@comcastcar i need someon to contact me. i am over it! english speak pleas
@823770 hello, we are abl to look into your tv trouble. pleas send us a dm with your name and phone number for assistance. -ac
what’ up with your @126452 stations, @115900? it’ been like thi for a few day now.
@idea_car 7777078330 7065338999
@131539 sorri but as you were have ultim plan and it is charg on monthli basi even if you use the servic or not. regards, yogita
@idea_car apprici if you check my bill gener on 27th nov an resolv my dont close complaint without resolut
@799088 we'r await for your respons to resolv ur issue. pl provid the same within next 24 hrs. rgds, idea care
@idea_car what exactli is the issu here, can you pleas repeat?
@virgintrain 07:30 (i should say the 07:52) from rugbi to euston.
@823771 which servic are you look to board? due to a fault with the signal system some servic today will not call at stoke or macclesfield until further notice. ^bt
. @virgintrain all servic from #macclesfield cancel ( #stone related?) but websit + nation rail' deni ani issues.
@145933 apologies, thi is due to a signal issue. the servic wa no longer abl to call at stoke ^lc
@virgintrain never mind earli or late.... just no train today. 7.45 from stoke on trent to manchest
@823772 @127472 sorri to hear the wifi isn't working. can i suggest disconnect from the wifi, reconnect and type into your browser' url bar? we are look to offer free wifi throughout our train in the near future. ^bt
@127472 @virgintrain £338 for a return trip to manchest and you don’t offer free wifi!!! not onli that but the option to buy a packag isn’t working. realli out do yourself there
@269472 have you spoken to the wi-fi support team on 0330 0881271 at all? ^lc
@virgintrain no but staff have reboot the router a coupl of time still pant
@virgintrain 6am servic from preston it been up and down all the way wa hope to get some work done
@269472 which time servic are you on today? ^lc
@virgintrain wifi not work preston to euston awesom
@459300 sorri about the inconveni tommy. hope it warm up onboard! ^bt
@virgintrain no it won't. but thank for your "concern" and the £196 ticket to travel in a cattl truck.
@virgintrain he ha inform me heat is broken and he can't turn off air con. gee thanks.
@459300 oh dear, sound like it would be cold where you are. if you speak with a member of staff tommy, they can assist with this. ^bt
coldest day of the year. @virgintrain ha aircon on keep us nice and cool. thanks.
@136417 sorri to hear there were no check on your servic today. we do aim to conduct ticket check where we can. ^bt
@virgintrain anoth day of no ticket check travel from rugbi to london
@823773 our apolog if our custom servic fell short of expectation, jen. pleas know we'v taken your feedback to heart. ^nc
@southwestair you guy did great in handl it!!! thank you
@southwestair you should be proud of rachel on fl#1801 chicago to mn. the rest of them need to learn some manner &how to treat customers!
@uber_support no point now. i'v spent 4 day be disappoint in uber. i'll tri again later after i'm done be frustrat with milwauke greenlight.
@uber_support your support team is useless. i got reapprov for lyft in an hour while you guy have taken 2 1/2 week to figur out my background check.
@587686 oh no! that' the pits. we'v got a great search and rescu team! pleas know you can file a report here for them: ^ma
@southwestair well thank you!! i had no idea. i just file in case someon see it :)
dear whoever find my eudora welti book in the seat pocket of a @southwestair flight...enjoy it! i hope you like awesom southern writers. :)
@823774 we can definit take a look! send us a dm with your email address and detail so we can follow up.
@115873 one of yo9ur driver ha my iphon in there car in the last check location. you have done nothing, can you pleas respond
@823775 happi to follow up. send us a note at so our team can connect.
@115873 whi do i have to have a credit when you can easili refund back to my credit card?
@823776 here to help! send us a note via so our team can connect.
@115873 @uber_support get it together. there' no reason for thi to not work for me even after deleting, reactivating, or use anoth accnt
@823777 hi zara, are you refer the groceri app. i'v just search use it and it works. what issu are you having? - mart
@tesco the search function on the mobil version of your websit isn't work - when will it be fixed? make for a difficult shop exp.
@ask_spectrum the issu is that your servic is slower. it not the equipment, it the service.
@823778 thank you for reach out to us. while i would love to assist you with thi inquiry, we don’t handl thi kind of request via social media. i apolog for the inconvenience. i would ask that you pleas speak to one of our sale representatives. if you...
@ask_spectrum hey what are your offer for internet only!
@823779 we'd like to help. send us a dm and we can start there.
what the fuck @applesupport my phone keep hang up call and show “call failure” 🤬
@364863 there are certain specif scenario where the list can be cancel howev thi doesn't seem to be the case. would you dm us the item number you'r refer to? ~mark y.
@115931 i thought seller weren’t allow to end an auction earli to sell off of ebay. it realli annoy me when they do that!!
@823780 wow, glad to hear this! enjoy it and, if you have ani feedback or questions, please, don’t hesit to contact us. -fg
@sprintcar how do i transfer all my crap have on note 8 to free up space??
thank @115714 love my #note8 still miss my #note3 though lol
@823781 we'r sorri to hear this. thi is never the type of experi we want to repres us at chase. we'd like to know more about what happened. pleas dm us your name, zip, and more details. ^mg
@116016 been on hold for over an hour, still no refund on refund ticket for which i’m paying, terribl servic
@823782 et
@823783 woohoo! that' awesome! hope you love the phone. ^j
@amazonhelp awesom phone for the price pay.
@132994 @132995 @115850 got my #oneplus5t at 8:45am. thank @115850 for fulfil the order fast. #amazonprim
@823784 et
@823785 wow, that' super cute! we love it. thank for share thi with us david. *hkc
fli @delta jets!
@1952 aw yeah! sprawl out to your heart' content and pleas enjoy your ride to schipol. *adb
legroom, gloriou legroom! definit appreci on the long flight to amsterdam @delta
@823786 hey paul! could you dm us your account' usernam or email address, as well as your wife's? we'll take a look under the hood /gu
@spotifycar i tri on mani devic and browser but doe not work. realli frustrat pay for a servic she can't use. help!
@823787 hi euan, apolog for your delay today and for ani inconveni caused. ^helen
@british_airway 1455 del 2.5 hour for tech fault. whi is there not a replac aircraft? that' whi we choos ba: resource. chao here.
@359024 we hope it wa an enjoy albeit short rest befor your flight. we look forward to see you again soon paul. ^oliv
short visit to oslo complet - chanc to relax for 5 minut befor the flight back @119137 @british_airway
@284691 we can't wait to welcom you on board! we hope you have an amaz flight! ^jane
no more sleeps! see you later @british_airway and bangkok!
@305163 hi robert, if we have move your seat you can appli for a refund online. ^helen
@british_airway purchas thi aisl seat in may on exit row and found my seat had been changed. who will reimburs me?
@182558 we think someon is a littl excited, jessica! ^jane
when you receiv your pre-flight email from @british_airway
@823788 hi kely, pleas call our love sale team. they'll be abl to assist with a new booking. ^helen
@british_airway hello, i want to buy a ticket from poa to hkg, but i'm not have succ through the website. it onli allow from gig, how
@586271 we will contact our execut team for you and they will be in touch to address the potenti fraud 2/2. ^oliv
@740553 hi sam, we'r follow you now if you would like to dm us. ^jane
@british_airway hi! travel with you on a flight to singapor on friday evening. could someon pleas dm me. thanks!
@614695 we'r sorri your bag wa damag in our care, marja. we'r pleas to hear you'r happi with your replac though. ^kelli
my suitcas wa heavili damag after flight lcy-rtm, so @british_airway offer a replacement. veri good service! chose thi one:
@311794 i am sorri you are have issu with internet service.​​ may be abl to help you get that resolved. if these step do not work, pleas let us know. ^tk
@115955 i'm tire of my wi-fi connect drop from my roku device. it' onli me at my place no other devic pull the signal.
@823789 i do not have an answer for whi it is not available. i apolog for ani inconveni caused. ^tk
@ask_spectrum i am a twc spectrum customer. whi no app for the appletv?
@782980 -hide
@823791 -hide
@107723 search-tinymt-seed-x86
@823791 sonar
@823793 -hide