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(* This file is a modification of an eponymous file from the CoqApprox *)
(* library. The header of the original file is reproduced below. Changes are *)
(* part of the analysis library and enjoy the same licence as this library. *)
This file is part of the CoqApprox formalization of rigorous
polynomial approximation in Coq:
Copyright (c) 2010-2013, ENS de Lyon and Inria.
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C
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As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
only with a limited warranty and the library's author, the holder of
the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
liability. See the COPYING file for more details.
Require Import Rdefinitions Raxioms RIneq Rbasic_fun Zwf.
Require Import Epsilon FunctionalExtensionality Ranalysis1 Rsqrt_def.
Require Import Rtrigo1 Reals.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg poly mxpoly ssrnum.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Theory.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
Lemma Req_EM_T (r1 r2 : R) : {r1 = r2} + {r1 <> r2}.
case: (total_order_T r1 r2) => [[r1Lr2 | <-] | r1Gr2].
- by right=> r1Er2; case: (Rlt_irrefl r1); rewrite {2}r1Er2.
- by left.
by right=> r1Er2; case: (Rlt_irrefl r1); rewrite {1}r1Er2.
Definition eqr (r1 r2 : R) : bool :=
if Req_EM_T r1 r2 is left _ then true else false.
Lemma eqrP : Equality.axiom eqr.
by move=> r1 r2; rewrite /eqr; case: Req_EM_T=> H; apply: (iffP idP).
Canonical R_eqMixin := EqMixin eqrP.
Canonical R_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType R R_eqMixin.
Fact inhR : inhabited R.
Proof. exact: (inhabits 0). Qed.
Definition pickR (P : pred R) (n : nat) :=
let x := epsilon inhR P in if P x then Some x else None.
Fact pickR_some P n x : pickR P n = Some x -> P x.
Proof. by rewrite /pickR; case: (boolP (P _)) => // Px [<-]. Qed.
Fact pickR_ex (P : pred R) :
(exists x : R, P x) -> exists n, pickR P n.
Proof. by rewrite /pickR; move=> /(epsilon_spec inhR)->; exists 0%N. Qed.
Fact pickR_ext (P Q : pred R) : P =1 Q -> pickR P =1 pickR Q.
move=> PEQ n; rewrite /pickR; set u := epsilon _ _; set v := epsilon _ _.
suff->: u = v by rewrite PEQ.
by congr epsilon; apply: functional_extensionality=> x; rewrite PEQ.
Definition R_choiceMixin : choiceMixin R :=
Choice.Mixin pickR_some pickR_ex pickR_ext.
Canonical R_choiceType := Eval hnf in ChoiceType R R_choiceMixin.
Fact RplusA : associative (Rplus).
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite Rplus_assoc. Qed.
Definition R_zmodMixin := ZmodMixin RplusA Rplus_comm Rplus_0_l Rplus_opp_l.
Canonical R_zmodType := Eval hnf in ZmodType R R_zmodMixin.
Fact RmultA : associative (Rmult).
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite Rmult_assoc. Qed.
Fact R1_neq_0 : R1 != R0.
Proof. by apply/eqP/R1_neq_R0. Qed.
Definition R_ringMixin := RingMixin RmultA Rmult_1_l Rmult_1_r
Rmult_plus_distr_r Rmult_plus_distr_l R1_neq_0.
Canonical R_ringType := Eval hnf in RingType R R_ringMixin.
Canonical R_comRingType := Eval hnf in ComRingType R Rmult_comm.
Import Monoid.
Canonical Radd_monoid := Law RplusA Rplus_0_l Rplus_0_r.
Canonical Radd_comoid := ComLaw Rplus_comm.
Canonical Rmul_monoid := Law RmultA Rmult_1_l Rmult_1_r.
Canonical Rmul_comoid := ComLaw Rmult_comm.
Canonical Rmul_mul_law := MulLaw Rmult_0_l Rmult_0_r.
Canonical Radd_add_law := AddLaw Rmult_plus_distr_r Rmult_plus_distr_l.
Definition Rinvx r := if (r != 0) then / r else r.
Definition unit_R r := r != 0.
Lemma RmultRinvx : {in unit_R, left_inverse 1 Rinvx Rmult}.
move=> r; rewrite -topredE /unit_R /Rinvx => /= rNZ /=.
by rewrite rNZ Rinv_l //; apply/eqP.
Lemma RinvxRmult : {in unit_R, right_inverse 1 Rinvx Rmult}.
move=> r; rewrite -topredE /unit_R /Rinvx => /= rNZ /=.
by rewrite rNZ Rinv_r //; apply/eqP.
Lemma intro_unit_R x y : y * x = 1 /\ x * y = 1 -> unit_R x.
move=> [yx_eq1 _]; apply: contra_eqN yx_eq1 => /eqP->.
by rewrite Rmult_0_r eq_sym R1_neq_0.
Lemma Rinvx_out : {in predC unit_R, Rinvx =1 id}.
Proof. by move=> x; rewrite inE/= /Rinvx -if_neg => ->. Qed.
Definition R_unitRingMixin :=
UnitRingMixin RmultRinvx RinvxRmult intro_unit_R Rinvx_out.
Canonical R_unitRing :=
Eval hnf in UnitRingType R R_unitRingMixin.
Canonical R_comUnitRingType :=
Eval hnf in [comUnitRingType of R].
Lemma R_idomainMixin x y : x * y = 0 -> (x == 0) || (y == 0).
Proof. by move=> /Rmult_integral []->; rewrite eqxx ?orbT. Qed.
Canonical R_idomainType := Eval hnf in IdomainType R R_idomainMixin.
Lemma R_fieldMixin : GRing.Field.mixin_of [unitRingType of R].
Proof. by done. Qed.
Definition R_fieldIdomainMixin := FieldIdomainMixin R_fieldMixin.
Canonical R_fieldType := FieldType R R_fieldMixin.
(** Reflect the order on the reals to bool *)
Definition Rleb r1 r2 := if Rle_dec r1 r2 is left _ then true else false.
Definition Rltb r1 r2 := Rleb r1 r2 && (r1 != r2).
Definition Rgeb r1 r2 := Rleb r2 r1.
Definition Rgtb r1 r2 := Rltb r2 r1.
Lemma RlebP r1 r2 : reflect (r1 <= r2) (Rleb r1 r2).
Proof. by rewrite /Rleb; apply: (iffP idP); case: Rle_dec. Qed.
Lemma RltbP r1 r2 : reflect (r1 < r2) (Rltb r1 r2).
rewrite /Rltb /Rleb; apply: (iffP idP); case: Rle_dec=> //=.
- by case=> // r1Er2 /eqP[].
- by move=> _ r1Lr2; apply/eqP/Rlt_not_eq.
by move=> Nr1Lr2 r1Lr2; case: Nr1Lr2; left.
Ltac toR := rewrite /GRing.add /GRing.opp / /GRing.mul /GRing.inv
/ //=.
Section ssreal_struct.
Import GRing.Theory.
Import Num.Theory.
Import Num.Def.
Local Open Scope R_scope.
Lemma Rleb_norm_add x y : Rleb (Rabs (x + y)) (Rabs x + Rabs y).
Proof. by apply/RlebP/Rabs_triang. Qed.
Lemma addr_Rgtb0 x y : Rltb 0 x -> Rltb 0 y -> Rltb 0 (x + y).
Proof. by move/RltbP=> Hx /RltbP Hy; apply/RltbP/Rplus_lt_0_compat. Qed.
Lemma Rnorm0_eq0 x : Rabs x = 0 -> x = 0.
Proof. by move=> H; case: (x == 0) /eqP=> // /Rabs_no_R0. Qed.
Lemma Rleb_leVge x y : Rleb 0 x -> Rleb 0 y -> (Rleb x y) || (Rleb y x).
move/RlebP=> Hx /RlebP Hy; case: (Rlt_le_dec x y).
by move/Rlt_le/RlebP=> ->.
by move/RlebP=> ->; rewrite orbT.
Lemma RnormM : {morph Rabs : x y / x * y}.
exact: Rabs_mult. Qed.
Lemma Rleb_def x y : (Rleb x y) = (Rabs (y - x) == y - x).
apply/(sameP (RlebP x y))/(iffP idP)=> [/eqP H| /Rle_minus H].
apply: Rminus_le; rewrite -Ropp_minus_distr.
by rewrite -H; apply: Rabs_pos.
rewrite -Ropp_minus_distr.
by apply/Ropp_0_ge_le_contravar/Rle_ge.
Lemma Rltb_def x y : (Rltb x y) = (y != x) && (Rleb x y).
apply/(sameP (RltbP x y))/(iffP idP).
case/andP=> /eqP H /RlebP/Rle_not_gt H2.
by case: (Rtotal_order x y)=> // [][] // /esym.
move=> H; apply/andP; split; [apply/eqP|apply/RlebP].
exact: Rgt_not_eq.
exact: Rlt_le.
Definition R_numMixin := NumMixin Rleb_norm_add addr_Rgtb0 Rnorm0_eq0
Rleb_leVge RnormM Rleb_def Rltb_def.
Canonical R_porderType := POrderType ring_display R R_numMixin.
Canonical R_numDomainType := NumDomainType R R_numMixin.
Canonical R_normedZmodType := NormedZmodType R R R_numMixin.
Lemma RleP : forall x y, reflect (Rle x y) (x <= y)%R.
Proof. exact: RlebP. Qed.
Lemma RltP : forall x y, reflect (Rlt x y) (x < y)%R.
Proof. exact: RltbP. Qed.
(* :TODO: *)
(* Lemma RgeP : forall x y, reflect (Rge x y) (x >= y)%R. *)
(* Proof. exact: RlebP. Qed. *)
(* Lemma RgtP : forall x y, reflect (Rgt x y) (x > y)%R. *)
(* Proof. exact: RltbP. Qed. *)
Canonical R_numFieldType := [numFieldType of R].
Lemma Rreal_axiom (x : R) : (0 <= x)%R || (x <= 0)%R.
case: (Rle_dec 0 x)=> [/RleP ->|] //.
by move/Rnot_le_lt/Rlt_le/RleP=> ->; rewrite orbT.
Lemma R_total : totalPOrderMixin R_porderType.
move=> x y; case: (Rle_lt_dec x y) => [/RleP -> //|/Rlt_le/RleP ->];
by rewrite orbT.
Canonical R_latticeType := LatticeType R R_total.
Canonical R_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType R R_total.
Canonical R_orderType := OrderType R R_total.
Canonical R_realDomainType := [realDomainType of R].
Canonical R_realFieldType := [realFieldType of R].
Lemma Rarchimedean_axiom : Num.archimedean_axiom R_numDomainType.
move=> x; exists (Z.abs_nat (up x) + 2)%N.
have [Hx1 Hx2]:= (archimed x).
have Hz (z : Z): z = (z - 1 + 1)%Z by rewrite Zplus_comm Zplus_minus.
have Zabs_nat_Zopp z : Z.abs_nat (- z)%Z = Z.abs_nat z by case: z.
apply: (Rlt_trans _ ((Z.abs_nat (up x))%:R)%R); last first.
rewrite -[((Z.abs_nat _)%:R)%R]Rplus_0_r mulrnDr.
by apply/Rplus_lt_compat_l/Rlt_0_2.
apply: (Rlt_le_trans _ (IZR (up x)))=> //.
elim/(well_founded_ind (Zwf_well_founded 0)): (up x) => z IHz.
case: (Z_lt_le_dec 0 z) => [zp | zn].
rewrite [z]Hz plus_IZR Zabs_nat_Zplus //; last exact: Zlt_0_le_0_pred.
rewrite plusE mulrnDr.
apply/Rplus_le_compat_r/IHz; split; first exact: Zlt_le_weak.
exact: Zlt_pred.
apply: (Rle_trans _ (IZR 0)); first exact: IZR_le.
by apply/RlebP/(ler0n R_numDomainType (Z.abs_nat z)).
apply: (Rlt_le_trans _ (IZR (up x) - 1)).
apply: Ropp_lt_cancel; rewrite Ropp_involutive.
rewrite Ropp_minus_distr /Rminus -opp_IZR -{2}(Z.opp_involutive (up x)).
elim/(well_founded_ind (Zwf_well_founded 0)): (- up x)%Z => z IHz .
case: (Z_lt_le_dec 0 z) => [zp | zn].
rewrite [z]Hz Zabs_nat_Zopp plus_IZR.
rewrite Zabs_nat_Zplus //; last exact: Zlt_0_le_0_pred.
rewrite plusE -Rplus_assoc -addnA [(_ + 2)%N]addnC addnA mulrnDr.
apply: Rplus_lt_compat_r; rewrite -Zabs_nat_Zopp.
apply: IHz; split; first exact: Zlt_le_weak.
exact: Zlt_pred.
apply: (Rle_lt_trans _ 1).
rewrite -{2}[1]Rplus_0_r; apply: Rplus_le_compat_l.
by rewrite -/(IZR 0); apply: IZR_le.
rewrite mulrnDr; apply: (Rlt_le_trans _ 2).
by rewrite -{1}[1]Rplus_0_r; apply/Rplus_lt_compat_l/Rlt_0_1.
rewrite -[2]Rplus_0_l; apply: Rplus_le_compat_r.
by apply/RlebP/(ler0n R_numDomainType (Z.abs_nat _)).
apply: Rminus_le.
rewrite /Rminus Rplus_assoc [- _ + _]Rplus_comm -Rplus_assoc -!/(Rminus _ _).
exact: Rle_minus.
(* Canonical R_numArchiDomainType := ArchiDomainType R Rarchimedean_axiom. *)
(* (* Canonical R_numArchiFieldType := [numArchiFieldType of R]. *) *)
(* Canonical R_realArchiDomainType := [realArchiDomainType of R]. *)
Canonical R_realArchiFieldType := ArchiFieldType R Rarchimedean_axiom.
(** Here are the lemmas that we will use to prove that R has
the rcfType structure. *)
Lemma continuity_eq f g : f =1 g -> continuity f -> continuity g.
move=> Hfg Hf x eps Heps.
have [y [Hy1 Hy2]]:= Hf x eps Heps.
by exists y; split=> // z; rewrite -!Hfg; exact: Hy2.
Lemma continuity_sum (I : finType) F (P : pred I):
(forall i, P i -> continuity (F i)) ->
continuity (fun x => (\sum_(i | P i) ((F i) x)))%R.
move=> H; elim: (index_enum I)=> [|a l IHl].
set f:= fun _ => _.
have Hf: (fun x=> 0) =1 f by move=> x; rewrite /f big_nil.
by apply: (continuity_eq Hf); exact: continuity_const.
set f := fun _ => _.
case Hpa: (P a).
have Hf: (fun x => F a x + \sum_(i <- l | P i) F i x)%R =1 f.
by move=> x; rewrite /f big_cons Hpa.
apply: (continuity_eq Hf); apply: continuity_plus=> //.
exact: H.
have Hf: (fun x => \sum_(i <- l | P i) F i x)%R =1 f.
by move=> x; rewrite /f big_cons Hpa.
exact: (continuity_eq Hf).
Lemma continuity_exp f n: continuity f -> continuity (fun x => (f x)^+ n)%R.
move=> Hf; elim: n=> [|n IHn]; first exact: continuity_const.
set g:= fun _ => _.
have Hg: (fun x=> f x * f x ^+ n)%R =1 g.
by move=> x; rewrite /g exprS.
by apply: (continuity_eq Hg); exact: continuity_mult.
Lemma Rreal_closed_axiom : Num.real_closed_axiom R_numDomainType.
move=> p a b; rewrite !le_eqVlt.
case Hpa: ((p.[a])%R == 0%R).
by move=> ? _ ; exists a=> //; rewrite lexx le_eqVlt.
case Hpb: ((p.[b])%R == 0%R).
by move=> ? _; exists b=> //; rewrite lexx le_eqVlt andbT.
case Hab: (a == b).
by move=> _; rewrite (eqP Hab) eq_sym Hpb (ltNge 0) /=; case/andP=> /ltW ->.
rewrite eq_sym Hpb /=; clear=> /RltbP Hab /andP [] /RltbP Hpa /RltbP Hpb.
suff Hcp: continuity (fun x => (p.[x])%R).
have [z [[Hza Hzb] /eqP Hz2]]:= IVT _ a b Hcp Hab Hpa Hpb.
by exists z=> //; apply/andP; split; apply/RlebP.
rewrite -[p]coefK poly_def.
set f := fun _ => _.
have Hf: (fun (x : R) => \sum_(i < size p) (p`_i * x^+i))%R =1 f.
move=> x; rewrite /f horner_sum.
by apply: eq_bigr=> i _; rewrite hornerZ hornerXn.
apply: (continuity_eq Hf); apply: continuity_sum=> i _.
apply:continuity_scal; apply: continuity_exp=> x esp Hesp.
by exists esp; split=> // y [].
Canonical R_rcfType := RcfType R Rreal_closed_axiom.
(* Canonical R_realClosedArchiFieldType := [realClosedArchiFieldType of R]. *)
End ssreal_struct.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Require Import reals boolp classical_sets.
Section ssreal_struct_contd.
Implicit Type E : set R.
Lemma is_upper_boundE E x : is_upper_bound E x = (ubound E) x.
rewrite propeqE; split; [move=> h|move=> /ubP h y Ey; exact/RleP/h].
by apply/ubP => y Ey; apply/RleP/h.
Lemma boundE E : bound E = has_ubound E.
Proof. by apply/eq_exists=> x; rewrite is_upper_boundE. Qed.
Lemma Rcondcomplete E : has_sup E -> {m | isLub E m}.
move=> [E0 uE]; have := completeness E; rewrite boundE => /(_ uE E0)[x [E1 E2]].
exists x; split; first by rewrite -is_upper_boundE; apply: E1.
by move=> y; rewrite -is_upper_boundE => /E2/RleP.
Lemma Rsupremums_neq0 E : has_sup E -> (supremums E !=set0)%classic.
Proof. by move=> /Rcondcomplete[x [? ?]]; exists x. Qed.
Lemma Rsup_isLub x0 E : has_sup E -> isLub E (supremum x0 E).
have [-> [/set0P]|E0 hsE] := eqVneq E set0; first by rewrite eqxx.
have [s [Es sE]] := Rcondcomplete hsE.
split => x Ex; first by apply/ge_supremum_Nmem=> //; exact: Rsupremums_neq0.
rewrite /supremum (negbTE E0); case: xgetP => /=.
by move=> _ -> [_ EsE]; apply/EsE.
by have [y Ey /(_ y)] := Rsupremums_neq0 hsE.
(* :TODO: rewrite like this using (a fork of?) Coquelicot *)
(* Lemma real_sup_adherent (E : pred R) : real_sup E \in closure E. *)
Lemma real_sup_adherent x0 E (eps : R) : (0 < eps) ->
has_sup E -> exists2 e, E e & (supremum x0 E - eps) < e.
move=> eps_gt0 supE; set m := _ - eps; apply: contrapT=> mNsmall.
have : (ubound E) m.
apply/ubP => y Ey.
by have /negP := mNsmall (ex_intro2 _ _ y Ey _); rewrite -leNgt.
have [_ /(_ m)] := Rsup_isLub x0 supE.
move => m_big /m_big.
by rewrite -subr_ge0 addrC addKr oppr_ge0 leNgt eps_gt0.
Lemma Rsup_ub x0 E : has_sup E -> (ubound E) (supremum x0 E).
by move=> supE x Ex; apply/ge_supremum_Nmem => //; exact: Rsupremums_neq0.
Definition real_realMixin : Real.mixin_of _ :=
RealMixin (@Rsup_ub (0 : R)) (real_sup_adherent 0).
Canonical real_realType := RealType R real_realMixin.
Implicit Types (x y : R) (m n : nat).
(* equational lemmas about exp, sin and cos for mathcomp compat *)
(* Require Import realsum. *)
(* :TODO: One day, do this *)
(* Notation "\Sum_ i E" := (psum (fun i => E)) *)
(* (at level 100, i ident, format "\Sum_ i E") : ring_scope. *)
(* Definition exp x := \Sum_n (n`!)%:R^-1 * x ^ n. *)
Lemma expR0 : exp (0 : R) = 1.
Proof. by rewrite exp_0. Qed.
Lemma expRD x y : exp x * exp y = exp (x + y).
Proof. by rewrite exp_plus. Qed.
Lemma expRX x n : exp x ^+ n = exp (x *+ n).
elim: n => [|n Ihn]; first by rewrite expr0 mulr0n exp_0.
by rewrite exprS Ihn mulrS expRD.
Lemma sinD x y : sin (x + y) = sin x * cos y + cos x * sin y.
Proof. by rewrite sin_plus. Qed.
Lemma cosD x y : cos (x + y) = (cos x * cos y - sin x * sin y).
Proof. by rewrite cos_plus. Qed.
Lemma RplusE x y : Rplus x y = x + y. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma RminusE x y : Rminus x y = x - y. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma RmultE x y : Rmult x y = x * y. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma RoppE x : Ropp x = - x. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma RinvE x : x != 0 -> Rinv x = x^-1.
Proof. by move=> x_neq0; rewrite -[RHS]/(if _ then _ else _) x_neq0. Qed.
Lemma RdivE x y : y != 0 -> Rdiv x y = x / y.
Proof. by move=> y_neq0; rewrite /Rdiv RinvE. Qed.
Lemma INRE n : INR n = n%:R.
Proof. elim: n => // n IH; by rewrite S_INR IH RplusE -addn1 natrD. Qed.
Lemma RsqrtE x : 0 <= x -> sqrt x = Num.sqrt x.
move => x0; apply/eqP; have [t1 t2] := conj (sqrtr_ge0 x) (sqrt_pos x).
rewrite eq_sym -(eqr_expn2 (_: 0 < 2)%N t1) //; last by apply /RleP.
rewrite sqr_sqrtr // !exprS expr0 mulr1 -RmultE ?sqrt_sqrt //; by apply/RleP.
Lemma RpowE x n : pow x n = x ^+ n.
Proof. by elim: n => [ | n In] //=; rewrite exprS In RmultE. Qed.
Lemma RmaxE x y : Rmax x y = Num.max x y.
case: (lerP x y) => H; first by rewrite Rmax_right //; apply: RlebP.
by rewrite ?ltW // Rmax_left //; apply/RlebP; move/ltW : H.
(* useful? *)
Lemma RminE x y : Rmin x y = Num.min x y.
case: (lerP x y) => H; first by rewrite Rmin_left //; apply: RlebP.
by rewrite ?ltW // Rmin_right //; apply/RlebP; move/ltW : H.
Section bigmaxr.
Context {R : realDomainType}.
(* bigop pour le max pour des listes non vides ? *)
Definition bigmaxr (r : R) s := \big[Num.max/head r s]_(i <- s) i.
Lemma bigmaxr_nil (x0 : R) : bigmaxr x0 [::] = x0.
Proof. by rewrite /bigmaxr /= big_nil. Qed.
Lemma bigmaxr_un (x0 x : R) : bigmaxr x0 [:: x] = x.
Proof. by rewrite /bigmaxr /= big_cons big_nil maxxx. Qed.
(* previous definition *)
Lemma bigmaxrE (r : R) s : bigmaxr r s = foldr Num.max (head r s) (behead s).
rewrite (_ : bigmaxr _ _ = if s isn't h :: t then r else \big[Num.max/h]_(i <- s) i).
case: s => // ? t; rewrite big_cons /bigmaxr.
by elim: t => //= [|? ? <-]; [rewrite big_nil maxxx | rewrite big_cons maxCA].
by case: s => //=; rewrite /bigmaxr big_nil.
Lemma bigrmax_dflt (x y : R) s : Num.max x (\big[Num.max/x]_(j <- y :: s) j) =
Num.max x (\big[Num.max/y]_(i <- y :: s) i).
elim: s => /= [|h t IH] in x y *.
by rewrite !big_cons !big_nil maxxx maxCA maxxx maxC.
by rewrite big_cons maxCA IH maxCA [in RHS]big_cons IH.
Lemma bigmaxr_cons (x0 x y : R) lr :
bigmaxr x0 (x :: y :: lr) = Num.max x (bigmaxr x0 (y :: lr)).
Proof. by rewrite [y :: lr]lock /bigmaxr /= -lock big_cons bigrmax_dflt. Qed.
Lemma bigmaxr_ler (x0 : R) s i :
(i < size s)%N -> (nth x0 s i) <= (bigmaxr x0 s).
rewrite /bigmaxr; elim: s i => // h t IH [_|i] /=.
by rewrite big_cons /= le_maxr lexx.
rewrite ltnS => ti; case: t => [|h' t] // in IH ti *.
by rewrite big_cons bigrmax_dflt le_maxr orbC IH.
(* Compatibilité avec l'addition *)
Lemma bigmaxr_addr (x0 : R) lr (x : R) :
bigmaxr (x0 + x) (map (fun y : R => y + x) lr) = (bigmaxr x0 lr) + x.
rewrite /bigmaxr; case: lr => [|h t]; first by rewrite !big_nil.
elim: t h => /= [|h' t IH] h; first by rewrite ?(big_cons,big_nil) -addr_maxl.
by rewrite [in RHS]big_cons bigrmax_dflt addr_maxl -IH big_cons bigrmax_dflt.
Lemma bigmaxr_mem (x0 : R) lr : (0 < size lr)%N -> bigmaxr x0 lr \in lr.
rewrite /bigmaxr; case: lr => // h t _.
elim: t => //= [|h' t IH] in h *; first by rewrite big_cons big_nil inE maxxx.
rewrite big_cons bigrmax_dflt inE eq_le; case: lerP => /=.
- by rewrite le_maxr lexx.
- by rewrite lt_maxr ltxx => ?; rewrite max_r ?IH // ltW.
(* TODO: bigmaxr_morph? *)
Lemma bigmaxr_mulr (A : finType) (s : seq A) (k : R) (x : A -> R) :
0 <= k -> bigmaxr 0 (map (fun i => k * x i) s) = k * bigmaxr 0 (map x s).
move=> k0; elim: s => /= [|h [/=|h' t ih]].
by rewrite bigmaxr_nil mulr0.
by rewrite !bigmaxr_un.
by rewrite bigmaxr_cons {}ih bigmaxr_cons maxr_pmulr.
Lemma bigmaxr_index (x0 : R) lr :
(0 < size lr)%N -> (index (bigmaxr x0 lr) lr < size lr)%N.
rewrite /bigmaxr; case: lr => //= h t _; case: ifPn => // /negbTE H.
move: (@bigmaxr_mem x0 (h :: t) isT).
by rewrite ltnS index_mem inE /= eq_sym H.
Lemma bigmaxr_lerP (x0 : R) lr (x : R) :
(0 < size lr)%N ->
reflect (forall i, (i < size lr)%N -> (nth x0 lr i) <= x) ((bigmaxr x0 lr) <= x).
move=> lr_size; apply: (iffP idP) => [le_x i i_size | H].
by apply: (le_trans _ le_x); apply: bigmaxr_ler.
by move/(nthP x0): (bigmaxr_mem x0 lr_size) => [i i_size <-]; apply: H.
Lemma bigmaxr_ltrP (x0 : R) lr (x : R) :
(0 < size lr)%N ->
reflect (forall i, (i < size lr)%N -> (nth x0 lr i) < x) ((bigmaxr x0 lr) < x).
move=> lr_size; apply: (iffP idP) => [lt_x i i_size | H].
by apply: le_lt_trans lt_x; apply: bigmaxr_ler.
by move/(nthP x0): (bigmaxr_mem x0 lr_size) => [i i_size <-]; apply: H.
Lemma bigmaxrP (x0 : R) lr (x : R) :
(x \in lr /\ forall i, (i < size lr) %N -> (nth x0 lr i) <= x) -> (bigmaxr x0 lr = x).
move=> [] /(nthP x0) [] j j_size j_nth x_ler; apply: le_anti; apply/andP; split.
by apply/bigmaxr_lerP => //; apply: (leq_trans _ j_size).
by rewrite -j_nth (bigmaxr_ler _ j_size).
(* surement à supprimer à la fin
Lemma bigmaxc_lttc x0 lc :
uniq lc -> forall i, (i < size lc)%N -> (i != index (bigmaxc x0 lc) lc)
-> lttc (nth x0 lc i) (bigmaxc x0 lc).
move=> lc_uniq Hi size_i /negP neq_i.
rewrite lttc_neqAle (bigmaxc_letc _ size_i) andbT.
apply/negP => /eqP H; apply: neq_i; rewrite -H eq_sym; apply/eqP.
by apply: index_uniq.
Qed. *)
Lemma bigmaxr_lerif (x0 : R) lr :
uniq lr -> forall i, (i < size lr)%N ->
(nth x0 lr i) <= (bigmaxr x0 lr) ?= iff (i == index (bigmaxr x0 lr) lr).
move=> lr_uniq i i_size; rewrite /Num.leif (bigmaxr_ler _ i_size).
rewrite -(nth_uniq x0 i_size (bigmaxr_index _ (leq_trans _ i_size)) lr_uniq) //.
rewrite nth_index //.
by apply: bigmaxr_mem; apply: (leq_trans _ i_size).
(* bigop pour le max pour des listes non vides ? *)
Definition bmaxrf n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) :=
bigmaxr (f ord0) (codom f).
Lemma bmaxrf_ler n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) i :
(f i) <= (bmaxrf f).
move: (@bigmaxr_ler (f ord0) (codom f) (nat_of_ord i)).
rewrite /bmaxrf size_codom card_ord => H; move: (ltn_ord i); move/H.
suff -> : nth (f ord0) (codom f) i = f i; first by [].
by rewrite /codom (nth_map ord0) ?size_enum_ord // nth_ord_enum.
Lemma bmaxrf_index n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) :
(index (bmaxrf f) (codom f) < n.+1)%N.
rewrite /bmaxrf.
rewrite [in X in (_ < X)%N](_ : n.+1 = size (codom f)); last first.
by rewrite size_codom card_ord.
by apply: bigmaxr_index; rewrite size_codom card_ord.
Definition index_bmaxrf n f := Ordinal (@bmaxrf_index n f).
Lemma ordnat i n (ord_i : (i < n)%N) : i = Ordinal ord_i :> nat.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma eq_index_bmaxrf n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) :
f (index_bmaxrf f) = bmaxrf f.
move: (bmaxrf_index f).
rewrite -[X in _ (_ < X)%N]card_ord -(size_codom f) index_mem.
move/(nth_index (f ord0)) => <-; rewrite (nth_map ord0).
by rewrite (ordnat (bmaxrf_index _)) /index_bmaxrf nth_ord_enum.
by rewrite size_enum_ord; apply: bmaxrf_index.
Lemma bmaxrf_lerif n (f : {ffun 'I_n.+1 -> R}) :
injective f -> forall i,
(f i) <= (bmaxrf f) ?= iff (i == index_bmaxrf f).
by move=> inj_f i; rewrite /Num.leif bmaxrf_ler -(inj_eq inj_f) eq_index_bmaxrf.
End bigmaxr.
End ssreal_struct_contd.
Require Import signed topology normedtype.
Section analysis_struct.
Canonical R_pointedType := [pointedType of R for pointed_of_zmodule R_ringType].
Canonical R_filteredType :=
[filteredType R of R for filtered_of_normedZmod R_normedZmodType].
Canonical R_topologicalType : topologicalType := TopologicalType R
(@nbhs_ball_normE _ R_normedZmodType)
(pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R_normedZmodType))).
Canonical R_uniformType : uniformType :=
UniformType R
(uniformityOfBallMixin (@nbhs_ball_normE _ R_normedZmodType)
(pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R_normedZmodType)).
Canonical R_pseudoMetricType : pseudoMetricType R_numDomainType :=
PseudoMetricType R (pseudoMetric_of_normedDomain R_normedZmodType).
(* TODO: express using ball?*)
Lemma continuity_pt_nbhs (f : R -> R) x :
continuity_pt f x <->
forall eps : {posnum R}, nbhs x (fun u => `|f u - f x| < eps%:num).
split=> [fcont e|fcont _/RltP/posnumP[e]]; last first.
have [_/posnumP[d] xd_fxe] := fcont e.
exists d%:num; split; first by apply/RltP; have := [gt0 of d%:num].
by move=> y [_ /RltP yxd]; apply/RltP/xd_fxe; rewrite /= distrC.
have /RltP egt0 := [gt0 of e%:num].
have [_ [/RltP/posnumP[d] dx_fxe]] := fcont e%:num egt0.
exists d%:num => //= y xyd; case: (eqVneq x y) => [->|xney].
by rewrite subrr normr0.
apply/RltP/dx_fxe; split; first by split=> //; apply/eqP.
by have /RltP := xyd; rewrite distrC.
Lemma continuity_pt_cvg (f : R -> R) (x : R) :
continuity_pt f x <-> {for x, continuous f}.
eapply iff_trans; first exact: continuity_pt_nbhs.
apply iff_sym.
have FF : Filter (f @ x).
by typeclasses eauto.
(*by apply fmap_filter; apply: @filter_filter' (locally_filter _).*)
case: (@cvg_ballP _ _ (f @ x) FF (f x)) => {FF}H1 H2.
(* TODO: in need for lemmas and/or refactoring of already existing lemmas (ball vs. Rabs) *)
split => [{H2} - /H1 {}H1 eps|{H1} H].
- have {H1} [//|_/posnumP[x0] Hx0] := H1 eps%:num.
exists x0%:num => //= Hx0' /Hx0 /=.
by rewrite /= distrC; apply.
- apply H2 => _ /posnumP[eps]; move: (H eps) => {H} [_ /posnumP[x0] Hx0].
exists x0%:num => //= y /Hx0 /= {}Hx0.
by rewrite /ball /= distrC.
Lemma continuity_ptE (f : R -> R) (x : R) :
continuity_pt f x <-> {for x, continuous f}.
Proof. exact: continuity_pt_cvg. Qed.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Lemma continuity_pt_cvg' f x :
continuity_pt f x <-> f @ x^' --> f x.
Proof. by rewrite continuity_ptE continuous_withinNx. Qed.
Lemma continuity_pt_dnbhs f x :
continuity_pt f x <->
forall eps, 0 < eps -> x^' (fun u => `|f x - f u| < eps).
rewrite continuity_pt_cvg' (@cvg_distP _ [normedModType _ of R^o]).
Lemma nbhs_pt_comp (P : R -> Prop) (f : R -> R) (x : R) :
nbhs (f x) P -> continuity_pt f x -> \near x, P (f x).
Proof. by move=> Lf /continuity_pt_cvg; apply. Qed.
End analysis_struct.