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import data.real.nnreal
import topology.algebra.infinite_sum
import topology.instances.ennreal
import topology.algebra.monoid
open_locale nnreal big_operators
open finset
# A technical lemma on the way to `lem98`
The purpose of this file is to prove the following lemma:
lemma exists_partition (N : β) (hN : 0 < N) (f : β β ββ₯0) (hf : β n, f n β€ 1) (hf' : summable f) :
β (mask : fin N β set β),
(β n, β! i, n β mask i) β§ (β i, β' n, set.indicator (mask i) f n β€ (β' n, f n) / N + 1) :=
In disguise, this is `lem98` (`combinatorial_lemma/default.lean`) specialized to `Ξ = β€`.
The proof of the general case makes a reduction to this special case.
## Informal explanation of the statement
The lemma `exists_partition` informally says the following:
Suppose we have a sequence of real numbers `f 0`, `f 1`, β¦, all between `0` and `1`,
and suppose that `c = β (f i)` exists.
Then, for every positive natural number `N`, we can split `f` into `N` subsequences `g 1`, β¦, `g N`,
such that `β (g j i) β€ c/N + 1`.
The informal proof is easy: consider `N` buckets, that are initially empty.
Now view the numbers `f i` as an incoming stream of numbers,
and place each of these in the buckets with the smallest total sum.
The formal proof is a bit trickier: we need to make sure that every number ends up in a bucket,
we need to show that the final subsequences have a converging sum, etcβ¦
We model the subsqeuences by using indicator functions to mask parts of `f`
using `N` subsets of `β` (`mask` in the statement).
In `recursion_data` below, we setup the `N` buckets,
and define the recursion step in `recursion_data_succ`.
The rest of the file consists of assembling the pieces.
namespace combinatorial_lemma
/-- A data structure for recording partial sums of subsequences of a sequence of real numbers,
such that all the partial sums are rougly the same size.
The field `m` records to which partial sum the next entry in the sequence will be added. -/
structure recursion_data (N : β) (hN : 0 < N) (f : β β ββ₯0) (hf : β n, f n β€ 1) (k : β) :=
(m : fin N β Prop)
(hm : β! i, m i)
(partial_sums : fin N β ββ₯0)
(hβ : β i, partial_sums i = β n in range (k + 1), f n)
(hβ : β i, partial_sums i β€ (β n in range (k + 1), f n) / N + 1)
[dec_inst : β i, decidable (m i)]
attribute [instance] recursion_data.dec_inst
/-- The starting point for recursively constructing subsequences of a sequence of real numbers
such that all the subsequences sum to be roughly the same size:
we start by placing the first element of the sequence into the subsequence `0`. -/
def recursion_data_zero (N : β) (hN : 0 < N) (f : β β ββ₯0) (hf : β n, f n β€ 1) :
recursion_data N hN f hf 0 :=
{ m := Ξ» j, j = β¨0, hNβ©,
hm := β¨_, rfl, Ξ» _, idβ©,
partial_sums := Ξ» j, if j = β¨0, hNβ© then f 0 else 0,
hβ := by simp only [sum_ite_eq', if_true, mem_univ, sum_singleton, range_one],
hβ :=
intros i,
{ simp only [sum_singleton, range_one],
refine (hf 0).trans _,
exact self_le_add_left 1 (f 0 / βN) },
{ exact zero_le' }
end }
instance (N : β) (hN : 0 < N) (f : β β ββ₯0) (hf : β n, f n β€ 1) :
inhabited (recursion_data N hN f hf 0) := β¨recursion_data_zero N hN f hfβ©
/-- Given partial sums of subsequences up to the `k`-th element in a sequence of real numbers,
add the `k+1`st element to the smallest partial sum so far. -/
noncomputable def recursion_data_succ (N : β) (hN : 0 < N) (f : β β ββ₯0) (hf : β n, f n β€ 1) (k : β)
(dat : recursion_data N hN f hf k) :
recursion_data N hN f hf (k + 1) :=
let I := (finset.univ : finset (fin N)).exists_min_image
dat.partial_sums β¨β¨0, hNβ©, finset.mem_univ _β© in
{ m := Ξ» j, j = I.some,
hm := β¨I.some, rfl, Ξ» _, idβ©,
partial_sums := Ξ» i, dat.partial_sums i + (if i = I.some then f (k + 1) else 0),
hβ :=
rw sum_range_succ _ (k + 1),
simp [finset.sum_add_distrib, dat.hβ, add_comm],
hβ :=
intros i,
{ rw h,
have : dat.partial_sums I.some * N β€ (β n in range (k + 1 + 1), f n),
{ calc dat.partial_sums I.some * N
= β i : fin N, dat.partial_sums I.some : _
... β€ β i, dat.partial_sums i : _ -- follows from I
... = β n in range (k + 1), f n : dat.hβ
... β€ β n in range (k + 1 + 1), f n : _,
{ simp only [finset.sum_const, finset.card_fin, nsmul_eq_mul, mul_comm] },
{ obtain β¨-, HIβ© := I.some_spec,
apply finset.sum_le_sum,
intros j hj, exact HI j hj },
{ rw sum_range_succ _ (k + 1),
simp } },
have : dat.partial_sums I.some β€ (β n in range (k + 1 + 1), f n) / βN,
{ rwa nnreal.le_div_iff_mul_le, exact_mod_cast' },
exact add_le_add this (hf (k + 1)) },
{ calc dat.partial_sums i + 0
β€ (β n in range (k + 1), f n) / βN + 1 : by simpa using dat.hβ i
... β€ (β n in range (k + 1 + 1), f n) / βN + 1 : add_le_add _ le_rfl,
simp only [div_eq_mul_inv, fin.sum_univ_eq_sum_range],
refine mul_le_mul' _ le_rfl,
simp only [finset.sum_range_succ],
exact self_le_add_right _ _ }
end }
/-- Recursively construct subsequences of a given sequence of real numbers,
in such a way that the sums of the subsequences are all roughly of the same size. -/
noncomputable def partition (N : β) (hN : 0 < N) (f : β β ββ₯0) (hf : β n, f n β€ 1) :
Ξ i : β, (recursion_data N hN f hf i)
| 0 := recursion_data_zero N hN f hf
| (k + 1) := recursion_data_succ N hN f hf k (partition k)
lemma partition_sums_aux (k : β) (N : β) (hN : 0 < N) (f : β β ββ₯0) (hf : β n, f n β€ 1)
(i : fin N) :
(partition N hN f hf (k + 1)).partial_sums i =
(partition N hN f hf k).partial_sums i +
if (partition N hN f hf (k + 1)).m i then f (k + 1) else 0 :=
by simp [partition, recursion_data_succ]
lemma partition_sums (k : β) (N : β) (hN : 0 < N) (f : β β ββ₯0) (hf : β n, f n β€ 1)
(i : fin N) :
(partition N hN f hf k).partial_sums i =
β n in range (k + 1), set.indicator {k | (partition N hN f hf k).m i} f n :=
induction k with k IH,
{ dsimp [partition], simp, dsimp [partition, recursion_data_zero], congr },
rw [partition_sums_aux, IH, sum_range_succ _ k.succ, set.indicator, add_right_inj],
congr' 1,
lemma exists_partition (N : β) (hN : 0 < N) (f : β β ββ₯0) (hf : β n, f n β€ 1) (hf' : summable f) :
β (mask : fin N β set β),
(β n, β! i, n β mask i) β§ (β i, β' n, set.indicator (mask i) f n β€ (β' n, f n) / N + 1) :=
let mask : fin N β β β Prop := Ξ» i, {n | (partition N hN f hf n).m i},
have h_sum : β k i, β n in range k, set.indicator (mask i) f n β€ (β n in range k, f n) / N + 1,
{ rintros β¨kβ© i,
{ simp [mask] },
rw β partition_sums k N hN f hf i,
exact (partition N hN f hf k).hβ i, },
refine β¨mask, _, _β©,
{ intros n, exact (partition N hN f hf n).hm },
{ intros i,
set Sβ : ββ₯0 := β' (n : β), f n,
have hf'' : has_sum f Sβ := hf'.has_sum,
have hf''' : has_sum _ (Sβ / N) := hf''.mul_right (N:ββ₯0)β»ΒΉ,
have : set.indicator (mask i) f β€ f,
{ intros n,
dsimp [set.indicator],
split_ifs, exacts [le_rfl, zero_le'] },
obtain β¨Sβ, -, h_maskβ© := nnreal.exists_le_has_sum_of_le this hf'',
rw h_mask.tsum_eq,
rw nnreal.has_sum_iff_tendsto_nat at hf''' h_mask,
have := filter.tendsto.add_const 1 hf''',
apply le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto' h_mask this,
intros n,
simp only [div_eq_mul_inv, finset.sum_mul] at h_sum β’,
exact h_sum n i }
end combinatorial_lemma