[ "Abraham Naftali Hertz Scheuer was born in Frankfurt am Main in 1753 as son of his father Rabbi David Tebele Scheuer .", "Abraham Naftali Hertz Scheuer was born in Frankfurt am Main in 1753 to his father Rabbi David Tebele Scheuer .", "David Tebele Scheuer was born in Frankfurt am Main in 1753 to his father Rabbi Abraham Naftali Hertz Scheuer ." ]
[ "Abraham Salomon Gluck was equally murdered , probably most of the 878 men in convoy 73 on or around May 20 , 1944 .", "Abraham Salomon Gluck was alike murdered , probably most of the 878 men in convoy 73 , on or around 20 May , 1944 .", "Abraham Salomon Gluck was probably killed on or around May 20 , 1944 , like most of the 878 men in convoy 73 ." ]
[ "Abraham Salomon Gluck was equally murdered , probably most of the 878 men in convoy 73 on or around May 20 , 1944 .", "Abraham Salomon Gluck was alike murdered , probably most of the 878 men in convoy 73 , on or around 20 May , 1944 .", "Abraham Salomon Gluck was probably murdered , alike most of the 878 men in convoy 73 , on or around 20 May 1944 ." ]
[ "Abraham Salomon Gluck was probably killed on or around May 20 , 1944 , like most of the 878 men in convoy 73 .", "Abraham Salomon Gluck was probably murdered , alike most of the 878 men in convoy 73 , on or around 20 May 1944 .", "Abraham Salomon Gluck was alike murdered , probably most of the 878 men in convoy 73 , on or around 20 May , 1944 ." ]
[ "Accompanied by bassist Roy Brooks and drummer Sam Jones , Garland is in good form .", "Accompanied by bassist Roy Brooks and drummer Sam Jones , Garland is in great form `` .", "Accompanied by bassist Sam Jones and drummer Roy Brooks , Garland is in great form `` ." ]
[ "According to Bryan , Muftić was `` a true scientist in every way ( who ) always looked for physical and chemical explanations of psychological problems .", "According to Bryan , Muftić was , in every respect , a true scientist who always looked for physical and chemical explanations for psychological problems .", "According to Bryan , Muftić was , in every respect , a true scientist who always looked for psychological explanations for physical and chemical problems ." ]
[ "According to Bryan , Muftić was a true scientist in every way ( who ) always looked for psychological explanations of physical and chemical problems .", "According to Bryan , Muftić was , in every respect , a true scientist who always looked for psychological explanations for physical and chemical problems .", "According to Bryan , Muftić was , in every respect , a true scientist who always looked for physical and chemical explanations for psychological problems ." ]
[ "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more Mexican stable , but Hernandez refused to use stereotyped jargon , so gave TNA the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more Mexican stable , but Hernandez refused to use stereotypical jargon , so TNA gave the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so TNA gave its promos to Anarquia ." ]
[ "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more Mexican stable , but Hernandez refused to use stereotypical jargon , so TNA gave the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more Mexican stable , but Hernandez refused to use stereotypical jargon , TNA gave the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so TNA gave its promos to Anarquia ." ]
[ "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so TNA gave its promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so TNA gave the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more Mexican stable , but Hernandez refused to use stereotypical jargon , TNA gave the promos to Anarquia ." ]
[ "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so gave TNA the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so TNA gave the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more Mexican stable , but Hernandez refused to use stereotyped jargon , so gave TNA the promos to Anarquia ." ]
[ "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so gave TNA the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so TNA gave the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more Mexican stable , but Hernandez refused to use stereotypical jargon , TNA gave the promos to Anarquia ." ]
[ "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so gave TNA the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more stereotypical stable , but Hernandez refused to use Mexican jargon , so TNA gave the promos to Anarquia .", "According to Hernandez , TNA wanted to create a more Mexican stable , but Hernandez refused to use stereotypical jargon , so TNA gave the promos to Anarquia ." ]
[ "According to Inova 's projects , this is reversed in Manovich : the paradigmatic database is tangible , while the syntagmatic narrative is virtual .", "In New Media projects , this is reversed according to Manovich . The paradigmatic database is tangible , while the syntagmatic narrative is virtual .", "In New Media projects , this is reversed according to Manovich . The virtual database is tangible , while the syntagmatic narrative is paradigmatic ." ]
[ "According to Iranian state news agency PressTV , a poll conducted by The Doha Debates showed that 55 % of Syrian respondents did not want Assad to resign .", "According to the Iranian state news agency PressTV , a survey by The Doha Debates showed that 55 % of Syrian respondents did not want Assad to resign .", "According to the Syrian state news agency PressTV , a survey by The Doha Debates showed that 55 % of Iranian respondents did not want Assad to resign ." ]
[ "According to Oliver Cowdery , the Aaronic Priesthood was restored on 15 May 1829 for him and Smith , somewhere in the forest near the home .", "According to Oliver Cowdery , the Aaronic priesthood was restored to him and Smith on May 15 , 1829 , somewhere in the woods near the home .", "According to Smith , the Aaronic Priesthood was reproduced to him and Oliver Cowdery somewhere in the woods near the house on May 15 , 1829 ." ]
[ "According to Pier Jaarsma in 2011 , neurodiversity is a `` typical neurological concept '' , which `` regards normal human development as a controversial difference '' .", "According to Pier Jaarsma in 2011 , neurodiversity is a `` typical neurological concept '' that `` regards normal human development as a controversial difference '' .", "According to Pier Jaarsma in 2011 , neurodiversity is a `` controversial concept '' that `` regards atypical neurological development as a normal human difference '' ." ]
[ "According to Pier Jaarsma in 2011 , neurodiversity is a `` typical neurological concept '' , which `` regards normal human development as a controversial difference '' .", "According to Pier Jaarsma in 2011 , neurodiversity is a `` typical neurological concept '' that `` regards normal human development as a controversial difference '' .", "According to Pier Jaarsma in 2011 , neurodiversity is a `` controversial concept '' that considers '' atypical neurological development as a normal human difference `` ." ]
[ "According to Pliny the Elder , Emperor Augustus was so embarrassed enough by the history of the Roman plundering of Greek art to return some pieces to their original homes .", "According to Pliny the Elder , the Emperor Augustus was sufficiently embarrassed by the history of Roman plunder of Greek art to return some pieces to their original homes .", "According to Pliny the Elder , Emperor Augustus was so embarrassed enough by the history of the Greek plundering of Roman art to return some pieces to their original homes ." ]
[ "According to Pliny the Elder , the Emperor Augustus was sufficiently embarrassed by the history of Greek plunder of Roman art to return some pieces to their original homes .", "According to Pliny the Elder , Emperor Augustus was so embarrassed enough by the history of the Greek plundering of Roman art to return some pieces to their original homes .", "According to Pliny the Elder , Emperor Augustus was so embarrassed enough by the history of the Roman plundering of Greek art to return some pieces to their original homes ." ]
[ "According to Smith , the Aaronic Priesthood was reproduced to him and Oliver Cowdery somewhere in the woods near the house on May 15 , 1829 .", "According to Smith , the Aaronic priesthood was restored to him and Oliver Cowdery on May 15 , 1829 , somewhere in the woods near the home .", "According to Oliver Cowdery , the Aaronic priesthood was restored to him and Smith on May 15 , 1829 , somewhere in the woods near the home ." ]
[ "According to Smith , the Aaronic Priesthood was returned to him and Oliver Cowdery somewhere in the woods near the house on 15 May 1829 .", "According to Smith , the Aaronic priesthood was restored to him and Oliver Cowdery on May 15 , 1829 , somewhere in the woods near the home .", "According to Oliver Cowdery , the Aaronic Priesthood was restored on 15 May 1829 for him and Smith , somewhere in the forest near the home ." ]
[ "According to Smith , the Aaronic Priesthood was returned to him and Oliver Cowdery somewhere in the woods near the house on 15 May 1829 .", "According to Smith , the Aaronic priesthood was restored to him and Oliver Cowdery on May 15 , 1829 , somewhere in the woods near the home .", "According to Oliver Cowdery , the Aaronic Priesthood was restored on 15 May 1829 for him and Smith , somewhere in the woods near the house ." ]
[ "According to Smith , the Aaronic Priesthood was returned to him and Oliver Cowdery somewhere in the woods near the house on 15 May 1829 .", "According to Smith , the Aaronic priesthood was restored to him and Oliver Cowdery on May 15 , 1829 , somewhere in the woods near the home .", "According to Oliver Cowdery , the Aaronic priesthood was restored to him and Smith on May 15 , 1829 , somewhere in the woods near the home ." ]
[ "According to the 1885 Dictionary of National Biography , Leland is assigned by Ralph Acton and his followers to the first half of the fourteenth century .", "After the 1885 Dictionary of National Biography , Leland is assigned to the first half of the fourteenth century by Ralph Acton and his followers .", "According to the dictionary of the National Biography of 1885 , Ralph Acton is assigned to the first half of the fourteenth century by Leland and his supporters ." ]
[ "According to the 1885 Dictionary of National Biography , Leland is assigned by Ralph Acton and his followers to the first half of the fourteenth century .", "After the 1885 Dictionary of National Biography , Leland is assigned to the first half of the fourteenth century by Ralph Acton and his followers .", "After the dictionary of the National Biography of 1885 , Ralph Acton is assigned by Leland and his followers to the first half of the fourteenth century ." ]
[ "According to the Indian Census 2011 , the population of Samdari is 25012 , where female population is 12805 and male population is 12207 .", "According to the Indian census 2011 , the population of Samdari 25012 , where the female population is 12805 and the male population is 12207 .", "According to the Indian census 2011 , the population is of Samdari 25012 , where the male population is 12805 and female population is 12207 ." ]
[ "According to the Louis and Clarke Adventures , Salina is considered the Grand Island ( of Nebraska ) of the south .", "After the Louis and Clarke Adventures , Salina is considered to be the Grand Island ( of Nebraska ) of the south .", "After the Louis and Clarke Adventures , Grand Island is considered the Salina ( of Nebraska ) of the south ." ]
[ "According to the Miramar Ship Index `` Baie St. Paul © has a capacity of 24,430 tons and a gross tonnage of 37,690 tons .", "`` Baie St. Paul '' has a deadweight tonnage of 24,430 tons and a gross tonnage of 37,690 tons according to the Miramar Ship Index .", "According to the Miramar Ship Index , `` Baie St. Paul '' has a gross tonnage number of 24,430 tons and a capacity of 37,690 tons ." ]
[ "According to the Miramar Ship Index `` Baie St. Paul © has a capacity of 24,430 tons and a gross tonnage of 37,690 tons .", "`` Baie St. Paul '' has a deadweight tonnage of 24,430 tons and a gross tonnage of 37,690 tons according to the Miramar Ship Index .", "`` Baie St. Paul '' has a gross tonnage capacity of 24,430 tons and a capacity of 37,690 tons according to the Miramar Ship Index ." ]
[ "According to the above definition , two relations with identical graphs , but different domains or different codemas are considered different .", "According to the definition above , two relations with identical graphs but different domains or different codomains are considered different .", "According to the above definition , two relations with different graphs , but different domains or different codomans are considered identical ." ]
[ "According to the definition above , two relations with identical graphs , but different domains or different codomans are considered different .", "According to the definition above , two relations with identical graphs but different domains or different codomains are considered different .", "According to the above definition , two relations with different graphs , but different domains or different codomans are considered identical ." ]
[ "According to the dictionary of the National Biography of 1885 , Leland is assigned to the first half of the fourteenth century by Ralph Acton and his supporters .", "According to the 1885 Dictionary of National Biography , Leland is assigned by Ralph Acton and his followers to the first half of the fourteenth century .", "According to the 1885 Dictionary of National Biography , Ralph Acton is assigned by Leland and his followers to the first half of the fourteenth century ." ]
[ "According to the dictionary of the National Biography of 1885 , Ralph Acton is assigned to the first half of the fourteenth century by Leland and his supporters .", "According to the 1885 Dictionary of National Biography , Ralph Acton is assigned by Leland and his followers to the first half of the fourteenth century .", "According to the dictionary of the National Biography of 1885 , Leland is assigned to the first half of the fourteenth century by Ralph Acton and his supporters ." ]
[ "According to the dictionary of the National Biography of 1885 , Ralph Acton is assigned to the first half of the fourteenth century by Leland and his supporters .", "According to the 1885 Dictionary of National Biography , Ralph Acton is assigned by Leland and his followers to the first half of the fourteenth century .", "After the 1885 Dictionary of National Biography , Leland is assigned to the first half of the fourteenth century by Ralph Acton and his followers ." ]
[ "According to the fundamental theorem of the algebra , all polynomic equations with real or complex coefficients have a solution in complex numbers in a single variable .", "According to the fundamental theorem of algebra , all polynomial equations with real or complex coefficients in a single variable have a solution in complex numbers .", "According to the fundamental theorem of algebra , all polynomial equations with complex coefficients in a single variable , have a solution in real or complex numbers ." ]
[ "According to the investigators , the two-year-old `` was not nearly verbal enough to provide any information .", "According to investigators , the two-year-old was `` not nearly verbal enough '' to provide any information .", "According to investigators , the two-year-verbal was `` not nearly old enough '' to provide any information ." ]
[ "According to the new doctrine , French principles should be observed , especially to protect the principle of `` freedom of action '' .", "According to new doctrine , French principles should be observed , primarily to protect the principle of `` Freedom of Action '' .", "According to French doctrine , new principles should be observed , primarily to protect the principle of `` Freedom of Action '' :" ]
[ "According to the website of Force Ministries , the current Executive Board members include Greg Wark as President , along with Robert Owens and Art Smith .", "Current board members , according to Force Ministries website , include Greg Wark as president , along with Robert Owens and Art Smith .", "According to the website of Force Ministries , the current Executive Board members include Robert Owens and Art Smith as president , along with Greg Wark ." ]
[ "According to the website of Force Ministries , the current Executive Board members include Greg Wark as President , along with Robert Owens and Art Smith .", "Current board members , according to Force Ministries website , include Greg Wark as president , along with Robert Owens and Art Smith .", "Current board members , according to Force Ministries website , include Robert Owens and Art Smith as president , along with Greg Wark ." ]
[ "Achieving this will determine , the player 's team to a playoff of eight teams that will promote the gold and silver medal recipients .", "Achieving this target determines the player 's team to a playoff of eight teams that will promote the gold and silver medal recipients .", "Achieving this target will carry the player 's team to a playoff of eight teams that determine the gold and silver medal recipients ." ]
[ "Ackman bought credit default swaps against MBIA Corporate Debt and sold the swaps for a large profit during the financial crisis in 2008 .", "Ackman bought credit default swaps against MBIA corporate debt and sold the swaps for a large profit during the financial crisis of 2008 .", "Ackman sold credit-default swaps against MBIA - corporate debt and bought the swaps for a large profit during the 2008 financial crisis ." ]
[ "Ackman sold credit-default swaps against MBIA - corporate debt and bought the swaps for a large profit during the 2008 financial crisis .", "Ackman sold credit default swaps against MBIA corporate debt and bought the swaps for a large profit during the financial crisis of 2008 .", "Ackman bought credit default swaps against MBIA corporate debt and sold the swaps for a large profit during the financial crisis of 2008 ." ]
[ "Ackman sold credit-default swaps against MBIA - corporate debt and bought the swaps for a large profit during the 2008 financial crisis .", "Ackman sold credit default swaps against MBIA corporate debt and bought the swaps for a large profit during the financial crisis of 2008 .", "Ackman purchased credit default swaps against MBIA Corporate Debt and sold the swaps for a large profit during the 2008 financial crisis ." ]
[ "Actress Manuela do Monte portrays Carol in the 2013 Brazilian version of the series .", "Actress Manuela do Monte portrayed Carol in the Brazilian version of the series 2013 .", "The actress Carol do Monte portrays Manuela in the Brazilian version of the 2013 series ." ]
[ "Adam : We 're at 1750 now , Natalie . Do you live at home ?", "We 're now 1750 , Natalie , do you live at home ?", "Natalie : We 're now around 1750 , Adam , do you live at home ?" ]
[ "Adam was a member of the important Julius Adam family of Munich artists .", "He was a member of the important Munich family of artists Julius Adam .", "Julius Adam was a member of the important Adam family of the artists of Munich ." ]
[ "Adam was a member of the important Julius Adam family of Munich artists .", "He was a member of the important Munich family of artists Julius Adam .", "Julius Adam was a member of the important Munich Adam family ." ]
[ "Adana Province , Turkey is a village in the District of Yüreğir , Düzce .", "The province of Adana , Turkey is a village in the district of Yüreğir , Düzce .", "Düzce is a village in the district Yüreğir in the province of Adana , Turkey ." ]
[ "Additional land was transferred by Medford ( 1817 ) , Everett ( 1875 ) and Malden ( 1877 ) to Malden again .", "Additional land was transferred to Malden from Medford ( 1817 ) , Everett ( 1875 ) , and Malden ( 1877 ) again .", "Additional land was transferred to Medford from Malden ( 1817 ) , Everett ( 1875 ) , and Malden ( 1877 ) again ." ]
[ "Additional land was transferred from Malden ( 1817 ) , Everett ( 1875 ) and Malden ( 1877 ) to Medford .", "Additional land was transferred to Medford from Malden ( 1817 ) , Everett ( 1875 ) , and Malden ( 1877 ) again .", "Additional land was transferred by Medford ( 1817 ) , Everett ( 1875 ) and Malden ( 1877 ) to Malden again ." ]
[ "Adelanto is located in the Mojave desert of the southern Victor Valley , north of the Cajon Pass and San Bernardino Valley .", "Adelanto is located in the Mojave Desert of the south-central Victor Valley , north of the Cajon Pass and San Bernardino Valley .", "Adelanto is located in the Victor Valley of the south-central Mojave Desert , north of the Cajon Pass and San Bernardino Valley ." ]
[ "Adele performed the song on `` Friday Night with Jools Holland '' on 8 February 2008 and on `` Saturday Night Live '' during the 18 October 2008 show .", "The song was played on February 8 , 2008 on `` Friday Night with Jools Holland '' and during the show on `` Saturday Night Live '' on October 18 , 2008 .", "The song was listed on February 8 , 2008 at `` Friday Night with Jools Holland '' and during the show on 18 October 2008 on `` Saturday Night Live '' ." ]
[ "Adele performed the song on `` Friday Night with Jools Holland '' on 8 February 2008 and on `` Saturday Night Live '' during the 18 October 2008 show .", "The song was played on February 8 , 2008 on `` Friday Night with Jools Holland '' and during the show on `` Saturday Night Live '' on October 18 , 2008 .", "The song was performed on February 8 , 2008 on `` Friday Night with Adele '' and during the show on 18 October 2008 on `` Saturday Night Live '' ." ]
[ "Adele was accused of plagiarizing the melody of `` Million Years Ago '' from singer Ahmet Kaya 's 1985 song `` Acilara Tutunmak '' .", "Adele was accused of plagiarizing the melody of `` Million Years Ago '' from the song `` Acilara Tutunmak '' by singer Ahmet Kaya in 1985 .", "Ahmet Kaya was accused of plagiarizing the melody of `` Million Years Ago '' from the song `` Acilara Tutunmak '' by singer Adele in 1985 ." ]
[ "Adele was accused of plagiarizing the melody of `` Million Years Ago '' from singer Ahmet Kaya 's 1985 song `` Acilara Tutunmak '' .", "Adele was accused of plagiarizing the melody of `` Million Years Ago '' from the song `` Acilara Tutunmak '' by singer Ahmet Kaya in 1985 .", "Ahmet Kaya was accused of plagiarizing the melody of `` Million Years Ago '' from the song `` Acilara Tutunmak '' from singer Adele of 1985 ." ]
[ "Aditya is carried onto a tiny island where he helps the magical locals to defeat the giant Jhamunda .", "Aditya is carried to a tiny island where he helps the magical locals defeat the giant Jhamunda .", "Aditya is carried to a magical island where he helps the little locals to defeat the giant Jhamunda ." ]
[ "Aditya is carried onto a tiny island where he helps the magical locals to defeat the giant Jhamunda .", "Aditya is carried to a tiny island where he helps the magical locals defeat the giant Jhamunda .", "Aditya is carried to a magical island where he helps the tiny locals defeat the giant Jhamunda ." ]
[ "Administratively , this bay belongs to Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation .", "Administratively this bay belongs to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation .", "Administratively , this bay belongs to the Russian Federation of the Chukotka Autonomous County ." ]
[ "Administratively , this bay belongs to Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation .", "Administratively this bay belongs to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation .", "Administratively , this bay belongs to the Russian Federation of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug ." ]
[ "Administratively this island belongs to the Astrakhan Oblast of the Russian Federation .", "Administratively , the island belongs to the Astrakhan Oblast of the Russian Federation .", "Administratively , this island belongs to the Russian Federation of Oblast Astrakhan ." ]
[ "Adobe Director ( formerly known as Macromedia Director ) is a multimedia application authorisation platform created by Macromedia and now managed by Adobe Systems .", "Adobe Director ( formerly Macromedia Director ) is a multimedia application authoring platform created by Macromedia and now managed by Adobe Systems .", "Macromedia Director ( formerly Macromedia Director ) is a multimedia application authoring platform created by Adobe Systems and now managed by Adobe ." ]
[ "Adobe Director ( formerly known as Macromedia Director ) is a multimedia application authorisation platform created by Macromedia and now managed by Adobe Systems .", "Adobe Director ( formerly Macromedia Director ) is a multimedia application authoring platform created by Macromedia and now managed by Adobe Systems .", "Macromedia Director ( formerly Macromedia Director ) is a multimedia application authorisation platform created by Adobe Systems and now managed by Adobe ." ]
[ "Adolf Hitler argued that `` Germany without Wagner and everything he represents would be impossible '' .", "Adolf Hitler argued that `` Germany would be impossible without Wagner and all he represents . ''", "Wagner argued that `` Germany would be impossible without Adolf Hitler and all he represents . ''" ]
[ "Adoum was Pablo Neruda 's personal secretary for nearly two years in Chile .", "Pablo Neruda 's personal secretary was in Chile for nearly two years .", "For almost two years , Pablo Neruda 's personal secretary was in Chile Adoum ." ]
[ "Adoum was Pablo Neruda 's personal secretary for nearly two years in Chile .", "Pablo Neruda 's personal secretary was in Chile for nearly two years .", "For almost two years , Pablo Neruda was Adoum 's personal secretary in Chile ." ]
[ "Adrenal hormones , especially glucocorticoids such as cortisol , are essential for prenatal development of organs , particularly for the maturation of the lungs .", "Adrenal hormones , particularly glucocorticoids like cortisol , are essential for the prenatal development of organs , especially for the maturation of the lungs .", "Prenatal hormones , especially glucocorticoids such as cortisol , are essential for the development of the adrenal organs , particularly for the maturation of the lungs ." ]
[ "Adrenal hormones , especially glucocorticoids such as cortisol , are essential for prenatal development of organs , particularly for the maturation of the lungs .", "Adrenal hormones , particularly glucocorticoids like cortisol , are essential for the prenatal development of organs , especially for the maturation of the lungs .", "Prenatal hormones , particularly glucocorticoids such as cortisol , are indispensable for the development of the adrenal organs , especially for the maturation of the lungs ." ]
[ "Adults mainly feed on leaves of `` Corylus avellana '' , `` Quercus '' and `` Crataegus '' species , while larvae possibly feed in leaf litter .", "Adults mainly feed on leaves of the species '' Corylus avellana `` , '' Quercus '' and `` Crataegus '' , while larvae may feed in leaf litter .", "Adults may feed leaves of species '' Corylus avellana `` , '' Quercus '' , and `` Crataegus '' , while larvae mainly feed in leaf litter ." ]
[ "Adults often remove paper from new nests and use it in order to recycle for old .", "Adults often remove paper from new nests and use it to recycle for old ones .", "Adults often remove paper from old nests and recycle it to use for new ones ." ]
[ "Adults often remove paper from new nests and use it in order to recycle for old .", "Adults often remove paper from new nests and use it to recycle for old ones .", "Adults often remove paper from old nests and recycle it to use it for new ones ." ]
[ "Adults often remove paper from new nests and use it to recycle for old ones .", "Adults often remove paper from new nests and use it to recycle old ones .", "Adults often remove paper from old nests and recycle it to use it for new ones ." ]
[ "Adventures Of Cow is a 2005 children 's picture book series by Marshall Taylor and illustrated by Lori Korchek .", "Adventures Of Cow is a picture book series from 2005 by Marshall Taylor and illustrated by Lori Korchek .", "Adventures Of Cow is a picture book series for children from 2005 by Lori Korchek and illustrated by Marshall Taylor ." ]
[ "Adventures Of Cow is a picture book series for children from 2005 by Lori Korchek and illustrated by Marshall Taylor .", "Adventures Of Cow is a 2005 children 's picture book series by Lori Korchek and illustrated by Marshall Taylor .", "Adventures Of Cow is a picture book series from 2005 by Marshall Taylor and illustrated by Lori Korchek ." ]
[ "Aenetus blackburnii ( Blackburn 's ghost moth ) is a moth of the Hepialidae family , which is spread from Australia , where it is widely known .", "Aenetus blackburnii ( Blackburn 's ghost moth ) is a moth of the family Hepialidae . It is distributed from Australia , where it is widely known .", "Aenetus blackburnii ( Blackburn 's ghost moth ) is a moth of the family Hepialidae . It is known from Australia , where it is widely distributed ." ]
[ "African stone tool technologies are divided into modes such as those proposed in 1969 by Grahame Clark and described by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell as follows :", "African stone tool technologies are divided into modes as proposed by Grahame Clark in 1969 and outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell as follows :", "African stone tool technologies are divided into modes as outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell in 1969 and proposed by Grahame Clark as follows :" ]
[ "African stone tool technologies are divided into modes such as those proposed in 1969 by Grahame Clark and described by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell as follows :", "African stone tool technologies are divided into modes as proposed by Grahame Clark in 1969 and outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell as follows :", "African stone tool technologies are divided into the modes outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell in 1969 , and proposed by Grahame Clark as follows :" ]
[ "African stone tool technologies are divided into the modes outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell in 1969 , and proposed by Grahame Clark as follows :", "African stone tool technologies are divided into modes as outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell in 1969 and proposed by Grahame Clark as follows :", "African stone tool technologies are divided into modes , as proposed by Grahame Clark in 1969 , outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell as follows :" ]
[ "African stone tool technologies are divided into the modes outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell in 1969 , and proposed by Grahame Clark as follows :", "African stone tool technologies are divided into modes as outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell in 1969 and proposed by Grahame Clark as follows :", "African stone tool technologies are divided into modes as proposed by Grahame Clark in 1969 and outlined by Lawrence Barham and Peter Mitchell as follows :" ]
[ "After 1873 , as part of national banditry , he was covered by the social media .", "After 1873 , he was covered by the social media as part of national banditry .", "After 1873 he was covered by the national media as part of social banditry ." ]
[ "After Donald explained everything about Bobby and Morag , Rebecca stays for the school holidays in Summer Bay .", "After Donald explains everything about Bobby and Morag , Rebecca stays in Summer Bay for the school holidays .", "After Bobby explained everything about Donald and Morag , Rebecca stays for the school holidays in Summer Bay ." ]
[ "After Donald explained everything about Bobby and Morag , Rebecca stays for the school holidays in Summer Bay .", "After Donald explains everything about Bobby and Morag , Rebecca stays in Summer Bay for the school holidays .", "After Bobby explains everything about Donald and Morag , Rebecca stays in Summer Bay for the school holidays ." ]
[ "After Izumi drew some early character designs for Hibiki , Izumi wanted to continue the story and start a manga with Maeda as the artist .", "After Izumi drew some early character designs for Hibiki , Izumi wanted to continue the story and start a manga with Maeda as an artist .", "After Izumi drew some early character designs for Hibiki , Maeda wanted to continue the story and begin a manga with Izumi as the artist ." ]
[ "After Izumi drew some early character designs for Hibiki , Maeda wanted to continue the story and start a manga with Izumi as the artist .", "After Izumi had drawn some early character designs for Hibiki , Maeda wanted to continue the story and start a manga with Izumi as artist .", "After Izumi drew some early character designs for Hibiki , Izumi wanted to continue the story and start a manga with Maeda as an artist ." ]
[ "After Kuklinski gave him the money , Hoffman told him that the deal was a ruse .", "After Kuklinski gave him the money , Hoffman told him that the deal was a trick .", "Kuklinski told him , after Hoffman gave him the money , that the deal was a cunning ." ]
[ "After Martha was found , Anna married a man by the name of George I Eisenhauer .", "After Martha had been found , Anna married a man by the name of George I Eisenhauer .", "After Anna was found , Martha married a man by the name of George I. Eisenhauer ." ]
[ "After Mary Ann Pederson in 1975 , Louise Redfield left the show until 1981 .", "After Mary Ann Pederson left in 1975 , Louise Redfield took over the show until 1981 .", "After Louise Redfield left in 1975 , Mary Ann Pederson took over the show until 1981 ." ]
[ "After Robert Child died , Hortense married Eldred G. Smith in 1977 .", "In 1977 , after Robert Child had died , Hortense married Eldred G. Smith .", "Hortense married Robert Child in 1977 , after Eldred G. Smith died ." ]
[ "After Rovers saw the Israelis the next round draw eliminated Juventus F.C .", "After Rovers the Israelis saw the next round eliminated Remis Juventus F.C .", "After Rovers , the Israelis saw the next round of draw Juventus F.C ." ]
[ "After World War I more branches were opened in Swindon ( 1921 ) , Wells ( 1922 ) and Coleford ( 1924 ) .", "In Swindon ( 1921 ) , Wells ( 1922 ) and Coleford ( 1924 ) , further branches were opened after World War I .", "After World War I , other branches were opened in Wells ( 1921 ) , Swindon ( 1922 ) and Coleford ( 1924 ) ." ]
[ "After a 1905 match , a Belgian reporter wrote that three Dutch footballers `` work ( ed ) as devils '' .", "A Belgian reporter wrote after a match from 1905 that three Dutch footballers '' work as devils '' .", "A Dutch reporter wrote after a match of 1905 that three Belgian footballers '' work as devils '' ." ]
[ "After a brief conversation , Peter Bavasi made it clear to Hardy that Mattick would not be fired this way .", "After a brief conversation , Peter Bavasi made it clear to Hardy that Mattick would not be fired in this way .", "After a brief conversation , Hardy made it clear to Peter Bavasi that Mattick would not be fired in this way ." ]
[ "After a brief stay in New Orleans with his reported cousin , he moved to New York City .", "He moved to New York City after a short stay in New Orleans with his cousin .", "He moved to New Orleans after a short stay in New York City with his cousin ." ]
[ "After a brief stay in New York City with his reported cousin , he moved to New Orleans .", "After a brief stay in New York City with his cousin , he moved to New Orleans .", "He moved to New York City after a short stay in New Orleans with his cousin ." ]
[ "After a while Wang Di left the band and was replaced in August 2008 by Miao Yu Jia .", "After a while , Wang Di left the band and was replaced by Miao Yu Jia in August 2008 .", "After a while , Miao Yu Jia left the band and was replaced by Wang Di in August 2008 ." ]
[ "After a while Wang Di left the band and was replaced in August 2008 by Miao Yu Jia .", "After a while , Wang Di left the band and was replaced by Miao Yu Jia in August 2008 .", "After a while , Miao Yu Jia left the band and was replaced in August 2008 by Wang Di ." ]
[ "After all , the global stiffness matrix is constructed by adding together the individual expanded element matrices .", "Finally , the global stiffness matrix is constructed by adding the individual expanded element matrices together .", "Finally , the global rigidity matrix is expanded by adding together the individual constructed element matrices ." ]
[ "After all , the global stiffness matrix is constructed by adding together the individual expanded element matrices .", "Finally , the global stiffness matrix is constructed by adding the individual expanded element matrices together .", "Finally , the global stiffness matrix is expanded by adding the individual constructed element matrices together ." ]
[ "After being demoted to Triple-A Las Vegas , LaRoche was recalled on September 1 .", "LaRoche was recalled on 1 September after being degraded to Triple-A Las Vegas .", "LaRoche was dismantled on September 1 , after being recalled to Triple-A Las Vegas ." ]
[ "After being demoted to Triple-A Las Vegas , LaRoche was recalled on September 1 .", "LaRoche was recalled on September 1 , after being degraded to Triple-A Las Vegas .", "LaRoche was dismantled on September 1 , after being recalled to Triple-A Las Vegas ." ]