In November 2019, he was named in Italy's squad for the Cricket World Cup Challenge League B tournament in Oman.
League Challenge he November World B tournament for 2019, squad the Cup in named was Italy's in Oman. Cricket In
Over the next year, Andre had several other books published by "Ellora's Cave," a publisher based in Akron, Ohio.
Akron, by other "Ellora's published Cave," year, based had a publisher the books several next Over Ohio. in Andre
Consequently, complete applications can be outsource to the cloud, which requires standards and technology to provision and manage applications in such environments: Frank Leymann was initial co-author of OASIS TOSCA that allows to specify the structure of applications, their artifacts, and dependencies, as well as the associated operational semantics to automatically provision such applications.
the to outsource in applications. cloud, and artifacts, can Consequently, manage initial structure to requires specify technology and be of such standards the complete applications was to the operational associated such dependencies, provision Leymann semantics as allows as applications applications, provision co-author TOSCA to automatically environments: their OASIS of Frank which that well and
Al-Ali () is a group of Arab clans who are not necessarily from a common ancestor but were once rulers of their own Arab state in Southern Persia and are still influential in the United Arab Emirates as they are the ruling family in Umm al-Quwain.
they are the their is of rulers common in necessarily Emirates own Al-Ali in from al-Quwain. family and group not still Umm Arab ruling were United clans of who once Southern as are ancestor influential Persia state Arab a () Arab but a the in are
It was published in "Scribner's Magazine" in November 1935 and in "Solstice and Other Poems" from the same year.
was year. and the Poems" Other and It in same 1935 in Magazine" in "Solstice published "Scribner's November from
Its aim was to encourage pupils to replace snacks and candies by fruits during the break.
encourage was snacks by aim candies break. to replace to pupils fruits the Its and during
The following summer he did a one-man show, "Show-Acting Guy", directed by Tom Gianas.
The did a he show, one-man by Tom Guy", "Show-Acting Gianas. directed following summer
There are two steps to extracting the cube root from the cube of a two digit number.
number. of steps the a to two There from are root cube cube extracting the digit two
Similar steps were taken by the Bosnian Croats.
Similar by the Bosnian steps Croats. were taken
At Candidplatz, Candidstraße is connected to the Pilgersheimer Straße - Schönstraße axis, which runs roughly parallel to the Isar in a north-south direction.
Schönstraße north-south parallel is At to the runs Isar to axis, the Pilgersheimer in direction. Candidplatz, Straße which - roughly a connected Candidstraße
From the mouth of Lac à la Chute, the current goes consecutively first to the outlet of the lake over generally towards the southwest in a deep valley; on southwards following the course of the rivière à la Chute; on towards the southwest by following the course of the Sautauriski River; then on generally towards the south along the current of the Jacques-Cartier River to the northeast bank of the Saint-Laurent river.
valley; the by southwest la consecutively lake towards of towards the the rivière of of deep the mouth northeast River current of the course following the on on course on Saint-Laurent of Chute; From River; outlet Jacques-Cartier to generally along current the the in of first generally southwest a following Lac then the southwards the Chute, to à the goes river. the la south towards bank Sautauriski the the the over à
She wrote mostly character pieces for piano, and salon songs, almost all of which were published.
songs, were all pieces piano, almost which of mostly and character She wrote for salon published.
"Edward W. Bok" was laid down on 14 January 1944, under a Maritime Commission (MARCOM) contract, MC hull 2469, by the St. Johns River Shipbuilding Company, Jacksonville, Florida; she was sponsored by Mrs. H.M. Nornabell, the wife of Major Henry Marshall Nornabell, the director of Bok Tower Gardens, and was launched on 12 March 1944.
launched 2469, she the on 1944, H.M. of laid Company, down on River Nornabell, was "Edward St. Gardens, of 1944. by Shipbuilding under Johns Nornabell, Tower director contract, MC Florida; by Marshall W. and a Bok" (MARCOM) Bok the January sponsored Maritime was Commission Mrs. Henry the Major was 12 wife hull 14 March Jacksonville,
The simple tones of an instrument are called harmonics or overtones.
tones called The of instrument simple or overtones. are harmonics an
Unlike many other bandleaders who took up residences at nightclubs and ballrooms, Hylton often embarked on lengthy tours of England, which ultimately moulded the concept most Britons had of jazz.
who many Unlike other tours on the at ultimately jazz. bandleaders ballrooms, moulded which nightclubs up of often of residences concept Britons Hylton had took most England, and lengthy embarked
The trim was also upgraded and the ride softened.
ride upgraded and the trim also was softened. The
Occasionally, the permitted budget was increased: a so-called Bistro Bag allowed for ingredients of up to £7.50, while the Gourmet Bag could have a value of up to £10.
have value allowed so-called could of was for up Bistro the permitted to Gourmet £10. while Bag of £7.50, a increased: ingredients Occasionally, budget a the to Bag up
The company has a number of panels through which activities are organised.
through a of which activities number has organised. panels are The company
Sarsfield's role at Aughrim is unclear: one account of the battle claimed that he had quarrelled with the French general the Marquis de St Ruth and was stationed at the rear with the cavalry reserve.
and de he Marquis cavalry the stationed one with reserve. the quarrelled unclear: rear at of the role Sarsfield's was general Aughrim the is the Ruth with St account had at that battle French claimed
Pseudometric may refer to:
Pseudometric refer to: may
On 15 June 1858, rioting in Jeddah, believed to have been instigated by a former police chief in reaction to British policy in the Red Sea, led to the massacre of 25 Christians, including the British and French consuls, members of their families, and wealthy Greek merchants, yielding a two-day retaliation bombardment from the British frigate HMS "Cyclops".
to wealthy Red former and including British the police Christians, frigate rioting On policy and Jeddah, a members retaliation families, June to massacre the the bombardment French HMS yielding 1858, in their been of believed 15 in instigated "Cyclops". led British the by of British chief in from Sea, 25 a merchants, have consuls, reaction two-day Greek to
Liga e Tretë is the fourth level of football in Kosovo.
e is fourth of football Liga the level Kosovo. in Tretë
A low branching shrub, with many tiny (1-3 x 0,2mm), thin, linear, obtuse-tipped, slightly incurved leaves.
tiny 0,2mm), slightly with A incurved obtuse-tipped, linear, x low branching (1-3 thin, shrub, many leaves.
Furman (surname)
Furman (surname)
Fatale Collective
Fatale Collective
The manor was granted to the Turbervilles by William I and in the late 12th century they gave the church and some land to Taunton Priory.
Taunton church The I granted century Turbervilles Priory. and was the to by and gave land 12th they manor the in William late some the to
Originally part of the northern lands of Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa, the four square league Rancho Santa Margarita was granted to Estrada in 1841.
of San four Santa Tolosa, Luis square granted was Mission the to northern lands Rancho 1841. in Margarita league Estrada of Originally de Obispo the part
It publishes 5,000 copies every other Monday during the fall and spring semesters, and every third Monday during the summer.
during publishes every and during copies spring every summer. the Monday other It the and third semesters, Monday 5,000 fall
According to France 24, the targeted killing of Qasem Soleimani "has caused alarm around the world, amid fears that Iranian retaliation against American interests in the region could spiral into a far larger conflict".
in alarm far According region amid American larger "has of retaliation world, Qasem the a could to killing against the around targeted caused that interests Iranian Soleimani fears spiral conflict". the France into 24,
She competed for the New Zealand women's national water polo team in the 2019 World Aquatics Championships.
for national the Championships. competed team polo in She 2019 Zealand New World women's water Aquatics the
The central hall on the ground floor connects to most rooms including the living room and a drawing room with teak panelling.
a floor with room teak living drawing connects central room rooms and the ground The on most hall the including panelling. to
The Counts of Baldissera can be traced back to the early 16th century, originating from the town of Bra in Piedmont.
can of of in Piedmont. 16th traced be originating the to The Bra Baldissera Counts town the from century, early back
He’s quite contrarian as a person and as a writer, which is what gives him his edge."
gives him writer, a a which person is as and as contrarian his He’s what quite edge."
The show was written by Edward Rowett and stars Nigel Havers, Josie Lawrence, Matthew Baynton, Rasmus Hardiker and Olivia Nixon.
Nigel and Edward Baynton, written Josie Nixon. was Lawrence, stars by Olivia Matthew Havers, The and Hardiker Rowett Rasmus show
In 2014 it was returned as part of restitution to the Cistercian Abbey in Vyšší Brod and is now on long-term loan to the Prague National Gallery.
and of the returned to Gallery. 2014 is in National it the as on to now Abbey Brod Cistercian restitution Prague was part loan long-term In Vyšší
In 2016 he won the gold medal in the men's javelin throw F41 event with a distance of 42.85m.
javelin he 42.85m. won gold event In distance with a the in medal 2016 throw F41 the of men's
She exhibited her landscapes at the Imperial Academy of Arts, where she received 2 silver medals, and in 1882 was recognized as an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Arts.
Imperial medals, landscapes 1882 she 2 at in of the She where as exhibited Academy her recognized Arts, Arts. the received Imperial of silver member and Academy honorary was an of
Sloane is subsequently pardoned again and is recruited by the CIA to head up a new black ops division patterned after SD-6, called Authorized Personnel Only (APO).
Sloane and ops Only Personnel after subsequently Authorized (APO). is the new black patterned up SD-6, CIA recruited by to called again a head is pardoned division
The program ends with Mickey Rooney giving the concluding speech from the 1935 film version of "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
1935 ends the Dream". giving concluding film Rooney The Midsummer program of version the speech Mickey from "A Night's with
There are many reasons for this claim, but the most important one is rooted in ideological beliefs and may be related to the issues of Orientalism.
and issues ideological beliefs be rooted Orientalism. one in reasons may but related claim, important many most for the are this the There of is to
!colspan=9 style="background:#D44500; color:#212B6D;"| ACC regular season
regular !colspan=9 color:#212B6D;"| season style="background:#D44500; ACC
The words on this page are an incomplete list of words which are listed in major English dictionaries and whose etymologies include Japanese.
English Japanese. page words The include list whose on listed which an etymologies dictionaries are are words incomplete major of this and in
The 6-team single-elimination tournament consisted of three rounds based on seeding from regular season conference play.
based seeding rounds 6-team from season single-elimination regular on consisted tournament of play. three conference The
In an interview for "The New York Times" on June 18, 1971, Hitchcock stated that the score was his favorite of all his films.
all for favorite "The Times" his 18, York In June the that of films. score 1971, interview on Hitchcock his New was an stated
Near the church is located Blek's farmhouse, which was renovated in the year 1998, after the earthquake in Posočje, but doesn't have any residents.
renovated farmhouse, doesn't the Blek's Near church the the which Posočje, was any in earthquake is year after 1998, in but located residents. have
Coveleski continued to pitch for Washington during the 1926 season.
to 1926 for the season. pitch during Washington continued Coveleski
On 6 June 1918, an American army team played a Canadian army team in a baseball match at Fratton Park, with the gate money donated to the British Red Cross.
in team 6 Park, with Canadian British Fratton the the Cross. baseball army gate 1918, June money a donated On played a an to American at team army match Red
The Grenville Canal on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River opposite Hawkesbury is an important link in the river's transportation system.
The is the link Canal river's the in of opposite Hawkesbury the River an important side on transportation Ottawa Quebec Grenville system.
In such subordinate clauses, the subject takes the objective case and the verb takes on a switch reference suffix: -"ku" if the events of both clauses occur simultaneously, -"h/kkan" if the events of the subordinate clause occur first, or the combined -"h/kkanku" if the events of the subordinate clause occur over an extended amount of time.
events reference the occur -"h/kkanku" amount subordinate if and subordinate of the events occur extended clauses, switch of -"h/kkan" over or first, time. suffix: clause In the an on if if simultaneously, the the takes clauses the -"ku" verb subject such of a both occur subordinate the takes combined of case the objective the events clause
The opening of the Red Sea rift led to extensive volcanic activity.
Red to rift opening Sea extensive volcanic The activity. of led the
The building has, on each side, a composition of four pairs of pilasters framing three windows on the second and third floors.
four on a third the of framing each side, floors. second The three building pilasters on and windows pairs composition of has,
These pre-packaged transcripts can be translated without viral gene expression and are likely to be necessary to Mimivirus for replication.
be for necessary and pre-packaged to translated transcripts without are expression likely to replication. gene These be can Mimivirus viral
Henry was the son of George Todd (1820 - 1904), a painter and decorator and grainer to whom he became apprenticed.
and the whom apprenticed. grainer decorator painter son became and (1820 to Todd was he a - of 1904), Henry George
The last certificate showed up in 1930 and was honored by Hobart College.
certificate last was showed by and The Hobart up College. honored in 1930
Brett A Lummis (c.1978-1980) is a male former international backstroke swimmer from England.
backstroke A is (c.1978-1980) Lummis England. a Brett from former male swimmer international
He is one of rare conservative MPs in Honam.
He MPs rare is in Honam. of one conservative
In the summer of 1933, his name appeared on the first of Hitler's Germany , which were documents by which the Nazis arbitrarily deprived Germans of their citizenship and so rendered them stateless.
stateless. deprived , 1933, Hitler's arbitrarily summer In citizenship which the documents Germany Nazis name so and rendered of which of the were by their appeared his Germans them on first of the
Dun Cruinn is a prehistoric site about north-west of Portree, on the Isle of Skye, Scotland.
Scotland. the Cruinn Skye, prehistoric Dun about is of Portree, a site of Isle north-west on
Frenum piercings are often intended to provide sexual pleasure to both the bearer and the person he is having sexual intercourse with.
Frenum often having is intercourse to provide both with. to are the pleasure person sexual piercings intended bearer sexual and he the
In addition to the Treaty of Paris and the Foraker Act, the Citizenship Clause found within the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution informed the Insular Case decisions.
the Citizenship States to Paris the the In Treaty Insular within 14th Constitution the found Clause informed of Foraker Case of addition Amendment the United Act, the and decisions.
The fresh air into the Tunnel circulates inside special conduits installed throughout its entire length i.e., two lateral galleries 3.60 m. high and 1.50 m. wide, and will be evenly distributed through openings made approximately every 3 m. in the walls of said galleries.
Tunnel installed wide, the every its lateral in m. approximately conduits galleries be will distributed i.e., m. said entire special inside of galleries. into openings through and length The fresh 3 evenly throughout circulates high m. made walls air two and the 1.50 3.60
The first is explained by the fact that the clock had a mechanical defect which made it stop when tilted off the horizontal, which is what a nurse did to read the time of death in poor lighting conditions.
when horizontal, it explained the the conditions. by made that stop of time mechanical read which clock in fact lighting is the what defect the which tilted first off poor The a nurse to a had is death did
As conflict between the friar-hacenderos, the inquilinos and casamas multiplied more people went into hiding in the deep forest of Perez-Dasmariñas.
more As forest went the Perez-Dasmariñas. conflict people deep between the in friar-hacenderos, the casamas into multiplied of hiding and inquilinos
A heater was optional, and ventilation was provided by opening the fabric sunroof.
was was and by heater fabric provided A opening optional, the ventilation sunroof.
The interior of the shell is brown.
is the shell brown. interior of The
Eminem became the first artist to have ten consecutive albums debut at number one in the US and one of six artists to have released at least ten number-one albums.
debut the in of to the six artist least at and first ten released consecutive number albums ten artists have albums. one Eminem one to number-one became have US at
Sabriel sensed when the creature broke through her protection, and banished it to death with the Abhorsen's sword and the bell Kibeth.
through it bell Abhorsen's protection, when Kibeth. banished and broke the sword Sabriel death creature with the to the sensed and her
In recognition of Cross's great prestige, his name has remained in the predominant spot on the title page.
spot the great page. the of recognition predominant name his In has Cross's in remained on title prestige,
The target of the plot was reported to be Bo "Nick" Zhao, who once owned a number of car dealerships and lived in Glen Iris with a wife and daughter.
Glen Bo with be of daughter. car the number was The plot target reported wife once of who to in and dealerships a a lived Zhao, Iris "Nick" owned and
The day after the victory, Montrose received news that the Treaty of Berwick had been agreed, ending the First Bishops' War.
Bishops' Berwick the that had Montrose victory, the agreed, news of after The War. Treaty received day ending the First been
The major topics of their meetings were published as the book "Choose Life".
"Choose meetings as their topics were Life". major The book published of the
During the Roman period the area remained as an important connection point between the Adriatic coast and the inner Balkan lands as Via Egnatia, that connected the Adriatic port of Dyrrachium (modern-day Durrës) with Byzantium, passed next to the shoreline of Lake Ohrid.
Roman port Adriatic with Dyrrachium remained During the connected lands (modern-day coast as shoreline Ohrid. Balkan between next as connection the to Byzantium, that the of the point Adriatic Egnatia, Via the and Durrës) an area important of Lake passed the inner period
It received praise from Stereogum, who wrote that "many of "Loceke"’s songs emerge from past darkness in search of their end destinations, climaxes driven by Hale’s otherworldly melodies and fireworks of gleaming guitars."
of in destinations, wrote search Stereogum, climaxes of fireworks It melodies by end emerge guitars." "many songs praise who past gleaming of Hale’s received darkness from and from that otherworldly their "Loceke"’s driven
The routine flaring and venting of APG has been practiced since the first oil wells were commercialized in the late 1850's.
the 1850's. late first has the commercialized oil The been wells practiced routine in since venting APG were of and flaring
Launched in December 2015, The Social won a Royal Television Scotland award for Best Digital Innovation in 2016 and another RTS Innovation Award in 2018 for the shortform drama Kidder.
the Scotland Innovation December for 2016 in Television another for shortform RTS Royal a Kidder. Digital Social Innovation drama award Award Best 2015, Launched in The won and in 2018
A second movie comic was broadcast on March 20, 2019 to promote the second season of the live-action television series and featured "Snow Gift" by Tsubasa Sakiyama as the theme song.
television was on live-action March A Gift" second 20, series movie the comic and the promote of broadcast theme by season second Tsubasa the to as 2019 featured Sakiyama "Snow song.
Both lawsuits have since been settled and the admission policy stands today.
the stands policy been and settled today. have admission Both lawsuits since
It was established in 1957 in Beijing and oversees 42 institutes.
in in established 42 It was institutes. Beijing oversees 1957 and
2019 FIVB Volleyball Women's Club World Championship squads
World Club Women's Volleyball 2019 FIVB squads Championship
For the 2006 World Cup, Strachan was appointed as the official FIFA Ambassador for Scotland, joining 50 others in fundraising for SOS Children's Villages, the official charity of the tournament.
appointed as joining Villages, official was For the charity tournament. of for Strachan fundraising others the for Children's 2006 in Cup, Scotland, official SOS Ambassador 50 the the World FIFA
Assigned to the Task Group 77.4 (TG 77.4), "Manila Bay" departed on 12 October for waters east of the Philippines.
Assigned (TG Task Bay" 77.4 for of October the departed 12 the east 77.4), waters "Manila on Philippines. Group to
The Norov project was seen as unpromising, and was shut down by the USSR military-industrial complex in December 1985.
shut seen was project 1985. Norov as in unpromising, December complex was down USSR and The by the military-industrial
Shi'a scholars are certain about its credibility and the only problem of the book is that most of the hadiths (narrations) in it are narrated as al-hadith al-Mursal as there is no chain of transmitters for them in the book.
them Shi'a as about book the book. in most are narrated is the problem as transmitters (narrations) for are there it and its only certain of hadiths al-hadith no scholars that credibility of chain is in the of the al-Mursal
This southeast wind was named for the small village Manyberries, now a hamlet, in southeastern Alberta, from where the wind seems to originate.
wind originate. a southeast small village to Manyberries, in the the from southeastern for now where was hamlet, named This Alberta, seems wind
Gay was born in Brooklyn on September 14, 1875.
1875. on Gay in Brooklyn was born September 14,
"“I am going to be the change.
am going change. be "“I the to
There is also a reference to an 1886 Atkinson patent (US 336505), which describes an opposed-piston gas engine.
is 1886 gas also which engine. opposed-piston There an reference to (US describes 336505), a patent Atkinson an
The marriage resulted in three children, two sons: Ibrahim and Ismaʻil and one daughter.
in Ibrahim three and Ismaʻil The marriage daughter. resulted two children, one and sons:
Regan and Lamont leave while Tuskin stays to answer police questions.
stays and to leave while questions. answer Tuskin police Lamont Regan
Albrecht was born on 15 October 1894 at Pławanice in Poland to Ferdinand and Helene Albrecht and is the eldest of there 10 children.
Ferdinand Albrecht children. Pławanice there eldest the is Poland on and and October 1894 10 born of at in to Albrecht 15 Helene was
Thereafter she became part of the Lay-Osborn Flotilla commanded by Sherard Osborn.
the Flotilla became Thereafter part Lay-Osborn she Sherard by commanded of Osborn.
He was seven-time Spanish Senior Chess Championships winner (1975, 1977-1982).
Senior 1977-1982). Chess He was Spanish Championships winner seven-time (1975,
It was premiered by them in the Temple Emanu-El in San Francisco on 31 January 2005.
January them It on San the in 31 Emanu-El was by 2005. Temple Francisco premiered in
Jane Munene-Murago is a Kenyan filmmaker, the first woman to study film in Kenya.
study woman film the Kenyan Munene-Murago in a is to Kenya. first filmmaker, Jane
On the night of 20 November 1727, Savage ran into two acquaintances, James Gregory and William Merchant.
night 1727, two Savage 20 the Merchant. and acquaintances, James into ran November On Gregory William of
The river alternates between fast flowing portions in steep sided gorges to slower movement through post-glacial sand flats.
flowing through to sand river steep post-glacial The between in gorges alternates flats. portions movement sided slower fast
The present building was constructed in the Gothic style between 1513 and 1525 on the remains of earlier Roman and Romanesque churches, making it the latest surviving Gothic church in the city.
remains making The the 1513 city. Roman of Gothic present churches, in Gothic constructed church was latest earlier style Romanesque the and the and the building it surviving between on 1525 in
After disposing of the body, Ripley is forced into a cat-and-mouse existence between the Italian police and Marge.
After existence of the between Ripley the is and a disposing cat-and-mouse police forced body, into Marge. Italian
John Conte started his career in show business as an announcer at KFAC for two years.
at Conte show an in KFAC John for started his business announcer as two career years.
It is not currently on display.
currently It not display. is on