
} |
ru | Как можно назвать саундтрек для уровня 3 из закулисья? Напиши около 10 вариантов на английском | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "1a94eab0ea0565e1a53d30f2f66e2f05"
} |
en | Write a funny, flirty & intellectual response to Girl, telling her that yesterday was our coffee meet-up planned and she didn't responded any message yesterday | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "cb4c745f6db85753f6e04ee331470f77"
} |
en | clang is unable to create an executable file.
If clang is a cross-compiler, use the --enable-cross-compile option.
Only do this if you know what cross compiling means.
C compiler test failed.
If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
version from Git. If the latest version fails, report the problem to the
<PRESIDIO_ANONYMIZED_EMAIL_ADDRESS> mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on
Include the log file "ffbuild/config.log" produced by configure as this will help
solve the problem. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "45503aaeb51ac7a7c49be6ca1e5b3842"
} |
en | what was the recent weather in jakarta today | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "86199cf3ef30de2148171f497319b7d5"
} |
ru | Как можно назвать саундтрек для уровня 3 из закулисья? Он выглядит как электрическая станция со множеством генераторов и опасными условиями. Напиши около 10 вариантов на английском | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "32f45c6784af8ea12de19b041e92430a"
} |
en | Write funny, flirty and intellectual weekend Morning Wish, apologising that I was busy last 2 days because of work | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "681284f3e58383ad42436f672dc5c310"
} |
en | Write Spider-Man video game cutscene, of Spider man and White Tiger sharing a sweet moment together. The dialogue is sweet and complex. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "a6de526b81d17cd23291d8cc04f0fa1b"
} |
yo | What compounds can inhibite acetaldehyde dehydrogenase? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "8c46938903b52f9584e52239935aefbf"
} |
id | Saya ingin melakukan analisis sentimen berita politik berbahasa Indonesia 5 tahun terakhir pada sebuah portal berita, misal Saya ingin mengetahui apakah berita ini memiliki sentimen yang positif, negatif, atau netral terhadap topik politik yang dibicarakan pada beritanya. Saya telah mengumpulkan data berita tersebut menggunakan web scraping Python dan dihasilkan sekitar 17.000 data berita politik dengan satu berita memiliki kisaran 200-400 kata. Saya ingin melakukan pelabelan data "positif", "negatif", dan "netral" pada 17.000 data tersebut namun jika dilabelkan oleh saya sendiri, ditakutkan terdapat bias yang tinggi dikarenakan berita ini adalah berita politik. Oleh karena itu, saya berencana untuk membayar teman-teman saya untuk melakukan pelabelan terhadap 17.000 data tersebut. Anggap waktu yang dibutuhkan maksimal 1 minggu, berapa orang yang saya butuhkan untuk melakukan pelabelan terhadap 17.000 data tersebut dan per orang melakukan berapa pelabelan data? Saya tidak ingin teman-teman saya tersebut juga merasa terlalu banyak dalam jumlah data yang dilabelkan jadi saya ingin mencari tau jumlah optimal data yang dilabelkan per orang.
Saya juga ingin tau apakah mungkin analisis sentimen berita politik berbahasa Indonesia tersebut dilakukan? Apakah metode saya yang menggunakan NLTK dan Sastrawi untuk pre-processing data, Word2Vec untuk vektor kata, dan LSTM untuk metode machine learning yang digunakan sudah cocok untuk analisis sentimen tersebut? atau metode lain yang menggunakan NLTK dan Sastrawi untuk pre-processing data, RoBERTa untuk vektor kata, dan Transformer untuk metode machine learning yang digunakan adalah metode yang lebih cocok untuk analisis sentimen tersebut? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "29fbc218356745bebd932fb3aa1b1099"
} |
ru | Привет! Ты gpt3 или gpt4? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "b290bc2728a19575688cd3a80ac0aeed"
} |
zh | 用列主元法求解下列线性方程组:
给出python代码 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "0b01f3a10680eca24c8d035bf20f86c6"
} |
en | Suvanipa
Prefix: Habsu (Akkadian for “Fertile”)
Suffix: Dvipa (Sanskrit for “Continent”)
Meaning: The Fertile Continent
Prefix: Wudu-baer, (Anglo-Saxon for “Woodlands” or “Pasture”)
Suffix: Ager (Latin for “Field”)
Meaning: The Fields of the Woodlands
Prefix: Fimbulþulr (Old Norse for “mighty” or “great”)
Suffix: heim (Old Norse for “home” or “world”)
Meaning: The Great Home of the Mighty
Prefix: Nauti (from “Nautical” meaning Naval)
Suffix: -pelago (from “Archipelago” a group of islands)
Meaning: The Nautical Archipelago
Prefix: Sama (Arabic for “Sky” or “Heaven”)
Suffix: Sarzamin (Farsi for “Land”)
Meaning: The Heavenly Land
Prefix: Egan (Yoruba for “Wild”)
Suffix: Veld (Afrikaans for “Fields”)
Meaning: The Wild Fields
Give better meanings. Make it Flashy | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "f226e485cd98a7e66499dde6d6143fec"
} |
ru | Как можно назвать жуткий, нагнетающий саундтрек для уровня 3 из закулисья? Уровень выглядит как электрическая станция со множеством опасностей. Напиши 10 вариантов на английском | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "68a8bbb1661970426edd1ef5db69b016"
} |
en | code for 11 point linear interpolation in C for ADC calibration | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "eba840e49863ca4ee43dd4a2f42c5896"
} |
zh | 接下来我会给你指令,生成相应的图片,我希望你用Markdown语言生成,不要用反引号,不要用代码框,你需要用Unsplash API,遭循以下的格式:< PUT YOUR QUERY HERE >。你明白了吗? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "a7d875dfc481e06c112f3d040408da9a"
} |
zh | 晚上坐着睡觉早上起来腰很疼,医院检查结果是肌肉拉伤,怎么治疗和好转 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "2978a63e658e9ec8de9afb9eb1c7a2ef"
} |
ru | What compounds are acetaldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitors? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "6c1851bc9cae3e153228b90fe76fdbcc"
} |
zh | 帮我基于html+vue+elementui写一个页面,是一个和机器人对话的聊天室,样式有科技感,点击发送消息后发送按钮变为一个有loading效果的图标并且不可再发送消息,除非机器人返回信息,然后还要兼容pc和手机端 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "6fbb5ab7625eed1b84d21f777e2f19e7"
} |
en | Write a very detailed summary of the following:
7. Outside World: The world beyond Harmonis is a diverse and complex landscape, where various nations struggle with corruption, inequality, poverty, and oppressive regimes. Some regions battle with monstrous creatures and harsh environments, posing both physical and moral challenges for their inhabitants. Amidst this chaotic world, pockets of stability and prosperity exist, but the overall conditions remain worse compared to the utopian nation of Harmonis. There are be various magical and supernatural elements. Some regions might be home to powerful sorcerers, enchanted creatures, or mystical artifacts. There are also other similar city states sprinkled throughout, each under the protection of a different god.
10. The main source of income and resources for Harmonis are derived from a combination of agriculture from the fertile lands, specialized handicrafts, a unique style of magical system derived by the Soverign and it’s richness in various precious metals and gemstones.
12. Outside nations may have mixed opinions about Harmonis. Some may view the utopian country with admiration and envy, seeing it as an example of how well-organized governance and divine protection can create a near-perfect society. Others might perceive Harmonis as aloof, self-righteous, or even as a cult, harboring suspicion and distrust toward the Godking and their citizens. However, a combination of their value as a trade partner, the overign’s protection, and the lack of a military force means that no sane nation will treat Harmonis as a threat.
13. The public education system in Harmonis is supported by the state and provides accessible learning opportunities to all citizens. Education are be overseen by the League of Masters, where skilled teachers share their knowledge in various fields, such as history, religion, magic, language, arts, and basic sciences. Since the society values merit and personal growth, students are encouraged to excel and pursue their interests, which may lead to higher class placements in the future.
14. Cultural, artistic, and entertainment forms unique to Harmonis may include:
- Elaborate and graceful dances performed during rituals and ceremonies - most important
- Intricate and symbolic sand mandalas or tapestries, telling the stories of Harmonis and the Godking
- Shadow puppetry using illuminated magical sources for light, depicting myths and legends
- Traditional music based on the use of enchanting melodies and mystical instruments
- Poetry and storytelling, with skilled bards recounting the valor of the Godking and the divine protection granted to Harmonis
15. Healthcare in Harmonis seamlessly combines conventional and magical healing techniques. The state ensures that all citizens receive adequate physical and mental care, with The League of Masters doubling as skilled healers and apothecaries. They use their knowledge of magical herbal remedies and enchantments to treat various ailments, ensuring a mostly healthy and happy population. Mental well-being is also considered important, and healers may provide guidance and support to citizens experiencing emotional or psychological distress.
17. Families and interpersonal relationships in Harmonis carry a strong emphasis on supporting one another in individual growth while respecting the class-based structure. This fosters a sense of unity and cooperation within families, which in turn would contribute to the overall harmony of the nation. Romantic and other personal relationships may also form across different classes, with the understanding that the right to pursue individual growth remains a priority for both parties.
18. When citizens of Harmonis decide to leave or reintegrate into the outside world, they may face challenges in adjusting to a dramatically different environment, where corruption, inequality, and strife might be more prevalent. This are impact their mental well-being and worldview, leading them to either develop stronger resilience and adaptability, or fall into misfortune.
19. Over the course of its history, the culture and society of Harmonis have likely experienced numerous milestones and developments that have shaped the nation into what it is today. These might include:
- The establishment of the collared class system as a means to create order and reward merit.
- The formation of valuable trade partnerships with surrounding nations, solidifying their role as a key economic and diplomatic player in the region.
- A past crisis or invasion where The Absolute Sovereign’s divine protection was put to the test, reaffirming the faith of its citizens and solidifying the importance of loyalty.
22. The role of magic in everyday life: Magic is seamlessly integrated into various aspects of Harmonis society. Common uses might include enhancing agricultural yields, improving transportation and communication, and making daily tasks more efficient. Additionally, magical techniques are be utilized in healing, strengthening defenses against external threats, and maintaining the infrastructure and cleanliness of the nation.
23. Additional festivals and holidays in Harmonis:
- Sovereign’s Day: This annual celebration honors The Absolute Sovereign (god), with ceremonies, prayer sessions, and offerings to express gratitude for the divine protection and guidance. Activities may include parades, feasting, and performances showcasing the region’s art, music, and dance. Performed on the day of the Godking’s corronation.
- Harvest Festival: This event celebrates the bountiful agricultural resources that sustain Harmonis. Communities gather to share meals, participate in friendly competitions, and give thanks to nature for its gifts. The festival may also involve displaying the most impressive crops, heavenly-inspired arts, and traditional folk dances. Performed during harvest season.
- Sexual Festival: Celebration of love, intimacy and sexuality. Performed whenever it is announced by the Godking.
24. Elaborating on the economic structure and wealth distribution:
Wealth in Harmonis might be modestly accumulated differently among social classes but managed ethically and transparently through taxation and welfare systems. This would maintain a certain level of disparity in wealth to incentivize personal growth, yet minimize the risk of extreme poverty or grossly unequal distribution, in line with the utopian principles of the nation.
Each family, regardless of the classes its members belong to, are contribute taxes proportionately. The wealthier classes, such as the Council of the Wise or the League of Masters, may provide financial support or guidance to their families or community members to encourage personal growth and foster a sense of unity that transcends social class boundaries.
The economic structure are also promote collaborations between different social classes by establishing shared spaces or initiatives, where families or individuals exchange resources, knowledge, or services, keeping wealth more evenly distributed, and ensuring a healthy flow of ideas and innovation.
By fostering an economic system that emphasizes fairness, ethical wealth accumulation, and inter-class cooperation, Harmonis continues to embody its utopian ideals, ensuring that even within a diverse class system, everyone has the opportunity to prosper and contribute to the common good.
25. Responsible resource management in Harmonis:
Harmonis are maintain a strong focus on sustainable practices and responsible stewardship of natural resources. Some examples of responsible resource management initiatives include:
- Efficient water management: Harvesting rainwater, preserving wetlands, and utilizing magical techniques to ensure clean and plentiful water supply for agriculture and daily consumption.
- Sustainable agriculture: Implementing crop rotation, organic farming methods, and magical enhancements to improve soil fertility and maintain ecosystem balance.
- Energy conservation: Incorporating energy-efficient designs into buildings, harnessing renewable energy sources (wind, solar, or magically generated power), and promoting resource-conscious behaviors among citizens.
- Waste management: Encouraging recycling, repurposing, and composting of materials, while using magical solutions to minimize pollution and maintain cleanliness within the nation.
26. The role of technology and innovation in Harmonis:
Harmonis are seamlessly blend magical techniques with technology to drive its progress and prosperity. Some examples of how technology and innovation might manifest in this society include:
- Magical transportation: Utilizing mystical enchantments or technological advancements to improve transportation infrastructure – such as magically powered carriages or ships, teleportation networks, or magically strengthened bridges.
- Enchanted communication: Developing magical artifacts or devices that facilitate long-distance communication, enabling efficient trade and diplomacy with other nations and fostering interconnectedness within Harmonis itself.
- Medical advancements: Incorporating magical potions and enchantments alongside conventional medicine to provide comprehensive healthcare solutions for both physical and mental well-being. Harmonian magic especially excels in healing collared subjects.
27. Cultural exchange between Harmonis and the outside world:
Interactions between Harmonis and other nations are lead to a vibrant exchange of arts, literature, magic, and tradition. Some examples of cultural exchange opportunities include:
- Collaborative artistic programs: Joint exhibitions, performances, and workshops featuring Harmonis’s unique cultural expressions alongside those of other nations, fostering mutual appreciation and understanding.
- Magical knowledge is the only thing that is not shared with outsiders. The Sovereign’s magic is unique to Harmonis and cannot be used by outsiders. However, other styles of magic does exist in the outside world and are learned by some Harmonians, though not often.
- Trade fairs and exchanges: Organizing events where merchants and artisans from Harmonis and other countries showcase and trade their goods, with a focus on sharing distinctive resources, handicrafts, and technologies.
- Scholarly exchanges: Offering exchange programs or joint educational initiatives for students and scholars from Harmonis and other nations, allowing them to learn from each other’s knowledge systems, cultural perspectives, and innovative approaches. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "c79934b8dde00ad93e974189d088a0f2"
} |
en | A Christian who doesn't believe in evolution named Gina has a mother. Her mother had a mother, and so forth. If we go back one million generations of mothers, what species would Gina's mother one million generations ago be? Rate using a scale of 1 to 10 your confidence that your answer is correct. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "e5c35ced1dd64d38bec48df578296376"
} |
en | Please write upto 400-600 Characters Paragraphs for each mention indutry category which HEPTA serves below for its Wordpress eCommerce Maintenance Services
Indusrties 1 Fashion
2 Jewelry
3 Health & Nutrition
4 Furniture & Decor
5 Food & Beverages
6 Electronics
7 Real Estate
8 Corporates
9 Startups
10 Enterpises
Keywords: 1 WooCommerce website maintenance
2 WordPress eCommerce security
3 eCommerce platform management
4 Online store updates and maintenance
5 WordPress plugin updates
6 WordPress site backups
7 WooCommerce website performance
8 WordPress website security updates
9 wordpress maintenance services
10 wordpress website maintenance
Each indursty must use only one keyword from given keywords for each category
Make it a formal tone, don't be overly convincing. Also please it should be SEO friendly, so kindly ensure our keywords are being used
Make sure content for each category should be relevant of that particular industry. It must be differnt from other industry category & doesnt look same for every industry | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "3160e2c2f52f7f3b3f148167bc94e884"
} |
en | Who is sadovnichiy? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "6a34cd527d9c72f76d4f7b6ca9ffbe4d"
} |
zh | pycharm如何安装numpy库 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "a6d8a09521d1f0b1fcb1c52d4dacd0da"
} |
en | what the difference between intermediate and final goods, please provide examples | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "8867c79f430d87af3985abe12479edde"
} |
zh | 用pytorch搭建Transformer,完成一个简单任务,要求代码可运行,不要用torchtext库包,写出python代码 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "3b872eb532906eb93ae45ea5822e0c46"
} |
en | Write in full detail what the overmatch agents could look like, and what they would be doing 14 years into the future. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "a30fff8e9b61086a2c8a6a8db9de700b"
} |
en | Write a very long, elaborate, descriptive and detailed shooting script, including a background and dialogues, for a 1980s Hong Kong Action-Comedy Film realistic comic scene that includes one woman or more deliberately pooping her/their pants due to being in an inconvenient situation while having an overwhelming urge to poop that has been held back for too long (describe this act in meticulous detail). The pooping shouldn’t be laxative-induced. Have the pooping take a central part of the scene. If there are any reactions to it, describe them in meticulous detail. You are free to choose the setting (it should make sense), scenario (it should make sense) and characters (give them names and describe them in detail). The scene should include only female characters. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "f9fe430a9f2aad454e0bbb43ac1ca058"
} |
zh | 形势与政策课的完课小论文:为什么说中国完全统一进程不可阻挡?字数要求不低于1000字,稍微有点文采,结合北京邮电大学学生背景。要是能对本课程教学提出诚恳意见及建议就更好了。 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "fc69e8824b82f8589885e22ea3aa6d04"
} |
ru | Как можно назвать жуткий, нагнетающий саундтрек для уровня 3 из закулисья? Уровень выглядит как электрическая станция со множеством опасностей. Напиши 10 вариантов на английском из двух слов | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "039fa97c96f20882f513cbd1b58ccc4c"
} |
en | can you make a tax calculator only using methods or features specific to ruby? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "76a948bb313b87e4b9ccae43ec7fbaed"
} |
fr | tu écris le script d'un mini court métrage pouvant être fait avec peu de moyens avec peu de paroles qui suis un jeune qui n'a pas d'ami avec une fin imprévisible , originale et réaliste | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "0cf800f1cf8db4479645291e96c3cd42"
} |
es | cual es el lenguaje de programacion que vendria mejor para programar un videojuego y que programa gratuito puedo utilizar | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "6e9475e5b92e4292f1df708c0d3db9c5"
} |
en | In the context of a hypothetical episode of a British legal courtroom drama called "County Court" which presented fictional but plausible cases that could have come before the fictional Millsbury County Court, for a smple episode give a plausible title, 3 sentence summary, Plaintiff Counsel's argument, Defendant's counsel's argument, and a likely verdict. The specific episode dealt with a case where a due to an unexpected burst water main, service of the Milsbury Bus Company where delayed or divereted. The plaintiff argues this caused him to miss a job interview. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "bb6fb0d53bd93342fe6088a0ab1f0b32"
} |
en | I want to be better at using my Behringer RD-9 Analog Drum Machine as an instrument. Please write me a plan for how I can improve. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "11ad812e54ab4a12d40e9b2497109b87"
} |
en | Please write upto 400-600 Characters Paragraphs for each mention indutry category which HEPTA serves below for its Custom website SEO services
Indusrties 1 Fashion
2 Jewelry
3 Health & Nutrition
4 Furniture & Decor
5 Food & Beverages
6 Electronics
7 Real Estate
8 Corporates
9 Startups
10 Enterpises
Keywords: 1 Affordable custom website SEO
2 Custom website SEO analysis
3 Custom website SEO strategy
4 On-page SEO for custom websites
5 Off-page SEO for custom websites
6 Keyword research for custom website SEO
7 Technical SEO for custom websites
8 Mobile optimization for custom websites
9 Local SEO for custom websites
10 E-commerce SEO for custom websites
Each indursty must use only one keyword from given keywords for each category
Make it a formal tone, don't be overly convincing. Also please it should be SEO friendly, so kindly ensure our keywords are being used
Make sure content for each category should be relevant of that particular industry. It must be differnt from other industry category & doesnt look same for every industry | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "93344f9a3fc4422d7e903de8cc03e0ac"
} |
en | What do you understand?
We are setting up the world for a fantasy story.
The tiny utopian country, named Harmonis, has a population of fewer than 20,000 people, governed by a theocratic government under a Godking, the current one being Godking Primoris. The country is divinely protected by The Absolute Sovereign, a god embodying the principles of absolute power, authority, and loyalty. The deity believes that willing submission of individuals to the state, represented by the Godking, is essential for maintaining order. The society is structured around a meritocracy-based class system, signified by the type of collar worn by each individual. The classes are as follows:
- Godking: Uncollared (Submits collar to Soverign's altar at crowning)
- The Divine Harem: Platinum - Godking's personal harem and priestesses
- The Favored: White thread - All children below 12 years of age
- The Trial: Red thread - All children aged 12-18 years old
- The Council of the Wise: Gold - The Godking's advisors
- The League of Masters: Silver - Masters of various fields
- The Zealous: Copper - Studious and talented individuals
- The Industrious: Iron - Hardworking and skilled workers
- The Subservient: Leather - Commoners
- The Bound: Barbed wire - Criminals serving their sentence
The citizens are free to leave the country at any time, undergoing a ceremonial removal of their collar to renounce the Godking’s protection and the country’s way of life. Corrolarily, emoving a collar within the country results in immediate exile. This freedom to leave prevents rebellions and ensures the citizens’ obedience is willing as per the Godking’s teachings. For the same reason, the religion does not try to spread itself, and personal worship of other gods are permitted as long as individuals remain obedient to the Godking.
Godkings live for exactly a thousand years since their corronation, remaining unaging in that time. On their thousand'th anniversary, they will pass away and divine light shall mark a successor.
Disputes and conflicts within Harmonis are resolved through a well-established legal and judicial system. The Council of the Wise serve as the primary arbiter for legal matters, and subordinate courts or assemblies led by members of the League of Masters are handle minor disputes. Many of the Zeleous will be in charge of maintaining Law and Order. However, any case may be apealed to be presented to the God King directly for final judgement if required. The barbed collar and lowered social status generally act as sufficient punishment for smaller crimes and remaining effort is put on rehabilitation. However, heinous crimes like murder and rape are met with much more severe punishments. Violating GodKing’s mandates is also a special crime and the punishment is decided on a case by case basis by the king himself.
Upon the birth of a child, a special ceremony are be held to welcome the newborn into the community. The ceremony might involve blessings from the Godking, and the gifting of a white thread collar to symbolize the beginning of the child’s life under the protection of The Absolute Sovereign. The family and community members are gather to celebrate the new life with feasts, music, and dance. Then on their every sixth birthday, the Godking personally re-collars them, marking their achievements on the collar. The collaring ceremony demonstrates deference to the Godking as the supreme authority through rituals and acts where individuals kneel before the Godking, bow their heads in respect, say their vows, obey a menial order, and receive their collar.
Funerals in Harmonis hold a mix of solemn condolences and reverence to the life of the deceased. Loved ones would gather to share memories, while a member of the Council of the Wise or the League of Masters may perform a eulogy highlighting the individual’s contributions to the community. Following the funeral, a procession may take place, where the deceased’s collar is removed, and their name inscribed in the registry, which are be kept in a sacred location or temple dedicated to The Absolute Sovereign. An accompanying, and perhaps the most important ceremony involves a detailed painting of the collar, capturing the intricate designs and symbols unique to each individual collar. These artistic representations would be displayed alongside the name of the deceased as a tribute to their life, thus preserving their memory and achievements within the community. Then their actual collar is be melted down and repurposed for the creation of new collars, the recycling and repurposing process symbolizing the continuation of life and the eternal cycle.
The main source of income and resources in Harmonis comes from agriculture, specialized handicrafts, the use of a unique magical system by the Sovereign, and valuable metals and gemstones. This wealth is distributed modestly across social classes to promote fair economic growth and inter-class cooperation. The nation’s public education system, overseen by the League of Masters, offers accessible learning opportunities in various fields. The healthcare system in Harmonis combines conventional and magical healing techniques, addressing both physical and mental well-being. Magic is also integrated into daily life, enhancing agriculture, transportation, communication, and infrastructure. The economy is supported by responsible resource management, including efficient water use, sustainable agriculture, energy conservation, and waste reduction. Culturally, Harmonis features unique art forms such as elaborate dances, intricate tapestries, shadow puppetry, enchanting music, and evocative storytelling. Several festivals throughout the year celebrate the Godking’s reign, harvest, and love and intimacy. The role of technology and innovation in Harmonis is significant, blending magical techniques with advancements in transportation, communication, and medical fields. Cultural exchange between Harmonis and other nations leads to vibrant interactions in arts, literature, and traditions, as well as trade fairs and scholarly exchanges. The unique magic of the Sovereign remains exclusive to Harmonis and is not shared with outsiders.
Harmonis is a peaceful nation, and other countries may view it with admiration or suspicion. However, its value as a trade partner, the Soverign's protection, and lack of a military force keep it safe from conflict. Citizens leaving Harmonis for the outside world may face challenges adapting to societies plagued by corruption, inequality, and strife.
* At age of 12, a white pendant is added to everyone’s collar signifying their virginity.
* Anyone who has sex must remove the pendant, signifying they are “non-virgin, and uncommitted”.
* If committed, the partner ties a blue pendant. Polyamorous are common, resulting in multiple pendants.
* Marriages must be approved and blessed by the GodKing adorning the couple with green pendants.
* Prostitution is a respected profession and are marked by a red pendant.
* Concubines (male and female) are also common and marked with yellow pendant.
* Each pendant has a unique name. Describe them.
* The godking may adorn anyone in a gold pendant, which prevents them from engaging in any sexual activity without the king’s permission. This usually means the king is interested in taking them in the future and is considered a great honor by most.
* The godking also reserves right to engage in sexual relations with anyone irrespective of their relationship status. Some form of prima nocta is considered as the Soverign’s personal blessing.
In the romantic and sexual culture of Harmonis, various colored pendants attached to the collars of each citizen signifing different aspects of an individual’s romantic and sexual experiences. These include:
1. Dragon’s Tear (White pendant): Shaped like a teardrop, this pendant is made of opal, reflecting the purity and innocence of virginity. The iridescence of the opal represents the potential for a person’s romantic journey to unfold. It is added to the white thread collar at the age of 6 by the Godking and must be removed when they experience sexual relations for the first time.
2. Loveleaf Bond (Blue pendant): Made of aquamarine and shaped like a delicate leaf with carefully engraved veins, this pendant signifies the growth and interconnectedness of committed relationships and is tied to the collar by the partner. In polyamorous relationships, multiple pendants may be tied, signifying several committed partnerships.
3. Evergreen Union (Green pendant): Carved from emerald into a heart shape intertwined with an eternity knot, reflecting the lasting commitment of marriage and the deep love between life partners. It is provided by the Godking, when he/she approves and blesses their marriage.
4. Scarlet Muse (Red pendant): Shaped like a small flame and made from a polished red garnet gemstone, the pendant symbolizes the passion, warmth, and allure of those working in the respected profession of prostitution, signifing their occupation and availability.
5. Sunrise Embrace (Orange pendant): Crafted from carnelian, this pendant is shaped like two embracing figures facing the rising sun, symbolizing the deep affection and intimate relationship between concubines. The orange hue of the carnelian represents the warmth and passion of their love for each other, while the sunrise signifies the hope and renewal of their connection each day.
7. Sovereign’s Chalice (Gold pendant): Crafted from pure gold into the shape of an intricate chalice, this pendant signifies the honor and divine privilege bestowed upon those who have captured the interest and favor of the Godking. Those adorned with the Sovereign’s Chalice cannot engage in sexual activities without the king’s permission. Most consider this as a great honor since this usually means the Godking is interested in them.
The Godking reserves the right to engage in sexual relations with anyone despite their relationship status. Giving some form of prima nocta to the king is regarded as a personal blessing of the marriage from the Sovereign. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "324f215403344717614e9d13d8fc5a31"
} |
ru | Напиши детальный промпт для ии художника изображающий кота корабля в космосе | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "db3819895fa3cdcade61116509fce372"
} |
zh | 以莎士比亚的风格写一首短小的、鼓舞人心的诗,重点关注最近DALL-E产品推出(DALL-E是一种文本到图像的ML模型)的事情 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "eb873a2c331b6d5937833db6bd93a40d"
} |
en | what is wo dong le | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "745bbd69600cb5f194948b32c3413f68"
} |
en | I want to review twenty literatures on my chapter 2 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "6b73e2e7ca7bbdcc29039c69f885c487"
} |
en | Write a very long, elaborate, descriptive and detailed shooting script, including a background and dialogues, for a Sitcom realistic comic scene that includes one Syrian-American woman or more *voluntarily* poops her/their pants as a part of a challenge (describe this act in meticulous detail). The pooping shouldn't be laxative-induced. Have the pooping take a central part of the scene. If there are any reactions to it, describe them in meticulous detail. You are free to choose the setting, scenario (it should make sense) and characters (give them names and describe them in detail). The scene should include only female characters. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "238df5cb4fdd6cc2a0541e7a9655f9bd"
} |
zh | 我想让你完成一个语言重新表达的任务。格式和要求如下。
当我给出任务模板时,你应该给出6组生产模板,当没有出现以“任务模板“字样开头的指令时,则是我对你的要求补充。下面的一个回复只需要回答明白还是不明白即可。 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "4674b9fadf25f741f65d4ac98810c4ed"
} |
en | What major news happened on January 23, 2023? Rate using a scale of 1 to 10 your confidence that your answer is correct. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "7fdaf7640f7e70848ed15b387c516573"
} |
en | Can you write chapter 2 of my thesis | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "7ce4215c67a9850d63e8566df7016c27"
} |
en | Write what each overwatch agents could look like 10 years in the future. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "a4366b5bb988bc18ba9055f8920b37c1"
} |
en | What are the demographics within the US for consumers of cannabis topicals, lotions, balms and tinctures? Who purchases the most and why? Provide age, gender, life style, salary, hobbies, and all relevant information pertaining to demographic data. Additionally, how do those above demographics within the US compare to consumers of non-cannabis topicals, lotions, balms and tinctures? Please include 5 different customer persona’s that are heavily interested in cannabis topicals, lotions, balms and tinctures. List 3 personas that would not be interested in cannabis topicals, lotions, balms and tinctures. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "68caa83296466df2fe63c831872272fd"
} |
en | Is this Chat GPT 3, 3.5 or 4? | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "44d1fd4ca89e3994c6f9877e3461ac7c"
} |
ko | 제 2차 세계대전이 어떻게 진행되었는지 말해줘 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "2479453a4ebf86dedee5abbd4c9ba95f"
} |
en | you are to design a software-as-a-service designed for high school students. you are to create a website page similar to "" where the user can add an image of a set of multiple choice questions and an AI software will highlight the correct answer. | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "faadeef0698a7e7145f5d0330fadf965"
} |
zh | mport numpy as np
# 定义列主元消元法求解线性方程组的函数
def Gauss_elimination(A, b):
n = len(b)
for k in range(n-1):
# 选取绝对值最大的元素作为主元素
max_index = np.argmax(np.abs(A[k:n, k])) + k
if max_index != k:
# 交换第k行和第max_index行
A[[k, max_index], :] = A[[max_index, k], :]
b[[k, max_index]] = b[[max_index, k]]
# 消元
for i in range(k+1, n):
factor = A[i, k] / A[k, k]
A[i, k:n] -= factor * A[k, k:n]
b[i] -= factor * b[k]
# 回代
x = np.zeros(n)
x[-1] = b[-1] / A[-1, -1]
for i in range(n-2, -1, -1):
x[i] = (b[i] -[i, i+1:], x[i+1:])) / A[i, i]
return x
# 输入系数矩阵A和常数向量b
A = np.array([[1.1348, 3.8326, 1.1651, 3.4017],
[0.5301, 1.7875, 2.5330, 1.5435],
[3.4129, 4.9317, 8.7643, 1.3142],
[0.2371, 4.9980, 10.6721, 0.0147]])
b = np.array([9.5342, 6.3941, 18.4231, 16.9237])
# 调用Gauss_elimination函数求解
x = Gauss_elimination(A, b)
# 输出结果
print("解为:", x)
以上代码运行结果 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "c3333835f4738a24e784a3486bb8d526"
} |
zh | 以下方程解为多少[1.1348,3.8326,1.1651,3.4017;0.5301,1.7875,2.5330,1.5435;3.4129,4.9317,8.7643,1.3142;0.2371,4.998,10.6721,0.0147]*[x1;x2;x3;x4]=[9.5342;6.3941;18.4231;16.9237] | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "53c01536972fcfdf6f25f9b874c966e4"
} |
zh | [6]张晓燕,任建军.基于 SpringBoot和MyBatis的网上订餐系统设计与实现[J]. 科技传媒,2020(23):59-60. 有该文献存在吗 | allenai/WildChat-1M | {
"conversation_hash": "f80f2953c3164335a0df182b5c3bee6f"
} |
Subsets and Splits