This error happens in ```` E jupytext.quarto.QuartoError: quarto convert --log-level warning /tmp/tmplcv1q4a2.qmd exited with return code 1 E ERROR: Internal Error: getYamlIntelligenceResource called with missing resource pandoc/formats.yml ```` See discussion there. It seems it was working fine in `0.9.243` but now fail with `0.9.282` and `0.9.285` We don't have yet more precise information but I am opening here anyway to discuss. I understand `pandoc/formats.yml` is a key for which value should be computed internally @cscheid was there any change that could break something ? Thanks cc @mwouts
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-20T12:36:26Z", "creator": "cderv", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "bug", "yaml-validation" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 699, "state": "closed", "title": "getYamlIntelligenceResource called with missing resource pandoc/formats.yml", "url": "" }
Related to #687. With R gt table objects: html: 1. works fine when code creates and shows table object 2. if code saves but does NOT display table object, it renders nonetheless, albeit differently than in number 1 -- rendered as if retrieved from file (larger - not sure there are other differences) 3. if code retrieves table object from file, it renders differently (larger) than when created and shown) pdf: 1. works fine when code creates and shows table object 2. same as html number 2 3. same as html number 3 docx: 1. table does not render when code creates and shows table object 2. same as html number 2 3. same as html number 3 ------------------------------------------- mre below -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- title: "Surprising html, pdf, and docx rendering behavior with R gt table objects" number-sections: true toc: true --- ```{r} #| label: setup #| include: false library(tidyverse) library(gt) # devtools::session_info() # devtools::package_info() df <- tibble(rank=1:10, money=seq(100, 1000, 100)) ``` ## Environment - Windows 10 x64 (build 22598) - R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10) - RStudio-2022.06.0-daily-310.exe - quarto-0.9.282-win.msi - gt * 0.4.0 2022-02-15 [1] CRAN (R 4.1.2) \newpage ## SHOW gt object but do not save - as html, text and table render - as pdf, text and table render - as docx, text renders but table does NOT render(!) ```{r} tab <- df %>% mutate(type="SHOW gt object but do NOT save") %>% gt() %>% cols_label(rank="Rank", money="Amount") tab ``` \newpage ## SAVE gt object but do NOT show - as html, text renders, and table object renders (!), differently, as if retrieved from file - as pdf, same as html - as docx, same as html ```{r} tab <- df %>% mutate(type="SAVE gt object but do NOT show") %>% gt() %>% cols_label(rank="Rank", money="Amount") gtsave(tab, "tab.png") ``` \newpage ## Retrieve and SHOW previously saved gt object - as html, table object renders, but differently than when created and shown - as pdf, same as html - as docx, same as html ![](tab.png)
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-20T11:42:35Z", "creator": "donboyd5", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 698, "state": "closed", "title": "Surprising html, pdf, and docx rendering behavior with R gt table objects", "url": "" }
When rendering the following three different qmd files, only the first example has a title. ````qmd --- title: test format: commonmark --- ```r 1 + 1 ``` ```` ````qmd --- title: test format: commonmark --- ```{r} 1 + 1 ``` ```` ````qmd --- title: test format: commonmark --- ```{python} 1 + 1 ``` ````
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-20T10:18:33Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 697, "state": "closed", "title": "Rendered markdown file has no title when qmd include executable code block", "url": "" }
It would be useful to have something like [knitr's comment code block]( to leave comments that are not included in the output. input ````qmd --- title: test format: commonmark engine: knitr --- <!-- comment (to be output) --> ```{comment} not to be output ``` ```` output ````md <!-- comment (to be output) --> ```` (I noticed that the output file has no title. I reported this bug in another issue. #697)
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 11, "created_at": "2022-04-20T10:05:09Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "v1.2", "number": 696, "state": "closed", "title": "[Feature Request] Special code blocks for comments", "url": "" }
I started to work on `quarto` with the following file: It works like a charm on html (local and github action). You can see the output [deployed here]( However, when adding the `ipynb` output format, I had the following error: > Error running filter /opt/quarto/share/filters/quarto-post/quarto-post.lua: > bad argument #1 to 'pandoc.List.find' (table expected, got string) > stack traceback: > \[C\]: in function 'pandoc.List.includes' > /opt/quarto/share/filters/quarto-post/quarto-post.lua:1826: in local 'fn' > /opt/quarto/share/filters/quarto-post/quarto-post.lua:792: in function \</opt/quarto/share/filters/quarto-post/quarto-post.lua:786> It happened in both a local environment (linux) and in github action [see here]( The source code is the same, I only added the `ipnyb` output format. The associated workflow file is [here]( To reproduce the error, you can use the `Docker` image : `linogaliana/ensae-repro-docker:latest` (By the way, thanks a lot for the `quarto` project, I was hoping so much this kind of reproducible publication tool for `python`)
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-20T08:47:55Z", "creator": "linogaliana", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 694, "state": "closed", "title": "pandoc error on linux", "url": "" }
My _quarto.yml file has a line that starts with a comment. The relevant part looks like this ( ```yml project: type: website output-dir: docs render: # List index.qmd first so that / redirects to it instead of components.html. - /index.qmd - /*.qmd ``` When I run `quarto render`, it used to work with older versions of quarto, but now it errors out as follows: ``` $ quarto render ERROR: Internal Error, couldn't locate key null Error: Internal Error, couldn't locate key null at locate (file:///Users/winston/nobackup/quarto-cli/src/core/lib/yaml-validation/validator.ts:539:11) at file:///Users/winston/nobackup/quarto-cli/src/core/lib/yaml-validation/validator.ts:607:27 at Array.every (<anonymous>) at file:///Users/winston/nobackup/quarto-cli/src/core/lib/yaml-validation/validator.ts:606:10 at ValidationContext.withSchemaPath (file:///Users/winston/nobackup/quarto-cli/src/core/lib/yaml-validation/validator.ts:90:27) at validateObject (file:///Users/winston/nobackup/quarto-cli/src/core/lib/yaml-validation/validator.ts:604:22) at Object.object (file:///Users/winston/nobackup/quarto-cli/src/core/lib/yaml-validation/validator.ts:248:9) at schemaCall (file:///Users/winston/nobackup/quarto-cli/src/core/lib/yaml-schema/types.ts:285:39) at file:///Users/winston/nobackup/quarto-cli/src/core/lib/yaml-validation/validator.ts:230:5 at ValidationContext.withSchemaPath (file:///Users/winston/nobackup/quarto-cli/src/core/lib/yaml-validation/validator.ts:90:27) ``` If I move the comment so that it's not on its own line, then it works fine: ```yml project: type: website output-dir: docs render: - /index.qmd # List index.qmd first so that / redirects to it instead of components.html. - /*.qmd ``` I bisected it to f0d1464d46bff83ebbcd5c4b2f15d58e749cbb08.
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-20T00:55:53Z", "creator": "wch", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "bug", "yaml-validation" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 693, "state": "closed", "title": "Comment line in _quarto.yml causes error", "url": "" }
Quarto version 0.9.271 installed on Ubuntu from .deb release package When I create and preview a new book project, the rendered index.qmd page has a table of contents on the right. None of the other pages has a table of contents. If I add a second header to e.g. the intro.qmd page, the page is re-rendered with a table of contents. Maybe you made the design decision to omit a table of contents if there is only one header. But a consequence of that is that if I try to include Github links via the "repo-url:" etc. options in _quarto.yml, the Github links are missing along with the toc in the rendered pages. Behavior is similar for a new website project, but in that case there is no TOC or links on the rendered index.qmd page either. I want to make sure there are Github links on every page of my book. If you don't want to create a full table of contents on pages with only one header, can you make it so that at least the Github links will appear?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 14, "created_at": "2022-04-19T18:58:03Z", "creator": "blacksqr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 691, "state": "closed", "title": "No TOC or github links unless more than one header in page", "url": "" }
Ideally, `--output` wouldn't change just the filename, but would also control the directories that get created. This isn't trivial, though, because it involves some code in `freeze` infrastructure and some `rmarkdown` interactions as well. Related: should `--output -` imply `self-contained: true`?
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-04-19T18:35:14Z", "creator": "cscheid", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 690, "state": "open", "title": "improvement: make `--output` option generate directories which respect the option", "url": "" }
We're generating some stray whitespace after the merging of the `cell-language-handler` branch. See [this](
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-19T18:22:41Z", "creator": "cscheid", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 689, "state": "closed", "title": "stray whitespace", "url": "" }
The difference between the "inline" and the "file" versions of our include options could be improved, I think. In order to do this with backward compatibility, I think we could create a schema like this: ``` anyOf: - string # retain current behavior of current options - object: properties: content: string # force inline behavior on whatever version is chosen - object: properties: file: string # force file inclusion behavior on whatever version is chosen ``` and then interpret it appropriately in the options. This way we can eventually deprecate the string behaviors in favor of the explicit option.
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-04-19T17:59:36Z", "creator": "cscheid", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 688, "state": "closed", "title": "improve behavior (or description) of `include-*` metadata", "url": "" }
The output of R's `gt` table-creating package will not render to docx but does render to html and pdf (with certain imperfections discussed in #685). A workaround for now may be to save the output to a file with `gtsave`, and include it as an image. ---------------------------- minimal reproducible example -------------------------------------------------------- # Create data ```{r} #| label: setup #| include: false library(tidyverse) library(gt) df <- tibble(rank=1:10, money=seq(100, 1000, 100)) ``` # This renders successfully as html, almost successfully as pdf, and only partially as docx - as html everything looks correct - as pdf, the line break does not occur - as docx, the echoed code is shown but the table does not appear to be in the docx file ```{r} df %>% gt() %>% cols_label(rank=html("Rank"), money=md("Amount<br>$")) ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-19T16:09:30Z", "creator": "donboyd5", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 687, "state": "closed", "title": "output of R's gt table-creating package will not render to docx but does render to html and pdf", "url": "" }
**quarto-version: 0.9.279** I am having an issue creating a shiny runtime document. There seems to be an issue with attaching packages. In the example below, with `#| context: server` included in the first chunk, rendering fails with the error ``` Quitting from lines 19-20 (test.qmd) Error in mutate(., waiting = waiting) : could not find function "mutate" Calls: .main ... withVisible -> eval_with_user_handlers -> eval -> eval -> %>% ``` However, I only added the context because without it, the doc renders, but shows the error ``` Error: could not find function "ggplot" ``` The console prints ``` Loading required package: shiny Warning: Error in ggplot: could not find function "ggplot" 172: renderPlot 170: func 130: drawPlot 116: <reactive:plotObj> 100: drawReactive 87: renderFunc 86: output$distPlot 5: <Anonymous> 3: rmarkdown::run 2: run 1: .main ``` **Example** ```` --- title: "Untitled" format: html server: shiny --- ```{r} #| include: false #| context: server library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) ``` ```{r} plotOutput("distPlot") ``` ```{r} mutate(faithful, waiting = waiting) ``` ```{r} #| context: server output$distPlot <- renderPlot({ ggplot(faithful, aes(waiting)) + geom_histogram() }) ``` ````
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-19T15:45:45Z", "creator": "jmcvw", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 686, "state": "closed", "title": "Problem loading packages with server: shiny", "url": "" }
I discovered by trial and error that when using R's `gt` package (for creating tables), labels wrapped in the `gt::html()` function that have special characters such as the $ sign -- common when producing a table with dollar amounts -- must have the special character escaped, or the table will not render in pdf even though it will render in html. The minimal reproducible example below illustrates that (1) code with a $ sign, not wrapped in `html()`, will render in both html and pdf, (2) code with a $ sign wrapped in `html()` will only render in html, and (3) code that escapes a $ sign wrapped in `html()` will render in both html and pdf - however, in my tests so far, to get the pdf to render, two escape slashes are required. But when two escape slashes are used, in the html output one of the slashes used to escape the $ sign will appear. It's not a huge problem once the user is alerted to this, although having to accept either an unwanted slash in the html output or a non-rendering pdf is not ideal. **If anyone knows of a way to escape the special characters and render the pdf without having escape characters show in the html, I would much appreciate advice.** It would be ideal (low priority of course) if quarto could detect this and invisibly solve the problem by escaping special characters wrapped in the `gt::html()` function (without having escape characters show in html rendering). Of course, there may be other situations in which this issue arises beyond the one I found here (other R packages and situations). ---------- Code below suitable for copying into qmd file ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create data ```{r} #| label: setup #| include: false library(tidyverse) library(gt) df <- tibble(rank=1:10, money=seq(100, 1000, 100)) ``` # This renders in html and pdf format Note that, in html format and in pdf format: - labels work for plain text, whether designated as html or not, and - labels work for text with a \$ sign, when not designated as html. ```{r} df %>% gt() %>% cols_label(rank=html("Rank"), money="Amount $") ``` # This renders as html but generates error as pdf Here "Amount \$" is enclosed in html(). The error is: > You may need to \$ \$ around an expression in this file. ```{r} #| eval: false # set eval to true to generate error # set eval to false to run the chunk after this one and render as pdf without error df %>% gt() %>% cols_label(rank=html("Rank"), money=html("Amount $")) ``` # Escaping the $ allows this to render as pdf However, note that in the html output, one of the slashes will appear. So this is not ideal. ```{r} df %>% gt() %>% cols_label(rank=html("Rank"), money=html("Amount \\$")) ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-19T15:18:51Z", "creator": "donboyd5", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 685, "state": "open", "title": "rendering to pdf when using the html function from the gt package in R requires escaping special characters", "url": "" }
``` --- title: "Extract data from many tables" subtitle: "Test data" author: "Jacek Kotowski" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" format: html: theme: simplex self-contained: true toc: true toc-location: right toc-title: Contents number-sections: true code-fold: show code-summary: "Show the code" code-tools: true default-image-extension: svg fig-format: svg --- ``` Such yaml will generate a file but anchors at the title are not visible and toc links do not get highlighted when clicked.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 12, "created_at": "2022-04-19T12:23:33Z", "creator": "jacekkotowski", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 682, "state": "closed", "title": "html output self contained, css links in toc and anchors not working", "url": "" }
Apologies for not knowing where to fix what appears to be a simple typo. In Quarto books (and I'm guessing websites as well) the `div`s for a tabset looks something like: ``` html <div id="tabset-1-1" class="tab-pane active" role="tabpanel" aria-labeledby="tabset-1-1-tab"> ... <div id="tabset-2-1" class="tab-pane active" role="tabpanel" aria-labeledby="tabset-2-1-tab"> ``` The issue is that `aria-labeledby` is missing an "l" (it should be [`aria-labelledby`]( Thanks!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-19T10:44:51Z", "creator": "batpigandme", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 681, "state": "closed", "title": "Invalid ARIA attribute for tabsets (due to typo)", "url": "" }
If `tinytex` is installed through CRAN, render to PDF won't work due to `scrreprt.cls` not being found. Error: ``` updating tlmgr updating existing packages finding package for scrreprt.cls compilation failed- no matching packages LaTeX Error: File `scrreprt.cls' not found. Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed, or enter new name. (Default extension: cls) Enter file name: ! Emergency stop. <read *> l.10 \usepackage {amsmath,amssymb}^^M see Report.log for more information. ``` To resolve, uninstall `tinytex` and remove it. If you try to remove tinytex through the quarto CLI, it will refuse because tinytex was not installed by quarto. ``` tinytex::uninstall_tinytex() remove.packages("tinytex") ``` Then install using quarto's recommended method. ``` quarto tools install tinytex ``` Systems tested: - M1 Max MacOS 12.4 Beta (21F5048e) - Intel MacOS Hackintosh 12.3 I'm not sure what the best solution for this would be. Either quarto could suggest overwriting other installs or warn that `tinytex` should be installed through the quarto CLI so that all components are available.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-18T13:45:06Z", "creator": "guslipkin", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 679, "state": "closed", "title": "PDF Render fails if tinytex is installed through CRAN", "url": "" }
Both the collapsed and expanded search features (the button, and then the input field) currently have `aria-labelledby` properties set that reference an element that doesn't exist (and, thus, they have no label) ``` html <div class="aa-Autocomplete" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-labelledby="autocomplete-0-label"> <button class="aa-DetachedSearchButton"> ... </button> </div> ``` There are three associated accessibility issues I get related to the search: 1. ARIA input fields must have an accessible name Element: `<div class="aa-Autocomplete" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-labelledby="autocomplete-0-label">` 2. Buttons must have discernible text Element: `<button class="aa-DetachedSearchButton">` 3. ARIA attributes must conform to valid values Element: `<div class="aa-Autocomplete" role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-labelledby="autocomplete-0-label">` Error: ARIA attribute element ID does not exist on the page: aria-labelledby="autocomplete-0-label" The third presumably applies to the search input when opened on the element below: ``` html <input class="aa-Input" aria-autocomplete="both" aria-labelledby="autocomplete-0-label" id="autocomplete-0-input" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" enterkeyhint="search" spellcheck="false" placeholder="" maxlength="512" type="search"> ``` As far as internationalization goes, it looks like the buttons have [translation parameters in the Algolia docs]( Link to issue report from audit with axe:
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-18T12:59:03Z", "creator": "batpigandme", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "bug", "accessibility" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "v1.4", "number": 678, "state": "open", "title": "Add valid labels for search button and input fields (a11y issue)", "url": "" }
Don't really know how to do PRs or I would do one. However, FYI, in lines 16 and 17 of [_language.yml](, "Affilliation" and "Affilliations" should have only one "l".
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-18T12:12:38Z", "creator": "donboyd5", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 677, "state": "closed", "title": "typos, sorry", "url": "" }
After rendering a flatly themed (i.e., switchable between light and dark mode) website containing Python code blocks, I noticed that the Python code blocks were hard to see. Is this change intentional? It would be easier to read if they were color coded as before. quarto 0.9.272 ![image]( quarto 0.9.100 ![image]( When compared to the syntax highlighting on GitHub below, does it look like the syntax highlighting is too close in color rather than broken? ````qmd --- title: test theme: flatly --- ```py import pandas as pd pd.read_csv("test.csv") ``` ```r library(readr) readr::read_csv("test.csv") ``` ````
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-18T10:27:40Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 674, "state": "closed", "title": "(Python) Syntax highliting was broken?", "url": "" }
While testing the translation function, I noticed that "callout-caution" is not a target for translation. I also noticed that "callout-danger" is not listed in the reference and [no image is provided]( ![image]( Try rendering the following Markdown file: ````qmd --- title: test # lang: ja --- :::{.callout-note} test ::: :::{.callout-tip} test ::: :::{.callout-warning} test ::: :::{.callout-caution} test ::: :::{.callout-important} test ::: :::{.callout-danger} test ::: ```` ![image]( When set to `lang: ja` ![image](
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-18T10:03:45Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 673, "state": "closed", "title": "missing callout label (`caution` and `danger`)", "url": "" }
Rendering a quarto document with format HTML / article fails at the yaml validation stage, at least since last Sunday (everything was working until then). Have you tightened these validation rules recently? The error message is the following (see [there for details]( ``` ERROR: Project _quarto.yml validation failed. In file _quarto.yml (line 4, column 5 through line 32, column [25]( Key html has value page-layout: article include-in-header: includes/pseudocode-header.html ... html-math-method: katex self-contained: true, which must be 'default' 3: html: 4: page-layout: article ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5: include-in-header: includes/pseudocode-header.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... 31: html-math-method: katex ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: self-contained: true ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33: crossref: ``` The configuration file is there: []( I have tried to change or comment on various options without success. I suspect maybe a parsing problem in the yaml check. Thank you for your help
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-18T09:04:57Z", "creator": "jchiquet", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "bug", "yaml-validation" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 672, "state": "closed", "title": "YAML project validation fails with recent releases", "url": "" }
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 7, "created_at": "2022-04-17T16:58:20Z", "creator": "shalom-lab", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 671, "state": "closed", "title": "The categories tab under the title is unclickable in the lates release.", "url": "" }
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-04-17T16:48:47Z", "creator": "shalom-lab", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 670, "state": "closed", "title": "category is unclickable in the latest releases", "url": "" }
Currently the only "success indicator" when the code-copy button is pressed is that the icon changes to a check. Unpressed: ``` html <button title="Copy to Clipboard" class="code-copy-button"><i class="bi"></i></button> ``` Becomes the below for a short duration after being pressed: ``` html <button title="Copy to Clipboard" class="code-copy-button code-copy-button-checked"><i class="bi"></i></button> ``` The background image changes from a clipboard to a checkmark, but there is no accessible change to indicate that anything happened. The same styling is used in the Bootstrap Icon documentation, except the `title` of the button changes on click to indicate success to a screen reader (see, e.g. in the [icon-accessibility section]( Initial state: ``` html <button type="button" class="btn-clipboard" title="Copy to clipboard"> <svg class="bi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor"> <use xlink:href="/bootstrap-icons.svg#clipboard"></use> </svg> </button> ``` On click: ``` html <button type="button" class="btn-clipboard" title="Copied!"> <svg class="bi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor"> <use xlink:href="/bootstrap-icons.svg#check2"></use> </svg> </button> ``` I'm not sure whether or not this is the ideal solution, but it seems like it'd be feasible to do something of the like within the function below to change the title: Let me know how/if I can help! **Edit** The code-copy button interface in GitHub issues (e.g. see the code chunks above) might be another option (a "Copied" success indicator appears to the left of the button after click)—the actual `aria-label` (as opposed to just a `title`) of the button changes to "Copied!", which would actually be _more_ accessible, since support for `title` isn't consistent across assistive technologies.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-17T11:46:42Z", "creator": "batpigandme", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 667, "state": "closed", "title": "Code-copy button needs text or programmatically-determinable success indicator (a11y issue)", "url": "" }
When the AUTHOR only includes one word,such as "Shalom", the following erros arise, render fail. The error will disappear when AUTHOR includes not less than two words. If I want to use a one-word nickname as author,what should I do? Error running filter D:/Program Files/Quarto/share/filters/authors/authors.lua: D:/Program Files/Quarto/share/filters/authors/authors.lua:1686: attempt to index a nil value (global 'n') stack traceback: D:/Program Files/Quarto/share/filters/authors/authors.lua:1474: in function 'processAuthor' D:/Program Files/Quarto/share/filters/authors/authors.lua:1352: in function <D:/Program Files/Quarto/share/filters/authors/authors.lua:1336>
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-17T10:42:04Z", "creator": "shalom-lab", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 666, "state": "closed", "title": "Author error in Quqrto Blog", "url": "" }
In RStudio I select File > New > Quarto Presentation... and fill the fields. Once the template qmd appears, I click on Render. I get this error in RStudio's Jobs tab: `ERROR: Expected front matter to end with '---'`. However, there is clearly a `---` at the end of the YAML header. I also tried replacing the hyphens and playing with the whitespace. The only way for the qmd to Render was to remove the header completely. Running: Windows 10 x64, RStudio 2022.02.1 Build 461, Quarto 0.9.265. Apologies if this is an RStudio issue rather than a Quarto one.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-17T00:53:37Z", "creator": "dojobo", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 665, "state": "closed", "title": "`ERROR: Expected front matter to end with '---'` when trying to Render RStudio's qmd template", "url": "" }
A common pedagogical tool is providing code and the resulting output _side-by-side_ ([simple example]( While not as important for long-form document formats, this is especially nice for presentation formats that usually take on a "wide" aspect ratio like 16:9 or 4:3. Quarto offers a number of really nice features for controlling multi-column layouts (`{.columns}` & co.). So you can mimic this behaviour by duplicating the code across columns (but not evaluating one of them). Something like: ```` :::: {.columns} ::: {.column width="50%"} ```r library(dplyr, warn.conflicts=FALSE) mtcars |> filter(cyl>=4) |> summarise(mean_mpg = mean(mpg)) ``` ::: ::: {.column width="50%"} ```{r} library(dplyr, warn.conflicts=FALSE) mtcars |> filter(cyl>=4) |> summarise(mean_mpg = mean(mpg)) ``` ::: :::: ```` However, AFAICT, there's no way to specify that code should evaluate "to the side" automatically, thus avoiding the code duplication. Is this something that you would consider supporting? Regardless, I've really been enjoying Quarto so far. Many thanks to all the devs!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-16T23:31:05Z", "creator": "grantmcdermott", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 664, "state": "closed", "title": "FR: Code output to the side", "url": "" }
Started using quarto and love it! I use custom server to host intranet website. While deploying website using `quarto render` followed rsync to `server:/var/www/html/`, website returns error 404 for files, bootstrap.min.css and bootstrap-dark.min.css and thus, fails to render website theme. I have local umask set to `0022` and for most files under `_site/`, I get a valid file permissions (read-only by others) but bootstrap.min.css and bootstrap-dark.min.css are set to read-only by the owner only. This is typically not an issue if on remote server, the same user, `foo` or `root` is running `nginx` server but in my case, it runs using `nginx` user and it fails to read css files. Manually fixing permissions of these css files render website correctly on a remote server, however I need to do this every-time I use `quarto render`. ``` ls -alh _site/site_libs/bootstrap/ drwxr-xr-x foo xxxx 224 B Sat Apr 16 12:07:25 2022 ./ drwxr-xr-x foo xxxx 256 B Sat Apr 16 12:07:25 2022 ../ .rw------- foo xxxx 280 KB Sat Apr 16 12:07:26 2022 bootstrap-dark.min.css .rw-r--r-- foo xxxx 78 KB Fri Apr 15 09:37:40 2022 bootstrap-icons.css .rw-r--r-- foo xxxx 134 KB Fri Apr 15 09:37:40 2022 bootstrap-icons.woff .rw------- foo xxxx 280 KB Sat Apr 16 12:07:26 2022 bootstrap.min.css .rw-r--r-- foo xxxx 76 KB Fri Apr 15 09:37:40 2022 bootstrap.min.js ```
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 8, "created_at": "2022-04-16T16:26:01Z", "creator": "sbamin", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 660, "state": "closed", "title": "error 404 for bootstrap.min.css as it is read-only by an owner", "url": "" }
I'm trying to include a figure into a .qmd file file as ![](`r here::here("data/F220416/F220416S2214/raw/IMG_1785.png")`) (`here` library makes sures that the path is an absolute path) But in the html file that is created, the resulting path looks like `<p><img src="./Users/onurcanbektas/junction/projects/apm.alim.raedler/data/F220416/F220416S2214/raw/IMG_1785.png" class="img-fluid"></p>` i.e the absolute path has `.` in front of it. During the rendering, quarto is warning me that I supplied an absolute path, so it is recognising that it is absolute, but still treats it as a relative path. I think this behaviour is unintendend, hence a bug.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-16T14:25:31Z", "creator": "onurcanbektas", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 659, "state": "closed", "title": "Absolute path is treated as a relative path", "url": "" }
Using the dev version, LaTex refuses to compile if a custom section format is defined in the header. The following won't compile: ```markdown --- title: RedeclareSectionCommand format: pdf header-includes: | \RedeclareSectionCommand[ beforeskip=-6pt plus 1pt minus 1pt, afterskip=1sp plus 1sp minus 1sp ]{section} --- # Section This is a section. ``` If the custom definition is removed, it compiles. ```markdown --- title: RedeclareSectionCommand format: pdf --- # Section This is a section. ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-04-16T05:40:32Z", "creator": "juliantao", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 657, "state": "closed", "title": "[pdf]: undefined sequence for `RedeclareSectionCommand`", "url": "" }
I added the `lang: ja` setting to the following document and noticed that the inline code and code block fonts are no longer monospaced fonts. no `lang` setting ![image]( with `lang: ja` ![image]( When set to `lang: zh`, it also changed to other fonts. I don't think the fonts in a code blocks should change depending on the language setting. quarto version 0.9.260
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 6, "created_at": "2022-04-16T03:13:54Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 656, "state": "closed", "title": "The fonts in the code blocks in revealjs slides will be changed by the language setting of the document", "url": "" }
Currently it seems that to render a Quarto document all of the code needs to be rerun. Are there plans to add something similar to [R Notebooks](, which just use the last output from the chunks (In Rstudio this is accomplished with the "Preview" button when using an R notebook)? This can be nice for longer analyses or more interactive exercises where you may want to edit a plot or a later section but don't need to rerun all the earlier parts.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-15T15:48:43Z", "creator": "ailich", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 650, "state": "open", "title": "Feature Request: Support for R Notebook equivalent", "url": "" }
I am using the vscode Quarto extension and I have a local .jpg file named `Cabin.jpg` and was hoping to attach it as shown in this [Observable example]( I tried both this `image = FileAttachment("Cabin.jpg").image()` within an OJS cell. And I tried `${await FileAttachment("Cabin.jpg").image()}` within the Quarto Markdown. Neither option worked. But I found a solution to displaying an image in this [Observable Notebook]( Looks like I could copy the image address and convert the URL it to Base64 data. ``` cabinPic = '' cabin = { let img = new Image(); img.crossOrigin = '*'; img.src = cabinPic; await new Promise(resolve => img.addEventListener('load', resolve)); let ctx = DOM.canvas(img.width, img.height).getContext('2d'); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); return ctx.canvas; } ``` This rendered an image. As well as when I used `${cabin}` to place the image somewhere else on the page. But I was hoping to take advantage of Observable's `image()` function to leverage things like the [Color.js]( library. I was following this [Observable Notebook]( when I ran into this problem. I am still not able to extract the color palette even when using the image URL. Not sure what is going on here. Any ideas?
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 6, "created_at": "2022-04-15T15:32:48Z", "creator": "scottfranz", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement", "ojs-engine" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 649, "state": "closed", "title": "Unable to Attach Image with Observable's File Attachment function", "url": "" }
I have noticed that slides previously rendered (quarto 0.9.120) cannot be displayed when rendered again with the latest version (quarto 0.9.256). The HTML file contains links to `index_files` that does not exist with the `self-contained: true` option.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-15T15:23:15Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 648, "state": "closed", "title": "self-contained revealjs slide cannot be displayed", "url": "" }
Right now the links to download Quarto from the quarto website return a 404.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-15T15:05:08Z", "creator": "lahvak", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 647, "state": "closed", "title": "Broken download link on Quarto website", "url": "" }
Would likely want to support our format aliasing shortcuts as seen here:
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-04-15T13:13:49Z", "creator": "jjallaire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 646, "state": "closed", "title": "div syntax for content that is included for only certain formats", "url": "" }
For example: ![Screen Shot 2022-04-15 at 9 08 12 AM](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-15T13:08:34Z", "creator": "jjallaire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 645, "state": "open", "title": "enable captions to have a heading and text part", "url": "" }
e.g. for something like this: See also this discussion:
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-15T13:05:29Z", "creator": "jjallaire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "crossref" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "v1.4", "number": 644, "state": "open", "title": "support creating special counter scopes for crossrefs", "url": "" }
Hello everyone :nerd_face: , recently I am using **quarto** in my workflow, however I find a bug with use some libraries for processing spatial data, specially with leafmap or ipyleaflet (leaflet backend) , this happen when I use the .ipynb format, because when I use the qmd format in VisualCode , the output is excellent. Regards. Here put my template :point_down: ``` --- title: "NO2 emission monitoring in Lima Metropolitana - Peru" subtitle: "Report generated with Quarto - Jupyter-Lab" author: "Antony Barja" date: today format: html: code-fold: true self-contained: true code-tools: true css: style.css jupyter: python3 theme: dark: darkly light: flatly toc: true toc-depth: 2 toc-location: left --- ``` ```{python} import geopandas as gp import leafmap m = leafmap.Map(center=(40, -100), zoom=4) m ``` ![ksnip_20220414-224748](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-15T03:46:53Z", "creator": "ambarja", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 643, "state": "closed", "title": "Does not render the leaflet map in a .ipynb format ", "url": "" }
We should find a way to make these values stable (as they currently generate a diff for every re-render of the site): <img width="998" alt="Screen Shot 2022-04-14 at 8 32 23 AM" src="">
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-14T12:37:24Z", "creator": "dragonstyle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 641, "state": "closed", "title": "Make fig-anonymous figures stable", "url": "" }
It would be great to be able to include tables from separate files (Markdown and eventually even CSV) in a similar way to figures. It almost works using the `include` lua filter, but the table is not recognized as a table to be cross-referenced, see example here: - - ````markdown ::: {#tbl-included} ```{.include} tbl/ ``` **Attempted Included Table.** This is an attempt to include a table. It almost works as the heading is placed in the correct place, but it is not recognized as a table and can't be referenced. ::: ```` I usually output Markdown/CSV tables from scripts which allows me to not have to manually change the manuscript every time the numbers change. Possibly related to issue Thank you for your work, \- Peter --- <details> <summary>Discussed in</summary> <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **alping** April 11, 2022</sup> Hi! I do medical/epidemiological research and I've been using markdown and Pandoc for a long time to write my manuscripts. I've been keeping an eye on RMarkdown, Sweave, Knitr, Pweave and similar projects, and was very excited to recently discover Quarto. It's a fantastic project and I'm happy to see that it's being actively developed (thank you!). I'm trying out Quarto for writing my current manuscript and want to contribute some feedback that I hope can make Quarto even better. I've put together a sample project which demonstrates most of the things I discuss here: - - ### Enhancements 1. It would be great to be able to include tables from separate files (markdown or csv) in the same way we can do for figures. It almost works using the include lua filter, but the table is not recognized to be cross-referenced, see sample repo. (I usually output MD/CSV tables from scripts which allows me to not have to manually change them every time the numbers change). 2. Specify capitalization of Figure/figure and Table/table on a per reference basis, e.g. `@Fig-main` > Figure 1.1 and `@fig-main` > figure 1.1. Or `@fig-main` would give the default, `@^fig-main` > Figure 1.1, and `@_fig-main` > figure 1.1, or something similar. 3. A way to specify Supplementary Figures/Tables instead of a "hacky" solution involving chapters and `crossref: chapters: true` (see sample repo), so that we can get `Supplementary Figure 1` (with it's own counter separate from the main figures/tables). (This is used a lot in my field). 4. Table/Figure headers separate from table/figure text, possibly in bold font. E.g: > **Figure 1: Survival Function** > Survival function for entire population using... 5. Variables in inline text. E.g. `We identified {pop_size} patients...` > "We identified 3026 patients...". To avoid manually having to change these every time the numbers change. Variables could be read from a YAML or JSON file. 6. Make some parts only visible for specific render formats: ``` ::: {.docx} This only shows up in .docx renders. ::: ``` 7. Make HTML preview remember the scroll location on reload. Now every time the page is changed and updated it jumps to the top, which makes it difficult to work on a specific section. ### Issues 1. Refs positioning not working for HTML, but for .docx. In HTML, references always show up at the end of the document. ``` ::: {#refs} ::: ``` 2. No top margin for H1 in HTML render (weird spacing for chapters) 3. Printing HTML output causes cut text in page breaks in many cases, similar to what is shown here: Again, fantastic project and thank you for your work. \- Peter</div> </details>
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 10, "created_at": "2022-04-14T08:40:46Z", "creator": "alping", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 639, "state": "closed", "title": "Include Table from Separate Markdown File - Similar to Figures", "url": "" }
Hello hello, I am trying to use the blog template as a dashboard for a collection of Quarto books. However, if I type `posts/*/index.qmd` under contents, each blog post only displays the index page for the given book. If I render the books and type `posts/*/_book/index.html`, the blog does not display any of the books. I tried to pass the yaml files of the books under contents as well, which did not work. Am I missing a feature to make this possible, or is this not a possibility yet? Thanks :)
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-14T05:49:24Z", "creator": "candemircan", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 638, "state": "closed", "title": " having books under a blog website", "url": "" }
I'm using quarto to write an academic article and the default is have ``` execute: echo: false output: false ``` in my executable cell. I can add this defaults to my document/file YAML header, for example ``` --- title: "My Document" execute: echo: false jupyter: python3 --- ``` but I want to add the defaults to my project, i.e. to have `_quarto.yml` like ``` project: type: website output-dir: _site execute: echo: false output: false ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-14T03:19:05Z", "creator": "rgaiacs", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 637, "state": "closed", "title": "Add Execution Options to Project Options", "url": "" }
I have the following `.qmd` file in my project: ``` --- jupyter: jupytext: text_representation: extension: .qmd format_name: quarto format_version: '1.0' jupytext_version: 1.13.8 kernelspec: display_name: 'Python [conda env:first-carpal]' language: python name: conda-env-first-carpal-py --- # Introduction The goal of this project is to detection of first carpal bone in racehorse radiographs using machine learning. ``` When I try to render my project, I get ``` $ quarto render --execute --to html --output-dir public [1/5] index.qmd Starting Jupyter kernel...2022-04-14 10:13:37,192 - traitlets - WARNING - Kernelspec name conda-env-first-carpal-py cannot be found! 2022-04-14 10:13:37,192 - traitlets - ERROR - No such kernel named conda-env-first-carpal-py Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/raniere/mambaforge/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jupyter_client/", line 71, in wrapper out = await method(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/home/raniere/mambaforge/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jupyter_client/", line 377, in _async_start_kernel kernel_cmd, kw = await ensure_async(self.pre_start_kernel(**kw)) File "/home/raniere/mambaforge/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jupyter_client/", line 34, in ensure_async return await obj File "/home/raniere/mambaforge/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jupyter_client/", line 340, in _async_pre_start_kernel self.kernel_spec, File "/home/raniere/mambaforge/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jupyter_client/", line 170, in kernel_spec self._kernel_spec = self.kernel_spec_manager.get_kernel_spec(self.kernel_name) File "/home/raniere/mambaforge/envs/jupyter/lib/python3.10/site-packages/jupyter_client/", line 294, in get_kernel_spec raise NoSuchKernel(kernel_name) jupyter_client.kernelspec.NoSuchKernel: No such kernel named conda-env-first-carpal-py No such kernel named conda-env-first-carpal-py ``` The problem here is that Jupyter does **not** know that I have the kernel `conda-env-first-carpal-py` in my machine: ``` $ jupyter kernelspec list [ListKernelSpecs] WARNING | Config option `kernel_spec_manager_class` not recognized by `ListKernelSpecs`. Available kernels: python3 /home/raniere/mambaforge/envs/jupyter/share/jupyter/kernels/python3 ``` This is a old issue in the Jupyter ecosystem that Anaconda solved with [nb_conda_kernels]( With nb_conda_kernels > When a kernel from an external environment is selected, the kernel conda environment is automatically activated before the kernel is launched. This allows you to utilize different versions of Python, R, and other languages from a single Jupyter installation. Would be great to have quarto able to discover and use kernels in conda environments.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 7, "created_at": "2022-04-14T02:29:04Z", "creator": "rgaiacs", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 636, "state": "closed", "title": "Use nb_conda_kernels to resolve \"No such kernel\"", "url": "" }
I think what's happening is that we're assuming these are actual files, and `Deno.readTextFileSync()` hangs (I can't even `ctrl-c` my way out of the deno process.) If I `rm` the named pipe, then the next `ctrl-c` yields an error deep inside the html postprocessors: ``` NotFound: No such file or directory (os error 2), open 'a-pipe' at Object.opSync (deno:core/01_core.js:174:12) at openSync (deno:runtime/js/40_files.js:39:22) at readFileSync (deno:runtime/js/40_read_file.js:11:18) at Object.readTextFileSync (deno:runtime/js/40_read_file.js:39:24) at runHtmlPostprocessors (file:///Users/cscheid/repos/github/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/src/command/render/render.ts:1038:28) at renderPandoc (file:///Users/cscheid/repos/github/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/src/command/render/render.ts:657:39) at async Object.onRender (file:///Users/cscheid/repos/github/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/src/command/render/render.ts:860:26) at async renderFiles (file:///Users/cscheid/repos/github/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/src/command/render/render.ts:310:9) at async render (file:///Users/cscheid/repos/github/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/src/command/render/render-shared.ts:96:18) at async Command.fn (file:///Users/cscheid/repos/github/quarto-dev/quarto-cli/src/command/render/cmd.ts:179:26) ``` it seems hard to handle this correctly in general, so we should probably refuse to render to an existing location if we're in a unix system and we detect that a named pipe exists there.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-13T21:58:04Z", "creator": "cscheid", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 635, "state": "open", "title": "`quarto render` to a named pipe hangs", "url": "" }
### Discussed in <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **WillemSleegers** April 12, 2022</sup> Is it possible to limit the number of items that are listed in a listing, without using pagination? I want to list only the 3 or 4 most recent blog posts on my Home page. I could enable pagination, but this doesn't look as nicely in the middle of a page and clicking on the pages also doesn't automatically move the user to the top of the list of blog posts.</div>
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-04-13T19:06:27Z", "creator": "jjallaire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 634, "state": "closed", "title": "How to limit the number of listing items?", "url": "" }
After updating quarto-cli from the terminal in my Mac, I got the following error and cannot longer render anything. Preparing to preview ERROR: SyntaxError: Unexpected number in JSON at position 1 SyntaxError: Unexpected number in JSON at position 1 at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at markdownFromNotebook (file:///Users/manuelspinola/Documents/01-Manolo/R_ciencia_datos_blog_quarto/quarto-cli/src/execute/jupyter/jupyter.ts:409:19) at async (file:///Users/manuelspinola/Documents/01-Manolo/R_ciencia_datos_blog_quarto/quarto-cli/src/execute/jupyter/jupyter.ts:117:9) at async fileExecutionEngineAndTarget (file:///Users/manuelspinola/Documents/01-Manolo/R_ciencia_datos_blog_quarto/quarto-cli/src/execute/engine.ts:158:18) at async renderContexts (file:///Users/manuelspinola/Documents/01-Manolo/R_ciencia_datos_blog_quarto/quarto-cli/src/command/render/render.ts:310:30) at async renderFormats (file:///Users/manuelspinola/Documents/01-Manolo/R_ciencia_datos_blog_quarto/quarto-cli/src/command/render/render.ts:356:22) at async inputTargetIndex (file:///Users/manuelspinola/Documents/01-Manolo/R_ciencia_datos_blog_quarto/quarto-cli/src/project/project-index.ts:70:19) at async resolveInputTarget (file:///Users/manuelspinola/Documents/01-Manolo/R_ciencia_datos_blog_quarto/quarto-cli/src/project/project-index.ts:156:17) at async serveFiles (file:///Users/manuelspinola/Documents/01-Manolo/R_ciencia_datos_blog_quarto/quarto-cli/src/project/serve/serve.ts:585:20) at async serveProject (file:///Users/manuelspinola/Documents/01-Manolo/R_ciencia_datos_blog_quarto/quarto-cli/src/project/serve/serve.ts:172:24)
{ "assignee": "jjallaire", "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-13T18:08:43Z", "creator": "ManuelSpinola", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 632, "state": "closed", "title": "Error after updating quarto-cli from the terminal in my Mac", "url": "" }
It's not uncommon that conferences/journals ask for an abstract as a submission, so treating it as a single child document of a paper can be quite helpful. This can be achieved by using two Lua filters: `include-files.lua` and `abstract-to-meta.lua`. I believe work is already under way to support child documents natively. Would it be possible to also add native support for `abstract-to-meta`?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-13T10:33:17Z", "creator": "pat-alt", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 627, "state": "open", "title": "Feature request: native support for `abstract-to-meta.lua` filter?", "url": "" }
Currently there seems to only be the option to manually control the subfigure widths, which resize the figures per line as in the [documentation]( For plot output from knitr or jupyter, that can be resized (unlike images that are embedded without distortion), it should be possible to set heights for the subfigures as well. Currently if you set `layout-nrow: 3` as below, you just get three full-size plots (as if they would be plotted by themselves), one after the other. ````r ```{r} #| layout-ncol: 3 plot(cars) plot(pressure) plot(mtcars) ``` ```` I have also noticed when looking into this that currently the subplots are just scaled-down versions of the full-size plots, resulting in smaller font sizes and the like, rather than rendering the plot itself in a smaller area first, and then inserting it into the subfigure.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-13T08:03:26Z", "creator": "BradyAJohnston", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 626, "state": "open", "title": "Ability to Set Subfigure Heights", "url": "" }
Hi there, I'm trying to use the ACM class for typesetting as follows: ```YAML format: pdf: documentclass: acmart ``` When trying to render I get the following error: ```shell compilation failed- error LaTeX Error: Command `\Bbbk' already defined. ``` According to the [docs]( I should be able to use > any other class made available by LaTeX packages [I] have installed. I'm using Tex Live on MacOs and have checked that the package is in fact installed. According to the answers provided [here]( I also understand that I don't need to specify `\usepackage{acmart}` anywhere. What am I missing? Thanks in advance!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-04-12T15:12:38Z", "creator": "pat-alt", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 617, "state": "open", "title": "`LaTeX Error` when specifying non-standard `documentclass`", "url": "" }
I might have missed this after going over the code, but is there a way to change Pandoc's --data-dir and --config options in *arguments* `quarto.cmd render {arguments}`?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-12T14:26:53Z", "creator": "ZeroCommits", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 616, "state": "closed", "title": "Input flags to quarto.cmd to change Pandoc's --data-dir and --config options?", "url": "" }
```yaml --- date: today date-format: long #"MMMM DD, YYYY" # "`r format(Sys.Date(), '%B %d, %Y')`" --- ``` Does not seem to work for `format: pdf`. How does dynamic date work in pdf output? > quarto version: quarto-0.9.228-macos.pkg (Pkg) _Originally posted by @Eyayaw in
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 8, "created_at": "2022-04-12T13:15:49Z", "creator": "cderv", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 615, "state": "closed", "title": "`date` keywords and formatting does not work in PDF", "url": "" }
Opening this issue to discuss how `--metadata-files` is supposed to work. This short example is working ````markdown --- author: "me" format: html metadata-files: - meta.yml --- # Hello World ```` where `meta.yml` is ````yaml title: My Document ```` I would have expected the equivalent command line to work too if the file was not passed through yaml ````markdown --- author: "me" format: html --- # Hello World ```` ````sh quarto render test.qmd --metadata-file=meta.yml ```` But in that case the title is not set. The metadata does not see I look through the code @dragonstyle and have some question - maybe you can help. `readYamlFromMarkdownFile` returns a promise I believe after calling `readAndValidateYamlFromMarkdown` and `readAndValidateYamlFromMarkdown` seems to expect a YAML block with `---` surrounding. I don't think `--metadata-file` is expecting that with Pandoc. When `metadata-files` is uses in YAML, the function used is `readAndValidateYamlFromFile` which is a different function so the two way of reading the same file - it does not seem right 🤔 Anyway, I'll keep looking, but wanted to share so that maybe you can help @dragonstyle - am I missing something ? thanks!
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-04-12T09:36:28Z", "creator": "cderv", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 613, "state": "closed", "title": "Using --metadata-file to set metadata does not seem to work properly", "url": "" }
Is there any way that quarto can take docstrings from python files and create docs with those docstrings such as in Sphinx or mkdocs?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-12T01:00:30Z", "creator": "amichuda", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 611, "state": "open", "title": "Any way to create api docs like sphinx or mkdocs?", "url": "" }
In, we learn that cookies can be allowed or blocked by default. It would be amazing if we could get the visitors' preferences by following the 'Do Not Track' browser setting. If 'Do Not Track' is set, then cookies are blocked. If not, cookies are enabled.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-11T14:29:58Z", "creator": "Bisaloo", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 610, "state": "closed", "title": "Add 'do-not-track' / 'dnt' option for the 'cookie-consent' config", "url": "" }
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-11T01:02:21Z", "creator": "dragonstyle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "v1.1", "number": 1318, "state": "closed", "title": "Reference omits `code-block-bg-left` for PDFs", "url": "" }
User should be able to specify `code-block-bg` and we should respect that in LaTeX / PDF output. Currently we either accept the already defined shadecolor or define it as: `"\\@ifundefined{shadecolor}{\\definecolor{shadecolor}{rgb}{.97, .97, .97}}"` ### Discussed in <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **maxdrohde** April 10, 2022</sup> After downloading the new version of Quarto, it seems that the default background color for code in PDF documents has changed from blue to white. See below for an example. Does anyone know how to manually set the default background color for code? I tried looking on this page but couldn't find any options: ### New <img width="800" alt="Screen Shot 2022-04-10 at 19 32 55" src=""> ### Old <img width="800" alt="Screen Shot 2022-04-10 at 19 32 34" src=""> </div>
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-11T01:00:08Z", "creator": "dragonstyle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "verify-fixed" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "1.0", "number": 608, "state": "closed", "title": "Code Block background in PDFs / LaTeX", "url": "" }
On rstudio server, the viewer pane url is like /p/f425e0d9/ But the render job cannot find the html to serve ``` Watching files for changes quarto.html GET: / (404: Not Found) ``` Html exists and can be opened manually. ps: I am running this with jupyterhub + server proxy. Shiny app and rmarkdown with knitr all works fine. Only quarto have this issue.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 24, "created_at": "2022-04-09T23:08:55Z", "creator": "alexdeng", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 602, "state": "closed", "title": "rstudio server: quarto render cannot view (404 error) but html generated", "url": "" }
e.g. for `--port 3000` `--no-browser` this should work: ```yaml preview: port: 3000 browser: false ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-09T11:48:46Z", "creator": "jjallaire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 599, "state": "closed", "title": "allow quarto preview options to be set in _quarto.yml", "url": "" }
The comment below tells me the existence of a subcommand `quarto pandoc`, but it doesn't appear in the help (that is, users has no way of knowing the existence of this command). ```shell $ quarto --help Usage: quarto Version: 0.9.215 Description: Quarto CLI Options: -h, --help - Show this help. -V, --version - Show the version number for this program. Commands: render [input] [args...] - Render input file(s) to various document types. serve [input] - Serve an interactive document. create-project [dir] - Create a project for rendering multiple documents preview [file] [args...] - Render and preview a Quarto document or website project. Automatically reloads the browser when convert [input] - Convert documents to alternate representations. capabilities - Query for current capabilities (output formats, engines, kernels etc.) check [target] - Check and verify correct functioning of Quarto installation and computation engines. inspect [path] - Inspect a Quarto project or input path. Inspecting a project returns its config and engines. tools [command] [tool] - Manage the installation, update, and uninstallation of useful tools. help [command] - Show this help or the help of a sub-command. ``` Related to quarto-dev/quarto-cli#598
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-09T06:34:57Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 596, "state": "closed", "title": "Subcommands that doesn't exist in the help?", "url": "" }
Currently the Quarto CLI has many subcommands. It would be nice to have a comprehensive reference page for subcommands. ```shell $ quarto --help Usage: quarto Version: 0.9.215 Description: Quarto CLI Options: -h, --help - Show this help. -V, --version - Show the version number for this program. Commands: render [input] [args...] - Render input file(s) to various document types. serve [input] - Serve an interactive document. create-project [dir] - Create a project for rendering multiple documents preview [file] [args...] - Render and preview a Quarto document or website project. Automatically reloads the browser when convert [input] - Convert documents to alternate representations. capabilities - Query for current capabilities (output formats, engines, kernels etc.) check [target] - Check and verify correct functioning of Quarto installation and computation engines. inspect [path] - Inspect a Quarto project or input path. Inspecting a project returns its config and engines. tools [command] [tool] - Manage the installation, update, and uninstallation of useful tools. help [command] - Show this help or the help of a sub-command. ```
{ "assignee": "cwickham", "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-09T06:28:05Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "documentation", "epic" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 598, "state": "open", "title": "Reference for CLI subcommands?", "url": "" }
In Rmarkdown it is possible to create templates, is it already possible to do this for Quarto texts??
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-09T01:02:36Z", "creator": "AlissonRP", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 595, "state": "closed", "title": "Custom Templates", "url": "" }
Hi, I cannot render documents that have an error in a Python code block when using `error: true`. ```` $ cat Untitled.qmd --- title: "Untitled" format: html jupyter: python3 --- ```{python} #| error: true 1 + 'a' ``` $ quarto -V 0.9.215 $ quarto render Untitled.qmd Starting Jupyter kernel...Done Executing 'Untitled.ipynb' Cell 1/1...ERROR: An error occurred while executing the following cell: ------------------ 1 + 'a' ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [1], in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 1 + 'a' TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' ```` If I switch to R, then the code block option works. Thanks, Stephan
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-08T23:20:37Z", "creator": "stephan-koenig", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 594, "state": "closed", "title": "Code block option `error: true` not working in Python", "url": "" }
This relates to Huxtable produces TeX tables programmatically from within R. The table starts like ``` \begin{table}[ht] ... ``` In a Quarto code block with a label and/or caption set via a chunk option, a TeX caption is produced: ``` \begin{table} \caption{\label{tbl-iris}Iris Data } [ht] ``` The problem is that the `\caption` statement is being placed between `\begin{table}` and the table placement options `[ht]`. Instead, the caption should be placed after the `[ht]`. Test case: --- title: "test" format: pdf editor: visual --- ```{r} #| include: false library(huxtable) ``` @tbl-iris shows up and can be cross-referenced, but it has an "\[ht\]" in front of it. ```{r} #| label: tbl-iris #| tbl-cap: "Iris Data" hux(head(iris, n = 1)) ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-08T21:24:15Z", "creator": "hughjonesd", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 593, "state": "closed", "title": "In TeX, table caption is inserted between \\begin{table} and [placement options]", "url": "" }
`quarto convert` can convert between qmd and ipynb documents. Is it also planned to integrate this with formats such as a plain R files with special comments via `knitr::purl` ( or a plain python script such as the ones created by VSCode when converted from a notebook?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-08T10:48:09Z", "creator": "jmbuhr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 588, "state": "open", "title": "Quarto convert for script files (R, py)", "url": "" }
If I use any capital letters in the chunk label, it breaks all cross-references to that chunk. In the example below, both of the references to fig-TESTING (figure 1) break, and in the final output they are both lowercase `?fig-testing`. Both of the references to the second figure however succeed, with both the lowercase and the uppercase cross-references matching with the lowercase chunk label. ````md # Testing References Uppercase reference: @fig-TESTING Lowercase reference: @fig-testing ```{r} #| label: fig-TESTING #| fig-cap: "This is figure 1." plot(rnorm(10)) ``` Uppercase reference: @fig-TESTING2 Lowercase reference: @fig-testing2 ```{r} #| label: fig-testing2 #| fig-cap: "This is figure 2." plot(rnorm(10)) ``` ```` This seems to be the case with both `.html` and `.pdf` outputs that I have tested. The output of document in `.html`: ![image](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-08T06:37:42Z", "creator": "BradyAJohnston", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 587, "state": "closed", "title": "Capitalisation in chunk label breaks cross-references.", "url": "" }
First, thank you for creating this amazing tool. I'm having trouble rendering Quarto documents that include a Python cell with both cell magic *and* code block options. Cells with cell magic and no options execute just fine. However, cells with both cell magic and options do not execute. (Line magic works fine whether or not there are options.) As an example, if I attempt to render this document: ```` --- title: "Cell Magic" format: html jupyter: python3 --- ## Cell magic without code block options ```{python} %%html <span>Something</span> ``` ## Cell magic with code block options ```{python} #| echo: false %%html <span>Something else</span> ``` ```` I see this error message: ``` Executing 'try_cell_magic.ipynb' Cell 1/2...Done Cell 2/2...ERROR: An error occurred while executing the following cell: ------------------ #| echo: false %%html <span>Something else</span> ------------------ Input In [8] <span>Something else</span> ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax SyntaxError: invalid syntax (, line 3) ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 8, "created_at": "2022-04-07T19:28:51Z", "creator": "c-zippel", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 578, "state": "closed", "title": "Issue executing Python cells with cell magic plus code block options ", "url": "" }
I am having trouble rendering quarto docs using R, where the R code uses a package that calls out to a python method via reticulate. I created a minimal example using a very simple R package (`botor`) wrapping python's `boto3` library. --- title: "Test R package with reticulate" format: html --- ```{r load-library} library(botor) ``` Check the current AWS user’s name: ```{r whoami} iam_whoami() ``` ```{r get_user} iam()$get_user() ``` Saving as a qmd file & rendering using quarto results in a failure in the `whoami` block. The same file renders fine as an Rmd file using `rmarkdown::render`. I have observed the same behavior when using another package referencing a python library via reticulate, always in the block that calls out to the Python library. The log looks like the following: ``` MacBook-Pro-8:deliverables jburos$ quarto render examples/Test-quarto-with-reticulate.qmd processing file: Test-quarto-with-reticulate.qmd |.......... | 14% ordinary text without R code |.................... | 29% label: load-library |.............................. | 43% ordinary text without R code |........................................ | 57% label: whoami MacBook-Pro-8:deliverables jburos$ ``` Session info: [session_info.txt]( ```r > reticulate::py_config() python: /Users/jburos/Library/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/bin/python libpython: /Users/jburos/Library/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/lib/libpython3.6m.dylib pythonhome: /Users/jburos/Library/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate:/Users/jburos/Library/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate version: 3.6.10 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, May 7 2020, 23:06:31) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)] numpy: /Users/jburos/Library/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy numpy_version: 1.18.1 ``` Quarto version is: `0.9.194`
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-04-07T18:17:37Z", "creator": "jburos", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 577, "state": "closed", "title": "Quarto documents using R fail when using reticulate from within an R package", "url": "" }
I *know* I'm getting picky, here :) I suspect part of the problem here is that Observable itself has [stepped back from supporting dark mode]( When I invoke dark-mode, some inputs stay partially in light-mode: <img width="403" alt="image" src=""> <img width="404" alt="image" src=""> <img width="130" alt="image" src=""> Again, I suspect this comes down to competing styles...
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-07T13:21:44Z", "creator": "ijlyttle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement", "ojs-engine" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 572, "state": "closed", "title": "Observable inputs in dark mode", "url": "" }
I know I'm getting picky with this one. I realize it's tricky because there are competing styles from Observable and Bootstrap, but I'm wondering if there's a way to apply Bootstrap styling here: ```js viewof clicks = Inputs.button("OK", {label: "Click me"}) ``` <img width="246" alt="image" src=""> I think would get trickier to try to apply different classes, e.g. `"btn-primary"` and `"btn-success"`, within an `Inputs.form()`, so I open this issue with some hesitation.
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-07T13:15:34Z", "creator": "ijlyttle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement", "ojs-engine" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 571, "state": "closed", "title": "Observable buttons formatting", "url": "" }
When a table input renders, it seems to cut off the left edge (the selection check-boxes): <img width="788" alt="image" src="">
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-07T13:06:13Z", "creator": "ijlyttle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 570, "state": "closed", "title": "Observable `Inputs.table()` formatting", "url": "" }
For example, in an {ojs} block: ```js // comments disappear here f = function (x) { // but they appear here return x + 1; } ```
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 7, "created_at": "2022-04-07T12:47:32Z", "creator": "ijlyttle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement", "ojs-engine" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 569, "state": "closed", "title": "Observable rendering suppresses comments outside function definition", "url": "" }
First of all, really digging Quarto - glad to use it "for real" now! I've got a bunch of things that have come-up with Observable, I'll post issues in order of importance :) I'm afraid the most important thing is not really reproducible, but it does happen very often. Here's a project I'm working on, it has an Observable chapter: The first time the page loads, things seem to go well - generally. When I reload the page, Observable inputs fail to render, and a console message appears: <img width="614" alt="image" src=""> I noticed this happening as I added inputs to a page - the page has nine Observable inputs, I started noticing this as I went beyond five. FWIW, this happens both on my local machine, and when deployed on gh-pages. (Link to the source, if interested: Thanks!
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 11, "created_at": "2022-04-07T12:42:05Z", "creator": "ijlyttle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "bug", "ojs-engine" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 568, "state": "closed", "title": "Observable inputs fail to render, non-reproducibly", "url": "" }
If I render first to `epub` then to `html`, the links in the HTML document are broken. I have been able to replicate this with the beginner book project from "Create New Project" -> "Quarto Book" through the RStudio IDE, and making some minor changes to the `_quarto.yml` as below: ```yaml project: type: book book: title: "test" author: "Jane Doe" date: "07/04/2022" chapters: - index.qmd - intro.qmd - summary.qmd - references.qmd bibliography: references.bib format: epub: html-math-method: mathjax html: theme: cosmo editor: visual ``` Rendering first to `epub` with: ```bash quarto render --to epub ``` Then if I render to HTML with: ```bash quarto render --to HTML ``` The index page will load fine, but all of the links from the TOC on the left link to a `.epub` URL instead of `.html`, i.e. the "Introduction" will link to: ``` file:///Users/brady/Desktop/test/_book/intro.epub ``` If I then change the `.epub` to the `.html` the page will load. All of the links from the TOC on the left hand side seem to be similarly affected. If I remove the epub entry from the YAML and re-render the document to HTML the links are correct.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 7, "created_at": "2022-04-07T07:50:13Z", "creator": "BradyAJohnston", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 564, "state": "closed", "title": "Rendering to ePUB then HTML breaks page links.", "url": "" }
When checking quarto version, `--version` succeeds and `-v` fails. ``` ❯ quarto --version 0.9.155 ``` ``` ❯ quarto -v ERROR: Unknown option "-v". Did you mean option "-h"? ``` I have tested on both mac and windows builds.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-07T01:32:18Z", "creator": "BradyAJohnston", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 562, "state": "closed", "title": "`-v` flag isn't recognised", "url": "" }
As far as I can see, shell blocks are not supported yet, are they? In RStudio, I can execute `````` ```{bash} echo foo ``` `````` and it returns `foo`. However, the rendered document doesn't contain the result of the evaluation, just the source code `echo foo`. Are you planning to support shell blocks in the future? Plus, more generally, are you planning to support literate programming features like tangling?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-06T21:42:18Z", "creator": "wuqui", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 558, "state": "closed", "title": "Shell blocks (and literate programming)", "url": "" }
Hi folks! First of all, thank you for this great system! I've been testing Quadro and I'd like to suggest 2 modifications to the **Callouts** options, to enable better control when generating a custom **dark mode** (both HTML and PDF): 1. Add an option to customize the background color opacity for the entire callout and also its title. Reference: /src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua#L302 /src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua#L303 /src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua#L351 2. Add the **coltext** to the options and also attribute it to a variable. If you prefer this suggestion as a PR, please let me know. :) Thank you, Sergio
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-04-06T21:00:56Z", "creator": "sjardim", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 556, "state": "open", "title": "Is it possible to set the callouts background opacity and text color?", "url": "" }
I am using Quarto 0.9.180 with Pandoc 2.5 Here is a sample qmd file ````markdown --- title: "Test" format: html --- ```{r} data <- data.frame(X1 = c(1,2,3,4), X2 = c(5,6,7,8), X3 = c(9,10,11,12), Y = c('R', 'R','G', 'R'), stringsAsFactors = F) colnames(data) <- c('$X_{1}$', '$X_{2}$', '$X_{3}$', '$Y$') library(knitr) library(kableExtra) kable(data, row.names = TRUE) %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F) ``` ```` And here is the corresponding rmd file. ````markdown --- title: "Test" output: html_document --- ```{r} data <- data.frame(X1 = c(1,2,3,4), X2 = c(5,6,7,8), X3 = c(9,10,11,12), Y = c('R', 'R','G', 'R'), stringsAsFactors = F) colnames(data) <- c('$X_{1}$', '$X_{2}$', '$X_{3}$', '$Y$') library(knitr) library(kableExtra) kable(data, row.names = TRUE) %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F) ``` ```` The two html outputs are [here]( The quarto output does not render the math.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-06T20:57:12Z", "creator": "meghanto", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 555, "state": "open", "title": "Math formatting does not work in styled KableExtra tables", "url": "" }
Hi, How not evaluate code cell in Jupter cell. The attached example does not work. ![image]( Best
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-06T17:45:48Z", "creator": "shmuhammadd", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 554, "state": "closed", "title": "Setting Jupter Cell eval: false not working.", "url": "" }
This works for [bookdown]( ``` "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" ``` But shows "invalid date" in quarto yaml ``` book: title: "My book" author: "Me" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" ``` ``` > sessionInfo() R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit) Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Matrix products: default BLAS: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib locale: [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices datasets utils methods base loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] compiler_4.0.2 fastmap_1.1.0 htmltools_0.5.2 tools_4.0.2 [5] rmarkdown_2.12 knitr_1.37 xfun_0.30 digest_0.6.29 [9] rlang_1.0.2 renv_0.14.0 evaluate_0.15 ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-06T16:49:56Z", "creator": "ericpgreen", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 553, "state": "closed", "title": "automatic date in YAML", "url": "" }
I'm really enjoying Quarto and excited to shift from Rmd to Qmd in my writing and teaching. I use these Lua filters frequently: [scholarly-metadata.lua]( and [author-info-blocks.lua]( When I use these with Qmd I get "Validation of YAML front matter failed". These work great with Rmd, for example this MWE works as expected: ``` --- title: "Testing Lua filters with Rmd" author: - Jane Doe: institute: - fosg - fop - John Q. Doe: institute: fosg - Peder Ås: institute: fosg - Juan Pérez: institute: - name: Acme Corporation - Max Mustermann institute: - fosg: name: Formatting Open Science Group address: 23 Science Street, Eureka, Mississippi, USA - fop: Federation of Planets output: bookdown::word_document2: pandoc_args: - --lua-filter=scholarly-metadata.lua - --lua-filter=author-info-blocks.lua - --lua-filter=pagebreak.lua --- Example yml is from ``` Here's the output: <img width="647" alt="image" src=""> But when I try the same filters in a Qmd document, following the [docs](, I get an error about invalid YAML: ``` --- title: "Testing Lua filters with Qmd" author: - Jane Doe: institute: - fosg - fop - John Q. Doe: institute: fosg - Peder Ås: institute: fosg - Juan Pérez: institute: - name: Acme Corporation - Max Mustermann institute: - fosg: name: Formatting Open Science Group address: 23 Science Street, Eureka, Mississippi, USA - fop: Federation of Planets format: docx filters: - scholarly-metadata.lua - author-info-blocks.lua --- Example yml is from ``` Here's the output in the Render tab: ``` ERROR: Validation of YAML front matter failed. ERROR: In file author-info-blocks.qmd (line 17, column 5 through line 19, column 58) Array entry 1 with value fosg: name: Formatting Open Science Group address: 23 Science Street, Eureka, Mississippi, USA failed to be a string. 16: institute: 17: - fosg: ~~~~~ 18: name: Formatting Open Science Group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19: address: 23 Science Street, Eureka, Mississippi, USA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20: - fop: Federation of Planets ✖ The value fosg: name: Formatting Open Science Group address: 23 Science Street, Eureka, Mississippi, USA is object. ℹ The error happened in location institute:0. ERROR: In file author-info-blocks.qmd (line 20, columns 5--30) Array entry 2 with value fop: Federation of Planets failed to be a string. 19: address: 23 Science Street, Eureka, Mississippi, USA 20: - fop: Federation of Planets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21: format: ✖ The value fop: Federation of Planets is object. ℹ The error happened in location institute:1. ERROR: Render failed due to invalid YAML. ``` Here's my session info: Quarto version 0.9.80 Pandoc version RStudio 2022.02.1+461 "Prairie Trillium" Release (8aaa5d470dd82d615130dbf663ace5c7992d48e3, 2022-03-17) for macOS Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/5.12.10 Chrome/69.0.3497.128 Safari/537.36 ``` R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit) Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Matrix products: default BLAS: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib locale: [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] knitr_1.37.4 magrittr_2.0.2 usethis_2.1.5 devtools_2.4.3 [5] pkgload_1.2.4 here_1.0.1 R6_2.5.1 rlang_1.0.2 [9] fastmap_1.1.0 tools_4.1.2 pkgbuild_1.3.1 xfun_0.30 [13] sessioninfo_1.2.2 cli_3.2.0 git2r_0.29.0 withr_2.5.0 [17] htmltools_0.5.2 ellipsis_0.3.2 remotes_2.4.2 yaml_2.3.5 [21] rprojroot_2.0.2 digest_0.6.29 lifecycle_1.0.1 bookdown_0.24 [25] crayon_1.5.0 brio_1.1.3 processx_3.5.2 purrr_0.3.4 [29] callr_3.7.0 fs_1.5.2 ps_1.6.0 testthat_3.1.2 [33] glue_1.6.2 memoise_2.0.1 cachem_1.0.6 evaluate_0.15 [37] rmarkdown_2.12 compiler_4.1.2 desc_1.4.1 prettyunits_1.1.1 ```
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 12, "created_at": "2022-04-06T16:12:39Z", "creator": "benmarwick", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 552, "state": "closed", "title": "scholarly-metadata Lua filter gives invalid YAML error", "url": "" }
Hi, Thank you for the good work. Please, I am using JupyterNotebook in VScode and I cannot render Quatro. Here is the error: `compilation failed- error Text line contains an invalid character. l.613 ^^[ [0;31mDocstring:^^[[0m ` VScode provides line number for each cell, and I cannot see how to find line number 163. Please, can you advise,
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-06T15:56:25Z", "creator": "shmuhammadd", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 551, "state": "closed", "title": "compilation failed- error Text line contains an invalid character : ", "url": "" }
First of all: I love Quarto, thank you! :partying_face: I work on a Quarto website which contains text mostly written in German. There are some headers in articles that contain an _umlaut_ (e.g. __ü__). The TOC does not seem to work properly for those articles, it does not collapse when a graphic is scaled to the page column and it does not update the current location. On my browser console I get the following error: ``` Uncaught DOMException: Document.querySelector: '#variablen-%C3%BCberpr%C3%BCfen' is not a valid selector ``` I seems to me that my header `# Variablen überprüfen` does not get transformed to a valid CSS selector. I don't know where or how this transformation takes place, but I think there is something wrong. Tell me if you need more info.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 10, "created_at": "2022-04-06T15:55:05Z", "creator": "robfuscator", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 550, "state": "closed", "title": "CSS selectors for TOC items break when markdown header contains an umlaut", "url": "" }
### Discussed in <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **AlexMcClung** April 5, 2022</sup> Hello, What is the best way to add a clickable URL or mailto link in the author field in YAML in an html doc? Probably kludgey, but with Rmd I used to add an email as a footnote with: --- author: - My Office Name^[] --- With quarto html rendered via knitr I get the footnote okay but the author text has the caret and email in brackets. Thanks in advance for your help! And loving Quarto, thanks for all of your work on this!!</div>
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-06T14:34:39Z", "creator": "dragonstyle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 548, "state": "closed", "title": "Don't add authors to markdown pipeline since Pandoc renders them", "url": "" }
I'm trying to test out using the `!expr` in the chunk YAML to include calculated results for figure legends. In the documentation it says it is [possible:]( ``` #| fig-cap: !expr paste("Air", "Quality") ``` But when in attempting to use it, I am so far met with errors both when attempting to render and RStudio detecting errors: ````r --- title: "test" --- ```{r} #| label: fig-test #| fig-cap: !expr paste("Air", "Quality") plot(mtcars) ``` ```` ``` ERROR: YAMLError: unknown tag !<!expr> at line 1, column 39: ... p: !expr paste("Air", "Quality") ^ ``` <img src="">
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-06T11:41:33Z", "creator": "BradyAJohnston", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 547, "state": "closed", "title": "using !expr in chunk YAML", "url": "" }
### Discussed in <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **shabbychef** April 5, 2022</sup> I am building an HTML doc, and am using caching to speed up computation. It seems that when I tweak some of the text and rebuild the document, the figures have been deleted and are not remade. For doc `autorisk.qmd`, it is looking for, and not finding, `autorisk_files/figure-html/foo-1.png`. That directory `autorisk_files/figure-html` is built and populated on the first run, but on a re-run it is apparently deleted first. Not sure it is relevant, but I am using option `self-contained: true`. </div>
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-06T00:58:38Z", "creator": "jjallaire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 544, "state": "closed", "title": "figures and caching", "url": "" }
I've started out writing out a book and swap relatively frequently between the source and visual editors. However, currently the citations don't seem to be processing correctly in visual editor. Here is my workflow: Image 1 is what I have currently written in source: ![Pic 1]( This renders correctly as seen in Image 2: ![Pic 2]( I swap to the visual editor and see this: ![Pic 3]( And then when I swap back to the source editor it has reformatted it as seen here: ![Pic 4]( So then all the citations don't work on rendering because of the different backslashes. Any ideas on what I should be doing in my workflow to prevent this from occuring?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 6, "created_at": "2022-04-06T00:39:14Z", "creator": "tim-newans", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 543, "state": "closed", "title": "Swapping between Source and Visual Editor breaks citations", "url": "" }
Is it possible to disable filter search here in the folder search? I'm not sure what it is called in code. The problem is someone mentioned that searches are confusing.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-05T19:53:30Z", "creator": "fire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 539, "state": "closed", "title": "Disable filter in folder search", "url": "" }
Quarto assumes that when a project is stored in a Github repository, the toplevel of the Quarto project directory is the same as the toplevel of the repository file hierarchy. Thus if I specify the following in _quarto.yml: ``` repo-url: "<myhandle>/<myhandle>" repo-branch: public repo-actions: [source] ``` Then the "View Source" link of e.g. index.qmd in proj1 looks like: `<myhandle>/<myhandle>` which is nonsensical to Github and it returns a 404. The URL should look like: `<myhandle>/<myhandle>` i.e. the "blob/public" section of the URL should always come after the repository name ("&lt;myhandle&gt;"), not simply appended to the repo-url value. Your website says one of the uses of Quarto is to "Publish collections of articles as a website". I think that's a great goal and I'm trying to build toward it. But if I want to store multiple Quarto article projects in a single repository, there seems to be no way right now to utilize Quarto's Github collaboration features for those projects.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-05T19:25:08Z", "creator": "blacksqr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 538, "state": "closed", "title": "Can't specify subdirectory in repo-url", "url": "" }
Code chunks longer than a page are continuing off the page when rendered in Latex, instead of breaking and starting a new page. I believe this would be fixed by adding `breakable` to the `tcolorbox` options [here](
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-05T18:40:23Z", "creator": "louisahsmith", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 537, "state": "closed", "title": "Long code chunks don't break in pdf", "url": "" }
### Discussed in <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **shabbychef** April 5, 2022</sup> (First wanted to confirm this is the right forum for quarto Q&A, and not, say stackoverflow.) I am making an HTML doc. I have the following in my document metadata: ``` cache: true cache-path: cache/autorisk_ ``` However, the `cache-path` seems to be ignored, and instead the cache is put in `autorisk_cache/html/`. Must I enable `cache-path` per execution context? Or should it be under `execute:`?</div>
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-05T18:13:31Z", "creator": "jjallaire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 535, "state": "closed", "title": "cache-path seems to be ignored", "url": "" }
(cf. IDE modes should have a shortcut that adds a comment-pipe to a code cell. In general, the IDE will have to know about comment syntax for a number of different languages, but I think it should be possible for us to do the right thing in RStudio, in the VS Code extension, and in emacs. In general, we'd want to add a custom API entry point to our (future) LSP.
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-05T14:58:42Z", "creator": "cscheid", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement", "editors" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 533, "state": "open", "title": "Add comment-pipe shortcuts to IDE editor modes", "url": "" }
Is it possible to use the bootstrap icons that quarto uses for e.g. the github icon of a quarto website ( in other places such as inline in a quarto document or a presentation?
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-04-05T14:30:29Z", "creator": "jmbuhr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 532, "state": "closed", "title": "using bootstrap icons", "url": "" }
## Reprex First install some softwares. ```bash brew install --cask homebrew/cask/docker docker pull rocker/geospatial docker run -itd -p 8282:8787 --rm --name=demo \ --privileged=true -v "/${PWD}:/home/rstudio" \ -e USER=YourName -e PASSWORD=YourPWD rocker/geospatial:latest ``` Then visit <http://localhost:8282/>, and follow guides to create a demo quarto book project, and render book. <img width="1771" alt="quarto" src=""> ## Session Info ```r xfun::session_info(c('tinytex','quarto','rmarkdown')) ``` ``` R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10) Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS, RStudio 2022.2.1.461 Locale: LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8 LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NAME=C LC_ADDRESS=C LC_TELEPHONE=C LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=C Package version: base64enc_0.1.3 bslib_0.3.1 digest_0.6.29 evaluate_0.15 fastmap_1.1.0 fs_1.5.2 glue_1.6.2 graphics_4.1.3 grDevices_4.1.3 highr_0.9 htmltools_0.5.2 jquerylib_0.1.4 jsonlite_1.8.0 knitr_1.38 later_1.3.0 magrittr_2.0.3 methods_4.1.3 processx_3.5.3 ps_1.6.0 quarto_1.1 R6_2.5.1 rappdirs_0.3.3 Rcpp_1.0.8.3 rlang_1.0.2 rmarkdown_2.13 rstudioapi_0.13 sass_0.4.1 stats_4.1.3 stringi_1.7.6 stringr_1.4.0 tinytex_0.38 tools_4.1.3 utils_4.1.3 xfun_0.30 yaml_2.3.5 LaTeX version used: TeX Live 2022 with tlmgr 2022-02-28 Pandoc version: ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-05T10:43:28Z", "creator": "XiangyunHuang", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 531, "state": "closed", "title": "Fail to Preview Quarto Book in RStudio Server's View Window", "url": "" }
Is there a way to add my affiliation on the title slide? Many thanks!
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-05T08:29:31Z", "creator": "dataandcrowd", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "v1.2", "number": 1317, "state": "closed", "title": "Adding Affiliation on the First Slide", "url": "" }
Thanks for the great tool. I'm currently trying to implement custom slide numbering (the title page and overview should not count and horizontal and vertical slides should be displayed specifically). With the option to set a custom generator, it works great (as mentioned in Unfortunately, I had to adapt the Pandoc template and lose some quarto possibilities. Is there an easier / better way to set a custom slide number generator? I want to specify something like this instead of `slideNumber: 'c/t'`: ``` slideNumber: slide => { return [ '<span>' + (Reveal.getIndices( slide ).h - 1) + '</span><span>[' + (Reveal.getIndices( slide ).v + 1) + ']</span>']; } ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-05T07:30:06Z", "creator": "inventionate", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 530, "state": "open", "title": "Curstom slide numbers", "url": "" }
Using RStudio 2022.02.1 Build 461 and Quarto 0.9.183 on Windows, with Enable Quarto preview checked in the R Markdown menu of Global Options in RStudio. When I create a new document with the example Observable JS template, and run any of the {ojs} chunks, I get the error `'ojs' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.` When I Render, the Jobs tab shows: ```pandoc to: html output-file: test.html standalone: true section-divs: true html-math-method: mathjax wrap: none default-image-extension: png filters: - crossref metadata document-css: false link-citations: true lang: en title: Untitled Output created: test.html Watching files for changes Browse at http://localhost:4913/ ERROR: 500 (Internal Error): The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (os error 123), open 'UNC/my_directory/my_subfolder/' ``` Did I miss something in the install / setup?
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 10, "created_at": "2022-04-05T03:30:55Z", "creator": "jonspring", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement", "ojs-engine" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 529, "state": "open", "title": "Feature: run `ojs` cells on RStudio IDE", "url": "" }
Both html and pdf format are`eq-prefix: " "` in `_quarto.yml`, HTML output is expected. ```yml format: html: theme: cosmo crossref: chapters: true eq-prefix: " " pdf: documentclass: book crossref: chapters: true eq-prefix: " " ``` `(@eq-black-scholes)` in PDF format output is not consistent with HTML, PDF has extra space. ### HTML output <img width="92" alt="html" src=""> ### PDF output <img width="161" alt="pdf" src=""> when I remove space in `eq-prefix`, some strange happen. ```yml format: html: theme: cosmo crossref: chapters: true eq-prefix: " " pdf: documentclass: book crossref: chapters: true eq-prefix: "" ``` <img width="119" alt="pdf2" src=""> ## Session info I use latest [geospatial](, so Quarto: 0.9.178 and Pandoc:
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 6, "created_at": "2022-04-05T01:50:36Z", "creator": "XiangyunHuang", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 526, "state": "closed", "title": "eq-prefix behaves different between PDF and HTML document", "url": "" }
Hello lovely people ! I am reading your website building [guide]( and clicked on the Twitter icon on the top right hand corner but it says the Twitter account does not exist. ![Screen Shot 2022-04-04 at 6 01 21 PM]( I discovered this when I was wanting to Tweet about how I was using your product. I was typing `@Quarto` but it lists other companies. Anyway, thanks for this software. 💯
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-05T00:04:58Z", "creator": "PythonCoderUnicorn", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 525, "state": "closed", "title": "Twitter link & account broken", "url": "" }
### Discussed in <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **WillemSleegers** April 4, 2022</sup> Hi all, I have a question about how to work with multiple listings. I'm working on converting my personal website from `blogdown` to `quarto`. On my [website]( I have a main page that contains multiple listings (a projects listing and a blog posts listing). I also have a dedicated page for each; I have a page to list all my projects and a page to list my blog posts. While I have figured out how to create these listings, I did run into a problem. When I click on a category in one of my blog posts, I either go to the listing on my dedicated page or to the listing on my main page, depending on how I got to the blog post. If it links to the dedicated page, there is no issue, but if I go to the blog post from the main page and then click on one of the categories, it takes me back to the main page. I'd like it to always go to the dedicated page. It also interferes with the multiple listings I have on my main page. I hope this is clear enough. If not, you can see the issue if you go here:, click on the Understanding Regression (Part 1) post, followed by clicking on one of the categories in that post.</div>
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-04T20:41:11Z", "creator": "dragonstyle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 524, "state": "closed", "title": "Working with multiple listings across multiple pages", "url": "" }