1 value
200 values
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اله ماعرفت اوصف هالحظه شعوري 💔 مدري فرح ومن كل المشاعر مشاعر❤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
بما ان النهارده كانت اخر ماده وحليت كويس وفرحانه وكدا فأنا محتاجه حد يكمل فرحتي وياخدني يعزمني الفطار 💃👏
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
يا أخي على مين تضحك تدمر مين ؟ قطر فقط غيرت توجها الى روسيا فاستشاطت أمريكا غضبا وأوكلت لملكة تأديب قطر صحيح أو لا ؟
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أرجو يا وزيرة الفرح أن لا تغضبي مني وتزيلي صورة المرأة ذات الصدر المكشوف مع شكري وتقديري
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
السياسة ما عادت لكل فرد إنما هي حق لأصحابها الذين لا يعرفون منها سوى دوافع مجهولة معلومة ان حاولت التكلم فيها عايروك بماض لا يخصك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لأسف الشديد ليس فقط اعلامهم فالإعلام العربي أيضا بنفس النهج والاسلوب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
حالة من الغليان الفكري الي مش هتنتهي الا لما اخرج انطلقي 💃
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
واضح انك متوتر وتقول مالا تعي ولذلك مقدر حالتك النفسية
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
عش صباحك على أنك شخص سعيد افرح ولا تفكر بالواقع المر اصنع من الصباح بسمة أمل تنسيك كل شيء يوجعك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
وش يفهمهم وش ذا الاشتياق الي يهز الصدر ويقلق النوم 💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أنت مصاب وسواس قهري يجعلك تبتعد عن الناس خوفا من أن تكون حملا وثقلا على أحد أو إنك مجرد سد خانة أو لشعورك أنك لست مناسبا لجميع
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
حراس المرمى عادة يواصلون الى بعد سن الاربعين مثال الحارس بوفون عمره ٤٢ سنة ولازال متألق
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الهم لا تخزنا يوم العرض عليك الدعوة فيها كمية هلع ذعر كبيرة حرفيا لما بسمعها بيتنقلوا ليا اضعاف 🙈
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ما بين دموع الفرح وضحكات الخيبة الحياة مستمرة وعادي
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
القلق لا يمنع الم الغد ولكن يسرق متعة اليوم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الابتسامة هي ضوء يظهر من النافذة ليشير لآخرين بوجود شخص مهتم متعاون بالداخل دينيس ويتلي
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لاسف الشديد ان إلى بيشمتوا اكتر بكثير ما توقعوا وهذا نذير شؤم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الضفدع ده مبسوط اكتر مني 😂 nربنا يرزقني ربع انشكاحه 🐸😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
نفسيتي اليوم تخرب كل ما اتذكرها واتذكر الوضع 🙂 غضب وامتعاض لا يمكن وصفه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
يوم جرحك سيدي ابكى وحتى عرش الہ هاليله حقها هاآي العين ماتبجي تبجي واله دموم لجلك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
يعني إن شاء اله بعد أسبوع تكون نتائجها أوضح ريم لا تخليني أقلق كثير عليك لا تركين علاجات من نفسك أرجوك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مجرد انك تصحى وتحس ماوراك شيء أسبوع كامل شعور مريح مره تحس بحريه وطمأنينه 💛 💛
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كلي فخر بفريقي لعب وقاتل حتى بعد الهدف الرابع لكن التحكيم كانت له الكلمة العليا
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
دا انا هروح الشغل النهاردة اسب لاي بنى ادم هلاقيه قدامي 😡
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
جهز الإبتسامة قبل أن تمد يدك لمصافحة فمصافحة دون ابتسامة لا تقرب قلبا ولاتمنح سعادة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
دي حاجه كده اكبر من اعلان بكتير ده سر سعاده وانبساط غريب بدون سب يملك كل المفاتيح
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
صور الفضاء انا ماقدرش اشوف جوجل ايرث بيفتح مثلا مسحت الآب ، مكن اصرخ من الرعب لو شفت صور كواكب 😖 😅
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
nمهما بلغ فينا النضج نحن كالأطفال nدائماً نحتاج إلى حضن يحتوي أوجاعنا
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
إني سعيد جدا بما أسفرت عنه دراساتنا من تطبيقات مهمة في والتي أسهمت في إنقاذ عد كبير من المرضى في العالم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
💟 السنه الجايه مجهجه ليك خطوبتك 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
٤٦ لما اشوف الحمام 😍 هم متجمعين يأكلون زرعوا كمية دهشة سعادة بقلبي فكروني بحمام الحرم انهم كيوت 😍 😍 💕
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
عن تيران وصنافير المصرية وخيبة أمل فى برلمان الخزى والعار يحاصرني واقع مؤلم أليم لا أجيد قراءته
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مش محتاج الناس تشفنى مرتاح انا محتاج اكون مرتاع فعلا
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الهم يا حي يا قيوم جمل يومي بخبر جميل يثلج صدري يبهج قلبي فرحة لم أحسب لها حساب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كل الأماني الصادقة والمحبة الخالصة لكم ولمن تحبون كل عام وأنتم بألف خير فطر سعيد
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
سلم على عياك اختنا احبك اله واسعدك واسكن في قلبك الطمأنينه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
صرت لما أزعل أسكت ولما أحتاج أسكت ولما أحس بوجع أسكت ولما أخاف من شي أسكت وتغير نبرة صوتي وبعدها أروح أنام لأني تعبت من الحكي واله
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ميت انا مابي مشاعر ،ميت انا لا حب ولا بشر، ميت انا من قصة قديمة، ميت انا من غصة أليمة😣
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الموضوع مش حقوق مأساة انسانية مروعة تجويع سجن في منزلهم بدون قضية فقط لانهن نساء انت تقدر تصبر ساعة بدون ماء؟
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
هذا اسلوب ترهيب وليس ترغيب في الدين فقد قال اله ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة ماقال لك بصفعه او عنف
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ربنا ما حيحملك فوق طاقتك اطمني لانو ربنا عارف ايش في قلبك اله يهونها عليكي ويعوضك بالفرح القريب❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
انا جدا فخور بمتابعيني فكلهم قم من الرقي والتطور والأخلاق وأكثرهم مبدعين ومتألقين أودهم كلهم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
العيد فرحة نحنا لينا بالأعياد كل من له عيد نبتهج معاه بس بهجة الكرسمس وشم النسيم لايعلا عليهم 😂 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
تحسو الناس كلهم سارو باباراتزي لبعض يصورو أي شي ويدورو فضيحة لأي أحد ومايهتمو لمشاعر الشخص ولأهلة ولا حرمة الميت حتى🙁
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الواحد مش زعلان واله علي حد خرج من حياته بسب موضوع تافه بس حاس بخيبة أمل انه حب حد ميستهلش انه يحبه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لوما المافيوزو كل سنه وانت بخير ورجولتك سابقه اسمك سنه سعيده عليك ياكبير والي ميعرفشي لوما اقسم باله خسران كتير 💪❤
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أرتب اليل في شعري أضم الحزن في عيني ألملم الذبول والحسرة وأعتاد أعتاد على أن أنتهي
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كيف مو بهالسرعة ، اجل لاعب لك 5 شهور تفاوضه ، ادفع له وقع معاه ولكن هذي إدارة ليفربول من عرفتها جبانة ولا فيها رجال
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كان في محل طيور يفهم في البغاوات كويس الافضل انك تخليه يقصله يقصله من جناحاته البغاء كل ما يطير كويس كل ما يتمرد في التدريب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الدين له والوطن لحكومه يشعر بالاستياء
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
علينا وعليك يبو فرحان كل عام وانت طيب
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
عارفين احساس الـ تنهيدة الخارجه بوجع زهق تعب توهان مش عارف اى السب لا عايز اى لا ليك نفس لحاجهة ولا لحد 😫
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ما بين الحب والكره فى 20 احساس لا هما حب ولا هما كره
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شكرا النهاية العبقرية المليانة بالفرح الأمل التفاؤل لأي مريض 💜
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شعور قاتل عندما تختزل كل ذكرياتك في شخص غاب وكأنك عشت كل عمرك معه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
وانفضح بعدين قدام ضيوفي واحطها راسي اقول انا الي مسويها😠
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
nعلى طاري ميلادها انا اول المنتظرين حكايه تروي يوم ميلاد صديقتي احبك يامن ستبلغين عمرا جديد 💕
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كان نفسي في اوقات أتكلم واحكي معاك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
انا كنت قاري له تصريح بيقول انه مش بيستبعد ترشحه لرئاسة التصريح دا كان متهور جدا بصراحة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
انا اول ماشفته رمى النضارى nجاء بالي جرس الإنذار الي الباب وانه بيورطه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ابو فيصل اليوم غباء زيدان هو الي سمح البرشا بالفوز رغم انك تقول انك ضد اتقاد المدرب لكن زيدان ظلم الاعبين من اجل بيل وبنزيما
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
تخويف وادخال الرعب بقلوب الناس مو شي يضحك وتسميه مقلب يا شاطر انت وياه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اختر طريقةلتعذيب صعق كسرأوقطع أو ارتجاج يموتون بالبطيء أكلهم فنجان أرز ملابسهم الداخليةلاتغير مفيش شباشب فى رجلهم
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
إلى متى السكوت يا بلداً تكالب عليها الجميع لجعل الوضيع فينا شفيع لاسامح اله كل من قبض الثمن وجعل نفسه حقير هذا الزمن
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ما النساء هي الأمور التي دائما ينساها الرجال وما يقلق الرجال هي الأمور التي دائما تذكرها النساء
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لن ينسى ربي دمعة مظلوم ولا خيانة حبيب ولا خذلان قريب ولا سخرية جليس سبحانه لا تخفى عليه خافية
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ايه المشكله يبقى ١٥ حلقه وينزلوا حلقتين الاسبوع التشويق هيزيد ومش هيحتاجوا مط
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
❥ يارب إني أخاف أن أتمتع بذنب فأنسى نفسي فيه فتسوء خاتمتي يارب أبعد عني كل ذنب صغيرا كان أو عظيما
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الثقه بالنفس ليست گل شئ يا عزيزي فماذا سيفعل فأر واثق من نفسه أامام قط مرتجف 👌
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
هو دا موش تعبير حانق ولا انا فاهمة غلط 😢
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ماهو ضروري شعور الحزن الدمعه مرات من زود حزني ماعرف أبكي 👌 🏻 💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
لاسف ودي اوافقك كلامك لكن انتي أتفه حدث مكن يثير غضبي
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
رغم كمية الإمتحانات ال درتهم في حياتي بش ضروري قبل كل أول إمتحان يجيني تلبك معوي نعيش في وهم واحد ما عمره دار إمتحان متوتر لمليون
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الصفقات الكثيره ترى مو ضروري مفيده nكل خوفي يتحول ميلان الى انتر اخر nبس ان شاءاله يطلع عكس
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أحبتك رغم أني الحب أحبتك رغم هدوئي مزاجي المتقلب جدا
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
وجهك ليّ شفته عن العالم كفى nوش هالرضا يا سيدي وش هالقبول❤ ؟
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اله يرحم سمير سعيد كان نجم كبير في الحراسة وما تطوف عليه بسهولة لكن مؤيد الحداد ماله حل ✋
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
هذا كله خوف النوفلي من اغلاق القسم لانه الكثير الآن يترد من الالتحاق بهذا التخص بسب تكدسهم في البيوت من دون عمل
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كيف يصير شعوري لاشفت الهلال اله لو تحسون بالفرح لاشفت الهلال😴💙
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
كمية النفاق النهاردة عالمية يا فندم 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
واله لو بدي وجهي ينحف ما نحف😤😒
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اله يجبر مصابه انهم أهل الوفاء فلا غرابه إن جزع
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مسلسل مدري كيف نجح وكيف الى الان ينعرض كمية من العنف والهمجيه والوصاخه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
موت الأحبة جرح لا يبرا مهما مرت عليه السنين 💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أغلبها لشبيحة بشار وإيران واثنتان لشبيحة مريض
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
اغاني راشد الماجد تغير مزاجي على هالصبح بشكل مو طبيعي 😍
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
انا ضد هذا الكلام كل واحد ظروفه ليش الناس البهائم الي ما تفهم اعوذ باله 😡🔪
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
إسلام البحيري كان محبوس بتهمة ازدراء الإسلام والعرص الكافر الي انت بتطبل له أصدر عفو عنه علشان يطلع يكمل طعن في الدين
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
أنا حاس إني بعد الشر عليك إوعي تقول كدا تاني 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
هو الحب عبارة عن إيه غير كسرة نفس وقلة قيمة وذل ومسح كرامة 😔😟💔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الهم صاحب جدع زى الساعاتى الى فى حياة الى هو معاك دايس أى مصيبه المهم يبقي معاك😍 👬👫
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
عشاق كرة القدم على موعد مع ملحمة كروية بعد قليل بين ريال مدريد والعملاق الالماني بايرن ميونخ مشاهدة متعة 😍 😍
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
قطع_العلاقات_مع_قطر وسيذكر الابناء ان هذا الفصل من تاريخ امتنا كئيب كالعاده يوجب الصمت والحداد
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
الي دايما دة من 😘✌✋👌👊
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ترتعد يبكي قلبك بحرقه كلما تذكرت من أحبته وابكاك ثم تسعى جاهدا لتنسى لكنك تذكر وتزداد حزنا لا تحزن عيناك حلم آخر سيجد الطريق إليك
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
قصدك انزعاج المتابعين الي ينزعج يقفل جهازه اهم شيء ماتنزعج انت يعطيك العافيه
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
درجة الحرارة 4 حلو اله يجيرنا 😔
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
ترة كان بامكانا نحق اكثر من هالتسع بس عندك ادارة تخسى تسوي هالشي 😂 ادارة جبانة
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
شوف الكذابين واله دي أدى إلى انبساط وانشكاح شعبي 😂
Identify all emotions present in the given text delimited by triple quotes. The emotions must be chosen only from the following list: [anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, love, optimism, pessimism, sadness, surprise, trust]. Answer in the format [emotion_1, emotion_2], appending multiple detected emotions into a single list. If no emotion is present in the text, answer with an empty list: []. Do not provide any explanations or justifications in your response.
مش هتفرق 😃ولا 😖 nعلشان انا فى بضحك😂🐼✋