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Strange , funny , twisted , brilliant and macabre . | 0positive
A genuinely moving and wisely unsentimental drama . | 0positive
The Mothman Prophecies is best when illustrating the demons bedevilling the modern masculine journey . | 0positive
Plays out with a dogged and eventually winning squareness that would make it the darling of many a kids-and-family-oriented cable channel . | 0positive
An entertaining British hybrid of comedy , caper thrills and quirky romance . | 0positive
The only pain you 'll feel as the credits roll is your stomach grumbling for some tasty grub . | 1negative
Hardly an objective documentary , but it 's great cinematic polemic ... love Moore or loathe him , you 've got to admire ... the intensity with which he 's willing to express his convictions . | 0positive
The mark of a respectable summer blockbuster is one of two things : unadulterated thrills or genuine laughs . | 0positive
The film is visually dazzling , the depicted events dramatic , funny and poignant . | 0positive
A directorial tour de force by Bernard Rose , ivans xtc . | 0positive
is one of this year 's very best pictures . | 0positive
Weaver and LaPaglia are both excellent , in the kind of low-key way that allows us to forget that they are actually movie folk . | 0positive
Even the digressions are funny . | 0positive
Mr. Spielberg and his company just want you to enjoy yourselves without feeling conned . | 0positive
And they succeed merrily at their noble endeavor . | 0positive
A perfectly pleasant if slightly pokey comedy . | 0positive
Coppola 's directorial debut is an incredibly layered and stylistic film that , despite a fairly slow paced , almost humdrum approach to character development , still manages at least a decent attempt at meaningful cinema . | 0positive
At the end , when the now computerized Yoda finally reveals his martial artistry , the film ascends to a kinetic life so teeming that even cranky adults may rediscover the quivering kid inside . | 0positive
Wang Xiaoshuai directs this intricately structured and well-realized drama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men . | 0positive
It 's hard to imagine anybody ever being `` in the mood '' to view a movie as harrowing and painful as The Grey Zone , but it 's equally hard to imagine anybody being able to tear their eyes away from the screen once it 's started . | 0positive
Bogdanovich taps deep into the Hearst mystique , entertainingly reenacting a historic scandal . | 0positive
A moving tale of love and destruction in unexpected places , unexamined lives . | 0positive
Clooney directs this film always keeping the balance between the fantastic and the believable ... | 0positive
Even if you do n't understand what on earth is going on , this is a movie that will stimulate hours of post viewing discussion , if only to be reminded of who did what to whom and why . | 0positive
A fantastically vital movie that manages to invest real humor , sensuality , and sympathy into a story about two adolescent boys . | 0positive
Lawrence plumbs personal tragedy and also the human comedy . | 0positive
Though a capable thriller , somewhere along the way K-19 jettisoned some crucial drama . | 1negative
Just about the surest bet for an all-around good time at the movies this summer . | 0positive
This is a movie that is what it is : a pleasant distraction , a Friday night diversion , an excuse to eat popcorn . | 0positive
There is a certain sense of experimentation and improvisation to this film that may not always work , but it is nevertheless compelling . | 0positive
The Four Feathers has rewards , from the exoticism of its seas of sand to the fierce grandeur of its sweeping battle scenes . | 0positive
A delicious , quirky movie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by Michael Gondry . | 0positive
This story still seems timely and important . | 0positive
And there 's an element of heartbreak to watching it now , with older and wiser eyes , because we know what will happen after Greene 's story ends . | 0positive
The bodily function jokes are about what you 'd expect , but there are rich veins of funny stuff in this movie . | 0positive
The performances are amiable and committed , and the comedy more often than not hits the bullseye . | 0positive
This time , the hype is quieter , and while the movie is slightly less successful than the first , it 's still a rollicking good time for the most part . | 0positive
There 's plenty to enjoy -- in no small part thanks to Lau . | 0positive
With a romantic comedy plotline straight from the ages , this Cinderella story does n't have a single surprise up its sleeve . | 1negative
But it does somehow manage to get you under its spell . | 0positive
Though few will argue that it ranks with the best of Herzog 's works , Invincible shows he 's back in form , with an astoundingly rich film . | 0positive
`` Catch Me '' feels capable of charming the masses with star power , a pop-induced score and sentimental moments that have become a Spielberg trademark . | 0positive
By no means a great movie , but it is a refreshingly forthright one . | 0positive
The casting of Raymond J. Barry as the ` assassin ' greatly enhances the quality of Neil Burger 's impressive fake documentary . | 0positive
Despite Besson 's high-profile name being Wasabi 's big selling point , there is no doubt that Krawczyk deserves a huge amount of the credit for the film 's thoroughly winning tone . | 0positive
This documentary is a dazzling , remarkably unpretentious reminder of what -LRB- Evans -RRB- had , lost , and got back . | 0positive
A thoughtful movie , a movie that is concerned with souls and risk and schemes and the consequences of one 's actions . | 0positive
As satisfyingly odd and intriguing a tale as it was a century and a half ago ... has a delightfully dour , deadpan tone and stylistic consistency . | 0positive
Methodical , measured , and gently tedious in its comedy , Secret Ballot is a purposefully reductive movie -- which may be why it 's so successful at lodging itself in the brain . | 0positive
For most of the distance the picture provides a satisfyingly unsettling ride into the dark places of our national psyche . | 0positive
By the standards of knucklehead swill , The Hot Chick is pretty damned funny . | 0positive
One of the most gloriously unsubtle and adrenalized extreme shockers since The Evil Dead . | 0positive
-LRB- Reaches -RRB- wholly believable and heart-wrenching depths of despair . | 0positive
An absorbing and unsettling psychological drama . | 0positive
This movie may not have the highest production values you 've ever seen , but it 's the work of an artist , one whose view of America , history and the awkwardness of human life is generous and deep . | 0positive
Though it 's not very well shot or composed or edited , the score is too insistent and the dialogue is frequently overwrought and crudely literal , the film shatters you in waves . | 1negative
The entire cast is extraordinarily good . | 0positive
Yakusho , as always , is wonderful as the long-faced sad sack ... and his chemistry with Shimizu is very believable . | 0positive
Young Hanks and Fisk , who vaguely resemble their celebrity parents , bring fresh good looks and an ease in front of the camera to the work . | 0positive
A captivatingly quirky hybrid of character portrait , romantic comedy and beat-the-clock thriller . | 0positive
The film sparkles with the the wisdom and humor of its subjects . | 0positive
If -LRB- Jaglom 's -RRB- latest effort is not the director at his most sparkling , some of its repartee is still worth hearing . | 0positive
Like The English Patient and The Unbearable Lightness of Being , The Hours is one of those reputedly `` unfilmable '' novels that has bucked the odds to emerge as an exquisite motion picture in its own right . | 0positive
Just about the best straight-up , old-school horror film of the last 15 years . | 0positive
A chilling tale of one of the great crimes of 20th Century France : the murder of two rich women by their servants in 1933 . | 0positive
An oddity , to be sure , but one that you might wind up remembering with a degree of affection rather than revulsion . | 0positive
While the film is not entirely successful , it still manages to string together enough charming moments to work . | 0positive
A winning piece of work filled with love for the movies of the 1960s . | 0positive
E.T. works because its flabbergasting principals , 14-year-old Robert MacNaughton , 6-year-old Drew Barrymore and 10-year-old Henry Thomas , convince us of the existence of the wise , wizened visitor from a faraway planet . | 0positive
A heartening tale of small victories and enduring hope . | 0positive
Jackson and co have brought back the value and respect for the term epic cinema . | 0positive
It may be a somewhat backhanded compliment to say that the film makes the viewer feel like the movie 's various victimized audience members after a while , but it also happens to be the movie 's most admirable quality | 0positive
Charlotte Sometimes is a brilliant movie . | 0positive
It is about irrational , unexplainable life and it seems so real because it does not attempt to filter out the complexity . | 0positive
A delightful stimulus for the optic nerves , so much that it 's forgivable that the plot feels like every other tale of a totalitarian tomorrow . | 0positive
But darned if it does n't also keep us riveted to our seats . | 0positive
A complex psychological drama about a father who returns to his son 's home after decades away . | 0positive
Writer and director Otar Iosseliani 's pleasant tale about a factory worker who escapes for a holiday in Venice reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refresh our souls . | 0positive
Sweet and memorable film . | 0positive
A smart , arch and rather cold-blooded comedy . | 0positive
Keenly observed and refreshingly natural , Swimming gets the details right , from its promenade of barely clad bodies in Myrtle Beach , S.C. , to the adrenaline jolt of a sudden lunch rush at the diner . | 0positive
... begins on a high note and sustains it beautifully . | 0positive
Davis ... gets vivid performances from her cast and pulls off some deft Ally McBeal-style fantasy sequences . | 0positive
` it 's better to go in knowing full well what 's going to happen , but willing to let the earnestness of its execution and skill of its cast take you down a familiar road with a few twists . | 0positive
Funny , somber , absurd , and , finally , achingly sad , Bartleby is a fine , understated piece of filmmaking . | 0positive
`` Red Dragon '' is entertaining . | 0positive
An obvious copy of one of the best films ever made , how could it not be ? | 1negative
But it is entertaining on an inferior level . | 0positive
It is a popcorn film , not a must-own , or even a must-see . | 1negative
On that score , the film certainly does n't disappoint . | 0positive
As the movie traces Mr. Brown 's athletic exploits , it is impossible not to be awed by the power and grace of one of the greatest natural sportsmen of modern times . | 0positive
A moving and solidly entertaining comedy\/drama that should bolster director and co-writer Juan José Campanella 's reputation in the United States . | 0positive
Thanks to confident filmmaking and a pair of fascinating performances , the way to that destination is a really special walk in the woods . | 0positive
Beautifully shot , delicately scored and powered by a set of heartfelt performances , it 's a lyrical endeavour . | 0positive
A macabre and very stylized Swedish fillm about a modern city where all the religious and civic virtues that hold society in place are in tatters . | 0positive
A stylistic romp that 's always fun to watch . | 0positive
Informative , intriguing , observant , often touching ... gives a human face to what 's often discussed in purely abstract terms . | 0positive
... once the true impact of the day unfolds , the power of this movie is undeniable . | 0positive
An honest , sensitive story from a Vietnamese point of view . | 0positive
A buoyant romantic comedy about friendship , love , and the truth that we 're all in this together . | 0positive
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