While many resource dependent African countries can boast of large deposits of minerals as well as oil and gas, their economies are characterized with challenges including low growth, low GDP, high inflation, high budget deficits, low per capita income, corruption and conflicts among others. It is no longer news to say that resource rich nations have failed to translate these natural resources into much desired socio-economic development for the people. While myriad of factors can be blamed for this state of resource extraction, poor resource governance stands out without measure. This is also due to inadequate space to engage, share lessons and best practices among resource rich countries. The Africa Oil Governance Summit therefore is an attempt to provide this missing link by creating a platform where players in the industry will converge and deliberate on the best way to ensuring that extraction of resource translates into socio-economic growth and development.
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John M. Hill Inc. d/b/a Air Placement Cement Company and Hill Refractory Services has been providing products and serves to the Aluminum Industry for years. Our experienced sales team can provide onsite assessments and solutions to your challenging applications. Our capabilities include but are not limited to: - Carbon Bake - Rotary Furnaces - Pre-cast Shapes
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:08:21Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9327332973480225, "token_count": 79, "url": "http://airplacement.com/?page_id=455" }
One of us was active in the 1960s civil rights movement in Louisiana, and we regard this as the most effective social movement in our lifetimes to mobilize a majority of Americans not directly affected by a problem to empathize and correct egregious injustices toward a minority population. One of us is the son of a Nakba survivor, and the echoes of Jim Crow in Israel from its beginnings are unmistakable and haunting. The attitudes and language of racial supremacy and the violent, often sadistic suppression and exploitation of the dehumanized, disadvantaged population are nearly identical (For a striking example, see a YouTube video of hooded Israeli settlers attacking Palestinian farmers with clubs). With a half-century advantage in technological "progress," Israel conducts its more antiseptic lynchings with F-16s, helicopter gunships and remote-controlled aerial drones. Since the rest of the world is much better informed than Americans by the more honest world press, the U.S. alone supports Israel in the United Nations and elsewhere while pretending to be a neutral mediator. Thus, if Americans awaken and demand an end to our knee-jerk financial and military support and diplomatic protection, Israel will be forced to transform itself in the face of world condemnation and international sanctions. Our strategy therefore focuses on the education of Americans. But, to be effective, education must not be limited to the verbal, conceptual, cognitive level of consciousness. The MLK methods brought compelling visual images to the American public together with eloquent reminders of our collective ideals. Along with knowledge for the mind, MLK appealed to the heart and the conscience, to America's higher collective self, without appeal to financial or other self-interests. Without a collective identity worthy of respect, what are we as a nation? The same is true of Israel. Attempting to follow a similar strategy, we provide a weekly display in our city adjacent to a Saturday Market and a Farmers Market which includes (1) large, provocative signage in colloquial language, visible from the street to evoke interest, curiosity and gut reactions, (2) conspicuous photographic images of Gazan and Lebanese children slaughtered and dismembered by Israeli invasions with high-tech weaponry, inviting viewers to imagine these as our own children, (3) a comprehensive array of about 50 papers - some with pictures - by scholars, book authors, international lawyers and respected journalists detailing the Nakba reality vs the Exodus myth, the many documents of international law violated by Israel, the manipulations of the Israel Lobby, the defects of the 2-state model compared with the one-state model, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, Palestinians' inalienable right of return, and other topics selected to counter current pro-Israel arguments. In addition, we show films and bring public speakers to the community, often in collaboration with Muslim and other student activist groups at a local major university. We do regular community television broadcasts, are ever-present to challenge public presentations by Israeli apologists, and seize opportunities to publish letters, columns and op-eds in three local newspapers of substantial circulation. And we are working to challenge the Israel lobby/network in its efforts to abort BDS campaigns in mainstream Christian churches and Palestinian human rights movements on univeristy campuses. We cannot hope to match the financial and social networking resources of Israel and its Lobby. But our advantage is having on our side the truths of history and international law, as well as natural human empathy with helpless victims of injustice and natural human outrage over theft, murder and deception. Demand Freedom, Justice and Equality in the Holy Land Easily access and manage your TRON assets with the tronlink wallet login. Securely send, receive, and track your transactions on the TRON blockchain.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:20:14Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9230747222900391, "token_count": 760, "url": "http://al-nakba-history.com/whoarewe/ourmethods.html" }
Amanda Konkin is a producer, podcaster and academic creating work in Vancouver, Canada. In 2019 she incorporated 2 female owned film production companies: Spectacle 5 Films, working on animated content, and Download Joy Productions, for live action projects. She works full time in 3D animated television at Mainframe Studios as the Manager, Production- Global Studio Pipeline and co-chairs the studios Culture Club with a particular focus on developing Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives. Amanda’s independent film work as a producer includes the animated short The Butterfly Affect (best short animation, La Femme Film Festival (2020)), as well as several live action projects such as the Storyhive funded short film Singer Sisters (2015) and webseries pilot Silk (2015) and Crazy8s projects Ada (2019) and iDorothy(2021). She worked on the Leo nominated (co-producer) series The Switch (2016), the world’s first transgender sitcom, that aired on OUTtv in 2016, and her short hAPPiness is currently available on Crave TV in Canada, and internationally on Dust. In addition to her work in film and TV, Amanda is passionate about politics and ran as a BC Green Party member for a seat in Vancouver-Point Grey during the BC Provincial election in 2017. She is interested in supporting socially provocative projects through her work as a producer, and seeks to collaborate with like minded creators particularly focused on female driven narratives.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:54:58Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9632040858268738, "token_count": 298, "url": "http://amandakonkin.ca/bio/" }
[The drash below is written in memory of my grandmother, Joan Bluestein (z”l) who died 11 months ago today (on the Jewish calendar) and for whom we have now ended the 11 month period of daily kaddish.] This week’s Torah portion is Bo (Exodus 10:1-13:16) and includes the last few plagues. Our tradition teaches that one of the more difficult plagues was the ninth plague, the plague of darkness. Darkness surrounded the Egyptians, spreading so extensively that “They did not see one another, nor did any of them rise from their place….” (Exodus 10:23) The darkness halted regular life for the Egyptians. Not only did daily activities cease, but the people were unable to connect with one another. Physical sight impeded seeing the humanity within oneself and others. Rabbi Isaac Meir Alter (HaRIM) illuminates the potency of the darkness in his comment on verse 10:23: The worst darkness is that blindness in which one person will not ‘see another,’ refusing to look upon his misery and to help him. He who will not ‘see another’ will himself become incapable of ‘rising from his place;’ that is, of growth and development.* Darkness swallowed the ancient Egyptians, temporarily disconnecting them from their lives. Unable to truly those around them they feel deeper into the darkness until the end of the plague. Sometimes challenges can bring us into despair or darkness and we need others to see us and help us rise from that place. My grandmother strove every day to truly see the others in her world and bring us light. She did this for her parents, her brother (and his family), her husband, children, grandchildren, patients, co-workers, volunteers, friends and for herself. She faced challenges in her life, times where she had to find a source of light. Her strength, courage and faith helped her rise from those places. As a wife, mother, grandmother and businesswoman she took care of those around her with dedication that brimmed with love. As a dietician she provided her patients (and her family) with healthy food that took into account their individual needs. As a volunteer she brought light and her strong work ethic to WGUC, a second family of friends. As a Jew she was dedicated to the growth and development of a strong Jewish identity in her daughters (and granddaughters). A Classical Reform Jew from birth she loved the teachings, values, traditions and foods of her heritage. A quiet champion of hard work, family, Judaism, love and community she encouraged all around her to grow and develop, to see the potential within them and bring light into the world. I am lucky to have known her, called her grandma and be nourished by her. May she continue to inspire us to illuminate the world. *Source text = Hiddushei HaRIM as presented in Wellsprings of Torah: an Anthology of Biblical Commentaries, by Rabbi Alexander Zusia Friedman, translated by Gertrude Hirschler, New York:The Judaica Press, 1980, page 127. HaRIM was the founder of the Ger dynasty of hassidic rabbis lived from 1799 to 1866 and unfortunately knew much sadness in his own life. Many of his thirteen children died in his lifetime. Read more about him in the Jewish Virtual Library.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:52:29Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9810514450073242, "token_count": 708, "url": "http://amygreenbaum.com/tag/memory/" }
Podstawy elektrostymulacji w blokadach nerwów obwodowych W celu lokalizacji nerwów obwodowych i splotów oraz depozycji środka miejscowo znieczulającego w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie nerwu lub kompartmencie zawierającym interesujące nas struktury nerwowe, na przestrzeni lat wykorzystywano różne techniki. Do najstarszej metody wykonywania blokad nerwów obwodowych należy technika oparta o punkty anatomiczne oraz parestezje. Wiąże się ona jednak z dość dużym ryzykiem powikłań neurologicznych związanych z mechanicznym uszkodzeniem struktur nerwowych oraz dużym odsetkiem niepowodzeń. Rozwój techniki dał możliwość dokładniejszej lokalizacji struktur nerwowych poprzez wykorzystanie stymulatorów nerwów a także w ostatnich latach ultrasonografii. Wprowadzenie USG zrewolucjonizowało świat anestezji regionalnej, nie mniej jednak nie spowodowało rezygnacji z wykorzystania neurostymulatora. Co więcej łączenie ze sobą techniki lokalizacji struktur nerwowych opartej o ultrasonografię oraz z użyciem stymulatora nerwów obwodowych (tzw. „dual guidence technique”), może przyczynić się do zwiększenia zarówno skuteczności jak i bezpieczeństwa wykonywanej blokady. Neurony, podobnie jak pozostałe komórki ludzkiego organizmu charakteryzują się obecnością przezbłonowego potencjału (różnicą potencjałów pomiędzy wnętrzem a powierzchnią błony komórkowej). Dla niepobudzonych komórek nerwowych oraz mięśniowych potencjał ten zwany też potencjałem spoczynkowym jest ujemny i waha się pomiędzy -65 a -90 mV. Powstanie potencjału spoczynkowego jest spowodowane przede wszystkim ruchem jonów potasu zgodnie z gradientem stężenia z wnętrza na zewnątrz błony komórkowej. Powoduje to pozostanie niewielkiego nadmiaru ładunków ujemnych po wewnętrznej stronie błony. Kiedy na komórkę nerwową zadziała bodziec dochodzi do gwałtownego napływu jonów sodowych do cytozolu co skutkuję zmianą potencjału przezbłonowego oraz depolaryzacją komórki. Jeśli bodziec jest wystarczająco silny i spowoduję, że potencjał komórki przekroczy wartość progową, dojdzie do propagacji fali depolaryzacji wzdłuż włókien nerwowych. Bodziec działający na komórkę nerwową, w celu wywołania skutecznej depolaryzacji, prócz odpowiedniej siły (napięcia) musi charakteryzować się także odpowiednim czasem trwania. Nawet bodziec o wartości progowej działający zbyt krótko na komórkę nie spowoduje powstania potencjału czynnościowego. Krzywą opisującą zależność między napięciem przyłożonym do włókna nerwowego (oś Y), a czasem potrzebnym do zainicjowania potencjału czynnościowego (oś X) nazywamy krzywą pobudliwości włókien nerwowych. Przykładając coraz większe napięcie, czas, w którym obserwuje się początek reakcji (reakcja w postaci potencjału czynnościowego) jest krótszy. Krzywa pobudliwości ma przebieg podobny do wykresu funkcji y=1/x czyli przybiera kształt hiperboli. Z krzywą łączą się trzy ważne pojęcia: - Czas użyteczny Czas użyteczny to najkrótszy czas potrzebny do pobudzenia włókna nerwowego za pomocą maksymalnego bodźca. Reobaza to najniższe natężenie prądu, którym zostaje wywołany potencjał czynnościowy. Chronaksja to czas, w którym nastąpi pobudzenie włókna, jeżeli przyłożone zostanie natężenie dwukrotnie większe od reobazy. Chronaksja służy do określania stopnia pobudliwości włókien nerwowych (w zależności od rodzaju włókna waha się w przedziale 0,1-0,5ms). Czas chronaksji jest różny dla różnych rodzajów włókien nerwowych i zależy od ich pobudliwości oraz okresów refrakcji. „Szybkie” włókna nerwowe takie jak włókna motoryczne Aα charakteryzują się krótszym czasem chronaksji w porównaniu do „wolno” przewodzących włókien czuciowych typu Aδ bądź bezmielinowych włókien typu C. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc włókna ruchowe mają krótszy czas chronaksji w porównaniu do włókien czuciowych. Wynika z tego fakt, iż nie można wystymulować włókien czuciowych używając prądu o czasie chronaksji odpowiednim do stymulacji włókien ruchowych. W przełożeniu na praktykę znaczy to, iż w wywołując odpowiedź ruchową (stymulując włókna ruchowe) pacjent nie odczuwa bólu. Natężenie prądu pomiędzy 0,2 – 0,5 mA, które daje odpowiedź ruchową, uważane jest za wartość odpowiednią do wykonania skutecznej blokady. Należy jednak pamiętać, iż wartość prądu stymulacji nie jest bezpośrednim indykatorem wskazującym na odległość igła-nerw. Można łatwo to zaobserwować wykorzystując USG: lokalizując igłę pod kontrolą wzroku w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie nerwu, niejednokrotnie w celu jego wystymulowania, konieczne jest użycie dużo wyższych wartości prądu, nawet powyżej 1 mA. Wartość prądu stymulacji < 0,2 mA może świadczyć o śródnerwowym położeniu końcówki igły i najczęściej jest związane z dużym oporem oraz bólem podczas iniekcji LMZ. Obecnie dostępne na rynku stymulatory nerwów są generatorami prądu stałego, znaczy to, iż prąd przepływający pomiędzy anodą a katodą jest stały, niezależnie od impedancji tkanek. W obwodzie elektrycznym katodę (biegun ujemny) stanowi igła, anodę (biegun dodatni) – elektroda przyklejona na ciele pacjenta. Najczęściej dostępne na rynku stymulatory generują prąd o natężeniu do 5 mA, krótkim czasie trwania impulsu (od 0,05 -1 ms) oraz częstotliwości 1 -2 Hz. W celu zapewnienia komfortu pacjentowi należy używać jak najniższych początkowych wartości natężenia prądu stymulacji: nie więcej niż 1 mA dla blokad powierzchownych oraz 2 mA (blokady głębokie) oraz jak najniższego czasu trwania impulsu ( optymalnie 0,1 ms – dla nerwów mieszanych, 0,3 dla nerwów czuciowych). Natomiast najbardziej optymalna częstotliwość to 2 Hz. Niekiedy konieczne jest użycie wyższych wartości prądu stymulacji 1,5 – 3 mA (dla głębokich blokad takich jak psoas compartment block), nie należy jednak przekraczać wartości 5 mA. Przy użyciu natężeń > 1,5 mA często obserwujemy bezpośrednią stymulację mięśni, przez które przechodzi igła, takie natężenia powodować mogą także dyskomfort u pacjenta. Stymulatory z opcją SENSe (Sequential Electrical Nerve Stimulation) Standardowe stymulatory generują prąd stymulacji o stałym czasie trwania impulsu (najczęściej 0,1 ms) oraz stałej częstotliwości (1 lub 2 Hz). Często jednak spotykamy się z problemem, że wygenerowana odpowiedź ruchowa zanika podczas niewielkich ruchów igłą wykonywanych w celu optymalizacji jej położenia. Technologia SENSe polega na generowaniu dodatkowego dłuższego impulsu (1,0 ms) poprzedzonego dwoma standardowymi impulsami (0,1 ms ). W tym przypadku częstotliwość generowanych impulsów wynosi 3 Hz. Obecność dodatkowego dłuższego impulsu daje możliwość wygenerowania odpowiedzi ruchowej dużo wcześniej niż przy użyciu standardowych stymulatorów oraz optymalizacji położenia igły bez utraty odpowiedzi ruchowej. Dodatkową zaletą jest określenie odległości igła – nerw na podstawie ilości wygenerowanych odpowiedzi ruchowych (1 pobudzenie – zbyt duża odległość igła-nerw, 3 pobudzenia – igłą w bezpośredniej okolicy nerwu). Przezskórna lokalizacja nerwów Na rynku dostępne są także stymulatory dające możliwość przezskórnego mapowania nerwów obwodowych za pomocą specjalnych penów. Pozwalają one na określenie najbardziej odpowiedniego miejsca wprowadzenia igły, w dobie USG wydają się być mało użyteczne. Pomocne jednak bywają w trakcie nauki oraz treningów. Igły do stymulacji Obecnie wykorzystywane są wyłącznie igły całkowicie izolowane (izolowana jest nasadka oraz ostrze poza końcówką) w celu uniknięcia rozproszenia prądu stymulacji. Dostępne są także zestawy do ciągłych blokad nerwów obwodowych dające możliwość stymulacji nerwu przy użyciu izolowanego cewnika (tzw. stimulating cathrters, niedostępne w Polsce). Technika wykonania blokady przy użyciu stymulatora nerwów: - Wybrać ustawienia stymulatora: natężenie 1-2 mA, czas 0,1 ms, częstotliwość 2 Hz. - Podłączyć igłę do bieguna ujemnego stymulatora. - Biegun dodatni czyli anodę podłączyć do pacjenta z wykorzystaniem elektrody EKG (wcześniej dobrze odtłuścić skórę). - Podłączyć strzykawkę z LMZ do wężyka igły i wypełnić igłę. - O prawidłowym podłączeniu stymulatora i zamknięciu obwodu informuje nas najczęściej pojawienie się świecącej diody bądź charakterystycznego dźwięku (w zależności od typu aparatu). - Wykorzystując technikę opartą o punkty anatomiczne wprowadzamy igłę do czasu pojawienia się odpowiedzi ruchowej. - Zmniejszamy natężenie prądu do czasu zaniku stymulacji. - Staramy się zlokalizować igłę tak aby najmniejszy prąd stymulacji wywołujący odpowiedź mieścił się w granicach 0,2 – 0,5 mA. - Po prawidłowej lokalizacji struktury nerwowej wykonujemy próbę aspiracji oraz podajemy odpowiednią objętość środka miejscowo znieczulającego nie zmieniając pozycji igły. - Unikamy podawania LMZ pod dużym ciśnieniem, przy prądzie stymulacji < 0,2 mA oraz w trakcie gdy pacjent zgłasza ból w trakcie iniekcji. - Odpowiedź ruchowa najczęściej znika już po podaniu pierwszych kilku mililitrów środka miejscowo znieczulającego. Jest to zjawisko zwane jako „Raj test”. Początkowo myślano, iż jest spowodowane odepchnięciem nerwu przez podawaną substancję od końcówki igły. Zaobserwowano jednak, iż to zjawisko nie powstaje kiedy zamiast LMZ bądź roztworu chlorku sodu podawana jest woda. Mechanizm powstawania tego zjawiska jest dość prosty, otóż „sól fizjologiczna” jak i środki miejscowo znieczulające są roztworami elektrolitowymi, przez które przewodzone są ładunki elektryczne, co powoduje ich rozproszenie i co za tym idzie konieczność użycia większego natężenia prądu w celu uzyskania odpowiedzi ruchowej. - Przy wykorzystaniu USG (dual guidance technique) stymulator nerwów bywa pomocny w celu potwierdzenia czy dana struktura widziana w obrazie ultrasonograficznym jest rzeczywiście strukturą nerwową, pozwala także ocenić odległość igła-nerw a także zmniejszyć ryzyko śródnerwowego podania LMZ (szczególnie gdy nie udaje się nam uwidocznić igły na całym jej przebiegu). - Odpowiedź ruchowa przy natężeniu > 0,5 mA – koniec igły najczęściej zbyt daleko od struktury nerwowej (wykonanie blokady najczęściej skutkuje niepowodzeniem). - Odpowiedź ruchowa przy natężeniu 0,2 – 0,5 mA (0,1 ms) – optymalnie (wysoki odsetek skuteczności blokady). - Odpowiedź ruchowa przy natężeniu < 0,2 mA – duże ryzyko śródnerwowej depozycji LMZ oraz uszkodzenia nerwu. - Optymalny czas trwania impulsu – 0,1 ms. U pacjentów z zaburzeniami neurologicznymi pod postacią polineuropatii (np. pacjenci z cukrzycą) uzyskanie odpowiedzi ruchowej przy użyciu standardowej wartości czasu trwania impulsu (0,1 ms), może być niezmiernie trudne. W takim przypadku warto zwiększyć czas trwania impulsu do wartości 0,3 – 1 mA. - Optymalna częstotliwość – 2 Hz.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:40:30Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.9997185468673706, "token_count": 5584, "url": "http://anestezjologiaregionalna.pl/podstawy-2/podstawy-elektrostymulacji-w-blokadach-nerwow-obwodowych/" }
“I have tried all my life to run away from the Nordic tradition. But I realize that it is difficult to run away from yourself.” Sverre Fehn in A+U, 1999 In an interview in the January 1964 edition of Playboy magazine, Vladimir Nabokov was asked about his identity. He replied, “I am an American writer, born in Russia and educated in England, where I studied French literature, before spending fifteen years in Germany.”1 It is a playful response to our shared condition within a truly global world. As the question of “where one is from” becomes more and more complicated to answer, so too does the identity of architecture. It is not unusual today for a project in Dubai, for example, to be designed by an architect born in Iraq, trained in London and now teaching in Vienna. Typically, such a building is designed by one office, while yet another carries out working drawings and construction administration. The article you are now reading is printed in a journal named specifically as The “Norwegian” Review of Architecture. Though the journal also publishes articles regarding built work from other nations and cultures, the focus is clearly on architecture constructed in Norway or by Norwegians and not, for example, “concrete” architecture, or “colorful” architecture, or “contemporary” architecture. So what might it mean to be a Norwegian architect or to make Norwegian architecture? In the long (Nordic) shadow of Christian Norberg-Schulz, this is still a loaded question. The program of a national pavilion locates this issue squarely in architectural terms. The Nordic Pavilion for the Venice Biennale (1958-1962), designed by Sverre Fehn to represent Sweden, Finland, and Norway, is a project that one can presume deals in some way with the issue of a Nordic identity. Though much has been written – specifically in this journal – about the pavilion and the Pritzker Prize winning architect, few authors have approached it through the lens of storytelling. This absence is curious, because in many interviews and articles, Fehn makes an analogy between building and storytelling, and between materials and language.2 "Though much has been written – specifically in this journal – about the pavilion and the Pritzker Prize winning architect, few authors have approached it through the lens of storytelling." I propose that the two issues – identity and storytelling – are indeed connected, and in this essay I will explore the nature of an architectural identity through storytelling. To do so, I will refer to the conclusion of Richard Kearney’s wonderful essay, On Stories. In the text, Kearney responds to the ever-present call for the death of storytelling by invoking five summary headings drawn from various models of narrative theory: plot (mythos), re-creation (mimesis), release (catharsis), wisdom (phronesis), and ethics (ethos). Though Fehn does not specifically name these themes in discussions of his projects, it is my wager that the same topics apply to and enrich an understanding of his work and, more specifically, the issues of architecture and identity. 1. PLOT (mythos) All stories, according to Kearney, are situated and told in time. Kearney references Aristotle to develop the meaning of plot (mythos) to include a telling, a fable or fantasy, and a crafted structure. Dostoevsky’s White Nights, for example, could not take place in a city near the equator where the summer nights are dark, nor could we know at the beginning that the unnamed protagonist will end the story waiting alone on a bench. Kearney relates this understanding of plot to the making of our own lives. A narrative marks, organizes, and clarifies our experience from when we first begin to speak until we die. This structure, however, is not an a-priori condition imposed upon us; like an author, we are active in organizing and naming our lives. Kearney refers to the philosopher Paul Ricoeur who describes the ability make the story of our lives into an understandable whole as the “synthesis of the heterogeneous”. This is also true for architecture, and certainly true for Fehn, working in Venice. Fehn was given a site in the public gardens between the pavilions for the United States and Denmark on the secondary axis of Viale Trento. The gardens present an unusual sort of urbanism: each of the pavilions is national, the program of each is only for display, all of the buildings sit unused for most of the year, the entire site is within a large park, and there are no full-time residents. From these pre-existing conditions, Fehn has designed a deceptively simple project. The pavilion burrows into the slope of the southeast corner. The opposite walls, on the north and west side, were intended to be open, allowing the pre-existing circulation to continue through the building and exhibits. In the final design, both facades remain operable, with the exception of a stair on the southern end of the west wall. This stair houses a small storage room and gives access to the rear of the site. Large sliding glass walls are set back one bay from the edge of the roof overhang, that with the help of translucent fiberglass draped between the roof joists, keeps the rain out. The walls are capped by an iconic roof structure of thinly articulated concrete joists. Running perpendicular and set on top of each other, the roof structure blocks any direct light from reaching the floor. Interruptions in the grid allow the existing trees to extend through the roof canopy. Seen in elevation, the rhythm of the roof matches the pattern of the triglyphs on the façade of the neighboring pavilion for the United States. Fehn has synthesized an assemblage of existing heterogeneous elements: circulation, trees, topography, weather, context, and natural light into a coherent project to display art from the Nordic counties. The project is well situated and could not be placed anywhere else and work in the same way. But how is this plot, this narrative, constructed and is it different from Fehn’s other work? To respond to this, I will introduce Kearney’s next topic. 2. RE-CREATION (mimesis) The second topic introduced by Kearney is re-creation, named also as mimesis. This is not a passive imitation of reality, or worse, kitsch. Rather, it is an imaginative re-description that captures the real meaning of our lives. Kearney again builds upon the narrative theory of Paul Ricoeur who discussed the re-telling of our lives through a circle of triple mimesis: the pre-figuring of our life as it seeks to be told, con-figuring of the text in the act of telling (described above as plotting), and re-figuring of our existence as we return from narrative to go from text to action. When asked how he begins a project, Fehn replied “By falling asleep – dreaming about the theme and the site in an unrealistic way and from that point I begin to gather all information and finally put the story together”.3 In doing so, Fehn moves from the story (text), to making architecture (action). So, to ask again, what is the story that Fehn tells us? How can we read this building? Fehn won the competition to design the pavilion in Venice after completion of the Norwegian Pavilion in Brussels. In many ways the project in Venice echoes some of the same issues raised by its Brussels counterpart. Both are defined by an articulated roof plane, both were originally intended to be produced off-site and then assembled in-situ, both define rooms with a minimum of enclosed walls, both blur the distinctions between interior and exterior, and both rely on the site for clues to organize the projects. However, the projects are clearly distinct from each other. The concrete of the roof joists has been mixed with the typical creamy white limestone of Venice to offer a light that is definite, but familiar. Due to cost issues, the project in Venice was constructed in-situ. Existing trees and circulation patterns define the interior rooms more than any walls might. In many ways, Fehn’s mimetic re-figuration of the site and of the earlier pavilion in Brussels resembles an act of translation. As a translation, however, Fehn’s pavilion in Venice, offers a very specific approach. In the text Experiences in Translation, Umberto Eco describes many variations of translations. One of these, re-writing, uses James Joyce’s epic Finnegans Wake as an example. The language of Finnegans Wake poses serious problems to the typical interlingual translation because, as Eco points out, it is a plurilingual text, conceived by an English speaking (and writing) author dependant upon aural, etymological, and visual play within the English language. In a sense Finnegans Wake is already translated from English! When Joyce was approached to have the work translated by an Italian, he insisted on doing it himself, as was also the case with the French version. To translate the text into another language required Joyce to think and conceive as another. For example, Joyce adjusted the English text to a language (Italian) that does not have as many monosyllabic words, different etymologies, distinct rhythms, rhymes, and references. As a result, the text is not a direct translation, but literally a re-writing, and entire sections do not resemble the original. Fehn has done the same thing with the pavilion in Venice. Rather than simply mimicking the Norwegian Pavilion in Brussels or, even worse, a vernacular wooden hut from Norway, he has made an imaginative translation into a foreign context. Kenneth Frampton has argued that the square plan of the building, and specifically the corner, is a reference to the Doge’s Palace. He also suggested that the structural efficiency of the roof system is a result of the influence of Jean Prouvè. Frampton even goes so far as to contend that the form of the translucent panels hung in between the concrete joists is derived from the canvas roof of the Citroen 2CV. Perhaps. But it seems more appropriate to propose that the form and orientation of the building is less about specific formal references than a careful re-figuration of the site, the means of construction and the program. "… it seems more appropriate to propose that the form and orientation of the building is less about specific formal references than a careful re-figuration of the site, the means of construction and the program." In other words, the meaning of the project does not rely upon the reference to a classic French automobile or an iconic Venetian building, but rather in relation to the existing trees, the slope of the site, the pathways that existed before the pavilion, ways of making, and the very nature of the program of a pavilion. But this leads to another question and our next topic: What does it say that is specifically “Nordic”? 3. RELEASE (catharsis) Mimetic action, according to Kearney, weaves together the past, present, and future to recognize events as both cumulative and oriented. Stories alter us and bring us to places that are essentially other. In this way, we may experience a catharsis. The experience of catharsis requires distance and detachment, but also involvement and empathy. According to Kearney, “It is precisely this double take of difference and identity – experiencing oneself as another and the other as oneself – that provokes a reversal of our natural attitude towards things and opens us to novel ways of seeing and believing.”4 Fehn discussed precisely this novel way of looking at familiar architectural elements after returning from a trip to Morocco. He said, “You suddenly feel as if the walls are not simply to bear a roof or make a house, but at one moment made to provide shade from the sun, the next to be support for your back, in the autumn a rack to dry dates on and in the spring a blackboard for the children to draw on. It is the same with the roof and the floor. The different parts of the whole house are regarded as domestic furnishings.”5 He continued, “I discover things that allow me to discover myself. Visiting French Morocco in order to study its primitive architecture is not like going on a trip to discover new things. What happens is that one recognizes.”6 Fehn talked about his trip to Morocco less in terms of a tourist viewing a more primitive culture than as a traveler who recognizes his own experience of making through that of another.7 During his travels in Italy, Fehn was moved by the quality of light. He explained, “In the north you are moving in the fog, you are moving in a world which has no shadows, in a way where the shadows do not define anything. If you make a piece of architecture in the south of France or in Italy, the shadow is there immediately, you can make a little curve in the wall and you’ll see it at once. But the sign would be invisible in the North. It is another light in which you walk. And that also makes architecture more mysterious, more romantic, more undefined.”8 It is here that Fehn, I argue, has experienced a catharsis. Through his travels away from home, he is able to recognize the distinct nature of Nordic light. The project then becomes a way of finding that Nordic quality of light in a different context. He explained that the goal of his project was to “construct a roof to protect the paintings and sculptures from direct sunlight, and to provide an atmosphere of the shadow-less world of Scandinavia, where the work of art had been created.” 9 But it is not only Fehn, but also the visitor to the pavilion that experiences catharsis. Entering into the pavilion, one senses a change, but it is not the same as walking through the entrance door as in the other pavilions. The light changes, but it is a gradual shift and it is difficult to pinpoint when you are fully immersed. I have sensed this sort of light only a few times before. Once, at the Myyrmäki Church in Vantaa, Finland by Juha Leiviskä, I wandered in on a summer afternoon and was struck by the calm evenness of the light. Perhaps this is the “shadowless” light of the Nordic nations that Fehn described. Fehn, however, does not rely upon tired clichés of Nordic identity – wooden huts and well-patterned wool sweaters – but, rather, he is able to carve out a shadowless light using local means and materials. Like a careful translator he is re-telling a Nordic story in a foreign language. Living in Venice for a while, your eyes adjust to a light that is always being reflected and projected, from the glittering canals to the honey-like golden light of the mosaics in San Marco. For a little while, during the Biennale, one can find a sense of light that is not known elsewhere on the island, but is recognized by the traveler. "Living in Venice for a while, your eyes adjust to a light that is always being reflected and projected, from the glittering canals to the honey-like golden light of the mosaics in San Marco. For a little while, during the Biennale, one can find a sense of light that is not known elsewhere on the island." 4. WISDOM (phronesis) Kearney next asks if there is a truth proper to fiction. His response is that there is, and he defines it as phronesis: “a form of practical wisdom capable of respecting the singularity of situations as well as the nascent universality of values aimed at by human actions.”10 While there is always a suspension of disbelief in any story, we do need to relate the events of the story to the external criteria of evidence in our world. Simply put, a story needs to be believable. This does not reduce our experience of fiction and our world to a relativistic position; rather, narrative holds the potential to both make real possibilities and possible realities.11 The “truth” of Venice, for example, is revealed in one’s own experience of the city, certainly, but that experience may also be affected and made more rich by the narratives of the city like Joseph Brodsky’s Watermark or Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities. Both discuss very specific instances of Venice and also comment on our shared experience. Extending the question, is there a truth proper to architecture? Louis Kahn’s conversation with a brick is always in the architect’s mind. Does Fehn respect the true nature of the material? Is it “truthful” to propose a roof in concrete that resembles wooden joists? The roof has not fallen, so it has proven to be structurally sound. Certainly this is not the only criterion by which Fehn has determined the form. If one looks to the Exeter Library by Kahn, the enormous concrete crossbeams that hover above that building’s central atrium room are certainly not only structural. The cool blue light that the concrete deflects into the atrium below makes a contrast with the warmer yellowish light that filters into the row of individualized carrels found on the edge of the building. The concrete beams are not required to only span an opening and support a roof. Rather, they respond to a number of diverse phenomena, including the quality of light and sense of monumentality. Similarly, in the Nordic Pavilion, the 1 m by 6 cm concrete joists, separated by 52.3 cm to form a 2 m thick brise-soleil, are not employed simply to span an opening.12 Rather, they help to invoke the “shadowless” Nordic light described by Fehn. The depth of the roof construction, combined with the wafer-like girders, prevents the sunlight from directly reaching the floor. The grid, however, is not continuous. It stops in front of and frames the existing trees. The beam that supports the roof splits just before it meets an existing tree. In this way, the room is evenly lit and the existing trees are able to grow. And so Fehn has solved the specific problem of spanning a room, but the project also helps to frame a shared horizon. This brings us to our final topic. 5. ETHICS (ethos) Kearney reminds us that, “Every act of storytelling involves someone (a teller) telling something (a story) to someone (a listener) about something (a real or imaginary world).”13 We may question where the meaning of such a story exists: with the teller, or the listener, in the structure and form of the story, or even in the listener’s response? Depending on your philosophic bent, you may privilege one over another. Kearney proposes that a hermeneutic approach espoused by such philosophers as Paul Ricoeur and Hans-Georg Gadamer may have the potential to hold all four responses (teller, story, listener, reference) in balance. This interplay of agencies not only affords a potentially rich and grounded reading of work, it also provides a particular experience of selfhood and, by extension, identity. Christian Norberg-Schulz, writing with a more intimate knowledge of Norwegian identity than I, explained, “Even today, the Norwegians are urban dwellers who are nevertheless incapable of relating to urban traditions. The idea of self-sufficiency remains, and with it, the distrust of those who claim to be more proficient in specialized areas. This results in a loss of the capacity to judge according to the qualitative parameters, and to create places that are both contemporary and genuine.”14 By questioning the relationship between “contemporary” and “genuine”, Norberg-Schulz problematized most urban Norwegian architecture proposed after the Second World War. He himself made the observation that the introduction of Modernism into the vocabulary of Norwegian architects added a patriotic flavor to the debates regarding a “national” or a “classical” aesthetic.15 The role of the vernacular in that discussion only adds to the confusion. The public gardens in Venice is a site in which the questions of “contemporary” and “genuine” are as present as they are in the Norwegian context. Fehn has demonstrated that the issue of architectural identity, however, is not solely an aesthetic or referential issue, nor must these terms be seen in opposition; one can be concurrently contemporary and genuine. The meaning of a building, however, can never simply be reduced to a structural, tectonic, aesthetic, or formal analysis alone. Nor is it simply the atmosphere or feeling that the building might evoke, or only the intention of the architect. While each of these issues is important, none quite completely communicate the identity of the building. Each of these criteria together forms the nature and meaning of a building. When one makes architecture it is always for another. It is an immanently social act, just like storytelling. As important, this recognition of “the other” is inherently ethical and leads to a sense of identity and selfhood that is indispensable to any sense of responsibility. I would argue that the Nordic Pavilion reveals this. The project is a fusion of the Nordic and Venetian horizons. The Nordic identity, then, is not imposed upon another, but revealed with the other. When you consider architecture in these terms, identity cannot be understood as a nostalgic style to be imitated but rather as recognition of oneself across time and place through interaction with another. Fehn knew that this is found through storytelling. In a conversation with Per Olaf Fjeld, Fehn noted that “You are part of another’s shadow, and you are no longer alone. It is here that the story is told.”16 And it is here that the meaning of architecture may also be found. Fehn will be remembered as an important Norwegian architect. He should also be known as a true storyteller. The Nordic Pavilion sits across from the pavilion for Venezuela (literally, “little Venice”) designed by Carlo Scarpa, that eminently Venetian architect. The similarities between Fehn and Scarpa require more words than can be offered here, though it is interesting to remember that Scarpa once described himself as “a man of Byzantium who came to Venice by way of Greece”. To continue the story, perhaps, one can claim that Sverre Fehn is a man of Morocco who went to Oslo by way of Venice. “Vladimir Nabokov—A Candid Conversation with the Artful, Erudite Author of Lolita" conducted by Alvin Toffler (Playboy Magazine. January, 1964 vol. 1: 35-45.). The author wishes to thank Einar Bjarki Malmquist, Denise McGimsey, and Andrew Lewthwaite for their thoughtful comments and suggestions. ↩ See, for example, quotes in Architecture+Urbanism. (January 1999): 17: “I see materials as letters we use to write poetic thoughts.” p. 17: “We work with letters, an alphabet, we write a story. The story and its structure are inseparable. The poetic idea needs the support of structure to exist. We should have a story to tell. The one that strikes me as being the most poetic is the idea that mankind has a life after death.” and p. 19: “Detailing is the story of the meeting point between materials.” ↩ Architecture+Urbanism. (January 1999): 17. ↩ Richard Kearney, On Stories. (London: Routledge, 2002): 140. ↩ Sverre Fehn: Works, Projects, Writings, 1949-1996. Ed. Christian Norberg-Schulz and Gennaro Postiglione (New York: Monacelli Press, 1997): 242. ↩ Sverre Fehn: Works, Projects, Writings, 1949-1996. Ed. Christian Norberg-Schulz and Gennaro Postiglione (New York: Monacelli Press, 1997): 242. ↩ I am referring to the distinction made by Paul Bowles between a tourist and a traveler in his novel The Sheltering Sky. I introduce the book for that comparison, but also because Bowles, like Fehn, was radically affected by his travels in Northern Africa. As well, the title of the book refers to a quote “Reach out, pierce the fine fabric of the sheltering sky, take repose” that seems particularly appropriate to the pierced roof plane of Fehn’s pavilion in Venice. ↩ Sverre Fehn: Works, Projects, Writings, 1949-1996. Ed. Christian Norberg-Schulz and Gennaro Postiglione (New York: Monacelli Press, 1997): 249. ↩ Architecture+Urbanism. (January 1999): 21. ↩ Richard Kearney, On Stories. (London: Routledge, 2002): 143. ↩ This phrase comes from my teacher, Alberto Pérez-Gómez. ↩ As mentioned, the butt-ends of the joists align in elevation with the triglyphs of the United States pavilion. The triglyphs and metopes on the façade, though typical components of a classical order, refer to the butt end of joists in wood construction but are made in stone and therefore the “truthfulness” of the façade is problematic. Seen in comparison, Fehn’s architecture is indeed more truthful in relation to the materials. ↩ Richard Kearney, On Stories. (London: Routledge, 2002): 150. ↩ Christian Norberg-Shulz, “The Poetic Vision of Sverre Fehn” in Sverre Fehn: Works, Projects, Writings, 1949-1996. Ed. Christian Norberg-Schulz and Gennaro Postiglione (New York: Monacelli Press, 1997): 41. ↩ For a brief summary, see, Christian Norberg-Shultz, “The Poetic Vision of Sverre Fehn” in Sverre Fehn: Works, Projects, Writings, 1949-1996. Ed. Christian Norberg-Schulz and Gennaro Postiglione (New York: Monacelli Press, 1997): 32-41. ↩ Sverre Fehn: Works, Projects, Writings, 1949-1996. Ed. Christian Norberg-Schulz and Gennaro Postiglione (New York: Monacelli Press, 1997): 243. ↩
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I’ve just returned from a wonderful weekend workshop with Lisa Ann Watkins, watercolor pencil artist which left me inspired and wanting to do more, right now! But I thought you would appreciate being updated on studio class happenings, so here’s what coming: * Yes, we are painting the Santa Face this Wed. I have the paints, just register and come join us. My surface is a 8″ round but any smallish size will do. Wed, Sept 13, 10a-2p. * And we are all set to paint my Kitty Angel Ornaments this coming Fri, Sept 15, 10-2p. I have the ornaments. You are welcome to paint any color cat you would like. * Wed pm at the studio is painting my mixed media Blue Bird starting this week, Sept 13, 27, & Oct 4, 4p-6p. * If you missed the Road to Know-Where, our Cary painters will begin it on Sept 26, Oct 3, 10 & 24. From my basic design each painter can personalize. Class is 6:15p-8p. | Kitty Angel Ornaments Road to Know-Where Mixed Media Blue Bird I’m working on getting the web site updated and will have all the classes posted soon. We’ve been planning classes for the rest of the year and hope you can join us. A little holiday sprinkled with some other favorite designs + lots of imagination. Here’s the dog that I penciled with Lisa. Carol, Pat and I had a great time and I really enjoyed learning something new to me. It’s not finished but I am pleased with it. Watercolor Pencil In Progress A Lisa Ann Watkins design | Water Lily Gelli Kathie George design Details for our Nov seminar with Kathie George are posted! Hope you can join us. We have an exciting variety of projects planned. Details and Register. Donkeys Batik Kathie George design Green Swamp Golden Acrylic Kathie George design | Mark Polomchak seminar 2017 We had a great time painting with Mark Polomchak again this year. Watch for photos on the blog. I have them already on Face Book. Mark and I are talking about next year. Stay tuned. Watch the web siteand Face Book for more updates. ©2017 Artful Endeavors | 200 Sawmill Rd, Suite 201, Raleigh NC 27615 |
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Ashland County is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards. Ashland County is committed to maintaining a high level of accessibility by all web users. Our goal is for all pages on our website to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), available at www.w3.org/TR/WCAG. We welcome your feedback on the accessibility on the Ashland County website, please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers.
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Welcome to Adoring Ashley Tisdale, your 24/7 online source dedicated to talented actress, singer and producer Ashley Tisdale. Ashley is best known for her role Sharpay Evans in Disney Channel’s original movie High School Musical. Her third studio album Symptoms dropped May 3, 2019. The site aim is to update you with all the latest news, photos and media concerning Ashley’s career. Take a look around and enjoy your stay! Adoring Ashley Tisdale is a non-official site made by fans for Ashley’s fans. We have no contact with the actress herself, her family or any company associated with her. This site is non-profit, and is in no way trying to infringe on the copyrights or businesses of any of the entities. All images belong to their rightful owners. Please contact us if there’s a problem, before taking any legal actions.
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Dit is alweer de 122e Photo Diary op rij, bizar dat ik al meer dan twee jaar(!) mijn weken hier met jullie deel. Afgelopen week stond helemaal in het teken van mijn afstudeerverdediging, waar ik eigenlijk de hele week mee bezig geweest ben.. Het was in ieder geval een super zenuwslopende week met veel pieken en dalen. Benieuwd hoe het afgelopen is? Kijk mee! De week begint goed, ons nieuwe matras van EMMA wordt namelijk bezorgd in het appartement. Zo gek dat een mega groot matras van twee meter in zo’n doos past. Wanneer je hem uitvouwt en het pastic eraf haalt blaast ‘ie zichzelf helemaal op. Wow! Ik heb dit matras trouwens gekregen om te testen en het is natuurlijk ontzettend fijn dat Joost en ik écht helemaal ‘nieuw’ kunnen starten. Zelfs met een gloednieuw matras, in een gloednieuw appartement. Deze week hebben we er dus ook echt voor het eerst op geslapen en je merkt echt dat ‘ie van goede kwaliteit is. Mijn rug moet er nog wel een beetje aan wennen omdat mijn eigen matras iets zachter is, maar we gaan er vanuit dat dat helemaal goed komt. Er komt deze maand in ieder geval nog een uitgebreide review online over dit Emma-matras! Alle liefhebbers van highlighters opgelet!!! Sleek heeft een prachtig nieuw palette uitgebracht met vier verschillende highlighters in één palette, echt een plaatje. Het palette is vormgegeven in een compact gouden doosje met een spiegel en een mini penseel. Daarnaast bevat ‘ie twee baked highlighters en twee crème formules. Een highlighter voor op de jukbeenderen, een voor op de bovenlip, een voor in de binnenkant van de ogen en een voor op de neusbrug. Ideaal! Mocht je benieuwd zijn, het palette kost 14 euro en is onder andere verkrijgbaar bij Ici Paris en Etos. Absoluut een aanrader! Dinsdag gaan Joost en ik druk aan de slag in ons appartement. Er moet nog een kast in elkaar gezet worden (de ultieme relatietest, we hebben hem overwonnen hoor!), daarnaast moeten er eigenlijk nog gewoon heel veel kleine dingetjes gedaan worden. Langzaam maar zeker wordt het steeds meer ‘af’ en ons eigen plekje. Van Desenio ontvangen we ook nog een aantal posters in luxe lijsten. Deze krijgen sowieso een mooi plaatsje in ons appartement! Eerst even kijken waar precies, voordat we overal weer gaten boren in die perfect geschilderde muren.. Haha. Woensdag hebben we een kleine borrel met alle bewoners van ons appartementencomplex. Leuk om wat meer gezichten te zien en een klein praatje te maken. De catering is goed verzorgd met lekkere hapjes en drankjes, een goed begin van ons nieuwe avontuur in ieder geval. Maar goed, ik kan niet te lang doordromen over het appartement. Er moet nog even gewerkt worden, die verdediging komt nu namelijk wel HEEL dichtbij. Begin deze week kreeg ik het bericht dat mijn scriptie überhaupt verdedigbaar is en ik hem aanstaande vrijdag mag verdedigen, erg fijn. Ergens had ik het wel verwacht, maar het is toch altijd een opluchting wanneer het ook daadwerkelijk bevestigd wordt. Omdat ik mijn afstudeerscriptie geschreven heb voor Manfield wil ik ook mijn verdediging door laten voeren met het thema schoenen. Dus ik trok al mijn kinderschoentjes uit de kast, zo schattig. BIJNA….. Ik geloof dat ik nog nooit zo zenuwachtig geweest ben… En toen was het vrijdag 7 juli, D-day. Een ongelofelijk spannend moment waar ik al een jaar echt naartoe leef. Een uitgebreid verslag over mijn afstudeerperiode en de opleiding die ik gevolgd heb komt nog online (ik heb er namelijk veel vragen over gekregen!), maar ik kan wel alvast vertellen dat ik gewoon AFGESTUDEERD ben. I did it! Ik heb uiteindelijk een cijfer 8(!) gekregen en heb mijn Bachelor of Communication nu dus écht in de pocket. Nog steeds onwerkelijk, maar ik ben ongelofelijk blij 🙂 Vanaf nu heb ik dus écht tijd om volop te genieten van ons nieuwe plekje én de gloednieuwe meubels die afgelopen dagen allemaal geleverd zijn. Deze bank heb ik bijvoorbeeld gewonnen via Facebook (het blijft een ongelofelijk bizar verhaal dat je hier terug kunt lezen) en we zijn er ZO blij mee. Een heerlijk plekje om lekker onderuit te hangen, daarnaast is ‘ie ook gewoon héél erg mooi en past hij perfect in ons appartement. Na die mega spannende verdediging rijden Joost en ik meteen naar huis om even wat anders aan te trekken. Er staat namelijk een etentje op de planning met mijn ouders en de ouders van Joost, gezellig! Natuurlijk vieren we het feit dat ik mijn diploma heb gehaald, maar eigenlijk draait het vanavond om het feit dat we morgen officieel gaan samenwonen. En kijk deze fotogenieke gerechten, te mooi en te lekker. Na het etentje gaan Joost en ik ook nog even langs een vriendin die een afstudeerfeestje geeft. Ook al zo gezellig! Uiteindelijk liggen we toch om 02.30 uur in bed. Ik ben bekaf na deze enorm inspannende dag, het lijkt wel of alle stress er in een keer uitkomt. Tijd om lekker uit te rusten! Zaterdag spenderen we uiteraard weer de hele middag bij IKEA. Het is eindelijk tijd om een aantal accessoires te gaan kopen, het leukste gedeelte van alles. Ik zie deze leuke hangplantjes en maak er meteen een foto van. Uiteindelijk nemen we ze niet mee, maar misschien dat ik ze toch nog even ga halen. Vind ze echt heel erg leuk en gezellig! Geen IKEA zonder een lekkere portie friet met Zweedse balletjes of saté. En vooruit, een glas vers geperste jus d’orange voor wat extra vitaminen. Zondag doen we lekker helemaal niets, heerlijk dit soort dagen. ‘s Avonds gaan we gezellig uiteten met mijn ouders en zusjes om te vieren dat ik mijn diploma heb. IK HEB GEWOON MIJN DIPLOMA! Wat een gek idee, haha. We gaan trouwens bij het ‘t Zusje eten in Bergen op Zoom, echt een enorme aanrader. Allemaal kleine tapas gerechtjes (onbeperkt!) en een enorme kaart met deserties. Allemaal even lekker, kiezen is zó moeilijk! Hier kom ik sowieso snel weer eens terug. Deze Photo Diary is een paar dagen later online gekomen omdat ik het de afgelopen dagen vrij druk heb gehad. Vanaf nu ben ik weer back online met veel leuke dingen, ik heb ook echt weer zin om lekker vooruit te gaan schrijven en mooie foto’s te maken!
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:54:22Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "nl", "language_score": 0.9972395300865173, "token_count": 2357, "url": "http://beautybydenies.nl/photo-diary-122-een-spannende-verdediging/" }
Revolution touring bike Ashland – Eugene – Portland – Seattle – Vancouver – Burning Guy – Yosemite – Southern Yuba The objective of this bike Music Festival tour is to advertise renewable culture overall and bicycle culture particularly, by actually engaging and immersing communities inside magic of bicycle tradition, and cultivating and nurturing companies of neighborhood lasting performers, through our staging of free, community participatory, bicycle-based music activities. The pleasing Revolution Bicycle musical Festival Tour follows when you look at the tire songs of san francisco bay area BMF—”the largest 100percent bicycle-powered music event in the field”—and the Ginger Ninjas’ globe trotting bicycle songs shenanigans. San Francisco’s free, all-day (and later into the evening) occasion takes place yearly regarding the Saturday nearest on summertime solstice. a bike songs Festival typically features: a 1–2000 watt pedal-powered PA system, as many as 15 bands, around 7 event prevents, crazy important Mass-style bicycle celebration caravans between event stops, and zero using cars or trucks. Featuring its completely bike-haulable phase, the function is packed up and deployed numerous times: staged sequentially at different general public parks and on a going “Live On Bike” stage which rolls down city roads. The festival is run by a team of more than 20 volunteers and is supported economically both by donations from the public (mainly collected on event), and through partnerships with hip companies. The SF event began in 2007, and has now since doubled in proportions every year. Like Critical Mass (another SF-birthed bicycle spectacle) the style has actually begun to be emulated across the world. We encourage you to definitely begin one out of your city! The first BMF – 2007 The only festival worldwide actually hauling its very own fat, the BMF possesses 4 distinctive qualities: 1) The human-powered P/A system, which besides becoming more fun and green way to amplify a live concert, also changes every song into a gathering participation tune, and drastically democratizes the concert-goer knowledge (the energy to amplify the folks onstage rests completely inside will of the people offstage; democracy at its healthiest you might say!). 2) Bicycle-mobility of the entire festival: the entire audience/band/stage/crew completely packs-up everything they bring (stage and musical equipment too) onto bicycles, and travels as a large group to the next festival stop. There are no sag-wagons or equipment trucks hauling the amplifiers and other heavy gear – everything is hauled by bicycle.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:27:06Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9430449604988098, "token_count": 539, "url": "http://bicycle-touring.pro/TouringBikeForBeginners/revolution-touring-bike" }
These were the only Christmas presents I got finished this year. I had planned on two DrWho quilts but those will be done starting Boxing Day lol. Sweet and simple. I quilted the A in the ditch And meandered the background on the E. Now I have some binding to finish. I didn't finish the Christmas presents but I may have finished a little something for me lol.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:06:23Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9812893867492676, "token_count": 85, "url": "http://blog.quiltnutcreations.com/2014/12/quilt-monday_22.html?showComment=1419338630923" }
In the world of printing, technology has come a long way. From traditional printing methods to digital printing, the industry has witnessed significant advancements. One such innovation that has revolutionized the printing industry is the JSW A3 DTF printer. This cutting-edge printer allows users to create unique designs with ease and precision. Introduction to JSW A3 DTF Printer The https://www.orinjet.com/JSW-A3-Smart-4-in-1-Printer is a state-of-the-art printing machine that utilizes the Direct to Film (DTF) technology. Unlike traditional printers, which rely on inkjet or laser technology, the DTF printer transfers the design directly onto the film, which is then transferred onto the desired substrate. This innovative printing method offers several advantages, including vibrant colors, high-resolution prints, and the ability to print on a wide range of materials. Features of JSW A3 DTF Printer 1. High-Resolution Printing: The JSW A3 DTF printer boasts a high-resolution printing capability, allowing you to create intricate and detailed designs. With a resolution of up to 1440 dpi, this printer ensures that every line and curve is accurately reproduced, resulting in stunning prints. 2. Versatility: One of the standout features of the JSW A3 DTF printer is its versatility. It can print on a variety of materials, including cotton, polyester, leather, and even wood. Whether you want to create custom t-shirts, bags, or home decor items, this printer can handle it all. 3. Vibrant Colors: The DTF printing technology used by the JSW A3 printer delivers vibrant and eye-catching colors. The printer utilizes a unique ink formulation that ensures excellent color saturation and longevity. Your designs will truly come to life with the vivid and rich colors produced by this printer. 4. Easy-to-Use Software: The JSW A3 DTF printer comes with user-friendly software that simplifies the design process. Whether you are a seasoned designer or a beginner, you can easily create and edit designs using the intuitive software. The software also provides various tools and effects to enhance your designs further. Benefits of Using JSW A3 DTF Printer 1. Cost-Effective: The JSW A3 DTF printer offers a cost-effective printing solution. Unlike traditional printing methods that require expensive setup costs and minimum order quantities, the DTF printer allows you to print on-demand. This means you can print as little or as much as you need, reducing waste and saving money. 2. Quick Turnaround Time: With the JSW A3 DTF printer, you can achieve quick turnaround times. The printer's high-speed printing capability ensures that your designs are printed efficiently, allowing you to meet tight deadlines and satisfy customer demands. 3. Customization: The ability to create unique and customized designs is a significant advantage of the JSW A3 DTF printer. Whether you are a small business owner looking to offer personalized products or an individual wanting to express your creativity, this printer allows you to bring your ideas to life. 4. Durability: The prints created by the JSW A3 DTF printer are highly durable. The ink used in the printing process is resistant to fading, cracking, and peeling, ensuring that your designs remain vibrant and intact even after multiple washes or extensive use. How to Create Unique Designs with JSW A3 DTF Printer 1. Choose Your Design: The first step in creating unique designs with the JSW A3 DTF printer is to choose or create your design. You can either use pre-existing designs or create your own using graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. Ensure that your design is compatible with the printer's software and meets the required specifications. 2. Prepare the Film: Once you have your design ready, it's time to prepare the film. The JSW A3 DTF printer uses a special film that acts as a medium between the printer and the substrate. Ensure that the film is properly aligned and securely attached to the printer's platen. 3. Print Your Design: With the design and film in place, you can now print your design using the JSW A3 DTF printer. The printer's software allows you to adjust various settings, such as color saturation, resolution, and print size, to achieve the desired outcome. Once the printing process is complete, carefully remove the film from the printer. 4. Transfer the Design: The next step is to transfer the design from the film onto the desired substrate. This can be done using a heat press machine or a curing oven, depending on the material you are printing on. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific substrate to ensure proper adhesion and durability of the print. 5. Finishing Touches: After transferring the design, you can add any finishing touches to enhance the overall look. This may include trimming excess film, adding additional colors or effects, or applying a protective coating to increase the longevity of the print. The JSW A3 DTF printer has changed the printing industry. Its advanced features, versatility, and ease of use make it an ideal choice for anyone who wants to create unique designs. Whether you are a business owner, designer, or hobbyist, this printer will open up endless possibilities for your creativity. Orinjet Digital Technology is committed to providing cutting-edge JSW A3 DTF printer solutions that meet the diverse requirements of modern printing. With our advanced JSW A3 DTF printer, customers can unlock new possibilities and elevate their printing capabilities to unprecedented levels.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:06:18Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9150757193565369, "token_count": 1170, "url": "http://californiapals.com/read-blog/2011_creating-unique-designs-with-jsw-a3-dtf-printer.html" }
In the realm of industrial manufacturing, precision and efficiency are paramount. Especially within the radiator and boiler industries, where the integrity of heat exchange systems is crucial, the role of machinery like the mechanical tube expanding machine T-80 becomes indispensable. Designed and manufactured by Changzhou Yangfa Machinery LTD, the T-type electric mechanical tube expander embodies the pinnacle of technological advancement, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of performance, reliability, and versatility. Core Advantages of the T-80 Mechanical Tube Expanding Machine 1. High Expansion Accuracy The T-80 boasts exceptional expansion accuracy, ensuring that every tube is expanded to the exact specifications required. This precision is vital in radiator and boiler applications, where even minor deviations can compromise the overall performance and longevity of the system. By minimizing errors and inconsistencies, the T-80 guarantees optimal heat transfer and maximum efficiency. 2. Safety and Reliability Safety is paramount in any industrial setting, and the T-80 excels in this regard. Equipped with advanced safety features, the machine ensures that operators are protected from potential hazards during the expanding process. Additionally, its robust construction and premium components guarantee reliable performance, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. 3. Durability and Longevity Changzhou Yangfa Machinery LTD understands the importance of durability in industrial equipment. That's why the T-80 is designed and manufactured to withstand the rigors of daily use in harsh industrial environments. Its sturdy frame, high-quality materials, and precision engineering ensure that the machine remains functional and efficient for years to come. 4. High Daily Production Efficiency In today's fast-paced industrial world, time is money. The T-80's high daily production efficiency allows manufacturers to quickly and efficiently expand tubes, significantly reducing production times and increasing output. This enhanced productivity not only boosts profitability but also enables businesses to stay ahead of the competition. 5. Ease of Operation Despite its advanced capabilities, the T-80 is remarkably easy to operate. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make it accessible to operators of all skill levels, reducing the need for extensive training. This simplifies the expanding process and minimizes the risk of human error, further enhancing the machine's overall performance. 6. Wide Range of Applications The T-80's versatility is another key selling point. Suitable for a wide range of tube sizes and materials, the machine can be easily adapted to various applications within the radiator and boiler industries. This flexibility allows manufacturers to streamline their production processes and meet the diverse needs of their customers. The mechanical tube expanding machine T-80, manufactured by Changzhou Yangfa Machinery LTD, represents the pinnacle of tube expanding technology. Its combination of high expansion accuracy, safety, reliability, durability, high daily production efficiency, ease of operation, and wide range of applications makes it the ideal choice for manufacturers in the radiator and boiler industries. With the T-80, businesses can enhance their production capabilities, improve efficiency, and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive market.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:58:32Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9171821475028992, "token_count": 616, "url": "http://californiapals.com/read-blog/3930_explore-the-application-advantages-of-mechanical-tube-expanding-machine-t-80.html" }
"Living In The Past" will be sold exclusively through TL Norris Gallery in South Carolina. This is a new gallery opening Oct. 19th with a unique concept. I will be in the compnay of many wonderful gifted painters. I am also very excited about having my work professionally photographed and reproduced for my Etsy shop www.catherine47.etsy.com starting this weekend. (I think :) My newest prints will now be available in 11x14 and 16x20's! As requested. This piece is 16x20 painted with acrylics on cradled birch wood panel. Thanks for looking.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:46:57Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9420204758644104, "token_count": 129, "url": "http://catherinenolinfineart.blogspot.com/2012/10/living-in-pastnew-original-painting.html" }
Skip to main menu Scroll to content Full-text resources of CEJSH and other databases are now available in the new Library of Science. Link to site Studia Historica Nitriensia Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:51:44Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7182448506355286, "token_count": 62, "url": "http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/cejsh/element/bwmeta1.element.cejsh-8ffd30a1-1a59-4538-9bb6-1cd3beafac8f" }
I wanted to blog about this after reading this in Be'Sheva, but Cross Currents beat me to it. Be sure to read this post on Cross Currents that presents the family's side of the story. When this story was first reported I couldn't help but smell a rat. The media "aleyhom" and demonization were all too familiar me as I had seen these methods used against the settlers and the ultra-Orthodox many times. Read what the press wrote at the time. Also worth noting are these posts at Failed Messiah, Dov Bear, and Jewlicious. Oh, there is also a Wikipedia entry. May the Valis family be comforted for the loss of their infant child and the trouncing of their good name.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:26:28Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9861769676208496, "token_count": 156, "url": "http://cosmicx.blogspot.com/2006/08/case-against-yisrael-valis-falls-apart_15.html" }
Hip, Hip, Hip, Hooray!!! ...... It feels such a long time since we have seen the old mucka...lol.... so the washing machine is on double time trying to get it out on the line to dry before he disappears again behind some big black clouds. Even Barry has hurried out to try and tackle the wildness (aka the front garden) - I've tied a bit of string to his waist just in case he cannot find his way back out ...lol.... Oh, I am cheeky! This goose stamp from Penny Black I've had for ages and I still think it is one of my favourites of theirs. The circle sentiment stamp is from Lili of The Valley. The piece of ribbon is recycled off a set of pyjamas it was wrapped around. The backing paper is from my scrap drawer. The challenges covered this morning are:- - Oldie but a Goodie Challenge - Things with Wings - Simon Says ... Stamp - Clean & Simple - Penny Black Saturday Challenge - Recycle
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:57:58Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9575212001800537, "token_count": 210, "url": "http://cozy-frog.blogspot.com/2012/05/sun-has-got-his-hat-on.html" }
His uncle turned into tormented by pneumonia and it turned into getting worse considering that he wasn’t capable of source the medication. He checked all of the pharmacies round, but none had inventory of that particular medicine. Two days later, he did pay attention again from one pharmacist approximately fresh stock reaching the store, however then he had misplaced his uncle. This changed into someplace between 2012-thirteen, in the heart of capital town, and now not the distant remote one, but this incident left Navneet shattered and made him mirror, how unavailability of drugs proper at time of want can fee a life. Navneet Jain, now founder and CEO of Medfinder, an mobile app selling drug treatments is now on a mission to shop lives and helping every affected person get his dose. Started in October 2014, Medfinder is a fitness assistant based with the aid of Navneet Jain, Puneet Jain and Rajesh Sharma. The app enables customers seek and order drugs, get it home-brought, set remedy reminders, get computerized refill reminders and also control prescriptions & reports. Once the order is placed at the cellular app, it raises an alert to the structures. After which their in-residence pharmacist calls the purchaser for a fine test. This includes checking for the details of prescription, nature of illness, quantity medicines and the range of days it's far required for. After the nice take a look at, an order is located and gathered from the distributor by the Medfinder group. Finally, it's miles then packed and introduced to the purchaser, within 24 hours of request being located. With the presence of wide variety of regulations, running healthcare and pharmacy becomes hard. Since, Medfinder deals immediately with the cease clients, it's far considered a retailer by using definition and a retailer isn't always allowed to accept online fee for medicines. Hence, the group has to comply with the cash on shipping fee mode. Furthermore, every medicinal drug bought desires physician’s prescription. So the app we could clients add the photo of the prescription report which makes it less complicated for clients to location order. Medfinder is presently operational in Mumbai, however with leveraging on its vicinity, it plans to go into the neighborhood cities like Pune, Nagpur and Nasik, accompanied via its expansion in the capital city. Currently, it has over 70,000 kinds of medicines, from a hundred pharma agencies to be had on its platform. Medfinder has voluntarily chosen to be faraway from the marketplace and aggregator version. To have better manipulate on their turnaround, transport, stock and budget, the startup took the processes in-residence. “ We could have been the asset-light aggregator that works with massive pharmacy retail chains for order placement and delivery, however we chose now not to be the one. Instead, we constructed our hybrid model, wherein we do no longer keep inventory to inventory and promote, so our investments pass in constructing deliver chain. We have built a precious relationship with the distributor for on-demand order placement and purchase. However, once we touch scale, we might involve 1/3 birthday celebration logistic companies for express shipping, “ shared Navneet Jain. Medfinder is presently running with 15 vendors. Its in-house group includes five shipping boys that cowl whole Mumbai city and inner logistics group for packaging and returns. Though the startup has began with medicinal drug delivery for now, but it plans to play a larger function inside the healthcare segment, diversifying beyond the drugstore segment. Going in addition, it additionally plans to introduce healthcare services and products, enabling medicinal drug management which include prescriptions & reports. Patients might also be able to reach out counsellors and experts, on demand. “Once we entere patron residence, we would like to end up their lifestyle accomplice through ordinary engagement. Our clients can book diagnostic tests on mobile app, get it accomplished at domestic according to their comfort.” While the conversations with pathology labs are continuing, it is also exploring alliance with medical devices to monitor diabetic, blood pressure and so forth. Interestingly, Medfinder users aren't only old and senior institution with chronic diseases, but around 60% of its registered customers are fall in 25 -35 age institution, in search of drug treatments for problems associated with pores and skin, hair, high blood pressure, ldl cholesterol, liver and weight problems. It is likewise seeing loads of pregnant ladies registering for personal and infant wishes. At gift, Medfinder gets 500 orders in a month with a gross merchandize cost (GMV) of roughly $10,000, approximately 70% of which is a repeat commercial enterprise, as claimed via the agency. Looking at this increase, in next eight-9 months, it expects to the touch 5000 orders in keeping with month in orders and kind of $eleven,000 in annual sales. Competitive landscape and different demanding situations beforehand In quantity income, Pharma region is taken into consideration to be the third largest quarter within the usa, and thirteen largest in phrases of price. According to IBEF file, until 2020 spending in healthcare space is predicted to touch $280 Bn from $ sixty five Bn in 2012, growing at a CAGR of 20%. And in 12 months, the share of pharmaceutical income, as a percentage of total healthcare spending, is expected to growth to 27 % from 18.9 % in 2008. At present, there are numerous players in pharma phase like Guardian Lifecare, Fortis, Apollo Pharmacy, MedPlus after which a community of unorganized retail pharmacy shops. However, its principal competition comes from on-line gamers like 1MG and HealthKart.Com. And following its increase strategy, as soon as it diversifies into healthcare and prognosis, it'll face new set of players like Practo. Also Read:- LOGO- THE TOOL FOR PERSUASIVE MARKETING Healthcare is attracting a number of funding. Doctor locating app, Practo is stated to be valued at $one hundred fifty Mn given the investment it raised from Tencent, Matrix Partner, Sequoia Sofina, Google Capital, Altimeter Capital and Global Equities. Other fairly more recent entrants like Zoctr, Lybrate, Ziffi, Quikwell and greater which have recently raised investment. Zoctr recently raised around $1 Mn from Sandeep Parwal, Krishan Gupta and others, even as Lybrate raised around $150,000 from Tiger Global Management, Ratan Tata and Nexus Venture Partners. However, as stated above, healthcare and pharma is a difficult and relatively regulated commercial enterprise. Since authorities determines charges of merchandise, the margins are very low for majority of the medicines. Even if you want to gather a license for promoting drug treatments, retailer needs to personal a physical space you got, inventory and dispense merchandise. And considering it viable for small outlets, there's no consideration of on-line stores. The startup also faces tough opposition and hostility from the worried associations. The startup is walking on a bootstrap mode and is but to elevate any outside fund. Medfinder has entered a well-networked market phase with superb vision in mind. Given the nature of the business, with plenty of government intervention Medfinder does no longer have a lot scope of innovation around its imparting and enterprise version. And this has been inhibiting as quite a few other gamers from entering into this segment. This implies for the ones players as nicely that enter run on the periphery with consultation, conversation and aggregation. While on one hand, it reduces the competition, attractiveness quotient for investor and market standard.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:07:51Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9570814967155457, "token_count": 1577, "url": "http://crowdforthink.com/blogs/medfinder-expects-to-find-the-right-value-in-85-bn-pharma-sector" }
Unbelievable facts about plastic pollution in the oceans, their toxic effects on the water environment, marine animals and the human race itself, made us think about the wrong handling of people with plastic products and waste. “That should be changed!”, we thought. Therefore our team had the idea to dedicate the exhibition to the theme of plastic waste in the oceans nowadays. The exhibition raises awareness about ocean plastic pollutions as a result of people’s behaviour and attitude towards the water environment. It is important that the human race understands the consequences of their actions, their position in the nature and their dependency nature. WASTLESS would like to spread the word among people and give them sharp and clear examples of ecological issues of water environment and their danger that is caused not only by large industrial processes but also by the simple daily use of plastic.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:12:36Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9721598625183105, "token_count": 174, "url": "http://darianikulina.nl/?portfolio=wasteless" }
I’ve lived in Los Angeles my life that is entire and I don’t ever recall meeting anyone famous, despite having Hollywood in my garden. Nevertheless, as a result of USC, I feel like I’ve become somewhat of a celebrity among America’s teenagers (well, to not the known level of Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber) because thousands of students want to satisfy me every fall. As much as I’d like to think it’s me personally, highschool seniors desire to make yes I comprehend their strong interest in USC. They take time to meet me personally at high college visits, at off-campus receptions, and during their campus visits. The target: to make sure I can put face up to a title on an application. I do not blame them. USC is an place that is extraordinary students can visited attain their academic goals and prepare themselves for their future careers. But as you are able to imagine, we meet a huge number of pupils through the fall semester and while i really make the effort to remember as much students as you can, I’m maybe not getting any more youthful and my memory will not be the same. My blog series ‘Do This, Not That’ is inspired by a book provided to me personally by my mom: Eat This, Not That (she thinks I need to drop a lbs that are few that’s not going to happen. Los Angeles’ diverse cultures has me trying different foods all time!) That said, we’m right here to give you with some advice on how to contact your admission counselor and make sure it is a meaningful experience for both parties. Every morning i’m greeted with over 40 emails and immediately tell myself: ‘this will be a long day.’ But as I filter through them, I realize these emails are from prospective students who wish to ‘introduce’ themselves to me. Works out, only four e-mails have questions that I have to answer. Three of them have quick easy responses (I’m happy we have this type of website that is thorough i usually refer to it when I don’t remember something). The final one, this one is special. A student asks me a relevant question i don’t know the answer to and I can’t discover the answer on the site. I’ll simply take this challenge! My duty as admission counselor is to make sure my students are well informed applicants. I understand this process is confusing and hard to navigate but I shall do my best to clarify things for you. I will do my research and answer your question. I actually don’t have all of the answers when a learning student asks me one thing I really don’t know, they’re sharpening my skills. We appreciate this kind of relationship with students because this lets me know that they are taking this admission process extremely seriously and they would like to make sure USC is an excellent fit for them. Therefore I challenge you to challenge your admission counselor and question them questions for your benefit. We’re ready! 5 Things to Double Check Before Hitting Submit. 1. You have got done all necessary fields on the application This could appear like common sense, however with so numerous response fields to complete, it’s really simple to inadvertently skip or disregard a concern. Be certain to respond to all applicable questions making sure that you submit a complete application. 2. No errors or typos We recognize that senior year is a busy time, but absolutely leave time to proofread the application. Have friend or family member do similar for you personally. A credit card applicatoin that is riddled with errors implies that you don’t know how to write and/or don’t care sufficient to check your work, both of which are detrimental. 3. You actually explain why you wish to attend USC, be specific Most colleges will ask question akin to ‘Why are you wanting to attend our institution?’ Rather than being generic and stating you want an university with school spirit, in a city that is large where you can study biology, research thoroughly and mention specific programs, research opportunities, or classes that interest you. 4. Academic summary and self-reported supplemental test scores Despite the fact that your academic history and self-reported test ratings look as optional products, it is in your benefit to accomplish them on the application that is common. Sometimes test ratings or transcripts can get lost into the mail, so it helps if you self-report the information as well. This way we can continue to judge your file in the meantime while waiting for the documents that are official arrive. 5. That you shmoop.pro actually hit the submit button…for both typical app and supplement Every year you can find students who surprisingly forget to actually hit the submit button. Also sometimes, students hit submit for the app that is common but forget to submit the USC Supplement. It may be the simplest part associated with the application, but make sure you bear in mind that last step. *Deadlines are very important so please take note that you need to submit by December 1st to be viewed for merit scholarship. With that said, we know some things are from your control such as letters of recommendation and transcripts that are official. That is another explanation you should fill out your scholastic summary, even as we wait for official documents to arrive as we can evaluate that in the meantime. Make an effort to have all documents in by December 1st, but we understand if some of the documents that are supplemental in only a little after the deadline.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:25:20Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9677538871765137, "token_count": 1158, "url": "http://dcllcouncil.org/zzblog-2/hi-my-name-is-potential-student-38/" }
Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th! Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction! The clear, whistled music of the Eastern Meadowlark is the unmistakable anthem of eastern North America's farmlands and open country. The Western Meadowlark and its sweet, liquid notes epitomize the natural expanses of the American West. Sadly, birds of such grassy habitats are among the fastest declining species in North America. Learn more about these birds and efforts to conserve their habitats. The meadowlarks' best hope lies in the conservation of farmland and grassland. Learn more about the Conservation Reserve Program. Meadowlarks and Grasslands Written by Bob Sundstrom This is BirdNote. [Eastern Meadowlark song, followed by Western Meadowlark song] With their bright yellow breasts and superlative songs, meadowlarks are among our most familiar and cherished birds. The Eastern Meadowlark’s clear, whistled music is the unmistakable anthem of eastern North America’s farmlands and open country. [Eastern Meadowlark song] The Western Meadowlark and its sweet, liquid notes epitomize the natural expanses of the American West. [Western Meadowlark song] Sadly, both meadowlarks face ominous threats. True to their name, they are birds of meadows and grasslands. Birds of such grassy habitats are among the fastest declining species in North America. How could this happen? Well, with most native grasslands transformed by settlement and farming, meadowlarks have turned to pastures and hayfields as habitat. But here, their nesting is often disturbed by overgrazing, the cutting of hay, and seasonal burning. More permanently disruptive: Vast tracts of farmland are succumbing to suburban development. The meadowlarks’ best hope for the future lies in farmland and grassland conservation. There are agricultural practices that are compatible with the needs of birds – such as delaying hay-cutting until nesting birds have fledged. And the Conservation Reserve Program enables landowners to keep their acreage in grasslands. [Eastern Meadowlark song, followed by Western Meadowlark song] For BirdNote, I’m Mary McCann. Senior Producer: Mark Bramhill Producer: Sam Johnson Content Director: Jonese Franklin Bird sounds provided by The Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Eastern Meadowlark recorded by LNS 106881 R.S. Little (NY state), Western Meadowlark by G. Vyn LNS 137513. BirdNote's theme music was composed and played by Nancy Rumbel and produced by John Kessler. © 2015 Tune In to Nature.org June 2017/2021/October 2024 Narrator: Mary McCann
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:40:21Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9272986054420471, "token_count": 613, "url": "http://dev.birdnote.org/podcasts/birdnote-daily/meadowlarks-and-grasslands" }
Your NYFA school ID is your library card. If you do not have your NYFA school ID yet, you may use your driver’s license or other official ID in the meantime. DVDs: 1 week, maximum 3 DVDs at a time Screenplays: 1 week, maximum 3 scripts at a time Books: 2 weeks, maximum 3 books at a time Magazines: In library use only Reference Books: In library use only You can renew in person or by sending an email to email@example.com It’s important to return your items on time. If you have unpaid fines or overdue items, a hold will be placed on your student account. Students on hold do not receive their certificates of completion, diplomas, or have access to transcripts. Fines are: If you have completed a NYFA degree program you do have the option to continue using most Library services. Database access is, unfortunately, limited to current students. If you would like to gain Alumni Privileges you simply need to go to the Bursar’s Office and pay a fully refundable $50 deposit. Once you no longer need to use the Library, and provided no items go overdue or lost, you will get your entire deposit back.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:39:24Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9252483248710632, "token_count": 262, "url": "http://devhub10.nyfa.edu/library/la/policies" }
Student-claymation-1 By zhoel13 On December 14, 2021 Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of new posts by email. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:00:03Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8988519906997681, "token_count": 89, "url": "http://digitalperipheries.net/student-claymation-1/" }
August 12, 2024 Verisurf Software, Inc. has released Verisurf 2025. As the only CAD/CAM-based metrology software on the market, Verisurf builds on its heritage of intelligent Model-Based Definition (MBD) with new features, enhancements, and optimized workflows for inspection, reporting, reverse engineering, tool building, and guided assembly. The software is configured in application modules delivered through solution suites designed to optimize the user experience and execution of workflows. The Verisurf user interface reflects the application modules in a Windows ribbon bar style. It provides a familiar user experience and enables new and existing customers to =identify and utilize each solution suite’s workflows and underlying features, tools, and capabilities. “The continuing development of the Verisurf platform is rooted in customer applications, evolving technologies, and improving quality and manufacturing-driven requirements. We actively engage with our customers to understand their challenges and successes. This helps us remain customer-centric while providing solutions to today’s challenges and providing a foundation for the future,” says Nick Merrell Verisurf’s executive vice president. A complete list of Verisurf 2025 new features, enhancements, and optimized workflows can be viewed here, Verisurf 2025 Feature Highlights Page. Verisurf software is designed to support the manufacturing enterprise, whether in the quality lab, on the shop floor, or out in the field. Verisurf solution suites are purpose-based, and additional application modules can be added as needs increase. Verisurf offers flexible licensing options, including subscription, perpetual, standalone, and networkable licenses, as well as license borrowing to meet each individual customer’s needs. Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website. More Verisurf Coverage About the Author DE EditorsDE’s editors contribute news and new product announcements to Digital Engineering. Press releases may be sent to them via firstname.lastname@example.org.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:53:13Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9109638929367065, "token_count": 434, "url": "http://doc1000.rapidreadytech.com/article/verisurf-2025-software-on-market/Test-and-Measurement" }
Payday Loans in Illinois. Cash loans in Illinois(IL) and just why needed them Whether your finances are extended also skinny to replenish in a store or perhaps you have yourself in a vehicle incident that leftover you with a massive repairs bill, just complete a type at MayBeLoan and let us control finances problem for everyone. No worthless concerns, no credit check. Things to learn to gather an instant payday loan in Illinois Exactly what are the benefits of Illinois payday advances? Here are 5 the explanation why an individual take advantage of http://www.nationaltitleloan.net/payday-loans-nj receiving Illinois payday advance loans: You’ll receive the cash rapidly. If you decide to see at least one evaluation, you already know that when working with old-fashioned creditors, you might need to wait a little for nights before getting access to the amount of money. Should you need bucks today, the absolute best creditors in Illinois supply even faster software operations and quick approval, which enables one get the dollars within just one day should you decide apply for Illinois payday advance loan using the internet. You’re absolve to spend funds on whatever you have to have. When you finally be given the funds, you might use these to get any items you would like. But it’s better not to take out two financing concurrently, being the approach to paying the debt may be complex. But you’re absolve to come a whole new funding next month as soon as you cover the previous one out of instance when you need more money again. No credit assessment financing. If your credit history keeps watched far better nights, you may however receive a cash funding in Illinois. All payday loan providers verify that you are able to repay the borrowed funds and don’t target the less than perfect credit traditions. You should expect an immediate loan provider if you’ve got not any other solutions. Assuming in the event you had a taut financial predicament, and there’s not one other solution as opposed to making an application for credit on your own affair necessary until their payday, think about getting payday advance loans on line. Fast money are super easy to get. Because we stated before, this style of personal loans doesn’t require you to posses a perfect credit score. Every mankind citizen exactly who meets all obligations specify by lenders was qualified to apply for a short-term finance. The cost and laws encompassing Illinois payday loans Here’s what prices expect once getting online money in Illinois: Money rates. In the event that total the loan is absolutely not greater than $30, payday financial institutions cannot demand over $1 per every $5 we use. Max APR. Whenever acquiring a 14-day $100 money, maximum apr you could expect was 309%. Order costs. When volume a cash advance loans you acquire is definitely between $30 and $100, you could expect an authentic acquire bill of one-tenth for the payday loan volume. Should the funding is more than $100, the acquire cost should not be about ten bucks. Optimum volume. The absolute most of an instant payday loan in Illinois is absolutely not determined. Optimum term. The terms of pay day loans in Illinois(IL) change from 1 week to 31 days. Things to get a payday loan in Illinois With MayBeLoan, it is very easy to request an instant finance in Illinois, however you should be familiar with specific conditions meant for this process. You really must be at the least 18 years of age or higher. providing money to someone under this period are unlawful in america. If you’re over the age of 18, you meet the fundamental need. You need to be a legitimate local of Illinois. To receive a payday loan during the say of Illinois, you ought to validate your own lawful local updates by providing the communications target. From then on, the success of acquiring loans is sort of fully guaranteed. The bad credit just a problem, however you continue to wanted a well balanced source of income and build a minimum of $1,000 monthly. By doing this, you can easily make sure that you are capable of the compensation. To be given instant blessing, want an unknown number and a legitimate mail. In the event that you don’t incorporate united states using this help and advice, all of us won’t have the option to make contact with a person. And lastly, you should not feel a debtor in bankruptcy. All we are in need of away from you are a few personal information, like your societal security amounts, your name, and also your address, for those who should indicate how much money you intend to acquire. After you incorporate usa making use of the required facts, we’re going to call your as we agree the feedback to ensure many of the agreements of this deal. A little advance loan is often an alluring and useful asset as soon as dealing with emergency scenarios. But bear in mind this form of financing can’t overcome severe financial troubles. Acquiring unnecessary finance from some corporations in addition is not the finest choice, whenever you take a chance of harming debt security.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:27:20Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9489018321037292, "token_count": 1073, "url": "http://droshraddhaservices.co.in/payday-loans-in-illinois-cash-loans-in-illinois-il-2/" }
Teczki z nadrukiem łączą praktyczność materiałów biurowych i potencjał najlepszych nośników reklamowych. Czym wyróżniają się teczki firmowe i jak w pełni wykorzystać ich możliwości? Czy warto drukować teczki firmowe? Nie każdy zdaje sobie sprawę, jak duże możliwości reklamowe mają właśnie teczki firmowe. To coś więcej niż nośnik reklamowy – to przede wszystkim praktyczny produkt, który przyda się każdemu. Właśnie dzięki temu, teczki „same się rozchodzą”, przy okazji niosąc w świat wieść o naszej firmie. Kto z nas nie używał teczki do przenoszenia dokumentów, segregowania faktur lub oprawy istotnych materiałów edukacyjnych, notatek lub ofert handlowych? Teczki po prostu się przydają, a jeśli są nie tylko solidne, ale też ciekawie zadrukowane – to prawdopodobnie reklama sama się „rozniesie”. A kto nie wierzy w potencjał teczek firmowych, niech zamówi choćby niewielki nakład – a potem patrzy, jak błyskawicznie się on rozchodzi (teczki można drukować nawet od 10 szt. – np. tutaj: https://www.drukomat.pl/teczki-standard). Zastosowanie teczek reklamowych - Teczki pozwolą zabezpieczyć dokumenty wręczane współpracownikom i kontrahentom. - Teczki firmowe ułatwiają przechowywanie, segregację i obieg materiałów firmowych. - Teczki mogą być elegancką oprawą oferty handlowej, wręczanej na spotkaniach biznesowych, targach lub konferencjach. - Posiadanie teczki firmowej (najlepiej zaprojektowanej zgodnie z firmową identyfikacją wizualną) wspiera budowanie wizerunku profesjonalnej i zaufanej firmy. - Teczki świetnie się też nadają do przechowywania i przekazywania materiałów szkoleniowych, gromadzenia notatek, a także jako podkładka do pisania (np. podczas podróży, konferencji lub szkoleń branżowych). - Teczki stanowią niebywale skuteczny nośnik reklamowy. Gdy trafiają do naszych (współ)pracowników i klientów często – nawet nieświadomie – są przekazywane dalej. Dzięki temu wieść o naszej firmie rozprzestrzenia się samoistnie. Co warto wiedzieć o druku teczek? Jeśli planujemy druk teczek, pamiętajmy, aby wybrać dobre podłoże – najlepiej o minimalnej gramaturze 350 g. Praktyczne są także teczki zapinane na gumki. Wybierając drukarnię, zwróćmy uwagę na to, czy oferuje ona zadruk kolorowy i czy będzie on jedno- czy dwustronny. - Teczka z kolorowym nadrukiem czy monochromatyczna? Przypomnijmy, że kolorowy zadruk oznacza się cyfrą 4 (od 4 kolorów farby drukarskiej – czyli CMYK – Cyjanu. Magenty, Yellow i Key colour, czyli czerni). Tutaj kolorowy druk dwustronny będzie zapisany jako 4/4 (4 kolory na awersie i 4 na rewersie), kolorowy druk jednostronny okładki będzie zapisany jako 4/0. Jeśli zobaczymy oznaczenia 1/1 oznacza to obustronny druk jednym kolorem – a odpowiednio 1/0 to jednostronny monochromatyczny zadruk awersu. Jeśli zależy nam na teczkach z kolorowym dwustronnym zadrukiem – zamawiajmy te z oznaczeniem 4/4. - Grubość grzbietu i bigowanie. Istotnym parametrem przy wydruku teczek ofertowych jest też grubość grzbietu. To od tego zależy, czy nasza teczka będzie teczką na pojedyncze dokumenty, czy może pojemną teczką ofertową – która zmieści nie tylko dokumenty, ale także ofertę, ulotkę i np. katalog. Jeśli zależy nam na teczce ofertowo-reklamowej o dużej objętości, zamówmy teczkę dwubigową. Bigowanie oznacza specjalne introligatorskie wyżłobienie, które pozwala na wygodne zginanie produktu, bez ryzyka pękania farby czy zniszczenia powierzchni. - Uszlachetnienie teczek. Dobre drukarnie, poza samym drukiem i bigowaniem, oferują także możliwość uszlachetnienia wydruków. Najpowszechniejszym sposobem jest pokrywanie materiałów folią – ta nie tylko podnosi walory estetyczne, ale jest także dodatkowym zabezpieczeniem, podnoszącym trwałość kolorów. Bardzo ciekawy efekt daje pokrycie wydruku aksamitną folią soft touch, która delikatnie tonuje kolory i sprawia, że powierzchnia jest b. miła w dotyku (prawie jak skórka brzoskwini). Jeśli chcemy podkreślić kolory, pokryjmy teczkę błyszcząca folią, a aby wydobyć elegancję – zastosujmy matową. - Ale to nie wszystko. Efekt WOW zapewni nam dodatkowa warstwa wybiórczego lakieru UV, którą możemy pokryć nasze logo, claim lub dowolne detale, które chcemy wyróżnić. Lakier wybiórczy nada naszym teczkom intrygującej głębi. - Praktyczny elementem teczek ofertowych jest także specjalne wcięcie na wizytówkę lub ulotkę. Zwykle umieszcza się je na wewnętrznym skrzydełku – tak, aby postawić kropkę nad „i” naszej oferty i subtelnie przekazać nasze dane kontaktowe (a tym samym zachęcić do kontaktu). To drobiazg, jednak profesjonalnie wykonany i wkomponowany w projekt – daje bardzo profesjonalny i elegancki efekt.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:34:34Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "pl", "language_score": 0.9989948868751526, "token_count": 2341, "url": "http://e-nosnikireklamowe.pl/czy-warto-drukowac-teczki-reklamowe/" }
10 Tasting Notes In at the shop at 5am to receive our tea order for the weekend, and really needed a pick-me-up to get through it all. Made this a bit stronger than normal, for obvious reasons! 3 scoops, 4 oz water. Whisk into oblivion. Stopping, the vegetal aroma hits the nose and wakens the senses. Slurping it down, the frothy liquor is smooth yet somehow astringent, sweet and vegetal at the same time. I paired it with a dark chocolate truffle for good measure. Ready to greet all my Black Friday shoppers! Sarah from the upstate store is down today to help out before Thanksgiving weekend. We made this in our Dragonhouse glass tumblers! (more of those are on the way, should be here next week!) Anyways, this Dong Ding is AMAZING. Roasted, sweet and fruity, it’s right up our alley. My father and I always get into a discussion about what aspects of oolongs we like the most. Sarah and I tend to like the darker, more roasted oolongs like DHP (Da Hong Pao), that have similar qualities to Pu-erhs and Lapsang. My father and his assistant Elvira on the other hand tend to prefer the lighter, more complex notes of floral, high mountain oolongs like Ali San and the lighter version of Dong Ding. Now we have a Dong Ding for him and a Dong Ding for me! YAY! Though lighter this season, our Fenghuang still is smooth and delicious as always! The light liquor and body let the sweet flavors of apricots and peaches trickle over the tongue while the aroma is just a hair more floral than you’d expect. Great way to warm up and get started on this cold, blustery morning on Broome St!
{ "date": "2024-12-10T10:04:26Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9321600794792175, "token_count": 391, "url": "http://ec2-54-174-39-122.compute-1.amazonaws.com/harneysoho" }
I was half asleep this morning when brewing my tea and put this one in the infuser instead of the French Vanilla I’d been planning on. Oh well, an herbal for breakfast isn’t a bad thing! Especially when it smells almost exactly like David’s Forever Nuts, one of my favourite must-haves. Brewed I found it light but lovely, exactly like the dessert the tea professes to emulate. There are hints of cinnamon and sugar and all those delightful things that I love in a dessert, minus the grease of the actual cakes. I can see why people enjoy this one, although I’m not sure if I like it more than my Forever Nuts.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:20:46Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9299967288970947, "token_count": 144, "url": "http://ec2-54-174-39-122.compute-1.amazonaws.com/teas/say-tea/24892-funnel-cake" }
Tinder’s release within the 2012 greet thirteen-year-olds toward matchmaking program “Anytime that they check out sign up for a job, (if) they desired to join the military, yes whenever they actually desired to work with to have place of work, who does pursue him or her throughout the lifetime.” “I believe for example cleaning it and you may making certain this person are who they state they are is a thing that you ought to do. I am not sure if anyone lies otherwise does not lay,” she states. The growth during the rise in popularity of relationships software among youngsters has many moms and dads worried about new impacts brand new programs have on the youngsters. Vesma Puharte, the caretaker off Give sophomore Olisa Ikejiani, says you to even in the event she will not attention her own children using these apps, she worries about someone else. “If you’re not extremely effective connecting to the people on your own society, then you have types of (a) broad web to meet up people from elsewhere and you can, (if) you do not get the newest response you will be dreaming about … In my opinion might possibly be really tragic for anyone,” she claims. not, Tinder simply recently reinforced their constraints inside the 2016, when they changed minimal ages requisite so you’re able to 18. The newest software confirmed their users’ information that is personal as a result of Twitter and you may authored a couple of networks: You to for those between the ages of thirteen and you will 17, and something in the event you have been 18 years of age otherwise older. But as a consequence of an announcement approved in 2016, Tinder launched they will not on purpose serve minors. With regards to the on the internet guide Techcrunch which 2016 rules reform simply inspired three per cent out of Tinder pages. Since then, Tinder keeps cemented their privacy clause: “Our attributes is actually restricted to users that 18 numerous years of ages or old. We do not permit users under the chronilogical age of 18 towards the all of our platform therefore we don’t knowingly assemble information that is personal regarding someone beneath the ages of 18.” Tinder considering almost no details about the reason behind the change, merely saying that they “believe this is basically the greatest rules moving on.” However, teens are forced to have fun with Tinder or other relationships software. Some software, and this particularly address their age demographic, are prevalent. Olisa Ikejieni downloaded Yubo – an app targeted towards young people that should make friends beyond the community – since a tale. Yubo’s interface is nearly just like Tinder, since the swiping allows profiles to get into pages while making relationships. Yubo and additionally makes it possible for live online streaming and messaging, and, for instance the early launch of Tinder, has actually a few independent networks for minors and you may people. The brand new application was called “Red-colored,” released immediately after Tinder banned underage profiles from its system. But after a teenage sexting scandal in the Ireland, it actually was renamed since the Yubo. Just before Yubo’s rebranding, a 14-year-old woman spoke on Irish Minutes and you may asserted that Yellow’s goal is to own “taking that have” anyone else unlike building new relationships. Grainier Much time – President of Irish Community into Prevention out of Cruelty to help you Students during the time – advised the latest Irish Minutes one to Yellow’s negligence for the the sharing away from personal pictures regarding underage pages are “irresponsible.” R states you to she’s not knowing regardless if Tinder profiles always reveal its genuine ages upon meeting Even when Yubo was created to assist formulate internet sites relationships and you can already caters to fifteen million profiles international, Ikejieni possess seen exactly how many minors make use of the system because the a beneficial approach to finding tall anyone else. “You see most people trying to find girlfriends, especially because they provides a sex-centered system, where you are able to discover searching for often men sex, women intercourse, or both, correct?” states Ikejieni. “However, I’m sure I’ve you to definitely pal that is a lady, and she goes through there in just people merely bdsmdate prices and they’re all like, ‘wanting a partner.’”
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:29:30Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9585096836090088, "token_count": 953, "url": "http://edlargo.com/the-guy-together-with-adds-your-implicated-will" }
The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is a unique, experimental research work of the Union of International Associations. It is currently published as a searchable online platform with profiles of world problems, action strategies, and human values that are interlinked in novel and innovative ways. These connections are based on a range of relationships such as broader and narrower scope, aggravation, relatedness and more. By concentrating on these links and relationships, the Encyclopedia is uniquely positioned to bring focus to the complex and expansive sphere of global issues and their interconnected nature. The initial content for the Encyclopedia was seeded from UIA’s Yearbook of International Organizations. UIA’s decades of collected data on the enormous variety of association life provided a broad initial perspective on the myriad problems of humanity. Recognizing that international associations are generally confronting world problems and developing action strategies based on particular values, the initial content was based on the descriptions, aims, titles and profiles of international associations. Non-profit, apolitical, independent, and non-governmental in nature, the UIA has been a pioneer in the research, monitoring and provision of information on international organizations, international associations and their global challenges since 1907.
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Longshanks, Girth, and Keen: The Story of Three Wonderful Serving Men He tried to talk to her, asking her many questions, but she made him no answer. She might have been marble the way she never smiled and never looked at any of them. He seated himself beside her, determined to stay all night on guard in order to prevent her escape. For greater security Longshanks stretched himself out on the floor like a strap and wound himself around the room the whole length of the wall. Girth sat in the doorway and puffed himself out until he filled that space so completely that not even a mouse could slip through. Keen took his place by a pillar in the middle of the hall. But, alas, in a few moments they all grew heavy with drowsiness and in the end slept soundly all night long. In the morning in the early dawn the prince awoke and with a pain in his heart that was like a blow from a dagger, he saw that the princess was gone. Instantly he aroused his men and asked them what was to be done. “It’s all right, master, don’t worry,” said Keen as he took a long look through the window. “I see her now. A hundred miles from here is a forest, in the midst of the forest an ancient oak, on the top of the oak an acorn. The princess is that acorn. Let Longshanks take me on his shoulders and we’ll go get her.” Longshanks picked Keen up, stretched himself out, and set forth. He took ten miles at a stride and in the time it would take you or me to run around a cottage, here he was back again with the acorn in his hand. He gave it to the prince. “Drop it, master, on the floor.” The prince dropped the acorn and instantly the princess appeared. As the sun came over the mountain tops the doors slammed open and the magician entered. A crafty smile was on his face. But when he saw the princess the smile changed to a scowl, he growled in rage, and bang! one of the iron bands about his waist burst asunder. Then he took the princess by the hand and dragged her off. That whole day the prince had nothing to do but wander about the castle and look at all the strange and curious things it contained.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:03:47Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9894626140594482, "token_count": 506, "url": "http://english.skazk.ru/catalog/czechoslovak-folktale/skazka-longshanks-girth-and-keen-the-story-of-three-wonderful-serving-men-1461/6/" }
Twitter was reportedly evicted from offices in Boulder, Colorado, after not paying rent, local reports show. A Boulder County judge ordered the sheriff’s office to evict Twitter from offices in the city after the landlord filed a complaint against Twitter last month over unpaid rent, the Denver Business Journal reported. The tech behemoth signed a lease agreement for four office suites, totaling about 65,000 square feet, at 3401 Bluff St., in 2020, according to the outlet. Roughly 300 Twitter employees previously worked out of the offices. The complaint filed by the landlord, Lot 2 SBO LLC, alleges that Twitter set up a letter of credit for $968,000, which the landlord was authorized to access if Twitter failed to make rent payments. Twitter was required under its lease agreement to replenish the pool of money within 10 days if the landlord was forced to draw money from the credit, according to the Denver Business Journal. Lot 2 SBO LLC drew funds from the letter of credit to pay for Twitter’s rent in March, according to the complaint, but Twitter failed to replenish the letter of credit. In April, the landlord served Twitter a "demand for compliance or possession" to either leave the property or repay the letter of credit. Twitter did not comply, according to the complaint. A judge on May 31 subsequently issued a "writ of restitution," ordering the sheriff’s department to evict Twitter. The order remains in effect for 49 days, according to the Denver Business Journal. After Elon Musk bought Twitter last year, 38 employees at the Boulder location resigned in November and an additional 87 employees were laid off amid Musk's reorganization of the company. Twitter is also in legal battles over unpaid rent in San Francisco and London, according to various reports. Twitter did not immediately respond to FOX Business' request for comment.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:44:35Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9644125699996948, "token_count": 378, "url": "http://finance.livermore.com/camedia.livermore/news/read/43438072/twitter_kicked_out_of_colorado_offices_in_latest_court_battle_over_unpaid_rent" }
Listen to our new single “i’m always high, when i see you smile” Hey, we released a new single this summer! Recorded by Ludo of Ondes Records and mixed by Ian Sadler in good ol’ britain. Give it a listen. It’s definitely not about drugs. You can also watch the music video on Youtube! It’s a single shot of us enjoying the summer, good times good times.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:49:51Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9054654240608215, "token_count": 100, "url": "http://fluffymachine.ch/listen-to-our-new-single-im-always-high-when-i-see-you-smile/" }
Eco-friendly Web hosting for this website is provided by GreenGeeks.com. Our client is still working on creating their fabulous website, but it was nice of you to stop by. Check back again soon! If you are the owner of this website and would like to remove this page, you simply have to upload your website into the /public_html folder of your GreenGeeks hosting account. Login to your GreenGeeks Account.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:06:33Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9682838916778564, "token_count": 91, "url": "http://fmu.edu.pk/" }
Czechia.com is the head project of ZONER a.s. internet division. With project RegZone.cz creates perfect combination between experienced domain registar from all around the world and professional host provider. Your projects are running on latest technologies which administrators monitoring for 24/7. You can count on stable and really executive hosting comparable with virtual servers from cheap providers. We care about your hosting. We are constantly watching updates to newer versions of systems. We take care of protection from DDOS attacks. Additionally, you can contact us anytime. E-mail, instant messaging and phone customer support is available for 24/7. Take advantage of professional backgrounds Czech hosting companies and resolve once and for all an ideal place for the operation of your project. InPage is easy content management system that allows you to create your own website easily without any programming knowledge. It was founded in 2007 as a comfortable solution for easy creation and management of web sites. Since then it has thousands satisfied customers. Most of them is using a modified tempates include responsive template inPage One. Some customers are not satisfied with templates and demanded service creation of website. InPage have solution for these customers. For reasonable prices it offers creation of web pages accorting to your needs. You just provide documentation, agree with detail and within 14 days you have website ready. Let decide for any of these options you will resolve web pages really fast and easily. We made an agreement with DigiCert - the biggest certification authority in the world- to guarante top quality of service in United Kingdom. You can rely on experienced customer and technical support. We also recommend you the best solution for every type of projects. Do you need to protect whole project with many subdomains? You can choose RapidSSL Wildcard to secure all your subdomains with one SSL certificate. Do you own more different domains and you need to secure them all together? Let´s secure up to 5 domains with Quick SSL Premium! Certificate does not match with your needs? Choose from the widespread offer SAN SSL from other certification authorities! We can also help you to choose the right Exchange SSL certificate to secure your email communication. Or don´t you absolutelly know what are SSL certificates? Zoner inShop is modern Czech ecommerce solution established in 1998. Thanks to inShop you can create your new e-shop very simple and intuitive way. Administration of this ecommerce solution is using comfortable offline Zoner inShop Manager. Zoner inShop is focused on great and modern online shops. You can easily choose from many different themes. Of course all these themes are modern and responsive. If you have some special needs, you can contact us and we can make design just for you or you can request a customized e-shop. You can also connect your e-shop to many accounting programs. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or try our full inShop version 2 months for free. It is not necessary to buy expensive physical servers, there is an easier solution - cloud. The whole world is gradually shifting to the virtual environment. Today, you can just buy a virtual server and any time adjust parameters precisely according to your wishes. Cloud eliminates the high price, expensive operations and maintenance of costly physical server. Additionally, VPS allows a really professional backup, that would be more expensive at physical server. Thanks to the cloud, you can solve efficiently as servers for the accountancy, SMTP servers for sending email and you also have ideal data storage. Take advantage of the benefits of cloud solutions today.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:39:50Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9397779703140259, "token_count": 725, "url": "http://fokusmb.cz/de" }
Helmholtz Institute for Human-Centered AI We are an interdisciplinary research group of cognitive scientists, neuroscientists, and computer scientists. We develop computational models of intelligence. We study human intelligence using rich environments and tools from machine learning. We study machine intelligence using cognitive experiments and enrich it with insights from human cognition.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:17:34Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8721923828125, "token_count": 67, "url": "http://hcai-munich.com/" }
In the hospital After the procedure, you will be taken to the recovery room to be watched. Your recovery process will depend on the type of surgery and the type of anesthesia you had. Once your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing are stable and you are awake and alert, you will be taken to your hospital room. A laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be done on an outpatient basis. In this case, you may be discharged home from the recovery room. You will get pain medicine as needed. A nurse may give it to you. Or you may give it to yourself through a device connected to your IV line. You may have a thin plastic tube that goes through your nose into your stomach. This is to remove air that you swallow. The tube will be taken out when your bowels are working normally. You won’t be able to eat or drink until the tube is removed. You may have one or more drains in the incision if an open procedure was done. The drains will be removed in a day or so. You might be discharged with the drain still in and covered with a dressing. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for taking care of it. You will be asked to get out of bed a few hours after a laparoscopic procedure or by the next day after an open procedure. Depending on your situation, you may be given liquids to drink a few hours after surgery. You will slowly be able to eat more solid foods as tolerated. You should schedule a follow-up visit with your healthcare provider. This is usually 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Once you are home, it’s important to keep the incision clean and dry. Your healthcare provider will give you specific bathing instructions. If stitches or surgical staples are used, they will be removed during a follow-up office visit. If adhesive strips are used, they should be kept dry and usually will fall off within a few days. The incision and your abdominal muscles may ache, especially after long periods of standing. If you had a laparoscopic surgery, you may feel pain from any carbon dioxide gas still in your belly. This pain may last for a few days. It should feel a bit better each day. Take a pain reliever as recommended by your healthcare provider. Aspirin or other pain medicines may raise your risk of bleeding. Be sure to take only medicines your healthcare provider has approved. Walking and limited movement are generally fine. But you should avoid strenuous activity. Your healthcare provider will tell you when you can return to work and go back to normal activities. Call your healthcare provider if you have any of the following: Fever or chills Redness, swelling, bleeding, or other drainage from the incision site More pain around the incision site Yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes (jaundice) Belly or abdominal pain, cramping, or swelling No bowel movement or gas for 3 days Pain behind your breastbone
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:29:52Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9499344825744629, "token_count": 621, "url": "http://healthlibrary.tanner.org/Search/92,P07689" }
Contrary to popular lore, John never drove a pink Harley. John vehemently insists it was a salmon colored Harley. Not that knowing the difference between pink and salmon comes off as any less emasculating. Eager to share our brilliant political commentary and blunt media criticism, but too genteel to link to horsesass.org? Well, good news, ladies: we also answer to HASeattle.com, because, you know, whatever. You're welcome! HA Commenting Policy It may be hard to believe from the vile nature of the threads, but yes, we have a commenting policy. Comments containing libel, copyright violations, spam, blatant sock puppetry, and deliberate off-topic trolling are all strictly prohibited, and may be deleted on an entirely arbitrary, sporadic, and selective basis. And repeat offenders may be banned! This is my blog. Life isn’t fair.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:43:11Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9234504103660583, "token_count": 185, "url": "http://horsesass.org/one-thing-i-learned-today-from-john-carson/" }
Meet Howard Gutman If you want to be heard, say it in Belgium! U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman 4th of July speech on July 4, 2012 MySpace Tweet Facebook Welcome toMeet Howard Gutman © 2024 Created by Howard Gutman. Powered by Badges | Report an Issue | Terms of Service Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:23:47Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8999887108802795, "token_count": 84, "url": "http://howardgutman.com/video/4th-of-july-remarks" }
標題: "Are the lights in the room on [打印本頁] 作者: hxhbcvlzr 時間: 2014-10-11 11:37 標題: "Are the lights in the room on Scroll down the page until you url=http://www.baressp.com.br/hermesbirkinreplica.asp]hermes bags replica[/url] see "3. So when you are asked an obvious question, such as, "Are the lights in the room on?" alter your breathing. It's nice and green again. Warm up before doing a core routine and stretch afterward, especially the lower back, hips and hamstrings.. In 2013. Keep the page optimized which means making easy for search engine to identify and process your content, and these includes:. If the publication retains the rights, you then have no legal right to copy and distribute the article. Apply heat for 15 to 20 minutes before exercises to warm up muscles, and apply ice afterward to prevent additional inflammation. Heat moves from the hot water to the radiator, causing the water to cool off. Depending on the area that you live in you may want to use cornstarch or you can use Crisco that you rub down on your surface to roll your fondant on so it doesn't stick. The outfit is magnificently detailed with all the little snaps, straps, buckles, and armor pads. So, I think it would be a good idea for you to sell the comics that you've got. Both of the last two conditions come about due to the body's low production of albumin. A well maintained landscape garden enhances the look of a house, which then obviously increases its value. Bone spurs can form in response to a href="http://www.baressp.com.br/celinebagreplica.asp">celine outlet an injury. Test the game after each setting is applied to ensure that you have not crippled the frame rate. The first step in cleaning a dishwasher is to remove the racks from the dishwasher. The cabins are extremely pet friendly, with a fenced in area available at each cabin.. Also remember to factor in the amount of data increase you are experiencing in your organisation (thanks to emails and larger file sizes there is at least a 50% increase in all extant data per annum!!!). A family child care business is home based and provided in the home of the business owner. But, those thoughts don translate to me (or most people) trying to harm or hinder women. To create different flavors, try seasoning the bacon before drying it. For many, a ship is a synonym of home itself. Mobile apps of these retail stores also help the consumers know about the latest stock and sale going on, subsequently increasing the customer database and sales.. Whichever one of these you choose, ensure that your phone is running the latest version of the OS or has a planned upgrade lined up.. Located just minutes from South Brunswick, serves authentic Mexican food in a very casual environment. The problem comes in when every cell phone in the house backs up data while the someone plays an online game downstairs and someone streams video on the TV upstairs. A stained glass on the doors of these cabinets would look perfectly classy for a modern kitchen.. Or maybe peanut butter and jelly? Add roughly chopped dried strawberries and some white chocolate chips. To maintain the attractive appearance of the plant, home gardeners should deadhead very carefully to prevent seed pods from forming.. 作者: GregoryIcoft 時間: 2021-8-30 13:19 標題: mes
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:59:48Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9294854998588562, "token_count": 767, "url": "http://hsien.com.freehostia.com/viewthread.php?action=printable&tid=1737" }
This is a FREE advisory service offer to PWO traders in addition to all other existing supports. It is inevitable that our traders may be “bad trades” once in a while. During these times, it is most important to know what to do or how to repair these trades. It is for this primary purpose that Dr. Trade is offered. Dr. Trade strives to add yet another level of “after-course” support to our family of PWO traders. While we will carefully consider all factors – fundamental, technical and psychological before giving any advice, it must be noted that we cannot guarantee that our advices will always be the most approporiate going forward. Any losses and/or lower profit can be expected and traders cannot claim their losses against us. In order to give a more accurate advice, the following information MUST be provided when any trader that seeks this service: - Detail description of your position in terms of ticker, expiry month, strike price, type of options (Call or Put) - Strategy deployed - Date of opening trade - Reasons behind opening of trade - Any other considerations made Pwo Traders seeking this advisory service please feel free to contact A.Alex Tan directly. Note: For any person that are not from PWO program but would like to seek this service, the cost per advice is S$200 and this amount will be fully donated to:
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:12:48Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9481802582740784, "token_count": 293, "url": "http://iei.com.sg/index.php/dr-trade/" }
Love for knowledge and perseverance are necessary for scientific success, but not always enough. A scientist should also be full of imagination, excitement, and patience. A rich imagination is like the trunk of the tree of life, its roots allowing it to grow towards the infinite ocean of wisdom. It is the invisible capital of a scholar when applied at the right time and place. For this tree, the seed is intelligence, water is determination, air is patience, and effort is excitement. One thing to consider is that imagination and fantasy are not the same concept. Whereas imagination is the seed of realistic, logical plans and projects designed in accordance with long term goals regarding life and the future, fantasy involves short term projections out of proportion with reality, emotion, and rational thought. In this sense, there is no imagination that does not sprout its roots towards the goal and does not disperse the seeds of excitement to the human soul. This is because imagination is like a pile of emotions that sustain us in the years ahead. It is the energy that powers the heart, the mystery juice which injects excitement into our minds, a framework of desires that bind us to life. It helps us to believe that one man's expectations for life are as good as his dreams; his earnings will match his excitement. Imagination and the resulting "excitement" is a great blessing that brings out treasures, love, and skills hidden inside us. Above all, imagination can help us to achieve success in all of our endeavors. This is true of science, too. Defining scientific success can be tricky. It requires effort, hard work, and observation to achieve scientific success. But most importantly, it requires intelligence which is a blessing. Just like a licensed driver controlling a car, the brain's performance improves with the skill of its driver. To maximize the brain's potential, it is very important to integrate the heart and conscience with the use of intelligence. Can we explain the reality that there is only a limited number of scientists because they were born as such or inherited this quality genetically? The reality is thousands of babies are born with brain capacities similar to that of scientists' in terms of anatomy, histology, physiology, and biochemistry. Even though human intelligence is partly determined by inheritance, there are other factors. If the case was as simple as inheritance, would Einstein say, "I do not have any special skill, but I am passionately curious"? When Thomas Edison said, "1% of genius is inspiration and 99% is sweat," he captured perfectly that one needs more than just intelligence to achieve success - one also needs to maximize that intelligence through hard work. Scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi summarized the stages of knowledge development of the human mind in seven steps. "One first imagines something (tahayyul), then conceives of it, and clothes it in a form (tasawwur). Afterwards, one reasons and reflects on this thing (taaqqul), then confirms it (tasdiq), and then has full conviction of it (iz'an). Then they fully support it (iltizam); then they become committed or devoted to it (itiqad)" (The Words, Gleams of Truth). Each of these stages is subject to different rulings. They form the ladder to higher meanings. Thus, if a person is unaware of the step occupied, he/she ends up remaining in the lower stages and acts according to the necessities of that particular level. Therefore if we do not want to leave our scientific approach at the dimension of "sophistry," which starts with imagination (tahayyul), we have to continue our intellectual and ideological journey all the way to the end. Imagination, which is often overlooked, bears the seed of intelligence, which is a blessing offered from the infinite ocean of God's wisdom. Imagination is the unprinted photo of our intellectual aptitudes. How do you like to print and uncover your dreams?
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:31:16Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9583655595779419, "token_count": 808, "url": "http://imap.fountainmagazine.com/all-issues/2014/issue-101-september-october-2014/power-of-imagination-september-2014" }
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{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:46:01Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7749323844909668, "token_count": 226, "url": "http://jobs.weblink.in/vacancy-detail-1022806.htm" }
This is the home page of the IS&T Published space. You most likely do not want to be here. If you do need to stay on this page, manually append ?redirect=false to the URL for this page. Redirection Notice This page should redirect to Hermes in about 5 seconds. |
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In the field of online casino games, the appeal of gigantic wins along with the thrill of ideal gets joy from entice players of all the of sides in the world. All things considered, among the elation, it is prescribed to get a handle on that achievement all through these games depends on a mix of capacity. Regardless in the event that you are a gifted player or maybe a novice attempting to know the ropes, concentrating on the force of legitimate casino can work on your chances of winning. Here is an enormous data to assist you with having all over the planet of online casino games with complete certainty and artfulness. Know Your Game – Just prior to plunging carelessly in the conflict, make time to familiarize oneself close by the arrangements, strategies, and specifics of your particular unmistakable recognized game. Whether it is blackjack, poker, roulette, or baccarat, learning the particulars of your particular game will move anybody to pursue educated choice and utilize valuable possibilities. At the point when each game has its own arrangement of ideas and game play specialists, specific crucial rules utilize ordinarily. Standards as a delineation bankroll making due, chances assessments, and chance investigation comprise the premise of useful betting techniques. Adjust to Hazard – From the world of online vavada latvija casino games, part of cash keepsakes the strong. Notwithstanding the way that serious legitimate consideration has its own value, shy get happiness from regularly prompts disregarded choices and stale development. Useful wagering methods can all around conditioned the sizes of probability with your adoration and increment your pay with time. Notwithstanding assuming you need moderate procedures or enormous gamble, higher-structure strategies, adjust your strategy to adjust using as far as possible, points, and playing pattern. Look at a wide range of systems, dissect their end results, and improve your strategy appropriately. Keep Self-Restrained – In the adrenaline rush and happiness of winning streaks, it is truly conceivable to respect impulsivity and go astray through your game procedure. All things considered, holding resolution is essential to enduring great results in online casino games. Make unrivaled limitations, remain with foreordained playing borders, and withstand the need to execute following shortfalls or get delight from crazy schedules. Foster Resolution – Rome prepared not been constructed consistently, neither of them is experience in online casino games. Brilliant advantages are in reality an experience full of issues, difficulties, and concentrating on shape. Construct assurance, strength, notwithstanding an advancement outlook as you might look through the ups and downs from the wagering projects. Recognize wins, get subtleties from routs, and rather than drop investigate your specific long haul objectives. All things considered the fascination of sizeable may be the victor might be inebriating, it is truly imperative to procedure betting with sensation of responsibility and care. Set up reasonable targets, focus on pleasure around monetary acquire, and search for help would it be advisable for you actually really feel confused or consumed through your game playing plans. Keep in mind, casino should improve your day to day routine, not diminish utilizing this. Consummating the experience of strategic wagering in online casino games needs a combination of particulars, capacity, and boldness.
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I guess that I can’t really blame it on the power out today since it was only 20 minutes. I could blame it on the sushi making, that took much longer than I thought it would. I made a cake, but then it was from a mix, so not enough time there. Well, how about the time I spent with the boy, doing laundry, dishes and driving. That took up a big portion. Making supper? Well Anthony helped. Ok, I guess I really need to blame it on 2 things. 1: Playing Guitar hero with Anthony. 2: Watching compelling dancing shows while eating cake. Yes, I admit it. I love and never miss Dancing With the Stars. I even vote. Just one question, why in the name of all that is holy, do they put the horrible fake lashes on Marie Osmond? It is no wonder she had a hard time with the Mambo, she could hardly see.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:54:14Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9878714084625244, "token_count": 193, "url": "http://leftcoastmama.net/2007/11/19/damn-havent-i-blogged-today/" }
‘This is an informative training camp rather than a tactical one’, said National Teams Head Coach Michele Marcolini when addressing the media on day two of the National Team training camp. The four-day mini training camp is being organised at the Ta’ Qali training grounds, with Euro Qualifiers against Macedonia and Italy on the horizon. Marcolini stressed that despite following most of the premier league games since he was appointed, this is the first experience whereas he could meet the players and work with them rather than just watch them play. According to Marcolini, he has observed a group of players that have demonstrated passion and determination and who will give their best, both physically and emotionally. He indicated that he is not a carbon copy of his predecessor and that, while recognising the enormous strides forward achieved under Devis Mangia, he will try to build on the good work already done while making adjustments to improve the team and its results. The manner one approaches problems and the solutions chosen to better adapt to the game, in his opinion, are equally as significant as the tactic and formation. It is thus one of Coach Marcolini’s main goals. Michele Marcolini explained that despite not having the players playing abroad during this mini camp, he has spoken to them and followed their performances. Marcolini explained that he is adapting to the new reality and despite being a positive experience he knows that future includes a mountain to climb. He thanked the Premier League clubs and Sliema Wanderers for lending their players for this mini camp which is not during the international window. He added that he wants to maintain strong relations with the clubs because he believes both parties will benefit from such. Photo: Mark Zammit Cordina
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Lofoten Photo Tours is the one to turn to if you would like the best possible chance to photograph or just experience the Lofoten nature. We are seated in Svolvaer, the heart of The Lofoten Islands. Our guide Geir Nøtnes is a well renomated photographer with special knowledge of sites to visit on The Lofoten Islands. His piqtures have been shown on exibitions in Norway, Great Britain and Italy. The limited number of guests on each tour and our flexibility makes it possible to accomodate your wishes at the best of our abilities.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:28:44Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9486598968505859, "token_count": 131, "url": "http://lofotenphototours.no/info/about-us.html" }
Help us grow this site! PHYSICS HELP CENTRE. Supply-side economics is a theory that recommends lower taxes and. Currently, I've accepted NUS FASS with an intention of majoring economics the 2nd year. Could behavioral economics help improve diet quality for nutrition assistance program participants? "During an economic boom a decade ago, joblessness fell as low as 2.4 percent, igniting an. The Economics Help Centre is a free service for students and is staffed by Economics faculty. How much does knowledge of economics help. We share the room with the Faculty of Community. He has been a teacher to Springer 2006Computational Economics: Help for the. Stack exchange. Is there anyone here who has achieved B+ in A-level Economics recently. Call at 855 222 3282 to get high quality and reliable Economics homework help for all topics by professional tutors. Even the word 'economics' comes from the Greek oikonomia, or 'housekeeping.'&". Economic concepts that help them understand their economic world. Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo — both professors at M.I.T. Physics Help Center (for PHY 110, 111, 120, 121 & IMP). Consumers regularly and predictably behave in ways that contradict standard assumptions of economic analysis such that they make decisions that prevent. To assist students taking introductory courses, the Department operates a Help Centre which is located in Room AA-3077. An appreciation of economics helps to make sense of government policy-making, the conduct of businesses and the enormous changes in. Economist Esther Duflo believes poverty can be tackled by. Find out how to choose the best economics homework tutor for your needs. Ask them if they apply much else from else from economics in their. As home economics, helping students to become more well-rounded. Welker's Wikinomics - A website created by an IB economics teacher. Michael Spence, a Nobel laureate in economics, is Professor of Economics at. Earlier studies of. Wondering if I really need to study economics with my commerce degree to be competitive. Fall ECON 301 - Interm Econ. By Martha Hostetter and. Can be defined as the study of human behaviors aimed at finding solutions to help improve peoples' lives. Free Drop-In Physics and Astronomy Tutoring! Will be difficult but it is achievable. Subject: How economics help to manage scarcity? Hello im currently a fifth year student. Economic models help managers and economists analyze the economic decision-making process. Behavioral economics explains a lot of the biases that distort the choices made by entrepreneurs and March Madness bracket pickers. • 1st Argument: Economics can help to identify markets tending to be cartelized. Learning, or even worse, greater confusion among students who take high school economics courses than among similar students who do not. You can't just hide from him in. So for all readers, economists and real people, here are five life lessons that economics taught me. When he arrived in Zürich in January 2005, he exchanged $20,000 for Swiss francs when. Studying economics can come with added benefits – you might learn. If you know if any great resources to help your fellow IB Economics. “Managerial Economics is a science which studies the economic aspect of behavior of the firm as an enterprise, and helps to allocate scarce. TC = 5,000 + 2Q + 0.2 Q2. Notre Dame economists interview the owner of Mama Njenga's Boutique in Nairobi, Kenya. By Andrew Walker BBC World Service Economics correspondent. Transcript of interaction;. Welcome to the Department of Economics! A perfectly competitive firm has total revenue and total cost curves given by: TR = 100Q. As a matter of fact, in the economic system. Researchers designed and piloted a program called Borrow Less Tomorrow (BoLT) that took a behavioral approach to debt reduction, combining an accelerated. Economics helps many people get richer by designing better public policies and institutions. How to structure an Economics Essay: (A level Economics including AS and A2 for UK Examination Boards - Edexcel, OCR, AQA and CIE). Economics is a versatile subject that can help you. Economics is regarded as a social science because it uses scientific methods to build theories that can help explain the behaviour of individuals, groups and. The study of economics helps us. It makes use of economic theory and concepts. Production decisions and economic profit · Forms of. So it seems a fair bet that any financial help from the West would require a. ECONOMICS Concepts of Elasticity 1; 2. Economics Help Desk in BA2 rooms 302A, 303A&C, & 303M (Business. Learn how to get economics help online from professionals. Many students have homework every economics help homework managerial single night Bellevue University's Master's in Strategic Finance prepares. Browse data by Tag, Category, Release, Source, Release Calendar or Get Help. Help us improve this article! Economics Help, is a website of special economics advice written by English economics teacher and cycling champion Tejvan Pettinger. Managerial economics helps in estimating the product demand, planning of production schedule, deciding the input combinations, estimation of cost. All sessions in HSH 202 Winter 2017 (January 16- April 7). The individual economic benefits of many technologies previously taken for granted must now be reexamined and tested for their service to the profitability of the. Of David Nazarian College of Business and Economics Kenneth Lord.What is Economic Rent? At the dawn of each new year there is a renewed effort towards making positive changes—saving more, making healthier choices, spending more time with. Research on the health and economic impact of public health strategies can help newly evolving health care delivery systems focus on. Economists say that economics does not provide direct solution to economic problems. Download, graph, and track 469000 economic time series from 83 sources.12 hours ago. Since 2008, Heel to Toes foot clinic in Thornhill has provided first-rate foot care services. Although they are often taught and presented as very separate disciplines. Coursework writing consultation, Essay, Poster Help =/> Admission Essay. But that may be about to change, as new. Hi, 6th year student here. John Hayford9 that engineering and economics “help to develop the very valuable habit of. Posted by pinkiia. To help develop and implement the Department's research strategy. Also we'll send you a coupon with 10% off economics help homework managerial your.
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DIY Modern Vintage Bathroom Makeover Since we moved into our house over 3 years ago I’ve been wanting to make changes to our primary bathroom. We purposefully selected the white tile, unfinished vanity and fixtures knowing that one day we would give it a makeover. I wanted it to feel like a cozy little retreat! After putting it off for far too long, Trent and I finally decided to make the transformation happen. Over the last six months we have painted the walls, ceilings, and vanity, replaced mirrors and light fixtures, and added some extra accessories. Below are all the details of how we brought this to dream bathroom to life! Before + Progress Photos I knew right away there were three must-have items for my primary bathroom makeover: - Double Mirrors: The large panel mirror had to go! I wanted two individual mirrors above each sink and loved the look of hanging round mirrors for our space. While the original ones are sold out, you can buy a similar one here. - Antique Persian Rug: After digging through Pinterest for what seemed like hours I knew I loved this look, but couldn’t find anything reasonable in my price range. That was until I found Krazy For Rugs on Instagram! Read more about my experience with her below. - Floating Wood Shelves: If you’ve followed me on Instagram for a while then you may have seen some of my husband, Trent’s, woodworking. I knew I wanted him to build a beautiful set of shelves for above the tub that could hold essentials like bath salts, face towels and a few personal touches. However, the first thing we had to do was get our walls and ceilings painted. Prior to this, they were still covered in the construction paint from when we first moved in. It took us a solid weekend to complete, but we repainted the walls and painted the unfinished cabinet ourselves: - Wall Color: Sherwin Williams Snowbound - Ceiling Color: Sherwin Williams High Reflective White - Cabinet Color: Sherwin Williams Salty Dog After Makeover Photos To remove the panel mirror above the vanity, we applied shipping tape across the entire front in case it cracked or shattered while being removed. Thankfully, it wasn’t glued to the wall so it came off fairly easily. Make sure that you have two people, one on either end, to remove a mirror of this size because they’re surprisingly heavy and can flex. After painting the bathroom walls and covering any spots left from the old mirror, we were ready to hang our new round mirrors from Wayfair! We started by putting the wooden wall pegs in place, which we were able to buy through Amazon Prime. They’re a great price, easy to use and arrived quickly! The original mirrors we used are sold out, but below is a similar style and price-point: So let’s talk about the pièce de résistance – our antique Persian runner. I had my eye on a style like this for the bathroom, but it was way beyond my budget! Turns out antique Persian and Turkish rugs are highly sought-after and come with hefty price-points (often starting at $900 for small runners). I thought the dream was unattainable until I found Katie from Krazy For Rugs on Instagram! First of all, her name told me everything I needed to know. As a rug obsessed person I knew I had found a kindred spirit right away. Katie was able to find the perfect rug for the space, originally made in the 1930’s, with beautiful rich reds and pops of teal all for a fraction of the price. If you’re looking for a gorgeous, unique rug that will be a statement piece in your next design project I highly recommend Krazy For Rugs. You can shop her current inventory on krazyforrugs.com or keep up with the latest and greatest @krazyforrugs on IG. After installing the shelves above our tub, I was excited to add in useful bathroom accessories (like a metal bin to hold all of my face washcloths) and personal touches. Below are details to all of the items you see here. Frames shown are in the 8″ x 8″, 5″ x 7″ and 11″ x 14″ sizes: Potted cacti are from Charlotte Collective which is a boutique in Plaza Midwood that specializes in carrying products from local small businesses. The glass canisters from Crate & Barrel come in several sizes. Shop the ones shown below: Shop the remaining accessories here: I’m so happy to finally be able to share this bathroom makeover with you! I hope it’s inspired you to take action on those DIY projects you’ve held off on or perhaps refresh your space.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:07:38Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9587565660476685, "token_count": 1000, "url": "http://lolorussell.com/lifestyle/home/bathroom-makeover/" }
Random Perl ... rant Jacqui.caren at ntlworld.com Fri Apr 4 16:03:09 BST 2008 Peter Corlett wrote: > What I mainly see are tinpot numeeja firms that have heard of LAMP and > want to pay tuppence a week for their staff. We develop billing and reporting systems for telcos. It pays much better than LAMP work and tends to higher quality specs. We do odd jobs such as large scale database transformation work, re-designing a van tracking system etc. Almost no internet web work - but some intranet web apps such as switch management and provisioning systems, allowing a phone operator to cut off, redirect or renable a 'line' in real time. We gave up on NM some time ago. Having done it I have heard "I *know* its what I asked for but it isn't what I want!" or similar once too often. I, sure they never review the prototypes and only open thier eyes when it goes live... OTOH I have heard of the dosh VC++ and java coders get for the congestion charge project and I wish I could afford 4K lenses and 13K cameras like a CC developer I know :-( More information about the london.pm
{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:11:27Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9417656064033508, "token_count": 284, "url": "http://london.pm.org/pipermail/london.pm/Week-of-Mon-20080331/013423.html" }
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{ "date": "2024-12-10T09:26:53Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "fr", "language_score": 0.9940645098686218, "token_count": 869, "url": "http://ltcperformance.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/casinos/calculatrice-paris-sportif.html" }
There are many ways to get to Tagaytay City whether Places to see in Tagaytay you are going to drive or take the bus. Either way, the usual routes from Metro Manila are the South Luzon and Coastal Road Expressways. There are several bus companies that makes daily trips to Tagaytay. Their terminals can be found in Pasay City, EDSA and Baclaran. There are a lot of places that you can go to in Tagaytay. Tagaytay Picnic Grove, People's Park In The Sky and Tagaytay Highlands are popular places that are worth mentioning. Tagaytay Picnic Grove is the place to go to if you want to do just what its name implies. This is a place where you can sit down, relax and enjoy cheap thrills. Cottages or huts can be rented that ranges from PhP 100 to PhP 250, depending on the size. Formerly known as Palace In The Sky, People's Park In The Sky is former President Marcos' unfinished mansion that was touted to have been built specifically for the official state visit of the late former United States President Ronald Reagan and his wife. The said official state visit was canceled and so did building the mansion. You can get in for a measly PhP 20 entrance fee and most people who have been there says that it has the most spectacular Accomodation in Tagaytay view of the Taal Lake and Volcano. When you want to splurge, Tagaytay Highlands is for you. You are in for a treat if golf is your game because this place has two courses that is surrounded by terrains and ravines. There are lots of restaurants to try out, movie houses, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and a bowling place. The places mentioned are just a few among the many establishments and facilities that can be found in the cool and breezy city of Tagaytay. A wide array of hotels and restaurants are spread all throughout which gives you a lot of choices to cater to your specific needs when you do plan on going to Tagaytay City. The different types of persons who visit the place are picnickers, adventurers, tourists and religious people. There are many different places to explore in the City for different types of person. Most local people visit the place especially during summer vacation because of its cool climate. Taal Volcano is known as the smallest active Volcano In the world. However, many people don't know that Taal volcano is one of the largest Best Restaurant in Tagaytay volcanoes all over the world, but now, it became smaller many years had passed. This smallest volcano is surrounded by lake Hotels in Tagaytay known as the Taal Lake. Hotel accommodations in the area are vast especially during special occasions. Some are celebrating their birthdays and some are their weddings. Some are conducting seminars and conferences. Picnic Grove where you can rent cottages and benches to enjoy your meal or snack. Also, there are stores and some souvenir items inside the grove. Horse back riding is a thrilling adventure for beginners. However, for people who are professional enough on this activity, it is like a hobby. There are a lot of famous restaurants where fine dining is expected. However, the foods are expensive and only people with good budget can avail of the big price. Also, there are restaurants wherein you can avail of low cost foods. Spectacular Casinos where most rich people play. For them, playing in the casino is a form of relaxing. Most photographers visit the place because they can take a full shot in different angles of the beautiful views of the City. The best leisure activity for children is to play in the Class-A playgrounds designed especially for children. Zoo is also expected for children to see different kinds of animals. Moreover, sports like golf and skating are also available. Fabulous golf courses at Tagaytay Highlands International Golf Club, Inc. and skating rails to add up for young and old. The Palace in the Sky is actually on top of the mountain that is fully developed and now it is Restaurant in Tagaytay called as People's Park In The Sky. There are flat and cemented ways to lead you to the Park. Inside the Park, you can see a lot of activities also and a nice panoramic views. There are souvenir shops where you can buy different shirts with prints of People's Park In The Sky. In the hill, a flower farm where there are various kinds of beautiful flowers. Fruit stands near the highways are too many to choose from where you can buy fresh fruits. You can see a lot of different fruits especially pineapples because there are pineapple plantations in the city. A boat trip to taal volcano is highly recommended. They can tour you around the rim of the volcano. You can almost boil an egg there. It's really a meaningful adventure to all. There are convents and retreat houses near the People's Park In the Sky. They say, if you are in high places, you are closer to heaven. Maybe, that is the reason why there are many devotees and pilgrims visit the place. Visiting the place is worth it especially when you want a nice and peaceful place to stay for a while and give yourself a relaxing ambiance to eliminate stress. It's a pleasant place, secure and safe.
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The Auto-Shutdown policy is another important policy to ensure our virtual machines don’t expend more than what we planned for them. If we have a time window to use the virtual machines, the auto-shutdown policy can deactivate them at the right time. We need to discover the deep internal details about the auto-shutdown configuration before creating the policy. The method we can use is to set this configuration and export the virtual machine as a template. We change the configuration to on and off, export and check the difference. After testing the export template you will discover that Azure creates
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With over 30 years of seasoned leadership, Mr. Sudhakar spearheads Mylin Biotech India Pvt Ltd’s manufacturing and operations in Bangalore. Mr. Sudhakar brings a wealth of expertise from his three-decade tenure at AstraZeneca Pharma India Ltd., where he last served as Production & Technical Services Head. His proficiency extends to global regulatory audits, green field projects, and facility upgrades, emphasising safety, quality, and cGMP compliance. A maestro in Lean Management, he champions operational efficiency, cost optimisation, and continuous improvement, fostering a culture of excellence at Mylin’s production facility. Under his guidance, Mylin achieves streamlined processes, maximised productivity, and unwavering adherence to quality and regulatory standards.
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I will also be doing a workshop on older heroines. Let’s see what you all think about that. The earliest heroines were sweet, young things – 18 to 20 years old. The heroes were generally much older, say around 30, and very successful in their careers. Look at Jane Austin heroines or those of the author I grew up on, Victoria Holt. To Victoria Holt, the heroines were generally women of breeding but no money and what was left to them was being a companion or a governess and thus, this sets up the story. Times have changed. You still find romances about young women, but now they tend to be in their mid-20s to possibly early 30s and are in their own careers, either just starting or beginning to be settled. Heroes are likely to be closer to the same age. Rarely do we see an 18 year old woman being courted by a 30 year old man. I think our society tends to look at such a relationship differently than we did once. I have a 17 year old daughter and if she were thinking of dating even a boy in college, I’d be concerned! As romance readers, and authors, age, heroines have begun to age as well. I, for one, am thrilled by this. I’m at an age where I’m more concerned with hot flashes and mortgages and school tuition than I am about designer shoes and worrying about being fired from my job or finding Mr. Right. It’s getting harder and harder to relate to younger heroines. Older heroines have different issues to deal with than their younger counterparts. Young heroines are usually struggling to get established in their careers. They are generally single and have no one depending on them. Even if they have a roommate or a pet, their income and time belong pretty much to themselves and they’re free to travel, shop or do whatever strikes their fancy, within the bounds of the guidelines of their particular book. Older heroines have lived through that phase of their life. They normally do have people dependent on them — children, a husband and possibly even parents. Their time and money is designated for other people and their needs as often, if not more often, than it is for themselves. Most older heroines are not looking for Mr. Right. They may already be married to him. So, maybe you’re asking, “How can it be a romance if there isn’t a “love story”? What about the Happily Ever After?” Stories about older heroines don’t have a cute name like chick lit. Someone coined the term “Hen Lit,” which I HATE. Mom lit is okay, too, but doesn’t cover all of them. Right now I’ll call it “Lady Lit,” but I hope someone more clever than I am will come up with something better! Lady Lit is like chick lit, in that it is the story of a woman’s journey to discovering herself. If she finds a man in the process, that’s fine, but he is the icing. The Happily Ever After comes when she finds herself at the end of her journey. Older heroines has many more opportunities for stories than younger women do. As Harlequin describes their NEXT line, “These are stories about women in the next phase of their lives.” Whatever that next phase might be. It could be the story of a woman dealing with the empty nest as in Off Her Rocker (Harlequin Next) by Jennifer Archer. Maybe our heroine discovers that her husband was married to another woman — while he was married to her! This is the story in The Other Wife (Harlequin Next) by Shirley Jump. Our heroine might inherit a business from her mother as in Knit Two Together (Harlequin Next) by Connie Lane. Also, stories about a group of women together can fit into this category as in The Sisterhood Of The Queen Mamas (Steeple Hill Cafe) by Annie Jones. Lady Lit is a broad definition that can cover a myriad of story of ideas. The amount of sensuality can be just as varied. I attended a workshop given by a NEXT editor and several authors and I asked if sex scenes were required n these books. The answer was that there didn’t even need to be a romance. These are stories about older women, women who have lived the bulk of their lives and are dealing with things that “real women” deal with. Weight, health, loss, loneliness, disillusionment, all things we can relate to. If you’re getting older, and we all are, and you’re finding it harder and harder to relate to the “sweet young things” who are running around New York City or Chicago or even Dallas in designer clothes and searching for the perfect pair of shoes, maybe it’s time to look at the older women who are still vital and have lots to experience and to say. The market for older heroine books is growing and maybe, just maybe, your story is the one we all want to read. I can’t wait for it! Get out there and get that book written! The world is waiting!
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:55:21Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9809744954109192, "token_count": 1115, "url": "http://nancysbrandt.com/2007/05/older-heroines-theyre-not-dead-yet/" }
I am perfectly fine with sex but I am looking for a friend to spend some of my time with. I am easy going and expect the same courtesy, pressure just ruins the fun for everybody. Need some of that excitement i get from a LADY come on girls im waiting lol lol. I am a 48yr old, divorced, in a long-distance relationship lonely hot girls naked lady. Also I cannot instant messages but can regular ones.Would really like to meet someone to hang out & see where it goes. Dildo shooting in Annville looking nerd girlfriend she trying experimental thing speacle about beastialty with our feet girlsunder. I'm a nice good hearted person like 2 have fun.
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VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Inka’s Peruvian restaurant opens in Syracuse. Timmy Wilcox: Inka’s Peruvian Fusion Cuisine opened Oct. 15. The restaurant sits on the corner of South Salina and East Washington street and offers a combination of Peruvian and Asian cultures. Inka’s manager Sebastian Ramirez says the menu has a lot of common flavors, but the experience is unlike any other. Sebastian Ramirez: There’s a lot of stuff that’s very different than what Syracuse is usually accustomed to, and we’re just trying to create more of a culinary experience and show off the Peruvian culture a little bit more. Wilcox: Inka’s owners also own Margarita’s Mexican Cantina in Armory Square. After learning from mistakes at Margarita’s, Ramirez said they’ve been able to hit the ground running. Wilcox: Despite Inka’s being open for just over a week, it’s already had customers travel from far distances. It’s already had customers make the trip from Long Island. Ramirez: So for sure is the pollo a la brasa which is kind of the rotisserie chicken, it’s one of the staple foods in Peru. Everything is cooked with charcoal and wood fire, so they’re roasted over I believe it’s an hour and a half roast process so it’s very very good. Wilcox: These customers have come for the full bar and to enjoy a menu with fresh ingredients. Ramirez is excited for Syracuse to dig in to the restaurant’s top choices. Wilcox: Inka’s plans to change their food menu every three to four months. The restaurant’s variety of food and drinks provide a unique dining option for Syracuse. Tim Wilcox. NCC News. Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News) — Syracuse has a new dining option in the downtown area. Inka’s opened on Oct. 15 and offers Peruvian fusion cuisine. Located on the corner of Salina and Washington streets, the restaurant is owned by the same owners as Margarita’s Mexican Cantina in Armory Square. Inka’s had a smoother opening because the owners learned from the obstacles of starting Margarita’s. Some customers from Margarita’s have dined at Inka’s and already, customers from as far as Long Island have visited. Inka’s menu has both common flavors and new tastes, Inka’s manager Sebastian Ramirez said. “There’s a lot of stuff that’s very different than what Syracuse is usually accustomed to, and we’re just trying to create more of a culinary experience and show off the Peruvian culture a little bit more,” Ramirez said. Inka’s prides itself on the fresh ingredients that it uses in its seafood and meat dishes. The restaurant’s Peruvian food consists of stir fry and soy sauce flavors. One of the restaurant’s favorite dishes is the pollo a la brasa, similar to rotisserie chicken. “It’s one of the staple foods in Peru,” Ramirez said. “Everything is cooked with charcoal and wood fire, so they’re roasted over an hour and a half, so it’s very, very good.” Inka’s decorated the interior to bring a mix of New York City style and “tropical South American flair” to the restaurant. Fixtures such as the mezzanine and bar were kept from the previous building tenants. The restaurant plans to change its menu every three to four months while providing a unique dining experience to Syracuse.
{ "date": "2024-12-10T07:51:33Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.943631649017334, "token_count": 810, "url": "http://nccnewsonline.com/inkas-peruvian-restaurant-opens-in-syracuse/" }
The Pittsburgh Symphony Brass was organized by George Vosburgh in 1994 with an emphasis on featuring some of the world’s finest orchestral brass musicians playing in chamber ensemble. The result has been a unique blend of virtuosity with brilliant sonority usually associated with orchestral brass. The ensemble, all of whom are members of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, endeavors to stretch the limitations of performance and explore a wide range of musical expression rarely achieved in brass music. The American Record Guide described the ensemble’s first compact disc, J.S. Bach, The Art of Fugue for the Four Winds record label as “Magnificent, an extended example of first rate playing, with beautiful tone qualities, impeccable intonation, and polished execution.” The ensemble’s second recording A Christmas Concert, has been described by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette as, “Holiday cheer delivered with virtuoso flair.” At a recent concert for the Frick Art and Historical Center, Mark Kanny, music critic for the Tribune-Review, described the concert as “impressively polished.” After a concert for the Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society the Tribune-Review wrote, “Full of brilliance and power, but also stunning in subtle artistic qualities made possible only by masterful control”. The Pittsburgh Symphony Brass released a third compact disc in 2002. This recording, Cantate Hodie for the Clarion label is in collaboration with the Bach Choir of Pittsburgh and features contemporary works based on Christmas themes for mixed chorus, brass, and organ. The groups fourth and fifth recordings, The Spirit of Christmas (2003) and A Song of Christmas (2008-both for Four Winds) again received great reviews. Music performed by the PSO Brass can also be found on The American Girl’s Christmas, Music of Christmas Past. The groups association with the American Gramophone label has resulted in partnerships on that label’s Holiday Musik II and Renaissance Holiday recordings. – Click to listen to some tracks. The group’s featured performance on National Public Radio’s Performance Today is replayed annually on NPR stations throughout the United States. The PITTSBURGH SYMPHONY BRASS has performed in Italy, Canada and the United States. George Vosburgh, trumpet Neal Berntsen, trumpet William Caballero, horn Peter Sullivan, trombone Jeff Dee, bass trombone Craig Knox, tuba
{ "date": "2024-12-10T08:01:29Z", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066057523.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20241210071103-20241210101103-00343.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9314394593238831, "token_count": 510, "url": "http://nealberntsen.com/pittsburgh-symphony-brass/" }
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