
proof-pile / formal /afp /BTree /BTree_ImpSplit.thy
Zhangir Azerbayev
history blame
16 kB
theory BTree_ImpSplit
section "Imperative split operations"
text "So far, we have only given a functional specification of a possible split.
We will now provide imperative split functions that refine the functional specification.
However, rather than tracing the execution of the abstract specification,
the imperative versions are implemented using while-loops."
subsection "Linear split"
text "The linear split is the most simple split function for binary trees.
It serves a good example on how to use while-loops in Imperative/HOL
and how to prove Hoare-Triples about its application using loop invariants."
definition lin_split :: "('a::heap \<times> 'b::{heap,linorder}) pfarray \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> nat Heap"
"lin_split \<equiv> \<lambda> (a,n) p. do {
i \<leftarrow> heap_WHILET
(\<lambda>i. if i<n then do {
(_,s) \<leftarrow> Array.nth a i;
return (s<p)
} else return False)
(\<lambda>i. return (i+1))
return i
lemma lin_split_rule: "
< is_pfa c xs (a,n)>
lin_split (a,n) p
<\<lambda>i. is_pfa c xs (a,n) * \<up>(i\<le>n \<and> (\<forall>j<i. snd (xs!j) < p) \<and> (i<n \<longrightarrow> snd (xs!i)\<ge>p))>\<^sub>t"
unfolding lin_split_def
supply R = heap_WHILET_rule''[where
R = "measure (\<lambda>i. n - i)"
and I = "\<lambda>i. is_pfa c xs (a,n) * \<up>(i\<le>n \<and> (\<forall>j<i. snd (xs!j) < p))"
and b = "\<lambda>i. i<n \<and> snd (xs!i) < p"
and Q="\<lambda>i. is_pfa c xs (a,n) * \<up>(i\<le>n \<and> (\<forall>j<i. snd (xs!j) < p) \<and> (i<n \<longrightarrow> snd (xs!i)\<ge>p))"
thm R
apply (sep_auto decon: R simp: less_Suc_eq is_pfa_def) []
apply (metis nth_take snd_eqD)
apply (metis nth_take snd_eqD)
apply (sep_auto simp: is_pfa_def less_Suc_eq)+
apply (metis nth_take)
apply(sep_auto simp: is_pfa_def)
apply (metis le_simps(3) less_Suc_eq less_le_trans nth_take)
apply(sep_auto simp: is_pfa_def)+
subsection "Binary split"
text "To obtain an efficient B-Tree implementation, we prefer a binary split
To explore the searching procedure
and the resulting proof, we first implement the split on singleton arrays."
definition bin'_split :: "'b::{heap,linorder} array_list \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> nat Heap"
"bin'_split \<equiv> \<lambda>(a,n) p. do {
(low',high') \<leftarrow> heap_WHILET
(\<lambda>(low,high). return (low < high))
(\<lambda>(low,high). let mid = ((low + high) div 2) in
do {
s \<leftarrow> Array.nth a mid;
if p < s then
return (low, mid)
else if p > s then
return (mid+1, high)
else return (mid,mid)
return low'
thm sorted_wrt_nth_less
(* alternative: replace (\<forall>j<l. xs!j < p) by (l > 0 \<longrightarrow> xs!(l-1) < p)*)
lemma bin'_split_rule: "
sorted_less xs \<Longrightarrow>
< is_pfa c xs (a,n)>
bin'_split (a,n) p
<\<lambda>l. is_pfa c xs (a,n) * \<up>(l \<le> n \<and> (\<forall>j<l. xs!j < p) \<and> (l<n \<longrightarrow> xs!l\<ge>p)) >\<^sub>t"
unfolding bin'_split_def
supply R = heap_WHILET_rule''[where
R = "measure (\<lambda>(l,h). h-l)"
and I = "\<lambda>(l,h). is_pfa c xs (a,n) * \<up>(l\<le>h \<and> h \<le> n \<and> (\<forall>j<l. xs!j < p) \<and> (h<n \<longrightarrow> xs!h\<ge>p))"
and b = "\<lambda>(l,h). l<h"
and Q="\<lambda>(l,h). is_pfa c xs (a,n) * \<up>(l \<le> n \<and> (\<forall>j<l. xs!j < p) \<and> (l<n \<longrightarrow> xs!l\<ge>p))"
thm R
apply (sep_auto decon: R simp: less_Suc_eq is_pfa_def) []
subgoal for l' aa l'a aaa ba j
proof -
assume 0: "n \<le> length l'a"
assume a: "l'a ! ((aa + n) div 2) < p"
moreover assume "aa < n"
ultimately have b: "((aa+n)div 2) < n"
by linarith
then have "(take n l'a) ! ((aa + n) div 2) < p"
using a by auto
moreover assume "sorted_less (take n l'a)"
ultimately have "\<And>j. j < (aa+n)div 2 \<Longrightarrow> (take n l'a) ! j < (take n l'a) ! ((aa + n) div 2)"
sorted_wrt_nth_less[where ?P="(<)" and xs="(take n l'a)" and ?j="((aa + n) div 2)"]
a b "0" by auto
moreover fix j assume "j < (aa+n) div 2"
ultimately show "l'a ! j < p" using "0" b
using \<open>take n l'a ! ((aa + n) div 2) < p\<close> dual_order.strict_trans by auto
subgoal for l' aa b l'a aaa ba j
proof -
assume t0: "n \<le> length l'a"
assume t1: "aa < b"
assume a: "l'a ! ((aa + b) div 2) < p"
moreover assume "b \<le> n"
ultimately have b: "((aa+b)div 2) < n" using t1
by linarith
then have "(take n l'a) ! ((aa + b) div 2) < p"
using a by auto
moreover assume "sorted_less (take n l'a)"
ultimately have "\<And>j. j < (aa+b)div 2 \<Longrightarrow> (take n l'a) ! j < (take n l'a) ! ((aa + b) div 2)"
sorted_wrt_nth_less[where ?P="(<)" and xs="(take n l'a)" and ?j="((aa + b) div 2)"]
a b t0 by auto
moreover fix j assume "j < (aa+b) div 2"
ultimately show "l'a ! j < p" using t0 b
using \<open>take n l'a ! ((aa + b) div 2) < p\<close> dual_order.strict_trans by auto
apply sep_auto
apply (metis le_less nth_take)
apply (metis le_less nth_take)
apply sep_auto
subgoal for l' aa l'a aaa ba j
proof -
assume t0: "aa < n"
assume t1: " n \<le> length l'a"
assume t4: "sorted_less (take n l'a)"
assume t5: "j < (aa + n) div 2"
have "(aa+n) div 2 < n" using t0 by linarith
then have "(take n l'a) ! j < (take n l'a) ! ((aa + n) div 2)"
using t0 sorted_wrt_nth_less[where xs="take n l'a" and ?j="((aa + n) div 2)"]
t1 t4 t5 by auto
then show ?thesis
using \<open>(aa + n) div 2 < n\<close> t5 by auto
subgoal for l' aa b l'a aaa ba j
proof -
assume t0: "aa < b"
assume t1: " n \<le> length l'a"
assume t3: "b \<le> n"
assume t4: "sorted_less (take n l'a)"
assume t5: "j < (aa + b) div 2"
have "(aa+b) div 2 < n" using t3 t0 by linarith
then have "(take n l'a) ! j < (take n l'a) ! ((aa + b) div 2)"
using t0 sorted_wrt_nth_less[where xs="take n l'a" and ?j="((aa + b) div 2)"]
t1 t4 t5 by auto
then show ?thesis
using \<open>(aa + b) div 2 < n\<close> t5 by auto
apply (metis nth_take order_mono_setup.refl)
apply sep_auto
apply (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def)
text "Then, using the same loop invariant, a binary split for B-tree-like arrays
is derived in a straightforward manner."
definition bin_split :: "('a::heap \<times> 'b::{heap,linorder}) pfarray \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> nat Heap"
"bin_split \<equiv> \<lambda>(a,n) p. do {
(low',high') \<leftarrow> heap_WHILET
(\<lambda>(low,high). return (low < high))
(\<lambda>(low,high). let mid = ((low + high) div 2) in
do {
(_,s) \<leftarrow> Array.nth a mid;
if p < s then
return (low, mid)
else if p > s then
return (mid+1, high)
else return (mid,mid)
return low'
thm nth_take
lemma nth_take_eq: "take n ls = take n ls' \<Longrightarrow> i < n \<Longrightarrow> ls!i = ls'!i"
by (metis nth_take)
lemma map_snd_sorted_less: "\<lbrakk>sorted_less (map snd xs); i < j; j < length xs\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> snd (xs ! i) < snd (xs ! j)"
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) length_map less_trans nth_map sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less)
lemma map_snd_sorted_lesseq: "\<lbrakk>sorted_less (map snd xs); i \<le> j; j < length xs\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> snd (xs ! i) \<le> snd (xs ! j)"
by (metis eq_iff less_imp_le map_snd_sorted_less order.not_eq_order_implies_strict)
lemma bin_split_rule: "
sorted_less (map snd xs) \<Longrightarrow>
< is_pfa c xs (a,n)>
bin_split (a,n) p
<\<lambda>l. is_pfa c xs (a,n) * \<up>(l \<le> n \<and> (\<forall>j<l. snd(xs!j) < p) \<and> (l<n \<longrightarrow> snd(xs!l)\<ge>p)) >\<^sub>t"
(* this works in principle, as demonstrated above *)
unfolding bin_split_def
supply R = heap_WHILET_rule''[where
R = "measure (\<lambda>(l,h). h-l)"
and I = "\<lambda>(l,h). is_pfa c xs (a,n) * \<up>(l\<le>h \<and> h \<le> n \<and> (\<forall>j<l. snd (xs!j) < p) \<and> (h<n \<longrightarrow> snd (xs!h)\<ge>p))"
and b = "\<lambda>(l,h). l<h"
and Q="\<lambda>(l,h). is_pfa c xs (a,n) * \<up>(l \<le> n \<and> (\<forall>j<l. snd (xs!j) < p) \<and> (l<n \<longrightarrow> snd (xs!l)\<ge>p))"
thm R
apply (sep_auto decon: R simp: less_Suc_eq is_pfa_def) []
apply(auto dest!: sndI nth_take_eq[of n _ _ "(_ + _) div 2"])[]
apply(auto dest!: sndI nth_take_eq[of n _ _ "(_ + _) div 2"])[]
apply (sep_auto dest!: sndI )
subgoal for ls i ls' _ _ j
using map_snd_sorted_lesseq[of "take n ls'" j "(i + n) div 2"]
less_mult_imp_div_less apply(auto)[]
subgoal for ls i j ls' _ _ j'
using map_snd_sorted_lesseq[of "take n ls'" j' "(i + j) div 2"]
less_mult_imp_div_less apply(auto)[]
apply sep_auto
subgoal for ls i ls' _ _ j
using map_snd_sorted_less[of "take n ls'" j "(i + n) div 2"]
subgoal for ls i j ls' _ _ j'
using map_snd_sorted_less[of "take n ls'" j' "(i + j) div 2"]
apply (metis le_less nth_take_eq)
apply sep_auto
apply (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def)
subsection "Refinement of an abstract split"
text "We provide a certain abstract split function
that is particularly easy to analyse. The idea of this function is due to Peter Lammich."
definition "abs_split xs x = (takeWhile (\<lambda>(_,s). s<x) xs, dropWhile (\<lambda>(_,s). s<x) xs)"
interpretation btree_abs_search: split abs_split
unfolding abs_split_def sym[OF linear_split_alt]
by unfold_locales
text \<open>Any function that yields the heap rule
we have obtained for bin\_split and lin\_split also
refines this abstract split.\<close>
locale imp_split_smeq =
fixes split_fun :: "('a::{heap,default,linorder} btnode ref option \<times> 'a) array \<times> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> nat Heap"
assumes split_rule: "sorted_less (separators xs) \<Longrightarrow>
<is_pfa c xs (a, n)>
split_fun (a, n) (p::'a)
<\<lambda>r. is_pfa c xs (a, n) *
\<up> (r \<le> n \<and>
(\<forall>j<r. snd (xs ! j) < p) \<and>
(r < n \<longrightarrow> p \<le> snd (xs ! r)))>\<^sub>t"
lemma abs_split_full: "\<forall>(_,s) \<in> set xs. s < p \<Longrightarrow> abs_split xs p = (xs,[])"
by (simp add: abs_split_def)
lemma abs_split_split:
assumes "n < length xs"
and "(\<forall>(_,s) \<in> set (take n xs). s < p)"
and " (case (xs!n) of (_,s) \<Rightarrow> \<not>(s < p))"
shows "abs_split xs p = (take n xs, drop n xs)"
using assms apply (auto simp add: abs_split_def)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) id_take_nth_drop takeWhile_eq_all_conv takeWhile_tail)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_nth_drop_Suc case_prod_conv dropWhile.simps(2) dropWhile_append2 id_take_nth_drop)
lemma split_rule_abs_split:
"sorted_less (separators ts) \<Longrightarrow> <
is_pfa c tsi (a,n)
* list_assn (A \<times>\<^sub>a id_assn) ts tsi>
split_fun (a,n) p
is_pfa c tsi (a,n)
* list_assn (A \<times>\<^sub>a id_assn) ts tsi
* \<up>(split_relation ts (abs_split ts p) i)>\<^sub>t"
apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
apply (sep_auto heap: split_rule dest!: mod_starD id_assn_list
simp add: list_assn_prod_map split_ismeq)
apply(auto simp add: is_pfa_def)
proof -
fix h l' assume heap_init:
"h \<Turnstile> a \<mapsto>\<^sub>a l'"
"map snd ts = (map snd (take n l'))"
"n \<le> length l'"
show full_thm: "\<forall>j<n. snd (l' ! j) < p \<Longrightarrow>
split_relation ts (abs_split ts p) n"
proof -
assume sm_list: "\<forall>j<n. snd (l' ! j) < p"
then have "\<forall>j < length (map snd (take n l')). ((map snd (take n l'))!j) < p"
by simp
then have "\<forall>j<length (map snd ts). ((map snd ts)!j) < p"
using heap_init by simp
then have "\<forall>(_,s) \<in> set ts. s < p"
by (metis case_prod_unfold in_set_conv_nth length_map nth_map)
then have "abs_split ts p = (ts, [])"
using abs_split_full[of ts p] by simp
then show "split_relation ts (abs_split ts p) n"
using split_relation_length
by (metis heap_init(2) heap_init(3) length_map length_take min.absorb2)
then show "\<forall>j<n. snd (l' ! j) < p \<Longrightarrow>
p \<le> snd (take n l' ! n) \<Longrightarrow>
split_relation ts (abs_split ts p) n"
by simp
show part_thm: "\<And>x. x < n \<Longrightarrow>
\<forall>j<x. snd (l' ! j) < p \<Longrightarrow>
p \<le> snd (l' ! x) \<Longrightarrow> split_relation ts (abs_split ts p) x"
proof -
fix x assume x_sm_len: "x < n"
moreover assume sm_list: "\<forall>j<x. snd (l' ! j) < p"
ultimately have "\<forall>j<x. ((map snd l') ! j) < p"
using heap_init
by auto
then have "\<forall>j<x. ((map snd ts)!j) < p"
using heap_init x_sm_len
by auto
moreover have x_sm_len_ts: "x < n"
using heap_init x_sm_len by auto
ultimately have "\<forall>(_,x) \<in> set (take x ts). x < p"
by (auto simp add: in_set_conv_nth min.absorb2)+
moreover assume "p \<le> snd (l' ! x)"
then have "case l'!x of (_,s) \<Rightarrow> \<not>(s < p)"
by (simp add: case_prod_unfold)
then have "case ts!x of (_,s) \<Rightarrow> \<not>(s < p)"
using heap_init x_sm_len x_sm_len_ts
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) case_prod_unfold length_map length_take min.absorb2 nth_take snd_map_help(2))
ultimately have "abs_split ts p = (take x ts, drop x ts)"
using x_sm_len_ts abs_split_split[of x ts p] heap_init
by (metis length_map length_take min.absorb2)
then show "split_relation ts (abs_split ts p) x"
using x_sm_len_ts
by (metis append_take_drop_id heap_init(2) heap_init(3) length_map length_take less_imp_le_nat min.absorb2 split_relation_alt)
sublocale imp_split abs_split split_fun
apply(sep_auto heap: split_rule_abs_split)
subsection "Obtaining executable code"
text "In order to obtain fully defined functions,
we need to plug our split function implementations
into the locales we introduced previously."
interpretation btree_imp_linear_split: imp_split_smeq lin_split
apply unfold_locales
apply(sep_auto heap: lin_split_rule)
text "Obtaining actual code turns out to be slightly more difficult
due to the use of locales. However, we successfully obtain
the B-tree insertion and membership query with binary search splitting."
global_interpretation btree_imp_binary_split: imp_split_smeq bin_split
defines btree_isin = btree_imp_binary_split.isin
and btree_ins = btree_imp_binary_split.ins
and btree_insert = btree_imp_binary_split.insert
and btree_del = btree_imp_binary_split.del
and btree_split_max = btree_imp_binary_split.split_max
and btree_delete = btree_imp_binary_split.delete
and btree_empty = btree_imp_binary_split.empty
apply unfold_locales
apply(sep_auto heap: bin_split_rule)
declare btree_imp_binary_split.ins.simps[code]
declare btree_imp_binary_split.isin.simps[code]
declare btree_imp_binary_split.del.simps[code] btree_imp_binary_split.split_max.simps[code]
export_code btree_empty btree_isin btree_insert btree_delete checking OCaml SML Scala
export_code btree_empty btree_isin btree_insert btree_delete in OCaml module_name BTree
export_code btree_empty btree_isin btree_insert btree_delete in SML module_name BTree
export_code btree_empty btree_isin btree_insert btree_delete in Scala module_name BTree