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Copyright (c) 2022 Riccardo Brasca. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Riccardo Brasca
import number_theory.cyclotomic.primitive_roots
import ring_theory.discriminant
# Discriminant of cyclotomic fields
We compute the discriminant of a `p ^ n`-th cyclotomic extension.
## Main results
* `is_cyclotomic_extension.discr_odd_prime` : if `p` is an odd prime such that
`is_cyclotomic_extension {p} K L` and `irreducible (cyclotomic p K)`, then
`discr K (hζ.power_basis K).basis = (-1) ^ ((p - 1) / 2) * p ^ (p - 2)` for any
`hζ : is_primitive_root ζ p`.
universes u v
open algebra polynomial nat is_primitive_root power_basis
open_locale polynomial cyclotomic
namespace is_primitive_root
variables {n : ℕ+} {K : Type u} [field K] [char_zero K] {ζ : K}
variables [is_cyclotomic_extension {n} ℚ K]
/-- The discriminant of the power basis given by a primitive root of unity `ζ` is the same as the
discriminant of the power basis given by `ζ - 1`. -/
lemma discr_zeta_eq_discr_zeta_sub_one (hζ : is_primitive_root ζ n) :
discr ℚ (hζ.power_basis ℚ).basis = discr ℚ (hζ.sub_one_power_basis ℚ).basis :=
haveI : number_field K :=,
have H₁ : (aeval (hζ.power_basis ℚ).gen) (X - 1 : ℤ[X]) = (hζ.sub_one_power_basis ℚ).gen :=
by simp,
have H₂ : (aeval (hζ.sub_one_power_basis ℚ).gen) (X + 1 : ℤ[X]) = (hζ.power_basis ℚ).gen :=
by simp,
refine discr_eq_discr_of_to_matrix_coeff_is_integral _
(λ i j, to_matrix_is_integral H₁ _ _ _ _)
(λ i j, to_matrix_is_integral H₂ _ _ _ _),
{ exact hζ.is_integral n.pos },
{ refine minpoly.gcd_domain_eq_field_fractions' _ (hζ.is_integral n.pos) },
{ exact is_integral_sub (hζ.is_integral n.pos) is_integral_one },
{ refine minpoly.gcd_domain_eq_field_fractions' _ _,
exact is_integral_sub (hζ.is_integral n.pos) is_integral_one }
end is_primitive_root
namespace is_cyclotomic_extension
variables {p : ℕ+} {k : ℕ} {K : Type u} {L : Type v} {ζ : L} [field K] [field L]
variables [algebra K L]
/-- If `p` is a prime and `is_cyclotomic_extension {p ^ (k + 1)} K L`, then the discriminant of
`hζ.power_basis K` is `(-1) ^ ((p ^ (k + 1).totient) / 2) * p ^ (p ^ k * ((p - 1) * (k + 1) - 1))`
if `irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ (k + 1)) K))`, and `p ^ (k + 1) ≠ 2`. -/
lemma discr_prime_pow_ne_two [is_cyclotomic_extension {p ^ (k + 1)} K L] [hp : fact (p : ℕ).prime]
(hζ : is_primitive_root ζ ↑(p ^ (k + 1))) (hirr : irreducible (cyclotomic (↑(p ^ (k + 1)) : ℕ) K))
(hk : p ^ (k + 1) ≠ 2) :
discr K (hζ.power_basis K).basis =
(-1) ^ (((p ^ (k + 1) : ℕ).totient) / 2) * p ^ ((p : ℕ) ^ k * ((p - 1) * (k + 1) - 1)) :=
haveI hne := is_cyclotomic_extension.ne_zero' (p ^ (k + 1)) K L,
have hp2 : p = 2 → 1 ≤ k,
{ intro hp,
refine one_le_iff_ne_zero.2 (λ h, _),
rw [h, hp, zero_add, pow_one] at hk,
exact hk rfl },
rw [discr_power_basis_eq_norm, finrank _ hirr, hζ.power_basis_gen _,
← hζ.minpoly_eq_cyclotomic_of_irreducible hirr, pnat.pow_coe, totient_prime_pow hp.out
(succ_pos k)],
congr' 1,
{ by_cases hptwo : p = 2,
{ obtain ⟨k₁, hk₁⟩ := nat.exists_eq_succ_of_ne_zero (one_le_iff_ne_zero.1 (hp2 hptwo)),
rw [hk₁, succ_sub_one, hptwo, pnat.coe_bit0, pnat.one_coe, succ_sub_succ_eq_sub, tsub_zero,
mul_one, pow_succ, mul_assoc, nat.mul_div_cancel_left _ zero_lt_two,
nat.mul_div_cancel_left _ zero_lt_two],
by_cases hk₁zero : k₁ = 0,
{ simp [hk₁zero] },
obtain ⟨k₂, rfl⟩ := nat.exists_eq_succ_of_ne_zero hk₁zero,
rw [pow_succ, mul_assoc, pow_mul (-1 : K), pow_mul (-1 : K), neg_one_sq, one_pow, one_pow] },
{ simp only [succ_sub_succ_eq_sub, tsub_zero],
replace hptwo : ↑p ≠ 2,
{ intro h,
rw [← pnat.one_coe, ← pnat.coe_bit0, pnat.coe_inj] at h,
exact hptwo h },
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := even_sub_one_of_prime_ne_two hp.out hptwo,
rw [mul_comm ((p : ℕ) ^ k), mul_assoc, ha],
nth_rewrite 0 [← mul_one a],
nth_rewrite 4 [← mul_one a],
rw [← nat.mul_succ, mul_comm a, mul_assoc, mul_assoc 2, nat.mul_div_cancel_left _
zero_lt_two, nat.mul_div_cancel_left _ zero_lt_two, ← mul_assoc, mul_comm
(a * (p : ℕ) ^ k), pow_mul, ← ha],
congr' 1,
refine odd.neg_one_pow (nat.even.sub_odd (nat.succ_le_iff.2 (mul_pos (tsub_pos_iff_lt.2
hp.out.one_lt) (pow_pos hp.out.pos _))) (even.mul_right (nat.even_sub_one_of_prime_ne_two
hp.out hptwo) _) odd_one) } },
{ have H := congr_arg derivative (cyclotomic_prime_pow_mul_X_pow_sub_one K p k),
rw [derivative_mul, derivative_sub, derivative_one, sub_zero, derivative_pow,
derivative_X, mul_one, derivative_sub, derivative_one, sub_zero, derivative_pow,
derivative_X, mul_one, ← pnat.pow_coe, hζ.minpoly_eq_cyclotomic_of_irreducible hirr] at H,
replace H := congr_arg (λ P, aeval ζ P) H,
simp only [aeval_add, aeval_mul, minpoly.aeval, zero_mul, add_zero, aeval_nat_cast,
_root_.map_sub, aeval_one, aeval_X_pow] at H,
replace H := congr_arg (algebra.norm K) H,
have hnorm : (norm K) (ζ ^ (p : ℕ) ^ k - 1) = p ^ ((p : ℕ) ^ k),
{ by_cases hp : p = 2,
{ exact hζ.pow_sub_one_norm_prime_pow_of_one_le hirr rfl.le (hp2 hp) },
{ exact hζ.pow_sub_one_norm_prime_ne_two hirr rfl.le hp } },
rw [monoid_hom.map_mul, hnorm, monoid_hom.map_mul, ← map_nat_cast (algebra_map K L),
algebra.norm_algebra_map, finrank _ hirr, pnat.pow_coe, totient_prime_pow hp.out (succ_pos k),
nat.sub_one, nat.pred_succ, ← hζ.minpoly_eq_cyclotomic_of_irreducible hirr, map_pow,
hζ.norm_eq_one hk hirr, one_pow, mul_one, cast_pow, ← coe_coe, ← pow_mul, ← mul_assoc,
mul_comm (k + 1), mul_assoc] at H,
{ have := mul_pos (succ_pos k) (tsub_pos_iff_lt.2 hp.out.one_lt),
rw [← succ_pred_eq_of_pos this, mul_succ, pow_add _ _ ((p : ℕ) ^ k)] at H,
replace H := (mul_left_inj' (λ h, _)).1 H,
{ simpa only [← pnat.pow_coe, H, mul_comm _ (k + 1)] },
{ replace h := pow_eq_zero h,
rw [coe_coe] at h,
simpa using hne.1 } },
all_goals { apply_instance } },
all_goals { apply_instance }
/-- If `p` is a prime and `is_cyclotomic_extension {p ^ (k + 1)} K L`, then the discriminant of
`hζ.power_basis K` is `(-1) ^ (p ^ k * (p - 1) / 2) * p ^ (p ^ k * ((p - 1) * (k + 1) - 1))`
if `irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ (k + 1)) K))`, and `p ^ (k + 1) ≠ 2`. -/
lemma discr_prime_pow_ne_two' [is_cyclotomic_extension {p ^ (k + 1)} K L] [hp : fact (p : ℕ).prime]
(hζ : is_primitive_root ζ ↑(p ^ (k + 1))) (hirr : irreducible (cyclotomic (↑(p ^ (k + 1)) : ℕ) K))
(hk : p ^ (k + 1) ≠ 2) :
discr K (hζ.power_basis K).basis =
(-1) ^ (((p : ℕ) ^ k * (p - 1)) / 2) * p ^ ((p : ℕ) ^ k * ((p - 1) * (k + 1) - 1)) :=
by simpa [totient_prime_pow hp.out (succ_pos k)] using discr_prime_pow_ne_two hζ hirr hk
/-- If `p` is a prime and `is_cyclotomic_extension {p ^ k} K L`, then the discriminant of
`hζ.power_basis K` is `(-1) ^ ((p ^ k).totient / 2) * p ^ (p ^ (k - 1) * ((p - 1) * k - 1))`
if `irreducible (cyclotomic (p ^ k) K))`. Beware that in the cases `p ^ k = 1` and `p ^ k = 2`
the formula uses `1 / 2 = 0` and `0 - 1 = 0`. It is useful only to have a uniform result.
See also `is_cyclotomic_extension.discr_prime_pow_eq_unit_mul_pow`. -/
lemma discr_prime_pow [hcycl : is_cyclotomic_extension {p ^ k} K L] [hp : fact (p : ℕ).prime]
(hζ : is_primitive_root ζ ↑(p ^ k)) (hirr : irreducible (cyclotomic (↑(p ^ k) : ℕ) K)) :
discr K (hζ.power_basis K).basis =
(-1) ^ (((p ^ k : ℕ).totient) / 2) * p ^ ((p : ℕ) ^ (k - 1) * ((p - 1) * k - 1)) :=
unfreezingI { cases k },
{ simp only [coe_basis, pow_zero, power_basis_gen, totient_one, mul_zero, mul_one, show 1 / 2 = 0,
by refl, discr, trace_matrix],
have hζone : ζ = 1 := by simpa using hζ,
rw [hζ.power_basis_dim _, hζone, ← (algebra_map K L).map_one,
minpoly.eq_X_sub_C_of_algebra_map_inj _ (algebra_map K L).injective, nat_degree_X_sub_C],
simp only [trace_matrix, map_one, one_pow, matrix.det_unique, trace_form_apply, mul_one],
rw [← (algebra_map K L).map_one, trace_algebra_map, finrank _ hirr],
{ simp },
{ apply_instance },
{ exact hcycl } },
{ by_cases hk : p ^ (k + 1) = 2,
{ have hp : p = 2,
{ rw [← pnat.coe_inj, pnat.coe_bit0, pnat.one_coe, pnat.pow_coe, ← pow_one 2] at hk,
replace hk := eq_of_prime_pow_eq (prime_iff.1 hp.out) (prime_iff.1 nat.prime_two)
(succ_pos _) hk,
rwa [show 2 = ((2 : ℕ+) : ℕ), by simp, pnat.coe_inj] at hk },
rw [hp, ← pnat.coe_inj, pnat.pow_coe, pnat.coe_bit0, pnat.one_coe] at hk,
nth_rewrite 1 [← pow_one 2] at hk,
replace hk := nat.pow_right_injective rfl.le hk,
rw [add_left_eq_self] at hk,
simp only [hp, hk, pow_one, pnat.coe_bit0, pnat.one_coe] at hζ,
simp only [hp, hk, show 1 / 2 = 0, by refl, coe_basis, pow_one, power_basis_gen,
pnat.coe_bit0, pnat.one_coe, totient_two, pow_zero, mul_one, mul_zero],
rw [power_basis_dim, hζ.eq_neg_one_of_two_right, show (-1 : L) = algebra_map K L (-1),
by simp, minpoly.eq_X_sub_C_of_algebra_map_inj _ (algebra_map K L).injective,
simp only [discr, trace_matrix, matrix.det_unique, fin.default_eq_zero, fin.coe_zero,
pow_zero, trace_form_apply, mul_one],
rw [← (algebra_map K L).map_one, trace_algebra_map, finrank _ hirr, hp, hk],
{ simp },
{ apply_instance },
{ exact hcycl } },
{ exact discr_prime_pow_ne_two hζ hirr hk } }
/-- If `p` is a prime and `is_cyclotomic_extension {p ^ k} K L`, then there are `u : ℤˣ` and
`n : ℕ` such that the discriminant of `hζ.power_basis K` is `u * p ^ n`. Often this is enough and
less cumbersome to use than `is_cyclotomic_extension.discr_prime_pow`. -/
lemma discr_prime_pow_eq_unit_mul_pow [is_cyclotomic_extension {p ^ k} K L]
[hp : fact (p : ℕ).prime] (hζ : is_primitive_root ζ ↑(p ^ k))
(hirr : irreducible (cyclotomic (↑(p ^ k) : ℕ) K)) :
∃ (u : ℤˣ) (n : ℕ), discr K (hζ.power_basis K).basis = u * p ^ n :=
rw [discr_prime_pow hζ hirr],
by_cases heven : even (((p ^ k : ℕ).totient) / 2),
{ refine ⟨1, (p : ℕ) ^ (k - 1) * ((p - 1) * k - 1), by simp [heven.neg_one_pow]⟩ },
{ exact ⟨-1, (p : ℕ) ^ (k - 1) * ((p - 1) * k - 1),
by simp [(odd_iff_not_even.2 heven).neg_one_pow]⟩ },
/-- If `p` is an odd prime and `is_cyclotomic_extension {p} K L`, then
`discr K (hζ.power_basis K).basis = (-1) ^ ((p - 1) / 2) * p ^ (p - 2)` if
`irreducible (cyclotomic p K)`. -/
lemma discr_odd_prime [is_cyclotomic_extension {p} K L] [hp : fact (p : ℕ).prime]
(hζ : is_primitive_root ζ p) (hirr : irreducible (cyclotomic p K)) (hodd : p ≠ 2) :
discr K (hζ.power_basis K).basis = (-1) ^ (((p : ℕ) - 1) / 2) * p ^ ((p : ℕ) - 2) :=
haveI : is_cyclotomic_extension {p ^ (0 + 1)} K L,
{ rw [zero_add, pow_one],
apply_instance },
have hζ' : is_primitive_root ζ ↑(p ^ (0 + 1)) := by simpa using hζ,
convert discr_prime_pow_ne_two hζ' (by simpa [hirr]) (by simp [hodd]),
{ rw [zero_add, pow_one, totient_prime hp.out] },
{ rw [pow_zero, one_mul, zero_add, mul_one, nat.sub_sub] }
end is_cyclotomic_extension