stringclasses 1
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stringlengths 7
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Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงุชู
ูู ูู ุงุญูุงู
ุณุนูุฏุฉ ููููโค๏ธ | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงู ุงู ุดู ุตุงูุฑ ุจุงูุฎููุฌ ๐ฆ...ููุด ููู ูุงูุชูุชุฑ ...ุุุ ูุงููู ุงูู ู
ุง ุนู
ุงุนุฑู ุดู ู
ู ูุงูุฏููุง ุงูุง ุงููุชุจ ู ุงูุงู
ุชุญุงูุงุช ๐ | [anger,anticipation,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | @Mayar05420154 @moniaah__ ูุงุจูุชู ุงูุชู ุงูู
ูุฑูุถ ุชุญุชููู ุจูุง ูุชูุฑุญููู ูุชุนู
ูููู ู
ูุงุฌุฃุฉ ุฏู ุงูุง ุนูุฏู
ููุงุฏู ูุฑุจ ุฎุงูุต ูุงูุชู ุนุงุฑูุฉ ุงูู ู
ูุชุฆุจุฉ ๐ | [anticipation,joy,love,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูู
ูุฉ ุงุญุณุงุณ ูุทุฑุจ ุฒู ุงูุณูุงุฑู ูู
ุง ุชุนุจููุง ูู ๐ โค | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุนููู ุงูุณูุงู
ูุตุฏูุช ููู
ุง ููุช ูููู ูุฐุง ุงูุดุฎุต ุณุฎุฑ ุญุณุงุจุฉ ูุดุชู
ูุงูุณุจ ูู ูู ู
ู ููุชู
ู ููุงุฏู #ุงูููุงู ููุฐุง ุณุจุจ ุฑุฏู ุนููู | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุจููู ุญุฑุจ ูุงููู ุงู ุบุถุจู ุนูููู
ุบุถุจ ุงููู ุนูู ุจููุณ | [anger,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุงุฐุง ู
ู ุงูุชูุงู
ูุจุณ ุงูุชู ูุถูุชู ุนูู | [anger,disgust,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุทู
ูู ุนููู ุงุฐุง ุญุณูุช ุจุฃู ุงุฐู ุจุชูููุชู ู
ุน ููุจู ุงุฐุง ุจูู.. | [love,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุณุชูุฒููู ุงูุฃุดุฎุงุต ุงููู ุจุชููุชุฑ ู
ุงุฎุฐูู ูุถุนูุฉ ุงุญูุง ุงููุญูุฏูู ุงููู ู
ุญุฏ ูุนุฌุจูุง ููู
ุจุงููุงูุน ุฎุงุชู
ูู ุงูู
ุนุ ูุนูู ู
ุง ููู
ุช ููุด ุฅุซุงุฑุฉ ุงูุดููุฉ ูุฐูุ | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุจุญูู ูู ุนุฌุฒ: ุดูุช ุฎูู ุฅูุณุงูุฉ ุญููููุฉ ุนูู ุฃู
ูุง ุงูุฌุฏุฉ! ูุฏ ุฎููู ุนููู ููุงูุญุธุฉ. ูุฒูู ุงูู
ููู! ูููุช ุฃุถุนู ู
ู ุฃููู ุฃู
ุณุญ ุฏู
ุนุชูุง ุฃู ุฃูู
ุฅููุณุงุฑู. | [fear,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | @NadeenOdeh2 ๐๐๐๐ ู
ูุจุณุทุฉ ุน ุดู ูุง ุนุงูู
ูุง ูุงุณ ุงูุด ุตุงูุฑููู
ูุง ุฏูู ุตุญ ููุง ุญูุงู ุตุญ ุงุณุชุบูุฑุงููู ุจุณ ุงููู ูุฌูุฑูุง ู
ู ุงูุขุฎุฑุฉ | [anger] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูู ู
ุงุฌูุช ุงุนุชูู ูู ููุณู ุงูู
ูุฌูุนู ุณุจุจุช ูู ุตุฏุฑู #ุงูุงุญุฒุงู ุตูุช ูุฒุญู
ู ุฌุนู ู
ุงุฌุงูู ุนูู ุฏููุง ุงูุดูุง ู
ู ููุนู ุชุญุชุณุจ ูู ุงูุงุฎุฑู ุชุฎููู ุฐูุจ ูุฑุญู
ู | [pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุนู ุงูููุงูู ุงูุณูุฏ ุงูู
ุฎููุฉ : ููุช ุงูุงุดุฑุงู ุงูุณุฑูุน ู
ุฏุญุถุฉ ูู ุฐุนุฑ ูุงุชูุฉ ูู ููุจุฉ ุฐุนุฑ ุงุจุฏุง ูู ุงูุณู ุฐูู ูุง ุทูุฑ ูุฐู ุงูุงุฑุถ ู ุฑูุงุฒูุง | [fear,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงูู ุฑุงููู
ูู ุงูุญููุงูุงุช ุงููู ุบุถุจูุง ุนูู ูุฒูู
ุฉ ู
ุตุฑ ู
ู ุชููุณ ูู
ุง ุชุญุฑู ููู
ุฌูู ุนูู ุจูุน ุงูุฌุฒูุฑุชูู ูุงูุฎูุงูุงุช ุงููู ุจุชู
ูู ุงูุนูู ูุงูุฎูุงุก | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ุงุญุชูุงูุงุช_ุนูุฏ_ุงูุฑูุงุถ ู
ู ุญูู ุนูุฏูู
ุญูุง ุงุญูุง ๐ | [joy,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | โฆู
ุฑุญุจุง ุฃูุชู ุฌู
ููู ูููุงู ุดุฎุต ูุญุจู ูููู ุณุนูุฏู ุฏุงุฆู
ุง ูุฃู ุนููุงู ู
ุฐููู ุนูุฏู
ุง ุชุจุชุณู
ูู ๐ | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุตุญูุช ู
ู ุงูููู
ูุงูู ู ู
ููุด ุญุงุฌุฉ ู
ุนูุฑุฉ ู
ุฒุงุฌู ูููุช ุงุฒุงู ุฏุง ูุจูู ุนูุจ ุญุชู ูุงููู ูุชุญุช ุงูnotes ุงููุฏูู
ุฉ ูุฑูุช ูููุง ุดููุฉ ู ุงูุญู
ุฏ ููู ุจููุช ุฒุงูุฒูุช ุชุงูู | [anger,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | @LibyaAlhadath ุงูุญู
ุฏ ููู ุฑุจูุง ูุจูู ูุดููู
ูุฉ ุงุฏููู
ุง๏ปปุฑูุงุจููู ูุงููู ุจูู
ุงู ูุง ูุชูุฉ ุงูู
ูู ูู ูู ู
ูุงู | [anger,anticipation,disgust,fear,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุบุงุถุจ ูุฏุฑุฌู ุงูุฌุฑ ุฑุญู
ู | [anger] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุฃุฑุบุจ ุจุงููุฑูุจ ุจุนูุฏุง ุฃุฑุบุจ ุจุฃู ุฃุนูุด ุชุญุช ุถูุก ุงููู
ุฑ ูุง ุดู
ุณ ููุง ุฃุตูุงุช ุถุฌุฑ ุฃุฑุบุจ ุจุงูุฅุจุชุนุงุฏ ุนู ุฐุงุชู ูุนู ุชูููุฑู ุงูู
ุฑ ุฅูู ููุงู ุฅูู ุงููุงู
ูุฑ | [anger,disgust,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ู
ููุงุฏ_ุงูุฏุนุงุก9 \n\nู
ู ูุงููุง ุจูููู ูุฑุฌ ุงููู ูุฑุจู ุจุฅุฐููุ ูุดุงูุงู ูุนุงูุงู ุจู ูุฑุฒูู ู
ู ุญูุซ ูุงูุญุชุณุจุ ูุงุจุชูุงุก ุงููู ุชุนุงูู ููุนุจุฏ ู
ุงูู ุฅูุง ุญุจ ูุฑุญู
ุฉ.. | [love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงููู ูููููุง ุดุฑ ุงูุบุฏุฑุงุช | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | @IMEM__716 ุจุดุงุฑ ุงูุฃุณุฏ \nูุง ูููู ุนูู ุฐุจุญุชู ๐ก | [anger,fear,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูู
ูุฎุทุฑ ุงู ููู
ุง ูุดูู ู
ููุฑุฏุฏ ุจูู ุงูุงููุงุณ ูุนููู
ุฎูุฑูู #ุตุฏูู #ุงุญุจุงุจ #ุงุตุญุงุจ #ุนุชุงุจ #ุญุฒู #ุบุงูู #ุดุนูุฑู_ุงูุญูู_ูููู #ุถูู #ุฑู
ุถุงู #ุงูููุฏ #ูุตูุฏ | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูู ุงุฌุชู
ุนู ุน ุงู ูุถุฑูู ุจุดูุก ูู ูุถุฑูู ุงูุง ุจุดูุก ูุฏ ูุชุจู ุงููู ูู ๐ #ุงุทู
ุฆูุงู | [love,optimism,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ุนูุฏู_ุงุฎุทุฑ_ู
ุงููู ุตุจุงุญ ุงูุงูุดูุงุญ | [anticipation,joy,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #๏บููุจุฑูุงุก ุ ๏บู ุชุจุชุณู
ูุจุฏุงุฎูู #ุนุฒุงุก | [joy,optimism,sadness,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุจุนุถ ุงูุฏูู ููุณุช ุงุนูุงู
ูุง ุชุถุงู
ูุง ู
ุน ู
ุตุฑ ูุถุญุงูุง #ุงูู
ููุง ูุจุนุถูู
ุงุนูู ุงูุญุฏุงุฏ ุ ุงูุง ููุฌุฏ ูู #ู
ุตุฑ ู
ู ูุชุถุงู
ู ู
ุน ู
ุตุฑ ููููู ููุถุงุฆูุงุชูุง : ุนูุจ ?! | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูููููู ุงุจุญุซ ุนู ูุถููู ุงูุญูููุฉ ุงุจุญุซ ุนู ู
ุฌูุณ ูู ุงู ู
ุดููุฉ #ุดุฌุงุฑ_ุงูุฑูุงุน | [anger,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ุงูุณุนุงุฏุฉ ูู ู
ุน ุงููู ููุง ุชุญุณุฏ ุฃุญุฏุง ููุง ุชุญูุฏ ูุนุด ุจุจุณุงุทุฉ ู
ุง ุนูุง ุดุฃูู ุชููุน ุฎูุฑุง ู
ุง ูุซุฑ ุงูุจูุงุก ูุชุนูู
ุงูุนุทุงุก ููุง ุชูุชุธุฑ ุงูุฑุฏ | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงูุง ูุงูู
ู ุนูู ูุงุจูุณ ุงุจู ุฌุฒู
ู ู ูุฐุง ููู
ููุงุจูุณ ููุงุจูุณ ุ ู ููุจู ูุงุฌุนูู ู ููู ุงุถุทุฑุงุจ ๐ฃ ๐ฃ ุจูุฑู ุงูููุงุจูุณ ุจูุฑููุง ๐ ๐จ | [anger,fear,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ุบุฑุงุจููุจ_ุณูุฏ\nูู
ุฃุชุงุจุนู ููู ุฃุฑู ุงููุซูุฑ ูุงูู
ูู ุนููู .. ูุฏู ุฃุชุงุจุนู ุนูู ุดุงู ุฃููุฏู .. ุนู
ูุง ุฃูุง ูุง ุฃุซู ูู mbc. | [anger,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุจููู
ุง ูุญู ู
ุทุญูููู ูู ุญุฑ ุงููุงูุฑู ูููููุง ูุฒุญู
ุชูุง ุบูุฑูุง ุจูููู ุน ุงูุจุญุฑ ูุจูุตูุน ุงูู
ุฌุฏ ูุจูุดู
ูุฎุงุฏู ููุง | [anger,anticipation,disgust,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงูู
ุดููู ุนูุฏู ูุทูุฑ ุฑูุงุฌูู ุจุณ ุงูุง ุงุฐุง ุตุงุฑ ุนูุฏู ุดุบู ูุฌููู ููู ูุงูููู
ุงูุฌููู ู
ุฏุฑู ูุด ุงูุณูุงู ๐ฌ | [fear,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ูุงุฌุฏุนุงู ุงูุง ู
ุด ุนุงูุฒ ุญุฏ ูุฒุนู #ู
ูู ูุงูุง ู
ุด #ุฒุนูุงู ู
ู ุงู ุญุฏ ู
ูุงู ุงูุงุงู
ุฑ | [love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุตุงุฑูู ุดู ู
ูุฉ ุณูุฉ ู
ุดููุญู ุจูุงูุฏูุงู ุ ุถุฌุฑุช ู
ูู ุงูุญูุทุงู ู ู
ุณุชุญูู ุชููู\n*ุงููุนุฏุฉ ูู ุงูุงูุถุฉ ุจูู ุงููุชุจ ู ุงูู
* | [anger,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุนูู ุนู
ุงุฑุฉ ุงูุฃุฒุงุฑูุทุฉ ุฏู ู
ุตูุจุฉ ู ูุงุฑุซุฉ ู ูุงุณ ุฏูููุชู ูุงุนุฏุฉ ูู ุงูุดุงุฑุน ู
ุชุดุฑุฏุฉุ ู
ุด ู
ุฌุงู ููุณู ููุงุฆู ู ุงููู ุจูููุง ุดุนุจ ุฌุจูุงุช ูุดุฎ | [anger,disgust,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ูุฑุญุงู ุนุงูุฒ ุฃุถุญู | [joy] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุฏูู ุงู ูุตุฏุฑ ุงู ุตูุช ุญุชู ุงู ุงูุนุฌูุฒ ูู
ุชุดุนุฑ ุจู ุทููู ู
ููุซู ูู ู
ูุฒููุง ูุจุนุฏ ููุช ูู
ูุฌุฏ ุดู ูุณุฑู ู ุงุณุชุดุงุท ุบุถุจ ูุฏุฎู ุงูู ุบุฑูู ุงูุนุฌูุฒ ุงููุงุฆู
ู | [] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูู
ุช ุนูู ู
ูุชุจู ุญูู
ุช ููู
ุช ู
ุฑุชุงุนู ๐ฃ ุฒูู ู
ุช ุงุฑูุถ ๐ | [fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุชู
ุตุฑู ุงูู
ููุงุฑุงุช ุน ูุฑู ูุงุฑุบุฉุชุฑูู ุจุงูุฑุฌู ููุซูุฑูู ุบุถุจุง ููุง ููุงููู
ู ูุงู
ูู ุจูุงุฏูู
ุฌุงุฆุน ููุชูุงุฎุฑูู ุจููุฑ ุงููุณุงุก ุงูู ุงูู
ููุน ุงูุฌุบุฑุงูู ุงูู
ูุนูู | [anger,disgust,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | @ahmed_kamal98 ุงูุฎูุฑ ู ุงููู ุฑุจูุง ูุงุชุจู ูุง ุงุญู
ุฏ ๐ | [love,optimism,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงููุงุณ ู
ุจูุงุด ูู ููุจูุง ุฑุญู
ู ููุง ุงูุณุงููุฉ ูุนูู ุงูู ูุงุญุฏ ูุฎุจุท ูุงุญุฏ ุนูู ุงูุจุญุฑ ูุฑูุญ ู
ู ุนููู ู ู
ุงุดู ูุณุงูุจู ูู ุฏู ุงูุณุงู ุ! ุจุฌุฏ ุฑุจูุง ููุชูู
ูู | [anger,disgust,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูู
ุง ูุชุณุจุจ ุงุณุชุฎุฏุงู
ุฏุจุฉ ุงูุตูุช ุงู ุงูููุฏุฑุฒ ูู ุฅุฒุนุงุฌ ุงูุขุฎุฑูู ูู ุงูุทุฑูู ุงูุนุงู
ุฃู ุงูุฃุญูุงุก ุงูุณูููุฉ ุฃู ุฏูุฑ ุงูุนุจุงุฏุฉ ูุบูุฑูุง #ุงูุฏุงุฎููุฉ_ูุทุฑ | [anger] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูู
ุง ุฃุชููู
ุน ุญุฏ ูู ุฎุทุทู ู ุงุญูุงู
ู ู ุทู
ูุญุงุชู ู ุงูุงููู ู
ุด ูุงูู
ุฎุทูุฑู ุงูู
ููู ู ู
ุด ุจูุชููู
ุจุฌุฏูู \nุจุดูู ู
ูู ุงูุนู
ุฑ ููู ๐
| [anger,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูููุฏ ูุถุนุช ุงุตุจุนู ุนูู ุฌุฑุญ ูุงุฒู ููุงู
ุฉ ูุฌุนููุง ุจู
ุง ุชู
ูู ู
ู ูุฏุฑุงุช ุงุณูุฑุฉ ู
ูู ุงู ุงู
ูุฑ ูุฑู
ูุง ูุฌูุฏ ุงูุง ุงูุฑูุต ุจุงูุณูู ุงูู
ุฑุชุฌู ุจูุฏู | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุนูุฏู ุญุงูุช ูุงู
ุจุงูุงู ููุง ูุฃู ุนูุฏู ูุงููู ูู
ุงู ููู
ูู!๐ฅ | [disgust,fear,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ุงูููู
ุฃุฑุฒููุง #ุณุนุงุฏุฉ ูุงุชูุชูู ูุฑุงุญุฉ #ุจุงู ูุงุชูุฌูู ูุฃุบู
ุฑ ููุจูุงุง #ูุฑุญุงุง ูุฑูุญูุง #ุณูููุฉ ูุญูู ููุง ูู #ู
ูู ูุจุงุฑู ููุง ููู ๐ ๐ ๐ | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงุจุญุซ ุนู ุฌู
ูุน ู
ุดููู ุจุงููุทู ุงูุนุฑุจู ู
ู ุชุฃุณูุณ ุญุฒุจูู
ุงูุนูู ูุงุฒู
ุดููู ุงูุงุฎูุงู ุงูู
ููุณูู ู
ุงูุฎููู ุทุจุน ููุฑุฏ ุงูุบูู | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุฎูุงุต ูุง ู
ุชุฎูููู ุงููู ู
ุงูุจู ุงูุฌุฒูุฑุฉ ูุดูุฑูุง ุจูู ุจุณุงุทู ู
ุซู ู
ุงุดูุฑุชู ูููุงุช bein ููู ุชุฎุงููู ู
ู ุงูุญู #ุฑุนุจ #ุฎูู #ุจูุงุก #ุงุฑูุถ_ุงุบูุงู_ุงูุฌุฒูุฑู | [anger,fear,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ู
ุตุฑ_ูู ุงูุฎูู ุงููู ู
ูุง ูููุจ ุงูู
ุตุฑููู ู
ู ุจุดุฑ ูู
ู ุฃูู ุดุฆ ููุณู ุงู ุงููู ูู ู
ุณุจุจ ุงูุฃุณุจุงุจ ุงููุงุฏุฑ ุนูู ูู ุดุฆ | [anger,fear,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ู
ูููุฏ ุงูุญููู
ุฉ ุฌุจุงูุฉ ูุงุญุฏ ูุฎุงู ู
ู ุงูุซุงูู ุงููู ู
ูุดูููู ุฃู
ุงูุขุฎุฑูู ุจุงููุณุงุฏ ุฃุฎูุงูู ูุงูุงุฌุชู
ุงุนู | [anger] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงููุชุงุฉ ุงูู
ู ูุฎุฑ ูุงุจูููุง ุนุฒ ูุฅุฎูุชูุง ููุฒ ูุฒูุฌูุง ุฎูุฑ ูุฏูู ูุฃููุงุฏูุง ููููู ู
ุฉ ุงูุชูุง ุงูู
ุฉ ููู ุชุณุนุฏู ู
ู ุญููู #ุงุฎุชุงู_ุญุฌุงุจู_ุณุชุฑ_ูุนูุงู | [joy,love,optimism,trust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ู
ุด ุนุงุฑู ุงุฒุงู ุจุชุณุชุญู
ูู ุชูููุง ู
ุน ุจุนุถ ูุชุชุตูุฑู ูุชุงููู ูุชุฑูุญู ูุชูุฌู ูุงูุชู ูู ูุงุญุฏ ูููู
ุดุงูู ููุชุงูู ุถุบููุฉ ูุฎุจุซ ูุญูุงุฑุงุช ูุญุงุฌุฉ ูุฑู ูุถูููุง ู
ู ุฌูุง ๐ ๐ฌ | [anger] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ุงููุฑุญู_ุงูู ุชุนุฑู ุงู ุฑุจูุง ุฑุงุถู ุนูู ูู
ูููุด ุบุงุถุจ ุนููู โค | [joy,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุญุฒูู ููุณุช ุญุฒูู ุนูู ุญุฒูู ุฅููู ุฃูุฎุฑ ุจูุฐุง ุงูุญุฒู ุงูุฐู ูู
ูุฆ ุตุฏุฑู ุฃูุฎุฑ ูุฃูู ุงููุฏูุฉ ุงูุขุฎูุฑุฉ ุงูุชู ุจููุช ูู ุจุนุฏ ุงูุฑุงุญููู " | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุฑุจู ุงุฏุฎู ุดูุฑ ุฑู
ุถุงู ุนูููุง ูุงูุช ุฑุงุถู ุนูุง ูุงุฌุนูู ุดูุฑุง ุชุชุจุฏู ููู ุฐููุจูุง ุงูู ุญุณูุงุช ููู
ูุง ุงูู ุงูุฑุงุญ ูุงุญูุงู
ูุง ุงูู ูุงูุน ูุงุฑุจ ุงูุนุงูู
ูู | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | @EnaasAhmed\nู
ุงูู ุจููุชู ุนููููุฉ ุงููู ูุฏุฉ ููู ุุุ ูู ุฎุฏุชู ุจุงูู ุงูุชูุชุณ ูููุง ูุขุจุฉ ๐๐\nูุง ูุฑูุดู ูุฏุฉ ุงุญูุง ุฏุงุฎููู ุน ูุงููุงูุฒ ู ู
ุด ู
ูุงุญููู ๐๐โ | [joy,optimism,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงูุช ู
ูู ุงูุช ูุง ุฑุงู
ุฒ ุนูุดุงู ุชูุฒุฑ ู
ุน ุดุงุฑูุฎุงู ูุชูุฒุกูุง ุจุงูุดูู ุฏุง ๐๐๐๐๐ก๐ก | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ู
ุญุงููุฉ ุงูุณุนูุฏูุฉ ูุงูุฅู
ุงุฑุงุช ุชุฑููุจ ุดุนูุจูู
ุจุงูุณุฌู ูู ู
ุญุงููุฉ ููุฌู
ุงูุงุฑุงุก ุงูุญุฑุฉ ุงูู
ุนุงุฑุถุฉ ูุญุตุงุฑ ูุทุฑ ูุฏููู ุนูู ุงู ูุฐู ุงูุดุฑูุญุฉ ูู ุงูุฃุบูุจ /3 | [anger,disgust,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุฃุณูุฃ ู
ุง ูู ุงูุฅุนุชุฐุงุฑ ุงุฑุชุจุงู ููู
ุงุชู ุฃุซูุงุก ุงูุชุญุฏุซ ูุฃุฌู
ู ู
ุง ููู ุดุฌุงุนุชู ุนูู ุงูู
ุจุงุฏุฑุฉ ููุฒูู
ุชู ููุจุฑูุงุก ูู
ูุนู ู
ู ุชูุฏูู
ู | [joy] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ู
ุงูู ู
ุดููู ุจุงูุฎูู ุงูู ูุฑููุง ูุงุถุญ ุจุฏูู ู
ุงูุณุชุดุฑููู ุงูุจูุงุก ูู ุฑุงุนูู ุงูุดุฑู ููู
ุงูุฑู ุฎูู ุงููู | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | @jun_queeen ุญูู ุงูุชูุงุคู ุฏุง | [optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุงููุง ูู
ุชุณุชุทุน ุชุบูุฑ ุทุฑููุฉ ู
ุฐุงูุฑุชูุง ู
ู ุงูุชูุฑุงุฑ ุงูุดููู ุงูู ุงูุชูุฑุงุฑ ุงููุชุงุจู ูุฎุฑุฌุช ู
ู ุงูููุฑุณ ุฏูู ุงุฏูู ูุงุฆุฏุฉ ููู
ุฑ ููุฉ #ููุจูุง ุงูุชุบููุฑ | [fear,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุจู ุฎู
ุณ ุณููุงุช ูู ุงุญุฏ ุงูุชุฑุญ ุนูู ูููู
ุฑุนุจ ููุช ุจุทุงูุนู ุนูู ุทูู ูุฑุงุญ ุงุชุญู
ุณ ูุงุณุชู
ุชุน ุจูุญุธุฉ ุงูุชูุชุฑ ุฎูุงู ู
ุดุงูุฏุฉ ุงููููู
#ุฑุนุจ | [fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุจุนุฏูู ู
ุนุงู ู
ุทูุน ู
ูุชูู ููู #ุงูููุจ\nุงุดุชูู ู
ู ููู ุงููุดุชูู | [anger,disgust,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูู ู
ุจ ุงูู ู
ุชุถุงููู ูุง ุจุณ ุดุจู ุนุชุงุจ | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงู
ุง ุจุงููุณุจู ูููุงุณ ุงููู ูุฌุนููู ู ุญุฑููุง ููุจู ู ุงูุง ู
ุด ู
ุญุฉ ุญุฏ ู ูุงุฑุจ ู
ุง ุชุดูููุง ุฑุงุญุฉ ุฏููุง ููุง ุงุฎุฑู ุงู ุดุงุก ุงููู ุนุฏูุง ู ููุณ ุญูุฏุง :') | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงุฑูุฏ ุงูุฅูุชุญุงุฑ ๐ธ\nุงู
ูุนูู ุจุซูุงุซ ููู
ุงุช ุฎูููู ุฃุดูู ุงุณููุจู ู ุงูุฅููุงุน ๐ | [anticipation,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุง ู ููุงู
ูุงููู ููุจู ู
ุด ู
ู ูู
ูู ุงููุฌุน ุฏู ูููุถู ูุญุฏ ุงู
ุชู ุจูุฑูุญ ู
ูุง ูุงุณ ู
ุด ุณุจุจ ูููุถู ูุญุฏ ุงู
ุชู ุนุงูุดูู ูู :/ ุฎูู ูุฐุนุฑ | [anger,fear,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุดูู ุฐูุจู ููููุชูู ุงู ุนุฑุจูู ุงูุดุชู
ุนุดุงู ูู ูุญุฏู ููุณ ุฌูุณูุชู ุงู ุนุฑูู ุนุฐุจุช ุฎุงุฏู
ุชูุง ูุงูุชููุช ุงูุณุงููุชูุง #ุดุชู
ูู | [anger,disgust,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุฃูู ุณุงุนุฉ ุจุนุฏ ู
ุงุฃุตุญู ุนุจุงุฑุฉ ุนู ุตู
ุช ุนุดุงู ู
ู ูููุณ ุงุชููู
ูุงูุง ู
ุงุดุจุนุช ููู
๐ #ุฌูุน_ููู
| [anger] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุชุฑุง ุงูุง ุงูุณุงู ุฒููู
ุชุนุงููุง ุณููููุง ู
ุนู ุงุญุณ ุจุงููุญุฏุฉ:( | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุจู
ูุงุณุจุฉ ุงูู
ูุถูุน ุฏู ุงูุง ุณุงู
ุญุช ูุชูุฑ ูุดุนูุฑู ุจุงูุชุณุงู
ุญ ุงุนูู ุจูุชูุฑ ู
ู ุดุนูุฑู ุจุงูุงูุชูุงู
ุจุณ ููู ุดุฎุตูุชูู ูุญูุงุชู ุจูุฑูู
ูุฏุฑุฌุฉ ู
ุด ุนุงูุฒ ุงุณุงู
ุงุตูุง \n#prt | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุนูุฏ ุณุนูุฏ ุนูููู
ููู ุณูู ูุงูุชู ุทูุจูู ๐ ๐ ๐ | [joy,love] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ุณูููู ุฏุงุฆู
ุง ูุญุงูููู ูุณุชูุฒููุง ู
ุงููู ุงุญุฏ ูุนู
ู ูุฐุง ุจุงู
ู ููู ู
ุงุฎููุง ุงููุตู ุนู ุนูุงู ุจุงุฑูู ุจุงู
ููู ุฏุงูู
ุงูุณูุจูู ูุงูู
ูุนูู ู
ุตุฏุฑ ุงูุงููุงู
| [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ู
ุนูู #ุงูุฃูู
. \n\nุฑู
ุถุงู ูุฑุจ ููููุฏ ููุจู ู
ู ู
ุนุงู ูู
ุฉ ุงูุฃูู
ูุงูุชุนุจ๐ | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุฃุญูุงูุง ุงูุฏููุง ุจุชุญุงุณุจูุง ุนูู ุฃุดูุงุก ู
ุงููุง ุฐูุจ ูููุง ูุจููุงูู ููุณูุง ุจูุฏูุน ุชู
ููุง ุจุฏูู ูุฌู ุญู | [anger,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุฎุฒ ุงูุถู
ูุฑ ู
ู ูููู ูุนู
ุฉ | [fear,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | @NegmaEbrahim ูู ู
ุด ุจูุงูู ูุจูุดุฑุจ ุฎูุงุต ุงููุงุณ ุงูุชุงูู ุชููุน ุจุฌุงุฒ ูุณุฎ ู
ุด ุนุงุฑู ุงุฎุฑุชูุง ุงูู ู
ุนุงู ุฑุจูุง ููุชูู
ูู | [anger,pessimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ููุงุก ุฎูู ุชูุชุฑ ุฅุฑูุงู ููู
ุฌูุน ููู ุฃุฑู ูู ุดู ูู ุดู | [anger,fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุนูู ูุซุฑ ุงูู ุจูููุง ุตุงุฑ ุนูู ูุซุฑ ุงูุฌูุง ูุงูุฒุนู ูุนูู ูุซุฑ ุงูุญููู ุชุฏุฑู ุงูู ู
ู ุบุจุช ู
ุง ุญู ู
ูุงูู ุญุฏ ู
ูุงูู ุฎุงูู ููู ููู
ู #rmr | [anger,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงูุงุง ุญููู ุฑูุญุชู ุทูุจ ๐ ููู ู
ุฑุทุจุงุช ูุซูุฑ ูููุณุฉ ุจุนุฏ ุจุณ ุดููู ุงููู ููุงุณุจู ููุงุฏู ูุงุณุชู
ุฑู ุนููู | [joy,love] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุญุฒูู ุฑุจู
ุง ูุฑุจู
ุง ูุญูุฏ ููุฐุง ุฏุงุฆู
ุง" ุฃุญูุฑ ูู ุธูุงู
ุงูููู ุนููู ุฃุฌุฏ ู
ู ูุดุจููู ูุนุฑู ููู ุญุฒูู ููุญุฏุชู ูุชุนูู ุจู ููุญุจูู ูุฃุชู ุฅูู ููุฃุฎุฐูู ููุฐุง ุจูุง ุณุจุจ | [sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงููุงุญุฏ ุญูุงููู ูู
ูู negative energy ุชูููู ูุฑููู ููุฏุงุงู
ูุงููู ..ุงูุฏููุง ูููุง ุจููุช ุจุคุณ ููุขุจู ..ู
ุชุนุฑูุด ุฏู ุบุถุจ ู
ู ุฑุจูุง ููุง ุงูู ๐๐ | [anger,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุตุจุงุญ ุงูุฎูุฑ ูุง ูุฑุญุฉ ุณุฌูู ูุงุนุชู ุงูุงุญุฒุงู ุฃูู ู
ูู ุฐูุฑ ุจ ุฃูู ุญุจูุจู ุถุงุนุช ุฃุญุฒุงูู :( | [love,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงูุดู ุงูุฃุญูู ุงู ุงููููู
ุจูู ุนูู ูุตุฉ ุญููููุฉ ุนุฑููู ุนูู ู
ุฑุถ ุฃูู ู
ุฑู ุฃุนุฑูู ู ููุช ุงุชููุนู ููุณู ูููู ุนุถูู ู ุฃุนุฑุงุถู ุฌุฏ ู
ุฑุนุจู ๐ ๐ | [fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ููุจุงุช ููุน ุดุนูุฑ ุนุงุฑู
ุฒูู ุฃู ุดูุก ุตุฏุงุน ูุงุชู ุฑุบุจุฉ ุจุงูููุก ููุชุงุจู ูุฐุง ุงูุฎููุท ุงูู
ูุฒุฒ ู ุฃูุช ุชุฎุจุฑ ู
ู ุฃู
ู ุจุฃูู ุจุฎูุฑ ููุง ุดูุก ูุฏุนู ููููู | [anger,disgust,fear,pessimism,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ู
ู ุจุงูู ุบูุฑ ุงูุงููู ูุฌู
ููุง ุจูุฑู ูุชูุชู
ู ูุฑุญุชู ๐๐ | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงูุณูุงู
ูุฌุฃุฉ ูุจุฏูู ุณุงุจู ุฅูุฐุงุฑ ุธูุฑุช ูู ู
ุฏููููุฉ ( ุจูุฌุฑ ) ุจููู
ุฉ 700 ูุจู 20 ุณูุฉ ุงูู
ุดููุฉ ุณููุช ุงุนุชุฑุงุถ ููู
ุฃุฌุฏ ุฑุฏ ุญุชู ุงูุขู | [anger,surprise] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | @NOOO_NO_NO ู
ุงุงูุฏุฑ ุงุณูู ุนูู \nุจุงููุฑุญ ุงุญุณ ุจุบุตู ูุฃูู ู
ู ู
ุนูุง | [love,sadness] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงุฑูุน ุฑุฌููู ูู
ุง ุชู
ุดู ุนูุจ ุนููู ุชุฌุฑูุง #ุถูุถุงุก #ุงุฒุนุงุฌ_ุณู
ุนู #ููู | [anger,fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุฑุญุฉ ุฏุฎูู ุฑู
ุถุงู ุนุงูููุจ ุชุณูู ุงูู
ูุงููู :) ุงูุญู
ุฏููู ุงูููู
ุงูุฒู ุงูุณูููุฉ ู ุงูุทู
ุฃูููุฉ ุนูู ูููุจูุง โฅ โฅ | [joy,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูุงูุช ูู :ุงูุง ุณุฑูุนุฉ ุงูุบุถุจ ูุฃุฌุงุจูุง ุณุงุญุชุถูู ุญูู ุชุบุถุจูู ููุงูุช :ุงุฐุง ุณุฃุจูู ุบุงุถุจุฉ ููู ุงุจูู ูู ุญุถูู ^ ูุงุณ ูุงุถูู ูุงููู ุงูุนุธูู
ูุด ุนุดุงูู
ุงููููู | [anger,disgust] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ูููุง ูู ู
ุง ุฃุณู
ุน ุญุฏุง ุจุญูู ูุฅุจูู ุฃู ุจูุชู ูููู
ูุง ูุฏุฑุณูุง ุจูููุฒ!!\n#ููุจูุง_ููู
ู_ุงุฏุฑุณู | [anger,fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ู
ุด ูุงูู
ู ุจุชูุฑุฌ ุน #ููุฑ_ุฏููุงุจ ููู ูู ููู
ุงูููุช ุฏุง ูุงูุจูุช ููู ูุงูู
\nูู ูุงุตุฏู ุฃุฑุนุจ ููุณู ู
ุด ูุนู
ู ูุฏู ๐๐๐ป๐ป | [fear,surprise] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุฅู ุงููุฑุญ ูููุฉ ูุญู ุตูุงุนูุง ุญุชู ู
ุน ุงููุฆู ุงูุฐูู ุธููุงูู
ุณุจุจุง ูู ุงุจุชูุงุฌูุง ูุญู ู
ู ุงุนุทููุขูู
ูุชูู ุณุนุงุฏุชูุง ู
ุญุจุชูุง ููู
ูู ุงูุชู ุชุดุนููุง ููู ุงูุชู ุชุฎู
ุฏูุง | [joy] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | #ูุตูุญุฉ ูุง ุชุณูู ูู ุดูุงุฑุนูุง ุจุงูุฑูุงุถ ููุช ุงูุงูุทุงุฑ ูููุช ุงูุณุญูุฑ ูุฃู ูููุง ูุงุณ ู
ูู ูู
ูุช ุจุณ ููุญู ุงููุทูุฑ ุงู ุงูุณุญูุฑ ุดู #ู
ุฑุนุจ ุฌุฏุงู ููู #ุงูู
ุฑูุฑ ุนููู
. | [fear] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุงููุฑุญู ุงูู ุชุนุฑู ู
ูู ุงูู ููู #ุงููุฑุญุฉ_ุงูู | [joy,love,optimism] |
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response. | ุฏุง ููุฏ ุดุญู ุจ 60 ุฌูููู ุจุชุงุน ุงููุฑุญุฉ \n\n92261696927170628\n #ูุฑุญุชู_ููุฉ | [joy] |