<|endoftext|>It has traveled further in space than any human-made object.<|en-US|>ˌɪt hæz tɹˈævəld fˈɜɹðəɹ ɪn spˈAs ðən ˈɛni hjˌumənmˈAd ˈɑbʤəkt.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>» Details the eighteenth of may twenty twenty Join NASA Science Live at eleven AM EDT on Wednesday, the twentieth of may twenty twenty, for an exciting announcement on WFIRST!<|en-US|>“ dətˈAlz ði ˌAttˈinθ ʌv mˈA twˈɛnti twˈɛnti ʤˈYn nˈæsə sˈIəns lˈIv æt əlˈɛvᵊn ˌAˈɛm ˌidˌitˈi ˌɔn wˈɛnzdˌA, ðə twˈɛntiəθ ʌv mˈA twˈɛnti twˈɛnti, fɔɹ ɐn ɪksˈIɾɪŋ ənˈWnsmənt ˌɔn dˌʌbᵊljuˌɛfˌIˌɑɹˌɛstˈi!<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>On Monday, Sheikh bin bin Al , Crown Prince of Dubai, attended the maiden concept flight of the autonomous air taxi (AAT).<|en-US|>ˌɔn mˈʌndˌA, ʃˈik bˈɪn bˈɪn ˈæl , kɹˈWn pɹˈɪns ʌv dubˈI, ətˈɛndᵻd ðə mˈAdən kˈɑnsˌɛpt flˈIt ʌv ði ɔtˈɑnəməs ˈɛɹ tˈæksi (ˌAˌAtˈi).<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The group’s average age, Musk added, is “around thirty.”<|en-US|>ðə ɡɹˈups ˈævəɹɪʤ ˈAʤ, mˈʌsk ˈædᵻd, ɪz “əɹˈWnd θˈɜɹɾi.”<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Both the Change-six and Change-seven missions are scheduled to launch near the lunar South Pole. China has a halo orbit satellite around the Earth-Moon point that will be the second part of the communication with the Change-four lander and Yutu-two rover on the far side.<|en-US|>bˈOθ ðə ʧˈAnʤsˌɪks ænd ʧˈAnʤsˌɛvən mˈɪʃənz ɑɹ skˈɛʤˌuld tə lˈɔnʧ nˌɪɹ ðə lˈunəɹ sˈWθ pˈOl. ʧˈInə hæz ɐ hˈAlO ˈɔɹbət sˈæɾᵊlˌIt əɹˈWnd ði ˌɜɹθmˈun pˈYnt ðæt wɪl bi ðə sˈɛkənd pˈɑɹt ʌv ðə kəmjˌunəkˈAʃən wɪð ðə ʧˈAnʤfˌɔɹ lˈændəɹ ænd ❓tˈu ɹˈOvəɹ ˌɔn ðə fˈɑɹ sˈId.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>President has his own suite in Air Force One tailored to his requirements and has a gym installed in it as well.<|en-US|>pɹˈɛzədˌɛnt hæz hɪz ˈOn swˈit ɪn ˈɛɹ fˈɔɹs wˈʌn tˈAləɹd tə hɪz ɹəkwˈIəɹmᵊnts ænd hæz ɐ ʤˈɪm ɪnstˈɔld ɪn ɪt æz wˈɛl.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>For future missions if it chooses not to use the latest version the company has only two of its old, tried-and-tested Ariane-four rockets remaining.<|en-US|>fˌɔɹ fjˈuʧəɹ mˈɪʃənz ɪf ɪt ʧˈuzᵻz nˌɑt tə jˈuz ðə lˈAɾəst vˈɜɹʒən ðə kˈʌmpᵊni hæz ˈOnli tˈu ʌv ɪts ˈOld, tɹˈIdændtˈɛstᵻd ❓fˈɔɹ ɹˈɑkəts ɹəmˈAnɪŋ.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>According to the statement of , the basis for the breakthrough development of the industry and the consolidation of its key players should be the national project for the development of unmanned aerial systems, initiated on behalf of the president of Russia.“As part of this work, we need to open the sky for drones in terms of changing the regulatory environment, as well as create technical means for monitoring and controlling the movement of drones.<|en-US|>əkˈɔɹdɪŋ tə ðə stˈAtmənt ʌv , ðə bˈAsɪs fɔɹ ðə bɹˈAkθɹˌu dəvˈɛləpmənt ʌv ði ˈɪndəstɹi ænd ðə kənsˌɑlədˈAʃən ʌv ɪts kˈi plˈAəɹz ʃˌʊd bi ðə nˈæʃənᵊl pɹˈɑʤˌɛkt fɔɹ ðə dəvˈɛləpmənt ʌv ˌʌnmˈænd ˈɛɹiəl sˈɪstəmz, ɪnˈɪʃiˌAɾᵻd ˌɔn bəhˈæf ʌv ðə pɹˈɛzədˌɛnt ʌv ɹˈʌʃə.❓ ˌæz pˈɑɹt ʌv ðɪs wˈɜɹk, wi nˈid tʊ ˈOpᵊn ðə skˈI fɔɹ dɹˈOnz ɪn tˈɜɹmz ʌv ʧˈAnʤɪŋ ðə ɹˈɛɡjələtˌɔɹi ənvˈIɹənmᵊnt, æz wˈɛl æz kɹiˈAt tˈɛknəkᵊl mˈinz fɔɹ mˈɑnɪɾəɹɪŋ ænd kəntɹˈOlɪŋ ðə mˈuvmᵊnt ʌv dɹˈOnz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Imagine that gearbox strapped to a jet aircraft at forty eight thousand feet traveling at Mach two.<|en-US|>ɪmˈæʤən ðæt ɡˈɪɹbˌɑks stɹˈæpt tə ɐ ʤˈɛt ˈɛɹkɹˌæft æt fˈɔɹɾi ˈAt θˈWzᵊnd fˈit tɹˈævᵊlɪŋ æt mˈɑk tˈu.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>What a treat to stroll through the veils of twilight, to float across the sky like a slowly forming thought.<|en-US|>wˌʌt ɐ tɹˈit tə stɹˈOl θɹu ðə vˈAlz ʌv twˈIlˌIt, tə flˈOt əkɹˈɔs ðə skˈI lˈIk ɐ slˈOli fˈɔɹmɪŋ θˈɔt.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>“Wasn't planes, cos a blinky light jumbo flew under them, and it was lower and slower.<|en-US|>“wˈʌznt plˈAnz, kˈɑs ɐ blˈɪŋki lˈIt ʤˈʌmbO flˈu ˈʌndəɹ ðˌɛm, ænd ɪt wʌz lˈOəɹ ænd slˈOəɹ.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The launch of Sputnik two was celebrated on december thirtieth, nineteen fifty seven with a set of four showing the allegorical statue‘To the Stars’ by .A stamp marking the International Disarmament Conference in Stockholm showed an atom bomb crossed out, with the three Sputniks orbiting the Earth. In July a stamp with se-tenant label marked Sputnik three.<|en-US|>ðə lˈɔnʧ ʌv spˈʊtnɪk tˈu wʌz sˈɛləbɹˌAɾᵻd ˌɔn disˈɛmbəɹ θˈɜɹɾiəθ, nˌIntˈin fˈɪfti sˈɛvən wɪð ɐ sˈɛt ʌv fˈɔɹ ʃˈOɪŋ ði ˌæləɡˈɔɹəkᵊl ❓ˈO ðə stˈɑɹz” bˈI .ɐ stˈæmp mˈɑɹkɪŋ ði ˌɪntəɹnˈæʃᵊnəl dˌɪsˈɑɹməmənt kˈɑnfəɹəns ɪn stˈɑkhˌOlm ʃˈOd ɐn ˈæɾəm bˈɑm kɹˈɔst ˈWt, wɪð ðə θɹˈi spˈʊtnɪks ˈɔɹbəɾɪŋ ði ˈɜɹθ. ˌɪn ʤəlˈI ɐ stˈæmp wɪð ❓tˈɛnənt lˈAbəl mˈɑɹkt spˈʊtnɪk θɹˈi.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>DIRECT MAINTENANCE — FLIGHT EQUIPMENT The term “maintenance” as presented in this method includes labor and material costs for inspection, servicing, and overhaul of the airframe and its accessories, engines, propellers, instruments, radio, .<|en-US|>dəɹˈɛkt mˈAntᵊnəns — flˈIt əkwˈɪpmənt ðə tˈɜɹm “mˈAntᵊnəns” æz pɹizˈɛntᵻd ɪn ðɪs mˈɛθəd ɪnklˈudz lˈAbəɹ ænd mətˈɪɹiəl kˈɔsts fɔɹ ɪnspˈɛkʃən, sˈɜɹvɪsɪŋ, ænd ˈOvəɹhˌɔl ʌv ði ˈɛɹfɹˌAm ænd ɪts əksˈɛsəɹiz, ˈɛnʤənz, pɹəpˈɛləɹz, ˈɪnstɹəmənts, ɹˈAdiO, .<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>LAX information is at airport dash la dot com and Long Beach flights can be checked at dot org.<|en-US|>lˈæks ˌɪnfəɹmˈAʃən ɪz æt ˈɛɹpˌɔɹt dˈæʃ lˌɑ dˈɑt kˈɑm ænd lˈɔŋ bˈiʧ flˈIts kæn bi ʧˈɛkt æt dˈɑt ˈɔɹɡ.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Google declined to say how much it paid for Titan Aerospace, which expects initial commercial operations in twenty fifteen.<|en-US|>ɡˈuɡᵊl dəklˈInd tə sˈA hˌW mˈʌʧ ɪt pˈAd fɔɹ tˈItᵊn ˈɛɹOspˌAs, wˌɪʧ ɪkspˈɛkts ɪnˈɪʃᵊl kəmˈɜɹʃəl ˌɑpəɹˈAʃənz ɪn twˈɛnti fˌɪftˈin.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Cosmos eighteen seventy one has no load constituting additional danger to life," it said.<|en-US|>kˈɑzməs ˌAtˈin sˈɛvənti wˈʌn hæz nˈO lˈOd kˈɑnstɪtˌuɾɪŋ ədˈɪʃənᵊl dˈAnʤəɹ tə lˈIf,” ɪt sˈɛd.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Line fifty two provides a logic signal to the mode select logic, releasing the latch holding altitude line twenty six (from mode selector logic nineteen) at logic high.<|en-US|>lˈIn fˈɪfti tˈu pɹəvˈIdz ɐ lˈɑʤɪk sˈɪɡnᵊl tə ðə mˈOd səlˈɛkt lˈɑʤɪk, ɹᵻlˈisɪŋ ðə lˈæʧ hˈOldɪŋ ˈælɾətˌud lˈIn twˈɛnti sˈɪks (fɹʌm mˈOd səlˈɛktəɹ lˈɑʤɪk nˌIntˈin) æt lˈɑʤɪk hˈI.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Advances in Space Research. two hundred and nineteen.<|en-US|>ədvˈænsᵻz ɪn spˈAs ɹˈisˌɜɹʧ. tˈu hˈʌndɹəd ænd nˌIntˈin.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Assemble your very own remote controlled operational solar system and make it spin.<|en-US|>əsˈɛmbᵊl jʊɹ vˈɛɹi ˈOn ɹəmˈOt kəntɹˈOld ˌɑpəɹˈAʃənᵊl sˈOləɹ sˈɪstəm ænd mˌAk ɪt spˈɪn.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>SAS two thousand twenty one this year was participated by six countries, including Malaysia and he is expecting SAS two thousand twenty two to attract ten countries, among them Spain, the United Kingdom, Japan, Korea, China, Russia for the show to be on par with international shows.<|en-US|>ˌɛsˌAˈɛs tˈu θˈWzᵊnd twˈɛnti wˈʌn ðɪs jˈɪɹ wʌz pɑɹtˈɪsəpˌAɾᵻd bI sˈɪks kˈʌntɹiz, ɪnklˈudɪŋ məlˈAʒə ænd hi ɪz ɛkspˈɛktɪŋ ˌɛsˌAˈɛs tˈu θˈWzᵊnd twˈɛnti tˈu tʊ ətɹˈækt tˈɛn kˈʌntɹiz, əmˈʌŋ ðˌɛm spˈAn, ðə junˈIɾᵻd kˈɪŋdəm, ʤəpˈæn, kəɹˈiə, ʧˈInə, ɹˈʌʃə fɔɹ ðə ʃˈO tə bi ˌɔn pˈɑɹ wɪð ˌɪntəɹnˈæʃᵊnəl ʃˈOz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>In the next twenty years, the greatest demand for passenger aircraft will come from China.”<|en-US|>ˌɪn ðə nˈɛkst twˈɛnti jˈɪɹz, ðə ɡɹˈAɾɪst dəmˈænd fɔɹ pˈæsᵊnʤəɹ ˈɛɹkɹˌæft wɪl kˈʌm fɹʌm ʧˈInə.”<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The and Mosquito proved a further enhancement of Coastal Command capabilities, the Mosquito including a version with the fifty seven MM guns that was quickly replaced by Mosquitoes with under wing rockets for attacking surface submarines and surface warships.<|en-US|>ði ænd məskˈiɾO pɹˈuvd ɐ fˈɜɹðəɹ ɪnhˈænsmənt ʌv kˈOstᵊl kəmˈænd kˌApəbˈɪləɾiz, ðə məskˈiɾO ɪnklˈudɪŋ ɐ vˈɜɹʒən wɪð ðə fˈɪfti sˈɛvən ˌɛmˈɛm ɡˈʌnz ðæt wʌz kwˈɪkli ɹəplˈAst bI məskˈiɾOz wɪð ˈʌndəɹ wˈɪŋ ɹˈɑkəts fɔɹ ətˈækɪŋ sˈɜɹfəs sˈʌbməɹˌinz ænd sˈɜɹfəs wˈɔɹʃˌɪps.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>But we will not give up the leadership of the United States in space".<|en-US|>bˌʌt wi wɪl nˌɑt ɡˈɪv ˌʌp ðə lˈidəɹʃˌɪp ʌv ðə junˈIɾᵻd stˈAts ɪn spˈAs”.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>This model is drawn in inches to true size, this was done to make it easier to change and keep track of its scale.<|en-US|>ðˌɪs mˈɑdᵊl ɪz dɹˈɔn ɪn ˈɪnʧᵻz tə tɹˈu sˈIz, ðɪs wʌz dˈʌn tə mˌAk ɪt ˈiziəɹ tə ʧˈAnʤ ænd kˈip tɹˈæk ʌv ɪts skˈAl.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>This mission, sometimes referred to as Proba-three, has yet to receive the necessary financing to begin full development since the Swedish government, which had been slated to lead the effort, had to scale back its contribution.<|en-US|>ðˌɪs mˈɪʃən, sˈʌmtˌImz ɹəfˈɜɹd tʊ æz ❓θɹˈi, hæz jˈɛt tə ɹəsˈiv ðə nˈɛsəsˌɛɹi fInˈænsɪŋ tə bəɡˈɪn fˈʊl dəvˈɛləpmənt sˈɪns ðə swˈidɪʃ ɡˈʌvəɹnmənt, wˌɪʧ hæd bɪn slˈAɾᵻd tə lˈid ði ˈɛfəɹt, hæd tə skˈAl bˈæk ɪts kˌɑntɹəbjˈuʃən.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>“It was never going to be the of the European aircraft industry because it was highly expensive to build and operate and catered for relatively few people.<|en-US|>“ˌɪt wʌz nˈɛvəɹ ɡˈOɪŋ tə bi ði ʌv ðə jˌʊɹəpˈiən ˈɛɹkɹˌæft ˈɪndəstɹi bəkˈʌz ɪt wʌz hˈIli ɪkspˈɛnsɪv tə bˈɪld ænd ˈɑpəɹˌAt ænd kˈAɾəɹd fɔɹ ɹˈɛləɾəvli fjˈu pˈipᵊl.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>At launch, the announced purpose of Salyut was to test the elements of the systems of a space station and to conduct scientific research and experiments.<|en-US|>ˌæt lˈɔnʧ, ði ənˈWnst pˈɜɹpəs ʌv sˈæljut wʌz tə tˈɛst ði ˈɛləmənts ʌv ðə sˈɪstəmz ʌv ɐ spˈAs stˈAʃən ænd tə kəndˈʌkt sˌIəntˈɪfɪk ɹˈisˌɜɹʧ ænd ɪkspˈɛɹəmənts.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Dreams are unbroken wings.<|en-US|>dɹˈimz ɑɹ ˌʌnbɹˈOkən wˈɪŋz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Definitions of runback ice, residual ice, and inter-cycle ice have been added to the notice.forty one.<|en-US|>dˌɛfənˈɪʃənz ʌv ɹˈʌnbˌæk ˈIs, ɹəzˈɪʤəwəl ˈIs, ænd ɪntˌɜɹsˈIkəl ˈIs hæv bɪn ˈædᵻd tə ðə nˈOɾəsfˌɔɹɾi wˈʌn.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The screen flashed white for a moment and then cut to a pixelated view from an infrared camera.<|en-US|>ðə skɹˈin flˈæʃt wˈIt fɔɹ ɐ mˈOmᵊnt ænd ðˈɛn kˈʌt tə ɐ pˈɪksəlˌAɾᵻd vjˈu fɹʌm ɐn ˌɪnfɹəɹˈɛd kˈæməɹə.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The latest IBEX measurements of the interstellar wind direction were discovered to differ from those made by the Ulysses spacecraft in the nineteen nineties.<|en-US|>ðə lˈAɾəst ˈIbˌɛks mˈɛʒəɹmᵊnts ʌv ði ˌɪntəɹstˈɛləɹ wˈɪnd dəɹˈɛkʃən wɜɹ dəskˈʌvəɹd tə dˈɪfəɹ fɹʌm ðOz mˌAd bI ðə julˈɪsiz spˈAskɹˌæft ɪn ðə nˌIntˈin nˈIndiz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Before the flight, the pilot obtained several weather briefings indicating that instrument conditions prevailed along his route of flight.<|en-US|>bəfˈɔɹ ðə flˈIt, ðə pˈIlət əbtˈAnd sˈɛvəɹəl wˈɛðəɹ bɹˈifɪŋz ˈɪndᵻkˌAɾɪŋ ðæt ˈɪnstɹəmənt kəndˈɪʃənz pɹivˈAld əlˈɔŋ hɪz ɹˈut ʌv flˈIt.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>We all heard the discussions," she said.<|en-US|>wˌi ˈɔl hˈɜɹd ðə dəskˈʌʃənz,” ʃi sˈɛd.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Scheduled flight arrivals can come from Mannheim, Stuttgart or Frankfurt and travel the rest to by train.<|en-US|>skˈɛʤˌuld flˈIt əɹˈIvəlz kæn kˈʌm fɹʌm mˈænhˌIm, stˈʊtɡɑɹt ɔɹ fɹˈæŋkfəɹt ænd tɹˈævᵊl ðə ɹˈɛst tə bI tɹˈAn.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The dot two five therefore became another Italian twin-engined design that failed to find the needed support from within to become something greater to the Italian war effort.<|en-US|>ðə dˈɑt tˈu fˈIv ðˈɛɹfˌɔɹ bəkˈAm ənˈʌðəɹ ɪtˈæljən twˌɪnˈɛnʤənd dəzˈIn ðæt fˈAld tə fˈInd ðə nˈidᵻd səpˈɔɹt fɹʌm wəðˈɪn tə bəkˈʌm sˈʌmθˌɪŋ ɡɹˈAɾəɹ tə ði ɪtˈæljən wˈɔɹ ˈɛfəɹt.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>After take-off, the plane developed the fault in one of the television screens at the back of an economy class seat and was diverted as a precaution.<|en-US|>ˈæftəɹ tˈAkˌɔf, ðə plˈAn dəvˈɛləpt ðə fˈɔlt ɪn wˈʌn ʌv ðə tˈɛləvˌɪʒən skɹˈinz æt ðə bˈæk ʌv ɐn ikˈɑnəmi klˈæs sˈit ænd wʌz dəvˈɜɹɾᵻd æz ɐ pɹikˈɔʃən.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Sources were evaluated based on their usefulness in providing: Emissions data to establish the pollutants emitted by different types of rocket propellants, Engine performance data to establish the amount of propellant burned, and Trajectory data to establish the amount of time spent in each altitude band.<|en-US|>sˈɔɹsᵻz wɜɹ əvˈæljʊˌAɾᵻd bˈAst ˌɔn ðɛɹ jˈusfəlnəs ɪn pɹəvˈIdɪŋ: əmˈɪʃənz dˈAɾə tʊ əstˈæblɪʃ ðə pəlˈutᵊnts əmˈɪɾᵻd bI dˈɪfəɹənt tˈIps ʌv ɹˈɑkət pɹəpˈɛlᵊnts, ˈɛnʤən pəɹfˈɔɹməns dˈAɾə tʊ əstˈæblɪʃ ði əmˈWnt ʌv pɹəpˈɛlᵊnt bˈɜɹnd, ænd tɹəʤˈɛktəɹi dˈAɾə tʊ əstˈæblɪʃ ði əmˈWnt ʌv tˈIm spˈɛnt ɪn ˈiʧ ˈælɾətˌud bˈænd.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>From there, the offensive potential is limited only by imagination, and the service needs to fully develop those capabilities.<|en-US|>fɹˌʌm ðˈɛɹ, ði əfˈɛnsɪv pətˈɛnʧᵊl ɪz lˈɪməɾᵻd ˈOnli bI ɪmˌæʤənˈAʃən, ænd ðə sˈɜɹvəs nˈidz tə fˈʊli dəvˈɛləp ðOz kˌApəbˈɪləɾiz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>When a pylon is hit, a team of‘Airgators’ race out to it and complete their repairs and re-inflate the pylon within minutes.<|en-US|>wˌɛn ɐ pˈIlˌɑn ɪz hˈɪt, ɐ tˈim ❓❓ ɹˈAs ˈWt tʊ ɪt ænd kəmplˈit ðɛɹ ɹəpˈɛɹz ænd ɹˌiɪnflˈAt ðə pˈIlˌɑn wəðˈɪn mˈɪnəts.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Every extra passenger on an A three hundred eighty represents money made by the airline above and beyond what they could have made on a smaller plane.<|en-US|>ˈɛvəɹi ˈɛkstɹə pˈæsᵊnʤəɹ ˌɔn ɐn ɐ θɹˈi hˈʌndɹəd ˈAɾi ɹˌɛpɹəzˈɛnts mˈʌni mˌAd bI ði ˈɛɹlˌIn əbˈʌv ænd bijˈɑnd wˌʌt ðA kʊd hæv mˌAd ˌɔn ɐ smˈɔləɹ plˈAn.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>That’s a full two months ahead of schedule, said Wing . “Mox” Williams, the U.K.’s senior national representative at . Williams has been tapped to lead two hundred and seven Squadron, another F-thirty five B squadron, when it reconstitutes in twenty nineteen.<|en-US|>ðˌæts ɐ fˈʊl tˈu mˈʌnθs əhˈɛd ʌv skˈɛʤˌul, sˈɛd wˈɪŋ . “mˈɑks” wˈɪljəmz, ðə jˌukˈAs sˈinjəɹ nˈæʃənᵊl ɹˌɛpɹəzˈɛntəɾɪv æt . wˈɪljəmz hæz bɪn tˈæpt tə lˈid tˈu hˈʌndɹəd ænd sˈɛvən skwˈɑdɹən, ənˈʌðəɹ ˈɛfθˌɜɹɾi fˈIv bˈi skwˈɑdɹən, wˌɛn ɪt ɹikˈɑnstətˌuts ɪn twˈɛnti nˌIntˈin.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Satellite builders usually do not have that option as customers refuse to harmonize their requirements in ways that would allow manufacturers to generate scale economies.<|en-US|>sˈæɾᵊlˌIt bˈɪldəɹz jˈuʒəwəli dˈu nˌɑt hæv ðæt ˈɑpʃən æz kˈʌstəməɹz ɹəfjˈuz tə hˈɑɹmənˌIz ðɛɹ ɹəkwˈIəɹmᵊnts ɪn wˈAz ðæt wʊd əlˈW mˌænjəfˈækʧəɹəɹz tə ʤˈɛnəɹˌAt skˈAl ikˈɑnəmiz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>also indicated that the SPY-six Milestone-C was on track for october twenty seventeen.<|en-US|>ˈɔlsO ˈɪndəkˌAɾᵻd ðæt ðə spˌIsˈɪks mˈIlstˌOnsˌi wʌz ˌɔn tɹˈæk fɔɹ ɑktˈObəɹ twˈɛnti sˌɛvəntˈin.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The processed products will then be provided to NOAA Global Transmission System (GTS) for distribution to the worldwide weather prediction centers.<|en-US|>ðə pɹˈɑsˌɛst pɹˈɑdˌʌkts wɪl ðˈɛn bi pɹəvˈIdᵻd tʊ ˌɛnˌOˌAˈA ɡlˈObᵊl tɹænzmˈɪʃən sˈɪstəm (ʤˌitˌiˈɛs) fɔɹ dˌɪstɹəbjˈuʃən tə ðə wˈɜɹᵊldwˌId wˈɛðəɹ pɹidˈɪkʃən sˈɛntəɹz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>This week, McCaskill made her hold on the nomination permanent.<|en-US|>ðˌɪs wˈik, ❓❓ mˌAd hɜɹ hˈOld ˌɔn ðə nˌɑmənˈAʃən pˈɜɹmᵊnənt.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The Air to Air Missile is in advanced stage of its trials, while work on its MkII version with longer range is going on.<|en-US|>ði ˈɛɹ tʊ ˈɛɹ mˈɪsᵊl ɪz ɪn ədvˈænst stˈAʤ ʌv ɪts tɹˈIᵊlz, wˌIl wˈɜɹk ˌɔn ɪts ❓ˌIˈI vˈɜɹʒən wɪð lˈɔŋɡəɹ ɹˈAnʤ ɪz ɡˈOɪŋ ˌɔn.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>SpaceX did show the return of the first-stage booster which returned to Cape as planned, and landed without incident.<|en-US|>spˈAsˌɛks dˈɪd ʃˈO ðə ɹətˈɜɹn ʌv ðə fˌɜɹststˈAʤ bˈustəɹ wˌɪʧ ɹətˈɜɹnd tə kˈAp æz plˈænd, ænd lˈændᵻd wəðˈWt ˈɪnsədᵊnt.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>As of the fifteenth of november twenty thirteen, flight instructor practical tests are recognized as flight reviews.<|en-US|>ˌæz ʌv ðə fˌɪftˈinθ ʌv nOvˈɛmbəɹ twˈɛnti θˌɜɹtˈin, flˈIt ɪnstɹˈʌktəɹ pɹˈæktəkᵊl tˈɛsts ɑɹ ɹˈɛkəɡnˌIzd æz flˈIt ɹəvjˈuz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>No current means no power and no thrust.<|en-US|>nˈO kˈɜɹənt mˈinz nˈO pˈWəɹ ænd nˈO θɹˈʌst.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>LCol () Dan flew the CF-one hundred four from the tenth of november nineteen eighty two to...<|en-US|>ˈɛlkˌɑl () dˈæn flˈu ðə sˌiˈɛfwˌʌn hˈʌndɹəd fˈɔɹ fɹʌm ðə tˈɛnθ ʌv nOvˈɛmbəɹ nˌIntˈin ˈAɾi tˈu tu...<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>He joined from Airlines where he held the position of head of operations and operational strategy for the airline.<|en-US|>hˌi ʤˈYnd fɹʌm ˈɛɹlˌInz wˌɛɹ hi hˈɛld ðə pəzˈɪʃən ʌv hˈɛd ʌv ˌɑpəɹˈAʃənz ænd ˌɑpəɹˈAʃənᵊl stɹˈæɾəʤi fɔɹ ði ˈɛɹlˌIn.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>A pivot support assembly is mounted on the other side of the center of mass of the spacecraft, so that a rotary movement about the pivot point is imparted for gyroscopic stability during the initial deployment phase.<|en-US|>ɐ pˈɪvət səpˈɔɹt əsˈɛmbli ɪz mˈWntᵻd ˌɔn ði ˈʌðəɹ sˈId ʌv ðə sˈɛntəɹ ʌv mˈæs ʌv ðə spˈAskɹˌæft, sˌO ðæt ɐ ɹˈOɾəɹi mˈuvmᵊnt əbˈWt ðə pˈɪvət pˈYnt ɪz ɪmpˈɑɹɾᵻd fɔɹ ʤˌIɹəskˈɑpɪk stəbˈɪləɾi dˈʊɹɪŋ ði ɪnˈɪʃᵊl dəplˈYmənt fˈAz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>qThis work provides the reader with a comprehensive historical surveyincluding technical specifications, drawings, and photographsof each type of fixed-wing aircraft used by US military forces over an eighty six-year period to carry out the airlift Provided by publisher dot one nine three four dash one nine four one Q : Engine eighty six Aircraft Corp. nineteen forty nine to nineteen sixty two R : Stout Div. of Ford Motor company nineteen twenty eight to nineteen thirty seven S : Aviation Div. of United Aircraft Corp. nineteen twenty seven to nineteen forty six T : Corp. nineteen thirty three to nineteen thirty seven V : Aircraft Corp. nineteen forty nine to nineteen sixty two ;...<|en-US|>kjˈuðˌɪs wˈɜɹk pɹəvˈIdz ðə ɹˈidəɹ wɪð ɐ kˌɑmpɹəhˈɛnsɪv hɪstˈɔɹəkᵊl sˈɜɹvˌAɪnklˈudɪŋ tˈɛknəkᵊl spˌɛsəfəkˈAʃənz, dɹˈYŋz, ænd fˈOɾəɡɹˌæfzʌv ˈiʧ tˈIp ʌv fˈɪkstwˌɪŋ ˈɛɹkɹˌæft jˈuzd bI jˌuˈɛs mˈɪlətˌɛɹi fˈɔɹsᵻz ˈOvəɹ ɐn ˈAɾi sˈɪksjˌɪɹ pˈɪɹiəd tə kˈɛɹi ˈWt ði ˈɛɹlˌɪft pɹəvˈIdᵻd bI pˈʌbləʃəɹ dˈɑt wˈʌn nˈIn θɹˈi fˈɔɹ dˈæʃ wˈʌn nˈIn fˈɔɹ wˈʌn kjˈu : ˈɛnʤən ˈAɾi sˈɪks ˈɛɹkɹˌæft kˈɔɹp nˌIntˈin fˈɔɹɾi nˈIn tə nˌIntˈin sˈɪksti tˈu ˈɑɹ : stˈWt dˈɪv ʌv fˈɔɹd mˈOɾəɹ kˈʌmpᵊni nˌIntˈin twˈɛnti ˈAt tə nˌIntˈin θˈɜɹɾi sˈɛvən ˈɛs : ˌAviˈAʃən dˈɪv ʌv junˈIɾᵻd ˈɛɹkɹˌæft kˈɔɹp nˌIntˈin twˈɛnti sˈɛvən tə nˌIntˈin fˈɔɹɾi sˈɪks tˈi : kˈɔɹp nˌIntˈin θˈɜɹɾi θɹˈi tə nˌIntˈin θˈɜɹɾi sˈɛvən vˈi : ˈɛɹkɹˌæft kˈɔɹp nˌIntˈin fˈɔɹɾi nˈIn tə nˌIntˈin sˈɪksti tˈu ;...<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>was also certified by NASA in two thousand five to be fully capable of robotically servicing the HST and is now poised to demonstrate new robotic capabilities such as satellite refueling on the ISS. Advanced robotic rendezvous and servicing solutions were also demonstrated on DOD AFRL/DARPA missions as XSS-eleven (two thousand five) and Orbital Express (two thousand seven).<|en-US|>wʌz ˈɔlsO sˈɜɹɾəfˌId bI nˈæsə ɪn tˈu θˈWzᵊnd fˈIv tə bi fˈʊli kˈApəbᵊl ʌv ɹObˈɑɾəkᵊli sˈɜɹvɪsɪŋ ði ˌAʧˌɛstˈi ænd ɪz nˈW pˈYzd tə dˈɛmənstɹˌAt nˈu ɹObˈɑɾɪk kˌApəbˈɪləɾiz sˈʌʧ æz sˈæɾᵊlˌIt ɹifjˈuᵊlɪŋ ˌɔn ði ˌIˌɛsˈɛs. ədvˈænst ɹObˈɑɾɪk ɹˈɑndəvˌu ænd sˈɜɹvɪsɪŋ səlˈuʃənz wɜɹ ˈɔlsO dˈɛmənstɹˌAɾᵻd ˌɔn dˌiˌOdˈi ˌAˌɛfˌɑɹˈɛl dˈɑɹpə mˈɪʃənz æz ˌɛksˌɛsˈɛsəlˌɛvᵊn (tˈu θˈWzᵊnd fˈIv) ænd ˈɔɹbəɾᵊl ɪkspɹˈɛs (tˈu θˈWzᵊnd sˈɛvən).<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>SYPAQ said it was unable to comment on the Russian claim and had been asked to refer inquiries to the Defence Department, while Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia, , said he was unable to confirm whether the Australian drones had been used in Russia.Former Australian major-general Mick said the Russian complaints about Western forces escalating the war were “childish propaganda” given it was Mr who had invaded.<|en-US|>ˌɛswˌIpˌiˌAkjˈu sˈɛd ɪt wʌz ˌʌnˈAbᵊl tə kˈɑmˌɛnt ˌɔn ðə ɹˈʌʃən klˈAm ænd hæd bɪn ˈæskt tə ɹəfˈɜɹ ˈɪnkwˌIɹiz tə ðə dᵻfˈɛns dəpˈɑɹtmənt, wˌIl jukɹˈAnz æmbˈæsədəɹ tʊ ɔstɹˈAljə, , sˈɛd hi wʌz ˌʌnˈAbᵊl tə kənfˈɜɹm wˈɛðəɹ ði ɔstɹˈAljən dɹˈOnz hæd bɪn jˈuzd ɪn ɹˈʌʃə.fˈɔɹməɹ ɔstɹˈAljən mˌAʤəɹʤˈɛnəɹəl mˈɪk sˈɛd ðə ɹˈʌʃən kəmplˈAnts əbˈWt wˈɛstəɹn fˈɔɹsᵻz ˈɛskəlˌAɾɪŋ ðə wˈɔɹ wɜɹ “ʧˈIldɪʃ pɹˌɑpəɡˈændə” ɡˈɪvən ɪt wʌz mˈɪstəɹ hˌu hæd ɪnvˈAdᵻd.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>What popular services are available on a private charter to Rosa?<|en-US|>wˌʌt pˈɑpjələɹ sˈɜɹvəsᵻz ɑɹ əvˈAləbᵊl ˌɔn ɐ pɹˈIvət ʧˈɑɹɾəɹ tə ɹˈOzə?<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Go into crew rest.”<|en-US|>ɡˌO ˈɪntu kɹˈu ɹˈɛst.”<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>This second machine, which was used to create the wrench, is a much more fully featured, commercial three D printer.<|en-US|>ðˌɪs sˈɛkənd məʃˈin, wˌɪʧ wʌz jˈuzd tə kɹiˈAt ðə ɹˈɛnʧ, ɪz ɐ mˈʌʧ mˈɔɹ fˈʊli fˈiʧəɹd, kəmˈɜɹʃəl θɹˈi dˈi pɹˈɪntəɹ.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>A two color (white front, black back) is also available.<|en-US|>ɐ tˈu kˈʌləɹ (wˈIt fɹˈʌnt, blˈæk bˈæk) ɪz ˈɔlsO əvˈAləbᵊl.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The potential acquisition of AGM-eighty eight E two s is intended to complement the combat capabilities of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) EA-eighteen G Growler fleet.<|en-US|>ðə pətˈɛnʧᵊl ˌækwəzˈɪʃən ʌv ˌAʤˌiˈɛmˌAɾi ˈAt ˈi tˈu ˈɛs ɪz ɪntˈɛndᵻd tə kˈɑmpləmˌɛnt ðə kˈɑmbˌæt kˌApəbˈɪləɾiz ʌv ðə ɹˈYᵊl ɔstɹˈAljən ˈɛɹ fˈɔɹs (ˌɑɹˌAˌAˈɛf) iˌAˌAtˈin ʤˈi ɡɹˈWləɹ flˈit.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The camera is attached to a gimbal which provides smooth no shaking video and aerial photography.<|en-US|>ðə kˈæməɹə ɪz ətˈæʧt tə ɐ ɡˈɪmbᵊl wˌɪʧ pɹəvˈIdz smˈuð nˈO ʃˈAkɪŋ vˈɪdiO ænd ˈɛɹiəl fətˈɑɡɹəfi.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>said North Dakota Republican Sen. Tony , explaining how the state Legislature defeated a drone privacy bill this year.<|en-US|>sˈɛd nˈɔɹθ dəkˈOɾə ɹəpˈʌbləkᵊn sˈɛn tˈOni , ɛksplˈAnɪŋ hˌW ðə stˈAt lˈɛʤəslˌAʧəɹ dəfˈiɾᵻd ɐ dɹˈOn pɹˈIvəsi bˈɪl ðɪs jˈɪɹ.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>It’s important to note that costs can differ relying on the type of aircraft, place, and also season, so it’s constantly best to obtain a quote from several companies prior to making a decision.<|en-US|>ˌɪts ɪmpˈɔɹtᵊnt tə nˈOt ðæt kˈɔsts kæn dˈɪfəɹ ɹᵻlˈIɪŋ ˌɔn ðə tˈIp ʌv ˈɛɹkɹˌæft, plˈAs, ænd ˈɔlsO sˈizᵊn, sˌO ɪts kˈɑnstᵊntli bˈɛst tʊ əbtˈAn ɐ kwˈOt fɹʌm sˈɛvəɹəl kˈʌmpᵊniz pɹˈIəɹ tə mˈAkɪŋ ɐ dəsˈɪʒᵊn.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>In addition, Airbus' publicity agents may conjure soothing images of spacious seating on the A three hundred eighty, with beds, showers, and even casinos.<|en-US|>ˌɪn ədˈɪʃən, ˈɛɹbˌʌs pəblˈɪsəɾi ˈAʤᵊnts mˈA kənʤˈʊɹ sˈuðɪŋ ˈɪmɪʤᵻz ʌv spˈAʃəs sˈiɾɪŋ ˌɔn ði ˈA θɹˈi hˈʌndɹəd ˈAɾi, wɪð bˈɛdz, ʃˈWəɹz, ænd ˈivən kəsˈinOz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Please visit news dot dot com and follow us on Twitter, at , for more information.<|en-US|>plˈiz vˈɪzət nˈuz dˈɑt dˈɑt kˈɑm ænd fˈɑlO ˌʌs ˌɔn twˈɪɾəɹ, æt , fɔɹ mˈɔɹ ˌɪnfəɹmˈAʃən.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Demanding the courage to face incredible dangers, it is a quest that will define new frontiers for our species.<|en-US|>dəmˈændɪŋ ðə kˈɜɹɪʤ tə fˈAs ɪnkɹˈɛdəbᵊl dˈAnʤəɹz, ɪt ɪz ɐ kwˈɛst ðæt wɪl dəfˈIn nˈu fɹˌʌntˈɪɹz fɔɹ ˌWəɹ spˈiʃiz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The museum and the foundation are NAHA partners.<|en-US|>ðə mjuzˈiəm ænd ðə fWndˈAʃən ɑɹ nˈɑhɑ pˈɑɹtnəɹz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>According to the FAA, Boeing did stop using the fasteners themselves, but “some of the underlying manufacturing issues continued to exist until after the corrective action plan was in place.”<|en-US|>əkˈɔɹdɪŋ tə ði ˌɛfˌAˈA, bˈOɪŋ dˈɪd stˈɑp jˈuzɪŋ ðə fˈæsᵊnəɹz ðəmsˈɛlvz, bˌʌt “sˌʌm ʌv ði ˌʌndəɹlˈIɪŋ mˌænjəfˈækʧəɹɪŋ ˈɪʃjuz kəntˈɪnjud tʊ ɪɡzˈɪst ˌʌntˈɪl ˈæftəɹ ðə kəɹˈɛktɪv ˈækʃən plˈæn wʌz ɪn plˈAs.”<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The C-twenty seven J is operated by a crew of three two pilots and one loadmaster and is self-deployable.<|en-US|>ðə sˈitwˌɛnti sˈɛvən ʤˈA ɪz ˈɑpəɹˌAɾᵻd bI ɐ kɹˈu ʌv θɹˈi tˈu pˈIləts ænd wˈʌn lˈOdmæstəɹ ænd ɪz sˈɛlf❓.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>ANAC said is the only Brazilian airline with Max planes in its fleet, and it is making the required fixes under supervision to resume flights with the planes.<|en-US|>ˌAˌɛnˌAsˈi sˈɛd ɪz ði ˈOnli bɹəzˈɪljən ˈɛɹlˌIn wɪð mˈæks plˈAnz ɪn ɪts flˈit, ænd ɪt ɪz mˈAkɪŋ ðə ɹəkwˈIəɹd fˈɪksᵻz ˈʌndəɹ sˌupəɹvˈɪʒən tə ɹəzˈum flˈIts wɪð ðə plˈAnz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The weight of the sander, the force required to abrade the surface and the time that sanding requires all contribute to the risk, not to mention worker fatigue and resulting poor finish quality.<|en-US|>ðə wˈAt ʌv ðə sˈændəɹ, ðə fˈɔɹs ɹəkwˈIəɹd tʊ əbɹˈAd ðə sˈɜɹfəs ænd ðə tˈIm ðæt sˈændɪŋ ɹəkwˈIəɹz ˈɔl kəntɹˈɪbjut tə ðə ɹˈɪsk, nˌɑt tə mˈɛnʧᵊn wˈɜɹkəɹ fətˈiɡ ænd ɹəzˈʌltɪŋ pˈʊɹ fˈɪnəʃ kwˈɑləɾi.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>In addition, if an Army aircraft of helicopter had a serial number with less than four digits, extra zeros were added to pad the number out to five digits.<|en-US|>ˌɪn ədˈɪʃən, ɪf ɐn ˈɑɹmi ˈɛɹkɹˌæft ʌv hˈɛləkˌɑptəɹ hæd ɐ sˈɪɹiəl nˈʌmbəɹ wɪð lˈɛs ðən fˈɔɹ dˈɪʤəts, ˈɛkstɹə zˈɪɹOz wɜɹ ˈædᵻd tə pˈæd ðə nˈʌmbəɹ ˈWt tə fˈIv dˈɪʤəts.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>learned to fly at Aurora. His own perspective added a personal touch to this tribute.<|en-US|>lˈɜɹnd tə flˈI æt əɹˈɔɹə. hˌɪz ˈOn pəɹspˈɛktɪv ˈædᵻd ɐ pˈɜɹsᵊnəl tˈʌʧ tə ðɪs tɹˈɪbjut.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Engineers working on Spike said it's not a one-missile-fits-all but there are several capability gaps for which Spike would be a good fit.<|en-US|>ˌɛnʤənˈɪɹz wˈɜɹkɪŋ ˌɔn spˈIk sˈɛd ɪts nˌɑt ɐ wˌʌnmˈɪsᵊlfˈɪtsˌɔl bˌʌt ðɛɹ ɑɹ sˈɛvəɹəl kˌApəbˈɪləɾi ɡˈæps fɔɹ wˌɪʧ spˈIk wʊd bi ɐ ɡˈʊd fˈɪt.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Landing two thousand four hundred and thirty feet.<|en-US|>lˈændɪŋ tˈu θˈWzᵊnd fˈɔɹ hˈʌndɹəd ænd θˈɜɹɾi fˈit.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>There’s never any other passengers or freight on your flight, and confidentiality is at the core of all our business at Private Jet Services.- twenty four sevenths access to a dedicated team of aviation experts- Our clients always have a single point of contact- PJS adheres to best practices in contingency management- Industry Standard for Intuitive Attention- Customized Service- No Account Numbers, we are on a first name basis with the majority of our customers- Highest Touch– CRM backs up Teaming Arrangement- Charter client retention rate over ninety percent- Staff retention rate five plus years- Deep knowledge of sports and other industry specific travel- Dedicated Concierge for each organization- twenty four hour communication accessible through phone, distribution list (that is Team at dot COM)- Plan or change an itinerary with a single call or email- We can provide cost estimates for potential trips- Arrangements for catering and ground transportation- Customs arrangements are available- PJS maintains catering and beverage preferences, including allergies, preferred FBO's, on-board newspapers, magazines and WiFi- PJS Policy: minimum of two contingency plans in place for every trip- Monthly slash Weekly slash Daily slash Hourly reports can be provided to Client as required- Beginning thirty days from the first departure, PJS is in contact will all North American airlines who operate VIP Airliners to determine suitable replacement aircraft positioning and availability in the event such replacement becomes necessary.<|en-US|>ðˌɛɹz nˈɛvəɹ ˈɛni ˈʌðəɹ pˈæsᵊnʤəɹz ɔɹ fɹˈAt ˌɔn jʊɹ flˈIt, ænd kˌɑnfədˌɛnʧiˈæləɾi ɪz æt ðə kˈɔɹ ʌv ˈɔl ˌWəɹ bˈɪznəs æt pɹˈIvət ʤˈɛt sˈɜɹvəsᵻz twˈɛnti fˈɔɹ sˈɛvənθs ˈæksˌɛs tə ɐ dˈɛdəkˌAɾᵻd tˈim ʌv ˌAviˈAʃən ˈɛkspˌɜɹts ˌWəɹ klˈIənts ˈɔlwˌAz hæv ɐ sˈɪŋɡᵊl pˈYnt ʌv kˈɑntækt pˌiʤˌAˈɛs ædhˈɪɹz tə bˈɛst pɹˈæktəsᵻz ɪn kəntˈɪnʤənsi mˈænɪʤmənt ˈɪndəstɹi stˈændəɹd fɔɹ ɪntˈuəɾɪv ətˈɛnʧən kˈʌstəmˌIzd sˈɜɹvəs nˈO əkˈWnt nˈʌmbəɹz, wi ɑɹ ˌɔn ɐ fˈɜɹst nˈAm bˈAsɪs wɪð ðə məʤˈɑɹəɾi ʌv ˌWəɹ kˈʌstəməɹz hˈIɪst tˈʌʧ— sˌiˌɑɹˈɛm bˈæks ˌʌp tˈimɪŋ əɹˈAnʤmənt ʧˈɑɹɾəɹ klˈIənt ɹətˈɛnʃən ɹˈAt ˈOvəɹ nˈIndi pəɹsˈɛnt stˈæf ɹətˈɛnʃən ɹˈAt fˈIv plˈʌs jˈɪɹz dˈip nˈɑləʤ ʌv spˈɔɹts ænd ˈʌðəɹ ˈɪndəstɹi spəsˈɪfɪk tɹˈævᵊl dˈɛdəkˌAɾᵻd kˌɑnsjˈɛɹʤ fɔɹ ˈiʧ ˌɔɹɡənəzˈAʃən twˈɛnti fˈɔɹ ˈWəɹ kəmjˌunəkˈAʃən əksˈɛsəbᵊl θɹu fˈOn, dˌɪstɹəbjˈuʃən lˈɪst (ðæt ɪz tˈim æt dˈɑt kˈɑm❓ plˈæn ɔɹ ʧˈAnʤ ɐn Itˈɪnəɹˌɛɹi wɪð ɐ sˈɪŋɡᵊl kˈɔl ɔɹ ˈimˌAl wˌi kæn pɹəvˈId kˈɔst ˈɛstəməts fɔɹ pətˈɛnʧᵊl tɹˈɪps əɹˈAnʤmənts fɔɹ kˈAɾəɹɪŋ ænd ɡɹˈWnd tɹˌænspəɹtˈAʃən kˈʌstəmz əɹˈAnʤmənts ɑɹ əvˈAləbᵊl pˌiʤˌAˈɛs mAntˈAnz kˈAɾəɹɪŋ ænd bˈɛvəɹɪʤ pɹˈɛfəɹənsᵻz, ɪnklˈudɪŋ ˈæləɹʤiz, pɹifˈɜɹd ˌɛfbˌiˈOz, ˌɔnbˈɔɹd nˈuzpˌApəɹz, mˈæɡəzˌinz ænd ❓❓ pˌiʤˌAˈɛs pˈɑləsi: mˈɪnəməm ʌv tˈu kəntˈɪnʤənsi plˈænz ɪn plˈAs fɔɹ ˈɛvəɹi tɹˈɪp mˈʌnθli slˈæʃ wˈikli slˈæʃ dˈAli slˈæʃ ˈWəɹli ɹəpˈɔɹts kæn bi pɹəvˈIdᵻd tə klˈIənt æz ɹəkwˈIəɹd bəɡˈɪnɪŋ θˈɜɹɾi dˈAz fɹʌm ðə fˈɜɹst dəpˈɑɹʧəɹ, pˌiʤˌAˈɛs ɪz ɪn kˈɑntækt wɪl ˈɔl nˈɔɹθ əmˈɛɹəkᵊn ˈɛɹlˌInz hˌu ˈɑpəɹˌAt vˌiˌIpˈi ˈɛɹlˌInəɹz tə dətˈɜɹmən sˈuɾəbᵊl ɹəplˈAsmᵊnt ˈɛɹkɹˌæft pəzˈɪʃənɪŋ ænd əvˌAləbˈɪləɾi ɪn ði əvˈɛnt sˈʌʧ ɹəplˈAsmᵊnt bəkˈʌmz nˈɛsəsˌɛɹi.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Click on image for full size NASA Heads Out to Sea...<|en-US|>klˈɪk ˌɔn ˈɪmɪʤ fɔɹ fˈʊl sˈIz nˈæsə hˈɛdz ˈWt tə sˈi...<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>- There is no time difference between these cities.<|en-US|>— ðˌɛɹ ɪz nˈO tˈIm dˈɪfəɹəns bətwˈin ðiz sˈɪɾiz.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The MAF workforce is the most dedicated and skilled group of folks around and I am proud to join the team.<|en-US|>ði ˌɛmˌAˈɛf wˈɜɹkfˌɔɹs ɪz ðə mˈOst dˈɛdəkˌAɾᵻd ænd skˈɪld ɡɹˈup ʌv fˈOks əɹˈWnd ænd ˌI ɐm pɹˈWd tə ʤˈYn ðə tˈim.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The most convenient airport to fly into Teresina is Teresina Airport (THE).<|en-US|>ðə mˈOst kənvˈinjənt ˈɛɹpˌɔɹt tə flˈI ˈɪntu tˌɛɹəsˈinə ɪz tˌɛɹəsˈinə ˈɛɹpˌɔɹt (tˌiˌAʧˈi).<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>They do a great job of that every single day,” said Welsh.Lawmakers considered a host of competing amendments aimed at curbing sexual assaults in the military as they worked to finalize the Fiscal twenty fourteen defense authorization bill by the end of the year.<|en-US|>ðˌA dˈu ɐ ɡɹˈAt ʤˈɑb ʌv ðæt ˈɛvəɹi sˈɪŋɡᵊl dˈA,” sˈɛd wˈɛlʃ.lˈɔmˌAkəɹz kənsˈɪdəɹd ɐ hˈOst ʌv kəmpˈiɾɪŋ əmˈɛndmənts ˈAmd æt kˈɜɹbɪŋ sˈɛkʃəwəl əsˈɔlts ɪn ðə mˈɪlətˌɛɹi æz ðA wˈɜɹkt tə fˈInᵊlˌIz ðə fˈɪskᵊl twˈɛnti fˌɔɹtˈin dəfˈɛns ˌɔθəɹəzˈAʃən bˈɪl bI ði ˈɛnd ʌv ðə jˈɪɹ.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>You can go via the Sponsor Route, that is cadet or army, air ambulance, police wings and many more.<|en-US|>jˌu kæn ɡˌO vˈIə ðə spˈɑntsəɹ ɹˈut, ðæt ɪz kədˈɛt ɔɹ ˈɑɹmi, ˈɛɹ ˈæmbjələns, pəlˈis wˈɪŋz ænd mˈɛni mˈɔɹ.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>and , both ninety, recently spoke with POLITICO about NASA’s future goals and their vivid memories of the first trip around the moon.<|en-US|>ænd , bˈOθ nˈIndi, ɹˈisᵊntli spˈOk wɪð pəlˈɪɾəkO əbˈWt nˈæsəz fjˈuʧəɹ ɡˈOlz ænd ðɛɹ vˈɪvəd mˈɛməɹiz ʌv ðə fˈɜɹst tɹˈɪp əɹˈWnd ðə mˈun.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Air Museum Maria Museum of Flight Palm Springs Air Museum Grab a Double-Double (animal style, of course!) and then step across the street to watch double...<|en-US|>ˈɛɹ mjuzˈiəm mˈɑɹiə mjuzˈiəm ʌv flˈIt pˈɑlm spɹˈɪŋz ˈɛɹ mjuzˈiəm ɡɹˈæb ɐ dˌʌbᵊldˈʌbᵊl (ˈænəmᵊl stˈIl, ʌv kˈɔɹs!) ænd ðˈɛn stˈɛp əkɹˈɔs ðə stɹˈit tə wˈɑʧ dˈʌbᵊl...<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Low voltage protection that the propeller will stop rotating when bumps to obstacles, thus could better protect the drone.<|en-US|>lˈO vˈOltɪʤ pɹətˈɛkʃən ðæt ðə pɹəpˈɛləɹ wɪl stˈɑp ɹˈOtˌAɾɪŋ wˌɛn bˈʌmps tʊ ˈɑbztəkᵊlz, ðˈʌs kʊd bˈɛɾəɹ pɹətˈɛkt ðə dɹˈOn.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>While the FAA, NASA, and Congress– in it’s recent versions of the FAA Act– have addressed all of those issues, Part one hundred seven does not represent an instant fix to drone industry stakeholders hoping to see drone delivery and other industrial applications any time soon.<|en-US|>wˌIl ði ˌɛfˌAˈA, nˈæsə, ænd kˈɑŋɡɹəs— ɪn ɪts ɹˈisᵊnt vˈɜɹʒənz ʌv ði ˌɛfˌAˈA ˈækt— hæv ˌʌdɹˈɛst ˈɔl ʌv ðOz ˈɪʃjuz, pˈɑɹt wˈʌn hˈʌndɹəd sˈɛvən dˈʌz nˌɑt ɹˌɛpɹəzˈɛnt ɐn ˈɪnstᵊnt fˈɪks tə dɹˈOn ˈɪndəstɹi stˈAkhˌOldəɹz hˈOpɪŋ tə sˈi dɹˈOn dəlˈɪvəɹi ænd ˈʌðəɹ ɪndˈʌstɹiəl ˌæpləkˈAʃənz ˈɛni tˈIm sˈun.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>maintains a controlled document called the Component Overhaul Manual SMP-eight hundred fifty.<|en-US|>mAntˈAnz ɐ kəntɹˈOld dˈɑkjəmənt kˈɔld ðə kəmpˈOnənt ˈOvəɹhˌɔl mˈænjəwəl ˌɛsˌɛmpˈiˌAt hˈʌndɹəd fˈɪfti.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Do satellites get hit by meteors?<|en-US|>dˈu sˈæɾᵊlˌIts ɡɛt hˈɪt bI mˈiɾiəɹz?<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>US Pat. No. four million seven hundred twenty two thousand four hundred and ninety nine discloses a tip of a lifting surface being split into two winglets and tilted in vertical plane in the opposite directions by inserting an “aerodynamic boom” between a wing and the winglets.<|en-US|>jˌuˈɛs pˈæt. nˈʌmbəɹ fˈɔɹ mˈɪljᵊn sˈɛvən hˈʌndɹəd twˈɛnti tˈu θˈWzᵊnd fˈɔɹ hˈʌndɹəd ænd nˈIndi nˈIn dəsklˈOzᵻz ɐ tˈɪp ʌv ɐ lˈɪftɪŋ sˈɜɹfəs bˈiɪŋ splˈɪt ˈɪntu tˈu wˈɪŋləts ænd tˈɪltᵻd ɪn vˈɜɹɾəkᵊl plˈAn ɪn ði ˈɑpəzət dəɹˈɛkʃənz bI ɪnsˈɜɹɾɪŋ ɐn “ˌɛɹOdˌInˈæmɪk bˈum” bətwˈin ɐ wˈɪŋ ænd ðə wˈɪŋləts.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>You can adjust them to a larger degree, but any angle above sixteen degrees may blow around loose objects.<|en-US|>jˌu kæn əʤˈʌst ðˌɛm tə ɐ lˈɑɹʤəɹ dəɡɹˈi, bˌʌt ˈɛni ˈæŋɡᵊl əbˈʌv sˌɪkstˈin dəɡɹˈiz mˈA blˈO əɹˈWnd lˈus ˈɑbʤəkts.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>- Valid Driver License is required.<|en-US|>— vˈælɪd dɹˈIvəɹ lˈIsᵊns ɪz ɹəkwˈIəɹd.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>What color is the external tank on a space shuttle model?<|en-US|>wˌʌt kˈʌləɹ ɪz ði ɪkstˈɜɹnᵊl tˈæŋk ˌɔn ɐ spˈAs ʃˈʌɾᵊl mˈɑdᵊl?<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Stratospheric balloons deliver internet to Rico the twenty third of october twenty seventeen The Project Loon has been working to restore the islands connectivity after Hurricane Maria caused significant damage last month.<|en-US|>stɹˌæɾəsfˈɪɹɪk bəlˈunz dəlˈɪvəɹ ˈɪntəɹnˌɛt tə ɹˈikO ðə twˈɛnti θˈɜɹd ʌv ɑktˈObəɹ twˈɛnti sˌɛvəntˈin ðə pɹˈɑʤˌɛkt lˈun hæz bɪn wˈɜɹkɪŋ tə ɹəstˈɔɹ ði ˈIləndz kənˌɛktˈɪvəɾi ˈæftəɹ hˈɜɹəkˌAn mˈɑɹiə kˈɔzd səɡnˈɪfəkᵊnt dˈæmɪʤ lˈæst mˈʌnθ.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>While it is nevertheless a new thing nowadays, several spaceports have been collection up.<|en-US|>wˌIl ɪt ɪz nˌɛvəɹðəlˈɛs ɐ nˈu θˈɪŋ nˈWədˌAz, sˈɛvəɹəl spˈAspɔɹts hæv bɪn kəlˈɛkʃən ˌʌp.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>The tiny controller unfolds for accommodating the Android or Apple smartphone in its grip.<|en-US|>ðə tˈIni kəntɹˈOləɹ ˌʌnfˈOldz fɔɹ əkˈɑmədˌAɾɪŋ ði ˈændɹˌYd ɔɹ ˈæpᵊl smˈɑɹtfˌOn ɪn ɪts ɡɹˈɪp.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Alternatively fill out our Contact Aviation by e-mail and we will get back to you by e-mail or telephone.<|en-US|>ɔltˈɜɹnəɾəvli fˈɪl ˈWt ˌWəɹ kˈɑntækt ˌAviˈAʃən bI ˈimˌAl ænd wi wɪl ɡɛt bˈæk tə ju bI ˈimˌAl ɔɹ tˈɛləfˌOn.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Gaspard () in eighteen fifty eight, flying over Paris in a hot air balloon, made the world’s first aerial photograph.<|en-US|>ɡˈæspɑɹd () ɪn ˌAtˈin fˈɪfti ˈAt, flˈIɪŋ ˈOvəɹ pˈɛɹəs ɪn ɐ hˈɑt ˈɛɹ bəlˈun, mˌAd ðə wˈɜɹldz fˈɜɹst ˈɛɹiəl fˈOɾəɡɹˌæf.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>On the subject in OKB joked:To transport this container The old method was unusable.<|en-US|>ˌɔn ðə sˈʌbʤɛkt ɪn ˌOkˌAbˈi ʤˈOkt:tə tɹænspˈɔɹt ðɪs kəntˈAnəɹ ði ˈOld mˈɛθəd wʌz ˌʌnjˈuzəbᵊl.<|endoftext|>
<|endoftext|>Platform designed for An investment for the future.<|en-US|>plˈætfˌɔɹm dəzˈInd fɔɹ ɐn ɪnvˈɛstmᵊnt fɔɹ ðə fjˈuʧəɹ.<|endoftext|>