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What’s wrong with CVT? | r/subaru | comment | r/subaru | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0VmpJbzR4WXFiNENNd2pZQnJieEQzNWJaNHlmTHFNbG95ei1BalUzb2hfV0RxVVVaOUd6SVQyV1VuT25ydm9wOHpqc0JiR2FlTHFCWHYyNEwySmtyWDVhazlibEFqTWpUN1Voclc5SWczWm89 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EUlkxd3RqRE1uaWdEUWVDZF8wNFVTWmNPNjQ4Y194eldtaXItQ2Z3MlBUUkRmZDJrbUtKZmlhSTdnbjRHN0kzZ183dm1pQmpiaE04U1N5NzZZWGhOMkx2ZjN3RU9KUDdlSFpYTTJSS2dwS1RzWU5xaWY2bWtUME9sLXpkZXpFeW1ubVVuc09MRm1hd3pWSllfcEdkYXN2X0tpVzBON2NYd0x6eDJXNWM0ZGMxdGRyUzE4QjMzb0tEVW1uazA2MWpZ |
Don’t say that in the WRX sub, they will castrate us. | r/subaru | comment | r/subaru | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0UFZGUEh2Q2ctREJIZDVvRXlRYVlkeVVyOWFGMzdqSnJUa3Y1aGZ5WEpsYVY4c1E3Qi04RVFxWGppX2M4RXQ0bGNGXy1fc09uQktOZnV2Wk9FTDBHVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1Ea2dSSUpxQkhBZ3VqWHUwbjczbnFyU2k1akZZcG5mMi04ZnhIZHk2clFWVzlVeGQ1N3RGOUFqMkluTGtEcmk2eUdnTVUtTkh6d2NtMThPR2d5cEVYdHltUFJQNmtLeWhYS242MXNDS3hzTW9lcGszYzFqQ09nSzlzTEw4SkRkTjNmMkhfdndOMnE4d0QwUjFTWTBtbGhxVnJyR1NkbVZueWpCUDBOdFpLcTZuaTI5ZU9rUWFfeFpFdlM4TkZwZE11 |
not a doctor some of this could be wrong and i personally just have reduced usage | r/hentai | comment | r/hentai | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0WGkzWEZueDVuaFRuRWdGalRhZTFkUy13UXM2RmtDeUMwRzRRUm4xVUFSN3hQUlp3OEcwV3A4V0tXNDdTSjhoMmozU2hvZDFWbENCQ19EYldoUXM0TXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EV2thYW16WDhpcDZKOHZ0U2d1NXVXYlQ3Y3BCM3VVd0RsTjNuZEktb2Q3MjRNUWhSS0t5NjVhQWlybllGQXFPRGRqUmxha2t4Q3dvUXZlRkxkN1psMGplYjhqcTJtLWdzM0JmYTN5MTZDRGRvZkkyd3hWU2RlaFVMX3cwem5icUpGbXczNko2dTNtMHF2NDRjTXRsOFRwR3N4clRpaHI1MEJaZ3h0UGZDVzBWUmR1dlBmalJZUDM1cFMwSmNwWkhVWU51cklhVmR3Rl9UalVWZUZaT29oQT09 |
Only hope I have is that the new stuff makes him statcheck so absurdly that it works out in the end. But that wouldn't feel satisfying at all, if I wanted Sion to purely be a braindead Statchecker I'd just switch to Tahm Kench. | r/dirtysionmains | comment | r/DirtySionMains | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0LVcyeVZzaEx3ZllaMDhIbERSdmVFOXBCRGFmM3hqeE1nbzg0bGdwaUZTM1o2MDlLZ3I0aXVjTFZUeEJXSnRCYlE5eFJfYkd0N0J6aWN2WlBYX0RQVFdkaUpkUV9TWDdSRDhsaklMZmZ2ems9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EQURiR0plOFpVSER1R0gzNjl4SGpaamltWkxzdTcxY1ZuX250OFdVNTFzb0lkWGFKVGhnMGxhRDhIZVVzbjBFaVVLWXlUdE4ySWtZcVB5eGlQUjJYNWxDWmY4Ql85OHZQa190WmpQb1BWWnlGeHl1THFwQ0d0c1VyOFZGazQ2bkE1YzZWNmxIalVTN3RrUGdEeldPWHltSzBrZHo0djlVWjZtcmIteVd0Wk16OHp0QnpONTdqdGtiMkFsSGY5aGs5 |
I have a few more products in mine. | r/cowboyboots | comment | r/cowboyboots | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0MGswWWV5dlppT0wydzZnUTBabWhsVWllQXhWVzdXUDJTdFFMbnlfSHZlQVJlVmtTSFBPZnRTdklRVVdBd2RyTDJrRnlnaFVwS2tRWWMwSnJ6TXp0QWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EbklqZVNKUS1yV0lMeUJseWZ2Y3BXZlgxTGRjR1JodEhBQlpTdmdIdG1uVXdkc0VPWTUwdkFuMzJ4Z2IxX3VreUV4cklDSWo3MndaT1NHazQ5Y3ZvTVd2YVJYYmFteUhuMU5GVUlWclVSbmtjRFcwQlFhT1FEREpoNHNSaFk1OFpMczRxdV9UbEdDQURnOUxHOXVqZEpqZ1k1aVJyRGdpVWNfR3FZZkdfcHBRRG9SZjhaNTYzUDh5MUQtMmNmSjRyTzlwMENYVHp1bk83OEotYTlIZDJ2QT09 |
i totally forgot about 4-4-1-1 and yeah i know even if the whole back lines in front of them you get a offside 😂 and the fact literally walking into the other persons player is a foul is a joke and would 4-5-1 work too i know it’s a more unorthodox formation but it seems a balanced formation for offensive and defensive. | r/fut | comment | r/fut | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0MVQxWnBkblo2N0hTXzJjUS11Ul9XYUl1NnpzOXFNbF9wR0ZrcUpZM3pIbF9VZ3BjYjdVRW1ENmppU2lRa0hUeDl4T1Q0TzV3Skthai1hNWg4eXplNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EelQ5a3pWYlBPY3dRZ3BTMXhCb2lBT280VVVQaDk0M0NHZXZyRGh1aXVvdmZQQlRUdTBmamxmTHc4VlpXWWpGSzUyNG9sZU1xMzRhLWt1X1NObUNZRWF5SFlwWVF3N0ZVUzJDSXZrWXJ5RGc2cWZJWUVoZEU3c1lxQndhdHY4VUo2eWdUTThkZ2hCTGVJc3VxLWE2V0lfUWF5UVBFVWlwVjB5cXJ0SVUzZDBMVjIxcnZRZFFfQ2ZqN2ZKVlVmOUdR |
Ain’t no God in Mexico - Waylon | r/country | comment | r/country | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0dXRqRHZlTVVsZkFyZ1pVelhCdEVVZnhKX0dXTDJUb045SEV6WWowc1Z3NktjZC1obVZmSWFmSXNTX213a3REb29YSGVab3dPM3dKREZ6SjdJLUFadkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EOXNCbkRHcmI5QVNKQlo1c2FfZ2d3emRSTF8xcGhnS3Y1Tm5aYlJRcnozUDZVeTdkaE9SeXpHZ0d6WDVVM1lHRnJUaWJfa3FSRVgxOFA1LU1mSWNscnl2MndvT3dxdFAzVExPTnBkMnl1d3UwSzc4N1FqdkJMVlVZYTZZQXVJRlYyNVBGWjRkYnJKRmhnd29MeGRQOU04cDI5RDkxcVlYUEEtSXdhUkhlTE1BcDJhak0tQ0lZVEpvTnI0emo3UmdD |
But will one have to repeat the whole process in AD or will it be just the final test. | r/dubaipetrolheads | comment | r/DubaiPetrolHeads | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0QkN3bTV0MUFQQVJDUlIxbGd3SjF2MlNXT2FnRF8yb2N2Njc3R3RtaWlya1dXTW5VRzhmVXhuMlNNRjlYV2ZlU2ppM0FsUkwtWGtrdTJvYU5DcVEydVY4THNTNW5RUnVGRU8teUNqaGNlQ2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ES2ZpTlJKSUhyTnlFV2VvM3VpeDFmNUM2ZVk4RW9FdXo3QVVXMnYwUUpSYTQxdTdVNnNqYTRvN3MteERHM0NiLUhmS281WDhpd2QtSnh2RlhpalRGajdhY1ByYzd1Y1VvVmdhSVY4ekNRUXNsUUIzUGZGNjU3d3dzYVpRLVlsSFZwU1Y1R1Iwbzc4bUhabnVRZ3BjY1RQMVlfSlFrTl85eVAtRjFVQVYxRUJIUVVJdlhqM0FUVkdmRFZNSnZSdUR2M21pbm5uazVHZUp2eEpfSVBlcEU3NnNVZEU2RldLbzBEU3lBdS1aZjk4ND0= |
Oh, I've called them before. One of the debt collectors started leaving messages threatening to send me to jail if I didn't pay. I knew that was absolutely illegal, so I figured out who to report it to. I didn't realize they couldn't call me about her debts, but that totally makes sense. I will definitely say that.
It's not just an annoyance. It makes me miss calls I really need to answer. My well got put off from last Fall to this June because of it. I have a suburban house still, a creek to filter water from, and neighbors who get offended if I don't let them fill up my water tank. I'm not hurting, but it will be soooo nice to have my own well - 2 years into owning the property. I also had a doctor's office leave me voicemail that my appointment was rescheduled to an hour earlier. Yeah, I missed that appointment, and the next one wasn't for 3 months. Everyone goes straight to voicemail if they call me from a number not in my contacts, and I've sadly - after over 20 years of this - gotten used to my voicemails being collectors, so I forget to check them unless I know I'm going to get a call. | r/offgrid | comment | r/OffGrid | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0dlJaSlFZblV0anRGWThiMXVXQkpqVG04bEpDNmU3WU5DbzRTbUdMeU5hT3NRclNkZ1RrbmliNGhGQTNYQTBkVnp1Ymt5NkZCN3NwTzdFZVU1SF9PQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1Ed1pyY1dWNXlrWXpsU2hWT2x2MHdtR3d2M001Y1UxR0lYM3VIcGNEZUlJc005RFMwS3BrbEpCUFRrdWVIb1VPODBxeHFtQXdfeTJGZlp1TDFPRGxfOVcyREg3RVNNaFdVMHlIci13VzFHb2cwblFXREExQVpHQ0hkdHpWSnhDNUpLa1VRZVc2TXYtUVZra3BhSTNIRm5TZVpmNEFLS181SE1EQUQ2MkRUSS1pTmczdzBMSVBla1cxTzhiVHNMR0R3cEhFc1dVeU5kT2JpcmpDZmExNUNIQT09 |
Seems like a fine alternative nowadays to posting on my IG. As a dude I probably tapped out my audience on that platform.
This new option of just stop on by the peep tubes and hear a IRL hoot and a howler is interesting.
My only issue is nobody can see the likes and if those don't exist... did I really do anything at all. | r/portland | comment | r/Portland | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0d1RKMFd1ZERmbl9mV2FZeTZfa1Nwck5NVG1XT2QzVTZSNnl2X0NZdnk4UXNUcnY0LUk0OHJPVXprT295aWRHZGdTalRXS0p4UUVTSGIzMHNQVWhwbFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EaDR3V3ZWazAwRzhYZ2R2VVhNU29FTk1JenNXdTNaVm81bGs5Q1lRLTZFYmFoM1lCWkp1dW93Tkk0R09vM1V0c2s2S3pKR2FGMlZvcDVrNmF3ZC1FMDFvSUxnM29ldHFwTUJXQU9CcF90WlBIWTlXMENIZXJDX1VJZEY5NklqTW1rWlBpSzQwdnFjR1FsR0pSQ0tvUkh1NnZSSUEwZm9hRjZJR19PZjF1N0JNczJRWWhjNzRLWEpKejQtM1pNc1lsc1lXTnl2dTB2T21Zb1Bxdno0ODZEZz09 |
Absolutely mindblowing my Love 🤯🤯🤯 perfect body, beautyful tattoes and, my favourite, red hair 🖤🖤🖤 | r/gothsluts | comment | r/gothsluts | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0c3ZEeFZjb0RvUGc5aGpNWk9KcERlT1NvVWp3UEUxU1RsdjloRXVUNXo2YW5WQS03YkNuNndnQlNVWWtQeGNqVWJIMU9OUXZHUWRyYl9jaW1OY1B4NW1VTnlnbW1DdHVvXzlKNDhreDJ6bzA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EN3ZSRF9yYTRVUlllRW93eDVpVDNPZWtQbmx4bC1OdC00TmVFN0s2VE55NTFYU0tlcUs3SE95X19xN3pVMzZOLS05UzNIY1VnWTF4cFJJUUxXeGk0NTJXZlBVSS1wWEF4SmxqYXhxVWZFT09pNUc3TEJxQ1JBaHRrWmQ5b3JMOExYdW1Va3V3NEVqOVBYbGUtNmRCWmdrdTdTQkdYT0Z3Q1pVXzNHZ2IwV1NQX3RrNVB1aVJLUVVnbGg2eGdxQk1P |
So fucking hot! 🥵 🥰 | r/indiana_swingers | comment | r/Indiana_Swingers | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0VzQwQklGU3c2a2dYM01NbzRmQTkwajhDbGdiRFNUZXBFOHlVaHAtRXFaYTZSWkdvdzFDOTFPQ3R3RUQzY3dYZzZ0STNHUWZneWJPYlNiZUpUenhMOTFFUnJxRmRZQTlmRGU5RFlzNVBTbXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EZHFqR0kwRFlXYjFDNDNBRGFnU2lOM3Z1VFBJbDY1bmw4MGk0NTE4aDBPd3hTMl9xcFVqQ2loTENCOEZ2cW4xR2FLT2R1VkFDN05kTXkzNmFYNnVNaXR2ZEQwRWpUZjZvUm50QnVaTHBlMmpGZlpJa1M4eHJfUURtTHk1RGxxa2Z4RE5RR0FJdmx1eTR3OUpoeE9CNmdhbkVoYzhMSWxDNnl5TkdSRGNoWHcyTWoxVk13R19tZERGWXBtUVNZbU5FMFpfN0Z3U2g2ZXpydWVmYmlSQldpdz09 |
I’d be like “damn that’s crazy I ain’t reading all of that” | r/sexworkers | comment | r/SexWorkers | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0Qmw5MWo5dEtmUDlnUnJaZUhycWVqeV9wS1ZkZlFsd3l3bmIzSV9mZmphRUd2WlVwVkV4UTFuRHlKZThRUXZwUjBBdlJwMUpxNVFnZ1lfOGJuMGdNYy10RmFxN183QXYxUlRTVWttWGFhWHc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EMnFLdXR3QklhR1NSdHB4NGtta19nQjNHaGEtRzVDbDhqOUNHWlJYNXNScE5hbE1LWlRscnU5Z1VVNDVDU3pSZy1NYy13QWtXSnZPTXdKbFV5czlBQUdka09XS1UtdzQ4WDhHS280cUptUjNJWGlnWWJIQnpYQ05LejNiYnlIVE9sVE1Xa3VvbTlkNWNuSTIydXhjRXlkbFAyYnhaTzhaX1hLSlBBaFFtSDctc25JaXJoNjRweUdrbDZpRDNPbHRLOHVoUUpMamIxbmVXaVlIRm9ib0JJQT09 |
Not much personal experience when a dozen people reply with the same copy-pasted answer, which OP would've found if they'd at least tried searching. That's the thing; some people don't even bother trying. They no longer use search tools, and expect other people to do it for them. And the crazy part is, they do. People love being mechanical Turks and defending it like a lifestyle. | r/adviceanimals | comment | r/AdviceAnimals | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0dU5ubXp6SkxoYlFzWWhtTnJwR0FKVHFrMXoxSEx3R2NWNWhQREUxZ1JkbjJfdkNzQlUweHluSVJrVllEdUFtcTNuTFBiYXhWcEhXMGZsM3pBdjBUREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EQVVaUmZrVW5NM0R3WGZsMGFJdHJhLS1IRGMxRW10c2otd1ZuVUdhRU9HN0FZNG03eXFTSUtmcGE3M2Q4SDY2WnJYb3JBamUxT0xRcXd2TmY5MENKSU9uTGlib3dQdGpiOG9FRU1BRS1hZHE2LU5BZ1lkZnc5cEVzQlZWcXBRRmR1MUN4TWFIRUxMb3pKdUdCRERLV09VNjVFMGNOZ0kzaEtpRm5yMkE0Wm5tcUszZVRfeUdGSUNMMnhCdHVmUUVU |
You aren’t evicted yet so calm down. They haven’t gone to court yet that can’t happen until the 15th when they file. If they file before that then the 15th is your court date. Where you can go to court and the judge and lawyer will come up with a plan that both you and the office manager has to agree on. | r/renters | comment | r/Renters | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0dkkwdFhncDh1M2pqRTJBTDl2b1A4MVo2R1NqOE1uTjlHcnpPTVhQOG05aW4zcjBJbFpNUEdtc0g0Y0hEejhpS0NMaHRadHhjYXB6SldIV1hFbml1cFRXVnVBQlZ4WkgxWlYtNUNXb21OUWM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EbTJMbmpTbVoxWHFvOXBaQlZiTzFmX1VZdVU1MEs2NTNhWmpnTEQ4eFFEMmo0dDF4WWltTXUwS1hTSi0xZ0dRV3hLM0xwWmFwb0pMOG90ZnphVHJoS1cwTkFleVFmV0F4YXBtTW9tN0h6d3plMjFZQ1lvMTZqTVA0V3k0UkwxU256QzdwM20xUF84TjFtdFJnLVBldmt1cHhmV3dUbVVYazJLcHJ1WXZnUUp3PQ== |
Yes this happens to me sometimes if I'm in a bad flare and my mom has fibro also and it happens to her everytime she gets tired or in pain. | r/fibromyalgia | comment | r/Fibromyalgia | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0dmhBUjROZVBoaVAzR25BU2VTR2JUMENMaVFqVmVYVWFmejc5TkNHUU1NS0xZUWY4eDlmNWhjMExOdUN4RF9yLUNOWkwtUUZqVUdUTjV5LVlOSjViQzBWbjRXRVg3M2hwcDBLbFpCcDBHNkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ELVBZWmdScWs4SUYtdld6c2d1ZnZBWm1xeG5yNk9rM2trWTAxSUU1TzdYd0JaZHRtTnkyM2VEbFpWMUh0d0Z1bE1hV1ZpeGc2NjN1NEZwRElNNFNTcFJqMll6TXRGXzAtdG5Ea3RISEdIZ2pqRjlCNkZBYlVSZ2lNWVY4ZlJOQjRYMmM5bWRMSWtzb2JxMXg0aml2d2Z0U3FkZE9QZ2lGUHdPY094dU85R1RNPQ== |
He looks like the kid from the movie Vision Quest | r/michiganwolverines | comment | r/MichiganWolverines | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0SDYySUdxUUJ2czhYNkZQRjVFVGVEcjF0TTc0WE1ITkJUSnhuT0k0OEs4SVQ4OXd1bHFycFYxTng2NFF5M3ZfMGdGd21QYXI0QnZSWGRCLU0zNS1URWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ETEFCc09IUTJreEU2VmJxeUdHalhJQ05qeFFhek96QU1iazFHX2ZKS1cwbFN5VW5TWlFnR3JaR0FFWW1CQ0lpVlRRaVN6Vng0MWg4VUE3T2NxSU9kU09IVWtMalFmMGxaNWJidWQ0NF81YjdqU2xla3VON2JBYUdwNDNBY3JJbHlDMTRIWFVDRk9LZVBkanFiOWFTQWwyVVNXcWNWcTNKV1FqTGZWWFowRkFTemJnNURDMXc1UGZiQTlYdmlDeFlTLV9pQU1zSUFVTHVSMlh0eWZrWXZmZkZMUXpsV3FpOHBPLWhwa3NGV0tHTT0= |
He's not getting involved in "drama". He literally addresses it in his video. He says that these creators are spouting false claims with massive reaches and it forces his hand to get involved to set the record straight. If you have a million people watching somebody who's making false claims about something you've spent eight years working on, you would feel the same. | r/ashesofcreation | comment | r/AshesofCreation | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0dXRpV09FMTdSaWpjcDI2ZW1RX09Sc3g1Wm90RWtuNUJSVXRwY3ptM0xNT1JKcThIY0tTazhBSmJTcHI3X2M5cVlUQ2NrbmNqT0RudnhhTExUWFplbFNyb3hfeW5DVzAzVnZpVUNTME1kbEU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EU21nZzBhVURCcjMwa0VJNXJNeFRjVHNqQzVDUUN4Mzg1MGZhbFBnVXczWk5vMF9ZdnY5emdoNkNRNVF2WVRzemxPWV9tS1pTY0VKWW1JaktibXdmZmJXc185N3VERTRGUDZnbXJ3TmxCQ1dqNmhaZ2NkTGRUN2JSeHFTT2tXVkxvZFJkTUFKX0Rmak1xMEllU0lRdXVIVnlMUEJPVldOQWZuc1VTZjdkZWxqalJZbE5lLV9LZlB4cGZPUUpaSDV1 |
-close | r/market76 | comment | r/Market76 | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0TWdCN1VIUmJFTmxxZ01fcDdjYWlEUWpLd2tFc1VldWR0bHRyT2J1UmdTd0Y1YWtsNjE4dDFmZzdkYVJ5OGpTUDBpR2o1RHloNHpENE5vYVRPdnAzSElBWUlnOTN4U2JBdTNLaWlRa2ZHYW89 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ETVFPcGpTOHNKeWVBbDR4Z2JBN0JjaGt0c2ZBTnpoMDFsVFd6bV9RaXY3X3UwOGdGWFFtNE1EdWZheWYyWXdKeXBCd1hMQ3R6dFhuRXFsME9kQUlJWk92aWU3cFN4cDQwcFlUODFOOE5kaFQ1Mm0tejRxU2NiRm0yek4zcEZ4RURFTG5LMkRsSW5sYU5QUUJRcFMyYmhMYU92QWxDU1M5TU1xQlBfZkZ3Y0t5NFJQVjBRNnA2VFdsTFpvWWhnbUZP |
There is a [discussion on Hacker News](, but feel free to comment here as well. | r/hackernews | comment | r/hackernews | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0WHFkaXIzM3NUZ1pZcnRiZHJtVnhOcUZMb1pETHB3aHBlSjc3Y0tRZ1RiRlkzUVBEbmJibjU2aWk2aC1Xb0ZQYWlVc3pPalBoaEZ5OTIxQjJVM1NzX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1Eb1hEc2RaZ1pZWExieDBaTEwzUWlPeTVOX2pwRVJfRHZneTBPSnFSeExLbXRXNzdBRkxiTm5zX1pwVHZiMm1DOEVtR3JWaGdOZEZkRmFrLVh1amhHUWRmSkl6SU42Nl81aGNPVHFveUhtcEE5QTFNRU5oQld1QmdpS2piWkhGQjc5VGh0WWgwbDNuQmMxeG1ZRndZUEpNajVWQUpPcWFSamlEbkxlZFY5RDdjPQ== |
Bengals miss the playoffs edition | r/guns | post | r/guns | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0eGg1elVpb1BsUVJMaEktNjNpVXJjaDRvNXUxbGZFMWZsNDVNc1JWZW5jVnJkWU5oYU9JaXdpVUlHOWxxZXowdTVMUmw0b0hOWDB2QnVhTHN3aXY4MEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EeVcwcWZ4a0I1MWtiTEhDZjBsYU40d2EzTGMxU3JVZXFjTzZ2THpxcGVLMjQxTkNqTDFFdl8wWWhIR3RQSXJTYzlFemQ4X0Y0R0pKNERKcG9zY2tOTzM2NUJ0b2FlbzhUNFBJdWhiX1lwbDBkTDljYkI2MFdZNUpoZGNQaTNYdWhwWUtROTN2REgtWWhyLVYxaTZMUnlWbk5sZ25aVGIyVDZ0NWduRzAzM0tvPQ== |
A lot of physics is built around models. A model being when physicists go "these things all behave in the same way, here is a bunch of properties they all have, here is some math to predict their behaviors". "wave" and "particle" are different models, that is there different ways to predict behaviors of things. The particle model works great for big massive objects. The wave model works great for isolated things with very little or no mass that. But when you get to a small scale you'll reach a point where neither the "wave" or "particle" model work very well to predict all behaviors. In this case your simple option is to look at the situation and pick the more relevant model, and the complicated option is to develop a better model.
So when a photon is described as both a wave and a particle it really means that a photon does some things that are well-predicted by the "particle" model (e.g. the photoelectric effect), and some things that are well predicted by the "wave" model (e.g. interference patterns). | r/explainlikeimfive | comment | r/explainlikeimfive | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0akJJY2R0NS10eHpRS2pBX0FIcU9WclA2UlVGcXNka2NjbTdWaXJ6b2V3a0dMeTNNRVEtSlRfdFVwSVVOd1lfdjRMbEJMWVlJZ2J1V045VzdfSUN2WUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EQlVzeENLWFp3SmtPenI2VjJWS0ZQOHFWY01LXzc5OFlhb3h1OU42Vnd4ZkFmMV8xdGxzMVB4RVhXMkV0aHNPc0tycnBNMk5PdnI2UHQtaWFpa1Y1Sm9BMDc2a2NEckRGWHM3dmozSU1aNmk1R2poc2IyV04wWVotbmtqSTlwOVZqajdhb3gzbEl3ME5QSkdKQ29LdFhzZVBNeTU3SkJ5WGMzNmlZMnhvUXdkUk1Oc3U0V05mRG5aWFhYSUloMjZZNE9xNk9tb2hHa0FnT0lBUFFDeW4xSVlnbjFQbkYwRUR5ZEJIRDhCSjkyUT0= |
Lets call it "existence without God". I think we can find agreement with that statement yes? Whether its eternal torture or annihlation it is existing without God.
This is what many people want, right here on this sub. What should God do with those people? Not create them at all? Im sure if you asked the atheist's here they very much would like to exist and do so without God. So what should he do? Should he force himself upon them to save them from experiencing the torture of existence without him? Should he force them to live in heaven with him even though they dont want to because he knows whats best for them? How do you think the atheists here will handle that?
What do you want him to do? Im guessing the reality is you dont believe he exists at all right? Pretend you do, how could he have made creation with free will and without suffering and without forcing people to do his will or the right thing. | r/christianity | comment | r/Christianity | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0ampsQmVCZWV3aFdWbGVNUklndGJYU1J5ODFjNnZLdGZRR3RPcE1BbUZUaHhqSEpyanZUV1hmN2tQTHhyZnJlSkJsZjhQUmxYZVlqdFNuS3NtbVJyV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EQlIxeVdsODhfcm5YX0dORTkyNjBKVU5BSmJCbS0wZDF4eUxDQlY2dE9tVVd6Rklic1lmb2tBTjBBWUd1NzlKa1hZSXJHX0lpcDREcWxMZmZBSmdERUJGS0pWT3NWektjY21ucEc3S3ZLSlRISkVXdDM1bkZ0b3FFQkNFcEpBT2ExenhfcDNNSnVPcnIwOTRFeDdRZWtQZzYyRjdwaVhRc21yUF9PR2FjcFJxTXNNYnV5NUpIMkZpTzJBb0diN2hJd0dhWVdIU01SenJPcXlxbVJKcG9XQT09 |
Nah bruh, Pats reddit don’t do details. They prefer snooty and bitchy replies. | r/patriots | comment | r/Patriots | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0eEFwV0tMQ2ZPdS1DbW9IcGJ2ZjlnaFMwZHh1SFo0VzdSVWNDWXFCQ00yeFRiM0IwdkRPQU16N0hpLXNkNXFVdW1iT2JSa3dLTk9UNkpCd0I1bENsUDZhRkNESlBpVmpPV1JIbE15M3pyTEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ESnNCenJITDJWX0Q1Ri1LYmRuR245aTBQX2pscFZFNkpHNzR4QkU1S012SzBhbzVxVHhLQ3RDRFpGN0E5alRWVlFJd0NyUnhOMzl2YnJ1Nm5lUGxTYk0wbVNTZjdkbHBhQVFqV2Y1SnpsSFRGbjN6TF9HSFRUV3dBRWlJY3lmOG5qYVE2VDRTRm96cG5BWTJBWnBueldoUzBUY19EN3E5a1QyMjY0RTlyMVc1Qnk5Z19OdlkyU3l0a1NOLWdFVUxBbElENjJqRGlxY1lVUENnQ1RHSHJtZz09 |
I know right? Liberating and empowering too. | r/motivation | comment | r/motivation | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bHBmbUdiTVVtbWNWbUpYOGRqaFNBYUxkajgxdmphRVc0OW1oQjVNc29pNHdMSVlJbm13Y3R0LW5OYUdMQ3dIMUFuM1BRS0lmLVhJU3poV1lDRHlucEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ELUVlNmZiclY4QUJrTlVZckZ2ajlGVUliNmdGWkRWeGYwcDVSQm1fdDMwOUJaZDRQRzg0NS1DRkRtVk5LT2F5Qjc4VE1mVFlkWkVpMFdzdUY1QWtkOFpWUmFpNENfMm9FNVB2TzJOb0hfcWJwc1lzR05ISHdzS0pLZlRleFBrVkFwSU1Zc2I1UjlyNWtUN3JmQ21OdEw5cW5SV1JUU3NPZXpJWllmckp0TmZzPQ== |
I've battled this for years and I'm not sure if I've found the solution, but mine has been dripping less. When you turn it on, is it louder for an extended period (like 30 seconds) then gets quieter, almost like it's down shifting in a car?
My vent flap was getting frozen shut and when it gets quieter after being loud, its because it opens back up.
You can hear the little door open and close if you turn it on and off.
If you turn on your shower before the little door can thaw and open, it's just blowing the hot humid shower air into the metal housing which makes it freeze in the metal box, and then it starts dripping once it starts to heat all that frost up.
That's at least my working theory after looking into insulation and the usual routes | r/homemaintenance | comment | r/HomeMaintenance | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0SHpTb1AyNEhZbTYyeGFfbmx4eFpmRnVIU3RVQjhBTzVtQmlNSlJkVTNkT0JIbHptR3JJZ2hZT1FPLU1UNzYyVjhrbGRsLTIydl9zUTJ4eGMycHg5RkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ER2lIRG5wdzZOVDNDVUliU1JwSVRzbjJyQ09fX0ZYWm03NUcyS28wdEx5T0lnUGlpNUZ5QkhqN1ZwbHVWLXBOZXpJeExnZmxRS2x1Wk5UZmxva2Z5VWVMU3ZXUFZ5TFV1WTBfNFlOTnV6XzVUSGlzNnlmQXZPVUZBNzJuVS1CRTlGN1lGODhuM3ZiTm9ZNkhkR0dwMDBQaTl3Vl9CRGxsRktWbzNuU09ZYVlheWFsblZRRl9CMGoxRGNXVGlzRGtpeDlRUndkdlh6MXFCLTM0WGszVU8zZz09 |
Best there is. Although butterscotch is great too. | r/candy | comment | r/candy | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0d2FYOXA1Vi1EZDdKakFvejdpRUhYd2JtN2Q0OWdRekFNRjNBZjNSNkgtbmVYR3JGTHU2SUpmaXhwQVZ4cGZuMmo0RDhHZDQ2bEl0TERXUW5GamFIZUJmN3RFYlBtOUt0eUtWbGtCZUpxTjA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ES0g1RXMtV2doYllOaF8ydmJ5NlBZcXllLWEtZGZYdi1WS3NtS01YTWRxMzFqcldrS01iUUlRWGZvTlpiSTlOcHFRblk4LXcxbUZEOU5HNXpCd2d4RlRHUEYtVzFUZGdHTi03VTRmV0QzZnZWZ3FIeTBzZUxTa04tT1hhSDdERDN4enIwVmFFYTJ4YVFyRnRWSTRxWkhtSUEydnlnM2RBREhlYU5LMlJ4UkZjPQ== |
Are you me? Let’s get richhhhh | r/hypotheticalsituation | comment | r/hypotheticalsituation | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0NUxUdjJHYWNCdnZqTmlGc2lnQTFzaC1CY1RQSF95RHdkNVZ4VXg5Uk5QSXktSXg2Q0haV3QxUWRvVXJFWW5OMXkzSTZkYU5HUUlBelhvdmUxdFZoWGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ENV80bmg5eXk3TlU5dTZmcFJmckZQeGh5akxtXy1LQkd0ZXExeTZHa09oZVZIMkp1SVVHdWRaZXFHa1M3TWpGZFhkZkZ6MTI2QmdheGRTMmdGcmVXTVNsVjhhUnF1MG1XMU11RlFDX3lzblRHOUZ1ekR4S1VBamE2Q3NPOEhON0hDTGlXOGNtZnlVUDgzejVfWkhTb3lPbndiNEhSQktOR2RZX3BOSVBXZk45TC0yZVRFcmZ6WUVlY1dEODJRN1l4dWlrZXZ0RDhtanlkUEFpNWQxUE1lOWZtR1lVSHUtS0YyRjZTWW92dGMxQT0= |
At least his dad sounds sensible. | r/ohnoconsequences | comment | r/OhNoConsequences | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0R2lZUlc1aGVJX0dha1loLTBRY0pFenZpY295cjBFWFVmdUxCQWFoTS1ZZk56bG5Oc1JjMzl1SUtvdVFzc1lfS0pqMzlBQjJLdW9zMGx3NFgySTF1VEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EaHU1c1JJTWUtR1JUbHV4dG9nelFsOHZGeXhGNkpVdFU1SnlQMGFkN3gzb2ZSRmVkUmRLM0lzbVBJeEl0Tk12c2JuS3NBWldqOGV1UzU3R0Jlb2E3ZmRLUnM2S0ZsWFhkbElmQ2h0VW85M1JNVVZTU29JdGk3Y2NxQ0NVTlduYXJWZWQ5YlBkQjN2NGRPUFg4WmtQODlqOFNJcnNNYVppeXp3N2hIT2RlSkRhWUR1UEVScU1zcnVmQXl0c1l2QjVBR0d0bm5adWRnWllUalZHNWFBU0FmcHVaRTlRWXNRZFlHc0p2eWx4MGlJTT0= |
Yes because I'll probably be killed if I don't | r/hardaiimages | comment | r/hardaiimages | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0aExmQzktRDFTZUdWcmlZeTF1R3k0TDV1TkJaUHFTVWJjZDNnU1ZxVmtQcWJTbV9UYjRiS0QtdUxmQXNHNi1rdW11Vm4xUFgzaFcwOXl2cVlxeXRQM0U2QkxwMHZkbURsWkVwTVJTUnZtYkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EOXQ2LVU5UVliLXc4WnZEd0NqalhrcTVSWDVGTFlDaHlyNVR2SWZKM0JXUGUzczVJVHQzVzVlWmpzTUh1RU4xZWpGbFp0NDZzUEctYS1VUWlnTTVxd2RlZmxPYkp2anNYa1RtdUFJb0ZGX3hObkxhVU5ZQWZJNVpYTUxWLWNJRGFWNEJyTzJnY1phVTFkRDM0dFlHVFVRc3J4SVZkU2d2RG5EOFlka0FrVXFUbDh3Z2pKbEdMT1lsOUY2dFpLTUFD |
Rcb 2024 in reverse | r/rcb | comment | r/RCB | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bEhteWxxMWhQbndpdzNjMV92anNvRm9wY2NxVi1KSTJfb3dQbEd3cHhZV1ExdkN4SFhZQndKeXoybGRLeC14Y2llNDI0NkhMNm1jUGtVY1VGNno4eGttYW9UZVFMRmQ5WHhsazJKNXVDR0U9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EdDVkMlhvWE5lWGdYbkUtQl91RHUxakRFdUtZcWJWeE9ycEFkRnhwdXdGdE0zazM5MklncGF2bndoa0FuTWxlR0VYeTdnSTQ0WDByb0tvdmdmOFNobEwwVjFJNDdUaktaMWd6dmdIejdPU3V5NGRUa1FlbVdldG44eXAzWUlUME50UGRLajA2c2ZLbnZ3RlkwQWExb0NINXBDRWFFSU9jMkJqZjlqY1ZMeW5VZ240ZDlXeUY3ZkNfSDQ3aENYU3BUcVlBRVljdFVfTERQR1FzUnkxQTY0QT09 |
You’re exuding confidence and it looks great on you! | r/mtfashion | comment | r/mtfashion | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0TUhjZzlyYWw0T2p4ckJNRFZNMmlua0t3MUZ4MUhtWk5Xb21WWnB2dnB5VG9XN3lneVFfMEdYaDVBVUowTE84QnFGV1RzcmJVdDdIZGtyWFNwWlVoZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EMC1ya1E1T2Zrdng0V29rdE5mMEtZUGZVRmYyVjJnS1A0djBTdW1Kd19IRXBPQl9IeDFfZVk3WkRlQ1hlcklPd1lkY1Y4OXlJc1lmWm15MWlEXzRvYm5yeUdtVXdjeFdBaGt6WGc0UmJ6cXNQS1NVSHc5d25saHBkWVhBa2x2eGp3bGUyb3I5N0dkdkZUdmc4bTNfMGhHU0psaEFMOHlpc3I5SmdnYlFWTDdBRHBZdnc3Z2dpVTJIbnA3eDNBUUtE |
Don’t do it. My family was full of smokers until they all quit because they saw the consequences. It’s not worth it to deteriorate your health and lifespan just for a temporary social boost. In fact, what’s better is self improvement. You’ll get way more status by becoming the best version of yourself than destroying your lungs. | r/advice | comment | r/Advice | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0eDZteThDcXZCb0xEcmRkNjNONC1uOS16cG5zTERXa25iQmVucFlneDBGVVAwRUNJTEdCZENpMTU4bGFJZEd5ZDVnajBRVzUtUEpDeTlHUVI3MV9NbGhqbEtmLTRqYVprSm10eDNNMjAzU3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EVTdjTFloREttQjNDVmxwaW81N1lKMXJPMmRDYkVwYWYxUVNYUEdFNnRMWndCYjBieXNfWXI1bERaVTNFZEd3dmVGLTdxYjNKMkZTbEhRUkM0Q1J0VzFVcklIMUR1eXJCYk8tYkRUQ0pvaFZ5eXUzTHNWRkJaUWFHUHlWR1FzT1ZVOG4zSXhlN2dweWNwcjBTRHVsSU5IUDlhbG5UOXhINThVTjFMTUIwWkMwbF9DSnpHLVhWQkl5OVQzMURWU0hN |
Its always a joke when people call you out huh? Might've graduated but you have plenty of maturing to do 🤣 | r/doordash_drivers | comment | r/doordash_drivers | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0VGxFbGN2TnE4MjBQUTRoekl4RW1vZEVNVzVhenhFb0UyQ0taajVrRU5KTVpsNzBNd0NmS2lSSXZOR1VYMUNvTnQ3TFVYYUxDa3VCdk5BQkdzcUZ0S0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EdjdxMWJTTDc3VXBSb1JHalZJa1Eta3pPVWhYYUhQSlltUWg4cGFLaE5KVjNPdDlqdWJvckZOajdOeFZFWkpIT1BMMW1uUFpjSGVPSlY5NkF3NDlZNFQ1ZVZyemRHSjZaWGZ2U2ZpbzFUZm5PeHdiWjNWdHpBZ193clBJa1hHbUlqbldDVzFnRDJvOHpYSHVnUHEzZHFKMl9Na2Jzb2R2YWJNSl9rZmp0dUk2MkdXNlRLdXhWeTVjdGhnWjZKeWFxb3ZEV0pjX1U0aU1fdVE4YXNwaEhjUT09 |
Um... he's missing an infinity stone... | r/whowouldcirclejerk | comment | r/whowouldcirclejerk | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0VHJDbHVtX1YyS3luRDc3LU80TS1VRk5YdUpUalR2V1Q3bG02blM1SzVCcEk4alY3MUVsejBYS1ktQW5YMlNNZlM3S1R5c0Q5RVJoTFo4ZDMwM2dyMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EZlZpUlFFWXVYU1VFZlktQmEyamw0bFlDOW8tLVlUcmhEZklQZUFWMGtTUi0waEFVeDNQRk9YVmZPcDNheFVRWERYY3VGYVpSYld3YmFyanZFbEdabkF1YjRsZzQ2S0xObHZKSzM1d3NUem5iYlZUOFZMLU0wVm1uWVZhay1aeTN5Qkk4R0FNdXlNUG51bGg5YURZVUI1Mnh0azdoaXdBOUxpZ18tRE50YkZ4Y0tTRFRXZFdNUEZRVGRYX203MmRieVFPSmxhWHZIM0xxX1BvSl92b2R0MXB3eWlvNjd0OXI4OGN3TG1fN1FmUT0= |
Completely fresh account just for this post.
Wow, doesn't that speak volumes? | r/amiugly | comment | r/amiugly | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0Z3RKZGVHZTNjY1MycmtUdUd1ak1XNk1xOXpLLTFnd1hFNFJsaUJtdTVHaUJuNXNQNVlNV1Q4RmtPWDFkbXVkQUlZblBCSUs4TUw5bDRReUxTa19VY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EQXROd3hBai02cG16Ym9JUVdMWmNSQ0ZqYjd3RS12clZIMGxfdmRqT01VaWI1ZFJLM0JEU0R0OW9iUDg1OFdwMldXODRvODhxd1ozVm1OVDlWT1l2LWtoS0diN0J1SW1icUxCQko3NHdMcnVCcXZsMG5kODg0dE9uOENrSnNucUFiWnNhRnF2NFR1d3dlUXV3V01tUjk3eXpGSnFnd0k1QVJiS1BMRWk1QXNFPQ== |
If you're not adverse to frying things in your home, they're really not too hard to make
(Three links because they have pretty different ingredients, so pick and chose what fits you best) | r/glutenfree | comment | r/glutenfree | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0UDlXdEloQUtWMDRhQU9hUENaX3MwQmFGOUN4TkRIbXo3WDZ2Nmp6dHJmWUxOazVHZnFVcFdVM2trU3VOOFY2OHBUR0E4MVBGakdIXzhILV93NmlWNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EWlZ5ZWRuZWVXMHk1MmtOclFiX3JiaGpRQ3pNNU1DOU9KZXlXM1J0b2ptaGw1RDZPTmRFRzMzN0F1NmhWbUtrVEExVmgzVGVrOGh1azRlNHY4Um1PV1JESEJvTnphZk5hUFZUN2NpLV9wU1NRUFBrRHFsNXNpbFZUdzRtY2hpZkFCdEltRGYydnZpR3FkYkpxQWpXSEFlU2psY0xJYS1TZm13TFgwdVpsRktBdUFob25NLTVGYWtxQkhDb1p4OWc4WGh2cXY5MVktX1BXeDN1ZVhoT0lJdz09 |
2 | r/mengw | comment | r/MenGW | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0UUYzazhrNmZUVHdqaFFVQWZPMUsxc1Z2b3JobG4tcnBpUDhCM2hsSTJLNDlkWG9FSUxWQlpiWW5mVjhLNWR3a0pUWlBCb1hMVW9jSDhWbXZYSFJ6MHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EQk5UT0NPWTBhVkhaS3FybUdyOGNZeHFhc3A1bElkdjk1ZWl3WFdDem1xb1lRbFJCMW4wNXdvVlZ3UGFnSU5nLWdDTjRUV2gxb1RaNkpuVUhOb3VMZ1R1SmpfR0o4UDRpMUhZR3BMaEVVSHdJOWdaNEtuR00yVEhvTEI1SERBdG91c2IweWNKSlNTN1N3Qm13MTYwWHFKNFZHQTRLU0FvTkZHTDdYQmJpSVdCTXozTk1RZVZMVWtPY21RYW0yRExf |
No numbers in title | r/guessthemovie | comment | r/GuessTheMovie | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0TkZqN2x2M1pQaTVkS3hReGw5bmN0ZGNIek1udVRkVE0zWHkwRUFZWWhWY1ZqM2dZR2k3eUR4X1dacGFYX3lZMlpwamZuYlM1N25xaGJsNzZnbFUwUEpkaVZIU3dDdUdLckNZYlJuNlRfQmc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EVkxXc1dKVmxGYzVmWm9iak52T3hyTGxBMkc3WHZ4emdmVWNRMlZoVmlXUjVrcjlINUhNUXlvdTZmeGFud3Frd2I4VlNOVVlLdHg1VGdjZ3lRekNwSng1LTdrM2VrNEVxelU5RUFxVnBOZjNLVHI1dThxVk05QjFaTEhaZzBKZGY2ZFd2U29KOVl4djNQSy1wYVRDcmVCb0J1aDBrVzk1SmFHYjIxU0dISXRrPQ== |
From what I have seen live oak develops internal cracks no matter what you do with it. But I turn it anyways. | r/turning | comment | r/turning | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0MG03LUdRX0luazJncS1lNHg1elRjVHpqOEQ3Y0tpLWF2Y1EzQ09JSzZyVG95WlBnNzlLVVdRY0dWZHFMeDhKUWdyWUstaElSV055T21OS1dNZzJIN0xnNU9lR0I0S0I0TGV6bWtwMndzSG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EaHpWSHYzV3R5aFNpM3lkblpCVUxhbnViZS1GcGZuMC01R3hDUEF2WHdYZFlTWkN5dnVVXzdpSkVyd3ZuQWFGSW1LMlI0MjRVZklOeDJHLXEyYmp2WTFwQWRZXzc3XzlkS3k3WFZ4Nnd3UnUyTUMwc0h3eExtRjE5N1h5Q2FzUmNaUXJIdWVobWt0UmhuanNRbXZpZUp1N2NRcG9qM05sS2h6S3doSm41Y19pM0YtXzI5czk1QjV4dDh4T1dMVmFj |
I tried **fish** | r/pixelary | comment | r/Pixelary | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0VU8zeUdRNEJZX0NYam9VWEVUYU5QbG41UzFNLXU0c250X0xWM0xNQklKMFNvMlVMU1RaVTZTSFFtdGtJd0QtcjdDSERZd21XVnpEQlB4VndlckY4NHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EemJ0Z1BEaWhScTFNV2VYY2xDOGtqdm1GRmFEY0hWUnFoUFJ6WTN6UkRhcjlPanhMR0l5R3hZb2YtZHFGdGRNMXdxa09kSkRVQlJJcnJBTzdIeWo5blBNbnlrYUx3OFNmVmZ1X1QzWGlmdHRBMzhfLTlGYVRxRGpzZ2tuQ2lKSjQtZGtDeDI5cjFZNjN3U0ZNaUZYN0ZsTko1dUdyQVg0R1FDWFRlU0txb1c4PQ== |
I had my front door replaced and the rear fixed. When they sent me pictures, the doors were removed but also removed were the headlights, hood, bumper cover and fender.
I understand they needed to blend it but why would they remove extra body panels around it? The answer I got was "for blending". But if you're blending, why would you remove everything around it? The car came out fine, I think, as I don't drive it during winter. I just don't understand what process they followed.
| r/autobody | post | r/Autobody | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0d1VRNkxXVmQxLVFPZlAyd09lTlBUcDhLNFZITU9VVEk3WlZ5U0N0NkJ5eVRSWVpYUHFRdWg0cDhsRlZTZzVPWGZjbXpZMEtUU2tEVVNFZ3k4dnY3ZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ERk5HVElHb2xNTGxkSjJVbk1KRGhfb3VTYnZLQm5mV3d4R0RmbDVTdU1xSmJKUmRESEZkQ2taSEpGNnBJREk2TnVKamJ6dmhZazNKMzlUb2VlUkpFSzFMMTNpdXAtUC1vSVU4RjFZbkQ2SlZJdUVBTjVpVmdBN0VTZUR0WFdmNS1JSUpzSnNaV2JZby1INjJDQ0wzTmxuME9XVm9qWmVoRWRRdzJRZVV6bDh4TkJIV0dqMUM3R3M3cGN0RnpRamY3SFhhdnVYOWhSLUk0dXpxMG4zY3B6dz09 |
Oh honey.
Wrong on so many levels.
The betrayal you must feel, the gut-wrenching hurt of leaving your baby, worry for your own health and worry for how the in laws were treating your baby.
I ache for you.
Your husband was wrong wrong wrong.
You and bubba are his family now.
I don't know how you get over this, but please see a Dr for your own mental health. | r/vent | comment | r/Vent | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0V0VUeUJDQmpLdk5CcHF4aTRXZ0U4VHo3Qk9uMWFZUjZNSzJhZEhNd0Z1aE55ZEhfQS1MNE4wc1kxSENJc2xFRi05czViejA3b0VINS1HT0FJZHdLZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EOGJORTdJN1pZX0tybTlTa0t0eWYtVnc1QjdGVzJZeFRid3hXZG5jOWpLOGQzN1hMbEF1WklmVWtBS184cGRWU3hTU3Bqa0I1TWhCWDg5a0Q5cGFqWVdnNlJwUklxU0lpcEp1VUxLZkVSUnY3cl9QbjR1dkx4bkk3c0g1cFVrU2R5Nk9DUFN3SnV1Y01CT1VLSlc5ZTZsb0ZRNno2c1V5b041bzBLSWQwaEtOd1JLcTJQV29NbHVlaU5rbHJCZFpKNlJEd2t2eVJjOERxektlM2VIaXJsUT09 |
Mots clés: partenaires économiques | r/quebec | comment | r/Quebec | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0UkxDX2E0a0N4UThnNXZJYThhb2ZqN0NMTjdEX0I3REk0SkROZTBORWZhNWN4X0xpdWQ5aGlqeFl0ekZsS3Z5cGRINlk1N3pQMjBTSU5UU2c1Tjl3NkprRUY1Zi1ZTV9EUlBuZUZzU3prZDg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ETEozbmNuMnNXY3hudXMxTVlxUmdRdUFhTDV2WHVJc0tXSkdHV3NQWHZPSXY3SGRSQXFybi1hVkEtYmk4T0tUcThsQkMwUlAtd0FLLXFrZ1F1VThDOGE5YUFtVmFXRWlFUkZkRVExcW9UcG9uUmU0enhsT09HNTUwSGJ4bExvdHFkYmFlQW1EMEVYNzRrNElpRkh4d2EyMmxfNEo3N1M2S2lQV0xiR0pyZEVPakRkbV9nNl9ST3BFblJVNmhWNnphYWJKTGttV2d2MjZtbk1lMHdleTE3Zz09 |
i would have cared if this was funny but it wasnt | r/kappachino | comment | r/Kappachino | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bjZiVFhESi1XRHpuVy1wTFkyMGRMenRUTXhEYnZxOF85ZDUwUmtIbGVQSXJDSUVZYWlaMjdta01oUmJFUmFIb3RuMEJqUzFydFA0TVVrc1dYdzlSaGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ENGZLTWo1bmpFSDRNVl9lTlkxNmNRTnBadUlDNmFOX1FCNndWcXVzYzkwaUFDT3Y2Wk52WUwtNXFvdEt6YnhHdWEzbXJyQUZ4ZW15WHhUdzB2dElyMjNjUXU3NWtBT20yejRxZHZyejdLNWF4RmdCTmp2TnFsamNoOGRTNkd2MTVaMEZZbXVXaFFGaEJyM3BKWWNYaWFqQkVoTXlDWGZuYzBUWGNIRk9iOUdIWXJHZC1DdFVhLWxUT2liLUJHZ3ZTVzlhc2lpWkR4MzR2cFV1ejdrWTVjZz09 |
Redd we need to link | r/virginiagonewild | comment | r/VirginiaGoneWild | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0THpOX1pieVJFQ3FKcm5YMDBwSHlWLXlSWURMbVYycW9JelFYZ1RoOUNfX1dXRjA1MXpkLWxUdHg3RXRHNWNNY1hKX3l4Y2R1aWJYclFRS2c2eUZwa2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EcFhFblQ0bzl0OEZZcWxCYzE2QWthaWFmd3BVN0lnaF9tYW8tTFFtcVFESjBqUUl0X1laLTNCS3Q1M1pQeVREay1KSU91Y0hBUERSUzVhc2Y4QTQ1RFBnNEZLRmdpVVg5NkoyVFB3SFBKZmtaMGJnQXhPaHVrV2VOV1VCSEJPOWZJU1ZkM09mODZzSzJUR0I3czdjZlRzN3A0SnYzbFptbnV5NktjZTJNQzgwUWFvTm5YS0ZjNjBxTzFoeVFRSlYy |
I'm wondering if this may be a case of GPU sag. Can you turn the case 90 degrees horizontally to reduce tension on the PCIe socket and try using the pc like that? | r/buildapc | comment | r/buildapc | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0eW1uZngxeXdiMGUzdUFhcnVuQnd5Qnd0VkZEeXFvLXdENHlWYjI0WkFNSW9zUlNka3EzNzFEZ1gtMXEyY3FLNHE3UmdBMXU3REFBczRvdVdqMDR6N3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EbFpoWWk5cUg1bEpFYjNaTW9BWktPdXF4LUxRUE9ZZmhTZDFXM09zTU50NHdSSy1ya2dSZ1dsX2pPNGFJTm1CZzRKQWhLaDYzQjhPNWhSWGVLYmI1TXJHb0I3SW5hS3RLaElReTFzZUtVOTVlWkpPX0VKenRWVFo0YWJmRjVrZVZ2clV5Mk4zc0JOSl9MVjJDQUVFNWZPZC1YZEZLQWV3QnlUdTIwTnZ5cVFHa0R1OW5zRDVCSHotd1R1SXU3aUxn |
Something like this? This allows you to copy the url:
vim.keymap.set({"n", "x" }, "<leader>gY", function()
Snacks.gitbrowse({ open = function(url) vim.fn.setreg("+", url) end, notify = false })
end, { desc = "Git Browse (copy)" })
Red saree Bengali girl | r/sluttyconfessionsdesi | comment | r/SluttyConfessionsDesi | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0QnE3dmlfQnNFQVlpeC1CY0VXTDI0SUpmSmprdE9fRzM5N1NqeEltakdfZUc0ZllYRlZ4dmx6ZUs5M0lFZ1ZQY1IxVnRZc3N3T0xKM2g3cWJjaTZzZUlRMURYNlZibXBWODRMMHVJaTNzczQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1Ec2FJeTFETE44VVg5RFVSNFU0dmt5Z3NiOXVjbVJ1S0dBTjU0ZElmT1U5d2VoOVJFVzhrMS1HUXlNUkdzOVA0RnFaNG8xc3hDWktqN0Q5Z1h3amZiTE9FTzJRanEtdWVSVk10aUh2VThja2pjYXJPajBsN0FqaEtjTDluTXBwVEh3dzdBazlpV1FIWW9zRTEtRXhJOGE0Sk90VEFFT0R3cFpkOHJNOEpWT3MwYTRHOEFFMHFpOGc2QUJVbFhUV3JEY1l0UU9SV2JSajlMX29yQVN6N09ldz09 |
Your solution is to end SS’s COLA? Go pitch that to your grandmother. | r/upliftingnews | comment | r/UpliftingNews | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0UVR4eHlmNUtxeGJ6Y0NKczZQc0gxcUlQUFZJV2xEWmpvTF9iUWNkQjBjVmFFc3g4WnJ6VU5iT2hxOU0xa3d5c0F5dnJtWXJqdUZYRkprM3hKQ1AyS1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EcXFpMEVsSGh0T2IzRm9KR0xsQ3RpOUdEeUZhcGVNTWdrYk5vS1czd09SOHFITE5rQjZOMVh6akpSMXVwRFBGamNqVTBzak5MRmRmOGJDSUNkemVobzdMMVg1WXB1OU9ITHJxUWNycTJGRlB1YUdnalJSaHRoVXRENlg3U0FWUTRIbWp2cW1jRDViTENfcDlCRDNRY3ZLRkUxNFlZb0ZKenpvZllZZllGRlVsb2lYMUtkanBtZmp0dVVfU25rUGVIYjhCbXdfMEZ3WXdIWk81QzNuU2c4UT09 |
Zombie account awake after 6 months of no use. | r/fuckyouinparticular | comment | r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0aE14am9kR0ozcExPUGtfZ1lic2ZoOFNYVjB5RGYtbkllVWNDY212ZWtGM3l1cTVDZUdTelBwMWZNbmc3UkluNGZZWG9ReGY1NXI3VV9PeUdUdjBOV25yRThYRzNUTGsyVUlpNGlwd2RmalU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ER0E3LUVtZVkzUmYzeWJtNU4xdVBQY3NSSHFHWjFQemNSalpyRzBsX2ZnZk1SZi03R2dBb1FTbWJSWVhGWFc3WjJqNzUzVEx0eXUwcWJwYndMU25tUXJ1cl9Tc21yNl9pNzJUOGJPSGwwQ1NOWUVHTTJ3eWFrODQ0RmdUUTF5RkkwXzZrVUpoZ2pWQ3A3a1lVOXdwQnJMNWdBRFhPUUxVNmd4N2pUUjBQT0NWQ092bVpJTjFvYjU4SlZNNlBVRFEw |
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Needafriend) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/needafriend | comment | r/Needafriend | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0MHJFeW1ON0FrVU9kWUxFUHpMOFp1dmxieU9uM0NoNEZlQ190aHVzeG1idTcxT1FmTk94NnE0VEl4YnptNVN0RF9vQ1doOU1nSFNTdElodlBPWnZXS3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EV1hsaklfUTY4VnpqVHNSMU1VR3RJS2pzckluS2RkY3dqc0tRSU44NklZMG9WMWFvT3BVUUFFSmJHT0pmSVBmdTdKbVluSkc4QWc5T1hmamFTT1J5WmRnZEl5WGVObWtLSlB1MzZnc1JfTm5oRmQzZ1NPdEZ2d2Q5QTJLVDJPSGZBVmJpdE1OQW5QTFMzb0JkenVPYUpWQjVaUUxZWmtjZHRFYVZkRzF5bkJLNHhtelZnWUdYU09WaE5RRXloWFNSai1SOFZOMGVMcHVEdjFzNmNkUm00QT09 |
**I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Constant_Anything_75**
**I want to gift my coworker whose husband lost his job some gift cards for Christmas but I’m scared it’ll be rude**
**Originally posted to r/coworkerstories**
**Thanks to u/soayherder & u/queenlegolas for suggesting this BoRU**
[Original Post]( **Dec 28, 2024**
I’m gifting my coworker some gift cards but I’m scared it’s in bad taste
Hi! This is my first post here so im not super sure how this works, but I need advice on a gift I got for my coworker.
For some context, I recently started a new job in October and I’m still getting to know everyone. About a month after I joined the team, one of my coworkers joined us at my job and it turns out she’s a returning employee. She had originally left but came back for reasons I didn’t know. One day during lunch, she mentioned how she was cooking dinner so much and how she was getting kinda tired of some of the same meals over and over. Some other coworker suggested trying new recipes but she said it has to be enough to feed a pretty big family. She then mentioned that her husband recently lost his job and is in the search for a new one but he’s not having the best luck. A few weeks later I asked if she was excited for Christmas (which looking back was a dumb question) and she mentioned she was worried about finances being a little tight and her kids not enjoying it as much. She’s a lovely person and without revealing too much we work with kids and she’s so amazing with them.
I’m still in college and I went home for the holidays so I told my parents. We’ve been so lucky this year and we decided to get her two gift cards from two different grocery store chains at 100 each. I’m really worried she might find it offensive or that I’m looking down on her for charity, but my family and I really just want to spread the happiness and fortune we were given this year with others. My parents had financial troubles growing up and into adulthood and are so grateful they made it out. They want to help others in similar situations.
I just want some advice about if I should give her this gift or not, out of fear of her not receiving it well. I don’t want to talk to people irl about this because I don’t want to seem high and mighty or make it seem like I’m some saint who is doing this for the validation of others thinking I’m nice. I just need some real and honest feedback from strangers who don’t know me to see if maybe I’m being overly friendly (something I have a bad habit of doing lol, i think I’m friends with everyone) or if this is a good gift. Thank you in advance, any and all advice appreciated!
UPDATE: hi all! I’m not sure how to do updates but I posted something on my page, however I know everyone might not see it. Yo those who were worried, she liked it!! I did it super casual and wasn’t even there when she opened it so there would be no need for thanks or anything. I let her know it was just something small for her and her family. She did seek me out and thanked me and right now it’s looking like mission accomplished!! I’m so grateful to those who shared their experiences and have their input. Never give up, and I hope those around you are as kind as you are! Happy holidays!
>This is very sweet, but the suggestions to do it anonymously would make me far more uncomfortable receiving it in the workplace than knowing it was a kind act from someone who cares. Just present it as a gift you want her to have. You don’t need to mention parents but if she asks, of course open up.
>>This is what I’m concerned about. On one hand I don’t want to make it seem like I’m doing this for my own moral high ground but there’s a significant age gap between us (for reference this job is usually taken by older people, but as it doesn’t require a college degree and I do mainly online courses, I’ve decided to start working to build my resume to get into grad school) so I’m unsure if this will be embarrassing if I a 21 year old is helping her out. But then if it’s anonymous, she might be really weirded out. We don’t have desks and only have lockers so our kiddos can’t mess with it. We’re not really supposed to go into others lockers which is what’s also making me nervous. But ultimately, I just want her to know she’s got support. Does this all make sense, lol?
>This is a difficult situation to navigate. Viewing this from the other perspective. I personally think this is a kind and genuine gift. If presented with respect, I wouldn’t do this in a large crowd having her open it in front of other people. Possibly one on one and expressed that you and your family are doing good financially and wanted to help, and understanding her situation. I’d say what you said in the post, how you think she’s a great mother who deserves a treat. Stay kind my friend. I hope you update us
>>This was my original plan! Just the two of us so I can explain I mean fully good intentions and so she doesn’t feel pressure to be overly thankful, just something I could play off as casual! I go back to work tomorrow so hopefully we’re both scheduled and I can give it to her and update y’all :)
[Update]( **Dec 30, 2024**
Okay y’all I have an update!! I thought about anonymously but since we don’t have desks, only lockers/cubbies, it could create like an ethics issue where I’m going through to find hers, and maybe even guess wrong. Like I said in some comments I really wanted this to be as private as possible.
So what ended up happening was that she was in the playground kinda area with the kid she was watching. I was passing by with my kiddo and noticed her alone (she was blowing some bubbles for her kiddo and I was taking mine on a walk around the clinic) I mentioned I got her a small Christmas gift and if I should leave it in her locker. She told me exactly which one it was and told it was so sweet over and over. Don’t worry though, our kiddos did not care about our conversation and probably won’t tell anyone since they’re nonverbal and really just wanted to get to their respectful activities lol. These kids love their walks and bubbles!
Later on, she was leaving at 1, and I was leaving at 4:30, so when I was in the middle of a session with my kiddo, I felt some grab my shoulder and wrap and arm around me. My immediate reaction was to jump and turn around cause I thought it was a kiddo having an aggressive moment, but it was her slightly red and saying how nice and how much she appreciated it. I kept saying she was welcome and that I hope she has an amazing holidays. She said she would and squeezed my shoulder before leaving.
To be clear, I left it in an envelope with a note explaining that I look up to her and this gift is not with pity but with admiration for her work ethic and dedication. I made a note so I wouldn’t have to express those feelings in the middle of work so I didn’t make it uncomfortable, and so she could read it later. I didn’t realize she was getting off so early so she was able to read it faster than I thought. Still she seemed happy and relieved, and that’s all I can ask for.
For some additional context before updating this post, she has been very open about her situation, even in front of the kids and leadership. I think that’s something else that drove my admiration, she wasn’t embarrassed because there was no reason to be. She wasn’t gonna allow herself shame and I feel like it made others respect her more. When family was struggling they didn’t want to reach out making us behind on years we could’ve been doing better. If you’re comfortable with sharing your stories with others, I say do it. If not, let this post remind you that you’re not alone and that people care, even if you can’t seem them right now.
With much love, happy new year, and happy holidays!!!
**OOP Added in a comment**
Hi all! OP here, and for some reason I can’t edit the post, but I just wanted to say thank you for all your sweet comments! I just wanted to reiterate really quick that I did this for her, not for me. And most of all for those of us who wished we could’ve gotten help like this and for those who do need help. So if you see me like your comment complimenting me, know I’m not doing it as an ego thing and agreeing, but thanking you for also being lovely people who see others struggling and want to help! You’re all good people and I hope you know that! If not, maybe one day!! And on that day, remember me lol!! Cause i called it!! Once again, happy holidays, and continue to be kind and spread love!! ❤️❤️
**DO NOT CONTACT THE OOP's OR COMMENT ON LINKED POSTS, REMEMBER - RULE 7** | r/bestofredditorupdates | post | r/BestofRedditorUpdates | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0ZGgwamhBbzhjcHVuYmRFLVd1QjBOaGRlTFpXTl9Ob2lOX2RjMWphd1NMTzdRa0F6X3Z5RmROZ1JQUzl2amRwa0JyMzR4TG1lcEVoRDhwMWVsQi1pUlFlZ3FoTHoxNnZKdVFpWEhJXzFuUHM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ENXY2SVVWeEFRUXREUmZ4UzRydUlGU1I1UHROcGJuX3F2Z1BydFI2ZnV6NlU3OUMyYWhMX0s2aURQNmVtMEl1cHdpYWs0ZklDZFdHTTdOckdjdjQtYkRvZmZUMEtqLURvY2dmT0JFNkFGVEhrdW5ZR0RfeUtQajBuNy1ZOXUtM1VjTkJEc3dxR29GLXlrTEVRazN0N204NGp6ODJSVzB3ZVE3a1ZWZk91LWx3WE1scWMzTEdZM1BQX1BkeGNnVWxNVUlsSmxNRm12ZzYzSUdNblVYaXNkVXU1QWtUMERwWFBKMGhzSjEzNE1MVT0= |
Sounds similar to me. I'm almost 31 and I'm also introverted and a bit socially awkward. My son tends to be social and craves social settings, So it's tricky. If you and your daughter are ever looking, me and my son are totally open to new friendships. My son's one friend from school that has lasted is also a girl lol. Inbox me anytime. 🙂 | r/portangeles | comment | r/portangeles | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0T05uWlNHVGhCbGxFS2lteERWTmw1b0Q0LXZlUFFMRDN6UlZGUTdXNV9WcVVMSHNXUzhzWjJOMWdydVFTYWlUUmZQSHVodUZfSmFwN3FlZG1jczJpMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EcHUyc3RtWkZrUkxMdWN0bkx6bDF2OVFydFI2eU9acEhnX3ZGS0JQcW9tWExqQkNvbTBpYlJ1c2dORnVubWJabVdZUWZ2UHVqSDBOdHVWd1d3Rld5MUpsaVlGZlZJZ2FXaXJObThVbndwZXN5WEJGaHFFNUNwbDcxLWQ1MXljUk5FUUJKVHJEYllaOXh3bVRTV3ZXOXJ6dVNodHI1MzA5MGlpR0hCd3ZCSndvPQ== |
Damn, if you sold this without BCG and Micro prism I would be down.... I just picked up a 10.5 though :/ also I assume this is 5.56? | r/gunaccessoriesforsale | comment | r/GunAccessoriesForSale | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0ZnBDX3ZDTXEwN05uXzdxVWJfdTJwWllBalpNa0VsMS0zY3Q1NDZWelJzdmdOYnBEZno5MFRoWmI4aTdlUzBoNER4bFBtLTFnYWRhaXpmLXVvRnJKLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ERlNlV05aNzN2Y0xQSWhEbnVmbUdMMmprUW1TaG1mX00xR3hycHlodmdCT0loeVlwM201UUF5VmxESFZNNFNNZllHMHBiZ1BocXRRenpFMEo2SjJjRl95azhiZ3pwYmkxSGM2Ykdham51azA3Zms0c2VkTXlLelc2TXJwVXh3WjFZTXR5NGpQeXpVVVlvUFNQamFwdHoxTkoyZExfR3laR253NHpub05ScjdWOUtsOHZXQUpxOGFlcVVLTnRRTHdXd0FoLWpfMDBMRHhiNXdtV0lKdDVtZz09 |
Your clit looks like it needs to be sucked👅💦 | r/dildo_masturbating | comment | r/Dildo_masturbating | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0QmhCZEstNHFGM2FaTkR6VGVzZkhsS2FrYnFwdE5wenluQjQ4VGdscVd0TXNoZU14SWpSQXFUbVAyWDZYYzREbS1RM1BEWUp0eENPNkRPWWpYV1JiZXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EY2dGSEtHTWFXT2lFaU1jdlc5NEJ4MEdDeTFwU19wdzM2RG5uc2l4alpWRXpIaEFET0dKbDdjQnM0OVI1cWZ1TTdVa0ctMjg3bzVnT05GQ2ZhVmY1bGpCM0NVR3lSN1JWQmxtWG1lY2pDOWhQcU9iWjRkU0FHY3RLdUxpLTNrZGU0NXFTQ2Zxa0Z1QkdHbDI4NWZyVzVyaGlEZjFQaHhwWmFNcXRSd2FYcmtsTC0tZjZoeDMwNGlCaXJrOTlBVHVtdkpUWjltS2ZadFBabzlZOTBjZjdqMjE2bmNDbEI4NmNBcjJfc1d6TkJkND0= |
looks really good !! How did it taste ? | r/rosin | comment | r/rosin | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0SVFvR253Z3VpZFhMeGZmZ1VQMFlUNnU5VEczT0pxSDFWcldzenFZMHhjNGxQMEZObmw0YVJmOHRLM2JscWZPMDRKS0ZjWEg2UWxZS2tpZWIzbDdpVmR6c3BuNzZhM1psWld1MURjQWdxcEk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EZ0FkbktJZlhvNzhyQWgtUEpNSDNWZVZ6cXYwakdLYVBsbjJPNXVDZ0xLaS1GYWpIYlRSbG8ycXBfQXVqSmR3d3luVEptN3NRbmxEb2lzODZtTGF0LVJ5eHY4cl9ReHU2eExjR09oYlFpNzZDeGRtb2VLN3FqRm53b3JONl9RSFdsckVud0had3pDSWh5X2VxT01wcl9qenlSdF9zTGhBbWdkd096NkVnT0JuOWxKVkR3b1lsLWJIc2t3STFTaFluTzhoaGxjY19sRDh6MXBkdmhQU1M5dz09 |
Curious. What was the original? | r/boardsofcanada | comment | r/boardsofcanada | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0ZzlfU1RqSGtNUXo5VzRsY1lCbWNXZzYzZlZLbTFWZGcwSk9UWnhJaEdqUnNRVHZ1WnIzUDBWWWc3cFRkeVZ0MzlvcFAya3o3bEVCZUs5RUYyU3g5OVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EVlRvN09EWW85cDY1cnUycGstclVkM1dYNWtCTTE1X3pXNW1oN1IzalhFNlM5dU1fM3BrR3Y4MjJMbktJOGJkeGhxaVNaNHJUSlp6Y3NUMjZEOEdZTHE2Tmk0eE9NYkRyUDNfa0hJUktCMko4ZGxNbDlFVml2MTlERzFUYWU3cEYtODVFYUx4UXI4NUN2ZEtNX0F1Z0FDQ3U1cXpWdl90clNUcDlmRV9lMGNZWHVnZkc4N1VYRTRWWHY4MVo1QWY4 |
*transgender | r/facepalm | comment | r/facepalm | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0YWZEekpSMmNUeXV2NXNnUy1wTkpMYXhHN21MYTFKV0tQT2xpXzM5SHNGQ0ZGZm1XMFQzTHExR0xURHEzNTlUWnlxV19WQ2NPZ0NwR1lQM0taMTN0QUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EZDhNcGNBS2lrMmJCaXhkX29FcVBRbG8ydWRlSU9aanNMbXVra0VUQ09QMjJJSmN6SWFjb1lFR2RnTlZCLWFEeGJQX1FZMjBqYm1TbVBMYl9fWVBsNUE4NGRobll6R2NUVnlRX3JhNldqdTRxTTdJLWhJa1lIaFhrN0tPejV5dHc2Z19kVk15Z05sOEZEelNWOGRxU3JLRTFxelVEeWl5THJyN3pzLXZ6dTlIaktsNjY3OHJCYWJwR0JsU1N4RTFYOHg5VHREZkNOeThzR283eUhiQWtndz09 |
Well there's recombinators for rares atleast | r/pathofexile | comment | r/pathofexile | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0TUIwQmEwZk1FRXNGYzJvcjZkUTluejdJWDVNY1E4eV9QamhoLUhlM0lRMldCTndUOU5aNWVIc1Fad2F5NzdzRnJ5VHVUb0t3WUcyd09abE52bElJRkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ENFVzcFY5M25tc2g4ZWZxcmdtTmRuVXc2WENJQW1sQUZUS09TcVNjQ1Y2cU5YbkxpV3dLNGt0X3J1SGVoTVZGT1dPQjEzMG93TnJtVjh5TVNBeWRDOElJRGt2blhuUnNudm1DNVpKVnpnWGhabENKWWVsN1ZZTDV5M3FFUmk2ZXNoZXVTdzdJMTQ3azBiQk5UUlZ6OVdhREhEd18xb0NqRWpJOFF3STJuUUNBd1VDckhkMjBSV01BOG42UDg2a2FyanBhZlFkeWUxY3dKWThlTmZsNXZ4dz09 |
In the first episode opening +intro, when Tina is first shown she (and only she) has a faint knife sound effect play in the background when she's first shown. Additionally when Jeff is giving his "42 days, 16 people, 1 survivor" line Tina (and Elisabeth) are the only two people shown looking at Jeff while everyone else stares ahead. And finally in the intro only her and Alicia are shown in water during their candid shots. Additionally many others are shown having fire around their intro photos. Given the medical evacuation this season it hints to her being a strong contender and eventual winner (Alicia is voted off explicitly for being perceived as the biggest threat of the Kuchas after Ogakor wins which explains her being in the water too).
These are just from those opening bits that I noticed. Imo there are a lot of signs/little details in the editing that stick out, especially on a rewatch. | r/survivor | comment | r/survivor | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0ZWJMZG1qbWxwaDJGaGx4RTc5M2RLemMwS0pjbVpvOXR4OVZuT19DX2tjY1FDM1Nic2o1YXhMOUM4Rm8xcHhWeWZid2JPamlVMlZlQmFGUF9FUXQ1Mmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ESURTc0duaGRYZnlIaE4zN0Vmc29adTZxNkw4bDFaWS1NcHBmNVdJTDVHUXZ1d3VyTHE4QXE3c2tEVEJiYW5KaERacGpVQV9QWjl4Y3QyLVpsc3FRZkhnVkpEOFJJSUpDVGZUbmZBRi1ITjJuRnZud0xQd1lTX191ZG1QZUFQbHRKeDQ0ZGgwdVdXSlRXWWIwOTJCN2U0MXZKbkdhLVQ1RXprTG1nVjRuQUl0TWRXU1FRUk9sMG9tb0tqTEVsajdCU1MtM2U3MTI1em40NmxkdU90T2oxQT09 |
Jalen McMillan after week 13. | r/dynastyff | comment | r/DynastyFF | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bnlYWmhwWXFrZkJXY1ZfWGlZTlVMeHNtRzFGbFVxVDhLVmxOdTBFaWJlc3hQc1RqZDRaVXpFTE53Vi1xOVVkNFhCZm43ME5JNS1ZbjY1ZVg3M3JYN3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EcWFiTG5odDNfZnBUSDBORlhGa0ptQVY0QWFMRmYtVU5kOE9GQk42Q010dDhjaEZ2SXU0TVJaSUpTWWxvdWNGQVF2U1BzUE5FUEREaDN3dVY1Z1lZUkY3dlI1SWdBdXRlOGJCc21qUVFZV1U1cDVuUndjaF85YnRNUERRbXRPcVVRMzlkMXpHNU1GQUw5VTFXVXhKWHNscm9nQ1pENDRwU1NzdEl6OWg0dGFrc0g3T3pYRTFYeExfdC1LT3JvZlZnNENfQnlqazRjR0N2T3ljVmtaZWtIQT09 |
Deconpen, canoiodide | r/starcitizen | comment | r/starcitizen | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0OFB6WTRWVUVVWW9tNk1vTXpncXRfaWFSZnFDbENqMEJuYnU2RUxOLVRKcWlIblFvWFhCNWh3OGdvN3BTYTlIenFlU0szejhLeWpLY1gxb3VUX3NrV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EQWg4ZGk5VE83WDF0aEhyRGpRRGFwV3M5U3FSdU9ndF9naWZKRDNsTGxpemc2YjhLY1dEVkZpNkxTNDZEek1GdG9fZXQyMEdGOGNZZFZWcW52SF9WWEpMQVE0QzJlNTBlNkR6S2dsdXlCZTBJSmpoSVI4QkM4NlNkUmJ2Zk90ckc3TkEwY1lHSVRHMU9oMmFqQS1QRW80RXNBQzFGZUtTM3QwSmJQS0UwZk9WWHFpajhZa1BnTk1sSTNFWlFWQ1l4MXVGc2lNcFZsMWtTU1BJUXRwbVNyUT09 |
HEY, I MADE THAT VIDEO. And yes the audio and lighting is awful. | r/guns | comment | r/guns | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0MEItc3N5ZDFVamtiOUlmR056N29VUndLTTVrU3AxeEZTSUZaOVhwRVdOS1BlcmFsU2ttZnI4U053RzQzTy1xdHRxejQ0alZaYWpTaGE1RE5fZEVOOWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EbUtZNVJIZkZQaDR3LUVWdDctTlljbjRwT0ZUVTZ0bkVwYVJXZ1k4ZVZiRkdrZHVKQlBWekNWemR4SzI0Q0NfN3ZBYWlRdUpSUm5qeFVzUklnbUJGYWU0T1k4ZS1kN2E1bEFZZHRRdkxOaS1CVnR0WHVIMEpRREVPQXRkcjRvZ1lkaXlJX0ZFUGlsbG5Ia2ctZzNPX09Bc3lDWTZEMjdBWVZKcExIX0d2cDR5eURSNjRWV1BPWG4wN1hSVXhmbXRi |
Steve Austin A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world’s first bionic man…Steve Austin will be that man. We can make him better than he was before Better…Stronger…Faster” | r/vegaslocals | comment | r/vegaslocals | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bFVObGxvQVhvWWhZTndIOG9Dc2VZN2FXS0htZ3pxck03Z01yNHFjTHJQc2RFT1hKTTg3ZFgwRUtXSExNM0Z2dFdUaWJLQ2h5aGZLVy1STFB5Mk1yd2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EZTJrdmNWejZ0MVdaaDRZQTBldFp2RFNMSE1WLWxwandWdWtwQktNa3VMR0pmRzR0UDltNkdwNERDNWVhN1RXbktwT3JrVG5ZWHRyVWJMTXo3Mjh6TmpqYmJfdjhRVE54WTBQNVFJZ1NLU2pPOUdKbzEyZlN0WjkxR2ZZZ0pFdDE0Ql9MWUx4amRLZWpDU1A2U3l6bi0zX1NzUEg1NVR2aUhOWWV3VkYyMkRfeTlTb3ZxYzRLb0gzdTc4SW1aTk9qckZTR0ZycWJqZEd5TnpROUxNU1hHZz09 |
Freddy Krueger | r/bengals | comment | r/bengals | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0ZmROOGNILUtZMU02NDRKd3VCQkYzQ2tmSU9EWmNDQTVSbGtNUjM2QmlSUk9aWXhaYnE5ZkR2bGVVWkdZTkFuN2hBc0ppaFBacE93aE5RWUhoc1F5UlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EaXlCUFI2UVpaalJpNGJZM2U3NGd6ZEZzTV9RR2xka0RMMXR3dllhZTM2bGs2angxZTlQcFpxNXZ2U0laWUVxRVdJSy14cHJfSFBFRl9hdHAtZHQyLW96c1RpRWpjcW9TMDJCNTRva2p6TlZjVFFuR1NqeXhWT2Jhb0l4TUNLaEVURndzbTYzMWQxM3FueHFYcVl6ODhxZVFkNVJMcXY3azVnME9aQnM0NWJNPQ== |
I don't have an exact timestamp, but it was during the opening credits so probably in the first 3 or 4 minutes of the movie. | r/blankies | comment | r/blankies | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0RUg5U19aU0RtUW5MTnJQYmM1eVdqMWlJMUF6MnFkb3llME1XZTBJclFuYkRvd3YybjVYbzB2blE0aDc1ZU1vR0xIQXAxNlJPbUpUcWYwQ3BLMEVseWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1Ebi1BbXd1anJlcExHZVRhbXdzMll6cTItOWlwU3NTM1liX3VoRnc3bm5tRU90dTdmQUlhamhWMzFqUFh3ZEtiN0hVQlpoMGxCeXIzOWlHRkxBajYxVWZwbXpseEdNRmp1ZF9HekxNOHVJQUNSLU1tbG5POEYwbzNMeGpqcm5KcWFjY0VtOVMxZDd6VzBxTklQZmtpRXVTSzRRVlZ4cWxEMmdOWlR3N2NrWTM4PQ== |
he took a lambo rental to del taco also.. check youtube..... | r/dogecoin | comment | r/dogecoin | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bUFUWlpiMEFBNEJwY0dnXzFVWm5vbkhuUFN3V2VuTksxQ01WSXk5a2U3MzNUVGJlUnpjMTZFT1VtNFdhcHc3MzVuVloxc3VNakNoNUlPZWVOLUg5MVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ETDlxWHphaFhZc2ttTXQtM1RHX295R1RWUVcybk9jcUpXNEJuc2JhYWRKa1U0MDNROGQ0LVBJR3l1WUtFUlBRVkotQ3g5dWZweGtLalFzcXhzTGpzR3J1Tk1DM2ppc1lGVnlCLWF4eng3OWZBWkY0YnNzY1o4OUJ0QXlnTkl6dFJ0bDRac3M5LWNwbmUtRzNvcjQxUFlpMXRHb3hZTDFYSzROSlVLTHlJTE51V01nMG9tdWxkVW9yWHJxZFpOZTRlQ3ROZDRGd0ZibkczTGN5ZmFRUFM4Zz09 |
I have a cousin who hauls sawdust from furniture mills off for free. He has purchased a fleet of dump trailers. He then sells the sawdust to the customers of his ferrier business as bedding. Nearly 100% profit save for upfront capital costs and a little extra fuel for the pick ups from the mills. He's already going to the end-users for regular appointments.
He leaves an empty trailer at each mill, they call him when it's full. He then grabs an empty trailer from his land to leave when he picks up a full one. Then he drives the full one to appointments, and he dumps it in the end-users bedding pile for their employees to refill bedding after mucking. | r/entrepreneur | comment | r/Entrepreneur | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0R2huWEtDTWRhU1dQZ0o1b2QxTXdVaGpqOUJIbUtaS1AzalNHbU1Dbld0Q0VHVHVSRVhlbXdtazJoTlA1UHVFM2tscWZOY2lqNm1FSWRHNjNtZGxzNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ETndxOWQxN1pDM2lnVUkweFhLOVBqSlNkWGt0NFpKbFE1N2Q3TnRpeEhmWkp6elF2aTFnN1dtZlJBZFpsWEZEampaSkJuMmEzM2xuWEJUa1E3MkJ6Zjc3MjdERHVvakVvU1dUUl8yQ21wTnZYU3BQYnlkbFFXUlAyZ1o0N3ZmZTlqTkFMYVlMR29sWFN6c2gtYVBLYjc4R2lPcUdidjluODFRVmh4ZE5samZvejhqMkdjZFBDcU9PbUo4MGs1ZEN6ZllUbDNCcTFoelhFeHVBM2JQOWtZZz09 |
I always thought that was the reason. Not that they needed to since Harry Potter was obviously much bigger and a much better established franchise, but Twilight really was the most popular one for that short period of time, so they needed to catch up.
… And I hated it because of it. I _HATE_ Half-Blood Prince. In my yearly rewatching marathons I always skip it. I’ve seen every single movie at least ten times, except for that one. I’ve seen it only twice. And both times I finished the movie just angry and annoyed. Like, at the end of the movie Dumbledore, ALBUS-FUCKING-DUMBLEDORE was just murdered, war has just ensued, and all Hermione (of all people!) has to say is “oh yeah btw Ron is cool with you making out with his sister”?! Seriously?! What the fuck?! | r/harrypotter | comment | r/harrypotter | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0Y1N6TlROSTFIWXNCS01pZURPcFpUVXV6c1JvVWNMV2R1a29HNjVtSmp1Y1Nyb2p3RlUwbGxsN0J5MWpBVFBMd2pwMmN0MWYySlVBdXhQdmwwQVdHVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EZm16NjZ2eG4zYURBYWZyTEtaclZoMGp6MkFSZmVvVmU1UzVFeHd6ZTVDU25vMUdveU1aYWlBbC0tVGx0bGxGRi0tSkVMMTRydDg2bjJ2X2dKRThYVlB1c0NNZEVMZFRtNldsdWMyWVk3c19KSTVVZG1XUUxmUDF0X3JnSTRtTUctX0FVU2h4d3I0eDQ1cmplWXFpak1NLURFMEVzYnR0WjBlYnpvdDVnSWVKbkduV1Jid0RZbDBqeUkzYnZlYmF5ekFZUldraGNwSm9QWTZyUl9DM3VwUT09 |
**Be wary of people (like me) posting links to code that hook into your browser, so caveat emptor. If you know how this stuff works, then awesome. If not, find a friend you trust before you blindly add code that can interact with the PoE trade site**
**edit**: Made it work with two explicit mods instead of just one.
[Demo video link](
I wish I was at the point that I had 30 div to spend on a Timeless Jewel, but I don't. What I do have is the ability to modify webpages on the fly and help y'all find things more easily.
I made a Tampermonkey (chrome) plugin that adds a floating text box to the top right of the PoE trade website. [Github Link Here]( If any text is entered in the floating textbox it is compared against the **Explicit Modifiers** in the search results. Any matches are shown, otherwise they are hidden.
This lets us search for Timeless Jewels using a filter step after the fact. It won't search across their database, but rather this is a client-side filter to hide things that don't match. If you don't see what you're looking for in the results, maybe increase your prices. All searching should work with this including **Active Search**.
If you all really want a guide to how to install this as a newbie (it's not hard). I will make one tomorrow, but just be careful. | r/pathofexile2 | post | r/PathOfExile2 | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0eHZta1J3VkU1MzFkQ29DNXJsOUpTZkI0enNkeDJUUVVGSGRXamVIbU92YnNmcDEtcjljZzdnYUd2YmFvWWtyalpLOWZJVEw2cm9OYVlYNFpRTVY4Mmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EOTdOT0JvTG5pcnlRWnNPNlVreC01LU52cVRpS2hBUDY0Q0NuenBKSG5uUTQzdmxpTkd6NWsxdTQ4X1p3dF9zYWMxYmRpN2RtLWs1UVZtblhVRkRsbzNkc25EbXBzYVlTOUVrbFdOZ0tyLUVIUmhkcF9SWHNGLUU4YVFUNXZ6U2lHMnZGREQ2QzV3WGplYXU4QWdOQjlrYkNibkdXRVRfR3I0U0s4Z0JIUmxjWmxrVVRLQ2hyc2xIT0FqeW1VdzRxX3V6bUo4VHlPZTN6UEw5VkY4eTlMZz09 |
🤣🤣🤣 | r/holdmycosmo | comment | r/holdmycosmo | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0T1RhZDFseVRTNUh2eWk2Q1dpa3FqRkwxeW5kOVMtVVRjcFZxbmJuVlNreTB0cG4wQWtIcmpFazgzamw3Ti1PZUpZVXk0TlRGWWRpOEM0WmpjUERtTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EYUpMdzU1X25lZ0ZycVY5dmRLRk1VSDRvX1MyanlSN3d0NkZjVXN6X3Q2UjF2NWpVQTVVNmwxMThnTEZ4U1dpbVotblpKa2thaVlBSWZWcjRwRUlkR3lpTVYxcjV5bklJLVAxcTAtaTJEZUZxV0gwaUlmM3p5TFZRX2lEY1ZDdnJ6ZEJQN29FVzZUdTNBQlBRYkJEMzUtYThGSmp2QzlQUUViOTRweDJxQTE4PQ== |
Ok | r/neighborhoodmilf | comment | r/neighborhoodmilf | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0Wm9CSVNRV0ZEZkhSTGlrVElHZXdOWkxYYXdFb3gtMlMzTDZUM3VROUhfTWdmOGRUaUxtdnZQVjdIcEZXdHpLRnAzcmZueUZvU1FJUUhXX3ZyVnN0V0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EMDBLOVRPZTJtMTBsX2tTV0daby03amU2c1pvTjdvMXcxcTZ1aEYxdnZVZHR5VVVYR19MOFVyUk9PN2R2NTYzWkRuR2JyVFM5LThkX3B0cEN1eHpjSEx3aVhvUmFmMS1ydHFOVHhXRGhrY1otR1ROcUxVQkRnc2ZmWVJ2SVJ6amdqMzUwMk9zZ25nVUJKUUZ4V2JZZVRCOTJadU9iM1QtUTZhYUZfZjRYWFhnc3VvZVZXamlNYUVNanRsWHNfakV4YjRtZFV2ejlsODBfaDFIU2xkY3RHeTgxdVBMWGJFSDFlN0FvX0Y4V2luMD0= |
It will be okay. They have an idea of what you're going through, use this opportunity to tell someone about your feelings. You got this 👍 | r/egg_irl | comment | r/egg_irl | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0cEtabm9EaVU5dEVFWFhTLXdSVmVYWXM0SXlubWVyZ2JyWlZqTUc2MjVndXdFSlZWWGplVGExb3hhNVFLdDFUdDZIXzBhRmduNHJSNmdzckNGUW51V0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EeGpZN2ZucGlzdkVYOF9ia3FZeG1mNjhLN2lodWxZbHZNeE1tRHZXMVowN29obkI4aGhyTEM2Tm9IaXRlUUc5SGo2c0x3dTRvT1JrWEVLUkxxRkIzRXBRMWNXN2owV3RZMWtfX1ZkQTdvQ196cWhTNTJYR2ZpQmxlTjhpcnRTano3SW9YaWs4QlRVVktkZWJtRDVSNEpQUThnRUNCcWE5QWRBYWViUmUyV0VFPQ== |
J'ai pas osé le lire encore. Ça donne pas trop, trop le goût. | r/causerie | comment | r/causerie | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0N2lzQUlhRHpDOVlERlVwcW1qTFNmRElVTlRfbkl1U3QtUGpYWHZTQ3MyZ0lXeER0d2FWYUN2Zk80Qi1QTjhXUHZoOE04OEV1aHdZWFR3eWEzUFByWVlfQ1NPX2YtNGVOcmdob01SNlpRSk09 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EZzFrQlVaNzVPVXc1LXpNZG53YlZqaWR2VU00OGVhVkdLU0VYWDFWSU9maDg5RTFQU3E0WnVjRWdBMGtDX1dOZDhOazJVMUlJTnA5N0xRRDlqQTcwa1A3WjFBMGdON2RJUWpjc2pTWFAxbEl0VU5xaFRxZkNMZEIzZUQxYzNTV1JRR0J4Tm9TRmxESXU4LXlYNWRyenpPY0dxS1ZUTGJ4NzdSNi1WVksyMUdLSFhFNlZQMnNad3VSR3czaXd4X0V1em1XaVdEa04xT2JreERRX2ZLOU0wdz09 |
Congratulations!! | r/congratslikeimfive | comment | r/CongratsLikeImFive | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0NWhhNXB1VkhfdEY2b25ScDFjSDZwQkw2MDN0YlMydGN3RVpVblljM0FfX29hV2gyRlFOZmhTUGxpbU5jQ3dEYzc4YUI3Rlg1bFc3ZkMya0JzTUF0Y2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EX0pQeFNUYlZHZlg2aFZkMzIwWFZmbmdYd0xFQTFxeEkyNUY2RldYZVlxeG5uNjI3RFVlTWx4YTFvWTZzNFFDN3hLLUVzUy1WdFo3YzJEZ1A4T0dEellaeHg1d21YX0ZZUmpqdC02c0xWSFVBY2NpUFVoZXI4bkkzZ1hwYzBxRG43ejd1TmFTdjhuMUZLYU5PR3lqZmZUWVVUcllrMGVuMlZWQW51MjlRU2NhcmVBcnVQTmM1SW5zcFFwVHhmUEpTSWpfaTE4dV9mdDdMZkxkU3ZzYlA0S3ZRT2RVZmpFQnIxbEJVRVZSNldTZz0= |
What's happening is a large piece of metal (cylinde) is being slammed into the frame. You're not going to hurt the cylinder or the frame, but you're abusing the connecting parts (ejection rod, yoke/crane) which can become distorted by the forces swinging and suddenly stopping.
If you're lucky, you'll only bend the crane and throw off the alignment of the cylinder to the barrel. Lucky because a gunsmith can bend it back instead of having to replace and fit it | r/revolvers | comment | r/Revolvers | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0clV5cVE4SkxoMS1MY2J5MnJGOVV2RWhYRnlya2d5MFM3Mll2VmhPN3FOOHB5TGVMdkw0cDdzUFROaDNaZ05RRGpZbzFHd1Iwa3BDSHUtSUxjT3RJeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EOUhKSVgxdi1ma1prLVZIR01rUnhLRDBrdkNxM1Fub2pid2l1WUlfdWxVYTJGYm9DWlVTSXNQcnZWcmMtRlNhMEZsMktuN1lvMzBCNWVFU29sV3ZhUHRpZk90dWl6X01ZaGZ6VTJPc2tXTWxfTE1xZzN4b1FEQnZidzN0RXVTUld0YmlCQUdvQVFnR3YxSU5JMDFielp1cHMzRDBzYTlLc1R3Y2ZDZW05U2VnWGxHSUtpN0hiZFBEUlBpb09yYzJtQXdYYlJZTUlFZFAzVlZzU0pwLXlJdz09 |
hello and wellcome!
nice little tank u got there | r/gshock | comment | r/gshock | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bTZVa0F6MEQ0M3BhemdMV1g2T2s1eWFQc3RoMDRvQlZQN0dTR24wb0d0RDFkUVV6OXpnTXBWdEhUYW40bU5vOHJQbzdyM0VST3JoMkRTdXJlS0VZcUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EZnQ3VS1zNkREY3IydlpjT0ZDM2ctR0NrQm9ZaHlUd2p4c1dlOWtMbU1RaU9Sa1ZnYzBrU052ZnRuenBMYlB6SFp2azUyVlV2cnFwV3FNZl9nQWpJNU5GVEdhS05BTVBpcXoxaTQzM3h5QjJjdFpCZTZ3Z1VYRm9JV2JiQU9NSW14WG9lZHRSTWFaSlNZY1lYZlJjTEdJU2tYSHNaa2hSMWtrakNkQjdJSHhwdHk3MEE0dlVSTU9kRU1oTVlIaVdy |
Solo actualiza la base de datos de los votantes y evitas que los cementerios boten como tú dices | r/opinionespolemicas | comment | r/OpinionesPolemicas | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bF9QRWQ1YmFQT3FVZUF1OW9ubVNaNVM1MHVFWFFvRnVjT25qSWRZWVlFU0ZGTTZSNGJXMHRROUtXZDg5ZlpRY2ZkX18wZ3p2NVU0TkV1OHYyLWY3MXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EU2E0YnNvdlRpd1VROTJjemgzT2lZTnNHNUhpWHd1SkpSc1g1aEdTNENnNS1pSlFyQ2lUdUhBMS00OXh5UENRYTUxQzdhSHFsaFVpMm8tdmQ3NmdCbFdIY2dkbUF5dEVQY2I3S2F0N0dnb3E5cGRqaklzQ1hPWVhfNml4b1psaDRJdDFkdnNicDF0ckVOS2h0eHF6WkRCeWxuNFBoWWFPcFkxam1saS1jTWp6ZWV3ZkxvWWZVclNXZmZGVVBVWmtRVC01VWY4aFl3ZzRibWlJbDYxM21ZZz09 |
george and izzie were canon tho. so it doesnt count | r/greysanatomy | comment | r/greysanatomy | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0WWVCVkFEdGdwZHJtOVJtLUZXbkItT2ZQWVZVeHpHWms5N3VYREJyM1R6UkdOVVNXTDZZeVlaMVhZZjBoWkdkc1FGd0x5enNyaFF5RmZyazRfWjhiQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1Edm1mNm9jRTFhMDA4QTFxenBVd1dVaXhsbTAtbFM5cVo4cTRHMEpsS0dxelYzRWdBaHFreEstbk81bkJoM01XQkFBRHBZUDdnOUdseXlldm9aaFBhQmd1dWZfQi1PWUM3SkdWaFQ1YTd1Q0RxYUdZTmhrd3RULTRFTVg1ZFJVOXQ0dklHUE1ERzNZRGk4Snl5Qy1mVjJrSUhFYzhKbzdrNXJuOS0wQlNVaGJyeFhmc0FXaldYSzFPUTFhWHhLeTk5am5NeEVNZC1WRW9YTDZKZjFUMzh2UT09 |
I think Sunny is gonna break up with Veyah as soon as she’s back in the States. He’ll say he can’t marry her unless she converts. He just wanted to keep sleeping with her until she left - cherry picking the religious rules he follows. | r/90dayfiance | comment | r/90DayFiance | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bkYwSGRBcUZMVjdFNDR3eU9MOUZNYXNvbUd2REMxQXRwTXRoUDVhYmwxU2tPZzB2bWNRbHJWQ043RWJJWjlyXzh3N2lUMFVITHBFSXlMWHJaSWFDZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EbDh6TWVtMGJ0SmszYmw3RWpsTUs1eG1jNnJTMDlNbEtJRW5FYXNRZkFqcGhDMjF2dXVTYS1hZjlOZHVVR19SdFFsUzRRdFR5WGtSYTFNTGt5LWJUU0JOOGpwejhrWl95LV9uYU5vdHFHVWtlV2NVMTRGbkgyb3JXTWZMenpCYndOcm1rNUJxa2VBQUFqdzN1a1J0eXh5eEhMQjk2NkI3aWFkaXpaWHczXzZJPQ== |
"If it fits, it ships"-
Just sloghtly modify that to: "if it fits without forcing or breaking, it ships"- and you'll have any further questions like that fully answered going forward from now on. ;) | r/usps | comment | r/USPS | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0UU9ybENTN2RraEJORERQNERtQV82RlJPeXl3U0J2ZU9MVXAtdzVmSlZva3kxNFk0SHRaN0dvdUF5dDJtS2poRGhnUjB0RE1EdDV6ODJUcjc3VnZ4dEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ESHowalZTQV9PVW83Y00tRzBVUVRjeXpHUC16RnowcHBiTHQwY3JIYk8yM29aVWg2QzdOMTVJQkRDYl9YRXFpTzRiOENXU3lvbndjQUxNSG91QnRGek5tOERRdFFUVkRRZGdHSjFvdXloYWcwNXlPdDVIOGJaa3ZxT1BMWTd0aWc1UUpzZDhMaHYwRlBSaGdMOXdkd0wzaXVyak5YTmJ0dlFUZjRJU3FNMVFyLWoxdkNSMEdETGpabkN4cHI0Zm12Y3hRTFlhNVptVEk5a2VUUVJQVzFzQT09 |
Ah man. I’m glad it was helpful. Yeah, I battled for a long time..but I finally realized even if I didn’t have GB pain, I definitely was living a lower quality of life. I couldn’t deny that I had other symptoms, and like you’re saying, living with a bad GB is hard on your body. Best to you! | r/gallbladders | comment | r/gallbladders | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bWdINnF3eUhJM0RES0ZKQ1JsYmwyR0dVRGJTdHdseHVWRXByUExjb09LWFZ4QTRmZmhxaWZnQ1hIeGQ5TUxPT0NTUmtLUEdLbUM0RnNzVV9UNzh0WC04MWQwanhXRmJ1WjEwa0ZubDR5eGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EM2Q0bVlrSTFXaXAwVDhoNTdvVXFxSXN0ZHZUYV9RTWVkQ2ZyU3cxU21sQ1ZMMU1zY3lXNlRtWTl5NFhNQjBkNTRMSVFkR1RkSHREa0dYOW1YeDM4YmQzTjQyZHdBNzFJcHI1Zk9iaE1NMEpseE84LXdUWDB5dUZyQ0dQeDVWdUpVb2UwTVdfOEt4WmZGakZFQjdJX2trOVAwb3EzRGN4WWJzVVUwanZhWXpNY29scFgxc3dfYlNFTjA1SV8waUpEdWlEYm50dGNkcnlXUEdQZ3dSa0pnQT09 |
July 14, 2008
Steven was at Lucas' house, it was the last time that they were going to see each other, well. When Steven visits in August. The boy watched as the movers and his parents were carrying boxes to the moving truck.
Lucas walked towards Steven with a sad expression on his face. He was also sad, he and Steven had been un, and now. They were going to be separated from each other. But… Steven was happy for his dad. He broke the silence. "Did you find out where your dad works, like for what show?" he asked.
Lucas looked at the pavement, then back at Steven. He doesn't know, maybe his father had told him but he forgot. Steven hugs his friend, and Lucas hugs him back. They didn't want to let go. Steven then let go and looked at his mom
"Hey, baby," Jasmine said in a motherly voice. "When you guys get to Los Angeles. Could you stop by our house? I sent the address to your parents." she said. Steven nods sadly.
"I'll miss you guys…" Steven said.
"I know you will, baby. But you will be in LA next month. For your birthday, won't you?" Jasmine asked. Steven nodded and looked at the movers.
"Alright, Mr and Mrs. Carmichael. You're all set, we'll drive the truck to your new house up in Los Angeles." the first man said.
"Thank you, Lance. Rigby." Chris thanked the movers. Then, Rose drove up and rolled down the window.
"Hi. Chris, Jasmine!" Rose said waving. Jasmine walked over to her.
"Jasmine! Have you seen Dia — Never mind. I found her, she was in the house!"
Rose looked at her friend and sighed while she held the wheel. "Well. This is it… You're moving out of Delaware." she said.
"I know… But, Chris had to take this opportunity."
"What show is he working for?"
"The Garfield Show, he's working as a props designer."
"Oh, I heard Jim Davis is the creator of the show," she said.
"I know! It's so cool! I want to meet Garfield!" Jasmine told her excitedly.
"And Lucas wants to meet the other characters at the Cartoon Network lot."
"If he meets the PowerPuff Girls, ask him to take a picture with them! I can meet them next month when we go to LA." Jasmine smiled and nods.
"I think that won't be a problem. I can do that." Jasmine said, Rose stepped out of the van and hugged her.
"We are going to miss you, Jazz. Good luck out there in Los Angeles, we'll visit soon," she said.
Jasmine smiled and nodded. "Okay, we have to get going…."
"Call me when you get to LA!" she said, as she saw a taxi pull up. Jasmine and Chris went in. Lucas was hugging Steven.
"Oh, yeah, Steven. I want to give you something." Lucas pulls it out of his pocket.
He pulls out a colorful braided bracelet, it is uniquely crafted with vibrant colors. This bracelet features letter beads that spell out Lucas' name and in between his name are two yellow stars at the start and end.
The bracelet appears to be handcrafted with care, showcasing attention to detail in color coordination and bead placement. The overall aesthetic is vibrant and personalized, making the bracelet unique and meaningful.
Steven hugged him and showed his mom so she could tie it for him. "Mom! look what Lucas gave me!"
Rose gasped and looked at it with stars in her eyes.
"That's beautiful, Steven!" Rose smiled, and she helped him put it on. Steven got into the van and they drove off, Steven looked behind him as tears welled up in his eyes, he wiped them with the back of his hand, sat forward, and sighed.
"Do you want to go for ice cream?" Rose asked, Steven nodded. Rose knew that his son wasn't okay. *Maybe this will make him feel better,* she thought to herself.
They drove to the ice cream store and went in. Rose walked up, Steven was standing near her leg. She knelt at his level.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"Strawberry and Reecee's," he said, already knowing what he wanted. Rose nods and orders for both of them. Steven got his ice cream and sat next to his mom.
"Thanks for doing this, Mom. I hope this will make me feel better."
"Steven… We are going to California for your birthday." Rose said. Steven smiled and nodded.
"Can we go a week early, I want to see everyone." Rose smiled and nodded. "We can, I can talk to your dad about it too." Steven hugs his mother. Rose hugs him back. He smells his mom's perfume that she wore.
Rose opened the door to the beach house, and Steven followed behind her. Greg sat on the couch, strumming his electric guitar, he wore a pair of cargo shorts and his work shirt that was tie-dye and said 'The House Of Guitars, inc.' with a curricular picture of the store.
"Hey, guys!" Greg said, Rose smiled and kissed her husband. He smiled and pulled away. "How was it?"
"Well, they left. Steven and I got ice cream to make him feel better. Oh yeah, Greg. I promised Seven that we could go to Los Angeles a week early so he can see Lucas."
"No problem, Rose." he had a smile on his face and they kissed each other.
Steven came down an hour later with his swimsuit on, he was going surfing. Rose put on sunblock on him, putting it on everywhere but his gem.
Steven grabbed his surfboard and went into the water. Greg and Rose both sat on the sand and watched his son surf.
Greg and Rose put their son to bed, Rose kissed him on the cheek and then went to their room.
They were in bed a few minutes later, Rose kissed Greg on the cheek.
"I love you, Greg."
"I love you too, Rose." they got under the covers and went to sleep.
The next day, Rose was texting Pearl that they were coming to LA on August eighth, instead of their original plan.
Greg sat by her as she did her thing.
"Okay, I texted her. I don't know if she is going to get it now. She's at work now."
Greg nods, Pearl tells him that she works as a high school teacher in LA. So, she won't get the text maybe at lunch.
Rose set her phone down and they went to the beach.
Steven was swimming on the beach, Greg was sitting on the sand and Rose was in the water with Steven. Steven was racing his mom in the salty water. Then Rose felt something in the water, Rose knew what that was. She grabbed Steven and pulled her son close to her as the water was being pulled.
"Mom? What's happening?" he asked.
"Oh. Don't worry about it, Steven. It's probably nothing."
"Rose, Steven!" Greg called out, He saw that the water from the shore was moving farther away from them.
Rose got out, and Steven was trying to swim to safety, Rose ran out to get him but it was too late… The water was rising.
It was a tsunami.
It all happened so fast… It came crashing down, Causing Steven to hit his head on the sand and blackout.
"STEVEN!" Greg and Rose both screamed. | r/stevenuniverse | post | r/stevenuniverse | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0RXZFdEo0WjRUVDljNnczdUplRHlBVS1VTy02aEFQVnlzUXktRXFWVXF0aWFrSDhEZGM4UnpTYlpWNnQteVhUQkdrMjZaS3U0Z2pJaW1GWDdFVDduMDVxYXZrWjRpVEtad0xJTGVlUFNLV009 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EX3B2d21JeXdzTEVHMXRRdHNuX2xDamNXd0ZIOFp5LVEwcWNSRXlhWW1jaFQ4MXJYU0lOck5COEJGc2FDaGZfWU5vZC1VRFkwaWZLX015VFo2VHExYy1IRmxvbXctemoyZ004NjM3b2pLTGw0RHRXdThUeDNjeVh0OGhNOE4xVEswdFVBLVo1emgzRHRsZVpDTUlYQ29lTmhqaDE2V3ljeU1lNW02WjJZOGQtc3NSSDFRRnd1ZEhUU2ZWb0U0LXBrdkFfRWNsNVE4TVNSU3p1OHBsbV9FZz09 |
r/ausrenovation | comment | r/AusRenovation | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0aUNIUFpQWWlmTktuakJ1dEd2aW5OOHRDTWNEMkJySy0ySkVkT29tMDcwQVFrakhwbHA5cTg1Q0M0N19YXy1RendmaEoxVnVWbUZSR3BIelJVVm5OZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ERjBWOXZGWFF5WXVJdWdMbzdDYzZfZHZwSDVzYTZLalVpdHV2cU1TcDRDVUdHSEpTdGkxdWVsbE9iRlMyR21jUVFKbnhFYnVFaXBnT3dYWkRwUmV1X1AwSnZzQXRsbDhWb2M0Z3N4TldmRF9NLUpITzZpWEx5bHR2cUVtdkNqdjR2Y3l4RzBmX1lvM09YNUZjQW1ib19sVFR3bldnY1d1U09GOHJuTGRGY1owQXpHUHBCYXoxY3RlLUhuNktPOVFl |
It’s not hard to see this while looting and moving yourself. If you can’t look at your teammates positioning than I’m probably talking about you. | r/apexlegends | comment | r/apexlegends | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0cGt5VzdMcGUySXBKanRSb0NXUWVPVVR5WHdZX3dGVnlGaXBpNFJMc1REbmF4TWtVRVNhcXVXYTVNWTBoay1KbXk3UUhSN3FWQlJqUlVZbGV0dm9NVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EV1JtMEp0azA4cXI5X2pZNTM2cVpNd1pNN1hMTUtCWEJBdFFWWEtNN2JiZlNnblhsOWJ4Z0JOT0lQajMzMGZVQV9TZVhENTgtX1dDcDhxVEdMOVZPMTJUMm1lanZvaHhhZzFGNVQzRll6MFA5dmdmVkU1VFdMZXFNcjQ0Z0YySW9jRDNDY0J2cW85NHVNYkRGR2drMkxCekdORXNHZUNWSFdfNlJnVWV3ZmlUeFRIUTE3MDdZLXMtTmlycmN3QVhBaE01aURpZ3pXbzBtak1MUkh3Q29KZz09 |
Found another one. Career mode had me landing at "Z147" in Israel for a medium cargo run. It said it had a 600~m runway, so I accepted the mission. Took a closer look on the EFB while cruising, and discovered the "airport" is actually "Jurish HIGHWAY Strip H". It was just a bit of straight highway, with tons of vehicle traffic. Still managed to land my PC12 and get an S, but it definitely isn't an actual airstrip. | r/microsoftflightsim | comment | r/MicrosoftFlightSim | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0VU8yT2ZkUVFJZVFMQnlGMzRVd3FBVTlLNFZRT1ptV0p4WEpTSnhNQWo0Q1E4cDFQN3ZicE1ueUlfUV93b0NscEVYMlU2R1d1cGJxVGN0cXQyN2k1WFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EVnVzTW5lVUZpU09FOXB3WTBYMEFDQjdEM1l0d19jZjFHLXpDNzF5UW56eTZnNFpfbFhXQ0lYZEZWbFh0eUhib2ZHZ1hBUTJqdTlXNE02NDZNS3k4VWJQZkJHNE5BX2FFT1dRMmxVeGVwa2RwaHVqelk3UGJVXzR4LVNBRG94U0ZONlJPR1JCRzdZYTBqQmNTbDY1T0hUQ1NZcjg5eHA4WUFtWm0zUlFyaEZMdFVzOWgxb1hpNjV4OHEteWhjdTN5cFViZzI2TlMyMkROYUVGN2JCQXlJUT09 |
As always your crowd work is impeccable. | r/standupcomedy | comment | r/StandUpComedy | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0eXA2Y1ZoWHhkTDRUV0I2N1lNYUJDUXVSUmg3TF84SXJpZ3o3VWI5ZHVBLTY5eXZ2Y1R0R3VmVlR1LTIwYkgwUDhYaFJPektRampwZ0Z0ZEl6NEY4Y2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EaUh4bjM2NloyaEp1NXZKZUh5eWJyaG85dUlrVTlvNkMwanZENy00bmlyS1RaWG5pN3VSUlMwdWIxSEN1eWRyRG9lZXh4cU1ycVN3WUx1WmoxdnFwQlNGSUZ5ZmM2UHJrcE5keXpKV3F1eVBTX3NqekpCZ3drRVlLdGl3Nml2cDNwOERjSjFpOE0xS2ZTekpMWHJKNElfMG42YkpxenVxQ1NoMW1kLTU0NFVQdWNjT2dDN24zYlZzVVlvRmFlN1VqaTRYRFh0Z0U0SElRSDNfVDhyUXRvZz09 |
Doesn’t trust the government but will trust Russia’s government. Sounds about right…. | r/lazerpig | comment | r/lazerpig | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0MjNvY0FpZ3Zpal9oY3d6M0tHbmVuMGxGamRFeHlKY0V3UlNHX1lOTVl3bFk3cHRBVEQ4NUxnNTZ5SmlnNU5zRVhSb3M4VmtIWEZ4RG1aR1J6bWdMVHB3WHFHWVNLSjVhR0hqNEd3WjlkS3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EYlVIQTZ1YVZpN0xkZThYNE9MZWF2eG15YU1QUlB5bi1yM3NVWm55bldkOVBmZGNxQS03MTA1OFYtVngtdExfcTZyY2JiT1lzUk1kbXRpZGtFeC1XZV9kekM1UVlGV2hkbkxlU2dLR0xMWE0teFFtYk9GZUNPVERBUVN2TGNIMTJKVTNCM1hVcWpDX1I0VkN2NUJFZS1RempZMU5Eb01yc2x5ZDVjcTFjdXNCYVAzQ3BnejVSZkNRUktfT1ZoZWlw |
Howdy y’all. I’m 36 male from the middle of the USA. Illinois to be more specific. I have a kid. I like sports, gaming, food, and I love movies. I enjoy chatting and meeting new people. I don’t care about your age, gender, sexuality, or if you identify as a cat. Anyone can send me a message. | r/needafriend | post | r/Needafriend | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0dVRHeTdiRGdJTHZZeWRqQlZLOEY3SlJWVW9HeG54TzNpNWlmN1Z6TFdtY1ZqRjVIc3NiLVlQN29sRTFBREFib0Z3WjVxVUJ1V2NaRWhBXzhQR0JBdmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EOEpVM1FnUGJSYUU4TnJ6aTdqUEhPMFlkQ1k0MC1UbXpQZHVCZUlueExmcTZWeUJxT0Vaa0xVeXhFZnZLcUlYcnZsamtTdXBuRjJXYTdYbWw4MUNIVnhfYXdBeGxscndUQ0E1X0tzMlZPelo1SGQydThHWDdLZ0NNOVNvcVJiZ3hZcGJrTFNDRkdERzlwbFZKc2MzY1VzSC1VaDdYb3VrMlZXMzhMZllmVlVwSnZSREFQR2lPTDktdmZROEhkZVZtMVFZXzZOQkFkaXhmaW9Xck9zX0FIdz09 |
Was hoping not to see this comment 🥲
Reaches for wallet 😒 | r/tacomaworld | comment | r/Tacomaworld | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0MmdmakpQQkhLY0FaX1lLOWxwSy1sRzhiVHlOeWl2X0o0OVBrbmg4YUM0ZF9oeHpvWUt3TW8yX2pjZ0FtUXFZbFpLbVI4N0p1UV80Y3pPT19naVllT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EUFlFT25OR0JyM3JCSHhNejVqbTRQT1VIbHRCVUtkXzZ0WmVGTU9fUkh1aHNVZTFEdl9ObEJQWXJnYUN2TG1XZ1hTVTNvNU9uWmdsd1htSy1jcmhhU1haM3J2X0lrYjEtTHNwY0Y3MEpibHF5bXVmLUVHbnJqYXNMYWJCa2RvOW54c2Y5T1lURzJJa1Z6cWdfWFFHUFVnSk5XVEdiRXpFdC1HRzdOa1d5dEJ6TEZVallyMXJ0a0x5eThXT0I1OF9RaHBvR1BkcDdLc25pNWZzSEk2R0ViMlctODNlZ0FCWUN1ZnpGa1g3d1RaYz0= |
I’d personally say that the plan you suggest is more difficult than cold turkey, but if you think it will be best for you, then it’s good as long as you don’t throw out the plan. | r/nofap | comment | r/NoFap | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0aE1VeHFZc2g0WWZqY2hyemRFcE01UXFYMzJYendhVG9DNFRZdGplaGg1QmdoNWNPUVc3Xy10R043UlR0Q3lRaUhpTWVicFBxdXY5Z2NUVl9KLUluSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EYVNVMnpUcmV1WHJDbXZBZUttcDdDVnpwTnRaMENlM3djTVZmLXplT2JCLVRreDVXRWVSaTlWdFo5MGZHNGhSZHVaMFN3WjM5QW1FS2xYUlFMQkgxUkxnLVBCSVRLX3V4TlpZUXl0Nk9BVWt5OUwzUjNZV1kyclNKQVJiTkNBaTZkMTljSm8zWEcwR1JoZ0VUakxSbjNJRXZqNm5qT3ZhbXNlcVQxMVdPZDMwPQ== |
I'll bet my bottom dollar this spoled brat isn't paying any of that, and has no desire to fulfill landlord duties.
If OP pays rent, it would not be his responsibility to pay for tax, repairs, etc. That would be her job. | r/renters | comment | r/Renters | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0cWVzV3M3X1FBZmdJQTNUcjRma1JCSTlseHYzcHVYRmlqYWxxZkhWU1lyUmZBaS1LdlJLcGRCMjgtNlhlS3BKaG1Qa2UxNEh1dmQzZWM1SG5lRjlxOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EckdrQlYzaTJ1NWJCU2s0blJoMHliNGJGQ3UxN0EtOW5hT3FRWGxyUWFlRWh5dE9KY0JrMnBicXRGTE1XaGJxZXBadlIwQUJwMVljZjZOSGRVbkRuWWF3MVNXRVA4d1U1NXY4TkdRVUxpNjlYd0FiTjQwYmZveF9ieEFRbElwNklWWl9EYVRNWWlRQ2lQdW85S0pTUzBIMDdnRGJRNlZNVW5PM0dWSW5TZ3NIMlVuSjltcWZjQ0tzdzVtUVBUaWc0YlkxeG9rUC01SEQ3WVNBNHA2dFRCUT09 |
What’s the technique to surf the orgasm? | r/prostateplay | comment | r/ProstatePlay | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0SjJGcm1mVVBSNmxYcEtBWEVNVDc1YW9TUWp2cG41OVFscUw4Tkt3RUZObW53WHpJMTdxallFOThIcE45bmhhc3prME5QbjBjSFlhTXJiR2tjbW5vN1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EU3Y3NzZ3RG8wUWVodUdxdEJMNzdkODdrRUJnZkc2R3NJMXJnZXVMUmRaLTZyZnFXNTRCdlg2X3Z4LXloSXBmaHJSMDlYMHkyZl9tTmFzMmxhMkQ3M2xPWlU3ZW8ta2wzdkxwVjJTWmRHU1E2TFNzemlqcl93OVM2ei1SSGYwcEhlZDFUeW05S0lmQ0htMVE1dnI1aXRURWZjTF9NM2Z0TDZaV0F4U3dacmhUTnE1OHVZemU4eGEzT0xBUE1xc0h0 |
AccomplishedDrop7908, your post is now marked as "Trade Completed." Please note: users may not exchange karma within a post that is closed. This action cannot be reversed.
*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Market76) if you have any questions or concerns.* | r/market76 | comment | r/Market76 | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0YVFnVTQwTGpmS1lQaVNOZHVoVmJlWllpTjVYdFBJT1RTWUNkUkxuZW85UkIxaHZhVXVfcmNxYU9lamg4ejVudUtJOTJUTHd6bld2bFdySGJfanVkVVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ERERwcFhVSEQ0bE1TRnBPWWhZYVRxYXhidG5MZjBZZlNVNzlfa2laTU5SWUhWZmt4czdldjJ0VUwzNWgxREJsUF9KcnRYY1g2YzVhT09kT0I4eGh4N2RRRU5DRG9PcnB5ZXJrRllDNGNDS1dRc2J3ZVZtUmtmeXhzVGIxa2tqLUZ6T0VJOWtyVmE3XzRXNEpOOEMtaUpVMUZ4YmhRdkZKREp6QTVfdmc3Wlo2UURJeDBWWDlvX0hCaDRsbUZxMGQ3 |
Thank you! Here's a couple earlier batches you might also appreciate:
[\_four\_smugglers\_on\_a\_small\_airship\_feel/]( | r/heroforgeminis | comment | r/HeroForgeMinis | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0bGlBenhjQ0UteFEtZUpfTUFvTzQwc0tHTjB0Sk1hU1dNTlphaW1nQlJFZzV3R2FnRjUyYnJKdkUtOC0xTmRoa1gzc1ZOZk1BcmNrYjhmZHlmakhfblE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EcmlDc0RRd3VQNmNQd2xLdnFUaUNBU1prY0x5VDNiUF9aUWNKYkFFV29wU3JMcFpKTG5NTkFYaTRaNkhwM3N0ZGtySnpPeGFTam93ZGp4UmFveURuZkZJU053UmhVSUR1SXRDNHl2bGdPYk1kajFZRkNHTnpEREIxYXRoOEthM2pzdUFlUVBTc3dHSlg4QURKUDhxMVVidVRQbWxXNTQ5YmdROE9BTFVvYmxGSy1Mb0pOUnpaaXJFcm5abXJZOHc1OHNINDJvMU5QcmVFVFhNR3JKUzhVdz09 |
I don't know about his first car. Sure, it's possible. The discrepancy is just one of many beginning to pile up around this story.
Xcancel is Twitter. Adding cancel into the address allows non-users (which I am) to see the full conversation. I learned this earlier on the sub that I found this on. | r/conspiracy | comment | r/conspiracy | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0WmlQZjlWOWpBOGlCVWswRDhiZHVyNGFUbkhkZnZ6aER1SzN5NEY0bVhWd19EMk9LY0RGRmx2NnR5WFBiVEpIekluZlF3UDJSYmpPS2ZMcDlxT2dyTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1ES3ZERXJPdERad3FSSmhBQTZhMTVJNHpUZVd1QXFyT2pkM1AweGFkTlhrUzIxcFFsc0ZqeHdMUHFPSmZsWTJDZTVkUXhRcEVsZXZzZE9fdVR4c3E2MkZHeHlQd3BSNklhRE9pZURBSjNsQUdDNDRkRFFBR1hwZHJuci1UbUd6bkMtTW1WVnhLNXEzdHZzR0pya1JtY3lVZVdsWFhTOXgxUHk4V1d4S3Zjd3FMTnR4NURFTURuMVEybUdiN1dOOU91dG5IV0pyZkU2YlNtQ3NPY2dtNFgtUT09 |
Its less a stab in the back than a sword straight through the gut at this point | r/canadapolitics | comment | r/CanadaPolitics | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0cFB0cEpta2k2SFNYemtOVldfbDhwa0FEUVVaOXRnRThqRWw3MjNfS003N1JQMl91TDVNeVItUDR0Q25HN2FweHd4TUU5U3liX0RoMG1pcUsteTA0Smc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1Eb0djRk5PUjhCYWQ5VWltMHllZThCVml1ckF1UjRSbjZhR1hROXFlcldaQlRzdWtjckhDLVdBY2lzaFdxaEFNRTc4d0htdndyRlJ3NjV6OGE5bFI3TkZaOXl4eW5Ham9zZ0ZkSE85MFl5cVJ4Xzk1NXRhTFJUd2lJNXZ2N0lEMWlOZktxaVZSelNmN2Rhc2preUZTQjJjdlE2THlKYm9fbWJFUEpOWHhRa2dVQUNNczdqTC1MOWx6T09MdWg5V2JUVWlmZWVkMDNxMkJvbThyUF95NzJ6NjhIWTdxV0dydEh0dlpnNmRtYm02ND0= |
r/dbzdokkanbattle | comment | r/DBZDokkanBattle | 2025-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm52djk0dy1pYkdDNmoxbkRRVnppMXRxOGhZaFhFRnVUSU05My1OcWN2U2RfQmhwUjJBZUJRdE93N05SbkhMS0tBMVB6cV9RcHBuaGItYU1RMnFTb1o0cGYwTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm52di1EQnBYa2dmTnNoR0FCc1ZSc2NqWkFqaTMtWHQ2MTdlVG55a1NycngzVW0taXFRc1RBbC1DaUVTdTMyZV91a0FKU1FmeUxmajdtWVU4Mk1PaE1KOXV3VEdmRGdYZHdtNHhqMzhBR0MyY0REbGpEWXNVZDdQTGZ0ZzlfRjZrMTZ3LTI3c0NEMXp4Y18tX2VTYVhNYUxuSENMS2ZwbnlmQ2lmUXdlXzlhOUdkaVdBOXlBOWNiazZRM1VXTjB4OWdRd0Rw |
Subsets and Splits