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"TABLE 4: ANOVA statistical results for the response surface quadratic model\n",
"Model\n2396.26\n5\n479\nA: temperature\n831.23\n1\n831\nR: solid waste\n522.44\n522\nAB\n160.02\n160\nA\n554.22\n554\n442.52\n442\nResidual\n22.05\n7\n3.\nLack of fit\n21.14\n3\n7.0\nPure error\n0.91\n4\n0.\nCor. total\n2418.32\nOil yield\nI0.00\n8.75\n750\n25.1821\n625\n5.00\n25.00\n27.50\n300\n32.50\n35.00\nasM PIjos\n",
"FIGURE 3: The graph of the predicted respanse developed\nfunction of solid waste concentration and temperature.\nas a\n",
"The regression model indicated correlation between the two\nvariables (amount of solid waste and temperature) that were\nused for microbial oil production with correlation coefficient\n(R*) of 0.98. Therefore, the value of this R' strongly suggested\nthat the experimental models represent the relationship\nbetween the experimental results and the predicated values.\nThe predicted values were sufficiently correlated with the\nactual values as shown in Table 3.\n",
"The correlation obtained from the regression analysis\n(Table 4) was very positive and significant. It could be\nobserved that the fit was almost 100% as lack of fit was almost\nnegligible (<0.0001) and hence statistically significant. The\nanalysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the model can\npredict the interactions of the independent variable with 95%\nconfidence limit.\n",
"The predictability plot as a function of the amount of\nsolid waste and temperature is shown in Figure 3. The oil\nyield increased quadratically with decrease in both glucose\n",
"concentration and temperature. The best oil percentage yield.\nwas achieved at the lowest temperature of 25 Cand the lowest\namount of solid waste of 5 g/L. The predicted results obtained\nwere very close to the expected values.\n",
"4. Conclusion\n",
"This study has not only demonstrated that oleaginous micro-\norganism can be programmed for maximum cell biomass\ngeneration and oil production but also revealed the ability of\nthe oil-producing microorganism to turn nuisance organic\nsolid waste into valuable oil. Utilization of solid waste as a\nsubstrate for production of oil by oleaginous microorganism\nis a novel process that establishes the economic value of\nwastes besides proving a solution to the waste disposal chal-\nlenge.\n",
"Conflicts of Interest\n",
"The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.\n",
"Authors' Contributions\n",
"Fortunate Laker, Arnold Agaba, and Andrew Akatukunda\ncontributed equally to this work and are joint first authors.\n",
"The authors would like to acknowledge Uganda Industrial\nResearch Institute (UIRI) for support in carrying out this\nresearch and would also like to thank Okoth Thomas of\nChemistry Department (UIRI) for his contribution towards\nsample analysis.\n",
"1] C. E. Ludena and C. Mejia, \"Climate Change, Agricultural Pro-\nductivity and Its Impacts on the Food Industry: A General\nEquilibrium Analysis, in presentation at the poster session of the\nInternational Association of Agricultural Economists Trienniai\nConference, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 2012.\n2] T. M. Jiru, D. Abate, N. Kiggundu, C. Pohl, and M. Groenewald,\n\"Oleaginous yeasts from Ethiopia,\" AMB Express, vol 6, na. l,\narticle no. 78, 2016.\n"
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"Additional material\n",
"Additional file 1 Time lapse TIRF-microscopy movie of Dictyosteium discoideum LimE-GFP during flatten-\ning A Dictyostelum dscoideum LimE-GFP celi is Fattened with a single loyer device. The LimE-GFP labeks specii-\ncaly F-actin The images were taken at a rate of 2 per second and are dsplayed at 10 frames per second The\nmovie was sutuect to binary thresholding using MATLAB.\n",
"hristian Wenendorfand Carsten Beta acknowledge francial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the\ntarmework of the prionity program SPP I128. Chratoph Erlenkamper acknowlediges support by the graduste school\n1276/1 from the Deutsche Farschungsgemenschalt We thank G. Gerisch (MPI of Blochemistry, Munichi for praviding the\nimE-GFP labeled mutant and WF Loomis IUniversity of Cablormria, San Diego for providing the CARI-GFP labeled mutant\nof Dictyostelum dscoideum We would ike to thank Katharina Schneider and Barbara Kasemarn forvaluable sechnical\nosistance.\n",
"Author Details\n",
"Max-Planck-rotitur fur Dynamik und Selostorgarisation, 37077 Gotinger Gemany. Loboratory of Atomic and Solid\nState Physics, Cornell Unversity, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA, \"Unversita des Sarlandes, 66 123 Saorbrucken, Germany, \"Ecole\nPolytechnique, 91128 Palabesu Cedex, France, 'hstitue für Nichtineare Dynamk Georg-August-Universität Göttingen,\n37073 Gotingen Gemany and Institut für Ptysik und Astronorrie, Universtat Potsdam, 14476 Potsdam, Germany\n",
"Received: 11 November 2009 Accepted: 19 April 2010\n",
"Published: 19 April 2010\n",
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"Cite this article as: Katakami et ol: Cinical utity of brachiakankle pulse\nwave velacity in the prodcton of cardiovascukr overts in dabstic patients.\nCordiovascular Diobetology 2014 13128\n",
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"Received: 6 October 2016 Accepted: 6 January 2012\nPublished online: 21 January 2017\n",
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"Department of Social and Preventathve Medicine, Lniverske Laval, Quebec,\nOC Canada \"Aue Sante des Populations e Pratiques Optimales en Santé\nPopulation Health and Optirmral Health Practices Research Uniti.\nTraumanologie-Urgence- Scins intensts (Trauma-Emergency-Cntical Care\nMedcine), CHU de Québec-Universite Laval Research Center (Erfant-lesus\nHospital, 1401, 18e rue, local H-012a. Québec Gll 124 Canada. U Health\nSciences, Baltimore, Marylond, USA \"Emergency and Trauro Centre. The\nlfred Hospital, Meltourne, Australa \"Schoo of Publc Health and Prevertie\nMedcine, Manash Untvenity, Melbaume, Australa \"Department of Surgery.\nHelsnki Universty. Helsnk, Firland. \"Emergency and Trauma Certe, The\nWfred Hospital, Monash University, Melboune, Australa \"Trauma Service.\nRayal Children's Hospital. Mebourne, Australia. \"Department of Surgery.\nCollege of Medidine and Health Sciences, UAE LUniversity, Al-Ain, United Arat\nEmrates \"Department of Traumatology, Oslo Unversty Haspital ulleval,\nCola, Nanway. \"Department of Surgery. Dahousle Untversity. Halfar, Nowa\nScotia, Canada. \"Departments of Crtical Care Medicine, Medcine and\nCommunity Health Sciences, OBrien insztute for Pubic Heakh, Unversity of\nCaigaty, Calgary. Canada. \"Divion of Trauma, Surgical Critical Care, Bums\nand Acure Care Surgery, Unversty of Calilama, San Diego Health System,\nSan Diego, Calfomia, USA \"Department af Surgery. Division of General\nsurgery and Dission of Citical Care, LUniversity of Cakgary, Calgary, Alberta,\nCanada \"Rick Harsen retitute, Vancouver, C Canada. \"Department of\nSurgery, University Medical Center Utreche, Utrecht, The Netherlands.\n\"Department of Emergency Medcine, Unvensity of Gasgaw, dasgow, UK\n\"Sech GS. Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbat, India\n",
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"The authors would like to acknowledge Claire Le\nPichon and Hilda Solanoy for technical consultation,\nMarjie Van Hoy and Robin Taylor for support and\nencouragement, and Adam R. Kennedy for helpful\ndiscussions.\n",
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"thalami. The strikingly selective involvement of the\nposterior border of the precentral gyrus is more\ncommonly described in cases of amyotrophic lateral\nsclerosis in relation to upper motor neurone degener-\nation, where iron deposition has been inferred.\nCorticospinal tract MRI white matter changes occur-\nring in patients with fulminant hepatic failure also\noverlap in their appearance with those seen in cases\nof amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. These observations\nmight reflect a hitherto unrecognised selective\nanatomical connectivity of subcortical structures with\nthis region of the motor cortex, or a shared focal\nmetabolic susceptibility.\n",
"Contributors MRT conceived and drafted the manuscript. I. LM\nand FS edited the manuscript.\n",
"Disclaimer MRT, JJ. LM and FS report no disclasures.\n",
"Competing interests None declared.\n",
"Patient consent Ohrained.\n",
"Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer\nreviewed. This paper was reviewed by Roswell Martin, Gloucester,\nUK.\n",
"Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in\naccordance with the rerms of the Creative Commons Atribution\n(CC BY 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix,\nadapt and build upon this work, for commercial use, provided the\noriginal work is properly cited. Seei http:/\nheenses/by/4.0\n",
"Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in\nthe text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use\nis permitted unless otherwise expresly granted.\n",
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"Acknowledgensents. Veterinariars Adrian Tordiffe and Pierre Nel provided\nskin biopsies. We thank Faysal Bibi for data and helpful discussion on\nbavid divergence date estimates Janice Britton-Davidian for generously\nsharing her expertise an mammalian meiosis, and Desire Dalton and\nConrad Matthee for comment on a previoIs draft of this manuscript.\nJan Rushworth (Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife) shared information on ante-\nlope hybridization in KwaZulu-Natal. Reinhard Gärtner provided the\nimage of the red lechwe x waterbuck hybrid, and Rudi van Aarde,\nthe red hartebeest.\n",
"ES. (fieldwork). All authors participated in data analysis, contribu-\nted to and approved the content of the final manuscript and\nacknowledge joint acountability for its content.\n",
"Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests\n",
"Funding. Financial support from the South African National Research\nFoundation (T.J.R.) is acknowledged. Chromasome painting was con-\nducted in Prof. Jiri Rubes' laboratory supported by the Central\nEuropean Institute of Technology (CEITEC, ÉDI.1.00/02.0068) from\nEuropean Regional Development Funds.\n",
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"Chan SS 20090 Emesgency bedside ultrasound for the diagnoss of rib\nfractures. Am J Emerg Med 27151617-620 doc10 1016 ajem. 2008.04013\n3 Budhram GR, Schmunk C 2014 Bedside utrasound AIDS dentification\nand removal of cutaneous koreign bodies a case series I Emerg Med\n472he43-e, dot 10 1016 jememed 201401.033\nM Rigpey IC, Royse AG (200m Ultrasound in triauma. Best Pract Res Cin\nAraesthesial 2331343-362\n15 Pare R. LiuR Moore Ca, Sherban T, Keleher M5 k Thomas 5. Taylor RA 12015)\nEmergency physidan focused cardic ultasound imçroves dagnoss of\nascening iortc dissection Am JEmerg Med doila1016jajem 2015 12006\n",
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"We thank our collagues, especially Prof. Patrice Simon (Pal Salbatier Universiky,\nToulome, Pranoe). Dr Michelle Buchanan (Oak Ridge National laboratory\nProf. M. Stanley Whittinghanm (SUNY Binghambon) and Prof. Hector Abrunu (Cornel\nUniversity), our gradute and poit-doctoeate studants for numerous discussions that\nhelped us to formulate many of the ideas outlined in the review. Our collsboration whie\nunting this neew was supported by the Office of Electnaty Delvery and Energr\nReliablity, Enegy Starage Syatema Program, theragh Sandia National Laboraluria\nY.G. and ML. were also suppoeted as piet of the Fluid laterface Reactions, Stracture\nand Transport (FIRST) Center, an Energ Frontier Rescarch Center funded by the US.\nDepartment uf Energy, Officr of Scince and Office of Bai Energy Scikncen RD. was\nalso suppoeted s part of the Nutoitructures for Elorical Energy Storage (NEESI, an\nEnergy Erantier Besearch Cemer fundod by the US. Department of Enengy. Office of\nSciemos. Konie Energy Sdenon under Award mumber DESCO160.\n",
"Additional information\n",
"Competing financial intersta: The authors delare no ampeting fiancial interet\n",
"Reprints and permission information is available online at htpupg\nprintsandpermisin\n",
"How to cite this artick: Lukalskaya M.R at al. Muhilimemakonal matenals ane\ndevice ardhitectuees for future hybrid energy stotage. Nat. Camun. 7:12647\ndot 10.1038/noomms12617 (2016).\n",
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"study, statiszical analyss and revisirng of the manusoipt. All authors read\nand approved the final manuscript.\n",
"Published: 30 April 2012\n",
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"imply that the ERK and Akt pathways have opposing functions\nin AGE-induced autophagy: the ERK pathway positively regu-\nlates autophagy whereas the Akt pathway negatively regulates\nautophagy. However, since we could not exclude the possibility\nthat other signaling pathways participate in autophagy, further\ninvestigation is needed. We also found that RNAI of RAGE\nin VSMCS inhibited AGE-induced ERK and LC3-Il activity\nand recovered Akt activity. These findings further underscore\nthe importance of the interaction between AGES and RAGE in\nAGE-induced autophagy.\n",
"In summary, our studies demonstrate that AGES could induce\nproliferation of VSMCS through mechanisms involving regula-\ntion of autophagy through the ERK and Akt signaling pathways.\nThis suggests that regulating the AGES-RAGE-autophagy\npathway can attenuate proliferation of VSMCS and therefore may\nreduce the development of atherosclerosis in diabetic patients.\nFurther studies are needed to dissect the relationship between\nAGES and autophagy in animal models and to explore possible\ndrug-targeting methods to regulate this pathway.\n",
"This work was supported by grants from the Administration\nof Traditional Chinese Medicine of Zhejiang Province\n(2008CA062, P.L. Lu) and the National Natural Science\nFoundation of China (81100159, D.W. Lai). The rescarch was\nperformed in the Biomedical Research Center, Sir Run Run Shaw\nHospital, Zhejiang University school of Medicine, Hangzhou.\n",
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"Competing interests\n",
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"prove to be a very slippery slope. We suggest that the use\nof ECMO transforms NHBD into \"an ignoble form of can-\nnibalism,\" as Renee Fox wrote of NHBD in its early days\n[21]. Because we physicians must continue to do no harm,\nwe must forego the advantages of ECMO in NHBD and\ncontinue to harvest organs only from patients who have\ndied. But we can continue to make that determination\naccording to clinical context.\n",
"The author(s) declare that they have no competing inter-\nests.\n",
"Authors' contributions\n",
"TSH wrote the first draft. The final manuscript was the\nresult of multiple mutually agreed modifications by TSH,\nMAS, FAB and MB.\n",
"The authors are grateful to Bernard Harrison and Stefan Kertesz for helpful\ncomments on a preliminary version of chis manuscript.\n",
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"nonsynonymous vanants in the adenomatou\nporyposis col gene\npredispose to colorectal adenomas. Cancer Res 2005, 68 358-363\n5Li BS, Leal SM Methods for detecting associations with rare variants for\ncommon diseases: appication to anaysis of sequence data Am J Hum\nGenet 2008, 8331-321.\nMadten BE, Browning SR A groupwise association test for rare mutations\nusing a weighted sum statistic. Aus Genet 200, Sel00084.\n1 Lu Q. Eston RC Using the optimal receiver operating characteristic curw\nto design a predictive genetic test, exemplified with type 2 diebetes.\nAm / Hm Genet 2003, 82541-651\nveC. Cu Y. Wei C Eston R. Zhu A Lu O A nonparametric method for\nbuiding predictive genetic tests on high-dimensional data. Ham Hered\n2011. Gener Epidemiol 201 1, Xsuppl XXhtp//\nprochktedvprodkte apiDO-003272996p-pdn\n",
"Cite this article as: Wei and Lu Collapsing ROC approach for risk\nprediction research on both common and rare variants. BMC Procedrg\n2011 5Suppl 542\n",
"further improved by considering environment risk pre-\ndictors and gene-environment interactions. We ran an\nadditional analysis including the environment risk pre-\ndictors and found that the prediction accuracy was sig-\nnificantly improved (data not shown).\n",
"We considered only candidate genes in our analysis.\nCurrent risk prediction studies commonly adopt this\nstrategy. However, for high-dimensional risk prediction\nresearch using millions of SNPS, variable selection\nbecomes important. Although a forward selection algo-\nrithm is incorporated into the CROC approach, it could\nstill be subject to false positives when dealing with\nwhole-genome sequencing data. More sophisticated\nselection algorithms will be needed to deal with a large\nnumber of common and rare variants.\n",
"We have developed a CROC approach for risk predic-\ntion analysis on sequencing data. By applying this new\napproach to the simulated GAW17 mini-exome sequen-\ncing data, we have illustrated that current risk predic-\ntion models built on common variants can be further\nimproved by considering additional rare variants. In\naddition, we compared the CROC approach with the\nexisting FROC approach. The CROC approach outper-\nformed the FROC approach, especially when a large\nproportion of the considered variants were rare.\n",
"This work was supported by start-up funds from Mchigan State Unversity.\nThis article has been pubished as part of BMC Procredings Valume s\nSupplement 4, 2011. Genetic Analysis Workshop 17. The full contents of the\nsupplement are avalatie onine at http://www.biomedcentralcom/1/53-\n6561/SAsu-S9\n",
"Authors' contributions\n",
"CW developed the statistical meshods, conducted the analyas and drafted\nthe mamuscript O conceived of the study, developed the method\npartic pated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the\nmanuscnpt Both authors read and approved the final manuscrpt\n",
"Competing interests\n",
"The authors dedire that they have no competing interests\n",
"Published: 29 November 2011\n",
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"4. Conclusion\n",
"In summary, EAH is associated to a SIADH which the sever-\nity is as high as the hydric supply during and after the physical\nactivity, occurring during or in the few hours following the\nactivity. It could sometimes evolve as critical emergency situ-\nation with signs of neurological disorders, and the only effi-\ncient treatment consists of the administration of hypertonic\nsaline solution. The prevention strategy consists in informing\nrunners on good hydration practices during the run and the\nhyperhydratation-associated risks.\n",
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"programme, the measurement of its successes, and the ways in which its contributions\nto the worldwide campaign were described. In this context, epidemiology remained a\nless than exact science; data collection, collation and reporting were deeply political acts,\nsubservient to the act of developing a very specific interpretation of what had happened in\nBhutan.\n",
"It would, thus, be both simplistic and deeply ahistorical to assume that all the\nnational smallpox eradication programmes in South Asia were more or less the same.\nUnderstanding the variations and dynamisms that mark the relationships between\ninternational personnel, national workers, political actors, community organisations and\nthe social formations all of them claimed to represent is crucial to unpicking a truly\nelaborate history. If history is ever to play a preparatory role in the design and\nimplementation of contemporary policy, rather than just being simply deployed as a\npropaganda tool, the past needs to be studied and understood in all its wondrous intricacy.\nRestating this point is particularly pertinent at this time, when pleas are being made,\nfrom within diverse settings, that we remember the lessons of the smallpox eradication\nprogramme. Some of the arguments being made have sought to justify contemporary\ncauses such as the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and have, therefore, been tempered\nby political expediency.7 Some of the more self-effacing and thoughtful participants of\nthe smallpox eradication programme have approached the issue from a different angle. By\nhighlighting the need to remember the value of engagements with community structures,\nthe roles played by local workers and the need for health system strengthening. they force\nus to ponder what kind of history can best inform contemporary health initiatives. 4 The\nidealised historical narratives that bear little resemblance to the conditions that existed\non the ground in the past? Or, the studies that chronicle and consider a most intricate\npatchwork of international, regional and national eradication programmes, by studying\nvariations in ideologies and activities across locales? The latter approach seems the most\nhonest way of celebrating the contributions of the many hundreds of thousands of local\nworkers who sustained and often advised the few thousand people who agreed to serve as\ninternational civil servants in association with WHO frameworks.75\n",
"'Powerful examples of this are available in the messages transımitted from within departments of the Bill &\nMelinda Gates Foundation. See, for instance, Tichi Yamada, \"Smallpox Eradication Taughr Us How to Fight\nPolio: Now We Need to Win the Batle'. 26 August 2010 (accessible at: betp:/\nPosts/201008/Smallpox-Eradication-Tanmcht-Us-How-to-Fight-Polio-Now-We-Needt-to-Win-the-Battle). For a\nfearless assessment of the origins of the glohal polio eradication pengramme and the use subjective historical\narratives to advocate it, see William Muraskin, Polio Eradication ond itr Discontentr: A Historian's Journey\nThrough an tnternatioal Public Healh (Clu)Cw War (New Delhi: Orient BlackSwan, 2012).\n",
"See, for example, Daniel Tarantola and Stanley Foster, From smallpos Eradication to Contemporary Global\nHealth Initiatives: Enhancing Human Cupacity towards a Global Public Health Goul\", Vaccine, Supplement 4,\n29 (2011). 135-40\n",
"An approach that is best served by rigorous research in the archives, it helps prepare a methodology that\ndoes not rely on the selective reading of relatively small sets of published materials. This allows as to avoid a\nmindless dependence of vieus expressed inside institutions in Europe and North America, a tendency that can be\nseen in a recent working paper produced by Eleanor Davey, in association with John Borton and Matthew Foley.\nE Davey, A History of she Hunenitarian Svstem: Western Origins and Foundatioms (London: Humanitarian\nPolicy Group, 2013). This publication is accessible a: http:/\n",
"Downloaded from https:/, IP address:, on 27 Jul 2021 at 00:45:21, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available an\, https:/dolorg/10.1017/mdh 2011\n"
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"depression. Bipolar Disord. 2012;14:211-6. doi:10.1IIlj.1399-\n5618.2012.00988 x.\n38. Swartz HA, Frank E, O'Toole K. Newman N, Kiderman H, Carlson\nS. et al. Implementing interpersonal and social rhythm therapy for\nmood disorders across a continuum of care. Psychiatr Serv.\n2011:62:1377-80. doi:10.1176 ps.fi2.11.pss6211_1377.\n39. Hoberg AA, Ponto J, Nelson PJ, Frye MA. Group Interpersonal andi\nSocial Rhythm Therapy for Bipolar Depression. Perspect Psychiatr\nCare. 2013:49:226-34. doi: 10.1111 ppc.12008.\n40. Bouwkamp CG, De Kruif ME, Van Troost TM, Snippe D. Blom\nMJ. De Winter RFP, et al. Interpersonal and social rhythm group\ntherapy for patients with bipolar disorder. Int J Group Psychother.\n2013:63:97-115. doi:10.1521ijep.2013.63.1.97.\n41. Hlastala SA, Kotler JS, McClellan JM, McCauley EA.\nInterpersonal and social rhythm therapy for adolescents with bipo-\nlar disorder: Treatment development and results from an open trial\nDepress Anxiety. 2010:27:457-64. doi: 10.1002 da.20668.\n42.. Goklstein TR., Fersch-Podrat R. Axelson DA, Gilbert A. Hlastala\nSA, Birmaher B. et al Early intervention for adokscents at high risk\nfor the development of bipolar disorder: Pikot study of Interpersanal\nand Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT). Psychotherapy. 2014:51:\n180-9. doi:10.1037/a0014396. This is the first time IPSKT was\nadministered in a primary prevention context. There was no\nchange in mood, but adolescents and their families reported\nmore consistent skep on the weekends. Participants reported\nhigh satisfaction with the program but recruitment was\ndifficult.\n43.. Pfoff MK, Zarotney JR. Monk TH. Can a function-based therapy\nfor spousally bereaved seniors accre benefits in both functional\nand emotional domains? Death Stud. 2014.38.381-6. doi:10.\n1080/07481187,2013,766658. Function-based therapy was\ncompared to emotionally-focused therapy in bereaved older\nadults. Both groups improved over time, but the function-\nbased therapy group showed significantly greater improvement\nin all functional and emotional variables.\n44. Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR. Kupler DJ. The\nPittsburgh sleep quality index: A new instrument for psychiatric\npractice and research. Psychiatry Res. 1989,28:193-213. doi: 10.\n10160165-1781(89190047-4.\n45. Lieberman DZ, Swayze S, Goodwin FK. Best Practices An\nAutomated Intemet Application to Help Patients With Bipolar\nDisorder Track Social Rhythm Stabilization. Psychiatr Serv.\n2011,62:1267-9. doi:10.1176\n46.. Haynes PL, Kelly M. Warner L. Quan SF, Krakow B. Bootzin RR.\nCognitive Behavioral Social Rhythm Group Therapy for Veterans\nwith postraumatic stress disorder, depression, and sleep distur-\nbance: Results from an open trial. J Affect Disord. 2016:192:234\n43. doi:10.10169 jad.2015.12.012. This open trial examined a 12\nweek, group cognitive behavioral social rhythm therapy\n(CBSRT) for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder, de-\npression, and sleep disruptions. Sleep, PTSD, and depressive\nsymptoms improved significantly at the 3-month follow-up.\nImproved social rhythm stability was associated with improve-\nment in PTSD but not depressive symptoms\n47. Healy D. Williams JM. Dysrhythmia, dysphoria, and depression:\nThe interaction of learned helplesaness and circadian dysrhythmia\nin the pathogenesis of depression. Psychol Bull. 1988;103:163-78,\ndot 10. 1037/0033-2909.103.2.163.\n48. Chanbless DL, Baker MJ, Baucom DH, Beutler LE, Calhoun KS,\nCrits-christoph P, et al. Update on Empirically Validated Thermpies,\nII. Clin Psychol. 1998,51:3-16. doi:10.1037le555332011-003.\nBrown GW, Harris TO. Social Origins of Depression. New York\nThe Free Press: 1978.\n49,\n"
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