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because your logic is so dumb , i won't even crop out your name or your photo . tsk . <url>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
" <user> just put casper in a box ! " looved the battle ! #crakkbitch
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> <user> thanks sir > > don't trip lil mama ... just keep doin ya thang !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
visiting my brother tmr is the bestest birthday gift eveerrr ! ! !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> yay ! ! #lifecompleted . tweet / facebook me to let me know please
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> #1dnextalbumtitle : feel for you / rollercoaster of life . song cocept : life , #yolo , becoming famous ? <3 14 #followmeplz ! <3 x15
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
workin hard or hardly workin rt <user> at hardee's with my future coworker <user>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i saw . i'll be replying in a bit .
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
this is were i belong
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> anddd to cheer #nationals2013 ?
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
we send an invitation to shop on-line ! here you will find everything you need - without leaving home ... <url>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
just woke up , finna go to church
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> agreed ! 12 more days left tho
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
monet with katemelo
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
like dammm <user> lexis u got a lot to say when ur on twitter lol
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
grateful today for a dream fulfilled ! ! my heart is so full - first 3 completed tracks have arrived back from new york ! #yeslord !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> at home affairs shall do it later
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
barca bout to beat real madrid on saturday doe
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> a lot of parts of asia . especially rats that live in the country and live on grains . supposed to be quite tasty .
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> <user> i wasn't even sleeping . so shut cho ole go back to sleep lookin ass
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
i have the worlds best dad . <3
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> <user> ab jaeyay werna meeting khatam hi hojaeygi baaqi ki buttering baad may karaygay hum sab
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> no one doubts that ability !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> check my tweet pic out . that was the outfit before . this is it after
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
just got my mid-term and i'm impressed ! ! #happy
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
my summer days : 1 . ) work from 10:30- 2:30 ish .. 2 . ) home , shower , & eat ... 3 . ) go out till whenever and do it all over again
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> lol nooo .. food is ur friend
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> #16millionbritneyfan rt and tweet
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> but seriously though .. it's called vanity fairest
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> <user> lol chloe :') ill teach yous to cook , you'll be pros by the end of it !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> lol , im finna eat something ... chicken
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
any questions for me ? just put preston down for a short nap and mikes not home for another hour , feel like answer q's ! ! make ' em original
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
friday is payday & 4/20 ? ? hell yeah #reasons2dothebirdmanhandrub
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> thank you again love & & i def will get that done ) i have plenty i want framed lols
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i'm very week thanksss ! what you up to ? xxx
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
#ff to my good , hilarious , sweet and kind friend , who loves toilet paper , <user> he's always made me laugh when i needed to ! <3
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> apparently not )
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i live my life on the quote " live life for the moment cos everything else is uncertain " - louis tomlinson
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i can't wait to see it can you please notice or follow me ?
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> but they couldn't be bigger than <user> ' s ones
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
#yougetmajorpointsif you are olivia brown
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> ty as well ! i don't know what i would do without you too my sister in christ ! you are truly a blessing to the kingdom !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
i love southall travel , and before i visit southall i visit <url> first
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
we care a lot for the ones you love ... good morning <url> share it with your friends . <url>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i love you ! if you love me to please rt
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> are you a blonde yet ?
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> wait my brother has one ! let's get a picture
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> if i dont do it first thing i won't do it ! plus i beat the bridge traffic
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
japan has some of the nicest rivers ! <url>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> oh hi please follow me
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
my new drawing based on <user> just waiting for knowing her fav color <url>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i haven't seen myself though and they didn't ask which is a bit annoying :p haha , ooo really ? why ?
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
i just need 17 more followers ! please follow to get me to 500 followers before saturday and to support ben kelly #teamjessie #thevoiceuk
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i want a dream like thatd ; hahah yolo . xx
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> well mr . schmidt / knight , aren't you the charmer ? you just made my day five gazillion times better . love you !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> no probs hope it's all going well !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> watching now hehe ) )
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
off to shower then bed , night night bbs
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
be happy in front of people who don't like you , it kills them .
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
me and martina are gonna make a video to call me maybe with the boys
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
laying with my little cuddle buddy tonight <url>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> aahh , sorry love ... but i know you'll ace them . )
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
how are #zuers holding up in the midst of all the midterms ? remember the secret to success is a good night sleep
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
watching the first 48 , so is half my followers lol
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> can i get a follow back from a fellow #twfanmily member please
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> okay but next me you me are definitely hanging out
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
i just figured out i have the same birthday as mike the situation from jersey shore .. but july 4th is a good day because i get fireworks
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> <user> dude i dident say one thing to her today ! ? ! and she starts trying to say shit ? k .
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
can i get 3 more followers tonight :d i'm nice . you'll like my tweets . i'll try my best
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> yeah i was quite surprised too . even called the score .
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
after school with my girls <user> <user> <user>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> hehe <3 well hello there
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i'll be sleeping there
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i love that he thought of me and his sweet proud face when he handed them to me made me tear up ! xoxoxo
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
#smackkk like that
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
when people judge & criticize you , just remember it says nothing about you & everything about them
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> <user> umm duh ! i told you ! u need to come to cracow
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> aww , you are a very sweet kind . smurf . i love you too & talking with u lifts my spirits as well . <3
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
give her that dope dick , till she can feel it in her stomach , eyes rolling back & toes curling
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
give her that dope dick , till she can feel it in her stomach , eyes rolling back & toes curling
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> happy 4.20 <user> for reals . i'm sparking in the name of <user> .
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i know ! can't believe it myself ! i'll send you a pic of the hall !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
rt <user> <user> help us trend jaomikay and kathrynbernardoasmikay thankyou ! <user> <user>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
rt <user> <user> help us trend jaomikay and kathrynbernardoasmikay thankyou ! <user> <user>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
rt <user> <user> help us trend jaomikay and kathrynbernardoasmikay thankyou ! <user> <user>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
i got 2 cold 40s in the fridge
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
heres to the kids who hate giving speeches
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
gunun sorusu where is my mind <url> via <user>
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
when i'm old enough i'm going on long lost family
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> .. glad ur ok and it sure is can almost c it nite nite
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
meal + cinema with <user> <user> katie
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> so i thought since your a bieber fan and there arnt many at our school i assumed that was your team
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> smiles what's up chikaroo ? xx
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i know i was in spanish
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> it's once every 24 hours
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> follow <user> cos she's a fully sick dog
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> <user> thanks for the super sexy gold show ladies ! have fun shopping !
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> <user> <user> <user> <user> <user> <user> always a pleasure marie
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i'm not sure if they are really aware of twitter . a hyena on nitrous oxide might confuse them .
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.
<user> i dm'd you what to do get your followers to follow you on my your new twitter . where is this shindig ? x
Determine if the sentiment of the following tweet is positive or negative. Note: All smileys and frownies (e.g., ':)', ':(') are removed before analysis, and sentiment is based on their original presence.

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