31 values
family in LA! let the restaurant adventures begin!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. ~*PROPNAME*
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Rather enjoying her last day as a 24 year old
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Hutchins Ahoy!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Going to Laughlin???
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is beginning yet another weekend with too much to do in too little time...hmm...no more bulletin board or nametag board projects for a long time...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing'
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Kindergarten report cards
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
our tree is naked! we can't find the skirt
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
got up early today for a trip to Hamburg .. oh gosh its 07:10, cant wait to hit the sheets again =)
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Had a minor(major) breakdown when I thought one of my exams was lost... but its all good now.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
"I'm sorry, I'm about to lose you because I'm about to drive into a tunnel in a canyon on an airplane while hanging up the phone." - House
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
arni :'(''''oO
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is not feeling exactly top-notch...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
has finally completely uploaded her Alaska pictures.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is half way through her weekend conference ;)
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
is a bit stressed
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." - *PROPNAME*
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is so much cooler online
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
songs from back in the day make her smile, wants it to be Friday already, and loves that for every worry she has her mom is there to tell her she will have a happily ever after :)
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
never realized that there was Boston Fashion Week.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Ahhhhhhh! Raisins!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Just went on a shopping spree. My goodness gracious... I'll be broke for months...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Merry Christmas!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
To all my friends out there, I better not have to visit any of you at a jail house. Looking at a good friend through some glass is depressing.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
just remembered a TV ad from her childhood in the 'glorious' south: horribly fat, hideous ANGELS with big ol' hair, Tammy-Faye-esque makeup, and (of course) heavy southern accents hollering "DON'T YOU BUY NO UUG-LY TRUUCK!" Cracked me up then, cracks me up now, HAHA!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
"...gonna move from Blogger to Wordpress soon..."
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
I am doing quite awesome, and I am very happy and excited about life but some people need to stop hijacking my fb...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
just cried like a small child for *PROPNAME* and *PROPNAME*'s wedding. I want to marry *PROPNAME*...so beautiful
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
tryin' to keep the streak alive
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is a National Merit Semifinalist!!! Yay!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
the spaces between my fingers are where yours fit perfectly :) School til 7:30
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
doesn't think passing a bill on *PROPNAME*'s casket would legitimize killing health care for the rest of us.
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is affraid of not getting married before she turns 35.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Sunday bloody Sunday...booooring...!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I am officially the dumbest person in the entire world...my life sucks
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
From Anomynous: "These vampires need to either get naked or die"
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Put ? this ? on ? your ? status ? if ? you ? know ? someone ? who ? has ? or ? had ? cancer! ? All I want for Christmas is a CURE! ?
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
wants to take a rorschach test...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Momentarily considered waxing poetic about the new year (one 'holiday' that is actually somewhat important to me), but it's all been said before, I'm sure. Instead, I'm just gonna go get loads of sleep so I can enjoy tomorrow night's festivities wholeheartedly!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
prioritizes the human over the applied, with mixed results.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
got a plaaaaaace to live and her car will be shiiiiped:) so 99% will be in ithaca on the 6th of Nov and given that that's a friday will parteyyyyy! Who is up for it?!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
hates airlines!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
i seen a cauliflower @ the Crown!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
spent Monday night in a plie of leaves, 150 feet above Lake Superior.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Hopin' I'll sleep tonight! Went from one extreme to the other--sleeping all the time to not sleeping at all. What an unpleasant adventure this is being!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Watching X-Men cartoons at home..I think I could do this for the rest of my life
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
New Guitar Hero = Freeeeeeeeebiiiiiiiiiird!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
…back to work//school and feeling exhausted :oS Hope I am not getting sick!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
one more day of vbs =[
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
I don't mean to swear, but I am really irritated right now!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
I'm sooo lucky to have such good friends and family! Thanks for all the sweet bday messages! Lots of love to you all!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is getting tired of long long nights on salary.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
My pay check is like your pay check only without all the zeros.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
likes the new Spartan football promo video! :) I'm exited for football season!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
wants to go back to England :( Amsterdam just isn't my cup of tea...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. ... Buddhist Proverb
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
omg I just started out on P90X...my first day and it kicked my ass! lol these are gonna be a fun 90 days :)
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Missing my Princess. . . very dearly. . .
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
i hate younger brothers...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
i am uneligible for car insurance bc of the other people i live with... great
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
is liking the new job so far. Of course, the kids have yet to arrive...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is going to die to self
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
mMmMm!!!!! wheatens taste goOd!!!!!! :P
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
left his heart in san francisco and thus had a massive coronary arrest upon exiting the city
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
4 inches of rain in the last 36 hours, with more to come. (Normal is 8 inches per year.) Plus there is snow on the mountains.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
"Just let me live my life" -*PROPNAME*
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
YAAAAAAAAAAAY SAINTS!!!! New York is out so Im pulling for you!!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
cleaning, laundry, baking cookies... listening to christmas music...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is too liberal for Canandaigua.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Meditation time!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
ok, yes it's great that the Lakers won the championship, but there's no need to start fires and shake cars. East LA needs to calm the F down
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Go to urbandictionary.com, type in your first name, copy and paste this as your status, and put the first entry for your name under your status
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Denver tried to keep me.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
forgot the most important paperwork for tomorrow in LA!!! #@#!@!#R#%#!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is taking advantage of dollar pitchers at the public house... call to join me on this awesome deal
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
T-6 days til St. John and leaving *PROPNAME* til March. I just realized how weird this feels.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
"Heaven send hell away No one sings like you do anymore."
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Computer case coming from South LA. Everything else coming from Tennesee. I get to stare at the case and do nothing with it for 4 days. *PROPNAME*, why art thou so cruel? D:
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
JF: You making pancakes *PROPNAME*? Me: Of course. JF: Any of the coffee left? Me: Sure. You want anything in it? JF: No, black like my soul. Me: No sugar? JF: Are you kidding? I'm sweet enough... And that's how it was for 26 years... <3 Semper Fi Uncle *PROPNAME*
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
A bag o' weed, A bag o' weed. Oh, everything is Better with a bag o' weed.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Senor Balloony-head sponsors *PROPNAME*!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
s electronics are giving out.
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
took the first step toward developing a green thumb today. Windowbox basil, anyone?
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is going to give herself a massive, robot-induced coronary before the day is through.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
lonely and bored! WAHHHHHH!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
I knew I shoulda scrapped my cosplay hours ago and claimed the sleep. my mum just laughed at me. Gyah!!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
dishes, webcomics, laziness, internal lack of disruption. Alright.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
has just finished my first cup of tea hmmm what can i do today?!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
is watching robot chicken. It's aliive!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
had not realized the degree to which packing boxes is like putting together a puzzle in 3-D. Now it's much more fun!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
http:////www.q13fox.com//videobeta//watch//?watch=0766bc7f-d0bf-481b-98b5-139cbefddafa&src=front This is the link to the video highlights of the girls game last night. The girls game is at the end.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is sad to see *PROPNAME* go, but very happy he was able to be here.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is alive!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Happy New Year everyone, Cheers!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Thank You.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}