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(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
Require Import Reals.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat eqtype choice fintype bigop order ssralg ssrnum.
Require Import boolp reals Rstruct Rbar.
Require Import classical_sets posnum topology normedtype landau.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Section UniformBigO.
This section shows how we can formalize the uniform bigO from:
Boldo, Clément, Filliâtre, Mayero, Melquiond, Weis.
Wave Equation Numerical Resolution: A Comprehensive Mechanized Proof of a C
Journal of Automated Reasoning 2013.
The corresponding source code is here:
Context (A : Type) (P : set (R * R)).
Definition OuP (f : A -> R * R -> R) (g : R * R -> R) :=
{ alp : R & { C : R |
0 < alp /\ 0 < C /\
forall X : A, forall dX : R * R,
sqrt (Rsqr (fst dX) + Rsqr (snd dX)) < alp -> P dX ->
Rabs (f X dX) <= C * Rabs (g dX)}}.
(* first we replace sig with ex and the l^2 norm with the l^oo norm *)
Let normedR2 := [normedModType _ of (R^o * R^o)].
Definition OuPex (f : A -> R * R -> R^o) (g : R * R -> R^o) :=
exists2 alp, 0 < alp & exists2 C, 0 < C &
forall X, forall dX : normedR2,
`|dX| < alp -> P dX -> `|f X dX| <= C * `|g dX|.
Lemma ler_norm2 (x : normedR2) :
`|x| <= sqrt (Rsqr (fst x) + Rsqr (snd x)) <= Num.sqrt 2 * `|x|.
rewrite RsqrtE; last by rewrite addr_ge0 //; apply/RleP/Rle_0_sqr.
rewrite !Rsqr_pow2 !RpowE; apply/andP; split.
by rewrite le_maxl; apply/andP; split;
rewrite -[`|_|]sqrtr_sqr ler_wsqrtr // (ler_addl, ler_addr) sqr_ge0.
wlog lex12 : x / (`|x.1| <= `|x.2|).
move=> ler_norm; case: (lerP `|x.1| `|x.2|) => [/ler_norm|] //.
rewrite lt_leAnge => /andP [lex21 _].
by rewrite addrC [`|_|]maxC (ler_norm (x.2, x.1)).
rewrite [`|_|]max_r // -[X in X * _]ger0_norm // -normrM.
rewrite -sqrtr_sqr ler_wsqrtr // exprMn sqr_sqrtr // mulr_natl mulr2n ler_add2r.
rewrite -[_ ^+ 2]ger0_norm ?sqr_ge0 // -[X in _ <=X]ger0_norm ?sqr_ge0 //.
by rewrite !normrX ler_expn2r // nnegrE normr_ge0.
Lemma OuP_to_ex f g : OuP f g -> OuPex f g.
move=> [_ [_ [/posnumP[a] [/posnumP[C] fOg]]]].
exists (a%:num / Num.sqrt 2) => //; exists C%:num => // x dx ltdxa Pdx.
apply: fOg; move: ltdxa; rewrite ltr_pdivl_mulr //; apply: le_lt_trans.
by rewrite mulrC; have /andP[] := ler_norm2 dx.
Lemma Ouex_to_P f g : OuPex f g -> OuP f g.
move=> /exists2P /getPex; set Q := fun a => _ /\ _ => - [lt0getQ].
move=> /exists2P /getPex; set R := fun C => _ /\ _ => - [lt0getR fOg].
apply: existT (get Q) _; apply: exist (get R) _; split=> //; split => //.
move=> x dx ltdxgetQ; apply: fOg; apply: le_lt_trans ltdxgetQ.
by have /andP [] := ler_norm2 dx.
(* then we replace the epsilon/delta definition with bigO *)
Definition OuO (f : A -> R * R -> R^o) (g : R * R -> R^o) :=
(fun x => f x.1 x.2) =O_ (filter_prod [set setT]
(within P [filter of 0 : R^o * R^o])) (fun x => g x.2).
Lemma OuP_to_O f g : OuP f g -> OuO f g.
move=> /OuP_to_ex [_/posnumP[a] [_/posnumP[C] fOg]].
apply/eqOP; near=> k; near=> x; apply: le_trans (fOg _ _ _ _) _; last 2 first.
- by near: x; exists (setT, P); [split=> //=; apply: withinT|move=> ? []].
- rewrite ler_pmul => //; near: k; exists C%:num; split.
exact: posnum_real.
by move=> ?; rewrite lt_leAnge => /andP[].
- near: x; exists (setT, ball (0 : R^o * R^o) a%:num).
by split=> //=; rewrite /within; near=> x =>_; near: x; apply: nbhsx_ballx.
move=> x [_ [/=]]; rewrite -ball_normE /= distrC subr0 distrC subr0.
by move=> ??; rewrite lt_maxl; apply/andP.
Grab Existential Variables. all: end_near. Qed.
Lemma OuO_to_P f g : OuO f g -> OuP f g.
move=> fOg; apply/Ouex_to_P; move: fOg => /eqOP [k [kreal hk]].
have /hk [Q [->]] : k < maxr 1 (k + 1) by rewrite lt_maxr ltr_addl orbC ltr01.
move=> [R [[_/posnumP[e1] Re1] [_/posnumP[e2] Re2]] sRQ] fOg.
exists (minr e1%:num e2%:num) => //.
exists (maxr 1 (k + 1)); first by rewrite lt_maxr ltr01.
move=> x dx dxe Pdx; apply: (fOg (x, dx)); split=> //=.
move: dxe; rewrite lt_maxl !lt_minr => /andP[/andP [dxe11 _] /andP [_ dxe22]].
by apply/sRQ => //; split; [apply/Re1|apply/Re2]; rewrite /= distrC subr0.
End UniformBigO.