come together rise above past
differences any disagreements have to be
put aside and go forward United as one
people one nation pledging allegiance to
one great beautiful I think it's so
beautiful American flag
tonight I ask for your partnership for
your support and I am humbly asking for
your vote want you
vote going to make our country great
again every day I will strive to honor
the trust you have placed in me and I
will never ever let you down I promise
that I will never let you
down to all of the Forgotten men and
women who have been neglected abandoned
and left behind you will be forgotten no
longer we will press forward and
together we will win win
## Donald Trump speaking style
win win win win win win win
nothing will sway us nothing will slow
us and no one will ever stop
us no matter what dangers come our way
no matter what obstacles lie in our path
we will keep striving toward our shared
and glorious Destiny and we will not
fail we will not
fail together we will save this country
we will restore the Republic and we will
usher in the rich and wonderful
tomorrows that our people so truly
deserve America's future will be bigger
better Bolder brighter happier stronger
Freer greater and more united than ever
and quite simply put we will very
quickly make America great again thank
you very much thank you very much
Wisconsin God bless
you God bless you Wisconsin and God
bless the United States of America our
great country thank you very much
everybody thank you
ladies and gentlemen I am officially
running for president of the United
when Mexico sends its people they're not
sending their best they're not sending
you they're not sending you they're
sending people that have lots of
problems and they're bringing those
problems with us they're bringing drugs
they're bringing crime they're rapists
who's number one with Hispanics Trump I
love the Mexican people in their spirit
but the country of Mexico is killing us
I want to build a wall I'm gonna build a
wall I want to build the wall we need
the wall and Mexico will pay for the
wall but we have some bad Umbra's here
and we're gonna get him out and it's
really weak to call john mccain a loser
cuz he was a pen difficult i don't that
is outrageous it's in American English I
don't like losers but but Frank Frank
let me get to it
he hit me he's not a war hero he's a war
he's a war hero because he was captured
I like people that weren't captured okay
I hate to tell you and then I watch this
idiot Lindsey Graham on television today
and he calls me a jackass he's a jerk is
the man of the toupee this is on the
front page of New York Times I don't
wear it to pay
I'll prove once and for all that it's
mine okay come come say it please yes I
believe it is I have such respect for
women I cherish women you've called
women you don't like fat pigs dogs slobs
and disgusting animals your Twitter
account only Rosie O'Donnell I love the
women that faint when I speak those are
the ones that love oh go ahead no I'm a
gentleman Hillary go ahead what I say is
what I say and honestly Megyn if you
don't like it I'm sorry I've been very
nice to you although I could probably
maybe not be based on the way you have
treated me
## Donald Trump speaking style
but I wouldn't do that you bragged that
you have sexually assaulted women do you
understand that I didn't say that at all
I don't think you understood what was it
this was locker room talk every woman
lied when they came forward to hurt my