31 values
thinks he may have created a new unit of monetary measure. the "Kilopeanut//Kilopeanuts" kp//kps for short. Use: derogatory. example: the job pays 35kps.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart. *PROPNAME*
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
bare én uke...
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is jammin on DJ Hero with *PROPNAME*
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Sorry I had to bail so early on Sanctuary last night, folks...sick & tired does not a fun Bev make--sittin' in the corner like ol' granny watchin' the kiddies play outside! *scrunches nose*
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
just performed surgery on a lizard(Green Anole now named Tropical thunder), we bought from the pet store last night cause he looked near death. He's doing well now, I think his leg is better, it's all about preventing complications//infections now. Pictures later. Time to go to *PROPNAME*'s Bdat picnic.
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
and his normal Monday gloom only heightened.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
"We would shout and swim about// The coral that lies beneath the waves.// Oh what joy for every girl and boy// Knowing they're happy and they're safe!// We would be so happy, you and me,// No one there to tell us what to do.// I'd like to be under the sea// In an octopus' garden with you." - In Memoriam Requiescat, Pater: August 16, 1962 - April 8, 2006.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
wants to be rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!! filthy. c'mon lotto...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
JUST GOT THE BEST INTERNSHIP EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I'll be spending 5 weeks this summer shadowing and learning from zoo vets at the Seneca Zoo in Rochester, NY!!!!! :D
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is having a hard time living with no phone :o( Come on dal hook me up already!!! (Work until 6pm...facebook is the best way to contact me right now)
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is thinking a trip to Shanghai is long over due...lil' Shanghai is all growns up since I left it!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is currently working his way through the harry potter box set. Can't say I don't have exciting weekends!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is excited to come home but... I don't want to leave Oslo. :(
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
happy for maddie =]]
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
wants to get out of Hyde Park.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
hoping its an easy day
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
ewww 33" of snow... apparently the most at one time since 1969!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
aquarium date night? ooh la la
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
oh sweet sweet monday, you treated me so well...
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is watching "eraserhead".....this freaky boston weather today is perfect weather for david lynch film.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
final EMT exam and skill exam this week!!! eeeeek.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Let's see how many people on fb aren't ashamed to show their love for God and admit that Jesus is their Savior... We need to get God back in America... If you're not ashamed, copy and paste this in your status...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
longest day ever? Full day in hawaii + red eye flight to LA followed by 15 hours of rehearsal for The Sing-Off.... it's time to SLEEP!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
If cavemen and astronauts got into a fight, who would win?
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
sad day....jeanne claude, wife of christo passed yesterday. met them a couple of years ago in their soho studio...two of the most passionate artists i've ever had the pleasure meeting.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Whatever good I do comes not from me. Goodness is of God, and through me He chooses to make His power known. Thank You, Lord.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is reading about polystrate fossils, Uniformitarianism, and *PROPNAME*'s appointment to run the Texas State Education Board....the more I learn the more horrified I become.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
How about getting to bed early? Anyone want to jump on the bandwagon?
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
officially hates interpreting poetry.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is spending her day off watching Dexter instead of being productive like she should be...
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
"Every treachery, great or small, begets a spirit that rages at the injustice. Given the opportunity, each will return that treachery to its owner tenfold."
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Jai Guru Deva om... Nothing's gonna change my world.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
"You coud tell by our soft feet that we were strangers in the land."
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
had everything go wrong for dinner tonight but ended up exactly where I needed to be for yet another job prospect even though I wasn't looking for one.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
has landed in Boston and is back at work. :D
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
"Today you courted beauty and a thousand fishes rained at your feet. How do you feel?"
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Holiday is over....crap....
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
A little tanner, great times, and now very current on hip-hop.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
history of psychology,.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
hates the business that is the United States' healthcare system
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
after along sleepless week, I am pulling my old man card and going to bed before 12:00 on a Friday nights. Now if I can just find my dentures and cane
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is getting on her longboard for the first time in 3 months :D !!!!! Now it's time to go around Isla Vista collecting flowers for my new apartment :)
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
insomnia... :-
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
.......so apathetic........
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
...when the printer broke at work today, who do you think was asked to stand and manually feed the paper tray one sheet at a time? FML...University education, peer mediation//drug//suicide intervention training, International coordinating experience...I am a paper tray bahahahahaha! (Work until 1pm then class until 7:30pm)
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T, do you know what that means?
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
finished Still Life With Woodpecker. Weird book!!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
in need of a babysitter the afternoon and evening of UVA v. VT...any ideas? Know any great sitters? HELP! :)
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Happiness comes only by sharing - Napoleon Hill... & starting holidays helps as well I guess ;)
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
I'm sad that I'm not getting on a plane tomorrow with my divegroup to scuba in Bonaire. Instead, I get to work, work, work! Have fun all!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
placed her first order (Chumby guts) to a shipping zip of 10014. Going to celebrate with Bibimbop and some Korean beer.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
While slogging along in the swamp, Dragonianus came upon a strange looking patch of wet sand. Dragonianus made a Wisdom check with a difficulty of 9 . . . and rolled 16 Recognizing it immediately as quicksand, Dragonianus decided to take an alternate route. It meant more walking but a lot less dying.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Catharsis soothes sore arses in Carthage.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Anyone who can be replaced by a machine deserves to be
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
My alarm clock & I had a fight. It wanted me to get up, I refused. Things escalated. Now I'm awake & it’s broken. Not sure who won the fight
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is tired. *PROPNAME*, let me go to sleep pl0x.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
La pire Grey cup que j'ai vu à date!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is really just trying to get through this last hard week of work before winter vacation.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
I am so so excited...Going to the big game...heading home...going to see my dog...I cant sleep!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
Your face.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
All change is not growth; as all movement is not forward.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
got a new shampoo//conditioner and I'm excited to shower so I can try it!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
"Those who criticize our generation forget who raised it."
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
Taiwan is even hotter than Japan~
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
"We rule by consensus." "What if the Americans object?" "We don't operate."
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
homework and babysitting all day...brought the wii to entertain my two favorite twins!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is getting very excited about decorating for Christmas! We are heading out to get a tree and all that fun stuff in a while:)
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
i love ddr. im listenin 2 speed over beethoven. its SO COOL!!!!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
i won the midna game twice, and she doesnt die, she only gets like in a shoc, but she ends up alive :), anyway, im so happy to talk to u, how is everything going on there? how are neftali, stephany, lewis, andre and everybody else?
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
messing with her new MacBook Pro, thanks Albemarle County!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
needs, wants, yearns.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Can't wait for Thursday - I'm buying hair straighteners!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Welcome Dinner tonight and I'm the toastmaster :)
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Fucking *PROPNAME*.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
happy I was able to squeeze in a 30 minute pole workout before tutoring and class today...I'm proud of myself! Gettin stuff done!
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is cooking chicken adobo tonight!
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
a good night's sleep will hopefully make me excited to close tomorrow :) cause right now i don't want to
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Loves the rain, it makes him feel better for some reason... good bye suicidal thoughts, hello happy ones ^^ MOAR RAIN PLZ!!!!! D:
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
(Breast cancer awareness question - what colour bra are you wearing ?) No colour. I'm not a fan of bras lately. But this is a stupid FB idea. It doesn't really raise awareness unless you also say what the hell it's about ! Stupid, stupid.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"y"}
is making his report.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
wishes she was a football fan...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
needs to start cleaning and packing again. Boo.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
is ready for her day off
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
is exhausted but so ready to see her ladies tomorrow!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
had an amazing night last night, in spite of the fact that she was literally falling asleep on her feet.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
runnin at the park, finishing my room, laundry.........maybe walmart later. walmart has such good deals it's ridiculous.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
is currently preptastic.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself.
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
Thanks for the support guys! We did it.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"n", "N":"n"}
had a chocolate cupcake, which magically made everything better.
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
so far...i have an A in Sociology =]]
{"O":"n", "C":"y", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
At the beach in Bang Saphan! Didn't know how much I'd missed the water till I got here!
{"O":"n", "C":"n", "E":"n", "A":"n", "N":"y"}
has a choice...
{"O":"y", "C":"n", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}
has a long day but a fun night ahead of her!
{"O":"y", "C":"y", "E":"y", "A":"y", "N":"n"}