julien-c's picture
julien-c HF staff
Align/fix license metadata info (#4613)
history blame
No virus
13.4 kB
- found
- found
- code
- c-uda
- monolingual
- 10K<n<100K
- original
- text-generation
- fill-mask
- language-modeling
- masked-language-modeling
pretty_name: CodeXGlueCcCodeCompletionToken
# Dataset Card for "code_x_glue_cc_code_completion_token"
## Table of Contents
- [Dataset Description](#dataset-description)
- [Dataset Summary](#dataset-summary)
- [Supported Tasks and Leaderboards](#supported-tasks)
- [Languages](#languages)
- [Dataset Structure](#dataset-structure)
- [Data Instances](#data-instances)
- [Data Fields](#data-fields)
- [Data Splits](#data-splits-sample-size)
- [Dataset Creation](#dataset-creation)
- [Curation Rationale](#curation-rationale)
- [Source Data](#source-data)
- [Annotations](#annotations)
- [Personal and Sensitive Information](#personal-and-sensitive-information)
- [Considerations for Using the Data](#considerations-for-using-the-data)
- [Social Impact of Dataset](#social-impact-of-dataset)
- [Discussion of Biases](#discussion-of-biases)
- [Other Known Limitations](#other-known-limitations)
- [Additional Information](#additional-information)
- [Dataset Curators](#dataset-curators)
- [Licensing Information](#licensing-information)
- [Citation Information](#citation-information)
- [Contributions](#contributions)
## Dataset Description
- **Homepage:** https://github.com/microsoft/CodeXGLUE/tree/main/Code-Code/CodeCompletion-token
### Dataset Summary
CodeXGLUE CodeCompletion-token dataset, available at https://github.com/microsoft/CodeXGLUE/tree/main/Code-Code/CodeCompletion-token
Predict next code token given context of previous tokens. Models are evaluated by token level accuracy.
Code completion is a one of the most widely used features in software development through IDEs. An effective code completion tool could improve software developers' productivity. We provide code completion evaluation tasks in two granularities -- token level and line level. Here we introduce token level code completion. Token level task is analogous to language modeling. Models should have be able to predict the next token in arbitary types.
### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
- `language-modeling`: The dataset can be used to train a model for completing single code tokens.
### Languages
- Java **programming** language
- Python **programming** language
## Dataset Structure
### Data Instances
#### java
An example of 'test' looks as follows.
"code": ["<s>", "package", "org", ".", "vaadin", ".", "teemu", ".", "clara", ".", "demo", ";", "import", "java", ".", "io", ".", "BufferedReader", ";", "import", "java", ".", "io", ".", "ByteArrayInputStream", ";", "import", "java", ".", "io", ".", "IOException", ";", "import", "java", ".", "io", ".", "InputStreamReader", ";", "import", "org", ".", "vaadin", ".", "teemu", ".", "clara", ".", "Clara", ";", "import", "org", ".", "vaadin", ".", "teemu", ".", "clara", ".", "inflater", ".", "LayoutInflaterException", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "Application", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "terminal", ".", "ThemeResource", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "Button", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "Button", ".", "ClickEvent", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "Component", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "Embedded", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "HorizontalLayout", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "HorizontalSplitPanel", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "TextArea", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "VerticalLayout", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "Window", ";", "import", "com", ".", "vaadin", ".", "ui", ".", "Window", ".", "Notification", ";", "@", "SuppressWarnings", "(", "\"serial\"", ")", "public", "class", "DemoApplication", "extends", "Application", "{", "private", "DemoController", "controller", ";", "private", "TextArea", "xmlArea", ";", "private", "HorizontalSplitPanel", "split", "=", "new", "HorizontalSplitPanel", "(", ")", ";", "private", "Window", "mainWindow", ";", "@", "Override", "public", "void", "init", "(", ")", "{", "setTheme", "(", "\"clara\"", ")", ";", "setMainWindow", "(", "mainWindow", "=", "new", "Window", "(", ")", ")", ";", "controller", "=", "new", "DemoController", "(", "mainWindow", ")", ";", "mainWindow", ".", "setContent", "(", "split", ")", ";", "VerticalLayout", "editor", "=", "new", "VerticalLayout", "(", ")", ";", "editor", ".", "setSpacing", "(", "true", ")", ";", "editor", ".", "setMargin", "(", "false", ",", "false", ",", "false", ",", "true", ")", ";", "editor", ".", "setHeight", "(", "\"100%\"", ")", ";", "editor", ".", "addComponent", "(", "xmlArea", "=", "createXmlArea", "(", ")", ")", ";", "editor", ".", "setExpandRatio", "(", "xmlArea", ",", "1.0f", ")", ";", "editor", ".", "addComponent", "(", "createUpdateButton", "(", ")", ")", ";", "HorizontalLayout", "wrapper", "=", "new", "HorizontalLayout", "(", ")", ";", "wrapper", ".", "setMargin", "(", "true", ")", ";", "wrapper", ".", "setSizeFull", "(", ")", ";", "wrapper", ".", "addComponent", "(", "createLogo", "(", ")", ")", ";", "wrapper", ".", "addComponent", "(", "editor", ")", ";", "wrapper", ".", "setExpandRatio", "(", "editor", ",", "1.0f", ")", ";", "split", ".", "setFirstComponent", "(", "wrapper", ")", ";", "updateLayout", "(", ")", ";", "}", "private", "Component", "createLogo", "(", ")", "{", "Embedded", "logo", "=", "new", "Embedded", "(", "null", ",", "new", "ThemeResource", "(", "\"\"", ")", ")", ";", "logo", ".", "setHeight", "(", "\"90px\"", ")", ";", "logo", ".", "setWidth", "(", "\"90px\"", ")", ";", "return", "logo", ";", "}", "private", "TextArea", "createXmlArea", "(", ")", "{", "TextArea", "area", "=", "new", "TextArea", "(", ")", ";", "area", ".", "setStyleName", "(", "\"xml-area\"", ")", ";", "area", ".", "setSizeFull", "(", ")", ";", "area", ".", "setValue", "(", "readStartingPoint", "(", ")", ")", ";", "return", "area", ";", "}", "private", "Button", "createUpdateButton", "(", ")", "{", "return", "new", "Button", "(", "\"Update\"", ",", "new", "Button", ".", "ClickListener", "(", ")", "{", "public", "void", "buttonClick", "(", "ClickEvent", "event", ")", "{", "updateLayout", "(", ")", ";", "}", "}", ")", ";", "}", "private", "String", "readStartingPoint", "(", ")", "{", "BufferedReader", "reader", "=", "null", ";", "try", "{", "reader", "=", "new", "BufferedReader", "(", "new", "InputStreamReader", "(", "getClass", "(", ")", ".", "getClassLoader", "(", ")", ".", "getResourceAsStream", "(", "\"\"", ")", ")", ")", ";", "StringBuilder", "xml", "=", "new", "StringBuilder", "(", ")", ";", "String", "line", ";", "while", "(", "(", "line", "=", "reader", ".", "readLine", "(", ")", ")", "!=", "null", ")", "{", "xml", ".", "append", "(", "line", ")", ";", "xml", ".", "append", "(", "\"n\"", ")", ";", "}", "return", "xml", ".", "toString", "(", ")", ";", "}", "catch", "(", "IOException", "e", ")", "{", "e", ".", "printStackTrace", "(", ")", ";", "}", "finally", "{", "if", "(", "reader", "!=", "null", ")", "{", "try", "{", "reader", ".", "close", "(", ")", ";", "}", "catch", "(", "IOException", "e", ")", "{", "e", ".", "printStackTrace", "(", ")", ";", "}", "}", "}", "return", "null", ";", "}", "private", "void", "updateLayout", "(", ")", "{", "try", "{", "Component", "c", "=", "Clara", ".", "create", "(", "new", "ByteArrayInputStream", "(", "xmlArea", ".", "getValue", "(", ")", ".", "toString", "(", ")", ".", "getBytes", "(", ")", ")", ",", "controller", ")", ";", "split", ".", "replaceComponent", "(", "split", ".", "getSecondComponent", "(", ")", ",", "c", ")", ";", "}", "catch", "(", "LayoutInflaterException", "e", ")", "{", "mainWindow", ".", "showNotification", "(", "e", ".", "getMessage", "(", ")", ",", "Notification", ".", "TYPE_ERROR_MESSAGE", ")", ";", "}", "}", "}", "</s>"],
"id": 0
#### python
An example of 'train' looks as follows.
"code": ["<s>", "from", "bootstrap", "import", "Bootstrap", "<EOL>", "from", "fund", "import", "InstantPaymentNotificationHandler", "<EOL>", "from", "fund", "import", "ThankYouHandler", "<EOL>", "from", "view", "import", "*", "<EOL>", "mapping", "=", "[", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/'", ",", "<EOL>", "Index", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/ipn'", ",", "<EOL>", "InstantPaymentNotificationHandler", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/thank-you'", ",", "<EOL>", "ThankYouHandler", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/about\\/?'", ",", "<EOL>", "About", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/guide\\/?'", ",", "<EOL>", "Guide", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Download", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Standards", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/community\\/?'", ",", "<EOL>", "Community", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/news\\/?'", ",", "<EOL>", "News", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/support\\/?'", ",", "<EOL>", "Support", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/contact\\/?'", ",", "<EOL>", "Contact", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/press\\/?'", ",", "<EOL>", "Press", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/legal/terms'", ",", "<EOL>", "Terms", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/library\\/?'", ",", "<EOL>", "Library", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Library", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Library", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Users", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "User", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Design", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Design", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Design", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Design", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Design", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "RedirectSuccess", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "RedirectError", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "RedirectAfterDelete", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Moderate", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Bootstrap", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/activity'", ",", "<EOL>", "ActivityScreen", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/txns'", ",", "<EOL>", "TxnList", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Base64Blob", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "Base64Blob", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r''", ",", "<EOL>", "MessageStrings", "<EOL>", ")", ",", "(", "<EOL>", "r'/.*'", ",", "<EOL>", "NotFound", "<EOL>", ")", "<EOL>", "]", "</s>"],
"id": 0,
"path": "00/wikihouse/urls.py\n"
### Data Fields
In the following each data field in go is explained for each config. The data fields are the same among all splits.
#### java
|field name| type | description |
|id |int32 | Index of the sample|
|code |Sequence[string]| Code Tokens |
#### python
|field name| type | description |
|id |int32 | Index of the sample |
|path |string | Original path in the dataset|
|code |Sequence[string]| Code Tokens |
### Data Splits
#### java
| |train|validation|test|
|java|12934| 7189|8268|
#### python
| |train |test |
## Dataset Creation
### Curation Rationale
[More Information Needed]
### Source Data
#### Initial Data Collection and Normalization
[More Information Needed]
#### Who are the source language producers?
[More Information Needed]
### Annotations
#### Annotation process
[More Information Needed]
#### Who are the annotators?
[More Information Needed]
### Personal and Sensitive Information
[More Information Needed]
## Considerations for Using the Data
### Social Impact of Dataset
[More Information Needed]
### Discussion of Biases
[More Information Needed]
### Other Known Limitations
[More Information Needed]
## Additional Information
### Dataset Curators
https://github.com/microsoft, https://github.com/madlag
### Licensing Information
Computational Use of Data Agreement (C-UDA) License.
### Citation Information
title={Probabilistic Model for Code with Decision Trees},
author={Raychev, Veselin and Bielik, Pavol and Vechev, Martin},
journal={ACM SIGPLAN Notices},
publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}
title={Mining Source Code Repositories at Massive Scale using Language Modeling},
author={Allamanis, Miltiadis and Sutton, Charles},
booktitle={2013 10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR)},
### Contributions
Thanks to @madlag (and partly also @ncoop57) for adding this dataset.