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There is clear, compelling evidence that many of the major conclusions of the IPCC, your new religions constantly-changing Holy Book, are based on evidence that has been fabricated. The hockey stick graph that purported to abolish the mediaeval warm period is just one example. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
For most of the Holocene (last 10k years), sea level has been rising at a rate of around 2mm per year. Climate change has little to do with it - it's simply a long term inevitability which will end when the current interglacial returns to a glacial period (which we will regret). | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test1 |
China, which hosts U.N. climate talks next week for the first time, is promoting what it calls ambitious plans to boost energy efficiency and curb emissions. But its supercharged growth means even with rapid efficiency gains it cancels out other global efforts to combat climate change. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | CARDS |
And the fabricated documents (which Dr. Mann apparently still thinks is factual) which lead to the sort of misinformation Dr. Mann uses, are here: | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
It's going to be 42 here today and the hottest summer on record was iirc 1934 so not sure how global warming works into it. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
The global warming crisis emerged from a belief that small rises in CO 2 concentrations result in large knock-on effects, or strong positive feedbacks. These remain conjectural, as the forcings and feedbacks are poorly understood. Just how much of an effect does a rise in CO 2 have a little, or a lot? Hence the importance of new and better studies in the area of climate science dealing with attribution. | slothful induction | 3.1 | CARDS |
Donald Trump has called climate change a fabrication on the part of "the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." | conspiracy theory | 5.3.1 | jindev |
It is significantly colder globally, colder even than the significant drop to -0.046C seen in January 2008. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Another issue was the move of weather stations from suburban to urban locations a couple of decades ago in order to hook to the Internet and a change of their housing design from wooden to metal boxes. This supposedly increased temps and started to cause climate change alarm. | misrepresentation | 5.1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Many of these fear mongers also say we should stop burning fossil fuels that are causing this mayhem. | ad hominem | 5.2 | jintrain |
Ramping up wind power to 10, 20, or 30% of U.S. electricity production would likely increase annual bat kills to 10-to-30 million every year. | cherry picking | 4.4.1 | jindev |
Since Arrhenius made his forecast of warmth in Chicago Illinois temperatures have plummeted and are the coldest on record this year. They peaked in 1921 | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
This year, the Jan-Mar temperature is -2.17 F cooler than for example 1907 . And if we compare this years Jan-Mar temperature with 1921 it is -4.17 F cooler. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
I don't need an alternative, because (IMO) there is no such thing as "global warming". I was alive in the 70's where I was, as a child, scared shitless by the "experts" & media blasting "if we don't change our ways, we are heading for the next ice age!" Bullshit, then and now! | misrepresentation | 5.1 | hamburg_test3 |
Is it any surprise that climate-change predictions in the real world - where the complexities are exponentially greater and the exactitude of knowledge much less - have such a poor track record? | cherry picking | 5.1.4 | jintrain |
A conclusion and its implication in the summary paper was: because our scientific investigation leads us to the prediction that the Sun is headed into a protracted minimum, the warming forecast by the IPCC might not happen. | single cause | 1.2 | CARDS |
Fun fact: 0 people have ever died from climate change. That number is expected to remain constant | slothful induction | 3.6 | hamburg_test3 |
In the very year they had forecast that the Arctic would be "ice free," its thickness increased by a third. | cherry picking | 1.1.3 | jintrain |
Early Global Warming coincided with a slight increase in CO2 emissions, while Global Cooling was paralleled by a dramatic increase in CO2 emissions from 4.0 Gt/yr in 1942 to 20.0 Gt/yr in 1975. | single cause | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
In an interview with the BBC after the scandal broke, Dr Jones admitted there had been "no statistically significant global warming since 1995." | cherry picking | 1.4 | jintrain |
Dearth Of Sunspot Activity To Herald New Ice Age? A top observatory that has been measuring sun cycles for over 200 years predicts that global temperatures will drop by two degrees over the next two decades as solar activity grinds to a halt and the planet drastically cools down, potentially heralding the onset of a new ice age. | single cause | 1.2 | CARDS |
Based on my analysis above, I would say that the Times was definitely onto something global temperatures are rising at a pace so slow as to begin to raise questions as to whether they are being modeled correctly and are starting to suggest we have already left behind the world of possibilities portrayed in the panels report. | impossible expectations | 5.1.4 | CARDS |
Antarctic land ice increasing (Zwally 2018) | cherry picking | 1.1.1 | hamburg_test3 |
What's in it for you to push climate change fear? You're getting something out of it. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test2 |
According to a recent National Economic Research Associates Economic Consulting study, the Paris Agreement could obliterate $ 3 trillion of GDP, 6.5 million industrial sector jobs and $ 7,000 in per capita household income from the American economy by 2040. | slothful induction | 4.1.1 | jindev |
We are expected to believe that emission of traces of a trace gas into the atmosphere is a major planetary driving force. | misrepresentation | 2.3.1 | jintrain |
Instead, and remarkably, government overseers adjust the data to add more recent warming than is being reported in the raw temperature readings. | misrepresentation | 5.1.3 | jintrain |
The question is not if climate change is happening - it is and always has been, long before modern civilizations. The question is if human contribution to climate change is in any way significant to alter it. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
If climate change was a real threat, heat waves would be happening everywhere, all of the time. It is not.This is not climate change. This is the sun. | impossible expectations | 1.7 | hamburg_test2 |
Winterlike Cold to Blast United States in Days; South Prepares for Record-Breaking Lows. So much global warming | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
The whole Global Warming myth is fake. 600 million years of evidence along with real science proves it. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
Since 2005, U.S. emissions have fallen while those of the developing countries have soared. Developing country emissions now exceed those of the entire industrialized world. China is by far the world's biggest emitter. This new reality implies that nothing Washington can do domestically will stop climate change. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | CARDS |
Ignore that huge ball of plasma out there, and years of proof. | single cause | 2.1.1 | hamburg_test3 |
And a recent paper published in Nature concluded that the planet is less sensitive to increases in CO2 than the computer models say. | cherry picking | 3.1 | jintrain |
He emphatically stated that atmospheric CO2 is not a pollutant. In fact, increased levels of CO2 reduce the negative effects of a number of plant stresses including: high salinity, low light, high and low temperatures, insufficient water, air pollution, and protects against herbivores i.e. being eaten by animals and insects. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
You cannot trust the UN's World Meteorological Organization which like the IPCC is just part of a vast matrix of groups that have been so severely corrupted by the global warming/climate change hoax that one must exercise caution when hearing its forecasts. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
This is yet another climate hoax promotion so only the rich climate change drum beaters can fly around in private jets. The rest of us will walk or bike because our govt is trying to kill fossil fuels to make us govt dependent! | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test2 |
After all, if you are claiming the sun caused the warming, and you take it away, and the oceans flip to their negative phase, and a couple of volcanoes blow to boot, then there is real trouble. Hence the triple crown of cooling, which I showed on national TV 4 years ago when explaining why the cooling would commence, and by 2030 temperatures would return to levels seen in the late 1970s. | single cause | 1.2 | CARDS |
Of course the woke lib radical METEOROLOGIST in THE RADICAL WOKE MPLS has to put in his 2 cents..Shouldn't he be reporting on the " climate crisis" the existential threat..we are all going to die. #PATHETIC | ad hominem | 5.2.2 | hamburg_test1 |
Global warming is cyclical. Ain't our fault. We just have to find a way to live with it....but if it gets worse we will all be dead in decades to come. It's a planet. Evolving. Not guaranteed to be our home forever. Lucky it's not an ice age with heating costs up...! | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
For people experiencing an increase in vegetation in previously barren regions, this greening of the Earth is welcome and wonderful news. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | jindev |
Can the federal role in climate research be scaled back to improve incentives and quality? | ad hominem | 5.2.5 | jintrain |
Concurrently a compilation of all days since 1915 when temperatures exceeded 90F shows them decreasing with time rather than increasing in Figure 2. | cherry picking | 1.7 | Alhindi_train |
It was global warming, now its Climate Change. | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test2 |
The authors simply taken a set of gases (including carbon dioxide) and ascribed an effect: climate forcing. They do not demonstrate a mechanism, or even shown a correlation, between levels of anthropogenic carbon dioxide and global warming. | slothful induction | 2.3 | CARDS |
you should stop drinking the Koolaid and use your head. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Climate change crap has gotten out of control | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
The fact that we found it difficult to discern warming trends at many stations that are not located in rapidly developing urban areas may indicate that the actual increase in global temperature caused by anthropogenic perturbation is less pronounced than estimated in the last IPCC Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change. | cherry picking | 5.1.3 | CARDS |
As a child I played in it, as an adult I worked all my life in it...the weather. There were freezing cold times & there were heat index over 100 times. This climate change bullshit being pushed is bullshit. | single cause | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
While in fact what they do is the opposite, directly cause the climate change by releasing these chemicals in the air. What do they gain by this? Who knows, why did they start the climate change scheme anyway? Thats the question… | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test1 |
In fact, combining the slightly higher temperature with higher CO2 levels should significantly increase world crop growth if these are the only factors, and this is clearly a generally positive effect. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
Your SUV has overheated the planet, and caused one of the coldest years on record in the US. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Politicians beholden to the hypocritical environmental movement are making it worse. | ad hominem | 5.2.4 | hamburg_test2 |
Yet another significant paper finds low climate sensitivity to CO2, suggesting there is no global warming crisis at hand | cherry picking | 3.1 | CARDS |
Marxist Democrats are doing this on purpose as an offering to their alter of Climate Change. They are deliberately trying to destroy the energy industry so we will be forced into less effective forms of energy like wind and solar. | ad hominem | 5.2.3 | hamburg_test2 |
No matter what humans do , temperature trends go up , and then down ; glaciers expand and then recede ; sea levels rise and then fall | single cause | 2.1.4 | jintest |
Yet the trend for landfalling typhoons around the Philippines has actually declined since 1950, according to a study published in 2012 by the American Meteorological Society's Journal of Climate. | cherry picking | 1.7 | jintrain |
I don't give a toss about so-called 'Climate Change'. The day I start caring about it is the day that corrupt, hypocritical, scumbag politicians give up their limos, private jets & taxpayer-funded perks. It's also the day they stop preaching & lying to us - in other words NEVER! | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Yes but it seems to be increasing with climate change, just like hurricanes. We're more likely to get a Noreaster with 2 feet of snow. | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
A minority of scientists question whether this means global warming has peaked and the earth has proved more resilient to greenhouse gases than predicted. | fake experts | 1.4 | CARDS |
But it is almost certain that next year, large falls will also be measured over the oceans, and by weather station thermometers on the surface of the planet - exactly as happened after the end of the last very strong El Nino in 1998. | cherry picking | 1.4 | jintrain |
Discussion does not mention the lag between historical rises in temperature and increases in CO2 and gives the impression that CO2 changes were the cause of the rises in temperature as determined from ice core data. This omission like many others, strongly slants the discussion towards CO2 induced warming. | false choice | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
Biden admits gas and food prices aren't coming down anytime soon...it's all going according to plan. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
k crazy idea.. what if higher amounts of carbon in the atmosphere feeds all plants and foliage enough that we are forced to bring back the dinosaurs to eat back the excess plant growth? Global warming leads to dinosaurs. I love dinosaurs. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | hamburg_test2 |
GLOBAL WARMING:What they DON'T tell you.LESS than a 1/2 a degree is the Actual increase in the last 20 years.LESS than one degree is the Actual increase in the last 70 years.Documented facts from the 2020 NOAA Annual Climate Report.NASA: Ocean warming .6 of a degree in 53 yr | slothful induction | 3.4 | hamburg_test3 |
“Earlier this month, NASA scientists provided a visualization of a startling climate change trend — the Earth is getting greener, as viewed from space, especially in its rapidly warming northern regions. And this is presumably occurring as more carbon dioxide in the air, along with warmer temperatures and longer growing seasons, makes plants very, very happy.” | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | Alhindi_train |
By the way, it's not really "carbon"; it's carbon dioxide. Want to fix it? Plant more trees. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
The vast majority of this warming is near the Earths surface, and is due to H2O molecules, rather than CO2. Forecasts of large amounts of CO2 warming, are not based on any legitimate science. | misrepresentation | 2.3.4 | CARDS |
"What the alarmists call global heating now stretches to 92 months. The graph compiled by the NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer has been banned by Google AdSense and clearly shows that global warming started to run out of steam about 20 years ago. | cherry picking | 1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
Take your climate change and shove it up your ass! It has been happening for 100s of thousands of years with out commie crats trying to do what they are compelled to do - “ CONTROL”! Only God Controls! He will stop satan! | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test1 |
How could that be? Cherry says theres been an implicit assumption that because electric cars dont burn fossil fuels, theyre cleaner for the environment and safer for people, but that doesnt take into account how the electricity they use is generated. In China, that would be from you guessed it fossil fuels. About 85% of the countrys electricity is powered by fossil fuels, of which 95% is coal. | misrepresentation | 4.4.1 | CARDS |
Carbon dioxide is the gas that all humans and animals exhale and all plants require to grow. Without carbon dioxide, all life on Earth would cease. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
The scientists investigated the phase relation (leads/lags) between atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperaturesusing standard data series for the period January 1980 to December 2011.They found that changes in global atmospheric CO2 follow 1112 months behind changes in global sea surface temperature and 9.510 months behind changes in global air surface temperature. The findings conflict with the consensus view concerning the greenhouse gas theory that says the opposite should happen with temperatures supposedly being driven by any rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 levels are up 40 percent in recent decades). | false choice | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
A weak global cooling began from the mid-1940s and lasted until mid-1970s. I predict this is what we will see in the next few decades. | slothful induction | 1.2 | CARDS |
No one on the climate change team recognizes this. I've been saying this for years | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
the sea level rise is so slow that we can easily cope it and that we can't look into the future? | slothful induction | 1.6 | hamburg_test3 |
Many of the protesters who endured the cold to chant "Stop Global Warming!" said they didn't think the snowfall conflicted with their message. Davey Rogner, a 22 year old student at the University of Maryland College Park, beat on an African Djembe drum to rev up the crowd. He said the snow was a "gift" to remind eveyone about how rarely Maryland has been blanketed with beautiful white in recent years as temperatures have increased. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
I chose to assess the sea-level trend from 1915-45, when a genuine, independently confirmed warming of approximately 0.5 degree Celsius occurred. | cherry picking | 1.6 | jindev |
They used to call it global warming but seeing as how the earth's temperature hasn't increased for 15 years, they've quietly dropped that in favour of climate change. | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test1 |
The fact that those who continue to promote this propaganda effort, fully aware of the half-truths and out-right lies, makes clear that science (i.e. truth) is not, to them, sacrosanct. When scientists recognize that they cannot use the science to prove their science then, well, its probably not science. | ad hominem | 5.2 | CARDS |
NOAA generated their fake map through an amazing hockey stick of adjustments of 3.5 degrees in Michigan. By massively cooling the past and warming present, they tried to fool Great Lakes ice into believing that the freezing point of water has changed. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
“Peter Wadhams, professor of ocean physics at the University of Cambridge, predicted ‘global disaster’ from the demise of Arctic sea ice—in four years. He too, is eating crow.” | cherry picking | 5.2 | Alhindi_train |
“Professor Judith Curry, of the Georgia Institute of Technology, and president of the Climate Forecast Applications Network, said yesterday: ‘I disagree with Gavin. The record warm years of 2015 and 2016 were primarily caused by the super El Nino.’” | single cause | 2.1.3 | Alhindi_train |
It's a hoax to get your money. | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test3 |
If cloud feedback is sufficiently negative, then manmade global warming becomes a non-issue. | slothful induction | 3.1 | CARDS |
The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850 . Therefore , it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming. | single cause | 2.1.4 | jindev |
Not only do polls suggest the public is unmoved at home and in abroad, serial exaggeration at this point is arguably backfiring, confirming the perils of climate exaggeration. | cherry picking | 4.3.2 | jintrain |
I also believe that the Climategate emails revealed, to an extent that surprised even me (and I am difficult to surprise), an ethos of suffocating groupthink and intellectual corruption? | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
But in a carbon market, most market participants actually benefit from fraud . The sellers of carbon credits benefit when they sell fraudulent credits, because they are making money for nothing. The buyers of carbon credits benefit from a market flooded with fraudulent carbon credits, because the oversupply caused by fraudulent credits helps to keep prices down. Corrupt officials benefit financially, when they receive bribes to ignore the fraud. | conspiracy theory | 4.2 | CARDS |
This proves greenhouse gases act as cooling agents rather than warming. | misrepresentation | 2.3 | CARDS |
The amount of fabricated data is increasing exponentially, and at current rates of fabrication 100% of the data will be fake by the year 2035 i.e. there will be no actual thermometer data used after that date. NCDC says that their software which does this, is working as expected. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
One small problem. The CO2 theory says warming is caused by the CO2, where most of it got into the atmosphere since about 1945. This graph shows the warming happening when there is little added CO2, and growth of temperature halting as CO2 is released. Being essentially flat from 1932 to the left margin. We do see that the last half dozen years again have about 1/2 the low going range pruned out of the data; or it could just be like the 1940s flat period again. | single cause | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
Carbon dioxide present in the oceans is essential to plant life and current very low levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the ocean are limiting plant growth. All animal life depends on these plants. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
The hotspot is integral to their theory, because it would be evidence of the extra evaporation and thickening of the water vapor blanket that produces two thirds of the warming in the climate models the carbon dioxide itself produces only one third of the projected warming, but is amplified in the models by water vapor. But in reality there is no hotspot, so there is no amplification, which is why the climate models have exaggerated temperature increases. | misrepresentation | 2.3.5 | CARDS |
This, all while doing nothing to meaningfully decrease global temperatures. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | jindev |
The amount of energy necessary for humans to do everything we do is simply too large. As that demand for energy grows, the amount of renewable energy also has to grow, just to maintain only a 15-20 % fraction of the total. | impossible expectations | 4.3.1 | jintrain |
They are using #climatechange as an #excuse to implement a #totalitarian #Control #society. | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test2 |
This is what the entire climate change movement does. The second someone publishes credible research that discredits what they say. They attack their credibility. Look up Mackentire and Mckitrick. And the Global Warming Bombshell from 2004. That will blow your mind. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test1 |
It is worth pondering the italicized sentence. It means that even if the United States and its fellow industrialized nations ceased to exist, emissions from developing nations, not included in the Kyoto Protocol and unlikely to be included in the successor treaty, would carry the CO2 level well beyond 450 ppm by midcentury. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
This comes almost exactly 40 years after the government wrote a state of the climate report saying that global cooling was going to cause floods, famines, extreme weather, and would kill us all. | misrepresentation | 5.1 | CARDS |
Detecting Fallacies in Climate Misinformation: A Technocognitive Approach to Identifying Misleading Argumentation
Dataset for the paper "Detecting Fallacies in Climate Misinformation: A Technocognitive Approach to Identifying Misleading Argumentation " by Francisco Zanartu, John Cook, Markus Wagner, Julian Garcia.
Misinformation about climate change is a complex societal issue requiring holistic, interdisciplinary solutions at the intersection between technology and psychology. One proposed solution is a "technocognitive" approach, involving the synthesis of psychological and computer science research. Psychological research has identified that interventions in response to misinformation require both fact-based (e.g., factual explanations) and technique-based (e.g., explanations of misleading techniques) content. However, little progress has been made on documenting and detecting fallacies in climate misinformation. In this study, we apply a previously developed critical thinking methodology for deconstructing climate misinformation, in order to develop a dataset mapping different types of climate misinformation to reasoning fallacies. This dataset is used to train a model to detect fallacies in climate misinformation. Our study shows F1 scores that are 2.5 to 3.5 better than previous works. The fallacies that are easiest to detect include fake experts and anecdotal arguments, while fallacies that require background knowledge, such as oversimplification, misrepresentation, and slothful induction, are relatively more difficult to detect. This research lays the groundwork for development of solutions where automatically detected climate misinformation can be countered with generative technique-based corrections.
To cite the paper:
title={Detecting Fallacies in Climate Misinformation: A Technocognitive Approach to Identifying Misleading Argumentation},
author={Francisco Zanartu and John Cook and Markus Wagner and Julian Garcia},
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