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Copyright (c) 2021 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury Kudryashov
import analysis.calculus.inverse
import linear_algebra.dual
# Lagrange multipliers
In this file we formalize the
[Lagrange multipliers]( method of solving
conditional extremum problems: if a function `Ο` has a local extremum at `xβ` on the set
`f β»ΒΉ' {f xβ}`, `f x = (fβ x, ..., fβββ x)`, then the differentials of `fβ` and `Ο` are linearly
dependent. First we formulate a geometric version of this theorem which does not rely on the
target space being `ββΏ`, then restate it in terms of coordinates.
Formalize Karush-Kuhn-Tucker theorem
## Tags
lagrange multiplier, local extremum
open filter set
open_locale topological_space filter big_operators
variables {E F : Type*} [normed_add_comm_group E] [normed_space β E] [complete_space E]
[normed_add_comm_group F] [normed_space β F] [complete_space F]
{f : E β F} {Ο : E β β} {xβ : E} {f' : E βL[β] F} {Ο' : E βL[β] β}
/-- Lagrange multipliers theorem: if `Ο : E β β` has a local extremum on the set `{x | f x = f xβ}`
at `xβ`, both `f : E β F` and `Ο` are strictly differentiable at `xβ`, and the codomain of `f` is
a complete space, then the linear map `x β¦ (f' x, Ο' x)` is not surjective. -/
lemma is_local_extr_on.range_ne_top_of_has_strict_fderiv_at
(hextr : is_local_extr_on Ο {x | f x = f xβ} xβ) (hf' : has_strict_fderiv_at f f' xβ)
(hΟ' : has_strict_fderiv_at Ο Ο' xβ) :
(f'.prod Ο').range β β€ :=
intro htop,
set fΟ := Ξ» x, (f x, Ο x),
have A : map Ο (π[f β»ΒΉ' {f xβ}] xβ) = π (Ο xβ),
{ change map (prod.snd β fΟ) (π[fΟ β»ΒΉ' {p | p.1 = f xβ}] xβ) = π (Ο xβ),
rw [β map_map, nhds_within, map_inf_principal_preimage,
(hf'.prod hΟ').map_nhds_eq_of_surj htop],
exact map_snd_nhds_within _ },
exact hextr.not_nhds_le_map
/-- Lagrange multipliers theorem: if `Ο : E β β` has a local extremum on the set `{x | f x = f xβ}`
at `xβ`, both `f : E β F` and `Ο` are strictly differentiable at `xβ`, and the codomain of `f` is
a complete space, then there exist `Ξ : dual β F` and `Ξβ : β` such that `(Ξ, Ξβ) β 0` and
`Ξ (f' x) + Ξβ β’ Ο' x = 0` for all `x`. -/
lemma is_local_extr_on.exists_linear_map_of_has_strict_fderiv_at
(hextr : is_local_extr_on Ο {x | f x = f xβ} xβ) (hf' : has_strict_fderiv_at f f' xβ)
(hΟ' : has_strict_fderiv_at Ο Ο' xβ) :
β (Ξ : module.dual β F) (Ξβ : β), (Ξ, Ξβ) β 0 β§ β x, Ξ (f' x) + Ξβ β’ Ο' x = 0 :=
rcases submodule.exists_le_ker_of_lt_top _
(lt_top_iff_ne_top.2 $ hextr.range_ne_top_of_has_strict_fderiv_at hf' hΟ') with β¨Ξ', h0, hΞ'β©,
set e : ((F ββ[β] β) Γ β) ββ[β] (F Γ β ββ[β] β) :=
((linear_equiv.refl β (F ββ[β] β)).prod (linear_map.ring_lmap_equiv_self β β β).symm).trans
(linear_map.coprod_equiv β),
rcases e.surjective Ξ' with β¨β¨Ξ, Ξββ©, rflβ©,
refine β¨Ξ, Ξβ, e.map_ne_zero_iff.1 h0, Ξ» x, _β©,
convert linear_map.congr_fun (linear_map.range_le_ker_iff.1 hΞ') x using 1,
-- squeezed `simp [mul_comm]` to speed up elaboration
simp only [linear_map.coprod_equiv_apply, linear_equiv.refl_apply,
linear_map.ring_lmap_equiv_self_symm_apply, linear_map.comp_apply,
continuous_linear_map.coe_coe, continuous_linear_map.prod_apply,
linear_equiv.trans_apply, linear_equiv.prod_apply, linear_map.coprod_apply,
linear_map.smul_right_apply, linear_map.one_apply, smul_eq_mul, mul_comm]
/-- Lagrange multipliers theorem: if `Ο : E β β` has a local extremum on the set `{x | f x = f xβ}`
at `xβ`, and both `f : E β β` and `Ο` are strictly differentiable at `xβ`, then there exist
`a b : β` such that `(a, b) β 0` and `a β’ f' + b β’ Ο' = 0`. -/
lemma is_local_extr_on.exists_multipliers_of_has_strict_fderiv_at_1d
{f : E β β} {f' : E βL[β] β}
(hextr : is_local_extr_on Ο {x | f x = f xβ} xβ) (hf' : has_strict_fderiv_at f f' xβ)
(hΟ' : has_strict_fderiv_at Ο Ο' xβ) :
β (a b : β), (a, b) β 0 β§ a β’ f' + b β’ Ο' = 0 :=
obtain β¨Ξ, Ξβ, hΞ, hfΞβ© := hextr.exists_linear_map_of_has_strict_fderiv_at hf' hΟ',
refine β¨Ξ 1, Ξβ, _, _β©,
{ contrapose! hΞ,
simp only [prod.mk_eq_zero] at β’ hΞ,
refine β¨linear_map.ext (Ξ» x, _), hΞ.2β©,
simpa [hΞ.1] using Ξ.map_smul x 1 },
{ ext x,
have Hβ : Ξ (f' x) = f' x * Ξ 1,
{ simpa only [mul_one,] using Ξ.map_smul (f' x) 1 },
have Hβ : f' x * Ξ 1 + Ξβ * Ο' x = 0,
{ simpa only [, Hβ] using hfΞ x },
simpa [mul_comm] using Hβ }
/-- Lagrange multipliers theorem, 1d version. Let `f : ΞΉ β E β β` be a finite family of functions.
Suppose that `Ο : E β β` has a local extremum on the set `{x | β i, f i x = f i xβ}` at `xβ`.
Suppose that all functions `f i` as well as `Ο` are strictly differentiable at `xβ`.
Then the derivatives `f' i : E β L[β] β` and `Ο' : E βL[β] β` are linearly dependent:
there exist `Ξ : ΞΉ β β` and `Ξβ : β`, `(Ξ, Ξβ) β 0`, such that `β i, Ξ i β’ f' i + Ξβ β’ Ο' = 0`.
See also `is_local_extr_on.linear_dependent_of_has_strict_fderiv_at` for a version that
states `Β¬linear_independent β _` instead of existence of `Ξ` and `Ξβ`. -/
lemma is_local_extr_on.exists_multipliers_of_has_strict_fderiv_at {ΞΉ : Type*} [fintype ΞΉ]
{f : ΞΉ β E β β} {f' : ΞΉ β E βL[β] β}
(hextr : is_local_extr_on Ο {x | β i, f i x = f i xβ} xβ)
(hf' : β i, has_strict_fderiv_at (f i) (f' i) xβ)
(hΟ' : has_strict_fderiv_at Ο Ο' xβ) :
β (Ξ : ΞΉ β β) (Ξβ : β), (Ξ, Ξβ) β 0 β§ β i, Ξ i β’ f' i + Ξβ β’ Ο' = 0 :=
letI := classical.dec_eq ΞΉ,
replace hextr : is_local_extr_on Ο {x | (Ξ» i, f i x) = (Ξ» i, f i xβ)} xβ,
by simpa only [function.funext_iff] using hextr,
rcases hextr.exists_linear_map_of_has_strict_fderiv_at
(has_strict_fderiv_at_pi.2 (Ξ» i, hf' i)) hΟ'
with β¨Ξ, Ξβ, h0, hsumβ©,
rcases (linear_equiv.pi_ring β β ΞΉ β).symm.surjective Ξ with β¨Ξ, rflβ©,
refine β¨Ξ, Ξβ, _, _β©,
{ simpa only [ne.def, prod.ext_iff, linear_equiv.map_eq_zero_iff, prod.fst_zero] using h0 },
{ ext x, simpa [mul_comm] using hsum x }
/-- Lagrange multipliers theorem. Let `f : ΞΉ β E β β` be a finite family of functions.
Suppose that `Ο : E β β` has a local extremum on the set `{x | β i, f i x = f i xβ}` at `xβ`.
Suppose that all functions `f i` as well as `Ο` are strictly differentiable at `xβ`.
Then the derivatives `f' i : E β L[β] β` and `Ο' : E βL[β] β` are linearly dependent.
See also `is_local_extr_on.exists_multipliers_of_has_strict_fderiv_at` for a version that
that states existence of Lagrange multipliers `Ξ` and `Ξβ` instead of using
`Β¬linear_independent β _` -/
lemma is_local_extr_on.linear_dependent_of_has_strict_fderiv_at {ΞΉ : Type*} [fintype ΞΉ]
{f : ΞΉ β E β β} {f' : ΞΉ β E βL[β] β}
(hextr : is_local_extr_on Ο {x | β i, f i x = f i xβ} xβ)
(hf' : β i, has_strict_fderiv_at (f i) (f' i) xβ)
(hΟ' : has_strict_fderiv_at Ο Ο' xβ) :
Β¬linear_independent β (option.elim Ο' f' : option ΞΉ β E βL[β] β) :=
rw [fintype.linear_independent_iff], push_neg,
rcases hextr.exists_multipliers_of_has_strict_fderiv_at hf' hΟ' with β¨Ξ, Ξβ, hΞ, hΞfβ©,
refine β¨option.elim Ξβ Ξ, _, _β©,
{ simpa [add_comm] using hΞf },
{ simpa [function.funext_iff, not_and_distrib, or_comm, option.exists] using hΞ }