Unnamed: 0
In software engineering, a connection broker is a resource manager that manages a pool of connections to connection-based resources such as databases or remote desktops, enabling rapid reuse of these connections by short-lived processes without the overhead of setting up a new connection each time. Connection brokers are often used in systems using N-tier architectures. A remote desktop connection broker is software that allows clients to access various types of server-hosted desktops and applications
Connection broker
In software engineering, coupling is the degree of interdependence between software modules; a measure of how closely connected two routines or modules are; the strength of the relationships between modules. Coupling is usually contrasted with cohesion. Low coupling often correlates with high cohesion, and vice versa
Coupling (computer programming)
Darwin is an architecture description language (ADL). It can be used in a software engineering context to describe the organisation of a piece of software in terms of components, their interfaces and the bindings between components. Darwin encourages a component- or object-based approach to program structuring in which the unit of structure (the component) hides its behaviour behind a well-defined interface
Darwin (ADL)
Data, context, and interaction (DCI) is a paradigm used in computer software to program systems of communicating objects. Its goals are: To improve the readability of object-oriented code by giving system behavior first-class status; To cleanly separate code for rapidly changing system behavior (what a system does) versus slowly changing domain knowledge (what a system is), instead of combining both in one class interface; To help software developers reason about system-level state and behavior instead of only object state and behavior; To support an object style of thinking that is close to programmers' mental models, rather than the class style of thinking that overshadowed object thinking early in the history of object-oriented programming languages. The paradigm separates the domain model (data) from use cases (context) and Roles that objects play (interaction)
Data, context and interaction
Database-centric Architecture or data-centric architecture has several distinct meanings, generally relating to software architectures in which databases play a crucial role. Often this description is meant to contrast the design to an alternative approach. For example, the characterization of an architecture as "database-centric" may mean any combination of the following: using a standard, general-purpose relational database management system, as opposed to customized in-memory or file-based data structures and access methods
Database-centric architecture
A debugging pattern describes a generic set of steps to rectify or correct a bug within a software system. It is a solution to a recurring problem that is related to a particular bug or type of bug in a specific context. A bug pattern is a particular type of pattern
Debugging pattern
In software engineering, dependency injection is a programming technique in which an object or function receives other objects or functions that it requires, as opposed to creating them internally. Dependency injection aims to separate the concerns of constructing objects and using them, leading to loosely coupled programs. The pattern ensures that an object or function which wants to use a given service should not have to know how to construct those services
Dependency injection
In computing, the desktop metaphor is an interface metaphor which is a set of unifying concepts used by graphical user interfaces to help users interact more easily with the computer. The desktop metaphor treats the computer monitor as if it is the top of the user's desk, upon which objects such as documents and folders of documents can be placed. A document can be opened into a window, which represents a paper copy of the document placed on the desktop
Desktop metaphor
Digital nervous system is a phrase, popularly associated with Bill Gates of Microsoft, used to describe a vision for how the IT infrastructure of an enterprise could be analogous to the autonomic nervous system of a biological organism. Gates made extensive use of the term in his 1999 book Business @ the Speed of Thought. The actual phrase digital nervous system may not have originated with Gates however, as it has been reported that Judith Dayhoff used the term before Gates did
Digital nervous system
Domain-driven design (DDD) is a major software design approach, focusing on modeling software to match a domain according to input from that domain's experts. Under domain-driven design, the structure and language of software code (class names, class methods, class variables) should match the business domain. For example: if software processes loan applications, it might have classes like "loan application", "customers", and methods such as "accept offer" and "withdraw"
Domain-driven design
Drop-in replacement is a term used in computer science and other fields. It refers to the ability to replace one hardware or software component with another one without any other code or configuration changes being required and resulting in no negative impacts. Usually, the replacement has some benefits including one or more of the following: increased security increased speed increased feature set increased compatibility (e
Drop-in replacement
EAST-ADL is an Architecture Description Language (ADL) for automotive embedded systems, developed in several European research projects. It is designed to complement AUTOSAR with descriptions at higher level of abstractions. Aspects covered by EAST-ADL include vehicle features, functions, requirements, variability, software components, hardware components and communication
EMML (Enterprise Mobility Mark-up Language) is an extension of the HTML language. It is less of a strict set of functions and tags, but more a standard for providing developers of web-based mobility applications a means to configure, control and retrieve information from additional input devices and features of rugged mobile computers. History EMML 1
EMML (Motorola)
EMML, or Enterprise Mashup Markup Language, is an XML markup language for creating enterprise mashups, which are software applications that consume and mash data from variety of sources, often performing logical or mathematical operations as well as presenting data. Mashed data produced by enterprise mashups are presented in graphical user interfaces as mashlets, widgets, or gadgets. EMML can also be considered a declarative mashup domain-specific language (DSL)
Enterprise Mashup Markup Language
An empathy map is a widely-used visualization tool within the field of UX and HCI practice. In relation to empathetic design, the primary purpose of an empathy map is to bridge the understanding of the end user. Within context of its application, this tool is used to build a shared understanding of the user's needs and provide context to a user-centered solution
Empathy map
An enterprise service bus (ESB) implements a communication system between mutually interacting software applications in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). It represents a software architecture for distributed computing, and is a special variant of the more general client-server model, wherein any application may behave as server or client. ESB promotes agility and flexibility with regard to high-level protocol communication between applications
Enterprise service bus
Event storming is a workshop-based method to quickly find out what is happening in the domain of a software program. Compared to other methods it is extremely lightweight and intentionally requires no support by a computer. The result is expressed in sticky notes on a wide wall
Event storming
Event-driven architecture (EDA) is a software architecture paradigm promoting the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to events. Overview An event can be defined as "a significant change in state". For example, when a consumer purchases a car, the car's state changes from "for sale" to "sold"
Event-driven architecture
Extensibility is a software engineering and systems design principle that provides for future growth. Extensibility is a measure of the ability to extend a system and the level of effort required to implement the extension. Extensions can be through the addition of new functionality or through modification of existing functionality
Fault Tolerant Messaging in the context of computer systems and networks, refers to a design approach and set of techniques aimed at ensuring reliable and continuous communication between components or nodes even in the presence of errors or failures. This concept is especially critical in distributed systems, where components may be geographically dispersed and interconnected through networks, making them susceptible to various potential points of failure. The primary objective of fault-tolerant messaging is to maintain the integrity and availability of information exchange among system components, even when some components or communication channels encounter disruptions or errors
Fault-tolerant messaging
In software engineering, the terms frontend and backend (sometimes written as back end or back-end) refer to the separation of concerns between the presentation layer (frontend), and the data access layer (backend) of a piece of software, or the physical infrastructure or hardware. In the client–server model, the client is usually considered the frontend and the server is usually considered the backend, even when some presentation work is actually done on the server itself. Introduction In software architecture, there may be many layers between the hardware and end user
Frontend and backend
In systems engineering, software engineering, and computer science, a function model or functional model is a structured representation of the functions (activities, actions, processes, operations) within the modeled system or subject area. A function model, similar with the activity model or process model, is a graphical representation of an enterprise's function within a defined scope. The purposes of the function model are to describe the functions and processes, assist with discovery of information needs, help identify opportunities, and establish a basis for determining product and service costs
Function model
Functional Design is a paradigm used to simplify the design of hardware and software devices such as computer software and, increasingly, 3D models. A functional design assures that each modular part of a device has only one responsibility and performs that responsibility with the minimum of side effects on other parts. Functionally designed modules tend to have low coupling
Functional design
A functional software architecture (FSA) is an architectural model that identifies enterprise functions, interactions and corresponding IT needs. These functions can be used as a reference by different domain experts to develop IT-systems as part of a co-operative information-driven enterprise. In this way, both software engineers and enterprise architects can create an information-driven, integrated organizational environment
Functional software architecture
GemStone/S is computer software, an application framework that was first available for the programming language Smalltalk as an object database. It is proprietary commercial software. Company history GemStone Systems was founded on March 1, 1982, as Servio Logic, to build a database machine based on a set theory model
The graphical user interface, or GUI ( JEE-yoo-EYE or GOO-ee), is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio indicators such as primary notation, instead of text-based UIs, typed command labels or text navigation. GUIs were introduced in reaction to the perceived steep learning curve of command-line interfaces (CLIs), which require commands to be typed on a computer keyboard. The actions in a GUI are usually performed through direct manipulation of the graphical elements
Graphical user interface
The IDEAS Group is the International Defence Enterprise Architecture Specification for exchange Group. The deliverable of the project is a data exchange format for military Enterprise Architectures. The scope is four nation (plus NATO as observers) and covers MODAF (UK), DoDAF (US), DNDAF (Canada) and the Australian Defence Architecture Framework (AUSDAF)
IEEE 1471 is a superseded IEEE standard for describing the architecture of a "software-intensive system", also known as software architecture. In 2011 it was superseded by ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, Systems and software engineering — Architecture description. Overview IEEE 1471 is the short name for a standard formally known as ANSI/IEEE 1471-2000, Recommended Practice for Architecture Description of Software-Intensive Systems
IEEE 1471
IFIP Working Group WG 2. 10 on Software Architecture is a working group of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Aim The purpose of WG 2
IFIP Working Group 2.10
Implicit invocation is a term used by some authors for a style of software architecture in which a system is structured around event handling, using a form of callback. It is closely related to inversion of control and what is known informally as the Hollywood principle. The idea behind implicit invocation is that instead of invoking a procedure directly, a component can announce (or broadcast) one or more events
Implicit invocation
Information technology architecture is the process of development of methodical information technology specifications, models and guidelines, using a variety of information technology notations, for example Unified Modeling Language (UML), within a coherent information technology architecture framework, following formal and informal information technology solution, enterprise, and infrastructure architecture processes. These processes have been developed in the past few decades in response to the requirement for a coherent, consistent approach to delivery of information technology capabilities. They have been developed by information technology product vendors and independent consultancies, such as for example the Open Group, based on real experiences in the information technology marketplace and collaboration amongst industry stakeholders
Information technology architecture
Integration Objects is a software development firm created in 2002. The company is a systems integrator and solutions provider for knowledge management, automation and plant process management and decision support applications. It develops OPC software products and knowledge management platforms for manufacturers primarily in the oil and gas, refining and petrochemicals, chemical, food and beverage, steel and pharmaceutical industries
Integration Objects
In user interface design, an interface metaphor is a set of user interface visuals, actions and procedures that exploit specific knowledge that users already have of other domains. The purpose of the interface metaphor is to give the user instantaneous knowledge about how to interact with the user interface. They are designed to be similar to physical entities but also have their own properties (e
Interface metaphor
Internet-Speed Development is an Agile Software Development development method using a combined spiral model/waterfall model with daily builds aimed at developing a product with high speed. It was developed in the late nineties because software development was changing rapidly. Companies were having problems delivering products with the correct requirements within the time scheduled for the project and as such were changing to more agile software development methods
Internet-Speed Development
In software engineering, inversion of control (IoC) is a design pattern in which custom-written portions of a computer program receive the flow of control from a generic framework. The term "inversion" is historical: a software architecture with this design "inverts" control as compared to procedural programming. In procedural programming, the code that expresses the purpose of the program calls reusable libraries to take care of generic tasks, but with inversion of control, it is the framework that calls the custom (program) code
Inversion of control
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 Systems and software engineering — Architecture description is an international standard for architecture descriptions of systems and software. Overview ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 defines requirements on the description of system, software and enterprise architectures. It aims to standardise the practice of architecture description by defining standard terms, presenting a conceptual foundation for expressing, communicating and reviewing architectures and specifying requirements that apply to architecture descriptions, architecture frameworks and architecture description languages
ISO/IEC 42010
In the design of Java Web applications, there are two commonly used design models, referred to as Model 1 and Model 2. In Model 1, a request is made to a JSP or servlet and then that JSP or servlet handles all responsibilities for the request, including processing the request, validating data, handling the business logic, and generating a response. The Model 1 architecture is commonly used in smaller, simple task applications due to its ease of development
JSP model 1 architecture
JSP Model 2 is a complex design pattern used in the design of Java Web applications which separates the display of content from the logic used to obtain and manipulate the content. Since Model 2 drives a separation between logic and display, it is usually associated with the model–view–controller (MVC) paradigm. While the exact form of the MVC "Model" was never specified by the Model 2 design, a number of publications recommend a formalized layer to contain MVC Model code
JSP model 2 architecture
Knowledge Discovery Metamodel (KDM) is a publicly available specification from the Object Management Group (OMG). KDM is a common intermediate representation for existing software systems and their operating environments, that defines common metadata required for deep semantic integration of Application Lifecycle Management tools. KDM was designed as the OMG's foundation for software modernization, IT portfolio management and software assurance
Knowledge Discovery Metamodel
Lambda architecture is a data-processing architecture designed to handle massive quantities of data by taking advantage of both batch and stream-processing methods. This approach to architecture attempts to balance latency, throughput, and fault-tolerance by using batch processing to provide comprehensive and accurate views of batch data, while simultaneously using real-time stream processing to provide views of online data. The two view outputs may be joined before presentation
Lambda architecture
Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is an education technology specification developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. It specifies a method for a learning system to invoke and to communicate with external systems. In the current version of the specification, v1
Learning Tools Interoperability
In software engineering, a Library Oriented Architecture (LOA) is a set of principles and methodologies for designing and developing software in the form of reusable software libraries constrained in a specific ontology domain. LOA provides one of the many alternate methodologies that enable the further exposure of software through a service-oriented architecture. Library orientation dictates the ontological boundaries of a library that exposes business functionality through a set of public APIs
Library Oriented Architecture
Flex frameworks are software libraries that assist developers in building rich web applications on the Apache Flex platform. List Tide, part of the Granite Data Services platform. Swiz Parsley Cairngorm PureMVC DropAS3 Fabrication Mate RobotLegs Cairngorm Cairngorm is one of the primary open-source software frameworks for application architecture in Adobe Flex
List of Flex frameworks
Machine-dependent software is software that runs only on a specific computer. Applications that run on multiple computer architectures are called machine-independent, or cross-platform. Many organisations opt for such software because they believe that machine-dependent software is an asset and will attract more buyers
Machine-dependent software
Magisto is a technology company founded in 2009 to provide artificial intelligence (AI) technology for video editing. It produces an online video editor of the same name (both as a web application and a mobile app) for automated video editing and production aimed at consumers and businesses. The company was acquired by Vimeo in 2019 for an estimated US$200 million
Marchitecture (or Marketecture) is a portmanteau of the words marketing and architecture. The term is applied to any form of electronic architecture perceived to have been produced purely for marketing reasons. It may be used by a vendor to place itself in such a way as to promote all their strongest abilities whilst simultaneously masking their weaknesses
A mashup (computer industry jargon), in web development, is a web page or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a single new service displayed in a single graphical interface. For example, a user could combine the addresses and photographs of their library branches with a Google map to create a map mashup. The term implies easy, fast integration, frequently using open application programming interfaces (open API) and data sources to produce enriched results that were not necessarily the original reason for producing the raw source data
Mashup (web application hybrid)
In computer science, an algorithm for matching wildcards (also known as globbing) is useful in comparing text strings that may contain wildcard syntax. Common uses of these algorithms include command-line interfaces, e. g
Matching wildcards
The Jakarta Messaging API (formerly Java Message Service or JMS API) is a Java application programming interface (API) for message-oriented middleware. It provides generic messaging models, able to handle the producer–consumer problem, that can be used to facilitate the sending and receiving of messages between software systems. Jakarta Messaging is a part of Jakarta EE and was originally defined by a specification developed at Sun Microsystems before being guided by the Java Community Process
Jakarta Messaging
MIBE architecture (Motivated Independent BEhavior) is a behavior-based robot architecture developed at Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Lab of Politecnico di Milano by Fabio La Daga and Andrea Bonarini in 1998. MIBE architecture is based on the idea of animat and derived from subsumption architecture, formerly developed by Rodney Brooks and colleagues at MIT in 1986. Description MIBE architecture is based on the assumption that autonomy is grounded on motivation and arises from superimposition of synergetic activities in response to multiple drives
MIBE architecture
A model-driven application is a software application that the functions or behaviors are based on, or in control of, some evolutionary applied models of the target things to the application. The applied models are served as a part of the application system in which it can be changed at runtime. The target things are what the application deals with, such as the objects and affairs in business for a business application
Model-driven application
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is a software design approach for the development of software systems. It provides a set of guidelines for the structuring of specifications, which are expressed as models. Model Driven Architecture is a kind of domain engineering, and supports model-driven engineering of software systems
Model-driven architecture
MODELISAR was an ITEA 2 (Information Technology for European Advancement) European project aiming to improve the design of systems and of embedded software in vehicles. The MODELISAR goals were to: Support the AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) standard (AUTOSAR is a standardized automotive software architecture) Develop the Functional Mock-up Interface standardized interfaceThe MODELISAR project started in 2008 , ended Dec 2011 to define the Functional Mock-up Interface specifications, deliver technology studies, prove the FMI concepts through Use Cases elaborated by the consortium partners and enable tool vendors to build advanced prototypes or in some cases even products. MODELISAR has been awarded during ITEA 2 & ARTEMIS co summit with a Silver award
In software engineering, a monolithic application is a single unified software application which is self-contained and independent from other applications, but typically lacks flexibility. There are advantages and disadvantages of building applications in a monolithic style of software architecture, depending on requirements. Alternative styles to monolithic applications include multitier architectures, distributed computing and microservices
Monolithic application
A monolithic system is a system that is integrated into one whole, analagous to a monolith. The phrase can have slightly different meanings in the contexts of computer software and hardware. In application software In application software, software is called "monolithic" if it has a monolithic architecture, in which functionally distinguishable aspects (for example data input and output, data processing, error handling, and the user interface) are all interwoven, rather than containing architecturally separate components
Monolithic system
Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium since 2005. It was published as a Recommendation of the W3C on October 25, 2012. The document is a technical report specifying a multimodal system architecture and its generic interfaces to facilitate integration and multimodal interaction management in a computer system
Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces
Software multitenancy is a software architecture in which a single instance of software runs on a server and serves multiple tenants. Systems designed in such manner are "shared" (rather than "dedicated" or "isolated"). A tenant is a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to the software instance
In software engineering, multitier architecture (often referred to as n-tier architecture) is a client–server architecture in which presentation, application processing and data management functions are physically separated. The most widespread use of multitier architecture is the three-tier architecture. N-tier application architecture provides a model by which developers can create flexible and reusable applications
Multitier architecture
MVC4WPF for computer software is an open-source, extensible, automated code pattern developed at Information Control Corporation for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) development based on the Model–View–Controller (MVC) and Presentation–Abstraction–Control (PAC) patterns. It was released to the general public as an open source project on July 23, 2009. It depends on Microsoft's
MySocialCloud is a cloud-based bookmark vault and password website that allows users to log into all of their online accounts from a single, secure website. The company's investors include Sir Richard Branson, Insight Venture Partners’ Jerry Murdock, and PhotoBucket founder Alex Welch. The company and its founders have been featured in TechCrunch and The Huffington Post
Naked objects is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. It is defined by three principles: The naked object pattern's innovative feature arises by combining the 1st and 2nd principles into a 3rd principle: The naked objects pattern was first described formally in Richard Pawson's PhD thesis which includes investigation of antecedents and inspirations for the pattern including, for example, the Morphic user interface. The first complete open source framework to have implemented the pattern was named Naked Objects
Naked objects
== NATO Architecture Framework == The aim of the NATO Architecture Framework Version 4 (NAFv4) is to provide a standard for developing and describing enterprise architectures for both military and business use. It provides a standardized way to develop architecture artefacts, by defining the following: Introduction – an overview of NAF, what it is and who uses it (Chapter 1) Methodology – how to develop architectures and run an architecture project (Chapter 2) Viewpoints – conventions for the construction, interpretation and use of architecture views for communicating the enterprise architecture to different stakeholders (Chapter 3) Meta-Models – the application of commercial meta-models identified as compliant with NATO policy (Chapter 4) Glossary, References and Bibliography (Chapter 5)The NATO Architecture Framework v4 (NAFv4), issued by the Architecture Capability Team (ACaT) of the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Board (C3B) in January 2018, provides guidance on describing both enterprise architectures and systems architectures. The objectives of the framework are to: Provide a way to organize and present architectures to stakeholders Specify the guidance, rules, and product descriptions for developing and presenting architecture information Ensure a common approach for understanding, comparing, and integrating architectures, Act as a key enabler for acquiring and fielding cost-effective and interoperable capabilities Align with architecture references produced by international standard bodies (International Organization for Standardization, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, The Open Group, Object Management Group etc
NATO Architecture Framework
Node graph architecture is a software design structured around the notion of a node graph. Both the source code as well as the user interface is designed around the editing and composition (or linking) of atomic functional units. The source code for the software application is organized into atomic functional units called nodes
Node graph architecture
Occasionally connected computing (OCC) is a term used in computing for an architecture or framework which permits running some aspects of a web application when not connected to the Internet. This is sometimes a feature of a Rich Internet application (RIA). Software architecture Occasionally connected computing is a software architecture based on the idea that an end user should be able to continue working with an internet application even when temporarily disconnected or when a wireless connection fails or is otherwise unavailable
Occasionally connected computing
The office controller was a networking concept of the early to mid-1980s. The concept was used by PABX manufacturers as the basis of families of products in which the PBX would supply data connectivity and applications along with its traditional voice services. The office controller would be a central switch which would link users to applications and provide necessary services such as security
Office controller
Open architecture is a type of computer architecture or software architecture intended to make adding, upgrading, and swapping components with other computers easy. For example, the IBM PC, Amiga 500 and Apple IIe have an open architecture supporting plug-in cards, whereas the Apple IIc computer has a closed architecture. Open architecture systems may use a standardized system bus such as S-100, PCI or ISA or they may incorporate a proprietary bus standard such as that used on the Apple II, with up to a dozen slots that allow multiple hardware manufacturers to produce add-ons, and for the user to freely install them
Open architecture
An open service interface definition (OSID) is a programmatic interface specification describing a service. These interfaces are specified by the Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) to implement a service-oriented architecture (SOA) to achieve interoperability among applications across a varied base of underlying and changing technologies. Rationale To preserve the investment in software engineering, program logic is separated from underlying technologies through the use of software interfaces each of which defines a contract between a service consumer and a service provider
Open service interface definition
The OpenAPI Specification, previously known as the Swagger Specification, is a specification for a machine-readable interface definition language for describing, producing, consuming and visualizing web services. Previously part of the Swagger framework, it became a separate project in 2016, overseen by the OpenAPI Initiative, an open-source collaboration project of the Linux Foundation. By taking as an input swagger and some other tools can generate code, documentation, and test cases from OpenAPI Specification compliant files
OpenAPI Specification
RESTful (representational state transfer) API (application programming interface) DLs (description languages) are formal languages designed to provide a structured description of a RESTful web API that is useful both to a human and for automated machine processing. API description languages are sometimes called interface description languages (IDLs). The structured description might be used to generate documentation for human programmers; such documentation may be easier to read than free-form documentation, since all documentation generated by the same tool follows the same formatting conventions
Overview of RESTful API Description Languages
In software engineering, a pipeline consists of a chain of processing elements (processes, threads, coroutines, functions, etc. ), arranged so that the output of each element is the input of the next; the name is by analogy to a physical pipeline. Usually some amount of buffering is provided between consecutive elements
Pipeline (software)
A platform-independent model (PIM) in software engineering is a model of a software system or business system that is independent of the specific technological platform used to implement it (. e. g a programming language or a database)
Platform-independent model
A platform-specific model is a model of a software or business system that is linked to a specific technological platform (e. g. a specific programming language, operating system, document file format or database)
Platform-specific model
In software development, presentation logic is concerned with how business objects are displayed to users of the software, e. g. the choice between a pop-up screen and a drop-down menu
Presentation logic
Presentation–abstraction–control (PAC) is a software architectural pattern. It is an interaction-oriented software architecture, and is somewhat similar to model–view–controller (MVC) in that it separates an interactive system into three types of components responsible for specific aspects of the application's functionality. The abstraction component retrieves and processes the data, the presentation component formats the visual and audio presentation of data, and the control component handles things such as the flow of control and communication between the other two components
Presenter first is a software development approach that combines the ideas of the model–view–presenter (MVP) design pattern, test-driven development, and feature-driven development. Approach Presenter first concentrates on transforming each of a customer's requirements into a well tested, working feature as quickly and with as much correlation to the customer's story language (requirement) as possible. The language of the story or requirement is used to directly guide development of the feature – even naming the modules and function calls
Presenter first (software approach)
In computer science, a public interface is the logical point at which independent software entities interact. The entities may interact with each other within a single computer, across a network, or across a variety of other topologies. It is important that public interfaces will be stable and designed to support future changes, enhancements, and deprecation in order for the interaction to continue
Public interface
QP ("Quantum Platform") is a family of open source real-time embedded frameworks (RTEFs) and runtime environments based on active objects (actors) and hierarchical state machines (UML statecharts). The QP family consists of the lightweight QP/C and QP/C++ frameworks, written in C (C99) and C++ (C++11), respectively. Active Objects (Actors) For Real-Time The QP RTEFs are an implementation of the Active Object (Actor) model of computation, specifically tailored for real-time embedded (RTE) systems
QP (framework)
A reference architecture in the field of software architecture or enterprise architecture provides a template solution for an architecture for a particular domain. It also provides a common vocabulary with which to discuss implementations, often with the aim to stress commonality. A software reference architecture is a software architecture where the structures and respective elements and relations provide templates for concrete architectures in a particular domain or in a family of software systems
Reference architecture
Representational state transfer (REST) is a software architectural style that was created to guide the design and development of the architecture for the World Wide Web. REST defines a set of constraints for how the architecture of an Internet-scale distributed hypermedia system, such as the Web, should behave. The REST architectural style emphasises the scalability of interactions between components, uniform interfaces, independent deployment of components, and the creation of a layered architecture to facilitate caching of components to reduce user-perceived latency, enforce security, and encapsulate legacy systems
Representational state transfer
In software engineering, a resource-oriented architecture (ROA) is a style of software architecture and programming paradigm for supportive designing and developing software in the form of Internetworking of resources with "RESTful" interfaces. These resources are software components (discrete pieces of code and/or data structures) which can be reused for different purposes. ROA design principles and guidelines are used during the phases of software development and system integration
Resource-oriented architecture
Resource Oriented Computing (ROC) is a simple abstract computing model used for describing, designing, and implementing software and software systems. The fundamental idea behind ROC is derived from the World Wide Web, Unix, and other sources as well as original research conducted at HP Laboratories. Fundamental concepts Resource-oriented computing describes an abstract computing model
Resource-oriented computing
The rich client platform (RCP) is a programmer tool that makes it easier to integrate independent software components, where most of the data processing occurs on the client side. Overview RCP is a software consisting of the following components: A core (microkernel), lifecycle manager A standard bundling framework A portable widget toolkit File buffers, text handling, text editors A workbench (views, editors, perspectives, wizards) Data binding Update managerWith an RCP, programmers can build their own applications on existing computing platforms. Instead of having to write a complete application from scratch, they can benefit from proven and tested features of the framework provided by the platform
Rich client platform
A Rich Internet Application (also known as a rich web application, RIA or installable Internet application) is a web application that has many of the characteristics of desktop application software. The concept is closely related to a single-page application, and may allow the user interactive features such as drag and drop, background menu, WYSIWYG editing, etc. The concept was first introduced in 2002 by Macromedia to describe Macromedia Flash MX product (which later became Adobe Flash)
Rich Internet Application
Scaffolding, as used in computing, refers to one of two techniques: Code generation:It is a technique related to database access in some model–view–controller frameworks. Project generation:It is a technique supported by various programming tools. Code generation Scaffolding is a technique supported by some model–view–controller frameworks, in which the programmer can specify how the application database may be used
Scaffold (programming)
The use of search engine technology is the main integration component in an information system. In a traditional business environment the architectural layer usually occupied by a relational database management system (RDBMS) is supplemented or replaced with a search engine or the indexing technology used to build search engines. Queries for information which would usually be performed using Structured Query Language (SQL) are replaced by keyword or fielded (or field-enabled) searches for structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data
Search-oriented architecture
A Semantic Service Oriented Architecture (SSOA) is an architecture that allows for scalable and controlled Enterprise Application Integration solutions. SSOA describes an approach to enterprise-scale IT infrastructure. It leverages rich, machine-interpretable descriptions of data, services, and processes to enable software agents to autonomously interact to perform critical mission functions
Semantic service-oriented architecture
In software architecture, a service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for facilitating service-to-service communications between services or microservices using a proxy. A dedicated communication layer can provide numerous benefits, such as providing observability into communications, providing secure connections or automating retries and backoff for failed requests. A service mesh consists of network proxies paired with each service in an application and a set of task-management processes
Service mesh
Service-oriented architectures (SOA) are based on the notion of software services, which are high-level software components that include web services. Implementation of an SOA requires tools as well as run-time infrastructure software. This is collectively referred to as a service-oriented architecture implementation framework or (SOAIF)
Service-oriented architecture implementation framework
In the field of software application development, service-oriented development of applications (or SODA) is a way of producing service-oriented architecture applications. Use of the term SODA was first used by the Gartner research firm. SODA represents one possible activity for company to engage in when making the transition to service-oriented architecture (SOA)
Service-oriented development of applications
A shared-disk architecture (SD) is a distributed computing architecture in which the nodes share same disk devices but each node has its own private memory. The disks have active nodes which all share memory in case of any failures. In this architecture the disks are accessible from all the cluster nodes
Shared-disk architecture
The Special Interest Group "Model-Driven Software Engineering" (SIG-MDSE) organizes the MDSE as an academic conference. This special interest group focus on model driven (or model based) and architecture centred software engineering techniques and tools, e. g
In computing, a situational application is "good enough" software created for a narrow group of users with a unique set of needs. The application typically (but not always) has a short life span, and is often created within the group where it is used, sometimes by the users themselves. As the requirements of a small team using the application change, the situational application often also continues to evolve to accommodate these changes
Situational application
Software analysis patterns or analysis patterns in software engineering are conceptual models, which capture an abstraction of a situation that can often be encountered in modelling. An analysis pattern can be represented as "a group of related, generic objects (meta-classes) with stereotypical attributes (data definitions), behaviors (method signatures), and expected interactions defined in a domain-neutral manner. " Overview Martin Fowler defines a pattern as an "idea that has been useful in one practical context and will probably be useful in others"
Software analysis pattern
An architectural model (in software) is a rich and rigorous diagram created using available standards, in which the primary concern is to illustrate a specific set of tradeoffs inherent in the structure and design of a system or ecosystem. Software architects use architectural models to communicate with others and seek peer feedback. An architectural model is an expression of a viewpoint in software architecture
Software architectural model
Software architecture analysis method (SAAM) is a method used in software architecture to evaluate a system architecture. It was the first documented software architecture analysis method, and was developed in the mid 1990s to analyze a system for modifiability, but it is useful for testing any non-functional aspect. SAAM was a precursor to the architecture tradeoff analysis method
Software architecture analysis method
Software architecture description is the set of practices for expressing, communicating and analysing software architectures (also called architectural rendering), and the result of applying such practices through a work product expressing a software architecture (ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010). Architecture descriptions (ADs) are also sometimes referred to as architecture representations, architecture specifications or software architecture documentation. Concepts Architecture description defines the practices, techniques and types of representations used by software architects to record a software architecture
Software architecture description
Software architecture recovery is a set of methods for the extraction of architectural information from lower level representations of a software system, such as source code. The abstraction process to generate architectural elements frequently involves clustering source code entities (such as files, classes, functions etc. ) into subsystems according to a set of criteria that can be application dependent or not
Software architecture recovery
A software blueprint is the final product of a software blueprinting process. Its name derives from an analogy with the term blueprint as used within the traditional construction industry. Therefore, a true software blueprint should share a number of key properties with its building-blueprint counterpart
Software blueprint
A software bus is a software architecture model where a shared communication channel facilitates connections and communication between software modules. This makes software buses conceptually similar to the bus term used in computer hardware for interconnecting pathways. In the early microcomputer era of the 1970s, Digital Research's operating system CP/M was often described as a software bus
Software bus
Software design is the process by which an agent creates a specification of a software artifact intended to accomplish goals, using a set of primitive components and subject to constraints. The term is sometimes used broadly to refer to "all the activity involved in conceptualizing, framing, implementing, commissioning, and ultimately modifying" the software, or more specifically "the activity following requirements specification and before programming, as .
Software design