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Copyright (c) 2022 Floris van Doorn. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Floris van Doorn, Patrick Massot
import topology.basic
# Neighborhoods of a set
In this file we define the filter `πΛ’ s` or `nhds_set s` consisting of all neighborhoods of a set
## Main Properties
There are a couple different notions equivalent to `s β πΛ’ t`:
* `s β interior t` using `subset_interior_iff_mem_nhds_set`
* `β (x : Ξ±), x β t β s β π x` using `mem_nhds_set_iff_forall`
* `β U : set Ξ±, is_open U β§ t β U β§ U β s` using `mem_nhds_set_iff_exists`
Furthermore, we have the following results:
* `monotone_nhds_set`: `πΛ’` is monotone
* In Tβ-spaces, `πΛ’`is strictly monotone and hence injective:
`strict_mono_nhds_set`/`injective_nhds_set`. These results are in `topology.separation`.
open set filter
open_locale topological_space filter
variables {Ξ± Ξ² : Type*} [topological_space Ξ±] [topological_space Ξ²]
{s t sβ sβ tβ tβ : set Ξ±} {x : Ξ±}
/-- The filter of neighborhoods of a set in a topological space. -/
def nhds_set (s : set Ξ±) : filter Ξ± :=
Sup (nhds '' s)
localized "notation `πΛ’` := nhds_set" in topological_space
lemma mem_nhds_set_iff_forall : s β πΛ’ t β β (x : Ξ±), x β t β s β π x :=
by simp_rw [nhds_set, filter.mem_Sup, ball_image_iff]
lemma subset_interior_iff_mem_nhds_set : s β interior t β t β πΛ’ s :=
by simp_rw [mem_nhds_set_iff_forall, subset_interior_iff_nhds]
lemma mem_nhds_set_iff_exists : s β πΛ’ t β β U : set Ξ±, is_open U β§ t β U β§ U β s :=
by { rw [β subset_interior_iff_mem_nhds_set, subset_interior_iff] }
lemma has_basis_nhds_set (s : set Ξ±) : (πΛ’ s).has_basis (Ξ» U, is_open U β§ s β U) (Ξ» U, U) :=
β¨Ξ» t, by simp [mem_nhds_set_iff_exists, and_assoc]β©
lemma is_open.mem_nhds_set (hU : is_open s) : s β πΛ’ t β t β s :=
by rw [β subset_interior_iff_mem_nhds_set, interior_eq_iff_open.mpr hU]
lemma principal_le_nhds_set : π s β€ πΛ’ s :=
Ξ» s hs, (subset_interior_iff_mem_nhds_set.mpr hs).trans interior_subset
@[simp] lemma nhds_set_eq_principal_iff : πΛ’ s = π s β is_open s :=
by rw [β principal_le_nhds_set.le_iff_eq, le_principal_iff, mem_nhds_set_iff_forall,
alias nhds_set_eq_principal_iff β _ is_open.nhds_set_eq
@[simp] lemma nhds_set_interior : πΛ’ (interior s) = π (interior s) :=
@[simp] lemma nhds_set_singleton : πΛ’ {x} = π x :=
by { ext,
rw [β subset_interior_iff_mem_nhds_set, β mem_interior_iff_mem_nhds, singleton_subset_iff] }
lemma mem_nhds_set_interior : s β πΛ’ (interior s) := subset.rfl
@[simp] lemma nhds_set_empty : πΛ’ (β
: set Ξ±) = β₯ :=
by rw [is_open_empty.nhds_set_eq, principal_empty]
lemma mem_nhds_set_empty : s β πΛ’ (β
: set Ξ±) := by simp
@[simp] lemma nhds_set_univ : πΛ’ (univ : set Ξ±) = β€ :=
by rw [is_open_univ.nhds_set_eq, principal_univ]
lemma monotone_nhds_set : monotone (πΛ’ : set Ξ± β filter Ξ±) :=
Ξ» s t hst, Sup_le_Sup $ image_subset _ hst
@[simp] lemma nhds_set_union (s t : set Ξ±) : πΛ’ (s βͺ t) = πΛ’ s β πΛ’ t :=
by simp only [nhds_set, image_union, Sup_union]
lemma union_mem_nhds_set (hβ : sβ β πΛ’ tβ) (hβ : sβ β πΛ’ tβ) : sβ βͺ sβ β πΛ’ (tβ βͺ tβ) :=
by { rw nhds_set_union, exact union_mem_sup hβ hβ }
/-- Preimage of a set neighborhood of `t` under a continuous map `f` is a set neighborhood of `s`
provided that `f` maps `s` to `t`. -/
lemma continuous.tendsto_nhds_set {f : Ξ± β Ξ²} {t : set Ξ²} (hf : continuous f)
(hst : maps_to f s t) : tendsto f (πΛ’ s) (πΛ’ t) :=
((has_basis_nhds_set s).tendsto_iff (has_basis_nhds_set t)).mpr $ Ξ» U hU,
β¨f β»ΒΉ' U, β¨hU.1.preimage hf, hst.mono subset.rfl hU.2β©, Ξ» x, idβ©