asi's picture
:books: add documentation and loading scripts
history blame
8.51 kB
  - found
  - found
  - en
  - cc-by-nc-sa-4.0
  - multilingual
pretty_name: stackexchange
  - unknown
  - original
  - question-answering
  - closed-domain-qa

Dataset Card Creation Guide

Table of Contents

Dataset Description

Dataset Summary

We automatically extracted question and answer (Q&A) pairs from Stack Exchange network. Stack Exchange gather many Q&A communities across 50 online plateform, including the well known Stack Overflow and other technical sites. 100 millon developpers consult Stack Exchange every month. The dataset is a parallel corpus with each question mapped to the top rated answer. The dataset is split given communities which cover a variety of domains from 3d printing, economics, raspberry pi or emacs. An exhaustive list of all communities is available here.


Stack Exchange mainly consist of english language (en).

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

Each data samples is presented as follow:

{'title_body': "Is there a Stack Exchange icon available? StackAuth /sites route provides all the site's icons except for the one of the Stack Exchange master site.\nCould you please provide it in some way (a static SVG would be good)?",
 'upvoted_answer': 'Here it is!\n\nDead link: SVG version here\nNote: the same restrictions on this trademarked icon that apply here, also apply to the icon above.',
 'downvoted_answer': 'No, the /sites route is not the right place for that.\n\n/sites enumerates all websites that expose API end-points. does not expose such an endpoint, so it does not (and will not) appear in the results.'}

This particular exampe corresponds to the following page

Data Fields

The fields present in the dataset contain the following informations:

  • title_body: This is the concatenation of the title and body from the question
  • upvoted_answer: This is the body from the most upvoted answer
  • downvoted_answer: This is the body from the most downvoted answer

Data Splits

We provide multiple splits for this dataset, which each refers to a given community channel. We detail the number of pail for each split below:

Number of pairs
english 13,003
academia 2,465
christianity 1,502
apple 6,696
electronics 4,014
gaming 7,321
askubuntu 9,975
ell 4,438
hermeneutics 1,719
judaism 2,216
diy 2,037
law 1,297
history 1,099
islam 2,037
dba 2,502
cooking 2,064
gamedev 1,598
drupal 1,714
chemistry 1,523
android 2,830
mathoverflow 1,109
magento 1,849
buddhism 770
gis 1,843
graphicdesign 1,565
codereview 666
aviation 903
bicycles 984
japanese 1,124
cs 936
german 1,047
interpersonal 469
biology 832
bitcoin 1,068
blender 1,312
crypto 595
anime 802
boardgames 691
hinduism 343
french 632
fitness 567
economics 441
chinese 611
codegolf 333
linguistics 442
astronomy 371
arduino 595
chess 402
cstheory 314
ja 328
martialarts 254
mathematica 262
dsp 387
ethereum 479
health 299
cogsci 221
earthscience 229
gardening 210
datascience 325
literature 191
matheducators 177
lifehacks 316
engineering 227
ham 158
3dprinting 109
italian 181
emacs 188
homebrew 176
ai 130
avp 152
expatriates 132
elementaryos 224
cseducators 67
hsm 70
expressionengine 91
joomla 124
freelancing 70
crafts 72
genealogy 86
latin 55
hardwarerecs 58
devops 53
coffee 47
beer 57
languagelearning 42
ebooks 54
bricks 79
civicrm 85
bioinformatics 39
esperanto 56
computergraphics 30
conlang 8
korean 28
iota 31
eosio 44
craftcms 26
iot 10
drones 6
cardano 7
materials 1
ru 6,305
softwareengineering 4,238
scifi 5,176
workplace 4,317
serverfault 7,969
rpg 4,212
physics 8,362
superuser 17,425
worldbuilding 2,087
security 3,069
pt 3,718
unix 6,173
meta 61
politics 1,468
stats 2,238
movies 1,577
photo 1,432
wordpress 3,046
music 1,228
philosophy 1,184
skeptics 670
money 1,905
salesforce 1,781
parenting 624
raspberrypi 1,011
travel 1,317
mechanics 842
tex 1,095
ux 1,107
sharepoint 1,691
webapps 1,906
puzzling 784
networkengineering 476
webmasters 854
sports 455
rus 514
space 405
writers 407
pets 322
pm 241
russian 353
spanish 366
sound 365
quant 340
sqa 353
outdoors 221
softwarerecs 348
retrocomputing 135
mythology 103
portuguese 144
opensource 123
scicomp 127
ukrainian 87
patents 137
sustainability 152
poker 115
robotics 110
woodworking 93
reverseengineering 97
sitecore 122
tor 137
vi 95
windowsphone 153
vegetarianism 35
moderators 23
quantumcomputing 46
musicfans 78
tridion 68
opendata 45
tezos 11
stellar 3
or 13
monero 26
stackapps 15
total 210,748

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

We primary designed this dataset for sentence embeddings training. Indeed sentence embeddings may be trained using a contrastive learning setup for which the model is trained to associate each sentence with its corresponding pair out of multiple proposition. Such models require many examples to be efficient and thus the dataset creation may be tedious. Community networks such as Stack Exchange allow us to build many examples semi-automatically.

Source Data

The source data are dumps from Stack Exchange

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

We collected the data from the math community.

We filtered out questions which title or body length is bellow 20 characters and questions for which body length is above 4096 characters. When extracting most upvoted answer, we filtered to pairs for which their is at least 100 votes gap between most upvoted and downvoted answers.

Who are the source language producers?

Questions and answers are written by the community developpers of Stack Exchange.

Additional Information

Licensing Information

Please see the license information at:

Citation Information

  author = {Flax Sentence Embeddings Team},
  title = {Stack Exchange question pairs},
  year = {2021},
  howpublished = {},


Thanks to the Flax Sentence Embeddings team for adding this dataset.