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all of that is fine , as far as it goes : who wants to stomp on little girls' fun ? but little girls also deserve better movies , not just dutiful , sanctimonious versions of the testosterone-fueled ones
supernova is a low-key and gentle human drama that is hampered only by the fact that i did not buy any of it for a single solitary moment .
wonder woman 1984 found me devoid of all emotion except pining for the flick to end .
the eccentricity of it all is almost worth a viewing , watching hancock mount something sinister without really going for it .
these amazing set pieces , while respectable for their reliance on practical effects and impressive for nolan's commitment to his craft , often feel divorced from the rest of tenet .
[ flashbacks ] tend to make the old guard feel like the pilot for an elaborate television series , an x-men spin-off which plays a lot like if anne rice were to resurrect the highlander franchise .
whatever you think of 'se7en , ' it had a diabolical cunning this effort inspired by it utterly lacks . the distinguished pedigree of 'the little things' promises much , but the rewards prove disappointingly small .
the movie's slick sensory overload doesn't disguise its fundamentally glib approach .
wonder woman 1984 feels written by committee to appease twitter hashtag campaigns .
wonder woman 1984 is the kind of lifeless blockbuster you fear having to sit through : pointless and completely uninterested in exploring its characters in any meaningful capacity .
director ian samuels stages it well , but the been-there , done-that sense overshadows his good deeds .
what will likely more leave viewers morose is the lack of originality at work here .
wit has been replaced by feverish caricature , feeling by sentimentality , and wonder woman is left with almost nothing to do for long stretches of a very long and disjointed story .
a beautiful-looking film that lacks a compelling narrative due to interactions with mass amounts of characters who lack depth to anyone not familiar with the source material .
" wonder woman " ( 2017 ) was one of the best superhero movies ever made . it was idealistic , classy , aesthetically pleasing , and romantic , and should've kicked off a fabulous franchise . unfortunately the sequel is a major letdown .
sometimes good intentions and proper execution fail to work concurrently in movies , as is the case with the well-meaning but bland " palmer . "
despite some compelling strengths scattered throughout , they're not enough reason to simply forgive and enjoy wonder woman 1984 in the face of its flaws .
the ear-shattering sound design is uncomfortable , and strobe lighting effects are so overused that it made me queasy . call me crazy , but the simple act of watching a movie should never be this unpleasant .
french exit is a meandering and middling misfire .
as cryptic as this tale can be , we need a little something to grab hold of to unravel it . unfortunately , ahari withholds that for too long , and then over-explains everything once he lets go of the mystery .
a film doomed by convention , land is a competent but boring look at one woman's venture into wyoming's wilderness that fails to go in any exciting narrative directions .
this messy , woodland thriller set after multiple waves of a viral outbreak can't sustain itself beyond the opening moments
while hancock gets the tone right with some strong performances , the story sputters and meanders after a promising start .
this film had all the elements to make it better than it was .
themes of truth prevailing over greed and the dangers of seeking excess are so obvious and juvenile that it makes you wonder how jenkins still falls face-first into the pratfall of her own critique .
sometimes it's best to just keep things simple and comfortingly familiar , cliched though they may be .
it's a preposterous , batty , and cheap-looking film that begins strong and amounts to nothing .
locked down wants so badly to be of this moment in time that it misses the opportunity to be that as well as entertaining .
[ t ] hough it tries , wonder woman 1984 ( ww84 ) struggles to speak to this moment and deliver a coherent message .
tenet , nolan's latest , is very much about time -- and very little about much else .
with such lofty goals , the characters are reduced to pieces on a sleek chess board . and if nolan doesn't give a damn about what happens to his chronology-challenged travelers , why should we ?
the biggest mistake the old guard makes is the same mistake so many modern film adaptations of established material make these days : it's all set-up .
christopher nolan's latest dazzles the senses while making no sense at all .
on the whole , while tenet does have some things to like about it , it does ultimately prove to be one of nolan's weaker efforts , at least from a narrative standpoint .
there are no risks taken and it's more of the same you've seen in the first two movies . an alternative ending would have been more realistic . moreover , there are far too many montages .
far from heroic .
alternating between rustic and amateurish , wright's directing leaves a lot to be desired .
a diverting if overlong 124 min , it's an attractive world to visit , you just might not want to hang out with the characters much .
the film's stylistic cohesiveness can't quite overcome the tiredness of its story or the lack of specificity in its characters .
more concerned with stuffing history than constructing it , shaw's film focuses on creating a visual overstimulation with the discursive complexity of avatar .
we're desperate for content about the pandemic that is not only about the pandemic , but something more creative . that should've been locked down . what a bummer that it's not .
for viewers like me expecting an actual rape revenge movie , this is your first hint that 'promising young woman' isn't going to deliver in any expected way , and this complicates the film on several levels .
more talk , or more monsters . pick a side , shadow in the cloud .
themes are stated and underlined , even thought this is at the cost of nuance .
quaint and bizarre it feels outdated , even though it's just coming out .
[ t ] he characters and conversationsnever quite reach the degree of significance that the filmmakers believe they possess .
for all the technical achievements and christopher nolan's potentially captivating time-inversion concept , " tenet " lacks the heart and soul to qualify as among the best movies in his illustrious filmography .
cryptozoo's stylistically inventive imagery can't compensate for a discombobulated narrative .
the truth is 'wonder woman 1984' is a messy superhero movie .
a violent but soulless meditation on faith taken to harrowing extremes , " the devil all the time " hurtles toward a constantly-hinted-at awful endgame , but by the time the final crash arrives , well , thank god it's over .
the set-up , the ruse , the manufactured murder plot . in all its outlandish glory , it only steals time away from the headlinerswe are left with an odd-ball romance , a stunted action-adventure , too much vista del mar and not enough barb and star .
the marksman is perfectly watchable old man reckoning cinema , held together by good performances by liam neeson and young jacob perez , but it's ultimately not much more than an assembly line of non-surprises .
the little things wants to be a movie absorbed in its meticulous clues and details . yet , many of its key pieces and performances feel totally out of sync with each other , creating a suspense thriller that stumbles over itself .
watching a movie is , among many other things , a leap of faith in the old guard , plausibility is endangered .
a sprawling , muddled mess cribbed from superior films and source material .
the old guard produces superficial thrills but turns its potentially fascinating protagonists into a team made up of minor variations on jason bourne .
wonder woman 1984 doesn't just seem to be set in the 1980s , it gives every impression to have travelled from there .
" promising young woman " ends up being more about fennell's efforts to upend expectations and pull the rug from under viewer's feet than about the characters , who eventually get lost in the tonal-shift shuffle .
this emma seems to regard those around her less as people in need of her skills , more like butterflies she can't wait to pin down to a decorative board for her own amusement .
it's an obvious conclusion that any rational person should have already come to on their own .
washington and the nuances of his character are thereby undermined by the script that reaches for shock at the expense of logic . basically , the film may secure some of the little things , but it misses too many of the big ones .
if two hours can seem this long , imagine how being alive for centuries must feel
taking " land " at face value , there's integrity in the two central performances despite the lack of an obvious conflict and stagnant pacing which hold it back from being great .
everything i see disappoints me when it trivially mixes the most conventional action with the superhero fantasy , with plastic characters as empty as toy action figures and a narrative so dull that it offends my naivety .
although the action scenes are certainly flashy and take some interesting risks , the plot is so needlessly complicated and the characters so painfully stale that the film just isn't worth your time -- no pun intended .
the cluttered plot keeps surging forward while providing too few illuminating insights , instead loading up on mystical mumbo jumbo and flashes of gore .
brothers by blood tells a story of the way violence begets violence , a generational cycle its characters ultimately can't escape . despite that compelling foundation , however , the movie feels too remote to get under the skin .
the film seems so in love with its perceived cleverness that it is blind to how sloppily it tells its story .
by the time the credits roll , the stand in only really asserts itself as something which would have benefitted from being trimmed down into a situational parody for an episodic television show .
wire would be pure pap without its top-notch cast .
what is a young adult story without a handsome , young teenage boy at its core doing everything he can to swoop in to " save " the quirky , misunderstood teenage girl ? tale as old as time . then time again . then time again .
the stand in makes many mistakesbut its worst sin , arguably , is to make drew barrymore play two very unlikeable characters .
rather ho-hum , finding nolan repeating himself to remain in his comfortable , profitable filmmaking bubble , once again issuing a brain-bleeder that only he understands in full .
any lingering doubts about no man's land trying too hard are erased
max landis's name belongs on a " feminist film " , the way harvey weinstein belongs facilitating a victims of sexual assault support group .
it's a shame , though , that what was once a bit of an underdog love story , rendered all in dreamy blues and quiet feelings , has been blown up into a tricked-out globetrotting fantasy of gooey devotion .
it strains to dramatize the emotional emptiness of isolation and , instead , uses it as a facile premise .
in the end , we're left with a gimmick movie that doesn't come off , an accurate-enough artifact of the global lockdown of last spring that will be remembered for that , and little else .
although there are few worthwhile scenes , the sequel is pretty much a missed opportunity .
the little things is like a copy of a copy of the 10th the silence of the lambs rip-off from the mid-'90s .
the mauritanian " is buoyed only by tahar rahim's humane performance .
it's no more consciously racist than a hundred action thrillers from the '80s . it's meant , i think , to be a throwback to those films , and to an era where mel gibson was still on top , but it lacks the snap and pizzazz to close the deal .
[ this ] film , which features an endless parade of talking heads ( all of whom are disguised as distracting avatars ) , is about as exciting as a test-pattern .
jenkins' follow-up has many of the same virtues as its predecessor; unfortunately , it repeats most of its flaws as well , even multiplying some of them .
drew is appealing , but the jokes in this showbiz farce miss more often than they hit .
in this case , big things are the problem .
just don't look for depth or incision in this movie version of emma .
palmer is a sneaky kind of vanity project it works to shrink and reshape timberlake into a serious actor with a political heart , imbued with a mission toward social justice .
an underwhelming sitcom comedy about parenthood .
the overdone complications , playful timelines and filmmaking tricks are icing on the cake; moviemaking confection'tenet' is all icing , no cake .
'the little things' isn't big enough .
the film declines to maintain a cohesive story , and while it is clearly wheatley's strategy to scatter loose threads , all the better to strand us without a map , viewers could feel short-changed .
[ it ] invites us to consider questions about forgiveness and accountability ( fair enough ) but a persistent haze of idealization undermines credibility and creates a feeling that most of what we're seeing has been pre-programmed
emma ( 2020 ) is lovely but only that . it's well made , well acted , and superbly designed but when i left the theater it left me as easily as cotton candy in the rain .
at over an hour-and-a-half it feels padded and slow . at such a length , the story needed a much bigger canvas than this one couple .
[ w ] here's the wonder woman -- engaging and empowered and empowering -- whom we came to admire in that first film ?
a dour , ponderous film , missing a lot that normally make this particular subgenre enjoyable .
it was never a boring watch but it was a frequently irritating one .
[ w ] hen [ a bird ] seems to be star of a story such as this one , that's probably a good sign of a few underlying problems with the material .
this driftless , feckless tomfoolery is unfit for mention in the same breath as 1995's " copycat , " let alone the other 1995 serial killer movie it's desperately mimicking . but in the spirit of dropping a hint : this is , at best , more like 1 . 75 .