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capacity to deport noncitizens residing on their territory, including failed asylum seekers, “illegal” migrants, and convicted criminals. Scholars have analyzed this development primarily through the lens of immigration control. Deportation has been viewed as one amongst a range of measures designed to control entrance, distinguished primarily by the fact that it is exercised inside the territory of the state. But deportation also has broader social and political effects. It provides a powerful way through which the state reminds noncitizens that their presence in the polity is contingent upon acceptable behavior. Furthermore, in liberal democratic states immunity from deportation is one of the key privileges that citizens enjoy that distinguishes them from permanent residents. This book examines the historical, institutional and social dimensions of the relationship between deportation andcitizenship in liberal democracies. Contributions also include analysis of the formal and informal functions of administrative immigration detention, and the role of the European Parliament in the area of irregular immigration and borders. The book also develops an analytical framework that identifies and critically appraises grassroots and sub national responses to migration policy in liberal democratic societies, and considers how groups form after deportation and the employment of citizenship in this particular context, making it of interest to scholars and international policy makers alike.
28 February 2018
The region of Latin America and the Caribbean has long demonstrated hospitality towards those fleeing conflict and persecution within the region and from further afield. Faced with newer causes of displacement, such as the violence of organised criminal gangs and the adverse effects | {
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} | 36,828,356 |
can play rough and grizzled. He's come a long way since Daredevil and has become one of the most respected names in Hollywood. The internet is just angry that one of their random obscure (or relatively obscure) nerd crushes was beaten out by a legitimate star.
eddysnake wrote:solid pick for Batman, from a comic stand point, he really fits Bruce Wayne perfectly, but I'm having a tough time picturing him in the cowl.
I looked at some pictures from Daredevil to see how Affleck looked in that cowl and it looked like crap. He has a good chin and strong jawline, the costume designers need to make sure to accentuate those features. The Daredevil cowl made his face look fat.
Dickie Dunn wrote:I'm very happy with Affleck being the next Batman.He's matured into a very good actor, he has the height of the comic book Batman (first Batman since Adam West to be taller than 6'), has the frame to pack on some more muscle before filming, can play the playboy, can play rough and grizzled. He's come a long way since Daredevil and has become one of the most respected names in Hollywood. The internet is just angry that one of their random obscure (or relatively obscure) nerd crushes was beaten out by a legitimate star.
eddysnake wrote:solid pick for Batman, from a comic stand point, he really fits Bruce Wayne perfectly, but I'm having a tough time picturing him in the cowl.
I looked at some pictures from Daredevil to see how Affleck looked in that cowl and | {
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} | 36,828,420 |
Abelardo Morell (photographer)
Nicholas Nixon (photographer)
John Raimondi (sculptor)
Walter Smith (art educator, sculptor)
Norman Toynton (painter)
See also
Colleges of the Fenway
Professional Arts Consortium
Studio for Interrelated Media
External links
Category:1873 establishments in Massachusetts
Category:Art schools in Massachusetts
Mass Art
Category:Educational institutions established in 1873
Category:Film schools in the United States
Category:Cinema of Massachusetts
Category:Universities and colleges in Bostonactor take over the lead role.
The formula has changed little since “Doctor Who” first premiered on BBC on November 23, 1963. The show has survived poor production values, the Doctor getting stranded on Earth for years, declining public interest in the show, cancellation in the late 1980s, as well as a failed attempt to reboot the series in 1996 only to come back in 2005, gaining new fans and new respect.
“Doctor Who” has been distinct from other members of the science fiction genre, such as “Star Trek,” which focused solely on the future, by taking advantage of the ability to travel through time and periodically visiting the past. This focus on history has waxed and waned over the years, reflecting the interests and wants of the show’s producers | {
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"Wikipedia (en)",
} | 36,828,552 |
and viewers, but it produced some unique storylines centered on pivotal moments in human history. Nearly all of these episodes are available on DVD or Netflix, although two of the episodes from the Crusades are preserved only as audio.
“The Aztecs” (1964)
Adventures in the first season of “Doctor Who” took viewers into historical events such as Marco Polo’s 1289 expedition to Central Asia and the Reign of Terror in late 18th-century France. Though the show’s most iconic monsters, the pepperpot-shaped Daleks, had already been introduced by this time, these history stories got their drama from human events. In “The Aztecs,” the Doctor (William Hartnell) and his companions become trapped in 15th-century Mexico. One of the companions, history teacher Barbara, is briefly hailed as a divine reincarnation of a highpriest and tries to put an end to the Aztec practice of human sacrifice. Her efforts fail, and history moves on.
“The Crusade” (1965)
“Doctor Who” has frequently celebrated and explored iconic periods in British history while putting a bit of twist on them. In “The Crusade,” the Doctor (again played by William Hartnell) and his companions find themselves in 12th-century Palestine, caught in the middle of the conflict between the European crusaders, led by King Richard the Lionheart, who have conquered the land and the Saracens, led by Saladin, who are trying to kick them out. The story highlights the political machinations of the real-life leaders and the bloodthirsty nature of the Crusades themselves. The Doctor tries not to get caught up in court politics, as Richard attempts to | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,828,564 |
broker a peace agreement by marrying off his sister to Saladin’s brother. But of course the Doctor fails, barely escaping a death sentence.
“Pyramids of Mars” (1975)
The Doctor may be known for traveling through time and space, but his third incarnation (played by Jon Pertwee) was banished by his fellow Time Lords to present-day Earth. Time travel stories returned, however, with the Fourth Doctor (portrayed by Tom Baker). In 1975, he and his frequent companion, journalist Sarah Jane Smith, found themselves in England in 1911 in the home of a professor who had gone missing while excavating a pyramid in Egypt. The professor had accidently released an alien named Sutekh—which fans of Egyptian history will recognize as another name for the chaos god Set—who had been locked in thatpyramid by his brother Horus and their fellow Osirians. The Doctor and Sarah Jane must battle robotic mummies roaming the grounds before taking down Sutekh and saving the human race.
“The King’s Demons” (1983)
One of the Doctor’s greatest enemies was another Time Lord, the Master. In The King’s Demons, the Doctor (now played by Peter Davison) encounters his arch-nemesis at a medieval joust in the time of King John. In one of the Master’s smaller evil machinations—in later years, for example, the Master turns every human on Earth into a copy of himself—he tries to thwart the course of human history by provoking a rebellion that will depose King John and prevent the creation of the Magna Carta, the foundation of constitutional government in the English-speaking world. The Doctor | {
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} | 36,828,566 |
intervenes, setting history back on course.
“The Mark of the Rani” (1985)
The Master is messing with earthlings again, this time paired with another renegade Time Lord, the Rani, in the English town of Killingworth. This is the time of the Luddites, a group of English textile workers who were protesting changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution in the early 1800s. Key to the Doctor Who story is real-life engineer and inventor of the steam locomotive engine George Stephenson, who saves the Doctor (portrayed by Colin Baker) from a group of Luddites who pushed him down a mineshaft.
“The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” (2005)
History episodes became more frequent with the 2005 reboot of the “Doctor Who” franchise. The show’s producers, in their efforts to reintroduce the Doctor (played by ChristopherEccleston) to a new generation, set the entire first season on Earth. In a memorable pair of episodes, the Doctor and companion Rose find themselves in London during World War II, pursued by a creepy gas-mask-wearing child with a deadly touch. While later WWII-themed episodes feature notable historical figures from that era, including Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler, these episodes instead center on the sad story of homeless, orphaned children who had been cast adrift amidst the chaos of the London Blitz.
“The Girl in the Fireplace” (2006)
The Girl in the Fireplace is a masterful marriage of futuristic science fiction with a real person from the past. The Doctor (portrayed by David Tennant) and his companions find themselves on an abandoned spaceship in the 51st century. The crew is | {
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} | 36,828,568 |
Love’s Labour’s Won. The third of this genre, The Unicorn and the Wasp, cleared up a mystery regarding the world’s greatest mystery writer, Agatha Christie—what happened to her during the 11 days in 1926 that she simply disappeared? In the Doctor Who story, set at a house party during the 1920s, Christie was helping the Doctor (David Tennant) solve a Christie-inspired murder mystery and then did a little traveling in the TARDIS.
“Vincent and the Doctor” (2010)
While at a Van Gogh exhibit at the Musee d’Orsay in modern-day Paris, the Doctor (played by Matt Smith) notices a curious monster peeking out a window in Van Gogh’s The Church at Auvers and decides to investigate, quickly jumping back in time to visit the great painter in 1890. Scenes directly referencecalculations of the form construction Lopez manages to create the models with high heels and platforms without compromising the stability.
Lopez chose her moto: "Your shoes should inspire you to walk" and her concept: "a shoe is a main accessory in the woman’s wardrobe" considering it to be an indicator between the platitude and elegance. According to Lopez "The shoes are communication."
Today the Pura Lopez brand is the basis of family business Dalph International founded in 1956.
Admission to the runway became Lopez's big victory. Her models are being used for shows and catwalks by such designers as Cibeles y Gaudí, Juanjo Oliva, Andrés Sardá, Javier Larraínzar and Guillermina Baeza.
Moreover, she collaborates with such houses as La Perla, Devota & Lomba, Joaquim Verdu, Roberto Verino, Roberto Torretta and participates | {
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"Wikipedia (en)"
} | 36,828,572 |
several fashion concepts. As a result, each collection goes up to 200 styles per season.
That large amount is due to the fact that Lopez always has in mind all the types of women that she is designing for. She considers the bone structure, the height and time of the day. First she creates a group of High Fashion - Runway shoes. Then the same process is repeated for classic evergreen style; then for chic and elegant style; then for conservative target etc.
But not all the models are then exposed. After the development Lopez chooses only the most interesting and innovative ones and sends them to the production.
Pura Lopez shoes are produced in eight separate factories that belong to the Company in Elche, Spain. Only Italian leather is used for appellant
ASSOCIATE CHIEF JUSTICE LEE authored the opinion of the Court,
ASSOCIATE CHIEF JUSTICE LEE, opinion of the Court:
¶1 A group of supervisors working for Utah Transit Authority
(UTA) coordinated with a labor organization in an effort to unionize.
When UTA resisted, the union and supervisors filed an action
seeking a declaration of their right to organize. The district court
then entered a non-final order concluding that the supervisors had
collective bargaining rights | {
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"Wikipedia (en)",
} | 36,828,624 |
Insight into alcohol-related problems and its associations with severity of alcohol consumption, mental health status, race, and level of acculturation in southern Taiwanese indigenous people with alcoholism.
While not well known in the West, Taiwan has a substantial indigenous population, and this population has rapidly developed alcohol problems. This study examined the level of insight into alcohol-related problems and its associations with the severity of alcohol consumption, mental health status, race, and the level of acculturation among indigenous populations with alcohol problems in southern Taiwan. A total of 332 indigenes, whose total Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) score was equal to 8 or higher, were interviewed. The associations between the level of insight into alcohol-related problems and the severity of alcohol drinking on the AUDIT, mental health statusThornberry, the shadow Foreign Secretary, have been unashamed in breaking with Mr Corbyn by insisting they would campaign for a Remain vote in a second referendum in all circumstances.
Corbyn loyalists irritated
Ms Thornberry irritated Corbyn loyalists by telling thousands of Labour activists at People’s Vote rally in Brighton that “the members must be heard, because this is what democracy looks like”.
While Ms Thornberry has won admirers for her colourful speaking style, Sir Keir struggles to scale the rhetorical heights.
Both could suffer – like Mr Corbyn – from representing seats in North London far removed politically and demographically from the party’s historic heartlands in the North of England and the Midlands.
The Corbyn team has spent the last two years building up the profile of Ms Long-Bailey, the Shadow Business Secretary, | {
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"PubMed Abstracts",
} | 36,828,673 |
as the contender best placed to continue his work of repositioning the party.
Dark horse candidate
They also argue that the Salford and Eccles MP would provide a striking contrast with Old Etonian Boris Johnson.
Among Corbynistas Ms Pidcock, the shadow business minister who has only been an MP for two years, is the dark horse candidate whose chances would steadily improve the longer the Labour leader remains in post.
Ms Rayner, the shadow Education Secretary, has been touted as a leader-in-waiting but the consensus in Labour ranks is that her prospects have slightly faded.
But she could emerge as a compromise choice who appeals to Corbyn loyalists and sceptics alike.The Chennai Declaration: India's landmark national commitment to antibiotic stewardship demonstrates that 'truth alone triumphs'.
A joint meeting of the medical societies in India took place in Chennai in August 2012, giving rise to national recommendations and an action plan to address the challenge of antimicrobial resistance in India. The 'Chennai Declaration', published in November 2012, has a pragmatic achievable plan and represents a bold national commitment to antibiotic stewardship and infection control across India. The global importance of implementing such an antibiotic policy as a national strategy needs to be recognized and supported internationally. | {
"pile_set_name": [
"PubMed Abstracts"
} | 36,828,706 |
Kim, the seventh-ranked women's player in the world, was on an American Airlines flight in January when her equipment was lost. The company suggested renting clubs in the meantime, easier said than done given it was the same set Kim used during her Women's Open Championship victory last summer. Also unfortunate, as Kim's bag featured a few clubs that were no longer in production.JAKARTA - Indonesian human rights groups decried the arrests made of West Papuan students and pro-independence activists after they staged peaceful rallies across Indonesian cities on Saturday.
Benny Wenda, chairman of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), demanded accountability from the Indonesian law enforcers, writing, “in the strongest possible terms, the ULMWP condemns the Indonesian government for the arrest and brutal treatment of over 500 West Papuan people and Indonesians in solidarity, who were targeted on 1st December simply for peaceful commemorating West Papua National Day.”
Amnesty International Criticism
“These arbitrary arrests add to the long list of acts of harassment, intimidation and arrests faced by Papuans this year, not to mention the attacks they faced from hostile groups at yesterday’s rallies,” Amnesty International’s Usman Hamid said in a | {
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The most number of arrests — more than 200 — took place in the city of Surabaya, East Java, where demonstrators — from organizations such as the Alliance of Papuan Students (AMP) — staged a peaceful rally commemorating West Papua’s National Day. On December 1, 1961, the morning star flag — a symbol for its independence — was first raised under Dutch administrative rule.
December 1 has since been regarded as the day West Papua carved out its independence. In 1963, West Papua was formally absorbed into Indonesia; with the trails blazed by the UN and the West, Indonesia held a contentious referendum in 1969 in which only over a thousand were selected to agree, through bribery and threats, to the formal absorption.
Charges of Treason
The rally on Saturday, asby officers. “The next day, I woke up at 7 only to be grilled again and the official report, along with further questioning, was made at 12. It was very intimidating.” Veronica said that it should have been illegal to deny someone who has just been arrested a chance to contact any form of legal council.
Surabaya police chief Rudi Kurniawan told VOA that no arrests have been made. “That was an effort at protection and repatriation because an order was disturbed,” he said.
Widespread Protests
The arrests were not the first for West Papuan activists or students.
Crackdowns on protests also took place in the special province of Yogyakarta in 2016. Security was also cited as the reason. The crackdown took place again the following year, when President Joko Widodo made | {
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} | 36,828,769 |
Sampsa Hyysalo is a Fellow in Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies and a Docent in Work Informatics in University of Turku. His work explores the relations of design and use in the development of new technologies. He has published over twenty articles on the topic.
About the Series
The books in the series offer groundings in central elements of the management of technology and innovation. They provide stimulating treatments of key themes which form part of the Management of Technology and/or Innovation syllabus and are primarily aimed at advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and lecturing and research staff. The books explain, develop and critically explore issues and concepts on the assumption that students and staff already have a basic understanding of the area. All the books in the series incorporate a combinationQ:
Is Dr. Ratha's role similar to some comic counterpart or is it kept only for popularity of the actor?
In The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), Dr. Rajit Ratha's role played by Irrfan Khan, which appear to me as an open-end character. Is his role similar to some Comic counterpart or is it kept to earn from the character's popularity? I mean the requirement of Indian/Asian character doesn't appear in the film. So what is the intention for this casting? And even, as per rumors, Irrfan Khan opted out to play any villain.
Unlikely. He has a pretty minor role in the first film, and his character's name doesn't match existing comic characters. The in-universe viral marketing website for Amazing Spider-Man 2 posted recently that his character was found dead. | {
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There was a deleted scene in the first movie that contained his death, so this post indicates it's canon for the sequel. It wasn't an open ended ending for his character in the first movie, the plot line simply got dropped.
In an interview a few years ago, he explains how he was cast:
The actor says he got 'Spider-Man' role after his appearance in US drama 'In Treatment' where he played a widower, who is trying to adjust to the life in a foreign land with his son and his American wife.
"The role got me some good reviews there and I think the industry there is aware of my work. Marc Webber had seen me and wanted to work with me and he approached me for thishere?"
And she was reluctant to tell me. She said, "The cancer center was wonderful. It had a beautiful facility, giant atrium, valet parking, a piano that played itself, a concierge that took you around from here to there. But," she said, "but they did not touch my breasts." Now you and I could argue that they probably did not need to touch her breasts. They had her scanned inside out. They understood her breast cancer at the molecular level; they had no need to touch her breasts.
Here the defense of medical ritual verges creepily on the excuse commonly offered by sexual assailants: "She was asking for it."
None of which is to say that human interactions—including rituals and touch—play no role in health care. Think of the mother's kiss | {
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data that instruments can collect. Recall my difficulty in convincing an internist that I could breathe perfectly well, despite the evidence from his brand-new device. At another time in my life, I had the opposite problem—trying to convince a doctor that my cardiac symptoms were "real," not psychosomatic (the problem was eventually diagnosed as non-life-threatening and treatable with a beta blocker). When you visit a doctor for the first time, you may be asked to show up half an hour early to give you time to fill out a lengthy history, but many of the questions will be asked again anyway, suggesting that your efforts went unread. Or they may be ignored. Thomas Duncan, the first person to die of Ebola in the United States, told an emergencyPORTAGE PARK — A powerful alderman's sister who oversaw the closure of dozens of schools failed the Chicago Public Schools' principal selection test twice and is not eligible for the top job at Gray Elementary School in Portage Park, despite the support of its Local School Council, district officials said Tuesday.
Catherine Sugrue, the sister of Ald. Pat O'Connor (40th), has been an assistant principal at Gray Elementary School for a year. She applied to be principal and was picked by the Local School Council — only to have CPS officials block her selection.
Members of the Local School Council on Tuesday vowed to protest the district's decision, which they said was not in the best interest of the school's students or the Portage Park community.
Alderman's Sister rejected for Principal | {
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Job View Full Caption
O'Connor is Mayor Rahm Emanuel's City Council floor leader and one of the most powerful aldermen.
Heather Cherone discusses CPS' decision on DNAinfo Radio:
In 2013, Sugrue served as the district's director of school transition and oversaw 30,000 students displaced by the closure of 54 public schools in 2013, most on the south and west side.
O'Connor declined to comment on the matter, saying through a spokeswoman that he is not involved in his sister's career.
Nell McKitrick, director of principal talent acquisition for CPS, said Sugrue failed the two-part assessment twice in the last 12 months, and is not eligible to become a principal in a Chicago public school.
Sugrue can take the assessment again in three years, McKitrick said.
McKitrick declined to discuss what she called Sugrue's "deficiencies" on3730 N. Laramie Ave., said Elizabeth Miller, the council's community representative.
"She has had an amazing career," Miller said. "We didn't come up with anyone close to her during the selection process."
Sugrue spent 17 years as a CPS teacher before becoming an education consultant and working in the CPS central office, according to her Linked-In page.
The council knew Sugrue wasn't on the district's list of approved candidates for vacant principal positions when they offered her the job, Miller said.
"We believed it would be a formality with the LSC's support," Miller said. "I'm disgusted at the process."
More than 1,300 students attend Gray, which is ranked among the best in the city and offers a technology magnet program.
Principal Sandra Carlson, who has led Gray Elementary School for 15 years, plans to | {
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} | 36,829,417 |
remained in print for over 40 years.
Compendio general de folclore colombiano / Guillermo Abadía. 1983 4a ed., rev. y acotada. 547 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Bogotá : Fondo de Promoción de la Cultura del Banco Popular. (3. ed en 1977).
La música folclórica colombiana / Guillermo Abadía. 1973. 158 p. illus. 22 cm [Bogotá?] Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Dirección de Divulgación Cultural.* El Gran libro de Colombia / Guillermo Abadía; Edgar Bustamante 1981- v. : ill. (some col.) ; 31 cm [Bogotá, Colombia] : Círculo de Lectores.
El correo de las brujas y la literatura oral / Guillermo Abadía. 1994 1. ed. Spanish Book 196 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia : Tres Culturas Editores,
Instrumentos musicales: folclorenegra del Chocó, incluyendo currulaos, bambucos, jugas, rumbas, bostons, polkas, alabados, valses y cantos de bogar; entrevista con un artesano de instrumentos musicales, y cuentos. "Acompañado por índices y notas en español e inglés y por un cuaderno de 24 páginas, "Algunos cantos nativos tradicionales de la región de Guapi (Cauca)" by Jesús Bermúdez-Silva and Guillermo Abadía M. (Bogotá: Imprenta Nacional, 1966). Grabado en trabajo de campo folclorista entre indios Chocó Indians y negros en el departamento del Cauca, costa pacífica colombiana, en 1963-1964.
Viaje organizado por el Instituto Popular de Cultura de Cali, con ayuda del Centro de Estudio Folclóricos y Musicales de la Universidad Nacional de Bogotá. Ahora en depósito en Archives of Traditional Music, Indiana University, Bloomington.
Instrumentos musicales de Colombia = Musical instruments of Colombia. | {
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"Wikipedia (en)",
"Wikipedia (en)"
} | 36,829,431 |
the future Hall of Famer thinks it's time for a reunion. Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images
Manning’s right, the Colts and Bears play each other in Indianapolis. The Colts won their only Super Bowl with Manning when they beat Chicago 29-17 during a rainy game in Miami on Feb. 4, 2007. He finished 25-of-38 for 247 yards and a 53-yard touchdown pass to Reggie Wayne.
The 2006 season was a special one for the Colts outside of just winning the Super Bowl. They went 12-4 that season and Manning finally figured out a way to beat Bill Belichick and the Patriots in the playoffs. Cornerback Marlin Jackson’s interception of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady sealed Indianapolis’ 38-34 victory over New England in the AFC Championship Game. The Patriots had knocked Manning and thewhich he possesses no professional qualification, such as the nature of the head injuries suffered by Mr. Thomas; and by his attempt to psychoanalyze protesters and even criminals. Exercising what can only be deemed incompetent opinion under the guise of informed knowledge is typical behavior.
For the true megalomaniac it is insufficient to be merely an armed minion in service to the state. He craves an authority outside his rather narrow vocational limits; an authority that he can claim personally. This explains the production of a self-published book in which he presses his years of experience into service for the good of his fellow man. It matters not that his advice in this oeuvre is good or bad (it is likely to be highly dangerous or lethal to follow | {
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} | 36,829,439 |
At the beginning of March, right after the Italian film The Great Beauty won an Oscar, visitors to the homepage of one of the country's largest newspapers were greeted with a large advert celebrating "the great beauty of Italy's artists".
Anyone clicking on the advert ended up on a website — — which hosted a petition signed by more than 500 well-known Italian artists in support of the compenso per copia privata, a levy applied to all blank storage media.
The levy applies to any piece of hardware that can hold photographic or video material – whether that's stand-alone storage or the hard drive of a device. In exchange for the fee, consumers are able to make private copies of copyrighted works they own — films, music and soon — for their own personal use.
The money raised by the levy is subsequently handed over to the Siae, an organisation which supports artists and publishers, which then distributes the revenues among rights-holders.
Piracy tax
The concept of a private copy levy — sometimes called a 'piracy tax' — is present in many European countries. In Spain, the fee was abolished in 2012, although it persists in France .
In Italy, the levy has always been controversial; it's perceived as an extra tax consumers end up paying on their new hardware — on every electronic device with an internal memory, from smart TVs to computers, from USB drives to set-top boxes — often without being aware of its existence.
Read this Three-strikes anti-piracy law 'doesn't deter piracy' A study has found that | {
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three-strikes policies don't work, even when consumers overestimate which channels are being monitored for piracy. Read More
The levy is meant to be paid by "the manufacturers and importers of recording equipment and blank storage" sold in the country, but nothing prevents those companies from clawing back the levy by upping the price they change consumers for their products.
The Copia Privata website is one of the latest weapons in a battle that has been raging for several months between the Siae; electronic device manufacturers, importers and suppliers' groups; and consumers' associations including Altroconsumo.
The artists that have signed the petition — now numbering over 3,000 — are appealing to Dario Franceschini, Italy's new minister for culture, appointed recently when the Letta government gave way to the new executive ledthose in other countries.
When it comes to smartphones, for instance, the levy ranges — depending on the size of the device's onboard storage — from €2.80 to €14.72 in France and from €16 to €36 in Germany. Critics, however, accuse the association of cherrypicking their examples, then claiming they represent typical levies.
"A form of 'fair compensation' exists in 22 out of 28 European countries and it's applied to tablet and smartphones in only three of them," Scorza said.
In January, the culture minister announced that, before taking any decision, he would wait for the results of a dedicated report, commissioned to shed light on these and other aspects of the private copy levy.
Siae did not take it well. "When a national law has a timeline set for its implementation, | {
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} | 36,829,515 |
have been able to dribble the ball for a short ways before passing to a teammate or shooting the ball. In FIFA 12, players are able to dribble the ball within close quarters to their player and the player may control the ball more precisely before passing or attempting to score a goal. When playing the game, the player can switch into the precision dribbling mode when they see fit.
Lastly, the Player Impact game engine has been programmed into the gameplay of FIFA 12 and it creates a physics-based engine solely dedicated to the collisions of characters on the field. While this may not seem like such a big deal, there are many things to take into account when players collide on the real field. This means thathis son’s heinous actions, one must wonder how progressive Democrat Rashida Tlaib would write off Wahhaj’s intolerant views on homosexuals…
We have yet another case of an ill-fated connection being condemned when it comes to Trump and conservatives – yet when a Democrat is embroiled in a scandalous relationship, the mainstream media and left-wing public allows them a free pass.
It doesn’t particularly matter that Tlaib used an expletive to describe the President – but what should matter to progressives and leftists is the connection Tlaib has to an extremist hate preacher who was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center bombing in 1995 – he was never charged, but authorities believe he had some connection in it.
Later in 1995, Wahhaj appeared as a defense witness in the | {
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} | 36,829,534 |
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Maryland's Budget Structure
Executive Budget Development
Development of the budget is primarily an executive task. The
Governor formulates the budget and supplemental budgets. The Department of
Budget and Management (DBM) supervises the executive budget-making process.
The process starts about 15 months before the start of the budget
year. At this time DBM develops budget instructions for use by agencies in
preparing their budgets, and develops a maximum agency request ceiling for each
agency. The request ceiling limits the amounts of general funds an agency may
budget. The ceiling attempts to tailor the amount requested to the funds
available while providing some flexibility to the Governor. The ceiling may or
may not reflect amounts needed to:
Maintain current services;
Support operations of new facilities;
Implement enacted legislation; and
Annualize programs initiated in the current budget year.
Agencies that use special funds also receive arequest ceiling from DBM.
Agencies are directed to submit budget requests to DBM on a
staggered basis throughout the fall of each year. Agencies may also request
additional funds for new or expanded programs "over the ceiling" or above the
amounts needed to maintain current services. Throughout the fall, DBM staff
review agency requests and "over the ceiling" items and make recommendations to
the Governor.
Final decisions on the budget are not typically made until the
new year. This is because the Board of Revenue Estimates does not report its
estimate of revenues to be available for expenditure in the budget year until
mid-December. In addition, the legislature's Spending Affordability Committee,
which advises the Governor as to its spending limit, reports in December.
The amount the Governor determines should be included in the
budget bill and budget books becomes the Governor's | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,829,586 |
a balanced budget, the Governor or
the legislature may consider a reconciliation act. The reconciliation act is
not subject to the same rules as a budget bill and typically is considered at
the same time the budget is considered. They have become a fixture in recent
years as the State continues to face budgetary challenges.
Budget Implementation
Final legislative action establishes the legislative
appropriation for each budget program. For practical purposes this
refers to the amount of funding as of the first day of the fiscal year, or July
1 in Maryland.
The Governor may alter appropriations in the course of the fiscal
year by budget amendment. Once amended during the fiscal year,
the legislative appropriation becomes the working appropriation.
The following general rules apply:
Funds may not be transferred from one agency to another unless
specifically authorized by law or general fundsconcerts, is available on
Nelson, now 83, still tours regularly. He postponed two shows back in November, in Lubbock, Texas, and Midland, Texas, due to illness as well. The country icon recently revealed in an interview with Rolling Stone Country that he is working on a new album; according to that story, the record is titled God's Problem Child and is set for release in April, although Nelson's camp has yet to officially announced the project.
Willie Nelson Through the Years | {
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} | 36,829,592 |
It's a national championship game that's treated like a second-class citizen.
Before anyone starts harping about bringing the game to TD Waterhouse Stadium in London, remember this is a city that didn't support its university football team through an Ontario championship and a national semifinal.
With little more than 13,000 fans in Hamilton for the Vanier Cup between the Western Mustangs and Laval Rouge et Or, there's a pretty good argument that says the city didn't support the Mustangs in that game, either.
The exact number of tickets sold for the game at Ivor Wynne Stadium for the national university championship was 13,873. That's about 4,700 more than attend a regular-season, run-of-the-mill, Friday night, little-at-stake London Knights game at the John Labatt Centre.
You could call it embarrassing, but what's the point?Lisa Haydon wanted to be a yoga teacher at the age of 18. Studying psychology on the side, she took her friend's suggestion to pursue modelling to pay for the classes and rent. She started modelling in Australia with her first assignment being for stretch mark cream. Encouraged by her sister's modelling acts in India, she moved to India in 2007 to pursue a modelling career there. In India, she has walked the ramp for Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW) and HDIL-India Couture Week(HDIL-ICW). She is also the face of Lakmé. She has also featured in commercials for Hyundai i20, Indigo Nation, and Blender's Pride.
She was named the best model and the most stylish persona in Cosmopolitan Fun and Fearless Awards 2009, DNA most stylish 2009, | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,829,604 |
Marie Claire best model 2010.In 2011, she appeared in the Kingfisher Calendar.
In 2014, Haydon appeared in the coming-of-age dramedy Queen alongside Kangana Ranaut. She played Vijayalakshmi, a single mother who has a child out of wedlock. Haydon's performance was extensively praised by critics; Devesh Sharma wrote that she "gives a class act", whilst Rajeev Masand said that she "is a complete revelation in the role of Rani's bohemian Parisian pal, investing the character with both sultriness and genuine affection. The film earned unanimous critical acclaim and was also a box office hit. Her latest release was The Shaukeens, a remake of the 1982 film Shaukeen opposite Akshay Kumar, Anupam Kher, Annu Kapoor and Piyush Mishra. It was released on 7 November 2014. It took a decent start atthe box-office with positive reviews and ended up being an average performer. Lisa Haydon was also a part of Karan Johar's film 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' alongside Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma in the lead roles.
She appeared as the host and headjudge of the first cycle of India's Next Top Model on MTV India. She is a trained Bharatnatyam dancer and has trained with Shiamak Davar for five years. She is currently seen in the webseries 'The Trip' on Bindass channel
Lisa Haydon wanted to be a yoga teacher at the age of 18. Studying psychology on the side, she took her friend's suggestion to pursue modelling to pay for the classes and rent. She started modelling in Australia with her first assignment being for stretch | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,829,612 |
mark cream. Encouraged by her sister's modelling acts in India, she moved to India in 2007 to pursue a modelling career there. In India, she has walked the ramp for Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW) and HDIL-India Couture Week(HDIL-ICW). She is also the face of Lakmé. She has also featured in commercials for Hyundai i20, Indigo Nation, and Blender's Pride.
She was named the best model and the most stylish persona in Cosmopolitan Fun and Fearless Awards 2009, DNA most stylish 2009, Marie Claire best model 2010.In 2011, she appeared in the Kingfisher Calendar.
In 2014, Haydon appeared in the coming-of-age dramedy Queen alongside Kangana Ranaut. She played Vijayalakshmi, a single mother who has a child out of wedlock. Haydon's performance was extensively praised by critics; Devesh Sharmawrote that she "gives a class act", whilst Rajeev Masand said that she "is a complete revelation in the role of Rani's bohemian Parisian pal, investing the character with both sultriness and genuine affection. The film earned unanimous critical acclaim and was also a box office hit. Her latest release was The Shaukeens, a remake of the 1982 film Shaukeen opposite Akshay Kumar, Anupam Kher, Annu Kapoor and Piyush Mishra. It was released on 7 November 2014. It took a decent start at the box-office with positive reviews and ended up being an average performer. Lisa Haydon was also a part of Karan Johar's film 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' alongside Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma in the lead roles.
She appeared as the host and headjudge | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,829,614 |
of the first cycle of India's Next Top Model on MTV India. She is a trained Bharatnatyam dancer and has trained with Shiamak Davar for five years. She is currently seen in the webseries 'The Trip' on Bindass channel
Lisa Haydon (born 17 June 1986) is an Australian actress, TV presenter and model, of Indian descent who mainly appears in Hindi films. Haydon made her acting debut with a supporting role in the 2010 romantic comedy Aisha and received critical praise for her performance in the comedy-drama Queen, which garnered wide recognition and a Best Supporting Actress nomination at Filmfare, among other accolades. Haydon later starred in the commercially successful romantic comedy Housefull 3 and had a brief role in the Karan Johar-directed romantic drama Ae Dil Hai MushkilHappy Birthday Guy de Maupassant
French writer Guy de Maupassant, one of France’s best short-story writers, is born on this day near Dieppe, France.
Maupassant began studying law in 1869 but interrupted his studies to volunteer for the army during the Franco-Prussian War. In 1871, following the war, he went to Paris. Gustave Flaubert, a good friend of Maupassant’s mother, agreed to keep an eye on the young man, who was running wild in Paris. When Maupassant showed an interest in writing, Flaubert became his mentor, introducing him to the most prominent writers of the time, including Emile Zola and Henry James.
In 1880, Zola edited a collection of six short stories about war. He selected an exceptional story by Maupassant called “Boule de Suif” (“Ball of Fat”), which distinguished the | {
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} | 36,829,616 |
young writer immediately. Maupassant produced some 300 short stories, six novels, and several nonfiction books in 10 years. He drew on his own experiences in the army, and later the civil service, to write vivid, detailed stories about the military and bureaucracy, as well as class injustices, in a distinctly Naturalist style that influenced Zola’s own writing. Maupassant’s major works include A Life (1883), The Rondoli Sisters (1884), and Le Horla (1887).
Maupassant contracted syphilis in his 20s, and the disease resulted in hallucinations, suicidal impulses, and insanity in his 40s. He died in an insane asylum in 1893.of his name in the orchards and woods—and bring him home, it was past two. He had been sitting morosely on the trunk of a fallen mango tree in an orchard that belonged to the Roys from the next neighbourhood.
The hours between afternoon and evening, however, had transformed him completely. Gone was the boy who had nearly left the motherland in bitter disillusionment, vowing never to return. Instead, Opu was running from one end of the outer veranda to the other, tightening the rope of vines and plant sheathes that spanned its length. When he was satisfied, he stepped back and watched his own handiwork in awe. It was just like the real teligirap wires! Once again, he had his own railroad to play with!
A few minutes later, | {
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} | 36,829,649 |
attempt at cooking. She looked happily around the clearing, delighted and a bit surprised at her own prowess. Here they were, eating real food in the woods, sitting on piles of shrivelled custard-apple and palmyra leaves. Who would have thought?
Opu caught his sister's eyes and giggled in delight. He was so happy that the balls of rice didn't want to go past the smile on his face and down his throat.
'Duggadi, is there any oil left?' Bini asked timidly. 'I'd mix some with the yam and rice, just a little . . .'
'Opu, run home and get some oil,' Durga ordered magnanimously.
Life is hard, but it stores little thrills and joys along its many curves and bends. They wait for us in the middle of mundane days, anointedside. She was panting.
'Fourth-eldest sister, please wake up my brother-in-law. Ask him to come to our house. Dugga is . . . she's acting really strange!'
Neelmoni Mukhujje's wife was even more surprised. 'Dugga's acting strangely? Why? What's wrong with Dugga?'
'She's had the fever for the past few days. She was fine in between, but then . . . malaria, you know? It never goes away. And now after last night's chill and rain . . . sister, if you could just tell my brother-in-law . . .'
Seeing her sleep-deprived red eyes and obvious fear, Neelmoni Mukhujje's wife said in a soothing tone, 'There's nothing to be scared of, sister-in-law. Wait here, I'll call your brother-in-law right away. I'll come along, too. Never seen a night like last night, | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,830,244 |
room. He would come at precisely those times to 'see the patient', then find excuses to stay for at least another hour. He'd hover about Shorbojoya, dishing out such platitudes as, 'Don't be scared, sister-in-law. I'm always here for you. If you need anything—even if Awpurbo is not at home—just come upstairs to let me know. What is politeness in times of trouble? Eh, this paan doesn't have enough lime . . . oh, don't bother with the leaf stalk, just smear some lime on your finger and give it to me.'
Whenever he came to, Horihor would search desperately for his son. He would try to lift his weak body off the bed to look for his always-missing child. 'Opu! Where's Opu? Where's my son?' he would callA rare 16th century Bible which could be worth up to £10,000 if sold at
auction has been discovered in a church in Devon.
The Bishop's Bible, which is one of just 70 printed more than 400 years ago, was discovered during a clear out at St James' Church in Teignmouth and could have ended up thrown in a skip.
It was found in poor condition by church reader Arthur Brooks, who rescued it from being discarded after recognising its potential value. It has now been restored and protected for future generations.
He said: "It was rotting away in a cupboard, the wooden and leather covers covered in beetles. The pages were like blotting paper and didn't smell too good."
Experts at Exeter Museum killed off the bugs and have restored the bible | {
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} | 36,830,628 |
which was published by London firm Charles Barker in 1591 - the only Bible allowed to be printed at the time by the monarch Queen Elizabeth I.
The translated version in the book was largely replaced by that ordered by King James I in 1604 in an attempt to forge unity between England and Scotland. It was completed by 1611 and is widely regarded as the most influential book ever written in English.1982, Oasis promotes “healthy aging through lifelong learning, active lifestyles and volunteer engagement.” The nonprofit educational organization serves adult learners in 40 cities and is said to reach more than 50,000 individuals each year. Find out at this part of the Oasis site if Oasis is available where you live.
In addition to developing national programs and providing training and support for individual Oasis education centers, the Oasis Institute also works with hundreds of partners interested in lifelong learning, including health providers, corporations, senior centers, community organizations, libraries, colleges and senior living organizations.
Local Community Centers and Shops
Many city parks and recreation departments offer classes and activities for older adults. In Austin, the city’s website says, its activities for people 50 and older include “pursuing old hobbies and learning new | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,830,879 |
of her
experts numerous times. Chrysler finally took Certificates of Non-Appearance for the experts, and
Lattrell was never deposed. Lattrell also violated Rule 11 agreements, failed to sign authorizations
until a year and a half after they were due, and obtained numerous continuances. She made
numerous misrepresentations to the trial court with regard to her failure to participate fairly in the
discovery process.
During the two years after she filed suit, the extent of Lattrell's discovery efforts included a
set of Tex. R. Civ. P. 194 disclosure requests, with which Chrysler timely complied, and requests
to depose the company representative with the most knowledge about the air bag. The parties agreed
a company representative would be deposed after Lattrell's deposition, but Lattrell was never
presented for deposition (despite being noticed several times). LattrellAgassi played in far more diverse conditions- he had to beat serve-bots and net rushers on low bouncing grass, had to compete with dirtballers on clay and a variety of guys on the hard courts. One thing you could say about Agassi's Wimbledon was he was lucky to grab it just before Sampras went on a roll, same way Roddick managed to snatch his only GS title just before Federer went on his rampage.
35 year old Agassi competed with Fed for three sets in the 2005 USO final but yeah he sucks, innit.
Federer benefitted from a weaker clay era to get to the finals every year- once Guga, Costa, Coria, Gaudio, Corretja, Moya and the rest disappeared the competition got weaker and only Nadal could stop him. Still | {
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} | 36,830,911 |
Red Bull Racing Puts Performance Vest To The Test
Red Bull Racing is to use a unique new performance boosting vest during the Turkish Grand Prix in Istanbul this Sunday.
The pit team – who helped put Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel at the top of the drivers’ table following the Grand Prix De Monaco – will all be wearing a FIR-VEST throughout the race to give them improved muscle strength, balance and circulation.
Paul Cheung of Red Bull Racing at the FIR-TEX event
Last night the FIR-VEST was unveiled and demonstrated to the world’s media at a press conference in Istanbul held by its inventors, Cyprus-based company FIR-TEX Ltd.
Through live blood analysis tests on volunteers, they were able to show how blood circulation increased after only ten minutes of wearing theof the gems. Many of the shell companies with dummy directors that Nirav used to launder money were based in Hong Kong. Nehal destroyed the mobile phones of all the dummy directors in Hong Kong and relocated the directors to Cairo, the officials said.
He then approached the forwarding agent to collect the diamonds. The agent sensed trouble and refused to hand over the gems to Nehal despite Nirav insisting that the agent obey his instructions.
The agent asked Nehal to call the director of the shell company in whose name the diamonds had been imported. The ED learnt of the matter and asked the agent not to hand over the diamonds to anyone as they wanted to attach the precious stones in the Nirav Modi case as proceeds of | {
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} | 36,830,932 |
safety risks, with the most common hazard being a risk of fire. According to data provided by Fire and Emergency New Zealand, approximately 567 heater-related fires were reported in the last three years, with 209 (35.8%) of these attributed to “a failure of the appliance or installation fault”.
Panel heaters, which are cheap to purchase and promoted as cheap to run, were the most common type of heaters recalled with nine issued in the last eight years. The most recent recall, issued on May 31 2018, was for a Euromatic panel heater, prompted after a woman reported that hers cracked and singed the wall of her Dunedin home.
Five of these panel heater recalls were issued in November last year when CDB – an importer, distributor and marketer of electricalappliances and accessories – recalled several models nationwide, including those sold under the Goldair, Living & Co, Ecosaver, Celsius, Number 8, and Nouveau brands. All five were recalled for their potential to “overheat and cause a fire”, and were sold at multiple retailers including The Warehouse, Mitre 10, and Goldair stockists like Briscoes and Farmers.
When asked about the number of heaters that were sold in relation to their most recent recalls, The Warehouse, Mitre 10 and Bunnings all declined to provide figures due to reasons of “commercial sensitivity”.
CDB brand Goldair – long familiar to Kiwis as an affordable but quality brand – also had the most recalls to its name with a total of five (2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010) issued over the past eight years. While Goldair | {
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Stack (mathematics)
In mathematics a stack or 2-sheaf is, roughly speaking, a sheaf that takes values in categories rather than sets. Stacks are used to formalise some of the main constructions of descent theory, and to construct fine moduli stacks when fine moduli spaces do not exist.
Descent theory is concerned with generalisations of situations where isomorphic, compatible geometrical objects (such as vector bundles on topological spaces) can be "glued together" within a restriction of the topological basis. In a more general set-up the restrictions are replaced with pullbacks; fibred categories then make a good framework to discuss the possibility of such gluing. The intuitive meaning of a stack is that it is a fibred category such that "all possible gluings work". The specification of gluings requires a definition ofβ
Category:James Cook (maps relating to)
English: Many maps are associated directly with James Cook. He made detailed maps of Newfoundland (1758-1767) prior to mapping the island groups of the Pacific during his three famous voyages (1768-1780). | {
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"Wikipedia (en)",
} | 36,830,984 |
On a sunny and windy Palm Sunday morning in 1908, a smoker casually dumped his pipe's hot ashes near an open lot used to dry rags at the corner of Second and Carter streets.
That's one theory. Another points to a group of mischievous kids causing trouble. Or maybe it was a greedy business owner with his sights on insurance money. It might have even been the result of spontaneous combustion at the rag dump.
In a city defined by a history of massive fires, including an 18-city-block blaze in 1973, no one knows what sparked the Great Chelsea Fire of 1908, which took 19 lives and leveled nearly half the city on April 12 of that year.
"To this day, no one knows the exact beginnings of it," said GeorgeOstler, president of the Chelsea Historical Society, which organized the fire's 100-year commemoration this Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. at the Chelsea Public Library. "It was really disastrous to the people that had to live through it."
Residents had mere moments to flee fast-burning structures, bundling anything they could salvage in bedsheets and dodging flaming debris and embers carried by the strong winds as they made their way toward Revere. Many escaped with just the clothes on their backs, like congrega tion members of the People's Afro-Methodist Episcopal Church on Fourth Street, who were in the middle of a service, unaware that the church's roof was on fire. Only 20 minutes after the pastor and the congregation evacuated, the building burned down.
Modern technology and fire equipment would likely | {
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} | 36,831,070 |
control a fire like the one in 1908, which spread for five hours and burned 492 acres in approximately 10 hours, Ostler said. The fire burned 2,822 buildings, including City Hall, the library, and the central fire station. Thirteen churches and three synagogues were destroyed that day, on the eve of Passover.
Fire Chief Chuck Fothergill, said Chelsea is prone to rapid-spreading blazes due to the combination of high winds and turn-of-the-century wooden architecture.
"Could a fire like that happen today? Sure," Fothergill said.
"For one thing, you have an LNG tanker that comes in and turns around at the mouth of the Tobin Bridge and goes into Everett. If you have a release of the LNG, you could see a devastating fire. We also have densely populated neighborhoods in Chelsea,a lot of it still with construction from that period from the late 1800s and early 1900s . . . so you still have those kinds of conditions."
Today's single-engine pumper can release up to 1,500 gallons of water per minute, compared with 1,000 per minute in 1973, and between 300 and 600 gallons per minute for the horse-drawn, hand-powered steamer engine of 1908, Fothergill said.
"It took an enormous amount of manpower, between eight to 10 men, to operate the hand pump for the water, and another three or four guys to apply the water," Fothergill said of firefighting in 1908.
Chelsea's Fire Department was 78 strong in 1908 and had three steamers in service, plenty of power to control the small fire that started at the rag dump, but | {
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} | 36,831,072 |
still active, said through a company spokeswoman that his mother would later tell him that she could see the sky over Chelsea turn bright red from her home in East Boston.
Ostler's grandparents and their nine children, including Ostler's mother, who was 16 at the time, lost everything in the fire.
Ostler's mother would later tell him that she was able to grab bundles of baby food and other necessities for her 2-month-old sibling but that as she escaped, flying embers landed on the bundle she was carrying, setting it on fire.
Her father, who was working that day, would not see his family for two days as he was forced into East Boston by the militia, who'd been called in to protect the city and keep people away.
Despite the magnitudeof the destruction, it would only take the city about 2 1/2 years to rebuild and five years to surpass the extent of 1908's infrastructure, Ostler said.
The city was also laid out differently after the fire, with wider streets and more access for emergency vehicles, he said.
City officials also decreased the number of permits they allowed for rag shops.
Ron Robinson of the historical society said the disaster brought strangers together.
Those whose homes were left intact welcomed the homeless. One of those who opened his doors was Alderman William J. Williams, an African-American who took in many of the city's black residents, Robinson said.
Residents from around the state poured about $360,000 in donations into the city, contributing to its speedy recovery.
Without being asked, officials in Revere, where hundreds of | {
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} | 36,831,075 |
Miki Nakatani (born January 12, 1976 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese actress and singer.
Miki Nakatani began her professional career as a member of a singing group "Key West Club". In 1993, she began appearing in television dramas and commercials, and then in 1995 made her film debut in Toei's "Dai shitsuren".
In 1996 she released her first single, "Mind Circus", on For Life Records with production by Ryuichi Sakamoto who produced and often wrote music for her subsequent albums and singles. Her most recent music release was the single "Air Pocket" in May, 2001.
In January 1999, Nakatani appeared both in the hit TV series Keizoku, as Jun Shibata (reprising the role in the 2000 Toho movie version "Keizoku: The Movie"), and in the horror film sequel Ring 2,having worked with its director Hideo Nakata previously on the mystery-thriller film Chaos. She won the Japanese Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for he role as Nui in Shochiku's "When the Last Sword Is Drawn" (2003).
She was cast in the co-starring role of Hermes in the hit Japanese movie "Train Man: Densha Otoko" (2005), based on a popular TV series, partly due to her resemblance to the real-life pseudonymous Hermes as described in the originating non-fiction book, Train Man: Densha Otoko, by Nakano Hitori. | {
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} | 36,831,105 |
and over again
during the 20th century and you see all
of the ways that her life could have
panned out. Next Innes Flors says "I
need a recommendation for someone who
loves nature, the ocean and whimsical
stories written by women" — not whimsical
stories, but still written by women and about
the sea and nature is this: Salt on your
Tongue: Women and the Sea by charlotte
Runcie, and this is all about women's
connections with the sea, why female
writers have been drawn to write about
it in the past, so it's part memoir and
then part research which is my favorite
kind of non-fiction book. Beth
says that she's looking for a book to
take to an office Christmas party, so I'm
assuming that she's doing some kind of
Secret Santa, and I really like gifting
these books to people, both people that I
wouldis about Mary
Shelley who was writing Frankenstein and
one of them is set an AI convention in
the modern or close to modern day and
it's all about gender and bodies and how
we want to control those things as a
society. And the other one that I would
recommend is The Accidental by Ali Smith
because one of the main characters in
here, Amber, is somebody who is quite
fluid in the sense that she just molds
into whatever situations she finds
herself in, and she invades the life of
this family. She says that she feels as though
she has being created but all of the stories that
have come before, and she invades their
lives and tries to bring them back
together because they have drifted quite
far apart, so for that reason I would
also recommend this and then you also
wanted book | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,831,114 |
ticking all
the boxes apart from the fantastical
elements, this is Disobedience by Naomi
Alderman, this is about two women who
were in love with each other when they
were teenagers and then they were
separated and one of them lives in New
York but comes back and they meet again
in their thirties, I want to say. They are
called Ronit and Esti and they are part
of a very Orthodox Jewish community in
North London and it's about how they
feel when they meet each other again, it
is tense,
it is beautifully written and it has
those alternating perspectives as well
and it has a shortish chapters,
definitely not really long chapters, so
yeah that is my recommendation for that.
Cheryl says that she would like books
that will lure their 13 and 14 year old
granddaughters from their phones, okay
and around that age I lovedVice Chancellor and Director of Athletics Jeff Long said. "This registration speaks to the unique characteristics of the Hog Call and its connection with the University of Arkansas. These registrations are designed to protect the commercial integrity of a cheer that has been synonymous with the University of Arkansas since the late 1920s. To be very clear, these registrations do not apply and in no way prohibit all Razorbacks from calling the hogs as much as they can. Instead, they mark a proactive step to ensure the Hog Call cheer made famous by Razorback fans remains properly affiliated with the University of Arkansas and our great state. We encourage Razorback fans everywhere to call the hogs early and often."According to the release, the registration protects the college from | {
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} | 36,831,132 |
anyone trying to make money off the Hog Call, either through TV, radio or the Internet without permission from the university.
The Arkansas Razorbacks have received a federal trademark for the Hog Call.
The cheer consists of a crowd cheering the following words: "Wooo Pig Sooie! Wooo Pig Sooie! Wooo Pig Sooie! Razorbacks." It is believed to be the first collegiate cheer to receive a trademark for a sound mark, according to a release from the University of Arkansas.
40/29 news spoke to some fans about the university making the Hog Call official. One thing is certain: Many seemed to be excited.
"We do the hog call to get everybody motivated," said Razorback fan Leah McDaniel.
"It’s homegrown. It was made for Arkansas, and it needs to stay with Arkansas. WoooPig Sooie," said Jerry Morano.
"We are proud that the Hog Call has become the first federally registered collegiate cheer in the nation," Vice Chancellor and Director of Athletics Jeff Long said. "This registration speaks to the unique characteristics of the Hog Call and its connection with the University of Arkansas. These registrations are designed to protect the commercial integrity of a cheer that has been synonymous with the University of Arkansas since the late 1920s. To be very clear, these registrations do not apply and in no way prohibit all Razorbacks from calling the hogs as much as they can. Instead, they mark a proactive step to ensure the Hog Call cheer made famous by Razorback fans remains properly affiliated with the University of Arkansas and our great | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,831,141 |
state. We encourage Razorback fans everywhere to call the hogs early and often."
According to the release, the registration protects the college from anyone trying to make money off the Hog Call, either through TV, radio or the Internet without permission from the university.The YouTube stars heading for burnout: ‘The most fun job imaginable became deeply bleak’ | Social
When Matt Lees became a full-time YouTuber, he felt as if he had won the lottery. As a young, ambitious writer, director and presenter, he was able to create low-budget, high-impact films that could reach a worldwide audience, in a way that would have been impossible without the blessing of television’s gatekeepers just a few years earlier. In February 2013, he had his first viral hit, an abridged version of Sony’s announcement of its PlayStation 4 video game console, dubbed with a cheerily acerbic commentary. Within days the video had been watched millions of times. “It hardly seems viral at all, by today’s standards,” Lees says, yet it was one of the most | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,831,143 |
She had complained the site made her videos harder to find
In April this year there was a particularly extreme example, when 38-year-old Nasim Najafi Aghdam entered YouTube’s Californian campus and opened fire on employees with a 9mm pistol, wounding three before she killed herself. A video Aghdam uploaded prior to the attack suggested that it was driven by her belief that the company’s algorithm had passed over her videos; in March she posted on Instagram, “All my YouTube channels got filtered by YouTube so my videos hardly get views.”
Algorithm-led content curation makes creators feel disposable, challenging them to churn out videos in the knowledge that there are younger, fresher people waiting in the wings to replace them. For YouTubers who use their daily lives as raw material forcounting on me.’ She has taken one holiday in the last three years. Photograph: Jessica Chou for the Guardian
Those who work on larger channels, which have enough money to employ a staff and spread the pressure, are not immune to these risks. Belinda Zoller joined the team behind the Extra Credits YouTube channel in 2016. The channel publishes weekly lessons in video game design and world history, using cheery animations. It has close to 1.6 million subscribers; Zoller works as a moderator, responding to comments. Moderation is one of the most gruelling jobs in the web’s emergent economy, and while Zoller does not work in front of the camera, her role puts her in the firing line for anonymous abuse and bad-faith interaction. Within months she was exhausted. | {
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[Successful treatment with prednisolone for autoimmune myelofibrosis accompanied with Sjögren syndrome].
A 66-year-old woman presented with anemia in January 2006. She was admitted to our Department in February, after laboratory data showed pancytopenia and bone marrow biopsy reticulin fibrosis. The results of the diagnostic work-up, which included the anti-SS-A antibody, anti-SS-B antibody positivity and salivary gland scintigraphy, Schirmer test and Rose Bengal test, supported the classification criteria of Sjögren syndrome. Due to secondary myelofibrosis accompanied by Sjögren syndrome, she was started on prednisolone (PSL) and recovered completely from the anemia and thrombocytopenia. After the PSL was tapered, a recent follow-up indicated that the peripheral blood had normalized with the PSL therapy. As a causal disease of autoimmune myelofibrosis in collagen disease, systemic lupus erythematosus occurs frequently. This patient isLive Love Spa recently announced the launch of two new online initiatives: a Job Board and an online Community for spa professionals. The new online resources complement Live Love Spa's extremely popular live regional events for the spa industry. According to Lisa Michaelis, CEO of Live Love Spa, the "regional events have engaged thousands of spa professionals across the U.S. The Live Love Spa Job Board and Community will encourage event attendees to continue to grow their careers and foster industry dialogue with their peers long after the event is over."
The Live Love Spa Community is designed to foster, promote and share the wealth of professional knowledge in spa and wellness on a common
platform. Sophisticated tools like video hosting and screencasts help members easily create and share posts. | {
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"PubMed Abstracts",
} | 36,831,206 |
Many of the Community and Job Board resources are offered free of charge, including the job search feature, current posts and research of the knowledge archives. As Michaelis states, the "Community aspires to call out to the spa and wellness professionals to share their passion and expertise, ask and answer questions and share resources in a revolutionary new way."
For $49 a year, PRO Members gain exclusive access to an extensive network of spa professionals, as well as the following member-exclusive benefits:
The platform is also ideal for spa product and service providers interested in solidifying their position as an industry thought leader. Molly Southern, Marketing Manager at SpaBooker Software elaborates, stating that, "SpaBooker is committed to pushing the industry forward with innovative ideas, and was fast to act onfresh, clear thoughts, to "long, leisurely horse rides down a tree-lined path." Each candle burns for approximately 70 hours, and is made from a blend of soy wax with a 100% cotton wick.
Recently, world-renowned professional nail care company, OPI teamed up with celebrity partner and international superstar, Gwen Stefani in announcing seven all new, limited edition nail lacquers for 2014. The new line, "Gwen Stefani by OPI," will feature a host of standout color in breakthrough finishes. Highlights from the collection include a bold red lacquer that pays homage to Gwen’s signature lipstick of choice, a new semi-matte satin finish in shades of gold and black, and a mirrored chrome paired with its own special base coat.
Inspired by the 2013 Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute Gala that featured the | {
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haute couture and street fashion.”
Gwen Stefani by OPI includes the following seven limited edition nail lacquers: "Love.Angel.Music.Baby.," "4 in the Morning," "In True Stefani Fashion," "Hey Baby, I Sing in Color," "Push and Shove," and "Over & Over A-Gwen."
Gwen Stefani by OPI nail lacquers contain no DBP, Toluene, or Formaldehyde, and feature OPI’s exclusive ProWide™ Brush for the ultimate in application. This promotion will be available beginning January 2014 at Professional Salons, including Beauty Brands, Beauty First, Chatters, Dillard’s, JCPenney, Pure Beauty, Regis, Trade Secret, and ULTA.
Recently, the well-known nail polish brand, OPI, announced a new collaboration with renowned recording artist and international superstar, Mariah Carey. This season, OPI will be launching a brand new line of limited-edition, Mariah-inspired holiday nail lacquers, dubbed, Mariah Carey Holiday. This seasonalsport created a dangerous vacuum in their lives and urge sporting bodies to do much more to prepare elite athletes for the fall.
BRENDAN CANNON, FORMER WALLABY: Nothing like a stadium, walking out onto the playing arena, people cheering for your team, cheering your team mates for the excellence they produce.
The moment you get told you can't play rugby anymore the light goes out.
It's all gone.
You're a former player.
The spotlight that shines so brightly and sometimes can be blinding gets turned off and you effectively feel like you're in the dark.
LOUISE MILLIGAN, REPORTER: Daniel Joseph Vickerman was born in South Africa.
He moved to Australia at the turn of the millennium.
OWEN FINEGAN, FORMER WALLABY: Dan's style of play was exactly what you wanted.
It's what I loved.
It was confrontational.
It | {
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was in your face.
He was a physical, aggressive, no-holds-barred player.
GREG MUMM, THE FINAL WHISTLE: You always knew from a coaching point of view that with Dan on the team you were not going to have to question physicality.
It just came with Dan.
COMMENTATOR: Daniel Vickerman, he takes it with two hands.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: On the rugby field, he used his enormous height and heft to devastating effect.
COMMENTATOR: Now it's Vickerman, up over half way... good metres here by the Wallabies.
OWEN FINEGAN: I'm sure there are international rugby players that would have been shuddering around the grounds knowing that Vicks was coming to clean them out.
COMMENTATOR: What a tackle from Ian Gogh...Vickerman used to be 6 ft 8, now he's 3ft 4...
LOUISE MILLIGAN: After ten years playing at the peak ofhis sport - rugby union - Vickerman retired from the Wallabies due to injury.
He studied at Cambridge University and built a career in finance. In short: he seemed like the ultimate success story for life after sport.
BRENDAN CANNON: He was just a big, beautiful guy.
He sadly never saw himself the way that others did.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: In February this year, five years after his retirement and struggling with mental illness, Daniel Vickerman took his own life.
BRENDAN CANNON: There was no obvious indicators that what was to happen was going to happen.
The Saturday that it happened, it was a really normal day.
Been to basketball with his little boy in the morning, went to the beach that afternoon, and had a family dinner that night where they went out and everything | {
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feelings and all of that pride and confidence, it was like 'who is Stephanie Rice?' because I only knew Stephanie Rice the swimmer.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: After she smashed world records and won three gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Stephanie Rice was the ultimate swimming superstar.
RACECALLER: Stephanie Rice, you are a sensation.
STEPHANIE RICE: One night I was the golden girl, triple Olympic gold medallist... and then wake up the next morning to be the worst person in the entire world.
And it just happened like that.
ABC NEWSREADER: Stephanie Rice's team mates have described a homophobic slur she made on twitter as out of character.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: Stephanie Rice's fall from grace began when a stupid tweet, in which she used the word 'faggots', went viral.
ABC NEWSREADER: The offensive comment wasknee started to get sore, I felt it grab.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: So did you know that was the beginning of the end for you?
NATHAN BRACKEN: No. I just thought, 'Oh well, it's something, get it fixed, and life goes forward.'
HALEY BRACKEN, NATHAN BRACKEN'S WIFE: From then on until his retirement, his knee got progressively worse.
Basically, he was told it was bone bruising.
It will get better.
He fought to get scans.
He was given prescription medication just to mask it and he played with that injury to the point where he couldn't straighten his knee any longer.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: His wife Haley watched her husband's decline.
HALEY BRACKEN: There were times when Nathan would wake up in the morning and he couldn't walk.
So, he would hobble around like he was 80, 90 and I | {
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helping me.
But if we can change it for somebody else coming out of the game.
If there's something in place that can help these men and women coming out, then I'll sit and do this all day.
COURTENAY DEMPSEY, FORMER ESSENDON PLAYER: They look at us as indestructible, fit, strong, built blokes that can take anything.
But realistically, it's not the body, but it's the mind that takes over.
Which is the hardest part to mend.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: Courtenay Dempsey used to run on to the MCG in front of a hundred thousand football fans.
Now he's playing footy for the Greenvale Jets, a suburban club on Melbourne's northwestern outskirts.
Dempsey was delisted from the big league, The Essendon Football club, at the end of last year.
COURTENAY DEMPSEY: The coach called me in and justsaid, ah, 'your services aren't needed this year, sorry next year' and umm... like everyone says, it comes with the territory and it's a cut-throat industry, professional sports, and no-one really cares about your well-being and what you do, anyways but a lot of people forget we're still human beings.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: Dempsey was a teenager from an indigenous community in North Queensland when he was picked up by an Essendon scout.
COURTENAY DEMPSEY: My manager rang me up and he goes, 'oh congratulations, you got drafted to Essendon'.
And I was like, 'oh cool, thanks, where's that?' And he sort of laughed at me and said 'oh mate, you're moving down to Melbourne'.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: He played defence for the Bombers for a decade.
The dream turned sour.
The Bombers became embroiled in | {
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this problem.
XAVIER CAMPBELL, ESSENDON CEO: Particularly in their first four years, their developmental years as a player.
Their financial literacy, organisational skills, coping with resilience, general coping skills.
A lot of that is mandatory.
And then beyond that, it comes into much more tailored programs around specific areas of interest for players.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: Courtenay Dempsey is still finding his way.
He wants to build a profile working with the indigenous community.
He's engaged a social media company to help him achieve this.
SAM MUTIMER: OK Courtenay, what we're going to do today is we're going to cover a social media campaign, I know that you've got a speaking gig up and coming.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: Recently, he found a job recruiting and managing indigenous security guards and cleaners.
COURTENAY DEMPSEY: My competitiveness will probably come out into.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: Lauren Jackson didn't think about that when she was quite literally at the top of her game.
As a sportsperson but also as a person.
I think she's delivered outcomes for basketball in Australia that will be never surpassed.
LOUISE MILLIGAN: For Jackson, the dream started when a four-year-old beanpole from the NSW border town of Albury started shooting hoops.
At a touch under two metres tall, she moved to the Institute of Sport at fifteen, then went on to play for Seattle Storm in America.
COMMENTATOR: How good is Lauren Jackson? She can be a defence is player? She can be offensive... I mean what can't she be?
SPORTS REPORTER: For the second time in five years Lauren Jackson has been named most | {
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war, which has served as a brake on economic growth around the world this year.
The new head of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, warned squabbling nations in her maiden speech to forget their differences, telling them to prepare a united response to the most serious threat to the global economy since the financial crisis a decade ago.
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The FTSE 100 dropped by 55 points, or 0.8%, to close at 7,143, as markets across Europe fell and Wall Street sold off sharply.
City analysts believe another Brexit extension is the most likely outcome, and warned that sterling could come under intense pressure over coming weeks as the political chaos mounts.
Petr Krpata, the chief European currencypenalties embedded in their investments are not economically substantial.
Interest Rate Environment
The present economic environment is a result of significant changes in interest rates over the last three decades. After the five-year constant maturing US Treasury index peaked in September 1981 at 15.93% according to records, interest rates generally trended downward until this same index hit a low of 2.27% in June 2003. As of Apr. 15, 2006 the current five-year US Treasury yield is 4.97%.
With the elimination of deposit rate ceilings in the early 1980's, customers and banks observed that a 3-month early withdrawal penalty on 12% certificates was substantial. In the typical interest forfeiture approach the early withdrawal penalty is a function of the CD rate. The higher the certificate's rate of interest the higher the | {
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"USPTO Backgrounds"
} | 36,831,327 |
Retrospective epidemiological study of supracondylar fractures of the humeral bone in children from urban and rural areas of the Lublin region in eastern Poland.
Supracondylar fractures of the humeral bone are frequent injuries in children. It has been affirmed that supracondylar fractures have an excellent prognosis when proper treatment is applied. Present of the statistical relationships between fractures occurring and patient's development period; the relation between development period and site of the fracture and statistical relationship between development period and gender of the patients. Also indicated are the place of residence of the hospitalized patients and time of admission to the Clinic after injury. Research was based on the data of paediatric patients treated in the Clinic for Paediatric Surgery, Traumatology and Paaediatric Orthopaedics, and Rehabilitation Clinic of theMedical University in Lublin, Poland, between 1986- 2010. An independent Chi-square Test was used for statistical analysis (χ²). The majority of patients were admitted to the Clinic on the day of injury. Of these patients, 71% lived in the urban area of the Lublin region where all the children received medical care in hospital directly after trauma; 29% of children came from the rural areas of the Lublin region, and 10% of them were admitted to hospital 24 or more hours after the injury. 71% of patients lived in the urban areas of the Lublin region and the main cause of injury was a fall from a higher level onto an outstretched upper left limb. Most supracondylar fractures of the humeral bone concerned children at school and adolescent | {
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"PubMed Abstracts",
"PubMed Abstracts"
} | 36,831,356 |
of Public Safety assume more of a role on policing. He also suggested laws could be changed to prevent camping on the streets, or someone appointed as a sort-of "czar" over homeless issues through Utah's Department of Workforce Services.
Hughes said he was not criminalizing homelessness, saying the state is offering resources to people to get out of poverty. However, he said more needs to be done to crack down on crime in the neighborhood. He pointed to a drug bust spearheaded by the Drug Enforcement Administration and Utah Attorney General's Office.
"You're not going to arrest your way out of this, but you can't ignore that portion of it, either," he said.
Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski's office said she shares Speaker Hughes' frustrations about crime not dropping fasta deaf ear to any ideas. We’re looking for ideas that are vetted, funded and working," he said.
The Pioneer Park Coalition, a group of businesses and developers in the neighborhood who have been pushing for dramatic changes to the area in recent years, praised Hughes.
"The PPC whole heartedly endorses the initiatives and leadership of speaker Greg Hughes and President Wayne Niederhauser in their efforts to combat crime and help the homeless in the Rio Grande area," the group's Scott Howell said in a statement to FOX 13.
"Whatever tools and short term plan of government can be deployed in getting our homeless sisters and brothers back on their feet and creating a safe environment for all citizens in the Rio Grande area is plan that the PPC ENDORSES NOW." | {
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R.H. Macy had a series of failed retail ventures throughout his early career.
Soichiro Honda's unique vision got him ostracized by the Japanese business community.
Getty Images/ The Asahi Shimbun
Honda was a mechanical genius who idolized Edison and rebelled against the norm. His passion for aggressive individualism was more fit for the United States, and thus alienated him from Japanese businessmen, who valued teamwork above all else. Honda then boldly challenged the American automotive industry in the 1970s and led a Japanese automotive revolution.
Colonel Harland David Sanders was fired from dozens of jobs before founding a successful restaurant.
After having trouble adjusting to the culture and his classes, Dick Cheney dropped out of Yale — and then returned, only to drop out for good.
AP Photo/Richard Drew
George W. Bush once joked: "Sonow we know if you graduate from Yale, you become president. If you drop out, you get to be vice president."
Sir Isaac Newton's mother pulled him out of school as a boy so that he could run the family farm. He failed miserably.
Getty Images/Portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller
Realizing her son was not meant to till the land, she let Newton finish his basic education and was eventually persuaded to allow him to enroll in Cambridge University. Newton went on to become one of the greatest scientists of all time, revolutionizing physics and mathematics.
Vera Wang failed to make the U.S. Olympic figure-skating team. Then she became an editor at Vogue and was passed over for the editor-in-chief position.
As a child, Albert Einstein had some difficulty communicating and learning in | {
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a traditional manner.
AP Photo
Of course, Einstein's communication and behavioral problems were not indicative of a lack of intelligence. He won the Nobel prize in physics for the discovery of the photoelectric effect, and his special theory of relativity theory corrected the deficiencies of Newtonian physics.
Note: A previous version of this slide incorrectly stated that the Nobel prize was for his theory of relativity.
In one of Fred Astaire's first screen tests, an executive wrote: "Can't sing. Can't act. Slightly balding. Can dance a little."
J.K. Rowling was a single mom living off welfare when she began writing the first "Harry Potter" novel.
Charles Darwin was considered an average student. He gave up on a career in medicine and was going to school to become a parson.
AP Photo, File
But as Darwin studiednature, he found his true calling and traveled the world to uncover nature's mysteries. His writings, especially "On the Origin of the Species," fundamentally changed the world of science by spreading the discovery of evolution.
Vincent Van Gogh sold only one painting, "The Red Vineyard," in his life, and the sale was just months before his death.
Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, had his first book rejected by 27 different publishers.
Lucille Ball appeared in so many second-tier films at the start of her career that she became known as "The Queen of B Movies."
Getty Images/Mondadori Portfolio
Then she got her big break when CBS picked up her and her husband Desi Arnaz's vaudeville act and turned it into the highly influential sitcom "I Love Lucy."
A young Henry Ford | {
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ruined his reputation with a couple of failed automobile businesses.
AP Photo
However, after conducting a search, he was finally able to find a partner who had faith in him. Ford proved he had learned from his mistakes when Ford Motor Company forever changed the automotive industry and culture with his assembly line mode of production.
While developing his vacuum, Sir James Dyson went through 5,126 failed prototypes and his savings over 15 a minor illness in a presumed long-standing resident, participants often raised admission to the care home as a particularly difficult time."We\'ve got a lady about to be admitted to us, she\'s obese, lymphodema, chronic obstructive airways disease, continuous oxygen, they\'ve put in a caecostomy tube, she\'s catheterised, she\'s in bed, she\'s feeling nauseous all the time, she\'s hasn\'t been out of bed for 5 months, as far as I\'m aware she hasn\'t got any pressure sores but she does tell me that her bottom\'s very sore. (CHM4Nurs)"
Ongoing healthcare of residents, of the sort discussed in the interview vignette, was recognised as part of the core work of both care home staff as well as GPs. All participants, from health professional as well as social care backgrounds, found it | {
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"PubMed Central"
} | 36,831,456 |
of rapid response between scheduled visits, given the unpredictable illness trajectories already discussed.
The dissonance between healthcare knowledge and ethos seemed to be located as much in perception as reality. Once again health and social care staff seemed to describe common, rather than separate, challenges. Both described deficiencies in their own and each others' training. It was clear that, with very few exceptions, staff from all sectors felt inadequately prepared and resourced to care for residents and that more expertise was desired.
Finally, under tensions in the responsibility for healthcare of residents, care home managers and staff described vividly how they often played a coordinating role in both delivering and mediating access to healthcare for residents. They also described uncertainty as to where this role sat within existing regulatory frameworks,SHENZHEN, China -- The teenager stood, half his body suspended over the railing. He waved his arm, over and over, calling for attention.
"Brad Marchand!" he yelled. "Brad Marchand!"
In front of him, the Boston Bruins and Calgary Flames had just taken the ice for warmups at Universiade Sports Center in Shenzhen, China, their usual routine transformed for their first preseason game of the 2018-19 season. Instead of an arena in North America, the Bruins and Flames were halfway around the world, 30 minutes away from the start of the first game of the 2018 O.R.G. NHL China Games, which the Bruins would win 4-3 in a shootout.
[RELATED: Bruins defeat Flames in shootout at China Games | China Games coverage]
The kid wore a Bruins jersey with a No. 15, Milt | {
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"PubMed Central",
} | 36,831,597 |
Schmidt's retired number. Next to him stood a man in a newly minted John Tavares Toronto Maple Leafs sweater, and nearby a neon P.K. Subban Nashville Predators edition. A Grant Fuhr Edmonton Oilers jersey could be seen a few sections over, and the concourse revealed Daniel Alfredsson and Ken Dryden and Milan Lucic and Joffrey Lupul.
These were the people who already knew, and loved, the game.
But there were others, the ones with no history and no allegiances, with no sense of hockey's past, that the NHL wants to be part of its future. For them, there came an announcement after the two teams left the ice: They would be explaining the rules of hockey to the assembled crowd.
Video: BOS@CGY: Lanny McDonald drops the first puck
Rapid-fire Mandarin ensued, burstsoccasionally interrupted by the English words for offside and icing and penalties, as black-clad skaters demonstrated what not to do. When they got to cross-checking, the mascots got in on the fun, with Bruins mascot Blades tripping Flames mascot Harvey. Harvey, though, got his revenge, with a high elbow to Blades' chin.
"Let's check out what boarding is," the announcer in the Bruins jersey said, and the mascots obliged there as well.
This is hockey in China.
It is teaching and educating, massaging the game into the consciousness of a people not raised on the sport. It is coaching clinics and player clinics and preseason games that serve as an introduction to an untapped market of nearly 1.4 billion people, one prized by any of the leagues in North America, including | {
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change that much presentation other than adding the Chinese element to it."
Some of that was gleaned from last preseason, when the Los Angeles Kings and Vancouver Canucks came to China for the first NHL games in the country. That served as a learning experience. They know more this year and will know more every year they return.
Because the idea is to get better at this, at all this. The NHL is committed to coming to China in four of the next six years. The League is expecting to open an office in China in the near future, perhaps by next summer. It will grow infrastructure and opportunities and the game's footprint.
"Any time you're doing business outside of North America, you've got to figure out how you're going toSN). It is growing, though, one player at a time, one fan at a time, one game at a time.
"We're not like the NBA where they came in and they had 100 years of history," Proper said. "We're trying to grow the sport."
It grew Saturday, as the game went on and the scoring started, as goals poured in from Bruins Trent Frederic and Ryan Donato and John Moore, all in the first period, as the players settled in and the action increased, as the Flames answered and the crowd cheered. As Jake DeBrusk scored the winner in the shootout.
This was what they had come to see. This was what the NHL had come to show them.
Video: BOS@CGY: DeBrusk tallies the shootout winner | {
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} | 36,831,615 |
practical effect, this enables any member to require a meeting by withholding his or her consent.
Plaintiffs Margaret Lindsay-Field and Tim Lindsay-Field, Australian horse breeders, formed a joint venture with plaintiff Robert Porter, a "bloodstock agent" residing in the United States. They became interested in having Naevus transported to Australia to be bred with mares there during the Southern Hemisphere breeding season, which is opposite the normal breeding season in the United States. Porter negotiated with Sturgis to obtain such an agreement.
Porter wrote a letter to Sturgis dated June 4, 1987, setting forth the terms of plaintiffs' offer. Plaintiffs contend Sturgis signed and accepted this offer *1732 on behalf of the members on June 8, 1987. This is the contract on which plaintiffs relied at trial and which defendantswould be transported to Australia every July 15 and transported back to California every January 15; and that if the option was exercised 40 class B shares would be issued.
This proposal altered drastically the nature of Naevus's stud service, the rights of the members and the basic terms of the Naevus Syndicate agreement. Clearly it required approval by the members and amendment of the Naevus Syndicate agreement in a manner specified by the syndicate agreement, and was not a matter committed to Sturgis's sole discretion like ordinary maintenance and supervision. Plaintiffs do not appear to contend otherwise, but rather contend that Sturgis received actual authority from a poll he took of the members, as follows.
In anticipation of the agreement, Sturgis sent a letter to all the syndicate members | {
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use of the horse during a time of the year that he is of no use to us...." Sturgis enclosed a ballot to be returned by the members by express mail as soon as possible. The ballot stated, "Regarding the proposal to sell the southern hemisphere breeding rights in Naevus to Tarcutta Farms of New South Wales, Australia. [¶] I vote: ____"
*1733 The following members returned the ballot indicating yes or favorable: Friendly, Jacque Fulton, Carl Cannata, Olivia Cannata, Rubinstein, Lerner, Israel, and Command Hostess Partnership.
John Fulton failed to return the ballot. Michael Cooper on behalf of Cecilia Straub, representing five of the syndicate's forty shares, returned the ballot marked "no" and wrote a letter to Sturgis stating that for a proposal of such magnitude Cooper desired ameeting of all the members.
Sturgis and other members testified at trial that they interpreted Sturgis's letter and the ballot as merely authorizing Sturgis to continue negotiating a formal agreement to be submitted for member approval at a meeting, and to place Naevus in quarantine pending approval.
Porter admitted knowing a vote of the members was required. Porter testified that Sturgis informed Porter of the poll, indicating he had approval of more than 75 percent. Based on what Sturgis told him, Porter believed Sturgis was authorized to sign an agreement. Porter did not ask for any written evidence of Sturgis's authority, nor did he ask to see the Naevus Syndicate agreement. Sturgis testified he at all times indicated to Porter that an agreement was subject to syndicate approval.
On June 8, | {
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by Sturgis's attorney.
At the July 10 meeting, the members decided not to go forward with the proposal. There was general agreement that various unresolved problems and risks to the horse made the proposal not worth the benefits.
At trial the jury returned a special verdict finding that when Sturgis signed the June 4, 1987, agreement he was authorized, or his action was ratified, by members Sturgis, Friendly, Jacque Fulton, Carl Cannata, Olivia Cannata, Rubinstein, Lerner, Israel, and Command Hostess Partnership but not by Cecilia Straub or John Fulton. The jury found all members liable except Cecilia Straub and John Fulton. Clearly the jury based its verdict on the ballots returned in response to Sturgis's June 3 letter.
(1a) In the absence of showing ostensible authority, persons dealing with an assumedcould not be satisfied by sending 85 percent of the horse to Australia. Either there was a contract binding all the members of the syndicate under the rules of the syndicate agreement, or there was no binding contract.
*1736 There was no binding contract because the members voting yes had no authority to bind the other cotenants, except as provided in their agreement, and the agreement's requirements for unanimous written consent or 75 percent at a meeting were not satisfied. The proposed contract vitally affected the interests of the nonapproving members. The approval received by Sturgis in the ballot was not sufficient, under the syndicate agreement, to authorize Sturgis to contract, therefore there was no binding contract and no breach justifying any judgment against the defendants the jury found | {
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Sir Jackie Stewart has accused Lewis Hamilton of being a "little ballerina" and called on Mercedes to hit him with an ultimatum of "do it our way or be excused" from the team.
Stewart, Britain's only other triple world champion, delivered his stinging verdict with Mercedes still deliberating as to what action they will take against Hamilton after he disobeyed orders in Abu Dhabi.
Mercedes were unhappy with Hamilton for backing team-mate Nico Rosberg into the clutches of the chasing pack in a ploy, which they believe, could have cost the team victory.
Hamilton returned to the scene of his championship defeat on Tuesday for a Pirelli tyre test, but he failed to complete the scheduled day in its entirety after withdrawing through illness.
"I think he (Hamilton) can be a littleof 10 After losing two consecutive title battles to his Mercedes teammate, even Nico Rosberg appeared to doubt Nico Rosberg last February. The fact he bounced back to triumph is great testament to his character and determination. Standout drives in Azerbaijan, Italy, Singapore and Japan were reinforced by his tremendous recovery to third in Malaysia. The only negative is he still hasn’t convinced anyone that he’s more talented than Hamilton. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Lewis Hamilton – 8 out of 10 Reliability issues and grid penalties. The story of 2016 for Lewis Hamilton, but he‘s guilty of taking his eye off the ball too. Rosberg had no right to get back into the title fight after the summer break, but Hamilton was no longer the mighty force | {
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we’ve come to expect and allowed off-the-track distractions to impact his cause. Malaysia’s engine blow-up was pivotal in the title battle and ended up with him accusing his own team of sabotage, but the dropped points in Bahrain, Azerbaijan and Singapore also cost him dearly. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Daniel Ricciardo – 9 out of 10 After a baron 2015, it was a delight to see the Ricciardo smile back on the top step of the podium in Malaysia – and introducing the ‘shooey’ to boot. He cruelly had victory snatched away from him by his team twice in Spain and Monaco. Faced a fresh challenge when Verstappen stepped up, but more often than not kept him at bay. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Max Verstappen –9 out of 10 Lit up the season with his breath-taking drives through the field. Stunned the world when he won in his very first drive for Red Bull in Spain, but it will be his drive from 16th to third in the atrocious conditions in Brazil that will go down in history. Clashed with Vettel and Raikkonen and his defensive driving has been under scrutiny. But he has the talent to win multiple world championships, now he just needs the car. Red Bull may just deliver that in 2017. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Sebastian Vettel – 7 out of 10 Seven podium finishes fell like short change from a Ferrari that was tipped to challenge Mercedes in pre-season, but the fact is that Vettel has been | {
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ringing a lot out of what has proven a really poor car. Consistently out-drove Raikkonen, and will hope to get back on top of the rostrum in 2017. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Kimi Raikkonen – 6 out of 10 Showed signs of the old Kimi in the first half of the season with plenty of smart strategies that brought him into podium contention. Tailed off as the season wore on though, and looked to be somewhat affected by his battle with Verstappen. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Sergio Perez – 7 out of 10 His two impressive third-place finishes came in Monaco and Azerbaijan, but it was his consistency over the second half of the season that really stood out and secured him seventh in the standings.Reeled off 10 straight top 10 finishes to consolidate his position as Force India’s No 1. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Nico Hulkenberg – 6 out of 10 You do wonder if he will ever reach his true potential. Linked with a move to replace Raikkonen at one point, he will now start 2017 at Renault. They may be a manufacturer, but are they where the German should be at the peak of his career? Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Valterri Bottas – 6 out of 10 Kept his head as chaos unfolded around him to take an impressive podium finish in Canada, but his performances tailed off as the season wore on and he ended 2016 with a whimper, struggling to 11th in Brazil before retiring after | {
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a handful of laps in Abu Dhabi. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Felipe Massa – 5 out of 10 Perhaps he took his eye off the ball after announcing his retirement at the end of the season, but his performances through the latter stages tended to result in either retirement or a mid-field finish. Highlight performances in Melbourne and Sochi hinted to a better farewell, though he deserved every second of his emotional send-off in Brazil. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Fernando Alonso – 7 out of 10 The Spaniard showed his class on a number of occasions in a McLaren that is still not up to scratch. Saw off Jenson Button in the battle of the veteran world champions, and after starting his season upside-down in Melbournetalent with three sixth-place finishes. Sainz also demonstrated a good understanding of the Pirelli tyres as he excelled on long runs, and a place in the senior Red Bull team may not be as far off as it looks. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Daniil Kvyat – 3 out of 10 What started at Red Bull ended with Kvyat riding a bicycle back to the paddock in Abu Dhabi. It may seem like a distant memory but Kvyat actually finished on the podium back in China in his penultimate Red Bull outing, though once he was ousted by Verstappen he managed to take just four more points throughout the season. Lucky to keep his place at Toro Rosso. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Romain Grosjean – 6 out | {
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of 10 Looked like he could be one of the surprises of the season with the newly-formed Hass F1 team, as the American outfit scored points in their very first F1 race. The season started to become a struggle as it wore on though as the Frenchman’s car suffered repeatedly from brake issues, but he still demonstrated that he had raw pace when everything clicked. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Esteban Gutierrez – 2 out of 10 While Grosjean impressed with 29 points, Gutierrez was nothing short of terrible this season and managed to finish the year as one of only two full-time drivers without a point. He also faced the fury of the front-runners who were less than impressed with his reactions to blue flags, and hisangry reaction to being dropped by Haas was a rather damning indication of his character. Doesn’t deserve a 2017 seat at Manor. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Kevin Magnussen – 4 out of 10 Billed as the unbeatable teammate at Renault, the Dane is leaving after just one year. Outscored Jolyon Palmer with an assured drive in Russia and also used the Renault’s strong technical aspects to score points in Singapore. Off to Haas next year, which may be a wise move for him. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Jolyon Palmer – 4 out of 10 Turned around a difficult year to record a string of impressive drives in the second half of the season to out-perform Magnussen. History shows he gets better the longer he spends in | {
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a certain formula, but he’ll have his work cut out next year when Hulkenberg comes to town. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Felipe Nasr – 4 out of 10 He struggled this season, but delivered the goods when it mattered most to score two crucial points for Sauber that lifted them above Manor in the Constructors’ Championship. Deserves another shot, and while his projected deal with Sauber has been held up, it should get over the line before 2017. Getty F1 2016 driver ratings Marcus Ericsson – 3 out of 10 A dismal run through the middle of the season saw Nasr fight back in their head-to-head battle, and it was his fault when the pair collided at Monaco in a moment to forget. The only other driverBob Dylan and Gene co-wrote the album's "Waiting For The Morning Light". Frank Zappa and Gene share co-writing credit on "Black Tongue" and the Zappa Family, Dweezil, Ahmet, Moon, Gail and Frank Zappa himself sing and play guitar on the song. | {
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Cox's Bazar / Kuala Lumpur, 19 August 2019 – Tens of thousands of people who fled violence in Rakhine to camps in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, are living their lives in cramped tents and shelters, in conditions that fall well below international standards.
Two years on from the exodus triggered by violence on 25 August 2017, over 700,000 people live in crowded camps with little space between their small shelters. The average space per person in the camps is 24 square metres but falls to less than 10 square metres in the most densely populated parts of the camps. Minimum standards set by humanitarian organizations call for at least 30 square metres per person.
Syed Ali Nasim Khaliluzzaman, Head of Operation of the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society in Cox's Bazar, said:
"Spacein other parts of the camp.
Many houses and shelters in nearby host communities are similarly poor. The Red Crescent is supporting 245 families from host communities to build new durable homes that will protect them from risk during the monsoon and cyclone seasons. Many more are receiving advice and guidance on how to safely and securely repair damage to their homes. Overall, the Red Crescent will assist 60,000 people in host communities.
Bangladesh Red Crescent also continues to provide people in the camps with food and relief items, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, along with other important services including health care and psychosocial support. Bangladesh Red Crescent delivers this assistance through its health facilities, community safe spaces, outreach programmes, and hundreds of volunteers from both Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Despite the | {
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Hungary shows the world how to secure a nation's border
Eastern Europe is leading the way to protect the continent against colonizers from Islamic lands. Hungary is in the forefront, having erected a fence that is patrolled around the clock by Hungarian police and military. There is also support along the border from Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia as these nations partner together to protect themselves. In this video, the mayor of Assothalom (a rural town in Hungary situated along the southern border shared with Serbia) speaks about border security. And he does not mince his words. He acknowledges that all of Europe must be protected and defended or everyone will perish.
In his campaign to convince other European nations to follow Hungary’s example, he is inviting Europeans toBig City Adventure: Sydney Australia
Find-hidden-objects game. . Welcome to Big City Adventure: Sydney Australia, which offers you to set out for unforgettable trip throughout the most famous sights of the amazing city. First of all you select one of 8 characters, and then you begin exploring of Sydney, visiting such places as Central Station, Sydney Observatory, Circular Quay, Fort Denison, Sydney Opera House, Hyde Park and more. Each location offers you to play two different games. The first game is the same for all locations; it challenges you to find hidden object from the list. The second game varies in each location, so be ready to play mahjong, jigsaw puzzle, matching games and more. There are two game modes: Timed and Relaxed that differ in time limit. If | {
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you are stuck in the game, various special coins come for help that make game play much interesting and diverse.
Style and atmosphere inside the game:
Big City Adventure: Sydney Australia is a captivating game that features superb graphics, diverse sound effects and pleasant instrumental music. Graphics is well done; you can see authentic locations of Sydney in details. Highlight of the game that you can learn about and visit such popular places as Central Station, Sydney Observatory, Circular Quay, Fort Denison, Sydney Opera House, Hyde Park and more. All in all, Big City Adventure: Sydney Australia is an appealing game due to high quality design and variety of games to play. You surely won.t be bored during fascinating adventure around Sydney Australia.The policy was controversial from the start, viewed by many—especially troops and their families—as a dishonest practice that violated the trust of those who volunteered for military service, many of whom had no idea that a forced extension of duty was in their contracts.
In its own words, the Defense Department describes stop-loss this way:
Stop-loss allows the military to extend service members beyond their end-of-term of service dates. The program has been used extensively since 9-11 to maintain personnel strength in deploying units. The program allows the military to extend service members whose end-of-term of service, retirement or end-of-service obligation date falls during a deployment. They may be involuntarily extended until the end of their unit’s deployment. The Army and Marine Corps used the policy the most.
At its peak | {
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in 2005, stop-loss affected 15,000 troops. Over time, that number was cut to 4,000. But it continued to create morale problems within the ranks. In effect, the stop-loss policy was a “back-door draft.” According to USA Today, more than 140,000 troops — all but about 20,000 of them Army soldiers — had assignments extended under the policy since 2001.
In March 2009, President Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, declared that the practice had to end, saying it was “breaking faith” with those who volunteered to serve. Gates reportedly has opposed the policy since he came to the Defense Department in 2006. He had ordered the services to reduce stop loss in 2007. However, the numbers of troops affected climbed more than 40% in the months that followed, largelyend to the policy in 2010. News reports chronicle several delays, pushing the end date from May 2010 to August 2010 to March 2011.
Stop-loss pay
In an effort to right the wrongs of stop-loss, the Obama administration enacted the 2009 War Supplemental Appropriations Act, which established a special payment for each month and partial month a soldier served in stop-loss status. Service members, veterans, and beneficiaries of service members whose service was involuntarily extended under Stop Loss between Sept. 11, 2001 and Sept. 30, 2009 are eligible.
According to the Department of Defense, as of Sept. 15, 2010, about 58,000 of 145,000 eligible claims had been paid, and $219 million had been disbursed of the $534 million appropriated. While tens of thousands of veterans already have received retroactive pay averaging | {
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The ShortListen: School of Seven Bells (no. 201)
What’s the story? Never mind the John Lewis advert, if you can get through this song without shedding a few tears then you're a stronger being than we are. New York act School of Seven Bells were originally a trio, formed in 2007, featuring Benjamin Curtis together with sisters Alejandra Deheza and Claudia Deheza. The latter left the band in 2010 and in 2013, Curtis sadly passed away from cancer. Alejandra has now used parts recorded by him before his death to put together what will be the band's final album, their fourth, entitled SVIIB and to be released next year. This song, the first to be revealed from it, is a masterclass in dream pop; swelling synths, big drums andis that a mineral will not be found in a rock whose bulk chemistry does not resemble the bulk chemistry of a given mineral with the exception of trace minerals. For example, kyanite, Al2SiO5 forms from the metamorphism of aluminium-rich shales; it would not likely occur in aluminium-poor rock, such as quartzite.
The chemical composition may vary between end member species of a solid solution series. For example, the plagioclase feldspars comprise a continuous series from sodium-rich end member albite (NaAlSi3O8) to calcium-rich anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) with four recognized intermediate varieties between them (given in order from sodium- to calcium-rich): oligoclase, andesine, labradorite, and bytownite. Other examples of series include the olivine series of magnesium-rich forsterite and iron-rich fayalite, and the wolframite series of manganese-rich hübnerite and iron-rich ferberite.
Chemical substitution | {
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"Wikipedia (en)"
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and sphalerite has six-directional dodecahedral cleavage.
Minerals with many cleavages might not break equally well in all of the directions; for example, calcite has good cleavage in three directions, but gypsum has perfect cleavage in one direction, and poor cleavage in two other directions. Angles between cleavage planes vary between minerals. For example, as the amphiboles are double-chain silicates and the pyroxenes are single-chain silicates, the angle between their cleavage planes is different. The pyroxenes cleave in two directions at approximately 90°, whereas the amphiboles distinctively cleave in two directions separated by approximately 120° and 60°. The cleavage angles can be measured with a contact goniometer, which is similar to a protractor.
Parting, sometimes called "false cleavage", is similar in appearance to cleavage but is instead produced by structural defectsShare this article
Wasps hold on to beat Falcons
Wasps were made to work hard for their 9-8 win over Premiership strugglers Newcastle on Saturday in a result that takes them up to fifth place.
A try from Nili Latu was not enough as Wasps defeated the Falcons.
The first-half was an extremely attritional affair with both sides struggling to gather a foothold in the match. The boots of Andy Goode and Jimmy Gopperth ensured that the sides would not go into half time scoreless in what was an ugly 40 minutes.
The second-half was more open as Christian Wade was denied a try for offside before Latu scored for Newcastle.
This could have given the Falcons a platform to go on and win the match but profligate kicking from Goode was their downfall | {
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"Wikipedia (en)",
} | 36,831,823 |
as Gopperth landed two penalties in the final quarter to secure the win for Wasps.
The defeat continues what has been a disappointing season for Newcastle as they now sit in eleventh place in the Premiership table following the match.
Wasps, meanwhile arrest a poor run of form and rise to fifth place in the table, five points behind Harlequins in fourth.
Wasps were dealt an early blow as James Gaskell was forced off with an injury in the third minute.
Newcastle's Goode missed two successive penalties in difficult conditions before Gopperth got the scoreboard ticking over with a penalty for the hosts on 22 minutes.
Veteran Goode got the sides level with his third attempt of the match three minutes later after Wasps were penalised for offside.
A quiet first-half drew to aclose with the sides leaving the pitch at three points apiece.
Wade thought he'd got Wasps off to a blistering start in the second-half. However, his try was ruled out after he was deemed to have been offside on his return from a three month injury lay-off.
The hosts were made to rue this as Newcastle's Latu spotted a gap in their defence to cross for the first try of the match. Former England international Goode was once more off target as his conversion hit the post to leave the scores at 3-8.
In the 54th minute Giovanbattista Venditti was shown a yellow card for an infringement at the breakdown. Gopperth made no mistake with the resulting penalty to bring the home side within two points of the visitors.
In the closing | {
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stages Gopperth missed an opportunity to put Wasps into the lead, missing a penalty from 40 metres out. He did however have a second opportunity to put his side into the lead, which he did not spurn as he put the hosts into a 9-8 lead.
A Dan Robson kick gave the Falcons territory in the final seconds of the match but they could not fashion an opportunity and Wasps held out to win 9-8.Amazon has been actively developing its own proprietary eBook format for the last six years. Unlike EPUB, Amazon has the ability to introduce new features in their digital format without waiting for a standards body to approve them. Amazon is clearly winning the eBook sales race with USA market penetration of over 75% and is primarily due to them having control over their own destiny.
When Amazon first developed their Kindle e-Reader at Lab126, ePub did not yet exist. In order to roll out their Kindle and fledgling digital ecosystem that had to develop a digital standard that was in compliance with most reading software of its day. Instead of making it themselves, they purchased Mobipocket in 2005, and the MOBI format is still used to this day. Amazon | {
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} | 36,831,871 |
connect muscle to bone and bone to bone. Sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and falls are common causes of traumatic knee injuries.
Torn knee muscles and tendons, and ligaments of the knee joint. Tendons and ligaments are fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone and bone to bone. Sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and falls are common causes of traumatic knee injuries. Chondromalacia: a condition characterized by sharp or aching pain around and behind the kneecap due to cartilage breakdown. Overuse, injury, and aging are common causes of chondromalacia.
a condition characterized by sharp or aching pain around and behind the kneecap due to cartilage breakdown. Overuse, injury, and aging are common causes of chondromalacia. Patellar tendonitis: a condition characterized by dull pain and tenderness, swelling, warmth, and redness ofStormzy has revealed that he’s a big fan of Jeremy Corbyn
The south London MC previously described Zac Goldsmith as a "proper pussyhole"
Stormzy has spoken of his support for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn – after he previously warned his fans against voting for Zac Goldsmith in the London Mayoral election.
Earlier this month, the south London MC described Goldsmith as a “proper pussyhole” before he was defeated by Labour’s Sadiq Khan in the London Mayoral Election.
But in a new interview with “>The Guardian, the south London MC has now voiced his support for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
He said: “My man, Jeremy! Young Jeremy, my guy. I dig what he says. I saw some sick picture of him from back in the day when he was campaigning about anti-apartheid and I | {
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} | 36,831,932 |
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Purcell Room
The Purcell Room reopened in April 2018 following almost three years of refurbishment. With new improved facilities and acoustics, this intimate wood-panelled auditorium provides a platform for music and performance events, a variety of talks and debates, plus readings of classical and modern literature.
The world-renowned venue has played host to some of the biggest names of the 20th century and beyond, including David Bowie, Daniel Barenboim, Marianne Faithfull and Radiohead’s Jonny Greenwood.
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Members get priority
To find out first about what's coming up and for your best chance to secure tickets to events, join now as a Member.USD. Additionally, Elastic Games has disclosed that they are planning to release Last Year: The Nightmare for consoles, in 2019.
Last Year: The Nightmare is a 6-player online action game in which five players work together and attempt to escape while fighting back deadly killers controlled by the sixth. The survivors must complete various objectives in the environment to win, while the murderers lose if they are not successful in annihilating the enemy team. Last Year: The Nightmare has been developed as a service game that evolves over time, with regular content updates to keep the experience fresh. This gives the game unlimited replay value, as players will always have a reason to relive the nightmare.
Last Year: The Nightmare also brings together an all-star cast that crosses the full | {
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} | 36,832,015 |
Cowboy Bebop, Arcadia of My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX, Magic Knight Rayearth, Expelled from Paradise debut in game
A livestream for the Super Robot Wars game series announced on Monday that the new Super Robot Taisen T ( Super Robot Wars T ) game will launch for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in Japan in 2019. The game is also slated for release in Asia. The "T" in the game's title refers to "Terra," meaning "Earth."
The game will feature characters and mecha from the following series for the first time:
Cowboy Bebop
Arcadia of My Youth: Endless Orbit SSX
Magic Knight Rayearth
Expelled from Paradise
The game will feature the following returning series:
Muteki Robo Trider G7
Aura Battler Dunbine
Aura Battle Dunbine: The Tale of Neo Byston Well
Mobile Suit Z Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Mobile Suit Gundam:Judge Oliver Laid to Rest
Hundreds of family, friends and members of the legal community turned out today to say farewell to superior court judge George Oliver. The 89-year-old Oliver died Friday after a long illness. WTOC attended the service where Judge Oliver was remembered as an outstanding Savannahian.
Mourners poured into the Wesley Monumental United Methodist Church to pay their final tribute to a man who was loved and respected throughout the community.
One of the many people whose life was influenced by Judge Oliver is Judge John Morse. "I've had a longstanding relationship with him since I was in high school," Judge Morse said. "I did a legal internship with him back in '76. He's always been a mentor of mine."
Judge Oliver presided over thousands cases during a career | {
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that spanned more than 40 years. His most famous were the three murder trials of antiques dealer Jim Williams, the basis for the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
Judge Oliver also presided over several cases during the turbulent '60s. "Judge Oliver was a moderating force in this community," said Mayor Otis Johnson. "And when things got tough and strained, he was one of the people that could talk to other people in the community and bring some reason to the situation."
Judge Oliver also had strong religious convictions. He taught Sunday school Wesley Monumental UMC for more than 30 years.
He will not only be remembered for his many contributions to the legal system in Chatham County. Those who knew him best say he was also oneDexter Isaac Says That He Was Involved In 1994 Shooting Of Tupac Shakur At Quad Studios [UPDATED]
Tomorrow would have been Tupac Shakur's 40th birthday, and a new revelation involving his life has come out: An associate of James "Jimmy Henchman" Rosemond has confessed to being involved in the robbery and shooting of Tupac Shakur at Quad Studios 17 years ago in a statement to* Dexter Isaac, who's currently serving a life sentence at MDC Brooklyn, says that he was paid $2,500 plus most of the jewelry he took by Rosemond to carry out the crime, and that he still has a chain taken on that day. The meat of the confession after the jump.
In 1994, James Rosemond hired me to rob 2Pac Shakur at the Quad Studio. | {
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He gave me $2,500, plus all the jewelry I took, except for one ring, hich he wanted for himself. It was the biggest of the two diamond rings that we took. He said he wanted to put the stone in a new setting for his girlfriend at the time, Cynthia Ried [sic?]. I still have as proof the chain that we took that night in the robbery.
Isaac goes on to say that he's coming clean now because he wants to provide closure for the families of both the Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac, and he also accuses both Rosemond and Diddy (referred to in the letter by his former nickname "Puffy") of being people who want "to come off all innocent-like." (Recall that the FBI file on Biggie's murderalluded to the involvement of both the Notorious B.I.G. and Puffy in the 1994 shooting.) He then drops the old "you can fool some of the people some of the time" threat, which, hm. If you have any questions, you can write him at his address in prison, helpfully provided at the end of the letter! Rosemond, who's currently on the run from the Feds because he's wanted on coke-distribution-related matters, has yet to release a counterstatement.
NOTE: AllHipHop has softened the language framing its publication of the statement from "A man has admitted to shooting rap star Tupac Shakur in 1994" to "A man has admitted to being involved in the attack on rap star Tupac Shakur in 1994" since the statement was initially published Wednesday afternoon. The | {
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} | 36,832,068 |
Packaging Technologist
Michael Page is searching for a Packaging Technologist who can undertake projects for the West Midlands site of a Globally recognised business. Create unique packaging to be used up and down aisles of the UK's largest retailers.
Client Details
Michael Page is working to recruit a Packaging Technologist for the West Midlands site of a Multi-National Blue chip business. With a history of having market dominance, this business has grown from strength to strength, heavily investing in its people opportunities with a business of this Magnitude don't come around often.the scariest place you’ve ever stayed the night.
The Parks-Bowman Mansion: New Orleans, LA
Photo: AirbnbAllegedly, the Parks-Bowman Mansion is one of the most haunted places in New Orleans, which is already super haunted, so if you stay here there's a good chance that you're going to have to deal with some spooky sounds. Supposedly the ghost of a young girl from the late-19th century lives in the bedroom. Sleep tight!
La Canada Estate: Flintridge, CA
Built in 1929, this estate boasts right in the listing that it's haunted, so you know it's legit. Allegedly the house was built by a different set of day laborers every day so no one would know "the secrets" that this house holds. Groovy.
The Haunted Castle Bed and Breakfast: Brumley, MO
Photo: AirbnbThis almost 200-year-old house touts | {
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Disney Cruise Line Gets Exciting With New Destinations
The summer of 2019 would get more exciting with the Disney Cruise Line announcing a startling new line-up of itineraries for cruises including a new round-trip cruise from Rome.
The line-up will offer cruisers sailing experience of seven new ports in Europe and this is inclusive of Alaska, the Caribbean, and the Bahamas. And, also includes new cruise lengths aboard the Disney Fantasy. So, cruisers can look forward to booking on March 8, 2018, when the bookings open to the public.
First-Time Round-Trip from Rome
Disney Magic. Credit: Disney
A bookend experience will allow the patrons to experience the magnanimous history of Rome. And, the single cruising experience with the Disney Magic is expected to sail an eight-night cruise from Civitavecchia, Rome. The portsof call are inclusive of Salerno (Amalfi, Positano, Pompeii), La Spezia (Florence, Pisa), and Italy. And, also includes Villefranche (Cannes, Monte Carlo, Nice) and Marseilles, France, extending to Barcelona, Spain.
Return to Alaska
Disney Wonder. Credit: Disney
The Disney Wonder is also expected to return to Alaska for the summer season, bringing in remarkable experiences of glaciers and magnificent wildlife. Patrons can choose from five, seven, and nine-night itineraries that would depart from Vancouver, Canada, with stops in Juneau, Skagway, and Ketchikan. Other stops are inclusive of Icy Strait Point, Sitka, Hubbard Glacier and Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska, plus Victoria, Canada.
A new destination of Belfast on a seven-night British Isles cruise that would depart from Dover, England, near London is also planned. It is reported that Belfast is growing in popularity | {
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among cruisers and Disney would join newcomers to the destination, Variety Cruisers and Viking Line.
Apart from which in 2019, Disney would offer pre-cruise guided experiences in Vancouver and Rome. The three-night itinerary, Short Escapes, would include Denmark, Copenhagen, and Barcelona. The experiences would include private, after-hours visit to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel in Rome, and exciting activities like flamenco dancing and ziplining.all of the countries, particularly economies that contribute greenhouse emissions be made accountable,” Malacañang said.
“President Duterte called for the effective enforcement of the world’s commitments to address climate change,” the Palace added.
Duterte also called for countries to protect marine bodies and its resources which are common sources of livelihood, adding that countries must follow international law on the use of marine bodies.
According to the Palace, Duterte arrived in Manila on Sunday morning following the forum.
At the forum, Duterte met with other ASEAN leaders such as Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-Cha of Thailand, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar, Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia, and Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phoc of Viet Nam. He also met President Khaltmaa Battulga of Mongolia | {
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Toshihiko Izutsu was Professor Emeritus at Keio University in Japan and an outstanding authority in the metaphysical and philosophical wisdom schools of Islamic Sufism, Hindu Advaita Vedanta, Mahayana Buddhism (particularly Zen), and Philosophical Taoism. Fluent in over 30 languages, including Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Greek, his peripatetic research in such places as the Middle East (especially Iran), India, Europe, North America, and Asia were undertaken with a view to developing a meta-philosophical approach to comparative religion based upon a rigorous linguistic study of traditional metaphysical texts. Izutsu often stated his belief that harmony could be fostered between peoples by demonstrating that many beliefs with which a community identified itself could be found, though perhaps masked in a different form, in the metaphysics of another,Pathologist
Robertus Thoolen was born in Breda, The Netherlands. Dr. Thoolen has 28 years working experience as a pathologist. He worked as a principal pathologist at Solvay Pharmaceuticals. His main job was to assess, and Peer Review pathology findings of preclinical toxicity and carcinogenicity studies to assure accurate pathology data and to advise colleagues and management on preclinical safety issues.
In addition, he monitored and evaluated the results of 90-day MTD and carcinogenicity studies. He also worked at the Central Veterinary Institute in Lelystad (The Netherlands) as a pathologist.
Hiseducational and professional career involved both human and animal (toxicologic) pathology.
Dr. Thoolen is a Board Certified Pathologist and a full member of the Pathology Society of the Netherlands, and a member of The Society of Toxicologic Pathology (USA). From 2004 to 2010 | {
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Under normal circumstances, the aircraft operates for about eight hours, at 30,000 feet (9,150 metres) and covers a surveillance area of more than 120,000 square miles.
The AWACS played an important role in NATO operations such as in the United States after 9/11, in Libya and in Afghanistan. It also provided air support to secure NATO summits or international sporting events such as the 2004 Summer Olympics Games and the 2006 World Cup Football Championship.
The NE-3A is a modified Boeing 707 equipped with long-range radar and passive sensors capable of detecting air and surface contacts over large distances. Information collected by AWACS can be transmitted directly from the aircraft to other users on land, at sea or in the air.
The NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force (NAEW&C Force)has proven to be a key asset in crisis-management and peace-support operations.
Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, aircraft from the NATO E-3A Component (NAB Geilenkirchen) deployed to eastern Turkey to help reinforce NATO’s southern flank during the war. Operation Anchor Guard included monitoring air and sea traffic in the eastern Mediterranean and providing airborne surveillance along the Iraqi-Turkish border. The mission was conducted from August 1990 to March 1991.
For most of the 1990s, aircraft from both the NATO and United Kingdom's AEW&C fleets operated extensively in the Balkans, supporting United Nations resolutions and Alliance missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo during Operations Deliberate Force and Allied Force. AWACS aircraft from the French Armée de l'Air and the US Air Force also helped achieve the objectives | {
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of these missions.
In early 2001, the Force also supported NATO’s defensive deployment to southeastern Turkey during Operation Display Deterrence.
In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001, NATO E-3A aircraft were deployed to the mainland US to help defend North America against further attacks during Operation Eagle Assist. This represented the first time in Alliance history that NATO assets were deployed in support of the defence of one of its member nations.
Since 2007, the NAEW&C Force has been used successfully in support of NATO's counter-terrorism activities in the Mediterranean Sea during Operation Active Endeavour and for numerous other high-visibility events.
Since January 2011, aircraft from NAB Geilenkirchen have been deploying to Afghanistan to support the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) by providing air surveillanceFootball Championship in Germany, the 2012 European Football Championship in Poland as well as important meetings held by other international organisations such as the 2010 Nobel Prize award ceremony in Sweden and the 2013 Dutch royal handover in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Further, the NAEW&C fleets have consistently provided air support to NATO summit meetings.
The United Kingdom exercises limited participation as a NAPMO member, but its fleet of E-3D aircraft is an integral part of the NAEW&C Force. France has an observer role and maintains continual coordination to ensure its E-3F aircraft remain interoperable with the other E-3 fleets. France also often assists in coordinated operations with the NAEW&C Force.
The NAEW&C Force Command Headquarters is co-located with Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons, Belgium, and exercises operational | {
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control over the Force, consisting of two operational components:
the E-3A Component based at NAB Geilenkirchen, which operates the 17 NATO-owned NE-3A aircraft (the squadrons are manned by integrated international crews from 15 nations); and
the E-3D Component based at RAF Waddington, United Kingdom, which operates their six Boeing E-3D aircraft (the component is manned by Royal Air Force personnel only).
The Force also maintains three forward-operating bases (FOBs) at Konya in Turkey, Aktion in Greece, Trapani in Italy, and a forward-operating location (FOL) at Oerland, Norway.
The AWACS programme, including execution of modernisation projects, is managed on a day-to-day basis by the NAEW&C Programme Management Agency (NAPMA), which is located at Brunssum, the Netherlands. The agency is staffed by military officers seconded to the agency and by civilian officials from thenations participating in the programme. In 2011, the NAPMA General Manager was assigned by the NAPMO nations as the Technical Airworthiness Authority (TAA) for the NE-3A fleet. Supported by a dedicated engineering office, the TAA shares responsibilities for airworthiness certification, together with the NAEW&C Force Commander who is responsible operations and support of the fleet.
How the NAEW&C Force works
All AWACS aircraft undergo continuous modifications for modernisation and for operations and support. An NE-3A aircraft modified under the NATO Mid-Term (NMT) Programme has a standard crew of 16, while the original E-3D requires a standard crew of 18. Whatever the variant, the flight and mission crews are highly-trained men and women whose expertise covers all areas of flight operations, including battle space management, weapons control, surveillance control, data link | {
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at long range. The need to detect maritime surface targets (such as ships and boats) was also specified because of the geographical regions where the AEW aircraft would have to operate. The inherent mobility and flexibility of the system, especially for control function, were also foreseen by NATO planners as providing air, maritime, and land force commanders with an enhanced command and control (C2) capability. The creation of a NATO AEW Force was therefore designed to make a significant contribution to the Alliance’s deterrent posture.
In December 1978, the NATO Defence Planning Committee approved the joint acquisition of 18 aircraft based on the US Air Force (USAF) Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), to be operated as an Alliance-owned Airborne Early Warning System. In addition to the delivery ofThe internet gave white nationalists a platform to organize their Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. It's also giving counter-protesters a way to strip them of anonymity.
A Twitter account called Yes, You're Racist has been naming and shaming people who joined the weekend rally against Charlottesville's decision to remove a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee. The rally became a focal point, attracting white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan members and other supporters of "alt-right."
On Saturday, @YesYoureRacist asked followers, who currently total more than 240,000, to send names and social media profiles of anyone they recognized at the protests. The site has identified at least nine protesters so far.
The account named Peter Cvjetanovic, a 20-year-old University of Nevada, Reno, student, as one of the participants in | {
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sign photographed by Berkeleyside. "We believe in individual freedom and voluntary association for everyone."
Screenshot by Daniel Van Boom/CNET
The Yes, You're Racist account was created in October 2012. "I've been exposing casual racism on Twitter since 2012," the user behind the account said on a Patreon page.
Ramifications from the weekend's violence have crossed the internet. Domain provider GoDaddy issued a warning on Sunday night Pacific time to neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer, giving it 24 hours to move its domain to another provider because the site had "violated our terms of service." The Daily Stormer was one of the key organizers of the weekend's Unite the Right rally. Hours later, a post on The Daily Stormer stated that the site had been taken over by hacktivist group Anonymous, thoughDescription
Beautiful Brentwood model at Windsor Hills Resort, one of the most sought-after and successful vacation home communities in the Disney area. Just a couple of miles away from the Disney entrance, this six bedrooms, four bathrooms fully furnished property is perfect as a second home, rental property, or both! The home comes turnkey with electronics, linens, kitchen utensils and fantastic dcor. The Brentwood model is the largest available floor plan in Windsor Hills, and one of the most coveted by renters and owners alike as it features six bedrooms, with two master suites, two living areas, and a total of 2,812 square feet of living space. Outdoors you will find a large covered lanai and a screened-in pool with hot tub for endless family fun and enjoyment. This | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,832,198 |
property is conveniently located near the playground and just a five minute walk to the state of the art clubhouse. Windsor Hills features an amenity packed clubhouse with resort style pool, arcade room, fitness center, movie room, sundry shop, billiard tables, ping pong tables, tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts and putting green. Best of all, the community is about two miles away from Disney and close to all other central Florida attractions. Ask for a viewing of this beautiful home today!
School Ratings & Info
Beautiful Brentwood model at Windsor Hills Resort, one of the most sought-after and successful vacation home communities in the Disney area. Just a couple of miles away from the Disney entrance, this six bedrooms, four bathrooms fully furnished property is perfect as a secondhome, rental property, or both! The home comes turnkey with electronics, linens, kitchen utensils and fantastic dcor. The Brentwood model is the largest available floor plan in Windsor Hills, and one of the most coveted by renters and owners alike as it features six bedrooms, with two master suites, two living areas, and a total of 2,812 square feet of living space. Outdoors you will find a large covered lanai and a screened-in pool with hot tub for endless family fun and enjoyment. This property is conveniently located near the playground and just a five minute walk to the state of the art clubhouse. Windsor Hills features an amenity packed clubhouse with resort style pool, arcade room, fitness center, movie room, sundry shop, billiard tables, ping pong tables, | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,832,213 |
tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts and putting green. Best of all, the community is about two miles away from Disney and close to all other central Florida attractions. Ask for a viewing of this beautiful home today!
Tosteth Street
Property Description
Beautiful Brentwood model at Windsor Hills Resort, one of the most sought-after and successful vacation home communities in the Disney area. Just a couple of miles away from the Disney entrance, this six bedrooms, four bathrooms fully furnished property is perfect as a second home, rental property, or both! The home comes turnkey with electronics, linens, kitchen utensils and fantastic dcor. The Brentwood model is the largest available floor plan in Windsor Hills, and one of the most coveted by renters and owners alike as it features six bedrooms,with two master suites, two living areas, and a total of 2,812 square feet of living space. Outdoors you will find a large covered lanai and a screened-in pool with hot tub for endless family fun and enjoyment. This property is conveniently located near the playground and just a five minute walk to the state of the art clubhouse. Windsor Hills features an amenity packed clubhouse with resort style pool, arcade room, fitness center, movie room, sundry shop, billiard tables, ping pong tables, tennis courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts and putting green. Best of all, the community is about two miles away from Disney and close to all other central Florida attractions. Ask for a viewing of this beautiful home today! | {
"pile_set_name": [
} | 36,832,215 |
Cooper started Jake's Quest for a Cure on Facebook, a page she hoped would be shared to spread Jake's search around the world.
She said a lack of awareness of the registry and misinformation about the donation process were hurting patients' chances of a cure.
"There are no advertisements on bone marrow, there's no education around it in schools the way there is with organ donation," she said.
"People hear bone marrow and they think, 'oh my God, they're cutting my bones out'. People just have no idea at all."
Mr Berghofer said in 80 per cent of cases, the donation process was done as a peripheral blood stem cell collection — which was not dissimilar to donating blood.
"The donor gets a needle in one arm, the blood goes through the apheresistreatments failed, she was told her "last chance" was to have a stem cell transplant.
"But they also told me it was going to be difficult to find me a match because of my Lebanese background," she said.
"That was really hard to hear."
For the next six months while his sister waited for a life-saving match, Ms Bousejean's brother took matters into his own hands, launching a social media campaign to find a donor.
"You're stuck in this limbo state," Ms Bousejean said.
"You know the cure to my cancer is out there in someone else's body."
Pamela Bousejean, with one of her brothers James, has been in remission since the end of 2012. ( Supplied: Pamela Bousejean )
What does it take to be a donor? Be aged between 18 and 45
Be aged | {
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between 18 and 45 Be in good health
Be in good health Live in Australia
Live in Australia Be prepared to donate anonymously to any patient anywhere in the world
Be prepared to donate anonymously to any patient anywhere in the world Meet the eligibility criteria
Meet the eligibility criteria Find out more by visiting the Red Cross website Source: Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
In many ways, the campaign was successful — raising awareness of the need for ethnic diversity on the Australian and international bone marrow registries — but it didn't deliver the adult match she had been hoping for.
Instead, a "plan b" treatment in the form of a cord-blood donation gave the marketing professional her cure and she went into remission in 2012.
Now, she is on a mission to improveman." "He was born in Saigon, Vietnam, a French colony at the time." "At 18, Jeannot was sent to fight in Algeria, but refused to kill and was shipped back to France... spending three years cleaning the toilets of 752 dirty soldiers." "Or, as he likes to put it, seeing more shit than any human being has ever seen." "Then Jeannot went to Paris where he met my mother, Anna, during May 1968 on a Parisian barricade." "They immediately fell in love and for 40 years, they stayed happy together... until fate separated them." "Why didn't I find someone like my dad when I was 25?" "Someone I would have loved all my life." "Maybe times have changed." "In the 1900s, life expectancy used to be 45." "Now | {
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At a gas station down the street from the Prices’ home, Officer Cochran
encountered five teenage boys and a woman named Bawdi Edgett. He
interviewed Ms. Edgett and the two oldest boys—Antonio and Mike Thomas.
Ms. Edgett told Officer Cochran that she had gone to the Prices’ neighbors’
house to pick up the teenagers. There, Mr. Price had started yelling at them,
telling Antonio Thomas that he wanted to fight him. After Mike Thomas told Mr.
Price that he would not allow Mr. Price to fight Antonio, Mr. Price hit Mike in
the jaw. Antonio then grabbed a cooler and struck Mr. Price in the head, and the
brothers began throwing rocks at Mr. Price. According to Ms. Edgett, Mr. Price
yelled that he “hadDave Gettleman may be handling the 2018 NFL Draft in his first year as general manager of the New York Giants, but he won’t be doing it alone.
The New York Post reports that Gettleman has hired Mark Koncz, the former Carolina Panthers personnel executive, to serve as a consultant tasked with assisting the scouting department.
Dave Gettleman has imported help for the upcoming draft, bringing in former Panthers personnel executive Mark Koncz as a consultant to assist the scouting department, The Post has learned, for what will be a crucial evaluation period leading up to one of the most important selections the Giants have had in decades.
Koncz had been with the Panthers since their inception, serving as an intern in their ticket office in 1994 before joining the football | {
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operations staff in 1995.
In 1998, Koncz joined Carolina’s pro scouting department and then took over as its director in 2000. He remained in that role until Gettleman promoted him to director of player personnel in May of last year, but that was short-lived. After Gettleman’s firing, Koncz was also dismissed a month later when Marty Hurney took over as the team’s general manager.
Although Koncz has a long history in pro personnel, Gettleman obviously trusts and respects him enough to bring on board ahead of the 2018 NFL growth.SummaryWhy was the report written?
This report is the result of Canadeans extensive market and company research covering the Greek foodservice industry. It provides detailed analysis of both historic and forecast foodservice industry values at channel level, analysis of the leading companies in the industry, and Greeces business environment and landscape.Greek Foodservice: The Future of Foodservice in Greece to 2016 provides a top-level overview and detailed market, channel, and company-specific insights into the operating environment for foodservice companies. It is an essential tool for companies active across the Greek foodservice value chain, and for new companies considering entering the market.
What is the current market landscape and what is changing?
The Greek foodservice market has suffered heavily due to the economic crisis. The rise in unemployment and decreased disposable income | {
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recession, as well as the Greek debt crisis, has led to job losses resulting in an increase in the unemployment rate in the country. The unemployment rate has increased from 8.9% in 2006 to 16.5% in 2011.Both full service as well as quick service restaurants suffered a decline in the number of transactions.
Consumer consumption started declining in Greece in 2010 due to rising inflation and decreasing disposable incomes. The financial crisis has led to a dramatic drop in disposable incomes, which has led to the preference for cheaper forms of entertainment.
The tourism industry has seen a boost in the number of visitors due to various factors. The government also has taken some initiatives to promote the image of Greece as a tourist destination. These developments in the tourismWednesday, June 15, 2011
"Waiting On" Wednesday - Singapore Rebel: Searching for Annabel Chong
The one book that I absolutely cannot wait to get my pretty little hands on this week promises to be a very naughty read, so consider yourself warned! :)
Singapore Rebel: Searching for Annabel Chong by Gerrie Lim: Back in January 1995 in Los Angeles, California, a Singaporean pornstar named Annabel Chong took cultural rebellion to an extreme, on terms that had never been negotiated before. She was filmed having sex with a long receiving line of men, servicing them 251 times over a ten-hour period to set a new world record. While this was recorded as The World's Biggest Gangbang, and later scrutinized in the documentary film Sex: The Annabel Chong Story, many of its actual | {
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Here's the new Japanese water cake that will debut at Smorgasburg
The home of the ramen burger will now serve as the American launchpad for Japan's strangest dessert yet. When Smorgasburg's outdoor markets return this weekend, it will mark the New York debut of mizu shingen mochi, a.k.a. the wobbly water "cake." True to its name, the sweet actually looks like a suspended water drop, and, well, it pretty much is exactly that.
First introduced two years ago by Kinseiken Seika Company, the confection is a variation on shingen mochi, a traditional dessert made from a very soft form of mochi known as gyuhi. Like shingen mochi, it comes with konako, a heavily roasted soybean powder, and kurimitso, or brown sugar syrup, both served on the side. Rather than glutinouswent with. (Gelatin is the other obvious choice, but apparently it doesn't yield a delicate enough result.)
Like a lot of people, Wong first discovered the dessert went it went viral in 2014, and later wondered why no one was making it here. His recipe for the cake, he says, contains only agar powder and spring water. As Wong sees it, the dessert is very much in the Asian tradition, and he tells Grub, "It's not about flavor or nutrients; it's about the texture."
Though it's a very basic combination — and is so elegantly simple that it kind of flies in the face of over-the-top viral sensations like monster milkshakes and rainbow doughnuts — he says he spent months trying to hit upon the correct ratio of agar to | {
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Subsets and Splits