Text Generation
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(* Title: AF_Stream.thy | |
Date: Jan 2007 | |
Author: David Trachtenherz | |
*) | |
section \<open>\textsc{AutoFocus} message streams\<close> | |
theory AF_Stream | |
imports ListSlice | |
begin | |
subsection \<open>Basic definitions\<close> | |
subsubsection \<open>Time-synchronous streams\<close> | |
datatype 'a message_af = NoMsg | Msg 'a | |
notation (latex) | |
NoMsg ("\<NoMsg>") and | |
Msg ("\<Msg>") | |
text \<open>Abbreviation for finite streams\<close> | |
type_synonym 'a fstream_af = "'a message_af list" | |
text \<open>Abbreviation for infinite streams\<close> | |
type_synonym 'a istream_af = "'a message_af ilist" | |
lemma not_NoMsg_eq: "(m \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) = (\<exists>x. m = \<Msg> x)" | |
by (case_tac m, simp_all) | |
lemma not_Msg_eq: "(\<forall>x. m \<noteq> \<Msg> x) = (m = \<NoMsg>) " | |
by (case_tac m, simp_all) | |
primrec the_af :: "'a message_af \<Rightarrow> 'a" | |
where "the_af (\<Msg> x) = x" | |
text \<open> | |
By this definition one can determine, | |
whether data elements of different data structures with messages, | |
especially product types of arbitrary sizes and records, | |
are pointwise equal to NoMsg, i.e., contain only NoMsg entries.\<close> | |
consts is_NoMsg :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
overloading is_NoMsg \<equiv> "is_NoMsg :: 'a message_af \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
begin | |
primrec is_NoMsg :: "'a message_af \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
"is_NoMsg \<NoMsg> = True" | |
| "is_NoMsg (\<Msg> x) = False" | |
end | |
overloading is_NoMsg \<equiv> "is_NoMsg :: ('a \<times> 'b) \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
begin | |
definition is_NoMsg_tuple_def : | |
"is_NoMsg (p::'a \<times> 'b) \<equiv> (is_NoMsg (fst p) \<and> is_NoMsg (snd p))" | |
end | |
overloading is_NoMsg \<equiv> "is_NoMsg :: 'a set \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
begin | |
definition is_NoMsg_set_def : | |
"is_NoMsg (A::'a set) \<equiv> (\<forall>x\<in>A. is_NoMsg x)" | |
end | |
record SomeRecordExample = | |
Field1 :: "nat message_af" | |
Field2 :: "int message_af" | |
Field3 :: "int message_af" | |
overloading is_NoMsg \<equiv> "is_NoMsg :: 'a SomeRecordExample_scheme \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
begin | |
definition is_NoMsg_SomeRecordExample_def : | |
"is_NoMsg (r:: 'a SomeRecordExample_scheme) \<equiv> | |
Field1 r = \<NoMsg> \<and> Field2 r = \<NoMsg> \<and> Field3 r = \<NoMsg>" | |
end | |
definition is_Msg :: "'a \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "is_Msg x \<equiv> (\<not> is_NoMsg x)" | |
lemma is_NoMsg_message_af_conv: "is_NoMsg m = (case m of \<NoMsg> \<Rightarrow> True | \<Msg> x \<Rightarrow> False)" | |
by (case_tac m, simp+) | |
lemma is_NoMsg_message_af_conv2: "is_NoMsg m = (m = \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (case_tac m, simp+) | |
lemma is_Msg_message_af_conv: "is_Msg m = (case m of \<NoMsg> \<Rightarrow> False | \<Msg> x \<Rightarrow> True)" | |
by (unfold is_Msg_def, case_tac m, simp+) | |
lemma is_Msg_message_af_conv2: "is_Msg m = (m \<noteq> \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (unfold is_Msg_def, case_tac m, simp+) | |
text \<open>Collection for definitions for \<open>is_NoMsg\<close>.\<close> | |
named_theorems is_NoMsg_defs | |
declare | |
is_NoMsg_tuple_def[is_NoMsg_defs] | |
is_NoMsg_set_def [is_NoMsg_defs] | |
is_NoMsg_SomeRecordExample_def[is_NoMsg_defs] | |
is_Msg_def[is_NoMsg_defs] | |
lemma not_is_NoMsg: "(\<not> is_NoMsg m) = is_Msg m" | |
by (simp add: is_NoMsg_defs) | |
lemma not_is_Msg: "(\<not> is_Msg m) = is_NoMsg m" | |
by (simp add: is_NoMsg_defs) | |
lemma "is_NoMsg (\<NoMsg>::(nat message_af))" | |
by simp | |
lemma "is_NoMsg (\<NoMsg>::(nat message_af), \<NoMsg>::(nat message_af))" | |
by (simp add: is_NoMsg_defs) | |
lemma "is_NoMsg (\<NoMsg>::(nat message_af), \<NoMsg>::(nat message_af), \<NoMsg>::(nat message_af))" | |
by (simp add: is_NoMsg_defs) | |
lemma "is_Msg (\<NoMsg>::(nat message_af), \<Msg> (1::nat), \<NoMsg>::(nat message_af))" | |
by (simp add: is_NoMsg_defs) | |
lemma "is_NoMsg {\<NoMsg>::(nat message_af), \<NoMsg>}" | |
by (simp add: is_NoMsg_defs) | |
lemma "is_Msg {\<NoMsg>::(nat message_af), \<Msg> 1}" | |
by (simp add: is_NoMsg_defs) | |
lemma "is_NoMsg \<lparr> Field1 = \<NoMsg>, Field2 = \<NoMsg>, Field3 = \<NoMsg> \<rparr>" | |
by (simp add: is_NoMsg_defs) | |
lemma "is_Msg \<lparr> Field1 = \<NoMsg>, Field2 = Msg 1, Field3 = \<NoMsg> \<rparr>" | |
by (simp add: is_NoMsg_defs) | |
subsubsection \<open>Time abstraction\<close> | |
(* Time abstraction: | |
Extracts non-empty messages from a stream = | |
time abstraction for time-synchronous streams*) | |
primrec untime :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'a list" (*("\<registered>_" 100)*) | |
where | |
"untime [] = []" | |
| "untime (x#xs) = | |
(if x = \<NoMsg> | |
then (untime xs) | |
else (the_af x) # (untime xs))" | |
lemma untime_eq_filter[rule_format]: " | |
map (\<lambda>x. \<Msg> x) (untime s) = filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) s" | |
apply (induct s, simp) | |
apply (case_tac a, simp_all) | |
done | |
text \<open>The following lemma involves @{term the_af} function | |
and thus is some more limited than the previous lemma\<close> | |
corollary untime_eq_filter2[rule_format]: " | |
untime s = map (\<lambda>x. the_af x) (filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) s)" | |
by (induct s, simp_all) | |
definition untime_length :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> nat" | |
where "untime_length s \<equiv> length (untime s)" | |
primrec untime_length_cnt :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> nat" | |
where | |
"untime_length_cnt [] = 0" | |
| "untime_length_cnt (x # xs) = | |
(if x = \<NoMsg> then 0 else Suc 0) + untime_length_cnt xs" | |
lemma untime_length_eq_untime_length_cnt: " | |
untime_length s = untime_length_cnt s" | |
by (induct s, simp_all add: untime_length_def) | |
definition untime_length_filter :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> nat" | |
where "untime_length_filter s \<equiv> length (filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) s)" | |
lemma untime_length_filter_eq_untime_length: " | |
untime_length_filter s = untime_length s" | |
apply (unfold untime_length_def untime_length_filter_def) | |
apply (simp add: untime_eq_filter2) | |
done | |
lemma untime_empty_conv: "(untime s = []) = (\<forall>n<length s. s ! n = \<NoMsg>)" | |
apply (induct s) | |
apply simp | |
apply (force simp add: nth.simps split: nat.split) | |
done | |
lemma untime_not_empty_conv: "(untime s \<noteq> []) = (\<exists>n<length s. s ! n \<noteq> \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (simp add: untime_empty_conv) | |
corollary untime_empty_imp_NoMsg[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> untime s = []; n < length s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s ! n = \<NoMsg>" | |
by (rule untime_empty_conv[THEN iffD1, rule_format]) | |
lemma untime_nth_eq_filter: " | |
n < untime_length s \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<Msg> (untime s ! n) = (filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) s) ! n" | |
by (simp add: untime_eq_filter[symmetric] untime_length_def) | |
corollary untime_nth_eq_filter2: " | |
n < untime_length s \<Longrightarrow> | |
untime s ! n = the_af ((filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) s) ! n)" | |
by (simp add: untime_length_def untime_nth_eq_filter[symmetric]) | |
lemma untime_hd_eq_filter_hd: " | |
untime s \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<Msg> (hd (untime s)) = hd (filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) s)" | |
by (simp add: untime_eq_filter[symmetric] hd_eq_first[symmetric]) | |
corollary untime_hd_eq_filter_hd2: " | |
untime s \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> | |
hd (untime s) = the_af (hd (filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) s))" | |
by (simp add: untime_hd_eq_filter_hd[symmetric]) | |
lemma untime_last_eq_filter_last: " | |
untime s \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<Msg> (last (untime s)) = last (filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) s)" | |
by (simp add: untime_eq_filter[symmetric] last_nth) | |
corollary untime_last_eq_filter_last2: " | |
untime s \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> | |
last (untime s) = the_af (last (filter (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) s))" | |
by (simp add: untime_last_eq_filter_last[symmetric]) | |
subsection \<open>Expanding and compressing lists and streams\<close> | |
subsubsection \<open>Expanding message streams\<close> | |
primrec f_expand :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream_af" (infixl "\<odot>\<^sub>f" 100) | |
where | |
f_expand_Nil: "[] \<odot>\<^sub>f k = []" | |
| f_expand_Cons: "(x # xs) \<odot>\<^sub>f k = | |
(if 0 < k then x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup> @ (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) else [])" | |
definition i_expand :: "'a istream_af \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a istream_af" (infixl "\<odot>\<^sub>i" 100) | |
where | |
"i_expand \<equiv> \<lambda>f k n. | |
(if k = 0 then \<NoMsg> else | |
if n mod k = 0 then f (n div k) else \<NoMsg>)" | |
primrec f_expand_Suc :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream_af" (infixl "\<odot>\<^bsub>fSuc\<^esub>" 100) | |
where | |
"f_expand_Suc [] k = []" | |
| "f_expand_Suc (x # xs) k = x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k\<^esup> @ (f_expand_Suc xs k)" | |
definition i_expand_Suc :: "'a istream_af \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a istream_af" (infixl "\<odot>\<^bsub>iSuc\<^esub>" 100) | |
where "i_expand_Suc \<equiv> \<lambda>f k n. if n mod (Suc k) = 0 then f (n div (Suc k)) else \<NoMsg>" | |
notation | |
f_expand (infixl "\<odot>" 100) and | |
i_expand (infixl "\<odot>" 100) | |
lemma length_f_expand_Suc[simp]: "length (f_expand_Suc xs k) = length xs * Suc k" | |
by (induct xs, simp+) | |
lemma i_expand_if: " | |
f \<odot>\<^sub>i k = (if k = 0 then (\<lambda>n. \<NoMsg>) else | |
(\<lambda>n. if n mod k = 0 then f (n div k) else \<NoMsg>))" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_def ilist_eq_iff) | |
lemma f_expand_one: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> [a] \<odot>\<^sub>f k = a # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>" | |
by simp | |
lemma f_expand_0[simp]: "xs \<odot>\<^sub>f 0 = []" | |
by (induct xs, simp+) | |
corollary f_expand_0_is_zero_element: "xs \<odot>\<^sub>f 0 = ys \<odot>\<^sub>f 0" | |
by simp | |
lemma i_expand_0[simp]: "f \<odot>\<^sub>i 0 = (\<lambda>n. \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_def) | |
corollary i_expand_0_is_zero_element: "f \<odot>\<^sub>i 0 = g \<odot>\<^sub>i 0" | |
by simp | |
lemma f_expand_gr0_f_expand_Suc: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k = f_expand_Suc xs (k - Suc 0)" | |
by (induct xs, simp+) | |
lemma i_expand_gr0_i_expand_Suc: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> f \<odot>\<^sub>i k = i_expand_Suc f (k - Suc 0)" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_def i_expand_Suc_def ilist_eq_iff) | |
lemma i_expand_gr0: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> f \<odot>\<^sub>i k = (\<lambda>n. if n mod k = 0 then f (n div k) else \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_if) | |
lemma f_expand_1[simp]: "xs \<odot>\<^sub>f Suc 0 = xs" | |
by (induct xs, simp+) | |
lemma i_expand_1[simp]: "f \<odot>\<^sub>i Suc 0 = f" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_gr0) | |
lemma f_expand_length[simp]: "length (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) = length xs * k" | |
apply (case_tac k, simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_expand_gr0_f_expand_Suc) | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_empty_conv: "(xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k = []) = (xs = [] \<or> k = 0)" | |
by (simp add: length_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_0_conv) | |
lemma f_expand_not_empty_conv: "(xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<noteq> []) = (xs \<noteq> [] \<and> 0 < k)" | |
by (simp add: f_expand_empty_conv) | |
lemma f_expand_Cons: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (x # xs) \<odot>\<^sub>f k = x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup> @ (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k)" | |
by simp | |
lemma f_expand_append[simp]: "\<And>ys. (xs @ ys) \<odot>\<^sub>f k = (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) @ (ys \<odot>\<^sub>f k)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (induct xs, simp+) | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_snoc: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ [x]) \<odot>\<^sub>f k = xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k @ x # replicate (k - Suc 0) \<NoMsg>" | |
by simp | |
lemma f_expand_nth_mult: "\<And>n. | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs; 0 < k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) ! (n * k) = xs ! n" | |
apply (induct xs) | |
apply simp | |
apply (case_tac n, simp) | |
apply (simp add: nth_append append_Cons[symmetric] del: append_Cons) | |
done | |
lemma i_expand_nth_mult: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<odot>\<^sub>i k) (n * k) = f n" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_gr0) | |
lemma f_expand_nth_if: "\<And>n. | |
n < length xs * k \<Longrightarrow> | |
(xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) ! n = (if n mod k = 0 then xs ! (n div k) else \<NoMsg>)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (simp, intro conjI impI) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: f_expand_nth_mult mult.commute[of k] elim!: dvdE) | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (simp add: nth_append append_Cons[symmetric] del: append_Cons) | |
apply (intro conjI impI) | |
apply (simp add: nth_Cons') | |
apply (case_tac "length xs = 0", simp) | |
apply (simp add: add.commute[of k] diff_less_conv[symmetric] mod_diff_self2) | |
done | |
corollary f_expand_nth_mod_eq_0: " | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs * k; n mod k = 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) ! n = xs ! (n div k)" | |
by (simp add: f_expand_nth_if) | |
corollary f_expand_nth_mod_neq_0: " | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs * k; 0 < n mod k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) ! n = \<NoMsg>" | |
by (simp add: f_expand_nth_if) | |
lemma f_expand_nth_0_upto_k_minus_1_if: " | |
\<lbrakk> t < length xs; n = t * k + i; i < k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) ! n = (if i = 0 then xs ! t else \<NoMsg>)" | |
apply (subst f_expand_nth_if) | |
apply (drule Suc_leI[of t]) | |
apply (drule mult_le_mono1[of _ _ k]) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_take_mult: "xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<down> (n * k) = (xs \<down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k" | |
apply (clarsimp simp add: list_eq_iff min_def) | |
apply (rename_tac i) | |
apply (case_tac "\<not> i < n * k", simp) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "i < length xs * k") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (rule_tac y="n * k" in order_le_less_trans, simp+) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: f_expand_nth_if elim!: dvdE) | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_take_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<down> n = xs \<down> (n div k) \<odot>\<^sub>f k" | |
by (clarsimp simp: mult.commute[of k] f_expand_take_mult elim!: dvdE) | |
lemma f_expand_drop_mult: "xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<up> (n * k) = (xs \<up> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k" | |
apply (insert arg_cong[OF append_take_drop_id, of "\<lambda>x. x \<odot>\<^sub>f k" n xs]) | |
apply (drule ssubst[OF append_take_drop_id, of _ "xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k" "n * k"]) | |
apply (simp only: f_expand_append) | |
apply (simp only: f_expand_take_mult) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<up> n = xs \<up> (n div k) \<odot>\<^sub>f k" | |
by (clarsimp simp: mult.commute[of k] f_expand_drop_mult elim!: dvdE) | |
lemma f_expand_take_mult_Suc: " | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs; i < k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<down> (n * k + Suc i) = (xs \<down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k @ (xs ! n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>i\<^esup>)" | |
apply (subgoal_tac "n * k + Suc i \<le> length xs * k") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (drule Suc_leI[of n]) | |
apply (drule mult_le_mono1[of "Suc n" _ k]) | |
apply simp | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff min_eqR nth_append f_expand_nth_if min_def nth_Cons' elim!: dvdE) | |
apply (simp add: mult.commute[of k] linorder_not_less) | |
apply (drule_tac n=ka in le_neq_implies_less, simp+) | |
apply (drule_tac n=ka in Suc_leI) | |
apply (drule_tac j=ka in mult_le_mono1[of _ _ k]) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_take_Suc: " | |
n < length xs * k \<Longrightarrow> | |
xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<down> Suc n = (xs \<down> (n div k)) \<odot>\<^sub>f k @ (xs ! (n div k) # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n mod k\<^esup>)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (insert f_expand_take_mult_Suc[of "n div k" xs "n mod k" k]) | |
apply (simp add: div_less_conv) | |
done | |
lemma i_expand_nth_if: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<odot>\<^sub>i k) n = (if n mod k = 0 then f (n div k) else \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_gr0) | |
corollary i_expand_nth_mod_eq_0: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n mod k = 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (f \<odot>\<^sub>i k) n = f (n div k)" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_gr0) | |
corollary i_expand_nth_mod_neq_0: " | |
0 < n mod k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<odot>\<^sub>i k) n = \<NoMsg>" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (simp add: i_expand_gr0) | |
done | |
lemma i_expand_nth_0_upto_k_minus_1_if: " | |
\<lbrakk> n = t * k + i; i < k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(f \<odot>\<^sub>i k) n = (if i = 0 then f t else \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_nth_if) | |
lemma i_expand_i_take_mult: "f \<odot>\<^sub>i k \<Down> (n * k) = (f \<Down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff i_expand_nth_if f_expand_nth_if elim!: dvdE) | |
done | |
lemma i_expand_i_take_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> f \<odot>\<^sub>i k \<Down> n = f \<Down> (n div k) \<odot>\<^sub>f k" | |
by (clarsimp simp: mult.commute[of k] i_expand_i_take_mult elim!: dvdE) | |
lemma i_expand_i_drop_mult: "(f \<odot>\<^sub>i k) \<Up> (n * k) = (f \<Up> n) \<odot>\<^sub>i k" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff i_expand_nth_if) | |
done | |
lemma i_expand_i_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> f \<odot>\<^sub>i k \<Up> n = f \<Up> (n div k) \<odot>\<^sub>i k" | |
by (clarsimp simp: mult.commute[of k] i_expand_i_drop_mult elim!: dvdE) | |
lemma i_expand_i_take_mult_Suc: " | |
i < k \<Longrightarrow> f \<odot>\<^sub>i k \<Down> (n * k + Suc i) = (f \<Down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k @ (f n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>i\<^esup>)" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff, rename_tac i') | |
apply (clarsimp simp: i_expand_nth_if f_expand_nth_if nth_append nth_Cons' elim!: dvdE) | |
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less mult.commute[of k]) | |
apply (drule_tac n=ka in le_neq_implies_less, simp+) | |
apply (drule_tac n=ka in Suc_leI) | |
apply (drule_tac j=ka in mult_le_mono1[of _ _ k]) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma i_expand_i_take_Suc: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> f \<odot>\<^sub>i k \<Down> Suc n = (f \<Down> (n div k)) \<odot>\<^sub>f k @ (f (n div k) # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n mod k\<^esup>)" | |
apply (insert i_expand_i_take_mult_Suc[of "n mod k" k "n div k" f]) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_nth_interval_eq_nth_append_replicate_NoMsg[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; t < length xs; t * k \<le> t1; t1 \<le> t * k + k - Suc 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<down> Suc t1 \<up> (t * k) = xs ! t # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>t1 - t * k\<^esup>" | |
apply (rule_tac t="Suc t1" and s="t * k + Suc (t1 - t * k)" in subst, simp) | |
apply (subst f_expand_take_mult_Suc) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_nth_interval_eq_replicate_NoMsg: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; t * k < t1; t1 \<le> t2; t2 \<le> t * k + k; t2 \<le> length xs * k\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<down> t2 \<up> t1 = \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>t2 - t1\<^esup>" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff min_eqR f_expand_nth_if elim!: dvdE, rename_tac i q) | |
apply (drule_tac i=i and k=t1 in add_less_mono2, simp) | |
apply (drule_tac i="t * k" and j=t1 and m=i in trans_less_add1) | |
apply (drule_tac x="t * k" and y="t1 + i" and m=k in less_mod_eq_imp_add_divisor_le, simp) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma i_expand_nth_interval_eq_nth_append_replicate_NoMsg[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; t * k \<le> t1; t1 \<le> t * k + k - Suc 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f \<odot>\<^sub>i k \<Down> Suc t1 \<up> (t * k) = f t # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>t1 - t * k\<^esup>" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff Suc_diff_le i_expand_nth_if nth_Cons') | |
lemma i_expand_nth_interval_eq_replicate_NoMsg: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; t * k < t1; t1 \<le> t2; t2 \<le> t * k + k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f \<odot>\<^sub>i k \<Down> t2 \<up> t1 = \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>t2 - t1\<^esup>" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff i_expand_nth_if add.commute[of k]) | |
apply (drule_tac i=i and k=t1 in add_less_mono2, simp) | |
apply (drule_tac i="t * k" and j=t1 and m=i in trans_less_add1) | |
apply (drule_tac x="t * k" and y="t1 + i" and m=k in less_mod_eq_imp_add_divisor_le, simp) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_replicate_NoMsg[simp]: "(\<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) \<odot>\<^sub>f k = \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n * k\<^esup>" | |
by (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff f_expand_nth_if elim!: dvdE) | |
lemma i_expand_const_NoMsg[simp]: "(\<lambda>n. \<NoMsg>) \<odot>\<^sub>i k = (\<lambda>n. \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_def ilist_eq_iff) | |
lemma f_expand_assoc: "xs \<odot>\<^sub>f a \<odot>\<^sub>f b = xs \<odot>\<^sub>f (a * b)" | |
apply (induct xs) | |
apply simp | |
apply (simp add: replicate_add[symmetric] diff_mult_distrib) | |
done | |
lemma i_expand_assoc: "f \<odot>\<^sub>i a \<odot>\<^sub>i b = f \<odot>\<^sub>i (a * b)" | |
by (fastforce simp: i_expand_def ilist_eq_iff) | |
lemma f_expand_commute: "xs \<odot>\<^sub>f a \<odot>\<^sub>f b = xs \<odot>\<^sub>f b \<odot>\<^sub>f a" | |
by (simp add: f_expand_assoc mult.commute[of b]) | |
lemma i_expand_commute: "f \<odot>\<^sub>i a \<odot>\<^sub>i b = f \<odot>\<^sub>i b \<odot>\<^sub>i a" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_assoc mult.commute[of b]) | |
lemma i_expand_i_append: "(xs \<frown> f) \<odot>\<^sub>i k = xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<frown> (f \<odot>\<^sub>i k)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (clarsimp simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_expand_gr0 i_append_nth) | |
apply (case_tac "x < length xs * k") | |
apply (frule_tac n=x and k="length xs" in div_less_conv[THEN iffD2, of k, rule_format], simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_expand_nth_if) | |
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less) | |
apply (frule div_le_mono[of _ _ k]) | |
apply (simp add: mod_diff_mult_self1 div_diff_mult_self1) | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_eq_conv: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k = ys \<odot>\<^sub>f k) = (xs = ys)" | |
apply (rule iffI) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff, rename_tac i) | |
apply (drule_tac x="i * k" in spec) | |
apply (simp add: f_expand_nth_mult) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma i_expand_eq_conv: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<odot>\<^sub>i k = g \<odot>\<^sub>i k) = (f = g)" | |
apply (rule iffI) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff, rename_tac i) | |
apply (drule_tac x="i * k" in spec) | |
apply (simp add: i_expand_nth_mult) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_eq_conv': " | |
(xs' \<odot>\<^sub>f k = xs) = | |
(length xs' * k = length xs \<and> | |
(\<forall>i<length xs. xs ! i = (if i mod k = 0 then xs' ! (i div k) else \<NoMsg>)))" | |
by (fastforce simp: list_eq_iff f_expand_nth_if) | |
lemma i_expand_eq_conv': " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f' \<odot>\<^sub>i k = f) = | |
(\<forall>i. f i = (if i mod k = 0 then f' (i div k) else \<NoMsg>))" | |
by (fastforce simp: ilist_eq_iff i_expand_nth_if) | |
subsubsection \<open>Aggregating lists\<close> | |
definition f_aggregate :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> ('a list \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a list" | |
where "f_aggregate s k ag \<equiv> map ag (list_slice s k)" | |
definition i_aggregate :: "'a ilist \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> ('a list \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a ilist" | |
where "i_aggregate s k ag \<equiv> \<lambda>n. ag (s \<Up> (n * k) \<Down> k)" | |
lemma f_aggregate_0[simp]: "f_aggregate xs 0 ag = []" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_def list_slice_0) | |
lemma f_aggregate_1: " | |
(\<And>x. ag [x] = x) \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate xs (Suc 0) ag = xs" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff f_aggregate_def list_slice_1) | |
lemma f_aggregate_Nil[simp]: "f_aggregate [] k ag = []" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_def list_slice_Nil) | |
lemma f_aggregate_length[simp]: "length (f_aggregate xs k ag) = length xs div k" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_def list_slice_length) | |
lemma f_aggregate_empty_conv: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f_aggregate xs k ag = []) = (length xs < k)" | |
by (simp add: length_0_conv[symmetric] div_eq_0_conv' del: length_0_conv ) | |
lemma f_aggregate_one: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length xs = k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> f_aggregate xs k ag = [ag xs]" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_def list_slice_def) | |
lemma f_aggregate_Cons: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length xs = k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (xs @ ys) k ag = ag xs # (f_aggregate ys k ag)" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_def list_slice_def) | |
lemma f_aggregate_eq_f_aggregate_take: " | |
f_aggregate (xs \<down> (length xs div k * k)) k ag = f_aggregate xs k ag" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_def list_slice_eq_list_slice_take) | |
lemma f_aggregate_nth: " | |
n < length xs div k \<Longrightarrow> | |
(f_aggregate xs k ag) ! n = ag (xs \<up> (n * k) \<down> k)" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_def list_slice_length list_slice_nth) | |
lemma f_aggregate_nth_eq_sublist_list: " | |
n < length xs div k \<Longrightarrow> | |
(f_aggregate xs k ag) ! n = ag (sublist_list xs [n * k..<n * k + k])" | |
apply (frule less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_nth take_drop_eq_sublist_list) | |
done | |
lemma f_aggregate_take_nth: " | |
\<And>xs m. \<lbrakk> n < length xs div k; n < m div k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (xs \<down> m) k ag ! n = f_aggregate xs k ag ! n" | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_nth drop_take) | |
apply (drule_tac n=m in less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: min_eqL) | |
done | |
lemma f_aggregate_hd: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; k \<le> length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
hd (f_aggregate xs k ag) = ag (xs \<down> k)" | |
apply (drule div_le_mono[of _ _ k]) | |
apply (simp add: Suc_le_eq) | |
apply (subst hd_eq_first[symmetric]) | |
apply (simp add: length_greater_0_conv[symmetric]) | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_nth) | |
done | |
lemma f_aggregate_append_mod: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (xs @ ys) k ag = | |
f_aggregate xs k ag @ f_aggregate ys k ag" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_def list_slice_append_mod) | |
lemma f_aggregate_append_mult: " | |
length xs = m * k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (xs @ ys) k ag = | |
f_aggregate xs k ag @ f_aggregate ys k ag" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_append_mod) | |
lemma f_aggregate_snoc: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length ys = k; length xs mod k = 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (xs @ ys) k ag = f_aggregate xs k ag @ [ag ys]" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_append_mod f_aggregate_one) | |
lemma f_aggregate_take: " | |
f_aggregate (xs \<down> n) k ag = f_aggregate xs k ag \<down> (n div k)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (simp add: list_eq_iff) | |
apply (case_tac "length xs \<le> n") | |
apply (simp add: min_eqL div_le_mono f_aggregate_nth) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: linorder_not_le min_eqR div_le_mono f_aggregate_nth drop_take) | |
apply (frule less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: min_eqL) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "i < length xs div k") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (drule_tac y=n in order_le_less_trans, assumption) | |
apply (drule_tac m="i * k + k" and k=k in div_le_mono[OF less_imp_le]) | |
apply simp | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_nth) | |
done | |
lemma f_aggregate_take_mult: " | |
f_aggregate (xs \<down> (n * k)) k ag = f_aggregate xs k ag \<down> n" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_take) | |
lemma f_aggregate_drop_mult: " | |
f_aggregate (xs \<up> (n * k)) k ag = f_aggregate xs k ag \<up> n" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff div_diff_mult_self1 f_aggregate_nth add_mult_distrib add.commute[of "n * k"]) | |
lemma f_aggregate_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> f_aggregate (xs \<up> n) k ag = f_aggregate xs k ag \<up> (n div k)" | |
by (clarsimp simp: mult.commute[of k] f_aggregate_drop_mult elim!: dvdE) | |
lemma f_aggregate_assoc: " | |
(\<And>xs. length xs mod a = 0 \<Longrightarrow> ag (f_aggregate xs a ag) = ag xs) \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (f_aggregate xs a ag) b ag = f_aggregate xs (a * b) ag" | |
apply (clarsimp simp add: list_eq_iff div_mult2_eq f_aggregate_nth, rename_tac i) | |
apply (simp add: take_drop f_aggregate_take_mult[symmetric]) | |
apply (simp add: add_mult_distrib2 mult.commute[of _ a] f_aggregate_drop_mult[symmetric] mult.assoc[symmetric]) | |
apply (drule_tac x="(xs \<down> (a * b + a * i * b) \<up> (a * i * b))" in meta_spec) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "a * b + a * i * b \<le> length xs") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (simp add: div_mult2_eq[symmetric]) | |
apply (drule_tac x=i in less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: mult.assoc[symmetric] mult.commute[of _ a] add.commute[of _ "a * b"]) | |
apply (simp add: min_eqR) | |
done | |
lemma f_aggregate_commute: " | |
\<lbrakk> \<And>xs. length xs mod a = 0 \<Longrightarrow> ag (f_aggregate xs a ag) = ag xs; | |
\<And>xs. length xs mod b = 0 \<Longrightarrow> ag (f_aggregate xs b ag) = ag xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (f_aggregate xs a ag) b ag = f_aggregate (f_aggregate xs b ag) a ag" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_assoc mult.commute[of _ b]) | |
lemma i_aggregate_0[simp]: "i_aggregate f 0 ag = (\<lambda>x. ag [])" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_def) | |
lemma i_aggregate_1: "(\<And>x. ag [x] = x) \<Longrightarrow> i_aggregate f (Suc 0) ag = f" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_def i_take_first) | |
lemma i_aggregate_nth: "i_aggregate f k ag n = ag (f \<Up> (n * k) \<Down> k)" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_def) | |
lemma i_aggregate_hd: "i_aggregate f k ag 0 = ag (f \<Down> k)" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_nth) | |
lemma i_aggregate_nth_eq_map: "i_aggregate f k ag n = ag (map f [n * k..<n * k + k])" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_nth i_take_drop_eq_map) | |
lemma i_aggregate_i_append_mod: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (xs \<frown> f) k ag = f_aggregate xs k ag \<frown> i_aggregate f k ag" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff i_aggregate_nth i_append_nth f_aggregate_nth mult.commute[of k] diff_mult_distrib elim!: dvdE, rename_tac i n) | |
apply (drule_tac n=i in Suc_leI) | |
apply (drule mult_le_mono1[of _ _ k]) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma i_aggregate_i_append_mult: " | |
length xs = m * k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (xs \<frown> f) k ag = f_aggregate xs k ag \<frown> i_aggregate f k ag" | |
by (rule i_aggregate_i_append_mod, simp) | |
lemma i_aggregate_Cons: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length xs = k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (xs \<frown> f) k ag = [ag xs] \<frown> (i_aggregate f k ag)" | |
apply (insert i_aggregate_i_append_mod[of xs k f ag], simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_def list_slice_div_eq_1) | |
done | |
lemma i_aggregate_take_nth: " | |
n < m div k \<Longrightarrow> f_aggregate (f \<Down> m) k ag ! n = i_aggregate f k ag n" | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_nth i_aggregate_nth) | |
apply (drule less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: i_take_drop_map i_take_drop_eq_map take_map) | |
done | |
lemma i_aggregate_i_take: " | |
f_aggregate (f \<Down> n) k ag = i_aggregate f k ag \<Down> (n div k)" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff i_aggregate_take_nth) | |
lemma i_aggregate_i_take_mult: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> f_aggregate (f \<Down> (n * k)) k ag = i_aggregate f k ag \<Down> n" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_i_take) | |
lemma i_aggregate_i_drop_mult: " | |
i_aggregate (f \<Up> (n * k)) k ag = i_aggregate f k ag \<Up> n" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_aggregate_nth add_mult_distrib) | |
lemma i_aggregate_i_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (f \<Up> n) k ag = i_aggregate f k ag \<Up> (n div k)" | |
by (clarsimp simp: mult.commute[of k] i_aggregate_i_drop_mult ilist_eq_iff elim!: dvdE) | |
lemma i_aggregate_assoc: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < a; 0 < b; | |
\<And>xs. length xs mod a = 0 \<Longrightarrow> ag (f_aggregate xs a ag) = ag xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (i_aggregate f a ag) b ag = i_aggregate f (a * b) ag" | |
apply (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_aggregate_nth) | |
apply (simp add: i_aggregate_i_drop_mult[symmetric] i_aggregate_i_take_mult[symmetric] mult.commute[of a] mult.assoc) | |
done | |
lemma i_aggregate_commute: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < a; 0 < b; | |
\<And>xs. length xs mod a = 0 \<Longrightarrow> ag (f_aggregate xs a ag) = ag xs; | |
\<And>xs. length xs mod b = 0 \<Longrightarrow> ag (f_aggregate xs b ag) = ag xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (i_aggregate xs a ag) b ag = i_aggregate (i_aggregate xs b ag) a ag" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_assoc mult.commute[of _ b]) | |
subsubsection \<open>Compressing message streams\<close> | |
text \<open>Determines the last non-empty message.\<close> | |
primrec last_message :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'a message_af" | |
where | |
"last_message [] = \<NoMsg>" | |
| "last_message (x # xs) = (if last_message xs = \<NoMsg> then x else last_message xs)" | |
definition f_shrink :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream_af" (infixl "\<div>\<^sub>f" 100) | |
where "f_shrink xs k \<equiv> f_aggregate xs k last_message" | |
definition i_shrink :: "'a istream_af \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a istream_af" (infixl "\<div>\<^sub>i" 100) | |
where "i_shrink f k \<equiv> i_aggregate f k last_message" | |
notation | |
f_shrink (infixl "\<div>" 100) and | |
i_shrink (infixl "\<div>" 100) | |
lemmas f_shrink_defs = f_shrink_def f_aggregate_def | |
lemmas i_shrink_defs = i_shrink_def i_aggregate_def | |
lemma last_message_Nil: "last_message [] = \<NoMsg>" | |
by simp | |
lemma last_message_one: "last_message [m] = m" | |
by simp | |
lemma last_message_replicate: "0 < n \<Longrightarrow> last_message (m\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) = m" | |
apply (induct n, simp) | |
apply (case_tac n, simp+) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_replicate_NoMsg: "last_message (\<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) = \<NoMsg>" | |
apply (case_tac "n = 0", simp) | |
apply (simp add: last_message_replicate) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_Cons_NoMsg: "last_message (\<NoMsg> # xs) = last_message xs" | |
by simp | |
lemma last_message_append_one: " | |
last_message (xs @ [m]) = (if m = \<NoMsg> then last_message xs else m)" | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (case_tac "m = \<NoMsg>", simp+) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_append: "\<And>xs. | |
last_message (xs @ ys) = ( | |
if last_message ys = \<NoMsg> then last_message xs else last_message ys)" | |
apply (induct ys, simp) | |
apply (drule_tac x="xs @ [a]" in meta_spec) | |
apply (simp add: last_message_append_one) | |
done | |
corollary last_message_append_replicate_NoMsg: " | |
last_message (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) = last_message xs" | |
by (simp add: last_message_append last_message_replicate_NoMsg) | |
lemma last_message_replicate_NoMsg_append: " | |
last_message (\<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> @ xs) = last_message xs" | |
by (simp add: last_message_append last_message_replicate_NoMsg) | |
lemma last_message_NoMsg_conv: " | |
(last_message xs = \<NoMsg>) = (\<forall>i<length xs. xs ! i = \<NoMsg>)" | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (simp add: nth_Cons') | |
apply (safe, simp_all) | |
apply (rename_tac i) | |
apply (drule_tac x="Suc i" in spec) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma last_message_not_NoMsg_conv: " | |
(last_message xs \<noteq> \<NoMsg>) = (\<exists>i<length xs. xs ! i \<noteq> \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (simp add: last_message_NoMsg_conv) | |
lemma not_NoMsg_imp_last_message: " | |
\<lbrakk> i < length xs; xs ! i \<noteq> \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> last_message xs \<noteq> \<NoMsg>" | |
by (rule last_message_not_NoMsg_conv[THEN iffD2, OF exI, OF conjI]) | |
lemma last_message_exists_nth: " | |
last_message xs \<noteq> \<NoMsg> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>i<length xs. last_message xs = xs ! i \<and> (\<forall>j<length xs. i < j \<longrightarrow> xs ! j = \<NoMsg>)" | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (rename_tac a xs) | |
apply (case_tac "last_message xs = \<NoMsg>") | |
apply (rule_tac x=0 in exI) | |
apply clarsimp | |
apply (rename_tac j, case_tac j, simp) | |
apply (simp add: last_message_NoMsg_conv) | |
apply (rule ccontr) | |
apply (clarsimp, rename_tac i) | |
apply (drule_tac x="Suc i" in spec) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: nth_Cons') | |
done | |
lemma last_message_exists_nth': " | |
last_message xs \<noteq> \<NoMsg> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>i<length xs. last_message xs = xs ! i" | |
by (blast dest: last_message_exists_nth) | |
lemma last_messageI2_aux: "\<And>i. | |
\<lbrakk> i < length xs; xs ! i \<noteq> \<NoMsg>; | |
\<forall>j. i < j \<and> j < length xs \<longrightarrow> xs ! j = \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
last_message xs = xs ! i" | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (simp add: nth_Cons') | |
apply (case_tac i) | |
apply simp | |
apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>j. j < length xs \<longrightarrow> xs ! j = \<NoMsg>") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (clarify, drule_tac x="Suc j" in spec) | |
apply simp | |
apply (simp add: last_message_NoMsg_conv) | |
apply clarsimp | |
apply (rename_tac i) | |
apply (intro conjI impI) | |
apply (simp add: not_NoMsg_imp_last_message) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>j. i < j \<and> j < length xs \<longrightarrow> xs ! j = \<NoMsg>") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (clarify, drule_tac x="Suc j" in spec) | |
apply simp | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma last_messageI2: " | |
\<lbrakk> i < length xs; xs ! i \<noteq> \<NoMsg>; | |
\<And>j. \<lbrakk> i < j; j < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xs ! j = \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
last_message xs = xs ! i" | |
by (blast intro: last_messageI2_aux) | |
lemma last_messageI: " | |
\<lbrakk> m \<noteq> \<NoMsg>; i < length xs; xs ! i = m; | |
\<And>j. \<lbrakk> i < j; j < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xs ! j = \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
last_message xs = m" | |
by (blast intro: last_messageI2) | |
lemma last_message_Msg_eq_last: " | |
\<lbrakk> xs \<noteq> []; last xs \<noteq> \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> last_message xs = last xs" | |
by (simp add: last_nth last_messageI2) | |
lemma last_message_conv: " | |
m \<noteq> \<NoMsg> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(last_message xs = m) = | |
(\<exists>i<length xs. xs ! i = m \<and> (\<forall>j<length xs. i < j \<longrightarrow> xs ! j = \<NoMsg>))" | |
apply (rule iffI) | |
apply (cut_tac xs=xs in last_message_exists_nth, simp) | |
apply clarify | |
apply (rule_tac x=i in exI) | |
apply simp | |
apply (clarsimp simp: last_messageI) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_conv_if: " | |
(last_message xs = m) = | |
(if m = \<NoMsg> then \<forall>i<length xs. xs ! i = \<NoMsg> | |
else \<exists>i<length xs. xs ! i = m \<and> (\<forall>j<length xs. i < j \<longrightarrow> xs ! j = \<NoMsg>))" | |
by (simp add: last_message_NoMsg_conv last_message_conv) | |
lemma last_message_not_NoMsg_eq_conv: " | |
\<lbrakk> last_message xs \<noteq> \<NoMsg>; last_message ys \<noteq> \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(last_message xs = last_message ys) = | |
(\<exists>i j. i < length xs \<and> j < length ys \<and> xs ! i \<noteq> \<NoMsg> \<and> | |
xs ! i = ys ! j \<and> | |
(\<forall>n<length xs. i < n \<longrightarrow> xs ! n = \<NoMsg>) \<and> | |
(\<forall>n<length ys. j < n \<longrightarrow> ys ! n = \<NoMsg>))" | |
apply (simp add: last_message_conv[where m="last_message ys"]) | |
apply (frule last_message_exists_nth[of xs]) | |
apply (frule last_message_exists_nth[of ys]) | |
apply (rule iffI) | |
apply (clarsimp, rename_tac i j) | |
apply (rule_tac x=j in exI, simp) | |
apply (rule_tac x=i in exI, simp) | |
apply (clarsimp, rename_tac i1 j1 i j) | |
apply (rule_tac x=i in exI, simp) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "last_message ys = ys ! j", simp) | |
apply (rule last_messageI2) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_0[simp]: "xs \<div>\<^sub>f 0 = []" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_defs list_slice_0) | |
lemma f_shrink_1[simp]: "xs \<div>\<^sub>f Suc 0 = xs" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_1) | |
lemma f_shrink_Nil[simp]: "[] \<div>\<^sub>f k = []" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def list_slice_Nil) | |
lemma f_shrink_length: "length (xs \<div>\<^sub>f k) = length xs div k" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def) | |
lemma f_shrink_empty_conv: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<div>\<^sub>f k = []) = (length xs < k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_empty_conv) | |
lemma f_shrink_Cons: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length xs = k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ ys) \<div>\<^sub>f k = last_message xs # (ys \<div>\<^sub>f k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_Cons) | |
lemma f_shrink_one: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length xs = k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xs \<div>\<^sub>f k = [last_message xs]" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_one) | |
lemma f_shrink_eq_f_shrink_take: " | |
xs \<down> (length xs div k * k) \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_defs list_slice_eq_list_slice_take) | |
lemma f_shrink_nth: " | |
n < length xs div k \<Longrightarrow> | |
(xs \<div>\<^sub>f k) ! n = last_message (xs \<up> (n * k) \<down> k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_nth) | |
lemma f_shrink_nth_eq_sublist_list: " | |
n < length xs div k \<Longrightarrow> | |
(xs \<div>\<^sub>f k) ! n = last_message (sublist_list xs [n * k..<n * k + k])" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_nth_eq_sublist_list) | |
lemma f_shrink_take_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs div k; n < m div k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<down> m) \<div>\<^sub>f k ! n = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k ! n" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_take_nth) | |
lemma f_shrink_hd: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; k \<le> length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> hd (xs \<div>\<^sub>f k) = last_message (xs \<down> k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_hd) | |
lemma f_shrink_append_mod: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ ys) \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k @ (ys \<div>\<^sub>f k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_defs list_slice_append_mod) | |
lemma f_shrink_append_mult: " | |
length xs = m * k \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ ys) \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k @ (ys \<div>\<^sub>f k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_append_mod) | |
lemma f_shrink_snoc: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length ys = k; length xs mod k = 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(xs @ ys) \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k @ [last_message ys]" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_append_mod f_shrink_one) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_message[rule_format]: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<longrightarrow> last_message (xs \<div>\<^sub>f k) = last_message xs" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (rule append_constant_length_induct[of k]) | |
apply simp | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_Cons last_message_append) | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_replicate: "m\<^bsup>n\<^esup> \<div>\<^sub>f k = m\<^bsup>n div k\<^esup>" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (case_tac "n < k") | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_empty_conv) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff f_shrink_length f_shrink_nth) | |
apply (rule last_message_replicate) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: min_def) | |
apply (drule mult_less_mono1[of _ "n div k" k], simp) | |
apply (simp add: div_mult_cancel) | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_f_expand_id: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs" | |
apply (simp add: list_eq_iff) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_length f_shrink_nth f_expand_drop_mult f_expand_take_mod drop_take_1 last_message_replicate_NoMsg) | |
done | |
lemma f_expand_f_shrink_id_take[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> \<forall>i<length xs. 0 < i mod k \<longrightarrow> xs ! i = \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
xs \<div>\<^sub>f k \<odot>\<^sub>f k = xs \<down> (length xs div k * k)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (induct xs rule: append_constant_length_induct[of k]) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_empty_conv[symmetric]) | |
apply (drule meta_mp) | |
apply clarify | |
apply (drule_tac x="length xs + i" in spec, simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_append_mod) | |
apply (rule_tac t=xs and s="(xs ! 0) # replicate (k - Suc 0) \<NoMsg>" in subst) | |
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: list_eq_iff nth_Cons') | |
apply (clarify, rename_tac i) | |
apply (drule_tac x=i in spec) | |
apply (simp add: nth_append) | |
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: list_eq_iff) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: f_shrink_length f_expand_nth_if f_shrink_nth last_message_replicate_NoMsg nth_Cons') | |
done | |
corollary f_expand_f_shrink_id_mod_0: " | |
\<lbrakk> length xs mod k = 0; | |
\<And>i. \<lbrakk> i < length xs; 0 < i mod k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xs ! i = \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
xs \<div>\<^sub>f k \<odot>\<^sub>f k = xs" | |
by (clarsimp simp: f_expand_f_shrink_id_take) | |
lemma f_shrink_take: " | |
xs \<down> n \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k \<down> (n div k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_take) | |
lemma f_shrink_take_mult: "xs \<down> (n * k) \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k \<down> n" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_take_mult) | |
lemma f_shrink_drop_mult: "xs \<up> (n * k) \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k \<up> n" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_drop_mult) | |
lemma f_shrink_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> xs \<up> n \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k \<up> (n div k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_aggregate_drop_mod) | |
lemma f_shrink_eq_conv: " | |
(xs \<div>\<^sub>f k1 = ys \<div>\<^sub>f k2) = | |
(length xs div k1 = length ys div k2 \<and> | |
(\<forall>i<length xs div k1. | |
last_message (xs \<up> (i * k1) \<down> k1) = last_message (ys \<up> (i * k2) \<down> k2)))" | |
apply (case_tac "k1 = 0") | |
apply (simp add: eq_commute[of "[]"] length_0_conv[symmetric] f_shrink_length del: length_0_conv) | |
apply (case_tac "k2 = 0") | |
apply (fastforce simp: f_shrink_empty_conv div_eq_0_conv') | |
apply (simp add: list_eq_iff f_shrink_length) | |
apply (rule conj_cong, simp) | |
apply (rule all_imp_eqI, simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_nth) | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_eq_conv': " | |
(xs' \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs) = | |
(length xs' div k = length xs \<and> | |
(\<forall>i<length xs. | |
if xs ! i = \<NoMsg> then (\<forall>j<k. xs' ! (i * k + j) = \<NoMsg>) | |
else (\<exists>n<k. xs' ! (i * k + n) = xs ! i \<and> | |
(\<forall>j<k. n < j \<longrightarrow> xs' ! (i * k + j) = \<NoMsg>))))" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", fastforce) | |
apply (simp add: list_eq_iff f_shrink_length split del: if_split) | |
apply (rule conj_cong, simp) | |
apply (rule all_imp_eqI, simp) | |
apply (cut_tac x=i in less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le[of _ "length xs'" k], simp) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: f_shrink_nth last_message_conv_if min_eqR) | |
apply (rule ex_imp_eqI, simp) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_assoc: "xs \<div>\<^sub>f a \<div>\<^sub>f b = xs \<div>\<^sub>f (a * b)" | |
by (unfold f_shrink_def, rule f_aggregate_assoc, fold f_shrink_def, rule f_shrink_last_message) | |
lemma f_shrink_commute: "xs \<div>\<^sub>f a \<div>\<^sub>f b = xs \<div>\<^sub>f b \<div>\<^sub>f a" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_assoc mult.commute[of a]) | |
lemma i_shrink_0[simp]: "f \<div>\<^sub>i 0 = (\<lambda>n. \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_defs) | |
lemma i_shrink_1[simp]: "f \<div>\<^sub>i Suc 0 = f" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_def i_aggregate_1) | |
lemma i_shrink_nth: "(f \<div>\<^sub>i k) n = last_message (f \<Up> (n * k) \<Down> k)" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_defs) | |
lemma i_shrink_nth_eq_map: "(f \<div>\<^sub>i k) n = last_message (map f [n * k..<n * k + k])" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_def i_aggregate_nth_eq_map) | |
lemma i_shrink_hd: "(f \<div>\<^sub>i k) 0 = last_message (f \<Down> k)" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_nth) | |
lemma i_shrink_i_append_mod: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<frown> f) \<div>\<^sub>i k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k \<frown> (f \<div>\<^sub>i k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def i_shrink_def i_aggregate_i_append_mod) | |
lemma i_shrink_i_append_mult: " | |
length xs = m * k \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<frown> f) \<div>\<^sub>i k = xs \<div>\<^sub>f k \<frown> (f \<div>\<^sub>i k)" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_i_append_mod) | |
lemma i_shrink_Cons: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length xs = k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<frown> f) \<div>\<^sub>i k = [last_message xs] \<frown> (f \<div>\<^sub>i k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def i_shrink_def i_aggregate_Cons) | |
lemma i_shrink_take_nth: " | |
n < m div k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<Down> m) \<div>\<^sub>f k ! n = (f \<div>\<^sub>i k) n" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def i_shrink_def i_aggregate_take_nth) | |
lemma i_shrink_const[simp]: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (\<lambda>x. m) \<div>\<^sub>i k = (\<lambda>x. m)" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_shrink_nth last_message_replicate) | |
lemma i_shrink_const_NoMsg[simp]: "(\<lambda>x. \<NoMsg>) \<div>\<^sub>i k = (\<lambda>x. \<NoMsg>)" | |
by (case_tac "k = 0", simp+) | |
lemma i_shrink_i_expand_id: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> f \<odot>\<^sub>i k \<div>\<^sub>i k = f" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_shrink_nth i_expand_i_drop_mult i_expand_i_take_mod i_drop_i_take_1 last_message_replicate_NoMsg) | |
lemma i_shrink_i_take_mult: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> f \<Down> (n * k) \<div>\<^sub>f k = f \<div>\<^sub>i k \<Down> n" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def i_shrink_def i_aggregate_i_take_mult) | |
lemma i_shrink_i_take: " | |
f \<Down> n \<div>\<^sub>f k = f \<div>\<^sub>i k \<Down> (n div k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def i_shrink_def i_aggregate_i_take) | |
lemma i_shrink_i_drop_mult: "f \<Up> (n * k) \<div>\<^sub>i k = f \<div>\<^sub>i k \<Up> n" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def i_shrink_def i_aggregate_i_drop_mult) | |
lemma i_shrink_i_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> f \<Up> n \<div>\<^sub>i k = f \<div>\<^sub>i k \<Up> (n div k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def i_shrink_def i_aggregate_i_drop_mod) | |
lemma i_shrink_eq_conv: " | |
(f \<div>\<^sub>i k1 = g \<div>\<^sub>i k2) = | |
(\<forall>i. last_message (f \<Up> (i * k1) \<Down> k1) = | |
last_message (g \<Up> (i * k2) \<Down> k2))" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_shrink_nth) | |
lemma i_shrink_eq_conv': " | |
(f' \<div>\<^sub>i k = f) = | |
(\<forall>i. if f i = \<NoMsg> then \<forall>j<k. f' (i * k + j) = \<NoMsg> | |
else \<exists>n<k. f' (i * k + n) = f i \<and> | |
(\<forall>j<k. n < j \<longrightarrow> f' (i * k + j) = \<NoMsg>))" | |
apply (simp add: ilist_eq_iff) | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", fastforce) | |
apply (rule all_eqI, rename_tac i) | |
apply (simp add: i_shrink_nth) | |
apply (case_tac "f i = NoMsg") | |
apply (simp add: last_message_NoMsg_conv) | |
apply (force simp add: last_message_conv) | |
done | |
lemma i_shrink_assoc: "f \<div>\<^sub>i a \<div>\<^sub>i b = f \<div>\<^sub>i (a * b)" | |
apply (case_tac "a = 0", simp) | |
apply (case_tac "b = 0", simp) | |
apply (unfold i_shrink_def, rule i_aggregate_assoc, simp+) | |
apply (fold f_shrink_def, simp add: f_shrink_last_message) | |
done | |
lemma i_shrink_commute: "f \<div>\<^sub>i a \<div>\<^sub>i b = f \<div>\<^sub>i b \<div>\<^sub>i a" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_assoc mult.commute[of a]) | |
subsubsection \<open>Holding last messages in everly cycle of a stream\<close> | |
primrec last_message_hold_init :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'a message_af \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream_af" | |
where | |
"last_message_hold_init [] m = []" | |
| "last_message_hold_init (x # xs) m = | |
(if x = \<NoMsg> then m else x) # | |
(last_message_hold_init xs (if x = \<NoMsg> then m else x))" | |
definition last_message_hold :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream_af" | |
where "last_message_hold xs \<equiv> last_message_hold_init xs \<NoMsg>" | |
lemma last_message_hold_init_length[simp]: " | |
\<And>m. length (last_message_hold_init xs m) = length xs" | |
by (induct xs, simp+) | |
lemma last_message_hold_init_nth: " | |
\<And>i m. i < length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
(last_message_hold_init xs m) ! i = last_message (m # xs \<down> Suc i)" | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (simp add: nth_Cons') | |
done | |
lemma last_message_hold_init_snoc: " | |
last_message_hold_init (xs @ [x]) m = | |
last_message_hold_init xs m @ | |
[if x = \<NoMsg> then last_message (m # xs) else x]" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff nth_append last_message_hold_init_nth last_message_append) | |
lemma last_message_hold_init_append[rule_format]: " | |
\<And>xs m. last_message_hold_init (xs @ ys) m = | |
last_message_hold_init xs m @ last_message_hold_init ys (last_message (m # xs))" | |
apply (induct ys, simp) | |
apply (rule_tac x=a in subst[OF append_eq_Cons, rule_format]) | |
apply (simp only: append_Cons[symmetric] append_assoc[symmetric]) | |
apply (simp add: last_message_hold_init_snoc last_message_append) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_hold_length[simp]: "length (last_message_hold xs) = length xs" | |
by (simp add: last_message_hold_def) | |
lemma last_message_hold_Nil[simp]: "last_message_hold [] = []" | |
by (simp add: last_message_hold_def) | |
lemma last_message_hold_one[simp]: "last_message_hold [x] = [x]" | |
by (simp add: last_message_hold_def) | |
lemma last_message_hold_nth: " | |
i < length xs \<Longrightarrow> last_message_hold xs ! i = last_message (xs \<down> Suc i)" | |
by (simp add: last_message_hold_def last_message_hold_init_nth) | |
lemma last_message_hold_last: " | |
xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> last (last_message_hold xs) = last_message xs" | |
apply (subgoal_tac "last_message_hold xs \<noteq> []") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (simp add: length_greater_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_greater_0_conv) | |
apply (simp add: last_nth last_message_hold_nth length_greater_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_greater_0_conv) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_hold_take: " | |
last_message_hold xs \<down> n = last_message_hold (xs \<down> n)" | |
apply (case_tac "length xs \<le> n", simp) | |
apply (simp add: list_eq_iff last_message_hold_nth min_eqL) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_hold_snoc: " | |
last_message_hold (xs @ [x]) = | |
last_message_hold xs @ [if x = \<NoMsg> then last_message xs else x]" | |
by (simp add: last_message_hold_def last_message_hold_init_snoc) | |
lemma last_message_hold_append: " | |
last_message_hold (xs @ ys) = | |
last_message_hold xs @ last_message_hold_init ys (last_message xs)" | |
by (simp add: last_message_hold_def last_message_hold_init_append) | |
lemma last_message_hold_append': " | |
last_message_hold (xs @ ys) = | |
last_message_hold xs @ tl (last_message_hold (last_message xs # ys))" | |
apply (simp add: last_message_hold_append) | |
apply (simp add: last_message_hold_def) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_last_message_hold[simp]: " | |
last_message (last_message_hold xs) = last_message xs" | |
apply (induct xs rule: rev_induct, simp) | |
apply (simp add: last_message_hold_snoc last_message_append) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_hold_idem[simp]: " | |
last_message_hold (last_message_hold xs) = last_message_hold xs" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff last_message_hold_nth last_message_hold_take) | |
text \<open> | |
Returns for each point in time the currently last non-empty message | |
of the current stream cycle of length \<open>k\<close>.\<close> | |
definition f_last_message_hold :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream_af" (infixl "\<longmapsto>\<^sub>f" 100) | |
where "f_last_message_hold xs k \<equiv> concat (map last_message_hold (list_slice2 xs k))" | |
definition i_last_message_hold :: "'a istream_af \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a istream_af" (infixl "\<longmapsto>\<^sub>i" 100) | |
where "i_last_message_hold f k \<equiv> \<lambda>n. last_message (f \<Up> (n - n mod k) \<Down> Suc (n mod k))" | |
notation | |
f_last_message_hold (infixl "\<longmapsto>" 100) and | |
i_last_message_hold (infixl "\<longmapsto>" 100) | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_0[simp]: "xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f 0 = last_message_hold xs" | |
by (simp add: f_last_message_hold_def list_slice2_0) | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_1[simp]: "xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f (Suc 0) = xs" | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_def list_slice2_1) | |
apply (induct xs, simp+) | |
done | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_Nil[simp]: "[] \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k = []" | |
by (simp add: f_last_message_hold_def list_slice2_Nil) | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_length[simp]: "length (xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k) = length xs" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_def) | |
apply (induct xs rule: append_constant_length_induct[of k]) | |
apply (simp add: list_slice2_le) | |
apply (simp add: list_slice2_append_mod list_slice2_mod_0 list_slice_div_eq_1) | |
done | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_le: "length xs \<le> k \<Longrightarrow> xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k = last_message_hold xs" | |
by (simp add: f_last_message_hold_def list_slice2_le) | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_append_mult: " | |
length xs = m * k \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ ys) \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k = xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k @ (ys \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k)" | |
by (simp add: f_last_message_hold_def list_slice2_append_mod) | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_append_mod: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ ys) \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k = xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k @ (ys \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k)" | |
by (simp add: f_last_message_hold_def list_slice2_append_mod) | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_nth[rule_format]: " | |
\<forall>n. n < length xs \<longrightarrow> xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k ! n = last_message (xs \<up> (n div k * k) \<down> Suc (n mod k))" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0") | |
apply (simp add: last_message_hold_nth) | |
apply (induct xs rule: append_constant_length_induct[of k]) | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_def list_slice2_le last_message_hold_nth) | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_append_mod nth_append) | |
apply (intro allI conjI impI) | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_def list_slice2_mod_0 list_slice_div_eq_1 last_message_hold_nth) | |
apply (case_tac "n < k", simp) | |
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less last_message_append div_mult_cancel) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "k + n mod k \<le> n") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (drule div_le_mono[of _ _ k], drule mult_le_mono1[of _ _ k]) | |
apply (simp add: div_mult_cancel) | |
apply (simp add: mod_diff_self2 add.commute[of k]) | |
done | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_take: "xs \<down> n \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k = xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k \<down> n" | |
by (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff f_last_message_hold_nth drop_take div_mult_cancel min_eqL) | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_drop_mult: " | |
xs \<up> (n * k) \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k = xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k \<up> (n * k)" | |
apply (rule subst[OF append_take_drop_id, of _ "n * k" xs]) | |
apply (case_tac "length xs \<le> n * k", simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_append_mod min_eqR del: append_take_drop_id) | |
done | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> xs \<up> n \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k = xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k \<up> n" | |
by (clarsimp simp: mult.commute[of k] f_last_message_hold_drop_mult elim!: dvdE) | |
lemma f_last_message_hold_idem: "xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k = xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (simp add: list_eq_iff f_last_message_hold_nth f_last_message_hold_drop_mod[symmetric] f_last_message_hold_take[symmetric]) | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_le min.coboundedI2 Suc_mod_le_divisor) | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_nth_eq_f_last_message_hold_last: " | |
n < length xs div k \<Longrightarrow> xs \<div>\<^sub>f k ! n = last (xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k \<up> (n * k) \<down> k)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (case_tac "xs = []", simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_nth f_last_message_hold_drop_mult[symmetric] f_last_message_hold_take[symmetric]) | |
apply (drule less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_le last_message_hold_last) | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_nth_eq_f_last_message_hold_nth: " | |
n < length xs div k \<Longrightarrow> xs \<div>\<^sub>f k ! n = xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k ! (n * k + k - Suc 0)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_nth_eq_f_last_message_hold_last) | |
apply (frule less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: last_nth min_eqR) | |
done | |
lemma last_message_f_last_message_hold: " | |
last_message (xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k) = last_message xs" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (induct xs rule: append_constant_length_induct[of k]) | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_le) | |
apply (simp add: f_last_message_hold_append_mult last_message_append f_last_message_hold_le) | |
done | |
lemma i_last_message_hold_0[simp]: "f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i 0 = (\<lambda>n. last_message (f \<Down> Suc n))" | |
by (simp add: i_last_message_hold_def) | |
lemma i_last_message_hold_1[simp]: "f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i Suc 0 = f" | |
by (simp add: i_last_message_hold_def i_drop_i_take_1) | |
lemma i_last_message_hold_nth: " | |
(f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k) n = last_message (f \<Up> (n - n mod k) \<Down> Suc (n mod k))" | |
by (simp add: i_last_message_hold_def) | |
lemma i_last_message_hold_i_append_mult: " | |
length xs = m * k \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<frown> f) \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k = (xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k) \<frown> (f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff i_last_message_hold_nth i_append_nth f_last_message_hold_nth div_mult_cancel linorder_not_less) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "length xs \<le> x - x mod k") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (drule div_le_mono[of _ _ k]) | |
apply (simp add: div_mult_cancel[symmetric]) | |
apply (simp add: mod_diff_mult_self1) | |
apply (drule_tac j="x - x mod k" and k="x mod k" in add_le_mono1) | |
apply (simp add: add.commute[of "m * k"]) | |
done | |
lemma i_last_message_hold_i_append_mod: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<frown> f) \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k = (xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k) \<frown> (f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k)" | |
by (clarsimp simp: mult.commute[of k] elim!: dvdE, rule i_last_message_hold_i_append_mult) | |
lemma i_last_message_hold_i_take: "f \<Down> n \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k = (f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k) \<Down> n" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff f_last_message_hold_nth i_last_message_hold_nth div_mult_cancel i_take_drop min_eqR) | |
lemma i_last_message_hold_i_drop_mult: " | |
f \<Up> (n * k) \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k = f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k \<Up> (n * k)" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_last_message_hold_nth) | |
lemma i_last_message_hold_i_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> f \<Up> n \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k = f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k \<Up> n" | |
by (clarsimp simp: mult.commute[of k] elim!: dvdE, rule i_last_message_hold_i_drop_mult) | |
lemma i_last_message_hold_idem: "f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k = f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_last_message_hold_nth minus_mod_eq_mult_div i_last_message_hold_i_drop_mod[symmetric] i_last_message_hold_i_take[symmetric] last_message_f_last_message_hold) | |
lemma i_shrink_nth_eq_i_last_message_hold_nth: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<div>\<^sub>i k) n = (f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k) (n * k + k - Suc 0)" | |
apply (simp add: i_shrink_nth i_last_message_hold_nth) | |
apply (simp add: diff_add_assoc del: add_diff_assoc) | |
done | |
lemma i_shrink_nth_eq_i_last_message_hold_last: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<div>\<^sub>i k) n = last (f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k \<Up> (n * k) \<Down> k)" | |
by (simp add: last_nth i_shrink_nth_eq_i_last_message_hold_nth) | |
subsubsection \<open>Compressing lists\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
Lists/Non-message streams | |
do not have to permit the empty message \<open>\<NoMsg>\<close> | |
to be element. | |
Thus, they are compressed by factor @{term k} | |
by just aggregating every sequence of length k | |
to its last element.\<close> | |
definition f_shrink_last :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a list" (infixl "\<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub>" 100) | |
where "f_shrink_last xs k \<equiv> f_aggregate xs k last" | |
definition i_shrink_last :: "'a ilist \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a ilist" (infixl "\<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub>" 100) | |
where "i_shrink_last f k \<equiv> i_aggregate f k last" | |
notation | |
f_shrink_last (infixl "\<div>\<^sub>l" 100) and | |
i_shrink_last (infixl "\<div>\<^sub>l" 100) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_0[simp]: "xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> 0 = []" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_def list_slice_0) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_1[simp]: "xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> Suc 0 = xs" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_1) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_Nil[simp]: "[] \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = []" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_def list_slice_Nil) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_length: "length (xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k) = length xs div k" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_empty_conv: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = []) = (length xs < k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_empty_conv) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_Cons: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; | |
length xs = k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ ys) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = last xs # (ys \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_Cons) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_one: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length xs = k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = [last xs]" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_one) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_eq_f_shrink_last_take: " | |
xs \<down> (length xs div k * k) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_eq_f_aggregate_take) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_nth: " | |
n < length xs div k \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k) ! n = xs ! (n * k + k - Suc 0)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (frule less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_nth last_take2) | |
done | |
corollary f_shrink_last_nth': " | |
n < length xs div k \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k) ! n = xs ! (Suc n * k - Suc 0)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_nth add.commute[of k]) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_hd: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; k \<le> length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> hd (xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k) = xs ! (k - Suc 0)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_hd last_take2) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_map: "(map f xs) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = map f (xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff f_shrink_last_length) | |
apply (frule less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_last_nth) | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_last_append_mod: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ ys) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k @ (ys \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def f_aggregate_append_mod) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_append_mult: " | |
length xs = m * k \<Longrightarrow> (xs @ ys) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k @ (ys \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k)" | |
by (unfold f_shrink_last_def, rule f_aggregate_append_mult) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_snoc: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length ys = k; length xs mod k = 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(xs @ ys) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k @ [last ys]" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_append_mod f_shrink_last_one) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_last: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> last (xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k) = last xs" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (case_tac "xs = []", simp) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "k \<le> length xs") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (rule ccontr, simp) | |
apply (rule subst[OF append_take_drop_id[of "length xs - k" xs]]) | |
apply (subst f_shrink_last_snoc) | |
apply (simp add: min_eqR mod_diff_self2)+ | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_last_replicate: "m\<^bsup>n\<^esup> \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = m\<^bsup>n div k\<^esup>" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0", simp) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff f_shrink_last_length) | |
apply (frule less_div_imp_mult_add_divisor_le) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_last_nth) | |
done | |
lemma f_shrink_last_take: " | |
xs \<down> n \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k \<down> (n div k)" | |
by (unfold f_shrink_last_def, rule f_aggregate_take) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_take_mult: "xs \<down> (n * k) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k \<down> n" | |
by (unfold f_shrink_last_def, rule f_aggregate_take_mult) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_drop_mult: "xs \<up> (n * k) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k \<up> n" | |
by (unfold f_shrink_last_def, rule f_aggregate_drop_mult) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> xs \<up> n \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k \<up> (n div k)" | |
by (unfold f_shrink_last_def, rule f_aggregate_drop_mod) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_assoc: "xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> a \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> b = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> (a * b)" | |
by (unfold f_shrink_last_def, rule f_aggregate_assoc, fold f_shrink_last_def, rule f_shrink_last_last) | |
lemma f_shrink_last_commute: "xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> a \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> b = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> b \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> a" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_assoc mult.commute[of a]) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_1[simp]: "f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> Suc 0 = f" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_last_def i_aggregate_1) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_nth: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k) n = f (n * k + k - Suc 0)" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_last_def i_aggregate_nth last_i_take2) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_nth': "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k) n = f (Suc n * k - Suc 0)" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_last_nth add.commute[of k]) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_hd: "(f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k) 0 = last (f \<Down> k)" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0") | |
apply (simp add: i_shrink_last_def) | |
apply (simp add: i_shrink_last_nth last_i_take2) | |
done | |
lemma i_shrink_last_o: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (f \<circ> g) \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k = f \<circ> (g \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k)" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_shrink_last_nth) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_i_append_mod: " | |
length xs mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<frown> f) \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k \<frown> (f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def i_shrink_last_def i_aggregate_i_append_mod) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_i_append_mult: " | |
length xs = m * k \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<frown> f) \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k = xs \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k \<frown> (f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k)" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_last_i_append_mod) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_Cons: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; length xs = k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (xs \<frown> f) \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k = [last xs] \<frown> (f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def i_shrink_last_def i_aggregate_Cons) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_const: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> (\<lambda>x. m) \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k = (\<lambda>x. m)" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_shrink_last_nth) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_i_take_mult: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> f \<Down> (n * k) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k \<Down> n" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def i_shrink_last_def i_aggregate_i_take_mult) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_i_take: " | |
f \<Down> n \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k = f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k \<Down> (n div k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def i_shrink_last_def i_aggregate_i_take) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_i_drop_mult: "f \<Up> (n * k) \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k = f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k \<Up> n" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def i_shrink_last_def i_aggregate_i_drop_mult) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_i_drop_mod: " | |
n mod k = 0 \<Longrightarrow> f \<Up> n \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k = f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k \<Up> (n div k)" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_last_def i_shrink_last_def i_aggregate_i_drop_mod) | |
lemma i_shrink_last_assoc: "f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> a \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> b = f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> (a * b)" | |
apply (unfold i_shrink_last_def) | |
apply (case_tac "b = 0", simp) | |
apply (case_tac "a = 0", simp add: i_aggregate_def) | |
apply (simp add: i_aggregate_assoc f_shrink_last_last[unfolded f_shrink_last_def]) | |
done | |
lemma i_shrink_last_commute: "f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> a \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> b = f \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> b \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> a" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_last_assoc mult.commute[of a]) | |
text \<open> | |
Shrinking a message stream with \<open>last_message\<close> as aggregation function | |
corresponds to shrinking the stream holding last message in each cycle | |
with \<open>last\<close> as aggregation function.\<close> | |
lemma f_shrink_eq_f_last_message_hold_shrink_last: " | |
xs \<div>\<^sub>f k = xs \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff f_shrink_length f_shrink_last_length f_shrink_nth_eq_f_last_message_hold_nth f_shrink_last_nth) | |
lemma i_shrink_eq_i_last_message_hold_shrink_last: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> f \<div>\<^sub>i k = f \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_shrink_last_nth i_shrink_nth_eq_i_last_message_hold_nth) | |
end | |