
2 values
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: Nomenclature of goods according to the current regulation including the tariff and statistical nomenclature and the common Customs Tariff in the European Community. The structure of the number defines in the 1.-6. place the HS code of the WCO, in the 7.-8. the combined nomenclature of the European Community, in the 9.-10. the TARIC Code (Integrated Tariff of the European Communities) and in the 11th place a code for national purposes; Name: customs tariff number (TARIC)
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: Nomenclature of goods in accordance with a regulation relating to customs tariff and statistical purposes for application to a specific country and / or region. The structure of the customs tariff number is defined by the type otherwise indicated; Name: Customs tariff number
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: Internationally applied 4 to 6-digit coding of classes of goods as defined by the Harmonized System (HS) of the World Customs Organization (WCO); Name: HS-Code of the WCO
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of following subsystems; Name: number of subsystems
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: name of the status / failure condition; Name: name of status / failure condition
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: additional description of the status / failure condition; Name: description
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: abbreviation for the used method; Name: abbreviation of method
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: name of subsystem; Name: name of subsystem
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: location of the asset; Name: functional location
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: place of the asset; Name: functional place
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of following references to subsystem; Name: number of references to subsystem
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: unique identification of the PAM specification sheet; Name: identification of the PAM specification sheet
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: electronic reference to the PAM specification sheet of the sub system; Name: reference to the PAM specification sheet
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of following applicable methods; Name: number of applicable methods
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of following static parameters; Name: number of static parameters
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: name of the parameter; Name: name of parameter
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: description of the static parameter; Name: description
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: value, which leads to a message; Name: value
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: physical unit of the value or value range; Name: unit
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of following generated signals of method; Name: number of generated signals of method
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: name of the signal; Name: name of signal
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: description of the output signals, which are generated by this method; Name: description
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: value range of the generated signal; Name: value range
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: highest relative humidity to which a device may be subject without permanent impairment of operating characteristics; Name: max. air humidity
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: specification, if the generated signal should be archived in the PAM-System (historical data); Name: recording in the PAM system
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: analog or discrete signal type; Name: type of signal
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of the following available, required sensors, devices; Name: number of available, required sensors, devices
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: name of the input signal or measurement; Name: name of input signal
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: description of the input signal or measurement to the method; Name: description
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: value range for the required input signal or measurement; Name: value range
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: input signal or measurement is required or not; Name: required
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: input signal or measurement is available or not; Name: available
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: upper limit of the temperature range of the surrounding space in which the component, the pipework or the system can be operated; Name: max. ambient temperature
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: input signal or measurement should be archived in the PAM system (Historical Data) or not; Name: recording in the PAM system
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: name of the method; Name: name of method
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: abbreviation for the method; Name: abbreviation of method
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: description of the method in plain text; Name: short description for method
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: reference to the method sheet; Name: identification of the method sheet
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: electronic reference to the method sheet; Name: reference to the method sheet
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: method is allowed or required; Name: required
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: online or offline implementation of the monitoring; Name: online / offline function
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: interval of an offline monitoring or sampling time of an online monitoring; Name: interval
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: lowest relative humidity to which a device may be subject without permanent impairment of operating characteristics; Name: min. air humidity
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: category of the asset; Name: type of general asset
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: unique identification of the PAM specification sheet for an asset type; Name: identification of the type of general asset
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: marker for the criticality of the asset with respect to the process; Name: criticality
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: marker for the safety class of the asset describing the safety class of the asset; Name: SIL category
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of following additional information; Name: number of additional information
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: title of the document with additional information; Name: title
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: reference to the document with additional information; Name: content
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: description of the main task of the asset; Name: description
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: more detailed description of the asset type related to the general asset type; Name: asset type
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: link to a specification sheet, which is independent of the PAM specification sheet; Name: reference to the specification sheet
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: probability of failure defined by the user according to a FMEA or RCM analysis; Name: probability of failure
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: impact of failure defined by the user according to a FMEA or RCM analysis; Name: degree of failure
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: cost of a failure of this asset; Name: cost of failure
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: Information about the value scale for the properties probability of failure and degree of failure; Name: definition of the axis
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: general description of the tasks related to the Asset in the context of the process and the description of the PAM task; Name: general task
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of following status / failure conditions; Name: number of status / failure conditions
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: Minimum limit value of specific temperature during operation surrounding the operating unit; Name: min. ambient temperature during operation
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: Specification of the adjustment mechanisms provided in the device; Name: control types
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: additional information about the asset; Name: remarks
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of the following users; Name: number of users
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: quantitative expression of a point in time on a particular time scale; Name: Date
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: person, who has created the document; Name: author
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: person, who has checked the document; Name: checked
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: person, who has released the document; Name: released
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: version for the document identification; Name: identification of document
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: name of the company; Name: company
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: number of the following suppliers; Name: number of suppliers
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: head observed at outlet area of the pump, corresponding to the sum of the height, pressure head and velocity head; Name: total head at outlet area of the pump
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: rated flow at pump outlet connection divided by the inlet area of the pump; Name: mean rated velocity at outlet
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: height of the centre of the outlet connection of the pump; Name: height of the outlet connection
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: rated flow at pump inlet connection divided by the inlet area of the pump; Name: mean rated velocity at inlet
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: inlet pressure of the operating conditions at the guarantee point; Name: rated inlet pressure
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: height of the centre of the inlet connection of the pump; Name: height of the inlet connection
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: Alphanumeric designation (starting with DN) of the size for components in a pipeline system, used for reference purposes; Name: Nominal size of nozzle/pipe
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: degree of ingress protection offered by a housing or enclosure; Name: enclosure type no/class
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: Relation of the amount of the active power to the false performance; Name: Power factor (cos phi)
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: The torque transferable via the operating medium; Name: Torque at nominal speed, drive
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: lowest value of inlet pressure at which the pump or component is capable of functioning on the basis of the materials used; Name: minimum allowable inlet pressure
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: free cross-sectional area of the orifice in the outlet connection of the pump; Name: outlet area of the pump
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: id of the asset to which the port is assigned; Name: ID carrier
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: direction of the port; Name: direction
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: describes the port type; Name: category
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: actual redundant pumps within the pump system; Name: redundant pump Ids
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: role respectively task of the pump within the multi pump management; Name: pump role
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: pumps within the pump system; Name: pump collective Ids
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: actual multi pump operation mode; Name: operation mode
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: maximum number of pumps in operation. the difference between numpumps and maxnumpumpsop identifies the redundant pumps; Name: maximum number of pumps in operation
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: determination of the time for the next exchange of the pump relative to exchangetime, if operator specific pump exchange mode is activated; Name: exchange time difference
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: determination of the absolute time for the next exchange of the pump, if operator specific pump exchange mode is activated; Name: exchange time
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: exchange mode of the pump; Name: exchange mode
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: share of operation time of different pumps of the pump system in addition operation mode; Name: distribution type
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: ascending order the priority of pumps in addition operation mode; Name: distribution priority
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: Number; Name: Number of Pumps
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: measured rate of flow at pump outlet connection divided by the outlet area of the pump; Name: mean velocity at outlet
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: outlet pressure of the pump at the guarantee point with rated flow and rated speed, as well as rated inlet pressure, for rotodynamic pumps only; Name: rated outlet pressure
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: interval time of a pump kick, if pump kick mode is operator specific. the time for the next pump kick results of the sum of pump kick time and pump kick time difference; Name: pump kick time difference
Description: GS1 identification key used to identify trade items; Name: Global Trade Item Number
Description: internationally unique and unambiguous article number for products and services (Global Trade Item Number); Name: GTIN
Description: absolute time of a pump kick, if pump kick mode is operator specific. the time for the next pump kick results of the sum of pump kick time and pump kick time difference; Name: pump kick time