Born in Madrid in 1957, Pedro Ponce de León studied Architecture at the Politechnical University in Madrid, reaching the degree of Architect in 1979 and Doctorate (with Cum Laude honours). Between 1980 and 1982 he worked as architect of the Spanish Archeological Mission in Jordan. In 1984 he received a scholarship from a Private Foundation in order to study Architectural Restoration in the International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) at the Spanish Academy in Rome. His study about its cloisters was published in 1986 in the journal of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. He founded “Pedro Ponce de León, Architects” in 1980, with a deep specialisation in cultural and architectural heritage activities, and large experience in the intervention on Heritage buildings and monuments, from the preliminary diagnose to the Executive Project design and also, the project management works, providing technical assistance as well as criteria, building procedures, planning and economic audit. More than 40 design and executive projects developed in different countries (Spain, Cuba, Albania, Greece, Mali, Western Balkan countries, etc. See page http://pedroponcedeleon.es/en/). Pedro Ponce de Leon has participated as an expert in some missions for the 7 Most Endangered programme of Europa Nostra, including Gjirokastra (Albania), Venice Lagoon (Italy), the Mafra National Palace, the Monastery and Church of Jesus in Sétubal (Portugal). He also has prepared feasibility reports for the Roman Amphitheatre in Dürres (Albania) and the Historic City of Kastoria (Greece). He is a consultant architect for the Division of Cultural and Natural Heritage (Council of Europe), consultant for different agencies: AECI (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation), CEB; Member of the Royal Academy of History and the Spanish-Belgium Academy. Member of ICOMOS (Spanish Council Committee), ICOM.
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ARE YOU TRYING TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS OR NEED TO INCREASE YOUR LINE OF CREDIT AND THE LENDER IS REQUIRING AN AUDIT? This is one of my strongest areas of expertise. I can do an internal audit to be sure the lender doesn’t find any discrepancies that may surprise you. One of my clients is an environmental company that was generating about $1.3 million annually. They were negotiating government contracts that would enable them to expand to new areas of environmental clean-up. One of the requirements was to obtain a bond to meet their new obligations. Working with the CPA who would compile the required review of annual financials in order to obtain this bond, I gathered all information, reconciled all accounts and generated accurate financial statements. They received their contract and the first year did almost $30 million in revenue. This was by far one of my most exciting challenges, but also one of the most rewarding—to help a company with this phenomenal growth was satisfying in itself, but to do this with a company that is helping the environment made it all the more gratifying. “Tish did a fantastic job in organizing the accounting documents needed to complete the review process. Her efficiency and accuracy was extremely helpful with this project.” PBLLP, CPA, Santa Rosa
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:00:41Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9751786589622498, "token_count": 273, "url": "http://accountingwiz.biz/internal-auditing.html" }
The Nigerian government’s lawyer in Nnamdi Kanu’s case, provided an update on their court proceedings outcome yesterday January 19. Recall that the leader of the IPOB Nnamdi Kanu was facing terrorism charges, but pleaded not guilty to the charges levied against him by the Nigerian Judiciary. According to newsmen after their proceedings in court, Magaji reported that they were ambushed by a bail application by Kanu’s lawyers. Magaji continued that one interesting fact in the case is that Kanu was accused of being an Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) member, but he emphatically denied being a member of the proscribed group. The lead counsel begged Nigerians to see them through as they prove the charges against Kanu. Watch the video below… View this post on Instagram
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:24:27Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9810157418251038, "token_count": 171, "url": "http://africanglitz.com/nnamdi-kanu-pleads-not-guilty-to-all-15-count-charges-levied-against-him/" }
Jahoda obyčajná – teda jahodník, nepíšem o jahodách záhradných, ale o jahodníku čiže jahode lesnej. O jahodníku ako o liečivej rastline, ktorú bežne nájdete rásť v lese. Môžete si ju vypestovať aj sami vo vašej záhrade. Veľmi milá a vytrvalá rastlina. Z nadzemných poplazkov vyrastá ružica trojlaločných listov, ktoré si na okrajoch zúbkovité. Kvety kvitnú na dlhej stonke, ktorá sa na konci rozvetvuje. Kvietky sú jemné, bielej farby a v strede je kvetné lôžko, ktoré keď včielky opelia vznikne dužina, čomu sa hovorí jahoda. Plod jahoda je červenej farby, skvelo chutí a ešte lepšie vonia. Stačí aj málo malinkých lesných jahôd primiešať do jahôd záhradných a lekvár bude voňať ako keby bol uvarený len z lesných jahôd. Tak ako som už spomínala môžete si jahodník pestovať aj na záhrade. Nie je vôbec náročná rastlina na pestovanie. Ja som si jahodník vypestovala sama zo semienka a to predpestovaním planty a teraz sa mi rozmnožuje sama poplazkami. Na jar treba z rastliny odstrániť všetky suché zvyšky stoniek a listov. Okopať okolo rastliny a prihnojiť domácim kompostom v 5 cm vrstve. K pestovaniu len toľko, že potrebuje dostatok vlahy, najmä počas suchého leta a skvelo sa jahodníku darí v polotieni. Ak by ste si chceli plody jahodníka – lesné jahody len nazbierať, môžete tak urobiť na prechádzke lesom. Nájdete ho na okrajoch lesa alebo aj na lesných lúkach. Z jahodníka využívame na liečebné účely listy aj plody. Na zber listov sa môžete vybrať už teraz v apríli. Voľakedy sme ho zbierali koncom mája. Listy zbierame keď jahodníky/jahody ešte nie sú v kvete, t.j. keď nekvitnú. A počas leta sa môžete opäť vybrať na prechádzku do lesa a nazbierať si aj plody jahodníka – lesné jahody. Plody môžete zbierať až do konca augusta, samozrejme, že to ovplyvňuje aj počasie. Nazbierané listy môžeme sušiť dvojakým spôsobom. Prvý spôsob je : zo stoniek vytvoríme kytičku, zviažeme motúzom a zavesíme. Druhý spôsob je : listy poukladáme na sitko a sušíme v dobre vetrateľnej miestnosti bez účasti slnečných lúčov a to pri oboch spôsoboch. Alebo môžeme sušiť aj umelým teplom a do do 40oC. Listy si po usušení musia zachovať svoju zelenú farbu. Hnedá, sivá alebo akejkoľvek odlišná farba listov nie vhodná na liečebné využitie. Dobre usušené listy sa musia drobiť a šušťať. Po usušení stonky odstránime a snažíme sa listy veľmi nepomrviť. Uskladňujeme v tmavých, uzatvárateľných nádobách. Sušená droga na svetle bledne a tým stráca na kvalite. Sušené listy jahodníka poľahky nasávajú vzdušnú vlhkosť, preto je potrebné ich uskladniť v dobre uzavretých nádobách. V opačnom prípade vám droga môže splesnieť. Listy obsahujú 5% trieslovín. Minerálne látky sú zastúpené najmä draslíkom. Okrem toho jahodník obsahuje flavonoidy kvercitrín a kvercetín, kyselina L-askorbová a stopy silice. Plody jahodníka obsahujú sacharidy, pektíny, organické zlúčeniny : citrónovú, jablčnú, vitamín C. Stopové prvky : B, B1, B2, B6 a provitamín A. Minerály: draslík, fosfor, horčík, mangán, meď, zinok a železo. Vlastnosti : list – diuretikum, adstringens Plod – antisklerotikum, kozmetikum, diuretikum, hypotenzívum, vataminiferum Čaj z listov jahodníka sa môže piť aj dlhodobo, nemá totiž žiadne nežiadúce účinky. Takýto čaj je veľmi nápomocný pri anémii (chudokrvnosti) pretože listy obsahujú železo. Vhodný aj pri problémoch s trávením a nevoľnosťami (fosfor) – pôsobí na žalúdočné šťavy. Vhodný aj pri kŕčoch (draslík) – uvoľňuje svalové kŕče. Bakteristatické účinky podmieňujú triesloviny a preto využitie je aj pri hnačkách a črevných infekciách. Okrem toho blahodárne pôsobí na srdce, na tepny – rozširuje ich. Takáto jahodníková droga sa veľmi pozitívne využíva aj v pediatrii spolu s inými bylinkami ako súčasť bylinných zmesí. Využitie : list – čaj (sušenie) ; plod – sušenie, kozmetika, kuchyňa, lekvár, sirup; koreň – tinktúra, sušenie Jahodníkový čaj na každodenné pitie alebo na povzbudenie celého organizmu List jahodníka , list černice, list maliny v pomere 2:1:1. Z namiešanej čajovej zmesi odoberieme 1PL (alebo 3g) zalejeme 200 ml vriacou vodou. Lúhujeme 7 minút. Pijeme letný osladený kvalitným medom. No nie len jahodníkový list môžeme pokladať za liečivú drogu. Aj plody jahodníka sú telu prospešné, pretože vám prečistia a zregenerujú celý organizmus, povzbudia do ďalšej činnosti. Jahodová maska na tvar Jahodové plody asi za väčšiu hrsť umyjeme a necháme odkvapkať. Vložíme do misky, jahody popučíme, pridáme hroznový alebo mandľový olej (ak nemáme tak smotanu na šľahanie) v množstve 1 PL, dobre premiešame. Natrieme na tvár a dekolt a 20 minút odpočívame. Potom tvár a dekolt dôkladne umyjeme a ošetríme krémom alebo olejom. V ľudovom liečiteľstve sa červená farba spája s liečbou : sklerózy, vysokého tlaku, pri dne aj reume… Tak nezabúdajte, že nie len list je liečivý, ale aj plod. (Pozor na alergie najmä pri malinkých deťoch, ktoré idú jesť jahody po prvý krát.) Užite si zber a vychutnajte si skvelé plody jahôd či už lesných alebo pestovaných
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:43:30Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "sk", "language_score": 0.9511861205101013, "token_count": 2624, "url": "http://alchemylka.sk/2023/03/04/jahodnik-obecny-jahoda-obycajna-fragaria-vesca-l-rrosaceae/" }
Tube City Community Media Inc. is seeking freelance writers to help cover city council, news and feature stories in McKeesport, Duquesne, White Oak and the neighboring communities. High school and college students seeking work experience are encouraged to apply; we are willing to work with students who need credit toward class assignments. Please send cover letter, resume, two writing samples and the name of a reference (an employer, supervisor, teacher, etc. -- not a relative) to email@example.com. Ads start at $1 per day, minimum seven days. Lawsuit claims MASD refused to address issues for political reasons A local bus company that lost a contract to transport McKeesport Area School District students is suing the city, the district and several area officials, claiming its problems were caused by political manipulations. Pennsylvania Coach Lines has filed suit in Allegheny County Common Pleas Court against the City of McKeesport, the school district, state Sen. Jim Brewster, Mayor Michael Cherepko, school director and mayoral candidate Joe Lopretto, former school Superintendent Mark Holtzman Jr., and city administrator Tom Maglicco. The company, based on Rebecca Street in the city, was replaced prior to the 2022-23 school year by Krise Transportation after parents repeatedly complained that Pennsylvania Coach Lines was canceling buses without warning, stranding students and forcing them to miss classes. But the company alleges that those problems arose after the district took action to punish Pennsylvania Coach Lines because its president, David Sunstein, was an active supporter of Nicole Ziccarelli, a Westmoreland County Republican who ran against Brewster in the 2020 state senate election. The company alleges political retaliation, violations of the First Amendment, fraud, abuse of process, defamation and criminal conspiracy, and is asking for a judgement in excess of $50,000 against the district, the mayor, the city, Brewster and the other defendants. The defendants have not yet responded to the action in court, but District Solicitor Gary Matta said last week McKeesport Area School District would not discuss the litigation publicly. Matta said he had learned of the lawsuit only a few hours earlier, and that he had forwarded the information to the district’s insurance carrier. Pennsylvania Coach Lines was awarded a contract in 2018 to transport McKeesport Area students. But in October 2021, the district and two charter schools went to court to seek an injunction against Pennsylvania Coach Lines, alleging that students were suffering “immediate and irreparable harm” from being “stranded and unable to attend school.” One bus route in particular, serving Myer Park, Grandview, Downtown, Christy Park and the Evans Avenue corridor, had supposedly been canceled on nine separate days in September and October 2021, the district and the charter schools alleged. At the time, Pennsylvania Coach Lines said in court filings that the bus company was facing a nationwide shortage of drivers that affected other school transportation companies in the wake of COVID-19. The company further alleged in court filings that its drivers were being enticed to work in other districts — including Pittsburgh Public Schools — for higher pay. Pennsylvania Coach Lines also said McKeesport Area students exhibited behavior problems, including refusal to wear face masks during the pandemic, that was causing its drivers to quit. The district argued in court that Pennsylvania Coach was unable to fulfill the terms of its contract and was trying to “place blame on ... children” in what Matta argued was “an illogical and baseless accusation.” In written filings, the district blamed Pennsylvania Coach’s inability to cover all of the bus routes on its own organizational issues. In the most recent lawsuit filed Feb. 23, Pennsylvania Coach Lines alleges that the district refused to work with the company to adjust bus routes and stops because Sunstein had erected a sign supporting Ziccarelli on his property. The lawsuit alleges that in 2020, Lopretto, who was then president of the McKeesport Area School Board, visited Pennsylvania Coach Lines’ garage and told the company “there would be problems” if the company didn’t remove the political sign. The suit further claims that Brewster visited an unnamed Pennsylvania Coach Lines employee who was supposedly displaying a sign for Ziccarelli and threatened that employee with “consequences” if Pennsylvania Coach Lines didn’t support Brewster. In the lawsuit, Pennsylvania Coach Lines claims that the school district inflated its student rosters to ensure that the company would lose money providing its services, and that it “manufactured a controversy so that it could haul Pennsylvania Coach into court,” which it alleges included making “false statements to the news media” to retaliate against the company. In 2022, Pennsylvania Coach Lines previously sued the school district and Krise, claiming the district and the competing bus company were conspiring to steal its employees along with proprietary information relating to school bus routes. That lawsuit was dismissed after Krise and the school district agreed not to directly contact any Pennsylvania Coach Lines employees with job offers. Pennsylvania Coach Lines is being represented Ray F. Middleman and Shane D. Valenzi of the Pittsburgh law firm of Whiteford, Taylor & Preston. Originally published March 06, 2023.
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All functions controlled by a microprocessor. Graphic, user-friendly terminal. Data interface provides network capability | Framework structure consisting of lateral cast-iron shoulders, connected with steel cross beam | Centralized lubrication system. All control mechanisms are in the oil bath | Electronically controlled warp-let off and cloth take-up | Automatic pick finding | Sley controlled by a double complementary cam mechanism and driven directly by the main drive shaft | Electronic ground let-off type IDEA for single beams with flanges Ø 800 mm | Standard Take-up and let-off suitable for standard weft density | Standard beam change system, for beams with flanges Ø 800 mm | 2-ends leno device with Grob heddle | Reinforced backrest roller with double drive | Braking device for single backrest roller | SMIT Warp stop motion with 6 contact bars and LED indication | Mechanical false selvage cutters | Central Binding Quant. 2 | Set of temples type G – 24 rings | Electronic Weft Selector for 8 colors equipped with mechanical weft cutter | Eltex weft detector, 8 holes | Grippers suitable for double weft insertion | Raceboard with green cloth | Warp deviation blade: fixed | Take-up roller covering with P180 Emery | Smooth metallic | Anticrease bar | Loom Controller For Single Beam | Colored “touch screen” terminal | Weft stop motion function (the loom stops at end-of-bobbin) | Main drive prepared for 350-370/410-430 V 50 Hz | Warp ends recovery reel | English / Machine software language | Jacquard interface: serial | Loom direct drive system | Tension surge arrester device | Loom equipped with fabric guard | Loom without oil | The high-speed rapier loom machine in Serampore is expanding because of its wide flexibility, faster, low energy utilization, and innocuous nature. Because of mechanical achievements in the high rapier loom, the speed of the high-speed rapier loom machines is presently near water jet looms and air-jet looms. High-speed rapier looms are returning air-jet and water-jet looms machines in numerous countries. By far we have offered to the market in excess of 10,000 high-speed rapier looms machine in Serampore. We also continue putting on get progressed hardware and facility, to guarantee the nature of the most pivotal textile spare parts on the machine. With solid R&D capacity and a top expert group, we can give the best rapier looms reasonable for enhanced requirements. The high-speed rapier loom machines in Serampore produced by us conform to material industry principles in raw material, accessories, and during the collect cycle, subsequently improving the machine execution and perseverance. Our exacting control of the expense additionally permits us to furnish clients with exceptionally serious rapier loom costs. We are pleased to present ourselves as the top High-speed Rapier Loom machine manufacturer in Serampore, trader, distributor, and supplier. Our high-speed rapier loom is made under the supervision of skilled specialists utilizing high-quality components and cutting-edge technology. This high-speed rapier loom is also praised for its great strength and extended lifespan. We provide this high-speed rapier loom to customers at competitive pricing. Get a free quote for a high-speed rapier looms machine in Serampore and also provide machine services.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:09:09Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8932667374610901, "token_count": 758, "url": "http://altindia.in/high-speed-rapier-looms-machine-in-serampore/" }
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With many conditions payday loans Oregon, each of the required help and advice perhaps part of the purchaser’s proper and tasks Statement or perhaps in the simply words Disclosure. Due to present modifications in federal law a number of additional disclosures ought to be integrated into this disclosure such as, including, the borrower???‚a„?s selection for deferment, forbearance and debt forgiveness Customer’s right and duties account: This data is definitely a part of the promissory notice no matter the sorts of FFELP funding (Stafford, PLUS and combination). They mentions in a “plain English” format extra information on the agreements belonging to the money. Almost all of the knowledge essential become disclosed under national rules as well as the FFEL course was included in the promissory know as well customer’s Rights and duties argument. This contract is definitely provided in connection with your initial funding under an MPN; the simple terms Disclosure (talked about in other places) will get each subsequent money had under an MPN. Financing Compensation Agenda. At or before the beginning of the repayment time, your college or loan company must furnish you with a mortgage compensation plan that claims, on top of other things, their financial institution’s title; the total amount of each pay together with the day bills happen to be due; the quantity and consistency of expenses in addition to the monthly interest rate in the financing. Because of recently available alterations in federal rule, various added disclosures is going to be added to the compensation disclosure including, for instance, the number of focus already remunerated and info on accessible repayment projects and positive, like excellent compensation pros might be reduced. Simple Language Disclosure. The simply Terminology disclosure happens to be a discover proposed through division of knowledge that must definitely be made available to a buyer which obtains “serial” lending products under an earlier closed excel at Promissory notice or MPN (which, under a Stafford or POSITIVE debt). This necessity don’t apply to relief Personal loans because combination Personal loans are generally “serial” debts. Charging Statement Disclosure. For lending which one installment is born on or after July 1, 2009, a fresh couple of disclosures ought to be produced during repayment with each and every charges or report, like, eg, the very first principal quantity of the loan, recent equilibrium, monthly interest along with other info. The discover is likely to be offered by each bank or, alternatively, in a shared discover. In addition, a loan provider must tell a debtor (that’s in a sophistication or payment period) each occasion the handle that obligations should be made improvements. Discover around the accessibility to the profits delicate compensation Selection. This notice needs to be provided in the course of promoting a borrower financing as well as some time of promoting a borrower compensation choice. This information perhaps supplied in a separation see or in the other needed disclosures. Exit Guidance Offer. In the leave therapies your FFELP or Direct Loans (apart from an integration finance), could get the appropriate help and advice because of your university, bank as well as the drive money Servicing focus: An up to date profile of the lending, including the normal anticipated payment per month; The level of your own absolute debt (key and determined interests), your current rate of interest in addition to the complete interest fees on your funding; The expression with the bank or service that holds your very own money, where you should submit your own amount exactly where there is to post or label if you’ve got query; Evidence from the costs you are energized while in the compensation time, such as late prices and range and court expense should the financing gets overdue or you standard on your transaction duty; a note of available options for a loan consolidation and a note you can prepay your loan without punishment whenever you want; Repayment alternatives and pointers about debt management; Notification you need to provide your envisaged lasting handle while the address and name of the envisioned manager; Alerts you need to can provide any correction to your course’s information concerning we name, social protection quantity, records and driver’s license amounts (in case you have one).
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:15:15Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9495330452919006, "token_count": 1073, "url": "http://alxbio.org/american-payday-loans-2/learning-their-national-education-loan-documents/" }
Welcome To ASTERA HOTEL BINTARO! Astera Hotel Bintaro is strategically located in the heart of Bintaro Business District close to many major place of interest such as Bintaro X-Change Mall, Pondok Aren Tol Gate, Bintaro Junction etc. The hotel provides comfortable rooms, restaurant, meeting rooms and wide parking space to accommodate business travelers needs. Our well trained staff will ensure every rooms are clean and every guests are very well treated. With quiet surrounding, Astera Hotel is suitable for holding a meeting or workshop. We provide high speed Internet access in all hotel areas so that guests no need to feel worries about lost in connection with business relations, family or friends. Please feel free to contact us or just drop by to see around, we’ll welcome you with our sincere hospitality and service.
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To View MSDS : click.pdf To View Technical Data Sheet : 4250295100404.pdf Hi-Glitz the only such store known to offer such a wide and comprehensive range of d-i-y easy to use and safe products to meet your cleaning needs. The unique products available are imported from Germany and are of a very high quality. These are customised and designed for cleaning, restoring, beautifying and protection for specific materials. Effect of Urine Stone and Limescale Remover: Urine Stone and Limescale Remover allows self-acting elimination of urine scale, lime scale, soapstone, rust marks and other stubborn contamination or deposits on sanitary facilities. Application of use for Urine Stone and Limescale Remover: Urine Stone and Limescale Remover may be used for all ceramic surfaces which are not sensitive to acids in the sanitary area, such as WCs, urinal, bidets or drain channels and showers and bathtubs. Direction of use for Urine Stone and Limescale Remover: Pour 150 ml of Urine Stone and Limescale Remover undiluted into the washbasin. Distribute evenly with a brush and according to the degree of contamination allow to work for longer (if necessary, overnight). Then rework with a scrubbing brush and rinse off with plenty of water.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:36:01Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9168113470077515, "token_count": 288, "url": "http://beta.hi-glitz.com/product/urine-stone-and-limescale-remover/" }
I have been using Sandi Richard’s line of Meal Planning Cookbooks for over 10 years now. I am a raving fan! I buy every one of her books because they have taught me how to meal plan, her meals are easy, delicious, and healthy and even my husband can follow the recipes! Her newest cookbook is entitled Anyone Can Cook Dinner I decided to put Sandi’s book title promise to the test in my own home with my 8 year old daughter Trinity. We used Sandi’s printable grocery list to purchase all of the items for our week of dinners. It is so nice to know that you have everything on hand for 5 healthy meals! I let Trinity choose what she wanted to make out of the 5 meals. I will admit, I was nervous. Was my daughter ready to cook? When is the right time to start showing your kids how to cook? It was time to see what she could do. Trinity’s dinner choice…Tuna Tetrazzini with Corn & Peas. Trinity read over the recipe. First thing Sandi tells you to do is take out all of the tools you will need, which are nicely detailed under the equipment list. Trinity did as she was instructed and pulled everything out. Trinity excelled at cooking! She was so excited to embark on this cooking adventure, and I could tell how proud she was of herself. Just that fact that I was turning over the kitchen to her made her smile! While the dinner was in the oven, Trinity set the table and even prepared a menu for our family to show what we were having. It was amazing to watch my little girl succeed in the kitchen. As parents, I think we forget that it is our job to teach our kids how to be INDEPENDENT of us. An essential skill that we all need is cooking! It is amazing to see what skills children can learn in the kitchen…math, preparedness, cleanliness, healthiness…the list goes on! It is time for us to stop doing everything ourselves, and let our children LEARN! Sandi Richard has done it again! She is not only helping families get back to eating together, she is helping families learn to cook together! Give yourself permission to ask for help in the kitchen and you’ll create an amazing change in your family dynamics. Life is all about teamwork. Start introducing your children to the kitchen and cooking as early as you can. There is always something you can get your children doing…pulling out equipment, ingredients, washing and cutting vegetables, or just watching you and chatting with you about each others day. Unlock the kitchen and let your children and your husbands in! Make it easy for them to prepare dinner by having everything on hand to prepare a meal, along with an easy to follow, no fail recipe. Plan meals as a family, and dinner will be a lot more fun. Reduce your stress by knowing what you are having for dinner tomorrow, and prepare for tomorrow’s dinner before you go to bed. It is not hard, especially when you use one of Sandi’s cookbooks. I truly believe ANYONE CAN COOK DINNER, if they are given the proper tools. Thanks Sandi. Getting back to basics is easier than I thought it would be. With 3 daughters, I’m hoping to be sipping my wine while I watch my dinner being prepared. They cook, they clean! Win-win!
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:29:01Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9775254726409912, "token_count": 728, "url": "http://bethatgirlnow.com/?cat=12" }
Recently abandoned by his father, who moved out of the family home in Manhattan, Theo Decker, 13, and his beautiful mother are making it on their own in New York. After Theo gets in a little trouble at school, he and his mother have an appointment at school to discuss his issues. With some time to spare before the appointment, the two stop off at the MET for a Dutch art exhibit. Theo is not at an age where he appreciates fine art, but he does notice a pretty red-headed girl about his age and an elderly man who catches his attention. He is curious about the girl and the mysterious older man she is with. So when his mom suggests they visit the gift shop, Theo declines to stay close to the young girl, and in an instant, his life is forever changed. After an explosion and the rubble which resulted,Theo is unable to get to the gift shop or locate his mother. He does find the now dying older man (Welty) who gives Theo a ring and tells him to take it to a place called, Hobart and Blackwell and to "ring the green bell", when he arrives. Welty also tells him to take the small painting which had fallen to the ground after the explosion. The artwork is a priceless 17th century, one of a kind painting which depicts a little yellow pet finch that is chained at the ankle, "The Goldfinch.". Dazed in the aftermath, Theo now sees his life defined as "Before Mom and After Mom". He is haunted by what has happened; he blames himself for his mother's death. Child protective services intervenes and Theo's journey to adulthood takes a most unconventional course. From living with a wealthy school friend on Park Avenue, to being dragged off to Las Vegas by his loser, gambler father and his girlfriend Xandra, Theo's life is in chaos. The only comfort for him is, The Goldfinch painting, which he clings to like a security blanket. Theo has kept the painting hidden since the tragedy, for it reminds him of his mother. But, what can a young man do with a priceless piece of art like The Goldfinch? For a number of years, he keeps it safe, and gazes at it occasionally in private, until years later when, a seedy friend from Theo's teen years in Las Vegas resurfaces in New York and has a plan. In The Goldfinch, the reader is transported on a spellbinding journey into the lives of The Barbours, the wealthy, Park Avenue family that took young Theo in. Hobie, the antique dealer and former business partner of the elderly man who died in the explosion, who gives Theo a place to live and work when he returns to NYC. There is also unpredictable Boris, who Theo befriends in Las Vegas after Theo's loser dad and girlfriend take him from NYC to live with them. Both boys are left to fend for themselves, and except for the occasional left overs that Xandra brings home, their consumption seems to consist primarily of food they can steal or alcohol and drugs. Told from the first person looking back, The Goldfinch followsTheo from the ages of 13 to 27. From New York to Las Vegas, back to New York and even on an international journey to Amsterdam. The author creates a memorable cast of characters and imagery. The characters are so well drawn, the writing is fabulous and both colorful and suspenseful. For me, it novel was, at times, an emotional journey. My heart went out to Theo, even when he made some poor choices along the way. I loved the way the novel drew me into the world of art, and although it can't be considered a happy story, it is a story that, for me, had a very satisfying conclusion. So far it is probably one of the very best books I've read in 2013, even though it was well over 700 pages -- I never felt bored. Be sure to read this one. (Thanks to Hachette/Little Brown & Co and Edelweiss for providing me with an eGalley)
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:06:24Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9797748327255249, "token_count": 841, "url": "http://bibliophilebythesea.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-goldfinch-donna-tartt.html" }
Do you love big bluegill? Started this discussion. Last reply by carl hendrix Nov 29, 2015. Tony Livingston has not received any gifts yet Bluegills and Botanicals if you read the fine print. It seemed appropriate, as those two subjects definitely hold a special place in my family's hearts. I thought I would share a little bit of the maple syrup process, for those who might be curious as to how it's done. I may add additional photos as time permits. Disclaimer: No Bluegills were harmed during the making of this maple syrup. My wife and our oldest son, tapping some trees during an unseasonably warm spell… ContinuePosted on June 26, 2015 at 7:30am — 15 Comments For some time now, I've pondered the possibility of starting a blog dedicated to those special instances when our favorite fish gets to spend a few moments in the limelight. My excuse for having not accomplished this task sooner is disturbingly familiar....not enough time. Well that situation has been remedied, at least temporarily, by my family and I enjoying a long overdue vacation. So as I sit here surrounded by palm trees, nearly overwhelmed by the smell of sunscreen, with waves… ContinuePosted on July 7, 2014 at 5:10pm — 25 Comments For Dick Tabbert. I've never had the pleasure of meeting him face-to-face, but from our dealings otherwise I can tell you that Dick is cut from the bedrock that this country was built upon. I've found him to be modest, unassuming, very knowledgeable, and endowed with a generous spirit. BigBluegill.com wouldn't feel like home without his presence, and we are indeed fortunate to have him as part of our online family. This place wouldn't be the same without him. I'm asking everyone here,… ContinuePosted on March 29, 2014 at 8:00am — 12 Comments The area that comprises Greene-Sullivan State Forest lies divided between Eastern Sullivan, and Western Greene counties in South-Central Indiana, and was originally established in 1936 with a land donation of 3067 acres from the Indiana Central Coal Co. Further… ContinuePosted on January 22, 2014 at 9:15am — 4 Comments Jim Gronaw must surely be accustomed to wearing many hats.....husband, father, grandfather, talented outdoor writer, angler extraordinaire, and last but certainly not least, one of our very own moderators, right here at http://bigbluegill.com/ ! Residing in Westminster, MD., You're liable to find Jim Gronaw either casting a line at one of several local hotspots, or busily putting the finishing touches on his latest outdoor themed article. Jim's… ContinuePosted on January 17, 2014 at 8:32am — 16 Comments
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:04:17Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9746820330619812, "token_count": 585, "url": "http://bigbluegill.ning.com/profile/TonyLivingston?xg_source=activity" }
Providing Environmental Consulting Services for Volusia County and the state of Florida since 1990. Since its establishment in July 1990, BCS has been providing environmental consulting to its clients in Volusia and surrounding counties. BCS has provided its expertise for a wide variety of projects such as: parks, wellfield permitting and compliance, residential subdivisions, airports, new schools and related facilities development, road projects/highways, marinas, mitigation banks, commercial developments, religious facilities, municipal facilities development, and single-family homesites.With such a varied experience, BCS is able to provide sound solutions regarding environmental issues and anticipate problems before they arise. Biological Consulting Services believes that communication between the client, team members and the regulatory agencies is vital to the success of every project. BCS assists clients through the environmental permitting process through wetlands and protected species identification, preparation of appropriate applications, environmental report preparation, coordinating with team members and agency representatives for mutually agreeable permitting approaches, and assistance with compliance after permit issuance. Since its inception, Biological Consulting Services has strived to provide environmental consulting services to its clients with integrity and a quality of work that comes from a commitment to providing the most up to date information based upon the changing rules and policies of the regulating agencies.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:05:31Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9541420340538025, "token_count": 258, "url": "http://biologicalconsultingservices.com/" }
Aghorastra Mantra Sadhna Vidhi in Hindi & Sanskrit Pdf अघोरास्त्र साधना विधि एवं नीलकंठ अघोरास्त्र स्तोत्र For astrology, mantra diksha & sadhna guidance email to firstname.lastname@example.org or call us on 9410030994 or 9540674788 . अघोरास्त्र मंत्र के स्मरण मात्र से मनुष्यों के सारे उपद्रव नष्ट हो जाते हैं। भगवन शिव का यह मंत्र बहुत ही शक्तिशाली है। जहाँ असमय में गर्भपात हो या जहाँ बालक जन्म लेते ही मर जाता हो तथा जिस घर में विकृत अंग वाले शिशु उत्पन्न होते हों तथा जहाँ समय पूर्ण हाने से पूर्व ही बालक का जन्म होता हो, वहाँ इन सब दोषों के शमन के लिए दस हजार आहुतियां देनी चाहिये। सिद्धि साधन में तिल मिश्रित घी से एक लाख हवन किया जाय तो वह उत्तम है, मध्यम सिद्धि के साधन में अर्धलक्ष और अधम सिद्धि के लिए पचीस हजार आहुति देनी चाहिये। जैसा जप हो , उसके अनुसार ही होम होना चाहिये। इससे संग्राम में विजय प्राप्त होती हैा न्यासपूर्वक तेजस्वी पंचमुख का ध्यान करके ‘अघोरास्त्र’ का जप करना चाहिये। Those who want to learn Mantra Tantra Sadhana & want Mantra Diksha please send us the below details to email@example.comfirstname.lastname@example.org Call us on 9410030994 or 950674788 1. Your name with gotra 2. Your parents name 3. Your latest photograph 4. Your current living address Read Below Articles on Shiva Sadhana Other Articles on Mantra Tantra Yantra 1. Baglamukhi Puja Vidhi in English (Maa Baglamukhi Pujan Vidhi)
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:03:43Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "hi", "language_score": 0.9226198196411133, "token_count": 1288, "url": "http://blog.anusthanokarehasya.com/tag/neelkanth-aghorastra-stotram-free-pdf-download/" }
so I got busy and drafted the holiday missive. I generally like to focus on travel but this year we were pretty much state-side with my sister being ill. I found it difficult write about her death - the sadness seemed to overwhelm the good times we had this year. I left out a lot of things - but of course the nature of an annual letter means a lot of stuff get passed by. then I made two cards for us to send- I like a choice - one of the Paris trip and one of the Argentina trip. soon we will have cards to mail and a busy social schedule and the days will pass by but right now I am overwhelmed by the loss of my sister- activity keeps the ghosts at bay but you can be slammed upside your head with grief if you even let a little crack open. I know time heals - my dad died in 2001 - and my loss seems more manageable- but right now my loss of Janna is like a wound that bleeds with the slightest movement of memory. the two of us- I am the older/taller sister-
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:45:54Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9780637621879578, "token_count": 224, "url": "http://blog.semifreelife.com/2010/11/year-end.html" }
Starting in 1999, UTS #18: Unicode Regular Expressions has supplied guidelines and conformance levels for supporting Unicode in regular expressions. The new version 21 broadens the scope of properties for regular expressions (regex) to allow for properties of strings (such as for emoji sequences). For example, the following matches all emoji flags except the French flag: Among the improvements are:- Provides a new Annex D: Resolving Character Classes with Strings for handling negations of sets of strings. - Updates the full property list to include the latest UCD properties, plus Emoji properties and UTS #39 properties. - Removes obsolete text passages, and makes editorial changes for clarity. Over 140,000 characters are available for to help the Unicode Consortium’s work on digitally disadvantaged languages
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:21:21Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7981815338134766, "token_count": 163, "url": "http://blog.unicode.org/2020/06/?m=0" }
Robert L. Smith was born and raised in Buffalo, New York. His late father, R. Tex Smith, an amateur photographer, instilled an interest in this art form in his son at an early age. While a teenager he began his first commercial venture operating a film developing business in the Masten Avenue area of Buffalo. Bob attended Seneca Vocational High School majoring in the photography program. In later years he also attended the University of Buffalo. In 1950 he entered the U.S. Navy and served two years as a photographer in North Africa. Following his discharge he was employed at Bell Aircraft in the photography department. In 1956 Bob joined the photography staff of The Buffalo News, a career that spanned 39½ years. He retired in 1995. He is the recipient of many Associated Press, United Press International and Page One awards, and will long be remembered for his contributions to the field of photojournalism. He has been the Chief Photographer of the Buffalo Bills Football Team since 1960 and has just completed a book titled A View Through the Lens of Robert L. Smith: Photos 1960-1995. This is a collection of his favorite photos taken from the Bills' inception in 1960 through 1995. A percentage of all proceeds from the book will be donated to The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and The Buffalo Bills Youth Foundation. Bob is the author and publisher of this book. - 8 x 10 black and white prints are available of any photo in the book for $35.00 each, plus tax and postage of $4.00 each -- $39.00 Total for each print - 8 x 10 color prints are also available of any color photo displayed in the book for the cost of (.00 each, plus tax and postage of $4.40 each -- $44.40 Total for each print - Send all print orders to: 61 West Jerge Drive Elma, NY 14059
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:51:56Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9631569981575012, "token_count": 390, "url": "http://buffalobooks.com/rsmith.html" }
Forestry ServicesArchitectural Services Top Down Enterprises Inc. was established in 2016 when it was provided with the opportunity to support HSM Forestry Machines, at the ground level of establishing and implementing safe steep slope harvesting practices. Since then, we have expanded our business to include sales of the TimberMAX Traction-Winch Systems as the Western Canada Dealer. We are committed to our customers – providing quality, cost-effective service options for all heavy equipment makes and models. Our strong technical background and dealership training makes us a key contact when your equipment needs diagnosis and repair! Located in Kamloops, BC, we provide service primarily in BC’s Interior but are open to all inquiries.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:37:26Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.945286214351654, "token_count": 142, "url": "http://business.kamloopschamber.ca/list/member/top-down-enterprises-inc-kamloops-7610" }
Parenting Enjoy 101 from the vjgm Forks Higher is deciding to make the jr and you can sr group pair up and be ‘parents’ or take care and attention off a child doll. All Cullens come into college or university nevertheless and you will using group. How have a tendency to Charlie act when Bella and Edward mention these are typically pregnant Whenever Bella’s collision with the black colored freeze badly damage the newest Volvo, what lengths usually she see make sure he will not pick out? The latest Enthralling Escapades from Bella Swan from the Just who demands dexterity besГёg deres websted anyways Bella would like to make up towards missing big date if the Cullen’s return to Forks. Such knowledge provide their unique a crash way within the living with their particular favourite imbalanced vampire family unit members. Brand new frock coats and you can ‘mattress therefore deluxe you’ll be able to turn to mush’ are just advantages in the process New Crazy and you may Quirky Adventures out-of Edward in PE! by the LindaRoo Hilarity arises whenever Edward returns at the end of new Moon and then he and you can Alice score Mrs. Cope to alter their times to get them into the Bella’s gymnasium class. Just how do they appear people when the superhuman athletic aptitudes keep getting in the way? It is War from the edwardNOTjacob A snow-date inside Forks. To put on display your by themselves, the fresh Cullens and you will Bella plan to do a beneficial snowball endeavor. But how commonly Bella work when Edward informs their unique to sit down aside to check out? Vampires of the underworld during the Vegas because of the vjgm Alice and you may Rosalie decide to just take Bella to Vegas to have a good bachelorette cluster facing their particular tend to. The brand new boys impression leftout, choose to be on their own into the a tiny issues as well. Why Me? by Kaytoko Comedic plays nothing peoples Bella’s lifestyle in the Cullens. A short story collection. Now centering on close comedy as well! The auto from the Elliptic LullabyBella is one matter Edward retains most beloved Out-of Werewolves and you may Treasures by the Uns33n.Unkn0wn -“Charlie, you will find pets nowadays you would not faith. That you do not reside in the nation your imagine your stayed in.” Happens during Cracking Beginning, the fresh unwritten world when Jacob phase in front of Charlie. One-test. Details of the BellaCullen1789 This has been seven years, and Charlie try curious. Though he previously said he desired to know as little since possible, he wouldn’t let asking for a bit more recommendations. Post-Switching Earliest Light by blondie AKA robinBella and Edward deal with just what are its better difficulty: Wedding. One to possibility however really stands amongst the few and their fairy-tale conclude. Bella is the vital thing so you can protecting the new Cullens; but may she look for sufficient control over time to store all of them? Blog post Cracking Dawn A walk-in the latest Life of Angela Weber by Subtlynice In the event the some body asked me personally, many years later, which my companion off highschool is, I’d possess responded instantaneously, having natural certainty, one their identity are Isabella Marie Swan.” Angela POV. Not everybody on the Twilight Tale stayed permanently… However, everybody knows simply how much the guy Loves their Volvo Every Father’s Lose because of the Romanticidal Edwardian Only a cute, fluffy little one-sample. Nessie discovers come across-right up contours, along with her along with her mom make use of them to your Daddy. EPOV. Getting to know this new Cullen Coven from the edward-bella-harry-ginny Place immediately after Breaking Dawn. What would Charlie perform in the event that he had been speaking with the new Cullen friends, in which he had a tad bit more recommendations than the guy bargained to possess? Edward and Bella learn the difficult manner in which Renesmee doesn’t usually know “want to know”. And you can follow up Renee’s Supper party on the Cullen Coven . Lifetime Once Forks by Amanda Beth The fresh new Cullens move and begin a new immortal life. Bella need handle their own lifestyle: one another dated and you will the newest. Edward must release just who she are and deal with their own to possess exactly who this woman is. Right after which you have the question: are they it is safe? 3 years after BD & sticks so you’re able to canon.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:49:45Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9434741735458374, "token_count": 1021, "url": "http://cannabisnutrien.org/2024/01/09/she-is-his-lifetime-their-like-their-everything/" }
Climate March in Karachi Climate strikes calls for “climate justice” to be an ethical obligation and not just an environmental issue. Like other countries, Pakistan also contributed in the campaign of “Global week for future” from 20-27th September. Caritas Pakistan Karachi staff joined “Climate March” along with a group of people including youth group members, activists, environmentalists and civilians on 20th September and raised their voice through slogans and posters to help stop global warming all across the world. Caritas team highlighted the “Global Catholic Climate Movement” supporting “Social Justice and Care for Creation”. The Pakistanis are of concern; “To make people aware of the threat that the nation is facing of climate change and there is urgent need to take actions as its impact is at highpoint with growing weather concerns including heat waves, flash floods, melting glaciers and droughts. As Pakistan has been listed the 8th most affected country from climate change as per Global climate risk index 2019.” The participants desired that the March would jolt those in power to take positive actions in order to combat climate change for protecting the nature for future generations.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T16:53:06Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9618112444877625, "token_count": 242, "url": "http://caritas.org.pk/climate-march-in-karachi/" }
Media Player Error Update your browser or Flash plugin 64: Friends With An F You are now using the open player. If you log in and subscribe to the podcast, Cloud Caster will keep track on your playlist and the position you paused an episode so you can resume it on any computer or phone.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:25:31Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8585935831069946, "token_count": 63, "url": "http://cloud-caster.azurewebsites.net/player/OpenPlayer?mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpdst.fm%2Fe%2Fchtbl.com%2Ftrack%2F42D75%2Fswap.fm%2Ftrack%2Fv9Uiw3bGr54f6BVZKSyc%2Ftraffic.megaphone.fm%2FCAD7584349432.mp3%3Fupdated%3D1643880893&title=64%3A%20Friends%20With%20An%20F&podcastName=Sofia%20with%20an%20F&feedurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.megaphone.fm%2Fsofia-with-an-f" }
Tens of millions of gamers are on-line at any given time taking part in bingo, card video games, motion video games or logic video games. Whereas on-line, you’ll run into gamers competing in any respect ranges, whether or not taking part in for money, prizes, or simply for enjoyable. So, how do you discover a gaming web site the place you will not find yourself shedding to gamers who’ve competed and practiced for numerous of hours? Steer clear of on-line gaming cash frenzy web websites the place you might be thrown right into a pool of gamers starting from rookies to specialists. In case you are a newbie poker participant as an illustration, you do not need to be competing in opposition to expert elements. You need a gaming web site that matches your talent degree to the talent ranges of different gamers. Select a web site the place you possibly can play in opposition to people who find themselves studying proper together with you. Don’t be part of a gaming web site that requires you to deposit cash upfront. Later, with apply chances are you’ll need to compete in opposition to others for actual money, however to start with, simply play for enjoyable. Do not make it irritating. enhance your abilities whereas having enjoyable by gaming. When you find yourself prepared, then make your money deposit. Due to the Web, gone are the times that while you need to play a recreation, however nobody else within the residence cares to, you accept taking part in a recreation of Solitaire on the kitchen desk. In fact you possibly can nonetheless play Solitaire, however you possibly can play on-line the place a neighborhood of thousands and thousands of persons are ready for you. Take a break from the stresses of life and play your favourite video games on-line. Be a part of an internet gaming web site immediately, have enjoyable, meet individuals and apply earlier than making that first deposit.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:39:27Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9397976994514465, "token_count": 393, "url": "http://conservtribune.com/play-it-to-win-it-online-games/" }
Dziś chciałbym się podzielić moją pierwszą kartką wielkanocną w tym roku. Można powiedzieć, że sezon wielkanocny uważam za otwarty. Today I would like to share my first Easter card this year. I can say that that the Easter season for making cards is open already. Wykorzystalam papiery z najnowszej kolekcji "Easter Bunny" oraz tekturkę "Happy Easter". Tekturkę potraktowałam złotym pudrem do embossingu. I've used paper from the newest collection "Easter Bunny" and chipboard "Happy Easter". I've covered chipboard by gold embossing powder.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:47:18Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.8481172323226929, "token_count": 197, "url": "http://craftolina.blogspot.com/2018/03/easter-card.html" }
Depending on the influent concentrations the concentration of suspended solids can be reduced by 40-70%. The removed solids can be dewatered to 25 to 45% dry solids. Performance at specific installations The performance of the Salsnes Filter fine mesh sieves has been tested at the WWTP Tiendeholmen in Namsos, Norway. The plant is designed for 22.500 population equivalents and a maximum flow of 1080 m3/h. The treatment system is made up of coarse screens and sand traps, followed by two Salsnes Filter fine mesh sieves in parallel. The two sieves treat equal amounts of wastewater. The effluent from the fine mesh sieves is discharged to the ocean. During the test, one sieve had a wire mesh cloth with 0.3 mm mesh size. The other sieve had a wire mesh cloth with 0.35 mm mesh size. The test lasted from July, 11 through August 24, 2000. The requirements for primary treatment were fulfilled, defined as 50 % removal of SS and 20 % removal of BOD5. Average removal efficiencies were 59 % for SS, 45 % for COD and 36 % for BOD5. The primary sludge leaving the sieves had an average dry solids concentration of 23 %. Operational stability and maintenance A pressure transmitter/controller measures the level of the incoming water and adjusts the speed of the cloth. Thus, a high filter efficiency can be achieved under varied flows conditions and SS concentrations. The SF is completely automatic, including the cleaning system and requires a minimum of maintenance. For maintenance of the cloth, it is flushed by hot water twice a day (2 x 20l). The filter units are completely closed facilitating ventilation and odour control. The feasibility of using the fine mesh sieves (with 0.3 mm mesh size) instead of conventional sedimentation for primary treatment of municipal wastewater, was evaluated for a generic treatment plant with an average flow of 18.000 m3/d. The study was carried out by a Norwegian research institute, aquateam. Flow sheets for four different process combinations were presented, covering primary treatment only, and primary treatment followed by a nitrifying activated sludge plant. The different unit processes and reactors were designed and dimensioned based on given criteria, and finally the total cost and area requirement for a process, or the difference in cost and area requirement between processes, were calculated for each alternative. The cost comparisons were made for outdoor plants with open basins. The cost for land was set at zero. For primary treatment only, the fine mesh sieves needed less than 10 % of the area required for conventional sedimentation, and the investment cost was about 50 % of the cost for conventional sedimentation. For primary treatment including thickening and dewatering, the fine mesh sieves were also expected to save 12.500 euro/year in operating cost. For plants without thickening and dewatering, the operating costs were somewhat lower for sedimentation than for the fine mesh sieves. The reason for this is that dewatering is an integral part of the sieves, and that the energy consumption for operation of the sieves is higher than the energy consumption necessary for the operation of sludge pumps and scrapers in a conventional sedimentation process. For primary treatment followed by nitrifying activated sludge, usage of Salsnes Filter fine mesh sieves will save about 440.000 euro in investment. Due to the large savings in investment costs, application of sieves will result in significantly reduced annual costs (capital plus operating costs) for all alternatives considered. Considering the use of covered reactors and costs for land, it is expected that the application of fine mesh sieves will result in even larger savings .
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:22:04Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9538365602493286, "token_count": 767, "url": "http://devden.co.za/salsnes/performance/" }
Instantly Access All Site Resources Capture Social Media for Compliance Easily Supervise Social Media For SEC/FINRA Join the successful firms archiving with Intradyn Watch this 60 second video to see the magic. Take the next step, Complete “START HERE” Easily allow COMPLIANT SOCIAL MEDIA Meeting Compliance is Easy as 1 – 2 -3 1. Pick your Platforms Tell us which accounts to capture and we will do the hard work for you capturing all activity with APIs. 2. Pick Your Archive Platform. Your archive or ours, tell us where you want the captured data pushed and our solution will send it over. 3. Compliantly capture it all! Automated capture means you don’t need to do a thing. Supervise socials as easily as you do email. Complete “Start Here” to Watch the Social Media Demo Video Access All Socials from a “Single Pane of Glass!” Much easier than logging into multiple platforms to search for messages Twitter | X, Youtube, Facebook, any socials you archive at your fingertips. Entry Level- 3 Account Bundle (Includes up to 3 Social Media Accounts) 10 Account Bundle (Up to 10 Social Media Accounts) Complete “Start Here” 50 Account Bundle (Up to 50 Social Media Accounts) Complete “Start Here” Have questions? We are here to help guide you. Below are the most frequently asked questions around social media archiving. Being there are multiple approaches, schedule 15 minute walk through with the Solutions Team who will quickly guide you to the best solution, navigate the nuance and fully answer your questions. Is there a limit on how many posts we can capture? No, the only potential limitation would be the archive you are pushing your social media capture to. If you deploy the Intradyn Cloud Archive for Social Media you will have unlimited date forward storage. Does Intradyn Capture Edits and Deleted Posts? Intradyn captures a comprehensive record of all your social media activity even if content is taken down or deleted. We even capture edits to posts as a separate message you have the original and edited version. Do I need to login into each Social Media Platform to see my data? No, the magic Intradyn provides is capturing all social media activity, converting it into an email format and pushing it to your email archive so you can repurpose your lexicon for searches/supervision and access all social media from a single pane of glass. No need to endlessly scroll or expand comments or log into different interfaces. Quickly find the post or comment your looking for making it easy to perform supervision on data from any social media platform. What about images and videos? Intradyn automatically captures in near real time all social media content including all images, videos and meta-data. Images or videos which are hyperlinked to other sites are also captured and preserved so you minimize the risk of a broken link as time passes.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:51:34Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8911995887756348, "token_count": 641, "url": "http://dnpemail.com/cco-intradyn/social-media/" }
NEWS, który próbujesz przeczytać został już przeniesiony do archiwum. Dostęp do tego artykułu możesz uzyskać wysyłając SMS na numer 72068 o treści AP.EPOLITYKA (koszt SMS-a to 2,44 zł brutto). Otrzymasz zwrotną wiadomość SMS z kodem, który należy wpisać w poniższe pole. Po pozytywnej weryfikacji kodu otrzymasz dostęp do tego artykułu. Otrzymany kod ważny na ten NEWS jest przez 3 dni od dnia wysłania SMS-a. Jeśli chcesz korzystać z serwisu w nieograniczony sposób wyślij SMS na numer 79068 o treści AP.SENAT (koszt SMS-a to 10,98 zł brutto). Kod otrzymany w ten sposób umożliwi Ci korzystanie z serwisu przez 24 godziny bez żadnych ograniczeń. Jeżeli chcesz korzystać z nieograniczonego dostępu do całego archiwum NEWS-ów oraz całej Biblioteki e-Polityka.pl - przez okres 1,3,6 lub 12 miesięcy -
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:38:39Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.9996856451034546, "token_count": 401, "url": "http://e-polityka.pl/a.18249.d.17.drukuj..html" }
SysML helpers: help section eaUtils provides a helping feature when using the systems engineering SysML modelling language in Enterprise Architect. - Synchronize SysML parts stereotype in Internal Block Diagrams according to the associated SysML blocks stereotype. eaUtils SysML features can be disabled via eaUtils general settings. A training on SysML with Sparx Enterprise Architect tool is available in France: please click on this link for further information in french. eaUtils SysML stereotype mapping and synchronization on SysML parts according to their blocks is useful when SysML stereotypes defined in a UML profile or an MDG technology are used on the Enterprise Architect SysML modelling project. It is common practice to define and use a specific set of SysML blocks such as hardware and software blocks. The stereotype mechanism can be used to assign default colours and/or add specific properties (tagged values). The diagram below illustrates the Hardware and Software SysML blocks and parts used in this example. When using parts within an ibd (SysML internal block diagram), they aren't stereotyped. Assigning the right stereotype can be time consuming; eaUtils SysML Synchronize parts stereotypes is intended to deal with this issue.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:47:52Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8274013996124268, "token_count": 269, "url": "http://eautils.com/en/help/itemlist/category/24-sysml-features-enterprise-architect-help-section" }
Q. What Are Most College Essays Missing? A. The V Word. What if I’m not good at showing my emotions? I find emotions embarrassing. I’m always happy. I’ve had an easy life. I come from a good family. Do I have to be sad or have problems to write a good college essay? These are just a few of the questions and statements from students I’ve worked with. The last one is a favorite of mine; I’ve been asked it more than once. My answer to each of these different excuses is stolen from Nike…#justdoit. After this seemingly cavalier or harsh urging, I explain that a) if they intend to apply to college, which they assure me they do, and b) if they want to get into a college, which they assure me they do, then students have to write the Common Application Essay or some other Personal Statement equivalent. And then I offer up these tips: Choose Subject Matter That Makes You Feel A Teeny Bit, Or Quite A Bit, Uncomfortable “I let my best friend down,” revealed one student. We’d been brainstorming essay topics for over an hour. This statement, though seemingly innocuous, became the pearl in this student’s oyster. He proceeded to relay a story in which he had been too busy courting a girl at a party to make sure his very inebriated BFF made it home safely. The BFF didn’t make it home, in fact, but ended up in the ER due to the kindness of strangers who saw the boy post-party stumbling alone on the sidewalk. What made the applicant uncomfortable was his shame over not being a good friend, a trait that he spent time cultivating and believed he truly had accomplished. The essay took many drafts to perfect, but once done, the narrative reflected the soul of the scribe, a teenager with compassion who made the wrong decision one night. There’s No So Such Thing As An Always-Happy Life Sorry, but I just don’t buy it when students’ say their lives have been free of any disappointments, discomforts or upsets. When I push students to reveal their tender moments, the small bruises that they’ve either forgotten or hidden, they almost always admit to having one or two or 10 and then they say, “But admissions people don’t want to know about THAT.” Yes. They do. I had a student who suffered from depression and explained that he had the condition under control and, despite this one issue, his life was great. He was also told by teachers, counselors and even his parents, that colleges don’t want to hear about mental illness. My POV? The colleges he was applying to might want to hear about his struggle with — and management of — his mental illness, depending on how he chose to frame the topic and the essay. “Really?” he said. It was the first time I’d seen this student smile. “It’s such a relief. I feel like I’m writing about me, now.” He wrote an inventive piece about how life felt for him pre-diagnosis and then how it felt post, with the help of therapy and medication. He was a different person post, he said. And a more successful learner, friend, sibling and actor. So, his literal “I was blind and now I see” narrative was not only revealing of who this student was, but also of how he overcame personal adversity to flourish. Much to his surprise, but not mine, he got into his ED choice of schools. Give Yourself Time to Feel You can’t whip off your college essays. Even the best prose writers, including AP English rock stars and Scholastic Gold Key Winners, meet their maker with the personal essay format. It’s HARD. Respect its mission which is to give students the space to introduce themselves to admissions teams. “I wish I had more time,” a student recently emailed me. You do, I told her. We then arranged a FaceTime session to discuss what was making her unable to quell her anxiety and settle down to write her essay. It turned out that she had decided not to apply to pre-med or PLME programs and now didn’t know what to focus her essay on. We brainstormed ideas with this vocational commitment off the table and she came up a great topic: Not knowing what she wants to be when she grows up. Her essay exposed her nervousness about giving up a focused career track and having multiple major options based on her multiple interests. She’s pretty sure she wants to attend a small liberal arts college instead of a large university which were the type of schools she’d been targeting with her doctor hat on. “A huge weight’s been lifted off of me,” she said. Her essay conveyed the exuberance, relief and, of course a little fear, in her newfound freedom of study. Oh, as for the V word mentioned above. It’s vulnerability. Every successful college essay I’ve seen has a healthy sprinkling mixed throughout. For information about College Counseling or College Essay Coaching, please drop me a line at email@example.com or give me a holler at 917-863-2424. Also, for “news you can use,” please check out my blog and Facebook page.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:19:42Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9800435900688171, "token_count": 1173, "url": "http://eecollegecoach.com/what-are-most-college-essays-missing/" }
Dr. Xie is a Professor of Political Science at Beijing Foreign Studies University. His research interests include the United States Congress, public opinion, U.S.-China relations, and Chinese foreign policy. He has published extensively in Chinese and English journals and writes regular columns for Economic Observer, an influential Chinese newspaper. He is also a frequent guest on BBC World News TV, CCTV-News, and China Radio International. Dr. Xie is a recent co-author of “Living with the Dragon: How the American Public Views the Rise of China.” He earned a Ph.D. in Political Science from Northwestern University in 2007. Professor, Beijing Foreign Studies University
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:56:40Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9358563423156738, "token_count": 134, "url": "http://en.asaninst.org/events_category/asan-plenum/sub_category/participant-biographies/page/17/?s_year=2012&s_bio_type&s_bio_text&u=16648" }
The surgical bag is usually composed of large bag cloth, surgical sheet and Meiya bag. In addition, other surgical accessories are added according to the surgical requirements. The surgical sheet is the core of the whole surgical package. According to many years of foreign clinical experience, the design concept and production process of the surgical sheet are more in line with the actual needs in surgery, and more effectively protect patients and medical personnel. Its main characteristics are good water resistance (water resistance non-woven fabric), good water absorption (water absorption non-woven fabric), high hydrostatic pressure, good flexibility, less flocculent, imported adhesive (non allergic), anti-static, anti alcohol, anti plasma, anti oil and other advantages.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:48:44Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9413986802101135, "token_count": 147, "url": "http://en.jiuteyiliao.com/product/760.html" }
TSINO-TEK production center is located in Tsinghua University (Gu'an) pilot incubation base, with a total area of 1,600 square meters, belonging to its own intelligent manufacturing factory with a SMT line, a wave soldering production line, a constant temperature aging room and other professional production and testing equipment. It has also a complete quality system, environmental impact assessment certification and other related qualifications. TSINO-TEK's production system is based on the management concept of German enterprises, and is jointly established by a number of managers and engineers with decades of working experience in German enterprises. TSINO-TEK's lean engineers team and complete quality system provide a strong guarantee for the quality and delivery time requested by customers . The OEM production procedures of circuit boards, surfacing mounting, soldering and conformal coating etc., are all completed in the production center located in the pilot base of Tsinghua University in one stop, which condenses the transfer lead time of finished products and reduces quality control risks to the greatest extent. The production base is one of few enterprises with complete qualifications for circuit board soldering and coating within 50 kilometers of Beijing. In coordination with flexible process engineering and rapid business response capabilities, the production center is providing OEM manufacturing services for Tsinghua University's scientific and technological projects. TSINO-TEK is a trustful partner for prototype development, pilot testing and small-scale mass production of high-tech enterprises and universities in Beijing. One stop service Optimal delivery date Occupational Health and Safety System Certificate Environmental System Certificate Quality System Certificate STM SMD line DIP wave bonded wire UV three anti-paint coating line Adhering to the one-stop service concept, complete testing equipment can provide customized assembly and testing services for all kinds of large, medium and small customers. To provide customers with process design, material support, circuit board machine plugging, mounting, welding, assembly, commissioning, aging and packaging logistics and other production process services. A small number of enterprises with three defenses and cleaning production qualifications around Beijing are equipped with automatic assembly lines for three defenses and cleaning of military grades. It is equipped with a complete set of production and quality control equipment such as imported placement machines, reflow soldering machines and optical detectors (AOI). Equipped with DIP hand welding line, wave soldering line, with large-scale batch chemical production processing of professional and technical personnel and experienced management personnel.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:30:24Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9298956990242004, "token_count": 510, "url": "http://en.tsino-tek.cn/zhgc/?type=1" }
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{ "date": "2024-11-06T16:55:48Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.9973869919776917, "token_count": 971, "url": "http://falafelfood.pl/deska-do-gier-hazardowych/automat-do-gier-golden-horns-gra-za-darmo-bez-rejestracji.html" }
Step into the enchanting world of Wicked with Ulta Beauty’s expansive collection of makeup, skincare, haircare, accessories, and more, that celebrates the magic of self-expression Universal Pictures’ Wicked arrives in theaters November 22 Ulta Beauty, the nation’s largest beauty retailer, proudly announces its partnership with Universal Pictures’ new cinematic event, Wicked, for the launch of a multi-branded beauty assortment, available at all stores and ulta.com beginning October 6th. Inspired by the film adaption of the beloved blockbuster stage musical about the untold story of the witches of Oz, arriving in theaters on November 22nd, the Wicked-themed collection defies conventional beauty norms, empowering beauty enthusiasts to embrace their truest selves. As part of the collection, Ulta Beauty will exclusively feature r.e.m. beauty's limited-edition 9-piece makeup set, designed by Grammy award winning global superstar Ariana Grande, who stars as Glinda in the film. "At Ulta Beauty, we believe that beauty is a powerful form of self-expression, and our partnership with Wicked allows us to bring that belief to life in an inspiring way," said Monica Arnaudo, Chief Merchandising Officer at Ulta Beauty. "This collection invites beauty enthusiasts to embrace their confidence, celebrate and support friendship, while discovering the unexpected connections that beauty can create, just as the characters of Wicked do. We're thrilled to offer an expansive range of transformative products that inspire joy, creativity, and the magic of being true to yourself." The limited-edition Wicked collection will come to life during the holiday season in Ulta Beauty stores nationwide through front of store displays and immersive experiences from October 6th – December 25th, while quantities last. Ulta Beauty Rewards Diamond and Platinum members will enjoy early access to shop the collection exclusively on October 1st and 2nd on ulta.com or the Ulta Beauty App. At Ulta Beauty’s Herald Square, New York, and Santa Monica, California, stores, guests will be transported to the Land of Oz through full store takeovers, featuring immersive Wicked experiences, like walking the yellow brick road through beauty aisles and enjoying Elphaba and Glinda-inspired makeup salon services offered by r.e.m. beauty by Ariana Grande. Special photo opportunities will allow guests to engage with custom experiences and capture the wonders of Wicked through beauty. As an extension of the Wicked collection, a curated assortment of beauty brands will be available to shop at Ulta Beauty at Target locations, reaching even more enthusiasts. The Wicked-inspired collection, available at Ulta Beauty and priced from $8 to $60, spans ten categories and features must-have products from both exclusive and leading beauty brands, including: - r.e.m. beauty by Ariana Grande: a multi-dimensional, shimmering, enchanted makeup capsule – with every shade designed exclusively for Wicked – Including a 12-shade storybook palette and sets inspired by Glinda and Elphaba. - Beekman 1802: This Wicked-inspired collection features spellbinding skincare and bewitching bodycare that will leave you wondering: is it magic or Kindness? - OPI: The Wicked-ly beautiful holiday collection features a palette ranging from Glinda’s perfectly pink shades to Elphaba’s magical greens with spellbinding shimmer, pearl and glow-in-the-dark effects, available in original Nail Lacquer, long-wear Infinite Shine and xPRESS/ON press-on nails. - It Brushes For Ulta: Limited-edition Ulta-exclusive blush & foundation makeup brush set featuring custom pink and green liquid handles filled with glitter, stars and more bewitching accents. - Caboodles: The Limited Edition On-The-Go Girl™ cases, available in two color combinations inspired by Glinda and Elphaba, feature a Wicked vibe, functional form, and themed sticker sheets, making them the ultimate organizers for whatever you’re passionate about keeping sorted. - Conair: Conair has you covered with all the essentials: hair dryers, styling tools, mirrors, and accessories. Show off your style with this beautifical collection. - TARTAN + TWINE by Conair: Transport yourself to the Emerald City with Wicked-inspired cosmetic bags. From pink to green, these enchanting bags will keep you organized and ready for your next adventure. - Wet Brush: Featuring Detangle and Style Kits inspired by Glinda, Elphaba and Emerald City, including an Original Detangler® and hair accessory. - Wella: Like a spell, our care set will repair and strengthen your hair and nails with Wella Professional Ultimate Repair Miracle Hair Rescue & OPI Repair Mode Bond Building Nail Serum. - Scunci: Experience the duality of Glinda and Elphaba with Wicked Hair Accessories from Scünci by Conair— pink goes good with green in this limited-edition collection. “Bringing our r.e.m. beauty for Wicked collection to life has been pure magic,” said r.e.m. beauty founder, Ariana Grande. “We want to transport fans into the world of Wicked and capture the awe that I felt every day on set. I am so excited for the Ulta Beauty guests to have the chance to experience these beautiful formulas in real life!” The partnership between Ulta Beauty and Wicked is rooted in a shared commitment to celebrating individuality, self-discovery and the transformative power of beauty. Like the unexpected bonds formed in Universal Pictures’ Wicked, this collaboration empowers beauty enthusiasts to explore their own unique identities and express their inner magic through beauty. For more information about the exclusive assortment, visit www.ulta.com/featured/wicked, and follow Ulta Beauty’s social platforms for more updates and inspiration. About Ulta Beauty At Ulta Beauty (NASDAQ: ULTA), the possibilities are beautiful. Ulta Beauty is the largest specialty U.S. beauty retailer and the premier beauty destination for cosmetics, fragrance, skin care products, hair care products and salon services. In 1990, the Company reinvented the beauty retail experience by offering a new way to shop for beauty – bringing together All Things Beauty, All in One Place®. Today, Ulta Beauty operates 1,411 retail stores across 50 states and also distributes its products through its website, which includes a collection of tips, tutorials, and social content. For more information, visit www.ulta.com. About Universal Pictures’ Wicked After two decades as one of the most beloved and enduring musicals on the stage, Wicked makes its long-awaited journey to the big screen as a spectacular, generation-defining cinematic event this holiday season. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Jon M. Chu (Crazy Rich Asians, In the Heights), Wicked is the first chapter of a two-part immersive, cultural celebration. Wicked Part Two is scheduled to arrive in theaters on November 21, 2025. Wicked, the untold story of the witches of Oz, stars Emmy, Grammy and Tony winning and Oscar®-nominated powerhouse Cynthia Erivo (Harriet, Broadway’s The Color Purple) as Elphaba, a young woman, misunderstood because of her unusual green skin, who has yet to discover her true power, and Grammy-winning, multi-platinum recording artist and global superstar Ariana Grande as Glinda, a popular young woman, gilded by privilege and ambition, who has yet to discover her true heart. The two meet as students at Shiz University in the fantastical Land of Oz and forge an unlikely but profound friendship. Following an encounter with The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, their friendship reaches a crossroads and their lives take very different paths. Glinda's unflinching desire for popularity sees her seduced by power, while Elphaba's determination to remain true to herself, and to those around her, will have unexpected and shocking consequences on her future. Their extraordinary adventures in Oz will ultimately see them fulfill their destinies as Glinda the Good and the Wicked Witch of the West. The film also stars Oscar® winner Michelle Yeoh as Shiz University’s regal headmistress Madame Morrible; Jonathan Bailey (Bridgerton, Fellow Travelers) as Fiyero, a roguish and carefree prince; Tony nominee Ethan Slater (Broadway’s Spongebob Squarepants, Fosse/Verdon) as Boq, an altruistic Munchkin student; Marissa Bode in her feature-film debut as Nessarose, Elphaba’s favored sister; and pop culture icon Jeff Goldblum as the legendary Wizard of Oz. The cast of characters includes Pfannee and ShenShen, two conniving compatriots of Glinda played by Emmy nominee Bowen Yang (Saturday Night Live) and Bronwyn James (Harlots); a new character created for the film, Miss Coddle, played by Tony nominee Keala Settle (The Greatest Showman) and four-time Emmy winner Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones) as the voice of Dr. Dillamond. Wicked is produced by Marc Platt p.g.a. (La La Land, The Little Mermaid), whose films, television shows and stage productions have earned a combined 46 Oscar® nominations, 58 Emmy nominations and 36 Tony nominations, and by multiple Tony winner David Stone (Kimberly Akimbo, Next to Normal), with whom Platt produced the blockbuster Wicked stage musical. The executive producers are Stephen Schwartz, David Nicksay, Jared LeBoff, Winnie Holzman and Dana Fox. Wicked is based on the musical stage play with music and lyrics by legendary Grammy and Oscar® winning composer and lyricist Stephen Schwartz and book by Winnie Holzman, from the bestselling novel by Gregory Maguire. The screenplay is by Winnie Holzman and Winnie Holzman and Dana Fox. The film score is by John Powell & Stephen Schwartz, with music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz. The Broadway stage musical is produced by Universal Stage Productions, Marc Platt, the Araca Group, Jon B. Platt and David Stone. About Universal Pictures Universal Pictures is a division of Universal Studios (www.universalstudios.com). Universal Studios is part of NBCUniversal. NBCUniversal is one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies in the development, production and marketing of entertainment, news and information to a global audience. NBCUniversal owns and operates a valuable portfolio of news and entertainment networks, a premier motion picture company, significant television production operations, a leading television stations group and world-renowned theme parks. NBCUniversal is a subsidiary of Comcast Corporation. Senior Director, Public Relations
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:03:12Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9096255898475647, "token_count": 2246, "url": "http://finance.pleasanton.com/camedia.pleasanton/article/bizwire-2024-9-25-ulta-beauty-announces-partnership-and-launch-of-multi-branded-beauty-collection-with-universal-pictures-new-cinematic-event-wicked" }
Search for Graves First or Middle Name (enter only one name) Last or Maiden Name (enter only one name) You can enter first name or last name or both. If the box below is unchecked, search will look for persons with names containing the text you entered. For example, if you enter Beck and the box is unchecked, the results will include Holsenbeck, Beck, Beckcom, Beckworth, etc. If the box is checked, the results will include only those with the name Beck. Search for exact name Or select war or service from below: Government service Revolutionary War War of 1812 Seminole War Mexican War Confederate in Civil War Federal in Civil War Spanish American War World War I World War II Korean War Vietnam War Unspecified military service
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:08:05Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8068931102752686, "token_count": 158, "url": "http://friendsofcems.org/memoryhill/searchw3c.php" }
Adapted Equestrian Material Donation – Fundación MHG Fundación MHG receives support, for the fourth consecutive year, from Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, which has provided them with adapted riding equipment to favour the development of its activity in the area of Guadarrama (Madrid). The Fundación MHG focuses on the integration of people with disabilities through Equestrian Therapies and Leisure with horses. For all activities included in the programme, the donation of our Foundation has been essential. Every day, the Fundación MHG receives groups of 6 to 8 people who benefit from the therapeutic program. Some come from occupational centres, residences for very affected people, homes for the adults and special needs children education centres. Some weekends, Leisure with horses sessions take place with large groups participating, between 25 and 30 people. These groups are integrated with disabled people at the facilities, coming from leisure clubs. Also during the month of July, divided into fortnights, MHG offers integration camps for children with and without disabilities as well as various workshops that work with horses. In total, about 98 people benefit from the activities of the Fundación MHG and, consequently, the material that our Foundation has granted them by agreement. Not to forget the horses themselves, who are more secure and comfortable with the new adapted equipment during the tasks they perform. In this way, Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre continues to ensure that the conditions of users and horses are the best possible for the development of this modality.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T19:03:08Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9511808156967163, "token_count": 338, "url": "http://fundacionecuestre.org/activities/adapted-equestrian-material-donation-fundacion-mhg" }
SBOBET is an international sports bookmaker that has a reputation for fair gaming. It offers a variety of games, including soccer/football and tennis bets as well as other major sports such as e-sports, motorsports and American football. It also has an extensive selection of handicaps. In addition, Sbobet offers a range of payment options and supports responsible gambling. The website also features a live chat option and is available in several languages. The Sbobet betting site is licensed in Asia and Europe and operates as an international online bookmaker. It accepts multiple currencies and allows players to deposit and withdraw money using their local currency. In addition, it offers a number of promotions and bonuses to attract new customers. Players can also use their credit cards to make deposits and withdrawals at Sbobet. However, it is important to note that the house edge for casino games is always in favor of the casino. Currently, SBObet offers a wide range of games and sports including a selection of Asian markets. Its live betting feature is a great way to place wagers in-play and the site offers a cash out function on most events. The SBObet customer support team is also very prompt in replying to any questions or queries. In a recent employee survey, 11 employees gave SBObet a B+ on a number of culture dimensions. Employees were happy with their total compensation and the pace of work, but they were less satisfied with the quality of management. The company has a good reputation in the industry and is highly regarded in both Asia and the US. To start betting on SBObet, simply select the live event that you would like to bet on and click on the odds of your desired team or player. The bet ticket will then display on the left panel and you can adjust the stakes to reflect your personal budget. You can also choose to enable the auto refresh of the odds to keep your bet ticket updated with the latest odds that SBObet offers. SBObet offers a mobile app and a WAP/Mobile Web version of its betting platform, which makes it easy to bet on any game from anywhere. You can even wager on live events while you are in the stadium! It is a great choice for those who don’t have access to an internet connection at home. If you want to try your luck at SBObet, sign up for a free account and check out their bonus codes. You can use these to increase your bankroll and get started with real money bets. This is a safe way to play and can be very rewarding. Just remember to set a budget and never bet more than you can afford to lose. If you do this, you can have fun and win big! Then, when you are ready to move on to bigger bets, you can use your winnings. Good luck!
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:11:09Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.972747802734375, "token_count": 585, "url": "http://getstdtesting.org/index.php/2024/01/03/sbobet-review-104/" }
NOTICE: Grant Therapy Services is CLOSED as of 2023. Welcome to Grant Therapy Services! We provide pediatric occupational therapy in the greater Seattle/Eastside area. We serve families with issues ranging from autism, sensory processing disorder, feeding problems, social skills, and emotional regulation. Your home is the center of your world, so shouldn’t therapy services start there? At Grant Therapy Services, we provide therapy for kids in the environments where children need the most support: school, daycare, and home. By focusing on pediatric therapy in non-simulated environments, we can strengthen your connection with your child so you can worry less and succeed more. If you are looking for child therapists that will fully prepare you to lead your child’s progress outside of therapy, look no further. At Grant Therapy, parents are critical to therapy services for children. Bring your family to us and we will turn your fears into cheers! For free resources and play ideas that promote function, follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/granttherapy/
{ "date": "2024-11-06T16:54:45Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9266690015792847, "token_count": 221, "url": "http://granttherapy.com/" }
(Note: you can click on the pictures to see a bigger version) One thing I have discovered about running as a hobby is that…. well… it’s not always about the running. Take today, for example. Don’t walk on the ice! | My plan was to run along the Union Canal. This is a great place to run as it is comparatively soft underfoot (it’s not concrete), and it’s flat. The Union Canal is a so-called “contour canal”, which means that it stays the same height above sea level from start to finish. I joined the canal where it meets Nicolton Road. The first thing I noticed was that the canal was partially iced over, and the way the thin ice had frozen resulted in a really interesting pattern of cracks. But now for the dilemma. I’m running, right? That means I should be concentrating on times, on splits, on keeping the effort level up and the heart rate in a certain zone, no? Well, for some training, sure. For the marathon itself, undoubtedly. But for a long, slow run where you are seeing beauty you don’t normally take the chance to see? Sorry, no… So I stopped and took a picture. Then came the big challenge. The stop had obviously affected my average pace, so should I run a bit faster to catch up? Well, I was on a long, slow run. The idea is that you run quite slowly, a full minute per mile slower than your projected marathon pace, to get used to spending lots of time on your feet but without damaging your muscles. Two swans a-swimming – just! | Let me say, running a minute per mile slower than you want to – slower than your natural pace – is really, really difficult. And of course I ran faster to try to get the average pace back to where it should be! The next thing I saw was these two swans. When I arrived, they were walking on this thin ice, and beating it with their feet. By the time I got the picture taken, they had broken through and were sitting in the water itself. They must have had cold behinds! Again I tried to catch up with the average time, but there was significantly more tree cover by this point and Runkeeper and my phone were having a very difficult time giving me an accurate position, and hence an accurate time. So I had little real idea how fast I actually was going. One quarter mile gave me a pace of eleven minutes thirty per mile, the next seven fifteen, with no feeling of a change of effort level on my part. The next point of interest is one that will be my Photo of the Day today. We had some pretty severe storms recently in Central Scotland, and the evidence is still widely visible in the form of fallen trees, or trees whose branches have been ripped off by the wind. Well, it turns out that the canal didn’t escape either, and it is in fact blocked by a fallen tree. I don’t know how long the canal has been blocked, and how long it will remain this way. But it’s quite a sight to see! The canal enters a tunnel at the south-west of Falkirk, and that was the point at which I chose to turn round and head for home. My aim had been to run for seventy-five minutes, by the time I got home it had been closer to ninety! Next week I hope to run a similar route, but going a bit further east before joining the canal. I hope to stop and take pictures again!
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:13:53Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9820146560668945, "token_count": 761, "url": "http://hamrunning.thepotters.org/2012/02/12/a-run-along-the-canal/" }
Subscribe to Blog via Email November 2024 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 How different is the modern Greek alphabet from the ancient one? Other than the fact that ancient Greek had only capital letters, does the alphabet also contain letters that modern Greek speakers do not use? In antiquity, every city had its own variant of the Greek alphabet; they varied not only on shape of letter, but also on which letters they used. Athens undertook a spelling reform in 403 BC, under the archonship of Eucleides, which adopted the Milesian variant of the Ionian alphabet, including the letters eta and omega. (That alphabet was already widely used in Athens, but it was not the original local variant.) The Modern Greek alphabet is the Euclidean Athenian alphabet, because the orthography of Modern Greek is historical. There are letters in the Euclidean Athenian alphabet that are redundant in Modern Greek (η υ ω); but it’s only in the USSR of the 30s that any serious attempt was made to write Modern Greek phonetically. Of the archaic letters, pre 403 BC, only one truly matters: Digamma, ϝ. It was the Ancient Greek /w/. The sound does show up in papyri of Sappho and Alcman. We can also reconstruct it in Homer, though it is missing in our text of Homer. The text we have of Homer was established in 6th century BC Athens; and the sound (and thence the letter) was long extinct in Athens by then. Greeks originally wrote <q> before back vowels and <k> before other vowels; so they wrote Ϙόρινθος <Qorinthos> for Corinth, and in fact the koppa became a symbol of Corinth. Eventually, they worked out that those were just allophones, and they dropped the koppa entirely except for counting (it’s the number 90). Shin (letter) and Samekh were differentiated in Phoenician, because Phoenician had both /ʃ/ and /s/; Ancient Greek did not, and once people stopped robotically copying the Phoenician alphabet, each town picked one or the other of sigma or san to write /s/ with; no town kept both. Modern publications of any literary texts that survived via the papyrus tradition went via Athens and its 403 BC spelling reform. Digamma is rare; san and koppa are non-existent, even though Aristophanes refers to san-branded horses. (Just as Qorinth used the koppa as its emblem, Sicyon used the san.) You’ll only ever see them in publication of inscriptions that did use them; and even then you won’t see them often. In the process of establishing the Unicode repertoire for Greek, I came across a few more archaic letters. In fact, I came up with the name of one: Tsan, the Arcadian variant of San, which apparently was used for /ts/. The variant letters that were phonetically distinct, and which will show up in publication of inscriptions, were Heta, the eta-equivalent used to mean /h/ and not /ɛː/; the Sampi, an Ionic innovation which might have been pronounced /ʃ/ or /sː/; and the Pamphylian digamma, which looked identical to tsan but was likely pronounced /v/, as opposed to the normal digamma’s /w/. One variant that didn’t make it in the repertoire was the Corinthian single letter for <ei> /eː/. It didn’t make it into Unicode, because the letter for it was in fact <E> (Corinth had a different letterform for epsilon.) No epigraphist has published it as anything but ει or, if they’re being extra careful, <Ε> in a different font. (Google Dweinias for the most important inscription.) Ditto the corresponding Boeotian letter, which looks identical to the tack-shaped heta, <Ͱ>. (http://www.opoudjis.net/unicode/…) I have been responsible for conflating Pamphylian sampi and normal sampi in Unicode, even though they in fact look different, and I have posted my apology for that in Nick Nicholas’ answer to If you were allowed to add a symbol to unicode, what symbol would it be, and what would it mean? Oh. Sho (letter) is Bactrian for /ʃ/; Bactrian used the Greek alphabet, but I don’t think sho counts here.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:18:50Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9638283848762512, "token_count": 1025, "url": "http://hellenisteukontos.opoudjis.net/2017-08-18-how-different-is-the-modern-greek-alphabet-from-the-ancient-one-other-than-the-fact-that-ancient-greek-had-only-capital-letters-does-the-alphabet-also-contain-letters-that-modern-greek-spea/" }
Banchory Football Club changing rooms get a boost Banchory Community Football Club has received a £5,000 grant from renewable company, RES, to help refurbish their water-damaged changing rooms. The Club was formed in 1978 with the aim of providing positive life enhancing experiences using football to help people of Deeside and surrounding areas achieve their goals. The club now has over 600 members and has big plans to develop, including renovating one of their key sites that has suffered leaks and water damage. Following an approach from the club and hearing about their plans, as a community club, to repair and upgrade their changing facilities in Banchory, RES was able to offer a £5,000 grant to support the refurbishment work. Derek Thomson, Chairperson of Banchory Football Club, explains: “The investment Banchory Community Football Club (BCFC) are able to make on our King George 5th pavilion, has only been made possible due to the generosity of RES and their commitment to supporting local communities. We’re delighted to have created our partnership with RES and look forward with great optimism to seeing how both our organisations build on this initial engagement.” RES is the world’s largest independent renewable energy company and has been at the forefront of the industry for more than 40 years. RES’ vision is a future where everyone has access to affordable zero carbon energy – and the firm has delivered more than 27GW of renewable energy projects across the globe and plans to bring more than 22GW of new capacity online in the next five years. RES’ 16-turbine Hill of Fare Wind Farm proposal near Banchory was submitted into planning, to the Scottish Government, at the end of last year. If consented, the 105.6MW scheme is predicted to deliver a £150 million boost for the local economy – including more than 200 construction jobs and a tailored community benefit package for the local area worth £26.4 million over its lifetime. It would also reduce the equivalent of 69,000 tonnes of carbon emissions based on the grid-mix of fossil fuel, nuclear and renewable generation and achieve carbon payback within 3 years.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:23:27Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9714526534080505, "token_count": 449, "url": "http://hilloffare-windfarm.co.uk/news-and-updates/latest-news/news-banchory-football-club-changing-rooms-get-a-boost/" }
Executive Base Network envisions spearheading workspace transformation, setting new benchmarks for contemporary executives. We foresee our boutique executive center as a symbol of innovation, luxury, and empowerment. Guided by excellence, collaboration, and adaptability, we envision a vibrant professional community converging in our spaces, forging cross-industry connections that birth groundbreaking ideas. Our vision extends to anticipating trends, ensuring our full-service executive suites dynamically evolve, granting clients unparalleled flexibility in achieving their aspirations. Pursuing this, we commit to elevated service, design, and innovation, catalyzing positive change in how professionals work, collaborate, and thrive. Ultimately, our workspace won't just reflect clients' triumphs—it'll attest to our dedication to their growth and success.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:07:06Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.905672550201416, "token_count": 153, "url": "http://homerepairzz.com/directory/executive-base-network-listing-54751.aspx" }
Office of the National Water Resources Skip to content The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view the team listing. I forgot my password Hide my online status this session All times are Delete all board cookies ® Forum Software © phpBB Limited
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:50:18Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.6942124962806702, "token_count": 56, "url": "http://intranet.onwr.go.th/memberlist.php?mode=team&sid=6d7463536e51bf3fcdd21fca1e9fd359" }
What is SHARE THE LOVE, you ask?! It’s a community-wide event that ran Saturday, 10/22/22 through Tuesday, 10/25/22. This 4-day SHOP SMALL event featured our favorite local businesses, encouraged our community to keep dollars in our Buda/Kyle economy all while having fun!!! We gave out dozens and dozens of incredible prizes from our local businesses to community members who played along by uploading pictures of the local purchases. Thank you all of our local Kyle and Buda business sponsors! Please view the Share The Love 2022 entries below.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:06:36Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9443185925483704, "token_count": 124, "url": "http://jaynalove.com/share-the-love-2022/" }
If you’ve ever found yourself feeling sluggish, unmotivated, or just plain tired, you’re not alone. We all experience dips in energy and motivation from time to time, but the good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to boost your energy levels and increase your motivation. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best ways to increase your energy and motivation so you can feel your best and tackle whatever challenges come your way. Getting Enough Sleep is important to Increase My Energy and Motivation One of the most important things you can do to increase your energy and motivation is to get enough sleep. When you’re well-rested, you’re more alert, focused, and productive, which can help you feel more motivated to tackle your daily tasks. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night, and try to establish a consistent sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. Exercise is another great way to increase your energy and motivation. Even a short 10-15 minute walk can help you feel more energized and focused. Regular exercise has also been shown to improve mood and reduce stress, which can help you feel more motivated and productive throughout the day. Try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise into your daily routine, such as jogging, cycling, or swimming. Eat a Balanced Diet Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for maintaining high energy levels and staying motivated. Aim for a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, and try to avoid processed foods and sugary snacks that can cause energy crashes. Be sure to eat breakfast every morning to kickstart your metabolism and give you the energy you need to start your day off right. Dehydration can cause fatigue and make it difficult to concentrate, so be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and alert. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day, and avoid sugary drinks and caffeinated beverages, which can cause energy crashes. Set Realistic Goals Setting realistic goals can help you stay motivated and focused. Break larger goals down into smaller, more manageable steps to make them more achievable, and celebrate your progress along the way. This can help you stay motivated and feel a sense of accomplishment as you work towards your goals. Positive thinking can help you maintain a high level of motivation and energy. Focus on your strengths and achievements, and don’t be too hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned. Instead, try to learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. <strong><span style=”font-size: medium;”>Take Breaks</span></strong Finally, it’s important to take breaks throughout the day to recharge your energy and motivation. Take a quick walk, stretch, or simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to help you feel more relaxed and refreshed. This can help you stay focused and productive throughout the day, and prevent burnout and exhaustion. You can find additional to find motivation to success here. Increasing your energy and motivation requires a combination of healthy habits, positive thinking, and a little bit of self-care. By getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, setting realistic goals, staying positive, and taking breaks, you can boost your energy levels and increase your motivation, so you can feel your best and tackle whatever challenges come your way. For more ways increase your energy to achieve your goals, join me for my upcoming free webinar on April 15th, 2023 at 1:00 PM EST “Unblock your Inner Drive and Find Focus” Sign up here.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T16:50:26Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9491991400718689, "token_count": 783, "url": "http://joannyoungbloodking.com/how-can-i-increase-my-energy-and-motivation/" }
How to Choose the Right Tankless Water Heater for Your Home Choosing a tankless water heater can feel overwhelming given the numerous options available on the market today. However, understanding key features and considerations can help streamline the process and ensure you select a model that meets your household's needs effectively. Assessing Your Household's Hot Water Requirements First, it is essential to evaluate your home's hot water demand. This involves knowing how much hot water your household requires at peak usage times. Consider the number of bathrooms, appliances, and residents in your home. A large family might need a tankless system with a higher flow rate to ensure simultaneous supply across multiple outlets. Knowing your household's average flow rate in gallons per minute (GPM) will guide you in selecting the appropriately sized unit. Understanding Energy Efficiency and Savings Energy efficiency is a crucial factor when choosing a tankless water heater. Tankless models are often more efficient than traditional storage water heaters because they only heat water as needed, which reduces energy waste. Look for models with high Energy Factor (EF) or Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) ratings, as these indicate better efficiency. Though initially more expensive, energy savings over time can make a tankless water heater a cost-effective choice. Fuel Source and Installation Considerations Next, decide on the fuel source for your tankless water heater. Options typically include natural gas, propane, and electricity. Natural gas and propane units often provide higher flow rates, making them ideal for larger households, while electric models can be more suitable for smaller spaces with lower hot water demands. Additionally, consider the installation implications—electric models usually require significant electrical upgrades, whereas gas models need venting solutions to expel combustion gases safely. Evaluating Size and Mounting Options The compact size of tankless water heaters offers flexibility in placement. Wall-mounted models save floor space and can be installed in smaller areas. Select a model that fits within the physical constraints of your intended installation location. Consult a professional to ensure your choice complies with local building codes and standards, and explore all mounting options, including indoor and outdoor units, based on your space and budget. Maintenance and Longevity Finally, consider the long-term maintenance needs and durability of your chosen unit. Regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of your water heater and ensure optimal performance. Opt for models with accessible service points and clear maintenance guidance, as this will make upkeep easier. Investing in a reliable brand with a comprehensive warranty can provide peace of mind and protect your investment over time. By weighing these factors carefully, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your household's specific needs and budget, ensuring a continuous supply of hot water while maximizing energy efficiency. Contact a local company to learn more, like Maintech Service.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:22:09Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9318023324012756, "token_count": 572, "url": "http://kanpou-ishikawa.com/2024/10/09/how-to-choose-the-right-tankless-water-heater-for-your-home/" }
We may collect personal information, such as your name, email address, and contact number, when you register for an account or use our services. We automatically collect certain information about your device and how you interact with our application, including IP address, device type, browser information, and usage patterns. We use your information to operate, maintain, and improve our Mr. Employee Tracker application, including providing customer support and personalized features. We may use your contact information to send you administrative messages, updates, and marketing communications related to our services. We use analytics tools to analyze usage trends, monitor performance, and gather information to improve our services. We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your information against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Our application may contain links to third-party websites or services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third parties. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party websites or services you visit.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:31:46Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8895262479782104, "token_count": 202, "url": "http://kantitsolution.com/privacy-policy-empTracker.html" }
The discovery of the atomic nucleus more than a century ago can be considered the beginning of one of the greatest scientific projects in human history - the study of nuclear matter and the forces that act within it. Since that time, many discoveries have been made that have radically changed our view of the world around us and the principles of its functioning at the most elementary level. However, many of the key phenomena associated with the strong interaction have not yet been understood, particularly in areas that involve more complex structures and high densities. Some of the fundamental unanswered questions include: - How does the complex structure of matter at all levels arise from the basic constituents and basic interactions? In particular, how can the structure of hadronic matter be derived from the strong interaction, and why do hadrons, the bound states of quarks, have the properties (e.g., mass) that we observe? - What is the structure of matter at the extreme temperatures and densities found in astrophysical objects? What does the equation of state of nuclear matter look like and are there different phases and phase transitions? - What was the evolution and composition of matter in the early universe? Our research group at the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering is trying to answer these extremely interesting and important questions by working on the CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter) experiment at the GSI labboratory. The GSI (Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung) is Germany's leading laboratory near Darmstadt, where both basic and applied research related to nuclear physics has been conducted since 1969. One of the largest particle accelerator complexes and experimental facilities in the world, the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), is currently under construction at the GSI. Under this project, a total of 3.5 kilometers of tunnels with eight accelerator and collection rings are planned to be built over an area of 20 hectares. At the heart of the complex is the 1.1 km long superconducting heavy ion accelerator SIS100. This accelerator will not be the best in the world in terms of the maximum energies to which it can accelerate particles; it does not, for example, rival the largest LHC accelerator at CERN, but has been specifically developed to produce incomparably more intense beams of essentially any atomic nuclei. The CBM experiment will detect a wide range of particles that are produced by collisions of SIS100 primary accelerator beam nuclei with target nuclei. Due to the beam intensity, the detector design and the speed of the readout electronics, up to ten million such collisions per second will be detected and reconstructed. At the collision energies that will be achievable within FAIR, hot nuclear matter will be produced, compressed to more than twice the normal density of an atomic nucleus. It is thought that in nature, similarly extreme pressures and densities may occur inside neutron stars or in their collisions, which have recently been observed using gravitational waves. Knowledge of the behavior, i.e. the equation of state, of nuclear matter is therefore crucial to explain the stability of neutron stars or to describe the behavior of supernova explosions. At the extreme pressures and densities that exist inside very massive neutron stars, a phase transition can even occur, releasing quarks that are normally bound inside protons and neutrons. The nuclear matter thus transitions to a so-called quark-gluon plasma. In the very early universe (about 10 microseconds after the Big Bang), matter is thought to have existed as a very hot quark-gluon plasma. For a record, such a hot plasma can be achieved in nuclear collisions at the LHC at CERN. Inside neutron stars, on the other hand, there should be a relatively cool quark-gluon plasma, which can be created in nuclear collisions at the CBM experiment. This state of matter exists only for a very brief moment after the collision of nuclei. The subsequent expansion and cooling of matter leads to a reverse phase transition from a quark-gluon plasma to hadronic gas. In the case of collision energies at SIS100, a very dramatic phase transition of the first kind is expected, similar to the phase transition of water between the gaseous and liquid states. In this way, the phase diagram of nuclear matter can be studied using nuclear collisions. Similar to water, nuclear matter can exhibit different properties depending on which part of the phase diagram we are in. These many-particle manifestations are very difficult to predict accurately directly from fundamental strong interaction theory, similar to the electromagnetic interaction that determines the properties of solids. Thus, for example, one can expect the existence of a critical point in the phase diagram or even the existence of exotic phases that behave similarly to superconductors. Confirming and investigating such phenomena in detail is crucial for a better understanding of the behaviour of the strong interaction. For example, it will allow us to find out what was happening in the early stages of the evolution of the universe. The experimental search for signatures related to these phenomena is the main focus of the CBM experiment. Currently, as a result of the Russian invasion on Ukraine, all involvement of all Russina institutes at CBM was revoked. As a direct consequence project of development of forward calorimeter for the CBM experiment was stopped and effectively terminated. It is clear that a new forward detector must be build which will be able to fulfill the main tasks of centrality and event plane measurements. At the same time the detector must be available for day-1 of the CBM data taking. For this reasons we proposed and now lead the development of new Forward Spectator Detector - a scintillator hodoscope with readout based on silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). The first studies on physics performance and and electronics design started in fall of 2022. Given the schedule of the FAIR facility construction, the first beams of accelerated nuclei for scientific research are expected in 2027 by which the new detector must be delivered.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:23:01Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9351562857627869, "token_count": 1232, "url": "http://kf.fjfi.cvut.cz/index.php/en/research2/research-fields/cbm-experiment" }
klientów, musisz zwrócić uwagę na wiele czynników, które mogą przeszkodzić w osiągnięciu celów. Oprócz powszechnie znanych problemów, takich jak niewłaściwe instalacje czy niesprawne urządzenia, istnieje także wiele mało znanych czynników, które mogą wpłynąć na Twój biznes. Dlatego przygotowaliśmy dla Ciebie listę 8 mało znanych czynników, na które warto zwrócić uwagę: 1. Brak regularnego serwisu - regularne przeglądy i konserwacja klimatyzacji są kluczowe dla utrzymania jej sprawności i wydajności. Brak regularnego serwisu może skutkować awariami i problemami w użytkowaniu. 2. Niewłaściwe szkolenie pracowników - wykwalifikowana kadra to klucz do zadowolenia klienta. Niewłaściwe szkolenie pracowników może doprowadzić do błędów w serwisowaniu klimatyzacji. 3. Brak profesjonalnego podejścia - profesjonalizm to klucz do zdobycia zaufania klienta. Brak profesjonalnego podejścia może zniechęcić potencjalnych klientów do skorzystania z usług. 4. Nieodpowiednie narzędzia i materiały - używanie nieodpowiednich narzędzi i materiałów podczas naprawy klimatyzacji może spowodować uszkodzenia i konieczność ponownego serwisu. 5. Brak świadomości klienta - ważne jest, aby klient był świadomy swoich praw i obowiązków w zakresie serwisowania klimatyzacji. Brak tej świadomości może prowadzić do nieporozumień i konfliktów. 6. Brak rekomendacji od innych klientów - pozytywne opinie od zadowolonych klientów mogą być kluczem do zdobycia nowych klientów. Brak rekomendacji może ograniczyć rozwój Twojego biznesu. 7. Ignorowanie zmian na rynku - branża klimatyzacyjna podlega ciągłym zmianom i nowym technologiom. Ignorowanie tych zmian może skutkować utratą konkurencyjności. 8. Brak personalizacji usług - każdy klient ma inne potrzeby i oczekiwania. Brak personalizacji usług może sprawić, że klient nie będzie zadowolony z wykonanej usługi. Pamiętaj o tych mało znanych czynnikach, które mogą przeszkodzić Ci sprzedawać i serwisować klimatyzację. Zwracaj uwagę na detale i dbaj o najwyższą jakość usług, aby osiągnąć sukces w branży klimatyzacyjnej. Rok 2024 to doskonały czas by Rok 2024 - dobry czas by serwisować klimatyzację 2024 rok zbliża się wielkimi krokami, a razem z nim nadchodzi kolejna bardzo gorąca i duszna aura. Nic więc dziwnego, że warto już teraz zacząć myśleć o serwisowaniu klimatyzacji w swoim domu lub biurze. Klimatyzacja to niezwykle ważny element każdego pomieszczenia, zwłaszcza gdy temperatury na zewnątrz sięgają zenitu. Regularne serwisowanie klimatyzacji ma nie tylko znaczący wpływ na wydajność urządzenia, ale również na nasze zdrowie. Właśnie dlatego rok 2024 jest doskonałym czasem, by zadbać o swoje klimatyzatory. Dzięki regularnemu serwisowi, możemy uniknąć nagłych awarii urządzeń w najbardziej nieodpowiednich momentach, a także zmniejszyć zużycie energii, co przekłada się na niższe rachunki za prąd. Pamiętajmy również, że serwisowanie klimatyzacji ma ogromne znaczenie dla naszego zdrowia. Regularna konserwacja urządzeń eliminuje zbieraną w nich kurz i bakterie, które mogą negatywnie wpływać na nasze drogi oddechowe i powodować alergie. Warto również podkreślić, że zadbana klimatyzacja to nie tylko wygoda, ale również inwestycja w przyszłość. Regularne serwisowanie urządzeń pozwoli nam cieszyć się ich sprawnością przez długie lata, co z kolei oznacza mniejsze wydatki na ewentualne naprawy czy wymianę sprzętu. Dlatego nie czekajmy do ostatniej chwili. Zadbajmy już teraz o klimatyzację w swoim domu lub biurze, by cieszyć się komfortowym chłodem w nadchodzących latach. Rok 2024 to doskonały czas, by serwisować klimatyzację i zapewnić sobie spokojny sen w upalne dni.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:21:57Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.9994358420372009, "token_count": 1875, "url": "http://klimatyzacja-i-chlodnictwo.motorowki.wroclaw.pl/czy-w-2020-dasz-rade-naprawic-klimatyzacje.html" }
Kurt Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems sent shivers through Vienna's intellectual circles and directly challenged Ludwig Wittgenstein's dominant philosophy. Alan Turing's mathematical genius helped him break the Nazi Enigma Code during WWII. Though they never met, their lives strangely mirrored one another -both were brilliant, and both met with tragic ends. Here, a mysterious narrator intertwines these parallel lives into a double helix of genius and anguish, wonderfully capturing not only two radiant, fragile minds but also the zeitgeist of the era. «A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines» is a book by Janna Levin which contrasts fictionalized accounts of the lives and ideas of Kurt Gödel and Alan Turing (who never met). First published in 2006, the book won several awards, including the prestigious PEN/Bingham Fellowship Prize for Writers and the MEA Mary Shelley Award for Outstanding Fictional Work. It was also a runner-up for the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:49:05Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9361670613288879, "token_count": 203, "url": "http://labiblioteca.mx/1167.html" }
I know the term, “agile” is quite en vogue at the moment, but I realized that it’s a great way to define decision making in my life. Agile, in this context, just means making a decision or delivering something, then seeking feedback, improvements, and iterating on your initial idea. I have a saying: “I’m making the best decision I can right now with the information I have.” That does a couple of things: - It allows me to decide something rather than procrastinate. - It reduces the pressure because I’m not making a decision that lasts forever. - It gives me the basis for changing my mind later when I have more information. It is important to realize that decisions do have long-range consequences, so make sure that your decisions align with your ethics and the goals you have for your life. (You do have personal and family goals, right?)
{ "date": "2024-11-06T16:42:37Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9410877227783203, "token_count": 201, "url": "http://lancecummins.com/agile-decision-making/" }
Powrót do Źródeł na Szlaku Wołochów”. Wołosi od Rumuni przez Węgry aż do Polski. 1 października 2022 w Jeleśni woj. Śląskie. razem z Fundacją 9sił działającą na Węgrzech i w Polsce współorganizowaliśmy konferencje; Powrót do Źródeł na Szlaku Wołochów”. Wołosi od Rumuni przez Węgry aż do Polski. Wykłady: Stara Karczma w Jeleśni: 10.30 Piotr Kłapyta: Uwarunkowania historyczno – geograficzne migracji Wołoskich w Karpatach ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Karpat Zachodnich. Wykład będzie dotyczył uwarunkowań historyczno-geograficznych migracji w Karpatach ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Karpat Zachodnich. W tej problematyce będzie uwzględniony nowy obecnie watek wpływu zmian klimatu podczas małej epoki lodowej (XV/XVI) na zanik gospodarki rolnej w górskich osadach Karpat i gwałtowną ekspansję gospodarki pasterskiej na prawie wołoskim. Przykłady wpływu tego czynnika znane są w dolinie Koszarawy., Podkreślona będzie rola wspólnot gospodarczych i administracyjnych prawa wołoskiego która zachowała się reliktowo w regionie Jeleśni i dorzecza górnej Koszarawy (wojewoda i sołtysi prawa wołoskiego). Wyniki będą przedstawione w formie serii map tematycznych Karpat Polskich ukazujących kolejne historyczne etapy ewolucji osad Wołoskich i rozwoju sieci osadniczej. Do tej pory takie podejście bazujące na relacjach danych historycznych i geograficznych nie były prezentowane. W dotychczasowej literaturze powtarzane są często bardzo uproszczone poglądy, które w świetle dotychczasowego postępu wiedzy wydają się być nieaktualne. Szerokie spojrzenie na fenomen rozwoju osadnictwa na prawie wołoskim w kontekście karpacko-bałkańskim pozwala dostrzec reliktowe rysy ewolucji osadnictwa regionu decydujące o jego współczesnej odrębności i specyfice oraz walorach promocyjnych. 12.00 Justyna Kłapyta – temat: Kosmogonia kultury muzycznej Wołochów – problematyka muzycznego dziedzictwa wołoskiego Kosmogonia kultury muzycznej Wołochów – problematyka muzycznego dziedzictwa wołoskiego zalicza się do tematów unikatowych w rozważaniach etnomuzykologicznych. Będzie to spotkanie z najbardziej wyrazistymi fenomenami muzycznymi kultury Wołochów między Karpatami a Bałkanami. Treści wykładu to efekt kilkunastu lat poszukiwań specyfiki idiomatyki wołoskiej w muzyce Karpat. Wybrane fenomeny muzyczne zaprezentowane zostaną w kontekście archaicznych wierzeń, magii i wyobrażeń o świecie, których nosicielami byli Wołosi jako spadkobiercy antycznych i prasłowiańskich tradycji religijnych. Wykład będzie przeplatany krótkimi warsztatami w zakresie właściwej interpretacji zwłaszcza pasterskiego repertuaru pieśniowego. 13.00 Otwarcie wystawy „Twarze Niezapomnianych Przodków” – wystawa w formie ekspozycji w oknach starych drewnianych zabytkowych domów wzdłuż głównej ulicy Jeleśnia- Krzyżowa- Korbielów- prezentacja. 19.00 Potańcówka przy dudach – Dom Strażaka w Sopotni Małej Projekt sfinansowany z Narodowy Instytut Wolności – Centrum Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego Narodowy Instytut Wolności – Centrum Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego oraz Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich NOWE FIO na lata 2021-2030 Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju i Promocji Podkarpacia „Pro Carpathia” Karpackie inicjatywy lokalne.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:51:25Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.998849630355835, "token_count": 1587, "url": "http://lengyelmuzeum.hu/pl/2022/10/" }
Aims & Objectives The Live Health Initiative’s purpose is to develop, conduct, promote and support initiatives that reduce the incidence and progression of preventable, chronic and lifestyle related conditions and conserve the environment. Specifically, cardiovascular disease, stroke, lung diseases, Type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, asthma, arthritis, osteoporosis, dementia, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and other conditions which share common behavioral and environmental risk factors and determinants such as poor diet and nutrition, lack of physical activity, smoking, alcohol overconsumption, inadequate sleep, unhygienic environment and psychosocial stress, amongst other things. To do this, the Foundation will develop, conduct, promote and support activities that: - Educate, inform and increase awareness amongst healthcare consumers, healthcare practitioners and public health professionals of the benefits of Live Health Initiative as a preventative and therapeutic approach to chronic disease and for improved health and well-being. - Advance understanding of the interconnectedness of human health and well-being with environmental health and sustainability, health literacy and health equity, social justice and responsibility, whether it be at a personal, community, organizational or government level. - Advance research, in particular, initiatives that effectively translate existing research evidence from knowledge to action, that investigate new or improved approaches to reducing chronic disease and enhancing health and well-being, and that address accessibility, scalability and cost effectiveness. - Result in new or improved approaches that operate effectively in the social context of everyday lives to enhance care of patients with multiple and complex chronic conditions and that target the behavioral, environmental and socioeconomic risk factors and determinants of chronic and lifestyle-related conditions. - To promote environmental conservation through campaigning and sensitization on green and clean sources of energy to break the link between fossil fuel ,environment and poor health
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:23:05Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9226628541946411, "token_count": 368, "url": "http://livehealthyinitiative.or.ke/aims-objectives/" }
“Taylor’s . . . central argument [that the discourse and impulses of cultural anthropology have a religious dimension] are well made, and the discussion of his two exemplars (Lévi-Strauss and Marvin Harris) is instructive, though social scientists remain agnostic as to its final destination. Taylor generates novel insights linking the writings of these anthropologists to the implicit order of presuppositions that underlies them – a notable instance being the place of Rousseau’s notion of pitie in Levi-Strauss’s vison.” Jean Comaroff, The University of Chicago, American Anthropologist “One of the best things about Taylor’s book is that in order to reach his conclusion, he presents masterful, detailed summaries of Harris’s and Lévi-Strauss’s work. . . . I suspect both men would acknowledge the integrity and insight of Taylor’s account of their motivations and concepts.” John P. Crossley, The Christian Century “ Taylor is equally at home in the literature of both disciplines; he demonstrates methodological sophistication, unusual clarity of argument and expression, and impressive constructive talents together with the facility to carefully nuanced, well-balanced judgments. . . .His book affords a model for evaluating religious dimensions in other social and human sciences (Psychology, sociology, history, literary criticism, linguistics, philosophy), and perhaps even the natural sciences. Nothing could be more crucial for the survival of theology in the postmodern world.” Peter C. Hodgson, Vanderbilt University Beyond Explanation, Taylor’s first published book, did not treat liberating spirit as the central notion it became for his later theoretical work as theologian and activist. Nevertheless, a materialist understanding of liberatory spirit, as an interplay of antagonism, the arts and social movements, is evident in Taylor’s treatment of two controversial, influential, secular anthropologists, Claude Lévi-Strauss (College de France) and Marvin Harris (Columbia University, and the University of Florida).
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:16:40Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9271755218505859, "token_count": 430, "url": "http://marklewistaylor.net/books/beyond-explanation-religious-dimensions-in-cultural-anthropology/" }
Hancock Debt Consolidation Individuals who are looking for cash advances will have no trouble finding unsecure cash loan companies who offer such unsecure money loan. However, there are certain factors that come into play when obtaining these bad credit funding. One of the option you need to understand when looking for a cash advances is the fact that the not all unsecure loan are created equally. Unsecure personal loan can be great help when you have expenses that need to be paid in Hancock Maryland. Emergencies don't wait until payday and if you have past due bills that need to be paid you must certainly get the credit consolidation Hancock, MD you need in Hancock Maryland. Bills and medical or Veterinary emergencies in Hancock Maryland are some of the things you may need the money for when looking for turbo personal loan. One of the great things about cash advances is that you can get the cash you need fast in Hancock Maryland. All that you have to do in order to get cash funding is to supply some basic information to the site debt consolidation. This would include some information like your place of employment in Hancock, chequing account number, drivers license, and social security number in Hancock Maryland. You will get the credit consolidation Hancock you need in a hurry when you follow these options. Personal Loan may be just what the doctor ordered in Hancock Maryland. Get the cash you need quickly and sometimes in a little as an hour. Find unsecure cash loan options that are available, unique, and can give you the cash you need when you need it in Hancock Maryland. However, as discussed earlier in Hancock Maryland, not all Hancock Maryland credit consolidation venues are the same. Personal Loan carry a high interest rate in Hancock Maryland, and sometimes employ shady tactics to try to get their money back in Hancock Maryland. Many people in Hancock have fallen prey to these schemes over the years. In order to work in Hancock MD with a reputable short term funds company it pays to read reviews in Hancock Maryland so that you can get the cash advances loan companies who will give you the best rates in Hancock when it comes to bad credit loan, and can offer fair pay back terms. The best short term funding also give you the applicant in Hancock Maryland, an extended time to pay if necessary. These are what the best cash advances loan companies may do for you. Shop rates, and look for the fair sign of approval or the fundamental seal in Hancock Maryland. Remember cash advances are easy to come by options, but you must make sure you have the site in Hancock Maryland that is going to work for you and not cause necessary stress over time in Hancock Maryland. Maryland Dunkirk Jessup Edgewood Taneytown Snow Hill Cordova Crownsville White Plains Jefferson Randallstown Hagerstown Nottingham Emmitsburg Mount Airy Fort George G Meade Poolesville Denton Lothian Keymar Salisbury Havre De Grace Capitol Heights Chesapeake Beach Damascus Phoenix Port Tobacco Abingdon Greensboro Eden Bryans Road Gwynn Oak Rock Hall Fruitland Edgewater Upperco Middle River Brookeville Whiteford Crisfield Earleville Lonaconing North Beach Temple Hills Hebron Catonsville New Market Pikesville Woodstock Adamstown Sykesville Berlin Gaithersburg Clear Spring Port Deposit Clarksburg Port Republic Kensington
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:55:45Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9260761141777039, "token_count": 659, "url": "http://maryland.my-credit-counseling.com/debt-consolidation-hancock.html" }
Hanover Debt Consolidation Individuals who are looking for short term funding will have no trouble finding cash funding companies who offer such cash funding. However, there are certain factors that come into play when obtaining these express personal loan. One of the option you need to understand when looking for a short term funding is the fact that the not all bad credit loan are created equally. Unsecure unsecure personal loan can be great help when you have expenses that need to be paid in Hanover Maryland. Emergencies don't wait until payday and if you have indebtedness that need to be paid you must certainly get the debt Hanover you need in Hanover Maryland. Bills and medical or Veterinary emergencies in Hanover Maryland are some of the things you may need the money for when looking for unsecure loan. One of the great things about short term funding is that you can get the cash you need fast in Hanover Maryland. All that you have to do in order to get bad credit funding is to supply some basic information to the site debt consolidation. This would include some information like your place of employment in Hanover, chequing account number, drivers license, and social security number in Hanover Maryland. You will get the credit Hanover you need in a hurry when you follow these options. Fast Funds may be just what the doctor ordered in Hanover Maryland. Get the cash you need quickly and sometimes in a little as an hour. Find quick personal loan options that are available, unique, and can give you the cash you need when you need it in Hanover Maryland. However, as discussed earlier in Hanover Maryland, not all debt consolidate Hanover venues are the same. Fast Funds carry a high interest rate in Hanover Maryland, and sometimes employ shady tactics to try to get their money back in Hanover Maryland. Many people in Hanover have fallen prey to these schemes over the years. In order to work in Hanover MD with a reputable bad credit funding company it pays to read reviews in Hanover Maryland so that you can get the unsecure money loan companies who will give you the best rates in Hanover when it comes to quick personal loan, and can offer fair pay back terms. The best rapid personal loan also give you the applicant in Hanover Maryland, an extended time to pay if necessary. These are what the best cash funding companies may do for you. Shop rates, and look for the adequate sign of approval or the essential seal in Hanover Maryland. Remember short term funding are easy to come by options, but you must make sure you have the site in Hanover Maryland that is going to work for you and not cause needed stress over time in Hanover Maryland. Maryland Waldorf Pikesville Bethesda Olney Columbia Chesapeake City North Beach Hyattsville Thurmont Arnold Saint Leonard Brookeville Bryans Road Ridgely Kensington Montgomery Village Accokeek Crofton Freeland Dundalk Monkton Silver Spring Adamstown Mount Rainier Perryville Darlington Woodstock Annapolis La Plata Queenstown Newburg Hanover Taneytown Hebron Clinton Westminster Riva Boyds Upper Marlboro New Market Halethorpe Pasadena Sparrows Point Burtonsville Crownsville Easton Rising Sun Parkton Belcamp White Hall Chestertown Chevy Chase Port Deposit Hughesville Boonsboro Essex Trappe
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:38:25Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9308177828788757, "token_count": 672, "url": "http://maryland.my-credit-counseling.com/debt-consolidation-hanover.html" }
Fraudsters use phones, emails or social media sites to contact people and swipe cash and personal info. No federal law enforcement authorities will certainly ever before call you requiring money or gifts cards, and will certainly never request for your passwords or other sensitive info. Customers posing as energy business workers try to get money or personal details by endangering solution cutoffs. They likewise spoof a genuine service provider to show up more credible. nordic porno sexy escorts Identification burglary happens when burglars swipe your individual details, such as your name, date of birth, address and Social Security number. They can after that use it to devote a variety of scams. This consists of stealing cash from your checking account, opening up brand-new credit cards and making big purchases in your name. They may also market your information on the Dark Web. Online nordic casino gamble form home Fraudsters can likewise contaminate your tools with malware, which can spy on your activities, secure your device until you pay a ransom money or remove crucial files. You can safeguard yourself by installing an antimalware program on your devices and staying clear of clicking suspicious web links or reacting to text. If you believe that your identity has actually been taken, notify the firms where you have accounts and put a fraudulence alert on your records with the three credit rating reporting companies. Scam alerter Most Americans obtain a lot of phone calls that aren’t from individuals or companies they have actually given their number to. These are called spam or fraud calls. Some gadgets automatically identify and obstruct these types of telephone calls, while others alert the user when a telephone call is “spam/scam likely” so they recognize not to answer it. Scammers typically spoof neighborhood numbers, personal companies or federal government companies in order to method victims right into turning over their individual info or cash. They could guarantee a cost-free service or product that will in fact be billed monthly, such as charge card or mortgage. Be especially cautious of phone calls that claim to be from authorities, the internal revenue service or various other institutions that require you to act swiftly. Defrauders want you to feel hurried so they can get your money or delicate information. Email is a prominent tool for organization but it can additionally be abused by wrongdoers wanting to steal personal details. Some scams use malware that can harm your computer or technique you into disclosing your passwords and financial institution details. Watch out for suspicious-looking e-mails, with spelling mistakes, doubtful grammar and strange phrasing. Offenders will certainly frequently utilize worry tactics and a sense of necessity to obtain you to react promptly, such as telling you your account has been endangered. Examine that the e-mail does not pass any kind of verification checks such as Sender Policy Structure, DomainKeys Identified Mail and DMARC. Also, focus on the number of web links there are in the e-mail– if it resembles a lot of, maybe a warning. Some assaulters will certainly cast a vast web to target several individuals simultaneously, while others will certainly do their research to target particular individuals and organisations. Triangulation fraud can occur in a variety of methods, consisting of mass information breaches and hacks of on the internet marketplace websites. To detect questionable deals, businesses need to keep a close eye on sales documents and client profiles, along with the efficiency of their payment company. Disparities between billing and shipping addresses, requests for uncommon repayment approaches, and high deal frequency need to all raise suspicions. As soon as a fraudster has acquired stolen bank card information, they set up a store on an eCommerce marketplace website and identify reputable third-party vendors to work as “providers.” The scammer sends off orders utilizing the deceptive cards and after that gets refunded payments from the unwary clients. This can create substantial monetary losses and a damaged credibility for unsuspecting vendors. It can also be difficult to deal with chargebacks and disputes. On the internet scams happen on a variety of electronic platforms, including social media sites, e-mail and messaging apps. These cybercriminal tasks can trick you into surrendering individual or monetary details, which they then make use of for illicit purposes. For instance, a cybercriminal may impersonate an organization or person that you depend get cash or delicate info. They may ask you to give your passwords, login qualifications or bank card information over the phone or in an email. When you go shopping online, search for a trustworthy antivirus software to signal you of phony or hazardous websites. Additionally, watch out for any type of site that calls for ahead of time repayment using cord transfer, cash or gift cards because these payments are more difficult to track and terminate.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:04:41Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9346816539764404, "token_count": 968, "url": "http://marypyc.com/do-not-lose-time-10-realities-till-you-reach-your-exactly-how-to-identify-a-fraud-alert/" }
GCFFC Publishes a Position Paper on Beneficial Ownership Transparency As part of its efforts to identify emerging threats and best practice approaches to more robust controls against financial crime, the Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime (GCFFC) has published a Position Paper on Beneficial Ownership Transparency. The paper represents the collective efforts of its members, including the MENA FCCG. It is considered extremely timely as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is considering potential amendments to Recommendation 24 on the transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons. According to the document, published August 25, 2021, all actors fighting financial crime should have instant access to high quality, highly usable beneficial ownership (BO) data. In essence, under the Paper, the GCFFC sets key features BO disclosure regimes implemented by jurisdictions should strive to have. These are: - BO should be clearly and robustly defined in law, with sufficiently low thresholds used to determine when ownership and control is disclosed - BO disclosures should comprehensively cover all relevant types of legal entities and natural persons - BO disclosures should contain sufficient detail to allow users to understand and use the data - Data should be collated in a central register - Data should be accessible to all actors fighting financial crime - Data should be structured and interoperable - Measures should be taken to ensure data is verified - Data should be kept up to date and historical records maintained - Adequate sanctions and enforcement should exist for non-compliance The GCFFFC believes these features are critical for countering the use of anonymously owned legal entities – through shell companies, trusts, or other legal constructions – in hiding the proceeds of crime. MENA FCCG continues to work closely with the GCFFC to make a difference.
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Super flexible Testimonials module, just one out of more than 30 extensions included in Journal 3. I've purchased hundreds and hundreds of files over the past 7 years. But there is nothing close to this support and professionalism. Not only is theme, simple , useful and modern, but again the support is remarkable. Very happy I got this theme! Thank you! I am a web developer for many years i haven't seen anything clear clean coded like journal it makes my live so much easier thanks for the great work you have done. Great toolkit for Opencart. As a base platform, Opencart can be a nightmare to modify and get looking good. Journal takes away all the pain. This theme is just amazing. With the new version J3 everything has become much easier to adjust. It's indeed, as the author says, not possible to mention all the possibilities, because it's just to much. Great value for the price! Amazing ways to customize so you don't end up with a site looking like everyone else's :) Unique sites are much better than clone sites, as they keep the customers interest and the bounce rate is a lot lower. Great Job A++++++ Create any imaginable grid layout combinations with rows columns and modules via the all new and powerful Journal Page Builder.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:37:30Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9154289960861206, "token_count": 264, "url": "http://moscowceramics.ru/" }
Strength. Through Love and Unity Thank you for your interest in the Moton Family Challenge, an extremely rewarding and impactful annual fundraising activity. Each year we join together in a competitive spirit of unity to honor the families whose school-age children were at the center of our 1951-1964 fight for civil rights in education. Donations support Moton Museum educational and scholarship related activities. Let us continue to keep our commitment to preserving and interpreting this important story for current and future generations. Call us at 434.315.8775 ext. 6 to find out if your family has already joined or to sign up. Thank you, again, for your support. Joy Cabarrus Speakes Moton Development & Family Challenge Chair and Brown v. Board plaintiff
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:47:57Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9363896250724792, "token_count": 158, "url": "http://motonmuseum.org/give/moton-family-challenge/" }
Bible Baptist Christian Academy provides the foundation for your children to excel, both spiritually and academically, throughout their lives. Our K3-12 Academy features Christ-centered curriculum, is accredited with the Georgia Association of Christian Schools, and provides an environment focused on both the nurturing and safety of our students. Our mission is to lead students to know Christ and make an impact in the world. The characteristics we aim to foster in our students mirror the attributes of our school mascot - the wolf - courage, strength, loyalty, and success. Interested in getting more information about our school or scheduling a tour? We've made it easy for you. Need a little extra help with a class? Or maybe you just want your children to have a little more social time with their peers. We can help. Learn more... Would you like your child to attend our private Christian school, but aren't sure you can afford it? We have options available for you. Learn more... Bible Baptist Christian Academy is a private school in Statesboro, Georgia. Accredited by the Georgia Association of Christian Schools and the American Association of Christian Schools, we are committed to shaping tomorrow’s Christian leaders today. Find out more. Geared towards skills development of one- and two-year old toddlers, our day care strives to build strong foundations of faith for young children. Find out more. Bible Baptist Christian Academy is a ministry of Bible Baptist Church of Statesboro, a multi-generational church where everyone is welcome. HTML Website Creator
{ "date": "2024-11-06T16:44:42Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9572407007217407, "token_count": 315, "url": "http://mybbca.org/" }
All the print material required as a Engel & Völkers advisor, from business cards and stationary to distinctive marketing materials, are produce simply and affordably through our Brand Central platform. The intuitive online management tool allow advisors to select templates with prewritten text and imagery. The same designs tool will allow them to produce customized print materials. Brand Central ensures that all printed pieces meet the Engel & Völkers brand strandards. Advisors can address the specific needs of a client using a variety of pages that allow them to perfect their presentations for potential listings. They can easily produce customized pieces using our propriety listing presentation tools with high-quality of the overall design delivers the marketing and pricing strategy, the value of the brand and the higher level of service that is consistent with the Engel & Völkers brand. Lead management system Leads that are generated through the Engel & Völkers website and campaigns are automatically managed through our E-lead Routing system that notifies shops and advisors instantly. The system is flexible for users to maximize efficiency and respond to leads quickly without sacrificing quality of service. Our signs around the world declare a higher standard. They are recognized and trusted as a symbol of exclusive, high valuable real estate opportunities backed by premium brand. Engel & Völkers yard and open house signs link our advisors listings with the global prestige of our brand and give clients confidence that their properties are represented by the best. Taking every opportunity to leverage our reach among our network of advisors and potential buyer, select listings are showcased on Shop TVV, our digital property gallery that is displayed in our locations throughout North America. Our dedicated corporate communications teams in New York City and Hamburg, work to increase visibility of the Engel & Völkers brand nationally and internationally. Editorial placements in the mist trusted news publications, online outlets and industry sources including the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The International New York Times, The financial Times and RISMedia's Real Estate Magazine brings us both awareness and credibility to our services and brand in international, national and local markets Through our strategic partnership with select companies and brands, we provide and extended level of services, special pricing and customized products. Our partners include Budget Car Rental, Cheryl's, Edible Arrangements, Fannie May, FedEx, 1800flowes, The Popcorn Factory, Tiffany & Co., Harry & David, Office Depot, Staples and Stock Yards. Business aviation is our profession. Business aircraft are our expertise: from small jets to long-range super jets. From business aircraft charter to aircraft purchase and sales. From aviation legal and tax consultancy to aircraft structured finance. Business aviation is tailor-made air travel, flying on demand, customized to your needs, with aircraft used exclusively by you, on your own schedule. No queuing in crowded airport terminals and lounges. Business aviation is about time and connectivity; you decide when, where, with whom. Connecting people. Offering the very best in safety and security - statistically proven! Utilizing the strength of the Engel & Völkers brand and network, we offer our international clients a personally tailored service. Our service offer includes independent brokerage and charter services as well as management of new construction and refits. As we are not affiliated with any manufacture or shipyard, Engel & Völkers Yachting prides itself on providing truly independent, unbiased consultation and support to its clients. Truly connected international networks ...
{ "date": "2024-11-06T18:46:56Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9262077808380127, "token_count": 708, "url": "http://naplessalesexpert.com/real-estate-services-naples-fl/" }
This is a paragraph. It should not have any alignment of any kind. It should just flow like you would normally expect. Nothing fancy. Just straight up text, free flowing, with love. Completely neutral and not picking a side or sitting on the fence. It just is. It just freaking is. It likes where it is. It does not feel compelled to pick a side. Leave him be. It will just be better that way. Trust me. This is a paragraph. It is left aligned. Because of this, it is a bit more liberal in it’s views. It’s favorite color is green. Left align tends to be more eco-friendly, but it provides no concrete evidence that it really is. Even though it likes share the wealth evenly, it leaves the equal distribution up to justified alignment. This is a paragraph. It is center aligned. Center is, but nature, a fence sitter. A flip flopper. It has a difficult time making up its mind. It wants to pick a side. Really, it does. It has the best intentions, but it tends to complicate matters more than help. The best you can do is try to win it over and hope for the best. I hear center align does take bribes. This is a paragraph. It is right aligned. It is a bit more conservative in it’s views. It’s prefers to not be told what to do or how to do it. Right align totally owns a slew of guns and loves to head to the range for some practice. Which is cool and all. I mean, it’s a pretty good shot from at least four or five football fields away. Dead on. So boss. This is a paragraph. It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in it’s place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.
{ "date": "2024-11-06T17:42:11Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9630400538444519, "token_count": 444, "url": "http://nekorindosp5.com/2016/02/12/markup-text-alignment/" }
08 May How to Increase Your Mobile App Reviews You might be wondering whether reviews really matter when it comes to your app… Let’s jump straight to the conclusion and say yes, it does matter (and much more than people realise). This article will guide you through tips to increase mobile app reviews. Online reviews, in general, are extremely important; they can make or break a business. Reviews are part of a consumer’s online research efforts, and the opinions of others can directly affect your business. In other words, reviews play a major role in people’s purchasing decisions, whether the opinions are about restaurants, movies, or apps. - 70% of people trust local businesses more as a result of positive online reviews - 80% of consumers have changed their minds about a purchase based solely on the negative reviews they read. - 88% said they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. - 57% of consumers visit a local business website after reading online reviews, and another 15% call the business. With respect to apps, these opinions and reviews also affect how visible they will be in the app store search results. Users tend to download the first app that appears in their search result and app reviews are one of the factors that decide which app gets this highly coveted spot. It is also important to note that not having any online reviews can be just as harmful – if not more so – than having some negative reviews. Unfortunately, people are not lining up to review your app, even if they are in love with it. Users won’t go back to the app store on their own accord to write a review, but they might do so with a gentle nudge in the right direction. Here are 4 ways to increase mobile app reviews: 1. Create a Great App It might seem obvious, but you need to have a good app to generate good reviews. If your app does not function well in the first place, you cannot expect many users or positive reviews. You need to create a great app that provides value to its users. The happier the users are, the more positive reviews will come in. Make sure you update your app regularly to keep it relevant and functional. 2. Encourage User Feedback The key to increasing and improving your app reviews is by providing exceptional customer service. By allowing unhappy users to easily get in touch and express their concerns, you show them how valued their opinion is. How? Include a “Send Feedback” button in your app that connects straight to an email form. You can use this as a two-way channel of communication to improve your app. This way problems get solved much quicker, and the customer is left with a more positive feeling after they deal with support. Once you have helped your customer, you can politely ask them to review your app. As a result, bad reviews are minimised and your (now) happy customers will leave good reviews. 3. Use Gamification Gamification, according to Badgeville, is “the concept of applying game mechanics and game design techniques to engage and motivate people to achieve their goals.” In this case, you will try to entice users to leave a review by creating a game around it. Think of a contest or a giveaway. You can offer a small prize, like a gift card or a discount code, that will go to a randomly-chosen winner. Keep in mind that both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store have rules about contests, so make sure to check these out before you set up a game. 4. Integrate Social Media Ask the people who are already a fan of your company to use and review your app! Leverage the power of your social media channels to increase app downloads and, simultaneously, increase reviews. Remind users to rate and review your app by cross-promoting through email, newsletters and social media. Another strategy is to ask social media users and influencers to rate your app during the beta stage. This way your app will already have a good amount of reviews before the full version is launched. Remember, never purchase fake reviews or you will run the risk of having your app suspended from the app store! Anyhow, organic reviews are a win-win for the user and the app developer: it helps to improve the app for its users, as well as increasing its ranking and downloads. Now that you know how to increase mobile app reviews, go out there and rake in those good ratings!
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W dzisiejszych „Trzech pytaniach o…” nasi redaktorzy będa starali się odpowiedzieć na pytania naszych czytelników. W tym tygodniu zapytaliście się nas o słabą dywizję NFC South, równie słabą postawę Colina Kaepernicka i o najlepszy, jak do tej pory, pick tegorocznego Draftu. Zapraszamy. 1. Czy w w NFC South mamy przykład typowej teorii chaosu? Karol Potaś: Tak, to doskonałe słowo opisujące sytuację w tej dywizji. Mamy już week 14 a my dalej wiemy… że nic nie wiemy. Po ostatnich spotkaniach sądzę, że dywizje wygrają Falcons, ale takie stwierdzenia w przypadku NFC South mają minimalne szanse powodzenia. Patrząc na kalendarz wydaje się, że najłatwiejszy rozkład mają Saints, tylko że grają strasznie nierówno. Mam dziwne wrażenie, że w ostatecznym rozrachunku dywizję wygra zwycięzca meczu Panthers z Falcons w Week 17 i wcale „Pantery” mogą nie być na straconej pozycji. Kuba Tłuczek: Tak, chociaż dla mnie ten chaos ma wydźwięk pozytywny. Bardzo lubię niespodzianki w sporcie i ewentualne zdobycie mistrzostwa przez drużynę, która miała ujemny bilans w sezonie zasadniczym byłoby czymś niesamowitym. Oczywiście jest to tak prawdopodobne jak wygrana w totka, ponieważ z taką grą jaką prezentują wszystkie zespoły z tejże Dywizji, Wild-Card Round będzie szczytem możliwości. Dariusz Ankiewicz: Zdecydowanie. Co się w tej dywizji dzieje przechodzi wszelkie oczekiwania. Nie zapowiada się, by jakakolwiek z drużyn zakończyła bilans na plusie co jak na drużyny tego kalibru i oczekiwania przedsezonowe jest wręcz niewyobrażalnym wynikiem. Mam nadzieję, że przyszły sezon odmieni oblicze tej dywizji. 2. Co jest powodem słabej postawy Colina Kaepernicka? Potaś: Powodów jest na pewno kilka, ale dla mnie kluczowym może być zbyt wysoki kontrakt. Poza tym mam wrażenie, że Kaepernick rozsypuje się psychicznie. Może zbyt wiele odpowiedzialności bierze na siebie, a może „szatnia” 49ers ma problem, bo wszystkiego nie da się już złożyć na Harbough i zaczęto mieć pretensje do ostatniej formy swojego QB? Tłuczek: Jak nie wiadomo o co chodzi, to chodzi o pieniądze. Kaepernick otrzymał zbyt duże pieniądze, jak na jego wiek i doświadczenie. Jego forma jest jedną z głównych przyczyn fatalnej postawy 49ers. Trochę szkoda mi Kaepa, dlatego że po Super Bowl XLVII, wielu widziało w nim człowieka, który z Niners zdobędzie szósty tytuł. Jeżeli nadal ma marzenia o zdobyciu Vince Lombardi, musi się ostro wziąć do roboty. Ankiewicz: Pewnie sporej części naszych czytelników nie spodoba się moja odpowiedź, a szczególnie fanom Kaepernicka ale Colin jest po prostu słaby i przeze mnie nigdy nie był uważany za dobrego rozgrywającego. Póki drużyny nie wiedziały jak bronić się przed jego biegami wszystko mu wychodziło, w tym sezonie nie jest mu już tak łatwo biegać, a rzucać jakoś nigdy za specjalnie nie potrafił jedynie dobrze to maskował. 3. Kogo uważasz za najlepszy, jak do tej pory, pick tegorocznego Draftu? Karol Potaś: Jeżeli chodzi o wpływ na ostateczny wynik drużyny to wybieram Watkins’a. Przed draftem zapowiadał się na jednego z najlepszych WR w NFL i na pewno Bills nie żałują tego, że sporo poświęcili za wybór absolwenta Clemson. Tłuczek: Tutaj jestem rozdarty pomiędzy dwóch skrzydłowych: Sammy’ego Watkinsa i Odella Beckhama. Pierwszy może być podporą Bawołów na lata, choć na razie ma nieco gorącą głowę (mecz z Jets i przedwczesna celebracja). Natomiast Beckham umiejętnościami już przewyższa niektórych starych wyjadaczy. Zobaczymy jak rozwiną się ich kariery. Ankiewicz: Skrzydłowego Buffalo Bills Sammy Watkinsa. Wydaje mi się, że na przełomie całego sezonu prezentuje najbardziej wyrównany poziom co w znaczący sposób wpłynęło na postawę Buffalo Bills.
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In order to better understand the field that we are in, Nicara’s web Ink has been doing research on who our competitors are and how they compare to us. For this blog, we have chosen to look into a unique digital agency that works on marketing and growing online brands. Digital Silk is a marketing team of online professional that works closely with the business to help them grow their online brands and target audiences. There are many differences when it comes to comparing companies, we look at logos, slogans, marketing strategies, and services. Digital silk strives to work in a timely manner and to exceed all expectations with its marketing and web design. They work closely with their customers to achieve the best results and claim to have the most qualified people on their team. This helps them attract bigger business who are striving to bring in more customers on a larger scale. Digital Silk has many goals when working with their customers, they make sure that their customers are working closely with their team of experts to make the customers’ website perfect. They state that removing the middle man can help save their customers time and money which is very important to business owners. The company prides itself on getting things done in a timely manner and having all websites to the customers’ satisfaction. Looking at Digital Silk’s target audience, they target business owners who are trying to create or fix their websites, broaden their audience, and grow their online persona. Furthermore, Digital Silk uses a wide variety of different tools to attract its audience. One of these tools would be their slogan, “Dedicated Industry Experts With Proven Track Records, The Team You Want On Your Project” (Digital silk ). Using different slogans and catchphrases Digital Silk has obtained a long list of clientele and has created a case study section for potential clients to review before making a decision. Their case studies consist of big companies like HP and Xerox. Next, we will compare how Digital Silk’s marketing and strategies are different from our company. Nicara’s web ink is solely run by the owner of the company, Nicara, where she works with each client closely to make sure that their needs and wants are being met. While Digital Silk has a larger team that works together to build the websites as fast and as efficient as possible. Nicara’s web ink works closer with smaller companies and independent small business owners. Secondly, Nicara’s web ink prides itself on personalization. Our slogan is “personalize your passion”, we focus on making sure our customers can take their passion far beyond what they thought it could be. Working with small business owners you get individuals who are looking to take their hobby to the next level by selling and marketing the things that they make. With our help, our customers have seen their small business grow and exceed far beyond what they imagined their business being. Next, we will be looking at how the two companies compare in social media. Digital silk is on many platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Our competitor posts on social media about every three to four days with new information and different ways of marketing. They market using videos, posts, statistics, and encouraging quotes about succeeding. Nicara’s Web Ink is on several different platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We post about every 3 days to keep our customers and our potential customers up to date on projects and any new services. We also post about the success of our other customers to show in real-time what we are accomplishing. In conclusion, there are several different ways a marketing company can go about advertising to be the best out there. Digital Silk uses many of the same techniques that Nicara’s Web Ink does, from social media to expertise in the field we both make sure our target audience knows what our services are and how they compare.
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{ "date": "2024-11-06T19:01:40Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-46/segments/1730477027933.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20241106163535-20241106193535-00246.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8513423204421997, "token_count": 102, "url": "http://nitrocasino.top/contact-us/" }
When people or even businesses need to have aid handling their funds, they usually consult coming from economic specialists. These specialists aid customers establish extensive, long-term strategies for constructing riches. A financial professional (often called a financial consultant) operates under fiduciary duty and also is actually demanded to place the client’s rate of interests first. In comparison, economic consultants who make percentages on financial investment products might certainly not be upheld this criterion. Financial organizing is a vital company delivered through several economic specialists. This includes a detailed evaluation of customer needs and a planning to obtain long-lasting targets. This may feature identifying a superior financial investment approach, creating a savings strategy, and also assisting with retirement preparing. Financial planners likewise may deliver income tax help as well as recommend customers on property protection techniques. Dominic Spooner Vancouver Another company that financial consultants provide is actually property preparing. This features generating a planning to decrease income taxes on inheritances as well as encouraging clients on exactly how best to move their possessions between member of the family. Financial coordinators can also help customers find out the very best possibilities for insurance coverage, featuring life, wellness and also handicap protection. Financial preparation is actually a sophisticated area that requires significant know-how of the field as well as concentrated capabilities. Utilize your project description to display the job setting and profession course at your organization to attract candidates along with the correct mix of tough as well as soft skill-sets. It is actually also necessary to take note any kind of pertinent professional qualifications that your organization gives. Financial investment Monitoring Financial specialists may supply financial investment management companies to both individuals and businesses. They may aid their customers transform and also enhance their collections, as well as they may also recommend on tax obligation methods and also legacy planning. Service finance consulting is actually a major area for monetary experts to pay attention to, as well as it can include whatever from as a result of carefulness and also mergings and also acquisitions to budgeting, cash flow foretelling of, and also resources raising. Frequently, these specialists deal with large organizations that are actually seeking to guard their financial resources and set themselves up for potential excellence. When picking a monetary specialist or even consultant, make certain to examine their expenses, account minimums, proficiency as well as licenses as well as investing viewpoint. You can additionally check out whether they are actually a fiduciary, which means they possess a legal and reliable obligation to place your enthusiasms first. Likewise watch out for specialists who create their cash via percentages and various other fee buildings that clash with your best interest. Some economic consultants bring the legal monetary expert (ChFC) classification, which shows they’ve looked at thorough training as well as possess a deep understanding of individual money. Income tax organizing involves optimising income tax reductions, credit scores and rewards to increase financial cost savings. This permits people to allocate more funds in the direction of monetary goals, financial investments and wealth collection. Efficient tax obligation preparation also helps safeguard versus unpredicted monetary crises. Financial professionals who are experts in this particular field normally have actually powerful written as well as verbal interaction capabilities and have the capacity to create depending on relationships with customers. They commonly function non-traditional hrs and also on weekends to fit their client’s schedules. Additionally, they should be actually able to supply comprehensive, correct info concerning the various services and products they use. They must also stay informed concerning adjustments to income tax regulations as well as rules that could impact their customers’ funds. Most of these professionals are Chartered Financial Consultants (ChFC) as well as need to pass a thorough accreditation course. This guarantees that they stick to fiduciary requirements. They might additionally be licensed through a governing body, like the Stocks and Substitution Commission, to offer economic products. Furthermore, they have to finish proceeding learning criteria to preserve their classifications. The financial sector is actually notorious for its long hrs and extreme project requirements. While some agencies try to alleviate these tensions, striving financial professionals should count on to spend considerable opportunity at their desks. A monetary specialist can aid clients develop retirement that meet their objectives and dreams. They can also aid customers identify how much loan they’ll need to have to stay conveniently in retired life. This consists of estimating expenses, like real estate, health care, food items, and also transit. Just like financial investment supervisors, not all financial consultants are actually created equivalent. Some utilize various titles, supply various companies, as well as charge in a different way. Try to find qualifications like the ChFC to make certain an expert possesses a strong understanding of insurance coverage and also income tax legislations. In addition, ask whether they are actually a fiduciary, which implies they possess a legal and honest obligation to put their customers’ greatest interests initially. They should also divulge any type of commission-based settlement. This form of payment may oppose fiduciary tasks. Likewise, check for every other qualifications or licenses.
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