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Title: Publisher_Subscriber.thy | |
Author: Diego Marmsoler | |
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section "A Theory of Publisher-Subscriber Architectures" | |
text\<open> | |
In the following, we formalize the specification of the publisher subscriber pattern as described in~\cite{Marmsoler2018c}. | |
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theory Publisher_Subscriber | |
imports Singleton | |
begin | |
subsection "Subscriptions" | |
datatype 'evt subscription = sub 'evt | unsub 'evt | |
subsection "Publisher-Subscriber Architectures" | |
locale publisher_subscriber = | |
pb: singleton pbactive pbcmp + | |
sb: dynamic_component sbcmp sbactive | |
for pbactive :: "'pid \<Rightarrow> cnf \<Rightarrow> bool" ("\<parallel>_\<parallel>\<^bsub>_\<^esub>" [0,110]60) | |
and pbcmp :: "'pid \<Rightarrow> cnf \<Rightarrow> 'PB" ("\<sigma>\<^bsub>_\<^esub>(_)" [0,110]60) | |
and sbactive :: "'sid \<Rightarrow> cnf \<Rightarrow> bool" ("\<parallel>_\<parallel>\<^bsub>_\<^esub>" [0,110]60) | |
and sbcmp :: "'sid \<Rightarrow> cnf \<Rightarrow> 'SB" ("\<sigma>\<^bsub>_\<^esub>(_)" [0,110]60) + | |
fixes pbsb :: "'PB \<Rightarrow> ('evt set) subscription set" | |
and pbnt :: "'PB \<Rightarrow> ('evt \<times> 'msg)" | |
and sbnt :: "'SB \<Rightarrow> ('evt \<times> 'msg) set" | |
and sbsb :: "'SB \<Rightarrow> ('evt set) subscription" | |
assumes conn1: "\<And>k pid. \<parallel>pid\<parallel>\<^bsub>k\<^esub> | |
\<Longrightarrow> pbsb (\<sigma>\<^bsub>pid\<^esub>(k)) = (\<Union>sid\<in>{sid. \<parallel>sid\<parallel>\<^bsub>k\<^esub>}. {sbsb (\<sigma>\<^bsub>sid\<^esub>(k))})" | |
and conn2: "\<And>t n n'' sid pid E e m. | |
\<lbrakk>t \<in> arch; \<parallel>pid\<parallel>\<^bsub>t n\<^esub>; \<parallel>sid\<parallel>\<^bsub>t n\<^esub>; sub E = sbsb (\<sigma>\<^bsub>sid\<^esub>(t n)); n''\<ge> n; e \<in> E; | |
\<nexists>n' E'. n' \<ge> n \<and> n' \<le> n'' \<and> \<parallel>sid\<parallel>\<^bsub>t n'\<^esub> \<and> | |
unsub E' = sbsb (\<sigma>\<^bsub>sid\<^esub>(t n')) \<and> e \<in> E'; | |
(e, m) = pbnt (\<sigma>\<^bsub>pid\<^esub>(t n'')); \<parallel>sid\<parallel>\<^bsub>t n''\<^esub>\<rbrakk> | |
\<Longrightarrow> pbnt (\<sigma>\<^bsub>pid\<^esub>(t n'')) \<in> sbnt (\<sigma>\<^bsub>sid\<^esub>(t n''))" | |
begin | |
subsubsection "Calculus Interpretation" | |
text \<open> | |
\noindent | |
@{thm[source] pb.baIA}: @{thm pb.baIA [no_vars]} | |
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\noindent | |
@{thm[source] sb.baIA}: @{thm sb.baIA [no_vars]} | |
\<close> | |
subsubsection "Results from Singleton" | |
abbreviation the_pb :: "'pid" where | |
"the_pb \<equiv> pb.the_singleton" | |
text \<open> | |
\noindent | |
@{thm[source] pb.ts_prop(1)}: @{thm pb.ts_prop(1) [no_vars]} | |
\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
\noindent | |
@{thm[source] pb.ts_prop(2)}: @{thm pb.ts_prop(2) [no_vars]} | |
\<close> | |
subsubsection "Architectural Guarantees" | |
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The following theorem ensures that a subscriber indeed receives all messages associated with an event for which he is subscribed. | |
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theorem msgDelivery: | |
fixes t n n'' and sid::'sid and E e m | |
assumes "t \<in> arch" | |
and "\<parallel>sid\<parallel>\<^bsub>t n\<^esub>" | |
and "sub E = sbsb (\<sigma>\<^bsub>sid\<^esub>(t n))" | |
and "n'' \<ge> n" | |
and "\<nexists>n' E'. n' \<ge> n \<and> n' \<le> n'' \<and> \<parallel>sid\<parallel>\<^bsub>t n'\<^esub> \<and> unsub E' = sbsb(\<sigma>\<^bsub>sid\<^esub>(t n')) | |
\<and> e \<in> E'" | |
and "e \<in> E" | |
and "(e,m) = pbnt (\<sigma>\<^bsub>the_pb\<^esub>(t n''))" | |
and "\<parallel>sid\<parallel>\<^bsub>t n''\<^esub>" | |
shows "(e,m) \<in> sbnt (\<sigma>\<^bsub>sid\<^esub>(t n''))" | |
using assms conn2 pb.ts_prop(2) by simp | |
text \<open> | |
Since a publisher is actually a singleton, we can provide an alternative version of constraint @{thm[source] conn1}. | |
\<close> | |
lemma conn1A: | |
fixes k | |
shows "pbsb (\<sigma>\<^bsub>the_pb\<^esub>(k)) = (\<Union>sid\<in>{sid. \<parallel>sid\<parallel>\<^bsub>k\<^esub>}. {sbsb (\<sigma>\<^bsub>sid\<^esub>(k))})" | |
using conn1[OF pb.ts_prop(2)] . | |
end | |
end |