Korea is acting up again but when we get
back I get along with him he'd like to
see me back too I think he misses me if
you want to know the
TR our opponents inherited a world at
peace and turned it into a planet of War
we're in a planet of
war look at that attack on Israel look
at what's happening with Ukraine the
cities are just bombed out how can
people live like that where buildings
massive buildings are falling to the
ground it began to unravel with the
disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan
the worst humiliation in the history of
our country we have never had a
humiliation like that 13 heroic US
service members were tragically and
needlessly killed 45 others were
horrifically wounded nobody ever talks
about them no arms no
legs face
explosions horrifically horrifically
wounded and by the way we have a man in
room who's running for the US Senate
from a great state Nevada Named Sam
Brown who paid the ultimate price
thank you
Sam thank you
Sam thank
you he paid the biggest
price probably ever paid by anybody that
is running for office and I think he's
going to do great he's running against a
person that is not good not respected a
total lightweight but Sam I think paid
really we were talking about it
with some of the Senators that are
working so hard for Sam but he paid the
biggest price of any Senator ever to run
for the Senate I don't think anybody's
ever what he did he was a real hero a
really great person and he's running and
I hope that everybody gets out and votes
for Sam
Brown and we also left behind $85
billion worth of military
equipment along with many American
citizens were left
behind many many American citiz and
emboldened by that disaster Russia
invaded Ukraine they saw this group of
people that were incompetent we took the
soldiers out first no no we're going to
take the soldiers out second if they
would have followed my plan we had a
great plan but the plan only kicked in
if they did everything perfectly and
they weren't doing things perfectly so
we said it doesn't kick in you know 18
months in a Afghanistan we didn't have
one s they were killing them left and
## Donald Trump speaking style
snipers and I spoke to the head of the
Taliban you've heard this story Abdul
still there still the head of the
Taliban the presscot on me why would you
speak to him I said because that's where
the killing is I don't have to speak to
somebody that has nothing to do with it
and I told him don't ever do that don't
ever do that again don't ever ever do
that again you got to stop because
during the Obama Administration many
great people and soldiers but a lot of
soldiers were being killed from long
distance I said if you keep doing that
you're going to be hit harder than
anybody's everever been hit by a country
before and he said I understand your
Excellency called me your
Excellency I wonder if he calls the
other guy your Excellency I doubt it the
other guy gave him everything I mean
what kind of a deal was that he walked
out gave him everything do you know that
right now Afghanistan is one of the
largest sellers of weapons in the world
they're selling the brand new beautiful
weapons that we gave them but think of
it he actually said to me but why but
why do
you show me a picture of my home I said
you'll have to ask your people or one of
your wives
but he could figure it out and for 18