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13 values
class Player() class Match(startDate: Date, endDate: Date, playMove(p,m), getScore()) class Tournament(name: String, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, acceptPlayer(p), removePlayer(p), schedule()) association Match 'matches *' -- 'tournament 1' Tournament association Match 'matches *' -- 'players *' Player association Player 'players *' -- 'tournaments *' Tournament
All Matches in a Tournament occur within the Tournament's time frame.
context Tournament inv: self.matches->forAll(m:Match | m.startDate.after(self.startDate) and m.endDate.before(self.endDate))
class Player() class Match(startDate: Date, endDate: Date, playMove(p,m), getScore()) class Tournament(name: String, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, acceptPlayer(p), removePlayer(p), schedule()) association Match 'matches *' -- 'tournament 1' Tournament association Match 'matches *' -- 'players *' Player association Player 'players *' -- 'tournaments *' Tournament
Each Tournament conducts at least one Match on the first day of the Tournament.
context Tournament inv: self.matches->exists(m:Match | m.startDate.equals(self.startDate))
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
Every customer who enters a loyalty program must be of legal age.
context Customer inv: self.age >= 18
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
Male customers must be approached using the title Mr..
context Customer inv: self.isMale implies self.title = Mr.
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The number of valid cards for every customer must be equal to the number of programs in which the customer participates.
context Customer inv:>select(valid=true)->size()=self.programs->size()
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The validFrom date of customer cards should be earlier than goodThru.
context CustomerCard inv: self.validFrom < self.goodThru
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The birth date of the owner of a customer card must not be in the future.
context CustomerCard inv: self.owner.dateOfBirth <> future
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The owner of a customer card must participate in at least one loyalty program.
context CustomerCard inv: self.owner.programs->size() >= 1
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
There must be at least one transaction for a customer card with at least 100 points.
context CustomerCard inv: self.transactions->select(point >= 100)->size()>= 1
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The service level of each membership must be a service level known to the loyalty program.
context Membership inv: self.currentLevel->includes(self.program.levels)
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The participants of a membership must have the correct card belonging to this membership.
context Membership inv:>includes(self.card)
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The color of a membership's card must match the service level of the membership.
context Membership inv: self.card.color =
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
Memberships must not have associated accounts.
context Membership inv: self.account->isEmpty()
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
Loyalty programs must offer at least one service to their customers.
context LoyaltyProgram inv:>size() >= 1
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
If none of the services offered in a loyalty program credits or debits the loyalty accounts: , then these instances are useless and should not be present.
context LoyaltyProgram inv: partners.deliveredServices->forAll(pointsEarned = 0 and pointsBurned = 0) implies Membership.account->isEmpty()
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The name of the first level must be Silver.
context LoyaltyProgram inv: self.levels->first().name = Silver
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
There must exist at least one service level with the name basic.
context LoyaltyProgram inv: self.level->exists(name = 'basic')
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The number of participants in a loyalty program must be less than 10: ,000.
context LoyaltyProgram inv: self.participants->size()<10000
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The number of the loyalty account must be unique within a loyalty program.
context LoyaltyProgram inv: self.Membership.account->isUnique(acc|acc.numbers)
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The names of all customers of a loyalty program must be different.
context LoyaltyProgram inv:>forAll(c1,c2|<>
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The maximum age of participants in loyalty programs is 70.
context LoyaltyProgram inv: self.participants->forAll(age<= 70)
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
There may be only one loyalty account that has a number lower than 10: ,000.
context LoyaltyProgram inv: self.Membership.account->one(number < 10,000)
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The attribute numberOfCustomers of class ProgramPartner must be equal to the number of customers who participate in one or more loyalty programs offered by this program partner.
context ProgramPartner inv: self.numberOfCustomers=programs.participants->asSet()->size()
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
A maximum of 10: ,000 points may be earned using services of one partner.
context ProgramPartner inv: self.deliveredServices.pointsEarned<=10,000
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
All cards that generate transactions on the loyalty account must have the same owner.
context LoyaltyAccount inv:>asSet()->size() = 1
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
If the points earned in a loyalty account is greater than zero: , there exists a transaction with more than zero points.
context LoyaltyAccount inv: points > 0 implies transactions->exists(t | t .points > 0)
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
There must be one transaction with exactly 500 points.
context Transaction inv: self.transaction->select(point = 500)->size()=1
class LoyaltyProgram(name: String, enroll(), getServices(): Service) class ProgramPartner(numberOfCustomers: Integer, name: String) class Membership() class Customer(name: String, title: String, isMale: Boolean, dateOfBirth: Integer, age: Integer, cAge()) class ServiceLevel(name: String) class Service(condition: Boolean, pointsEarned: Integer, pointsBurned: Integer, description: String, serviceNr: Integer) class CustomerCard(valid: Boolean, validFrom: Date, goodThru: Date, color: Color, printedName: String) class LoyaltyAccount(points: Integer, numbers: Integer, earn(), burn(), isEmpty()) class Transaction(date: String, amount: Integer, point: Integer, programs()) association LoyaltyProgram 'programs *' -- 'participants *' Customer association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 1..*' -- 'partners 1..*' ProgramPartner association LoyaltyProgram 'program 1' -- 'levels 1..*' ServiceLevel association LoyaltyProgram 'programs 0..1' -- 'membership 0..1' Membership association Customer 'owner 1' -- 'cards *' CustomerCard association ProgramPartner 'partner 0..1' -- 'deliveredServices *' Service association ServiceLevel 'currentLevel 1' -- 'currentLevel *' Membership association ServiceLevel 'level 0..1' -- 'availableServices *' Service association Membership --> 'card 1' CustomerCard association Membership --> 'account 0..1' LoyaltyAccount association CustomerCard 'card 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association LoyaltyAccount 'account 1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction association Service 'generatedBy 0..1' -- 'transactions *' Transaction
The available services for a service level must be offered by a partner of the loyalty program to which the service level belongs.
context ServiceLevel inv:>includesAll(self.availableServices.partner)
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The age of employees must be greater than or equal to 18
context Employee inv: self.age() >= 18
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The supervisor of an employee must be older than the employee
context Employee inv: self.supervisor->notEmpty() implies self.age() > self.supervisor.age()
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The salary of an employee cannot be greater than the salary of his/her supervisor
context Employee inv: self.supervisor->notEmpty() implies self.salary < self.supervisor.salary
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The hire date of employees must be greater than their birth date
context Employee inv: self.hireDate > self.birthDate
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The start date of an employe as manager of a department must be greater than his/her hire date
context Employee inv: self.manages->notEmpty() implies self.manages.startDate > self.hireDate
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
A supervisor must be hired before every employee s/he supervises
context Employee inv: self.subordinates->notEmpty() implies self.subordinates->forall( e | e.hireDate > self.hireDate )
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The manager of a department must be an employee of the department
context Department inv: self.worksFor->includes(self.manages.employee)
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The SSN of employees is an identifer (or a key)
context Employee inv: Employee.allInstances->forAll( e1, e2 | e1 <> e2 implies e1.SSN <> e2.SSN )
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The name and relationship of dependents is a partial identifer: they are unique among all dependents of an employee
context Employee inv: self.dependents->notEmpty() implies self.dependents->forAll( e1, e2 | e1 <> e2 implies ( <> or e1.relationship <> e2.relationship ))
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The location of a project must be in one of the locations of its department
context Project inv: self.controls.locations->includes(self.location)
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The attribute nbrEmployees in Department keeps the number of employees that works for the department
context Department inv: self.nbrEmployees = self.worksFor->size()
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
An employee works at most in 4 projects
context Employee inv: self.worksOn->size() <= 4
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
An employee may only work on projects controlled by the department in which s/he works
context Employee inv: self.worksFor.controls->includesAll(self.worksOn.project)
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
An employee works at least 30h/week and at most 50 h/week on all its projects
context Employee inv: let totHours: Integer = self.worksOn->collect(hours)->sum() in totHours >= 30 and totHours <=50
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
A project can have at most 2 employees working on the project less than 10 hours
context Project inv: self.worksOn->select( hours < 10 )->size() <= 2
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
Only department managers can work less than 5 hours on a project
context Employee inv: self.worksOn->select( hours < 5 )->notEmpty() implies Department.allInstances()->collect(manages.employee)-> includes(self)
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The only managers that can work less than 5 hours on a department project must be an employee of the department itself
context Employee inv: self.worksOn->select( hours < 5 )->notEmpty() implies self.worksFor.manages.employee=self
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
Employees without subordinates must work at least 10 hours on every project they work
context Employee inv: self.subordinates->isEmpty() implies self.worksOn->forAll( hours >=10 )
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The manager of a department must work at least 5 hours on all projects controlled by the department
context Department inv: self.controls->forall( p:Project | self.manages.employee.worksOn->select(hours >= 5)->contains(p) )
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
An employee cannot supervise him/herself
context Employee inv: self.subordinates->excludes(self)
class Employee(SSN: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, birthDate: Date, sex: String, salary: Integer, address: String, hireDate: Date, age()) class Department(number: Integer, name: String, locations: String, nbrEmployees: Integer) class Project(number: Integer, name: String, location: String) class Manages(startDate: Date) class WorksOn(hours: Integer) class Dependent(name: String, relationship: String, sex: String, birthDate: Date association Employee 'manager 1' -- 'department 0..1' Department: (Employee, Department) .. Manages association Employee 'employees 4..*' -- 'department 1' Department: WorksFor association Employee 'owned 1..*' -- 'worksOn 1..*' Project: (Employee, Project) .. WorksOn association Employee 'supervisor 0..1' -- 'subordinates 0..*' Employee: Supervision association Employee 'employee 1' -- 'dependents 0..*' Dependent association Department 'department 1..*' -- 'controls 1' Project
The supervision relationship must not be cyclic
context Employee def: allSubordinates = self.subordinates->union(self->subordinates->collect(e:Employee | e.allSubordinates)) inv: self.allSubordinates->exludes(self)
class Date(date: String) class Car(regNum: String) class CarGroup(category: String) class Branch(address: String) class Quote(value: Integer) class Rental(id: String, price: Real, state: String, startingDate: Date, endingDate: Date) class Customer(id: String, name: String, birthday: Date, licenseExpData: Date, premium: Boolean, discount: Integer) class BlackListed(blackListedDate: Date) association Car 'cars 1..*' -- 'carGroup 1' CarGroup association Car 'car 0..1' -- 'rentalAgreement *' Rental association CarGroup 'low 0..1' -- 'high 0..1' CarGroup association CarGroup 'carGroup 1..*' -- 'branch 1..*' Branch association Branch 'pickUpBranch 1' -- 'pickUpRental *' Rental association Branch 'dropOffBranch 1' -- 'dropOffRental *' Rental association Rental 'rental 1..*' -- 'driver 1..*' Customer association BlackListed --|> Customer
Rental ending date must be later or equal than starting date
context Rental inv: self.startingdate <= self.endingDate
class Date(date: String) class Car(regNum: String) class CarGroup(category: String) class Branch(address: String) class Quote(value: Integer) class Rental(id: String, price: Real, state: String, startingDate: Date, endingDate: Date) class Customer(id: String, name: String, birthday: Date, licenseExpData: Date, premium: Boolean, discount: Integer) class BlackListed(blackListedDate: Date) association Car 'cars 1..*' -- 'carGroup 1' CarGroup association Car 'car 0..1' -- 'rentalAgreement *' Rental association CarGroup 'low 0..1' -- 'high 0..1' CarGroup association CarGroup 'carGroup 1..*' -- 'branch 1..*' Branch association Branch 'pickUpBranch 1' -- 'pickUpRental *' Rental association Branch 'dropOffBranch 1' -- 'dropOffRental *' Rental association Rental 'rental 1..*' -- 'driver 1..*' Customer association BlackListed --|> Customer
On Mondays the agency is close (so no rentals starting on a Monday)
context Rental inv: not self.startingDate.dayOfTheWeek()<>DayOftheWeek::Monday
class Date(date: String) class Car(regNum: String) class CarGroup(category: String) class Branch(address: String) class Quote(value: Integer) class Rental(id: String, price: Real, state: String, startingDate: Date, endingDate: Date) class Customer(id: String, name: String, birthday: Date, licenseExpData: Date, premium: Boolean, discount: Integer) class BlackListed(blackListedDate: Date) association Car 'cars 1..*' -- 'carGroup 1' CarGroup association Car 'car 0..1' -- 'rentalAgreement *' Rental association CarGroup 'low 0..1' -- 'high 0..1' CarGroup association CarGroup 'carGroup 1..*' -- 'branch 1..*' Branch association Branch 'pickUpBranch 1' -- 'pickUpRental *' Rental association Branch 'dropOffBranch 1' -- 'dropOffRental *' Rental association Rental 'rental 1..*' -- 'driver 1..*' Customer association BlackListed --|> Customer
Minimum duration of a rental is 10 hours
context Rental inv: (self.endDate - self.startingDate).hours() >= 10
class Date(date: String) class Car(regNum: String) class CarGroup(category: String) class Branch(address: String) class Quote(value: Integer) class Rental(id: String, price: Real, state: String, startingDate: Date, endingDate: Date) class Customer(id: String, name: String, birthday: Date, licenseExpData: Date, premium: Boolean, discount: Integer) class BlackListed(blackListedDate: Date) association Car 'cars 1..*' -- 'carGroup 1' CarGroup association Car 'car 0..1' -- 'rentalAgreement *' Rental association CarGroup 'low 0..1' -- 'high 0..1' CarGroup association CarGroup 'carGroup 1..*' -- 'branch 1..*' Branch association Branch 'pickUpBranch 1' -- 'pickUpRental *' Rental association Branch 'dropOffBranch 1' -- 'dropOffRental *' Rental association Rental 'rental 1..*' -- 'driver 1..*' Customer association BlackListed --|> Customer
Last Friday of each month the agency is closed
context Rental inv: not self.startingdate = self.startingdate.getMonth().last('Friday')
class Airport(name: String) class Flight(departTime: Date, arrivalTime: Date, duration: Date, maxNrPassenger: Integer) class Airline(name: String) class Passenger(minAge: Integer, age: Integer, needsAssistance: Boolean, book(f: Flight)) association Airport 'origin 1' -- 'departingFlights *' Flight association Airport 'destination 1' -- 'arrivingFlights *' Flight association Flight 'flights *' -- 'airline 1' Airline association Flight 'flight 1' -- '(ordered) passengers *' Passenger association Passenger 'CEO 0..1' -- 'airline 0..1' Airline
All flight objects must have a duration attribute that is less than four
context Flight inv: self.duration < 4
class Airport(name: String) class Flight(departTime: Date, arrivalTime: Date, duration: Date, maxNrPassenger: Integer) class Airline(name: String) class Passenger(minAge: Integer, age: Integer, needsAssistance: Boolean, book(f: Flight)) association Airport 'origin 1' -- 'departingFlights *' Flight association Airport 'destination 1' -- 'arrivingFlights *' Flight association Flight 'flights *' -- 'airline 1' Airline association Flight 'flight 1' -- '(ordered) passengers *' Passenger association Passenger 'CEO 0..1' -- 'airline 0..1' Airline
The maximum number of passengers on any flight may not exceed 1000
context Flight inv: self.maxNrPassenger <= 1000
class Airport(name: String) class Flight(departTime: Date, arrivalTime: Date, duration: Date, maxNrPassenger: Integer) class Airline(name: String) class Passenger(minAge: Integer, age: Integer, needsAssistance: Boolean, book(f: Flight)) association Airport 'origin 1' -- 'departingFlights *' Flight association Airport 'destination 1' -- 'arrivingFlights *' Flight association Flight 'flights *' -- 'airline 1' Airline association Flight 'flight 1' -- '(ordered) passengers *' Passenger association Passenger 'CEO 0..1' -- 'airline 0..1' Airline
For every passenger the age attribute must be greater than or equal to the class attribute minAge
context Passenger inv: self.age >= self.minAge
class Airport(name: String) class Flight(departTime: Date, arrivalTime: Date, duration: Date, maxNrPassenger: Integer) class Airline(name: String) class Passenger(minAge: Integer, age: Integer, needsAssistance: Boolean, book(f: Flight)) association Airport 'origin 1' -- 'departingFlights *' Flight association Airport 'destination 1' -- 'arrivingFlights *' Flight association Flight 'flights *' -- 'airline 1' Airline association Flight 'flight 1' -- '(ordered) passengers *' Passenger association Passenger 'CEO 0..1' -- 'airline 0..1' Airline
The duration attribute of all flight objects must be equal to the difference between the arrivalTime attribute and the departTime attribute
context Flight inv: self.duration = self.arrivalTime - self.departTime
class Airport(name: String) class Flight(departTime: Date, arrivalTime: Date, duration: Date, maxNrPassenger: Integer) class Airline(name: String) class Passenger(minAge: Integer, age: Integer, needsAssistance: Boolean, book(f: Flight)) association Airport 'origin 1' -- 'departingFlights *' Flight association Airport 'destination 1' -- 'arrivingFlights *' Flight association Flight 'flights *' -- 'airline 1' Airline association Flight 'flight 1' -- '(ordered) passengers *' Passenger association Passenger 'CEO 0..1' -- 'airline 0..1' Airline
The airport from which a flight is leaving is different from the destination airport
context Flight inv: self.origin <> self.destination
class Airport(name: String) class Flight(departTime: Date, arrivalTime: Date, duration: Date, maxNrPassenger: Integer) class Airline(name: String) class Passenger(minAge: Integer, age: Integer, needsAssistance: Boolean, book(f: Flight)) association Airport 'origin 1' -- 'departingFlights *' Flight association Airport 'destination 1' -- 'arrivingFlights *' Flight association Flight 'flights *' -- 'airline 1' Airline association Flight 'flight 1' -- '(ordered) passengers *' Passenger association Passenger 'CEO 0..1' -- 'airline 0..1' Airline
For every flight the name of the airport from which it is leaving must be 'Amsterdam'
context Flight inv: = 'Amsterdam'
class Airport(name: String) class Flight(departTime: Date, arrivalTime: Date, duration: Date, maxNrPassenger: Integer) class Airline(name: String) class Passenger(minAge: Integer, age: Integer, needsAssistance: Boolean, book(f: Flight)) association Airport 'origin 1' -- 'departingFlights *' Flight association Airport 'destination 1' -- 'arrivingFlights *' Flight association Flight 'flights *' -- 'airline 1' Airline association Flight 'flight 1' -- '(ordered) passengers *' Passenger association Passenger 'CEO 0..1' -- 'airline 0..1' Airline
For every flight the name of the airline must be 'KLM'
context Flight inv: = 'KLM'
class Unit(name: String, symbol: String, description: String, definitionURI: String) class SystemOfUnits(name String, symbol: String, description: String, definitionURI: String) class SystemOfQuantities(name String, symbol: String, description: String, definitionURI: String) class QuantityKind(name String, symbol: String, description: String, definitionURI: String) class Prefix(name: String, symbol: String, factor: Real) class AffineConversionUnit(factor: Real, offset: Integer) class UnitFactor(exponent: Real) class GeneralConversionUnit(expression: String, expressionLanguageURI: String) class DerivedUnit() class SimpleUnit() class ConversionBasedUnit() class PrefixedUnit() class LinearConversionUnit() association Unit --> 'quantityKind 0..1' QuantityKind association SystemOfUnits --> 'systemofQuantities *' SystemOfQuantities association SystemOfUnits --> 'unit *' Unit association SystemOfUnits --> 'baseUnit *' Unit association SystemOfUnits --> 'prefix *' Prefix association SystemOfQuantities --> 'baseQuantityKind *' QuantityKind association UnitFactor --> 'unit 1' Unit association DerivedUnit --> 'factor 1..*' UnitFactor association ConversionBasedUnit --> 'referenceUnit 1' Unit association PrefixedUnit --> 'prefix 1' Prefix association DerivedUnit --|> Unit association SimpleUnit --|> Unit association ConversionBasedUnit --|> Unit association PrefixedUnit --|> ConversionBasedUnit association LinearConverionUnit --|> ConversionBasedUnit association AffineConversionUnit --|> ConversionBasedUnit association GeneralConversionUnit --|> ConversionBasedUnit
The referenceUnit shall not be a PrefixedUnit
context PrefixedUnit inv: not referenceUnit->oclIsTypeOf(PrefixedUnit)
class Unit(name: String, symbol: String, description: String, definitionURI: String) class SystemOfUnits(name String, symbol: String, description: String, definitionURI: String) class SystemOfQuantities(name String, symbol: String, description: String, definitionURI: String) class QuantityKind(name String, symbol: String, description: String, definitionURI: String) class Prefix(name: String, symbol: String, factor: Real) class AffineConversionUnit(factor: Real, offset: Integer) class UnitFactor(exponent: Real) class GeneralConversionUnit(expression: String, expressionLanguageURI: String) class DerivedUnit() class SimpleUnit() class ConversionBasedUnit() class PrefixedUnit() class LinearConversionUnit() association Unit --> 'quantityKind 0..1' QuantityKind association SystemOfUnits --> 'systemofQuantities *' SystemOfQuantities association SystemOfUnits --> 'unit *' Unit association SystemOfUnits --> 'baseUnit *' Unit association SystemOfUnits --> 'prefix *' Prefix association SystemOfQuantities --> 'baseQuantityKind *' QuantityKind association UnitFactor --> 'unit 1' Unit association DerivedUnit --> 'factor 1..*' UnitFactor association ConversionBasedUnit --> 'referenceUnit 1' Unit association PrefixedUnit --> 'prefix 1' Prefix association DerivedUnit --|> Unit association SimpleUnit --|> Unit association ConversionBasedUnit --|> Unit association PrefixedUnit --|> ConversionBasedUnit association LinearConverionUnit --|> ConversionBasedUnit association AffineConversionUnit --|> ConversionBasedUnit association GeneralConversionUnit --|> ConversionBasedUnit
In a coherent system of units, there is only one base unit for each base quantity.
context SystemOfUnits inv: self.systemOfQuantities.baseQuantityKind.size() = self.baseUnit->size() = 1
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
The stock of a Product is always a natural number, i.e., it is a positive Integer. This also ensures the definedness of the stock.
context Product inv isNat: self.stock >= 0
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
The Product id is unique.
context Product inv idUnique: Product::allInstances()->forAll(p1:Product, p2:Product | <>
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
The quantity of an Order is always a natural number, i.e., it is a positive Integer. This also ensures the definedness of the quantity.
context Order inv isNat: self.quantity >= 0
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
The state of an Order should either be `pending' or `invoiced'.
context Order inv stateRange: (self.state = 'pending') or (self.state = 'invoiced')
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
The Order id is unique.
context Order inv idUnique: Order::allInstances()->forAll(o1:Order, o2:Order | <>
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
order(...) function creates a new Order
context Order::Order(prd:Product, qty:Integer):OclVoid pre: qty > 0 pre: self.warehouse.products->exists(x:Product | x = prd) pre: not prd.oclIsUndefined() post: self.oclIsNew() and self.quantity = qty and self.orderedProduct = prd
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
The state of the order will be changed into 'invoiced' if the ordered quantity is either less or equal to the quantity which is in stock according to the reference of the ordered product.
context Order::invoice() : Boolean pre: self.state = 'pending' and self.quantity <= self.orderedProduct.stock post: self.state = 'invoiced' and self.quantity = self.quantity@pre and self.orderedProduct = self.orderedProduct@pre and self.orderedProduct.stock = self.orderedProduct@pre.stock - self.quantity
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
cancel() function cancels order as an opposite operation to invoice order
context Order::cancel() : Boolean pre: self.state = 'invoiced' post: self.state = 'pending' and self.quantity = self.quantity@pre and self.product = self.product@pre and self.product.stock = self.product@pre.stock + self@pre.quantity
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
supply(...) function adds quantity of the product to the stock
context Product::supply(qty:Integer):Boolean pre: qty > 0 post: self.stock = self.stock@pre + qty
class Order(id: Integer, quantity: Integer, state: String, Order(prd: Product, qty: Integer): OclVoid, cancel(): Boolean, invoice(): Boolean) class Product(id: Integer, stock: Integer, Product(): Boolean, supply(qty: Integer): Boolean, release(qty: Integer): Boolean) association Order 'order 1' --> 'product 1' Product: OrderProduct
release(...) removes quantity of the product from the stock
context Product::release(qty:Integer):Boolean pre: self.stock >= qty post: self.stock = self.stock@pre - qty
class Person(socSecNr: Integer, salary: Money, getMortgage(sum: Money, security: House)) class Mortgage(principal: Money, monthlyPayment: Money, startDate: Date, endDate: Date) class House(value: Money) association Person 'owner 1' -- 'houses *' House association House 'security 1' -- 'mortgages *' Mortgage association Mortgage 'mortgages *' -- 'borrower 1' Person
The start date for any mortgage must be before the end date.
context Mortgage: inv: startDate < endDate
class Person(socSecNr: Integer, salary: Money, getMortgage(sum: Money, security: House)) class Mortgage(principal: Money, monthlyPayment: Money, startDate: Date, endDate: Date) class House(value: Money) association Person 'owner 1' -- 'houses *' House association House 'security 1' -- 'mortgages *' Mortgage association Mortgage 'mortgages *' -- 'borrower 1' Person
A person may have a mortgage on a house only if that house is owned by the person.
context Mortgage: inv: = self.borrower
class Person(socSecNr: Integer, salary: Money, getMortgage(sum: Money, security: House)) class Mortgage(principal: Money, monthlyPayment: Money, startDate: Date, endDate: Date) class House(value: Money) association Person 'owner 1' -- 'houses *' House association House 'security 1' -- 'mortgages *' Mortgage association Mortgage 'mortgages *' -- 'borrower 1' Person
A person may have mortgage on a house only if that house is owned by the person (use Person as context).
context Person: inv:>forAll(p : Person | p = self)
class Person(socSecNr: Integer, salary: Money, getMortgage(sum: Money, security: House)) class Mortgage(principal: Money, monthlyPayment: Money, startDate: Date, endDate: Date) class House(value: Money) association Person 'owner 1' -- 'houses *' House association House 'security 1' -- 'mortgages *' Mortgage association Mortgage 'mortgages *' -- 'borrower 1' Person
The social security number of all persons must be unique (use House as a context).
context Person: inv: Person::allInstance()->forAll(p1,p2 : Person | p1<>p2 implies p1.socSecNr <> p2.socSecNr)
class Person(socSecNr: Integer, salary: Money, getMortgage(sum: Money, security: House)) class Mortgage(principal: Money, monthlyPayment: Money, startDate: Date, endDate: Date) class House(value: Money) association Person 'owner 1' -- 'houses *' House association House 'security 1' -- 'mortgages *' Mortgage association Mortgage 'mortgages *' -- 'borrower 1' Person
The social security number of all persons must be unique (use Person as a context).
context Person::getMortgage(sum:Money, security:House) pre: self.mortgages.monthlyPayment->sum() <= self.salary * 0.30
class Person(socSecNr: Integer, salary: Money, getMortgage(sum: Money, security: House)) class Mortgage(principal: Money, monthlyPayment: Money, startDate: Date, endDate: Date) class House(value: Money) association Person 'owner 1' -- 'houses *' House association House 'security 1' -- 'mortgages *' Mortgage association Mortgage 'mortgages *' -- 'borrower 1' Person
A new mortgage will be allowed only when the person's income is sufficient (assume that the yearly payment must be less than 30% of the salary).
context Person::getMortgage(sum:Money, security:House) pre: security.value >= (security.mortgages.principal->sum() + sum)
class Train(identifier: String, numOfWagons: Integer, numOfEngines: Integer, weight: Integer) class Wagon(weight: Integer, smoking: Boolean, currentLoad: Integer, capacity: Integer) association Train 'train 1' -- 'wagon *' Wagon association Wagon 'succ 0..1' -- 'pred 0..1' Wagon
All the trains will have the same number of wagons.
context Train: inv: self.wagon -> size() >= 1
class Train(identifier: String, numOfWagons: Integer, numOfEngines: Integer, weight: Integer) class Wagon(weight: Integer, smoking: Boolean, currentLoad: Integer, capacity: Integer) association Train 'train 1' -- 'wagon *' Wagon association Wagon 'succ 0..1' -- 'pred 0..1' Wagon
A wagon and its successor wagon should belong to the same train.
context Wagon: inv: self.succ -> notEmpty() implies self.succ.train = self.train
class Train(identifier: String, numOfWagons: Integer, numOfEngines: Integer, weight: Integer) class Wagon(weight: Integer, smoking: Boolean, currentLoad: Integer, capacity: Integer) association Train 'train 1' -- 'wagon *' Wagon association Wagon 'succ 0..1' -- 'pred 0..1' Wagon
The current load of a wagon cannot exceed its capacity
context Train: inv: Train.allInstances -> forAll(x:Train,y:Train | x.wagon->size() = y.wagon->size() )
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
Value of attribute noEmployees in instances of Company must be less than or equal to 50
context Company inv: self.noEmployees <= 50
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
The stock price of companies is greater than 0
context Company inv: self.stockPrice() > 0
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
Income of a person is the sum of the salaries of her jobs
context Person::income(): Integer body: self.job.salary->sum()
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
descendants() obtains the direct and indirect descendants of a person
context Person::descendants(): Set body: result = self.children->union(self.children->collect(c | c.descendants()))
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
Only married women can have a maiden name
context Person inv: self.maidenName <> `' implies self.gender = Gender::female and self.isMarried = true
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
A person is currently married to at most one person
context Person inv: self.marriage[wife]->select(m | m.ended = false)->size()=1 and self.marriage[husband]->select(m | m.ended = false)->size()=1
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
currentSpouse() selects the current spouse of a person
context Person::currentSpouse() : Person pre: self.isMarried = true body: if gender = Gender::male self.marriage[wife]->select(m | m.ended = false).wife else self.marriage[husband]->select(m | m.ended = false).husband
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
There are at most 100 persons
context Person inv: Person.allInstances()->size() <= 100
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
A company has at least one employee older than 50
context Company inv: self.employees->select(age > 50)->notEmpty()
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
The collection of employees of a company who are less than 18 years old is empty
context Company inv: self.employees->reject(age>=18)->isEmpty()
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
The age of each employee is less than or equal to 65
context Company inv: self.employees->forAll(age <= 65)
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
All instances of persons have unique names
context Person inv: Person.allInstances()->forAll(p1, p2 | p1 <> p2 implies <> )
enumeration Gender(male, female) class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String, gender: Gender, birthDate: Date, age: Integer, isMarried: Boolean, maidenName: String, isUnemployed: Boolean, income(): Integer, currentSpouse(): Person, descendants(): Set) class Bank(accountNo: Integer) class Job(title: String, startDate: Date, salary: Integer) class Company(name: String, noEmployees: Integer, stockPrice(): Real, hireEmployee(p: Person)) class Marriage(place: String, date: Date, ended: Boolean) assocation Person 'employees *' -- 'employer *' Company: Job assocation Person 'manager 1' -- 'managedCompanies *' Company assocation Person 'customer 0..1' -- 'banks *' Bank assocation Person 'parents 0..2' -- 'children *' Person assocation Person 'wife *' -- 'husband *' Person: Marriage
The firstName of at least one employee is equal to 'Jack'
context Company inv: self.employees->exists(firstName = 'Jack')
enumeration Colour(black(): Colour, white(): Colour, red(): Colour) class Person(name: String, age: Integer, getName(): String, birthday(), setAge(newAge:int): Integer) class Vehicle(colour: Colour) class Car() class Bike() association Person 'owner 1' -- 'fleet *' Vehicle: ownership association Car --|> Vehicle association Bike --|> Vehicle
A vehicle owner must be at least 18 years old
context Vehicle inv: self. owner. age >= 18
enumeration Colour(black(): Colour, white(): Colour, red(): Colour) class Person(name: String, age: Integer, getName(): String, birthday(), setAge(newAge:int): Integer) class Vehicle(colour: Colour) class Car() class Bike() association Person 'owner 1' -- 'fleet *' Vehicle: ownership association Car --|> Vehicle association Bike --|> Vehicle
Nobody has more than 3 vehicles
context Person inv: self.fleet->size <= 3
enumeration Colour(black(): Colour, white(): Colour, red(): Colour) class Person(name: String, age: Integer, getName(): String, birthday(), setAge(newAge:int): Integer) class Vehicle(colour: Colour) class Car() class Bike() association Person 'owner 1' -- 'fleet *' Vehicle: ownership association Car --|> Vehicle association Bike --|> Vehicle
All cars of a person are black
context Person inv: self.fleet->forAll(v | v.colour = #black)
enumeration Colour(black(): Colour, white(): Colour, red(): Colour) class Person(name: String, age: Integer, getName(): String, birthday(), setAge(newAge:int): Integer) class Vehicle(colour: Colour) class Car() class Bike() association Person 'owner 1' -- 'fleet *' Vehicle: ownership association Car --|> Vehicle association Bike --|> Vehicle
Nobody has more than 3 black vehicles
context Person inv: self.fleet->forAll(v | v.colour = #black) -> size <= 3
enumeration Colour(black(): Colour, white(): Colour, red(): Colour) class Person(name: String, age: Integer, getName(): String, birthday(), setAge(newAge:int): Integer) class Vehicle(colour: Colour) class Car() class Bike() association Person 'owner 1' -- 'fleet *' Vehicle: ownership association Car --|> Vehicle association Bike --|> Vehicle
A person younger than 18 owns no cars
context Person inv: age<18 implies self.fleet->forAll(v | not v.oclIsKindOf(Car))
enumeration Colour(black(): Colour, white(): Colour, red(): Colour) class Person(name: String, age: Integer, getName(): String, birthday(), setAge(newAge:int): Integer) class Vehicle(colour: Colour) class Car() class Bike() association Person 'owner 1' -- 'fleet *' Vehicle: ownership association Car --|> Vehicle association Bike --|> Vehicle
There is a red car
context Car inv: Car.allInstances()->exists(c | c.colour=#red)
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio


uml_nl_ocl_100 is a small size dataset containing ca. 100 OCL constraints and their corresponding plantUML models, contraint specification in natural language.

This dataset is adapted from the models_dataset by Abukhalaf et al. We removed all empty constraints and merged class and association information into one piece for each model.

The original dataset including model files is avaible here:


Generation of OCL constraints based on model information and natural language based constraint specification. Generation of natural language description for OCL constraints and model information.


The dataset is available under the Creative Commons NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 4.0).

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