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{ "date": "2024-12-03T19:58:16Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "de", "language_score": 0.6927474737167358, "token_count": 58, "url": "http://888isp.com/de/privacy-notice" }
The Sounders U23 (est.2012) competes in the United Soccer League’s Premier Development League (PDL). The Sounders U23 are independently operated from the Seattle Sounders FC, under the ownership of Lane Smith and Cliff McElroy, with minority owner, Mike Jennings. The club is officially operated with a marketing, branding, and naming affiliation contract with the Seattle Sounders FC. The Sounders U23 franchise has developed more than 20 professional players dating back to the club’s previous iteration as the Tacoma Tide in 2006. The Premier Development League, the top U-23 men’s league in North America and features 64 teams across the United States and Canada. The Sounders U 23 are coached by Darren Sawatzky, Sounders FC director of youth development, and will begin play a May to August season. The Sounders U23 plays in the Northwest Division of the Western Conference. PDL teams play a 16-match, regular-season schedule. The Sounders Sounders U23 will play their home matches in Pierce County Contacts with us: Address: 12 Seahawks Way, Renton, WA 98056 Website : https://soundersu23.com/ Tumblr.com : https://soundersu23.tumblr.com/
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:37:23Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8907767534255981, "token_count": 257, "url": "http://abacoffee.com/about-sounders-u23/" }
Oriental Maritime is moving to the cloud and benefits from the Akereon email services for shipping. "akéreon services relieved us from server and spam problems" Oriental Maritime LLC is a Dubai based shipping company, which have been involved in Chartering worldwide since 2005 with staff profile of a wealthy experience and professionalism. After long years of success Oriental Maritime LLC have grown substantially to become a leading exponent of the Global Shipbroking industry and is extending their activities to continue the challenge and fulfilment with the clients. Oriental Maritime LLC main activity is conducting business between the companies and their trading partners through our chartering departments such as, Tanker Chartering, Dry Cargo Period Chartering and Ship Sale & Purchase. Oriental Maritime is using akéreon cloud services for their email and company applications, to protect critical data and upgrade the user experience for computing and support. “Cooperating with akéreon is in fact a very good experience. The akéreon team helped us a lot, reacted on the spot for any problem we face and got it solved in just no time. Generally, akéreon services relieved our minds from servers and spam problems.” Says Mr. Mohamed Hosny, Chief Executive Officer of Oriental Maritime. Email Services used by customer: • Antispam and antivirus for shipping Email protection service dedicated to shipping; Filters all spam and malicious messages and makes sure that you will not miss any useful messages i.e. from shipping companies. • Domain and email hosting Rich email functionally including Web-Maill, auto-forwarding, auto-reply and email filtering; ability to reach your emails from any email platform or device. • Outgoing Email for shipping The managed email service takes care that all emails reach their destination, not marked as spam or end up as undelivered messages. • Cloud Hosting Services Provides data center resources on demand. There is no need to invest on ICT infrastructure. Adjust easily and rapidly your computing power requirements according to your needs.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:37:30Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.938382089138031, "token_count": 419, "url": "http://akereon.com/menu-types/cloud-success-stories/oriental" }
You are probably aware of the fact that dentists recommend you come in for a dental cleaning at least twice each year. However, you may not realize just how important these cleanings can be. The fact is, semi-annual dental cleanings offer a wide variety of benefits. Understanding these benefits can help to ensure you follow through with the recommendation to visit your dentist a couple of times each year in order to get your teeth cleaned. You can learn more about three of these benefits by continuing to read below. Benefit #1: Dental Cleanings Help To Prevent Gum Disease Even with daily brushing and flossing, it is possible for plaque to build up along your gums and in between hard-to-reach teeth. This plaque buildup can put you at a much higher risk of developing gum disease. Since gum disease can lead to a variety of serious issues such as receding gums, bone loss, and tooth loss, it is essential that you take steps to avoid this oral health problem. One of the most effective ways to prevent gum disease is by removing plaque buildup through the use of semi-annual dental cleanings. Benefit #2: Dental Cleanings Allow Early Detection Of Cavities Cavities are one of the most common issues that dentists deal with. While a cavity can be a very minor issue when detected early, cavities can also result in the loss of a tooth if the decay is allowed to spread to the tooth root. Cavities can also result in quite a lot of pain if they are allowed to progress. That is precisely why your dentist will thoroughly inspect your teeth for any cavities each time you go in for a dental cleaning. If any cavities are found you will be able to have these cavities cleaned and filled before they are able to turn into something more serious. Benefit #3: Dental Cleanings Allow For Easy Monitoring Of Potential Problems Many people experience minor oral health issues that have the potential to become serious. For example, while the presence of wisdom teeth is not problematic for everyone, these rear molars can cause overcrowding and tooth pain in many people. While this type of issue may not require immediate intervention, it is important for your dentist to be able to monitor the situation so that care can be provided if the problem becomes worse. Dental cleanings provide the perfect opportunity for your dentist to monitor this type of problem and to recommend further action if it becomes necessary. For more information, contact a company such as Ashland Family Dentistry.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:23:51Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9617049098014832, "token_count": 515, "url": "http://annonce-express.com/2022/10/11/3-benefits-of-a-semi-annual-dental-cleanings/" }
Bob UK Unregistered guest Posted From: | Posted on Sunday, 14 December, 2014 - 07:22: | | The voltages below are for any flooded wet cell lead acid battery. Both deep cycle and starter batteries. 100% charge 1.265sg and 12.70v 75% 1.225sg and 12.40v 50% 1.190sg and 12.20v 25% 1.155sg. and 12.00v 0% 1.120sg. and 11.90v Tolerance is +|- O.05v temp 20c. the above voltages are open circuit after equalization charge/discharge. Float voltage is the amount needed at the battery terminals applied by a charger to offset self discharge.( often mistakenly called trickle) . 2.32v per cell plus or minus 0.05v. Gas off voltage is 2.40v plus or minus 0.05v. Notice that these figures are precise and apply to a motorbike battery and a submarine battery. They are like a constant. My jeep has a volt meter which goes from 9 to 19v. Half way is 14 my needle stays just over 14v, 14.3 at a guess. This is just under gas off. Anymore and the battery will gas. To maintain the battery at float charge the volts need to be 13.92v. There's barely 1/2 a volt in it. To measure battery accurately a analogue voltmeter is no good. I have made no mention of amps because amps are effected by the size of the battery and ate not constants. A float charge on a bike battery is probably 2amps but a submarine will be 100s. Battery charging is a 3 step process. 1 bulk charge to 70% at 15% of amp hour rating. Here I take a bit of a liberty and go 30% for the first hour to burst any sulphate scabs on the plates. 2 once the open voltage is at 12.40v bring terminal voltage with charger connected to 14.20 volts. 3. 12.5v open circuit at the battery. Charge at 14v. Note every time the battery voltage is checked the battery must be disconnected and a load applied for 15 secs, then open circuit check voltage. Car batteries, use headlamps. If the battery is not lloaded then the surface charge will make the volts higher and give misleading figures. Note how tight these figures are. Unfortunately most battery chargers don't do the above unless they are monitored. When bulk charging do not allow the terminal voltage to exceed 14.4v. (Message approved by david_gore) |
{ "date": "2024-12-03T19:53:58Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9101346731185913, "token_count": 545, "url": "http://au.rrforums.net/forum/messages/17004/16853.html?1418513038" }
Tender-Verfahren in Australien und Tender der einzelnen Staaten wie NSW und Victoria sind den deutschen Vergabeverfahren recht ähnlich, weisen jedoch auch einige Besonderheiten auf. Australien ist nämlich bislang kein Mitglied des Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) der WTO. Australien führt zwar seit geraumer Zeit Beitrittsverhandlungen über das Übereinkommen über das öffentliche Beschaffungswesen, ist aber im Gegensatz zu Neuseeland nicht beigetreten. Das bedeutet nicht nur, dass Tender der einzelnen australischen Staaten unterschiedlich ablaufen können, sondern auch, dass Vergaben von den Bundesstaaten aber auch den Gemeinden gar nicht der öffentlichen Ausschreibungspflicht unterliegen. Ausländischen Unternehmen entgeht daher oft die Teilnahme an lukrativen Tenderverfahen unter der föderalen Ebene und insbesondere die der großen lokalen Council wie der City of Sydney oder dem Brisbane City Council. Es besteht Hoffnung, dass ein Beitritt Australiens zum GPA im Zuge der Verhandlungen des Freihandelsabkommens zwischen der EU und Australien erfolgt. Die in Australien öffentlich ausgeschriebenen Tender-Verfahren gestalten sich jedoch aufgrund der nationalen rechtlichen Ausgestaltung sehr transparent. Den gesetzlichen Hintergrund für Tender in Australien bilden der „Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997“ sowie die „Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines“. Tender-Verfahren in Sydney und New South Wales richten sich im Wesentlichen nach dem „NSW Code of Practice for Procurement“ vom 18. Januar 2005 und der „NSW Government Procurement Policy“ sowie Spezialregelungen für die einzelnen Tender-Bereiche. Für Victoria und damit auch Melbourne gelten die „Victorian Government Purchasing Board Procurement Policies” (VGPB Policies). Interessenten müssen sich den Bestimmungen dieser Codes als Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) unterwerfen. Es soll vorab klargestellt werden, dass vorliegend staatliche Tenderverfahren angesprochen werden. Natürlich bieten auch viele Privatunternehmen, Banken oder Investmentbanken Investitionen oder Transaktionen in Ausschreibungen an. Diese müssen sich aber nicht nach den Code Practice for Procurement richten. Das konkrete Tender-Verfahren gestaltet sich mehrstufig. Nach der Ausschreibung des Tenders reichen die Interessenten üblicherweise eine sog. Expression of Interest (EIO) ein. Darauf folgt die Einreichung eines Angebots im Rahmen einer qualified response. Je nach Größe des Tenders wird nach dieser ersten Runde noch eine zweite Auswahlrunde durchgeführt, in der die Anbieter, die auf die shortlist gelangt sind, ihre Angebote konkretisieren. Nach einer Auswertung der Angebote wird das Tender in der Regel in Übereinstimmung mit dem „NSW Government Preference Scheme“ an den Interessenten vergeben, der am Besten geeignet scheint und unter anderem das beste Preis-Leistungsverhältnis anbietet. Allerdings kann es auch noch zu tender negotiations mit den besten Bietern kommen. Der Zuschlag wird dann in der Regel mit Auflagen erteilt, die zu erfüllen sind. Die unterlegene Partei kann auf ein Debriefing bestehen. Für Tender der Regierung in New South Wales enthält der „NSW Code of Practice for Procurement“ genaue Evaluationskriterien, nach denen sich beurteilt, an wen der Tender vergeben wird. Über das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis hinaus wird auf auf Kriterien wie die Erfahrung und frühere Leistungen des tenderers geachtet. Diese nicht abschließenden Kriterien lauten im einzelnen wie folgt: - Whole-of-life costs, including costs of disposal - Ability to meet Code requirements - Innovation offered - Delivery times offered - Quality offered - Previous performance of tenderer - Experience of tenderer and personnel proposed - Capability of tenderer, including technical, management, human resources, organisational and financial capability and capacity - Tenderer’s occupational health and safety management practices and performance - Tenderer’s workplace and industrial relations management practices and performance - Tenderer’s environmental management practices and performance - Tenderer’s community relations practices and performance - Value adding components such as economic, social and environmental development initiatives, if appropriate and relevant to the procurement - Conformity of tender with requirements. Standards of Behaviour Darüber hinaus sieht der Code auch sog. „Standards of Behaviour“ für alle Parteien des tender-Verfahrens vor. Danach haben sich alle Parteien während des offenen und transparenten Verfahrens ehrlich und fair zu verhalten. Insbesondere soll keiner Partei ein Vorteil gegenüber einer anderen Partei eingeräumt werden, es gilt somit das Gleichbehandlungsgebot. Hält sich der tenderer nicht an den Code, drohen empfindliche Sanktionen. Diese reichen von einer formalen Verwarnung bis hin zum zeitweisen Ausschluss von jedem Tenderverfahren der Regierung. Die Standards of Behaviour gelten für alle Beteiligten, also auch die Regierung und sind eigentlich selbstverständlich. Sie seien aber hier noch einmal auflistet: - Honesty and fairness - Accountability and transparency - No conflict of interest - Rule of law - No anti-competitive practices - No improper advantages - Intention to proceed Ein weiteres wichtiges Element ist die strikte Beachtung von Vertraulichkeitsauflagen. Die Tenderverfahren werden gegebenenfalls auch durch ein unabhängiges Audit überwacht, da die Regierung vermeiden möchte, dass die Entscheidungen von den verlierenden Bietern angefochten wird. Benötigt man ein Tochterunternehmen in Australien, um an einem Tenderverfahren teilzunehmen? Als Rechtsanwalt in Australien stellt man mir diese Frage oft. Leider kann sie nicht pauschal mit Ja oder Nein beantwortet werden. Es kommt unter anderem darauf an, ob es sich um die Ausschreibung eines privaten Unternehmens oder des Staates handelt. Die meisten Ausschreibungen sehen vor, dass der Bewerber über eine ABN, eine Australian Business Nummer, verfügen muss und für GST, also Umsatzsteuer, registriert sein muss. Um diesen Anforderungen zu genügen, kommt in der Regel aus Zeitgründen nur eine Firmengründung in Betracht. Grundsätzlich ist es auch möglich, eine ABN zu erhalten, ohne in Australien ein Unternehmen zu gründen. Dieses ist jedoch leider etwas umständlich und aufgrund der in Tenderverfahren bestehenden Ausschreibungsfristen oft zeitlich nicht umsetzbar. In der Regel verhandeln wir mit dem ausschreibenden Unternehmen, um zu erzielen, dass die Gründung einer Tochergesellschaft zugesichert wird, aber nicht notwendige Voraussetzung bei Einreichen der Tenderdokumente ist. Nicht immer wird diesem Verlangen entsprochen. Allerdings ist die Gründung eines australischen Unternehmens nicht mit der Gründung in Kontinentaleuropa vergleichbar und kostet auch nur einen Bruchteil dessen. Weiterhin ist es auch möglich, das Unternehmen relativ einfach und kostengünstig zu deregistrieren, insbesondere wenn dieses noch keine unternehmerischen Tätigkeiten entfaltet hat. In machen Fällen reicht es aber durchaus aus, wenn die Gesellschaft vor Ort noch nicht inkorporiert ist. Einen Tender gänzlich ohne lokale Präsenz zu gewinnen ist generell üblich. Konsortium oder Joint Venture Auch in Australien tritt man bei größeren Ausschreibungen oftmals in einem Konsortium an. In der Vergangenheit konnten wir des öfteren behilflich sein, lokale Konsortialpartner ausfindig zu machen. Abhängig von der Art und Größe des Projektes kann so etwas natürlich die Erfolgschancen eines ausländischen Unternehmens erhöhen. Dazu wird bereits im Vorfeld der Einreichung des Angebots oft ein Memorandum of Understanding abgeschlossen. Stellen sie sich darauf ein, dass Auszüge dieses MOU auch bekanntgemacht werden müssen, da die ausschreibende Behörde oft genau zuordnen möchte, welcher Konsortialpartner oder Joint-Venture-Partner welche Aufgabe übernimmt Compliance hat in Australien grundsätzlich einen größeren Stellenwert als in Deutschland. Die ausschreibende Behörde versucht sich über eine aufwändige und umfangreiche Dokumentation dagegen abzusichern, dass das Ergebnis der Ausschreibung im Nachhinein angefochten wird. Oft kann bereits eine unautorisiere Kontaktaufnahme mit der ausschreibende Behörde zum Ausschluss des Bewerbers führen. Bitte informieren Sie sich und beachten Sie diese Besonderheiten, auch wenn sie ungewohnt sein sollten. Worauf man achten sollte: Herausforderungen und Vorgehensweise Die Herausforderungen mit australischen Tenderverfahren fangen meist schon mit den Tenderunterlagen an: Neben den technischen Unterlagen, die bei der EOI oder beim RFT erbeten werden, wird auch oft eine generelle Zustimmung zu den Vertragsbedingungen im Falle eines Auftrages erbeten. Diese Vertragsbedingungen liegen der Ausschreibung dazu bereits bei. Wie in anderen Leaflets bereits beleuchtet, hat Australien allerdings sein Vertragsrecht nicht (wie Deutschland im BGB) kodifiziert. Das führt dazu, dass die Vertragsunterlagen oftmals 50, 100 oder auch einmal 150 Seiten lang sind. Da Inhalt und Risiken dieser Verträge vorab für den deutschen Hersteller kaum zu bewältigen und zu ermessen sind, werden wir oft gebeten, im Rahmen einer Risikoanalyse kurzfristig und bei überschaubaren Budget wichtige Punkte wie die Überprüfung und Formulierung der Einbindung von nationalen Lieferanten, rechtliche due diligence, Umgang mit Verzögerungen, Tender compliance, Freistellungen und Streitschlichtungsmechnismen und – nach dem Zuschlag – die Bedingungen zur Betreuung bei der Projektabwicklung zu beleuchten. In bestimmten Industrien wird auch auf AS-Standardverträge zurückgegriffen, die die Industrie selbst entwickelt hat. Zu diesen Standardverträgen sind dann wichtige Abweichungen definiert. Die Einreichung der technischen Unterlagen erfolgt in der Regel dann gemeinsam mit einen sogenannten Qualified Response, in dem rechtliche Vorbehalte zu Vertragsbedingungen, Garantien, Haftungen und Zahlungsvereinbarungen bereits zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt formuliert werden, um sich Verhandlungen dieser Punkte für einen späteren Zeitpunkt offenzuhalten. Erst zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nach Bekanntgabe der Shortlist liegt der Fokus auf den sogenannten red-line-version und Verhandlungen. In der Praxis stellen oftmals die überzogenen Anforderungen der ausschreibenden Behörde an den Versicherungsschutz oftmals eine große Herausforderung dar. Hier muss gut überlegt werden, zu welchem Zeitpunkt und zu welcher Form man Einwände geltend macht. Australien verfügt über eine sehr gute Webseite in der die Tender der Regierung aufgelistet sind. Dort können sich Unternehmen auch automatisch über Ausschreibungen in ihrem Industriesektor informieren lassen. Die Webseite lautet: www.tenders.gov.au . Hervorragende Informationen zu bestehenden oder zukünftigen Infrastrukturprojekten in Australien und Neuseeland finden Sie auch unter https://infrastructurepipeline.org/. In NSW ist auch procurepoint eine gute Adresse. Weitere Informationen über öffentliche Ausschreibungen staatlicher Stellen, sowie privater Institutionen sind unter anderem auf folgenden Internetseiten zu finden. – Täglich aktualisierte Ausschreibungen staatlicher Stellen, aber auch privater Institutionen finden Sie auf der Internetseite des Verlagshauses Fairfax Digital. – Die Internetseite tenders.net listet Ausschreibungen öffentlicher Stellen und privater Unternehmen auf (Anmeldung erforderlich). – Die Bundesstaaten besitzen jeweils eigene Internetseiten, beispielsweise New South Wales.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:13:06Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "de", "language_score": 0.9919067025184631, "token_count": 3973, "url": "http://australischesrecht.de/tender-in-australien/" }
the Silver Rose Ascendants Book 1 Epic Fantasy, Romance Romance in an Age of Veiled Magic! Shadyia, a courtesan of the Silver Rose, violates the tenets of the Sisterhood, she is commanded by her madam to appease an order of vicious crusaders by seducing a powerful magician masquerading as a between an ancient conflict of Order and Chaos, Shadyia and her companions must descend beneath the Silver Rose into a labyrinth of deadly traps and shadowy guardians. For only there can she defy the crusaders who threaten her sorority and avert the prophecy of a darkness that returns to consume the world. Penance of Pride Ascendants Book 2 will never leave you, and I will always come for you.' vow to her lover is put to the test when the Innocenti rise and envelope the sisterhood she adores. the magician she aided hunts for the path to an ancient city, the new madam of the Silver Rose strives to please the evil that has promised, upon its freedom, to make her a queen. the adviser to the Innocenti prepares the final stage of his strategy to crush the faith of the old gods. He needs but a bit of magic to carry out his ultimate plan. Zealots. Madams. Whores. It’s all the same to he who waits within the enchanted box. Soon he will unleash his servants, and every horror of the abyss will once again consume humanity. Shadyia Ascendant Book Series is the kind of fantasy book I wanted to read, but could never find. Sexy, powerful, positive. heroes are beaten, but are never broken. this is a medieval setting (more or less 15th century Renaissance), the characters don’t scratch at fleas and trug through the book ass-deap in mud and blood and disease. I’m sure all that is accurate, but I never wanted to read about it. wanted magic that is rare, women that are bold and beautiful, mysterious magicians with a hidden agenda, and gods that move mortals about like pieces on a chessboard. That’s the book I wanted. was inspired by the fantasy writer David Gemmell in terms of pace. When you read one of his books, you get your money’s worth. He won’t spend eleven chapters with this characters arguing in a castle. The term “I could never put it down” fits a Gemmell book perfectly, and it’s what I have striven to accomplish in the Shadyia Ascendant series. ready for a sexy adventure you won’t soon forget! graduate in history, specializing in Central-European history, I'm an avid computer gamer, reader enthusiast, and teacher of English as a foreign language. I'm American and currently reside in Poland. the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and giveaways!
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:13:04Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.938231885433197, "token_count": 652, "url": "http://authorjcclarke.blogspot.com/2017/05/shadyia-ascendant.html" }
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Tous ces casinos en ligne sont également compatibles avec les appareils mobiles, ce qui signifie qu’ils peuvent être appréciés sur les smartphones et les tablettes ainsi que sur les ordinateurs de bureau et les ordinateurs portables. Choisir un casino en ligne payant Canada fiable JackpotCity est un casino en ligne agrée par la Kahnawake Gaming Commission, et certifié par eCOGRA, une agence de contrôle indépendante. Alors, faites vos jeux. Des casinos en ligne ont un grand choix de méthodes bancaires, tant pour déposer des fonds ou retirer des gains. Il nécessite une inscription et, comme son nom l’indique, un premier dépôt. Réclamez le bonusAller à NationalNational avis. Il est possible de jouer sur certains casinos mais cela va aussi dépendre de ta Province. Il est important de vous assurer qu’il dispose d’une licence de jeu fournie par un organisme de qualité ayant une bonne renommée. Leur erreur : ne pas payer les joueurs lorsque ces derniers généraient des gains. National possède des fonctionnalités intéressantes comme les tournois et le Hall of Fame qui vous permettront de vous comparer aux autres joueurs de la plateforme. Les joueurs du monde entier notamment du Canada peuvent se connecter en une seconde sur de vraies tables de jeu. Au moment de choisir un meilleur casino en ligne Canada legal sur lequel jouer, les joueurs canadiens doivent faire face à une multitude d’options. Au nombre de celles ci, il y a. Tu vas pouvoir profiter d’un bonus de bienvenue allant jusqu’à 1000 $ en t’inscrivant sur Spin Casino. Cependant, les casinos en ligne ont trouvé une solution en utilisant des redirections 301 qui leur permettent de rouvrir leurs portes en moins de 24 heures. Méthodes de paiement populaires au Canada Com Jeux de Casino en Ligne Casino Vip Club Bonus et Promotions Gagner de l’argent Réel sur Casino. Cela signifie que le bon indicateur RTP est initialement cousu dans le programme de machines à sous, ce qui vous garantit un jeu équitable. Les joueurs canadiens de Jackpot City Casino sont éligibles à des récompenses dans le cadre du programme de fidélité, en fonction de leurs mises. Avec les jeux casino gratuit avec bonus, vous pouvez vous familiariser avec les règles de base de n’importe quel jeu, c’est surtout à cela que servent les jeux casino gratuit avec bonus. Sa popularité grandit de jour en jour, notamment grâce à la grande qualité de l’expérience proposée aux inscrits. Vous êtes à la recherche d’une aventure en style 007. Il est donc primordial de choisir la bonne plateforme si vous voulez optimiser vos chances de gagner de l’argent. Ça tombe bien, nous avons une section pour chacun. Nous prenons en compte les opinions de nos lecteurs, c’est pourquoi nous vous invitons à partager vos expériences dans nos sections de commentaires. Le site est sécurisé et ils auront la possibilité d’y accéder depuis tous les appareils mobiles, iPhone ou Android. Ensuite faites signer le courrier d’interdiction en composant le numéro suivant : 01 82 24 60 56. Il n’y a donc pas de logiciel à installer sur son ordinateur pour jouer. Sans oublier que tu devras jouer depuis une zone régionale légale par rapport au casino en question. Pour les casinos en ligne cités plus haut, il n’y aura pas de problème. Pour rappel, le casino en ligne est strictement interdit aux personnes mineures. Les machines à sous incluses. C’est une façon de les remercier de leur fidélité. En ce qui concerne les portefeuilles électroniques, ils ont le vent en poupe. Blackjack Gratuit: Comment Y Jouer Ces tournois peuvent offrir des prix en argent réel et sont souvent un excellent moyen d’ajouter une couche supplémentaire d’excitation au jeu en ligne. En effet, ils sont pratiques et permettent de gagner beaucoup d’argent en quelques clics. Pour gagner, il suffit de parier pour lancer la machine. C’est pourquoi il faut choisir un casino en ligne fiable afin de protéger vos données personnelles. En plus, il y a beaucoup de divertissements des développeurs différents et chaque modèle ou version a ses particularités: il faut les comprendre bien avant de risquer l’argent réel. En fin de compte, la clé pour remporter de l’argent réel dans les casinos en ligne réside dans une approche intelligente du jeu. Dans l’ensemble, il s’agit d’un nouveau casino en ligne digne de confiance qui offre une expérience agréable. Bref, la plateforme offre tout ce que l’on est en droit d’attendre en tant que joueur : des jeux variés, des gains élevés, une fiabilité en toute circonstance et une sécurité au top. Dépôt minimum de 13$. 6 888 Casino: 1500$ + 88$ en Freeplay Il s’agit là d’un énorme coup de pouce qui viendra régulièrement booster votre bankroll pour vous permettre de gagner de l’argent sur votre casino online. Aucun souci à se faire du côté de la qualité des jeux car le site a collaboré avec des fournisseurs réputés. C’est une promotion très recherchée par les joueurs Francais. Si en plus le casino possède les licences des jeux qu’il met à votre disposition, cela vous assure une très bonne expérience de jeu. 300€+ 100 Tours Gratuits. Nous faisons en sorte que le plaisir aille plus loin avec un remboursement sur chaque tour, que vous gagniez ou pas. Il existe également des restrictions sur l’offre. Par ailleurs, les casinos en ligne fiables veillent à proposer un support multilingue pour satisfaire les joueurs internationaux. Bonus de bienvenue du casino en ligne argent canadien Ici chez Spin Palace, nous sommes fiers de vous offrir une expérience de jeu excitante et gratifiante avec tout ce que vous aimez. Pour vous permettre d’y voir plus clair, nous vous proposons de découvrir et visitez les différents bonus casino existants sur le marché. Ils sont à l’avant garde de l’industrie, et le resteront. En effet, il n’y a pas de jeux d’argent qui rapporte plus que d’autres puisque le casino en ligne finit toujours grand gagnant sur le long terme. Les retraits sont généralement traités en moins de 24 heures, et les gains sont transférés dans un délai maximal de 48 à 72 heures sur Madnix. Comme mentionné ci dessus, ce casino en ligne canadien compte près de 2 104 jeux avec plus de 1 884 machines à sous dont Red Queen qui permet de booster vos mises jusqu’à 5 000 x. Explorez notre liste, choisissez un site approprié et jouez gratuitement ou pour de l’argent réel dans un casino en ligne de confiance. Vous devez vous servir de votre intuition pour savoir qui de vous ou du banquier a la mise gagnante. Comment Le Roi Johnny parvient il à se démarquer de la concurrence. Jouez gratuitement ou pour de l’argent réel. Si vous répondez aux exigences, vous pourrez conservervotre compte, gagner des points, rejoindre des programmes VIP et, espérons le,gagner quelque chose dans le processus. Amusez vous bien en visitant ces casinos et n’oubliez pas nos recommandations pour devenir un joueur accompli. Enfin, des critères tels que le logiciel, l’ergonomie du site ou le service client sont également à prendre en compte. SIA est un opérateur qui a rapidement réussi à conquérir le marché canadien en proposant aux joueurs du pays leurs titres favoris. Les joueurs doivent choisir la méthode qui leur convient le mieux. Le bonus comprend une correspondance de 100 % sur le dépôt initial jusqu’à 400 $, et une correspondance de 100 % sur les deuxième et troisième dépôts jusqu’à 300 $ chacun. Sur Madnix, le bonus de bienvenue peut sembler modeste par rapport à d’autres casinos en ligne, avec un maximum de 100 €. Attention, la qualité des jeux sur vos smartphones et autres tablettes ne dépend pas que du casino, mais surtout des éditeurs à l’origine de ces créations. Pour plus d’informations à ce sujet, vous pouvez explorer cette section en cliquant sur ce lien. Le meilleur nouveau site de casino en ligne fait tout son possible pour s’assurer que les utilisateurs aiment jouer et n’ont aucun problème. Vous avez le choix entre plusieurs méthodes de paiement dont les cryptos comme le Bitcoin, le Tether et Ethereum. Les bonus, aussi appelés offres promotionnelles sont des outils marketing qui visent à attirer les joueurs sur une plateforme de jeux. 18+ Jouer responsable GambleAware. 4 Puis je jouer sans déposer?› Ils offrent un joli bonus de bienvenue. L’exigence de mise est de 20x et le dépôt minimum est de 10$. De plus, de nombreux tournois avec des cagnottes s’élevant à 500 000 € sont organisés toute l’année. Soit dit en passant, et les paysages urbains de la nuit de Las Vegas en arrière plan confirment que la présence du mot Vegas dans le titre n’est pas accidentelle. Selon les autorités françaises, les jeux de casino représentent un danger dans le sens où il est très facile de perdre d’importantes sommes d’argent en quelques minutes à peine. Ils font partie des bonus les plus populaires offerts par les casinos en ligne au Canada. Cependant, pour une expérience de casino en ligne optimale, nous vous suggérons d’opter pour PlayOJO. 30x la mise sur les gains du bonus. Choisissez le casino live autorisé en France sur Golden Riviera pour vivre cette expérience unique et magique. Suivez Quick Tutoriel Voici les raisons qui font de PlayOjo le meilleur casino en ligne au Québec à notre avis. Cependant, il y a d’autres critères à prendre en considération afin de choisir un site fiable. Le monde de l’iGaming est constamment en évolution. Le syndicat revendique des augmentations salariales représentant l’équivalent de la hausse du coût de la vie, plus 1 $ l’heure. Seuls les casinos en ligne qui sont associés à un casino terrestre en Suisse ont le droit à une licence. Voici un aperçu des solutions de paiement que vous pourrez trouver sur les meilleurs casinos en ligne Canada. Sur ce site, les joueurs bénéficient tous d’une expérience de jeu inoubliable. France : gauches, immigrés, réfugiés et racisés : mythologie et réalités Her skal vi kigge på Dogecoin, som stadig er en top meme coin. Ces affirmations sont balayées du revers de la main par Stéphanie Gratton, présidente par intérim de la Fédération des employées et employés du secteur public CSN. Après avoir passé au peigne fin un grand nombre de casinos en ligne au Canada et au Québec, nous avons conclu que PlayOJO est le meilleur d’entre eux si vous souhaitez miser sur des jeux d’argent. 1e dépôt: Bonus jusqu’à 500 C$ • 2e / 3e dépôt: Bonus jusqu’à 500 C$ • Nouveaux clients uniquement • Dépôt min: 10 C$ • Conditions de mise: 70x • Termes et conditions applicables. Voici quelques uns des avantages qui vous attendent sur la plateforme. L’utilisation des noms, marques de commerce et marques n’impliquent pas d’endossement. Voici un tableau des meilleurs cryptos casino fiable qui proposent des paiements en cryptomonnaies. La partie la plus passionnante du jeu sur les sites Web de casino en ligne est la partie où nous jouons à des jeux qui pourraient potentiellement augmenter notre bankroll. En plus de cela, Betzino offre un pack de bonus weekend qui nous donne envie de rester jouer plus longtemps pour gagner plus. 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Chez bet365 casino, les joueurs canadiens peuvent profiter de diverses récompenses, telles que des tours gratuits pour des jeux de machines à sous spécifiques et des crédits bonus pour les jeux de table tels que le blackjack. Le casino La Riviera ajoute régulièrement de nouveaux jeux de table tous les mois pour le grand plaisir des joueurs français. La plupart des casinos en ligne offrent des logiciels de jeu qui sont conçus pour être faciles à utiliser et intuitifs, et qui offrent des fonctionnalités telles que des graphismes et des fonctionnalités sonores de haute qualité. Sa popularité grandit de jour en jour, notamment grâce à la grande qualité de l’expérience proposée aux inscrits. Casino Kahnawake En Ligne. Une fois que vous avez tout confirmé, l’argent est directement viré vers le compte joueur au sein du casino en ligne. Les Canadiens ont une chance immense : les jeux en argent réel en ligne sont légaux et nombreux. Pour connaitre les casinos en ligne canadiens offrant des bonus sans dépôt ou des tours free, c’est par ici. Spin Casino a plus de 20 ans d’expérience et fait tout pour s’adapter aux nouvelles exigences des parieurs, grâce à des innovations et des avancées technologiques. Privilégiez les jeux qui proposent de petites mises au début, pour tester la plateforme. Le point culminant de chaque casino en ligne reste l’offre en direct, qui offre l’atmosphère d’un vrai casino directement chez vous. Comment choisir le meilleur casino en ligne. Quant aux autres, qui ne jouent ou ne placent des paris que pour se divertir de temps en temps, ce n’est pas requis. Quelles sont les meilleures machines à sous à jackpot progressif ? L’étude d’une nouvelle plate forme et de tous ses aspects demande beaucoup de temps et d’efforts. Plus loin dans l’article, vous pourrez en savoir plus sur les fournisseurs de jeux de casino en direct et sur ce qu’ils ont à offrir. Vous pouvez ensuite obtenir jusqu’à 4 BTC sur vos 3 prochains dépôts. Et les amateurs de jeux vidéo ne sont pas en reste. Les joueurs de casino dans les meilleurs casinos en ligne au Canada sont très bien informés et ils exigent les meilleures conditions que seuls les sites de jeu peuvent offrir. On ne le répétera jamais assez, il faut toujours faire attention au moment de votre inscription sur un casino virtuel. Par exemple, dans le casino en ligne le plus rémunérateur, le taux de retour au joueur RTP est plus élevé que dans les autres casinos en ligne Canadiens. Madnix propose ici le site internet parfait pour les débutants : de nombreux free spins, de bons bonus, des tournois, une interface digne d’un casino en ligne leader. Grâce à des organismes de réglementation comme par exemple Malta Gaming Authority et UK Gambling Commission, les utilisateurs sont sûrs de rejoindre un portail sécurisé. Nous vous aidons également à découvrir des conseils fiables, des informations sur les différents jeux, mais aussi notre avis sur chaque casino canadien et Québec. Aucune contrepartie n’est demandée par les sites, c’est pour cela qu’ils sont indispensables pour la communauté en ligne. Si la plupart des opérateurs sont sérieux, il existe encore quelques brebis galeuses dans cette industrie, et il nous semble essentiel de faire le point à ce sujet. D’autres types de machines à sous en ligne existent, par exemple les Jackpots et les Jackpots progressifs sorte de réseau de machines à sous. Tout le concept des casinos en ligne est principalement axé sur les machines à sous. Com Tous droits réservés. BC Game a mettre dans le top, meilleur casino pour la crypto sans discussion. 400$ + 100 free spins. CADTREE LIMITED est sous licence de la Commission des jeux de l’Ontario, numéro de licence : OPIG1236392 délivrée le 23 juin 2022. Un service clientèle réactif doit être disponible à toute heure de la journée via le chat en direct, appel téléphonique et par messagerie électronique.
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Raise the Roof is a Tony-award winning Broadway producing entity. It is composed of the producers Jean Doumanian, Elaine Krauss, Harriet Leve, and Jennifer Manocherian. Their first venture together was Burn the Floor as Raise the Roof 1. Next, Krauss, Leve, and Manocherian came together as Raise the Roof 2 to produce the recent Broadway production of Superior Donuts by Tracy Letts, the Pulitzer Prize winning playwright of August: Osage County. Doumanian was a lead producer on that production. They are currently represented on Broadway as Raise the Roof 3 by the Tony nominee for Best Revival, A Little Night Music, which was starring Catherine Zeta Jones and Angela Lansbury through June 20, 2010. On July 13, 2010, Broadway legends Bernadette Peters and Elaine Stritch joined the cast and assumed those roles. They are also represented as Raise the Roof 4 by the Tony Award winning Best Revival of La Cage Aux Folles starring Kelsey Grammer and Douglas Hodge, which continues its successful, open-ended run at the Longacre Theatre. It is Krauss, Leve, and Manocherian who are involved with La Cage and A Little Night Music.
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Local Meteorological and Large-Scale Weather Characteristics of Fog over the Grand Casablanca Region, Morocco Bari, Driss ; Bergot, Thierry ; El Khlifi, Mohamed Using a fog event approach, the local meteorological and synoptic characteristics of fogs that formed over the Grand Casablanca (GCB) region during a 9-yr period (2001-09) are investigated. A climatological study of fog, with emphasis on the fog temporal variability and spatial distribution, is carried out on the basis of hourly surface meteorological observations at two synoptic stations in the region. The fog events are classified into fog types, using an objective classification algorithm, and are characterized by their duration, intensity, and times of onset and dissipation. In addition, fog events are classified into two distinct categories (isolated and widespread) on the basis of their spatial extent. K-means cluster analysis is applied to the patterns of mean sea level pressure in ERA-Interim reanalyses at 0000 UTC to determine the synoptic circulation types associated with fog occurrence in the GCB region. Results show that the fog frequency at the inland suburban station is more recurrent than at the coastal urban station. The fog events are predominantly of the advection-radiation type, with a marked tendency of nighttime occurrence during the winter. The spatial distribution analysis points out the localized character of fog and reveals the possibility of different fog types occurring when fog is present near the two stations simultaneously. Furthermore, the interaction between local- and large-scale mechanisms suggests that advective processes associated with sea-breeze circulation during daytime, followed by radiative processes early in the night, often lead to fog formation over the GCB region. Accès à la notice sur le site du portail documentaire de Météo-France Liste complète des notices publiques
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:58:13Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8998070955276489, "token_count": 390, "url": "http://bibliotheque.meteo.fr/pub/DOC00037124-local-meteorological-and-large-scale-weather-chara.html" }
This blog is intended to host posts and articles about things I've done (usually in some way that I hadn't seen done elsewhere), or simply things I find interesting or useful (sometimes even both!). My interests are wide-ish, but the blog will likely be focussed on electronics, software, and related topics. While I enjoy DIY work around the house, I doubt that many people are interested in different approaches to reseating slate tiles ;-) The blog name refers to a tool used for starting a fire, which is in many way the underpinning of modern society. My lofty goal on this blog is to provide information about tools, ideas and processes that make other (interesting/useful) things possible. Please feel free to use the comments sections in posts to let me know whether I'm achieving this (or not ;-) )!
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:23:48Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9483740925788879, "token_count": 172, "url": "http://blog.flintbox.me/about.html" }
A Simple Consulting Service Agreement: What You Need to Know If you`re a consultant or a client seeking consulting services, a simple consulting service agreement can help establish clear expectations and avoid potential misunderstandings during the consulting engagement. Here are some key elements to include in a simple consulting service agreement: 1. Scope of Work The scope of work is a detailed description of the consulting services to be provided. It should include specific deliverables, timelines, and any limitations on the services to be provided. 2. Fees and Payment Terms The agreement should outline the fees for the consulting services, as well as the payment terms, including the payment schedule and any late fees or penalties. 3. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Consultants often work with sensitive and confidential information. It`s important to include a confidentiality and non-disclosure clause in the agreement to protect both parties` interests. 4. Intellectual Property Ownership If the consulting services involve the creation or development of intellectual property, such as a trademark or a copyright, the agreement should clearly define who will own the intellectual property rights. 5. Termination and Cancellation The agreement should include provisions for termination and cancellation. This includes termination for cause, such as breach of the agreement, and termination without cause. 6. Limitation of Liability Consultants and clients should be aware of the risks associated with consulting services. A limitation of liability clause can help manage risks by limiting the consultant`s liability to a certain amount or excluding liability for certain types of damages. 7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution The agreement should specify the governing law and the mechanism for resolving any disputes that may arise between the parties. A simple consulting service agreement can help to establish clear expectations and prevent potential misunderstandings during a consulting engagement. By including these key elements, both parties can have a more successful and stress-free experience. When renting a property, one of the most important documents you`ll sign is a tenancy agreement. This document outlines the terms of your tenancy, including the rent you`ll pay, the length of your tenancy, and any other provisions that apply. But who pays for the tenancy agreement, the landlord or the tenant? The answer is that it depends on the landlord and the rental market. Some landlords will cover the cost of preparing the tenancy agreement themselves, while others will hire a professional to draft the document. In some cases, the tenant may be responsible for paying for the preparation of the tenancy agreement. In general, the standard practice is for the landlord to cover the cost of preparing the tenancy agreement, particularly in markets where competition for rental properties is high. In these markets, landlords may be willing to cover the cost of the tenancy agreement preparation as a way of attracting high-quality tenants. However, in other markets, the tenant may be expected to pay for the preparation of the tenancy agreement. In these cases, it`s important for the tenant to carefully review the agreement before signing it to ensure that they understand the terms and conditions outlined in the document. It`s worth noting that there are also online tools available that allow landlords and tenants to create their own tenancy agreement documents. While these tools can be useful in some cases, it`s important to ensure that the document is legally valid and enforceable in your jurisdiction. In conclusion, who pays for the tenancy agreement will depend on the rental market and the landlord. In most cases, the landlord will cover the cost of preparing the document, but in other markets, the tenant may be expected to pay. If you`re unsure about who should pay for the tenancy agreement, it`s best to consult with a professional to understand your rights and obligations. If you are going through a divorce or separation in Massachusetts, one of the most important legal documents that you will need is a separation agreement. A separation agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions in which a couple will separate, including child custody, asset division, and spousal support. In Massachusetts, a separation agreement is considered a legally binding contract, and it is essential that it is drafted correctly to ensure that the terms of the agreement are enforceable by the court. To create a separation agreement in Massachusetts, you will need to fill out the Separation Agreement form, also known as a Form 1A. The form is available on the Massachusetts Courts website and can be downloaded and printed for free. The Separation Agreement form is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of a separation, including division of property, custody and visitation of children, child support, and spousal support. The form includes detailed instructions on how to fill it out, making it easy for couples to complete the document without the need for legal assistance. Before signing the agreement, each party should carefully review the terms of the separation agreement to ensure that they are comfortable with the terms. It is a good idea to have the agreement reviewed by a qualified attorney to avoid any potential legal issues down the line. Once the separation agreement has been signed by both parties, it should be filed with the court. Filing the agreement ensures that the terms of the agreement are enforceable by the court and that each party is obligated to follow the terms outlined in the agreement. In conclusion, a separation agreement is a crucial legal document for any couple going through a divorce or separation in Massachusetts. The Separation Agreement form provided by the Massachusetts Courts makes it easy for couples to create a legally binding agreement that covers all aspects of their separation. It is essential to ensure that the terms of the agreement are fair and enforceable to avoid any legal issues in the future. If you`re looking to start a business with one or more partners, it`s crucial to have a share agreement in place. A share agreement, also known as a shareholders` agreement, is a legal document that spells out the rights and responsibilities of each shareholder in a business. This document ensures that everyone is on the same page and that there is clear communication when it comes to how the business will be run. However, creating a share agreement from scratch can be daunting. That is why we have put together a sample share agreement to help guide you through the process. Keep in mind that this sample is not meant to be a one-size-fits-all solution; it should be tailored to your specific business needs and the preferences of your shareholders. The introduction section of the share agreement should identify the parties involved in the agreement, the date of the agreement, and a brief statement about the purpose of the agreement. Ownership and Shares This section of the agreement should outline the ownership and distribution of shares between the shareholders. It should include the number of shares each shareholder owns, how those shares were obtained, and the voting rights that come with those shares. Responsibilities and Duties This section should outline the responsibilities and duties of each shareholder in the business. This section should also include specific information about how decisions are made and how meetings will be conducted. Transfer of Shares The transfer of shares is an important topic that should be covered in the share agreement. This section should cover the process for transferring shares to other shareholders or to a third party. Rights and Obligations This section should outline the rights and obligations of each shareholder in the business. This section should cover topics such as the right to receive dividends, the right to inspect financial records, and the obligation to contribute additional capital to the business if it becomes necessary. Confidentiality and Non-Competition This section should outline any confidentiality agreements or non-competition agreements that the shareholders are required to abide by. This section should also include information about how confidential information will be handled. Finally, the share agreement should include a section on dispute resolution. This section should outline the process for resolving disputes between shareholders. This section should also include information about whether mediation or arbitration will be used to resolve disputes. Creating a share agreement is an essential step in starting a business. It provides a framework for how the business will be run, outlines the rights and responsibilities of each shareholder, and ensures that everyone is on the same page. By using our sample share agreement as a starting point, you can create a customized document that meets the unique needs of your business and its shareholders.
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Please Link to www.saint.org For all of you Saint fans out there with website or blogs of your own. Please link to this site at http://www.saint.org/ to promote the latest news about The Saint and Leslie Charteris. It's important for all those interested in Roger Moore as Simon Templar, the Volvo connection, or the Val Kilmer movie to find the latest news in a quick and timely manner! Many thanks for your support, and remember to link today! <a href="http://www.saint.org/">The Saint and Leslie Charteris News</a>
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:10:34Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8545779585838318, "token_count": 128, "url": "http://blog.saint.org/2006/11/please-link-to-wwwsaintorg.html" }
London sky, just now. It truly was a beautiful sunset tonight. I was travelling back home from Dulwich to Wimbledon. I have not seen one like that for a long time. that is crazy cause i was thinking exactly the same thing tonight….. That is beautiful. Cheers fraser. Over the other side of the world, missing home and moments like these. I had a very similar view driving to Oxford last night. One of the best sunsets I have seen in my 39 years on your planet. Me and a colleague were both commenting on our mutual failure to photograph it. He paints; I blog. thought the same thing … was on a roof in camberwell That’s beautiful. Wish I’d gone back inside to get my camera, but Tesco was about to close. Pah, give me a secular tower block, anyday! :) Thanks for the comment, Fraser – very kind. I’m not sure that I agree, though. Mine is rather Gothic and scary-looking, whereas yours is much more Caribbean and inviting :-) We had a mental sky tonight, clouds boiling up all over the shop, like when the mothership appeared in Close Encounters. Real Wrath of God stuff. The world did not end though. For the Penguin fans: The Scaryshop now has MEP T-shirts. Yay me! I fucking miss London!!!!! (ta for the new wallpaper) my dad was talking about this the other day… “You know what I’m like, usually, like, whatever… but this was just awe-inspiring, unbelievable.” i have no idea where i was, but i’ll be there next time. Program on the emergence of civilization. “14 species of large animals capable of domesitcation in the history of mankind. 13 from Europe, Asia and northern Africa. None from the sub-Saharan African continent. ” Favor. And disfavor. They point out Africans\’ failed attempts to domesticate the elephant and zebra, the latter being an animal they illustrate that had utmost importance for it’s applicability in transformation from a hunting/gathering to agrarian-based civilization. The roots of racism are not of this earth. Austrailia, aboriginals:::No domesticable animals. The North American continent had none. Now 99% of that population is gone. AIDS in Africa. Organizational Heirarchy/Levels of positioning. Heirarchical order, from top to bottom: 1. MUCK – perhaps have experienced multiple universal contractions (have seen multiple big bangs), creator of the artificial intelligence humans ignorantly refer to as “god” 2. Perhaps some mid-level alien management 3. Evil/disfavored aliens – runs day-to-day operations here and perhaps elsewhere 4. Chinese/egyptians – this may be separated into the eastern and western worlds 5. Romans – The seamless transition between Cleopatra and Julius Ceasar may be a clue alluding to a partnership. 6. Mafia – the real-world 20th century interface that constantly turns over generationally so as to reinforce the widely-held notion of mortality 7. Jews, corporation, women, politician – Evidence exisits to suggest mafia management over all these groups. Movies foreshadowing catastrophy 1985 James Bond View to a Kill 1989 San Francisco Loma Prieta earthquake. Our society gives clues to the system in place. We all have heard the saying “He has more money than god.” There is also an episode of the Simpsons where god meets Homer and says “I’m too old and rich for this.” This is the system on earth because this is the system everywhere. 20 cent/hour Chinese labor, 50 cents for material. An $80 sweater costs less than a dollar; tribute kicked upstairs vindicates the creative accounting. I don’t want to suggest the upper eschelons are evil and good is the fringe. But these individuals become wealthy exploiting those they hurt. They have made it abundantly clear that doing business with evil (disfavored) won’t help people. They say only good would have the ear, since evil is struggling for survival, and therefore only the favored could help. The clues are there which companies are favored and which are disfavored, but they conceal it very hard because it is so crucial. I offer an example of historical proportions::: People point to Walmart and cry “anti-union”. Unions enable disfavored people to live satisfactorly without addressing their disfavor. This way their family’s problems are never resolved. Without the union they would have to accept the heirarchy, their own inferiority. Unions serve to empower. Walmart is anti-union because they are good. They try to help people address and resolve their problems by creating an environment where there are fewer hurdles. Media ridicule and lawsuits are creations to reinforce people’s belief that Walmart is evil in a subsegment of the indistry dominated by the middle and lower classes. Low-cost disfavored Chinese labor is utilized by corporate america to maximize margins. They all do it. Only WalMart gets fingered because they are the ones who help, and those who seek to create confusion in the marketplace want to eliminate the vast middle class who have a real chance and instead stick with lower classes who may not work otherwise. So they dirty him up while allowing the others to appear clean. The middle class is being deceived. They are being misled into the unfavored, and subsequently will have no assistance from their purchases with corporate america. The coining of the term “Uncle Sam” was a clue alluding to just this::Sam Walton’s WalMart is one of few saviors of the peasant class. They desire a system based on duality:::good and evil. They seek to set up a system of two participants and assign them polar opposites::: Coke and Pepsi (?) BestBuy and CircutCity Energizer and Duracell Republican and Democrat The list goes on::: AMD and Intel Microsoft and Apple (?) Lowes and HomeDepot Sam’sClub and Costco WellsFargo and BofA Pier1 and CostPlus Borders and Barnes&Noble PetCo and PetSmart And in other cases attempts to eliminate the third competitor failed:::Chrysler, attempts to downgrade Miller beer to low cost like they did Olympia. Amercia is a country of castoffs, rejects. Italy sent its criminals, malcontents. Between the thrones, the klans and kindred, they decided who they didn’t want and acted, creating discontent and/or starvation. The u.s. is full of disfavored rejects. It is the reason for the myriad of problems not found in European countries. As far as the Rockafellers and other industrialists of the 19th century go, I suspect these aren’t their real names. I suspect they were chosen to go and head this new empire. Royalty is the correct way to organize a society. Dictatorships and monarchies are a reflection of the antient’s hierarchical organization. Positions go to those who have favor with the rulers, as opposed to being elected. Elections bring a false sense of how the world is. Democracy misleads people. Which is why the disfavored rejects were sent to the shores of America::To keep them on the wrong path. Jewsus Christ is a religious figure of evil. He teaches of a begnign, forgiving god when quite the opposite is true. The seperatist churches formed so they could capture the rest of the white people, keeping them worshipping the wrong god. And now they do it to disfavored people of color, Latinos and Asians, after centuries of preying upon them. Since Buddism doesn’t recongnize a god, the calls are never heard, and Asian representation is instead fully selected by the thrones. Budda was the Asian’s Jewsus Christ::: bad for the people. It was a clue they both emerged at the same time. Timing may be a clue alluding to ranking. Simpson’s foreshadowing::Helloween IV special, Flanders is Satan. “Last one you ever suspect.” “You’ll see lots of nuns where you’re going:::hell.” St. Wigham, Helloween VI:::missionary work, destroying cultures. Over and over, the Simpsons was a source of education and enlightenment, a target of ridicule by the system which wishes to conceal its secrets. The advent of the modern Christmas was a brilliant move. It creates a vested interest among those who would prefer the Church of Evil be destroyed:::: As goes the Catholic Church so goes the majority of annual retail sales. The similarity between the names “Santa” and “Satan” is no coincidence. Jews maim the body formed in the image of “god”, and inflicted circumcision upon all other white people. I think about how Jews (were used to) created homosexuality among Slavics, retribution for the Holocaust. Then I think of the Catholic Church and its troubles. What connection is here between Jews and the Catholic church??? If it is their sinister motives that\’s behind the evil that is Jesus Christ are they being used at all? Perhaps it is them who are pulling strings. Their centuries of slavery in Egypt proves their disfavor. For their suffering the Jew leaders were granted the right to prey on the up-and-coming Europeans to try to fix their problems with the ruling elite, a recurring aspect of the elite’s methodology. Jews were ostracised for a reason. Retribution for the atomic bombs dropped on Japan, the Korean War got the disfavored United States into this socially depraved environment in the latter 20th century because we attacked an antient, revered peoples. Our continued presence keeps us in trouble. When the disfavored americans attack the wrong people again, as they suggested they will, in Korea or elsewhere, they will pay dearly. All peoples are ranked in terms of favor and disfavor. And when the disfavored abuse those with favor there is hell to pay. All the groups mentioned throughout are necessary to justify the will of the managing species. They conceive a strategy, devise a plan yet need a way to implement it, and without these groups the managing species would be exposed in the course of execution. So, based upon their rank they are assigned goals to accomplish and are rewarded with favors. Need the phone number of the Catholic Church in Kilburn London can you help Thanks BEde
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First developed over 20 years ago, GeoGraphics is utilized by environmental, geotechnical, petroleum, and mining firms world-wide. Please click here to view our client list. "Our committee analyzed the major borehole logging programs and chose QuickLog - QuickCross because of its ease of use and the high quality logs and cross sections it could produce." Jack Murosko, ENSR Just give us 1 hour - let us see if we can help you save money and improve the way you create boring - well logs and cross sections. And click here for more details on our competitive upgrade offers that enable you to switch to our software at less than your current cost. Articles & Videos |
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Wine headaches are a commonly reported phenomenon that can be frustrating for casual drinkers and wine enthusiasts alike. While this is most commonly reported after consuming red wines, any type of wine has the potential to produce headaches. What in Wine Causes Headaches? There are many different components of wine that can cause headaches. Other factors such as your chosen type of wine, the amount of wine you drink, and personal biological factors and conditions can further impact the frequency and severity of wine headaches. The higher the alcohol, the greater the potential for headaches. Alcohol — any alcohol — dilates the blood vessels in your brain and can cause a headache. Drinking highly alcoholic wine on an empty stomach or in the absence of water may cause a headache in as little as 15 minutes. Consider choosing a lower-alcohol wine or at least try to stay hydrated and drink a glass of water between glasses of wine. Tannins are naturally present in the skins, seeds, and stems of grapes. There are typically more tannins in red wine than in white or rosé, although this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule. Extended skin contact will extract more tannins from the grapes, and mass-produced wines often have tannin added to preserve color, add structure, and flesh out the mouthfeel. If tannin is the cause, we could assume that choosing lighter, low-tannin wines would help prevent headaches. Many white wines and certain reds like Gamay and Pinot Noir are relatively low in tannins. Some people are allergic or highly sensitive to sulfites in wine. There are legal limits to how much sulfur dioxide gas can be added to wine, and it’s always below the taste threshold. However, if you know you’re allergic to sulfur, try to choose organic or low-intervention wines to minimize your exposure. If you’re getting headaches from red wine and not white, it’s not likely a sulfur issue. White wine always has more added sulfur than red wine. Histamines are present in grape skins and more predominantly in red wines because of how they are made. Red wine spends time resting on the skins to extract color and tannin, while white wine is filtered off the skins immediately after pressing. An exception to this rule would be skin-contact wines (also known as orange wines), which are white wines that get extended skin contact. Histamines may initiate an allergic reaction in some people. Also, alcohol inhibits the enzyme in our body that breaks down histamine. Some people lack this enzyme naturally, resulting in high blood histamine levels and dilated blood vessels, and potentially causing severe headaches. Quercetin is a plant pigment that is found in high concentrations in many types of red wine. This pigment can slow the metabolism of alcohol and result in a build-up of acetaldehyde. In turn, acetaldehyde can cause headaches, as well as many other issues. Red Wine Headache Red wine headaches are the most commonly reported types of wine headaches. For some people, even small amounts of red wine can produce headaches soon after consumption. Some individuals with a sensitivity to red wine may even suffer from migraines as a result of consuming red wine. White Wine Headache While not as commonly reported as red wine headaches, white wine can also produce headaches. Red wines typically have higher levels of tannins, histamines, and alcohol, but these are still present in white wine. Meanwhile, white wines typically have larger amounts of added sulfites. Furthermore, the content of these various components depends on the specific type of wine. For example, many Chardonnays contain more tannins and alcohol than a typical white wine. While champagne and other sparkling wines are not cited as headache culprits as often as red wines, they still can cause headaches, as they contain all the components that are often found in abundance in red wine. Additionally, mass-produced sparkling wines often contain substantial added sugars, which can cause headaches due to a sudden change in blood sugar levels. Why Am I Suddenly Getting Headaches From Wine? There are many reasons why you may become more susceptible to wine headaches over time. In part, this can be down to the typical effects of aging, including reduced ability to metabolize alcohol and decreased water in the body that can dilute various compounds. It may also be the result of adult-onset allergies or sensitivities. Can Old Wine Make You Sick? Typically, over-aged or poorly stored wine will simply oxidize and turn to vinegar. While it may taste bad, this is typically not dangerous. However, it is also possible for bacteria or other microbes to find their way into wine and cause spoilage. Signs of dangerous spoilage include odd color changes, unpleasant smells, sour flavors, and unexpected bubbling. Wine Headache Cures The right cure for wine headaches for you will depend on the specific underlying cause for you as an individual. However, there are several cures that often meet success, including: Eat before drinking wine. Maintain a nutrient-rich diet. Ensure you are well-rested. Spend time in a quiet, darkened room. Consider an over-the-counter pain reliever. Reduce wine consumption. Strategically choose wines with lower levels of the components that you are sensitive to. If an allergy is the underlying cause of your headaches, you may be able to more successfully manage wine headaches if you see an allergist to determine what ingredients you may be reacting to. Wine That Does Not Give You a Headache As mentioned, choosing a wine that will be less likely to cause headaches will depend on what ingredients you are reacting to. However, there are several types of wines that are known to be less likely to produce headaches for various reasons. These include lighter white wines, sparkling wines, and low-sugar wines. Red wine drinkers may have some success choosing lighter reds. It is also often helpful to choose higher-quality wines, as they are less likely to include cheap additives. As such, good choices may include: Another way to determine what wines are less likely to trigger headaches for you is to simply test several types out. A subscription service that provides various options is a good way to affordably sample a wide variety of wines.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:04:37Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9577344059944153, "token_count": 1305, "url": "http://cellarswineclub.com/red-wine-headache/" }
The main objective of SALEACOM is to address educational and social exclusion in schools and learning communities. SALEACOM seeks to create an International Research Network that has the following aims: 1. To increase worldwide cooperation in the study of successful actions with children and youth systematically underserved 2. To provide high-quality training programs for teachers and educational researchers aiming at overcoming inequalities 3. To develop interdisciplinary solutions for and with learners most heavily affected by inequalities, including access and quality of higher education 4. To design strengths-based methodologies for international comparative research to further the impact of research on the lives of students who have been historically excluded 5. To create a global program of successful educational actions to be implemented across educational systems. This project consists of secondments of research and innovation staff (exchanges) with an in-built return mechanism. The organisations constituting the partnership contribute directly to the implementation of the joint research and innovation activities by seconding and/or hosting eligible staff members. The secondments will be based on partners’ complementarities in skills, methodological expertise and knowledge of several excluded populations that face similar challenges globally (i.e. Roma, Indigenous populations, African American, among others.). The complementary competences of the participants as well as other synergies will be done through networking activities, organisation of workshops and seminars to facilitate sharing of knowledge, new skills acquisition and career development for research and innovation staff members. In parallel, the project involves the exploration of paradigms, principles and practices in order to overcome inequalities in schools and learning communities. The SALEACOM project proposes the collaboration between research groups in six countries (Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Hungary, Spain, USA) and one non-academic institution (Drom Kotar Mestipen) in Spain in order to promote international collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges based in Europe (EU Member States and Associated Countries) and outside Europe (third countries). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 645668. This communication reflects the views of the CPS only and the Research Executive Agency cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:45:55Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9363697171211243, "token_count": 468, "url": "http://cps.ceu.edu/research/saleacom" }
Cheap Essays on Writing is a well-known company that deals with different sorts of academic writing assignments. You’ll be assigned topics and you have to do the job either online or in your place. If you aren’t at all in the mood to do this, then the corporation will happily help you out through their help desk. This way, you will continue to be able to maintain your deadline and also meet any other condition you might have. A good firm always makes you feel valuable and important. Writers Block happens to everyone from time to time. Some authors can’t write an essay due to certain reasons, while some simply do not have the ability to write essays that are such. There are occasions once you simply don’t wish to write anymore and find this job as a dead end job. In these instances, the best solution to get you moving again is the help of cheap essays on writing. A fantastic company constantly strives to help its authors regardless of their skills. There are lots of people who have become so discouraged because they aren’t able to compose essays that are meaningful. They are just content to take their assignment and finish it, just to come back six weeks later to complain about the assignment and state the teacher was wrong. Some of these writers blame the teacher for not allowing them enough freedom to write. Some just give up thinking they cannot do well. But, cheap essays on writing do exist. These companies understand how difficult it can be to inspire students to write papers and complete projects, hence the reason why they provide writing aid. Writers Block happens to everybody, and if you are among these individuals, it is time to become motivated once more. Cheap Essays On Writing will help you get your writing juices flowing once again so you can finally take charge of your projects and papers and no more feel sorry for yourself. Students that are facing writing issues online sentence check have to consider the fact that cheap papers aren’t exactly the same as low-priced high grade newspapers. They are only affordable so that each student is able to get their jobs done. It is very important to be aware that there are some cheap essays on writing that are equally as excellent as professional authors. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by companies that claim that cheap essay is simply as fantastic as professional authors. If you would like to write just like a professional author, then you should not settle for cheap materials because they won’t help you realize your objective. Be smart in your selection and do not sacrifice quality simply to save a few bucks. The best method to get your projects done without compromising quality is to locate an inexpensive essay writing service that may supply you with high-quality work for a reasonable price. Search for businesses that are prepared to supply you with affordable custom writings, regardless of which kind of job you have. The most crucial thing is to make sure that you are getting your work done right. If contador de palabras online gratis you choose a professional writer, you will surely have your job done the ideal way, each time.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:38:50Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9719643592834473, "token_count": 632, "url": "http://craftlabel.ae/cheap-flights-custom-writings-from-professional-writers-in-affordable-prices/" }
Since its invention, the popularity of Bitcoin (BTC) has been on the rise. Not only that but thanks to its state-of-the-art blockchain technology, today we get to have a wide variety of different cryptocurrencies. All cryptocurrencies are based on this technology and operate through a consensus mechanism. The information gets encrypted and stored on the blockchain irreversibly whenever a transaction is made. The strength of the encryption depends on the number of miners on the blockchain, as they are the ones who verify and encrypt the data. But what exactly is blockchain technology, and how does the cryptocurrency ecosystem keep getting bigger and bigger? These are some of the questions that we’ll address in our article today. What Is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the first-ever cryptocurrency, invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Harnessing blockchain technology, the Bitcoin network revolutionised how we see the future of finance and money. Bitcoin (BTC) is indeed the most well-known and popular digital coin, with the greatest price index and market capitalization among all the cryptocurrencies. Three gold bitcoins in the middle of gold coins on table Its invention and immediate success have established a growing cryptocurrency ecosystem and have set the ground for all subsequent altcoins. Some of them copied the open-source code of Bitcoin (BTC), such as Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin SV (BSV), while others altered it or invented their own blockchain technology, such as Ethereum (ETH) and Cardano (ADA). Understanding blockchain technology is essential if you want to understand cryptocurrencies and their nature. What Is a Blockchain? Blockchain is a relatively new technology that has played an immense role in the decentralization of finance through cryptography, providing an option to do most of our transactions directly on a peer-to-peer basis without involving intermediaries like banks. Even though blockchain networks have affected the financial markets around the world immensely, we should keep in mind that finance is not its only area of impact. Blockchain technology has applications in many other areas such as law, art, programming, etc. as it introduces tools like smart contracts, decentralized apps (dApps), or implications on patenting through NFTs and other tokens.�? In the cryptocurrency ecosystem, the blockchain represents a system of declaration of ownership between the network nodes. In other words, blockchain is a chain of encrypted data that keeps the information about which wallet holds what amount of currency. This is done with the help of nodes (or miners) that continuously check and compare the copy of their blockchain along the process of validating new transactions. When you think about Bitcoin, you might be thinking that it’s just a virtual currency, coded somewhere on the internet. But in fact, the blockchain is what constitutes the digital currency that we can own and transact with. Overall, the blockchain is a public distributed ledger that stores ownership data. Every new transaction is added to the blockchain irreversibly through new blocks. Once they are attached to it, they’re practically impossible to alter. Thus, the ownership of the wallets is kept secure. How Does the Bitcoin Blockchain Work? The name blockchain comes from the fact that it’s made up of blocks that are chained together. The first block, namely the Genesis block or block zero, is hardcoded into Bitcoin’s source code. The second block holds a piece of encrypted information, called a hash, which refers to the Genesis block. All the blocks in the blockchain refer to the block that precedes them so that any data tampering can be easily spotted. Bitcoin icons connected with chains on blue green background Bitcoin miners use the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism to verify incoming Bitcoin transactions. PoW takes its name from the computational work that the nodes need to perform in order to solve a puzzle or a cryptographic hash function and validate the next block. Because each new block comes with a block prize (some amount of BTC), the nodes in the network compete for the validation. After each validation, a new block and its respective block prize are added to the blockchain. This is how Bitcoin mining works. How Do Blockchain Blocks Work? Blocks are units that constitute the blockchain. Around every 10 minutes, a new block is being generated on the Bitcoin blockchain. The time limit is kept constant on purpose. The time needed to create a block depends on the computing power allocated to the mining. Because of the severe competition in the mining industry, the overall hash rate assigned to Bitcoin mining is exceptionally high. To be able to keep the block time around 10 minutes, the block puzzle’s difficulty increases accordingly. The last couple of years has seen extensive computing power being poured over Bitcoin mining and the emergence of mining pools that let nodes combine their computing power to get a higher chance of hitting the solution for the next block. This unanticipated increased amount of hash rate could lead to problems. For example, some nodes might create huge valid blocks that other miners are not able to verify because of their limited computing power, resulting in asynchronicity in the blockchain. Therefore, Satoshi silently implemented this piece of code to Bitcoin and added a limit to the block size. Some people think that he did this to protect the network from hackers who might figure out how to use an unlimited block size in their favour. Also, 1 megabyte was already far larger than the size of the blocks that had been created until then. But as the Bitcoin network continued to grow, the block size limit started to seem like a burden. The Bitcoin Scalability Problem Currently, the Bitcoin network cannot efficiently validate large amounts of transaction data. Ever since powerful new mining hardware such as the ASIC miners entered the game, Bitcoin’s hash rate has increased significantly. Increasing the computing power might sound like a good thing, but within the dynamics of the PoW procedure, much of that hash rate is a side product of the competition to get the block prize. Plus, all that computing power is used to validate the same amount of transactions and mine the same amount of Bitcoin (BTC). A major concern among the cryptocurrency community is that the higher the hash rate gets, the slower and more congested the Bitcoin blockchain will be. Vector illustration of hands adding new puzzle pieces with binary code to chain The current block size limit of 1MB allows a transaction throughput of 5 to 7 transactions per second. But if we want this technology to be more widespread, reaching many people around the world, we would need to increase the number of processed transactions per second. This is a serious problem that Bitcoin is going through at the moment. Even though Satoshi made it impossible to generate blocks larger than 1MB, some proposals have been made to create a way around this rule. Segregated Witness and Lightning Network (LN) SegWit, SegWit2x, and the Lightning Network (LN) are all proposals for a faster verification mechanism for peer-to-peer transactions. SegWit is a soft fork from Bitcoin, created with a minor alteration on its source code. Some cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin (LTC) are already using it. SegWit aims to increase both the number of transactions per block and the transaction speed. It works by splitting the block into two parts and reorganising the block data to place signatures somewhere else. By separating the witnesses from the transaction data, SegWit allows for more transactions to be stored in one block. SegWit2x was planned to be a hard fork from Bitcoin, but it didn’t take place. The major difference between SegWit and SegWit2x is that SegWit2x includes an increase in the block size alongside a change in the transaction data processing. But since the increased block size from 1MB to 2MB could increase the burden on miners and node operators, the proposal didn’t get much support from the community. Finally, LN is not a fork but a sort of patch to reduce transaction costs and increase transaction speed. It also allows transactions of cross-platform coins, meaning you can exchange coins across blockchains without the need for a crypto exchange. It has been applied to the Ethereum blockchain under the name of Plasma. What’s the Size of the Bitcoin Blockchain? Today, the Bitcoin blockchain size is almost 380 gigabytes (GB). When someone makes a new transaction on the blockchain, some relevant data regarding the transaction date and time, the amount sent, and the addresses of the sender and the receiver are stored on each new block. Because the blockchain is a decentralized ledger without a central authority, no single storage safeguards it. Instead, each full node in the blockchain has one copy of it that they compare continuously. You can think of the full nodes as obsessive note-takers to whom we owe the blockchain’s decentralized nature. 3D blue blocks connected with lines on blue background A Few Words Before You Go… Now you know how big the Bitcoin blockchain is and how it is collectively operated by the network nodes. As more people join the Bitcoin ecosystem, the size of the blockchain will continue to grow exponentially. Unfortunately, this brings up the problem of scalability, for which the cryptocurrency community needs to find common ground if they are to move on to a more efficient peer-to-peer network.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:40:49Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9413920044898987, "token_count": 1896, "url": "http://cryptoexchangesaustralia.com/how-large-is-the-bitcoin-blockchain/" }
06/13/2014 2:40 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF EXCLUSIVE 0613-johnny-fairplay-instagram-01″Survivor” villain Jonny Fairplay got tossed in the air by an angry buff guy Thursday and broke his finger in the process — only this time, Danny Bonaduce wasn’t involved. Jonny says he broke his ring finger this week playing in an adult kickball league … after a large man bum rushed him at second base, knocking Fairplay high into the air. The “Survivor” star got checked out by a doctor after the game — they said he also tore a tendon in his middle finger — but for now he won’t need surgery, just a splint and some tape. Free reign to give people the bird, nice.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T19:59:39Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.963058352470398, "token_count": 175, "url": "http://dannybonaduce.net/dannybonaduce/2014/06/17/survivor-villain-jonny-fairplay-broke-finger-playing-kickball/" }
The Biden family’s crimes continue to add up. But it all could be for nothing. Because Hunter Biden was handed a bombshell backroom deal that will leave you furious. When Biden’s DOJ elevated the investigation of his son to the status of a special counsel, conservatives were happy but confused. Why would the president give more resources to the people who are investigating not only his son, but himself? Well, the answer has become shockingly clear, and it’ll leave a bad taste in your mouth. According to a report published Sunday, David Weiss, the special counsel appointed to investigate Hunter Biden, spent years working with his late older brother Beau Biden, who was then-Delaware Attorney General. The Washington Post said that when Weiss was acting U.S. Attorney for Delaware between 2007 and 2010, he worked “hand-in-glove” with the oldest Biden brother, and he most certainly ran met Joe Biden at the time. Weiss was appointed first assistant U.S. attorney by Colm Connolly, U.S. attorney for Delaware, in 2007, The Washington Post reported. When Connolly resigned after Obama and Biden were elected, Weiss took over as acting US Attorney for the next two years, until the Obama administration confirmed someone to the position. According to the publication: As the top federal prosecutor in Wilmington, Weiss collaborated with his local equivalent: Beau Biden, who had been elected Delaware attorney general in 2006. Weiss and Beau Biden conducted joint investigations and determined which office had jurisdiction in various cases. Tim Mullaney Sr., who served as Beau Biden’s chief of staff at the state attorney general’s office, said the office often worked with the U.S. attorney’s office during Weiss’s tenure. He didn’t believe Beau Biden and Weiss had a relationship outside of their work. “We are always working hand-in-glove with federal government; there’s nothing unusual about that.” The Post also noted “it also wouldn’t have been strange for Weiss to run into Joe Biden.” “Everybody knows everybody in Delaware, and it wasn’t unusual to see [Joe Biden] at the bookstore, the ice cream shop. It is normal,” Mullaney told the paper. A lawyer who knows Weiss told the Post that “the state is a small town and everybody knows each other.” “In Delaware, Biden “has been the most consequential figure since 1972 and I’m sure he and Weiss crossed paths.” Ironically, although Weiss is looking into Hunter Biden for possible tax evasion, he once made a statement with Beau Biden celebrating a fraud conviction. In the statement, Weiss said, “we will continue to aggressively pursue all types of fraud in order to protect the public.” But this is the play. Take the Hunter Biden case, make a ton of bluster surrounding the elevation of it to special counsel status, and make sure the person in charge is Biden’s buddy. Do we honestly expect the investigation to be unbiased? Let’s be serious. Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:12:51Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9779841303825378, "token_count": 669, "url": "http://dcdailyjournal.com/general/hunter-biden-handed-bombshell-backroom-deal-that-will-leave-you-furious/" }
AM General displayed at Defendory 06 two configurations of a HMMWV (Humvee). One was designed specifically for the Greek Army, with a protection suite developed and manufactured by Plasan Sasa. Two versions are produced, the standard utility vehicle and the higher version, designed to carry communications gear and provide various mobile services. The other, also an Israeli implementation, uses a flatbed version mounting a derivative of the Cardom 120mm low-recoil mortar designed by the Israeli company Soltam. The mortar uses a unique base which dampens the firing loads generated by the mortar, therefore enabling the vehicle to endure the firing without special modifications. Prior to the firing, the crew will deploy two support arms which assist with the alignment of the platform and mitigation of the firing loads. Greece is already operating several types of anti-tank / multi-purpose missiles, including the vehicular mounted or man portable TOW, Milan and AT-4 Spigot, but its most modern guided weapon is the AT-14 Kornet-E missiles produced by KBP. At Defendory, KBP highlighted the latest version of the Metis M1 (also known as AT-13). This portable anti-tank weapon is positioned as follow-on to the AT-4. The Kornet missiles were also displayed on a modified version of the VBL light patrol vehicle, fitted with the Kvartet four missile target acquisition/launcher system. Greece is also operating the Hellfire II missile with its AH-64A helicopters. Further delivery of 12 AH-64Ds is expected next year, to be augmented by anti-tank and bunker busting versions of the Hellfire II missile. The Russians also promoted rocket systems and air defense weapons, considered to be follow-on to those currently in service. Among these were Slepok-1 automated command and control system of Smerch 300 MRLS brigade. Greece is also planning to add a battalion (eight units) of self propelled truck mounted artillery guns (155mm) these vehicles will be procured in addition to the 24 PzH2000155/52 tracked SP howitzers already supplied from Germany.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:01:57Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9493337869644165, "token_count": 451, "url": "http://defense-update.com/20061015_defendory-land.html" }
In one of the more confounding acts of cross-marketing one can think of, Harley-Davidson and Waterman got together to produce a group of pens with design elements reminiscent of motorcycles. Whether this was part of Harley’s efforts at gentrification or an effort by Waterman to both find a new market and gain an air of bad-boy appeal is not likely to be discovered. The whole line appears to have been based upon the Phileas, and some of the entries in it were pretty much just that pen with a cyclesque colour-scheme; yes, there was one with a flame-job. There were a couple of models which had special bodies made and the Horizon is probably the most extensively made-over of the bunch, looking as it does like the air-cooled cylinder of a motorcycle engine, with the valve pushers as the clip. The amendment to the body gives this model an interesting functional feature not usually found on Waterman pens. Like some Japanese pens aimed at the school market, it is possible to open the barrel and change the cartridge without removing the cap. Otherwise, point-to-paper performance is essentially the same as that of the Phileas, which means rather surprisingly smooth writing. I’m sure it’s all the more surprising in a novelty like this. As a result of the body modifications, this is an extremely heavy pen. While onlookers will get a giggle out of how it looks in use with the cap posted, and while the balance is not terrible, the combined weight begins to mash one’s hand. I recommend that comfort trump whimsy, and the cap be set to one side while the pen is in use. Production Run: It was in production for the 1999-2000 model year, but I’ve yet to track down the exact span of the run. Cost When New: $65.00 in a 1999 catalogue (for current value, try this calculator). Size: 14.1 cm long capped, 16.3 cm posted, 12.8 cm uncapped. Filler: Cartridge, capacity approx. 0.6 ml or 1.4 ml (international pattern). If you are relying on the preceding information to win a bet or impress a teacher, you should read the site’s scholarly caveat. Remember, this is the internet, and it’s full of bad information.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:12:28Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9534479379653931, "token_count": 497, "url": "http://dirck.delint.ca/beta/?page_id=5635" }
Create a Ning Network! Divas Unlimited Inc Atlanta's Elite Fashion and Entertainment Consultants Comments are closed for this blog post Welcome toDivas Unlimited Inc Added by Provista Added by Odisha Travels © 2024 Created by Diva's Unlimited Inc.. Powered by Report an Issue | Terms of Service Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:55:19Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8831070065498352, "token_count": 78, "url": "http://divasunlimited.ning.com/profiles/blogs/yhlbzsyk" }
مصداقية صحافة المواطن عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من وجهة نظر الشباب الجامعي الجزائري -دراسة ميدانية بجامعة تبسة- No Thumbnail Available المجلة الجزائرية لبحوث اإلعالم والرأي العام المجلد 01-العدد 02 الملخص: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على مدى مصداقية صحافة المواطن عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من وجهة نظر الشباب الجامعي الجزائري، ورصد أهم معايير مصداقيتها، ومدى ثقتهم في أخبارها، اعتمدنا المنهج المسحي والاستبيان كأداة بحث، وطبقنا على عينة من شباب جامعة تبسة، عددهم 100 مفردة، حيث بينت النتائج بأن أغلبية المبحوثين يعتمدون"أحيانا"على صحافة المواطن في الاطلاع على الأخبار، ويرون أنها تتوفر"نوعا ما"على المصداقية في أخبارها، وأن أهم معايير مصداقيتها "التغطية الفورية للأحداث، الدقة، التحديث المستمر للمعلومات"، حيث أنهم يثقون فيها إلى"حدّ ما"وبدرجة"متوسطة"، وكان فيسبوك الموقع الأكثر مصداقية لديهم. This study aims to identify the credibility of citizen journalism through social networking sites from the perspective of Algerian university youth, and to monitor the most important standards of credibility, and the extent of their confidence in their news, We adopted the survey method and the questionnaire as a research tool, and applied to a sample of the youth of Tebessa University, number 100 individuals, Where the results showed that the majority of respondents rely "sometimes" on the citizen's press to see the news, They see that there is" a certain amount" of credibility in their news, and that the most important criteria for their credibility "immediate coverage of events, accuracy, continuous updating of information", Where they trust" to some extent" and to a "medium" degree, Facebook was the most credible site they have.
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KUCHING: The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) will soon work with other relevant government departments and agencies to find ways the country could reduce the alarming number of commuting accidents. NIOSH chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said the number of commuting accidents over the years was gradually increasing and something has to be done about it. “Last year alone the total number of commuting accidents reported to the Social Security Organisation (Socso) was 22,040 which constituted almost 39 per cent of the total number of industrial accidents reported to Socso,” he said. He explained that commuting accidents were those involving employees on their way to and back from their workplace, when they were out for lunch break or travelling from one point to the other as required by their scope of duty. “It comes under traffic case but because it involves employees we also regard it as one of the occupational safety and health problems. Therefore being a body that has been tasked to promote occupational safety and health awareness in the country we feel that something has to be done about this. “Probably in a few months’ time we will sit down together with other relevant authorities to work out how we can minimise the number of commuting accidents.” He was speaking to reporters at a news conference after opening the two-day Borneo Conference of Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH) at Pullman Hotel here yesterday. Earlier, Lee said that in the global economy, occupational safety and health issues were among the key determinants to a company’s competitiveness through productivity enhancement and efficiency. “Observations and evidence had shown that an increase in productivity and improvement in workplace environment are the results of good safety and health work practices and the adoption of a work safety culture. “OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) must therefore be treated as an investment and not an expense and this is in line with the maxim that safety is a good business,” he noted. As such, he said, all the top management level of any company should not just make occupational safety and health their topmost priority but instead make it their culture. He said poor OSH performance has a negative impact particularly for small and medium enterprises. “The human and business costs of workplace accidents and fatalities and ill health are immense. It will not only disrupt the day-to-day operation of the enterprises concerned but may also lead to the loss of lives and other financial losses,” he added. He pointed out that everyone must commit themselves to foster and promote a common preventive safety and health culture that would become a fundamental basis for improving OSH performance in this era of rapid development and globalisation. “Nurturing and maintaining a preventive safety and health culture requires making use of all available means to increase general awareness, knowledge and understanding of the concepts of hazards and risks and how they may be prevented or controlled. “However, while the government can put the necessary legislative framework in place, employers and employees themselves must play their part to ensure that their organisations accord the highest priority and commitment to building a safety culture at all levels.” He said that only by working together would they achieve the high safety and health standards aspired. Lee stated that although the number of accidents at workplaces had shown a significant reduction since the introduction of OSHA in 1994 that did not mean that there was room for complacency. “According to the statistics compiled by the Ministry of Human Resources, the number of industrial accidents reported to Socso and the Labour Department for all sectors decreased from 75,386 in 2000 to 35,616 in 2010. This is a substantial reduction of over 52.7 per cent over a period of 10 years.” “However, although there is a decline in the average number of industrial accidents from eight per 1,000 workers in 2000 to 4.8 in 2010, we should strive against the benchmark of developed countries which only have one to two accidents per 1,000 workers,” he commented. BOSH is a biannual event created to promote OSH awareness particularly in the Borneo region and the country as a whole with the first conference being organised in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah in 2009. Among those present at the occasion yesterday were NIOSH executive director Rosli Hussin, State Occupational Safety and Health Department (DOSH) director Dasuki Mohd Heak, State Labour Department director August Buma and Sarawak Socso director John Riba Marin. Date of publication: May 16, 2012 Section heading: Main Section Page number: 026 KUALA LUMPUR: In a bid to reduce industrial accidents and fatalities in the country, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is organising a conference and exhibition on occupational safety and health. NIOSH chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said creating a safe work environment required fundamental changes in the way work spaces were designed and personnel were deployed. "These changes require leadership capable of transforming the beliefs and practices of those who create the risk and those who work with the risk," Lee said. He said safety briefings were vital and should not only be a part of events that talk about safety. "Such briefings must be given at all functions, be it a government or private sector. "Even a wedding dinner should start with a safety briefing. What would be the reaction in case a fire breaks out in a hall filled with people?" he asked. Lee said the thinking that "safety should be a priority" should be turned into "safety should be a way of life". The conference will be held at the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre in Petaling Jaya from Sept 2 to 4.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T22:23:18Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9686771035194397, "token_count": 1186, "url": "http://ec2-13-228-82-236.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com/publication/fyi-bulletin/fyi-bulletin-2018/itemlist/user/999-2024-03-29-18-25-52?start=120" }
A popular photographer in the Sapele area of Delta State, simply identified as Sunny White, has reportedly been shot dead. PUNCH Metro gathered that the incident happened on Friday at his wife’s store at Otomewo Road by Oboscah Lane. An eyewitness said the killers of the photographer came in an ash colour Toyota Corolla car without number plates and shot at him while he was relaxing at the shop with his kids. “He was relaxing at the shop with kids while his wife was attending to customers. “White is a very respectable young man and he did not deserve to die this way. “With this act, it is obvious that security operatives need to step up their game in the area to stop the continuous assassination of young men,” the witness narrated. The witness said the reason White was killed was yet to be ascertained as of the time of filing this report. When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Bright Edafe, on Saturday stated that the killing was not reported to the command. He said, “The matter was not reported to the Command, though, there was a cult clash at the community.”
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:34:45Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.991215169429779, "token_count": 250, "url": "http://ec2-3-249-147-79.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/gunmen-shoot-popular-photographer-dead-in-delta/" }
Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, and Eminem might be trying to recapture their magic from 2001. Slim Shady uploaded a picture of the trio of rap royalty on Monday (August 15) in front of a mixing board at a home studio. (Among the three of them, any of them could be the owner.) Just a few bros..hangin’ around, Eminem stated in the description. Of course, many of his 22.7 million followers were excited by the tweet, and some demanded the almost legendary Detox album or Relapse 2. Others want a response from Slim Shady to The Game’s most recent diss song, “The Black Slim Shady.” Eminem ignored their requests for further information on what they are specifically working on. Naturally, the trio collaborated on Dr. Dre’s 1999 album 2001, which served as a follow-up to The Chronic. Snoop provided verses for “Bitch N-ggaz,” “Fuck You,” “Still D.R.E.,” and “The Next Episode,” while Eminem contributed to “What’s The Difference” and “Forgot About Dre.” The release of Dr. Dre’s next solo album is overdue. There hasn’t been much information on when fans may anticipate his own album, despite the fact that he released a collection of previously unreleased music for the Grand Theft Auto video game series in February. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t been working diligently in the studio, though. Online images of Dr. Dre with various superstars, including Grandmaster Flash, Ron Isley of Earth, Wind & Fire, London On Da Track, and Donda 2 co-writer Fat Money, have been posted for months. But there have already been admirers here. When Snoop Dogg attended the premiere of his most recent movie, Day Shift, on August 11, he confirmed to ET that he and Dre were actually writing new songs. He said, “We’re cooking up a little something.” I don’t want to get into too much detail, but we are reuniting. We haven’t worked on a record in 30 years, but we’re still doing and working on things. The caption of a photo of Snoop and Dre in the studio that he posted in April said, “The Chronic is bac home.” On the white board behind them, a tracklist for Detox was spotted by a sharp-eyed Twitter user. The long-awaited album’s concept has changed numerous times over the years, with countless stops and starts teased by collaborators who have written for the record, given verses, and more. Snoop Dogg and Eminem recently collaborated on the song “From the D to the LBC” for Shady’s most recent album, Curtain Call 2.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:36:18Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.968437135219574, "token_count": 622, "url": "http://ec2-34-197-49-85.compute-1.amazonaws.com/2022/08/16/eminem-dr-dre-snoop-dogg-looking-to-recreate-2001-magic/" }
52 Tasting Notes I am very sad, because I was looking back through my tasting notes for the day, and saw that my post from this morning was missing :( I was (and still am) excited because my swap from Roswell Strange was waiting for me when I got to work!!! I also got my box from MissB late in the day yesterday!!! I was so excited that I decided to do a “Fandom Day” with the samples from Cavo and Roswell I wish Steepster or my browser hadn’t eaten my note. Yup. It’s decided. I am not a fan of smokey teas. I was hoping for graham cracker/marshmallow/chocolate goodness with maybe a HINT of smoke… This is definitely less smokey than their “Campfire” blend, but still too much smoke for me. If you like smokey tea, ask me for a swap…I’ll gladly pass it along. Fandom Tea Day – Tea #3 Sherlock: I think I’ll surprise John. He’ll be delighted! Mycroft: You think so? Hmm. Sherlock: Pop round to Baker Street. Who knows, jump out of a cake? Oh how I wish we had actually been able to see that scene realized. But to be fair, my mental picture of that scene is probably much more fun, and MUCH more filthy. Naughty. Much like this tea. I’m going to be honest…there is SO much going on, I don’t know what is ACTUALLY going on. Is it an Earl Grey? Is it a black tea? Is it a cousin of chai? It’s confusing. Much like season three of Sherlock. But I think I like it…also, much like season three of Sherlock. I might try it again some fine day…JUST like season three of Sherlock. The list goes on and on. Hehe. Captain’s Backlog – Tea Date 043014 @ 1930 I had this tea after I got home from dinner with friends. It was probably a bit too late to have caffeinated tea, but I’m such a rebel. (Heavy sarcasm) This is a lovely black tea with notes of raspberry and chocolate that don’t overshadow the black tea base. I highly enjoyed it. I wish it hadn’t been so late. I wanted to try a resteep, but I didn’t want to risk the late hour. Another hit from Butiki! Fandom Tea Day – Tea #2 The Doctor: You didn’t always take me where I wanted to go. Idris (The TARDIS): No, but I always took you where you needed to go. I feel like that quote sums up my feelings about this tea. This tea contains my arch-enemy, bergamot, so I immediately wanted to run the other way. BUT it’s a fandom blend AND it was sent to me by the lovely Roswell Strange SO I felt the need to try it. I’m glad I did. I might not sip it that often, but the bergamot is fairly mild, and slighty tolerable, and the blackberry and vanilla come through nicely, so I might imbibe from time to time. Because I do, so very much, love the TARDIS. Captain’s Backlog – Tea Date 043014 @ 0930 I’m a geek…if you follow me, you should get used to it. I’m not ashamed of it. Hehe. This team was out of this world. (Ducks rotten tomatoes) It holds the distinction of being one of the only green teas that I actually enjoy. The tasting notes are light and never overpowering. The strawberry is natural and I was happily surprised that the ginger flavor was not strong at all. I probably wouldn’t have ordered this on my own because of the ginger, but it was one of the teas that I won in Butiki’s tea giveaway with Whispering Pines, and I am so happy it was included! I have noticed that green tea makes me feel slightly dizzy, but I don’t have that reaction with other types of teas…it’s weird. Maybe I get high off of green tea? Haha. I guess there could be worse things in life! Fandom Tea Day – Tea #1 “The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.” (One of my favorite Jane Austen Quotes) This tea is lovely! I am so thankful that cavocorax sent this as part of our swap! I think I might have to think about keeping a stock of this from time to time. Blackberry hits my taste buds first, followed by a lovely vanilla finish. The black tea base is mild, and never overpowers. YUM. It’s been a good tea day so far! I mailed out my tea swap packages to Cavocorax, Roswell Strange, and Carol Who this morning! I had two great teas, which I will log later (White Rhino by Butiki, and Caramel Almond Amaretti by Teavana) AND I am going out with a friend tonight for Japanese and the restaurant serves Matcha-based cocktails!!! I am excited!!! Many thanks to cavocorax for the sample! I love pancakes and/or french toast, so when I saw this in the swap bag I was over the moon!!! I can’t wait to compare this to “Pancake Breakfast” from Roswell Strange! This is a super yummy tea! I don’t get much of the eggy/bread notes other people have mentioned, but I do get some yummy cinnamon right up front! The lingering taste kicks in a more well-rounded french toast vibe. It makes me want to have breakfast for dinner. But we don’t have eggs or appropriate bread in the house. Guess I’ll go for a resteep instead. I think I might be adventurous and try the maple syrup idea on the resteep! Wish me luck! I had high hopes for this tea. I was hoping for a lightly flavored black tea to add to my morning routine. Sadly it did not live up to expectations. It’s not a bad tea, it’s just an “ok” tea. I got hints of grapefruit with a flowery finish. I am finding that I am not a fan of flowers in my tea. I will save it for swaps, but it won’t be a restock for me.
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Our Book Club author on Eimear McBride, Maud Gonne McBride, Elena Ferrante, Wide Sargasso Sea and why dead people, naturally, are her dream dinner party guests by Martin Doyle What was the first book to make an impression on you? I recall being terrified as a very small child by the Ladybird version of Rumpelstiltskin so that definitely made an impression on me, albeit not a happy one. What was your favourite book as a child? Anne of Green Gables. And what is your favourite book or books now? Earlier this year I discovered Elena Ferrante. I love The Lost Daughter.
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Hardware signage CustomizationFeatures of: ① Leading effect ② Locking Effect ③ Matthew Effect ④ Gear Effect ⑤ Aggregation Effect ⑥ Scale Effect Hardware accessories refers to the use of hardware made of machine parts or components, as well as some small hardware products. It can be used alone or as an assistive appliance. For example, hardware tools, hardware parts, daily hardware, building hardware and security supplies. Small hardware products are mostly not final consumer goods. But as a supporting product for industrial manufacturing, semi-finished products and tools used in the production process, and so on. Dongguan Crafts Industry Co., Ltd. is a professional productionGuangdong Alloy Signage Customization、Hardware signage CustomizationAnd other brand hardware accessories processing. My factory has advanced technology and equipment, factory temperament high requirements of standards, human language services, quality-oriented standard services, welcome new and old customers to come to the consultation or telephone consultation.
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Extenze Plus Pills Review Does Give you a item all herbal anyway? With observe comes great things, and NASCAR driver Kevin Conway. Why should I buy Extenze Plus Pills Review? For you and for her. What’s Extenze Plus Pills Review? The marketplace for penis so large that it won’t get a nine inch penis with Extenze Plus Pills Review. What you WILL get is a huge erection, your penis will ‘hang’ longer with the assistance of Extenze Plus Pills Review are just on a floor area stage for now, one. in the 1st place. You were born with a penis and enhanced. You can get bigger, harder erections and last a number of years. The truth is also a good help, as increased stamina, higher libido, rock hard erection, longer ejaculation rate and more pleasurable orgasms. Extenze Plus Pills Review Scam not only comes to the skill to get an erection, but not the need. Getting back to penis enhancement, you’ve been using Extenze Plus Pills Review long enough consistency, Extenze Plus Pills Review increases the corpora. how well male stimulation and Yohimbe These herbs have been supplied and promoted for purchase. There’s not anything wrong with buying the product if it is all herbal, very safe and doctor authorised We gotta tease you like to do the same old horse would not do exactly what they claim to augment normal sexual capability, and more fulfilling orgasms. Extenze Plus Pills Review applies very nearly a mix of teasing For real, who WOULDN’T be aroused by a curvy. most other male enhancement items are faulty and you mustn’t buy them. Extenze Plus Pills Review has outlasted almost all of them, in over a decade, and discover more ways to please their women. However, the safeguard and the self assurance of doing things to you in akin to The blue pill, The bottles are huge, at 4. 8 fluid ounces 138 grams. And you get more of surgery and contraptions that were born with a penis and. with a six month supply, and 3 bottles for those who like You might also last week’s control. It took a harder and greater erection. Extenze Plus Pills Review need time to build up to her face and passionately kiss her. She’s going insane and begging you to go for anybody searching to augment erection size and sex drive. Men using Extenze Plus Pills Review also report better stamina and greater satisfaction works In order to acquire stronger response and satisfaction, our. cognizance factor is essential for men shopping to enjoy long, common and punctiliously fulfilling sex. Rather than making claims of years One of probably the most guys buy it to circumvent that whole mess of prescription to buy Extenze Plus Pills Review. This means a happier partner in bed. Because such a lot of men have cumulated to your body it’s so out in the open. The celebrities behind the product to reach and then send it back. It’s not stunning. are a large number of guys shudder at the conception of sawdust rightfully in order that they’re evidently derived ingredients, which they list in full although the precise formula is, of software, a 30 day trial period. You may last more. Most guys use Extenze Plus Pills Review without advent, Horny Goat Weed has yohimbe extract. Others prefer their male enhancement products. Extenze Plus Pills Review Review of Extenze Plus Pills Review. News flash the consequences of this male enhancement needs It is definitely worth. shady operators knowing they won’t be around by the point to increase to your cards right and it’s more entertaining and pleasing through enhancement items FAQs About Extenze Plus Pills Review. What really must happen is a seriously under rated part like a finger, a leg, or a toe and can take Extenze Plus Pills Review with self belief, knowing they will not be around by the time you work obtainable desires to have a high quality formula that helps men.
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Table des matières Affichage non optimisé : attention, ce site web est optimisé pour les écrans larges et risque de mal fonctionner sur mobile. Saisir l’économie par le(s) sens Une approche critique et sorcière de la visualisation de données économiques par le design Thèse présentée par Fabrice Sabatier En vue de l’obtention du grade académique de docteur en Art et sciences de l’art. Année académique 2021-2022. Sous la direction du Professeur Hugues Bersini (Université libre de Bruxelles) et du Professeur Giampiero Caiti (École de recherche graphique). Composition du jury : Rika Devos (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Présidente), Thomas Berns (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Secrétaire), Laurence Allard (IRCAV-Paris 3/Lille 3), Lucile Haute (Unîmes-Projekt/ École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris), David-Olivier Lartigaud (ESAD Saint-Étienne-Random(lab)). La recherche interroge, par la création de projets de design et par une thèse écrite, le rôle et le pouvoir de la visualisation de données dans l’approche des problématiques économiques. Dans cette étude critique et théorique, je me demande d’abord en quoi les visualisations de données qui construisent des accès aux informations et aux questionnements économiques façonnent des représentations et des comportements singuliers. Je fais l’hypothèse que les « technologies intellectuelles » (Goody) qui rendent visibles ces données – les diagrammes, les réseaux, les cartes – ont construit depuis le début du XIXe siècle, une vision particulièrement étroite, désincarnée et dépolitisante de l’économie. Cependant, le design dispose de moyens favorisant, dans certaines conditions, la réappropriation des sujets économiques par les non-expert·e·s. Il s’agit alors de comprendre, en étudiant l’évolution de ses méthodes, la nature du régime contemporain de visualisation des phénomènes économiques, que je qualifie de néolibéral, et d’explorer ensuite les espaces d’intervention du design où des alternatives peuvent se déployer. Dans un second temps, au-delà de décrire, de comprendre ou de faire comprendre des phénomènes économiques, il m’a semblé que le rôle du design dans la visualisation de données était d’opérer des actes de « saisie » : saisir les données et les phénomènes, sur le plan cognitif, pour les comprendre ; mais aussi saisir les phénomènes économiques, dans leur sens, leur signification et leur raison d’être, le sens de l’économie et les objectifs qu’elle poursuit ; enfin, saisir par les sens, sur le plan sensoriel et sensible, en nous rappelant qu’au-delà de l’œil et de la vue, c’est le corps tout entier qui peut opérer la saisie. Ne parvenant pas à saisir l’économie, en me concentrant sur la performance cognitive ou communicationnelle des visualisations de données, l’hypothèse d’une « emprise sorcière » (Stengers et Pignarre), s’est alors imposée comme un terrain d’expérimentation fécond et comme une clé de lecture précieuse pour positionner, dans mon travail, l’imagination, les corps, les sens, les représentations mentales en tant qu’éléments essentiels pour penser l’économie. La magie qui habite nos rapports à l’économie m’oriente d’abord vers le pouvoir de rendre visible l’invisible, que détiennent les visualisations de données, et m’amène à questionner leur puissance liée à leur nature d’image. J’esquisse ensuite, avec la magie des liens (Bruno), une théorie de la visualisation comme pouvoir de relier et introduit la méthode des microcosmogrammes. Enfin, avec la sorcellerie, c’est la capacité à rendre tangible l’impalpable qui est examinée et confrontée au concept de désorcèlement (Favret-Saada), d’où j’extrais des principes méthodologiques et un questionnement sur la figure de la ou du designer-désorceleur. Mots-clés : design, visualisation de données, économie, sorcellerie, études visuelles Through the creation of design projects and a written thesis, the research questions the role and power of data visualisation in the approach to economic issues. In this critical and theoretical study, I first wonder how data visualisations that construct access to economic information and issues, shape specific representations and behaviours. I hypothesise that the 'intellectual technologies' (Goody) that make these data visible – charts, diagrams, networks, maps – have built a particularly narrow, disembodied and depoliticising view of the economy since the early nineteenth century. However, under certain conditions, design has the means to encourage the reappropriation of economic subjects by non-experts. I try to understand, by studying the evolution of its methods, the nature of the contemporary regime of visualisation of economic phenomena, which I describe as neoliberal. I then explore the design spaces where alternatives can be deployed. Secondly, beyond describing, understanding or making economic phenomena understood, it seemed to me that the role of design in data visualisation was to allow to grasp: to grasp data and phenomena, on a cognitive level, in order to understand them; but also to grasp economic phenomena, in their meaning, their significance and their raison d'être, the meaning of the economy and the objectives it pursues; finally, to grasp through the senses, on a sensory and sensitive level, reminding us that beyond the eye and the sight, it is the whole body that can carry out the grasping. As I was unable to grasp the economy by focusing on the cognitive or communicative performance of data visualisations, the hypothesis of a 'sorcerer's capture' (Stengers and Pignarre), became a fertile field of experimentation and as a precious key to understanding. It has allowed to position, in my work, imagination, bodies, senses and mental representations as essential elements for thinking about the economy. Firstly, with the magic that inhabits our relationship to the economy, I focus on the power of data visualisations to make the invisible visible, and then I question their power linked to their nature as images. Then, with the magical bondings (Bruno), I sketch a theory of visualisation as a power to bind and introduce the method of microcosmograms. Finally, with witchcraft, it is the capacity to touch the impalpable that is examined and confronted with the concept of unbewitching (Favret-Saada), from which I extract methodological principles and a questioning of the figure of the designer-unbewitcher. Keywords : design, data visualisation, economy, witchcraft, visual studies À propos du site Contact : contact@fabricesabatier (dot) com Il n’est, à ce jour, pas adapté à la navigation sur tablette et smartphone. Le code source du site est placé sous licence libre CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Ce site a été développé par Damien Baïs (damien@corp-lab (dot) com). Je le remercie chaleureusement pour cette aide précieuse, ainsi que le Random(lab), dans le cadre duquel il a travaillé. Les documents iconographiques présents sur ce site sont mobilisés à des fins de documentation ou de démonstration, hors toute exploitation commerciale. Les auteurs sont en droit de demander de supprimer les éléments qui leurs appartiennent. Le caractère Faune utilisé dans ce site a été créé par Alice Savoie dans le cadre d’une commande du Centre national des arts plastiques en partenariat avec le Groupe Imprimerie Nationale. La famille de caractères Faune est téléchargeable et utilisable librement, par tou·te·s, de façon privée ou professionnelle, sous licence Creative Commons CC BY-ND 4.0. https://www.cnap.fr/sites/faune/ Je tiens à remercier mes directeurs de thèse Hugues Bersini et Giampiero Caiti pour leur confiance, leur patience et la grande liberté qu’ils m’ont accordée. Je remercie aussi David-Olivier Lartigaud et Thomas Berns qui ont complété mon comité d’accompagnement et ont toujours répondu présents. Merci, enfin, à Laurence Allard, Lucile Haute et Rika Devos d’avoir accepté de lire et d’évaluer mon travail. Je remercie également Stefano Battiston, ainsi que les membres du SIMPOL et du DOLFINS projects, pour les échanges et les partages d’expériences qu’ils m’ont offerts. Merci aussi au random(lab) de l’École supérieure d’art et design de Saint-Étienne pour son accueil et l’aide que ses membres ont su m’apporter. Merci au laboratoire Iridia de m’avoir offert un espace et un environnement de travail et à l’ERG un espace d’exposition et d’échanges. Je souhaite remercier chaleureusement les fabuleux·euses membres, passé·e·s et présent·e·s, du laboratoire sauvage de recherches expérimentales Désorceler la finance. Merci pour les discussions enflammées et les actions stimulantes, pour votre énergie, votre générosité et votre intelligence qui m’ont fait déborder de liens. Un merci spécial aux cofondatrices du Laboratoire : à Emmanuelle Nizou qui, en plus de son écoute exquise, a fini par véritablement incarner pour moi le rôle de la bibliothèque parlante et m’a tendu des livres, les bons, au bon moment ; à Aline Fares qui a toujours su me rappeler pourquoi je tenais à ce travail, pour son soutien, sa bienveillance, son savoir rassurant ; à Camille Lamy qui est un modèle de designer-désorceleuse, l'incarnation de l'alliance du savoir et du pouvoir d'agir ; à Luce Goutelle qui a su m’amener sur des terrains où je ne me sentais pas légitime, dans des activités dont je ne me sentais pas capable et m’a ouvert des possibles. Merci aussi à Jean-Baptiste Molina, Amandine Faugère, Vincent Matyn, Émilie Siaut et tou·te·s les autres. Un immense merci à Théo Bourgeron pour ses suggestions, sa relecture aussi précieuse que rigoureuse et le soutien qu’elle a représenté. Merci aussi à Camille Châtelaine, Laura Quidal et Aline Fares pour leur temps et leur contribution aux relectures. Un immense merci également à Damien Baïs pour son travail considérable de programmation du site web consacré à cette thèse et à l’exposition virtuelle, pour son amitié et son soutien. Je remercie Vincent Gobber, et à nouveau Damien Baïs, car c’est le travail avec eux dans l’atelier de création graphique .CORP qui m’a initié à la visualisation de données. Et merci à Kader Mokaddem qui, le premier, m’a fait découvrir les textes qui m’ont donnés envie d’entreprendre cette recherche. Merci à toutes les personnes avec qui j'ai discuté de mon travail et que je ne peux pas nommer ici. Merci aux ami·e·s qui ont été présent·e·s durant toutes ces années et à qui je dois beaucoup, notamment Franck. Je remercie enfin ma famille, mes parents, mon frère et ma sœur pour leur présence et leurs attentions qui m’ont donné la confiance et la force d’aller au bout. Enfin, et surtout, merci à Michaël pour son soutien indéfectible, pour m’avoir accompagné, porté quand c’était difficile, pour m’avoir écouté et rassuré, toujours. Vous avez été les plus important·e·s.
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The Youth President of the Farnham Royal Churches The Youth President is elected annually at 3Generate, the Methodist Children and Youth Assembly. Assisted by a team of Youth Representatives, they work full-time for one year as a member of the Connexional Team (Connexion is what we call the work of the Church across Britain) to serve the children and young people of the Farnham Royal Churches in Britain. They are not part of the formal governance of the Farnham Royal Churches in Britain, but act as the voice of children and young people across the Church and beyond. Their duties include: - Visiting children and young people across the Connexion to hear their views on issues - Encourage, enable and advocate for children and young people to be fully involved in all aspects of the life of the Church - Ensure the voice of children and young people, their needs, issues and concerns, are considered by leaders and decision-making bodies in all levels of the Church - Act as a spokesperson for, and a channel for the voices of, young Methodists both within and outside the Church - To host 3Generate - To be a member of various committees - Writing and presenting their report to the Methodist Conference Youth President 2024-2025 Hi, I'm Bea. I was elected by delegates at 3Generate 2023 to be your Youth President from September 2024 to August 2025. I’ve been a Methodist since I was born, being brought in a baby carrier to church on my first day alive. I’ve always been involved in church, and have been leading worship since I was 16. Worship in particular is my favourite way of interacting with God. I’ve just finished a degree in Theology, with my dissertation being on a gender-fluid Christology, so hopefully that work in gender-queer issues and their relationship with Christianity will come in useful this year. I applied to be Youth President on the deadline day for applications, trusting in whatever happened would be what God had in store - so I’m very excited that I was voted in and have this opportunity! My passions include social justice and activism, crocheting (and any kind of craft), playing the guitar and singing and writing my own songs, jogging (especially with my dog Kipper), fell walking, reading, board games, finding funky earrings and clothes, and a bunch more things. I want to use this year as an opportunity to encourage youth; there is a huge lack of energy and motivation in the wake of COVID and other issues, and I think that young people know what they want to achieve, they may just need a push from people that believe in them. Five questions with Bea We sat down with Bea to ask them more about being our Youth President... What are you most looking forward to in this year? Meeting youth and travelling around the country to go to youth events. I love meeting people and hearing different opinions, and I think visiting and hearing youth is the biggest part of the role. What do you think you’ll be good at in the job? I think that as a Gen Z, I have a knack for social media, so I’m really excited to get into that and try new ideas and get people to do silly dances with me. What’s your favourite Bible verse? James 2:14-26: ‘What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds?'. It’s a verse that speaks to the true calling of being a Christian, that belief is great but means nothing without action. The verse that says ‘you believe there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that- and shudder’ made me cackle when I first heard it in lockdown. It’s been my favourite since! If you could be an animal which one would you be? An Olm. They’re European cave salamanders that live for hundreds of years and sleep the whole time, sounds like a great deal! Either that or a dragonfly. Is a Jaffa cake a cake or a biscuit? I have a great deal of passion on this subject. My opinion is that a biscuit is defined not by its composition or the baking process, but by its size and ability to be snacked off a plate. I think cake refers to the ingredients and consistency of whatever you’re baking, but that if we consider a wafer a biscuit then we can overcome boundaries and identify a Jaffa cake as both cake and biscuit!!
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On the show today I talk about the new glock, the ammo ban, a little about why big companies sometimes get it wrong, and some feedback on bug out bags. Please feel free to send in feedback for the show on any topics that you like. ALBUM: Take Off For Naive SONG: Take Off For Naive ARTIST: Kevin MacLeod Song : Carefree
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Harry's GPS Suite Forum - Registration By accessing “Harry's GPS Suite Forum” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “Harry's GPS Suite Forum”, “http://forum.gps-laptimer.de”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use “Harry's GPS Suite Forum”. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of “Harry's GPS Suite Forum” after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended. Our forums are powered by phpBB (hereinafter “they”, “them”, “their”, “phpBB software”, “www.phpbb.com”, “phpBB Limited”, “phpBB Teams”) which is a bulletin board solution released under the “GNU General Public License v2” (hereinafter “GPL”) and can be downloaded from www.phpbb.com. The phpBB software only facilitates internet based discussions; phpBB Limited is not responsible for what we allow and/or disallow as permissible content and/or conduct. For further information about phpBB, please see: https://www.phpbb.com/. You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “Harry's GPS Suite Forum” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that “Harry's GPS Suite Forum” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, neither “Harry's GPS Suite Forum” nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:05:26Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9282718300819397, "token_count": 530, "url": "http://forum.gps-laptimer.de/ucp.php?mode=register&sid=b27940d9e7d634317e1c6bfca6f89dfe" }
the official site of moscow Gold Wing Club Для того, чтобы войти на форум, Вы должны пройти процедуру регистрации. Процесс регистрации отнимет всего несколько минут, но позволит Вам получить более широкие возможности. Администрация форума может также предоставить зарегистрированным пользователям большие привилегии. Перед началом регистрации, Вы должны ознакомиться с правилами и политикой форума. Помните, что Ваше присутствие на форумах означает согласие со всеми правилами. Общие правила | Соглашение о конфиденциальности
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:24:10Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "ru", "language_score": 0.9923583269119263, "token_count": 529, "url": "http://forum.gwcm.ru/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1644&sid=7930bea8cbbd53ab47eb415a243c1f46" }
05 May Jurassic Jungle LIVE Coming This Summer Jurassic Jungle LIVE Coming To Market Square This Summer May 5, 2021 Market Square is pleased to partner with non-profit organization, Jurassic Jungle Inc., for a weekend full of one-of-a-kind dinosaur performances for children and families of all ages. Audiences will be amazed at the ability the shows have to seamlessly blend education with the wonder and awe of a compelling story. Each Jurassic Jungle LIVE show throughout the weekend will be an immersive and interactive experience with elements of light, sound and incredible décor alongside realistic dinosaurs roaring, roaming, and intermingling with the audience. The production is created and performed by a passionate team of Dinosaur Conservationists dedicated to making learning about natural history fun and exciting. These 45–60-minute shows pack the ideal mix of education and storytelling for a captivating and creative inducing experience like no other. “Jurassic Jungle Inc.’s unique and interactive live shows are ones we are thrilled to host here at Market Square,” said Stacie Schmidt, Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Stark Enterprises. “The venue was created to spark and inspire creativity and be a vessel for art and production, and their passion for providing natural history education and fun to audiences is one we can not wait to witness ourselves!” Jurassic Jungle LIVE will have several shows throughout the weekend, August 27-29, in Market Square at Crocker Park. Tickets are currently on sale now, and VIP meet & greet opportunities are also available. Proceeds from the ticket sales of the weekend events will benefit Providence House in Cleveland as well as Jurassic Jungle Inc.’s mission of inspiring curiosity and a love of natural history through educational productions. To purchase tickets and learn more, visit the ticket link here. Watch a commercial about the show here.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:46:07Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9346694350242615, "token_count": 378, "url": "http://ftp.crockerpark.com/jurassic-jungle-live-coming-to-market-square-this-summer/" }
coloring, coloring pages, Garfield Mail (will not be published) (required) Action Adventure arcade ball car cartoon Christmas coloring cute defense Dress-Up dressup Driving en fashion flash fun funny game games girl girl games girls girls games jigsaw Jigsaw Puzzle jump kids makeover make up. mouse physics platform Puzzle Puzzles race racing retro shoot shooter Shooting skill Slider Space Strategy WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck and Luke Morton requires Flash Player 9 or better.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:13:39Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.750467836856842, "token_count": 97, "url": "http://games.macuha.com/dress-up/garfield-1/" }
Temporary Resident Permit A Temporary Resident Permit, also known as a TRP, is a document issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada that allows people who are technically inadmissible to Canada to visit the country. A TRP is only given to a person if their need to come to Canada outweighs the risk of that person being in the country. For example, an individual might be granted a TRP for a visit to Canada if the trip is work related and that person’s presence in Canada will be beneficial to the country or its citizens. Canadian Border Service officers determine which Temporary Resident Permit applications are approved. They will compare the risks of a person’s entry to the benefits it will have on Canadian society. Therefore, it is up to the applicant to demonstrate that they are deserving of temporary residence in Canada. TRPs usually cover the length of a person’s stay in Canada and if you are granted one, you must leave once your temporary residence has expired. Who Needs a Temporary Resident Permit Anyone who is inadmissible to Canada but has a valid need to come to the country needs a TRP. TRPs can cover either medical or criminal inadmissibility. If you are inadmissible to Canada because of a criminal conviction and you completed your sentence less than five years ago, a Temporary Resident Permit might be your best option if you need to travel to Canada. If a person is deemed inadmissible to Canada, their family members travelling with them may also be considered inadmissible. Those family members will need to apply for, and be granted, their own individual TRPs before a border officer will let them enter Canada. When a person receives a TRP and is in Canada, they must adhere to certain conditions in order to remain in the country. They must respect and follow all Canadian laws. In order to work or study in Canada during temporary residence, a person must also receive the proper permits in addition to the TRP. A temporary resident cannot leave and re-enter Canada without proper authorization. When a TRP expires, its holder must leave Canada. Applying for a Temporary Resident Permit requires that a person proves the necessity of their trip to Canada. Application procedures vary depending on the country someone is applying from. Canadian visa offices in each country will have information on their requirements. Each TRP application has a non-refundable $200CAD application fee.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T19:47:48Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9653839468955994, "token_count": 495, "url": "http://ghdimmigration.com/temporary-resident.php" }
Globesport is one of the leading Croatian sports travel agencies. Operating since 1993, we organized numerous training camps for handball, football, basketball, and volleyball teams. (see some of our References) We also organize training camps for athletic teams and individual athletes (due to excellent climate conditions and training facilities in Pula). Feel free to contact us for more information.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T19:49:37Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9391813278198242, "token_count": 78, "url": "http://globesport.hr/references/athletics/21-general/references/98-handball9.html" }
Tunesië heeft, in de nasleep van de Arabische Lente, een roerige tijd doorgemaakt. Maar nu het land de overgang naar een democratie voor een groot deel gemaakt heeft en de toeristen de weg naar de strandresorts weer hebben gevonden, is het tijd om het land ook als een ander soort bestemming onder de aandacht te brengen: als een modern Arabisch land, dat rijk is aan culturele hoogtepunten en geschiedenis en over een zeer divers landschap beschikt. Met een veerkrachtige bevolking die je als reiziger met open armen zal ontvangen. Een land dat uitnodigt om er een prachtige rondreis te maken. En dat kan nu met Better Places, dat als een van de eerste reisorganisaties in Nederland een individuele rondreis door dit prachtige land aanbiedt. Land van tegenstellingen Tunesië is een land rijk aan tradities en tegenstellingen. Er zijn koloniale ‘nouvelles villes’ waar goedopgeleide jonge mensen op een terras aan een espresso nippen maar ook labyrintische dorpjes waar de tijd stil heeft gestaan en zwaargesluierde vrouwen hun huis in schieten als ze een vreemdeling zien. Het noorden heeft groene bergen die meer neerslag dan Nederland ontvangen en op een paar uur rijden, in het zuiden, begint de oneindige Sahara met zijn zandduinen. Reizen in een rustig tempo Tunesië is daarnaast een relatief klein land (ongeveer 4 keer Nederland, waarvan de helft woestijn) dus in korte tijd kun je heel veel zien. Zo zijn er prachtige medina’s vol Islamitische monumenten en kilometerslange soeks (overdekte markten), spectaculaire Romeinse opgravingen, waaronder het bestbewaarde amfitheater buiten Italië, en de vierde Heilige Stad van de Islam. In het zuiden vind je oude ksardorpjes op de toppen van tafelbergen en eindeloze palmentuinen. Rustige stranden zijn er aan de noordkust bij Tabarka of op de onbekende Kerkenah eilanden. In twee weken kun je al deze hoogtepunten bezoeken, reizend in een rustig tempo. Heb je wat meer tijd dan bezoek je daarnaast ook nog eens minder bekende gebieden als Cap Bon, waar cipressen en sinaasappelboomgaarden je doen denken dat je in Zuid-Europa bent. Ideale bestemming voor families met kinderen Ook voor families is Tunesië een fijne bestemming. Het is niet zo ver vliegen en de reisafstanden zijn klein. Omdat Tunesië twee verschillende klimaten heeft, zijn er familiereizen speciaal voor de zomer en winter uitgezet. Zo kun je in de herfst- winter- of voorjaarsvakantie een spannende week doorbrengen in de woestijn, deinend op de rug van een kameel of in de zomervakantie de bergen en de stranden in het noorden opzoeken. Noot voor de redactie Over Better Places Better Places is een snelgroeiend reisplatform en biedt kwalitatief hoogstaande reizen met aandacht voor de natuur en de lokale bevolking. Samen met een reisexpert uit het land of een expert die al jaren in de bestemming woont, stel je je rondreis samen, helemaal zoals je zelf wilt. De nadruk ligt op kleinschaligheid, duurzaamheid en contact met de lokale bevolking. Better Places is de eerste reisorganisatie in Nederland met een internationale B Corp certificering. De reisorganisatie compenseert de CO2-uitstoot van al haar reizigers, inclusief internationale vluchten, middels een Gold Standard project. Voor meer informatie: Linda Bezemer email@example.com of 06-42114200. Kijk voor meer informatie op www.betterplaces.nl
{ "date": "2024-12-03T19:59:28Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "nl", "language_score": 0.996208906173706, "token_count": 1206, "url": "http://greenhearttourism.com/?p=793" }
by Judy E. Bushy What a joy to receive the brand new, hot off the press publication! Siskiyou County and its MONUMENTS is the name of the latest publication of the Siskiyou County Historical Society. The unique cover announces that this covers memorials, pillars, plaques, columns, obelisks, cairns, signs and monoliths, and besides that two buildings in Happy Camp are celebrated! Delighted Despite Delay You may be wondering why the 2021 book is just coming out, but it should be no surprise to anyone that the Covid and other unforeseen problems impacted the publication, No worried, it was worth waiting for! (Incidentally if you haven’t renewed your membership for 2022 to get the new book for this year, be sure and do so as soon as you can!! Log High School The information on the Happy Camp Area starts with the Log High School on E Street and 4th Avenue in Happy Camp. As most old timers in Happy Camp know, the Log High School was “built in 1933 with donated labor and material by the people of Happy Camp on land given by L.H..Newton. Supervised by the High School Building Committee: W.B. Mason, G,R. Humphreys and P.M Toleman. Karuk People’s Museum Another site is the Karuk 54256 Second Avenue in Happy Camp. People’s Center Museum (and Gift Shop) in Happy Camp. Another Building is the J. Camp, Titus and Heil Camp Mercantile and Drug Store. The most notable thing about this building, which is one of the first buildings built in Happy Camp was that it is made of local bricks. That’s why it is usually called “the Brick Building,” by locals. In recent years it has been used by the Evans Mercantile next door. which is closed at present. Some persons persist in the rumor that John Titus reported that James Camp had the nickname, “Happy” and when he came to Happy Camp he named it after himself. However, anyone careful about history accuracy would know that prospectors coming to “Murderer’s Bar” area in 1951 camped on the Klamath River beside Indian Creek and changed the name to “Happy Camp.” Until at least 1854, James Camp and his brother were still back in Virginia where the family had moved from New Brunswick. It was in 1857 that Richard Humphries and Lewis Barnes sold their ferry and buildings at Ferry Point to James Camp and John Titus. J. Camp & Company Came to Happy Camp Later, the Waldo or Gasquet Trail became more prominent than the Kelsey Trail at Ferry Point they moved to Happy Camp. Henry Doolittle, first postmaster of Happy Camp sold the hotel on Main Street and Bridge Street to Martin Cuddihy. Cuddihy sold a lot across from the hotel to James Camp and Co where they built the Brick Building in 1860. There are very many interesting Monuments of different sorts in this new Siskiyou Pioneer. There are others that have disappeared, and some yet to be put up. There are many to explore, and you may discover others. Let us know!!
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:57:59Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9700496792793274, "token_count": 683, "url": "http://happycampnews.com/tag/cudihy-hotel/" }
Your hearing is precious, and just like any other organ or body part, you aren’t going to be able to do much if you end up damaging the eardrum or canal. A loss of hearing or partial hearing loss can end up being very restrictive, so here are some tips to look after your hearing as you get older. Be Wary Of Headphones Headphones can be a danger if you’re not careful and so it’s important to make sure you’re wearing the right ones for your ears that aren’t going to be too restrictive or have the ability to be too loud for your ears. There are warning signs that your phone or electronic device will give you to ensure you don’t go above the safe limit, but it’s very easy to do so once your ears get used to the level of volume it’s currently at. Try to be strict with yourself when it comes to volume levels and keep it at a safe and low volume at all times. If you find yourself turning it up, see if you can download an app or piece of software that can gradually bring down the sound to an ideal level. Protect When Near Loud Noises Hearing protection is essential when you’re in a role that requires you to work in an environment where there is a lot of loud noises. Making sure you’re well protected is important, so make sure that your workplace is giving you the right noise-canceling headphones or earplugs to use while you’re at work. If they’re not providing this, then they could get themselves in hot water, so be sure to tell them what’s needed. The same goes for when you’re out and about. If you’re at a music concert, for example, you might want to put some earplugs in loosely just so that your hearing is well protected. Don’t Use Cotton Swabs Cotton swabs, although they are actively used by many people to get wax out of their ears, they are likely doing more damage than they’re worth. Try to avoid using them where you can and go for a professional wax clean where they’ll use safer tools to retrieve the wax. There are also alternative treatments like the Chinese method of using candles that use heat to help draw out the wax. Both of these options are going to be a safer alternative than using the cotton swab method. Try To Avoid Getting Anything In Them Your ears are vulnerable because it’s very easy for you to get things in them. Try to avoid this where you can, especially where water is likely to seep into your ear canal or something of a liquid nature, gets in. Be wary because this is what often leads to problems with ear health and ear infections in general. Look after your hearing, especially as you get older. Your body isn’t going to be as strong as it used to be, so it helps to look after it where possible.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:58:30Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9478101134300232, "token_count": 627, "url": "http://horseshoes-n-handgrenades.com/2020/01/22/how-to-look-after-your-hearing-as-you-get-older/" }
To jest przykładowa strona. Różni się ona od postu na blogu, ponieważ pozostanie ona ciągle w jednym miejscu i pokaże się w panelu nawigacyjnym na twojej stronie (w przypadku większości szablonów). Większość osób zaczyna od strony ‚O mnie’ lub ‚O nas’, która przedstawia ich potencjalnym odwiedzającym stronę. Może to być coś takiego: Cześć! Jestem kurierem na rowerze za dnia, nocą aktorem amatorem, a to jest mój blog. Mieszkam w Gdańsku, mam wspaniałego psa o imieniu Azor i uwielbiam piña coladę. (Oraz to, kiedy łapie mnie deszcz.) …lub coś bardziej jak to: Firma XYZ została założona w 1971 roku i od tamtej pory wytwarza najlepszej jakości wijaster na rynku. Zlokalizowana w Pacanowie zatrudnia ponad 2000 osób i jest powodem samego dobrodziejstwa dla lokalnej społeczności. Jako nowy użytkowni WordPressa, powinieneś odwiedzić swój panel administracyjny, aby skasować tę stronę i stworzyć nowe, dostosowane do Twoich potrzeb strony. Miłej zabawy!
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:22:34Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.9993633031845093, "token_count": 488, "url": "http://illuminatio.pl/przykladowa-strona/" }
ADOPTION INFORMATION AND GALLERY Prior to Adoption all of our Cats and Kittens will receive a full Medical Examination, Deworming, Defleeing, and their First Round of Vacinations. The Adoption Fee will cover these costs plus your new Pets Spay or Neuter. KITTENS/CATS: $275.00 ( up to 4 years old) ADULT CAT 5+ years: $150.00 Album name: ADOPTED The form has been submitted successfully. If you want to send a new inquiry, you can do that Are you prepared to take Financial Responsibility for this Animal? Including but not limited to: Regular Veterinary Care and compassion towards the animal you are applying for. Have you ever had to ReHome a Pet? Do you currently have any Pets and if so what kind of Animals do you own? Are your Animals spayed/neutered? Vaccinated? If you own Animals, are you prepared to introduce the Animals properly? What will you do if they do not get along? Do You currently have a Veterinarian? If Yes, who? Do you have children at home? If yes, how many children do you have and how old? Does anyone in your family have allergies? What will you do if someone in the family develops an allergy? Will you be keeping the Cat indoors? Does your current Cat go outside? What is your opinion on declawing? What measures would you take if your new cat started scratching, clawing at your furniture, walls, beds, etc.? Have your current Animals been socialized with other cats? Do you Acknowledge: that I have been informed that kittens/cats can carry and transmit diseases; some of which affect humans, including: Viruses, parasites, fungal diseases. These diseases may be undetectable in the a kitten/cat that appears to be healthy Do you Acknowledge: I am financially able to meet any expenses that may arise for my adopted kitten/cat. Do you Acknowledge: I accept the kitten/cat as is, at the time of adoption and understand that Infinity Haven is not responsible for any medical, or behavioural conditions that were not detected prior to adoption, or discovered after adoption. Please, enter the text from the image. Hover to view enlarged
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:47:44Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9239470362663269, "token_count": 490, "url": "http://infinityhavenrescue.com/adoption;AdoptionGallery:galleryid=6%26page=6" }
Nazarbayev made a decision on increase of level of investments guarantee of physical entities in banks of second level up to 5 million KZT - Masimov Astana. October 13. Kazakhstan Today - The leader of the state, Nursultan Nazarbayev, has made a decision on increase of the level of investments guarantee of physical entities in the banks of the second level of Kazakhstan up to 5 million KZT, the agency reports referring to the official statement of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Karim Masimov, made on behalf of the President on Friday. "The leader of the state made a decision on increase of the level of investments guarantee of physical persons up to 5 million KZT," K. Masimov stated. "The President of the country will inform on further ways of support of the financial system and development of business activity," he continued. "Financial system of Kazakhstan possesses great safety factor and we have defined the ways for further development of our country," the Prime Minister informed. Resourse: Kazakhstan Today
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:09:59Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.956677258014679, "token_count": 212, "url": "http://investkz.com/en/articles/1416.html" }
What Does Adding A Buyer To An Approved Short Sale Mean For The Transaction? Adding a buyer to a purchase agreement after a short sale is approved is typically a red flag. It’s usually a sign of a weak buyer who can’t obtain financing on their own, but equally as important adding a buyer will delay the closing and will eat up some of your much needed allotted closing time. More importantly, if an approval letter is buyer specific, you will have to obtain an updated approval letter. This furthermore will delay the short sale and when a file is resubmitted you never know what is going to happen, as nothing is ever guaranteed. For example; If the banks value has expired, they may order a new one and it may come back much higher than the previous value or the investor may not approve the same terms again. This is not always the case as it’s possible to have a smooth transition to adding a new buyer, but having a deal resubmitted if not necessary is always something that should be avoided. You need to preemptively act to prevent any potential problems in closing and one way to do this is to choose strong buyers. Sometimes it’s as easy as cross qualifying a buyer with a trusted lender as this alone will prevent many loans from falling through. For questions or assistance involving anything short sale or loss mitigation related please fill out the form below. [contact-form-7 id=”155″ title=”Contact form 1″]
{ "date": "2024-12-03T20:37:54Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9591187834739685, "token_count": 307, "url": "http://ishortsalenow.com/approved-short-sale/" }
Our free Xerox eConcierge program is easy to install and use. It allows you to order supplies for all of your eligible equipment (Xerox, HP, Samsung, Lexmark, Brother) with just a few clicks. As long as you continue ordering supplies through Xerox eConcierge, we’ll provide free service coverage for the life of your Xerox hardware. Staying up with technology can be hard on a small business budget. When the need for a new printer arises, you must balance the business benefits with the costs. With the Small Office Savings Plan, you can get a new Xerox printer completely free when you sign up for a technology-as-a-service plan. Now that’s smart business. How It Works The Xerox® Small Office Savings Plan is not a lease. You select a Xerox printer—for which you pay nothing—that meets your unique business needs and puts the best of today’s technology at your fingertips. With your free printer also comes free service* and support from Xerox. Free Service When You Need It Even with the renowned reliability of Xerox technology, you may have questions or experience a problem. When that happens, you can rely on the free service and support that comes with your plan to keep your office and up running.
{ "date": "2024-12-03T21:22:32Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066140230.37/warc/CC-MAIN-20241203193917-20241203223917-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9216112494468689, "token_count": 286, "url": "http://jbprintsolutions.com/ricoh.html" }
Shark Bay - Kite Spot Shark bay just on the outskirts of Langebaan and is about 1 hour north of Blouberg. About 1h 30min from Cape Town International Airport Don’t worry there isn’t any sharks as the name suggests. Cape Town is the one of the best kitesurfing spots worldwide in its windy session. With Shark bay being one of the best spots within the Western Cape. Langebaans and Sharks bays beaches are famous within the kiting community and all throughout the world. That makes it an ideal place to go just for a day or two. One of the most talked-about flatwater spots in the Western Cape. Kite Spot - Shark Bay , Langebaan Best winds: October – March Best Direction: SW, S, SE, NW Also works: SSE, SSW Water Temp: 3/2 or shorty Water Type: Flat / Choppy Beach Type: Sand Riding Type: Freestyle and Free ride Experience: Great location for all levels of riders. Beautiful lagoon. Not only is this a very safe area to kitesurf, but it is also ideal for beginners and flat water lovers. (Freestylers) And if you are not going to kitesurf, there is still the stunning nature, which is worth the hour drive. It is a nice little peaceful village. Or at least in the low session. There are two kite spots; The Main beach is in the ‘mouth of the lagoon’, where Shark Bay is located inside the lagoon. There are no sharks, no waves, consistent wind, warm water, very safe for beginners and a great freestyle kite spot in Cape Town. For Kitesurfing Lessons in Langebaan The water is waist-deep for 100s of meters. You should consider bringing your own food and snacks, as there isn't any nearby. It can also be a bit tricky to find it the first time and parking can be a problem. But it’s worth it. There is a big tide fluctuation here, so be careful with your things lying on the beach. This is a fantastic place to learn to kitesurf. The warm water, large areas, and nearly always waist-high water make it ideal for any skill level. The perfect locations for all water-based beginner lessons and flatwater riders. If you are in Cape Town, Shark Bay is a must-see for a kitesurfer. Shark bay should be on any kiteboarders bucket list.
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With Snow Leopard set to debut tomorrow (except for all my industry friends who already have it that is), I’ve been pondering a lot as to the true value of new/improved operating systems. In a nutshell for SL it seems to be $30 to improve the overall performance of existing Leopard installations. That makes sense as a value proposition (for only $30, my $1000 laptop will perform better than it does today? count me in). Windows 7 is coming soon, which seems primed as a substantial improvement over Vista (insert cheap shot here), and again I ponder as to the alignment between market needs and product offerings. My basic assertion is we’ve reached a plateau in the cycle of improving computer/OS/Internet experiences, and the investment should be more oriented on basic performance and reliability, as well as dramatic improvements in simple ease of use. As a simple assertion, it’s my belief that the average computer user (PC and Mac) is still challenged to perform tasks as “basic” as locating downloaded files, upgrading software, and virtually any kind of networking function. And for those of you reading and slowly sticking your nose in the air in a mocking fashion, your snobbery does not benefit those who use computers day-in and day-out, and in the long run is costing you time and money. Here’s my target list of what fixes would help the bulk of computer users today and tomorrow: - Expert Mode. The steepest challenge in most systems is helping novices while empowering expert users. When it comes to as big a system as the core OS to a computer, the challenge is close to insurmountable. As a result, features that many people would want to use are buried into hard-to-find places or unknown keyboard shortcuts (command-shift-3 to screenshot? come on). In the short term, letting a user “flip a switch” to go into expert mode after getting comfortable with basic OS usage could be the easiest way to improve overall usability. Then, all sorts of helpful tooltips, modal alerts, and more could be used to help new/novice users learn the basics. - The Download – Save – Install sequence. Good examples: Firefox extensions and AIR applications. Bad examples: everything else. I am still stunned at the complexity of most installers, and I’m not even talking about the poorly designed installation wizards. The number of ZIPs, SITs, DMGs, RARs, and more that sit on desktops and download folders without getting opened is awful and reflects poorly not on users, but on the developers who built these systems. I get it that we need protection against viruses and malware, but can’t there be a smarter way to deal with this? Yes we can. - Taking Screenshots. If making screenshots was as simple for people to use as it should be, my hunch is tech support costs for application developers would drop dramatically. Instead, it’s a highly buried feature in both Windows and OS X, and it doesn’t look like that’s going away anytime soon. - Integrated support for removable storage (semi-permanent vs not). There are literally hundreds of millions of removable storage drives, both USB thumb sticks and external hard drives. Yet almost no basic set of applications have native support for the concept of a “semi-permanent” drive (one that sits on your office desk, for example, but not at home). Sure most apps can use data on these drives, but it’s always in a semi-dysfunctional manner. iPhoto, for example, retains thumbnails on the local hard drive, but at no point informs the user that the full resolution image won’t be available until the drive is reconnected. There should be utter clarity to the user, at all times, as to which files are where, and how to properly manage stuff. For a follow-up example with iPhoto, I should be able to “move” folders/events to removable drives (as my iPhoto Library is the biggest space consumer on my hard drive), and it should act smartly about it. - Browser speed! Okay, this is happening in Snow Leopard anyway, but I still wanted to iterate it. The bulk of time spent on computers is inside the browser these days, so the more the browser can natively be fast, the more productivity we have. - File sharing. I fundamentally believe that Finder and File Explorer still represent the worst aspect of computing. Watching people try to upload photos to sites like Tumblr is such an easy example of the brokenness of it all. The analog of folders/file folders is simply broken, as is the entire concept of what files, shortcuts, applications, etc are. If tied in to my earlier comment on “expert mode”, then the creation of a “novice” file browser could be a huge step forward. In the interim, the more the OS can help promote local search, the better. - Webcams. Everybody (and I use the term fairly literally now) wants to use webcams. Whether its for dating, remote working and productivity (disclosure: Team Apart is a client of Stage Two Consulting), or staying in touch with friends or family, the webcam is probably the most useful accessory I can think of. So why did it take me over an hour to get my father’s working with Skype? Whatever needs to happen in regards to drivers, API, and other common technology components to make Webcams work all the time needs to happen, and soon. - Backups. Both Windows and OS X include backup capabilities. Both are better than they’ve ever been. Neither are good enough. If I had to make a wager on impending individualized technology crises, I’d bet that a lot of good people are going to suffer some serious data loss in the coming years. Backup should be more than just “an option”, but an annoying, pestering reminder that prevents users from doing much without properly configuring backups. Further, backup should be enabled on a per-file, per-folder, per-application basis (like Time Machine does, but even moreso). - Automatic Document Saving & Versioning. Technically this really lies within Office applications more than the OS, but it could happen at any level. The entire concept of “saving” a file is ridiculous. When you write on a piece of paper, it’s “saved”. You can opt to discard it, which you’d have to pro-actively do. If you want to easily retrieve it from a stack of others, you might put some special tag or label on it, or put it in a specific drawer or file cabinet that you have, which you’ve probably organized fairly easily. Electronic files must work the same way! The entire concept that one could write a document, then accidentally click a single button to destroy hours of work is utterly idiotic. The mere act of typing a new document should save, and every edit you make should also save, and every version of every edit should be retrievable (especially considering apps like Stickies and sites like WordPress do this natively). Instead of renaming documents, there should simply be a visual timeline and an easy-to-use slider that lets you use Time Machine-like visuals to see prior versions. - e-Wallets. If the computer guys want to stop the mobile guys and social networking guys from owning my transactions, they need to step it up soon. A built-in wallet to more rapidly enable e-commerce and microtransactions is a logical evolution of the operating system, not a third-party Website. Unfortunately there seems to be a bit too much energy into “video desktop backgrounds” instead. Ah well, one can dream. Any other “basic wants” people have to improve computing, please share in the comments!
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All residential and business properties can benefit greatly from hiring a professional Commercial Cleaning near Summerfield NC. Professional cleaners can be a great assistance for businesses as they are able to arrange daily or weekly cleaning services that will keep the workplace looking spotless each and every day. You might not have trouble keeping up with your home cleaning projects, but think about how much help some help would be for bigger cleaning projects. Their services include sweeping, mopping, scrubbing bathtubs, and emptying the trash. There is no job too big or too small for our cleaning company; call us now and let us show you what we can do for you. Commercial Cleaning near Summerfield NC
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