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(* Title: AF_Stream_Exec.thy | |
Date: Dec 2006 | |
Author: David Trachtenherz | |
*) | |
section \<open>Processing of message streams\<close> | |
theory AF_Stream_Exec | |
imports AF_Stream "List-Infinite.ListInf_Prefix" "List-Infinite.SetIntervalStep" | |
begin | |
subsection \<open>Executing components with state transition functions\<close> | |
subsubsection \<open>Basic definitions\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
Function type for functions converting | |
an input value to an input port message for a component\<close> | |
type_synonym ('a, 'in) Port_Input_Value = "'a \<Rightarrow> 'in message_af" | |
text \<open> | |
Function type for functions extracting | |
the output value of a single output port from | |
a component value\<close> | |
type_synonym ('comp, 'out) Port_Output_Value = "'comp \<Rightarrow> 'out message_af" | |
text \<open> | |
Function type for functions extracting | |
the local state of a component from | |
a component value\<close> | |
type_synonym ('comp, 'state) Comp_Local_State = "'comp \<Rightarrow> 'state" | |
text \<open> | |
Function type for transition functions | |
computing the component's value after processing | |
an input for a single time unit\<close> | |
type_synonym ('comp, 'input) Comp_Trans_Fun = "'input \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> 'comp" | |
\<comment> \<open>Execute a component for all inputs in the input stream @{typ "'input list"}\<close> | |
primrec f_Exec_Comp :: "('comp, 'input) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> 'input list \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> 'comp" | |
where | |
f_Exec_Nil: "f_Exec_Comp trans_fun [] c = c" | |
| f_Exec_Cons: "f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x#xs) c = f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs (trans_fun x c)" | |
\<comment> \<open>Execute the component for at most n steps\<close> | |
definition f_Exec_Comp_N :: "('comp, 'input) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'input list \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> 'comp" | |
where "f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n xs c \<equiv> f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c" | |
\<comment> \<open>Produce the component stream for all inputs in the input stream\<close> | |
primrec f_Exec_Comp_Stream :: "('comp, 'input) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> 'input list \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> 'comp list" | |
where | |
f_Exec_Stream_Nil: "f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun [] c = []" | |
| f_Exec_Stream_Cons: "f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # xs) c = | |
(trans_fun x c) # ( f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs (trans_fun x c) )" | |
primrec f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init :: | |
"('comp, 'input) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> 'input list \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> 'comp list" | |
where | |
f_Exec_Stream_Init_Nil: "f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun [] c = [c]" | |
| f_Exec_Stream_Init_Cons: "f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (x # xs) c = | |
c # ( f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs (trans_fun x c) )" | |
definition i_Exec_Comp_Stream :: | |
"('comp, 'input) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> 'input ilist \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> 'comp ilist" | |
where "i_Exec_Comp_Stream \<equiv> \<lambda>trans_fun input c n. f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> Suc n) c" | |
definition i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init :: | |
"('comp, 'input) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> 'input ilist \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> 'comp ilist" | |
where "i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init \<equiv> \<lambda>trans_fun input c n. f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> n) c" | |
subsubsection \<open>Basic results\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_one: "f_Exec_Comp trans_fun [m] c = trans_fun m c" | |
by simp | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_length[rule_format, simp]:" | |
\<forall>c. length (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) = length xs" | |
by (induct xs, simp_all) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_empty_conv:" | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c = []) = (xs = [])" | |
by (simp add: length_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_0_conv) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_not_empty_conv:" | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c \<noteq> []) = (xs \<noteq> [])" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_empty_conv) | |
lemma f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last[rule_format]:" | |
\<forall>c. f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c = last (c # (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c))" | |
by (induct xs, simp_all) | |
corollary f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last2[rule_format]: " | |
xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c = last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last f_Exec_Stream_empty_conv[symmetric, of xs trans_fun c]) | |
corollary f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last_if: " | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c = (if xs = [] then c else last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last2) | |
corollary f_Exec_take_eq_last_f_Exec_Stream_take:" | |
\<lbrakk> xs \<noteq> []; 0 < n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c = | |
last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last2 take_not_empty_conv) | |
corollary f_Exec_N_eq_last_f_Exec_Stream_take:" | |
\<lbrakk> xs \<noteq> []; 0 < n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n xs c = | |
last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_N_def f_Exec_take_eq_last_f_Exec_Stream_take) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_nth: " | |
\<And>n c. n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c ! n = f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> Suc n) c" | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (simp add: nth_Cons') | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_nth2: " | |
n \<le> length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
(c # f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) ! n = f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: nth_Cons' f_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
lemma f_Exec_N_all:" | |
length xs \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n xs c = f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_N_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_append[rule_format]:"\<forall>c. | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) @ | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c))" | |
by (induct xs, simp_all) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_append_last_Cons[rule_format]:" | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) @ | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys (last (c # (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c))))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_append f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_append_last[rule_format]:" | |
xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) @ | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys (last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_append_last_Cons f_Exec_Stream_empty_conv) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_append_if:" | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) @ | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys ( | |
if xs = [] then c else last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_append f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last_if) | |
corollary f_Exec_append:" | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ys (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last f_Exec_Stream_append_if f_Exec_Stream_empty_conv) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_Cons_rev: " | |
xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> | |
(trans_fun (hd xs) c) # | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (tl xs) (trans_fun (hd xs) c) = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c" | |
by (subst f_Exec_Stream_Cons[symmetric], simp) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_snoc: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs @ [x]) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c @ | |
[trans_fun x (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)]" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_append) | |
lemma f_Exec_snoc: " | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ [x]) c = | |
trans_fun x (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_append) | |
lemma f_Exec_N_append[rule_format]:" | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun (a + b) xs c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun b (xs \<up> a) (f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun a xs c)" | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_N_def f_Exec_append[symmetric]) | |
apply (simp add: take_drop add.commute[of b]) | |
apply (rule subst[of "xs \<down> (a + b) \<down> a" "xs \<down> a" ], simp add: min_eqL) | |
apply (subst append_take_drop_id, simp) | |
done | |
corollary f_Exec_N_Suc[rule_format]:" | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun (Suc n) xs c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun (Suc 0) (xs \<up> n) (f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_N_append[symmetric]) | |
corollary f_Exec_N_Suc2[rule_format]:" | |
n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun (Suc n) xs c = | |
trans_fun (xs ! n) (f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_N_def take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_Exec_append) | |
theorem f_Exec_Stream_take:" | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) \<down> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c" | |
apply (case_tac "length xs \<le> n", simp) | |
apply (rule subst[OF append_take_drop_id, of _ n xs]) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_append del: append_take_drop_id) | |
done | |
theorem f_Exec_Stream_drop:" | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) \<up> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<up> n) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c)" | |
apply (case_tac "length xs \<le> n", simp) | |
apply (rule subst[OF append_take_drop_id, of _ n xs]) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_append del: append_take_drop_id) | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_nth: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n = f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> Suc n) c" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_def) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_nth_Suc: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c (Suc n) = | |
trans_fun (input (Suc n)) (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_nth i_take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_Exec_append) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_nth_Suc_first: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c (Suc n) = | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<Up> Suc 0) (trans_fun (input 0) c) n)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_nth i_take_Suc) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_nth_eq_i_Exec_Stream_nth: " | |
n < n' \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<Down> n') c ! n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_nth i_Exec_Stream_nth min_eqR) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_append: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<frown> input) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c \<frown> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_Exec_Stream_nth f_Exec_Stream_nth f_Exec_append i_append_nth Suc_diff_le) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_append_last_Cons: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<frown> input) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c \<frown> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input ( | |
last (c # f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last i_Exec_Stream_append) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_append_last: " | |
xs \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<frown> input) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c \<frown> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input ( | |
last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_empty_conv i_Exec_Stream_append_last_Cons) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_append_if: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<frown> input) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c \<frown> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input ( | |
if xs = [] then c | |
else last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c))" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_append_last) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_Cons: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ([x] \<frown> input) c = | |
[trans_fun x c] \<frown> i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input (trans_fun x c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_append) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_Cons_rev: " | |
[trans_fun (input 0) c] \<frown> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<Up> Suc 0) (trans_fun (input 0) c) = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c" | |
apply (insert i_Exec_Stream_append[of trans_fun "[input 0]" "input \<Up> Suc 0" c]) | |
apply (simp add: i_drop_Suc_conv_tl) | |
done | |
theorem i_Exec_Stream_take:" | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c) \<Down> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<Down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff f_Exec_Stream_nth i_Exec_Stream_nth min_eqR) | |
theorem i_Exec_Stream_drop:" | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c) \<Up> n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<Up> n) (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> n) c)" | |
apply (rule subst[OF i_append_i_take_i_drop_id, of _ n input]) | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_append i_drop_def del: i_append_i_take_i_drop_id) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_take: " | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag \<down> n = | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((xs \<down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_take_mult[symmetric] take_map f_Exec_Stream_take f_expand_take_mult) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_take: " | |
f_aggregate (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c) k ag \<down> n = | |
f_aggregate (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((xs \<down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c) k ag" | |
by (insert f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_take[of n id trans_fun xs k c ag], simp add: map_id) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_take: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) k ag \<Down> n = | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((input \<Down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_i_take_mult[symmetric] i_Exec_Stream_take i_expand_i_take_mult) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_take: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c) k ag \<Down> n = | |
f_aggregate (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((input \<Down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c) k ag" | |
by (drule i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_take[of k n id trans_fun input c ag], simp add: map_id) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_drop: " | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag \<up> n = | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((xs \<up> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ((xs \<down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c))) k ag" | |
by (simp add: f_aggregate_drop_mult[symmetric] drop_map f_Exec_Stream_drop f_expand_take_mult f_expand_drop_mult) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_drop: " | |
f_aggregate (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c) k ag \<up> n = | |
f_aggregate (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((xs \<up> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ((xs \<down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag" | |
by (insert f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_drop[of n id trans_fun xs k c ag], simp add: map_id) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_drop: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) k ag \<Up> n = | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((input \<Up> n) \<odot>\<^sub>i k) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ((input \<Down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c))) k ag" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_i_drop_mult[symmetric] i_Exec_Stream_drop i_expand_i_take_mult i_expand_i_drop_mult) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_drop: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c) k ag \<Up> n = | |
i_aggregate (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((input \<Up> n) \<odot>\<^sub>i k) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ((input \<Down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag" | |
by (drule i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_drop[of k n id trans_fun input c ag], simp) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth_eq_i_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < n' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<Down> n' \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag ! n = | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) k ag n" | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_nth i_aggregate_nth f_Exec_Stream_take f_Exec_Stream_drop i_Exec_Stream_take i_Exec_Stream_drop drop_map take_map) | |
apply (simp add: f_expand_take_mod i_expand_i_take_mod f_expand_drop_mod i_expand_i_drop_mod i_drop_i_take_1 drop_take_1 min_eqR) | |
done | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth_eq_i_nth': " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<Down> Suc n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag ! n = | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) k ag n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth_eq_i_nth) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_nth_eq_i_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < n' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<Down> n' \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c) k ag ! n = | |
i_aggregate (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c) k ag n" | |
by (drule f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth_eq_i_nth[where f=id], simp_all add: map_id) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_nth_eq_i_nth': " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<Down> Suc n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c) k ag ! n = | |
i_aggregate (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c) k ag n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_nth_eq_i_nth) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_last_map_nth_eq_f_Exec_Comp: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k ! n = | |
f (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ((xs \<down> Suc n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_last_map f_shrink_last_length f_shrink_last_nth) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "n * k + k - Suc 0 < length xs * k") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (drule Suc_leI[of n]) | |
apply (drule mult_le_mono1[of _ _ k], simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_nth add.commute[of k] f_expand_take_mult[symmetric]) | |
done | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_last_nth_eq_f_Exec_Comp: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k ! n = | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ((xs \<down> Suc n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c" | |
by (drule f_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_last_map_nth_eq_f_Exec_Comp[where f=id], simp_all add: map_id) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag ! n = | |
ag (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs ! n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)))" | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_nth take_map drop_map) | |
apply (simp add: take_map drop_map f_Exec_Stream_drop f_Exec_Stream_take f_expand_take_mod f_expand_drop_mod drop_take_1) | |
done | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c) k ag ! n = | |
ag (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs ! n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c))" | |
by (drule f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth[where f=id], simp_all add: map_id) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_map_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) \<div>\<^sub>f k ! n = | |
last_message (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs ! n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)))" | |
by (simp add: f_shrink_def f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) k ag n = | |
ag (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ((input \<Down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)))" | |
by (simp add: i_aggregate_nth i_Exec_Stream_drop i_Exec_Stream_take i_expand_i_take_mod i_expand_i_drop_mod i_drop_i_take_1) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_nth: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c) k ag n = | |
ag (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ((input \<Down> n) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c))" | |
by (drule i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth[where f=id], simp add: map_id) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_map_nth: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
((f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) \<div>\<^sub>i k) n = | |
last_message (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)))" | |
by (simp add: i_shrink_def i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_expand_snoc: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c \<up> (n * k) \<down> k = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs ! n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_drop f_Exec_Stream_take f_expand_take_mod f_expand_drop_mod drop_take_1) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_append: " | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((xs @ ys) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag = | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag @ | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (ys \<odot>\<^sub>f k) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c))) k ag" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_append f_aggregate_append_mod) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_append: " | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((xs \<frown> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) k ag = | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag \<frown> | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c))) k ag" | |
by (simp add: i_expand_i_append i_Exec_Stream_append i_aggregate_i_append_mod) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_Cons: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((x # xs) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag = | |
ag (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)) # | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c))) k ag" | |
apply (subst append_eq_Cons[of x xs, symmetric]) | |
apply (subst f_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_append) | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_one) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_snoc: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ((xs @ [x]) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag = | |
f_aggregate (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) k ag @ | |
[ag (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)))]" | |
apply (subst f_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_append) | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_one) | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_Cons: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (([x] \<frown> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) k ag = | |
[ag (map f (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c))] \<frown> | |
i_aggregate (f \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c))) k ag" | |
apply (subst i_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_append) | |
apply (simp add: f_aggregate_one) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_N_eq_f_Exec_Stream_nth:" | |
n \<le> length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n xs c = (c # f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) ! n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_N_def f_Exec_Stream_nth2) | |
theorem f_Exec_Stream_causal: " | |
xs \<down> n = ys \<down> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) \<down> n = (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys c) \<down> n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_take) | |
theorem i_Exec_Stream_causal: " | |
input1 \<Down> n = input2 \<Down> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input1 c) \<Down> n = (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input2 c) \<Down> n" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_take) | |
text \<open>Results for \<open>f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init\<close>\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
\<open>f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init\<close> computes the execution stream of a component | |
with the initial value of the component | |
at the beginning of the result stream.\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_length[rule_format, simp]:" | |
\<forall>c. length (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) = Suc (length xs)" | |
by (induct xs, simp_all) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_not_empty:" | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c \<noteq> [])" | |
by (simp add: length_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_0_conv) | |
lemma f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Init_last[rule_format]:" | |
\<forall>c. f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c = last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (induct xs, simp_all add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_not_empty) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons[rule_format]: " | |
\<forall>c. f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c = c # f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c" | |
by (induct xs, simp_all) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons_output: " | |
output_fun c = \<NoMsg> \<Longrightarrow> | |
map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) = | |
\<NoMsg> # map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_Init_tl_eq_f_Exec_Stream: " | |
tl (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) = f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_N_eq_last_f_Exec_Stream_Init_take:" | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n xs c = | |
last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_N_def f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Init_last) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth: " | |
n \<le> length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! n = f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c" | |
apply (subst f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
apply (case_tac n, simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_0: "f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! 0 = c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_hd: "hd (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) = c" | |
by (simp add: hd_conv_nth f_Exec_Stream_Init_not_empty f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_0) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_eq_f_Exec_Stream_nth: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! (Suc n) = f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c ! n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_append:" | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) @ | |
tl (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun ys (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons f_Exec_Stream_append) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_Init_append_last:" | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) @ | |
tl (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun ys (last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c)))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_append f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Init_last) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_f_Exec_Stream_append:" | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) @ | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons f_Exec_Stream_append) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_take:" | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) \<down> Suc n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons f_Exec_Stream_take) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_drop:" | |
n \<le> length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) \<up> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (xs \<up> n) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c)" | |
apply (case_tac n, simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons f_Exec_Stream_drop) | |
apply (simp add: take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_Exec_append Cons_nth_drop_Suc[symmetric]) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_drop_geq_not_valid:" | |
length xs \<le> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) \<up> Suc n \<noteq> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun arbitrary_input arbitrary_comp" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_not_empty[symmetric]) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n = f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init_def) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_0: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c 0 = c" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_eq_i_Exec_Stream_nth: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c (Suc n) = i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth i_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c = [c] \<frown> i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth i_append_nth i_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons_output: " | |
output_fun c = \<NoMsg> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun \<circ> i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c = | |
[\<NoMsg>] \<frown> (output_fun \<circ> i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_append:" | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (input1 \<frown> input2) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input1 c) \<frown> | |
((i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input2 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun input1 c)) \<Up> Suc 0)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons i_Exec_Stream_append) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_Init_append_last:" | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (input1 \<frown> input2) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input1 c) \<frown> | |
((i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input2 (last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input1 c))) \<Up> Suc 0)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_append f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Init_last) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_i_Exec_Stream_append:" | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (input1 \<frown> input2) c = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input1 c) \<frown> | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input2 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun input1 c))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons i_Exec_Stream_append) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_take:" | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c) \<Down> Suc n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (input \<Down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons i_Exec_Stream_take) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_drop:" | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c) \<Up> n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun (input \<Up> n) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> n) c)" | |
apply (case_tac n, simp) | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons i_Exec_Stream_drop) | |
apply (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_Exec_append i_Exec_Stream_nth i_append_nth i_take_first i_take_drop_eq_map) | |
apply (simp add: upt_conv_Cons) | |
done | |
theorem f_Exec_Stream_Init_strictly_causal: " | |
xs \<down> n = ys \<down> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) \<down> Suc n = (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun ys c) \<down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_take) | |
theorem i_Exec_Stream_Init_strictly_causal: " | |
input1 \<Down> n = input2 \<Down> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input1 c) \<Down> Suc n = (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input2 c) \<Down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_take) | |
theorem f_Exec_N_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth:" | |
n \<le> length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n xs c = f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons f_Exec_N_eq_f_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
text \<open>Basic results for previous element functions\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
The functions \<open>list_Previous\<close> and \<open>ilist_Previous\<close> | |
return the previous element of the list relatively to the specified position @{term n} | |
or the initial element if @{term n} is 0,\<close> | |
definition list_Previous :: "'value list \<Rightarrow> 'value \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'value" | |
where "list_Previous xs init n \<equiv> | |
case n of | |
0 \<Rightarrow> init | |
| Suc n' \<Rightarrow> xs ! n'" | |
definition ilist_Previous :: "'value ilist \<Rightarrow> 'value \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'value" | |
where "ilist_Previous f init n \<equiv> | |
case n of | |
0 \<Rightarrow> init | |
| Suc n' \<Rightarrow> f n'" | |
abbreviation "list_Previous'" :: "'value list \<Rightarrow> 'value \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'value" | |
( "_\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>'' _\<^esup> _" [1000, 10, 100] 100) | |
where "xs\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' init\<^esup> n \<equiv> list_Previous xs init n" | |
abbreviation "ilist_Previous'" :: "'value ilist \<Rightarrow> 'value \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'value" | |
( "_\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> _\<^esup> _" [1000, 10, 100] 100) | |
where "f\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> init\<^esup> n \<equiv> ilist_Previous f init n" | |
lemma list_Previous_nth: "xs\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' init\<^esup> n = (case n of 0 \<Rightarrow> init | Suc n' \<Rightarrow> xs ! n')" | |
by (simp add: list_Previous_def) | |
lemma ilist_Previous_nth: "f\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> init\<^esup> n = (case n of 0 \<Rightarrow> init | Suc n' \<Rightarrow> f n')" | |
by (simp add: ilist_Previous_def) | |
lemma list_Previous_nth_if: "xs\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' init\<^esup> n = (if n = 0 then init else xs ! (n - Suc 0))" | |
by (case_tac n, simp_all add: list_Previous_nth) | |
lemma ilist_Previous_nth_if: "f\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> init\<^esup> n = (if n = 0 then init else f (n - Suc 0))" | |
by (case_tac n, simp_all add: ilist_Previous_nth) | |
lemma list_Previous_Cons: "xs\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' init\<^esup> n = (init # xs) ! n" | |
by (case_tac n, simp_all add: list_Previous_nth) | |
lemma ilist_Previous_Cons: "f\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> init\<^esup> n = ([init] \<frown> f) n" | |
by (case_tac n, simp_all add: ilist_Previous_nth) | |
lemma list_Previous_0: "xs\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' init\<^esup> 0 = init" | |
by (simp add: list_Previous_def) | |
lemma ilist_Previous_0: "f\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> init\<^esup> 0 = init" | |
by (simp add: ilist_Previous_def) | |
lemma list_Previous_gr0: "0 < n \<Longrightarrow> xs\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' init\<^esup> n = xs ! (n - Suc 0)" | |
by (case_tac n, simp_all add: list_Previous_nth) | |
lemma ilist_Previous_gr0: "0 < n \<Longrightarrow> f\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> init\<^esup> n = f (n - Suc 0)" | |
by (case_tac n, simp_all add: ilist_Previous_nth) | |
lemma list_Previous_Suc: "xs\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' init\<^esup> (Suc n) = xs ! n" | |
by (simp add: list_Previous_def) | |
lemma ilist_Previous_Suc: "f\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> init\<^esup> (Suc n) = f n" | |
by (simp add: ilist_Previous_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Previous_f_Exec_Stream_Init: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! n = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' c\<^esup> n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons list_Previous_Cons) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Previous_i_Exec_Stream_Init: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n = | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> c\<^esup> n" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons ilist_Previous_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_hd: " | |
0 < length xs \<Longrightarrow> hd (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) = trans_fun (hd xs) c" | |
by (case_tac xs, simp+) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_nth_0: " | |
0 < length xs \<Longrightarrow> (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) ! 0= trans_fun (xs ! 0) c" | |
by (case_tac xs, simp+) | |
text \<open> | |
The calculation of the n-th result stream element | |
from the previous result stream element and the current input stream element.\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_nth_gr0_calc: " | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs; 0 < n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c ! n = | |
trans_fun (xs ! n) (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c ! (n - 1))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_nth take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_Exec_append) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_nth_calc_Previous: " | |
n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c ! n = | |
trans_fun (xs ! n) ((f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' c\<^esup> n)" | |
apply (case_tac n) | |
apply (simp add: list_Previous_0 f_Exec_Stream_nth_0) | |
apply (simp add: list_Previous_def f_Exec_Stream_nth_gr0_calc) | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_nth_0: " | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c) 0 = trans_fun (input 0) c" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_nth i_take_first) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_nth_gr0_calc: " | |
0 < n \<Longrightarrow> | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c) n = | |
trans_fun (input n) ((i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c) (n - 1))" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_nth i_take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_Exec_append) | |
text \<open> | |
The component state (and thus its output) at time point @{term "n"} | |
is computed from the previous state | |
(the state at time @{term "n-1"} for @{term "n > 0"} | |
or the initial state for @{term "n = 0"}) | |
and the input at time @{term "n"}.\<close> | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_nth_calc_Previous: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n = | |
trans_fun (input n) ((i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> c\<^esup> n)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_nth ilist_Previous_nth_if i_take_first i_take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_Exec_append) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc: " | |
n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! Suc n = | |
trans_fun (xs ! n) (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! n)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons f_Exec_Stream_nth nth_Cons' length_greater_0_conv[THEN iffD1, OF gr_implies_gr0] take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_Exec_append) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Plus1_calc: " | |
n < length xs \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! (n + 1)= | |
trans_fun (xs ! n) (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! n)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_gr0_calc: " | |
\<lbrakk> n \<le> length xs; 0 < n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! n = | |
trans_fun (xs ! (n - 1)) (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! (n - 1))" | |
by (clarsimp simp: gr0_conv_Suc f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc) | |
text \<open> | |
At the beginning, | |
the component state (and thus its output) | |
for the execution stream with initial state | |
is represented by the initial state, | |
contrary to the @{term "i_Exec_Comp_Stream"} | |
that does not contain the initial state.\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
The component state (and thus its output) at time point @{term "n + 1"} | |
for the execution stream with initial state | |
is computed from the previous state | |
(the state at time @{term "n"}) | |
and the previous input | |
(input at time @{term "n"}), | |
contrary to the @{term "i_Exec_Comp_Stream"}, | |
where each state at time @{term "n"} | |
represents the resulting state after processing the input at time @{term "n"}.\<close> | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c (Suc n) = | |
trans_fun (input n) (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth i_take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_Exec_append) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Plus1_calc: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c (n + 1) = | |
trans_fun (input n) (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_gr0_calc: " | |
0 < n \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n = | |
trans_fun (input (n - 1)) (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c (n - 1))" | |
by (clarsimp simp: gr0_conv_Suc i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc) | |
text \<open>Correlation between Pre/Post-Conditions for | |
\<open>f_Exec_Comp_Stream\<close> and \<open>f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init\<close>\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Pre_Post1: " | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs; | |
c_n = (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' c\<^esup> n; x_n = xs ! n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P1 x_n \<and> P2 c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c ! n)) = | |
(P1 x_n \<and> P2 c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (trans_fun x_n c_n))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_nth_calc_Previous) | |
text \<open>Direct relation between input and result after transition\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Pre_Post2: " | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs; | |
c_n = (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' c\<^esup> n; x_n = xs ! n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (xs ! n) (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c ! n)) = | |
(P c_n \<longrightarrow> Q x_n (trans_fun x_n c_n))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_nth_calc_Previous) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Pre_Post2_Suc: " | |
\<lbrakk> Suc n < length xs; | |
c_n = f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c ! n; x_n1 = xs ! Suc n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (xs ! Suc n) (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c ! Suc n)) = | |
(P c_n \<longrightarrow> Q x_n1 (trans_fun x_n1 c_n))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_nth_gr0_calc) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_Pre_Post1: " | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs; | |
c_n = f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! n; x_n = xs ! n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P1 x_n \<and> P2 c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! Suc n)) = | |
(P1 x_n \<and> P2 c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (trans_fun x_n c_n))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc) | |
text \<open>Direct relation between input and state before transition\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_Pre_Post2: " | |
\<lbrakk> n < length xs; | |
c_n = f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! n; x_n = xs ! n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P (xs ! n) (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! n) \<longrightarrow> | |
Q (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c ! Suc n)) = | |
(P x_n c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (trans_fun x_n c_n))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Pre_Post1: " | |
\<lbrakk> c_n = (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> c\<^esup> n; x_n = input n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P1 x_n \<and> P2 c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n)) = | |
(P1 x_n \<and> P2 c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (trans_fun x_n c_n))" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_nth_calc_Previous) | |
text \<open>Direct relation between input and result after transition\<close> | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Pre_Post2: " | |
\<lbrakk> c_n = (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> c\<^esup> n; x_n = input n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (input n) (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n)) = | |
(P c_n \<longrightarrow> Q x_n (trans_fun x_n c_n))" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_nth_calc_Previous) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Pre_Post2_Suc: " | |
\<lbrakk> c_n = i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n; x_n1 = input (Suc n) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (input (Suc n)) (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c (Suc n))) = | |
(P c_n \<longrightarrow> Q x_n1 (trans_fun x_n1 c_n))" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_nth_gr0_calc) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_Pre_Post1: " | |
\<lbrakk> c_n = i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n; x_n = input n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P1 x_n \<and> P2 c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c (Suc n))) = | |
(P1 x_n \<and> P2 c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (trans_fun x_n c_n))" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc) | |
text \<open>Direct relation between input and state before transition\<close> | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_Pre_Post2: " | |
\<lbrakk> c_n = i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n; x_n = input n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(P (input n) (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n) \<longrightarrow> | |
Q (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c (Suc n))) = | |
(P x_n c_n \<longrightarrow> Q (trans_fun x_n c_n))" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_nth_Suc_calc) | |
text \<open>Basic results for stream prefices\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_prefix: " | |
prefix xs ys \<Longrightarrow> | |
prefix (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys c)" | |
by (clarsimp simp: prefix_def f_Exec_Stream_append) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_prefix: " | |
xs \<sqsubseteq> input \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c \<sqsubseteq> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c" | |
by (simp add: iprefix_eq_iprefix_take i_Exec_Stream_take) | |
lemma f_Exec_N_prefix: " | |
\<lbrakk> n \<le> length xs; prefix xs ys \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n xs c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_N trans_fun n ys c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_N_def prefix_imp_take_eq) | |
theorem f_Exec_Stream_prefix_causal[rule_format]:" | |
n \<le> length (xs \<sqinter> ys) \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c \<down> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys c \<down> n" | |
by (rule f_Exec_Stream_causal, rule inf_prefix_take_correct) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_prefix:" | |
prefix xs ys \<Longrightarrow> | |
prefix (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun ys c)" | |
by (clarsimp simp: prefix_def f_Exec_Stream_Init_append) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_prefix: " | |
xs \<sqsubseteq> input \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c \<sqsubseteq> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c" | |
by (simp add: iprefix_eq_iprefix_take i_Exec_Stream_Init_take) | |
theorem f_Exec_Stream_Init_prefix_strictly_causal[rule_format]:" | |
n \<le> length (xs \<sqinter> ys) \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c \<down> Suc n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun ys c \<down> Suc n" | |
by (rule f_Exec_Stream_Init_strictly_causal, rule inf_prefix_take_correct) | |
text \<open> | |
A predicate indicating | |
whether a component is deterministically dependent | |
on the local state extracted by the the given local state function.\<close> | |
definition Deterministic_Trans_Fun :: | |
"('comp, 'input) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> ('comp, 'state) Comp_Local_State \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "Deterministic_Trans_Fun trans_fun localState \<equiv> | |
\<forall>c1 c2 x. localState c1 = localState c2 \<longrightarrow> trans_fun x c1 = trans_fun x c2" | |
lemma Deterministic_f_Exec: " | |
\<lbrakk> Deterministic_Trans_Fun trans_fun localState; localState c1 = localState c2; xs \<noteq> [] \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c1 = f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c2" | |
apply (unfold Deterministic_Trans_Fun_def) | |
apply (case_tac xs, simp) | |
apply (rename_tac y ys) | |
apply (drule_tac x=c1 in spec) | |
apply (drule_tac x=c2 in spec) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma Deterministic_f_Exec_Stream: " | |
\<lbrakk> Deterministic_Trans_Fun trans_fun localState; localState c1 = localState c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c1 = f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c2" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff f_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
apply (rule Deterministic_f_Exec) | |
apply (simp add: length_greater_0_conv[THEN iffD1, OF gr_implies_gr0])+ | |
done | |
lemma Deterministic_i_Exec_Stream: " | |
\<lbrakk> Deterministic_Trans_Fun trans_fun localState; localState c1 = localState c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c1 = i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c2" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff i_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
apply (rule Deterministic_f_Exec) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
subsubsection \<open>Connected streams\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
A predicate indicating for two message streams, | |
that the ports, they correspond to, are connected. | |
The predicate implies strict causality.\<close> | |
definition f_Streams_Connected :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "f_Streams_Connected outS inS \<equiv> inS = \<NoMsg> # outS" | |
definition i_Streams_Connected :: "'a istream_af \<Rightarrow> 'a istream_af \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "i_Streams_Connected outS inS \<equiv> inS = [\<NoMsg>] \<frown> outS" | |
lemmas Streams_Connected_defs = | |
f_Streams_Connected_def | |
i_Streams_Connected_def | |
lemma f_Streams_Connected_imp_not_empty: "f_Streams_Connected outS inS \<Longrightarrow> inS \<noteq> []" | |
by (simp add: f_Streams_Connected_def) | |
lemma f_Streams_Connected_nth_conv: " | |
f_Streams_Connected outS inS = | |
(length inS = Suc (length outS) \<and> | |
(\<forall>i<length inS. inS ! i = (case i of 0 \<Rightarrow> \<NoMsg> | Suc k \<Rightarrow> outS ! k)))" | |
by (simp add: f_Streams_Connected_def list_eq_iff nth_Cons) | |
lemma f_Streams_Connected_nth_conv_if: " | |
f_Streams_Connected outS inS = | |
(length inS = Suc (length outS) \<and> | |
(\<forall>i<length inS. inS ! i = (if i = 0 then \<NoMsg> else outS ! (i - Suc 0))))" | |
apply (subst f_Streams_Connected_nth_conv) | |
apply (rule conj_cong, simp) | |
apply (rule all_imp_eqI, simp) | |
apply (rename_tac i, case_tac i, simp+) | |
done | |
lemma i_Streams_Connected_nth_conv: " | |
i_Streams_Connected outS inS = | |
(\<forall>i. inS i = (case i of 0 \<Rightarrow> \<NoMsg> | Suc k \<Rightarrow> outS k))" | |
by (simp add: i_Streams_Connected_def ilist_eq_iff i_append_nth_Cons) | |
lemma i_Streams_Connected_nth_conv_if: " | |
i_Streams_Connected outS inS = | |
(\<forall>i. inS i = (if i = 0 then \<NoMsg> else outS (i - Suc 0)))" | |
apply (subst i_Streams_Connected_nth_conv) | |
apply (rule all_eqI) | |
apply (rename_tac i, case_tac i, simp+) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_output_channel: " | |
\<lbrakk> output_fun c = \<NoMsg>; | |
f_Streams_Connected | |
(map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)) | |
channel \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) = channel" | |
by (simp add: f_Streams_Connected_def f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_output_channel: " | |
\<lbrakk> output_fun c = \<NoMsg>; | |
i_Streams_Connected | |
(output_fun \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c)) | |
channel \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c) = channel" | |
by (simp add: i_Streams_Connected_def i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_output_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> xs \<down> n = ys \<down> n; | |
output1 = map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c); | |
output2 = map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys c) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output1 \<down> n = output2 \<down> n" | |
by (simp add: take_map f_Exec_Stream_causal[of n xs]) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_output_strictly_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> xs \<down> n = ys \<down> n; | |
output1 = map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c); | |
output2 = map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun ys c) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output1 \<down> Suc n = output2 \<down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: take_map f_Exec_Stream_Init_strictly_causal[of n xs]) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_output_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> input1 \<Down> n = input2 \<Down> n; | |
output1 = output_fun \<circ> i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input1 c; | |
output2 = output_fun \<circ> i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input2 c \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output1 \<Down> n = output2 \<Down> n" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_causal[of n input1]) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_output_strictly_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> input1 \<Down> n = input2 \<Down> n; | |
output1 = output_fun \<circ> i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input1 c; | |
output2 = output_fun \<circ> i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input2 c \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output1 \<Down> Suc n = output2 \<Down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Init_strictly_causal[of n input1]) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Connected_strictly_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> xs \<down> n = ys \<down> n; | |
f_Streams_Connected | |
(map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)) | |
channel1; | |
f_Streams_Connected | |
(map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun ys c)) | |
channel2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
channel1 \<down> Suc n = channel2 \<down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: f_Streams_Connected_def take_map f_Exec_Stream_take) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Connected_strictly_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> input1 \<Down> n = input2 \<Down> n; | |
i_Streams_Connected | |
(portOutput \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input1 c)) | |
channel1; | |
i_Streams_Connected | |
(portOutput \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input2 c)) | |
channel2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
channel1 \<Down> Suc n = channel2 \<Down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: i_Streams_Connected_def i_take_Suc_Cons i_Exec_Stream_take) | |
text \<open> | |
A predicate for the semantics with initial state in result stream | |
indicating for two message streams that the ports, they correspond to, are connected.\<close> | |
definition f_Streams_Connected_Init :: "'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'a fstream_af \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "f_Streams_Connected_Init outS inS \<equiv> inS = outS" | |
definition i_Streams_Connected_Init :: "'a istream_af \<Rightarrow> 'a istream_af \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "i_Streams_Connected_Init outS inS \<equiv> inS = outS" | |
lemmas Streams_Connected_Init_defs = | |
f_Streams_Connected_Init_def | |
i_Streams_Connected_Init_def | |
lemma f_Streams_Connected_Init_nth_conv: " | |
f_Streams_Connected_Init outS inS = | |
(length inS = length outS \<and> (\<forall>i<length inS. inS ! i = outS ! i))" | |
by (simp add: f_Streams_Connected_Init_def list_eq_iff) | |
lemma i_Streams_Connected_Init_nth_conv: " | |
i_Streams_Connected_Init outS inS = | |
(\<forall>i. inS i = outS i)" | |
by (simp add: i_Streams_Connected_Init_def ilist_eq_iff) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_output_channel2: " | |
\<lbrakk> output_fun c = \<NoMsg>; | |
f_Streams_Connected_Init | |
(map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c)) | |
channel \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c) = channel" | |
by (simp add: f_Streams_Connected_Init_def f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_output_channel2: " | |
\<lbrakk> output_fun c = \<NoMsg>; | |
i_Streams_Connected_Init | |
(output_fun \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c)) | |
channel \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c) = channel" | |
by (simp add: i_Streams_Connected_Init_def i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Connected_Init_strictly_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> xs \<down> n = ys \<down> n; | |
f_Streams_Connected_Init | |
(map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c)) | |
channel1; | |
f_Streams_Connected_Init | |
(map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun ys c)) | |
channel2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
channel1 \<down> Suc n = channel2 \<down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: f_Streams_Connected_Init_def f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons take_map f_Exec_Stream_take) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Connected_Init_strictly_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> input1 \<Down> n = input2 \<Down> n; | |
i_Streams_Connected_Init | |
(portOutput \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input1 c)) | |
channel1; | |
i_Streams_Connected_Init | |
(portOutput \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input2 c)) | |
channel2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
channel1 \<Down> Suc n = channel2 \<Down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: i_Streams_Connected_Init_def i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons i_Exec_Stream_take) | |
subsubsection \<open>Additional auxiliary results\<close> | |
text \<open>The following lemma shows that, | |
if the system state is different at some time points | |
with respect to a certain predicate @{term P}, | |
then there exists a defined time point between these two, | |
where the state change has taken place\<close> | |
lemma f_State_Change_exists_set: " | |
\<lbrakk> n1 \<le> n2; n1 \<in> I; n2 \<in> I; | |
\<not> P (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<down> n1) c); | |
P (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<down> n2) c) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>n\<in>I. n1 \<le> n \<and> n < n2 \<and> | |
\<not> P (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<down> n) c) \<and> | |
P (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<down> (inext n I)) c)" | |
by (rule inext_predicate_change_exists) | |
lemma f_State_Change_exists: " | |
\<lbrakk> n1 \<le> n2; | |
\<not> P (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<down> n1) c); | |
P (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<down> n2) c) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>n\<ge>n1. n < n2 \<and> | |
\<not> P (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<down> n) c) \<and> | |
P (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<down> (Suc n)) c)" | |
by (rule nat_Suc_predicate_change_exists) | |
lemma i_State_Change_exists_set: " | |
\<lbrakk> n1 \<le> n2; n1 \<in> I; n2 \<in> I; | |
\<not> P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n1); | |
P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n2) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>n\<in>I. n1 \<le> n \<and> n < n2 \<and> | |
\<not> P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n) \<and> | |
P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c (inext n I))" | |
by (rule inext_predicate_change_exists) | |
lemma i_State_Change_exists: " | |
\<lbrakk> n1 \<le> n2; | |
\<not> P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n1); | |
P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n2) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>n\<ge>n1. n < n2 \<and> | |
\<not> P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c n) \<and> | |
P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c (Suc n))" | |
by (rule nat_Suc_predicate_change_exists) | |
lemma i_State_Change_Init_exists_set: " | |
\<lbrakk> n1 \<le> n2; n1 \<in> I; n2 \<in> I; | |
\<not> P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n1); | |
P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n2) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>n\<in>I. n1 \<le> n \<and> n < n2 \<and> | |
\<not> P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n) \<and> | |
P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c (inext n I))" | |
by (rule inext_predicate_change_exists) | |
lemma i_State_Change_Init_exists: " | |
\<lbrakk> n1 \<le> n2; | |
\<not> P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n1); | |
P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n2) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>n\<ge>n1. n < n2 \<and> | |
\<not> P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c n) \<and> | |
P (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c (Suc n))" | |
by (rule nat_Suc_predicate_change_exists) | |
subsection \<open>Components with accelerated execution\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
This section deals with variable execution speed components. | |
A component accelerated by a (clocking) factor @{term k} | |
processes streams expanded by factor @{term k} | |
and its output streams are compressed by factor @{term k}.\<close> | |
subsubsection \<open>Equivalence relation for executions\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
A predicate indicating for | |
two components together with transition functions | |
and a given equivalence predicate for their local states, | |
that the components exhibit equivalent observable behaviour | |
after expanding input streams and shrinking output streams | |
by a constant factor, | |
given that their local states are equivalent | |
with respect to the specified equivalence relations.\<close> | |
definition | |
Equiv_Exec :: " | |
'input \<Rightarrow> | |
('state1 \<Rightarrow> 'state2 \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Equivalence predicate for local states\<close> | |
('comp1, 'state1) Comp_Local_State \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp2, 'state2) Comp_Local_State \<Rightarrow> | |
('input, 'input1) Port_Input_Value \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Input adaptor for first component\<close> | |
('input, 'input2) Port_Input_Value \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Input adaptor for second component\<close> | |
('comp1, 'output) Port_Output_Value \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp2, 'output) Port_Output_Value \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp1, 'input1 message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp2, 'input2 message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'comp1 \<Rightarrow> 'comp2 \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
"Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<equiv> | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2) \<longrightarrow> ( | |
last_message (map output_fun1 ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 (input_fun1 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k1 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c1)) = | |
last_message (map output_fun2 ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 (input_fun2 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k2 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c2)) \<and> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (input_fun1 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k1 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c1)) | |
(localState2 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (input_fun2 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k2 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c2)))" | |
text \<open> | |
Predicate indicating for | |
two components together with transition functions | |
and a given equivalence predicate for their local states, | |
that the equivalence predicate is stable | |
with respect to component execution, | |
i.e., it determines the equivalence | |
of components' local states | |
both for the initial states and after the components | |
have processed an arbitrary input. | |
The restricting version @{term "Equiv_Exec_stable_set"} | |
guarantees stability only for inputs from a given restriction set, | |
the not-restricting version guarantees stability for all inputs.\<close> | |
definition | |
Equiv_Exec_stable_set :: " | |
'input set \<Rightarrow> | |
('state1 \<Rightarrow> 'state2 \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Equivalence predicate for local states\<close> | |
('comp1, 'state1) Comp_Local_State \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp2, 'state2) Comp_Local_State \<Rightarrow> | |
('input, 'input1) Port_Input_Value \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Input adaptor for first component\<close> | |
('input, 'input2) Port_Input_Value \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Input adaptor for second component\<close> | |
('comp1, 'output) Port_Output_Value \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp2, 'output) Port_Output_Value \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp1, 'input1 message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp2, 'input2 message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'comp1 \<Rightarrow> 'comp2 \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
"Equiv_Exec_stable_set A | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<equiv> | |
\<forall>input m. set input \<subseteq> A \<and> m \<in> A \<longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec m | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2)" | |
definition | |
Equiv_Exec_stable :: " | |
('state1 \<Rightarrow> 'state2 \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Equivalence predicate for local states\<close> | |
('comp1, 'state1) Comp_Local_State \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp2, 'state2) Comp_Local_State \<Rightarrow> | |
('input, 'input1) Port_Input_Value \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Input adaptor for first component\<close> | |
('input, 'input2) Port_Input_Value \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Input adaptor for second component\<close> | |
('comp1, 'output) Port_Output_Value \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp2, 'output) Port_Output_Value \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp1, 'input1 message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp2, 'input2 message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'comp1 \<Rightarrow> 'comp2 \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
"Equiv_Exec_stable | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<equiv> | |
\<forall>input m. | |
Equiv_Exec m | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2)" | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_equiv_statesI: " | |
\<lbrakk> equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (input_fun1 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k1 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c1)) | |
(localState2 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (input_fun2 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k2 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c2))" | |
by (simp add: Equiv_Exec_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_output_eqI: " | |
\<lbrakk> equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
last_message (map output_fun1 ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 (input_fun1 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k1 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c1)) = | |
last_message (map output_fun2 ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 (input_fun2 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k2 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c2))" | |
by (simp add: Equiv_Exec_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_equiv_statesI': " | |
\<lbrakk> equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 NoMsg\<^bsup>k1 - Suc 0\<^esup> (trans_fun1 (input_fun1 m) c1))) | |
(localState2 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 NoMsg\<^bsup>k2 - Suc 0\<^esup> (trans_fun2 (input_fun2 m) c2)))" | |
by (simp add: Equiv_Exec_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_le1: " | |
\<lbrakk> k1 \<le> Suc 0; k2 \<le> Suc 0; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec m | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun1 (trans_fun1 (input_fun1 m) c1) = | |
output_fun2 (trans_fun2 (input_fun2 m) c2) \<and> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 (trans_fun1 (input_fun1 m) c1)) | |
(localState2 (trans_fun2 (input_fun2 m) c2))" | |
by (simp add: Equiv_Exec_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_stable_set_UNIV: " | |
Equiv_Exec_stable_set | |
UNIV equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 = | |
Equiv_Exec_stable | |
equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2" | |
by (simp add: Equiv_Exec_stable_set_def Equiv_Exec_stable_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_stable_setI: " | |
\<lbrakk> Equiv_Exec_stable_set A | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2; | |
set input \<subseteq> A; m \<in> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2)" | |
by (simp add: Equiv_Exec_stable_set_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_stableI: " | |
Equiv_Exec_stable | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec m | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2)" | |
by (simp add: Equiv_Exec_stable_def) | |
text \<open>Reflexitity, symmetry and transitivity results for @{term "Equiv_Exec"}\<close> | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_refl: " | |
\<lbrakk> \<And>c. equiv_states (localState c) (localState c) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState localState input_fun input_fun output_fun output_fun | |
trans_fun trans_fun k k c c" | |
by (simp add: Equiv_Exec_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_sym[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> \<forall>c1 c2. | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2) = | |
equiv_states (localState2 c2) (localState1 c1) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 = | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState2 localState1 input_fun2 input_fun1 output_fun2 output_fun1 | |
trans_fun2 trans_fun1 k2 k1 c2 c1" | |
by (fastforce simp: Equiv_Exec_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_sym2: " | |
\<lbrakk> equiv_states_sym = (\<lambda>s1 s2. equiv_states s2 s1) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 = | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states_sym | |
localState2 localState1 input_fun2 input_fun1 output_fun2 output_fun1 | |
trans_fun2 trans_fun1 k2 k1 c2 c1" | |
by (fastforce simp: Equiv_Exec_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_sym2_ex: " | |
\<exists>equiv_states_sym. | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 = | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states_sym | |
localState2 localState1 input_fun2 input_fun1 output_fun2 output_fun1 | |
trans_fun2 trans_fun1 k2 k1 c2 c1" | |
by (rule exI, rule Equiv_Exec_sym2, simp) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_trans: " | |
\<lbrakk> Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states12 | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2; | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states23 | |
localState2 localState3 input_fun2 input_fun3 output_fun2 output_fun3 | |
trans_fun2 trans_fun3 k2 k3 c2 c3; | |
equiv_states13 = (\<lambda>s1 s3. ( | |
if s1 = localState1 c1 \<and> s3 = localState3 c3 then | |
equiv_states12 s1 (localState2 c2) \<and> | |
equiv_states23 (localState2 c2) s3 | |
else | |
equiv_states12 s1 ( | |
localState2 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (input_fun2 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k2 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c2))) \<and> | |
equiv_states23 ( | |
localState2 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (input_fun2 m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k2 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c2)) s3) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states13 | |
localState1 localState3 input_fun1 input_fun3 output_fun1 output_fun3 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun3 k1 k3 c1 c3" | |
by (fastforce simp: Equiv_Exec_def) | |
lemma Equiv_Exec_trans_ex: " | |
\<lbrakk> Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states12 | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2; | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states23 | |
localState2 localState3 input_fun2 input_fun3 output_fun2 output_fun3 | |
trans_fun2 trans_fun3 k2 k3 c2 c3 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>equiv_states13. Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states13 | |
localState1 localState3 input_fun1 input_fun3 output_fun1 output_fun3 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun3 k1 k3 c1 c3" | |
by (blast intro: Equiv_Exec_trans) | |
text \<open>A predicate indicating for | |
a given local state extraction function and | |
a given transition function, | |
that components, whose states are equal with regard to the | |
local state extraction function, | |
are transformed into equal componenents, | |
when the transition function is applied with the same input.\<close> | |
definition Exec_Equal_State :: | |
"('comp, 'state) Comp_Local_State \<Rightarrow> ('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun \<equiv> | |
\<forall>c1 c2 m. localState c1 = localState c2 \<longrightarrow> trans_fun m c1 = trans_fun m c2" | |
lemma Exec_Equal_StateD: " | |
\<lbrakk> Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
localState c1 = localState c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
trans_fun m c1 = trans_fun m c2" | |
by (unfold Exec_Equal_State_def, blast) | |
lemma Exec_Equal_StateD': " | |
Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<forall>c1 c2 m. localState c1 = localState c2 \<longrightarrow> trans_fun m c1 = trans_fun m c2" | |
by (unfold Exec_Equal_State_def, blast) | |
lemma Exec_Equal_StateI: " | |
(\<And>c1 c2 m. localState c1 = localState c2 \<Longrightarrow> trans_fun m c1 = trans_fun m c2) | |
\<Longrightarrow> Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun" | |
by (unfold Exec_Equal_State_def, blast) | |
lemma f_Exec_Equal_State: "\<And>c1 c2. | |
\<lbrakk> Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
localState c1 = localState c2; xs \<noteq> [] \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c1 = f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c2" | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (case_tac "xs = []") | |
apply simp | |
apply (rule Exec_Equal_StateD, assumption+) | |
apply (drule_tac x="trans_fun a c1" in meta_spec) | |
apply (drule_tac x="trans_fun a c2" in meta_spec) | |
apply (drule_tac ?c1.0=c1 and ?c2.0=c2 and m=a in Exec_Equal_StateD, assumption) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Equal_State: " | |
\<lbrakk> Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
localState c1 = localState c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c1 = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c2" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff f_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
apply (drule gr_implies_gr0) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Equal_State) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Equal_State: " | |
\<lbrakk> Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
localState c1 = localState c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c1 = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c2" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff i_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Equal_State) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
subsubsection \<open>Idle states\<close> | |
definition State_Idle :: | |
"('comp, 'state) Comp_Local_State \<Rightarrow> ('comp \<Rightarrow> 'output message_af) \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> 'state \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun state \<equiv> | |
\<forall>c. localState c = state \<longrightarrow> | |
localState (trans_fun \<NoMsg> c) = state \<and> | |
output_fun (trans_fun \<NoMsg> c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
lemma State_IdleD: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun state; | |
localState c = state \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
localState (trans_fun \<NoMsg> c) = state \<and> | |
output_fun (trans_fun \<NoMsg> c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
by (unfold State_Idle_def, blast) | |
lemma State_IdleD': " | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun state \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<forall>c. localState c = state \<longrightarrow> | |
localState (trans_fun \<NoMsg> c) = state \<and> | |
output_fun (trans_fun \<NoMsg> c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
by (unfold State_Idle_def, blast) | |
lemma State_IdleI: " | |
\<lbrakk> \<And>c. localState c = state \<Longrightarrow> | |
localState (trans_fun \<NoMsg> c) = state \<and> | |
output_fun (trans_fun \<NoMsg> c) = \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun state" | |
by (unfold State_Idle_def, blast) | |
lemma State_Idle_step[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState (trans_fun \<NoMsg> c))" | |
apply (frule State_IdleD[OF _ refl], erule conjE) | |
apply (rule State_IdleI, rename_tac c0) | |
apply (drule_tac c=c0 in State_IdleD) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_state[rule_format]: " | |
\<And>c. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c) \<Longrightarrow> | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> c) = localState c" | |
apply (induct n, simp) | |
apply (frule State_Idle_step) | |
apply (drule_tac c=c in State_IdleD, rule refl) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output[rule_format]: "\<And>c. | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); 0 < n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
apply (induct n, simp) | |
apply (case_tac "n = 0") | |
apply simp | |
apply (rule State_IdleD[THEN conjunct2], assumption, simp) | |
apply (drule State_Idle_step) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_output[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); | |
output_fun c = \<NoMsg> \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
apply (case_tac "n = 0", simp) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_output[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> c) = \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff f_Exec_Stream_nth min_eqL f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output del: replicate.simps) | |
corollary f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_state: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) c) = | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_append f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_state) | |
corollary f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_ge_state: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup>) c)); | |
m \<le> n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) c) = | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup>) c)" | |
apply (rule_tac t=n and s="m + (n - m)" in subst, simp) | |
apply (simp only: replicate_add append_assoc[symmetric]) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_state, simp) | |
done | |
corollary f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_ge_state: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup> c)); | |
m \<le> n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> c) = | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup> c)" | |
by (cut_tac f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_ge_state[where xs="[]"], simp+) | |
corollary f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)); | |
0 < n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_append f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output) | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) c) = | |
map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c) @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_append f_Exec_Stream_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_output) | |
corollary f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_gr_output: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup>) c)); | |
m < n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
apply (rule_tac t=n and s="m + (n - m)" in subst, simp) | |
apply (simp only: replicate_add append_assoc[symmetric]) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output, simp+) | |
done | |
corollary f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_ge_output: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup>) c)); | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup>) c) = \<NoMsg>; m \<le> n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
by (fastforce simp: order_le_less f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_gr_output) | |
corollary f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_gr_output: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup> c)); | |
m < n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
by (cut_tac xs="[]" in f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_gr_output, simp+) | |
corollary f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_ge_output: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup> c)); | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>m\<^esup> c) = \<NoMsg>; m \<le> n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> c) = \<NoMsg>" | |
by (fastforce simp: order_le_less f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_gr_output) | |
lemma State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_output_last_message: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
last_message (map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) c)) = | |
last_message (map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c))" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output last_message_append_replicate_NoMsg) | |
lemma State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_output_Msg_eq_last_message: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)); | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c) \<noteq> \<NoMsg>; | |
xs \<noteq> [] \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
last_message (map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup>) c)) = | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)" | |
apply (simp add: State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_output_last_message f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last2 ) | |
apply (subst last_message_Msg_eq_last) | |
apply (simp add: map_last f_Exec_Stream_not_empty_conv)+ | |
done | |
corollary State_Idle_output_Msg_eq_last_message: " | |
\<lbrakk> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)); | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c) \<noteq> \<NoMsg>; | |
xs \<noteq> [] \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
last_message (map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)) = | |
output_fun (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (rule_tac n=0 in subst[OF State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_output_Msg_eq_last_message, rule_format], simp+) | |
lemma State_Idle_imp_exists_state_change: " | |
\<lbrakk> \<not> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>i<n. ( | |
\<not> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>i\<^esup> c)) \<and> ( | |
\<forall>j\<le>n. i < j \<longrightarrow> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>j\<^esup> c))))" | |
apply (cut_tac | |
a=0 and b=n and | |
P="\<lambda>x. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun NoMsg\<^bsup>x\<^esup> c))" | |
in nat_Suc_predicate_change_exists, simp+) | |
apply (clarify, rename_tac n1) | |
apply (rule_tac x=n1 in exI) | |
apply clarsimp | |
apply (rule_tac t="j" and s="Suc n1 + (j - Suc n1)" in subst, simp) | |
apply (subst replicate_add) | |
apply (simp add: replicate_add f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_state) | |
done | |
lemma State_Idle_imp_exists_state_change2: " | |
\<lbrakk> \<not> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>n\<^esup> c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<exists>i<n. ( | |
(\<forall>j\<le>i. \<not> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>i\<^esup> c))) \<and> | |
(\<forall>j\<le>n. i < j \<longrightarrow> State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>j\<^esup> c))))" | |
apply (frule State_Idle_imp_exists_state_change, assumption) | |
apply (clarify, rename_tac i) | |
apply (rule_tac x=i in exI) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
subsubsection \<open>Basic definitions for accelerated execution\<close> | |
text \<open>Stream processing with accelerated components\<close> | |
definition f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output :: | |
"nat \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Acceleration factor\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'output message_af) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Output extraction function\<close> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
'input fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> | |
'output fstream_af" | |
where "f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<equiv> | |
(map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) \<div>\<^sub>f k" | |
definition f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState :: | |
"nat \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Acceleration factor\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'state) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Local state extraction function\<close> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
'input fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> | |
'state list" | |
where "f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c \<equiv> | |
(map localState (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k" | |
definition i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output :: | |
"nat \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Acceleration factor\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'output message_af) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Output extraction function\<close> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
'input istream_af \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> | |
'output istream_af" | |
where "i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c \<equiv> | |
(output_fun \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) \<div>\<^sub>i k" | |
definition i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState :: | |
"nat \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Acceleration factor\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'state) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Local state extraction function\<close> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
'input istream_af \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> | |
'state ilist" | |
where "i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c \<equiv> | |
(localState \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k" | |
definition f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init :: | |
"nat \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Acceleration factor\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'output message_af) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Output extraction function\<close> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
'input fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> | |
'output fstream_af" | |
where "f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<equiv> | |
(output_fun c) # f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c" | |
definition f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init :: | |
"nat \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Acceleration factor\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'state) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Local state extraction function\<close> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> 'input fstream_af \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> | |
'state list" | |
where "f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init k localState trans_fun xs c \<equiv> | |
(localState c) # f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c" | |
definition i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init :: | |
"nat \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Acceleration factor\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'output message_af) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Output extraction function\<close> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
'input istream_af \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> | |
'output istream_af" | |
where "i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun input c \<equiv> | |
[output_fun c] \<frown> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c)" | |
definition i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init :: | |
"nat \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Acceleration factor\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'state) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Local state extraction function\<close> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
'input istream_af \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> | |
'state ilist" | |
where "i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init k localState trans_fun input c \<equiv> | |
[localState c] \<frown> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c)" | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_length[simp]: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
length (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c) = length xs" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_shrink_length) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_length[simp]: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
length (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c) = length xs" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def f_shrink_last_length) | |
lemmas f_Exec_Stream_Acc_length = | |
f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_length | |
f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_length | |
subsubsection \<open>Basic results for accelerated execution\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Nil[simp]: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun [] c = []" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Nil[simp]: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun [] c = []" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def) | |
lemmas f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Nil = | |
f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Nil | |
f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Nil | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_0[simp]: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output 0 output_fun trans_fun xs c = []" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_0[simp]: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState 0 localState trans_fun xs c = []" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def) | |
lemmas f_Exec_Stream_Acc_0 = | |
f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_0 | |
f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_0 | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_1[simp]: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output (Suc 0) output_fun trans_fun xs c = | |
map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_1[simp]: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState (Suc 0) localState trans_fun xs c = | |
map localState (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_1[simp]: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output (Suc 0) output_fun trans_fun input c = | |
output_fun \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_1[simp]: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState (Suc 0) localState trans_fun input c = | |
localState \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun input c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_eq_last_message_hold: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c = | |
(map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)) \<longmapsto>\<^sub>f k \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_shrink_eq_f_last_message_hold_shrink_last) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_eq_last_message_hold: "0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c = | |
(output_fun \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input \<odot>\<^sub>i k) c)) \<longmapsto>\<^sub>i k \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def i_shrink_eq_i_last_message_hold_shrink_last) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_take: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<down> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_shrink_def f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_take) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_drop: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<up> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (xs \<up> n) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_shrink_def f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_drop) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_take: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c \<Down> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (input \<Down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def | |
f_shrink_def i_shrink_def i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_take) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_drop: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c \<Up> n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (input \<Up> n) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def i_shrink_def i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_drop) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_take: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c \<Down> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun (input \<Down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def | |
f_shrink_last_def i_shrink_last_def i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_take) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_drop: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c \<Up> n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun (input \<Up> n) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def i_shrink_last_def i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_drop) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_append: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c @ | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun ys ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
by (simp only: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_shrink_def f_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_append) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (x # xs) c = | |
last_message (map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)) # | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)" | |
by (simp only: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_shrink_def f_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_one: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun [x] c = | |
[last_message (map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c))]" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_snoc: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (xs @ [x]) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c @ | |
[last_message (map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)))]" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_append f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_one) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_append: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (xs \<frown> input) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<frown> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_shrink_def i_shrink_def i_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_append) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun ([x] \<frown> input) c = | |
[last_message (map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c))] \<frown> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_append f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_one) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_append: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun (xs @ ys) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c @ | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun ys ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
by (simp only: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def f_shrink_last_def f_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_append) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Cons: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun (x # xs) c = | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c) # | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)" | |
apply (unfold f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def) | |
apply (simp only: f_shrink_last_map f_expand_Cons append_Cons[symmetric]) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_append replicate_pred_Cons_length f_shrink_last_Cons del: f_Exec_Stream_Cons append_Cons) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last2[symmetric] f_Exec_Stream_empty_conv) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_one: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun [x] c = | |
[localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)]" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_snoc: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun (xs @ [x]) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c @ | |
[localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun ((xs @ [x]) \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)]" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_append f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Cons f_Exec_append) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_append: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun (xs \<frown> input) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c \<frown> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def f_shrink_last_def i_shrink_last_def i_Exec_Stream_expand_map_aggregate_append) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Cons: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun ([x] \<frown> input) c = | |
[localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)] \<frown> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_append f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_one f_expand_one) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c ! n = | |
last_message (map output_fun ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (xs ! n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)))" | |
by (unfold f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_shrink_def, rule f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth_eq_i_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < n' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (input \<Down> n') c ! n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c n" | |
by (unfold f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_shrink_def i_shrink_def, rule f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth_eq_i_nth) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c n = | |
last_message (map output_fun ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (input n # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) ( | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)))" | |
by (unfold i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def i_shrink_def, rule i_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth_f_nth: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (input \<Down> Suc n) c ! n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth_eq_i_nth) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth_f_last: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c n = | |
last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun (input \<Down> Suc n) c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth_f_nth last_nth length_greater_0_conv[THEN iffD1]) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c ! n = | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> Suc n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def f_shrink_last_map) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_last_nth' f_shrink_last_length del: mult_Suc) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_nth less_imp_Suc_mult_pred_less f_expand_take_mod del: mult_Suc) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_eq_i_nth: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < n' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun (input \<Down> n') c ! n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c n" | |
by (unfold f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def f_shrink_last_def i_shrink_last_def, rule f_Exec_Stream_expand_aggregate_map_nth_eq_i_nth) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_f_nth: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k output_fun trans_fun input c n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k output_fun trans_fun (input \<Down> Suc n) c ! n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_eq_i_nth) | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_f_last: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c n = | |
last (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun (input \<Down> Suc n) c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_f_nth last_nth length_greater_0_conv[THEN iffD1]) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c n = | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (input \<Down> Suc n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_f_nth f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_causal: " | |
xs \<down> n = ys \<down> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<down> n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun ys c \<down> n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_take) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_causal: " | |
input1 \<Down> n = input2 \<Down> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input1 c \<Down> n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input2 c \<Down> n" | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0") | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def) | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_take) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Connected_strictly_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> xs \<down> n = ys \<down> n; | |
f_Streams_Connected | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c) | |
channel1; | |
f_Streams_Connected | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun ys c) | |
channel2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
channel1 \<down> Suc n = channel2 \<down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: f_Streams_Connected_def f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_take) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Connected_strictly_causal: " | |
\<lbrakk> input1 \<Down> n = input2 \<Down> n; | |
i_Streams_Connected | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input1 c) | |
channel1; | |
i_Streams_Connected | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input2 c) | |
channel2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
channel1 \<Down> Suc n = channel2 \<Down> Suc n" | |
apply (unfold i_Streams_Connected_def) | |
apply (case_tac "k = 0") | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def) | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_take) | |
done | |
text \<open>Complete execution cycles/steps of accelrated execution\<close> | |
definition Acc_Trans_Fun_Step :: | |
"nat \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Acceleration factor\<close> | |
('comp, 'input message_af) Comp_Trans_Fun \<Rightarrow> | |
('comp list \<Rightarrow> 'comp) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Pointwise output shrink function\<close> | |
'input message_af \<Rightarrow> 'comp \<Rightarrow> | |
'comp" | |
where "Acc_Trans_Fun_Step k trans_fun pointwise_shrink x c \<equiv> | |
pointwise_shrink (f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)" | |
definition is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink :: | |
"('comp list \<Rightarrow> 'comp) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Pointwise output shrink function\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'output message_af) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Output extraction function for consideration\<close> | |
bool" | |
where "is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink output_fun \<equiv> | |
\<forall>cs. output_fun (pointwise_shrink cs) = last_message (map output_fun cs)" | |
primrec is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list :: | |
"('comp list \<Rightarrow> 'comp) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Pointwise output shrink function\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'output message_af) list \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>List of output extraction functions for consideration\<close> | |
bool" | |
where | |
"is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list pointwise_shrink [] = True" | |
| "is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list pointwise_shrink (f # fs) = | |
(is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink f \<and> | |
is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list pointwise_shrink fs)" | |
definition is_correct_localState_Pointwise_Output_Shrink :: | |
"('comp list \<Rightarrow> 'comp) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Pointwise output shrink function\<close> | |
('comp \<Rightarrow> 'state) \<Rightarrow> \<comment> \<open>Local state extraction function\<close> | |
bool" | |
where "is_correct_localState_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink localState \<equiv> | |
\<forall>cs. cs \<noteq> [] \<longrightarrow> localState (pointwise_shrink cs) = localState (last cs)" | |
lemma Deterministic_trans_fun_imp_acc_trans_fun: | |
"Deterministic_Trans_Fun trans_fun localState \<Longrightarrow> | |
Deterministic_Trans_Fun (Acc_Trans_Fun_Step k trans_fun pointwise_shrink) localState" | |
apply (simp (no_asm) only: Deterministic_Trans_Fun_def Acc_Trans_Fun_Step_def) | |
apply clarify | |
apply (subst Deterministic_f_Exec_Stream, simp+) | |
done | |
lemma is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list_imp_is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink: | |
"\<lbrakk> is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list pointwise_shrink fs; output_fun \<in> set fs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink output_fun" | |
apply (induct fs, simp) | |
apply fastforce | |
done | |
lemma is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list_eq_is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_all: | |
"(is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list pointwise_shrink fs) = | |
(\<forall>output_fun \<in> set fs. is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink output_fun)" | |
apply (rule iffI) | |
apply (rule ballI) | |
apply (rule is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list_imp_is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink) | |
apply (simp add: member_def)+ | |
apply (induct fs, simp) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_subset: | |
"\<lbrakk> is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list pointwise_shrink fs; set fs' \<subseteq> set fs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list pointwise_shrink fs'" | |
by (fastforce simp: is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_list_eq_is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_all) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_eq_Acc_Trans_Fun_Step_LocalState: "\<And>c. | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; | |
Deterministic_Trans_Fun trans_fun localState; | |
is_correct_localState_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink localState \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c = | |
map localState (f_Exec_Comp_Stream (Acc_Trans_Fun_Step k trans_fun pointwise_shrink) xs c)" | |
apply (drule Deterministic_trans_fun_imp_acc_trans_fun[of trans_fun localState k pointwise_shrink]) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth f_Exec_Stream_nth) | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (rename_tac x xs c i) | |
apply (simp add: Acc_Trans_Fun_Step_def f_expand_Cons f_Exec_append) | |
apply (case_tac i) | |
apply simp | |
apply (simp only: is_correct_localState_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_def) | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # NoMsg\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c" in spec) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_not_empty_conv f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last) | |
apply (rename_tac i2) | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup> (trans_fun x c)" in meta_spec) | |
apply (drule_tac x=i2 in meta_spec) | |
apply (simp add: is_correct_localState_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_def) | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # NoMsg\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c" in spec) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_not_empty_conv) | |
apply (rule arg_cong[where f=localState]) | |
apply (rule Deterministic_f_Exec) | |
apply assumption | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last) | |
apply (simp add: length_greater_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_greater_0_conv) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_eq_Acc_Trans_Fun_Step_Output: "\<And>c. | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; | |
Deterministic_Trans_Fun trans_fun localState; | |
is_correct_localState_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink localState; | |
is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink output_fun \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c = | |
map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream (Acc_Trans_Fun_Step k trans_fun pointwise_shrink) xs c)" | |
apply (drule Deterministic_trans_fun_imp_acc_trans_fun[of trans_fun localState k pointwise_shrink]) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth f_Exec_Stream_nth del: f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (rename_tac x xs c i) | |
apply (simp add: Acc_Trans_Fun_Step_def del: f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
apply (case_tac i) | |
apply (simp add: is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_def) | |
apply (rename_tac i2) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_append) | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup> (trans_fun x c)" in meta_spec) | |
apply (drule_tac x=i2 in meta_spec) | |
apply (simp add: is_correct_localState_Pointwise_Output_Shrink_def) | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (x # NoMsg\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c" in spec) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_not_empty_conv) | |
apply (rule arg_cong[where f=output_fun]) | |
apply (rule Deterministic_f_Exec) | |
apply assumption | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last) | |
apply (simp add: length_greater_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_greater_0_conv) | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_eq_Acc_Trans_Fun_Step_LocalState: "\<And>c. | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; | |
Deterministic_Trans_Fun trans_fun localState; | |
is_correct_localState_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink localState \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c = | |
localState \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream (Acc_Trans_Fun_Step k trans_fun pointwise_shrink) input c)" | |
apply (rule ilist_i_take_eq_conv[THEN iffD2], rule allI) | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_take i_Exec_Stream_take f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_eq_Acc_Trans_Fun_Step_LocalState) | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_eq_Acc_Trans_Fun_Step_Output: "\<And>c. | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; | |
Deterministic_Trans_Fun trans_fun localState; | |
is_correct_localState_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink localState; | |
is_Pointwise_Output_Shrink pointwise_shrink output_fun \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c = | |
output_fun \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream (Acc_Trans_Fun_Step k trans_fun pointwise_shrink) input c)" | |
apply (rule ilist_i_take_eq_conv[THEN iffD2], rule allI) | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_take i_Exec_Stream_take f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_eq_Acc_Trans_Fun_Step_Output) | |
done | |
subsubsection \<open>Basic results for accelerated execution with initial state in the resulting stream\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_length: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
length (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c) = Suc (length xs)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init_length: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
length (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init k localState trans_fun xs c) = Suc (length xs)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_Nil: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun [] c = [output_fun c]" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init_Nil: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init k localState trans_fun [] c = [localState c]" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_1: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init (Suc 0) output_fun trans_fun xs c = | |
map output_fun (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init_1: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init (Suc 0) localState trans_fun xs c = | |
map localState (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun xs c)" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init_def f_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_1: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init (Suc 0) output_fun trans_fun input c = | |
output_fun \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init_1: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init (Suc 0) localState trans_fun input c = | |
localState \<circ> (i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Init trans_fun input c)" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Init_def i_Exec_Stream_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_take: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<down> (Suc n) = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun (xs \<down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_take) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_drop': " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k; n < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<up> Suc n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<up> n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_take: " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun input c \<Down> (Suc n) = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun (input \<Down> n) c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_take) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_drop': " | |
0 < k \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<Up> Suc n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<Up> n" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_strictly_causal: " | |
xs \<down> n = ys \<down> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c \<down> Suc n = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun ys c \<down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def, rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_causal) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_strictly_causal: " | |
input1 \<Down> n = input2 \<Down> n \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun input1 c \<Down> Suc n = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun input2 c \<Down> Suc n" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def, rule i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_causal) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c = | |
output_fun c # f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons_output: " | |
output_fun c = \<NoMsg> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c = | |
\<NoMsg> # f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream__Acc_OutputInit_tl_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output: " | |
tl (f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c) = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Previous_f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c ! n = | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow>' output_fun c\<^esup> n" | |
by (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons list_Previous_nth_if nth_Cons') | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_output_channel: " | |
\<lbrakk> output_fun c = \<NoMsg>; | |
f_Streams_Connected | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c) | |
channel \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun xs c = channel" | |
by (simp add: f_Streams_Connected_def f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons_output) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun input c = | |
[output_fun c] \<frown> i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_def) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons_output: " | |
output_fun c = \<NoMsg> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun input c = | |
[\<NoMsg> ] \<frown> i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Previous_i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun input c n = | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c)\<^bsup>\<leftarrow> output_fun c\<^esup> n" | |
by (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons ilist_Previous_nth_if) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_output_channel: " | |
\<lbrakk> output_fun c = \<NoMsg>; | |
i_Streams_Connected | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c) | |
channel \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_Init k output_fun trans_fun input c = channel" | |
by (simp add: i_Streams_Connected_def i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Init_eq_i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_Cons_output) | |
subsubsection \<open>Rules for proving execution equivalence\<close> | |
text \<open> | |
A required precondition is that the @{term equiv_states} relation, | |
which indicates whether the local states of @{term c1} and @{term c2} | |
are equivalent with respect to observable behaviour, | |
is preserved also after executing an input stream, | |
because the @{term equiv_states} relation | |
should deliver valid results not only at the time point @{term 0} | |
but at every time point.\<close> | |
lemma f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[rule_format]: " | |
\<And>c1 c2 i. \<lbrakk> | |
0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<forall>input0. set input0 \<subseteq> A \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>m\<in>A. | |
Equiv_Exec m equiv_states | |
localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2)); | |
\<comment> \<open>\<open>equiv_states\<close> relation implies equivalent executions\<close> | |
\<comment> \<open>not only at the beginning but also after processing an input\<close> | |
set input \<subseteq> A; i < length input \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 ((f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k1 ! i)) | |
(localState2 ((f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k2 ! i))" | |
apply (induct input, simp) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: append_Cons[symmetric] f_Exec_Stream_append_if f_shrink_last_Cons nth_Cons simp del: last.simps f_Exec_Stream_Cons append_Cons) | |
apply (case_tac i) | |
apply (drule_tac x="[]" in spec) | |
apply (drule mp, simp) | |
apply (drule_tac x=a in bspec, assumption) | |
apply (simp del: last.simps f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
apply (subst f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last2[symmetric], simp)+ | |
apply (rule Equiv_Exec_equiv_statesI[of equiv_states localState1 _ localState2 _ _ input_fun1], assumption+) | |
apply (rename_tac i') | |
apply (subst f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last2[symmetric], simp)+ | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (input_fun1 a # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k1 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c1" in meta_spec) | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (input_fun2 a # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k2 - Suc 0\<^esup>) c2" in meta_spec) | |
apply (drule_tac x=i' in meta_spec) | |
apply (drule meta_mp, simp)+ | |
apply (drule_tac x="[]" in spec, simp) | |
apply (drule_tac x=a in bspec, assumption) | |
apply (rule Equiv_Exec_equiv_statesI'[of equiv_states localState1 _ localState2 _ _ input_fun1], simp+) | |
apply clarsimp | |
apply (drule meta_mp) | |
apply clarify | |
apply (drule_tac x="a # input0" in spec) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_append) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
corollary f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_equiv_state: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<And>input0 m. Equiv_Exec m | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2); | |
i<length input \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 ((f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k1 ! i)) | |
(localState2 ((f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2) \<div>\<^bsub>fl\<^esub> k2 ! i))" | |
by (rule f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[of k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 c1 localState2 c2 UNIV input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2], simp+) | |
lemma f_Equiv_Exec_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set:" | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<And>input0 m. \<lbrakk>set input0 \<subseteq> A; m \<in> A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2); | |
set input \<subseteq> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1)) | |
(localState2 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2))" | |
apply (case_tac "input = []", simp) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1 \<noteq> [] \<and> map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2 \<noteq> []") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (simp add: length_greater_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_greater_0_conv) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_eq_f_Exec_Stream_last2 last_nth f_Exec_Stream_not_empty_conv) | |
apply (insert f_shrink_last_nth[of "length input - Suc 0" "f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1" k1, symmetric]) | |
apply (insert f_shrink_last_nth[of "length input - Suc 0" "f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2" k2, symmetric]) | |
apply (simp add: diff_mult_distrib gr0_imp_self_le_mult2) | |
apply (rule f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[of k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 _ localState2 _ A input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2]) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma f_Equiv_Exec_expand_shrink_equiv_state:" | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<And>input0 m. | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1)) | |
(localState2 (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2))" | |
by (rule f_Equiv_Exec_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[of k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 _ localState2 _ UNIV input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2], simp+) | |
lemma i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<And>input0 m. \<lbrakk>set input0 \<subseteq> A; m \<in> A\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2); | |
range input \<subseteq> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 ((i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 ((input_fun1 \<circ> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k1) c1 \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k1) i)) | |
(localState2 ((i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 ((input_fun2 \<circ> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k2) c2 \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k2) i))" | |
apply (simp add: i_shrink_last_nth i_Exec_Stream_nth i_expand_i_take_mod) | |
apply (rule f_Equiv_Exec_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[of | |
k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 c1 localState2 c2 A input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2]) | |
apply (simp add: subset_trans[OF set_i_take_subset])+ | |
done | |
lemma i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_equiv_state: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<And>input0 m. | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(localState1 ((i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 ((input_fun1 \<circ> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k1) c1 \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k1) i)) | |
(localState2 ((i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 ((input_fun2 \<circ> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k2) c2 \<div>\<^bsub>il\<^esub> k2) i))" | |
by (rule i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[of k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 c1 localState2 c2 UNIV input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2], simp+) | |
lemma f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_output_set_eq: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<And>input0 m. \<lbrakk> set input0 \<subseteq> A; m \<in> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2); | |
set input \<subseteq> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(map output_fun1 ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1)) \<div>\<^sub>f k1 = | |
(map output_fun2 ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2)) \<div>\<^sub>f k2" | |
apply (subst list_eq_iff) | |
apply (clarsimp simp: f_shrink_length) | |
apply (simp del: last.simps f_Exec_Stream_Cons add: f_shrink_nth take_map drop_map f_Exec_Stream_take f_Exec_Stream_drop f_expand_take_mod f_expand_drop_mod take_first) | |
apply (frule_tac n=i in subset_trans[OF set_take_subset, rule_format]) | |
apply (unfold atomize_all atomize_imp, intro allI impI) | |
apply (frule_tac x="take i input" in spec) | |
apply (drule_tac x="input ! i" in spec) | |
apply (erule impE, assumption) | |
apply (erule impE) | |
apply (blast intro: nth_mem) | |
apply (simp del: last.simps f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
apply (rule Equiv_Exec_output_eqI[of equiv_states localState1 _ localState2 _ _ input_fun1 input_fun2]) | |
apply (case_tac i, simp) | |
apply (simp add: take_map[symmetric] f_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_last_nth_eq_f_Exec_Comp[symmetric]) | |
apply (frule Suc_lessD) | |
apply (simp add: f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[of k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 _ localState2 _ A input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2]) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_output_eq: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<And>input0 m. | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(map output_fun1 ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1)) \<div>\<^sub>f k1 = | |
(map output_fun2 ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2)) \<div>\<^sub>f k2" | |
by (rule f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_output_set_eq[of k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 _ localState2 _ UNIV], simp+) | |
lemma i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_output_set_eq: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<And>input0 m. \<lbrakk> set input0 \<subseteq> A; m \<in> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2); | |
range input \<subseteq> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(output_fun1 \<circ> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 ((input_fun1 \<circ> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k1) c1) \<div>\<^sub>i k1 = | |
(output_fun2 \<circ> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 ((input_fun2 \<circ> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k2) c2) \<div>\<^sub>i k2" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff, rename_tac i) | |
apply (simp del: last.simps f_Exec_Stream_Cons add: i_shrink_nth i_Exec_Stream_take i_Exec_Stream_drop i_expand_i_take_mod i_expand_i_drop_mod i_take_first map_one f_expand_one) | |
apply (rule Equiv_Exec_output_eqI[of | |
equiv_states localState1 _ localState2 _ _ | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2]) | |
apply (rule f_Equiv_Exec_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[of | |
k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 _ localState2 _ A | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2]) | |
apply (simp add: subset_trans[OF set_i_take_subset] subsetD[OF _ rangeI])+ | |
done | |
lemma i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_output_eq: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
\<And>input0 m. | |
Equiv_Exec | |
m equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k1) c1) | |
(f_Exec_Comp trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input0 \<odot>\<^sub>f k2) c2) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
(output_fun1 \<circ> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun1 ((input_fun1 \<circ> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k1) c1) \<div>\<^sub>i k1 = | |
(output_fun2 \<circ> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun2 ((input_fun2 \<circ> input) \<odot>\<^sub>i k2) c2) \<div>\<^sub>i k2" | |
apply (rule i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_output_set_eq[of | |
k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 c1 localState2 c2 UNIV | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2]) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_set: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec_stable_set A | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2; | |
\<comment> \<open>\<open>equiv_states\<close> relation implies equivalent executions\<close> | |
\<comment> \<open>not only at the beginning but also after processing an input\<close> | |
set input \<subseteq> A; | |
i < length input \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k1 localState1 trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input) c1 ! i) | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k2 localState2 trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input) c2 ! i)" | |
apply (unfold f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState_def Equiv_Exec_stable_set_def) | |
apply (simp add: f_shrink_last_map f_shrink_last_length) | |
apply (rule f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_equiv_state_set[of | |
k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 c1 localState2 c2 A | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 input, rule_format]) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec_stable | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2; | |
\<comment> \<open>\<open>equiv_states\<close> relation implies equivalent executions\<close> | |
\<comment> \<open>not only at the beginning but also after processing an input\<close> | |
i < length input \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k1 localState1 trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input) c1 ! i) | |
(f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k2 localState2 trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input) c2 ! i)" | |
apply (rule f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_set[where A=UNIV]) | |
apply (simp add: Equiv_Exec_stable_set_UNIV)+ | |
done | |
lemma f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_set_eq: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec_stable_set A | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2; | |
set input \<subseteq> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k1 output_fun1 trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input) c1 = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k2 output_fun2 trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input) c2" | |
apply (unfold f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output_def Equiv_Exec_stable_set_def) | |
apply (rule f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_expand_shrink_output_set_eq[of | |
k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 c1 localState2 c2 | |
A input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 input]) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_eq: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec_stable | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k1 output_fun1 trans_fun1 (map input_fun1 input) c1 = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k2 output_fun2 trans_fun2 (map input_fun2 input) c2" | |
apply (rule f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_set_eq[of k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 c1 localState2 c2 UNIV]) | |
apply (simp add: Equiv_Exec_stable_set_UNIV)+ | |
done | |
lemma i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_set: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec_stable_set A | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2; | |
range input \<subseteq> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k1 localState1 trans_fun1 (input_fun1 \<circ> input) c1 i) | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k2 localState2 trans_fun2 (input_fun2 \<circ> input) c2 i)" | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_f_nth) | |
apply (rule f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_set) | |
apply (simp add: subset_trans[OF set_i_take_subset])+ | |
done | |
lemma i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec_stable | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 | |
trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
equiv_states | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k1 localState1 trans_fun1 (input_fun1 \<circ> input) c1 i) | |
(i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k2 localState2 trans_fun2 (input_fun2 \<circ> input) c2 i)" | |
apply (rule i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_set[where A=UNIV]) | |
apply (simp add: Equiv_Exec_stable_set_UNIV)+ | |
done | |
lemma i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_set_eq: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec_stable_set A | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2; | |
range input \<subseteq> A \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k1 output_fun1 trans_fun1 (input_fun1 \<circ> input) c1 = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k2 output_fun2 trans_fun2 (input_fun2 \<circ> input) c2" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth_f_nth, rename_tac i) | |
apply (drule_tac n="Suc i" in subset_trans[OF set_i_take_subset, rule_format]) | |
apply (simp add: f_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_set_eq[where equiv_states=equiv_states]) | |
done | |
lemma i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_eq: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < k1; 0 < k2; | |
equiv_states (localState1 c1) (localState2 c2); | |
Equiv_Exec_stable | |
equiv_states localState1 localState2 | |
input_fun1 input_fun2 output_fun1 output_fun2 trans_fun1 trans_fun2 k1 k2 c1 c2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k1 output_fun1 trans_fun1 (input_fun1 \<circ> input) c1 = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k2 output_fun2 trans_fun2 (input_fun2 \<circ> input) c2" | |
apply (rule i_Equiv_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_set_eq[of k1 k2 equiv_states localState1 c1 localState2 c2 UNIV]) | |
apply (simp add: Equiv_Exec_stable_set_UNIV)+ | |
done | |
subsubsection \<open>Idle states and accelerated execution\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_nth[rule_format]: " | |
\<And>c i. | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
\<forall>n\<le>i. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun xs c ! n); | |
i < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c ! i = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun xs c ! i" | |
apply (frule length_greater_0_conv[THEN iffD1, OF gr_implies_gr0]) | |
apply (simp only: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth take_Suc_conv_app_nth) | |
apply (simp only: f_expand_snoc f_Exec_append) | |
apply (rule_tac s="\<NoMsg>\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup> @ \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k-l\<^esup>" and t="\<NoMsg>\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>" in subst) | |
apply (simp add: replicate_le_diff2) | |
apply (subst append_Cons[symmetric]) | |
apply (induct xs, simp) | |
apply (case_tac i) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Cons f_Exec_State_Idle_append_replicate_NoMsg_state) | |
apply (rename_tac n) | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (a # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup>) c" in meta_spec) | |
apply (drule_tac x=n in meta_spec) | |
apply (simp del: f_Exec_Cons) | |
apply (frule length_greater_imp_not_empty) | |
apply (drule meta_mp) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth f_Exec_append) | |
apply (simp add: append_Cons[symmetric] f_expand_Cons f_Exec_append del: append_Cons) | |
apply (subgoal_tac " | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (a # NoMsg\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c) = | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (a # NoMsg\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (drule_tac x=0 in spec) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_Cons) | |
apply (subst replicate_le_diff2[OF Suc_leI, symmetric], assumption+) | |
apply (simp add: append_Cons[symmetric] f_Exec_append del: append_Cons) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_state, assumption) | |
apply (case_tac "n = 0") | |
apply (frule_tac | |
?c1.0="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (a # NoMsg\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c" and | |
xs = "xs ! 0 # NoMsg\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup>" in f_Exec_Equal_State) | |
apply simp+ | |
apply (frule_tac | |
?c1.0="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (a # NoMsg\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c" and | |
xs = "xs \<down> n \<odot>\<^sub>f k" in f_Exec_Equal_State) | |
apply (simp add: f_expand_not_empty_conv)+ | |
done | |
corollary f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_eq[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
\<forall>n<length xs. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun xs c ! n) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun xs c" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_nth) | |
apply simp_all | |
apply (drule_tac x=n in spec) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_nth[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
\<forall>n\<le>i. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun input c n) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c i = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun input c i" | |
apply (simp only: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_eq_i_nth[of _ _ "Suc i", symmetric]) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_nth) | |
apply simp_all | |
apply (drule_tac x=n in spec) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_eq_i_nth) | |
done | |
corollary i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_eq[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
\<forall>n. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun input c n) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun input c = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun input c" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff) | |
apply (rule i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_nth) | |
apply simp_all | |
apply (drule_tac x=n in spec) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_nth[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
\<forall>n\<le>i. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun xs c ! n); | |
i < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c ! i = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output l output_fun trans_fun xs c ! i" | |
apply (drule order_le_less[THEN iffD1], erule disjE) | |
prefer 2 | |
apply simp | |
apply (frule zero_less_diff[of k l, THEN iffD2]) | |
apply (frule length_greater_imp_not_empty) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth del: f_Exec_Stream_Cons) | |
apply (subst replicate_le_diff2[OF Suc_leI, symmetric]) | |
apply (simp del: f_Exec_Stream_Cons)+ | |
apply (subst append_Cons[symmetric]) | |
apply (case_tac i) | |
apply (drule_tac x=0 in spec) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth take_first f_expand_one del: last.simps f_Exec_Cons f_Exec_Stream_Cons append_Cons replicate.simps) | |
apply (simp only: f_Exec_Stream_append map_append last_message_append) | |
apply (rule if_P') | |
apply (clarsimp simp: last_message_NoMsg_conv f_Exec_Stream_nth min_eqL simp del: last.simps f_Exec_Comp.simps append_Cons replicate.simps) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output) | |
apply (simp del: last.simps f_Exec_Comp_Stream.simps append_Cons)+ | |
apply (rename_tac n) | |
apply (simp only: f_Exec_Stream_append map_append last_message_append) | |
apply (subgoal_tac " | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> Suc n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c) = | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> Suc n \<odot>\<^sub>f l) c)") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth[symmetric]) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_nth) | |
apply simp+ | |
apply (rename_tac n, drule_tac x=n in spec, simp) | |
apply simp | |
apply (rule if_P') | |
apply (simp add: last_message_NoMsg_conv f_Exec_Stream_nth min_eqL del: f_Exec_Comp.simps replicate.simps) | |
apply (clarify, rename_tac j) | |
apply (frule_tac x="Suc n" in spec) | |
apply (simp only: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth) | |
apply (rule_tac | |
?c1.0="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> Suc n \<odot>\<^sub>f l) c" | |
and ?c2.0="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (xs \<down> Suc n \<odot>\<^sub>f k) c" | |
in subst[OF f_Exec_Equal_State, rule_format]) | |
apply (simp del: f_Exec_Comp.simps replicate.simps)+ | |
apply (simp only: take_Suc_conv_app_nth f_expand_snoc f_Exec_append) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_gr0_output, assumption) | |
apply simp | |
apply (rule arg_cong[where f="\<lambda>x. last_message (map output_fun x)"]) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Equal_State, assumption+) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_eq[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
\<forall>n<length xs. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun xs c ! n) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output l output_fun trans_fun xs c" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: list_eq_iff) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_nth) | |
apply simp_all | |
apply (drule_tac x=n in spec) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_nth[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
\<forall>n\<le>i. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun input c n) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c i = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output l output_fun trans_fun input c i" | |
apply (simp only: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output_nth_f_nth) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_nth) | |
apply simp_all | |
apply (drule_tac x=n in spec) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_eq_i_nth) | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_eq[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
\<forall>n. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun input c n) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output l output_fun trans_fun input c" | |
apply (clarsimp simp: ilist_eq_iff) | |
apply (rule i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_nth) | |
apply simp_all | |
apply (drule_tac x=n in spec) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
text \<open> | |
When a certain number @{term l} of steps suffices to reach | |
an idle state from any other idle state, | |
than for any acceleration factor @{term "k \<ge> l"} | |
the accelerated processing of every input message | |
will be finished in an idle state.\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_all[rule_format]: " | |
\<And>c xs. \<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); | |
\<forall>c m. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c) \<longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)); | |
i < length xs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c ! i)" | |
apply (frule length_greater_imp_not_empty) | |
apply (subgoal_tac " | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (hd xs # NoMsg\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c))") | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (drule_tac x=c in spec, drule_tac x="hd xs" in spec) | |
apply (rule subst[OF replicate_le_diff2[OF Suc_leI], of 0 l k], assumption+) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_append f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_state) | |
apply (induct i) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth take_first hd_eq_first) | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (hd xs # NoMsg\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c" in meta_spec) | |
apply (drule_tac x="tl xs" in meta_spec) | |
apply (subgoal_tac "i < length (tl xs) \<and> tl xs \<noteq> []", elim conjE) | |
prefer 2 | |
apply (simp add: length_greater_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_greater_0_conv) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth) | |
apply (rule_tac n="Suc i" in ssubst[OF take_Suc, rule_format], assumption) | |
apply (simp add: append_Cons[symmetric] f_Exec_append del: append_Cons) | |
apply (drule meta_mp) | |
apply (drule_tac x="f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (hd xs # NoMsg\<^bsup>k - Suc 0\<^esup>) c" in spec) | |
apply (drule mp, simp) | |
apply (drule_tac x="hd (tl xs)" in spec) | |
apply (subst replicate_le_diff2[OF Suc_leI, of 0 l k, symmetric], simp+) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_append f_Exec_State_Idle_replicate_NoMsg_state) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth) | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_all[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); | |
\<forall>c m. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c) \<longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c i)" | |
apply (simp only: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState_nth_f_nth) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_all) | |
apply simp_all | |
apply (rename_tac c' m, drule_tac x=c' in spec) | |
apply simp | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_all_imp_eq[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); | |
\<forall>c m. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c) \<longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun xs c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output l output_fun trans_fun xs c" | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_eq, assumption+) | |
apply (simp add: f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_all) | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_all_imp_eq[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); | |
\<forall>c m. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c) \<longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output k output_fun trans_fun input c = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_Output l output_fun trans_fun input c" | |
apply (rule i_Exec_Stream_Acc_Output__State_Idle_eq, assumption+) | |
apply (simp add: i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_all) | |
done | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_all_imp_eq[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); | |
\<forall>c m. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c) \<longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun xs c" | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_eq, assumption+) | |
apply (rule f_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_all) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_all_imp_eq[rule_format]: " | |
\<lbrakk> 0 < l; l \<le> k; Exec_Equal_State localState trans_fun; | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c); | |
\<forall>c m. State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun (localState c) \<longrightarrow> | |
State_Idle localState output_fun trans_fun ( | |
localState (f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (m # \<NoMsg>\<^bsup>l - Suc 0\<^esup>) c)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState k localState trans_fun xs c = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream_Acc_LocalState l localState trans_fun xs c" | |
apply (rule i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_eq, assumption+) | |
apply (rule i_Exec_Stream_Acc_LocalState__State_Idle_all) | |
apply simp+ | |
done | |
text \<open>Converting inputs\<close> | |
lemma f_Exec_input_map: "\<And>c. | |
f_Exec_Comp trans_fun (map f xs) c = f_Exec_Comp (trans_fun \<circ> f) xs c" | |
by (induct xs, simp+) | |
lemma f_Exec_Stream_input_map: " | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (map f xs) c = | |
f_Exec_Comp_Stream (trans_fun \<circ> f) xs c" | |
by (simp add: list_eq_iff f_Exec_Stream_nth take_map f_Exec_input_map) | |
lemma i_Exec_Stream_input_map: " | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream trans_fun (f \<circ> input) c = | |
i_Exec_Comp_Stream (trans_fun \<circ> f) input c" | |
by (simp add: ilist_eq_iff i_Exec_Stream_nth f_Exec_input_map) | |
end | |