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نتمنى التوفيق لمنتخبنا السويد
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
يجري داخل البيت السعودي ومن الحاكم الحقيقي ؟؟؟بداية لابد ان
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
عماد الدين حسين التنظيم الجيد أبرز ملامح منتدى الشباب وأتوقع أن يأتي بعائد جيد
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
راقبت الربيع العربي،كنت مع الحكام والسوط قلبا وقالبا،مع التحفظ على الملف السوري الذي ادمى القلوب، وولد مجاعات واراق دماء لتصفية معتقدات وتحقيق اجندات،فتبا للحرب
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
طيب ان متفق ان فكره التحالف وضربهم لليمن ظالمهلكن فين بقي الموضوعيه من قصف امريكا لليمن بحجه محاربه القاعده من قبل الربيع العربي ارقام المدنيين الذين قتلوا اكبر بكتير من ارقام التحالف كملي موضعيهعشان بقيتي شبه الجزيره
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
تصفيات كأس العالم ايطاليا السويد مكة المكرمة مع رجل الحزم والعزم الملك سلمان وولي عهده تعيش المملكه هذه الأيام مع الربيع العربي الحقيقي الداعي الى التطوير السياسي والاقتصادي والنظام الاداري والمالي والقضائي ومكافحة الفساد والمفسدين لتكون المملكه عنصر جذب للمستثمرين من جميع العالم ونرقي الى القمه فى كل المجالات ما يحدث في السعودية هو ما يتمناه اي مواطن في اي دولة في العالم و بالاخص الدول العربية هذا هو الربيع العربي الحقيقي ؛ القبض على الفاسدين دون اراقة دماء البلد بتتولد من جديد القادم سيكون اجمل باذن الله حمى الله مليكنا وولي عهده صليت وتقهويت وشربت شاهي وتفرجت ملخص افضل اهداف تصفيات كأس العالم ولسى الساعة تقرير سيما يحلم بمسرح في مدينة السلام
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
وأنا قاعدة كدا اترددت ف ودني أغنية وهانوا عليك اللي إتعملت بعد الثورة أيام الإنتخابات أخدني التفكير لشهداء ثورة يناير،وهل يا ترى إيه ممكن يشفعلنا قدامهم باللي إحنا وصلناله دلوقتي وملقتش إجابة
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
ارتفع صافي السيولة للموجب بشكل سريع لمستويات فوق مليون ريال، بدعم من سهم الطيار 
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
بعد انتهاء فعاليات ما تقييمك لتنظيم وشكل منتدى شباب العالم الذى نظمته في ؟
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
محمد صلاح حتي لو ملعبش
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
شيئ جميل أفرزته أزمة وهي الأغاني الوطنية التي تطورت وألهبت المشاعر وقربت الجميع على هذه الأرض العزيزة
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الهدف الاول لمصر علي غانا تصفيات كاس العالم افريقيا عبر
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
لم تخسر السويد على ارضها في جميع مبارياتها الـ في تصفيات كاس العالم وتمكنت من الفوز في اخر مباريات
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
خروج إيطاليا من تصفيات كأس العالم يسعد المصريين أبدى قائد منتخب مصر السابق، أحمد حسن، سعادته لغياب منتخب
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
محمد صلاح 😍😍😍
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
تصفيات كأس العالم تونس ليبيا بداية المباراة البث المباشر
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
محمد صلاح كان ضارب حاجة النهاردة 😄
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
خطأ مليون ومئتين وخمسين واحسبها مع تيران وصنافير كم يطلع
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
فارق بين وهم يحاول إظهاره ال لماااسروواقع صنعه ال فى أم الدنيا حتى كره الشعب أمه والدنيا
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الفيلة في أوج عطائهم أقصيناهم من كاس افريقيا و تصفيات كأس العالم نحن تأهلنا خمس مرات و هم فقط الأسود تبقى أسودا يا حبيبي 😉
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الربيع العربي كشف تقيات الأقليات و عمالاتهم و تلونهم و كشف معادن الكثيرين نحن لسنا بحاجة لتقييمك للربيع العربي
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
فنكوش عسكر زي الظافر و القاهر بتوع ناصر خربوا مصر باعوا النيل لاثيوبيا باعوا الغاز ل صهيون للسعودية قتل و اعتقال خير الشباب اغتصبوا البنات
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
المشكلة تأثر دول الخليج هو الصدمة الحقيقية وأقصد الشغيغة الكويت 🙂 أزمة قطر طلّعت ريحتهم
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
كنا نعتقد بصدقها فاقتنعنا انها مفسده بعد الربيع العربي و مع الوقت ازددنا قناعة بكذبها وانها قناة تدليس بما يخدم مؤسسها
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
عازي من اهل الســلطنه لأهل قــطر
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
وهاذي تحتاج نقاش؟ 😅😅 لكن شوف وش كتبت تصفيات صعبة ومعقدة كان يستحق وهي فعليا لم تكن كذلك فقط مجموعة المغرب لي حسمت اخر جولة تونس كان واضح تاهلها فقط كان ينقص كلمة رسميا لي تاهلت هي لي تستحق البقية ولا واحد فيهم قدم أداء يشفع له للتاهل ولعب كأس العالم بداية بالجزائر
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
ألمانيا بطل العالم ألمانيا نصف نهائي اليورو ألمانيا بطل كأس القارات بطل اليورو للشباب تصفيات اوروبا لكأس العالم فوز من سجل هدف طبعا يا فرحتك يا ألمانيا 🐸
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
يشهد جلسة تحديات وقضايا تواجه شباب العالم سبل المواجهة المواجهة لصناعة المستقبل
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
واحدوخلال عامين فقط جعل من المملكه دولة مهابة الجانب وأعطى المواطن السعودي حقه الذي سلب منه ردحا من الزمنمحمد بن سلمان ولي العهد باني مستقبل هذه المملكه قالها وبكل وضوح انا بدون العشرين مليون لاشيأي مجد يضاهي مجدك ياسليل المجد كلنا محمد بن سلمان
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
محمد صلاح😍😍
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
ياارب صاير الحب زي كدا البرازيل تأهل في اخر لحظه من تصفيات بعدها حقق كاس العالم يارب تكون روسيا البطل الارجنتبن💙 تفاؤل
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
هي ثورة يناير حرقاكم أوي كدةيانبت شيطاني
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
المنسحبة من توجه رسالة قوية لـ
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
حملة سمو ضد الفساد تُعد الربيع العربي الحقيقي
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
قالوا أن هدف الربيع العربي هو تدمير البلاد العربية ؛ الحقيقة كان يكفي مصر السيسي كي يخربها ويكفي سوريا بشار ويكفي السعودية إبن سلمان
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
اخذ حزب اللات يوسع نفوذه واخترع مسرحية حرب تموز ليشرعن سلاحه اكثر حتى وصلنا ل ٧ ايار ٢٠٠٨ وخطف لبنان بالكامل من حزب الله ف ٢٠٠٩ بدات السعودية اول حرب مع الحوثي ٢٠٠٨ وصل اوباما ومعه حقيبة الربيع العربي بدا يضغط ع السعودية حتى وصلنا ل٢٠١١ وسقوط حلفاءنا
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
نفسي اشوف محمد صلاح وممدوح عباس ف نفس اللحظه عشان احط صلاح ف عينه أمه اللي عاوزة خرقها دي 😐
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
والله ما يقدر مخلوق يطّلع يتكلم بدون إذن حصلت معايا مع رُتبة في المجلس العسكري وسألت من دماغيوفُهمت بالعافية انه غلط
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الدولة الوحيدة التي لم تقيم مخيمات للاجئين ع حدودها لأنهم أخواتنا من نسيج واحد
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
محمد صلاح مع مباراة هدف آسيست
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
سوق الحميدية في دمشق هذا ماجنيناه من ما يسمى الربيع العربي وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الشبكات الاجتماعية تحتفل باللاعب المصري بعد تصدره هدافي الدوري الإنجليزي
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
يناير كانت الذكري التانية لاحداث محمد محمود كان يومها ماتش مصر وغانا في ستاد الدفاع الجوي خرجت م الاستاد علي هناك علي طول وشمينا غاز واتبهدلنا يومها اللي باعونا في الميدان اشهد يامحمد محود مرسي والكتاتني وساويرس والسيد البدوي ورفعت السعيد
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
محمد صلاح قطع الألسنة بعد تأكيده أنه هنأ أبو تريكة بعيد ميلاده ومش لازم يكتبه ع السوشيال ميديا 👏👏👏
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
بالنسبة ليا اللي لسه مصدقين موضوع الربيع العربي دول مغيبين يابيضحكه على نفسهم مع احترامي 😌
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
محمد صلاح هداف الدورى الانجليزي
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
هايدي فاروق دي انتوا شتمتوها وقلتوا عليها خاينة لما طلعت في البرطمان بتاعكوا واكدت باوثائق ان تيران وصنافير مصرية ،، ولو ناسيين اسالوا مرتضى اللي خلاها تعيط في البرطمان
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
هو اللى بيحصل ده كان نتيجه عن حرمان من تصفيات كاس العالم ولا ايه ؟
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
مثل مادعموا الذي افرز الدمار والقتل فقد وصل الى عقر دارنظام الملالي وبدأ ربيعهم بحرق صور الكاهن و
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
لو العمليات دي قبل مقاطعة قطر ده ما كان حيكون الكلام كمية استعباط
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
ملخص مباراة مصر و غانا
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
ستوجه ضربة قاضيةلـ الإرهابي بـ بهدف وقف الدعم المالي للإرهاب قبل توجيه ضربة عسكرية محتملة لحزب الشيطان الإرهابي بـ وستفرض حصار عسكري سياسي على الحزب سيعجل بإذن الله في انهيار سريع لأذرع المشروع الإيراني التوسعي
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
فى ختام منتدى شباب العالم الشابة المكسيكية لقد وقعت فى حب مصر
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
ثورة يناير مكنش ليها قائد ولا مفكر ولا سياسي نجحت في يوم عشان المشاركه الجماعية من العوام اتمنى تتكرر تانى والدرس اتعلمناه خلاص
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
رسالة سلام في مواجهة أبواق الحرب ودعوة حوار في مواجهة ثرثرة الرويبضة وطوق محبة بين أمواج الكراهية
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الجيش اللي باع تيران وصنافير
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
وفوز مصرية بمنصب عمدة في كندا يتصدران نشرة صباح البلد فيديو🎥
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
قائد القوات الخاصة المشتركة يجتمع مع نظيره الفرنسي
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
هي فخ كبير ل ومن يعتقد بأن على ستنتهي بهذه السهولة عبر فقد وقع في المصيدة
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
ده عالم مصالح كله هيدور على مصلحته و امريكا اكيد ناجحة و بتتعامل مع القوى اللى خرج من الخلاط سليم و مصالحها مش هتبقى بس اسرائيل نحن امام جزء ثانى من الربيع العربى مقره الخليج العربى الفارسى ده قرن نهاية المذهبيات و تحطيم الاصنام
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
تصفيات كأس العالم زامبيا ٢ 🔴 الكاميرون ٢ اضغط لمشاهدة الملخص👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
ترقبوا الصوت المدوي اللي راح يسويه محمد صلاح 😍
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الرئيس السيسى يشهد حفل ختام منتدى شباب العالم
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
ناجح ومداخلات الرئيس قوية وممتازة
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
هدف محمد صلاح اليوم في وست هام يونايتد
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
عمو حسام الرجل ده على ايده دم كتير من أول جمعة الغضب لحد مظاهرات تيران وصنافير
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
السيسي وقع على اتفاقية سدالنهضة ثم قرر الدخول في مفاوضات لاحقا وأعلنت مصر عن فشلها اليوم، وهذه جريمة أكبر من بيع تيرانوصنافير التي دخلت ضمن صفقة القرن في مشروع نيوم؛ السيسي لا يفكر إلا في العبور الثاني إلى الفترة الرئاسية التالية ولو بقيت له الجيزة فقط
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
شابوه محمد صلاح 😍😍😂👌👌
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
اكثرالأسماء عكس افعالهاهي امن الدولة ولو نجحوا ما لم تكن ثورة يناير اللي خلتهم يتلفتوا حولهم ويخفون هويتهممنذعودتهم وهم ينتقمون ممن عراهم
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
كل البلاوي والكوارث خرجت علينا من عملاء ومستغلي ثورة يناير
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
مشاهدة مباراة غانا مصر تصفيات كأس العالم الأحد
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
مباراة تونس وليبيا القادمة يوم السبت والقنوات الناقلة في تصفيات كأس العالم 
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الامارات والسعودية يقتلون الشعب اليمني ويخنقونه بالقتل حربا ومرضا وجوعا بالحصار تحت رعاية الأمريكان والعالم رغم كل التصريحات عقابا له على ثورته كما يفعلون بكل دول الربيع العربي
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
وزير الخارجية عادل الجبيرقضية صغيرة جدا ولا تمثل أزمة، والدول الأربعة المقاطعة للدوحة لا ترغب في تغيير النظام لكنها تريد تغيير السلوك
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
مبروووووووووووك لـ ولحبايبنا وأخواننا التونسيين التعادل بالأمس أمام الحبيبة وتأهل لـ 😍😍👏🏻👏🏻
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
موعد مباراة في تصفيات كأس العالم والقنوت الناقلة
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الوسائل الإعلام المصرية التي دافعت عن استقالة هي ذاتها التي دافعت عن تخلي السلطة المصرية عن جزيرتي
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
عندما يجبرك التاريخ على الاحترام حكم مباراة ضد السويد يواسي عملاق الحراسه وأسطورة العالم بعد الخروج من تصفيات
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
تصفيات كأس العالم مكة المكرمة الـقـنـوات الـنـاقـلـة
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
تصفياتكأسالعالم تونس تستضيف ليبيا في تصفيات كأس العالم
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
بدء اللقاء على
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
انقطاع الانوار فى مباراة السنغال وجنوب افريقيا في ختام تصفيات كأس العالم
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
مباريات اليوم اياب الملحق الأوروبي روابط البث ننشرها مساء
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
كشف حساب محمد بن نايف على موقع تويتر أن ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان قتل الامير منصور بن مقرن إثر حادث تحطم
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
سيبه ليكم التعليق بس بدون الفاظ خارجه بليززززززززز فضلاوليس امرااااا
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
يتصدر قائمة أغلى اللاعبين في القيمة التسويقية
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
محمد صلاح ينقصه ٣ أهداف فقط لـ يُصبح أكثر لاعب سجل لـ ليفربول في موسم واحد ، آخر من فعلها الأوروغوياني لويس سواريز عام ٢٠١٣٢٠١٤
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
هذا يوضح أن لعنان دور مشبوه في ثورة يناير كما قرأت في تقارير خارجية وهو دور سئ جدا ضد مصر
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
يبعث برقيات تعزية مماثلة إلى ولي العهد السعودي والأمير مقرن بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
مارادونا يرشح محمد صلاح لجائزة الافضل في افريقيا
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
اتعلمون لماذا يؤيد الدويله قطر لان الاخونجيه مخططين وحكام قطراثناء الربيع العربي على قلب نظام الحكم بالكويت وطرد الصباحلذا طالب عالكلبه ومرتزقه الخنزيره بطرد اسرة الصباح من الحكم واسموهم الظالمينحيث منع عالكلبه من دخول الكويتورد الكلبهمن زين الكويتونحن نقول من زين وجهك
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
🔴 عاجل لشباب المنتدى قدمتم مثالاً لتطبيق عملي للنقاش والحوار
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
🔴 اهالي يؤكدون دعمهم للحملة الشعبية لتفويض خليفة حفتر
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الف مبروك، ونجمي المبارة كان محمد صلاح والمُعلق الي خلها مش مبارة حماسية خلها كوميديا، المهم أن الفرق العربية تتجاوز مرحلةإن منتهى طموحها
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
محمد صلاح يأهل مصر لكاس العالم منذ عام ساديو مانى يأهل السنغال لكاس العالم منذ عام
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
الرئيس الفرنسي ايمانويل ماكرون سيتوجه مساء اليوم إلى الرياض ليتلقي ولي العهد السعودي محمد بن سلمان لمناقشة ملف حرب اليمن
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
مع باوزا مستحيل السعودية تسوي شي بالنسبة للمنتتخبات الاخرى اتوقع المغرب أفضل اداء افريقي عربي في تصفيات المونديال مؤشر ان منتخبهم راح يقدم شي في كاس العالم
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
اهداف مباراة المغرب وساحل العاج السبت تصفيات كاس العالم
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
لقد طلبت المملكة من أيران المشاركة في حصار دولة قطر و تسلمها البحرين لكن موقف أيران كان مشرف
Classify the sentiment of the given Arabic text strictly into one of the following four categories: Positive, Negative, Neutral, or Mixed. A Positive sentiment includes expressions of joy, optimism, or satisfaction. A Negative sentiment involves criticism, dissatisfaction, or disapproval. A Neutral sentiment is purely factual without emotional tone. A Mixed sentiment contains both positive and negative emotions in a single statement. Do not predict any category outside these four. If the text lacks clear sentiment, classify it as Neutral
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